
Exilantlike moving home (which is also possible on the cl, but a bit dirty) or things on the system partition00:00
sensaeAnyone know of syncing software that can sync Kontact to SyncML?00:00
Colonel_Panicwell my main problem now is the sound issue00:01
Colonel_Panichey... what about /var/cache/apt/archives?00:02
Colonel_Paniccan I clear that out?00:02
Colonel_Paniclots of crap in there00:02
Colonel_Panic256 MB00:02
Exilantsudo apt-get clean should do that00:03
Colonel_Panicwhat about lost+found?00:03
kilem_hi all00:05
Exilanthmm, that should be rather empty00:05
kilem_i try a mce whit kubuntu 8.0400:06
Colonel_PanicI just uninstalled the game Sauerbraten, but it still appears to be taking up 242 MB in /usr/share/games00:07
ExilantColonel_Panic: if the system finds fragments or stuff during fsck, it gets there, if you find a lot in lost+found, something went wrong00:07
ExilantColonel_Panic: it shouldn't. filelight caches the data, try restarting it00:08
Colonel_Panicit's still there00:08
Colonel_Panicshould I just delete it manually?00:09
Exilanti guess there is a .deb like sauerbraten-data00:09
Colonel_Panichow can I get rid of all that garbage00:09
Exilanttry sudo apt-get autoremove00:10
Exilantanother idea would be to clean out old kernels00:10
Exilantmight free up to a GB00:10
engineeranybody here lives in Michigan?00:10
Colonel_Panicwell, what can I do about this sound issue?00:12
sensaeAnyone here using KitchenSync and SyncML?00:12
ExilantColonel_Panic: what sound issue?00:13
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.00:13
stdinengineer: try in #ubuntu-us-mi00:13
Colonel_PanicI have no sound00:13
Colonel_Panicthe mic works00:14
ExilantColonel_Panic: maybe it's just muted somewhereß00:14
Colonel_PanicWhen I un-mute the mic, I can hear mic'd sounds through the speakers, but no sound files can be played00:14
Colonel_PanicI don't think so00:14
emanuelHey, anyone else having problems in FFX to show multiselect lists properly?00:15
engineerstdin thanks00:15
Exilantwell, i don't know your sound chip, Colonel_Panic00:15
emanuelTheir bug tracker is too slow for me at the moment.00:15
Colonel_Panicwhen I select OSS in the hardware Sound settings00:15
Colonel_Panicit works for one playing of one file in one application00:15
Colonel_Panicbut if I try to play another sound, it doesn't work00:16
Colonel_Panicor if I try using another app it doesn't work00:16
jalsok i installed compiz via adept, and the settings manager, but it doesn't appear to be having any affect00:16
emanuelBasically, in an edit form I select multiple values and press save. The values are stored but their are not displayed.00:16
Colonel_Panicyou have to enable compiz using the Advanced Desktop Effects app in the Settings manu00:17
ExilantColonel_Panic: yes, with oss  only one app can play00:17
emanuelI checked with konqueror and it shows the selected values as per what I saved using FFX.00:17
emanuelAny clue?00:17
Colonel_Panicbut sound works under OSS00:17
Colonel_Panicif I change it to anything else, it doesn't play00:17
Exilantmaybe some weird app hogging your sound system00:17
jalsColonel_Panic, i have that, and enabled certain plugins, but they don't seem to work - do you mean there's some overall way i need to enable it?00:17
Colonel_Panicwhat could be doing that? Sound is even out after a reboot00:18
jalsactually reminds me, i didn't reboot yet, maybe compiz needs that00:18
Colonel_Panicthere's a good tutorial about setting up Compiz in the Ubuntu forums00:18
jalsok, gonna reboot first jic00:18
Colonel_Paniccheck in #compiz-fusion they'll give you the link00:18
Colonel_Panicyou shuldn't have to reboot00:19
Colonel_Panicthough you may have to restart Xserver00:19
Colonel_Panicbut it will close many of your KDE apps00:19
engineer/etc/init.d/X11 restart00:19
Colonel_Panicsorry, ALL your KDE apps00:19
Exilantwell, i'm off home, good luck00:20
georgewphow do i completely remove KDE4 from a command prompt then reinstall it without having to reinstall my system?00:29
stdingeorgewp: why do you need to>00:30
georgewpWell, I am having issues with the current install, for instance, my add remove programs doesnt work anymore, it crashed while installed updates so now when I try to run it, it says theres another isntance running and then it crashes00:31
georgewpand I would like to upgrade to the newest KDE4 release00:31
stdin!aptfix | georgewp, use this00:31
ubottugeorgewp, use this: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »00:31
stdingeorgewp: then just add the ppa from the #kubuntu-kde4 topic00:32
georgewpI added https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members-kde4/+archive to 3rd party software links00:34
georgewpand it crashed again, so I am assuming that was the correc ppa00:34
georgewphow do I remove that line from it00:34
lmentum, im ind anew to linux, and i have a few questions00:36
georgewpwhat questions lment00:36
engineerlment shoot00:36
engineerare you from nyc?00:37
lmentim trying to install a program, and its becoming more difficult, i un balled it and now i would like to compile it but its not quite working the way it says on the internet faq site00:37
lmentive tried to install many actually00:37
lmentcan i past eht emessage here?00:38
stdingeorgewp: kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list00:38
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)00:38
stdingeorgewp: then *read* the page ;)00:38
lmentok will read brb00:38
georgewpkdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list00:39
georgewpsudo: kate: command not found00:39
Colonel_Panickdesu kate00:40
engineergeorgewp sudo apt-get install kate00:40
stdingeorgewp: try "gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" then00:40
georgewpi tried it without kdesu and it came up00:40
engineeryou won't be able to save it afterwards00:41
lmenti posted it on ubuntu paste00:42
engineergive us the link00:42
lmento lol00:42
* georgewp notices how it doesnt save after reading engineer's statement00:43
georgewpso whats up with kdesu00:43
engineerkdesu allows you to open kate as root00:43
engineerlment tried with sudo before gmake?00:43
stdingeorgewp: it won'r search the kde4 path though00:44
lmenti did use root00:44
lmentand i got the same msg00:44
lmenti even changed root pass etc ot hopefully reset or something, and perm denied00:44
lmentso im at a standstill =(00:45
georgewpis there another command similiar to kdesu since kdesu wont work for me00:45
ubottuIn KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)00:45
HunterSThompsonthere a command that will let me see all my serial ports?00:46
stdin[00:40]<stdin> georgewp: try "gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" then00:47
sensaeI'm running Compiz, how do I change my number of virtual desktops?00:47
stdinsensae: with the compiz config settings manager00:47
sensaestdin: Which section?00:47
georgewpi tried gksu gedit00:48
stdinsensae: I don't know, I haven't used compiz in almost a year ;) try asking in #compiz-fusion if no one here knows00:48
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georgewpsudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list that was the only one that worked00:48
georgewpso i have my adept working again00:48
stdingeorgewp: on the link, there are the repositories, right at the top of the page00:49
sensaeFixed it :)00:50
=== ahfsda is now known as engineer
lmentok and my next question, how do i find out my wireless chipset?00:50
stdinlment: try "lspci | grep Ethernet"00:51
lmentkk ty00:51
dick-richardsoncan you get java in the 64 bit verion of kubuntu hardy?00:52
dick-richardson*java plugin00:52
engineerwait for sun to launch it00:54
stdindick-richardson: you can with the 32bit version of firefox running on 64bit00:55
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava00:55
lmentif im trying to patch in drivers, how do i get the kernel headers and sources in order ot compile?00:55
ubottuTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages00:55
stdinlment: kernel headers are usually already installed00:55
lmentah kk00:55
olskolircahhhh a kubuntu room00:55
olskolirclove my kubuntu00:55
stdinkernel source is "apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)" (no sudo needed)00:56
engineernot room00:56
stdinengineer: both are acceptable terms00:56
engineeri see no tv in this living room00:56
HunterSThompsonanyone know how to setup a motorala dct-2224 with mythbuntu?00:59
lmenti have the latest version of ubuntu, how do i determine the kernel? 2.6.25 or 2.6.24?00:59
engineerlment uname -a00:59
lmentty ty =)01:00
lmentthat was easy tyvm01:00
TannWhat package(s) do I uininstall to remove kubuntu from my system?01:01
engineersudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop01:01
stdinTann: if that fails, see http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome01:02
ieatcerealRandom Fortune: quit When the quit statement is read, the bc processor  is terminated, regardless of where the quit state-  ment is found. For example, "if (0 == 1) quit"  will cause bc to terminate. -- seen in the manpage for "bc". Note the "if" statement's logic01:03
georgewpThis is the same thing that hapened before, sun-java6-jre is hanging at "Preparing installation..." in adept01:03
stdingeorgewp: click the show details button01:03
lmenthmm, does ubuntu have a sources directory? for patching?01:04
lmentdoes it go by another name?01:04
georgewpstdin, its a blue screen thats cut in half so its not showing the whole thing but what i can see looks like a terms of service01:05
stdingeorgewp: does clicking on the terminal window and pressing PageDown move it?01:05
georgewpstdin, no01:06
stdingeorgewp: is the adept window maximised?01:06
stdingeorgewp: ok, press Ctrl-Alt-Escape and click on the adept window, then open a term and do "sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a", then you should be about to accept the license01:08
stdingeorgewp: I'll report that bug to the adept people too01:09
georgewpok, what  did was closed it and maximised it before i opened so i see the whole tos just wont let me click ok01:09
stdingeorgewp: try using tab01:09
stdin(still a bug though, should use the GUI)01:09
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georgewpstill wont let me accept01:10
georgewpmaybe it would let me accept in console01:10
stdingeorgewp: it will in a console01:11
stdinbut you have to kill adept first (that's what ctrl-alt-escape and clicking on adept does)01:12
georgewpk sweet01:12
georgewpdid it in console, works like a champ01:12
georgewpk, i did an upgrade of kde4.0 to 4.1 it didnt tell me to reboot though01:13
stdinwhy would it?01:13
georgewpi dunno01:13
georgewplol, i supose not since this aint windows01:13
_CrashMaster_Why would plugging in a 2nd monitor cause Kubuntu to decide it will never leave 640x480?01:14
stdinthere's no need to restart, just logout and back in to get the new kde4 :)01:14
dick-richardsonyou can just restart x if you'd feel more comfortable01:14
stdindon't do that01:14
dick-richardsonwon't load the new stuff?01:14
stdinno, I mean ctrl-alt-backspace, that the dirty way to 'restart' X01:15
stdinit forcefully kills it01:15
dick-richardsonwell, yeah...but doesn't the "new" stuff load when it starts back up?01:15
stdinyou can simply restart X from the login manager01:15
stdinnew what, it'd show the login manager01:15
Dragnslcrdick-richardson- yes, but you'll also lose any unsaved files you have open01:16
stdineasier to logout and then back in, or logout and restart the X server the right way if you want01:16
dick-richardsonyeah, you have to know what it does...suppose I should have clarified01:16
dick-richardsonsame as hopping over to tty1 and 'sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart'01:17
stdinactually, that's still cleaner than c-a-bksp01:17
dick-richardsonI didn't know that01:17
georgewpnext error/issue, kwin-kde4 is upgradable but when i request an upgrad it says BREAK(upgrade) in red letters01:18
stdinc-a-bksp is like pressing Ctrl-C for a normal app, plain kills it01:18
stdingeorgewp: ignore that, the package name as moved to kde-window-manager01:18
Tannstdin: when i try to remove the packages the site says to, i get an error. Its at http://pastebin.com/d3d1833df01:19
georgewpbrb gonna log out and then back in01:19
stdinTann: odd, I guess "sudo touch /usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/media_safelyremove.desktop" should "fix" that error01:19
HazaHey folks. What do you recommend as a svn client?01:20
_CrashMaster_Haza I just use the svn from repo01:20
_CrashMaster_sudo apt-get -install subversion01:20
stdinminus the '-'01:21
_CrashMaster_fix: sudo apt-get install subversion01:21
_CrashMaster_stdin: Got a moment?01:21
stdinthere's also kdesvn, but I just use the command line01:21
Haza_CrashMaster_: Cheers mate! :)01:21
stdin_CrashMaster_: it took me a moment to answer, you'd better hope I have 2 ;)01:21
Tannstdin: it says that that file doesn't exits01:22
_CrashMaster_heh stdin: On a Dell laptop, I plugged in an additional monitor and tried to set it up as a 2nd desktop. Things went badly. I've since unplugged the monitor, but I cannot convince KDE to leave 640x48001:23
stdinTann: the touch command creates it01:23
Tannstdin: it says 'touch: cannot touch'/usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/media_safelyremove.desktop': No such file or directory01:24
DragnslcrOne of the directories in the path doesn't exist01:24
stdinTann: ahh, try "sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/ ; sudo touch /usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/media_safelyremove.desktop"01:25
stdin_CrashMaster_: not sure where that stuff is stored (and i don't use a 2nd monitor so never needed to find out)01:26
Tannstdin: thx. That worked01:26
stdin_CrashMaster_: I'd say try asking in #kde, someone in there is bound to know01:26
_CrashMaster_Can do.01:26
sepeckgreetings.  I have the Kubuntu with KDE4.  Tried to run Adept manager to update and half way through it crashed (Update manager).  Now when I try and run Adept, it says I have another version running.  If I try and tell it to resolve it, then it crashes.  Any links/ideas?01:40
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »01:40
geniisepeck: See the bot's recommendation above01:41
sepecktyping now01:41
* mr--t genii on the spot01:41
geniimr--t:  :)01:42
sepeckldconfig defered process now taking place..... so I wait?01:43
sepeckcool.  any signs/out puts to show it's finished/done?01:43
georgewpwhat would the command be to edit my xorg.conf?01:44
geniisepeck: Will just dump you back to a command prompt01:44
sepeckoh cool, so it's done then :)01:44
geniigeorgewp: From konsole: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf             from gui:      alt-f2 kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf              or: install kxgenerator and do it all from in there01:45
sensaeDoes anyone know how to set up KitchenSync and Kontact?01:46
sepeckyay, taht seems to have unlocked it.  Now to see if I can get the update going again :)  Thanks much01:46
geniisepeck: You're welcome01:46
sepeckI figured now is a good time as the wife is working and have to watch kids, so really can't be playing on the computer much :)01:47
=== luis is now known as tugremx
georgewpI found a website where some1 said they added Option "SLi" "yes" to their xconfig how would i add that, must I do something like "section: | "end section" with it or can i just add it last line?01:49
geniigeorgewp: url for that please?01:49
georgewphttp://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-games-33/nvidia-sli-on-linux-499317/ (very last post)01:50
geniigeorgewp: Look for video device section. Will have something like "Configured Video Device" if Hardy (8.04) or else the driver name of the video device if an earlier kubuntu. Insert the line just above EndSection    for there01:53
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sensaeSo no one here uses KitchenSync?01:54
georgewpK, thank you very much genii, going to reboot and see what hapens01:54
geniisensae: Apparently no one that knows enough to assist, it would seem :(01:55
sensaeDrat :/01:56
sepeckgenii: thank you again.  updates worked and I was able to remove and re-add my openssh server so it works again (which means re-direct surf from work works again too :)  Happy days01:57
geniisepeck: Glad to help :)01:57
geniisensae: You might be better off to go about it from looking for KitchenSync ppl who are incidentally using it on ubuntu or debian01:58
geniiBleh. My battery is dying02:01
sepeckmagic battery update to full (or does that not work in real life?)02:02
sensaegenii: I'll try that, thanks02:03
geniisepeck: I think unfortunately I may have left my charger at work :/02:04
sepeckmaybe if you type more slowly it will extend battery life?  hmmm...02:04
geniiMonitor says 9 minutes02:06
sepeckhow does one add a new user to the system?  I cam across one item saying to add a kde4 user deal but I don't seem to have a corosponding entry in system menu02:06
sepeckkuser-kde4 I mean02:07
stdinsepeck: system settings -> user management02:07
will01anyone know how to control gnome applications with irkick?02:08
geniiwill01: Maybe ask in #ubuntu02:08
sepeckin kde4?  I don't have a user management in System Settings02:08
stdinsepeck: you didn't say in kde402:09
will01genii, i figured id ask in both seeing as it involves both guis02:09
geniistdin: Actually he did02:09
stdin"<sepeck> how does one add a new user to the system?  I cam across one item saying to add a kde4 user deal but I don't seem to have a corosponding entry in system menu" not in that line ;)02:09
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geniiOK not explicitly then.02:10
sepeckmost of the goole links are blogs mentioing how hard it is to add a user but not much inthe way of actually doing so :)02:10
geniisepeck: I'd just recommend good old commandline02:10
stdinuse the kde3 system settings, Alt-F2, /usr/bin/systemsettings02:10
sepeckI wasn't as explicit as I perhaps should have been02:10
stdinsepeck: I just didn't read scroll-back02:10
* genii hopes georgewp shows up in the next 5 minutes02:11
sepecksudo adduser it is02:12
georgewpI added a line to my xorg.conf to enable SLI configuration and rebooted my pc to find a slugish boot and no boarders along the programs that i run and no programs showing up in my task manager. I also could not type in programs that i run but I was about to type in the search block in the kicker. When KDE booted I also recieved a sound card error but was able to hear the KDE boot audio. Before I updated my xorg.conf I also02:26
georgewpupgraded to KDE 4.1 with no errors, even logged out and back in with no errors so not sure if this error generated from the added the sli enabled line or the KDE upgrade.02:26
pteaguehow do i set up a vpn connection?  i have all the network-manager packages (except -dev) installed & i can't seem to create a vpn connection02:42
colzanihi people, i have kubuntu 8.04 in my acer 4520, and when i back from suspend or hibernate mode, the sound not work.02:45
georgewpsame errors, I removed the Config "SLI" "yes" line from my xorg.conf so it is definitly the upgrade to kde 4.1 causing the errors02:51
bucketheadHeya. Where are shutdown events logged? I've got some kind of network-manager problem but it scrolls by too fast for me to read enough to google it.03:06
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pteagueanybody know where rdesktop shows up in the menu?03:14
geniigeorgewp: Made it back I see. Any progress?03:16
pteaguegenii: ah, ty03:17
pteaguenow... to figure out how to keep the pptp vpn from continuing to disconnect me...03:18
georgewpgenii, yes the SLI worked fine but before i enabled SLI i upgraded my KDE 4.0 to 4.1 which made it so I couldnt type, typing came back (i dunno why) but I have sound errors, and do not have boarders on any programs running and my task tray isnt working03:22
georgewpI am sure there are more issues that I havnt found yet03:23
geniigeorgewp: kde4 ?03:23
shinigamileh kenal g03:24
georgewpyes kde4.103:24
shinigamikm da dmn?/03:24
georgewpshinigami, what language is that03:25
geniigeorgewp: You might want kde-window-decorator for the border issue. The task tray you might have to add a system tray widget to the bar03:25
Agent_bobIndonesia ?03:25
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia03:26
* genii remembers some TLD stuff now and then03:26
geniigeorgewp: Also for kde4 specific stuff perhaps visit #kubuntu-kde4 channel03:28
georgewpgenii, thats the thing I already have one on the bar, and when I first run a program it shows the program in the tray for a split second. Just like right before i get the audio driver error issue, I hear KDE boot up audio03:28
georgewpSeems most are idle in there03:28
georgewpdo you know a command to downgrade back to 4.0?03:28
geniiNot offhand03:28
solo_!seen engineer03:29
ubottuFactoid seen engineer not found03:29
NickPrestageorgewp, what are you trying to do?03:29
shinigamiwhere u come03:29
georgewpNickPresta, my system worked 100% before I upgraded from KDE4 to KDE4.1 with the upgrade I lost sound, the ability to type with a keyboard, task tray widget, boarders around running programs. Those are just the aparent issues I am sure there are many more. Though if I could downgrade back to just KDE4.0 untill the issues get ironed out that are causing these errors in 4.103:31
NickPrestageorgewp, does the repo contain the 4.0 packages? Or have they been replaced by 4.1?03:31
NickPrestaI would ask in #kubuntu-kde4.03:31
georgewplet me check03:32
bucketheadWhen is 4.1 scheduled to come out?03:33
willi_ballenthini have kde4 and kde3 installed right now, hows the best way to remove 3?03:33
willi_ballenthinjuly 2903:33
pteagueok, how do i set up kvpnc to reroute all network traffic to machines on 192.168.168.* ?  do i need to use ?03:33
bucketheadThanks. I was thinking about digging into plasma a little. Probably better to wait, lol.03:34
geniipteague: That would be the correct netmask for the entire Class C yes03:34
georgewpI seemed to have fixed those issues03:37
Agent_bob /32 ?     not /24 ?03:38
georgewpReinstalled kde403:38
Agent_bobisn't /8 the a class   /16 the b class   and /24 the c class ?03:39
georgewpThough how do I run Desktop Settings in sudo so I can shange the theme, selecting a new theme and apply returns nothing03:39
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)03:40
Agent_bob!kdesu | georgewp03:40
ubottugeorgewp: In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)03:40
ArtimusAnyone ever try the Acronis TrueImage Linux Server?  I've only found one Linux app that causes me more trouble: Vmware.03:41
georgewpbash: Kdesu: command not found | bash: Ksudo: command not found03:43
NickPrestageorgewp, case sensitive03:44
NickPrestageorgewp, kdesudo, not Kdesudo03:44
georgewpsorry, ok i got that, now I am just not sure of the syntax for Desktop Settings03:45
georgewpto run it from a command prompt03:45
NickPrestageorgewp, Desktop Settings = system settings?03:45
georgewpno, just the gui desktop, to change wallpapers and themes, etc03:46
shinigamihi how are u03:46
NickPrestayou shouldn't need root permission to change your user themes03:46
georgewpWhen I select a new theme, and then apply the desktop does nothing03:46
NickPrestaIn the event that you have to be root, do this: Press Alt+F2. Type in "kdesudo kcontrol" (without quotes). You can change your theme and such in the Appearance tree03:47
georgewpk thanx03:47
georgewpk, now I recieved a fatal error with the desktop and it crashed, all I see is a blue background, how do I get a new one to load?03:49
Agent_bobKsudo: command not found  <<< classic.  :)03:49
Agent_bobthere has never been a [K,k][S,s][U,u][D,d][O,o]03:49
geniiAgent_bob: Mybe there should be.03:50
geniiinsert an a in there03:50
Agent_bobwould use upper or lower case for the k ?03:50
Agent_bobhe would have gotten the same error then ;/03:51
georgewpis there a text command to recycle kde, or restart kde, my xserver is still running but KDE crashed03:53
geniisudo /etc/init.d/kdm-kde4 restart           (or just kdm  depends on what you got)03:53
Agent_bobdcop maybe03:53
kalorin`has anyone gotten wireless networking to work wtih 8.04?03:54
kalorin`I'm having a heck of a time, wired works fine, wireless acts like it should work but can't see to dhcp any addresses from any network, encrypted or wide open03:54
Agent_bobthree fingured salute will/should reset xorg tho03:54
kalorin`it's bizarre, I can see the networks and see that they're encrypted and all that but no dice connecting to any03:54
kalorin`and it's a centrino laptop, and yes I've read stuff about it all day, and determined that I have the driver and the ieee80211 modules03:55
geniikalorin`: My Realtek 8187 and my D-Link DWL-G630 work flawlessly03:55
kalorin`knetworkmanager just doesn't even give me an option for wireless, it's grayed out03:55
georgewpWhen I type that I get, Stopping K Display Manager: kdm-kde4 not running (/var/run/kdm-kde4.pid not found).| Starting K Display Manager: kdm-kde4.03:55
georgewpand nothing hapens03:55
kalorin`genii, what is the device name for your wireless device?03:55
kalorin`eth1 or wlan0 or what?03:55
geniikalorin`: The Realtek is wlan0 and the D-Link is ath003:56
bucketheadI've got an atheros that works pretty good too03:57
bucketheadkalorin`: This helped me figure out my problems.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide03:59
kalorin`I'll take a look thanks04:00
pteagueok, how do i need to setup this network thing so that i get a net mask of ?  apparently with i end up with :(04:01
mr--t32 would take up all the bits04:03
pteaguedang it, /24 doesn't work either... it's still giving me 255 across the board04:04
pteagueso i'm guessing kvpnc is screwing up04:05
mr--tshinigami: this is a channel that offers help do you hvae a question?04:06
geniishinigami: question = pertanyaan04:07
shinigamihave apic04:07
mr--tyes a question about kubuntu04:07
shinigamiasl plz04:08
* mr--t its all you genii04:08
kalorin`ok, so knetworkmanager is no longer seeing any of my devices, even the wired one04:08
geniishinigami: "asl" etc ->  sesuai  sini04:09
kalorin`when I plug a cable in, it doesn't even dhcp it's address on it's own without my kicking it04:09
kalorin`if I force it to dhclient eth0 it gets an address and everything's fine, works no problem, except that knetwork manager can't see any devices still04:10
kalorin`so weird04:10
geniimr--t: I'm relying on a dodgy online english to malay translator :?04:10
genii:/   even04:10
mr--tgood luck with that04:11
dwidmann_laptopHey guys (and perhaps girls too :P), what would be the best way to *manually* set the resolution for a monitor ??????????04:11
Agent_bobdwidmann_laptop this is irc, where men are men,   and women are men,     and children are fbi agents.            (edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?)04:17
Agent_bobbest is a subjective term04:18
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:19
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: I guess I could ***try*** to do that, but it would be rather inconvenient, I was hoping for something involving xrandr, seeing as this is a laptop and an external monitor (tv actually, in a hotel, so it'll be by no means a permanent connection)04:19
haryonohow to remove panel from kubuntu scree?04:21
haryonohelp me pls04:23
shinigamiwhere u come04:23
solo_QUESTION!: i just installed GFXBOOT and i cant find it anywhere.... any ideas??04:23
haryonoindonesia south east asia04:23
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: can you lend me your xorg.conf (or any other one that manually specifies the res), kind of forgot that hardy comes with umm, a rather empty xorg.conf04:24
dwidmann_laptopanyone elses with the info I require would work also, if anyone else is home :)04:24
haryonohow to remove panel from kubuntu that cause my window screen shrink04:24
haryonohelp me pls04:24
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia04:25
kalorin`ok this is just crazy04:26
geniishinigami: I am from Canada.04:26
kalorin`I've turned off all encryption on my wap04:26
kalorin`I can see the dumb thing04:26
kalorin`I can see the ESSID04:27
kalorin`scan for it whatever04:27
kalorin`I can not get an IP address from it04:27
kalorin`I can see the drivers for ipw2200 are installed along with the ieee80211 module04:27
dwidmann_laptopkalorin`: , try rebooting both your computer and the router04:27
kalorin`dwidmann_laptop: been done several times04:27
* mr--t ooo canadaaa...04:27
kalorin`knetworkmanager doesn't even show the wired network when I open that04:27
geniimr--t: Yes, that land of igloos and beer04:28
kalorin`all the tabs are grayed out and it says no devices04:28
kalorin`of course eth0 is connected and working fine04:28
dwidmann_laptopkalorin`: might need to after any alterations to the routers configurations, I've had issues with that in the past ...04:28
mr--t/ me wonders if genii heard the tune ...04:29
geniimr--t: O Canada... Our home but native's land....   etc04:29
geniiBut I stray OT04:30
* mr--t thats the one04:30
ubottuFactoid lal not found04:31
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free04:31
kalorin`wlassistant sees the network, essid and all that04:32
kalorin`seems to think that it's encrypted, so I turned wep back on04:32
kalorin`no dice04:32
kalorin`router reboots every time a config is changed04:33
kalorin`just how it works04:33
dwidmann_laptopnobody has an xorg.conf with the resolution stuff in?????? bummer.04:33
kalorin`nothing makes me unhappier than to format off the laptops' working XP install and see linux fall on it's face like this04:33
kalorin`gives the with ammunition04:33
geniidwidmann_laptop: Maybe look at /etc/X11/1xorg for ideas04:34
kalorin`dwidmann_laptop: mine when I installed it yesterday didn't have it right, in fact it autosensed it all wrong from the panel and the font was HUGE04:34
Agent_bobharyono right click panel    remove this panel   ?04:34
kalorin`couldn't even use it04:34
kalorin`had to set it to DDC off or something int eh config04:34
dwidmann_laptopkalorin`: opposite problem here, autodetected all wrong and everything is tiny04:34
kalorin`try setting that flag and restartin04:35
kalorin`hang on I'll find it04:35
dwidmann_laptopit's a rather large tv, seems the virginia beach ramada has upgraded to 32" LG LCDs :)04:35
solo_can someone tell me also how to install real player or something to mimic such?? FF 304:36
kalorin`dwidmann_laptop: in the device set Option "DDC" "no"04:36
kalorin`and restart04:36
kalorin`you might have th esame problem but differnet symptoms04:36
kalorin`autodetected wrong04:36
dwidmann_laptopI don't have anything in the device section, but I guess I can try that anyhow.04:36
kalorin`I just had "Identifier "configured vdie device"04:36
kalorin`that was all04:37
kalorin`added that line and it was suddenly "useable"04:37
dwidmann_laptopmy problem is it won't let me pick the resolution I need, I need to set it to 1366x768, and it's trying to run it with 1024x768 or something ..... I'll try that line though, and I hope it will work04:37
dwidmann_laptopbrb, restarting X04:37
Agent_bob1366x768 o.O04:38
solo_<drum role>04:39
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:39
dwidmann_laptopkalorin`: wow, seems you were right, whatever that option does, it certainly seems to have helped, a lot.04:40
dwidmann_laptopseems the res still isn't quite right though04:40
dwidmann_laptopit's cutting off at the top04:40
haryonohelp me to remove panel from kubuntu screen pls04:41
dwidmann_laptopit still won't let me set the proper resolution, seems it's trying to use 1280 x 76804:41
dwidmann_laptopharyono: killall kicker04:41
Agent_bobharyono right click panel    remove this panel   ?04:41
willi_ballenthinharyono: can you not right click->remove?04:41
Agent_bobdwidmann_laptop ummm that might kill more than one panel  ;/04:42
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: and it lets them come back later, but for those looking for a quick fix ....... he asked over and over again and wasn't very specific, what can I say :P04:43
dwidmann_laptopI still need a sample xorg.conf file ... looks like I'm stuck googling04:43
Sneedlyhow do i set up ark to accept .rar files?04:43
Agent_bobheh.  yeah i know.  i just uparrowed to repost what i already told him04:44
Agent_bobSneedly install unrar-free ?04:44
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free04:44
geniidwidmann_laptop: Did you look at /etc/X11/1xorg yet?04:44
dwidmann_laptoplemme see04:44
ubottuFactoid unrar-free not found04:44
SneedlyAgent_bob: it doesnt tell you there04:45
Agent_bobso the infonode is wrong.   so sue me.04:45
dwidmann_laptopgenii: that file doesn't exist04:45
Agent_bobSneedly but i thought installing unrar-free was the answer.   you may need to set a mime type too04:46
geniidwidmann_laptop: OK. On mine it does and has the actual info which seems lacking in the stock hardy xorg.conf04:46
Agent_bobSneedly i try to avoid all "non-free" krap04:46
SneedlyAgent_bob: is there another way to do it?04:47
Agent_bobprobably,  but that doesn't mean i know what it is...04:47
SneedlyAgent_bob: haha i'll see what happens04:47
* Agent_bob is only 7 years old.04:47
haryonodwidman, Agent Bob, Willi....when i klik right only display configure panel......remove from the panel..etc..no one say remove all panel04:47
SneedlyAgent_bob: no way04:48
kalorin`well, looks like I'm formatting and reinstalling again04:48
kalorin`just see if it's got somethign weird going on04:48
kalorin`hopefully that'll fix it, though I can't imagine why04:48
kalorin`sad realy04:48
* genii wonders if Agent_bob counts in dog years04:48
dwidmann_laptopbrb folks, trying something, if it doesn't work, you know I'll be back :P04:49
geniiOr possibly leap years04:49
haryonoim hopeless to remove panel in my screen its caused screen shrink04:49
Agent_bobrepost for sneedly's sake   " this is irc, where men are men,   and women are men,     and children are fbi agents. "04:49
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
haryonono way out to remove panel on my kubuntu screen04:50
Sneedlyfbi why would they be here04:50
dwidmann_laptopno gold04:50
Sneedlyim out of the loop04:50
=== solo_ is now known as Solo_ZzZ
haryonoshow me how to remove all panel from my screen pls04:50
Solo_ZzZwow... massave lag04:51
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore04:51
dwidmann_laptopthat didn't help either, still no luck :(04:53
dwidmann_laptopI need some ideas folks, shower me with lovely ideas!04:53
* Boohbah showers dwidmann_laptop with lovely chocolate rain04:54
* Agent_bob thinks of a world where computers are completely obsoleet and people have lives </mental image to dwidmann_laptop>04:54
dwidmann_laptopWhat are these lives, and do you have any for me to resell on the black market?04:55
Agent_bobummmm   well,  actually, ...04:55
Agent_bobhehhe.   no.04:55
Boohbahat least not while the fbi's lurking04:56
dwidmann_laptopI just tried adding a subsection display to the screen section, and added the correct depth and resolution, but it's not taking for some reason or another.04:56
dwidmann_laptopBoohbah: hehe04:56
geniidwidmann_laptop: Does your monitor do this resolution of 1366 ?04:56
dwidmann_laptopgenii: according to google, yes.04:56
dwidmann_laptopaccording to the back of the tv, it's an LG 32LC5DC04:57
dwidmann_laptopassuming my brother just read that off right04:58
dwidmann_laptopI think so yes ...05:01
ravhello. i installed kpowersave and powersaved, but the cpu throttling is not enabled. I'm using a amd turion 64 dual core, how can I enable this?05:01
geniidwidmann_laptop: I'd recommend installing read-edid package. Then to run something like: get-edid | parse-edid     and study the output05:01
anom01yhaving serious issues trying to install xubuntu AND kubuntu05:03
anom01ytwo different computers05:03
anom01ykubuntu installed fine but when I turn the computer on after the installation05:03
dwidmann_laptopoh well .... genii, read-edid is not available05:03
anom01yit sais mbr: fa:05:03
anom01ythen it does nothing05:04
anom01yI repartitioned the hd using the installer cd, and it installed everything05:04
anom01yselected the right hard drive05:04
anom01ywhat does FA: stand for ?05:04
* dwidmann_laptop waits impatiently05:05
dwidmann_laptopI'm so frustrated today, my dad really stresses me out ... sorry05:05
anom01yeveryone sais ubuntu is good but I've had nothing but problems05:05
Agent_bobdwidmann_laptop that modle shows to "Supported Computer     1024 x 768 "05:06
genii!info read-edid05:06
ubotturead-edid (source: read-edid): hardware information-gathering tool for VESA PnP monitors. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.1-2.1 (hardy), package size 12 kB, installed size 72 kB (Only available for i386 powerpc)05:06
anom01ytrying to install it on two different computers cant even work for any of them05:06
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: hahahahahahaha, that's funny.05:06
anom01ymd5sum is good05:06
anom01ytried 2 different copies05:06
anom01ydid everything right05:07
dwidmann_laptopmust be my fault, time to update05:07
anom01ywhat does mbr fa: mean05:07
dwidmann_laptopnope, still no candidate05:07
anom01yI think I might go back to debian05:07
dwidmann_laptop(wow, this internet connection must be beast, it did that in like 2 seconds or less)05:07
dwidmann_laptopoh wait, I didn't read that completely, it's only available for i386 and ppc.05:08
anom01yCAN ANYONE HELP ME ?05:08
Agent_bobdwidmann_laptop funny ?05:08
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: that's and interesting tidbit, it seems to let me push it quite a bit higher than that though05:08
dwidmann_laptopI don't even remember what I thought was funny now to tbh Agent_bob05:09
Agent_bobdwidmann_laptop yes.  just saying that that rez might work for you seeing that they do advertize it's support.05:09
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: but 1024x768 looks absolutely terrible ..... honest.05:09
ravany idea why kpowersave would have cpu throttling disabled?05:09
lovelyanyone know a reson xmms wont load in adept onto hardy heron05:09
geniianom01y: The drive isn't set bootable05:10
lovelysay's BREAK.05:10
Agent_bobdwidmann_laptop pfft.  you're just too close to it     lol05:10
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: oh, so if I stand back, about 3/4 mile, I should be good huh?05:10
frybyeHi - please remind me how to list active processes and kill the one I want gone in the consol...?05:11
anom01yhello ?05:11
Agent_bobdwidmann_laptop oh don't be rediculess,   only 1/2 mile is fine05:11
anom01yam I just typing for fun or can anyone help me I've been trying to install ubuntu for 2 days now05:11
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: sure, if I'm going blind (and I probably am)05:12
Agent_bobfrybye ps pidof top kill killall pgrep pkill   any/all of those.05:12
dwidmann_laptopI wonder about 640 x 1138 though , hmmm05:12
Agent_bobdwidmann_laptop i was only reporting what the vender was advertizing about that modle.05:13
dwidmann_laptop brb05:13
anom01yANYONE: what do I do if kubuntu hardy heron 8.04 latest installation type cd05:14
anom01ybut then when the computer tries to boot it sais05:14
anom01y"mbr fa:"05:14
anom01yand sits there and does nothing05:14
Agent_bobuse a different boot loader ?05:15
frybyetks Agent_bob05:15
Agent_bobfrybye welcome.05:15
geniianom01y: Hit a  then 105:16
geniiBah left05:16
NinjaraI've tried out the KDE 4.0.4 packages and uninstalled them, now trying the 4.1b packages gives me a bunch of broken dependencies and a refusal to install.  What's the most likely source of error here?05:16
Agent_bob!pestilence | should be tied to patience and verse vice'a05:17
ubottuFactoid pestilence not found05:17
bucketheadGah. I lost my KDE 4 default theme for something vaguely gnome-ish when I started compiz. Can I get the KDE4 theme and use compiz?05:17
NinjaraI uninstalled 4.0.4 cleanly and removed the apt lines, did an apt-get update, added the 4.1b apt lines, update again, etc., all schould be clean, theoretically.05:17
lsempleANYONE HERE able to help ?05:17
Agent_bob!kde4 | Ninjara05:18
ubottuNinjara: KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde405:18
lsempleI need help05:18
Ninjaralsemple: If you ask the question, maybe.05:18
lsempleNinjara: question: I install kubuntu on my brand new computer05:18
frybyelsemple: just ask - don't ask to ask...05:18
lsempleusing the kubuntu 8.04 installer cd (for installation only)05:19
lsempleand everything goes fine, I select all the options05:19
Agent_bob<lsemple> Ninjara: question: I install kubuntu on my brand new computer  <<< that question not05:19
lsempleformat, partition the hd, install kubuntu05:19
dwidmann_laptopWell Well, seems it behaves differently when I have that noDDC thing set. I can't get it the way I want either way, I wonder if I can just get VLC fired up and see if I can tolerate the problem05:19
lsemplethen when I reboot, I get "mbr fa:"05:19
lsempleand it sits there and does nothing05:19
NinjaraAgent_bob: Thing is I followed the howtos from kubuntu.org to the letter, as far as I recall.  That page is pretty much where I'm coming from.05:20
lsempleI hit "a" and 1234f appears05:20
geniilsemple: hit 1   now05:20
frybyeIsemple - put your whole question on one line of text  - much easier to read/understand... ok?05:20
lsempleok so when it sais mbr fa: I hit "1"05:21
dwidmann_laptopbbl folks05:21
lsempleor, "a", then "1"05:21
Agent_bobfrybye is it just me, or did he make several statements and never ask a question ?05:21
lsemplecause none of them are working05:21
geniilsemple: When it says 1234f after you hit a then hit 105:21
lsempleI did that nothing happens05:21
frybyeAgent_bob: he is -leading up too the question - the suspense is killing... heheh05:22
lsemplehere is the question: why wont my new kubuntu installation boot ?05:22
Agent_bobgenii out of curiosity, (never having see that before)  is that the bios or some strange boot loader doing that ?05:23
geniilsemple: You had lilo previously, or you put /boot partition someplacxe not marked as bootable?05:23
frybyeIsemple - is the kubuntu the only os on the system?05:23
lsempleI am overwriting another system05:23
lsemplethat used grub aswell05:23
Agent_bob/boot needs to be bootable ???05:24
lsempleI dont think the kubuntu install cd properly formated / partitioned the cd05:24
NinjaraEh, of course, a dedicated kde4+kubuntu help chan.  Sorry, guys :p05:24
lsempleer the hd05:24
lsempleand if I selected the wrong hd, then my old installation would have booted05:25
frybyeperhaps others will comment on this suggestion: but maybe you should use gparted live cd to reformat the hd completly and then re-install with kubuntu - are you using version 8.4?05:25
lsempleso the kubuntu cd did something05:25
frybyeee e 8.0405:25
Agent_boblsemple you are letting ubiquity install grub to the mbr  are you not ?05:25
lsempleso the installation cd doesnt repartition the hd ?05:25
geniiAgent_bob: On some embedded systems using diskonchip or booting to external device it goes to lowlevel bios routine/disassembler and "a" tells it to show your current memory location, 1->4 chooses partition to boot to if not marked bootable05:25
lsemplewhatever is on that basic kubuntu installation alternative cd05:25
lsempleI will try 1,2,3,405:26
Agent_bobgenii ah i see.    i guess i'm not too old to learn something...05:26
geniiAgent_bob: It's pretty esoteric05:27
lsemple1 2 3 and 4 dont work05:28
frybye- with my non-expert status - I would tend to reformat the box - use the normal cd/dvd and not the alternative and see if that did it with default choices...05:28
Agent_bobacroamatic even05:28
lsempleuse a live cd to format the hd05:28
lsemplethen boot the alternate installation cd and install05:28
geniilsemple: Did you do something like install grub to sdb1 sdc3  or so instead of just sdb sdc ?05:29
frybyeI am not sure if using the alternate cd is clever if there is no special reason for using that and not the regular one...?05:29
lsemplewell I just selected the hd it gave me in the list of hds05:29
lsemplepretty straight forward05:29
geniilsemple: sdc=hard drive. sdc1=partition05:29
lsemplewell I will try the whole thing over again05:30
lsemplebut first I will boot a live cd and format the partition05:30
Agent_bobwaste of time.  ubiquity almost crys if you don't let it format / anyway.05:30
* mr--t waves to frybye05:30
frybyegenii - am i right in thinking that the   alternative   cd offers more choices during install - and so more chance of making mistakes...?05:31
frybyehi mr--t05:31
geniiAgent_bob: Some interesting reading for you on the "a" 1,2,3,4 thing btw http://stezz.blogspot.com/2007/11/debian-etch-on-thinkpad-x31-via-usb.html05:31
Agent_bobfrybye more options != more chances of mistake.   more options = more chances to customize things.05:31
* Agent_bob goes to his root to read.05:32
frybyeAgent_bob: depends on the level of competance of the installer I guess.. which would be appropriate...05:32
geniifrybye: The alternate has advantages: more drivers,less ram needed,also you can dynamically alter the install by way of the 2 busybox consoles at alt-f2 and f3 and see stdout messages on alt-f4 for debugging05:33
Agent_bobfrybye what i'm saying is.  0 options does not mean 0 errors.    think about M$05:33
[Relic]Hello :)05:33
frybyeAgent_bob: right I get it..05:34
frybye c u later - off to do other stuff...05:34
[Relic]Agent_bob, hey hey hey, no disrespecting Microsoft; you know it too a lot of time, money, and determination for Microsoft to beat VolksWagen's world record of making 22 million bugs!   :)05:35
dwidmann_laptophmm, i t seems to be playing n ice with 1280 x 768!!05:36
seba_gente... hay algun comando para hacer un chequeo del sistema? como un scandisk?05:36
seba_porque tengo multiples problemas05:36
[Relic]Anyone got a good guide on how to get the coretemps from the x-.25 kernel into the x-.24 kernels used by ubuntu/kubuntu?   :)05:36
dwidmann_laptop[Relic]: a hard record to beat, but I think they've done it.05:37
mr--t!es seba05:37
ubottuFactoid es seba not found05:37
Agent_bob[Relic] hehhe.    i like.      saw a quit message that stuck with me.  "if M$ ever makes something that doesn't suck, it will probably be a vacume cleaner!"   :)05:37
genii!ar | seba05:37
ubottuseba: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe05:37
dwidmann_laptopAgent_bob: I love that one too, think I saw it as a UF sig though05:37
geniimr--t: ip lookup on him shows argentina and not spain05:38
[Relic]I have one of the 45nms and the coretemp.c is correct in 2.6.25 but not in 2.6.24, the current version lacks support for the 45nm coretemp and it is driving me nuts05:38
mr--ti don't know how to do a lookup yet05:38
Agent_bobmr--t /whois mr--t05:39
Agent_bobmr--t right here in your irc client.05:39
Agent_bob/whois mr--t05:39
geniimr--t: rightclick on name, do a whois. this gives you normally either an ip or a name of their ISP connection. Copy and paste this to some lookup tool like dnsstuff, or else install whois and do it from terminal on own box.05:39
Agent_bobgenii or konsole; whois *.*.*.*05:40
Agent_bob!info whois05:40
ubottuwhois (source: whois): the GNU whois client. In component main, is optional. Version 4.7.24 (hardy), package size 31 kB, installed size 272 kB05:40
geniiAgent_bob: Yup05:40
[Relic]just use the force and read his mind  :)05:41
mr--tsometime when i point to the name i can tell from the country code but i understand spanish05:41
Agent_bobor "hunt" him down...   </hint hint>05:41
mjponce!es mr--t05:42
ubottuFactoid es mr--t not found05:42
Agent_bobno pipe05:43
Agent_bob!es | mr--t05:43
ubottumr--t: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.05:43
Agent_bob!botsnack | <<< that's a pipe05:43
ubottu<<< that's a pipe: Yum! Err, I mean, APT!05:43
genii! ca | genii05:43
mr--tyeah  i saw that05:43
ubottuFactoid i not found05:44
Agent_bobthey still haven't fixed that.05:44
ubottuFactoid agent_bob not found05:44
Agent_bobubottu i is me neither.05:44
mr--tthe bot doen't speak canadien?05:44
geniiApparntly not :)05:45
mr--t :-)05:45
geniiHe'd be called aboottu then05:45
ubottuFactoid abottu not found05:45
ubottuFactoid aboottu not found05:45
ubottuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.05:45
geniiAgent_bob: Ok ok :)05:45
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!05:46
geniimjponce: Regional joke.05:47
Agent_bobdaz rite05:47
geniimjponce: Many Americans and others think Canadians say the word "about" in the phonetic way of "aboot"05:48
mr--tthey do05:48
Agent_bobmr--t may i ask who "they" are ?05:48
* genii arms himself with slushballs05:49
Agent_bobor do you imply that "all canadians do that" ?05:49
Agent_bobwhich would obviously be imprecise05:49
geniiAgent_bob: For a person in Dallas you're pretty metropolitan05:50
* genii sips his beer...er coffee05:51
Agent_bobbut i'm not in dallas,  nor texas.05:51
geniiAgent_bob: Ah. Your lookup resolves there05:51
Agent_bobi know.05:51
Agent_bobi told it too05:51
* genii wonders if root@ is purposeful also05:52
bucketheadI tell DNS servers what to do sometimes. They usually don't.05:52
mr--tsee so what good is a lookup then05:52
geniibuckethead: Mine are itinerant stubborn things which need kicking now and again05:52
Agent_bobmr--t on most people it's "fairly" accurate05:52
bucketheadPlug pulling - gets message across faster.05:53
mr--toh i forgot your agent bob05:53
mr--tsecret agent05:53
Agent_bobonly on teusdays05:53
Agent_bobit's no secret the rest of the week05:54
geniimr--t: Most people are using a connection which resolves properly. Some use proxy servers for anonymity or to appear to be from a different location. On freenode they are usually not allowed.05:54
* genii hums the "Secret Agent Man" song05:54
=== Agent_bob is now known as _2
* mr--t they given him a number and taken away his name05:55
* _2 goes binary and executes himself.05:55
=== _2 is now known as Agent_bob
bucketheadNot allowed? I used to TOR in all the time? Haha. The things you learn after its too late.05:56
Agent_bobthe policy on TOR has changed several times in the last several years here05:57
* Agent_bob says several several more times...05:57
bucketheadLike my policy on fixing your computer. Right now, I'm on a pay in beer kick. In two months, I'll probably want cash. Six months from then, I won't touch a computer for a year.05:58
Agent_bobsomething like that, yeah.05:59
* mrLOw is waking up with: '1 1000 Homo DJs - Supernaut (Supernaut)' on mocp06:00
* genii works for free equipment06:01
* Agent_bob works for free somethings too...06:01
Agent_boboh that's not what you said...06:01
* mr--t pretty soon will work for food06:02
Agent_bobmr--t :)   that may become a common thing.  the dirrection things are goung.06:02
Agent_bobam i off topic again.  why do you guys do that to me?06:03
mr--tOh i'm not a gloomy gus06:03
Agent_bob!ot | me06:03
ubottume: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!06:03
Agent_bobwell looks like the gold coast has went to bed.    i think i'll fall out for a while.    shalom #kubuntu !06:11
lsemple2I got kubuntu installed06:15
lsemple2but I still cant get grub to install06:15
lsemple2with the install cd06:15
bucketheadWhat?? I didn't think you could run kubuntu without grub?06:15
lsemple2it installed with the alternative installation cd06:16
lsemple2but when the computer restarts, I get mbr fa:06:16
lsemple2I hit "f" does nothing, I hit "1" I get 1234f, I hit 1,2,3,4,f and nothing happens06:16
lsemple2grub doesnt load06:16
bucketheadI need to go back to not talking.06:17
lsemple2how can I use the alternative installation cd to set up grub ?06:17
lsemple2maybe I shouldnt use the alternate installer cd06:18
lsemple2and just get the live cd and install from there06:19
Kubuntu_Hi. Anyone know how to get apt / dpkg to install (track) source code - so that it's part of the package management database ?06:19
lsemple2is there any way I can install grub ?06:20
lsemple2I am using another live cd amt06:20
Parker1I hope someone can help me. I have a realtek AC 97 that is not being recognized as a sound device.06:20
lsemple2Parker1: onboard ?06:21
lsemple2weird you'd think that would work06:23
lsemple2Im having major problems too06:23
lsemple2cant get grub to install from the alternate installation cd06:24
Parker1Yeah. makes no sense06:24
lsemple2you'd think simple problems like these would be figured out06:24
lsemple2instead we have to pesker cocky smart asses for simple answers06:24
lsemple2Parker1: I dont think anyone here cares to help, if I knew I would though06:25
geniilsemple2: Harassing the help doesn't further your cause or endear you to anyone.06:25
lsemple2ha they are watching06:26
geniiNominally :)06:26
lsemple2well I've been trying to install kubuntu from the alternate installation cd for over a day06:27
pteaguethe only down side to trying to use kdesvn for my new job is it doesn't support cvs...  blech06:27
geniilsemple2: When it stalls on alternate, did you go to 4th console and see what it is spewing out?06:27
lsemple2genii: that wasn't my problem06:27
lsemple2it installs fine, everything looks and seems to work06:27
lsemple2but it fails to install a working grub06:27
lsemple2(no error messages or anything, I just can't load the installation when I turn on the computer)06:28
geniilsemple2: And since you seem to be installing on a different hd than the primary, does the primary have a bootloader of some kind?06:28
lsemple2Im just wondering if I went the wrong direction and should have used the live cd instead and install from there06:28
lsemple2genii: no I am installing to the correct hd06:29
Parker1That's weird i had that same problem from the Alt,CD but I got the live working oay.06:29
lsemple2I double checked it with a live cd06:29
geniilsemple2: That answer and the previous answer are not actually answers to the questions that were asked06:29
lsemple2I opened the fs just a sec ago, kubuntu is there06:29
lsemple2I am installing on the primary, not a different hd06:30
lsemple2the alternative installation cd doesnt set up grub for me06:30
lsemple2so I just need to set up grub now06:30
geniilsemple2: Did you have lilo before or some other loader?06:30
lsemple2I removed the previous partition with a live cd06:31
lsemple2created 2 new ones06:31
lsemple21 primary, and 1 sway06:31
lsemple2then formatted them06:31
Daisuke_Ido!enter | lsemple06:31
ubottulsemple: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:31
Parker1So if no one can help me i guess I'll just go back to Winblows06:31
geniiParker1: Pleasant travels06:32
lsemple2Parker1 try Kanotix06:32
Parker1Wow, you sure aren't very nice.06:32
Parker1Actually a bit snide.06:32
lsemple2they have good support06:32
geniiParker1: Was [01:31] <Parker1> So if no one can help me i guess I'll just go back to Winblows     very nice?06:32
lsemple2you just have to catch Kano during his awake hours06:32
geniiWe're volunteers06:33
Parker1Wasn't mean.06:33
lsemple2win does blow06:33
lsemple2there are only a few distros of linux I like06:33
Parker1I am aware you are volunteers.06:33
lsemple2windows xp is ok06:33
lsemple2right now I am trying kubuntu, but not sure if I like it as I cant get anything to work06:33
=== JanMalte_ is now known as JanMalte
Parker1I actually have no problem with Windows my SuperComputer (trust me, aptly named such)  Dual boots Vista Enterprise and Ubuntu Studio06:34
geniiParker1: If it's some intel HDA (many realteks are) try using the !intelhda factoid. This is if lspci | grep Audio    for instance reports some HDA audio06:34
lsemple2Parker1: is your onboard enabled in bios ?06:34
lsemple2and, does it work with a live cd ?06:35
Parker1I don't know if it works with the live cd haven' really tried it.06:35
Parker1No way to test that.06:35
lsemple2no, you dont have a live cd ???06:35
lsemple2kanotix has a good live cd06:35
Parker1genii, pretend you are talking to a 10 year old idiot please?06:36
lsemple2here is a good link for a great live cd06:36
Parker1It is ac 97 that shows up a INtel chipset I gues.06:36
lsemple2you can download that, use it for repairing computers ect, and test if your audio works06:36
Parker1I've got 3 Live CDs06:37
Parker1Xubuntu, Kubuntu, and Ubuntu06:37
lsemple2ha, same06:37
lsemple2but so far no luck getting any of them to install to the hd06:37
Parker1What sort of processor do you have and how much ram/06:37
lsemple2well I am trying to install xubuntu on a old dell laptop06:38
lsemple2and kubuntu on my main desktop06:38
geniilsemple2: If your livecd boots and if you can obtain a command prompt. Assuming sda as the drive. Mount sda1 or wherever /boot is into perhaps /tmp . Then something like: grub-install --root-directory=/tmp and see if says anything informative about kernel images perhaps it may find.06:38
lsemple2genii: I am on a kanotix live cd right now06:39
lsemple2I wonder if I can do it from this cd06:39
geniiParker1: What does:   lspci | grep Audio                     report please06:39
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:39
geniilsemple2: Since it's debian based, yes06:39
geniiParker1: For 1 line you don't ned pastebin06:40
Parker10000:00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 01)06:40
Parker1I know that genii, I was just preparing for it to be like 8 lines.06:41
geniiParker1: Yes, it's one of those 82801 Intels.06:41
genii!intelhda | parker106:41
ubottuparker1: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto06:41
geniiParker1: Incidentally in bios you should be able to set it ac97 or to hda06:42
=== alencar is now known as absolutspjp
lsemple2genii: my kubuntu is /media/sdc1/boot06:42
Parker1zThat  makes no sense. yes Iknow how to get to BIOS but  you aren't very specific06:43
lsemple2so grub-install --root-directory /media/sdc1/boot06:43
geniilsemple2: grub-install --root-directory=/media/sdc1/boot sdc06:44
lsemple2thank you06:44
geniior /dev/sdc  at end there06:44
lsemple2k will do06:44
lsemple2The file /media/sdc1/boot/boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly.06:45
geniiParker1: Without knowing your motherboard, etc it's somewhat difficult in how to instruct you to go there and alter the settings. I suggest if it's available to look at the manual for the motherboard whic should cover where in what menu to go for the sound settings.06:45
geniilsemple2: Ah, omit the boot part, just /media/sdc1\06:46
geniilsemple2: That sdc is your primary drive seems odd.06:47
matthewmy wireless suddenly doesn't come on when I boot anymore.. and the icon to select a wireless network doesn't appear to be there any more..06:47
matthewHow can I get it back?06:47
lsemple2well not really06:47
lsemple2genii: sda1 is sata 1, sda2 is sata2 sdc1 is my ide primary06:47
lsemple2genii: can you check this out http://pastebin.ca/104353706:48
lsemple2should I remove sda1, sdb1, and sdd1 ???06:48
geniilsemple2: This is relevant to a question I asked earlier. Because in this case then installing grub to sdc likely won't help since mbr is likely on sda06:48
lsemple2hmm well I had kanotix installed no problem06:48
lsemple2mbr was on sdc06:49
geniilsemple2: That output is normal. What OS is on sda if anything?06:50
lsemple2nothing just storage06:50
lsemple2same with sdb106:50
geniilsemple2: Please report result of: fdisk -l | grep sdc06:51
geniisdc1 actually (tired)06:51
lsemple2 /dev/sdc1   *           1        9347    75079746   83  Linux06:52
geniiOK it's marked bootable06:52
genii(the * there)06:52
geniiWhat filesystem, ext2/3?06:52
lsemple2I think grub is incorrectly set up06:54
geniilsemple2: Whats in /media/sdc1/boot/grub ?        Pastebin please06:55
geniiAlso contents of menu.lst there if it exists06:56
lsemple2one sec for the menu.1st06:56
geniilsemple2: Please tell me if result of: blkid | grep sdc1                jives with the UUID in the menu.lst07:00
lsemple2hmm that command doesnt work07:00
lsemple2I think it jives because I ran that grub-install /media/sdc1 /dev/sdc07:01
lsemple2I will try to reboot now07:01
geniilsemple2: Suggest edit then. Copy the kernel line. Comment the kernel line existing now. Put /dev/sdc1 for where it has uuid07:02
lsemple2edit menu.lst ?07:02
geniiSince we cannot know the uuid in there is correct.07:03
geniiBut preserve it for future comparison.07:03
lsemple2so just comment out where it says "kernel", and put /dev/sdc1 there ??07:04
geniilsemple2: I'll hang long enough for you to either boot to it or fail boot and return on some livecd.07:04
genii1 minute07:04
geniiThis line: kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic root=UUID=520d8134-375d-4315-81dd-86c673136b0a ro quiet splash07:05
geniishould become: kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic root=/dev/sdc1 ro quiet splash07:05
mr--twhois lsemple07:06
MrLoW_lsemple2: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid should give you the right uuid ... at least on a debian box07:06
lsemple2ahh thats my other computer07:06
lsemple2its running winblows with mirc cause I was stuck07:07
lsemple2I use it for games only07:07
geniilsemple2: It's late here (2AM) and I require sleep. Please check if this operation is successful or not so that I can be coherent for work in 6 hours :)07:07
lsemple2I did exactly what you said07:07
lsemple2changed that line07:07
geniiOK, so acid test of the reboot07:08
lsemple2copied and pasted it for reference07:08
lsemple2I will reboot07:08
geniiIf no-go on the reboot then come agin here on livecd and report in07:08
lsempleok that machine is rebooting07:09
lsempleone sec07:09
lsemplenow I get this error07:10
* genii tries to stay awake07:10
geniilsemple: New error like 17 or so?07:10
lsemplekernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic root=UUID=/dev/sdc1 ro quiet splah07:10
lsempleError 15: file not found07:10
lsemplethats exactly what it sais07:11
geniilsemple: Ah, should be: kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic root=/dev/sdc1 ro quiet splash                 and not what you had07:11
lsempleI see07:11
lsempletake out =UUID07:11
geniiYes and add an s into splash07:11
lsemplethank you so much for helping me tonight07:12
lsempleI was up last night same thing07:12
* mr--t still can't do a whois07:12
geniilsemple: I'm not good for much longer though07:12
lsemplesomeone was keeping me awake though trying to fix my sound card07:12
geniimr--t:  /whois name07:12
lsempletill 2:3007:12
mr--twhois genii07:13
geniimr--t: Put the slash there07:13
lsemplejust loading the live cd to edit that line again07:13
lsemple2-3 mor minz07:13
genii/whois genii            <- eg07:14
mr--ti do that but get no responce07:14
geniilsemple: OK07:14
MrLoW__what client are you using mr--t07:14
mr--ti also can right click on a name and selet info but i get no responce ther either07:15
geniiPerhaps you're not registered07:15
MrLoW__should work mr--t but i havn't kopete installed (irssi user)07:16
genii<- konversation07:16
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.07:16
simihi, we habe a bot here, can someone knok it out?07:16
geniimr--t: You can't private-message someone for instance if you're not registered. Maybe whois is same07:17
lsempleok you might as well go to bed07:17
lsempleI cant load a live cd for some dumb ass reason07:17
geniilsemple: I'll be back online in about 7 hours, for a period of 8 hours.07:17
geniiIf no relief by then.07:17
simihi, we HAVE a bot here, can someone knok it out?an administrator or something07:18
lsemplethank you again07:18
lsempleif something goes wrong I will talk to you tomorrow07:18
lsempleappreciate it07:18
geniisimi: Which bot?07:18
lsemplehmm now its loading07:18
lsemplek 2 minutes I will retest grub07:19
geniilsemple: Guess I'll wait that long07:19
mr--ti'm going try tomorrow too gnite genii07:20
simigenii: he poped me with comercials imeditaly i entered here, morbid ones07:20
lsemplek one sec07:20
geniisimi: Might want to mention in #ubuntu-ops if they're harassing you07:20
lsemplerebooting now07:20
geniisimi: I'm not an op here07:20
ds187identify mordor18707:20
lsemplecrossing my fingures07:20
lsemplesame error07:21
lsemplethis is the error07:21
lsemplekernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic root=/dev/sdc1 ro quiet splash07:21
lsempleError 15: file not found07:21
geniilsemple: Getting somewhere.07:22
MrLoW__lsemple2: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid should give you the right uuid ... at least on a debian box07:22
geniilsemple: I'm outta juice though07:22
lsempleno prob07:22
lsempleI can ask in #linux07:23
geniiMrLoW__: Feel up to continuing?07:23
lsemplegood night07:23
ubottuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)07:23
lsemplethanks again07:23
geniiHi Hobbsee. And goodnight :)07:23
Hobbseeheya.  goodnight :)07:23
geniilsemple: Hope it gets resolved07:23
lsemple2MrLoW_: you there ??07:26
MrLoW__sorry yes lsemple207:26
lsemple2hey no probs07:26
lsemple2k I have kubuntu installed to /dev/sdc1 but I can't seem to get grub to load07:27
MrLoW__yes i know try the ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid command07:27
lsemple2MrLoW__: there07:31
lsemple2my kid was cryin07:31
MrLoW__dont worry lsemple2 my internet is verry slow ... might take some time till i answer but i am here :)07:31
lsemplek no prob07:32
MrLoW__you /boot/grub/ is on sda1 right?07:32
kalorin`so go figure, there's a huge bug in all the ipw2200 modules07:33
lsemple2hmm one sec I will check07:33
kalorin`so basically if you have a centrino with that chipset for your wireless (among others) good luck making it work07:33
kalorin`how nice07:33
kalorin`straight back to winderz07:33
MrLoW__lsemple2: sdc1 should be the drive with /boot/grub/07:35
simihi want to connect to a motorola phone with a usb cable , i set the phone to be seen as a removable disk but nothing happens in my kubuntu hardy when i lug it in. I tested in xp and it works so the phone is corect configured,07:36
MrLoW__so nano your /boot/grub/menu.lst and put UUID=520d8134-375d-4315-81dd-86c673136b0a in  -> ../../sdc1 paste it befor you reboot please07:36
lsemple2MrLoW__: ??07:39
lsemple2ahh nano is an editor07:40
MrLoW__lsemple2: this is important ... grub will check for the UUID in order to find the boot .iso ... if isn't there you07:41
MrLoW__get the error07:41
lsemple2ok one sec07:41
MrLoW__that UUID is the same as you had in the begining ... so please check if sdc1 is the right drive07:42
ubottuFactoid grup not found07:42
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:42
lsemple2ok one more sec07:44
lsemple2sorry my kid is crying07:44
MrLoW__:) np07:45
lsemple2#kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic root=UUID=520d8134-375d-4315-81dd-86c673136b0a ro quiet splash07:45
lsemple2kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic root=UUID=520d8134-375d-4315-81dd-86c673136b0a ro quiet splash07:45
MrLoW__check again with df /boot  that should check where grub is installed07:45
lsemple2like that ?07:45
lsemple2its the same as the commented out one07:45
MrLoW__give me df /boot please07:46
brentwots that07:47
lsemple2default boot is /dev/sdc07:47
brenti dont know what that is07:47
lsemple2kanotix@Kanotix:~$ df /boot07:48
lsemple2Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on07:48
lsemple2/dev/loop0              710336    710336         0 100% /KANOTIX07:48
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:48
lsemple2MrLoW__: there07:48
MrLoW__ok you are on the live cd sorry forgot that07:48
lsemple2I changed that line so now its: kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic root=UUID=520d8134-375d-4315-81dd-86c673136b0a ro quiet splash07:49
MrLoW__ok you are back on your original /boot/grub/menu.lst file ... befor you reboot ...07:50
brenthow do i use konversation?07:50
Kubunterobrent: You are07:50
lsemple2MrLoW__: well its /media/sdc1/boot/grub/menu.lst07:51
usamahashimiHello everyone!07:51
KubunteroHI again brent07:51
brentso how do i use it agen?07:51
usamahashimican anyone tell me that what packages should i install before installing Google-Gagedts?07:51
brentim kinda stuck07:52
brentcan sum1 help me?07:52
lsemple2MrLoW__: do you want me to pastebin my menu.lst ?07:52
brenti dont get this thing07:52
MrLoW__write that down ... if you get the error again ... press c to get to the comand line ... and write grub, find /boot/grub/stage1, root (hd1,??) <--- output from find,setup (hd1,??), and quit that rewrites your grub ... lsemple207:53
lsemple2sounds good07:54
lsemple2so I will do the following07:54
lsemple2find /boot/grub/stage107:54
lsemple2root (hd1, ??)07:54
lsemple2setup (hd1, ??)07:55
MrLoW__yes and lsemple2 delete the lines 3 -6 on your menu.lst they are double07:56
lsemple2MrLoW__: you mean the Kernel lines07:56
brenti need sum help07:56
Kubunterobrent: sure ask07:57
Kubunterowhat do you need help with07:57
brentdoes this work like msn?07:57
brentlike do i use it 2 chat with mi friends07:57
Kubunterobrent: no07:57
Kubunterobrent: That's Kopete07:57
brentwots it for then?07:57
KubunteroTo come here and ask for help07:57
usamahashimican anyone help me about google-gadgets dependiencies in kubuntu 8.04?07:57
Jucatobrent: this is for IRC07:57
brentso should i download that then?07:57
Kubunteroif you have a problem with anything in Kubuntu open konversation and ask fr help07:58
KubunteroWe will guide you and help solve problems07:58
Jucatobrent: Kopete is installed by default. that lets you use MSN, Yahoo, AIM, ICQ, etc07:58
brentoh ok. i get it now. thanx heaps for your help07:58
Kubunterobrent: If you are on Kubuntu it's already installed07:58
Kubunterobrent: press alt+space07:58
Kubunterotype kopete07:58
Kubunteropress enter07:58
lsemple2MrLoW__: Im sorry did you want me to remove the #kernel line from menu.lst ??07:58
brentwhat was the meaning of that?07:59
lsemple2I dont see the duplicate you are talking about07:59
sensaeWhere does Katapult read it's information from? It lists Kooka even though I uninstalled it08:02
matthewanybody know how to get my icon back to connect to wireless networks?08:03
Jucatosensae: the Application Catalog reads from the K Menu, but isn't updated automatically08:03
matthewi cannot work at coffee shops anymore.. wireless just stopped working out of the blue..08:04
matthewicon disappeared08:04
sensaeJucato: I removed it a few hours ago - I may have even rebooted. I'll just try again later08:04
Jucatosensae: do this. Alt+Space, Ctrl+C, Configure Katapult, click OK08:04
sensaeJucato: Thanks, that fixed it08:05
lsempleMrLoW__you there08:08
lsempleI didnt change the menu.lst duplicate problem as there was none08:08
lsemplebut I did those grub commands like you said08:08
lsempleand I still get the problem08:08
lsemplebtw: quit is not a command and I dont know how to quit I just reboot08:08
Kubunterolsemple: hmm?08:12
sensaeHow can I make a launcher in the K menu default to launching as root?08:13
dolfisn't it sudo shutdown now           ?08:13
dolfshutdown and then the time08:13
Kubunterosensae: run as another user?08:14
lsempleMrLoW__you there ??08:14
Kubunteroor ksudo it08:14
sensaeKubuntero: Thanks, though it looks like I don't need to. Hm08:14
sensaeFor some reason QtParted can write a new partition table even when it's not ran as root?08:14
lsempleanyone want to help me with a grub issue ?08:15
lsempleI installed kubuntu to sdc108:15
lsemplebut grub is not working properly08:15
=== Web-Kanotix793 is now known as lsemple2
lsemple2anyone ??08:16
sensaeI'm not terribly good with Grub, but can you pastebin your menu.lst?08:17
sensaeAnd what's it doing?08:17
Kubunterolsemple: what is it doing?08:17
lsemple2yes no prob08:17
sensaeOkay someone explain this to me08:17
sensaeWhy does my newly formatted ext3 drive have 10 gigs in use?08:18
Kubunterothis: part of speech connector08:18
sensaeVery funny.08:18
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eagles0513875i gots a vry funny issue i just logged in and adept notifier popsup as a window on teh desktop and it just doesnt want to close08:18
lsemple2when I turn on the computer grub sais "error 15: file not found08:19
lsemple2so, I am guessing it doesnt know where the hd is (it is sdc1)08:19
Jucatolsemple2: when you ran find /boot/grub/stage1 earlier, what did it give you? and did you enter that in the root (hdX,X) command you were supposed to enter?08:20
lsemple2I did those08:20
lsemple2quit didnt work though so I rebooted08:20
Jucatothat was the result of find /boot/grub/stage1?08:20
Jucatohm.. but you say Kubuntu is on sdc1?08:21
Jucatodid you put /boot in a different partition?08:21
lsemple2I will check all my partitions08:21
eagles0513875lsemple2: to find out run sudo fdisk -l08:21
Rozza5How would i make kubuntu view my External monitor on a laptop,08:22
Jucatolsemple2: did you put /boot in a separate partition?08:22
eagles0513875Jucato: sorry to butt in there when too many people start helping ends up causing confusion08:22
lsemple2its on /media/sdc1 just checked08:22
eagles0513875lsemple2: pastebin the fdisk -l for us please08:23
cqhello, i just uninstalled compiz, now I have no window manager... any idea what I need to reinstall?08:23
Rozza5no one helps, cq, save your breath .-.08:23
cqI just want the standard no frills KDE WM back.08:23
Jucatolsemple2: then "find /boot/grub/stage1" should be giving hd2,0... unless you have another Linux installation in hda108:23
eagles0513875!patience | Rozza5 cq08:23
ubottuRozza5 cq: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:23
JucatoRozza5: excuse me?08:23
cqrozza5 hm, last few times I was here I got help...08:23
Jucatothat is just plain insulting08:23
eagles0513875i agree08:23
eagles0513875good riddence08:24
Kubunterocq: run kwin --replace08:24
lsemple2Kubuntero: me ?08:24
Jucatolsemple2: what is in sda1?08:24
Jucatolsemple2: he was addresssing cq08:24
eagles0513875lsemple2: hes talking to cq08:25
lsemple2definately no /boot on sda108:25
sooflsemple2: sorry no internet down ...08:25
=== soof is now known as MrLow
MrLowlsemple2: no luck jet08:25
lsemple2MrLow: your back08:25
lsemple2did those commands like you said in grub08:26
lsemple2command line08:26
cqKubuntero: hm, i can't type in any window because it doesn't get the focus... can't do it from teh command line (ctrl-alt-f2) either becasue no connection to X server08:26
MrLowok please paste sudo fdisk -l08:26
Jucatolsemple2: I suggest entering "root (hd2,0)" despite what find /boot/grub/stage1 says08:26
Kubunterocq: right no alt+f2 either08:26
JucatoMrLow: http://pastebin.ca/104358508:26
Kubunterocq: No mouse?08:26
clau30hi. in adept, what does the kubuntu logo in front of some packages mean?08:26
lsemple2ok I will try that08:26
JucatoMrLow: that's his fdisk -l output08:27
cqmouose yes, clicks on buttons no problems, jsut no keyboard input even though focus is somettimes there (as with alt-f2)08:27
lsemple2(hd2,0) = sdc1 ?08:27
Jucatohd0,0 = hda1/sda108:27
eagles0513875Jucato: would give anything to ban him after that08:27
lsemple2let me reboot and try08:27
MrLowand ls -al /boot lsemple208:27
Jucatoeagles0513875: well... we'll see08:27
lsemple2Im on the live cd again MrLow08:28
eagles0513875Jucato: lol08:28
MrLowand ls -al media/sdc1/boot lsemple208:29
Kubunterocq: can you alt+tab ?08:30
cqi can copy paste in a command window,08:30
* SaraSmith smiles08:30
SaraSmithmy husband's computer is running :)08:30
cqtrying to create a shell script and execute it via copy paste commands08:30
Jazmanhow do u install a package u have d/loaded on your hardrive other than sudo apt08:30
lsemple2result of that command : http://pastebin.ca/104359408:31
eagles0513875SaraSmith: the suspense is killin me out with it already08:31
SaraSmithtyping kdm at the root prompt did not start the gui08:31
eagles0513875SaraSmith: try startx08:31
SaraSmithkewl there it goes :)08:31
eagles0513875didnt have an x server08:31
lsemple2Jucato: that command MrLow told me is outputted here http://pastebin.ca/104359408:31
JucatoJazman:  if it's a .deb package, you can just click on it and it should start gdebi, the GUI installer08:31
KubunteroSaraSmith: it's /etc/init.d/kdm start08:31
Jazmanno its a tarbell08:32
Jazmannot deb08:32
Kubunteroyou mean ball08:32
Jazmandeb packages are easy08:32
lsemple2I think I will just restart and try doing (hd2,0)08:32
SaraSmithfatal server error , no screens found08:32
cqKubuntero: okk, that worked, now I just have some of the toolbar icons sitting somewhere else on teh desktop instead of bottom right inteh toolbar08:32
eagles0513875SaraSmith: what happened is it working08:32
Kubunterocq: If you can't type how do you make a script?08:32
Jazmani exttract em then im  lost at what to do08:32
eagles0513875O_o try /etc/init.d/kdm start08:32
Jazmana couple progs sudo apt worked08:33
lsemple2Jucato: you there ?08:33
cqfrom a console window, ctrl-alt-f2 and move it ti /usr/bin so it's in the $path08:33
Jazmanim still a windows user being using linux for about month with xpo08:33
SaraSmitheagles0513875 my friend eagle`s said cold reboot, trying that08:34
eagles0513875SaraSmith: O_o try /etc/init.d/kdm start08:34
SaraSmithok when it comes up08:34
eagles0513875SaraSmith: you on 2 comps08:34
lsempleI am in the grub command line thingy right now08:35
eagles0513875SaraSmith: sudo init 6 to reboot lol08:35
lsempleJucato: I do setup (hd2,0) I get "checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists... no"08:35
lsempleI do find /boot/grub/stage1 I get (hd0,0)08:36
lsemplejussi01: you there ??08:36
jussi01lsemple: jes?08:37
Kubunterocq: Ha ha08:37
Jucatoeagles0513875: you need  sudo for that08:37
Kubunterocq: So what's up now?08:37
eagles0513875Jucato: ya08:37
cqKubuntero: i have a window manager, but the mixer and stickynotes end up on the desktop instead of in teh toolbar08:37
ubuntu_I've installed KDE 4.1 beta 1 on Ubuntu but I'm having problems... Plasma wont start, I just get a black screen and the mouse08:37
Jazmanaslo how do i print labels or text with ny cannon printer a s i have a prog in win cal cd label print that does that08:37
cqKubuntero: just rebooting to see if it fixes anything08:37
SaraSmitheagles0513875 i did the command but it does not seem to have started the gui.. it's the same drive new computer dif monitor08:38
lsempleJucato: nothing is working08:38
eagles0513875SaraSmith: did you do an upgrade from gutsy to hardy08:38
lsempleahh well08:38
lsempleI will try tomorrow08:38
eagles0513875Jucato: any idea as to how i can get rid of adept notifier its like a mini box floating on my desktop08:38
SaraSmitheagles0513875 i'm not that stupid ;)08:39
Jucatoeagles0513875: close it, and just run it again08:39
cqKubuntero: ok, good enough for now, but kmix isn't in teh toolbar...08:39
Pennycookeagles0513875: killall adept_notifier08:39
eagles0513875Jucato: i cant close it its not in my bottom task bar08:39
Jucatoeagles0513875: right-click -> Quit?08:39
eagles0513875Jucato: tried that wont close08:40
cqKubuntero: ok, now everything is docking again properly, thanks08:40
Jucatotry Pennycook's command then08:40
eagles0513875Pennycook: cannot find the pid for it using top its not showing up08:40
eagles0513875its wanting the pid before it kills it08:40
Jucatoeagles0513875: killall doesn't need PID08:40
Jucatokill does, not killall08:40
eagles0513875gotcha i was afraid that it would kill all my processes lol08:41
cqwhen is kde4.1 scheduled to be out of beta, any ideas?08:41
Jucatoend of July08:41
cqI'm not in the mood for 4.0 ...08:41
cqok, thanks, i can wait that long...08:41
cqthanks for the help, i'm off...08:42
SaraSmitheagles0513875 the new computer has onboard video vs the card he had.. might the drive need to be told that?08:43
ubuntu_Anyone else had a problem with plasma not starting ?\08:43
Jucatoubuntu_: #kubuntu-kde4 please08:43
ubuntu_ah kk ty08:43
eagles0513875SaraSmith: im guessing its an intel chipset08:45
SaraSmitheagles0513875 amd athlon08:46
SaraSmitheagles0513875 4050e08:46
eagles0513875have u checked in teh restricted drivers app08:47
eagles0513875i mean in hardware drivers manager08:47
SaraSmitheagles0513875 it's first startup..haven't done anything yet but it would be nice if it had the gui08:47
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eagles0513875SaraSmith: gotcha how old is the machine08:48
SaraSmitheagles0513875 ok how?08:48
SaraSmithfresh out of the boxes08:48
SaraSmithbuilt it08:48
eagles0513875that might be the problem08:48
eagles0513875cuz i have a simliar issue my laptop which i got back in december wouldnt work correctly and i would endup withoutx08:49
eagles0513875i have yet to try it again since they released hardy it could eb that your hardware is just too new08:49
eagles0513875SaraSmith: during bootup have you disabled acpi and dma08:49
SaraSmithi didn't08:49
SaraSmithit's gutsy08:50
eagles0513875SaraSmith: try that and see if it helps at all08:50
SaraSmithok where how?08:50
PennycookSaraSmith: You say it's the same drive (I'm guessing same install) but with new a new graphics card etc, right?08:50
SaraSmithhas onboard gui.. something we don't know what.. killed the video on the old box08:50
SaraSmithso now this is new.. and video is again not working08:51
eagles0513875Pennycook: what r the odds that the hardware is just too new08:51
Pennycookeagles0513875: If their video broke before, I doubt it.08:51
eagles0513875cuz i have a similar issue with hardy and no x08:52
eagles0513875and this is on a laptop i got back in december08:52
PennycookSaraSmith: Could possibly be a problem with your xorg.conf I suppose.  Running "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" will update it08:52
SaraSmithhardy is umm broken in some respects08:52
eagles0513875SaraSmith: when booting hit ctrl+alt+f1 and see if u get a pnp bios bug08:52
eagles0513875cuz thats what i used to get when i had tried hardy08:52
SaraSmithok Pennycook i'll try08:52
SaraSmithPennycook it's not waiting for the password, it goes back to the prompt08:55
SaraSmithi typed the pass and it was saying my login was incorrect/08:55
PennycookSaraSmith: If you've entered your sudo password correctly recently, it might not ask you for it.  As for not knowing the sudo password, I can't help there.08:56
eagles0513875SaraSmith: check in teh little dropdown list that u have kde selected as what u want to log into08:56
SaraSmithi know the pass.. just it didn't let me type it before returning to the prompt08:56
SaraSmitheagles0513875 we have *no* gui08:57
SaraSmithok Pennycook it says it overwrote and saved08:58
SaraSmithwhat next?08:58
* SaraSmith smiles08:58
PennycookWhat happens if you type "startkde"09:00
SaraSmithPennycook it says "unable to open display" said a lot of other stuff too09:02
SaraSmithdone .. 5 prompts09:02
PennycookOkay, what about if you run startx and then run startkde?09:03
ubottuOn IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password>09:03
=== eagles05 is now known as eagles0513875
eagles0513875bah y does that always happen to me09:03
SaraSmithPennycook fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server09:04
KubunteroJucato: night09:05
SaraSmithafter 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining09:05
SaraSmithsleep well09:05
SaraSmiththat was to startx09:05
=== mike is now known as ekoka
KubunteroSaraSmith: thanks for the clarification :)09:06
PennycookWhat does it say if you "cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager"?09:06
=== mike is now known as ekoka
SaraSmithPennycook /usr/bin/kdm09:08
eagles0513875SaraSmith: any useful info in dmesg09:10
SaraSmithi have no idea what 'useful' would be09:13
SaraSmitheagles0513875 a lot of stuff there09:13
PennycookI'm out of ideas, unless you fancy reinstalling X.09:13
eagles0513875try dmesg | grep X1109:13
eagles0513875SaraSmith: grep Xorg09:14
SaraSmithno X1109:14
eagles0513875its xorg09:15
SaraSmithno and no09:15
eagles0513875the in var/logs look in xorg or x11 folder there has to be something in there to help us troubleshoot this09:16
SaraSmitheagles0513875 tell me what to type?09:16
eagles0513875cd /var/logs09:16
eagles0513875and then there should be an xorg log09:17
SaraSmitheagles0513875 you will like this: cd var/logs no such file or directory09:17
cpk1SaraSmith: do cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:18
eagles0513875SaraSmith: somehow thats one really messed up installation09:18
eagles0513875try what cpk1 said09:18
PennycookSaraSmith: Just to clarify, is this a fresh install of Kubuntu with the new hardware?  Or is this an old installation that you've just connected to new hardware?09:18
cpk1then on the left side there will be lots of (II) and (**) if there are (EE) that is important information09:18
SaraSmithcpk1 no such file or directory09:19
eagles0513875cd /var/logs09:20
cpk1SaraSmith: are you including the / in front of var?09:20
SaraSmithcpk i did yes09:20
eagles0513875if this is a new install is it possible for x not to have been installed09:21
SaraSmitheagles0513875 this is his old drive, new board, psu, chip09:21
SaraSmithand no we didn't change the os09:21
cpk1SaraSmith: ok, well hrmm... i take it you cant pastebin since you dont have X?09:21
eagles0513875SaraSmith: thats the problem if the hardware has changed ur goign to need to do a clean install unless u set that old drive as a 2ndary drive09:21
level1hi, is there an alternative to scim for japanese input?09:21
SaraSmithcpk1 i don't really think it's possible09:21
eagles0513875SaraSmith: you on a windows machine09:22
PennycookSaraSmith: So an old installation?  It's possible you've got the wrong graphics drivers loaded; open up /etc/X11/xorg.conf and see what it says under "Driver" in the "Device" section09:22
cpk1SaraSmith: if you do "ls /var/log/" do you see anything with Xorg or X11?09:22
SaraSmitheagles0513875 i'm on hubby's vista laptop09:22
cpk1you dont need a clean install from changing hardware09:22
level1every time I use scim, after I use it for about an hour, it suddenly becomes unusable, not accepting any keyboard input.  The only fix is to log out and log back in09:22
eagles0513875SaraSmith: if u install putty and ssh and ull be able to access the machine from that laptop09:23
eagles0513875that way u can pastbin if needed09:23
steven_Question: sudo apt-get install anything <> Reading package lists... Done <> Building dependency tree  <> Reading state information... Done <> E: The package panda-security needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. (How can I manually remove Panda-Security or fix the problem???)09:23
eagles0513875steven_: run an apt-cache search and type in panda-security09:24
eagles0513875steven_: that way you can verify exactly what the name is of that package that is in the repo09:24
SaraSmithPennycook cd /etc/X11/xorg.conf no such file or directory09:24
steven_sudo apt-cache search panda-security panda-security - Panda Security for Linux09:25
PennycookSaraSmith: You don't want to cd into the file; just sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:25
cpk1SaraSmith: you cant cd to a file09:25
eagles0513875SaraSmith: random question but are you sure your hubby didnt install the server version09:25
bladeI am getting a error whenever i try to update my system or run add/remove programs. The error is as follows "E:Problem parsing dependency Depends, E:Error occurred while processing jigdo (NewVersion1), E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hardy_universe_binary-i386_Packages, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened." any idea what to do?09:25
SaraSmithoh ok09:25
eagles0513875!aptfix | blade09:25
ubottublade: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »09:25
SaraSmitheagles0513875 it *worked* 2 hours ago with the other box09:25
eagles0513875SaraSmith: ok just a random thought09:26
SaraSmithPennycook cool i'm in it :)09:27
steven_<eagles0513875> sudo apt-cache search panda-security09:27
steven_panda-security - Panda Security for Linux09:27
steven_What might I be looking for eagles?09:27
eagles0513875steven_: if that comes up that is the name of the pkg u have to use when using sudo apt-get install09:27
PennycookSaraSmith: Okay, scroll down and look for Section "Device" and look for the "Driver" line.09:27
ubottuFactoid panda-security not found09:28
eagles0513875!info panda-security09:28
ubottuPackage panda-security does not exist in hardy09:28
eagles0513875steven_: u on gutsy09:28
steven_Thats my problem..09:28
steven_I'm actually running Linux Mint09:28
steven_A build off Ubuntu09:28
bladeubottu: nothing happened...except that the icon in the tray that usually means i have updates available, turned from red to grey...09:28
ubottublade: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:28
eagles0513875steven_: this is strictly kubuntu support09:29
eagles0513875steven_: let me see if they have their own irc channel09:29
steven_They do..09:29
steven_They are asleep09:29
cpk1so why arent you in the mint channel? you need to find the repo that you got panda from and add it back to your repo list09:29
eagles0513875steven_: thats where u wanna be though09:29
steven_The panda package isn't directly related to the Mint distribution..09:29
steven_Its simply a bad uninstall of it..09:29
eagles0513875i cant help u there09:30
eagles0513875steven_: did u install it from source09:30
cpk1or you could try finding a .deb and reinstalling it from that09:30
cpk1no, he didnt otherwise apt wouldnt care09:30
steven_I wondered how I might be able to remove it, manually or some how rid the system of thinking panda-security package is still installed.09:30
SaraSmithPennycook it says it's an nvidia card .. that would be old09:30
steven_I downloaded the .deb package from panda's website. Installed and found some problems and ran a uninstall on it.09:30
cpk1aptitude *might* have a way of marking as uninstalled, you would have to read the documentation09:31
PennycookSaraSmith: Right, change the identifier to "Configured Video Device", the Driver to "vesa" and remove anything else.09:31
steven_eagles0513875: I downloaded the .deb package from panda's website. Installed and found some problems and ran a uninstall on it.09:33
PennycookSaraSmith: Just realised I should have said "from within the 'Device' section; don't remove the rest of the file.09:33
SaraSmithheh i am stuck at adding the "vesa" .. won't let me type the final quote09:34
eagles0513875steven_: is there a panda irc chat channel09:34
SaraSmithPennycook you did want me to remove the other line before Endsection09:35
OldTokereagles0513875, he's running an *buntu flavor..09:35
OldTokerjust can't figure out how to get a stuck package out09:35
SaraSmithPennycook it's not actually vim.. tricks for getting that quote in?09:35
PennycookThe "Option" line?  Yeah.  As for why you can't add the ", no idea.  What do you mean by it's not actually vim?09:36
OldTokereagles0513875, it's corrupted..09:36
llutzsteven_: sudo dpkg -P panda-security && sudo apt-get -f install09:37
SaraSmithplain computers come with a vi that isn't vim.. it does weird awful things09:37
OldTokerthanks llutz :)09:37
=== Nooob is now known as IHateLinux
=== IHateLinux is now known as Tuxsux
steven_llutz: sudo dpkg -P panda-security09:38
steven_dpkg: error processing panda-security (--purge):09:38
steven_ Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should09:38
steven_ reinstall it before attempting a removal.09:38
steven_Errors were encountered while processing:09:38
steven_ panda-security09:38
PennycookSaraSmith: sudo apt-get install vim ?09:38
OldTokerhey Tuxsux if Linux Sux so badly.. then head on back to Winblows.. and have your hand held.. where you don't have to excorcise your brain.09:38
=== Tuxsux is now known as LinuxSux368ping
OldTokersteven_, I pasted you the line in yahoo09:39
SaraSmithPennycook yeah ill try that09:39
steven_OldToker: sudo dpkg -P panda-security && sudo apt-get -f install09:39
steven_dpkg: error processing panda-security (--purge):09:39
steven_ Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should09:39
steven_ reinstall it before attempting a removal.09:39
steven_Errors were encountered while processing:09:39
steven_ panda-security09:39
LinuxSux368pingIs sad.09:39
steven_Same issue either way..09:39
llutzsteven_: sudo dpkg --configure -a ; sudo apt-get -f install09:39
steven_llutz: sudo dpkg --configure -a ; sudo apt-get -f install09:40
steven_Reading package lists... Done09:40
steven_Building dependency tree09:40
steven_Reading state information... Done09:40
steven_E: The package panda-security needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.09:40
Pennycook!pastebin | steven_09:40
ubottusteven_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:40
SaraSmithPennycook i dunno about this.. it can09:40
SaraSmitht find the archives09:40
PennycookSaraSmith: Is it connected to the internet?09:40
LinuxSux368pingQuestion: How many people can honestly say they can live without windows, and if so, do so only to prove a point.09:41
llutzsteven_: if all that won't work, get that -deb again from panda(?) , install it and remove/purge it then09:41
HollowPointI live without windows at home, and not to prove a point, I live without it because I prefer Linux, not because I hate Windows, but because I prefer Linux. /End09:41
LinuxSux368pingSound like my da -_-09:42
steven_llutz: I tried reinstalling the packaged but it keeps telling me that its corrupt.. tried multiple downloads too09:42
=== moira is now known as qxw
HollowPointwell if you're 7 years old I could quite easily be09:42
LinuxSux368pingHaha, unfortunately not HollowPoint.09:43
=== qxw is now known as akallabeth
HollowPointwas gunna say with a name like LinuxSux you can't be much older than 20 with a mental age of below 15 lol, every operating system has it's place mate, Windows is actually a very good operating system (XP that is, Vista is just crap!) as is OSX very good for it's purpose, it's purely down to personal preference with each OS09:44
eagles0513875im 21 been using linux for bout 7 8 yrs09:44
steven_llutz: Thank you for your help.09:44
steven_eagles0513875: Thank you for your help too.09:44
HollowPointyou started young eagles051387509:44
eagles0513875steven_: no problem09:44
eagles0513875HollowPoint: yep but lets take this to kubuntu-offtopic09:45
llutz!ot  OS-bashing sucks09:45
ubottullutz: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:45
ubottuFactoid os not found09:45
ubottuFactoid bashing not found09:45
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!09:45
HollowPointnah I'm done defending Linux today lol on with the errors and help topics please09:45
LinuxSux368pingHollowPoint, it is merely a shallow comment, Linux has many benefits. But for now, it is lacking in reliablility of many of the individual peices of software, just due to lack of money.09:45
eagles0513875!ot LinuxSux368ping09:46
ubottueagles0513875: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:46
eagles0513875!ot | LinuxSux368ping09:46
ubottuLinuxSux368ping: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!09:46
JucatoLinuxSux368ping: is there something Kubuntu specific that you need help with?09:47
HollowPointguess not09:47
eagles0513875whats up with all the jerks showing up today09:47
eagles0513875HollowPoint: to answer ur question i started my freshman yr in high school with suse 9.0 professional09:48
SaraSmithok it has internet..09:48
eagles0513875llutz: at 1050am09:48
HollowPointtell me about it, had a nightmare at work today over defending linux to complete morons, don't know why I bothered.09:48
eagles0513875SaraSmith: u have x now09:48
Jucatobring'em on. I'm in the mood to kick like there's no tomorrow09:48
PennycookSaraSmith: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install vim09:48
eagles0513875the best was this guy who came in saying nobody helps09:48
SaraSmithum eagles0513875 Pennycook it does not have a gui.. hence i doubt it has X running09:50
eagles0513875SaraSmith: gotcha09:50
PennycookSaraSmith: I know, I'm still trying to get you to the point that you have X running.09:50
HollowPointcool eagles0513875; I'm now going out for a smoke, and since I'm fed up with defending that too, if anyone has a problem with it go say it in the #anti-smoking forum, which I will not be visiting btw.09:50
SaraSmithi get a LOT of09:52
PennycookSaraSmith: If you can't install vim, try using nano instead.09:52
SaraSmithcould not resolve 'us.archive.ubuntu.com'09:52
Jucato(vim(-tiny) is part of a standard install so should be there already)09:53
SaraSmithlt installed vim something.. we can try it09:54
PennycookSaraSmith: Okay, well open up /etc/X11/xorg.conf and do what I said before.10:00
SaraSmithPennycook ive been trying i only know vi.. not emacs or anything10:06
SaraSmithit is NOT working in vi10:07
PennycookSaraSmith: Did you try Jucato's suggestion of vim.tiny /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?10:07
JucatoPennycook: the command is "vim"10:07
Jucato(the package installed by default is vim-tiny)10:08
PennycookJucato: Ah okay.  Was just going by my terminal; apparently I have a vim.tiny command.10:08
* Jucato didn't notice10:08
* jussi01 advocates using nano -much easier imho10:09
* Jucato doesn't advocate anything. was just helping with the technical issue of running/installing vim10:10
* HollowPoint agrees with Jucato on nano :D10:12
SaraSmithok if i use nano somebody tell me how?10:12
HollowPointmeh Jussi01*10:12
Jucatoyou mean jussi0110:12
SaraSmithit won't do vim or vi10:12
HollowPointnano /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:12
jussi01with sudo10:12
HollowPointsudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf indeed10:13
jussi01sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:13
HollowPointI must remember that, I su in at the start of the console session for that very reason, I ALWAYS forget to do sudo lol, if I'm su'd I don't have to remember :D10:13
jussi01HollowPoint: you should use sudo -i not su, but yeah10:14
HollowPointI prefer su10:14
SaraSmithok i'm in nano and it let me change the lines :) do we want to remove the BusID "PCI:2:0:0" ?10:14
HollowPointmost of the time I'm using console I'm using commands that require root access and I'm comfortable enough having root enabled and being permanently in su10:15
PennycookSaraSmith: Removing anything to do with your nvidia card is probably a good idea.10:15
SaraSmithHollowPoint yes, me too but the file is not in root.. Pennycook i think there are two mentions of it10:15
jussi01HollowPoint: seriously, there are good reasons for not using su - use sudo -i it does the same thing only better10:16
PennycookSaraSmith: Clearing the "Device" section should be enough; just keep the "Configured Video Device" and change the driver to vesa.10:16
llutzPennycook / SaraSmith  why not just "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" to reconfigure X?10:16
* jussi01 was about to suggest that10:16
Pennycookllutz: I suggested that, but for some reason it didn't work.10:17
HollowPointjussi01 I'm am I.T. engineer for a living, I don't just hobby with it. I use Kubuntu at home for it's ease and simplicity, I prefer that to extend to being su'd as well.10:17
HollowPointit's just personal preference10:17
HollowPointllutz I'm guessing there are problems that a default xorg.conf won't fix10:17
SaraSmithis ^X to exit and SAVE?10:18
HollowPoint^o to save10:18
HollowPointthen ^x to exit10:18
HollowPoint^x will prompt to save or not, but if you hit the wrong key in a hurry like I sometimes do you lose all changes, safer to ^o ^x10:19
llutz^X asks for saving if something was changed10:19
HollowPointllutz as above mate10:19
SaraSmithcontrol o is showing filename to save, it's not letting me control x10:20
HollowPoint^o then enter10:20
HollowPointthen ^x10:20
SaraSmithwow it really didn't work10:20
HollowPointif you wanted to save as a different file name you would ^o "Change the file name" then hit enter, then ^x10:20
SaraSmithis there an undo it moved things i didn't mean to10:21
HollowPointis there a reason you're not just doing what llutz suggested earlier with sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg?10:21
cpk1my undo is usually exit without saving =P10:21
PennycookHollowPoint: As I said, it doesn't work.  It was the first thing I suggested, for whatever reason it kept her with an nVidia card (even though there isn't one)10:22
SaraSmithHollowPoint it just didn't work10:22
HollowPointwhat card do you have?10:22
SaraSmithit's a new board with onboard video10:22
HollowPointsorry pennycook I hadn't seen you write that, my apologies10:22
HollowPointwhats the onboard video?10:22
SaraSmithand btw in mirc how do i get it to highlight on my nick?10:23
SaraSmithi use xchat10:23
HollowPointSaraSmith what is the onboard video chipset? As for xchat I have no idea, haven't used mirc for a long time.10:24
SaraSmiththe new board is ASUS M3N78-EMH HDMI10:24
eagles0513875SaraSmith: to findout the chipset run lspci10:25
SaraSmithi have the boxes next to me10:25
HollowPointthanks eagles0513875 I was waiting to see if she already knew before telling her to run that :D10:25
eagles0513875HollowPoint: oh:(10:25
eagles0513875my bad10:25
HollowPointSaraSmith, yeah but if you run lspci like eagles0513875 said you'll see a list of your devices, one will be a graphics chipset and should be reasonably obvious which one it is10:25
SaraSmithgetting out of the broken file without saving in nano???10:25
eagles0513875HollowPoint: im guessing since its an amd proc its an ati chipset im guessing10:26
HollowPointSaraSmith do ^X and tell it no you don't want to save10:26
* eagles0513875 back to working on my works website revampage10:26
* eagles0513875 as well as trying to figure out photosho10:26
HollowPointeagles0513875 I have an AMD board with an Nvidia Chipset :D A LOT of them were NF4 and NF510:26
eagles0513875no offense to amd but they sux10:27
eagles0513875im an intel nvidia fan10:27
eagles0513875yet both these laptops of mine r amds10:27
eagles0513875this one that has linux is ati chipset other nvidia chipset10:27
=== leary is now known as Gavindamage
HollowPointeagles0513875 they each have their benefits, intel are far better at mobile processors IMHO than AMD but AMD are far better at desktop and server processors, again IMHO10:28
eagles0513875i honestly have to disagree on the desktop front10:28
HollowPointSaraSmith how are you getting on with exiting nano and running the lspci command?10:28
Gavindamagehi all, do i say in here if i have some problems? or msg someone10:29
SaraSmithi got out and ran it with |less10:29
HollowPointeagles0513875 they run cooler, quieter, use less power (I mean that litterally in kWh) and they have faster hyperthreading speeds. :D10:29
SaraSmithbut everything seems to think it's using nVidia10:29
HollowPointif it says nvidia in lspci then it is nvidia10:29
HollowPointor at least thats the chipset Linux is seing10:29
HollowPointhold on let me research the board model you gave earlier10:30
SaraSmith0:06.0 IDE interface: nVidia Corporation Unkowndevice 0759 (rev a1)10:30
eagles0513875thats not gd10:30
HollowPointit has nvidia 8200 GeForce chipset10:31
HollowPointwhich means you need the latest nvidia drivers10:31
Gavindamagewell. ive installed kubuntu 8.04 on an ibook g4, and having some problems with the display.. i got the 3d acceleration going, but dual head isnt playing nice10:31
SaraSmithsame USB device same IDE interface10:31
SaraSmithGavindamage welcome10:32
SaraSmith8.04 generally has some issues at first10:32
eagles0513875SaraSmith: i beg to differ on older hardware it works fine no problems10:32
Gavindamagemost other things are going sweet,10:33
eagles0513875newer hardware ull run into issues10:33
HollowPointI would suggest the following : run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg, then with the default xorg.conf file back in place do "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg,conf" and find the device section, then edit the driver part which says nvidia to say nv, if it says nv then exit nano and try typing "startx"10:33
Gavindamagei just want to use the ibook to play vids on the tele10:33
Jazmani can i install non deb packages i d/l onto my hard drive10:33
SaraSmithHollowPoint how about we try downloading that replacer, now that it's hooked up to the web?10:34
HollowPointthat should be /etc/X11/xorg.conf btw and not /etc/X11/xorg,conf I've had a long day and can't type lol10:34
HollowPointas in the nvidia driver?10:34
SaraSmithyou suggested and Pennycook said we had tried it.. i bet that was before we remembered to attach the net cable10:34
HollowPointI'd still recommend getting the xorg.conf file back to default first, once you have an X server working you can install the proprietary driver later10:35
SaraSmithok then i'll do that but i don't want to try to edit until something works better10:35
SaraSmithit FOUGHT me10:35
SaraSmithive ssh'd into some pretty weird servers but this was bad10:35
HollowPointlol, I strongly recommend getting the xorg.conf file back to default, then run startx and see if x will start, if it won't then reboot and try startx again, once X is running (Assuming it does that is) you can visit the nvidia site, download the latest nvidia driver in .deb form and install from the GUI10:36
HollowPointSaraSmith did your10:37
SaraSmithi'm typing all that10:38
HollowPoint.... did your X server EVER work? or has it been in console ever since install?10:38
Gavindamagehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/19004/ this is my current xorg.conf that works..10:38
Gavindamageim guessing thats what the pastebin is for>10:38
SaraSmith1. the video died on his OLD box(2) he put the drive etc back into his OLDER box (1) both of them have been working fine until a few hours ago when he put the drive into his new box (3) .. sigh10:39
HollowPointhe? lol10:40
SaraSmithi did not save ANY changes to his xorg conf10:40
SaraSmithHollowPoint my husband can't speak hear or write due to a stroke, he's a retired computer professional, our son is one of the creators of debian and i'm mom.. i'm an artist . i do this cause nobody else is here .. the kid moved to texas10:41
=== ubuntu__ is now known as gflash
HollowPointlmfao I'm speaking to the mother of one of the Debian creators?!?!?!? Wickid, your son would be one of my heros :D10:43
Gavindamagewho do i talk to for some support in here?10:43
HollowPointwhats happening Gavindamage?10:43
PennycookGavindamage: Nobody in particular.  You just ask your question.10:44
Gavindamage my xorg.conf is there10:44
HollowPointGavindamage, I saw that earlier but not sure why we need to look at it?10:44
Gavindamagei got it from somewhere on the ubuntuforums10:44
Gavindamageoh right.10:44
SaraSmithHollowPoint he was the last employee at loiki games and yes.. we love him too10:44
Gavindamagesorry. im trying to get dual head going10:44
Gavindamagewith this ibook10:44
DarkriftXanyone know easiest way to install firefox 3?10:44
HollowPoint:D SaraSmith I run Debian based everything pretty much lol. Kubuntu and Debian systems through and through :D10:44
Gavindamagepretty newbie aye.10:45
HollowPointDarkriftX open the package manager, search for firefox and then select firefox 3.0 to install10:45
DarkriftXi tried apt-get :S10:45
DarkriftXfigured that would work if it was a package10:46
llutzDarkriftX: sudo apt-get install firefox-310:46
DarkriftXahhh, -10:46
HollowPointGavindamage you're using a mac book?10:46
DarkriftXstill nogo10:46
Gavindamagedo i need to just add a section in the xorg.conf for another screen?10:46
DarkriftXilll try search10:46
Gavindamageibook g4 1066mhz10:46
Gavindamageive searched a lot on the topic10:47
HollowPoint:s not sure how to configure an ibook for dual screens Gavin, if no one hear can help google for "mac book linux dual screen"10:47
llutz!info firefox-310:47
ubottuPackage firefox-3 does not exist in hardy10:47
DarkriftXit was -3.010:47
Gavindamageand there was some guy had a site up, with successful xorg.conf files10:47
llutzah, sry10:47
Gavindamagebut all his links were broken10:47
DarkriftXnp, thx10:47
eagles0513875x is acting kida screwy for me10:47
DarkriftXmade me look harder10:47
HollowPointeagles0513875 whats happening?10:48
eagles0513875HollowPoint: its doing what happened before to me with adept notifier creats a desktop box and just sits there cant close it cant nothing unless i use killall10:48
HollowPointGavindamage unfortunately dual screens are still not something Linux does easily, it requires some configuration, I could help with Nvidia and ATi but never had to do it on an ibook10:48
SaraSmithHollowPoint: Fatal server error:10:48
SaraSmithno screens found10:48
SaraSmithXIO: fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0" after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.10:48
HollowPointeagles0513875 I used to get that problem on Feisty, it's dissapeared in Gutsy, which version are you using?10:49
Gavindamageoh woops i shoulda said. they have ati radeon 9200 mobility10:49
Gavindamagechipsets in them10:49
eagles0513875hardy with kernel
HollowPointSaraSmith, reboot if you can, see if X loads, if not then try startx from the console session and see if you get the same error10:49
SaraSmiththis is startx from the console10:49
SaraSmithwe can but try10:49
Gavindamagethis site10:50
HollowPointeagles0513875 sorry I meant Gutsy used to have it and Hardy doesn't have it for me, don't think it's X that is the problem, I think it's adept, try sudo apt-get update10:50
eagles0513875both amaroks seem to be borked for me now10:50
Gavindamagethought id found the holy grail, then the links were broken! gutted10:50
HollowPointthere is a special command to update the adept installer and it's associated packages but I can't remember what it is...... anyone else ?10:50
eagles0513875cpp g++ gcc have updates available10:51
HollowPointSaraSmith, I know what you mean but I've found previously that occassionally after re-configuring xorg.conf the system won't load the X server until I've rebooted :s10:51
Gavindamageoh well. while im here i might aswell ask about flash. im sure i installed gnash but flash wont work in my firefox10:52
SaraSmithHollowPoint same error10:52
haryonokubuntu indonesia jakarta how to get there?10:53
SaraSmithglaring at it not having any effect.. Zeph used to SCARE them10:53
HollowPointyou'll need to search for mozilla in the package manager Gavindamage, then you'll see a package which describes itself as flash package for mozilla-firefox, I warn you flash is flakey in Firefox 310:53
SaraSmithin *hardy* flash is finally working in my firefox on my box.. only the sound is still broken since my upgrade to hardy.l10:54
haryonowhy my screen got blur all the font unclear?10:54
HollowPointSaraSmith, not good, if you type "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and look at the device section which driver is it trying to use?10:54
haryonohow to join irc jakarta indonesia chat room?10:55
HollowPointharyono you may not be using the correct graphics driver. Has this just happened after it was working or is this after a fresh install?10:55
Gavindamagewhen i follow the install missing plugins10:55
Gavindamageit doesnt find anything10:55
Gavindamageto install10:55
haryonojust happen it was good10:55
HollowPointyeah flash needs to be installed manually Gavindamage10:55
eagles0513875!it | elsinore10:55
ubottuelsinore: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:55
Gavindamagethats the thing im sure i did it.10:56
SaraSmithSection "Device" (newline) Identifier "nVidia Corporation NVIDIA Default Card" (newline) Driver "nv" (newline) BusID "PCI:2:0:0"10:56
Gavindamagei followed that thing10:56
HollowPointopen up your package manager and check that the flash package for firefox is installed and more importantly for the one you have10:56
Gavindamageand did all that.10:56
cpk1haryono:  #ubuntu-id i think10:56
HollowPointSaraSmith looks like we'll need to install the latest drivers, bare with me please10:56
haryonoubuntu-id i think10:56
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia10:57
haryonocpk where do i have to type that?10:57
elsinoreeagles0513875: thanks10:57
llutzharyono: type :    /j #ubuntu-id10:57
Gavindamagedo i apt-get install gnash10:57
cpk1or just click on it10:57
HollowPointno open the GUI for the package manager and search for flash, then select the one that suggests it is a flash plugin for firefox10:57
HollowPointare you using firefox 2.0 or 3.010:58
haryonook thanks10:58
Gavindamage2 i think10:58
Gavindamagelet me check10:58
SaraSmithi shall wait for you HollowPoint10:58
=== elsinore is now known as grassone
HollowPointspeaking of which my firefox 3.0 beta just packed up lmfao10:58
HollowPointSaraSmith are you on 32 bit Linux or 64?10:59
SaraSmithhe likes it10:59
HollowPointYou cannot believe how much I'm crying right now11:00
SaraSmithi know.. my box too11:00
eagles0513875im on 64 as well11:00
eagles0513875HollowPoint: have u had her try blacklist the other driver11:00
SaraSmithatm my opera is Very broken11:00
HollowPointSaraSmith the main problem we are going to encounter here is that Nvidia do NOT make a driver for Linux which supports the 8200 Chipset11:01
HollowPointon either 32 or 64bit Linux11:01
SaraSmithour son ordered the parts for this box.. it HAS to work ;)11:01
Gavindamageshould i be installing gnash or is there a better one11:02
HollowPointso the best chance we have is either forcing it to use the driver which supports the 8400GS (Although I'm doubting that works or Nvidia would list it as working but flakey) or using the Vesa (Generic) Linux driver11:02
HollowPointgrah there is no .deb package from Nvidia for that driver either11:03
SaraSmithit's 6 am here and about 4 am in texas i think..11:03
HollowPointit's 10pm here, I've been working all day lol11:03
Jazmanhow do i install non deb packages that i have d/l from hard drive got hardy11:03
Jazman10 pm must be nz11:03
Gavindamageword up im in nz :)11:04
Jazmanoz is 8 pm11:04
MrLow_Jazman: whats the package11:04
Jazmansome cover one11:05
MrLow_Jazman: ??11:05
HollowPointright then SaraSmith11:05
Jazmanim on windows now but i d/l a few progs bitchx and a few11:05
Gavindamagewhen i try to install the mozilla gnash plugin, synaptic kicks me out cos its getting stuck on some random openoffice package?11:06
Jazmansudo apt no good11:06
SaraSmithyou are awesome HollowPoint11:06
MrLow_use apt-get to install bitchx11:06
HollowPointGo to your home directory and type "wget http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/173.14.05/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-173.14.05-pkg2.run"11:06
Jazmanno sudo11:06
HollowPointGavindamage don't install gnash11:06
HollowPointjust install the flash plugin11:07
Jazmanwhat about stuff that aint on repos that i decied to d/l of sourceforge11:07
HollowPointGavindamge sudo apt-get install swfdec-mozilla11:07
HollowPointthen restart Firefox11:08
HollowPointwhat program Jazman/11:08
MrLow_-bitchx is not in debian anymore Jazman use weechat or irssi11:08
Gavindamageoh sweet thanks pal11:08
HollowPointnp Gavindamage11:08
simihere is my /etc/fstab http://pastebin.com/mf80f130 i have kubuntu hardy, i want to make the fat partition to be writebe  and mounted at boot time11:09
Jazmanuse x chat on win and konversdion on kde11:09
DarkriftXff3 isnt bad11:09
Jazmanbut also i plan to d/l stuff not on repos so loke windows looking for easy way to install new to linux11:10
HollowPointDarkriftX it's not bad but it certainly has it's flaws, mine has just ballsed up in the last half hour, all I did was google something11:10
HollowPointJazman it all depends on the package you download11:10
Jazmanmost media stuff11:10
MrLow_well Jazman as soon as you know what you want and what the package ending is tell us this is too silly for me11:10
HollowPointyeah but it still depends what the package is, there isn't a definitive way to install binaries in Linux as they come in many forms11:11
Jazman]well im used to self installers11:11
Gavindamagehmm same thing. it seems something is clogging up my package manager..11:11
HollowPointSaraSmith you managed to grab that file?11:11
GavindamageErrors were encountered while processing:11:11
Gavindamage openoffice.org-writer2latex11:11
Jazmanjust go to sight d/l then install11:11
Gavindamagewhy would it be trying to install this (and failing) anytime i try to install something.. or does the flash actually need that11:12
Jazmanalso how can i print on my cds and dvds with cannon printer in win i use cd label print11:12
HollowPointGavindamage, I'd try a reboot at that point, I know my Kubuntu install did a LOT of updates earlier, could be that for once Linux actually does need a reboot before you can install other packages which may have dependencies11:12
Gavindamageok ill try that..11:12
Gavindamageill be back :)11:13
HollowPointJazman you may not be able to, Canon printers don't seem to be well supported in Linux, we have a VERY good canon printer here and works perfectly in Windows but Linux CANNOT print to it11:13
Gavindamagelike just restart kde?11:13
Gavindamageor 'restart' the computer11:13
Jazmanwell i can print with it not usre about labels11:13
HollowPointnah go for the full reboot mate11:13
Gavindamagesweet cher11:13
Jazmanthus the need for me to stay wioth dual boot11:13
HollowPointgoing for a smoke peeps, back in 311:13
JucatoHollowPoint: #anti-smoking ;)11:14
SaraSmithHollowPoint did you test that link? this thing says it couldn't find us.download.nvidia.com11:15
SaraSmithi get file not found on firefox on this windows box too11:16
apparleHi guys  :)11:17
SaraSmithhi apparle :)11:19
DarkriftXdamnit, all links to firebug 1.1 (ff3 compat) are on getfirebug.com which is down :@11:19
HollowPointlol Jucato11:20
SaraSmithDarkriftX do you suppose getfirebug is on the same server as the nvidia drivers?11:20
JucatoHollowPoint: 6 minutes11:20
DarkriftXlol, who knows11:20
HollowPointSaraSmith, interesting, if I do that exact command "wget http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/173.14.05/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-173.14.05-pkg2.run" I get a download11:20
haryonohow to make my screen back to normal ? its font got unclear11:20
HollowPointJucato, was talking to the missus while smoking, it slows the whole process down11:21
eagles0513875hey everyone11:21
HollowPointwb eagles051387511:21
GavinDamagehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/19010/ i notice that the flash things are already installed..11:21
JucatoHollowPoint: hehehe11:21
PennycookSaraSmith: Have you actually got DNS at all?  You weren't able to resolve the hostname of the Ubuntu package servers earlier, were you?11:21
GavinDamageanyone know why flash wouldnt be working then? maybe i shoudl reinstall firefox or upgrade to 311:22
HollowPointwe're moving house in 48 hours time so in an attempt to hand the house back to the estate agents "smoke free" since everyone is so paranoid about it here in NZ we're smoking outside, and considering it's winter here it's a bit BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR11:22
GavinDamageshit yes, its cold in nz atm alrite11:22
HollowPointSaraSmith, try the following command "ping www.google.com"11:22
HollowPointdoes it resolve an IP address?11:23
SaraSmithHollowPoint wb /me sends you Georgia air11:23
HollowPointlol thanks, I'm English so I don't find it quite as cold as the Kiwis do, more like spring to me, but it's still chilli after the NZ summer11:23
SaraSmithping unknown host www.google.com11:23
HollowPointtry "ping"11:24
HollowPointsee if you get a reply11:24
Jazmanhollo how cold11:24
HollowPointabout 6c atm I think11:25
Jazmanwhat part of nz family from cc11:25
SaraSmithi'm wondering if it's actually connected "Network is unreachable" sorry HollowPoint11:25
HollowPointtry "ifconfig" and do a pastebin with the results please?11:26
SaraSmithi think we are going to curl up and go to bed.. i'll do that though :)11:26
SaraSmithif it's not seeing the net.. how am i going to paste?11:27
HollowPointgood point11:27
SaraSmiths try it later11:27
HollowPointlol ok, good luck with it :D11:27
SaraSmithhave a good evening :)11:27
SaraSmiththanks a LOT11:27
HollowPointnp SaraSmith, anytime11:27
GavinDamageanyone know why my apt-get would get stuck on the openoffice latex2writer package>11:31
GavinDamagei tried removing it, but got some errors about locks.. but i dont have any of office open11:31
GavinDamagei dont think..11:31
HollowPointstill doing it after the reboot GavinDamage?11:31
GavinDamagereally wierd11:32
HollowPointah you're getting an error when you open up the adept package manager about the file not being able to get a secure lock/11:32
GavinDamagethe flash packages are already installed11:32
GavinDamagebut mozilla isnt working with flash.11:32
GavinDamageyeah, *and* when i run the apt-get  it looks like it want s to tidy up11:32
GavinDamagewith this openoffice package that might be half installed or something11:33
GavinDamageand always fails..11:33
HollowPointwhat happens if you run "sudo apt-get update" ?11:33
jussi01GavinDamage: try running sudo apt-get install -f11:33
GavinDamagerunning update atm11:34
GavinDamageits going thru a bunch of repositories by the looks11:34
HollowPointright, have you tried sudo apt-get remove openoffice.org?11:34
GavinDamagethis is what update returned11:35
apparleI have bought an mp3 player which has lyrics function. The site has this tutorial http://www.transcendusa.com/Support/FAQ/FAQ_Print.asp?FAQNo=617 Can you suggest anything in linux. I wanna create .LRC files11:36
HollowPointyikes, it's complaining that the ssl certificate to identify with the nz server is not present11:36
HollowPointif you open the adept package manager GUI are you still getting a "cannot get a lock" message?11:37
GavinDamageand -f didnt do anything that looked bad11:37
GavinDamagetold me to uninstall some paclkaged11:38
GavinDamagesome linux headers packages, im uninstalling them.11:38
GavinDamageum ill have a alok11:38
DarkriftXok, found like 10 guides that say "sudo apt-get install firebug" but im getting nothing found11:39
DarkriftXi thought i had all the main repos added, what else am i missing?11:39
HollowPointdid you restart firefox after installing the swfdec-mozilla plugin?11:39
jussi01!info firebug11:40
ubottufirebug (source: firebug): Powerful web devlopment extension. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2~b21+svn573-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 399 kB, installed size 624 kB11:40
GavinDamageyeah i restarted the whole computer11:40
GavinDamagethe drivers were already installed about a week ago i think11:40
DarkriftXahh, i have 7.10 still11:40
DarkriftXso guess i cant get it11:40
jussi01!info firebug gutsy11:40
HollowPointSorry GavinDamage I meant DarkriftX11:40
ubottuPackage firebug does not exist in gutsy11:40
GavinDamageoh sorry11:40
DarkriftXunless i can find it in the package11:40
DarkriftXin the feed*11:40
jussi01DarkriftX: I wouldnt suggest using a hardy package on gutsy11:41
jussi01its likely it wont work anyway11:41
HollowPointDarkriftX "sudo apt-get install libswfdec-0.6-90"11:41
DarkriftXi c11:41
DarkriftXcouldnt find package11:41
jussi01!find libswfdec gutsy11:42
ubottuFound: libswfdec0.3, libswfdec0.3-dev11:42
HollowPointok "sudo apt-get install libflash-mozplugin"11:42
apparleAnybody can tell me how to create .lrc lyrics files for my mp3 player11:43
HollowPointsorry apparle no, you may be better off googling something like that, someone else here may know but I'd say that was a pretty specific request that unless someone has actually done it they probably don't know how to.11:44
DarkriftXok, that worked11:44
DarkriftXwhat does that give me?11:44
apparledoes amarok support lyrics function11:44
HollowPointDarkriftX thought it might11:45
HollowPointthats the flash plugin for Mozilla browsers11:45
HollowPointrestart firefox and see if flash works11:45
DarkriftXi had flash installed11:45
DarkriftXwas looking for firebug11:45
HollowPointwhat did you want firebug for?11:45
DarkriftXi use it when editing my pages11:46
HollowPointfair enough11:46
HollowPointhow are you getting along with Flash GavinDamage?11:46
apparleHollowPoint: does amarok support lyrics display function11:46
ubottuFactoid firebug not found11:46
eagles0513875!info firebug11:46
DarkriftXwell, my flash dropdown menus do look better now lol11:46
ubottufirebug (source: firebug): Powerful web devlopment extension. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2~b21+svn573-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 399 kB, installed size 624 kB11:46
HollowPointI don't think so apparle but I can't be certain as I've never tried11:46
GavinDamageapt-get told me openoffice.org isnt installed..11:46
jussi01apparle: yes amarok supports lyrics through a plugin11:46
GavinDamagethis is bizzare11:46
HollowPointaha, thanks jussi01 :D11:47
GavinDamagethis was when i ran the apt-get remove openoffice.org11:47
apparlejussi01: Can you tell me the link of the plugin information11:47
jussi01apparle: 1 moment11:47
HollowPointhmmmmmmmmm GavinDamage if you type "sudo apt-get install libflash-mozplugin" what response do you get?11:47
jussi01apparle: for creating lrc files, this program seems to do it:11:47
jussi01!info gnome-subtitles11:47
ubottugnome-subtitles (source: gnome-subtitles): Subtitles editor for the GNOME Desktop environment. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.2-1 (hardy), package size 227 kB, installed size 1156 kB11:47
jussi01apparle: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/lrcShow-II?content=7198311:48
GavinDamagehmm yep i did that HollowPoint and it seems to have installed it11:49
HollowPointok and if you restart firefox do you get flash working/11:50
HollowPointgod damn you lol11:50
HollowPointI forget are you using firefox 2.x or 3.0?11:50
GavinDamagemaybe i should uninstall it and put 3 on11:51
GavinDamagewhich id probably do soon11:51
jussi01GavinDamage: are you just tring to install flash?11:51
HollowPoint3 is even flakier with flash right now imo11:51
GavinDamageah ok11:51
GavinDamagewell it tells me flash is installed11:51
jussi01GavinDamage: 64 or 32 bit?11:51
HollowPointhe has flash installed jussi01 it just isn't working11:51
GavinDamagebut its not working11:51
simihi, i want to add write permision to a group of a folder with this command sudo chmod  g+w /media/BIG   but it does not working11:51
jussi01GavinDamage: you may want to join #ubuntu-ppc - they may be able to help better11:52
GavinDamageoh right11:52
GavinDamagewasnt aware of that channel11:52
apparlejussi01: the link doesn't say anything about creating .lrc files ??? Is it possible11:52
HollowPointdidn't know that group existed either lol11:52
jussi01GavinDamage: mind, its fairly quiet in there so be patient11:52
GavinDamageall good.11:52
blauzahltyping about:plugins into the urlbar of konqueror will tell you what flash version you have :)11:54
GavinDamagehopefully they can help me with my display config too11:54
HollowPointsimi try "sudo chmod 766 /media/BIG/"11:55
HollowPointif you want the permissions to apply to all files and folders inside that folder change the command to "sudo chmod -R 766 /media/BIG/11:56
simiwhat is 766?11:56
simii do not enderstend wekk how to use chmod?11:56
simii will read again11:56
HollowPointit allows the owner of the file (probably root) to read, write and execute and allows users and groups to read, and write but not execute11:56
Dr_willisTheres some very well done chmod tutorials out on the web. that show  what the weird # mean. :)11:57
HollowPointthe first number is the permissions for the owner, second number is the permissions for group and the third is permissions for others11:57
GavinDamageincase i dont need to come back in here and i forget, thanks for you help guys.11:57
HollowPointseeya GavinDamage11:57
jussi01apparle: see the first program I recomended gnome-subtitles11:59
jussi01!info gnome-subtitles | apparle11:59
ubottuapparle: gnome-subtitles (source: gnome-subtitles): Subtitles editor for the GNOME Desktop environment. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.2-1 (hardy), package size 227 kB, installed size 1156 kB11:59
simiHollowPoint: i used that command on a file and made an ls-l and nothing changed, i test again with my entire partition11:59
apparlejussi01: nothing based on QT (KDE) ?? anyway thanks12:01
jussi01apparle: not that I know of - I found that through google12:01
Dr_willisHmm.. if we are trying to change the permissions of a mountpoint. It depends on the filesystem of themountpoint also.12:01
=== randy_ is now known as nickishappy
HollowPointDr_willis, it depends on if you have write permissions to the mountpoint12:02
HollowPointand how you have mounted it12:02
Dr_willisHollowPoint,  and the filesystem. :) we aint trying to chmod a vfat filesystem are we? I missed the original problem12:02
HollowPointif you have an NTFS mount which has Windows on it that gets used in a dual-boot scanario then it's not a great idea to have it writeable in Linux12:02
HollowPointhe hasn't explained in that much detail tbh Dr_willis12:03
Dr_willisLinux SUpport tip #1 - Explain your problem in detail, but be concise, and precice. :)12:03
simiHollowPoint: now i do not have read permision but the ls-l outpus is not changed, this is strange, i will read again the documentation12:05
Dr_willissimi,  It may be a good idea to clarify/summarize the exact problem.  Its possible we missed some imporntant bit of info.12:06
nickishappymy virtual terminals aren't working in hardy with an intel card12:06
nickishappyany suggestions?12:06
Dr_willisvirtual terminals?12:06
nickishappyyou know, when you go ctrl+alt+F1 through F612:07
Dr_willisthose are the 'consoles'12:07
nickishappyI also don't see the boot splash12:07
nickishappyboth are pretty much the same problem12:08
Dr_willisoften video card drivers can 'conflict' with the consoles.  I normally disable the bootsplash, and framebuffer, and they come back in such cases of conflict12:08
nickishappyI will try disabling the fremebuffer12:09
nickishappyif it doesn't work I'll be back12:09
Boohbahsudo kill -9 `ps aux |grep ktorrent |awk {'print $2'}`12:10
simiHollowPoint:  i have a partition that i do not have write permision, and i want to give to the group root or all write and executable permisions12:10
HollowPointwhat is the partition?12:12
HollowPointntfs, ext2/3, FAT32?12:12
simiit is mounted12:12
simii fixed it to have read permisions12:13
HollowPointanyone got experience with mounting FAT partitions? I haven't done one for about 7 years and the mount process has changed considerably since then12:13
simiit is mounted ok12:13
simijust i can't give me permisons12:13
HollowPointsimi there are different methods to mount a partition which will either allow you to or not allow you to change permissions from within Linux on Windows proprietary file systems12:14
simii tried dolphin but it always shows 0%12:14
HollowPointfor example you can mount NTFS partitions in such a way that it is impossible to write to it, this is to ensure that you cannot overwrite data that a Windows installation may rely on12:14
simii mounted using rw flag12:15
HollowPointI believe FAT partitions will have similar mount options for similar reasons, unfortunately I have done a FAT mount for a LONG time and I would rather someone with experience in it helped you and got it right rather than me recommending something incorrectly12:15
HollowPointok from what I can gather you should mount the partition as follows12:18
simii wil google for answer, but root has write permisions, i tried from gui to change the permisons for a file , it seams to work(no error message)but in fact changes are not saved12:18
HollowPoint"sudo mount -t vfat -o iocharset+utf8,umask=766 /dev/sda1 /media/BIG" You will need to replace /dev/sda1 with the actual location of the partition obviously but that should mount the partition with the permissions to allow read and write access to group and others while allowing root to have read, write and execute permissions12:20
HollowPointI don't guarantee that to be 100% accurate however so please do not execute it if you are unsure of what the result may be12:20
HollowPointmounting Windows filesystems is something you should take great care with12:20
HollowPointand iocharset+utf8 should be iocharset=utf8 I misstyped it12:21
simiok, i will analize this\12:22
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter12:22
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE12:23
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE12:23
HollowPointlol goody12:23
=== ahmed is now known as ahmed_IV
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto12:33
steven__does anyone out there no how i can get my wlan stick to work12:34
will_what's the problem ?12:34
steven__it cant be found and the install cd is win.....12:35
will_do you try to install the driver from the web and after that use the command "ndiswrapper" ?12:35
steven__its a netgear stick wg111v212:36
=== twili is now known as MPTflow
will_do you know where the driver is located ?12:37
will_(sorry if my english is not very good, i'm french ^^)12:37
will_ok so first try to find the driver of the stick on the web12:37
will_try to look on the site of netgear i don't12:38
steven__ok ill try to do something on line, thanks12:38
frybyesteven___ looking for   linux netgear wg111v2 on google threw up some perhaps interesting stuff...12:43
HollowPointfrybye he's long gone mate12:43
will_hum, i need some help, please12:44
will_i'm a beginner12:44
will_can somebody help me, i'm trying to join a particular channel12:45
Piciwill_: What channel?12:45
will_hi stefanos12:45
reesehi! how do I disable the kdewallet daemon?12:45
will_i found the adress on the web12:45
will_it is : irc://rizon.net/stylish-fansub12:46
will_is it a correct format of adress for irc ?12:46
stefanosa want to use ekiga to do some video conferencing stuff, but the other pc uses windows vista. which program should the other user use? (a simple one preferebly)12:46
stefanosi don't want to use skype or msn either12:47
Piciwill_: kind of... thats a certain way of representing an irc server/channel.  Do this: /connect rizon.net     then once thats connected, do: /join #stylish-fansub12:47
will_ok thank you pici12:47
will_i'm going to try12:47
frybyehi I have the current v3 of kde installed and am considering getting the new release of kde4 - can I install that somehow parallel to the kde3 and switch between them as needed???12:55
DragnslcrYes, KDE4 installs separately from KDE312:57
DragnslcrYou select one in the Session Type menu on the login screen12:57
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gserghi all13:03
jim__Hey all, Is anyone able to help me install Dos 6.22 on Virtualbox ?13:07
dr_WillisThatss a scary thing to ask. :)13:07
dr_Willisdare i ask... why not use 'dosbox' ?13:07
jim__Its not fast enough13:08
jim__and i know you can make it go faster but its still not fast enough13:08
dr_Willisfast enough for what?13:09
dr_WillisThat would be an interesting benchmark. vbox + dos, vs freedos, vs dosbox.13:09
jim__an old game called Dune213:09
dr_WillisHmm you mean the RTS stradagy game?13:09
kalorin`has anyone here ever used ndis wrappers for drivers?13:09
dr_WillisI was playing that on dosbox just last week. :)13:09
kalorin`if so how has that worked, and if not, why?13:10
jim__Yeh thats it13:10
dr_Willisand the Dune2 'ultimate' release also. with different races.13:10
jim__Yeh i finished it with Atredies about 100 times13:10
dr_WillisIt ran find on my rather low end laptop.13:10
frojndHello there13:10
frojndHow can I name the burned DVD with growisofs ? growisofs -dvd-compat -speed=2 -Z /dev/dvd -R -J -pad /dir-path/file1 /dir-path/file213:10
frojndHow would I achieve this ? I mean so when I insert DVD in and I open it there would be thename and not dvdrom..13:10
frojndWhere do I have to put any flag for a name13:10
frojndname of DVD ?13:10
jim__There is also a dune2 for linux where you can select all the units like C&C but i havent been able to get it to work13:11
kalorin`dr_Willis: dune game or ndiswrappers?13:11
dr_Willisjim__,  i was just using the normal dune2 and the other dune game. under dosbox on my Turion 1.6 ghz laptop.13:11
dr_WillisBeen trying out all my old-skool dos games. :) gotta love retro.13:12
jim__hahah F Y13:12
jim__i wanna get the game to go faster13:12
dr_WillisYou got a lower end  machine then that?13:12
jim__Im not really sure ! its just a hand me down13:13
GreeneryCan I update the GRUB menu list for my linux kernel manually? Because the last kernel update, I keptthe old menu list instead of updating them13:13
jim__its a pentium i think13:13
jim__how can i find out ?13:13
dr_WillisI would be suprised if virtualbox ran it faster really..13:13
dr_Willischeck the bios post message/menus, and the /proc/cpuinfo file13:13
jim__i think that the game runs slower on dosbox than it originally did13:13
dr_Williscat /proc/cpuinfo13:13
dr_Willisif you got a Pent 1 or 2 machine.. You might want to check into putting real dos back on it.13:14
jim__the computer is about 8 years old13:14
jim__so im thinking its a pentium 113:14
dr_WillisIm thinking its a doorstop. :)13:14
jim__yeh me too !13:14
jim__not allowed to buy a new computer or bring my otherone back from melbourne13:15
jim__ok so how do i just put on  dos 6.2213:15
jim__i got the dos622.exe file13:15
jim__do i just open it with dosbox and just extract the files there ?13:15
dr_Willisdosbox includes its own dos. so not sure what you will gain by that.13:16
dr_Willisas for virtualbox. You need to somehow get the files to a location that virtualbox could see them.. but a Pent 1 + virtualbox = not very  good idea13:16
dr_WillisOr you could check out 'freedos'13:17
jim__ok ill try that13:17
jim__is it anygood ?13:17
frojndNoone ever burned dvds with growisofs ?13:17
dr_WillisIn theory you could take the freedos cd, and remaster it and have a bootable Dune CD. :)13:17
fidelwhat is the french chanel please?13:17
dr_Willisfrojnd,  i just use k3b. sorry.13:17
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr13:17
jim__eh too much work to make it bootable for just one game thats 1mb13:18
dr_Willismake a floppy.13:18
jim__hahah thought of that already and i dont have one13:18
jim__ill try freedos13:18
jim__also have you gotta good copy of dune ultimate ?13:19
jim__cause its hard to get a good copy13:19
dr_Willisjim__,  not really. :)13:19
flaccid_i wasn't aware this was a warez chan :)13:21
dr_Willisflaccid,  I have a legal copy... somewhere.. in the garrage.13:21
dr_WillisHeck I still got Shrinkwrapped C64 software!13:21
flaccid_its not legal if you copy it for someone else :p my housemate has like very console from yesteryear13:22
jim__hahah i gotta C6413:22
jim__they where the ducks nutz in those days13:23
flaccid_which reminds me. whats the go with emulators on ubuntu. for consoles and c64 etc. ?13:23
flaccid_and arcade and all that are possible?13:23
sharpestill having issues with any recent version of flash, last release that works reliably is 9r48...13:23
jim__noweer days the c64 isnt even good enough for a calculator LOL13:23
flaccid_yeah flash is very unreliable in so many ways - a resource hog as well :(13:23
flaccid_well c65 was 64k ram13:24
flaccid_i mean 64..13:24
GavinDamagewhere are applications in linux13:25
GavinDamageim opening a torrent from firefox and its asking me what program to open it with, i want to use ktorrent13:26
sharpethey can live in different places13:26
flaccid_GavinDamage, should be in path so you can specify ktorrent instead of /usr/bin/ktorrent13:27
Greenerywhen i try to update-grub, it still didn't add the latest kernel, any idea how?13:27
sharpegah@linux audio, all I want to do is capture soundcard output but I end having to wrestle alsa :|13:28
flaccid_alsa needs better doco too although it kind of is getting better13:29
sharpealsa needs taking out the back and shooting in the head repeatedly, then the remains setting on fire and finally burying13:29
flaccid_Greenery, you could edit /etc/grub/menu.list manually13:29
sharpebut apart from that..I hate it13:29
flaccid_yeah there was nothing wrong with OSS..13:29
Greeneryco i just simplye copy the old kernel and change it to -18?13:30
sharpein theory alsa has far more features than OSS but in practice...well most people dont use them and just want it to work..13:30
dr_WillisHeck - lets just go back to the PC speaker beeps!13:30
simihi, i lost 2 hours triing to solve this: in hardy you must enter your password and mount your partitions by entering in storage media and enabling the partitions, i tried to use the  Disk&Filse system applet and i succed just that i can edit files on my partitions13:30
flaccid_Greenery, i believe so - if thats what the kernel version is13:31
flaccid_sharpe, i pretty much agree13:31
Greeneryflaccid_: ok i'll try that13:31
simii want that my partitions to be mounted at start up and that i can edit and execute files on the partitions13:31
flaccid_!ntfs | simi13:31
ubottusimi: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE13:31
flaccid_simi first link above shows mount options to help with that. what is the entry in the mount command and the fs type?13:32
flaccid_!fstab | simi13:32
ubottusimi: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions13:32
sharpeAdept Manager seems to be alot more fragile than it was in 7.10, not good when its a critical application13:32
flaccid_so correct entry in fstab will do the trick, which is what the 'enable' is in disks and filesystems13:32
sharpeif I get time Ill have a look at why13:32
flaccid_yeah must be something out of the ordinary because its usually pretty good13:33
BluesKajsimi, another app you might consider is ntfs-config13:33
flaccid_if its ntfs..13:33
gabooHi !13:33
BluesKajit gives gui access to the ntfs partition13:34
simimy partition is FAT3213:34
gabooDoes anyone know why I lose global shortcuts after a while in a KDE4 session ? I'm using beta1 packages.13:34
flaccid_user is after mount on boot via fstab13:34
gabooIt works again if I logout and then login again.13:34
flaccid_simi, yep so enable in disks and filesystems and check that it goes in fstab. paste what i requested plus the entry in fstab if you would like us to check13:34
sharpealso, I was seriously unimpressed that 8.04 installs firefox 3b5 as the default13:34
flaccid_sharpe, why is that?13:35
frybyehi .. sorry i shifted locations and lost the earlier answer - how to install latest kde4 under hardy - so that it can be run parallel with switching from kde3 or kde4??13:36
sharpesome applications are critical parts of the system (i.e. the ones that average end users are going to rely on) one of which is firefox, I dont think it was a particulary wise decision to have the default be a beta version13:36
sharpeshould have stuck with 2 until 3 was finalised13:36
flaccid_!kde4 | frybye13:36
ubottufrybye: KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde413:36
frybyein adept there is a miriad of stuff under kde4 - not sure what is right..13:36
BluesKajsimi, then consider 'fatsort'13:36
flaccid_sharpe, 2 is still available - lots of users in community that demand this kind of bleeding beta13:37
flaccid_frybye, simply follow above link13:37
simiflaccid:  /dev/sda5 /media/BIG auto users,noauto,atime,auto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 0   i want write permisions13:37
Maggololmaggo? ^^13:37
flaccid_simi, and what is the entry in mount atm ?13:38
sharpeflaccid, and If we were in #Gentoo Id agree but its Ubuntu not Gentoo and a LTS release at that, just seemed an odd choice13:38
simiflaccid_: ? what is that?13:39
flaccid_yeah you are right, considering lts on ubuntu its not really sensbile for the commercial lts customers13:39
flaccid_simi, just the command mount which shows currently mounted filesystems13:39
sharpealways preferred konqueror anyway but greasemonkey is useful at times13:40
flaccid_im an opera guy which means awesome performance13:40
=== Maggolol is now known as Maggo
sharpeflaccid, I like the integration konqueror has as both browser/FM, understand the reasons for Dolphin but Konqueror is still better (for me)13:42
simiflaccid_: http://pastebin.com/m23cf0d1113:42
flaccid_simi, and just pastebin now ls -l /media/BIG and i'll let you know what the prob is..13:42
simiflaccid_: http://pastebin.com/m1ddb0d24, i tried sudo chmod -R +w /media/BIG13:47
frybyeflaccid I had of course followed the link and still did not know which of the many packages to go for - now I know...13:47
flaccid_that won't work before fat has no perms13:48
flaccid_yeah, so its just kubuntu-kde4-desktop frybye ?13:48
frybyewell in adpet there is a    kde4   on its own - the official modules.. I take it that is ok??13:49
flaccid_frybye, no. why do you not want to follow those basic instructions on the page?13:50
frybyeif that is wrong - should I interrupt the downloading of all the stuff...????13:50
frybyeI did not understand what they meant...13:50
frybyeshould i interrupt this present download...13:50
flaccid_what in particular? i don't know what you are even doing...13:50
frybyeI am using adept to download the     kde4   installation - described as the official modules but is not kubuntu-kde4-desktop13:51
flaccid_simi, change your entry in fstab to this: /dev/sda5 /media/BIG auto users,auto,fmask=0111,dmask=0000,atime,rw 0 013:52
frybyehow do I stop the thing???13:52
sharpeone thing Ive never been able to figure out with KDE (figure its not a configurable option) is that window titles in the taskbar fade (usually to grey) when the window is minimised13:52
sharpeannoying as all hell when you have transparency turned on..13:52
flaccid_frybye, yeah. i mine why would you do that, the instructions are pretty clear and you havnt mentioned the package name exactly anyway13:52
frybyecan I undoo the stuff that I just did in adept... the package name is exactly what I have written    kde4   with nothing else...13:52
flaccid_frybye, that won't give you all of it i don't think which is why they created a kubuntu-kde4-desktop meta pacakge...13:53
flaccid_!info kde413:53
ubottukde4 (source: meta-kde4): the K Desktop Environment version 4 official modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3 (hardy), package size 2 kB, installed size 36 kB13:53
* flaccid_ goes to look at the package13:53
frybyeflaccid_: right so I closed the adept .. and I suppose there is a load of debris on the system now from that having d-loaded and started to install or???13:53
frybyeI got the info about kubuntu-kde4-desktop -after- having started d-loading this other package...13:54
flaccid_frybye, how would i know i don't know where it got up to. if it was still downloading then it hasn't done anything. simply install kubuntu-kde4-desktop, don't clear anything13:54
frybyeon the linked page you gave me it just said in general terms - use adept to install the full download or simialr.. not the name of the package..13:55
flaccid_oh, should probably not install something which you don't what it is etc... there is a guide for almost everything common in ubuntu13:55
* flaccid_ goes to look13:55
sharpe'sudp aptitude remove kde4' (assuming any of it installed) then 'sudo aptitude clean'13:55
flaccid_frybye, don't know what you are loooking at but its definately there under instructions.. The packages are in hardy-backports, available from Adept Manager when you choose Unsupported Updates from the Updates tab of Manage Repositories, kubuntu-kde4-desktop and do a full upgrade.13:56
frybyeok it had started installing but never mind I will just install the correct stuff and hope for the best.. ;) - flaccid - please understand i am not stupid - i just dont have all that much background knowledge...13:56
flaccid_sharpe, he wants to install kde4 so no need to remove pkgs or anything13:56
BluesKajfrybye, if you use the pkg manager only , then you're safe13:56
flaccid_never said you were stupid, just to follow the instructions thats all13:56
BluesKajtoo many cooks13:57
frybyeok - i see now that you are right - i sorta skipped over that while reading and just saw the "do a full upgrade " bit.. sorry.. I stand corrected...13:57
sharpejust use the metapackage13:57
flaccid_it appears as though that pkg downloads the addition kde4 main pkgs as well so thats fine.. http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/kde4 anyway moving on...13:58
flaccid_nw frybye13:58
epimethI installed mplayer, mozzilla-mplayer, and ubuntu-restricted-extras and I still can't view quicktime movies in FF.  any ideas why not?13:58
sharpebecause apple blows big chunks13:59
flaccid_epimeth, you might need more than that13:59
simiflaccid_:  same problem i do not have write permisions, why did they change this ?in 7.10 it worked ok, and i do not remember what i had in fstab13:59
flaccid_!quicktime | epimeth13:59
ubottuepimeth: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:59
flaccid_simi, i don't know why. did you unmount then re-mount the filesystem?13:59
flaccid_won't work till you do that13:59
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simiflaccid_: i restarted14:00
flaccid_what is the entry in mount now?14:00
sharpeepimeth, have a look at medibuntu14:00
sharpethat pretty much sorted all the studid codec issues I was running into..14:00
flaccid_yep medibuntu gives a lot more14:00
simii will have to accept the deafault for now, and each time open the partition and enter the password14:01
sharpeand the packages arent crippled by licensing problems..14:01
flaccid_then you get heaps in about:plugins in firefox..14:01
flaccid_simi, pastebin your whole /etc/fstab please14:01
sharpemeph, did you install teh w32codecs?14:02
epimethflaccid_: already did all of that14:02
epimethsharpe: yes, I have14:03
epimethstill no quicktime14:03
simiflaccid_: http://pastebin.com/m6168343   i am reading on the wiki now, maybe find something14:03
sharpegive me a second, I dont bother much with quicktime, not set it up for years, Ill have a look14:03
flaccid_!info libquicktime1 | epimeth14:03
ubottuepimeth: libquicktime1 (source: libquicktime): library for reading and writing Quicktime files. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.0.0+debian-5 (hardy), package size 414 kB, installed size 1220 kB14:03
sharpewhat version of FF are you using?14:03
flaccid_not sure if that helps14:03
epimethalready installed....14:04
flaccid_simi, the fstab is invalid14:04
sharpesame as me, brb14:04
flaccid_simi,  you have two different entries and one is broken onto two lines...14:05
frybyethere was some problems but I seem to have resolved flaccid...14:05
simiflaccid_: i restart again now14:06
flaccid_simi, no14:06
flaccid_thats not going to do anything14:07
flaccid_simi, change it to this http://pastebin.com/m74f7b676 then re-mount the /media/BIG14:07
simiflaccid_: i removed first entry14:07
frybyethe package manager when installing stuff always says there are orphaned packages of an attempted installation of a local phone book appl.. but I will have to wait till tomorrow when my sys-eng friend visits to attack that..14:07
sharpegot quicktime working with FF314:08
flaccid_sweet, what did it sharpe?14:08
simiflaccid_:  how to remount?14:09
sharpew32codecs from medibuntu14:09
flaccid_yep thats the one..14:09
sharpejust installed the mplayer-plugin, then sudo aptitude install w32codecs, restrat FF and et voila!14:09
sharpewatching the Space Chimps Trailer on apple movies..14:09
flaccid_you said you already installed 'all of that' :)14:09
BluesKajflaccid , no need to chastise...be happy it was successful14:10
sharpeno, I said Id set up medibuntu, Id only gotten the codecs I actually needed14:10
sharpewhich was just to play mp3's in amarok (divx worked out the box..)14:10
simihow to re mount? i can skip a restart?14:11
epimetharg... my medibuntu sources were disabled!14:11
flaccid_my apologies sharpe , that was epimeth . epimeth you install w32codecs yet yo?14:11
flaccid_apologies sharpe..14:11
frybyehmmm now i seem to only have kde4 - ah well...14:11
sharpe>epimeth, theres your problem :)14:11
epimethletes give it a moment14:11
flaccid_BluesKaj, i used a smile and there is no tone on the internet so please withdraw your insulting comment14:11
frybyedid not see a choice at the start up .. any tips about that - how to switch to kde3 if necessary..?14:12
flaccid_simi, sudo umount /media/BIG && sudo mount /media/BIG14:12
BluesKajflaccid , you're insulted ? ..boohoo14:12
flaccid_now who is the hypocrite...14:12
frybyei had better go in the other # for this stuff.. c u...14:12
* flaccid_ rests his case14:13
sharpedefinetly gonna watch hancock when it comes out (trailer looks brilliant)14:14
flaccid_hows the performance with the plugin?14:15
simiflaccid_: Ls-l sais that all have Write permisions thx14:15
simiflaccid_: can you tell me what flag give those permisions?14:15
flaccid_simi, sweet as, np. we avoided having to use uid / user mount which is good. its fat so no perms etc. on a fs like that, its just how you mount it14:16
flaccid_simi, fmask and dmask - exactly as per the first linke we looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions14:16
flaccid_under 'Accessible by everyone'14:16
GavinDamagethanks for your help tonite guys. peace14:17
sharpeflaccid, was the performance question to me?14:18
flaccid_yeah just out of interest..14:18
sharpeflawless :)14:18
flaccid_ah coolio. i guess its better than flash in that respect14:20
sharpethough flash is closing the gap with native support for video codecs and acceleration14:21
simiflaccid_: i seen it now. thx for your time14:21
flaccid_np simi14:21
flaccid_sharpe, yeah but its resource useage is woeful, not all versions work, they change the interface etc. the more pages with flash you have open the more woeful your cpu and mem goes. maybe they will fix it up in 10.14:22
pimIs it normal that Kubuntu suddenly checks a drive when I boot my pc?14:22
sharpeIm still using flash 9r48 becuase *none* of the later versions will work properly with Konqueror14:22
SlimeyPetepim: it is if you didn't/couldn't shut down properly14:23
sharpethey either sig_fault or just crash konqurorer..wish they'd just release the source already..14:23
SlimeyPeteand I think it happens every so often regardless, too14:23
SlimeyPetethough you can turn that off14:23
pimWell I could also have pressed esc to abort14:23
sharpedepending on the filesystem you chose itll do a full check after (iirc) 30 startups anyway14:24
flaccid_pim, yep14:24
flaccid_sharpe, most frustrating14:24
sharpewould sooner it do a check and not need it, then not do a check and need it14:24
flaccid_i dont think pressing esc does anything14:25
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flaccid_you can change that with the pass value in fstab entry14:25
sharpeI still choose to use rieser for all my boxes anyway but Im gonna have to start looking at alternatives..14:25
flaccid_whether it does disk check or not14:25
sharpemight be a while before Hans does any more work on it (with him serving 25 to life for murder)14:25
lyhana8hi, does anyone can help me with wicd and an Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG14:27
flaccid_wicd ?14:28
lyhana8flaccid_: yeap a network handler14:28
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flaccid_fair enough14:29
flaccid_ah network manager14:30
flaccid_knetworkmanager wasn't good enough, lyhana8 ?14:31
lyhana8doesn't work to14:31
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.14:31
flaccid_please explain?14:31
lyhana8flaccid_: sorry, i can detect wireless connection14:32
flaccid_is the driver and interface set up correctly14:32
lyhana8i'm not really sure about the driver, i use wext14:33
flaccid_do you get anything in iwlist eth1 scanning ?14:33
flaccid_subsitute eth1 with your interface name and let us know what it says14:33
lyhana8iwlist = nothing14:33
lyhana8iwconfig give: [...]eth1      IEEE 802.11g  ESSID:"NEUF_D760"  Nickname:""          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.462 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated          Tx-Power=27 dBm          Retry min limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr=2346 B          Power Management:off          Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:0          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid mi14:33
lyhana8eth1 is my interface14:33
flaccid_doesn't look like it is setup properly so whichever network manager you try is not going to work14:34
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lyhana8how can i set up the device ?14:35
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lyhana8amen: heloo14:36
flaccid_lyhana8, by following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/iwlwifi_Intel_3945_4965/gutsy14:36
lyhana8flaccid_: oh thanks14:36
flaccid_even though its meant to work out of the box feisty and above it seems as per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsAsus?highlight=%283945ABG%2914:37
willi_ballenthinwhats the most efficient way to remove kde3, but not kde4?14:37
willi_ballenthinany idea?14:37
* flaccid_ goes off to dinnner14:37
grassonehow i can use the command "apt-get source --compile " but i'd like to stop the procedure after the down load to apply a patch and after that to restart the normal procedure14:37
kalorin`I have to go find my windows disks for my laptop14:37
kalorin`stupid intel centrino chipset isn't supported without a hacks14:38
kalorin`I'm not interested14:38
ameni think u can use ndiswrapper14:38
amenfor my wifi,i just use ndiswrapper to install window driver in my kubuntu..14:40
kalorin`amen, how does that work for you?14:40
kalorin`like "well" or "ok"14:40
kalorin`and are you having to always redo it when adept updater gets updates?14:41
amenuntil now my wifi run fine without had to redo it...14:42
kalorin`any pointers?14:42
kalorin`I'll give it a shot14:43
kalorin`also how much of the windows drivers do you need?14:44
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sharpejust the inf file14:45
sharpethe actual driver itself not any of the surrounding stuff14:45
sharpejust the inf and sys file*14:47
sharpeif you've got that hardware working with windows (are dual booting etc) then look in \Windows\inf\14:48
flaccid_kalorin`, what is not supported in centrino. because centrino support is out of box14:49
sharpeif you dont dual boot you will need to extract the driver files from the binary installer for windows14:49
amenget ndiswrapper from adept manager, u must had window driver for u wifi (in .inf)14:49
sharpeflaccid, it should be, Intel is pretty good for GPL drivers14:49
flaccid_sharpe, yeah im on it atm using speedstep_centrino mod etc. so i don't know why kalorin` claims linux doesn't support centrino..14:50
sharpemy old thinkpad is an intel chipset and it works out the box as well (actually easier than getting wireless to work under XP which is kinda ironic)14:50
amenhad anyone here use kubuntu-kde4?14:52
flaccid_yeah amen14:52
kalorin`[09:48] <flaccid_> kalorin`, what is not supported in centrino. because centrino support is out of box14:53
kalorin`ipw2200 doesn't work14:53
kalorin`it sees networks but can't dhcp addresses or connect14:53
kalorin`at least with the 8.04 stuff14:53
kalorin`just flat doesn't work14:53
amenjust use manual ip..14:54
sharpeamen, not always an option if you are using public wifi14:55
kalorin`amen, even doing that doesn't work14:56
amenyeap i know...14:56
kalorin`it's something more than that14:56
kalorin`its' a mess for sure, and i'm really sad to see that it's such a mainstream chipset and isn't workable14:56
sharpeit generally works, Ive had no problems with it14:56
kalorin`with ipw2200 on 8.04?14:57
kalorin`what kernel are you using?14:57
kalorin`wired works fine14:57
kalorin`you sure you're using ipw2200?14:57
sharpeyeah, its an Intel 82852/82855 GM/GME Chipset and uses the 2200BG for wireless iirc14:58
kalorin`like I pop open the knetwork manager and the tab for wireless is grayed out14:59
kalorin`like it doesn't exist14:59
sharpeonly like Alsa on 7.10, that never worked properly for me yet slackware alsa did perfectly14:59
kalorin`though I have an eth1 that's working14:59
flaccid_kalorin`, ipw2200 works out of box. it is what i use.14:59
sharpeon 8.04 alsa works fine on that box..go figure14:59
kalorin`flaccid, perhaps a firmware issue?14:59
flaccid_might i suggest that you work out the problem instead of claiming centrino is not supported..14:59
groven1023anyone know how to get a broadcom wifi card working on an hp laptop?14:59
flaccid_it could be14:59
kalorin`according to everything I read most of the day yesterday its' under heavy development and is a real issue15:00
kalorin`how would I tell what version of firmware I'm running?15:00
flaccid_kalorin`, if you are going to be on here for a while i can help you with it. i just have to have dinner now15:00
flaccid_i've used it with ubuntu since dapper and support has improved to out of the box and generally reliable15:01
kalorin`I'll be here a bit15:01
kalorin`for a couple of hours anyway15:01
kalorin`I'd appreciate it15:01
flaccid_ok bbs15:01
flaccid_np give me 15mins15:01
kalorin`I'll go see if I can find a way to tell the firmware version15:01
groven1023can anyone help me get my broadcom wifi card working on my hp laptop?15:02
flaccid_kalorin`, ok so is your iwlist and iwconfig working?15:13
kalorin`well kind of15:16
kalorin`hang on let me get on  irc on that machine15:16
kalorin`it'll be easier15:16
kalorin`well ok it'd be easier if konversation was installed already :(15:17
kalorin`iwlist eth1 scanning shows 1 network (mine)15:18
kalorin`protocol 802.11g15:18
flaccid_ok sweet so its working :)15:18
kalorin`yeah it's sort of working15:18
flaccid_now you just use knetworkmanager yeah15:18
kalorin`wifi-radar shows networks and signal and all that15:18
kalorin`well knetworkmanager's tab for wireless is just grayed out15:19
flaccid_what is the problem then?15:19
flaccid_pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file please kalorin`15:19
kalorin`there's only 2 lines15:19
flaccid_paste here15:19
kalorin`auto lo, iface lo inet loopback, and auto eth015:19
kalorin`the rest is just comments15:20
kalorin`I pulled the latest firmware but I'm not sure how to instal it15:20
kalorin`install it15:20
flaccid_take out everything but localhost directives, then sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart15:20
kalorin`doesn't come with directions15:20
flaccid_your firmware is working kalorin`15:20
flaccid_after that close knetworkmanager then run it again like killall knetworkmanager && knetworkmanager15:21
kalorin`ok done15:21
ubottuFactoid corel not found15:22
kalorin`done, same deal15:22
kalorin`wireless is grayed out15:22
flaccid_if its still greyed out, can you show me a screenshot of knetworkmanager right clicked, showing the grayed out15:22
flaccid_screenshot please of it right clicked..15:22
kalorin`yeah sec15:22
frybyethe desktop crashed and now there is not taskbar at the bottom of the screen - with the K - menu etc..?? heeelp.. hehe15:22
poisonis it possible to edit a corel made file?15:23
flaccid_frybye, run kicker & in a konsole15:23
Pennycookfrybye: Are you still in KDE4?15:23
frybyeyeah came back in here after re-boot...15:23
flaccid_kde4 support is in #kubuntu-kde415:24
flaccid_kalorin`, and yeah at this stage the problem is certainly not centrino - it looks like a knetworkmanager issue15:25
frybyesorry thought i was in there..15:26
frybyetks anyhow its back...15:26
frybyebut is grey...15:26
kalorin`flaccid: ok I get that, but shouldn't I have been able to manually configure the wireless onto the netwokr?15:26
kalorin`I haven't been able to do that15:26
kalorin`ok I have a png of the whole screen where do you want it/15:26
kalorin`oh I'll stick it on my server15:27
flaccid_cool. im not sure what you mean by 'configure the wireless onto the network'.15:27
flaccid_knetwork manager is like 2clicks for a network setup15:27
kalorin`I mean like using ifconfig15:28
flaccid_right click tray icon, then click on the wireless network in the list for example15:28
kalorin`yeah look at the screenshot15:28
kalorin`I'm saying that I should be able to us ifconfig to get it on the network I would think if it's working right and knetworkmanager isn't15:28
flaccid_yeah of course you can use ifconfig. just keep in mind its not that simple if a network requires encryption..15:28
flaccid_kalorin`, no thats not what i want. you restart knetworkmanager. and you right click knetworkmanager icon, not the connection status..15:29
kalorin`ok that says no wireless networks found15:30
kalorin`under wireless network15:30
lyhana8flaccid_: i'm trying to follow the link you give me about iwl3945, i got problem whent trying to unload older module :15:30
lyhana8sudo make unloadUnloading ssb...FATAL: Module ssb is in use.Unloading cfg80211...FATAL: Module cfg80211 is in use.make: *** [unload] Erreur 115:30
flaccid_kalorin`, thats because there is only one which has a hidden ESSID. if thats your access point, don't hide the ESSID because if you want to connect to it, you'll have to do it a bit more manually..15:31
kalorin`k sec I'll unhide it15:32
kalorin`look at that though15:32
flaccid_lyhana8, sudo rmmod cfg80211 - but chances are its in use15:33
kalorin`flaccid it's pretty explicit about fireware versions and driver versions needing to match15:33
kalorin`ok I've set the ESSID to unhidden GN15:33
flaccid_kalorin`, dude thats already done. its working. i don't see a problem yet at all...15:33
lyhana8flaccid_: same error : module in use15:33
lyhana8flaccid_:  ERROR: Module cfg80211 is in use by iwlwifi_mac8021115:33
flaccid_lyhana8, maybe you will have to stop networking or something or boot into a different runlevel so its not loaded or blacklist the module and reboot or something15:34
kalorin`ok now I do an iwlist eth1 scanning and I see the ESSID: "GN"15:34
kalorin`and it's using WEP encryption because I just want to get it working15:34
lyhana8flaccid_: i do `sudo rmmod iwlwifi_mac80211` and after `sudo rmmod cfg80211` and that seem ok15:34
flaccid_lyhana8, yep nice work..!15:35
jasonHi, I'm trying to use my microphone, it's plugged into the right jack and kmix has been unmuted for the  mic. but when I speak into it then no sound comes out through my speakers. my spearkers do work15:35
kalorin`son of a biscuit15:35
kalorin`seems to be working nw15:35
flaccid_just as expected :)15:35
kalorin`flaccid you're a lifesaver (though I feel REALLY stupid now)15:36
kalorin`what about wpa?15:36
kalorin`can it do that out of the box?15:36
flaccid_knetworkmanager does wpa15:36
flaccid_yep for sure. i use wpa215:36
kalorin`k I'll have to give that a try15:36
flaccid_on my linksys wrt54gl15:36
kalorin`so all because I had hidden the ESSID?15:36
kalorin`yeah I've got oen of those as well running DD-WRT15:36
flaccid_i believe so15:36
flaccid_kalorin`, thats what i am running. you have the same access point and wireless card as me..15:37
flaccid_kalorin`, there is an option in knetworkmanager to connect to a hidden network15:37
flaccid_not sure where it is but its explained a bit here: http://en.opensuse.org/Projects/KNetworkManager15:38
kalorin`cool thanks man15:38
* flaccid_ is on windows, not at home atm15:38
flaccid_on that note im going for a sesh and watch a movie. have a good one everyone catchas soon.15:39
sharpedebates having another fight with 8.04 to get it to use nvagp instead of agpgart15:41
jasonHi, I'm trying to use my microphone, it's plugged into the right jack and kmix has been unmuted for the  mic. but when I speak into it then no sound comes out through my speakers. my spearkers do work15:46
CoCaInEjason: check the sound level on alsamixer15:47
kalorin`jason, it might not be set to route the sound directly15:47
kalorin`ie. echo15:47
kalorin`it might be set in record and play mode only but not mix those channels15:47
jasonkalorin`: I don't have alsamixer, only kmix. how do I configure it to route directly, nothing here seems to say how15:52
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jasonkalorin`: it's ok I found it15:56
jasonwas under AUX for some reason15:56
* kalorin` nods15:56
kalorin`usually it's not right in the top15:56
frybyeafter  doing a console login how do I start the gui...?15:57
newbirdhi.. need advice on getting sound on hardy heron amd-64 bit version15:58
newbirdeverything shows OK, but i hear no sound...15:59
newbirdi get a message on unable to connect to pulse server..15:59
newbirdwhat is pulse?15:59
biagidp_Any java developers about that can tell me the easiest way to find what version of JDK I'm running?16:01
BluesKajbiagidp_, in the terminal , sudo update-alternatives --config java , the java client with + sign is the one you are using.16:04
biagidp_BluesKaj: It doesn't list a version of JDK, so I guess that answers my question, thanks!16:05
stdinbiagidp_: java -version16:05
BluesKajbiagidp_, you can always check to see what's installed in adept :)16:05
biagidp_BluesKaj: I'm not a huge adept fan, but I'll check it out to make sure16:06
BluesKajbiagidp_, try stdin's suggestion16:07
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biagidp_stdin: thanks, that didn't list a JDK either16:08
stdinbiagidp_: did you install the jdk package?16:08
biagidp_stdin: I don't remember if I did it on this machine or another one16:09
stdinbiagidp_: 'dpkg -l | grep jdk' should help16:09
stdinif it doesn't show a -jdk package, it's not installed16:09
biagidp_stdin: It doesn't, and the only jdk package is jdk1.1 and I think the current version is 6-something16:10
pietje_phuckAny one having a problem with firefox RC2 flickering?16:10
pietje_phuckOr is it just me?16:11
kkathmanpietje_phuck: seems to be ok here on my machine16:11
kushal1what is the default irc client in kubuntu 8.04? I cannot find konversation as installed by default.16:12
Jucatokushal1: if you're using Kubuntu's KDE 4 remix, no I didn't find it installed by default. just apt-get it16:12
stdinkushal1: kubuntu 8.04 or kubuntu kde4 8.04 ?16:13
Jucato(and #kubuntu-kde4 for KDE 4 questions)16:13
Jucatostdin: kde4. he asked in #kde too16:13
pietje_phuckkkathman: thanks16:13
pimkonversation is16:13
pimyou could run apt-get install konversation16:13
pimsudo it16:13
stdinyeah, in kde4 there isn't one installed by default (mostly because there is no kde4 client available)16:14
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grassonei have download a package with "apt-get source <pkgname>"16:28
grassoneafter some change in the source i'd like to start the configuration and compilation like the "apt-get source --compile <pkgname>" do16:29
grassonehow can i do that ?16:29
stdingrassone: if you have debuild use "debuild" from the source dir, else (make sure you have fakeroot installed) and run "fakeroot debian/rules binary"16:31
pim How do get letters from the greek alphabet?16:31
pimHow do I get letters from the greek alphabet?16:32
kkathmanpim for what purpose?16:33
pimI need to write in german16:33
kkathmanisnt that a matter of going to the regional settings?16:34
pimI've got an american keybord16:35
pimIn German the Beta is used16:35
pimIn winnie I can get it by pressing ctrl+alt+s16:35
grassonestdin: thank you very much16:35
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pimThis letter: ß16:37
Dr_willis_alt-ctrl-s here scrolls up my window :) darn compiz keys! heh16:39
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jcfppim: german letter ß is not a beta (β) but a sharp s. Available via 'AltGr + s' with a us-intl keyboard setting.16:44
pietje_phuckff3 rc2 seems to flicker for me, specially so with noscript enabled, using ff3 beta 2 works fine16:47
pietje_phuckJust in case any one is interested16:47
pietje_phuckDoes any one know how to downgrade in apt, or reverse an upgrade?16:50
semyenovhello for all ;016:59
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)17:05
dr_Willisthe apt-get manuals discuss that pietje_phuck  - ive never had to mess with that befor.17:05
pietje_phuckdr_Willis: reading it now17:07
pietje_phuckdr_Willis: thanks17:07
dr_Willisthe apt stuff is the kind of complex system - it pays to read the docs.. then read them again a few weeks later.. then again.....17:09
Jucatorinse and repeat for the next year or so17:10
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dr_WillisI got a whole Linux Library in the Basement 'reading room' right next to the sink and toilet. :)17:11
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Vermuxhow do I see a list of available trusted account computers?17:15
Rioting_pacifistfirefox just stoped working, i turned of an extention and clicked reboot and it now refuses to start (not even anything in console with -P17:17
emilsedghRioting_pacifist: did you try starting with a new session?17:19
Rioting_pacifistcant even get to the profile dialog17:20
Rioting_pacifistnvm it was miro being a pita17:25
Rioting_pacifistwill report it after the match17:25
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kkerwinHi. #kubuntu-kde4 appears to be dead: I'm having trouble installing KDE4-beta: http://pastebin.com/m1e9837e917:43
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ubottuFactoid bonnie++ not found18:03
ubottuFactoid bonnie not found18:03
jimmy51!info bonnie++18:04
ubottubonnie++ (source: bonnie++): Hard drive bottleneck testing benchmark suite.. In component main, is optional. Version 1.03ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 41 kB, installed size 144 kB18:04
kiran_please help im not able to write/delete files in my usb drive its in readonly mode.how to change this?18:07
pimkiran_ read only mode means you can't write to the device18:10
jessicaif a file is read only try "sudo chmod ugo+rw <folder path>"18:11
kiran_yeh thts d error which its showing but how to change it... i did not have this problem untill today...18:11
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jessicawhat is kiran's problem18:12
jimmy51anyone here good at using bonnie++ ?18:14
haryonohow to enter irc jakarta indonesia kubuntu?18:14
jimmy51my output is showing ++++ for many results, which i guess means it's too fast to measure18:14
jimmy51how do i change my test such that the sample size is large enough to calculate the results properly?18:15
haryonoany one know kubuntu irc jakarta indonesia?18:15
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SlimeyPete!indonesian | haryono18:15
ubottuharyono: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia18:15
mrooneyhello, I installed kubuntu-kde4-desktop, and naturally it installed all the deps, but now if I remove it, it just removes the 38kB or so meta package, how can I undo the entire process?18:24
akasico1hola en que parte de los menus esta el dolphin ?? gracias18:26
kkerwin!es | akasico118:28
ubottuakasico1: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:28
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akasico1where can i find the dholpin program18:29
kkerwinHeh. Cool.18:29
kkerwinHit ALT-F2. Enter "dolphin".18:30
kkerwinThen press the enter button.18:30
akasico1I know that but in which part of the menu it is?18:30
kkerwinakasico1: Check under "System".18:31
kkerwinakasico1: Mostly, though, you'll find that the ALT-F2 box is more convenient than the menu, since you don't have to use the mouse, but it does take some getting used to.18:32
akasico1sorry combination of keys are not working I change it this configuration to use the key super and now I have windows keyboard18:35
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l3xwhere does kopete save configuration files and temporary files?18:40
emilsedghl3x: ~/.kde/share/apps/kopete18:42
l3xthanx emilsedgh18:43
emilsedgh!leet | l3x18:44
ubottul3x: 1337 i5 nigh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357.18:44
l3xi iz not l33t haxor, i just like to play with the letters18:44
Jucatoemilsedgh: config files are separate :)18:47
emilsedghyeah, they are in ~/.kde/share/config18:47
conrad_how do i get it so that beagle doesn't open when i click the "search" button on my logitech mouse18:48
azzcoI'm havcing some problems with apt (trying to upgrade from feisty...)http://pastebin.com/daaaad0c18:49
conrad_ok i've uninstalled beagle but now this "tracker search tool" comes up when i press that mouse button18:50
eitreachhow do I enable  hardware accel in kde 4.1 beta? My kwin-effects performance is horrid at the moment.18:50
azzcoeitreach: #kubuntu-kde4 maybe?18:51
eitreachazzco: could try that, yeah.18:51
tashirocan some one tell me what improvements have been made to hardy henron? i only found out its existence today18:52
azzcoIs there anywhere I can get a vanilla sources.list? I think that something went wrong with my previus one..18:52
tashiroany one?18:53
pim_What is the standard sound channel18:55
SlimeyPetedunno... #alsa maybe?18:55
pim_yeah probably, thanks18:55
azzcoisn't hardy using pulseaudio or that's only our ordinary ubutu users?18:55
SlimeyPeteazzco: no pulseaudio on kubuntu AFAIK18:57
arrrghhhhey all, i can't figure out how to configure my nvidia video card on hardy.  i had a really good xorg.conf file for my desktop, but my laptop i can't get it to display on my second monitor properly.  so i'm using windows *sigh*18:58
azzcoarrrghhh: nvidia-settings?18:58
arrrghhhazzco, that's what i used on my desktop.. but only nvidia-xconfig is avaliable...18:59
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arrrghhhon the laptop.  the hardware drivers area says it's using the nvidia driver, but i can't see how to configure the card.  the configuration options within kde don't work so well, and i tried ubuntu and those were even worse...19:00
azzcoarrrghhh: Do you know why nvidia-settings isnt available? I beive that they've shipped that program along the drivers for quite some time19:01
Pennycookazzco: Have you installed it?19:02
arrrghhhazzco, well do i do the recommended ubuntu method of using the hardware drivers install, or do i follow nvidia's recommendations and use their installation?  on my desktop i believe i followed nvidia's settings and those worked...19:02
azzcoPennycook: installed what?19:02
sharpe_ukspeaking of nvidia, Im still banging my head against the wall with nvagp :|19:02
azzcoarrrghhh: I've only used the ubuntu packages and envy.19:03
PennycookOop, sorry; arrrghhh: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings should install nvidia-settings for you; I'd recommend the restricted drivers manager.19:03
arrrghhhPennycook, the restricted drivers manager says it's using the nvidia proprietary drivers, but all i have from console is nvidia-xconfig19:03
Pennycookarrrghhh: As I said, install nvidia-settings.  It's in a separate package.19:04
arrrghhhPennycook, alright i'll try that. thanks.19:04
sharpe_uk3d Acceleration works fine but I remember reading that using nvagp is slightly faster, done running into a wall with it19:04
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pim_how do I execute a script?19:08
trappistpim_: kinda depends, but generally ./scriptname19:08
sharpe_uktwo main ways,19:08
sharpe_uk./script name or if its not got the executable flag then sh <scriptname>19:08
trappistor chmod +x it to make it executable19:09
trappistdon't forget sudo if (and only if) it needs root privileges19:09
pim_I did: bash scriptname19:10
trappistpim_: that should work too19:10
kiran_i have a /var/log/syslog and /var/log/kern.log files which are 1.1GB each how do i change it coz i dont have tht much space in my drive.19:15
azzcoI'm not sure if I'm running feisty or gutsy, how can I tell?19:16
Piciazzco: lsb_release -a19:16
azzcoIs there any way to restore sources.list if it's been deleted/alterd with?19:17
geniiazzco: sudo cp /usr/share/ubuntu-docs/ubuntu/sample/sources.list /etc/apt/19:19
azzcoThanks alot genii :D19:19
geniikiran_: Look into manpage of logrotate19:19
geniiazzco: You're welcome19:20
azzcogenii: /usr/share/ubuntu-docs doesn't exist here19:20
geniiazzco: Download the deb file of it then from a mirror and install with dpkg19:21
genii!info ubuntu-docs19:22
ubottuubuntu-docs (source: ubuntu-docs): The Ubuntu Documentation Project. In component main, is optional. Version 8.04.2~hardy (hardy), package size 3437 kB, installed size 55604 kB19:22
azzcoGreat thanks :)19:23
geniiazzco: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/u/ubuntu-docs/ubuntu-docs_8.04.2~hardy_all.deb19:23
azzcogenii: It has a few dependencies, dpkg them aswell?19:23
geniiazzco: Yes, you can browse the mirror in web browser and find them19:24
geniiazzco: If you like I can just pastebin my sources.list19:25
azzcothat would be much easier genii, thanks :)19:25
geniiazzco: 1 minute19:26
geniiazzco: Change all debian.yorku.ca      to something like us.archive.ubuntu.com    or so if not in Canada http://pastebin.com/m742392ad19:29
frybyehi- how to play *.wma files in kubuntu.. codecs???19:29
azzcogenii: I'll be back in a sec and tell you how it went, thanks =)19:29
jussi01frybye: install kubuntu-restricted-extras19:31
frybyejussi01: what is the command itself??19:32
jussi01sudo aptitude install kubuntu-restricted-extras19:33
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amine27join kubuntu-fr19:34
frybyejussi01: any problem with me being in a 64bit system??19:38
frybyethat is one huge package no... wow?19:38
jussi01yeah, its a meta package...19:39
frybyejussi01: and restart now...?19:39
frybyeit didnt say I had too but...?19:39
jussi01frybye: shouldnt have too19:39
kiran_how to empty var/log/syslog and kern.log files its grown big 1.1GB each.19:39
Pennycookfrybye: Unlike in Windows, you don't have to restart after installing updates or anything like that.  I think the only exception is kernel updates.19:40
frybyeok... hey - its playing - cool.. thanks...19:41
azzcothanks genii, but it didn't help (I'm on feisty) When I try to upgrade with "officiall" repos I get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/19113/19:42
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kiran_genii: how to empty var/log/syslog and kern.log files its grown big 1.1GB each19:43
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newbird1hi folks.. need help.. i locked myself out by wrongly setting my hostname to kubuntu and my domain to a test domain...19:44
newbird1now i cannot sudo anymore because it says19:44
newbird1cannot resolve kubuntu19:44
newbird1how do i fix this?19:45
Pici!hostname | newbird119:45
ubottunewbird1: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab19:45
Picinewbird1: You may need to do this from the recovery session19:45
newbird1ubottu - tried that, but it tells me i don't have admin rights..19:46
ubottunewbird1: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:46
newbird1pici - recovery session? how do i do that and what does recovery session mean?19:46
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frybyeI hve a thunderbird question - there is almost nowone in that #---19:47
Picinewbird1: When you boot Kubuntu it should be listed as an option on your Grub menu19:47
frybyethe junk filter seems to be greyed out..19:47
newbird1pici - yup19:47
newbird1oh, i see..19:47
newbird1what happens in recovery session? I get logged in automatically as root?19:47
Picinewbird1: Then you'd have to manually edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts19:47
Picinewbird1: Yes, you are then automagically in as root19:48
newbird1Pici - cool..19:48
newbird1Pici - I will try that out...19:48
frybyei am outa here for a bit - enough is enough... for a while.. bye now..19:48
newbird1question - why is it that I am unable to get into my wireless? I've configured everything and it connects... but it just drops the connection after sometime when it's unable to get an IP address? I'm on amd-6419:49
newbird1and using ndisgtk19:49
newbird1with atheros AR570019:49
newbird1i connect fine under windows...19:50
newbird1the system could pick up my dns server names to autopopulate into the network configuration panel...19:50
newbird1yet I don't get an ip address..19:50
newbird1is there some setting needed?19:51
newbird1grateful for any advice from the gurus here..19:51
newbird1hmm... i guess the gods here are a little busy...19:52
newbird1i'll fix the problem first for recovery mode..19:52
newbird1thanks pici!19:52
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pimWhy would my system refuse to mount a certain drive?20:01
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Pennycookpim: Could be a number of things, do you have an error message?  Is it by any chance an NTFS drive?20:02
pimIt is20:02
athlon1Hallo, Can anyone tell me if thereis a gui to integrate Kubuntu with Active Directory? Thanks20:03
pim$LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 0)20:03
Pennycookpim: If it's shared with Windows, it will refuse to mount if Windows didn't shut down cleanly last time it booted.  You can get around it with the force option20:03
pimI suspect that is the problem20:03
pimWon't it damage the drive?20:03
Pennycookpim: I think ntfs-3g was re-written so force attempts to fix any errors it comes across; if you're really worried about it, though, you can always log back into Windows and ensure it shuts down cleanly.20:04
pimI just used the -t ntfs option20:05
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Monk3y-anyone here haves Acer Aspire 3100? i wont get my wlan working on kubuntu..20:06
Pennycookpim: I think mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/whatever /mountpath -o force should do the trick20:07
athlon1if you have problems with a NTFS partition, you could do two things: 1- repair it with windows. 2- Install nftsprogs and use ntfsfix.20:07
athlon1I also had that problem...20:08
Monk3y-Hello. I'm having this problem with my WLAN card. It doesn't work by default, and I have no idea how I would get it working. Any help?20:09
Pennycook!patience | Monk3y-20:12
ubottuMonk3y-: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:12
Monk3y-thanks anyways20:13
pimCan I set firefox as the standard browser?20:15
KRFpim, yes. system settings -> default apps20:16
pimah thanks20:16
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Pete__instead of mirroring the full repos for PXE boot could I just mount the iso on a loopback device and host that?20:18
pimKRF it made my taskbar dissappear20:19
Pete__Ok, yes, looks like it can be done, my bad.20:20
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
pimKRF do you know how I get it back?20:21
KRFpim, alt+f2 -> kicker20:21
KRFin kde420:21
pimThanks :p20:21
pimAnybody knows where the standard utorrent location is for saving unfinished files?20:28
Monk3y-Hello. I'm having this problem with my WLAN card. It doesn't work by default, and I have no idea how I would get it working. Any help?   sry for patience but im in a hurry20:46
Odd-rationaleMonk3y-: what card?20:47
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:47
Monk3y-Monk3y-: what card?20:47
Odd-rationaleMonk3y-: monkey see. monkey do... ;)20:47
pimMonk3y you can always try google first, to see if anything specific comes up.20:47
Monk3y-pim, i did20:48
pimHm too bad20:48
Monk3y-but.. im not a genius with this stuff :P20:48
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Odd-rationaleMonk3y-: what card was it?20:48
Monk3y-Acer Invilink(tm) 802.11b/g20:49
Odd-rationaleMonk3y-: you can find out with "lspci | grep Network"20:49
Odd-rationaleMonk3y-: what does ^ that command give?20:51
Monk3y-im not sure20:51
Monk3y-or two20:51
Monk3y-i have to boot to linux..20:53
[ifr0g]!find soap21:03
ubottuFound: libruby1.8, cl-soap, gsoap, libcsoap-dev, libcsoap1 (and 8 others)21:03
shadowhywindhay all, i am going to go and make a backup of my entire partition onto another harddrive. I was wondering if there was an easy way to make it bootable from the other harddrive?21:08
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mute1is there anyway to sort by popularity in kubuntu's adept?  you can in ubuntu, i can't seem to figure out a way to do it w/ kubuntu21:12
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geniiazzco: It wants to remove e2fsprogs... this has nothing to do with what repositories you are using. It's some other dependency issue.21:14
geniikiran_: What you do with the logrotate is make a conf file that does not alow the logs to become so bloated. Say limited to a meg or two, etc. Then forcibly run it to make the huge ones archived, after which you can delete them or whatever you want.21:16
azzcookay thanks for clearing that up genii, I'm just going to install hardy from scratch instead..21:16
HazaWhat would be a good player for .avi's?21:18
HazaDoes Kaffeine support thos codec?21:18
azzcoHaza: If you install them, yes21:19
HazaSo what libraries would i be looking for? :)21:19
azzco!codec | Haza21:19
ubottuHaza: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:19
Hazaazzco: Cheers mate :)21:20
The_ManU_212when a play a special mp3 file with amraok its everytime "scratching" with mpalyer it wroks, what could be the reason21:25
DarkriftXanyone know if there are tools to do a dns lookup from the past? im trying to connect to a site whos nameservers seem to be down, and i need to find the ip21:25
The_ManU_212like a cd with scratches21:25
eagles0513875ahhhhhhhhhh im watchign videos which in kaffine r showing lines in the frames21:37
eagles0513875ill have to deal with that in the am21:37
eagles0513875night all21:39
=== coucou is now known as coucouf
Colonel_Panicanybody know what font is used in the Adept appliacation in Hardy?21:46
justin_hey everyone, I'm trying to get flash to work in opera, I have opera 9.20 and kubuntu 8.04.  I have all the plugins installed and the locations are set in opera's settings, but still nothing works.  What do I do?22:00
[Relic]Hello :)22:02
[Relic]I got ksensors read all cores as core 0 which makes for a bad time know which core is getting hot, any fixes?22:07
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DarkriftXcan someone do me a favor? i need to see if the hardy version of firebug will install on my 7.10 install (firefox3). Basically i need soemone to check if there is a package that someone can download and send me so i can try it22:10
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PennycookDarkriftX: You want to install a Hardy package on Gutsy?22:11
DarkriftXgonna try22:11
jussi01DarkriftX: definately not recomeded22:11
DarkriftXis it that risky?22:11
PennycookIs Firebug a Firefox extension?22:12
DarkriftXi mean, its an extension, i figured it wouldnt have many depends etc22:12
DarkriftXyes Pennycook22:12
DarkriftXtheir server has been down for a week22:12
jcebHola Amigos mios!!!22:12
jussi01DarkriftX: very risky. However, ubuntu packages are available at packages.ubuntu.com (but still dont)22:12
DarkriftXand will be for a while now (fire in the server farm)22:12
jcebnobody else, write in spanish22:12
jussi01!es | jceb22:12
Pennycook!es | jceb22:12
ubottujceb: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:12
jcebhere i'm fine, thanks :D22:13
PennycookDarkriftX: What's wrong with installing the package through Firefox?22:13
DarkriftXPennycook, the server is down22:13
DarkriftXonly download location22:13
Exilantnothing wrong with trying a package22:14
DarkriftXthe firefox page links to the download server and also i dont think the beta i need is avail on the firefox "get updates" section22:14
DarkriftXive spent hours looking for a mirror with no luck22:14
Exilantas long as it's not some really important stuff, few things can break22:14
PennycookDarkriftX: What's wrong with http://fireclipse.xucia.com/files/fireclipse/firebug-1.1.0b10.xpi22:15
DarkriftXholy wtf dude22:15
DarkriftXive been on that network 10 time and always get "firebug has moved"22:15
PennycookGoogle-fu. :)22:15
DarkriftXyeah, ive been googling22:16
DarkriftXwhat did you search?22:16
PennycookWell, just the xpi filename22:16
Exilanthm, packages.ubuntu.com works for me22:16
Exilantor did i miss something?22:17
DarkriftXi found it too, but im not running hardy22:17
PennycookExilant: He's running Gutsy.22:17
DarkriftXso was told not to use it22:17
lmentor are u hardy running?22:17
lmentah i rock22:17
tzdI'm looking for a good alternative to the rss reader akregator... any suggestions please? Used akregator but recently it's lagging like crazy :/22:18
DarkriftXok, good thing is i downloaded it22:20
DarkriftXbad is that firefox doesnt seem to recognize it :s22:20
DarkriftXgonna try linking it from one of my pages and see if it will install taht way22:20
DarkriftXwhen i open that link, it opens it as like a folder or something (I get save, view, close buttons) with a tree view format :s22:21
PennycookDarkriftX: Weird.  When I click it I get a typical install option.22:22
DarkriftXyou running firefox 3 ?22:22
DarkriftXi even put it on one of my sites and gave a link to it, now it just wants to download :S22:27
[Relic]?? nvidia restricted22:27
PennycookDarkriftX: Have you tried installing it via Firefox's "Install add-ons" thing?  If you press "Install..." I think it asks you to go looking for the file.22:28
DarkriftXill try that22:28
DarkriftXnope, i dont get anything like that22:29
DarkriftXjust takes me to a website with addons22:29
PennycookDarkriftX: Have you tried dragging the .xpi onto it?22:31
DarkriftXlemme try taht22:31
DarkriftXty much22:31
DarkriftXthat worked22:31
DarkriftXthe problem was another extension i had installed (archview) and never used (so i didnt know what i was seeing). archview lets you view inside of archives before downloading them....22:34
transupergeekumm... hi!22:39
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!22:39
transupergeeki'm trying torun kubuntu x64 off the live cd but it hangs on the splashscreen22:40
transupergeekwith no splashscreen it get to a point after it detects the sata drives22:41
transupergeeki've tried with acpi=off noapic, nolapic, and irqpoll as boot options but they don't seem to help22:42
transupergeekany ideas? (brand new machine)22:42
coucoufhave you tried removing "splash" from the boot line ?22:42
coucoufso it should not hang on the splash, when it's disabled, does it ?22:43
[Relic]any ideas on how to get the restricted driver install for nvidia if it doesn't show in the program22:44
NekosolTeraDynetransupergeek, Did you make sure the CD burned correctly by running the "Check CD for Defects" option on the book selection menu?22:44
Pennycook[Relic]: I think the package is called nvidia-glx-new22:44
arrrghhhok so installing nvidia-settings worked, my 2nd monitor i can now configure... sort of.  the resolution isn't being detected at all, and i managed to get it to 800x600, but it won't let me select a resolution or put a custom one in.22:45
jalshi, how do i prevent this - "system policy prevents mounting internal media" - when i try to access the files of a second hard drive?22:46
transupergeekcoucouf: very funny =P  it hangs after SATA init and ssays uniform cd rom driver and hangs there22:46
coucouftransupergeek: you could also try the "alternate" CD. The installation process is a bit uglier, but not so much complicated.22:46
arrrghhhmy laptop screen has tons of selections, from 320x240 to 1920x1200 (its max res) but my 2nd monitor is stuck to 800x600 with no options for resolution in nvidia-settings22:47
transupergeekwhat does the alternate cd have?22:47
arrrghhhjals, are you mounting from livecd or actual install?22:47
jalsactual install22:47
arrrghhhtransupergeek, text (debian) installer.22:47
coucoufa text installer :)22:47
arrrghhhwhich i don't see why it isn't included in the desktop cd as an option from the menu... but whatever :P22:48
arrrghhhso how can i fix my monitor's resolution?  why doesn't nvidia-settings have resolution options like it does for my laptop screen?  obviously it's detecting a lot about my laptop screen and virtually nothing about my monitor...22:50
jalsi had no issues with my resolution for once this time22:51
arrrghhhmy desktop this monitor and an hdtv worked perfectly, detected both perfectly22:51
arrrghhhno such luck for this monitor & my laptop...22:52
jalsarrrghhh, did you enquire about my install cos you knew about my issue?22:52
arrrghhhjals, when you try to mount it should ask for a root pass does it not?22:52
arrrghhhwell i've had your issue before22:52
jalsarrrghhh, it does, i want to prevent that22:52
arrrghhhand for me it *seemed* like it was fixed... sometimes i would run dolphin as root tho.22:53
arrrghhhjals, you need root access to mount drives.22:53
jalsah so i need to mount them as root22:53
arrrghhhit's not good to run dolphin as root22:53
arrrghhhentries in fstab would mount them on boot22:53
arrrghhh/etc/fstab sorry22:53
jalsright, i guess that's what i need22:53
jalsubuntu 7.04 did that automatically22:53
arrrghhhusually does for me too.  linux does unpredictable things sometimes.22:54
Pennycookjals: It's something new with Hardy from what I can tell; if you don't tell it what to do during the install now, it defaults to "do not use this media" and doesn't give it anywhere to mount by default.22:54
jalswhat's a good kde text editor22:55
arrrghhhPennycook, ah... that's unfortunate.22:55
jalsnot familiar with default apps22:55
arrrghhhi like kate, but i transfered some stuff to a windows machine and notepad had all my notes as one looooong line...22:56
Pennycookarrrghhh: Not Kate's fault; Linux, Windows and Mac actually signify newlines differently.  Windows only uses Carriage Return, I think.22:56
geniiIt uses that ^M22:57
The_ManU_212why shows bkid uuid with "" but fstab need it without ""?22:57
arrrghhhPennycook, i figured it was something like that... linux is usually good about portability tho, i'm just used to stuff working back and forth so it surprises me when stuff like that happens.22:57
The_ManU_212and how to mount ah partition with UUID in fstab manually?22:57
arrrghhhThe_ManU_212, i've mounted stuff in fstab w/o the UUID... but if the location in /dev moves than the mount doesn't work...22:58
Pennycookarrrghhh: Yeah, it's a silly little thing.22:58
arrrghhhit does happen...22:59
The_ManU_212arrrghhh: if the location in /dev moves how do you mean?22:59
coucoufdo a ls -l /dev/disks/by-uuid, it'll give you the /dev <-> UUID mapping22:59
arrrghhhwell in place of the UUID put the location in /dev.  like /dev/sda522:59
coucoufah, sorry, misread22:59
PennycookThe_ManU_212: The line should look something like this: "UUID=uuidgoeshere /mountpoint type options dump pass22:59
arrrghhhThe_ManU_212, or do what coucouf said22:59
coucoufyes, replace the /dev/xxx by a UUID=23:00
coucoufthe UUID won't change whereas the /dev/xxx *may* change23:00
arrrghhhyesh and when the /dev/xxx changes than drives no mounting !23:00
geniiOr errors being spit out because a definition in fstab for /dev/xxx says wrong options23:01
coucoufthat's when you have bad luck, in fact I don't think I've seen it change already :)23:01
arrrghhhso if nvidia-settings is detecting my laptop monitor perfectly and my external monitor as being present but that's about it... do i force the resolution in xorg.conf?23:01
coucoufarrrghhh: hmm, that's something else, I've always wondered how to do it, especially now that the xorg.conf looses parameters with each Ubuntu release :)23:03
geniiarrrghhh: You should specify a line of settings in case the first one doesn't work for some reason. Then at least you can cycle them with the trusty ctrl shift numpad+     or ctrl shift numpad-23:03
arrrghhhyea.  i wish nvidia-settings was installed and maybe a menu option or even integrated into the monitor/resolution section... cuz it's not included with the restricted driver by default apparently.23:04
geniiMaybe just ctrl numpad+/- I forget atm23:04
coucoufthe aticonfig command line utility has plenty of options that fill the xorg.conf, maybe nvidia has sth equivalent ?23:05
arrrghhhthere's nvidia-xconfig...23:06
arrrghhhi'll pastebin my xorg.conf23:07
coucoufwell, sounds kinda good, the only problem would be that I have no idea how to force a resolution in xorg.conf :)23:08
arrrghhhi think the option "metamode" supersedes anything and is part of the settings autodetection...23:08
=== flo_ is now known as greatgib
arrrghhhwell i sort of know how but it's not working out so well lol23:09
arrrghhhi wonder why it's being detected so poorly when linux has always detected (along with the nvidia drivers/panel) and setup my screens well...23:10
coucoufwell, be on my way to bed, good luck !23:11
arrrghhhi guess i shouldn't say always.  i've had some trouble with this in the past...23:11
jalsdoes this look right for mounting my partition in fstab guys?23:12
jalsUUID=12FCD85CE1DBCB29 /media/hdc5 ntfs auto,user,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=003,utf8 0 123:12
jalsi just copied it from my ubuntu fstab23:13
jalsactually i seem to remember having issues with this on ubuntu so i used the ntfs config tool23:15
The_ManU_212coucouf: bkid shopws another id as  ls -l /dev/disks/by-uuid/23:16
The_ManU_212i made a new filesystem23:16
The_ManU_212and want to change the uuid in fstab23:16
coucoufyou should probably trust blkid then23:16
arrrghhhjals, my uuid's are entered way differently from yours...23:18
jessicaok something really really strange just happend, im on amsn and it sent someone a message that i had never ever typed23:18
jessicalike a msn virus would in windows but im in ubuntu23:19
jalsarrrghhh, hmm23:19
jalsoh well i'll find out next boot if it worked!23:19
coucouftry mount -a23:19
coucoufno need to reboot23:19
jalsyeah, that did not work, i think i tried to mount to the wrong place23:20
arrrghhhjals, look how your "/" mount is setup...23:20
coucoufthe /media/hdc6 must exist23:20
arrrghhhor if you mount /home separately look at that23:20
arrrghhhlol that too23:20
jalssays no such file or directory23:21
jalsfailed to access mountpoint23:21
arrrghhhjals, does /media/hdc6 exist or did you just make it up?23:21
coucoufdid you create /media/hdc6 ?23:21
jalsarrrghhh, i copied the name kubuntu seemed to give it23:22
jalswhen it was mounted23:22
jalsok how do i create these locations?23:22
jessicadose anyone know anything about some how wht looked to me like a msn virus getting on to linux23:22
coucoufsudo mkdir /media/hdc6723:22
jalsoh they're just directories? ok23:23
jalsok neat once i created the dirs and did mount -a i got no errors23:23
arrrghhheverything is a directory lol  everything is a file23:23
coucouftry ls /media/hdc6, you should see the content23:23
jalsindeed i do23:24
jalsthink i'm preferring kde to gnome now23:25
arrrghhhjals, i definitely do.23:25
coucoufI like both, depends on my mood, now is KDE time :)23:25
arrrghhhin gnome things are too simplified.  kde gives you a lot more options openly - not that you don't have options in gnome...23:26
jalsi mean i guess it's not a far comparison23:26
coucoufwell that used to be so, now I'm not so sure23:26
jmichaelxin order to run google gadgets, is it necessary to have compiz (or something similar) running?23:26
jalsi'm comparing ubuntu gutsy to kubuntu hardy23:26
arrrghhhubuntu hardy is a lot different23:27
arrrghhhkubuntu gutsy -> hardy was a game of catchup23:27
arrrghhha lot of behind the scenes stuff23:27
coucoufwhen you install KDE4, yes, otherwise... :)23:27
jalsoh yeah i'm waiting for kde 4.1 i think23:27
arrrghhhwell yea.  that project is not-so-much ready yet23:28
jalsamarok 2 as well \o/23:28
arrrghhhit's good... but has a lot of backend work with plasma and phonon23:28
The_ManU_212coucouf: the bkid was the wrong one, the one in /dev/ was right23:28
coucoufThe_ManU_212: OK, sry I would've thought the contrary23:29
* genii decides to wait for KDE523:29
The_ManU_212coucouf: but why, dows bkid not read directly from disk?23:29
geniiThen I'll likely go to 4.x23:30
* The_ManU_212 decides to use kde 5.5+23:30
coucoufThe_ManU_212: I thought so, thus my advice...23:30
The_ManU_212coucouf: ok23:30
coucoufmaybe it has some sort of cache, had you restarted since you created the filesystem ?23:30
coucoufwell anyway it's strange23:30
iboucould someone try to connect to freedb via easytag, eac or xcfa and say me if it's working fine please ?23:31
Odd-rationaleibou: i have easytag. the catalog search seems to be working for me...23:32
tokerhi all...23:33
coucoufThe_ManU_212: man blkid talks about a cache, that's it :)23:34
The_ManU_212coucouf: ah ok :) and the name in /dev/ ahs to be the right one after a mkfs, or the system is broken...23:34
ibouOdd-rationale: are you talking about the manual search or automatic one ?23:35
tokerI seem to remember there being a collection of files I need to install into kubuntu so I can compile some programs by hand.. and I seem to remember there being a real nice apt-get that installed most of the ordinarily needed stuff but can't remember what it's name was.. sound familiar to anyone here?23:35
coucoufaptitude install build-essentials23:37
tokercoucouf: thanks :)23:39
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).23:39
ibouOdd-rationale: anyone ?23:39
coucoufbe carefull with firestarter, I think it doesn't get along well with the gnome network-manager those times23:43
iboucould someone try to connect to freedb via easytag, eac or xcfa and say me if it's working fine please ?23:43
navetzcan someone do a ls -l /dev/scd0 and tell me what it says (if your cdrom is located at scd0 that is)23:43
geniinavetz: brw-rw----+ 1 root cdrom 11, 0 2008-06-10 17:47 /dev/scd0                  but it's made automatically by udev23:44
coucoufdepends on the CD-ROM in the drie :p23:44
navetzgenii: ok mine looks like that to, and my cdrom works for reading cd's, but I cannot burn.23:45
Awsoonndoes kubuntu install via Ubiquity?23:45
coucoufwhoops, sorry, that doesn't depend on what's in the drive23:45
geniinavetz: Conceivably the burning laser is shot but the reading laser still works23:45
bdizzlequestion for some people23:46
coucoufAwsoonn: yes, the installer looks quite the same23:46
bdizzlehow do I turn on large texture support and DXTC in driconf?23:46
navetzgenii: think so? is there a way to tell?23:46
geniinavetz: Have another cd drive?23:46
Awsoonncoucouf: Thank you.23:47
geniinavetz: You could boot livecd to second cd drive, then try burning something on the one thats supect23:47
navetzgenii: I don't, I know burning use to work for me though. but i think I messed something up in my filesystem gui tool23:47
geniinavetz: Conceivably you have some fstab entry that trys to mount the cd drive as some other thing23:48
MachinTrucChoseHi. I have 2 hard drives, both formatted as ext3. I would like to install Windows XP in order to dual-boot to play games. Can I get away with creating a 20gb FAT32/NTFS partition for Windows, or do I need to worry about the Windows bootloader not being on the first 100mb of the disk and such nonsense?23:51
MachinTrucChosebetter yet, is there some sort of Wubi equivalent for running Windows on a virtual file system?23:51
glen_is there ktorrent or amarok available for kde 4?23:52
glen_i'm running 4.1 beta 123:52
MachinTrucChosetry #kubuntu-kde423:52
glen_ah, apologies :)23:52
coucoufktorrent is, I don't know about amarok, my KDE 4.0 still has amarok/kde323:52
glen_coucouf, hmm.. how did you install ktorrent? simply from the default repos?23:53
coucoufyes, the package is ktorrent-kde4 in hardy23:54
sven_oostenbrinkAnybody has experience with SELinunx in kubuntu?23:55
sven_oostenbrinkIm using Kubuntu on a server and I would like to place it under SELinux to make it a bit more secure..23:56
glen_sven_oostenbrink, you may have more luck in #ubuntu as the process will be the same23:57
sven_oostenbrinkglen_> thanks!23:58

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