
h3sp4wn_Try it on RHEL5 or SLED thats probably as good as it gets00:22
DanaGOh hey, here's something odd I noticed with Pulseaudio:00:28
DanaGIf you use default-sample-channels=6 and use a combined sink (with channel map explicitly specified to be FL, FR, RL, RR, C, LFE)... and then use it with only a stereo device...00:28
DanaGThe audio will sound different going app→combined→device compared to app→device.  It sounds positionally different.00:29
DanaGOdd: new metacity made window buttons disappear in compiz.01:04
DanaGOkay... now they're back... but with double spacing between them.01:10
crdlbDanaG: that will be fixed01:19
DanaGAah, cool.01:31
DanaGI'm curious what caused it.01:31
DanaGOh yeah, what plugins are in the packaged compiz now?  The nonstandard ones I use are mousetrails, atlantis2, and staticswitcher (which looks best set to highest speed).01:33
lamalexHow do you guys feel about the name Intrepid Ibex01:33
lamalexnot as catchy as past names imo01:33
DanaGIntrepid makes me think of cars.01:37
DanaGBut Ibex is fine to me.01:37
DanaGIs it just me, or do gksu boxes and gnome-screensaver boxes now look ugly?01:57
DanaGThe background is a grey gradient, and clashes violently with everything.01:57
donald_duckis ext4 in intrepid02:03
ubottuFactoid ext4 not found02:03
RAOFHeh.  Quits too fast.02:21
DanaGOh, donald_duck.02:21
RAOF"Yes*" is the answer, with * indicating that you can't actually format to ext4 :)02:21
DanaGYeah, that's a bit silly.02:21
DanaGI use ext3 for the sake of using ext2fsd (which is far better than the seemingly abandoned ext2ifs).02:22
DanaGAudacity really should be SUCKdacity.03:42
DanaGIt's buggy, and it freezes on things like scrolling.03:42
DarkMageZDanaG, go poke nenolod with a stick for writing buggy code then.03:43
DarkMageZit's the only way to achieve progress. all this ninja hatery against it in irrelevant parts of the internet does nothing.03:45
DanaGFun: sticking karaoke and vocal versions of the same song in Audacity together.03:48
DanaGargh, compiz is trying to strobe me to death whenever I move the mouse over the Audacity window.04:02
DarkMageZDanaG, feel free to poke the compiz people & nenolod with a stick.04:03
DanaGHmm, it04:03
DanaGMousetrails is what's doing it.  Odd.04:03
DanaGNo other app gives that issue.04:03
DanaGWould you happen to know how to make things be multichannel audio?04:05
DarkMageZlike video? with different sound tracks? there a special format for that.04:07
DanaGAah, in Preferences -- "Custom Mix" under Export.04:07
DoYouKnowAre there any screenshots around of the new theme stuff in intrepid ibex? has that been included yet?04:07
DarkMageZoh, lolz. looks like i mixed up Audacious & Audacity again.04:09
DanaGSweet.  Now I have the vocal version on front and the nonvocal version on rear.04:09
DoYouKnowcoolz https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid04:10
jeremeyis there anybody in there?05:13
teethdoodwhat's the kernel being used for Ibex right now guys?07:13
RAOFteethdood: 2.6.2407:27
crdlbDanaG: the fix for g-w-d is now in git; basically, metacity broke API adding a spacer button type07:28
DanaGOh yeah, I've installed the "shadows" plugin, but it doesn't seem to do anything.  And the "Bicubic" plugin seems to just apply a single blur across the whole screen.07:34
DanaGIt's odd that adding a spacer type.... made it have one after every button.07:42
DanaGThen again, I don't know what behavior I'd expect.07:43
crdlbthey refactored a bit too07:44
* DanaG goes off to bed soon.07:45
DanaGMon Jun  9 23:46:01 PDT 200807:46
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teethdoodkernel 2.6.24 is known to not support quite a few tuner cards. Why haven't we moved to 2.6.25 already?14:11
gnomefreakteethdood: hardy wont have .2514:13
gnomefreakintrepid might either .25 or .26 depending on time releases14:14
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DanaGArgh, I logged in... and had no window manager.22:47
DanaGI have compiz in my startup tasks... but it didn't start, for some reason.  I had to manually start it.22:47

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