[01:03] hi, I have a question, I just set a theme, but some windows have that theme others dont, can I change this? [01:04] <_MMA_> Are these windows that require admin access? [01:04] <_MMA_> is: Synaptic? [01:04] <_MMA_> *ie: [01:07] _MMA_, yes they are [01:08] <_MMA_> Take the theme from /home/your_user/.themes to /usr/share/themes. [01:09] thanks _MMA_ [01:21] eh, you should do /root/.themes or /usr/local/share/themes [01:21] use* [01:22] you'll have the make the trailing directory [01:22] have to make* [02:11]  Is it just me, or do gksu boxes and gnome-screensaver boxes now look ugly in Intrepid? The background is a grey gradient, and clashes violently with many things. [10:33] njpatel: did you say that awn will work without compiz enabled? [10:33] kwwii: from the next release [10:34] njpatel: cool, one more question....are there packages for the applets? [10:34] I had some old stuff installed from some bzr repo and now that I removed it all to update to the official awn packages they are gone :-( [10:34] kwwii: yeah, awn-extras includes most of the applets, one sec, I'll get the ppa address [10:35] killer, thanks :-) [10:35] njpatel: do you think we should put awn in the default desktop instead of the lower panel? [10:35] since mark mentioned on his blog that he likes awn it might be easier than you think ;-) [10:36] kwwii: http://wiki.awn-project.org/DistributionGuides#Reacocard.27s_PPA [10:37] kwwii: hmm, not in it's current state. It needs some work still to become stable and act correctly in multi-monitor setups [10:38] ahhh, right...didn't think about dual monitors and such [10:38] njpatel: thanks for the info, rock on! [10:39] njpatel: great work on awn btw [10:39] kwwii: \m/ :-) [10:39] andreasn: thanks! [10:39] njpatel: do you happen to know if the banshee plugin that shows album covers works on banshee-1 yet? [10:40] andreasn: I think that someones been updating it to work, one sec [10:43] andreasn: you'll need the files from here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~awn-extras/awn-extras/trunk/files/rcryderman%40gmail.com-20080610021111-48otz8q4vh9nuas0?file_id=banshee1.0-20080528003422-i6ktw0fk6mxw4x6e-1 [10:45] how do I download those with the bzr command? :) [10:46] andreasn: click on the file, and on the next page, click on the download link :-) [10:47] I just need the dll-file? [10:47] andreasn: yep, and copy into /usr/lib/banshee-1/Extensions [10:48] hmm, but it doesn't work for me...maybe I have an old version [10:49] will it work if I put it in ./config/banshee/plugins as well? [10:49] andreasn: should do, I don't really use banshee so I'm not sure [10:49] I'll try and see what happens [10:53] got it to work [10:53] thanks for the help [12:09] elkbuntu is this an official channel? [12:09] yes. [12:11] can I pm you a second? [12:12] elkbuntu ^ [12:12] no. im busy. [12:12] ahh. [12:13] Some day I hope to discover the "ubuntu community" that I have heard people talking about. [12:19] lol [12:19] in order to 'discover the "ubuntu community"' you will probably need to put more than 10 minutes into it [15:52] hello bonjour [15:53] do you know if we can try usplash without rebooting ? [15:59] zniavre: not that I know of as it goes in the initramfs [16:56] kwwii: thank you it's what i believed to