
=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Hug Day! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20080610 | Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ | Want to report a bug? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs
nickellerybdmurray, Bug 237662 in todays Bug Day is not related/packaged to Update Manager01:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 237662 in gksu "gksudo does not work after changing computer name" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23766201:37
persianickellery: No, but as long as that bug is outstanding, changing the computer name means that update manager doesn't work.  Be nice to fix that too.01:43
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jjessehrmm jorge@bazaar.launchpad.net has a lock on add-5-a-day02:10
pwnguinive never used bzr, but it uses locks?02:14
jjessei'm trying to use 5-a-day andsomeone has it locked02:14
jjesseprobablly should go on #launchpaed02:14
persiajcastro: Are you using that lock, or did you forget it when you left?02:16
persiajjesse: For future note, user@bazaar.launchpad.net always has a homepage at launchpad.net/~user, and there is usually an associated IRC nick.02:16
jjessepersia: i know was trying to figure that out02:17
jcastropersia: yeah it was my fault, sorry, fixing02:18
persiajcastro: No worries :)02:20
jjessejcastro: still shows locked for me02:22
jcastrojjesse: try now02:26
jjessejcastro: worked thank you02:27
jcastrodidn't know I could break things in such ways, sorry!02:27
jjesseno worries02:28
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mrooneyOld_Soldier: nice bug :]05:02
Old_Soldierhehe i was expevting someone to say dont be anal its been that way since breezy05:03
mrooneywell if the docs say to use American English then it is indeed a bug05:04
persiaOld_Soldier: You'd be surprised just how many bugs are left over from pre-Breezy :)05:04
mrooneythere is a UK translation so I suppose that is where it belongs05:04
mrooneyOld_Soldier: nice, a "real" typo :)05:55
Old_Soldier:) im trying to be really thorough. I've yet to earn my wings in the document team :)05:56
mrooneyit is nice, I think polish in documentation is great to have05:57
mrooneyisn't it really interesting that people writing documentation wouldn't use a spell check?05:58
Old_Soldieri think its because they get annoyed at the spellchesker hitting on the docbook tags06:00
Old_Soldierbut yes it is pretty amazing :)06:00
leoquanti would give Bug #121346 a bump. it is really confusing for some users. (that unix-word)10:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 121346 in shadow "passwd username: UNIX pass in the recovery mode" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12134610:17
Flannelleoquant: Where does it say UNIX?  passwd just prompts for a New Password, and then Confirm New Password10:27
leoquantthats weird10:29
leoquantFlannel which version of ubuntu/10:29
leoquantpasswd username: UNIX pass prob. in 7.04/7.1010:34
leoquantcorrect me when i am wrong10:34
gnomefreakit says new unix password10:38
gnomefreakwhen you use passwd username10:39
gnomefreakin gutsy and hardy as i recall i dont remember feisty10:39
leoquantas a moderator of the off. dutch ubuntu forum we had some questions about that unix-word. its confusing for some users.10:43
gnomefreakUNIX pass. == unix-word the bug is talking about?10:45
gnomefreaksince the terminal uses UNIX commands (and some linux ones per flavor are added) but since the command is a UNIX command it says UNIX.10:46
leoquantunix pass isn´t a bug, it is confusing for some users. thats my point.11:07
henomvo: Hi. Any view on dealing with Breezy -> Dapper upgrade bugs at this point? They may be valid and we still support Dapper (but does that mean we support upgrading _to_ dapper?), but I doubt we should prioritise them11:18
henomy inclination is to close them with Won't fix, but I'm wondering about the best wording for that11:19
persiaheno: You might be able to say something like "This bug cannot be fixed, as there is no longer a means to update the unsupported "Breezy" release.  Please remove the offending package, continue the upgrade, and reinstall the package.  If you are unable to reinstall the package under Dapper, please file a new bug."11:21
mvoheno: realistically we will not fix them, so telling the user upfront is probably a good thing. if someone steps up and wants to fix issues, that is very welcome of course11:23
mvothe suggestion of persia sounds good to me (for the wording)11:24
henopersia, mvo: ok thanks11:24
LimCorehello, Im debugging some problem related to setting time11:42
LimCoreanyone have a moment to also tak a look on it?11:42
henoLimCore: bug #?11:43
LimCoreheno:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ntp/+bug/238805   and the reall bug is:   "ntpdate fixes only > 0.5 sec offsets, so the clock fixes using adjtime() seem to not work - so its probably a kernel/mobo driver problem"11:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 238805 in ntp "ntpd doesn't work - time is not synchronized" [Undecided,New]11:44
henoLimCore: thanks, I'll have a look11:44
LimCoreheno: the problem is more visible in http://codepad.org/pMDclI7c11:46
henoLimCore: do you leave your machine on all the time?11:48
LimCoreuptime is 1.5 day now11:48
henoI think ntp may only sync on boot to avoid file system issues11:48
henoor when you sync manually11:48
LimCorentpdate sync only when executed manualy;  ntpd runs in background11:49
LimCoremy theory is that  adjtime() do not work on my kernel/mobo,  it would explain both11:49
LimCore1) ntpd not working at all - it uses only adjtime11:49
LimCore2) ntpdate working only for offsets > 0.5 sec,  manual says it uses adjtime() for offsets < 0.5 sec and settimeofday() otherwise11:49
henoLimCore: Hm, so we need a test case for adjtime() in isolation on your system really11:56
* LimCore writest testcase12:00
LimCoreok I tested... adj time do not work for me12:13
LimCoreon my system, calling adj time does nothing12:13
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thekornbdmurray, IMO it would make sense to exclude 'workflow'-bugs from the bugday lists12:26
thekornbug 223419 is an example12:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 223419 in update-manager "po/ko.po: "y"/"n"/"d" not translated. unable to answer anything with do-release-upgrade command" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22341912:26
askandIf I want to file a bug about something I wish to be moved t main, how should I formulate it?13:41
askandAnd should I file the bug against the package I wish to be moved?13:42
thekornaskand, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess13:42
askandthekorn: I checked that and begun to write a mainiclusionreport but it was a lot I did not understand..13:43
seb128so don't open a bug13:44
seb128what is your rational to want something promoted anyway?13:44
askandseb128: It is needed to fix bug 21336713:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 213367 in gthumb "build gthumb with IPTC data support" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21336713:45
seb128alright so there is already a bug documenting the need13:46
askand seb128: Yes it seems so13:46
seb128now what is required is somebody following the procedure documented on the wiki, not a new bug about the promotion being needed13:46
seb128that's not that hard to do, maybe try to start on one and ask in #ubuntu-motu if there is things you don't understand?13:47
askandseb128:  Ok, thanks. Ill try13:48
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sectechCan someone review bug #238817 with me16:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 238817 in xpdf "Evince and xpdf need an option to turn off printing of watermark" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23881716:17
sectechIt appears as this will be a wishlist, but I am not 100% sure16:17
pedro_sectech: looks like a poppler one to me instead of evince btw16:19
pedro_I've seen something similar before...16:20
ubottuFreedesktop bug 4925 in general "Wrongly displayed watermark makes reading PDF files impossible on canon documents" [Normal,New]16:20
sectechpedro_,  I'll link the bug...16:21
pedro_sectech: rock on, thanks16:22
sectechpedro_, should I take off the assignments as well? There valid as "also affects"16:22
sectechI can't add the upstream bug for some reason16:24
pedro_sectech: re-assign the evince one to poppler and open an upstream task for it16:24
pedro_sectech: does launchpad gives you an error or something?16:26
pedro_while creating the upstream task16:26
sectechpedro_,  when you say open an upstream task, you mean click "Also affects project?"16:26
sectechNo it didn't give an error, just not the page I was used to16:26
pedro_sectech: yes16:26
sectechThere we go16:27
pedro_I'll mark it as triaged for you in the meantime16:27
sectechI'll change the description to something a little more appropriate16:29
sectechI had it as Evince and xpdf needs...  so I changed it to poppler16:29
qensebdmurray, did you recieve my email?16:30
pedro_sectech: rock on, but xpdf doesn't use poppler so that bug may be still valid for that package16:30
pedro_sectech: just open the task and mark it as confirmed ;-)16:31
sectech... Okay16:31
bdmurrayqense: yes16:35
qensejust when I get online I have to go again16:36
qensemy mother calls me :P16:36
qensedinner's ready16:37
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sectechHow is my application for bug-control coming along anyway?16:38
sectechOr is is being delayed until you guys get the new Application procedures down?16:39
bdmurraysectech: I haven't looked at it quite yet but hope to today16:41
sectechbdmurray, awesome :)16:41
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qenseOK, I'm back now. bdmurray, what did you think of my mail? (and do you have time to discuss it?)17:07
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bdmurraymvo: ping17:51
mvobdmurray: pong17:52
bdmurraymvo: I just was looking at bug 222801 and was wondering the status of it17:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 222801 in update-manager "hardy upgrade crashes at "preparing upgrade" " [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22280117:52
bdmurraymvo: it looks like you have a fix for it17:53
mvobdmurray: yes, that is a duplicate, give me a sec, I dig what the master bug is17:54
mvobdmurray: I updated the bug, thanks for the reminder17:58
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mrooneyman, #ubuntu is way to crowded and loud18:26
mrooneyI wonder if they have considered doing what python did by randomly (.5) putting people in ##python instead of #python18:27
sectech1353 in #ubuntu... wow18:40
greg-gdoes anyone get genuine help in there?18:42
sectechDepends on the time of day I imagine...18:45
affluxsomething for our french people: bug 22245320:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 222453 in update-manager "le paquet « update-manager » et inclure les fichiers présents dans /var/log/dist-upgrade à votre rappor" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22245320:18
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jibelafflux: Hi. 222453 set as incomplete. I've requested the dist-upgrade log file20:29
affluxjibel: I've actually no idea what it says, so thanks for taking it ;)20:29
CliphHi, I'm building a meta-dpkg and it has a bunch of dependencies that are also available in my repository, when I  try installing <my-meta-package> I get a message about some of my dependencies stating "Depends: <other dependency>  but it is not going to be installed"  Here is a pastebin of the output and my control file:20:40
Cliph http://pastebin.comd1efb6512 And here is a pastebin of apt-cache policy <my-mfeta-package>:  http://pastebin.com/d7e10ae2b   maybe this is an APT bug?20:40
bdmurrayYour first url isn't working out even after I added a / btwn com and d20:42
Cliphoh, sorry20:42
bdmurrayI don't see anything obvious I'd check in #ubuntu-motu20:46
Cliphok, thanks, no one there is biting but I'll see what they say20:46
mrooneyokay, so I have been getting hard lockups recently, often at login. Ctrl+Backspace doesn't respond and disturbingly enough, nor do the Sys+Req keys21:40
mrooneyare there some good logs I should look at, anything specific to debug it?21:40
mrooneyI'm in my Xorg.0.log, but without timestamps it is hard for me to understand where the last session ended and this one started21:43
james_wmrooney: does your mouse pointer still move?22:18
mrooneyjames_w: nope, I used to experience that but not recently at all22:20
mrooneyand in that case the sysreq keys worked22:20
james_wyeah, I realised after that it would be really strange to have mouse but not sysreq22:21
james_whow do you manage to restart X in that case?22:21
mrooneyjames_w: hold down the power button until it turns off :)22:35
james_wmrooney: ah, so your Xorg.0.log won't show more than one session?23:08
james_wI think there is a way you can capture some information from the kernel so that it can be read after the reboot, but I don't remember what it is.23:08
mrooneyjames_w: no, I think it is (maybe?), all the other logs do, but they are also timestamped so I can tell23:10
james_wah, I was under the impression is just got wiped everytime the X server started.23:10
james_walso, is there something that makes you think that this is an X freeze rather than a kernel freeze?23:11
mrooneyjames_w: nope! not at all!23:11
mrooneyI just remember someone telling me to look at that once23:11
james_wwell, I would assume it was kernel if sysreq doesn't work.23:12
lifelesscheck if num lock can still be toggled23:12
james_whi lifeless23:12
lifelessjames_w: on laptops sysrq can be really tricky to make jump23:12
lifelesshi james_w23:13
mrooneylifeless: what if my num lock requires use of the function key? is that still a useful test?23:19
lifelessyes; see numlock being toggled requires the kernel to handle the interrupt23:19
mrooneycaps lock is the only non-FN lock on this keyboard23:19
lifelesscaps lock is fine too23:20
lifelessdoes it respond?23:20
mrooneywell, it does now since I restarted :)23:20
mrooneyI will try again if it happens again which it has been a lot so I suspect it will23:20

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