
Keybukkees: gcc probably doesn't like being compiled with -foh-hai -fi-can-haz-securitah00:01
mneptokmake --onan=true00:02
keesKeybuk: the compiler part doesn't seem to mind, but the testsuite complains in parts00:02
keesslangasek: gcc-4.3 wc -l on rules* is 10090.  mpich is just 292 :)00:03
slangasekoh, well, there's that00:04
slangasekthough maybe it wasn't mpich, maybe it was some package that build-deps on mpich00:04
slangasekhdf5, maybe00:05
pwnguinkees: what about gcc-avr? surely cross compilation is more confusing00:53
slangasekI think gcc-avr inherits all of its specialness from the gcc rules00:54
keespwnguin: gcc does ppc cross compiles too.  :)  but yeah, I probably shouldn't try to nominate "2nd most confusing" I bet there are tons00:54
pwnguintinyOS comes to mind00:55
kirklandpitti: broken links to http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/ubuntu-cve/unfixed.html and http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/ubuntu-cve/unchecked.html on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMainInclusionRequirements01:19
keeskirkland: I'll fix that, one sec01:24
keeskirkland, pitti: MIR wiki adjusted.01:27
kirklandkees: thanks01:27
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pittiGood morning06:25
* Hobbsee throws pitti a gummy bear in greeting06:26
pittihey Hobbsee!06:26
pittikees: thanks for fixing the wiki06:26
colo939so are you all members of Ubuntu's development team?06:30
Hobbseemostly, yes06:33
colo939cool, I have to say you guys are really doing a great job06:34
TheMusocolo939: Thanks for the compliment. It is nice to know our work is appreciated.06:35
colo939I might be interested in getting involved somewhere in the near future06:36
dholbachgood morning06:56
pittibryce: btw, fakesyncs should be Nbuild1, not Nubuntu1, and shouldn't have XSBC-Maintainer07:43
brycepitti: ok, I had looked for documentation on how to do fakesyncs but didn't see any so just followed how it had been done previously07:51
pittibryce: well, it isn't wrong, but with build1 it's pointed out more explicitly, and it'll get autosynced again as soon as Debian gets a new orig.tar.gz07:51
persiabryce: General rule is for fakesyncs, only debian/changelog should differ from Debian (and better to use *buildN)07:58
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dholbachhi seb12808:10
seb128hello dholbach08:11
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asacpitti: did you do tzdata update?09:05
pittiasac: yes, why?09:05
asacpitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18981/09:05
asacpitti: [reed] got his java removed because of it :)09:06
[reed]I didn't use java anyway ;)09:06
pwnguinwhy = ?09:06
pittiasac, [reed]: seems you don't have hardy-updates for universe?09:06
pittiPackage: tzdata-java09:07
asacpitti: he says that he has no -proposed at all09:07
pittiVersion: 2008c-1ubuntu0.8.0409:07
pittiDepends: tzdata (= 2008c-1ubuntu0.8.04)09:07
asacwas tzdata-java updated in -proposed?09:07
pittiasac: right, for hardy it's in -updates already09:07
[reed]root@jarodplus:~# cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep hardy-updates09:07
[reed]deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-updates main restricted09:07
[reed]deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-updates main restricted #Added by software-properties09:07
[reed]deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/ddebs hardy-updates main universe09:07
pittiyes, it was09:07
pitti[reed]: right, no hardy-updates for universe09:07
asacok then its just a transitional thing?09:07
pittiasac: no, it's not09:07
asacokay ;)09:07
asaci see09:07
pittiasac: this will happen very commonly with sources which build binaries for both main and universe09:08
pwnguinso they DO exist09:08
pittiyes, in hardy-updates09:08
persiaIs there a way to reduce the chance of this happening?09:08
pwnguin(packages that build universe and main)09:08
pittiwell, we could add some sanity checks to update-manager perhaps09:09
persiapwnguin: Lots of them.  Source is in main, but some of the binaries aren't.09:09
pittibut either way, update-manager *removing* packages is a bug on its own09:09
asac[reed]: you appear to not have  universe at all in your sources.list09:09
pittimvo: ^ it still does that?09:09
pittiasac: (NB that he just grepped for hardy-updates, not hardy itself)09:09
persiapitti: fixing update-manager is a way to reduce the impact, but is it not possible to synchronise the -updates push for all binaries in a single source?09:09
pittipersia: that's already done09:10
[reed]asac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/18984/09:10
persiaAlso, update-manager will still remove packages in certain circumstances, where there's no declared dependency.09:10
pittipersia: but if someone has hardy-updates/main in their sources.list, but not hardy-updates/universe, that won't help him09:10
persiapitti: I see.  It's a matter of sources.list, rather than the state of the archive.09:10
[reed]dbgsym packages09:11
[reed]for generating proper, complete stacks in gdb09:12
asac[reed]: you dont have hardy-updates at all in your sources.list09:12
[reed]asac: well, I haven't touched this file in a long time09:12
asac[reed]: err, same parse error on my side :)09:12
persiaasac: "| grep universe"09:12
pwnguinunless theres a problem with that, i'd just well paste the whole thing09:13
persia[reed]: You'll want to add universe to your hardy-updates line.09:13
[reed]pasting entire file now09:13
asac[reed]: ++09:13
[reed]guess I could remove the Canonical partner archive... added it for parallels09:14
persiaThat's not the issue.  You need to mirror lines 6&7 after line 16.09:14
[reed]I know... I'm thinking out loud09:15
asacmvo: ^^ for the above (20 lines) ... does apturl add the proper section for -updates as well?09:15
pwnguinproper care and maintaince of source.list is vital for smooth operation ^_^09:16
mvoasac: generally it does if universe was enabled at the time when apturl was run09:17
[reed]pwnguin: and you expect some average user that doesn't know Linux at all to know that? ;) (I'm not an average user by any means, but just thinking of all those users who don't understand this stuff)09:17
asac[reed]: i think pwnguin tried to be sarcastic :)09:18
pwnguinmost "average users" should the software sources tool. which i expect works, but nobody i know uses it09:18
asacmvo: you mean "... when -updates was enabled when running apturl" ?09:19
asacmvo: just wonder if he ended up in this state when installing icedtea plugin through apturl09:20
mvoasac: I haven't seen the apturl line, but if e.g. the sources.list has "hardy universe" and apturl is run with "apturl apt:foo?section=universe" it will not add anything because universe is enabled already.  if it is not in the file, then it will add it and also add -updates09:21
asacmvo: hmm. ok, worth a bug? e.g. add universe to -updates if hardy-updates line exists already?09:22
asace.g. if user has not opted out of -updates09:22
mvofeel free, I'm not sure if we can catch all corner cases, but we can try. was the content of the pastebin manully edited? or only through tools like software-properties/apturl etc09:24
Mirvasac: yep, no issue09:25
asacmvo: at least the dbgsym lines were added manually i guess09:25
asac[reed]: did you do any other manual operations on your sources.list?09:25
[reed]hmm, probably uncommented stuff over the years09:26
[reed]back when I first installed edgy09:26
[reed]or dapper?09:26
[reed]can't remember09:26
[reed]hmm, update manager is offering me more updates now09:27
[reed]33 more updates09:27
[reed]and half of these are Firefox-related09:27
[reed]19 / 33 updates are Firefox related, hah09:28
[reed]er, 20 of 33.09:30
asac[reed]: how did you count that?09:31
[reed]I looked at the changelogs for all 33, plus I know the ones that are related.09:31
pitti[reed]: please note that people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/ddebs is now called http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/09:43
pittithis was announced some months ago on u-devel-announce@09:43
* [reed] updates09:43
peciskhi people, does FF3 respect /etc/alternatives/mozilla-flashplugin? I have set it to swfdec and removed pluginreg.dat from profile folder but it still gets recreated with Adobe Flash as default swf player, as about:plugins shows10:34
peciskanother question is - is this a bug or expected behaviour?10:35
MacSlowhow do I force the creation of a -dbg package?10:40
pittiMacSlow: that needs packaging changes10:40
gnomefreakpecisk: it uses xulrunner-plugins10:40
pittiMacSlow: however, you can automatically create those -dbgsym packages10:40
pittiMacSlow: by installing pkg-create-dbgsym and just building the source package once10:40
MacSlowpitti, anything I need to pass to dpkg-buildpackage?10:40
pittiMacSlow: no, it's fully automagic10:40
gnomefreakpecisk: the exact name is off but look for something like that using 1.910:40
pittiMacSlow: if you need them for an existing ubuntu package, they shuold be on http://ddebs.ubuntu.com10:41
MacSlowpitti, no I want to create it for libgksu I'm testing here locally with a patch of my own10:41
peciskgnomefreak: ahhhh so, I see. Well, thanks10:41
pittiMacSlow: ah, then a local build will be fine, yes10:41
gnomefreakpecisk: np10:41
Riddellmvo: you seem to have uploaded a SRU for bug 198292, but you havn't made any comment on that bug10:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 198292 in motion "Hardy upgrade - motion halts upgrade" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19829210:46
Riddellleading other people to have created other patches10:46
mvoRiddell: let me check10:52
mvoRiddell: oh, sorry - yeah, I uploaded it 8 days ago and forgot to mention that in the bug :(10:54
Riddellmvo: can you attach your debdiff to the bug, then I'll let it through10:55
mvoogra: could you please have a look at bug #231104 - sounds like a broken edubuntu applications.menu file, do you know anything about this? is it fixed in later versions?10:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 231104 in gnome-app-install "Error on attempting to install edubuntu addon: gnome-app-install crashed with IOError in parseFile()" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23110410:55
mvoRiddell: sure, give me a sec10:55
ogramvo, checking10:56
mvoRiddell: *cough* I think motion was drive-by-fixing on my part, I think I don't have the uploaded bits anymore :/10:57
mvoiirc it was a very esay fix, this is why I not bothered too much10:57
Riddellmvo: let me jog your memory http://people.ubuntu.com/~jriddell/motion.debdiff :)10:58
persiamvo: You could probably reconstruct by downloading from unapproved and hardy, and running debdiff :)10:58
mvoRiddell: thanks, I'm updating the bugreport now11:00
ogramvo, i attached the file, but cant find anything wrong in there (and i know tons of people have used it successfully)11:01
mvoogra: thanks, it might be a) bad CD burn b) old CD that contained a bad file11:02
ograyeah, i'd guess so... he doesnt say which app he tried to install though11:03
mvoRiddell: updated the bug11:06
Riddellmvo: accepted, is it fixed in intrepid?11:09
Riddellmm "* Fixed: init script hangs on startup" suggests it is, groovy11:10
mvoRiddell: yes, it got fixed in debian11:10
mvoRiddell: thanks and sorry for the confusion11:10
asacpitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19017/11:40
asaci think its bug 23611511:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 236115 in epiphany-extensions "new upstream 2.22.2 release" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23611511:40
asacwasnt in the RC1 bug11:41
asacjust copy over?11:41
pittiuh, wow, WTF? https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/epiphany-extensions/2.22.2-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 shows it as built for amd6411:41
asacpitti: well ... it wasnt build when you copied it :(11:42
asacpitti: let me know what i should do ... i can verify that thing for you so you can copy the rest11:43
pitticprov: I think I need your help here11:44
Riddelldoko: how come ca-certificates-java is marked as contrib?  it seems to depend on stuff in universe only11:44
pitticprov: ubuntu/pool/main/e/epiphany-extensions/epiphany-extensions_2.22.2-0ubuntu0.8.04.1_amd64.deb exists on drescher, and https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/amd64/epiphany-extensions/2.22.2-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 looks fine as well, but it isn't published in either hardy-proposed nor hardy-updates11:44
dokoRiddell: ohh, please move it to universe; that was for the debian upload (where the recent upload was done for non-free)11:46
Riddelldoko: ok, accepted11:46
sistpoty|workRiddell: thanks for the xdg-open hint for tk-brief (oh, and dpkg-source tricked me with removing the cvs dir... I'll respin an upload tonight or so)11:47
cprovpitti: that version is only published in proposed11:47
Riddellsistpoty|work: ok, poke me when it's uploaded11:48
pitticprov: can it be rescued with copy-package to become published in hardy-updates?11:48
pitticprov: ATM it's not even in hardy-proposed's amd64 Packages.gz any more11:48
pitticprov: (or not yet, it just finished building)11:48
sistpoty|workRiddell: sure, will do (but I guess it won't happen before 7 or 8 UTC today)11:48
cprovpitti: and it will be listed in the index within 5 minutes or so11:48
cprovpitti: I meant the source11:49
cprovpitti: it's just a matter of waiting, not a bug, right ?11:49
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pitticprov-lunch: well, not really a bug, I'm just not sure how to recover from this11:50
pitticprov-lunch: we copied to -updates before the amd64 build was done11:50
pittiand deleted from -proposed 4 hours ago11:50
pittiand now the build arrived11:50
pittiso we don't have any source to copy-package any more11:50
pittijust the amd64 binary11:50
pittiasac: working on it11:56
pittiKeybuk: do you have some time today or tomorrow to discuss https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/gdm-guest-login ?11:57
Riddellis there any consensus about what to do with bug 175508 ?11:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 175508 in reportbug-ng "Please remove reportbug-ng from Intrepid" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17550811:57
Riddellbdmurray, ScottK, siretart?11:58
henoRiddell: IMO it should be removed until we can make it DTRT12:01
henowhich is report bugs in LP or deffer to Apport or something12:02
Keybukpitti: sure12:05
Riddellheno: what about reportbug?12:06
Riddellcurrently it e-mails ubuntu-users, which seems pointless12:06
pittiKeybuk: I wrote an initial braindump now, but I left a big TODO item there, about how to plumb together gdm, that guest session binary, and PAM12:07
pittiKeybuk: so I'd like to pick your brain about PAM12:07
pittiKeybuk: maybe we can deal with it on tomorrow's phone call?12:07
henoRiddell: agreed. It gives an incorrect impression that the issue will be tracked12:09
Keybukpitti: sure12:09
henoRiddell: I would advocate removing that too12:09
pittiKeybuk: ok, thanks12:10
siretartRiddell: my opinon is stated in the bug. I find the tool useful and therefore would vote to keep it12:12
siretartRiddell: it might have bugs and be preferable adapted to offer the user a choice to report a bug either to debian or launchpad, but I wouldn't consider that making the package unreleasable12:13
siretartRiddell: same applies to reportbug12:13
siretartin the end, both packages are in universe for a reason12:14
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ScottKRiddell: At UDS, James Westby said he'd fix it.12:25
ScottKIIRC it's reportbug that mails ubuntu-users.  Reportbug-ng will send stuff to Debian.12:26
ScottKReportbug should definitely NOT be removed.  It's quite useful for reporting bugs to Debian when that's appropriate.12:26
ScottKReportbug-ng just got removed from Testing for being not sufficiently useful, so removing it for now wouldn't be awful.12:27
Riddellsiretart: how is reportbug useful for debian reporting when it reports to ubuntu-users?12:35
henoWe should at least coordinate the use of reportbug (if configured to send to Debian) though.12:35
sistpoty|workRiddell: it has a -B switch to choose debian's BTS12:36
henoDon Armstrong (Debian BTS guy) felt that even bugs in unmodified packages were not self-evidently Debian issues because we run them in an Ubuntu environment with our own configurations12:37
henoso the bugs reported from us should at least be tagged clearly as such (are they?)12:38
siretartRiddell: by using it with 'reportbug -Bdebian' - at least that's the only way I use it.12:38
henosiretart: is it obvious on the Debian end that the bug is from Ubuntu?12:39
siretartheno: sort of, it is at the end of the message if the user didn't delete that from the template.12:40
siretartheno: the more challenging problem is that most ubuntu users are not aware what happens to their message, read: the have no idea where the report goes to and who is in charge dealing with it.12:41
sistpoty|worksiretart: by default it actually gets stuck at fiordland anyways ;)12:41
henook, so we would need to modify reportbug to provide that info12:42
siretartsistpoty|work: that's why I configured it in my user config to use /usr/bin/sendmail.12:42
siretartheno: even better: make it report to launchpad.12:42
sistpoty|worksiretart: heh12:43
henowhat features does it have that apport doesn't?12:43
henoas in "apport-cli -f -p PACKAGE"12:44
siretartheno: I don't see how apport and reportbug(-ng) relate.12:44
\shsiretart: I thought reportbug-ng is past tense for lenny?12:45
siretart\sh: I expect it to be fixed in time12:45
\shsiretart: let's hope :)12:46
siretartheno: reportbug e.g. support package specific hooks for collecting extra data. it respects the Bugs: field of the package, it does not require authentication -- there are so many fundamental differences that I wouldn't even consider comapring it to apport12:46
henosiretart: they both collect info to help you file a better bug. Apport supports package hooks as well https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Apport12:49
henothey seem to me to have some overlap :)12:50
henothough I'm sure there are major differences too12:50
siretartheno: which are not the same hooks we already have in debian. so we need to reimplement all those nice hooks in debian pacakge again for ubuntu :/12:51
siretartheno: but I think the most important point for this discussion here is: apport cannot be used to report bugs to debian. that's why I stick to reportbug and reportbug-ng12:52
henoand I think the question is whether we as Ubuntu should ship a package that does that (or perhaps that should be installed directlt from debian for those who want it) IMO the answer will depend on debian's view on getting bugs from us12:54
heno(to the extent there is a "debian's view")12:54
sistpoty|workheno: given that reportbug itself doesn't by default report anything to debian, unless you fiddle with command line switches and configuration, I guess it's the risk of bugs reported to the wrong BTS is minimal12:56
pittiepiphany-extensions | 2.22.2-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 | hardy-updates | source, amd64, i386, lpia, powerpc12:56
pittiasac: ^12:56
pittilool: ^ as well12:56
henosistpoty|work: true, but the default configuration is definitely bad :)12:57
sistpoty|workheno: heh, yeah :)12:57
siretartheno: it may be buggy. but still not a reason to remove it, IMO.13:01
* asac hugs pitti 13:03
henosiretart: ok, I don't have strong feelings about it; if it has a use case and is otherwise used carefully, and isn't causing annoyance in debian then I'm not worried13:04
ScottKThe bigger problem is reportbug-ng that does report bugs to debian by default even though it's supposed to know better.13:12
KeybukFinally, Stallman suggested keeping Oyster cards in aluminium foil when they aren't actually being scanned for travel, to prevent them being scanned secretly.13:23
Keybukassuming he has spare foil left over from his hat13:23
Hobbseeoyster cards?13:23
Hobbseeah, transport card.13:24
mvopitti: how can I force a retrace of bug #205797 ?13:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 205797 in gnome-app-install "gnome-app-install crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20579713:42
pittimvo: re-tag it with need-retrace-i38613:42
pittimvo: but the retracers are down ATM13:42
pittistill on my TODO list13:42
mvothanks, I added it now13:43
Keybukpitti: did you merge devmapper?13:57
pittiKeybuk: yes, last week or so13:58
Keybukpitti: you can have #238793 then :p13:58
pittiargh, TIL stickyness?13:58
ogra_MMA_, ping13:58
Keybukpart of the export patch appears to be missing13:58
pittiKeybuk: ok, I'll have a look; sorry13:59
_MMA_ogra: Hello sir.13:59
ogra_MMA_, hey, i was wondering what you think about the idea to pull in ubuntoon into edubuntu in intrepid :)14:00
ograi see it isnt in the archive yet14:00
_MMA_ogra: Sure. I had meant to talk to you in Prague about it. Lemmie give it a update this week (most likely tomorrow) and Ill ping you when done. Sound cool?14:01
ogra_MMA_, absolutely, no hurry artwork deadline is still far out (and i ted to ignore it slightly in edubuntu anyway :) )14:02
_MMA_ogra: Cool.14:02
loolpitti: Cool, thanks14:05
loolpitti: Could you check gcc-defaults/lpia too?14:06
loolIt seems to be there for amd64 and i38614:07
pitti       gcj | 4:4.2.3-1ubuntu6 | hardy-updates | amd64, hppa, i386, ia64, lpia, powerpc, sparc14:07
pittilool: really? it's fine on drescher14:07
loolpitti: How do you do that madison on all arches?14:07
loolor dak ls :)14:07
pittilool: that's madison-lite on drescher14:08
pittiwhich uses the actual archive's Packages.gz14:08
StevenKWhich rmadision hooks into14:08
* lool doesn't have drescher access unfortunately14:08
pittirmadison does not have ports14:08
StevenKlool: ^14:08
loolI'm using rmadison a lot, I wish there would be a ports' cgi too14:08
loolpitti: Aha, my script thought gcc was missing because I didn't know how to retrieve the Source version of a binary package when it's different from the source, so I was looking at any binary from this source with this version; there was none for gcc-defaults, but I now have an example to get the source version of a binar14:10
loolpitti: (Source: gcc-defaults (1.62ubuntu6))14:11
loolI'll update my script now that I have proper sample data14:11
loolHmm I see rmadison has a flag to filter which architecture to output; I guess we could simply add support for it in the ubuntu madison cgi14:13
pittiasac: oh, ffox rc2 changes abi again? I. e. everything needs a rebuild again?14:15
asacpitti: who said that?14:17
pittiasac: you created tasks for all of the reverse dependencies for the "RC2 update" bug14:18
asacpitti: those are investigation bugs. most are already invalid14:18
pittioh, ok14:18
asacpitti: e.g. check for regressions (besides ABI/API which should be ok)14:18
asacpitti: most likely just firefox-3.0 and xulrunner-1.9 ... and even those were uploaded with lax dependencies14:19
geserpitti: can you please remove libversion-perl from the NEW queue? I didn't catch that it got removed from intrepid. Thanks.14:20
pittigeser: done14:27
* pitti yays -- finally a fully DKMSified, packaged, and working dvb-T driver for hardy14:27
ograpitti, oh, really ? i didnt see the kernel fix in any changelogs14:32
pittiogra: no, in my PPA; I just blogged about it14:32
geserkirkland: hi, are you aware that select-editor doesn't write ~/.selected_editor if only one exists and sensible-editor fails to source that file and fails14:34
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superm1pitti, after you get some reports on it, perhaps would you get it into hardy-backports for wider adoption?14:59
pittisuperm1: hm, maybe15:03
pittiI didn't actually plan to upload it into intrepid, though15:03
pittisince that would mean I officially have to maintain it for very long :)15:04
kirklandgeser: please clarify....15:04
superm1ah right :)15:04
geserkirkland: when I try to call sensible-editor in my intrepid chroot I get: .: 17: Can't open /home/michael/.selected_editor15:05
pittisuperm1: once jockey gets supoprt for an online driver db, I'd rather link it in the db and keep the driver in a ppa15:05
kirklandgeser: does /home/michael exist?15:06
geserkirkland: sure15:06
geserkirkland: this only happens when VISUAL and EDITOR are unset15:06
kirklandgeser: right, that's the case where select-editor should kick in15:07
kirklandgeser: let me understand why it can't write that file, though15:07
kirklandgeser: what user is executing it?15:07
kirklandgeser: and would that user not have write access to /home/michael/.selected_editor ?15:07
geserkirkland: looking at the code of select-editor it calls "update-alternatives --list editor | wc -l" which gives 1 for me and skips the next if where that file is created15:08
kirklandgeser: ah, good catch15:08
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kirklandgeser: hey, i've got a fix...  can you open a bug in launchpad against debianutils?  i'll attach a debdiff and get it sponsored asap.  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/debianutils15:24
kirklandgeser: nevermind, i filed one: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debianutils/+bug/23887915:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 238879 in debianutils "sensible-editor fails when there is only one alternative" [Undecided,New]15:36
* pitti tosses bug 237317 back to lool15:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 237317 in cupsys "/usr/share/doc/libcupsys2/changelog.gz: broken symbolic link to `../libcupsys2/changelog.gz' " [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23731715:43
kirklandgeser: debdiff attached.  you can apply the patch locally against /usr/bin/select-editor if you like15:45
kirklandkees: hopefully you can sponsor the fix for https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debianutils/+bug/238879 when you get in15:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 238879 in debianutils "sensible-editor fails when there is only one alternative" [Low,Confirmed]15:47
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asacpitti: do you have cycles to let xul + ffox into -proposed today?15:55
geserkirkland: I've tested the patch and can confirm that it fixes the issue. Thanks.15:56
kirklandgeser: excellent, wanna note that in the bug?  might help accelerate sponsorship.....15:56
pittiasac: I need to run out in 5 minutes, but I'll touch it now15:58
geserkirkland: done15:59
kirklandgeser: thx16:00
kirklandpitti: can you sync the -46 version of ecryptfs-utils in Debian to Intrepid?16:00
asacpitti: thanks so much.16:00
pittikirkland: will happen during autosync, will do tomorrow morning16:02
pittikirkland: (sorry, need to run out soon)16:02
kirklandpitti: good enough for me16:02
kirklandpitti: thanks16:02
tseliotpitti: email sent. The links are there.16:06
bdmurrayRiddell: While I'm a bit late and haven't read the whole discussion I think it is worth keeping too16:14
Riddellbdmurray: I think I'll just leave it and hope someone else sorts it :)16:16
loolMacSlow: Hey, cairo-clock Recommends compiz: is this really needed?16:46
Riddelltkamppeter: are you able to merge cups-pdf sometime?  I'm down for it as the last uploader but I think you are a better person to merge it with Debian16:48
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tkamppeterRiddell, OK, I can do so.17:02
MacSlowlool, well a compositor... that can be either compiz or metacity (with an enabled compositor)17:05
loolMacSlow: It seems that even without compositor, it will work, just wont be transparent, right?17:06
MacSlowlool, but since one cannot put "metacity (with enabled compositor)" in the control file I chose compiz17:06
loolMacSlow: We're pulling cairo-clock in UME now, I'd rather not pull compiz though; perhaps this should simply be covered in the doc -- compiz is the default in Ubuntu anyway, no?17:06
MacSlowlool, no I intercept that and present the user an error-message.17:06
loolOh, so it's handled at runtime already17:07
loolNot sure we need to have a dep then17:07
MacSlowlool, of course... that's why I used "recommends" and not "depends"17:07
loolagoliveira told me it works on his laptop with compositing enabled and not running compiz17:07
MacSlowlool, but I thought that's what the field "recommends" was meant for17:07
Riddelltkamppeter: thanks17:07
loolMacSlow: As you were saying, it's quite an imprecise way of saying "anything providing compositing"; we could use virtual packages for this, but it would be a bit heavy17:08
loolMacSlow: I think in your case you want a Depends on a compositor17:08
loolMacSlow: But as there's no virtual provide for this, and it's per user anyway -- or even per session -- I'm not sure you want to reflect in the dependencies17:09
MacSlowlool, gee... I won't be the one introducing stuff like that :) I'm not enough of a MOTU to forsee all the implication such a suggestion could have.17:09
ograjust move Recommends: compiz to Suggests: compiz17:10
loolYes, that's what I wanted to offer17:10
loolMacSlow: Would you mind if I downgraded to suggests in intrepid?17:10
loolOr removed the dep entirely, perhaps adding a README in the package?17:10
ograthat way even openbox users with xcompmgr can use it without cluttering their disk wih compiz17:11
MacSlowlool, np17:11
ograi think a suggests is fine ... i'd make it even Suggests: compiz | xcompmgr17:11
MacSlowlool, btw... xcompmgr works too with cairo-clock... at least last time (some months ago) I tested it17:12
loolMacSlow: Ack; thanks for discussion17:14
MacSlowlool, you're welcome17:15
* Hobbsee wonders when the apt transition will complete17:16
* lool suggests Hobbsee to stare at cairo-clock until the transition completes17:17
Hobbseelool: heh.  i do like that clock17:17
Hobbseelool: but we are supposed to have an alpha release this week, so having stuff installable is probably a reasonable expectation?17:18
Hobbseeat least, that's what the schedule says17:18
loolHobbsee: Who needs APT anyway?  ar ought to be enough for end users17:19
Hobbseelool: heh.17:19
Hobbseelool: sure, but this is not 1990.17:19
lagapitti: good job on the v4l-dvb package. i've been meaning to do that for mythbuntu for a long time17:40
mkrufkyi noticed that17:46
mkrufkywont it break out of tree drivers?17:46
lagain what way?17:47
mkrufkyerr...  it _will_ break out of tree v4l/dvb drivers17:47
mkrufkyreplacing videodev by a new videodev, where modules in l-u-m depend on the kernel provided videodev17:47
mkrufkyi have a fix for that, actually :-)17:47
mkrufkybut its not fully backwards compatable17:47
lagayeah, i was just looking at l-u-m17:48
lagait'd be nice if l-u-m also used dkms.17:48
mkrufkyyeah, anty media driver in l-u-m would get broken17:48
mkrufkyif he changed his dkms build to -not- replace videodev, that would do it......  although it would only go back so many kernel versions17:48
mkrufky...same applies to dvb-core, if there are any out of tree dvb devices in l-u-m17:50
lagamkrufky: do you know the state of the multiproto api?17:50
mkrufkyit's not in kernel17:51
mkrufkyand never will be17:51
mkrufkythe author chose to fork and refuses any merge attempts17:51
mkrufkydont bother supporting it17:51
mario_limoncielllaga, dkms shouldn't necessarily be used for everything in lum, but this model for updated drivers and binary drivers only is a good idea.17:52
lagait's a bit hard not to support it (in the future) as it's the only way to use DVB-S2.17:52
lagamario_limonciell: well, l-u-m still should provide binaries, of course, but it'd also be nice if it didn't break if someone compiles their own kernel.17:53
lagagranted, it's easy to rebuild.17:53
mario_limonciellthe problem with putting dkms on too much stuff is that you end up having to have a build chain to build it when it needs to be used17:54
mario_limoncielland then you add extra delay to postinst when you build stuff17:54
mario_limonciellor during the next boot if you build it there17:54
lagathats why we have prebuilt modules for people who use the stock kernel. :)17:56
lagaanyways, that discussion is probably fruitless. :)17:56
mkrufkylaga: im only saying that userspace trying to support the multiproto api might be a wasted effort when the developer is unwilling to merge, and another developer is working on a better solution18:02
lagamkrufky: oh? got a keyword for me to throw at google?18:03
mkrufkymario_limonciell: i been trying to find you18:03
mkrufkychange your nick much?18:03
mkrufkyno, laga18:03
mkrufkyall i can say is that we wont be held up by developers that dont play nice18:04
mkrufkyat least, not forever18:04
lagamkrufky: so i guess you won't have an ETA either (for me). i'm moving soon and i'll have a dish there ;)18:04
mkrufkyi dont involve myself with dvb-s at all -- ur asking the wrong guy18:05
mkrufkyim just saying not to waste your time writing userspace software for a dead api18:05
lagamkrufky: alright, thanks!18:05
mkrufkythen again, there's no telling when a real api will come18:05
mkrufkyothers are already working on temporary solutions18:06
* lamont wonders which lib defines ap_get_token18:57
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mario_limonciellmkrufky, while i'm at work I use this nick, when i'm home i use superm119:09
pittilamont: \o/19:37
pittilaga: \o/19:37
pittilamont: sorry, ETAB19:37
lamontpitti: heh19:38
ion_pici: Heh19:39
Piciheh, oh wait.19:40
\shpitti: which dvb-t stick do you have? which usb id i mean? ending with :5070 some sort of?19:43
pitti\sh: 7070 is the product ID19:43
* pitti finds it and plugs in19:43
\shpitti: or that...yes...that's why I have too :)19:43
pitti\sh: standard 29 EUR WinTV Nova-T stick19:44
\shpitti: yepp :)19:44
pittiBus 003 Device 004: ID 2040:7070 Hauppauge19:44
\shpitti: that's the same :)19:44
\shone of the newer ones which only works with newer linux-dvb drivers...hehe :) what a conincidence :)19:44
\shmkrufky: but not in hardy :)19:45
mkrufkyno new cards are _ever_ supported in a distro19:45
mkrufkyhttp://linuxtv.org/repo for howto, or use pitti's dkms package19:45
\shmkrufky: you can't check beforehand..the stick is supported with older prod ids..19:45
mkrufkynever, i said \sh19:45
mkrufkymario_limonciell: / superm1: whenever you're around, plz ping me19:46
mario_limonciellmkrufky, i've got about 15 minutes right now19:46
\shpitti: i'll test it tomorrow in the office..there's the stick laying, wanted to use it for watching the EM during work time ;)19:46
emgentheya people19:49
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CliphHaving a problem with a one of my meta dpkgs, is this a good place to get some help?20:35
Cliphor should I go to -motu?20:35
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CliphI have output and pastebins ready20:38
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sistpotyRiddell: tk-brief uploaded to hardy-proposed again (with the xdg-open change, works like a charm, thanks!)22:23
sistpotyRiddell: oh, and of course I've also uploaded it to intrepid beforehand22:23
Riddellsistpoty: accepted22:35
sistpotyRiddell: thanks a lot!22:35
rubikcubehmm, I had thought that I had fulfilled everything in the original post already... what do you think? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-selector/+bug/23863423:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 238634 in language-selector "gimp (or any other gnome app) should pull in the respective language-pack-gnome-*" [Undecided,Incomplete]23:02

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