
leftyfbI would like to request an ubuntu cloak since becoming a member03:57
jussi01leftyfb: have you set up your nick?08:14
Ekusheyahhh :)12:53
Ekusheyi finally became an ubuntu member :)12:53
PiciYay, congrats12:53
jpdsEkushey: woohoo! congrats12:54
Ekusheythanks guys :)12:54
jpdsso you'll be wanting your new claok now? :)12:55
Ekusheyjpds, of coarse :)12:56
EkusheyMyrtti, thank you :)12:56
jpdsEkushey: best ask PriceChild nicely12:56
Ekusheyyeah he helped me with the unaffialated cloak12:57
PiciEkushey: Did you get added to the Ubuntu members team on LP yet?12:57
EkusheyPici, no... i need to join the group, right?12:58
Myrttiyou'll be joined into it12:58
Ekusheyoh ok12:58
PiciEkushey: No, your regional board needs to get you added to that before you can get any of the other member perks12:59
PiciIt took like two days for me.12:59
ubottuMyrtti: Schedule for Etc/UTC: Current meeting: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 10 Jun 15:00: Server Team | 11 Jun 06:00: Platform Team | 11 Jun 17:00: QA Team | 12 Jun 13:00: Desktop Team12:59
Ekusheyno problem, i can wait13:00
Piciooh, and it looks like my @ubuntu.com forward is working now13:00
MyrttiEkushey: if you see someone saying that the cloaks are given in -ops, would you please correct them and ask them to come here instead13:00
jpdsPici: yeah, they fixedd the script about a week ago13:01
EkusheyMyrtti, sure13:01
MyrttiEkushey: after the Americas meeting people were crowding in -ops which isn't the correct place13:01
MyrttiI've been trying to track the person giving the wrong information but no luck :-<13:02
Ekusheyi'll ask PriceChild... he helped me last time13:02
Ekusheyno logs?13:02
Myrttino logs13:02
Myrttithey just got the idea to join #ubuntu-ops from *somewhere*13:02
MyrttiGaia knows from where13:03
jpdshttps://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-irc-cloaks does say here13:04
PiciYep, I checked the wiki too13:04
leftyfbsorry bout that, got tired and fell asleep last inght13:06
leftyfbmy nick is setup, my LP page is setup, i'm part of the ubuntu members group on LP13:06
PiciWell, we only have one person around today that can take care of cloaking, and he doesnt seem to be around right now.13:08
leftyfbPici: so I should just wait? Is is PriceChild who does the cloaking?13:23
Picileftyfb: yep13:26
Ekusheyleftyfb, PriceChild is away now, so you'll have to wait13:26
jpdshmm, plenty of hilights today13:27
Picijpds: you have PriceChild on your hilight list?13:27
jpdsPici: ...for him13:28
Picijpds: oh13:30
Ekusheyanyone uses Konversation here?14:16
jussi01Ekushey: Idont anymore, but I have previously? whats up?14:35
Ekusheyjussi01, i was just wondering if i could use a spell checker on konversation14:36
jussi01Ekushey: I do believe so, but best to ask in #kubuntu14:37
Ekusheyok, thanks14:37
* PriceChild has caught up with two cloak requests in this channel.20:11
PriceChildFYI - When people come in asking for one, its helpful if they leave their launchpad account url here for me to find. If they don't have an unaffiliated cloak, then get them to check they have a grouped nick and email set.20:12
Myrtticookie crumbs for PriceChild20:13
PriceChildMyrtti: I hope they're not ginger :D20:13
Myrttidouble chocolate20:13
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
Myrtti/me huggles rhkfin20:24
Myrttirhkfin: did you figure out what the IRC cloak means?20:25
rhkfinYes, more or less, I guess it just looks cool - but is there any actual benefit? (btw there should be some guide for new ubuntu members.. Which LP groups to join, howto get cloak etc.. )20:25
pleia2rhkfin: it's all on the wiki20:26
pleia2some people like cloaks so people can't see their hostname (privacy concerns)20:26
PriceChildMyrtti: fail20:27
Myrttior just to show off :-P20:27
pleia2on freenode it's mostly just a nice way to identify the project you're with20:27
pleia2or show off :P20:27
Picirhkfin: You'll be joined to the ubuntu members lp group when your regional board members finish their tasks (or something)20:27
MyrttiPriceChild: where did I fail now ;-)20:27
* pleia2 has considered uncloaking because her hostname is sowickedcool20:27
MyrttiI've got myrtti@myrtti.fi20:27
rhkfinPici: ok, thanks20:28
PiciMines dyn.optonline.something.boring.com20:28
MyrttiI'm more proud of my ubuntuism than my vanity domain20:28
PriceChildOh wait no... I thought we were in -ops, I fail.20:28
pleia2I've got your.worshipfulness.princessleia.com \o/20:29
pleia2which is, you know, taking vanity domains to an absurd extreme ;)20:29
PiciNah, thats neat20:30
pugpuppyjust wanted to start contributing to Ubuntu development21:33
pugpuppygathered that I have to start by resolving bugs and all that from the wiki21:33
ompaulpugpuppy, so go to #ubuntu-bugs and read launchpad.net and get an account there21:35
pugpuppygreat thanks a lot21:37

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