
=== Rinchen-phone is now known as Rinchen
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 10 Jun 11:00 UTC: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 10 Jun 15:00 UTC: Server Team | 11 Jun 06:00 UTC: Platform Team | 11 Jun 17:00 UTC: QA Team | 12 Jun 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team
=== asac_ is now known as asac
nickellery@schedule Vancouver04:24
ubottunickellery: Schedule for America/Vancouver: Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day | 10 Jun 04:00: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 10 Jun 08:00: Server Team | 10 Jun 23:00: Platform Team | 11 Jun 10:00: QA Team | 12 Jun 06:00: Desktop Team04:24
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
leoquant@schedule amsterdam11:26
ubottuleoquant: Schedule for Europe/Amsterdam: Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day | 10 Jun 13:00: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 10 Jun 17:00: Server Team | 11 Jun 08:00: Platform Team | 11 Jun 19:00: QA Team | 12 Jun 15:00: Desktop Team11:26
izamryanhai guys11:50
ubottuudienz-: Current time in Etc/UTC: June 10 2008, 10:51:59 - Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day11:51
* Belutz will be back in 1511:52
amachuBelutz: elkbuntu: zakame: Hi11:53
persiaGood Evening11:55
leoquantgood afternoon11:55
amachupersia: hi11:56
udienz-persia, leoquant, amachu: good afternoon11:56
udienz-@schedule Jakarta11:57
ubottuudienz-: Schedule for Asia/Jakarta: Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day | 10 Jun 18:00: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 10 Jun 22:00: Server Team | 11 Jun 13:00: Platform Team | 12 Jun 00:00: QA Team | 12 Jun 20:00: Desktop Team11:57
* elkbuntu looks at the clock11:58
elkbuntustill two minutes!11:58
* persia rushes off to the green room for just one more fix11:58
amachuelkbuntu: yes11:58
lifelessallo allo11:59
lifelessshall we start ?11:59
amachuwe should11:59
* udienz- ready12:00
amachuhello everybody12:00
Ekusheyhello amachu12:00
elkbuntuwho do we have?12:00
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 10 Jun 15:00 UTC: Server Team | 11 Jun 06:00 UTC: Platform Team | 11 Jun 17:00 UTC: QA Team | 12 Jun 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team
amachulet me call one by one12:00
amachuas in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/AsiaOceania12:01
amachuplease say hi and introduce yourself to the board, about you, your questions12:01
amachuyour contributions etc.,12:02
amachuand then we shall have questions for you12:02
amachushall we go now12:02
elkbuntui believe we have a quorum?12:02
lifelessme, amachu, persia, elkbuntu I recognize, I presume udienz is part of the board12:03
lifeless5 has to be quorate :)12:03
izamryanhai guys12:03
persialifeless: udienz- is an applicant.12:03
lifelessah, k. 4 then. still good12:03
udienz-persia, yup12:03
Ekusheyi'm an applicant too12:04
amachuFirst, Nicholas Ng12:04
* persia pings missing people12:04
Ekusheyi'm lagging very badly, so please excuse me for the delay to reply12:04
lifelessnbliang is the irc nick12:04
* takdir too12:04
lifelessnot online12:04
amachulifeless: nbliang isn't present it seems12:05
amachulet me call the next, udienz12:05
udienz-hi all...12:05
udienz-my name is Mahyuddin Susanto but you can call me udienz12:05
udienz-i'm 23 Years old, Male, currently i'm studiyng at Electrical Engineering Jember University (200KM from Surabaya or 500KM from Jakarta)12:05
udienz-currently i'm member at Indonesian Ubuntu Foundation (documentation Team), administrator Ubuntu-Indonesian Translator, keynote HRP/GRP, Writer/activist at Surabaya Linux Council (KLAS/http://surabaya.linux.or.id)12:06
udienz-my account at LP is http://edge.launchpad.net/~udienz,12:06
elkbuntuudienz-, do you have a wiki page?12:07
* Belutz is back12:07
elkbuntuor are they all the same ;)12:07
BelutzHRP is Hardy Release Party12:07
udienz-lifeless: Hardy Release Party12:07
izamryanwhat's HRP/GRP mean ? :-)12:07
BelutzGRP is Gutsy Release Party12:07
izamryanwow :-)12:08
persiaudienz-: Does BlankOn coordinate with Edubuntu in any way?12:09
elkbuntuare the release parties big?12:09
udienz-persia: no, BlankOn based at ubuntu12:09
udienz-elkbuntu: yup, 200 person12:09
elkbuntucool, that's a fairly big crowd12:10
udienz-persia: BlankOn Linux is a distribution which is targetted for schools and small to medium enterprises in Indonesia.12:10
Belutzudienz-, what would you do if you are approved as an ubuntu member?12:10
udienz-Belutz: i wish improved my contribution better than today12:11
udienz-and also distributing Ubuntu more than today12:11
elkbuntuhow does the membership help this?12:11
* udienz- proposed Ubuntu repository server at my campus12:12
elkbuntuhow will the membership help you contribute?12:12
Belutzelkbuntu, sadly to say, but legality is very needed in our country12:12
udienz-elkbuntu: because i can print my name at my bussiness, so i'm more free to be keynote12:12
elkbuntuudienz-, you mean carry business cards?12:13
elkbuntuim not sure i understand12:13
udienz-i believe if approved it can grow up more spirit12:13
lifelessthe wordpress theme is nice, have you considered putting it in an ubuntu package?12:13
udienz-lifeless, cureently i'm studiying packaging it. but it take a long time12:14
udienz-and this theme have a bug12:15
udienz-lifeless, thanks12:15
amachu_udienz-: Belutz know you?12:16
zakameyou have a very big karma on translations, that's good :) how much of the current distro do you think is already translated to ID?12:16
udienz-zakame: ubuntu12:16
udienz-this is example my contributions: http://wiki.blankonlinux.or.id/wiki/Dokumentasi12:17
udienz-and this is my activity http://www.ubuntu-id.org/news/hrp-jember-sukses-besar12:18
zakameudienz-: yes, I mean ubuntu :)12:19
Belutzif I may add, udienz- contributions has been very big for Ubuntu Indonesia, especially for distributing Ubuntu in East Java area12:19
lifelessI've heard enough12:20
udienz-Belutz: thanks12:20
udienz-zakame: sorry :D12:20
* udienz- nervous12:21
persiaudienz-: Dod you bring anyone else to cheer for you?12:21
elkbuntusorry, i've been distracted by a problem12:22
udienz-persia: RameTux please speak12:22
amachu__elkbuntu: me too12:22
lifelessudienz-: don't be nervious12:22
udienz-persia: RameTux please...12:22
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekor
=== thekor is now known as thekorn
* takdir support udienz12:23
* RameTux too12:23
amachu__udienz-: you have RameTux ?12:23
amachu__thats good12:23
lifelessanything in particular udienz- does that stands out most ?12:23
udienz-Amachu: yup, takdir12:23
amachu__takdir: ok12:24
lifelessRameTux: takdir: ^12:24
RameTuxamachu__: ;-)12:24
amachu__RameTux: go ahead and can we have few words from you12:24
udienz-RameTux: do you nervous too?12:25
amachu__tell about yourself, and then about udienz-12:25
* elkbuntu listens12:25
amachu__your experiences with him, may be briefly12:26
amachu__if nervous12:26
udienz-amachu: RameTux is my partner, maybe he nervous12:26
elkbuntuhe could be still typing too12:26
amachu__thats ok12:26
amachu__and takdir ?12:26
lifelesstakdir: anything in particular udienz- does that stands out most ?12:27
takdiri'm apply for membership tii12:27
lifelessRameTux: anything in particular udienz- does that stands out most ?12:27
takdirudienz make a documentation for ubuntu indonesia12:27
RameTuxi think he is the most active person on the loco team12:27
RameTuxsorry, a lot of nervous :D12:28
lifelessRameTux: thank you12:28
RameTuxas u can see his contribution that he said before ;-)12:28
lifelesstakdir: thanks12:28
Belutzmay I as the LoCo leader speak for udienz- ?12:28
amachu__Belutz: hey, i asked that way back12:29
Belutzor is it prohibited because i'm a member of the approval board?12:29
elkbuntuBelutz, please.12:29
Belutzsorry, i'm still at the office12:29
lifelessI don't see why it should be prohibited12:29
Belutzudienz-, has been very helpful in Ubuntu-ID mailing list helping people with problems12:30
lifelessbut lets move along, its late here12:30
udienz-thanks Belutz, Takdir, RameTux12:30
Belutzhe also the contact person for ubuntu-id for east java area12:30
Belutzand he actively write some of his experiences using ubuntu in his blog, that can help ubuntu users in indonesia12:31
BelutzI think that's all from me12:31
amachu__saw all those at a short run12:31
udienz-Belutz: thanks12:31
elkbuntusorry for being so distracted. he seems to have made a good effort indeed12:31
amachu__elkbuntu: yes12:32
Belutzfor all his contributions for ubuntu-id I could give him +112:32
lifelessso, any more questions to ask ?12:32
lifeless(I have none)12:32
elkbuntunor i. +112:32
persia+1 from me, although I'd like to see more of the various projects more integrated with Ubuntu12:33
amachu__neither too.. thats fair enough +112:33
amachu__neither me too..12:33
* elkbuntu agrees with persia12:33
amachu__zakame: there?12:33
* udienz- still waiting12:34
lifelesspersia: I agree re the projects, but I think that that is largely orthogonal; he is contributing both directly and indirectly12:35
udienz-lifeless: thanks...12:35
Belutzthe problem in our country is that we still focus in gathering more FOSS users than FOSS developers, how can they be a developer if they doesn't use it12:36
zakame+1 on the translation works, keep it up :)12:36
persialifeless: Entirely.  I believe udienz- deserves membership based on the strength of LoCo work and translations.  I'd still like to see this membership used to help transition ubuntume and BlankOn into in-repo derivatives.12:36
amachu__persia: i too would stress on that, overall Ok12:36
* Belutz congrats udienz- 12:36
* RameTux congrats udienz- ;-)12:37
amachu__udienz-: Welcome :-)12:37
Ekusheycongrats udienz- :)12:37
lifeless Russell John12:37
zakamecongrats udienz-12:37
udienz-awesome.... thanks all.... thanks amachu, persia, Belutz, lifeless, Ekushy12:37
amachu__kudos! Keep it going12:38
udienz-thanks zakame12:38
lifelesscare to tell us about yourself and your Ubuntu contributions?12:38
EkusheyHello everyone, my name is Russell John, I'm the team leader of Ubuntu Bangladesh. I formed this team in 2006 and got approved in 2007. My LP page is at https://launchpad.net/~russell.john and wiki page is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Russell.12:38
EkusheyI'm mainly an advocacy guy and I do Ubuntu related advocacy in my country. I speak at different occasions about Ubuntu and encourage people to use it at home and offices.12:38
EkusheyI also maintaing our website, translate news items, coordinate with our team mates and volunteers, and keep in touch with universities and different organisations where we can penetrate. I help users via our mailing list, forum and also through phone.12:38
EkusheyI'm an active Ubuntu advocate and I would be honoured get Ubuntu membership.12:38
lifelesswhat sort of occasions?12:39
persiaThat's a very new LP page :)12:39
Ekusheylifeless, workshops mostly12:39
Ekusheypersia, i renamed it actually12:39
amachu__Ekushey: what role you play with iosn?12:41
BelutzEkushey, same question, what would you do if you become an ubuntu member?12:41
lifelessubuntu specific workshops, or ??? how many folk are there...12:41
Ekusheyamachu__, i'm maintain the bangladesh section since 200412:41
EkusheyBelutz, i'd like to see more people from our locoteam to become ubuntu members, and being the lead contact i think it would be helpful to get the membership myself first12:43
Ekusheylifeless, ubuntu/kubuntu specific programs, all under the banner of our loco team12:43
lifelessEkushey: cool12:43
Ekushey*team contact12:43
amachu__liason with MNC, NGO software firms?12:44
Ekusheyamachu__, yes ofcoarse12:44
Ekusheyi used to work for an internation NGO and it helped me to get in touch with others NGOs too12:44
amachu__little elaborate please, thats a learning too12:45
BelutzEkushey, how many members in ubuntu-bd right now?12:45
Ekusheyamachu__, these NGOs are setting up telecenters all around the country, and people would learn how to use computers and internet. we're pushing them to use ubuntu/edubuntu on this machines.12:46
EkusheyBelutz, around 200 on mailing list and 90 on LP12:47
lifelessI have no more questions btw, +112:47
elkbuntu+1 from me too12:47
Belutzare they all active in offline activity like you do?12:47
Ekusheythanks, lifeless12:47
amachu__Ekushey: fine. how about contributions to translations12:47
Ekusheythanks, elkbuntu12:47
amachu__ubuntu bangaldesh members make contributions to Bengali?12:48
EkusheyBelutz, most of them, yes. on out last meet, 70 people joined us.12:48
Ekusheyamachu__, yes of course!12:48
persiaEkushey: Did you bring anyone to cheer for you?12:48
Ekusheypersia, not really12:49
elkbuntuekushey has been in the loco circle for quite a while12:49
Belutz+1 from me12:49
lifelesselkbuntu: feel free to cheer ;P12:49
Ekusheythanks, Belutz12:49
amachu__elkbuntu: yes, he has been :-)12:49
elkbuntulifeless, that is me cheering :)12:49
amachu__+1 from me12:50
persia+1 from me12:50
* Belutz cheer for elkbuntu 12:50
Ekusheythanks amachu__ :)12:50
Ekusheythank you persia!12:50
zakamedamn that's a lot12:50
BelutzEkushey, congrats :)12:50
Ekusheythanks zakame :)12:50
BelutzEkushey, welcome aboard12:50
Ekusheythank you everyone... it's a pleasure :)12:51
BelutzEkushey, hope to see ubuntu-bd growing12:51
GunbladeIVany malaysian representative here?12:51
Ekusheythanks :)12:51
udienz-welcome Ekushey! congrats!12:51
BelutzGunbladeIV, not that i know of12:52
Ekusheythanks udienz- mate :)12:52
takdirI'm Takdir, from Indonesia, work in government.12:52
GunbladeIVBelutz, udienz- : hi id members.12:52
takdirI use ubuntu and i promote ubuntu with seminar and workshop12:52
takdirespecially in ubuntu release party.12:52
takdiri'm member  ubuntu indonesian, http://groups.google.com/group/id-ubuntu12:53
takdiralways give support if I know how to solve the problem12:53
takdirnow i will join again as ubuntu translator (https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-id)12:53
takdirbecause my membership expired a few month ago.12:53
takdirthat's my introduction. thanks12:53
takdirmy wiki page12:53
Belutzany questions for takdir ?12:55
amachu__seminar and workshops references?12:55
Belutztakdir, what would you if you are an ubuntu member?12:56
takdiramachu__ like this ? http://www.ubuntu-id.org/news/kpli-makassar-mengadakan-pesta-rilis-hardy-dan-blankon12:56
ApOgEE-hi everyone!12:57
takdiror every 2  week workshop in base camp12:57
GunbladeIVhi ApOgEE-12:57
ApOgEE-nice to meet all of you!12:57
lifelesstakdir: what would you say your largest area of contribution is (e.g. advocacy, packaging, ...) Also, you say you promote the use of ubuntu in government and elementary schools - how successful is that (are places using it ?)12:57
amachu__is that sinjai that you have mentioned in your wiki?12:57
takdirbelutz, it will be give me spirit to contribute12:57
amachu__takdir: there?12:58
takdirand i can write most about ubuntu in my web blog12:58
lifeless@schedule sydney12:58
ubottulifeless: Schedule for Australia/Sydney: Current meeting: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 11 Jun 01:00: Server Team | 11 Jun 16:00: Platform Team | 12 Jun 03:00: QA Team | 12 Jun 23:00: Desktop Team12:58
persiatakdir: Could you expand on the relation between BlankOn and Ubuntu?12:59
takdirBlankOn is distribution derivate from ubuntu12:59
lifelesstakdir: what would you say your largest area of contribution is (e.g. advocacy, packaging, ...) Also, you say you promote the use of ubuntu in government and elementary schools - how successful is that (are places using it ?)12:59
zakamewhy is it named such?13:00
Belutzzakame, Blank then On13:00
takdirthere is 2 school migrate their lab in to ubuntu13:00
lifelesstakdir: did you help with that migration?13:00
takdiri give instruction13:01
takdirand keep support13:01
Belutzactually BlankOn is a colaborative project between Ubuntu Indonesia and Indonesia Linux Movement Foundation, the main goal is to provide a linux distro that is more suitable for Indonesian users13:01
takdiralso give edubuntu with gcompris13:02
takdirin government where i work, i've been migrate internet laboratory to ubuntu13:03
takdirand make local repository13:03
Belutzsame like udienz- , takdir have been very helpful in ubuntu-id mailing list13:03
takdirSinjai Regency, is small city in east indonesia13:04
amachu__takdir: ok13:04
* udienz- agree with Belutz13:04
Belutzhe's also one of the main contact for sulawesi island13:04
takdirmy LP : https://launchpad.net/~muhammad-takdir13:05
Belutzhe's been very active maintaining some packages for BlankOn which is we hope that after that we could contribute to upstream13:05
takdirthanks belutz, udienz13:05
amachu__Belutz: takdir: udienz- : all three have met before? ;-)13:06
* RameTux too :D13:06
lifeless+1 from me, it sounds like there is a lot of community (in the sense of support and advocacy) as well as code-related stuff going on13:06
Belutzamachu__, i have met takdir, but i haven't met udienz-13:06
lifelesswhile MOTU would be a good route, there is enough community stuff to convince me13:06
elkbuntui agree13:06
Belutzamachu__, he did once come to my office (a government body too)13:07
takdiryup, i never see udienz13:07
udienz-amachu__: indonesia is great country. it's possiblity to met13:07
persia+1 from me on community, the technical stuff needs to come back upstream before it becomes interesting.13:07
RameTuxtakdir is a government ubuntu/opensource activist ;-)13:07
* udienz- wish takdir eillbe MOTU dev13:07
takdirand in indonesian linux conference, meet with belutz13:07
Belutzfor all his contributions to ubuntu indonesia i could give him +113:07
amachu__Cheers +113:07
amachu__Keep it going13:07
takdirudienz, i must learn much13:08
takdirthankx persia, amachu__, belutz13:08
ApOgEE-here's my humble launchpad page https://launchpad.net/~apogee13:08
amachu__zakame: ?13:08
* RameTux congrats takdir ;-)13:08
ApOgEE-persia, are you persian?13:08
persiaApOgEE-: No.13:09
lifelessApOgEE-: you are not on the list for tonight are you ?13:09
lifelessonly 4 names there13:09
ApOgEE-is it?13:09
persiaApOgEE-: Please add yourself to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/AsiaOceania and come back next week.13:09
lifelessyou need to put your name there13:09
lifelesswe are at the end of this meeting now13:09
amachu__lifeless: i think we should check Nicholas is there, before we conclude13:09
lifelessand it takes nearly 20 minutes to do a candidate13:10
lifelessamachu__: sure13:10
lifelessstill no such nick13:10
ApOgEE-lifeless, ok lifeless13:10
ApOgEE-i'm goin home now...13:10
Belutztakdir, welcome aboard (is it done yet?)13:10
amachu__ApOgEE-: Suggest you to add yourself to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/AsiaOceania13:10
ApOgEE-lifeless, will add later... i'm in hurry13:10
ApOgEE-ok amachu__13:11
amachu__Is Nicholas there?13:11
lifelesshis nick is not online13:11
lifelessnbliang is the nick13:11
elkbuntunbliang hasnt been seen by nickserv for 6 days.13:11
amachu__so we have 3 members aboard13:11
elkbuntuwe do.13:12
=== Ekushey- is now known as Ekushey
* Belutz congrats udienz-, Ekushey- and takdir 13:12
Ekusheythanks again, Belutz13:12
takdirthanks Belutz13:12
amachu__Welcome udienz-, Ekushey, takdir13:12
GunbladeIVactually nbliang is currently busy13:12
Ekusheydo i need to add myself to any LP page?13:12
Belutzmay "ubuntu member" title could make you contribute more to ubuntu and keep spreading the ubuntu spirit13:12
udienz-thnaks All13:12
persiaIt the same time next week good for all board members?13:13
udienz-thaanks All13:13
amachu__persia: we shall announce that later13:13
amachu__there is a clash with Community Council next with13:13
amachu__at the same time13:13
persiaamachu__: Ah right.  OK13:14
amachu__we shall take it off-line13:14
amachu__So lets conclude now. shall we?13:14
Belutzamachu__, ok13:14
amachu__elkbuntu: lifeless: persia: there?13:15
persiaI'm good for conclusion.13:15
amachu__thankyou everyone for participating13:16
lifelessall done13:16
amachu__we will keep you updated on further course of actions13:17
Belutzthanks amachu__ , elkbuntu , lifeless , zakame , persia13:17
takdirthanks all13:17
udienz-many thanks to all13:21
udienz-i dont't believe it real, i think it dream13:21
elkbuntuso um, who is doing the LP clickery?13:26
lukehasnoname@schedule chicago13:56
ubottulukehasnoname: Schedule for America/Chicago: Current meeting: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 10 Jun 10:00: Server Team | 11 Jun 01:00: Platform Team | 11 Jun 12:00: QA Team | 12 Jun 08:00: Desktop Team13:56
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 10 Jun 15:00 UTC: Server Team | 11 Jun 06:00 UTC: Platform Team | 11 Jun 17:00 UTC: QA Team | 12 Jun 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team | 13 Jun 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu-ni Translation Sprint
izamryan@schedule brunei14:56
ubottuizamryan: Schedule for Asia/Brunei: Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day | 10 Jun 23:00: Server Team | 11 Jun 14:00: Platform Team | 12 Jun 01:00: QA Team | 12 Jun 21:00: Desktop Team | 13 Jun 23:00: Ubuntu-ni Translation Sprint14:56
owh@schedule perth15:24
ubottuowh: Schedule for Australia/Perth: Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day | 10 Jun 23:00: Server Team | 11 Jun 14:00: Platform Team | 12 Jun 01:00: QA Team | 12 Jun 21:00: Desktop Team | 13 Jun 23:00: Ubuntu-ni Translation Sprint15:24
lukehasnonameMost expensive place in Autralia, I hear.15:26
owhlukehasnoname: Expensive for what? Says who?15:27
lukehasnonamecompared to other major Autralian cities15:28
lukehasnonameaccording to wikipedia or similar15:28
lukehasnonameI was thinking about studying in Newcastle for a while, but expenses won't permit (I'm middle class trying to get through college. Cry for me.)15:29
owhWell, I don't know about the accuracy of the statement, as that number changes all the time. I know that housing shortages have increased the house price in Perth dramatically and that the mining boom in the state has created employee shortages, but costs seem to be in touch with the rest of the country.15:30
lukehasnonameWhat's an average apartment ("flat") cost, one bed, per month?15:31
owhDunno. We're paying AUD$ 330 per month for a two bedroom home 10 km from the CBD on a bus route.15:32
owhYou're better off looking online for real answers.15:32
lukehasnoname*runs to converter*15:33
owhPer week.15:33
lukehasnonameoh damn15:33
jussi01perth is nice15:33
lukehasnonamethat's about 1200 USD a month, ya, that's no shock.15:34
owhIt's got it's good points :)15:34
owhlukehasnoname: Yeah, AUD is pretty close to USD at the moment.15:34
owhlukehasnoname: It was 2 : 1 for a while a couple of years back :)15:34
owhjussi01: How did you get to experience Perth?15:35
jussi01owh: i was born in bunbury ;)15:37
ogrado they bury buns there ?15:39
lukehasnonameThat's the coast of my town15:39
owhjussi01: Nice part of the world. Most of my wife's family lives around there, Bussleton, Dunsborough, all good :)15:40
jussi01owh: :) Moved to Melbourne when I was 815:40
owhjussi01: Now that's funny. I was born in Mitcham and moved to WA when I was 3 weeks old :)15:41
owhFor those reading along, Mitcham is a suburb of Melbourne :)15:42
jussi01well actuallyy moved to geelong, but no one over where I live now knows where that is15:42
jussi01and perhaps we should move to one of the offtopic rooms15:43
owhNah, I'm hanging around for the ubuntu-server meeting :)15:43
lukehasnonamenot until 10, er, 15 minutes from now15:44
jussi01theres an -au-offtopic yes?15:44
jussi01owh: I now live in finland15:44
owhlukehasnoname: Niice.15:46
* owh likes small towns.15:47
jussi01owh: I married a finnish girl :D15:47
jussi01I live in a town of ~120,00015:48
owhjussi01: That'll teach ya :)15:48
jussi01owh: I like it here15:48
owhjussi01: Next you'll be teaching your kids to speak in foreign toungues :)15:48
jussi01owh: Kids?... right15:48
jussi01My kids are my dog and My hedgehog15:49
owhFair enough.15:50
owhBut look what princess Mary got herself into, marrying into the Danish Royal Family :)15:50
jussi01here are some pics of Tuhina the hedgehog if you are interested: http://lifematta.com/jussi01/photos/15:50
owhNice doggie :)15:52
jussi01:D :P15:52
lukehasnonameseriously, why was the meeting bumped up? Was 8pm too hard for the blokes on the east side of the Atlantic?15:53
owhIt's coming up to 11pm, I'm normally fast asleep at this time, but someone scheduled a meeting in the middle of the night, so I'm a little delirious.15:53
lukehasnonameIt's 10am June 10th here in Houston15:54
owhlukehasnoname: It was a consensus thing and I didn't feel that I could cause others to have a meeting in the middle of their night, this way I get to feel some of their pain :)15:54
owhjussi01: Now what I really want is a webcam of your hedgehog so I can just have him/her sit on my desktop as a companion without needing to feed or clean up :)15:55
owhlukehasnoname: Hmm, seems Seabrook isn't as small as I thought. I've been round Australia and lived in towns of 1500 people and less, very cozy :)15:56
sommerhey all15:58
lukehasnonameYa, Seabrook has 10k people with a lot of neighborhoods, but Todville (the street going into the distance in that pic) has the fish market and sparse coastal houses. I live just the other side of some trees in that pic15:58
* owh needs an anti-yawn cream.15:59
sommerowh: that only comes in a spray15:59
owhI wonder if talking about yawning causes people across the planet to yawn :)16:00
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Server Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 11 Jun 06:00 UTC: Platform Team | 11 Jun 17:00 UTC: QA Team | 12 Jun 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team | 13 Jun 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu-ni Translation Sprint
owhsommer: Excellent, can you email me some?16:00
sommerowh: I'll see what I can do, heh16:00
* owh wakes mathiaz up.16:01
* owh pulls some navel fluff.16:03
owhSo, what's the protocol, do we wait or do we start?16:04
nijabalooks like freenode is having issues...16:04
nijabaowh: mathiaz is the chair usually, so as I know is is coming, let's wait for him16:04
owhnijaba: Fun, we had that over the weekend also.16:04
mathiazLast meeting log: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/2008060416:05
ivoksmathiaz: openldap was an action16:06
nijabamathiaz I believe your node on freenode was disconnected, so we did not see your intro16:06
owhThe first I saw was the meeting log link, no start meeting, no coffee or donuts, nothing :)16:06
Koonyes, we were caught in the netsplit16:07
mathiaznijaba: mmhhh - I didn't receive any message16:07
nijabamathiaz: We did :(16:07
mathiazthis is way I felt lonely - nobody seemed to be around :/16:07
ivoksmathiaz: i did get message, too16:07
ivoksmathiaz: i was with you, come one! :D16:07
ograso you missed all of owh's sweet navel playing16:07
mathiazivoks: I know - I noticed that16:07
nijabaivoks: your are on clarke as well16:07
mathiazivoks: thanks :)16:07
nijaba<-- ivoks has quit (clarke.freenode.net irc.freenode.net)16:08
nijaba<-- mathiaz has quit (clarke.freenode.net irc.freenode.net)16:08
ivoksanytime :)16:08
lukehasnonameMeeting, anyone?16:08
mathiazallright - let's get started again16:08
MootBotMeeting started at 10:10. The chair is mathiaz.16:08
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:08
owhWell, perhaps that's a whole discussion point in itself, freenode stability for meetings.16:08
mathiaztoday's agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting16:09
mathiaz[TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting16:09
MootBotNew Topic:  Review ACTION points from previous meeting16:09
mathiazLast meeting log: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/2008060416:09
mathiazso there was an action about openldap 2.4.916:10
mathiazthis is has been done IIRC16:11
nijabazul did it, yes, I saw the bugmail about it16:11
mathiaznijaba: right - but I don't find the bug number anymore16:11
ivoksnijaba: do you have bug number?16:11
nijababug #23768816:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 237688 in openldap2.3 "[SRU] openldap 2.4.9 from 8.04.1." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23768816:12
ivoksok, nice...16:12
mathiazok - so the issue is that it won't make it for 8.04.116:12
nijabaso Pitti has acepted the rationale16:12
mathiazand upstream has just released 2.4.1016:13
mathiazwhich has more bug fixes16:13
nijabamathiaz: really?  it is already in proposed16:13
mathiaznijaba: not in hardy-proposed16:14
nijabayou may be right, must be mistaking then16:14
mathiaznijaba: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openldap2.316:14
mathiaznijaba: zul uploaded a new package in -updates that fixes some bugs16:15
mathiaznijaba: but it's still 2.4.716:15
ivoksright, 2.4.10 is fixes-only16:15
nijabamathiaz: ok, I got it mixed up16:15
mathiaznow that 8.04.1 is out-of-reach for 2.4.916:15
mathiazit may be worth uploading 2.4.10 to hardy16:15
ivoksfor .2?16:16
mathiazivoks: for whenever we want16:16
ivoksoh, ok16:16
nealmcbthe only difference is whether it is on the iso?  when would it be in -updates?16:16
mathiaznealmcb: What do you mean ?16:17
mathiaznealmcb: .1 would be on the iso yes16:17
nealmcbif it is in -updates, then everyone would get it except right on install from the 8.04.1 iso16:17
mathiaznealmcb: 2.4.10 would be in -updates when the SRU is done16:17
mathiaznealmcb: correct16:17
nealmcbrighe - so when would that be?16:17
nealmcblong delay or pretty soon?16:17
* nealmcb cares less about the iso than getting a good ldap out ther16:18
mathiaznealmcb: it's up to us really - if we take the steps to do the SRU we can get it in quickly16:18
mathiaznealmcb: yes. first we'd had to get it into intrepid16:18
mathiaznealmcb: once it's in intrepid, we can SRU it in hardy16:18
nealmcbor we could just go with 2.4.9?16:19
mathiazIMO we want 2.4.10 in hardy anyway - it has some good fixes16:19
mathiaznealmcb: I guess we could upload 2.4.9 to hardy16:19
mathiaznealmcb: and later do 2.4.1016:19
nealmcbdepends on the timing16:19
nealmcbbut if it fixes big bugs and is approved....16:20
nealmcbbut churn is also best avoided...16:20
mathiazzul is not around - but I think we should get 2.4.9 uploaded16:21
mathiazand then when 2.4.10 is in intrepid we can another SRU16:21
ScottK2If 2.4.10 doesn't fix any regressions in 2.4.9, then that'd be a good sign to go ahead with 2.4.9 while we work out if we can do 2.4.1016:21
* mathiaz nods16:21
mathiaz[ACTION] zul to go ahead with 2.4.9 in hardy as an SRU16:22
MootBotACTION received:  zul to go ahead with 2.4.9 in hardy as an SRU16:22
nealmcbScottK2: good point16:22
ivoksthat was only action?16:22
mathiazivoks: AFAICT yes16:23
nijabaI had one with elmo.  I filed and RT and am waiting for the server to be setup for limeurvey16:23
ivoksurgh... i have to leave, sorry... i wasn't expecting this... bbl16:23
* mathiaz waves at ivoks 16:24
mathiazLet's move on then16:24
mathiaz[TOPIC] Intrepid Specification Status16:24
MootBotNew Topic:  Intrepid Specification Status16:24
mathiazSo ScottK2 asked whether we could do a status on the specifications16:25
mathiazAs of now, all specifications proposed for intrepid should be in pending aproval mode with dendrobates as an aprover16:25
* ScottK2 is working on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerFlavorSpec16:26
* ScottK2 isn't sure why it didn't get done otherwise.16:26
ScottK2I thought we'd agreed to it at UDS.16:26
ScottK2The draft is pretty solid up through the use cases.  The rest still needs work.16:26
mathiazScottK2: the spec relies on FAI - any reason why tasksel is not enough ?16:27
ScottK2With tasksel we can install packages.16:28
ScottK2With FAI we can install a set of packages and configure them for a specific use.16:28
nijababecause of policy conflicts, IIRC16:28
ScottK2taskel is a package and can't touch other package configs16:29
ScottK2FAI is part of the installer acting effectively as an agent for the user.16:29
* ScottK2 hopes siretart will jump in any time.16:29
mathiazScottK2: so that would mean to bring FAI into main16:29
* CrummyGummy has read the spec.16:31
CrummyGummyThis is a good idea. I might loose my job...16:31
ScottK-palmI'm having some laptop trouble right now.16:31
ScottK-palmLast thing I saw was about FAI in main.16:32
nealmcbScottK I don't know much about FAI, but it looks good - makes it easy for folks to further customize the flavors16:32
mathiazOk - so what other specs people have been working on ?16:32
ScottK2He and Yes16:32
ScottK-palmI think it gives us a good basis for scalability in the enterprise.16:32
nealmcbWe have had lots of discussion about https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuCentralizedServiceAdministrator16:33
mathiazI've written up 4 specs about network authentication and identity managment16:33
mathiazhttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/~mathiaz/+specs?role=drafter - in pending approval mode16:34
nealmcbis this the place that should have links? https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/~dendrobates16:34
mathiaznealmcb: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~dendrobates/+specs?role=approver16:34
nealmcbgreat - that helps16:34
mathiazkirkland: what your specs ?16:34
kirklandmathiaz: what about my specs?  I have written 316:35
kirklandmathiaz: 1) Encrypted ~/Private directory16:35
kirklandmathiaz: 2) Boot into Degraded Mode16:35
kirklandmathiaz: 3) Swapfile in the installer16:35
mathiazkirkland: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~kirkland/+specs?role=drafter lists 516:36
kirklandmathiaz: true, the remaining 2 are documentation related, and I'm mostly working on those in my spare time16:36
kirklandmathiaz: 4) is the documentation search, http://people.ubuntu.com/~kirkland/search.html16:36
kirklandmathiaz: 5) is the Ubuntu Manpage Repository, http://ubuntu.dustinkirkland.com/manpages/hardy/16:37
kirklandmathiaz: as for 4), newz2000 is doing something similar, based on this for search.ubuntu.com16:37
mathiazkirkland: is your man page site ready for a wide audience /16:38
mathiazkirkland: ?16:38
mathiazjdstrand: have you written up any spec for ufw in intrepid ?16:39
jdstrandsorry, I had a power 'event' here and am back online16:39
jdstrandI have no backlog16:39
jdstrandmathiaz: no spec for ufw as what was discussed was just refining the old spec16:40
* nijaba wonder if the power event is chipmunk related16:40
Koonthe return of the revenge of the chipmunk16:40
jdstrandI think it is more lightning-related16:40
mathiazKoon: any news on the j2ee front ?16:40
kirkland(sorry, I have a nasty kernel hang that has bitten me 3 times during this meeting)16:41
Koonmathiaz: dendrobates was supposed to push the question up16:41
jdstrandjust a guess16:41
mathiazKoon: right - so your technical investigation is finished16:41
Koonmathiaz: yes. The final impression is that it's a costly move, but technically (alwaysà possible16:42
mathiazKoon: ok.16:42
nealmcbthis one from soren looks like it is old - perhaps dendrobates should be removed as approver or something? https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntu-easy-business-server16:42
mathiazAnyeone else wants to add something about spec for intrepid ?16:42
mathiaznealmcb: may be - but only him can do that16:43
nealmcbseveral others like that I guess16:43
ScottK-palmI'd just like to hear from dendroabtes that mine is being  considered.16:43
mathiaznealmcb: he said he would clean up all the blueprints16:43
sommermathiaz: the intrepid-serverguide spec16:44
sommerI've got a good start on the samba sections... just fyi16:44
nealmcbon the spec front I'm mainly interested in the plan for gui admin - I've seen several....16:45
Koonmathiaz: did Dan Shearer convert his ideas to the blueprint format somewhere ?16:45
Koonforget it, I found them.16:45
kirklandKoon: i got several emails from danshearer pointing to specs that he started16:46
lukehasnonamenealmcb: I think the only conclusion reached is that it won't be X based16:46
mathiaznealmcb: right - have you seen http://augeas.net/ ?16:46
lukehasnonameWhether it's based on ebox or written in CLI with a front end has yet to be decided16:47
mathiaznealmcb: that seems like a good approach on the backend side16:47
nealmcbmathiaz: yeah - briefly - I linked to it from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuCentralizedServiceAdministrator16:47
nealmcbI wonder what ebox thinks of augeas16:48
nealmcbperhaps next week we can get nvxl and the ebox guy and dan and make that an agenda item?16:49
nealmcband continue to discuss on the wiki and mail list in the meantime...16:50
mathiaznealmcb: we could - may be start a thread on the ml16:50
mathiaznealmcb: right - I'll add an item to the meeting agenda and make sure to invite them to the meeting16:50
mathiaz[ACTION] mathiaz to invite the ebox developer, nxvl and dan shearer to the meeting to discuss system adminstration framework16:51
MootBotACTION received:  mathiaz to invite the ebox developer, nxvl and dan shearer to the meeting to discuss system adminstration framework16:51
nealmcb...and gui...16:51
mathiazAnything else on the spec front ?16:52
mathiaz[TOPIC] Open Discussion16:53
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Discussion16:53
mathiazWe're still doing a lot of merges16:53
mathiazmain has 299 outstanding merges16:54
MootBotLINK received:  http://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html16:54
mathiazand universe has 298 outstanding merges16:54
MootBotLINK received:  http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html16:54
mathiazanyone interested in packaging should have a look at these lists16:55
mathiazAnd it's time to get prepared for some iso testing16:56
Hobbsee\o/ one merge on there for me16:56
Koonmathiaz: I will have a look at that16:56
Koon(the merges)16:56
mathiazas we're hoping for an Alpha1 release on thursday16:56
mathiazSo don't forget to stop by #ubuntu-testing and the iso testing tracker to help out16:57
MootBotLINK received:  http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/16:57
mathiazThat's all folks16:58
nijabathanks mathiaz16:58
nealmcbwith an emphasis on virtualization, what part of iso testing could/should be done with vms?16:59
mathiaznealmcb: I tend to do all the software testing in vms16:59
* nealmcb should read that link again first :)16:59
nijabanealmcb: vm for 99% of the tests16:59
nealmcbI guess I mean ubuntu-vm-builder....16:59
mathiaznealmcb: such as testing the different use cases outlined in the Server Install page16:59
mathiaznealmcb: u-v-m doesn't help17:00
nijabanealmcb: uvb does not apply as we are talking iso17:00
mathiaznealmcb: as it doesn't exercise the iso17:00
nealmcbif we are pushing it, more testing of/with it might make sense17:00
mathiaznealmcb: I use vms with preseeded iso and set the vm to boot from the iso17:00
=== greeneggsnospam is now known as jsgotangco
mathiaz[TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time.17:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Agree on next meeting date and time.17:01
CrummyGummyIs there any work being done to get vendors to support ubuntu-server?17:01
mathiazNext week, same place, same time ?17:01
owhmathiaz: Earlier would be good :)17:01
nijabaowh: not for mathiaz ;)17:01
KoonI like that time :)17:02
* owh is at midnight, but I understand the pain others have gone through, so I'll tough it out if I have to.17:02
* owh is normally asleep by 9pm :) - awake at 5am :)17:02
owhSeriously, don't change it for me alone.17:03
mathiazowh: well - as of now, this time slot suits most of the people17:03
mathiazso see you next week, same time, same place.17:04
mathiazthanks for attending and happy merging !17:04
sommerthanks mathiaz, later on all17:04
owhThanks all. Thanks mathiaz17:04
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:06.17:04
siretartScottK-laptop: sorry, was at work :(17:12
ubottupopey: Schedule for Etc/UTC: Current meeting: Server Team | 11 Jun 06:00: Platform Team | 11 Jun 17:00: QA Team | 12 Jun 13:00: Desktop Team | 13 Jun 15:00: Ubuntu-ni Translation Sprint17:21
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 11 Jun 06:00 UTC: Platform Team | 11 Jun 17:00 UTC: QA Team | 12 Jun 13:00 UTC: Desktop Team | 13 Jun 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu-ni Translation Sprint | 13 Jun 20:00 UTC: MOTU
stgraberSeveas: hmm, the fridge wasn't updated this time ?18:24
Seveasapparently not18:32
Seveasstgraber, meeting is in 30 minutes, right?18:34
forumsmatthewSeveas, that's what I was thinking...18:34
stgraberSeveas: yep18:34
Seveas2/5 candidates are here18:35
Seveas2/6, sorry18:35
SeveasI only see meisok and rhkfin18:35
forumsmatthewI was thinking committee members...my bad18:35
phanatici'll be able to attend the meeting only for an hour18:35
Seveasphanatic, I don't think we need that much time18:36
Seveas6 candidates18:36
Seveas2 still with empty wikipages18:36
Seveas1 is kmos18:36
phanaticoh, that should be enough then...18:36
rhkfinHey, has the time been changed? I read it was 1800 GMT..?18:36
rhkfinI hate time zones.. but anyway, I'm ready..18:36
Seveas1800 UTC is in 24 minutes18:37
ubottuSeveas: Current time in Etc/UTC: June 10 2008, 17:37:04 - Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day18:37
Seveasubottu needs to be fixed18:37
ubottuSeveas: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:37
Seveashey dear18:39
Myrttiemea meeting?18:39
Myrttinot in calendars.18:40
Myrttihence merh.18:40
Seveaspopey, phanatic: doodle please :)18:42
phanaticSeveas: doodle'd already...18:43
Seveasah, sorry, mismatch between name and nick in my brain18:43
SeveasPriceChild, you still need to doodle18:43
phanaticno problem :)18:43
stgraberSeveas: can you send me the URL to next meeting doodle again ? (it's probably lost somewhere in my mails :))18:44
Seveasyou already doodled18:44
forumsmatthewre: doodle.... I had a change of plans, but lost the link to adjust my details. I am no longer free on the 17th...18:46
stgraberforumsmatthew: click "edit an entry" (top left) and change yours18:47
forumsmatthewstgraber, thanks. That was easy. I need to learn to read the words on the screen, I guess. :)18:48
MyrttiSeveas: may I have a word before you start?18:49
SeveasMyrtti, sure18:50
SeveasMyrtti, you might as well shout now, board members are here18:50
Myrttilast week after the Americas membership meeting there seemed to be some misunderstanding about where the cloaks should be requested. I know this is not the case here, but I'd like to remind everyone present that the IRC cloaks are requested at #ubuntu-irc, if on any channel.18:51
SeveasMyrtti, is the wikipage updated to say that, last time I looked (a while ago) -ops was the place to go18:52
MyrttiSeveas: Pici checked them out IIRC and there should be -irc everywhere18:52
Seveasforumsmatthew, popey, PriceChild, stgraber, phanatic, available?19:00
SeveasDaviey, could you send popey another NMI? :)19:01
Seveasand if someone can send PriceChild one, that'd be appreciated19:01
* stgraber goes back to reading wikipages while waiting for popey and PriceChild 19:02
Davieyi'll phone him19:03
SeveasDaviey, hey it worked last week :)19:03
* popey arrives19:04
popeyputting kids to bed19:04
forumsmatthewthat's a worthwhile reason19:04
Davieythat ol' chestnut19:04
forumsmatthewyou are excused :)19:04
Seveaswe're 5/7 now, good enough to approve people19:05
Seveasshall we start?19:05
* popey is glad that searching the wiki for emea results in only one hit - handy19:06
Seveasmeisok, you're the first candidate on the list who showed up. Please introduce yourself19:06
Seveas( toros, rhkfin, please prepare an introduction of ~3 lines in a text editor so you can copy-paste it when it's your turn)19:07
meisok My name is Javier Ferreiro, I'm 30 years old. I'm admin of  the ubuntu-es.org for 1 year and 2 months. 19:07
meisokmy main contribution will be relations between spanish LoCo teams through the irc, artwork for ubuntu-es, and I participate in all projects that I can and that allows me time.19:07
meisokmy launchpad page:https://launchpad.net/~meisok19:07
meisokand my wiki page:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Meisok19:07
popeymeisok: do you run the -es bots?19:08
Seveas+1 based on long time locoteam work19:08
meisokyes, witd jpatrick19:08
beunoI'd like to express my support for meisok, he's been rocking the spanish community for ages19:09
Seveasyeah, the wikipage shows that as well, good work19:09
popey+1 based on testimonials19:09
beunoI would of thought he made membership a long time ago   :)19:09
forumsmatthew+1 based on testimonials and loco work19:10
phanatic+1 (loco work + testimonials919:10
beunoyay!  congrats meisok   :)19:11
Seveascongrats meisok!19:11
meisokwow thanks1!!!19:11
Seveastoros, you're up19:11
torosI am a Hungarian Ubuntu LoCo activist. I was born in 1982. I live in Budapest, and I work as a copywriter for an advertising agency. I am an Ubuntu user, open source enthusiast, and FSF.hu (Free Software Foundation Hungary) activist. I write all kind of stuff including news, articles, documentation, press releases, etc.19:11
meisokthanks all! ;)19:11
torosI wrote the first Hungarian Ubuntu book, called Ubuntu Világa (The World of Ubuntu) - this is not a book about how to use Ubuntu, but a book about the history, philosophy and technical background of free software and Ubuntu.19:11
torosI am the coordinator of the Hungarian Ubuntu Documentation team - now, we are working on a project, to move our documentation to launchpad, usind reStructuredText format and Bazaar VCS.19:12
torosI am also active in organising release parties and other kind of Ubuntu and open source related events. Next monday we will have a meeting for open source enthusiast, called Free Software Evenings. I am a co-organiser of this meeting (together with phanatic ;) ). In july, I will travel with other LoCo activists to a local festival, called Hegyalja Fesztivál, to propagate Ubuntu.19:12
phanatictoros is an essential member of the hungarian loco team. he's been helping new community members, and he is involved in all parts of the community.19:12
Seveasphanatic, toros: why ubuntu.hu and not ubuntu-hu.org? :)19:13
torosubuntu.hu is more obvious for hungarian people19:14
phanatici don't really have an explanation for that. it just happened this way. the site is actually pretty old (started back in 2005)19:14
Seveasyou should at least get ubuntu-hu.org forwarded there19:14
popeytoros: how many people use the blog on the site?19:14
stgraberas you are an approved LoCo you really should forward ubuntu-hu.org to ubuntu.hu instead of having the current placeholders19:15
phanaticSeveas: we'll work on that19:15
torosWe have more than 5000 registered users - but only about 1 percent uses the blog19:15
popeythats still pretty impressive19:15
popeydo they blog directly on the site or is it aggregated via rss from their own blogs?19:16
Tm_Tvery good indeed19:16
Seveas+1 based largely on phanatic's testimonial. My hungarian isn't good enough to judge ubuntu.hu content :)19:16
forumsmatthewbetween the book, the wiki work, the loco, and the documentation work, I am definitely +119:16
PriceChildI'm here sorry, been working outside and lost track of time.19:16
torosdirectly on the site19:16
popeythats great toros19:16
SeveasPriceChild, he19:16
popey+1 based on loco work19:16
stgraber+1, testimonials and loco work19:16
torosthanks :)19:16
forumsmatthewPriceChild, lol19:16
phanatic+1 from me of course :)19:17
PriceChildforumsmatthew: is it that hard to believe?19:17
Seveas5 +1's19:17
SeveasPriceChild, do you want to vote?19:17
forumsmatthewPriceChild, outdoors? what's that?19:17
PriceChildI'm a +1 for toros :)19:17
Seveas+6 then, congrats!19:18
torosthanks a lot! :)19:18
Seveasrhkfin, you're up19:18
Tm_Twelcome :)19:18
phanaticcongrats toros :)19:18
rhkfinOk, hi there! I'm Risto Kurppa from Finland, physics & CS student at Uni Helsinki. I've been an active member of Ubuntu-fi since early 2006. You can see the stuff I've done on the wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RistoHKurppa19:18
rhkfinI'm kind of bored of people sticking only to forums or irc and not actively try to spread Linux an OSS. One example of this is passiveness is that we currently have only three (great!) Ubuntu members in Finland. So I'm trying to get people to do other stuff do and see the bigger picture Linux and OS can have.19:18
Seveasmore finnish people?19:18
SeveasMyrtti, have you been spamming again? :)19:18
rhkfinToday I started to activate women in finland.. Let's see what happens..19:19
Tm_TSeveas: no she hasnt ;)19:19
Myrttirhkfin: I swear to Gaia no :-D19:19
Tm_Trhkfin is one of our workhorses <319:19
Myrttirhkfin: FOUR19:19
Myrttirhkfin: Tm_T ^19:19
rhkfinTm_T: ah... when did it happen.. congrats..19:19
forumsmatthewI love this: "Risto's picture is used as illustration to Code of Conduct"19:20
SeveasMyrtti, would you vote +1 for rhkfin ?19:20
rhkfinso, questions anyone?19:20
Tm_Trhkfin: I was the first19:20
MyrttiSeveas: I would19:20
rhkfinTm_T: oh..19:20
popeyrhkfin: how often would you be releasing your podcast?19:20
Tm_TSeveas: 100 % sure +1 from me19:20
rhkfinpopey: IT's been only 4 times so far (in a year or so), next episode is about to be released. I'd wish more people participating there..19:21
Seveas  +1 from me19:21
rhkfinBut I think once a month is a max the community can do..19:21
Myrttirhkfin: don't you even dare asking me... ;-)19:21
popey( I wont say we do two a month ;) )19:21
rhkfinMyrtti: no, I'm waiting for people to let me know they want to do it :)19:21
MyrttiI even took a piccie of Risto at Hardy release fest...19:21
rhkfinpopey: yeah, I'm jeallous..19:22
Tm_TMyrtti: evidence :)19:22
rhkfinYep, the next episode will be Mirv (Timo Jyrinki) presenting Ubuntu at the release party19:22
rhkfinSo, more questions.. ?19:22
rhkfinMyrtti: that's mean :)19:22
MyrttiMirv is in the right and rhkfin on the left19:22
popeyrhkfin: i see you have done some translation, is that something you plan to do more of, or is your language well covered?19:22
Myrttirhkfin: :-P19:22
phanatic+1 for the huge amount of community work19:24
Tm_Tpopey: it's not well covered yet, but we try to do as much as possible in small prints in time to time, similar to hug (bug) days, he's there atleast then I keep sure of it19:24
Myrttithere he is, just in time :-P19:25
Mirvyay for rhkfin from here :)19:25
stgraber+1 too19:25
rhkfinpopey: stgraber thank you19:25
rhkfinPriceChild: thank you19:26
Seveas+6 it is19:26
rhkfinThank you! So now we're five but we'll try to multiply ourselves soon.. When was the next EMEA meeting :)   And the Finnish LoCo is relatively one of the most active in the world :) (5milj finnish speakers, about 7600 forum registrants19:26
Seveaspopey, did you hear anyting from the israelians?19:26
rhkfinThank you!19:26
popeySeveas: should I have?19:26
Seveaspopey, yes, you said you would contact them to see when they will fill their pages and come to the meeting19:27
rhkfinMyrtti: :)19:27
popeymy bad19:27
Seveasok, let's keep them on there for one more week19:28
Seveaskmos reappplied19:28
popeywill poke them19:28
SeveasI'll poke him19:28
rhkfinAFIK the time link on the EMEA page fails, I'd have been here 2 hours later.. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/EMEA -> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=6&day=10&year=2008&hour=20&min=0&sec=0&p1=019:28
Seveasrhkfin, oops, my bad19:28
Myrttiwould you please make sure that the meetings are in the fridge calendar too19:28
rhkfinIt shows Helsinki & Jerusalem 23:00 and we starter at 21:00..19:28
Mirvyup, the link has hours wrontg19:28
Myrttibecause as the topic states, there isn't a meeting here at all19:28
SeveasMyrtti, blame that on the fridge people, I sent them the info19:28
Mirvrhkfin: congrats.19:29
MyrttiI will19:29
rhkfinBut anyway, thanks for everybody..19:29
MyrttiI'll SHUN them19:29
popeySeveas: where did you send it?19:29
Seveaspopey, their shuny new address19:29
popeyi dont see it19:29
popey(I am one of them)19:29
Seveashmm, strange19:29
Seveashttp://doodle.ch/participation.html?pollId=8xt3diunc9ugeaiu is suddenlt empty, wtf19:30
popeyubuntu-news@lists.ubuntu.com should work19:30
stgraberpopey: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-news-team/2008-June/000032.html19:30
Seveasah someone deleted it all, that serves my right for sharing the link in #ubuntu-meeting19:30
Seveaswhoever did that: die please19:31
forumsmatthewsigh, some people19:31
* Tm_T hides19:31
Seveasshall we reschedule same time and day next week?19:31
Tm_Tok, my internet time is up, will have my own connection next week etc, see you all later ->19:31
stgraberSeveas: I have it open19:31
Seveasiirc only phanatic had that red (but he has most of the week red)19:31
forumsmatthewI will be traveling, starting the 17th until the 24th. I trust all of you in my absence, though.19:32
PriceChildI'm fine with anything apart from 18th (afaik)19:32
phanaticSeveas: yes, my next week is pretty messy.19:32
stgraberthat was the doodle before it was destroyed19:32
Seveasstgraber, thanks19:33
Seveasok, same time&day next week it is19:33
forumsmatthewthat sounds fine. sorry I'll miss it. Hopefully I'll be at the one after19:33
Seveasmeeting ends, thanks all!19:33
rhkfinThank yo19:34
forumsmatthewthanks, all19:34
phanaticthanks all19:36
rhkfinpopey: you asked about the translating stuff.. Mirv (+more) has it pretty well covered and I don't feel I'm good at it but have my mission elsewhere. At some stage I just tried some lines and also started to translate KPhotoalbum but never finished - it's not my area of expertise..20:22
Prettonixternal, ping20:49
nixternalPretto: pong20:53

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