
LetsGo67I got banned for saying a joke everyone.00:13
Jack_SparrowAfter he was warned00:13
LetsGo67They mute me.00:13
LetsGo67He didn't say "don't say jokes".00:14
LetsGo67Did he?00:14
Seeker`LetsGo67: what joke was this?00:14
LetsGo67Read the logs, guys.  L)00:14
stdinhe asked you to stop, you didn't00:14
Jack_SparrowI should not need to say no jokes.. after the spanish upon entry00:14
LetsGo67Seeker` funeral joke00:14
LetsGo67"When was ubotu's funerals?", to be precise.00:14
LetsGo67Because they removed ubotu and changed him for ubottu00:15
stdinafter repeatedly doing things like "<LetsGo67> WhAt HaPpEnNeD tO uBoTu?" you're surprised you were muted??00:15
LetsGo67I request an unban, I do not plan to off-topic again.00:15
LetsGo67stdin: is there a "no funky writing" rule?00:16
LetsGo67One I sent to a certain user, the other was for the channel.00:16
LetsGo67That explains?00:16
stdinthere's a "Don't be annoying" rule, yes00:16
LetsGo67After getting the "es" warning, I stopped speaking foreign languages.00:17
Jack_Sparrowand the offtopic rule00:17
Jack_SparrowYou have obviously done the es before based upon your response00:17
LetsGo67I didn't consider that annoying, I sent it to two people, and ubotu/ubottu is not offtopic?00:17
LetsGo67Yeah, then I stopped.00:18
ubottuFactoid abiword not found00:18
stdinquestions about ubotu/ubottu are offtopic in #ubuntu00:18
LetsGo67Didn't know, sorry.00:18
LetsGo67So how long does the mute last?00:19
* LetsGo67 has just sent a nudge!00:19
stdinup to the op who muted you ;)00:19
Jack_SparrowHAve you ever read the coc?00:20
Jack_SparrowWhile you read it, I will unmute you fair enough00:20
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/00:20
LetsGo67Can I just read the bold print?00:21
Jack_SparrowIt isnt that long and it is important for people to understand how things work and what we expect and what can be expected from us00:22
stdinand make sure you're familiar with the guidelines too: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:23
stdinas you will be held to them even if you haven't read it00:24
LetsGo67I have 'em on my firefox sidebar.00:24
LetsGo67"If you use away messages, you may get kicked without warning."  Why?00:24
stdinbecause they are annoying and spammy00:25
mneptokbecause they are unnecessary and do not scale.00:25
LetsGo67My away message is "Away" is that okay?00:25
mneptoknot if it's sent to the channel00:25
LetsGo67No clue.00:25
stdinusing /away <reason> is ok00:25
mneptoksetting /away is fine. announcing /away is not.00:25
stdinsending a message to the channel saying "I'm away for <reason>" is not00:26
LetsGo67Read IRC Guidelines but not COC, but g2g, ttyl.00:28
geniiHi, I just have a brief recommendation for the !sudo factiod, in that it should warn against using it with gui apps.00:37
geniibah, typo   factiod->factoid00:37
Jack_Sparrowgenii There is a way to type the factoid change you would like to see and it is quite easy00:39
Jack_SparrowI just dont rember it atm00:39
stdingenii: ie: suggest the change ;) !sudo is ...blah...00:39
Jack_Sparrowahhhhh forget it00:40
stdinI'll give you coffee if it's a good one :)00:42
genii!sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications in Gnome, see !gksudo instead.00:42
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, genii said: !sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications in Gnome, see !gksudo instead.00:42
geniiMinor modification to the original is all00:42
stdingenii, how about: "sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)"  ?00:45
* stdin wants some kde love in there too ;)00:45
geniistdin: I thought about adding that too actually, good add00:45
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)00:46
geniistdin: Nice. Just that so many ppl get recommended to !sudo then run their gui apps with ti tthen wonder why things don't work. When it's really not their fault since they're just following direction.00:47
geniistdin: So where's my coffee? ;)00:48
Jack_SparrowThat will save me from triggering !gksudo after sudo.. good one..00:48
* stdin sends coffee genii's way, free of charge00:48
Hobbseemneptok: ah ha!  you do exist!04:21
Hobbseedo you still exist now though?04:21
mneptokHobbsee: 'sup? i'm about to head home from the office.04:23
Hobbseemneptok: see /query04:23
ubottuIn #kubuntu, Agent_bob said: ubottu i is me neither.05:44
nickrudtalking to yourself ?06:24
Myrttiwe might be having a small problem with our #ubuntu -users who use mirc.06:24
nickrudnot sure he was telling the truth to you06:25
* elky_work notes something about s/#ubuntu//06:25
nickruddidn't even try to dispute it06:25
nickrudunless it was in pm, that is06:25
Myrttielky_work: mirc per se is a good client, except that its shareware and only for Windows.06:26
Myrttielky_work: featurewise it's good.06:26
elky_worksecuritywise it's not06:26
Myrttiand that's the problem06:27
elky_workthat's the key to my gripe06:27
elky_workit makes it less-than-good imho06:27
MyrttiI never had problems with it, because I didn't use it for sharing files, I used scripts that were acknowledged to be clean etc.06:28
Myrttithis is one of the cases of common sense and PEBKAC06:28
Myrttihe's now banforwarded here06:29
Myrttiwhat I did notice, however06:29
Myrttiis that looking at the idents of these said "autopm on join" fellows seem somehow identical.06:30
Myrttibot is btw lagging a bit06:30
sajesIt's nothing real serious, but a bunch of people are spamming and abusing ubottu in #ubuntu-offtopic.07:13
sajesAnd using profanity. >_>07:13
sajesAlso, now with all caps.07:13
sajesAnd racism. I guess this is where it becomes a rather serious abuse.07:16
bazhangthanks sajes07:17
sajesbazhang: Thanks for taking care of it. :p07:18
sajesLooks like it's back.07:18
sajesYeah, first time I've seen something like that in there. >_<07:19
simi2hi all, i just want to report a bot on the #kubuntu chanell named House_Blend_Pete, can it be removed and bamed?07:23
Hobbsee!staff | on join spam07:23
ubottuon join spam: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary or PriceChild, I could  use a bit of your time :)07:23
simiit sends some comercials to me as soon i entered07:23
Myrttisimi: if you've got such problems, don't be afraid to holler !ops07:23
Myrttiit doesn't bite07:23
Hobbseeit just flooded itself off, ti seems.07:24
simican/t be bamed?07:24
Hobbseesimi: done, but i'd prefer to see it thrown off the entire netowrk07:25
simiHobbsee: what ca we do to throw it oof from the network?07:27
Hobbseesimi: poke the staff, and wait07:27
Hobbseeof course, no one's actually here from the staff again07:28
* Hobbsee pokes tomaw07:28
=== mneptok_ is now known as mneptok
Myrtti/me huggles mneptok08:19
* jussi01 walks in08:36
jussi01Myrtti: ?08:49
Myrttidid the dishes and finally managed to get breakfast08:56
Myrttilife is good.08:56
gnomefreakSeeker`: is mootbot still around and does it do minutes for meetings? Also can you join #ubuntu-mozillateam because asac might have other questions about it one being ho to use it :)09:32
JucatoQuestion: what does ChanServ or ubottu use to properly identify an op? I might be adding a new IRC cloak, so I'm wondering it's cloak-based and if there's something I need to retain for ChanServ and ubottu to recognize me09:50
PriceChildJucato: chanserv 'should' do it by account (ie identified to nickserv) ubottu will need poking by jussi01 as it does it by hostname10:14
jussi01Im here10:15
jussi01hi PriceChild10:15
Jucatoah ok. thanks10:15
Jucatowell not yet today. :)10:15
Myrttiwhat calendar should I be subscribing to to get information about all the relevant meetings?11:26
ubottuMez: Schedule for Etc/UTC: Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day | 10 Jun 11:00: Asia and Oceania Ubuntu Membership Approval Board | 10 Jun 15:00: Server Team | 11 Jun 06:00: Platform Team | 11 Jun 17:00: QA Team | 12 Jun 13:00: Desktop Team11:26
Mezah, doesnt tell you there11:26
MyrttiI think I've got the fridge calendar already11:27
Myrttibut it doesn't show emea at all11:27
Myrttifor instance11:27
Myrttieurope, middle east, africa11:27
Myrttinor oceasia for that matter11:27
Myrttihas anyone gotten that to work with google calendar?11:55
elkbuntuugh. someone is acting weird again12:17
bazhangin #ubuntu?12:17
elkbuntuno, somenoe in #ubuntu-artwork12:18
elkbuntuwho is also in #ubuntu-meeting and would so know im otherwise occupied and cant partake in private convos initiated in random ubuntu channels12:18
elkbuntushe's not speaking there though12:19
elkbuntubut she's there12:19
Seeker`nalioth: ping (about Mootbot)12:50
Myrttijussi01: pong13:30
liassisthello, i wanted to know if i can use a client side bot to answer peoples questions14:16
Myrttion which channels?14:16
Myrttiwhat kind of a bot?14:16
liassista bot that simply answers most common questions14:18
Myrttion which channels?14:19
liassist#ubuntu #suse mostly linux channels14:19
jussi01not for #ubuntu - we have ubottu14:19
liassistok for other cahnnels14:20
jussi01liassist: for #suse you need to ask their ops14:20
jussi01liassist: All ubuntu channels use ubottu or a clone14:21
jussi01liassist: are you familiar with ubottu14:21
liassistwell, ubottu dosent have some things14:21
Myrttisuch as?14:21
jussi01liassist: we can add things to ubottu - you can suggest them by pm to ubottu14:22
liassistvirus answers , hardware and networking but mainly i wont use it on ubuntu14:22
jussi01I think !virus explains the ubuntu situation well14:23
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2114:23
liassisti wodnt be using it mainly on ubuntu but channels which have no bot support14:24
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection14:24
ikoniaanyone else getting sex chat from suskun27 in pm14:24
Seeker`ikonia: nope14:24
jussi01ikonia: not me14:24
Piciikonia: I havent gotten anything14:24
ikoniaclearly I am special14:24
Seeker`ikonia: lucky you14:24
ikoniahe's in ubuntu and very keen to meet girls for "sexy talk"14:24
ikoniajust come back to my desk14:25
jussi01liassist: if its an #*ubuntu* channel then they are usually allowed to have ubottu or a clone - anything else is not under our control14:25
liassistit will be under your control14:25
liassistyou will have ops on it14:26
jussi01liassist: Im talking channels - if you want to put it in #suse #linux or wherever, you need to ask those channels ops14:26
Seeker`liassist: The point is that we already have ubottu for that in #ubuntu channels14:26
liassistok, thankyou14:27
jussi01well then...14:27
ikoniahe was in hear yesterday asking for ops14:27
ikoniayes saying he had been in #ubuntu for 2 years14:27
ikoniaelkbuntu: busted him his nick was 2 weeks old14:27
ikoniaI appriciate he may have only just decided to register it14:28
Seeker`I've been on freenode for > 18 months now \o/14:28
jussi01hrm, Ive been on freenode since... ummm 11/06 roughly14:30
Myrtti/me yawns14:30
MyrttiRegistered : Dec 14 09:59:31 200414:30
PiciJan 30 12:38:33 200714:31
PiciI have a 5 digit slashdot id though.14:31
Seeker` Nov 20 23:44:23 200614:31
pleia2Feb 26 01:51:16 200214:32
pleia2I win14:32
Myrttipleia2: pft. :-P14:32
jussi01someone remind me on how to get that info again?14:32
Seeker`I have a 6 digit slashdot id14:32
pleia2jussi01: /msg nickserv info jussi0114:32
jussi01pleia2: thanks14:32
* jussi01 was msging chanserv and wondering why it didnt work :P14:32
jussi01[16:33:05] [NickServ] Registered : Dec 13 17:16:22 2006 (1 year, 25 weeks, 4 days, 20:16:42 ago)14:33
* Pici is a young'n14:34
Myrttifresh meat14:34
MyrttiI feel old again...14:34
ikoniaughh, I'm 2004 under my current nick14:35
ikoniaah, my old one was only another 1.5 years old14:35
ikoniaso roughly early 2003, late 200214:35
ikoniabut thats only when you reigstered your nick I assume14:36
ikoniarather than when your nick was first seen14:36
* Hobbsee has been on irc for too long.14:56
Seeker`Hobbsee: By definition, if you are on IRC you have been on it for too long :P15:15
HobbseeSeeker`: hah15:17
Myrttioh, on irc?15:33
Myrtti<-- 12 years and going strong15:33
nickrudirc wasn't even on my radar until I tried ubuntu, although I spend a lot of time on bbs's in the 8015:37
nickrudmorning jack15:38
jussi01Myrtti: around? new photos if you are interested :D http://lifematta.com/jussi01/photos/15:40
Myrtticuuuuuute nose15:40
MyrttiI want a polar bear.15:42
Myrttior a dog.15:42
Myrttipolar bear would be nicer though :->15:42
jussi01*chomp* no more Myrtti15:44
Myrttibut it would keep my toes warm.15:45
jussi01ahh, you mean you want a polar bear skin for your floor... I see :P15:46
PiciJack_Sparrow: I dont know if you took care of him, but donald_duck AKA potty was looking for you yesterday.15:57
Jack_SparrowI took care of him by banning him yes..15:58
PiciSame guy as __john ?15:58
Jack_SparrowHe joined, dumped a bunch into channel and left thinking we could not figure out how to ban him15:59
Jack_SparrowI get that feeling yes..15:59
Jack_SparrowThere are a lot of johns in the world..  I could be wrong..16:00
Jack_SparrowIt would be in the log yesterday morning 8 -9 ish Pacific time...16:01
PiciI couldnt figure out why he was banned in the bantracker logs.16:01
Jack_SparrowLet me find it16:02
ikonia11:20 -!- Irssi: Starting query in freenode with john__16:02
ikonia11:20 <john__> HEY MATT16:02
ikonia11:20 -!- john__ [n=john@cpe-71-72-82-183.columbus.res.rr.com]16:02
ikonia11:20 -!-  ircname  : John16:02
ikonia11:20 -!-  channels : #xubuntu16:02
ikonia11:20 -!-  server   : irc.freenode.net [http://freenode.net/]16:02
ikonia11:20 -!- End of WHOIS16:02
ikonia11:20 <john__> iu have one question16:02
ikonia11:20 <john__> just answer it okay?16:02
ikoniakkI got that off him the other day16:02
ikoniaI ignored it16:02
ikoniahe's cleaerly a genuis as he whois'd me to get my real now16:02
ikoniaI'm scared16:02
jussi01This is what the add comments in the BT are for -Please use it people!16:02
Myrtti/me gives jussi01 a lollipop16:02
Myrttioh great. Now the splittage starts again?16:04
Jack_SparrowYesterdays logs starting 15:1016:04
PiciJack_Sparrow: I just wanted to let you know16:04
Jack_SparrowThanks.. he has been nothing but disruptive in all channels16:06
stdinoh, Jucato, ubottu should recognise you even if you change your cloak. as long as use keep the same nick16:10
Jucatostdin: oh thanks16:11
stdinif not then I'll just have to invent a new way for identifying :s16:12
MyrttiLOOOOLLL sKy\ [n=sKy@la.la.li.laaaa.liiiii.laaa.la]16:12
HobbseeSportChick: pong16:13
SportChickHobbsee: got it taken care of - thanks though :)16:19
HobbseeSportChick: ah16:19
Jack_SparrowCan someone tell me the offest for time in the logs based on US PAcific time...  + 8 ?  So 9am US Pac Time would be ?16:27
stdinoffset from what?16:32
Jack_SparrowMy 9am isnt 9am in the irc logs...16:34
stdinwhich logs, the bantracker or irclogs.u.c ?16:35
Jack_SparrowI want to verify the ban on potty/ john is still in place and be able to show why16:36
stdinlooks like they are in UTC+116:37
Jack_SparrowHe joined, pottied all over us and left...  Just trying to find the log of it16:38
PiciI remember you muting him before he changed his name.16:42
PiciThen I unmuted after he changed it to something suitable16:42
Jack_SparrowIt was later.. thanthat..  HE changed it to potty then compressor   but left, came back dumped and tried to run..  I hope someone didnt lift that ban because they could not find it in the logs16:43
stdinirclogs doesn't show joins/parts though, only nick changes16:45
Jack_SparrowPici Thanks...16:46
Jack_Sparrowirclogs are my current time + 8   That will help16:51
=== seanw is now known as ilona
=== ilona is now known as seanw
Myrttiok, so the EMEA meeting is starting apparentlyl18:47
ubottuMyrtti: Schedule for Etc/UTC: Current meeting: Bugs for Hugs Day | 11 Jun 06:00: Platform Team | 11 Jun 17:00: QA Team | 12 Jun 13:00: Desktop Team | 13 Jun 15:00: Ubuntu-ni Translation Sprint | 13 Jun 20:00: MOTU18:47
Myrttiand it's not on any calendar.18:47
Myrtti17:47 ::: Sexygurl (Sexygurl) [n=Sexygurl@chewy2.dalsemi.com] has joined #ubuntu18:49
pleia2it's Hobbsee!18:49
* pleia2 runs, hides18:49
ubottuSlart called the ops in #ubuntu (anonlol)19:05
Picimy alias broked19:07
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, recon said: !no tea is <reply> You want to manipuate no tea? Pull yourself together; you're talking complete nonsense.19:21
mactayloris sparrow here19:35
MyrttiEEEYYYGGHHH Finnish Facebook19:39
Myrttijussi01: töks19:51
PriceChildWhat's been going on here then?19:53
jussi01PriceChild: nothing...19:56
* jussi01 looks around and whistles19:56
Myrttinothing much really19:56
PriceChildgood :)19:56
PriceChildwell, ok19:56
jussi01Myrtti: where can I get food at this time of night?19:57
PriceChildjussi01: you're not claiming to be an aussie again are you?19:57
jussi01PriceChild: I am an aussie....19:57
Myrttihe is.19:57
jussi01@lart PriceChild19:57
* ubottu decapitates PriceChild conan the destroyer style19:57
PriceChildyeah right19:57
jussi01Myrtti: knows, she has met me...19:58
Myrttihe even walks like one, or like what I would expect a laidback aussie to walk like.19:58
PriceChilda likely story19:58
jussi01PriceChild: skype me a you will see19:58
Myrttiand for crying out loud, I even thought with an aussie accent for the evening after I met him19:58
Myrttiand *that* was scary19:59
PriceChildMyrtti: :D19:59
PriceChildimpressionable, or enjoying taking the mick... 8-)19:59
ompaulsomeone tell me what that smiley was that steph_ just used at me in #ubuntu please20:01
* ompaul is lacking smiley dictionary 20:01
PiciPriceChild: A few people were looking for cloaks earlier in -irc.20:01
PiciWe told them to get lost.20:01
PiciAlso, long meetings make me cranky20:02
ompaulPici, but they were on the interweb on computers they could google their way to finding where they were20:02
Myrttiand I was in the emea meeting and reminded everyone that the cloaks should be asked at -irc20:02
Myrttiand Seveas didn't know X-)20:02
MyrttiI lol'd20:02
PiciOh, I'm supposed to bug Seveas about ubotu20:02
PriceChildI have no hands left *painfully alts to -irc to catch up on cloak requests*20:03
PriceChildPici: who asked you to do that?20:03
PiciPriceChild: I did?20:03
PriceChildPici: bugging about what?20:03
PriceChildah cool :D20:03
PiciPriceChild: He made an odd comment at my emea thing20:03
Seeker`BBQ ftw!20:08
ompaulthe numbers 1 + other numbers incremented above that by two, however they were only issued in the sequence of these numbers that were incremented - this is called most odd20:09
Pici`When we were talking about Ubotu, he said that he might have some good news about it20:20
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
jussi01Myrtti: ping20:28
jussi01Myrtti: please tell me how to install this thing...20:28
Myrttiput the firmware to umm...20:29
MyrttiI honestly would forget where I left my head if it weren't attached to my torso20:35
ompaulMyrtti, I think however such a forgetting would be a little permanent20:38
ubottuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out20:38
ompaulmneptok, happy Tuesday kind of thing20:38
ompaulmneptok, you been to dentist?20:40
mneptokIT'S A TWISTER!20:41
ompaulEnvironment Canada is calling for mostly sunny weather and a high of 24 C Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  <<< now that is a confident organisation20:41
mneptoknono, they're *calling for* it.20:42
ompaulmneptok, like the weather will listen20:42
mneptokapparently slect clergy and goats are involved.20:42
ompaulmneptok, sql clergy?20:42
ompaulwoops this could get out of hand we should leave it alone ;-)20:43
ompaulmneptok, however we had something like that here a couple of years ago and they called it a  Squall20:44
ompaulmneptok, but it happened on the north side of dublin - so it might just have been two blokes having a fight ;-)20:45
ompaulhowever they (the weather people) denied it and claimed it was a weather event20:45
mneptok"high winds throught the afternoon, changing to blood and cheering"20:45
ompaulthere will be floods of guinness and cider20:46
ompaulmneptok, met a guy in a hotel this evening and thanked him for years of great entertainment:  http://brushshiels.com/20:48
Myrtticider? where's cider?20:49
ompaulMyrtti, in dublin pubs20:50
ompauland hotels20:50
ompaulmneptok, he used to take well known songs and replace the lyrics in a comedy fashion brilliant fun stuff never too serious20:51
ompaulyou don't bring me coddle any more ... you've lost that oven feeling  and such wit20:51
Myrtti/me rolls her eyes at #xubuntu21:24
ompaulbattlesaq had a photo where fun was made of debian users and gays in one go - I evaluated that and took it as being against the Code of Conduct, it was not even funny, so they should have known better21:33
ompaulergo they are no longer in #ubuntu21:33
ompaulsorry I used the phrase where fun21:34
ompaulin fact I should have said where jibes where made21:34
ompaulbut anyeay21:34
nickruddidn't take the time to look, sorry21:34
ompaulnickrud, np21:36
ompaulI did21:36
nickrudso I saw :)21:39
=== jussi01_ is now known as jussio1
ompaulnight all22:14

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