
Muhammad_SaadHello, I have set up a home network between a Linux PC and a windows XP one. I can access Windows shared folder from Linux but when I try to access the Linux PC from the Windows one, it asks me for a password. Any idea?06:10
lns-eeeMuhammad_Saad, that would be better asked in either #ubuntu or in a samba channel06:29
lns-eeeThis chan is specifically for edubuntu-specific bits06:30
Muhammad_SaadI am also using Edubuntu.06:30
Muhammad_SaadDo you mean the things that are specific to Edubuntu?06:31
lns-eeeNo worries06:31
clarkeohey I was wondering if anyone could tell me how I could get rid of the splash screen on my thin clients when they boot up as I need to diagnose a problem?06:46
johnny it's in /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default06:48
clarkeoyea thats the mysterious thing Ive edited that file so it looks like  'DEFAULT vmlinuz ro initrd=initrd.img'    but still the thin client boots up with the splash screen06:50
lns-eeeclarkeo, you need to append 'nosplash' to it (replacing 'splash')06:52
clarkeoah thank you ill just give that a try06:52
clarkeoshould i remove quiet?06:52
lns-eeeyeah i would06:52
clarkeono luck with that it now reads ' DEFAULT vmlinuz ro initrd=initrd.img nosplash' but still boots with a splash06:55
lns-eeeclarkeo, no clue...that's always worked for me (appending nosplash and removing quiet)..what dist. you using?06:56
clarkeoUbuntu 8.0406:56
lns-eeeit's always worked for me in gutsy... i'm not sure (haven't done the same thign in hardy yet, still upgrading my servers)06:59
clarkeoyea its really odd because ive done a bit of googling and thats the only advice I had found07:00
clarkeothanks anyway for your help07:02
lns-eeeno prob..wish i could help more07:04
clarkeook now ive got the problem that it seems that my Xserver wont start getting worse and worse it seems07:09
clarkeoall i have when my thin client boots is a flashing cursor in the top left07:10
clarkeocould anyone tell me where to find the logs for thin clients?07:40
stgraberRichEd, ogra: early/late meeting ? (if any)12:05
* ogra is open for anything 12:05
ogra(since i missed that the phonecall i got up for early today was postponed)12:06
stgraberI have the QA meeting tonight, so this afternoon would be great (12:00 UTC ?)12:13
stgraberogra, RichEd ^12:13
RichEdhighvoltage: ping13:21
yogeshhey has anyone tried ntlm or proxy authentication in client19:26
yogeshis anything wrong or no one is talking19:27
yogeshhey has anyone tried ntlm or proxy authentication for client20:00
stgrabernobody joined the channel since you last asked so you are not likely to get more answers by asking again20:02
lecaroswhich client are you talking about?20:03
stgraberthin clients in a LTSP environment20:03
stgraberas you was told on #ltsp, the clients are authenticating using SSH to the server. So if you want to make ntlm/proxy auth to work, you need to do that on the server, it has nothing to do with the clients.20:04
yogeshyeah i know tht20:08
yogeshclients r just dummy machines20:08
yogeshbut client run in completely independent environent20:08
yogeshstgraber: did u get my problem21:08

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