
pygihey folks01:20
pygiany of you coming to akademy?01:20
nixternalI wish I was going to akademy01:44
pygiah, hi nixternal !01:45
pygiwhy not? :)01:45
pygiNightrose, wake up :)01:53
nosrednaekimuhhh are there python-bindings packes yet? (sorry, I was away for two days)02:28
ScottKnixternal: I have a spec for you (just read your blog).02:58
* nixternal shivers in fear02:58
ScottKnixternal: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerFlavorSpec might be useful to you if we can pull it off.02:58
nixternalI will take a gander at it02:59
* ScottK can just hear nixternal saying, "Gee boss, if you'd let me put a little work time in on helping with this spec, it'd save us a ton of time and money on deployments."02:59
ScottKThat and then we can conspire to make sure the tools are available for qt4, but not gtk2.03:00
voriannixternal: blog typo!!!!!!03:47
vorianoh noes!!!!!!03:47
nixternalwhat was the typo?03:49
vorianfirst bold heading03:49
vorianBig Ban03:49
* vorian thought this was pm 03:50
voriansorry about that ;?03:50
voriancan't type03:50
nixternalthanks, fixed it03:51
* ScottK just figured he was in trouble at work already.03:51
vorianlook what I've been cleaning up all day03:51
voriandamn powerline came down03:52
vorianthe power company let the mother live for 5 hours!03:52
ScottKHow's the insurance policy looking?03:54
voriangood, they'll cover everything03:54
DaSkreechI forget04:48
DaSkreechwas a kubuntu release done for the last Koffice Alpha?04:48
stdinDaSkreech: I think it keeps failing to build05:18
stdinlatest in the repos is still (ie: old)05:18
* DaSkreech chuckles at FOSS05:21
Nightrosemorning :)06:44
Nightrosepygi: I am awake now :P06:45
Nightrosewhat did you want?06:45
DaSkreechAn autograph06:48
* DaSkreech presents Mike to be signed06:48
\shbah...pykde4 you suck...http://www.mail-archive.com/pyqt@riverbankcomputing.com/msg13895.html07:29
\shSime: pykde4 trunk: cmake error in SIPmacros.cmake,   string sub-command REPLACE requires four arguments. (it's cmake 2.6foo version from kdesupport)07:53
\shhmm..it works somehow when cmake started from kdebindings root dir ;)08:03
Arbymorning all08:15
pygiNickNak, nothing much, just trying to organize in group, so though there'll be kubuntu group09:31
Nightrosepygi: ah ;-)09:33
Nightrosei am already in the girls group09:33
Nightroseand was in the amarok group before09:34
pygiamarok group is big xD09:34
Nightrosehehe yea09:34
pygi14 people09:34
Nightroseand probably a few who didn't join the group09:34
pygiI should probably just register without a group09:34
Nightrosehmmm /me will have to poke some people so they register09:35
Nightrosepygi: yea probably best09:35
pygiNightrose, are you at Z or R hostel?09:36
pygiah, so you registered early :p09:37
Nightrosejea like 4 hours after registration was open ;-)09:37
pygitheres one bed missing on Tuesday, otherwise I could register there as well :-/09:37
pygion Saturday09:37
Nightrosehad a free minute while working at the booth at linuxtag09:38
Nightroseso i did it09:38
Nightroseyou can get a bed somewhere else for that day09:38
pygibleh, that means moving somewhere instead of talking about good things =)09:39
Nightrose;-) true09:39
pygiI'm getting a bed somewhere else for the last two days anyway :p09:39
pygiwhy this payment page couldnt be in english xD09:45
Riddellpygi: it is if you change your country09:46
pygiah, true!09:46
pygiRiddell, you're coming I guess, and still no kubuntu group? :)09:47
RiddellI am09:47
pygiRiddell, how come there's no kubuntu group? :)09:48
Riddellfor sleeping?  I like to sleep with random people, spread the love09:48
* pygi knows very little KDE people actually09:49
\shpygi: all dancers and singers (well at least one of them ;))09:55
pygi\sh, heh :p10:03
etretyakhi everyone10:57
Riddellmorning etretyak11:00
\shI don't get pykde4 build ... neither our version, nor the svn version...11:02
* Serega waves11:14
\shoh another try11:15
\shthere's hope11:15
\shRiddell: btw..how do you deal with quilt and "new files"? e.g you need to add a new file, via diff,...11:16
\shquilt add newfile -> add some things to newfile, quilt refresh doesn't help for me11:17
Riddelldiff -u old new11:19
Riddelldiff -u old new > foo11:19
Riddellecho foo > debian/patches/series11:20
\shok...so the dirty method ;)11:20
\shI thought there is a sane way to tell quilt to behave :)11:20
\shwhooosaaaa...pykde4 builds11:25
\shnever ask me questions about how I did that now...11:27
* \sh has to check .bash_history ;)11:28
\shsomething between praying and moving files from pykde4/sip/*  svn trunk to our packages and adding some magic fixes found on the pykde4 ml11:28
\shoh damn...too early to be happy:11:31
\shsipkhtmlpart10.cpp: In function 'PyObject* meth_DOM_DOMString_characters(PyObject*, PyObject*)':11:31
\shsipkhtmlpart10.cpp:689: error: 'class DOM::DOMString' has no member named 'characters'11:31
\shgetting rid of it...and go back to start and don't catch 4k €11:35
\shwoohoo...pykde4 python2.5 build finished...now for python2.4...after that testing and uploading to ppa12:18
\shhmmm...are our kde4.1beta packages rpathed?12:49
\shdpkg-shlibdeps: failure: couldn't find library libkdeui.so.5 needed by debian/python-kde4/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/PyKDE4/kdeui.so (its RPATH is '').12:49
Riddellin hardy should be yes12:51
\shwhy doesn't it work then...12:52
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
\shtrying now with dh_shlibdeps -l<path to kde4 libdir>12:53
\shit's the last bug...:(12:53
emonkeygogogo *cheers*12:54
\shemonkey: /me needs to "redo" everything he did to get that package working..because right now, it's more a mess then a debian package12:55
emonkeysounds awful12:55
smarter\sh: you can see the RPATH with chrpath13:05
\shsmarter: it doesn't help when dpkg-shlibdeps is failing ;)13:13
\shpress thumbs..that it works now13:29
\shsudo dpkg -i python-kde4_4.0.3-0ubuntu1.3~hardy1~ppa1_amd64.deb python-kde4-dev_4.0.3-0ubuntu1.3~hardy1~ppa1_all.deb python-kde4-doc_4.0.3-0ubuntu1.3~hardy1~ppa1_all.deb13:35
\shinstallation: works13:36
\shKDE Launchpad Bugs13:39
\shVersion 0.113:39
\shUsing KDE 4.00.80 (KDE 4.0.80 >= (KDE 4.1 Beta1)13:39
\shnow I'm uploading the crap to kubuntu-members-kde4 ppa and then I will try to find out why no menu text is set...13:42
\shand fixing the package later to be sane again13:42
\shthere it goes13:43
\sh[PPA kubuntu-members-kde4] Accepted: python-kde4 4:4.0.3-0ubuntu1.3~hardy1~ppa1 (source) phew13:45
Riddellthe no menu text is a known bug with older versions of pykde13:47
\shRiddell: hmm..how do we overcome that?13:49
Riddellupdate to a newer version13:50
\shoxygen bug13:50
raphinkhi \sh & Riddell13:51
HobbseeNightrose: nice kitten pic you managed to find there.13:51
raphink& hi Hobbsee13:51
NightroseHobbsee: ;-)13:51
\shmoins raphink :)13:51
\shRiddell: the only new version i can find is that what's in the svn trunk of kde13:51
NightroseHobbsee: i have a whole folder with pics like that one :P13:52
HobbseeNightrose: heh13:52
\shRiddell: and it's not compiling cleanly...via kdebindings...(i just used some of the new stuff sime commited to it to make it actually build for kde4.1)13:52
Riddell\sh: that and kdebindings releases13:52
Riddellhi raphink13:52
\shI wonder where Jim has it's own repository of it13:53
Riddellon his hard disk13:53
apacheloggerRiddell: please sponsor http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/235 and remove the source package of kopete-plugin-otr-kde413:57
apacheloggerRiddell: oh, and if you have time, please backport quassel to hardy13:58
apacheloggerbuild log: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/15196506/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.quassel_0.2.0%7Ebeta1-0ubuntu2%7Ehardy1%7Eppa1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz13:58
ScottKapachelogger: It'd be much preferred if you filed that backports bug rather than randomly poke Riddell on IRC for backports.13:59
apacheloggerjussi01: go file a backports bug :P14:00
jussi01apachelogger: ok then!14:00
Riddellapachelogger: ok14:00
\shScottK: bug #234574 ;)14:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 234574 in claws-mail-extra-plugins "[Backport Request] claws-mail + claws-mail-extra-plugins from intrepid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23457414:00
apacheloggerScottK: considering I am in the -backports team, would I still have to file a bug?14:00
jpdsapachelogger: yes.14:02
jussi01jpds: shhh... its quassel ;)14:02
jpdsBut you can just +1 it in the bug report14:02
* apachelogger appoints jussi01 to his personal backport bug reporter14:02
ScottKapachelogger: Yes.  Please.  I do it too.14:02
ScottKapachelogger: I've been stuck more than once trying to figure out WTF on some backports issue where having even a minimal paper trial in LP would have been very nice.14:03
jussi01what package does it need to be reported against? quassel?14:05
\shhardy backports + quassel imho14:05
ScottKjussi01: Just hardy-backports14:06
jussi01ScottK: ummm.. "hardy-backports" does not exist in Ubuntu. Please choose a different package. If you're unsure, please select "I don't know"14:08
ScottKUbuntu Backports initially was on Sourceforge and only later came to Launchpad.  It's a separate project from a LP perspective.14:11
ScottKYou can still find the old project on Sourceforge if you want to delve into ancient history.14:11
jussi01ok, so simply, what do I put int the feild: In what package did you find this bug?14:12
jussi01it does not accept hardy-backports14:12
ScottKjussi01: Go to hardy-backports project and file the bug there.14:12
jussi01bug 23916514:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239165 in hardy-backports "Please backport Quassel " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23916514:13
* ScottK looks14:14
jussi01apachelogger: ^14:14
ScottKTo get it approved, someone needs to say it builds, installs, and runs.  Presumablye apachelogger can do that and approve it.14:14
ScottKJust imagine I spelled presumably correctly there.14:14
* \sh just locks up his brain now14:15
\shand waits for pykde4 to finish building ..... dumdumdumdedummkubuntudumdedum14:15
jussi01ScottK: Ill presume you spelled it correctly14:15
* jussi01 gets coat14:16
jussi01apachelogger: is the packaging the same as mine still?14:17
jussi01or have you made changes to it?14:18
\shwell, for quassel...you have to change packaging in the future...no more qmake juice, but cmake love14:18
apacheloggerScottK: done14:19
apacheloggerjussi01: I don't know your packaging14:19
apachelogger\sh: yeah, that is one line in rules and adapting the .install files ;-)14:20
\shapachelogger: bah...cdbs is *censored*14:20
nosrednaekimhey guys,,, i've been away for a couple days... has anyone packaged the python plasma bindings?14:21
apacheloggerthe what?14:21
\shhttp://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu/pool/main/p/python-kde4/ <---- YEEHA14:22
apacheloggerhow is python-kde4 related to plasma?14:22
ScottKIt's not.  He's been working on it.14:23
apacheloggerI am confused14:23
* apachelogger hides14:23
Riddellnosrednaekim: where are the python plasma bindings?14:24
nosrednaekimRiddell:within python-bindings I think14:24
\shnosrednaekim: in kdebindings/python/ there is only pykde4 and krosspython14:25
nosrednaekimI think krosspython does it14:25
\shit's something for interpretating python in c++ as sime yesterday told us14:26
apacheloggerI really think this is exactly what is necessary14:28
apacheloggerIIRC the javascript stuff for plasma also uses kross14:28
apacheloggerthough, that would lead to the question where krosspython is14:28
=== Jucato_ is now known as Jucato
apacheloggeras I packaged it just a few weeks before hardy :P14:28
nosrednaekimwell, I need it for 4.114:30
apacheloggerRiddell: is kdebindings 4.0.80 not merged yet?14:31
\sheric4 is now b0rked14:34
\shbecause of qscintilla...*grmpf*14:35
Riddellapachelogger: waiting on qscintilla MIR14:35
Riddellapachelogger: it's kde4bindings14:36
nosrednaekimapachelogger: oh BTW... i'm on hardy, not intrepid, so i'm using the PPA14:36
apacheloggerRiddell: ok, thanks14:36
* \sh goes now for qscintilla for ppa14:37
\shRiddell: how much quota do we have for the -kde4 ppa?14:37
Riddell\sh: lots14:38
apacheloggernosrednaekim: maybe kdebindings didn't get backported14:39
\shapachelogger: eventually it will fail...check kdesvn for kdebindings when sime commited the changes for 4.1 (pykde4)14:39
nosrednaekimapachelogger: nixternal did say he was having problems with it.14:40
apacheloggerno krosspython for nosrednaekim then14:40
nosrednaekimwhich means no tutorial session :(14:41
Riddellnosrednaekim: is there an example I can test?14:41
nosrednaekimyeah.. I keep forgetting where it is in websvn though14:45
jjessedoes strigi work in kde 4.1 beta?14:46
\shqscintilla2_2.2-2ubuntu1.1~hardy1~ppa1 uploaded to ppa14:48
nosrednaekimRiddell: wow... I can't find it... maybe someone removed it (which seems pretty unlikely)14:52
\shnosrednaekim: playground/base/plasma/scriptengines/kross/ ?14:53
nixternalnosrednaekim: check under playground/base/plasma/applets/scripts14:57
flaccid-nixternal, what can i do about a user in #kubuntu that won't accept the shortcomings of flash?14:57
nixternalflaccid-: who is it?14:58
flaccid-i'd like to ignore but its hard..14:58
flaccid-keeps going on and on14:58
nixternalk, will keep an eye out when I can...sitting in meetings all morning14:58
flaccid-np mate14:59
flaccid-hopefully user will stop :)14:59
flaccid-hmmm im thinking the /me raises an eyebrow is better strategy than a message15:00
flaccid-nixternal, you might wanna kick this culprit atm but in the chan <administrator> #Arkor-Easy Boxxx A 4OO15:01
flaccid-all good now15:01
nosrednaekimnixternal: nothing there15:01
* flaccid- sighs a relief15:04
\sheric4 runs again15:04
\shnow we have a working python environment back again ;)15:06
jpdsflaccid-: feel free to raise operator concerns in #ubuntu-irc15:06
flaccid-jpds, this is kubuntu15:08
nosrednaekimflaccid-: yeah... they work with #kubuntu too15:11
flaccid-i know that but its a matter of response15:11
\shRiddell: python-kde4 for intrepid was never recompiled against 4.0.80 packages, right?15:35
\shCopied from  ubuntu hardy in Primary Archive for Ubuntu  <- fun15:35
* \sh will redo the work properly for intrepid package tomorrow somehow...15:36
Riddell\sh: intrepid uses kde4bindings15:36
\shRiddell: ah...15:36
sevtoulI think there's a spelling mistake in the package kdesdk-dbg-kde4, it says that kdebasAe-runtime-dbg is required so the package is broken15:39
sevtoulof course, I talking about the ppa.launchpad package in hardy with kde4.115:41
sevtoul(sorry for my english...)15:41
sevtoulany idea ?15:43
Riddellsounds like a bug indeed, probably not one we'll have time to fix15:44
sevtoulok nevermind, I just installed all dependencies15:45
Riddellflaccid-: hmm?16:26
flaccid- sorry Riddell ?16:27
Riddellyou called ops16:27
yuriyugh kde-systemsettings *does* contain kcms?16:27
yuriynamely, defaultapplication16:27
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mendredhi  i am trying to figure out which package has the debugging symbols for kwin (kde 4.1 beta 1 packages hardy). I have installed kdebase-workspace-dbg and kdebase-dbg..but those dont seem to be the ones.18:23
mendredthe kwin package is kde-window-decorator...can't seem to find a dbg package for that..18:24
mendredcan anyone help?18:24
Riddellit would be kdebase-workspace-dbg if it works, which it may well not18:25
mendredRiddell: i don't understamd?18:26
mendredi am trying to generate a backtrace...when i run ardour with around 10 -15 tracks parallely playing, kwin usage with compositing shoots to 80%..18:27
mendredand the system slows down..18:27
mendredso i am trying to attach gdb to kwin..and then generate a back trace18:27
mendredbut gdb keeps complaining that there are no debugging symbols18:28
mendredfor kwin18:28
Riddellkde 4 is installed to a non-standard location, the debug symbols may not work18:28
mendredwhat do you suggest that i do?18:28
mendredthen there is no way to get a backtrace?18:30
RiddellI don't know I'm afraid18:32
mendredthanks Riddell18:32
stdinusually the kde crash handler will give you a backtrace18:34
stdinat least, it does for me18:34
mendredstdin: there is no crash :(18:35
mendredthe usage shoots up18:35
stdinah, well then18:35
mendredcan i trigger a crash :)18:35
mendredif that will give me a trace?18:36
mendredor does kwin have a debug startup mode or something?18:36
stdinI guess you could kill kwin and run it in gdb with "gdb --args kwin --nograb --sync --nocrashhandler"18:38
stdinshould work probably/maybe18:38
mendredok will try that18:42
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mendredthanks stdin..thats working :)18:53
jjessewhy don't kde 4 windows save my settings?  example i change how the save as screen looks like and every time i open the program i have to re arrange it19:02
=== krawek is now known as DavidCC
supert0nesis there any documentation for python plasmoids?  It would be nice to read up before the tutuorials day23:27

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