=== nikolaidis is now known as nik_AFK [03:32] hi launchpad developers [03:33] i have a question - if i want to integrate launchapd into opensolairs, how can i get the liblaunchpad for opensolaris? [03:36] jkang: what do you mean by integrating launchpad into opensolaris? === thumper_laptop is now known as thumper [03:38] thumper, i saw the launchpad-integration* packages in ubuntu. i am thinking if we can have the binary for opensolaris. [03:38] jkang: I have no idea what is in those packages :-) [03:38] jkang: and I work on launchpad [03:40] thumper, there are some python scripts and a library (liblaunchpad.so). but the library is for linux, and i think i need to compile it for opensolaris. am i right? [03:40] jkang: sorry, absolutely no idea [03:41] jkang: I'm guessing it has some client scripts for dealing with bugs [03:41] this is being superceded soonish by a new client library [03:41] thumper, thanks a lot! [03:41] np [03:42] thumper, but if i want to use launchpad to manage the translation for opensolaris, where should i start? [03:42] jkang: by talking to someone that works with translations :-) [03:42] jkang: jtv would be one such person [03:43] thanks thumper. :-) [03:43] jkang: who appears to by hiding as jt1 [04:23] jkang: I think this is the code you're after: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/launchpad-integration/ubuntu [04:30] jkang: note that getting OpenSolaris package info loaded into Launchpad would probably be the biggest hurdle [04:34] thumper: liblaunchpad-integration provides Help menu items in all GNOME (and perhaps KDE, but I forget) applications in main, giving easy access to Launchpad Answer, Bugs and Translations for that package. They just launch a web browser - nothing special. [04:40] it is something I hacked up 3 years ago ... [04:41] (although it has had a fair bit of work done on it since then) [05:06] thanks, everyone for your kindly help. [05:07] jamesh, wgrant, i am sorry i have something urgent, and i have to leave for now. i will have a look at the code, and try it on opensolaris. === picturesque is now known as domas [07:25] mpt: is there some way to do paragraphs in project summaries? [07:25] https://edge.launchpad.net/bzr-search [07:26] lifeless: blank line? [07:26] the source is: [07:26] This plugin provides the ability to index a branch and then perform fast queries on the fulltext index. It is alpha-quality, which is to say that it works for many users and bug reports are appreciated. [07:26] To install, simple: [07:26] IRC you such [07:26] mkdir -p ~/.bazaar/plugins [07:26] bzr branch lp:bzr-search ~/.bazaar/plugins/search [07:26] oh foo [07:26] *suck* [07:26] newlines before 'To install' [07:27] Ahem: 'The summary should be a single short paragraph.' [07:27] wgrant: 'users dont read instructions' [07:27] lifeless: Can't fix that. [07:27] lifeless: use description for everything but the summary? [07:27] its also unclear where people see what, I and I want them to see this [07:28] Description is immediately under summary, IIRC. [07:28] Summary is also in the portlet on some pages which I can't recall. [07:28] wgrant: yes, its confusing UI wise, both in what to edit and how it behaves [07:28] which is why I was bringing to mpt [07:28] Ah. [07:29] for instance [07:29] lifeless: s/simple/simply/ [07:29] it should *say* that it will squash newlines in the summary [07:29] thanks jamesh [09:43] * \sh wishes for live build logs ;) [09:45] Hey! Could you remove my old account? [09:55] question: is there a "right" way to search for a bug with the "404" string/number in it? If I just type 404 in the search box, it takes me to the bug *number* 404 [09:55] "404" doesn't help either [09:58] add one more keyword? :) [09:58] ahasenack: '404' [09:58] Hobbsee: right, thanks [09:59] ahasenack: no problem. i only happened to discover it by trial and error myself [09:59] I tend to assume that " and ' are equal in this regard [10:03] hmm, strange, when I search for 404 on https://edge.launchpad.net/+search I get a 'not allowed here'-error [10:18] thekorn: care to file a bug about it? the error is probably that bug 404 is part of the search result, and you don't have permission to see it. [10:18] BjornT: Bug 404 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/404 is private === mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson [11:20] https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu still says "The current translation focus for Ubuntu is 7.10 (Gutsy), and we encourage you to translate it first.", this can't be right, can it? [11:25] BalaamsMiracle: Translations can be copied to later releases, so it probably is right. [11:26] As one of the Dutch translators, I am very sure that the current translation focus is on 8.04 (Hardy Heron) and it has been so since it's release last April. [11:37] BalaamsMiracle, fixed. [11:38] err fixing [11:38] kiko__: Thanks! [11:38] BalaamsMiracle: ok, sorry for the misinfo. [11:39] No worries. LP is so extensive, it's easy to overlook a thing or two. This was just one of those two :-) [11:39] :) === kiko__ is now known as kiko-afk [11:40] kiko-afk: jtv said earlier it should be kept on Gutsy. [11:40] wgrant, really? is hardy not OFT yet [11:41] Because translations are copied forwards, basically. [11:41] * wgrant finds logs. [11:42] wgrant: Current Ubuntu version is Hardy, Intrepid is in preperation. So Hardy will be copied forwards to Intrepid. Or am i missing something? [11:42] < jtv> In general, translation focus is the oldest Ubuntu release that is still "actively supported," as seen from the translations point of view. [11:43] that's bong [11:43] well.. it's not the general rule, I think [11:43] hardy being lts n all [11:45] I've never heard of such a rule. And i have been a member of the Dutch translation team since 2006, so i must at least have heard a rumour of it. [11:46] http://pastebin.com/f12a3ba7c [11:58] Am I right in presuming that uploads to a ppa will do the same as the real archive and close any LP bugs referenced in the changelog? [11:58] If that's the case is there way to prevent that happening if I am just uploading a test version to a PPA? [11:58] munckfish: No, they don't. [11:58] I don't want to close the bug prematurely [11:59] wgrant: excellent [11:59] That would be very very bad, which is why that bug was fixed many months ago. [11:59] makes life easier [12:00] Goooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders! [12:00] er, hang on [12:00] Good evening timezone-confused mpt. [12:00] Goooooooooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders! [12:00] wgrant: thx [12:00] mpt: 14 seconds late? [12:00] Thanks wgrant, I was confused for a moment there [12:01] lifeless, part of RegistrySimplifications is to merge the summary and description for projects [12:02] That way we won't need to explain that the summary is a single paragraph [12:02] (besides being fewer fields to deal with) [12:02] <\sh> guys, please make bug #239140 a wishlist one :) [12:02] Launchpad bug 239140 in soyuz "[Wishlist] Live Build Logfile View " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/239140 [12:02] /$project/+edit is rather epic at the moment. [12:03] \sh: Check the builder page. [12:03] You can see what it's doing. [12:03] <\sh> wgrant: but not the logfile while it's building :) [12:03] <\sh> wgrant: like OBS has it [12:03] \sh: You can see the last few lines of the output. [12:03] <\sh> wgrant: don't tell me it's hidden under a secret url again ;) [12:03] https://edge.launchpad.net/+builds/artigas, for example. [12:04] It's on the builder status page, not the build page. [12:04] \sh: the build page says 'building' and there is a link to the builder page. [12:04] \sh: click if you feel like watching 'LP buildd tv' ;) [12:04] <\sh> cprov-lunch: hehe..something like that..I like the way OBS is doing that [12:05] cprov-lunch, why is the logfile tail on the build machine page but not on the build page? [12:06] \sh: the "logtail" (last 2k of the buildd log) is retrieved from the builder every minute or so. The whole buildlog is only reachable when the build is finished. [12:06] <\sh> cprov-lunch: yes...but as I wrote..it's sometimes nice to see the log flow as livestream ;) [12:07] \sh: it's not possible with the current mechanisms, the logtail requests are not time, neither size-fixed. [12:08] mpt: it could be easily presented in the build page as well, but it wouldn't be a permanent feature in there. [12:09] <\sh> cprov-lunch: that's why I wishlisted it ;) [12:09] mpt: in the sense, it would be only present while the build is building, which is a very short time compared to the time the build record is stored (forever). [12:10] It shows on the build machine page only for a very short time, too :-) === mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch === barry__ is now known as barry === mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell === salgado is now known as salgado-brb === salgado-brb is now known as salgado [16:09] hi. how do i link a mozilla upstream bug to a current launchpad bug? i have used the also affect.. link but it gives me the following error: "Bug watches can not be added for Ubuntu...." === leonel_ is now known as leonel [16:27] ahh.. it was the "also affect projects" link and not distrbution link to link upstream bug. [16:28] good evening. i don't know much about launchpad's bzr hosting but i'm just suggesting it to somebody. turns out their project isn't open source so they want read access to their bzr branches locked down to just a couple of people... is that doable in launchpad? [16:39] hi AndyP! launchpad is free for open source projects. for a closed source project we're soon adding a subscription option, so what you described is possible but would require a yearly fee based on how many developers were accesing the brances [16:42] statik: ok, i shall pass on the information, thanks [16:42] AndyP: you can mail elliot at canonical if you want to pursue it. glad you like launchpad! === mtaylor_ is now known as mtaylor [17:09] any launchpad admin's around? [17:09] someone changed the name of our project, and I'm wondering who did it? [17:10] mtaylor: jay just filed a request [17:10] mthaddon: hey there... you're now listed as the owner of the "mysql" project [17:10] statik: really? [17:10] mtaylor: yeah, setting up a mysql project group with lots of projects under it [17:10] mtaylor, yep, was just wondering who I need to assign it to - a team or an individual [17:10] mthaddon: it should go to ~mysql, rather than ~mysql-developers I think [17:11] mtaylor, https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/35933 [17:11] statik, cool, if we can get confirmation of that I can make the change [17:12] mthaddon: yes... ~mysql would be the right owner [17:12] mtaylor, ok, done [17:12] sweet. thanks [17:12] sorry for the panic [17:12] * mtaylor goes back to try to beat some semblance of communication into his co-workers [17:12] no problem - could you add that into the question I pasted the URL for above? [17:12] :) [17:13] mthaddon: absolutely [17:13] thx [17:16] mthaddon: done [17:17] cool, thx [17:17] mthaddon: while I've got you ... how do I now add projects to this project group [17:17] ? [17:17] mtaylor, from within the admin page for each project there's an option to say "this is a part of" [17:17] ah. ok [17:18] luckily, I am the admin/owner of several of those projects already :) [17:18] excellent :) === kiko-afk is now known as kiko === matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch === salgado is now known as salgado-lunch [18:32] hi! [18:32] how do reassign my branch to different project in a way that old path would be still valid? :) [18:33] oh hi jay! [18:33] domas: hola. [18:35] domas, you can't really [18:35] domas, but what's the use case? it's very weird. [18:36] kiko: well, if I decide that branch belongs to other project (or someone else decides for me) [18:37] domas, how can that make sense, though? one project's code is one thing. another project's code is another [18:37] kiko: branches and forks. [18:37] especially forks (though I can't use this word, actually :) [18:37] domas: sure you can. [18:39] forgot elliot's nick [18:39] hi domas [18:39] ha! [18:39] remembered! [18:39] hows life? still hacking on wikipedia on the side? [18:39] yup [18:39] very cool [18:40] boring nowadays, so I'm making more challenge [18:40] like upgrading mysql (and forking, and creating branches on launchpad, etc ) [18:40] domas: yeah, that is great! very soon we will have stacked branches, so that uploading a new branch of mysql will be lighting fast, as it will only need to upload new revisions which are not already in launchpad [18:41] statik: yeah, I've heard about 1.6 [18:41] now it is PITA [18:41] domas: i like your idea about reporting bugs against a branch, i don't think there is a clear answer, it depends a lot on the intent of the branch owner. just wrote back a mail about it [18:41] when I realize I throw few hundred megs of data on free service, it is a bit 'oops sorry' [18:42] well, really, if people start branching big stuff, it is desired feature [18:42] domas: well, we put it there to be used. it's important for people to be able to easily publish their branches and bugfixes [18:42] yup [18:42] this is really a new era, the code has been locked up for so long [18:42] once stacking will work, it will be brilliant service [18:43] statik: I've been maintaining 4.0 fork on my own SVN :) [18:43] ouch [18:43] the good part, vendor imports were not needed [18:44] statik: my branches will be bugfixes and features, though they will constantly have vendor merges [18:44] is that a separate project, or is that a 'branch' that just won't be merged? [18:45] domas: it's up to you, really. i would at first just make it a branch that won't be merged, I think you can set up a sakila team so that folks have all the needed rights to edit bugs [18:46] domas: you can of course also upload .debs to your PPA, and then it's easy for other people to install and try out your branch [18:46] statik: oh, I'm already user of PPA [18:46] I have a feature request for PPA! [18:47] cool :) [18:47] submit single source package, get build for 10 ubuntu releases :) [18:47] now it is too annoying that you have to have separate source packages for _every_ ubuntu release [18:47] domas: yeah, i think there is some work going on in that area, about easily copying packages [18:47] you can copy the packages already afaik [18:48] ah cool. so you just copy the source package to each release via the web UI? [18:49] statik: yes, but you have to copy source + binaries. The source can only be built once within a PPA. [18:49] well, I need multiple builds, in theory :) [18:49] domas: then you need multiple sources. [18:50] thats indeed what my feature request is about ;-) [18:50] building multiple packages from single source [18:50] domas: it's very unlikely that we will implement something to do bin-NMU (orphan binary rebuilds) [18:50] mmm, why orphan? [18:51] just say 'this is same source' [18:52] domas: if you depend or benefit of any new feature in the new series it should be documented as a new source package, but this is a very long discussion. [18:52] I'd sacrifice 'lpia' or even 'i386' builds :) [18:52] domas: there is a unfinished thread in lp-users ML, fyi [18:52] hah, right, sorry to come with old topics :) === AndrewB_ is now known as AndrewB [18:53] domas: np, it's very fresh, in fact, and it would be nice if you could post your requirements there too. [18:54] domas: you know, we are here to provide tools that you actually *like* to use ;) [18:55] <3 ;-) [18:55] cprov-lunch: can you make launchpad faster then? ;) === matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara [18:56] laga: sure, why not ? [18:56] yay === cprov-lunch is now known as cprov [18:56] faster than my 'lunch' ... [18:56] it's actually quite good right now. so thanks for doing that job :) [18:56] damm pidgin .. [18:57] the other problem is that package namespace is flat [18:57] so I can't have same package version on multiple series [18:57] so I have to add 'gutsy' and 'feisty' to package versions [18:57] like here: https://launchpad.net/~wikimediabuild/+archive [18:57] laga: yes, thanks BjornT, he is the performance-master of this cycle ;) [18:57] cprov: i'll put his name on my list then ;) [18:57] BjornT: what are you doing in Vilnius?!!? :) [18:58] I don't want to share the weather with anyone! :) [18:59] domas: enjoying life :) [18:59] domas: you don't have to, unless you want to have (and deal with) rebuilds in each series [18:59] cprov: we need packages for multiple series :) [18:59] slacking on upgrades.. [18:59] BjornT: is canonical any related to pov.lt? [18:59] domas: a lot of ubuntu itself is not rebuilt, you would be surprised. [19:00] domas: fine, if you have to, that's the way to go. [19:00] btw, this is my experience of filing bugs on lp: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~domas-mituzas ;-) [19:00] but I guess that has to be sent to #ubuntu-bugs :) [19:00] domas: maybe https://edge.launchpad.net/autoppa can make it easier for you [19:00] cprov: checking [19:01] mmm, looks nice [19:01] barry: is that you playing in the Launchpod podcast? [19:02] jcastro: it is! well, except for the canned drums :) [19:02] heh [19:02] full of awesome! === cprov is now known as cprov-out [19:02] thanks man! [19:02] don't tell anyone, but video screencasts are next [19:02] ooooo [19:02] :) [19:02] * barry scrounges for his clothes [19:03] we need dancers rather than musicians for that intro === salgado-lunch is now known as salgado [19:03] statik: dancing is definitely not in my employment contract [19:04] it's in your life contract man! free yourself [19:04] statik: hard to imagine how i'd be any "freer" than i am right now! hence the fear of video podcasting [19:04] haha === kiko is now known as kiko-afk [19:11] hey popey, are you still sticking with a static slide as the intro for screencasts? I've not had much luck searching for linux software that can make a snappy intro movie like they have at railscasts.com [19:32] statik: funny you should mention that [19:33] statik: http://popey.com/~alan/0001_0150.avi something like that? [19:33] popey: yeah! [19:33] how did you do that? [19:34] i didn't, someone else did in blender [19:34] http://popey.com/~alan/scene-2.45-packed.blend thats the source [19:34] awesome [19:34] he's on irc, irc nick is gord, but don't you steal him from me! :) [19:35] haha, no worries. thanks! [19:35] it's great to know that blender can do this [19:38] hi, i was here afew days ago asking how to upload files to my launchpad project,i maged to do it but since then ive done a system reinstall, so i was wondering if someone could tell me how to set everything up on my machine then upload? [19:42] hello, is anyone here? [19:47] I have a relatively new project on launchpad and I'm using bazaar versioning hosted on launchpad. However, on the project site, it says "Doesn't use Code", when I can clearly see my bzr checkins. Is there something I'm missing? The project is here: https://launchpad.net/pwdhash-sharp [19:51] anyone here [19:51] ?? [19:52] I'm here :) [19:52] me too ;~) [19:55] swegner: it's just a checkbox you can change [19:55] it's about communicating the project policy [19:55] not about preventing people from uploading branches [19:56] swegner: if you are the project owner you should be able to change that [19:56] Bodsda: what kind of files do you want to upload? do you have a release of your product that you want to upload? [19:57] in that case the setup on your machine depends on your project, uploading to launchpad is just creating a release, and then uploading files to that release [19:57] statik: ok cool.. I've been looking around though and I didn't see it-- do you happen to know where the option is? [19:57] statik, er no,., morelike dev files for other people in my teamto work on,.,. but im afraid my dianna's ready,.,.lol,. bad timing,.il be back in a bout 10-20 mins [19:57] sorry === Bodsda is now known as Bodsda|AFK [19:57] statik-- just kidding, found it :) [19:57] :) [19:59] Bodsda|AFK: dev files, as in source code? that would be done with bazaar, and you need an SSH key in launchpad to upload branches. I'll link you to some tutorials: https://help.launchpad.net/FeatureHighlights/BazaarHosting http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/mini-tutorial/index.html === kiko-afk is now known as kiko === Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo === jordi_ is now known as jordi [22:43] Anyone know if using gmail's vacation responder will spam LP when I go out of town? Gmail claims: "messages addressed to a mailing list you subscribe to will not receive a vacation response." [22:44] i would trust gmail to get that right [22:45] asomething, does gmail think launchpad is a ML? [22:46] launchpad-users probably has Precedence: bulk or whatever [22:46] I don't know. I'm not sure how they do it. Some header I suposse [22:46] Precedence: list [22:47] perhaps they check for List-Id === barry is now known as barry-away === salgado is now known as salgado-afk [22:58] asomething, how many bugs are you subscribed to? [23:05] hello [23:06] launchpad offers free bzr hosting right? [23:06] yep! [23:06] yeah I'm working on a project with someone and he seems to hate SVN (which is what SF provides) [23:07] so he wants to use Git but I he uses Windows and I keep telling him Git is the suck on Windows [23:07] bzr is better supported on windows I heard, is this true? [23:15] emet, I don;t know how it compares to git on windows, but I do know many users use it on a daily basis [23:18] on Windows? [23:19] Git on Windows is experimental, I think it still requires Cygwin as well [23:22] ah, than it's *way* better :) [23:46] statik, are you about?