
Morph3ushi.. somebody has an Asus Eeepc?04:04
virtualroadsideany thoughts on how one might automatically or otherwise download cd covers compatible with moblin-media?04:10
Morph3usthis project has made any release?04:11
virtualroadsideAFAIK, still alpha/beta04:12
Morph3usvirtualroadside, what means AFAIK ?04:13
virtualroadsideas far as i know04:13
Morph3usthanks virtualroadside.. this projects is the same that ubuntu remix?04:15
virtualroadsideim not sure what you mean04:15
Morph3usvirtualroadside, recently was announced the release of Ubuntu Netbook Remix.. 04:17
persiaThis isn't the same project, although some of the people involved in the Netbook Remix also idle here.04:19
virtualroadsideooh.. the netbook remix looks interesting04:19
Morph3uspersia, what is the main difference between both projects ?04:21
persiaMorph3us: Ubuntu Mobile is a project to build a flavour of Ubuntu optimised for mobile devices.04:21
Morph3uspersia, and UME is... ?04:22
persiaNetbook Remix is a remix of Ubuntu that showcases various technologies for demonstration on a certain class of machines.04:22
Morph3uspersia, all right..04:22
Morph3uspersia, so if i have a Asus EeePC i should choose wich of them ?04:22
persiaMorph3us: Depends on the definition of UME.  Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded is a more general project to handle both the mobile device model and the dedicated device model (although efforts to date have not focused on the Embedded part)04:23
persiaMorph3us: I can't tell you what to install :)  Personally, I run Ubuntu Mobile on by SR8.04:24
virtualroadsideMorph3us: i use UME in my carputer04:25
virtualroadsideie.. computer in my car04:25
virtualroadsideworks quite well for touchscreen apps04:25
Morph3usall right.. ubuntu for everyone.. 04:28
Morph3uspersia, there are another project for ubuntu in cellphones? or is this project UME?04:28
persiaMorph3us: There are two separate projects within Ubuntu with the acronym "UME".04:29
persiaAs for installation on cellphones, it's likely a matter of the definition of "cellphone".  If you've a computer that happens to have phone functionality, Ubuntu Mobile could work on it (although there is no dialer application by default).04:30
persiaIf you've a telephone that has some computing functionality, it's likely that it won't have sufficient processing /memory / storage for Ubuntu Mobile.04:31
Morph3uspersia, thanks for the info.. 04:32
Morph3usi love ubuntu, but the customizations for the eeepc are bad, heavy and slow04:32
Morph3usi dream with an ubuntu from scratch.. with the possibility of customization for everyone..04:33
Morph3usi was thinkin about install ubuntu JeOS in my eeepc04:33
persiaMorph3us: I'd probably recommend Ubuntu Mobile over JeOS.  JeOS is really designed for a virtualised applicance case, and so often doesn't include any UI.04:39
Morph3uspersia, where can i download ubuntu mobile ?04:40
=== persia changed the topic of #ubuntu-mobile to: This channel is for conversations about Ubuntu Mobile development | Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded | Please read the FAQ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/FAQ | Testing information available from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/UMEinstall
persiaMorph3us: There are some test install images available from http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/moblin/releases/hardy/rc2/  Note that these will format your device harddrive by default.  I've not heard any reports about whether they work on the Eee.04:41
Morph3uspersia, can i try it on virtualbox ?04:42
persiaMorph3us: I'm not sure.  You might be able to do so.  For KVM, see the testing page in the /topic.04:43
virtualroadsideMorph3us: what I did, was installed a normal ubuntu system, installed the ubuntu-mobile package, and configured GDM to allow me to login to the UME04:43
virtualroadsidehowever, the bug people really dont like that :p04:43
persiaIf you're going that route, you'd do best to use the Ubuntu alternate installer, and only install ubuntu-minimal, rather than the entire Ubuntu Desktop.04:44
Morph3usbug people? virtualroadside there is some tutorial about how you do it? (sorry for my bad english)04:44
virtualroadsidetrue true04:44
virtualroadsideno tutorial yet04:44
persiaThere's a lot of differences between Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Mobile, and some packages behave differently in the two situations.04:44
persiaMorph3us: The only tutorial I've seen is for building KVM images.04:45
Morph3uspersia, do u know why ubuntu hardy is so inestable?04:45
virtualroadsideit works for me04:45
virtualroadsideit may work for you04:45
virtualroadsidemay not04:45
persiaMorph3us: No.04:45
virtualroadsidebug people == maintainers who look at stuff on launchpad04:45
Morph3uspersia, there is a package named ubuntu-minimal ?04:46
persiaMorph3us: There is.04:46
Morph3uspersia, i don't knew that.. 04:47
Morph3uspersia, can i install ubuntu server and after that ubuntu-minimal? should be lighter and faster that ubuntu-desktop04:48
virtualroadsidepersia: at some point im going to go back and do a minimal install, but i originally didn't know about UME when i installed the alpha hardy stuff, so its all there in one big mess. i've also created patches to fix various things, and im still waiting for some of them to trickle down to ubuntu from upstream04:48
persiaCall for install testers: McCaslin RC3 images available from http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/moblin/releases/hardy/rc3/ Menlow images expected soon04:48
persiaMorph3us: Ubuntu Server is a superset of ubuntu-minimal04:48
virtualroadsideie.. its a mess atm :p04:48
persiavirtualroadside: Understood.  If you've patches, you might try getting them into Ubuntu directly.04:49
virtualroadsideyeah, zero luck there, its been easier to get them into upstream so far04:49
Morph3uspersia, i am a little confused.. there is any official documentation about this ?04:49
virtualroadsideand quite a few of the UME related packages lag far behind upstream for various reasons04:50
persiaMorph3us: Lots, but scattered.  Try looking on the wiki for seeds, and investigating the ubuntu-meta source package.04:50
persiavirtualroadside: Ah.  We'll have to change that.  Poke me next time you have a patch, and I'll try to help you with the sepentine processes involved in getting it applied.04:50
persiaRegarding upstream delays: Ubuntu Mobile is currently frozen, for the Hardy release.  Once Hardy is released, intrepid should become trunk, and things catch up (although that may mean a rough ride for a prior install)04:51
virtualroadsideyeah, i slowly became more aware of that... since i started messing with this stuff in late feb. 04:53
Morph3uspersia, virtualroadside thanks for the info.. i must go now..04:54
virtualroadsidepersia: i'll be sure to poke you in the future. atm im trying to fix my mess so I can install the carputer back in my car for my 16 hour drive on thursday :)04:57
persiavirtualroadside: Good luck.  I won't be able to do much until after release anyway.  Have a good drive.05:00
virtualroadsideany thoughts on when release will be?05:01
persiaReal Soon Now!  More seriously, the more people who can test RC3 and verify it works, the higher the chance that RC3 will be the final RC.05:03
loolsuihkulokki: I wonder if by chance you had any success fixing the license of sdk-default-icons?13:20
suihkulokkilool: someone has been assigned for that14:43
loolsuihkulokki: Good news, thanks14:44
loolsuihkulokki: If there's a public bug, I'd love to subscribe to it14:44
suihkulokkino public bug I'm aware of.. I don't know if they'll manage to release the new sdk-default-icons before diablo release14:45
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pwnguinis this the same as the netbook stuff?21:08
probonono, this is a "sister project"21:13
pwnguinhow confusing =(21:14
pwnguinso are they different mainly because they target different platforms, or is this some attempt to firewall canonical from ubuntu?21:17
probonoi am not sure. i just asked the same question here a couple of days ago.21:22
probonoi think ubuntu-mobile is for even smaller devices than the ubuntu netbook remix.21:23
probonobut not really sure21:23
mario_limonciellHi, I was wondering what would cause certain packages to just not be built for lpia in universe? particularly i was looking at : https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/crash/4.0-4.13-1ubuntu1 .  I didn't see any indications that should stop it from at least trying in debian/control, but didn't see any test builds show up21:27
ograArchitecture: i386 ia64 alpha powerpc amd6421:30
ogramario_limonciell, i thik its pretty clear about the arches it wants to build on21:31
mario_limoncielldoh.  I was greping for "lpia" to look for a not lpia :)21:31
ograeither make it 'any' so it builds everywhere or add 'lpia'21:31
mario_limoncielli wonder if there is a particular reason it wasn't done on lpia though21:31
ograits not listed 21:32
ograif arch isnt any or all it will only work down the list21:32
mario_limonciellis setting up an lpia pbuilder/sbuild just the same as how you would set up an i386 one on amd64?21:32
mario_limonciellokay, i'll set up an lpia sbuild then and give it a run though that.  if it ends up working out fine, i'll upload a fix to intrepid21:33
ogra(at least fr chroots thats true, havent used pbuilder/sbuild in that context yet)21:33
loolmario_limonciell: thanks for fixing21:35
loolI've used lpia pbuilders; work fine, but only in tgz mode; cowbuilder doesn't work on amd64 just like i38621:35
loolI'd guess lpia works in cowbuilder under i386, didn't try though21:35
mario_limoncielllool, argh, unfortunately setting up sbuild w/ mk-sbuild-lv --arch lpia didn't work21:36
mario_limonciellso i'll needs fsck around a bit to find a box to put pbuilder on then21:36
ograjust do it in a chroot :)21:40
mario_limonciellyeah i might have to, which should be fine just for the purposes of checking if it builds21:40
mario_limonciellokay well i was able to build it on PPAs quicker than my chroot built :)  it does work so i'll upload it to intrepid.   (https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~superm1/+archive/+build/634379)21:57
slim1_when i try to build image i got this error ,  http://phpfi.com/32373023:38

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