
superm1hah gentoo00:54
superm1fun fun00:54
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=== rhpot1991_laptop is now known as Zinn
=== Zinn is now known as rhpot1991_laptop
MythbuntuGuest87Hello anybody here?12:50
MythbuntuGuest87I have a question concerning IRC on mythbuntu 7.1012:53
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Ace2016Hi all14:08
Ace2016i'm about to make a mythtv theme, i need a bit of help14:08
Ace2016What theme should i base it on?14:08
DaveMorrisAce2016: Personally I'd base it on one you already like14:09
Ace2016i'm redoing all the graphics from scratch14:09
Ace2016so i want a theme that works14:09
Ace2016i made a gtk2 theme to find that the theme was broken14:10
DaveMorrisahh, you want GTK2 themes14:10
Ace2016i want a working mythtv theme14:10
Ace2016one thats complete and working well14:11
DaveMorrisuse one of the offical mythbuntu ones then14:11
Ace2016where can i get the theme from?14:11
DaveMorrisapt-get source mythtv-theme-mythbuntu on the command line will put it in your current directory14:12
Ace2016but i haven't built the box yet so i need to download it from somewhere14:12
DaveMorrisyou have a ubuntu machine anyway?14:13
Ace2016no i use debian14:13
jphillippackages.ubuntu.com should point you at it, though it may not be the most recent14:13
jphillipcan't he get it from LP?14:13
DaveMorrisyou can, I'm just trying to find a url14:14
Ace2016is it a requirement to have a vertical menu?14:14
Ace2016all the screenshots i see have a vertical list14:14
Ace2016who designs the mythbuntu themes?14:15
DaveMorrisI can't remember atm, poke laga or superm1 they'll prob remember14:16
Ace2016can buttons overlap in the themes?14:17
Ace2016is there a video of mythbuntu of the start up?14:18
Ace2016i want to see if i need a matching splash screen too14:19
Ace2016this would be nice as a boot splash http://parker1.co.uk/mythtv/themes/mythtv_addict_wide.png14:21
DaveMorrishttp://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/mythbuntu-artwork-usplash for the usplash theme and http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/gtk2-engines-mythbuntu for the gtk+ theme14:21
Ace2016do i need a gtk theme?14:22
Ace2016its only a media centre14:22
DaveMorrisit's used for the mythbuntu control center etc14:22
DaveMorrishttp://mythbuntu.com/files/images/7.10_final_usplash.preview.png is the usplash currently in use.14:22
lagano, we have the chrome one currently14:23
Ace2016laga: who made the current mythbuntu theme?14:25
lagatroy_s and foxbuntu, i believe14:27
lagait's based on justinh's work14:27
Ace2016whats that?14:27
Ace2016the old theme?14:27
* DaveMorris hasn't got a mythbuntu usplash theme installed anyway, I should prehaps replace my ubuntu one14:28
lagawhat's what?!14:29
Ace2016I think i'll try and make this in mythtv http://xazac87.deviantart.com/art/Windows-Media-Center-2008-7556596114:29
lagagood luck. looks nice, but i don't know how well it'll work on a ten foot UI14:31
Ace2016what is it based on? what is justinh's work?14:31
Ace201610 foot ui?14:31
Ace2016you have a 10 foot screen?14:32
lagano. when you're sitting 10 foot away from the screen :)14:33
Ace2016good point14:35
Ace2016can things like date be displayed on the mythtv skin?14:44
jphillipthe time is in a corner currently, so I would imagine so14:49
Ace2016ah ok14:51
Ace2016for some reason i thought making a theme would take me a day14:55
Ace2016i see now that this is going to take longer14:55
Ace2016What does the optical disks section do?15:05
Ace2016does it play a dvd?15:05
jphillipplay/rip optical discs15:09
Ace2016so dvds and audio cds?15:10
jphillipvcd's as well15:12
superm1oh noes i was called upon?15:42
superm1Ace2016, if you are looking to base anything on our existing themes, or packaging to them, they are all available in apt15:43
superm1mythbuntu-artwork-usplash, mythtv-theme-mythbuntu, gtk2-engines-mythbuntu15:43
superm1first for usplash, second for myth theme, third for gtk2 theme15:43
superm1you are probably working on the second itme15:44
superm1so you can apt-get source from a hardy box or you can grab from launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/PACKAGE where PACKAGE is the package name i just said15:44
Ace2016superm1: thanks15:55
Ace2016superm1: would it be possible to add a disk space meter at the bottom? i think it would be something important to the end user to know how much space is left. i would hate if a recording stopped in the middle15:58
superm1not without coding changes i dont think15:59
superm1but recordings will auto expire15:59
superm1if disk space is low15:59
Ace2016does mythtv themes not support commands with say the watch command? so you could watch -n5 time or something like that16:00
superm1well there is no widget for that stuff16:00
superm1the new qt4 stuff would be more likely to show it16:01
superm1there is a information center page that shows that information16:01
Ace2016i wanted to get rid of the information center, put any important info into other areas16:02
superm1you might consider asking to help with that in #mythtv16:03
superm1for the next release16:03
superm1they can point you with some ideas of how to do so16:03
superm1with the new qt4 stuff and get you started there16:03
Ace2016ok thanks16:04
hti_prohaving trouble with video playback, it works fine at first but after a few minutes it starts gettin choppy, any ideas17:28
ficoficoficoI guys, I'm not able to scan channels with my dual feed astra hotbird on mythtv17:48
ficoficoficoI've configured the 4 stages17:49
ficoficoficobut nothing....... maybe I need aid..17:49
ficoficoficothere's someone that want to aid me configuring my system?17:50
ficoficoficono one?18:17
javatexan1 hey guys that last update for mythbuntu 8.04 killed lirc...lirc starts but won't take inputs...It looks like it overwrote the existing setup (i guess)...anyone know of a forum article or something to fix it...updated it last night...sorry lost connection somehow...LOL18:42
lagajavatexan1: let's see..18:42
jphillipjavatexan1 it should have mdae backips of the configs18:43
jphillipthere was (not sure it still exists) a bug that lirc updates would overwrite custom configs18:43
javatexan1well my 8.04 was an upgrade from 7.18:44
javatexan1I have noticed some configuration differences between my upgraded box and native 8.04 installs...everything I've seen so far are cosmetic18:45
lagajavatexan1: have you seen this thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82487018:47
laganot sure if there's a fix in there, didnt read it ;)18:47
javatexan1nope...missed that one.  LOL.  did you google to find it?18:48
lagaused my eyes ;)18:48
javatexan1doh.....I've been spoiled by google...It catches most things....18:48
lagaif they're indexed already.. and high enough in the search ranking18:49
javatexan1darn...it looks like my hardware was backed up, but lircd.conf was overwritten.  I have hardware.conf hardware.conf.old and lircd.conf all with the same time...but no lircd.conf.old18:59
jphillipdo you have a lircd.conf.dpkg-old19:03
javatexan1fixed....there was a backup from the lircd.conff.dpkg-old19:04
javatexan1thanks jphillip19:04
mthaddonanyone able to help me with this - https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+question/3554219:38
haffeHave you run mythfilldatabase?19:46
mthaddonyes, still get the same error message telling me I need to run mythfilldatabase19:46
haffeAre you running on external listings ie xmlttv ?20:02
mthaddonI have Schedules Direct - is that what you mean?20:03
haffeHave you set up an account and such?20:03
mthaddonyep, and confirmed it's downloading data okay20:03
haffeI think you have to run mythfilldatabase --manual the first time if you're using an external source.20:04
mthaddonI can try that20:04
mthaddonhaffe, ran "mythfilldatabase --manual" - http://paste.ubuntu.com/19428/ - and then ran mythtv-setup again, and still got the same message telling me I need to run mythfilldatabase20:20
haffeDid you answer all the questions?20:21
mthaddonit didn't ask me any questions20:21
haffeOk, I'm really sorry, I'm out of ideas.20:22
mthaddonI've already put in my info about username/password for Schedules Direct20:22
mthaddonok, thx anyway20:22
lagafor SD, you don't need mfdb --manual20:22
mthaddonlaga, mfdb seems to be working fine - it's just that mythtv-setup doesn't seem to think it is... (keeps prompting me to rerun it)20:33
stuanyone know why when I escape from live TV it crashes MythTV ? kicks me back to the desktop21:45
foxbuntustu, what version of mythbuntu, what tuner, when did you last update the system?21:50
stuwhatever is in the respos21:50
stuand im fully up to date... so like yesterday I guess21:50
stuI loose track of all the updates, drives me crazy21:50
sturespos = repos21:51
foxbuntudo a uname -r and give me that result21:51
stuactually I turned off updates the other day thinking about it21:52
stuthey keep breaking my hardware21:52
foxbuntubreaking your hardware?21:52
stuyeah.. for example to get my IR receiver to work I have to hack the source code for the appleir.c in ubuntu-modules21:53
stuto get sound to work I need to add options to alsa soruce21:53
stuwhenever a new module update is available it un does all that and installs its own thing21:53
stuso I have to go and download the modules source, recompile etc21:54
stuyou think an update may fix this issue ?? if so i'll do it...21:54
foxbuntuwhat tuner is it?21:54
stuhauppage wintv nova21:54
stuthe front end on the back end doesnt have this problem21:55
stuso im doubtfull its the tuner21:55
foxbuntuoh this is a FE only machine?21:55
stuits when I exit live TV on the FE only machine the whole FE crashes21:55
stuinstead of taking me back to the menu21:55
foxbuntuanything in the logs?21:55
foxbuntuwhat vid card is in this machine?21:56
stuI tried starting it from the terminal so I could keep an eye on it... not had a look at the logs but can do21:56
foxbuntuwhich driver are you using? (i.e. fglrx)21:56
stu2008-06-11 21:56:37.898 TV: Changing from WatchingRecording to None21:57
stu2008-06-11 21:56:37.937 DPMS Reactivated.21:57
foxbuntuok nothing in the logs then21:57
foxbuntuthats the normal actions21:57
stui'm not entirely sure.. I installed the driver from the restricted drivers but I have made changes to xorg.conf21:57
foxbuntucheck your xorg for the driver21:57
stuyes fglrx21:58
foxbuntuare you using QT or OpenGL in the Frontend?21:58
stui'll try QT21:58
foxbuntuopengl is best21:58
foxbuntufor this21:58
stuyeah its still crashing :P21:59
foxbuntuis the frontend mythtv .21?21:59
foxbuntu( I assume so...but just asking )21:59
stuwhere do I check that ?21:59
stuin myth I guess21:59
stusystem status or so?22:00
foxbuntu apt-cache policy mythtv-frontend22:00
stuthis only started happening recently22:01
stumay have been after an update22:01
stuso perhaps I should do another update, reboot, and check22:01
foxbuntuwhen you run it in terminal and it crashes does anything inteligent show up as an error?22:01
stunope, same as the logs22:01
foxbuntuyeah I guess try updates like this: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:02
tgm4883_laptopfoxbuntu, the sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade is redundent22:14
foxbuntutgm4883_laptop, no its not22:15
foxbuntuthey pull seperate upgrades22:15
tgm4883_laptopdist-upgrade just says it's ok to install new packages if they are required22:16
tgm4883_laptopperhaps you are right though22:16
tgm4883_laptopno time, have to run22:16
rhpot1991_laptopI agree with tgm4883_laptop22:18
tgm4883_laptopbah, now I feel dirty22:19
tgm4883_laptopreally leaving now22:19
* tgm4883_laptop exits gracefully22:19
foxbunturhpot1991_laptop, I have seen it more than once apply updates that upgrade doesnt22:20
foxbuntuusually kernel upgrades22:21
rhpot1991_laptopdist-upgrade will22:22
rhpot1991_laptopbut it will grab everything that upgrade does too22:22
foxbuntuFrom the man-page:22:22
foxbuntu"upgrade is used to install the newest versions of all packages currently installed on the system22:22
foxbuntudist-upgrade, in addition to performing the function of upgrade, also intelligently handles changing dependencies with new versions of packages"22:22
rhpot1991_laptopso you only need to dist-upgrade22:22
foxbuntubut not what tgm4883_laptop was saying22:23
rhpot1991_laptopI think we are all on the same page, but using different words22:23
rhpot1991_laptopthats how I read what tgm4883_laptop said22:23
foxbuntuwell no biggy22:23
foxbuntujust as well all understand22:23
siwonAm i in the channel23:00
siwonhmmm, got a question about the live cd, when i boot it up and its running23:01
siwoni launch the myth then it goes through its control center right23:02
siwonits asking me for setup of a backend?23:02
siwondoes it need a backend to run it23:02
siwonso i must setup this on an external drive or a usb stick, i don't want to install on this system yet until i give it a trial runthrough23:05
lagabasically, yes. or you need another backend somewhere on your LAN23:06
siwonmanual is not clear on how to setup this way23:06
siwonall my pcs are vista, i do not have a backend installed anywhere23:07
siwoni have to build one23:07
lagawhile we're at it: you'll also need a tv tuner card in your computer which is supported by linux23:07
siwonah i got a tuner card but its not installed, i have a dvb-s generic BDA card in it for sat reception23:09
siwonhaven't set that up yet23:09
lagawell, "generic BDA" probably also means there's a windows driver which provides a special interface.. it'll have to work in linux :)23:10
siwonnot so much into the tv part yet, just the media library access only for now23:10
siwoni'm using vistas media center which you know is ***, and i've tried mediaportal but its limited23:11
siwonso though i'd try linux and myth23:12
siwonbut not to familar with linux23:12
siwontried linuxmce but wow thats a lot of work and failed miserably at it23:13
siwonmaybe in the future again i will try23:14
siwonso haow do i get it to see anything on my lan23:14
lagaheh, sorry. i haven't used windows in ages. maybe someone else knows what mythbuntu uses by default :)23:17
siwonwill mythbuntu repartition a drive that has windows on it successfully?23:43
stucan anyone tell me how to revert my mythtv OSD settings to default? I've messed around with the fonts and now I cant get it to look decent anymore23:44
foxbuntustu, there is not revert to default option, you just have to put them back23:52
foxbuntustu, sorry i had to run off, howd the updates work out?23:52

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