
* Myrtti has a sudden flash of comprehension00:00
mneptokzazen is a dish best served cold.00:02
ubottuMinataku called the ops in #kubuntu-offtopic ()00:23
* popey giggles at the comments on mneptoks blog00:40
* stdin starts to dislike #kubuntu-offtopic more than usual00:41
mneptokpopey: frickin' claaaaasic00:43
* mneptok just replied to the zanies00:44
popeyquoting mark at you has to be a personal achievement00:44
mneptoki guess they missed the "*After* reading this thread..." bit00:45
mneptokor, they assume they mean "i skimmed through the comments that reenforced my preexisting beliefs" when i say "read."00:46
mneptokbecause, you know, that's how the Internet works before puberty ends.00:46
mneptok*assume i mean00:47
popeyand you're just some random blogger00:49
mneptoki hope to meet Mark Shuttleworth someday. his OS rocks, and he looks like he has a cute butt.00:50
Jack_SparrowThat bulge is his wallet00:51
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Jack_Sparrow said: !broadcom is Help with broadcom wireless https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff01:17
Jack_SparrowThat is the link that bcm434 has been using with success01:17
Jack_SparrowThat is the link that user bcm43 has been using with success01:17
IndyGunFreakis anyone else getting spammed by that john_bra idiot?02:42
vorianIndyGunFreak: via pm?02:45
IndyGunFreakvorian: yes.. he must be on freenode somewhere, is my guess02:45
vorianIndyGunFreak: thanks :)02:46
IndyGunFreakvorian: i don't see him in any of the ubuntu channels, thus why i guess he's somewhere else on freenode.02:46
mneptok!staff ^^^^02:46
ubottuFactoid staff ^^^^ not found02:46
mneptok;lghsi oi02:46
* vorian waves at mneptok :)02:46
ubottuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary or PriceChild, I could  use a bit of your time :)02:46
IndyGunFreakah, ok02:47
mneptokvorian: didn't know you had an o:02:47
vorianmneptok: nice hackergotchi btw :)02:47
christelklined (john_bra that is)02:50
christelnow i shall toodle off to sleep02:50
christelthanks for heads up IndyGunFreak02:51
Dave2Seems to be evading quite a bit though.02:56
Dave2Appears to have given up for the moment. *goes back to trying to sleep*02:59
ubottuIn #kubuntu, angasule said: ubottu no es is it should be "por favor entre a los canales", "en los canales" is wrong there (I hope the bot grabs this message :) )03:18
mneptokplease ignore that. MagicFab has cofirmed the spanish is more than inteeligible03:20
nickrudspeaking of spanish: I've heard more than once that !es is somewhat derogatory:03:21
* mneptok asks Fab's opinion on that03:24
ubottuAquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.03:24
mneptokubottu: no es is <reply>En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:28
ubottuI'll remember that mneptok03:28
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:28
nickrudwhat did the original mean? Something like we're sadly limited to english?03:28
mneptok"We speak only English here."03:28
mneptoksorta ... dismissive.03:29
nickrudyeah, one guy was laughing all over the place, urged me to get it changed03:29
mneptokand so you have. go claim your lager. :)03:30
nickrudheh. Root beer for this guy, I'm watching my figure03:30
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:11
ubottumneptok: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:16
Hobbseepleia2: it iz!  be afraid, be very afraid!04:58
* ajmitch fears the Hobbsee 05:01
Hobbseeand so you should.05:02
nickrudwe have nothing to fear but fear itself06:15
Hobbseeso Hobbsee == fear?06:16
* nickrud eyes the pointy stick06:16
* nickrud says nothing06:16
* nickrud hopes people understand his weird sense of humor06:18
* ajmitch does not understand06:19
nickrudoh, I meant regular people ;)06:19
ajmitchHey, I'm normal06:19
ajmitchHobbsee: don't laugh06:20
elky_workooh, i can though? haha!06:21
ajmitchelky_work: mean06:22
ubottuIn ubottu, lut4rp said: lut4rp is a F/OSS hacker!06:42
nickrudheh. nice try06:42
elky_workmneptok: all it took was a freetard troll to get you to break your two-year blogging drought?06:53
elky_worknickrud: yeah... he cant even spell FOSS or F/LOSS06:54
ubottuSNuxoll called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (define flooding to z0man)07:33
jussi01morning all08:21
Myrttimorning dear08:21
* Myrtti huggles all08:22
ubottuDear $DEITY, Give me strength to understand and work with users who question my logic, the rules, netiquette and common sense. Give me resilience to teach them the basics of Linux, Ubuntu, Community Guidelines and IRC. Allow me not to stray to nitpicking, argument, foul language or leisure op abuse. Deliver me my daily xkcd, User Friendly, LWN, /. and Planet Ubuntu, and guard over my encrypted drives. Let it be so.08:53
MyrttiI've become too old and cranky for the Finnish Ubuntu community09:03
Myrttiand I feel chilly too.09:19
Myrttifor crying out loud.09:37
Myrttiidiocy almost makes me cry09:38
* Hobbsee smashes the idiots with a brick09:43
Hobbsee(the non-ubuntu ones, that is(09:43
Myrttithere's a person now in #ubuntu-offtopic that was so happy that he could order accessibility cd-pack from Microsoft containing 3 CD-ROMs09:44
Myrttiand he ordered them to all his friends, and used the cd's he got himself to build a bird repellent mobile09:44
Myrtti"figures he can make a dent to microsoft profits"09:45
* Myrtti headdesks09:45
elkbuntuMyrtti, so microsoft is discovering what happens to a fair proportion of canonical's shipit budget?12:13
MyrttiI don't know about that, but my point was that every Linux/Ubuntu user is an ambassador and by doing stunts like that with $proprietary_software_vendor PR/addon/whatever free stuff/events is tarnishing the image and pushing people away from "us" and making them sympathize with $proprietary_software_vendor12:16
MyrttiWhen Vista was announced, people here in Finland first planned to go to their pr tent at the capital main market square distributing Ubuntu CD's12:17
Myrttiwhich is a good idea if you don't think of it more than 5 minutes12:17
Myrttiafter that you remember how it feels if you were a, say, churchgoer and hare krishnas or whatever had made a camp to the church doorsteps12:18
gnomefreakjrib: i think that guy is boarderlining on troll at this point we gave him a bunch of ways to install the package.12:18
MezMyrtti, I still like the AOL CD throne though12:31
elkbuntuMyrtti, like the canadian team at the microsoft ice house thingiemadoobie?12:31
MyrttiI've not seen that12:32
Myrttiwell, I remember AOL sent those disks when I was in US, an that was 12 years ago12:33
Myrttiwithout people asking for them12:33
Myrttibut the $adjective in u-ot specifically ordered them12:34
elkbuntuMyrtti, http://tonyyarusso.com/planetubuntu/ubuntu-canada%E2%80%99s-toronto-chapter-brings-penguin-ice-house12:34
Myrttiand note: Microsoft Accessibility products12:34
Myrttiyes, I know it's an oxymoron, but12:34
MyrttiI still don't like the idea of wasting energy, resources and software cd's that someone might actually want to use to the purpose they were meant to12:35
elkbuntuMyrtti, have you ever used Microsoft Sam?12:36
MyrttiAOL frisbees are free to be abused since they weren't ordered, they came unsolicited12:36
* Pici wonders how many tons of trash AOL has created with free CDs...12:37
Myrttielkbuntu: no12:37
PiciCan we get the ubottu factoid page in !ubottu12:40
jussi01Pici: go ahead and change it :)12:40
* Myrtti gives Pici a panda12:40
jussi01or at least suggest a change..12:41
PiciI'm writing one... ;)12:41
PiciPanda friendly, of course.12:41
MyrttiPici is lost in the factoid factory12:41
ubottupici is stuck in a factoid factory! Send help!12:41
* Myrtti summons more pandas12:42
MyrttiSUMMON OPS!12:42
* Myrtti summons an op, "Pici"12:42
* Mez wants some drugs too12:43
Myrtti<enter magic, strenght, resilience, power and health stats />12:43
MyrttiI wonder how much mana casting a Pici would require12:43
jussi01yay! Im getting my mini radio controlled helicopters tonight :D12:44
Myrttijussi01: has the verkkokauppa opened up there already?12:44
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:44
MyrttiMez: you're ruining the fun12:44
jussi01@lart mez12:45
MyrttiI'd like to be a woodcat. 3 forests, 4/4.12:45
jussi01@lart mez12:45
ubottuAnd the magical fairies came in and stole the crown from underneath the apple tree...12:45
* ubottu smacks mez with a vista DVD. COOTIES!12:46
* ubottu forces mez to use perl for 3 weeks12:46
Myrttihe's having a flu12:46
MyrttiSHE is having a flu12:46
Myrttior a headache12:46
PiciHow did the old ubotu message go?12:46
Myrttihold on12:46
Myrttiubot3: bot12:46
ubot3I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)12:46
jussi01Myrtti: Im getting them in the mail :D12:47
Mez<+Pici> How did the old ubotu message go? <-- ?12:47
Myrttijussi01: lol12:47
PiciMez: when ubottu was ubotu.. !ubotu ubotued ubot?12:47
Myrtti"to perform a seppuku and to see what's inside of me, see http:// "12:47
* Myrtti hides, gets more COFFEEEEEE12:48
jussi01Pici: [04:07] <ubotu> I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:48
Picijussi01: thankye12:49
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://jussi01.com/web/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:50
Picifeel free to change favorite to your prefered international spelling12:50
* Mez trys to remember what things he needs to install12:50
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://jussi01.com/web/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:50
jussi01Pici: nice12:51
jussi01although I get hilighted everytime that is called... sigh12:51
PiciFix your hilights ;)12:51
jussi01I so need a new nick now...12:51
Picior a new domain12:52
jussi01nicks are free, domains are not12:52
* Myrtti installs LaTeX and all it's recommended packages to Mez's laptop12:52
jussi01I could just go back to she_said ....12:52
* Myrtti changes jussi01's nick to jussi_rillyrilly_from_AU12:53
* Mez sighs and gets pissed off at the laptop.12:53
Mezthas frozen a fucking gain12:53
* Myrtti snickers12:53
Myrtti*hands a hairblower to Mez*12:54
Myrttiwarm it up, dear12:54
Mezno seriously though... it is the most annoying bug ever12:54
* jussi01 raises an eyebrow at liassist in -irc...12:54
Myrttimind if I raise both of mine12:57
MyrttiI know that people might have a wish for becoming an op12:57
Myrttibut I also know that it's 1) earned 2) not something you end up wanting after a while :-P12:58
* Hobbsee wonders what happened?12:58
PiciHobbsee: Just someone asking for ops in -irc12:58
Myrttiops for #ubuntu12:58
Myrttithe same person who wanted to run a bot earlier12:59
PiciMy logs show he asked the same thing in here a few days ago too12:59
HobbseeMyrtti: ah right.12:59
* Myrtti rolls her eyes12:59
ubottuFactoid instantrimshot not found12:59
Myrttimust ... resist ... the big ... red button ...13:00
* Hobbsee smacks Myrttifingers13:01
* Pici hits the button and runs13:01
ubottuMyrtti: The operation succeeded.13:01
Myrtti!instantrimshot is <reply> foo13:01
ubottuI'll remember that, Myrtti13:01
Myrttioh socks.13:02
* jussi01 sighs... has anyone here installed xrms before?13:02
Myrtti!no instantrimshot is <reply> bachunpadam. http://instantrimshot.com/13:03
ubottuI'll remember that Myrtti13:03
Hobbsee!no instantrimshot is <reply> * Hobbsee smacks Myrttifingers.  BAD MYRTTI!13:03
ubottuI'll remember that Hobbsee13:03
Hobbsee!no instantrimshot is <reply> bachunpadam. http://instantrimshot.com/13:03
Myrttijuuuuuusssii hobbsee is teasing me13:03
* Myrtti points at Hobbsee 13:03
Hobbseejussi01: get off my lawn!13:04
jussi01@lart Hobbsee13:04
* ubottu pierces Hobbsee's nose with a rusty paper hole puncher13:04
pleia2jussi01: xrms is awful, don't :)13:04
Hobbsee. o O { rotten punk kid }13:04
jussi01pleia2: suggestions for something better?13:04
* Hobbsee tried a mac for the first time today13:05
PiciThat sounds painful13:05
Hobbseeit was.  very.13:05
Picier, The rusty hole puncher, not the mac... but probably that too.13:05
pleia2jussi01: alas, no - but we're migrating away from it at work as soon as we can.. the database structure is just nuts13:05
* Hobbsee fails to see why others want to take on the mac UI.13:05
jussi01pleia2: arrghh.. I was looking for something open - I just need something, I wish there was somehing in the repos, but I certainly cant find it...13:06
Myrttijussi01: hmmm sugarcrm?13:07
Myrttiwhat was that one...13:07
jussi01!info joomla13:08
ubottuPackage joomla does not exist in hardy13:08
* Pici hrms at #freenode13:11
* jussi01 raises mor eyebrows...13:14
jussi01Myrtti: thanks13:14
Myrttithe sugarcrm community here in Finland is quite strong and it's got commercial support and translation13:15
jussi01Myrtti: its for my dad in australia...13:16
* jussi01 cues PriceChild accusing me of not being an aussie again...13:16
Myrttithese are those moments I feel like a Tweety-bird13:17
MyrttiI see jussi01 poking to the cage with a mischevious looks, I look at the camera and say "I think I taw an Aussie. *looks again* IT IS, IT IS!"13:18
jussi01aaawwww Myrtti you scared him off...13:19
Myrttibig deal. :-P13:19
* elkbuntu cues Baby Sinclair... "nota aussie"13:22
* Hobbsee wonders if jussi01 is a new zealander.13:23
jussi01Hobbsee: !!!!!! How dare you insult me like that :P13:23
MyrttiI should've taken a videoshot of him13:23
Myrttihim talking and walking would prove it13:24
jussi01whats so special about my walking?13:24
Hobbseewannabe aussies are generally new zealanders.  just ask ajmitch13:24
MyrttiI bet that if you'd luminate jussi01's forehead with uv light, you'd see an invisible tattoo that says "100% aussie"13:24
ikoniaafternoon all13:54
jpdsafternoon ikonia13:58
* Myrtti sighs14:10
* Pici thinks we should start suggesting the use of aptitude over apt-get because by default aptitude installs reccomends14:10
ikoniapeople should start using synaptic14:11
wgrantPici: apt-get does in Intrepid...14:11
ikoniaand stop think it is "l33t" to use apt-get14:11
ikoniapeople should also stop installing the server product for home servers because they think they need it to make a server14:11
Piciwgrant: I know, thats what reminded me14:11
Myrttisomeone at xubuntu said that aptitude messes synaptic somehow and for that you should use apt-get14:12
MyrttiI didn't get the explanation14:12
PiciI'd like to hear it...14:12
wgrantAs would I.14:12
wgrantAs it sounds completely wrong.14:12
Myrttidifferent backends or sumthin14:13
PiciI can't claim to know everything about apt, but that doesnt sound right at all.14:13
* wgrant is in agreement with Pici.14:13
Myrttias I look at my unfinished final paper14:14
Jack_SparrowPici I thought the ubuntu version of apt-get did include those...  Ours isnt the same as other distro apt-get.. from what I was told14:14
wgrantJack_Sparrow: Only since a couple of days ago in Intrepid does apt-get install recommends by default.14:15
=== Jucato_ is now known as Jucato
Mezwgrant, I dont agree with that personally.14:31
MezBut that's a new debian thing14:32
wgrantMez: Don't agree with what?14:33
wgrantInstalling recommends?14:33
PiciI remember that when installing ipython on my server it wanted to pull in xorg because it was somewhere down the line of recommends14:33
wgrantMez: If it's installing things you don't want, they probably shouldn't be recommended.14:34
MyrttiI honestly have to wonder if bzr really needs all that junk that it pulled with it when I installed it yesterday14:34
wgrantIt'd say that bzrtools and python-paramiko should be dropped to suggests now.14:35
wgrantBut otherwise its dependencies are quite small.14:35
wgrantWhat did you think was excessive, Myrtti?14:36
Myrtti[INSTALL, DEPENDENCIES] ttf-dejavu-extra14:37
Myrtti[INSTALL, DEPENDENCIES] graphviz14:38
wgrantI see.14:38
wgrantThat's bzrtools for you.14:38
Myrttiinnit NICE?!14:39
wgrantAs I said, it should probably be suggested.14:39
Myrttiit's virtual server with 3G /dev/sda14:39
MyrttiI rilly luv that14:39
Myrttior was it 414:39
wgrantFor that sort of setup, you probably don't want recommends installed by default, so turn them off.14:39
MyrttiI don't remember putting them on in the first place14:40
wgrantIt's easier for users who know what they're doing to disable it, than let users who have no clue work out why most of the features of their app don't work by default.14:40
wgrantaptitude has installed Recommends by default for some time.14:40
Myrttibtw, hardy14:40
Mezwgrant, indeed - installing reccoments... and while it'd be nice - I don't think some packages are gonna be good in that respect. I think a few are going to have issues... or install too much crap, because they're not used to the reccomends being installed automatically.14:41
wgrantMez: Right, but we need to do it at some point.14:42
Mezindeed. I dont agree with it in debian either to be fair...14:43
MezI still think that there are going to be issues.14:43
wgrantWhat issues?14:43
wgrantA bit too much stuff is installed on some testers' systems.14:43
wgrantOh dear.14:43
wgrantThey'll then complain to the maintainer, who will then fix the dependencies.14:43
HobbseeMez: isn't that a moot point?  it's already done in intrepid, and is done ind ebian.14:44
MezHobbsee, I forsee it pissing off a lot of people (if there's not a nice easy checkbox to turn it off)14:45
wgrantMez: This is why we do it early.14:45
wgrantSo it can piss of testers and we can get packages fixed.14:45
wgrantBefore the wider world dies of it.14:45
Mezover an hour to grow a partition it took a minute to shrink ;914:45
ikoniaMez: shrinking partitions !!! crazy14:46
* jpds hugs Mez 14:46
Myrttinow, how do I get rid of the crud aptitude has installed without asking me explicitly?14:47
Mezikonia, shrinking a windows partition...14:47
Meznow re-growing it so can take it back to shop and not have them bitch about me voiding warranty14:47
wgrantMyrtti: See the post to -devel within the last 24 hours.14:47
wgrantMez: Resizing a partition voids the warranty?14:47
Mezwgrant, no - installing Linux does14:48
* wgrant is glad to not deal with such braindead retailers.14:50
MyrttiAfter this operation, 60.5MB disk space will be freed. ♥14:50
MyrttiI IZ HAPPY14:51
* Myrtti hugglez wgrant 14:51
Mezwgrant, it gets worse... this laptop - 4/5 boots it tells me the wireless card doesnt exist.14:51
Mezwgrant, and guess when I got it?14:51
Mezlast night... as a replacement for another faulty laptop...14:52
wgrantMez: Hahah.14:52
Mezwgrant... I think I'm going for the refund now...14:52
* wgrant hugs Myrtti.14:52
Mezwhich'll take a week to get back to me14:52
wgrantMez: Probably a good idea.14:52
* Mez sighs14:52
* wgrant sends his two cats after Myrtti.14:54
* Hobbsee pinches them14:54
* Hobbsee pets Myrtti14:55
ubottugenii called the ops in #kubuntu (administrator (spam))15:00
jussi01oh that thing is so much fun...15:12
PiciHow many active kubuntu ops do we have?15:27
jussi016or 7 iirc15:28
Hobbseenot many15:29
PiciMaybe #kubuntu-ops should forward here?15:29
Hobbseenone during au timezones, either, i'll bet15:29
HobbseePici: ...it does.15:29
Hobbsee[00:29] [470] #kubuntu-ops #ubuntu-ops Forwarding to another channel15:29
PiciHobbsee: Oh... then my client didnt care to tell me that15:29
Hobbsee[00:30] [Notice] -ChanServ- Mode lock  : +imnstf #ubuntu-ops15:30
jussi01hrm, Id say active are: jp.ds tm_t - (in a week when he has internet again,) nali.oth riddell (sometimes) Mez gnomefreak Juca.to std.in me Price.Child15:30
jussi01hrm, why is the access list so screwed up looking?15:31
Mezjussi01, ... er...15:31
Mez@lart Jucato15:31
* ubottu pulls out his louisville slugger and uses Jucato's head to break the homerun record15:31
Mez@lart jussi0115:31
* ubottu reads jussi01 some vogon poetry15:31
jussi01poor Jucato15:32
Mez<-- fail15:32
jussi01!fail | Mez15:32
ubottuMez: FAILZ!15:32
* Myrtti huggles all the ops15:32
Mezhmm - #kubuntu-ops = Kickban15:33
Mezand Ljl on access list (where IS Ljl?15:33
jpdsjussi01: because it's old15:34
MezHobbsee, something needs to be sorted15:35
HobbseeMez: i know15:35
jussi01Mez: I guess you are active, just not in there?15:35
Mezin -ops?15:36
MezI just dealt with the above spammer...15:36
* Mez is in there, and I respond to them when I'm at my comp15:36
* jussi01 is a slow typer, so usually others get there before me15:37
Hobbseejussi01: learn to touch type15:37
* jpds is... HD-less15:37
* Mez is in #kubuntu - but only responding to ops calls...15:37
Meznot actively monitoring15:37
Mezbut then I dont actively monitor any channels currently15:38
* jussi01 often is in there and #k-ot15:38
jussi01I help out fairly often15:38
* Mez is just responding to ops calls atm... I dont have time to monitor actively while at work15:39
jussi01Mez: i have similar issues - but when I get home15:39
Mezjussi01, when I get home my net is shocking... or my laptop is evil15:39
KrazyKarl<Brandon_Fuerte> Hello KrazyKarl in #ubuntu, have you ever wanted to buy a bra for yourself, but just haven't had the time, confidence, courage, or money? Bras can be worn by men too, and we are the answer for you. We can fit you into a bra(or bras) just for you for your wearing pleasure. At Victoria's Secret IRC we offer many styles of bras for all purposes and sizes. Never go out without a bra again. Join #victoria'ssecret for more15:41
KrazyKarlon join spam15:41
Myrttiwell, he's not there anymore15:45
Myrtti(if he ever was)15:45
jpdsdamn, where on earth is SeenServ15:45
ubottuThe seen function has not been operational for a long time.  Use /msg seenserv seen nickname instead.15:46
Myrttihow do I get the impression it's not that...15:46
HobbseeMyrtti: he just wants an ego rub.  feel free to oblige, if you really want.15:47
* jpds "..."s -irc15:56
Myrttijpds: whut... :->15:56
* nickrud thinks someone always takes the hook here ;)15:57
jpdsMyrtti: he's responses are getting to random for me15:58
Jack_Sparrow !gparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php16:02
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, Jack_Sparrow said:  !gparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php16:02
ubottuGParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/16:02
jussi01Jack_Sparrow: ?16:02
Jack_Sparrowlink is diff16:02
jussi01you can @login16:02
jussi01then change it16:03
Jack_SparrowThe dev quit aroud dec, new dev just picked it up16:03
Jack_Sparrowjussi01 Ok.. I didnt know that..16:03
ubottuJack_Sparrow: The operation succeeded.16:03
Jack_Sparrowso how do I change it...  ?16:04
Jack_Sparrow !gparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php16:04
ubottuBut gparted already means something else!16:04
Myrtti!no GParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get  install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted  "live" CD is available at  http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php16:04
ubottuI'll remember that Myrtti16:04
jussi01Jack_Sparrow: !no, gparted is <reply>stuff here16:04
ubottugparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get  install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted  "live" CD is available at  http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php16:04
Jack_Sparrowah.. ok16:04
IndyGunFreaklol, seems i'm not the only one getting the advertisement for the male bra..lol16:05
elmerGuys, I request that Dave_and_Damo be kicked or banned from #ubuntu. He just sent me a message about buying a bra. Seriously. I can screenshot it if need be.16:05
elmerIndyGunFreak, yeah16:05
Myrtti!gparted =~ /  / /16:05
ubottuI'll remember that Myrtti16:05
Myrtti!gparted =~ /  / /16:05
=== KrazyKarl is now known as Carlos_And_Sidne
ubottugparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at  http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php16:05
Myrtti!gparted =~ /  / /16:05
=== Carlos_And_Sidne is now known as KrazyKarl
nickrudI think someone jsut caught the pm spammer16:06
elmernickrud, why do you say that?16:06
jussi01who reported himself?16:06
IndyGunFreakelmer: i think this is something thats gonna have to be taken up w/ freenode staff, because he's not in any of the ubuntu channels.16:06
Dave2It's just been dealt wiht16:06
IndyGunFreaki've gotten the messages from 3 different names16:06
nickrudelmer krazykarl got klined16:06
elmerHm. That stinks. Do you know where the freenode OPs hang out?16:06
Jack_SparrowThanks guys. I much prefer days where I learn something16:07
elmernickrud, awsm16:07
nickrudelmer one just told us it's done16:07
jussi01elmer: #freenode16:07
elmerAlright, my problem is taken care of. I'm out.16:07
* nickrud does not envy staff at all16:08
MyrttiI'm officially not getting tis16:08
* Dave2 wonders how long it'll be until the spammers exclude his unaffiliated account, as well as freenode/staff/*.16:08
jussi01Dave2: what happened there? the guy joins here, tells us about on join spam, then gets klined???16:10
Dave2They were on the same IP as an onjoin spammer.16:12
Jack_Sparrownickrud Are you not already late for work...16:12
jussi01Dave2: ahhh16:12
MezDave2, *slaps*16:15
ubottuflaccid- called the ops in #kubuntu ()16:26
ubottusistpoty|work called the ops in #ubuntu-devel ()16:27
=== hydrogen_ is now known as Hydrogen
HydrogenGrandma_becky in #ubuntu is joinspamming17:11
Hydrogenon-join spamming17:11
Mez!staff | Grandma_becky17:13
ubottuGrandma_becky: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary or PriceChild, I could  use a bit of your time :)17:13
Mez(confirmed - horrid colours too!)17:13
Dave2Already gone, thanks.17:13
Myrttiperhaps we'd need a bot that joins and parts in steady intervals?17:14
Mezakill on #victoria-secret17:14
Myrttisay, five minutes?17:14
MezMyrtti, call it "RevolvingDoorBot"?17:14
PiciHydrogen: Thanks :)17:14
Myrttior "kick in the tush"17:14
Hydrogenthank you :)17:15
MyrttiMez: "PippiLongstockins" with a jump rope17:23
* Myrtti wonders if Baron1984 is a professional troll18:04
=== AndrewB_ is now known as AndrewB
MyrttiI wonder If I forgot something19:40
Myrttihello PCcertified19:41
PCcertifiedI was requested by nickrud to post a spam I recieved here19:41
Myrttigo ahead19:41
PCcertified(02:35:59 PM) Phil_Deville: Hello PCcertified. Do you love tasty treats that can be enjoyed at any time? Well #WaferLafer has all you need. We deal in the most tasty, delicious flavored wafers in the world. We serve wafers of all styles and flavors, such as cherry and cabbage. There will not be a disappointed tastebud on your tongue after eating one. So come to #WaferLafer for a tasty treat your tongue won't forget.19:42
PCcertifiedgot the folowing one a few moments later...19:42
nickrudsame freak19:42
PCcertified(02:39:41 PM) Tommy_Pickles: PCcertified, R u sick and tired of bein in chat rooms dat r boring, not fun, and lame? Want 2 finally join a chat room dat is off da chain and 100% awesome? Well #LESTERCOOLCHAT is da place 4 u. We do nothing but have fun in da chat, hosted by me, LESTER. So if u want a fun chat, 2 have fun, or maybe even meet a new best friend, come 2 #LESTERCOOLCHAT today.19:42
ompaulPCcertified, both of those nicks are no longer on the network19:43
nickrudompaul, whoever it is is switching nicks fast. Dave2 caught one earlier19:44
Myrttiwe need that rotatingdoors-bot19:44
PCcertifiedI'll keep this channel open and post the moment I get another one.19:44
ompaulnickrud, aye he can be ;-)19:44
ompaulScunizi, how can we help ya19:44
PCcertifiedshall I intead try to do a whois or something on him next time?19:44
ScuniziI'm receiving an unsolicited PM from Collete_Shed to join #Lestercoolchat19:45
PCcertifiedsame one19:45
nickrudPCcertified, certainly won't hurt, but it'll probably be too late19:45
PiciPCcertified: There really isnt anything we can do... best to report it in #freenode19:45
ompaul* Collete_Shed :No such nick/channel19:45
PiciAnd they've already gotten a few reports already19:45
Scunizik.. thanks..19:45
ompaulit would make more sense they have more access to more info19:45
nickrudI'd hate to reward by putting it in the topic ...19:45
ompauli.e. network wide stuff19:45
PCcertifiedhmmm, is it not possible to see by IP who is changing nicks frequently ?19:45
PiciWe dont have that access, Staff might though.19:46
ompaulPCcertified, you can do /lastlog is now known19:46
ompaulbut if they did not change inchannel no dice19:46
PCcertifiedI would not change the topic, it would only reward him for his efforts19:47
nickrudmaybe a pmspam factoid?19:48
ompaulnickrud, na it is reward19:48
PiciMeh, it'll be taken care of soon enough19:48
* nickrud hopes pici is not whistling in the dark19:49
ompaulnickrud, and think of the trolls pici said join #pici-for-president-2012 or some such please ban19:49
PCcertifiedif he discovers he is bothering us, it just fuels him.   best is to ignore him until we can get his IP19:49
PiciA woman came up to me and said I'd like to poison your mind, by hitting it with a rock, though I am not unkind...19:49
Scunizigot another from WalkerUrsula for a different channel..19:50
PiciScunizi: Can you please report the host in #freenode?19:50
PCcertifiedI gotta get back to Ubuntu, and see if I can get some help setting up a SIMPLE answering machine in Ubuntu 8.0419:50
Picigood luck ;)19:51
nickrudsimple ;(19:51
PCcertifiedwell, it's been 2 weeks I've been trying, and no success so far19:51
PCcertifiedwhats another 2 weeks19:51
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)19:52
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)19:52
ompaulPCcertified, you could try to adapt this but you need to know that it is  http://www.freeos.com/articles/3715/19:52
ompaulnot using packages so you might find packages for it19:53
MyrttiI'm trying to track down the onjoin19:54
PCcertifiedthanks ompaul19:58
ompaulPCcertified, ?19:59
stdinhmm, quite splitty today20:04
PCcertifiedompaul: sorry, I was referring to the link you referred me to. Unfortunately I've been through it and it refers to inittab (something I know) but Ubuntu unfortunately does not use inittab.   I am considering switching back to a more familiar OS I do not have required scripting knowledge to set up anything on Ubuntu.20:10
PCcertifiedthanks anyways.  but I ill decide this week if I will abandon Ubuntu .   have spent more than a month to attempt to set up equipment that was simple in debian20:11
ubottuIn ubottu, Stephen12992 said: Why is your name green?20:17
nickrudPCcertified, it's in /etc/event.d , pretty straightforward20:18
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo
MyrttiI'm going to strangle someone20:45
Garyme me, let it be me20:46
Nafallopervs :-)20:48
nickrudmust be some european thing20:49
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://jussi01.com/web/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:49
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:51
jussi01yay, now I dont get hilighted everytime20:52
nickrudlooks like *!*@ is another of the pm spammers20:58
nickrud!staff ^^20:59
ubottuFactoid staff ^^ not found20:59
nickrud!staff | ^^20:59
ubottu^^: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary or PriceChild, I could  use a bit of your time :)20:59
tomawnickrud: which nick?20:59
nickrudtomaw, it was Ed_warder , but that nick is history already20:59
nickrudof course, I don't understand irc so don't know why you want to know, anyway :)21:00
tomawnothing from that host currently21:00
christelnickrud: just a friendly heads up, a paste of the actual spam helps speed things up as it then takes less time than if we have to hunt for it :)21:16
nickrudchristel, I'll remember that21:39
christelnickrud: thanks :)22:15
Jack_SparrowI keep getting PM spam from brawearermike then samuel ...Wakeboarding is 1 of da most rapid growing sports in da land. It is basically sk8boarding(or snoboardin) on water usin a boat. It is leadin 2 some new rad trickz n skillz dat can only b done while wakeboarding. Cuz of da sportz popularity, I have started a wakeboardin fan club on IRC for all things wakeboard. Just join #wakeboardinzone to get in on da fun and d23:33
Jack_Sparrowiscuss wakeboardin.23:33
nickrudjust ban everyone but us ;)23:37
Jack_Sparrow* [BraWearerMike] (n=p@ p23:38
Jack_SparrowIt wouldnt hurt to have one quiet peaceful day..23:39

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