
hatterany clues why firefox would stop working ?00:00
Ice_Maxits no big deal if i have to format the ubnuntu partition again, since i have nothing on it yet.00:00
zvacetIce_Max : just install that driver on win partition and you will see Ubuntu00:00
Ice_Maxthanks for the help everyonme00:00
Xcellhatter--  did you try rebooting?00:00
hatterXcell, no,00:00
Xcellyou may have 200:00
hatterneed to reboot after recent upgrades ?00:00
d0wnokay, so, basically I have a BIOS 1024 cylinder limit. how would I install the kernel in a different partition?00:00
hatterXcell, ok i will try this00:00
hatterunusual to need to do this on linux :)00:01
Xcelli know00:01
hatterXcell, oh i see,  after recent apt-get upgrade i have a reboot required icon on the bar00:01
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MikeHey, what command can I run to see what flavor of ubuntu is currently on my box?00:04
solexious[Q] Im trying to use:   find . -name "*.ini" | xargs rm   but it has a hissy cos some folders have spaces in the name, how can i fix this?00:04
Xcelluname -a00:04
bobbob1016Is there any way to install splashy without removing ubuntu-desktop?  I know ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package, but I prefer keeping it.  Splashy is a usplash replacement, so I can see why it'd be in ubuntu-desktop, but just wondering.00:04
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Guest84066Xcell: Does that actually display Ubuntu Studio, etc?00:05
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Xcellnot sure00:05
sixpenceIt doesn't.00:05
ffmHey, I just installed ubuntu-server, and now ehn booting I get "this kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU" (newline) "0:8"00:05
ffmAny idea why/how I can fix this?00:05
Ice_Maxi can use a USB drive as swap space right?00:06
* ffm is running this inside VirtualBox.00:06
rampageoberonIce_Max: yes00:06
ffmIce_Max: Flash drive?00:06
ChunkyKssolexious: find . -name \*.ini -exec rm {} \;00:06
ffmIce_Max: That's bad.00:06
Ice_Maxffm: yes00:06
ffmIce_Max: It'll kill the drive quickly.00:06
ChunkyKsbe warned that's not portable to a lot of unixes00:06
Ice_Maxo wiat, does it always use that as the swap space then?00:06
ChunkyKsbut since this is an ubuntu chatroom I imagine that won't be an issue00:06
=== sean is now known as Guest51979
solexiouschunkyks: thank you00:07
stemount^Ice_Max: it's not recommended to use as swap space, because pen drives "wear out" easily00:07
kappabuntuwow I hate adobe... "http://www.americanbusinesscard.com/user/cgi/catalog/catalog.hd"... does anyone else get a pop-up requiring adobe reader even though I have it installed. I realized I could view the catalog when I turned off adblock for the page -_- (and installing adobe reader)00:07
tonewhyhi i have a laptop with centrino ip2100 chip and i plugged in a dlink dwl-g630 cardbus, and i'm trying to get kismet to run00:07
ChunkyKsalways use -exec to find instead of xargs, if you can00:07
tonewhycan anyone help me?00:07
ffmIce_Max: yes, forever.00:07
ffmIce_Max: you have a limmited number of writes to flash drives. That number is high, like 10,000-100,000, but using it as swap hurts quickly.00:08
[d]0wnI have a BIOS 1024 cylinder limit. how would I install the kernel in a different partition?00:08
Ice_Maxhow much space should i leave for swap space?00:09
Xcell1.5x your ram00:09
Ice_Maxxcell: so 6 gigs? ( i have 2gb of RAM)00:10
stemount^Ice_Max: 3GB00:10
Xcellprolly 4.?00:10
K^Holtzim about to install ubuntu on my laptop, brand new HDD, will the wireless work from the start?00:10
Ice_Maxder, i can;t do math :p00:10
Blaenkanyone know why my cd drive isn't showing up in the bios boot sequence menu? It shows up in the other bios menu where it lists the drives on the computer but it doesn't show it in the boot sequence menu, this is preventing me from installing ubuntu00:10
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto00:10
geniiMaybe 4 since even multiples are nice00:10
zvacetIce_Max : it is 3 then and I think it is too much you will be good with 200:10
Ice_Maxone last qustion, sholud i put the swap space between my Xp partition and my ubuntu oe or does it not matter?00:11
* stemount^ never really uses the swap00:11
stemount^Ice_Max: as close to ubuntu as possible00:11
zvacetIce_Max : put it on the end of disc00:11
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot00:12
BlaenkK^Holtz: no not what I meant00:12
geniiIce_Max: Swap space is best put at start or end of disk00:12
prologi1Hey all, I have Ubuntu 8.04 installed. How do I upgrade to 8.10 ?00:12
K^HoltzBlaenk: i was doing that for my own good00:12
ffmAny idea what the kernel message "this kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU" (newline) "0:8"00:12
UsuarioDoBrasilI need some help on installing Ubuntu on Virtualbox!00:12
stemount^prologi1: 8.10 isn't released yet!00:12
geniiprologi1: 8.10 is not officially released yet, hence there is no upgrade from 8.04 to it00:13
ffm!ask | UsuarioDoBrasil00:13
ubottuUsuarioDoBrasil: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:13
prologi1stemount: yes but I can still use it though ?00:13
zvacetprologi1 : I don´t believe you want to do that00:13
* stemount^ agrees with zvacet, prologi1 00:13
ASULutzyprologi1: Ubuntu's version numbers come from the year and month they released. gutsy gibbon was 7.10, meaning october 2007, Hardy Heron is 8.04, meaning April 2008, and 8.10 will be Intrepid Ibex, and that comes out in October of 200800:13
UsuarioDoBrasilIf I install Ubuntu or Debian in Virtualbox, how much space will b consumed?00:14
zvacetUsuarioDoBrasil : give it min 5GB00:14
bobbob1016prologi1, I don't think you should go to an early release unless you know how.  You need to know how to do it, to be able to handle it.00:15
UsuarioDoBrasilAnd, will it make any changes to my bootloader or Windows drivers, or something out of the VM?00:15
creatureHi. I started my PC up with an external soundcard attached, but it's no longer attached. How do I convince Ubuntu/ALSA to retect and use my internal soundcard instead?00:15
* ndf is back.00:15
pawanWhere does one go about to begin coding?00:16
ChunkyKspawan: coding what? Do you want to write games, or websites, or?00:16
zvacetUsuarioDoBrasil : no it is virtual machine inside your windows00:16
kevjavaint main() { printf("Hello, world!"); }00:16
Ice_Maxonce i install ubuntu, i should be prompted which OS i want to boot right00:17
stemount^!return | stemount^00:17
foey_Guys, Want to learn a programming language, running Ubuntu 8.04. Good place to start? Had previous VB experience years ago00:17
Ice_Maxdam, ubuntu is quick to install from live CD00:17
alan_mIce_Max, yep, sure is :)00:17
kevjavaVB and python could be fairly close.00:17
stemount^Ice_Max: much faster with the alternative CD, I use a pen drive to install ubuntu off, it's mad speed00:17
alan_mIce_Max, which cd are you using? the live or alternate install cd?00:17
alan_mstemount^, ive found the lives faster because it just copies an "image" of whats on the cd to your pc..the alternate has to unpack everything, so it generally takes longer.00:18
Ice_Maxalan_m: the regualr live Cd, i got it from discountlinuxdvd.com00:18
kevjavafoey_: http://docs.python.org/tut/tut.html00:18
alan_mIce_Max, yeah :)00:19
foey_kevjava - Python, Whats Best program to get to grips with?00:19
K^HoltzWill my touchpad on my sony vaio work right away with ubuntu?00:19
stemount^foey_: IDE the python IDE00:19
stemount^K^Holtz: it's likely00:19
Ice_Maxi bought like 4 different linux variations in 32 and 64 bit to see which distro i liked00:19
stemount^K^Holtz: try it in the live CD00:19
stemount^if it works ont hat00:19
K^Holtzstemount^: wireless too?00:19
K^Holtzstemount^: ill do that00:20
alan_myep, Ice_Max do you need help with anything buddy?00:20
stemount^K^Holtz: live cd will reveal all :)00:20
alan_mare ya understanding it all Ice_Max ?00:20
K^Holtzstemount^: will live cd run on an unformatted hdd?00:20
stemount^it won't touch your system00:20
K^Holtzmy hdd crashed so this one is brand new00:20
kevjavaK^Holtz: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=514292 <-- TZ series?00:20
stemount^well guys I hope you enjoyed your support from me tonight - i'm going to sleep :)00:21
K^Holtzkevjava: its a Z series00:21
UsuarioDoBrasilIf I install Debian to a VM, it wont affect nothing, NEITHER drives or USB? IT WILL NOT TOUCH Windows?00:21
alan_mto append to stemount^ 's statement..it wont touch your HD UNLESS you tell it to install to it, THEN and ONLY then will it touch your HD to do anything.00:21
foey_Cheers :)00:21
HalphaZI suppose that in ubuntu first  registered user is a sudo member, is it?00:21
stemount^yeah alan_m you are correct, if you go to any hard drive utilities, you can cause chaos00:21
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU
* alan_m is a veteran at ubuntu :D00:22
* stemount^ is an ubuntu slave00:22
steph291camserv is not working anymore on kernel 2.6 ?00:22
alan_manyways back On Topic :)00:22
stemount^k cya00:22
steph291I use it on dsl linux and it work fine00:22
skeletonejackAnyone mind giving me a quick hand with beryl?00:23
EncodingExcuse me, but I'm running into quite a bit of a problem lately. The problem is that whenever I open a link in firefox(or a torrent in deluge) that contains a lot of Japanese characters it somewhat messes up and does not display these characters00:23
steph291I have 2 video device usb and pci bttv00:23
EncodingCan anyone help me with this?00:23
[T]an1can anyone tell me how to use my bluetooth headset with ubuntu? want to use it with my softphone00:23
UsuarioDoBrasilOK, I will install Debian.00:23
alan_mEncoding, have you installed the language packs for the japanese characters?00:23
EncodingAnd another problem I have, is that the panels aren't where they're supposed to be. Can anyone help me with that as well?00:23
UsuarioDoBrasilDo you reccommend it?00:24
Encodingalan_m: I just did. Some SCIM thing came up too. I disabled Japanese input.00:24
Encoding(I have no need for Japanese input, just output)00:24
zvacetUsuarioDoBrasil : yes,but why don´t you try Ubuntu00:24
EncodingNote: It worked fine in ubuntu 7.10, with the exception that scim was kinda broken for me back then00:24
Skyline969Did I get the official Ubuntu IRC?00:24
jribSkyline969: yes00:24
* skeletonejack nods00:24
alan_myes sKyyline969, your here :D00:24
[T]an1anyone on the bluetooth headset in ubuntu?00:24
Skyline969I have no idea how to work IRC clients.00:25
Encodinglemme show you an example, alan_m00:25
Skyline969Obviously I did something right, though. =P00:25
alan_mskyline969, thats ok, we can help ya now that your here ;)00:25
Skyline969I have a question. Can someone help?00:25
zvacetSkyline969 :ask00:25
alan_mskyline969, just ask your question man :)00:25
kevjavaWe'll do our best:).00:25
Skyline969I tried starting Ubuntu on my laptop via the Live CD and it took 45 minutes for it to completely lock up.00:26
Skyline969It loaded the cursor and the background.00:26
Skyline969It was still freezing a lot.00:26
Skyline969But still, it shouldn't have taken that long.00:26
Skyline969It took maybe 10 minutes on my old junker computer (300 MHz, 128 megs RAM)00:26
Skyline969But why would it take so long on my laptop?00:26
alan_mskyline969, have you tried the alternate install cd?00:26
rskSkyline969: try booting with -noapci00:27
skeletonejackCould anyone lend me a hand installing Beryl? The wiki is down at the moment, and I am a bit new to using it00:27
Skyline969I only have the Live CD I ordered.00:27
alan_mSkyline969, thats ok, go ahead and listen to rsk :)00:27
creatureI started my PC up with an external soundcard attached, but it's no longer attached. How do I convince Ubuntu/ALSA to retect and use my internal soundcard instead?00:27
Skyline969How would I boot with -noacpi?00:27
rskSkyline969: dont install beryl, compiz is already installed.00:27
Blaenkisn't there a program I can put on my usb drive that will help me boot a disk?00:28
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto00:28
ubottuFactoid howtoboot not found00:28
alan_m!usb | Blaenk00:28
Skyline969It's booting in safe graphics mode right now, seeing if that fixes anything.00:28
ubottuBlaenk: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:28
Skyline969Still booting, though.00:28
Blaenkno I'm not talking about booting from usb, well yeah that too but I mean I want a program that I can run from usb that will help me boot my disk because it's not booting up00:29
Blaenkit says 'looking for boot record', then it goes to the next screen and it's just black with a blinking cursor00:29
chuy_maxwhere can I get the Qt 4 examples?, I searched in the repositories without luck00:29
Skyline969Wow, major lag.00:29
Blaenkchuy_max: try asking in #kde00:29
alan_mBlaenk, silly question, is your bios capable of booting from a cd/usb?00:29
Blaenkchuy_max: or heck even #qt00:29
Skyline969I'll be right back. Gonna see if my laptop has booted. This time I'll wait a few hours and see if it loads.00:30
bluefoxxso i have a machine with two 1ghz p3  cpus, a gig of ram, and a nvidia 5200. problem: wont boot any version of linux ive tried so far00:30
Blaenkalan_m: I'm not stupid, of course I checked that first, and like I said in the above message, it seems to boot into it but it just gives me a black screen with a blinking cursor00:30
chuy_maxBlaenk, o_O00:30
bluefoxxwin2k installs fine, but i odnt really want 2k00:30
Skyline969Perhaps it's taking so long because I only have 128 megs of RAM and I have roughly 2 GB of free space.00:30
Encodingalan_m: this is how it looks like http://s3.supload.com/free/Japanese.png/view/00:30
alan_m!attitude | Blaenk00:30
ubottuBlaenk: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:30
Blaenkhah I'm the one with the attitude, whatever :P00:30
kevjavachuy_max: they should be in qt4-docs, I think.00:30
seth556good evening from orlando00:31
Chaotic_Descentwhy do my USB drives randomly not mount?00:31
rdzhi all. i am trying to install the artwiz fonts on hardy, following those instructions: http://urukrama.wordpress.com/2008/05/25/artwiz-fonts-on-ubuntu-hardy/ . however, they don't show up in xfontsel. what am i doing wrong?00:31
zvacetBlaenk :maybe it is related to your graphic card00:31
Encodingalan_m: know of a way to fix that? also I'd prefer it if the panel that's on top(the windows panel) was below, and so I set it. But everytime I reboot it goes back to that position00:31
Blaenkno it's definitely not00:32
Xcellgood day folks00:32
Skyline969Thank God that the boot time from the Live CD is in no way as fast as it will boot from the hard drive once installed.00:32
seth556sometimes when I'm watching a video on youtube it will load and then firefox will suddenly close, how do i fix this?00:32
kevjavardz: http://movingparts.net/2008/05/17/sanity-restored-artwiz-fonts-in-kubuntu-hardy/00:32
steph291what application should I use for streaming video, let say 1 frame per 10 second, from a bt848 pci device ?00:32
Chaotic_Descentthere's some nonsense error about how there's an NTFS signature missing.00:32
mosheI have been trying to install additional artwork/icons in 8.04 but am not sure of the proceedure. could anyone guide me in the right direction?00:33
seth556is there problems with firefox and flash working together?00:33
[T]an1i tried to run hcitool scan and got the following error: Device is not available: No such device00:33
jack__hey seth00:33
[T]an1can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong?00:33
jack__yeah, you have to download a certain plug-in00:33
rdzkevjava, i've tried all those instructios... with no luck. but thanks00:33
seth556do you know which one?00:33
un_davemorning all. or whatever greeting is relevant to your time of day :)00:33
seth556evening here00:34
Skyline969Aha, rebooting in safe graphics mode is looking more promising, although it's still taking a long time.00:34
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moshehiya un_dave00:34
=== toto is now known as totototo
jack__hold on a second, I'll look it up real quick, to see the one that works for me00:34
Skyline969Now I see a light light brown background, two white bars on the top and bottom of the screen, and the cursor.00:34
alan_mencoding, i have no idea :/00:34
rdzkevjava, the link you posted, points to another page, that doesn't work for hardy, since there is no artwiz package anymore00:34
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
steph291camserv works fine with my usb quickcam (video0) but not for my pci bt848 :((00:34
legend2440Chaotic_Descent: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=52434300:34
rdzkevjava, i installed the fonts and i did all the config stuff, restarted X, but still they don't show up in xfontsel00:35
Encodingalan_m: yeah, I tried installing Japanese support from System->Administration-> Language support00:35
Chaotic_Descentthanks. I'll take a look.00:35
Encodingstill the same thing00:35
kevjavaYeah, you have to download the artwiz font from sourceforge.00:35
Skyline969Does anyone here work with ClicksAndWhistles IRC Client?00:35
Encodingalan_m: how about the panel thing?00:35
un_davei have a simple one for someone out there, i'm installing azureus, and need to copy the extracted files to a permenant place to live. Where is the proper place to put them?00:35
kevjavaUbuntu doesn't ship a package for them anymore.00:35
alan_mEncoding, THAT should have fixed it....but..your saying it didnt?00:35
Skyline969I want to bookmark or favorite (or whatever it's called) this channel.00:35
Skyline969No clue how to, though.00:35
Skyline969Never mind, found it. =P00:35
seth556skyline what program do you use?00:35
un_daveI was looking in /user/bin, but that just looks like shortcuts to programs00:35
Chaotic_Descentheh. it wants me to format the drive? I have all my digital pictures on there. :>00:35
sandywhen i am playing any videos in vlc or anyother app , the video are playing with colour or different color00:36
Skyline969ClicksAndWhistles, seth.00:36
EncodingI right clicked a panel, made it go top, and then bottom again, but I can't save the config or something, everytime I reboot it's still sorta broken00:36
sorush20last time I was here it only had about 900 users00:36
rdzwhy anyway did the maintainers of ubuntu drop that package? i cannot really understand it00:36
Skyline969It's for Windows.00:36
seth556oh then nevermind00:36
Chaotic_Descentmaybe something screwed up when windows tried to run an agonizingly slow scan that couldn't be stopped instead of booting up and I hit reset.00:36
legend2440Chaotic_Descent: no read post #500:36
zvacetun_dave : do you install azureus from synaptic00:36
Skyline969Heh, once I get Ubuntu on my laptop, I'll need to get Winamp to work on it, Wonderland Online, and I'm gonna get Gaim.00:36
seth556jack_ is it libflash-mozilla?00:37
un_davezvacet: nope. i want to use the latest, so have the current version from sourceforge00:37
sandyanyone help me in the video00:37
kevjavaSkyline969:  Try audacious instead00:37
Chaotic_Descentoh, thanks. Sorry. I think I'm getting tired.00:37
jack__seth - i believe it's just the shockwave flash plug-in that I have.  "shockwave flash 9.0 r124"00:37
kevjavaof Winamp.00:37
un_davezvacet: hence the issue. it doesnt install, it's just a jar file in a directory00:37
seth556hmm ok let me look00:37
jack__i downloaded it when i used firefox for the first time00:37
themimei have a server set up with ubuntu and i want to set up some kind of streaming audio so i can listen to my own music from work instead of crappy internet radio, is there a command line client i can download that will let me do this?00:37
jack__and went to a youtube page00:38
jack__it said there was a missing plugin, and i dled that one00:38
seth556let me look it up and see00:38
un_davezvacet: it runs fine as it is, but i just want to file it in the appropriate spot00:38
alan_mEncoding, hang on lemme go try to find you something, i had an issue with my panels as well a while back.00:38
jack__Hi All -- I'm having trouble installing a driver for my Brother brand printer, can anyone help me?00:38
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash00:39
legend2440Chaotic_Descent: type in terminal   sudo fdisk -l   does it say its a ntfs or or something else like vfat?00:39
amenadojack-desktop-> are you using cups to manage your printer?00:39
seth556ok let me try that now00:39
Jack_SparrowJack__ Did you look to see if your printer was in the supported hardware list00:39
Skyline969Oh, another question. Does anyone here plau Wonderland Online? I'll need help getting it to work with Wine.00:39
amenadojack__-> are you using cups to manage your printer?00:39
jack__cups? I don't even know what that is00:39
zvacetun_dave : If you installed it it is on the right spot allready00:39
jack__should I use it?00:40
Jack_Sparrowjack__ What model printer00:40
un_davezvacet: looking at the shell script for firefox in /usr/bin, it looks like the firefox system files are stored in /usr/lib. wouldnt that be a better spot for it?00:40
jack__this is the first printer I'm using with the computer00:40
amenado!who | jack__00:40
ubottujack__: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:40
steph291will try mpeg4ip... but it's overkill for my project00:40
alan_mEncoding, try this and tell me what happens http://www.ubuntued.com/?p=8, your gonna have to log out and back in after you do the instructions, then come back here.00:40
p2phow can i delete this lost disc space??00:40
jack__it's a brother MFC-46CN00:40
p2pway@aquila:/home$ du -sh ~/.00:40
p2p9,8G    /home/way/.00:40
un_davezvacet: sorry for the confusion. i didnt install it, i just unzipped it on the desktop to see if it worked.00:40
Jack_Sparrowjack__ Use tab to complete the name of the person you are trying to talk to00:40
jack__Jack_Sparrow, allright, thanks00:41
zvacetun_dave : you downloaded  tar.bz2 file didn´t you00:41
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection00:41
un_davezvacet: i did, indeed.00:41
Chaotic_DescentThanks, legend2440. My USB drive works. I did start a web search after I asked, but even then I didn't use the right search.00:42
alan_mEncoding, you type that command in blue in a terminal window, to get to terminal go to applications->accessories->terminal.00:42
zvacetun_dave : so I believe you have to compile it look for read me file in uncompresed folder00:42
XpistosIs anyone using a window manager other than KDE or Ubuntu? Flexbox, Enlightenment etc?00:42
zvacetun_dave : and install file00:42
Encodingalan_m: I want to find a way to save my configuration, resetting it sounds kinda scary00:42
Encodingeverything else works00:42
EncodingI can save added applets to my panels00:42
EncodingJust that I can make one go above the other00:42
Chaotic_DescentIs there any way to automatically mount "removable" (as in sometimes I plug them in, other times I don't) HDs and vfat USB drives like these?00:43
un_davezvacet: nope. it's a java app, so all of that is taken care of. it runs straight from the jar, and doesnt require installation... thanks to the wonders of java00:43
zvacetun_dave : what files saying to you00:43
kexp903Hi does anyone know hot to find the (hd?,?) list for my whole harddrive?00:43
kexp903I need to know what number is what for my custom grub00:43
Jack_Sparrowkexp903 sudo fdisk -l00:44
sarthorhow can i install squid from cd  in ubuntu hardy??00:44
subsumeI updated my install of Ubuntu and its inexplicable KDE! How do I get it back to GNOME?00:44
Jack_Sparrowsarthor Is it on the cd?00:44
pubif i type man <anything>00:44
un_davezvacet: i'm not getting any errors, it all runs fine where it is. i just want to know where i should put the directory... it's not much good leaving it running from a folder on my desktop00:44
p2phow can i delete this lost disc space??  9,8G    /home/way/.00:44
alan_mEncoding, i dont know what else to tell you than to do this, ive looked around google myself and this one was something that came up, maybe someone else in here has an idea?00:44
kexp903Jack_Sparrow, that only gives me the /dev/sdnumber00:44
pubhow do i get out of the manul00:44
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC
kexp903I need to know the (hh0,?)00:44
kexp903how do I do this00:44
zvacetun_dave : you can not run azureus without java I know that but do you have java installed00:44
Encodingoh okay. Thanks anyway alan_m.00:44
EncodingI'm just rather afraid of that step, no offense.00:45
derspanksterrhythmbox stops importing music files from my server. How to get it restarted?00:45
Chaotic_Descentalso, why is it that in gedit and a few other apps and such, does my home folder list like 100 directories that look like hidden system files? hard to find my regular folders in all that mess.00:45
sarthorJack_Sparrow, i dont know how to fined that pakage in the cd, i have download the iso from internt of about 600+ MB00:45
Jack_Sparrowkexp903 hd0 = a  hd0,0 is part 1 so hda1  = hd0,000:45
Jack_Sparrow!find squid00:45
ubottuFound: squid, squid-common, biosquid, biosquid-dev, ebox-squid (and 10 others)00:45
alan_mEncoding, honestly, i dont blame you.00:45
Jack_Sparrow!info squid00:45
ubottusquid (source: squid): Internet object cache (WWW proxy cache). In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.18-1ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 627 kB, installed size 1584 kB00:45
sarthorJack_Sparrow, are the msgs for me???00:46
piojossoi have a computer not connected to internet.. to install the modem, i need some packages with a circle of dependency. how do i do it? i've downloaded the packages from packages.ubuntu.com00:46
Jack_Sparrowsarthor It is optional in main, so may not be on livecd00:46
Jack_Sparrowsarthor Do you have internet access on that box00:46
jack__seth556, hey, did that end up working for you?00:47
seth556jack nope00:47
sarthorJack_Sparrow, yes i have internet access, and i can install wth the help of apt-get but i want to learn if some time i need that, So want to fully equepted00:47
kevjavapiojosso: like a dpkg -i *.deb ?00:47
cens0redgood moaning.00:47
MajostHas anyone seen an issue building binary-custom kernels where it errors out building the package?00:48
Jack_Sparrowsarthor the ubuntu dvd includes the "Main" repo  see also aptoncd00:48
un_davezvacet: sorry zvacet, i'm confusing you. there's nothing wrong with azureus, i have java installed, and it runs fine. the issue is where i should be putting 'program files' for ubuntu. I dont want the azureus folder just sitting on my desktop, i'd prefer to put it in the 'correct' location.00:48
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers00:48
uxe1god evnin yall00:48
lsemple2I have successfully installed kubuntu to the hd, everything looks good, only problems is that I cannot get grub to load00:48
lsemple2anyone care to help ?00:48
piojossokevjava: sorry i dont understand u... im a complete beginner00:48
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU
[T]an1is the 2.6.24-19 kernel supposed to be available to aptitude install?00:49
Jack_SparrowMajost HAve you ever built a kernel before00:49
sarthorJack_Sparrow, i checked the cd for the .deb pakages, but i did not find any. Where are that???00:49
ubottudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.00:49
zvacetun_dave : you can put it in your home folder  but if azureus is installed it knows where to go I supose it is /usr/bin00:49
kevjavapiojosso: just 'cd' into the directory with all the deb files that you want to install, then run 'dpkg -i *.deb', and dpkg should try and locally install them all.00:49
ndfhey guys, you know those things that pop up saying 'starting <program name>...', why do they still hang aroud and give you the wait icon even after whatever it's launching has finished launching?00:50
ndf*wait cursor00:50
K^Holtzso how hard it is to set up dual boot to windows if i have ubuntu installed first? i saw on the site it said to install windows first, but im not sure i wanna put windows on my laptop yet00:50
MajostJack_Sparrow: Yes. I have a different binary-custom patchset which builds just fine00:50
un_davezvacet: ok, thanks anyway00:50
Majostwhich is why I am at a loss here. heh00:50
piojossokevjava: ok thanx :) i hope it works :S00:50
subsumeMy fresh update to 8.04 of is complaining that Hal is not configured yet. what to do?00:50
kevjavapiojosso, np, i'll be here if it doesn't :).00:50
Jack_SparrowMajost I cant help with that, I have only built two and as luck would have it both worked00:50
zvacetun_dave : np you don´t have to worry everything looking good00:51
ndfsubsume: config Hal. obviously.00:51
=== bluefoxx_ is now known as bluefoxx
subsumendf: obviously I tried that. dpkg-reconfigure hal?00:51
subsumendf 'hal is broken or not fully installed'00:51
kevjavaK^Holtz, I've done it in the past, you do your install, then you have to reinstall grub to the mbr.00:51
ndfapt-get -reinstall hal00:51
georgewpanyone know how to update url link handling in kde?00:52
SpookyETWhat has happened to the getdeb repository?00:52
subsumendf command is not known00:52
ndfsubsume: apt-get -reinstall hal00:52
theFATMANwhat's the easiest way to install a font?00:52
ndfsudo apt-get -reinstall hal00:52
uxe1does any one know how i can install xubuntus wireless manager to kubuntu?00:52
Majost[T]an1: apt-cache policy linux-image may tell you00:52
HardDisktheFATMAN, copy fonts to .fonts00:52
mneptoktheFATMAN: put it in ~/.fonts00:52
zvacetsubsume : apt-get install --reinstall packagename00:52
Jack_SparrowSpookyET Still there.. http://getdeb.net/00:52
subsumendf that's not a valid apt-get option00:52
ndfapt-get needs root obv00:53
theFATMANthanks guys00:53
K^Holtzkevjava: ok, so i can just install ubuntu on the whole HDD now, then resize later if i decide to dual boot?00:53
Majost[T]an1: linux-image is just a virtual package though, so it may not.00:53
subsumethanks zvacet00:53
HardDiskSpookyET, site works.00:53
ChunkyKsdoes ubuntu have a tool to crack the password on a zipfile, by any chance?00:53
=== brocebeats is now known as brocebegone
zvacetsubsume : np00:53
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz Create a data partition as first partition if you plan on doing that..00:53
kevjavaK^Holtz, I've always done my partitioning beforehand, as the Windows partitioner isn't resize-friendly.00:53
ChunkyKsoh, fcrackzip00:53
amenado!warez | ChunkyKs00:53
ubottuChunkyKs: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o00:53
jack__Hey guys - another question on fonts -- does anyone know how to change a TTF font into a UTF-8 font?  I want to do this because I would like to dl fonts from the web and then use them in GIMP00:54
subsumeI got a bunch of errors.00:54
Jack_SparrowChunkyKs Yes, but that is offtopic in here.. but there are tools avbail00:54
HardDiskChunkyKs, fcrackzip00:54
ndfsubsume: oh sorry it's 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install hal'00:54
HardDiskamenado, he asked to crazk a zipfile00:54
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer00:54
subsumeWhile attempting to reinstall hal I got many errors. 'polkit-read-auth-helper: cannot lookup group info for gid 12700:54
ndfdouble hash and 'install' after to make sure it installs after getting00:54
Xpistos Is anyone using a window manager other than KDE or Ubuntu? Flexbox, Enlightenment etc?00:54
ndf*double hyphen00:54
kevjavaXpistos, I have in the past, why do you ask?00:54
HardDiskamenado, it's in the repository, so technically it's a legit question.00:54
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: what do u mean by a data partition? make some of my HDD NTFS so that i can just use it as storage? then if i decide to install windows I can on that space?00:54
cypher1hi how do i adjust the refresh rate ?00:54
cypher1the refreshing is choppy00:55
HardDiskcypher1, what videocard?00:55
HardDiskcypher1, nvidia?00:55
ChunkyKsit's also worth noting that there's a lot of legitimate reasons to want the password on a zipfile00:55
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz I would leave an ntfs as primary parition as windows likes to install there,00:55
ChunkyKsjust like there's legitimate uses for nmap :-)00:55
Xpistoskevjava I want to install a few others to try them out Blackbox, Fluxbox and Enlightenment, but I am having trouble finding the correct repo.00:55
SpookyETJack_Sparrow: that's not a repository.00:55
cypher1HardDisk, 00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 03)00:55
Jack_SparrowSpookyET getdeb has never been a repo00:56
ndfSpookyET: !Multiverse is a ubottu trigger00:56
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories00:56
ndfor not. -_-00:56
Jack_SparrowSpookyET Let me rephrase that.. not an official one that I am aware of00:56
HardDiskcypher1, ah then do it from Screen Resolution or edit xorg.conf manually.00:56
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: im just a lil confused here, this is a brand new clean HDD, Im burning the Ubuntu CD right now.. If im not sure i want windows, how should i setup my partitions on my 80gig drive?00:56
ndfit is00:56
HardDisk!xorg > cypher100:56
kevjavaXpistos, fluxbox is in universe.  Not sure about Flux or E16/17.00:56
cypher1HardDisk, thanks let me try those00:56
connorfluxbox is kind acool00:56
connorkinda cool*00:56
SpookyETJack_Sparrow: of coarse there is not an official one, but there was one. now, it's empty00:57
Skyline969Um... someone?00:57
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto00:57
Xpistoskevjava: Thanks for the help00:57
rdzis anyone using it witht artwiz fonts?00:57
rdzi mean fluxbox00:57
Skyline969It's STILL booting the desktop. Should it be taking THIS long?00:57
connorlive cd?00:57
HardDiskSkyline969, when you boot edit boot menu remove quiet splash -- and see where it stops00:57
zvacetXpistos :  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=546746&highlight=Enlightenment00:57
uxe1any one know why xubuntu can read my wifi card and kubuntu cant?00:57
connorlive cds take a little bit to boot00:57
connorjust be patient skyline96900:57
Skyline969I'll give it an hour.00:58
HardDiskSkyline969, is it still reading?00:58
HardDiskbe patient then00:58
connornot tha tlong00:58
connormore like00:58
connor2 minutes00:58
HardDiskjust give it 5 minutes00:58
Skyline969It's not reading.00:58
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz create 20 gig ntfs as sda1, create extended over the rest,  create 10 ext3 for /   ie root as logical in extended create 20 gig as /home as logical in extended create ext3 for general use leaving a 2 gig or so swap partition00:58
HardDiskthen do what I told you00:58
connorjust wait till the partitioning part comes along!00:58
Skyline969It's loading the desktop. It read the CD within 2 minutes.00:58
HardDiskSkyline969, when you boot edit boot menu remove quiet splash -- and see where it stops00:58
kevjavaXpistos, the other two are actually there too.00:58
Skyline969Edit boot menu? How so?00:58
connorskyline969: the partitiong part is real fun!!!!!00:58
HardDiskonly do that if it doesn't load00:58
koshariuxe1 both can likely see your wifi card i would imagine the interface on xfce is simply different00:58
soundraySkyline969: hit F600:58
kajo_audio isn't working, I know this is a known issue in 8.04; what's the solution? (audio in firefox/flash, specifically).00:58
Jack_Sparrow!who | connor00:59
ubottuconnor: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:59
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:59
HardDiskkajo_, change sound settings to Alsa00:59
Skyline969The partitioning part doesn't take as long. My hard drive's only 12 gigs or so.00:59
Xpistoszvacet: Checking on it now. I'll let you know00:59
magic_ninjais there an app to display network connections AND what speed they are transfering at00:59
kajo_HardDisk, how do I do that?00:59
connormagic_ninja: download conky00:59
HardDiskmagic_ninja, install the netmon applet00:59
Jack_Sparrowconnor There fragment sentences with no tag to who you are talking about are not helpful00:59
seth556jack_ I think i fixed it, uninstalled it in syntamic and reinstealled it using firefox00:59
connoroh ok00:59
HardDiskconnor, he wants to see it on his desktop01:00
uxe1i cant connect with K01:00
charlie1041 hey i cant get talk to work, i installed xinetd and added entry for it.. even with 'mesg y' i get "user is refusing messages" what am i doing wrong?01:00
jack__Jack_Sparrow, The wiki you gave me helped me to install regular fonts.  I know how to install, I was just wondering about how I could change the type from a .ttf to a .utf  I have searched for this quite a while.  I might just change my question and ask if anyone knows how to install new cursive fonts on GIMP01:00
HardDiskmagic_ninja, do the netmon applet01:00
Skyline969I'll be back later.01:00
connoryou can get conky on your desktop01:00
fazedhello everyone01:00
uxe1sry off topic ill wait till later01:00
connorown_window no in your conky rc01:00
BCM43hi fazed01:00
magic_ninjaHardDisk, idc where its at i want to see the actual connections and what speed they are transfering at, seems like netmon only shows network traffic01:00
HardDiskkajo_, go to sound in your menu and change automatic to Alsa01:00
dshar009can anyone help me with uninstalling ubuntu? im a novice.01:00
kevjavauxe1, I think the nm-applet might help you run your card under xfce.01:00
connormagic_ninja: you mean like upload and download speed?01:00
HardDiskmagic_ninja, then you need ntop01:00
Jack_Sparrowjack__ Understood, just linking what I had available as a point of reference01:00
kexp903I still can't figure out what my Windows Vista partition is, I'm triple booting xp,vista,ubuntu01:00
lsemple2anyone know how to set up grub01:00
rampageoberondshar009: you don't uninstall an OS, just format the partition01:00
kexp903Can anyone help?01:01
charlie1041 hey i cant get talk to work, i installed xinetd and added entry for it.. even with 'mesg y' i get "user is refusing messages" what am i doing wrong?01:01
connorkexp903: yes01:01
phoenix3051Anyone any ideas why when I set my xorg settings using the gui for "amdcccle" the settings are "lost" when I reboot?01:01
rampageoberondshar009: make why do you want to get rid of it?01:01
HardDisk!anyone | kexp90301:01
ubottukexp903: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:01
kexp903I need to know the (hd0,?) of my vista partition01:01
sparkyIs there anyway to download the Ubuntu LiveCD, and run it off an external harddrive? I don't have a spare DVD that I could burn it on01:01
magic_ninjaHardDisk, ty01:01
jack__Jack_Sparrow, no problem, thanks though01:01
connorsparky: use wubi01:01
kajo_HardDisk, either it didn't work, or I changed the wrong thing.01:01
connorsparky: wubi-installer.org01:01
Jack_Sparrowsparky The short answer is no01:01
zvacetXpistos : I hope it will work for you I´m going to sleep now good night  to all01:01
ndfhey guys, you know those things that pop up saying 'starting <program name>...', why do they still hang aroud and give you the wait cursor even after whatever it's launching has finished launching?01:01
rampageoberonsparky: you can do a net install if you want01:01
kexp903so how can I find out the partition map of my hard drive01:01
connorjack_sparrow: its called wubi01:01
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: so what is that 20 gig sda1 used for then if i never install windows, the way u worded that breakdown is a little confusing (sorry to be a pain in the ass)01:02
HardDiskkajo_, in sound you'll find a list to change to alsa, then do sudo apt-get install libflashsupport01:02
charlie1041 hey i cant get talk to work, i installed xinetd and added entry for it.. even with 'mesg y' i get "user is refusing messages" what am i doing wrong?01:02
kexp903I tried the fdisk -l but only /dev/sda101:02
Jack_Sparrowsparky If you decide to use wubi read the faq carefully, I will not use or recommend it01:02
soundraykexp903: grub starts counting at 0, so /dev/sda1 becomes (hd0,0)01:02
puffHey, anybody know about kernel voodoo?01:02
HardDiskconnor, dont suggest wubi01:02
protocol1phoenix3051, what type of graphics card are you using?01:02
kexp903It doesn't comeout as (hd0,0)01:02
connorit works fine for me01:02
HardDiskyou != everyone else01:02
sparkyI dont' really intend on using Wubi, to be honest with ya :/01:02
connorharddisk:whats so bad about wubi?01:02
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/01:02
kexp903so /dev/sda2 would be (hd0,3)?01:02
HardDiskwe'll take the discussion to offtopic, for now I'm just here to help.01:02
phoenix3051protocol1: ATI X1950 with dual monitors.01:03
soundraykexp903: no, (hd0,1)01:03
rampageoberonwubi isn't a true install01:03
fazedi wonder... there are 2 options for my resolution but only one of them seems to work without using virtualization..01:03
kexp903I see01:03
kajo_HardDisk, thanks, working.01:03
HardDisk!offtopic | connor01:03
ubottuconnor: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:03
protocol1phoenix3051, theres documentation for installing ATI drivers01:03
HardDiskkajo_, you're welcome01:03
soundraypuff: ask your real question.01:03
rampageoberonconnor: its a lot slower as its reading things off your ntfs partition. A full install is always better01:03
sparkyI can't get Java to run, can I get a bit of help please?  For whatever reason when there's a java applet on the page the browser just crashes01:03
=== benzs_s is now known as benzss
HardDisksparky, you need to make sure Java's sun is running as the default01:04
Jack_Sparrowconnor Have you ever read the faq on wubi..01:04
protocol1phoenix3051, you check the support forums?01:04
puffSo, I've had all sorts of problems with my laptop.  I think some of the problems were greatly confused by simultaneous hardware problems.  However, what it boils down to is, I'm thinking about reinstallnig my system.  However, the key problem I'm having is due to the most recent kernels.  I01:04
lsemple2I am trying to get grub to work too no luck01:04
charlie1041 hey i cant get talk to work, i installed xinetd and added entry for it.. even with 'mesg y' i get "user is refusing messages" what am i doing wrong?01:04
sparkyHardDisk, how do I accomplish that?01:04
puffSo once I install, if I do a full-update, I'll be back on the most recent kernel, which is causing disappearing wireless problems.01:04
Jack_Sparrowconnor So you are ok with a setup where a power outage can wipe out your wubi and windows install01:04
camasonI just had an issue 2 minutes ago... I hit ctrl+alt+backspace, and the system locked up with the PC speaker beeping 20 times. I had to manually power down01:05
HardDisksparky, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java01:05
phoenix3051protocol1: The drivers are installed and everything appears to be working, until I reboot when the configuration appears to "reset" to 1 output with "clone"'d desktop as opposed to "dual" outputs and "big desktop"01:05
lsemple2whenever I turn on my computer I get "Error 15: file not found"01:05
HardDisksparky, basically run  sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun01:05
lsemple2I can't seem to set up my grub properly01:05
puffIs there a way to reinstall and keep it from advancing past kernel 2.6.24-16?01:06
sparkyNope, it still insists on crashing01:06
Jack_Sparrow!who | connor01:06
ubottuconnor: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:06
connori want to move my wubi install to a dedicated partition, how can i do so without losing all my settings?01:06
BCM43lsemple2: http://ubuntu-utah.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68535601:06
lsemple2I can pastebin my menu.lst if anyone is interested01:06
HardDisksparky, what application?01:06
soundraypuff: not really, but  you can downgrade the kernel package and its dependencies. Slightly intricate, but possible.01:07
sparkyHardDisk,  what do you mean?01:07
protocol1phoenix3051, you might want ask someone else about that....beyond me01:07
Jack_Sparrowconnor The wubi site has info on that .... we dont have much info01:07
phoenix3051protocol1: Thanks for trying anyways01:07
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC
subsumehowto get packages that match search polkit that are installed?01:08
soundraypuff: the trick is to know which files you need apart from linux-image-2.6.24-generic*.deb and install them with 'sudo dpkg -i --force-downgrade'01:08
BCM43subsume: try synaptic01:08
camasonI just had an issue 2 minutes ago... I hit ctrl+alt+backspace, and the system locked up with the PC speaker beeping 20 times. I had to manually power down. What should I do to try and find the cause?01:08
devkarinIf anyone has time for a bit of troubleshooting I have an interesting problem01:08
subsumeBCM43: Yes, ideally synaptic! =)01:08
rampageoberonsubsume: sorry whats that? please rephrase01:08
BCM43devkarin: just ask in the channel01:08
subsumeapt-cache search polkit *only installed*01:08
soundray!ask | devkarin01:08
ubottudevkarin: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:08
super-6-1hello,  i have a Broadcom chipset running the bcm43xx driver, how can i chnge this to b3401:08
subsumehow rampageoberon ?01:08
lsemple2BMC43: I dont have windows01:08
rampageoberonwhat are you trying to do subsume ?01:09
subsumerampageoberon: find package that matches polkit that is installed.01:09
rdzany hints on how to install xfonts manually?01:09
devkarinI'm trying to install the Sims 2, however after I put the second disk in, it won't recognize that i've done so, so won't continue with the install01:09
BCM43subsume: it has a search and sort by installed01:09
charlie1041 hey i cant get talk to work, i installed xinetd and added entry for it.. even with 'mesg y' i get "user is refusing messages" what am i doing wrong?01:09
=== bluefoxx_ is now known as bluefoxx
Jack_Sparrowdevkarin Is this under wine?01:09
BCM43super-6-1: can you connect to wireless>01:09
john12could someone please help me with something?01:09
rampageoberonsubsume: yes so you can use synaptic, or do sudo aptitude search polkit | grep "i"01:09
Jack_Sparrowdevkarin /join #winehq01:09
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org01:10
super-6-1BCM43, no i cant01:10
john12i installed win xp pro01:10
ndfhey guys, you know those things that pop up saying 'starting <program name>...', why do they still hang aroud and give you the wait cursor even after whatever it's launching has finished launching?01:10
john12then ubuntu01:10
john12the windows partition worked fine01:10
BCM43!enter | john1201:10
ubottujohn12: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:10
Jack_Sparrow!caps | ndf01:10
legend2440lsemple2: paste your menu.lst   ok?01:10
ubottundf: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:10
john12well the xp partition will no longer boot01:10
ndfJack_Sparrow: dont be such a jobsworth, i obviously needed to shout as nobody would answer me01:10
rampageoberonndf: people here are volunteers and if they know about something you ask they will help01:10
BCM43super-6-1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff01:10
ndfthere is a reason people shout01:10
charlie1041 hey i cant get talk to work, i installed xinetd and added entry for it.. even with 'mesg y' i get "user is refusing messages" what am i doing wrong?01:11
charlie1041please help01:11
soundrayndf: and do you see lots of help pouring in as a result? No, you've just managed to annoy.01:11
super-6-1BCM43, im running gusty01:11
rampageoberonJack_Sparrow: whats the command for the volunteers stuff from ubottu please?01:11
HardDiskndf, please calm down, I would answer if I knew what you meant.01:11
BCM43super-6-1: did you see my link?01:11
BCM43ndf is gone01:11
super-6-1BCM43, yes i did01:11
[T]an1so how can i upgrade to the newest kernel update in Hardy  (2.6.24-19)01:11
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:11
rampageoberonthanks Jack_Sparrow01:11
HardDisk[T]an1, sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade01:12
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU
BCM43super-6-1: so why cant u use that?01:12
HardDisk[T]an1, afterwards reboot and it will install and boot to the new kernel01:12
super-6-1BCM43, does it work for 8.04?01:12
linuxmonkeyJack_Sparrow: you rock.lol none of us should take that kind of treatment01:12
john12Does anyone know what might be wrong with my XP partition?01:12
[T]an1ahh the reboot is what i missed.01:12
BCM43super-6-1: if you follow the workaround01:12
HardDisk[T]an1, i mean it will tell you to reboot01:12
[T]an1makes sense :-D01:12
super-6-1BCM43, alright thank you01:12
BCM43super-6-1: yw01:12
HardDiskfor everyone, kernel upgrades always require a reboot.01:13
rampageoberonjohn12: what do you mean?01:13
[T]an1HardDisk: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.01:13
subsumeTrying to reconfigure hal but getting a polkit error. very obscure on google. help.01:13
ASULutzyHardDisk: Actually you can hotswap kernels01:13
* Beirdo waits patiently for someone to pick up his bug report on launchpad01:13
ASULutzyHardDisk: I've never done it, but it's possible01:13
Sasha09i can't make Dell 1390 wireless card work01:13
HardDiskASULutzy, yes but not for noobs.01:13
Uplinkwhy does my wine window thats emulating the .exe disappear when i switch work stations?01:13
BCM43subsume: what is the exact error?01:13
ASULutzyHardDisk: Heh, like most things in life :P01:13
Jack_SparrowSasha09 those are a bcm43xx chipset...01:13
HardDiskASULutzy, it's not encouraged to teach that now :)01:13
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx01:13
subsumeBCM43: "polkit-read-auth-helper: cannot lookup group info for gid 127"01:13
deeperroris that the proper term hotswap kernel?01:14
subsumeBCM43: looked in /etc/group -- no reference to gid 12701:14
UplinkI have Broadcom bcm43xx and it works fine with Hardy01:14
Sasha09I tried to use ndiswrapper01:14
Sasha09but it faile01:14
super-6-1BCM43, i have one other problem as well, how do i add screen resolutions to 8.04?01:14
john12well rampage...i installed windows xp first...i then installed ubuntu...after installing ubuntu the xp partition will no longer boot...grub sees it but when i select it it hangs01:14
onthefence928hey can anybody tell me or point me to a list of essential windows programs that can't be run under linux at all or don't have linux equivalents?01:14
HardDiskUplink, there are many flavors not all will work01:14
* kevjava thinks Jack_Sparrow is a teleprompter for ubottu.01:14
Uplinkwhy does my wine window thats emulating the .exe disappear when i switch work stations?01:14
BCM43super-6-1: not sure01:14
super-6-1BCM43, no one is...01:14
rampageoberonjohn12: i'm not sure what the problem could be, i have that same setup and it works for me01:14
* ASULutzy Quick we need a Turing test!01:14
BCM43Jack_Sparrow: dont use that link, it is not helpful01:14
HardDiskthere are some revisions of BCM chipsets that will not work with the bcm cutter drivers.01:15
subsumeBCM43: no dice eh?01:15
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: thats partitioning scenario you told me a little bit ago can all be done with an Ubuntu CD?01:15
Jack_SparrowBCM43 We need to fix it just looked... not for hardy...01:15
HardDiskK^Holtz, yes01:15
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz yes01:15
BCM43subsume: nope, sorry01:15
john12yeah i dont understand i have setup dual boot xp/ubuntu before with no problems01:15
subsumeBCM43: reinstall from disk I guess.01:15
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz You can also use the gparted live cd01:15
john12i can see the xp partition from ubuntu01:15
rampageoberonjohn12: something could have buggered up somewhere01:15
HardDiskjohn12, xp != vista, vista requires extra tweaking01:15
BCM43Jack_Sparrow: bazhang and i have been giving people https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff01:16
john12xp not vista01:16
BCM43hi tico01:16
RULRi have downloaded movie in 15 rar parts01:16
puffsoundray: Hm.01:16
RULRhow to extract01:16
ticobcm43> how are you01:16
BCM43!rar | RULR01:16
ubottuRULR: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free01:16
BCM43tico: quite nice thank you01:16
puffsoundray: well, I can see in dpkg.log that it upgraded several packages at once.01:16
ASULutzyJack_Sparrow: That Feisty link is the best one for getting broadcom drivers setup when hardy doesn't autodetect, it's the one that worked for me01:16
ticothat is good01:16
rampageoberonjohn12: maybe boot up with windows CD, run fixmbr and then see if windows works fine? if it does work you can reinstall grub from live cd and test again01:17
[T]an1HardDrive: so I did all that and I am still on 2.6.24-18-generic01:17
[T]an1what could i be missing?01:17
Jack_Sparrow!broadcom is Help with broadcom wireless https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff01:17
HardDisk[T]an1, enable repositories, and check which mirror you are using01:17
john12thx rampage01:17
puffsoundray: I tried fixing it by just selecting the earlier kernel at the GRUB menu, but that appears to still be flaky as all getout.01:17
soundraypuff: what's your wifi chipset?01:17
[T]an1HardDisk: how do i enable repos... and all that. Kinda new to ubuntu and apt01:17
ticohey some body knows how to speed up boot time on ubuntu 8.04? i don't know why it takes too long01:17
BCM43Jack_Sparrow: isn't it no, !broadcom is ...01:17
onthefence928hey can anybody tell me or point me to a list of essential windows programs that can't be run under linux at all or don't have linux equivalents?01:18
puffintel pro, ipw220001:18
HardDisk[T]an1, give me one sec I'll point you to a link01:18
Jack_SparrowBCM43 Working on it01:18
rampageoberononthefence928: not sure why you would want to run many windows programs in linux01:18
ASULutzyJack_Sparrow: This is a bit picky, but why don't they include any mention of ndisgtk in there? I realize it's just a frontend for ndiswrapper, but still, it could make the process simpler and "warmer" for people having issues01:18
deeperroronthefence928, are you on the fence between windows and linux?01:18
Sasha09for the bcm4301:18
HardDisk[T]an1, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/sources.php01:18
Sasha09i blacklisted it01:18
Jack_SparrowASULutzy If someone wants to write up a decent page I will get it linked up01:19
linuxmonkeyonthefence928: Essential is a relative question. as far as I know essential to me, there are none, linux has it all01:19
Sasha09but it didn't help01:19
[T]an1HardDisk: awesome... thanks01:19
Sasha09one sec i will look for the tutorial i was using01:19
Skyline969Leave it to Windows to automatically restart my computer....01:19
Skyline969Can't wait until I upgrade my laptop.01:19
BCM43Jack_Sparrow: that and the accompenying thread seem to be great01:19
onthefence928rampageoberon:  because i want to see if i can do without windows01:19
deeperrorlinuxmonkey, should be the other way around what windows lacks01:19
[T]an1HardDisk: What repo would the latest kernel be in?01:19
puffsoundray:  intel pro, ipw220001:19
linuxmonkeytrue deeperror01:19
Jack_SparrowBCM43 IT will be changed shortly.. thanks for the nudge01:19
rampageoberononthefence928: the best thing i'd suggest is start learning how to use linux programs. There are quite a few that do the same thing as windows ones01:20
rampageoberononthefence928: and in the long run, running linux you are better off using linux programs01:20
ticosome one knows how to speed up ubuntu 8.04 boot time? :S01:20
soundrayonthefence928: the biggest problem for me are gadgets (e.g. Tomtom GPS) that come with Windows software only. Very annoying. Some of these you can get to work with wine, but this is the place where I struggle the most.01:20
Jack_Sparrowtico remove splash from the grub boot line01:20
onthefence928soundray: that reminds me, i need a way to update my zune >.>01:21
ticoJack_sparrow: thanks i am goint to check that brb01:21
deeperrorspeaking of boot time tico why doesn't my laptop show dmesg? just black until it loads gnome01:21
puff[IRC] puff on #ubuntu (+Jcefnt,lag:0) Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Important, please type /msg ubottu etiquet01:21
HardDisk[T]an1, just enable the first four then the extras01:21
andy56_ukHi all.  New to Linux and having a problem with my NIC.  Please see http://jandax.pastebin.com/f500f8238 for details.01:21
soundraypuff: I'm surprised you've got issues with it -- I've got one of those and it's the best wifi device I've ever used.01:21
HardDiskthen just run the command I gave you earlier sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade01:21
rampageoberononthefence928: i've been using linux now for only a month, and have avoided wine at all costs. best to make full use of whats available, and get used to new applications. some are even better01:22
HardDisk[T]an1, it will automatically let you know of any kernel updates01:22
bluefoxxso i have a machine with two 1ghz p3  cpus, a gig of ram, and a nvidia 5200. problem: wont boot any version of linux ive tried so far01:22
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:22
bluefoxxit runs win2k fine, butit keeps deleting my nvidia drivers01:22
puffsoundray:  I had a few problems back when I first started (hoary? warty?) but been great ever since - until the 5/28 update.01:22
bluefoxxso i want to use linux01:22
bluefoxx, but as i said, it wont boot01:22
Sasha09what does deprecated mean?01:22
HardDiskbluefoxx, keeps deleting your nvidia drivers.....01:22
rampageoberonbluefoxx: booting cd you mean or an install?01:22
onthefence928rampageoberon: i am trying every linux app i can find i'm just planning on wiping a drive with my windows install on it and i want to make sure if i fuck it up permanatly that i won't be screwed in teh future01:22
bluefoxxwhich makes me wonder, do i need 64 bit for 2 32 bit CPUs?01:22
HardDiskdepreciated means something made less off01:23
bluefoxxHardDisk;  yea, they uninstall on reboot01:23
alan_m!language | onthefence92801:23
ubottuonthefence928: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:23
[T]an1HardDisk: Could it just be that its not yet available in the repos?01:23
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx HAve you removed quiet and splash at the first menu and looked for the exact error01:23
Sasha09deprecated lol01:23
HardDiskbluefoxx, trolling?01:23
soundraybluefoxx: :) no, not for those01:23
Uplinkcan someone help me please "http://paste.ubuntu.com/19173/" java issue01:23
[T]an1all of my repos are enabled01:23
HardDisk[T]an1, check what mirror you are using.01:23
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx 32 will be fine01:23
pubanyone currently use root-tail ?01:23
D3RGPS31Drivers Question - I'm looking for drivers for an ATI Radeon graphics card (xpress 200m) that work better than ATI's, anyone able to help me?01:23
HardDisk!ATI | D3RGPS3101:23
ubottuD3RGPS31: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:23
bluefoxxrampageoberon;  boot disks fail, and then i got it isntalled once[edubuntu server] and it wouldnt boot01:23
D3RGPS31HardDisk: thanks01:23
deeperrorandy56_uk, so you can't see their shares?01:24
bluefoxxHardDisk;  i dont troll, unless im very very bored01:24
andy56_ukdeeperror: that's correct01:24
rampageoberononthefence928: for most of the regular tasks i've found very good applications in linux. it is just in video encoding that i haven't and that is because i need to learn how to use mencoder properly. give it a go, there are lots of good applications in linux. you won't need many windows ones01:24
soundrayD3RGPS31: have you tried the default (open source) one?01:24
onthefence928rampageoberon: i am a computer science student in college, i have an xbox that i like to stream music and videos with, and i have a zune that needs updating, will i be able to make all that work?01:24
rampageoberonbluefoxx: checked your bios settings?01:24
bluefoxxsoundray;  not for what?01:24
grndslmanybody know why audacious just wouldn't want to start up anymore?? ... i'm running hardy, FWIW.01:24
bluefoxxrampageoberon;  its all fine ><01:24
BCM43Uplink: you need to upgrade java01:24
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx Do you get the first start or install menu01:25
rampageoberononthefence928: no idea about zune, last i read about it weren't microsoft shooing it away?01:25
BCM43grndslm: run in the terminal and see if you get any errors01:25
HardDiskgrndslm, run it in terminal see the error message01:25
bluefoxxim installing to a 30gb pata disk01:25
UplinkBCM43, i thought my updater updated it automatically01:25
bluefoxxJack_Sparrow;  goes to boot menu01:25
rampageoberonbluefoxx: it really should boot any disk regardless i think01:25
BCM43Uplink: it might not for java01:25
soundraybluefoxx: you can't install amd64 on 32bit processors, no matter how many you have.01:25
grndslmBCM43, HardDisk:  Segmentation Fault!!01:25
Sasha09i still need help xD01:25
onthefence928rampageoberon:  also i've noticed at least one website that fails under linux but not under windows (both in firefox) would one of those internet explorer emulator add-ons in firefox also work in linux?01:25
rampageoberononthefence928: what does zune exactly do?01:26
deeperrorandy56_uk, can you mount the share?01:26
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx From the boot menu.. ie start or install since you did not answer that directly.. what boot options have you tried01:26
[T]an1HardDisk: MainServer01:26
bluefoxxi also want ubuntu cause i *know* it will support a ir remote and tv tuner01:26
onthefence928rampageoberon: zune is like the windows version of an ipod01:26
rampageoberononthefence928: yes it could, really depends how that website is determining your user agent01:26
HardDiskgrndslm, try to rm ~/.config/audacious01:26
rampageoberononthefence928: ah, i refuse to use ipods, and not even laid eyes on zune01:27
andy56_ukdeeperror: haven't tried that.  Will have a go and let you know.01:27
HardDisk[T]an1, strange.01:27
onthefence928rampageoberon:  i'm addicted to my HD based MP3 players but i got fed up with ipod01:27
HardDisk[T]an1, it would update.01:27
bluefoxxJack_Sparrow;  when i boot the cd, it asks to boot try or boot install, or boot from hard disk, i choose start and it fails01:27
grndslmHardDisk:  thank you so much... i was trying to look for its config directory!!  woot!!01:27
onthefence928rampageoberon:  way way overrated teh zune is just as good and i haven't noticed any of microsofts usual tricks with it01:27
BCM43HardDisk, grndslm https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xmms-crossfade/+bug/20842501:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 208425 in xmms-crossfade "Audacious not launching (Segmentation Fault) (dup-of: 208666)" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:27
rampageoberononthefence928: for firefox i suppose you are referring to the fast useragent switcher addon, it could work01:27
soundraySasha09: you need to say what the problem is01:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 208666 in xmms-crossfade "audacious crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast()" [Medium,Fix released]01:27
BCM43HardDisk, grndslm oops, too late01:27
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"01:28
HardDiskBCM43 ?01:28
rampageoberononthefence928: fair enough01:28
[T]an1found it... its in the hardy-proposed01:28
HardDisk[T]an1, you didn't enable that?01:28
onthefence928rampageoberon:  forgot what it's called but it lets you open a new tab that behaves like IE01:28
UplinkBCM43, what do i download? http://www.java.com/en/download/linux_manual.jsp?locale=en&host=www.java.com:8001:28
BCM43HardDisk: that was a fix for him, but it looks like you told him how to fix it01:28
rampageoberononthefence928: if you are not sure start with a dual boot, and then nuke windows when you are ready01:28
puffsoundray: Okay, so do a fresh install on the root partition, then do a full-upgrade, then dpkg -i --forcedowngrade on the four packages related to the kernel image.01:28
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx Other possible options include but not limited to..  noapic acpi=off, pci=irqroute, xmodule=vesa, vga=normal, vga=771, vga=791, pci=irqroute, framebuffer=false, ide=nodma, nomce, pnpbios=off, xdrvr=vesa, res=800x600, apm=off,pci=noapci, nolapic, all_generic_ide, nolapic, pci=assign-busses, pci=irqpoll, pci=biosirq, pnpbios=off, hpet=disable01:28
[T]an1wasnt in my first 401:28
HardDiskBCM43 :)01:28
[T]an1now i have it01:28
HardDisk[T]an1, I told you the extra's too01:28
magic_ninjai have a couple problems, first one is that when i go to exit or restart i sit at my desktop and X doesn't close01:29
ASULutz1oh I left01:29
[T]an1my bad01:29
rampageoberononthefence928: fast useragent switcher just makes the browser appear as whatever you tell it, not in a new tab01:29
D3RGPS31soundray: i updated form that to ATI's, and it doesn't work well (sorry for the stall)01:29
BCM43Uplink: seccond one01:29
legend2440Uplink: for frostwire install     sun-java6-jre     in synaptic01:29
rampageoberononthefence928: i myself have xp and am dualbooting, but i haven't booted into it since i installed ubuntu01:29
onthefence928rampageoberon: ah well that works too i guess01:29
bluefoxxJack_Sparrow;  i tried that. ivetried every work around i could think of. it even failed to boot puppy. ive replaced the cabling, removed everything unnessiciary, and it still fails to run anything but windows -. -" the user guide for the mobo says it supports anything you throw at it, as it should being a server board01:29
Uplinklegend2440, TY =D01:29
UplinkBCM43, ok ty01:29
HardDiskUplink, or sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras01:30
soundraypuff: sorry, I was talking trash. If you do a fresh install, of course it will install the (slightly outdated) kernel that's on the installation CD.01:30
HardDiskUplink, it will install java and a bunch of other nice goodies01:30
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx Sounds like their doc lie01:30
UplinkHardDisk, i have it01:30
rampageoberonubuntu-restricted-extras are great01:30
[T]an1rampageoberon: how so01:30
Skyline969Restricted extras? Like MP3 and WMA support?01:30
soundraypuff: so no downgrades required. Maybe you should pin the kernel and modules packages, though01:30
soundray!pinning | puff01:30
ubottupuff: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto01:30
HardDisk[T]an1, do it sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras01:31
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx I may get shot for this.. but have you tried a copy of knoppix01:31
Skyline969That's one thing I hate about Ubuntu. No MP3 and WMA support out of the box, so to speak.01:31
bluefoxxi wanted to use it as a interconnecting box. use tuner card to save to raid array, iptv broadcast to main box, laptop, and send that to tv...01:31
Uplinklegend2440, how do i install it on the synaptics?01:31
HardDiskbluefoxx, or fedora/opensuse?01:31
w33d5does anyone know of a good duplicate image finder using exif data?01:31
bluefoxxJack_Sparrow;  no can do >. >01:31
bluefoxxno burner on this laptop01:31
soundraySkyline969: you know why that is though?01:31
HardDiskSkyline969, because they are not open source01:31
Skyline969Legal issues, right soundray?01:31
BCM43Jack_Sparrow: please remove  youself from this channel01:31
rampageoberon[T]an1: installs a lot of useful things, playing restricted media (mp3 etc) and openjdk01:31
[T]an1HardDisk: that sounds a lot like the time someone told me to do an rm -rf /01:31
bluefoxxand my main is down after installing a new heatsink on a new cpu. heatsink killed the mobo01:31
Baron1984I'm holding off on Opensuse until Nvidia has support for their X.org01:31
HardDisk[T]an1, lol01:31
Jack_SparrowBCM43 I should.. Ok.. time me out01:32
soundraySkyline969: that's one way to put it.01:32
legend2440Uplink: easier way is type in terminal    sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre01:32
Skyline969But there is a way to get MP3 and WMA support on Ubuntu, right?01:32
[T]an1Do it!!01:32
bluefoxxso i need to lurk in my local[ish] recycling center for a new pga 478 mobo with the specs im after ><01:32
soundraySkyline969: yes01:32
onthefence928rampageoberon:  i am currently under a dual boot but my ubuntu install had a mind of it's own in terms of partitions  so i don't ahve as much room here as i'd like, space-wise. but for some reaosn the only way i've been able to see my windows partitions in any kind of disk partition manager is when i'm under windows , so i may have to wipe windows to get more room, and i don't want to get screwed and wipe my windows drive never to get i01:32
HardDiskSkyline969, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras01:32
Skyline969Perfect. Thanks HardDisk.01:32
HardDiskSkyline969, www.medibuntu.org01:32
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx What part of the world are you in?01:33
BCM43!wma | Skyline96901:33
ubottuSkyline969: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:33
HardDisk[T]an1, add the medibuntu repository as well01:33
bluefoxxJack_Sparrow;  canada[vancouver specifically]01:33
[T]an1will do... sounds cool01:33
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:33
[T]an1i like this repo stuff01:33
ticoJack_Sparrow: thanks very much!!! the boot time now it's only seconds, after erase "splash"01:33
jebusWhats a good webcam program to take pictures with01:33
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx Ah.. BC  cool place..  If you were 1500 miles south I'd give you one01:33
HardDiskjebus, cheese01:33
rampageoberononthefence928: ubuntu can read and write fine to windows partitions (using ntfs-3g) plus gparted can view NTFS partitions01:33
bluefoxxJack_Sparrow;  >. >01:33
w33d5does anyone know of a good duplicate image finder using exif data?01:33
BCM43!webcam | jebus01:33
ubottujebus: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras01:33
Jack_Sparrowtico glad I got one right today01:34
HardDiskBCM43, I'm way ahead of you :)01:34
linuxmonkeyJack_Sparrow: you got more than 101:34
ticoJack_Sparrow: hahaha01:34
jebusBCM43 mywebcam works01:34
HardDiskjebus, cheese01:34
HardDiskI told you01:34
jebusi just want a progrm to take pictures with01:34
Jack_Sparrowjebus try xsane01:34
soundray!info cheese | jebus01:35
ubottujebus: cheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component main, is optional. Version 2.22.1-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1080 kB, installed size 5536 kB01:35
Uplinklegend2440, ty01:35
Skyline969It's been 50 minutes and my desktop STILL hasn't started from the Live CD.01:35
soundrayHardDisk: sounds like an avoided swearword ;)01:35
BCM43jebus: ah, i missed program, sorry01:35
HardDisksoundray, haha01:35
puffsoundray: thanks, I'll try it.01:35
bluefoxxJack_Sparrow;  once i get my main box online again[looking for a mobo in freegeek when i dont have school lol] then i will try those, until then, i suppose i am stuck with [evil evil] windows >. >01:35
rampageoberononthefence928: as for space constraints, it is upto you how to partition the drive. you have full control there and can choose whatever you want01:35
bluefoxxthanks for the help :/01:35
HardDiskJack_Sparrow, cheese > xsane01:35
ben34whats best to use for ipod syc01:35
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx socket 478's are easy to find.. check thrift shops01:35
HardDiskben34, gtkpod, amarok, exaile01:36
kevjavaben34, banshee used to work for me.01:36
Jack_SparrowHardDisk I am aware, I thought he was looking for quick simple and already probably installed01:36
ben34used to..../01:36
bluefoxxJack_Sparrow;  thrift shops sell me the hwole computer and overpriced at that. i can get a [once] top of the line s478 for <$10 at freegeek, and i will know it works too!01:36
Skyline969Actually, I think I'm gonna bring my laptop into the room here. Can someone Direct Chat me and walk me through as to how I can start the Live CD and get it to work?01:36
bluefoxxin the mean time i have taken to dumpster diving for computers ><01:37
HardDiskSkyline969, boot from the livecd F6 to edit boot menu, remove quite splash -- and enter01:37
Jack_SparrowSkyline969 At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"01:37
Skyline969Remove three things, "quiet" "splash" "--"?01:38
HardDiskSkyline969, as Jack_Sparrow said.01:38
Skyline969Ah, alright.01:38
Skyline969I'll just copy and paste that.01:38
HardDiskgood idea :)01:38
Skyline969Or not. =P It won't let me block it to copy. No matter, print screen works too.01:38
theFATMANhow do I install a GRUB splash theme?01:38
subsume|workAfter an upgrade to 7.10 my wifi nor my network card work. the NIC card may have been broken, but the WIFI doesn't show up.01:38
Skyline969Alright, be right back. Gonna emergency shutdown my laptop and bring it here.01:39
subsume|workNetwork shows no devices (except a telephone modem)01:39
Jack_SparrowtheFATMAN There are ways, but grub isnt glitzy like lilo in that regard01:39
HardDisktheFATMAN, www.ubuntugeek.com/startup-manager-change-settings-in-grub-grub2-and-usplash.html01:39
speeki've started to play around with version control, and i was wondering what people had to say about different forms of version control01:39
bluefoxxi suppose i should just build a new machine on 775 tech, but its still overpriced, and i like my new 478 cpu i found[3.2ghz 2001 intel p4 unlocked multi and ht tech, $10]01:39
speeka la mercurial vs git vs svn vs cvs01:39
Kryptt_Anyone knows if theres an Postal 2 patch for linux?01:40
theFATMANJack_Sparrow: just curious, I found a nice, simple one on gnome-look.org01:40
speekwhy svn?01:40
jribspeek: we like to keep this channel dedicated to ubuntu support only since it is so busy.  Mind moving your discussion over to #ubuntu-offtopic?01:40
HardDiskdunno I feel it's just faster and easier01:40
Skyline969Let's hope it loads more than just the desktop background this time.01:40
Jack_SparrowtheFATMAN That page that was linked should be all you need01:40
speekjrib, sure, sorry about that01:40
HardDiskspeek, you could always ppa.launchpad it as well01:40
theFATMANHardDisk: thanks, i'm checking it out now, do you guys have experience with these?01:41
Sasha09i got a bit of progress on wifi01:41
Sasha09but i am stuck:01:41
HardDisktheFATMAN, don't worry experiment :)01:41
jebusHardDisk thank you for the good cam program01:41
HardDisktheFATMAN, you can't break linux if you mess up the grub theme01:41
Skyline969So remove quiet and splash? What will that do, really?01:41
theFATMANHardDisk: lol, last time i did that, i ended up with a white screen problem  ;)01:41
Sasha09sasha@Visty:~/bcm43xx$ lshw -C network01:41
Sasha09WARNING: you should run this program as super-user.01:41
Sasha09  *-network01:41
Sasha09       description: Network controller01:41
Sasha09       product: BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI01:41
FloodBot1Sasha09: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:41
BhaveshWi-Fi PCMCIA card recommendation? the one that i have has issues associating with AP01:42
HardDiskSkyline969, it will show you what's being loaded, no splash screen01:42
=== theaber_ is now known as theaber
HardDisktheFATMAN, hahah :D01:42
soundraysubsume|work: look at lspci output to see if the cards are seen by the kernel. If they are there, you can look through dmesg output for indications why driver loading fails.01:42
Skyline969Alright. Now checking.01:42
swhitthow do I see where files are installed to for a particular package in aptitude01:42
Sasha09i think maybe the problem is the *network DISABLED line01:42
subsume|worksoundray: could you give me some more specific help on looking at lspci output?01:42
Starnestommyswhitt: dpkg -L <package-name>01:42
Skyline969That's a lot of text.... =P01:42
HardDiskSkyline969, yep01:43
Skyline969Aha? Seems to have stopped here.01:43
Jack_SparrowSkyline969 It will stop at the error.. making it easier, or it will flag it red01:43
mvinscdoes anyone know how to mount a SD card in the media slot on my laptop?01:43
Skyline969And another error....01:43
soundraysubsume|work: have a look at the output from just 'lspci'. It  should be easy enough to recognize your network devices.01:43
Jack_Sparrowmvinsc Most built in card readers aer propietary and hard to get going.01:43
Sasha09Is there a way to enable the wireless?01:43
soundraysubsume|work: I assume they are PCI cards?01:44
subsume|worksoundray: Cool. Seems to be there. There is a Network controller01:44
j1solutionshello all01:44
cdavisI can get my system to completely freeze and cannot figure out what is causing it. Is there a way to have it log to a file instead of console kernel panic type stuff?01:44
Jack_SparrowSkyline969 some errors like fd0 are not a big deal01:44
soundray!wifi | Sasha0901:44
Skyline969Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = -256756235 ns) and then end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 001:44
soundraysubsume|work: just the Ethernet one?01:44
bluefoxxmvinsc;  it should show up on the desktop when you insert it, or it will be in the "computer" partof the file browser01:44
subsume|worksoundray: RaLink RT2400 902.11g Cardbus/mini_PCI01:44
subsume|worksoundray: I don't see the ethernet one.01:44
ubottuSasha09: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:44
RiotingPacifistflash really sucks at rendering full screen (worse than it did in 7.10) even without compiz!, im on an ati card can i add module donotsuckatflash or something to xorg?01:44
Skyline969And now it says loop: module loaded01:45
Jack_SparrowSkyline969 be patient there will be two fd0 errors then it will continue01:45
Sasha09i am already looking at the wifi docs >>01:45
Skyline969And then something about squashfs.01:45
mvinscbluefoxx, cannot mount then it shows up and i have no permissions01:45
soundraysubsume|work: okay. What do you want to do, look for the wired Ethernet device or make wireless work?01:45
CaptainMorgananyone ever have a pscan2 attack ? anything ubuntu related? apparently it's a port scanner and let's just say I'm not happy at the moment01:45
bluefoxxsubsume|work;  i think ralinks work pretty well out of the box[or i found] jsut find a wifi manager for ubuntu.01:45
Skyline969The screen went blank, then returned. I'm assuming that's normal.01:45
bluefoxxmvinsc;  cause it is windows file format01:45
j1solutionshey Rioting Pass-A-Fist,  I like that username01:45
subsume|worksoundray: I'm guessing the Ethernet device is dead.... making wifi work would be cool01:45
Skyline969There, says it's setting the keymap and whatnot. Should load fine now.01:46
bluefoxxmvinsc;  you need sudo to access it, unless you run chown/chmod on it01:46
subsume|workbluefoxx: =( I tried it but it didn't detect the device.01:46
puffsoundray: So if I pin just the kernel package for the kernel version I want, will the other packages (e.g. ehaders, etc) that the kernel depends on be held back?01:46
soundraysubsume|work: RaLink devices tend to be a bit troublesome01:46
bluefoxxsubsume|work;  was it in there when you installed?01:46
onthefence928rampageoberon: you ever use VMware?01:46
ghostwhat is the ARCH linux irc channel?01:46
subsume|workbluefoxx: yes, it was there. that's how I installed.01:46
Sasha09i need to enable Wireless I think01:46
Sasha09but i don't know how!!01:47
Starnestommyghost: #archlinux01:47
rampageoberononthefence928: at first yes, tried ubuntu on a virtual machine under XP01:47
Skyline969Blank screen now... got the cursor. It looks like it's loading exactly the way it was before I removed those two words from the command line.01:47
bluefoxxsubsume|work;  weird. did you check the forums about the specific model?01:47
subsume|worksoundray: is there a shot I can give it?01:47
soundraypuff: I don't know, I haven't used pinning in the way you intend to. Perhaps it will be enough to set the kernel package to hold -- there's a command in synaptic01:47
ghostis it going to be radically different than ubuntu?01:47
rampageoberononthefence928: loved it, so did a proper install with dualboot (which i have not used since :))01:47
onthefence928rampageoberon: why didn't you just use wubi?01:47
Skyline969It played the startup sound and now I see the cursor and a light brown screen.01:47
Skyline969As usual.01:47
Sasha09i need help -__-01:47
Jack_SparrowSkyline969 give it a couple miutes there just to be sure then try those other tow additions to the command line01:47
HardDisk!help | Sasha0901:48
Skyline969I hate doing this emergency shutdown stuff to my laptop though.01:48
ubottuSasha09: I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)01:48
Starnestommyghost: a lot.  It's still GNU/Linux like Ubuntu, but is desidged differently01:48
soundraysubsume|work: first, look for anything in dmesg that relates to the device. A useful search is for 'rt'01:48
rampageoberononthefence928: wubi is good in some cases, though i didn't want to use it after reading about it01:48
onthefence928rampageoberon: and how do i go about install everything i need to run a windows XP VM? the VMware website is retarded01:48
Jack_SparrowSkyline969 livecd doesnt do what shutdown on a hd install can do01:48
HardDiskSkyline969, did you add the other lines Jack_Sparrow told you?01:48
subsume|workbluefoxx:  is this a sick joke? http://lxer.com/module/newswire/view/88486/index.html01:48
Sasha09okay ubottu, can you tell me how to enable wireless?01:49
HardDiskSkyline969, I would like to suggest to use the alternate cd01:49
rampageoberonWell install VMware, create a new virtual machine mount the cd if oyu have an iso, or stick the ubuntu cd in and start the VM01:49
subsume|work^ leads to a blank page!01:49
Uplinkwhere do i put frostwire skins?01:49
HardDisk!wifi | Sasha0901:49
ubottuSasha09: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:49
rampageoberonWell install VMware, create a new virtual machine mount the cd if oyu have an iso, or stick the ubuntu cd in and start the VM onthefence92801:49
ubottuFactoid anti-virus not found01:49
Skyline969I didn't add the other lines yet. I tried removing the two first and now I'm letting it start up for a bit.01:49
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2101:49
Jack_SparrowSkyline969 those two adds are quite common changes01:49
bluefoxxsubsume|work;  <waits for internet to load>01:49
HardDiskCaptainMorgan, do you need an antivirus? check out ClamAv01:49
soundraypuff: it's Package-Lock Version01:49
HardDiskif you need to scan a windows drive01:49
[T]an1anyone every paired their bluetooth headset with ubuntu?01:50
subsume|workbluefoxx: click 'full story'01:50
ubottuFactoid xfonts not found01:50
Skyline969Please run by me the two additions I have to add again? Sorry for the annoyances, but I appreciate the patience.01:50
HardDisk[T]an1, always I even have my phone controlling my mouse01:50
HardDisk[T]an1, check out the Blueman Project01:50
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup01:50
ubottuFactoid artwiz not found01:50
[T]an1i am following this guide and not getting very far: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothAudio01:50
HardDisknah forget that link Jack_Sparrow01:50
rampageoberononthefence928: i'd suggest a proper install rather than VM too, i got sick of the VM in 5 days and did a full install01:50
HardDiskBlueman Project01:50
Jack_SparrowAnother old link01:50
[T]an1what I am running into is when i run btsco -v i get an error01:51
bluefoxxsubsume|work;  it wont load:001:51
[T]an1pasting the error....01:51
subsume|workbluefoxx: its blank.01:51
Jack_SparrowHardDisk LEts fix the factoid while we are here01:51
HardDisk[T]an1, blueman.tuxfamily.org01:51
Uplinkwhere do i put frostwire skins?01:51
HardDiskJack_Sparrow, I've never done it before.01:51
Jack_SparrowHardDisk What is the best link for bluetooth01:51
onthefence928rampageoberon: yes well i looked online and it seems the only way to run teh zune software under linux so far is to use VMware01:51
Skyline969Right now I can hear the CD spinning madly in the drive and the CPU light is almost constantly green, meaning it is doing SOMETHING. But still, nothing gets done.01:51
subsume|worksoundray: from the internet "after a quick google I discovered that everybody was having this problem and support for this chipset had been broken in 7.10; " ... "only solution I found was to build the kernel bits and bobs manually from serialmonkey just like the previous situation in Fedora!"01:52
HardDiskJack_Sparrow, well there is an application that does everything blueman.tuxfamily.org01:52
subsume|worksoundray: what does that mean?01:52
tzon1can anyone offer me some insight into zenity and listboxes ?01:52
bluefoxxsubsume|work;  check ubuntuforums.org for support/step by step then...im going to fire up my games again >. >[myst masterpeice edition XD]01:52
haygushow i restart apache ?01:52
[T]an1ok, doing the blueman way01:52
[T]an1sudo wget http://download.tuxfamily.org/blueman/hardy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/blueman.list01:52
tzon1haygus: /etc/init.d/apache restart01:52
Prettohaygus, apache2ctl restart01:52
rampageoberononthefence928: oh ok, well doesn't affect me as i choose to stay far away from zune01:52
bluefoxxsubsume|work;  good luck anyways, hope you can get it going ><01:52
CaptainMorganmy /etc/motd banner page for SSH keeps changing upon a system reboot... how can I get this banner to stay static ?01:53
haygusapache2ctl restart or etc/init.d/apache restart ?01:53
subsume|workthx =)01:53
xTOGxhai guyz01:53
ChunkyKsnever use apach restart01:53
HardDiskonthefence928, Virtualbox is better because it does USB 2.001:53
ChunkyKsapache graceful is your friend01:53
soundraysubsume|work: it's not as terrible as it sounds, and I think you should do some more diagnostics before you decide to compile your own driver.01:53
Jack_Sparrow!find blueman01:53
ubottuFile blueman found in openclipart-png, openclipart-svg01:53
Skyline969Should it have at least loaded the background image for the desktop by now?01:54
Jack_SparrowHardDisk That page says that blueman is in the repos01:54
subsume|worksoundray: d'ok. tail dmesg rt ?01:54
HardDiskJack_Sparrow, it's a different app01:54
tzon1ChunkyKs: what's wrong with init.d?01:54
Jack_SparrowSkyline969 try with those command changes I gave you01:54
Skyline969Please give them to me again. I got the ones to remove.01:54
HardDiskJack_Sparrow, this is the Blueman Project01:54
tonewhyhi i was wondering how i can setup a dual boot system with linux on one hardrive and windows on other01:55
soundraysubsume|work: but to answer your question, the serialmonkey project develops Linux drivers for Ralink Tech wifi cards. You can go to their site and download the latest driver source that hasn't made it into any official kernels yet.01:55
HardDiskJack_Sparrow, sorry! I just checked01:55
subsume|worksoundray: computer is a tombstone without a network card =)01:55
onthefence928HardDisk: and i can run teh zune software with it?01:55
HardDiskonthefence928, yes sir.01:55
puffsoundray: I'm reinstallnig, and /home is on a separate partition.  I'm copying dpkg.log into my home directory so I can see what packages I installed.  Anything else from / that I should back up?01:55
Jack_SparrowHardDisk Per the link  (The deb packages in the repository are already patched, I will also make merges with official ubuntu packages)01:55
onthefence928harddisk: thank you01:55
HardDiskonthefence928, I have one as a gift.01:55
rampageoberonCaptainMorgan: the /etc/motd just points to /var/run/motd, so you need to figure out how to change that01:55
HardDiskJack_Sparrow, sounds good01:56
Uplinkwhere do i put frostwire skins?01:56
soundraysubsume|work: 'dmesg | grep -C 2 rt'01:56
Jack_SparrowHardDisk We can look at it more when I am less tired01:56
Skyline969It showed a grey box at the top where the top menu bar would go, but it quickly disappeared.01:56
onthefence928HardDisk: cool can you point me toa  tutorial to get it running?01:56
soundray!clone | puff01:56
ubottupuff: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate01:56
[T]an1HarDisk: holy crap thats cool!!01:56
HardDiskJack_Sparrow, well I use it and wrote a small article on linux-noob.com01:56
tonewhycan anyone tell me how i can setup a dual boot on diferent hard drives? i alreaady have ubuntu on 1 but i can't install windows on the other01:56
pekingmportant, please type /msg ubottu etiquette | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Install Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download | May 13: OpenSSL/SSH Vulnerability see: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-2'01:56
pekingmportant, please type /msg ubottu etiquette | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Install Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download | May 13: OpenSSL/SSH Vulnerability see: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-2'01:56
ChunkyKstzon1: you can use init.d for it, but you should still restart apache using "graceful" instead of "restart"01:56
pekingmportant, please type /msg ubottu etiquette | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Install Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download | May 13: OpenSSL/SSH Vulnerability see: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-612-2'01:56
FloodBot1peking: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:56
HardDiskonthefence928, yes give me a second01:56
Uplinkwhere do i put frostwire skins?01:57
tonewhycan anyone tell me how i can setup a dual boot on diferent hard drives? i alreaady have ubuntu on 1 but i can't install windows on the other hardrive01:57
ChunkyKsgraceful tells apache to stop accepting new requests and finish serving the ones it has, then it restarts it01:57
HardDiskUplink, please do not repeat, check the frostwire website.01:57
UplinkHardDisk, i did01:57
Skyline969Alright. What will the noapic acpi=off do?01:57
soundraypuff: if you have any databases, back them up separately. Also backup /etc if you've made manual configurations in there that could be useful for referring to.01:57
HardDiskis there a .frostwire directory?01:57
SebNaitsabesshould be01:58
SebNaitsabesas a hidden folder in your home folder01:58
rampageoberontonewhy: its usually easier installing windows first and then ubuntu for dual booting01:58
HardDiskonthefence928, first go to www.virtualbox.org and download virtualbox it will take you to the sun website, choose your ubuntu deb and download and install it01:58
Skyline969Aha! The background image finally loaded.... progress is VERY slow in the loading department.01:58
subsume|worksoundray: looked carefully and didn't see anything.01:59
tonewhyrampageoberon, but i don't want to erase ubuntu now, can i stil do it01:59
xTOGxok, so i've got stuff installed. how do i get the gui to come up in xubuntu?  all i see after login is nathan@ubuntu:~$01:59
Jack_SparrowSkyline969 Progress is progress01:59
rampageoberontonewhy: http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_linux_and_windows_xp_linux_installed_first.htm <-- have a look at that01:59
onthefence928HardDisk: i just got it from teh add/remove utility on ubuntu is that good?01:59
Skyline969Yes, progress IS progress, but I got this far this quickly without removing those two commands from the line.01:59
soundraysubsume|work: how many lines of output did you get?01:59
subsume|worksoundray: about 70 i'd say01:59
ZaidenI have files in my trash that won't delete no matter what I do. It always gives me a "Permission Denied" message01:59
HardDiskonthefence928, no because it doesn't support usb 2.001:59
HardDiskonthefence928, it will be really slow01:59
[T]an1HardDrive: ok, so how do i set this to receive audio from my laptop... i changed the device in my mixer to BT Headset (Alsa Mixer) and get no sound02:00
tonewhyrampageoberon, ok02:00
rampageoberonxTOGx: do alt-ctrl-f702:00
Jack_SparrowSkyline969 You may still end up using the alternate cd02:00
rampageoberonxTOGx: does that bring up the gui?02:00
xTOGxnope, doesn't look like it responds at all to it02:00
soundraysubsume|work: any output from 'lsmod | grep rt'?02:00
HardDisk[T]an1, is it paired correctly?02:00
Skyline969What do you mean, the alternate CD?02:00
rampageoberonxTOGx: startx perhaps/02:00
puffubottu: !automate02:00
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning02:00
Jack_SparrowSkyline969 text based install, no live gui02:00
[T]an1HardDisk: it looks like it02:00
subsume|worksoundray: some, but none seemingly related to the issue02:00
Skyline969If it's a CD different than the Live CD, I don't have it, nor do I have the internet connection speed to download it.02:01
altnicknameok I need some help with a external drive that wont mount and I tried this after I made sure the ntfs-3g was and is installed  sudo ntfsfix /dev/[DEVICENAME]02:01
altnicknameWhere [DEVICENAME] is the name of the drive (i.e. sda1)  and not working says unknown command02:01
bulliumZaiden, where where the files originally located?02:01
xTOGx-bash: startx: command not found02:01
[T]an1the icon on the right side of the blueman window says caonnected02:01
subsume|worksoundray: 5 lines. none obviously wifi related02:01
Skyline969Still, is startup gonna be THIS slow on my laptop once Ubuntu is installed?02:01
Jack_SparrowSkyline969 It is available for free..  it takes awhile.. but they mail it to you02:01
moccuohow do i install gvim in ubuntu? do i want vim-gtk? or vim-gnome?02:01
HardDisk[T]an1, ok, and bonded?02:01
Zaidenbullium: I think they were on the desktop, copied from a flashdrive or a CD02:01
Skyline969I know Jack_Sparrow, that's how I got my Live CD.02:01
Jack_SparrowSkyline969 no...   how much ram is in that box02:01
soundraysubsume|work: is your wifi card PCMCIA?02:01
Skyline969128 megs in this laptop.02:02
[T]an1HardDisk: It does not say bonded... but the button at the top says unbond now instead of bond02:02
rampageoberonxTOGx: not sure what the command for the graphical manager in xubuntu is, maybe someone else will know02:02
Skyline969Well below the requirements.02:02
Jack_SparrowSkyline969 Might as well stop there...02:02
[T]an1should it show me that its bonded in the list?02:02
subsume|worksoundray: I'm not sure, but I don't think so.02:02
HardDisklol Skyline969 no wonder :)02:02
xTOGxthanks, i'll check xubuntu, then i'll check back here in a bit02:02
HardDisk[T]an1, yes02:02
xTOGxthanks rampageoberon02:02
Skyline969But hey, the old junker I installed Ubuntu on had 128 megs as well, with an even slower CPU.02:02
soundraysubsume|work: hidden inside your machine?02:02
HardDisk[T]an1, oh ok nvm02:02
linuxkrnhey all, can you disable cdrom/dvd media check for gxine?  Mine seems to take like 10-15 seconds each startup, during which gxine is unresponsive.02:02
Jack_SparrowSkyline969 You are probably sharing video ram off that 12802:02
HardDisk[T]an1, it's bonded02:02
moccuohow do i install gvim in ubuntu? do i want vim-gtk or vim-gnome? something else?02:02
subsume|worksoundray: its a card, oh yeah. sorry.02:02
[T]an1last seen: says none02:02
Zaidensays something about a backend when I try to edit the files02:02
Skyline969And it still loaded the Live CD desktop.02:02
CaptainMorganthanks rampageoberon ;)02:02
rampageoberonnp xTOGx02:02
=== r0bby_ is now known as r0bby
rampageoberonmoccuo: vim-gnome02:03
HardDisk[T]an1, in addition you will need to sudo apt-get install bluez-btsco02:03
FishsceneHi. I'm working off a live-session CD. How do I mount my external USB drive?02:03
[T]an1i unbonded it and bonded it again. it sayd bonded successfull.02:03
soundraysubsume|work: open a separate terminal and run 'tail -f /var/log/syslog'. In the other terminal, try 'sudo modprobe rt2400pci'02:03
Skyline969Ha! The Examples icon loaded! Progress... sweet, sweet progress. =P02:03
Jack_SparrowSkyline969 Was it the same version of ubuntu?  and how much ram is being diverted from that 128 to be used for video.  Did the other machine have onboard video or dedicated card02:03
[T]an1ok... gonna go get bluez-btsco02:03
bulliumZaiden, hmm maybe a process has them locked or something, has your system been rebooted since you trashed them?02:03
HardDisk[T]an1, then sudo modprobe snd-bt-sco02:03
[T]an1i think i already got it though...02:03
[T]an1yeah, i did that.02:04
soundraysubsume|work: any errors in the tail output?02:04
Zaidenbullium: Yes, more than once02:04
HardDiskit should work then02:04
Skyline969The other machine had a seperate card. It was the same version of Ubuntu (this exact same CD), and I don't know how much RAM is being diverted to be used for video.02:04
Jack_SparrowSkyline969 with only 128 minimize how much ram is diverted02:04
Skyline969How, Jack_Sparrow?02:04
HardDisk[T]an1, test it in skype02:04
subsume|worksoundray: the first command gave me things, but nothing seemingly related to the hardware....02:05
[T]an1never used skype02:05
Skyline969I don't even know how to access the BIOS setup on this laptop.02:05
subsume|worksoundray: and mobprobe isn't found02:05
soundraysubsume|work: nothing happened in the tail output when you run the mo*d*probe?02:05
Skyline969I know it says something about a network service boot by pressing F12....02:05
Jack_SparrowSkyline969 Something you should investigate02:05
FishsceneHow do I mount an external USB drive?02:05
ZaidenWhen I try to delete the files inside the folder, it gives me a message saying "Not supported by backend"02:05
subsume|worksoundray: modprobe, I meant that sorry.02:05
[T]an1while skype is installing... can i use that with asterisk?02:05
altnicknameNormally, Ubuntu will mount your NTFS drive automatically. If it doesn't, it means the logfile for the drive is unclean (which means the drive was not unmounted correctly, i.e. not shut down correctly.) To mount it, there are a few steps you must take.02:05
HardDiskFishscene, plug it in02:06
bulliumZaiden, can you move them back to the desktop?02:06
onthefence928HardDisk: ok so i'm downloading it now, what settings do i choose for teh sun downaloader?02:06
subsume|worksoundray: might modprobe not be on my PATH?02:06
Skyline969I know it's something I should investigate, but I don't even have the documentation for this old thing. It was given to me through my school.02:06
FishsceneHardDisk, it's not mounting, I ftried to force it to mount in the GUI and I got a message saying it's not supposed to show errors in the GUI. (which I found amusing. :P )02:06
HardDisk[T]an1, I'm not sure, I haven't used asterisk, some applications don't universally work the same, for example Gizmo has some issues with USB microphones, whereas Skype is ok.02:06
ZaidenYes, and all the files are there02:06
soundraysubsume|work: that would be extremely unusual. Did you mistype02:06
rampageoberonaltnickname: when mounting ntfs drives make sure if its usb you do safely remove hardware, and shut down windows properly02:06
HardDiskonthefence928, choose ubuntu02:06
[T]an1HardDisk: makes sense02:07
subsume|worksoundray: I swear. 'sudo modprobe ... '02:07
HardDiskFishscene, what does dmesg say?02:07
xTOGxthe install wouldn't finish the "install software" bit.  now that i've got it running, is there any way i can finish that?02:07
[T]an1HardDisk: my intent is to use this with a softphone and asterisk.02:07
[T]an1so hopefully that is the case02:07
HardDiskFishscene, run it in terminal02:07
onthefence928HardDisk: i did and now it's asking me to set a bunch of options and proxies for the sun download manager02:07
soundraysubsume|work: it's normally in /sbin/02:07
subsume|worksoundray: found it in sbin02:07
rampageoberonxTOGx: what do you mean?02:08
HardDiskonthefence928, don't use the download manager download it directly.02:08
Skyline969Jack, do you mind if I direct chat you so we can work through this more quickly?02:08
FishsceneI don't know the device name in terminal. I assumed "/dev/sda1" but it said the device was already mounted on /target02:08
soundraysubsume|work: so 'sudo /sbin/modprobe rt2400pci'02:08
HardDiskit's 4am in Egypt a few more minutes and I have to go to bed sorry folks.02:08
Jack_SparrowSkyline969 best to keep it in channel as I am trying to do some other work as well02:08
xTOGxrampageoberon well, i can't get the gui to load.  maybe it's not there?02:08
rogerdpenguincould someone guide me through the ubuntu installation?02:08
Jack_SparrowHardDisk Goodnight02:08
rampageoberonI noticed once when i unmounted a usb drive i got a notification its safe to remove hardware, but never seen it after, any ideas? its not critical02:08
rampageoberonxTOGx: sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop02:09
rogerdpenguinjack_sparrow: could you guide me through the ubuntu installation?02:09
HardDiskJack_Sparrow, not yet :D02:09
Skyline969Well, I remember seeing something about it being either 2 MB or 8 MB of VRAM when I was checking it in Windows....02:09
altnicknamewell i thought I did heck been useing the other harddrive and just put this in there and tuirned it on and thats the message I got how do I fix it02:09
HardDiskrogerdpenguin, www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-ubuntu-8.04-lts-hardy-heron02:09
subsume|worksudo modprobe rt2500pci 'FATAL' module rt2500pci not found02:09
bulliumrampageoberon, you know how to install software but install the os?02:09
subsume|worksoundray: ^02:09
Jack_Sparrowrogerdpenguin Just ask your questions someone will answer, I am about to try and eat dinner02:09
soundrayrogerdpenguin: the ubuntu installer will guide you02:09
rampageoberonaltnickname: boot into windows and shut the drives properly i think02:09
soundraysubsume|work: so 'sudo /sbin/modprobe rt2*4*00pci'02:09
HardDiskok I have to go sorry people for leaving you :D02:09
rampageoberonbullium: sorry what?02:10
rogerdpenguinim a bit unsure about installing and partioning02:10
HardDiskJack_Sparrow, it's been a pleasure buddy02:10
Skyline969See you, HardDisk!02:10
Jack_SparrowHardDisk As always02:10
FishsceneNot a problem, thanks anyway, HardDisk02:10
HardDisklater guys02:10
onthefence928HardDisk: is teher anything else i need to know before you go?02:10
HardDiskand remember to support us in #ubuntu-eg :D02:10
[T]an1HardDisk... thanks02:10
subsume|worksoundray: not found02:10
xTOGxrampageoberon do i have to do that with the cd? i think maybe it was the cd was bad, and that's why it didn't go02:10
HardDiskonthefence928, uhh....I don't think so02:10
bulliumrampageoberon, you said you wanted a guide for the ubuntu installation, but told someone else how to install a package. I wasn't being a jerk just curious02:10
soundrayrogerdpenguin: do you want a dual-boot system?02:10
soundraybullium: you're mistaking rampageoberon for rogerdpenguin02:11
HardDiskI'll see you guys tomorrow02:11
rampageoberonbullium: hmm, i didn't say i wanted a guide for an installation?02:11
Skyline969As I said Jack_Sparrow, it said something on Windows about there being 2 MB or 8 MB of VRAM (don't remember which). Oh, and it's loaded the Install icon now. All it needs to load is the two bars at the top and bottom.02:11
bulliumsoundray, I just caught that thank you02:11
HardDiskciao babes02:11
FishsceneHow do I view a list of drives?02:11
bulliumrampageoberon, sorry my mistake...02:11
onthefence928oh jesus, my taskbars just dissapeared02:11
Jack_SparrowSkyline969 cool..02:11
soundraysubsume|work: what kernel do you have? uname -r02:11
bulliumrampageoberon, mixed u and another user02:11
rampageoberonxTOGx: it could be a bad cd, the aptitude command will try and do it over the netwrok if you have an internet connection02:11
Jack_SparrowSkyline969 Im off to make dinner...02:11
onthefence928after file search crashed and then teh force quit also crashed02:11
rampageoberonbullium: no worries :)02:11
subsume|worksoundray: 2.6.22-14-38602:11
xTOGxok, thanks rampageoberon02:11
Skyline969Alright Jack_Sparrow, thanks for all your help. Take care!02:12
Uplinkwhats the command to copy a file to a directory?02:12
AhadielUplink, cp file destination02:12
HardDiskJack_Sparrow, tomorrow I wanted to talk to you about something ubuntu related, so expect a pm from me ok?02:12
xTOGxall it's saying is please insert cd...do i have to have the cd in still, even if i want it to download?02:12
=== Tux is now known as altnickname
Uplinkuplink@HP-Pavilion:~/.frostwire/themes$ cp /home/uplink/Downloads/black_theme.skin02:12
danbhfivexTOGx: you may need to change your sources, and remove the cd02:12
soundraysubsume|work: do you happen to know why you are on a -386 kernel?02:12
xTOGxhow do i change my sources?02:13
AhadielUplink, You didn't specify a destination.02:13
subsume|worksoundray: maybe my computer is very old?02:13
UplinkAhadiel, i am on the destination02:13
rampageoberonxTOGx: its the /etc/apt/sources.list02:13
AhadielUplink, then use . for current directory02:13
UplinkAhadiel, SWEEt, TY =D02:13
rampageoberonxTOGx: try sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list02:13
AhadielUplink, It's handy, . is current directory, and .. is parent02:13
xTOGxwell, give it a minute.  i'm trying it again from cd02:13
soundraysubsume|work: that doesn't explain it -- ubuntu normally installs -generic onto even the oldest machines02:14
UplinkAhadiel, doesnt work :(02:14
subsume|worksoundray: dunno what to say. =)02:14
soundraysubsume|work: anyway, do you have a directory /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-386?02:14
=== linux_ is now known as Guest69084
onthefence928help! my gnome taskbars just dissapeared on me after both my search-file utility and force quit window froze up on me02:15
s0|I am having issues connecting to my wireless network, I can see the network, I just can't *****ing get ubuntu to give me the proper authentication method. (WPA2-preshared key, TKIP+AES)  the only options I am being given are WEP stuff and LEAP.02:15
subsume|worksoundray: yes, and a generic02:15
Uplinkuplink@HP-Pavilion:~/.frostwire/themes$ cp . /home/uplink/Downloads/black_theme.skin02:15
Uplinkcp: omitting directory `.'02:15
AhadielUplink, What doesn't?02:15
AhadielUplink, WRONG, the destination goes last02:15
rampageoberonxTOGx: do stop it asking for the cd in the sources.list file comment out the first few lines about the CD02:15
AhadielUplink, cp file destination02:15
UplinkAhadiel, ok ^^02:15
soundraysubsume|work: do you get any output from 'find /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-386 -name rt2x00'?02:15
Method2oo7can someone help with wifi02:16
FishsceneWhat is the device name for a USB drive? Sda1?02:16
druhello, i cannot mount a dvd backup i made in vista(before i switched)... says connot mount udf volume02:16
subsume|worksoundray: rt2x00? nope./02:16
CaptainMorganrampageoberon, I changed /var/run/motd and it still changed the banner upon reboot... what am I missing ?02:16
Method2oo7can someone help with wifi02:16
subsume|worksoundray: its in generic, however.02:17
drui cannot mount a dvd backup i made in vista(before i switched)... says connot mount udf volume02:17
xTOGxthe cd gets it to 99% before fail02:17
soundraysubsume|work: 'grep title /boot/grub/menu.lst | grep generic' ?02:17
xTOGxholy smokes!02:17
xTOGxit looks like it's working02:17
RULRwhy is movie quality in totem movie player so bad?02:17
danbhfiveMethod2oo7: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs          try here first02:17
rampageoberonCaptainMorgan: i'm not sure how its done, but you ideally want to do something that will stop /var/run/motd from changing. (actually try deleting the link in /etc/motd -> /var/run/motd, so make /etc/motd a new file and put whatever you want there. it might work)02:18
s0|seriosuly how do I expanded the authentication options ubuntu gives me for for wifi02:18
subsume|worksoundray: 4 entries02:18
druRULR: use VLC Media player, plays alot smooter than totem02:18
[T]an1anyone else here have any experience with bluetooth headsets connected to ubuntu?02:18
xTOGxit's asking me about postfix configuration...what do i tell it?02:18
Ahadiels0|, If you want to use wpa, you need to install wpa_supplicant02:18
soundraysubsume|work: including 2.6.22-14-generic?02:18
FungusmanHow do I get application tab to drop down with the push of my SPECIAL KEY ?02:18
rampageoberonCaptainMorgan: sudo rm /etc/motd && gksudo gedit /etc/motd02:18
altnicknameok to clean the log files for a mounted drive that wasnt removed ie unmounted first before shutdown other then ntfsfix what other cmd will do this cause that command is not known in the terminal?02:18
xTOGxwtf? what is mail server?02:18
s0|Ahadiel, I have02:18
Sasha09Visty dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth0 for sub-path eth0.dbus.get.interface_mtu02:18
rampageoberonxTOGx: its an appliaction that sends/receives emails02:18
KyrinPlease help.  I've been running 8.04 for about a week now without problems, the system was running fine earlier today, I shut it down, removed a pair of 1GB PC-5300 sticks of RAM, replacing them with a pair of 2GB PC-5300 sticks.  Now when I boot up, X has the colors all wrong, like there's a palette shift going on.  Also, the mouse seems somewhat jittery, like, it's moving, but then kind of freezes, then it will move again.02:18
soundray!wtf | xTOGx02:18
ubottuxTOGx: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:18
DarkLordVenomhas anyone ever enabled side band addressing and fast writes for an nvidia AGP card before?02:19
subsume|worksoundray: yes sir02:19
xTOGxsorry botu02:19
puffSo I'm in the middle of reinstalling, and I have a sudden attack of paranoia that I've transposed the root and home partition sizes.  How do I list the unmounted partitions from a terminal?02:19
Ahadiels0|, I'd recommend wicd if you want more control.02:19
Ahadiels0|, As opposed to networkmanager02:19
rdzhi all. how to manually install x11 fonts on ubuntu?02:19
Sasha09what does the message handler mean02:19
xTOGxrampageoberon ... so like outlook express?02:19
subsume|workpuff: df -dl ?02:19
rampageoberonoutlook express is an email client xTOGx02:19
s0|Ahadiel, what does that mean, I don't care about the control I just want to connect to a WPA network...02:19
puffsubsume|work: Nope, gets me invaldi option d02:20
rampageoberonxTOGx: a mail server handles mail more specifically02:20
thingfishrdz: are these truetype fonts?02:20
soundraysubsume|work: please reboot and choose that kernel from the grub menu. My suspicion is that your wireless will work (even if whatever it was that depended on the -386 kernel probably won't)02:20
xTOGxok, so what do i tell it?02:20
subsume|workpuff: hmm... i forgot02:20
Skyline969Alright, so the CD has slowed down and the Install and Examples icons have loaded. No top and bottom bars though. Any remedy?02:20
tamstreono idea...02:20
Fishsceneother slash, Observator02:20
Kyrinso, who might be able to help with what looks to be an Xserver problem?02:20
s0|Ahadiel, I have the wpasupplicant package, did you mean a diffrent one?02:20
rampageoberonxTOGx: nothing, you shouldn't have a mail server installed by default. what are you doing anyway>02:20
tamstreobut does anyone want an IRC client for palm os?02:20
subsume|worksoundray: will it default to generic henceforth?02:20
tamstreo(please kick me I need it for test02:20
rampageoberonCaptainMorgan: did that work?02:20
Ahadiels0|, Nope. When you try to connect to the network, it *should* prompt you for the key.02:20
CaptainMorganworking on it :)02:20
tamstreoplesse kick me from chan02:20
xTOGxso, if i had my own website...i could use this as the mail server?02:21
tamstreoI am developer of irc cliebt02:21
Ubuntu_ID10TCan someone please help me make sense of my Grub install problem02:21
xTOGxit's just personal use02:21
druhow do i force mount a cd?02:21
rdzthingfish, no, bitmap fonts02:21
tamstreowell then thx anyways02:21
rampageoberonxTOGx: i suggest first fix the OS and then worry about the servers02:21
subsume|workpuff: I can't for the life of me remember. its on the tip of my tongue.02:21
xTOGxthanks rama_su02:21
subsume|workpuff: well, finger tips.02:21
xTOGxthanks rampageoberon02:21
soundraysubsume|work: no, you have to change the 'default' line at the top of /boot/grub/menu.lst to achieve that (it starts counting at 0).02:21
jimcooncatxTOGx: whether or not you have a website you can have a mail server02:21
rdzthingfish, i am desperately trying to manually install the artwiz fonts with no luck02:21
s0|Ahadiel, it asks me to tell it what kind of key I am giving it, and none of the option are right02:21
Droosegot a quick question in regards to program launching(or lack there of)02:21
rdzthingfish, it was so damn dead easy on dapper...02:21
Ahadiels0|, Are you sure? What option are you looking for?02:21
jimcooncatxTOGx: just get a domain name02:22
CaptainMorganrampageoberon, actually.. theoretically, that should work... I'll know in a moment02:22
s0|Ahadiel, any WPA preshared key would be a nice ********'ing sign02:22
Ubuntu_ID10TI got a virus on my Windows XP partition (big surprise), so I re-installed XP fresh.  Unfortunately it overwrote the MBR with GRUB and now I can't get to my Ubuntu.02:22
rampageoberonCaptainMorgan: goodluck02:22
rdzthingfish, they removed the package from the harddy repository and i wanted to install them manually... but they simply don't show up in xfontsel02:22
danbhfive!fixgrub > Ubuntu_ID10T02:22
rampageoberonUbuntu_ID10T: bootup with a ubuntu live cd and reinstall grub i think02:22
s0|Ahadiel, when I click the network I want to connect to it asks me what kind of security it is using and there are Three WEP options and LEAP02:23
KyrinUbuntu_ID10T: grub-install  ?02:23
Chaotic_Descentsomeone told me how to mount a vfat USB drive, but do I need to unmount them? it's not letting me unmount the drive on my desktop, and I can't find an unmount command or option under mount command.02:23
Ahadiels0|, Are you *positive* you have wpa_supplicant installed? If so, try rebooting.02:23
FishsceneChaotic, umount?02:23
soundrayChaotic_Descent: it's called umount02:23
rampageoberonChaosTheory_: open file manager (Computer) and unmount there02:23
thingfishrdz: truetype fonts work when dropped into ~/.fonts...that's as far as my knowledge goes02:23
s0|Ahadiel, the package is called wpasupplicant02:23
Chaotic_Descentthanks. why umount and not unmount?02:23
Ubuntu_ID10TTrying the grub-install thing except with the live cd booted up, it doesn't recognize "hd(0,0)" or (/dev/sda) for a target.02:23
FishsceneChaotic_Descent: , I haven't the slightest clue :P02:24
s0|Ahadiel, there is not underscore02:24
rampageoberonChaotic_Descent:  open file manager (Computer) and unmount there02:24
DrooseI just re-formatted and threw on Ubuntu. After the updates and the restarts that go along with it, for some reason my firefox doest ever launch. I've tried to reinstall it, yet still the same thing. No debug info comes up, and nothing pops up in syslog02:24
soundrayChaotic_Descent: why not?02:24
Ahadiels0|, Well, okay then. I have no idea.02:24
rampageoberonChaotic_Descent: umount is the command not unmount02:24
soundrayChaotic_Descent: linguistically, it should be 'dismount'02:24
s0|********* ubuntu still sucking02:24
subsume|worksoundray: I've never understood the selection grub makes. what are those? kernel versions?02:24
Ahadiels0|, Not really. WPA works fine for me. All I had to install was wpa supplicant.02:24
thingfishs0|: yes, still sucking less than any other operating system out there02:25
KyrinAnyone around who might be able to help with what looks to be an Xserver problem on Hardy Heron?02:25
s0|Ahadiel, well arn't you special02:25
soundraysubsume|work: yes02:25
danbhfiveUbuntu_ID10T: i think its hd(0) for the first target02:25
rampageoberonCaptainMorgan: i think you might need to restart sshd, not sure though02:25
Chaotic_DescentI can't unmount it in the file manager.02:25
mneptoks0|: please relax.02:25
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:25
CaptainMorganrampageoberon, worked! thanks! :)02:25
rampageoberonCaptainMorgan: cool, well done02:25
Chaotic_Descentit won't let me. it says it can't mount it when I try to unmount it for some reason.    probably because it's still hung up on it not being ntfs.02:25
s0|mneptok, I'd fix the bugger if I knew how. (that that this should be something I need to edit and fix things to get........)02:25
mneptoks0|: that doesn't excuse the attitude02:26
Chaotic_DescentI tried umount. it won't work. it says it disagrees with the fstab.02:26
sapph424How's this look for a partitions for a 200GB drive?  /boot 8MB; / 50 GB; /usr 100GB; swap 1GB; /home 47GB; /tmp 5GB02:26
crytel_have you tried to force it?02:27
soundrayChaotic_Descent: what's the full command line you are using?02:27
mneptoks0|: if your wifi chipset is supported, there's nothing to install. you just connect to the access point.02:27
sapph424Everything as ext3 other than swap, obviously.02:27
Chaotic_DescentI just tried umount /dev/sdb102:27
mneptoksapph424: 8MB for /boot?!02:27
Ahadielsapph424, /boot should be a MINIMUM of 100mb02:27
soundrayChaotic_Descent: try 'sudo umount /dev/sdb1'02:27
Chaotic_Descentwhy does umount -h not work?02:27
s0|mneptok, the problem is when I attempt to connect to the access point it wants to know what kind of security is being used, and to provide credentials. the available options are not there.02:28
mneptoksapph424: why are you breaking /usr and /tmp off?02:28
s0|*not the correct ones = not there02:28
AhadielChaotic_Descent, try umount --help?02:28
crytel_try "sudo umount -f /dev/sdb1"02:28
AhadielChaotic_Descent, or man umount02:28
soundrayChaotic_Descent: stop asking philosophical questions ;)02:28
sapph424That's good info :D  I was basing it off guides for grub partitions that said they only need to be 1MB, so I was guessing.  Clearly.02:28
mneptoks0|: what encryption schema does your AP use?02:28
s0|mneptok, wpa (well wpa2)  with TKIP+AES02:28
altnicknameis there such a thing as ntfsfix?02:29
sapph424mneptok:  I have no idea.  I am doing my best to remember verbal instructions given to me earlier today.  My only experience is with Windows, so much of this is new to me.02:29
soundraycrytel_: please don't recommend force umounting when it's not entirely clear what the problem is.02:29
danbhfivesapph424: did you say its all ext3?02:29
Ubuntu_ID10Tubottu:  That seems to be doing the trick.  It was "hd(3,1)".  If someone knows the GRUB developers, thank them for their contribution and then ask them to add a little more user friendliness to the next version.  THANKS UBOTTU and others!!!02:29
ubottuUbuntu_ID10T: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:29
s0|mneptok, there are zero WPA options being listed. theree WEP and one LEAP (if you count that as WPA is another thing)02:29
sapph424dan: I did.  Other than swap.02:29
danbhfivesapph424: ok, so Im curious, why a separate /boot?02:30
mneptoks0|: WPA-PSK02:30
Chaotic_Descent... how do I get out of that man mode? T_T why does Ubuntu continually confound me?02:30
Ubuntu_ID10TAren't we all just bots.  Don't sell yourself short ;)02:30
s0|mneptok, that option is not listed02:30
mneptoks0|: what release of Ubuntu?02:30
StarnestommyChaotic_Descent: q?02:30
Chaotic_Descentah, q. whew.02:30
soundrayUbuntu_ID10T: not all developers share the value of userfriendliness02:30
* ChunkyKs reads up a bit02:31
ChunkyKs"Ahadiel: sapph424, /boot should be a MINIMUM of 100mb"02:31
mneptoks0|: does your wireless chipset support WPA(2)?02:31
sapph424dan: Due to endless problems with grub getting installed, part of today's troubleshooting du jour is a dedicated grub partition.02:31
s0|mneptok, I would have used it is I could ---- and am using 8.0402:31
ChunkyKsI think it's worth noting that the *entire* point of /boot is that some bioses couldn't read above 16M02:31
RULRmy movie quality is bad, even in vlc. i watched same movie in windows (gom player), everything was ok. whats wrong? do i need some codecs?02:31
KyrinAnyone around who might be able to help with what looks to be an Xserver problem on Hardy Heron?02:31
ChunkyKsSo /boot should be a MAXIMUM of 16M, if you bother with it at all02:31
DrooseStill looking for help with programs failing to load if anyone is able to show me where I've screwed up02:31
s0|mneptok, it works find with the AP in "other less superior" operating systesms02:31
Chaotic_Descentsomeone had to give me a command to mount this damned USB drive, and now I can't eject it.02:31
mneptoks0|: it's has always been an option on my 3945 and 4965 chipsets02:31
mneptok*it has02:31
soundraysubsume|work: can I leave you to it?02:32
rampageoberon!ask | Kyrin02:32
ubottuKyrin: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:32
soundrayChaotic_Descent: don't get frustrated. Share the error messages. Use the pastebin02:32
altnicknamewheres a place with one on one help02:32
ChunkyKsChaotic_Descent: try fuser /path/to/mounted/filesystem02:32
* JoaoVr Boas02:32
soundray!paste | Chaotic_Descent02:32
ubottuChaotic_Descent: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:32
crytel_RULR: you sure your video card is conf correctly?02:32
sapph424Okay, so should it be a max of 16MB or a min of 100MB?02:32
s0|mneptok, so basically even tho I know that card can do it, I am basically out of luck since it didn't just work.02:32
ChunkyKsit'll show you which processes are eating memory02:32
mneptoks0|: WPA and WPA2 work, with PSK, TKIP/AES, or LEAP. either your chipset does not support it, the driver you are using for your chipset does not support it, or you have broken something in trying to configure it.02:33
mneptoks0|: try a live session02:33
ChunkyKssapph: if you're running into problems because your bios is braindamaged [or old], you need maximum 16M02:33
Kyrinrampageoberon: I did, and got no answer, so rather than flood with a rather lengthy detail of the problem, I figured I'd ask if there was anyone available to help with my particular issue02:33
ChunkyKson any modern bios, you don't need /boot at all02:33
mneptoks0|: what chipset is this?02:33
clophi, i upgraded to the new ubuntu and now my firefox opens torrents in "transmission" instead of gnome-btdownload, and it doeesn't seem to work... is there a way to reset that to gnome-btdownload instead?02:33
soundrayChaotic_Descent: hint: if something is still using the mounted device (even just a shell sitting in a directory on it), it won't unmount02:33
RULRcrytel_: no, i am on  laptop. do i need some drivers? it didnt ask me to install it at all02:33
subsumesoundray: I imagine so. yeah. thanks02:33
s0|mneptok, live session is same reslut02:33
mneptokChunkyKs: you need a LOT^ more than 16MB for /boot02:33
rampageoberonKyrin: it really depends on who is reading at that point, try the forums too02:33
ChunkyKsChaotic_Descent:  as soundray says, if you have a shell cd'd into it, you won't be able to unmount02:33
soundraysubsume: so you haven't rebooted yet?02:33
KyrinI've been running 8.04 for about a week now without problems, the system was running fine earlier today, I shut it down, removed a pair of 1GB PC-5300 sticks of RAM, replacing them with a pair of 2GB PC-5300 sticks.  Now when I boot up, X has the colors all wrong, like there's a palette shift going on.  Also, the mouse seems somewhat jittery, like, it's moving, but then kind of freezes, then it will move again.02:33
sapph424I don't think my BIOS is the problem.  Although that would be a good troubleshooting point next.  No, the issue is that the ubuntu installer hangs when ., . . oh hell, just read the thread if you are interested: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=824521  ;p02:34
KyrinI'd try the forums if I had a working gui handy02:34
rampageoberonKyrin: instead of flooding i'm sure you could ask the same question every 30mins or so02:34
ChunkyKsmneptok: the purpose of /boot is for bioses that can't read above 16M. By putting a kernel there, you garauntee the bios/lilo/etc can read it02:34
crytel_RULR, that would be my guess about the video becaue vlc seems to work fine on an older laptop with ubuntu to me02:34
rampageoberonKyrin: try sing elinks or links2 to use the forums02:34
ChunkyKsif you have a bios/bootloader/whatever that understands >16M, then you don't need a boot partition at all02:34
mneptokChunkyKs: /boot has other purposes. /boot is also where Ubuntu stores the kernel. each kernel is >50MB.02:34
mneptokChunkyKs: you do the math ;)02:34
Kyrinyeah, I have elinks, but most forums aren't txt friendly...02:34
zedster_hi, all my alt+fx keys work, but I can't get the run window up alt+f2, tried to remap it and that failed02:35
soundrayKyrin: what's the resolution of your monitor?02:35
darthmarth37I see instructions for mirroring just isos and instructions for mirroring the entire apt repo.  Are there instructions anywhere for mirroring just one architecture?02:35
s0|mneptok, the silly thing is when I go to the network settings and hit property on the wireless connection it lists WPA-personal and such02:35
mneptoks0|: what chipset is this?02:35
ChunkyKsfor a start, ubuntu kernels aren't 50M02:35
Chaotic_Descentwell, I managed to force unmount, but now it lists an unmountable USB card reader on my computer listing. I wonder if it's safe to unplug it now. you know, I didn't know you were supposed to "eject" USB drives for the longest time while  I was using them.02:35
ChunkyKsThey're 2M02:35
RULRcrytel_: ok how should i check my driveres02:35
erossif i go and download/compile/install the latest bzip2, then the repo shows up with an update to the latest bzip2, will that break my packaging?02:35
rampageoberonits a bit of a pain in elinks, but i know it works Kyrin worth a try02:35
ChunkyKswith 50M of modules02:35
FloodBot1ChunkyKs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:35
s0|mneptok, I can look it up again.02:35
FishsceneWPA-Enterprise usually uses a RADIUS server for authentications02:35
SanketsuAlright, I'm back with a new question, on my laptop this time.  I've got a Garmin nuvi 350 and want to use it with my laptop (Ubuntu 8.04) for some wardriving.  I want to make a map of my local area's wifi activity, but I can't figure out how to get it connected how it needs to be.02:36
candiveKyrin, sounds like bad ram02:36
s0|mneptok, it's a texas intrstaments chip set IIRC02:36
sapph424Can I set nested mount points?  For instance have a partition mounted to /boot and another mounted to /boot/grub ?02:36
ChunkyKsBut really. If you're suggesting a 100M boot partition, then you should actually be suggesting no boot partition at all. I *know* /boot is where the kernel is stored, that's the whole point02:36
darthmarth37sapph424: Yes.02:36
Kyrincandive: I guess I should use the built in memtest on it... i hate memtest on 4GB of ram...02:36
Kyrinmight as well try though I guess02:36
soundrayKyrin: just set it to run overnight02:37
Chaotic_Descentwell thanks for the help. I'm going to run now.02:37
sapph424My instructions weren't clear on how/where I should make the dedicated grub partition02:37
darthmarth37sapph424: Otherwise you couldn't mount anything else once you mount /02:37
moshetry memtest on 8 gig02:37
sapph424So I'm fumbling in the dark, and this hairly thing feels like a grue . . .02:37
candiveKyrin did you try switching ram back02:37
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mneptokChunkyKs: and those modules are important to leave outside of LVM groups.02:37
ryanakcaHow can I make my TTY have a larger Cols.x.Rows than the default? 80x25 is rather small and I don't mind having smaller text if it means I get more area.02:37
mneptokChunkyKs: (which is another reason for a separate /boot, and the need to keep it >100MB)02:38
erossheh, mac address filtering is best defense against wardriving02:38
Kyrincandive: I will do that next, have to go for a drive to get it back from someone else I gave it to =/02:38
mneptokeross: not really, since they are easily spoofed.02:38
candiveKyrin, couls any debris have slipped into slot02:38
=== sean is now known as Guest68127
* steph291 wires are the best ...02:38
pinkeyafter updating to 8.04, my resolution dropped to 640x480 and it cannot detect my sony VGN-CR190 laptop screen.  any ideas what to do?02:38
soundrayryanakca: what's the resolution of your monitor?02:38
mneptoks0|: does the Texas Instruments Linux driver support WPA?02:39
darthmarth37Wired net is the best defense against wardriving.02:39
Kyrincandive: I used an air can to clean it before, so, I'm hoping not, I'm quite careful about that02:39
ryanakcasoundray: 1280x102402:39
candiveKyrin, good luck02:39
sapph424Faraday paint is the next best defense :D02:39
=== Nith is now known as nith
soundrayryanakca: try setting vga=0x31B as a kernel boot option02:39
darthmarth37sapph424: Have fun with that.  v_v02:39
steph291how about a .35702:39
ryanakcasoundray: and that'll give me what by what?02:40
sapph424So what would be a good size for a grub partition. I am seeing bits around the net that say it need be no larger than a single meg02:40
soundrayryanakca: 1280x102402:40
soundrayryanakca: see http://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~gerald/laptop/vesafb.txt02:40
ryanakcasoundray: thanks :)02:40
pinkeywhat program can detect screens?02:40
xTOGxok, i think it might have finished while i was gone.  it looks like it's rebooted02:40
SebNaitsabeswhy a Grub partitoin?02:40
soundrayryanakca: do you know how to set it?02:40
xTOGxhow do i get it to run?02:40
SebNaitsabeswhy a Grub partition?02:41
candiveKyrin, could you have bumped your video card assuming you have one02:41
ryanakcasoundray: yes, add it to defoptions in /boot/grub/menu.lst :)02:41
sapph424darth: http://www.forcefieldwireless.com/02:41
=== Muffie is now known as Rtiy
darthmarth37sapph424: You can usually get away with about 32-64M for /boot/.  Don't mount /boot/grub/ separately.02:41
xTOGxhow do i get my gui running?02:41
ryanakcasoundray: thanks :)02:41
soundrayryanakca: well, for a trial without permanent changes, you can edit the kernel line at boot time02:41
tyler_Hey guys, i jsut downloaded a torrent file. It finished downloading and downloaded a folder to my desktop. I opened the folder and there was a .daa file. how can i install this?02:41
soundray!bootoptions | ryanakca02:41
ubotturyanakca: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions02:41
erossxTOGx - startx ?02:41
sapph424Seb: Please see the thread at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=824521 for my issues and why a dedicated grub partition was recommended to me.02:41
danbhfivedarthmarth37: upgrades will fail with that small a /boot02:42
sapph424And by all means, tell me if you disagree.02:42
xTOGxthanks eross02:42
darthmarth37danbhfive: 128M, then?02:42
xTOGxxubuntu comes with firefox!02:42
Kyrincandive: laptop02:43
pinkeythe system|preferences|screen resolution tool cannot dectect my laptop screen.  (Older Ubuntu worked fine.)  What program should I run to detect the screen and install the proper driver?02:43
xTOGxyou guys all rock.  if any of you ever come to toledo, i'm buying your beers02:43
danbhfivedarthmarth37: something like that.  Im no expert, but I have seen people run out of space on /boots of 100mb02:43
Dasmooverhello, how would i find where my audio card is? /dev/sda? im trying to make it work in virtual machine02:43
mneptokxTOGx: if i ever come to Toledo, please buy beer for the firing squad i hire. ;)02:43
erosshow do i find out if i'm alsa or oss02:44
tyler_ Hey guys, i jsut downloaded a torrent file. It finished downloading and downloaded a folder to my desktop. I opened the folder and there was a .daa file. how can i install this?02:44
darthmarth37eross: If you don't know, you're alsa.02:44
drui try ..... mount -t udf  /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0/ -o force .... but it says02:44
wushinyeah you can easily run out of space on 100mb if you roll your own kernel02:44
drublock device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only02:44
erossproblem is i have onboard audio and a pci audio card02:44
=== sean is now known as Guest16820
druwrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0,02:44
dru       missing codepage or helper program, or other error02:44
dru       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try02:44
dru       dmesg | tail  or so02:44
darthmarth37Ouch.  I suppose I can only make educated guesses, as I haven't used Ubuntu in quite a while.02:44
FloodBot1dru: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:44
sapph424wushin: There is no danger of me ever rolling my own kernel ;p02:44
candiveKyrin, must be ram or something chose that exact moment to die02:44
rampageoberontyler_: .daa files are nasty, you want to search google on how to open them02:44
Dasmoover: hello, how would i find where my audio card is? /dev/sda? im trying to make it work in virtual machine02:45
mosheI quit rolling my own as a teenager. got in too much trouble02:45
candiveGoodnight all02:45
wushinsapph424: thats what I said 8 years ago and now Im doing it all02:45
darthmarth37What all goes in /boot/, then?  It can't be more than kernels, grub stage2, and the grub config file, right?02:45
pinkeyhello, does anyone know how to configure laptop screens?02:45
wushinLinux changes you....02:45
s0|oh spare me02:45
sapph424darth: I hope you're not asking me ;p02:45
darthmarth37sapph424: Anyone who knows, really.02:46
Dasmooveranyone help? :(02:46
danbhfivesapph424: I looked at the link you sent.  That person was not suggesting making a separate partition for /boot/grub.  He suggested installing grub to a separate partition, ie not the MBR I believe02:46
sapph424dan: Understood.  So /boot would be sufficient?02:46
wushinSo anyone else looked into postpath? http://www.postpath.com/02:47
darthmarth37sapph424: Should be.  You would just need to install the bootloader on the /boot partition as opposed to the MBR.  I presume the installer has that option.02:47
SebNaitsabeswhat's that?02:47
sapph424darth: I sure as hell hope so ;p02:47
wushinpostfix that works as an exchange server with all the exchange features02:47
SebNaitsabessapph424: you may end up with two Grubs basically the one that is part of the Ubuntu install and your one on your Grub partition02:47
SebNaitsabesand then like me,  you may have it updating the wrong menu.lst when you install a new kernel and so have to do those changes manualley02:48
danbhfivesapph424: well, I suppose.  I have no idea about separate /boots, but it looks like there is no need for a /boot/grub  : )02:48
darthmarth37wushin: I'm curious, what goes in /boot that takes up so much space?02:48
prologi1Hi all. Am using Ubuntu 8.04 - have followed all instructions for getting Compiz working... I can't get Compiz to start automatically though . I have added emeraled --replace in my Startup programs in Preferences... What am I doing wrong ?02:49
grigoraHi, after I upgraded my Ubuntu installation to 8.04, my keyboard switching no longer works ... i went to the Preferences -> Keyboard -> layouts and it does say that I should be able to switch layouts using both Alt keys, but nothing happens when I press them. Used to work just fine. Any ideas?02:49
SebNaitsabes   /boot is just a few files really02:49
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ThreevengeOkay, absolute newbie here. I just got started on Ubuntu and I'm trying to see if I can get "Eat The Whistle" to work. I went through the Autopackage thing and it says it installed correctly and that it was in with my other games. I looked there, couldn't find it, tried to search for it and can't seem to figure out where it is.02:49
RULRI can't find drivers for my "ATI Radeon Xpress 200M" video card. Help!02:49
SmackCrakin9whats the command line for installing KDE or Kbuntu02:49
SebNaitsabes  sudo apt-get install kubuntu02:49
AhadielSmackCrakin9, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:49
SmackCrakin9same thing or no?02:50
SebNaitsabesoh right yeah -desktop02:50
prologi1anyone ?02:50
danbhfivedarthmarth37: mine has the kernel, at 20m, and the initial ram image at 76m, and a backup at 76m, and several smaller files, so a total of 175, about.  I suppose that backup is not needed02:50
darthmarth37A 20M kernel?02:50
SebNaitsabesthat will install KDE302:50
RULRI can't find drivers for my "ATI Radeon Xpress 200M" video card. Please help me!02:50
SebNaitsabesif you want KDE402:50
SebNaitsabesyou can install that to02:50
M4rotkuprologil: have you tried adding it to the list of starting applications?02:50
danbhfivedarthmarth37: vmlinuz, isnt that the kernel?02:51
darthmarth37danbhfive: Yep.02:51
dryrotwhich font does pterm use?02:51
darthmarth37Wow, I had no idea Ubuntu kernels were that large.02:51
grigoraanyone knows why layout switching would stop working after an upgrade?02:51
danbhfivedarthmarth37: oops, 2m  : P02:52
SanketsuAlright, I'm back with a new question, on my laptop this time.  I've got a Garmin nuvi 350 and want to use it with my laptop (Ubuntu 8.04) for some wardriving.  I want to make a map of my local area's wifi activity, but I can't figure out how to get it connected how it needs to be.02:52
dhudewhat is the math applicatiion in oo?02:52
danbhfivedarthmarth37: heh, I was off by a decimal on all those numbers02:52
darthmarth37danbhfive: I was going to say, a 75M initrd?  v_v02:53
s0|blmo, there went X02:53
danbhfivedarthmarth37: -h ftw!02:53
drumount -t udf  /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0/ -o force .... am i doing something wrong? ... it still gives me an error that the dev/scd0 is write protected02:54
s0|lolz fatal server error:..........02:55
zaklinuxI'm back with another gimp question. Followed the instructions on this website: http://delirial.com/archives/howto-gimpshop-on-ubuntu/ . Running gimp from the menu is not an option. Nothing happens. Running gimp from the terminal brings up Gimp, but no Gimpshop and this error: /usr/local/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/print: error while loading shared libraries: libgimpprint.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:55
troxorSanketsu: the best I could do is point you to gpsd02:55
Bodsdaanyone here using xchat?02:55
SebNaitsabesprobably loads of people02:55
dhudetry #xchat02:55
SanketsuXchat here bodsda02:55
SebNaitsabesKonversation :)02:55
SebNaitsabesKonversation :)02:55
troxordru: nothing, does `mount` show that it's mounted?02:55
FloodBot1SebNaitsabes: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:55
wushinI loves my xchat02:55
troxordru: you can also use `pmount /dev/blah`02:55
SebNaitsabesI love my Konversation02:55
drutroxor: no it says the udf volume is wrong02:55
SeaPhorim on xchat02:55
PixeltimeOne Program: Pidgin02:55
BodsdaSanketsu, did you get an autou pm from someone called John_bra when you opened xchat?02:55
Pixeltimeits a on-join bot02:56
Sanketsutroxor, I got that through synaptic, but can't figure out where to go from there.02:56
BodsdaPixeltime, its no bot02:56
Hy71194`Ubuntu is awesome02:56
SanketsuBodsda, nope.02:56
troxorSanketsu: /me doesn't have any gps devices, sorry :(02:56
BodsdaSanketsu, kk,.cheers02:56
Sanketsutroxor, it's alright, thanks though mate.  *^_^*02:57
KyrinSanketsu: I haven't started trying to get my gps working yet02:57
s0|weeeeeeee X is back, minus gnore.02:57
drutroxor: when i try pmount it gives me help options02:57
linuxologyis there a way to automatically join a channel in xchat?02:57
linuxologylike type a script02:57
Kyrinbut it's just a generic SEMA device, whereas I believe garmin's use their own protocol?02:58
troxordru: what are you trying to mount?02:58
Pixeltimeits in the connections dialog02:58
RULRCould not open the file /home/rulr/Desktop/ati-d…taller-8-5-x86.x86_64.run using the Unicode (UTF-8) character coding.02:58
SanketsuKyrin, I've been searching google, to no avail.02:58
zaklinuxCould anyone help me troubleshoot an installation of Gimpshop? I'm not very adept at using the command line.02:59
KyrinSanketsu: does your garmin device work with "generic" gps location tools in windows or have you tried befor?02:59
wols!anyone | zaklinux02:59
ubottuzaklinux: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:59
K^HoltzCan someone help me fix my video playback? My videos are getting cut off on the bottom (i can only see the top)02:59
drutroxor: im trying to mount a dvd disc i moved all my important files to when i switched from vista to linux02:59
SanketsuKyrin, I haven't even tried on Windows yet.  I just got it in today (I work in a second hand store run by my folks) and I'm trying to get it connected so that I can say I can use it and buy it for myself.03:00
RULRCould not open the file /home/rulr/Desktop/ati-d…taller-8-5-x86.x86_64.run using the Unicode (UTF-8) character coding. [i've tried all fonts but no use]03:00
troxordru: hm, it doesn't mount automatically upon insertion?03:00
troxordru: you shouldn't need to specify a type03:01
drutroxor: no i wish it says incalid mount option when trying to mount udf volume03:01
zaklinuxNeed help with Gimpshop. Installed Gimpshop, but gimp only runs from the terminal not from the applications menu. When it does launch from terminal, no gimpshop and this error: /usr/local/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/print: error while loading shared libraries: libgimpprint.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:01
Kyrinzaklinux: is there no 'gimp' icon on your application menu?03:02
troxordru: what did you use to burn the files?03:02
avishow do i get flash working in gutsy ?03:03
drutroxor: windows vista .. i just dragged and dropped the files.03:03
zaklinuxKryin: oh its there, but nothing happens. If I remove Gimpshop using Synaptic, Gimp runs normally from the menu. But with Gimpshop installed, Gimp only runs from the terminal.03:03
darthmarth37dru: Did you hit the burn button after you dragged and dropped all of them?03:03
Kyrinzaklinux: so gimp is "running" from the terminal to the point that it throws that error out on the console, right?03:04
darthmarth37dru: Something like "Burn these files to disc"03:04
drudarthmarth37: yes ... when i run the disc in windows it reads fine, but its just linux (the computer i need it on" does not work03:04
Uplinkhow do i setup ssh?03:04
darthmarth37Good, at least your stuff is safely on the disk.03:04
dyfi'm having this problem where everytime i power my computer on, the layout switching keys don't work.. then i have to go to "Keyboard Preferences" delete my other language and add it again in order for it to work again.. any suggestions to fix this?03:05
sagredohi. How can I change my hostname?03:05
nickruddru probably you used a later version of udf, I think windows supports 2.5 and linux 2.1 (info may be out of date)03:05
nickrud!hostname | sagredo03:05
ubottusagredo: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab03:05
Uplinkhow do i setup ssh?03:05
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/03:06
nickrudUplink install openssh-server, and make sure your router is forwarding port 22 to your computer03:06
drunickrud: isnt there a way i can download the update? i seen a thread about downloading it, but never how to install it03:06
sagredonickrud: you've done a lot for this community, thank you03:06
Uplinknickrud ty03:06
zaklinuxKryin: yeah, gimp opens when I type "gimp" from the terminal, but there's no sign of the Gimpshop interface and I suspect the aforementioned error that appears in the terminal is the culprit.03:06
jahshuahello. can anyone please help me make that annoying system beep go away? i have tried allsamixer and muting it and saving it with alsactl store. i have also disabled system beeps with gnome's configuration tool but no joy. can anyone help me out? ;/03:06
nickruddru probably, but since I make sure to write iso9660 cds ....03:06
pirosyo have to edit03:06
darthmarth37iso9660 doesn't work for DVD, right?03:06
pirosand add03:07
pirosOption "XkbLayout" "*"03:07
Kyrinzaklinux: I'm unfamiliar with gimpshop, but it sounds like it's not fully installed, or the libraries are not where they ought to be?03:07
nickruddarthmarth37 doh, right, but vista allows you to choose 2.1 iirc03:07
drurickrud: im confused03:07
Bodsda!who | piros03:07
ubottupiros: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:07
pirosunder inputdevice03:07
darthmarth37Yes it does.03:07
joshHey how do i change my user josh's UID to 1003 properly without getting locked out of KDM in kubuntu?03:07
dmsuperman_I have a Dell machine at work, and I want to put Ubuntu on it (which means I don't have access to it now, and whenever I actually do get access I won't have chatroom access). Whenever I install it, after booting up all I get is a blinking cursor. This is with a wubi install. If I try to install the full version (gutsy and hardy) then I also get the blinking cursor, before I can even install it. What steps might I take to determ03:07
dmsuperman_ine and fix the problem?03:07
joshHey how do i change my user josh's UID to 1003 properly without getting locked out of KDM in kubuntu? I tried usermod -u 1003 josh but when i start up kubuntu im locked out03:07
lgcjosh, first thing is to join #kubuntu ;).03:08
awmcclainI need to restrict access to a port to a list of IP addresses (all within the same domain). What's the simplest method to implement that, which allows me to change the list of allowed machines very, very easily?03:08
darthmarth37josh: You also have to change ownership of all that user's files to the new UID.03:08
unavailablewith firefox, chatzilla is installed, any way to make chatzilla open without opening firefox?03:08
joshhow do i do that darthmartin03:09
zaklinuxKryin: I suspect the same. Gimpshop supposedly is just an interface the makes Gimp look like Photoshop. I don't know even know where to begin troubleshooting.03:09
uzairhi guys, does anyone know why aptitude keeps telling me to use "safe-upgrade" instead of upgrade??03:09
darthmarth37josh: Something like chown -R josh /home/josh/03:09
KyrinOkay, putting my old ram back, things work, putting one of the 2GB sticks in at a time works, but when I put both in, that's when it screws up the palette...03:09
darthmarth37uzair: It's safer, just like it sounds.  ^_^03:09
uzairlol, is that it?03:09
dmsuperman_unavailable, I highly doubt it, since it's an extension and not an application, and runs with the firefox codebase03:09
darthmarth37uzair: Honestly, I'm not sure.  I just couldn't resist the joke.03:10
uzairLol. I hear ya03:10
unavailablebut im able to run it after firefox is closed03:10
unavailablelike i open firefox, then chatzilla then close firefox03:10
dmsuperman_unavailable, you close the window, but technically firefox is still running03:10
nickruduzair they changed the names for some reason. Probably can find a rationale on debian-devel somewhere03:10
PullMyFingewhen I run gnome-display-properties to resize my display under the fluxbox wm it has no effect (but works under the default ubuntu wm03:11
Kyrinzaklinux: I would double check your install process, and specifically watch for the file which it was complaining about and make sure that gets installed somewhere03:11
dmsuperman_unavailable, in windows at least, when I close the window but chatzilla is still open, the firefox.exe process continues to run03:11
MiescoWhats the difference between 'claws mail' and 'sylpheed' why are they so similar?03:11
joshOk im going to restart X03:11
joshI did usermod -u 1003 josh03:11
joshthen everything kind of broke03:12
dmsuperman_So does nobody have any suggestions on how to fix the "blinking cursor upon boot" for ubuntu?03:12
joshkonversation said it couldnt write log files03:12
joshso i went to console (Ctrl + Alt + F103:12
dmsuperman_josh, somebody already told you that you needed to change the permissions to match03:12
nickrudPullMyFinge iirc gnome-display-properties makes a change to gconf , and some gnome daemon triggers an xrandr event. If you figure out what start (gnome-settings-daemon?) it should work03:12
joshand i did chown josh -R *03:12
FloodBot1josh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:12
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
joshdude i just want this hassle overwith its such a pain in the ass just to change josh's userid.. i dont understand why03:12
uzairFirst time using xchat and first time in the ubuntu server. Now that I think about it, it's probably been about 8 years since I was on irc =O03:12
PullMyFingehmmm, I'll just try saving the changes and restarting then :)03:13
simplechatuzair, ouchy03:13
uzairso, do you guys mind if I idle?03:13
simplechatthis is why irssi was made :D03:13
Jack_Sparrowuzair Not at all03:13
nickruduzair you're welcome, with the other 1200+ ;)03:13
uzaircool, thanks. See you in a bit03:13
uzairLol nickrud03:13
nickrudevening Jack_Sparrow03:13
Jack_SparrowHey Nickrud03:13
irelandJack_Sparrow: Plez use discretion in banning people; a few hrs ago you baned me for my nick. I support keeping #ubuntu clean, but I hadn't nor was planing to use this channel with that nick. my sis uses that nick on another freenode channel.03:14
brandan_Hello...May someone help me to get my screen resolution to 1280 x 1024 ? Thank u03:14
linuxologyis this the best way to uninstall something sudo apt-get remove purge <program name>03:14
Jack_Sparrowireland PM me please03:14
chattanWhat ubuntu 8.04.1 ? would u tell me ?03:14
hobanlooking for a spellchecker that is customizable, and works with modified xml. a CLI would be best. suggestions?03:14
erossbrandan_ pls explain, what's your problem?03:15
chattanWhat's ubuntu 8.04.1 ?03:15
nickrudlinuxology that works well, except it's --purge   . the --purge makes sure the configuration files in /etc are removed as well03:15
brandan_I enabled restricted drivers, and I have   "nvidia-settings" but I can't get pasted 800x600 res03:15
chattan!ubuntu 8.04.103:15
ubottuFactoid ubuntu 8.04.1 not found03:15
linuxologynickrud: thx for the help03:16
subsumeI can't for the life of me figure out how to make my ubuntu machine keep its wifi settings upon startup03:16
nickrudchattan 8.04.1 is a bug fix release; it brings the cd up to date to the current release so people don't have to download a bunch of stuff from the net for each install. (think sp1 without the downside)03:16
Jessicahi folks,  anyone know how I can get x11vnc to load as a service so I can login from a vnc client?  I've only been able to get it to run in an already logged on session.03:16
erossbrandan - boot into recovery mode of your latest kernel, then select Try to Fix xorg screen, think it's the fourth option03:17
sakuramboocongratulations, ubuntu just converted a long time fedora user :D03:17
erossthen after it does it's thing, select boot as normal03:17
prologi1How do I start compiz automatically when I login ?03:17
Darlok_WilliamsCould someone please recommend a good telnet client with full ANSI support (GUI or terminal is fine)?03:17
nickrudJessica you could try adding it to system->prefs->sessions startup tab (haven't tried it myself, but it's the first thing I'd do)03:17
lgcireland, mind Jack_Sparrow, for he won't let one pass by his strict morals...:).03:17
chattannickrud: Thanks. it likes windows's sp1,is that right?03:17
Jack_Sparrowlgc THis does not concern you .. thanks03:17
brandan_eross: you mean boot from my Ubuntu disc?03:17
Jessicanick, wont that only start it -after- i start a session?03:18
nickrudchattan sorta03:18
SunJayhi i am having trouble with getting my laptops audio to work in *.0403:18
erossbrandan - boot from grub menu03:18
erossshould be a recover option03:18
brandan_eross: forgive me im a linux b00b...how do i do this?03:18
brandan_eross: lol n00b sorry03:18
Jack_Sparrowlgc for the record, they logged on with a very offensive nick, and did not respond when asked to change it...03:18
erossshut down - restart03:18
nickrudJessica ah, I see what you mean. Yes, you have to have a running desktop for vnc to work iirc. Not enough experience to say much more, sorry03:18
lgcJack_Sparrow, not this time around, indeed. But many times before...03:19
erosswhen it comes up, use arrow keys to move up or down your grub menu03:19
Jessicaanyone else?03:19
brandan_eross: and pick ?03:19
erossthe one on top is your default login, the one under it should say recovery or something03:19
lgcJack_Sparrow, "offensive" is a very subjective word...03:19
chattannickrud:  I see, thanks u so much!03:19
erossyes, pick recovery, it will come up with a screen with 4 options, select try to fix xorg screen03:19
erossthen boot as normal, it worked for me03:20
georgewpI am currently running a machine with Kubuntu installed and I would like to change my install to Ubuntu, what would be the easiest hassle free way to do this?03:20
sniperbuenas nocheeesssss03:20
snipersoy piñon fijo03:20
nickrud!es | sniper03:20
ubottusniper: Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.03:20
brandan_eross: ok thank you alots, i will try this and come back if no success..03:20
subsumeHow can I make ubuntu remember my wifi settings upon startup? Keeps forgetting / demanding I configure before connecting.03:20
Jessicafolks, anyone know how to get x11vnc running as a service?03:21
SunJayHello i am having trouble with my sound on a laptop if some1 could Private massage me with help that would be amazing03:21
llama_how do I set my default volume options? So that I don't have to manually unmute my computer every time I start it?03:21
wols!pm | SunJay03:21
ubottuSunJay: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.03:21
dyfpiros: well, i restarted X.. i had to include both lines in xorg.conf so that it works03:21
troxorJessica: I believe vino and krfb already do that03:22
Dasmooverhello, how would i find where my audio card is? /dev/sda? im trying to make it work in virtual machine03:22
SunJayI did ask my question in the channel03:22
dyfpiros: but it works great now.. see? أهلا بيك حبيبي03:22
Jessicatroxor: are those users in here?03:22
nickrudI think vino also requires a running desktop03:22
troxorJessica: er, those are the programs ;)03:22
subsumewhere do my apt sources live?03:23
nickrudsubsume  /etc/apt/sources.list03:23
Jessicakrfb?  is that a frontend tool for x11vnc?03:23
jim-DandyHi! If I ‌install ubuntu-server to an usb stick, how do I transfer it to an internal hard drive--'cp -r /* /mnt/disk' ?03:23
dmsuperman_So does nobody have any suggestions on how to fix the "blinking cursor upon boot" for ubuntu?03:23
brandan_I did what you said, I still cannot get past this resolution03:23
nickrudsubsume but system->admin->software sources is a very good frontend (thought I'd never say that about any gui)03:23
troxorsubsume: /etc/apt/sources*03:24
brandan_it saved a file someplace03:24
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman_ does ctrl-alt-F2 bring up a cli03:24
dmsuperman_no, nothing boots past the wubi boot menu03:24
troxorJessica: it's a KDE vnc-compatible server thingy03:24
erossbrandan - sorry, that's as far as i know, ask again and be specific with your problem, maybe someone can help03:24
dmsuperman_it just shows the black screen and blinking cursor03:24
troxorJessica: it's called desktop sharing or somesuch, in kcontrol03:24
Darlok_WilliamsCould someone please recommend a good telnet client with full ANSI support (GUI or terminal is fine)?03:24
subsumenickrud: well I'm having trouble updating. its giving me a sources error03:25
hobanlooking for a spellchecker that is customizable, and works with modified xml. a CLI would be best. suggestions?03:25
ChunkyKsfor windows? putty03:25
troxorDarlok_Williams: nc -v <host> 23 ;)03:25
nickrudsubsume run sudo apt-get update , you'll usually get a decent error message03:25
ChunkyKsDarlok_Williams: that was to you03:25
piroshave you seen boot.ini?03:25
Jessicatroxor:  I'm using gnome.  vino says it's a gnome tool, but the other guy said it also needed a running session. do you know differently?03:25
wolsDarlok_Williams: why telnet?03:25
keithclarkhey, what's going on?03:25
troxorJessica: right, it does03:25
nickrudsubsume if it's confusing, put the output on  paste.ubuntu.com03:25
Darlok_WilliamsChunkyKs: Why would I want a Windows client?03:25
Darlok_Williamswols: To telnet into BBSes03:26
brandan_I can't get passed 800x600 resolution, I enabled restricted drivers...Also I picked recovery mode to try and reconfigure it and it did some sort of auto detect and saved a file, then I continued booting..Still can't get passed it03:26
wolsDarlok_Williams: why would you want a telnet client03:26
ChunkyKswell, I was assuming you weren't asking for a linux telnet client, since you can just type "telnet" and you're fine03:26
pirosno for the person that had problems with wuby03:26
nickruddoesn't the vnc protocol _require_ a running desktop?03:26
wolsDarlok_Williams: telnet03:26
subsumemy error is "Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-propcess gzip returned an error code (1)03:26
subsumenickrud: that's when I run the updatedr03:26
wolsnickrud: sometimes vnc makes its own, noninteractive one03:26
nickrudwols Jessica is trying to set one up, do you have a pointer by any chance?03:27
brandan_if any help, i really appreciate it...I am willing to do what i can to fix this03:27
Jessicanickrud: pointer?  huh?\03:27
nickrudsubsume hm, do sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/*  , and try again.03:27
troxorbrandan_: what kind of card/monitor? what are the max resolutions they support?03:27
wolsnickrud: vnc4server03:28
SunJayHello i have a toshiba satellite laptop and am having trouble getting the sound to work any help would be appreciated03:28
Dasmooveranyone please help03:28
Jessicanickrud: i used to be able to get to a login screen from a vnc client on my old rh9.2 server03:28
brandan_troxor: I have a HP 17 inch CRT. and XFX nVidia 6600GT 128MB...Supports 1280x1024 @ 60hz on the monitor.03:28
Dasmooverhello, how would i find where my audio card is? /dev/sda? im trying to make it work in virtual machine03:28
StarnestommyDasmoover: you may need to repeat your question03:28
wolsJessica: vnc4server03:28
nickrudJessica did you see wols last?03:28
Dasmooverow would i find where my audio card is? /dev/sda? im trying to make it work in virtual machine03:28
Jessicawols: ty03:29
Jessicalooking at it now03:29
wolsDasmoover: lspci. /dev/snd/...03:29
troxorbrandan_: can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf?03:29
uzairOh man, I just got introduced to the "Paste Bin". Man that's cool! Should have had something like that 8 years ago when I used to be on IRC03:29
brandan_troxor: being a total linux newbie, how can I do this?03:30
grim76Jessica: you might look into freenx also.  Runs over SSH.03:30
Darlok_Williamswols: telnet doesn't properly display extended ASCII characters.03:30
uzairgo to paste.ubuntu.com03:30
wolsDarlok_Williams: fix your TERM then03:30
power2theplanktoanybody know how to troubleshoot Cinelerra rendering problems?03:30
uzairput your name, copy-paste your text and give us the link from the address bar03:30
Dasmooverwols: that brought up 03:09.0 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies Inc. VT1720/24 [Envy24PT/HT] PCI Multi-Channel Audio Controller (rev 01)03:30
wols!anyone | power2theplankto03:30
ubottupower2theplankto: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:30
Darlok_Williamswols: I don't know what that means.03:30
Dasmooverwhere can i find where its mounted?03:30
troxorbrandan_: brandan_ what uzair said ;)03:30
wolsDasmoover: it's not mounted ever03:30
Dasmooveri mean where is it03:31
Jessicagrim76: ty.  i'll look into it03:31
Dasmooverso i can put it in my virtual machine03:31
power2theplanktoWhen I render a microsoft avi in cinelerra it produces an avi file that does not work03:31
wolsDasmoover: first you load the driver for it and configure it. THEN you look for its device file03:31
brandan_yes but how do I view,  "/etc/X11/xorg.con"  ?03:31
wols!doesn't work03:31
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.03:31
Dasmooverno, its working03:31
brandan_so I can paste it for you03:31
uzairAnyone know a good terminal based IRC program they can recommend?03:31
subsumeHow can I make ubuntu remember my wifi settings upon startup? Keeps forgetting / demanding I configure before connecting.03:31
troxorbrandan_: open a text editor, like gedit, then open the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:31
wolsuzair: irssi03:31
Dasmooveri want to find the device file for my windows vm03:31
uzairbrandan_: type gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:31
uzairin your terminal03:31
troxorDasmoover: what virtualization program?03:32
=== Rtiy is now known as WarrenStorm
grim76uzair: weechat is another solid choice.03:32
wolssubsume: gnome-netowkr-manager or /etc/network/interfaces03:32
uzairirssi is number 1 choice?03:32
grim76uzair: Kind of a preference thing.  I would try both to see which one you like more.03:32
brandan_ok. is this right?03:32
subsumewols: I'm fairly sure my /etc/network/interfaces contains everything it needs.03:32
troxorDasmoover: ah, no experience w/ that.. sorry03:33
power2theplanktothere are no apparent errors when cinelerra is editing, but when i try to load it with a video player it doesn't work... for example with VLC it gives me this error http://pastebin.com/m5574558a03:33
AMDfanboyhi, i want network manager to connect to a particular wireless network on startup.  how do i do that?03:33
uzairBrandan: That's it!03:33
Dasmooveri just need to find where it is, it asks for location of snd file03:33
Schalken!reset panel03:33
ubottuFactoid reset panel not found03:33
ubottuFactoid panel not found03:33
=== WarrenStorm is now known as SlimHarpo
brandan_uzair: :-)03:33
Schalken!linux hates me03:34
ubottuFactoid linux hates me not found03:34
wolssubsume: if it does then your problem does not exist. congrats03:34
brandan_uzair: did I paste the correct information for someone to help me?03:34
SunJayHello i have a toshiba satellite laptop and am having trouble getting the sound to work any help would be appreciated03:34
wols!sound | subsume03:34
ubottusubsume: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:34
SunJayplease help i am a total noob03:34
wols!sound | SunJay03:34
wolssubsume: sorry, wrong tabcomplete03:34
uzairI believe so, unfortunately, I'm not good enough with Linux to help you with your specific problem :(03:34
ubottuSunJay: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:35
Dasmooveranyone know where i can find where my sound is at? as in the device03:35
wolsDasmoover: I told you long ago. scroll up03:35
brandan_troxor: did you get my link my friend? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19183/03:35
troxorbrandan_: try doing `sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf` , then adding a couple lines to there.. one sec03:35
mrglinuxhow to make flash usb stick for boot or install ubuntu from it?03:35
DasmooverDasmoover: first you load the driver for it and configure it. THEN you look for its device file03:35
SunJayok i'll check that thank you so much Ubottu03:35
Dasmooveri have it configured, i need to know where it is..03:35
subsumewols: hah. my problem still exists.03:36
brandan_troxor: ok i did that :-)03:36
wolssubsume: you said your interfaces is right. I believe you. HAND03:36
subsumewols: there's no reason to be like that.03:36
wolssubsume: no reason to believe you?03:36
subsumewols: I simply meant that it duplicates another working system.03:36
uzairuh oh, I got irssi running, but don't know how to chat lol, can anyone say newb?03:37
subsumewols: also I said I'm 'fairly sure', that doesn't mean 'I am absolutely right'03:37
Dasmooverwols, so what now?03:37
wolsDasmoover: so now you scroll up and read what I told you03:37
Dasmooveri did!03:37
wolsDasmoover: if you want03:37
Dasmooveri said its configured, and everything works!03:38
wolsDasmoover: then I guess you found it. congrats!03:38
troxorbrandan_: make the Section "Screen" look like this --> http://pastebin.ca/104448203:38
Dasmooveri just need to know where it is!03:38
AMDfanboyhi, i want network manager to connect to a particular wireless network on startup.  how do i do that?03:38
troxorbrandan_: you're adding that subsection there, with the resolutions you want..03:38
Dasmooveryou said configure then find it03:38
Dasmooverits configured but where do i find it!03:38
subsumewols: Does going through the Manual configuration output to the interfaces file?03:38
brandan_troxor: one minute while i do this :-)03:39
wolstroxor: not adding. he already has such a section just with less stuff in it.03:39
djangojoehallo! after installing ubuntu hardy on a macbook & made the workaround for it - my sound doesn't work. alsamixer shows only 'master' and 'pc-speaker' - can anyone help me get it ?03:39
=== ireland is now known as coolJ
Q_Contin1umUpgraded to FF3rc1 and bookmarks went away - restore from backup, I presume?03:39
troxorwols: but not the subsection ;)03:39
uzairbrandan: be sure you make a copy of xorg.conf first!!!!03:39
=== coolJ is now known as ireland
uzairThat's one of those files you really don't want to mess up :)03:39
wolstroxor: but he already has a screen section. don't make him have two and make X confused03:40
fbcwill a dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0 delete the data???03:40
brandan_troxor: I don't currently see any resolutions in my xorg.conf03:40
troxorbrandan_: wols is right, don't add a new screen section, just make yors look like that03:40
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:40
wolsfbc: no03:40
fbcwols, cool, thanks03:40
troxorbrandan_: right, you're going to explicitly tell it which ones to use03:40
troxorbrandan_: that's what those extra lines (05 to 09) are for03:41
wolsQ_Contin1um: check for a file "bookmarks.html" somehwere in a dot directory in your ~03:41
=== babassmuther is now known as coolj
sparkyWhat is the flash package to install so I could say watch YouTube videos?03:41
flyingsquirrel32Can someone help me get an external monitor working on my pre-installed ubuntu dell  laptop?03:41
arvind_khadrisparky flashpugin-nonfree03:41
arvind_khadrisparky * flashplugin-nonfree03:42
wolssparky: it just told you what to read03:42
Q_Contin1umwols: they're both small, in both profile directories...Oh dear god...the backups are not there...03:42
ho43i need to mount an ext3 partition so that a user can write files to it with the mount command, i thought i could just do mount -o uid=ubuntu -L my-part /tmp/d but that fails, what is my mistake here?03:42
ubottuFactoid vfatrw not found03:43
brandan_troxor: is this how it should look?03:43
Q_Contin1umSo.  Looks like Firefox not only wiped out my bookmarks.html file on upgrade, it also wiped out the backups03:43
sparkyarvind_khadri, it can't find that package :/03:43
arvind_khadrisparky jus a sec03:43
sparkyOh nevermind, I got it03:43
sparkySorry :/03:44
=== coolj is now known as ireland
arvind_khadrisparky, :) its ok03:44
arvind_khadri!en | evil03:44
ubottuevil: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat03:44
xanhduong2000co ai ko03:44
uzair_oh nice, i can chat in irssi now :)03:44
troxorbrandan_: yep, you might want to add @60 after the 1024x768 one (I forgot it)03:44
subsumewhat command gives me a list of network interfaces?03:44
Pici!zh | evil03:44
ubottuevil: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk03:44
wolssubsume: ifconfig -a03:45
Bodsdasubsume, ^^03:45
brandan_troxor: put it after  1024 instead of  1280 ? or put one there also?03:45
flyingsquirrel32how do I add video resolutions  in hardy?03:45
troxorbrandan_: just like the other Modes are, I just forgot the @60, sorry03:46
troxorbrandan_: that's going to tell it to run at 60Hz03:46
brandan_troxor: oh ok...not a problem at all..I just save this and then what?03:46
evilmy head turn big03:46
troxorbrandan_: yep, save it, then open another terminal03:47
subsumeI'm afraid to update my computer to 8.04 because, I updated one of them and it hangs forever after giving me an error much like http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=577946&page=303:47
subsumeI shouldn't say 'much like'...I should say...exactly!03:47
brandan_troxor: ok i saved it and opened the terminal03:47
prologi1Hey guys, I get a lot of flickering with compiz. Is my system not using direct rendering/glx ?03:48
uzair_subsume: I seem to have issues with hardy hanging too03:48
ogreany security geeks in here? im trying to harden my kernel. here is my sysctl.conf does this look legit to you all? http://paste.ubuntu.com/19188/03:48
subsumeuzair_: no luck I am guessing?03:48
Starnestommy!cn | evil03:48
ubottuevil: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk03:48
uzair_I was thinking about switching to Fiesty or something03:48
brandan_troxor: what do I do in terminal now?03:48
ogreit may be tweaky03:48
gandhi_anyone there could help me with codecs for Totem movie player? need the ones for xvid and divx03:48
troxorbrandan_: in the new one, type `X :2.0`  this will open up another graphical session, to test your configuration. it's going to be just black and white with an X cursor, and that's it... if the resolution looks OK, hit ctrl+alt+backspace to kill it, and get back to your normal login. hopefully nothing will go wrong there ;)03:48
uzair_well, as far as I've figured it out, it seems to be a video/gdm bug03:48
DigitalSithXhey is there a way to shrink or resize a partition so that i can make a new partition03:48
subsumeuzair_: its just one bug. should be resolved soon.03:48
uzair_so, no solution as of yet03:48
evilhow can i get there03:49
subsumeuzair_: what's funny is my disk-installed version doesn't do it (I don't believe)03:49
uzair_Jun  9 17:51:45 mybochs gdm[29369]: WARNING: gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting :003:49
brandan_troxor:  X :2.0  in terminal don't open anything03:49
uzair_I get this error and it restarts GDM for me randomly03:49
evilok, I want to learn my english03:49
troxorbrandan_: what does it say?03:50
brandan_troxor: X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.03:50
DigitalSithXhey is there a way to shrink or resize a partition so that i can make a new partition03:50
troxorbrandan_: oops, ... try `startx -- :2.0` then03:50
troxorbrandan_: this will probably try to open up a new desktop session, I forget exactly, but ctrl + alt + backspace will kill it03:50
brandan_troxor: brandan@Linux-PC:~$ startx -- :2.003:50
brandan_X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.03:50
brandan_xinit:  Server error.03:50
brandan_Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console03:50
FloodBot1brandan_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:50
Q_Contin1umWell...Firefox upgrade ate the BACKUPS of bookmarks.html as well.  *Curses*03:51
arvind_khadriDigitalSithX, ya you can use gparted or cfdisk03:51
brandan_troxor: also that do not open anything either03:51
uzair_perhaps sudo startx?03:51
troxorbrandan_: argh, `sudo startx -- :2.0`03:51
Tuxis there a way to see the free space of a external drive in nautilus while copy and pasting files to it?03:51
sparkyHmm, after installing the sun-java6-jre package, I still can't play Java games, or even see Java applets.  Is there a way to fix that?03:51
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brandan_troxor: once i see that screen. what do i do?03:52
power2theplanktonow i am getting this error in Cinelerra when i try to render a  YUV4MPEG file: http://pastebin.com/m735aaca303:52
troxorbrandan_: check to see if the resolution is ok, then ctrl + alt + backspace to kill the new screen... or ctrl + alt + f7 to get back to your first one.. if f7 doesn't work, try f8, f9, and so on03:53
subsumewols: doh, you were right. ra0 turned into wlan0 upon update03:53
malkavOkay, Hardy Upgrade-AMD64-nVidia6100: I have the nVidia driver listed and enabled in the Hardware Drivers menu, FINALLY. Now, after restarting the PC, I get no nVidia logo and am prompted with the xwindows display configuration wizard. I have tried selecting nVidia, nv, and skipping this step entirely using VESA and it's always the same result: 800x600 no nvidia detected by nvidia configuration manager03:53
mrglinuxis there any Conexant Modem Driver for ubuntu 64bit from dell ?03:54
* calc will be uploading OOo 2.4.1-1ubuntu1 to hardy-proposed sometime tomorrow03:54
brandan_troxor: i dont think its any good...:-S03:54
sparkyHmm, after installing the sun-java6-jre package, I still can't play Java games, or even see Java applets.  Is there a way to fix that?03:54
dryrotwow thats a lot of updates03:54
ogre im trying to harden my kernel. here is my sysctl.conf does this look legit to you all? http://paste.ubuntu.com/19188/03:54
arvind_khadrisparky, after installing do a restart and then check03:54
brandan_troxor: do i need to reboot or anything maybe?03:54
sparkyarvind_khadri, I did03:54
wolsmalkav: dpkg -l |grep nvidia03:54
arvind_khadrimrglinux, ya there is03:54
Mr_MilenkoCan someone help me, I can not for the life of me get DVD's to play :-/03:54
sparkyPerhaps there's a FireFox plugin that I'm missing?03:54
wolssparky: jre != java plugin03:54
wols!dvd | Mr_Milenko03:55
arvind_khadrisparky, ya...just again open the page and look for any missing lugins03:55
spencer_Got a question on scim03:55
ubottuMr_Milenko: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:55
fbcI have a domain name on my server, does that automatically mean I have an FQDN?03:55
Mr_Milenkothanks wols03:55
sparkyWell how do I know which plugin I should get? Because there's a bunch of Java packages, and I don't know which is the one I need :/03:55
dn4http://play.rbn.com/play.asx?url=cspan/cspan/wmlive/cspan1v.asf&proto=mms?mswmext=.asx  <-- how do I get this up and running in ubuntu?03:55
wolsfbc: no03:55
brandan_troxor: when it goes to that other screen, it dont seem to be doing anything03:56
troxorbrandan_: what does the other one do?03:56
malkavwols, http://www.pastebin.org/4304103:56
brandan_troxor: its just a greyish screen with a black X cursor at a strange resolution03:56
fbcwols, how do I make it a FQDN?03:56
sparkydn4, I can't even view the video, what's is supposed to be?03:56
SebNaitsabesHow do I get MIDI playing in Ubuntu?03:57
cn28hFatal server error: could not open default font 'fixed'  <-- I get this when trying to run vncserver.. 7.10 Gutsy.  I haven't messed with any of the X settings.  Any ideas?03:57
Mr_Milenkow00t works, thanks wols03:57
spencer_i weren't able to trigger the scim input toolbar on my machine... please help!!!03:57
ubottuTrouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo03:57
fbcwols, I have changed my /etc/hostname to <domain_name>.com03:57
wolsmalkav: then check your xorg log when your run with the nvidia drivers enabled there03:57
troxorbrandan_: the grey/ X cursor is normal, although ugly... try re-logging in to see if the proper resolution comes up03:58
malkavwols, ok03:58
brandan_troxor: just log out n back in and see if the right resolution comes up?03:58
fbcwols, it's set it up in bind to point to my ip what else must I do?03:58
mrglinuxarvind_khadri: ooo very good could you give me a download link ? and could you test it on ubuntu hardy ?03:58
uzairtroxor: wouldn't a gdm restart be in order?03:59
steven_yeah restart gdm03:59
troxorbrandan_: right, what uzair and steven_ said03:59
steven_sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start?03:59
uzairrestart instead of start03:59
brandan_troxor: so just do a full restart? better?03:59
troxorbrandan_: the easiest way would probably be just to reboot03:59
troxorbrandan_: though that's annoying ;)04:00
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steven_can i get that x cursor that shows up when ubuntu is in low graphics mode?04:00
brandan_troxor: thank you for your time :-) I will be back shortly. hope it works out good04:00
juano__is there a k-12 channel on freenode?04:00
MiescoSo claws is the new sylpheed, sylpheed is obsolete?04:00
troxorbrandan_: np, gl04:00
arvind_khadrii had built them long back when i was having a dial up...why dont you just google it...i think www.linmodems.org was the one04:00
wolsjuano__: ask in #freenode, not here04:00
uzairtroxor: just curious, but how was he chatting with us the whole time while messing around with his X?04:00
juano__wols: just did04:00
uzair(hmm, that kind of sounded odd...:S)04:01
juano__wols: no answer04:01
malkavwols, is it /var/log/Xorg.0.log or something else? i see several files such as Xorg.9.log and Xorg.20.log04:01
wolsjuano__: just because another channel doesn't know means not you should ask your OT questions here04:01
spencer_can anyone help me on my scim issue?  I can't seem to get the scim to trigger.  I think may be compiz fusion is handling all the special keypresses.04:01
troxoruzair: if he was on the same machine, starting X with the :2.0 starts a new display, independent of the chat program on :0 (presumably)04:01
wolsmalkav: it is04:01
K^Holtzhow do i see how my current ubuntu machine is partitioned?04:01
juano__wols: nice mood04:01
wols!ot | juano__04:01
ubottujuano__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:01
SebNaitsabeseither of those04:02
wols!enter SebNaitsabes04:02
FloodBot1SebNaitsabes: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:02
ubottuwols: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:02
uzairtroxor: thats fine, but if his X wasn't running, was he using a terminal based irc client?04:02
steven_sudo apt-get install gparted04:02
K^HoltzSebNaitsabes: no way to just view within the OS?04:02
wols!enter | SebNaitsabes04:02
ubottuSebNaitsabes: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:02
SebNaitsabessure  kdiskfree04:02
steven_well maybe04:02
troxoruzair: I think he was just running at a low resolution04:02
steven_but get gparted04:02
uzairah ic04:02
steven_quite useful04:02
FloodBot1steven_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:02
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wolsK^Holtz: df04:02
uzairhey, rogers.com -- someone from toronto area?04:02
steven_what's df?04:03
SebNaitsabesHow do I find out what sound card I have?04:03
wolssteven_: man df04:03
wolsSebNaitsabes: lspci04:03
K^Holtzwols: ty04:03
spencer_i'm from toronto area04:03
uzairsame :)04:03
wols!ot | uzair:04:03
ubottuuzair:: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:03
Pici!ca | spencer_ uzair04:03
ubottuspencer_ uzair: Canadian Ubuntu users can be found in #ubuntu-ca04:03
brandan_troxor: ok its at the right resolution at the desktop but I have to scroll around to see the whole thing04:03
uzairwhat's ot? ohh lol, got the point04:03
brandan_troxor: as though it's a web page or something04:04
SebNaitsabeswols: not sure which one is the sound card if one is even listed04:04
K^HoltzCan someone help me fix my video playback? My videos are getting cut off on the bottom (i can only see the top)04:04
wolsbrandan_: shows us your Xorg.0.log04:04
wolsSebNaitsabes: pastebin the outout04:04
spencer_need help on scim!04:04
brandan_wols: how do i pull that up so i can pastebin it?04:04
troxorbrandan_: are you able to run preferences-> Screen Resolution ?04:04
wolsbrandan_: like the files you pastebinned before04:05
brandan_troxor: yes it is at  1280 x 1024 60Hz but I have to scroll around to see the whole desktop04:05
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:05
utzxubirui need help with virus, i think is virus, not sure, this mornig i removed a trojan, and the internet is working fine but the browsers dont , lp plz04:05
sparkyWhat's the plugin that'll allow me to play java games on FireFox?04:06
troxorbrandan_: does ctrl + alt + numpad_plus do anything?04:06
uzairutzxubiru: is that in linux??04:06
wolsutzxubiru: what trojan did you remove?04:06
arvind_khadrimrglinux, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/Conexant here you go :)04:06
SebNaitsabeswols:  http://pastebin.com/d4a2c5a7a04:06
utzxubiruis in xp04:06
wolsutzxubiru: then you are in the wrong channel. ##windows04:06
utzxubirubut i dont know were else to ask04:06
brandan_troxor:  ctrl +alt + num pad + ? no it dont do anything04:06
uzairutzxubiru: all we could suggest is get linux ;) lol jk04:06
powertool08utzxubiru: try scanning your xp partition with clamscan, f-prot, etc04:07
troxorbrandan_: can you scroll to the top, and open preferences->Screen Resolution?04:07
wolsSebNaitsabes:  http://pastebin.com/d4a2c5a7a04:07
arvind_khadrimrglinux, ???04:07
wolsSebNaitsabes: 80:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA High Definition Audio Controller (rev 10)04:07
brandan_troxor: yes it's open now04:07
utzxubirui have it already thx04:07
troxorbrandan_: what is listen in the Resolution dropdown?04:07
klosis there a video encoder for linux soecifically for handheld encoding like th eiphone or tomtom devices ?04:07
spencer_sparky, you have the jre installed?04:07
axisysno sound today04:07
axisyssome update broke it?04:07
SebNaitsabeswols:  So can I do this or not?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundcardsWithHardwareSynth   yes I am trying to get MIDI's playing04:08
Bhaveshany one gotten WPC54G working using ndiswrapper driver and linksys ap with WPA?04:08
brandan_troxor: 1280 x 1024 - 800x600 - 640x480 - 400x300 - 320x24004:08
sparkyspencer_,  if you're referring to sun-java6-jre then yes04:08
wolsklos: no need. you just use the codec the device understands and the device' screen res04:08
mrglinuxarvind_khadri: thanks im looking but are you sure are there and .deb package for 64 bit here http://linux.dell.com/files/ubuntu/hardy/modem-drivers/hsf/  or hsfmodem_7.68.00.09oem_i386.deb works for both of them?04:09
troxorbrandan_: brandan_ select 1280x1024 and hit apply04:09
brandan_ok it is04:10
ogreim trying to harden my kernel. can an experienced ubuntu user let me know if my sysctl.conf looks good? http://paste.ubuntu.com/19188/04:10
ogreplease and thank you04:10
brandan_troxor: i still have to scroll up down - back n forth to see my whole desktop04:10
arvind_khadrimrglinux, 64 wont work with i38604:10
klosah avidemux has presetups for this nice ipod and psp04:10
wolsogre: harden against WHAT?04:10
troxorbrandan_: hm... can you open a terminal again, and do `sudo lsmod | grep nvidia`04:10
ogrewols:  mitm attacks04:10
SebNaitsabeswols:  So can I do this or not?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundcardsWithHardwareSynth   yes I am trying to get MIDI's playing04:11
arvind_khadrimrglinux, the page i gave you has links for Dell04:11
brandan_troxor: ok i did, nothing opened04:11
spencer_sparky, are those applet games?04:11
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:11
troxorbrandan_: it just went to the next line?04:11
mrglinuxarvind_khadri: but i dont see any 64 from that page i can see just i38604:11
wolsSebNaitsabes: very very unlikely. you have a onboard soundcard04:11
brandan_troxor: yep04:11
arvind_khadrimrglinux then there might be no packages04:12
sparkyspencer_, they are04:12
brandan_troxor: is something wrong with it?04:12
Bhaveshany recommendation on PCMCIA card for lapotop that works out of box ( i.e. without using ndiswrapper)?04:13
troxorbrandan_: woops ;) try this in terminal -> `nvidia-xconfig --use-edid-freqs`04:13
Bhavesh*WIFI card04:13
mrglinuxarvind_khadri: but you said there are driver for 64 bit a few mintue ago04:13
spencer_sparky, did you install sun-java6-plugin04:13
troxorbrandan_: er, sorry, this might be better `nvidia-xconfig --use-edid-freqs --no-virtual`04:13
mrglinux arvind_khadri: i find this also http://www.dellideastorm.com/article/show/72265/Conexant_Modem_Drivers_for_Ubuntu_64bit_Feisty_Fawn04:13
brandan_a bunch of text came up, i will pastebin it one min04:14
sparkyE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?04:14
uzairAnybody using Hardy & FF3? I seem to have Evolution pop-up randomly when I click on random links (even ones that aren't mailto:)04:14
spencer_anyway to upgrade from 32 to 64 bits by just doing apt-get upgrade?04:14
sparkythat's what I get when i try to install it04:14
wolsspencer_: no04:14
Ahadielspencer_, no04:14
wolsspencer_: somewhere you have apt already running04:14
puffOkay, so I booted up a hardy live CD, clicked on the "install" icon on the desktop, selected manual partitioning, assigned the existing /root to root and checked the "format partition" checkbox, assigned existing /home, /swap and the 30GB spare /data partition, and clicked go.  It's now been "installing system" for an hour or two, and for the past half hour has been at "96% Checking for packages to remove..."04:14
axisysanyone else having no sound issue04:15
puffIs this normal, or has it hung, somehow?04:15
brandan_troxor: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19191/04:15
spencer_sparky, you have apt running somewhere already.04:15
ari_stressmorning all04:15
SebNaitsabeswols: hummmmmmmm  well  I got this game and  it has MID's as the music.  I think it stays with the same one all through the game though.  I am thinking probably could convert them into a WAV or OGG or MP304:15
Bhaveshnevermind ;) i found the ubuntu site with list of supported PCMCIA cards04:15
spencer_sparky, namely, the synaptic or in one of your terminals...04:15
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troxorbrandan_: oops, sorry- use sudo04:15
sparkyOh sorry, I copied the wrong one04:15
SebNaitsabeswols:  yes I got it working Wine earlier and it's running well except for the sound04:15
puffAnd how would I check if it's hung?04:15
troxorbrandan_: `sudo nvidia-xconfig --use-edid-freqs --no-virtual`04:15
SebNaitsabeswols: working in Wine earlier04:15
sparkyPackage sun-java6-plugin is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package sun-java6-plugin has no installation candidate04:15
sparkyThat's the one I get04:15
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puffYoiks, and it's running a bit hot, 93C.04:16
sparkyAfter closing Synaptic04:16
=== Guest79619 is now known as dmb
uzairwhao! 93C!?!!?04:16
wols!info sun-java6-plugin04:16
ubottusun-java6-plugin (source: sun-java6): The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-06-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB04:16
Kalamansihello how to install ubuntu without affecting the already installed windows xp? i just want to have dual OS and practice ubuntu desktop 8. thanks04:16
subsumeIs dpkg-reconfigure -a the same as dpkg --configure -a?04:16
brandan_troxor: ok i used sudo and this happened. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19192/04:16
wolsKalamansi: have a some free, unpartitioned space04:16
uzairpuff: I'd have a fire extinguisher close by if I were you04:16
sparkyKalamansi, use the guided installation04:16
jebusHow do i convert .vob files to .mpeg04:17
wols!dvd | jebus04:17
ubottujebus: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:17
SebNaitsabeskulasmansi:  to do a dual boot you must  make  the XP partition smaller or put Ubuntu on another hard disk.   or install  Ubuntu inside WIndows with Wubi04:17
sparkyThe first one, it should create a second partition.  make sure you DON'T select the guided entire disk04:17
uzairtry googling: ffmeg04:17
troxorbrandan_: can you pastebin the new /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?04:17
jebuswols that has nothing i need in it04:17
jebusi need to convert not play or back up04:17
mrglinuxare there any drivers for Conexant modem for ubuntu 8.04 x86_64 ??04:17
uzairyea, it's a converter04:17
wolsjebus: it's CSS encrypted. of course you need it04:18
sparkySo spencer_ you have any idea? :/04:18
uzairI used it for flv, it may do vob too, but not positive04:18
wolsjebus: if it's not CSS encrypted anymore it already IS mpeg204:18
spencer_sparky, you have multiverse enabled?04:18
CaptainMorganugh... where are the standard error pages in apache? like 404, 403.. 500, etc.. I've looked in /var/log, /var/www, /etc/apache2 and many other places... even after searching online ever result returns info on *custom* error pages.. I simply want the standard pages04:18
brandan_troxor: okie i did...here  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19193/04:18
sparkyspencer_,  that I do have enabled04:18
puffShort of holding down the power button, is there anything I can do to check on the install?04:18
wolsCaptainMorgan: possibly compiled in04:18
wolspuff: kill the hung process04:18
ninjabuntuGod Bless the good people of IDEAL Industries Inc. For providing me with the IDEAL Telemaster... After fighting with my wireless, I finally just gave up and made myself a... Get this... 157 foot CAT5e patch cable.... Granted I ad to get some cable, but my dad was rigging is house for a Network Jack by every Power socket, so he had lots of cable in 500 foot rolls...04:19
troxorbrandan_: alright, try `sudo startx -- :2.0` again04:19
spencer_sparky, i did a  apt-cache search --full sun-java6-plugin and i was able to pull the full detail out...04:19
wolsninjabuntu: do you have a ubuntu support question?04:19
ninjabuntunow that I got internet04:19
ninjabuntumy Zire 71 Palmpilot04:19
spencer_sparky,then when i do a apt-get install sun-java6-plugins it was able to get the latest verison...04:19
ninjabuntuis still not connecting04:20
=== Nith is now known as nith
wolsninjabuntu: this zire71 is running ubuntu?04:20
ninjabuntunope it running the stock Palm OS04:20
Kalamansiwols sparky: I have CLI already though. I failder to install firestarter in server CLI. how to block ports, load balancing, limit the bandwidth and proxy?04:20
ninjabuntubut it would be awesome to run ubuntu on zire...04:20
wolsninjabuntu: then why do you ask in #ubuntu about it?04:20
ninjabuntubecasue I use Ubuntu04:21
sparkyspencer_, that didn't help any :/04:21
ninjabuntuand I want it to connect...04:21
puffwols: How do I make sure it's hung?04:21
wolsninjabuntu: but it's not a ubuntu problem is it?04:21
ninjabuntuso i can pt some Palm apps onto my palm...04:21
wolspuff: you wait 24h and if it doesn't move it's hung duh04:21
ninjabuntuYes it is04:21
ninjabuntuUbuntu on see the Saddle...04:21
ajax4Anyone know how I can change my default image viewer? (Not just for nautilus, but for all gnome apps)?04:21
puffwols: /var/log still shows kern.log, messages and syslog being written to.  All three are full of "reading block reading block reading block" etc.04:22
wolsninjabuntu: does your palm have an local IP? does it connect via a network interface to your ubuntu?04:22
ninjabuntuUbunto will not see the saddle...04:22
wolspuff: EXACT error please04:22
ninjabuntuit Connect Via USB04:22
ninjabuntuvia saddle...04:22
wolsninjabuntu: that doesn't answer my question04:22
neil_dI am having trouble, I think xinetd isn't working.  :(  I am trying to get xvnc to work on port 5904, I have setup xinetd but netstat says nothing is listening on port 5904,  can someone please help ?04:22
ninjabuntuit won see anything04:23
ninjabuntui go to BRB04:23
wolsneil_d: restart xinetd then if you run it via xinetd04:23
ninjabuntui go to the System/prefrences/palmOS Device and it just will not see it...04:24
neil_dwols: done that several times, still nothing listening on the port.04:24
=== bud3030 is now known as flint_dude
wolsninjabuntu: it's a "cradle" not a saddle... unplug it and plug it in again then check dmesg04:24
spencer_sparky, you can find the deb there..04:24
wolsneil_d: is xinet listening on any other? what are your entries for vnc?04:24
puffOkay, so I booted up a hardy live CD, clicked on the "install" icon on the desktop, selected manual partitioning, assigned the existing /root to root and checked the "format partition" checkbox, assigned existing /home, /swap and the 30GB spare /data partition, and clicked go.  It's now been "installing system" for an hour or two, and for the past half hour has been at "96% Checking for packages to remove..."04:24
brandan_troxor: i had to reset the xconfig again cuz when i typed the last command you gave me it said out of frequency range.04:25
arvind_khadrimrglinux, http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Conexant_HSF_modem_drivers try this04:25
puffwols: Okay, so I booted up a hardy live CD, clicked on the "install" icon on the desktop, selected manual partitioning, assigned the existing /root to root and checked the "format partition" checkbox, assigned existing /home, /swap and the 30GB spare /data partition, and clicked go.  It's now been "installing system" for an hour or two, and for the past half hour has been at "96% Checking for packages to remove..."04:25
wolsspencer_: are you running amd64?04:25
brandan_troxor: so i think we are back to square one :-(04:25
troxorbrandan_: hrm, alright, that's ok04:25
spencer_wols, nope04:25
puffwols: Except update that by adding another 20 minutes to all time figures.04:25
=== flint_dude is now known as bud3030
=== Charitwo is now known as c
wolspuff: you alreads said that. repeating won't endear you04:25
spencer_wols, using intel c2duo04:25
troxorbrandan_: CRT monitor?04:25
brandan_troxor: yeah04:25
puffwols: You asked for the exact error.  That is the exact error.04:25
wolssparky: are you running 64bit?04:25
brandan_troxor: HP pavillion vx7404:25
ninjabuntuwols: No Message... is dmesq a command in terminal?04:26
wolspuff: in the LOGS!04:26
brandan_wols: do u mean me? no I am 32bit04:26
wolsninjabuntu: dmesg04:26
arvind_khadrimrglinux, the link i gave now has drivers for 64 bit04:26
wolsbrandan_: no I don't mean you04:26
brandan_troxor: what can I do now?04:26
ninjabuntuWols: sorry dmesg04:26
mrglinuxarvind_khadri: thanks .. im looking04:26
puffwols:  The problem report is "the install is taking a long time and hasn't given me any feedback since saying it was 96% done 30 minutes (now 50 minutes) ago", the question is "is this normal?"04:26
arvind_khadrimrglinux, :) welcome04:26
Bodsdahey guys,.,.when i try to boot windos from grub i get error 13 unrecognized/wrong executable format04:27
troxorbrandan_: try the same command, `sudo nvidia-xconfig` with no -- options04:27
wolsbrandan_: you could do what I told you half an hour ago04:27
brandan_wols: and what was that?04:27
wolsBentley: scroll up04:27
brandan_troxor: i typed  sudo nvidia-xconfig  i got some message, pastebin it?04:27
puffwols: As for the logs, I quoted you quite literally what I was seeing in the logs.  Many, many lines that start "June 11:  03:00:11 ubuntu kernel: ng block reading block  reading block  reading block  reading block  reading block  reading block  reading block   etc."04:27
ninjabuntuwols: same question... is that some command line I need to type, or is thats something that needs to happen when i plug it in again...04:27
wolspuff: do a smartmontools check on your disk04:28
Bodsdaninjabuntu, dmesg is a command to be entered in a terminal04:28
troxorbrandan_: it should be ok, can you pastebin xorg.conf though?04:28
cpufreqWhere would one find the log of the boot sequence ? I saw some fatal error messages but they flashed by before i could actually read them .. TIA04:28
wolstroxor: have you EVER looked at logs?04:28
wolscpufreq: /var/logs04:29
wolscpufreq: /var/log/04:29
troxorwols: logs are for suckas, I just punch at it until it works ;)04:29
brandan_troxor: ok here is this, i will paste bin  xorg.conf also     http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19194/04:29
mrglinuxarvind_khadri: :-( linuxant has license.. and i cant buy it04:29
troxorwols: just kidding- logs would be a good idea though,04:29
cpufreqwols: yep, i know thx, you don't happen to know which one would have the messages that appear on screen while booting ?04:29
neil_dwols: /etc/services has the line "vnc4  5904/tcp"  see http://paste.ubuntu.com/19195/ for the /etc/inetd.d file.   when I try to connect I get a 'failed to connect (111)' error04:29
puffwols: It's not installed.  Should I install it, while the ubuntu install is still running?04:29
ninjabuntuBodsda: thank you...04:29
brandan_troxor: xorg.conf opens, but is empty04:29
wolstroxor: if I answer you properly someone will say !language cause I'd need to make many unfavourable comparisons with your IQ04:30
Bodsdaninjabuntu, your welcome04:30
arvind_khadrimrglinux, the one i gave you now doesnt need a license...just download it04:30
wolspuff: live cd has it04:30
puffwols: sudo dpkg -l | fgrep -i smartmontools -> no results.04:30
troxorbrandan_: er, /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:30
arvind_khadrimrglinux, as a matter of fact am installing them for myself now :)04:30
wolspuff: dpkg -l smartmontools04:30
brandan_troxor: ok sorry04:30
wolspuff: dpkg -L smartmontools04:30
emmawols: easy easy my friend, take a step back and relax, be your true self now before the authorities step in and there are hard feelings.04:30
troxorwols: I probably shouldn't reveal my occupation then ;)04:31
brandan_troxor: here is xorg.conf   http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19196/04:31
puffwols: ATtempting to invoke smartctl gets me "The program 'smartctl' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install smartmontools.04:31
wolsemma: let's just say this channel needs me more than I need this channel04:31
aviswhen i try to install adobe flash from firefox in gutsy, i am told that "install-3uf..rdt" provided by adobe is not well-formed or does not exist.  how do i get flash working in gutsy ?04:31
troxorbrandan_: sudo gedit that xorg.conf file, and remove the HorizSync and VertRefresh (lines 43-44)04:32
wolspuff: must be new then. check if badblocks exist04:32
puffwols: How do I do that?04:32
ramiel77is there a way to update applications to the newest version without installing the source code from the website, pidgin for example04:32
wolspuff: by trying to run it for example?04:32
cpufreqavis: have you tried installing flashplugin-nonfree via apt-get ot Synaptic ?04:32
mrglinux arvind_khadri:yes but it is 14kb is it right ?04:32
wolsramiel77: upgrade your gutsy to the newest version04:33
brandan_troxor: and save it and close?04:33
troxorbrandan_: yep04:33
avisyes i sure have cpufreq.  after doing that, trying to access flash on firefox's yields a "additional plugins are requried to display all media"04:33
brandan_troxor: ok its done04:33
puffwols: Ah.  I thought you were saying "check if bad blocks exist on your disk", you were saying "check if the badblocks utility is installed."04:33
arvind_khadrimrglinux, the one i gave you later has max speed i guess...let me check it again04:33
puffIt appears to be installed.04:33
wolsthen run it04:33
puffWhat parameters?04:33
ramiel77wols, if i update it, does anything really change beyond the repositories and the apps?04:33
troxorbrandan_: try `sudo startx -- :3.0`- if the out of range comes up, just ctrl + alt backspace04:33
wolsman badblocks04:33
wolsramiel77: possibly04:34
ajax4wols: Do you how I can change my default image viewer? (Not just for nautilus, but for all gnome apps)?04:34
troxorbrandan_: we'll use 3.0 this time, so later we can pastebin /var/log/Xorg.3.log for wols04:34
cpufreqavis: hmm, sems like it didn't install properly .. sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree and re-install is the only thing i can think of ..04:34
arvind_khadrimrglinux, http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Conexant_HSF_modem_drivers am talking about this page04:34
mrglinuxarvind_khadri: thanks04:34
MrNazif i have a stalled application, how do i kill it, if i dont know the process name? ive got a stuck thunar session which i cant close, but ps aux |grep thunar   brings up nothing04:34
l3dok I still need some help with a unmountable drive04:34
brandan_troxor: that just goes to that screen again and i can't do anything there04:34
StarnestommyMrNaz: try ps aux | grep -i thunar04:35
AshexI'm trying to compile virtualbox-ose-1.6.204:35
wolsMrNaz: ps aux |less04:35
AshexI keep getting an error about xlibs missing when running configure04:35
l3d tried to clean the log files and terminal doesnt know ntfsfix04:35
rampageoberonMrNaz: ps -A | grep -i "thunar"04:35
Ashexwhat's the replacement for xlibs-dev?04:35
wolsAshex: then get the xlibs dev package04:35
BodsdaMrNaz, right click on your panel, select add to panel, the fidn 'Crash Handler' add it,then click on the new icon then on the crashed app04:35
Ashexwols it's not in the repos04:35
troxorbrandan_: the ugly grey screen is normal, can you pastebin the /var/log/Xorg.3.log ?04:35
wolsAshex: it is04:35
StarnestommyAshex: it may be libx11-dev04:36
brandan_troxor: /var/log/Xorg.3.log  is empty04:36
l3d well what could help is if someone could tell me where the logs are kept04:36
sparkywols, sorry I had to go to the bathroom, but yes, I am running the 64bit04:36
AshexStarnestommy, I installed that package and no luck04:36
wolssparky: there is no 64bit java plugin04:36
Ashexwols, E: Package xlibs-dev has no installation candidate04:36
wolssparky: does not exist. use nspluginwrapper and the 32bit one04:36
wolsAshex: apt-cache search x11 |grep dev |less04:37
mrglinuxarvind_khadri: yees but please read first paragraph ... and on that page you must download from Download: http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/hsf/full/downloads.php04:37
emma!info libxcb-xlib0-dev | Ashex wols04:37
ubottuashex wols: libxcb-xlib0-dev (source: libxcb): X C Binding, Xlib/XCB interface library, development files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 14 kB, installed size 72 kB04:37
wolsemma: close but no cigar04:37
troxorbrandan_: er, it'll be named something like that- Xorg.30.log or somesuch04:37
mrglinuxfirst paragraph of this  arvind_khadri:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/Conexant04:37
Wulfie_lappyhey folks , I just installed hardy onto sda2, when I reboot I get a error 22 from grub - any suggestions?04:37
wolsWulfie_lappy: reinstall grub, this time properly04:38
wols!grub | Wulfie_lappy04:38
ubottuWulfie_lappy: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:38
puffwols: Ok, I'm running read-only test of the disk.04:38
Ashexemma, already had that one too :P04:38
arvind_khadrimrglinux, sorry didnt look there... :( can i just scream??04:38
Wulfie_lappywols: I just did exactly that04:38
brandan_troxor: i'm not sure I can find it....:-(04:38
co_asik\nick bareta04:39
wolsWulfie_lappy: then you didn't do it right04:39
nigrathis is why we cant have nice things04:39
mrglinuxarvind_khadri: is it worked for you good04:39
evilcan any body talk to me ?04:39
troxorbrandan_: if you're opening it on the terminal, you can use the tab key to complete filenames and directories04:39
rampageoberonwhat evil04:39
Bodsdaevil, hello ;~)04:39
ninjabuntuOk... my Palm Pilot Works... Told the PalmOS Device GUI to look in the wrong place... And Suggestions on a Palm App for managing my PalmPilot?.04:39
arvind_khadrimrglinux, i want to scream as these modem guys never reveal thier architecture04:39
spencer_anyone uses scim input toolbar here?04:40
arvind_khadrimrglinux, i installed it....hell with proprietary things!!!!!04:40
brandan_troxor: i can't make sense of this...04:40
spencer_can't get the scim toolbar to pop out when i have compiz-fusion.04:41
wols!zh | evil04:41
ubottuevil: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk04:41
troxorbrandan_: hrm, try just `gedit /var/log/Xorg*`04:41
troxorbrandan_: or sudo ged...   if it doesn't let you04:41
rafaelHelp. I got my installation broken. Since I use encrypted full disk with luks, I booted from livecd, chrooted and tried to fix my ubuntu. Them when I restarted I couldn't boot. File npot found in grub. Them back to livecd, my vgscan --mknode returns no volume group found. Help,. everything I have is there I can't loose it04:42
brandan_troxor: once again it has opened it, but it's empty...(no text in there)04:42
brandan_troxor: maybe cause it wasn't put back, need to reboot?04:42
evilthanks wols04:43
rafaelAll my work, studies, contacts. Please no one remeber me I should hava a backup of that04:43
troxorbrandan_: even with sudo ?04:43
brandan_troxor: yep even using sudo04:43
eviland ubottu04:43
Bodsdatroxor, get him to run     sudo apt-get install pastebinit && ls -lah /var/log | pastebinit04:43
Wulfie_lappywols: so I just did it again exactly according to that page and I still get error 2204:43
wolsWulfie_lappy: you know how insanity is defined?04:44
DarkLordVenomdoes anyone know how to enable AGP fast write and side band addressing04:44
troxorbrandan_: do what Bodsda says ;)04:44
rafaelno one?04:44
Divinewindrver irc.anisubs.net04:44
Ashexeh, whatever04:44
Wulfie_lappyyou know one of the main reasons I switched from Debian to Ubuntu years ago was the simple politeness of the folks in this chanel04:44
AshexI just did some searching on suns website and found the hardy amd64 build of virtualbox 1.6.204:44
Wulfie_lappyguess its gone the way of debian04:44
Wulfie_lappyso long folks04:45
spencer_if i'm running tomcat/apache/mysql for most of the time, is it a good idea to switch to 64 bit?04:45
brandan_troxor: just put in,    sudo apt-get install pastebinit && ls -lah /var/log | pastebinit       in terminal ?04:45
BodsdaWulfie_lappy, dont listen to wols,. he's been rude to most people tonight04:45
troxorbrandan_: yep04:45
rafaelPlease, i am desperate. No way tor escue my partitions??04:45
wolsBodsda: have you fixed your grub problem?04:45
Bodsdawols, yeah and guess what,.,.without those links04:45
brandan_troxor: ok that's done.04:46
Bodsdabrandan_, it should have given you a link?04:46
wolsBodsda: and what was it?04:46
Bodsdawols, what was what?04:46
=== c is now known as Chari2
wolsthe problem's solution04:46
brandan_Bodsda: http://pastebin.com/f613978b304:46
rampageoberonrafael: whats the problem?04:46
Bodsdawols, to create udev rules to stop drives reordering themselves then fixing the device.map04:47
rafaelI can't find my encrypted partitions with luks anymore. I can only boot to livecd and I get from vgscan no volume group found04:47
Bodsdatroxor, your xorg filenames are at the bottom ;~) -- http://pastebin.com/f613978b304:47
rafaelI had a brokem installation, booted at Livecd, then chrooted and tryed to fixed it04:47
brandan_troxor: i have a link? http://pastebin.com/f613978b304:47
rafaelthen reboot04:47
brandan_Bodsda: sorry i hit enter as soon as you did..04:48
rampageoberonoh, sorry rafael i have no idea about encrypted partitions04:48
=== Soulwarp is now known as ummm
troxorBodsda: cool, this pastebinit thing is ;)04:48
Bodsdabrandan_, no worries dude,,. do you understand what that command did?04:48
brandan_Bodsda: Im a linux n00b so sorry, not really04:48
Bodsdatroxor, yeah and try this,.,,. cat /var/log/someXorgFileHere | pastebinit04:48
Bodsdabrandan_, want me to explain it for you?04:48
brandan_Bodsda: sure04:49
ummmI just want to say Ubuntu is a great system and i love it a lot. It meets all of my needs :)04:50
Bodsdabrandan_, the sudo apt-get install pastebinit   just installed a small program that automatically puts things online for others to error check, the second bit ls -lah /var/log   searched your var/log file and the | pastebinit    put whatever ls -lah found onto the web04:50
Bodsdaummm, good to hear it ;~)04:50
rafaelman, i am lost04:50
brandan_Bodsda: how can you help me get my resolution with this?04:50
troxorrafael: what's in your filter in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf ?04:51
Bodsdabrandan_, well i dont know the whole problem nor how to fix, but troxor was having problems finding the name of your Xorg files and the command i gave you helped him find the filenames04:51
mrglinuxif you see here http://linux.dell.com/files/ubuntu/hardy/modem-drivers/hsf/  there are driver for x86_64 but why didn't make x86_64 in .deb package ??  arvind_khadri04:51
brandan_Bodsda: ok, i see04:51
troxorbrandan_: yep, pastebinit is just a convenience that saves you the trouble of copy/pasting over and over04:51
htmljunkieUbuntu isn't bad but I think it doesn't teach people linux properly like Slackware does04:52
brandan_troxor: does it always auto pastebin all my information ?04:52
rafael    # By default we accept every block device:04:52
rafael    filter = [ "a/.*/" ]04:52
rafael    # Exclude the cdrom drive04:52
rafael    # filter = [ "r|/dev/cdrom|" ]04:52
dmbhtmljunkie, the only thing that teaches people linux is LFS04:52
FloodBot1rafael: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:52
rafaelit worked on last boot04:52
error404notfoundThis might not be related to channel topic. Can anyone tell me a good mobile phone emulator on ubuntu in which I can test a couple of .mobi sites?04:52
dmbthey all have installers that install everything for you04:52
Bodsdahtmljunkie, ubuntu = 'linux for human beings' nnot 'linux for people who want to learn how to code an os'  but i agree it could teach a bit more rather then being so 'automated'04:52
troxorbrandan_: from the output, we see that Xorg.3.0.log was the right file to look at -> so, sudo cat /var/log/Xorg.3.0.log | pastebinit04:52
Bodsdatroxor, i believe you dont even need to sudo that04:53
brandan_troxor: http://pastebin.com/f4e95dab604:53
troxorbrandan_: only what you feed into it... commands with the | on the command line take output from the left side of the | and feed it as input to the command on the right04:53
Bodsdabrandan_, pastebinit only pastebins the information you tell it to04:53
nickrudBodsda for the first time in a while, I let hardy guide me through installing codecs, setup wireless, etc. It was amazing how well it worked04:53
troxorBodsda: perms annoy me ;(04:53
ummmhtmljunkie: it's good to hear. this is why there are so many distros. for different ways people think linux should be distributed to the public04:54
Bodsdanickrud, i love the simplicity, but im slightly worried by the automation bug the devs seem to have04:54
rafaeltroxor: any idea??04:54
Bodsdatroxor, because catting a file does nothing to it you dont need sudo04:54
brandan_troxor: is that helping any what I pastebin ?04:54
nickrudBodsda as long as the automation is transparent I'm happy. That's the reason I use linux for, being able to trace exactly what's going on04:54
Bodsdanickrud, yes, its when the word 'wizard' starts poopin up il be scared,.,. i dont want to see an amazing distro become a free windows04:55
troxorbrandan_: yep, though it looks like it's trying to use 640x 480 :(04:55
troxorrafael: I've never used luks, just lvm :(04:56
brandan_troxor: i need it to use 1280 x 1024  :-(04:56
rafaelhum, but i am using lvm also04:56
troxorbrandan_: right, but we're going in the right direction, at least04:57
brandan_troxor: yeah04:57
troxorbrandan_: try this: `sudo nvidia-xconfig --mode=1280x1024`04:58
brandan_troxor: we had it before but I had to scroll around my desktop to view clock or the bottom panel and etc...Wasn't working right04:58
BhaveshYAY!!! WPC54G works like a charm as it should04:58
troxorbrandan_: right, that was a virtual desktop04:58
Bodsda!yay | Bhavesh04:58
ubottuBhavesh: Glad you made it! :-)04:58
troxorbrandan_: or, virtual resolution, whatever xorg calls it :P04:58
l3dok idk what to do about this drive not being able to mount log say still in use so any ideas? for the 56 time04:58
Bhaveshthanks.. Bodsda been fighting it for two weeks and it just started working on its own04:58
brandan_troxor: here... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19201/04:59
BodsdaBhavesh, yeah,.my wifi did that,,.haha04:59
brandan_troxor: it did something04:59
BhaveshBodsda: seems like something was going on with linksys WPC54G, it did not associate with AP, but now after fresh boot and doing NOTHING new, it started working04:59
troxorbrandan_: cool, try cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit04:59
troxorbrandan_: just to double check04:59
Bodsda!elaborate | l3d04:59
ubottul3d: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)04:59
BodsdaBhavesh, cool,.im glad its workin for you05:00
brandan_troxor: http://pastebin.com/f3c5f33a705:00
brandan_   sorry05:00
brandan_troxor: it didn't change my resolution though.05:00
BhaveshBodsda:  it's not even my laptop, i have an entirely different problem :) this is a friend's laptop he has it edubuntu for his daughter05:00
Bodsdabrandan_, gettin the hang of pastebinit?05:00
brandan_Bodsda: yeah05:00
brandan_Bodsda: a little05:01
BodsdaBhavesh, not really meant to discuss this here, but congrats05:01
hobanlooking for a spell-checker that is customizable, and can handle xml. I'd like to check entire directories at once; a CLI would be best. suggestions?05:01
BhaveshBodsda: sorry and thanks05:01
oniscientehow can i delete something in the terminal?05:01
rampageoberononisciente: rm05:01
Bhaveshonisciente: rm -i <file name> to delete05:01
Bodsdabrandan_, if you ever need any help understanding something join #ubuntuforums-beginners   im usually there05:01
rampageoberononisciente: remember though rm permanently deletes it05:02
troxorbrandan_: cool, alright, try re-logging in, by logging out, ctrl + alt + backspace, then logging in05:02
BhaveshBodsda: i am just too happy to have this thing working :)05:02
InsideHey guys, this is on a gentoo site, but I'm trying to get this to work on ubuntu as well~ I have no idea how to apply patches ^_^05:02
Bhaveshback to my real problem05:02
brandan_troxor: so just hit  ctrl alt backspace and it will log me out?05:02
troxorbrandan_: yep, it'll kill your graphical session and force gdm to start a new one05:03
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troxorbrandan_: reloading the xorg.conf file, essentially05:03
wolsInside: have you got the source code of the program to patch?05:03
mrglinuxwhat is the default password in ubuntu 8.04 .. between instaliing .. appear live session user and want password.. and i dont know what shall i enter05:03
=== co_asik is now known as bareta
mrglinuxim bored from ubuntu shit05:04
brandan_troxor: now I can't go passed,  640 x 48005:04
rampageoberonmrglinux: there is no default password for the live cd05:04
Insideyes yes I do~05:04
=== bareta is now known as barryt
mrglinux rampageoberon: but it request05:04
rampageoberonmrglinux: press enter05:05
oniscientehow can i establish a configuration from network as the default?05:05
mrglinux rampageoberon: i install 8.04 x86_6405:05
Insideactually I had a problem with it not wanting to patch stuff in the subdirectories, but moving the patch file in there and patching from there seemed to've worked05:05
brandan_troxor: but the logon screen and desktop are good and same res, but too small of resolution05:05
Insidebut now other errors :|05:05
oniscientenet configuration05:05
Insidebad register names~05:05
LogrusmageHello, does anyone know why a driver in the restricted menu would be unchecked, but still in use after a reboot?05:05
wolsLogrusmage: cause it's still installed. uninstall it05:05
mrglinux rampageoberon: and i dont run live ..just run install.. in 68% .. the screen light down when move mouse apper this dailog box05:05
rampageoberonmrglinux: if you have installed it it must have asked you in the installation process to create a username and password, use that05:06
ogreim trying to harden my kernel. can an experienced ubuntu user let me know if my sysctl.conf looks good? http://paste.ubuntu.com/19188/ please and thank you05:06
mrglinux rampageoberon:  i try enter .. ubuntu but didnt work05:06
troxorbrandan_: can you pastebin the latest xorg log? you can find the latest one with ls -ltr /var/log/, which will be sorted by ascending date05:06
legend2440ogre: try channel   #ubuntu-hardened05:07
rampageoberonmrglinux: in the installation it should not ask you to enter a password, rather it asks you to create an account. so i don't know what you are referring to05:07
LogrusmageWols: How?05:07
Bodsdatroxor, what does the -t option do?05:07
wols!pm | Logrusmage05:07
ubottuLogrusmage: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.05:07
=== kuma_ is now known as PPKuma
troxorBodsda: sort by time05:07
brandan_troxor: is there a different way to get that to show in Terminal so I can copy/paste it to pastebin ?05:07
Bodsdatroxor, oh cool,.,.ty05:07
mrglinuxrampageoberon; this account named ubuntu .. but i define another thing ..05:07
wolsLogrusmage: like you uninstall anything else05:07
Bodsdabrandan_, remember pastebinit?05:07
=== kat is now known as Guest95608
ogrelegend2440:  thank you i didnt know that channel existed05:08
mrglinuxi pressed switsh user but nothing happen05:08
rampageoberonmrglinux: i have no idea what you are referring to again, sorry05:08
oniscientedoes anyone know how to set my network configuration as default? I need to give 2 DNS for use it properly. I've already saved them, but i want to make it default.05:08
Bhaveshis there a specific reason why ubuntu detects first IDE drive as SDA?05:08
Insideanyway, has anyone been able to compile the "tiger TI-92 emulator" :o?05:08
NullNameIs there an easy way to password protect samba, so that I could open it through my router, and not worry about the security? (ubuntu 8.04 xfce4)05:09
* mrglinux wnat to back ubuntu 7.1005:09
brandan_Bodsda: yes but I don't know what to pastebin05:09
rampageoberononisciente: you need to modify /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf05:09
LogrusmageWols: Er... I have no idea what the package is called or if it is even a package05:09
mrglinuxits awfull05:09
wolsInside: ask a proper question.05:09
wols!anyone | Inside05:09
ubottuInside: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:09
oniscienterampageoberon: thank you, i'm gonna try05:10
nanohow can i change my name on irc05:10
troxorbrandan_: list all the files in /var/log with the `ls -ltr /var/log` command... then find the Xorg.blahhh file closest to the end- that's the latest one.. then, `cat /var/log/Xorg.latestone | pastebinit`05:10
rampageoberononisciente: i think adding prepend name-server <ip> <Ip>; should do05:10
rampageoberononisciente: i'll confirm05:10
Bhaveshnano /nick newnick to change your name, /join #newchannel to join another channel05:10
Bodsdabrandan_, ok, well he asked for your latest xorg file so you use the command    ls -lrt /var/log     then take a note of the exact name of the last Xorg file noted. then use cat /var/log/<nameOfXorgFile> | pastebinit05:10
troxorbrandan_: the `cat` command just takes whatever file its given and spits it all out, as fast as it can05:10
rampageoberononisciente: its "prepend domain-name-servers <ip1> <ip2>;05:11
oniscienterampageoberon: hmmm, good! i'll do it05:11
rampageoberononisciente: and then do sudo ifdown <interface> && sudo ifup <interface>05:11
Logrusmagewols: It isn't a package, and searching for it turns up nothing05:11
=== nano is now known as flipstick
Metatroni need some help with dial up, when i try to set the dial up properties Administration>Network after i unlock and set the point to point connection, it will not stay checked.  also where is the icon to start dialing? how can i get a display showing i'm online and option to disconect?  i have the right modem driver and have connected from terminal with wvdial, but dont see how to work with the modem in the gui05:12
oniscienterampageoberon: interface is the dns?05:12
Bodsdaonisciente, no, an onterface migght be   wlan005:12
rampageoberononisciente: no interface is your network interface, so eth0 for example05:13
wolsLogrusmage: what is it?05:13
oniscienterampageoberon: ahh, ok05:13
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.05:13
Insidewell that is my entire question. I'm trying to compile the tiger ti-92 emulator, but it's fairly old code ('99 or so~) and the compiler is throwing all sorts of errors at me. twu.net/dxc05:13
ubottuFactoid pm-utils not found05:14
Logrusmagewols: Atheros Hardware Access Layer (HAL)05:14
ubottuFactoid pmutils not found05:14
Bodsda!msthebot | lightrush05:14
ubottuFactoid msthebot not found05:14
Bodsda!msgthebot | lightrush05:14
ubottulightrush: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.05:14
brandan_troxor: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19203/05:14
brandan_troxor: is that it?05:14
harpreet_any help about making java work in 64 bit ubuntu?05:15
=== FWP^^^ is now known as fwp
=== camilo is now known as zeromaisum
brandan_troxor: its hard for me working at this resolution...sorry I'm slow05:16
ekthadkDoes somebody know how to set the microphone?05:16
harpreet_ekthadk what u talking about, elaborate05:16
Bodsdabrandan_, im sure troxor would agree that no apologies are necessary ;~)05:16
harpreet_any help about making java work in 64 bit ubuntu?05:16
Metatronok i think i need a gui for wvdial, gnome-ppp?  dunno why i ask a question in a room and then the answer comes to me05:17
troxorbrandan_: no problem, I agree w/ Bodsda indeed :)05:17
wolsharpreet_: just install it05:17
Geoffrey2Inside, did you check out tiemu in the Ubuntu repository?05:17
harpreet_wols, its not that easy05:17
brandan_Bodsda: yeah but I believe it is needed, since you are helping me ;)05:17
wols!info sun-java6-bin05:17
ubottusun-java6-bin (source: sun-java6): Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture dependent files). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-06-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 26646 kB, installed size 79996 kB05:17
cpufreq.. need a logic check .. if one modprobe's a module and removes it during the same session, it shouldn't be back after reboot right ?05:17
troxorbrandan_: ok, time to try a different weapon05:17
wolsharpreet_: see? it is. and yes it exists for amd6405:17
Bodsdabrandan_, a 'thankyou' when your problem is resolved is more then enough (although i except paypal donations ;~) joke)05:18
brandan_troxor: ok, i'm open for something new :D05:18
harpreet_wols, can u guide me05:18
wolscpufreq: that#S not logical05:18
wols!install java05:18
ubottuFactoid install java not found05:18
troxorbrandan_: try `cvt -v -r 1280 1024 `05:18
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:18
brandan_Bodsda: good joke :P05:18
Bhaveshcpufreq:  unless it was added to /etc/modules file05:18
troxorbrandan_: and | pastebinit, of course :)05:18
brandan_troxor: in terminal ?05:18
troxorbrandan_: right05:18
brandan_troxor: okay05:18
Metatronok there is no gnome-ppp in repository, what do i need to get to give dialup a gui facelifet anyone?05:18
cpufreqBhavesh: thx, i check there and it's gone, but keep getting fatal errors at boot05:18
wols!blacklist < cpufreq05:19
ubottuwols: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:19
wols!blacklist | cpufreq05:19
ubottucpufreq: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »05:19
Logrusmagewols: Atheros Hardware Access Layer (HAL)05:19
brandan_troxor: here, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19204/05:19
Bhaveshcpufreq:  also possible that that perticular module is pre requisit to another one and it's being  loaded indirectly05:19
wolsLogrusmage: remove madwifi05:19
cpufreqwols: thx, checked that as weel, nothing05:19
=== co_ganteng is now known as ce_cute
cpufreqBhavesh: that's what i'm thinking .. any tips on how to debug ?05:20
wolscpufreq: the initrd too?05:20
=== flipstick is now known as nano
troxorbrandan_: cool, alright- what you want to do is take that "Modeline" line and copy/paste it into xorg.conf05:20
=== nano is now known as flipstick
troxorbrandan_: it'll go into the "Monitor" section05:20
Logrusmagewols: ty05:20
max_hello all adv users i was having a problem getting my NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.05 to work for my GeForce 7600...  could anyone offer some solutions?05:21
wols!Nvidia | max_05:21
ubottumax_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:21
Bhaveshcpufreq: the only way i know of is to do lsmod and see which module is using that perticular module in question05:21
cpufreqBhavesh; haven't tried that thank you, will do that05:22
max_ive already run through the solutions in the how to's and the forums and the compiled drivers dont pass the configuration test in x server05:22
Bhaveshcpufreq:  not sure how much that will help if i think of more ways i will let you know05:22
brandan_troxor: that "xorg.conf" is empty. just paste that in that empty file and save it?05:23
chojiroalguien habla español05:23
wols!es | chojiro05:23
ubottuchojiro: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:23
cpufreqBhavesh: seem to have tried all i could think off, besides that one, thank you05:23
troxorbronson: er, /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:24
Bhaveshcpufreq:  good luck05:24
troxorbronson: sorry, wrong tab complete05:24
troxorbrandan_: /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:24
Metatronis there some source i can add to see gnome-ppp,  i havent used ubuntu since 6.something05:24
amrikhi so I am testing out dual monitors for the first time using nvidia's binary driver and on my main monitor the gnome menus are really slow05:24
amrikthey work fine on the secondary05:24
jack-desktopwhats probably the best linux media player to compare to winamp05:24
NullNameor vlc player05:24
troxorjack-desktop: audacious05:24
jack-desktopvlc is a great player, but it's not really a "media" player05:25
NullNamerhythmbox is good too.05:25
jack-desktopi use vlc right now for everything05:25
brandan_troxor: ok now where do I paste that line in here?05:25
ummmjack-desktop: i use VLC for almost any format i can think of05:25
NullNamevlc ucks for large playlists05:25
NullNameyea, vlc rocks05:25
troxorbrandan_: there'll be a section called Section "Monitor"05:25
cpufreqBhavesh: bingo .. the speedstep_lib is still in there, tried "sudo modprobe -r speedstep-lib" several times already .. know of any ways to get that out ?05:25
troxorbrandan_: just before the corresponding EndSection05:25
jack-desktopi wish ubuntu would just be released with vlc and fuck totem05:26
amrikany ideas? i have a geforce 8500GT with a dvi and vga out05:26
jack-desktopand movie player05:26
Gemmer78I've got a major problem with my ubuntu, last night it was just fine, today it won't load unless I put the boot CD in05:26
Bodsda!ohmy | jack-desktop05:26
ubottujack-desktop: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:26
Bhaveshcpufreq:  rmmod speedstep_lib  and then blacklist both of the modules05:26
jack-desktopoh yeah... my bad05:26
Gemmer78I did play around in system settings though, mainly VGA drivers05:26
redwyrmhello. how can I get the length (in seconds) of an MP3 file from the command line?05:26
ummmjack-desktop: but if i want a music organizer i use rhythmbox05:26
Gemmer78Is there a way to, reset the vga drivers, because if I take out the live cd, ubuntu will not boot into the desktop05:27
cpufreqBhavesh: great, that was very helpfull, appreciated :)05:27
NullNameredwyrm:  in the terminal try file song.mp305:27
Bhaveshcpufreq:  glad i could help05:27
brandan_troxor: I'm afraid to put it in the wrong spot...please?    http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19205/05:27
brandan_troxor: I'm not sure...05:27
tycelim havin trouble getting my webserver (lightttpd) running starting webserver saysits ok and running but when I try to access via my ip i cant05:28
tyceland i got my ports forwarded05:28
redwyrmNullName, .../Aphex Twins - Windowlicker.mp3: Audio file with ID3 version 23.0 tag, MP3 encoding05:28
Gemmer78Basically it's like it's trying to boot, text comes up, some of it saying fail some saying pass05:28
troxorbrandan_: between lines 46 and 4705:28
Gemmer78Any ideas?05:28
redwyrmNullName, doesn't tell me much :S05:28
NullNameSorry....Looks likeit doesnt' display in your distro.05:28
wols!Info read-edid05:28
ubotturead-edid (source: read-edid): hardware information-gathering tool for VESA PnP monitors. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.1-2.1 (hardy), package size 12 kB, installed size 72 kB (Only available for i386 powerpc)05:28
wolsbrandan_: can you pastbin the output of read-edid please?05:28
DaLianghello everyone05:29
redwyrmNullName, is it supposed to display in 8.04?05:29
ummmDaLiang: hi05:30
brandan_troxor: ok its in there, but I still can't pick 1280x102405:30
brandan_troxor: reboot?05:30
Gemmer78I played around in Screen and graphics05:30
troxorbrandan_: or re-logout05:30
Gemmer78Is there a way to restore my options?05:30
brandan_troxor: ok brb05:30
troxorwols: the logs said that reading edid info failed05:30
=== chmac7 is now known as chmac
harpreet_wols, can u guide me05:31
harpreet_any help about making java work in 64 bit ubuntu?05:31
wolsto do what?05:31
harpreet_to configure java if you know05:31
wolsinstall the package as the factoid said and you have java05:31
Bodsdawols, read-edid is not a command05:31
=== r00t_ is now known as c420s
tycelim havin trouble getting my webserver (lightttpd) running starting webserver saysits ok and running but when I try to access via my ip i cant and I do got my ports forwarded...and also where can I find the path to it? /etc/lighttpd or what? >.05:31
wolsharpreet_: java -v  to check (or maybe --version)05:32
Gemmer78Hi I need some help with a problem I'm having05:32
wolsBodsda: it is05:32
troxortycel: try http://localhost05:32
Gemmer78Basically my ubuntu is failing to load05:32
troxortycel: on the machine with lighttpd05:32
Gemmer78Last night it was working just fine, however I played around with a driver, probably shouldn't have done that05:32
Bodsdawols, bash: read-edid: command not found05:32
Gemmer78I know want to restore it to how it was05:32
Gemmer78How can I do that?05:32
troxorBodsda: it's probably not installed by default05:32
Bodsda!enter | Gemmer7805:32
ubottuGemmer78: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:32
c420sanyone have any issues burning iso images to disc using Brasero?05:33
Gemmer78Okay one line, now any ideas05:33
tyceltroxor: i did alright so i guess its not running when it says it is05:33
Bodsdatroxor, if it was installable it would say so,.,.im thinkin its the wrong command05:33
Gemmer78I'm currently using the boot cd as it can not run from the hard drive05:33
wolsBodsda: dpkg -L read-edid |grep bin    it'S the package name05:33
troxorBodsda: it's installable, perhaps it's not in the command-not-found database05:33
brandan_troxor: no luck.......:-(05:33
troxorbrandan_: still the same low resolution?05:34
Gemmer78I'm just being ignored, can someone please help me05:34
troxorbrandan_: can you pastebin the latest xorg log again?05:34
brandan_troxor: Ubuntu went into safe graphics mode and I picked the monitor and res etc....yes still same low res05:34
ummmc420s: what problems are you having. my last ISO i burned was a success.05:34
brandan_troxor: how can I do that quickly in terminal again? forgive me i'm a little tired05:34
troxorbrandan_: ls -ltr05:34
vices_hello, how do I "kill" an application that I don't think is shut down all the way?05:34
c420sit gets 30% through, and says that it overburned, I tried on a couple of brand new discs05:34
troxorbrandan_: er, `ls -ltr /var/log`05:35
c420sI have to reboot before I can try again05:35
Bodsdabrandan_, ls -ltr /var/log    find the last one then    cat /var/log<latestXorgFileName> | pastebinit05:35
mosheI have had problems with brasiro returning an error on the disk but the md5 is correct and the disk works05:35
c420sit won't re-automount the blank cdr05:35
Bhaveshdoens't control-alt + key incrase resolution?05:35
troxorbrandan_: then, search for the filename Xorg.<something> towards the bottom, then cat /var/log/Xorg.<whateverthatsomethingwas> | pastebinit05:35
Bodsdatroxor, have you tried booting to single user mode then using the fix x option?05:35
vices_anyone? :)05:36
unavailableanyone in here talkin bout windows?05:36
Bodsdaunavailable, no -- try ##windows05:36
Bhaveshvices_: you can try to do killall -9 app name05:36
Gemmer78Not to be rude but can I please get some assistance05:36
vices_Bhavesh: thank you :)05:36
BodsdaBhavesh, what does the -9 do?05:36
troxorBhavesh: only if it's in the available modes of the server, iirc05:36
BhaveshBodsda: it's kill option05:36
jmhealeyGemmer78: hello05:37
Bhaveshtroxor: ok did not realize it had to be available05:37
vices_it worked, thanks05:37
brandan_troxor: this okay?  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19206/  faster and easier for me05:37
BodsdaBhavesh, i dont understand    killall <appName>   works fine05:37
Gemmer78Hi jmhealey05:37
BhaveshBodsda: -9 is an explicit kill option05:37
Gemmer78If you scroll up you can see the issue I'm having05:37
jmhealeyGemmer78: what do you need help with?05:37
unavailablebobsda just checkin05:37
jmhealeyGemmer78: ok05:37
troxorbrandan_: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit05:37
unavailablewe'r talkin bout ubuntu in ##windows05:37
BodsdaBhavesh, got ya,.,.cheers05:37
Gemmer78Basically last night my ubuntu was working fine, I played around with a VGA driver though and changed it from the default to one which I thought was better05:37
BhaveshBodsda:  but you are right without  any specified signal it sends -905:37
NullNameI want to send text to my clipboard (copy and paste clipboard).  Does Ubuntu have a file or something that I could write to?05:37
ummmc420s: I'm not sure how to help you with your problem, but be patient I'm sure someone has more experience with your issue.05:38
Gemmer78Fast forward to today, and ubuntu fails to load unless I use the live cd05:38
brandan_troxor:  http://pastebin.com/f521a048a05:38
tyceltroxor: so it wont stay running from the aptitude install of lighttpd where wouldit install it?05:38
troxorBodsda: -9 is the only signal that can't be caught by the application, so it can't react other than being killed05:38
Gemmer78Thing is, I've already set up accounts for me, mum etc05:38
brandan_troxor: i will brb maybe 2-4 mins max05:38
c420sWhat's the best linux mp3 software out now?05:38
Bodsdatroxor, ok, cheers05:38
Bodsda!best | c420s05:39
ubottuc420s: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.05:39
jmhealeyGemmer78: what does it boot to, a black screen, or hangs?05:39
Gemmer78I really don't want to reinstall ubuntu again as not only did it take along time but I will have to do the settings again which is a bit of a pain, I can't access my desktop on ubuntu as it fails to load unless I use the boot cd05:39
brandan_troxor: ok i am here...is that the correct paste bin you needed?05:39
Gemmer78It sort of boots onto a black screen with text and says it's loading certain states, some of them it fails and will just stop05:39
Gemmer78I've never encountered this before, because I've always gone to the ubuntu loading screen05:40
troxorbrandan_: argh, yeah... it is using 'vesa' again, the fallback05:40
Gemmer78I can't even enter my name then my password05:40
troxortycel: I dunno, you can always do /etc/init.d/lighttpd restart :)05:40
brandan_troxor: oh man...is it something I did wrong?05:40
shelbyscateshey guys! :)05:40
tycelany idea where the log file might be ?05:40
troxorbrandan_: nah, it's alright, we just want it to use the nvidia binary driver, which is set up by nvidia-xconfig05:40
NullNameanyone know where pidgin logs files?05:41
shelbyscatesi have a dell dimesntion 4300s, im running ubuntu hardy heron server and my sound dosent work :(05:41
shelbyscatescan someone help me make it work?05:41
brandan_troxor: yeha05:41
jmhealeyGemmer78: try ctrl-alt-f1 and tell me what happens05:41
brandan_troxor: yeah  *05:41
amrikI need help setting up dual monitors. I get a segfault with compiz when I try to use Xinerama for dual monitors, any ideas?05:41
dmbNullName, in .purple05:41
troxorbrandan_: try `sudo apt-get install read-edid && sudo get-edid | pastebinit`05:42
tyceltycel@tycelubu-rakkon:/usr/bin$ sudo /etc/init.d/lighttpd start05:42
tycel * Starting web server lighttpd                                                                                                                       [ OK ]05:42
=== ummm is now known as Soulwarp
c420sdoes anyone have a preference on an mp3 player based on general performance? (No Skipping)05:42
Bodsdatroxor, that will only pastebin the output of the second apt-get iirc05:42
=== shelbyscates is now known as bart__
Bodsdac420s, yes they probably do, ask in #ubuntu-bots   -- please dont ask for opinions like that in a support channel05:43
brandan_troxor: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19209/05:43
=== bart__ is now known as mister
=== mister is now known as ham_
ham_so could someone help me with my hardy sound issues?05:44
Bodsda!nickspam | ham_05:44
ubottuham_: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also /msg ubottu Guidelines05:44
mystery_does anyone have any suggestions on how i can optimize the speed of my system05:44
ham_oh, im sorry, i wasnt awae :'(05:44
troxorbrandan_: hrm, weird- ok, how about this -> `sudo displayconfig-gtk`05:44
troxorbrandan_: is that what comes up as a failsafe?05:45
neil_dwols: I found the problem.  :)   It appears the xinetd does not  like "disable=no" you need "disable = no", you need spaces around all the equal signs!!05:45
brandan_troxor: its  Plug N play  800x60005:46
brandan_troxor: 61Hz05:46
Bodsdaham_, please dont post pointless smileys or lols or anything like that. just ask your question and wait patiently05:46
HewWhat's a simple command that will show what display driver someone is using? eg. nv, nvidia, fglrx etc.05:46
NullNameHey does anyone know of a good irc server where people speak other languages?  I'm making some translation software.05:46
troxorbrandan_: it seems that's what it's being detected as, but you said it should be at 1280x1024, right?05:46
brandan_troxor: yes, it does 1280x1024 native05:47
cliffordHi - does anyone know how to get the sound working after using rhythmbox? (I was told not to use it but forgot!!) Please help05:47
brandan_troxor: 60Hz05:47
troxorbrandan_: can you force it to 1280x1024 plug n' play and see what happens?05:47
Bodsdaclifford, theres nothing wrong with using rhytmbox afaik05:48
GoldeNArXsup guys.  I have a lamp server running and I need to shut it down for a few moments.  if I do "sudo shutdown -h now" is that a graceful shutdown of all the services?05:48
brandan_troxor: ok i can yes...test or press ok? what will happen?05:48
doug_-_-_-_how do i disable xchat 2 log saving?05:48
linuxpwnssup guys05:48
troxorc420s: mplayer :)05:48
Soulwarpclifford: i had problems getting my sound to work in the past with rhytmbox too. make sure you aren't running anything else in the background that uses sound such as flash movies or a game.05:48
cliffordBodsda: really? then my friend must be clairvoyant05:49
troxorbrandan_: sure, try the test thing05:49
troxorbrandan_: also, make sure the Driver is set to nvidia, under the "Graphics Card" tab05:49
cliffordSoulwarp: the flash no longer works05:49
csipis there anyone use arch linux?05:50
brandan_troxor: i already did that :-)05:50
troxorbrandan_: cool, any luck?05:50
soldatscsip: yea05:50
troxorcsip: yep, and everyone in #archlinux :)05:50
Soulwarpclifford: do you mean the sound, or the plugin?05:50
brandan_troxor: ok i picked test, it seemed ok, but i clicked "ok" nothing happened05:51
linuxpwnshas any had any exprince with ayttm messenger? is it good?05:51
w33d5yesterday i uploaded 1000's of images but i found a bunch a dupes - i deleted them locally but what can i use to compare the directories and delete the "removed dupes" remotely?05:51
cliffordthe sound05:51
troxorbrandan_: that's alright, before I make you re-login/boot, can you do anything in preferences->Screen Resolution ?05:51
Bhaveshw33d5: may be faster to delete all from remote and reupload the files ( if bandwidth / time permits)05:51
w33d51gb at 30kbs upstream05:52
brandan_troxor: no it's still all unknown and  800x600 or 640x480 res05:52
Bhaveshw33d5: that could take a while05:52
brandan_troxor: in there05:52
Soulwarpclifford: i suggest reloading your desktop maybe. you may have a misbehaving program that is locking your sound.05:52
w33d5the directory structure is the same locally and remotely05:52
tycelI am unable to cd into a directory05:52
w33d5i'm thinking rsync05:52
tycelsays permission denied.05:52
tyceland i cant sudo to do it >.05:52
brandan_troxor: just reboot or?05:52
Bhaveshw33d5: that may work.. but unfortunately i am not the right person to help with rsync05:53
w33d5or unison05:53
csiptime lock05:53
troxorbrandan_: alright, before you reboot, could you pastebin your xorg.conf again?05:53
brandan_troxor: what is the thinngy to do that please?05:53
troxorbrandan_: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit05:53
Bhaveshtycel:  possibly the permission is missing05:53
Bhaveshtroxor:  mind if i look at the file and see if i can help?05:54
brandan_troxor: http://pastebin.com/f44624e6805:54
babolatalright. i know there are howtos available on the net, but I don't get them. How do i start fluxbox after installing it?05:54
brandan_troxor: :-)05:54
linuxpwnsi just installed the .deb package file for ayttm and now i cant find it in the Apps menu.05:54
Bhaveshbabolat: in your .xinitrc file put 'exec fluxbox'05:54
soldatsbabolat: select it from the gdm session startup screen05:54
troxorBhavesh: ^ pastebin05:55
Bhaveshlinuxpwns: have you tried to exit out of your X and login again? may be it's there it just needs to be refreshed05:55
troxorbrandan_: agh, it's using vesa again05:55
Bhaveshtroxor: complicated xorg.conf file :)05:55
gaintsuraquestion... I just ran top from the command line, and it says there is 1 zombie, I'm assuming that it is a child process that got left behind, how can I find out what it is?05:55
brandan_troxor: it shows my restricted drivers aren't enabled, coulld this be a problem, should I enable them?05:55
troxorbrandan_: yep05:55
linuxpwnsBhavesh: how would i go about doing that? thanks for your help.05:56
doug_-_-_-_how do i disable the x chat 2 logging?05:56
brandan_troxor: now says restart is required, cause I enabled restricted drivers05:56
troxorBhavesh: unfortunately so :(05:56
Bhaveshlinuxpwns: try someone else's suggestion it is much easier then mine and it is better suggestion05:56
brandan_troxor how do i get that menu up i had before, that shows my resolution and all?05:56
troxorbrandan_: alright, though if the xorg.conf doesn't reference 'nvidia' on that Driver line, your resolution will still be crummy :(05:57
onthefence928does anybody here have experience with virtual box?05:57
linuxpwnscould i just log off and back in05:57
troxorbrandan_: sudo displayconfig-gtk05:57
gaintsuraonthefence928: what do you need?05:57
Soulwarplinuxpwns: Alt+Control+Backspace will reload your desktop05:57
gaintsurausually a VMware guy, but I've taken quite the delve into vbox05:57
brandan_troxor:  :-(   sudo displayconfig-gtk  is back to regular, plug and play, 800x60005:58
linuxpwnssoulwarp: thasnks05:58
onthefence928giantsura: i am trying to set up a XP virtual thing05:58
onthefence928so i can run the zune software05:58
onthefence928and it's telling me theres no kernal05:58
onthefence928how do i give it one?05:58
gaintsuraonthefence928: hang on05:58
onthefence928so to speak05:58
Bhaveshbrandan_: we are trying to get you to use higher resolution yes?05:58
brandan_troxor: I have an idea, sound ok? enable restricted drivers, restart, then try what we were doing here...again05:59
troxorBhavesh: yep, the monitor doesn't give edid info though05:59
brandan_Bhavesh: yes05:59
troxorbrandan_: sure, we definitely want restricted drivers05:59
gaintsuraonthefence928: go the the virtualbox website, to their downloads, select your installation and it will give you a .deb file, uninstall vbox from synaptic and install it from the .deb05:59
Bhaveshwhat type /brand/model of monitor is it?05:59
brandan_troxor: so i'll just reboot with them enabled then go back to   sudo displayconfig-gtk  and see what happens in there?06:00
brandan_troxor: sound like an idea worth trying?06:00
gaintsurausing the debian package will make better use, plus you dont have to constantly worry about the problems with the kernel thing when it updates06:00
DaLiangwhat kind fo FTP software should i use in ubuntu06:00
Soulwarpbrandan_: have you installed your restricted drivers for your graphics card? doing this may help you increase your resolution06:00
Gemmie78That was of no help dude, it just froze, I couldn't get out06:00
brandan_Bhavesh:  HP Pavillion vx74  17  inch CRT06:00
gaintsuraDaLiang: server or client?06:00
Gemmie78I had to wait 20 minutes for the live cd interface again -_-06:00
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troxorbrandan_: it probably wouldn't hurt06:01
Gemmie78Is there a way to restore my old settings? troxor?06:01
nomaShi, does ubuntu server edition works with the intel core 2 duo ?06:01
brandan_Soulwarp: I enabled them from the menu, so yeah they're installed I believe.06:01
troxorGemmie78: what old settings?06:01
brandan_troxor: ok I will try that, so brb all....Thank you...in advance :)06:01
SmackCrackin9This wireless is pissing me off. I can do a iwlist scan and see access points, when i go to connect my card never seems to complete the handshake. It eventually fails.06:01
Gemmie78Yesterday, my ubuntu was fine, I changed some settings with the graphics accelerator and went to bed06:01
Gemmie78Now it doesn't work06:01
Gemmie78Basically it fails to boot, it says its checking something and just leaves there06:02
__machinei installed logrotate but it doesn't seem to be rotating my apache logs... do i need to do anything specific to actually enable log rotation?06:02
troxorGemmie78: do you remember what those settings were? it's kinda vague to say you changed something and now it doesn't work ;)06:02
nomaShi, does ubuntu server edition works with the intel core 2 duo ?06:02
Gemmie78Yeah i changed around the graphics accelerator settings06:02
gaintsuranomaS: yes it will, and please do not repeat your question in such short time06:03
Gemmie78From a default to a one I felt which were more suitable, however it doesn't seem to boot today06:03
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csipGemmie78:tell us the detail error messages.06:03
Gemmie78If I'm screwed I want to recover setting data if that's possible06:03
troxorSmackCrackin9: try tailing the daemon.log while it's doing the handshake- also, make sure networkmanager, networkmanagerdispatcher, and dhcdbd are all running06:03
BhaveshSmackCrackin9: i had that problem for the longest time with WPC54G and for some reason it started working all of a sudden06:03
SoulwarpGemmie78: usually when you change your graphic setting there is a backup file you can use to restore your settings06:03
Gemmie78If I go back, it wil take 20 minutes to come back here06:03
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SmackCrackin9yeah im using knetwork manager06:04
troxorSmackCrackin9: `tail -f /var/log/daemon.log`06:04
gaintsuraonthefence928: are you still there?06:04
troxorSmackCrackin9: that should tell you what networkmanager is doing06:04
tycelmaybe theres another http server i should try sides apache and lighttpd >.>06:04
onthefence928giantsura: i did download form the website, it didn't come with a kernal06:04
brandan_finally got it i think06:04
Gemmie78A backup setting? Go on06:05
gaintsuraonthefence928: it doesnt come with a kernel, it should tell you when you first install that it needs to configure itself for the kernel06:05
brandan_should I  "Save X Configuration File" ? in NVIDIA X Server Settings window06:05
Gemmie78I was also using bittorrent and playing around with the firestarter program06:05
gaintsuraOOMg !!! *stabs X*06:05
SoulwarpGemmie78: please wait while i find it06:05
troxortycel: cd /var/www/html && python -c "import SimpleHTTPServer; SimpleHTTPServer.test()"06:05
troxorbrandan_: yep06:05
sagredoyo kids06:05
Gemmie78Chances are my previous installed version was screwed up, if I can;t anyway I can retreive the data or settings for thunderbird etc?06:05
sagredowhat up06:05
brandan_troxor: Merge with existing file ?06:06
troxortycel: of course, whatever directory your html files are in :)06:06
troxorbrandan_: unless there's a replace option :)06:06
SmackCrackin9association took too long (>60s), failing activation.06:06
brandan_troxor: nope, all I see is,  a check box with whether I would like to merge with the existing file or not06:07
gaintsuraonthefence928: run this in terminal /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup06:07
troxorbrandan_: sure, it's worth a shot after all this, huh? :)06:07
SmackCrackin9whats the tail command do? read a file and print the changes to the screen/06:07
gaintsurathen try running vbox again06:07
troxorSmackCrackin9: tail will give you the last few lines of a file- tail -f will "watch" the last few lines of a file as it changes06:07
zackfs14wow hardy heron was ridiculously easy to install06:08
brandan_troxor: I try saving it. it says.....Unable to remove old X config backup file 'etc/X11/xorg.config.backip'. with a Red symbol by it06:08
troxorbrandan_: did you run it as sudo ?06:08
gaintsuraanyone know why X keeps freezing on me?? I can be doing anything, have any number of programs running, and it will kind of freeze up until I minimize the active window, right click and restore the window, other times, X itself will fully freeze06:09
brandan_troxor: no i just opened it from my   System > Administration06:09
troxorbrandan_: basically, anything that modifies files in places other than /home/<you> will need `sudo` before the command name- this extra hurdle is to prevent disaster06:09
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Gemmie78Any luck so far guys?06:10
gaintsuraonthefence928: did that help?06:10
onthefence928gaintsura: ok i did, did that just reinstall it?06:10
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Gemmie78It's going to be a pain to reformat without the previous settings06:10
gaintsuraonthefence928: run vbox again06:10
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brandan_troxor:  I was able to save it once I used Sudo to open nvidia-settings, without problem, I picked to merge with existing file though06:10
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brandan_troxor: i will restart once more to be sure it stays :-) :-)06:11
onthefence928gaintsura:  ok06:11
troxorbregreat :)06:11
troxorbrandan_: great* :)06:11
Soulwarp!xorg | brandan_06:11
ubottubrandan_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:11
onthefence928gaintsura: still no that no kernal error when i run the xp Virtual thing06:12
brandan_troxor: i am gonna just brb.....it took a while sorry, but thank you very much for all your help, and everyone else who has tryed to help also :-) I'm staying with Ubuntu for moons to come!06:12
gaintsuraonthefence928: what is the exact error (if its more than 1 line, pastebin it)06:12
troxorbrandan_: no problem06:13
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gaintsuraSoulwarp: any idea why X keeps randomly freezing/locking up on me? I thought an update would help, but it has not fixed it, I dont know where to begin with the problem06:14
sagredoyo kids06:15
sagredohow can I get my panel to completely hide06:15
sagredoa few pixels are sticking out :[06:15
gaintsuraare a few pixels really that important??06:16
sagredogaintsura: i seek perfecting06:16
troxorsagredo: adjust your monitors vertical positioning :)06:16
gaze__odds are you'll have to hack it a bit06:16
gaintsurashift your monitor position 5 pixels??06:16
Soulwarpgaintsura: I'm not sure what would cause the screen to freeze or lock up. maybe someone in the channel can figure it out. (honest answer) I actually had a friend who had the same problem so I'm sure it's common.06:17
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sagredotroxor: gaintsura yes, i shall try :D06:17
gaintsuraI absolutely dig ubuntu, but the freezing is killing me06:17
troxorgaintsura: binary drivers?06:17
Bhaveshgaintsura: i can make a suggestion to see if you are using binary drivers and disable them for now..06:18
onthefence928gaintsura: oh it says that the user doesn't have write permissions06:18
gaintsuratroxor: I dont know, everything I've gotten for my system I've gotten via synaptic06:18
gaintsuraonthefence928: ok, you need to add yourself to the virtualbox user group06:18
gaintsuraBhavesh: walk me through buddeh06:19
troxorgaintsura: random lockups are tough to diagnose- can you ever ssh into the machine when it's frozen ?06:19
Bhaveshgaintsura:  i am new to ubuntu :) i know how to do things from command line but i rather not go that route06:19
warriorforgodAnybody know a way to view the memory information for an nvidia card?  IE - How much it has?06:19
avisanyone know how to get flash working in gutsy ?  firefox tells me that the flashplugin is not installed when after installing through both synaptic and aptitude and going through the process of installing it through the web fails, says there is an error with their .rtf file and cannot continue.06:19
Bhaveshbesides i have to get to bed in a min.. only got 6 hrs of sleep left06:19
gaintsuratroxor: no, I cant, when it really locks I have to ctrl+alt+backspace and log back in06:19
gaintsuraBhavesh: I dont mind the command line06:20
onthefence928gaintsura: how? what user group?06:20
troxorgaintsura: also, heat/overclocking isn't an issue, is it?06:20
Soulwarpgaintsura: so key strokes still work?06:20
gaintsuraonthefence928: go to Administration->Users and Groups06:20
gaintsuraSoulwarp: yes06:20
Bhaveshif ctrl-alt-backspace works that means x is not completely locked up06:20
gaintsuratroxor: no, usually I'm at about 145 peak unlesss I'm hardcore editing something, which is rare06:21
Soulwarpgaintsura: it may just be the programs you are using06:21
gaintsuraSoulwarp: most of the time, one window will freeze up until I minimize, right click it, restore it, minimize it, right click, and restore again...06:21
troxorwarriorforgod: Xorg.0.log has it06:22
onthefence928gaintsura: ok and what now?06:22
aviscan you use both firefox 3.0 and firefox 2.x on hardy ?06:22
gaintsuraonthefence928: unlock the dialog box.. go to groups06:23
nickrudwarriorforgod try grep -i videoram /var/log/Xorg.0,log06:23
[Hardy]TuTUXGavis, sure u can06:23
nickrudwarriorforgod try grep -i videoram /var/log/Xorg.0.log  <-- not comma06:23
troxoravis: yep, the cheap way is to download them off firefox' home page, and just extract to different directories :)06:23
[Hardy]TuTUXGavis, there's a pkg called firefox2 i think06:23
gaintsurayes there is [Hardy]TuTUXG06:23
Soulwarpinstead of rebooting X, try openning console and do  killall nameofprogram06:24
avisgreat [Hardy]TuTUXG thank you.  in gutsy all i have to do is download firefox-3.0 and then they both coincide just fine.  i'll have to apt-cache search that one06:24
Soulwarpgaintsura: instead of rebooting X, try openning console and do  killall nameofprogram06:24
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gaintsuraonthefence928: click manage groups, scroll down to vboxusers, click properties, then select your name with the checkbox06:24
brandan_one quick thing if anyone can help me...I can't view youtube...I used to be able to...how can I reinstall my flash for Firefox?06:24
shawngo to the site06:25
gaintsuraSoulwarp: I cant, when I say it locks, it locks all but the mouse and keyboard, no windows will pop up, nothing, I have to ctrl+alt+backspace06:25
[Hardy]TuTUXGavis, just use the firefox3 comes with hardy and install firefox2 from apt06:25
puffOkay, so badblocks didnt' find any badblocks.06:25
Muhammad_SaadHello, I have set up a home network between a Linux PC and a windows XP one. I can access Windows shared folder from Linux but when I try to access the Linux PC from the Windows one, it asks me for a password. Any idea?06:25
puffAnd the install is still, 3 hours later, stalled at 96%, Checking for packages to remove...06:25
gaintsurawhen it freezes, its irritating, I have to do it almost every 3-5 typed lines here06:25
Soulwarpgaintsura: ok i understand now06:25
BhaveshMuhammad_Saad: try typing in the same password that you use to login to ubuntu06:26
shawnmuhammad, do you have a linux password?06:26
troxorbrandan_: resolution is good to go?06:26
gaintsuraonthefence928: did you get all that? after you've added yourself to the group, try running virtualbox again06:26
brandan_troxor: yup seems to be :-)06:26
Muhammad_SaadBhavesh: I have already tried that.06:26
troxorbrandan_: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree06:26
onthefence928gaintsura: k lemme try it again06:27
puffI'm rebooting.  Next  question, should I do a complete reinstall again, or something else?06:27
gaintsuraMuhammad_Saad: I found the samba works for accessing network stuff cross platform06:27
nickrudpuff I'd try the alternate cd06:27
brandan_troxor: says its already the newest version06:27
puffnickrud:  well, the main CD worked before...06:27
troxorbrandan_: can you go to about:plugins in firefox and see if it's displayed?06:27
avisis libflashsupport still necessary in hardy ?06:27
gaintsuraonthefence928: let me know what happens06:27
raddyHello Everybody06:27
troxoravis: not afaik06:28
vb123Hi everyone.06:28
avisthank you troxor06:28
raddyI am planning to test-drive some other distribution06:28
brandan_troxor: i have  file edit view history bookmarks tools help06:28
troxorbrandan_: in location bar06:28
vb123How do I get PHP/MySQL/Apache to installed and run by default.06:28
Muhammad_SaadDo I have to set up a new username and password?06:28
ticoreddy: hello06:28
raddyBut i am surely going to come back to Ubuntu06:28
Soulwarpraddy vb123 hi06:28
vb123I have a feeling they are all installed, but the web browser wants to download php files rather than run them.06:28
gaintsuravb123: install the http, php and mysql packages via synaptic and configure them =)06:28
gaintsuravb123: then PHP is not configured properly06:29
vb123I installed using apt-get.06:29
vb123what is synaptic?06:29
raddySo is it possible save the updates installed to diff partition so that i can reinstall later at one go?06:29
gaintsurathat doesnt mean it was configured right06:29
csiplinux_stu:I must leave now.Because the class is begin.06:29
Muhammad_SaadI have already tried the graphical tool that comes with Ubuntu but no clue. :(06:29
gaintsuravb123: GUI of apt-get more or less06:29
brandan_troxor: it's FireFox 306:29
enosHelp. I can't seem to understand what's *causing* ubuntu to appear so bright. I looked at xorg.conf and it doesnt look like its neither recognizing my video card's drivers (as its using vesa) nor my monitor (as its using a generic one). Help.06:29
rkviraniIs there a way to get ume-launcher to run without compiz?06:30
rkviraniI really like it but my hp2133 wont do compiz at all06:30
troxorbrandan_: right, just type about:plugins where you would any URL06:30
hakiehello .everyone!06:30
gaintsuravb123: either way, PHP/apache is not configured properly, check the manuals06:30
raddyis it possible save the updates installed to diff partition so that i can reinstall later at one go?06:30
Soulwarpraddy: im sure it is06:30
cpk1raddy: yes06:31
puffvb123: Be aware that there are a few gotchas, for example you have to install php4-mysql and php5-mysql to allow php to get at mysql, and you have to install libapache2-mod-php4 and libapache2-mod-php5, etc.06:31
Soulwarpraddy: updates are saved in /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/apt/update06:31
raddySoulwarp : ohh, cool06:31
GogDaenhello... i'm using irc in text mode in first time!06:31
vb123thanks puff06:31
puffvb123: MAke sure those are installed.06:31
DualBladerHy there, i'm hre to help.06:31
gaintsurapuff: wrong, you do not need both php4-mysql AND php5-mysql06:31
puffvb123: Unfortunately, I'm going to be AFK for a little while.06:31
puffgaintsura: sure, you don't *need* any of this crap, you just need a C compiler, or an assembler.06:32
GogDaenis so cool06:32
cweagansis anyone here really bored?06:32
raddySoulwarp : later when i install a fresh copy, how can install all the updates back?06:32
gaintsura... funny06:32
* rkvirani guesses not alot of people know about ume-launcher, it rocks!06:32
brandan_troxor: sorry it's probably right in front of me and i don't see it :( sorta tired lol06:32
gaintsurapuff: I'm running apache/php/mysql right now on this system, no php4 modules06:32
Soulwarpraddy: just a sec i think i made a mistake06:32
puffgaintsura: Are you saying that php4-mysql subsumes php4-mysql?06:32
onthefence928gaintsura:  ok so it didn't fix the error, but i tried going back to users settings and it won't let me validate06:32
gaintsuraonthefence928: ?06:33
puffgaintsura: Er, are you saying that php5-mysql subsumes php4-mysql?06:33
puffgaintsura: Because if that's the case, shouldn't installing php5-mysql cause apt to remove php4-mysql?06:33
cweagansyou all should go digg this:    http://blog.tsheets.com/2008/time-tracking-software/time-tracking-with-a-cell-phone-and-jott.html06:33
GogDaensomebody uses debian distro here? im trying to make a distro06:33
nickrudraddy do the first half of the clone procedure copy the debs out of /var/cache/apt/archives , save them somewhere. Do the install, copy them back. then do the second half of the clone procedure06:33
nickrud!clone | raddy06:33
ubotturaddy: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate06:33
gaintsurapuff: yes... there is no need for both to be there, php5-mysql has everything php4-mysql has plus updates06:33
puffDamn, this install CD is taking forever to startup.06:33
puffgaintsura: Because if that's the case, shouldn't installing php5-mysql cause apt to remove php4-mysql?06:33
gaintsuranot always06:34
hakieis there a software have this function? when i put my mouse on a file/folder ,it will display it's information .06:34
Daisuke_Idonickrud: i never knew you could do that...06:34
raddySoulwarp : FYI the packages are actually located in /var/cache/apt/archives06:34
brandan_troxor: can u maybe explain how i install stuff from  .tar.gz ? I still don't know how, I am new to Ubuntu .....06:34
Soulwarpraddy:  yea i was wrong06:34
puffgaintsura: Ah.   Same story for libapache2-mod-etc?06:34
gaintsurapuff: if php4-mysql is still on your system, remove it and see, apt doesn't always remove previous versions06:34
Daisuke_Idobrandan_: what are you installing/06:34
onthefence928gaintsura: i mean it won't let me unlock06:34
gaintsurathat I do not know, I started this system on php506:34
nickrudDaisuke_Ido the real problem with it is the cache is limited to 500mb in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d06:35
brandan_Daisuke_Ido: http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash06:35
gaintsuraonthefence928: are you putting your password in the box?06:35
onthefence928don't have the chance06:35
onthefence928an unexpected error occurs06:35
Daisuke_Idobrandan_: you go into synaptic and install the "flashplugin-nonfree" package06:35
onthefence928it says06:35
Soulwarpraddy:  theoretically you can copy those over and you will have to open each package06:36
Daisuke_Idobrandan_: there's no reason to install that from a tarball06:36
hakieanyone can help?06:36
brandan_it is installed, should I mark it for re installation ?06:36
DualBladerhakie: what is the problem?06:36
brandan_cause youtube don't work now06:36
Daisuke_Idoerr...  you can try it06:37
hakieis there a software have this function? when i put my mouse on a file/folder ,it will display it's information06:37
Daisuke_Ido!repeat | hakie06:37
ubottuhakie: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:37
rkviraniIs there a way to get ume-launcher to run without compiz?06:37
nickrudDaisuke_Ido he was asked to repeat ;)06:37
gaintsuraonthefence928: whats the error?06:37
nickrudhakie not really, the way you can see info is right click and select properties06:37
sigma_12does ubuntu server have a gui?06:37
gaintsuraand where are you getting the error?06:37
Daisuke_Idonickrud: oops :(06:38
nickrudsigma_12 not by default06:38
onthefence928gaintsura: ok i got it working, should i check teh box next to root also?06:38
gaintsurasigma_12: not be default, but you can install one06:38
brandan_whats a better screenshot program then the one built into Ubuntu ?06:38
gaintsuraonthefence928: NO06:38
raddynickrud : the procedure you suggested for cloning an installation was useful, but does it cover updates?06:38
sigma_12nickrud: if i install it how do i configure it?06:38
gaintsuraonthefence928: congrats you got it working, I'm heading to bed, good night all06:39
nickrudraddy when you clone, it just takes the names of the packages. So, when you tell it to do the dselect-upgrade, it will use the latest update available06:39
nickrudsigma_12 the simplest way is   sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop , that's a complete desktop, properly configured06:39
liassist!tell virus06:39
ubottuFactoid  tell virus not found06:39
nickrudbrandan_ some people like scrot, apt-cache search screenshot will show you some more06:40
hakienickrud:but it's a little inconvenient.06:41
raddynickrud : ohhh, so after reinstalling, i should move all the backed up updated to packages to /var/cache/apt/archives then use the apt command to direct to the selections file, right?06:41
brandan_there was this one screenshot program i used, it was for KDE but I ran it under Gnome also...it worked good.forget the name of it06:41
nickrudhakie yeah, it would be nice. Me, I'd turn it off because I think it would be annoying to have windows popping up all the time. Like those <expletive deleted> ones on some web pages06:41
nickrudraddy yes06:42
raddynickrud: okk06:42
eboyjrWhat happens when I do a `cat /dev/urandom` ??06:42
hakienickrud:hehe i see .thankyou.06:42
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
Starnestommyeboyjr: lots of random garbage gets printed on the screen06:44
eboyjrStarnestommy: Does it stop?06:44
nickolausI would I setup dual screen in ubuntun via Svideo?06:44
eboyjrStarnestommy: eventually06:44
Starnestommyeboyjr: press ctrl+d or ctrl+c06:45
eboyjrcool thanks'06:45
Starnestommyeboyjr: then type reset after that to fix the terminal06:45
eboyjrStarnestommy: I'll pipe it to mimencode06:45
marek`i have just installed hardy and then a secondary video card06:46
z0mananyone here uses Konversation?06:46
marek`i want to get a dual monitor setup working06:46
marek`i have 1 internal integrated video card and i just installed a pci one06:46
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brandan_I'm trying to get  the game  Rigs of Rods into my Synaptic so I can install it, under  System > Administration > Software Sources. I added it in there before but now I can't seem to find the correct  "APT" line to add so it finds it..06:47
nickolausI am trying to get the same thing working. I'm running a dell laptop and connecting via Svideo.06:47
nickrud!xinerama | marek` this is one way, dual card dual video can be trying06:47
ubottumarek` this is one way, dual card dual video can be trying: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead06:47
onthefence928hey can anybody here help me set up my VB ?06:47
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savinhow to run lex and yacc programs in ubuntu 7.10, i just installed ubuntu 7.10 now06:50
chmacAnyone know how I can have the screensaver lock when I close my laptop lid? Currently it's set to blank screen, but the lock doesn't engage06:51
brandan_whats the terminal  code to get my sources list up in a pad where i can edit it?06:51
marek`nickrud, what if i dont know all of the information about my video card06:51
marek`i know the external one is an ati but i dont know what type or model06:52
Starnestommybrandan_: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list06:52
brandan_thank you06:52
nickrudmarek` lspci in a terminal will tell you about your cards06:52
marek`ATI Technologies Inc 3D Rate II+ 215GTB06:53
ticochmac: que version tienes?06:53
fuzzhey guys06:53
fuzzim having problems trying to get my sound card to work06:54
marek`and the internal one is intel integrated graphics 82865G06:54
nickolausI am trying to output a cloned desktop to my LCD tv. Any clues?06:54
chmactico: You speaking French?06:54
fuzzits a chaintech av-71006:54
brandan_can someone name a good screen capture program?06:54
ticochmac: you can try to go system - preference - screensaver06:54
fuzzrunning speaker-test makes all the speakers work excwept the front two..06:54
unbkblhello the06:54
fuzzany ideas? :)06:54
tycelthis is just weird06:54
=== draven is now known as itisallokayjusti
eboyjrWhat version do you have?06:55
tycelcan anyone get onto tycel.homelinux.com cause I cant seem to get anythin to work06:55
unbkblhello there... the ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso is the installer?06:55
tycellighttpd just doesnt want to start06:55
chmactico: I've got the password enabled, but when I close the lid, the screensaver is not being fired, that's the issue06:55
ticochmac: then you will see an option "power management" and there you can setup what you need06:55
tycelunless theres a hidden config file that i cant find06:55
chmacunbkbl: Nope, that's the alternate installer06:55
chmactico: Yep, got that, it's set to blank the screen, but that's not causing the screensaver to lock06:55
nickolausI am trying to output a cloned desktop to my LCD tv. Any clues?06:56
unbkblchmac i just dont wanna download the live cd06:56
chmacunbkbl: The live cd is the default installer, the alternate will install from a text based console06:56
nickrudunbkbl then that's the right one, not the live cd06:56
chmacunbkbl: You can choose to do a direct install without booting the livecd, it works fine06:56
ticochmac: ok, in  "power management" go preference and then general06:57
unbkblchmac thnx!!06:57
unbkblso bye bye06:57
savin: how to run lex and yacc programs in ubuntu 7.10, i just installed ubuntu 7.10 now06:57
chmactico: Ok, and then what?06:57
savinplease help out...06:57
savini desperately want to know how to run lex and yacc on ubuntu..06:58
chmacsavin: Never heard of lex or yacc, so I can't offer much help, have you tried searching the web? "ubuntu lex" "ubuntu install lex" etc?06:58
da_YZmandoes ubuntu ultimate install a firewall?06:58
chmacda_YZman: I'm pretty sure it installs iptable by defualt06:59
chmacda_YZman: I've never seen a distro which doesn't ship a default firewall06:59
savinchmac: i tried out.. but someone suggested me talk to you people..06:59
nickrudsavin bison is the yacc default these days, and flex for lex . Running them, well, that's another question :)06:59
pitsNinstalled 7.04 on sda; then 8.04 on sdb; start from sda/boot/grub/menu.lst working for both; now updated boot HDD priority set 1st HDD==sdb=> restart, correctly find sdb/boot/grub/menu.lst, not can not boot into any sys06:59
musikgoatiptables are installed, but not configured to block anything06:59
chmacsavin: Well if nobody can help at the moment, back to the web... :)06:59
ticochmac: which version do you have?07:00
chmactico: Of what?07:00
savinnickrud: i see, i didnt know all that..07:00
nickrudsavin and I'd suggest the bison-doc package as well07:00
ticochmac: OS07:00
chmactico: 8.0407:00
pitsNany help ?07:00
onthefence928does virtualbox need a windows install CD to work?07:00
kosharionthefence928 if you were to install windows as the guest you would need it07:01
ticochmac: sorry for my bad English let me check again what do you need07:01
chmacpitsN: Can you boot back to the other one?07:01
chmacpitsN: Sorry, just re-read your original comment07:01
chmacpitsN: Do you have a backup of your grub files?07:01
ticochmac: you want lock screen when you close the lid07:01
tycelis there  acommand in sudo that will allow me to force my way into a directory?07:01
nickolausI am trying to output a cloned desktop to my LCD tv. Any clues?07:01
ticochmac: right?07:02
savinchmac: what will do now..07:02
chmactico: Yeah, it's the default behaviour on Fedora07:02
savinnickrud: suggesting me to install that bison-doc07:02
ticochmac: give 1 sec to test on my notebook right now.07:02
chmacnickolaus: Please ask specific questions regarding specific problems07:02
onthefence928koshari: i just want to run my zune software on a XP virtual box.07:02
nickrudtycel no. You'd cd into the directory then run sudo <whatever>. If it's one of those dirs you can't cd into as your regular user, then use   sudo -i   to get a root shell, then you can cd in07:02
pitsNchmac: no. i did not change anything for the grub file. i started pc, and press "DEL" button to update the bios setting, update boot HDD priority, set 1st HDD==>sdb07:03
nickrudsavin yes.07:03
chmaconthefence928: If you want to install Windows, you'll need Windows install media07:03
chmacpitsN: Oh, then that's your problem, change it back07:03
musikgoatnickolaus: what kind of video card... model... and the output method to your TV?07:03
chmacpitsN: You don't need to change where it boots to on the disk07:03
chmacpitsN: It can boot to one drive and then start the OS from either one07:03
nickrudsavin as well as bison and flex. If you need the posix version of lex, you need flex-old . And, we've just plumbed the depths of my knowledge of those. I know what they are, but using them is over my head07:03
pitsNchmac: i did this for the reason: i take out my sdb and try to plug into other pc, to see, if it works07:04
kosharionthefence928 otherwise i think vmware will let you mount an iso, at least it does to let you install the vm guest drivers07:04
da_YZmanchmac, when i do a ps -ef | grep iptable, it doesn't find anything07:04
nickolausIs there a way to output a clone of my ubuntu laptop to my LCD tv via an Svideo.07:04
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate07:04
onthefence928chmac: is theer any way i can make it find my install of XP?07:04
nickolausmusikgoat Is there a way to output a clone of my ubuntu laptop to my LCD tv via an Svideo.07:04
kosharinickolaus most likely, whjat gpu has it got?07:04
onthefence928on another drive?07:04
savinnickrud: ok then i will go to google and search for bison and flex set-ups..?07:04
chmaconthefence928: Simply put, no, but that's a Windows question, not an Ubuntu question07:04
nickrudsavin yes07:04
chmaconthefence928: Windows will kick, scream, bitch and moan at being moved from one machine to another07:05
nickolauskoshari not sure...07:05
nickrudsavin but install the bison-doc , they will be at /usr/share/doc/bison-doc .07:05
onthefence928i'm running virtualbox i ubuntu07:05
kosharionthefence928 you wont be able to use an install on another machine,07:05
chmaconthefence928: Doesn't make any difference, once virtualbox is running, your client os is the client os's problem! :)07:05
nickrudonthefence928 then it will simply spit in your face and refuse to run07:05
onthefence928i'm dual-booting07:05
pitsNchmac: now i have 2 HDD; sda + sdb, both got /boot/grub/menu.lst; sda/../menu.. working for both07:05
kosharionthefence928 you are aware running windows on a VM is a violation of the eula07:06
savinnickrud: will it be in system only or i need to install that by downloading it from internet..?07:06
mar1Hi, I need help. I am sitting here and I try to configure my wireless LAN. My Access Point doesn't broascast the SSID and I don't uns dhcp. After my Notebook starts the connection isn't up. I have to go to the commandline and issue: iwconfig wlan0 essid yyy  after that: /etc/init.d/networking restart. Is it possible to automate that???07:06
pitsNchmac: i try to boot from sda (USB HDD) directly on other pc07:06
nickrudkoshari not for the business vista, and ultimate I believe07:06
pitsNchmac: i try to boot from sdb (USB HDD) directly on other pc07:06
chmacda_YZman: I don't think iptables has to run as a process07:06
savinnickrud: you there sir?07:07
Starnestommykoshari: I think MS may have changed the restrictions on virtualization07:07
musikgoatda_YZman: sudo aptitude search iptables | grep i07:07
chmaconthefence928: Dual booting is nothing to do with virtualbox07:07
nickrudsavin sorry, I missed that. You would be downloading them from the net, using apt-get or synaptic (system->admin->synaptic)07:07
nickolauskoshari     description: VGA compatible controller07:07
nickolaus             product: Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller07:07
nickolaus             vendor: Intel Corporation07:07
nickolaus             physical id: 207:07
nickolaus             bus info: pci@0000:00:02.007:07
FloodBot1nickolaus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:07
novato_bris there a way to export from pdf to jpeg ?07:07
nickolaus             version: 0c07:07
chmacpitsN: You need the disk to be setup to boot from07:08
musikgoatda_YZman: look into ufw for a gui app for the iptables, if you want07:08
onthefence928chmac i was just seeing if there was a way to point virtual box to look for the kernel or w/e on my windows partition07:08
chmaconthefence928: No, I don't believe there is07:08
kosharida_YZman firestarter is a popular front end for iptables07:08
ticochmac: ok i see sorry but with the last version i was able to do what do you need. btw im checking how better do this. sorry07:08
chmaconthefence928: You'd need bare bones virtualisation to do that, which virtualbox is not07:08
nickrudnovato_br if I remember correctly, you can install imagemagick and then run convert file.pdf file.jpg07:08
pitsNchmac: yes i updated to boot from sdB/boot/grub/menu.lst, it works, but the menu items, does not work07:09
novato_bris there a way to export from pdf to jpeg ?07:09
nickrudnovato_br see my last to you07:09
novato_brthx, Nicke_07:09
onthefence928chmac then do you know anyother way to run the zune software from ubuntu?07:09
chmactico: I'm not sure what you mean. When you close the lid of your laptop, then open it again, the screensaver is locked?07:09
nickrudnovato_br no problem07:09
novato_bryep, sorry" I saw07:09
kosharionthefence928 a VM client is more than just a kernel, it will run virtual services, virtual interfaces ect ect07:09
chmaconthefence928: Will it run on line?07:09
pitsNchmac: it displays correctly the sdB/boot/grub/menu.lst ; but can not boot into any sys07:09
enosDough! it didn't work!07:09
SonicadvanceQuick question. Is there a visual app available to connect to devices via Bluetooth?07:10
chmaconthefence928: Sorry, Wine07:10
Jalathandoes anyone know if the automake the 1.9 install.sh is compatible with programs built for 1.6?07:10
chmaconthefence928: If not, you'll need a Windows virtual machine in Virtualbox / VMWare / etc07:10
Veinorfor some reason scrollkeeper-update is chewing up an entire CPU, does anybody know why this would be?07:10
ticochmac: on the past version it works but now no! :/ im checking how better do this with the new version07:10
Veinorah wait, now it stopped.07:10
Nave_is it easy to install Ubuntu on a Dell machine?07:10
chmactico: Yeah, it's a change I'm guessing07:10
nickrudVeinor yes, scrollkeeper is a hog :)07:10
chmactico: If you leave the lid closed for the screensaver timeout time, it comes on and locks07:10
savinnickrud:its ok..07:11
chmactico: But it doesn't lock immediately07:11
savini still didnt do anything...07:11
savinnickrud: what wil do now..07:11
marek`i have tried following the xinerama how to but it isnt working. here is my xorg.conf:07:11
KyleKJalathan: automake is a different wrong version? it really depends07:11
nickrudsavin you've found what you need? Or, do you need more help? What in particular?07:11
savinnickrud: go to net n download..?07:11
nickrudsavin did you install bison, flex, and bison-doc ?07:11
Nave_what room is the off topic chat?07:11
chmacpitsN: You should boot to one drive consistently, and then choose your os from there07:11
ticochmac: there is maybe one option if you can download like a different power management, maybe you will be able to do what do you need.07:11
chmacpitsN: So you don't want to boot to a usb disk07:11
Veinornave_: #ubuntu-offtopic07:11
savinnickrud: no nothing i did still..07:12
nickrudsavin ok. go to   system->admin->synaptic   on the menu bar07:12
chmactico: I don't think that's the way forward, but maybe07:12
JalathanKyleK, i'm looking at attempting to install a program that uses the 1.6 version's installer07:12
ticochmac: i know..07:12
pitsNchmac: i did this test: in order to boot directly from USB, but now it does not work || if i boot from sda, it can boot into both ubuntu07:13
KyleKJalathan: so does it work? :)07:13
nickrudsavin got it open?07:13
NowImJustLazyAlright, so is there any possible way to run "The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall" on Linux?07:13
Veinorall right, for some reason firefox tends to grab onto ALSA and never let it go.07:13
chmacpitsN: So what doesn't work?07:13
VeinorI can't aplay or do pretty much anything with sound.07:13
JalathanKyleK, one min, am testing it out. XD07:13
Veinoris there any way to stop it from doing this?07:13
savinnickrud: yeah, just opened that synaptic pakage manager..07:13
nickrudsavin ok, now type   ctl-f , and search for   bison-doc07:14
VeinorAnd in general, to kill processes that are hogging alsa.07:14
savinnickrud: what should i do..07:14
Veinorfor reference, when I try aplay, I get:07:14
VeinorALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:874:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave07:14
Veinoraplay: main:546: audio open error: Device or resource busy07:14
Veinorwhat should I do?07:14
nickrudsavin did you see my last?07:14
pitsNchmac: i updated pc's 1st HDD to USB; restart; found USB/boot/grub/menu.lst, there are several options to boot, but none bootable07:15
savinnickrud: now returned with 2 packages..07:15
savinnickrud:on seraching bison-doc07:15
chmacpitsN: What do you mean "updated pc's 1st hdd to usb" ? Did you change the device numbers?07:15
nickrudsavin ok, click the box next to bison-doc , and select install07:15
DoperAlright, so how Would I get "The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall" To run under wine.07:15
pitsNchmac: turn on PC -> quickly press "DEL" key, update pc boot priority -> set 1st HDD==>USB07:16
savinnickrud: i should click on it and should mark for installation or what?07:16
nickrud!appdb | Doper (your best hope for info on that)07:16
ubottuDoper (your best hope for info on that): The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org07:16
ticochmac: ok07:16
lordvetinarilo peoples07:16
ticochmac: are you there?07:16
nickrudsavin yes, I think I just said that :)07:16
chmacpitsN: Ok, so the machine won't boot from your USB drive07:16
chmacpitsN: It's probably not configured properly to boot07:16
DoperI have searched the WineDBB and I have seen nothing about Daggerfall.07:17
chmactico: Did you ask me a question?07:17
nickrudDoper if it's not there, then probably it doesn't work.07:17
savinnickrud: i marked it and selected for installtion, but i cant make out that it is getting installed..07:17
ticochmac: ok ready07:17
pitsNchmac: it is booting now from USB; but i guess not configured properly, as i updated the HDD sequence? so the UUID should be updated as well in file menu.lst?07:17
DoperAlright, thanks then.07:17
savinnickrud: one arrow mark in box has come..07:17
nickrudsavin ok,next it the apply button on the toolbar above07:17
ticochmac: i know how to do that07:17
ticochmac: let me explain07:17
chmactico: /apps/gnome-power-manager/lock/blank_screen = true07:18
nickrudsavin I mean, click on the apply button on the toolbar above07:18
savinnickrud: i should give apply now?07:18
chmactico: Got it working :)07:18
ticochmac: ALT-F2, “gconf-editor”07:18
ticochmac: good luck!07:18
savinagain a dialog box has come..07:18
pitsNchmac: or m i too funny? Actually I try to take my ubuntu8.04 on USB , plug into a normal XP PC, try to boot from that USB07:18
chmactico: Good luck? It's working...07:18
savinnickrud:shall i apply that now...07:19
ticochmac: yes07:19
nickrudsavin yes07:19
ticochmac: tested07:19
pitsNchmac: what's the best to way to do above job ?07:19
lordvetinariquick question... if my server's got linux-image-generic on  in stead of linux-image-server.. does that mean that it's not running 'ubuntu server'/07:19
chmacpitsN: You want to boot Ubuntu from an external hard drive via USB?07:19
savinnickrud: there is option there called download package files only.. shud i click on it?07:19
pitsNchmac: yes07:19
nickrudsavin no, you want to install them, not just download them07:19
chmacpitsN: That should work if the drive is consistently used on the same machine, but I don't think it will work to move the drive to different machines and boot it07:19
chmacpitsN: So it's showing the menu, but it won't boot from the usb disk, is that correct?07:20
pitsNchmac: correct07:20
savinnickrud:ok i shud just give apply now, by not ticking that "download pakage files only"07:20
savinnickrud: is that ok..07:20
karmacoderhi, i desperatly need an xfsprog update but my edgy has no newer version. how can i get the version of gutsy or later?07:20
nickrudsavin a sec07:21
ticochmac: i have this version working from a usb, and works perfect!07:21
savinnickrud: shall i apply that..?   am waiting..?07:21
nickrudsavin yes07:21
chmacpitsN: Did you install Ubuntu on the USB disk and tell it to boot from that disk?07:21
savinnickrud: somethin is getting downloaded..07:22
nickrudsavin it'd been a while since I used synaptic, had to make sure I was saying the right thing. Good thing I looked, it had changed a little07:22
chmacpitsN: I'm not totally familiar with what goes on in /boot, but something is obviously not working, and I'm assuming it's because you changed the boot location or something07:22
savinnickrud: so sweet.. thank u for that..07:22
ticopiTsN: make sure the usb disk when you try to boot you are using "dev0"07:23
nickrudsavin now, to read the docs:   evince /usr/share/doc/bison-doc/bison.pdf.gz07:23
=== Chari2 is now known as Charitwo
ticopiTsN: and not "dev1"07:23
nickrudsavin now you know how to find and install packages :)07:23
chmacpitsN: I gotta do some work, best of luck07:23
pitsNtico: installed 7.04 on sdA, then 8.04 on USB, it works,but I have to plug in USB each time, if not, broken; so i update the grub, to boot from 7.04/boot/..; now works with or without USB; ||07:23
pitsNthanks chmac07:24
pitsNtico: where to find "dev1" or 007:24
savinnickrud: i dont know anything as now...07:24
savinnickrud: what will i do by reading those documents...07:25
nickrudsavin, sure you do: when you decide to install flex, you open synaptic, search for it (ctl-f) , mark it for installation, apply apply :)07:25
nickrudsavin learn how to use yacc07:25
ticopiTsN: on grub menu use "e" to edit and you can see that.07:25
karmacoderhow can i install a package on edgy? the mirror is gone07:25
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases07:25
savini know how to use yacc in red hat linux..07:26
pitsNtico: yes. i did, updated root (hd1,6)==>hd0,6 ==> still not working07:26
pitsNok ,,, let me go out and test again. back in a sec . tico07:26
savinbut someone told me in ubuntu i will have to install it before i had to run lex and yacc..07:26
ticopiTsN: wait07:26
nickrudkarmacoder edgy has reached end of life, it doesn't get suport anymore07:26
ticopiTsN: before make sure you are right07:26
savinnickrud:but someone told me in ubuntu i will have to install it before i had to run lex and yacc07:26
rogerdpenguinok everyone07:26
rogerdpenguinim ready to install07:27
rogerdpenguincould someone guide me through the install process?07:27
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ticopiTsN: go to terminal then type "df -h"07:27
nickrudsavin I suggested you install that since bison has replaced yacc, and you should update your knowledge. Install bison to get the command yacc , and flex to get the command lex07:27
zvacetkarmacoder : you have to edit your source list and replace archive.ubuntu.com with old-releases.ubuntu.com   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade07:27
savinnickrud: now the installation got over also...07:28
nickrudsavin now, to read the docs:   evince /usr/share/doc/bison-doc/bison.pdf.gz07:28
zvacetkarmacoder : and if you can upgrade or make fresh install07:28
savinnickrud: changes apllied it is telling.. sahll i close the dialog box...?07:28
nickrudsavin yes07:28
dlfgon 8.04 32 bit gnome menu:  system->Administration doesn't show synaptic package manager when trying to edit menu and checking the box for it .. the box auto unchecks when mouse is moved any idea on how to fix ?07:29
zvacetrogerdpenguin : http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-ubuntu-8.04-lts-hardy-heron07:29
savinnickrud: now again i should install bison and flex packages or what?07:30
pitsNtico: seem work07:30
rogerdpenguinhow long should the partitioner take to resize the disk?07:30
pitsNtico: but i did this several times, did not work. mmm. test again ... see you in a sec ..07:31
ticopiTsN: ok07:31
savinnickrud: u there sir?07:31
savinnickrud: can u talk to for min..?07:32
savinnickrud: please..07:32
nickrudsavin yes, using the same method you used to install bison-doc07:32
zvacetrogerdpenguin : not much07:32
shelbyscateshey guys can someone please help me get my sound working? i installed ubuntu server regularly, then i ran sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop so now i have some weird hybrid server thing which has no sound can someone plz plz plz plzplzplz help me getting it to work again? :)07:32
rogerdpenguini have about 129 gigs left on my windows partition, would making a ubuntu partition of 45 gigs take a long time to make?07:33
zvacetrogerdpenguin : what d oyou have on HDD and what you want to do with it07:33
savinnickrud: i got bison installed.. but for flex it is suggesting some other name on the right side..07:33
rogerdpenguini just want to have ubuntu and windows xp dual booted07:33
savinnickrud: but what wil do for this flex..07:34
nickrudsavin what is it suggesting?07:34
rogerdpenguinhave ubuntu for everything but gaming07:34
rogerdpenguinand not much of that either07:34
zvacetrogerdpenguin : now I see from your above message07:34
shelbyscates:'| pope on a rope07:34
savinnickrud: acpid it seems.. n if i click inside the box it is telling, mark for re-installtion..07:34
shelbyscatesoh my gosh im sorry wrong window07:34
zvacetrogerdpenguin : resizing is not time problem but installing take a time07:35
savinnickrud: i guess it is there already..07:35
nickrudsavin no, just click flex. That's what you are looking for07:35
nickrudsavin exactly. acpid is already installed07:35
rogerdpenguin23 gigs for ubuntu with a 500 gig external hard drive07:35
rogerdpenguinhow does that sound?07:35
shelbyscateslike you have plenty of space for bsod's!07:35
savinnickrud: in control-f it is returning only that acpid when i search for acpid..07:35
rogerdpenguinwhat is that supposed to mean?07:36
zvacet  rogerdpenguin :look here http://psychocats.s465.sureserver.com/ubuntu/installing07:36
savinnickrud: what will i do now..?07:36
nickrudsavin why are you looking for acpid?07:36
shelbyscatesi was kiddin, sorry ;)07:36
rogerdpenguini know how to install it07:36
rogerdpenguinis 13 gigs enough for updates and programs?07:36
shelbyscatesdont blame a 13 year old for being immature... :P07:36
shelbyscatesrogerdpenguin: probly07:36
savinnickrud: ok leave i will leave it..!07:36
zvacetrogerdpenguin : you can partition your comp as you wish it is your decision what you want to do07:36
shelbyscatesa basic hardy system takes 6 gigs top just the OS07:36
savinnickrud: how can see lex and yacc is running or not..?  is it by going to terminal..?07:37
nickrudsavin yes, just like redhat07:37
rogerdpenguini wonder how long this will take?07:37
savinnickrud: ok..07:37
zvacetrogerdpenguin : just partition  few min07:37
FluxDCan anyone give my repos for wine in hardy?07:38
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.07:38
shelbyscatesso you guys... any advice in terms of my sound izzue?07:38
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shelbyscatesor should i rtfm?07:38
pitsNtico: i m back07:38
ticopiTsN: how is everything07:38
savinnickrud: can you tell me how to open my pendrive in ubuntu..?07:39
zvacetFluxD : http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb07:39
pitsNtico: good tests, failed several, ok several||correct solution: start pc->usb->using grub edit, set hd1->sd0, click "b"07:39
nickrudsavin you should simply plug it in, it should appear on your desktop. But it's late, I'm calling it a night07:39
FluxDzvacet, it doesnt have hardy debs07:39
rogerdpenguininstalling system07:39
rogerdpenguinlets hope this works07:39
_moro_bana_please tell, are there any problems associated with usb powered external hdd?07:39
savinnickrud: are u leaving now..?07:40
rogerdpenguinis it ok to leave konversation open while installing ubuntu?07:40
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rogerdpenguinwill it affect the installatin?07:40
pitsNtico: i wonder if i simply update the menu.lst (hd1,6) -> hd0, see what happens. back in a sec .. :)07:40
savinbut thank u so much...07:40
savinnickrud: thank u..07:40
ticopiTsN: ok07:40
savinnickrud: when can i meet you next then..?07:40
rogerdpenguinsavin: is it ok to leave konversation open while installing ubuntu?07:40
rogerdpenguinor pidgin?07:40
zvacet FluxD :so I´m illiterate07:41
lejonJalathan, Good morning :P07:41
FluxDzvacet, lol ok np07:41
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Jalathanevening lejon07:42
zvacetFluxD : add repo t oyour source line as they say07:42
ubuntu3464hi, I'm using the VNC server in ubuntu, and when I connect the only thing I see is b/w console??07:42
FluxDzvacet, that site has no mention of hardy debs07:42
nickrudsavin I'm often here, evenings west coast us time07:42
ubuntu3464hi, I'm using the VNC server in ubuntu, and when I connect the only thing I see is b/w console, how can I view my whole screen. Thanks.07:43
eboyjrDoes anyone know how to fix the "Input/output error" when I run `cat /dev/scd0`07:43
zvacetdoes this make any difference http://www.winehq.org/site/download07:43
savinnickrud: where is that u are now..?07:43
zvacetFluxD : you will download deb by adding repo to your source list07:43
FluxDzvacet, I know but look for yourself http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/pool/main/w/wine/07:44
savinrogerdpenguin: i am new to this ubuntu..07:44
rogerdpenguinoh ok07:45
rogerdpenguinim ont07:45
savinrogerdpenguin: try asking someone else..07:45
rogerdpenguinim an experienced user07:45
FloodBot1rogerdpenguin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:45
dannymellowhi all :)07:45
rogerdpenguinim just installing with a live cd instead of wubi07:45
ubuntu3464hi, I'm using the VNC server in ubuntu, and when I connect the only thing I see is b/w console, how can I view my desktop? Thanks.07:45
zvacetFluxD : scroll down and you will see  wine_1.0~rc4~winehq0~ubuntu~8.04-1ubuntu1_i386.deb07:45
glupigejubuntu suxx07:46
rogerdpenguinwhat will happen after installation is finished?07:46
FluxDzvacet, nope I dont see it what url are u on?07:47
zvacetFluxD : I just use link you provide07:47
traskglupigej: what is better?07:47
shelbyscatesubuntu sucks because you cant get sound :p07:47
rogerdpenguinits easy to get sound07:47
rogerdpenguinmy sound worked automatically07:47
traskmine too07:47
shelbyscatesjk, i saw this funny thing online about how to get help and they say u should say stuff like that and suddenly everyones telling you how to do stuff...07:48
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FluxDzvacet, still dont see it :S link to the deb please07:48
shelbyscatesyah sry ppl, i was kidding, im real tired and high on dr pepper and i love ubuntu :)07:48
rogerdpenguinhow do you get high on dr pepper?07:48
rogerdpenguindr pepper sucks anyways07:48
rogerdpenguinwater ftw07:48
FloodBot1rogerdpenguin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:48
shelbyscatesyou drink 14 of them between the hours of 1am and 3 am07:49
Jalathanrogerdpenguin, *coffee ftw07:49
shelbyscatesgood questiion...07:49
zvacetFluxD : third line from bottom07:49
rogerdpenguinshelbyscates: are you a ubuntu noob?07:49
shelbyscatesdont try to get a kid to expplain himself.. XD07:49
rogerdpenguinbecause the way you type it seems like it07:49
rogerdpenguinyou are aren't you?07:49
shelbyscatesrogerdpenguin: well, ive been using linux since i was 9, does that count? :P07:49
zvacetFluxD :add repo to your source list and you will be fine07:49
FluxDzvacet, thats really strange, for me its wine_0.9.58~winehq0~ubuntu~7.10-1_amd64.deb07:49
rogerdpenguini said ubuntu07:49
rogerdpenguinnot linux07:49
FloodBot1rogerdpenguin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:50
eboyjrDoes anyone know how to fix the "Input/output error" when I run `cat /dev/scd0`??07:50
rogerdpenguini tried pclinux os, i went to the irc chat, there were 20 people in the support channel and 24 in the regular pclinux channel lmao07:50
zvacetFluxD : I don´t know what to say I just use your link  how can it be it is mistery  to me07:50
shelbyscatesrogerdpenguin: well, i run ubuntu on my server and many many of my computers, and i love ubuntu cause it rocks, id like to think im not a n00b, but somewhere in between , i would rank myself as a "user" ;)07:51
pitsNtico: that's perfect testing :)07:51
rogerdpenguinso uh07:51
rogerdpenguinwhat happens after ubuntu installation is finished?07:51
shelbyscateseven though a lot of stuff is hard to do sometimes07:51
blackdevilecan anyone help me please, i want to enter the channel ird.d-t-net.de but i dont know the right parameter?07:51
K^HoltzCan someone help me fix my video playback? My videos are getting cut off on the bottom (i can only see the top)07:51
pitsNtico: always set hd0 for the 1st HDD|USB to boot, perfect :)07:52
shelbyscatesrogerdpenguin: the cd ejects and you can use it a million times faster :P07:52
rogerdpenguinfaster then a wubi install?07:52
rogerdpenguinmy friend has something cool on his suse linux setup07:52
rogerdpenguinhe installed it to his hard rive07:52
rogerdpenguinbut suse only boots with the live cd in the drive07:53
shelbyscatesrogerdpenguin: well, faster than a live cd07:53
rogerdpenguineven though it doesnt run off the live cd07:53
FloodBot1rogerdpenguin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:53
shelbyscatesrogerdpenguin: be nice07:53
rogerdpenguinfloodbot1: father my children07:53
rogerdpenguinwheres ubottu?07:53
shelbyscatesrogerdpenguin: if you disagree with someone, dont insult them blatently, it makes you appear ignorant07:53
=== joseph_ is now known as rattts
shelbyscatesOH YOU JUST GOT PWNZZ0RD BY A KID07:54
rogerdpenguinwheres ubottu?07:54
ratttshi all... whats the best music player for linux???  im used to windows media player being my favorite, but i cant find any good ones on linux07:54
ubottuI am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)07:54
rogerdpenguinits almost 2:0007:54
rogerdpenguinin the morning07:54
rogerdpenguinits 1:5407:54
shelbyscatessure is =D07:54
ratttshi all... whats the best music player for linux???  im used to windows media player being my favorite, but i cant find any good ones on linux07:54
shelbyscateswhoa nice07:54
shelbyscatesour clocks are the same!07:54
rogerdpenguinrattts: try totem07:54
lejonrattts it all depends, some like amarok, I personally like exaile07:54
zvacetrattts : amarok,vlc,mplayer,xmms...07:54
rogerdpenguin90% on installation07:55
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ratttsseriosuly, name just one that can do it all, easy to manage organize and find music and easy controls. any of those fall into this category?07:55
rogerdpenguindoes it reboot upon finish of installation?07:55
rogerdpenguindoes it show grub?07:55
shelbyscatesrattts: i wish there were an itunes for linux :(07:55
shelbyscatesrattts: i used amarok though07:55
rogerdpenguinit doest work with wine?07:55
cinsonanyone can teach me how to use nopaste?07:56
rogerdpenguinshelbyscates: does it show the grub bootloader upon bootup?07:56
raghavfifa 08 is not working in my wine in ubuntu pls help07:56
rogerdpenguini chose to not use the entire hard drive07:56
shelbyscatesrogerdpenguin: a fresh install of ubuntu?07:56
shelbyscatesropgerdpenguin: indeed it does07:56
raghavpls help me07:56
rogerdpenguinyes raghav?07:56
shelbyscatesooohhh you got your screen name slaughtered by a suger high kid07:57
raghav fifa 08 is not working in my wine in ubuntu pls help07:57
shelbyscatesraghav: well, wine is like expecting to use a donkey as a racehorse07:57
raghavi don have a graphics card but it used to work in windows...07:57
shelbyscatesraghav: i dont know about fifa '08 XD07:57
shelbyscatesraghav: games in linux generally require 10000x the power to run programs than on windoze07:58
raghavmany has submitted in forums that it works thats y07:58
raghavoh ok07:58
kripzwhats the minimum of openoffice i need to view MS powerpoint files??07:58
shelbyscatesraghav: ive always coonsidered gaming a waste of time ;)07:58
kripzraghav, opengl games work fine, directx = slow07:58
shelbyscatesraghav: go play real soccer instead :p07:58
zvacetraghav : does it supose to work did you check for that on wine page07:58
ratttswhats the best torrent client for ubuntu....i liked Utorrent on windows...anything good on linux???07:59
raghavpls yar i luv that game thatss y don make fun07:59
BilgeHow can I impersonate root permanently instead of having to type sudo constantly, like `su -` in FreeBSD?07:59
shelbyscatesrattts: try azureus!07:59
karmacoderzvacet: thanks saved my day07:59
kripzrattts, maybe consider utorrent under wine if you cant live without it :)07:59
zvacetrattts : transmission,ktorrent,deluge...07:59
mochaRHWcan anyone tell me why I see a weird character like a box with 4 numbers in it where apostrophe marks are supposed to be?07:59
raghavcan we have an aquarium in compiz07:59
shelbyscatesrattts: if you like lots of options but dont mind a huge progam that is slow and bulky use axureus, if you want something lightweight lacking in eatures use transmission08:00
mochaRHWthis happens to me in programs like Liferea08:00
shelbyscatesrattts: i have heard very good things about deluge though08:00
zvacetkarmacoder : np08:00
raghav can we have an aquarium in compiz08:00
raghav ??08:00
shelbyscatesrattts: i cant use it on mac os x but its worth a shot08:00
raghav can we have an aquarium in compiz08:01
raghav ??08:01
connoryou can08:01
Jalathanraghav, i've seen a tutorial that allows an aquarium to be the background08:01
connorIT IS08:01
zvacetsee you later08:01
raghavya were is it08:01
connorim so happy08:01
raghavi have ubuntu .0408:01
connorit even showed grub!08:01
K^Holtzi have 2 instances of vlc media player installed right now, they both show up in my applications menu, how do i get rid of one?08:01
Jalathanraghav, you'll have to google it though; been ages since i've seen it, sorry08:01
blackdevilewhat should i do to join the server irc.d-t-net.de?08:01
connorim gonna restart so my restricted drivers will work brb08:02
shelbyscatesoh yeah? well i bet you cant lick your elbow08:02
K^Holtzblackdevile: type '/server irc.d-t-net.de'08:02
mochaRHWcan anyone tell me why I have problems with apostrophe marks?  they look like a small box with 4 numbers inside.08:02
shelbyscatesITS 2:0208:02
blackdevilek^Holtz thanks08:02
unimatrix9are there any pakcages of cinerella for ubuntu 8.04?08:03
kripzK^Holtz, ls /usr/share/applicatins/v*08:03
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shelbyscatesyou know what this chat room needs? lots of neon text that makes the eyes of the unholy ones bleed08:03
shelbyscatesok sorry im leavng.,..08:03
kripzK^Holtz, ls /usr/share/applications/v*08:04
Jalathanraghav, here: http://thedarkmaster.wordpress.com/2007/02/27/the-beryl-dream-aquarium/08:04
raghavwat is cine rella????08:04
K^Holtzkripz: ok, i only see vlc.desktop08:04
kripzK^Holtz, ok, not sure why 2 appear then08:04
ratttsummm i downloaded a file but then it asks me what i want to open it with, i want to open it with deluge, is there a common place in my HD that these programs are stored by linux? like which folder can i find my programs in?08:05
kripzK^Holtz, maybe look at the contents of that file, might shed some light08:05
K^Holtzkripz: i dunno, there are 2 under Applications/Sounds & Video08:06
Blue112Hello everyone, can anyone help me with mysqld configuration ?08:06
ratttsummm i downloaded a file but then it asks me what i want to open it with, i want to open it with deluge, is there a common place in my HD that these programs are stored by linux? like which folder can i find my programs in?08:06
Jalathanraghav, and this: http://neaveru.blogspot.com/2007/04/instructions-to-get-fullscreen.html08:06
shelbyscatesrattts: it should list your applications08:07
shelbyscatesrattts: i wonder the same thing :\08:07
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kripzrattts, /usr/share i think08:07
ratttsok ill check08:07
* shelbyscates just got pwn3d08:07
shelbyscatessigh... btw08:08
shelbyscatescan someone help me install the kernel modules for sound on my system?08:08
shelbyscatesi think i just said something, not sure what though.08:08
Blue112Can someone help me with mysqld configuration ?08:08
kripzBlue112, just state the problem and if anyone can answer, they will08:09
shelbyscatesFTW - sound?08:10
Blue112I've just build mysql from the sources, and I want it to work with apache (which located in /usr/lib/apache2.0/). Mysql is located in /usr/lib/apache2.0/mysql08:10
ratatouilehello i upgrade my ubuntu today and the new 3 beta of firefox having english language and no can change to spanish08:11
Blue112Just apply the system upgrade and you'll have a newer version that, I think, support languages switch.08:11
kripzBlue112, been a while since ive worked with web servers, isnt there a apache.conf and you uncomment mysql to load the mysql module?08:11
Blue112krim, there is an httpd.conf, but nothing talk about mysql I think08:12
shelbyscateseveyone knows linux is awesome... it can do infinite loops in 5 seconds! twice!08:12
kripzBlue112, ok now i remember, i think it was php.conf that had the modules08:14
Uplinkwhy does my FireFox crash? it gives me that message when i track it down "Segmentation fault"08:14
Blue112kripz, it's possible but I think mysqld has to run before php can use it...08:15
xnvDoes Ubuntu do anything weird with vim that would prevent it from using ~/.vimrc? I put "syn on" in that file and it doesn't work, but typing ":syn on" while in vim does.08:15
ubuntu3464hi, I'm using the VNC server in ubuntu, and when I connect the only thing I see is b/w console, how can I view my desktop? Thanks.08:18
justmesince i updated my firefox 3.0b5 to rc1 it crashes more often - does anybody experience the same problems?08:18
K^Holtzjustme: RC 2 is out now, maybe u should upgrade08:19
justmeK^Holtz, in Repositories?08:19
pitsNi got 1440*900 now display image at right ratio, but can i make resolution larger? As the fonts all too small. howto ?08:19
K^Holtzjustme: i think so, in the meta ones i beleive08:19
Metatrontesting memory is a good start into troubleshooting segmentation faults08:19
justmegoing to do that soon, but atm my PC has high load....08:20
K^Holtzjustme: im still running RC1 tho because it has the same name as RC2 so Synaptic thought it was installing the same thing, so it could get a lil tricky08:20
Metatronusually seg faults are hardware related, not always08:20
justmeK^Holtz, that's bad ^^08:20
pitsNeg. i'd like to have 1280*800 -- howto make it? there is no selection on the screen-resolution08:20
justmepitsN - try to add the resolution in xorg.conf08:21
justmeand restart X08:21
K^Holtzjustme: it could also be because i bypassed the regular repositories to install RC1 early, but im not pro08:21
K^Holtzjustme: id give it a try08:21
Metatronopen console type xrandr --help   it will let u set screen resolutions  (allowable ones)08:21
pitsNjustme: can you tell me the full path of xorg.conf?08:22
Metatrontyping just xrandr will list allowable resolutions08:22
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JalathanpitsN, you can also adjust the dpi of the fonts to make them larger08:22
Uplinkwhy does my FireFox crash? it gives me that message when i track it down "Segmentation fault"08:23
justmeK^Holtz, guess I will be here again soon08:23
MetatronUplink: seg faults are "usually" hardware related, but not always and be a nightmare to track down08:23
Metatrontrying testing your memory08:23
justmebut as long as Rapidshare has Happy Hours i need to dl some things .... (games of the EM 08)08:23
K^Holtzspeaking of FF, mine is crashing on me right now08:24
justmeso cya later08:24
K^Holtzhave fun08:24
pitsNjustme: Jalathan : as i installed 8.04, there is no 1440*900, so i did as per http://www.spickles.org/archives/2006/10/31/95/ --> as a result, xorg.conf is blank, and there is no way for me to add 1280*800 any more :(08:24
UplinkMetatron, its a firefox 3 bug... i know that becuase FF 2 doesnt do that to me08:24
ratttsanyone know a new alternative to torrent downloading....pirate bay and mininova are going to go down, so there has to be new ways emerging08:24
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Metatronpoor code can do it too....might have to way for update08:24
JalathanpitsN, 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'08:25
JalathanpitsN, this will redo your xorg.conf for you08:25
JalathanpitsN, once it's finished, exit gnome, and press 'Ctrl+Alt+Backspace'08:26
unimatrix9firefox crashes ; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/22774708:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 227747 in flashplugin-nonfree "firefox crashes site: http://politics.nytimes.com/election-guide/2008/results/demmap/index.html" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:26
snadgewhat is the gcc update about? (my update notification says "The list of changes is not available yet."08:26
unimatrix9best to install epiphany , suod apt-get install epiphany08:27
snadgeis there a site which details ubuntu updates? security fixes etc08:27
unimatrix9for now, and google to get firefox up and running again08:27
pitsNJalathan: ok i did, and see you in a sec ..08:28
JalathanpitsN, this will restart xserver.  the new settings will be running08:28
fsckdIs anyone having problems with firefox and youtube?08:28
carlitos__muy  buenas tardes08:28
Uplinkciao carlitos__08:29
carlitos__can  you  help me pls, I  can listen by audiphones08:29
Uplinkcarlitos__, i speak spanish i can help you :)08:30
carlitos__Uplink  hola08:30
Uplinkcarlitos__, cual es el problema?08:30
Metatronive got the right commands figured to share a net connection, changing the iptables around, how do i make it permanent, or were is good place to put startup commands in ubunutu?08:31
carlitos__como hago para  escuchar con audifonos tengo  alsamixer  pero no veo  el  volumen para  los  audifonos08:31
carlitos__tengo una  notebook08:31
Metatronsome distro's use a Startup folder in root, does ubuntu do this?08:31
fenrisxCan anyone here help me with getting the drivers for my nVidia 6800GT working correctly?  I'm looking in the Synaptic Package Manager, and it's showing drivers installed, but I can't get any resolution over 1024x768.08:32
Uplinkcarlitos__, is your card getting picked up?08:32
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fsckdMetatron use iptables-save08:32
carlitos__yeah I can heard normal by ( parlantes funcionan bien)08:33
Uplinkcarlitos__, check the headphones line08:33
Metatronwhat about the ipv4 forward, wont it have to go someplace08:34
carlitos__they was working in my other cpu with ubuntu08:34
Metatronfsckd that is08:34
gejrfenrisx: if you had wrong drivers you probably wouldn't get even 1024x768.. are you sure the monitor supports higher resolutions?08:34
fenrisxgejr: Yes, I normally run 1280x1024 on this monitor.  The drivers in the package manager show as nVidia drivers.08:34
Uplinkcarlitos__, ok good... so it might be a alsa mixer problem or a port problem08:35
fenrisxgejr: So I'm not sure what really wrong.  There were several nVidia drivers listed, and all had similar descriptions.. being for newer geforce cards.08:35
Metatrontype xrandr in terminal will list resolutions that are availalbe, if what you want isnt shown, xorg or driver problem08:35
carlitos__alsamixer maybe08:35
Jalathanfenrisx & gejr: does this respond with yes fenrisx: 'glxinfo | grep direct' ?08:36
fsckdMetatron, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo  see if that helps ya08:36
kripzdoes anyone know how i can uninstall the files included in a .deb file without using the package manager?08:36
JalathanpitsN, working correctly / filled out now?08:37
Uplinkcarlitos__, try modprobing your sound module08:37
pitsNJalathan: i did "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and enter <ok> each time, now the last <OK> screen frozen.08:37
carlitos__how  can I  do  that ?08:37
pitsNJalathan: still 1440 *90008:38
Uplinkcarlitos__, whats your sound module?08:38
Metatroni want to have an ntfs partition mounted, but i dont what that icon on my desktop....some way to accomplish this?08:38
=== master_o1_master is now known as master_of_master
fenrisxJalathan: What do you mean?  (I'm a noob to Linux and whatnot.)08:38
Metatronwill just a plain mount command work, ah heck i should try first before asking08:38
pitsNJalathan: when i redo it: it says:debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable08:38
carlitos__module ? no  entiendo ?08:38
JalathanpitsN, do you have synaptic running?08:39
Uplinkcarlitos__, 2 seconds08:39
pitsNmmm. it shows new updates available, but i have not click yet08:39
pitsNJalathan: what is synaptic ?08:40
Netham46What's the command to open up GDM's settings?08:40
Netham46I'm trying to enable xdcmp remoteley.08:40
fenrisxpitsN: Go to System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager08:40
Jalathanfenrisx, open up 'Applications > Accessories > Terminal' copy the command from here without the " ' " and in terminal press Ctrl + Ins or r. click and select paste08:41
pitsNJalathan: actually, i clicked the update, but i stopped it , not finished yet, as download take for a while08:41
fenrisxJalathan: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".08:42
fenrisxError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual08:42
Uplinkcarlitos__, whats the model of your notebook?08:42
JalathanpitsN, ah, ok.  to be able to reconfigure xserver, you can't have the update manager, synaptic (a program that allows you to install programs from the repositories), or apt-get (the cli version of synaptic) running08:42
Jalathanfenrisx, open up the restricted driver manager08:43
pitsNJalathan: fenrisx : ok. i stopped it. what should i do now ?08:43
Uplinkcarlitos__, what MODEL number08:43
mookim only here to see if i can learn something08:43
JalathanpitsN, try reentering the command in terminal08:43
ubuntu3464hi, I'm using the VNC server in ubuntu, and when I connect the only thing I see is b/w console, how can I view my desktop? Thanks.08:43
pitsNJalathan: it says: debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable08:44
Uplinkcarlitos__, does your earphones work in windows?08:44
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:44
JalathanpitsN, kk, try closing the update manager all together08:44
pitsNJalathan: i m really dummy. i do not know where to close the update manager :)08:45
carlitos__I  formated my notebook , before it was working,  but i   remembar  I   have  to  configure but i  forgot08:45
Uplinkcarlitos__, what version of ubuntu are u running?08:45
pitsNJalathan: the update manager windows all closed by me, have i done what you said ?08:46
JalathanpitsN, i'm sorry, i was leading you down the wrong track08:46
carlitos__8.05 lts08:46
pitsNJalathan: now what to do ?08:46
JalathanpitsN, oh, so you still have the frozen terminal window still open?08:46
pitsNJalathan: already closed by me :)08:47
fenrisxJalathan: How do I open the restricted driver manager?08:47
carlitos__8.04 lts*08:47
JalathanpitsN, easiest way to solve that issue would to restart (sorry)08:47
fsckdfenrisx  system>admin>hardware drivers08:48
Jalathanty fsckd08:48
ratatouilewhy in firefox 3.0rc2 i no can install in spanish i download of mozilla.org in spanish but when i install the language is english :S08:48
Netham46is there a way to start a session of GNOME from a command line interface without going through GDM?08:48
Uplinkcarlitos__, follow this guide08:48
JalathanNetham46, startx08:48
Netham46Jalathan, well, the thing is, I'm remoteley connected through PuTTY using xming08:49
carlitos__ok I will Try08:49
pitsNJalathan: after restart,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -- this gave a frozen window at 4th step.08:49
fenrisxJalathan: Thanks.. the driver shows up, but wasn't selected to be used.08:49
pitsNJalathan: there are <OK> <NO> which one should i select ? the last page says <OK> only, but frozen08:49
goudkovhi guys, is there an explanation of the repositories to add to source list for hardy? it's for a server, so i just need security and stability updates, not so much new features.08:50
goudkovright now, all i have is "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy main universe multiverse08:50
Jalathanfenrisx, does it show a green light?08:51
JalathanpitsN, can you describe the screen that it freezes on?08:51
pitsNJalathan: ok i m now restarting ... back in a sec ..08:51
fservedeb http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-updates multiverse08:51
fenrisxJalathan: I just enabled it.  I have to restart now.08:51
Jalathanfenrisx, kk08:51
fenrisxJalathan / fsckd: Thanks for all the help.08:51
fservedeb http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-updates universe08:51
evilbughow can i make my ubuntu panels have this color scheme > http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/8854/screenshotla3.png08:51
Chloehello , will it be possible someday to make an update to a broken system using synaptic or update-manager hmm k stupid apt-get apt-get using  a livecd :-/08:52
goudkovis there an official doc somewhere that lists them all?08:52
fsckdfenrisx,  np08:52
fserveevilbug, its a gnome2 theme08:52
fserveevilbug, new wave + transparency, and the bottom bar the name is awn08:52
fserveAvant Window Manager08:52
fsckdChloe, whats wrong08:52
evilbugfserve- i know awn,i just haven't figured out how to get the font white and panel black.08:53
ChloeI got several problems with Xorg "not saving" and recovering an old config file08:53
* z0man is away: Gone away for now.08:53
ChloeI also got problem setting up a Genius pen and table08:53
pitsNJalathan: me back :)08:53
ne2k__ooh, how do you get the mac-os style dock?08:53
colourAggane2k__: kibadock08:54
JalathanpitsN, kk, rerun glxinfo | grep direct08:54
ne2k__colourAgga: what is "awn" that fserve mentioned?08:54
colourAggai don't know i used kiba dock to get mine :)08:54
JalathanpitsN, this can also be done by pressing the up key to pull up the command08:54
Jalathan!awn | ne2k__08:54
ubottune2k__: Avant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy08:54
colourAggahttp://www.macewan.org/images/Edgy.beryl.kibadock_thumb.jpg < kiba dock screenshot fetched from google08:54
pitsNJalathan: now re-run the last command ?08:55
JalathanpitsN, yep08:55
fsckdChloe can you be a little more descriptive about your xorg problem08:55
Jalathanevilbug, one min here08:55
pitsNJalathan: it says "configuring ..." <YES> <NO> ... which one should i use ?08:55
Wolvenhavenok guys i need to know how to reverse some stuff i did without reinstalling08:55
Chloeok well I can "pastebin" the current config it's working but if I uncomment some lines it doesn't work anymore08:56
ne2k__Jalathan: does it work along-side the normal gnome panel and stuff or does it replace them?08:56
JalathanpitsN, oh, sorry... could you please describe the screen?08:56
ChloeI would need a testparm for Xorg08:56
Jalathanne2k__, it replaces the bottom panel08:56
fserveawn is nice08:56
Wolvenhaveni followed this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4715731&postcount=27 guide to getting touchscreen to work, and it didnt, so i want to try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=765915&highlight=tx2000 one, however i dont know how to reverse what i did in the first tutorial so i dont screw up the 2nd08:56
pitsNJalathan: "... using kernel framebutter device interface? <Y | N>08:56
JalathanpitsN, select 'No'08:57
ne2k__Jalathan: oh, ok08:57
Chloefsckd, if I pastebin will you be able to help?08:57
Jalathanevilbug, ok, r. click on the top bar > properties08:57
pitsNJalathan: "autodetct keyborad layout? <Y | N>08:57
fsckdChloe Sure08:57
JalathanpitsN, is it a standard US keyboard?08:57
pitsNJalathan: yes08:57
evilbugJalathan- i've managed to change the panel color,just not the panel font color.08:57
JalathanpitsN, select no08:57
Hammer-I'm having trouble with latest nvida drivers for beryl  (not recognizing all the resolutions of current video card)08:57
evilbugJalathan- sorry,should have been more specific.08:58
* Hammer- waits.. sorry08:58
Jalathanevilbug, kk, one min here08:58
Chloethanks fsckd give me a few minutes to gather the informations08:58
Jalathan& np08:58
pitsNJalathan: it auto detected: keyboard layout = us <OK> ?08:58
JalathanpitsN, ok08:58
ne2k__Jalathan: it's... really crap. it totally doesn't replicate the functionality of the mac os x dock. it only has active windows in it, for a start. and the icons bounce when I hover over them... icons are supposed to bounce when a program is loading.08:58
fsckdChloe ok and for the tablet you can try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TabletSetupWizardpen08:58
pitsNJalathan: "XKB rule set to use: xorg" <OK> ?08:59
JalathanpitsN, only ok available?08:59
Chloefsckd, I am stuck on that howto badly08:59
Jalathanne2k__, one min here08:59
logixoulHello. How do I upgrade a dapper installation to gutsy from CLI? i.e. without downloading a CD08:59
Wolvenhavenmy tablet isnt on that list fsckd08:59
ChloeI go something to investigate about Xorg 7.3 and that driver08:59
ne2k__Jalathan: oh, hang on... it has more options ;-) hehe08:59
hischild!update | logixoul08:59
ubottulogixoul: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:59
rsklogixoul: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get upgrade09:00
pitsNJalathan: XKB rule set to use = [ xorg ] (you can update here) ==> <OK>09:00
Hammer-I'm having trouble with e nvideo drivers needed for beryl and not recognizing all the screen resolutions the card can do09:00
Hammer-revert to old driver and I'm fine09:00
Jalathanevilbug, look over at http://gnome-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=101 and look for a theme that suites your needs09:01
JalathanpitsN, one min here09:01
fsckdChloe did it work in 7.10 or 7.0409:01
JalathanpitsN, press Tab so that ok is selected, and press ok09:01
Hammer-nvidia sorry09:01
evilbugJalathan- so there is no way i could simply change the panel font color?09:01
hischild!beryl | Hammer-09:02
ubottuHammer-: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz09:02
logixoulrsk: thanks but apt-get update fails with 4 lines of "W: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper Release: Unknown error executing gpgv"09:02
pitsNJalathan: i guess if i press <OK> the next window will be frozen. are you ready ?09:02
Jalathanevilbug, unfortinately not all metacity themes offer the ability to change their color coordination09:02
Hammer-this was installed on my Ultimate Edition 1.8 I believe09:02
JalathanpitsN, ok09:02
evilbugJalathan- thanks09:02
Chloefsckd, I basically got problem with the tablet but an error that I fixed yesterday in the xorg came back today as if the display server got back to a previous config due to an incorrect shutdown or something09:02
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion09:03
Jalathanevilbug, sry for the inconvenience & np09:03
Chloefsckd, here is my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/source-716.html09:03
carlitos__ok I  will  be  back09:03
Chloeif I uncomment the tablet part I get to the "default" config screen09:03
Wolvenhavenoh haha i feel really dumb09:04
Wolvenhavenmy problem was i forgot to type .ko at the end of one of my cp's09:04
Wolvenhavennow it works09:04
logixoulrsk: nevermind, fixed that09:05
logixoulrsk: after those commands, and rebooting, `lsb_release -a` still shows Dapper09:05
pitsNJalathan: i made it. use tab and it is not frozen09:05
=== _Vinnonet is now known as Vinnonet
fsckdChloe after you edit your xorg.conf did you run a sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg09:06
apastinenHi, is it possible to set shortcut keys for gnome, which set location AND size for the windows?09:06
=== Bodsda|COFFEE is now known as Bodsda
pitsNJalathan: restart now ? or just ctrl+alt-backspace ?09:06
ChloeI am going to try that fsckd thanks09:06
fsckdChloe ok09:06
JalathanWolvenhaven, if you were just copying a file from one dir to another, you could do is like this: 'cp ~/testfile.odf ~/testdir/'09:07
grub_booterhi - if i use compile to compile to a string, and the string contains a function definition, how do i exec that function?09:07
Chloefsckd, I ll come back and paste you the Xorg.log if it doesn't owrk09:07
JalathanpitsN, \^_^/09:07
fsckdChloe ok09:08
pitsNJalathan: what m i going to do now ?09:08
JalathanpitsN, just ctrl + alt + backspace09:08
grub_bootersorry - wrong channel :-)09:08
JalathanpitsN, sorry about the lag09:08
pitsNJalathan: :)09:08
walentinohello everybody....am here to get some who know how to hack09:08
Jalathanwalentino, could you elaborate so someone could more easily help you?09:09
gejrwalentino: hack what? I'm awesome at commenting out lines in .c-files!09:09
dynamethodim pretty good with the old wood splitter myself09:09
Jalathan*sigh* <.<;;09:09
ActionParsnipi can cook a mean spag bol09:10
dynamethodmore of a lasagne hacker myself09:10
gejrhack spaghetti?09:10
c0nfl|ct Bom dia09:10
Jalathangejr, how else is rice made? ;P09:10
mkquistwalentino: in case u havent got it yet...  this is not really the place... but they will fun you for a bit... =p09:11
logixoulhischild: hm, this page says I should run gksu "update-manager -c" but I don't have "update-manager" installed09:11
JalathanpitsN, how's it working?09:11
pitsNJalathan: now i got an error: "Nautilus can't be used now ..." as a result, anything on Desktop is not displaying, but i still can get it :)09:11
ActionParsniplogixoul: sudo apt-get install update-manager09:11
logixoulI think I'll try the apt way since I don't wanna install gnome.09:12
pitsNJalathan: what's next step ? hope you are not destroying my ubuntu :)09:12
QuintinHey, I have a question09:12
JalathanpitsN, this normally doesn't happen09:12
ActionParsnipQuintin: sup?09:12
QuintinWhat's going to be faster... 2x IDE drives in RAID 0 , or 1x SATA drive09:12
JalathanpitsN, try restarting09:12
pitsNJalathan: ok in a sec ..09:13
ActionParsnipQuintin: i'd shoot for raid09:13
ActionParsnipalthout 2 x SATA > 2 x PATA09:13
SlartQuintin: raid if you've got a dedicated chip.. not sure if it still applies if you're using software raid09:13
ActionParsnipits not much more for SATA you know09:13
ActionParsnip!hi tico09:14
ubottuFactoid hi tico not found09:14
Quintinwell I want to do software raid 0 on my desktop09:14
ActionParsnip!hi | tico09:14
ubottutico: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:14
ticohow are you09:14
ActionParsniptico: not bad man, your Ubuntu system all groovy?09:14
JalathanQuintin, be careful using 0, if anything were to happen to the raid, recovery is harder (if i remember correctly)09:14
ticoActionParsnip: sorry what means groovy?09:15
Chloefserve, I ran the command it made a back I am going to reboot09:15
ticoActionParsnip: ?09:16
ActionParsniptico: groovy == happy == working == ok == no issues09:16
ticoActionParsnip:  ok09:16
ticoActionParsnip: sorry ! yes everything fine just trying to boot faster09:16
blizzkidIs there anyone here with a howtoforge.com subscription in here who would be kind enough to download me 1 pdf?09:17
pitsNJalathan: me back :) what's next step to update resolution from 1440*900 to 1280*800 ?09:17
ticoActionParsnip: but ... i don't have good results09:17
gejrpitsN: xrandr -s 1280x800 .. see if it works09:17
lenatiswhich book is the best for introducing TCP/IP?From the foundation09:17
ticoActionParsnip: i try to erase splash, use profile09:17
gejrpitsN: if it does, throw it in as one of the modes in your xorg.conf09:17
JalathanpitsN, (this can also be done) does the resolution chooser show the option for 1280x800?09:18
ticoActionParsnip: but the same. no big difference09:18
logixoulGuys, I'm trying to upgrade Dapper to Edgy. But `update-manager -c` says my system is up to date. Why's that?09:18
ActionParsniplogixoul: try sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:18
pitsNJalathan: no option found for 1280*800.09:18
logixoulActionParsnip: I did, it updated a bunch of packages, but I'm still at dapper.09:19
ticologixoul: try sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get install, then try sudo apt-get upgrade09:19
pitsNgejr: Jalathan :xrandr -s 1280x800 what this for ?09:19
gejrit sets resolution to 1280x80009:19
pitsNgejr: Jalathan : it says: size not found :)09:20
mycroftivlogixoul: to upgrade between versions you need to change where your sources.list points at09:20
logixoultico: "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded"09:20
logixoulmycroftiv: ah, I figured there was more to it :) thanks09:20
JalathanpitsN, i have to apoligize, but i need to get off due to the time09:20
pitsNJalathan: thanks for the help though :)09:21
Jalathangejr, could you help pitsN complete the process?09:21
JalathanpitsN, no problem09:21
mycroftivlogixoul: you have a file called /etc/apt/sources.list with the URLs for your software update repositories. If you find the URLs for Edgy and change to them, then apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade should upgrade you between versions BUT09:21
Chloecool that guy broke my confiig :-/ thanks their is a backup file09:22
PitelWhat is the current state of unichrome drivers? is opengl working?09:22
mycroftivlogixoul: please make sure to back up all your data and so forth, doing version upgrades often causes some breakage for people09:22
pitsNgejr: :)09:22
pitsNgejr: :) do you want to see my xorg.conf? it is blank09:23
logixoulmycroftiv: it looks like s/dapper/edgy/g isn't enough to fix the URLs. now I get 404 Not Found.09:23
mkquistwhat is happening with firefox and the little arrow thingy?09:23
mycroftivlogixoul: yes i think there is more difference in the urls than just the single word09:24
logixoulmycroftiv: that's weird... http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ lists everything except edgy09:24
rohananyone noticed that in the new firefox rc1 that's in ubuntu repo, the font in the address bar is realy unreadable?09:25
mycroftivlogixoul: huh that is weird...I know the edgy repos still exist09:25
rohannaresh: when typing a URL09:25
rohanthe actual url that appears below is so unreadable09:25
nareshanyone knows the how to insert a single record in multiple table ???09:26
JalathanpitsN, one last thing, here's a pastebin of my xorg.conf (be careful though, i am running an ati video card) that can be used as a guide: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19236/09:26
mkquistam i the only one having the firefox problem after the last update?09:27
logixoulmycroftiv: maybe related... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20133309:27
sagredohow can I change the default workstation from 2 to x?09:27
nareshyes, i also having the same problem09:28
pitsNJalathan: is your screen my size ?09:28
bentob0xhow can I find all the files modified 20 minutes ago everywhere on my machine?09:28
Pezihehe.. the windows-channel is much more quieter than this channel ^^09:28
mycroftivlogixoul: hmm the http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ doesn't list edgy in it -- it must be hosted somewhere, ill keep googling09:29
ActionParsnipbentob0x: http://commandline.org.uk/python/2008/may/22/list-files-recursively-modified-time/09:29
ThomasaszHi, I want to play m4a files on amarok . i have installed all plugins and codecs but m4a files arent working :( what do i have to do?09:29
logixoulmycroftiv: yeah..09:29
rohanThomasasz: try to use mplayer. does that work09:29
JalathanpitsN, this is a resolution-free xorg.conf due to the bulletproof x running (I really dislike it being this way)09:29
mycroftivlogixoul: hmm there are a lot of repo urls listed at http://www.debianadmin.com/ubuntu-edgy-eft-complete-sourceslist-repository-list-file.html but i havent checked to see if they are alive09:30
* Jalathan apologetically signs out09:30
enosHOW does one learn how to *understand* the meaning of xorg.conf!09:30
Bodsda_what smtp server can i use with thunderbird to send mail with a yahoo email address?? smtp.mail.yahoo.com doesnt work09:30
Jalathanenos, work and reading of tutorials09:31
slushpuppy\there's a manual enos09:31
logixoulenos: man xorg.conf09:31
Jalathanthat too09:31
KlausDKI'm trying to install ubuntu 8.04 on a IBM t30 with 256MB ..  But its very slow and hangs on "partition" 46%  ..09:31
pitsNJalathan: your xorg.conf nearly same as mine. mmm. thanks again :)09:31
john_yum sucks, centos sucks09:31
logixoulmycroftiv: no, that's the same. edgy's missing09:31
ActionParsnipBodsda_ http://email.about.com/od/mozillathunderbirdtips/qt/et_free_yahoo.htm09:32
ActionParsnipBodsda_: please use google more09:32
logixoulmycroftiv: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=dists%2Fedgy-backports%2F&btnG=Search shows a whole lotta repos, all dead now09:32
JalathanpitsN, an idea: you could google around for a example xorg.conf (am really leaving now <.<;;)09:33
pitsNJalathan: :) cheers :)09:33
Bodsda_ActionParsnip, oh cheers,.,. i guess i was missin the free bit from my searches,. i kept getting hits about yahoo mail plus -- anyway, sorry and cheers09:33
KlausDKDoes ubuntu require more than 256MB for installing ?09:33
mycroftivlogixoul: did you try to see what happens if you add the 'distro upgrade' flag to the upgrade command? sudo update-manager -c -d I think?09:33
BezNalogovHello. Can somebody tell me how I can fix the mbr record of my HD? I installed a dual boot system (grub with ubuntu and vista), but it doesn't boot grub at all. How can I make it boot into grub?09:34
ActionParsnipBodsda_: np bor09:34
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:34
* Jalathan sighs09:34
mycroftivHasn't xorg.conf totally changed now that Hardy is here? My xorg.conf used to have all my hardware in it, now it just says 'generic' or 'configured' for every single device.09:34
enosmycroftiv: Exactly! that's whats got me so confused09:35
enosHow the heck do I know that xorg is using the correct drivers for my vid card?09:35
ubottuFactoid t30 not found09:35
mycroftivenos: you can find out what its doing if you look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:35
BezNalogovThanks Jalathan09:36
rohananyone having this problem after yesterdays firefox update to 3rc1? http://i26.tinypic.com/m8i3is.jpg09:37
enosHow do I tell xorg not to use my laptop screen at all and only my external lcd thats connected to my laptop?09:37
Jalathannp BezNalogov09:37
* enos kicks xorg09:37
ihabhi all09:37
* Jalathan agrees fullheartedly with enos with his opinion on bulletproof x09:38
* ActionParsnip has no issue with it, it just works09:38
mycroftivwell, its a classic dilemna: making stuff smarter at autoconfiguration and 'just working09:38
thropehi - I had a problem start where my machine turns itself on... I thought it was random at first, but lately it seems to have settled down to exacly 2am every night. I've turned off everything in the bios related to wake/sleep (wake on lan, pme events, etc) - does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this?09:38
ihabcan anybody tell me whats the best environment for ubuntu?09:38
ne2k__is there a shortcut key to run a command directly, like Windows-R on windows? I just pressed Windows-R out of habit and it zoomed the window to fill the screen -- nifty! but not what I wanted ;-)09:38
Jalathanne2k__, alt+f209:39
thropene2k__: add the deskbar applet and you can map any key - I mapped windows-r09:39
ne2k__Jalathan: thanks. is there a shortcut key to open a terminal window too?09:39
ihabhey ne2k i did the same..now i canot exit the zoom mode09:39
Jalathanihab, press it again09:40
ne2k__ihab: click on the desktop and press windows-R again09:40
ne2k__Jalathan: that doesn't work09:40
ihabthnx guys09:40
Jalathanoh, kk09:40
ihabwhere can i download environments?09:40
redheathi everyone09:40
enosAnyone here know what are the benefits of getting a xeon duo core processor as oppose to say a quad core processor?09:40
redheatjust need a little help here is possible09:40
mycroftivne2d_: you can choose a keyboard shortcut to open a terminal window, you can set it in system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts menu09:40
redheatI'm running Ubuntu Hardy Heron, and I have two sound cards installed in my system09:41
Jalathanihab, look throughout synaptic09:41
ihabJaLathan , what should i type in?09:41
doctorowHow do I set my Gutsy computer to require a password to wake from sleep?09:41
tech0007doctorow:  system->preferences->screensaver09:42
redheatone of them is a Creative X-FI platinum which is not supported by any linux system, and the other one is a built in sound card that came with my gigabyte motherboard it's a realtek souncard, hardy heron detected the sound card and it does see him and assigns a driver for it, but I can't hear any sound at all09:42
Jalathanihab, hrm, it'd be best to google it09:43
PitelWhat is the current state of via unichrome drivers?09:43
Jalathanihab, because of how many there are out there09:43
tech0007Pitel: still the same.09:43
Piteltech0007: which is?09:43
ihabok thnx09:43
tech0007Pitel: no compiz,,,09:43
tech0007Pitel: shaky 3d09:44
redheatfolks, is it possible if anyone can help me with that sound card/no sound problem09:44
mycroftivredheat: i dont know much about this, but im gonna guess that you need to look at the pulseaudio configuration09:44
FuRomIs there a way to get IE7, IE6, IE5. and IE4 on ubuntu? I can't find anything promising with google. =/09:44
redheatok, I would appreciate it if you can show me how to do this09:44
ubottuFactoid ie4linux not found09:45
glitsj16redheat: only the one card visible in "cat /asound/cards" ?09:45
PitelFuRom: ies4linux09:45
KartagisI'm trying to install vinagre new version. I get a few dependency requirement. when I search for those packages, no package with that name exists. http://paste.ubuntu.com/19227/ is the requirements. can anyone help me?09:45
redheatlet me just check there..09:45
FuRomPitel, thanks.09:45
tech0007FuRom: or run windows in vm09:45
ihabwhen do the stuff i download off synaptic go to?09:45
Jalathan!ies4linux | FuRom09:45
ubottuFuRom: ies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, don’t use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox!09:45
redheatglitsj16, you mean under the sound devices?09:46
glitsj16redheat: yes, what does it show at present ?09:46
FuRomJalathan, =O Thanks!09:46
Jalathannp FuRom09:46
Kartagisihab: /var/cache/apt/archives/09:47
ne2k__I have a suggestion for a shortcut for Firefox. a rocker gestures that does the following: (Back, Forward:NewTab)09:47
ne2k__I often click on a link and wish I'd opened it in a new tab; I have to go back and click on it again with a different button09:48
ihabKartagis , im in that folder..should i unpack the package after it has already been installed?09:48
Kartagisihab: I don't think so09:48
tobagoi installed screenlets and tried to config clearweather (setting the zip code of weather.com), but it seems to get no connect.09:49
\kGany reason why i wouldnt be ableto resize partition when trryin to dual boot install09:49
mycroftiv\kg: what format is the partition in?09:50
ihabKartagis , another question if u dont mind.. when i download and install a game off synpatic for example..a shortcut should appear in applications /games right?09:50
Kartagisihab: normally it should09:50
ihabKartagis , what if it doesnt ? what should i do?09:50
ne2k__ihab: you can do dpkg -l package-name and look for what it installed where, and then just run the executable directly09:51
ihabne2k__ , thnx a lot09:52
Kartagisihab: go to System|Preferences|Main Menu and insert the shortcut manually09:52
tech0007ne2k__: ihab:  dpkg -L package09:52
mycroftivihab: you should be able to start the game just by typing its name into a terminal (assuming the binary executable is called something obvious), not everything uses the menu system09:52
ne2k__ihab: sorry, I meant -L, not -l. I knew it was one and not the other! ;-)09:52
glitsj16tobago: and it works with an other zip-code ? or with none of them ?09:53
ne2k__ihab: dpkg -L package |grep \/bin\/ will show you everything it installed in any bin directory09:53
doctorowHow do I set my Gutsy computer to require a password to wake from sleep?09:54
tech0007doctorow: see up! system->preferences->screensaver09:54
doctorowSorry if someone already answered that, my scrollback buffer isn't working09:54
doctorowThanks, Tech0007!09:54
tech0007doctorow: np09:54
ninjaduckhello. how do i get firefox to use my pci sound card instead of onboard in hh?09:54
ninjaduckevery other program uses the pci card correctly09:55
tobagoglitsj16, try it.09:55
ihabKartagis , mycroftiv , ne2k__ , tech0007 , thanks alot09:55
glitsj16tobago: where i'm from it's always rainy .. no need to have screenlets tell me that lol (i don't have them installed anymore sorry)09:55
doctorowHey, Tech0007 - -will turning on screensaver passwords also work for suspend?09:55
kwkHello after booting from Ubuntu LiveCD 8.04 without installing anything, our RAID was destroyed. Why?09:56
ne2k__kwk: lol, sorry09:56
tobagoglitsj16, ;)  tried anotehr zipcode but still "could not reach weather.com ...."09:56
glitsj16ninjaduck: could it be the flash plugin causing the trouble ? if so, you might wanna check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900 (part B mainly)09:56
ne2k__tobago: can you reach weather.com otherwise? is it resolvable? can you get to the internet?09:56
tech0007doctorow: not really sure...09:56
kwkne2k_: Are you kidding? This is not lol This is arrrrggh09:56
tech0007doctorow: check power management09:56
glitsj16tobago: i'll give it a ping09:57
ne2k__kwk: do you have software raid or hardware raid?09:57
mycroftivkwk: I don't understand how that would really be possible...what do you mean 'destroyed'?09:57
benikenyahow do i network and access two ubuntu machines without using samba09:57
Lee__wow its 5 am09:57
tobagoglitsj16, ne2k__ i can reach weather.com on http port 80.09:57
glitsj16toabago: loads up just fine from here ..09:57
ninjaduckglitsj16: thanks for the link. checking it out.09:57
kwkne2k__: hardware raid. mycroftiv: There's no bootable hardsidk anymore09:57
tech0007Lee: that depends on where u are09:57
doctorowThanks, Tech0007 -- there's nothing obvious in Power Management to require a password after suspend/hibernate09:58
glitsj16ninjaduck: hope it's of good use, yw09:58
ne2k__kwk: what does your hardware raid bios say is the status of the array?09:58
mycroftivbenikenya: NFS is pretty easy to setup for file sharing, or ssh is good too, or you could even just use stuff like wget and apache depending on what your needs are09:58
tobagoglitsj16, ne2k__ but a ping to weather.com does not reach the resource.09:58
ne2k__benikenya: depends what you need to do?09:58
kwkne2k__: FAILURE09:58
benikenyawell i do have nfs but dont know how to use it09:58
benikenyai need to access home folders on the machines09:59
tobagone2k__, glitsj16 then i was redirected to the proxy.09:59
mycroftivkwk: you should file a bug report and look for any other examples, that sounds very serious09:59
Anarhhi, i am having a problem. somehow when i press Ctrl all the keys change the layout for the duration of me holding it. So i cannot Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Z the programmes (that simply types russian character) i don't know what i did09:59
benikenyai've got one on hardy and the other on gutsy09:59
benikenyawith hardy i've had a problem sharing the home folder, or any other folder for that matter09:59
ne2k__kwk: what level of raid do you have? do you mean a failure with the raid controller itself or with one or more of the disks?09:59
glitsj16tobago: can't vouch for that, i have pdnsd installed, came straight from the cache, forgot about that sorry10:00
boogleboxmorning #ubuntu, I'm having strange login screen issues... the login screen does not conform to my screen resolution D:10:00
Bodsda_hey guys, im trying to find ypops for ubuntu, i found 1 but theres no readme and i dont know what to do with it,.,.does anyone know where i can get ypops?10:00
kwkne2k__: RAID0 controller was fine before reboot we have no idea what's up with the disks10:00
ne2k__kwk: it could be coincidence, of course. your raid controller just happened to die at the same time you tried out ubuntu10:01
Eararaldor1is anyone availble for help10:01
mycroftivbenikenya: hmm i just googled for 'nfs on hardy heron' and the first links were to a bugzilla report about 'internal error' message when trying to mount10:01
ne2k__Eararaldor1: just ask your question and wait. read the channel topic10:01
kwkne2k__: :( forget it10:02
FlannelBodsda_: Check out fetchyahoo10:02
ne2k__kwk: what exactly does the raid controller say? can you get into its bios?10:02
Flannel!ask | Eararaldor110:02
ubottuEararaldor1: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:02
kwkn2k__: No we can boot windows again.10:02
Bodsda_Flannel, i can recieve mail, its sending it thats the prob.10:02
Eararaldor1ok bit of a noob when using umbuntu. Basically I'm trying to install the NVIDIA drivers on this laptop but keep getting need to install into root, however when i try and stick the file into root i get permission dednied.....?10:03
tobagoglitsj16, mmh. other resources seem to be pingable.10:03
FlannelBodsda_: Ah.  maybe hotsmtp?  I don't know if that support yahoo.10:04
Flannel!nvidia  Eararaldor110:04
ubottuFlannel: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:04
Flannel!nvidia | Eararaldor110:04
mycroftiveararaldor1: two different uses of 'root' -- there is the 'root' user who has full authority to change all files on the system, and the 'root' directory. I think you need to have root privileges (in other words, sudo or enter an admin password), not to intstall into the root directory.10:04
ubottuEararaldor1: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:04
glitsj16tobago: could be a temporary outage i guess10:04
Bodsda_Flannel, hotsmtp?? whats the server name? hotsmtp.blah.blah.com ??10:05
FlannelEararaldor1: Is there something wrong with the Restricted Drivers manager?10:05
FlannelBodsda_: hotsmtp is a package10:05
_adriaanhi all10:05
tobagoglitsj16, but the page (port 80) is available. but the server itself is not?10:05
Bodsda_Flannel, bah ,.,. lol,.ok cheers ;~)10:05
tobagodon't understand.10:05
jackinloaduphey all, im having a slight problem with changing my uid. the usermod  -u uid user_name  command seemed to work but it didnt set the uid recursively so there are tons of errors when logging in. any ideas?10:06
glitsj16tobago: i have no idea sorry, are ther other screenlets working ok ?10:06
_adriaanmy icons in gnome notification area are not properly refreshed (I can see older icons beneath newer ones), anyone know what causes it?10:06
mebiusрусские есть?10:06
tech0007jackinloadup: see 'man chown'10:06
Flannel!ru | mebius10:06
ubottumebius: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:06
ne2k__kwk: what was the problem?10:06
jackinloaduptech0007, will do.. brb ;-)10:06
Bodsda_Flannel, hotsmtp looks like what im after, but in the info it says --  Point your mail client at this server, -- but i cant see where it specifies th server?10:07
Blue112Salut tous10:07
Blue112Comment je peux lancer quelquechose (en tant que root) au démarrage du pc ?10:08
ne2k__!fr | Blue11210:08
ubottuBlue112: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr10:08
mycroftivhey, is there anything you can put into .bash.rc to keep yourself from ruining yourself if you put rm / *foo instead of /*foo?10:08
Blue112Oups, sorry >_<10:08
FlannelBodsda_: You'd point your mailclient at localhost probably, and some odd port.  Probably in the configs10:08
Blue112Hello everyone10:08
ne2k__Blue112: Oups, lol ;-)10:08
Blue112How can I launch something at the pc start ?10:08
Bodsda_Flannel, ok, lol,. i really dont understand this10:08
FlannelEararaldor1: What do you mean doesn't do anything after that?10:08
FlannelBodsda_: basically, your client connects to an SMTP server sitting on your machine (that program) and then that goes out and talks to yahoo.10:09
tech0007Blue112: /etc/rc.local10:09
Blue112tech0007, can I choose to launch it as root ?10:09
ne2k__Blue112: /etc/rc<x>.d/ has links to scripts that start and stop at various runlevels10:09
ne2k__Blue112: what do you want to run at startup?10:09
ticoBlue112: go to system - sessions10:09
Bodsda_Flannel, yeah, but what should i put in the server line, you said localhost, but then how would i know what random port to use?10:09
tech0007Blue112: yup10:09
Flannel!bum | Blue11210:09
solid_liqanyone else had a problem with compiz not working after a hardy install?10:09
ubottuBlue112: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto10:09
ticoBlue112: then startup programs10:09
Blue112I want to launch apache & mysql (which I compile myself)10:09
FlannelBodsda_: Check the config file, as I'm sure its a configuration option10:10
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:10
Bodsda_Flannel, what config file?10:10
tech0007Blue112: consult the docs of both apps for startup10:10
chrolsHello, my Firefox can't connect to anywhere. I've checked that the proxy is right and also after I found some advice on google disabled ipv6, however it didn't seem to help. I can't even visit sites on the LAN when I punch in the iP. Anyone got any suggestion?10:10
Blue112I don't really understand the rc.local syntax...10:11
mycroftivchrols: but your other network software all works? you have an IP and everything?10:11
FlannelBodsda_: no idea.  /etc/hotsmtp?  check out the man page.  Doesn't look like the package itself has a config file.10:11
adredhelo, help me change the permission of my backup disk please...heres' the link of the data when i sudo fdisk -l:http://paste.ubuntu.com/19246/.10:11
tech0007Blue112: you enter commands as you enter them in terminal10:11
jackinloaduptech0007, so im thinking i should use usermod to change my uid then use chown on my home file like so: chown -hR jackinloadup /home/jackinloadup10:11
Bodsda_Flannel, kk,.cheers dude10:11
rohanchrols: what error do you get when you try?10:11
jackinloadupseems like that would work?10:11
Blue112tech0007, they will be launch as root ?10:11
Blue112I have to add sudo ?10:11
tech0007jackinloadup: yup, if ownership is the problem10:11
tech0007Blue112: no need for sudo10:12
chrolsrohan: It takes a long while and after that I get the standard "Can not connect page"10:12
Blue112tech0007, thanks :)10:12
jackinloaduptech0007, i will try it out thanks ^_^10:12
tech0007jackinloadup: put your startups before the 'exit 0' line10:12
chrolsrohan: "The requested adress is not responding..." albeit localized10:13
jackinloaduptech0007, what do u mean the exit 0 line?10:13
mycroftivblue112: you really dont want apache running as root unless youve set up a good chroot jail or something anyway10:13
munotmewhere i can download ubuntu?10:13
rohanchrols: strange. does NetworkManager report as connected?10:13
Blue112mycroftiv, I didn't set any chroot or other.10:14
tech0007jackinloadup: /etc/rc.local doesnt run anything by default...there is an 'exit o' at the last line of the file10:14
Blue112How can I make it run on other user ?10:14
wild_oscarwhat package does one choose in ubuntu launchpad BUGS when the problem is at login?10:14
chrolsrohan: Yes, everything else works.10:14
gnomefreakmunotme: ubuntu.com10:14
mycroftivblue112: apache configuration is off-topic here, there is a ton of documentation and info on it and a channel here10:14
tech0007Blue112: you should really read the apache/mysql docs10:14
gnomefreakwild_oscar: gdm or kdm10:14
chrolsrohan: Pidgin, Skype, xchat, etc etc. Epiphany works well for browsing10:15
gnomefreakwild_oscar: depending if its gnome or kde login screeen10:15
rohanchrols: strange, did it happen after the update to ff3rc1?10:15
wild_oscarcheers, gnomefreak10:15
wild_oscarit's gnome10:15
Blue112I think my apache already running as "nobody" user10:15
wolswild_oscar: graphical login? your display manager10:15
Blue112Is that good ?10:15
wolsBlue112: unlikely. it runs as "www-data" by default10:15
ne2k__can anyone tell me the difference between the DSCP and TOS targets in iptables, and help me to work out which one I want?10:15
wolsne2k__: #iptables10:16
wild_oscarwols: sound - I hear the sound of my tv capture card for 2 seconds before the login sound10:16
mycroftivblue112: i will give you a tip: ubuntu has a sensible default apache configuration, you could pull it out of the package without installing anything and modify it to your purposes, it has sane defaults10:16
gnomefreakchrols: hold that thought please i want to read your isssue10:16
chrolsrohan: No, it wasn't in conjunction to any upgrade things broke. But it is ff3rc1.10:16
Blue112mycroftiv, i've build it from the source.10:16
wolswild_oscar: what TV or capture related programs do you run?10:16
pabixHello, is there a way to transform easily a symbolic link into a normal link?10:16
Eararaldor1is there a reason why restricted drivers manager is not showing in my administration list?10:16
jackinloaduptech0007, i dont understand how that would help my uid problem? in any case i cant think of anything that "i" tell to startup. everything should be default10:16
wolswild_oscar: especially directly on startup10:16
rohanchrols: ok, then what exactly happened, that caused it to stop working?10:16
rohanchrols: can you make a new user and try?10:16
mycroftivblue112: I understand that! thats why i said pull the configuration file out of the package without installing the package, then modify it to suit your setup, if you are confused about getting started with configuration10:16
ne2k__wols: thanks10:17
adredhelo, help me change the permission of my backup disk please...heres' the link of the data when i sudo fdisk -l:http://paste.ubuntu.com/19246/. i tried to configure fstab but the backup disk is not listed there..10:17
tech0007jackinloadup: sorry, that wasnt meant for you10:17
gishi i'm tring to enable ftp on my ubuntu, but i get these error : http://rafb.net/p/DRDJYi92.html10:17
chrolsrohan: Well I used to connect with a router but now my machine is directly connected which made me suspect faulty proxy settings, but it's set to direct connect10:17
gnomefreakchrols: can you please try with a new profile? instructions can be found at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs10:17
wild_oscarwols: I used tvtime and mythtv10:18
wols!permissions | adred10:18
ubottuadred: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview10:18
Blue112mycroftiv, but how can I get the configuration file without installing the package ?10:18
tech0007adred: whats the problem w/ permissions10:18
wild_oscarwols: tvtime is not working at the moment, though...can't change video input to my capture card!10:18
rohanchrols: as i said, could you try making a new user?10:18
gnomefreakchrols: rohan please let me know what you find out. i need any regressions before pushing RC2 into repos10:18
adredtech007 i cant write on my back up disk. obviously i have to change its permission but it is not listed in fstab. how can i make visible in fstab file?10:19
gnomefreakchrols: rohan for new user start firefox from terminal with firefox -ProfileManager10:19
mycroftivblue112: packages come in .deb files, which are a particular kind of archive. you can just open up the .deb similar to a tarball and look at whats inside it.10:20
wild_oscarwols: (it defaulted to /dev/video0, video dev is video1...it works with /dev/video1) - why were you asking it?10:20
Blue112mycroftiv, thanks, i'll take a look.10:20
adredtech0007 i cant write on my back up disk. obviously i have to change its permission but it is not listed in fstab. how can i make visible in fstab file?10:20
chrolsgnomefreak: I moved my .mozilla away, however my fresh firefox isn't connecting either10:20
gnomefreakchrols: does it give output if you run in terminal?10:21
adredif you chech this link: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19246/ the disk is sdb1 but when i look at the fstab, it's not there...10:21
Myrttieatmyhead: what are you up to?10:21
gnomefreakchrols: did it work?10:21
Blue112mycroftiv, i've downloaded the apache package but I can't find any configuration file into.10:22
adredtech0007: if you chech this link: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19246/ the disk is sdb1 but when i look at the fstab, it's not there...10:22
tech0007adred: /dev/sdb1  /media/backup ext3 rw,auto10:22
mycroftivblue112: there are a lot of good dpkg related commandline tools for working with .debs. I think the gdebi-gtk included in ubuntu can at least show you the individual files in a .deb10:22
chrolsgnomefreak: Nothing from terminal10:22
tech0007adred: /media/backup dir should exist10:22
gnomefreakchrols: is it all sites or just a couple10:22
eatmyheadjust goofing off today10:22
gnomefreakchrols: please join me in #ubuntu-mozillateam me and our lead maintainer are there10:22
tech0007adred: /dev/sdb1  /media/backup ext3 rw,auto 0 010:22
adredtech0007: is that a command? sorry im a noob..10:23
tech0007adred: no, add that to /etc/fstab10:23
adredtech0007: ok10:23
ActionParsnipadred: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab10:23
adredtech0007: how about the UUID thing?10:24
YETIhello can you guys help me with firefox?10:24
cjsstablesMorning all.  Looking for a chat client for ubuntu that has web cam capability and can chat on Yahoo messenger service.  I'm using Pidgin and love it but there is no web cam.  Can anyone suggest a web cam chat client10:24
ActionParsnip!hi | Agrajag10:24
ubottuAgrajag: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:24
Blue112mycroftiv, apache default configuration says it runs as $APACHE_RUN_USER, what is that ,10:24
glitsj16adred: "sudo blkid" will give you all UUID's i believe10:24
mycroftivblue112: i dunno, i run apache from the ubuntu repos and use the standard config and thats all i know, sorry10:25
wild_oscarwols: ?10:25
tech0007glitsj16: thanks...do that adred10:25
Blue112mycroftiv, ok, thanks...10:25
ActionParsnipcjsstables: amsn seems to do it10:25
=== rohan_ is now known as rohan
cjsstablesActionParsnip:  Thanks...  is that in the Ubuntu repos?10:26
tech0007adred: so its UUID=(the uuid)   /media/backup  ext3  rw,user,auto10:26
rohanchrols: i'm sorry, you said anything? my net is problematic10:26
ActionParsnipcjsstables: i believe so, theres gyachei too10:26
tech0007adred: so its UUID=(the uuid)   /media/backup  ext3  rw,user,auto  0  010:26
wolswild_oscar: if your tvcard is directly plugged in to line-in of the soundcard it's probably your sound daemon10:26
u007hi, anyone know how do i set flash non free in firefox to use pulse?10:26
chrolsrohan: Didn't say anything =)10:26
\kGis thre an easy way to check md5 on windows       i only know how on nix10:26
tech0007!cn | huangpeng10:27
ubottuhuangpeng: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:27
cjsstablesActionParsnip:  those both can chat on Yahoo as well?10:27
erUSULu007: install libflashsupport package10:27
erUSUL!md5 | \kG10:27
u007erUSUL, okay :)10:27
ubottu\kG: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows10:27
wols\kG: md5sum.exe there are several out there10:27
Eararaldor1is there a reason why restricted drivers manager is not showing in my administration list?10:27
glitsj16u007: if you use 32-bit than this might halp --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=492890010:27
wild_oscarwols: it is, actually10:27
adredtech0007: can you check this first. i didnt see any sdb1. is it ok if i add the lines you gave without the presence of sdb1 in the fstab?10:27
Bodsda_hey guys, ive just downloaded ypops, but im not sure how to install it, there is no readme or anything usefull in the docs folder,.,.this is the contents -- http://pastebin.com/f6651a2f3 -- can anyone suggest anything?10:27
ActionParsnipcjsstables: gyachei is for yahoo!10:27
wolswild_oscar: it's the gnome sound damon then10:28
wild_oscarwols: how do I change the configs of the sound damon to fix it then?10:28
wolswild_oscar: no clue10:28
bzrkhey all, does anyone know how to define the sequence in which modules are loaded by the kernel?10:28
wild_oscarwols: do you know the name of the package?10:28
glitsj16Bodsda: did you look in the .iini file ? that's similar to conf so i guess there should be some relevant info in there ..10:29
huangpenghow are you?10:29
tech0007adred: the 2nd harddrive (sdb) is your backup ryt?10:29
wolswild_oscar: esd probably10:29
doctorowDoes anyone know how to get Gutsy to prompt for a password after resuming from suspend/hibernate?10:29
wild_oscarcheers, wols10:29
Bodsda_glitsj16, ,. i cant understand it -- http://pastebin.com/f3958f29210:29
adredtech0007: not yet, i want to make it as a backup10:30
rohandoctorow: kubuntu does that by default. in gnome-power-manager try to search for something like "lock screen on resume"10:30
rohanchrols: so, the problem is solved?10:30
tech0007adred: ok add 'UUID=(the uuid)   /media/backup  ext3  rw,user,auto  0  0'10:30
u007hmmm i just found out that removing oss path for vlc seems to work nicely with firefox after installing libflashsupport10:30
ActionParsnip!hi | drugo10:30
ubottudrugo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:30
Bodsda_ActionParsnip, hey, i downloaded ypops but have no idea how to install it10:31
glitsj16Bodsda: the SmtpPort=5025, enter that in your mail client as port number ? Or what are you trying to achieve ?10:31
drugodo you know a program that can cut scenes from a dvd-video?10:31
ActionParsnipBodsda_: what did you download?10:31
doctorowRohan, there's nothing like that in Gnome -> System -> pPrefernces -> Power Manager10:31
huangpenghow to make friends ?10:31
adredtech0007: il try it..10:31
huangpengtech0007 how10:32
Flannelhuangpeng: try #ubuntu-offtopic for that10:32
u007anyone know if i could check if firefox is actually using pulse for the flash?10:32
rohandoctorow: strange, though i'm not so sure :(10:32
Bodsda_glitsj16, this thin is apparently meant to allow me to send yahoo mail in thunderbird10:32
jackinloaduptech0007, hey i chown helped my uid problem a lot but im still having a problem none of my gnome-panel things are showing up and i cant seem to launch it with alt-f2 any ideas as to what other files i might need to chown?10:32
rohangnomefreak: since chrols seems to be away, would you know if his problem is solved?10:32
Bodsda_ActionParsnip, the link you ave me about thunderbird sending yahoo mail, told me to install ypops10:32
gnomefreakrohan: it looks as if it is10:32
rohangnomefreak: ah okay10:33
chrolsrohan: Sorry about not answering but my problem is more or less solved10:33
Bodsda_ActionParsnip, this is the contents of the folder -- http://pastebin.com/f6651a2f310:33
tech0007jackinloadup: you can just add them to your panel, rightclick then add10:33
rohanchrols: oh ok10:33
doctorowDoes anyone know how to get Gutsy to prompt for a password after resuming from suspend/hibernate?10:33
ActionParsnipBodsda_: oh? weird, thought theyd just give access to their smtp stuff, gimme a sec10:33
bzrkdoes anyone know how to change the sequence in which modules are loaded by the kernel?10:34
Bodsda_ActionParsnip, ty, the download link if you wanna have a proper look is - http://email.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ&sdn=email&cdn=compute&tm=4&f=00&su=p284.8.150.ip_&tt=4&bt=0&bts=0&zu=http%3A//www.ypopsemail.com/10:34
GenratorDoes anyone know why the Restricted Devices Manager is not in umbuntu 8.04?10:34
ActionParsnipBodsda_: You can use Outlook with many Yahoo! Mail e-mail accounts. However, free Web browser-based Yahoo! Mail accounts based in China, Taiwan, or the United States can only be used in Outlook if you have a paid subscription Yahoo! Mail account that includes POP3 access and forwarding.10:34
srf211Hi all.  Trying to troubleshoot a problem that i am having building the module/driver for the Reattek rtl8110SC nic.  Getting a "No such file or directory" error.10:34
tech0007bzrk: try /etc/modules10:34
Bodsda_Genrator, it is.. its called Hardware drivers10:34
bzrktech0007 thx10:34
jackinloaduptech0007, yeah tried that.. :-( it doesnt show up its just create folder and stuff. just to clarify there are no panels launched at the moment and trying to launch them manually fails10:35
chrolsrohan: Thanks for the help10:35
GenratorBodsda: ahh wondered about that, cheers.10:35
Bodsda_ActionParsnip, correct but ypops is supposed to allow thunderbird to use free yahoo mail to send mail10:35
srf211I have followed the steps in the last post of this thread, but no dice.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=629878&highlight=rtl8110sc10:35
rohanchrols: no problem, i didn't help anyway ;) just curious to know, how was it solved/10:35
glitsj16Bodsda: there's an extension that has similar capabilities here, and that seems to be better documented http://webmail.mozdev.org/index.html10:35
tech0007jackinloadup: just exactly what happend before this?10:35
erUSULdoctorow: open the gconf-editor (alt+ f2 gconf-editor <enter>) go to apps->gnome-power-manager->lock check settings there10:36
ActionParsnipBodsda_: ok, so what have you actualy downloaded, an archive? a deb?10:36
Bodsda_glitsj16, i love you,.,.;~)10:36
Bodsda_ActionParsnip, a tar.bz2 -- i sent you the link10:36
Bodsda_ActionParsnip, http://email.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ&sdn=email&cdn=compute&tm=4&f=00&su=p284.8.150.ip_&tt=4&bt=0&bts=0&zu=http%3A//www.ypopsemail.com/10:36
Bodsda_ActionParsnip, i think ive found an alternative10:36
Bodsda_ActionParsnip, well not me glitsj16 found it ;~)10:37
chrolsrohan: Well turns out it is a problem with the chroot I am running firefox from rather than firefox itself, though strangely it didn't mind the chroot until recently10:37
glitsj16Bodsda: i'll cut that line out of my screen lol, you're welcome10:37
rohanwow WOW WOW firefox 3 can now open associations like pdf mp3 correctly in kde. GREAT. thanks for the update to rc110:37
rohanit was really irritating to not have pdf files open directly in kpdf from firefox10:37
jackinloaduptech0007, i changed my uid and chown my home folder and a few tmp/ folders that were listed with my name.. it logged in clean but no gnome-panels are showing up. i got a terminal window up and tried running 'gnome-panel' and it says a panel is running.. cant see it though.10:37
genus-8i need help now10:38
genus-8can you?10:38
poypoyhi can anyone help me plz i insoled amaricas army but dont know how to run it there was no desktop short cut for the game10:38
ActionParsniprohan: Ive not seen that issue, Web hosted PDFs always opened in FF forme10:38
rohanActionParsnip: oh, for me, they never had the option of opening with kpdf. only open with "firefox3" or save to disk10:38
kosharipoypoy can you launch it from terminal?10:38
u007ubuntu 8.04 sound is a mess..10:38
poypoythank you whot do i type10:39
u007anyone know how can i fix it?10:39
ActionParsniprohan: i opened it with firefox to keep it inline rather than running an extra program :)10:39
rohanu007: mess in what way?10:39
Jalathanpoypoy, i believe that armyops is the command10:39
rohanActionParsnip: uh what? it can open inline? _really_?10:39
u007rohan - when my firefox is open, my totem have no sound10:40
rohanActionParsnip: doesn't work for me. /tmp/Submissions_Info.pdf could not be opened, because an unknown error occurred.10:40
u007with youtube on...10:40
ActionParsniprohan: from what i recall, FF2 does it ok10:40
genus-8it need to update from server with downloading packs mpeg or ffmpeg10:40
hirak99is there a good consol instant messenger that connects with gtalk or yahoo messenger?10:40
poypoythanks guys when it comes to help you guys are the best :)10:40
Jalathanpoypoy, ...10:40
genus-8but i dont know where is it10:40
rohanActionParsnip: ok, you must've a plugin installed10:40
ActionParsniprohan: indeed ;)10:40
genus-8anyone can say it to me?10:40
rohanu007: did it happen with ubuntu 7.1010:40
ActionParsniprohan: well not on my new install10:40
u007rohan - no..10:41
glitsj16u007: that's not firefox, nor ubuntu, it's Flash --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900 (part B), basically try Flash player 10 beta, they've resolved the issue10:41
jackinloaduptech0007, i think i solved my problem.. THANK YOU! for your help chown worked like a charm10:41
u007glitsj16, koay :)10:41
tech0007jackinloadup: np10:41
rohanu007: wow, glitsj16 just stole my words ;)10:41
chrolsglitsj16: Do you know how well the beta works?10:41
glitsj16chrols: i've been using it for about 2 weeks without glitches10:42
u007rohan, haha.. okay10:42
steve234959444why do i get "sudo: unable to resolve host steve-desktop"?10:42
chrolsglitsj16: Sounds like worth checking out then. Thanks10:42
glitsj16chrols: yes otherwise flash/youtube keeps hijacking all sound, it's worth a shot10:43
Jalathanpoypoy, you can create a "shortcut" on the menu, by r. clicking on Applications > edit menu > Games > + New Item.  Fill in the application's information for the title, command is 'armyops', and the icon can be changed via clicking on the "spring". i _think_ that the icon is there.10:43
tech0007steve234959444: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=72336110:44
ActionParsnipJalathan: or create a small bash script in /etc/bin ;)10:44
JalathanActionParsnip, true, but it's already set to be ran by just the command10:45
keddyis there a way to disable computer beep from ubuntu ?10:46
Anarhhi, i am having a problem. somehow when i press Ctrl all the keys change the layout for the duration of me holding it. So i cannot Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Z the programmes (that simply types russian character) i don't know what i did10:46
ActionParsnipJalathan: doesnt it need some wine / cedega goodness?10:46
JalathanActionParsnip, nope, they have a native client!10:46
Anarhi have tried redoing the xorg conf with  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg10:46
srf211keddy, check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12674610:46
ActionParsnipJalathan: sweet (I dont game so I wouldnt know really)10:47
keddysrf211, thank you!10:47
tech0007keddy: system->preferences->sound,  uncheck systembeep10:47
ActionParsnipJalathan: Ive heard some games do now though, just didnt know which ones10:47
chrolsActionParsnip: Well if it still armyops you guys are talking about the Linux client is way old last I checked10:47
u007it is so confusing10:47
u007people doubt no the solution.. :(10:47
srf211@keddy: no problem.10:47
u007on the solution10:47
ActionParsnipchrols: yeah10:47
keddytech0007, thank you :P10:48
qiyongis there any tool can convert .html to .txt?10:50
psypointeri've got problems with my preseeding and this bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ntfs-3g/+bug/23897410:50
ActionParsnipqiyong: cat some.html > sometextfile.txt10:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 238974 in ntfs-3g "Netboot install fails with "Failed to load installer component - Loading libntfs-3g23-udeb failed for unknown reasons. Aborting."" [Undecided,New]10:51
ActionParsnipqiyong: if you just want the html in a text file10:51
qiyongActionParsnip: how about html tags?10:51
psypointeris there any possibility to prevent that fucking ntfs deb from loading / ignoring the error and continueing the installation? i need a working preseed here10:51
ActionParsnipqiyong: oh, do you mean how it shows on the page when viewed with a web browser?10:51
qiyongActionParsnip: i want to convert html files to txt files so i can read it in some .txt reader10:52
qiyongpda .txt reader10:52
Jalathan!ohmy | psypointer10:52
ubottupsypointer: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:52
srf211anyone have experience troubleshooting module compiling errors?10:52
psypointerJalathan: that really helps me now...10:53
ActionParsnipqiyong: just open the .html with your favourite text editor10:53
srf211I pulling my hair out trying to get the rtl8110SC driver compiled.10:53
ActionParsnipqiyong: e.g. nano file.html10:53
keddyHere is  how you disable your Beep in console, sudo rmmod pcspkr - /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist    #add blacklist pcspkr   :) very usefull hehe10:53
tech0007psypointer: tried changing mirrors10:53
psypointertech0007: hM?10:53
qiyongActionParsnip: ok10:53
psypointertech0007: im using archive.ubuntu.com10:54
Sergiuhow to enable to login from screen with root?10:54
larson9999i solved the 'flash makes me crash' bug!10:54
ActionParsnipkeddy: in fluxbox you can uncomment a line in startup that is commented as #uncomment to remove beep :)10:54
tech0007psypointer: try another mirror, archive.ubuntu.com can be quite busy sometimes10:54
=== smcnamara is now known as allquixotic
poypoythank you jalathan was very helpfull10:55
psypointertech0007: its not a download problem. i'm using an apt-cacher here, the package is downloaded successfully10:55
Jalathanpoypoy, np10:55
smrzi'm trying to use handbrake, however as handbrake looks through the titles (I am passing -L, looking for the longest title), handbrake crashes, citing a floating point error... does anyone know how to avoid this?10:55
arnuldI just installed Gutsy Gibbon and dist-upgrade(d) it10:57
Jalathanpsypointer, so what you want the deb to do is to install itself, regardless of any issues with needing this or that?10:57
arnuldbut there is no inittab file in UBUNTU10:57
arnuldhow can I edit the number of ttys ?10:57
arnuldI want to have 3 ttys, not 6 by default10:58
bzrkarnuld edit /etc/inittab10:58
bzrkdoes anyone know how to change the sequence in which modules are loaded by the kernel(udev)?10:59
psypointerJalathan: no, the problem is that the debian installer downloads this package when starting - base component it says. if it tries to load the libntfs-3g23-udeb it fails and the debian installer gives me a red screen and foo. preseed is deactivated after this but i need a) a automatic installation which works headless and b) a working preseed until the installation is finished10:59
erUSULarnuld: move the /etc/event.d/tty* files you do not need to another name (for example tty5.disabled)10:59
erUSULarnuld: e.g. sudo mv /etc/event.d/tty6 /etc/event.d/tty6.disabled) and so on10:59
psypointerand i dont need ntfs support on the machines here, so if i could deactivate the loading of the ntfs debs as base components that would be okay @ Jalathan10:59
keddythere is kdevelop for kde, anythink for gnome ? like gdevelop or ?11:00
tech0007keddy: glide i think?11:01
arnuldbzrk: I said, there is *no* /etc/inittab in ubuntu11:01
tech0007keddy: sorry its GLADE11:01
bzrkarnuld ah ok11:02
keddytech0007, hmm says its user interface designer for gnome :P11:02
arnulderUSUL:: and how can I know which runlevel I am running ?11:02
erUSULarnuld: in debian/ubuntu you allways run on runlevel 211:03
Nave_how come when ever i update . then i can't play dvd11:03
Nave_then i have to install lib css files11:03
Nave_manually and then dvd works11:03
Jalathanpsypointer, ah, ok, this is well beyond my level of knowledge, gl though11:04
Nave_does anyone know11:04
Nave_but this only happens when i update11:04
psypointerJalathan: yeah thanks.. maybe i have to wait until the bug is fixed or i must switch to debian..11:04
Nave_but then i have to manually install these libcss files11:05
jeroen__does some have a tip for a geographic map for my to purchase Gps 60cx11:06
Nave_how do you run gps11:06
ubottuStreet mapping and GPS navigation software available for Ubuntu includes !GpsDrive (GTK, raster maps, free), !Roadnav (GTK, free vector maps from Tiger and OSM, free), !GoogleEarth (Qt, proprietary vector maps, proprietary)11:06
Nave_on ubuntu?11:07
Nave_do they work?11:07
Nave_don't you need some sort of antena11:07
jeroen__via wine11:07
jeroen__wait i'm gonna post a link11:07
rskthe antenna is the gps ?11:07
rskand then you just collect the info via software that ubottu pasted11:07
keddyWhere can i find good old Pico ?11:08
Nave_but say11:08
Nave_you move around11:08
Nave_with your laptop11:08
Nave_in your car11:08
Nave_how you gonna be detected11:08
keddyi remember it came with pine..11:08
rskNave_: the same way when you were still11:08
Nave_do you need to be connected to the internet?11:08
rskyou know the earth is moving11:08
rskand the sattelites too11:08
Nave_i have 3g internet11:08
Nave_mobile wireless11:08
Nave_yes rsk11:08
rskso even if you are still it's adjusting anyway11:09
Nave_how is the satelitte11:09
Nave_gonna detect you?11:09
bazhang!enter | Nave_11:09
ubottuNave_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:09
rskit dosen't11:09
rskyou just revice information11:09
rskand you parse it11:09
rskno biggie11:09
Nave_so its like www.google.com/maps11:09
Nave_same thing11:09
glitsj16keddy: i think it's still in the repo's .. alpine-pico ? is that what you're looking for ?11:09
jeroen__i'm looking for a topographic map11:09
rskthat's not anything like a gps11:09
Nave_i'm talking about the original gps devices11:09
rskyes i know.11:10
Nave_where they give you directions to send you .11:10
Nave_to a destination*11:10
Nave_while you drive11:10
bazhangunless this about ubuntu support, please move it to #ubuntu-offtopic11:10
Eararaldor1Hi guys I asked this earlier but still getting nowhere. Having some real trouble sorti ng out thiese nividia drivers either through running in terminal or just clicking them I keep getting must run as root. I'm using an admin account and this getting really tiresome. I even tried using EnvyNG and that just crashes. I'm using Umbuntu 8.0411:10
jeroen__https://buy.garmin.com/shop/shop.do?cID=145&pID=309 look at this link then you understand what gps i'm talking about11:10
Nave_just visit www.google.com/maps11:10
erUSUL!enter | rsk Nave_11:10
Nave_simple and easu11:10
ubottursk Nave_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:10
jeedEararaldor1, how far have you got ?11:11
Nave_ok ubottu11:11
Nave_this ubottu guy is like nazi11:11
Nave_so many rules :s11:11
keddyglitsj16, yep..i installed it :P thanx a lot11:11
Tuplanolla(it's a bot)11:11
bazhangNave_, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic11:11
keddyglitsj16, i used to use Linux between 1996 - 199911:12
jeroen__i'm a very happy linux user11:12
Nave_does anyone think GNU is good?11:12
glitsj16keddy: hehe, still around pico yes, been ages since i used it11:12
keddyglitsj16, so there was pico as my favorite text editor on slackware 3.2 :P11:12
jeroen__got to go tough Thanks everyone11:12
erUSUL!nvidia | Eararaldor111:13
ubottuEararaldor1: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:13
solid_liqmade_in_turkey: dude, you made out with a turkey, man!?!?!?11:14
jscinozHey guys, i borked my install and need to reinstall, im installing via netboot and am at the installation, however i wish to keep my existing home LV , my disk is basically set up as an encrypted LVM, i've switched to a tty and opened the encrypted volume and activated the LVs inside it, however the install still cannot see a filesystem on either LV, however i can mount them just fine and and confirm there is a filesystem there, any id11:14
_empemp_gparted has just screwed up my ntfs partition.   got it recovered by chkdsk /f but now almost all my .jpf is corrupted11:17
_empemp_any way to fix this in Ubuntu or do i have to go back to xp?11:17
wolsyou cannot fix this at all unless you have backups11:17
wolsthose jpgs are not data trash11:18
solid_liq■ ■ ■ ■ ■11:18
_empemp_gparted is really a good software.11:18
bazhangsolid_liq, stop that11:18
wols_empemp_: every guide in existence tells you to BACKUP before using gparted like any partitioning software11:19
_empemp_been using partition magic for 8 years on xp without any data loass11:20
_empemp_strange that the first time i use gparted it detroys my files11:20
wolsdoesn't matter. partition magic docs say EXACTLY the same11:20
Jalathan_empemp_, wols is correct.  with chkdsk having been ran, i don't know if it can be undone11:20
jscinoz_empemp_, what were you trying to do? resize a partition or somethjing?11:20
_empemp_i have backup of most though11:20
_empemp_just some new photos from my new baby that got screwed up11:21
jscinoz_empemp_, resizing a partition is always risky11:21
_empemp_the imagesize is the same so i was hoping that the data is still there, maybe the headers in the jpg just need to be rebuild11:21
zcat[1]well that was fun!! Just went to a presentation on 'Excel' -- the supplied computer couldn't read the presenter's files from his USB drive so I lent him my laptop and the entire presentation was done on OpenOffice in Ubuntu. A few of the menus were slightly different, but he managed to find his way around.11:22
wolsthe filesize is the same cause chckdsk MADE it fit. they are GONE11:23
_empemp_well, a good time to do a complete reformat ext3 at least..11:23
jscinozis it possible to reinstall to an encrypted LVM? or must one start from scratch again?11:26
=== ShadowXP is now known as Guest25091
adv_is there a program that will save the X session and every program running currently so that it can restore to this point after a reboot?11:29
wols"suspend to disk" software11:29
arnuldubuntu, by default has runlevel 2 ?11:29
wolsarnuld: ye11:29
arnuldhow can I stop the running services then ?11:30
arnuldlike bluetooth, cupsd11:30
oniscientei installed my Ubuntu using the Wubi installer for Windows. So, it created a virtual partition called root.disk1 inside another partition. This virtual partition has 10gb of space. Does anyone knows how to expand this virtual partition?11:30
wolsarnuld: /etc/init.d/cup<TAB> stop for example11:31
arnuldwols:: not in that way.11:31
arnuldwols:: thats temperory11:31
arnuldwols:: at startup they come again11:31
wolsuse rcconf then11:31
arnuldwols:: I want to11:32
arnuldwols:: permanently remove them11:32
wolsI just told you what to do11:32
arnuldwols:: rcconf , command i snot on my system11:32
wolsarnuld: then install it?11:32
wols!info rcconf11:33
ubotturcconf (source: rcconf): Debian Runlevel configuration tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.19 (hardy), package size 17 kB, installed size 112 kB11:33
arnuldwols:: :\11:33
jeedhehe, wols had a mood change11:33
arnuldwols:: I got it, it asks me to stop services. One of them is upsplash, what is it ?11:34
wolsarnuld: man man11:34
arnuldno manual entry for upsplash11:35
wols!info upsplash11:35
ubottuPackage upsplash does not exist in hardy11:35
oniscientei installed my Ubuntu using the Wubi installer for Windows. So, it created a virtual partition called root.disk1 inside another partition. This virtual partition has 10gb of space. Does anyone knows how to expand this virtual partition?11:35
ubottuGutsy - Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour11:35
_empemp_but there are no datarecovery utility for ubuntu?11:35
_empemp_like getdataback for xp?11:35
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork11:35
gribouilledoes apt keep a record of the updates ?11:36
wols!repeat | onisciente11:36
ubottuonisciente: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:36
wolsgribouille: yes11:36
arnuldeh...  rcconf did not ask for bluetooth and cupsd and hal11:36
arnulddoes it think they are not running ?11:36
gribouillewols, how can I get it ?11:36
wols /var/log/dpkg.log11:37
whistlerhi, i want to ask smt about SAMBA. Do I HAVE TO create a valid UNIX User just to share smb over windows network machines? I want to create a smb user only via smbpasswd command. How can i skip creating a unix user part? is there a way todo so ?11:37
arnuldwols:: they are running in my system. I *know* it11:37
arnuldps x shows it11:37
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:37
arnuldonisciente:: for me ?11:37
arnuldpatience ?11:37
wolsarnuld: ls -l /etc/rc2.d/    pastebin it11:38
arnuldokay, wait11:38
oniscientethe bot ask me to type this11:38
arnuldonisciente:: :D11:38
oniscientearnuld: =)11:38
Q_ContinuumIs there a fix for pulseaudio making only a single app have sound capability?11:38
RiotingPacifistshould i use envy or the defeault fglrx for an ati card?11:38
gribouillewols, /var/log/dpkg.log does not contain everything from the beginning11:38
arnuldwols:-- erm.... it is like debian11:39
arnuldwols:-- I can simply remove those links11:39
arnuldwols:-- right ?11:39
wolsonisciente: short answer: you increase the filesize of the file that holds your ubuntu then boot into it, remount everything ro and use ext2fsresize11:39
elkbuntuonisciente, did you know you can also do "/msg ubottu patience" to get the same thing but privately to you?11:39
wolsgribouille: it's all there is as a log11:39
sagredodoes anyONE know how to exit compiz fusion?11:40
wolssagredo: it's a WM. you eithre kill it or you exit X.11:40
oniscienteelkbuntu: sorry, i was very experienced with IRC a long time ago. I forgot this simples things11:40
glitsj16sagredo: replace it with another window manager11:40
sagredowols: what is a WM?11:40
wolswindow manager11:40
sagredoah, a Window Manager11:40
arnuldsagredo:-- :D11:40
arnuldsagredo:-- I use wmii11:41
longhongcompiz does not work well with skype now11:41
arnuldsagredo:-- guess the full name ?11:41
sagredowols: will logging out and logging back in return me to regular X?11:41
RiotingPacifistsagredo: install fusion-icon11:41
wolssagredo: yes11:41
sagredoRiotingPacifist: what is that?11:41
oniscientewols: what is ext2fsresize?11:41
RiotingPacifistif you want to be able to switch it on/off that is alternativly uninstall it11:41
elkbuntuonisciente, that's ok, not all bots talk back in PM, but that one does11:42
sagredoRiotingPacifist: Thank you for your help11:42
RiotingPacifistsagredo: its a program that lets you switch window managers easily11:42
sagredoyou too wols11:42
gribouillehttp://www.lirc.org/ says that lirc-0-8-3 works only on version 2.6.25 of the kernel, but ubuntu installed it on my 2.6.24-18 kernel11:42
whistlerhi, i want to ask smt about SAMBA. Do I HAVE TO create a valid UNIX User just to share smb over windows network machines? I want to create a smb user only via smbpasswd command. How can i skip creating a unix user part? is there a way todo so ?11:42
wolsonisciente: it's ext2resize. I strongly suggest you do backups before attempting all this11:42
wols!info lirc11:42
ubottulirc (source: lirc): Linux Infra-red Remote Control support. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.3~pre1-0ubuntu7 (hardy), package size 378 kB, installed size 1848 kB11:42
arnuldwols:-- I have removed the links I do not want ;)11:43
sagredoRiotingPacifist: how to I use the fusion-icon?11:43
oniscientewols: ok, i will look for it11:43
oniscientewols: thank you11:43
arnuldwols:-- thanks :)11:43
KartagisI'm trying to install vinagre new version. I get a few dependency requirement. when I search for those packages, no package with that name exists. http://paste.ubuntu.com/19227/ is the requirements. can anyone help me?11:43
arnuldwols:-- one last question, How can I change the default runlevel ( except using command "init runlevel" )11:44
wols!info libglib-2011:44
wols!info libglib-2.011:44
RiotingPacifistsagredo: you run the program and it should sit in you system tray them right click the icon and select the window manager that isnt compiz11:44
gribouillewols, how can I install a previous version of lirc ?11:44
wolsarnuld: man inittab11:44
ubottuPackage libglib-20 does not exist in hardy11:44
ubottuPackage libglib-2.0 does not exist in hardy11:44
jribKartagis: sudo apt-get build-dep vinagre11:45
arnuldwols:-- no manual entry11:45
jrib!compile > Kartagis (read the private message from ubottu)11:45
schumasterhi guys11:45
l3dOk I have a external harddrive and when I try to mount it, It says error and something about the ntfs drive didnt shutdown properly the last time and the log files says it is still in use any ideas on how to fix this I tried what  something with ntfsfix as one website told me but only after I made sure I had ntfs=3g installed and I do but terminal kept say ntfsfix unknown command. any help to get this drive mounted would be great thank you.11:45
wols!info libglib2.011:45
ubottuPackage libglib2.0 does not exist in hardy11:45
wolsl3d: run chkdsk in windows11:45
jribarnuld: runlevels 2-5 are identical by default11:45
jrib!upstart > arnuld (read the private message from ubottu)11:45
arnuldnice command BTW :P11:46
Kartagisjrib: I have to compile from source11:46
l3d ok but no windows here11:46
wolsKartagis: those all exist in ubuntu11:46
jribKartagis: yes, I know11:46
wolsl3d: makes no sense. why do you have a ntfs formatted disk then?11:46
schumasteri have a little problem, my ubuntu hardy(8.04) sometimeś doesn't play mp3's11:46
sagredoRiotingPacifist: when I run the program no icon appears.. ideas?11:46
abuyazani need application to convert video from wmv to 3gp ?11:46
jribKartagis: do you understand what apt-get build-dep does?11:46
jrib!caps | gribouille11:47
ubottugribouille: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:47
* wols puts gribouille on ignore for shouting11:47
arnuld!caps > arnuld11:47
arnuld!help ? arnuld11:47
ubottuFactoid help ? arnuld not found11:47
sagredo!caps > sagredo11:47
wolsarnuld: ffmpeg perhaps. not many programs can read wmv11:47
arnuld!help > arnuld11:47
l3dok well Its a backup drive for when I did have windows and now I would like to grab somethings off and delete everything else for a back up for linux as I dont like windows anymore11:47
Kartagisjrib: no11:48
arnuldwols:-- I did not ask about ffmpeg :P11:48
schumastermy hardy install can;t play mp3ś sometimes, but if i restart my pc than he can11:48
techno_freaksomething weird happened, suddenly all medias are played in uber slow motion both videos and music files :S11:48
brandan_I installed flash and java, but I still cannot view Youtube on my firefox, anyone have an idea , or what i can do? thank you11:48
wolsschumaster: next time your can't run your mp3 playing program from an xterm and check for output there11:48
jribKartagis: 'man apt-get' provides a description.  It installs the dependencies for building the vinagre package which are likely the same as the dependencies for the new version11:48
RiotingPacifistsagredo: :( i dont know i use kde, try launching it in console, alternatively you can do itthe 'hard' way and find out what gnomes window manager is called then run <window manager name> --replace from alt+f211:48
jribbrandan_: did you restart firefox?11:48
brandan_jrib: yes11:49
wolsbrandan_: about:plugins says what?11:49
jtravnickis there a way to get rhythmbox to play true random? I have over 700 songs on my system and theres some that have yet to be played but others that it plays every day11:49
sagredoRiotingPacifist: thanks11:49
brandan_wols: have java n flash, but can't view youtube...11:49
wolsbrandan_: doesn't answer my question11:49
whistlerhi, i want to ask smt about SAMBA. Do I HAVE TO create a valid UNIX User just to share smb over windows network machines? I want to create a smb user only via smbpasswd command. How can i skip creating a unix user part? is there a way todo so ?11:50
brandan_wols: about:plugins  ?11:50
jribjtravnick: very very hard to have such a thing as "true random" :)  You can file a bug/submit a patch with a different algorithm though I suppose11:50
RiotingPacifistsagredo:  np, sorry about th icon redherring dunno whats up with thar :s11:50
fxarch_uck anyone got time to help me?11:50
l3ddoes brandon have any other plugins that could stop them from playing noscript will do that? just a thought11:50
jribfxarch_: best to just ask the channel your question11:50
sagredoRiotingPacifist: all good :]11:50
wolswhistler: check your smb.conf for settings of "security"11:51
brandan_wols: all i have is Tools   > Addons11:51
fxarch_Ubuntu 8.04 randomly freezes up everything related to sound and internet after a while11:51
brandan_wols: its firefox 3 i think11:51
wolsbrandan_: you have about:plugins. what does it say?11:51
jribbrandan_: you just type "about:plugins" in your url bar and press enter11:51
grobda24jrib ... it has to be something like a radioactive source ? :P11:52
brandan_jrib: says alot of stuff11:52
jribbrandan_: copy it and put in paste.ubuntu.com, then give us a link11:52
Kartagisjrib: it seems to work, thanks :)11:52
brandan_jrib: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19294/  :-)11:53
jribgrobda24: there's always http://www.random.org/11:53
jribbrandan_: remove gnash, install adobe's flash11:54
glitsj16fxarch: that's probably not ubuntu, but Flash 9 hijacking your sound .. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900 (part B) advises to try the Flash player 10 beta as a possible solution11:54
brandan_jrib: how do i get to the menu to do that?11:54
wols!flash | brandan_11:54
ubottubrandan_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash11:54
jribbrandan_: use your favorite package manager.  System -> Administration -> Synaptic for example11:54
conrad_i am having a really hard time with this error in amarok: "sound output unavailable: the device is busy". already tried so many things to no avail!11:55
HemebondNotice: Whoever thought putting a Firefox BETA in 8.04 was a good idea needs to be shot.11:55
fxarch_ah could very well be, since thats almsot the only thing i ahve installed after reinstalling ubuntu11:55
jribHemebond: firefox 2 is in the repositories11:55
YouBuckyHey All, anyone know if its possible to get compix working on one screen but the other screen remain static under one X session?11:55
pandajsaOH,it;s a good pllace to study English...11:55
glitsj16conrad: which "engine" do you use with Amarok ?11:56
rskHemebond: if ff2 was in it, the support would stop before the lTS period has ended.11:56
grobda24jrib ... thanks :) but how to connect it to the music player ? "the next track is bought to you by atmospheric randomness"11:56
Hemebondjrib: Yes, but going backwards is difficult because of the changes between 2 and 3 with the bookmarks files and such.11:56
RiotingPacifistHemebond: for most people firefox3 is much more stable than firefox211:56
conrad_glitsj16: its currently on autodetect but if i try to switch engines, amarok says "no driver could be loaded" or something like that11:56
jribgrobda24: left as an exercise :)11:56
l3dok so about my non mounting ntfs drive?11:56
brandan_jrib: thanks so much...it's working now....I'm glad to be a part of Ubuntu  :-)11:56
HemebondRiotingPacifist: An update was just released, RC2 I believe, and I now get corrupt profiles.11:56
RiotingPacifistHemebond: export bookmarks then import into firefox211:57
jtravnickHemebond,  firefox updated today off of beta11:57
glitsj16conrad: try setting it to pulseaudio or xine (http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup)11:57
grobda24jrib ... k   ... :)11:57
Hemebondjtravnick: Yes, RC2. Corrupting my profile.11:57
ben_underscoreHemebond: try out epiphany - a lot more lightweight than firefox11:57
conrad_glitsj16: switched to pulseaudio now, didn't get the error about the driver but i still get the error: "audio output unavailable: the device is busy"11:58
RiotingPacifistHemebond: how have you installed RC2 the repos version is still 3b511:58
HemebondRiotingPacifist: It was an update apprently.11:58
HemebondI installed some updates last night.11:58
ben_underscoreHemebond: my experiences here http://dollarunderscore.wordpress.com/?s=epiphany11:58
gribouillewhere can I find an old version of a package ?11:59
HemebondThen my extensions were broken, wouldn't update, and my profile was corrupt.11:59
glitsj16conrad: try re-starting pulseaudio, "killall pulseaudio" and "pulseaudio -D" to bring it back up11:59
HemebondI just created and entirely new .mozilla dir and it corrupted after Firefox just closed.11:59
conrad_glitsj16: did that, still get the error12:00
glitsj16RiotingPacifist: hardy-proposed has rc2 i think12:00
gribouillewhere can I find an old version of a package ?12:00
gnomefreakglitsj16: it will not sure if it has been published yet but should be soon if not already12:01
glitsj16conrad_: try shutting down all audio apps you have open12:01
RiotingPacifistHemebond: did you do this while mozilla was running, all i can suggest is to create a blank profile if that doesnt get coroupted then use something like FEBE to move all your stuff across12:01
HemebondRiotingPacifist: Yes, I will have to export everything from 3 and import into 2.12:02
gnomefreakglitsj16: sounds like your issue will be fixed in flash 10. i have it in my PPA along with libflashsupport that you will need12:02
RiotingPacifistglitsj16: yeah just noticed that it has been updated saves me the effort of doing it manually12:02
HemebondUbuntu should not be beta testing this shit.12:02
gnomefreaksorry not glitsj16 but conrad_12:02
HemebondI haven't been able to empty my GMail spam folder because of a rendering bug in 3.12:02
gnomefreakHemebond: it has to and its pretty much final release. oh and never remove ~/.mozilla or change from ff2>3 and back12:03
RiotingPacifistHemebond: you could alwas have installed firefox2 from the start, if you dont want to test anything new either, remove all the new stuff from your ubuntu install or go with debian12:03
conrad_gnomefreak: i guess that's right, firefox is hogging the sound12:03
kholerabbihey can I use a hardy version of gnome-do in gutsy?12:03
gnomefreakconrad_: its flash bug not ff bug12:03
jribHemebond: remember, this is a support channel.  No one here can address the fact that firefox beta is default12:03
conrad_gnomefreak: yes, i mean it's something in firefox, a web page with flash12:03
triplegotehi, is there a reason ntp-simple isn't available from 8.04's default package repositories?12:03
gnomefreakknnot supported12:03
gnomefreakkholerabbi: not supported12:04
gnomefreakgribouille: please dont use caps12:04
kholerabbignomefreak: damn.. thanks12:04
Hemebondjrib: Sorry. Don't need support. Needed to whinge.12:04
RiotingPacifistgribouille: i think its around if you use a GUI package manager or aptitude12:04
gordonjcpHemebond: #ubuntu-offtopic, then ;-)12:04
RiotingPacifistHemebond: try /dev/null12:04
Hemebondgordonjcp: Cheers.12:04
gnomefreakconrad_: see if installing flash 10 and libflashsupport from https://edge.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/+archive works12:04
glitsj16griboulle: how old ? in Synaptic you can force a version ..12:04
HemebondRiotingPacifist: har har12:04
gribouilleglitsj16, just the previous one12:05
gnomefreakgribouille: also helpful for a package name12:05
gribouillegnomefreak, lirc12:05
gnomefreakgribouille: pakages.ubuntu.com12:05
Kartagisjrib: I did a build-dep, I still get those errors12:05
gnomefreakpackages.ubuntu.com gribouille12:05
jribKartagis: you need to pastebin them12:05
jribgribouille: launchpad librarian probably has the old packages12:05
glitsj16gribouille: well that ought to be doable that way, don't know of any apt command to do that, must be possible as well if you don't like Synaptics GUI12:06
gnomefreakjrib: it does but searching LP can be a pain thats why i sent to p.u.c12:06
gribouillejrib, what's that ?12:06
Kartagisjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19306/12:07
jribgribouille: launchpad.net12:07
ReVoLveRhey guys.. I need help :S the top and bottom bar is disappeared when I turned on the computer just now. I didn't do anything to make it disappear. can anyone help me to re store it back?12:07
gnomefreakReVoLveR: reboot12:07
ReVoLveRgnomefreak:  I rebooted trice already, but its still the same12:07
gnomefreakwhomever it was yes RC2 is in proposed in Hardy12:08
colourAggaReVoLveR: doe a couple of ctrl + alt + backspace12:08
colourAggait should kill x server12:08
colourAggaand bring it back up12:08
gnomefreakReVoLveR: turn off compiz?12:08
gnomefreakconrad_: if reboot didnt work that isnt gonna work12:08
colourAggai know you meant me ;)12:08
gnomefreakcolourAgga: is reboot didnt work killing X wont12:08
glitsj16gnomefreak: has been for a while , seems an improvement as weel12:08
gribouillejrib, and ?12:09
gnomefreakgribouille: use packages.ubuntu.com12:09
jribgribouille: and search12:09
jribgribouille: I don't know what you are looking for and also don't know the direct location of how to get old packages12:09
ReVoLveRstill it is the same bro :S12:10
shadowkernelCould anybody look at my problem with PowerTOP? http://paste.ubuntu.com/19312/12:10
gnomefreakReVoLveR: reboot restarts X for you so it wouldnt change12:10
shadowkernelthe kernel IPI is so high12:11
colourAggaReVoLveR: try killing compiz then12:11
jribKartagis: do you see what the error says?12:11
ReVoLveRColourAgga: how to kill compiz?12:11
Jack_SparrowReVoLveR metacity --replace12:12
ne2k__when I try to save a file from Firefox on to a smb share, it fails silently. this is commonly known as a Bad Thing.12:12
gnomefreakReVoLveR: System>preferences>appearance>desktop effects12:12
gribouillethere are no old packages at packages.ubuntu.com !12:12
gnomefreakgribouille: yes ther eis12:12
gnomefreakgribouille: hint go back one version of ubuntu12:12
jribgribouille: why do you want old packages anyway?12:12
shadowkernelCould anybody paste his/her version of powertop?12:12
gribouillejrib, because the current one is broken12:12
ReVoLveRgnomefreak:  I cannot see the system part.. (top bar).. also the bottom bar :S12:12
glitsj16gribouille: do you need the 0.8.3 of lirc or older ?12:12
shadowkernelI cannot find the answer in google12:13
gribouilleglitsj16, I need 0.8.212:13
Jack_Sparrowgribouille are you looking for edgy?  it wont be there but I have a partial at a scholl site12:13
gnomefreakshadowkernel: 1.9-2ubuntu1 in hardy12:13
jribgnomefreak: file bugs12:13
jribgribouille: file bugs12:13
gavinlewhi all, ive just installed citadel onto 6.06 lts and im getting an error on starting apache2  - apache2: Syntax error on line 185 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error online 2 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/proxy_http.load: Cannot load /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_proxy_http.so into server: /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_proxy_http.so: undefined symbol: ap_proxy_location_reverse_map12:13
gavinlew   ...fail!12:13
gnomefreakgribouille: dont install edgys version.12:13
shadowkernelhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/19312/, here. Very high wakeups. I am using hardy.12:14
gribouillegnomefreak, of course not12:14
Jack_SparrowReVoLveR if you cant see minimize max and close you lost windo decorations.. easy to fix12:14
shadowkernelmy kernel version is 2.6.24-1912:14
shadowkernelofficial kernel12:14
glitsj16gribouille: what about this ? http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/lirc12:14
gnomefreakgribouille: you will lose support for anything in its depends or reverse deps and update-manager along with anything else that updates system12:14
Kartagisjrib: I need to install gtk-vnc-1.0?12:14
ReVoLveRjack_sparrow. how to fix it bro?12:14
whatshisnameReVoLveR: I've had a few problems in the past with panels disappearing and reappearing.. but usually only after opening and closing a lot of apps/general usage... This was with gutsy.. I have since installed hardy.. never did figure out exactly what was going on.. just going on record that i also have experienced that.. sometimes if i put my mouse cursor at the edge of the screen it would come back...  on reboots it would be there though...  just for12:14
jribKartagis: you need a version greater than the one in the repositories12:15
Jack_SparrowReVoLveR metacity --replace    or compiz replace should do it12:15
gribouilleglitsj16, I'm on hardy12:15
Jack_SparrowReVoLveR metacity --replace    or compiz --replace should do it12:15
remfarkashi, anyone succesfully installed ubuntu hardy on ann asus a6r?12:15
conrad_gnomefreak: i installed those two packages, put the problem persists after a reboot12:15
jribKartagis: which means you need to compile that too.  Be sure you know what you are doing (ie don't go replacing all your libraries)12:15
glitsj16gribouille: that's why everybody advises you to not do it lol12:15
gribouilleglitsj16, but I never intended to do it12:15
ReVoLveRjack_sparrow, sorry I donno what metacity even, its been only 2 week since Im using Xubuntu12:16
gnomefreakconrad_: than search on bugs.launchpad.net for your bug or file a new one. It maybe pulseaudio problem12:16
gribouilleglitsj16, I just want to install the version that was previously on my system12:16
Jack_SparrowReVoLveR open a terminal.. aplications,, accessories terminal12:16
gnomefreakReVoLveR: metacity is default Wm for gnome12:16
ne2k__gribouille: is the package still in your /var/apt/cache?12:16
ne2k__gribouille: I mean /var/cache/apt/archives/12:17
gnomefreakgribouille: apt-cache policy packagename12:17
ReVoLveRjack-sparrow: terminal is already open here. what do you want me to type there?12:17
ne2k__gribouille: you could install it manually if so12:17
jribgribouille: apt-cache policy lirc   shows two packages here.  Is one of them, the one you want?12:17
gnomefreakif the version you want is there install it using = or synaptic12:17
gribouillene2k__, no12:17
Jack_SparrowReVoLveR metacity --replace                              to start12:17
ne2k__gribouille: I didn't ask you a question12:17
ReVoLveRThe program 'metacity' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:12:18
gnomefreakReVoLveR: are you using kde?12:19
glitsj16gribouille: 0.8.2 is only availbale in gutsy repo's .. might not be policy, but you can try changing your software sources for a moment (don't do any upgrades or other installs while you do this) and it might do the trick12:19
ReVoLveRI'm using Xubuntu12:19
gribouille<ne2k__> gribouille: is the package still in your /var/apt/cache?12:19
gnomefreakReVoLveR: thats why12:19
Jack_SparrowReVoLveR type metacity --replace12:19
gnomefreakReVoLveR: it uses xfvm or something along those lines12:19
Jack_SparrowReVoLveR type compiz --replace12:19
ReVoLveRJack_Sparrow:  thats the msg which came when I typed it.12:19
gnomefreakJack_Sparrow: metacity isnt used in xfce12:19
gribouilleglitsj16, but it was previously available for hardy, wasn't it ?12:20
glitsj16ReVoLveR: in that case --> xfwm4 --replace &12:20
Jack_SparrowSorry guys, just trying to wake up this am12:20
gnomefreakand compiz isnt installed or on by default in xfce12:20
gnomefreaki cant remember the exact reason or even if it has changed but IIRC hardy didnt use it in xubuntu12:21
Jack_Sparrowgnomefreak did I miss something.. earlier he was asking how to kill it, then that he lost the window decorations so I had to assume he had it installed12:21
ReVoLveRJack_Sparrow:  it said compiz isn't installed, shall I install it too?12:21
FuRomI have a Phillips GoGear SA60xx, and in the gnome-device-manager, it shows up as a storage device (which is good, because that's what it is), but I don't know how to access the device as just a directory. I've seen a couple of things that might possibly work for accessing the device, but I just need simple folder-based access to the device. It doesn't just show up in nautilus like my USB flash drive is, so, I'm really baffled about how to 12:21
gnomefreakgribouille: once you update most of time the cache is cleared so you cant get it back unless you download it from external site and install using dpkg12:21
Jack_SparrowReVoLveR earlier you asked how to kill it, why ask how to kill it if it was not installed in the first place12:22
gnomefreakJack_Sparrow: IIRC he didnt have boarders he wanted a fix for it12:22
ReVoLveRJack_Sparrow:  I have no idea myself how this is happening :S12:22
gribouillegnomefreak, I'm looking for this external site12:22
gnomefreakDeepThought: lose the caps and try #kubuntu12:22
gnomefreakgribouille: i gave it to you12:22
gribouillegnomefreak, packages.ubuntu.com ?12:23
gnomefreakgribouille: what version of what package ar eyou looking for and why?12:23
glitsj16FuRom: hi there ;)12:23
Zeesterdoes anyone know how to edit the context menu from gnome when i click rightmousebutton on my desktop?12:23
Jack_SparrowReVoLveR the problem you describe is common when there is an error in a window decorator.  Have you tried to install and window decorations, effects or how things look etc12:23
ozkelligirlhi all12:23
FuRomgkutsj16, hi ^_^12:23
gribouillegnomefreak, I'm looking for lirc-0.8.2 for hardy12:23
Baron1984I think it makes sense, how shiny the Windows Vista disc is, makes it easier to spot when the system gets hosed and you need it again12:23
gnomefreakZeester: maybe gconf12:23
FuRomglitsj16, hi ^_^*12:23
gnomefreakgribouille: give me a minue12:23
Tiandhello everybody12:23
TiandI am a fresh men12:24
Zeestergnomefreak, I checked it but i couldn't find it, I want to add a item in the menu (for a program I want to write)12:24
ReVoLveRJack_Sparrow:  I have tried everything which you said and still its not working12:24
ozkelligirlwhat is the easiest distro to use?12:24
jribgribouille: how are you certain the previos version was 0.8.2?12:24
Jack_SparrowReVoLveR Please answer my last question12:24
gnomefreakgribouille: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/lirc12:24
zaggynlBaron1984: ghost/acronis image ftw12:24
gnomefreakgribouille: download the deb for your arch and install it12:24
fxarchglitsj16:  problem still persists. While following those steps I get this error;  flashplugin-nonfree depends on libflashsupport (>> 1.9-0ubuntu1) | libasound2-plugins (>= 1.0.16); however:12:24
fxarch  Package libflashsupport is not installed.12:24
fxarch  Package libasound2-plugins is not installed.12:24
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:24
gnomefreakfxarch: what are you doing?12:25
gribouillegnomefreak, I want lirc for hardy, not for gutsy12:25
ReVoLveRJack_Sparrow:  window decorators.. ummm I don't think I have12:25
fxarchgnomefreak:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900 Part B.12:25
ubottuFactoid vrms not found12:25
gnomefreakgribouille: you are not going to get that version for hardy install gutsys or learn to deal with the version you have12:25
gribouillejrib, what do you think it was ?12:25
gnomefreakfxarch: install libflashsupport and flashplugin-nonfree from https://edge.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/+archive12:26
jribgribouille: what the output of 'apt-cache policy lirc' tells me it was12:26
Jack_SparrowReVoLveR What have you installed since the base initial installation12:26
ubottuFactoid pornview not found12:26
gnomefreakgribouille: you would have to rebuild it for hardy since its not in your cache12:26
Baron1984what happened to package search anyway?12:26
glitsj16ReVoLveR: Xubuntu has xfwm4 by default, try "xfwm4 --replace &"12:26
Jack_Sparrow!find pornview12:26
ubottuFound: pornview12:26
wolsBaron1984: package.ubuntu.com12:26
wolsBaron1984: packages.ubuntu.com12:26
gnomefreakno such package in repos12:26
ReVoLveRJack_Sparrow:  I haven't updated or installed anything for like a week, but this happened today only12:27
Jack_Sparrow!info pornview12:27
ubottupornview (source: pornview): Image and movie viewer/manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2pre1-7ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 225 kB, installed size 668 kB12:27
ReVoLveRglitsj16:  let me try12:27
gnomefreakatleast not here12:27
fxarchgnomefreak:  The problem was the fact that everything related to audio and firefox froze up randomly after some time.12:27
Baron1984!info vrms12:27
ubottuvrms (source: vrms): virtual Richard M. Stallman. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.13 (hardy), package size 11 kB, installed size 92 kB12:27
Jack_SparrowReVoLveR I did not ask how long it has been since you installed anything.  You seem to avoid answering direct questions12:27
wolsBaron1984: /msg ubottu info <foo>12:27
gnomefreakfxarch: flash 10 might not fix your issue but to fix the issue you have now it will fix installing the debs i have on the link i gave you.12:27
Baron1984@lart wols12:27
ubottuBaron1984: Error: There are no larts in my database for #ubuntu.12:27
gribouillejrib, I don't care what the previous version was. Ubuntu updated lirc to a nexer version, and itoesn't work anymore. I it can't provide the version that was removed, it is just shit12:28
gnomefreakfxarch: if you are going to use ubuntuforums and have an issue with thier posts please try #ubuntuforums, since they gave the "fix"12:28
Kartagisjrib: is pygtk python-gtk2?12:28
glitsj16ReVoLveR: okay, plan B might be to restart your panel -- > xfce4-panel12:28
gnomefreakgribouille: file a bug on it so it can be fixed12:28
camasonAnyone know if its possible to transfer windows from 1 X session to another? I have 2 screens with 2 sessions up12:28
jribgribouille: ok, since you seem to have missed my question the first time.  Do you just want the previous version that is displayed when you run the apt-cache policy command?12:29
gribouillejrib, I don't care what the previous version was. Ubuntu updated lirc to a newer version, and it doesn't work anymore. If it can't provide the version that was removed, it is just shit12:29
Picigribouille: Please watch the language in here.12:29
jribgribouille: is that a yes or a no?12:29
fxarchgnomefreak:  well according to glitsj16 the problem of those random crashes could be caused by flash. However I'm open for other suggestions.12:30
glitsj16gribouille: it's a user community: file a bug and at least give developers achance to correct it, they might not know12:30
Dedianyone an idea how i could make numlock-key as modifierkey? :D12:30
gribouillejrib, if it is the version that was removed, then it is yes12:30
gnomefreakfxarch: yes flash but i said may not be fixed in flash 1012:30
lavidaLocacan i make bigger swap disk space now after ubuntu is installed?12:30
gnomefreakfxarch: not all crashes were fixed and hoestly only a few were fixed12:30
jribgribouille: sudo apt-get install lirc=VERSION   where VERSION is the version string you get with the 'apt-cache policy lirc' command.  Do file bugs please, as that helps everyone12:30
fxarchgnomefreak:  so any other suggestions? Problem didn't occure to me on those 7.10 distros12:31
lavidaLocaso any suggestion how to make swap space bigger?12:31
gnomefreakfxarch: install 10 see if it helps if not file a bug upstream at adobe on it12:31
ozkelligirlwhat is ubuntu8.04 like?12:31
gnomefreakozkelligirl: like 7.10 only newer12:31
fxarchgnoemfreak:  Will do. Thanks for your time12:32
lavidaLocaozkelligirl: its beautifull12:32
glitsj16lavidaLoca: you might wanna look into gparted12:32
ozkelligirlhow hard is it to update from 7.1012:32
gnomefreaklavidaLoca: as i recall you can make swap bigger but you are risking screwing everything up12:32
DeepThoughtgnomefreak: sorry about the caps; totally non-intentional; also, I was trying to get to kubuntu, but because of the bug I mentioned things ended up in wrong channel wrong way without me even getting any feedback on it; took me this long to trace back to your message that popped up through the clogging-up...   sorry !   am trying again on kubuntu now...12:32
gnomefreakozkelligirl: update-manager12:33
lavidaLocaglitsj16, is it installed or i must download that package?12:33
gnomefreakozkelligirl: run that command you will see upgrade option12:33
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!12:33
mgallaghis there a way to get clonezilla running on a ubuntu ltsp server12:33
glitsj16lavidaLoca: that's installed, i think the menu item is "partition editor"12:33
ubottuFactoid poetugese not found12:33
Pici!pt | huii12:34
ubottuhuii: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.12:34
ubottuFactoid portugese not found12:34
* gnomefreak has to get moving or nothing will get done12:34
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:34
ozkelligirlnil to update12:34
lavidaLocaglitsj16,  it want but now its installed ;)12:34
Kartagisjrib: is pygtk python-gtk2? apt-cache search pygtk returns no results12:34
jribKartagis: yes12:34
conrad_this is one of the few things i seriously hate about ubuntu, everything works 100%, i'm ready for a productive day, and then BOOM, something important breaks and I have to spend all day trying to fix it12:34
KOJVHow do I install Ubuntu from an USB device?12:35
wols!usb install12:35
ubottuFactoid usb install not found12:35
KOJV!install usb12:35
ubottuFactoid install usb not found12:35
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:35
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate12:35
Picihuii: Do you have a support question?12:36
malebriaHello, I've made a change to a package download with apt-get source, and build it with dpkg-buildpackge -rfakeroot -uc -b.12:36
xlqThe Ubuntu Update Manager - does it show *all* available updates, or only updates for packages that are already installed?12:36
malebriaIt was builded with the same version (and revision) of the original package, and aptitude wants to update (?) to the original package.12:37
sipiori believe there is a way to get a listing of all the factoids ubottu knows. perhaps the ops could add this to the channel title?12:37
lavidaLocaglitsj16, huh i have no idea how to make it bigger, can u help me12:37
huiiPici, no just showing a friend IRC-channels12:37
malebriaHow can I make a package with a newer revision?12:37
Picixlq: Only the updates for packages you already have installed.12:38
glitsj16lavidaLoca: pm me, we'll see if 4 left hands can do it lol12:38
xlqPici: ok, as I thought.12:38
erUSUL!ubottu | sipior12:39
ubottusipior: I am ubottu, the all-knowing infobot, standing in for ubotu while he's getting his haircut done, nose powdered, updated and transitioned to his new gorgeous looks in the near future ;)12:39
sipiorerUSUL: why are you wasting my time?12:39
erUSULsipior: Pici ouch there is no "you can search my brains at ..."12:40
PicierUSUL: I know, and I wish there was.12:40
erUSULsipior: ubotu used to have "You can search my brains at <url>" on that factoid ...12:40
ozkelligirlwhat program can i use to swap pics with a person using windows(yak)12:40
erUSULPici: :-/12:41
sipiorerUSUL: ah well. perhaps something to add when ubotu gets back...12:41
PicierUSUL: fixing now...12:41
Picisipior: http://jussi01.com/web/factoids.cgi12:41
gd1hi, does anybody know an acceptable OCR program for Ubuntu, even closed source, even commercial, even for Windows to be run under wine12:41
erUSULPici: thanks :)12:41
sipiorPici: i wasn't interested for myself, i merely thought it would be useful to put a link in the channel title for newcomers.12:42
gd1I need it otherwise I'll be forced to downgrade to Windows12:42
mgallaghis there a way to get clonezilla running on a ubuntu ltsp server? lstp just seems to override it12:42
ozkelligirlhelp help help how can i send pics to a windows user other then by mail12:42
sipiorPici: save us a small bit of factoid noise, maybe :-)12:42
scribawfCan I delete earlier (Kernals) from my Grub Menu i.e as I presently have ?12:43
cnajhqohfqi need to install ubuntu generic kernel on a fresh ubuntu hardy server. but with the generic kernel, the OS will not start. How can I make the generic kernel work? Or at leash can I modify the kernel frequency without recompiling?12:43
Kartagiswhen will the new version vinagre be in repos?12:44
sipiorscribawf: actually, removing the old kernel packages should delete those entries as well12:45
wolscnajhqohfq: not possible to change kernel freq. but that's not keeping the kernel from working properly12:45
jrib!timebasedreleases > Kartagis (read the private message from ubottu)12:45
jrib!backport > Kartagis (read the private message from ubottu)12:45
sipiorscribawf: just make sure you remove the correct version ;-)12:45
scribawfsipior:  so that indicates deleting my earlier kernerls up to the latest is OK?12:46
cnajhqohfqwols, i have an application which requires higher kernel frequencies (works best with kernel generic). i need to do this :)12:46
wolscnajhqohfq: then you have to recompile12:46
sipiorscribawf: i generally like to keep the most immediately previous kernel version around, in case there are problems12:46
cnajhqohfqwols, i recompiled with the only modifications being the kernel freq and processor type, and it didn't boot up. Then I tried installing the kernel generic, and it didn't boot up.12:47
wolscnajhqohfq: so fix that problem first12:47
Kanel-FreezyI've got a problem with my graphich card12:48
Kanel-FreezyI want to install a driver for it...12:48
scribawfsipior:  Thank You,  then think will probably delete up to - that's my plan12:48
Kanel-FreezyI use this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#head-02330ccb580b6a9411d32bf617cc5a82116ba6b912:48
Kanel-Freezybut htis happens: http://pastebin.se/19485912:49
cnajhqohfqwols, generic kernel should be able to work with fresh gutsy server installation, right?12:49
dabbilli just downloaded the blackchrome theme for my startup. The splash screen works perfect, but how do i change the text? so that its readable?12:49
Kartagiswhen was hardy released?12:49
peciskFF3 C1 is like day compare to night with FF3 b512:49
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases12:50
cnajhqohfqi'll rephrase. i installed the generic kernel within a fresh gutsy server (with apt-get install [...]). the OS will not boot up with the other kernel. How can I use the generic kernel with gutsy-server? what must I do? :)12:51
dabbilli have a .so file for the startup text for my blackchrome theme, how do i install it for the startup text?12:51
=== Exteris is now known as Exteris-aWay
=== Exteris-aWay is now known as Exteris
kate321Hello, I need help please , if i upload file at 20 Kb/sec , how much time its will take me upload file of 1 giga to server ?12:52
* Exteris is Away, Reason: ( (cake!) ) | Since: ( Monday, June 9, 2008. 16:18:39 ) Xlack v2.112:52
RabidWeezlelet's get some screenshots of those desktops whipped up, I wanna see some cool desktops ^_^12:52
sipiorkate321: a good long while12:52
jeedkate321, alot12:53
RabidWeezlehttp://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b154/Xana-Melissa/screenies/Screenshot-2.png here's mine ^_^12:53
kate321jeed: how much time its will take me to upload 1 giga at 20 kb/s ?12:53
nootropeI'm using jedit as an editor. how do i launch it with su rights sometimes. looks like i have to create two profiles for it, one as lowly user and the other as a superuser? how do folks configure their editors for development if the editors support plugins etc that set themselves up in the user's home directory?12:53
RabidWeezlevery nice silvery12:53
RabidWeezleand I see you got wow working good with wine12:54
jeedkate321, 10 hourish12:54
KrypttHow do i open the file manager whit root?12:54
pengowhy don't "negative" or "color filter" work for me in compiz? (intel 965)12:54
cnajhqohfqwhere should i go if noone is able to help me with the question i asked in my previous reply? any other IRC suggestion? :)12:55
RabidWeezleand ventrillo too ehh?12:55
OrcKhsuKryptt: gksu nautilus/thunar12:55
simontzuHi Am new to IRC and new to ubuntu.  I broke my system (8.04) by trying to uninstall evolution. Now there is no panel when I log-in and alt-f2 doesn't work either. Am trying to fix it via the live CD but struggling - how to I run apt-get or synaptic on my home directory...from the live CD? tried "chown root /mnt/38.5\ GB\ Media" from the command line but it says that drive does not exist.  Very reluctant to reinstall...12:55
RabidWeezleooh, cool12:55
dabbillRabidWeezle, ventrillo and ventrillo server12:55
RabidWeezlevery good job there12:56
Jack_SparrowKryptt Use that command with caution.. it is not forgiving when you make a mistake12:56
RabidWeezleI know some apps are a pain to setup in wine12:56
Jack_Sparrowpengo you might try /join #compiz   for help with individual effects12:57
derspanksterHas anyone had any experience with a stardot wincam live? I had it working in Feisty then it quit and I've never been able to get it to work again. I ran it with Wine. Now, the camera can't communicate with the computer.12:57
RabidWeezleis that official or free server Dabbill?12:57
pengoJack_Sparrow: ta12:57
pengo/join #compiz12:57
zooplehi room12:57
zooplequick noob question if i may....?12:57
dabbillRabidWeezle, for vent?12:57
heinrichhow setup my Asus 8600GT video card on 4.08?12:57
zooplehow do i get a program to load on startup?12:57
RabidWeezlefor wow12:58
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot12:58
bobbersquick question guys I am trying to upgrade from edgy and on all the security and archive mirrors there seems to be no "edgy" release? Is this a temporary thing or am I missing something?12:58
RabidWeezlethere's alot of people playing the free ones12:58
WaaQis there any reason why a default install of ubuntu would not let me ssh in ?12:58
WaaQafter install ssh12:58
=== lagann is now known as lagann_
glitsj16cnajhqohfq: is the generic kernel fully installed ? if so, try to manually adjust your /boot/grub/menu.list .. is that an option ?12:58
sipiorWaaQ: is openssh-server installed?12:58
Jack_SparrowWaaQ I dont do ssh.. but have you read the tutorial factoid12:58
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto12:58
RabidWeezleYou know, I can never get compiz to make a proper screenshot12:58
WaaQyep and running12:58
RabidWeezleit always borks on me12:59
sipiorWaaQ: you have any sort of firewall configured?12:59
pengoRabidWeezle: i never tried, but recordmydesktop will make a screencast of compiz ok12:59
WaaQno. default install12:59
WaaQno router12:59
RabidWeezleahh, nice12:59
pengoRabidWeezle: i never tried a screenshot that is12:59
bobbersto put that clearer http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy or http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy don't seem to exist? Is that right? What happened to edgy?12:59
sipiorWaaQ: and the network interface is up and working normally?12:59
cnajhqohfqglitsj16, the generic kernel is installed with apt-get install linux-[...]. menu.lst is modified auto by the 'package maintainer'12:59
dabbilli have a .so file for the startup text for my blackchrome theme, how do i install it for the startup text?12:59
RabidWeezleI just use print screen12:59
RabidWeezleand it messes up in compiz pretty hardcore13:00
mohrtutchyubottu: it's not possible to do this by editing a text file?13:00
ubottumohrtutchy: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:00
Jack_Sparrowdabbill You mean in the grub menu13:00
sipiorWaaQ: what sort of machine are you trying to connect with?13:00
rampageoberonWaaQ: what error message do you get? and how are you trying to ssh in?13:00
cnajhqohfqglitsj16, i made no other modifications after apt-get install (with su) and reboot13:00
RabidWeezleI got a nice skybox though for my compiz13:00
sipiorWaaQ: also, try ssh -v -v13:00
dabbillJack_Sparrow, the startup text on the splash screen13:00
RabidWeezleit's from unreal 4, like a panoramic shot of a map13:00
WaaQyes sipior13:01
glitsj16cnajhqohfq: okay, are we talking about a move from 2.6.24-18-generic to 19 ?13:01
BeBoBliI have a second monitor and it's being detected as a clone...13:01
bobberscan someone try going to http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ and see if edgy is there for them?13:01
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork13:01
WaaQsipior: it just times out doesnt do anything13:01
cnajhqohfqglitsj16 no, moving prom 2.6.24-18-server to 2.6.24-18-generic13:02
grobda24RabidWeezle: link ?13:02
sipiorWaaQ: even with the verbose switch turned on?13:02
cnajhqohfqglitsj16 no, moving from 2.6.24-18-server to 2.6.24-18-generic (sorry for previous typo)13:02
rampageoberonWaaQ: what error message do you get? and how are you trying to ssh in?13:02
steve234959444how do i load licensed Windows DLLs in wine ?13:02
dabbillJack_Sparrow, i am useing the startup-manager for the splash screen will that mess any thing up?13:02
jeedbobbers, its not13:02
WaaQnon it jsut hangs13:02
Jack_Sparrowdabbill http://www.ubuntugeek.com/startup-manager-change-settings-in-grub-grub2-and-usplash.html13:03
WaaQrampageoberon: non it jsut hangs13:03
bobbersjeed: thanks13:03
rampageoberonWaaQ: run nmap localhost -p 22 and tell us what you get13:03
dabbillJack_Sparrow, thanks thats what i was looking for i think heh will give that page a look at13:03
RabidWeezlesteve234959444, basically you stick em in your ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32 or whatever folder and goto winecfg and setup the app to use the native dll...13:03
steve234959444ill ask in #wine as well13:03
bobbersdoes anyone know how I upgrade from edgy? As its not in the dists of the mirrors?13:03
glitsj16cnajhqohfq: should be doable manually, can i pm you ?13:04
WaaQrampageoberon: bash: localhost: command not found13:04
WaaQoh wait13:04
cnajhqohfqglitsj16 yes, please13:04
steve234959444how do i load licensed Windows DLLs in wine ?13:04
rampageoberonWaaQ: nmap localhost -p 2213:04
RabidWeezleI just said...13:04
RabidWeezlesteve234959444, basically you stick em in your ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32 or whatever folder and goto winecfg and setup the app to use the native dll...13:04
BeBoBliDoes Ubuntu work with multiple monitors at boot? It doesn't seem to be treating my second monitor as anything but a clone...13:05
RabidWeezleno problem13:05
dabbillJack_Sparrow, i cant find how to change the startup text color or add the blackchrometext.so file13:05
WaaQ22/tcp open  ssh13:05
WaaQNmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.042 seconds13:05
WaaQfor my ip rampageoberon13:05
ubottuFactoid colors not found13:05
Jack_Sparrowdabbill Sorry, I dont play with those much.. If you read that page, you know as much as I do13:06
RabidWeezleanyone know how to set tty colors?13:06
dabbillJack_Sparrow, ahh okay heh13:06
rampageoberonWaaQ: what does the command "ssh localhost" do13:06
WaaQStarting Nmap 4.53 ( http://insecure.org ) at 2008-06-11 13:06 BST13:06
WaaQInteresting ports on d36-17-26.home1.cgocable.net (
WaaQ22/tcp filtered ssh13:06
WaaQfor hers13:06
sipiorWaaQ: i assume you can login using the same username on the local machine?13:06
RabidWeezleI wanna setup my tty like my old sun workstation of white background, black text...13:06
rampageoberonWaaQ: ok, so you have a firewall that is blocking ssh13:06
WaaQrampageoberon: i can conncet to myself fine13:06
WaaQand other computers13:06
Pici!paste | WaaQ13:06
ubottuWaaQ: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:06
WaaQim changing the port rampageoberon13:07
simontzuFixing broken packages when I cannot get a terminal or start synaptic from my regular install?? (tried uninstalling evolution and now installation has no panels & alt-f2 doesn't work). How do I login to my home dir via the live CD??13:07
Wyvern|How does e2fsck fare with large disks? It seems to take forever on my 3TB ext3 partition, any tips to improve its performance?13:07
rampageoberonWaaQ: have you done any firewall configurations? ufw or the like?13:07
RabidWeezlesimontzu, can you ctrl+alt+f1 on the machine?13:07
rampageoberonWaaQ: so sudo iptables -L and post in a pastebin13:07
WaaQi may have13:07
rampageoberonWaaQ: that is the problem, the firewall config that you have done13:08
RabidWeezlesimontzu, and if you can't, can you ssh into the box?13:08
WaaQrampageoberon: awesome, now im getting connection refused errors (which is way better)13:08
WaaQthanks folks - rampageoberon  - fixed it13:08
RabidWeezlesimontzu, btw, if you ctrl+alt+f1, it's ctrl+alt+f7 to get back to X13:09
rampageoberonWaaQ: firewall?13:09
simontzuRabidWeezle: I've not tried either!  Good ideas - thanks!!13:09
WaaQi only allow it out on a certain port ... I forgot13:09
bobbersIs it the case that edgy is now no longer supported so if you are on Edgy you can't update it and you can't upgrade it anymore?13:10
rampageoberonWaaQ: no wonder, and by default there are no open ports so i don't see why you need to do that13:10
Jack_Sparrowbobbers yes, that is true13:10
sipiorWaaQ: so when i asked you if you had a firewall configured...and you said no...what did you mean by that, exactly? ;-)13:10
ubottuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. It is now in end of life, and is unsupported. Please upgrade to a newer release.13:10
bobbersso I _have_ to reinstall from from scratch13:10
rampageoberonWaaQ: and also outgoing connections on all ports are usually allowed by default13:10
BoltClockJack_Sparrow: hi, i reinstalled ubuntu yesterday and the problem so far hasnt reared its ugly head13:10
BeirdoJack_Sparrow: you can still upgrade from it easily enough13:10
Jack_Sparrowbobbers you can save /home13:10
bobbersI mean there is no update path13:10
Picibobbers: you can upgrade to feisty...13:11
Jack_SparrowBeirdo distro-upgrade13:11
Wyvern|have anyone here used e2fsck (or fsck.ext3) on a large ext3 partition?13:11
bobberspici: acn you give me any help as to how?13:11
Pici!upgrade | bobbers just read this13:11
ubottubobbers just read this: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes13:11
RabidWeezlebobbers, how much ram you got in the system? Cause since edgy, graphical installs require 384 megs of ram from cd, and alternative installs still work for lower rams13:11
Beirdobobbers: sure there is.  edit /etc/apt/sources, change all edgy to feisty, apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade13:11
dabbillhttp://dabbill.no-ip.info/Pictures/Screenshot-5.png shows off my transparent menus :)13:11
bobbersbeirdo thanks very much! You're a star13:11
bobbersI'll try that13:11
Beirdobobbers: read the URL Pici pointed you at too :013:12
* RabidWeezle slaps Beirdo 5 for the good answer13:12
RabidWeezleI wouldn't have even though about that one13:12
nootropeis there a Quicksilver/Launchy-likeapp for Linux?13:12
bobbersbeirdo pici: I tried the instructions from there and it tries to use the Edgy dist from the mirror and therefore gets 404 errors13:12
Brad7200hey im trying to play flash games on gamefudge.com but my controls wont work13:12
RabidWeezlewhat does quicksilver/launchy do?13:12
bobbersI'll try changing to the feisty sources file13:12
Beirdoheh, I've upgraded one of the boxes from warty up to gutsy that way :)13:12
Brad7200its like flash games cant see my keyboard13:13
Beirdoone distro at a time13:13
atlefnootrope: gnome-do13:13
nootropeatlef, thanks!13:13
Brad7200can ne1 help me13:13
bobbersbeirdo: ok I totally agree you can I just can't make it work without a dist to download from but of course if I change my sources file to feisty I can see how that would work13:13
RabidWeezleBrad, you talking firefox flash games?13:13
bobbersthanks for your help I'll try that now13:13
Beirdobobbers: no problem.  Good luck, it will take a while :)13:14
RabidWeezledid you install macromedia's flash into the browser or another type of flash plugin?13:14
bobbersbeirdo :) no worries :)13:14
Brad7200RabidWeezle: macromedia 1013:14
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RabidWeezletry holding your mouse inside the flash window13:14
nootropehow do i suppress joined/left messages in xChat?13:16
Jack_Sparrownootrope right click the channel13:16
ec_alHi guys.. Looking to get a PCI wireless network card.. any suggestions13:16
sortudo_78Problems with XDMCP trought internet, Please, where can i find help for fawarding XDMCP ?13:17
Jack_Sparrowec_al Tell people what hardware you have13:17
FuRomHow do I access a gogear SA60xx as a mass storage device? I have usbmount installed, and it doesn't mount it as a mass storage device. I can access the device with MTP (Media Transfer Protocol), but I have more than just MP3 files on the device, so MTP doesn't pan out too well. The device will work as a mass storage device, I just don't know how to make ubuntu opt for mass storage over MTP.13:18
Jack_Sparrowec_al   if you do "sudo lshw -C network" in a terminal it will show the card/chipset13:18
ec_alJack_Sparrow: I'm looking for a recommendation, actually :) I want to buy one13:19
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection13:19
nootropeJack_Sparrow, i meant xchat-gnome. all I get when i right-click on the channel is: Save Transcript, Leave, Close, Auto-join on connect,  Find, and Bans13:19
nootropeJack_Sparrow: perhaps xchat is different?13:19
Jack_Sparrownootrope Sorry, never used that one...   People seem to prefer the regular version13:20
nootropeJack_Sparrow, thanks!13:20
sortudo_78please, anybody is reading me, i need help with XDMCP ???13:20
Jack_Sparrowsortudo_78 Yes we see your question, but no one seems to have the answer13:20
Win2UbuntuHi all, Ubuntu seems a bit unstable and does seem to freeze up alot. I'm thinking of making a larger swap partition, how would i go about doing this?13:21
sortudo_78thanks Jack?13:21
rampageoberonWin2Ubuntu: just out of curiosity how much ram and swap do you have currently13:21
Win2Ubuntu2 gig swap13:21
Jack_SparrowWin2Ubuntu use gparted to shrink the adjacent partition and expand your swap.. how much ram etc..13:21
Jack_SparrowWin2Ubuntu what version of ubuntu are you running13:22
rampageoberonWin2Ubuntu: do "free -m" and paste the output in a pastebin13:22
Win2Ubuntuthe latest one 8.0413:22
bobbersbeirdo: well it appears to be running, you never know...13:22
Win2Ubunturampageoberon:              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached13:22
Win2UbuntuMem:           502        494          7          0         13        27113:22
Win2Ubuntu-/+ buffers/cache:        209        29313:22
Win2UbuntuSwap:         1474          0       147413:22
sortudo_78please, there is any X server irc chat room ?13:22
Win2Ubuntuive run ubuntu fine in other versions, but i had a bigger swap file, so thats why i thought do to this13:23
Wyvern|uhm, is it possible to see which processes is accessing a specific resource, such as a disk mount point?13:23
rampageoberonWin2Ubuntu: okay thats 512mb ram, of which 209 is being used. In my opinion the current setup should be okay, but to increase swap space do what Jack_Sparrow said (use gparted)13:24
Wyvern|Trying to unmount my home directory proves difficult as I have no clue which process is using it.13:24
Win2Ubuntuok, thanks all, will give that a go13:24
Jack_SparrowWin2Ubuntu no need to increase swap, I doubt that is the prob13:24
Win2Ubunturighto, any advice in that case Jack_Sparrow?13:24
Jack_SparrowWyvern| Are you trying to unmount /home from a live cd or while you are trying to use it13:25
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rampageoberonWin2Ubuntu: maybe if you tell us which applications or what instability you are referring to13:25
Wyvern|I have /home mounted on a md array, which I need to unmount.13:25
Win2Ubuntuoh, it seems that the only app that DOESNT freeze is pidgin13:25
Jack_SparrowWin2Ubuntu Perhaps check dmesg logs ,13:25
Win2Ubuntueg, all programs will not open13:26
BonezAUpunyhuman: yeah have a look13:26
Wyvern|I have killed all obvious processes, such as apache, samba, etc.13:26
Win2Ubuntuor will open and freeze13:26
Jack_SparrowWin2Ubuntu HAve you tried turning off effects.. just in case13:26
BonezAUpunyhuman, blah blah - i don't know how to fix it, sorry mate13:26
Win2Ubuntubtw....gparted is not allowing me to change sizes, i did run it with sudo13:26
Win2Ubuntuim thinking of doing this next (effets)13:26
Win2Ubuntubut i <3 my avn dock lol13:26
rampageoberonWin2Ubuntu: download gparted live cd and boot with that13:26
BonezAUpunyhuman, lol. what are you talking about?13:27
BonezAUpunyhuman, r u crazy?13:27
Jack_SparrowWin2Ubuntu you need to run live cd if you want to resize your ubuntu partition13:27
Jack_SparrowWin2Ubuntu gparted live is a good choice13:27
Win2Ubuntuah ok, will do next boot :)13:27
Win2Ubuntuthanks guys13:27
BonezAUpunyhuman, are you feeling ok?13:27
Jack_SparrowWin2Ubuntu what programs open and close on you.13:27
Win2Ubuntuoh nothing closes13:28
Jack_SparrowWin2Ubuntu if you run from terminal it might show you the error13:28
Win2Ubuntuno actually it doesnt13:28
Win2Ubuntuie, ill type in a command and it will simply stall13:28
punyhumanbonezau, tis ok... sorted13:28
Jack_SparrowWin2Ubuntu open and freeze13:28
BonezAUpunyhuman, are u sure?13:28
kosharirampageoberon ubuntu is a live gparted disc13:28
BonezAUpunyhuman, you don't sound too confident13:28
Win2Ubuntuit could be that i perhaps install something13:28
Jack_SparrowWin2Ubuntu if  this is a fresh install I would suggest a reinstall, something is very wrong13:29
Win2Ubunturighto, good avice, thanks :)13:29
rampageoberonkoshari: sorry? i'm a bit confused by that, please explain13:29
Win2Ubuntuill do that after exams13:29
Jack_SparrowWin2Ubuntu did you install things manually.. if so like what13:29
Win2Ubuntuyeah, a few things13:29
Win2UbuntuAVN, pdigin13:29
Win2Ubuntuxchat :-p13:29
kosharirampageoberon the ubuntu live cd has gpated installed by default. so if one has that they dont need the grapted live cd to use gparted13:30
Jack_SparrowWin2Ubuntu those can be installed from the repos, did you try and build from source?13:30
Win2Ubuntuoh no, i dont build things from source13:30
Win2Ubuntui just get the from the repos13:30
Win2Ubuntusorry if im a bit dull hahaha13:30
rampageoberonkoshari: ah i see, i usually tend to use the gparted live cd, but this info will be useful. thanks :)13:31
Jack_Sparrowkoshari The gparted livecd in some cases works better and is cleaner that gparted on the ubuntu livecd13:31
Win2Ubuntuill reinstall :)13:31
koshariJack_Sparrow i agree, i generally use the gparted live disc with partimage13:31
rampageoberonits a shame that the gparted live cd is no longer maintained (not sure if it is now)13:31
Win2Ubuntuthanks for ure tips13:31
Jack_SparrowWin2Ubuntu if you didnt change sources and only use our repos then that is unlikely to be the problem13:31
kosharihowever the live version is fine 95 % of the time13:32
Win2Ubunturighto. might well be the flash gui stuff13:32
Jack_Sparrowkoshari Yes, it is certainly worth the 50 meg dl13:32
Win2Ubuntubut, i will give it some thought and see what i find :-D13:32
BonezAUhi, i accidently deleted /etc/init.d/networking and now i can't browse the web. my IRC works ok though. Can anyone pls help?13:32
Win2Ubuntukind regards ppl13:32
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BonezAUCancel that, I got the file back and now firefox is working13:33
koshariJack_Sparrow i did fine that gparted wouldnt sdee some sata drives on a sys once where the ubuntu hal did13:33
ArrowLancehi, when i startup and grub shows me the OS's to pick from i see 3 ubuntu's a new one each time i update ubuntu. How can i get rid of those?13:33
ubottuGParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/13:33
rampageoberonArrowLance: install startupmanager and do it in there (limit kernals to say 2)13:33
rampageoberonArrowLance: sudo aptitude install startupmanager13:34
nootropeIs there an auto-ident function in xChat?13:34
punyhumanHi, I accidently deleted /home/brian/pron can someone please tell me how to restore it? It's my dad's work folder13:34
BonezAUlol @ punyhuman13:35
Jack_Sparrowrampageoberon I see the latest release of gparted as Dec 200713:35
wolsnootrope: no but there are identd servers in ubuntu13:35
BonezAUpunyhuman, how did you delete it? through the command line or through your window manager?13:35
wolspunyhuman: is it ext3?13:35
rampageoberonJack_Sparrow: yeah 0.3.4-11, i read somewhere that the person maintaining it didn't have the time and was looking for a replacement but didn't find anyone, so no newer livecd's were going to be released13:36
nootropewols, not sure how to use that info... any pointer?13:37
rampageoberonJack_Sparrow: actually just reading the news again, someone did take over on 8th april :)13:37
nootropewols, never mind i'll ask the google13:37
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nootropewols, thanks!13:37
koshariwhats the ubuntu chat irc13:39
rampageoberonJack_Sparrow: will there be much difference now that its going to be based on debian? or negligible?13:39
willluongoHello, this may seem like a stupid question, but after installing kernel 2.6.24-18-generic, can I just change the number 17 in kernel 2.6.24-17-generic to 18 so grub will load the newest kernel?13:39
wolswillluongo: you can but you shouldn't have to13:39
recon69hi all, my CPU is running at a steady 80% with nothing running and cant see any process listed that is actually using the cpu that much?13:40
ZeroA4willluongo, it is better to edit the grub config at /boot/grub/menu.lst13:40
wolsrecon69: top. pastebin its output13:40
* RabidWeezle sips some vitamin water13:40
willluongowols and ZeroA4: I am sorry I think I miscommunicated... I meant can I change it in menu.lst to 18 or do I need to change any of the following information13:41
RabidWeezlerecon69, gnome or kde?13:41
BonezAUwillluongo, when you installed the new kernel it should have automatically updated your grub config13:41
RabidWeezleyou can sort by cpu on the gnome-system-monitor recon6913:41
RabidWeezleand it tells you what's eatin your cpu up13:42
recon69RabidWeezle: gnome13:42
wolsor with top which wokrs everywhere. even whent here is no X13:42
BonezAUwillluongo, run update manager from gnome, press check and let it install all required updates, then reboot13:42
willluongoBonezAU : I had a custom list, and it asked me if I wanted to use the maintainer version or my local version13:42
Dedican i add custon dcop commands to gnome global shortcuts?13:42
RabidWeezlealright, load up gnome-system-monitor and all will be revealed13:42
willluongoIt is already installed, just not selectable from the boot menu13:42
BonezAUwillluongo, ok then if you aren't too confident with the command line you could try sudo apt-get install qgrubeditor, that is a graphical interface for editing your grub config13:42
BonezAUwillluongo, but be careful13:43
RabidWeezlewols, I like top in terminal, but I'm a big fan of gnome-system-monitor for easy-to-readness13:43
recon69RabidWeezle: looking at it, the only thing not sleeping is the system monitor , and when i look at the cpu graph it spikes to 80-90% usage, when an not looking it seem to drop13:44
rampageoberonrecon69: i've had that type of trouble occasionally with gnome, firefox, xorg, gnome-system-monitor all known to take up 100% CPU13:44
simontzuRabidWeezle: I fixed my system..checked the dpkg log and it was as easy as "apt-get install gnome-panel".  Dude you have no idea how grateful I am!!  I spent 5 hours this morning trying to figure out how to get to a commandline without alt+f2 working via the live CD etc..etc....  crtl+alt+f1 is not mentioned in the Ubuntu documentation, maybe its obvious for longtime linux users but I searched online for ages and couldn't find it. .  I was considering a r13:44
willluongoBOnezAU I am good with CLI, I just wanted to know if all I had to do was change the 7 in 17 to 8 to make it boot 18. :)13:44
rampageoberonrecon69: yes system-monitor does that13:44
DaPutzysagmal wollt ihr mich verarschen??13:45
willluongoFor example in the line:    kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-17-generic root=UUID=9996891d-ef11-4aa0-901d-f9084e349ed9 ro quiet splash can I just make it say kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-18-generic root=UUID=9996891d-ef11-4aa0-901d-f9084e349ed9 ro quiet splash13:45
rampageoberonrecon69: i suggest using htop from command line instead of system monitor at times13:45
DaPutzyjetz gehts wieder?!13:45
RabidWeezlesimontzu, glad I could help13:45
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de13:45
kosharisimontzu cont alt f1 changes the run levewl13:45
BonezAUwillluongo, i would not try that if i were u. you could try sudo dpkg-reconfigure kernel-2.6.24-17-generic and this time when it asks you to keep current config select no13:46
RabidWeezlectrl+alt+f1 changes to tty1...13:46
willluongoBonezAU: Will that lose my ability to boot into other OS?13:46
BonezAUwillluongo, no13:47
recon69well, I guess I will live with it a while and see if it keep happening13:48
adredhi, im downloading jdk5 right now but there's one package that has been skipped cos my connection went out for a while. will synaptic automatically go back and download the skipped/missing package?13:48
ikoniaadred: if it's a dependency - yes13:48
adredikonia thanks, it think it is. actually its the JRE-the biggest file that has been skipped..13:49
recon69using htop seem i get avg 13% cpu usage, which seem right , thx13:50
jarcoHello all. I have a question: When i connect with my ubuntu to a windows share on my xp i can upload files to windows only extremely slow. What might be the cause of this?13:51
wishieanyone know the author/maintainer of 'asoundconf' ?13:52
wolswishie: apt-cache show <packagename of asoundconf>13:52
RabidWeezleYou know, I have alot of problems with that myself jarco, so I setup an ftp server on my linux box13:52
TMMis anyone here familair with ubuntu and preseed? I need to preseed the filesystems to be mounted with the 'acl' flag, but I can't seem to find it13:52
jarcoyeah done that also13:52
jarcobut it should work13:52
RabidWeezleI know right13:53
RabidWeezleI can't seem to share nothin with 8.04 myself, but I'm sure there are some docs on the forums about it13:53
bardyrjarco, have you tried another protocol?13:53
jarcoits indeed only a 8.04 problem here also13:53
giorgio_come   funziona   editor   komander13:53
jarcoyes bardyr13:54
jarcoftp works fine13:54
jarcoanyone knows an easy fast gnome ftp server13:55
junkeRhello everyone, is there a way to download a lot of updates on a fast network computer and install them on one that's on dialup?13:55
simontzujarco, rabid: did you try ext2 filesystem software from windows?  I find that works pretty quickly http://www.fs-driver.org/13:55
glitsj16junkeR: aptoncd can be helpfull with that, it's in the official repo's13:56
jarcogonna try it now13:56
Rioting_pacifist ive tried everything bu fullscreen flash still sucks :( (setting up DRI in xorg.conf, upgrading to 10, running firefox-32bit with flash 10, well not everything but thats all i could think of)13:56
simontzujarco - its easier than ftp13:56
junkeRwow, that's awesome... thanks.13:57
atlefhave any of you gotten s/pdif to work with pulseaudio in ubuntu hardy?13:57
sortudo_78please, help me to find help with CDMCP, i tryed #xorg but it did not work :(13:57
jarcoinstalled the driver13:58
jarcostill slow transfer rate13:58
jarcojust to be clear13:58
jarcoi transfer from ubuntu to xp13:58
glitsj16junkeR: or you could even drop them at /var/cache/apt/archives and the package system will pick it up13:58
happy_tuxevolution question: How to modify rules I created ???13:58
RabidWeezledo you get slow transfers from ftp?13:58
jarconot with ftp no13:59
rampageoberonRabidWeezle: would you know why I am able to get a full 100mbit over dc++ but only 45mbit over ftp? out of curiosity13:59
RabidWeezleyour ftp server has a cap on it, it sounds14:01
RabidWeezleyou need to go into your settings and make sure all download/upload caps are removed14:01
RabidWeezleor set them rediculasly high14:01
rampageoberonRabidWeezle: umm, how can i check, using proftpd and not seen any such cap in the conf file14:01
RabidWeezleumm, hold on14:01
RabidWeezlesudo apt-get install gproftpd14:01
rampageoberoni think i get the same caps if i transfer files over http (lighttpd server)14:02
RabidWeezlethen it will be in system>admin>gproftpd14:02
hp2133I'm looking for an app to keep track of the  contents of my CDs/DVDs in a searchable way.    So if I'm looking for DSC0001.jpg it will tell me which CD to go find.   I know one used to exist but can't remember the silly name.14:02
Rioting_pacifist ive tried everything bu fullscreen flash still sucks :( (setting up DRI in xorg.conf, upgrading to 10, running firefox-32bit with flash 10, well not everything but thats all i could think of)14:02
rampageoberonRabidWeezle: can't do gproftpd as its a server os and no gui14:02
RabidWeezleooh snap14:03
rampageoberonRabidWeezle: maybe if you can locate the line in the gproftpd conf file14:03
KOJVHow can I increase the resolution in a Live session above the limits of the control panel?14:03
RabidWeezlesure, lemme look it up14:03
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto14:04
RabidWeezlelemme just pastebin this conf file14:05
rampageoberonRabidWeezle: thanks :)14:05
rampageoberonRabidWeezle: not sure if its a system wide thing as get max 4mb/s over http too (lighttpd server)14:05
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Ace2016What screenresolution does a tv use?14:06
Ace2016i want to make a mythtv theme14:07
RabidWeezlethat's how mine's setup, and I get 100megs a second14:07
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Dedidcop amarok playlistbrowser loadPlaylist ... and then? either number nor name does work14:07
Dedifc sry14:07
rampageoberonRabidWeezle: from what i can see there is some ratelimiting (TransferRate RETR 1794 for example) i'll check more on this14:08
rampageoberonRabidWeezle: i have no such lines in my config14:08
JonathanEllisHi. Can someone help me with this problem please. When I run update manager I get this error message http://pastebin.ca/1044813. This started after adding some extra repositories. I did this because someone was helping me install some software and due to a misunderstanding I may have added some repositories twice. I checked through /etc/apt/sources.list and I couldnt find any duplicates. I also cant find any duplicate files in /var/lib/apt/lists14:08
RabidWeezlemy config was built with gproftpd, and I set it to no cap14:08
candiveHello, what do I set Evolution on for hotmail?? Novell, IMAP? etc14:09
atlefhave any of you gotten s/pdif to work with pulseaudio in ubuntu hardy?14:09
rampageoberonRabidWeezle: thanks for this, i'll play around with my config and see what happens14:09
JonathanElliscandive: I believe Hotmail uses IMAP14:09
RabidWeezlethere is a cap14:09
RabidWeezleit's 2444 up and 1794 down14:10
rampageoberonRabidWeezle: hehe, i thought there was14:10
candiveJonathanEllis, thanks I will try it again14:10
RabidWeezlelemme fix that and see what it says14:10
rampageoberonRabidWeezle: what units are those in14:10
PiciJonathanEllis: Have you looked in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ?14:10
RabidWeezleno idea14:10
RabidWeezlejust gonna crank it until it doesn't go anymore14:10
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JonathanEllisPici: No, not yet. But I will do that now. What does that directory do14:11
PiciJonathanEllis: It holds more files that are used in addition to sources.list, not many things use it, but its another good place to check14:11
RabidWeezlebasically, the higher you set the numbers, the faster it goes, I'm just gonna try like 99999914:11
JonathanEllisPici: /etc/apt/sources.list.d is empty14:11
rampageoberonRabidWeezle: its kilobytes/s14:12
PiciJonathanEllis: Can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list ?14:12
BoltClock!svn > BoltClock14:12
BobDingleyhaving problems with pidgin on Ubuntu, anyone point me in the right direction to get answers?14:12
rampageoberon13000 should do for 100mbit RabidWeezle14:12
candiveJonathanEllis, no go, how do I remove and or reinstall evolution?14:12
* RabidWeezle clicks apply14:12
RabidWeezlesay let's see, now let's transfer a large file...14:13
RabidWeezlelike ultima online...14:13
TalioGladiusgreat....so apparently attaching google calendar to thunderbird cause tbird to go wacky14:13
microwaverAnyone know of a comic book viewer for ubuntu 7.10?14:13
reconmicrowaver: comix.14:14
lonetech1920whats the path of hard disk drives in the root directory14:14
JonathanEllisPici: sure its http://pastebin.ca/104484414:14
reconmicrowaver: don't have to unzip/unrar/etc the pictures, either.14:14
microwaverrecon,  just wanted to ask that question :)14:14
reconlonetech1920: It's where you mount them. If Ubuntu already detected a hard drive and auto-mounted it, it should be in /media.14:14
JonathanEllisCandive: Why do you want to remove or reinstall evolution?14:14
candiveI have tried all options to open my hotmail so far only pigin works14:15
BobDingleyhaving problems with pidgin on Ubuntu, anyone point me in the right direction to get answers?14:15
candiveIt did work in the past14:15
reconlonetech1920: You might also see it in your "Places" menu as "XX.X GB Media".14:16
elmargolHi, I search a cordless keyboard+touchpad for my media center pc. Can someone recommend a keyboard please? Logitech diNovo is nice but way too expensiv14:16
BoltClockBobDingley: im no pidgin god, but what exactly might the problems be?14:16
MOzartstaedterdoes anyone know a open source software like dreamweaver???14:17
BobDingleyit will randomly crash, that is the best description i can give you, i will be mid way through typing a sentence and it will just crash14:17
JonathanEllisCandive: Personally I prefer to keep webmail on the web. But then I use googlemail which has a much better user interface than any email program I have seen14:17
lonetech1920recon: thanks i got14:17
JonathanEllisMOzaersraedter: Try searching on osalt.com14:17
mw-homewhat is a good command-line PNG viewer?14:17
Jack_SparrowBobDingley when connected to which service?14:17
camasonhi guys. I have a realtek onboard chipset that allows multiple streaming (2 devices) in windows. Any ideas on how I could enable this in Ubuntu 8.04?14:17
BobDingleyusing my msn account14:18
mw-homeI am running X.  I just want to launch some really quick app to display a PNG.14:18
reconcamason: by multiple streaming, would you mean 'can support multiple monitors'?14:18
MOzartstaedterthx JonathanEllis14:18
reconmw-home: gthumb should work.14:18
microwaverrecon thanks i'm going to tes tit now ;)14:18
Jack_SparrowBobDingley And it is only your msn account correct not yahoo or one of the others14:18
candiveJonathanEllis, thanks I was planning to try my new Ubuntu 8.04 CD nows my chance14:18
camasonrecon, possibly... on windows, I can specify audio to go to either the rear ports or the front14:18
joshuafrhi all14:19
BobDingleyyeah, i only have my msn account connected14:19
BobDingleyi have 'killed' evolution mail through the terminal as it hogs my memory like nothing i have ever seen before, will that effect it at all14:19
camasonrecon, what I would like is for normal audio to go to my speakers, but a single application to go through my headphones (front ports). This is possible in windows14:19
PiciJonathanEllis: I see a few duplicates.. see lines 6 & 58 , 11 & 59, 19 & 58, and maybe another, I lost my place...14:19
Jack_SparrowBobDingley it shouldnt.. have you tried amsn14:19
Jack_Sparrow!info amsn14:19
ubottuamsn (source: amsn): An MSN messenger written in Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97+final-0ubuntu5 (hardy), package size 3426 kB, installed size 11308 kB14:19
furythorHow I do get some details from my laptop "webcam" ?14:19
joshuafrdid someone know what is the font and the effect used in the defaut usplash theme for Gutsy?14:19
BobDingleyamsn? no i havent dont know what it is, i am fairly new to using Ubuntu14:20
Jack_SparrowBobDingley look up to ubottu14:20
JonathanEllisPici: Thanks. How did you search for duplicates?14:20
joshuafrs/did/does :-P14:20
reconcamason: Hold on, performing google-fu...14:20
camasonrecon, thanks bud14:20
PiciJonathanEllis: I grepped out the commented lines, then just looked through it.14:20
BobDingleysorry, what you mean by 'look up to ubottu'?14:20
JonathanEllisCandive: If you want to remove Evolution you can do that in Synaptic or |Applications|Add/remove14:21
KratoSC'est à chier se server14:21
Jack_SparrowBobDingley You can try this.. if it doesnt find it then we will need to enable universe repos...   open a terminal.. by going to applications..access..terminal   they type sudo apt-get install amsn14:21
cdcCan you mount a SMB folder [windows share] via command/konsole?14:22
JonathanEllisPici: I imported the file into a spreadsheet then sorted but I didnt see any duplicates. I must be going mad14:22
reconcamason: PulseAudio looks promising.14:22
reconcamason: http://www.matt-j.co.uk/2008/04/24/pulseaudio-and-ubuntu-804/14:23
camasonrecon, I'll take a look14:23
reconcamason: "# Move audio to a different output card without having to stop / re-open the application." I assume that's what you're looking for?14:23
BobDingleyok thats installed, what is amsn ment to do?14:23
Jack_SparrowBobDingley Enable the universe repo by goint to system...admin...software sources...   in there make sure the first 4 boxes are checked and close it, tell it to update as needed..14:23
=== giorgio_ is now known as gioppo
Jack_SparrowBobDingley amsn is another im for msn14:24
camasonrecon, yes. But I think I need to actually set up the hardware-level stuff first. I'm unsure if both outputs are being recodnised in ubuntu yet. It's treating them as a single output. (In windows, an option needs to be ticked to set up the multiple-monitors)14:24
BobDingleyah ok14:24
camasonrecon, pulseaudio monitor shows a single output device at the moment14:24
JonathanEllisPici: Im just looking at the wikipedia entry for grep but I havent yet found out how to grep out the commented lines14:25
KenSentMeMy laptop gives random freezes, the system totally locks up. No messages in the logs or anything. I did a memtest, but that didnt report any errors. Although i think it's a hardware problem i havent seen the freeze on Windows. How can i test my system any further or test to see if the freeze is caused by my hardware or software?14:25
PiciJonathanEllis: grep -v "#" filename14:25
cjohnsonI have Ubuntu installed through Wubi, how do I change the boot options (I want to remove the "quiet splash" words from my boot")14:25
=== Bodsda is now known as Bodsda|COFFEEX2
BobDingleyok so all four are selected, update as needed, that is just when new updates are available yeah?14:26
MiturHi! i need some help to get javax components to work on 804. Does anyone have any spare time?14:26
reconcamason: I'm no sound expert, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio should sum up everything you need to know. However, being that I lack two audio jacks, I won't be able to test it.14:26
camasonrecon, thanks, its a start :D14:26
MOzartstaedterbye guys, thx for the help =)14:26
Jack_SparrowBobDingley no, it updates your list of available software and includes software from those other sources14:26
Rockoi have just installed Ubuntu 8 :P14:27
Rockolooking sexy14:27
Rockoso much faster then Vista !14:27
=== quaaltp is now known as quaal
rampageoberonRocko: it is indeed! well done14:27
gioppobooooooooooooooooo  rocko14:27
cjohnsonI have Ubuntu installed through Wubi, how do I change the boot options (I want to remove the "quiet splash" words from my boot)14:27
RockoI am very happy with it14:27
Rockoand i am happy that it picked up my nvidia drivers aswell14:27
microwaverrecon, now to figure out how it works.14:28
rhalffhi, I get a segmentation fault upgrading udev: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19335/14:28
reconmicrowaver: are we talking about gthumb or comix?14:28
BobDingleyok, just updated through the terminal by 'sudo apt-get update' correct?14:28
glitsj16cjohnson: you can easily do that with your editor of choice, needs root permissions though14:28
rhalffthat's a known bug, or just a broken setup for me ?14:28
cjohnsonglitsj16, I can't boot into ubuntu, which is why I'm trying to remove quiet from the boot option, so I can see the error. I'm in windows now14:29
rampageoberonBobDingley: that updates the repository list so all the applications available and so14:29
rampageoberonBobDingley: to upgrade sudo aptitude safe-upgrade14:29
glitsj16cjohnson: i see, without those you're blind indeed, goodluck14:29
microwaverrecon, comix. You just have to load in a .rar file but it doesnt really do anything14:29
Jack_SparrowBobDingley yes14:29
reconmicrowaver: Do you have one of the unrar packages installed?14:30
MiturIm having some problems with java in 8.04. The applications just freeze as soon as they contain any javax components. Does anyone know the problem?14:30
harfg209is there a way to cause the terminal to flash14:30
harfg209Im sure there is I just cant rember it14:30
Jack_Sparrowrampageoberon All we were trying to do was install amsn from universe14:30
reconmicrowaver: apt-get install unrar or apt-get install unrar-free.14:30
maekMitur, java sucks in ubuntu14:30
rampageoberonJack_Sparrow: sorry, my bad14:30
ruibooncjohnson: when you are at the grub, press 'e' and you will be able to edit it.14:30
microwaverrecon, i had the package unrar installed.14:30
Miturmaek, i used it alot in the old version. And it worked just fine for me14:31
cjohnsonruiboon, I'm using wubi, I don't have grub, only ntldr14:31
microwaverrecon, but didn't seem to work.14:31
joepescican anyone please help me how to change the startup options. i want the default OS to be UBUNTU and not WINDOWS ?14:31
BoltClockis there a way to change grub's timer from 10 seconds?14:31
ruibooncjohnson: oo. i am not sure abt wubu. sorry about that14:31
funkjaI installed a package that installed fine and works, but every time I run apt it tells me that there was an error in the post-installation script for the package. How can I get rid of this message without uninstalling the package?14:31
Jack_SparrowBoltClock yes.. it is in the menu.lst14:31
BobDingleyok, it has finished "sudo aptitude safe-upgrade"14:31
reconBoltClock: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst14:32
cjohnsonruiboon, it seems nobody is, google has no answers either :(14:32
reconmicrowaver: and it only has plain image files inside the .rar?14:32
Jack_SparrowBobDingley sudo apt-get install amsn14:32
BobDingleydone, so it should be alright now?14:33
microwaverrecon, dumb act from me. it's seem to be pdf doc's14:33
reconmicrowaver: you might want to try evince then. :-)14:33
ruibooncjohnson: does c:\boot.ini have the relevant boot options for ubuntu?14:33
reconmicrowaver: evince doesn't accept .rars, though, so unrar them first.14:33
BoltClockJack_Sparrow;recon: done, thanks14:33
Jack_SparrowBobDingley no.. that is a different im client for msn.. you will need to run it, set it up etc.. sorry, I dont use msn or amsn so I wont have any further answers14:33
cjohnsonruiboon, nope, only "C:\wubildr.mbr"14:33
idealprodHello everyone, how do I allow the "apache" user to wright on the /tmp directory ,14:34
BobDingleywould you know if i set it up like i did with my account for msn? if so i think i can get through it14:34
erUSULBoltClock: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst search "timeout"14:34
BoltClockerUSUL: ive done it already =/14:35
ruibooncjohnson: what about this file? c:\ubuntu\disks\boot\grub\menu.lst14:35
Jack_Sparrowcjohnson Sorry you are having trouble, I wont use nor recommend wubi so I cant really help you other than pointing you to the wubi faq14:35
reconidealprod: Set the correct permissions for the /tmp directory.14:35
cjohnsonJack_Sparrow, it's not that I want to use wubi, it's just that I'm tyring to figure out why Ubuntu in general is having trouble with my machine14:35
reconidealprod: Do you know permissions, or should I explain it?14:35
Jack_Sparrowcjohnson You are asking wubi specific questions..14:36
carpediemcan I ask a question?14:36
cjohnsonruiboon, the folders are all there, but menu.lst isn't14:36
reconcarpediem: Don't ask to ask, just ask. :-)14:36
carpediemok ok14:36
conrad_today i have no sound in ubuntu 8.04, after my sound worked fine. something is hogging the sound device, and rebooting does not fix it?14:36
carpediemwell, i've got this problem with my sound14:36
carpediemit can only process 1 sound source at A time14:36
cjohnsonJack_Sparrow, right, because wubi was the only way I could even get it to install. the normal installation, and alternate, for 8.04 and 7.10, all fail to load the installer. wubi installed, so that's what I'm using to debug14:36
rampageoberonidealprod: my /tmp/ dir has full read-write-execute access, so sudo chmod 777 /tmp/14:37
carpediemfor example: I can't play openarena and play mp3's at the same time14:37
RabidWeezlecarpediem, did you turn off the esd sound server?14:37
carpediemOr listen to teamspeak while playing music14:37
carpediemwhere can I do that? sound settings?14:37
reconcarpediem: Yeah, you'll need a sound server to deal with that. It's usually set up by default.14:37
RabidWeezleclick system>prefferences>sound14:37
carpediemsound playback = Autodetect14:37
RabidWeezlesecond tab14:37
reconcarpediem: Are you running Gutsy, or...?14:37
carpediem8.04 ;)14:38
RabidWeezleshould see Enable Software sound mixing (ESD)14:38
RabidWeezleit should be checked14:38
carpediemit's enabled14:38
=== Bodsda|COFFEEX2 is now known as Bodsda
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer14:38
conrad_i'm also having a problem with my sound in 8.0414:38
conrad_soemthing is hogging the sound device14:38
RabidWeezlecarpediem, do you have 2 soundcards?14:38
carpediemi'm on a lapto14:38
* osfameron is always amazed that double clicking on a font doesn't do *anything useful at all* on Windows or Gnome14:39
RabidWeezlecarpediem, are you using the front audio jacks or the back?14:39
AoZ-c'est que anglais ici ?14:39
carpediemI only have front ones14:39
recon!french | AoZ-14:39
ubottuAoZ-: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr14:39
ruibooncjohnson: does 'grub error' under  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#head-8823bb81b6e0ecd10006d3d226c1f7e8f6f705b1 helps?14:39
RabidWeezleactually, now since I think about it...14:40
RabidWeezlenevermind the jacks idea14:40
RabidWeezlealright, goto devices tab14:40
RabidWeezleshould all say ALSA14:40
carpediemI had problems before with sound tho14:40
carpediemI had to add LFE for my subwoofer14:40
carpediemok i'll go to devices14:40
onatshow do i quit X?14:40
conrad_today i have no sound in ubuntu 8.04, after my sound worked fine. something is hogging the sound device, and rebooting does not fix it?14:40
onatsi am trying to install my nvidia drivers, but it won't allow me to since there is an xserver instance running14:40
carpediemi'm in the devices tabs now:)14:41
wolsonats: install the nvidia debs from ubuntu14:41
RabidWeezledo they all say alsa?14:41
rhalffa segmentation fault during upgrade, can mean something other then a corrupt filesystem ?14:41
wolsrhalff: yes it can14:41
BobDingleynever mind Jack_Sparrow, thanks for you help though14:41
scunizionats, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop14:41
carpediemshall i put them to alsa?14:41
Bodsda!who | carpediem RabidWeezle14:41
ubottucarpediem RabidWeezle: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:41
scunizionats, wait..14:41
onatswols, which one do i install?14:41
rhalffwols, how can I debug an apt-update ?14:41
cjohnsonruiboon, perfect, that's what I needed to figure out how to edit the grub entry...i think14:41
wols!nvidia | onats14:42
ubottuonats: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:42
cjohnsonruiboon, gonna reboot, thanks for yoru help :D14:42
wolsrhalff: first we need to know what actually happens14:42
scunizionats, ctrl+alt+f2 then log in and then initiate the other command.14:42
ruibooncjohnson: glad that it helps (:14:42
carpediemRabidWeezle:  shall i put them to alsa?14:42
onatsscunizi, thanks!:)14:42
rhalffwols, http://paste.ubuntu.com/19335/14:42
scunizionats, np14:42
conrad_how can i see what is using my sound device, and kill it?14:42
funkjaHow do I make apt stop trying to do the post-installation scripts on a broken package, without removing the package?14:42
YouBuckyHey Guys, Ubuntu hasnt picked up my dual screen, whats the best way to resolve this/14:43
wolsonats: the nvidia installer will break your packagemanagement. we can't help you with problems with it ether14:43
wolsfunkja: edit the postinst script14:43
onatswols, so i must do a apt-get install right?14:43
funkjawols: where would that be located?14:43
conrad_YouBucky: are you using the nvidia driver? i just set mine up last night using nvidia-settings14:43
wolsrhalff: apt is not segfaulting here14:43
rhalffwols, so how can I determine what is.14:43
wols!restricted | onats14:43
ubottuonats: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:44
YouBuckyconrad_: No, ATI (X1300 PRo)14:44
wolsrhalff: the csript for udev is running something that segfaults14:44
rhalffhm ok14:44
idealprodrampageoberon, my tmp permissions are 77714:44
idealprodBut my access is refused14:44
scunizionats, have you already tried the restricted drivers manager? or are you just wanting to get the latest and greatest driver?14:45
rampageoberonwww-data the apache user should be able to write there then idealprod14:45
onatsscunizi, its actually selected in the restricted drivers14:45
conrad_over a minute of lag14:45
conrad_90 second lag14:45
idealprodrampageoberon, but I have an error message14:45
scunizionats, and?14:45
onatsscunizi, but my screen won't load properly. What log files should i be looking at to debug this?14:45
idealprodWarning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/tmp/sess_02b4f67885e225067f200cd2e52c55f5, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in myfile.php on line 2314:45
lejononats xorg.log?14:45
onatsim looking at a 800x600 screen right now14:45
onatslejon, where is that located?14:46
rampageoberonidealprod: maybe chmod 777 /tmp/sess_02b4f67885e225067f200cd2e52c55f5, O_RDWR14:46
conrad_how can i see what is using my sound device, and kill it?14:46
HalphaZI've a friend with ubuntu14:46
lejononats, in /etc/X11 folder14:46
rampageoberonidealprod: maybe chmod 777 /tmp/sess_02b4f67885e225067f200cd2e52c55f514:46
HalphaZit has hardy proposed e backport activated14:46
rampageoberonif it exists idealprod14:46
idealprodrampageoberon, i won't chmod every file that apache want to create...14:46
Skittconrad_: lsof /your/device might help14:46
HalphaZhe tried suspend to disk and suspend to ram14:46
lejon!enter | HalphaZ14:46
ubottuHalphaZ: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:46
idealprodrampageoberon, but that works ! Thank a lot !14:47
rampageoberonidealprod: i know, but incase it is already created and can't edit14:47
lejonHalphaZ, much easier to help then ;)14:47
scunizionats, trying to install another driver won't fix this issue..  in fact.. you might really gum things up..  there were a couple of links given to you earlier by ubottu  .. check those out.14:47
rampageoberonidealprod: np14:47
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:47
scunizi!resolution | onats14:47
HalphaZsuspend to disk works properly only if there is no window opened14:48
ubottuonats: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto14:48
ubottusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/14:48
HalphaZelse otherwise suspend to disk doesn't work at all (computer doesn't shut down)14:48
idealprodNow I have a problem with php 6: It crashes on the first accentuate caracter that it finds on my file...14:48
conrad_Skitt:  lsof /dev/snd returns nothing14:49
HalphaZinstead suspend to ram doesn't work at all14:49
lejonHalphaZ, suspend or hibernate?14:49
idealprodWarning: Illegal or truncated character in input: offset 7, state=0 in myfile.php on line 4914:49
HalphaZcan I help him with your help-'14:49
HalphaZhibernate works only without open windows14:49
HalphaZsuspend doesn't work at all14:49
lejonHalphaZ, It could mean that 1. The swap partition is too small, try to have it to atleast a minimum of the size of ur RAM, preferably like 1,5 of ur RAM14:49
m0u5eis there a way to add friends w/ xchat gnome? :D14:50
lejonHalphaZ, 2. Ur power management doesn't work properlly for ur friend14:50
lejonHalphaZ, Does he even have a swap partition to begin with? :P14:51
HalphaZis has a swap of 2G14:52
HalphaZand his ram is 1G14:52
lejonthen its probably not setup properlly, and how to do that I dunno, maybe try googling it or try the forums14:52
lejonI really haven't gotten it to work on my comp either14:52
anhdhwhois emdash14:52
conrad_how can i see what is using my sound device, and kill it?14:52
jahshuaanyone here using atheros wireless cards with amd64/hardy ?14:53
uubuhas anyone been successful at compiling lpfc drivers for HP emulex fiber card ?14:53
lejonjahshua, me14:53
jahshualejon: can i ask you how you set up yours?14:53
thiebaudeconrad:did you try system monitor-and then processes?14:53
lejonjahshua, I downloaded the latest madwifi driver, compiled that and then installed wicd and told it to use madwifi drivers14:54
jahshuawicd ?14:54
jahshuaokay, did you removed network manager?14:55
lejonYeah, wicd does that when its installed14:55
jahshuaokay cool.14:55
lejongoogle wicd to get to their homepage and madwifis homepage is madwifi.com14:55
pvh_sa|wrkheya... ubuntu 8.04 here... and my mouse scrollwheel is very unresponsive with firefox, thunderbird... haven't tried other apps. sometimes i'm spinning it and nothing happens...14:55
pvh_sa|wrkany ideas?14:55
HalphaZso i can't help my friend14:55
jahshualejon: i am running regular hardy as oppsed to the 64 bit version. will this cause me problems?14:55
rampageoberonwhats the ubottu command for gparted livecd?14:56
conrad_thiebaude: what should i be looking for?14:56
HalphaZbut i thank you fro your attention14:56
lejonjahshua, to be honest I have no idea, but it should work the same way14:56
lejonHalphaZ, Thats why I hang in this chat :P14:56
Picirampageoberon: I dont think there is one.. since the regular ubuntu live cd has gparted...14:56
vyHi! How can I install gnome-desktop-environment to a Ubuntu Linux 8.04 (Server) x64-64 system? apt-get/aptitude install gnome-desktop-environment keeps complaining http://rafb.net/p/ihdnQj81.html14:56
rampageoberonPici: ah okay14:57
FJ_SanchezOne question, what is the lastest kernel avaiable fo rubuntu?14:57
FJ_Sanchez*for ubuntu14:57
rampageoberonPici: thanks :)14:57
lejonI think the .25 kernel is available but its very experimental14:57
PiciFJ_Sanchez:  2.6.24-1914:57
thiebaudeconrad:thats a good question i'am not really sure14:57
Picilejon: its not in our repositories14:57
FJ_SanchezAt least it's stable in kernel.org :p14:57
conrad_how can i see what is using my sound device, and kill it?14:58
FJ_SanchezOk thx14:58
lejonPici, I haven't gotten the .24-19 version yet :P and yeah its not in the repo, but I think there is a backport somewhere I heard of14:58
conrad_i'm sorry, this was wasted my entire day so far, i'm desperate14:58
vyconrad_: lsof|grep /dev/...14:58
lejonconrad_, tried aplay -l?14:58
scuniziconrad_, it you're not getting sound out of a game or something.. try killall pulseaudio14:58
conrad_lejon: aplay: device_list:205: no soundcards found...14:59
Picilejon: Its only in -proposed right now14:59
conrad_lejon: but my sound worked yesterday :/14:59
lejonconrad_, did you change anything or fibble anything with ur sound today?14:59
lejonPici, yeah, the .25 is apparently ibex (8.10)14:59
conrad_lejon: i didn't change anything, it stopped working this morning, ever since then i've been fiddling trying to fix it, yes15:00
Picilejon: not yet.15:01
lejonconrad_, have you checked if you have any of the sound channels muted? like in alsa?15:01
LacrymologyI need help installing a network printer15:01
scuniziLacrymology, what kind15:02
lejonPici ive only heard that .25 is experiemental and apparently belongs to ibex and yeah, its not in our repos yet due to that ^^15:02
cjohnsonWhen I boot up, I get the following error: "USB 2-1 Device not accepted address 2, error -63" and it stops there. I don't get a graphical interface, and I can't get into a command line. What might cause this? The only USB devices plugged in are a mouse and keyboard.15:02
conrad_lejon: i don't know how to check, but right now it seems like i have no soundcard installed15:02
Lacrymologyscunizi: it's an HP, I'll go look at the model if that's useful15:02
KOJVI've just installed Ubuntu to an Asus EEE P701. It says proprietary drivers are used for the Atheros wireless card, but I can't get to connect to my wireless network? And eth0 doesn't exist.15:02
lejonconrad_, hmm, weird15:02
LacrymologyLaserJet 102215:03
adam7I don't think we're ever going to get .25 in Hardy, are we?15:03
lejonKOJV, try the madwifi drivers from madwifi.org, they helped me15:03
lejonadam7 as far as I know we wont15:03
conrad_lejon: i guess i have this problem : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=750997 but the solution they give is to reinsatll15:03
geniiI'm pretty sure the 1022 is a host-based printer15:03
scuniziLacrymology, naw.. that's ok.. HP's are pretty compatible.. you need to read hp's page on linux for correct setup.. ipp or lpt .. but it'll  work15:03
KOJVThanks lejon.15:04
Piciadam7: No. Ubuntu will never do a kernel version bump after release15:04
geniieg: printer equivelent of winmodem15:04
lejonconrad_, it could simply be that the driver aint loaded or was compiled properlly15:04
lejonKOJV, no problem :)15:04
adam7Pici: ok. I wasn't sure if because this was a LTS that would change things15:04
adam7but then, the 2.4 kernel is still supported, so 2.6 should be, I suppose.15:04
scuniziLacrymology, is it actually connected to the network or you want to network it via usb?15:04
conrad_lejon: is that possible, given that everything worked until this morning, and then borked without reason?15:05
reconconrad_: they're computers. anything is possible.15:05
lejonwell, have you run any updates later?15:05
* lejon agress with recon15:05
lejon"To err is human, to really screw it up you need a computer" :P15:05
EMAGEHTAnyone have any Linux Product Keys?15:06
thiebaudelol lejon15:06
reconEMAGEHT: Are you being serious?15:06
adam7Linux Product Keys?15:06
adam7I don't think you'll need any to install Ubuntu.15:06
lejono.O its free mate15:06
reconEMAGEHT: I'm pretty sure no such thing exists.15:06
EMAGEHTIt said I did.15:06
dobWhen I try to start kspread-kde4 in 8.04 Gnome with /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kspread I get "findServiceByDesktopPath: kspreadpart.desktop not found" and "findServiceByDesktopPath: Office/kspread.desktop not found" and it doesn't start. Any ideas?15:06
wyAnybody uses VirtualBox under ubuntu?15:06
lejonwy I have15:06
adam7wy: yep15:06
reconEMAGEHT: On the default Ubuntu installer?15:06
lejonthiebaude, its true ;)15:06
thiebaudeyep it is15:07
lejonEMAGEHT, ive never heard of such a thing15:07
Lynetlejon: “A computer will do what you tell it to do, but that may be much different from what you had in mind”15:07
reconEMAGEHT: Then something is horribly, horribly wrong. Ubuntu does not require a product key.15:07
lejonLynet Amen :P15:07
wyI wonder what package I need to install a XP guest? virtualbox says that I don't have modules15:07
thiebaudelejon:i know that soo well:p15:07
reconEMAGEHT: Try randomly banging the keyboard and see if it accepts the input.15:07
EMAGEHTIt says "Thank you for installing Ubuntu XP 2003, please enter your Product Key".15:07
lejonthiebaude,  I do too :P15:07
scuniziLacrymology, also you should be able to set a static ip address for it ..15:07
WaaQ"sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" doesn't offer the option to select the video driver.. it only configures the keyboard ...15:07
WaaQany idea why ?#15:07
adam7wy: the virtualbox-ose-modules packages are your friends15:08
lejonEMAGEHT, you sure you downloaded the real ubuntu .iso?15:08
FJ_SanchezDo you know any deb package for kernel
KOJVWARNING:  Do not feed the troll!15:08
scuniziWaaQ, because video is handled by xrandr.. try xrandr -s <resolution desired>  like xrandr -s 1280x102415:08
lejonwy as far as I know you gotta have a XP .iso or cd to install a XP guest machine15:08
Casper919any1 know how to remove grub?15:09
JonathanEllisCan anyone recommend a text editor that shows line numbers?15:09
randalli need help with ff2 and java there is no plugin in ff2 to run java how do i get the plugin in ff215:09
lejonCasper919,  why you wanna do that?15:09
FJ_SanchezCasper919: remove grub? Are you sure?15:09
=== TheRulz is now known as RULR
ericvwHow do I go about getting extended desktop'sh type of environment when I plug in an external monitor?15:09
wylejon, It seems that I need to select one. There are many packages with this prefix15:09
Casper919hehe....i dont...getting a new laptop giving old one to sister15:09
wylejon, I have a xp iso15:09
FJ_Sanchezrandall: search for sun-java6-plugin or similar15:09
LzrHas anyone installed a GUI version of Ubuntu on a system with <256mb ram?15:09
WaaQthanks scunizi15:10
pengoJonathanEllis: gedit hsa an option15:10
FJ_SanchezLzr: maybe xubuntu...15:10
scuniziWaaQ, did it work?15:10
adam7Casper919: installing XP will remove grub15:10
=== pen_ is now known as pen
randallFJ_Sanchez: thats installed it says15:10
WaaQdunno. im doing this remotely15:10
WaaQso I dont know15:10
lejonwy I didn't have any problem installing virtualbox by downloading the archive, running ./configure, make, sudo make install and then type virtualbox in terminal to start it15:10
lejonwy and then follow the guide from there15:10
Casper919the problem i have....my laptop has those stupid recovery cds..so its not a real installation15:10
JonathanEllispengo: I cant find an option in gedit to show line numbers15:10
WaaQbut I will wait untill the pcs owner gets back from work15:10
penhow do I make evdev hotplug work for my laptop15:10
scuniziWaaQ, ah...  if resolution is functional then it will work. if there are other issues it won't15:10
LzrFJ_Sanchez: I'll try to find out how to do that then, I'm completely new to this.15:10
pengoJonathanEllis: edit | preferences15:10
trlxhi all! i want to send smtp through gmail from my web server. i found this tutorial: http://behindmyscreen.newsvine.com/_news/2006/12/31/501615-configuringubuntu-postfix-and-gmail-in-101-easy-steps on how to do that with postfix, but was shocked at how complicated it was. is there a simpler way?15:10
JonathanEllispengo: Thanks15:11
FJ_Sanchezrandall: try dpkg --reconfigure sun-java6-plugin15:11
WaaQscunizi: in the xorg.conf thre is no driver listed at all. it issupposed to be sis ...15:11
Casper919there has to be a command to delete the grub....i just want windows15:11
pengoJonathanEllis: i might have turned on the plugin for it (built in).. not sure15:11
Casper919never thought id say that15:11
penhow do I make evdev hotplug work for my vx rev mouse15:11
Chosen320Hey guys... is there some one that can help me out with some newbie apache settings?15:11
glitsj16trlx: ssmtp is what it says, simple smtp if you only need to load it off to gmail15:11
FJ_SanchezCasper919: you can install WindowsXP bootloader15:11
adam7Casper919: you need to reinstall the windows boot loader15:11
lejonCasper919, Just delete/reformat the linux partition?15:11
wylejon: I want to install it using ubuntu packages15:11
scuniziWaaQ, yea.. xorg should at least have the driver listed.. you can change it. then restart gdm15:12
adam7lejon: I don't think that will remove grub15:12
lejonwy I haven't done that, cant help you then :(15:12
lejonadam7 That could be true15:12
FJ_SanchezPlease, can someone give me the URL of lastest kernel image?15:12
trlxglitsj16: but will it work with all the encryption handshake mumbo-jumbo that you have to do when connecting to gmail?15:12
Casper919deleting linux will just give me a grub error15:12
randallFJ_Sanchez: nothing didnt work15:12
WaaQscunizi: I will wait for someone to be ont he pc lol. or I may break it15:12
Casper919been there...done that15:12
adam7wy: for the module problem, do you have virtualbox-ose-modules-generic installed?15:12
Casper919how do i get the windows boot loader?15:13
glitsj16trlx: yes; starttls/ssl, the works, and extremely leightweight as well15:13
FJ_Sanchezrandall: maybe you don't have the correct symbolic links15:13
BilgeWhat's the difference between sudo and su?15:13
scuniziWaaQ, sis if I remember correctly is somewhat problematic..15:13
FJ_SanchezBilge: sudo has nothing to do with su15:13
penBilge, sudo is like run as admin, su -s is like admin15:13
WaaQhow so scunizi  ?15:13
glitsj16trlx: it's not a full blown MTA though, if that's what you need15:13
FJ_Sanchezsu is to log as anothe user15:13
FJ_Sanchezsudo is for controlling permissions15:13
adam7!sudo | Bilge15:14
scuniziWaaQ, let me check.. hang on.15:14
ubottuBilge: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)15:14
penhow do I make evdev hotplug work for my vx rev mouse15:14
Lacrymologyscunizi: no, you don't get the issue15:14
JonathanEllisAnyone know a text editor that will display line numbers AND view a split pane so I can work on one part of the file while looking at another15:14
LynetCasper919: You need to fdisk /mbr. I think the freedos (just google for it) mini boot image (both floppy and cd-iso are available as far as I remember) should do it fine.15:14
BilgeI thought they were both commands for running other commands with alternative privileges15:14
LacrymologyIt's the network at work, the computer is shared through samba, if I'm not wront15:14
Lacrymologyand I don't know how to install it15:14
trlxglitsj16: thanks! i'm going to ask you again when things screw up though :)15:15
Bilge!su | me15:15
ubottume: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)15:15
ericvwJonathanEllis: vim or gvim15:15
JonathanEllisericvw: Thanks15:15
Prettois there anyone here to help me with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BusinessCards ???15:15
glitsj16trlx: lol, deal, i guess i had that coming ;)15:15
scuniziWaaQ, google. sis ubuntu15:15
JonathanEllisEricvw: Whats the difference? Is gvim gnome?15:15
ericvwJonathanEllis: gvim is just a graphical front-end (using gnome).  vim normally runs directly in a terminal environment15:16
Stephmwhowdy, I'm trying to upgrade from gutsy to hardy without using a network connection - but every time I tell the upgrader not to, it keeps failing the upgrade because it couldn't fetch packages from the net... what am I missing?15:16
KOJVAs I stick a memory card into the slot, Ubuntu says Cannot mount volume. Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume. ??15:16
KOJVStephmw, I'm guessing you're missing a network connection.15:17
WaaQxserver-xorg-driver-sis  should I install that?15:17
StephmwKOJV, I'm using the alternate CD that contains a dist upgrader15:17
StephmwKOJV, my understanding is that it should contain all the required packages already15:17
Scott12i have 2 items stuck in my trashbin how do i clear them out?15:18
glitsj16Stephm: are you trying to get the 8.04 from cd-rom recognized as base ? if so, check your "software sources" settings to see that the cd-rom is the only source, might work15:18
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KOJVHow come I can't mount memory cards in my media slot?15:19
KOJVAs I stick a memory card into the slot, Ubuntu says Cannot mount volume. Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume. ??15:19
Stephmwunknown filesystem? are these already formatted?15:19
lejonKOJV, bad drivers or unrecognized drivers?15:19
scuniziLacrymology, that still doesn't tell me if the printer is hooked via ethernet or into a machine via usb or some other way.15:19
penhow do I make evdev hotplug work for my vx rev mouse15:19
Lacrymologyscunizi: ethernet15:20
geniiKOJV: Likely you have some fstab line which is for another removable media and not using UUID15:20
physadairdear all, have you used poptop-pptpd?15:20
KOJVgenii, you lost me at "you have".15:20
RULRviedeo quality on you tube is terrible, how can i fix it15:21
KOJVlejon, okay where could I get drivers for the card reader in an Asus EEE?15:21
marculeshi :)15:21
KOJVRULR, get the video from a p2p thingie, not the tube.15:21
poopuserhi how do i enable 5.1 sound?15:21
lejonKOJV, try asus own site, otherwise try to use lsusb to figure out the manufacturer15:22
c_lispKOJV you just have to mount them15:22
c_lispthey should be in fdisk -l15:22
c_lispsudo fdisk -l15:22
geniiKOJV: eg: Your file which gives hints to the mounting program has an entry for some other drive, the options or filesystem of which is not the same as the one which you are trying to mount.15:22
RULRKOJV: and my movie quality is terrible, like .avi files15:22
scuniziLacrymology, so you'll need to find the ip of the printer.. not sure about hp but samsung has a self discovery tool for their ethernet printers.. hp might have something like that too. otherwise you'll have to manually configure it. samba isn't neccessary is this case..15:22
KOJVc_lisp, as I stick a memory card into the slot, Ubuntu says Cannot mount volume. Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume. ??15:22
c_lispRULR did you install your graphics driver for your card?15:22
neil_dhi I have a small python script as a basic webserver, if I tell it to connect to localhost:9000 it does :)  but if I tell it to connect to localhost:80 is doesn't :(   failing with a "Permission denied".  "netstat --tcp --all" says nothing is listening on port 80.  how can I find out what wrong ?15:23
RULRc_lisp: yea ten minutes ago, the newest one15:23
mamefanWhat is the difference between the packages nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-envy (or more generally what are the *-envy packages)15:23
glitsj16poopuser: it's not something you can tick in a box, but thi smight be helpfull --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=445113215:23
scunizineil_d, many isp's block port 8015:23
Lacrymologyscunizi: once again, I ask.. how do I do this? I can't find any "install printers" or similar anywhere15:23
lejonmamefan, envy is a open source driver(installation tool?)15:24
scuniziLacrymology, open firefox and go to localhost:63115:24
KOJVlejon, I'm running lsusb, it says "Bus 004: eMPIA Technology Inc." and "Bus 003: Kingston Technology".15:24
neil_dscunizi: this isn't going via an IP its local on my private net.15:24
lejonKOJV, is it the memory card reader or the usb that cant mount?15:24
KOJVgenii, still don't get it.15:24
scunizineil_d, ah.. ok.. in that case .. I don't know.15:25
tasiI am going to type out my question in full and hope for a response, but everybody just seems to be asking questions and getting to answers which is understandable. Okay so I have an external drive with a folder in it that I have successfully share used net usershare add, I can connect to it from other machines, but I have to use the username and password of a user on this machine, instead of the samba username and password I set up using sm15:25
KOJVRULR, oh you mean video quality is bad overall in your Ubuntu system? Perhaps you need proprietary drivers for your graphics card then.15:25
glitsj16mamefan: envy packages have the extra capability of building the legacy driver for you if it checks out your card isn't supported by the new xfree86 ones15:25
KOJVlejon, memory card.15:25
scunizimamefan, if you have to use envy use the envyng package in synaptic..15:26
lejonKOJV, well then you should tro lspci instead and see what manufacturer ur memory reader controller have15:26
c_lispKOJV sometimes that happen if you use differnt cards15:26
c_lispyou can force moutn it sorry for the long reply im at work15:27
neil_dscunizi: it seems that only root can access the 'low' ports.15:27
c_lispit should give you the command to force mount it in the error message15:27
reconthat was random.15:27
Lacrymologyscunizi: great. Now I need the IP15:27
geniiKOJV: Perhaps earlier you had some removable drive, for instance say an ntfs usb thing. Then you made an entry for it in the fstab file which says it's ntfs and so on and it's name is /dev/sdb1 . But then you unplug it and another day put an external drive which might be for instance ext3 filesystem. The computer still thinks it should try to use ntfs to understand the drive.15:27
* genii looks for his Advils15:27
Rioting_pacifistis it ok to talk about flash here without getting mobed by open source zelots15:27
RULRKOJV: i have proper one, and acceleration is turned on. all is set. i dont know what to do next, that is why i ask for help15:27
scunizineil_d, maybe because it's internal to the lan.. strange.15:28
Jack_SparrowKOJV Most of those card readers seem to be propietary and a pain to find any info to get them going. The cheap dirty soultion is $5 external usb reader15:28
KOJVlejon, all stuff are Intel 82801FB (ICH6).15:28
stodanhi, does ubuntu have verdana font? i am making design and fonts dont match :/ on windows it works good15:28
KOJVc_lisp, it doesn't.15:28
Jack_SparrowRioting_pacifist NOt if you cant tone down your retoric15:28
babodo you have to restart the server after changing the hostname ? I've changed my /etc/hosts file but hostname still gives me the old name ...15:28
scuniziLacrymology, check out another machine if  you can that can print to that printer.15:28
lejonKOJV Well try and see if intel has some drivers for it, afaik intel is rather good at linux drivers15:28
KOJVgenii, okay. How do I remove the old entry?15:28
Gat0rveanis there any fix to the Dell BIOS revision A08 for a live cd?15:28
lejonKOJV, I have no idea how to fix it otherwise, seeing as my memory card reader worked out of the box15:29
KOJVlejon, okay.15:29
KOJVlejon, thanks!15:29
Jack_SparrowKOJV If you manage to get it working, please let me kow what you did so I can pass it on to others15:29
lejonkojv no problem, sorry that I really couldn't help :P15:30
Rioting_pacifistJack_Sparrow: sorry just had major troubling getting help over in #kubuntu, basically flash full screen worked fine under gutsy with kwin (not with compiz) under hardy it tears alot (both with kwin & compiz) im on an ATI system using accelerated drivers if its relevant15:30
KOJVJack_Sparrow, okay. As it looks now I'll just use my USB hard drive instead to transfer the wifi drivers.15:30
geniiKOJV: To find out the device name of the external drive, unplug it, then wait 20-30 secs, plug it back in. Then do: dmesg|tail  and see in the last few lines which drive assignment it has (like sdb1 sdc3 or so on like that.) Then you look in the file /etc/fstab for a line with that device name and put a # at the start of that line.15:31
Lacrymologyscunizi: ok, mistake, or maybe not, I don't know. The printer's connected to it's host machine via USB, which is connected to mine via an ethernet network..15:31
Jack_SparrowRioting_pacifist Ati are a pain and there have been lots of issues with tearing of video.. It is all in how the drivers get setup15:31
sharpe_ukhas had nothing but problems with versions of flash 9 after r4815:31
sharpe_ukin fact I still use 9r48 even though it has a known critical exploit15:31
legend2440stodan: in terminal type    locate verdana     if its not showing up try      sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts     to install it15:31
rich16870Can anyone tell me if there is a downloadable version of Ubuntu Live that I can install on a flash memory stick?15:31
Rioting_pacifistsharpe_uk: can 9r48 support fullscreen? i cant get it unwindows15:32
cjohnsonWhen I boot up, I get the following error: "USB 2-1 Device not accepted address 2, error -63" and it stops there. I don't get a graphical interface, and I can't get into a command line. What might cause this? The only USB devices plugged in are a mouse and keyboard.15:32
Jack_SparrowRioting_pacifist If you turn off compiz does the tearing go away15:32
stodanlegend2440, alredy done that15:32
Rioting_pacifistit did in 7.10 but in 8.04 its the same with without15:32
scuniziLacrymology, ok.. now you're back to samba.. but if it's shared on that machine you might be able to locate it via system/Admin/Printing and searching for it after clicking "add printer"15:32
mohamedhow to make quictime play in ubuntu15:32
randalli installed java thru synaptic and the plugin and still not working with ff215:32
mohamedquicktime to play in ubuntu15:32
glitsj16sharpe_uk: you might want to check the 10 beta in that case http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=492890015:33
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:33
aviswhen i select a .iso file for burning in ubuntu hardy and select "maximum possible speed" does it try and burn as fast as the burner can regardless of media, or does it select a speed based on the firmware suggestion for the media inserted ?15:33
randalli installed java thru synaptic and the plugin and still not working with ff215:34
sharpe_ukdrive limits the speed15:34
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marius__hi, i use the bow playing screenlet, i use fix position but after a restart its on a wrong position, what can i do15:34
emorrisrich16870: no, but have a look at this: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2008/05/08/usb-ubuntu-804-persistent-install-tutorial/ if in windows http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2008/05/15/usb-ubuntu-804-persistent-install-from-linux/ if in linux15:34
avissharpe_uk, based on media it will select speed ?  is that what you are saying ?15:34
lejonavis, It uses the fastest speed it deems possible, and thats usually the burners fastest15:34
QuintinJalathan: Impossible, not hard.15:35
sharpe_uk>avis, yes15:35
Rioting_pacifistJack_Sparrow: ive added DRI to xorg.conf, not entirly sure why but i thought it might help, but lsmod doesnt show any dri modules15:35
sharpe_uk>avis, the drive determines the media speed and will only burn at that so the software setting is a bit of a moot point (unless you want to underspeed it)15:35
tmapjcan anyone show me how to run this tar.gz file?15:36
tasiYou don't run those, you unpack them15:36
Jack_SparrowRioting_pacifist /join #compiz ... they know alot about the ati cards15:36
tmapjwell i unpacked them, now what?15:36
adam7tmapj: are you trying to install a program?15:36
Rioting_pacifistok thx15:36
tasiAnd if you don't know how to unpack one I must say you probably don't know how to compile the stuff inside15:36
Jack_Sparrowtmapj If it is a theme it just gets dragged and dropped onto the theme manager etc. but for the most part, you unpack manually15:37
tasiYes, that program are you trying to install, it will probably be better to apt-get install it15:37
randalli installed java thru synaptic and the plugin and still not working with ff215:37
VletHow can one create a file with the current date in its name? Like: touch test-%d.txt15:37
Jack_SparrowVlet Ill post an example in a sec15:37
Lacrymologyscunizi: ok, the thing was I don't have gnome, I run xfce, and I couldn't find it. man -k printers was the solution. I'll go bang my head against the wall for not calling on man before15:37
tmapjim trying to install the package at the bottom of this page: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_173.14.05.html15:37
nickrudrandall try  sudo update-alternatives --config xulrunner-1.9-flashplugin.so15:38
Jack_SparrowVlet cp /boot/grub/menu.lst ~/Desktop/menu.lst.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T)15:38
scuniziLacrymology, glad you got it.. :)15:38
Riottado you think it's worth switching to 64 bit version of ubuntu, for everyday use, even if I got less than 4GB, by everyday use I mean that I'm not using any other OS only Linux for everything. Is there any cons I should be aware except flash and java ?15:38
adam7tmapj: you shouldn't need to install the nvidia drivers from there -- the ones that come with ubuntu should do15:38
VletJack_Sparrow: you're a sweetie! :)15:38
Jack_Sparrownickrud Morning15:38
mohamedhow to play quicktime in ubuntu15:38
Jack_SparrowVlet Not exactly what you wanted but close enough to get you there15:39
nickrudgood morning Jack_Sparrow . Lots of join spammers recently15:39
randallnickrud: says no alternatives15:39
tmapjadam7 but they dont thats why im trying to install those15:39
VletJack_Sparrow: yep15:39
StephmwRiotta, media codecs? if you use the win32 codecs with mplayer I don't think you'll be able to use them under 64bit15:39
scuniziRiotta, no.. most apps are 32 bit.. so sooner than later you'll need to struggle with trying to get those 32bit apps working in a 64 bit environment.15:39
nickrudrandall you installed sun-java6-plugin ?15:39
KOJVgenii, thanks!15:39
avisi've installed the firefox-2 package to hardy however when i click on that icon, it launches firefox 3.0.  how to fix ?15:39
randallnickrud: yes15:39
adam7tmapj: ok, then you probably want a tutorial on how to install them. the tar.gz is going to be a lot harder15:39
VletJack_Sparrow: for mysql dumps, it's perfect :)15:39
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:39
nickrudrandall arg. I'm still trying to track down all the changes in java15:39
Jack_SparrowVlet Obvioulsy you can see why I made those up15:40
tmapjok how do i install a tar.gz file?15:40
LeviaI have a problem with the interface of 8.04..some windows still show old interface..like old windows interface - it's horrible.15:40
KOJVlejon, how did you get the madwifi drivers to install? Make won't work, I just get errors.15:40
icqnumberrandall, what exacly have you installed? what package names?, type in ff2 about:plugins to see what plugins are loaded, do you have some openjdk and open source java plugins installed?15:40
scunizirandall.. just curious.. you in So. Cal?15:40
jayson_Where can I find glade-3 debugging symbols ?15:40
randallnickrud: ok15:40
KOJVtmapj, double click.15:40
Rioting_pacifistadam7: either change the link in /usr/bin/firefox or the launcher15:40
lejonKOJV have you installed "build-essential" first? that is reguired to compile :P15:40
randallnickrud: no indiana15:40
randallicqnumber: i have sun java 6 installed and the plugins15:40
RULRmy fglrx driver is blocking xv by default. how to enable xv, i really want to watch movies on linux15:40
tmapjtheres a bunch of files now, and none of them are executable15:40
adam7Rioting_pacifist: sorry?15:40
tmapjKOVJ theres a bunch of files now, and none of them are executable15:41
randallbut ff2 aint recognizing them and about:plugins shows the flash plugin and thats it15:41
=== x-spec-t is now known as Spec
icqnumberrandall, what plugins?, type about:plugins in ff215:41
Rioting_pacifistavis: either change the link in /usr/bin/firefox or the launcher15:41
scunizi!multimedia | RULR15:41
ubottuRULR: Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications15:41
Rioting_pacifistadam7: my bad wrong a15:41
adam7Rioting_pacifist: no problem :)15:41
chmhdhow to join the cn IRC?15:41
neil_dcan you get non root access to the IP port 80 ?15:41
tasiWhere are all the Samba users and passwords I have created with smbpasswd stored15:41
randallicqnumber: flash and future splash15:41
avisRioting_pacifist, the thing is "firefox-2" from console launches firefox 3.0.  not sure how to approach this15:41
tasiBecause I need to delete all of them because I did it wrong15:42
RabidWeezlechmhd, cn?15:42
chmhdI am a chinese15:42
icqnumberrandall, only one plugin is loaded in ff2?15:42
adam7!envy | tmapj15:42
ubottutmapj: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package.15:42
KrazyKarli got on join spam from brandon_fuerte15:42
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:42
Rioting_pacifistavis is firefox running?15:42
randalljava not there15:42
Gat0rveanhow can I launch a live CD and add the i8042.nomux=1 at the end of the kernel line?15:42
avisfirefox and firefox-2 from console launches the same firefox 3.0 from hardy.15:42
adam7tmapj: envy can install the latest driver for you15:42
avisyes it is Rioting_pacifist firefox 3.0 though i'd like to be able to open both at the same time15:42
RabidWeezlesay type in /join #ubuntu-cn15:42
LeviaI have a problem with the interface of 8.04..some windows still show old interface..like old windows interface - it's horrible.15:42
adam7it'll save you some time trying to figure out where those executable files went ;)15:42
JediMasterhey guys, can anyone recommend a good advanced routing HOWTO, everything I can find is between 5 and 7 years old15:43
glitsj16RURL: on nvidia card ? if so, try adding 'Option "XVideo" "Enable"' to the Extensions section in your xorg.conf15:43
RabidWeezleJediMaster, what are you trying to route?15:43
scuniziadam7, tmapj if you use envy use envyng from synaptic.. otherwise you risk breaking your system15:43
adam7JediMaster: if you don't mind a different distro, I think the arch wiki has a fairly good one15:43
randallicqnumber: i cant play games or anything that needs java in ff215:43
adam7scunizi: yeah, sorry, that's what I meant15:43
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package.15:43
oldenglishanyone know if there is some way to group data rows in OO.o calc so that when you sort a column it maintains the original grouping in the rows?15:43
KOJVlejon, okay, apt-get or included with madwifi?15:44
JediMasterRabidWeezle: looking specifically at traffic shaping, QoS, vlans etc. (802.1q and 802.1p stuff IIRC)15:44
lejonKOJV apt-get15:44
Rioting_pacifistavis: nope afraid unless you use the --no-remote tag you cant do that15:44
KOJVtmapj, then you got hackershajt. You need to compile, like I do. Build-essential something and then make.15:44
KOJVlejon, thanks!15:44
lejonKOJV no problem :P15:44
KOJVtmapj, just follow my lead. sudo apt-get build-essential15:44
KOJVtmapj, then open the unpacked folder in a terminal and "make"15:45
adam7KOJV: wouldn't it just be easier to use envyng to instlal the new drivers?15:45
KOJVadam7, what's envyng? Does it require a network connection?15:45
adam7KOJV: I don't know15:45
adam7!envy > KOJV15:45
randallicqnumber: do you know how for me to fix that so java will work15:45
lejonadam7 envyng is for graphical drivers, madwifi is a wifi card driver mainly for atheros15:45
scuniziKOJV, adam7 it requires network connection .. you get it from the repos.15:46
KOJVlejon, btw how am I to apt-get anything without a network?15:46
LeviaI have a problem with the interface of 8.04..some windows still show old interface..like old windows interface - it's horrible.15:46
tmapjkojv, sudo apt-get build-essential didnt work15:46
mystery_Hello All15:46
lejonKOJV you cant15:46
adam7I think we are talking about two different things here15:46
lee__hi guys, i was wondering does anyone knew of any command line only install resources available online? my last efforts of getting a cli hardy setup going failed. i never had a problem in gutsy but it seems lots of stuff has changed.15:46
KOJVlejon, can't I get build-essential manually from my Win machine?15:46
lejonKOJV unless you use ur cd as a source and hope that build-essential is there15:46
tmapjadam envy didnt work for me either15:46
Gat0rveanhow can I launch a live CD and add the i8042.nomux=1 at the end of the kernel line?15:46
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:46
lejonKOJV I dunno, maybe you could find it as a .deb or something15:46
scunizilee__, not sure what you're asking..15:46
tmapjadam7 envy didnt work for me either15:47
adam7tmapj: if envy and the drivers from the repo aren't working, you probably have a configuration error...15:47
osx5has anyone here used CYGWIN?15:47
jeedscunizi, he wants ubuntu without a GUI15:47
mystery_Quick Question: My computer occaisionally goes gray and slows down while im working. Can anyone tell me why that happens and how i can stop it. Im very new to Ubuntu.15:47
=== Veinor is now known as Veinor|away
LeviaI have a problem with the interface of 8.04..some windows still show old interface..like old windows interface - it's horrible. I use Darklooks theme. can anyone help me resolve this issue please?15:47
jayson_How to debug glade-3 in Hardy? I cannot found the dbg package.15:47
scunizijeed, thanks.. lee__ install server then add what you want.15:47
adam7Levia: that's probably gtk 1.215:47
glitsj16KOJV: that might work yes, drop it in /var/cache/apt/archives , taht way pat will see it and not make a network connection15:47
KOJVlejon, okay, thanks.15:47
tmapjadam7 can you pls just tell me how to open a tar.gz file like i asked in the first place15:47
osx5I Don't think you can run ubuntu with X off?15:47
Leviaadam7: what do I do about it15:47
lejonKOJV no problem15:48
KOJVglitsj16, thanks!15:48
lejonKOJV,  try to google it15:48
adam7Levia: you'll either need to switch applications or find a nice gtk 1.2 theme15:48
babolatmystery_: when a window "darkens" that means that the program has denied you access probably because it's working on somethin or it's hanging15:48
adam7tmapj: tar -xf nameof.tar.gz15:48
hwildeLevia, adam7 there is a package called gtk-theme-switch15:48
KOJVlejon, yes found it too.15:48
scuniziosx5, that's what server is ... little different kernel but no gui .. no x15:48
lejonKOJV,  ^^great15:48
Leviaadam7: are you saying the theme I'm using is too new for the GTK version I'm using or too old?15:48
adam7Levia: the theme is too new15:48
tmapjadam7 after i do that i have a bunch of files, none of which are executable. what do i do with them?15:48
osx5why would anyone want to run ubuntu server when you could run slackware though with X off?15:48
lusiusanyone know a cpp library to import .xm and .mod files ? 0.015:49
osx5kind of defeats the purpose of ubuntu then15:49
amenadoGat0rvean-> during boot, if you press escape and then e to edit the line where the kernel line is, then edit and then b to boot?15:49
lejontmapj, to untar a tar.gz file you cd to the directory and use tar [options] to untar it15:49
Leviaadam7: does that mean ubuntu's repo's have a older version of gtk as standard version?15:49
lee__scunizi: it doesn't seem to work on hardy. i never had a problem rolling my own ubuntu in gutsy. i get all kind of xorg errors now.15:49
adam7tmapj: No idea. I've never installed the nvidia driver that way15:49
jeedosx5, +1 ubuntu without a GUI is just debian15:49
RiottaStephmw: win32codecs aint working on 64bit ubuntu ?15:49
adam7Levia: nope, it should have the newest version, or very close to it15:49
lee__scunizi: i don't install server, i do a cli install from the alt desktop iso15:49
Leviaadam7: so how come it doesn't work then?15:49
adam7Levia: some applications are older though15:49
mystery_thank Babolat15:49
Gat0rveanamenado, thankyou15:49
mystery_is there anything i can do to prevent that from happening15:50
LzrJQ, still avoiding Jersey huh? :D15:50
scunizilee__, ah.. k.. sorry can't guide you any further.. it's at the edge of my experience.15:50
rich16870emorris: Thanks, I think I can do what I need form one of those sites.15:50
jamescowiedoes anyone know how to remove emacs 22 gui from ubuntu15:50
babolatmystery_: could you shoot me with your hardware specs and which version of Ubuntu you have?15:50
jamescowiei just want the command line15:50
randallicqnumber: do you know how for me to fix that so java will work15:50
adam7jamescowie: get the alt. install cd, and do a server install15:50
Leviaadam7: the application I am talking about are administrative applications..Like login window, updater, synaptic, etcetrea15:50
lee__scunizi: no problem, i just cant seem to find any online information about doing cli's15:50
adam7jamescowie: sorry, that would be the server cd15:51
adam7Levia: ah, sorry15:51
geniiadam7: He just wants non-gui emacs15:51
c_lisprandall wahts wrong with your java?15:51
mystery_babolat: sure. is there a code i can type to get all the specs of my machine15:51
Pitelhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/pitel/2569870907/ any idea how to fix thuis bug with hardy and Chrome gfx card?15:52
amenadolee__-> what are you trying to install?15:52
adam7Levia: the problem there is the adminstration applications are run by root, which has a different theme (sometimes it gets screwed up, I don't know why) at any rate, the fix is to sudo ln /root/.theme ~/.theme and sudo ln /root/.icons ~/.icons (assuming you only have one user account)15:52
babolatno, mystery_ i just meant to know CPU speed, RAM amount, video card acceleration. and what ubuntu version you have15:52
nixternalI am running KDE and utilizing Evolution for my mail client. An issue I see with it is that the message pane fonts are goofy. Who the email is from is fine, but the subject of the mail is so darn big it doesn't even fit in the space, anyone have ideas on how to fix this besides the obvious ones that have yet to work15:52
adam7babolat: there is a program called hardinfo that can do that. you'll have to install it though15:52
StephmwRiotta, I'm not saying they don't - just that win32 implies they're 32bit codecs15:52
lee__amenado: hardy cli15:53
zackfs14can someone remind me what that package name is for the extended gnome display manager?15:53
randallc_lisp: it wont load in ff2 at all and everything is installed15:53
randallc_lisp: cant play games or anything that needs it15:53
babolatadam7: for those very basic info an install would be too much a bother15:53
=== Bodsda is now known as Bodsda|afk
actarussorry, after the lasts update, x-server not run on my box, i have a nvidia 8500gt, with nvdia-glx-new installed, in the upgrade list there is a "nvidia-glx-new". Now i restored my sistem from a backup file15:53
Jack_Sparrowzackfs14 twinview or xinerama or cinerella15:53
rouinihow can i configure Firefox 315:53
amenadolee__-> I dont follow, once you install hardy, you will have access to a command line of bash or whatever shell you specify15:53
Leviaadam7: /root/.theme does not exist15:54
Leviaadam7: can I also just login to root and change the theme there15:54
actaruscan i make the upgrade without nvidia-glx-new?15:54
Leviaand then swithc back15:54
lee__amenado: i don't install the full distro. i do a command line only install and add the packages i want.15:54
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:54
mystery_oh ok cool im running Hardy, 1 gb ram, core duo processor at 1.6 ghz15:55
adam7babolat: ok - try this: cat /proc/cpuinfo; free m; glxinfo | grep direct; cat /etc/issue15:55
glitsj16rouini: like in all firefox versions, the user.js file in your profile dir, userChrome.css, userContent.css .. what do you want to achieve ?15:55
c_lisprandall install sun java 615:55
amenadolee__-> look into debootstrap, am not sure if 8.04 has it yet, last I check it only has one for gutsy,15:55
geniijamescowie: I think you want the package emacs22-nox15:55
randallc_lisp: i did15:55
babolatmystery_: you should be doing fine then15:55
adam7Levia: you can, if you can log into root.15:55
babolatmystery_: how often does it happen?15:55
mystery_and i have an ATI radeon xpress 200M grahics card15:55
adam7babolat: sorry, that should be free -m, not free m15:56
mystery_its been happening more often while  using firefox 315:56
Leviaadam7: it seems to have some problems though. complaining about gdm not running, etcetera. thanks anyway, I know what to do now15:56
c_lispand you don't have any other javas installed right?15:56
adam7Levia: ok, good luck :)15:56
c_lisptry to reinstall it15:56
randallc_lisp: i did that to lol15:56
mystery_like more than 3-4 times a day i guess15:56
rouiniwhat is new for Ubuntu 8.04 comparing with 7.1015:57
c_lispI haven't had a problem wiht java check in synaptics and see if you got all the java 6 packages you need15:57
adam7randall: are you using 32bit or 64bit?15:57
babolatmystery_: does this happen in Firefox only, or generally other programs that you run?15:57
randalladam7: 3215:57
c_lispI think there is 2 things you have to install15:57
adam7randall: ok15:57
glitsj16randall: browses to sun's website yet after removing all java plugins and let it pick one up from there ?15:57
randallglitsj16: i have tried that to15:57
amenadolee__-> so are you using debootstrap?15:58
lee__amenado: how is debootstrap going to help me?15:58
charlesDoesn anybody know ho to get hypercam for ubuntu 7.10?15:58
=== charles is now known as snoopcat
glitsj16randall: a long shot, tried a new profile yet ?15:58
adam7mystery_: does just firefox go gray, or does the whole screen go gray? and do you have the desktop effects turned on?15:58
amenadolee__-> it helps quite a bit, do you realized its the official installer for ubuntu?15:58
Jack_Sparrowsnoopcat is hypercam a program or a model of webcam15:58
randalladam7: everything is installed15:58
LzrInstalling Ubuntu for the first time is pretty daunting. Tested it out on my main system with the non-install feature and it was mostly functional. Tried it on my other PC and it freezes on the desktop. This is going to be a long few days...15:58
randallglitsj16: no i dont know how to do that15:59
rouiniwhat is new for Ubuntu 8.0415:59
lee__amenado: i can install a hardy cli just fine. it's getting x up and running which is the problem. my initial question was if there were any online resources (wiki/forum topics) on rolling your own ubuntu from a cli install.15:59
adam7!hardy | rouini15:59
ubotturouini: Hardy Heron is the codename for the current release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) You can get it now from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu but please use !torrents15:59
rampageoberonJack_Sparrow: i just noticed the !gparted command needs some updating, would you be able to do it?15:59
Leviaadam7: that didn't work.15:59
glitsj16randall: firefox -Profilemanager as start command will get you into that15:59
adam7Levia: sorry, what is "that"? ;)15:59
babolatmystery_: Firefox3 Beta5 has been known to go dark too often than it should. I recommend installing flashplugin-nonfree from Synaptic (if it's not yet installed) and the Java runtime environment. If this still doesn't work, try a separate installation of Firefox 2.15:59
Jack_Sparrowrampageoberon type out the changes for me like this   !gparted is  blah blah16:00
rouiniadamin7:yes hardy16:00
Leviaadam7: setting the theme when logged into root account, then switching back to my user16:00
adam7Levia: ah16:00
mystery_ok good16:00
mystery_and my other apps go gray too but not nearly as often16:00
amenadolee__-> you want to customize your own? seek in google for remaster ubuntu cd.. regarding X thats a separate issue to discuss16:00
adam7Levia: symlinking your theme directory and the root theme directory should work, though16:00
lordnpsHi there... I've recently installed ubuntu 8.04, I'm not a linux noob, but I used gentoo previously. My problem is that hardware graphics accelaration doesn't seam to work very well. I'm running on a dell laptop, Intel 950 GMA graphics adapter, and compiz just is so slow that's unbearable, and scrolling in pages is slow too, with noticeble redraws... any help?16:00
adam7mystery_: that probably means the apps are either working or frozen16:00
ubottuInterested in remastering the !Ubuntu !LiveCD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use Tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility16:00
rampageoberonJack_Sparrow:  !gparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php16:01
Leviaadam7: oh, the directory16:01
mystery_hmmm... do i need more ram or something and yes i am running compiz luv the effect just got them working right16:01
amenadolee__-> there Jack_Sparrow is nice  enuff to have the link ready for you16:01
snoopcatSo, how do I get hypercam for ubuntu 7.10?16:01
Leviaadam7: I thought the file. did the symlink now16:01
=== Bodsda|afk is now known as Bodsda
rampageoberonJack_Sparrow: just the link for the live cd which needs modification16:01
adam7Levia: sorry -- does that help?16:02
Leviaadam7: ln -s /root/.themes/ ~/.themes/ is what I did16:02
adam7Levia: yeah, that should do it16:02
=== tobias_ is now known as tobias
adam7Levia: you might have to symlink ~/.icons too16:02
Blackdoggthere's a onjoin spambot here...16:02
Leviaadam7: okay. for if the icons have changed, i suppose16:02
randallglitsj16: im gonna just put ff3 back on cause java does work in it but at times very crappy16:02
elmerI request a ban or kick on Dave_and_Damo. He just sent me a message about buying a bra. Seriously. I can screenshot if need be.16:03
=== jamescowie is now known as jamesacowie
Blackdoggthis question is not really ubuntu related but... how can I see if im able to install a 64bit os?16:03
osx5I second that notion of banning!16:03
lee__amenado: i don't want to remaster ubuntu...16:03
c_lispwhere can I get a girlfriend that uses ubuntu?16:03
jamesacowieto install 64 bit you need a processor capable of it16:03
jeedBlackdogg, your prosessor16:03
kitchewhy don't you guys go to the #ubuntu-op channel and complain instead of filling this channel up with more lines?16:03
wolsBlackdogg: cat /proc/cpuinfo   the cpuflags lm16:03
glitsj16randall: that's another option yes, the rc2 is in hardy-proposed and seems to be going nicely, goodluck16:03
Blackdogg fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov16:03
lordnpsHi there... I've recently installed ubuntu 8.04, I'm not a linux noob, but I used gentoo previously. My problem is that hardware graphics accelaration doesn't seam to work very well. I'm running on a dell laptop, Intel 950 GMA graphics adapter, and compiz just is so slow that's unbearable, and scrolling in pages is slow too, with noticeble redraws... any help? (aditional info glxinfo :direct rendering: NO , OpenGL render string: Mesa GLX In16:04
elmerSorry kitche I didn't even know that channel existed16:04
randallglitsj16: ty16:04
compubombdoes anyone in here have an EMU 0404 usb 2.0 sound card ?16:04
jamesacowiewhat version of ubuntu are you all using16:04
wolsBlackdogg: yes that, no 64bit for you16:04
wols!anyone | compubomb16:04
ubottucompubomb: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:04
rampageoberonhmm, tuxfamily.org unreachable for anyone else?16:04
glitsj16c_lisp: apt-get install girlfriend .. but there might be unresolvable dependencies16:04
wolslordnps: you currently have no 3d acceleration then16:04
Blackdoggwols what is the clflush size on cpuinfo?16:04
snoopcatHow do I get hypercam2 for ubuntu 7.1016:05
zackfs14Jack_Sparrow: hey my pigin install just crapped out right as i was reading your response!  I caught twinview but were the other two display managers? Thanks for your help!16:05
lordnpswols: yap16:05
compubombubottu: *chuckles* I need to talk with someone with experience getting their EMU 0404 usb 2.0 sound card functioning beyond crashing.16:05
ubottucompubomb: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:05
wolsBlackdogg: what is clflush?16:05
Stephmwlordnps, that sounds like it's not truly hardware accelerated16:05
Blackdoggclflush size    : 6416:05
amenadolee__-> its the concept of it of how to customize a complete usable system, not necessarily you have to use same or all packages..16:05
=== KrazyKarl is now known as Carlos_And_Sidne
christozhello I'm using iiyamma crt 17 inches monitor,this one can handle 85 hz refresh rate with no problem ,but ubuntu gives upper chois 66 hz max ,please help me out to solve this problem cause my eyes can' stand this nightmare :p16:05
=== Carlos_And_Sidne is now known as KrazyKarl
wolsBlackdogg: cache line possibly16:05
Blackdoggow wait, i didnt gave you all flags16:05
lordnpswols: well in sabayon (my last distr) it worked perfectly, and I had ubuntu before (7.something) and it worked fine too.16:05
Blackdoggthere were 2 lines16:05
RabidWeezlechristoz, are you running hardy heron?16:06
Blackdogg fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe lm constant_tsc pebs bts sync_rdtsc pni monitor ds_cpl est cid cx16 xtpr lahf_lm16:06
snoopcatHow do I get hypercam2 for ubuntu 7.10? Somebody help!16:06
Leviaadam7: okay, all in all - it still doesn't work :( Also, whenever I log into to my user account, it's set bck to the old theme.16:06
Jack_Sparrowzackfs14 twinview or xinerama or cinerella16:06
Leviaadam7: maybe I should mention I upgraded from 7.116:06
lordnpswols: Any know issue with my graphics adapter?16:07
scunizi!pastebin | Blackdogg  <If the copy/paste's get any longer you'll want to use pastebin>16:07
wolslordnps: yes, it sucks. but if it worked before it can work again16:07
Blackdoggwols check my flags again16:07
Jack_Sparrow!gparted > rampageoberon16:07
rampageoberonJack_Sparrow: thanks :-)16:08
Jack_Sparrownp and I learned how to do it on my own in the future16:09
[T]ankanyone here familiar with btsco?16:10
rampageoberoncool :)16:10
Leviaadam7: I think I'm going to do a clean install then. I messed with some things so I guess the clean 8.04 install should show some better results. thanks16:10
lordnpsno useful help this, time... last time you solved my problem fastly... I'll come back when this is less busy. Thanks anyways16:11
=== leonel_ is now known as leonel
MOzartstaedtershort question, is xampp not available for ubuntu???16:11
roadrunner-09anyone get festival-pidgin plugin to work?16:12
elmerMOzartstaedter, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22341016:12
MOzartstaedterthx elmer =)16:12
[T]ankis thre a bluetooth linux irc channel?16:12
elmerNo problem MOzartstaedter16:12
MOzartstaedterelmer: could xampp be a security-problem for ubuntu???16:13
elmerMOzartstaedter, that I don't know. I've personally never tried it out, I just googled that guide up real quick-like for you.16:14
glitch942003Mac OS X mega-patch plugs 41 security holes :-D:-D16:14
joaopintoMOzartstaedter, what is the advantage of using xampp instead of the regular ubuntu packages ?16:15
joshualrunning ubuntustudio hardy, trying to get jack running right, problem im getting is xrun's no matter what I set: Frames/Period to16:15
antoim having problems having two systems at the same time using the audio system o.0?16:16
MOzartstaedterelmer: ahh ok thx a lot ;D  joaopinto: hm im using xampp for about 2-3 years I think and i like it =) what would be another possibility with ubuntu???16:16
antoMOzartstaedter, O.0 you got like 100 screws lose xampp sucks :P16:16
antoMOzartstaedter, LAMP is the shit :D16:16
joaopintoMOzartstaedter, just use the regular ubuntu packages, for apache, mysql, php...16:16
stemount^!language | an16:16
ubottuan: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:16
elmerMOzartstaedter, I don't know, I'm not much of a web developer. Hae you looked into installing Apache, MySQL, and PHP seperayely?16:17
antosudo apt-get install apache2 php5 php5-common php5-mysql mysql-server16:17
elmeranto, LAMP FTW!16:17
antoelmer ohh yeah16:17
elliotjhughi all - I have an xpi extension for firefox here - where do I install it (I can install extensions from the web easily - I just need a file folder to put this in)16:17
* anto dances to the rhythem of lamp16:17
[T]ankanyone know more about this bug or maybe a workaround for it? I am using the 2.6.24-19-generic kernel  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24/+bug/22292216:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 222922 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "snd-bt-sco creates an unusable device" [Undecided,New]16:17
antoelliotjhug, many extensions dont work to hardy since hardy runs Firefox 3 beta 516:17
antoelliotjhug, you may want to install firefox 216:18
compubombMOzartstaedter: in order to find wht you need, # apt-cache search "package name"16:18
compubombthen once you find it, $ apt-get install "package name/s"16:18
jtchao /server irc.rizon.net16:18
elliotjhuganto: This extension is a modified extension of google gears for 64bit ubuntu firefox 3 - just need to know where to put it - the webserver I got it from isn't configured correctly so I had to wget the extension16:18
JonathanEllisPici: Thanks for your help with my sources.list    I was confused because the lines werent identical. So now after looking at some documentation I understand how the sources.list file works and I have now tidied up the file.16:18
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antoJonathanEllis, my guess is locate firefox | grep plugin -> /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins16:19
MOzartstaedterthe help here from all of you is great, So joaopinto i will try out the packages, anto: LAMP ahh ^^ x for win??16:21
mycroftivis ubuntu usplash incompatible with stock or newer kernels? when I boot with a kernel ive compiled from kernel.org source, i have to disable usplash or it garbages my tty consoles and I cant use them16:21
S4nD3rmy pendrive USB do not is automounted when inserted, what to do to change it in ubuntu 8??16:21
antoMOzartstaedter, yes :=)16:21
w0ss4g3Can someone how to permanently add a directory to PATH? - I'm using export PATH=$PATH:/new/dir/here but as soon as I close a terminal it's gone back to the default.16:21
S4nD3rIm using gnome16:21
antoMOzartstaedter, thoe xampp sucks because its always old versions of php5/apache16:21
antoMOzartstaedter, using the deb packing system it auto updates on new stable realses of php16:22
joaopintow0ss4g3, edit /etc/environment16:22
Jack_SparrowS4nD3r what is the format of the partition on the usb16:22
MOzartstaedterso thx guys, i have to eat now, bye, see you tomorrow =)16:22
S4nD3rits vfat16:22
Jack_SparrowS4nD3r What does sudo fdisk -l   show  or mount   please use pastebin or I can provide a tool to upload it to the pastebin16:23
IdleOne!mouse > IdleOne16:23
w0ss4g3joaopinto: I've edited it but set still gives the default path16:23
antoJack_Sparrow, fdisk -l only shows o.0?16:24
joaopintow0ss4g3, erm, it will only have effect, once you relogin16:24
Jack_Sparrowanto sudo fdisk -l16:24
w0ss4g3gotcha, thx16:24
antoJack_Sparrow,  i know :?16:24
antoJack_Sparrow, if you want to mount its sudo fdisk /dev/partion .p16:24
antoor no lol >.<16:24
antoim tired16:24
S4nD3rDisco /dev/sdb: 4060 MB, 4060086272 bytes16:25
joaopintow0ss4g3, you need to understand that variable are only defined for a given shell instance, they are set by startup scripts or manually, /etc/environment is used as a startup script16:25
Jack_Sparrowanto I pretty much was aware of that.. I was trying to help S4nD3r16:25
antoJack_Sparrow, aah :=)16:25
S4nD3rcomes message about devices mounted16:25
S4nD3rmy HD16:25
w0ss4g3joaopinto, its working now - thanks for help :))16:25
antoS4nD3r, that does not look correct your using a 4gb device?16:25
S4nD3rand is listed my pendrive too16:25
S4nD3rits a pendrive16:25
Jack_Sparrowanto usb stick.. and it looks fine16:26
Jack_SparrowS4nD3r Lets try and mount manually as a test.. open a terminal16:26
S4nD3rmanually it works16:26
esperegu guys: check it out... it's freaky: http://freepage.twoday.net/stories/4969270/16:26
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S4nD3rusing mount command line?16:27
Jack_SparrowS4nD3r then we should look into your fstab.. it is set to auto mount removeable devices correct?16:27
flaranyes :D just successfully got ubuntu 8.04 fully working on my M51Sn-X@ in ~2 hours16:27
S4nD3rtheres no this line in fstab16:27
S4nD3ris it necessary ??16:27
Jack_SparrowS4nD3r system pref removeable drives and media..  start by checking that16:28
S4nD3rbut.... it was not there16:28
S4nD3rit is not there16:28
KOJVThat's just great. build-installer package says Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libc6-dev... but when I try to install libc6, it says error, a later version already installed.16:28
Jack_SparrowS4nD3r not worried about fstab right now16:28
S4nD3rI can see the icon of device in nautilus16:29
S4nD3rIf I click to mount, ok !!!! It works16:29
S4nD3rBut Id like to mount it just when this were inserted16:29
Jack_SparrowS4nD3r Are the first three boxes checked under removeable media?16:29
flushanyone recording with skype under 8.04 hardy heron >???/16:30
Jack_SparrowS4nD3r system... preferences... removeable drives and media..  start by checking the first three boxes16:30
S4nD3rjust theres cameras, pdas, printer and input devices16:30
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto16:30
The_i have a problem16:30
flushJack_Sparrow thanks pirate16:30
The_i can`t install the driver from my printer16:31
Jack_SparrowS4nD3r On the first page where it says storage... are the top three boxes checked16:31
RabidWeezleHello The_, is it the CUPS driver?16:31
MeNBaSSHello i have a dude16:31
The_what is cups?16:32
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows16:32
MeNBaSSI have Kubuntu Hardy heron, if I execute sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, Does work?16:32
MeNBaSSSorry bad english16:32
S4nD3rtheres no storage there16:32
Jack_SparrowMeNBaSS if you have hardy what distro are you trying to upgrade to..?16:32
aladoois there a norwegian in here?16:33
MeNBaSSI'm Kubuntu Hardy16:33
Lo_Pani hope not16:33
Jack_SparrowS4nD3r my tabs on that page start with storage.. what distro or release are you running..16:33
bardyraladoo, #ubuntu-no16:33
KOJVThat's just great. build-installer package says Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libc6-dev... but when I try to install libc6, it says error, a later version already installed.16:33
aladoobardyr. thnx16:33
kitcheKOJV: libc6-dev you need to install not libc616:34
S4nD3rits so strange16:34
Jack_SparrowS4nD3r Dont know what to tell you, I dont have a 8.04 box handy.. I cant believe they would pull storage off that ...  YOu can add it to fstab manually16:34
S4nD3risnt it?16:34
apastinenhi, does ubuntu set lvm programs inside initrd16:34
MeNBaSSIf I run this sudo aptitude dist-upgrade me updated Intrepid Ibex?16:35
MeNBaSSOk thanks16:35
Picidist-upgrade is a bit of a misnomer16:35
Jack_SparrowS4nD3r create a mount point and edit fstab to mount your usb to that point using uuid16:35
geniiPici: Yes, it is16:35
Casper1001really struggling on removing ubuntu from my laptop...any1 got ideas?16:36
KOJVCasper1001, install another system, such as Windows.16:36
actarussorry, i have a big big problem16:36
Jack_SparrowCasper1001 NOthing to remove, just install anything you want over the top16:37
KOJVkitche, I was trying to install lib6c-dev, it said newer version already installed.16:37
Casper1001KOJV: tried that...but my acer laptop is stupid and comes with these recovery cds..so its not a proper install16:37
KOJVCasper1001, then do a recovery.16:37
melteris there a boot option i can specify to get the installer to recognize my scsi cdrom drive?16:37
actaruslater the update, my box, don-t run, audio device, video device, and keyboard layout16:37
S4nD3rI will see that16:37
S4nD3rsee you16:37
Casper1001done the recovery...does not remove the grub loader16:38
apastinenCasper1001: grub is not ubuntu :D16:38
apastinenCasper1001: it is boot loader16:38
bardyrCasper1001, in windows -> run -> cmd -> fixmbr16:38
Jack_SparrowCasper1001 get a real windows disc...  boot to recovery and use fixmbr16:38
mehmettürk kanalı yoku16:38
mehmettürk kanalı16:39
ubottuFactoid tu not found16:39
ubottuFactoid tk not found16:39
geniimelter: If you know the driver name for your scsi controller, use the initramfs tools to make it load that during boot.16:39
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.16:39
devkevanybody every had openssh break after running cat on a binary file?16:39
cjk2devkev: no.16:39
RULRError opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.16:39
CaptainAmericaHow do i run an ISO in Ubuntu??16:39
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.16:40
cjk2CaptainAmerica: like you "run" an ISO on windows16:40
joshualdoes anyone know if there are specific ubuntustudio repositories I need to add if updating from ubuntu to ubuntustudio?16:41
devkevi've tried everything to fix openssh on my hardy x86_64, but nothings working16:41
devkevwhenever i try to ssh into it the connection times out everytime16:41
mgolischdevkev: ?16:41
mgolischis sshd started at all?16:41
bardyrdevkev, check the firewall?16:42
mgolischis netstat showing that sshd is listening on port 2216:42
mgolischor whatever port you configured?16:42
mgolischnetstat -lp that is16:42
devkevok i'll go check real quick, the server is down the hall, thanks16:42
dos000 anyone of you huys had experience with the juniper NetScreen-25 ? i just need to know if had probs with it . I am tempted to replace it with a debian machine16:42
CaptainAmericahow do i find a mountpoint for an ISO?16:43
mgolischCaptainAmerica: ?16:43
Ienorandjoshual: Hey wasnit you that was looking for window border opacity settings?16:43
CaptainAmericamgolisch: where do i mount an iso?16:43
Jack_SparrowCaptainAmerica Mountpoint is what you make it16:43
PiciCaptainAmerica: anywhere you want16:44
nibsa1242bCaptainAmerica: , you can mount it where ever you want it and have the appropriate privileges to do so16:44
JalathanQuintin, a, kk, i couldn't remember completely and didn't want to make any false claims.  however, if you have the money + the space, try 0+116:44
CaptainAmericaJack_Sparrow: what is an example for using the ISO as an OS16:44
Jack_SparrowCaptainAmerica You are trying to mount what as an os16:44
vinceazhey guys16:44
CaptainAmericaJack_Sparrow: an Iso as an OS for Windows XP16:45
elmerwhere is sources.list?16:45
bardyrCaptainAmerica, what do you want to do?16:45
Jack_SparrowCaptainAmerica Read up on vbox or wine to run your windows apps...16:45
geniielmer: In /etc/apt/16:45
CaptainAmericabardyr: mount an ISO to use it as an OS16:45
unavailablecaptianamerica are you asking for an example of how to mount an iso as an operating system FOR windows xp??16:45
elmergenii, thanks16:45
Jack_SparrowCaptainAmerica  Start by making a mount point... sudo mkdir /media/mydrive ... sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop /home/jack/Desktop/KNOPPIX_V5.0.1CD-2006-06-01-EN.iso /media/mydrive              is an example, but you wont be able to do what you are looking to do.16:45
bardyrCaptainAmerica, so you want to run a virtual machine with win xp in linux?16:46
apastinenanyone using LVM with ubuntu?16:46
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available in !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox16:46
CaptainAmericabardyr: i want to reinstall Windows XP using an ISO16:46
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.16:46
unavailabledo not use ose16:46
unavailabletoo many problems16:47
unavailableuse sun16:47
bardyrCaptainAmerica, well then you need to burn the ISO to a cdrom16:47
Jack_SparrowCaptainAmerica Dont go there.. burn the iso to a cd16:47
bardyrCaptainAmerica, you can do that by right clicking on the ISO and click on burn16:47
unavailableor if your in windows get isoburner16:47
CaptainAmericabardyr: did that already but when i put it in the pc all it did was open a file containing the iso that i just put on16:47
Jack_SparrowCaptainAmerica you didnt burn it right.. you burned it as a file, not as an image16:48
CaptainAmericaim in Ubuntu Hardy Hearon16:48
unavailableyou are not going to burn the iso to cd so that the iso is on the cd16:48
bardyrCaptainAmerica, try to reboot the computer with the cd in the cdrom :)16:48
teethdoodSystem/Admin/Users&Groups does not allow me to create new users. How do I do so? (useradd and adduser aside)16:48
unavailableyou want to burn the image to cd so that the contents of the image are on the cd16:48
Jack_SparrowCaptainAmerica right click the iso and tell it to write to disk16:48
CaptainAmericabardyr: did that already16:48
CaptainAmericaJack_Sparrow: kk16:48
rsavuhello all. anybody got any ideeas as to what happend to the hardy repos on wine.budgetdedicated.com?16:49
CaptainAmericaJack_Sparrow: write as a file image?16:49
johnbedowhow can u use terminal to searched for recently moved files???16:49
unavailablecaptainamerica  if you burned it so that the cd contents are "name.iso" you did it wrong16:49
johnbedowis there a way to do this with the find command16:49
Jack_Sparrowrsavu /join #winehq and ask them, they will know16:49
nibsa1242bCaptainAmerica: open up Brasero, Select "Burn Image", under path choose the iso file. Allow it to finish. Shutdown you computer. Turn on your computer with disk in the drive. Windows Installation should begin.16:49
East_Coast_Girlyas it works!16:49
Jack_SparrowCaptainAmerica yes, burn as image16:49
CaptainAmericaJack_Sparrow: kk16:50
dryrotjohnbedow: http://preview.tinyurl.com/4z289b16:50
Jack_SparrowCaptainAmerica if you do it right, you will see many files on the cd not just *.iso16:50
meltergenii, is there some documentation somewhere on how to use initramfs when installing?16:50
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.16:51
geniimelter: Are you using the alternate cd?16:51
devkevi solved my ssh problem16:51
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto16:51
nibsa1242bCaptainAmerica: just remember, if you install windows (XP, and I think Vista as well). It will overwrite the MBR (master boot record) on the disk it is installed on and you will not have the option of booting back into Ubuntu until you reconfigure your MBR.16:51
meltergenii, no16:51
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legend2440johnbedow: in terminal type sudo updatedb that will update the locate database then when that finishes type locate filename16:51
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devkevit was bardyr's suggestion to check the firewall16:52
DanielRMAnyone here ever tried having Ubuntu on a USB stick?16:52
devkevthat was the problem all right16:52
bardyrDanielRM, yes16:52
unavailablecaptainamerica  bootpart works for the above http://www.winimage.com/bootpart.htm16:52
devkevjust quited shorewall and it worked16:52
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devkevthanks guys16:52
teethdoodSystem/Admin/Users&Groups does not allow me to create new users. How do I do so? (useradd and adduser aside)16:52
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DanielRMbardyr: ever had any problems with the filesystem?16:52
AmericanDoes anyone know how I can get my ALC97 Audio driver to work?16:52
geniimelter: OK. Are you able to successfully boot the cd or does it choke when it can't figure out whatit's booting from, etc?16:52
bardyrDanielRM, no, the only problem i has was grub16:53
gamers600Hey how do you become super user in the terminal16:53
mehehoolhello friends16:53
DanielRMbardyr: ah, you installed it from CD?16:53
devkevgamers600: type sudo su16:53
geniigamers600: We don't encourage or instruct people to do that16:53
unavailablenibsa1242b as long as you can grab the part info from the linux drive, and save it to windows, then edit your boot.ini  your good to go16:53
bardyrDanielRM, yea, installed it on the usb with a cd16:53
Jack_SparrowCaptainAmerica To Backup your mbr.. Go to Terminal.. cd Desktop .... sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr.backup bs=512 count=1   Note: 512 includes the partition info 446 first partition is 16 bytes and gets to 462 Would just be the boot info... use hda if needed on your system... copy mbr.backup to a USB Drive or other media16:53
geniidevkev: You help him after then ;)16:53
DanielRMbardyr: When I tried it from CD I had problems with GNOME when logging in.16:53
devkevsorry :)16:53
unavailableno need to mess with mbr16:53
meltergenii, it boots ok, it locks up when i select the install option16:54
Kille1hi all!16:54
mehehooli have an issue with wireless network16:54
mw-homemehehool: ?16:54
devkevjust be ready to reinstall in neccissary gamer60016:54
geniimelter: So long as you can boot OK, then you can modprobe the correct driver in16:54
mehehooli have a belkin f5d8073 wireless card ndis says all is installed and recognised but i still have no wireless option16:55
meltergenii, how do i get a prompt in the installer?16:55
KOJVbuild-installer .deb package says Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libc6-dev... but when I try to install libc6, it says error, a later version already installed.16:55
gamers600soory i needed to run a command that required super user prevledges and i only had admin16:55
bardyrmehehool, sudo modprobe ndiswrapper ?16:55
KOJVAnd my eth0 doesn't work...16:55
nibsa1242bunavailable: ok, I always end up installing windows and Ubuntu to separate hds, so I'm not terribly familiar with making them co-exist on the same hd16:55
unavailablejack_sparrow there is a way to do what captainamerica wants to do by using ntldr16:55
mehehool1 sec16:55
devkevgamers600 what comman?16:55
geniimelter: Either: ctrl-alt-f1 (and alt-f7 to regain GUI) or else open up the Terminal progam16:55
gamers600dpkg --configure -a16:55
devkevah ok16:55
devkevyou'll probably be alright16:56
unavailablenibsa1242b not really that hard, just have to config a partition  gparted does it all for you, just as long as you scandisk and defrag in windows before16:56
gamers600k thxs16:56
Jack_Sparrowunavailable Possibly... but the easiest is to just do a normal insall then fix grub.. single drive setups are easy, dual drives a bit harder16:56
mehehooldoesnt say anything just gives another command line16:56
unavailableactually no16:56
hwilde!fixgrub | unavailable16:56
ubottuunavailable: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:56
meltergenii, none of those work in the installer16:57
draginxxDoes the "ssh" command automatically encrypt traffic between me and the host? Or do I have to add the key to the password encrpytion key thing?16:57
bardyrmehehool, check if there is a wireless network, in the network manager16:57
nibsa1242bunavailable: he had only Ubuntu, and wanted to put Windows back on... which is normally a little more difficult then having Windows and then installing Ubuntu.16:57
RULRmy overall video quality is bad. i have the newest proper drivers but my video quality is still terrible.16:57
hwildedraginxx, ssh is automatically encrypted.16:57
draginxxhwilde, thanks :)16:57
mehehoolnot even an option for wireless16:57
l3dok  does anyone know of a torrent d/l like utorrent where to can grab the files you need without d/l the whole torrent16:57
joshualanyone running the rt kernel? I cant boot to it, get a black screen and have to hard reboot cant even get  a virtual console PLEASE?16:57
xabi_he11can some one help me with playing GTA:SA with wine?16:57
nibsa1242bJack_Sparrow: really? I've always found it easier to have one Linux drive, and one windows drive. with each OS in the mbr of its respective drive.16:58
mehehooljust wired and modem16:58
Picixabi_he11: You'd probably have better luck asking in #winehq16:58
unavailablejack_sparrow hwilde boot part takes the info from the linux partition saves it to c: and writes to your boot.ini, takes like 5 seconds and there is hardly any user input needed, how hard is that??16:58
bardyrmehehool, okay, run this and paste it to pastebin.com "ndiswrapper -l ; iwconfig ; dmesg"16:58
whatever01hey, I installed ubuntu server because i want to run a game server, but i'm a newbie so i used the command apt-get kde to install a graphical interface. after i install it, what command can i use to enter it?16:59
xabi_he11-Pici-: thx16:59
KOJVbuild-installer .deb package says Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libc6-dev... but when I try to install libc6, it says error, a later version already installed.17:00
KOJVAnd my eth0 doesn't work...17:00
bardyrwhatever01, startx17:00
nibsa1242bwhatever01: startx17:00
DIL_try /17:01
unavailablequote = BOOTPART creates a 512 byte file which contains an image of the boot sector that loads the boot sector of the partition. After, this file is declared in C:\BOOT.INI (a text file used by the Windows NT boot menu)17:02
l3dbittorrent download app that will let me take the files or should say download those I only need instead of the whole thing like urrent but for linux any ideas17:02
mehehoolok posted17:02
l3dutorrent i mean17:03
whatever01also, is there a config file or something where i can edit which programs start at ubuntu? i installed mysql and apache and other stuff like that because i want to use it later, but for now i don't want them to start every time i start up the computer.17:03
Jack_Sparrowunavailable Provide a link so I can read up..  I use one line in a terminal myself17:03
UncleCJ_Hey, I've got a really curious error... I'm running Ubuntu Feisty just recently updated, and in Gnome when I as much as start up the keyboard config (I access it through VNC on a mac), the GTK theme changes color and becomes somewhat larger, and the keyboard is totally messed up - as in it is still reacting, but keys are exchanged in a pattern I can't figure out17:03
gamers601I can't install or uninstall any programs along with not being able to install updates (it says to run dpkg --configure -a  but it doesnt work ive tried it) it also says _cache->open() failed17:04
unavailablewhatever01 system>administration>services17:04
unavailablegamers601 you trying with sudo?17:04
whatever01is there a tool where i can do it from command line?17:04
Infinito_l3d, I'm not sure but I think "Transmission" has this feature you're looking for17:04
Infinito_there also of course Azureus17:05
legend2440l3d: i think they all let you unselects files you don't want. i us azureus and that does. transmission does. i'd be surprised it any didn't have that option17:05
Kille1im having a problerm, im trying to install wine 32 bit on my ubuntu 8,04 64 bit, as per the guide here http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit#head-15ce773b2453307f593a3045e558b30a0e8ed64d17:05
unavailablesudo dpkg --configure -a17:05
unavailablesudo apt-get update17:05
unavailablesudo apt-get upgrade17:05
UncleCJ_Does anyone have any hints at what can cause my curious GTK/keyboard messup when I just start the keyboard config tool under Gnome?17:06
Kille1when i get to CC="gcc-4.2 -m32" LDFLAGS="-L/lib32 -L/usr/lib32 -L`pwd`/lib32 -Wl,-rpath,/lib32 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib32" ./configure -v it tells me bash: ./configure: No such file or directory17:06
gamers601i tryied that17:06
Kille1im a newb and dont really understand what im doing, just following the instructions17:06
geniiKille1: I would suggest instead to just download the .deb package file from the wine website17:07
Kille1as simple as that to get 32 bit wine on ubuntu 64bit ?17:07
nibsa1242bKille1: I think if you want to run wine under 64 bit Ubuntu you have to configure it to run in a 32bit chroot. You should be able to find more information by asking winehq people.17:09
ubottuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box17:09
geniiAh, 64 bit. Perhaps add their repository as described on this page http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb        and then try to install it through the package manager17:09
unavailablewhats yer output?? gamers601 ?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/17:09
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview17:09
mehehoolbardyr are you still breathing bro17:09
whatever01ok so i installed kde and typed startx like you guys suggested but now i'm getting a lot of errors saying that some file called ".authorityx" is locked, any help?17:10
Kille1yeh ill go with a chroot i think17:10
WaaQare you trying to run it twice?17:10
whatever01i tried it a few times afterward, same errors17:11
CaptainAmericaJack_Sparrow: I got the iso put to an image on a CD. What Now?17:11
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nibsa1242bKille1: the reason you need to run it as 32 bit is that it works as if it was 32 bit windows, and has to run in a 32bit environment.17:11
bardyrmehehool, yea, just went afk a bit, you got the link to pastebin?17:11
narcoclepsyI am having a hell of a time figuring where my JAVA_HOME should be here in ubuntu17:12
mehehoolyes sir17:12
narcoclepsyeverything is syminked all over the place17:12
CaptainAmericabardyr: i got the iso put to an Image on the CD. What now?17:12
actarussorry, my box don't run many devices, later the upgrade17:12
bardyrCaptainAmerica, reboot your computer with the CD in the cdrom17:12
actarusi have ubuntu hardy on amd dual core17:12
CaptainAmericabardyr: kk17:13
Jack_SparrowCaptainAmerica Do you see multiple files or a single fine on the cd17:13
actarusi think is for the new kernel 2.24-18-rt17:13
actarusanyone can to help me?17:13
bardyrmehehool, can i have it?17:13
whatever01i would really like help too17:13
whatever01ok so i installed kde and typed startx like you guys suggested but now i'm getting a lot of errors saying that some file called ".authorityx" is locked, any help?17:14
bardyrwhatever01, install kdebase17:14
mehehooli posted on pastebin that all i know to do else i need instruction17:14
bardyrmehehool, i need the link to the post at pastebin17:14
whatever01ill try bardyr17:14
Mr_Milenkosudo apt-get install kdebase17:15
Mr_Milenkoor kde-base i think17:15
LeviaI have a problem with wifi connection on 8.04. It seems to be much slower than on this laptop, Windows xp17:15
joshualI'm trying to remove this particular package (agave) and cannot getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19389/17:15
c_lispI always had to change file premissions on my kde folder to run kde progs17:15
gaintsurahey all, what archive system will read/unpack .rar files?17:16
rinaldi_hi all, my friend is describing a disc error as he starts up "A: Drive Error" "press f1 to resume" when he presses f1 it continues as normal, what could be wrong?17:16
c_lispgaintsura unrar and rar17:16
c_lispthere in synaptics17:16
gaintsurarinaldi_: sounds like the floppy drive is failing, try disabling it in bios17:16
actarussudo apt-get install rar17:16
rinaldi_gaintsura: i told him that but myabe he didn't disable it, thanks17:17
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nibsa1242bLevia: what wi-fi card do you have?17:17
bardyrmehehool, you need a 64bit windows driver when you are using ubuntu 64bit and please use my nick has prefix or else i just miss them17:17
mehehoolbardyr http://pastebin.com/mb26e6e017:17
nibsa1242brinaldi_: he has a non-boot disk in his floppy drive. tell him to remove the floppy from the drive and then boot17:17
actarussorry, someone know what's the problem with the newest upgrade?17:17
gaintsurathanks c_lisp wasn't sure if there was gui, or command line only17:17
c_lispnothing actarus17:18
mehehoolso how do i get said file17:18
mehehoolbardyr so how do i get said file17:18
c_lispnp gaintsura17:18
Infinito_also you need the x-window-system-core package whatever0117:18
Infinito_whatever01, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58392917:18
actarusmy sistem don't run many devices17:18
actarusi'm restoring know17:18
mehehoolbardyr sorry17:18
bardyrmehehool, you just need to find a 64bit version of the driver, but now a VISTA driver, or you need to install ubuntu 32bit17:18
c_lispmaybe you upgraded wrong might need a fresh start17:19
bardyrmehehool, but not a Vista17:19
nibsa1242bLevia: what version of Ubuntu are you running?17:19
Levianibsa1242b: 8.0417:19
Levianibsa1242b: I already set bit rate to 54mb/s17:19
Levianibsa1242b: didn't change much17:19
joshualI'm trying to remove this particular package (agave) and cannot getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19389/17:20
mehehoolbardyr do you know wher i can get one17:20
whatever01bardyr, didn´t work, apt-get already installed all the dependencies17:20
bardyrmehehool, at the vendors homepage17:20
nibsa1242bLevia: there are some various posts online that say the kernel driver for that card is slow, and to use the legacy driver instead.17:21
whatever01more specifically, the error says that there is an error in locking that .xauthority file17:21
bardyrwhatever01, hmm, install gnome :D17:21
nibsa1242bLevia: maybe this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=784031 will help you fix your issue.17:21
whatever01ill try17:21
bardyrwhatever01, what is the error exactly?17:21
c_lispwhatever02 you trying to load kide?17:21
hp2133How do I force apt-get to remove a package?  ume-config-netbook is complaining about a diversion to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.orig17:21
mehehoolbardyr there were only 2 and that was the updated version17:22
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johnbedowis there a way to see if a file has been moved in the past 24 hours using the find command17:22
whatever01xinit: error in locking file /home/.../.xauthority17:22
c_lispwhatever02 sudo -R 777 ~/.kde17:22
Levianibsa1242b: thank you. I'll have a look17:23
kiruhello, my s-video out of my ati-graca connected to the television does not work17:23
cdcIs there a tutorial on how to connect to wifi using WEP with hardy heron. it seems they have added a wmaster0 connection from the ifconfig command.17:23
nibsa1242bLevia: not a problem, glad to be of some assistance17:23
mehehoolbardyr so i am guessing i need a 32 bit ubuntu however i have a 64 bit laptop and if still possible which would you recomend17:23
bardyrmehehool, try google, or reinstall ubuntu with 32bit17:23
kirucould anybody give me some hints for what i should search? (already tried wiki pages of ubuntuusers)17:23
bardyrmehehool, well 32bit is still the most supported so i would start out with that17:24
acer_is there a complete code available  in single package????17:24
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Jack_Sparrowacer_ Complete code for waht17:24
whatever01c_lisp, it says that -R is an illegal option17:24
bardyrbardyr, then maybe your device would have linux drivers in the next ubuntu version and you can run 64bit17:24
mehehoolbardyr will 32 bit still run my n router17:24
bardyrmehehool, yes17:25
penanyone here agree with this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4636059&postcount=917:25
bardyrmehehool, 64bit computers can run both 64bit and 32bit17:25
penthat doesn't work with my evdev17:25
Jack_Sparrowpen Please post a description of what that link is when you post them17:25
acer_Jack_Sparrow: is there a single package containing all the codec needed in ubuntu17:25
gaintsura2 questions... 1) is there a way to add custom locations to the places menu? 2) anyone know where I can start to diagnose why X freezes up on me?17:25
whatever01do you perhaps meam to use chmod, c_lisp?17:25
mehehoolbardyr ok i will do as instructed thank you for all your help17:25
penJack_Sparrow, is about logitech mouse xorg.conf configuration17:25
bardyrmehehool, np17:26
c_lispwhatever02 chmod -R 777 ~/.dke17:26
Jack_Sparrowpen Not a problem, but just pointing out that posting only a link, will be ignored by most helpers17:26
c_lispwhatever02 chmod -R 777 ~/.kde17:26
persihello, xubuntu loaded without any bars17:27
persiandreboot didnt help17:27
penJack_Sparrow, I followed the instruction from the link and it is not working17:27
SanketsuSo, when I upgraded to Ubuntu 8.04, Firefox 3 took over and a bunch of my extensions died because they're not computable, so my question is, how do I get firefox 2 back and have it work right?  I tried uninstalling FF3 from synaptic and then installing FF2, to no avail.17:27
Jack_Sparrowacer_ ubuntu-restricted-extras  I think has most of what you want17:27
penJack_Sparrow, what is the correct way to identify a mouse event with evdev?17:27
Jack_Sparrowpen No idea17:27
penJack_Sparrow, since everytime when mouse is plug in, the event number will change17:27
penJack_Sparrow, so can't use /dev/input/eventx to detect the mouse17:28
acer_Jack_Sparrow: but is there a single package available17:28
penJack_Sparrow, so I found the page, but it's not workgin17:28
Jack_Sparrowpen I gave up on logitec mice when they went propietary on everything17:28
yell0wSanketsu: one way is  to grab the bin from mozzila and run off of it17:28
persinm, solved17:28
penJack_Sparrow, oh17:28
Jack_Sparrowacer_ there is not single package..  just the main bundle.. I think it may only need w32codecs to be complete but not entirely surte17:28
whatever01ffs, all i did was install ubuntu, run apt-get install kde, and i can't run kde cuz it says it can't lock a file called .Xauthority. can anybody help meeeeeee plz17:29
penJack_Sparrow, is this related?17:29
c_lispwhatever01 I told u already17:29
nibsa1242bpen look into btnx that will probably work better then edev rules17:29
Sanketsuyell0w, ok.  Thanks, I'll look into that.17:29
whatever01c_lisp i used that command17:30
Jack_Sparrowwhatever01 personally, I would sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and see if that helped17:30
whatever01but it says that -R is illegal17:30
pennibsa1242b, how is it better? I thought it might messed up the keys default functions?17:30
bsytkowhatever01 are you running X right now17:30
c_lispsudo chmod -R 777 ~/.kde17:30
persiwell another question, some guy on ubuntu forums said theres a problem with pidgin losing connection, is there a way to fix it without downgrading to previous version?17:30
c_lispyou must of typed it wrong17:30
acer_Jack_Sparrow: but is it free17:30
whatever01k you said without chmod the previous time17:30
trlx0"must of typed it wrong".. the irony :)17:30
gaintsurapersi: I've been using pidgin for awhile no, not many problems like that from what I've seen17:30
mehehoolbardyr would a win xp 64 bit be adequit for my needs?17:31
bardyrmehehool, yes17:31
Jack_Sparrowacer_ free is not open source17:31
bardyrmehehool, that would be perfectr17:31
Jack_Sparrowpersi what version of pidgin are you using now..17:31
nibsa1242bpen it allows you to choose what you want each button to do; its specific to the mouse model and doesn't matter if you unplug and replug in the mouse; the gui nature of it makes it a touch easier to use then plain text file configurations17:32
persiwell here it is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=705342 and crappy licq works like sharm...17:32
swatTXcan someone recommend a ogg to mp3 converter?17:32
Jack_SparrowswatTX I believe lame is one encoder..17:32
nibsa1242bpen also, I have some dev rules, and the kernel yells at me not to use them every time I boot up17:32
c_lispswatTx lame17:32
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unavailableswatTx  http://taufanlubis.wordpress.com/2008/05/14/sound-converter-%E2%80%93-convert-mp3-wav-mpeg-flv-to-oog-mp3-optional-flac-and-wav-in-linux/?17:32
BoltClockhi, i'm following the instructions to install svn at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion, but i am stuck trying to create a svn user group. i did sudo gconf-editor and changed the settings (under Server Configuration) but still don't see all my system's users17:32
pennibsa1242b, is that for the old configuration? and btnx fix all of those problems?17:33
whatever01well it says that /home/(name)/.kde doesn't exist, i tried looking for it, but the command cd and dir doesn't do anything, wtf17:33
whatever01what are the linux equalivent of cd and dir17:33
sixtyby3it's cd and ls17:33
nibsa1242bI use btnx on my laptop without issue. On my destop where I'm still trying to figure out how to undo all of the dev rules, I have problems.17:33
bsytkowhatever01, you can't start kde if your running gnome afaik17:33
Jack_Sparrowpersi You can try 2.4.2   http://getdeb.net/search.php?keywords=pidgin17:33
sixtyby3Sometimes you can add an alias to ls make it use dir17:34
sixtyby3alias dir=`ls`17:34
sixtyby3I think that the command.17:34
haukAnyone ever had to deal with Asus tech support? Are they good/bad etc. Sorry if its not a ubuntu specific question17:34
Xcellhauk--  whats wrong wit ur board?17:35
c_lispany techs these days are scared to answer linux questinos17:35
persithanks, why the system didnt update it automatically?17:35
Jack_Sparrowpersi not in the repos yet17:35
Jack_Sparrowpersi see if that helps17:35
haukXcell: It's my EEE. It's not booting. Period. It just turns on the light with the bulb on it, and thats it17:35
jeedc_lisp, yup, Asus only released a laptop with their own custom linux on it17:35
jeedif only IRC had :roll: ;)17:35
Xcellwhich board17:36
jeedhauk, i have an eee17:36
sixtyby3Anybody here have a PIC from AMD?17:36
jeedhauk, running anything that isnt their own OS on it?17:36
persiand when will it be? there are no mirrors for downloading....17:36
haukjeed: err ubuntu..17:36
BoltClockanyone able to help me out with setting up svn?17:36
haukjeed: But it doesn't boot to the BIOS anymore.17:37
Jack_Sparrowpersi No idea, but you can get it from getdeb right now17:37
Xcellsry hauk  i thought you had a mobo.. frogot about the eee17:37
Jack_Sparrowhauk if it doesnt post,, that is really bad17:37
persithats the problem, it says ""There are no mirrors availabe for this file at this time, please try again later17:37
jeedhauk, have you made sure its OFF, linux on the eee has a bug where it looks like it shutdown and its actually still on and youll press power and shit all happens17:37
Jack_Sparrowpersi Let me look17:37
haukjeed: yeah, the only way to get the light to go off is to take out the battery17:38
jeedhauk, time to ring Asus then17:38
haukyeah, I've sent them an e-mail detailing everything.17:38
RabidWeezleyaaay, I got no one to help!17:39
RabidWeezleI did 5 walkthroughs this morning, I feel good17:39
persiwell ive got it from of site17:39
BoltClockanyone able to help me out with setting up svn?17:39
Odd-rationale!helpersnack | RabidWeezle17:39
persitheres only 1 file though17:39
ubottuRabidWeezle: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!17:39
XcellRabidWeezle--  halp! i just up graded from 3.11 and it wont boot17:39
* RabidWeezle eats said cookie17:39
persinow ill have to figure how to compile binaries -_-17:39
BoltClockRabidWeezle: help me, get another cookie, if you know svn :x17:40
BoltClockhelp me, then get another cookie**17:40
RabidWeezlean svn server?17:40
RabidWeezleor client?17:40
BoltClockwell can i say both?17:40
jeedsvn is amazingly kool17:40
BoltClockjust for learning17:40
BoltClockoh alright17:40
BoltClockjeed: amen17:40
RabidWeezleI can get you a link17:40
Jack_Sparrowpersi http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/Pidgin-Download-6.html17:40
BoltClockRabidWeezle: i am here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion17:40
asav01Hello, can anyone help me configure a wireless network card?17:40
jeedBoltClock, been using it to develop my latest project, and it really helps to see who did what and when and get changes accross to everyone on the dev team17:41
Odd-rationaleasav01: what card?17:41
Odd-rationaleasav01: model and make?17:41
BoltClockjeed: im completely new to svn, but i know its good so i wanna learn it :)17:41
persiis there any gui for compiling? operation is trivial after all...17:41
jeedBoltClock, there is a page somewhere with examples for how to do everything in SVN, so use google17:41
RabidWeezleBoltClock, http://www.sematopia.com/?p=6617:41
BoltClockbut im not sure how much my current problem really relates to svn...17:41
asav01Odd-rationale: atheros 550 G17:42
RabidWeezlefull detailed instructions for ya BoltClock17:42
BoltClockRabidWeezle: will check it out17:42
Jack_Sparrowpersi Are you talking about pidgin.. THe link I gave has the ubuntu debs17:42
jeedBoltClock, i learnt svn from here, because it shows you how to add files, delete, move, diff, commit: http://wiki.videolan.org/Subversion17:42
Odd-rationaleasav01: did you try googleing for you card? you will have to use ndiswrapper iirc17:42
gaintsurandiswrapper or madwifi17:43
BoltClockjeed: cool, will take note... also, videolan :)17:43
RabidWeezlendiswrapper is very nice17:43
persiyeah but it wont let me download it, i pasted the actual quote17:43
persifrom the server17:43
BoltClockreally, i dont use vlc though :/17:43
persiand of site only has binaries and fedora file17:43
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asav01Odd-rationale: my ubuntu recognized and installed non free drivers, but I don't know how to connect mi iPhone to it.17:43
jeedBoltClock, no need, their commands apply to all svn servers17:43
swatTXcan anyone that's using an ipod touch that is only using ubuntu (no dual boot) recommend a good music management program?17:43
BoltClockjeed: i know, just a remark17:43
Jack_Sparrowpersi I just dl'd both parts from the last link I gave17:43
RabidWeezledamn, umm, I though getdeb had a deb for an ipod manager...17:44
mworthI am having a problem with flash plugin- when I load a page with flash it tells me I need to install it. I already have and when I try to use the plugin finder thing (the yellow bar at the top) it says that it's already installed. I've  tried removal then installation via synaptic but still no luck17:44
* RabidWeezle never owned an ipod17:44
RabidWeezleI was a psp man myself17:44
VSpikeWhen adding jobs to cron, is it bad to do e.g. bash -l /home/me/some_script ?17:44
VSpikeI've been caught out before by cron because of the limited environment and this seems like a good way to avoid that17:44
spideymanRabidWeezle, try using gtkpod it works great17:45
persiaw sorry got lost in those messages, thank you17:45
RabidWeezlenot for me17:45
VSpikeI mean to put bash -l .... as the command to run in the crontab17:45
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persithen another short question17:45
swatTXspideyman, what model ipod do you have?17:45
snarksterso i figure dout how to use amarok and my sidekick.. very easy once you get it figured out.17:45
RabidWeezleswatTX sudo apt-get install gtkpod17:45
Levianibsa1242b: it works. thanks alot!17:45
ubottuFactoid gtkpod not found17:45
persilspci says my video card is ATI Technologies Inc Rage Mobility M3 AGP 2x  (rev 02)17:45
spideymanswatTX,  3rd gen nano17:46
RabidWeezle!package gtkpod17:46
ubottuFactoid package gtkpod not found17:46
xTheGoat121xDoes anyone here have any experience with decompiling .so (usplash) themes?17:46
nibsa1242bLevia: great! I'm glad I could help you.17:46
RabidWeezlesay how you do that with the packages?17:46
snarksterpersi are you trying to get accelerated 3d on that card?17:46
RabidWeezleI forgot17:46
Jack_Sparrow!find gtkpod17:46
ubottuFound: gtkpod, gtkpod-aac17:46
mworthI am having a problem with flash plugin- when I load a page with flash it tells me I need to install it. I already have and when I try to use the plugin finder thing (the yellow bar at the top) it says that it's already installed. I've  tried removal then installation via synaptic but still no luck17:46
Levianibsa1242b: it's installed updates with 560kb/sec instead of 3 so perfect! :D17:46
Xcell!info gtkpod17:46
ubottugtkpod (source: gtkpod): manage songs and playlists on an Apple iPod. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.99.12-1 (hardy), package size 822 kB, installed size 3020 kB17:46
Jack_Sparrow!info gtkpod17:46
RabidWeezlethere you go17:46
persibut only numbers that go after X are usually mentioned, I cant figure which one is mine17:46
user____hi, i am searching for a tool, which does monitor websites for updates and changes. i found specto, but am not happy with it, as i want to feed the checker tool a long list of URL's which specto doesnt seem to provide. any hints?17:46
persino, I don`t need acceleration, just wanted to figure how do i install drivers for it17:47
net_i want to put different wallpapers on my 4 desktops...is there any way...i m using hardy17:47
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Odd-rationalenet_: try wallpapoz17:47
Odd-rationalenet_: i don't think it is in the repo. but try getdeb.net17:48
snarksterPersi: mine is a mach6417:48
net_odd-rationale : ok i will search for it ..thank u17:48
snarksterPersi: see heres mine 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Rage Mobility P/M AGP 2x (rev 64)17:49
Jack_Sparrowpersi lspci -v |grep ATI17:49
mehehoolbardyr are you here17:49
snarksterYah the ubuntu people wikl not put the mach64 chipset drivers in the kernel.. some sor tof secuirty issue.17:50
anavarroHi guys!! My terminal and the text editor on gnome has frequently freezes and never start properly17:50
RabidWeezlemight make your monitor hackable by eyes17:50
anavarroanybody knows that problem?17:51
RabidWeezlenever heard that one17:51
snarksterneed more coffee brb17:51
gaintsuraanavarro: I've been having a similar problem, but mine is more general, like all windows17:51
Jack_Sparrowanavarro What distro/release are you running17:51
* gaintsura joins snarkster for more coffee17:51
RabidWeezleare you both running 64's with 32 bit versions of ubuntu or somethin?17:52
anavarroI have the 8.0417:52
xTheGoat121xAnyone in here have any experience with .SO (USplash) files?17:52
anavarro32 bits17:52
RabidWeezleI only ask cause I have no idea17:52
Xcellsounds like a x problem17:52
RabidWeezledid google tell you anything?17:52
Jack_Sparrowanavarro Basic information to help us help you: Which distro/release are you using, have you modified your sources.list, have you compiled programs from source, Is this a regular install or are you running in some sort of virtual machine or did you install with wubi etc?17:52
swatTXRabidWeezle, do you happen to know a way to handle album artwork without manually doing every album in gtkpod?17:52
RabidWeezlenever used it17:52
RabidWeezlesomeone told me to tell you17:53
anavarronothing at all17:53
spideymanswatTX, amorok17:53
RabidWeezleabout gtkpod17:53
Sanketsuyell0w, I looked into some things and figured out that I all I needed to get my stuff working was turn off the computability check for addons.17:53
snarksterPersi: I have instruction on building the driver for your mach64 video card.. very very easy17:53
Morph3ushi.. where can i download the ubuntu repositories dvd's?  i have a friend without internet access..17:53
anavarroMy distribution is 8.0417:53
anavarroand I always update the packages17:53
RabidWeezleyou can download the whole repo on dvd?17:53
RabidWeezlethat's cool17:54
anavarroto be updated17:54
Xcellthat would be cool17:54
Jack_SparrowRabidWeezle 4 dvd's actually17:54
RabidWeezlewow, that would take a while17:54
snarksterthats alot of stuff17:54
persisnarkster I`d love to see it, got a link?17:54
gaintsuraRabidWeezle: I'm running 32bit ubuntu on AMD Turion 64x217:54
snarksterPersi: no not really.. open a PM to me and ill paste it line by line for you17:54
RabidWeezlewhat I would do, is gaintsura then get the x64 version silly17:55
Jack_Sparrowsnarkster use the pastebin17:55
anavarroIs just a regular install17:55
gaintsuraRabidWeezle: is it possible to upgrade from 32 to 64 without losing everything?17:55
RabidWeezlegood question, lemme check17:55
Hydrogenunless you have a separate /home17:56
gaintsuraHydrogen: /home is not what I'm worried about losing...17:56
mehehoolquick question to anyone at all17:56
Hydrogenand even then that would just be /home17:56
S4nD3rHOw to mount pendrive automatically in my gnome ??? (ubuntu 8.04)17:56
mehehooldoes running 32 bit on a 64 bit comp decrease performance?17:56
doug__I'm having a crash problem with Pan newsreader.  Something about a segmentation fault...17:57
RabidWeezleS4nD3r, I dunno about you, but when I stick a pen drive in, it auto mounts itself and sticks itself under places...17:57
obladorolá amigos, blz}17:57
mehehoolnot even in video processing?17:57
obladorhi friends!17:57
JediMasteranyone here know tc?17:57
snarksterJack_Sparrow: pastebin?17:57
JediMasterI can't find out how to wipe the filters and start again with tc =)17:57
Stroganoffmehehool please read this and related articles: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64bit#Pros_and_cons17:57
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:58
maekanyone used Banshee ??17:58
snarksterah dang i dint know we had our own pastebin17:58
obladordoes it really take a long time to encode a DVD to avi in ubuntu using OGMRIP?17:58
Jack_Sparrowsnarkster even cooler is this...  sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && sudo fdisk -l > ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && lsb_release -a >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)17:58
anavarroIt is happening since a couple of days17:58
anavarroI don't know why17:59
Jack_Sparrowoblador yes17:59
snarksterwow that is cool17:59
obladori'm encoding a dvd and it's already taken me more than 10h17:59
linkmaster03How can I use webcam on AIM on Kopete?17:59
obladoris it normal}17:59
cjk2oblador: slow cpu17:59
nibsa1242boblador: while I've never used that particular program, it depends on processor speed, ram, and other factors and should take 2-12 hours depending on various factors like number of passes.17:59
* xTheGoat121x surrenders17:59
S4nD3rlike mine RabidWeezle17:59
obladormy system is slow, it's a sempron 2300+, 256mb18:00
S4nD3rBut this must mount it18:00
obladorthanks, I guess it's fine then18:00
RabidWeezleit mounts it18:00
RabidWeezleto /media/disk18:00
nibsa1242boblador: yeah, it'll take an awful long time, the low amount of ram is going to be a big problem there18:00
mehehoolstroganoff from what i gather 64 is  a bettter option than 32  and as thus is preferable18:00
RabidWeezledo you need it mounted to another location?18:01
obladorok, but the estimated time left is just abou 5h18:01
obladorthank you friends18:01
obladorsee you18:01
Jack_SparrowStroganoff I didnt read the article, but in general we steer new linux users to 32 bit18:02
StroganoffJack_Sparrow i know18:02
dmbJack_Sparrow, i say we should steer them towards 16bit!18:02
Jack_Sparrowdmb Behave :)18:02
S4nD3rwhat to do to usb stick be mounted automatically ???18:03
whatever01how do i change in kde which programs start when i boot (into command line)18:03
nibsa1242bStroganoff I highly recommend 32bit. Makes it easier for things like Wine and other programs that new linux users normally want18:03
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Jack_SparrowS4nD3r Did you edit fstab?18:03
Stroganoffnibsa1242b where's the comprehensible wiki page on those issues?18:04
whatever01how do i start kde4 in command line and not just kde18:04
ubottuKDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde418:04
khajaviHELP: My cdrom doesnt mount on /cdrom it mount at /media/[cd lable], what should I do to solve this problem?18:04
crysnowerany body here?18:05
Jack_SparrowS4nD3r Can I see the line from your fstab18:05
cdcWhat is with the wmaster0 when I run an ifconfig in terminal?18:05
Stroganoffobviously THIS page doesn't steer to 32 bit..18:05
nibsa1242bStroganoff: I don't know if there is one. All I know is most people who have run both 64 bit and 32 bit generally recommend 32 bit, 64 bit is new and not everything works out of the box with it.18:05
crysnowerexcuse me18:05
Terrasquecrysnower: no, we're just digital representations of toughts. Bodies are soo 200018:05
mehehoolok  more questions i downloaded a rt2860 driver for linux how do i install ? please?18:06
S4nD3r/dev/sdb1           /media/pendrive          vfat       auto         0    018:06
crysnowerwhat's this?18:06
moshehi, i've noticed that firefox doesn't load page components suddenly and strace -p <firefoxpid> showed a lot of "EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)" - then i tried fsck and it said "fsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'UUID=e4ead2df-71d4-4319-b4a8-fa4a3b3dff13'" - this is the identifier used by default installation in kernel boot line in /boot/grub/menu.lst - what should i do? thanks18:06
S4nD3rJack_Sparrow: is in fstab18:06
ubottuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/23ewcf for more information.18:06
ActionParsniphey all18:06
acp_hi can some one help me with my wireless I just bought a fujitsu esprimo mobile having a Intel PRO/wireless 4965 AG or AGN Network connection for my network controller I have installed 8.04 seem my wireless is not detected?18:06
khajaviHELP: My cdrom doesnt mount on /cdrom it mount at /media/[cd lable], what should I do to solve this problem?18:06
anavarrono one knows anything about the terminal window freezes issue?18:06
crysnowerwho can speak chinse18:06
anavarroI need help with that18:06
snarksterIma compile a driver for my old webcam 046d:d001 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro18:06
ActionParsnipcrysnower: chinese dudes can18:06
ASULutzy!cn | crysnower18:06
Jack_SparrowS4nD3r sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && lsb_release -a >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit  (Provide Pastebin link in channel)18:06
ubottucrysnower: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk18:06
crysnowerno no18:07
acp_is there a drive that I need to download?18:07
MeniskCan anyone see this?18:07
Jack_SparrowStroganoff that is one persons opinion, and that person is not here to provide support for problems18:07
ActionParsnipMenisk: seen it18:07
ScuniziAlright.. AWN use to work on Gutsy but seems to be broke on Hardy even after reinstall.  Any solutions?18:07
Odd-rationaleMenisk: no18:07
crysnoweri just want to know what's this soft is18:07
randallacp_: did you check the restricted drivers18:07
Jack_SparrowStroganoff there is the optionof installing both 32 and 64 bit18:08
acp_yes thre i no restricted driver found18:08
Kille1fuck this wine chroot crap, ill just install ubuntu studio 32bit even if i got an amd6418:08
MeniskiPhone irc owns18:08
Jack_Sparrow!ohmy > Kille118:08
nibsa1242bStroganoff: that page does subtly steer towards 32bit as it mentions numerous times that 32 bit is more compatible then 64 bit and that there are extra configuration options that have to be taken for programs that require 32 bit.18:08
randallacp_: do you have all recent updates18:08
randallor have you done updates18:08
Kille1sorry fgor language18:08
acp_im doing it know18:08
nibsa1242bStroganoff: try out each version if you want; if you like 64 bit fine, if not go with 32 bit.18:09
randallacp_: ok18:09
Meniskgrdvggrghcdhhnjjbddnhsjzusgbkgtnxjtttbmkhsnmxykdjmanhydbhmhmztthhq uP Ivan egyan iN in be skdzn18:09
cjk2there is no reason not to use 64 bits.18:09
Scunizi!awn > Scunizi18:09
acp_I have 155 updats18:09
mehehoolok  more questions i downloaded a rt2860 driver for linux how do i install ? please?18:09
Jack_SparrowS4nD3r I dont see where in your fstab that you added a line for your usb stick18:09
Kille1dssi-vst works only with wine 42bits18:09
randallacp_: you should do them and then check restricted again18:09
nibsa1242bcjk2: its harder to configure wine in 64 bit18:09
ActionParsnipdoes anyone use transmission?18:09
Kille1yeah, and as im a newb i have no idea18:10
Kille1i followed a guide on setting up a chroot but yikes18:10
ActionParsnipjeed: do you know how to configure the watched folder for .torrent files??18:10
randallacp_: let me know how it turns out18:10
acp_I will thanks18:10
cjk2nibsa1242b: sounds like a wine problem.18:10
anavarroIf I restart it fixes for a while, but later comes again..18:10
jeedActionParsnip, dunno what you mean18:10
randallacp_: yw18:10
* nonix4 hopes there was a way to specify maximum cache usage for a process... as in a single 100-gigabyte tar shouldn't trash everything else out :(18:10
gaintsuraanavarro: are you still talking about GUI freezes?18:11
gaintsurajust checking18:11
nibsa1242bcjk2: its because wine acts like 32 bit windows, so it needs to run in a 32 bit environment18:11
c_lispnoxix there is18:11
ActionParsnipjeed: you can configure a folder, you copy .torrent files to it and they are automatically downloaded for you18:11
ActionParsniprtorrent does it too18:11
jeedActionParsnip, its not in my transmission opts18:11
c_lispI love ktorrent18:11
S4nD3rnow is ok18:11
nonix4c_lisp: not related to ulimits?18:11
S4nD3rnow is ok18:11
gaintsuraanavarro: did it start after you installed something? or was it out of nowhere?18:11
khajaviany one know how to say to ubuntu to dont mount my cdrom at /media/[cd label]   ???:'(18:12
jeedc_lisp, most private trackers still ban ktorrent since it had bad ratio code18:12
ActionParsnipc_lisp: im running fluxbox not kde18:12
anavarrogaintsura: I cant be sure18:12
c_lispI never had rejections on it18:12
Xcelldeluge works great 218:12
c_lispActionParsnip you can run gnome and kde in fluxbox appz18:12
Terrasqueutorrent in wine also works really well18:12
c_lispyou can even run kde progs in gnome18:12
osotogariHow can I change my fstab so that this drive # /dev/sdb1 UUID=35826132-6e87-450f-88b3-9d6e6369072b /media/data     ext3    relatime        0       2 is writeable by me?18:12
ActionParsnipc_lisp: yeah im trying to avoid bloat18:12
ActionParsnipc_lisp: does ktorrent have monitored folders??18:13
cjk2nibsa1242b: so what, it can switch to it easily18:13
gaintsuraanavarro: my install started doing it from first boot, at first it was only terminal that was doing it, now it can be any window18:13
nibsa1242bkhajavi: Ubuntu wants to mount it there, why is it creating an issue for you?18:13
c_lispWhat do you mean by monitor folders?18:13
cjk2sometimes, calling linux32 is enough18:13
Terrasqueosotogari: that is ext3, thats file system rights and not mount option rights18:13
Kille1would i see a performance hit between using a 32bit distrib and a 64 bit one ?18:13
ActionParsnipc_lisp: rtorrent and transmission can watch folders, if a new .torrent file is copied to it. its download is began automatically18:13
osotogari@ Terrasque: Thanks for the pointer :)18:14
Jack_SparrowS4nD3r I am rushed to get going but something like this..    http://pastebin.com/d7853c7b518:14
ActionParsnipc_lisp: its good for headless PCs18:14
spideymanosotogari, sounds like you need to change permissions18:14
c_lispyes it does18:14
ActionParsnipc_lisp: beauty18:14
Jack_SparrowS4nD3r  back later.. lurking while I get some real work done18:14
=== Bash is now known as TexCORP
Kille1or what si the real point of running a 64 bit distrib ?18:14
Levianibsa1242b: just installed a new kernel :S needed to do the module again, so I did..but now when I login, I get the ubuntu color backgroudn and my mouse..and a grey box in the top left of the screen..but it wont continue18:14
nibsa1242bcjk2: my point isn't not to use 64 bit. My point is that some programs under 64 bit require additional configuration to work, whereas in 32 bit they work out of the box. If one is a Linux newbie, then one may be more comfortable adjusting to the 32 bit environment.18:14
jeedKille1, not on linux, i never see the difference except 64-bit has more hassle and crashes and segfaults :P18:14
cjk2nibsa1242b: all the config should be done by the distro, but maybe ubuntu falls short on that18:15
randallacp_: still doing updates?18:15
nibsa1242bLevia: I'm not an x-wizard so I can't really help you.18:15
Kille1im gonna install the 32 bit ver of my distro18:15
Kille1come back to 64 when there is a real advantage and automatic 32 bit compatibility or such18:15
Levianibsa1242b: ah okay18:15
anavarrogaintsura: but dont install nothing in the last week18:15
c_lispim try to install ubuntu on my ps3 I heard its faster now then the being18:15
DarkAuditKDE 4 still best avoided for now?18:15
ActionParsnipc_lisp: ive heard fedora runs well18:16
c_lispI can't stand kde I might try to use it for a month one day18:16
c_lispyea yellow dog and gentoo is the fastest on it18:16
jeedc_lisp, kde is Teh pure bloat, even moreso in 418:16
c_lispyea its feel like windows to18:17
anavarrogaintsura: the other applications seems to be ok18:17
jeedyeah, i prefer gnome or xfce418:17
anavarrogaintsura: only the terminal window18:17
conrad_i've been trying to fix my sound all day long with no success, came upon this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/188287/ and tried it18:17
anavarrogaintsura: and the Text Editor18:17
c_lispI like ot learn its manager though just for tech support reasons18:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 188287 in mythbuntu "dependencies installs -386 kernel which hangs on boot" [High,Fix released]18:17
gaintsuraanavarro: hmm18:17
conrad_Now my sound is playing through the pc speaker!18:17
cdcAre there any easy tutorials to connect to a WEP encrypted sid with hardy heron through terminal18:17
conrad_what on eartH!18:17
conrad_how do fix this?18:17
gaintsuracdc man iwconfig18:18
Sebleoufhi all18:18
anavarrogaintsura: It happens now18:18
gaintsurawas it happening before?18:18
c_lispcdc yes there is its pretty easy though18:18
anavarrogaintsura: so I can try whatever you want18:18
c_lispiwconfig interface key 11111122222233333344444455 example18:18
Sebleoufis someone come from oceania here ?18:18
devexialhmm, i want to do an upgrade from GG to HH, but my little eeepc hard drive doesnt have enough space free for the upgrade. is it possible to point the upgrader to a secondary disk drive for temp spacce?18:18
gaintsuraanavarro: I'm no linux guru, I'm just trying to see if the problems are similar18:19
anavarrogaintsura: the other thing is the shutdown buttn18:19
acp_randall: yes18:19
anavarrogaintsura: ok, thanks anyway18:19
|miska_palm|johwil: ping18:19
randallacp_: kk18:20
gaintsurasorry anavarro =\18:20
conrad_alsa is using my *pc speaker*. how do i fix this?18:20
acp_randall: I been reading from the net and it says that the driver for my wireless is supported by kernel 2.6.24 and up, Im using 2.6.24-16-generic that you be detected ryt?18:22
cdcI know the commands to the connect to a WEP encrypted wifi but I do not understand why there is a wmaster0 listed under my ifconfig command through the terminal. This is aparently linked to my wlan0 causing my wlan0 not to connect to the proper access point. Any Ideas?18:23
acp_randall: *should be detected18:23
randallacp_: is it still doing updates18:23
acp_yes, sorry my connection bit slow18:23
Ice_Maxok, im running 64bit ubuntu, and i have no idea how to install flash or sound drivers (i have a creative x-fi xtreme music18:24
razor950When, I try 8.04 live-cd, it is loading and no error msg, just crashes to busybox, doing exit shows target not found /sbin/init, anyone have an idea?18:24
randallacp_: wait till its dones and reboot and your kernal should be updated18:24
UncleCJ_Does anyone have any hints at what can cause my curious GTK/keyboard messup when I just start the keyboard config tool under Gnome?18:24
randallacp_: kernel* sorry lol18:24
randallcant spell18:24
DarkAuditIce_Max: forget X-fi for now, there are no suitable drivers at present...18:25
Ice_Maxdam :/18:25
DarkAuditI gave up and went back to onboard sound18:25
crysnowerwhy did my atidriver  gone?18:25
Ice_Maxnot even the beta drivers from creative?18:25
heath_how can I find out what tty my com port is?18:26
DarkAuditIce_Max: there's nothing packaded, and my Linux-fu isn't strong enough to go mucking about with those18:26
=== bobo is now known as bo3zza
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* delcoyote hi18:27
DarkAuditIce_Max: but for flash, if you're runnig Firefox, and you get a message at the top of a pageabout missing plugins, click on the button, and installing flash should be near-automatic18:27
tenwhat the fuck??:O18:27
crysnowerubuntu is so cool18:27
osotogari@Terrasque: thanks for the help, changing the permissions on /dev/sdb1 worked perfectly18:27
razor950I have used ubuntu before but 8.04 seems to not work :(18:27
Piciten: Watch the language.18:28
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MrPinkhey all, is it possible to delete the upper panel? I can delete the lower one but I want to delete the upper one as well, any suggestions ?18:28
Ice_Maxdarkaudit: there we, go, jsut needed to restart firefox18:28
tenPIci: what?18:28
crysnowerhow can i write teh chinese18:28
swhittHi - I've been trying to install 8.04 but it is telling me that I need 52.4megs free on my /boot partition. My /boot is only 59 megs and I've removed old kernel versions and backups. What should I do?18:28
=== dmb is now known as Guest1933
Ice_Maxnow i jsut need sound18:28
Piciten: Please dont curse in here.18:28
tensory... i'm from poland. i speak english so litlle18:29
Pici!pl | ten18:29
ubottuten: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl18:29
MrPinkis it possible to delete the upper panel? I can delete the lower one but I want to delete the upper one as well, any suggestions ?18:29
tenubottu: thanks18:29
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)18:29
Kl4mMrPink:  right-click, delete panel doesn't work?18:30
Odd-rationaleMrPink: you must always have atleast one panel..18:30
MrPinkKl4m: No it doesnt18:30
gaintsurais there a pdf viewer thats better than evince?18:30
cheetaHi all.. Is any GUI client for managing partitions?18:30
* gaintsura dislikes it18:30
julian2495322i have a question about gnump3d. i installed the server and can see the list of music on my browser, but the files wont play18:30
conrad_alsa is using my *pc speaker*. how do i fix this?18:30
MrPinkOdd-rationale: Hmm that sucks, any way to change that? Or is that non-negotionable? :-P18:30
wolscheeta: gparted18:31
jahshuahey anyone know where to get nice grub splash screens for ubuntu?18:31
conrad_alsa is using my *pc speaker*. how do i fix this?18:31
wolsgaintsura: adobe acrobat, xpdf, kpdf, etc18:31
cheetaHi all.. Is any GUI client for managing partitions? I want to reduce SWAP space & merge my ext3 partition with other partions. Is it possible without any dataloss?18:31
MrPinkjahshua: www.gnome-look.org18:31
wolscheeta: do a backup first.and I already told you18:32
gaintsuraacrobat is available on linux?18:32
wolsgaintsura: yes18:32
cjk2even if acro is available, you would not want to use it.18:32
gaintsurahmm, I did not know that18:32
Ice_Maxcjk2:y not?18:32
cjk2memory hog.18:32
wolscjk2: why not?18:32
justmedoes anybody know anything about milestones of ext4 ?18:32
conrad_alsa is using my *pc speaker*. how do i fix this?18:32
wolscjk2: what else is new=18:32
MrPinkso no possibility to delete the upper panel ? :(18:32
cjk2wols: new, as in?18:33
wols!sound | conrad_18:33
ubottuconrad_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:33
jeedMrPink, right click on it and click delete panel18:33
wolscjk2: acrobat was a hog everywhere and everytime18:33
razor950I didnt try that modprobe but I will (that is the problem)18:33
Ice_Maxcjk: any alternatives for pdfs?18:33
gaintsuracjk2: I like acrobats search better than evince18:33
cjk2evince, kpdf?18:33
vulcarGreetings, I just installed hardy heron from gust gibbon and would like to know why when I use the command - sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common [the newest package] it downloads the package and installs but when i type ndiswrapper it says ndiswrapper-utils is not installed. did they change the way you use ndiswrapper?18:33
whatever01how do i edit which services start when ubuntu boots from command line?18:33
justmevulcar, just install ndiswrapper-utils18:33
justmewhere's the problem ?18:33
conrad_wols: there are 3 options under Change Device, all of them include the pc speaker18:33
Odd-rationaleMrPink: the best way is to set it to none-expandible and autohide....18:34
vulcarjustme,  I tried that but it says that it is not available do to being obsolete.18:34
julian2495322can anyone help with gnump3d?18:34
MrPinkOdd-rationale: yeah, already did that.... thanks18:34
justmeoO wth18:34
wolsconrad_: install and use the proper drivers for your soundcard18:34
whatever01how do i edit which services start when ubuntu boots from command line?18:34
justmevulcar, could you paste the whole message?18:34
vulcarjustme,  sure one moment.18:34
blooflexwho speak french?18:34
wols!upstart > whatever0118:34
wols!fr | blooflex18:35
ubottublooflex: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr18:35
vulcarPackage ndiswrapper-utils is not available, but is referred to by another package.18:35
vulcarThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or18:35
vulcaris only available from another source18:35
vulcarHowever the following packages replace it:18:35
vulcar  ndiswrapper-common18:35
vulcarE: Package ndiswrapper-utils has no installation candidate18:35
conrad_wols: my sound was working until this morning. apparently the new nvidia driver was the cause: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/188287/18:35
vulcarSorry guys.18:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 188287 in mythbuntu "dependencies installs -386 kernel which hangs on boot" [High,Fix released]18:35
vulcarI hit the wrong button.18:35
wols!paste | vulcar18:35
ubottuvulcar: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:35
Odd-rationaleMrPink: i'm guessing you are using awn...? :)18:35
tore_vulcar: aptitude install ndiswrapper-common18:35
blooflexok good afternoon18:35
wolsconrad_: don't run a -386 kernel then18:36
HenZoPostfix (on Ubuntu) question: Can someone tell me why the mail@mydomain account is receiving e-mail? As far as I can tell, the local_recipient_maps setting in Postfix defaults to everybody in the passwd file, but is it really going to accept mail for all the system accounts?18:37
vulcartore_, that doesnt help considering when i try to use ndiswrapper in my terminal it says ndiswrapper-utils is not installed.18:37
tore_19:35 < vulcar> However the following packages replace it:18:37
tore_19:35 < vulcar>   ndiswrapper-common18:37
tore_.. it should :)18:37
KlrSpzhow do you reinstall wiped config files?18:38
conrad_wols: from this morning until now ubuntu said i didn't have a sound card installed. after following pdragon's advice in the thread i linked to, it now recognises my sound card. it just plays my soudn through my pc speaker18:38
whatever01what is a good command line text editor in ubuntu?18:38
vulcartore_, its not allowing me to install a driver via this command.18:38
HenZowhatever01: nano is my favorite18:38
wolsconrad_: read the urls I gave you18:38
tore_apt-get install ndiswrapper-common18:38
|Angelic|whatever01: emacs :)18:38
tore_then try to install the driver18:38
vulcartore_, i did18:38
tore_then I don't know :/18:39
vulcartore_, I have installed ndiswrapper and restarted and it says no utils found. Any ideas why it would show up?18:39
KlrSpzhey guys... how do you reinstall wiped config files?18:40
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mnem0KlrSpz: i think it's "dpkg-reconfigure PACKAGE_NAME"18:41
KlrSpznah there's a way with aptitude on how to do it18:41
LeviaI have a problem with darklooks..when i reboot, the theme is set back to the default..I have to choose another theme, and then back to darklooks to make it work again. any idea?18:42
KlrSpzmnem0: it's an aptitude option to tell dpkg an option, i just can't remember it18:42
theRealBallchalksup l337518:42
simplyubuntuhey. can anyone help me with banshee... it doesn't show my ipod, though rhythmbox doees...18:42
dmitri0hi all. i have a server running some php, and i just want to be able to send email from it. what is the simplest way of doing this? would that be installing postfix? ssmtp? do i have to secure these things so other people can't use my smtp server etc? i'm a complete newbie in the world of mail management, i know next to nothing about the way these things are done and would be glad for any help18:42
KlrSpzI want the original default config with xorg18:43
KlrSpzdpkg-recofnigure is not giving that t ome18:44
dmitri0wols: on the man page it says that it forwards mail "to the configured mailhost". what exactly does that mean? isn't ssmtp supposed to be the mailhost?18:44
PolitikerALTHi everyone, I got a problem using evolution - I tried to import a calendar of kontact (the one in ~/.kde/share/apps/korganizer/std.ics) but it shows me all events one hour off. Even worse, if i try to correct it, the events will become even another hour later18:44
dmitri0if it isn't, how does it help me in this situation?18:44
PolitikerALTHow could I fix this?18:44
simplyubuntueven tried reinstalling.. nothing seems to work :( I need help....18:44
PolitikerALTAnd I got another problem: I want my panel (because it is displayed vertically because I got a widescreen TFT) to display the tasks as icons (w/o text) - how can I do that?18:46
barfbagHi there! Is there a shortcut like windows+d in ubuntu?18:47
GleepGlop_msg NickServ identify 232318:47
PolitikerALTwindows+d = what?18:47
barfbagwindowskey+d minimizes all18:47
barfbagahh, good18:47
PolitikerALTBut I thought windows+m does the minimization18:47
barfbagis there a way to do it with the windows key?18:48
b4l7424ri can't get mplayerplugin to play video streams in firefox, it worked like a charm right after i had installed it but after a reboot, the player just stops as soon as i hit the play button18:48
PolitikerALTsystem→settings→keyboard shortcuts18:48
PolitikerALTThere should be something like "Hide all windows and focus desktop"18:49
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barfbagahh, great, thanks18:49
barfbagnext one: is there  a acdsee or faststome like image viewer for linux?18:50
PolitikerALTomg sorry it seems that windows+something doesnt work :-(18:50
LeviaI have a problem with darklooks..when i reboot, the theme is set back to the default..I have to choose another theme, and then back to darklooks to make it work again. any idea?18:50
theRealBallchalkwhere are the saved gnome theme files located?18:51
theRealBallchalkor customized gnome themes18:51
PolitikerALTI do not know faststome but acdsee is something like irfanview (for linux)? Gwenview could be something like that but I'll search for a gnome program18:51
barfbagPolitiker, yes, like irfanview18:51
\kGif i wanna cehck the md5sum on my xp box of the ubuntu iso i just downloaded... do i just md5sum.exe ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso18:52
barfbagi can really recommend the faststone viewer for windows, its the best software i saw for a long time18:52
traskhow is this for an open source slogan? : knowledge is power. share yours and you get it back fold <www.worldpopulationcounter.com/current>18:52
connorfaststone software?18:52
sdtr443wI added a GDI printer on my LAN here as a printer for Ubuntu and it seems to have detected it ok, although I am using the generic GDI driver.  Nothing happens when I send it something to print.  Where should I look for problems?18:52
node357\kG, yes.18:52
=== AndrewB_ is now known as AndrewB
barfbagconnor http://www.faststone.org/18:54
pelaxixanyone knows any good RTS for linux?18:54
dmitri0if i use postfix on my machine as an smtp server, do i just need to block incoming stuff to 25 to avoid having people use it as a spam host?18:54
compubombanyone have problems with firefox on ubuntu keeps crashing when you d/l any files ?18:54
PolitikerALTsorry, I don't think there is such a program for linux18:54
connorpelaxix: try command and conquer or starcraft+wine18:54
\kGwhat am i supposed to do if md5 doesnt pass?18:55
barfbag\kg redownload it18:55
\kGit never works .... 5 times in a row18:55
pelaxixyeah but, thats the point, i loooove Starcraft, and i play it on windows, but i wanna know if there are any RTS for linux, i dont want to use wine for playing windows games.18:55
\kGmd5sum:      93 main/binary-i386/Release: No such file or directory18:55
\kG     93 main/binary-i386/Release: FAILED open or read18:55
\kGmd5sum: 1537482 main/binary-i386/Packages: No such file or directory18:55
\kG1537482 main/binary-i386/Packages: FAILED open or read18:55
nickruddmitri0, part of the setup of postfix will ask if you want to relay, say no.18:55
\kGman i thought it was my cdrom drive .... this is retrded18:55
ASULutzypelaxix: Wesnoth is a great game, it's turn based, not RTS, but it's open source and very fun18:56
In-Sane``Hello all :)18:56
\kGwhothef wants to keep redownloading isos18:56
pelaxixhow abount FPS, i downloaded one about aliens i did not like :P... wich one do you guys recomend?18:56
ASULutzypelaxix: Nexuiz is a good one, Open arena is also pretty kick butt if you liked Q3 Arena18:57
swatTXcan someone walk me through transfering music to my ipod using amarok?18:57
PolitikerALTand unfortunately, faststone doesn't work well with wine either18:57
ASULutzypelaxix: Nexuiz feels a bit more like UT, so I like it a bit more, but Openarena is definitely worth checking out as well. I think both are available via synaptic18:57
pelaxixi'll check it out, and i love UT, i think i have a linux vercion for it.18:58
delta-q-deltai was wondering, what is the best media server for streaming media to an xbox18:59
ASULutzypelaxix: And I heard that Steam is coming over to Linux, I'll see if I can dig up a link18:59
\kGshould i not do anything onmy computer while iso downloads   any reason why 5 .iso failed md5sum check18:59
zippahcan someone help me on an ubuntu install that is hanging??  msg me please19:00
\kGor maybe the mirror/19:00
ASULutzy\kG: You had 5 straight downloads fail md5sum checks? Are you sure your RAM is ok?19:00
\kGhow would i check my ram?19:00
ASULutzy\kG: Run memtest19:00
\kGwindows runs fine... well as well as expected19:00
johnnypeahello, how can I unmount volume, it says "You are not privileged to unmount this volume." or set the permit for that? thx19:00
Daisuke_Laptopbut what are you trying to unmount?19:01
In-Sane``!info nexuiz19:01
ubottunexuiz (source: nexuiz): A fast-paced 3D first-person shooter. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4-1 (hardy), package size 657 kB, installed size 2080 kB19:01
ASULutzy\kG: You might not be able to tell if your RAM is bad from casual use19:01
\kGASULitzy;   im google memtest19:01
zippahi ran the install, and it seems to run with no input from me, then a desktop background appears along with a mouse pointer (which will not move) and the screen just sits there, any ideas?  it is on a dell optiplex that is not too terribly old19:01
barfbagfaststone runs with wine19:01
barfbagthanks a lot19:01
=== jaakko is now known as LOP
pelaxix2 megabytes?? for mexuiz???19:02
ASULutzypelaxix: That's just for the engine, you'll need the data and sounds and maps etc later19:02
stefgzippah: have you tried the safe graphics mode? My guess is you're running ati graphics19:02
PCcertifiedQuestion, to add an app like vgetty to the startup sequence, am I required to write a program or is there an easier way.19:02
ASULutzypelaxix: Just search for nexuiz in synaptic19:02
zippahstefg it didnt give me any optiopns19:02
tor_Hello guys, I've been running into troubles with wine when im trying to run wow. I followed the guide on ubuntu docs correct but when im doing the "wine wow.exe -opengl" it just outputs "Segmentation fault", what does it mean?19:02
ASULutzyPCcertified: just click system->preferences->sessions, you can change startup apps there19:03
pelaxixyup  right now im downloading wesnoth haha. when im done with that... im goin for it.19:03
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.19:03
stefgzippah: are you using the 'desktop' or 'alternate' install ?19:03
doug__I'm also getting a segmentation fault with Pan newsreader19:03
tor_whatever01, i've been trying to lookup on google but can't seem to find whats wrong..19:03
DIL_who is sneezing19:03
PCcertifiedASULutzy: those apparently only start with a user session, vgetty should run even when no user is looooged in19:03
tor_doug__, pan newsreader is what?19:04
randallacp_: hey did you get it all done19:04
randallacp_: internet went out19:04
PCcertifiedoops keyboard is on it's last legs19:04
=== bushwick is now known as Bushwick
BushwickAfternoon everyone.19:04
zippahi ran the install, and it seems to run with no input from me, then a desktop background appears along with a mouse pointer (which will not move) and the screen just sits there, any ideas?  it is on a dell optiplex that is not too terribly old19:04
ASULutzypelaxix: Both Nexuiz and Wesnoth have newer versions than what are available in synaptic if you download and compile from source. It's not necessary to get the newest; ie the versions in synaptic are still compatible, but just an FYI19:04
ASULutzyPCcertified: Ah, I hadn't thought about that. Can you add a script to init.d?19:05
BushwickASUL I am waiting for synaptic to catch up on the latest release of Pidgin.19:05
DIL_waa gwaaan19:05
zippahthe install does not seem to do any fdisking partitioning it just goes with no input from me19:05
PCcertifiedASULutzy: I frankly don't have scriping experience, I honesty would have no clue what I'm doing.19:05
GleepGlophow do i change the main display for GDM (2 x servers)19:06
pelaxixwoa, thanks man, you really know what you are talkin about19:06
PCcertifiedASULutzy: I know what to add to inittab but Ubuntu has no such simplistic feature19:06
johnnypeaDaisuke_Laptop: hdd partition19:06
PCcertifiedASULutzy: I would need assistance from someone who successfully setup mgetty and vgetty19:07
tonsOfSparkshey, did u know that of you type "/quit <name of person u want to quit>" they will be quitted from the chatroom?19:07
DickinsonnSaludos Raza Ubuntera xD19:07
Daisuke_Laptopjohnnypea: that's obvious, is it something like / or /home?19:07
bXiwhats the name of that network manager in the tray?19:07
tor_tonsOfSparks, yea19:07
Daisuke_LaptopbXi: NetworkManager19:07
PCcertifiedtonsOfSparks: isn't that a OP function19:07
Daisuke_LaptoptonsOfSparks: don't do that again.19:08
bXiDaisuke_Laptop: is that the network-manager package?19:08
GleepGlopCan someone help with GDM?19:08
pub_anybody use the Goodweather gdesklet ?19:09
johnnypeaDaisuke_Laptop: /media/Windows19:09
DIL_tonsOfSparks: be also aware that if you stick your finger into an electrical outlet you will be shocked19:09
PCcertifiedI've spent the better part of 2 weeks attempting to install and set up vgetty and am almost ready to PAY $$$ to get it done.  (or switch back to windows)19:09
tor_I really eager for help with my World Of Warcraft gaming on Ubuntu. It just gives the error "segment fault". Anyone got experience with it?19:09
MystaMaxhello, I'm running ubuntu from CLI, and I cannot mount any DVDs? I receive an error saying, "mount: block device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only / mount: you must specify the filesystem type" how do i fix this19:10
pelaxixfor the guy tryin to manage an ipod from amarok, i found a tutorial, here is the link http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_amarok_ipod19:10
PCcertifiedMystaMax: aren't DVD's read only ?19:10
MystaMaxso are CDs19:11
cdecarloMystaMax: read the man page for mount19:11
MystaMaxPCcertified: so are CDs, and I dont have troubles with that19:11
ubottuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter19:11
cdecarloMystaMax: you've got to use the -t flag19:11
ASULutzyPCcertified: I'm not 100% sure what you need to do, but adding something to run on startup isn't that hard to do. For example on my desktop I had to make a script to rewrite my mtrr tables on startup because fglrx wouldn't work with 4 GB of RAM. So I just created the script, made it executable, copied to /etc/init.d/mtrrfixup and also to /etc/rc2.d/S01mtrrfixup19:12
the_eraserCant find Gnormalizer in the repo? this is not how its supposed to be19:12
ramviHi, what file do I change to change the default applets in the gnome panel when creating a new user?19:12
powertool08 MystaMax -t iso9660 -o loop19:12
tonsOfSparksok, sorry about my noobness three minutes ago, i actually have a question... i was just wondering where KDE 4 is in terms of development and wether I should get it19:13
chadeldridgeI accidentally deleted my gnome panel and was wondering if there is a backup of its config that i can put back in place?19:13
the_eraseranyone know about gnormalizer? :'(19:13
Odd-rationaletonsOfSparks: i would wait. use kde3 for now... kde4, although quite stable, is still incomplete in some areas...19:14
zyx386i cant connect with ftp with Nautilus?19:14
PCcertifiedASULutzy: sounds easy enough, but I don't have a clue what to put in the script.  I haven't written a script in 7 years, not sure I remember how.19:14
peepsalotcan I load my OS and some extra files into memory, and diable my hard drive for power savigns?19:14
zyx386with Nautilus can i just connect to "Costum Location" why?19:15
PCcertifiedASULutzy:  point is there MUST be 1   person on this planet that has set up vgetty or used their ubuntu for an answering machine19:15
the_eraserit was called gnormalize, but its not in the repos :(19:15
joaopintopeepsalot, you can't move the entire os into a ramdisk19:15
tonsOfSparksodd-rationale: so it's jstill "eat yo baties?" I guess i got used to using gnome w/ ubuntu but i would like to switch back to KDE, which is really awesome19:15
peepsalotjoaopinto, why not?  too large?  I can't move just the crucial needed files?19:16
Odd-rationaletonsOfSparks: kde 4.1 will be out next month... i will probably reevaluate kde then.19:16
ASULutzyPCcertified: Is it already setup and configured? And you just want it to run on startup? because then your script would pretty much just be a file that says vgetty.19:16
MystaMaxthanks everyone!19:16
peepsalotjoaopinto, i just want to use my laptop as a mp3 player on a plane trip.  trying to maximise power savings19:17
Gaming4JChello all19:17
joaopintopeepsalot, it's too large, and it is not technically possible to relocate the entire root filesystem when it's already mounted19:17
Kl4mpeepsalot: It's more complicated than just moving some files to memory.19:17
chadeldridgeAnyone know if there is a backup of the gnome-panel settings ?  Where would i look ?19:17
tonsOfSparksthe_eraser: compile it yourself, find the tarball w/ source at http://gnormalize.sourceforge.net/ and follow the instructions, but u might need to get gcc from the repos if you havent done so already19:17
DIL_does anyone know where is the "pst file" file version of Evolution is located19:18
Gaming4JCI think I found the first virus for Ubuntu. The entire system is in read-only mode and I seem to have of lost everything. Some one Please help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5164735#post516473519:18
Kl4mDIL_: somewhere in ~/.evolution19:18
peepsalotjoaopinto, Kl4m ok, what if I just boot from flash drive.  or liveCD into ramdisk.19:18
the_erasertonsOfSparks: yep guess i have to..19:18
joaopintopeepsalot, if you use a minimal installation, once the player loads the files into memory there should be no Disk I/O19:18
ASULutzyGaming4JC: Not a virus. You should probably just do what it says19:18
Kl4mpeepsalot: DSL can copy the image in ram and boot from there19:18
Eyemeanhi there, wondering if there is a way to find the ip address of an msn messenger user?19:18
ASULutzyGaming4JC: You need to run fsck on the disk19:18
DIL_Kl4m: ty19:18
Gaming4JCASULutzy: Like what? fsck crashes19:19
chadeldridgeWhen i hit alt-f2 it brings up 2 run windows ... ?19:19
fbchow do you merge text file A into text file B?19:19
Gaming4JCplease see the pics. :(19:19
ASULutzyGaming4JC: Your hard drive may have gone bad?19:19
peepsalotKl4m, joaopinto if I use a liveCD or boot from flash, how can I be sure that there is no power going to hdd?19:19
joaopintopeepsalot, also I am assuming you will be using a console based player19:19
Gaming4JCNo, it was working fine for 6months. A nice SATA-II 360GB.19:19
PCcertifiedASULutzy: Have you seen the mgetty script? If I were using inittab, I would just have to replace the mgetty entry with a vgetty one.   But the mgetty script is much more complex.    And I have no idea how to modify it to work.  here's a link to the mgetty script. http://paste.ubuntu.com/19416/19:20
ASULutzyGaming4JC: Boot froma  live-cd and install smartmontools. Check the diagnostics. That's not a happy hard drive19:20
Gaming4JCWhat should I look for?19:20
jockeWhy this error when I have installed a gpg-key and doing an apt-get thingy? http://pastebin.com/d16bf30ed should I care about it?19:20
poypoyi can someone help me with a problem im haveing pls19:21
tonsOfSparkshey guys, is there an IRC help channel where the mastaz teach the noobs about IRC? (sorry, OT but i dont know where else to post this)19:21
tobiasin the screen resolution control panel, I can see both my monitors and arrange them, but I can't get out of "cloned" mode even though clone monitors is not checked.  i have an ati mobility x1400 and i'm using the radeon driver.19:21
joaopintopeepsalot, well, if you use an cd or flash, if the disks are not mounted there should be no power usage, however that depends on your hw19:21
ASULutzyJust run sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda (if sda is the drive in question)19:21
fbchow do you merge text file A into text file B?19:21
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit19:21
PCcertifiedpoypoy: describe your problem briefly in the channel19:21
spideymantonsOfSparks, #xchat19:21
ASULutzyGaming4JC: Just run sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda (if sda is the correct drive) I'm guessing you'll see some errors logged there.19:22
joaopintofbc, cat A B > C19:22
powertool08tonsOfSparks: what else is there to know? connect, talk, read? unless you want to run your own channel you shouldn't need much else right?19:22
ASULutzyGaming4JC: And from the live-cd you'll probably want to try running fsck from the live-cd19:22
Gaming4JChow do I try the fsck from a CD? (last time I tried it fsck-ed the virtual disk)19:22
ASULutzyGaming4JC: I don't understand why you chmodded anything... You should have asked first19:22
hello4my ubuntu doesnt work19:22
fbcjoaopinto, would cat A B > B work?19:22
ASULutzyGaming4JC: You tell fsck which drive you want it to check?19:23
hello4right before it shows the login screen it says input signal out of range19:23
Ktronhello4, I'm sorry, mine does19:23
poypoysome things i have EG virus scanner say cant update are you root i only have one name whots it onabout root19:23
ASULutzyGaming4JC: Are you in the live-cd now?19:23
joaopintofbc, open a terminal and type: man cat19:23
Gaming4JCnot right now I'm on a Windows backup19:23
Gaming4JClet me login there now19:23
tonsOfSparksodd-rationale, what happended to you and the 30 other beople who suddenly left the room all at the same time?19:23
abe3kwhere should I go for help with emerald ?19:23
hello4can any1 help19:23
PCcertifiedpoypoy: does it ask for  password?19:23
eixI would like to install maildrop but NOT an MTA. Is that possible?19:24
Odd-rationaletonsOfSparks: idk. netsplit porbably...19:24
AFJUSDHello! Can anyone advise me regarding the integration of Ubuntu 8.10 with a Microsoft AD Network?19:24
tonsOfSparkshello4, wats ur question19:24
DIL_hello4: dont despair - underdog .... ask your questions there are many smart people her that may assist you19:24
hello4right before it shows the login screen it says input signal out of range << @tonsofspark19:24
abe3kcan any one inform me on where should I go for help with emerald ?19:24
spideymanhello4 sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver xorg from terminal19:24
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit19:25
poypoyno i dont ask for a password im useing 8.04 if that is relevent19:25
hello4u still there tons19:25
abe3kcan any one inform me on where should I go for help with emerald theme manager ?19:25
PCcertifieddid you see my problem ASULutzy19:25
tonsOfSparkso yea, hello4, missed it, srry19:25
hello4is there a way we can speak private or not? its very easy to miss what u say in here19:26
ASULutzyPCcertified: I don't really know much about vgetty so I don't feel that qualfied to help you. I know how to make a program run on startup, but I don't know how to configure vgetty as I've never used or heard of it19:26
tonsOfSparkshello4: ooh, sorry i dont know19:26
AFJUSDI am the IT Director for a K-12 Public School. I am wanting to implement Ubuntu 8.10 in selected classrooms. However, I need to things. My users need to log into these machines just as they would in a Windows AD Network AND I need there Network Based Home Directories to be mapped automatically. I have searched and searched for documentation about this.... Can you help?19:26
hello4ok thanks anyways19:26
hello4anyone else know how to fix my problem?19:27
spideymanhello4 try this sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver xorg from terminal19:27
ramviHi, what file do I change to change the default applets in the gnome panel when creating a new user?19:27
chadeldridgeCan someone please check their Session preferences and see if they have gnome-panel starting twice?  Is that normal ?19:27
bXii'm missing my systray + network manager19:27
ASULutzyAFJUSD: Do you mean Ubuntu 8.04? 8.10 is Intrepid Ibex and isn't coming out till October19:27
hello4ive done that19:27
KtronAFJUSD, there's stuff out there on how to log into a domain from linux19:27
hello4and during the setup like right after it ask me what keyboard, it stops and goes to a command type line19:27
AFJUSDOoops, yes Ubuntu 8.0419:27
spideymanhello4 sounds like monitor ranges are not correct19:27
KtronAFJUSD, and there's stuff out there on the latter, mostly to do with smbclient or smbfs19:28
hello4know how to fix that?19:28
spideymanhello4 google your monitor19:28
madcreationhello everyone19:28
spideymanhello4 get the correct range settings19:28
PCcertifiedpoypoy the problem is your virus scanner needs ROOT (administrator) privileges to perform a download.  in Ubuntu you are logged in without root privileges.  to perform an action as ROOT you will be required to enter your password.  (same as your login password)19:28
PCcertifiedpoypoy: thats why I asked if your program requested a password.19:29
hello4ok then what19:29
randallacp_: u here19:29
spideymanhello4  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver xorg from terminal19:29
hello4that doesnt work for me19:30
powertool08spideyman: i think its xserver-xorg19:30
AFJUSDI cannot find anything that guides me in adding Ubuntu clients in an AD network and how to automount networked based home directories. This is the only hurdle  I can't jump to implement Ubuntu in my Network19:30
hello4i get to the part where it ask what keyboard and after that it goes to a command line19:30
poypoyso i log in as root password ......19:30
spideymanpowertool08, yeah sry19:30
DIL_hello4: for what it is worth - i had an ATI 9250 that would not work after an update, i checked Video compatibility list and purchased a Nividia card that solved my prob.19:30
PCcertifiedpoypoy you will have to look up the documentation to see if you should set a file for root permission or if there is a setting in the program to request your password before updating19:30
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC
abe3khello , me emerald theme manager window freezes when I open it without a sudo command , is there any one that can help me ?19:30
PCcertifiedpoypoy: does it give you this error when you start the program?19:31
powertool08hello4: if you're dropped to a command line then you shouldn't have any problems running that command right?19:31
poypoyUnable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?19:31
acp_randall: finish with my update I'm now using 2.6.24-18-generic but still I could not see my wireless from Network Settings I have check hardware driver it says "No proprietary drivers are in use on the system"19:31
hello4well see i wrote that command19:31
hello4and went thru different steps19:31
poypoyCould not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)19:31
abe3khello , my emerald theme manager window freezes when I open it without a sudo command , is there any one that can help me ?19:31
hello4and go to the what keyboard i use type it in and enter19:31
hello4then it drops to a command line19:31
hello4so it wont let me finish the setup/ reconfigure or w/e19:32
connorwhat are some good music making programs for ubuntu?19:32
chadeldridgeI have 2 copies of gnome-panel starting ... how do I stop the second from starting up?  Removing it from my session and saving the settings does nothing.19:32
powertool08hello4: try startx and see if it fixed it?19:32
Gaming4JCI'm on live CD, ASULutzy. But when I ran fsck disk it got an error19:32
hello4i did still doesnt work19:32
hello4also if i type in ctrl alt and f1 the computer screen freezes19:33
hello4also at the login screen if i press restart it freezes and shows different colors up at the top19:33
abe3kHello, I'm using Ubuntu hardy , my emerald theme manager window freezes when I open it without a sudo command , is there any one that can help me ?19:33
Gaming4JCASULutzy:  fsck /media/disk Produces this eror: fsck.ext2: Is a directory while trying to open /media/diskThe superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2....19:33
ChaosTheory_So I've changed some settings in Eterm's cfg.19:33
ChaosTheory_How do I apply them?19:33
ASULutzyGaming4JC: type sudo fdisk -l and paste the output here, I want to make sure that /dev/sda1 is the correct partition for your ubuntu install19:34
ASULutzyGaming4JC: And then if it is, you're going to want to run sudo e2fsck -C0 -p -f -v /dev/sda119:34
chadeldridgeI have 2 copies of gnome-panel starting ... how do I stop the second from starting up?  Removing it from my session and saving the settings does nothing.19:34
ASULutzy!pm | AFJUSD19:34
ubottuAFJUSD: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.19:34
abe3khellow , can any one read my text ?19:34
DIL_abe3k: i cant see it19:34
abe3kI'm using Ubuntu hardy , my emerald theme manager window freezes when I open it without a sudo command , is there any one that can help me ?19:35
abe3kDIL_: I'm using Ubuntu hardy , my emerald theme manager window freezes when I open it without a sudo command , is there any one that can help me ?19:35
PCcertifiedpoypoy: check the instructions for that program again, you probably skipped a step in setting up permissions.    To RUN it as root from the menu, right click your menu and edit the menu, find your program in the list and right click and select properties.   Then, in the command line, add gksu to the beginning.    then it will ask for your password every time you start it19:35
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ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://jussi01.com/web/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:35
penhow do i start btnx? whenever I start it, ti says could not read the config manager file and the nsegfault19:35
penI installed it from the binary synaptics19:35
DIL_abe3k: if anyone had a solution they would have responded to you by now!19:35
Gaming4JCASULutzy: Disk /dev/sda: 320.0 GB, 320072933376 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 38913 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes Disk identifier: 0x0000781d Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System /dev/sda1   *           1       38156   306488038+  83  Linux /dev/sda2           38157       38913     6080602+   5  Extended /dev/sda5           38157       38913     6080571   82  Linux swap / Solaris19:36
abe3kDIL_: lets say its another application other than emerald19:36
ASULutzy!paste | Gaming4JC19:36
ubottuGaming4JC: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:36
PCcertifiedpoypoy: be very careful.  when you give a program ROOT permission it can do anything to your system including delete files.   personally I don't use an antivirus in Linux19:36
chadeldridgeI have 2 copies of gnome-panel starting ... how do I stop the second from starting up?  Removing it from my session and saving the settings does nothing.19:36
poypoyis the terminal root19:36
penhow do i start btnx? whenever I start it, ti says could not read the config manager file and the nsegfault19:36
abe3kDIL_ : and the window freezes after running the application without a sudo command19:36
joaopintopoypoy, the terminal is not root, unless to you run a sudo command19:37
ASULutzyGaming4JC: Try this sudo e2fsck -C0 -p -f -v /dev/sda119:37
Lemonade[and]FudIs it possible to mount the same harddrive at two seperate locations with fstab, if soo how do i do it without fucking something up?19:37
the_eraseranyone know a good wav->mp3 converter?19:37
joaopinto!language | Lemonade[and]Fud19:37
ubottuLemonade[and]Fud: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:37
\kGwow another md5 fail19:37
PCcertifiedpoypoy: to go into root mode in terminal   type sudo -s .19:37
abe3kthe_eraser: audacity19:37
joaopintoLemonade[and]Fud, for than you will need to bind mount t19:37
the_eraserabe3k: ko19:38
Gaming4JCASULutzy: here's the log. let me run the other one now... http://paste.ubuntu.com/19418/plain/19:38
DIL_see if your hostname is listed in /etc/hosts19:38
stdinLemonade[and]Fud: '/source /dest none bind 0 0'19:38
PCcertifiedpoypoy: it's a better idea to just type sudo before the program name that you are executing19:38
frostydoes anyone know if bt.etree.org is legal in the united states?19:38
uzairHey all19:38
frostythey say they only share live shows from trade-friendly bands with their permission.19:38
nickrudabe3k, try running sudo chown -R abe3k:abe3k ~  , where abe3k is your username on the machine. Then run the theme manager without sudo (never use sudo with a graphical app)19:38
acp_hi any one here have successfully make PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN Controller work in 8.04, I have a fresh install in my laptop but my wireless is not showing Network settings im now using a 2.6.24-18-generic kernel?19:38
LewixI'm trying to install apache, the command lynx does not exist19:38
DIL_abe3k: see if your hostname is listed in /etc/hosts19:38
Gaming4JCASULutzy: WARNING!!!  Running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause19:38
Gaming4JCSEVERE filesystem damage.19:38
sagredoHi, I tried to install the ATI Display drivers for Hardy and it clearly is not functioning correctly. How can I revert to alsa?19:38
ubottuFactoid gnome-panel not found19:38
frostyi'm always a skeptic when it comes to torrent databases........ i've only found legittorrents.info legaltorrents.com publicdomaintorrents.com & sxsw.com (they don't have much to offer though)19:39
Gaming4JCsay yes?19:39
ASULutzyGaming4JC: You'd want to run sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda19:39
PCcertifiedI can not believe I was just SPAMMED with an offer for tasty wafers19:39
voici hi, i have an external monitor attached to my notebook. when i start a video in kaffeine, it shows up on the notebook screen but not on the external monitor. the video stays just black. how would i fix this? tnx19:39
joaopintofrosty, your question is off-topic19:39
ASULutzyGaming4JC: Why is it mounted? Type sudo umount /dev/sda119:39
nickrudPCcertified, in pm, and if so, by whom?19:39
Lemonade[and]Fudstdin: i have the drive already mounted at one place, is it just to make another line with the same options but at another mounting place?19:39
ASULutzyGaming4JC: Just PM me, the channel is a bit crowded19:39
dongoHey.. I'm resizing and moving partions(including my linux ones) using some 3rd party tools. So, does it effect my linux installation? if I commit the changes will my linux work as usual?19:39
Gaming4JCASULutzy: ok thanks.19:39
chadeldridgeis there a way to turn off PM ... i keep getting spammed for bras .. lol19:39
powertool08Lewix: lynx is a cli browser, sudo aptitude install lynx to install from repos19:40
stdinLemonade[and]Fud: no, exactly as I put it, '/source' is the directory you want to mount to another place and '/dest' is where you want it19:40
joaopintodongo, resizing should not affect, deleted/creating partitions may affect in case it changes the parts numbering19:40
ASULutzychadeldridge: Heh yea, I got bras and coffins19:40
DIL_Admin: why am i getting pm from Phil)Deville about caskets!19:40
maw_how do I check my 'flowcontrol' status for nic?19:40
=== marcules is now known as klaus-oder-olaf
Lewixpowertool08, what's a cli browser19:40
sagredoHi, I tried to install the ATI Display drivers for Hardy and it clearly is not functioning correctly. How can I revert to alsa?19:40
frostyjaopinto, where should i go with this?19:40
DIL_Admin: why am i getting pm from Phil_Deville about caskets!19:40
powertool08Lewix: command line interface19:40
stdinLemonade[and]Fud: so you can do something like "/media/disk1 /home/me/data none bind 0 0" to "bind" /media/disk1 to /home/me/data19:40
erUSULdongo: probably your partitions uuids will change and you will have to adjust /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst19:40
joaopintofrosty, no idea19:41
abe3knickrud : I did the command it didn't help19:41
frostyGaming4JC, pm?19:41
|seb|i'm trying to upgrade from 6.06 to 8.04 but UPDATE MANAGER doesn't give me the option to do that like docs say it should!?!?!?19:41
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frostyjoaopinto, ah, i think there is a channel called #off-topic19:41
Lewixpowertool08, command line interface for what19:41
uzairanyone know the ubuntu channel to chat about random stuff19:41
dongojoaopinto: yeah, I'm merging few windows partitions as well. So, what is the solution?19:41
abe3kDIL_: yes it has my hostname19:41
joaopinto#ot | frost619:41
ASULutzy!ot | uzair19:41
ubottuuzair: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:41
joaopintowas !ot :P19:41
powertool08Lewix: its a text only browser which can be run in a terminal console19:42
DIL_is advertising allowed here19:42
poypoypccertified can i pm u a sec with a other very small prob not sure if i can put it on screen as its a apt-get19:42
joaopintodongo, you will need to reconfigure grub, but dont ask me, i am not a grub expert :P19:42
abe3ksomeone saying something about bras19:42
Scunizi!grub | dongo19:42
ubottudongo: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:42
frostyGaming4JC, you there?19:42
Lewixpowertool08, thanks19:43
ActionParsniphey all19:43
powertool08abe3k: its spam messages about victorias secret though PM courtesy of Tommy Pickles19:43
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:43
abe3kyup !19:43
DIL_who are the admin or ops person here19:43
randallacp_: hey did it work or no19:43
powertool08Lewix: no problem19:43
nickrudDIL_, I am. If it's the pm spam, freenode staff are working on it. Pain in the but19:43
ActionParsnipwhen i edit files with gedit I alway get a <filename>~ file as well as the one I editted. Is it possible to not have these created?19:43
macd|seb|, yeah the wiki seems to be outdated, you can edit "/etc/apt/sources.list" and replace occurances of dapper, with hardy, then run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"  If youve enabled any 3rd party software repos, you'll want to comment them out for this.19:44
sagredoHi, I tried to install the ATI Display drivers for Hardy and it clearly is not functioning correctly. How can I revert to alsa?19:44
DIL_nickrud: ty19:44
|seb|macd: *THANK YOU*19:44
acp_randall: no lack yet after the update I still could not see my wireless in Network setting19:44
=== brandon__ is now known as TehBrandon
joaopintoActionParsnip, Edit -> Preferences -> Editor19:44
joaopintoActionParsnip, disable the backup file creation19:44
acp_im now using 2.6.24-18-generic kernel19:44
=== rexbron_ is now known as rexium
TehBrandonHey Guys, i've got a problem with sound. I get sound like ubuntu system sounds, but when I try to use rhythmbox or Banshee for music I get no sounds.19:45
ActionParsnipsagredo: alsa == sound. ati == graphics19:45
joaopintosagredo, erm, alsa is not a vidr driver...19:45
ActionParsnipjoaopinto: cheers bro19:45
TehBrandonI also get sound for youtube if it matters.19:45
DIL_TehBrandon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting19:45
sagredoActionParsnip: joaopinto then how do I switch to default drivers?19:45
joaopintoTehBrandon, there is a known problem with sound not working from other apps once it get's used by the flash plugin19:46
sensaeI'm trying to install Ubuntu Server 8.04, and my BIOS sees both my hard drives, but the installer only detects one19:46
camasonguys, I've got pavucontrol open and have the Output Devices up. It currently shows 'ALSA PCM' device. My system has a couple of other (non ALSA?) devices available... is it possible to add those to pulseaudio?19:46
joaopintosagredo, System -> Admin -> Hardware drivers19:46
ScuniziDIL_: did you get the same solicitation from "collette-<something>"?19:47
ActionParsnipsagredo: copy back your xorg.conf file from the one you backed up, or simply put vesa instead of fglx (or whatever it is) in your xorg.conf19:47
sagredoActionParsnip: vesa, that's right19:47
sagredoActionParsnip: Thanks19:47
dongoUntill and unless I format a drive, Its content won't get effected right??19:47
DIL_yes, two today and i a couple days ago 1st time it has occurred since using irc19:48
DIL_Scunizi:  yes, two today and i a couple days ago 1st time it has occurred since using irc19:48
TehBrandonok, what's the problem with flash and sound not working?19:48
abe3kok guys thanks for your interest :)19:48
ScuniziDIL_: the ops are aware of the issue.. typically needs to be reported to #freenode if I remember correctly.. but they already have this reported.19:48
failureis there a program such as FREEIPA available for Ubuntu?19:48
DIL_Scunizi: ty oh another one19:49
julian2495322i need help accessing files with gnump3d19:49
ScuniziDIL_: yep mee too.19:49
acp_randall: although hardware is detected properly  see http://paste.ubuntu.com/19421/19:49
JoelitoHi all, in ubuntu, what packages do I need to compile and run qt projects? Do I only need libqt4-dev?19:49
DIL_Scunizi: why wud i need a bra19:49
kpettitHow do I re-install files that go along with a ubuntu package?  I hosed up my apache.conf and doing "apt-get --reinstall install apache2.2-common" dosen't seem to do the trick19:50
connorwhats a good music making program for ubuntu?19:50
magentarkpettit, try --purge19:50
poypoythx for the help buy guys19:50
kpettitmagentar, I'll give it a try.19:50
HardDiskEvening people.19:51
zcat[1]connor: rosegarden? hydrogen for drums..19:51
HardDiskconnor, define music making.19:51
connorkinda like milkytracker or fruityloops19:51
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=== Guest50841 is now known as marmelaati
HardDiskconnor, well you can check out the ubuntustudio site and see what they have pre-packaged and you can install those packages with apt in ubuntu.19:52
Netham45Is there a way to change my password without the, "current UNIX password:" thing?19:52
PCcertifiedNetham45: you need the current password to change it19:52
SerufishDCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 019:52
shadowhywindhay all a werid and random question, everytime i try to run a program in the background using & , and check it with jobs it says that the program is stopped. anyway to make programs continue running but be in the background?19:52
HardDiskSerufish, that wasn't nice.19:52
wolsNetham45: not really,or everybody could change your password to something you don't know19:52
zcat[1]Netham45: boot up in recovery mode, type "passwd username"19:53
Netham45not local, it's remote19:53
HardDiskNetham45, same thing.19:53
Netham45I changed my password, but I don't rembember what I changed it to. =/19:53
ppktpplhi. does anybody know what kernel version is supported by hardy and has 1000HZ kernel frequency?19:53
Netham45and as soon as I quit this SSH session19:53
HardDiskNetham45, next time remember your passwords.19:53
Netham45I'm disconnected19:53
Netham45you're sooo helpful.19:53
zcat[1]Netham45: oh. You're hosed then19:53
acp_randall: any idea why is this happening?19:54
wolsppktppl: compile your own by using ubuntu kernel sources19:54
HardDiskNetham45, I am helpful, you forgot your password, they don't teach hacking here.19:54
PCcertifiedNetham45: if it was possible to change your remote password remotely  would wonder why a password would be needed at all19:54
wolsNetham45: do you currently have root access?19:54
Netham45No, I don't have root access19:54
Netham45I'm in a limited account remoteley connected19:54
DIL_Netham45: vi /etc/shadow19:54
HardDiskNetham45, can you not contact the root admin?19:54
wolsNetham45: there you are SOL19:55
ompaulNetham45, please discontinue that conversation, there is no way than getting the box reset have a nice day19:55
sensaeThe Ubuntu installer sees /dev/sda but not my /dev/hda.19:55
zcat[1]Netham45: make a ssh keypair on your home machine, copy the public key to .ssh/authorized_hosts on the remote machine19:55
PCcertifiedNetham45: Point is it can only be modified by ROOT or reset locally19:55
ppktpplwols, i tried, didn't work. is there any place (website) where i can find information regarding kernel frequencies and compatibility with ubuntu hardy? google didn't come up with anything (except problems with 2.6 freq)19:55
ompaulzcat[1], PCcertified lets drop that one ;-)19:55
wolssensae: are you sure you have a /dev/sda, what is the /dev/sda? a 2nd hdd?19:55
zcat[1]Netham45: you still won't know the password but you can then log in without it19:55
wolsppktppl: /boot/config*19:56
wolsppktppl: that's each kernel config on your system19:56
sensaewols: Yes. And the installer says "SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sda) - 160.0 GB"19:56
wolssensae: and your hda is what disk?19:56
sensaewols: I have a PATA 160gb in there. My BIOS detects both19:56
wolssensae: what controller for the pata?19:56
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ppktpplwols, my current kernel is 100HZ. i was asking about kernels which I can install :)19:57
TehBrandonSomeone said that after you used flash there was a known problem with sound. What is the problem/solution?19:57
fookswhats a good rss feed reader?19:57
sensaewols: Do you mean in dev?19:57
=== Bodsda is now known as Bodsda|AFK
ash_i am not able to copy a file from cd, I/O error, its a video file and i am able to play it directly from cd. probably some very small part is in accessible. how can i copy. is thr something similar to isobuster for ubuntu19:57
PCcertifiedzcat[1]: you're the one who gives away too much19:57
wolssensae: no. in your PC. what is the controller?19:57
rampageoberonfooks: you can use thunderbirds built in one19:57
=== mwti_ is now known as mwti
zcat[1]TehBrandon: update, there's a patch for the flash sound thing I think..19:57
jahshuahow do i ask ubottu login managers?#19:57
fooksrampageoberon, i don't use thunderbird :)19:57
ubottuFactoid gdm not found19:57
Stephen12992Hi everyone.19:58
sensaewols: Oh, I have no clue what controller this mobo uses19:58
ubottuFactoid kdm not found19:58
wolsjahshua: ask us19:58
rampageoberonfooks: ok19:58
spideymanash_,  TRY ISOBUSTER UNDER WINE19:58
zcat[1]PCcertified: people should be using keypairs for authentication anyhow.. :)19:58
wolsjahshua: instead of spamming to the bot in here19:58
spideyman sry19:58
jahshuawols: i have kdm and gdm, i cant remember the command to alternate between the two.19:58
jahshuawols: ok ok19:58
Orfeoushi everyone!19:58
spideymandidnt mean to shout19:58
HardDiskash_, use dd19:58
Stephen12992Can someone help me get Ubuntu to recognize my audio driver?19:58
ash_harddisk ok, let me see how that works19:59
Orfeouswonder where i can find SN9CXXX webcam drivers!19:59
wolsjahshua: whatever is in /etc/rc2.d/ will be run19:59
jahshuaoka, thanks.19:59
HardDiskash_, do you need a link to know how to use it?19:59
wolsOrfeous: in your kernel19:59
bXiis there some tool that allows me to mount (kind of like daemon tools (and yes i know about mount -o loop))19:59
mrichmanDoes anyone know of a cross-platform audio library that will mix multiple .wav files and apply basic mixing functions and effects, outputting to a file?19:59
ash_harddisk, that will be very helpful19:59
TehBrandonzcat; where would I like for such a fix?19:59
PCcertifiedzcat[1]: true dat19:59
HardDiskbXi, acetoneiso20:00
wolsOrfeous: sn9c102.ko20:00
HardDiskash_, give me a sec20:00
Kl4mbXi: mount, or use file-rollerto open the iso directly20:00
sensaewols: SCH501720:00
HardDiskash_, www.debianadmin.com/recover-data-from-a-dead-hard-drive-using-dd.html  same method for CD's20:00
bXiKl4m: i get the feeling you didnt read my message completly20:00
wolssensae: that is no harddisk controller on your mobo or pci card20:00
zcat[1]TehBrandon: can't recall.. just make sure you have the most recent flashplugin_nonfree package? I think they patched a bug or two in one of them20:00
ash_harddisk: thanks20:01
HardDiskbXi, go to the acetoneiso site, it's a great app for all ISO mounting related stuff20:01
bXiHardDisk: does it sit in the systray?20:01
PCcertifiedAnyone have a good solution to open/edit and ISO on my HDD20:01
wolssensae: lspci20:01
sensaewols: Well here's the board. http://www.intel.com/products/motherboard/D101GGC/index.htm20:01
HardDiskbXi, just look at it, trust me you'll thank me, I know you want daemontools so this will be perfect for you20:01
zcat[1]PCcertified: filerollers handles them doesn't it?20:01
HardDiskPCcertified, ISO Master20:01
Netham45what's the difference between sudo and su?20:02
zcat[1]or sudo mkdir /media/loop ; sudo mount -o loop whatever.iso /media/loop20:02
b4l74z4rdoes anyone know which directory i should install the mplayer codecs into?20:02
TehBrandonzcat[1]: just checked with apt and I have the latest version.20:02
bXizcat[1]: you didnt read my question either -_-20:02
JTitorspeak italian?20:02
HardDiskJTitor, #ubuntu-it20:02
sensaewols: ATI Tech Inc IXP SB400 IDE Controller20:03
ppktpplwith sudo you give a single command without becoming root. with su you become root and you have a bash as root20:03
zcat[1]Oh... daemon tools20:03
HardDiskzcat[1], took care of it already.20:03
zcat[1]HardDisk: anything open source that you know of for it?20:03
Stephen12992Does anyone have the AC'97 Audio Driver?20:03
HardDiskzcat[1], Acetoneiso20:04
zcat[1]ahh, cool20:04
Orfeouswols, ok.. i am running ubuntu with kernel 2.6.24-19-generic but system does not load a module for it..20:04
HardDiskzcat[1], www.acetoneiso.netsons.org/20:04
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
TehBrandonaudio just started randomly working20:04
zcat[1]google found it for me :)20:04
Orfeouswols: i got a Microsoft LifeCam VX-600020:04
TehBrandonthanks for the help guys :)20:04
Andy__microsoft products with ubutu? =)20:05
sensaewols: Also, looks like it isn't being detected. I have no /dev/hd*20:05
acp_randall: hi randall stil there?20:05
ActionParsnip!wine | Andy__20:05
ubottuAndy__: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.20:05
veritas_i had a question about wacom stylus working on ubuntu anyone have one20:05
HardDisk!question | veritas_20:05
ubottuveritas_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:05
veritas_anyone run a stylus on ubuntu20:06
veritas_mine will not read20:06
compubombwhen ever i download a file using firefox, the moment it finishes, firefox just crashes, it just stops running out of the blue, anyone have that problem ? or know what causes it ?20:06
zcat[1]I set up a win2k3 server yesterday just so I could see how well ubuntu manages in a domain.. haven't got around to doing the ubuntu setup yet tho, I have to sort out someone's broken laptop first.20:06
HardDiskcompubomb, I suggest run firefox in terminal do the same task then see in terminal what the error message is.20:06
zcat[1]winXP, won't even boot. Looks like a reinstall and I don't have the disks for it. I might just suggest they switch to ubuntu..20:06
Stephen12992How can I get my Audio Driver (AC'97) to work? I can't hear any sounds, when I test or when I log onto Ubuntu.20:07
HardDiskzcat[1], are they ready for it though?20:07
Andy__just buy a macintosh ^^20:07
HardDiskStephen12992, lspci | grep audio20:07
Fingazhey guys I'm trying to remember the name of a program that I used before. It's a cd burning program that you plug mp3 files into and it takes care of converting them writing the disk and deleting the wav files that were created very quickly20:07
zcat[1]I googled the specs, the lappy is 100% supported and afaik they're just doing web/email/office stuff..20:07
jeedFingaz, k3b20:08
eimaji need serious help.. i tried installing ubuntu 8.04 from a live cd, by resizing the windows partition and creating a new partition(s) for ubuntu..(a.k.a using the guided partitioning wizard).. however, the installer crashed at 15%, and went to a blank wallpaper screen.. i had to manually reboot my laptop, as nothing was responding. NOW, im stuck with my windows being squished, and a big empty partition where ubuntu failed to install. what can i do??20:08
HardDiskzcat[1], well do it for them and just a quick demo to get them going20:08
acp_Stephen12992: have you try using System-> Administration->Harware Testing?20:08
ASULutzyzcat[1]: I wouldn't change operating systems on someone without consulting them first. I love ubuntu, but it's not for everyone20:08
HardDiskeimaj, use the livecd to remove the ubuntu partition and start over20:08
zcat[1]HardDisk: I went to a presentation on "Excel" yesterday.. the original plan was that I would demo OOo if there was time aftrwards. In the end, the presenter used my lappy for his "Excel" presenatation (OOo/ubuntu) and hardly even noticed it wasn't Windows/excel..20:09
acp_sorry,Hardware Testing*20:09
compubombHardDisk: it said Segmentation fault20:09
eimajHardDisk, how do i go about doing that?20:09
rampageoberonzcat[1]: nice :)20:09
compubombi'm running 64bit version of linux20:09
Fingazjeed, that doesn't sound familiar :(20:09
zcat[1]the menus were different, but he found all the options he wanted to demo..20:09
HardDiskeimaj, ok you need a guide how to use partitioning tools... let me find a guide20:09
jeedFingaz, its what i use to convert and burn stuff fast, it has it all there20:09
HardDiskeimaj, have you used partition magic before for example?20:10
compubombI don't know wtf to do to make sure my browser doesn't crash.20:10
jeedFingaz, it converts MP3 to other formats and then burns20:10
compubombi looked online for 64bit version but i don't see any.20:10
zcat[1]I was quite impressed. A few things didn't ork quite right but overall it was pretty good.20:10
HardDiskcompubomb, delete the .mozilla folder and try again20:10
HardDiskcompubomb, it's hidden in your home directory20:10
compubombHardDisk: ugh!20:10
v0lksmanhey all....anyone know why the -19 revision of the kernel (in proposed) would kill sound?  I installed linux-headers and linux-image...should I have updated anything else?20:10
compubombi'll try.20:10
eimajHardDisk, no i haven't.. im completely new with the whole ubuntu idea20:10
HardDiskeimaj, I mean partitioning in general.20:11
Orfeouswols: it seems that it not works :D20:11
jsnSo, I have a video card that required me to update to hardy so I could use blender... but now I can't use cinelerra, because of a conflict between libopenexr2ldbl and  libopenexr2c2a. I am happy building cinelerra from source, but I don't know how to get the ldbl library "installed" so it can find it.20:11
Fingazjeed, is there a gnome version?20:11
Orfeousit doesnt register a videodevice..20:11
eimajHardDisk no, i haven't20:11
Kris07Hi, How would I install a gtk file?20:11
jeedFingaz, no, but you can install it on gnome, i use it from gnome myself20:11
HardDiskeimaj, then I'll try to find you an easy guide with pics. give me a sec.20:11
MiescoIs there a backport repirtiour?20:11
phantomashi i have a prob sometimes when i play a video on youtube it is playing fine but most of the times i have no sound any ideas?20:11
eimajHardDisk, thank you, this is greatly appreciated20:11
MiescoIs there a backport repository20:12
Fingazjeed, think I found it. Just a sec let you know20:12
veritas_I have a question about anyone that might know how to make a stylus work on ubuntu or are having the same issue with it not reading at all20:12
jsnIs there a way to "fake" install the libopenexr2ldbl library that I need to build cinelerra? It conflicts with  libopenexr2c2a which is installed.20:12
zcat[1]what's the deal with flash and sound anyhow? It's always worked for me... four different machines never had a problem with it?20:12
HardDiskeimaj, this guide will work if you use the ubuntu livecd OR if you want to download a gparted livecd, both work it's same application: http://www.howtoforge.com/partitioning_with_gparted20:12
rampageoberoneimaj: Not sure if you will be comfortable with gparted. But it is a very good partition utility. Here's a link to the liveCD http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php20:12
HardDiskzcat[1], some people still have issues.20:13
* DIL_ thinks that Partition magic is good if he has it but Gparted can be downloaded and may be a good alternative20:13
zcat[1]apparently so...20:13
phantomashelp me please20:13
bXiHardDisk: that acetoneiso looks good but its too much20:13
HardDiskrampageoberon, gparted is already in the ubuntu livecd, I just gave him a guide to use it.20:13
zcat[1]gparted is on the ubuntu live disk I think.. isn't it what the installer uses?20:13
HardDiskbXi, too much?20:13
HardDiskso you just want a mounter...20:13
bXisystray based20:13
HardDiskbXi, then Gmount-Iso20:13
eimajHardDisk and rampageoberon: thankyou, this will be a great help :)20:14
v0lksmanMiesco: in synaptic -> Settings -> Repositories -> Updates20:14
rampageoberonHardDisk: i find the live CD nicer at times, but yes they can use the one on the ubuntu LiveCD too20:14
HardDiskbXi, I personally prefer acetoneiso because of the features it provides.20:14
phantomashey guys i need help over here.... please...20:14
Fingazserpentine that was what I was looking for.  Have to try k3b20:14
Starnestommyphantomas: you may need to repeat your question20:14
bXiHardDisk: its a very nice alcohol replacement20:14
Thundarrhi all20:15
HardDiskbXi, never used alcohol..20:15
berry_nlAnyone familiar with the unix command cut ?20:15
ThundarrI cannot get pidgin to work at all20:15
rampageoberonberry_nl, whats up?20:15
zcat[1]does it handle 'copy protected' disks like alcohol tho?20:15
HardDiskThundarr, run pidgin in terminal and see the error message20:15
phantomasStarnestommy:  ok when i play videos in youtube or generally flash i cant hear sound20:15
onthefence928does anybody have any idea why my install of hardy heron is so unstable?20:15
HardDiskzcat[1], yes20:15
Thundarrit starts...and then I get the "hourglass" and then it just stops20:15
Thundarrwhat do I do now20:15
Miescov0lksman: Do you have to do like aptitude -t backports or something?20:15
berry_nlrampageoberon: i would like to exclude some lines from a csv file i have.20:15
Thundarrthat Is why i am here20:15
DanielRMAnyone have an idea why GNOME won't finish logging in but will start doing so?20:15
HardDiskThundarr, run pidgin in terminal and see the error message20:16
rampageoberonberry_nl: please elaborate20:16
tor_Anyone got an idea why wine replies segment fault after trying to launch world of warcraft ?20:16
acp_can anyone help me, why my wireless is not showing in Networking Setting I have just install 8.04 and updated it. my wireless is a Intel PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN Network Connection Im using 2.6.24-18-generic kernel20:16
Thundarrthanks hardDisk I will try it20:16
berry_nlrampageoberon: its a tab delimited file and every second header + row needs to be removed. Thus: Keep, remove, keep, remove etc20:16
phantomasStarnestommy: Any ideas?20:16
HardDiskacp_, www.playonlinux.org20:16
zcat[1]onthefence928: dodgy install? 'bad' hardware?20:16
onthefence928zcat[1]: anyway to test how stable my install really is?20:16
HardDiskacp_, sorry playonlinux.com20:17
cerberus /msg ubottu etiquette20:17
Starnestommyphantomas: Is libflashsupport installed?20:17
MiescoWhy isn't nexuiz the latest version?20:17
heym1mutt says ”+[Gmail]/drafts”: No such file or directory (errno = 2) when trying to copy to drafts. muttrc reads: set postponed=”+[Gmail]/drafts” and gmail is saying:  http://mail.google.com/mail/#drafts  so what is my problem?20:17
HardDiskMiesco, download it from the website.20:17
phantomasStarnestommy: yes i think20:17
zcat[1]onthefence928: run memtest and some hdd diagnostics, those tend to be the biggest failings. also when you install, if you need anything like nvidia drivers or flash use the package management, NOT binary installers from wherever..20:18
v0lksmanMiesco: not sure...I don't use aptitude...You can also modify your /etc/apt/sources.list and un-comment the backport lines...then update20:18
morpheus_bcHey guys, sorry to bother you, I just installed the latest ubuntu distrib on a usb drive.  Console works fine, but gdm does nothing after login.  Shutting down gdm and running "startx" gives a working gnome.  Any ideas ?20:18
Stephen12992How can I get my AC97 Audio Driver working?20:18
berry_nlrampageoberon: Sorry i said row, but i mean entire column. So the column names are keep, remove, keep, remove etc. Where the entire column (remove) needs to be removed at each instance.20:19
HardDiskStephen12992, lspci | grep audio   in terminal and identify your chipset20:19
phantomasStarnestommy: yes it is installed20:19
phantomasStarnestommy: but no sound...20:19
onthefence928zcat[1]: what are teh commands for those tests?20:19
heym1Stephen12992: read the ALSA wiki for it20:19
rampageoberonberry_nl: post a sample of the file and the output you want to get in a pastebin and link me to it please20:19
nickrudmorpheus_bc, take a look at /var/log/gdm , might be a clue there20:19
Stephen12992Thank you heym120:19
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ubottuHardDisk: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:19
berry_nlrampageoberon: keej. Just a second.20:19
DanielRMmorpheus_bc: I have the same problem. XD20:19
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:19
rampageoberonberry_nl: just a couple or 3  rows will do20:19
Kl4mI'm kind of familiar with cut20:20
Stephen12992Thank you.20:20
morpheus_bcnickrud: ok, thanks, I'll have a look and come back.20:20
Starnestommyphantomas: does the sound in anything else have problems?20:20
zcat[1]onthefence928: when you first boot up press 'esc' when it says to, and pick memtest off the menu.. give it a couple of hours at least. For drive testing, try ultimate boot cd and use the tool for your particular drive... that will rule out most possible hardware issues.20:20
phantomasStarnestommy: no not really20:20
mercy_i am a chinese20:20
nickrudmorpheus_bc, not promising I'll have the answer to a failure there by the way :)20:20
morpheus_bcDanielRM: I hope we'll find a solution.  Did you try updating all packages ?20:20
HardDiskmercy_, #ubuntu-cn20:20
Starnestommyphantomas: I'll check the bug reports20:21
nickrudmercy_, and welcome to the international channel for ubuntu :)20:21
mercy_thank you20:21
zcat[1]onthefence928: hardy really shouldn't be 'unstable' at all.. it's always been very reliable for me..20:21
DanielRMmorpheus_bc: I can't, sadly; currently lacking Internet access.20:21
mercy_i am use xchat first20:21
HardDiskhardy isn't unstable period, it's LTS for my sake :D20:21
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phantomasStarnestommy: ok... i am waiting20:21
onthefence928zcat[1]: i ran a memtest the other day from teh live CD by accident it didn't give me any errors20:21
onthefence928HardDisk: you using zubuntu or anything?20:22
morpheus_bcDanielRM: Just out of curiosity, did you do a standard install ?  I was wondering if it's my bizarre install on a usb flash drive.20:22
HardDiskgurubuntu :)20:22
onthefence928someone told me that gnome was relatively unstable20:22
Starnestommyphantomas: is this in ubuntu 8.04?20:22
heym1onthefence928: compared to Xmonad...20:22
phantomasStarnestommy: yes!!20:22
sensaeCan I easily make a RAID5 with one missing drive, and add it later?20:22
HardDiskonthefence928, if you don't use the proposed and backports20:22
zcat[1]onthefence928: relative compared to what?20:22
HardDiskonthefence928, as long as you keep it standard.20:22
mercy_is here chinese oter people20:23
onthefence928zcat[1]: every other window manager i guess?20:23
DanielRMmorpheus_bc: I tried a standard install which gave that problem. I also tried several tutorials teaching how to do a persistent LiveCD install, which worked but ended up broken due to a volume being mounted incorrectly. Currently back on a standard install.20:23
berry_nlrampageoberon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19431/20:23
compubombHardDisk: btw, i ran firefox in the console, it said "Segmentation fault"20:23
DIL_!cn | mercy_20:23
ubottumercy_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk20:23
compubombwhen it crashed20:23
HardDiskcompubomb, ah..not good20:23
onthefence928HardDisk: gnome is stable if unmodified is what you are saying?20:23
berry_nlrampageoberon: every instance of call needs to be removed.20:23
zcat[1]gnome has it's bugs but I wouldn't call it unstable by a long way..20:24
morpheus_bcDanielRM: Do you have any "excentric" hardware, or is it a plain old hdd install ?20:24
compubombHardDisk: I'd imagine it has something to do with the version i have not being entirly stable on 64bit20:24
HardDiskonthefence928, correct.20:24
Kl4monthefence928: Gnome is stable enough20:24
HardDiskcompubomb, oh 64bit...well that's a horse of a different color then.20:24
compubombbut the whole point i installed 64bit linux was to get more memmory support.20:24
pubdoes anybody use gdesklets20:24
rampageoberonberry_nl: i see, give me a min20:24
mercy_ubottu:thank you20:24
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)20:24
Kl4mit has a low center of gravity you see20:24
DanielRMmorpheus_bc: no eccentric hardware. Plain old HD install.20:24
zcat[1]pub: yes.. and they're still pretty 'alpha' .. expect problems :)20:24
HardDiskcompubomb, you can get more memory support in 32bit, you just need to patch the kernel I believe if I'm not mistaken20:24
Starnestommyphantomas: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libflashsupport/+bug/183917 could be rekated, but I see a couple other bug reports for flash20:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 183917 in libflashsupport "Sound stops working in Firefox once other applications (Pidgin, Rhythmbox) have played sound" [Low,Confirmed]20:25
onthefence928well i've had more than a few occasions where random program freeze up, then i force quit it, and then it all goes to hell form there20:25
morpheus_bcDanielRM: ok, thanks.  I'll try looking at the logs and updating the packages, I'll let you know if I find something.20:25
berry_nlrampageoberon: Thanks many time thanks in advance. This one really got me stuck20:25
compubombHardDisk: i'm not experienced in the art of kernel compilation.20:25
pubzcat[1] i can't seem to get the GoodWeather desklet to work, all that shows is N/A .. loading..20:25
zcat[1]Oh.. gdesklets, not screenlets.. gdesklets are not alpha, they just dont work that well :)20:25
ThundarrI have tried to change my screen resolution but I only get 600x80020:25
pubnothing more20:25
DanielRMmorpheus_bc: looking at the logs myself I can't see anything unusual.20:25
sagredoHi all. I think I have a corrupted hard drive. When I try to access it in Nautilus it returns: "Unable to mount location: Can't mount file" - help?20:25
DanielRMmorpheus_bc: thanks for mentioning the startx thing though. That is a godsend. :-)20:25
HardDiskcompubomb, ok try to remove firefox --purge and reinstall?20:25
Thundarrwhere do I go to install the correct driver20:25
zcat[1]pub: you gave it a 'weather.com' code to look up?20:25
HardDiskThundarr, videocard?20:26
pubi gave mine, and the one in the example20:26
pubnone worked20:26
compubombHardDisk: think i figured out the problem, it's more than likely one of these extentions i have installed, i changed the name of the profile.20:26
onthefence928can't tell you how many times i've had to turn off the power the harsh way because i've lost all taskbars and have become unable to do anything20:26
compubombmy guess is possibly downloadthemall extention :'(20:26
HardDiskcompubomb, well didn't I tell you to remove .mozilla, I assumed you ran it without the extensions....20:26
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morpheus_bcDanielRM: No problem, I'm going to try to update all packages, hopefully this issue's been fixed.  See you later.20:26
zcat[1]pub: Oh.. weather.com changed the URL format slightly a couple of months ago.. gdesklest might not have caught up and done a patch yet..20:26
=== cyclops is now known as thecyclops
HardDiskThundarr, add the nvidia drivers via hardware drivers in system administration20:26
pubso i should use the older version of GoodWeather20:27
Kl4monthefence928: first alt+f2 and type "killall gnome-panel", if it fails, ctrl+alt+backspace.20:27
HardDiskThundarr, then sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings in terminal, then run sudo nvidia-settings20:27
zcat[1]pub: not sure.. possibly.20:27
zcat[1]onthefence928: what video card?20:27
rampageoberonberry_nl: is Gene Accession the first column heading and number the second?20:27
pubalright well then i'll have to restart im sure20:27
pubbe right back20:27
K3rl0u4rnhi people20:28
ThundarrI tried to install the drivers via hardware drivers...but when I do that and restart I cannot get back into Ubuntu.20:28
K3rl0u4rnis there a way I can install only ubuntu-standard ?20:28
Thundarrmy monitor then says it cannot display the resolution20:28
HardDiskK3rl0u4rn, mind explaining that again?20:28
K3rl0u4rnis alternate cd the way to proceed for such install ?20:28
rampageoberonberry_nl: I can make it work (longish way) if Gene Accession is one word20:28
hypnodokcan someone tell me how to tell nautilus to display items in  a list view by default?20:28
HardDiskK3rl0u4rn, use the normal ubuntu cd20:28
berry_nlrampageoberon: Jep Gene accession is the first column. Feel free to change Gene acc. into ID or something like that.20:28
thecyclopsJust installed Hardy. Where did the 'Hardware Information' link in System->Preferences go?20:28
HardDiskhypnodok, edit/preferences20:29
pubnevermind zcat, haha , there was only 1 version out ;(20:29
rampageoberonberry_nl: cut -f1-3,5,7,9 <file>20:29
onthefence928zcat[1]: an nvidia card not sure exactly which one but it was able to get a driver installed for it, and it's a laptop graphics card (not embedded in the motherboard like some laptops20:29
Thundarris there somewhere else i can go to install different drivers??20:29
berry_nlrampageoberon:  I do need to keep the first column. Its just the "call" columns whom all need to dissapear.20:29
hypnodokHardDisk: thanks20:29
K3rl0u4rnHardDisk: there is a dummy package in ubuntu called ubuntu-standard with kind of minimal linux system, I would like to install such minimal system and avoid the other packages that come with ubuntu or derived20:29
rampageoberonberry_nl: something like that will work20:29
HardDiskK3rl0u4rn, oh then that's fine.20:29
zcat[1]pub: I had to hack screenlets weather applet to recognise the new url format.. mine works ;)20:29
HardDiskscreenlets..bleh :D20:30
zcat[1]onthefence928: mmm, ok.. well. No idea then.20:30
berry_nlrampageoberon: Okay so i'll manually need to give all the column numbers. But yes that will work. Thanks rampageoberon!20:30
K3rl0u4rnHardDisk: what do you mean that's fine ?20:30
rampageoberonberry_nl: i'm not sure how to make it more automated but you can do do the cut for all the fields (till whatever number of fields you have)20:30
Grim76__K3rl0u4rn: you might want to install a server setup to get as minimal as possible.20:30
HardDiskK3rl0u4rn, that's fine, as in you can install via the minimal if you want.20:30
rampageoberonberry_nl: make the first column heading one word :)20:30
K3rl0u4rnGrim76__: well, I think server is already more than ubuntu-standard20:30
HardDiskGrim76__, server isn't minimal as possible.20:31
berry_nlrampageoberon: grin, good thing you mention. I almost got carried away hehehe20:31
phantomasStarnestommy: ok i read the page but i didnt find something :(20:31
zcat[1]onthefence928: .xsession-errors or /var/og/* might hold some clues?20:31
Lavalooking for help here20:31
Lavaany1 available?20:31
HardDisk!anyone | Lava20:31
K3rl0u4rnHardDisk: ubuntu-standard is of course installed by normal ubuntu install20:31
ubottuLava: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:31
rampageoberonberry_nl: if not it will read it as different columns :s20:31
zcat[1]afk, got stuff to do..20:31
Stephen12992When it tells me to run things in "root" do I just open up the terminal and type them in? (I am new to Ubuntu and the whole Linux layout.)20:31
K3rl0u4rnHardDisk: but I'd like to avoir the other things20:32
HardDisklater zcat[1]20:32
HardDiskK3rl0u4rn, you're not being direct.  You have your options, choose one.20:32
Starnestommy!sudo | Stephen1299220:32
ubottuStephen12992: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)20:32
compubombHardDisk: i just deleted my extentions folder in firefox including the extentions files.20:32
Lavamy internet connection is terribly slow since i installed hardy heron, even worse it is now slower than in the beginning, at this rate next week i won't be able to open even google20:32
compubombit works now, so obviously one of those gay extentions fubared stuff up.20:33
K3rl0u4rnHardDisk: I don't understand20:33
HardDiskplease mind your language compubomb.20:33
HardDisk!language | compubomb20:33
ubottucompubomb: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:33
greyaHello! When i set LANG=ru_RU.CP1251 - my gnome start with russian menus, while i have GDM_LANG=en_US.UTF8 and want it\20:33
Orfeouswols: my webcam still doesnt load a module :D20:33
Lavahelp, anyone?20:34
heym1Lava: what?20:34
Lewixhow do I unzip a *.bz20:34
Lavamy internet connection is terribly slow since i installed hardy heron, even worse it is now slower than in the beginning, at this rate next week i won't be able to open even google20:34
HardDiskLewix, in GUI, right click extract.20:35
Lewixfrom the command line20:35
cottimaHello,  Some programs like Nautilus and Save dialog and sometimes OpenOffice boxes will not grab keystrokes or not enter what I type, but it will still respond to Ctrl functions, etc.  What could cause some programs to not respond to characters?20:35
StarnestommyLewix: it it's just .bz2 or .bz, bunzip2 file.bz2, but if it has .tar.bz or .tar.bz2, use tar xjf file.tar.bz220:36
K3rl0u4rnHardDisk: you said "You have your options, choose one." what do you mean ?20:36
StarnestommyLava: is it a wired connection or wireless?20:36
HardDiskK3rl0u4rn, you want a minimal installation, use the minimal cd.20:36
K3rl0u4rnoh is there one ?20:36
HardDiskK3rl0u4rn, yes.20:36
JediMasteranyone know how to clear all filters in tc?20:36
K3rl0u4rnHardDisk: I didn't know this, that's greate20:36
LavaStarnestommy, wireless20:36
heym1Lava: maybe its your hardware20:36
sagredoHi all. I think I have a corrupted hard drive. When I try to access it in Nautilus it returns: "Unable to mount location: Can't mount file" - help?20:37
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:37
StarnestommyLava: what kind of wireless card are you using?20:37
cggabrielhow can i uninstall manualy nvidia from hardy 8.0420:37
LavaStarnestommy, heym1 my internet connection was at max when i had gutsy (4 bars), since hardy its only two20:37
K3rl0u4rnHardDisk: wonderfull ! thank you very much20:37
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LewixStarnestommy, thanks20:37
LavaStarnestommy, dunno, my router is robotics20:38
LavaStarnestommy, if that helps20:38
StarnestommyLava: there could've been a driver change between the two, or your ISP could be throttling you for having downloaded a lot20:38
heym1Lava: maybe your using different driver20:38
mercy_i use development !i think it is very good20:38
heym1Lava: yea, might be ISP20:38
joyii have a ubuntu livecd i'm making, and i noticed /etc/fstab is overwritten (as it is generated on the fly i assume). anybody know how to get around that problem? I need to mount a home-rw partition automatically (if the usb stick with a label of that exists)20:38
heym1Lava: sure its you?20:38
Lavaheym1, thanks how do i solve that?20:38
heym1Lava: lol. google!20:38
HardDiskjoyi, fstab doesn't change.  Just make sure you have your mount syntax correct.20:39
duallainLava:  Are you talking about your wireless connection's strength?20:39
heym1Lava: you'll need to follow a wiki for checking what driver you have20:39
Lavaduallain, yep20:39
onthefence928HardDisk: is there a way to fix my swap drive without reinstalling?20:39
heym1Lava: if thats even the problemo in the 1st place20:39
HardDiskonthefence928, define "fix"20:39
Lavaheym1, ok where do i find that ?20:39
StarnestommyLava: you may need to wait a while and try to avoid heavy bandwidth usage20:39
heym1Lava: 1. check what card you have, 2. check what driver you are using, 3.use a different driver.20:40
onthefence928HardDisk: well i tried to make it larger via gparted but now linux is telling me there are 0MBs in the swap partition20:40
joyiHardDisk you mean something else is wrong? the line i had added to the fstab didn't exist when i booted off the cd?20:40
heym1Lava: what? google?20:40
cggabrielcan anybody help on unistalling nvidia card drivers, manually, from ubuntu 8.04?20:40
heym1Lava: open up firefox...20:40
Lavaheym1, ok20:40
unavailableonthefence928 did you delete any partitions in gparted?20:40
julle__Is there a solution to why my background dissappears after every restart of my comp, and all the icons?20:40
HardDiskonthefence928, unmount the swap, resize it, mount it again, and make sure the swap is mentioned in the fstab.20:40
heym1Lava: :) search for "linux finding wireless card hardware specs terminal command"20:41
HardDisk!envy | cggabriel20:41
ubottucggabriel: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package.20:41
onthefence928HardDisk: how do i mount a swap?20:41
HardDiskonthefence928, use gparted.20:41
onthefence928gparted say it's mounted i think20:41
sagredoHi all. I think I have a corrupted hard drive. When I try to access it in Nautilus it returns: "Unable to mount location: Can't mount file" - help?20:41
HardDiskonthefence928, well you can't resize if it's mounted20:42
Lavaheym1, im trying but as i said, internet takes ages  :-(20:42
onthefence928HardDisk: hmm i fixed it it seems20:42
HardDiskonthefence928, if you run sudo fdisk -l it will show you where the swap is20:42
heym1Lava: try installing hwdetect and doing this in a terminal and hitting enter: hwdetect --show-net20:42
cggabrielubottu i tried the envyNG but it dosen't seem to be working right20:42
HardDiskonthefence928, then just make sure it conforms /dev/sdxx to your fstab20:42
heym1Lava: man hwdetect20:42
bXihow can i get my video card to run on the normal 800mhz instead of powersaving mode of 170mhz20:43
heym1Lava: good luck20:43
HardDiskbXi, overclocking?20:43
Lavaheym1, im gonna install that20:43
unavailablecggabriel  your trying to get nvidia drivers?20:43
bXiHardDisk: no its in powersaving mode now20:43
heym1Lava: you can install from terminal, sudo apt-get install blablabla20:43
HardDiskbXi, sorry no clue.20:43
bXii dare not overclock an SLI setup in a laptop20:43
Stephen12992I still have no luck with my sound card. The ALSA version I have is v1.0.15. I followed and did what the websites read but I still don't' get any sound. I enabled ALSA as my main sound driver but no luck.20:44
HardDiskbXi, is it nvidia?20:44
HardDiskbXi, sudo nvidia-settings20:44
HardDiskbXi, if it's not installed sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings20:44
heym1Lava: then that command will show what kernal MODULES its using to work your wifi card20:44
choriI've got a hd 2600pro graphic card and have installed the latest drivers using the guide from http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide and it kinda works. But I would like the screens to have different resolutions. Is this possible? I cant seem to figure out how to do it20:44
onthefence928HardDisk: what do you mean by conform to my fstab?20:44
sagredoHi all. I think I have a corrupted hard drive. When I try to access it in Nautilus it returns: "Unable to mount location: Can't mount file" - help?20:44
emmurei guess im another one here for thw wifi card :p20:44
cggabrielubottu i'm going crazy trying to make my nVidia 5200 AGP 128 MB to work on ubuntu 8.04 for like a week now.  I tried all kind's of google's.  But so far nothing yet.20:44
Scunizichori: read "man xrandr" for configuration options20:45
HardDiskonthefence928, meaning check fstab to see the swap line what it's mounted as ie /dev/sda5 make sure when you do sudo fdisk -l in terminal that the swap shown there matches the fstab entry.20:45
Lavaheym1, sudo apt-get install hwdetect doesnt work20:45
Ronaldphp5-mcrypt. Hardy version doesn't install the configfile to enable it into /etc/php/conf.d. Intrepid version does. on hardy this means its not being enabled into php. should this be bugreported?20:45
heym1Lava: I think there is another way... lscpi or some thing20:45
unavailablecggabriel have you tried the restricted driver pool?20:45
unavailablecggabriel and by the way ubottu is a bot20:46
heym1Lava: lspci20:46
bXiHardDisk: not seeing a way to change it20:46
onthefence928HardDisk: how do i check teh ftsab entry?20:46
unavailable!ubottu | cggabriel20:46
ubottucggabriel: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://jussi01.com/web/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:46
heym1Lava: then pipe it to grep net like this:  lspci | grep net20:46
Lavaheym1, 'couldn't find package'20:46
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions20:46
\kGHi, i was wondering if anyone can help me... im trying to get ubuntu iso on my win xp box and ive downloaded from ubuntu now 6 times 2 diffrent mirrors, and everytime it fails md5sum check... i ran memtest on my box and my memory is fine.. can anyone else shed some light on this?20:46
heym1Lava: mine says:  02:08.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB PRO/100 VE (MOB) Ethernet Controller (rev 83)20:47
heym1Lava: don needa install nuttin k20:47
heym1Lava: lspci20:47
heym1Lava: sorry..20:47
emmure broadcom corporation bcm94311mcg wlan mini-pc <<<< my wifi card and cannot connect to wireless20:47
HardDiskonthefence928, sudo gedit /etc/fstab20:47
sfireI lost the top bar thats on every window... the one that you click to drag icons20:47
HardDiskbXi, sorry, I don't know about changing powersave modes on videocards.20:47
=== mysterycool is now known as mystery[bbiab]
sfiredoes anyone know how to get it back?20:48
Lavaheym1, np :-) so i just entered lspci in the terminal20:48
jahshuadoes anyone here kn ow of any good guides for using webcams with ubuntu hardy?20:48
dacubuntuhi guys... i need some help shrinking my ntfs partition20:48
sagredoHi all. I think I have a corrupted hard drive. When I try to access it in Nautilus it returns: "Unable to mount location: Can't mount file" - help?20:48
HardDisk!webcam | jahshua20:48
ubottujahshua: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras20:48
heym1sfire: compiz error, no emerald, you need metacity --replace command20:48
sagredoHi all. I think I have a corrupted hard drive. When I try to access it in Nautilus it returns: "Unable to mount location: Can't mount file" - help?20:48
Lavaheym1, this what you looking for?  00:12.0 Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6102 [Rhine-II] (rev 74)20:48
heym1Lava: k, what is the network line20:48
HardDisk!gparted | dacubuntu20:48
\kGHi, i was wondering if anyone can help me... im trying to get ubuntu iso on my win xp box and ive downloaded from ubuntu now 6 times 2 diffrent mirrors, and everytime it fails md5sum check... i ran memtest on my box and my memory is fine.. can anyone else shed some light on this?20:48
ubottudacubuntu: gparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php20:48
QuickGoldwhat is the command to install the PHP library mbstring?20:48
stemount^b2!patience | sagredo20:48
ubottusagredo: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:48
dacubuntui tried that20:48
checcodo you know how can i use ndiswtapper in ubuntu 8.04?20:48
heym1Lava: yay! now you can google that with linux20:49
dacubuntugparted isnt working properly20:49
unavailablesfire open terminal and run  metacity20:49
heym1Lava: and see what people are sayin'20:49
sfireheym1: thank you very much20:49
jahshuathanks HardDisk.20:49
HardDiskdacubuntu, is this a vista partition?20:49
emmuredoes anyone else have a broadcom corporation bcm94311mcg20:49
dacubuntunope xp20:49
mystery[bbiab]\kG: No idea, but why you need the md5 tests? They are actually nothing.20:49
tdelaSilly question, how can I find out what version I have on my DVD, I have many difference ubuntu DVD's but I want to find my 8.04 DVD but I can't find the version of it.20:49
HardDiskdacubuntu, I'd check the partition structure then.20:49
heym1sfire: no, Alt F2 and run command:  metacity --replace20:49
JuJuBeeIs there a linux equivalent for PrintMaster ?20:49
HardDiskdacubuntu, gparted has no issues with xp partitions whatsoever20:49
sfireheym1: it worked :)20:49
bobberscan anyone tell me if its possible to get a working ssh client when using the "rescue" option from the ubuntu install disk?20:49
sfireI just opened a console window20:49
rampageoberon\kG: all i can say is it might be getting corrupted somewhere or a bad sector on disk. Try download it to an external drive if you can and test20:49
dacubuntuwhat gparted does is20:49
Lavaheym1, dude if my internet went faster than a cripple turtle i would :p20:49
\kGmystery[bbiab] i burned the first 5 dicks and got errors on install.... becasue the md5sum fail the iso is corrupted20:49
HardDiskdacubuntu, you could use Hiren's bootcd if you want20:49
dacubuntuall my options for ALL the partitions20:49
trwwwI have a feisty dellbuntu 1505.... I need to add another user, but I'm guessing useradd wont set up the same groups/configuration as I got with the default user. Is there a way to create a user that has the same groups as the default user (allowed to sudo, run synaptics, etc)?20:49
dacubuntuare greyed out20:49
heym1Lava: hard wire20:50
HardDiskdacubuntu, you have to unmount the drive if you're doing it via the OS20:50
rampageoberon\kG: also burning the disks maybe burn then at a slower speed20:50
Lavaheym1, ok, gonna try that20:50
mystery[bbiab]\kG: Oh, ok... Sry, can't help. I had friends who their md5 failed and they installed fine...20:50
dacubuntui tried that as well20:50
cggabrieli have no idea what a pool is ubutto20:50
onthefence928HardDisk: ok it all check out, i'll see if i have any problems in the future20:50
dacubuntubut......... the resize option is still greyed out20:50
HardDiskdacubuntu, then I suspect a "dirty" partition table, check hiren's bootcd and do some tests20:50
heym1Lava: should be a heck of a lot faster if the problem is just with your wireless card20:50
dacubuntubut my xp is running fine20:51
HardDiskdacubuntu, did you encrypt your drives?20:51
HardDiskdacubuntu, regardless..20:51
nickrudmystery[bbiab], disk error was probably in a file that wasn't used for the install ;)20:51
tdelaanyone? :)20:51
dacubuntui dont even know how to :P20:51
rampageoberoncould someone please ban n=ch@ (nick Ed_werder)20:51
choriScunizi: thanks for the tip :) But only one screen turns up, and only one srceen is in the xorg.conf file :/. Any ideas?20:51
Stephen12992I am able to change the volume level of my sound card but I still can't hear anything. What should I do?20:51
nickrudrampageoberon, why?20:51
rampageoberonspam nickrud20:51
rampageoberonin a pm20:51
rampageoberonyou want a pm nickrud ?20:52
sfirewhere do I find freenode admin?20:52
HardDisksfire, #freenode20:52
stemount^b2sfire, you're *on* freenode :)20:52
nickrudrampageoberon, please20:52
kat_aqcan i chat with yahoo contacts on emesene even i have a hotmail adress?=20:52
stemount^b2sfire, sorry read the question wrong20:52
sfirethanks HardDisk20:52
dacubuntuhard disk... is it ok to pm me?20:52
onthefence928i just got a random spam from some tommy guy just now20:52
MGS88help me i can’t install grub20:52
stemount^b2rampageoberon, thats not necessarily going to be helping the channel :/20:52
Scunizichori: I'm no expert on this. but you might start with issuing the reconfiguration command listed at the top part of xorg.. after that.. I'm lost.. google?20:52
unavailableme to from  ed_werder20:52
HardDiskkat_aq, you can with Mercury Messenger, but it's still a bit unstable if you use the 14 protocol20:52
tdelaed_werder is spamming, FYI.20:53
HardDiskdacubuntu, sure.20:53
=== nickklau is now known as marcules
tdelamoreover, he can't spell either.20:53
HardDiskbrb I got a pm :)20:53
kat_aqHardDisk, so not with emesene or aMSN20:53
rampageoberonstemount^: fair enough20:53
rogers236how do i type a regular apostrophe? i have to press the apostrophe key twice to get ´  when i want  '20:53
stemount^b2lmao I've had like 25 spams today and I've just forgot about them20:53
sanguisdexcan any one recommend a good piece of back up software, simple backup manager and keep just freeze20:53
stemount^b2just PM'd back a silly reply :)20:53
HardDiskkat_aq, emesene no, aMSN I doubt it. try mercury it does work with yahoo but buggy.20:53
HardDiskbrb going to pm20:54
\kGHi, i was wondering if anyone can help me... im trying to get ubuntu iso on my win xp box and ive downloaded from ubuntu now 6 times 2 diffrent mirrors, and everytime it fails md5sum check... i ran memtest on my box and my memory is fine.. can anyone else shed some light on this?20:54
unavailableso what is the admin request command?20:54
rampageoberonstemount^: hehe20:54
MySiRA Time ?20:54
unavailable\kg you using any form of download manager??20:54
tzdI've recently disabled networkmanager and also upgraded to latest kernel and now my mysql won't run at boot i think? What might be wrong please? I don't know much about mysql, i just use it for amarok.20:54
\kGunavailable   downloading from firefox from ubuntu site20:55
choriScunizi: I've added both the screens to xorg.conf now atleast. Will try to google the rest. xrandr is a good start :)20:55
heym1nickrud: /close20:55
codhello, i have some problems with ubuntu...20:56
Scunizichori: good luck!20:56
onthefence928\kG: you downloading the ISO?20:56
MGS88is there a way to configure grub20:56
Scunizi!grub | MGS8820:56
ubottuMGS88: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:56
\kGonthefence928   yes from the ubuntu site..20:56
unavailable\kg try this one, tis where i got mine  http://lug.mtu.edu/ubuntu-releases/hardy/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso20:56
codcan some1 help me with my network settings20:56
ASULutzy!ask | cod20:56
ubottucod: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:56
\kGok thank you20:57
\kGill try now20:57
codok..well i have 2 pc my everyday machine and a server so pc A(main) and pc B (server)20:57
codi have an ip for all this thing20:57
ASULutzy!ask | cod20:57
ubottucod: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:57
rohanhi, i enabled compiz using the desktop effects applet. now my alt-tab is really really weird. it used to show a list of windows first, now it juts cycles through them randomly. also, alt-tab doesn't cycle through minimized windows. what could be the problem? i'm using kde 8.04 on kubuntu20:57
codand arouter dlink 524t20:57
ASULutzycod: Read what it says20:57
mkquistcod: in one line...20:57
onthefence928hey who here knows why my Rythmbox like to "unload" all of its songs20:57
unavailable\kg and i assume your using this hash page??  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes20:57
MGS88ubuttu I try oll of this sit20:58
\kGno unavailavble im not sure what that is20:58
=== mangle is now known as preroute
macdonthefence928, it does the same to me, it clears then rebuilds the library everytime, reported the bug upstream several times, noone seems to care ;)20:58
unavailablemd5 sum check page20:58
unavailablethe md5 for that specific disk would be  8895167a794c5d8dedcc312fc62f1f1f20:58
\kGwhen i do md5sum -c unbutu.iso20:58
\kGit fails20:58
\kGit doesnt give me a hash20:58
onthefence928macd: ok then that's all i needed to know, it's getting uninstalled now20:59
codok..well i have 2 pc my everyday machine and a server so pc A(main) and pc B (server) i have an ip for all this thing and a router(d-link 524t). if i go on firefox and put my ip it redirects me to the routers config page, but i want to see my apache www folder20:59
Chikubui have a semi hosed system, i need some help recovering, after attempting an update that failed, my restricted drivers are gone, namely the dialup modem driver is gone and now i can not do any updates or apply fixes, the modem driver needs the linux build directory to buld the driver module, but its not there, what do i do??20:59
visik7anyone with an iwl3945 sucky driver ?20:59
Chikubui have to boot to windows to connect to net and talk in here20:59
onthefence928macd: what other player would you recommend?20:59
macdonthefence928, I moved to amarok, the kdelibs make a lil more heavier than rythmbox, but its nice, and can manage large libraries with database backends20:59
nibsa1242bChikubu: install the packages you need from the Installation media20:59
\kGunavailable ;    when i run md5sum -c ubuntu.iso    from cmdprompt    its fails on me ....21:00
ChikubuInstallation media?21:00
ASULutzycod: You'll have to configure your router correctly? google port forwarding21:00
Chikubuthe pacakges are in the repository21:00
MGS88my grub configur is empty21:00
unavailablein windows?21:00
\kGyes in widows21:00
MGS88is there any one know how to config them21:00
ASULutzycod: when you type your external ip into a browser that basically points to your router. Then your router has to decide where to send the request. It doesn't psychically know the answer, you need to tell it where to forward the request21:00
onthefence928what about aqualung gapless audio player?21:00
MGS88what the21:05
SinIIw00t 0o21:05
duallaininteresting ...21:05
SinIIawesome netsplit21:05
MGS88is this some kick21:06
grijzemenscan someone help me?21:08
wols!help me21:08
Chikubuanyway thanx21:08
codi opened the port21:08
HardDiskonthefence928, add it to fstab21:08
onthefence928HardDisk: how?21:08
nibsa1242bChikubu: maybe someone else can help you with that... I've got to go21:08
wolsnice. the spammers are in here too21:08
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://jussi01.com/web/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:08
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:08
unavailablecan i ask a question?21:08
onthefence928HardDisk: i'm sorry i keep on asking you that, but i'm still not exactly sure what all these linux terms are and i don't know how to use them21:08
unavailableyes just one21:08
unavailableand youve already asked it21:08
grijzemensi have an internet problem, when i go wireless my connection is bad and slow. apparently it has something to do with drivers, if it can help: '00:12.0 Ethernet controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6102 [Rhine-II] (rev 74)'21:08
=== junglist is now known as allcru
codi have opened (forwarded?) the port but it does not work if i try with my public ip21:08
unavailableplease help21:09
ThundarrI am new to ubuntu... is there anything like CPUZ or PC wizard21:09
* Shiko says hi21:09
Starnestommyunavailable: just ask21:09
wolsThundarr: cat /proc/cpuinfo21:09
ScuniziThundarr: what are those?21:09
afallenhopehey how do I get the kernel source? because I know I have the headers... I want the source.21:09
ASULutzycod: Your router needs to know where to direct the request. google port forwarding. This is also off topic as it doesn't really have anything to do with ubuntu21:09
Shikoi have a problem .. can anybody tell me how to mount windows partition21:09
unavailableis there any way to block pm/s from people so that when the spams get a new name i dont have to listen to them?21:09
wolsgrijzemens: this is not your wlan21:09
s_v_e_ndistybution: hardy, pc: lenovo 3000n200 , with intel 82801H - no sound !!!!!!!21:10
Thundarrcpuz is available for Windows21:10
Scuniziunavailable: not really.. we're all experiencing it.. just ignore21:10
Starnestommyunavailable: try setting a /ignore on *!?=ch@*21:10
JannoTTsplit.. soo cool :D21:10
wolsThundarr: and cat /proc/cpuinfo comes on ALL linux boxes standard21:10
grijzemenswols, oh sorry, so how do i find what you need?21:10
Thundarrit tells you your clock speed while your system is running21:10
afallenhopeP.s you have a spammer here21:11
wolsThundarr: what does?21:11
Thundarrpc wizard shows you your cpu temp as well as you cpu usage while your system is running21:11
Shikocan anybody tell me how to mount ntfs partition ?21:11
wolsacpi or lm_sensors do too21:11
afallenhopeActually you have 42 clones21:11
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions21:11
psychohamsterI have a laptop with 2 hard drives, on one i have a winxp installation and on the other I use ubuntu. In my ubuntu installation I have my ntfs drive mounted so I can read docs/music/videos all from one hard drive no matter the os i'm on. Unfortunately today I was deleting something from the NTFS drive from inside linux and accidently deleted my documents and settings folder, and it perma-deleted, did not go into a recycle bin.... i'm21:11
codok, sorry guys, one last thing i have to say to redirect the request to the router or to my linux installation?21:11
afallenhopeMicah is a spammer21:11
ASULutzyShiko: That question has to be asked in here like 10 times a day. thank god for !ntfs-3g21:11
unavailable\kg you have any luck with winmd5sum?  should be able to check the other iso's you dnloaded21:11
unavailableunless u del them21:11
wolspsychohamster: there are some windows ntfs undelete programs. use one21:12
CShadowRunis there any way to get a live read out of what the active window is21:12
\kGunavailable   i deleted them lol im redownloading from another link21:12
Shikothx ASULutzy21:12
Thundarrso where do i enter cat /proc/cpuinfo21:12
\kGunavailable   20 minutes ;[21:12
CShadowRunor how about a program that will tell you what the active window is?21:12
Thundarrdo i enter this in a terminal session21:12
Starnestommyafallenhope: sudo apt-get install linux-source21:12
psychohamsterwols # i couldn't find one that works inside linux21:12
grijzemenswols, how do i find that Wlan?21:12
\kGit sucks cause ive dloaded now 7 times lol21:12
ScuniziThundarr: Applications/Accessories/Terminal21:12
unavailablethundarr i would unagine21:12
ASULutzycod: Yes. Here's the thing. If you're behind a  router, and you're running a webserver on port 80. When someone outside your local network tries to go to the webserver, it hits your router first. It's then your routers job to, get this, route the traffic, and if you don't tell it where it needs to go it doesn't know what to do with it.21:13
afallenhopeStarnestommy: yeah I figured it out21:13
HardDiskk im back sorry.21:13
MGS88I can’t config my grub by live cd when try to it’s tell me can’t save21:13
Boohbahcod: so you have to forward port 80 from your router to your server21:13
unavailable\kg  i know, but here's the scoop, if you burn the image, and it turns out to be bad, it can tell you before you install21:13
s_v_e_nhallo - any ideaos to no sound on intel - chipset ?21:13
codok everything is clear now thanks a lot21:13
Thundarrthanks scunizi21:13
HardDiskonthefence928, repeat again I missed it, was away21:13
wolspsychohamster: as I said: WINDOWS ntfs undelete programs.21:13
spideymanshiko http://www.debianadmin.com/mount-your-widows-partitions-and-make-it-readwritable-in-ubuntu.html21:13
unavailable\kg it has the check built in to the menu21:13
wols!wlan | grijzemens21:14
ubottugrijzemens: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:14
Thundarrso is there something in ubuntu like task manager21:14
unavailableshiko sounds like a myspace mod's name21:14
ASULutzyThundarr: System monitor21:14
psychohamsterwols - loading into windows will quite likely overwrite the data i am trying to recover21:14
onthefence928HardDisk: how?21:14
duallain\kG:  Have you tried the kubuntu or Xubuntu cds?  You can install ubuntu fairly easily once you get those running.21:14
wolspsychohamster: your problem. kepp backups next time21:14
onthefence928HardDisk: i'm sorry i keep on asking you that, but i'm still not exactly sure what all these linux terms are and i don't know how to use them21:14
Thundarrthat constantly shows sys processes w/o taking up an entire window21:14
brandan_Hey...What is a good first person shooter I can get from Synaptic? that is pretty graphic intensive ?21:15
Thundarrsomething that would stay in a taskbar minimized21:15
rampageoberonThundarr: yes that happens, no idea why21:15
rampageoberononthefence928: what is it you are not sure anout?21:15
ASULutzybrandan_: Nexuiz is pretty good. It feels like UT. Openarena is good too, it's essentially a clone of Q3 Arena21:15
unavailablethundarr system > administrator > system monitor21:15
HardDiskonthefence928, for what?21:15
ThundarrIll try it21:15
HardDiskonthefence928, which commands, i'm just in and out..so I'm missing stuff21:16
brandan_ASULutzy: thanks :-)21:16
ASULutzyThundarr: You can right click on your panel and hit add to panel. There's a system monitor there21:16
incorrectcan anyone suggest a php web based file manager ?  I want to expose part of the file system for upload/deletes21:16
psychohamsterwols.-- thank you for that obvious remark.. the back up was oon the linux drive which was reformated this morning to downgrade to 7.10 because the computer will not go into standby in 8.0421:16
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onthefence928rampageoberon: i am trying to see about making a linux automatically mount a partition when i start up a music program21:16
MGS88I can’t config my grub by live cd when try to it’s tell me can’t save21:16
onthefence928HardDisk: i am trying to see about making a linux automatically mount a partition when i start up a music program21:16
rampageoberonincorrect: you could use net2ftp21:16
Lemonade[and]FudHello guys, i was told by someone in this channel that i could use "/whatever /whatever none bind 0 0" in fstab to mount a drive i already have mounted with fstab. but when i doo mount -a i get this "mount: not a catalog" why is that?21:16
brandan_any others u know I should grab while I have Synaptic open?21:17
HardDiskonthefence928, and you want to unmount it after?21:17
unavailablemgs88  whats up with your '   ?  i see a lil box with 00 92 in it21:17
Jack_Sparrowbrandan_ Check out sauerbratten and world of padman.. not in the repos I dont think but work just fine..21:17
HardDiskhey jacky :)21:17
onthefence928HardDisk: not necessarily21:17
Thundarrthanks asulutzy...that is exactly what I was looking for21:17
Jack_Sparrowbrandan_ Assault cube21:18
brandan_Jack_Sparrow: i see sauerbraten in the Synaptic :-)21:18
onthefence928HardDisk: i just want to make sure it can find my music that's on the drive21:18
Lemonade[and]FudHello guys, i was told by someone in this channel that i could use "/whatever /whatever none bind 0 0" in fstab to mount a drive i already have mounted with fstab. but when i doo mount -a i get this "mount: not a catalog" why is that?21:18
MGS88I can t config boot GRUB21:18
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HardDiskonthefence928, then gedit /etc/fstab and add this entry /dev/sdax /media/Music ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 0  /dev/sdax being the partition you want to mount21:18
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Jack_Sparrowbrandan_ Action cube ?21:19
HardDiskonthefence928, then all you need to do is get your music player banshee/rythmbox to look for that folder21:19
unavailablemgs88 what other os you have installed?21:19
b4l7424ris there a win32 codec pack for totem gstreamer?21:19
brandan_Jack_Sparrow: I don't see Action or Assault Cube in Syaptic21:19
HardDiskJack_Sparrow, I'm planning to apply for ubuntu membership on the 17th21:19
onthefence928HardDisk: i switched to amarok because rythmbox kept on unloading all my music when i booted it21:19
Jack_Sparrowbrandan_ World of padman is one of the most inovative online fps I have seen in awhile21:20
HardDiskonthefence928, ok that's fine21:20
ASULutzyHardDisk: What is ubuntu membership?21:20
ubottuWant to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember21:20
Jack_SparrowHardDisk I never have21:20
MGS88I try to install backtrack 2 but i can t now I have xp21:20
tdelaI have windows xp installed and using my entire HDD, is it possible to partition my pc so I can install ubuntu on this PC for dual booting?21:20
HardDiskJack_Sparrow, it'll look good for the Egypt team :D21:20
unavailablemsg88 and what partition are you trying to install grub on?21:21
HardDisktdela, yes21:21
brandan_Jack_Sparrow: I'm looking for stuff in Synaptic so I can let it download while I do other things21:21
tdelausing partition magic?21:21
ASULutzyHardDisk, Jack_Sparrow: Heh, I'll stick to trolling the forums and IRC channel, sounds like a lot of work to be a member :P21:21
HardDisktdela, the install process will help you repartition21:21
HardDisktdela, it uses gparted, open source partitioning program like partition magic21:21
MGS88sda3 it s ubuntu partition21:22
tdelaHardDisk: you mean the ubuntu installer will let me slice this sucker in half? amazing.21:22
unavailabletdela just DEFRAG YOUR DISK befor doing that21:22
HardDisktdela, yep :)21:22
Jack_Sparrowbrandan_ You would need linux full and the linux patch to play this online21:22
tdelawow, times have changed :p21:22
unavailablemgs88  so you can only boot to xp??21:22
tdelathanks unavailable will do too.21:22
tdeladefrag, heh21:22
effeietsandershello. I am trying to get ubuntu installed besides my vista as dual boot, but am experiencing some problems with pnpbios21:22
brandan_Jack_Sparrow: what do you mean Linux full ?21:22
Jack_Sparrowbrandan_ full version of padman for linux21:22
MGS88unavailable: yes21:22
AFJUSDcan anyone assist me in integrating Ubuntu 8.04 with and Active Directory Network?21:23
unavailablemgs88 so youre in xp right now?21:23
effeietsandersI am ending up in a shell all the time21:23
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MGS88unavailable: yes21:23
brandan_Jack_Sparrow: ooh need patches for linux (Ubuntu) to play that online?21:23
tdela203GB of free space to defrag.21:23
tdelathis will take a while I think.21:23
FabParma[OT] Does exist a VM/CPU-emulator that can let chooses which cpu (amd or intel) to use into the guest enviroment w/o ties with host hw config? Thank You for help me, Fab21:23
unavailablemgs88  grab this http://www.winimage.com/bootpart.htm21:23
ScuniziAFJUSD: if you don't find anyone here to answer your question try #ubuntu-server21:23
effeietsandersI installed linux from the cd (8.04) through vista, but now it doesn't boot :S21:24
JannoTTany gmailfs users here?21:24
Jack_Sparrowbrandan_ Yes, you will need the patch.. I highly recommand WOP21:24
ronnieJannoTT: yeah~ wassup21:24
tdelaHardDisk: one more Q, do i need to reboot into the cd or do i partition and install while in windows? I guess i would need to reboot, wouldnt make sense to slice up something in use already.21:24
Jack_Sparroweffeietsanders If you used the wubi installer then please read the wubi faq..21:24
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.21:24
choritrying to get lcd 40'' tv and tft 19'' to work with radeon 2600pro, any tips? Googled but cant get it to work :/21:25
MGS88unavailable: is it work auto21:25
sarthori cant view this font , http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/pakistan/story/2008/06/080611_pak_troops_killed_fz.shtml its arabic fonts how to install it.21:25
unavailablemgs88 and read this21:25
MGS88unavailable: thanks21:25
HardDisktdela, you do it when you're installing21:25
tdelaokay thanks.21:25
HardDisktdela, but as you were told defrag first21:25
tdelait's doing that now.21:25
HardDisklinux doesn't need defrag :)21:26
tdelaI guess I can watch that girl movie with the wife :(21:26
ASULutzySo what's so sweet about world of padman? I'm at work, but just started the wget of the 1.1 full install and 1.2 patch on the machine at home.21:26
JannoTTronnie: When adding line to fstab do i have to put @gmail after username?21:26
HardDiskjust windows21:26
tdeladamn windows.21:26
afallenhopehow do you install a single module/21:26
HardDiskafallenhope, sudo modprobe nameofmodule21:26
unavailableext3 does become fragged21:26
HardDiskafallenhope, sorry that loads it21:26
unavailablebut just not as bad as windows21:26
ASULutzyunavailable: Not very badly as long as there's sufficient free space left21:26
afallenhopeHardDisk: yeah I want to compile a single module21:26
HardDiskafallenhope, read the README21:26
sarthori cant view this font , http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/pakistan/story/2008/06/080611_pak_troops_killed_fz.shtml its arabic fonts how to install it.21:26
unavailablenow ext421:26
dbrewer_rjris setting up an ubuntu lamp server in vmware going to have performance issues?21:26
HardDisksarthor, add it to .fonts in your home directory21:27
unavailablecant wait for ext421:27
Jack_SparrowASULutzy It has a whole cartoonish feel that I found refreshing.  You are a small creature in a cartoon life sized bunch of rooms21:27
iamtimWhen the screen saver blanks my screen, it only blanks the left monitor, i am also unable to turn off the screen saver (even by sshing and killing the screensaver) the screen stays black21:27
sarthorHardDisk, add what?? Where is that font? What its name??21:27
HardDisksarthor, you'll have to search for it.21:27
ASULutzyJack_Sparrow: Cool, thanks for the tip! I've been booting into Windows quite a bit to play TF2 and enjoy the cartoonishness(albeit cartoons with wanton violence) so I'm looking forward to trying out padman when I get home from work tonight21:27
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer21:28
sarthorHardDisk, i did search but no success21:28
unavailablejack_sparrow sounds like my dreams after ahyauasca21:28
dacubuntuguys..  i messed up my fstab21:28
dacubuntuneed some help21:28
HardDiskdacubuntu, what happened?21:28
dacubuntuwell i was putting in the codes like u did21:28
dacubuntunow it doesnt even mount21:28
brandan_How can I adjust Compiz effects?21:28
HardDiskdacubuntu, I told you no need you had the entry already21:28
dacubuntuoh ok21:29
HardDisk/dev/sda1 /media/disk ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 021:29
dacubuntuthats what i have21:29
tdelawubi hehe.. cute21:29
HardDiskdacubuntu, as I said, you need to fix your partition errors21:29
dacubuntuyeah.. ill do that in a while then21:29
HardDiskdacubuntu, use chkdsk in windows or via the hirenbootcd I told you21:29
dacubuntuonce its download21:29
piranesiwhy can't I open this page with ubuntu? http://www.blisscorporation.com/community/ (I tried also with the live-cd) It only works with windows and other distros21:30
dacubuntuit was working fine before i tried editing21:30
brandan_What do I get so I can adjust the Compiz desktop effects?21:30
doug__Hi,  looking for clues to newsreader Pan crashing and showing a message "segmentation fault"21:30
HardDiskdacubuntu, still fix your partition errors before you play around mounting21:30
Jack_SparrowASULutzy Money back guarantee..  Let me know when you have it up and running.. We can have some fun21:30
unavailablepiranesi  its workin for me, just takes a loooong time21:30
dacubuntubrandan_: system >> preferences >> appearance >> animatinos21:30
Jack_Sparrow!ccsm > brandan_21:31
ASULutzyJack_Sparrow: heh, sounds good!21:31
unavailablejack_sparrow, like he paid money or something as in beer?21:31
dacubuntuthats visual effects in the end21:31
piranesiunavailable, but can you open it fully, or just something?21:31
HardDiskbeer is still pretty expensive in some countries21:31
HardDiskin the case of germany it's cheaper than water ;D21:31
unavailablewell i gotta go there21:31
ASULutzyJack_Sparrow: Not to get too far off topic, but I can be pretty decent at FPS... I have the highest fragrate in the US on my favorite map in the US at the game America's Army... I think top 20 fragrate in the US overall :P21:31
Chikubui had attempted a system update, it halted midway, it took out my dial up modem driver, now im trying to get the needed updates manualy, was told to find the deb's needed, but some are tar.gz and/or .dcs  is there a place to put these so the update manager see's them or a manual install procedure?21:32
Jack_SparrowASULutzy Luckilly, I respawn quickly21:32
[cliff]hey all21:32
ryanakcaHow can I make emacs-nox use right_alt as the control key instead of the default control keys?21:32
ASULutzyJack_Sparrow: lol ;)21:32
unavailablepiranesi hmmm... only about halfway21:32
brandan_Jack_Sparrow: thanks, I have to get ccsm once my Synaptic is done getting stuff...:-)21:32
HardDiskASULutzy, better than Fatal1ty? :D21:32
unavailablemaybe they only like winshits21:32
grijzemensi tried installing ndiswrapper, but that didnt change a thing21:33
HardDisk!language unavailable21:33
ubottuHardDisk: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:33
duallainSo I want to share a some files on a harddrive of a ubuntu computer and have 1 mac and one ubuntu computer in the house, what protocol should I install/use?  (Samba just seems wrong)21:33
HardDisk!language | unavailable21:33
ubottuunavailable: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:33
Jack_Sparrowbrandan_ Yes..  it will help you with tweeking the effects21:33
piranesiunavailable, yes that's the problem, I don't know why this happens only with ubuntu21:33
unavailablesrry :(21:33
ASULutzyHardDisk: lol, I'm not really all that good, just pretty sharp at America's Army and most games based on the Unreal engine... I'm pretty horrible at CS, just doesn't feel right to me :P21:33
CShadowRunpiranesi what happens when you try and open it?21:33
unavailablepiranesi  hav you tried using a virtualbox install of winblows to visit that site?21:33
[cliff]I just got home to find out my laptop didn't suspend properly if I remove an USB drive while it's suspending to ram. end result, the bloody machine was carried inside a bag for more than an hour at full throttle. how can I debug this crap so that it doesn't happen again? I'm running hardy (which I refuse to call LTS given the amount of trouble I've had with it)21:34
brandan_Jack_Sparrow: yep I get Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy before, I lost it due to hard drive failure, I am now on Hardy 8.04..Trying to get everything setup just how I want again...21:34
unavailablecshadowrun   go here  http://www.blisscorporation.com/community/21:34
Jack_SparrowI didnt mean to steer us offtopic...21:34
Jack_Sparrowbrandan_ did you create a sep home partition this time?21:34
piranesiunavailable, the actual problem for me is not to visit the site but to understand what's the problem with ubuntu :)21:34
brandan_Jack_Sparrow: there is 2 partitions for Ubuntu, the File system and another...So yeah I believe so21:35
ASULutzybrandan_: You could also setup a raid-1, I did that on my home machine... I'd recommend doing it before you install... I did it after already having a running system and I didn't really think it was actually going to work but it did :P21:35
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ASULutzybrandan_: The other partition is probably swap?21:35
Jack_Sparrowbrandan_ / "root"  swap   plus a /home21:35
vincenzThis is a bit ot but I can't find the info anwhere else.  Whre does Flash player 9 save state in ubuntu?21:35
HardDiskI'm taking a break guys.21:35
HardDiskI'll be back in a few minutes21:35
brandan_Jack_Sparrow: how can I know if I have the right partitions,  /root /swap / home   etc ?21:36
HardDisklater jacky21:36
HardDiskdon't overhurt yourself :)21:36
HardDiskI'll be back soon21:36
ASULutzybrandan_: Run sudo fdisk -l in a terminal21:36
Cyndreworkwhats a good terminal that I can ctrl-v paste and ctrl-c cut out of?21:36
Chikubuis a .dsc self installing?21:36
Jack_Sparrowpiranesi do you get an error.. For me the site is loading, just painfully slow21:36
HardDiskCyndrework, shift-ctrl-v21:36
Thundarrhi all21:36
ASULutzyCyndrework: You can copy paste out of gnome-terminal with ctrl-shift like HardDisk said21:36
ThundarrI am new to ubuntu so try and cut me some slack21:36
unavailablepiranesi well whatever the problem is, 64 bit has it as well21:36
Jack_Sparrowbrandan_ sudo fdisk -l                    last letter is small L21:36
ThundarrI have a few Windows systems21:37
CyndreworkThanks guys - incredible21:37
piranesiJack_Sparrow, I don't get an error, but the site doesn't load all the things it has to load21:37
aviscan anyone explain to me what gnome-vfs is ?  can i somehow link up a bookmark on nautilus to point to a secure SSL space on a external webserver ?21:37
b4l7424rcan totem use the win32 codecs from mplayerhq?21:37
Thundarrand I want to network all of my windows systems with my ubuntu system21:37
Thundarrso what do i have to enable???21:37
Scunizipiranesi: could it be a ie6 enabled site?21:37
ChikubuThundarr what do you mean network, just see and share files?21:37
Jack_Sparrowpiranesi then you are out of luck..  complain to whoever wrote the page.21:37
brandan_Jack_Sparrow:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19460/  does it look okay?21:37
piranesiScunizi, no, because it works with linux from scratch live-cd , if you open this other link the problem is more clear because you see no topic -> http://www.blisscorporation.com/community/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=621:38
Thundarrin "network" I can see the name of my windows network but I don't see any of my systems21:38
grafthi, i have a fully-upgraded hardy installation, and my firefox browser won't do DNS lookups21:39
Jack_Sparrowbrandan_ no you dont have a sep /home and you have two swap partitions.. odd21:39
piranesiJack_Sparrow, :)21:39
grijzemenscan someone please help me with my driver-problem? just dont now how to fix it. My connection in gutsy was great and fast, now in hardy it is bad and very very slow21:39
graftor at least it remains stuck on 'looking up <etc.>'21:39
ryanakcaHow can I make emacs-nox use right_alt as the control key instead of the default control keys?21:39
brandan_Jack_Sparrow: i just let it do it by itself....Will I be ok though the way it is now?21:39
Chikubuare you double clicking on the windows network or workgroup name?21:39
Jack_Sparrowbrandan_ Fine for now...21:39
sfiregraft: can you ping addresses?21:39
brandan_Jack_Sparrow: for now? what will I not be able to do, something in the future?21:39
Thundarreven thru my windows systems...they don't see this system when i try and see other systems on the network21:40
grijzemenscan someone please help me with my driver-problem? just dont know how to fix it. My connection in gutsy was great and fast, now in hardy it is bad and very very slow21:40
Thundarris there some setting I have to change21:40
Jack_Sparrowbrandan_ having a sep /home makes future upgrades and reinstalls easier as you wont format that partition21:40
graftsfire: yep, i can ping, host works fine, konqueror browsers fine, and i can access websites in firefox via IP address. also, it's not a router issue since the same thing happens with every AP i connect to21:40
Starnestommygrijzemens: what kind of networking card do you have?21:40
Scunizipiranesi: from looking at the page's source it looks like a java issue.  Unfortunatly I don't know how to diagnose or fix java related issues..21:41
FabParma[OT] Does exist a VM/CPU-emulator that can let chooses which cpu (amd or intel) to use into the guest enviroment w/o ties with host hw config? Thank You for help me, Fab21:41
brandan_Jack_Sparrow: but thats all its needed for? and do I have enough space on the Partitions it made for operation?21:41
StarnestommyFabParma: I think qemu can do that21:41
piranesiScunizi, I try to completely disable java, the problem still remains, I also tried to save the page with windows and reopen it with ubuntu and it opens succesfully :)21:41
Chikubuhow can i get and manualy apply updates in ubunut, downloading from a diffrent machine? my dialup driver got destroyed mid upgrade, and won't reinstall21:42
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Jack_Sparrowbrandan_ You didnt give it very much.. stingy guy.. eh?21:42
Scunizipiranesi: well.. if you disable java it definately won't work.. It has a lot of java code.. there are different java interpreters for linux.21:42
Jack_Sparrowbrandan_ Please understand I am just teasing a bit21:43
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Starnestommyjackel: /list21:43
grijzemensStarnestommy, thanks for replying, i don't know, how can i find out?21:43
brandan_Jack_Sparrow:  It's on my 40GB hard drive which also has Windows XP...so I could only give it a small amount..but will I be ok with the space it gave it during installation?21:43
Jack_Sparrowjackel We dont serve files here21:43
effeietsandersJack_Sparrow: OK, I tried to look at the guide, but found not what I need :S21:43
Starnestommygrijzemens: try sudo lshw -C net21:43
brandan_Jack_Sparrow: It's okay, I like humor :P21:43
graftsfire: any idee?21:43
Starnestommygrijzemens: or lspci | grep -i net21:44
piranesiScunizi, 2 days ago I tried the sun-java plugin, same problem :(21:44
jackeli know i need a list of the channels21:44
sfiregraft: you can ping things from the command prompt using the name.. example google.com21:44
Starnestommyjackel: use /list, or /msg alis list *searvh-term*21:44
Thundarranyone know how to network my ubuntu box with my windows network21:44
graftsfire: yeah, DNS lookup works fine outside of firefox21:44
Thundarrany and all help is greatly appreciated21:44
effeietsandersI got messages similar to these, btw, when I tried to walk around ACPI:21:44
Jack_Sparrowbrandan_ You will want to give it more....  I suggest you burn or backup /var/cache/apt/archives to maximixe the room available. then delete everything in that folder.. except lock and the folder named partial21:44
graftsfire: the only other thing it MIGHT be broken for is the standalone flash player, but it's hard to tell21:44
jonatha1im new to Ubuntu and need some help, i want to delete my windows partition but it says that the gparted command is not a valid command21:45
effeietsanders[ 1.080000] PNPBIOS fault.. attempting recovery.21:45
Xcellgraft  check your internet connect in edit\frefs in ff21:45
effeietsanders[ 1.(blabla) PnPBIOS: Warning! Your PnP BIOS caused a fatal error. Attempting to continue21:45
effeietsanders[ (morebla) PnPBIOS: You may need to reboot with the "pnpbios=off" option to operate stably21:45
effeietsanders[ (...) PnPBIOS: check with your vendor for an updated BIOS21:45
effeietsanders[ (...) PnPBIOS: get_dev_node: unexpected status 0x3721:45
effeietsandersjust with different numbers21:45
Jack_Sparroweffeietsanders please dont flood21:45
Starnestommyjackel: or http://irc.netsplit.de/channels/?net=freenode21:45
effeietsandersonly five lines, srry21:45
Starnestommyjonatha1: gparted should be on the livecd21:45
Jack_Sparroweffeietsanders no more than three thanks21:45
graftXcell: you mean proxy stuff? I'm not using a proxy21:45
brandan_Jack_Sparrow:   :-(  to me this is all a different language lol, I am new to linux really...I'm not sure how to do that exactly...21:46
zvacetjonatha1 : http://gparted.sourceforge.net/21:46
Xcelli understand.. but make sure it is set to  direct connect21:46
brandan_Jack_Sparrow: shouldn't I be ok for a while the way I am, for basic stuff, as long as I don't install anything big?21:46
Jack_Sparrowbrandan_ when you get around to it, this is a great place to ask21:46
grijzemensStarnestommy, can i past the outcome somewhere?21:46
graftXcell: it is21:46
Starnestommygrijzemens: http://paste.ubuntu.com21:46
Xcellok.. thinks*21:46
Jack_Sparrowbrandan_ It is all relative to how much you use it.  10 gigs will get you by for now.  but not enough in the long run21:47
grijzemensStarnestommy, http://paste.ubuntu.com/19463/21:47
tzddoes anyone know if the issue with: ... NetworkManager: <WARN> nm_dbus_init() ... at shutdown/reboot has been fixed please? I've seen a lot of reported cases but only seen 1 workaround that won't do it for me :/21:48
Xcellcheck your error console.. try cleaning that21:48
brandan_Jack_Sparrow: so if I only use applications and games I have installed currently, and only update my system when needed, I should be fine for a while?21:48
Jack_Sparrowbrandan_ I cant give you a definitive answer or a guarantee. when you run out of room you run out of room21:48
brandan_Jack_Sparrow: it's okay, thanks, I understand21:49
dogmaso this maybe a dumb question although ive never heard a direct answer regarding compiz-fusion is thier a way to get the xvideo extensions functioning in windowed mode while in use if you use a ati card?21:49
Starnestommygrijzemens: are you using ndiswrapper for the wireless card?21:50
grijzemensStarnestommy, i tried installing it ten minutes ago21:50
stabbyjoe12_hi everyone small problem ive got hardy heron and my broadcom 4311 wifi card doesnt work it worked under 7.10 but for some reason even with the restricted driver installed it doesnt find ny networks? anyone else had this21:50
compubombanyone happen to know which sound engine BMPx uses ?21:51
brandan_I'm out for now...see you all  :-)21:51
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash21:51
compubombi'm trying to figure out why rythmbox and BMPx all have sound, but totem has no sound.21:51
grijzemensStarnestommy, through synaptic manager, but after that, i didn't know what to do21:51
Jack_Sparrow!find flash21:51
ubottuFound: flashblock, flashrom, flashybrid, libflash-dev, libflash-mozplugin (and 8 others)21:51
Starnestommygrijzemens: try lsmod | grep rt2500pci21:51
compubombanyone ?21:51
homecablehow do i get more then 1 ip from dhcp to one networkcard21:52
* stabbyjoe12_ anyone no th awser to mine :<21:52
snarksterim getting segmentation faults.. whats the est approach to fix these?21:52
Starnestommysnarkster: reinstakk the program that's causing them21:52
s_v_e_nplease help with soundcard on hardy : http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/266196/21:52
Starnestommysnarkster: er, reinstakk21:52
Chousukesnarkster: segfaults shouldn't happen21:53
snarksterStarnestommy: i get it21:53
grijzemensStarnestommy, http://paste.ubuntu.com/19464/21:53
snarksterChousuke: right I know21:53
Starnestommysnarkster: I can't type l's for some reason21:53
snarksterStarnestommy: thats cool21:53
Chousukesnarkster: there are three possible causes: 1) a bug in the program, 2) your binary being corrupted (reinstall might help) or 3) broken hardware, such as faulty memory21:53
piranesihey I discovered that using a proxy makes me open succesfully that site!!!21:53
stabbyjoe12_>hi everyone small problem ive got hardy heron and my broadcom 4311 wifi card doesnt work it worked under 7.10 but for some reason even with the restricted driver installed it doesnt find ny networks? anyone else had this :<21:53
Chousukesnarkster: 1 and 3 are the most common21:53
piranesieven with ubuntu21:53
snarksterChousuke: what about corruption on a HD21:54
Chousukesnarkster: that falls into 2)21:54
earthlingin 8.04 when on right click the third option says " create documents ". on moving the mouse pointer over it , it shows most recently used file.. how do stop that from happening?21:54
snarksterChousuke:  It is a laptop21:54
Starnestommygrijzemens: I think your ISP might be throttling you if you recently downloaded a lot21:54
Chousukesnarkster: is it only one app that segfaults?21:54
homecablehow do i get more then 1 ip from dhcp to one networkcard ??21:54
snarksterwell i have a segfault when reloading my BOSwar game21:55
grijzemensStarnestommy, i have no clue what you mean, but i didn't download a lot recently21:55
snarksterand when i try to run system-config-samba21:55
snarkstertwo different partitions21:55
Chousukehmm :/21:55
Chousukethat might be faulty hardware.21:55
Starnestommyhomecable: you may need to create separate logical interfaces for that card21:55
Chousukesnarkster: you should run memtest to see if your memory is alright21:56
snarksteralready did that last night it good.21:56
grijzemensStarnestommy, it is weird that everything works fine when i plug the cable, yet wen i go wireless everything goes terribly slow. another strange thing is that my connection is only two bars out of four while im sitting next to the router21:56
Chousukesnarkster: well, HD corruption is another possibility21:56
snarksterwhat is the comand to check the HD21:56
HardDiskk ill be back later...ciao21:56
rampageoberongrijzemens: that could just be the wireless router or wireless card21:56
Starnestommygrijzemens: the router may be going bad.  Are you using any encryption?21:56
Chousukesnarkster: there's no way to check "a HD". You need to check the filesystem21:57
Chousukesnarkster: fsck is the command for that21:57
antonio_alguien que halble español?21:57
Starnestommy!es | antonio_21:57
ubottuantonio_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:57
JC_Denton_how would I copy an entire partition to a new one? would ddrescue suffice?21:57
snarksterChousuke:  right fsck thats what i meant.. Ill have to boot up live cd and do it from there21:57
sarthori cant view this font , http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/pakistan/story/2008/06/080611_pak_troops_killed_fz.shtml its arabic fonts how to install it.21:58
Chousukesnarkster: it might not catch all corruption though. :/21:58
Starnestommystabbyjoe12_: are you using the bcm43xx-fwcutter package?21:58
snarksterChousuke:  well thats not good21:58
Chousukesnarkster: better back up any important data you have as soon as possible.21:58
rampageoberonsarthor: try installing msttcorefonts21:58
kyncaniJC_Denton_: how about cp -a as root ?21:58
=== _Servarium is now known as Servarium
PaloAltowhere do I put shared objects for ununtu so that executables can find them ?21:58
joaopintosnarkster, actually you can check the hd for back blocks, use: badblocks device21:58
snarksterChousuke: its my boot drive, no important data there21:59
zvacet  JC_Denton_ : http://psychocats.s465.sureserver.com/ubuntu/backup21:59
grijzemensStarnestommy, yeah, but when a friend connects with his windows laptop everything goes smoothly21:59
StarnestommyPaloAlto: if it's not part of a package, use /usr/local/bin21:59
joaopintoPaloAlto, /usr/lib is the regular place for shared objects, aka system libs21:59
rampageoberongrijzemens: could be your wireless card which is bad21:59
kyncaniPaloAlto: google for ld.so.conf21:59
snarksterjoaopinto: can you do that while its mounted?21:59
Chousukesnarkster: it might be that the binaries are just corrupted *or* that they have bugs, but if more things start crashing, it's most likely the hardware21:59
caveymasonhey ive installed vmware workstation but when i go to open it it doesnt work? :S confused any help?21:59
_empemp_how can i rebuild the fstab?22:00
_empemp_just added new partition and i can't copy anything to them'22:00
grijzemensrampageoberon, when it was gutsy everything went smoothly, i got messed up with hardy22:00
snarksterfstab is just a space delimited txt file22:00
tzdcaveymason: does it start loading?22:00
PaloAltoehrm, so /usr/local/lib ?22:00
Chousukesnarkster: in anycase, reinstall the affected software and see if that helps22:00
snarksterok thank you22:00
StarnestommyPaloAlto: try that22:00
JC_Denton_kyncani: what does the a parameter denote?22:00
tzdcaveymason: have you run the config.pl ?22:00
_empemp_snarkster: what should i type in it?22:00
earthling\join ##linux22:00
Chousukesnarkster: preferably using apt-get --purge remove (which will remove all configuration as well)22:01
Le2Hi, I've got a 7.04 server, and it can't seem to obtain an IP via DHCP, does anyone know why?22:01
caveymasonurm it run it? but i dunnoe if it worked?22:01
JC_Denton_zvacet: thanks but not exactly looking to backup the data..22:01
joaopintosnarkster, no22:01
kyncaniJC_Denton_: man cp is your friend, -a means archive22:01
caveymasonit said something about its going wrogn how do i run it again22:01
_empemp_shouldn't this distro beat windows xp? even windows does partitioning fine22:01
snarksterah ok, well then i still need to boot live cd.22:01
snarksterhmm ttyl ima get to work on it now22:01
JC_Denton_kyncani: I read that bit but does archive mean it's compressed as well?22:01
Chousukesnarkster: and do an "apt-get clean" first so it'll remove your cached packages22:01
stabbyjoe12_starnestommy yes i am@/22:01
caveymasonhow do i rerun the config.pl?22:02
tzdcaveymason: when that thing happened to me i had to run this: sudo /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl22:02
compubombhow do you force gstreamer into 44.1khz ?22:02
Starnestommystabbyjoe12_: I'm looking for any information that may be of use to you22:02
kyncaniJC_Denton_: nope, archive means -dpR, look each option in the manpage for an explanation22:02
stabbyjoe12_starnestommy yes i am@/;022:02
zvacetJC_Denton_ : you have explanation how ddrecue work on the bottom of the page22:02
tzdcaveymason: make sure you compile etc. just press enter to use default values22:02
stabbyjoe12_why thank you:)22:02
Starnestommystabbyjoe12_: have you tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Broadcom_BCM4311_rev_01_%28ndiswrapper%29 ?22:03
Le2Hi, I've got a 7.04 server, and it can't seem to obtain an IP via DHCP, does anyone know why? It was fine up until the other day and now, all of a sudden it doesn't work...22:03
JC_Denton_k, thanks guys22:03
caveymasonExecution aborted? Says something about compiling something for my thinggg? or something?22:03
grijzemensStarnestommy, when i installed ndiswrapper, i just installed it through synapitcs, should i have done something afterwards?22:03
stabbyjoe12_like it but illtry that22:03
kyncaniJC_Denton_: as a side note, the rsync method zvacet gave you and the cp -a method will give the same result. And rsync would allow keeping the partition in sync with the original (if you need it).22:03
Starnestommygrijzemens: you should've used sudo ndiswrapper -i /path/to/driver.inf22:04
tzdcaveymason: which version of workstation are you using? And which version of Ubuntu are you on?22:04
JC_Denton_kyncani: would ddrescue and cp -a give the same result too? It would seem like it from the man pages22:04
caveymasonurmm newest ver of ubuntu22:04
macdLe2, did you try top restart the dhclient service?22:04
Dianahava a problem22:05
caveymasonandddd vmware 6.00022:05
Le2macd: what?22:05
earthlingLe2: The DNS server is up right?22:05
kyncaniJC_Denton_: nope, ddrescue is an entire different thing.22:05
grijzemensStarnestommy, can i still do that?22:05
tzdcaveymason: ok and this is a fresh install of vmware workstation or have you had it installed and working before?22:05
Starnestommygrijzemens: you could try doing that22:05
Scunizicaveymason: you trying to install vmware 1.0.6?22:05
zvacetcaveymason : are you trying to compile22:05
Le2earthling: yeah, it still goes through a router which everything else can still use fine22:05
macdLe2, as in 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart', and tailed dmesg to see whats going wrong?22:05
grijzemensStarnestommy, 'Error: no ndiswrapper utils found!'22:05
kyncaniJC_Denton_: drescue is meant to recover whatever bits are recoverable from a non-functioning hard drive.22:05
stabbyjoe12_no yousee the problemis it knows that the wireless is there and it knows what card it is and suposedly the drivers are there but it wont fnd any networks22:06
Starnestommygrijzemens: install ndiswrapper-utils-1.922:06
Scunizicaveymason: if you are google vmware and "any-any".. it's a patch.. works for workstation I think too22:06
earthlingLe2: what do u mean by everthing else can use ?22:06
Dianai have install ubuntu 8.04 and after run an update i loost the sound and wireless22:06
Le2macd: It's been off for the weekend because of this, dhclient says something about there being no available IPs..22:06
JC_Denton_kyncani:  but if it doesnt come across any bad data it pretty much functions like a copying it all , right?22:06
Le2earthling: other machines going through the same router22:06
ennethDoes anyone know how to burn a sparseimage in Ubuntu?22:06
macdLe2, then the dhcp server is out of addresses it sounds like.22:06
grijzemensStarnestommy, 'install: missing destination file operand after `ndiswrapper-utils-1.9''22:07
Le2macd: but the router has been rebooted too, and there's only one other client22:07
Starnestommygrijzemens: with 'sudo apt-get' before it22:07
kyncaniJC_Denton_: you should only use ddrescue if the target drive is the same size than the original drive afaik.22:07
Starnestommygrijzemens: er, sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.922:07
macdLe2, not sure what to tell you then, have you tried connecting the PC directly to your broadband device?22:08
spideymanenneth isnt sparse image made in mac os22:08
Scunizienneth: this might give you some tips http://www.scribd.com/doc/431468/Guide-to-making-a-SLDVD-Leopard-install-disc22:08
earthlingLe2: as u are saying to macd, the error says  that all the IP's the Dhcp server was leasing are exhausted22:08
Le2macd: it is connected straight to the router, as is my PC22:08
caveymasonscunizi: have you got a link to like a little how to?22:08
JC_Denton_kyncani:  that doesnt seem necessary according to this page http://blogs.sun.com/superpat/entry/hard_drive_recovery_ubuntu_style22:08
kyncaniJC_Denton_: if that's the case, then yes ddrescue will give you and exact copy (same filesystem with the same uuid, ... )22:09
caveymasonscunizi: found a ftp address with some files but i dont know which files i need to do what with?22:09
macdLe2, Im asking you to connect the PC to the broadband device, rather than the router, to rule out one thing that could be bad22:09
puffAnybody know much about apt pinning?22:09
Le2I dont understand how the DHCP leases can be exhausted when there is only one other box on it :/22:09
grijzemensStarnestommy, ok thanks. i did that, and now?22:09
Le2macd: we only have the router22:09
Scunizicaveymason: once you find the any-any update there will be a how to there.. typically you start the standard install but stop when you get to the compilation process .. then run any-any and it will do it's thing and restart the install process for compilation.22:09
kyncaniJC_Denton_: yes you can use ddrescue to a bigger drive, but cp -a is much easier (and faster) if the original drive is functionning properly22:09
Starnestommygrijzemens: locate the .inf for the windows driver, then sudo ndiswrapper -i /path/to/file.inf22:09
macdLe2, I gotcha.  do you have another computer that works fine on the router?22:09
elriolacabo de instalas ubuntu pro primera vez me a parecido genial22:10
earthlingLe2: are you on a Local area network . if yes how many comps are online there?22:10
Scunizicaveymason: it is also mentioned on vmware's site.. I think in the forums.22:10
Le2macd: yeah, this computer running 8.0422:10
ennethspideyman, yes.. The thing is that I bought Leopard, but my Macbook does not want to recognize DL DVDs, so I resized it first by copying it to Ubuntu and thereafter sent it to my Macbook and back after the resize.. I just cannot burn the image. :p22:10
elriolalguien de españa o q al menos able español?22:10
Le2earthling: my machine is the only other22:10
_adriaanmy firefox windows open fullscreen since last update (Hardy)22:10
JC_Denton_kyncani:  thanks will give it a shot later on.22:10
macdLe2, and the 8.04 box is also DHCP?22:10
Le2macd: yes22:10
Starnestommy!es | elriol22:10
ubottuelriol: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:10
Le2macd: and it seems to be fine22:10
zvacet! es | elriol22:10
talntidI have Ubuntu running on an intel graphics card and a Samsung 216BW monitor -- on the screen settings, there is no 216bw, so I set it to 226bw - very similar.. but now it only allows 1600x1200 as the maximum, but I need 1680x1050 -- ideas?22:10
grijzemensStarnestommy, probably  a stupid question: how do i locat the inf?22:10
earthlingLe2: Is the Dhcp server there , in your LAN?22:11
spideymanenneth holy crap!22:11
Le2earthling: the dhcp server is on the router22:11
talntidso I need to add a modeline to Xorg.conf, and add the resolution to it? if so, what do all the numbers mean on the modeline?22:11
elriolok i am sorry22:11
Starnestommygrijzemens: do you know where you extracted the windows driver?22:11
macdLe2, sounds weird could be a bug but I doubt it, if youve rebooted the router and offending PC, and still have no luck, Id just configure the other machine for a static IP and be done with it.22:11
elriolgoob bye!!22:11
earthlingLe2: you use the router to connect to the net?22:11
ZaidenIf I install VMWare or Virtual Box, and install Windows XP through there, can I run games like they would on windows22:11
ennethspideyman, you don't say so? It's really annoying. :)22:11
Le2earthling: yeah22:11
stemount^Zaiden: not really22:12
ScuniziZaiden: as long as they don't use direct x22:12
Le2macd: is there a guide to going static? i'm not great with this :(22:12
puffLe2: What kind of router?22:12
grijzemensStarnestommy, windows driver? is that the ndiswrapper?22:12
Le2puff: one of those nasty Sky Broadband ones22:12
puffLe2: Static just means that you explicitly assign the IP address, both in the router and on the machine.22:12
ZaidenIs there a way to get Direct X working in WINE?22:12
puffLe2: Did you check on the router's web admin interface?22:12
LifeisfunnyI have a problem with my copy/cut/paste ............ it's not working.22:12
K^HoltzI am trying to install Ubuntu on a brand new hard drive on my laptop, i put the disk in and turned on the computer, but it keeps coming up Operating System Not Found, i checked bios and it is supposed to load from an optical drive first, then the hdd22:12
=== Carpe|Diem is now known as CarpeDiem
pubhow do i put stuff into the tray22:12
Starnestommygrijzemens: ndisrwapper is a tool that is used for loading windows networking drivers.  You still need to actually download those drivers and use ndiswrapper to load them22:13
=== Carpe|Diem_ is now known as Carpe|Diem
Le2but how do I go about setting up the devices for static IPs?22:13
talntidI have Ubuntu running on an intel graphics card and a Samsung 216BW monitor -- on the screen settings, there is no 216bw, so I set it to 226bw - very similar.. but now it only allows 1600x1200 as the maximum, but I need 1680x1050 -- ideas?22:13
talntidso I need to add a modeline to Xorg.conf, and add the resolution to it? if so, what do all the numbers mean on the modeline?22:13
Xcellpub right click.. click (add)22:13
_adriaanZaiden: wine already implement a lot of directx functionality through their own libraries22:13
Scunizipuff, Le2 some routers can be left to do dhcp and you can still assign a static ip on a specific machine .. at that machine. not router.22:13
Jack_SparrowLe2 Not one of those bandrich - c10022:13
macdLe2, what I would do is, on the working machine issue "ifconfig" then take those settings and change the ip address by one digit on the very end, then on the offending PC, left click the network icon in the systray then select manual configuration, then key all those settings in there.22:13
earthlingLe2: can you tell how you initially configured your computer to get your internet working?22:13
Le2Jack_Sparrow: huh?22:13
pubdamn, lost that option with fluxbox22:13
puffLe2: Step one, bring up your router's admin interface in a web browser.22:13
grijzemensStarnestommy, oh ok. so how do i download the drivers i need?22:13
Starnestommygrijzemens: check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper22:13
_adriaanZaiden: but there is no way of 'installing' directx in wine as far as i know22:13
puffScunizi: Yo can do it, but ti's not wise.22:13
Le2earthling: it worked form day one straight from the installer22:14
puffScunizi: You can arbitrarily assign a static IP to a PC and it will work - most or some of the time, depending on how congested your network is.22:14
Starnestommygrijzemens: If it's a linksys card, the drivers are probably on its website somewhere22:14
kyncaniK^Holtz: you have already installed from the cdrom or you're trying to boot the cdrom ?22:14
BCM43Starnestommy: is it a broadcom22:14
Jack_SparrowLe2 Is your shy broadband one of those       bandrich - c100   chipsets?22:14
ZaidenI can't seem to get anything to work in ubuntu22:14
puffScunizi: Or if no other device on the network happens to get assigned the same static IP.22:14
puffEr, same numeric IP.22:14
grijzemensStarnestommy, a US Robotics22:14
Le2Jack_Sparrow: I don't have a clue, it's one of the newer Sagem ones22:14
_adriaanZaiden: that's not a question, is it :)22:14
earthlingLe2: follow macd22:14
spideymanenneth have you tried to convert it22:14
Scunizipuff, I understand..22:14
_adriaanZaiden: if you want to install games, you should check out the app database @ wine22:15
Le2macd: there is no gui on the server22:15
BCM43_adriaan: what cant you get to work?22:15
_adriaanZaiden: they give detailed insturctions on how to get most games installed22:15
macdLe2, ahh even easier then, can you pastebin your ifconfig output from the working machine please?22:15
ennethspideyman, yes, to an ISO, but it does not work.22:15
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org22:15
BCM43_adriaan: sorry Zaiden what cant you get to work?22:15
Le2sure, 1min22:15
ennethWill not boot it.22:15
Starnestommygrijzemens: look for ralink drivers for windows22:15
spideymanenneth with what?22:15
puffLe2: Bring up a new browser window, point it at
ennethDisc Utility in OS X.22:16
Starnestommygrijzemens: linksys and us robotics often use ralink chipsets22:16
ZaidenBCM43: Right now the two main programs I'm really struggling with are Call of Duty 4 and Ragnarok Online.22:16
FabParma[OT] Does exist a VM/CPU-emulator that can let chooses which cpu (amd or intel) to use into the guest enviroment w/o ties with host hw config? Thank You for help me, Fab22:16
heymrcan I make mutt format html messages using lynx?22:16
Scunizipuff, however if you go static on the router (dhcp setting) you have to set static ip's for all the machines on the lan.. some routers will allow a "static" dhcp setting based on mac address22:16
Le2yeah I dont want to go static all over the place22:16
StarnestommyFabParma: try qemu22:16
macdLe2, ok great now open the file on the offending machine 'sudo pico /etc/network/interfaces'22:16
Le2I'd prefer to use DHCP, but its stopped working for the bad machine22:16
Le2macd: ok22:16
puffScunizi: Depends on the router, many of them will let you reserve an IP range and not hand them out via DHCP.22:16
heymrcan I make mutt format html messages using lynx?22:16
BCM43Zaiden: any errors? what is wrong with them?22:16
Starnestommyheymr: I don't think so22:17
grijzemensStarnestommy, thanks. im trying to find the driver22:17
wnstnis this the right place for a install question? or is there a different room?22:17
puffScunizi: And many of them will let you assign "static DHCP", meaning that the DHCP server will consisstenyl assgin that IP to that device.22:17
BCM43wnstn: here is fine22:17
Le2i can reserve IPs by MAC in the router's DHCP settings, thats what I used to do22:17
homecablehow do i get more then 1 ip from dhcp to one networkcard22:17
puffheymr: For disply, yes, I use it all the time.  Or elinks, or links.22:17
heymrStarnestommy: or something?? it just shows html can I at least sed out the tags?22:17
homecablei need to find out how to get more then 1 ip22:17
Le2macd: what do I have to do in this file22:17
Scunizipuff: my dlink allowed me to set a specific ip for a machine and then dhcp the remaining machines.. however my linksys won't.. yes.. we're on the same page.22:17
heymrpuff: inline mutt? how?22:17
ZaidenBCM43: Call of Duty 4 keeps giving me direct x errors. Ragnarok Online will launch the patcher, but it always freezes (on a private server by the way).22:17
spideymanenneth there is almost always a work around just dont give up it took me 4 days to figure out how to handle cdi images22:17
macdLe2,  http://pastebin.com/m2cd9c5bb  <-- thats what ;)22:17
Starnestommywnstn: it is22:18
puffheymr: Come to think of it, I've never had to set that up, I guess when I installed mutt and links it set it up for me.22:18
heymrpuff: or do you download and then open with lynx?22:18
zvacetwnstn :just ask you are on the right place22:18
Le2macd: cool i'll take a look, thanks22:18
wnstnI am trying to do a live cd install on a friends laptop. and I am having a problem22:18
puffheymr: No, trydoing info ("i") on the message to display the parts, navigate to the HTML part and hit enter.22:18
wnstnIt appears its stuck during resizing the partitions22:18
_adriaanI'm going to bump (?) an earlier question: since the last update, my firefox window all open in fullscreen mode (on hardy), anyone having the same problem or a solution?22:18
macdLe2, then after pasting that in, restart networking with 'sudo /etc/init,d/networking restart'  all should be well.22:18
wnstnits been at 0% for a good 15 min and i can hear the drive working but the bar isn't moving22:19
heymrpuff: so it uses links?22:19
puffheymr: Yeah.22:19
wnstnam i over reacting or should I be at like 1% by now?22:19
BCM43Zaiden: i have to go, but check this out. http://perceptualmotion.co.uk/linux/cod4-wine.pdf22:19
tomoyuki28jpBefore clean installing ubuntu on my laptop, I am planning to backup some dirs.  Is there any dirs I should make bacup besides /home and /etc ??22:19
adubhas anyone gotten magic jack to work on linux??22:19
BCM43wnstn: how long?22:19
wnstn@ BCM42: about 15 minutes now22:20
BCM43wnstn: nvmind, saw it22:20
heymrpuff: installed links.. still not parsing it22:20
grijzemensStarnestommy, i did wget http://www.ralink.com.tw/data/RT73_Linux_STA_Drv1.0.3.6.tar.gz22:20
zvacetwnstn : partition should be done resonable fast22:20
aoupiI can't unmount /dev/shm. umount says: "umount: /dev/shm: device is busy" and 'lsof /dev/shm' gives no result. Is there someway to force umount?22:20
wnstnand its a brand new laptop.22:20
grijzemensStarnestommy, is it installed nw?22:20
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macdaoupi, its not the best idea, what are you trying todo?22:20
kyncaniwnstn: I would open a terminal and check the system activity with top. You can also use the system monitor. If it's working, then it must be moving data to resize te partition.22:20
wnstnwhat should I do?22:21
aoupimacd: make /dev/shm bigger22:21
Starnestommygrijzemens: not yet.  First, extract it with tar xzf RT73_Linux_STA_Drv1.0.3.6.tar.gz22:21
wnstnok ill try that hold on22:21
earthlingmacd : what was le's problem ? did not get what he wanted ?22:21
puffheymr: Did you restart mutt?22:21
Starnestommygrijzemens: I'm not sure if that's the right one for a RT2500, though22:21
LifeisfunnyI have a problem with my copy/cut/paste ............ it's not working.22:21
macdhow large aoupi ?22:21
zvacetwnstn : you can rty nwke partition with http://gparted.sourceforge.net/22:21
heymrpuff: yes22:21
grijzemensStarnestommy, getting really hopeless over here :)22:21
aoupimacd: I just need to up it from 250 to 40022:21
macd"sudo mount -o remount,size=400M /dev/shm"22:21
earthlingLifeisfunny : what error message are u getting?22:22
heymrpuff: oh maybe its reading from cache?22:22
aoupimacd: /me facepalms22:22
Starnestommygrijzemens: are you using any encryption?22:22
aoupimacd: thanks :)22:22
macdearthling, I dont know if hes solved it yet22:22
macdaoupi, yeah remount ftw.22:22
aoupimacd: indeed22:22
voraistosHi, I seem not to be able to get the libgtk2.0-0 source package. Anybody knows why ?22:22
Lifeisfunnyearthling, it's just not working, I'm not using it through a terminal22:22
wax_manAnybody know how to clear out memcache?22:22
puffheymr: Hm, according to google, .mailcap is what controls that, but my .mailcap doesn't have a lynx/links entry.22:22
earthlingLifeisfunny : what did u diagnose though ?22:22
macdaoupi, your not running virtual machines are you?22:22
Lifeisfunnyearthling, I don't know how to diagnose, major newb here22:23
stabbyjoe12_whats a mac bar for linux?22:23
earthlingLifeisfunny : have you checked the permissions22:23
puffheymr: Might be in muttrc, one sec.22:23
heymrpuff: maybe for older version?22:23
kyncaniwnstn: afaik, resizing a partition involve moving all data to the beginning of the partition. So if it's a reasonably large and full partition, reading all this data and writing it at the beginning of the partition will take some time. And involve quite some hard drive activity.22:23
stabbyjoe12_i cant think off any22:23
aoupimacd: I am actualy22:23
Le2macd: it still isn't getting on22:23
wnstnok never mind. I just went upstairs and its done now. sorry guys i freaked cuz its my friends BRAND NEW lappie and I was all like "yeah install linux dude, Its so. easy" so FALSE ALARM ut thanks again :)22:23
macdLe2, that to me indicates an issue with your router22:23
tomoyuki28jpBefore clean installing ubuntu on my laptop, I am planning to backup some dirs.  Is there any dirs I should make bacup besides /home and /etc ??22:23
Le2macd: its got the ip but it can't seem to access anything22:23
zvacetwnstn : good for you22:23
nosa-1i have a problem with wine, trying to run roller coaster tycoon 3, ive looked on the wine database site and ttryed following ther guides but its like i get nowhere, im always getting an error about my 3d drivers not working, but it runs fine on my computer when i had xp installed, i have successfully installed and ran roller coaster tycoon 2 however...im at my wits end, can any one help?22:23
kyncaniwnstn: np :)22:23
Le2why would dhcp suddenly stop working anyway?22:23
macdLe2, have 2 machines worked before at the same time?22:23
macdaoupi, ahhh just wondering22:23
Le2macd: yeah, they used to be fine22:24
Le2macd: then all of a sudden earlier this week it just wouldnt work22:24
aoupimacd: win98 here I come :D22:24
macdLe2, suddenly stoping working is what computers and networks do22:24
Le2macd: yeah, it seems so22:24
puffheymr: Might be better to ask on #mutt.22:24
[d0wn]Hi, I have a 1024 cylinder limit, and need to know the proper bios settings to get past only 102422:24
macdLe2, by chance when the working PC is off, and the router reset, does the offending PC work?22:24
NorthiestPoleHey uh, I have a problem. I just finished installing Hardy on my PC, and the Marvell 88E8056 NIC doesn't want to work. I have completely no way to transfer anything there.22:24
Lifeisfunnyearthling, where does a person learn to do the diagnosis stuff you talked about?22:25
Le2macd: i'm not sure22:25
NorthiestPoleThe motherboard is an Abit IP35-E22:25
macdLe2, give that a shot and come back and tell us what happened/22:25
heymrpuff: nobody awnsers :/22:25
earthlingLifeisfunny : sorry that was not for you .. :(22:25
heymrpuff: I don't even use ubuntu, but this channel is most active22:25
Le2macd: i'll try changing some of the routers dhcp settings a minute too22:25
earthlingLifeisfunny : now open a  terminal22:25
macdLe2, dont change multiple things at once22:25
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Lifeisfunnyterminal opened22:26
earthlingLifeisfunny : and go the directory that you were pasting to22:26
Le2macd: i'll try that first then, and see how the working machine copes22:26
macdLe2, you didnt change the router first, so dont change it now, you should limit troubleshooting to effectively diagnose a single avenue at once ;)22:26
CorpseFeederI get this message every time I log in - "User's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default session and language from being saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. User's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable by other users.". How can I fix this?22:26
macdLe2, good plan ;)22:26
Le2damnit is this IRCspam day? keep getting PMs from weirdos about weird channels22:26
kyncanitomoyuki28jp: as long as you're backing up /home (and you should), backing up everything else should not take too much space22:26
Lifeisfunnyearthling, here's the situation,   I was cutting a url from the browser and couldn't paste it into the XChat to post to a channel22:27
NorthiestPoleLe2, I was shocked too.22:27
rampageoberonCorpseFeeder: i had that problem, i did something really stupid and had to rinstall22:27
nosa-1i have a problem with wine in ubuntu 8.40 hardy heron, trying to run roller coaster tycoon 3, ive looked on the wine database site and ttryed following ther guides but its like i get nowhere, im always getting an error about my 3d drivers not working, but it runs fine on my computer when i had xp installed, i have successfully installed and ran roller coaster tycoon 2 however...im at my wits end, can any one help?22:27
macdLe2, yes start the offending one after the working is powered of, then if the offending works power the working back on...s ee what happens22:27
kyncanitomoyuki28jp: as /home/ should be very big compared to everything else22:27
StarnestommyLe2: report the spam to #freenode or to a staff member in PM22:27
nosa-1le2 i got messages from them too22:27
Lifeisfunnyearthling, kind of a different scenario22:27
Le2Starnestommy: ok22:27
PhosphoricXI need to use the usbnet module, has anyone gotten this to work with Gutsy?22:27
earthlingLifeisfunny : arghhhh !!! should have mentioned that..22:27
Le2macd: i'll be back after that then :)22:27
massimoDoes anyone here know why OpenArena won't start? It looks like it's opening and never does.22:27
Xcellif you are using xchat.. load lemmings (tm) and ignore is easy22:27
macdLe2, great22:27
Lifeisfunnyyeah, I juuuuuuuuuuust did22:27
nosa-1massimo:  ive ran oa fine22:28
earthlingLifeisfunny : thats some problem with gnome then . try ctlr+c ctrl +v happens some times22:28
grijzemensStarnestommy, WPA personal22:28
nosa-1massimo you get it from the deban site?22:28
NorthiestPoleSo, I have an Abit IP35-E motherboard, and probably the Marvell Network drivers aren't loading, as lspci recognizes it. Other than a keyboard, screen and mouse. I have no way to transfer anything in there.22:28
kyncanimassimo: how about starting it from the command line, lookup the error message and start googling ubuntuforums.org with that ?22:28
Starnestommygrijzemens: is it any faster without encryption?22:29
massimonosa-1 from add/remove applications22:29
talntidI have Ubuntu running on an intel graphics card and a Samsung 216BW monitor -- on the screen settings, there is no 216bw, so I set it to 226bw - very similar.. but now it only allows 1600x1200 as the maximum, but I need 1680x1050 -- ideas?22:29
talntidso I need to add a modeline to Xorg.conf, and add the resolution to it? if so, what do all the numbers mean on the modeline?22:29
tomoyuki28jpkyncani: Thanks for your reply.  Then I better make backups of all dirs??22:29
Lifeisfunnyearthling, yeah, cause I was using the mouse right click key to do that and it wouldn't respond in a pleasing manner.22:29
massimonosa-1 I thought it could be that I didnt have the NVIDIA driver, but when I tried installing it it could only run in low graphics mode at 640x40022:29
earthlingLifeisfunny : did it work then . ?22:29
kyncanitomoyuki28jp: it should not hurt, as i expect your /home to occupy 80% of a complete backup22:29
grijzemensStarnestommy, im looking for my login-name so i can change it, forgot :(22:30
massimo will do, thanks :)22:30
kyncanitomoyuki28jp: should not make any difference to have a complete backup, and does not hurt ;)22:30
Lifeisfunnyearthling, nope22:30
sapph424What would be a good filesystem for a drive I plan to use for media (video, audio, etc) with the caveat that if I go back to Windows it is still accessible?22:30
nosa-1massimo: hold on a sec ill give you a link to ware i got my verison from try it it worked fine for me though i have intel drivers22:30
massimonosa-1 ok thanks ")22:30
earthlingLifeisfunny : :-( no idea then22:30
HappyHateris there anything besides ushare for xbox 360 media sharing? I couldn't get it to work at all...22:30
kyncanisapph424: fat3222:31
tomoyuki28jpkyncani: Thanks for your advice.  It helps me a lot!! :)22:31
Lifeisfunnyearthling, I have to cut and paste ......... can't copy and paste22:31
Darlok_WilliamsHow do I use ls to display all files EXCEPT for a certain filetype?22:31
nosa-1massimo:  getdeb.net22:31
kyncanitomoyuki28jp: and that way, if the new ubuntu does not work for you, you just have to copy everything back, setup grub and you're fine :)22:31
sapph424kyn: I was afraid of that.  What would be the best Ubuntu-based util to convert a filesystem from, say, NTFS to FAT32?22:31
nosa-1look arounff ther its near the bottem massimo22:32
spideymanLifeisfunny, does ctrl c and v work?22:32
massimook thanks nosa-1, will do22:32
macdHappyHater, I couldnt either, I ent up using twonkymedia.22:32
kyncanisapph424: don't think such a thing exist. But ntfs support should be fine now (don't know personnally though)22:32
Lifeisfunnyspideyman, no, I have to ctrl+x and then ctrl+v22:32
[d0wn]Hi, I have a 1024 cylinder limit, and need to know the proper bios settings to get past only 102422:32
macdHappyHater, its free for 30days, costs like 30 bux  (usd) after and you get free upgrades, well worth it.22:32
HappyHatermacd, does it work for video and audio?22:33
sapph424My NTFS volumes all seem to be read only.22:33
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LogrusmageHello, is anyone else having major problems with the new Firefox upgrade? As in, I can't see nor can I use the location bar, but I can see it when I'm in the customize menu...?22:33
macdHappyHater, it sure does, and I use it to watch live tv too since twonkymedia finds my tv tuner22:33
nosa-1massimo get it installed and ill join you for a game or 222:33
sapph424Of course, I am running GG.  HH breaks my NICs22:33
HappyHaterawesome, thanks man, I'll check that out :)22:33
caveymasonScunizi: hey im still having trouble?22:34
caveymasoni think22:34
Lifeisfunnyhey........... I got it to work for some reason,  so at this moment I'll classify it as intermittent22:34
NorthiestPoleMind anyone help me? I have an Abit IP35-E running with a Marvell 88E8056, and Hardy won't recognize ethernet. It shows on lspci. Other than Keyboard/Mouse/Screen, I can't transfer anything. What do I do?22:35
Darlok_WilliamsHow do I use ls to display all files EXCEPT for a certain filetype?22:35
falconfoxim having serious problems installing my video drivers: nvidia 8800 GTX22:35
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Xcellfalconfox--  did U upgrade.. or.. clean install22:36
caveymasonwhen i run sudo /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl it keeps saying exicution aborted? help pleassseee22:36
puffapt pinning, anyome?22:36
omaremadhelp i jsut got a broken libc6 pachage and fixing it requires removing a ton of important pakages22:36
kyncaniDarlok_Williams: you use ls and grep. You will need to read some docs about it though22:36
falconfoxXcell: new install, first time.22:36
omaremadhow do i fix things without removing these packages22:36
zvacetNorthiestPole : did you tried interminal pppoeconf to see if it is recognized22:36
omaremador at least auto reinstal22:36
Xcellfalconfox--  whats not working22:36
NorthiestPolezvacet: Hmm.. I'll try.22:36
falconfoxim trying to do dual monitors, and i was trying to install my drivers first22:37
Darlok_Williamskyncani: Yeah, I figured it was something like that... but I don't know how to make grep work in reverse ;)22:37
omaremadalways try dual monitors thru nvdida-settings22:37
Xcellfalconfox--  did you install restricted drivers?22:37
caveymasonsupport guys supporttttt :(22:37
phynixHas anyone gotton the tv-out on a Radeon 9200 PRO22:37
falconfoxXcell, all i have done is installed ubuntu and all the updates22:37
earthlingDarlok_Williams : "grep -v pattern" i guess22:37
falconfoxthen i went to nvidia.com and started following the instructions for doing linux22:37
Darlok_WilliamsAnother question:  Is it possible to let all users on my system share an F-Spot database?22:37
Lifeisfunnywell thanks for the help earthling and spideyman22:37
Xcellok falconfox   system\admin\restricted drivers22:38
Darlok_Williamsearthling: That didn't do it22:38
spideymanLifeisfunny, sry strange problem22:38
wax_mananybody know how to expire memcache?22:38
earthlingDarlok_Williams : checking myself.. will let u know22:38
_empemp_could anyone help me build my fstab?22:38
kyncaniDarlok_Williams: yep, you do need to read some basic grep howto.22:38
NorthiestPolezvacet: Well, it did recognize it there, and apparently ifconfig shows it too, but it just has no IP. I'll check /etc/network/interfaces22:38
abdullahello everyone.. how can i add the network managar to my panel? i cant find it :S22:38
zvacetNorthiestPole : so you need to configure it22:39
falconfoxXcell: i don't have "restricted drivers"22:39
zvacetNorthiestPole : wired or wireless22:39
abdullahow can i add the network managar to my panel? i cant find it22:39
puffSo, anybody wanna advise me on pinning my kernel at -16?22:40
macdabdulla, right click, add to panel "network monitor"22:40
caveymasonhey guysss help me pwease22:40
abdullai cant find network monitor22:40
puffUsing synaptic, I can lock the kernel image itself, but it advises me to lock linux-image-generic.22:40
NorthiestPolezvacet: Right, I configured it now and doing /etc/init.d/networking restart. Apparently it doesn't seem to discover my router while configured via DHCP22:40
NorthiestPolezvacet: and it complains about /etc/resolv.conf being missing22:40
caveymasonwhen i run sudo /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl it keeps saying exicution aborted? help pleassseee22:40
chaos_personifieabdulla it's /usr/bin/network-admin22:41
earthlingDarlok_Williams : its working for me , but "ls -l |grep -v Down" lists all files not havin "Down".22:41
abdullai found it22:41
runa hi is it possible to use cairo-clock with the transparency effect  with windowmaker?22:41
poypoyhi quick question is there a photo program where i can make pictures bigger but wont lose the qualaty of it22:41
thorny_sunwhy is my vim-rails package install not available from my gvim?22:41
Xcellfalconfox--  go to system\prefs\appearances\visual effects...click on last button22:41
puffpoypoy: In theroy, no.22:41
abdullabut when i click configure it says: The interface does not exist22:41
macdabdulla, its in the list of available applets, if its not, install it "sudo apt-get install gnome-netstatus-applet"22:41
earthlingDarlok_Williams : what did you mean by filetype ?22:41
puffpoypoy: But it depends to some degree on the image data.22:41
macdabdulla, err, wrong applet22:41
zvacetNorthiestPole : network>DNS tab> put  yur nameservers there>22:42
macdabdulla, its called "netapplet"22:42
falconfoxXcell: thanks. i am downloading and installing the new software22:42
Darlok_Williamsearthling: Well, I was trying to list all files in a directory that did NOT have a .JPG or .jpg extension.22:42
NorthiestPolezvacet: Alright.22:42
chaos_personifieat first he was asking for network manager22:42
Darlok_Williamsearthling: I used your example the first time with "*.JPG"... needed to get rid of the wildcard22:42
falconfoxXCell: im restarting now... ill brb22:42
puffpoypoy: In a nutshell, you only have so much image data.  You can scale up the image without losing "quality" only until your output resolution is more detailed than your image data resolution.22:42
poypoywell tay are pictures off my 3.2 mp mobile phone but i wont them to show on my pc as standed size pictures22:43
FingertipI have a problem with the installation. Apparently ubuntu fails to recognize my screen for the windowing system to work.22:43
abdullai cant find it22:43
Xcellok falconfox  go to sys\prefs\main menue.. and click to (other) make sure (screens and graphics are checked22:43
abdullai cant find netapplet :S22:43
zvacetNorthiestPole : if you use router don´t delete first line jujst add one or two more22:43
earthlingDarlok_Williams : its working now then ?22:43
puffpoypoy: There are programs that attempt to fake it, pretty much the same way that a human being would - it finds the edges and curves, scales up, and attempts to massage the data to match.  I've had friends say they got pretty good results with that.22:44
HappyHaterhow do I run a shell script?22:44
con-manzomg there is a split second lag in my flash videos now its driving me crazy esp for youtube videos, anyone know why?22:44
puffpoypoy: But that's all I know abou tthat - I cant'e ven suggest the names, and I remember they were commercial programs, for Macs and windows.22:44
con-manaudio and video dont sync22:44
poypoydont supose you know whot program that mite be do you22:44
abdullaacd, i cant find netapplet22:44
puffHappyHater: Open a terminal, go to the directory containing the shell script file, enter ./shellscriptfilename.sh<enter>22:44
poypoyno open software that can do it then22:44
PaulEUI have problem with installation Sylpheed222:45
puffHappyHater: If the script is marked as executable, that should do it.  If it's not marked as executable, you should seriously ask yourself why it isn't.22:45
PaulEUtoday installed fresh 8.04 and updated all22:45
puffpoypoy: I have no idea if open sofware equivalents exist.  If they do, they're probably not widely known.22:45
PaulEUnext I want install: sudo apt-get install sylpheed-claws-gtk222:45
sapph424I'm running GG.  I have read that I should not install Firefox direct from mozilla, but only from 'the repositories'.  How can I get the latest RC?22:45
earthlingHappyHater : sh filename22:45
falconfoxXCell, now i have "restricted drivers in use" in the taskbar22:46
abdullai typed this in terminal: sudo apt-get install gnome-netstatus-applet22:46
abdullathe result:E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)22:46
abdullaE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?22:46
PaulEUbut I've got error: http://rafb.net/p/XDg4PP21.html22:46
NorthiestPolezvacet: Well, I added the nameservers, but It still isn't able to get an IP via DHCP. I tried doing static too, but then I can't even ping my router.22:46
PaulEUis it bug in packages?22:46
maxbIs anyone using smbfs/cifs here, and finding that the default file permissions are *really* bizarre?22:46
abdullathe netstatus does not appear22:46
Xcellok falconfox  go to sys\main menu\other...make sure screens and graphics is checked22:46
rampageoberonabdulla: thats fairly self explanatory, some other package manager or synaptic is running22:46
abdullaok but it doesnt appear on my panel22:47
Xcellfalconfox--  sys\prefs\main-menu-other22:47
NorthiestPolezvacet: On the DHCP process it says DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval <something>.22:47
PaulEUwho can help me?22:47
falconfoxXcell: alright, checked22:47
NorthiestPolezvacet: I think it was last time I checked22:47
poypoydont supose you wuld know how i wuld start looking for that sort of software22:47
NorthiestPolezvacet: Well, Should be.22:47
spideymanpoypoy http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html22:47
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Xcellfalconfox--  now open up synaptic.. and search (nvidia) look for nvidia settings manager.. install it22:48
PaulEUhow can I install old version of claws-mail ?22:48
caveymasonwhen i run sudo /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl it keeps saying exicution aborted? help pleassseee22:48
FingertipThat is, once I choose to install, it loads for a bit, and then fails to load the windowing system and results to a command prompt22:48
tomoyuki28jpkyncani: What is the best way to make backup  to another linux server??   I have tried to do that with scp command, but it did not complete. (probably because of out of memory, I think.)22:48
spideymanpoypoy yes what have you been to that site?22:49
torersync? :)22:49
abdulla<rampageoberon>, i downloaded this applet for the network status but still doesnt work22:49
tomoyuki28jptore: Oh, It might be good. Thanks22:49
abdullait doesnt show networks22:49
K^Holtzi started this check memory thing, didnt know it took so long :/22:49
zvacetNorthiestPole : network applet>manual config>select your modem (don´t check it just click on it)>properties>select your type of connection>DNS tab>put nameservers there>connection tab>check your modem now and you should see message changing iterfaces now22:49
falconfoxXcell: i have to download and isntall synaptic?22:49
rampageoberonabdulla: no idea sorry22:49
abdullacan someone help me plz22:49
poypoyit just lonched a program22:49
DILin the shadow file the 2nd column with a hash value=pw, a*=npw what does exclamation signify22:49
stabbyjoe12_hi guys my ubuntu compiz fusion doesnt have a cube its just a flat windows wat do i enablefor a cube?22:50
linkmaster03How do I change my audio input from /dev/dsp1 to /dev/dsp?22:50
abdullamy netstatus is not working22:50
abdullait doesnt show wireless networks22:50
Xcellno falconfox  sys\admin\synaptic... @ the top click (search).. type (nvidia)... look for nvidia settings manager.. check for install22:50
zvacetfalconfox : it ia default app if you use Ubuntu22:50
DILin the /etc/shadow file the 2nd column with a hash value=pw, a*=npw what does exclamation signify22:51
abdullamy netstatus doesnt show wireless networks :S some help plz22:51
poypoyi have 2 things missing kxsldgb and klmagemapeditor22:51
zvacetabdulla : does system>admin>network do anything22:51
PaulEUmontpelie: there is a version maya native22:52
NorthiestPolezvacet: Done, it showed that "Changing Interface Configuration" message, it went away, and it still didn't get an IP.22:52
poypoylol im stupid it was one of my own programs that started up wen i clicked the link quanta22:52
compubombwoot, got everything working the way i wanted it.22:52
montpelienative for unix-based systems? paul?22:52
compubombhad to use smplayer because it supports all of the audio engines.22:52
kyncanitomoyuki28jp: scp take almost no memory. If it did not complete, it must have ran out of disk space or the connection between the two servers was broken22:52
arakthorwhen libsasl2 is installed, is it dovecat sasl, cyrus sasl, or something else?22:52
abdullazvacet, no it doesnt22:52
DILin the /etc/shadow file the 2nd column with a hash value indicates a password, a* indicates that no password is assigned. what does exclamation ! signify22:52
compubombso i used my sound card optical and pluged it into my emu 0404 usb 2.0 pre-amp which hooks upto my headphone amp, emu 0404 usb 2.0 audio doesn't work.22:53
falconfoxXcell, now i installed the settings manager22:53
abdullazvacet, the network status does not appear22:53
zvacetNorthiestPole : pppoeconf now to get resolve conf  that is all I can think of22:53
Xcellok falconfox  what res are U @ rite now22:53
tomoyuki28jpkyncani: Oh really!? uhm.  Thanks for the info.22:53
Darlok_WilliamsAnother question:  Is it possible to let all users on my system share an F-Spot database?22:53
* DIL has to get goofu on22:54
falconfoxim at 1280x102422:54
falconfoxbut i don't have dual screen working yet22:54
macdDIL, means the password is linked to the passwd file rather than shadow.22:54
Starnestommyarakthor: I think it's the cyrus implementation22:54
ActionParsniphey all, can someone suggest a web based jukebox app that wil play music on the server and not stream it to the client system?22:54
mouzI regenerated my key pairs using ssh-keygen. Still ssh-vulnkey exits with a non-zero exit code. It mentions 'Unknown (no blacklist information)' when not used with -q. What can I do?22:54
DILmacd ty22:54
Xcellok falconfox  U can change that from sys\admin\nvidia.. if U need to.. if U do.. reboot so as to make X remember22:54
macdDIL, for future reference, !! means the account is suspended22:55
falconfoxXcell, thanks22:55
DILmacd, ty22:55
puffActionParsnip: Depends on what you're using to play tunes on the server, but I recall that when shoutcast andicecast and those things came around, there were a half dozen or more web interfaces for them.22:55
Xcellok falconfox  U on the rite track.. just play with it.. but do not breaK it.. lol22:55
ActionParsnippuff: Im open to suggestion22:56
Uplinkuplink@HP-Pavilion:~$ pidgin22:56
UplinkSegmentation fault22:56
abdullahello everyone, my network manager doesn't work properly, when i click cnfigure it says: The interface does not exist22:56
NorthiestPolezvacet: All pppoeconf does is some scanning and tells me that I don't have a "PPPoE consertum" or something like that.22:56
linkmaster03What is a good program I can record webcam with besides VLC?22:56
ActionParsnippuff: i got a music library and want a web based way to control them if possible :)22:56
StarnestommyUplink: try pidgin -d22:56
linkmaster03Into .avi22:56
zvacetabdulla : in synaptic try to reinstall network-manager-gnome and see if it help22:56
puffActionParsnip: Well, what are you using to play the audio?  Google on that and "web interface"22:56
linkmaster03or .mpeg etc22:56
HybridZeroHey everyone, I'm looking at options to sync my firefox bookmarks across multiple computers. Delicious Bookmarks and Foxmarks seem to be the two prevailing options. Is there anything that should sway me one way or the other?22:57
ActionParsnippuff:  ok cool :)22:57
Pie-ratehow can i take a screenshot of just a single window, so that i don't have to open gimp and crop a full screenshot?22:57
puffI've gotta restart my irc client, the backlog is too big.22:57
Xcelllinkmaster03-- google that statement with ubuntu @ the end22:57
FingertipShould I have any problems with a plug and play monitor?22:57
UplinkStarnestommy, now it works :D22:57
HardDiskok I'm back22:57
Pie-ratenvm google helped more than you guys!22:57
HardDiskso who needs what?22:57
HybridZeroPie-rate: If you're in gnome, use the screenshot utility under accessories. Set a delay time of a couple of seconds, and tell it to capture the active window.22:58
HardDiskPie-rate, self learning is always a good thing.22:58
HybridZeroArgh, google beat me to it.22:58
sapph424I'm running GG.  I have read that I should not install Firefox direct from mozilla, but only from 'the repositories'.  How can I get the latest RC?22:58
XcellI need to upgrade 3.11.. how to?22:58
macondoI can't play music, I think gstreamer crashed or something. Is it possible to restart it?22:58
HardDiskXcell, windows 3.11?22:58
zvacetNorthiestPole : gedit /etc/resolv.conf  and see if you have any nameserver there22:58
UplinkStarnestommy, how do i close the terminal without making pidgin quit?22:58
Xcellj/k HardDisk22:58
StarnestommyUplink: you can't22:58
HardDiskI see jack left huh22:59
NorthiestPolezvacet: Yeah, I have the OpenDNS nameservers I set there and (My router) Which I just added to see if changes anything, and it doesn't.22:59
HardDiskabdulla, what wifi you got?22:59
HybridZeroAnyone have any thoughts on Del.icio.us vs. Foxmarks? Trying to decide which one I should use.22:59
HardDiskabdulla, do lspci and identify your chipset22:59
binarymutantis there a way to cop/paste in aterm?22:59
HardDiskHybridZero, neither, use Mozilla's new service22:59
HardDiskHybridZero, weave23:00
kyncanisapph424: you wait till the rc comes into ubuntu and get installed with the updates23:00
HybridZeroHardDisk: Haven't heard of it, but I'll be sure to check it out. Thanks :)23:00
sapph424kyn: Ah.  So there are no RCs in the repo's yet?23:00
HardDiskHybridZero, it's like google's bookmark sync but Mozilla is doing it23:00
kyncani| Status=Not/Installed/Config-f/Unpacked/Failed-cfg/Half-inst/t-aWait/T-pend23:00
kyncani|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)23:00
kyncani||/ Name                                       Version                                            Description23:00
kyncaniii  firefox                                    3.0~rc1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1                  meta package for the popular mozilla web browser23:00
HardDisk!pastebin | kyncani23:00
ubottukyncani: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:00
kyncaniSo very sorrt23:00
NorthiestPoleUbunTuSeK, congratulations, you're the 1337th user in this channel!23:00
NorthiestPoleOh man.23:00
billeniumwtf pastebin!23:01
ubottuFactoid webdabv not found23:01
ubottuFactoid webdav not found23:01
HybridZeroOh, cool. I'll definitely try it out. Thanks HardDisk.23:01
HardDisknp man23:01
zvacetNorthiestPole : sorry I´m runing out of ideas try with somebody smarter then me23:01
NorthiestPolezvacet: Aight. Thanks for trying to help :)23:01
kyncanisapph424: anyway, firefox is in 3.0-rc1 now and should be updated upstream as new versions come out23:01
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graftNorthiestPole: what's your beef?23:01
abdullamy network manager still not working23:02
zvacetNorthiestPole : sorry I didn´n make it work for you23:02
Xcellkyncani--  its noe rc223:02
sapph424Firefox on my system is v2.0.14, and is not updating.23:02
abdullawhen i click on it it doesnt drop a list of network names and connections23:02
HardDisksapph424, enable your repositories23:02
Xcellsapph424--  7.10?23:02
mhoneyhello hello23:03
falconfoxXcell: it won't let me save the "X configuration file"23:03
falconfoxsays it is "unable to create backup file"23:03
abdullawhen i click on my network manager in the panel it doesnt drop a list of network names and conncetions, it opens a new window23:03
mhoneycan anyone suggest a good console program for burning data files to a dvd that can be read by a windows pc?23:03
sapph424HardDisk: how? ;  Xcell: yes23:03
HardDiskfalconfox, sudo23:03
Xcellfalconfox--  go to applications\other\screens-graphics.. change it there23:03
abdullahelp please23:04
HardDiskabdulla, I told you lspci and identify your chipset23:04
MiescoWhats a good program for logging places you sent resume's to23:04
HardDiskabdulla, so that we can tell you what to do23:04
Xcellsapph424--  U have to download it from home23:04
HardDiskMiesco, ?23:04
zvacetabdulla : you probably tried it but anyway righ click maybe23:04
sapph424xcell: From home?23:04
PaulEUwho anybody can help me?23:04
DukeDubI need help with installing "virtualgl" and "turbovnc", so I can run opengl applications by remote, more about virtualGL at http://www.virtualgl.org/23:04
Starnestommyabdulla: try sudo iwlist scan23:04
HardDisk!anyone | PaulEU23:05
ubottuPaulEU: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:05
MiescoHardDisk: Like spreadsheet, maybe there's like database programs or something..23:05
falconfoxXcell, there it doesn't show the 2nd monitor23:05
kyncanisapph424: yep, upgrade to hardy (8.04) and you will have firefox 323:05
HardDiskMiesco, oh you want to keep a list of tasks?23:05
PaulEUHardDisk: I asked question, nobody reply me :/23:05
kyncani!upgrade >sapph42423:05
StarnestommyPaulEU: ask it again, please23:05
sapph424kyn: I can't upgrade to HH.  It kills my nicks.23:05
falconfoxand it has my refresh rate @ 50hz23:05
falconfoxwhich is weird23:05
abdullaok now wht do i do23:05
Xcellfalconfox--  u may have to 1rst plug in the other monitor then reboot..23:05
HardDiskMiesco, evolution23:05
macondoI think ubottu should be called robot, to avoid newbies from talking to them23:05
falconfoxhmmm... alright23:06
abdullaafter i do lspci wht do i do?23:06
DILwhy would i not be able to login as root from login window - i am receiving " the system admin is not allowed to login from this screen"23:06
PaulEUok, I'll try ask again: I installed fresh 8.04, installed all updates. Next I want install sylpheed-claws-gtk223:06
HardDiskabdulla, look for your wifi23:06
PaulEUbut I've got error: http://rafb.net/p/XDg4PP21.html23:06
Starnestommyabdulla: paste the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com23:06
jeedDIL, ubuntu protects people from the real underside of a linux sys so they dont rm -rf / ;)23:06
macondoIs it possible to restart PulseAudio, gstreamer, ALSA or whatever ubuntu uses as a sound engine. I can't play music since a couple of minutes23:06
_adriaanDIL: use sudo command instead23:07
DILjeed, i understand but i was able to do in the past - is it new with 8.0423:07
DukeDubAnyone who has tried and got virtualGL to work with TurboVNC?23:07
zvacetPaulEU : sudo apt-get -f install23:07
kyncanisapph424: well if that's so, you can either 1) solve this hardy problem 2) wait for intrepid (8.10) and hope it works and then get firefox 3.   (Sorry about the two not so good choices)23:07
|seb|anyone know how to run the new xmms2 to get same old console?23:07
PaulEUzvacet: is it force?23:07
jeedDIL, probably, im not a developer23:07
_adriaanDIL: no, it wasn't, unless you actually went as far as to give your root user a password23:07
HardDiskmacondo, sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart23:07
zvacetPaulEU : fix broken packages23:07
HardDisk|seb|, you need a frontend for it23:07
HardDisk|seb|, use audacious23:08
StarnestommyPaulEU: what happens when you run "sudo apt-get install claws-mail" ?23:08
HardDisk|seb|, instead of xmms223:08
jeed_adriaan, if you cant trust someone with a root pass, hand them an XP install cd and send them on their way ;)23:08
abdulla<Starnestommy>, http://paste.ubuntu.com/19474/23:08
HardDiskjeed, please stop.23:08
sapph424kyn:  I'll have to do 2 - I spent endless hours on this channel trying to do 1, and every time, eventually everyone said the same thing "Congrats, you found a bug.  Submit it and hope it gets fixed"23:08
|seb|HardDisk: hmm...i'll try audacious if xmms fails me23:08
jeedHardDisk, stop what?23:08
Xcell2 funny23:08
PaulEUStarnestommy: it is possible to install, Should I install it?23:08
HardDiskjeed, take it to offtopic if you want to troll/bash23:08
Hoenikkerhey, i have ubuntu on my machine and i want to install a windows xp on the other partition, will windows override my grub?23:08
StarnestommyPaulEU: try installing it23:09
PaulEUor use solution via zvacet23:09
_adriaanjeed: not sure I understand what you're saying. Anyway, giving root a passqword instead of using sudo has been extensively documented, and it's not supported by the ubuntu devs23:09
DIL_adriaan: i did, and now the case is the same but getting -admin cant login from login screen23:09
HardDiskHoenikker, you need to follow the guide to install xp after ubuntu is installed.23:09
sfireHoenikker: yes.. it will overwrite grub23:09
PaulEUStarnestommy: ok, I'll install it23:09
Hoenikkerwhere is that guide?23:09
kyncanisapph424: it's not too bad as there is a new version every six months, you will only have to wait four more months23:09
zvacetPaulEU : you should get same result23:09
jeedHardDisk, i didn't do anything wrong, and not like opinion expression is against GPL, again if only IRC has :roll: heh23:09
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot23:09
BCM43!tab | abdulla23:09
ubottuabdulla: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:09
_adriaanDIL: well, then I'd guess 8.04 reverted to the default ubuntu state (being: your root user does not have a password, you have to use sudo instead)23:09
Starnestommyabdulla: is wpa_supplicant installed?23:09
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HardDiskHoenikker, apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_windows_xp_and_linux_xp_installed_first.htm23:10
Xcellgood site HardDisk23:10
PaulEUzvacet: you've had the same error?23:10
HardDiskXcell, my bookmark is full of them :)23:10
DIL_adriaan: ty23:10
Xcellnice job HardDisk23:10
zvacetPaulEU : not for that package but sometimes yes23:10
abdullaStarnestommy, how do i check if its installed?23:10
_adriaanDIL: I can't remember how to give your root user a pass, but as you apparently did so before, it shouldn't be hard to do it again23:11
PaulEUStarnestommy: it was installed successfully: http://rafb.net/p/uBPfil13.html23:11
jeed_adriaan, sudo passwd23:11
Xcellkciker is.. I never dual boot win+linux23:11
macondoHardDisk: restarting alsa-utils didn't solve the problem. What could be?23:11
Starnestommyabdulla: aptitude show wpasupplicant23:11
_adriaanDIL: although I have always been said it is discouraged23:11
HoenikkerHardDisk, that is for when you have windows first, not linux first23:11
_adriaanjeed: yes, that might be it. Darn it, how could I forget that23:11
PaulEUzvacet: ok, I see that claws-mail was installed successfully, next I'll try solution your23:11
sfireDIL: there is a way I saw a guide on it.. just 1 sec23:11
HardDiskHoenikker, is it? let me double check23:11
* nickrud laughs23:11
DIL_adriaan: ty i understand23:11
Xcelljeed--  just go to the main menu.. and check root terminal.. wallah23:11
dieter_I have a PATA Hard disk. Why is Hardy showing it as a scsi disk (with sda...)23:12
nickrudor type sudo -i in any terminal23:12
abdullaStarnestommy, its installed23:12
sfireDIL: http://www.ducea.com/2006/06/21/ubuntu-how-to-enable-the-root-account/23:12
DILsfire, ty i would love the link23:12
sfireDIL: also shows how to reverse the changes23:12
PaulEUzvacet: the same error23:12
puffdieter_: I have the same thing.23:12
jeedits dis-couraged because every other distro implements it and ubuntu doesnt, how else would ubuntu standout apart from being debian + newer software updates23:12
HardDiskHoenikker, well in that case all you need is to create space for xp, install it, then get the guide how to fix grub in ubuntu they're like 4 steps23:13
zvacet PaulEU :  sudo apt-get install sylpheed-claws-gtk223:13
dieter_puff: I think i cant install ubuntu because of it...23:13
Xcelljeed--  i dont blame them.. other wise.. this room would have 500 applicants @ any given time23:13
PaulEUzvacet: the same error23:13
HardDiskHoenikker, www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/reinstall-ubuntu-grub-bootloader-after-windows-wipes-it-out23:13
_adriaanjeed: once again, that discussion has been had before, there may or may not be benefits to using sudo23:13
HardDisktake it to #ubuntu-offtopic please23:14
_adriaanjeed: but it's how ubuntu's built, so you can either go with it or go for another distro that suits those needs better23:14
_adriaanI'm sleepy, cya23:14
nickrudnot least of which is people running a gui as root23:14
Sakitelhello I try to install gmake on centos? I put yum install gmake It doesn't found anything23:14
jeedXcell, yup, ubuntu did do a good job of bringing linux to the average everyday desktop guy23:14
HardDiskSakitel, go to #centos23:14
PaulEUzvacet: see: http://rafb.net/p/ACfFmj83.html23:14
Xcellagreed.. I stand by Ubuntu23:14
MaricAnyone know a good engineer forum?23:14
DILsfire, yea i have pw assigned and all something is not allowing me to login from the login windows =admin cannot loging from login window - i am missing something23:14
Sakitelno body answer me there23:14
PaulEUbuu, I can't install :(23:14
HardDiskSakitel, this is #ubuntu not #centos23:14
zvacetPaulEU : in synaptic>edit tab>fix broken packages23:15
SakitelI get use to be here :S23:15
abdullaStarnestommy,  what do i do now23:15
jeedXcell, imagine trying to get a average windows user to do a gentoo stage3 :D23:15
Starnestommyabdulla: I'm not sure23:15
sfireDIL: not that I'm aware of.. that worked for me to enable the account and I was able to login using root from any login23:15
K^Holtzi was told that i could create an NTFS partition with the Ubuntu installer, but i dont see that as an option?23:15
abdullaStarnestommy, ok do you know another program that can manage wireless networks23:15
nickrud!ot | changing root (I'm guilty to)23:15
ubottuchanging root (I'm guilty to): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:15
HardDiskK^Holtz, sudo apt-get install gparted23:15
Starnestommyabdulla: maybe wicd, but I'm not sure how to use it23:15
sfireDIL: that could have changed.. the last time I did it was with feisty23:15
_adriaanDIL: okay, fine:23:16
HardDiskK^Holtz, you may need something else, can't remember23:16
K^HoltzHardDisk: im doing a clean install on a new hard ddrive23:16
XcellAfter 1 yrr using Ubuntu.. I give windoze the hand.. nuff said.. I stifle23:16
PaulEUzvacet: can you explain: edit tab ?23:16
HardDiskK^Holtz, then why NTFS?23:16
DIL_adriaan: ??23:16
PaulEUzvacet: because I don't understand23:16
K^HoltzHardDisk: I'm thinking i may eventually want to dual boot windows23:16
_adriaanDIL: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8617223:16
Jaffarkelshacwhat app is available to make a dvd video (dvd authoring)23:16
_adriaanDIL: don't tell me I didn't stress it's a bad idea23:16
PaulEUzvacet: I should select which package?23:16
HardDiskK^Holtz, then use the windows cd to make the NTFS partition23:16
HardDiskK^Holtz, create free space for windows, then let windows see the freespace and do it that way23:17
legend2440Jaffarkelshac: devede is a good one23:17
nickrudK^Holtz, just leave the space empty then, windows should find it23:17
zvacetPaulEU : in synaptic you will see edit and under that you will find option fix broken packages23:17
Xcelldevedee.. works nicely23:17
_adriaanDIL: ofcourse, replace the kde bits with gnome and kdm with gdm23:17
PaulEUzvacet: I selected it and nothing happened23:17
Jaffarkelshacthanks legend244023:17
DIL_adriaan: wisdom is always loved by all who receive it23:17
K^Holtznickrud: check "do not use this parition" ?23:18
PaulEUzvacet: on bottom panel wrote: successfully fixed problems23:18
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Xcellok.. din din time bbiab23:18
zvacetPaulEU : so it is fixed23:18
nickrudK^Holtz, don't even put a partition there23:18
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K^HoltzHardDisk: what if i were to just install Ubuntu across the whole drive? Would it be possible to create a windows partition later?23:18
_adriaanDIL: eh.. okay... I guess :) - anyway, I'm off now23:18
PaulEUzvacet: next sudo apt-get install sylpheed-claws-gtk2?23:19
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HardDiskK^Holtz, yes23:19
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz I thought you got that handled yesterday23:19
zvacetPaulEU : yes you can try that23:19
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PaulEUzvacet: I've the same error :(23:19
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: i did, but u told me id be able to create the partitions using the ubuntu cd23:19
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz you can..23:19
sfireK^Holtz: you can23:19
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: NTFS is not an option for the primary partition23:19
K^Holtzheh ok how?23:20
PaulEUzvacet: I think that packages is missing23:20
HardDiskK^Holtz, I already told you can, but don't do it now, best is to keep it empty and let windows handle it.23:20
sfiremanual disk partitioning.. its an option during the install23:20
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz It does not need to be ntfs it is just a placeholder23:20
_adriaanDIL: okay, lookep it up again for gnome, just enter the command "gksu gdmsetup"23:20
nickrud!gutsysources | PaulEU (works for hardy also)23:20
ubottuPaulEU (works for hardy also): gutsysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).23:20
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz It can be etx3 fat32 it really doesnt matter23:20
_adriaanin the security tab, you have to enable something about allowing administrators to log into the local machine23:20
zvacetPaulEU : try to install it from synaptic23:20
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: i understand what ur saying, but i need to make it something right? i have to say the size and whether or not its primary23:21
HardDiskK^Holtz, yes23:21
PaulEUzvacet: It return the same error23:21
DIL_adriaan: just wanted to know what was happening - i dont like modifying files23:21
K^Holtzso just set it as ext3? then windows will overwrite?23:21
HardDiskK^Holtz, I explained to you before what to do.23:21
PaulEUnickrud: I'll try your solution23:21
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz yes sda1 primary and any size you want for windoes later, make the rest extended.23:21
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz Yes windows will reformat it to ntfs23:22
brettCan somebody point me to a tutorial on using a usb cdrom drive?23:22
HardDiskJack_Sparrow, or as I suggested to leave it empty and have windows cd format the partition for him.23:22
DezineOk, I have an ATI TV Wonder Pro.. It has the AV in and I want to record from a camcorder, any suggestions where I should start?23:22
_adriaanDIL: Well, it's none of my business, and you may well be way more advanced at it than me, but I don't trust any user, including myself, with it. That said, what I gave you should be enough, so good luck with it :)23:22
HardDiskbrett, plug it in.23:22
_empemp_anyone who can help me with my fstab?23:22
HardDisk!anyone | _empemp_23:23
ubottu_empemp_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:23
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: for this primary 20 gigs im leaving for windows, i can just leave mount point blank? and Location as Beginning right?23:23
HardDiskK^Holtz, yes23:23
pubdoes anyone use adesklet23:23
Jack_SparrowHardDisk If he leaves unallocated space and installs ubuntu then adds a primary partition below that his partition numbers will change and it will cause a problem23:23
HardDiskpub, when there are screenlets?23:23
NorthiestPole`Mhm.. I still can't get it to work. dhclient eth0 tries to DHCPDISCOVER on, I guess that's incorrect. When I set a static, I can't even ping my own router.23:24
Jack_SparrowHardDisk a fixable problem, but one that can easily bve avoided23:24
HardDiskJack_Sparrow, agreed.23:24
_empemp_is there an easy way to get fstab to understand my partitions?23:24
NorthiestPole`Oh wow.23:24
pubHardDisk, what do you mean? sorry I`m new23:24
takehikoBonne nuit a tous23:24
djgizmohello :)23:24
HardDisk!screenlets | pub23:24
ubottupub: Screenlets are little widgets for your !desktop. Note you must have !Compiz Fusion, !Beryl, xcompmgr, or KWin to run them. You can get them at http://www.screenlets.org/23:24
NorthiestPole`zvacet: It turned out the cable was 2mm out.23:25
djgizmowow, this room is big23:25
Jack_Sparrow_empemp_ Do they keep changing numbers around on you23:25
NorthiestPole`zvacet: I feel stupid.23:25
Jack_SparrowNorthiestPole` we have all done that at one time or another.. dont worry23:25
HardDisk_empemp_, I'd avoid the UUID route and mount it without them..but that's my opinion23:25
NorthiestPole`zvacet: Very, Very, Very, stupid.23:25
pubAh, well, i am running fluxbox already but want to add some "widgets" from http://adesklets.sourceforge.net/index.html23:25
NorthiestPole`Jack_Sparrow: Yeah, still pretty stupid.23:25
PaulEUnickrud: I did everything and the same error exist :(23:25
_empemp_Jack_Sparrow: well, i made some changes to my partitions, and no it won't mount. when i mount manually after boot, it says i don't have permission to write to it23:25
HardDiskNorthiestPole, better than your hardware turns out to have failures.23:26
rdzwhy are some things, that were supported in dapper, not supported anymore in hardy? some special buttons of my laptop are know just ignored. before, one button was used to toggle the touchpad on/off23:26
HardDisk_empemp_, you need to chown your drive23:26
PaulEUhow can I get older version of packages?23:26
nickrud_empemp_, I like to use labels for my mounts, ls /dev/disk/by-label23:26
djgizmoanyone here familiar how to intall a simple gui for 8.04 server?23:26
PaulEUmaybe there is a mistake?23:26
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts23:26
nickrudPaulEU, try apt-cache policy claws-mail , and put the output on paste.ubuntu.com23:26
HardDiskdjgizmo, xfce, fluxbox, e17?23:27
rdzJack_Sparrow, thanks for the suggestions23:27
PaulEUnickrud: ok23:27
K^Holtzwhat is the difference between Primary and Logical? how come that unused windows is primary while all other are logical?23:27
djgizmoHardDisk: which ever will use the least resources / give the most system admistrative tools23:27
PaulEUnickrud: http://rafb.net/p/WR8Mvg37.html23:27
HardDiskK^Holtz, you can't have more than 4 primary partitions23:27
thorny_sunany one here use vim?  where is my plugin directory under hardy?23:27
rdzJack_Sparrow, will htat work, even if pressing those keys doesn't show anything at all in xev?23:27
HardDiskdjgizmo, then go with flux or fvwm23:28
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz limit of 4 primary partitions.23:28
K^Holtzweird, the 2nd partition i made was labeled sda523:28
djgizmoHardDisk: Can you provide me a link or some instructions how to install either one of those?23:28
HardDiskthat's normal K^Holtz23:28
K^Holtzguess thats the 4 primary thing :)23:28
PaulEUnickrud: and it's properly?23:28
HardDiskdjgizmo, do you have your server installed already?23:28
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz to get around the limit you can go up to three primary partitions and one extended, then logicals are created inside the extended23:28
HardDisk!fluxbox | djgizmo23:28
ubottudjgizmo: fluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox23:28
_empemp_could i paste my fstab at pastebin.no so you could have a look?23:29
nickrudPaulEU, it's installed, the correct claws-mail. I think there's a bug in the sylpheed-claws-gtk2 package a sec23:29
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: ill just leave the linux ones as logical as u told me to do before as long as it performs the same23:29
PaulEUnickrud: can you check this package to install?23:30
djgizmoThanks ubottu, I'll go look at that23:30
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz So you have sda1 primary sda2 extended , you created your first logical at sda523:30
tdeladoes anyone here use cross over office? if so what are your thoughts on it, I need to design but I don't like to boot to windows too often to do it, if i could use an alternative, i would be in heaven.23:30
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:30
HardDiskdjgizmo, it's a bot :) I pasted the info for you23:30
tdela...or are there alternatives to cx office23:30
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz It will work fine23:30
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: i only have that windows space as primary23:30
HardDisktdela, I suggest you install virtualbox23:30
_empemp_there is my fstab23:30
HardDisktdela, install virtualbox, then install windows in a vm environment, most developers use this method.23:30
Ryand-SmithHey all23:31
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz that is all you need for primary23:31
_empemp_what more info do i need to paste for you to see where i all go wrong?23:31
hpquestion, how do you find out if your computer is 64-bit or 32-bit?23:31
tdelaHardDisk: oh really? not slow at all?23:31
tdelaHardDisk: is it free?23:31
HardDisktdela, yes it's free www.virtualbox.org23:31
djgizmohp: do you have a AMD 64 or a Core 2 duo cpu?23:31
tdelaawesome, thanks.23:31
Ryand-Smithcheck administration then system monitor23:31
tdelaagain :)23:31
nickrudPaulEU, doing that very thing, and getting very odd behavior A sec23:31
Jack_SparrowYou should create a logical of around 10+ a logical filling up all but 2-4 gigs of the extended and a swap with the last 2-423:31
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow:  so far i did 20 gigs sda1 primary, 10 gigs sda5 logical / ,  20 gigs sda6 /home23:31
nickrudPaulEU, or 2 :)23:31
hpconky say i have a AMD Turion 64 Mobile tech cpu23:31
HardDisktdela, if you need USB2.0 support and extra features install the one from sun, the OSE version is in the repo's but is not as feature filled as the regular.23:32
Ryand-SmithAlso, I think somehow my update broke my ubuntu23:32
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz great..  add a swap and you are ready to rumble23:32
HardDisktdela, personally I run 2 vm's one xp and one windows 2003 server23:32
djgizmoHP: you have a 64 bit pc23:32
hpdjgizmo: hmmmm, hahahaha so i've been using 32 bit ubuntu23:32
JannoTTroflcopter. i was on holyday for 2 weeks and now there are 200mb of updates to do. With that rate my sys hard drive will be full soon.23:32
darrendhi - is anyone able to diagnose the following output..?  I assume hardware rather than driver problem, but not sure: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19478/23:32
tdelaHardDisk: Thanks, I just need photoshop and illustrator though, perhaps visual studio but I can't imagine I'll be doing any C# work anymore.23:32
PaulEUnickrud: ok, I'll wait.. Yesterday I've lost one HDD, today I bought new a must install fresh system eh23:32
tdelaeven so, this looks good.23:32
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: i still have 28 gigs left tho23:32
HardDisktdela, the good thing about vm's it won't affect anything else, imagine an OS inside it's own personal bubble anything happens, delete it and start over.23:32
djgizmohehe, it's ok.  32 bit works fine on 64 bit pcs.23:32
HardDisktdela, photoshop CS2 works under wine in ubuntu23:33
djgizmoHP: just 32 bit apps dont work on 64 bit OS's23:33
tdelaah, im a cs3 user.23:33
tdelathats ok, vbox looks the best.23:33
HardDisktdela, but yes install virtualbox for all those packages23:33
tdelawhy do i get so much spam on freenode now, amazing.23:33
_empemp_HardDisk: you got my link?23:33
tdelafeels like dalnet :p23:33
HardDisk_empemp_, I thought someone else was helping you23:33
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz make another ext3 or anything you like23:33
hpdjgizmo: do you think using a different version would mess up my graphic card? 'cuz nvidia keep crashing when i installed the driver23:33
jeedtdela, heard the CS3 portable edition works on wine23:34
HardDiskI only have two hands and two eyeballs :D23:34
Ryand-SmithOk, so does anyone know what gzip stdout: No space left on device means, when trying to install the new boot/intitrd23:34
K^HoltzWhen i create the /swap, i want to do END as location for the new partition?23:34
HardDiskdon't leave me jacky!23:34
macdRyand-Smith, its out of space on the /bot partition.23:34
K^Holtznevermind, if i make the rest extended, it will all work out23:34
HardDisk_empemp_, ok I'll check your problem23:34
tdelajeed: Interesting, perhaps ill look into that as well. So far, i think vbox is my answer.23:34
Darlok_WilliamsIs it possible to let all users on my system share an F-Spot database?23:34
HardDisk_empemp_, can you paste it again?23:34
Ryand-SmithHey macd23:34
Ryand-Smithhow do you clear the /bot partition23:34
montpeliehi buddies, is there anyway I can get rid of the previous kernel versions that have been installed on my system through the Update Manager???23:34
HardDisk!nfs | Darlok_Williams23:34
ubottuDarlok_Williams: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.23:34
legend2440_empemp_: in a terminal type   sudo blkid   and make sure the UUID numbers in fstab are right23:34
jeedtdela, it usually is for windows designers, aslong as you got a dual core prosessor and plenty of ram, that is23:35
Ryand-Smithmy hard drive still has a gig or so left23:35
jarcohello, All transfer from my ubuntu to my xp seems ultraslow ( few kb per second). Ftp and samba give same results. Why is it slow from ubuntu and not from other computers ?23:35
HardDisk!samba | Darlok_Williams23:35
ubottuDarlok_Williams: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.23:35
macdRyand-Smith, you should use synaptic to remove some of your older kernels no longer in use.23:35
mad_max02Ryand-Smith, clean apt-get23:35
HardDisk_empemp_, as legend2440 said23:35
Ryand-SmithSynaptuc refuses to start up23:35
pubhow gDesklets, does anybody use that?23:35
Ryand-SmithPArdon the typo daemon23:35
Ryand-SmithIt told me to dpkg --configure23:35
djgizmoHardDisk: Thank you for the suggestion of fluxbox.  I've got it installed and i'm in :) YIPPY.23:35
adelie42Hello, I am tryig to do some remixing, but audacity seems to desire complete control over the audio or won't work at all. Basically, I can't have Audacity and Hydrogen open at the same time. any suggestions?23:35
Ryand-Smithand for some reason (yes I added the -a) it did not work23:35
mad_max02pub, easy gDesklets, some people use that23:36
HardDiskdjgizmo, :)23:36
tdelajeed: I dont have duo core heh :(23:36
NeuerHello. I have a probleme with my Sound. I'm useing Hardy Kubuntu and the soundchip is SI7012. The probleme is, no sound works, but if I start amarok it does for that, though I cannüt let 2 programms run at the same time23:36
Darlok_WilliamsHardDisk: Wow... that pretty much has nothing to do with what I'm trying to do.23:36
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: how do i specify swap?23:36
rdzadelie42, try using the jack audio server23:36
HardDiskDarlok_Williams, you want to share right?23:36
rdzadelie42, aptitude install qjackctl23:36
RULRfatal error in Mplayer: Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device23:36
pubi want to get the weather one to work, but no matter what i put in for location       it doesn't update23:36
jeedtdela, anything dual core, otherwise windows inside *nix tends to be quite laggy, esp if your running CS3 on top :), its double the OS and double the resources23:36
jarcohello, All transfer from my ubuntu to my xp seems ultraslow ( few kb per second). Ftp and samba give same results. Why is it slow from ubuntu and not from other computers ?23:36
rdzadelie42, prepend 'sudo' of course23:36
mad_max02Neuer, does your sound work or not ?23:36
_empemp_there is the output from the command23:36
Darlok_WilliamsHardDisk: On one computer, yes.23:37
HardDiskyou didn't say that23:37
nickrudPaulEU, I'm not able to install it here either. aptitude fails without an error, so something is not right here. You should file a bug report, bugs.ubuntu.com and attach http://rafb.net/p/ACfFmj83.html23:37
creeedmy mouse is desactivated when I use the keyboard how can I fix the problem?23:37
K^HoltzHardDisk: how do i specify space used for swap?23:37
Darlok_WilliamsHardDisk: Well, I said "system" not "network" :)23:37
HardDiskDarlok_Williams, sorry.  And no I don't know how.23:37
HardDiskK^Holtz, you create it in gparted..23:37
tdelajeed: I remember back in the day I used crossover office with photoshop 7.0 flawlessy for a year or so, I don't plan on doing heavy design work in linux, more like flatten the psd and grab some sections of it as a I built web applications. So i don't think memory or CPU is going to be a real issue.23:37
Darlok_WilliamsHardDisk: Alright, thanks anyway:)23:37
PaulEUnickrud: it's not possible to install force?23:37
montpeliehey madmax you said "clean apt-get" ???23:38
tdelajeed: though I could be wrong :)23:38
K^HoltzHardDisk: so i have to do it after i install ubuntu?23:38
Neuermad_max02: actually. no. The system sounds dont work nor anything else. Only Amarok or other multimedia progs, but only one at a time. I had a similar probleme iwth Feisty, but i got ir to work. unfortuantly all steps fail for hardy23:38
HardDiskK^Holtz, you can do it now, or during install.23:38
adelie42rdz, already installed (just yesterday for something else)23:38
manu3lHi, any talk spanish?23:38
PaulEUnickrud: or I can install other version: claws-mail ?23:38
RULRi have problems with mplayer: Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.23:38
=== jansen_ is now known as jansen
Ryand-SmithOk mad_max02 I attempted to correct the mistake23:38
nickrudPaulEU, the -f install is -fix not -force. And no, the error is at the dpkg level23:38
jeedtdela, if you use a VM its gunna put the resources of windows + the vm backend running on top of the resources your linux uses, so it can get laggy23:38
=== Bodsda_ is now known as Bodsda
rdzadelie42, then make sure, that both applications are using it23:38
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash23:38
K^HoltzHardDisk: well in this manual partition menu, do i leave it as "Free space" or should i format it as something?23:38
darrend!es | manu3l23:38
ubottumanu3l: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:38
bobstroDarlok_Williams: there is an #f-spot channel23:38
ZiggyFishEvery time, I update the kernel in Ubuntu 8.04. I have to link a module in to it. is there a way to stop the kernel from updating23:38
HardDiskjeed, only if doesn't have enough ram23:38
Ryand-Smithbut I got the error -gzip: stdout: No space left on device23:39
Ryand-Smithupdate-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-18-rt23:39
jeedHardDisk, also if the prosessor isnt very good23:39
HardDiskK^Holtz, did you create your root yet?23:39
mad_max02Neuer, well if amarok works then ur sound works. Try usin alsa for all sounds.23:39
jeedtdela, whats your prosessor/ram?23:39
PaulEUnickrud: I'll do bug raport23:39
HardDiskjeed, it works fine on a P4 2.2 with hardly any lag23:39
akonkwaI'm running ubuntu 8.04 Everytime I encounter flash in my browser, I have to click on it to play. When on dailymotion it doesn't work at all. any help?23:39
tdelajeed: ahh, I have 3GB of ram and an AMD 2.2GHz23:39
HardDisktdela, you're perfect.23:39
jeedtdela, thats enough23:39
tdelaokay :)23:40
NeuerI did, but the system sounds do not work. If I have amarok on and for instance run kafeine, I get a message that a probleme occured and the soundserver is already in use etc.23:40
=== jpiche is now known as josephpiche
ZiggyFishjeed: I only have 1 GB, and a run Windows in a VM, and runs perfectly23:40
mad_max02Ryand-Smith, I think that kernel sources are stored in /usr/src23:40
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HardDiskNeuer, tried #Kubuntu if you're on that.23:40
_empemp_HardDisk: got the pastebin?23:40
K^HoltzHardDisk i have 20 gig primary, then sda5 10 gig /, sda6 10gig /home, sda7 'the rest' - 2 gigs (for swap), all ext323:40
nickrudPaulEU, I haven't used claws for a while, checking it out23:40
RULRi have problems with mplayer: Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.23:40
HardDisk_empemp_, no ...too many people :/ can you do it again sorry..23:40
bobstroakonkwa: that's an option that you can disable. hang on and i'll find the package to remove.23:41
legend2440_empemp_:  see how uuid numbers don't match what you have in fstab ?23:41
HardDisk_empemp_, legend2440> _empemp_: in a terminal type   sudo blkid   and make sure the UUID numbers in fstab are right23:41
jeedZiggyFish, for all i knew tdela could have been using 256mb ram on a P2, he never told us the specs, so just go crawl back into your hole instead of trying to look kool by standing next to Harddisk ;)23:41
Ryand-Smithin usr/src23:41
PaulEUnickrud: I should raport bug in sylpheed-claws-gtk2 or dpkg ?23:41
HardDiskhaha jeed23:41
akonkwabobstro, thanx23:41
Ryand-Smith2.6.24.18 is there23:41
nickrudPaulEU, sylpheed23:41
legend2440HardDisk: he already pasted blkid results23:41
mad_max02Ryand-Smith, you can delete sources23:41
djgizmoHardDisk: Hmm, sorry to keep pestering you.  I try to open any application (such as Mutt) or telnet, nothing happens.  No error, no hour glass. Any suggestions?23:41
Ryand-SmithI can?23:41
Jack_Sparrowjeed Please keep it polite23:41
Ryand-SmithOk, thank you23:41
mad_max02Ryand-Smith, did you try deleting packages downloaded with aptitude ?23:42
HardDiskdjgizmo, unfortunately I haven't used flux myself..23:42
jarcohello, All transfer from my ubuntu to my xp seems ultraslow ( few kb per second). Ftp and samba give same results. Why is it slow from ubuntu and not from other computers ?23:42
adelie42rdz: server is running, audacity says "Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate." Hydrogen says "Error starting audio driver". Do I need to tell them to use JACK audio device / driver?23:42
Ryand-SmithThe problem is23:42
HardDiskdjgizmo, can you telnet via cli?23:42
Ryand-Smiththat aptitude does not open23:42
tdelai got too many ubuntu dvd's here i dont label them with versions so i have to re-download :/23:42
Ryand-Smithit says E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.23:42
Ryand-SmithE: _cache->open() failed, please report.23:42
tdelaim bad for labelling23:42
K^HoltzHardDisk: yes i have 10 gigs for root23:42
HardDisktdela, or just boot each one and check :)23:42
tdelaahh faster to download heh23:42
Pie-rateI'd like to try using a FOSS flash plugin, but I don't know how to get rid of flashplugin-nonfree. How do I get rid of flashplugin-nonfree?23:42
tdelaits already burning.23:42
Jack_SparrowRyand-Smith SO.. did you run..   dpkg --configure -23:42
jeedJack_Sparrow, heh just because its linux doesnt mean everyone is gunna be nice to people who are annoying23:43
legend2440_empemp_: do you see the problem?23:43
HardDiskK^Holtz, then just create another one for swap 2GB is enough23:43
DIFH-icerootis ubuntu 8.04 using a firewall by default? because i can not connect to websites while i am using vpnc (device tun0) but i can use "nslookup ubuntu.org" but not ping ubuntu.org23:43
_empemp_legend2440: i see that now!23:43
bobstroakonkwa: the swfdec-mozilla package seems to be what causes that. i removed it and flash returned to normal (just starting up)23:43
Ryand-Smithyes, and then I get the error message23:43
_empemp_legend2440: everything else looks good in the file?23:43
mad_max02Ryand-Smith, type sudo apt-get clean23:43
unavailableok it seems i lost a connection23:43
wolsdjgizmo: go to vty2 and check ~/*xsession-errors*23:43
unavailablebut im back23:43
HardDiskDIFH-iceroot, check your router.23:43
nootropeRyand-Smith why are you typing your single idea in many lines?23:43
djgizmoHardDisk, is cli that installed by default?23:43
DIFH-icerootso i dont know why i cant access the external sites23:43
K^HoltzHardDisk: but there is no 'Mount Point' for swap... just leave Mount Point blank?23:43
legend2440_empemp_: yes23:43
Jack_Sparrowjeed Please stop it...23:43
HardDiskdjgizmo, CLI = command line interface23:43
_empemp_legend2440: thx, will reboot and see23:43
HardDiskin terminal23:43
tdelathanks for the info guys, appreciated.23:43
DIFH-icerootHardDisk: at the university i can not check my router, with windows and suse it is working23:43
HardDiskK^Holtz, create the partition as swap23:43
djgizmo(smacks self) I'll try23:44
HardDiskDIFH-iceroot, then check your settings23:44
RULRi have problems with mplayer: Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device. HELP!!!23:44
DIFH-icerootso maybe ubuntu is blocking something by default?23:44
akonkwabobstro, thanx23:44
HardDiskDIFH-iceroot, check iptables and vnc settings23:44
K^HoltzHardDisk: how do i do that? its ext3.. there is nowhere that says 'swap'23:44
HardDiskK^Holtz, no you cant do that23:44
djgizmoyep, telnet works from the cli23:44
K^HoltzHardDisk: i found it, sorry23:44
DIFH-icerootHardDisk: which settings? just using vpnc (kvpnc) with the correkt settings as in suse23:44
K^Holtzit says 'swap area' where i created ext323:44
=== gardar is now known as gardar`afk
kyncaniDIFH-iceroot: ubuntu default to no firewall configured at all23:44
DIFH-icerootkyncani: ok23:45
Pie-rateI tried apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree, and the flash plugin still works!23:45
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).23:45
HardDiskK^Holtz, you need two partitions one for root and one for swap23:45
Jack_Sparrowkyncani that statement is misleading23:45
jeedJack_Sparrow, or you could stop making a big deal out of it, not like anyone's feelings got hurt now is it, i didnt make a 'your mum' joke or anything, just chill23:45
Ryand-SmithOk, I did the sudo apt-get clean, then tried using sudo dpkg --configure -a, then I had an error with gzip stdout: No space left on device23:45
DIFH-iceroothm so i will check iptables23:45
K^HoltzHardDisk: i have 5 different partions right now23:45
Ryand-SmithThen the bugger says update-initramfs failed for /boot/initrd.img23:46
kyncaniJack_Sparrow: ubuntu defaults to everything set to accept afaik.23:46
HardDiskK^Holtz, for ubuntu you need 2 one for root, one for swap any other partitions is extra for whatever it is you want it for23:46
Jack_Sparrowkyncani go to grc.com and run shields up test against your ports sometime23:46
K^HoltzHardDisk: gotcha :) im gonna move on with this install now, hopefully all goes well23:47
sfireK^Holtz: I recommend a partition for /home23:47
ubottuFactoid passthehbomb not found23:47
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz /home23:47
HardDiskK^Holtz, good luck :)23:47
Ryand-Smither um, wrong room23:47
sfireK^Holtz: then you don't lose all your stuff when you re-install linux23:47
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: i have that, 20 gigs for /home logical23:47
bobstroRyand-Smith: no, but intriguing.23:47
HardDiskah you're making /home in another partition, ok I didn't know that23:47
sfireI have 10 gigs for /  ... 4 gigs for swap.. and rest for /home23:47
HardDiskthen you need three partitions ;)23:47
Jack_SparrowHardDisk It makes for a much better setup later on23:48
HardDiskJack_Sparrow, well depends on the usability, I rarely do that setup for users.23:48
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: No mount point is assigned for the ext3 file system in partion #1, if you dont go back and assign a mount point this partion will not be used at all"   This is what i want correct?23:48
djgizmoHardisk, is there another channel that is for helping newbies.  seems that this channel is crammed and I hate pestering just one person.23:48
K^Holtzsfire: would would say 2 gigs is enough for swap? i only have 512 ram23:48
HardDiskdjgizmo, sure, you can check with your local state/country23:48
=== gardar`afk is now known as gardar
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz you can mount it as data anything you want it really does not matter23:48
sfireK^Holtz: then you only need 512 mb23:49
HardDiskdjgizmo, what area are you in?23:49
tishensnoopyHI EVERYONE23:49
sfireunless you plan to upgrade your ram later23:49
djgizmoForida, USA23:49
kyncaniJack_Sparrow: i have shorewall set up, but do you mean that hardy defaults to drop policy on input ?23:49
ubottuFactoid mgetty not found23:49
HardDiskcheck #ubuntu-us-fl23:49
K^Holtzsfire: ill leave it as 2 gigs incase i do upgrade23:49
HardDiskthere is a local florida channel23:49
DILdjgizmo: dont be initimidated there are alot of smart people here you may be cheating yourself23:49
HardDiskdjgizmo, you should get to introduce yourself to them and be part of their LoCo team23:49
K^Holtzcrap, all my partions just got erased when i went back23:50
Jack_Sparrowkyncani What I am saying is go to grc.com running live cd or fresh install and see what I am talking about.  Most users that setup an iptable manager are worse off than leaving it alone23:50
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: it complained about the extra space i made before swap like you told me to23:50
PaulEUnickrud: I've last question: is this bug a security vulnerability?23:50
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz I never said leave empty space...23:50
PaulEUbecause there is question in bug raport23:51
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz Everything should be assigned to a partition23:51
trippsso any tricks/tips in making google earth usable when running compiz?23:51
Ryand-SmithDon't most high speed internet gateways have firewalls?23:51
darrendJack_Sparrow: I have a machine running a Hardy livecd right now.. iptables default policy is ACCEPT on INPUT,OUTPUT,FORWARD23:51
_empemp_HardDisk: that worked! but my new ext3fs partition is not writebale23:51
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: u said "create ext3 for general use leaving a 2 gig or so swap partition" ... what Mount point should i give that?23:51
darrendI also wouldn't trust Steve Gibson on security (grc.com(23:51
HardDiskI would have just given K^Holtz this guide apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_windows_xp_and_linux_xp_installed_first.htm  and then we can repartition his /home later.23:51
nickrudPaulEU, no23:51
koshariRyand-Smith many doi23:51
jarcohello, All transfer from my ubuntu to my xp seems ultraslow ( few kb per second). Ftp and samba give same results. Why is it slow from ubuntu and not from other computers ? anyone ?23:52
Jack_Sparrowdarrend run the shields up test and please dont bother shouting23:52
accensi0nanyone else have troubles with gmail chat through firefox in ubuntu 7.10?23:52
blue|palmis there any way to get nautilus to display icons of a certain extension as a certain icon? An example would be blender's .blend files - they currently appear as text files but i'd like to be able to get the looking like the blender icon by default.23:52
koshariK^Holtz mount point needs to be /23:52
K^Holtzkoshari: thats my root, i have that setup23:52
HardDisk!upgrade | accensi0n23:52
ubottuaccensi0n: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes23:52
darrendJack_Sparrow: I didn't shout - that's the way iptsbles reports it.  shields up tells me nothing about the security of my machine, that's bad advice in my opinion.23:52
SmartpartOkay so I am trying to run an ati driver installer that is a .run. Since ubuntu doesnt let you login root, how do i do this. When i run in terminal it says i need to be logged in as root. Basically what is the command to run the installer. sudo (what)?23:52
Jack_Sparrowdarrend entitled to your opinion23:53
HardDiskI have to take a break23:53
HardDiskmy eyes hurt.23:53
darrendJack_Sparrow: shieldsUp will be affected by lots of other things23:53
Jack_Sparrowdarrend feel free to discuss it in offtopic23:53
HardDiskI may or may not be back, salam23:53
accensi0ncheers guys23:53
HardDisksee ya jacky23:54
PaulEUnickrud: I did raport: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sylpheed-claws-gtk2/+bug/23932023:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239320 in sylpheed-claws-gtk2 "can't install" [Undecided,New]23:54
legend2440_empemp_: which one is not writeable? the one mounted at /media/Media?23:54
PaulEUnickrud: I did good it ?23:54
nickrudPaulEU, that will do :)23:54
Smartpartwhat is the command to run something?23:54
PaulEUnickrud: I ask because I never do bug raports23:55
_empemp_legend2440: correct    the /dev/sda223:55
_empemp_legend2440: i tried this command no success:  sudo chmod -R 755 /media/Media/23:56
legend2440_empemp_: got to /media folder and right click on Media folder.  what are the permissions set to?23:56
_empemp_legend2440: root root23:56
PaulEUnickrud: can you reply for this raport?23:56
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: :) im saying forget about it, doing a typical install and if i want to dual boot windows later, i will do the windows first, then ubuntu and just clean install it23:57
_empemp_legend2440: just access to the files.   can't seem to change then either23:57
otaszwitam wszystkich23:57
PaulEUnickrud: for sure23:57
friczekotasz: po englishu23:57
K^Holtzoh crap, my install froze up23:57
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz I still suggest a sep /home, but I sense you want to get on with it so go for it23:57
otaszhello everybody23:57
SmartpartI need to run an installer, how do i RUN something?23:57
legend2440_empemp_: in terminal type gksudo nautilus and browse to /media/Media and see if you can change permissions that way.23:58
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: i just don tknow how to fomat that extra space before swap, and i dont want to bug u23:58
Smartpartno like the command23:58
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz If you left sapce before swap just make another partition in that sapce23:58
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: i did, i made it sda7, thats a new partition right?23:59
Jack_SparrowK^Holtz it can be ext3 or fat32..23:59
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: but then when i proceeded with the install, it said that message ishowed u before23:59
_empemp_legend2440: thx, that worked like a charm!23:59
K^HoltzJack_Sparrow: No mount point is assigned for the ext3 file system in partion #1, if you dont go back and assign a mount point this partion will not be used at all23:59
DILSmartpart: ./23:59

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