
foxbuntucan someone give me a hand with this mess: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19747/00:20
bob2do you have a /.bzr dir or something?00:22
foxbuntubob2, where?00:23
bob2in /00:23
foxbuntuof the branch...yes00:24
foxbuntuthis branch has been fine until tonight00:25
bob2no, in /00:25
bob2or does ~/Desktop/mythbuntu_branches/mythbuntu-apple-trailers contain etc?00:25
foxbuntuit used to, I removed it00:26
bob2did you touch anything in  ~/Desktop/mythbuntu_branches/mythbuntu-apple-trailers/.bzr?00:26
bob2dunno, sorry - perhaps try the list?00:37
foxbuntubob2, I resolved it, I must have broken it somehow, I just pulled the lastest copy of the branch and it works now00:46
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jmlI often find myself wanting to switch to the top thread of a loom or to the bottom thread.02:07
jmlWhat would be a good command line syntax for this?02:07
lifelessswitch top: switch bottom: I guess02:10
lifelessif you mean switch and not up-thread02:10
jmlI do mean switch.02:13
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jmlwho do I speak to if I want to get my blog syndicated to Planet Bazaar?02:38
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mkanatHey hey.02:42
mkanatHow do I exclude a particular directory from a "bzr diff"?02:42
lifelessbzr diff | filterdiff -x dir02:42
lifelessis what comes to mind02:42
mkanatlifeless: Okay.02:43
mkanatI assume that's part of patch-utils.02:43
lifelessdiffutils I think, but yeah02:43
mkanatAh, yeah.02:43
mkanatlifeless: I tried diff-options="--exclude" once, but that didn't work.02:45
lifelessprobably need "--exclude old/PATH"02:46
lifelessbut we call diff individually, not sure it would honour it in that case02:46
mkanatAhh, hmm.02:47
mkanatI'll try.02:48
lifelesswow, http://andrew.puzzling.org/ is a little borked. or something02:51
mkanatlifeless: filterdiff doesn't work.02:51
lifelessmkanat: no?02:52
lifelessmkanat: I find I usually need to tweak the pattern a little to make it happy then it plays nice02:52
mkanatbzr diff -rancestor:bzr://bzr.everythingsolved.com/bugzilla/3.2 | filterdiff -x extensions/ > ~/diff02:52
mkanatI tried it without the / too.02:53
lifelessmkanat: also, please do file a bug, -x is reasonable to have02:53
mkanatDoes it need a * or something?02:53
mkanatlifeless: Okay. :-)02:53
lifelessmkanat: try new/extensions02:53
mkanatlifeless: Okay.02:53
lifeless(and variations). or old / - see thhe path in the diff header02:53
mkanat=== added file 'extensions/launchpad/code/install-before_final_checks.pl'02:53
mkanat--- extensions/launchpad/code/install-before_final_checks.pl    1970-01-01 00:00:00 +000002:53
mkanat+++ extensions/launchpad/code/install-before_final_checks.pl    2008-06-12 21:24:07 +000002:53
bob2lifeless: a.p.o -> displaying mashed up text snippets of the entries?02:53
lifelessbob2: yeah02:53
lifelesslike apache had a bad day02:54
lifelessspiv: ^02:54
lifelessmkanat: oh. emm, try "extensions/**" then I guess02:54
mkanatlifeless: Ahh, good idea. :-)02:54
mkanatlifeless: Ahh, yep. :-)02:54
mkanatI did it with just * but that worked.02:55
bob2some weird firefox/backwards interaction02:55
lifelessbob2: it works with other thing?02:55
lifelessspiv: ping02:55
lifelessreconcile on knits of launchpad -> pain03:04
caraHi all03:08
pooliehi lifeless03:14
pooliei'm going to read "stackable branch ui 2"03:14
caraI'm having an issue with bzr where it gives me this error message. bzr: ERROR: Path(s) are not versioned: These are the steps I took to get this error message:03:14
cara1) bzr init <directory>03:14
cara2) cd <directory>03:14
cara3) bzr branch <url-to-branch/trunk>03:14
cara4) bzr branch <url-to-branch/trunk> mybranch03:14
cara5) cp /files/I/needed/for/mybranch /path/to/mybranch03:14
cara6) cd /path/to/mybranch03:14
cara7) bzr commit /path/to/files/in/mybranch03:14
carawhoa lag03:14
pooliecara: you need to bzr add the new files03:14
pooliecara, 'bzr add' in the root of the branch should be enough03:15
carafor the files I copied over?03:15
caraor do I copy them over that way?03:15
mkanatlifeless: bug 53992 was already there.03:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 53992 in bzr "diff should have an -x option (exclude certain files)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5399203:15
poolieafter you've copied them in03:15
carado I still have to commit them?03:16
poolieadd tells bzr to track them03:18
pooliecommit actually takes a snapshot03:18
carathanks poolie03:19
* cara hugs poolie03:19
carayou're such a sweetie03:19
* cara would have been up all night trying to figure out what the heck was going on 03:19
caraI kinda just jumped into the bzr thing.03:20
poolieyou're welcome03:21
carayou just don't know how happy I am right now lol03:24
pooliei'm really happy to hear that then :)03:24
poolieplease do ask if there's anything else confusing03:24
caraoh yeah.. How do I remotely remove a branch I created?03:45
carawould I have to literally log onto the server and delete the branch? I actually pushed the branch03:46
mneptokcara: IIRC, bzr remove-tree protocol:/path/to/branch03:53
RAOFmneptok: That's not actually going to remove the branch, though, just the working tree, right?03:54
mneptokRAOF: yeah.03:54
* mneptok pouts03:54
* RAOF :P03:58
thumpercan't you just use ssh to remove it ?04:06
thumpercara: it depends on what access you have to the remote machine04:07
jmlcara: is this on Launchpad?04:13
carathumper: I don't know04:15
thumpercara: where did you push the branch?04:15
thumpercara: and what command did you use?04:16
carabzr push bzr+ssh http://link.to.branch04:16
lifelessyay tshirt04:16
carabzr push bzr+ssh http://link.to.branch cara or something04:17
* cara is sleepy04:17
thumperlifeless: I got one too :)04:17
thumpercara: perhaps best to come back when not sleepy :)04:18
thumpercara: or do you really need to get rid of it now?04:18
caranah I will come back later thanks thumper04:19
carahey thumper do you use gentoo?04:19
thumpercara: nope, kubuntu04:19
jmllifeless: yeah, mine arrived yesterday04:19
carahehe I use kubuntu too :)04:20
lifelessso, is this inversely proportional to code written or something04:20
caraI thought I seen you in a gentoo channel looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago04:20
mwhudson_i got mine yesterday too04:20
carabeen trying to figure out how set the time04:21
caraeverything is grayed out04:21
thumpercara: right click on the clock applet and click on "set date and time"?04:22
thumpercara: s/set/adjust/04:23
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jmllifeless: if it were inversely proportional, I would have got mine five years ago.04:29
lifelessjml: order not dates04:40
lifelessloonch time04:41
pooliecara: you need to press the 'unlock' button in that window04:59
poolieit's a bit unobvious04:59
poolieit's meant to be like the mac idiom of showing things readonly until you authenticate05:00
pooliewhich is not a bad idea, but doing it just in one place in confusing05:00
beunogot a the tshirt today too  :)  (evening)05:12
poolieoh great05:15
beunothanks poolie05:15
lifelessbeuno: I've pushed the change I was mentioning yesterday05:15
* poolie takes a deep breath05:15
poolieok seriously into your collossal patch now05:16
lifelesssorry :)05:16
lifelessbob2: 17K lines.05:16
beunolifeless, ah, just pulled revision 2905:16
beunosi it won't break on re-indexing now?05:16
* beuno goes look at the code05:16
lifelessshould a second or two to index a new commit too05:16
bob2heh, net negative lines of code, tho05:18
beunolifeless, so. Get the current list of revids, and go one by one through the revids in the branch, and stop when you find a match?05:19
lifelessget the current index (lazy load - no IO at that point), then yes. Oh, I forgot to stop the search, thats why its slow.05:20
beunoI was going to ask how you did that part05:20
lifeless$ time bzr index05:21
lifelessreal    0m1.257s05:21
lifelessuser    0m0.792s05:21
lifelesssys     0m0.184s05:21
lifelessincremental on bzr.dev05:21
lifelessstill too slow05:21
bob2is the ideal for it to be fast enough to run it automatically when the branch is altered?05:22
lifelessI want a tip_change hook for it05:22
lifelessthen my branches can be indexed05:22
lifelessand I can forget its installed05:22
beunothat would be cool05:23
beunoand fairly easy I suppose05:23
lifelesslsprof-file ftw05:23
lifelessoh well, I guess it can fork()05:29
lifeless81% in bzrlib.index.GraphIndex.iter_entries()05:29
lifelessI have to fix that, but not today.05:29
lifelessoh heh. that explains why its slow.05:30
lifelessI'm reconciling knit based launchpad in another window, and I forgot.05:30
lifelessstill: just did a pull() on bzr.dev:05:30
lifeless$ time bzr index05:30
lifelessreal    0m8.902s05:30
lifelessuser    0m6.540s05:30
lifelesssys     0m0.312s05:30
beunoyeah, 8sec may be a too slow for a handful of revisions05:31
lifelessthats with reconcile in background05:31
lifelessI'm not unhappy :)05:31
lifelesswill try later and see05:31
beuno                                                                                                                                                            05:35
beunonew index on bzr.dev05:35
lifelessnot bad05:35
lifelessshould be subsecond to run again05:35
lifelessoh, let me push05:36
beunobeuno@beuno-laptop:~/bzr_devel/bzr.dev$ time bzr index05:36
beunoafter pulling and re-indexing05:36
beuno~3 seconds when there is nothing to index05:36
lifelessyou want revno 30, pushing up now05:36
lifelessso that should be 3 seconds to index new revs above, not 605:39
beunoyeah, shaved off those 3 seconds to compare05:40
beunostopping the iteration and only removing NULLs if there actually are any05:40
beunothis is shaping up nicely!05:40
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
mwhudsonhello again beuno05:40
beunohi again mwhudson05:41
mwhudsonbeuno: is https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~beuno/loggerhead/zpt.cleaner_urls up to date?05:41
beunolet me check05:42
beunomwhudson, yes. It's missing the navigation links fix, which is what I was starting now05:42
bob2lifeless: should index lock the branch?05:43
lifelessbob2: it read locks it05:44
lifelessbob2: oh, during the what-to-index lookup05:44
mwhudsonbeuno: i don't think you need to pass the revno into the revisioninfo template function05:44
lifelessit does05:44
mwhudsonbeuno: doesn't the change parameter have a revno attribute?05:45
* beuno checks05:45
beunomwhudson, do you mean the revid?05:46
mwhudsonah uh one moment05:46
mwhudsonthe way loggerhead does urls makes me so sad :(05:46
beunogood, I like it when we hate the same things05:47
beunomakes it more probable to get rid of it05:47
beunoI had to add that to display the revid in the revision view05:47
beunobecause we didn't show it before, which I think is dumb05:47
mwhudsonisn't there change.revid then?05:47
mwhudsonyes, that's an improvement05:48
beunowell, we don't pass change to revid AFAIK05:48
beunoah, wait05:48
beunomaybe we do05:48
mwhudson... of course, after we've got rid of the revision cache we should just be passing bzrlib Revision objects around ...05:48
beunoyes please  :)05:49
beunorevision cache is my next target05:49
mwhudsoni guess it will be a two phase thing05:49
mwhudsondelete the cache05:49
mwhudsonget rid of these bizaare change/entry things05:50
mwhudsonthough we may need to be slightly clever to carry revnos around05:50
beunomwhudson, we don't pass change05:50
mwhudson-def revisioninfo(url, branch, entry, modified_file_link=None):05:51
mwhudson+def revisioninfo(url, branch, entry, revid, modified_file_link=None):05:51
mwhudsonwhat is entry here then?05:51
mwhudsonbut well, ok :)05:51
beunoit doesn't have revid for some reason  :/05:52
* beuno is confused now05:53
beunoI *do* have change05:54
mwhudsonthe -history.get_revno(entry.revid)+entry.revno stuff is kinda funny05:55
beunofunny as in...?05:59
beunoit seemed unnecesary to go get that info when we already have it05:59
mwhudsonfunny as in "ha ha how bad is loggerhead"06:00
beunoheh, yes. There seem to be a few layers of randomness on it06:01
beunofixed and pushed my revid nonsense06:01
beunoand I missed something, revision 245 coming up06:02
beunohm, loggerhead is playing with my head06:08
mwhudsonit does that06:13
beunook, no 245, loggerhead just has the habit of not dying when I tell it to06:13
beunoso *I* was right, not *it*06:13
mwhudsonthe proper thing to remember is that the answer to the question "is there a reason for it doing this particular thing this odd way" is usually "no"06:13
beunoheh, yes, I learned that the hard way06:14
mwhudsonme too :)06:14
beunoI spent quite a few hours looking at code, thinking I was missing something06:14
beunowe should add that to the README  :p06:14
mwhudsonwe seem to be making great strides on replacing the entire code base06:15
mwhudsonwhich should alleviate the need for that :)06:15
beunoyes, that's a more optimistic way of looking at it06:16
beunoI'm just mad at it for making me go in circles for 10 minutes06:16
beunonow, let's get revnos into navigation links working properly...06:16
mwhudsonbeuno: at some point (probably not right now) we should have a think about what we _want_ loggerhead's urls to look like06:17
beunomwhudson, absolutely. Have a plan rather than a mashup of things. I'll give it some thought06:18
mwhudsonany kind of plan, no matter how insane, would probably be progress06:19
beunoI kinda like the idea of mimicking bzr commands06:19
beunolike log/revno06:19
beunomay be more intuitive for everyone, users and developers06:20
poolielifeless: cstringio has some kind of limitation wrt binary data but i can't remember precisely what it is06:20
pooliedo you know?06:20
poolieis it only if you give it unicode objects?06:20
mwhudsonyes, don't give cStringIO unicode06:21
mwhudsonvery strange things happen if you do06:21
mwhudsonit really should be 8 bit clean though :)06:21
lifelesspoolie: yes06:22
lifelesspoolie: StringIO(u'foo').getvalue() returns bytes such that decode('UCS4') works :{06:22
lifeless(e.g. the native internal representation of u'' strings is coerced into a plain string06:23
lifelessmwhudson: they are not strange, very predictable06:23
mwhudsonlifeless: well06:25
mwhudsoni don't think strange and predictable are necessarily in opposition06:25
lifeless'not inferrable until seen'06:26
lifelessdoes 3K fix this06:26
lifelessif not someone needs bitchslapped06:26
mwhudsonbeuno: brain too fuzzed to review the branch properly i think06:28
mwhudsoni'll get to it over the weekend or monday morning06:28
beunomwhudson, sure, no problem. I'll push the navigation changes in a while, so you can do a complete review06:29
beunoAnd wrap up the theme tomorrow. At least the changelog and generic stuff06:30
beunostill working on the diff view to get the html/css *just* right06:30
* mwhudson stops for the day06:45
beunomwhudson, navigation links fix pushed06:45
beunoah, well, have a good weekend then  :)06:45
mwhudsonyou too!06:45
* beuno is one day behind so still has friday :p06:45
beunoso that means I may still get bzr-search into an experimental branch  :)06:46
beunothat's it for me today too07:02
lifelessbeuno: gnight07:05
Tsmithi'm trying to uncommit a revision, but i keep getting the message "Unable to obtain lock file:///var/bzr/blinds.com/.bzr/branch/lock07:22
Tsmithheld by tsmith@blinds.com on host 5200MHz.xmule.ws [process #11135]07:22
Tsmithlocked 7 hours, 25 minutes ago07:22
lifelesswell, is that process still alive ?07:22
lifeless(if thatis your host, check with ps ax/top)07:22
Tsmithi guess i should check both hosts07:23
Tsmith11135 is not an active process07:23
lifelessif its not alive anymore, try bzr break-lock07:23
Tsmithis that the same thing w/ CVS locking up and me requiring a sourceforge ticket?07:24
lifelessnot really07:25
lifelesscvs is broken-by-design in this area07:25
lifelessyou can break your own lock07:25
Tsmithi read a fictional story today about dvcs changing a woman's life07:25
lifelesswe can't avoid stale locks completely - network interruptions/power failures etc07:25
Tsmithbut i really do feel like bzr changed my life07:25
Tsmith<-- my wifi scrwed up07:26
Tsmithwhen the lock happened07:26
Tsmith(i'm not crazy, but using BZR after 10 years of CVS or SVN (the last year) produces feelings in me akin to when i saw the grand canyon for the first time)07:27
Tsmithesp when i bzr switch branches ;o07:27
Tsmithyeah exactly07:27
Tsmithnow i'm just wondering if there's a place i can plunk down a few hundred to inspire someone to create bzr up -r functionality07:28
lifelessI believe there is a crude patch07:29
lifelessneeds some love07:29
Tsmithi specifically need it to update files based on datetime diffs07:29
Tsmithlike svn up -r {2008-06-10}07:29
Tsmithi find bugs all the time ni a codebase of 1.5 million lines07:29
Tsmithi have to do a LOT of sleuthing by date07:29
lifelessah. bisect doesn't help ?07:30
lifelesshmm, this is the sort of case bzr-search _might_ help with07:30
Tsmithi do not see that command bzr help commands07:30
lifelessbisect is a plugin07:30
Tsmiththe company i work for, i'm the lead "fixit" guy07:31
Tsmithwe have a 4-server dev cycle; code on your box, up to dev server, up to UAT, up to prod07:31
Tsmiththe problem is, the lead of each site ups all the code to the prod server for htat site07:31
Tsmiththey do this using svn07:31
Tsmithby hand07:31
Tsmithlike svn diff -r100...101 > changes.diff; patch -p0 < changes.diff07:32
Tsmiththere's no branching07:32
Tsmiththere's no tagging07:32
Tsmithit's actually pretty sad; for every 3 bugs fixed, 5 more are created, 3 alone by this very merge process; and there's no way to revert07:32
Tsmiththe main pusher for the main website in March, for instance, accidentally svn up'd in the root of the prod, and we spent 2 months cleaning up the damage07:33
Tsmithso i'm in charge of www.blinds.ca07:34
Tsmithi am responsidble for all the pushes07:34
Tsmithwhat *I* do is i have a bzr repository w/ branches that mirror my local box, dev, uat, and prod07:34
Tsmithand i run rsync against the prod before i do a commit, so i can revert the commit if there are any problems07:35
Tsmithcuz every one uses svn and management is very hostile towards positive change (they love negative change, incidentally)07:35
lifelessyou have my sympathy07:36
Tsmithnah man bzr saves me lol07:37
mtaylorlifeless: real32m52.967s07:43
lifelessmtaylor: thats significantly faster. woo07:43
mtayloryup. woo indeed!07:44
lifelessmtaylor: also, it will auto-update if you grab the latest code07:44
mtaylorthe index will?07:44
Tsmithlifeless: bzr bisect is exactly what i need; awesome!07:45
lifelessTsmith: cool07:45
Tsmithi think some of the people in this channel need to give me thier paypal addresses (lloks @ lifeless)07:46
jmlTsmith: lifeless's paypal address is jml@mumak.net07:46
* jml whistles innocently07:47
lifelessjml: thank you for proxying my due07:47
lifeless(I don't use paypal)07:47
mtaylorTsmith: mine is monty-paypal@inaugust.com07:47
mtaylorTsmith: but I didn't write any of bzr07:47
lifelessTsmith: seriously though, there's no need - I am partly-paid, partly scratching-my-own-itch for what I do on bzr.07:47
lifelessTsmith: if we are ever in the same city, all I would say is 'buy me a beer'07:48
Tsmithha what city are you in/07:48
lifelessSydney for most of the year07:48
Tsmithsorry i dont think that's in my path ;p07:48
lifelessbut work has me travel frequently - I'm at UDS for example07:49
lifelessWe'll likely be in the US again late this year07:49
AfCRebase creates new revisions with different parents and thus the potential for later merge conflicts, right?07:59
AfCIs `bzr merge [--force] ../other-branch/path/to/file` or `bzr merge -r 526..527 ../other-branch` any different?07:59
mwhudson_i think rebase basically does bzr merge -r N..N+1 over and over again, doesn't it?08:01
AfCmwhudson_: {shrug}08:01
AfCI'm more interested about whether either preserves *any* information in super secret revision properties that might someday in the glorious future be useful to construct better histories / merges. If so, then that would be the technique to prefer, I would have thought.08:02
AfC/me is attempting to cherry pick. What an surprise.08:03
AfC[Robert has been so adamant over the years that rebase is evil that I don't even have the plugin installed]08:07
* mtaylor doesn't understand the need for rebase08:11
lifelessanecdotally, re rebase-is-bad http://blog.red-bean.com/sussman/?p=9608:20
bob2linus is mostly anti-rebase for more pragmatic reasons08:23
matkorhttp://bundlebuggy.vernstok.nl/bzr-gtk/ dead ?08:24
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vilalifeless: excellent blog entry ! I sooo agree...09:04
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=== gour|away is now known as gour
lifelessgnight all12:48
fdvHi. I'm getting the following slightly cryptic error from bzr rspush: "bzr: ERROR: Unprintable exception NotStandalone: dict={'_preformatted_string': None, 'location': 'file:///local/bzr/main/main/'}, fmt=None". Does anybody know what this means?13:06
james_whi fdv13:11
james_wthat's a bug in the exception class that is causing it to print that garbled message13:11
james_was to the real meaning is should be displaying something like "bzr: ERROR: Something about the branch not being standalone: file:///local/bzr/main/main/"13:12
fdvjames_w: ok..13:12
james_wapparently rspush only works if you have a standalone branch, not using a shared repository13:14
fdvbut what does standalone really mean here?13:14
james_wfdv: if you could file a bug against bzrtools for the first bit that would be great13:14
fdvI'll try :)13:14
james_wa branch is not standalone if it is using a shared repository, or it is bound somewhere else. Are either of those true here?13:15
fdvI've branched from an svn repo13:15
fdvbut I don't think it's bound13:15
fdvthat'd mean I'd either have had to do a checkout or a bind, right?13:16
james_ware you using a shared repository?13:16
* fdv feels kind of stupid :p13:16
fdvwhat's a shared repo? :)13:16
james_wit's what you get with the "init-repo" command13:17
james_wit's an area where branches can share their revision storage to reduce disk space usage, and to speed up branching and fetching operations13:17
fdvI've done bzr init-repo --rich-root-pack; svn branch <svn repo>; svn pull <svn repo>13:17
james_wyup, you've got a shared repo then13:18
fdvaw, right13:18
gourwhat's wrong with svn?13:18
james_wyou could also ask for the error message to be improved in the bug report.13:18
fdvjames_w: I'll do that13:18
fdvgour: what do you mean?13:19
james_wno problem13:19
gour11 RCs with "...It contains13:19
goura couple of critical bugfixes implemented since the release of13:19
gourit's better to throw white towel into DVCS ring13:19
* gour is waiting for svn-1.5 to use bzr-svn. bloody deps on that bindings :-/13:20
fdvgour: will it be easier to use bzr against svn 1.5?13:21
gourfdv: yes, no need to patch as with 1.4 (memory leaks)13:21
fdvgour: right13:21
fdvgour: I did incremental pulls, that seemed to work somehow13:22
gourfdv: i need svn only for pandoc, nothing else, neither i want to have it ;)13:22
gouri'm told that next release of bzr-svn won't depend on svn's (python) bindings13:24
nevansso... now that bzr is super duper fast, when are we gonna get good cherry-picking support and nested branches?  ;-)14:33
nevansmore to the point, is there some way to tease the current milestone priorities out of launchpad?14:33
nevansor is there some way that someone (like me) with very limited python experience and time can help push those things forward?  :)14:34
james_whi nevans14:43
james_wI think the best way to help at the moment would be to test stacked branches and help shake out any bugs so that we can release 1.6 with fewer bugs14:44
james_wonce that's shaken out then some of the other features will have more chance to get worked on14:44
nevanstesting I can do.  :)14:46
nevans(although I've occasionally had to hold back at older versions because of bzr-svn regressions, and I need to use bzr-svn for my day job)14:47
james_wah, I don't know if bzr-svn is compatible with what will be 1.6 yet.14:50
jelmerthe 0.4 branch is14:51
james_whi jelmer14:52
james_wgood to know14:52
nevansjelmer: you're awesome.  ;-)  I'm using 0.4 -r1219 at the moment.14:52
* james_w remembers to go and merge jelmer's patch14:52
=== mw|out is now known as mw
nevansjames_w: should a bzr client (<1.6) be able to access stacked branches via bzr:// (presumably the server is at 1.6)15:00
james_wnevans: no, I don't think that will work, I'm not sure though.15:01
* gour just converted (with tailor) one darcs project file and now start serious use of bzr :-)15:39
gouri need to push changes from my laptop to the desktop...with darcs i went via ssh. what to use with bzr?15:53
gour(there is no web-access to the desktop, only ssh)15:53
Verterokgour: bzr push sftp://desktop/path/to/branch15:54
Verterokor bzr push sftp://gour@desktop/path/to/branch15:55
gourVerterok: thanks, the 2nd one worked. what would be required to use bzr+ssh ?15:58
bob2just need to have bzr in your PATH on the remote side15:59
gouri've bzr on remote side in PATH15:59
gouris the syntax same as with sftp?16:00
bob2just need to use bzr+ssh:// instead of sftp16:00
gourcool. i had problem with the syntax earlier ;)16:02
gourbzr+ssh is probably recommended for such usage..16:03
toyto1gour: with bzr+ssh, the server must have an installed bzr?16:31
gourtoyto1: it has. it's my desktop machine16:31
toyto1gour: ah :) thanks gour. We use sftp but it's okay for now, but does bzr+ssh would be faster than just sftp? or with bzr in the server would be the choice if speed is a concerned?16:34
gourtoyto1: it must be faster16:38
gourtoyto1: yes, bzr+ssh needs bzr on the server-side16:39
toyto1gour: thanks for sharing gour :)16:40
gourtoyto1: you're welcome16:41
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LEW21Hi! Is it possible to use $Id$, $Rev$ etc. in Bazaar?17:19
james_wLEW21: no, not yet, sorry.17:19
james_whopefully in the next couple of releases.17:19
LEW21Ok, thanks17:20
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dpmis there a way to make 'bzr commit' ignore files which differ only on their timestamp (i.e. they are binary identical)?20:07
fullermdWe call that 'bzr commit'   8-}20:09
datodpm: commit does that by default20:10
dpmhmm, I might have misread the diff on my last commit, then. I could have sworn that the two files were identical.20:11
dpmthanks for the info20:11
fullermdThat's one behavior I *SO* don't miss from CVS...20:12
fredreichbierhm, how do i exclude a file from a commit although it changed?20:16
datodpm: maybe the executable bit was changed?20:29
datowell, 5 min was enough for mr. fredreichbier20:29
datofullermd: what?!20:30
fullermddato: Well, it doesn't actually make a new revision, but the file shows up for commit forever when the timestamp is changed.20:31
abentleyfredreichbier: specify all the files you *do* want to commit.20:46
datoabentley: he left (hence my comment)20:47
abentleydato: How dare he! :-)20:48
ddaajelmer: ahoy20:58
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jelmerddaa: hi!23:46
gmpffI need to decide on a distributed VCS.23:47
gmpffWhat's the biggest advantage of bzr above the rest (i.e. hg, darcs, git, monotone) ?23:47
lifelessjelmer: just missed him :)23:53
lifelessgmpff: its nice to use ?23:53
gmpfflifeless: That sounds reasonable.23:53
metajackhas anyone gotten bzr-svn to work on osx leopard with recent subversion trunk without segfaulting?  I followed instructions in the wiki, but it just crashes trying to fetch from an https url, and for svn+ssh it hangs.23:56
lifelessmetajack: I don't know either way. jelmer: might23:56
jelmermetajack, does it hang for svn+ssh or is it just slow?23:57
metajacki thought it was just slow, but i let it run for quite a while. it was not chewing up memory or anything.23:57
lifelessgmpff: seriously, we're reasonably fast (and improving). For most things you want to do there is a way to do it in all of (dvcs*). There are some unique things in each dvcs,23:57
gmpfflifeless: I]23:58
jelmermetajack: If you run with -Dtransport it will write debug output into ~/.bzr.log23:58
metajackjelmer: ok, i'll do that quick.23:58
gmpfflifeless: I'm not too concerned about speed. More about easy branching and merging, seamless disconnected operation and serverless sharing.23:59
lifelesswe have had a focus on doing the right thing, being truely lovable, from day 1. And we have an inode abstraction which gives us true renames (as far as I know that is unique to darcs and bzr)23:59
lifelesswe have _very_ robust serverless sharing23:59
lifelessand branching is easy, as is merging23:59

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