
apacheloggerKdeSudo is a frontend for sudo. Unlike kdesu, it uses sudo rather than su as backend. See [WWW] its page at Launchpad.00:25
apacheloggerwonderful sentence00:25
* skreech waves05:11
ScottKnixternal: I added a use case to my server flavor spec that might be up your alley.05:22
nixternalScottK: rock on...I will look over it this weekend more than likely05:32
nixternaltomorrow is our 1.1 release day so I will be super AFK all day and night05:32
nixternal!nixternal > nixternal06:41
* nixternal beds now06:41
Jucatoaw... missed nixternal..06:47
Tonio_hi there08:55
apacheloggerRiddell: kopete-plugin-thinklight can be moved to -updates ... bug 22153109:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 221531 in kopete-plugin-thinklight "Thinklight doesn't blink because /proc/acpi/ibm/thinklight has wrong permissions" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22153109:03
apacheloggerg'morning Tonio_ and Arby09:03
Tonio_hey apachelogger09:04
Riddellapachelogger: I don't move things to -updates, that's pitti10:25
etretyakhi everyone10:39
Riddellmorning etretyak10:40
etretyakRiddell: so, i've started with system config printer.. :)11:08
etretyakRiddell: should i merge with latest svn version of gnome system config printer?11:08
etretyakRiddell: i mean cupshelpers.py and other11:08
etretyakRiddell: and should I create my own branch in LP for the system-config-printer?11:12
etretyakRiddell: also I see some branch from nosrednaekim: SystemConfigPrinter-ekim11:19
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=== AutumnCat is now known as nihui
Riddelletretyak: yes merge gnome system config printer as far as sensible11:23
Riddelletretyak: nosrednaekim's branches should be merged in but you can check that too11:23
Riddelletretyak: I'd trust you plenty enough to use the main branch, use your own if you're doing anything that might not be good to merge in11:24
Riddelletretyak: you might find it a good place to start to reorder all the methods into the same order as gnome system config printer11:25
Riddelletretyak: obviously the first thing to do is remove the lines which hide the printer specific widgets11:27
etretyakRiddell: yes, I saw this11:28
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=== Arby__ is now known as Arby
eagles0513875Hobbsee: hey13:34
Trevelyan`If anyone is interested this explains what is wrong with ubuntu 8.04 initrd that causes persistent to fail: http://paste.debian.net/6374/. you may want to post it somewhere or file it against a bug13:34
* Hobbsee waves13:35
Trevelyan`calling mount -o mode=755 will fail far all but a small number of fs types. its ok for tmpfs but not for ext2. this is why livecd/usbpen persistence does not work.13:36
jussi01Trevelyan`: thanks - we appreciate your input :)13:36
eagles0513875is there going to be an update to the persistence wiki13:37
* eagles0513875 wonders why everyone gets quiet when i come in 13:39
* Jucato waves to Hobbsee-dobbsee13:40
* jussi01 bear hugs Hobbsee13:41
eagles0513875 /me yells group hug Hobbsee13:42
eagles0513875\me yells group hug Hobbsee13:42
eagles0513875 /me test12313:42
Hobbseepersistance wiki?  depends if anyone does it13:43
* Hobbsee is very squished, from all the hugging13:43
Jucatoeagles0513875: try to use Ctrl+Enter to "escape" /foo (*if* you're using Konvi)13:43
eagles0513875Hobbsee: i would do it but there is no point in reworkign it if the bug above is still around13:44
* eagles0513875 hummm13:44
eagles0513875Jucato: thanks13:44
eagles0513875the wiki thats up there could be simplified like no other to be honest13:45
Riddellwhat's persistent wiki?13:45
eagles0513875Riddell: the wiki where it tells you how to  get kubuntu onto a pen drive13:46
Riddellwell, it's a wiki, edit13:46
eagles0513875cannot seem to find the page that i had used13:46
eagles0513875i tried it out using the wiki but im guessing this bug : http://paste.debian.net/6374/ is related to why i couldnt boot off of it13:47
etretyakRiddell: hm.. why ppds.py is not in bzr?14:00
etretyakRiddell: system-config-printer-kde.py depends on it14:00
nixternalit is muggy out this morning14:52
etretyakHi nixternal, jjesse14:56
etretyakfine, thanks.. at last i've started with system-config-printer-kde ;)14:57
Jucatonixternal: you got mugged? O.o15:00
nixternalnot yet :P15:00
Jucatopray not :P15:01
Jucatonixternal: do you have work on saturdays?15:01
nixternalheck no15:01
Jucatohehe ok. I'll just bug you then :P15:01
ScottKHas anyone seen mhb lately?15:38
Hobbsee[00:39] [Notice] -NickServ- Last seen  : Jun 10 00:19:22 2008 (3 days, 14:20:20 ago)15:39
jjesselaunchpad running slow for others?15:41
jtechidnaYes, launchpad has been running slow...15:42
=== wolfger_ is now known as wolfger
apacheloggerRiddell: should new kde4 packages replace the kde3 ones, or still use the -kde4 suffix?17:40
Riddellapachelogger: replace the kde 3 ones17:56
apacheloggerok :)17:56
txwikingerThe KDE crash from dapper is back18:10
txwikingerWhen you click on the mouse and move it over a window18:10
txwikingerOr is that an X bug?18:11
apacheloggervorian: revued kio-ftps and k9copy, bothh need some love :)18:14
apacheloggersmarter: foxkit revued18:23
apacheloggervore: keurocalc revued18:27
smarterapachelogger: danke sehr :)18:46
apacheloggersmarter: de rien18:47
smarterI haven't done any real work for Ubuntu during last months, now that I'm on holiday I don't have any excuse for doing nothing :]18:49
smarterkdebase-workspace is fixed now?18:49
yuriyi'm off. will hopefully be back for the end of tutorials day19:08
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apacheloggersmarter: btw, foxkit FTBS on intrepid19:47
apacheloggersmarter: make[3]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/lib/libSM.so', needed by `src/foxkit'.  Stop.19:47
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=== Schaf is now known as emu
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dBerawhat needs to be done to get some developer attention to https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/20715723:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 207157 in dbus "dbus does not start automatically in Hardy" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:27
dBerathis is something that breaks all dbus-aware apps in KDE23:27
Riddellnever come across that, all KDE apps use dbus so everything would be broken23:29
dBerawell... KDE3 apps dont use dbus that much - otherwise there would have been a flood of bugs23:30
Riddellit uses hal so dbus needs to be running23:33
RiddellI don't have kde 3 or beagle so can't test just now23:34
Riddellseems like beagle just needs to learn to start dbus though23:34
dBerayou dont need beagle ...23:34
dBerascroll down and you will see people reporting problems for other apps using the session bus23:34
dBerait isnt fatal to beagle, so I am not that worried personally but I dont see why the session bus should not be started at login23:35
Riddelldunno, I'm not in a situation to look at it currently, I'll add it to me TODO23:37
dBerathat will be a good thing :-)23:37
dBeraI will watch the bug for expert comments.23:38

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