
Bodsdahey guys, im trying to upload some files to a branch on lp, but i get this error,. -- bod@bodubuntustu:~/tmpStuff/termtutor$ bzr push lp:termtutor02:11
Bodsda<Bodsda> bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Etermtutor-team/termtutor/termTutor/.bzr/branch/lock): Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()02:11
mwhudsonbzr launchpad-login <your lp username>02:12
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pkernIs the new bugs page design for edge will to be deployed?07:23
wgrantpkern: s/will/still/?07:23
wgrantEdge won't update to RF for a little while yet.07:24
wgrantMaybe in 35 minutes, but I may have my timezones confused.07:24
pkernwgrant: Sorry for the typo.  Thanks.07:24
jameshwgrant: edge isn't being automatically updated at the moment due to a few speed regressions07:33
wgrantjamesh: So, we've had this new feature announced 12 hours ago, and it won't be around for ages?07:34
jameshwgrant: we're looking to fix the speed regressions and get things up and running again07:38
jameshwgrant: staging will probably have it next update07:38
jameshstaging looks to be one rev too old07:38
wgrantjamesh: Ah. Might have been advisable to have given some estimation of when it was going to happen, then.07:39
jameshwgrant: the decision to roll back edge was probably made after the announcement, unfortunately :(07:39
wgrantWhen does staging update?07:40
jameshwgrant: docs say "once a night".  I don't know when that is exactly08:04
wgrantjamesh: OK, thanks anyway.08:09
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whsintellectronica# "In the new design, you'll see that the 'Actions' menu has gone." but https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/clubuntu/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New&field.status=Incomplete&field.status=Confirmed&field.status=Triaged&field.status=In+Progress&field.status=Fix+Committed or https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/clubuntu/+bug/224837 still have a Actions menu10:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 224837 in clubuntu "อัปโหลดฟอนต์ของ f0nt ขึ้น f0nt branch" [Medium,In progress] 10:27
intellectronicawhs: i know. sorry for the confusion. the new design is not yet in effect. i hope it will be soon10:28
mptGooooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!12:00
Hobbseeevening mpt!12:00
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jodokam i right that launchpad.net is down?14:58
intellectronicajodok: yeah, seems like there's some kind of problem. we're checking it now. sorry for the inconvenience14:59
jodokintellectronica: thumbs up15:01
=== mpt changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is down, Top Men are investigating | More downtime on June 17, 18, and 19: http://tinyurl.com/5bgye5 | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 19 June 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
intellectronicajodok: looks like we're up again15:06
jodokperfekt intellectronica, thanks15:07
FestorI have a question about PPA. Can I use the same orig.tar for several packages of the same program in different versions of Ubuntu?15:27
cprov-outFestor: yes, that's why we have them, in first place.15:27
cprov-outFestor: so you don't have to re-upload a fat tarball every time15:28
FestorPPA rejects myt packages15:28
FestorI should use dput -f ?15:28
cprov-outFestor: you have to use the same tarball already published in ubuntu.15:28
FestoraMule 2.2.1 is not published15:29
Festorin ubuntu at least15:29
=== mpt changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Downtime on June 17, 18, and 19: http://tinyurl.com/5bgye5 | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 19 June 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Questions and spam reports: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
cprov-outFestor: let me check why your upload in failing, one sec15:38
cprov-outFestor: are submitting 106406c373ffde93e6787e6c93081bce 5992137 x11 optional amule_2.2.1.orig.tar.gz ?15:38
cprov-outFestor: you PPA (~ppa1 version) has  194d698ae4d83cfb9bdf5928717a3e7c 5966518 x11 optional amule_2.2.1.orig.tar.gz15:40
cprov-outFestor: that's why it is failing.15:40
jjessethis may have been asked already, but is launchpad responding slow for others?15:41
jboisturehow do you set your launchpad identity in bzr in ubuntu hardy?15:49
beunojboisture, bzr launchpad-login15:49
beunoactually, bzr launchpad-login your_username  :)15:50
jboisturethat worked great thanks15:51
whsin https://edge.launchpad.net/clubuntu I saw a blank iframe at the bottom (build 6480)15:56
whsseems that in every pages15:59
intellectronicawhs: we're aware of that, and are working on a fix16:00
whs6461 doesn't have this problem.16:02
bdmurrayintellectronica: Do you know if there is an issue regarding openoffice.org bug watches?16:35
intellectronicabdmurray: i don't of anything, but if you suspect a problem, let's check16:36
intellectronicagmb: do you know anything about them ooo bugwatches? ^^^16:37
bdmurraybug 15451 shows a problem connecting16:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 15451 in kdelibs "Kubuntu SMB issue with OpenOffice" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1545116:37
gmbintellectronica, bdmurray: Looking...16:38
bdmurraythe first 4 or 5 at https://bugs.launchpad.net/openoffice/+bugs do too16:38
gmbbdmurray, intellectronica: Ah, looks like the URL we have for the OOo issue tracker is wrong. Well, it's right, but it's redirected to another URL. It seems that we're not handling the redirect properly.16:40
intellectronicabdmurray: i can see some connection errors to the ooo bugtracker from two days ago16:40
bdmurraygmb: Okay, thanks.  Should I submit a bug?16:40
gmbbdmurray: No, I'll take care of it. Thanks for the heads-up.16:40
bdmurraygmb: great, thank you!16:42
\shguys, the http -> https forwarder is not working somehow...is it known?16:43
mpt\sh, works for me16:44
mpt\sh, what is an example of an URL that doesn't redirect?16:44
\shmpt: forget about it...now it's working again...hopefully only a glitch at telemaxx 16:44
gmbbdmurray: I've fixed the URL. It should hopefully start updating properly soon.16:45
bdmurraygmb: wow, that was fast!16:46
gmbbdmurray: Well, it was an easy fix in this case ;). The underlying problem still exists. We shouldn't barf when we get redirected. Or at least we should barf in a more helpful manner.16:46
gmbAh, that doesn't help. It's a meta refresh redirect rather than a straight HTTP one. So we're not doing anything wrong; we just can't get anything useful from the URL we were trying to get something useful from.16:50
intellectronicathat's evil16:51
gmbintellectronica: Well, I guess it's predicated on the fact that they expect humans to be looking at the tracker rather than machines, which is a bit naive, but there you go.16:52
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gmbbdmurray: Looks like the OO.o bug watchs are updating correctly now. Any that are still showing errors should get cleaned up within the next 24 hours.17:40
bdmurraygmb: great, thanks again17:41
gmbNo worries.17:44
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calchow hard would it be to add an icon in bug lists showing if a bug has been marked as upstream?18:21
calcsimilar to how milestoned and mentoring bugs are now18:22
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