
sectechIf someone reports a bug in another language should it be invalidated with a note stating to repost in english?00:27
bdmurrayI'd prefer it wasn't but rather that it was incompleted and asked for in English00:28
bdmurrayDo you know what language it is?00:28
sectechbdmurray,  French... I'll make the request and set it to incomplete00:28
bdmurrayWe've a few french speakers I know of00:29
greg-gonline translate tool to get the gist of it?00:29
Pici#ubuntu-fr for example...00:29
hggdhsectech, what is the bug #?00:30
sectechgreg-g,  I was thinking for consistency sake though...00:30
sectechBug #23958900:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239589 in serpentine "Cannot burn DVD-R ; Message:"DVD+R" only supported" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23958900:30
sectechI'll leave it for a french triager then :P00:31
sectechnever ran into that before, just thought I would ask00:32
bdmurrayI don't want to discourage bug reporters but at the same time English happens to be the most commonly used by Ubuntu developers00:33
greg-gyeah, I remember one I had that was pretty straight forward (not a bug actually, an install problem that was fixed with a apt-get --reconfigure -a) that I "triaged" using google translate.00:33
hggdhsectech, the reporter states he cannot write DVD-R, CD Creator says only DVD+R are supported, although it works under Windows XP00:33
sectechthat's an interesting one...00:34
hggdhthe installed udftools, via Synaptic, but no change even after reboot00:34
sectechhggdh, At the same time it's a crash report from apport00:35
sectechlabelled as a crash at that...00:35
hggdhthen (and this is cool) he says he will love to learn programming languages, but he refused to learn 35+ different languages, etc00:35
hggdhsectech, indeed. He is complaining about CD Creator (I do not know which program is it), but the crash is from serpentine00:36
sectechyou know..... I don't think I am going to touch that one lol.00:36
sectechI usually will take on anything, as generic as they might be... but that one, I think I will leave alone00:36
bdmurraythe exclamation point count is a bit high too00:37
hggdhsectech, add a comment stating the official language is English, and that this report will either have to wait for a French speaker to touch it, or please rephrase in English00:37
sectechhggdh,  Okay... that I can do00:37
hggdhbdmurray, this is partially cultural. Exclamation points are used for emphasis. But, even then it is a bit excessive00:38
bdmurrayOkay, I was mostly joking though. ;)00:39
hggdhhuh, and question marks...00:43
hggdhlotsa them00:43
hggdhno problems... I am not European, but my wife is... and she loves them !!!00:43
hggdhand ???00:43
hggdhsectech, do you wan tme to update the bug?00:44
sectechhggdh,  I am trying to word it right... give me a sec00:44
hggdhsectech, no hurry. I am in a hotel, and ready to get out for dinner...00:45
hggdh(and hearing the Who meanwhile :-)00:45
sectechokay I updated...00:45
sectechdoes that sound polite?00:46
hggdhyes, it does. thank you00:47
hggdhbdmurray, shouldn't apport coredumps get processed?00:47
sectechWhen your dealing with the world and different languages it's totally different then in Canada where we just have to deal with Quebec people (and they have to deal with us)00:47
sectechI didn't want to offend anyone :P00:47
sectechWe offend Quebec all the time though, there used to it :P00:48
hggdhand quebecois have no option but to return the love ;-)00:48
sectechhahhaha and we're used to it right back00:49
bdmurrayhggdh: yes, there seems to be something wrong there00:49
bdmurrayit is also not private which is odd00:49
hggdhyes, and no apport activity is logged00:49
hggdhI will put is as private to start because of the core00:49
bdmurrayI've seen some reporters remove the needs-i386-retrace tag before00:50
bdmurraywhich doesn't help matters00:50
hggdhindeed, but there is nothing logged suggesting it was one of us00:50
bdmurraytag changes do not get logged00:50
hggdhthey should...00:51
sectechI didn't change any tags.00:51
bdmurraythe mailing list has tag addition / removal information00:51
hggdhI will look there00:51
hggdhbdmurray, which archive now carries the lists?00:53
bdmurrayhggdh: are you looking for a web interface or an mbox?00:54
hggdhweb interface00:54
hggdhwho updates the lists.ubuntu.com pages? We should update the location of the archives...00:56
bdmurrayI did I thought00:56
hggdhubuntu-bugs is still pointing to the old ubuntu archive00:57
bdmurrayabove it I put info about where the mboxes are though00:57
bdmurrayI didn't see a way in the mailman interface to modify the second part00:58
hggdhah, OK00:58
bdmurrayI'm happy to do it though00:58
hggdhI have no hope of downloading 80 MB with the crappy hotel connection I have, sorry.00:59
sectechhggdh, does it at least have a hot tub?01:00
hggdhno, not even a hot tub. Chicago was packed full, and I could only find space in a Hampton Inn. Not really fun.01:00
bdmurraywow, 80MB already01:01
hggdhthe price of success01:01
bdmurrayoh, its the 13th too01:01
bdmurrayI think I lost some days01:01
hggdhoh, so it is *only* 80M...01:02
bdmurrayI'll try and look into it but I don't think it'll reveal much01:02
hggdhI agree. I looked at gmane, but it is too early to get any mails for this bug01:03
hggdhthe tag would be need-amd64-retrace, correct? I will add it in01:04
bdmurrayIf the tags were removed w/in five minutes of the reporting time nothing will show up in the mailing list01:05
hggdhstill, why would anyone do it?01:05
hggdhand reset the private flag (this would be logged, right?)01:05
bdmurraywhen I've seen it people were adding tags to their report and removed the existing ones01:05
bdmurrayagain unless the reporter did it themselves it'd be logged01:06
hggdhif this is a once-only, then we will have to accept the reporter did it01:06
* ffm repokes bdmurray re bugcontrol01:07
bdmurrayhrm, actually the fact that you made it private hggdh doesn't show up in the log - that would be good to report as a launchpad bug01:08
hggdhthis is starting to frighten me ;-)01:08
hggdhbdmurray, you open it, or I do?01:09
bdmurrayhggdh: whatever is most convenient for you01:09
bdmurrayI'd like to subscribe to it though01:10
hggdhbdmurray, I give up. How I do report a bug against LP?01:14
hggdhok, https://bugs.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/239605 opened01:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239605 in malone "Apport-filed bug -- lacking activity log update, and others" [Undecided,New]01:20
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bdmurrayhggdh|food: it was initally reported as a public bug and with only the apport-crash tag01:36
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hggdhbdmurray, how can that happen on an apport bug?01:52
bdmurraywell, if something is wonky w/ apport or they changed their bug report when they were reporting it02:12
bdmurraythe release is really interesting too02:13
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=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ | Want to report a bug? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs
ruiboonasac: hi alexander. re bug 238876,i am not sure about your comment that it is non-english08:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 238876 in firefox-3.0 "Inmediatly after upgrade to firefox 3.0-RC1 from official repo, bookmarks are lost, and toolbar (back, forward, reload, stop) doesn't work" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23887608:24
asacruiboon: might be a glitch. feel free to reopen08:25
asacmaybe i just saw "Inmediatly" and thought it wasnt english08:25
ruibooni see, going to open it...08:25
asacbut most likely i read a non-english bug and accidentially slipped down to next bug mail when replying08:25
jegHegyi'm looking for Sebastien Bacher. does he come here?08:26
ruibooni guess that is the case, as the subject line seems to imply that08:26
jegHegyah, seb128 :)08:27
seb128hi jegHegy08:27
jegHegywelcome back08:32
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mattikIs it confirmed bug, that if I download by firefox something to desktop in kubuntu-kde4 I cannot see it09:21
mattikon desktop09:22
mattikI don't know where is this desktop what I see09:23
Nightrosemattik: yes09:23
Nightrosemattik: which version of kde 4?09:24
mattikhardy newest09:24
Nightroseand no it is not really a bug - it is kind of intentional09:24
Nightroseemmm hardy newest can mean a lot depending on which repostories you are using ;-)09:24
Nightrosei assum 4.1 beta 1 then09:24
mattikWhere can I get 4.109:25
Nightrosethen right click on the desktop09:25
Nightrosego to settings09:25
Nightroseand check the box that says "show icons on desktop" or something09:25
Nightrosefor 4.1 see kubuntu.org09:26
mattikit is marked09:26
mattikshow icons09:26
Nightrosein 4.1 you should add the folder view applet to the desktop09:26
Nightrosehmmm then you have to verify that it is really downloading to the desktop09:27
Nightroseopen dolphin and go to the desktop folder09:27
Nightroseit is in your home directory09:27
mattikNihghtrose: it is in Työpöytä. Finnish09:27
Nightrosehmm i see - let me check something09:29
mattikI had these problems before this when I use fglrx09:32
mattikSometimes it didb't want to change desktop image and in beta desktop is full white09:34
Nightrosehmmm ok so firefox does download your files right? where to? ~/Desktop or ~/Työpöytä?09:35
mattikNightrose: Do I report a bug?09:42
Nightrosemattik: ok can you please check ~/.config/.user-dirs.dirs09:43
Nightroseand see what the desktop entry says?09:43
Nightrosesorry i was busy with something else for a second09:43
mattikI have used gdm some time when kdm didn't work with fglrx09:45
Nightroseshould not make a difference09:46
Nightroselet me look for a bugreport - looks like plasma is not respecting that entry09:46
mattikI haven't enabled desktop effects just now09:49
Nightrosecan't find a bugreport09:50
Nightrosedesktop effects should make no difference09:50
Nightroseyou can file a bugreport and see if someone can verify it09:52
Nightroseplease mention all the stuff i asked you09:52
mattikOk. Thank you :)09:53
Nightroseno problem :)09:54
Nightrose-> breakfast09:54
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bimberihi qense13:55
pedro_hey qense13:55
qensehow's the LP interface today? ;)13:56
pedro_qense: it seems that the changes were reverted :-P13:57
qenseOK, that's good :)13:57
qenseI found the links cluttering the page a bit when they were in the body13:58
IulianHello guys14:01
pedro_hi Iulian14:02
pedro_morning cgregan14:02
cgreganmorning pedro_!14:02
sectechI have a status question... A bug that I am triaging has been fixed in a future version (as per an upstream bug report), does the status go to fix released or still confirmed?14:27
gnomefreaksectech: that would depend on  what was done. does it meet SRU?14:29
james_wsectech: if it's just upstream then probably triaged, or confirmed if you don't have access.14:29
sectechIt was a pidgin bug that is suppose to be fixed in 2.5.014:30
james_wsectech: fix committed/released for Ubuntu tasks just refer to packages being available.14:30
pedro_sectech: if the bug is fixed upstream, but still not on an ubuntu package, that's fix-committed14:30
sectechpidgin is an ubuntu package though...14:30
gnomefreakthat wont most likely be put into stable release unless its confirmed that all changes were security releated changes14:31
seb128pedro_: seems that only the desktop team is doing that so maybe don't encourage other people to do that ;-)14:31
sectechno it's not...14:31
gnomefreaksectech: yes it is14:31
sectechsorry...confused today14:31
pedro_seb128: because we're cool? :-P14:31
gnomefreakseepidgin has been in repos since the name change from gaim14:31
sectechgnomefreak,  your right, my ba14:31
sectechI'll leave it as confirmed then...14:32
seb128pedro_: no, because fix commited should not be used for that but only when the fix is commited to a packaging bzr or similar, but it makes work easier so we abuse it for desktop tasks ;-)14:32
seb128pedro_: that's not to recommend though or launchpad people will be angry ;-)14:33
pedro_seb128: i thought that's the idea ;-)14:34
mdzwow, two hug days in three days14:59
jjessedon't cry14:59
mdzdon't your arms get tired?14:59
ograthats what we have bddebian for, he wakes up people once a day with a loud Boo :)15:00
tiberiohi, What about the 91151 bug, "gksu doesn't always pop up a dialog".15:09
mvotiberio: that should be fixed in hardy-updates with the latest libgksu2-015:22
mvotiberio: do you still see it ?15:23
tiberiomvo: yes. Using -d param to gksu. I got the error message "No password prompt found"15:30
mvotiberio: could you please give me the output of "COLUMNS=120 dpkg -l libgksu2-0" and "gksu -d id" ?15:31
tiberiosure, wait a moment please.15:31
tiberiomvo, "installed" -> ii  libgksu2-0               2.0.5-1ubuntu5.115:32
mvothe gksu -d output is probably long, put it to paste.ubuntu.com or sent it by mail to me please15:33
tiberiomvo: I paste the command output on paste.ubuntu.com15:37
wolfgerbug 173310 seems more like "needs-development" than "needs packaging", but I am reluctant to remove somebody else's tag.15:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 173310 in ubuntu "There should be a program in Ubuntu to create a boot disk" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17331015:37
mvotiberio: please give me the url (with the paste number)15:38
jcastroqense: I love you brainstorm idea.15:38
qensethanks jcastro :)15:38
tiberiomvo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19893/15:38
qenseI think that currently teams are too scattered around the wiki15:38
qensethat should be changed15:38
qenseand that idea is one way of doing it15:39
jcastroqense: I like the idea of using the lp teams for that15:39
qensewhere else should you get the team information from?15:39
mvotiberio: thanks, this output looks ok, I assume it did not hang this time?15:39
mvotiberio: "id" printed the right values15:39
qenseI mean, if someone had to manually convert all wiki and LP information to a new database...15:39
jcastroqense: I think just getting it from lp is fine15:39
mvotiberio: does it only hang sometimes?15:39
qense(it was rhetorical! :P)15:39
jcastrooh oh15:40
Hobbseemvo: responded to your bug with another bug, btw.15:41
tiberioIt hangs all time15:41
Hobbseemvo: re g-a-i15:41
mvoHobbsee: what bugnumber?15:41
Hobbseemvo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/19723715:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 197237 in gnome-app-install "gnome-app-install crashed with ImportError in <module>() - another program had the apt lock" [High,Invalid]15:41
* mvo reads15:42
mvowhen you got that empty window thing, did you install apps or codecs?15:42
Hobbseemvo: it tried to, but apt was locked.15:43
jcastroqense: dholbach thinks you should run this idea by persia, he might be interested15:43
qenseOK, nice to hear :) where is persia usually?15:43
mvoHobbsee: aha, no other message, just the retry thing? its kind of intentional, but it should tell that it was not able to lock the cache15:44
Hobbseemvo: ie, it gives the "apt is locked, please close down any other isntallers" dialog, then gives the empty window (which looks exactly like when you install things with g-a-i normally, except there was nothing in the middle space)15:44
qenseah! long live /whois15:44
Hobbseemvo: oh it did.  it's more the problem of being asked to retry something blank.15:44
qensehe's even here!15:44
Hobbseemvo: ie, why even show the blank part, why not just show a retry dialogue?15:44
tiberiomvo: Well, What can I do to execute some administrative commands?15:46
mvotiberio: gksu synaptic should work, no?15:46
mvotiberio: the debug output indicates that it worked (at least this time) - if it does not always work, I would appreciate if you could run "sudo -k" (to force it to redo the password prompt) and run "gksu -d synaptic" (or "id") again and see if that then hangs15:47
mvoHobbsee: yeah, that is a UI bug15:47
tiberiomvo: Dont works, a Minimized windows showing "Starting adminis.." messsage is the efect.15:48
mvotiberio: what does the gksu -d output show this time?15:48
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tiberiomvo:brute force GNOME_SUDO_PASS, no password prompt found; we'll assume we don't need a password.15:50
mvotiberio: nothing before or after? this happend after you ran "sudo -k" ?15:51
tiberiomvo: It hangs15:52
mvotiberio: could you please ctrl-c it and run the same command again? does it hang then too (i.e. does it hang aways or only sometimes)? could you please also run it with "gksu -d" again and paste the exact output that gksu prints into paste.ubuntu.com please?15:54
tiberiomvo: I try run gedit as "gksu -d gedit" and this hang again.The output is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/19898/16:04
mvotiberio: I see, let me prepare a test version in my PPA - just to confirm, you do not see this hangs all the time, but you see them a lot, correct?16:06
mvoHobbsee: could you please test the following patch for me? http://paste.ubuntu.com/19901/16:08
sectechBug #231975 I am not sure about, it looks like it could be a pulseaudio problem (in terms of it locking the sound card)... Anyone have any opinions?16:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 231975 in ubuntu "no sounds on vlc or movie player when watching videos on youtube." [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23197516:08
tiberiomvo: Well, gksu <administrative command> hangs all the time.16:08
Hobbseemvo: can you email that to me?  i'll need to test with a vm or so, and i'm about to head to bed.16:09
* Hobbsee has installed the codecs on that system now16:09
mvotiberio: the output you showed me earlier in the pastebin for "gksu id" did work, this is why I'm confused16:09
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tiberiomvo: uhmmm yes, you have reason, but in this moment the command hangs16:16
mvotiberio: ok, thanks. I'm trying to gather some data to understand better what is going on16:17
mvotiberio: could you please run (in a terminal): time hostname ?16:17
mvo"time hostname"16:17
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tiberiomvo: here http://paste.ubuntu.com/19903/ is the output16:25
tiberiomvo: When I replied "yes" to some question to don't enter my password again, this trouble happened16:27
tiberiomvo: I remember that this question appears when I try update video codecs.16:29
mvoHobbsee: no worries, I think I have found it now16:33
Hobbseemvo: \o/16:34
* Hobbsee hugs mvo16:34
=== qense is now known as qense|dinner
CarlFKi run pidgin, it crashes, dmesg shows pidgin[19990]: segfault, but I don't get the Apport crash report icon16:56
bdmurrayCarlFK: apport is disabled for releases after they are final - like Hardy16:59
CarlFKah.  thanks16:59
james_wCarlFK: you can enable it in /etc/default/apport if you like.17:00
CarlFKjames_w: thansk - will do17:02
NotscapeHi, does anybody here overcome the problem afecting dapper/6.06 regarding bug PR28045 (gcc optimization bug) ? dapper server should be supported up to 2011 and gcc is a vital part !17:03
CarlFK"Segmentation fault (core dumped)"  where is the dump?17:06
NotscapeHi, does anybody here overcome the problem afecting dapper/6.06 regarding bug PR28045 (gcc optimization bug) ? dapper server should be supported up to 2011 and gcc is a vital part !17:08
CarlFKNonfreeKernelModules: nvidia - think I should disable this and try again?17:09
CarlFKhere is my report bug #23979717:09
ubottuCarlFK: Bug 239797 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/239797 is private17:09
bdmurraycalc: I notice you've been adding 'upstream' to openoffice.org bug titles.  I think using a tag too would be helpful so they could be filtered on.  Does that work for you?17:34
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blanit is possible that the glibc function getpwnam() has a memory leak?17:41
blanmtrace and valgrid found memory leaks after using getpwnam17:42
CarlFKhow can I tell if I am using nv or nvidia?17:43
bdmurrayCarlFK: you should be able to find out via /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:46
CarlFKbdmurray: thanks:  Device "nv"17:54
CarlFKhmm, that isn't 'it'...17:54
CarlFKhere we go: (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//nv_drv.so17:58
CarlFKI am using apport to report the same bug, just without the binary driver - launchpad page says "Is the bug you’re reporting one of these?   (o) #239797 - "Subscribe to this bug report"18:00
CarlFKif I pick that, will it still attach all the log files?18:01
bdmurrayNo, it will not.18:02
greg-gno, it won't,  you will just be subscribed to the other one18:02
CarlFKthansk.  i'll create a 12nd and makeit a dupe18:05
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calcbdmurray: yea18:15
calcbdmurray: it appears some of the openoffice graphs are screwed up and have 0 byte sizes18:16
calceg http://people.ubuntu.com/~brian/complete-graphs/openoffice.org/plots/openoffice.org-month-total.png18:16
bdmurraythanks, I'll look into it18:17
calcbdmurray: part of the reason i have been using the title tagging is to see what is already upstream in the bug list18:17
calci would prefer if that kind of stuff showed up as an icon or something, like mentoring does now18:18
calcmentoring available causes a red/white cross to show up in the long list18:19
bdmurrayhmm, that would be a neat launchpad feature18:19
calclp already knows if a bug is marked as upstream18:20
calcso it could just display an icon similarly to how it does the mentoring one now18:21
greg-gbug report it! ;)18:21
bdmurrayright, like mentoring or milestoned bugs18:21
CarlFKhow come I am not getting the crash report blip?  (which I got 2 or 3 times now, but wanted to reboot so that things were 'clean') - here is Starting apport, Segmentation fault (core dumped)  'log' http://dpaste.com/56484/18:23
rfwesthi, was just wondering what I could do to get a bug triaged. I confirmed and added a patch for it back on May 13th.18:40
bdmurrayrfwest: what bug is that?18:40
rfwestbdmurray: 21439918:41
bdmurraybug 21439918:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 214399 in vpnc "vpnc ignores xauth password in conf file " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21439918:41
rfwestIt is keeping me from suggesting an upgrade to 8.04 to my co-workers18:42
bdmurraycalc: is there a reason some upstream bugs are Confirmed as opposed to Triaged?18:55
mohbana_is there an bug in firefox regarding rendering of .gifs or images in general, i noticed that once i upgraded things got blurry?18:55
calcbdmurray: yea there are several hundred and i am currently marking them as triaged19:03
calcbdmurray: before today none were marked as triaged19:03
calcbdmurray: jcastro brought it to my attention that they should be marked as triaged instead of confirmed according to current way of doing things19:04
bdmurraycalc: I could whip a script together to do that I imagine19:04
bdmurraywhip up19:04
bdmurrayrather than doing it manually19:04
calcwell i am going through and making sure they are all really done19:04
bdmurrayokay, cool19:05
calci found some that i had to change back to other status to reinvestigate19:05
CarlFKapport has a checkbox like 'ignore this from now on' - I am guessing I accidentally checked it - where can I see what is being ignored?19:10
CarlFK*grumble*  /etc/apport/blacklist.d/apport just /usr/bin/wine-preloader19:14
mohbana_is there an bug in firefox regarding rendering of .gifs or images in general, i noticed that once i upgraded things got blurry?19:20
james_wmohbana_: check you are zoomed at 100% on the page19:21
mohbana_ok thanks, but how would i increase the font size then without going into options?19:22
CarlFKmohbana_: "zoom text only' I am guessing19:23
CarlFKmohbana_: im not happy with the whole zoomy thing19:24
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CarlFKmohbana_: woa.  i just fiugred out how that works - "zoom text only" is a setting, it doesn't zoom.  you set it, then use zoom.19:25
CarlFKi guess I am a little happier...19:26
mohbana_pretty obvious .. no?19:26
mohbana_f2 used to zoom the text only i believe19:26
CarlFKmy bug is tagged need-i386-retrace - how do I provide that ?19:34
bdmurrayCarlFK: that will be done by the apport retracing service19:39
CarlFKbdmurray: does that mean something will scan the coredump that was posted? (or something similar, such that I don't have to do anything)19:45
bdmurrayCarlFK: that is correct19:46
CarlFKand any idea why apport isn't coming up again now that I disabled nvidia binaires ?19:46
sectechCan someone wishlist bug #239714 please?20:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239714 in firefox-3.0 "Text size" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23971420:10
sectechbdmurray,  I'll have to message you when I get home later this evening (a couple hours)... I gotta run out for a bit20:23
* calc thinks bugs status should not be changeable by the submitter20:53
calci've already had to remark a bug as triaged because someone thought confirmed is better than triaged, duh20:53
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ffmWould an issue I'm having with the gnome-panel's21:47
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dupondjeogasawara here ?22:07
dupondjeor 'Collin King' ?22:07
bdmurraydupondje: ogasawara is on vacation22:14
dupondjeah oki22:14
dupondjeand Collin King is sometimes around here or not ?22:14
bdmurrayhe's in the uk so it's a bit late there22:15
dupondjehis nick here ? :)22:15
dupondjehe made some patch for my problem22:17
dupondjebut it aint fixxed22:17
dupondjemy patch works better :P22:17
bdmurraythe bug is probably the best forum for communicating that22:17
dupondjeI did :)22:17
dupondjeaka https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/23588922:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 235889 in linux "BUG: scheduling while atomic: archhttp64/7146/0x1000000001" [Medium,In progress]22:18
sectechbdmurray, do you have some time?22:22
bdmurraysectech: just about wrapping one thing up22:22
dupondjelooks like Colin forgot to add the patch lol :(22:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:33

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