
TheMusoslangasek: WOuld it be better to have a new bug for the alsa-{lib,plugins} SRU, or should I use an existing bug, like the one you adjusted task status on yesterday?00:19
slangasekTheMuso: better to use the same bug, I think00:22
TheMusoslangasek: Ok I thought so too, but just wanted to be sure.00:22
TheMusoslangasek: SInce the alsa bits are new upstream, is it ok for them to be in a PPA, instead of a diff? Or would you prefer a diff? I will attach the changelog entry of course.01:13
slangasekTheMuso: in practice, we don't normally review or require diffs submitted to bugs for main SRUs, we just debdiff the queue01:13
TheMusoslangasek: Ok.01:14
TheMusoSo in this instance, should the version number be the same as intrepid, or should it be something like 1.0.16-2ubuntu0.1?01:15
slangasekit can never be the same01:15
slangasekif you use 1.0.16-2 as a base for your work, then 1.0.16-2ubuntu0.1 would be ok; but please be cautious about introducing unrelated packaging changes relative to what's in hardy01:16
* TheMuso nods.01:16
TheMusoWell in that case, I might only update to the new upstream, and subject to finding out the usefulness of any other patches Debian has added, add them also...01:20
slangasekyes, that's what I would recommend01:21
mathiazslangasek: looking at the diff for openldap SRU, I've noticed that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19764/01:59
mathiazslangasek: would this be a problem in terms of ABI changes ?02:00
slangasek"static int", so no02:00
mathiazslangasek: but that is an API change right ?02:02
slangasekmathiaz: no, it isn't; "static" functions are local to the file they're defined in, so this isn't part of any API visible from outside this one source file02:09
YokoZarslangasek: What's the relationship between hardy-backports and 8.04.1 ?  If I backport Wine 1.0 to Hardy, will that stay in -backports forever, or can it be promoted in some sense?02:16
mathiazYokoZar: -backports and 8.04.1 (which is -updates actually) are two different repositories02:18
YokoZarmathiaz: Yeah, I suspected as such.  I just wondered if it might be appropriate to push some things in -backports to -updates for 8.04.102:19
slangaseknot really, no02:19
slangasek-updates is for post-release fixes of critical bugs; not for new upstream versions, except for very specific exceptions02:20
YokoZarLike Firefox and such for 8.04.102:21
YokoZarI guess I'm just wondering how 8.04.1 is different from a handful of SRUs.02:21
slangasekthe main difference is that there are now ISOs issued02:23
TheMusoslangasek: It seems that only bluetooth audio/alsa packages add other plugins to be used with alsa. Alsa plugins live in /usr/lib/alsa and only bluetooth-alsa and bluez-audio packages add extra shared objects in that directory.02:29
TheMusousr/share/alsa-lib even02:29
slangasekTheMuso: right02:34
mathiazslangasek: I'm not sure if this diff is suitable for an SRU (http://paste.ubuntu.com/19768/)02:37
mathiazslangasek: there seems to be some changes in the libldap_r library02:38
slangasekmathiaz: anything that's ldap_int or ldap_pvt is actually not part of the published APIs, either; so I would still be willing to accept such changes in an SRU.  But if you'd prefer, I'd also be happy to have only the select bugfixes backported and applied :)02:43
mathiazslangasek: oh no no - if that's fine with you I'd rather go with 2.4.9 :D02:45
mathiazslangasek: and we'll probably get 2.4.10 in hardy as well02:45
mathiazslangasek: at a later time though02:46
mathiazConsidering that openldap-2.4.9 is already in intrepid, do I need to include openldap-2.4.9.orig.tar.gz in the upload to hardy-proposed ?02:54
slangasekmathiaz: AFAIK it won't matter02:57
mathiazslangasek: well - I've uploaded the orig.tar.gz file - we'll see03:01
TheMusoslangasek: I've slightly adjusted the regression potential in the bug, and attached plugins and lib upstrea mchangelogs. DO you want to look over them first, or should I upload?04:11
slangasekTheMuso: go ahead and upload please, I won't be able to review it in real time at the moment04:24
TheMusoslangasek: Ok.04:27
calcjcastro: btw i think i will go in and mark the upstream'd bugs as triaged to make it easier for the page to track status05:20
calcjcastro: it seems now that we have triaged that is the preferred way to do it anyway05:21
ScottKcalc: Confirmed is going to go away soonish from LP, so don't get too used to having the two status choices.05:21
persiaScottK: Is that completely confirmed?  I thought there were other projects that had valid use cases to preserve confirmed, and that might also impact Ubuntu.05:22
TheMusoScottK: What is it being replaced with?05:22
ScottKA 'me too' button so users just click there and you get a me too count instead of a bazillion useless me too comments.05:23
ScottKpersia: Nothing in Launchpad is ever completely confirmed.  Not even after it's implemented because they might take it back.05:23
calcwell i'm moving everything that is confirmed by me to triaged since it seems that is a good use of that status05:35
calci had been using confirmed as i could reproduce it but it seems that would be better as triaged05:35
calcthen let users use a me too or confirmed or whatever05:36
jcastrocalc: that seems to make sense05:37
jcastrofrom what I gather no one has just declared "we're using triaged now."05:37
persiaI've always used confirmed when I can reproduce it, and triaged when the bug report contains a sufficient information for a solution (which are not always the same thing).05:38
ScottKjcastro: We get what LP implements and that's what they said they were planning at UDS.  Plans change of course.05:44
jcastroMy concern is that not everyone knows that05:44
ScottKI think most developers are well aware the we get whatever LP decides to implement.05:45
ScottKGood night.05:47
dholbachgood morning06:32
ajmitchhi dholbach06:34
dholbachhi ajmitch06:34
pittiGood morning06:36
pittijussi01: you're welcome :)06:38
pittikirkland: ugh, fstab dynamically? that doesn't sound like a final solution?06:39
kirklandpitti: i'm also going to look into capabilities06:39
pittikirkland: so PAM can't be fixed to umount as root during logout?06:39
kirklandpitti: it's ssh that would have to be fixed, i think06:40
kirklandpitti: additionally, i'm going to look into kernel capabilities06:40
kirklandpitti: when sshd switches execution back to pam on logout, the context is running with uid 1000 (not 0)06:41
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
pittikirkland: hm, keeping CAP_SYS_ADMIN as an user process is almost as good as root06:41
kirklandpitti: it's more finegrained than setuid, methinks06:41
pittikirkland: maybe we should reconsider a hal-based solution then06:42
pittikirkland: or at least d-bus06:42
kirklandpitti: i'm open to either06:42
kirklandpitti: if you think they can be completed within intrepid06:42
pittikirkland: if you create your own dbus service, that's relatively easy, and we do not need to touch hal06:43
pittiit's a much bigger cannon than using PAM admittedly, but it gives us the fine-grained privileges you need06:43
kirklandpitti: okay....  i might need a primer at some point06:44
kirklandpitti: which sprint are you attending?06:44
pittikirkland: London06:44
kirkland:-/  hmm06:44
kirklandseems like the several people i need to work with are going to London06:44
pittikirkland: other question: do you have a running daemon process for transparently unencrypting ~/.Private to ~/Private?06:45
pittii. e. is it like FUSE?06:45
pittior does the kernel handle that?06:45
kirklandpitti: kernel06:46
kirklandpitti: handled by mount06:46
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
kirklandpitti: a pam module, pam_ecryptfs takes your password on login, and unwraps an encrypted file containing a mount passphrase, and inserts it into your kernel keyring06:47
pittikirkland: I wonder whether it would be more elegant to have the kernel itself umount ecryptfses once the last user process dies06:47
kirklandpitti: i had dinner with the maintainer tonight, and discussed that to some extent06:47
kirklandpitti: there is an ecryptfsd daemon (which we're not using at the moment for ~/Private work)... he suggested that it could be tought to do so06:48
pittikirkland: what is it used for?06:48
pittikirkland: couldn't that just clean up umounts?06:48
kirklandpitti: other forms of key management besides passphrase (openssl, TPM, pkcs11)06:48
kirklandpitti: it probably could be made to do so06:49
pittiah, so it isn't really meant for managing the mounts06:49
kirklandpitti: not currently, no.... key management more so it's currently duty06:49
pittikirkland: my idea was to start a daemon in the background on login which will trigger the umount when it exits06:49
pittibut having a daemon for each logged in user which does nothing all the time doesn't make me too happy either06:50
kirklandpitti: right06:50
pittiso if that's done by a central daemon, that would be much more useful06:50
kirklandpitti: perhaps, but i keep asking myself if entries in /etc/fstab are really that horrible06:51
* pitti doesn't like constantly changing configuration files06:51
kirklandpitti: constantly?06:52
kirklandpitti: it would only get changed on adduser06:52
pittiand it's subject to all sorts of race conditions, confuses backup software, etc.06:52
kirklandpitti: well, userdel too06:52
pittikirkland: oh, not on login? (dynamically creating a stanza for logout)06:53
kirklandpitti: no no no06:53
pittikirkland: if it's that static, how do you handle NIS, AD, etc.?06:53
kirklandpitti: :-)06:53
kirklandpitti: local users only06:53
pittikirkland: but seriously, I'd rather teach umount to allow you to umount your own ecryptfses than fiddling with fstab06:53
kirklandpitti: at this point06:53
kirklandpitti: okay06:54
kirklandpitti: the guys i had dinner tonight with were talking about some new "user mounts" work in the kernel06:54
kirklandpitti: someone named Mikko? working on it, i think06:54
kirklandpitti: not in yet, perhaps -mm?06:55
pittikirkland: so if you could do "umount ~/Private" as normal user, that would basically solve it with pam-mount?06:55
pittithat approach is pretty much what we did with pmount in warty to breezy06:56
kirklandpitti: i think so06:56
kirklandpitti: i'll create a super-umount tomorrow and test it out06:56
kirklandpitti: for testing purposes ;-)06:56
pittiand umount already allows users to umount stuff06:56
kirklandpitti: if its in /etc/fstab, yeah06:56
kirklandpitti: and is set as a "user" mount in the options06:57
pittikirkland: so, ecryptfs-utils could ship wrappers "ecryptfs-mount" and "ecryptfs-umount" which do pretty much that06:57
pitticheck that what you try to do is sane, and call mount/umount06:57
pittithat's not a highly elegant solution, but it's doable in intrepid with the technology that we have today06:58
pittiand if it's hidden in a PAM module, we can transparently change the technology to kernel user mounts later06:58
pitti"it" -> the call to ecryptfs-umount06:59
pittikirkland: actually we won't even need e-mount, right?06:59
kirklandpitti: that's pretty much what i've created, see ....  http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/mhalcrow/ecryptfs-utils.git;a=blob_plain;f=src/utils/ecryptfs-mount-confidential;hb=HEAD and http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/mhalcrow/ecryptfs-utils.git;a=blob_plain;f=src/utils/ecryptfs-umount-confidential;hb=HEAD06:59
pittijust e-umount, and that just needs to traverse /proc/mounts and compare uid, path (owned by caller), and fstype07:00
pittikirkland: right, except you need to write that in C, so that you can suid root it (and add more defensive checks)07:00
kirklandpitti: sure, that's doable07:01
pittikirkland: feel free to look at pumount.c and take the sanity checks from it07:01
kirklandpitti: thanks for the pointer, i'll do that07:01
kirklandpitti: so i can store the mount options as variables i store in a ~/.ecryptfsrc file or something07:02
kirklandpitti: source that (read in C)07:02
kirklandpitti: sanity check07:02
kirklandpitti: and suid do the mount for the uesr07:02
pittikirkland: what would be in that file?07:02
pittikirkland: AFAICS, you don't need to permanently store anything else than the encrypted key, right?07:03
kirklandpitti: cypher type, key length, key fingerprint07:03
pittiright, so basically the key and its metadata07:03
kirklandpitti: yeah07:03
pittikirkland: but why do you need that on umount?07:03
kirklandpitti: and the data dir and mountpoint07:03
kirklandpitti: in case you want it somewhere other than ~/Private (IBM uses ~/Confidential)07:04
kirklandpitti: oh, not on umount07:04
pittikirkland: no, you should get that as a command line arg, and verify it in /proc/mounts07:04
pittiplease don't store information about mounts in ~07:04
kirklandpitti: sorry, i was thinking about writing both e-mount and e-umount07:04
pittikirkland: ah, I see07:05
pittiyes, that makes more sense; so the user can choose which dirs to mount on login07:05
kirklandpitti: as you see above, i have both in shell form now07:05
kirklandpitti: also, i like changing the perm on the ecrypted underlying dir to 500 when not mounted07:06
kirklandpitti: to keep from inadvertently writing something in there unencrypted07:06
kirklandpitti: as well as the mountpoint (same reason)07:06
kirklandpitti: but keep r-x------ for backup purposes07:06
kirklandpitti: that's sort of a custom job for these sorts of mounts07:07
kirklandpitti: and on mount, we have to bump up the perms to 70007:07
pittikirkland: I hope the mount script doesn't come from upstream, but is just a local test script of your's :)07:07
kirklandpitti: it's evolving07:07
pitti(I mean because of the nice root privilege escalation)07:08
kirklandpitti: ?07:08
kirklandpitti: those two scripts are not currently setuid07:08
kirklandpitti: b/c they rely on the mounts being in fstab07:09
keesgood evening07:09
pittino, but they certainly run as root, don't they?07:09
kirklandpitti: /bin/mount and /bin/umount are setuid07:09
kirklandpitti: nope07:09
kirklandpitti: they don't07:09
pittikirkland: ah, I thought you'd call them from pam07:09
pittihey kees07:09
kirklandpitti: no, i call them from .bash_profile and .bash_logout07:09
pittikees: highlight on "root privilege escalation"?07:09
kirklandpitti: and .config/autostart/foo07:09
kirklandkees: :-)  howdy07:09
keespitti: hahah, no, but I should.  ;)07:10
kees(actually highlighted on "regression" for a while back)07:10
keesI'm just up doing xorg publication07:10
kirklandpitti: you with me now?07:10
pittikirkland: yep, sure07:11
kirklandpitti: pam as root unwraps your mount passphrase and inserts it into your kernel keyring07:11
pittikirkland: so the umount script will have s/umount/ecryptfs-umount/07:11
kirklandpitti: okay....07:11
pittiand the mount one will run from pam as root (and thus needs robustification), or do you want to create an ecryptfs-mount (which then needs to be robust)?07:12
=== Mithrand1r is now known as Mithrandir
pittiMithrandir: good morning07:12
Mithrandirpitti: hiya, how's intrepid going?07:12
pittiMithrandir: I don't know much TBH; I'm still on hardy duty07:13
kirklandpitti: i don't think i follow your last statement07:13
Mithrandirah, wrapping up all the loose bits so .1 will shiny like, uh, something shiny?07:13
pittiMithrandir: exactly! *bling*07:13
pittikirkland: I meant, what's your final design for the mount step on login? from pam as root, or from the user's account with a suid root ecryptfs-mount?07:14
kirklandpitti: so if pam_mount worked as advertised, i'd use that.  and by that i mean if it were able to both mount and unmount, I'd prefer using it.07:15
kirklandpitti: if that can be solved, i'm all for it.  i want to talk to cjwatson a bit more about the ssh end of it07:15
pittikirkland: ok; looking forward to trying it out eventually :)07:16
kirklandpitti: b/c it works for local user locals on the console, but not ssh07:16
pittikirkland: "b/c"?07:16
kirklandpitti: oh, b/c means that this is an ssh issue07:16
kirklandb/c = because07:16
keesMithrandir: ah, your appearance has reminded me to post my zombie meme07:16
pittikirkland: well, if the problem is only on the umount side, and solved with ecryptfs-umount, then everything using pam, including ssh, should work with it07:17
kirklandpitti: there's one other side effect of the ssh/pam_mount bug, that might be fixed separately07:17
kirklandpitti: pam_mount accounts the number of open sessions a user has in /var/run/pam_mount/username07:17
kirklandpitti: increments/decrements it07:18
Mithrandirkees: zombies > *07:18
kirklandpitti: but on ssh logout, the pam_session_close running as uid 1000 doesn't have sufficient privilege to decrement07:18
Mithrandirkees: I was wondering how much I should have made mine D&D-themed.07:18
kirklandpitti: i think that can probably be solved by changing the group ownership and g+w of that file07:19
kirklandpitti: so let me see if i can get an suid ecryptfs-umount working07:19
kirklandpitti: is that the one you were suggesting should be in C?07:20
pittikirkland: yes, to be able to suid root it07:20
pittikirkland: eww @ user-writable reference counter07:20
pittiwhy does it need to be in a file in the first place?07:20
kirklandpitti: after my 48 hours with pam_mount, i have a very low opinion of the module in general07:21
pitti'who' knows about all sessions, so they must be stored *somewhere*07:21
keesMithrandir: heh.  I liked it as is.  I haven't been able to think of a better famous person.  :)07:21
pittikirkland: right, I'm not saying that you should use exactly pam_mount; yesterday I just thought that it does a very similar thing, and that it might be worth taking a look at it07:21
Mithrandirkees: the archangel gabriel might work well too.07:21
kirklandpitti: i point you back to my script .... http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/mhalcrow/ecryptfs-utils.git;a=blob_plain;f=src/utils/ecryptfs-umount-confidential;hb=HEAD07:22
kirklandpitti: note the call to `who | grep | wc `  ;-)07:22
Mithrandiranyway, off to work. :-)07:22
pittikirkland: right, I know; I just wonder why the heck libpam-mount does it that way07:22
* Hobbsee_ waves07:33
* RAOF shores07:33
keesheya Hobbsee_07:35
keeshow goes it?  I'm up this late so rarely.  :P07:36
Hobbsee_kees: just done the evil networkign exam.07:37
Hobbsee_kees: so i'm glad that's over :P07:37
keesoooh, computer networking?07:37
Hobbsee_would be good, if they can actually mark correctly.  *shrug*07:38
Hobbsee_but when two people give the same answer, and one gets marked right, and one wrong, it's not exactly inspiring confidence :P07:39
keesHobbsee_: ewww07:40
keesHobbsee_: just general networking, or some specific sub-topic?07:40
Hobbsee_kees: general.07:41
* Hobbsee_ heads home, hoping to aviod the traffic.07:43
pittiseb128: hm, seems that the SRU in bug 209662 didn't fix the problem?08:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 209662 in deskbar-applet "<defunct> processes" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20966208:13
pittiseb128: oh, good morning!08:13
seb128hey pitti08:14
seb128pitti: right08:14
seb128pitti: but there is no regression either and it fixes several other issues08:14
pittiseb128: did you try out the .debs from -proposed?08:15
pittiseb128: if it generally works, I'm fine with copying and reopening the bug08:15
seb128pitti: yes, I'm running it on my laptop and old old desktop without issue08:16
pittiok, thanks08:16
seb128pitti: and no bug has been opened on launchpad about it recently either08:16
seb128mvo: hey08:16
mvohey seb12808:17
seb128mvo: could you have a look to http://launchpadlibrarian.net/15239248/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-i386.compiz-fusion-plugins-extra_0.7.6-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz today? it's making compiz not installable on intrepid08:17
mvoseb128: sure08:18
seb128thank you08:18
mvowhos archive-admin day is today? I filed some sync requests last week and would like to ask about those :)08:24
seb128pitti: I can give you a hand on archive admin tasks if you want, I've been too busy on wednesday to do a lot of those again08:26
mvopitti: do you plan to check on the syncs today? its not urgent, but it would be nice to get them off the list on merges.u.c08:26
pittiseb128: that would be great; still working on SRUs, but I'll do archive admin later (I also need to tend to MIR, argh)08:26
pittimvo: yes, definitively08:26
pittiseb128: what would you like to start on?08:27
seb128pitti: ok, doing syncs and backports now08:27
mvoI tihnk I should apply too, looks like we could do with some more hands08:27
* pitti hugs seb12808:27
* seb128 hugs pitti08:27
* mvo waves to davmor208:30
davmor2morning mvo :)08:31
sladengermany finally had rain08:31
mvolots of it yesterday08:32
pittiseb128: I'll start off with removals, archive bugs, and component-mismatches then, and go on with MIR08:35
pittiseb128: you'll also do a sync-source -a?08:36
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seb128pitti: yes, I've done some of those yesterday already08:38
seb128pitti: will do an another one now08:38
seb128pitti: I'll try to tacklo some of the NBS list too08:38
pittioh, great, thanks!08:38
\shsladen: still in .de?08:42
\shI wonder if there is any possibilty to make urllib2 report a progress of the connection/reading/closing socket state....as urllib.urlretrieve can do via hook08:47
* Hobbsee waves08:55
RAOFHobbsee: Back home?08:56
thekorn\sh, you can read the content block-wise in a loop08:57
\shthekorn: yes...but this is not working, because for that I would have to change pylpbugs ;)08:58
\shthekorn: question is, I need to show the user a infobox while the buglist e.g. is being fetched...(which takes time)...and for this i need something like a hook inside pylpbugs which gives me a status somehow08:59
thekorn\sh, hehe, you are right, I think it's easy to add such a hook interface to py-lp-bugs,09:01
thekornI think there is a bugreport open for this09:01
thekorn\sh, btw. nice LP gui! did you publish the source somewhere?09:02
\shthekorn: yes...it's on my lp code page...brb meeting09:03
thekornok, cool09:04
seb128Lutin: hi09:12
seb128Lutin: when you open sync request could you describe what the ubuntu changes are instead of writting that they are all in debian now which is expected anyway if you open a sync request09:13
seb128Lutin: thank you09:13
thekorn\sh, I added a patch to bug 239684 to add such progress-hook thing to py-lp-bugs09:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239684 in python-launchpad-bugs "add progress-hook to HTTPConnection" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23968409:40
\shthekorn: cool...I'll test it later...estimation meeting done...new infrastructure meeting now....my life is doomed now ;)09:58
pittiRiddell: hm, all kde-i18n-* were demoted to universe in intrepid; component-mismatches complains now (seeded in DVD); was this deliberate or a glitch?10:03
seb128pitti: if you do seed edition please drop workrave too ;-)10:04
pittiseb128: demoted10:04
pittiI'm not currently touching seeds, though10:04
pittiso, NEW and hardy-proposed queues empty; nobody touch anything now! :-)10:09
seb128pitti: and syncs cleaned10:10
* mvo hugs seb'sync-master'12810:11
* pitti hugs seb12810:11
pittiseb128: you said you're going to do the backports as well? doing the other archive-admin bugs now10:12
seb128pitti: there is almost no backports to do in fact, will have a look later, I want to catch up on bug mails first now10:13
pittiright; thanks10:13
seb128np, feel free to do the few backports listed in the bug list10:13
seb128I'll do those later otherwise10:13
* pitti does the remaining two syncs10:14
seb128pitti: the flushing is in progress btw10:14
pittioh, ok; will wait10:14
Riddellpitti: kde-i18n can be unseeded10:22
Riddellreplaced with kde-l10n-*10:22
pittiRiddell: so the packages shuold actually be removed then?10:23
Riddellpitti: the translations are still useful for some apps that don't have kde 4 versions (kdevelop, quanta)10:23
seb128pitti: ok, manual and autosyncs flushed now, enjoy ;-)10:23
Riddellbut nothing in main10:23
pittiah, -i18n -> KDE3, l10n -> KDE4 only10:23
Riddellpitti: exactly10:24
pittiRiddell: ok; I won't touch it then10:24
pittithanks for the heads-up10:24
psypointergood morning10:28
psypointeris it possible to automatically restart the computer if an installation via pxe and preseed failed?10:28
apachelogger_pitti: hey, I think kopete-plugin-thinklight 0.3-0ubuntu3.1 can be moved to -updates, see bug 22153110:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 221531 in kopete-plugin-thinklight "Thinklight doesn't blink because /proc/acpi/ibm/thinklight has wrong permissions" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22153110:28
pitti apachelogger_: hmm, no SRU task?10:30
pittiand the bug doesn't mention who accepted it10:31
pittinor an ACK from ~motu-release10:31
apachelogger_pitti: Riddell did10:31
pittithis is heavily non-SRU compliant10:31
* pitti subscribes motu-sru10:31
pittiapachelogger_: bug updated10:33
apachelogger_pitti: ok, thanks10:34
* apachelogger_ pokes \sh and ScottK10:34
HobbseeRAOF: eyah10:36
* \sh peeks apachelogger10:52
apachelogger\sh: bug 22153110:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 221531 in kopete-plugin-thinklight "Thinklight doesn't blink because /proc/acpi/ibm/thinklight has wrong permissions" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22153110:56
\shapachelogger: yepp.after acked...next time, you'll get a kick ;)10:58
apachelogger\sh: fair enough10:59
* apachelogger creates a knote with the SRU wiki page10:59
\shthekorn: regarding the patch in bug #239684 .. you didn't commit it, right? so I can create my own branch to test this11:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239684 in python-launchpad-bugs "add progress-hook to HTTPConnection" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23968411:01
thekorn\sh, right i did not commit it yet, since I had no chance to test it much11:02
\shthekorn: I'll do that now/1h/this evening...depending on my workload :=11:04
thekorn\sh, no problem, please comment on this bug if something does not work as you expected so I can work on it over the weekend11:07
DktrKranzpitti, could you please reject oggconvert upload in hardy-proposed? I included wrong bug # :(12:23
HobbseeDktrKranz2: done12:29
DktrKranzHobbsee, thanks :)12:30
Hobbseeyou're welcome12:30
* \sh hates perl modules with a version number of 0.0112:30
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\shuh..who updated the sync mechanism to send out accepted mails ? :)12:41
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pittiDktrKranz2: done13:14
pittiDktrKranz2: oh; seems Hobbsee already did it and you uploaded a new one?13:15
Hobbseehmmm.  totem is broken13:15
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DktrKranz2pitti: yes. I uploaded a correct version.13:30
cjwatson\sh: they always did for manual syncs13:46
cjwatson\sh: note, it's a manual decision by the archive administrator operating the mechanism whether mails get sent out or not, so sometimes mistakes are made13:47
DktrKranz2do autosyncs still happen?13:47
DktrKranz2several packages are not up-to-date13:47
cjwatsonDktrKranz2: yes13:47
cjwatsonDktrKranz2: example?13:47
DktrKranz2cjwatson: wink13:48
ograthey happen for everything without ubuntuX versioning13:48
DktrKranz2sid has 1.5.1060-5, intrepid 1.5.1060-413:49
cjwatsonDktrKranz2: they have to be run separately for main, contrib, and non-free, so it may be that they've only been run for main lately13:49
cjwatsonI'll do a contrib/non-free pass now13:49
DktrKranz2cjwatson: ah... didn't know that. thanks.13:49
cjwatson(wink is non-free)13:50
\shcjwatson: I wasn't seeing that as mistakes...I was wondering, because in former times no accept mails were send out to the sync requestor13:53
cjwatson\sh: that would have been mistakes13:56
cjwatson\sh: I don't recall a time when such messages were intentionally not sent13:56
DktrKranz2cjwatson: does autosync take XbuildY packages and sync them automatically without developer attention?13:58
cjwatsonDktrKranz2: yes; only the substring "ubuntu" suppresses syncs13:58
DktrKranz2so, there could be regressions in freeradius13:58
cjwatsonyou'll need to reupload properly, then13:58
cjwatsonthis is not new - Ubuntu has behaved this way since warty13:59
DktrKranz2yes, I saw a package which introduced ubuntu deltas with a XbuildY version scheme during hardy13:59
cjwatsonwell, perhaps the hoary sync process :-) but it was certainly advertised during warty13:59
DktrKranz2so I guess it should be checked for regressions14:00
cjwatsonDktrKranz2: sometimes that's deliberate since it's known that the change should go away14:00
DktrKranz2cjwatson: I'll check and eventually ping uploader. thanks.14:00
cjwatsonlooks like it was zul14:01
cjwatsonand that the diff from 1.1.7-1build2 to 1.1.7-1build4 needs to be reapplied14:01
ScottKDktrKranz2: I've seen Ubuntu changes introduced with XbuildY when the uploader knew they would be in Debian by the time autosync ran for Intrepid.  I think that's a reasonable labor saving approach.14:02
cjwatsonin this case it's a clear mistake, I'll send mail14:02
DktrKranz2ScottK: good point.14:03
peciskpeople, when there is string freeze for debian-installer and stuff for 8.04.1?14:12
cjwatsonthere shouldn't have been string changes since before 8.04 ...14:14
peciskok, question then - do 8.04.1 release means that debian-installer will get newest translation for certain language?14:16
cjwatsonpecisk: it has had some updates14:18
cjwatsonpecisk: but we won't be going through and reuploading all udebs (installer components) - enormously labour-intensive, I'm afraid14:18
peciskI just did a huge job to fix lv14:19
peciskwould be sad not to see that in 8.04.114:19
cjwatsonpecisk: the best way to fix d-i translations is to do it in d-i upstream, by far14:20
cjwatsonpecisk: I'm afraid it's simply impractical to do lots of that in Ubuntu14:20
cjwatsonpecisk: ubiquity and oem-config have been reuploaded, I know14:20
cjwatson(obviously you have to translate Ubuntu-specific strings in Ubuntu)14:20
cjwatson<cjwatson@sarantium ~/src/ubuntu/ubiquity/ubiquity/debian/po>$ msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics lv.po14:21
cjwatson196 translated messages, 11 untranslated messages.14:21
cjwatson<cjwatson@sarantium ~/src/ubuntu/oem-config/oem-config/debian/po>$ msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics lv.po14:21
cjwatson26 translated messages.14:21
doko35mb sucked in when trying to install devscripts14:21
seb128doko: yeah for recommends by default ;-)14:22
peciskcjwatson: hmmm, didn't know that ubquity and oem-config is seperated modules. Though it all in debian-installer14:22
cjwatsonpecisk: in Launchpad translations, they're all presented in debian-installer14:23
cjwatsonpecisk: but the actual packages are split out14:23
peciskcjwatson: ahh I see. Well, I have po still on my computer, because I have few corrections left to do. Is it still possible to upload it and it will be in 8.04.1 or it is already gone now?14:27
cjwatsonpecisk: afraid it's likely to be too late14:27
cjwatsonpecisk: 8.04.1 needs to undergo testing and recertification before release, which means final images need to be ready well before the release date14:28
peciskI see14:28
peciskwell, nevermind14:28
cjwatsonDktrKranz2: wink's on its way in now14:28
peciskcjwatson: 8.04.2 was planned in next year somewhere yes?14:28
cjwatsonpecisk: six months from 8.04.1, roughly14:29
peciskok, I see14:29
peciskwell, not such big tragedy :)14:29
peciskthanks for info14:29
DktrKranz2cjwatson: thanks.14:30
pittiDktrKranz2: ok, then I killed your 'good' one; hang on14:30
pittiDktrKranz2: unrejected and accepted14:33
DktrKranz2pitti: thanks and sorry for the mess14:33
pittiDktrKranz2: not your fault, no problem14:34
asacwhere can i get the latest 8.04.1 images?14:37
\shthekorn: did you read my comments? :)14:42
thekorn\sh, yes I'm on it14:43
thekorn\sh, I understand why you get a set of 7 bugs, instead of 814:44
\shthekorn: let me guess: duplicates or "same bug number" ;)14:44
thekorn\sh, because you are assigned to 7 different bugs, but 8 tasks14:44
cjwatsonasac: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/hardy/14:45
\shthekorn: ok..that was what I was suspecting14:45
thekorn\sh, with    BugList = ConnectBugList(all_tasks=True)   you get 8 bugs14:45
asaccjwatson: thanks. i thought i looked there. wierd14:45
thekorn\sh, but the don't really understand how you made it to get a list of 6 bugs14:45
thekorni can't reproduce it14:46
dokopitti: any opinion to promote libssh for intrepid now?14:46
\shthekorn: hmm14:46
\shthekorn: trying to get more numbers from inside the http_connection...14:50
\shlp down?14:53
Pici\sh: seems that way.  I though I saw an email about LP downtime, but I cant seem to find it or remember the dates/times14:58
pittidoko: why do we want it so badly again?14:58
cjwatsonPici: LP downtime is next week14:58
dokopitti: curl14:58
Picicjwatson: Ah, thanks14:58
dokopitti: but I can drop it again14:59
pittiI'm still not happy about a second ssh implementation TBH15:00
dokothen please finally reject the mir15:02
mterryLP looks like it's back up15:23
tkamppeterAnyone around who can do fixes on the HPPA build server? After uploading foomatic filters I got a15:46
tkamppeterThe following packages have unmet dependencies:15:46
tkamppeter  cdbs: Depends: intltool but it is not going to be installed15:46
tkamppeter  libgs-dev: Depends: libgs8 but it is not going to be installed15:46
tkamppeterE: Broken packages15:46
Hobbseetkamppeter: likely lamont15:47
tkamppeterfrom the HPPA build server.15:47
lamontHobbsee: inifinty15:47
Hobbseeslangasek: er, when are you going to do the point release for 8.04?15:47
* lamont doesn't mess with the buildd chroot stuff15:47
Hobbseelamont: oh, i thought you were still the hppa guy15:47
lamontI am the hppa guy15:47
pittitkamppeter: just ignore hppa for now; ATM it's hopelessly out of date15:47
pittitkamppeter: once the basic packages get fixed, someone will do a mass build-retry anyway15:47
lamontnow, if it's just that it's out of date, yeah... that's a "pester lamont" thing15:47
pittioh, hi lamont15:47
tkamppeterThanks, lamont.15:48
lamonthppa usually catches up right after the freeze for an alpha. :-)15:48
tkamppeterAnd also thanks, pitti15:49
lamonthah.  sparc is further behind than hppa.15:49
pittilamont: most ftbfs I saw were due to intltool15:49
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
lamonttkamppeter: which package was that?  (example, please?)15:50
qenseping persia15:55
hwildeKeybuk, how do I get udevinfo for network interfaces?16:01
Keybukhwilde: what are you trying to do?16:02
hwildeKeybuk, I want to make net70 persistent based on vendorid instead of mac16:03
Keybukudevinfo -ap /class/net/ethX ?16:04
pittioh, wow, I wasn't aware that you can do "less foo.deb" and it would do something really sensible16:09
seb128pitti: waouh, me neither ;-)16:10
pitti(dpkg -I and dpkg -c concatenated)16:10
pittithat eases review/MIR16:10
dholbachpitti: where did you find out? :)16:10
pittijust by accident16:10
pittiI would have never done it deliberately16:11
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mario_limonciellwoah that's neat pitti.  great find16:18
* ogra knew that .... but nobody asked :P16:19
hwildeKeybuk, http://pastebin.com/m5ada7265  is it ok to use DRIVERS== for the net rules,  or can I use partial MACs somehow like the first four?16:20
sistpoty|workogra: other cool things you can show us? :P16:20
ograsistpoty|work, if you ask for particular ones :P16:21
sistpoty|workogra: heh16:21
kirklandcjwatson: hey, what's the name of the utility that you showed me that used apt-get to pull and extract individual manpages from debs?16:26
Keybukhwilde: either16:28
Keybukhwilde: you can match on anything udevinfo gives you16:28
Keybukand can use wildcards16:29
cjwatsonkirkland: debman16:34
cjwatsonkirkland: it's in the debian-goodies package16:34
cjwatsonkirkland: there's also debmany, which is a neat idea, though I didn't write that myself and haven't looked at it much16:35
tkamppeterlamont, it was foomatic-filters what I uploaded and the problems were with intltool and libgs, see http://launchpadlibrarian.net/15261599/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-hppa.foomatic-filters_4.0.0%7Ebzr144-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/foomatic-filters/4.0.0~bzr144-0ubuntu116:38
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qenseretry: ping persia17:39
mathiazkees: I've been using mk-sbuild-lv lately to re-create my intrepid chroot and exim4 is installed by default now17:47
tkamppeterAnyone around who can fix things on the build servers?17:48
keesmathiaz: interesting -- did something change?17:48
cjwatsontkamppeter: is this still about intltool et al? that isn't a buildd problem, the packages are just plain uninstallable on that architecture17:48
mathiazkees: well - apt installs Recommends by default now17:48
mathiazkees: I wonder if something pulls exim4 in17:49
keesshould I switch it to not doing that in the script?17:49
cjwatsontkamppeter: this is very common in the early stages of merging up a new release17:49
cjwatsontkamppeter: and, while it needs to be fixed, generally isn't something that people should get too worried about17:49
tkamppetercjwatson, this time I got also a failure on amd64.17:50
cjwatsontkamppeter: link please17:50
cjwatsontkamppeter: anything of the form "package <blah> could not be installed" is with 99% probability not a build daemon problem17:50
tkamppeterI tells only about libgs8 and not about intltools: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/foomatic-filters/4.0.0~bzr144-0ubuntu1 and http://launchpadlibrarian.net/15265721/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-amd64.foomatic-filters_4.0.0%7Ebzr144-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz17:51
cjwatsonwe've had this conversation in previous release cycles, I'm certain :)17:51
cjwatsontkamppeter: look at http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/intrepid_probs.html; note that libgs-dev is listed as uninstallable on amd6417:51
mathiazkees: according to mvo emails, it may worth using the --no-install-recommends option17:52
mathiazkees: in the finish script - I'll try that17:52
cjwatsonit may well be collateral damage from something else, considering the huge list of uninstallables17:52
keesyeah, that's what I was thinking.  let me know if that works and I'll add it.17:52
cjwatsontkamppeter: the best way to find out what's going on is to bootstrap an intrepid chroot and try to install the package by hand, then sometimes you have to manually drill down by trying to install the subsequent packages it complains about17:53
mvokees, mathiaz: at recommends a mail-transport-agent, that probably brought it in17:53
mvosame for cron17:54
tkamppeterSeeing the list of uninstallables nearly everything is uninstallable ...17:54
cjwatsontkamppeter: I imagine that libgtk2.0-0 being uninstallable isn't helping much17:55
cjwatson(for starters)17:55
tkamppetercjwatson, what I would also like to see is why the listed packages are uninstallable.17:57
tkamppeterI am building a pbuilder chroot now to see whether Intrepid is really so broken.17:58
cjwatsontkamppeter: testing is rarely wrong, just underinformative :-)17:58
cjwatsontesting> by which I mean the list at that URL17:58
mathiazmvo: yeah - or mailx17:59
mathiazkees: adding --no-install-recommends fixes the issue18:05
cjwatsontkamppeter: I think the problem is that libkrb53 and friends got demoted to universe for some reason18:05
cjwatsontkamppeter: so I'll fix that18:05
mathiazkees: there are two places where you could add - the first one when gnupg and ubuntu-keyring is installed18:06
mathiazkees: I don't think you need to add the --no-install-recommends there as it just brings ca-certificates in18:06
mathiazkees: the second call is when you install more packages (devscripts, etc...) - that's where I'd add --no-install-recommends18:07
keesmathiaz: cool, thanks for testing that, I'll get it added18:07
cjwatsontkamppeter: given that purging that from my chroot takes out ubuntu-minimal, that ought to fix a good pile of uninstallables :)18:07
mathiazkees: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19932/18:08
cjwatson(it'll take about 1.5 hours for that to propagate though)18:08
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slangasekHobbsee: 8.04.1 is for the beginning of July18:13
cody-somervilleslangasek, make the Xubuntu builds stop failing :P18:26
slangasekcody-somerville: the powerpc ones?18:26
cody-somervilleslangasek, Were they failing last release cycle too?18:26
cjwatsonyes, they were18:27
cjwatsonit's an awkward corner case with ports vs. universe18:27
cjwatsonto do with how the mirror on cdimage is arranged18:27
cjwatsondo you have anyone who actually cares about Xubuntu on powerpc? for now, the pragmatic course might be to disable those builds18:28
cody-somervilleI think people use it for the playstation?18:28
cjwatsoncody-somerville: oh, ugh, true18:33
tkamppetercjwatson, pbuilder is currently not able to build an Intrepid chroot on 64-bit. It says18:45
tkamppeterThe following packages have unmet dependencies:18:45
tkamppeter  gnupg: Depends: libkrb53 (>= 1.6.dfsg.2) but it is not installable18:45
tkamppeter  libcurl3-gnutls: Depends: libkrb53 (>= 1.6.dfsg.2) but it is not installable18:45
tkamppeterE: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.18:45
cjwatsontkamppeter: perhaps you missed the comments I made above?18:45
cjwatson18:05 <cjwatson> tkamppeter: I think the problem is that libkrb53 and friends got demoted to universe for some reason18:45
cjwatson18:05 <cjwatson> tkamppeter: so I'll fix that18:45
cjwatson18:07 <cjwatson> tkamppeter: given that purging that from my chroot takes out ubuntu-minimal, that ought to fix a good pile of uninstallables :)18:45
cjwatson18:08 <cjwatson> (it'll take about 1.5 hours for that to propagate though)18:45
cjwatsonthe current time is 18:45 by my clock18:45
tkamppeterSorry, I left for dinner and than looked at the result of my pbuilder run.18:46
bXii've written a tool which i want to distribute18:56
bXibut i dont know if its frowned upon if i'd make the application SUID root18:56
bXi(its a frontend to mount basicly)18:57
slangasekyes, it's frowned upon :)18:57
bXican you recommend something else then?18:58
slangasekwell, sometimes it's necessary18:58
slangasekbut there will be plenty of frowning among the security folks any time you proposed to introduce a new SUID app18:58
bXii was thinking about using gksu to run it18:59
keesbXi: I recommend examining how PolicyKit works19:00
bXican i put my code up for review somewhere?19:00
keesbXi: basically, there are backends registered with PolicyKit to do certain actions, and those actions are requested over dbus, etc.19:00
keesbXi: anywhere is good, but I'd recommend possibly REVU, if it's been packaged19:01
bXiit hasnt been packaged into someething normal yet19:01
cjwatsonor if you're using bzr for it, point people to the appropriate URL on bazaar.launchpad.net for code browing19:01
bXii havent put it up anywhere yet19:02
keesbXi: in that case, I'd recommend getting it into a bzr branch on launchpad: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BzrMaintainerHowto19:02
bXiwas thinking of making a sourceforge project out of it19:02
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wasabiHmmmm.... preseeding mirror/http/proxy ain't working. =(19:24
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wasabin/m my fault.19:24
slangasekTheMuso: are 221673 and 191027 the only bugs expected to be closed in this SRU?  I thought there were more19:30
slangasekTheMuso: it would have been helpful if you had mentioned all of the related bugs in the usual changelog syntax, so that they would show up automatically on http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html for tracking; obviously not a change to reupload for in this case, but please bear it in mind for future SRUs :)19:36
cjwatsontkamppeter: intrepid uninstallables list looks a lot happier now; I suggest hitting the retry button on the builds of yours that failed20:01
ScottKbrandonperry: All the Ubuntu clamav packages are pretty current.  What is it you think needs to be packaged?20:10
* ScottK just read you on planet.20:10
slangasekcody-somerville: so I can't really see a good, quick fix for the xubuntu/ppc failures (now that I look at the error messages, I remember why this problem exists); so I can disable the builds to suppress the error mails, or we can keep getting the daily error mails as a nag-minder, your choice :)20:32
cody-somervilleslangasek, we can do the latter if you set it to e-mail ubuntu-devel too ;]20:34
slangasekheh, not so much20:34
slangasekso you'd prefer that I disable the builds until someone can look at it?20:34
cody-somervilleWell, maybe infinity could take a look?20:44
slangasekit's an issue with the cdimage setup, infinity would happily punt that problem back at me anyway :)20:45
cjwatsonslangasek: maybe the best approach would be to have anonftpsync.ports pull universe and multiverse? I don't think we care so much if universe/multiverse leaks into Ubuntu ports CDs by accident, really20:46
* cody-somerville cheers.20:47
* cjwatson makes a small change to anonftpsync to support that20:48
cjwatsonshould be in principle possible to say RSYNC_EXCLUDE= now20:48
slangasekcjwatson: which of the various d-i merges, if any, are in progress on your end right now?20:52
mathiazis it normal that ubuntu-standard pulls stuff from universe ?20:52
slangasekmathiaz: apt-get with recommends-by-default may do so20:53
slangasekmathiaz: since I'm sure the recommends in main aren't tested for closure20:53
cjwatsonslangasek: base-installer and debian-installer itself; I'd also like to do localechooser20:54
mathiazslangasek: right - but ubuntu-standard *shouldn't* pull anything from universe ?20:55
cjwatsonnot bothered about the rest, although I think partman-target's status was odd because it had something in trunk which I thought was supposed to be for hardy20:55
cjwatsonmathiaz: libkrb53? should be fixed if you update20:55
slangasekmathiaz: I think that's a question that's been insufficiently explored to date, since the change to recommends-by-default has only just been made :)20:56
cjwatsonevand: were you planning to do anything with bug 224446? it has a hardy task20:56
mathiazcjwatson: oh no - I've just installed ubuntu-standard in an intrepid chroot - I saw a couple of packages downloaded from universe (ex apparmor-profiles)20:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 224446 in ubiquity "lack of installer permission validation on existing partition" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22444620:56
cjwatsonmathiaz: at the moment, germinate doesn't follow recommends, so that sort of thing will be improperly checked20:56
cjwatsonI am fairly certain that installing ubuntu-standard *ought* not to pull anything from universe, though as slangasek says it's early days20:57
mathiazcjwatson: ok - but the goal is to have ubuntu-standard only pull things from main20:57
cjwatsonthat's correct20:57
mathiazcjwatson: ok - thanks for the clarification20:57
cjwatsonslangasek: I think localechooser and debian-installer itself are the only remaining blockers to being able to build a vaguely working installed20:57
slangasekcjwatson: ok, cool20:57
cjwatsonthe other bits are outside the initrd20:57
cjwatsonI'm most of the way through debian-installer, just figuring out what to do with the switch to syslinux' vesamenu system20:58
tedgkees: You know more about gcc than I do... why does this come out 0, 0, 5, 5?  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19958/20:58
tedgIt seems like the pointer shouldn't even be valid to come up with a zero.20:58
slangasektedg: er, is that valid to initialize myvar_pa and myvar_ca like that above the declarations of myclass_a and myclassp_a?21:00
slangasektedg: I'm having a visceral reaction to the sight of this much overt C++-ism :)21:01
evandcjwatson: ah, definitely.21:01
tedgslangasek: It doesn't give a warning... and it seems like it should be with the externs in there.  But it would seem to me atleast, that it should create some sort of dependency graph instead of working them in order.21:02
cjwatsonslangasek: I think with my launchpad-integration upload and my moves of krb5 and gmime2.2 binaries back to main (they'd landed back in universe for mysterious reasons), ubuntu-desktop/intrepid should be installable again after a couple of publisher runs21:02
slangasekcjwatson: excellent!21:02
tedgslangasek: It's small example of a bigger problem I'm having, but the linking is alot crazier.21:02
slangasekcjwatson: how did krb5 get bumped to universe, btw?21:02
cjwatsonslangasek: I have no idea21:02
cjwatsonobviously it took out half of main for installability21:03
* slangasek nods21:03
cjwatsonrather freaked me out to be perfectly honest21:04
cjwatsonevand: maybe 6.06.2 at this point ...21:05
slangasektedg: well, AFAIK even in C++, extern just tells the compiler that it's allowed to resolve references to this object by way of other object files; given that the part that's misbehaving is precisely the part that looks wrong to me (querying get_var() above the initialization within the source file), I suspect that the C++ standards don't allow this? :)21:06
cjwatsonevand: (just a suggestion; it does feel late to be shoving it in, though, given it's an edge case)21:07
tedgslangasek: The problem comes to when I put these in lots of different files, it's virtually impossible to determine the initialization order.21:07
evandindeed, though I agree.21:08
slangasektedg: that would be an argument for not putting your non-static initializers in global scope? :-)21:08
slangasektedg: sorry, "and that's why C doesn't allow this" is perhaps not the kind of help you're looking for :-)21:09
tedgIt behaves the same with statics.21:09
slangasektedg: can't be; if your initializers are all static, then none of them are interdependent21:09
tedgNo one uses C anymore, that's soooo 1980's ;)21:10
tedgslangasek: Oh, sorry, I thought you meant class blah { static int a; }21:10
cjwatsonwith C, you can understand why your code is failing ;-)21:10
cr3is there a name to describe the top-level directory under ubuntu archives, such as "ubuntu" under archive.ubuntu.com and "ubuntu-ports" under ports.ubuntu.com?21:11
cjwatsonnot AFAIK21:11
keestedg: that code is hurting my head!21:11
* slangasek grins21:11
keestedg: why the "extern"s ?21:12
tedgkees, It doesn't compile otherwise ;)21:12
tedgI was trying to simulate the situation I had with multiple files -- which do need the externs in the headers.21:12
keesint myvar_pa = myclassp_a->get_var();21:12
keeshappens before21:12
keestest * myclassp_a = &myclass_a;21:12
keesyou're just getting lucky or something.21:13
tedgI know, and gcc should fix that!21:13
* slangasek cackles21:13
keesit can't "fix" it -- it's the order it's written in.21:13
tedgIt shouldn't let you call a function on an object that hasn't yet been initialized.21:13
keeshahaha.  Well, I certainly agree there.21:13
tedgOkay, the linker should fix it when it's in multiple files.21:13
keesit can't know21:13
slangasekright, if it's in multiple files, there's no way the linker can know21:13
tedgOkay, and there's no way that I can tell the linker it seems...21:14
tedgIt doesn't seem that link order helps.21:14
tedgIt just becomes fragile.21:14
keestedg: I don't understand the problem you're trying to fix yet.  :P21:14
slangaseknope, the linker's job is solely to fix up the references between the objects21:14
keestedg: can you make two .cc files that demonstrates this?21:14
tedgYes, give me a sec.21:14
slangasekkees: he's trying to keep using non-static initializers in global scope, while having the compiler tell him when it's not ok for him to use non-static initializers in global scope :-)21:15
cjwatsonpresumably it doesn't give a warning because the compiler can't know whether some other bit of the link has a constructor for those objects21:16
keesyeah.  madness21:16
cjwatsonyou can't fix this without integrating the compiler and the linker21:17
tedgOooo, the link order does fix it, but it's backwards!21:18
slangasekright, that's not a very proper fix :-)21:19
slangasekcjwatson: don't mention that, you'll lend credence to the KDE practice of concatenating all source files at compile time... :)21:20
cjwatsonit actually looks to me as if the compiler *is* reordering the constructors21:20
cjwatsonif I put this in get_var:21:21
cjwatsonfprintf(stderr, "%p %d\n", this, var);21:21
cjwatsonI get21:21
cjwatson0x80498d8 021:21
cjwatson0x80498d8 021:21
cjwatson0x80498d8 521:21
cjwatson0x80498d8 521:21
tedgbuild: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19964/   main.cpp : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19965/   test.cpp : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19966/    test.h : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/19967/21:21
cjwatsonso it's all the same object and the pointer gets validly initialised in time21:21
cjwatsonbut goodness knows why and I never want to see code that relies on that21:21
slangasekah, so there's an implicit constructor, haha21:21
tedgHmm, so I wonder if I block the explicit constructor....21:22
cjwatsonfor the first call, yeah, and then the second one fills the same memory slot21:22
cjwatsonso more complicated versions of this will likely crash21:23
cjwatsonor misbehave21:23
tedgThat could be optimization though, in other cases it may not optimize to use the same address.21:24
* cjwatson promotes bsd-mailx/mailx and syncs db4.6, which should fix a bit more of the world21:28
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* cjwatson promotes ruby1.9 too, since rrdtool build-depends on it as well as ruby1.8; duplication, but I think it's OK for the time being ...21:47
=== Schaf is now known as emu
Nafallowho takes care of usplash those days?21:50
NafalloI just saw a screenshot of a segfault21:50
geserany main sponsors around which has some time to sponsor bug #239857?21:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239857 in db "[intrepid] libdb-dev uninstallable due to a typo in Conflicts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23985721:52
cjwatsongeser: yes, one moment21:54
=== emu is now known as emu1982
brandonperryScottK: it isn't anything big, but the one in the repos is 0.92.1 while current is 0.93.121:56
brandonperryI like to stay current with things like that21:57
ScottKbrandonperry: 93.1 is already in Intrepid21:57
brandonperryoh, I didn't know that21:57
calcjcastro: up to 20% now for triaged :)21:57
ScottKUnfortunately they changed all the libclamav interfaces with 0.93 and so backporting is non-trivial.21:57
cjwatsongeser: done21:57
ScottKbrandonperry: We just finished getting 0.92.1 back into all supported releases and that's a pretty major thing.21:58
brandonperrythat is fine, I just thought someone would like to know how to get 0.93.121:58
gesercjwatson: thanks21:58
ScottKbrandonperry: What we need is help getting programs working with 0.93.1 so that we can put it in the official backports repo.21:59
brandonperryok, any specific programs? I could check into that this weekend22:00
ScottKbrandonperry: avscan has a new upstream version that needs packaging.22:01
ScottKlet me look at my list ...22:01
jcastrocalc: wow, you're in the green now! :)22:02
TheMusoslangasek: Firstly, they were the only bugs I could reliably identify as 1.0.16 helping to fix issues users were having. The LP bug syntax was purely a misshap on my part, apologies, and I'll keep an eye on that for future reference.22:02
slangasekTheMuso: ok, thanks :)22:03
ScottKbrandonperry: It looks like avscan, gurlchecker, and havp.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Clamav and feel free to update it if you find something out.22:03
brandonperryyeah, definitely22:03
ScottKbrandonperry: You might also want to update your blog entry to at least suggest grabbing the source package from Intrepid and building it locally for an earlier release.22:04
ScottKbrandonperry: Actually, now that I think of it, I need to stick 0.93.1 in the clamav team PPA.22:05
calcjcastro: i should have somewhere around 43% triaged when i get done with the pass22:07
calconce i get all of my new bugs processed it will be closer to 80% :)22:07
jcastrocalc: rocking22:09
jcastrocalc: percentage of triaged bugs to me isn't as important the percentage of those bugs which have upstream links22:10
jcastrowait, let me make sure I understand what I just said22:10
jcastroyeah, that's what I meant. :)22:11
calcyea :)22:12
calci don't have very many non-upstream bugs open that have been reviewed anyway22:12
ScottKbrandonperry: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clamav/+archive - 0.93.1 is uploading for Hardy right now.22:13
calca few haven't been forwarded yet, but this should help me to see them easier :)22:13
jcastrocalc: I suspect that once everyone uses triaged that the numbers will end up being way better than we expected before22:20
jcastrocalc: I think we should bring up this whole triaged state thing up to QA people during the sprint or something22:20
calcmaybe a post ubuntu-devel list with the page and mentioning proper use of triaged would be helpful as well22:21
jcastromakes it hard to measure things when everyone has different assumptions on what different states should be22:21
jcastroI'll put it on my todo to ask heno about it22:21
calctriaged is a relatively new status, so reminding people to use instead of confirmed when a bug has all needed data might be helpful22:22
jdstrandkees, kirkland: fyi bug #23986422:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239864 in launchpad "request merge should send an email" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23986422:26
jdstrandit'll be embarassing if the functionality exists, but I mentioned as much in the report22:26
keesjdstrand: cool, I've sub'd myself22:26
kirklandjdstrand: I've marked "Confirmed"22:27
jdstrandthat'll show 'em22:27
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jcastrotkamppeter: where do you usually file upstream system-config-printer bugs, in the RH bugzilla or the fedorahosted trac? I am trying to determine on which one to set as the bug tracker in lp22:35
slangasekTheMuso: hum, I find 184 exported symbols dropped between 1.0.15 and 1.0.16, including a number of these with clearly public names22:52
TheMusoslangasek: This is what I wasn't sure of, and why I was uneasy about doing
slangasekTheMuso: do you have information that shows these symbols are only exposed as part of the plugin API?22:53
TheMusoslangasek: Other than what I have read in changeogs, no. What you've brought up though really has me thinking we should just can the proposed updates before they cause more problems.22:54
slangasekTheMuso: well, a significant number of these are not exposed in the 1.0.15 headers, and the change is explained as "make local functions really local", with a #define to rename them so that they're excluded from the symbol table; I'm auditing the list of changed symbols now to confirm that that's all they are22:58
TheMusoslangasek: ok22:59
slangasekTheMuso: if they are, then I'm not going to second-guess upstream any further about ABI compatibility: somebody would be screaming by now if the symbols really had been exported before22:59
* TheMuso nods.23:00
* cjwatson had forgotten how soul-destroying localechooser merges are23:01
cjwatsonactually, that's a slight lie, I hadn't really which is why I'd been putting it off ...23:01
* slangasek grins23:01
slangasekTheMuso: ok, all the symbols with public names are accounted for under the "make local functions really local" change23:12
TheMusoslangasek: Right.23:12
slangasekTheMuso: do you have references describing why the plugin API is an issue between .15 and .16?23:19
TheMusoslangasek: For a start, the ioplug plugin has a new symbol, whicih the pulse plugin in alsa-plugins 1.0.16 uses.23:20
slangasekoh; so inter-plugin issues23:20
slangasekso alsa-plugins needs to have a versioned depends on libasound2, I guess23:21
slangasekbut upgrading libasound2 doesn't break the existing alsa-plugins, right?23:22
TheMusoslangasek: Plugins do break if you update libasound2 as libasoudn2 seems to look for specific versioned plugins.23:23
slangasekhrm, ok23:24
slangasekhow does it test for this?23:24
TheMusoNot sure, I just remember upgrading libasound2, trying to use a plugin, and getting errors.23:25
TheMusoslangasek: I can dig deeper on Monday.23:26
slangasekI'm trying to figure out how we'll know if we got it right for the bluez plugins :)23:27
* TheMuso nods.23:28
TheMusoPitty I don't have a bluetooth audio device handy.23:28
hungerHow is the debian merge into intrepid progressing?23:29
cjwatsonit takes in excess of a month at the beginning of each release cycle to get it done, so please don't ask daily23:31
cjwatsonyou can monitor progress using merges.ubuntu.com and the intrepid-changes mailing list23:32
slangasekTheMuso: I do, but app integration with alsa bluetooth is awful :)23:32
TheMusoslangasek: heh.23:33
brycehunger: if you're interested in lending a hand, we'd be happy to give some pointers23:33
hungerbryce: Nope, I am too busy backporting stuff from debian to my hardy setup;-)23:33
pwnguinhunger: there's backports team you might be interested in23:34
* bryce nods with pwnguin23:34
sistpotybryce: anything in particular you'd like to get merged?23:34
hungerpwnguin: Grabbing stuff from debian unstable and running debuild on it is not really backporting:-)23:35
hungersistpoty: I'd like cmake, git-core and subversion. That is what keeps me from upgrading to intrepid at this time.23:35
brycesistpoty: I'm working my way through the X stuff on MoM and of course would appreciate any help there; at this point everything listed on MoM is fair game23:35
bryceX merge status is here - http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/Xorg/versions_current.html23:36
sistpotybryce: ok, I guess I'll try to look at some X stuff tomorrow23:36
pwnguinhunger: good point23:36
hungerpwnguin: The good news is: git-core and cmake are very easy to get running in hardy. debuild is enough;-)23:37

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