
bbyeverowh: hi03:35
ruiboonHi. my area here is having an IT show where they sell it products. While, i am glad that there are more laptop preinstalled with ubuntu are being sold, the salesman seems to be lacking in knowledge about ubuntu. May i suggest that we come out with a 'idiot's guide to selling ubuntu laptops'  to bridge the gap?07:32
Burgundaviaruiboon: you could write one yourself. sounds like a great project07:36
ruiboonBurgundavia: indeed. i was wondering if there are already materials available as i am not great with design/graphics07:42
Burgundaviaruiboon: check out the DIY page on the wiki07:42
ruiboonBurgundavia: thanks for the reference. i am going to add this idea to brainstorm as well soon07:48
Burgundaviaa generic "how to sell ubuntu" would be cool07:48
* cody-somerville moans.13:53
* pep joins the moan.13:54
* cody-somerville prods Jono.18:15
pepwhat I see on this list goes further than what I have ever seen since I am involved in FLOSS projects...18:25
cody-somervillepep, lol18:27
cody-somervilleWhat do you mean by that?18:27
pepjust letting it out... I just find some things incredible18:28
pepIt is not that I am against initiative18:28
pepbut it seems kind of unreal to me what I am reading18:28
pepfor me, FOSS projects have always gone pair with a great respect of the more experienced18:29
pepit is  what I learned very soon when i entered the Linux community18:29
pepwhen you come into a new project, you watch.18:29
pepyou just look around you, and you're nothing, until you have gained yourself a certain respect and recognition from the more experienced members18:30
pepwhich of course does not at all interfere with bringing new ideas and projects, and skills or any initiative...18:30
pepbut here I just constantly stare at my screen astonished...18:31
pepI don't know if you understand18:31
izamryanthe recent developments on the mailing list are quite interesting, yeah hehe18:32
pepindeed :)18:32
=== johnc4511 is now known as johnc4510
Flannelpep, cody-somerville: It is unreal.  I'm not really sure where such large rifts in understanding come from19:34
FlannelIf it continues, I think we should seriously considering bringing it to the CC19:35
* pep points out that there is new email on ubuntu-marketing. Consider reading it carefully...20:30
pepI understand this, and I think to be experienced enough to realize what is happening.20:31
pepBut I am afraid I only have three years of experience in actively participating in FOSS projects, a little more than a year in Ubuntu, I am only 19 years old, 20 this year, and furthermore, relatively new to the marketing team. I cannot allow myself to say certain things.20:32
pepI don't know... but I think it is the role of more experienced/respected and listened-to people to interfere.20:33
Flannelpep: I wouldn't say three years is a small amount of time.  And age doesn't matter.  I think the problem is that there are people who extremely unfamiliar, and aren't listening... period, and instead are sticking to their ideas as "the only" right way21:04
pepFlannel: I share your view.21:42

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