
jabagaweewastedfluid: include loggin in00:00
wastedfluidLogin is additional time FWIW00:00
Infinito_that's exactly what I do jabagawee  :)00:00
jabagaweeof course00:00
darthmarth37koshari: Just the phrase "EFI BIOS" is painful; I use EFI myself.00:00
jabagaweeinfinito_: nice00:00
kosharidarthmarth37 you can argue the simantics i will argue the hardware00:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:01
andy56_ukSo can anyone tell me please, does Java - including Applets - work properly on Linux?00:01
mehdi* yofel_ (n=yofel@p54A265DC.dip.t-dialin.net) Quit ("Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC")00:01
mehdi<jabagawee> of course00:01
mehdi<darthmarth37> koshari: Just the phrase "EFI BIOS" is painful; I use EFI myself.00:01
mehdi* ad_267 (n=adam@125-236-190-225.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz) has joined #ubuntu00:01
mehdi<wastedfluid> OK00:01
mehdi* warriorforgod (n=warriorf@cpc2-nthc18-0-0-cust628.nrth.cable.ntl.com) has joined #ubuntu00:01
mehdi* Jalathan (n=Jal@pool-71-111-20-78.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))00:01
mehdi<jabagawee> infinito_: nice00:01
mehdi* wastedfluid (n=tom@ip24-254-20-10.rn.hr.cox.net) Quit ("Leaving")00:01
darthmarth37What kernel parameters does one usually give an Ubuntu kernel?  (i.e., those in the grub config file)00:01
Kris07Hi, how could I make VLC my all around default player?00:02
Joelitoandy56_uk, why it wouldn't00:02
jabagaweewho's mehdi?00:02
jabagaweeand why's he sorta repeating some stuff...00:02
ompaul!offtopic | jabagawee00:02
ubottujabagawee: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:02
Infinito_Kris07, System -> Preferences -> Prefered Applications00:02
brodyhey back with another noob question,but how would I play a windows game using wine - you'd think it would be self explanitory , but yea00:02
andy56_ukjoelito: Applets don't work properly for me, and trying to run one generates a very ominous warning.00:03
ompaul!wine | brody00:03
ubottubrody: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.00:03
Infinito_then you set vlc there as your video player00:03
pukekois it true that Ubuntu only runs on the 64 bit sparc processors ?00:03
talntidwhat game, brody?00:03
candanhow can install xmms?00:03
Kris07Infinito_, VLC isn't listed there00:03
talntidpukeko: no00:03
ompaulpukeko, and x8600:03
Joelitoandy56_uk, then is not linux fault, isn't it? ;)00:03
candanhelğ me plz00:03
ActionParsnipbrody: install wine from repos, then from ~/ run wine /path/to/setup.exe00:03
spasticteapotDoes anyone here know how to recover deleted files? While emptying my trash, I saw under the list of things deleted many files I had not wanted to delete. I clicked "cancel", but the files were no longer in the trash.00:03
pukeko* sorry - as opposed to 32 bit sparc processors ?00:03
brodytalntid - ha, it's actually halo 1 my friend said I couldn't run it in linux - I want to prove him wrong. .00:03
candanhow can i install xmms?00:04
Zekerwhen they say x86 or x64 systems, what does that mean?  Does that mean dual core and up?00:04
talntidbrody: yeah, it can run in wine...00:04
spasticteapotbrody: Step 1: Install Cedega. Step 2: Collect on bet.00:04
ompaulZeker, no it means pIII and up00:04
talntidisn't cedega non-free?00:04
brodyha -yeah, I've looked at cedega. . .00:04
kosharicandan you may be able to install an old beep media player deb, its a port of xmms00:04
belreddoes anyone know a good xml forgot to use for an internal format that can i can transform it to pdf, tiff, xps, etc?00:04
spasticteapottalntid: Free speech, not free beer.00:04
talntidyou're a wierdo.00:05
talntidwhere i live, free beer flows down the streets.00:05
andy56_ukjoelito: Actually, yes.  The Java VM is platform specific, and if it doesn't work, then it's the platform that's the problem.  Also, the error I get is "GNU Classpath's security implementation is not complete. HOSTILE APPLETS WILL STEAL AND/OR DESTROY YOUR DATA!"00:05
brodyother people I asked said I had to pay for cedega, while something like "playonlinux" is free00:05
ActionParsnipbrody: wine will run your Halo00:05
kosharitalntid: thats urine00:05
talntidcrap! :(00:05
spasticteapotZeker: x86 refers to the processor family - the Intel 286 is fundamentally similar to all Pentium-compatible processors sold today.00:05
Zekeroh ok because I see the 64 bit vista, x64 xp... and I even saw x86 on a vista OS, I got confused00:06
pukeko.. so i can not install any ubuntu onto a sparcstation 5 correct ?00:06
spasticteapotZeker: x64 refers to 64-bit, and is a bit misleading.00:06
Joelitoandy56_uk, so blame them :)00:06
=== Michael_ is now known as mikeg3
Kris07Could someone tell me how to make VLC Media Player my default player?00:06
andy56_ukjoelito:  Blame GNU you mean?00:06
anirudh0pukeko, there are community supported versions00:06
anirudh0Kris07, right click>props>open with00:07
koshariKris07: select custom, and add vlc into the filed00:07
lars_bauerWhen i try to install a data base from open office it says that i got a wrong jre , how do i get a  jre that work for mee :-)00:07
brodyActionParsnip - sorry I'm fairly new to linux, and I don't even really know how to do that. . .00:07
spasticteapotZeker: All Intel-compatible processors (Cyrix, Via, AMD, Intel, etc.) are x86. The AMD Opteron is an x86 64-bit CPU.00:07
ZekerI have an old version of xp, so I don't think it will take advantage of my quad core00:07
pukekoanirudh0: what do you mean ..?00:07
Joelitoandy56_uk, yeah, sure, why not :)00:07
brodypretty pathetic, but yea00:07
Zekerspasticteapot, so x86 refers to the chipset?00:07
andy56_ukSo you are saying that Linux is the problem then?00:08
mikeg3I'm dual booting and had to reinstall Windows XP.  How do I reinstall the grub bootloader?00:08
LordOlliefinally pidgin using msnp14... a little hackish, but it is all good00:08
koshariZeker: its the applications that take advantage of dual/multi core00:08
ActionParsnip!grub | mikeg300:08
ubottumikeg3: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:08
CITguy08does anybody know of a web dev application that uses templates similar to dreamweaver?00:08
andy56_ukjoelito: So you are saying that Linux is the problem then?00:08
ActionParsnip!bluefish | CITguy0800:08
ubottuFactoid bluefish not found00:08
Zekerkoshari, so my old xp should work ok with my multicore machine?00:08
Trevor_bluefish is boring00:09
darthmarth37Maybe this would be easier:  could someone pastebin grub's menu.lst file?00:09
Jack_Sparrowandy56_uk Linux is not the problem.. there are issues with java...00:09
spasticteapotZeker: No. Processor family. For example, the 601e, G5, and various other IBM processors used in Apple machines are "PowerPC" processors, while Sun machines use "SPARC" cpus.00:09
Jack_Sparrowdarthmarth37 sure.. one sec00:09
Falling-InfernoCould someone tell me how to mount .bin/.cue extensions I looked around and found they are paired. But how do i mount them?00:09
Joelitoandy56_uk, well..could be yours too :p, I mean I bet that there are many ways to do you what you are doing, and since this is not java support, you might also complain there XD00:09
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:09
Jack_Sparrowdarthmarth37 sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /boot/grub/menu.lst | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)00:09
SNHCITguy08: bluefish afaik..but far from DW00:09
legend2440Pici: not sure how to auto install suggested with aptitude. but package called wajig  lets you install with suggested packages.00:10
Kris07koshari, Thanks00:10
CITguy08thnx, I'll give it a look00:10
brodyActionParsnip - alright thanks I'll try and figure it out. .00:10
Jack_Sparrowdarthmarth37 Use shift to paste that into a term.00:10
ActionParsnipdarthmarth37: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19743/00:10
andy56_ukjack_sparrow:  yes there are issues with Java, but the Linux/GNU VM implementation is stating categorically that it is not complete and has huge security holes.00:10
Falling-InfernoCould someone tell me how to mount .bin/.cue extensions I looked around and found they are paired. But how do i mount them?00:10
darthmarth37Jack_Sparrow: I'm looking for someone to pastebin a working example of a default menu.lst; I don't have one for Ubuntu yet and I want to add one.00:10
Picilegend2440: Thanks, aptitude's full front end let me easily select the suggested to install too00:10
darthmarth37ActionParsnip: Thanks.00:11
Zekerspasticteapot, these labels make it all confusing...00:11
Jack_Sparrowdarthmarth37 Sure I will paste mine00:11
Jack_Sparrowandy56_uk this is the wrong place for discussionon that..00:11
darthmarth37Geez, that thing is long.00:11
spasticteapotZeker: Look up "x86" on Wikipedia.00:11
Falling-InfernoCould someone tell me how to mount .bin/.cue extensions I looked around and found they are paired. But how do i mount them?00:11
kosharidarthmarth37 let grub make one00:11
legend2440Pici: what is aptitudes full front end?00:11
Zekerspasticteapot, I did and I got even more confused haha.  I was reading gibberish.00:11
Jack_Sparrowdarthmarth37 http://paste.ubuntu.com/19745/00:12
Picilegend2440: The ncurses front end00:12
darthmarth37koshari: I'm adding to an existing grub config, not creating a new one.00:12
talntidhey Jack... can you give me Keira Knightley's phone #? kthx :)00:13
kosharidarthmarth37: ok so you do have one,00:13
andy56_ukjoelito: jack_sparrow:  I am not complaining.  I'm trying to understand the issues with Linux, expecially Ubuntu.  I'm a new convert from Windows, trying very hard to switch.  The way things have been going over the past week, I'm on the verge of switching back.  As this is a general Ubuntu channel, and my issues are specifically with Ubuntu, I thought it would be appropriate to look for advice here.00:13
ShawnRiskwhen I try to install packages: sudo apt-get update I get 404 errors00:13
ShawnRiskany ideas?00:13
kosharidarthmarth37: again though grub should detect other OS and append00:13
cyberdustMoin Moin00:13
Falling-InfernoCould someone tell me how to mount .bin/.cue extensions I looked around and found they are paired. But how do i mount them?00:13
m1randy56_uk: what is your problem on making switch ?=00:13
koshariFalling-Inferno: loop?00:14
Jack_Sparrowandy56_uk this is the support room...  People with specific issues and trying to get it installed..  not for discussions like yours00:14
Falling-Infernokashari: I don't think that will work. Because its not ISO.00:14
darthmarth37koshari: I have one for Gentoo atm.  With the examples people pastebinned I hope to add Ubuntu to the existing list as well.  So what you're saying it that I can point something at the existing file and it will non-destructively append to it?00:14
koshariFalling-Inferno http://snippets.dzone.com/posts/show/269900:15
darthmarth37Sorry, I'm new to Ubuntu.00:15
Jack_Sparrowandy56_uk /join #ubuntu-offtopic     or java or any of the other more appropiate channels00:15
Joelitoandy56_uk: see, just because something is wrong the code is not ubuntu or linux fault, isn't it?00:15
kosharidarthmarth37: my understanding if you run grub it will create a menu.1st file with the detected OSs, back up your exitsing menu 1st file and give it a go00:16
andy56_ukjack_sparrow: This didn't start as a discussion, I was asking for support.  My comments on the problem were in response to specific questions from joelito.  I'll move out of this channel as you request though.00:16
Jack_Sparrowandy56_uk Thank you00:16
ToxicSoul2I'm having some issues with xorg, I just swapped my video card to a Radeon 9200SE and I'm trying to get dual monitors setup (perferably with 3d..) but no matter what I used for my xorg.conf I get thrown to safe graphics mode00:16
darthmarth37koshari: I suppose it's worth a shot.  Now I just have to figure out how to boot Ubuntu in the first place.00:17
spiritsmokeI'm having problems with a command line tutorial at http://zardoz-technomage.es/blog/3d/187/ with this line of code sudo ln -s /usr/aw /aw<00:17
spiritsmokeany help please00:17
ezzieyguywufis there a way to use the kernel from ubuntu studio in the regular ubuntu release?00:17
spiritsmokethanks in advance00:17
kosharidarthmarth37 http://www.techtalkwiki.net/restore_grub_on_linux00:17
zvacetShawnRisk : system>admin<software sources and check under ubuntu software and updates tab that all is checked00:17
kosharidarthmarth37 use the live disc00:17
Joelitoandy56_uk: imagine if every language error was brought here as "issue"... >.<00:17
darthmarth37Ah, of course.  I can just chroot from Gentoo.00:18
spiritsmoke<Joelito> I should not ask that question hear00:18
gwp I am new to linux and especially new to compiz, I have it downloaded and installed. I loaded this theme ( Dark Ice - http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Dark+Ice+Emerald?content=70284 ) But only my window boarder on open programs changes, nothing else so aside from this irc program with the darker boarder, I do not see the rest of that theme. What have I done wrong?00:18
clausiHey, mag mir einer helfen und erklären, wie ich wine so einrichte, dass ich damit auch spiele spielen kann? (wc3, trackmania nations forever) Ich bekomme immer Fehlermeldungen/Grafikfehler etc00:18
kosharidarthmarth37 keep in mind that you can have multiple menu.1st files, however the only one relevent is the one the bootloater points to00:18
Jack_SparrowJoelito Agreed, but he moved on to a different channel..00:18
WicksLooking for a silver bullet here...hehe is there a command that will get a mac address from an ip address?00:18
Jack_Sparrowgwp Many of the themes that you will find will not be complete. just borders or icons etc.. few will have everything you see in the screenshot00:19
ShawnRiskzvacet: only first two are checked00:19
jayde_drag0nhey i have a strange problem.. i've found a few threads on it.. but not what i need... i can only sometimes have multiple sounds running.. like rythmbox and vlc will play.. but if rythmbox is open and anything is on pause... sounds will not play in a browser.. nor will my im sounds come thru00:19
Jack_SparrowWicks Sounds more like you are trying to hack someone00:19
brodyAlright, i've got a problem with wine. . for some reason the display is really huge and I can't move it to fit my desktop or resize it or anything. . I've also tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but nothing. .00:20
kosharijayde_drag0n: are you using alsa or os00:20
gwpJack_Sparrow: to change the gnome look, what program would that be and what website should I go to, to find those themes00:20
zvacetShawnRisk : check them all(exept of source )00:20
Jack_Sparrowbrody /join #winehq00:20
jayde_drag0nkoshari: where so i find the answer to your question?00:20
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy00:20
AggrrDoes anybody know how to install the wireless RTL8187 driver?00:20
WicksJack_Sparrow: not at all, Innocent purpose - if you happen to know the snmp mib for it, that would also work :)00:20
kosharijayde_drag0n: open the mixer, through the vol control00:20
Fingeljayde_drag0n install libflashsupport and see if it works then00:20
ToxicSoul2I'm having some issues with xorg, I just swapped my video card to a Radeon 9200SE and I'm trying to get dual monitors setup (perferably with 3d..) but no matter what I used for my xorg.conf I get thrown to safe graphics mode00:21
ShawnRiskzvacet: exept of source?00:21
Fingelok I just installed new modules for my wireless card (compat wireless) and now I cant browse networks using any of the gnome tools, anyone know how to get it back?00:22
jayde_drag0nkoshari: alsa00:22
brodyJack_Sparrow - sweet, thatnks, didn't even know that wow I feel dumb :)00:22
zvacetShawnRisk : you don´t need source packages but all others you do00:22
jayde_drag0nFingel: installing now will check.. but how will that solve im sounds not playing?00:22
moshetoxic,I had the same problem with a 9250.which kernel are you using?00:22
Fingeljayde_drag0n by default installation flash kills pulseaudio server00:23
ShawnRiskzvacet: they're all ticked but still update gives a million 404's00:23
Fingelmight be the prob and you just dont know it yet00:23
kosharitoxic,I i fould the ati <9250 were paifull under linux, the closed driver didnt work and the open one was slow00:23
ToxicSoul2moshe, currently: 2.6.24-19-generic00:23
zvacetShawnRisk : try to change server to main00:23
ShawnRiskzvacet: how?00:23
ToxicSoul2koshari, yeah I had a decent card with compiz/etc working but I opted to switch to this to get rid of another desktop under my desk.. (4 monitors .. now 2 systems but before it was 3)00:24
mosheI did a reinstall of 2.6.24-18 and got mine to work in3d with compiz. all the bells and whistles work now. go figure!!00:24
zvacetShawnRisk : it is under software tab you see option to choose server and you see which one you use right now00:25
zvacetShawnRisk : you will see something like server for.... box00:25
koshariToxicSoul2 i actually found i could get an nvidia mx4 64 working better than a 925000:25
fadio have a question !00:26
nspryspartancan i get help with wine?00:26
jayde_drag0nFingel: i now have sound in firefox.. but still no sound with pidgin00:26
fadihow can i compile a file of CPP in the terminal  UBUNTU00:27
kosharinspryspartan:  you could try AA00:27
Pici!compile | fadi00:27
ubottufadi: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)00:27
Starnestommyfadi: use g++00:27
ecn_arti have both vista and ubuntu on my pc, now im going to install xp instead of vista, my question is how do i shrink both the partition for ubuntu and its swap, i dont mind re installing ubuntu00:27
ToxicSoul2Hmm I have plenty of spare drives sitting around I might swap my drive for one of them and see what I can do with a fresh install..00:27
hoenshow do you get flash sound to work in ff?00:27
ShawnRiskzvacet: already changed to main & us. maybe edgy isn't supported00:27
julian2495322whats is the best way to setup a music server00:27
nspryspartanwhats wrong with pidgin?00:27
Jack_Sparrownspryspartan You will get better help with wine if you /join #winehq00:27
zvacetShawnRisk : now you telling me that you use edgy what you want to do upgrade00:28
fadi<ubottu> thx00:28
ShaddaI've got an issue. I have an nvidia 8500 GT. I went to Administation -> Hardware drivers and enabled the device driver listed there ("NVIDIA Accelerated graphics driver (latest cards)"). It downloaded a driver and made me reboot00:28
ZeeStormecn_art: you can try QtParted00:28
zvacetShawnRisk : and yes,Edgy is not supported anymore00:28
ZeeStormecn_art: it's a clone of Partition Magic supposedly00:28
Trevor_<Shadda> whats the big deal00:28
ShawnRiskzvacet: capped bandwidth00:29
Shaddaas soon as I rebooted it told me i was running in low graphics mode. So I configured manually and tested via the button. That works, but I clicked okay, and it went back to low graphics mode00:29
Jack_SparrowShawnRisk Edgy Distro upgrade... edit /etc/apt/sources, change all edgy to feisty, apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade00:29
Trevor_What kind of computer do you have?00:29
Shaddaunder hardware drivers it says "In Use" but enabled isn't checked. Checking it and rebooting sends me through the same loop00:29
PiciZeeStorm: Its its own parition editor, nothing to do with partition magic.00:29
ShaddaTrevor_: hm?00:29
ShaddaIt's not exactly brand-name heh00:29
Trevor_lol oh00:29
gwpWhat is it that gives you icons and Ubuntu menu like in Dark Ice - http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Dark+Ice+Emerald?content=7028400:29
ecn_artthx zeestorm00:29
ZeeStormPici: I know, but it has a pretty gui, and people call it a partition magic clone00:30
Trevor_i have the same card, but i have a HP00:30
jayde_drag0nFingel: okay mabye its lying.. i opened the preferences of pidgin.. and went to sounds.. and hit test.. i can hear all the sounds.. but its not actually DOING it00:30
Shaddathe card came out of a gateway00:30
ShawnRiskJack_Sparrow: you mean /etc/apt/sources.list?00:30
ShaddaAnyone know how to get this card working under hardy heron?00:30
Fingeljayde_drag0n what do you mean? you hear the shounds but they dont play when they are supposed to ?00:30
Jack_SparrowShawnRisk Edgy Distro upgrade... edit /etc/apt/sources.list , change all edgy to feisty, apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade00:30
Trevor_<Shadda> seems like a motherboard problem00:31
hoenscan anyone point me to the relevant forum post? the ones i've tried doesn't work00:31
Jack_SparrowShawnRisk Thanks.. typo in my notes...00:31
zvacetShawnRisk : my Engish is not so good can you tell me in other words what is your plan00:31
jayde_drag0nFingel: yes exactly00:31
ShawnRiskzvacet: no plan00:31
ShawnRiskJack_Sparrow: cool00:31
jayde_drag0nFingel: they don't play at all during the convo00:31
ecn_artim using 6gb for the swap which i heard is asburd i dont know and since ill be using ubuntu mainly for internet access   i wont need 30gb00:31
Jack_SparrowEdgy Distro upgrade... gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list , change all edgy to feisty, apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade00:31
jayde_drag0nFingel: oh and i'm on hardy00:32
Fingeljayde_drag0n dunno man sounds like a prob with pidgin00:32
Jack_Sparrowgwp cairo-dock is what you are after..00:32
zvacetShawnRisk : change all archive.ubuntu.com to old-releases.ubuntu.com sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade00:32
jayde_drag0nFingel: but i went into preferences >sound.. and hit test on all of them.. and i hear sounds... and they DO play if rythmbox is closed00:33
ShawnRiskJack_Sparrow: working00:33
Fingeljayde_drag0n one sec00:33
jayde_drag0nFingel: but i want to make it so that i don't have to close rythmbox... i listen to audiobooks.. and rythmbox doesn't save my place.. so i like to leave it open and on pause so i don't lose my spot00:33
sensaeI'm installing Ubuntu server - I have three devices in a RAID5, and I'm partitioning the RAID. Once I add my first partition in the RAID device, it claims I've ran out of primary partitions00:34
Jack_Sparrowgwp https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CairoDock                        select osx theme inside cairo dock00:34
Jack_Sparrowbbl.. need to lurk for a bit00:34
sensaeWhat gives?00:34
ecn_arterghh im a newb at ubuntu where do i launch qparted??00:34
Fingeljayde_drag0n its a common problem00:34
Fingeljayde_drag0n with pulseaudio and esd00:34
jayde_drag0nFingel: well i thank you very much for helping me.. you already got it so that my browser will work.. now i just need my im sounds to work.. cuz i don't notice my friends talking to me when i don't hear the ding00:35
sensae"You are editting partition #1 of RAID5 device #0. No existing file system was detected on this partition."00:35
Fingeljayde_drag0n https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/10857700:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 108577 in pulseaudio "pulseaudio esd wrapper is not working with gnome" [Medium,Fix released]00:35
sensaeI can't add any partitions after #100:36
ShawnRiskzvacet: do i have to change feisty back to edgy?00:36
jayde_drag0nFingel: um... i don't understand what i'm reading in that link00:37
ShawnRiskzvacet: ?00:37
ecn_artergh... when i try to execute qparted gives folowing error: could not execute child process qparted: no such file or directory ( i just installed it now)00:39
ZeeStormecn_art: sorry, never used it either :-\ you could google it and see what you come up with00:40
zvacetShawnRisk : no why would you want to do that00:40
ecn_arti just installed it from synaptic00:40
koshariecn_art: are you launching it from the menu00:40
fadihow can i make running script when i logging in!!!00:40
fadihow can i make running script when i logging in!!!00:40
ShawnRiskzvacet: :P00:41
fadihow can i make running script when i logging in!!!00:41
fadiis anybody know ?!00:41
Ahadielfadi, Edit your sessions. Preferences => Sessions00:41
IndyGunFreak!patience | fadi00:41
ubottufadi: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:41
zvacetShawnRisk : did you upgrade t ofeisty00:41
IndyGunFreakecn_art: what programs are you having problems starting?00:41
aldenhow can I find the gcc version used to compile my kernel?00:42
ShawnRiskzvacet: capped in bandwidth can't00:42
Jack_Sparrow!patience > fadi00:42
toedhow do i go back to the default .conf files for a given package? i tried removing it and installing it again but it didnt work00:42
aldenhow can I find the gcc version used to compile my kernel?00:42
zvacetgood night to all of you00:43
Wicksok easier one!  how do you clear the arp cache? o_000:43
aldenhow can I find the gcc version used to compile my kernel?00:43
rampageoberonfadi: make a script, stick it in /etc/init.d, then run rcconf as root and make it start there00:44
rampageoberonhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=805199 <-- I have a slight difficulty setting up inbound traffic shaping, i'm using iptables to mark packets and send them down appropriate ingress qdiscs but it seems to not work00:44
ecn_artindygunfreak im having trouble starting qparted00:44
jayde_drag0nFingel: okay now its just bizarre and lying to me00:44
rampageoberonincase someone new is looking and can help00:44
SimulousHey can somebody pleeeeas help me. Im using Kubuntu 8.04 (KDE 4 Remix) and all i need to do is edit the host file and i cant seem to edit it as root :( Im pretty new to Linux. I used Kununtu a while back ver 7 i think and all i did was select "edit as root" but this doesnt have it. Its the dolphin file manager.00:44
IndyGunFreakecn_art: are you using gnome or kde?00:44
ubunubiAnyone having problems with Pidgin not allowing you to create new a new "buddy group" using the AIM service??00:44
fadirampageoberon> thanks bro.00:44
aldenhow can I find the gcc version used to compile my kernel?00:44
ubottuIn KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)00:44
jayde_drag0nFingel: i can goto the nicserv window and type stuff.. and it maks sound JUST fine.. but my conversation window.... nothing00:45
rampageoberonSimulous: gksudo gedit /etc/hosts00:45
DILcan usa holidays be enabled in Evolution calendar00:45
Jack_Sparrowrampageoberon kdesu kate ...00:45
rampageoberonoh my bad00:45
ecn_artgnome i think im newb to this i have ubuntu last version so ...00:45
IndyGunFreakubunubi: can't you just create a new group, then add people to it?00:45
rampageoberonoverlooked it was kubuntu00:45
IndyGunFreakecn_art: do you have a "K" menu, or do you have an "Application, Places, System" menu on your desktop00:46
ubunubiIndyGunFreak: No. It lets me choose Create/Add Group...then assign a name..but the Group never appears00:46
spantherattack of the killer bees <-- lol funny movie xD00:46
Nostahlhi all how do i use svideo in ubuntu output00:46
ecn_artapplications, places....00:46
IndyGunFreakubuntulog: hmmk, weird.. works fine for me.00:46
IndyGunFreakecn_art: ok, you're using gnome.00:47
IndyGunFreakecn_art: have you tried running gparted?.. its the p artition editor for gnome.00:47
aldencan any of you help?  how can I find the gcc version used to compile my kernel?00:47
ecn_artyes from applications, system tools, qparted00:48
sensaeWhy can't I make more than 1 primary partition in my RAID5?00:48
IndyGunFreakecn_art: Qparted and Gparted are different00:48
aldenI don't have a system tools folder00:48
ecn_artits qtparted00:48
ubunubiIndyGunFreak: Even if I log into my AIM 6.0 on my WinXP Partition and add a group then relog-in using Pidgin the new group never propogates to Pidgin's list00:48
rampageoberonalden: System -> Administration -> ...00:48
Nostahlhi all im having problem with my svideo showing black and white only  is that corectable?00:48
rampageoberonalden: best to browse the menus a bit00:49
clausican someone help me with installing wine ? I cant even configure it00:49
IndyGunFreakecn_art: i know that..00:49
ecn_arti need it to shrink my partitions sizes the one im using for ubuntu and its swap00:49
toedhow do i go back to the default .conf files for a given package? i tried removing it and installing it again but it didnt work00:49
rampageoberonclausi: sudo aptitude install wine00:49
ecn_artim sure u do just making sure it wasnt gparted00:49
brodyclausi what's wrong w/ wine00:49
rampageoberontoed: sudo aptitude purge <package> and then sudo aptitude install <package>00:50
clausiwell when i type ./configure it returns configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables00:50
IndyGunFreakecn_art: open a terminal, and type "qtparted" w/o quotes, and see if it gives you any errors.00:50
brodyclausi - or you can open synaptic package manager and install from there00:50
rampageoberonclausi: installed build-essential?00:50
ecn_artokidoki is runnig now00:50
Nostahlanyone know how to get tv output to be color and not black and white00:50
clausidunno :p00:51
ecn_artthx indygunfreak00:51
kyncani!packages | clausi00:51
ubottuclausi: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!00:51
IndyGunFreakecn_art: no prob, but tis silly to run qtparted.. thats really a KDE app,b ut as long as it does what you want00:51
rampageoberongparted is awesome, does all you need00:52
Thundarrnostal...have you tried changing the channel in your software00:52
IndyGunFreakrampageoberon: i prefer the gparted live CD's, but i agree.. its awesome.00:52
Thundarrfrom channel 3 to 4 or something like that00:52
rampageoberonHmm, though the latest stable livecd of gparted didn't work for me :(00:52
IndyGunFreakwhy he installed qtparted i guess will remain a mystery00:52
rampageoberonIndyGunFreak: yep, same here00:52
IndyGunFreakrampageoberon: have you tried partedmagic?.. its even better.00:52
rampageoberonIndyGunFreak: no, i just tend to use gparted livecd00:53
Shaddaerm, I can't seem to switch workspaces in ubuntu00:53
IndyGunFreakrampageoberon: the partedmagic live CD, is really nice, the GUI is a little friendlier than gparted00:53
Shaddaclicking on the workspace icon does nothing00:53
Shaddanor does the hotkey00:53
ZeeStormIndyGunFreak: i suggested it based off of a google search.. i've never had to do partitions in linux, so was going with what sounded best at the time00:53
rampageoberonIndyGunFreak: had to go back to using gparted-livecd-0.3.4-11 as the newer 0.3.6-7 didmn't load :(00:53
IndyGunFreakbut theya re the same thing more or less rampageoberon00:53
IndyGunFreakZeeStorm: what are you talking about?00:53
ecn_artso whats the minimun recomended for my ubunut partiton and for the swap?00:53
ZeeStormIndyGunFreak "why he installed qtparted i guess will remain a mystery"00:54
rampageoberonIndyGunFreak: i'll have a poke with parted magic next time i'm doing taht00:54
rampageoberonIndyGunFreak: thanks :)00:54
IndyGunFreakZeeStorm: why would you suggest qtparted, when he's running gnome?00:54
Nostahlanyone know how to fix black and white display on svideo out00:54
mhikuwhat is difference between alternate and desktop?00:54
IndyGunFreak!alternate | mhiku00:54
ubottumhiku: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent00:54
ZeeStormIndyGunFreak: because i didn't know about gparted :)00:54
IndyGunFreakZeeStorm: sigh..00:54
ZeeStormIndyGunFreak: and nobody else was offering advice.. so i googled it for him, lol00:54
rampageoberonZeeStorm: you could always do !gparted next time :)00:55
IndyGunFreakmhiku: basicallyl, desktop is the "live cd".. youc an runt he OS from the cd, test hardware, run programs, etc.. alt. install cd, is a text based installer.. only00:55
rampageoberonubottu will be happy to enlighten them :)00:55
ubotturampageoberon: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:55
ZeeStormrampageoberon: like i said.. if only i knew about it, lol :)00:55
IndyGunFreakZeeStorm: thus why giving advice, when you yourself don't know what your'e talking about, is dangerous..00:56
prettyrickywhat exactly is Linux headers generic? and linux image 2.6.24-18 generic do I need to install that?00:56
aldenrampageoberon: I hav looked through the menus, and also did a search of the file system.  no qparted was found00:56
l3d symbol lookup error: ./file: undefined symbol: __glutRoot    what would something like this mean00:56
rampageoberonprettyricky: thats your kernel00:56
mhikui have 64mb ram can i run xubuntu?00:56
IndyGunFreakmhiku: it'll suck.00:56
anirudh0l3d, the glub library is missing00:56
rampageoberonprettyricky: so yes you want to install it if you want a newer kernel00:56
IndyGunFreakmhiku: you'd probaly be better of w/ fluxbuntu00:56
prettyrickyi have installed 8.04 and it says I need to update?00:56
rampageoberonalden is it installed?00:56
ZeeStormIndyGunFreak: i just said he could try qtparted.. i had told him i never used it or anything -.-00:57
anirudh0l3d, *glut00:57
ecn_artwhats the minimum recommended size for ubuntu partiton and for the swap??00:57
rampageoberonalden: sudo aptitude install <package>00:57
rampageoberonalden: i usually suggest gparted00:57
l3dfreeglut3 is installed in synaptic00:57
prettyrickywell I updated it once and I had to reinstall ubuntu cause I would not start after the install00:57
aldenidk, I just download and installed ubuntu last night00:57
IndyGunFreakecn_art: swap should generally be 1.5-2x your memory00:57
ecn_arti have 3gb so about 6gb?00:58
rampageoberonecn_art: no00:58
ecn_artumm its correct size then00:58
IndyGunFreakecn_art: 6gigs would be al ittle overkill00:58
zaputr_How to restart x server from console?00:58
IndyGunFreakbut if you want 6gigs, it won't hurt anything00:58
rampageoberonecn_art: if you have 3gb ram, use say 1gb swap00:58
sparrsudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart00:58
sparrzaputr: if youre using ubuntu/gnome/gdm ^^00:58
aldenrampageoberon: idk, I just download and installed ubuntu last night00:58
matthewhi guys, quick question here: Will accessing my windows partition through Ubuntu (saving to, playing music/videos from etc.) corrupt anything if thats the only space I use for storage?00:58
IndyGunFreakecn_art: 1.5-2x your system ram, is just a general rule.. you'll be fine w/ 1-2gigs00:58
rampageoberonecn_art: with 3gb i guess you could run without swap, but always good to have swap00:58
rampageoberonalden: sudo aptitude install gparted00:58
prettyrickyIn the bootmanager it had 2.6.24-18 and 2.6.24-16 I had to shows from either one of those 2. Is that right?00:59
IndyGunFreakrampageoberon: not to mention the installer pisses and moans if you don'[t have a swap00:59
ecn_artumm thx00:59
rampageoberonprettyricky: yes00:59
rampageoberonprettyricky: if the latest one works fine choose that00:59
sparrmatthew: id seriously suggest using a simpler filesystem for storage that both OSes can read.  linux usually wont hurt ntfs these days00:59
KakuradyWindows flash when they try to get my attention. Where can I turn it off? I forgot.00:59
rampageoberonmatthew: it should be fine as long as its unmounted properly i think00:59
ecn_artok im sorted for now i think ill be resizing my drives and downgrading vista to xp aswell, thx indigunfreak01:00
aldenrampageoberon: ok, I did it01:00
anirudh0rampageoberon, why does ubuntu recommend 4gb for standard install then?01:00
IndyGunFreakKakurady: turn what off?01:00
prettyrickyWell its working good, but I have the update manager and I have over 160 updates, so all those updates are not necessary?01:00
matthewsparr: My windows partition has most of the space, I only have 15 gigs on ubuntu, so I try to keep everything on that drive to save space01:00
rampageoberonanirudh0: that is 4gb or hard drive space01:00
matthewdrive=partition I mean01:00
IndyGunFreakecn_art: good luck, just make sure your stuff is backed up.. that sounds like it will be a task01:00
rampageoberonanirudh0: 4gb memory is a *lot* for day to day use01:00
anirudh0rampageoberon, :)..i thought 4gb was hard disk size01:01
KakuradyIndyGunFreak: Windows will flash black a bit when it tries to "stalk" me, for example if somebody mentions my name in IRC. I remember there's a setting for this but can't find it anymore.01:01
rampageoberonanirudh0: min 4gb or hard drive space yes, what exactly were you asking me?01:01
anirudh0Kakurady, flash where..in the dock?01:01
aldenrampageoberon: ok, I did it; now where do I go?  (sorry, noob at linux.)01:01
rampageoberonalden: System -> Administration -> gparted01:01
Kakuradyanirudh0: No, the whole windows flashes01:01
darthmarth37Shoot, update-grub isn't going to help at all.01:01
anirudh0rampageoberon, i saw that you said 3gb is enough..i thought you meant hard disk space..i was mistaken01:02
rampageoberonalden: System -> Administration -> Partition editor maybe01:02
aldengot it, thanks01:02
rampageoberonanirudh0: ah okay, i meant ram01:02
S4nD3rMy pendrive do not mount automatically when is inserted... If I  run manually ./S12dbus restart then, is mounted.. What to do to this service be listening usb??? CD is automatically automounted...01:02
aldenrampageoberon: got it, thanks01:02
darthmarth37The kernel isn't on the same partition as menu.lst.01:02
rampageoberonalden: to edit the root partition size you will need to use a livecd01:02
aldenrampageoberon: I need to find the gcc version that was used to compile my kernel01:03
ari_stressmorning all01:03
rampageoberonalden: the gparted that you have now can only be used for other drives01:03
aldenrampageoberon: I need to find the gcc version that was used to compile my kernel01:03
rampageoberonalden: why that specific version?01:03
anirudh0alden, mounted filesystems cant be touched by gparted..since / cannot be unmounted, a live cd is necessary01:03
matthewokay, random problem just now: I minimized my windows but I don't see them in the tool bar in either desktop space.01:03
itsmeitsmeuname --help will list command switches to ID your environment.01:04
rampageoberonmatthew: you need to add it to the panel i think01:04
IndyGunFreakmatthew: using gnome?01:04
rampageoberonmatthew: the window list applet01:04
sensaeWhy is the Ubuntu Installer so braindead with RAID?01:04
IndyGunFreakmatthew: add either window list, or window selector(which i think is far superior)01:04
matthewoh, duh.01:05
aldenrampageoberon: I'm install a patch for my wireless card for you with aircrack-ng; I need gcc-#.#.*_*01:05
matthewthanks guys01:05
rampageoberonalden: can't the latest gcc compiler do>01:05
Shaddafeh. none of the compiz hotkeys are working01:05
IndyGunFreak!build-essential | alden01:05
ubottualden: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)01:05
S4nD3rMy pendrive do not mount automatically when is inserted... If I  run manually ./S12dbus restart then, is mounted.. What to do to this service be listening usb??? CD is automatically automounted...01:05
rampageoberonoh yeah alden have you installed build-essential?01:06
itsmeitsmeIf you're able to hack it and maintain stability, it's either 3.3xx or 4.3xx.01:06
Kakuradyanirudh0, IndyGunFreak: Nevermind I found it (System - Preferences - Sound, third tab)01:06
aldenrampageoberon: no, it comes up with kernel/gcc errors01:06
itsmeitsmeOther variants aren't robust enough.01:06
l3d i have freeglut3 and libglut3 installed so what now01:06
aldeni think so, hold on01:06
aldenrampageoberon: i think so, hold on01:06
rampageoberonalden: do sudo aptitude install build-essential01:06
rampageoberonalden: and then try compile it01:06
anirudh0rampageoberon, some stuff compiles with older compilers only..gcc 3.4->4.1 is particularly troublesome01:06
harrismsame question as yesterday: how do i tell if my wireless card is broken?01:06
lonetech1920when trying to play a wmv file i get this error and installed various video players and dll codecs plugins from the repos:  The playback of this movie requires the following decoders which are not installed:video/x-asf-unknown decoder Windows Media Speech decoder01:06
DaveKongIf you are using fluxbox and your menu is auto loaded is there some way to have it made explicit so it is easy to modify without recreating a whole new text file?01:06
darthmarth37Will update-grub work if menu.lst and the kernel lie on different partitions?01:06
IndyGunFreakharrism: does it come up in lspci?01:06
rampageoberonanirudh0: oh01:07
anirudh0darthmarth37, should01:07
anirudh0alden, i have no idea how you can find the gcc version...the changelog does'nt have that info..unless the dbg kernel package has something....01:08
matthewdoes anyone here use eMusic, and understand why I can't install the eMusic toolbar in firefox?01:08
harrismIndyGunFreak: no01:08
harrismIndyGunFreak: correction yes it does01:08
bastid_raZormatthew; i use avant-window-navigator.. but then again i don't have a bottom toolbar on my desktop. AWN takes place of that.01:08
IndyGunFreakharrism: hwo is it identified?01:08
aldenok, I have gotten compiled01:08
harrismIntel corp pro/wireless 2200bg rev 0501:08
rampageoberonalden: build-essential fixed it?01:09
IndyGunFreakharrism: that should work out of the box.01:09
PvTuckerI need help with my Ubuntu installation01:09
rampageoberonalden: nice, so guessing it wasn't installed then01:09
PvTuckerI burned it to a cd, installed it on a second hdd and I can't boot to it whatsoever01:09
harrismIndyGunFreak: yes it should -- it was working until two days ago; whole system got corrupted, upgraded to hardy, and th wireless does not wrok01:09
aldennow when I apply the patch, I get another error :(01:09
l3d symbol lookup error: ./file: undefined symbol: __glutRoot    what would something like this mean01:09
aldendiff: unrecognized option `--git'01:09
aldendiff: Try `diff --help' for more information.01:09
alden./b43-injection-2.6.25-wl.patch: line 2: index: command not found01:09
alden./b43-injection-2.6.25-wl.patch: line 3: ---: command not found01:09
alden./b43-injection-2.6.25-wl.patch: line 4: +++: command not found01:09
alden./b43-injection-2.6.25-wl.patch: line 5: syntax error near unexpected token `('01:09
alden./b43-injection-2.6.25-wl.patch: line 5: `@@ -2841,6 +2841,10 @@ static int b43_op_tx(struct ieee80211_hw *hw,'01:09
Thundarrpvtucker...how did you install ubuntu in the first place01:09
rampageoberon!paste | alden01:09
ubottualden: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:10
IndyGunFreakharrism: oh, during an upgrade....  https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/3296201:10
Thundarrpvtucker do you want to dual boot your system01:10
PvTuckerI did it once before but Vista won't let it load01:10
ecn_artumm back so soon, seems im having trouble using qtparted becasue its say the drive i being used ( istarted by trying to ressive my swap) and the main one im using to run ubuntu so what can i do?01:10
PvTuckerI tried everyway01:10
rampageoberonVista and grub have issues PvTucker01:10
lonetech1920never mind01:11
harrismIndyGunFreak: it broke under gutsy though01:11
IndyGunFreakecn_art: you need to use a live CD most likely01:11
IndyGunFreakharrism: i don't know.01:11
PvTuckerI even installed it as an application01:11
rampageoberonPvTucker: there is a guide on the wiki for dualbooting with vista01:11
harrismI tried fixing it, and during a restart I was getting bootup warnings, graphics got currupted, etc.01:11
w33d5anyone have a suggestion for a good online photo album that uses existing folder structure of the photos- looking for something that has a bit of pizazz01:11
IndyGunFreakecn_art: you can't resize a partition you're actively using... common sense there.01:11
rampageoberon!grub | PvTucker01:11
ubottuPvTucker: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:11
harrismiwconfig reveals radio off01:11
ecn_artdindt thought of that thx01:11
rampageoberon!dualboot | PvTucker01:12
ubottuPvTucker: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot01:12
ecn_arti lack a bit of common sens some times thats why i go to #ubuntu01:12
Thundarrpvtucker or do you want to just boot to ubunto01:12
IndyGunFreakecn_art: google the partedmagic live CD.. its easy to use, a quick download, burn it to CD, and use it.. its great.01:12
harrismside question: where is compiz settings manager in hardy?01:12
rampageoberonharrism: you need to install it01:12
aldenthere it is01:12
ecn_artcant do it with ubuntu cd then ? the qtparted isint there init?01:12
rampageoberonharrism: search synaptic01:12
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:12
zaputr_/etc/init.d/gdm restart doesn't work, after restart i go to tty7, in which was my last xserver but screen is black and pc ask only if i restart it01:12
IndyGunFreakecn_art: qtparted isn't.. but i think the live CD has gparted.. which should work01:13
harrismrampageoberon: wasn't it there by default in gg?01:13
pukemanis the proper way to disable restricted drivers is to click on the icon in the taskbar and disable? or just unload with rmmod?01:13
KakuradyI don't really think ccsm was there in Gutsy either...01:13
Thundarrpvtucker do a search for ubuntu through windows01:13
rampageoberonharrism: no idea, i saw some conversation here where it needed to be isntalled01:13
ecn_artoki ill give it a try thx again01:13
=== _brocebegone is now known as brocebegone
aldenrampageoberon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19756/01:14
m_newtonHello! I am a fairly seasoned ubuntu user, but now i am stuped... when i enter 'gksudo nautilus' nothing happens! Help plz?01:14
coderedDears, i want to setup skystar2 / pci on ubuntu , i dont know how! i read alot of articles but they are all missing something ? please help me? thanks aot.01:14
CaptainMorgananyone know off hand what the command line is to view connected nodes to the local network ?01:14
linuxmonkeyharrism: you need to install it if you used the add/remove search for compiz01:14
rampageoberonsorry alden i don't have a clue about that :(01:14
Thundarryou should find something called Wubi01:14
haukHello, I'm having trouble adding workspaces to ubuntu. I right click on Desk 1, click Preferences, and all I get is rows/columns. Any ideas?01:14
m_newtonvivek u there01:15
pukemanhmm, should i repeat? or i'm a way down in line?01:15
harrismlinuxmonkey: i just did a fresh hardy install -- seems to be no way to change which plugins are available?01:15
IndyGunFreakhauk: are you using kDE or gnome?01:15
aldenFloodBot keeps sending me blank messages!!!!!!!! arg!!!!!!!!01:15
rampageoberonhauk: right click on the pannel and add from there01:15
haukIndyGunFreak: Gnome, sorry =/01:15
IndyGunFreakalden: probably because your flooding the channel01:15
Thundarrpvtucker the only thing is that after you boot your system you will have a choice of OS01:15
darthmarth37Nope, update-grub doesn't work when the kernel and menu.lst are on different partitions.  It demands that I add /boot/grub, when /boot isn't on the right partition.01:15
m_newtonalden, lol01:15
aldenbut blank messages?01:15
m_newtonHello! I am a fairly seasoned ubuntu user, but now i am stuped... when i enter 'gksudo nautilus' nothing happens! Help plz?01:15
ecn_arthow do i run e2fsk?01:15
IndyGunFreakalden: just think how annoying it is when you flood the channel.01:15
AnonEMouseif I wanted permissions on a directory of "drwxr-sr-x" what is the chmod value?01:16
rampageoberonm_newton: why do you want nautilus as root? out of curiosity01:16
darthmarth37AnonEMouse: 275501:16
aldensorry, never been on an IRC channel before; define "flood the channel"01:16
Flycasteri've problem with mi canon pixma ip1600. ubuntu don't have the driver01:16
rampageoberonm_newton: if you are a seasoned user surely you'd be used to the terminal01:16
rampageoberonalden: mass C&P01:16
AnonEMousedarthmarth37: Thanks!01:16
rampageoberonalden: too many lines very fast01:16
aldenI only did that once01:16
IndyGunFreakhauk: add the "workplace switcher applet" to your panel, then set how many desktops you want there.01:17
linuxmonkeyharrism: by default there isnt, its an advanced feature. to install it do in terminal, sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager01:17
darthmarth37AnonEMouse: The first of four digits specifies SUID and the like.01:17
uwolzxnhello can someone help me and call my mother.01:17
uwolzxncan you do me a favor and call 423-874-0370.. it's my mother and tell her to call me because my phone is broken outbound. (did not pay my bill)01:17
m_newtonrampageoberon, so i can edit a file. also sudo gedit does not work as well and i prefer a graphic client like nautilus01:17
DILfyi - http://www.wbur.org/news/2008/77863_20080610.asp01:17
ecn_arthow do i run e2fsk?01:17
rampageoberonm_newton: gksudo gedit01:17
rampageoberonm_newton: cleary vi is better though01:17
harrismlinuxmonkey: thanx -01:17
linuxmonkeynp harrism01:18
stemount^uwolzxn: this isn't the place :-/01:18
StarnestommyAnonEMouse: the mode would be 275501:18
haukIndyGunFreak: thats already there. When I add it again, it just duplicates.01:18
harrismso back to my original question -- my wireless worked 2days ago. it died all of a sudden.  I upgraded to HH and still cant get it to work01:18
AnonEMouseStarnestommy: Thanks01:18
harrismany ideas?01:18
IndyGunFreakhauk: what exactly are you trying to do01:18
m_newtonrampageoberon, Also , so i can update my server, ya gksudo gedit doesnt work as well. kate does, but i like gnome. Vi is for complex stuff. And i want sudo nautilus because i need to place files in /var/www and well, thats long and hard code for terminal01:19
pukemanis the proper way to disable restricted drivers is to click on the icon in the taskbar and disable? or just unload with rmmod?01:19
haukIndyGunFreak Just add another two panels so I can have 4 workspaces. So then I can setup the Desktop cube.01:19
linuxmonkeyharrism: please specify what wireless card you have when you ask a wireless question. Thanks in Advance :)01:19
rampageoberonm_newton: vi is simple :), and you can update it from terminal which is far easier01:19
IndyGunFreakhauk: if you have 4 windows in that desktop, then you have 4 desktops.01:19
sensaeWhy can't I create more than one partition in a RAID5?01:19
IndyGunFreakhauk: change it to 2/2.. that should give you 4 desktops01:19
rampageoberonm_newton: its not long code in terminal at all01:19
harrismits a intel pro wireless b/g 220001:20
Thundarrcan anyone help me to see the files on my windows network??01:20
rampageoberonm_newton: as a seasoned user i hope you'd understand that having root run nautilus isn't a good idea01:20
darthmarth37A real quick question:  does /dev/disk/by-id/ exist when running Ubuntu?01:20
harrismlike i said, worked fine under gutsy till 2 days ago, then duced the rack all of a sudden01:20
haukIndyGunFreak: I changed rows = 2 and columns = 2, no luck.01:20
aldenbye guys01:20
m_newtonrampageoberon, care to eloborate, personally i have once used vi, i prefer nano over it.01:20
ThundarrI can see the systems...but not the shared doc/files on the systems01:20
IndyGunFreakhauk: can't explain that, sorry.. works fine for me.01:20
rampageoberonm_newton: i've been running linux for a month only and would never dare open nautilus as root01:20
haukIndyGunFreak: Np, thanks anyway01:20
Thundarris there something that I need to enable or turn on01:21
m_newtonrampageoberon, why not?01:21
blackenedwhat's your problem?01:21
rampageoberonm_newton: nano is a lot easier i agree, elaborate about what?01:21
magic_ninjai'm recieving an error when i try to copy files to my backup partition, here they are01:21
mib_d1d4wrhow do I release and renew my IP in ubuntu console ?01:21
IndyGunFreakharrism: i'm betting your wireless device is toast for some reason.01:21
haukblackened: I only have two workspaces. I have Desk 1 and Desk 2. I've already got Workspace Switcher Applet running, and when I click on Preferences, I only have option to change rows and column values01:21
pukemanmib_d1d4wr, dhclient?01:22
harrismIndyGunFreak: how to determine conclusively?01:22
m_newtonrampageoberon, eloborate on how vi is simple. compared to nano and gedit ofcorse01:22
magic_ninja4.829476] ata3.00: status: { DRDY ERR }01:22
IndyGunFreakharrism: that i don't know.01:22
mib_d1d4wrpukeman, yeah I am a dhcp client01:22
monkeybritchesmib_d1d4wr: sudo dhclient -r   then following with sudo dhclient01:22
blackenedhauk: and you want to add more workspaces?01:22
rampageoberonm_newton: the security of the system is based on the fact that all things are not run as root, you pretty much open up a lot of stuff to be messed up running the whole thing as root rahter than a text editor and the config file01:22
Picim_newton, rampageoberon: Please keep the editor debates out of this channel.01:22
IndyGunFreakif it worked fine till two days ago, and all of a sudden doesn't work anymore.. well..01:22
rampageoberonPici: sorry01:22
haukblackened: yeah, two more. So then I can activate the desktop cube :)01:22
harrismalso i think i might have a failing disk -- how to determine that conclusively01:22
pukemanheh, like i said, dhclient.01:22
monkeybritcheswhat he said01:22
blackenedselect 4 columns and 2 rows01:22
Thundarrhey Pici you were trying to help me earlier01:23
mib_d1d4wrWhy is GNOME so freaking slow?01:23
blackenedsorry, 1 row01:23
blackenedthat worked for me01:23
IndyGunFreakharrism: there's no way to determined that conclusively..01:23
pukemanmib_d1d4wr, becuase XFCE is faster.01:23
IndyGunFreakdisks fail over a period of time.01:23
haukblackened: Nope =/01:23
PiciThundarr: Yes, I got pulled away from my desk, sorry.01:23
blackenedhauk: :S too bad, have to go01:23
mib_d1d4wrI tried XFCE too and its slow as GNOME, best I found is fvwm-crystal01:23
harrismIndyGunFreak: is there a way to get an idea?  theres got a be a disk utility or someting01:23
pukemani just turn all that extra fx stuff off.01:23
IndyGunFreakharrism: not that i know of.. and its still not going to be conclusive.01:23
m_newtonrampageoberon, well, what if you wanted to put files in a restricted directory, you would use sudo nautilus (when i say sudo asume gksudo when neccesay)01:24
ThundarrPici... is there someone I can e-mail about my issue with not being able to see my files on my windows share01:24
pukemandon't need translucency to be elite....01:24
pukemanor shadows01:24
PiciThundarr: Not really... best to just be patient and continue asking in here01:24
linuxmonkeyharrism: if you have a failing disk it could be causing the issues your having with your wireless. or they could be 2 seperate issues. most disk manufacturers provide a utility to test the HDD you may want to visit their website01:24
ThundarrPici or what else I can do01:24
rampageoberonm_newton: sudo cp, or sudo mv01:24
mib_d1d4wrpukeman, even with all extras removed XP windows manager is faster than GNOME :(((01:24
crh0872can anyone help me compile projectM?01:24
CUBeR64hello, i'm having an issue with my usb flash drive, when i plug it in, its shown mounted on the desktop, however when i actually open it a pop up states that the drive was 'deleted'01:25
pukemanmib_d1d4wr, wtf man? i dunno, you using a 486/66 or something?01:25
Thundarranyone know how to fix my issue with not being able to see the files on my windows systems01:25
harrismlinuxmonkey: how do i tell what type of disk it is?01:25
magic_ninjahere is another useful error [76957.686746] ata5.00: configured for UDMA/13301:25
m_newtonrampageoberon, longer than dragging...01:25
Thundarrhey Sakitel01:25
Sakitelwich program do I should use to listen music?01:26
sensaeDoes -anyone- here use mdadm and RAID5?01:26
mib_d1d4wrnah pukeman, that's too fancy for me, I prefer a spanking new 808601:26
ffmCan ubuntu boot from an jffs2 partition?01:26
resivolve.win 601:26
pukemantry different video driver? check if anything is eating cpu cycles?01:26
rampageoberonSakitel: rythmbox is good01:26
koshariThundarr have you mounted the filesys01:26
rampageoberonSakitel: *rhythmbox is good01:26
KakuradyWoot, I can switch audio from USB earphones to built-in speakers and back without stopping the music01:26
mib_d1d4wrGNOME is just slow, it's a memoryvore01:26
* pukeman shrugs01:26
pukemanwhen in doubt, use console.01:26
i01nsusakite mplayer > comand line .. or download the codecs to lissen mp3 files01:26
mib_d1d4wror should I say memorywhore?01:26
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Thundarrsakitel:  have you looked in Applications> sound& video01:27
darthmarth37...so use something else...01:27
zelrikriandognome is fast01:27
zelrikriandoif you have a descent computer01:27
natjocan someone help me get a USB thumbdrive working please?01:27
Thundarrkoshari: how do I mount the filesystem01:27
mib_d1d4wrzelrikriando, thats the problem its like vista's aero01:27
* DIL has the same windows share problems - can mount windows but no visible files01:27
mib_d1d4wrneeds too much resources for nothing01:27
LordOlliesome people need pretty to smile at work01:28
CUBeR64hello, i'm having an issue with my usb flash drive, when i plug it in, its shown mounted on the desktop, however when i actually open it a pop up states that the drive was 'deleted'01:28
Sakitelsorry the question is -->wich program do I should use to listen radio on internet?01:28
pukemanhaha, windows, that os has totally gone down the pooper. all that work to release garabage.01:28
mrvdvhow do i add a new user01:28
mib_d1d4wrpukeman, I agree01:28
rampageoberonmrvdv: sudo adduser <username>01:28
linuxmonkeyharrism: sudo lshw01:28
mib_d1d4wrLinux needs GAMES!01:28
mib_d1d4wrI have to dual boot only because of games :S01:28
pukemanthere's something for that..01:28
pukemani think?01:28
m_newtonmib_d1d4wr, it has games!01:29
rampageoberonmib_d1d4wr: linux has games, Accessories > Games01:29
S4nD3ri would like to automount my memorystick01:29
spiderfirewrite games01:29
mib_d1d4wrI'm talking about commercial games01:29
rampageoberonmib_d1d4wr: linux has games, applications > Games01:29
zelrikriandomib_d1d4wr, not sure you can compare Gnome with Vista...Vista is much more greedy than Gnome I think01:29
m_newton!repeat |Lucky| mib_d1d4wr01:29
ubottuLucky| mib_d1d4wr: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:29
mib_d1d4wrI tried half-life2 with wine01:29
mib_d1d4wrtons of problems01:29
pukemani've played WoW on wine ,runs pretty decent.01:29
TI-83OMG! 1,256!!!01:29
mib_d1d4wrmust use directx 8.101:29
SakitelThundarr,  sorry the question is -->wich program do I should use to listen radio on internet?01:29
mib_d1d4wryeah but a minority of games works on linux unfortunately01:29
m_newtonmib_d1d4wr, open arena.. nexuiz now stop flooding01:29
mib_d1d4wrThundarr, use listen or amarok or vlc and shoutcast01:30
pukemanyeah, the ones that people make work.01:30
m_newtonSakarias, use VLC01:30
i01nsusakitel the sabe ppl sayd.. rythmimbox you have an option to add radio station01:30
pukemani suppose that's were help comes in, participating with the opensource.01:30
pukemanTI-83, yeah, i got that too01:30
CUBeR64i'm having an issue with my usb flash drive, when i plug it in, its shown mounted on the desktop, however when i actually open it a pop up states that the drive was 'deleted'01:30
zelrikriandoI kinda agree with mib_d1d4wr ...games arent always working on Linux01:30
harrismhmm i cant seem to change workspace either....01:30
mib_d1d4wrthanks m_newton01:30
pukemani've been getting some weird PM spam, anyone else?01:31
m_newtonmib_d1d4wr, sorry for repeat and u welcome01:31
rampageoberonpukeman: yes01:31
linuxmonkeyharrism: if you got a failing drive it could cause that too. your install could of gotten corrupt and causing the instability.01:31
rampageoberonpukeman: lots of them :(01:31
nickrudpukeman report it to #freenode01:31
pukemanrampageoberon, the hardon for tornadoes one? haha.01:31
LordOlliepukeman, set an ignore01:31
rampageoberonpukeman: yeah01:31
m_newtonpukeman, ME too, Magicm... gives me shit and it is all blue...wtf!01:32
pukemanprobably because my whois reports my IP range....01:32
pukemannone of the users are in here,01:32
pukemanand a whois shows the nick as not connected/01:32
i01nsulol .. i thought was some bots ruls of this channel01:32
nickrud!feedthetroll (not gone, but not here)01:32
ubottunickrud: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:32
rampageoberonpukeman: my whois has my ip :s01:32
ChaosTheory_Anyone know how to get Mutt working with Gmail?01:32
ChaosTheory_I'm getting a few errors after going through all the steps.01:32
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:33
Cyndrehow do I disable system beep?01:33
natjohow do i format a thumb drive?01:33
harrismlinuxmonkey -- all fujutsus utilities require windows01:33
m_newtonChaosTheory_, What does mutt do?01:33
whileimhereHi. I was wondering why my external CD-Rom no longer is auto mounted when I updated from 7.10 to 8.0401:33
ChaosTheory_It's a mail client for the console.01:33
linuxmonkey1 sec harrism01:33
m_newtonop Starnestommy01:33
mrvdvwhere can i go to get gcc/cc for ubuntu01:34
Thundarryes watch your language!!!01:34
rampageoberonmrvdv: sudo aptitude install build-essential01:34
rampageoberonmrvdv: i thing gcc is also installed with that01:34
Thundarrany help on what to do to see the files/share on my windows systems01:34
magic_ninjaanyone got some info in repairing and ext2 partition01:35
PrimoTurboI need a simple calendar program that just displays months/days, anything like this in the repos?01:35
PrimoTurboWill be using it with opebox01:35
ThundarrI have 3 diff windows systems and they all share files with one another with no problem01:35
Thundarrbut they don't see my ubuntu box01:35
Thundarrand my ubuntu box can see the systems but not the shared files on them01:35
ecn_arthi there , need to resize my partitions, they are 2 for ubuntu (main and swap), other 2 for vista, and one extended(i dont know what is it) how do i reallocate the espace ill be taking from the main ubuntu one and swap to the main nfts???01:36
pukemanhaha, resizing partitions and don't know what they are. awesome.01:36
ecn_artin the mood for criticism or help me out uh?01:37
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magic_ninjai keep getting I/O errors on my kernel01:38
magic_ninjalol this is gonna be a toughie01:38
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pukemannaw, i'm not giong to help with partitions. i don't resize, i just whack and renew.01:39
jim___Hey guys, I'm using smartmontools to try to see my load cycle but smartctl -a /dev/sda outputs nothing about load_cycle...01:39
ecn_artoh thx then01:39
mrvdvhow do i create a user that will allow me to make anything like files/fiolders/load executables01:39
ecn_artwhat was it u said?01:39
CUBeR64i'm having an issue with my usb flash drive, when i plug it in, its shown mounted on the desktop, however when i actually open it a pop up states that the drive was 'deleted'01:40
ecn_arthow can i whack and renew mine u mean format?01:40
matthewdo firefox themes work in Ubuntu?01:40
IndyGunFreakmatthew: they do for me.01:40
HardDiskmatthew, yes.01:41
sensaeWhy can't I create multiple partitions on a RAID5?01:41
Swishwho said you can't, sensae?01:41
sensaeSwish: The ubuntu installer, and fdisk01:41
Swishnonsense :)01:41
matthewIndyGunFreak... I just get "Firefox could not install the file at addons.mozilla.org(etc) unexpected install error01:41
ecn_artneed to resize my partitions, they are 2 for ubuntu (main and swap), other 2 for vista, and one extended(i dont know what is it) how do i reallocate the espace ill be taking from the main ubuntu one and swap to the main nfts???01:42
Swishcreate the RAID5 volume, then create a single LVM partition on it.01:42
IndyGunFreakmatthew: don't know, maybe its that specific one.. i've had no probs w/ the add-on themes01:42
sensaeSwish: Is LVM necessary? Or just a workaround because it's cranky?01:42
Swishsubdivide the LVM into one physical volume, one volume group, and however many "logical volumes" you want01:42
matthewokay I'll try others...thanks01:42
Gendolookindoes anyone know of a GOOD dock out there01:42
Swishsensae, LVM is the right way to do it.  I don't know for sure if it's necessary or not though01:42
PanikHELP! my ubuntu is running in low graphics mode after I toyed with xorg, somebody help me it doesnt let me play my media files properly ;/01:42
Gendolookini've used Desklets, kool dock. sim dock, awn01:42
mib_d1d4wrmythtv FTW!01:43
spasticteapotDoes anyone know how to recover deleted files?01:43
sensaeSwish: Why is creating multiple partitions right on the drive the "wrong" way to do it? (Assuming it worked)01:43
Swishsensae, because what if you wanted to resize one of the partitions?  It's more difficult to do if you don't have LVM01:44
Swishexplaining the benefits of LVM is beyond the scope of this conversation... use google ;)01:44
BenalexHello all.. I got a new dell pc, and I installed Ubuntu Fiesty Fawn which is the available version at the moment... I am trying to install the Network Adapter Driver which is included in the drivers disc.. but its an rpm... I heared about something call alien but I cannot find in in Synaptics.... any ideas??... Note : no internet connection available now and no DVD burner is available now :)01:44
spasticteapotBenalex: Install a newer version. Feisty is old.01:45
HardDiskBenalex I know you.01:45
ecn_artindygunfreak anyway i can reallocate the espace ill be taking from my main ubuntu partition and swap to my ntfs partition??01:45
sensaeSwish: lol alright01:45
BenalexHardDisk Hello Budy01:45
IndyGunFreakBenalex: feisty is old.. your two versions behind01:45
HardDiskinstall Hardy01:45
rampageoberonBenalex: sudo aptitude install rpm (think that might work)01:45
IndyGunFreakecn_art: i would guess you could.. but i don't know for sure.01:45
IndyGunFreak!alien | Benalex01:45
ubottuBenalex: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)01:45
HardDiskBenalex, and how is there no internet connection when you're online now01:45
Benalexyeah.. I know I told you guys its the onli available version now for me at the moment... I burned it before01:46
IndyGunFreakBenalex: it would be smarter to download and install it from source, then use alien or something like it01:46
HardDiskand you don't need to burn a cd to install hardy01:46
HardDiskIndyGunFreak, bad advice.01:46
HardDiskIndyGunFreak, I meant about the alien thing.01:46
IndyGunFreakHardDisk: you think alien is good advice?01:46
Dasmooverhow come when i try to ssh into a server using ssh user@host terminal locks up?01:46
PanikHELP! my ubuntu is running in low graphics mode after I toyed with xorg, somebody help me it doesnt let me play my media files properly ;/01:46
IndyGunFreaki didn't suggest alien at all... read again01:46
HardDiskIndyGunFreak, bit of laag01:46
ecn_artoki thx indygunfreak01:46
bbeattieI need to alter a proc value prior to anything but / being mounted.  Adding something rc2.d/S01procsetup gets executed after the mounting of anything in /etc/fstab.  I also could not find anything detailing the init of ubuntu's startup so I can modify a file to get it mounted ahead of disk mounting, Does anyone know what file or where I can read up on the boot sequence?01:46
CUBeR64i'm having an issue with my usb flash drive, when i plug it in, its shown mounted on the desktop, however when i actually open it a pop up states that the drive was 'deleted'01:46
HardDiskBenalex, you can do an install from your harddrive01:47
HardDiskif you have no burner01:47
montamerhow to know what all shared libs a application is using???01:47
rampageoberonDasmoover: what do you mean, it crashes or you need to do CTRL - C to leave01:47
Dasmooverctrl -c01:47
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Dasmooverit seems the command doesnt load01:47
rampageoberonDasmoover: ssh into your own machine?01:47
Benalexok... here is the thing... I have a notebook connected to the internet with a defective burner... and a new Dell PC completely offline... and Its network adapter driver is an RPM package...01:47
Dasmoovermy other server01:47
Dasmoovermy friend can get on it, i tried multiple servers same with all01:48
IndyGunFreakBenalex: well, then you need to figure something else out01:48
Benalexand a Fiesty Fawn livecd01:48
rampageoberonDasmoover: hmm, maybe you don't have a valid shell there01:48
Dasmooveri do01:48
Dasmooveri use the same login as my friend did01:48
HardDiskBenalex, you can do an install without a cd01:48
S4nD3r_http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=41539 This was not enough to solve my problem. Please,... help me...01:49
rampageoberonDasmoover: hmm, not sure01:49
IndyGunFreak!install | Benalex01:49
HardDiskBenalex, did you check for alternatives other than the rpm?01:49
BenalexHardDisk how???... rmember there is not active internet connection01:49
HardDiskBenalex, what chipset is it?01:49
linlynx6Good evening a got a prbleme I try to load mldonkey but when I click nothing apear?01:49
ubottuBenalex: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:49
BenalexHardDisk rpm is the available with the pc drivers disc01:49
HardDiskforget the disc Benalex come to #ubuntu-eg01:49
rampageoberonDasmoover: try ssh with putty rather than terminal01:49
rampageoberonDasmoover: i know it makes no difference but worth a shot01:49
Dasmooverid prefer terminal.01:49
Benalexok... On Da Way!01:49
rampageoberonDasmoover: yes i understand, but try this to help see what is causing the problem01:50
HardDiskIndyGunFreak, don't worry he's part of our local LUG01:51
IndyGunFreakhave fun01:51
HardDiskwill do.01:51
IndigoMuse Hi ya'll I'm new to ubuntu and I need a good website to start learning console commands01:51
BenalexIndyGunFreak I appreciate ur help... you were the one who helped me running the live cd from ISO image... but I guess you don't remember it :)01:51
Thundarrhow do I get to where I can edit my /etc/hosts file01:51
mhikuis fluxbuntu the best low end distro out there? that can run openoffice?01:51
Thundarris that in terminal01:51
mrvdvhow do i create a user that will allow me to make anything like files/fiolders/load executables01:52
Dasmooversame problem, nothing loads01:52
Thundarror somewhere eles01:52
rampageoberonIndigoMuse: give me a min01:52
IndyGunFreakBenalex: no, i honestly don't.. good luck on your issues now.01:52
jribThundarr: gksudo gedit /etc/hosts01:52
IndigoMuse<rampageoberon>could you pm me your answers please01:52
IndigoMusethanks in advance01:52
Thundarrok but where do I type this...in terminal???01:52
rampageoberonIndigoMuse: http://www.computerhope.com/unix.htm01:52
rampageoberonIndigoMuse: http://www.perpetualpc.net/srtd_commands_rev.html01:53
Thundarrdo I type that in a terminal session01:53
rampageoberonDasmoover: no idea sorry01:53
rampageoberonIndigoMuse: you'll learn more as you use them day to day01:53
ThundarrI found it01:53
mhikuwheres the document to install via usb ubuntu?01:53
IndigoMuseRampageoberon: I hope so .... <Unix rocks: said a the windows survivor01:55
rampageoberonIndigoMuse: :-)01:55
matthewI researched my add-on problem and I found someone who had the same problem but he uses Kubuntu, he suggested using this command in the K terminal (mv .mozilla dot_mozilla) anyone know what a similar command would be in the terminal?01:55
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mrvdvhow do i create a user that will allow me to make anything like files/fiolders/load executables01:55
rampageoberonmatthew: the same01:55
anirudh1matthew, he is essentially asking you to backup .mozilla ands remove it01:56
rampageoberonmrvdv: sorry what?01:56
Scunizimatthew: the commands are the same on kubuntu & ubuntu at terminal01:56
rampageoberonmrvdv: your current user can do that anyway01:56
Swift_Foxhey does anyone else have problems with firefox 3?01:56
matthewhm ok thanks guys01:56
rampageoberonSwift_Fox: high CPU usage?01:56
Swift_Foxok so i try to download something and my browser shuts down every time01:56
rampageoberonSwift_Fox: no not that01:57
Swift_Foxsup rampage01:57
mrvdvhow do i create a user that will allow me to make anything like files/fiolders/load executables01:57
rampageoberonmrvdv: your current user can do that anyway01:57
matthewweird... it worked01:57
Senna19offtopic:  could anyone translate an english sentence to romanian,  please?01:57
mosheswift_fox,which version of fox3 r u using?01:57
Swift_Foxrampageoberon:so yeah my browser closes down everytime i try to download a torrent or anything for that matter01:57
MiturHi, i need help completly removing gcj from my installation. Thx for any help01:57
anirudh1matthew, you should have lost all your settings though01:58
rampageoberonSwift_Fox: strange, i've just been getting high CPU usage01:58
anirudh1mitur apt-get --purge remove gcj*01:58
matthewanirudh1...I just reinstalled hardy anyway01:58
Swift_Foxrampageoberon:my cpu usage is ok so far01:58
rampageoberonSwift_Fox: you tried it with a fresh profile?01:58
TechiedragonI am having issues with ubuntu and configuring a wireless card - can anyone point me to any good resources?01:58
Mituranirudh1,  will that remove all the enviorment configs aswell?01:58
mosheswift_fox,I had some problems with fox 3 bata 5 similur to that but with the update, I have no more problems01:58
Dasmoovercan anyone help me with an ssh problem?01:58
anirudh1Senna19, google translate01:58
rampageoberon!wifi | Techiedragon01:59
Swift_Foxrampageoberon:no let me try that01:59
ubottuTechiedragon: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:59
anirudh1Mitur, no..only ff01:59
Senna19anirudh1, thats not a correct translation01:59
Mituris there anyway to completely remove it? i01:59
Mituris there anyway to completely remove it? im having massive problems with my java setup01:59
anirudh1Senna19, altavista babelfish?01:59
Dasmoovercan anyone help me with an ssh problem?01:59
anirudh1Mitur, sudo rm -r /usr/lib/jvm as a last resort02:00
mavrbangI am having problems getting the mic to work with Skype and Audacity on Feisty02:00
Miturthe thing is that im trying to install idea. And it cant find JDK_HOME02:00
poyoyoDasmoover:Write the problem, don't ask if someone can.02:00
anirudh1Mitur, do a export JDK_HOME=<wherever>02:00
tom_ashin the grub menu.lst, would sdb2 be (hd1,1) ?02:01
anirudh1mavrbang, is mic unmuted in alsamixer?02:01
anirudh1tom_ash, yes02:01
tom_ashcool, thanks02:01
Mituranirudh1, how do i get that to stay after i close terminal?02:01
anirudh1tom_ash, one sec02:01
Dasmoovercan anyone help me with an ssh problem? whenever i type ssh user@hostname in either putty or terminal it gives a blank command and i cannot do anything.02:01
Ravenwhen i try to connect my bluetooth mouse it gives this error Couldn't display "obex://[00:12:5A:65:17:CC]/".02:01
anirudh1tom_ash, yes..correct02:01
anirudh1Mitur, add it to ~/.bashrc02:02
mavrbangI can hear a steady hiss on my headphones02:02
MiturThanks alot for your help anirudh102:02
anirudh1Mitur, np02:02
Dasmoovercan anyone help me with an ssh problem? whenever i type ssh user@hostname in either putty or terminal it gives a blank command and i cannot do anything.02:02
Thundarrcan anyone help me on how to mount a filesys02:02
anirudh1mavrbang, mic is turned up too high02:03
tom_ashanirudh1, nice, thank you :)02:03
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binarymutanthey, has anyone actually downloaded or used splashtop? I downloaded the developer version and it just contains patches and blackbox source.02:03
anirudh1Thundarr, sudo mount -vt auto /dev/<device> <mount-point>02:03
Dasmoovercan anyone help me with an ssh problem? whenever i type ssh user@hostname in either putty or terminal it gives a blank command and i cannot do anything.02:03
mavrbanganirudh, I have reduced the level now. Let me try again02:03
hooeyHow do you get dpkg or apt-get to ask you questions about configuration when you install a new package that has post-installation configure scripts?02:03
anirudh1Dasmoover, can you ping the remote machine?02:03
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Jack_SparrowThundarr create a mount point and sudo mount device  mount point02:04
Dasmooveri have tried on multiple machines02:04
RungeKuttaI have a problem with firewire.  I have a machine I installed mythbuntu on and got everything configured up.  I could plugin an external firewire drive, automounted it fine.  I move the computer to the tv I want to use it with, and suddenly the firewire port is non-functioning but still shows up with lspci.02:04
poyoyoDasmoover:Maybe you need to wait because high ping ? or maybe the port is closed ?02:04
Thundarranirudhl:  will this enable me to see shares on my windows systems02:04
Thundarrthat is what I am trying to accomplish02:04
mrvdvhow do i set a port forwarding02:04
Dasmooverpoyoyo: all my friends can connect to the box with my login02:04
ThundarrI cannot see shared files on the windows systems02:04
rampageoberonmrvdv: www.portforward.com02:04
Swift_Foxrampageoberon:you were right, it works fine on the other profiel02:04
cottimahello, I am having trouble with skim (scim-im).  My language is checked, but when I click on the skim icon or "input method", a sliver of a box appears with nothing inside of it.02:04
anirudh1Thundarr, a simpler way is nautilus>right click>props>share02:04
Jack_SparrowThundarr that is different02:04
Thundarrbut the windows systems can see and share files with one another02:05
rampageoberonSwift_Fox: ah good :)02:05
poyoyoDasmoover:Maybe port on your machine ?02:05
rampageoberonSwift_Fox: something might have messed up :(02:05
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:05
Swift_Foxrampageoberon: what does that mean?02:05
Dasmooverim behind no router02:05
anirudh1Dasmoover, do you have a banlist on the server?02:05
Swift_Foxrampageoberon: oh, should i just switch profiles then lol.02:05
Dasmooverno i do not02:05
anirudh1Dasmoover, your ip may be banned02:05
poyoyoDasmoover:Try forwarding port 20 to your machine02:05
Dasmooverits my server i own02:05
Ravenhow can i troubleshoot my bluetooth driver02:05
Dasmooveri have no router02:05
rampageoberonSwift_Fox: delete the old profile, so rm -rf ..mozilla/ should do it02:05
Dasmoover22 is open on my connection02:05
Swift_Foxi love this irc. everyone is so friendly02:06
anirudh1Dasmoover, interesting02:06
StarnestommyDasmoover: is port 22 open on the server?02:06
marginoferrorI'm an experienced Ubuntu user but I'm having trouble installing Hardy Heron on my new computer.  I get the message "grub-install (hd0) failed" and "this is a fatal error" and the installer quits.02:06
Dasmooveryes it is02:06
rampageoberonSwift_Fox: next time you start firefox it will create a new one02:06
Thundarrubottu thanks02:06
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)02:06
Dasmoovermy buddy can login to it02:06
ThundarrI am looking over that website now02:06
anirudh1Dasmoover, use ssh -v...verbose mode02:06
rampageoberonSwift_Fox: if you have any bookmarks, back those up to xml and then reload them02:06
Swift_Foxrampageoberon:sick nasty thanks bro02:06
marginoferrorThere are various forum entries but none were helpful.  I checked the md5 sum.  I do not have recover partitions, etc on the drive, which is brand new.02:06
mavrbanganirudh, still no luck with mic02:06
rampageoberonSwift_Fox: you're welcome02:06
ethana2ok, I'm on a livecd02:06
mavrbangAny other suggestions?02:06
Ravenmargin what are you trying to do02:06
ethana2the hard drive has an ubuntu install that's graphically borked02:06
anirudh1mavrbang, nope..alsamixer usually fixes it02:06
binarymutanthas anyone compiled splashtop?02:07
ethana2i wish to have the hard drive install reconfigure its X02:07
marginoferrorRaven, I'm installing Hardy Heron, basically by the book, from the live CD onto an SATA drive.02:07
DasmooverOpenSSH_4.7p1 Debian-8ubuntu1.2, OpenSSL 0.9.8g 19 Oct 200702:07
Dasmooverdebug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config02:07
Dasmooverdebug1: Applying options for *02:07
Dasmooverdebug1: Connecting to &&&&& [**********] port 22.02:07
Ravenok well i just did this02:07
gavi1what is the quickbooks of linux?02:07
Ravenso i may be able to help?02:07
Dasmooverthen nothing else02:07
Dasmooveri have to control c out of it02:07
gaviwhat is the quickbooks of linux?02:07
marginoferrorRaven, only thing of note is that I have no swap partition selected, just a root partition.02:07
Ravenwell you need one02:07
anirudh1Dasmoover, one sec02:07
Ravenif you want it to run faster02:07
Ravenor so it told me02:07
marginoferrorI don't need one, Raven, I've run Ubuntu without a swap partition for two years now.02:07
Ravenit wont let you install without it?02:08
marginoferrorI have 4 GB of ram on this new computer and swapping to disk would make no sense whatsoever.02:08
nickrudgavi gnucash and grisbi are the ones I've used02:08
Ravenit wont go without?02:08
poyoyoDasmoover:Tried to wait ? maybe your ping is high.02:08
marginoferrorI never had trouble installing without a swap partition on previous versions.  I can't imagine it would be a problem now.02:08
Dasmooveri let it sit for an hour02:08
Ravenis it giving you a problem?02:08
gaviNicke_, thanks for your response do you know which one is more popular?02:08
Dasmoovernothing happened02:08
brandon1hey I have a quick question, how do I find the wireless network key for a linksys router??02:08
gavinickrud, ****02:08
rampageoberonmarginoferror: with that much ram your computer will be happy without swap02:08
gavisorry* not Nicke_02:08
rampageoberonmarginoferror: plus a lot faster i suppser02:09
brandon1then what raven02:09
Raventype that into your browser02:09
nickrudgavi not really, but I think it would be gnucash (been around longer, etc)02:09
marginoferrorrampageoberon: Yes, I know, but I still can't install.  Again, grub fails during install and I can't figure out why.02:09
HardDiskIndyGunFreak, his only option due to his resources and available working hardware was to install ubuntu via windows using the cd image approach.02:09
Ravenitll ask for your username and pass02:09
Ravenif you didnt change them02:09
brandon1ok got that02:09
Raventhey are on the bottom of the router02:09
gavinickrud, thanks ill check it out02:09
HardDiskbut at least it'll work02:09
brandon1bottom of the router?02:09
rampageoberonmarginoferror: what errors?02:09
Ravenon like a label02:09
anirudh1Dasmoover, see launchpad bug  84899 of openssh02:09
brandon1oh ok, ty02:09
Ravenmines admin password lol02:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 84899 in openssh "SSH with GSSAPIAuthentication option on SSH servers are very slow" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8489902:09
Raveni should change that..02:09
marginoferrorAs I said above, during install, "Executing 'grub-install (hd0)' failed / this is a fatal error"02:09
marginoferrorCrashes out at 94% progress on the liveCD installer02:10
Mituranirudh1,  sorry to bother again.. But i cant find my jdk home. My /usr/lib/jvm contains 4 different java installations. Any ideas on how to find the needed "JDK_HOME"?02:10
marginoferrorI haven't tried alternative yet.  I have checked the md5sum02:10
Dasmooveranirudh1: but mine doesnt even load02:10
anirudh1Dasmoover, solution is to change "files dns mdns" to "filees dns" in /etc/nsswitch.conf02:10
anirudh1Mitur, point to any one of them02:10
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anirudh1Mitur, unless you need them, you can remove all but ine02:11
Mituranirudh1, ok, thx02:11
vishnu915458can i run exe files in Ubuntu02:11
anirudh1!wine | vishnu91545802:11
ubottuvishnu915458: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.02:11
marginoferrorrampageoberon: any ideas?02:11
Mituranirudh1, if i only remove the files. Is it not possible that im going to get some config errors later?02:11
chuy_maxis there an easy way to download all files from a website?, including subdirectories?02:11
michalskihey, I have a small(big) problem, when going to do an administrative task, it says:Config Could Not Be Loaded, You are not allowed to access system config02:11
HardDiskchuy_max, all files of what?02:11
anirudh1Mitur, you mean manual deletion...might break some apt packages02:12
justmeyou are still there HardDisk02:12
HardDiskchuy_max, you mean to make your own offline repository?02:12
vishnu915458will it run office 200702:12
rampageoberonmarginoferror: no sorry, but it is not the ram most definitely02:12
Thundarrhow do i get to wherever i need to get to in order to edit:     /etc/fstab file (you need root privileges) to add this line:02:12
HardDiskjustme, in and out02:12
chuy_maxHardDisk, from a website, check this: http://decsai.ugr.es/~acu/NTP/archivos/ExamplesC++GuiProgrammingWithQt/02:12
Mituranirudh1, yes, thats my point. I think :)02:12
chuy_maxHardDisk, yeah, something like that02:12
Dasmooverani: the only lime i see remotely close to that is02:12
justmeHardDisk, nah why ^^ ?02:12
Dasmoover"files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns"02:12
dmsuperman_Thundarr, in terminal type "sudo gedit /etc/fstab"02:12
StarnestommyThundarr: in a terminal, gksudo gedit /etc/fstab02:12
anirudh1chuy_max, look at apt morror02:12
rampageoberonmarginoferror: maybe try burning the disk at a slower speed? but i don't know why exaclty the error comes02:12
brodyquick question - gparted won't let me resize any partitions - are there root privlages I need to have?02:12
dmsuperman_Thundarr, sorry, gksudo like Starnestommy said02:12
HardDiskchuy_max, if you want to download all that, use wget or a spider downloader tool02:12
justmeHardDisk, not meant in any offensive way.02:12
anirudh1Dasmoover, the same02:12
marginoferrorrampageoberon: As I said, I checked the md5sum of the CD so I am 100% the burn was successful02:13
Ravenmarginoferror: you think you could help me im new to linux02:13
HardDiskjustme, ? no I mean im in and out02:13
anirudh1Dasmoover, remove the "mdns"02:13
justmeah ok^^02:13
Dasmooverand then save?02:13
Starnestommybrody: it needs to be run as root or with sudo/gksudo02:13
marginoferrorRaven: What do you need help with?02:13
vishnu915458tell me more about wine02:13
anirudh1Dasmoover, ofcourse02:13
HardDiskjustme, bored :/02:13
Starnestommybrody: preferably from a livecd02:13
Ravenmy bluetooth driver doesnt seem to be working correctly02:13
DasmooverYou do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again02:13
anirudh1vishnu915458, please join #wine-hq02:13
HardDiskRaven, define properly02:13
SpookyETi have vim trouble02:13
SpookyETE558: Terminal entry not found in terminfo02:13
SpookyET'gnome-256color' not known. Available builtin terminals are:02:13
rampageoberonmarginoferror: not sure, sorry :(02:13
RavenCouldn't display "obex://[00:12:5A:65:17:CC]/".02:13
anirudh1Dasmoover, you need to edit as root..using sudo02:13
Raveni get that when i try to connect to the mouse02:13
vishnu915458one more question02:13
Dasmooverwhats the command?02:13
marginoferrorRaven: I'm not sure I can help you with that, I don't have a bluetooth device.02:14
justmeSpookyET, why do you use VIM ?02:14
dmsuperman_Dasmoover, gksu02:14
justmenot nano?02:14
HardDiskRaven, blueman an easy app to help you.02:14
Ravenah alright thanks anyway02:14
marginoferrorGood luck02:14
Starnestommyjustme: personal preference probably02:14
WhatsinanameHas any one found a solution to the "unlock" button greyed out on most admin tools when using NX client?02:14
Ravenill check it out02:14
brodyStarnestommy- thanks02:14
SpookyETjustme: as opposed to?02:14
ubottuFactoid blueman not found02:14
anirudh1marginoferror, dont burn to a rw disk02:14
HardDisk!info blueman02:14
StarnestommySpookyET: try changing the color scheme in the terminal02:14
ubottuPackage blueman does not exist in hardy02:14
michalski<last call>problem, when going to do an administrative task, it says:Config Could Not Be Loaded, You are not allowed to access system config =does anyone know how to fix?02:14
HardDiskstupid bot02:14
anirudh1marginoferror, burn to a one time writable cd02:14
vishnu915458on the terminal when i enter the root password it does not appears02:14
Bradj47how do you uninstall ubuntu?02:14
Starnestommymichalski: which task?02:14
HardDiskRaven, blueman.tuxfamily.org02:14
dmsuperman_vishnu915458, that's a security feature02:14
Starnestommyvishnu915458: it's not supposed to.  Just type it02:14
justmeSpookyET, nano works a lot more efficent and easier as vim02:14
Raveni cant find it in the addremove thing?02:14
Dasmooverok i saved, trying out now02:15
dmsuperman_vishnu915458, it's accepting characters, just not giving visual feedback02:15
justmeand is still powerful.02:15
anirudh1michalski, sys>authourizations?02:15
HardDiskRaven, deb is available on the site, go there02:15
michalskiStarnestommy: System--->Admin--->User, Network, several02:15
StarnestommyBradj47: erase or overwrite its partition02:15
HardDiskrather the repo02:15
SpookyETjustme: you fail piss off, but you may want to look at nano-syntax (ppa) if you love it so much02:15
michalskianirudh1: authorizations works02:15
Dasmoovernow its telling me ssh: ares.*****.com: Name or service not known02:15
Ravenwait whats obex02:15
vishnu915458it is not shown on login screen also, not even dots or asterik02:15
anirudh1Starnestommy, why is nothing appearing better than dots or asterisks?02:15
Raveni dont think i have that02:15
Starnestommyanirudh1: ?02:15
dmsuperman_Let's not get into a "my editor is better than yours" discussion02:15
anirudh1vishnu915458, gdm login shows dots02:15
chuy_maxHardDisk, wow, wget is so powerful, I'm confused, could you help me with the right options please?02:16
anirudh1Starnestommy, in the password field i mean02:16
marginoferroranirudh1: I did!  This is a one-time writable CD.  There is no problem with the CD, the md5sum checks out.02:16
vishnu915458no it is not02:16
Starnestommyanirudh1: oh, it's to make it harder to see how many characters are in it02:16
RavenHardDisk: whats obex is it possible i dont have that?02:16
anirudh1chuy_max, if all you want to do is create a local repo, try apt-mirror02:16
dmsuperman_chuy_max, wget --help to get the commonly used options and what they do02:16
anirudh1Starnestommy, hmm..makes sense02:16
Starnestommymichalski: open a terminal then run 'gksudo network-admin"02:17
vishnu915458and when i enter it in the terminal it says authetication failure02:17
WhatsinanameHas any one found a solution to the "unlock" button greyed out on most admin tools when using NX client? I run headless and it is a pain to hook up monitor keyboar and mouse.02:17
binarymutantis splashtop osi approved? I cant find the source02:17
chuy_maxanirudh1, I'm not mirroring ubuntu, I'm downloading a whole website that contains programming exercises inside directories02:17
dmsuperman_Does anybody happen to know where the page is that describes the changes between gutsy and hardy? Or do you know off the top of your head what features exist that I should keep hardy for? It seems to be pretty buggy for me, I want to go back to Gutsy but I don't know if there's anything I'll be really missing out on02:17
HardDiskRaven, obex is just a protocol02:17
anirudh1chuy_max, look at "scrapbook"..ff etension02:17
brodyStarnestommy - if I use sudo gparted it will let me delete partitions but not adjust existing ones02:17
Ravenah ok cause its in the error02:18
michalskiStarnestommy: same error, I was exploring and it seems that im only having problems with utils that use policykit02:18
HardDiskchuy_max, I'm not wget guru but in the forums there are people who post syntaxes to do stuff you want02:18
rampageoberonquick question about gnome vnc (vino) when i select allow only local connections, vncviewer localhost doesn;t work then02:18
rampageoberonany ideas02:18
anirudh1brody, some fiilesystems lack a resize feature02:18
Starnestommybrody: try running gparted from the livecd02:18
vishnu915458do you have any idea about the problem02:18
dmsuperman_chuy_max, I'm pretty sure wget has directly an option to crawl and download an entire site02:18
anirudh1Dasmoover, use ip, not name02:19
anirudh1Dasmoover, find ip by pinging02:19
michalskianirudh1: <same as I wrote above>02:19
anirudh1Dasmoover, maybe name server is down?02:19
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anirudh1michalski, ahh..did02:19
chuy_maxdmsuperman_, yeah, im also sure, argh, I used -r option and it downloaded all the htmls except the cpps that I needed02:19
anirudh1*did'nt see02:19
rampageoberonquick question about gnome vnc (vino) when i select allow only local connections, vncviewer localhost doesn;t work then, any ideas?02:19
brodyStarnestommy: yeah I don't have the livecd . . .02:19
Dasmooveranihu1: no it isnot02:19
dmsuperman_chuy_max, have you read the manpage for wget?02:19
Dasmoovermy friend can log in right now02:20
vishnu915458what is the su command for02:20
chuy_maxdmsuperman_, yes, I'm trying several options02:20
anirudh1rampageoberon, just to confirm...server iup?02:20
dmsuperman_!sudo vishnu91545802:20
ubottudmsuperman_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:20
Starnestommyvishnu915458: switching users02:20
rampageoberonvishnu915458: change user02:20
chuy_maxI read that one, -r for recursive02:20
michalskisu, make yourself root in a console02:20
rampageoberonanirudh1: yes, its the localserver02:20
anirudh1!root| michael_buckbee02:20
ubottumichael_buckbee: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:20
Starnestommyvishnu915458: normally sudo -i is used instead02:20
Dasmooverhosts:          files _minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns402:20
dmsuperman_Starnestommy, is there a reason for that? or just common practice?02:21
vishnu915458but due to the above mentined problem i can't use it02:21
anirudh1Dasmoover, did you remove the mdns?02:21
HardDiskchuy_max, try wget -p -k http://decsai.ugr.es/~acu/NTP/archivos/ExamplesC++GuiProgrammingWithQt/02:21
rampageoberonanirudh1: if i untick only allow local conenctions it works02:21
michalskimichael_buckbee: you cant bend the spoon if there is no spoon :P02:21
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Starnestommydmsuperman_: common practice, and the fact that locking out root logins improves security02:21
anirudh1rampageoberon, tell vnc server to make logs..see the log to find out02:21
Dasmooveryes there was two of them02:21
marginoferrordmsuperman_: it is considered more secure to use sudo for root access and effectively disable the root account02:21
Dasmooveri took out only one02:21
anirudh1Dasmoover, mine had only one..but try removeing the other..then connect via ip02:21
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview02:22
rampageoberonanirudh1: get (111) error in the gui, that help?02:22
vishnu915458when it asks for password i entered the corect one but it does not works02:22
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anirudh1rampageoberon, dont remember error  umbers:)02:22
dmsuperman_marginoferror, Starnestommy, so if I understand correctly, sudo -i gives me essentially a root console but still runs it as my user, where su completely changes the user in the console to root?02:22
michalskivishnu: your own user password?02:22
rampageoberonanirudh1: ok, i'll check logs02:22
Starnestommydmsuperman_: sudo -i also switches to rot02:22
Starnestommydmsuperman_: er, root02:22
Dasmoover1 sec02:22
michalskiany ideas starnestommy?02:23
dmsuperman_Starnestommy, so then doesn't it do the same as su?02:23
justme^sleepingStarnestommy, beware better use sudo -s02:23
justme^sleepingso the user's home will stay the user's home02:23
neil_dwith exim4 and local messages can I get these to appear in 'evolution' like regular emails ?02:23
Qnixi never use sudo i hate it .. use root or don't use a fake root02:23
red22i want to have "console here" for nautilus.. a button or right menu option.. been searching but no luck. any ideas?02:23
Dasmooverit just hangs there02:23
QnixThat how it goes my friend02:23
anirudh1justme^sleeping, sudo bash also switched to root02:23
BuggeredfstabThis is odd - I just installed the new updates today, now I can't get to hotmail, nor access gchat.02:23
justme^sleepingthat also02:23
Starnestommydmsuperman_: it uses the user's password and can be configured with /etc/sudoers02:24
anirudh1Dasmoover, sorry then..that fixed my problem ling ago02:24
justme^sleepingbut now goin 2 sleep....02:24
linuxmonkeyQnix: its a security risk to run as full root02:24
justme^sleepingcya everybody....02:24
Dasmooveri trieed pinging it02:24
dmsuperman_red22, http://lifehacker.com/photogallery/Top-10-Gnome-Tweaks/242450302:24
michalski*unless you have no other way, dont make yourself root02:24
dmsuperman_Starnestommy, ah! I see now, thanks :D02:24
Mituranirudh1, thanks alot for your help. My problem is solved02:24
Dasmoover13 packets transmitted, 0 received, +2 errors, 100% packet loss, time 12009ms02:24
anirudh1Dasmoover, and...02:24
Qnixlinuxmonkey: will , it's not that secure if you know what to do when you are a root02:24
* anirudh1 sighs02:24
marginoferrorProblem with grub-install solved.  Manually instructing the installer to install grub to the MBR resolved the problem.02:24
Qnixlinuxmonkey: contorl it well or dont control it at all02:24
anirudh1Dasmoover, why did you tell me eralier than ping worked?02:24
marginoferrorI have no idea what it was trying to do by default but that's a pretty bad bug02:24
Qnixlinuxmonkey: but you are right it still a security risk for most users02:25
chuy_maxthanks HardDisk, -r option worked, I just had to wait, the command didn't finished when I was checking02:25
chuy_maxHardDisk, it first downloads html's I guess02:25
rampageoberonanirudh1: just get unable to connect to host02:25
rampageoberonanirudh1: main:        unable to connect to host: Connection refused (111)02:25
rampageoberonanirudh1: this is with allow local conenctions only ticked02:25
HardDiskchuy_max, np02:25
rampageoberonanirudh1: actually nmap localhost is not even picking the port as open02:26
michalskihow do i reset policykit (authorizations) to default?02:26
anirudh1rampageoberon, what does ps -A|grep vnc show02:26
anirudh1rampageoberon, and how did you conclude that the serverr wwas open?02:26
rampageoberon 6075 ?        00:00:01 vino-server02:26
|angelic|hi all, I know this might be elementary, I just installed other distro and now I can't boot into my ubuntu. is there anyway that I can recover my ubuntu bootloader?02:26
anirudh1rampageoberon, might also be a iptable isssue02:27
BuggeredfstabIs anyone having problems accessing some sites since today's update?02:27
rampageoberonanirudh1: vnc shows nothing (its the gnome vino server)02:27
anirudh1rampageoberon, firestarter?02:27
rampageoberonanirudh1: not iptables, i've double checked it02:27
|angelic|I've been searching google but nothing really answer this02:27
neurobuntu|angelic| the boot loader you have is grub02:27
dmsuperman_What is the command to assign a group or user specific permissions on a file? For example, I want a file to have something like 775 permissions, but only certain users actually fall under that group permission02:27
AggrrIm trying to make wireless to work in a toshiba laptop but its not working... im setting driver with the ndiswrapper... it say that the driver was installed and the device is present. but nothing happens, i cannot see the network list?! any idea02:27
neurobuntu!grub | |angelic|02:27
ubottu|angelic|: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:27
rampageoberonanirudh1: no i use iptables, made my own script02:27
|angelic|neurobuntu: yep02:27
dmsuperman_Buggeredfstab, the only update I had today was to gnome something02:27
|angelic|ubottu: i installed fedora02:27
ubottu|angelic|: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:27
dmsuperman_|angelic|, doesn't matter, grub02:28
BuggeredfstabI had an SSL blacklist update today...02:28
Qnix|angelic|: its a bot!!02:28
neurobuntu|angelic| you don't need to restore the boot loader, you just need to reconfigure grub to see ubuntu02:28
WhatsinanameOh well if I cant get NX to work on 8.10 its back to gutsy02:28
BuggeredfstabI'm using 7.10 right now02:28
anirudh1rampageoberon, i can only think of triple checking iptables...02:28
dmsuperman_Buggeredfstab, oh02:28
burn0000who can help with some tech support?02:28
rampageoberonanirudh1: i've done iptables -F and made sure policy is allow02:28
dmsuperman_!ask burn000002:28
ubottuFactoid ask burn0000 not found02:28
anirudh1Dasmoover, i am leaving in a few min...in case you want to ask anything02:28
Starnestommydmsuperman_: remember the |02:28
Starnestommy!ask | burn000002:29
ubottuburn0000: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:29
|angelic|neurobuntu: how? I changed the list already to point to my ubuntu partition, now grub showed linux, but I can't boot in ti02:29
QnixWhatsinaname: don't go back wait you'll always find a solution for everything in what ever OS just search more02:29
dmsuperman_whoops :P02:29
neurobuntu|angelic| if you search for "grub dual boot linux" there should be some instructions that pop up02:29
Qnix|angelic|: you have to save the grub configurations02:29
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:29
WhatsinanameQnix I have been looking for solution for long time.  NX will not let me "unlock" access to things.  cant administer box with out it :)02:29
Qnix|angelic|: there's an easy tool to contorl with booting configurations it called startupmanager i think02:29
anirudh1rampageoberon, not sure..maybe someone else may know02:30
dmsuperman_Qnix, I've had quite a few problems with hardy, I'm thinking of moving back as well. Pulse audio is just pure junk from my usage02:30
Qnixdmsuperman_: how about alsa didn't work with you ?02:30
rampageoberonanirudh1: i've confirmed as soon as i untick allow only local conenctions it works fine02:30
burn0000!ask how to fix video tear ubuntu 8.0402:30
ubottuburn0000: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:30
|angelic|Qnix: the problem is I already installed fedora and I can't get into ubuntu (though the partition is theree)02:30
dmsuperman_Qnix, alsa does work for me02:30
anirudh1|angelic|, recover grub using a live cd02:30
Jack_Sparrowburn0000 Sounds like the classic ati video card02:30
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:30
burn0000who is good with desktop effects with 8.04?02:30
neil_dwith exim4 and local messages can I get these to appear in evolution/thunderbird like regular emails ?02:30
dmsuperman_|angelic|, alter your grub menu.lst02:31
dmsuperman_burn0000, read what the robot says to you02:31
Jack_Sparrowburn0000 /join #compiz02:31
neurobuntuburn0000 try #compiz02:31
anirudh1|angelic|, dmsuperman_  suggested the perfect option02:31
red22dmsuperman_: ty i will check it out later, but the lifehacker page seems to be down02:31
dmsuperman_red22, it's not, I just checked02:31
anirudh1red22, works here02:32
burn0000i need to get rid of video tear with desktop effects enabled got any ideas?02:32
Qnix|angelic|: will as i told you use an easier tool that will save your booting configuration after you edit them02:32
Qnix|angelic|: wait i'll get you the name of it02:32
Jack_Sparrowburn0000 Is it an ati card?02:32
dmsuperman_red22, here's the article it links to02:32
rampageoberonquick question about gnome vnc (vino) when i select allow only local connections, vncviewer localhost doesn;t work then, any ideas?02:32
anirudh1burn0000, whats "video tear"02:32
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:32
burn0000nvidia geforce7600 51202:32
Qnix|angelic|: it called startupmanager02:33
burn0000when i am watching a movie its sorta like a flickering crack in the screen02:33
Jack_Sparrowburn0000 that shouldnt be tearing .. how did you install the driver02:33
Qnix|angelic|: search for it or google about "saving grub configuration" or whatever02:33
WhatsinanameHelp  NX will not let me click the "unlock" button  on network settings, or users and groups or any management functions.02:33
anirudh1burn0000, i assume the compiz "video" plugin is enabled?02:33
burn0000yup it is02:33
Jack_Sparrowburn0000 envy from online or envy from our repos?02:33
Qnix|angelic|: and try to read more about gurb and how it works that might solve your problem02:33
neurobuntu burn did you try going to #compiz?02:33
cortefhelo anyone speak french...?02:33
burn0000what do you mean?02:33
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr02:33
burn0000not yet02:33
adubhow do i setup internet connection sharing for ubuntu02:34
neurobuntucortef, je parle un peu, va a #ubuntu-fr02:34
AdemoSSo if Rosegarden 1.6.1 on Gutsy perfectly syncs with my soundcard, and Rosegarden 1.6.1 constantly skips and loses sync with my soundcard [EVEN WITH PULSEAUDIO REMOVED] what might be the issue?02:34
Jack_Sparrowburn0000 did you download envy from online or did you apt-get envyng from the official repos02:34
AdemoS*Rosegarden with Hardy02:34
gladierhey guys - i've got a problem with java - it comes up with "load: class <classname> not found."02:34
burn0000apt get envy02:34
Jack_Sparrowburn0000 /join #compiz              would be your best choice since the problem only exists when running effects02:35
linlynx6Good evening a got a prbleme I try to load mldonkey but when I click nothing apear?02:35
dmsuperman_burn0000, #compiz is usually pretty dead, but for compiz issues I usualyl get best results by posting my question and waiting for an answer02:35
Brian88_hi, I installed ubuntu via wubi, and my harddisk has 2 partition, labeled [Data] and [System], but only [System] appearing in [Computer] window, how to display the [Data] partition also?02:35
Jack_Sparrowburn0000 Did you accidentally try the online one first?02:35
m_newtonhow do i find the propritary driver i have installed??02:35
gladierhey guys - i've got a problem with java - it comes up with "load: class <classname> not found."02:35
rampageoberonquick question about gnome vnc (vino) when i select allow only local connections, vncviewer localhost doesn;t work then, i've checked that its not an iptables issue. The port shows open using nmap when allow only local connections is unticked but nothing when that setting is selected any ideas?02:35
burn0000jack_sparrow thx man il try tht02:35
dmsuperman_Brian88_, have you mounted the data partition?02:35
Jack_Sparrowburn0000 DONT use the online envy02:35
Jack_SparrowBrian88_ You need to read the wubi faq and understand how it differs from a normal partition installation02:36
CaptainMorgandoes ubuntu have a filesystem name ? or is it just "Ubuntu File System" ?02:36
red22dmsuperman_: TY:) even better than i hoped for.02:36
AdemoSGutsy: Rosegarden 1.6.1 syncs perfectly but has more basic sounding midi. Hardy: Rosegarden 1.6.1 syncs fairly BAD but has more depth in it's midi output... ---- Why might this be?02:36
dmsuperman_CaptainMorgan, it usuall uses ext302:36
StarnestommyCaptainMorgan: it uses ext3 by default02:36
Jack_SparrowCaptainMorgan ext3 is default02:36
Brian88_dmsuperman_: although I havent mount it, the System one appears, not the Data one,02:36
linlynx6!paste-bin link02:36
ubottuFactoid paste-bin link not found02:36
CaptainMorganah! right right...02:36
ThundarrI want to edit  /etc/fstab file02:37
=== Brian88_ is now known as Brian88
dmsuperman_Brian88_, it may have just guessed as far as the System one. Try "sudo fdisk -l"02:37
Jack_SparrowThundarr gksudo gedit /etc/fstab02:37
ubottuFactoid paste-bin not found02:37
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:37
dmsuperman_Brian88, find the partition that you're looking for, and mount it with the "mount" command02:37
Brian88dmsuperman_: I'll see it.02:37
=== dmsuperman_ is now known as dmsuperman
michalskiwhen starting firefox it just quits without anything showing up, typing firefox in terminal shows this: Could not find compatible GRE between version 1.9 and 1.9. how do i fix?02:38
burn0000how if flux box compared to ubuntu alone?02:39
Jack_Sparrowmichalski which firefox did you install and how did you install it02:39
dmsupermanburn0000, they're seperated entities02:39
rampageoberonquick question about gnome vnc (vino) when i select allow only local connections, vncviewer localhost doesn;t work then, i've checked that its not an iptables issue. The port shows open using nmap when allow only local connections is unticked but nothing when that setting is selected any ideas?02:39
AdemoSGutsy: Rosegarden 1.6.1 syncs perfectly but has more basic sounding midi. Hardy: Rosegarden 1.6.1 syncs fairly BAD [with PulseAudio removed] but has more depth in it's midi output... ---- Why might this be?02:39
Jack_Sparrowburn0000 We try to avoid those types of discussions about which is better etc...02:39
dmsupermanJack_Sparrow, he merely asked how they're different, as far as I can tell02:40
burn0000ok sorry02:40
imperfect-Anyone else having issues getting to madwifi.org?02:40
dmsupermanburn0000, Ubuntu by default uses GNOME. Wikipedia has a good article discussing GNOME and Flux Box02:40
dmsupermanburn0000, then make your decision on your own :D02:40
forsakenis there a way to move my rhythmbox settings (podcasts etc) to banshee?02:41
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman I assumed he meant the default ub setup and how fluxbox is different from that02:41
burn0000lol im such a noob, is there a rule list or something i should read02:41
dmsupermanimperfect-, yup02:41
michalskiJack_Sparrow: hold on, fixing one quick bug02:41
dmsupermanburn0000, usually just common sense, this is a support channel so really just stick to asking or helping and you should be fine02:41
gladierhey guys - i've got a problem with java - it comes up with "load: class <classname> not found." in the java console02:41
neurobuntu gladier what is the class?02:41
imperfect-dmsuperman: well that's lame. my macbook pro lacks wireless.02:41
neurobuntugladier that error means that the compiler doesn't know what the class <classname> is (try #java, this is a ubuntu support channel)02:42
gladierneurobuntu any class that i try to load, been to multiple websites02:42
dmsupermanimperfect-, get a wireless card :D02:42
Jack_Sparrowburn0000 this may help as well   http://xwinman.org/02:42
WhatsinanameHelp  NX will not let me click the "unlock" button  on network settings, or users and groups or any management functions.02:42
neurobuntugladier, are you importing the classes?02:42
gladierneurobuntu #java is for development only - and no ... i'm opening a webpage02:42
dmsupermangladier, try repairing java02:43
neurobuntuWhatsinaname: do you have permission to administer the system>02:43
dmsupermangladier, remove it then reinstall02:43
gladierdmsuperman done that 3 tiems02:43
burn0000if i were to enable fastwrites do you think that might correct the problem02:43
Whatsinanameneurobuntu yes02:43
neurobuntugladier: then it is a problem with the websites internal java, you can't fix it unless you're building the site02:43
dmsupermanneurobuntu, he's been having this problem for as long as I've been active in this channel, it's a serious problem more than something stupid as far as I can tell :P02:43
Whatsinanameneurobuntu at least I think I do :) lol02:44
gladierneurobuntu nope, i can access it fine on another pc... i can't even use the sun java verify page02:44
neurobuntuWhatsinaname can you run commands with sudo?02:44
Whatsinanameneurobuntu yes02:44
dmsupermangladier, on another Ubuntu machine?02:44
neurobuntugladier, what version of java are you using, the sun version or the open source version02:44
dmsupermangladier, it could be differences between operating systems02:44
neurobuntuWhatsinaname, try opening a terminal and typeing: sudo network-manager02:45
neurobuntuor something like that02:45
gladierdmsuperman - java is a virtual machine ... doesn't make a difference of the o/s02:45
gladierneurobuntu 6.0 and run02:45
spideymanabout how long does the upgrade from gutsy to hardy take on a 2 ghtz machine02:45
gladierneurobuntu sun*02:45
dmsupermangladier, the app doesn't matter, but the jre differs02:45
gladierdmsuperman - same jre02:45
neurobuntugladier, the VM provided by Ubuntu is not the VM provided by sun, the SUN VM is closed source and doesn't ship by default with ubuntu02:45
gladierneurobuntu i know. i've removed the built in one and put the sun one in place02:46
Darlok_WilliamsCould someone please tell me a way that I could make F-Spot share it's database in a new location and with all the users on my local system?02:46
neurobuntudid you install with Ubuntu-Restricted-Extras?02:46
Whatsinanameneurobuntu command not found02:46
|angelic|dmsuperman: is the startupmanager for ubuntu only?02:46
dmsupermanneurobuntu, you mean network-admin ?02:46
imperfect-dmsuperman: ... I have a wireless card.02:46
neurobuntuWhatsinaname try: sudo network-admin02:46
imperfect-dmsuperman: madwifi stands between me and using it.02:46
neurobuntudmsuperman, TY02:46
dmsuperman|angelic|, not sure, I just edit menu.lst02:47
Whatsinanameneurobuntu that opend it, but still no go02:47
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
dmsupermanimperfect-, I thought you said you didn't have wireless. what's madwifi do anyway?02:47
neurobuntuWhatsinaname, is it unlocked? Can't click unlock still?02:47
ffmWhat's the reccomended install FS for SD cards?02:47
fbc_I would like to know if my problem is bug. Is fo should I report it to ubuntu or vlc? No audio will work while vlc is running. not skype, not any games, pretty much nothing.02:47
Whatsinanameneurobuntu correct, can not unlock, and can not change any settings02:47
dmsupermanneurobuntu, oddly, when I do "sudo network-admin" mine is grayed out as well, but If I just run network-admin it's not02:47
Jack_Sparrowffm most come as fat16 or fat3202:48
neurobuntuWhatsinaname, I would try one of two things: reboot into recovery (single user mode) set your wireless settings there, or post to the forums.02:48
ffmJack_Sparrow: I'm formating it, cause I'm installing 'buntu.02:48
dmsupermanneurobuntu, so that's probably not a good test :P02:48
neurobuntuI'm on a XP machine now (  :-(   ) so I can't trouble shoot02:48
ffmJack_Sparrow: (on the card)02:48
Whatsinanameneurobuntu Thank you, I have been following some forum posts, I think someone tried something with policy kit.  Ill look some more, but thanks for taking the time.02:48
burn0000how do i enable fastwrites02:48
Jack_Sparrowffm that can be tricky  good luck02:49
neurobuntuWhatsinaname: I wish I knew what to do, but unfortuneatly you get higher visiability in the forums,02:49
Whatsinanameneurobuntu something about NX and remote connections is wonky.02:49
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:49
neurobuntuWhatsinaname, have you thought about a clean re-install?02:49
Whatsinanameneurobuntu No, others with clean install have same problem.02:49
neurobuntuWhatsinaname: did you file  a bug report with launchpad?02:50
ffmJack_Sparrow: That's installling "from", not "to".02:50
Jack_Sparrowffm and it isnt going to work the way you think02:50
neurobuntuDoes anybody know if you can just GET RID OF the stupid unlock button02:50
ffmJack_Sparrow: Hrm?02:50
neurobuntuI  liked policy management better in gutsy02:50
Brian88_dmsuperman: works, but not appearing in [Computer]. I have to manually mount each time and go to /media/data each time..02:50
Whatsinanameneurobuntu Um, no, still kind of new,  box is mostly file server and only messed with it enough to break it :) still learning but its fun.02:51
Jack_Sparrowffm Read this script with a text editor...  Make an iso on usb bootable http://jak-linux.org/tmp/iso2usb.sh02:51
ffmJack_Sparrow: This is on an XO, so itll have to be on some SS memory or another.02:51
Brian88_dmsuperman: works, but not appearing in [Computer]. I have to manually mount each time and go to /media/data each time..02:51
dmsupermanBrian88_, where is [Computer] actually at?02:51
Jack_Sparrowffm and I am trying to save you a few hours of frustration02:51
neurobuntuWhatsinaname: I would consider doing a clean install see what happens.  Do you have a /home partition/02:51
dmsupermanBrian88_, oh, there. I never have everything show up, tbh02:52
Brian88_dmsuperman: I mean that one in Places > Computer02:52
dmsupermanBrian88_, I just use the Places bar02:52
Jack_Sparrowffm see also pendrivelinux.com for all variations on that theme02:52
imperfect-dmsuperman: wifi drivers for the chipset I'm dealing w/02:52
|angelic|dmsuperman: ok, I did change the menu.lst, but grub can't boot into the partition....i put rootnoverify(hd0,8), which is partition for ubuntu02:52
Brian88_dmsuperman: Places bar? The drop down?02:52
Whatsinanameneurobuntu I think so, but I am going to wait for a bit and keep trolling the forum... not quite ready to reinstall.02:52
dmsupermanBrian88_, yeah02:52
neurobuntu|angelic| are the two linux's on the same HDD02:52
Brian88_dmsuperman: Not appear...02:52
dmsupermanBrian88_, anything important I have mounted in my Home folder as well02:52
|angelic|neurobuntu: yes02:52
Jack_Sparrow|angelic| is ubuntu on sda9   ?02:53
matthewnow that I've figured how to do everything I want to do, I'm ready to give ubuntu the majority of my harddrive, what's the safest way to do this (a link with instructions would work just as well)02:53
neurobuntuWhatsinaname: I would recommened backing up the /home partition and then reformatting it incase the problem is on your home partition02:53
ffmJack_Sparrow: See... this system doesn't have a _normal_ bios.02:53
|angelic|Jack_Sparrow: fedora is in 5 and ubuntu is in 802:53
ffmJack_Sparrow: It runs OpenFirmware, the kernel is loaded directly.02:53
Jack_Sparrow|angelic| is ubuntu on sda9   ?   hd0,8  is sda902:53
neurobuntumatthew: so you're trying to say you want the move the free space from your windows partition to the ubuntu?02:54
Jack_Sparrow|angelic| if you are looking for sda8   then hda0,702:54
neurobuntuto the ubuntu partition?02:54
ffmJack_Sparrow: /part Thanks, Jack_Sparrow !02:55
matthewneurobuntu, I'd like to move the music files (which take up the most space) as well.02:55
|angelic|Jack_Sparrow: let me try. sorry I was panic because ubuntu is my primary box and I have to use it for work tomorrow :(02:55
burn0000are there any other compiz channels that may be useful?02:55
Jack_Sparrowffm Good luck, I have pointed you towards the two best resources available for usb installations02:55
SpookyETIs there a plugin that fixes escape codes problem in gVIM? emacs has a minor mode 'ansi-mode' that fixes it for itself. See http://www.studioindustryllc.com/user/spookyet/miscellaneous/ansi-escape-codes.png02:55
neurobuntumatthew: but you do want to resize the partitions which have files on them?02:55
matthewam I better off just backing up to an external hdd, then claiming the space then putting it back02:56
Jack_Sparrow|angelic| creatre multiple entries for all the combinations while you are editing that grub file02:56
burnerburn0000: what's up with compiz?02:56
burn0000problem or the channel?02:56
neurobuntumatthew, you can resize the partitions while preserving the data, but it takes a REALLY long time, a couple hours02:56
neurobuntumatthew: I've done it many times02:56
Jack_Sparrowmatthew the bigger the drive and the less free space the longer it will take02:57
matthewneurobuntu, do I have to be present for those "couple hours"02:57
neurobuntumatthew: no02:57
IndyGunFreakso much easier and faster to do a clean install and partition during install..02:57
neurobuntumatthew: I would BACKUP! BACKUP! BACKUP! any information you cannot afford to lose02:57
tomdudeWhat's the best (where by best I mean easiest to set up, maintain and secure) ftp server in the ubuntu repositories?02:58
Jack_Sparrowmatthew You do need to worry about power failures overheating, other family members etc02:58
=== The_JoKeR is now known as SplinTer0616
burn0000•burner• burner: this video tear thing is driving me nuts02:58
HardDisktomdude, you can do a webui setup of vsftpd02:58
Jack_Sparrowburn0000 go to compiz like we told you02:58
neurobuntumatthew: then boot into the live cd. Under System->Administration-->Partition Manager you can resize your current partitions.02:58
Jack_Sparrowburn0000 or turn off effects02:58
matthewneurobuntu: the first time I tried ubuntu half a year ago, I lost 180 gigs of info cause I "thought I knew what I was doing" (aka: being retarded)...so yeah I back up now02:58
=== charles is now known as charles-
tomdudeHardDisk: ah cool, I'll give that a try :) thanks!02:58
burn0000•burner• ya works if i do tht but there so damn cool02:59
neurobuntuMatthew: I've done it a couple times and only once has it had a problem, (windows had an indexing error or something)02:59
=== charles- is now known as charles----
MoesDoes anyone know a command to open OOo.3 from a terminal using hardy02:59
Chiselhuk_Plus1Jack_Sparrow: Hi there, if I d/load Hardy onto my laptop, can I install it without writing it to CD? :)02:59
ElefanteMarinhotem alguem brasileiro ai02:59
HardDiskChiselhuk_Plus1, you can do an installation without the cd yes.02:59
neurobuntuChiseluk_Plus1, you can install it from another HDD, or over the network02:59
IndyGunFreak!install | Chiselhuk_Plus102:59
ubottuChiselhuk_Plus1: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate02:59
Jack_SparrowChiselhuk_Plus1 there are many ways.. but no it isnt worth your time and headaches02:59
matthewso the safest thing is moving everything to an external, then doing a fresh install with the live cd?02:59
Pav5088Does anyone know the current state of support for Realtek 8111C LAN in the latest Hardy kernels?  I'm buying four new boards, and the onboard LAN for most new boards is Rlt8111C02:59
Jack_Sparrowmatthew yes02:59
neurobuntumatthew: yes03:00
Jack_Sparrow!br | ElefanteMarinho03:00
vieraonelefante  vai no #ubuntu-br03:00
ubottuElefanteMarinho: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:00
HardDiskbut as they said, it is better to move everything first.03:00
rampageoberonJack_Sparrow: may I pm?03:00
HardDiskyou cannot depend on your own intelligence sometimes, it's best to be safe than sorry.03:00
matthewOK, that's simple enough. Thanks guys, I never leave this chat disappointed.03:00
burn0000is there a gnome channel?03:00
HardDiskburn0000, ##gnome03:01
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toddI am getting video but no sound for .wmv files how do I fix this?... other video works great ;-)03:01
=== charles is now known as charles----
pubis there an eject cdrom drive command03:01
CaptainMorganburn0000, when looking for channels - *try* to join them :)03:01
Guest54773anybody know , how can I sincronize videos in my ipod?03:02
neurobuntumatthew: I would recommend (Unless you want to preserver your current installs), reformat the entire drive, make 4 partitions, 1 NTFS (10 gb) for windows, 2 EXT3 (10gb) for linux install, 3 EXT3 (20-100gb depends on space) for /home, 4 linuxswap (512mb - 3 gb == equal to your ram).  Then install XP on the NTFS, then install ubuntu on the 2nd partition while setting the mount point of the 3rd partition as /home03:02
IndyGunFreakpub: right click the drive and choose eject?03:02
Chiselhuk_Plus1Okay, so I'm reading 'n nothing is sinking in! *sigh* Can I do it from this .iso file I d/loaded?? :(03:02
neurobuntupub: type eject cdrom# in terminal03:02
neurobuntupub: for me its eject cdrom003:03
Jack_SparrowChiselhuk_Plus1 Burn it to a cd, boot the cd and install03:03
Moeslooking for command to open open office3 beta from terminal03:03
linlynx6please http://paste.ubuntu.com/19770/03:03
matthewokay, neurobuntu: I only have vista though, and partitioning in vista is actually really easy.03:03
vieraonsomeone plz!! how to solve >> configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check03:03
Guest54773what application I can use to  sincronize videos in my ipod?03:03
HardDiskGuest36918, use winff to convert videos then transfer to your ipod with gtkpod I believe, not sure if gtkpod handles videos or not, I don't own an ipod.03:03
neurobuntumatthew: then repeat the above instructions but with visat03:03
Darlok_WilliamsCould someone please tell me a way that I could make F-Spot share it's database in a new location and with all the users on my local system?03:03
Starnestommyvieraon: is build-essential installed?03:03
HardDiskGuest54773, , use winff to convert videos then transfer to your ipod with gtkpod I believe, not sure if gtkpod handles videos or not, I don't own an ipod.03:03
HardDiskI hate guest accounts :)03:04
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linlynx6Hardisk   ryhtmbox03:04
=== threethirty is now known as threethirty_play
HardDisklinlynx6, video?03:04
IndyGunFreakdoes rythmbox to video to ipods?03:04
HardDiskI don't think so03:04
IndyGunFreaki don't either03:04
=== MarkP is now known as Meatgrinder
neurobuntumatthew: When I was dual booting I setup my install like I specified above, and I've been very happy that I have a /home partition03:04
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=== charles____ is now known as charles`
pubi think my cdrom drive is still being controlled by wine, anyway to turn that off?03:04
=== charles` is now known as charles```
matthewneurobuntu, I feel something just flew bye me, what is the advantage to that as opposed to resizing with the live cd?03:04
linlynx6then use iTune in wine03:04
Guest54773 what application can I use ?03:05
HardDiskpub, ps -x find the wine id, then sudo kill -9 id03:05
HardDiskGuest54773, I told you, please read above.03:05
Jack_Sparrowmatthew sep /home is hioghly recommended03:05
aldenI'm back03:05
JGrubbsI don't think my sons Dell C521 likes Ubuntu :(03:05
neurobuntumatthew: resizing works fine (for the most part) but I;m a big believer in doing things cleanly. You're less likely to have problems and things will generally work better03:05
adubcan someone help me set up internet connection sharing using firestarter03:05
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linlynx6please http://paste.ubuntu.com/19770/03:05
Guest54773linlynx6 ?03:05
neurobuntumatthew: Resizing will work, I've done it plenty of times03:05
adubifup eth003:05
adubIgnoring unknown interface eth0=eth0.03:05
Guest54773to convert videos?03:05
linlynx6Guest54773 use itune in wine03:06
pubHardDisk which # is the id?03:06
adubeth0 is my network card that i want to add the internet connection sharing to but i can not do anything with it03:06
HardDiskthe one on the left03:06
adubits saying it is an unknown interface but i can hardware and use it with my modem03:06
matthewneurobuntu: also...I don't have a vista cd. I got my laptop through my IBM discount, and it came with Vista installed.03:06
JGrubbsAnyone else have any problems with Western Digital HDs and Ubuntu??03:06
Brian88__how to change the color of the titlebars of window? just like in Windows, with custom colors, because System > Preferences > Appearance only gives the most simple one.03:06
aldenI'v been looking through websites, and have ended up here.  How do I athenticate through smb?  the server i'm connecting to is smb:\\Home-computer.  How do I athenticate?03:06
neurobuntumatthew: then definately don't do a clean wipe.   Does vista have a built in partition manager>03:06
HardDiskJGrubbs, what's your question?03:07
HardDiskJGrubbs, all drives work fine.03:07
JGrubbsI put Ubuntu on my son's Dell03:07
JGrubbsI am now on my third Hard Drive03:07
neurobuntumatthew: then use that to SHRINK the windows partition, (Can vista handle EXT3?). Then use the live cd to grow your linux partition03:07
JGrubbsthey just sent me the replacement on Monday03:07
JGrubbsit crashed today03:07
matthewthe first time i successfully installed hardy, I partitioned in vista first03:07
Jack_SparrowJGrubbs There were some issues with passports where you had to use windows to turn off one of the built in WD features for them to work right03:07
HardDiskJGrubbs, ubuntu/linux does not physically damage harddrives.03:07
JGrubbsI have Ubuntu running on my other sons PC with no problems and on my wifes laptop with no problems03:08
HardDiskJack_Sparrow, but it's internal03:08
aldenrampageoberon: I'v been looking through websites, and have ended up here.  How do I athenticate through smb?  the server i'm connecting to is smb:\\Home-computer.  How do I athenticate?03:08
matthewneurobuntu; got it, thanks you've been a big help.03:08
JGrubbsIt must just be a bad batch of HDs03:08
HardDiskJGrubbs, I was going to say that.03:08
neurobuntumatthew: I would say let vista resize the linux partition but I'm not sure how well the Vista partitioner will work with EXT3, MS doesn't have a lot of incentive to make things work with linux03:08
JGrubbsthis is my third one that Dell sent03:08
HardDiskjust pure bad luck03:08
neurobuntumatthew: so let the linux utility work on the linux partition03:08
HardDiskJGrubbs, dell doesn't always send new drives.03:08
JGrubbsI am tempted to got buy a Segate and quit dealing with Dell03:08
HardDiskJGrubbs, they send refurbished sometimes.03:08
JGrubbsyeah, they keep sending refurbs03:08
HardDiskwell there you go03:08
JGrubbswhich means they were broke before03:08
rampageoberonalden: i'm not sure about samba, i've not used it yet myself :(03:09
|angelic|I think I might enter the wrong info in menu.lst. what exactly I should type in?03:09
aldenrampageoberon: ok03:09
rampageoberonalden: sorry03:09
JGrubbsI looked at the bios log on this one and see errors from earlier this month, I just got it from them03:09
JGrubbson Monday03:09
neurobuntu|angelic| can you post your menu.lst to a pastebin?03:09
HardDiskJGrubbs, may I suggest samsung if you find one, they are cheap and run much cooler.03:09
JGrubbsI guess I will call them again03:09
aldenrampageoberon: it's ok03:09
gwpWill any .deb binary be suitable for ubuntu or is it better to get tarball03:09
JGrubbsokay, I will look for a Samsung03:09
aldenanyone else know?03:09
aldenI'v been looking through websites, and have ended up here.  How do I athenticate through smb?  the server i'm connecting to is smb:\\Home-computer.  How do I athenticate?03:09
neurobuntugwp, if you are running 32bit ubuntu then a 32bit deb will work03:09
JGrubbsI love Ubuntu, have both of my sons running Edubutu with Glubble on Firefox03:09
HardDiskJGrubbs, my nick isn't coincidence, i specialize in HD's :)03:09
Jack_Sparrow|angelic| in a terminal type    sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /boot/grub/menu.lst | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)03:09
JGrubbsthey love it03:09
=== Brian88_ is now known as Brian88
toddI am getting video but no sound for .wmv files how do I fix this?... other video works great ;-) help!!!03:10
neurobuntugwp: same with the 64bit but 32bit doesn't work with 6403:10
Brian88how to change the color of the titlebars of window? just like in Windows, with custom colors, because System > Preferences > Appearance only gives the most simple one.03:10
rampageoberongwp: not all .debs are suitable i think03:10
JGrubbsI have Ubunutu on my wife's laptop, she loves it as well03:10
neurobuntugwp: if you can use a deb then do it, its a million times easier then building from source03:10
JGrubbsI just need to get a good HD for my sons Dell to keep him happy03:10
JGrubbsthanks for your help03:10
ubottuFactoid newfs not found03:10
aldenbe back tomorrow03:10
HardDisknp JGrubbs03:10
wersdoes virtualbox have lower requirements than vmware?03:11
neurobuntugwp: plust its easier to remove if you want to uninstall03:11
gwpThanks rampageoberon, and neurobuntu03:11
HardDiskwers they're just two different apps, see which one works better for you.03:11
neurobuntujoin #30rock03:13
* Chiselhuk_Plus1 thanks everyone for anything they may've said 'cos I found wot I need!! lol03:13
|angelic|Jack_Sparrow: I don't have internet in the other comp :(03:13
Thundarrhey is there any way to allow someone to "control" your system in ubuntu like in windows03:14
Jack_Sparrow|angelic| then that wont work..03:14
Jack_SparrowThundarr rdesktop03:14
rampageoberonThundarr: yes03:14
Darlok_WilliamsIs there an efficient tool that will search for duplicate photo files and delete/move any duplicates found?03:14
bobstroThundarr:  i assume you don't mean compromising it, right?03:14
HardDiskThundarr, vnc? it's built into ubuntu03:14
rampageoberonThundarr: ssh is also a way in which they can control the system03:14
HardDiskThundarr, depends what you want.03:14
bobstroThundarr:  what do you want to do exactly?03:15
Jack_SparrowDarlok_Williams I ran across one that seems to work but is not in our repos.. check into FSLint03:15
Chiselhuk_Plus1Jack_Sparrow: Gee wizz this is getting quite technical now!! LOL All because I ain't bought blank CD's yet!! LOL03:15
Darlok_WilliamsJack_Sparrow: Will do... thanks.03:15
Jack_SparrowChiselhuk_Plus1 Way easier to get a cd03:16
Chiselhuk_Plus1Jack_Sparrow: It's saying I need to create a partition for the CD image.....do u think I can do all this?? :P03:16
Chiselhuk_Plus1Jack_Sparrow: Yes, but we're impatient!!03:16
Darlok_WilliamsJack_Sparrow: However, doesn't that only search for duplicate filenames?  I'm looking for something more along the lines of finding photos that actually have identical CONTENT, you know?03:16
mar1how do i set the ubuntu login screen to default to high contrast large pring theme?03:16
|angelic|Jack_Sparrow: there are only three lines - name of the partition, the location (rootnoverify (hd?,?), then chainloader03:17
gleyvemy ftp server is not working :(. I've just configured it03:17
=== neurobuntu is now known as neurobuntu-away
Jack_SparrowChiselhuk_Plus1 I dont think you will be able to get that going without a lot of frustration03:17
rampageoberongleyve: which server you using>03:17
gleyverampageoberon: proftpd03:17
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot03:18
Jack_Sparrow|angelic| I told you earlier what to use... (hd0,7)   I think03:18
Chiselhuk_Plus1Is there any reason why upgrading my system to Hardy should put my data at risk?03:18
rampageoberongleyve: ah i use proftpd, whats the problem03:18
gleyverampageoberon: man..conection refuse03:18
Chiselhuk_Plus1Jack_Sparrow: Any chance you could fly over 'n drop me a blank CD? :P03:18
IdleOneChiselhuk_Plus1, murphy's law. make backups !03:18
CaptainMorganChiselhuk_Plus1, online upgrade *shouldn't*03:18
Jack_SparrowChiselhuk_Plus1 NOt having a backup of data you cant afford to lose is not good practice03:18
bobstroDarlok_Williams:  you're looking for duplicate files?03:18
|angelic|Jack_Sparrow: yep, i tried that. didn't work. is there any additio things I should add - since the part for fedora has two additional lines03:18
rampageoberoncan you paste your config in a pastebin please gleyve03:18
CaptainMorganseconds Jack_Sparrow03:19
Darlok_Williamsbobstro: I'm looking, more specifically, for duplicate photos.  My family has a nasty habit of importing ALL pictures from their digital cameras, but not removing them afterwards.  So they've imported the same pictures multiple times.03:19
Chiselhuk_Plus1Thanks guys, points taken!03:19
adub_i keep getting failed to start firewall on eth0  no matter what i dont know what the problem is i am using firestarter can someone please help??03:19
gleyverampageoberon: paste what? /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf  ?03:19
=== kat is now known as Guest13170
adub_i have an internet connection working on ath003:19
Chiselhuk_Plus1Jack_Sparrow: I'm gonna have a go at this install thingy...creating partition blah blah....plse be on standby in case I start pulling my hair out! lol03:19
rampageoberongleyve: yes03:20
gleyvewhere is the pastebin ?03:20
bobstroDarlok_Williams:  i've been looking for similar. check out fdupes. haven't used it yet myself (on the road now) but it looks right. uses checksums.03:20
rampageoberon!paste | gleyve03:20
ubottugleyve: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:20
keithclarkI am trying to access a USB drive on another computer with Nautilus via a ssh session and it won't let me connect.  It says   A security policy in place prevents this sender from sending this message to this recipient, see message bus configuration file (rejected message had interface "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume" member "Mount" error name "(unset)" destination "org.freedesktop.Hal")03:20
bobstroDarlok_Williams:  i wound up with dozens of duplicate photos with different names.03:20
SonicComKidCould someone help me with a fairly easy question?03:21
berent /join #python03:21
Darlok_Williamsbobstro: Okay, yeah... definitely not looking for a duplicate FILENAME finder... I'll look at fdupes.  Thanks.03:21
gleyverampageoberon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19772/03:21
bobstroDarlok_Williams:  that's what i mean. it does NOT only compare filename, but actual contents.03:21
MixxSonicComKid just ASK03:21
rampageoberongleyve: lets have a look03:21
rampageoberongleyve: ah i had trouble getting this to run in inetd mode03:21
SonicComKidI currently have a box acting as a network bridge. ie. Router->Server box with two network cards<-Windows XP box connected to server via other network card03:22
SonicComKidif I install Ubuntu server on it. How do I bridge the two network adaptors to share internet and other resources across the two adaptors?03:22
gleyverampageoberon: should I intall it again?03:22
rampageoberongleyve: ServerTypeinetd <-- change the inetd to Standalone03:22
bobstrocompiz problem: now and then a window near edge of screen will "pulse" and the throbbing is a bit distracting. must be related to snap. what are the settings to adjust this?03:22
rampageoberongleyve: and then do sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd force-reload03:22
rampageoberongleyve: hopefully that will fix thinfs03:23
roehow do I disable shell access for a user?03:23
Jack_Sparrow!pm > Chiselhuk_Plus103:23
rampageoberonroe: sudo usermod -L user03:23
rampageoberonroe: actually you can change their default shell to /bin/false03:23
SonicComKidIn windows XP I simply selected the two network adaptors, right clicked, and clicked 'bridge'. How do you do it with Ubuntu Server Edition?03:23
roerampageoberon, by editing the passwd file directly?03:24
rampageoberonroe: my first command actually locks that login, where as changing the default shell in /etc/passwd is good03:24
rampageoberonroe: yes03:24
rampageoberonroe: as long as nothing else changes it will be fine03:24
Chiselhuk_Plus1Jack_Sparrow: Dumb quessie, what is gparted 'n how do I know if I have it already? :)03:24
rampageoberonroe: that means if they try login to the ssh server, it will just disconnect them03:25
LymHello all. I just upgraded to 8.04 and now I'm having sound problems. I can't use flash and amarok at the same time, and I used to in the last version. What changed and how can I fix it?03:25
SonicComKid....anybody know?03:25
gleyverampageoberon: still no working :(03:25
rampageoberon!gparted | Chiselhuk_Plus103:25
ubottuChiselhuk_Plus1: gparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php03:25
Asa_ACan anyone help me with mythtv on hardy? it doesn't seem to work with PulseAudio even after I followed the instructions here: http://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2008/04/mythtv-on-hardy.html03:25
gleyverampageoberon: i'll try reinstall03:25
rampageoberongleyve: do sudo aptitude purge proftpd03:25
rampageoberonand then install it again, and choose standalone mode this time gleyve03:25
rampageoberongleyve: hopefully that will work03:26
rampageoberongleyve: it did ask you which mode to choose right?03:26
SonicComKidDoes anybody here know how to bridge two network adatpors together in Ubuntu Server Edition (8.04)?03:26
Asa_Aand does anyone here know if upgrading to hardy will break my mythv backend?03:26
bobstroSonicComKid:  haven't done link aggregation myself, but there's a lot about it on the high availability pages. no right-click giu i suspect.03:26
SonicComKidbobstro, where? I tried the forum with no luck03:27
rampageoberongleyve: this is what my config looks like03:27
alan_mAsa_A, it "shouldnt" but...nothing is guarunteed03:27
m1rsearch on ubuntu forums SonicComKid03:27
ubottuFactoid sharing not found03:27
ubottuFactoid forwarding not found03:27
SonicComKidI did, I didn't find anything03:27
shane_Odd-rationale: u in here03:27
superbennyuncool ubottu03:27
SonicComKidwhen I searched for 'bridge' I got tons of things about wireless03:27
BCM43!bot abuse03:27
ubottuPlease don't play with the bots, or else... Also see !behaviour and !msgthebot03:27
bobstroSonicComKid:  not sure of anything on ubuntu sites, but take a look at http://linux-ip.net/html/ether-bonding.html03:28
Chiselhuk_Plus1Got gparted as in "sudo apt-get install gparted" so now how do I run it? (I feel really blonde, sorry guys)03:28
powertool08wine ? most programs fail for me because of dll's, am i supposed to track down each dll after install of a new program or should I copy all XP dll's beforehand?03:28
SonicComKidthanks bobstro, I'll try that03:28
m1rSonicComKid: that not what u after03:28
bobstroSonicComKid:  i'd look for general howtos rather than anything specific to ubuntu to start with. find solution that fits what  you need, and then maybe look for ubuntu-specific approach.03:28
Asa_Aalan_m: Do you have any experience with mythtv on hardy? My backend is hardy, but my frontend doesn't work on hardy.03:29
SonicComKidhumm.. doesn't look like what I'm after03:29
m1rSonicComKid: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137003:29
ubottugparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php03:29
bobstroSonicComKid:  are you after high-availability?03:29
=== dmsuperman is now known as dmsuperman[]
Jack_SparrowSonicComKid Read up on firestarter and connection sharing03:30
PastorBonesHow do I automagically start a php script on boot in Linux console?03:30
m1rJack_Sparrow: think he has server03:30
SonicComKidm1r, that doesn't look like what I'm after03:30
SonicComKidbobstro, no03:30
SonicComKidlet me explain again..03:30
bobstroSonicComKid:  you've got switch etc. that supports aggregation, right?03:30
Chiselhuk_Plus1Jack_Sparrow: If I have an old live CD can I do this easier from that?03:31
powertool08how do I fix missing dll's in wine? is there a wine channel?03:31
SonicComKidI have a router connected to NIC card 1 on server. The server has a second NIC card that's connected to a windows XP box. I want the windows XP box to be able to talk (including intenet) through the server stright to the router03:31
m1rSonicComKid: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137003:32
bobstroSonicComKid:  oh, use the LINUX box as a switch in effect?03:32
SonicComKida very minor switch03:32
Jack_SparrowChiselhuk_Plus1 Yes, as long as it is dapper or newer03:32
bobstroSonicComKid:  sorry, from your description sounded like aggregation.03:32
rampageoberongleyve: did it work?03:32
SonicComKidit's just technicaly giving me one extra 'port' on the router03:32
m1rSonicComKid: i gave you post, did u even check it =?03:32
zcat[1]powertool08: #winehq03:32
SonicComKidm1r the first one wasn't it03:32
m1rSonicComKid: i gave you post, did u even check it =?03:32
m1rSonicComKid: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137003:32
powertool08zcat[1]: thanks03:32
SonicComKidand that's the same one03:32
Chiselhuk_Plus1Jack_Sparrow: It says 5.10 on the cover...does that help?03:32
SonicComKidthat is not what I'm asking for m1r03:32
m1ru want share internet conection SonicComKid ?03:33
onatshow can i launch gdm programs from a remote SSH session?03:33
SonicComKida simple NIC to NIC bridge03:33
BCM43!prefix | SonicComKid03:33
ubottuSonicComKid: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:33
bobstroSonicComKid:  you don't want linux box to be firewall or anything? just literally a bridge?03:33
SonicComKidRouter->Server NIC 1->Server NIC 2->Workstation03:33
m1rSonicComKid: read that link m803:33
bobstroSonicComKid:  you can certainly do that but it sounds overly complex.03:33
ubottuFactoid bridge not found03:33
SonicComKidno firewall, nothing, just brdige03:34
rampageoberononats: hmm, please explain more03:34
m1rwhy even bother to help...03:34
gleyverampageoberon: man...http://paste.ubuntu.com/19773/ does not works03:34
gralco1its about naruto03:34
bobstroSonicComKid:  you can bridge intefaces... but i haven't done it in a LONG time on linux.03:34
zcat[1]yes linux can bridge.. but why bother?03:34
gleyverampageoberon: man...sudo aptitude install proftpddoes not works03:34
gleyverampageoberon: man...sudo aptitude install proftpd does not works03:34
rampageoberongleyve: hmm03:34
Jack_SparrowSonicComKid See if this will work for you   http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60410403:34
SonicComKidI have a 100ft cable running down to my server, and only ONE work station down there with the server. I want the server to share it's network connection with the workstation. The server has two NIC cards03:34
harrismdoes anyone know why i wouldnt be able to get to desktop workspaces on a fresh hardy install?  I have four configured on the pager but cant chage them...03:34
TaggardDCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 003:35
zcat[1]Ohhh.. you really only want packet forwarding then, I think03:35
rampageoberongleyve: did sudo aptitude purge proftpd work?03:35
madmnwhere do i set the root password ?03:35
mar1how do i set the ubuntu login screen to default to high contrast large pring theme?03:35
tonyyarusso!root | madmn03:35
ubottumadmn: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:35
mar1how do i set the ubuntu login screen to default to high contrast large print theme?03:35
rampageoberongleyve: do sudo aptitude search proftpd and tell me what you get03:35
madmnthe install only asked for my password03:35
shane_hey for the second time since i started buntu i have a blue lockup screen03:35
tonyyarusso!repeat | mar103:35
ubottumar1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:35
bobstroSonicComKid:  so like 2nd option here http://www.linux.com/feature/133849 ?03:35
unavailablewell everyone i just ditched 64 bit03:35
tonyyarussomadmn: There only is your password.03:35
SonicComKidpretty much the server is just shareing information between the NIC cards like a passive switch or HUB03:35
onatsrampageoberon, i have a ubuntu machine at home, i want to run azureus from an ssh session into my machine03:36
jebusany one seen spaztastic in here?03:36
neurobuntuto go SuperUser type: sudo bash or sudo su03:36
madmnhow do i do root things then03:36
SonicComKidtrying to look and keep up with IRC at the same time03:36
madmnlike su03:36
neurobuntumadmn: sudo su or sudo bash03:36
rampageoberononats: azureus headless?03:36
madmnso there is no root03:36
TwinXmadmn; sudo passwd root03:36
onatsrampageoberon, what do you mean?03:36
zcat[1]It's possible to set a root password, but it's not a good idea and nobody who cares about you having a stable and reliable system will tell you how...03:36
tonyyarussomadmn: read the wiki that was linked!03:36
unavailablemadmn  sudo -s03:36
Jack_SparrowTwinX Please dont suggest that03:36
neurobuntumadmn: if you type: sudo su, you become rood03:36
dyfis there a command to turn off the monitor for cleaning?03:36
rampageoberononats: the graphical app, or command line03:36
gwpwhat is changing the ubuntu bar graphic in this theme, what program? http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Dark+Ice+Emerald?content=7028403:36
tonyyarussoneurobuntu: No, sudo -s.03:37
Jack_Sparrowneurobuntu not a good choice either03:37
tonyyarussoTwinX: Don't bother telling him how before he bothers to learn.03:37
Chiselhuk_Plus1Is Ubuntu version 5.10 Dapper or newer?03:37
ubottuWant to know the differences between Windows and Linux? This guide, called "Linux is Not Windows" is a pretty good read -- http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm03:37
ubottuWe don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)03:37
TwinXK my bad03:37
unavailableme to03:37
neurobuntutonyyarusso: there are MANY ways of becomming root, what are the advantages or sudo -s over sudo su or sudo bash?03:37
unavailablesudo -s is quicker than sudo bash03:37
zcat[1]actually not really applicable to the discussion, even Microsoft have realised that running as Admin all the time is *really bad* and made UAC try to beat it out of people03:37
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)03:37
unavailableand it compares with sudo su03:38
ubottuFactoid ubuntu-fr not found03:38
rampageoberononats: if you want the gui use vnc to login to the desktops and launch them03:38
Darlok_WilliamsCould someone please tell me a way that I could make F-Spot share it's database in a new location and with all the users on my local system?03:38
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr03:38
tonyyarussoneurobuntu: More sane environment in keeping with the sudo paradigm, rather than essentially bypassing it in bizarre looking ways.03:38
SonicComKidthat sounds like what I want, thanks guys03:38
gleyverampageoberon: p   gforge-ftp-proftpd          - collaborative development tool - FTP03:38
gleyvep   gproftpd                    - GTK+ configuration tool for proftpd03:38
gleyvei   proftpd                     - versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon03:38
gleyvep   proftpd-doc                 - Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon03:38
gleyvep   proftpd-ldap                - Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon03:38
gleyvep   proftpd-mysql               - Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon03:38
gleyvep   proftpd-pgsql               - Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon03:38
neurobuntuunavailable what do you mean faster?  faster at becomming root? or faster when executing commands?03:38
unavailable!flood | gleyve03:38
ubottugleyve: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:38
|angelic|good God, I was so stupid....it's done. I got ubuntu back. it was simple. thanks a lot guys.03:38
rampageoberongleyve: proftpd is already installed03:39
neurobuntu|angelic| congrats!03:39
rampageoberongleyve: when you did sudo aptitude putge proftpd did it remove it?03:39
narothepharohwhere can i download a work time sheet for open office?03:39
rampageoberongleyve: *when you did sudo aptitude purge proftpd did it remove it?03:39
Jack_Sparrow|angelic| glad you got it..03:39
unavailableman i just had a big fight with grub03:39
zcat[1]narothepharoh: probably in sun's StarOffice/OOo template pack03:39
unavailableand i still have yet to reinstall all the pros i had in 6403:40
Chiselhuk_Plus1How do I run gparted?03:40
unavailablechiselhuk_plusl from the live cd03:40
|angelic|neurobuntu: thanks. I was really panic because I might lose vmware - on ubuntu - needed for work03:40
neurobuntuChiselhuk_Plus1, run the live CD click on System-->Admin-->Partition Manager03:40
zcat[1]Chiselhuk_Plus1: sudo aptitude install -y gparted && sudo gparted03:40
unavailablechiselhuk_plusl or the gparted cd  http://gparted.sourceforge.net/03:40
|angelic|Jack_Sparrow: thanks for being so patient03:40
SonicComKidThis is very newbieish of me, but server edition DOES have a GUI, right?03:40
[reed]I need blackdown-jre-1.4.2 on hardy... how do I get it?03:41
neurobuntuSo why other than "Style" is sudo -s better then sudo su or sudo bash?03:41
zcat[1]SonicComKid: no.03:41
Jack_Sparrow|angelic| Just glad you got it.. in the end.. it was quite simple03:41
unavailablechiselhuk_plusl if you are trying to resize ub part   you have to do it with cd03:41
unavailablecannot resize active part03:41
narothepharohzcat[1]: how do i get that?03:41
SonicComKidzcat[1], it's only console??03:41
zcat[1]neurobuntu: sudo preserves X permissions and stuff so running GUI programs as root still works03:41
rampageoberongleyve: you there?03:41
neurobuntuunavailabe, unmount the matition03:41
unavailablegleyve prolly got booted rampageoberon03:41
zcat[1]SonicComKid: once it's installed it will be on a menu somewhere.. it's not installed by default tho03:41
tuxmani need help please, whats better to format ext2 or ext3?03:41
SonicComKid-.- I thought Server Edition had a GUI.. I planed to VNC to it.03:42
neurobuntuzcat[1] does sudo bash not do that?03:42
tonyyarussotuxman: ext3 is ext2 plus journalling.03:42
tuxmantonyyarusso, which is better?03:42
SonicComKidzcat[1], how the heck do I enable GUI on it then?03:42
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: I have the live CD in the drive, now what? :(03:42
unavailabletonyyarusso wht bout ext403:42
tonyyarussotuxman: Better for what purpose?03:42
Jack_Sparrowzcat[1] Am I reading that right you are suggesting he run gui apps with sudo ?03:42
neurobuntuChiselhuk_Plus1 have you booted the live Cd?03:42
tonyyarussounavailable: That's not stabilized yet.03:42
PanzerMKZgleyve got banned03:43
zcat[1]neurobuntu: it might. sudo -i or sudo -s is the recommended way of getting a root shell (as far as using a root shell can be recomended).. I don't really know why.03:43
narothepharohzcat[1]: how do i get that?03:43
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1  boot to it, and run partition editor from system > administration03:43
tuxmantonyyarusso, i dont know, im just installing ubuntu, whats an example of each?03:43
madmnhow do i do things as root ?03:43
zcat[1]SonicComKid: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop03:43
neurobuntuzcat[1] ok thanks03:43
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)03:43
Starnestommy!sudo | madmn03:43
ubottumadmn: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)03:43
neurobuntuJack_Sparrow so how does one go about becoming a mod for this channel?03:43
SonicComKidzcat[1], with that command it'll install Gnome desktop, just like Desktop edition then, right?03:43
zcat[1]narothepharoh: I forget .. somewhere on Sun's website..03:43
zcat[1]SonicComKid: yes..03:44
tonyyarussotuxman: ext2 if you're concerned about being able to securely delete files for privacy-sensitive systems and that sort of thing, ext3 for stability and all general use.03:44
BCM43Jack_Sparrow: !gksudo has some issues03:44
SonicComKidzcat[1], thanks03:44
Jack_Sparrowneurobuntu You are selected there is no application process03:44
tuxmantonyyarusso, thanks, ur the man!!03:44
neurobuntuJack_Sparrow ok03:44
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: Thanks, is an old laptop....*sigh*03:44
Jack_SparrowBCM43 We still suggest gksudo in spite of your objections03:44
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1  lol03:44
zcat[1]bah. remind me not to try and asnwer three people at once. my head assplode!03:45
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1  i just had to dump 64 bit and fight with grub over 32 bit 8.0403:45
dpinceHey everyone, I am currently running Windows XP on a laptop and am doing some research on Ubuntu...I'd love to upgrade to Ubuntu tonight but I have some questions first.03:45
BCM43Jack_Sparrow: no, i mean !gksudo, the ubottu reply03:45
Darlok_Williamsdpince: That's what we're here for... ask away.03:45
musikgoatChiselhuk_Plus1: if your /home drive is on a separate partition or disk, its *safer*03:45
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1 too many software restrictions for me in 64 bit03:45
HardDiskWhy do you press harder on a remote-control when you know the battery is dead?03:45
ubottuFactoid quote not found03:45
musikgoatoops nvm03:46
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: I hope you're in the USA, 'cos u ain't going to sleep yet hon!03:46
neurobuntudpinse: ask away03:46
Jack_SparrowBCM43 Ah.. sorry...  what did you think it should say?  We just changed sudo yesterday03:46
bobstroHardDisk:  my F key is sticking, so i think i know03:46
dpinceThanks :D  Well my first and foremost concert is getting internet to work, namely wireless.  Last time I tried linux for a brief period I was unable to get my wireless working so I was forced to go back to windows.03:46
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)03:46
neurobuntudpinse: what is youre wireless card03:46
Darlok_Williamsdpince: This is still an issue.  Have you tried running the Ubuntu LiveCD?03:46
zcat[1]dpince: what chipset? my broadcom was really easy this time around, just tick a box and click OK03:47
narothepharohwhere can i download a work time sheet for open office?03:47
dpinceIt is an atheros ar5006EG adapter03:47
Darlok_Williamsnarothepharoh: Google is your friend in this situation.  Google for "work time sheet open office"03:47
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1  but i will be smoking regularly,  and i need about 5-7 mins for that03:47
HardDiskoops sorry I had my fun script on.03:47
madmnthats kinda insecure03:47
zcat[1]not familiar with that one..03:47
madmnhaving no root03:47
harrismcan a bios setting get switched randomly?03:47
neurobuntudpince, atheros is supported under ndiswrapper, I believe. I know plenty of people have gotten it to work03:47
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:47
uthomHi all, tzdata popped up, is it cool or do I need to clean up my sources.list?03:47
Darlok_Williamsmadmn: There is a root user with an incredibly difficult password :)03:48
madmnthats kinda insecure isn't it03:48
HardDiskneurobuntu, depends on the chipset.03:48
Darlok_Williamsmadmn: Hmm... I would think it's quite secure, but okay.03:48
madmnsomethings i need to do require that don't they03:48
Jack_Sparrowmadmn It is more secure03:48
Darlok_Williams!sudo | madmn03:48
ubottumadmn: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)03:48
FelipeSI just installed google gadgets. However, any parts of the gadget that is supposed to be transparent shows up as black. I have compiz effects turned off. Is there some extension/option I should add to xorg.conf?03:48
Starnestommyuthom: I think there was an update to tzdata recently03:48
madmnso i just use su to do things then03:48
meeperhow do I get my .xsession to source my .bashrc? (and why on earth doesn't this happen by default, argh!)03:48
Darlok_Williamsmadmn: Not su... sudo.03:49
zcat[1]madmn: no, you use sudo03:49
Jack_Sparrowmadmn not the best choice  sudo -s  would be better03:49
neurobuntumadmn yep anytime you need to run a command as root you can use gksudo or sudo03:49
IdleOnenarothepharoh, http://documentation.openoffice.org/Samples_Templates/User/template/Timesheet.stc03:49
dpinceI know once I can figure wireless out I can eventually get everything else working, so if you were to expain how to get my wireless driver working in a step-by-step fashion, how would you?  I already burned the Ubuntu ISO to a CD and am ready to reformat.03:49
unavailableboot happy the mods are tonight03:49
zcat[1]madmn: or kksudo03:49
zcat[1]bah, typing sucks03:49
neurobuntuunless you specify a user su doesn't work in ubuntu, you can use su to switch to a different (non root) user03:49
tuxmananyone here use XCAHT??03:49
dpinceStill running windows XP at the moment.03:49
HardDiskFelipeS, check the google gadget site, since it's still in an experimental stage, the forums have a few posts about it, but in terms of compiz you need to turn widgets on in the advanced settings I believe, there was something mentioning that issue in the forums.03:49
hey`friends, I have installed gnome translate tool.03:49
tuxmananyone here use XCHAT??03:49
Darlok_Williamsdpince: Before doing that, reboot your computer with the Ubuntu CD in the drive.  Let it boot up and test if your internet is working.03:49
neurobuntulike user1$ su user2 would work03:49
Weemshow can I removee all traces of an app I "completely removed"?03:50
hey`but it doesn't even translate the simplest of the words!03:50
unavailabledpince you can dual boot03:50
HardDiskWeems, --purge03:50
hey`any idea?03:50
bobstrotuxman:  i do03:50
WeemsI want to merge banshee-1 into banshee..03:50
neurobuntuWeems, how did you install the app03:50
Darlok_WilliamsWeems: apt-get --purge [package]03:50
IdleOnenarothepharoh, check this one out also http://documentation.openoffice.org/Samples_Templates/User/template/index.html03:50
meeperany ideas? how do I get .xession to source .bashrc? I keep getting a nasty error about 'source' not being found03:50
tuxmanbobstro, how do i see all the people in the room?03:50
Weemsapt-get and Ive been trying to build banshee via source03:50
Darlok_WilliamsWeems: But then you'll still need to delete it's directory in your Home folder because --purge doesn't do that for some odd reason.03:50
HardDiskWeems, why?03:50
zcat[1]--purge won't remove any user config (~/.foo) the app created though afaik..03:50
dpinceDarlok: Ok, so if I boot with the Ubuntu CD in the drive, it will check for drivers before actually installing anything?03:50
WeemsHardDisk: for a xchat script03:50
HardDiskWeems, remove banshee add the repository for banshee 1 from their website03:50
bobstrotuxman:  are you using xchat or xchat-gnome ?03:50
zcat[1]gtg bbl ttfn03:51
Darlok_Williamsdpince: It will actually load the entire operating system and let you use it WITHOUT actually installing anything :)03:51
unavailabledpince you should run the live cd (the first option at boot time)03:51
onatsrampageoberon, i just want azureus to start at my home computer...03:51
SeaPhordpince, it will let you run full os off of the cd, without installing anything03:51
Darlok_Williamsdpince: It's a great way to check for hardward compatibility, etc.03:51
bobstrotuxman:  xchat-gnome neuters the interface (IMO) so i use the 'real' xchat.03:51
enanerhow do i uninstall a software on terminal03:51
unavailabledpince to see what drivers you need off the get go03:51
HardDiskenaner, apt-get remove or aptitude remove03:51
tuxmanbobstro, i think xchat-gnome?03:51
neurobuntuenaner: you can use sudo apt-get remove03:51
HardDisk!apt | enaner03:51
ubottuenaner: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)03:51
Starnestommyenaner: sudo apt-get remove <package-name>03:51
dpinceWow, sounds great.  Thanks for the help guys I guess I'll boot Live and check it out.  I'll probably be back ;-)03:51
unavailableenaner sudo apt-get remove <nameofsoft>03:52
uthomStarnestommy:  thanks, I will patch it and update my sources later.03:52
tuxmanbobstro, so i have to uninstall this one and download the one from the site?03:52
Darlok_Williamsdpince: You will be :)03:52
enanerand how do i run a software from terminal?03:52
bobstrotuxman:  if you've used xchat before you might (personal preference) prefer just 'xchat'. search for xchat in synaptic.03:52
unavailableenaner  <nameofsoft>03:52
bobstrotuxman:  not sure if you need to uninstall xchat-gnome, but i did.03:52
hoenssomehow my entire box managed to fubar itself03:52
meeperanybody know how to source .bashrc from .xsession?03:52
hoensand i have nodea03:52
enanerackage frostwire is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:52
enanerThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or03:52
enaneris only available from another source03:52
enanerE: Package frostwire has no installation candidate03:52
neurobuntuenaner that depends, if it is a script you need to do ./<name of script> if it is a bin just <name of bin03:52
Darlok_Williamsdpince: Keep in mind, though, that when loading the LiveCD, everything is loaded into memory.  It will take MUCH longer to boot up this way than it actually will once you install it.  So be patient ....03:52
enanerwhy does it say that about frostwire when it ry to install it?03:52
unavailableenaner i.e. if you want to run pidgin from terminal, enter terminal and type pidgin and press enter03:52
hoensi would pastebin the error i get when ls -al, but i can't open firefox03:53
neurobuntuenaner try aptitude search frostwire03:53
HardDiskenaner, download it from www.frostwire.com you came here yesterday asking the same questions03:53
tuxmantom123, yo bro this is my name in the CHAT its me plutoniumoxide03:53
unavailablethat sux  hoens03:53
hoensaye unavailable  :(03:53
enanerhardisk no i didnt ... and i did dl it from there but not working still03:53
neurobuntutuxman you can change your nick with /nick <new nick>03:53
Darlok_Williamshmm... strange that Keep doesn't have any kind of progress indicator...03:53
HardDiskenaner, what didn't work? installing or running?03:53
hoensi have no idea why, but some files show up as: d?????????  ? ?     ?          ?                ? .fontconfig03:53
hoens  when i do ls -al03:53
tuxmanneurobuntu, i dont need to change my nick03:53
hoensi was in the middle of watching a movie, and the movie just crashed03:53
enanerHardDisk:  running03:53
hoensand now i can't read from the disk03:53
WeemsI wish ubuntu would merge banshee-1 into banshee.. its a stable release is it not?03:54
tuxmanneurobuntu, but thanks :)03:54
HardDiskenaner, run it in terminal see the error message. you may need java installed03:54
HardDiskenaner, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras03:54
IndyGunFreakWeems: dont think so, not yet.. been a while since i messedw/ the beta though03:54
Weemswell I need it so it works with a script03:54
Weemsand Im not good enough with python to hack the script03:54
gleyverampageoberon: it worked03:55
HardDiskdo people still use np scripts? ;)03:55
gleyverampageoberon: ok03:55
WeemsI do03:55
gleyverampageoberon: it worked03:55
neurobuntuWeems python is only 1 of a handfull of scripting languages, there are TONS of scripting languages03:55
unavailablelol i mean nope03:55
enanerHardDisk: i already have that updated ... yet still frostwire doesnt wanna run03:55
mar1any helpers?03:55
neurobuntuweems, most people just use bash scripts (or shell scripts)03:55
gleyverampageoberon: but pasword is wrong..how do I reset?03:55
IndyGunFreakenaner: do you have java installed?03:55
HardDiskenaner, again I REPEAT run it in terminal and see the error message03:55
Weemsneurobuntu: well I havent seen any that work. the only one on xchats website is in python03:55
IndyGunFreakenaner: you're probably missing java..03:55
HardDiskIndyGunFreak, already told him that03:56
Weemsand I like banshee, so I dont want to use another player03:56
ffmHow can I know if anything is happenning while I am dding?03:56
IndyGunFreakHardDisk: well, he's obviously very slow..lol;03:56
enanerIndyGunFreak:  how do i get the java then03:56
enanersudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras03:56
ffmIs thre a verbose mode?03:56
cedriczgmarl, what's your issue?03:56
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: Have u every tried to load a live CD on a really old dinosaur of a laptop??? :( AND only to discover your live CD is Badger!! lol03:56
HardDiskIndyGunFreak, slow wasn't my first thought.03:56
cedriczgmarl, I just entered03:56
IndyGunFreakenaner: are you using 32bit or 64bit?03:56
unavailableget the gparted cd03:56
enanerIndyGunFreak:  64 bit03:56
HardDisklet's get gparted, in here!03:56
IndyGunFreakenaner: i'm not real sure on 64bit....03:56
unavailablechiselhuk_plusl or the gparted cd  http://gparted.sourceforge.net/03:56
HardDiskenaner, ah that's why03:57
Weemsneurobuntu: I tried to build-dep and I got E: Build-dependencies for banshee-1 could not be satisfied.03:57
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1 or the gparted cd  http://gparted.sourceforge.net/03:57
cedriczghello everyone03:57
HardDiskenaner, may I ask why you're on 64bit? curious.03:57
neurobuntuThe Gparted  LiveCD is over rated, just use the Ubuntu LiveCD03:57
mib_d1d4wrwhy no more raid support on gparted ? :(03:57
* IndyGunFreak laughs at people who unkowingly step into 64bit when its not ready03:57
HardDiskneurobuntu, or the systemrescuecd03:57
cedriczgHas someone tried compiz with multiple users on ubuntu 8.04?03:57
mib_d1d4wrneurobuntu, gparted loads fast to terminal03:57
neurobuntuWeems, can you past the entire Error to a pastebin?03:57
enanerHardDisk:  cuz someone here looked at my info and told me to get 64 bit03:57
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: If I had blank CD's to begin with I could just write the already d/loaded Hardy onto disc 'n install!!03:57
IndyGunFreakenaner: well, you know what they say about advice on the internet03:57
Chiselhuk_Plus1At this rate I'm deffo going for CD's soon!!03:57
neurobuntumib_d1d4wr, I've had more video driver errors with GParted then ubuntu03:58
HardDiskenaner, I have no problem with 64bit, but you must be prepared to learn many things on your own to get it working the way you want it to.03:58
mib_d1d4wrHardDisk is here 24/7 lol03:58
unavailableneurobuntu chiselhuk_plus1 but the gparted disk is soo much faster downloading and burning03:58
lopinI need help setting up a network printer with Cups and Vista...03:58
mib_d1d4wrneurobuntu, I dont use gparted graphically...03:58
enanerHardDisk:  so far everything is working fine ... xcept this frostwire thing03:58
IndyGunFreaki can't imagine anyone suggesting 64bit to a newb.. thats kinda silly03:58
lopinVista is refusing to print...03:58
Weemsneurobuntu: http://pastebin.ca/104668203:58
HardDiskenaner, fair enough.03:58
HardDiskmib_d1d4wr, almost :)03:58
IndyGunFreakenaner: "so far".. being the operative word03:58
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1 thats bill gates retarded03:58
taracant seem to get my wireless working, don't even see a wireless connection on the network manager but under the restricted drivers manager the wireless card is showing driver inuse compaq presario f700 laptop. any suggestions?03:58
enanerIndyGunFreak:  i dun think i ll b doing advanced stuff yet ... so im not worried03:58
HardDiskmib_d1d4wr, I'm moving up the canonical ladder you see :)03:59
cedriczgI have issues using compiz with multiple users. Did someone have no trouble setting compiz for 2 different users?03:59
IndyGunFreakenaner: well you won't be using frostwire either...lol03:59
meeperanybody know how I can get ~/.xsession to source ~/.bashrc??03:59
mib_d1d4wrflash 10 beta fixes slow fullscreen playing now, I'm so happy03:59
IndyGunFreakthast not very advanced03:59
Darlok_WilliamsIs it normal for Keep to appear to hang while performing a backup?  Shouldn't it have a progress indicator instead?03:59
neurobuntuWeems,cd into the banshee directory, there should be a debian folder, then paste the contents of the CONTROL file to the pastebin03:59
enanerIndyGunFreak:  i guess ill just use limewire instead03:59
IndyGunFreakenaner: it requires java also i'm pretty sure03:59
MoreAllLesscedriczg, What kind of issues?03:59
amenadotara which chip does your wifi card have?03:59
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HardDiskIndyGunFreak, he did the ubuntu-restricted-extras according to him03:59
meeperhmm, am I just being ignored?03:59
cedriczgmeeper, I didn't get your question03:59
RadiantFireDarlok_Williams: that is normal, bad programming...04:00
neurobuntuhmm, what is your question04:00
IndyGunFreakHardDisk: doesn't matter... java doesn't have a 64bit port04:00
Darlok_WilliamsRadiantFire: Okay lol04:00
neurobuntumeeper what is your question04:00
HardDiskIndyGunFreak, I know, which is why I was wondering04:00
IndyGunFreakyou can try to chmod the 32bit to work.. but i'm not sure how to do that04:00
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: The live CD has loaded and I clicked System, Admin....and there's nothing about partitioning there!! :(04:00
UbubeginI installed crossvc , a cvs client via synaptic.. But i cant see it anywhere in the start menu.. how do i start crossvc now.. Anyone knows04:00
cedriczgMoreAllLess, When I login to the other user I can't have available the effects on the appearence settings04:00
IdleOneDarlok_Williams, yes it should. there are several backup utils that need progress indicators04:00
Darlok_WilliamsRadiantFire: Guess I should find a different backup program then... maybe it shouldn't be supported by Ubuntu if it's that obvious of an issue.04:00
meepercedriczg: thanks. just trying to get .xsession to source .bashrc . It keeps giving an error, complaining about 'source' keyword04:00
taraatheros 802.11 is what shows in the hardware drivers thing04:00
mar1any helpers pm me04:00
neurobuntuChiselhuk_Plus1: its there look for Partition Editor, Partition Managers etc...04:00
mar1I've been waiting over 1hr04:00
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1 thats strange i just used it about 3 hrs ago04:01
Darlok_WilliamsIdleOne: I'd have even been satisfied with a "Please Wait" dialog... but nope, it just shows every indication of having completely crashed.04:01
neurobuntumar1 what is your problem?04:01
cedriczgMoreAllLess, Only if I log out from the other user I can get the new user to use compiz04:01
HardDiskenaner, if you want my advice, and this advice a lot will concur, I would go with 32bit Ubuntu, you won't feel a difference unless you have over 4GB's of ram and require the dual core processing power for 64bit applications for rendering etc.04:01
enanerIndyGunFreak:  what do u think of this : http://javashoplm.sun.com/ECom/docs/product_redirect_sdn.html:: shud i go with it04:01
MoreAllLesscedriczg, I just had an issue with my logon and I was able to fix it by setting a file in my profile.04:01
lopinDoes any body know jack about CUPS, and how to use it with windows?04:01
IdleOneDarlok_Williams, yup I know04:01
mar1for help04:01
mar1how do i set the ubuntu login screen to default to high contrast large print theme?04:01
* neurobuntu AGREES WITH HARDDISK!04:01
amenadoanyone uses a Zyxel  p330W wireless router?  how do you get that to allow one host to get the routable ip address? dmz? can you assist?04:01
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Weemsneurobuntu: http://pastebin.ca/1046682 thats what I got04:01
madmnhow do i get a gcc compiler04:01
neurobuntumar1, try going to #gnome04:01
MoreAllLessCheck your .config/compiz folder.04:01
lopinI can find no resources on networking printers with Vista, and all I'm getting is not working...04:01
cedriczgMoreAllLess, Can I know which file?04:01
glitsj16Weems: seems like there's a .deb for Banshee 1.0.0 at http://getdeb.net/app/Banshee .. haven't used it personaly but it's there04:01
IndyGunFreakenaner: link didn't work04:01
RadiantFireDarlok_Williams: i mean, the applicatoin still works, you just have to get used to it. the only annoying thing I've ever experienced is when you log in at all you backups are scheduled and it takes about 20 minutes to finish logging in04:01
HardDiskthank you neurobuntu :)04:01
mar1no one knows?04:01
taraamenado:  atheros 802.11 is what shows in the hardware drivers thing04:01
HardDiskok fellas I'm going to get breakfast04:01
HardDiskit's 6am04:02
lopinSee, I can print, it just goes nowhere...04:02
MoreAllLessI suggest you copy that folder from your profile to the other profiles.04:02
cedriczgmeeper, sorry, I don't know if I can help you04:02
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: The live CD I'm using is from version 5.10 which I believe to be Badger!04:02
neurobuntuWeems, that is the same pastebin as before04:02
SeaPhoramenado, can you log into it?04:02
enanerIndyGunFreak:  is the 64 bit in ne way gonna damage my comps life span or that doesnt affect ne thing?04:02
Weemsall I want is for Banshee to appear as /usr/bin/banshee...04:02
amenadotara okay, what have you done to test ?04:02
Darlok_WilliamsRadiantFire: Hmm... maybe I'll look for something a little simpler.04:02
madmnanyone know where i can get a C Compiler04:02
MoreAllLessNot sure if it will work, but it is a try.04:02
bobstromar1:  there's a lot of accessibility info referenced in the gdm config file.04:02
Weemshttp://pastebin.ca/1046683 then04:02
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1  that would be the issue04:02
jribmadmn: why? What are you compiling?04:02
IndyGunFreakenaner: i would strongly recommend you download/install 32bit.. then find the person that recommended 64bit to a newb, and jackslap them04:02
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1 you got network on that laptop?04:02
RadiantFireDarlok_Williams: pybackpack works well for me, though it is a Gtk app04:02
madmnand says no gcc found04:02
Brian88I plugged in a 4-in-1 Card Reader with 1GB SanDisk SD card but not detected... why?04:02
amenadoSeaPhor i can log in to it yes, its not my router its a friend, and am trying to assist him so I can login to his ubuntu behind that firewall04:02
RadiantFireDarlok_Williams: it doesn't schedule stuff though04:02
neurobuntuweems, your trying to build banshee right? you downloaded the source right?04:03
bsdI can't reduce "gamma" in my screen, I've tried usign xgamma but I doesn't work enough, It's an Ati radeon xpress 200M Using fglrx from amd04:03
madmnits for an ircd04:03
Brian88I plugged in a 4-in-1 Card Reader with 1GB SanDisk SD card but not detected... why?04:03
neurobuntuweems pm me04:03
Brian88I plugged in a 4-in-1 Card Reader with 1GB SanDisk SD card but not detected... why?04:03
cedriczgMoreAllLess, which file did you change to fix that issue on compiz?04:03
Brian88I plugged in a 4-in-1 Card Reader with 1GB SanDisk SD card but not detected... why?04:03
B_166-ER-XHow could i see if Ubuntu see's my Cdrom or not ? Its doesnt detect CD's or Dvd's ..04:03
enanerIndyGunFreak:  i dun think its as serios as u make it ... and also i had a lotta trouble installin the 32 bit and and also the 64 bit ... i got it to work after like 9 hours ... so im not gonna attempt to install it again04:03
jribmadmn: it is in the repositories, no need to compile it.  In any case, read ubottu's message for the future04:03
jrib!compile > madmn (read the private message from ubottu)04:03
IndyGunFreakenaner: lol, ok.. good luck04:03
UbubeginI installed crossvc , a cvs client via synaptic.. But i cant see it anywhere in the start menu.. how do i start crossvc now.. Anyone knows04:03
Brian88I plugged in a 4-in-1 Card Reader with 1GB SanDisk SD card but not detected... why?04:03
glitsj16Weems: if that .deb installs it in /usr/local bin, provide a symlink (or build it with configure --prefix=/usr)04:03
harrismin hardy do i have to enable another repo to get win32codecs?04:03
IndyGunFreakharrism: easiest is medibuntu.. they are there04:04
MoreAllLesscedriczg, I am sorry to say that I don't remember.  I recall it was in the ~/.config/compiz folder, or perhaps the file was compiz04:04
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1 do you have a usb flash disk??04:04
enanerIndyGunFreak: also i have the 256mb nvidia and dual core ... i think tahts y he recommended the 64 bit nn also 2 gig ram04:04
keithclark hey everyone!  I seem to be having a problem accessing a usb drive via an ssh session with nautilus.  It won't mount the drive.04:04
keithclark It just gives the following error:04:04
keithclark A security policy in place prevents this sender from sending this message to this recipient, see message bus configuration file (rejected message had interface "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume" member "Mount" error name "(unset)" destination "org.freedesktop.Hal")04:04
taraamenado: i ran the checks on this page. https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/internet/C/troubleshooting.html04:04
IndyGunFreakenaner: lol, if you say so.04:04
glitsj16harrism: yes, medibuntu repo has that one i believe04:04
enanerIndyGunFreak:  could that be why? or he was just dumb>04:04
harrismIndy: thanx04:04
amenadotara it would be nice if you can explain, rather than me reading a link04:04
harrismi got my wireless working again04:04
cedriczgMoreAllLess, thanks. I'll look in there to see what I can do04:04
MoreAllLesscedriczg, I don't have my Ubuntu running at this time, otherwise I would check.04:04
harrismsomehow it was turned off in the bios (i dont know how that happened)04:04
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IndyGunFreakenaner: no matter what i say, you're goign to try and justify it, so i'll just be quiet, and you can learn on your own04:05
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: I have both my pc 'n this laptop linked thru my Edimax router....does that mean they're networked, unfortunately the USB port on this laptop does not work!04:05
cedriczgMoreAllLess, what are you running. May I know? Just curious04:05
enanerthank you IndyGunFreak04:05
IdleOneenaner, it is simple you dont need to use 64bit.04:05
MoreAllLesscedriczg, you should also check out #compiz-fusion.  That's where they were able to help me.04:05
SeaPhoramenado, if you can log into it (i haven't used that particular one) but you should have a security section, some uncomfortable but necessary browsing and see what options are there, sorry i cant help more that that on that router04:05
enanerIdleOne:  whats the difference?04:05
Nuvolaciao a tutti04:05
MoreAllLesscedriczg, I am running Windows at the moment and using Opera.04:05
cedriczgMoreAllLess, oh, great idea. Thanks a lot :)04:05
IdleOneenaner, 32 bit works and 64 bit will cause you to break things04:06
Brian88I plugged in a 4-in-1 Card Reader with 1GB SanDisk SD card but not detected... why?04:06
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1  open terminal on the laptop04:06
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1  sudo apt-get install gparted04:06
neurobuntuBrian88 Please don't flood, we've all seen your problem04:06
cedriczgMoreAllLess, noone is perferct. I have dual boot with Vista :P04:06
enanerIdleOne:  break what for example?04:06
cedriczgMoreAllLess, now running ubuntu ;)04:06
IdleOneenaner, like your brain trying to figure out why things wont run when you install them'04:06
enanerok im gonna stop with my dumb questions and comments04:06
adubanyone in here ever use firestarter??  i am wanting to use it to setup internet connection sharing04:06
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: I did that already 'n no one could tell me wot to do next!04:06
bobstroIdleOne:  so you guys are saying 64 bit is unstable?04:06
neurobuntuabud, its really easy I've done it04:06
amenadoSeaPhor i already have done those, thanks... am seeking info on what DMZ really meant on that router, and how to acquire the external ip address of the router to be assigned to an ubuntu box rather than the 192.168.x.x address04:07
MoreAllLesscedricgz, As an FYI, I just added one line that basically told compiz to continue running on error.  But I know it added to just my profile.04:07
gleyverampageoberon: my ftp server is working..but I cant login....invalid login04:07
enaneryou guys are right ... buit i dun wanna go thru that pain of reinstalling with complications ... i dun have that much time ne more04:07
unavailablebobstro  64 bit lacks software capabilities04:07
MoreAllLessThat's why I think you may be having the same problem.04:07
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: So what next?04:07
Brian88neurobuntu: so how to fix it? I am very need to access the photos on it04:07
keithclarkenaner: 64 bit has little to offer over 32 bit.  Not worth the aggravation04:07
bobstrounavailable:  which is different than "will make you break things" then right?04:07
MoreAllLesscedriczg, Good luck!04:07
IdleOneenaner, not dumb questions it is just that 64 bit is not ready for the reg user and if you dont absolutley need to use it then dont04:07
IndyGunFreakbobstro: no, its not unstable.. its just not really ready for a novice user.. there's some 64bit distros that are really solid(Suse for example)04:07
SeaPhoramenado, tracert doesn't show that?04:07
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1 and you want to do what resize??04:07
nickrudBrian88 unplug the card reader.  run   tail -f /var/log/syslog    in a terminal, then plug it back in. You should get some messages in the terminal04:07
neurobuntuBrian88, try google. I've never messed with card readers, but lots of people have, just search for it on google04:07
bobstroIndyGunFreak:  well you guys have certainly been saying things that make it sound unstable.04:07
IndyGunFreakbobstro: then you've not read what we're saying04:08
IdleOnebobstro, it is stable it just that not all apps work well with it. so why break your head untill the devs get the apps working with the OS04:08
IndyGunFreaknot one person has said unstable04:08
amenadoSeaPhor-> is nothing to do with tracerroute, its how the router assigns the ip address information i seek04:08
bobstroIndyGunFreak:  big difference between "toys might not work" and "will break things"04:08
gwpwhats the syntax to install source was it make | make install | ./install ? Cant remember04:08
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: I need to install Hardy on a system that has Badger, I cannot write to CD atm 'cos I don't have blank discs!04:08
IndyGunFreakbobstro: like i said, no one person said unstable.. its perfectly stable04:08
NitricacidDoes anyone have experience setting up a webcam on hardy heron? I could use some help please04:08
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: I have d/loaded Hardy 'n wanted 2 install it now, being impatient! lol04:08
taraalright, opened the device manager the card is shown as i already stated. then ran the lshw -C network command and got a responce that i will pastebin in just a second. the driver appeared to me to be installed but maybe i didnt really understand what i was looking at because the troubleshooting page doesn't really specify what you are looking for when you run the command. the next thing it says is to run the command again to check if the device is on04:08
tara(i can say its not because its not showing a green light on the indicator even though the switch is in the on position) then the next step is a router check (non issue at this point because the wireless selection isnt even in the network manager so how does the router come into play yet?)04:08
nickrudgwp in general,   ./configure && make && sudo make install04:08
SeaPhoramenado, sorry. thought you wanted to know the wan addy for the router04:08
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1 who brought up  partitions??04:08
IdleOnebobstro, if you read my next cooment I was being sarcastic and said it would break his brain04:09
dryrotshould i run ubuntu as my firewall and load balancer ?04:09
gwpnickrud: thanks04:09
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adubhas anyone in here encountered errors with firestarter and dhcp??04:09
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: A link that I was sent to said 2 do this.04:09
bobstroIdleOne:  ahm. :)04:09
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1 lol04:09
rainwalkerwhy don't the mp3 CDs I make with Brasero burn the ID3v2 tags?04:10
macoi keep getting "device not accepting address" errors when i plug in a usb hard drive.  launchpad bugs dating back to 2006 say to rmmod ehci_hcd, claiming that will make it go at usb 1.1 instead of 2.0 speeds, but really it just makes my usb ports cease to exist.  any ideas?04:10
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux is what I was following!04:10
bobstroIdleOne:  just a little surprised to see you guys jumping on him so bad for trying out 64 bit rather than maybe working around a few issues.04:10
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1 ohh man   actually you have the image... and a network connection04:10
amenadoChiselhuk_Plus1-> you have an existing linux running and using grub? you can install that iso without burning a cdrom04:10
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: Yes, but I've never "setup" the network as such! lol04:10
NitricacidDoes anyone have experience setting up a webcam on hardy heron? I could use some help04:10
neurobuntunitricacid what kind of webcam, mine was autodetected04:11
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1 do you see partition manager anywhere??04:11
IdleOnebobstro, after seeing that he was "told" to install 64 bit I knew that he was not advanced enough yet to know why he should use 64 bit or not.04:11
LtLbobstro: i've run 64 bit ubuntu since ubuntu's inception, it's just fine.04:11
NitricacidPhillips Webcam SPC 1300NC04:11
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: No, not on the laptop, no!04:11
bobstroLtL:  yeah, i've been very happy with it. using it for vmware server.04:11
Brian88nickrud: finished... http://paste.ubuntu.com/19778/04:11
enanerso do you guys know how to fix this java problem ?04:11
IdleOnebobstro, comes down to your level of GEEKNESS :)04:12
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1 ok im going to step by step with you, i need to do something like this anyway04:12
IdleOne!java | enaner04:12
ubottuenaner: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository04:12
Tekersonneurobuntu, What is your cam? I'm looking at buying one, and support would be nice.04:12
amenadoenaner java problem? or your install problem?04:12
nickrudBrian88 when you plugged in the device, you didn't get anymore text?04:12
enaneramenado i got 64 bit so java givin me some probs04:12
Brian88nickrud: no04:12
neurobuntuTekerson mine is the internal cam that comes with a thinkpad t6104:12
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: Yay, finally someone who realises I'm out of my depth!! lol04:12
RandyNoseHey, anyone familiar with a problem with embedded flash video/sound causing problems with Hardy?04:12
cedriczgMoreAllLess, It seams Only one user can get 3D accel.  The first user claims it, and doesn't release it.04:12
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1 ok do you have terminal open??  if so type sudo gparted04:13
nickrudBrian88 try plugging it into a different usb port04:13
bobstroIdleOne:  so long as it's not l33tness :)04:13
amenadoenaner oh well, i dont have 64bit stuff, good luck04:13
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: I've already done that! :)04:13
Tekersonneurobuntu, damn... I bought a t61m last week, but it doesn't have a cam :(04:13
taraamenado: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19781/ thats the output of the lshw command did you see my explination?04:13
cedriczgMoreAllLess, they also told me That's currently a limitation of X/DRI/drivers.  Only nvidia do that correctly right now, IIRC.04:13
unavailableand gparted opens?04:13
nickrudIdleOne is l33t, doesn't need to prove it ;)04:13
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1 you have created your partition then??04:13
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: It would if someone told me how to run it!!04:13
IdleOnenickrud, I am?!04:13
MoreAllLesscedriczg, Oh I see.  Well thanks for passing that information along.  Good to know!04:13
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1 ok do you have terminal open??  if so type sudo gparted04:13
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* IdleOne hugs nickrud for the compliment. or was that an insult?04:14
nickrudIdleOne compliment ;)04:14
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: Plse bear with me, need a bathroom break! LOL04:14
Brian88nickrud: thanks... now works!04:14
unavailabletis ok04:14
amenadotara it looks like your driver has not been initiated yet.. your clue *-network UNCLAIMED04:14
madmnchecking for gcc... gcc04:15
madmnchecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables04:15
madmnSee `config.log' for more details.04:15
IdleOnenickrud, guess I am a glutten for punishment04:15
madmncan someone help with that please04:15
jribmadmn: did you read what I said?04:15
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1 now does the ext3 have keys next to it??04:15
cedriczgMoreAllLess, and last info "This is getting fixed at the moment.  I think airlied has an Intel branch which allows multiple users to get DRI at the same time."04:15
nickrudBrianG whew ;) I like miraculous fixes ;)04:15
IdleOnemadmn,  sudo apt-get install build-essential04:15
cedriczgMoreAllLess, it is nice to share knowledge ;)04:15
IdleOnemadmn,  then try compiling again04:15
taraamenado: ok, so what now?04:16
neurobuntuTekerson, ya.. I opted for the built in webcam, the estimated shipping date was faster04:16
bobstroenaner:  if that's your only problem, can you work around it? would another program do the same thing for you?04:16
neurobuntuTekerson, granted it took over 4 months for th purchase order to get filed and I got the laptop 6 months later...04:16
amenadotara get it loaded and then start testing04:16
Tekersonneurobuntu, oh well.. sure i'll find an external one. thanks anyway.04:16
neurobuntui think the little logitech ones work nice04:16
macoi keep getting "device not accepting address" errors when i plug in a usb hard drive.  launchpad bugs dating back to 2006 say to rmmod ehci_hcd, claiming that will make it go at usb 1.1 instead of 2.0 speeds, but really it just makes my usb ports cease to exist.  any ideas?04:16
mrtacoi have a problem installing a  veo webcam04:16
bobstroIdleOne:  hey stupid question -- i'm running azureus on 64 bit... that is java, right?04:17
meeperman this is getting ridiculous04:17
bobstroIdleOne:  (not on that machine now, so can't find more details)04:17
NitricacidHaving problems installing and keeping a Phillips Webcam SPC 1300NC working. Anyone?04:17
neurobuntubobstro: yes azureus is java04:17
meeperhas nobody else ever customized their .xsession to call .bashrc?04:17
DillizarNitricacid: how do ya wanna use it04:17
macomeeper: i dont gt why you would04:17
nickrudmeeper I've done it in ~/.gnomerc , now I just do the path there04:17
IdleOnebobstro, yes it requires java04:17
NitricacidDillizar: hopefully, to put a stream on the internet04:18
nickrudmeeper so I have my ~/bin in the path for alt-f204:18
bobstroneurobuntu:  hmm. so 'java' can work apparently. never thought about it being a problem. just did a basic ubuntu hardy install.04:18
meepernickrud: not sure I understand04:18
DillizarNitricacid: ex you wanna use it with kopete?04:18
meepermaco: so you can set environment variables for scripts in the gnome-panel04:18
hey`guys, help me, any translator I've been installing04:18
hey`they don't work!!04:18
meeperneed to set JAVA_HOME and some others before I can run some programs04:18
IdleOnebobstro, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava04:18
hey`even for the simplest of the words!04:18
NitricacidDillizar: whatever works04:18
nickrudmeeper that would be a very good use for ~/.gnomerc04:18
nickrudmeeper it gets read when gnome starts, and you can set env variables for the gnome session there04:19
natjowhy doesn't xubuntu recognize my thumb drive?04:19
lopinDoes anyone know how to use Cups with Windows Vista?04:19
DillizarNitricacid did ya tryed with kopete? or Skype04:19
meepernickrud: I'll try it. Thanks very much.04:19
IdleOnenatjo, #xubuntu04:19
bobstroIdleOne:  i saw that... but didn't have to do any of that to get azureus working on 64 bit.04:19
hey`why every trasnlator tool I install.04:20
hey`don't work?04:20
NitricacidDillizar: no, ill look those up04:20
natjoIdleOne: i've tried and it's so dang quiet you could hear a pin drop04:20
IdleOnebobstro, well perhaps hand hold enaner with it04:20
nickrudnatjo try   tail -f  /var/log/syslog   in a terminal, and plug in the drive. You should get some messages04:20
Dillizarnickrud: i was looking for you like 1m04:20
neurobuntuhey` because translation software sucks04:20
LtLbobstro: that wiki doc is obsolete in hardy04:20
gardenhosequestion: does anyone know where the .bashrc file is located?04:20
neurobuntugarendhose in /home/user/04:20
natjonickrud: terminal then plug in?04:20
bobstroLtL:  have you got java going under 64 bit?04:20
musikgoatgardenhose: you can make one if it doesn't exist04:20
hey`I can realize that my self thank you very much for your help.04:20
LtLgardenhose: in your home dir. ls -la04:20
neurobuntugardenhose I mean /home/$USER/04:20
LtLbobstro: yes04:21
amenadotara i quickly glanced at goggle for your AR242x seems to be problematic for kernel 2.6.24-16-generic04:21
DillizarNitricacid: tell me if you dont know how to use it04:21
meepernickrud: it doesn't look like .gnomerc is getting run. does it have to be executable?04:21
nickrudnatjo applications->accessories->terminal, that will open a command line environment. Then type   tail -f /var/log/syslog    in there. That will track the system messages. Then when you plug in the drive, you should get some system messages about what happens when you plugged it in04:21
NitricacidDillizar: i have no idea how to use it04:22
nickrudmeeper hm, I do believe it's sourced04:22
lopinDoes anyone know how to use Cups with Windows Vista?04:22
natjonickrud: i've done that and lots of information came up04:22
nickrudmeeper haven't set it up in hardy though. I hope it didn't change04:22
DillizarNitricacid: ok04:22
IdleOne!printer | lopin04:22
ubottulopin: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows04:22
lopinDoes anyone know how to use Cups with Windows Vista?04:22
DillizarNitricacid: what do ya wanna dowith the camera04:22
lopinI didn't ask for links I've already seen a hundred times...04:23
lopinI didn't ask for links I've already seen a hundred times...04:23
lopinDoes anyone know how to use Cups with Windows Vista?04:23
neurobuntulopin don't flood please, it doesn't make people want to help04:23
IdleOnelopin, I didnt ask for your attitude but got it anyway. your answer is in those links04:23
NitricacidDillizar: set up a stream online, on a website. So i can watch my room from school.04:23
natjonickrud: i'm in the process of pasting so you can see what it says04:23
DillizarNitricacid: you want to use it on yahoo, gtalk MSN04:23
nickrudnatjo ok, read through it. If it's gobbledygook, paste it ;)04:23
neurobuntuWE ARE ALL VOLUNTEERS! Treat us nicely pleaes!04:23
=== WalrusMan is now known as cn28h1
mrtacoi need help installing a veo webcam04:23
IdleOneneurobuntu, thank you :)04:24
lopinVista isn't the typical microsoft pos, now is it?  I've been following those links for almost an hour, and I still have shit stuck in Printer Limbo...04:24
lopinI'm just asking if someone has any experience with Cups, and Vista...04:24
Dillizardunno that Nitricacid sorry04:24
IdleOnelopin, well get that stuff out of the printer lmao04:24
harrismdo i want gkrellm or gkrellmd?04:24
lopinBecause the resources you guys are giving me isn't helping...04:24
kittykittylopin: is english your native language?04:24
lopinYes, yes it is...04:24
Dillizarbtw Nitricacid what the adress of the web04:25
IdleOnelopin, ok listen printing with vista is probable not so complicated but I will bet that if you read the links you will find an easy to follow howto04:25
NitricacidDillizar: i own hosting with ssh.04:25
kittykittythen what do you expect us to do?04:25
BoltClockhi, i just logged in, and ubuntu said there was an error with the gnome settings daemon.04:25
natjonickrud: best as i can tell it's a medium error http://paste.ubuntu.com/19785/04:25
lopinI've already read the links...  Like five times a piece...  And still, I have stuff not showing up in my queue...04:25
RabbitbunnyBoltClock: Then you came here too early. Google first, ask second.04:26
kittykittylopin: those links are well documented and I dont feel like reading the manual to you today04:26
rdeshhi all04:26
musikgoatlopin: i haven't fixed cups and vista,  but i have fixed samba and vista... first have u updated to sp1?04:26
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BoltClockis it safe to start firefox without gnome or X messing up?04:26
neurobuntuIdleOne somtimes I don;t think people realize...04:26
rdeshis there a way to change the evince/pdf default font? it looks awful right now04:26
DillizarYou want to stream the camera trough a web page? Nitricacid04:26
neurobuntulopin: if you're not ready to read docs to solve problems are you sure you're ready for linux?04:26
NitricacidDillizar: yes that is my final goal04:26
lopinI'm not asking for someone to read me a manual.  Those are all designed for Windows XP or older...  Not Vista...  I was hoping that someone would have that one nugget of knowledge that would fix the whole damn problem.04:27
RabbitbunnyBoltClock: Go for it. If it dies use lynx from the CLI.04:27
nickrudnatjo just how big is this drive04:27
IdleOneneurobuntu, well i have yet to receive my ubuntu pay check.04:27
taraamenado what's the command for viewing your kernel version...i'm thinking i'm running 2.6.24-1804:27
Nitricacidlopin: you arent paying these people, be nicer.04:27
natjonickrud: a 2GB microSD card04:27
DillizarWhat happens when you try to stream It ? Nitricacid04:27
lopinCAN'T READ A MANUAL?  I nearly had to write my own webcam drivers!04:27
NitricacidDillizar: i have no video feed when i try to use "cheese"04:27
RabbitbunnyIdleOne: Seriously? I'd call HR.04:28
amenadotara  uname -r04:28
neurobuntuIdleOne, really I get mine regularly ;-)04:28
tarathanks i was drawing a blank on that one04:28
tarayup 24-1804:28
natjoand nickrud i'm not trying to save the data on there because i'm pretty sure it's already gone i just want to format to fat3204:28
DillizarNitricacid: open smt like a kopete or other Instant messenger04:28
nickrudnatjo it looks like linux thinks it's in the 2 terabyte  range :)04:28
IdleOneneurobuntu, Rabbitbunny thing it has something to do with the fact that I was fired for recommending windows95. not sure though04:28
nickrudnatjo I'm not sure what the answer is, I'm gonna ask google a couple questions04:29
DillizarNitricacid: and then config the cam from there it will tell you if you have the right drivers04:29
lopinLook...  If no one knows how to work Cups, and get it to work with Vista, then fine.  There's definitely a lack of decent WORKING documentation on the subject, and I'm not all that familiar with Cups, and I don't know why it's not correctly sending stuff to the printer...04:29
NitricacidDillizar: hold on lemme get skype04:29
neurobuntulopin the first google search for "cups Vista" yeilded this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=110503&postcount=404:29
BoltClockRabbitbunny: the error said gnome will try to restart the daemon when i log in again. do that and see what happens, or try to fix it first?04:29
neurobuntulopin which I got from: http://blog.redinnovation.com/2007/08/20/printing-to-windows-vista-printer-from-linux/04:29
natjonickrud: well the problem is it doesn't even show up or in the media folder04:29
atb2008any chance anyone here would have this file from madwifi? madwifi-ng-r2756+ar5007.tar.gz  - trying to get my wireless card to work and madwifi has been down all day...04:30
jpastorehow do I enable imported emerald themes?04:30
overriderhello, i am trying to print to a network printer konica minolta c250. it installed fine, but it needs authentication before i can print. is there a way i can somehow specify username and password to authenticate to the printer somewhere? thanks04:30
RabbitbunnyBoltClock: I'd let gnome try again, Somebody took the time to make it work like that, see if it works.04:30
amenadolopin cups can support several protocols, ipp, lpd, hplip  which one does vista uses for printing? can vista print to an lpd ?04:30
enaneralright who were the guys that were making fun of me because i had 64 bit and im a n00b?04:31
DillizarNitricacid: what happens when you push the button of the camera if it has one :P04:31
meepernickrud: the .gnomerc is being called, I added 'xterm &' as the last line. but somehow JAVA_HOME is still undefined argh04:31
meepergah this is killing me. been at this for almost 45 mins. there must be something very stupid I'm missing heh04:31
lopinYes. I had to turn it on, but it still wasn't working, and the first thing I got for "cups vista" was a plastic one...04:31
bobstroenaner:  you got it working?04:31
enanerbobstro:  :) yeap04:31
enaneri got the java working04:31
enanerwanna know how?04:31
lopinAnd, that blog has it going the other way...04:31
BoltClockRabbitbunny: alright04:31
lopinI've got linux hosting the printer...04:31
musikgoatlopin,  make sure you are using LPD04:32
bobstroenaner:  good job. i've been happy with 64 bit, and apparently running java without even realizing it was a big deal. :)04:32
nickrudnatjo no, that's because of: Jun 12 23:21:26 ubuntu kernel: [ 1860.663616] end_request: I/O error, dev sdc, sector 0  unable to read partition table04:32
enanerbobstro:  :) thnx04:32
nickrudnatjo can any other device read this card?04:32
ferfactorhi i have a problem with virtualbox http://pastebin.com/m74ac27fe04:32
bobstroenaner:  everybody was a noob once. and a little bump hardly makes you one.04:32
BoltClockRabbitbunny: apparently it was just a slip-up at that very moment. its fine now :S04:32
NitricacidDillizar: that works, if i config my cam it works04:32
RabbitbunnyBoltClock: Pray and remember to break five XP CDs a day.04:33
bobstroenaner:  'course you might not be *gaining* all that much from it, but good digging after it.04:33
nickrudmeeper you are doing  export JAVAHOME ?04:33
enanerbobstro:  well i think with the internet and forums u dun need to b a pro ... ;/04:33
Dillizartry it now on the web Nitricacid04:33
natjonickrud: i use it in a cyclods and it tells me i need to format to fat32 or 16 so no other devices04:33
overriderferfactor, maybe your virtual box kernel modules dont match with the linux kernel version04:33
NitricacidDillizar: i dont know how to do that... thats why i came here.04:33
BoltClockRabbitbunny: :P04:33
enanerbobstro:  i dun wanna b a pro ... i just hate xp04:33
l2oi3hey anyone want to help me with this (setting up samba fileserver)? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82753604:33
DillizarNitricacid: what happens when you push the button of the camera if it has one :P04:33
ferfactoroverrider: and how i can fix that?04:33
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NitricacidDillizar: no buttons on camera04:34
bobstroenaner:  well you can help the  next guy out.04:34
enaneryea true04:34
overriderferfactor, just check with versions of virtualbox you have installed vs what version of the linuxkernel04:34
overriderferfactor, all using the gui package manager04:34
ferfactoroverrider: month ago i used virtualbox.. this problem is really new04:34
Dillizaruf Nitricacid04:34
nickrudnatjo hm. I've never formatted an SD device, but possibly   sudo cfdisk /dev/sdc  will let you get to it. It is mounting the device itself (as sdc)04:34
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enanerbobstro:  i didnt wann talk bout illegal stuff here so i msged u04:34
Dillizarlet me think Nitricacid04:34
overriderferfactor, i know, prolly because you upgraded using the upgrade tool, but didnt upgrade your virtual box kernel modules to match your new ubuntu version04:34
nickrudnatjo recognizing the device, that is04:34
overriderferfactor, it caught me too at first04:35
NitricacidDillizar: there was a prog in synaptic, webcamd - server04:35
NitricacidDillizar: but i dont know what to do with it04:35
mar1any helpers pm me please04:35
Dillizarinstall it04:35
ferfactoroverrider: ohhh!!!! maybe is that the problem... can you repeat me how i can fix that please04:35
natjonickrud: i'll give that a try uno momento04:35
l2oi3anyone who can help me with a samba setup/fileserver pm me please04:36
DillizarNitricacid: that stuff doesnt work well not for infrared04:36
overriderferfactor, open synaptic package manager ; search for virtual box kernel something and update it if possible to reflect your version of the linux kernel04:36
ferfactorok...  i will do that thanks a lot :P04:36
IdleOneheh lopin left?04:36
enanerwhats the offtopic room again?04:36
DillizarNitricacid: you are useing a mozilla right?04:36
IdleOnelast time I google for someone04:37
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:37
natjonickrud: when i try that this shows up: FATAL ERROR: Cannot read disk drive Press any key to exit cfdisk04:37
RabbitbunnyIdleOne: one crab, 50 bajillion eager users, don't let one spiol you.04:37
IdleOneRabbitbunny, yeah I know. :)04:37
enanerbobstro:  whats a cool thing u can do on ubuntu04:38
IdleOneRabbitbunny, found him a nice howto with screenshots and all lol04:38
nickrudnatjo then I'm not sure. Could be a bad card, but don't take my word for it.04:38
RabbitbunnyIdleOne: lol04:38
bobstroenaner:  lots of stuff, but that might be considered off-topic for here.04:38
natjonickrud: i'm beginning to think it's a bad card04:38
meeperwell that was a jolly good waste of time04:38
meepernickrud: thanks for your help04:38
natjonickrud: we tried though04:38
nickrudmeeper did it work for you?  export JAVAHOME ?04:39
meeperI ended up just copying all my env variables from .bashrc into .gnomerc and gave up trying to source04:39
NitricacidDillizar: firefox..04:39
nickrudnatjo yeah04:39
meepernickrud: yeah it works niow but I had to duplicate my env variables04:39
Dillizarnickrud: only you can help me :P i have porblems when i play a flash movie or smt on my mozilla can you help me04:39
nickrudmeeper makes better sense, anyway. And now, you don't need them in .bashrc ;)04:39
meeperfor some reason source fails in .xession/.gnomerc04:39
DillizarNitricacid: can you send me the link of the web04:39
nickrudmeeper .gnomerc is read by dash iirc, it's not bash04:40
NitricacidDillizar: i dont have anything setup yet04:40
meepernickrud: well I prefer them in .bashrc. I could perhaps source .gnomerc from .bashrc04:40
meepernickrud: what's dash?04:40
NitricacidDillizar: itll prolly b like www.datelate.net/cam.php04:40
nickrudmeeper a type of shell, but with less capability than bash04:40
meeperI'm just surprised this isn't a well known problem. People complain all over google but there's no clear solution04:40
nickrudDillizar maybe. Very maybe04:40
meeperand it cost me a good hour of my life, heh04:41
DillizarERROR 404 - PAGE NOT FOUND Nitricacid:D04:41
Nitricacidi know04:41
Nitricacidi havnt found any software yet04:41
meepermaybe I can blog about it tommorow, save somebody else some time04:41
meepernickrud: yeah, hmm, one of the pages I read mentioned dash04:41
IdleOnemeeper, if you learned something in that hour than it did not cost you anything. in fact you gained something04:41
DillizarNitricacid: you want to make it smt like american pie :D04:42
josevitorGuys, Ubuntu can resize vista ntfs partition? I on liveCD now and get this http://www.flickr.com/photos/josevitor/2574780512/04:42
nickrudmeeper put something on ubuntu-forums as well, a lot of people search there. Or link to your blog, that will help with the stats ;)04:42
josevitorny1 can help me?04:42
nickrudjosevitor yes, but you'd be better off doing your resize in vista.04:42
Nitricacidwhats that?04:42
IdleOnejosevitor, with?04:42
Dillizarsome thing04:42
l2oi3just right click04:42
meepernickrud: I'll put it on forums. It seems the appropriate solution is perhaps to export JAVA_HOME in .gnomerc and then source .gnomerc from .bashrc04:43
ubottufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire04:43
meeperit's kind of kludgy but it works04:43
nickrudlet windows take care of windows stuff.04:43
IdleOnejosevitor, /join ##windows for help with resizing in vista04:43
ubottufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire04:43
DillizarNitricacid: smt some thing smb somebody btw by the way04:43
IdleOnekidbuntu, did you not see it the first time?04:43
l2oi3can anyone help me, or just pm when they're dome with whatever04:43
nickrud!ot | Dillizar Nitricacid04:44
ubottuDillizar Nitricacid: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:44
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IdleOnel2oi3, ask04:44
Dillizarwhy us nickrud04:44
l2oi3i posted it on the forums, ill just link you as to not fill the channel04:44
kidbuntuIdleOne: didn't recognize it.. it was displayed late.. i have a bad net connection04:44
IdleOnekidbuntu, np04:45
nickrudDillizar well, you're not asking for help, you're not offering help, but you're not causing issues. So, to keep down the scroll we ask people that are pretty much just chatting to chat in off-topic. It's not a putdown or anything04:45
josevitornickrud: ok, i can try this...  | IdleOne: What??04:45
LIL_Tiffany  is any one here04:45
DillizarI was just explaining what I have wrote  nickrud04:45
LIL_Tiffany is there any guys ob her04:45
IdleOnejosevitor, if you need help with resizing in vista join ##windows they can help you04:45
Dillizardude nickrud i am offering help04:45
nickrudLIL_Tiffany not the right channel for dating. Try #ubuntu-offtopic04:46
IdleOnel2oi3, ummm I have no idea04:46
LIL_Tiffany  it was a ?04:46
nickrudDillizar ok, maybe take the general discussion to a pm. Want to keep down the scroll, mainly04:46
IdleOnel2oi3, but be patient and keep asking. someone will know04:46
whileimherehi. I have an external CDRom hooked up via USB. I just installed Ubuntu 8.04 LTS via this external drive. Now, even after a reboot or two, I am still not able to see the drive with a CDR in the drive. In Ubuntu 7.10 I had no issues with the auto mount of this drive. Anyone know what could be done?04:46
l2oi3how should i keep asking, i don't want to be annoying04:46
musikgoatl2oi3: sudo -i; echo "server1" > /etc/hostname04:47
l2oi3oh god, i would have never figured that out04:47
l2oi3you just want me to put that into the console04:47
LeefmcDoes the "rm folder -r" option have any sort of undo?04:47
musikgoatLeefmc: no04:48
Leefmcmusikgoat: Ouch :o04:48
Leefmcmusikgoat: Least i got a decent backup from git.04:48
musikgoatbackups are always good :-)04:48
nickrudl2oi3 what is in /etc/hosts ?  (put it on paste.ubuntu.com04:48
l2oi3should i do the command you told me to first?04:48
vieraonhey guuys04:49
Leefmcmusikgoat: Is there a way to use the rm command with a backup provided? (perhaps, have it use trash?)04:49
nickrudl2oi3 well, the sudo issue is because of /etc/hosts . So, lets fix that04:49
vieraonplz, how can i solve errors in make ??  i tried google  but it doesn't give any result04:49
l2oi3nickrud: it outputs sudo: unable to resolve host server.example.com04:49
musikgoatLeefmc: sorry I don't understand your q04:49
yell0wLeefmc: make an alias in .bashrc to change it to mv to trash instead ?04:50
Starnestommyvieraon: it depends on the errors04:50
nickrudl2oi3 yep. Because that address is not defined in /etc/hosts04:50
musikgoatthanks yell0w04:50
vieraonindex.docbook:542: element book: validity error : No declaration for element book04:50
vieraon       ^04:50
vieraonmake[3]: ** [index.cache.bz2] Erro 104:50
vieraonmake[3]: Saindo do diretório `/home/vieraon/Downs/ksmoothdock/doc/en'04:50
vieraonmake[2]: ** [all-recursive] Erro 104:50
vieraonmake[2]: Saindo do diretório `/home/vieraon/Downs/ksmoothdock/doc'04:50
vieraonmake[1]: ** [all-recursive] Erro 104:50
yell0wnp musikgoat04:50
vieraonmake[1]: Saindo do diretório `/home/vieraon/Downs/ksmoothdock'04:50
vieraonmake: ** [all] Erro 204:50
vieraonwat u think??04:50
nickrudl2oi3 if you try   sudo  ls   , you get the same answer, about not finding server1.example.com, right?04:50
yell0w!pastebin | vieraon04:50
ubottuvieraon: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:50
l2oi3lemme try04:50
nickrudl2oi3 so, you've got some serious host name issues. You're gonna have to fix that, then go back to doing your file server04:51
vieraon so ???04:51
l2oi3nickrud: how do i go about fixing them04:51
Starnestommyvieraon: does it say anything else before those errors?04:52
nickrudl2oi3 show me the contents of /etc/hosts, and I'll be able to say :)04:52
musikgoatl2oi3: have you changed your hostname without rebooting?04:52
l2oi3should i just take a screencap04:52
l2oi3because it's a number of lines04:52
nickrud!pastebin | l2oi304:52
musikgoatl2oi3: follow nickrud's advice04:52
vieraonlot of thing, like  5 AbiWord pages or more04:52
ubottul2oi3: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:52
l2oi3how do i copy in nano?04:53
Starnestommyvieraon: pastebin the last 25 or so lines04:53
nickrudl2oi3 oh, nano. You're not running a gui?04:53
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:53
l2oi3just connected via putty04:53
musikgoatl2oi3: putty copys upon highlighting04:53
nickrudl2oi3 and without sudo, you won't be able to do a lot. And putty? Ouch. You will need physical access to fix sudo, unless you've enabled root04:54
l2oi3i have root enabled04:54
nickrudand enabled root loggin with ssh04:54
musikgoatthat comes in handy then04:54
nickrudl2oi3 and the results of hostname , and the contents of /etc/hostname04:55
vieraonok>>  http://paste.ubuntu.com/19792/04:55
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Starnestommyvieraon: pastebin the rest of it as well, it looks like the errors may have started before where that paste did04:56
l2oi3contents of /etc/hostname is just sever.example.com04:56
l2oi3results of hostname: server.example.com04:56
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.04:56
nickrudvieraon don't know much about docbook, and I don't know if anyone else does. You might try looking for a docbook help channel on ircsearch.com04:56
mechahow do i make an iso?04:57
Starnestommyl2oi3: try this: echo " $(hostname)" > /etc/hosts04:57
musikgoatmecha: out of what?04:57
mechai want to backup my copy of leapard04:57
yell0wl2oi3: you might wanna read this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sudo/+bug/3290604:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 32906 in sudo "sudo fails if it cannot resolve the local hostname and no MTA is installed" [High,Fix released]04:57
vieraon>> http://paste.ubuntu.com/19793/04:57
nickrudl2oi3 ok, to get back to normal, you need to do something like:04:57
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab04:57
nickrudl2oi3 and, when you create your server, don't use example.com   as the name.04:58
l2oi3it outputs /ect/hosts: No such file or directory04:58
mechamusikgoat, i want to backup my copy of leapard04:58
jribl2oi3: you made a typo04:58
nickrudl2oi3 /etc/hosts, you have me.04:58
gwpis there a good gui xconfig app that would let me enable SLI04:58
NickGarveyubottu: smtp04:58
ubottuUbuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/email-services.html04:58
NickGarveyoh sorry, I meant to PM04:58
l2oi3nothing happened04:59
nickrudl2oi3 that's a real net address, example.com and will mess up your name resolution04:59
Starnestommyvieraon: I think that the problem is starting on like 18104:59
Starnestommyvieraon: er, line 18104:59
reya277how can I upgrade to KDE4.1 Beta?04:59
l2oi3should i go back and change all the examples to something else04:59
l2oi3then see if that fixes it?04:59
yell0wl2oi3: do you have a root session going ?04:59
madmnhow do i get ssh to work again05:00
nickrudl2oi3 ah, you're already root. Do the !hostname thing05:00
musikgoatmecha: i don't know if leopard has encryption that doesn't allow this, but you should just be able to right click on the disk on the desktop and click copy disk and select disk image for the "copy to"05:00
madmnwhats the command to get ssh05:00
musikgoatmadmn: ssh05:00
l2oi3hostname -f05:00
madmnyeah openssh05:01
madmni forgot how05:01
musikgoatmadmn: you want sshd to work on your local system?05:01
musikgoatsudo /etc/init.d/sshd start05:01
madmni don't have ssh tho05:01
mechamusikgoat, i will try05:01
yell0wmadmn: aptitude install ssh05:02
madmnsudo apt-get install openssh05:02
vieraonand wat should i do to fix  this?? can i downlaod dtd/kdex.dtd or something??05:02
madmnis that right05:02
musikgoatmadmn: yes05:02
jribmadmn: you want openssh-server05:03
gwpany1 have a link to a site with some good US ubuntu hardy repositories05:03
madmnso that i can ssh into the box using putty05:03
smmagicis there anyway to get extra effects for compiz fusion?05:03
nickrudl2oi3 make it server . Then edit /etc/hosts, remove the server1.example.com. then run hostname server , you should be back to a consistent state05:03
yell0wgwp: packages.ubuntu.com ?05:03
brand0conim trying to change permissions of a folder in a mounted fat32 file system and i get an operation not permitted05:03
l2oi3sry, make what server?05:04
brand0conwhat am i doing wrong? my command is sudo chown username:username /media/disk/folder -R05:04
madmni want to ssh to my box using putty05:04
v1peryou probably shouldve mounted the folder with different permissions05:04
=== ajonat__ is now known as ajonat
brand0conso change mounting options in fstab05:04
nickrudvieraon the make file is looking for that file, but it's not in the directory it's expected to be in. But you'd probably be better off looking for a #docbook channel05:04
v1perlikely, yea05:05
vieraoni found it but the are not answering me05:05
brand0conok.  its not possible to change permissions after its bee mounted?05:05
jpastorehi my touchpad seems real sensitive and the h-scroll and v-scroll no longer work05:05
nickrudl2oi3 those !hostname directions I gave you? follow those, that will get you back to a point where you can restart setting up the server05:05
v1perto give you write access, etc05:05
vieraonthey are not **05:05
nickrudvieraon sometimes it takes a while05:05
jpastoreI tried installing gsynaptics but it;s complaining that SHMOptions is not turned on05:06
vieraonok .. waiting  =] ...05:06
brand0conanyone know how to unconstrain windows on the top of the screen in kubuntu?  running on an eee pc and it only lets me sometimes05:06
mechamusikgoat, its working, thanks dude05:06
nickrud!synaptics | jpastore (instructions to fix theat are here)05:07
ubottujpastore (instructions to fix theat are here): For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad05:07
v1perbrand0con, fstab just allows for easy mounting; if i set everything up there beforehand for something to be mounted on /mnt/flash  i can then just  'mount flash' with no further arguments05:07
jpastorenickrud, thanks!05:08
v1perit wont change currently mounted systems (until reboot)05:08
brand0conok then.  thanks v1per05:08
v1peryea, just umount, change mount options, mount again05:08
l2oi3nickrud: what should the hostname look like?05:10
nickrud!register | tuxman (and please, don't shout)05:10
ubottutuxman (and please, don't shout): Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.05:10
adubhow do i get the little icon back up in the upper right corner of my screen that shows all the wireless networks im using hardy05:11
onatsnickrud, would you know how i can start gdm applications via a remote terminal session?05:11
onatsthe gdm application should run on the remote machine's gdm05:11
nickrudl2oi3 server , and  localhost   <newline> server   in /etc/hosts (along with all the ipv6 stuff)  is the correct way05:12
adubi am not able to get online in linux  :(05:12
nickrudonats not really, I've not spent much time running remote stuff.05:12
adubi dont know what has gone wrong but wired or wireless connection nothing works05:12
passbehas anyone had problems with the new banshee, with the error message "MPEG audio header not found"05:12
unavailableyou got a router?? adub05:12
adubworked about 5 minutes ago05:12
pubdoes ubuntu register thumb drives?05:13
nickrudpub register?05:13
songtaoi made a publickey, but when i ssh to a remote ubuntu, it keeps asking my password. how can i avoid it?05:14
adubcan anyone around help me please i can not get online on my linux laptop i am on my windows one05:14
b0xxyand wat have u done to get it to work?05:14
adubi was trying to setup internet connection sharing in linux and something has screwed up me being able to get online at all05:14
binarymutanthow can I get tintin++ to be displayed properly on a black on white terminal, the colors are hurting my eyes? I've googled it but never ran into anything05:14
adubi think something is messed up with the dhcp on it05:15
Flannelbinarymutant: Change the color of your gnome-terminal05:16
whileimherehi anyone know why a USB CDROM wont automount?05:17
binarymutantFlannel: you know any other way?05:17
sandyi need to update my pc from my laptop, both the systems are in lan how to do  it05:17
krimCould someone please remind me of how to play a dvd with mplayer from cli?05:17
Flannelbinarymutant: Er, what's wrong with that?05:18
songtaokrim, just "man mplayer"05:18
nickrudkrim   mplayer dvd://  if I remember right05:18
adubok i have about had it with linux this time around05:19
binarymutantFlannel: I like my theme in aterm and it's part of my wallpaper05:19
nickrudadub have you looked in /var/log/syslog for any info?05:19
adubcan someone help me troubleshoot my networking of me not being able to get online05:19
adubthanks for helping nickrud05:19
adublet me check05:19
ylmsonhi, I am trying to install ubuntu.05:19
nickrudadub look for NetworkManager , if you're using gnome05:19
ylmsonthe installer GUI is not showing up.05:20
natjocan someone tell me what this means by using -I if wanted? http://paste.ubuntu.com/19795/05:20
adubthere is a lot of outpute but its not really telling me anything05:21
ylmsonI'm attaching a laptop with defunt screen to an external monitor, when I select "install ubuntu", after the loading screen the whole screen turns into random colorful blocks.05:21
adubother than 802.11 wireless scan eth1 could not trigger wireless cscan network is down05:21
krimsongtao: I have but I didn't find mplayer dvb://[card_number@]channel [options]05:21
krimvery helpful05:21
adubi noticed my icon is different for network in the upper right of my screen its not the one that will display all of my wireless connections05:22
sandycan anyone help to update systems in lan05:22
ylmsonif I hit Ctrl-Alt-F1, I can see a virtual console fine, but the X isn't showing up.05:22
songtaokrim, i didn't use it for a long time with DVD.05:22
adubalso when i ifdown ifup ath0 it says stoppping ntp server ntpd and starting ntp server ntpd05:22
adubi have not seen this before05:22
adubbut its been doing it like that lately05:23
adubno matter what i cant get online05:23
adubthis stinks05:23
binarymutantadub: what are you trying to connect to?05:23
nickrudadub try opening a terminal, running  tail -f /var/log/syslog , then in another terminal do:   killall nm-applet && sudo killall NetworkManager && sudo NetworkManager && nm-applet --sm-disable , see what you get in the log05:23
martmanis there something wrong with the anjuta package? it doesnt look like a ide, only a editor05:23
CoiotesWhat's the command to build only the dependencies of a program, either using apt or apt-get?05:23
aduba wireless ap05:23
adubi can also hardwire to my modem that i am on now with this other laptop and nothing05:24
adubthis modem works so neither wired nor wireless gives me internet05:24
nickrudCoiotes to get the debs,   sudo apt-get build-dep <packagename>05:24
adubi can stick the wifi card in this laptop with windows05:24
aduband get wireless internet alld ay05:24
Coiotesnickrud: thanks, I was typing build-depends and that wasn't it.05:24
binarymutantadub: iwconfig essid <device> essid <essid> enc on key s:<pass> should work05:25
adubno i tried that too05:25
Buzz_i have a celeron based fileserver. when doing a network transfer from it, i get speed like 5mb/second. If i run something like "cpuburn" on the machine the speed increases. I assume the cpu is entering some acpi sleep state which is affecting network speed. Has anyone else had similar problems and is there a workaround ?05:25
adubi have tried to manually config05:25
ylmsonwhoa, live CD works, installer doesn't05:25
adubi was setting up internet connection sharing and my stuff when to crap from there05:25
adublinux is not kind on setting up internet connection sharing what so ever05:25
legend2440krim:  does      mplayer dvd://1    work?05:25
nickrudadub do that command with the syslog open, you'll get the relevant error messages. Someone may be able to help after they see them, but it's hard second hand05:26
adubok i will manually config05:26
ricardohello can someone help me out05:26
nickrudadub but run   tail -f /var/log/syslog    in a different terminal first05:26
powertool08is it a horrible idea to upgrade my kernel to the newest hardy kernel (I'm still on feisty) and I don't want to do a full upgrade to hardy right now.05:26
nickrudpowertool08 yes05:26
binarymutantadub: add a sudo to that last command I said, type sudo iwconfig to see if it found it then type sudo dhclient, if that doesn't work its a driver issue05:26
ricardowhen i try to run a program with wine i get this error: " For security purposes, this program will not run while system debuggers are active. Please remove or disable the system debugger before trying to run this program again " , how do i disable that?05:27
powertool08nickrud: so should i still with 2.6.20-16 or is there a better way of upgrading the kernel?05:27
binarymutantanyone use tintin++? I want to change it's default colors05:27
troxorricardo: it's built into the windows program you're running to say that05:27
krimlegend2440: I type 'mplayer dvd://1 /home/username/videos/' but it only finds folders, I can't autocomplete any of the ISO-files05:27
troxorricardo: it's supposed to be copy protection, but apparently it doesn't like wine either05:28
ricardoso i cant do anything?05:28
nickrudpowertool08 I'd suggest sticking with the kernel you have, you'll get any security fixes for it from the repos, and the apps are expecting the capabilities of that kernel05:28
unavailablericardo  you could try virtualbox.org05:28
troxorricardo: nope, probably not, try searching for "wine <program name>" on google, or use virtualization05:28
legend2440krim: i thought you were trying to play a video dvd that is in the dvd player05:28
ricardothank you05:28
ylmsonyay, I got installer to run now :D05:29
penhow do I assign two mouse buttons to trigger an application with xbindkeys?05:29
powertool08nickrud: ok, thanks05:29
krimlegend2440: Oh sorry, it's been so long since I did that so I didn't even think to say it was an iso05:29
penif I write b:2 + b:3, it will only trigger with b:2 not both button05:29
ylmsonummm.. If I'm using a broadcom wireless card (b43/ndiswrapper), is there a way to get internet during installation?05:29
unavailablekrim  is the iso mounted?05:29
adub<warn> nm_device_802_11_wireless_scan(): (eth1): could not trigger wireless scan: Network is down05:29
l2oi3nickrud: i fixed the sudo issue, any ideas on how to get it to add an account to samba http://paste.ubuntu.com/19796/05:30
adubthat is the last thing i see come up from when i manually configure wireless network05:30
adubnow keep in mind my wired network will not work either05:30
adubsome this is more than meets the eye05:30
nickrudl2oi3 samba, now thats something I don't know much (if anything) at all. That's why I mentioned working on sudo at the first ;)05:30
binarymutantylmson: try fwcutter instead of ndiswrapper, I've never had problems with my broadcom card since05:30
krimunavailable: Nope. I asked a long time ago and got something that I pasted and then just went back in history and edited to play the isos but I reinstalled so it's gone.05:30
adubnow when i do a manually assigning it shows dhclient ath0 <--- i get an ip address etc05:30
ylmsonbinarymutant: how do I use fwcutter on the live cd?05:31
adubbut when i go browse to the internet no love as i am not connected05:31
nickrudl2oi3 my networking is all done with ssh, no samba05:31
ylmsonI have always used ndiswrapper05:31
adubi have tried other networks as well05:31
unavailableyoure looking for the scripts05:31
l2oi3how do you share files then?05:31
unavailablekrim  http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/10/24/nautilus-script-to-mount-iso-files/05:31
binarymutantylmson: didn't know it was a livecd srry05:31
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC
adubwould a system recover from hard disk save me or no05:32
nickrudadub can you connect to your router setup address? or ping (google)05:32
legend2440krim:  mplayer dvd://1 -dvd-device /path/to/your/DVD/image.iso05:32
powertool08what version of wine does everyone use? repos tell me that 0.9.41 is up to date but isn't 0.9.48 or so available?05:32
krimunavailable: I don't want to have to mount and unmount the files though, I know mplayer is capable of playing them without mounting so it's an unecessary extra step05:32
ylmsonwell .. I'll need internet at some point, either during or after installation...05:32
binarymutantanyone use tintin++ I'm trying to change it's default colors but haven't seen any docs on it05:32
legend2440krim:  mplayer dvd://1 -dvd-device /path/to/your/DVD/image.iso05:32
MindVirusAny excellent FTP clients for GNOME?05:32
unavailableadub do you have a router?05:32
adublemme see nickrud05:33
unavailableadub if so, did you configure your dns in ubuntu??05:33
ylmsonbinarymutant: what colors?05:33
penhow do I map two mouse button with xbindkeys?05:33
adubyou see i can stick the network card05:33
adubin this laptop05:33
aduband connect to that router all day05:33
penwhat is the correct syntax?05:33
adubits not in the router or modem05:33
adubits in this laptop05:33
ylmsonI thought colors were provided by the games you play05:33
rabbitod_@mindvirus - I like filezilla05:33
unavailableadub can you see your router05:33
binarymutantylmson: all the default ones I guess05:33
adubi was tring to setup internet connection sharing05:33
MindVirusrabbitod_, is it GTK?05:33
unavailableadub can you go to
ylmsonbinarymutant: if you play a different game, you would get different colors, I don't think it's tintin++ setting05:34
bobstroMindVirus:  have you tried Places->Connect to server... ?05:34
adubits not letting me connect to the router05:34
krimlegend2440: Thank you, that worked. One problem seems to have been also that The iso was named A Very.... so it was the space that messed things up.05:34
l2oi3any people who know about samba in here?05:34
madmndoes anyone know how to port forward for ircd on a dlink wbr-1310 for port 666705:34
MindVirusbobstro, yes. Nautilus is terrible.05:34
binarymutantylmson: I took the colors off the mudd, but like the start message hurts my eyes, and some of the commands are in a color I can barely see05:34
ylmsonbinarymutant: however, you can remap the terminal colors in whatever X terminal you are using.05:34
adubtho it shows it gave me an ip05:34
MindVirusbobstro, Nautilus will not under any circumstances connect to my FTP server.05:35
bobstroMindVirus:  it's just nice that same interface for various services incl. remote ssh05:35
bobstroMindVirus:  gftp maybe?05:35
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU
adubi cant ping google05:35
MindVirusbobstro, yes, but it sucks.05:35
unavailableadub even with manual wired connection static ip set to subnetmask gateway ??05:35
binarymutantylmson: do you know anyway to do it with tintin, I'd rather not remap the colors05:35
atb2008can anyone tell me how to get my atheros 5007 wireless card working in ubuntu 8.04 x64? I've tried ndiswrapper to no avai already...05:35
MindVirusI'd be happy to use it if it followed protocol.05:35
=== Tecno-Discon is now known as TecnoBrat
natjonickrud: when i try sudo mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sdc this shows up does this mean the card is corrupted or there is a lot of corrupted data on the card?05:35
bobstroMindVirus:  is there a specific feature you want for 'awesomeness'?05:35
onatsadub, can you ping
=== rabbitod_ is now known as rabbitofdeath
onatsadub, can you ping
MindVirusbobstro, something that will connect to my server.05:35
ylmsonbinarymutant: you said it was the command color? all commands were the same color for me.05:35
ylmsonbinarymutant: things from mud should be colorable with something like #substitute05:36
adubonats operation not permitted ?????05:36
bobstroMindVirus:  if your server isn't unusual, gftp should work.05:36
onatshow is that possible05:36
madmndoes anyone know how to port forward for ircd on a dlink wbr-1310 for port 666705:36
binarymutantylmson: k, but what about the startup message and the help messages05:37
nickrudnatjo if you run  man mkfs.vfat , you'll find the full explanation of what -I is. Basically, it's letting you set up without a partition.05:37
onatsmadmn, portforward.com has info for that05:37
bakersfieldboywhat up my ubuntu utnubu people!!!05:38
binarymutantylmson: get the source and recompile?05:38
yell0wmadmn: open firefox, go to / router ip / , login, look around, you'll see a tab for port forwarding05:38
atb2008atheros ar5007... wireless card.... how do i make it work in 8.04 x64?05:38
MindVirusbobstro, yes, gftp will work but Nautilus will not.05:38
bobstroMindVirus:  so will gftp work for you, or you're after something more?05:39
unavailablemadmn   uname admin  pw admin05:40
bobstroMindVirus:  sorry, maybe i missed something. thought you were after an ftp client.05:40
adubnot even on static05:40
madmnits not really helping me05:40
madmnfor ircd05:40
Dillizarwhere can i see how much i have download? i know its here some where :)05:40
adubthis is not working now is there a way i can restore to a point or something05:40
madmnthink it has to be different05:40
adubor repair05:40
unavailablemadmn click advanced05:40
madmni did05:40
adublooks like i blew my network off the map05:40
madmni am there05:40
madmncould it be a firewall thing ?05:41
madmnwhy its not working05:41
unavailablemadmn enter the port number in the port number box05:41
adubcould be05:41
unavailabletraffic type any05:41
madmni did that05:41
unavailablename it whatever you want05:41
madmni did05:41
adubim getting confused05:41
unavailablegive it your ip addy05:41
atb2008ok... ANYONE???? atheros ar5007 help???05:42
madmndo i port forward with the 192 address or my 64. address05:42
KwisatzHadarachI'm using atheros now.05:42
slowlearnermadmn: can i help? what's the problm?05:42
atb2008i cant get mine to work...05:42
madmnwhat ip address would i give it05:42
unavailablethe ip address of your computer05:42
binarymutantman the startup message in tintin is compiled in the source05:42
yell0wmadmn: whatever ifconfig gives you05:42
madmni am trying to port forward for ircd on port 666705:43
KwisatzHadarachlook up madwifi05:43
enosI'm using Hardy right now and ... I must say, its great on my laptop but terrible if I connect it to my external LCD. Can someone help me configure ubuntu with my external LCD?05:43
adubman this stinks i am not getting anywhere05:43
atb2008their site is down05:43
atb2008is that the only way?05:43
l2oi3anyone i think this should be simple, how do i enable user root?05:43
madmnokay i have that and its still not working05:43
atb2008or do you still have the files by any chance?05:43
unavailableclick save05:43
yell0wl2oi3: sudo passwd root05:43
slowlearnermadmn: do you know how to setup port forwarding on your router?05:43
unavailablethen restart whatever you are forwarding the port for05:43
SonicComKidI installed Ubuntu Server Edition, and have the network system working (I can ping google), how do you have it install the GUI?  sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop does nothing05:43
SonicComKidwell, it says the package doesn't exist05:44
madmnkinda yes i think i am doing it right05:44
ylmsonbinarymutant: I assume tt++ expects you to use a dark terminal with the start screen.05:44
ylmsonbinarymutant: maybe read help in a different terminal?05:44
yell0wl2oi3: once you give root a password it's active05:44
madmni just not sure of the ip to use i have two the 192 for behind the router and my normal ip05:44
flat471Does anyone know were I can find some help burning shows of a dish 722 dvr, I have google several things but nothing definate05:45
adubwhen i try /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start    i get fail05:45
kartia2343Anyone willing to help me resolve a sound issue? (8.04, drivers say they work, Acer Aspire 6920 laptop) :-P05:45
slowlearnermadmn: you have to use your local ip.. 192.x.x.x05:45
adubbut static ips dont work either05:45
madmnright now i have the
binarymutantylmson: yeah its biased for dark terms, I found it compiled into the program rather than an option so I'm just going to tweak it and recompile :) thanks though05:45
madmnokay thats what i am using and its still not allowing it05:45
madmncould it be a firewall thing05:45
yell0wmadmn: open your firewall05:45
yell0wmadmn: sudo ufw allow port#05:45
mechaanyone know how to enable PAE in virtualbox?05:46
unavailablemadmn also make sure you have a static ip05:46
yell0wmadmn: check with netstat -ntl05:46
unavailablemecha pae??05:46
adubis there a restore point for ubuntu05:46
adubgosh this stinks so bad05:46
kartia2343is there a help channel specifically for hardware issues by chance?05:46
yell0wadub: no, what's your problem ?05:46
yell0w!ask | kartia234305:46
ubottukartia2343: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)05:46
unavailableadub lost his network yell0w05:46
adubi can not get anything up online wired network wireless it doesnt matter05:46
madmnActive Internet connections (only servers)05:47
madmnProto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State05:47
madmntcp        0      0  *               LISTEN05:47
madmntcp        0      0  *               LISTEN05:47
madmntcp        0      0  *               LISTEN05:47
madmntcp        0      0 *               LISTEN05:47
madmntcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN05:47
adubstatic ip tried manually configuring stuff05:47
Flannelmadmn: Please don't paste here.05:47
unavailable!flood | madmin05:47
ubottumadmin: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:47
SonicComKidsudo aptitude install x-window-system-core gnome-core   doesn't work. I need to install a GUI for Ubuntu Server Edition. Can someone help?05:47
l2oi3anyone who knows samba around?05:47
obake-sanhey, im having some problems setting up vncserver, it cant find the default font 'fixed'05:47
mechaunavailable, yea i trying to test the kalyway OSX and it errors and says i need to turn on PAE05:47
unavailablewhat is pae?05:48
madmnanyone know what my problem could be05:48
obake-sani am completely unable to find where these files might exist, theyr not in any of the usual places iv looked05:48
SonicComKidI've been trying to get a GUI for hours, can someone please help?05:48
ubottuFactoid pae not found05:48
obake-sancould there be some package i just need to install to add these fonts?05:48
SonicComKidzcat told me to type sudo sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop that doesn't work05:48
mechaunavailable, no clue05:48
unavailableive used virtualbox and never heard of it05:49
unavailableose or sun??05:49
adubok im about to format the hell out of this thing and put windows on it05:49
mechaof course05:49
adublol, someone please help05:49
mechaadub, what u need?05:49
adubi have no internet connection on my laptop05:50
mechawhat card u have?05:50
unavailablemecha  Hey it seems like PAE is in Virtualbox 1.6.0 which hopefully should be coming soon. The changelog is showing up on the website. I've downloaded the manual and according to that, PAE is in there.   quote from website05:50
adubi have an atheros but man its not that05:51
mechaunavailable, thanks so much u are awesome05:51
unavailableFri May 02, 200805:51
adubi cant get online with my wired connection which i am using right now on another laptop05:51
mechaunavailable, is there a release date?05:51
SonicComKidCould someone please help me? I just want to install the GUI so I can work on this server05:51
mechalol ur too fast unavailable05:51
flat471adub are you using any type of security05:51
bdrydykhi. How would one open up a graphical program, specifically azureus, when sshing into the computer?05:51
FlannelSonicComKid: What sort of GUI do you want?05:51
unavailableJune 06, 2008 VirtualBox 1.6.2 released!05:51
edwin_is it possible to show the play list and video at the same time on banshee05:52
unavailableso im lost05:52
FlannelSonicComKid: Did you want the full desktop?05:52
SonicComKidUbuntu Desktop is fine. I have Ubuntu Server Edition 8.04 installed05:52
bakersfieldboywhen i started out on linux ive found it hard to understand tars, and bin files is it just me or did it take awhile for all?05:52
FlannelSonicComKid: alright, are you connected to the internet on this box?05:52
=== gardar`afk is now known as gardar
SonicComKidI've been trying to get the GUI to install, but everything I try 'package does not exist'05:52
SonicComKidyes, I can 'ping google.ca' and get replies05:52
FlannelSonicComKid: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-destop05:52
Flanneler, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:52
mystic_How do I enable Show Mouse plugin under Compiz-fusion? Every time I check it unchecks itself05:53
bdrydykI guess I could use something like vnc, but I'd really like to be able to start azureus on my home computer, from work.05:53
unavailablemecha  “Advanced” tab05:53
SonicComKidupdate is a new one, but it told me before 'ubuntu-desktop' doesn't exist as a package05:53
SonicComKidI tried sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop already05:53
FlannelSonicComKid: No, you need to update first05:53
SonicComKidwould the apt-get install update   make a difference?05:54
SonicComKidah.. okay05:54
SonicComKidrunning command05:54
MikeCulverI can't get virtualbox to respond to any input on my keyboard05:54
HybridZeroSo I am considering taking the plunge and blowing windows xp off my computer and going to ubuntu full time. Just thought you'd like to know :)05:54
mechaunavailable, sweet05:54
bdrydykgreat HybridZero!05:54
FlannelSonicComKid: its just sudo apt-get update, and what it does is downloads the package lists from the interblags.  Before that, the only packages you knew about were those on the server CD (if that)05:54
HybridZeroRunning it via Wubi right now, and I've loved the experience :)05:54
unavailablemikeculver ose or sun??05:54
SonicComKidah! okay. Thank you Flannel!05:55
mystic_How do I enable Show Mouse plugin under Compiz-fusion? Every time I check it unchecks itself :/05:55
SonicComKidI have an error05:55
FlannelHybridZero: We're pleased to hear that05:55
unavailablemikeculver https://cds.sun.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/CDS-CDS_SMI-Site/en_US/-/USD/ViewProductDetail-Start?ProductRef=innotek-1.6-G-F@CDS-CDS_SMI05:55
SonicComKidE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)05:55
SonicComKidalso asked about administration directory05:56
FlannelSonicComKid: did you `sudo apt-get update`?05:56
SonicComKidI did put sudo at the start though05:56
onatsis there a better looking irc client than irssi ?05:56
SonicComKidexact line:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:56
flat471i am trying weechat05:56
yell0wonats: i won't say it's better but you can try weechat / epic / bitchx / naim / pork05:56
FlannelSonicComKid: Do you have any package managers(aptitude, another apt-get, whatever) running?05:57
lolodoes ubuntu try to connect to an open wifi network whenever it can or does it only try once upon startup?05:57
SonicComKidjust apt-get from when you told me to type it05:57
SonicComKidI'm in a console-only screen05:57
SonicComKidif it is running, how do I kill it?05:57
madmnanyone with port fowarding experience here in IRCD05:57
yell0wSonicComKid: ctrl-C/Z ?05:58
FlannelSonicComKid: Don't.  What makes you think its running?05:58
lolomadmn: u got tons05:58
SonicComKidFlannel, because you asked05:58
madmncan anyone help me resolve the issue why i can't get 6667 port to forward05:58
FlannelSonicComKid: Do you have a prompt? or something else?05:58
SonicComKidFlannel, sudo apt-get install update   works, but  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop is what gives me the error05:58
JearilShartcan anyone give me a suggestion for a linux compatible 802.11n wireless desktop (pci or pci-e) card?05:59
SonicComKidFlannel, just the prompt, only thing it gives me05:59
lolomadmn: what rougher do u have?05:59
overlordpuppy-_-; my ndiswrapper says that no ndiswrapper tools are installed.05:59
bakersfieldboyweechat looks very nice05:59
FlannelSonicComKid: alright, uh, try it again.  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, same error?  and what are those error(s)?05:59
SonicComKidwait... got something05:59
Chiselhuk_Plus1H.E.L.P.!! The idiot has struck again! *sigh*05:59
SonicComKidthe && thing seemes to be the cause05:59
madmni have the DLINK wbr 131005:59
SonicComKidwhen I ran the command seporate it seems to work06:00
madmni have tried all the rules and options for this port and still no luck06:00
SonicComKidFlannel, apparently it just didn't like me having the && thing between the commands. when I did each seporately it works06:00
Chiselhuk_Plus1I am using Ubuntu on an old laptop, it's Badger....so I went in to change the password on the user login 'n now it won't let me use new or old passwords!06:00
SonicComKidFlannel, thanks, seems to be working. It's downloading and starting now06:01
vdozendoes someone know how to install the latest version of deluge on xubuntu? says i have to do it through repository but can't find updated version..06:01
tuxie_hi all, how can I chat through msn in ubuntu?06:01
ss_Using Ubuntu 8.04, installed last day, made some modifications, installed (pcmanfm, drapes, gnome-do), changed the default file browser to pcman but now getting errors, my firefox's google search bar is not working, and the systems is not shutting down whenever I click on panel shutdown icon or in System menu icon the panels disappear with no response I've to restart x with ctrl alt backspace any ideas?06:01
yell0wtuxie_: pidgin/kopete/amsn06:01
adubok i booted the recovery option of my selections to boot in grub and now i am online phew i was afraid i was going to have to format and reinstall06:01
lolomadmn what program are you useing?06:02
adubone thing i noticed though is my icon for network has changed06:02
tuxie_thanks yell0w06:02
madmnprogram for what?06:02
lolomadmn: what program needs 6667 open?06:02
Ubuntu_Noobhello everyone06:02
madmnircd ?06:02
adubcan someone help me get back the icon that shows a list of all the networks in range wireless networks in range06:02
madmnUnreal IRCD06:02
adubi have the crappy network regular icon up there06:02
madmnfor irc06:02
Ubuntu_Noobcan anyone guide me how to install network base Canon MF5770 Printer in ubuntu ??06:02
adubsays manual network configuration tool tip when i scroll over it06:03
unavailablemadmn  http://www.dr-chuck.com/csev-blog/000223.html06:03
madmnjust keep getting connection refused06:03
Ubuntu_Noobanyone pls06:03
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: Reboot into the recovery console (at GRUB) and you can re-set your passwords there.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword06:03
lolomadmn: are u just wanting to chat or do ddc?06:04
bakersfieldboyddc ?06:04
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1  thought you were going to bed06:04
Aoshi_01how can I disable compiz-fusion06:04
madmni want to setup a ircd06:04
madmna chat server like dalnet but smaller06:04
Aoshi_01from command line?06:04
Aoshi_01how can I disable compiz-fusion from command line?06:05
Ubuntu_Noobcan anyone guide me how to install network base Canon MF5770 Printer in ubuntu ??06:05
lolomadmn: http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Dlink/WBR-1310/mIRC_Chat.htm06:05
unavailablemadmin http://www.dr-chuck.com/csev-blog/000223.html06:05
Flannel!repeat | Ubuntu_Noob06:05
ubottuUbuntu_Noob: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:05
unavailablemadmn http://www.dr-chuck.com/csev-blog/000223.html06:05
madmnbeen to the router site06:05
lolomadmn: http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Dlink/WBR-1310/mIRC_DCC_-_IRC_DCC.htm06:05
Aoshi_01no way?06:05
madmnread all that and its still not working06:05
dogfacehatis syslogd neccessary to run?06:06
unavailableand you opened the port in linux??06:06
adubcan someone help me get my old networkmanager back06:06
bakersfieldboyi install weechat were do i go to run it ?Terminal06:06
adubi want to be able tos ee all the wireless networks in range now network manager says manually configured stuff06:06
adubi dont understand06:07
Ubuntu_Noobpls someone guide me how to install network printer on ubuntu06:07
Aoshi_01can some one help me?06:07
madmni am sure that the forwarding is setup right06:07
bobstroadub:  your network manager applet is gone?06:07
unavailableadub enable roaming mode in the network manager06:07
madmni think i have another issue06:07
adubk i will try06:08
bakersfieldboyweechat weechat were are you at06:08
madmncould the firewall be blocking it06:08
unavailablemadmn ok you forwarded the port in the router, did you open the port in linux?06:08
madmnits listening06:08
adubunavailable it worked!!06:08
unavailablemadmn did you install a firewall at all?06:08
madmni just did the normal desktop install so far06:09
unavailableadub like totally fixed??06:09
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: So did I!06:09
Chiselhuk_Plus1Now, we're trying to save MY butt here!06:09
madmnso not sure if it comes with one or not by default06:09
adubunavailable now im going to reboot and see if i can get internet in bootting other grub option the normal option i am in recovery option06:09
unavailableadub kuul06:09
matthew_before I reinstalled hardy, I had a driver that allowed me to use dual monitors with my nvidia card...anyone remember the name of it?06:10
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: Do I type in literally "passwd <username>" or am I meant to put somming there? :P06:10
powertool08i have a folder on my desktop left from a dvd i ejected, can't delete as root, doesn't list at all with ls -al06:10
unavailablemadmn huh??06:10
madmnhow can i check to see if there is a firewall06:10
unavailablemadmn nvrmnd wrong chat06:10
chem-arthow do i install third party raid drivers in ubuntu?06:10
chem-artthere is no option like in windows when you press F606:11
unavailablechiselhul_plus1  im guessing replace passwd witha password and <username> with your username (without the <>)06:11
SonicComKidHumm... I had it to the apt-get ubuntu-desktop   after downloading the screen went black... am I supposed to wait?06:11
SonicComKiddo the*06:11
SonicComKidI hear activity finally, I'll wait06:12
unavailablemadmn if you did the normal desktop install and didnt explicitly add a firewall later, then you do not have one installed and running06:12
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: "command not found"06:12
madmnthen no firewall06:12
chem-arthow do i install third party raid drivers in ubuntu?06:13
unavailablechiselhuk_plis1 ok yo may want to just replace username... leave passwd as is...06:13
unavailablechiselhuk_plus1 ok yo may want to just replace username... leave passwd as is...06:13
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: Unknown username!06:14
unavailableyou typed the username thats registered??06:14
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: What did you type exactly?06:14
ylmsonbinarymutant: care to help me with setting up b43 with fwcutter?06:15
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: Perhaps I should elaborate.....after I changed the username's password, I ran sudo xkill (foolishly I guess) and killed the terminal I was in!06:15
ylmsonbinarymutant: I just installed from liveCD06:15
unavailableyou like xkill tooo much06:15
Chiselhuk_Plus1Flannel: I typed passwd cheryl 'cos that's my username, tried it with alan too but both says username unknown06:16
daemon3Okay, I'm so close to getting my Motorola v3m hooked up.  In bitpim, I selected my phone to be v3cm, since they don't have v3m listed.  Anyway, I get a message down below saying my files (such as wallpaper) is being transferred, but I get an error saying "Moto-v3cm on /dev/ttyACM0: The phone is not responding while transitioning mode from brew to obex."  Why is this?  Thanks.06:16
neggewhy am I getting "The following packages have been kept back" when updating? the packages are linux-modules, linux-generic and some other stuff06:16
daemon3negge: Usually they're broken.06:16
Ubuntu_Noobunavailable r u free to ans ??06:16
daemon3Just do aptitude dist-upgrade and it should take care of it.06:16
neggedaemon3: and how do I fix them? I tried apt-get install -f but nothing happened06:16
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: alright, type "ls /home" (no quotes), what folders are listed?06:16
neggedaemon3: okay I'll try06:16
unavailableubuntu_noob what u need?06:16
Ubuntu_Noobi need to install network printer on ubuntu06:17
Chiselhuk_Plus1no such file or directory06:17
Ubuntu_Noobpls help me i would appreciate06:17
Chiselhuk_Plus1Flannel: No such file or directory06:17
neggedaemon3: what does dist-upgrade do exactly and when am I supposed to use it?06:17
daemon3Anyone have any success with a Motorola Razr?06:17
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: And this is in the recovery console?06:17
Chiselhuk_Plus1Flannel: Sure is06:17
daemon3negge: It basically does everything upgradable for you.06:17
daemon3Kind of like what Windows does.06:17
neggedaemon3: okay06:18
daemon3Check out the man page if you want to know yourself :)06:18
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: alright.  Uh, `cat /etc/fstab`, what mount points do we have? (these will be the second column)06:18
unavailableubuntu_noob  ok  system > administration > printing06:18
Ubuntu_Noobi did06:18
askvictorIs there an IM client that will allow me to send an IM (over google chat) from inside a script?06:19
Chiselhuk_Plus1Flannel: No such file or dir06:19
unavailableubuntu_noob new06:19
dwidgeHi, I want to install Ubuntu to a laptop that cannot read rewritable CDs. It can read CD-Rs. Each time a new version of Ubuntu comes out, I erase the CD-RW and write the new version onto it, but with the CD-R I would have to buy a new one each time, if I would install it on my laptop. However, the laptop can boot from LAN. So I want to follow this tutorial: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/10/08/how-to-install-ubuntu-locally-over-the-network/06:19
Darlok_WilliamsCould someone please tell me a way that I could make F-Spot share it's database in a new location and with all the users on my local system?06:19
Ubuntu_Noobsays select connection06:19
s3ahow do i upload a torrent using transmission in ubuntu 8.0406:19
unavailableubuntu_noob how is it connected to the network??06:19
matthew_I just need the name of the program/driver whathaveyou, that allows me to configure my nvidia card for dual monitors06:19
Ubuntu_Noobthrough router06:19
neggedaemon3: another question... some time ago I upgraded my main computer and there was a new kernel available (2.6.24-18), it then asked if I wanted to update the GRUB menu file but I chose no so I'm still using the old kernel. How do I update it so Ubuntu boots with the new one?06:19
negges3a: do you mean create a torrent or just seed a torrent?06:20
chem-arthow do i install third party raid drivers in ubuntu?06:20
daemon3negge: Sorry. Don't know about that one. :/06:20
neggeanyone else?06:20
oniscientedoes anyone knows if i can set two dns servers to the network by command line for adding at the startup process to avoid changing dhclient.config? I have the dns saved in "location" of network settings but they arent defaults...06:20
candiveEveryone Goodnight, keep up the great work06:20
unavailableubuntu_noob  can you see it in places> network?06:21
s3anegge, like my laptop crashed and i backed up its files and i have no removable device large enuf to transfer the data back so i want to use torrent since i just recently got high speed? is transfering via torrent safe? it should be right as long as im the only one who has my created .torrent file, right?06:21
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: You have some big problems.  Bigger than your passwords.  Boot up a LiveCD, and we can take a look.06:21
chem-artdoes anyone even see my questions06:22
Chiselhuk_Plus1Flannel: I'm reinstalling, have been up all nite with this gosh darn it laptop! lol06:22
negges3a: so you mean you're going to create a torrent of all your files and seed it then download it on another computer?06:22
ss_i m getting this error on startup "Natilus can't be used now due to an unexpected error from Bonobo when attempting to locate the factory. Killing bonobo-activation-server and restarting Nautilus may help fix the problem." and my system shutdown is not also working, just pannels disappear every time, any ideas?06:22
unavailableubuntu_noob  try lpd/lpr06:22
unavailableubuntu_noob  then probe06:22
Ubuntu_Noobk kool06:23
Ubuntu_Noobi did06:23
s3anegge, i have like 4 gbs but the largest removable device is like 2gb and i have all night for it to transfer since im gona go sleep right after06:23
=== gardar is now known as gardar`afk
daemon3It's really weird.  I'm sure that Motorola Razr phones can hook up to Linux.  I'm getting frustrated.06:23
Ubuntu_Noobnuthing shows up06:23
Ubuntu_Noobif i enter IP address manually then screen ahngs up06:23
SonicComKidAfter installing apt-get install Ubuntu-Desktop, is it normal for the screen to go black after it's down downloading everything for a long period of time? I hear hard drive activity, but I've been waiting over 20 minutes06:23
SonicComKidthis is an OLD IBM 98 though06:23
Chiselhuk_Plus1Flannel: U can relax now, I'm going to sleep! lol06:24
unavailablehmmm and your sure its connected and on??06:24
Chiselhuk_Plus1unavailable: Deffo going to sleep now! Nite06:24
negges3a: it's okay to transfer the files via bittorrent as long as you make sure noone else gets a copy of the torrent file, but a better and faster alternative would be to burn it all to a DVD or alternative hook up another computer to your network and copy the files over06:24
Ubuntu_Noobwhen i ping i get response06:24
Ubuntu_Noobits working fine in windows06:24
unavailablechiiselhuk_plus1 k night cheryl06:24
SonicComKidunavailable, was that to me?06:24
daemon3Ubuntu_Noob: You mean Razr?06:25
Ubuntu_NoobRazr ??06:25
unavailableubuntu_noob...  ok try samba share06:25
daemon3Motorola Razr.06:25
Ubuntu_Noobno demon06:25
chem-artDO YOU KNOW HOW TO INSTALL THIRD PARTY RAID DRIVERS IN UBUNTU... this is the 3rd time i asked this06:25
daemon3Sorry if I got mixed up.06:25
s3anegge: i rely wouldnt wana waste a disk for this and i dont want to keep changing my wires configuration so can u plz tell me how to upload torrents? :)06:25
Ubuntu_Noobuavail : i dont have Samba Installed06:25
powertool08how do I delete a folder which doesn't exist anymore?06:25
Madpilotchem-art, yelling is just going to get you ignored more...06:26
daemon3chem-art: The only third-party drivers Linux can use is wifi.06:26
LzrCan I upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04?06:26
unavailableubuntu_noob  so you dont see, windows printer via samba?06:26
daemon3Most of the drivers are available through aptitude.06:26
MadpilotLzr, yes06:27
negges3a: if your data isn't worth an empty DVD then it certainly can't be worth hustling it to another computer via BT, but anyway. You create the torrent file (I think Transmission can do that), then you open it on the machine with the files and wait for it to finish hashing, then open the same torrent file on the target computer and wait until the transfer is done06:27
Ubuntu_Noobunavail : do i need to install samba to see printer ??06:27
LzrMadpilot: When I press REload in the Synaptic Package Manager it says "Could not download all repository indexes" - same with update manager06:27
Ubuntu_Nooblondon sorry no chinese :)06:27
daemon3chem-art: The only way to get drivers is either through ndiswapper (for wireless) or aptitude (for video and such).  Of corse, you could go to the package's site and get it there. :)06:28
Bodsda!cn | london06:28
ubottulondon: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk06:28
FlannelLzr: you'll need to switch your repos to http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/06:28
MadpilotLzr, 6.10 is out of support now06:28
FlannelLzr: the Edgy mirrors have all gone away, because edgy has been EOL for a few months now06:28
LzrFlannel: Aha! Thanks. I couldn't find that info anymore06:28
daemon3No I am getting really frustrated trying to figure out my phone. :(06:28
unavailableubuntu_noob terminal > sudo apt-get install samba06:28
Bodsdadaemon3, usually you type a number then press the green button06:29
LzrErr, anywhere, sorry its late. Well, after 15 failed 8.04 installs somebody recommended I try 6.04 and upgrade, which installed beautifully.06:29
unavailablelzr all in one nite??06:29
neggeLzr: that's weird06:29
SanketsuI've got an odd one tonight.  I popped a disk into into my Vaio laptop that's running Ubuntu 8.04 and now it won't let me unmount the volume.  The disc was a Computer music disc (Computer Music is a magazine) that I came across in a huge stack of CM discs that I was checking out.  It was the only one I had an issue with.  The folder stayed on my desktop for some reason and I tried deleting it, to no avail.  It's currently in the trash, but "empty tras06:29
Sanketsuh" does nothing.  Any ideas?06:29
Ubuntu_Noobi did06:29
BodsdaLzr, lol,.,. why didnt you try 7.10?06:29
FlannelLzr: You know you can upgrade from 6.06 straight to 8.04, right?06:29
s3anegge: wat tracker do i use? and how does it matter?06:29
Ubuntu_Noobdo i need to configure smb.conf ??06:29
LzrFlannel: Nope, had no idea.06:30
negges3a: ah yeah I completely forgot about the trackers...06:30
SaDis there anyhow i can see my cdrom? in grub prompt? im in grub prompt i just want to see which partition is my cdrom?06:30
neggeI guess you'll have to upload it somewhere and hope no one else leeches it06:30
FlannelLzr: LTS to LTS, yep.  If this is a fresh install, you should definately think about it.  Its your fastest upgrade path (well, gutsy -> hardy would be just as fast)06:30
Bodsda6.04 & 6.06 -- which ones correct?06:30
Bodsdaor 2 releases 2 months apart?06:30
s3aBodsda: 6.04 doesnt exist, 6.06 lts does06:31
Bodsdas3a, ah, so 6.06 was the late release then?06:31
wershow do I make the icon size of the apps on the window list larger?06:31
unavailableubuntu_noob im not sure, mine came as is, and works06:31
s3aBodsda: the most recent release is 8.04 lts06:31
Ubuntu_Nooboh ok06:32
Bodsdas3a, yeah i know,.,.thanks06:32
unavailablenow close and open the printer dialog again06:32
PPKumahi, im installing this api http://www.alhem.net/project/sqlite/index.html i tried to ./configure but the command failed... so i tried directly with sudo make install and worked, is this a corret procedure when ./configure is not there?06:32
LzrThis laptop has under 256MB of RAM - Should I go with Xubuntu or should I just stay at a version <8.04?06:32
LzrAnd thanks for the valuable info :) These installs have been driving me nuts.06:32
DaLiangwhat kinds of soft which limited download speed in local net?06:33
BodsdaLzr, xubuntu may give better performance, but normal Ubuntu should still work06:33
Ubuntu_Noobwhen i scan under SMB printer it shows WORKGROUP06:33
s3aLzr: u can have both with sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop or sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop06:33
SanketsuDid my problem make any sense to anyone?06:33
LzrBodsda: Oh okay. I was confused since the minimum requirements stated on the homepage suggest more than 256MB of RAM06:34
unavailableubuntu_noob keep going down the tree till you see a printer06:34
Ubuntu_Noobit didnt :(06:34
s3anegge: does private to this tracker mean that it will be private and no1 can leech it?!06:34
FlannelLzr: I'd go with Xubuntu.  Even with the older ones, you'll get more out of your computer06:34
BodsdaLzr, there only suggestions,.,. but you will see a performance difference between ubuntu and Xubuntu06:34
unavailableubuntu_noob youre also gonna have to need to know the brand, and model of the printer if it shows up06:34
negges3a: no06:34
s3anegge: wat does it mean then?06:34
Ubuntu_Noobit showing nuthing06:34
unavailableubuntu_noob so you can select the right stuff for it06:34
neggeprivate means the torrent won't show up if someone outside the tracker has DHT enabled06:34
StarnestommyPPKuma: it looks like it uses a handmade Makefile, so a ./configure script wasn't used06:35
Ubuntu_Noobonly showing workgroup06:35
negges3a: why don't you just spend 20 cents on a DVD?06:35
unavailableubuntu_noob  is the other pc on??06:35
LzrWoohoo, I have a starting point now!06:35
Ubuntu_Noobi have only one laptop06:35
PPKumaStarnestommy: so... its ok to go directly to make install?06:35
unavailableubuntu_noob  and i would suggest pluggin the printer directly into that pc, unless you have a certian config set up already06:35
StarnestommyPPKuma: I think so06:35
s3anegge: cuz my data is not organized the way i want it yet, i like i want to put them in proper folders then burn wen its on other comp and i have alot of things so i want to do it over a period of time06:35
PPKumaStarnestommy: ok, thanks06:36
Ubuntu_Noobunavail my USB ports are full so i bring network based Printer06:36
negges3a: whatever, do it however you want it06:36
neggethere are 10 different ways that are easier for transfering files than BT06:36
unavailableubuntu_noob, try going to places network again06:37
Ubuntu_Noobit has icon name windows network06:37
Ubuntu_Noobwhen i open it it shows nuthing06:37
turutosiyaI'm using Ubuntu 8.04 TLS Server, and installed lighttpd with command "aptitude install lighttpd"06:37
unavailableok ...06:38
unavailableyou need to figure out the printer uri06:38
turutosiyawhere is spawn-php.sh?06:38
ThravixHey Guys, I have a problem I just installed ubuntu 8.04 and installed my wireless adapter with ndiswrapper everything went good even my wireless network picks up but there is no option for me to connect wpa all i have is wep and something called leap. any ideas?06:38
turutosiyain the document provided by lighttpd : http://trac.lighttpd.net/trac/wiki/Docs%3AModFastCGI#starting-a-fastcgi-php06:38
turutosiya"a script in included in the lighttpd distribution and is call spawn-php.sh."06:39
turutosiyai can't find it06:39
unavailableim at a loss myself06:39
SanketsuThravix, isn't ndiswrapper mean it's microsoft drivers and shouldn't work at all with ubuntu?06:39
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
s3anegge: ill send it using msn messenger since i have two accounts06:39
s3anegge: as a .zip file06:40
negges3a: usually that takes forever 'cause MSN transfers are most of the time slow do to some port not being forwarded06:40
ThravixI'm not sure but its worked before I just wanted to start fresh but this time i have no option for WPA or WPA2 security only WEP.06:40
unavailableubuntu_noob  ipp://<name of printer>06:40
neggesend it on IRC instead, that's what I would do if I'd send it using any IM service06:40
neggeand it's not hard06:40
unavailablesomething like that06:40
Ubuntu_Noobhow do i find name of printer ??06:40
SanketsuThravix:  Ah, then I'm probably wrong.  Sorry.06:41
unavailableubuntu_noob whats it called in windows??06:41
s3anegge: well im compressing it all hopefully it should fit in a 2 gb flash drive, then ill try all else but it's still compressing now, anyway..06:41
unavailableubuntu_noob try that06:42
Ubuntu_Noobwhere should i type this address  ipp://<name of printer>06:42
negges3a: the compression ratio depends on what kind of files you're compressing06:42
JalathanUbuntu_Noob, firefox should work06:43
Ubuntu_NoobWeb Gui has opened06:43
s3anegge: most of them are jpegs (school notes)06:43
askvictorIs there a command-line prog that will allow me to send instant msgs from a script?06:43
unavailableubuntu_noob plug that in the ipp of the new printer box06:43
negges3a: okay. I don't think you'll be able to fit it all onto 2 GB but compressing is good anyway06:45
neggeaskvictor: what protocol do you mean? MSN/IRC/AIM?06:45
askvictornegge: jabber (google talk)06:45
neggeI have no experience with that so I can't help you06:46
unavailableubuntu_noob ok in the ipp box of the new printer dialog... type the ip of your router06:46
unavailablethen click find queue06:46
Ubuntu_Noobi did06:47
Ubuntu_Noobsays Not Possible06:47
bakersfieldboyi have a question: if i dont know the name of the room how am i to get in one for ubuntu it dont ask.06:47
unavailableubuntu_noob type in only the ip of your router06:47
unavailableno ipp06:47
Ubuntu_Noobyes i did that06:47
Ubuntu_Noobonlu IP06:47
unavailablemine is scanning06:48
unavailable(although i have no printers connected to router))06:48
Ubuntu_Noob:( not mine06:48
Madpilotbakersfieldboy, most IRC clients have a search function to look through the channel list06:48
unavailablesee. it *should* see it automatically, without having to manually enter this stuff06:49
PPKuma in what directory should the header files be stored for the compiler to find them? I installed a API library but the compiler wont find the header file06:50
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Ubuntu_Noobsorry no :(06:50
ylmsoncould anyone help me setting up bcm4306 wireless card with fwcutter and b43 driver?06:50
StarnestommyPPKuma: for manually-installed libraries, use /usr/local/include/06:50
unavailablesrry my network is .1.106:50
unavailablewell im at a loss06:51
PPKumaStarnestommy: thanks :)06:51
* donkeyofdarkness is away: sleep06:51
unavailableanyone else know how to set up network printing??06:51
Ubuntu_Noobthanks for yr effort unavail06:51
* unavailable is getting tired too06:52
JalathanUbuntu_Noob, is it between Ubuntu 8.04 and Windows?06:52
Ubuntu_Noobcan i use windows driver in ubuntu06:52
StarnestommyUbuntu_Noob: for networking cards, you can use ndiswrapper06:53
Ubuntu_Noobi have to install network printer06:53
Jalathani don't believe that there is a wrapper...06:53
mordokgot a question....does anyone here know of a web cam program that will work with such programs like yahoo....pidgin does not ....or at least i cant make it work with a cam06:53
Jalathanmordok, there is a seperate package that's needed for AV in yim06:54
Jalathanfor pidgin06:54
mordokjalathan what is that package....06:55
shangemy ubunu hardy on my notebook can't poweroff06:55
* Jalathan points out to unavailable that it was an addition to his previous comment06:55
mordokunavailable are you saying gyachi?06:55
mordokis a program06:56
dogfacehatwhat is the default font in ubuntu?06:56
unavailablegyachi supports voice and video06:56
unavailablebut not in 64 bit06:56
ompaulUbuntu_Noob, System Administration Printing - that is what you need there - it just works as log as you have a supported printer - if you don't you can try to get a "ppd" file from the manufacturer of your printer or the linuxprinting.org site and use it when it says printer have fun06:57
mordokunabiable....thank you ill give it a try06:57
mordokthanks all06:57
=== acidicbase_ is now known as acidicbase
scummoshi guys, now i installed ubuntu and it owned my bootloader ^^ whats wrong?06:58
scummosi mean, i repaired the bootloader by the way, but that doesnt fix ubuntu :p06:58
Jalathan<.<;; couldn't find it fast enough...06:58
Ubuntu_NoobCanon is by far most poorly supported by linux :(06:59
JalathanUbuntu_Noob, what's your model?06:59
Ubuntu_Noobcanon MF577006:59
* Jalathan does agree though06:59
JackxHi, would anyone know of a free wifi enabled smartphone with a plan?06:59
ari_stressi'm back06:59
shangeanyone can help me,my notebook can't poweroff?07:00
JalathanUbuntu_Noob, kk, one min here07:00
leeneexif anyone knows, is there a grammar channel?07:00
Jackxshange -> hold your notebook power on button07:00
Jackxtill it turns off07:00
Jackxor take out your battery =)07:00
Jackxbut I'll repeat my question07:00
gnuskoolscummos: so are you dualbooting with xp then?what error message do you get?07:00
Jackx would anyone know of a free wifi enabled smartphone with a plan?07:00
bazhangscummos, you used ubuntu to do this or windows07:00
bazhangJackx, a bit offtopic for ubuntu support :)07:01
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shangeyes ,but it can't auto poweroff when i put the poweroff button07:01
bazhangJackx, ask in ##hardware07:01
Jackxk thank you07:01
scummosbazhang: i havent installed windows for 4 years now, i have some other linux operating systems at my pc07:01
shangeit show the bootsplash and then stop,i can't do anything but hold my notebook power button07:02
bazhangscummos, you dont have grub, or ubuntu is not on it07:02
Jackxshange -> take out your battery07:02
scummosbazhang: but i couldnt repair the bootloader but by re-installing a debian etch system07:02
scummosbazhang: i had a working grub :) but ubuntu / i killed it ;)07:02
bazhangscummos, you need to update-grub or reinstall from livecd07:02
scummosbazhang: just wanted to ask what went wrong, grub error was "Error 15"07:02
* unavailable is heading off to sleepy time07:03
bazhangscummos, let me get you a link to reinstall grub from livecd07:03
shangei will try that,thanks Jackx07:03
scummosbazhang: i did update-grub, it helped nothing, and grub-install 'hd0' failed with "/boot not found or is not a block device" or so07:03
Pie-ratemy printer is listed as a "paperweight" at openprinting.org. I have it hooked up to a windows box and was wondering if there's any way to print on it over the network from the Ubuntu box without needing a driver on the Ubuntu box.07:03
Jackxsimply set up ubuntu as a print server07:03
mouseboyxIs xmms no longer available? X MultiMedia System in the repos07:04
Jackxjust share the printer07:04
Jackxand access it07:04
Jackxfrom another box07:04
troxormouseboyx: xmms is lame, check out audacious07:04
bazhang!xmms | mouseboyx07:04
ubottumouseboyx: For the reason why xmms is no longer in the hardy repositories see: http://bugs.debian.org/461309 .  Consider using audacious instead.07:04
onatsis there a way to reverty back to 7.10 after an 8.04 upgrade?07:04
Ubuntu_Noobjalthan u thr ??07:04
bazhangonats, a fresh install07:04
onatsbazhang, did you?07:05
bazhangonats, nay, but that is the way to do it07:05
onatsbazhang, ok..07:06
Ubuntu_NoobJalathan u thr ??07:06
JalathanUbuntu_Noob, yes, and i have some unfortinate news... acc to the following database, it does not work in linux | http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Canon-MF5770 | however...07:06
Pie-rateJackx: i don't think you understand at all.07:06
bazhanghttp://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy#How_to_restore_GRUB_to_a_partition_or_MBR_with_an_Ubuntu_Live_CD scummos07:06
Ubuntu_Nooboh ok07:06
Ubuntu_Noobanyways thx07:06
\kGwhats the package to make the 3d type dekstops07:06
Ubuntu_Noobi thought ipp is universal07:07
bazhang\kG, comipiz-fusion07:07
Ubuntu_Nooband ubuntu can install it07:07
Jalathanif you subscribe to this thread, someone may be able to help you and the person who posted it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5137065#post513706507:07
bazhangoops compiz-fusion \kG07:07
bazhang!ccsm | \kG07:08
ubottu\kG: ccsm is To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion07:08
Ubuntu_Noobbye everyone07:08
JalathanUbuntu_Noob, ipp? is this via the ethernet port that's on some models that canon produces?07:08
Jalathanone min here...07:09
Ubuntu_Noobi can also assign http on this printer07:09
mouseboyxI was about to lose my mind with no xmms but adacious seems like an exact copy of it made for gnome.07:10
Jalathanah, ic.  i believe that the CUPS driver is possibly still needed to print via IPP.  does it have postscript capability available?07:11
bazhangmouseboyx, iirc most of the xmms team joined audacious development07:11
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dwidgeAnyone got an idea of the netboot .iso issue?07:11
scummosso, thanks all, i just gonna wait till next update =)07:11
bazhangdwidge, what issue07:12
nickrudevening bazhang07:12
bazhanghi nickrud  :)07:12
Ubuntu_Noobno i guess07:12
dwidgeAre they compatible with future versions of Ubuntu?07:12
Ubuntu_Noobi searched net but found no ppd file07:12
nickruddwidge what do you mean, compatible with future versions?07:13
bazhangdwidge, the minimal iso?07:13
dwidgeI posted this previously:07:13
JalathanUbuntu_Noob, darn, i wish Linux/cups was more universally supported07:13
dwidgeHi, I want to install Ubuntu to a laptop that cannot read rewritable CDs. It can read CD-Rs. Each time a new version of Ubuntu comes out, I erase the CD-RW and write the new version onto it, but with the CD-R I would have to buy a new one each time, if I would install it on my laptop. However, the laptop can boot from LAN. So I want to follow this tutorial: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/10/08/how-to-install-ubuntu-locally-over-the-network/07:13
* Jalathan has a Pixima 3000 & 400007:14
Ubuntu_Noobok one last Q if anyone know07:14
Jalathanthey barely work07:14
Ubuntu_Noobcan i install ubuntu on NAS and then boot from it ??07:14
stodanhi, is it possible (i mean how) to perform only few steps from installation process? (i just want to select partitions and their mount points and then install grub exactly as it is done by installator)07:15
SuperQdwidge: It might be easier to install via USB07:15
SuperQdwidge: 1GB thumb drive07:15
heymrstodan: yes07:15
heymrstodan: how? pop in the cd07:15
Ubuntu_Noobjalathan u know ??07:15
dwidgeSuperQ: Laptop doesn't support it, since there's no option for it in BIOS.07:15
heymrstodan: it will hold your hand a ton07:16
JalathanUbuntu_Noob, i don't know, however i'm looking, as this does interest me07:16
Ubuntu_Noobok Guys later07:16
dfgask, i have ubuntu installed on my 40gig, it is either hdb or sdb. can i take that drive and move it to a different computer and will it work07:16
Ubuntu_NoobGood night07:16
SuperQdwidge: well, instead of re-installing every new ubuntu release, you could just network upgrade07:16
nickruddwidge I don't see any mention of changing the release (gutsy, hardy, etc) so I'd be suspicious about this working with a net install other than one that matches the cd07:17
oniscientedoes anyone know how to mount all my real partitions at the startup of ubuntu? i would like to have them at my desktop since ubuntu starts07:17
SuperQdwidge: you don't have to use a CD07:17
bazhangdwidge, is this a dual boot situation07:17
heymronisciente: make fstab entries07:17
SuperQdwidge: you don't even have to re-install :)07:18
stodanheymr, thats your answer? read question next time before you do (thanks anyway)07:18
dwidgebazhang, SuperQ: Yes, but I actually want a clean install each time.07:18
Jalathandfgas, it should, however, if the video card manufactor is different between the two, than you'll have to reconfigure xserver07:18
bazhangstodan, then make your question clearer07:18
heymrstodan: dude I read your question.07:18
Jalathan!fstab | onisciente07:18
ubottuonisciente: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions07:18
oniscienteheymr:  should I just put this command at the startup process?07:18
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions07:19
dfgasJalathan:  thats easy. how would i go about changing the grub. i need grub installed on that harddrive. woul di just change the menu.lst and then somehow update grub?07:19
dwidgebazhang, SuperQ: I got 2 PCs with Ubuntu, I want to cut down on 'bandlength', internet is capped.07:19
Jalathandfgas, do you have only one HDD in that computer?07:20
nickruddwidge take a look at apt-mirror, one of the other proxy techniques. You would only have to download a package once, then feed it to the other machine07:20
stodanbazhang, give me a break, how 'pop in the cd' could be an answer?07:20
dfgasthe one i want to put the ubuntu harddrive in yes07:20
Jalathandfgas, sorry, i was thinking the computer that it is currently in07:20
bazhangstodan, we are volunteers; your question was not clear.07:21
nickruddfgas possibly not a helpful answer, but no reason to be snarky about it07:21
stodananyway i will try to be more specific07:21
dwidgebazhang, SuperQ, nickrud: Thanks for your help, I got to go. I will look at apt-mirror.07:21
Jalathannickrud, ?07:22
nickrudJalathan ? back at you :)07:22
dfgasJalathan: yah the one i have it in right now has 3 harddrives. the ubuntu drive is either hdb or sdb. lol, not sure which one it is07:22
bigdaddy0522hey i need help Fdisking a usb flash drive.  using ubuntu hardy i believe location is sde707:22
bazhangJalathan, snark is sarcasm07:22
dfgasnickrud: what?07:22
bigdaddy0522anyone at all help please?07:23
stodani can mount/reinstall grub etc easly (i am programmer) what i need is to recreate process of ONLY installing grub on external harddrive as it was done when i installed there system (why goes in next message)07:23
bazhangstodan, to the mbr?07:23
nickrudbigdaddy0522   unmount the drive, then open a terminal and type   tail -f /var/log/syslog . Then plug in the drive, you'll get some output saying what device it is07:24
Jalathandfgas, ok... well hrm.  do you know which one has grub installed to it?07:24
stodani installed ubuntu on external usb 250gb harddrive and it worked like a charm, but then i tried to move my old system to that drive and then it broke:07:24
dfgasso i asume that is is sdb that has ubuntu07:25
Jalathandfgas, ah, kk07:25
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:25
mhikuhow can i enable and disable persistence?07:25
nickrudstodan when you move a linux install, you need to change the grub entry for it, as well as the /etc/fstab to reflect the new location07:25
bazhangmhiku, on the same usb stick?07:25
stodanthere is huge delay before loading system. before grub menu there is like 20-30 sec delay and after selection there is 5 min blinking cursor and then "Starting up..." (after that it works perfectly normal)07:26
Jalathandfgas, ok, what you can do is move it to the other computer and if there are any issues with grub not being installed to it, what you can do is install it via the livecd07:26
byonixhi, i have problems with my OOO Base and MySQL connection, i have download & convert the original connector for mysql from its website, but how do i configure the odbcinst.ini file? where's the file path?07:26
bazhanghttp://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy#How_to_restore_GRUB_to_a_partition_or_MBR_with_an_Ubuntu_Live_CD dfgas07:26
mhikuwhen i enable usb-minime-2008-install-from-windows persistence, how can i disable it again?07:27
nickrudstodan (seems that everyone needs to do this tonight)  take a look at /var/log/syslog and /var/log/dmesg , you might see where the timeout is07:27
stodannickrud, i have preserved fstab and menu.lst, they are ok07:27
bazhangmhiku, ask the pclinux people07:27
Jalathandfgas, also, the menu.lst would need to be updated on whichever HDD that contains the info.  is the /boot/ dir installed to sda also?07:27
nickrudstodan yeah, if it boots you got that done ;)07:27
bazhangmhiku, pclinuxos people07:27
stodani am on that system now, it works ok07:27
Lapinuxcan anyone tell me if the video player here works, ?  http://www.fox.com/fod/play.php?sh=house07:28
stodan/boot is 512mb ext3 sdb007:28
[Hardy]TuTUXGLapinux, not here07:28
bazhangLapinux, just a blank screen07:29
Lapinux[Hardy]TuTUXG: you get the empty white space?07:29
[Hardy]TuTUXGLapinux, ya07:29
Lapinux[Hardy]TuTUXG: do you use firefox?07:29
JalathanLapinux, i also get it from within Opera 9.507:29
stodannickrud, i dont think i will find there anything, becouse that delay is before "Starting up..." am i wrong?07:30
bootleg34My god......... I have windows Xp I keep getting spyware ads poping up and slowing down my computer... Does this happen in Ubuntu07:30
bazhangbootleg34, no07:30
Jalathanbootleg34, nope07:30
donkeyofdarknesshell no07:30
Madpilotbootleg34, no. no viruses either.07:30
Lapinuxif i right click the empty space it gives options for flash, i was assuming it was a flash based player07:30
bazhangbootleg34, try firefox as well07:30
bootleg34Can I play starcraft and  counter strike source07:30
bootleg34using steam07:30
bootleg34on ubuntu07:30
Jalathan!appdb | bootleg3407:31
ubottubootleg34: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org07:31
donkeyofdarknessgaleon is really nice07:31
LapinuxJalathan: do you have firefox as well?07:31
bazhang!appdb | bootleg34 chech here07:31
ubottubootleg34 chech here: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org07:31
byonix hi, i'm ubuntu hardy 64 bit user, i have problems with my OOO Base and MySQL connection, i have download & convert the original connector for mysql from its website, but how do i configure the odbcinst.ini file? where's the file path?07:31
JalathanLapinux, hrm, one min07:31
nickrudstodan you're right, I was not thinking well.07:31
donkeyofdarknesssomeone spelled check wrong on that bot :p07:31
stodannickrud, i checked the timestamps and there is no delay07:32
bootleg34how come windows xp is so spyware prone07:32
JalathanLapinux, is the same on FF307:32
bootleg34ive had 3 differnet installs i keep getting this damn virus07:32
bazhangbootleg34, no idea and offtopic here07:32
nickrudLapinux I took a look at the source, and it's a 'hybrid player' , I'd bet it's using some explorer functionality07:32
Ne0_WizArdhello everbody !07:32
\kGbootleg34 most used os07:32
stodanso that is why i asked to recreate grub installation, but exactly how install cd does it, becouse when i reinstall grub from here nothing changes07:32
LapinuxJalathan: im wondering if this link causes anyone elses firefox to crash and close, http://www.fox.com/house/  then follow the link for "video" just down from the top07:32
donkeyofdarknessbootleg34, because anyone can install whatever they want on windows07:33
anirudh0nickrud: does initrd get loaded before or after the "starting up.."07:33
Jalathanbootleg34, you might want to ask over on #windows07:33
ubottuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents07:33
donkeyofdarknessyou don't need to be an admin to alter the system07:33
anirudh0Lapinux: not a ff thing..check flash07:33
bazhangtake the windows chat there please07:33
Lapinuxnickrud: oh...07:33
Ne0_WizArdok how do u make a program run at startup07:34
stodananirudh0, before starting up07:34
heym1Ne0_WizArd: sessions07:34
bazhangNe0_WizArd, put in sessions startup07:34
Lapinuxanirudh0: the video, or the crash on that last link?07:34
anirudh0stodan: then it might explain your issue?07:34
anirudh0Lapinux: video i think07:34
heym1Ne0_WizArd: 3 menu over, under prefs.07:34
bazhangNe0_WizArd, system-->prefs-->sessions07:34
nickrudanirudh0 I really don't know. Last time I did a kernel build was a couple years ago, and I've always compiled needed modules into the kernel. Never needed to know07:34
stodananirudh0, not realy to boot from usb it is required to rebuild initrd with some modules after installation07:35
gardenhosequestion: is there any way to fix flash's ridiculously low framerate when you put it in full screen?07:35
stodana did that07:35
LtLok, i finally got flash and java running on 64 bit firefox 3...whew07:35
stodanand modules and initramfs.conf is the same07:35
bazhangyoutube-dl gardenhose07:35
nickrudNe0_WizArd depends on the program, gui stuff in system->prefs->sessions07:35
heym1Ne0_WizArd: or if you run openbox window manager.. you just add it to ~/.config/openbox/autostart.sh07:35
anirudh0stodan: oh..usb takes time to boot07:35
anirudh0stodan: i thought it was a normal hd07:35
Ne0_WizArdo ok07:35
Ne0_WizArdmuch appritiated07:36
gardenhosebazhang: do i need to uninstall the currently installed plugin?07:36
Lapinuxanirudh0: can you check that last link with firefox and tell me if you get the crash as well, ff closes on me after i click the video link just down from the top and after it pops up a new window for the video07:36
JalathanLapinux, it doesn't for me, however i have the mozilla-mplayer plugin.  it doesn't work though.  I think that nickrud is correct.  you might want to check out ies4linux07:36
donkeyofdarknessI think that flash problem is more of a firefox problem07:36
ubottuies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, don’t use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox!07:36
bazhanggardenhose, youtube-dl downloads the flash video which you can watch with vlc07:36
Lapinuxanirudh0: this last time the video played for a minute then closed07:36
nickrudJalathan I'm using the generic flash here ;)07:36
stodananirudh0, that is usb and if i install on it fresh install on it, it will work with no delays AT ALL07:36
anirudh0stodan: i'm not very sure..but it might be coz usb 2.0 is still slower than raw hd..and initrd needs to be read in its entirety07:36
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bazhanggardenhose, or get miro for more than youtube07:36
Jalathannickrud, the generic adobe flash player? or an OSS flash player?07:37
gardenhosebut that defeats the purpose of streaming video07:37
heym1gardenhose: totem movie player searches youtube07:37
bazhanggardenhose, miro does fullscreen flash much nicer07:37
LapinuxJalathan: im not that worried about getting it working to install the ie stuff, i just wanted to know if it was my configuration or proprietary crap causing the issue07:37
nickrudJalathan adobe is one of the last non-free things on my machine07:37
vyI'm neither allowed to logon via root (using GDM), nor alloweded to run anything from System > Administration menu as a normal user. So how should I run System > Administration menu programs?07:37
* nickrud goes off to install vrms to check his freedom07:37
donkeyofdarknessSomeday we will not need adobe07:38
bazhang!info vrms07:38
ubottuvrms (source: vrms): virtual Richard M. Stallman. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.13 (hardy), package size 11 kB, installed size 92 kB07:38
Jalathannickrud, i pointed that out because the mplayer plugin showed up with the /house/video popup07:38
heym1donkeyofdarkness: lol.. gnash! gimp! inkscape! hoorah07:38
nickrudvy you should be able to run them using sudo on your original user account07:38
estethMy synaptics touchpad works at the gdm login screen, but after i log in, it stops responding. Does anyone know what is wrong?07:38
gardenhosedoes the flash-low-framerate thing plague all linux distros like this?07:38
fuzzilogychey people, would anyone happen to know if its possible to remove the nvidia drivers after installing them from the downloaded binary (off the NV website)?07:38
donkeyofdarknessI haven't tried gnash yet07:38
bazhanggardenhose, never had it here07:38
anirudh0Lapinux: works here07:39
heym1donkeyofdarkness: its not to good..07:39
Jalathanheym1, inkscape is cool.  what's the non-FOSS counterpart?07:39
anirudh0Lapinux: has the new season started?07:39
vynikro: Where should I type sudo in the menu? IMHO, that sudo concept is a huge crap.07:39
Lapinuxanirudh0: of house?07:39
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:39
donkeyofdarknessinkscape is probably comparable to Illustrator07:39
heym1Jalathan: uuh.. forget what its called...07:39
bazhangjoin #house07:39
JalathanLapinux, kk, understandable.07:39
anirudh0bazhang: let m ask one ot question please07:39
heym1Jalathan: ya, illi from adobe07:39
nickrudvy when you start an app from the menu, you should get a window asking for the password07:39
Lapinuxanirudh0: im not really sure, but i dont think so....  i just got back into it and hulu.com sucks for episodes07:40
anirudh0Lapinux: ?07:40
bazhanganirudh0, feel free to do so in #ubuntu-offtopic  <---that is its purpose07:40
vynikro: Yeah, I should... But it didn't.07:40
nickrudvy if you don't, run  gksu ls  from a terminal07:40
ari_stre2shi all, is there any similar parameter for dpkg like rpm's -q --last? to list installed packages sorted by time installed07:40
anirudh0bazhang: i never understood the idea behind a sperate ot channel..it presupposes that anyone one might one to talk to is logged on the both channels..that is rarely true07:41
Lapinuxbazhang: sorry for the offtopic, i was getting help with what i thought was a flash problem and it let to one or two stray questions, i hope i didnt disrupt things...07:42
nickrudvy did you get a window, or an error?07:42
anirudh0Lapinux: since the site works for me, its unlikely to be either a ff or a flash isue07:43
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anirudh0Lapinux: both are latest as per the main repos(archive.ubuntu and medibuntu)07:43
bigdaddy0522hello can anyone help me set a boot flag using fdisk please07:43
vynickrud: I typed my password to the windows raised, but it gave another error. One sec...07:43
Lapinuxanirudh0: im not sure where i might find a log for why ff is crashing, any idea?07:43
nickrudbigdaddy0522 use   cfdisk instead of fdisk, it does the same stuff and works much more easily07:43
bigdaddy0522nickrud thanks ill look at it... what im trying to do is make  a flash drive bootable.07:44
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent07:44
Lapinuxanirudh0: i just got the updated version of ff a day or two ago via update notification manager thingy07:45
vynickrud: Failed to run ls as user root. The underlying auth mechanism (sudo) does not allow you to run this program.07:45
Lapinuxanirudh0: not sure about flash plugin07:45
bigdaddy0522ubottu i got those links man but i dont get how to fdisk to make bootable.07:45
ubottubigdaddy0522: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:45
anirudh0Lapinux: not really...you could run firefox inside gdb...but thats not a very nice idea07:45
anirudh0Lapinux: you used the medibuntu version?07:45
Lapinuxanirudh0: gdb?07:45
nickrudvy are you in the admin group?07:45
bazhangbigdaddy0522, check www.pendrivelinux.com as well07:45
anirudh0Lapinux: sorry...forget it07:45
nickrudvy and is this the original user you created during the install?07:46
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Lapinuxanirudh0: i dont even know what medibuntu is07:46
anirudh0Lapinux: gdb i mean..flash is from adobe site or medibuntu.org?07:46
bigdaddy0522bazhang yeah i am at http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-from-usb-stick.html07:46
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org07:46
vynikro: In wheel an my own group, not in admin. Must I be?07:46
Lapinuxanirudh0: im running ubuntu 8.04 and a update came up for ff rc107:46
vynickrud: In wheel an my own group, not in admin. Must I be?07:46
anirudh0Lapinux: thats ok...how did you install flash?07:46
nickrudvy yes, admin is the group that has sudo privs. And where in the world did you come up with wheel, it's not used in ubuntu07:46
Lapinuxanirudh0: i think through synaptic07:46
anirudh0Lapinux: ahh..flash or gnash?07:47
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/07:47
vynickrud: I installed ubuntu-desktop after system installation. Actually, this is a server machine and I never thought to have an X. But I needed to run Windows XP using qemu/kvm.07:47
Lapinuxanirudh0: flash, gnash didnt work so well for me07:47
anirudh0Lapinux: iirc the adobe flash is;nt there in the main repo07:47
bazhangLapinux, that site works with useragent switcher put to vista/ie07:47
bazhangLapinux, a ff plugin07:48
anirudh0bazhang: you cant play video without it?07:48
vynickrud: wheel group is for my su users.07:48
Lapinuxbazhang: where can i find it?07:48
bazhanganirudh0, cannot no07:48
anirudh0strange..how did it work for me?07:48
nickrudvy ah. Don't know if the server install does admin group. Worst case, boot into recovery mode and do  adduser <youruser> admin, then type exit. Should be fine then07:48
* anirudh0 goes to check07:48
bazhangLapinux, mozilla addons page from within ff extensions07:48
Lapinuxanirudh0: flashplugin-nonfree in synaptic is what i have installed07:48
vynickrud: Heh! I think I can manage to add myself to admin group. ;-)07:48
Lapinuxbazhang: im going to look for it now07:49
bigdaddy0522bazhang everytime i go to cfdisk or fdisk /dev/sde8 it gives me error cannot open drive.07:49
bazhangLapinux, but very very slow to load07:49
nickrudvy also,  adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev fuse lpadmin admin are the groups you need to be in for full functionality07:49
bazhangbigdaddy0522, that is odd07:50
vynickrud: I won't need that functionality. I just need a working VNC session to see how Windows XP does.07:50
nickrudvy then you should be fine. At least you know ;)07:50
Killer9091fuc u07:50
anirudh0Lapinux: even stranger..i have the same tflash07:50
bigdaddy0522bazhang i did the dmesg and it said ...drive info is 40xx megs and whatever... thats the usb thumb i want to make bootable07:50
vynickrud: Thanks so much for your help. I need to get used to that gksu stuff.07:51
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bigdaddy0522bazhang said it was sd 8:0:0:007:51
bigdaddy0522during the dmesg.07:51
nickrudvy personally, I used sudo long before ubuntu, after an encounter with romeo echo in the wrong terminal07:51
bazhangbigdaddy0522, that cannot be right07:51
Lapinuxbazhang: IE7 vista ?07:52
bigdaddy0522bazhang 29140.781486] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdc] 7864320 512-byte hardware sectors (4027 MB)07:52
bigdaddy0522[29140.782357] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdc] Write Protect is off07:52
bigdaddy0522[29140.782365] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdc] Mode Sense: 43 00 00 0007:52
bigdaddy0522[29140.782370] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdc] Assuming drive cache: write through07:52
bigdaddy0522[29140.785598] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdc] 7864320 512-byte hardware sectors (4027 MB)07:52
bigdaddy0522[29140.786472] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdc] Write Protect is off07:52
bigdaddy0522[29140.786479] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdc] Mode Sense: 43 00 00 0007:52
bigdaddy0522[29140.786484] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdc] Assuming drive cache: write through07:52
bigdaddy0522[29140.786490]  sdc: sdc107:52
bigdaddy0522[29140.814304] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdc] Attached SCSI removable disk07:52
bigdaddy0522[29140.814386] sd 8:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg3 type 007:52
bazhang!paste | bigdaddy052207:52
ubottubigdaddy0522: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:52
heym1sunsfine: howdy07:53
vynickrud: I used to use "su -"ed screen session for my administration stuff. I restrict su capability to wheel group, and restrict access of those users via ssh and that's all.07:53
bigdaddy0522bazhang did you get that i didnt know if it would send.07:53
bazhangLapinux, aye via useragent switcher07:53
byonix hi, i'm ubuntu hardy 64 bit user, i have problems with my OOO Base and MySQL connection, i have download & convert the original connector for mysql from its website, but how do i configure the odbcinst.ini file? where's the file path?07:53
Lapinuxbazhang: yeah, thats what i meant07:53
bazhangbigdaddy0522, we all got it; next time use paste.ubuntu.com07:53
bigdaddy0522bazhang sorry im new to this linux stuff....it shows X:(07:54
bazhangLapinux, but glacially slow loading time07:54
Lapinuxbazhang: it loaded fine on my end, but firefox still crashes on me07:54
anirudh0bazhang: loading time=video loading time, or flash loading time?07:54
bazhanganirudh0, the video stream loading time07:55
anirudh0Lapinux: install firefox-dbg..07:55
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Lapinuxanirudh0: what is it?07:55
anirudh0bazhang: does'nt that depend only on connection speed?07:55
bazhangLapinux, PM?07:55
Chiselhuk_Plus1Hi guys, just reinstalled Badger, and cannot for love nor money get online! Was working yesterday b4 buggering things up b4!!07:56
bazhangprivate message Lapinux07:56
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nickrud!eol | Chiselhuk_Plus1 breezy is very dead, you should use gutsy or later07:56
ubottuChiselhuk_Plus1 breezy is very dead, you should use gutsy or later: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases07:56
bigdaddy0522bazhang any suggestions07:56
anirudh0Chiselhuk_Plus1: breezy badger?07:56
vynickrud: Despite I added vy to admin group, gksu ls still complains.07:57
bazhangbigdaddy0522, you want to make that a bootable usb stick correct? ubuntu or other distro07:57
Chiselhuk_Plus1anirudh0: Guess so, sorry, is an old laptop hence the old Linux07:57
bigdaddy0522bazhang yes and ubuntu HH07:57
nickrudvy hm. A silly question: did you log out and back in?07:58
anirudh0bigdaddy0522: you are installing rub or syslinux on the usb thimb?07:58
ethan_anybody want to hear the song I made in lmms? lol07:58
bigdaddy0522anirudh0 syslinux07:59
vyUgh... When I close vncviewer window and try to logon using GDM again, it opens up a new session and probably destroys my previous session.07:59
anirudh0bigdaddy0522: bios boot on?07:59
bigdaddy0522anirudh0 yeah07:59
werswhenever I move a file a file to trash using the Search for Files app, the file gets lost and doesnt go to my user's trash folder. where can I find the file?07:59
XavuraWhat's a good editor for web development (particularly PHP and (X)HTML/CSS) on Ubuntu08:00
XavuraOn Windows I use PHP Designer 2008 (Professional) and e text editor08:00
ghostHey..  fdisk -l : http://mibbit.com/pb/aYzHW9  shows that /dev/hdc3 is my Linux(ext3) partition. but my GNOME system montior shows /dev/hdc4 is ext3 and root  is mountpoint. How come there is differece?08:00
anirudh0bigdaddy0522: see http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=101767...modify as necessary08:00
nickrudXavura many different ones:  some like bluefish , there's also eclipse for a full blown gui08:00
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bigdaddy0522anirudh0 thax08:01
bigdaddy0522err thankx08:01
anirudh0ghost: seperate /home?08:01
Xavuranickrud: Does eclipse have syntax hightlighting etc.08:01
ylmsonhii... does anyone know how to properly blacklist ssb module for hardy?08:01
anirudh0bigdaddy0522: np ;)08:01
nickrudXavura completion, just about everything. cvs/svn integration, an incredible amount of plugins, debugging, task scheduling, etc08:02
Jaffarkelshacstick it in /etc/modeprobe.d/blacklist i would think08:02
ylmsonmy ndiswrapper wouldn't work with ssb, but for some reason, even if I delete the ssb.ko from /lib/modules/###, it *still* loads during boot!08:02
Jaffarkelshacstick it in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist i would think08:02
ylmsonI did08:02
ghostanirudh0: /dev/hdc1 == ( hd0,0) right???08:02
anirudh0Xavura: there's also quanta08:02
Jaffarkelshacit still loads?08:02
ylmsonbut ssb is loading itself everyboot regardless08:02
ylmsonI'm dumbfounded08:02
Jaffarkelshacme too08:02
ghostanirudh0: /dev/hdc1 == ( hd0,0) right???08:03
anirudh0_ghost: no08:03
ylmsonand what's more, there is only one ssb.ko now, that's in my home directory08:03
ylmsonI did a locate08:03
nickrudylmson maybe it's in the initrd?08:03
anirudh0_ghost: more likely is (hd2,0)..but wait for others as well to answer08:03
ylmsonbut it *still* manages to load it. O.o08:03
anirudh0_can someone please double check me08:04
glitsj16ylmson: seems like somthing in /etc/init.d is starting it on boot .. what is ssb btw ?08:04
ylmsonwhat's even more funny, modprobe ssb already shows: "Module ssb not found"08:05
nickrudanirudh0 should be, /boot/grub/devices.map would say for sure08:05
ylmsonbut somehow it finds it during boot08:05
ylmsonI can't believe this08:05
anirudh0_ghost: see nickrud's post08:05
bigdaddy0522anirudh0 there is not mbr.bin file as the tutorial says :(08:06
werswhenever I send an item to trash on the "Search for Files" app, the file gets lost. It doesnt go to my trash folder and I can't even find it again with search. where can I find the files?08:06
ghost (hd0)/dev/hdc08:07
ylmsonglitsj16: ssb is something that conflicts with ndiswrapper08:07
PanikHELP! my ubuntu is running in low graphics mode after I toyed with xorg, somebody help me it doesnt let me play my media files properly ;/08:07
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:07
eshatHi all is there a way to set my console resoulution to 1280x800 ???08:07
bazhangwers, what path did you search under for trash08:07
RaceKonditionI'm trying to aptitude install apache2-mpm-itk, but getting dependency conflicts -- what should I do? this is the output of the command: http://dpaste.com/56390/08:08
bigdaddy0522i just need to know the command in fdisk to set the drive to bootable...or do i even need to if the computer im using has bios boot to usb.08:08
ghost /boot/grub/device.map says (hd0)/dev/hdc so, now /dev/hdc1 == hd0,0  (or) hd0,1 ??08:08
anirudh0_ghost: hd0,008:08
byonixanyone what is the ubuntu series that fits for Pentium III and 128 Mb RAM?08:08
bazhangfluxbuntu byonix08:09
eshatbyonix: all, but with a lighwieght window manager08:09
wersbazhang, what do you mean? I tried searching under file system. I also tried the locate command08:09
anirudh0_bigdaddy0522: gparted can set boot flags08:09
bazhangwers the trash path has moved under hardy08:09
byonixeshat:can hardy fits?08:09
bazhang!trash | wers08:09
ubottuwers: The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash08:09
anirudh0_wers: look at .local/share/Trash08:09
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bigdaddy0522anirudh0 never used it...ill do what i can08:09
eshatbyonix: yes but use the alternative cd, install a command line system and then simple add Xorg and fluxbox08:10
wersniice. never knew that08:10
werswhat's the use of moving it? hehe08:10
Xavuranickrud, anirudh0, anyone: is there anything similar to http://www.e-texteditor.com/ OR http://www.mpsoftware.dk/phpdesigner.php08:10
bazhangbyonix, or the minimal iso (9MB)08:10
eshatbyonix: only if you are experinced with ubuntu/debian08:10
XavuraI'm used to those08:10
anirudh0_bigdaddy0522: in gparted its fairly easy..just select the drive>flags..set boot flag08:10
erpoI just installed 8.04 on my laptop with a nvidia quadro fx 570. The hardware drivers program reports that the nvidia_new driver is enabled but not in use. modprobe nvidia_new reports "Not loading nvidia_new module; not used in /etc/X11/xorg.conf". What can I do?08:10
bigdaddy0522anirudh0 awesome ill check it out.. just dl'ed it now08:11
ylmsonnoooo way08:11
anirudh0_byonix: not a good idea to run on 128mb08:11
wersbazhang and anirudh0 stilll didnt see the files there :*08:11
ylmsonssb is still here!08:11
wersoops i meant :(08:11
byonixeshat:unfortunately no, can feisty (standar live  cd) fits?08:11
anirudh0_wers: running as root?08:11
ylmsonI deleted the freaking ko file :/08:11
eshatbyonix: then simple install hardy (Live CD) and install fluxbox with synaptics08:11
Xavura128mb RAM?08:12
anirudh0_byonix: the question is not so much of fitting as of running..you'll not get good performance..i'd recommend fluxubuntu or elbuntu08:12
madmni am having some trouble with port forwarding on Ubuntu can anyone help08:12
Xavurabyonix, you sir, need more RAM08:12
Xavuraor more RAM08:12
glitsj16ylmson: have you tried any of the proposed fixes mentioned at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff#head-cbc75fcb762da2057fa8dbe904358e4b611353c0 ?08:12
eshatbyonix: you should use the newest version of ubuntu (hardy), since they all use the same desktop, and just install a leight desktop08:12
anirudh0_Xavura: 128 mb is enough..lots can run on that..not least a http and ssh server08:12
nickrudXavura I'd say eclipse, or zend studio (pay)08:13
eshatbyonix: or search for fluxbuntu or xubuntu08:13
wersanirudh0, still even running as root08:13
XavuraI run an IRCd + services on a server with 128mb :P08:13
eshatIs there a way to set console resolution to widescreen ?08:13
bazhangwww.fluxbuntu.org byonix08:13
Xavurabut more RAM can never hurt08:13
madmnClosing Link: [] (Ping timeout)08:13
madmn Disconnected (Remote host closed socket)08:13
nickrudXavura those are the ones I've used, seem to have the same funcionality of phpdesigner on a quick glance08:13
madmnthats my error08:13
anirudh0_wers: if you were running as root when you did the delete then look in /root/.local08:13
bigdaddy0522anirudho wont let me run gparted...says i have to do it from root...im on the only account. im a newb so sorry to bother you with this stuff i just want to load my laptop with hardy but have no blank cds.....08:13
XavuraThanks, nickrud08:13
anirudh0_bigdaddy0522: you can directly boot from an iso08:14
wersanirudh0, wasnt running as root08:14
nickrudXavura but I really like bluefish for a quick edit08:14
madmnanyone good with port forwarding or firewall stuff i could use some help08:14
XavuraI'll have a look at bluefish too08:14
XavuraI wish there was something similar to e text editor though08:15
bazhangmadmn, you seen www.portforward.com ?08:15
bigdaddy0522anirudh0 so if i have just the iso on the usb thumb set bios to boot to usb... itll be golden?08:15
XavuraIt has everything I need, built-in FTP, syntax highlighting, indent guides08:15
madmni am trying to run a ircd08:15
Xavurabut it doesn't have TOO much to make it bloated08:15
anirudh0_bigdaddy0522: it;s enough if you have the iso on your hd..one sec ..i'll send the link08:15
madmnand its not connecting08:15
madmnfor some reason08:15
madmnClosing Link: [] (Ping timeout)08:15
madmn Disconnected (Remote host closed socket)08:15
madmnwhat does remote host closed socket mean08:16
ghostin /boot/grub/menu.lst kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-1-686 root=/dev/hdc4 ro     --- in this "root=/dev/hdc4" am I telling it to mount on it or telling where linux is installed?  http://mibbit.com/pb/t20vOI08:16
glitsj16Xavura: perhaps gedit with a few plugins and fine-tuning ? check http://www.micahcarrick.com/09-29-2007/gedit-html-editor.html08:16
anirudh0_ghost: the latter08:16
ghostmadmn: connection ended08:16
madmnwhat could be stopping it though any ideas08:17
byonixguys/girls i'm currently running in 64 bit hardy system, are 64 bit system have more bugs than 32 bit system?08:17
anirudh0_byonix: yes08:17
ghostmadmn: where did you get this error?08:17
bazhangbyonix, not more bugs just a few headaches08:17
nickrudgedit is growing up08:17
madmnwhen i try and connect to my irc server it says that08:17
twinklescan anyone help me get my flash going?08:17
bazhangbyonix, 32bit is fine for dual core etc08:17
madmnmy ircd is running08:17
madmni see it when i do ps aux08:18
nickrudbazhang I'm out of here, enjoy your afternoon08:18
bazhangnickrud, see ya :)08:18
anirudh0_bigdaddy0522: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux08:18
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate08:18
bigdaddy0522anirudh0 thanks im lookign now08:19
ghostmadmn: check the logs once08:19
madmncheck what logs08:19
Kartagisis it possible for a package to be upgraded in ubuntu repos before a new version of ubuntu is released?08:20
bazhangKartagis, like what08:20
bazhangKartagis, you mean firefox?08:20
madmnit would show the same error in the logs would it not08:20
sinanhey all! I am running Hardy, how can I edit what OS GRUB boots?08:20
Kartagisbazhang: vinagre08:20
bazhang!info vinagre08:20
ubottuvinagre (source: vinagre): VNC client for the GNOME Desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.1-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 667 kB, installed size 3048 kB08:20
=== gardar`afk is now known as gardar
anirudh0_Kartagis: happens all the time i think08:21
bazhangback in a sec08:21
glitsj16sinan: /boot/grub/menu.list is the the file, you can use your editor of choice08:22
sinanglitsj16: thx !08:22
Kartagisany idea when this package will be upgraded in repos? source is out08:22
anirudh0_Kartagis: will take some time..meanwhile someone might have made a deb which you could use08:24
Swift_Foxhey um can someone tell me how to delete my firefox profile so i can start over with a new one. for some reason my firefox closes everytime i try to download something08:26
anirudh0_Swift_Fox: delete ~/.mozilla/firefox08:27
qamxfcefirefox 3 isnt good :(08:27
qamxfcetoo slow08:28
qamxfcecheck opera08:28
yit4si need to change my MTU value on ubuntu08:28
madmni have port forwarding working on port 22 but i can't get it to work with port 666708:28
madmnany ideas why ?08:28
anirudh0_madmn: port may be in use08:28
madmnis there a way i can tell08:29
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madmni don't think it is08:29
rabelaisyit4s, sudo ifconfig eth0 mtu 1492   (or set eth0 to whatever eth you need to tweak, adjust 1492 to the mtu you want)08:29
madmnClosing Link: [] (Ping timeout)08:29
madmn Disconnected (Remote host closed socket)08:29
madmnthats my error08:29
madmni get the ping timeout08:29
madmnand remote host closed socket08:29
jlbIs anybody handy with updating ubuntu?08:31
LzrHey Flannel, are you still around?08:31
legend2440yit4s: http://www.debianadmin.com/change-mtu-maximum-transmission-unit-of-network-interface.html08:31
Swift_Foxthank you08:33
jlbI have a dapper installation (6.06) and the manual says to upgrade using 'gksu 'update-manager -c'' but if I do that I only get the update-manager telling me my system is updated..08:33
yit4sany idea why i cant access any windows related services/websites on ubuntu?08:34
qamxfcejlb, clean install is the best and safe option08:34
MiddleOfNowherehow do i act as root in ubuntu?08:35
textchimphi, my wireless usb mouse seems to sometimes stop working under ubuntu 7.04 - anyone got any ideas? people say to restart /etc/init.d/hotplug, but i don't even have hotplug (which makes me wonder how it can work at all)...08:35
rabelaisMiddleOfNowhere, sudo08:35
legend2440yit4s: what is an example of one you can't access?08:35
jlbqamxfce: Thanks, yes I know that but all the programs and special stuff I have installed is then gone and I hat to ues more than half a day to get all things working again.08:35
glitsj16jlb: have you followed instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades ?08:36
yit4slegend2440: hotmail and messenger08:36
qamxfcejlb, if you dont want to loose you program create /usr/local partition08:36
Bodsdayit4s, you cant access your msn email?08:36
yit4sit's kinda slow08:37
yit4si  did have mtu problem on windows08:37
yit4si fixed it on my router and my windows08:37
yit4sand i can access it again08:37
kishorekumareverything in /etc/fstab is mounted except this one   --- /dev/hdc1      /home/kishorekumar/C vfat auto,user,exec,umask=0000 rw 0     008:37
SingAlongHi everyone. I just installed Ubuntu 6.06 LTS on my old computer. I have connected the internet wire to it. I am using a UTStarcom modem - WA3002G4. But I am not able to connect it to the internet. Its an ADSL modem.08:37
yit4sbut it seems very slow on ubuntu08:37
jlbglitsj16: I tried but apparently you have to go from one upgradeed distribution to the other and the instructions (i.e. upgrade-manager -c) doesn't work in my distribution Dapper (6.06.2).08:37
qamxfcejlb, or better, backup all of your packages on cd using aponCD (check repository)08:37
erpoIs there anything big that doesn't work with AMD64 anymore? Does flash work?08:37
b0xxySingAlong time 2 upgrade08:37
kishorekumarif i use #mount /dev/hdc1 /home/kishorekumar/C  ---- its working. but in fstab its not. why so??08:38
Bodsda!aptoncd | jlb08:38
ubottujlb: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers08:38
SingAlongb0xxy: I am a newbie. and the comp I have installed it is a very old P308:38
SingAlongKishorekumar: are u using BSNL Dataone?08:38
bazhangSingAlong, open a terminal and type ifconfig08:39
SingAlongCan anyone help me setup my ADSL modem with ubuntu?08:39
SingAlongbazhang: yeah08:39
bazhangSingAlong, make sure the ethernet cable is attached when you do this :)08:39
kishorekumareverything in /etc/fstab is mounted except this one --- /dev/hdc1 /home/kishorekumar/C vfat auto,user,exec,umask=0000 rw 0 0   ;;;;;;; if i use #mount /dev/hdc1 /home/kishorekumar/C ---- its working. but in fstab its not. why so??08:39
SingAlongbazhang: attached the cable. Done the ifconfig in the terminal08:40
Bodsdakishorekumar, is your question, how to automount something in fstab?08:40
bazhangSingAlong, do you see eth0?08:40
yit4smy pidgin just crashed or just random close???08:40
jlbubottu: Thanks for the info, I didn't know that (I'm relatively new to ubuntu after working for years with Fedora). But the attractive side of Ubuntu for me was the upgrade facility where you can upgrade an axisting distribution as in FEdora I always had to install each distribution anew.08:40
ubottujlb: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:40
anirudh0_kishorekumar: check syslog08:40
SingAlongbazhang: No...08:40
glitsj16jlb: according to that official page you can go straight to 8.04 .. and no mention of that "-c" switch either08:40
bazhangSingAlong, just lo?08:40
jlbubottu: thanks, I'll bear that in mind!!08:40
ubottujlb: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:40
SingAlongbazhang: Got a big list of info around 6 lines.08:41
SingAlongbazhang: Yeah08:41
Bodsdajlb, ubottu is a bot, and yes dist-upgrade is very usefull ;~)08:41
SingAlongbazhang: Just "lo" followed by a few lines.08:41
Daisuke_Idojib: honestly, you're probably still better off with a fresh install, but if you have /home on a separate partition, that eliminates a lot of problems08:41
textchimphas anyone else had VNC/remote desktop freeze their keyboard/mouse once they get home from using it?08:41
bazhangSingAlong, please paste output of ifconfig to paste.ubuntu.com; also output of lspci08:41
SingAlongbazhang: yeah08:42
Flanneljlb: You can upgrade from 6.06 to 8.04, -c only matters if you were going from 6.06 to 6.10, to get off the LTS cycle.  If update-manager-core isn't working for you, we can do it the old fashioned way, which is still rather straight forward and effortless08:42
bazhangSingAlong, then give us the url for paste.ubuntu.com where you put it08:42
BodsdaSingAlong, youll have to provide bazhang with the pastebin links after youve submitted them to paste.ubuntu.com08:42
LzrI'm having troubles updating from 6.06 now :/08:42
jlbBodsda: I can burn my current distributuion to a CD but I don't think it will fit as I have downloadee more packages than will fit on a normal CD.08:42
bazhangLzr, what issues08:42
Bodsdajlb, then use a dvd08:42
ziggy06join #ubuntu-offtopic08:42
qamxfcecheck aptonCD08:43
Bodsdaziggy06, /j #ubuntu-offtopic08:43
FlannelLzr: Which troubles?08:43
newbee617can nautilus change a theme ,like firefox?08:43
jlbYEs, but it's an old system withonly a CD burner.08:43
ziggy06Bodsda: oops thanks, missed the forward slash08:43
Bodsdaziggy06, ;~)08:43
LzrI went to Update Manager and got a bunch of updates, then I went to install 6.10. Clicked on Install and a box opened and closed. Closed out Update Manager and opened it again, no more option to update to 6.10 or anything.08:43
bazhangLzr, need to go to hardy08:43
bazhangLzr, install update-manager-core08:44
=== PoLiMaRsPaRvIeRo is now known as Cristian
LzrI think I did, through Synaptic, correct?08:44
Bodsdajlb, ive never used aptoncd myself but you may be able to use 2 cd's, alternatively back up /home and burn it seperately then use aptoncd excluding /home08:44
FlannelLzr: No, you won't go to 6.10, you'll go straight to 8.04, enable dapper-updates (they should already be) and get yourself up to date with dapper stuff, and you'll be prompted08:44
FlannelLzr: yes, through synaptic08:44
kishorekumaranirudh0_: nope, nothing is logged about it.08:45
ylmsonso has anybody had ndiswrapper problem on hardy with BCM4306 wireless card?08:45
anirudh0_kishorekumar: no silly error.mount point exists, no spurious spaces in fstab?08:45
ylmsonit's refusing to load my driver08:45
LzrFlannel: How do I update my dapper stuff?08:45
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff ylmson you seen this?08:46
yit4swhy i think my wireless performance is not as great as on windows?08:46
ylmsonsome error like "/home/ydyu/"08:46
ylmson"windows driver couldn't initialize the device"08:46
bazhangyit4s, no idea08:46
jlbBut why does upgrade -manager -c not work in dapper. ALso, I seem to miss 2 buttons in the upgrade-manager interface : "prefferences" and "reload". Does anybody know how to get them visual?08:46
ylmsonbazhang: no I havent.. it worked fine before on debian, I just switched to ubuntu08:47
bazhangjlb because the next step is hardy08:47
yit4sbazhang: lol. plus the beeping light on my wireless button is not functioning either08:47
ylmsonseems it's not making anything easier08:47
jlbBodsda: That is of course an option. I will see into that.08:47
Bodsdakk ;~)08:47
bazhangylmson, that is the best guide for broadcom cards imo08:47
jlbBodsda: I thought the next step is FEisty??08:47
bazhangjlb, feisty is no more08:48
jlbBodsda: Sorry, I mean Edgy08:48
Bodsdajlb, ;~)08:48
LzrI don't see anything about dapper - Where do I look?08:48
bazhang!eol | jlb08:48
ubottujlb: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases08:48
Bodsdajlb, i dont understand the question08:48
Brian88hi, I want to install/compile Beryl from source, and configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables08:49
Brian88how to fix it]08:49
kishorekumaranirudh0_: ooops!!! my mistake. thanks :)08:49
bazhangBrian88, compiz-fusion replaces beryl08:49
anirudh0_kishorekumar: no problem08:49
ylmsonbazhang: the page you gave doesn't include download for 64-bit drivers?08:49
anirudh0_how do i pm someone in irssi?08:49
bazhang!ccsm | Brian8808:49
ubottuBrian88: ccsm is To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion08:49
bazhanganirudh0_, /msg nick08:49
Brian88thanks, I want to install Vista Transformation Pack for Linux08:50
bazhangBrian88, from where08:50
bazhangBrian88, and why :)08:50
jlbBodsda: Well, I understand that the eol means I cannot upgrade anymore, OK. But the other question regards the fact that the screen interface of the upgrad-manager differs from the one shown on the help pages for Upgrade manager (the missing buttons).08:50
Brian88bazhang: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Vista+Transformation+Pack+for+GNOME?content=6310608:50
anirudh0_Brian88: build-essential..not a good idea to compile..your thing wont be optimized..unoptimized compiz is a cpu hog08:50
Daisuke_IdoBrian88: transform vista into linux? that's easy.  just install linux.08:51
bazhangBrian88, what version of ubuntu08:51
Brian88bazhang: 8.0408:51
Daisuke_Idobut making linux look like vista?  that's madness that will only lead to anarchy!08:51
bazhangBrian88, better to install themes via emerald manager08:51
AbacusMonkeymadness? THIS IS SPARTA08:52
Bodsdajlb, sorry,.,. but i think you should just download the latest release08:52
yokobrhi folks08:52
LzrI still have no idea how to upgrade to 8.04 :/08:52
yokobrdoes anyone knows a way to do a dist. upgrade from 6.10 to 8.10?08:52
Brian88bazhang: can I get it from synaptic?08:52
Daisuke_Idoyokobr: first, you master time travel08:52
Daisuke_Idobecause 8.10 isn't out08:53
yokobrto 8.0408:53
Daisuke_Idoyokobr: then you upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 to 7.10 to 8.0408:53
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Daisuke_Idotrust me, there will be less tears if you do a fresh install08:53
LzrI thought it's safe to go from 6.10 to 8.04 directly?08:54
ziggy06Daisuke : rofl08:54
yokobri'm pissed off with ubuntu studio... Ive downloaded it many times.... and it aways shows corrupted files errors08:54
SingAlongbazhang: u there?08:54
bazhangyokobr, what do you need from ubuntustudio08:54
bazhangSingAlong, yes08:54
Daisuke_Idoyou can go from LTS to LTS without problems, but 6.10 wasn't an LTS release08:54
yokobreverything =D08:55
ramseizecan anyone help me im having a problem regarding about aircrack-ng, ive done installing it but when im about to run 'sudo airmon-ng start wlan0' it says Neither the sysfs interface links nor the iw command is available., and i noticed when im installing, 'sudo modprobe -r ipw3945' it has some errors, hoping for your kind reply08:55
yokobrthat "alternate install" sucks08:55
bazhangyokobr, best to just get their repos and install that way08:55
SingAlongbazhang: http://www.pastebin.ca/1046844 the pastebin lin for the lspci and ifconfig outputs08:55
LzrI'm having plenty of problems here with a fresh install, don't even see the option to upgrade to 8.04 anymore08:55
jlbBodsda: yes. I think I will do that. I have it already installed on my main workstation but due to the fact that it is not yet completely right (e.g. evolution doesn't work as it does on Fedora), I stll switch back between Ubuntu and Fedora on that system.08:55
bazhangSingAlong, thanks reading08:55
ziggy06I sure am gonna have a headache soon trying to install a dual boot on mac with ubuntu : D08:55
LzrAnd couldn't upgrade from 8.06 to 8.10 earlier08:55
jlbBut thanks for the info. I'll go working on it.08:55
r0landhello everyone08:55
jlbAgain thanks and till the nect time.08:55
qamxfcebye jlb08:56
yokobrits 5 o'clock now..08:56
r0landmay some help me with installing ubuntu plz, the system hangs on "running local boot scripts" when booting from ubuntu live cd08:56
qamxfcehave a nice day08:56
Daisuke_Idor0land: how long did it sit there?  or rather, how long did you let it sit there before restarting?08:57
yokobrdo i have to restart the sistem in every upgrade?08:57
LzrBah, I don't feel like reinstalling again..08:57
r0landDaisuke_Ido so far, 9 min08:57
bazhangSingAlong, is this hardy or what version of ubuntu  (that is realtek 8139)08:57
LzrFlannel: You still there man? :/08:58
SingAlongbazhang: 6.06. I think 6.06 is called Drapper Drake.08:58
bazhangSingAlong, that is well supported in later versions08:58
Daisuke_Idor0bby: ah, that's nothing, it could take 20-3008:58
SingAlongbazhang:I am using a Realtek LAN card in the computer. The modem is UTStarcom WA3002G4.08:58
KenSentMeI get this error when using rsync over ssh/sftp: "rsync: failed to set times on <foldername>". Any idea what may cause this? Permissions are all full open08:58
ramseizecan anyone help me im having a problem regarding about aircrack-ng, ive done installing it but when im about to run 'sudo airmon-ng start wlan0' it says Neither the sysfs interface links nor the iw command is available., and i noticed when im installing, 'sudo modprobe -r ipw3945' it has some errors, hoping for your kind reply08:58
SingAlongbazhang: So how do I connect to the internet now?08:58
Daisuke_Idor0bby: obviously i'm not serious, it's late, and i'm tired08:59
bazhangSingAlong, is that your only computer connection08:59
r0landDaisuke_Ido so far its been 10 mins tht its hanging there08:59
Daisuke_Idor0land: not sure08:59
SingAlongI am using my laptop thru wireless. I am not going to use my laptop anymore if the computer works with the internet.08:59
=== PoLiMaRsPaRvIeRo is now known as Cristian
UbubeginAnyone here uses Cervisia...09:00
bazhangSingAlong, why not get the gutsy or hardy livecd and see if that does it09:00
bazhangUbubegin, what is that09:00
SingAlongbazhang: Oh! I had the same problems with that and infact that slowed down the computer. The computer is an old P3. So I had to resort to 6.06 since its an LTS version09:00
Ububeginbazhang: it is a cvs client09:00
SingAlongbazhang: do you have any idea whats wrong?09:01
The-Seimanhello, are there some hotkeys to switch to console mode in case where OpenGL apps block CTRL+ALT+F(1~12) ?09:01
werscan someone here move a file to trash using gnome-search-tool and tell me where the file goes? I did it then my files got lost09:01
bazhangSingAlong, you could go with a lighter version fluxbuntu or xubuntu but gutsy or hardy09:01
bazhangUbubegin, why not bzr subversion or git09:02
SingAlongbazhang: oh! I like ubuntu a lot, I tried Xubuntu and Kubuntu but the install ISOs that I downloaded seem to crash.09:02
bazhangSingAlong, we can trouble shoot those if need be09:02
ramseizecan anyone help me im having a problem regarding about aircrack-ng, ive done installing it but when im about to run 'sudo airmon-ng start wlan0' it says Neither the sysfs interface links nor the iw command is available., and i noticed when im installing, 'sudo modprobe -r ipw3945' it has some errors, hoping for your kind reply09:02
UbubeginThe Cervisia question I have is that once i have imported the module... why do i have to checkout a working copy... why doesnt the imported module already become a cvs folder09:02
SingAlongbazhang: any idea how I can retain this installation of ubuntu?09:03
The-Seimannothing to do if OpenGL freezes the PC ?09:03
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bazhangSingAlong, paste the output of lsmod to paste.ubuntu.com09:03
kelvin911gnash vs flashplugin-nonfree, which one is better?09:03
bazhang!best | kelvin91109:03
ubottukelvin911: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:03
Daisuke_IdoThe-Seiman: did you already apply the chicken-blood-and-chanting fix as documented in the holy gospel of GNU?09:04
SingAlongbazhang: is it possible to make the internet work? (hope so) :(09:04
Brian88I have installed compiz, but I cannot run it (alt+f2 > type "compiz" > enter), the screen blinks just like that,, how to open the compiz window?09:04
Kartagisare deb files I download from http://debian.mirror.inra.fr/debian/pool/main/v/vinagre/ 100% compatible with ubuntu hardy?09:04
bazhangSingAlong, should be09:04
rawbeefHey, can anyone help me with getting an Atheros card from a tihnkpadt61p up and running so i can have some wireless fun?09:04
Kartagisor would they be?09:04
Daisuke_Idookay, that's where i have to kick myself in the butt - it's 4 am, and obviously my mind isn't working properly09:04
bazhangBrian88, alt f2 compiz --replace09:04
=== drago is now known as Drago84
Daisuke_Idoi apologize, and good night09:04
kelvin911what is advantage of gnash?09:04
bazhangkelvin911, it is totally free09:05
Brian88bazhang: the screen blinks 2 times and all comes normal :)09:05
The-SeimanDaisuke_Ido: ?09:05
kelvin911why u make useless comment?09:05
bazhangBrian88, then it is on09:05
UbubeginJust a generic cvs question.. I have is that once i have imported the module... why do i have to checkout a working copy... why doesnt the imported module already become a cvs folder09:05
bazhangkelvin911, to whom are you speaking?09:05
The-Seimanbut gnash doesn't support Actionscript 309:05
ramseizecan anyone help me im having a problem regarding about aircrack-ng, ive done installing it but when im about to run 'sudo airmon-ng start wlan0' it says Neither the sysfs interface links nor the iw command is available., and i noticed when im installing, 'sudo modprobe -r ipw3945' it has some errors, hoping for your kind reply09:05
The-Seimanso you have to use the non-free plugin09:05
Brian88bazhang: I mean how yo open the configuration I want to install vista transformation pack I mentioned before09:05
bazhangBrian88, not sure about that; is this gnome or kde09:06
oofmanHey guys.09:06
flankkHow do I get more card styles for aisleriot solitaire?  The gnome-games-extra-data package isn't in universe in 8.04.09:06
Brian88bazhang: mine is gnome09:06
oofmantryed to install ubuntu last night09:06
The-SeimanBrian88: do you mean a Vista Emerald theme ?09:06
Brian88bazhang: my desktop manager is gnome09:06
rawbeefHey, can anyone help me with getting an Atheros card from a tihnkpadt61p up and running so i can have some wireless fun?  I could also use some help with learning console commands09:06
Brian88The-Seiman: yes09:06
[matrim]I'm about to install Ubuntu 8.04 Server on a server with dual NICs, how do I configure then to use Failover and SLB?09:07
oofmanon the first screen there is a "memory test" thing09:07
Brian88The-Seiman: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Vista+Transformation+Pack+for+GNOME?content=6310609:07
bazhangBrian88, not sure about gnome but for kde there is kbfx that will make it look like vista (if you must)09:07
oofmanwhen i ran it, it kept on giving me a shit load of errors09:07
Ububeginbazhang: Just a generic cvs question.. Once i have imported the module... why do i have to checkout a working copy... why doesnt the imported module already become a cvs folder.. Does the other clients automatically make the imported folder the cvs folder or is there additional check out needed.09:07
bazhangoofman, no cursing09:07
The-SeimanBrian88: well, you simply have to install Emerald09:07
qamxfcewhat is the best linux distro for games ? i tried xubuntu but i have low FPS on my mid-range machine09:07
oofmanwhat does this mean?, got the wrong type of memory for my board ?09:07
SingAlongbazhang: http://www.pastebin.ca/1046851 thats the new pastebined text. It contains lspci, lsmod and ifconfig09:08
bazhangSingAlong, reading09:08
bazhangUbubegin, not sure about cervisia sorry just know a bit about bzr09:08
mysticEverything on the screen seems to be really choppy, from the scrolling to refreshing a webpage, and I have the newest NVIDIA driver, is there a fix for that?09:08
The-SeimanBrian88: have you installed Emerald ?09:08
Brian88The-Seiman: I am installing it now09:09
Ububeginbazhang:  not asking about cervisia.. Just generally about cvs clients..09:09
oofmantrying to get ubuntu 64 up and running, and it didnt want to install at all09:09
The-SeimanBrian88: okay, and compiz is activated ?09:09
Brian88The-Seiman: yes. activated09:09
oofmananyone, pls09:10
bazhangUbubegin, is this gnome or kde09:10
The-SeimanBrian88: well, after installing Emerald, you'll have to go to System -> Preferences -> Advanced Desktop Effects Settings -> Windows Decoration, and set the "Command" field to "emerald --replace"09:10
Ububeginbazhang: I am on gnome.. but my cvs client is kde.. is it bad thing09:11
bazhangSingAlong, did you start up with ethernet attached or hot plug it09:11
mr_booi tried to map the windows xp partition in grub to make it bootable09:11
Brian88The-Seiman: I have added it to the Emerald Themer, how to activate it?09:11
bazhangUbubegin, http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy-backports/devel/cervisia-kde409:11
SingAlongbazhang: started with ethernet attached. Its been there since the install.09:12
mr_boobut i end up in an error that says that the drive identifier is incorrect09:12
mr_booi think i need a hand here09:12
SingAlongShould I remove it and reconnect it again?09:12
bazhangSingAlong, that is truly odd09:12
The-SeimanBrian88: have you changed the Command field in Windows Decoration ?09:12
SingAlongbazhang: Now what do I need to do?09:12
ifireball[matrim]: You setup NIC bonding, here is a howto (for 6.10 but should still be relevant) http://www.howtoforge.com/network_bonding_ubuntu_6.10; note that you need to make configuration in the switch as well09:12
mr_boomy fdisk -l list looks like this, http://pastebin.com/m4bc07c5509:12
rawbeefSo... anyone able to connect wiht a tihnkpadt61p?  Atheros wireless card?  I need halp :(09:12
Brian88The-Seiman: no advanced desktop settings?09:13
qamxfceis there anythin less bloated than xubuntu (not its not so fast;need it for games)?09:13
bazhanghttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-bugs/2006-December/024062.html bad news SingAlong09:13
mr_booand menu.lst looks like this, http://pastebin.com/m5177025309:13
The-SeimanBrian88: yes09:13
Brian88The-Seiman: no advanced desktop settings in my PC09:13
The-SeimanBrian88: ah09:13
bazhangqamxfce, fluxbuntu or minimal install iso (9MB)09:13
The-SeimanBrian88: wait a min09:13
mysticEverything on the screen seems to be really choppy, from the scrolling to refreshing a webpage, and I have the newest NVIDIA driver, is there a fix for that?09:13
SingAlongI have a kernel update in a CD. Its kernel version
The-SeimanBrian88: go to Synaptics and check if compizconfig-settings-manager is installed09:14
SingAlongbazhang: I have a kernel update in a CD. Its kernel version If u can tell me if this update can fix this bug?09:14
[matrim]ifireball: thank alot09:14
mr_boodoes fdisk -l show all i need to know to make a partition bootable?09:15
bazhangSingAlong, the realtek 8139 is not supported in dapper lts; best to get gutsy or hardy (fluxbuntu or xubuntu)-->gnome if you have enough ram09:15
Brian88The-Seiman: installing now09:15
The-SeimanBrian88: okay :-)09:15
qamxfcefluxbuntu is supported by canonical ? (i mean updates to kernel etc)?09:15
SingAlongCan I install fluxbuntu and then is it easier to install Gnome or KDE on it?09:16
mr_booany grub gurus around?09:16
bazhangSingAlong, easiest is the reverse :)09:16
SingAlongbazhang: reverse?09:16
bazhangSingAlong, ubuntu (gnome) then install kde or flux on top09:16
mr_booif i only could remember who helped me yesterday09:17
SingAlongbazhang: oh!09:17
mr_boonow i remember, it was lonetech09:17
bazhangSingAlong, how much ram09:17
bazhang!grub | mr_boo09:17
ubottumr_boo: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:17
SingAlongbazhang: 128MB09:18
bazhangSingAlong, need more than that to run livecd; perhaps fluxbuntu or xubuntu could do it though09:19
textchimphow can my USB devices be working if i don't have hotplug on my system?09:19
SingAlongbazhang: As I told you before... its a very old PC. P3, 500MHz and 40GB HDD and 128MB ram09:19
Brian88bazhang: finished09:19
mr_boobazhang: i know how to restore grub after windows reinstall09:19
mr_boobazhang: however, i installed ubuntu first09:19
bazhangmr_boo, then what is the issue09:19
Brian88bazhang: but still no idea how to enable it on Emerald Themer09:19
bazhangBrian88, you tried drag and drop09:19
mr_boobazhang: there is something messed up with my mapping i think, let me supply fdisk -l and a pastebin of menu.lst09:20
mr_boobazhang: hang on09:20
kishorekumarhey.. there is no SHUTDOWN option in any of my menus. How can I get it???09:20
mr_boobazhang: fdisk -l: http://pastebin.com/m4bc07c55  menu.lst: http://pastebin.com/m5177025309:21
Brian88bazhang: already in the themer actually...09:21
Brian88bazhang: but no activate button or something like that09:21
kishorekumar2. How is a terminal emulator different from a SHELL???09:22
bazhangBrian88, what about dragging the tar.gz to the theme window and dropping it?09:22
gordonjcpkishorekumar: a terminal emulator is a thing that provides a visual representation for a terminal, a shell is a program that outputs stuff to the terminal09:22
rabelaiskishorekumar, it's not...consider it the same09:22
gordonjcprabelais: uhm, no09:23
Brian88bazhang: it's .emerald already09:23
askvictorI have a patch I want to apply to a package; what's the process? I can apt-get source the package; what then?09:23
kishorekumarOK. terminal emulator is front end of the shell. right??09:23
BeBoBliI can't get VMWare Player to run. It simply starts up then stops when it's about to show the program.09:24
mr_boobazhang: whatever i supplied in the mapping appeared to be wrong info09:24
bazhangmr_boo, did you find grub then update-grub? or was that menu.lst written manually09:24
moaiamorfohi all09:24
kishorekumarhey.. there is no SHUTDOWN option in any of my menus. How can I get it???09:24
mr_boobazhang: i had to add the win xp menu item completely by myself09:25
bazhangBeBoBli, get vmware-server from canonical partner repos09:25
moaiamorfoWPA and WPA2 options disappeared from my wireless device's configuration panel09:25
moaiamorfounder Hardy09:25
rawbeefHey, can anyone help me with getting an Atheros card from a tihnkpadt61p up and running so i can have some wireless fun?09:25
BeBoBlibazhang, but I already have the player installed with everything it needs...09:25
moaiamorfohow can I re-get them?09:25
KenSentMeI get this error when using rsync over ssh/sftp: "rsync: failed to set times on <foldername>". Any idea what may cause this? Permissions are all full open09:25
bazhangBeBoBli, does it work?09:25
askvictorbazhang: is vmware-server in hardy now?09:26
bazhangmr_boo, so now cannot boot into windows or ubuntu09:26
BeBoBlibazhang, Well, it went through the installation just fine. However when I select it from the menu it just doesn't run all the way. Also it's not in the repos.09:26
mr_boobazhang: i can still boot ubuntu09:26
bazhangaskvictor, in canonical partner repos yes09:26
mr_boobazhang: seems like the information i supplied in the win xp menu item is incorrect09:27
BeBoBli... partner repos?09:27
bazhangmr_boo, that does seem to be the case09:27
mr_boobazhang: now how do i have a clue what to write in there?09:27
moaiamorfonow I still have WEP option (ascii and exadecimal)09:27
bazhangmr_boo, never had windows so no idea sorry09:27
mr_boobazhang: thanks anyway09:27
bazhangBeBoBli, yes the canonical partner repos09:28
mr_booany grub gurus around09:28
BeBoBliFound it09:28
c0nfl|ct ora digam la bom dia!!09:29
bazhang!br | c0nfl|ct09:29
ubottuc0nfl|ct: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.09:29
BeBoBlibazhang, I just added the partners and it does not have anything related to vmware in it.09:29
bazhangc0nfl|ct, /join #ubuntu-br09:29
BeBoBliBut I'd rather just get working what I already have anyways09:29
bazhangvmware-server - Free virtual machine server from VMware from my apt-cache search BeBoBli09:30
The-SeimanBrian88: go to ~/.emerald/themes ;-)09:30
The-SeimanBrian88: I was preparing something to eat sorry09:31
askvictorbazhang: my synaptic/apt-get can't find vmware-server - even in the canonical repo09:31
BeBoBlibazhang, But... I added partners, reloaded, and searched for VMWare09:31
mr_booi need some advanced grub support09:31
BeBoBliAnd all that popped up was the usual nvidia driver support09:31
askvictorbazhang: you sure you running hardy?09:31
bazhangaskvictor, yes :)09:32
BeBoBliI think you have another server enabled or something09:32
mr_boohow do i know if for example sda1 corresponds to (hd0,1) or (hd0,0) etc?09:32
askvictorbazhang: I remember it being in gutsy, but I can't find it in hardy still... so I've been using virtualbox in the meantime09:33
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bazhangaskvictor, that is odd; it shows up under my hardy install just fine09:33
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LinuxRevohi all09:33
BeBoBliI'm going to restart and hope for the best bazhang and askvictor. I'll report back.09:33
LinuxRevoI can't change theme09:33
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LinuxRevodo you know why?09:33
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mr_booif i only could find a guy that knows how to configure grub in an advanced way09:34
askvictorbazhang: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list?09:34
H__mr_boo : funny question; how advanced ?09:34
mr_booH__: i need to add a menu item manually for my win xp partition09:35
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4357442&postcount=10 askvictor it seems my old gutsy had it installed odd that apt-cache search would still show it though under hardy09:35
H__strange that it is not picked up automatically09:35
LinuxRevowho knows why I can't change themes and icons?09:35
mr_booH__: how is that done properly?09:35
textchimphow can my USB devices be working if i don't have hotplug on my system?09:35
mr_booLinuxRevo: what happens when you attempt it?09:36
bazhangtextchimp, what do you mean?09:36
LinuxRevonothing at all09:36
LinuxRevomr_boo: nothing at all09:36
H__mr_boo : how many harddisks in your system ? where is ubuntu on, where is xp ?09:36
textchimpbazhang: isn't hotplug required to be able to unplug and replug USB devices?09:36
bazhangtextchimp, thought that was handled by the kernel now09:36
mr_booH__: one physical disk, http://pastebin.com/m4bc07c5509:36
moaiamorfono help for me and my "WPA disappeared" question?09:37
LinuxRevomr_boo: even can't change window boarder09:37
toremr_boo: http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/help-grub09:37
bazhangmoaiamorfo, what card09:37
toretry their mailinglist for help :)09:37
bazhangtore funny but not helpful09:37
H__mr_boo : in my grub.conf there is a nice (commented) windows example. you have the same ?09:37
textchimpbazhang: ah, i see. in that case, how do i restart the usb subsystem when it hangs?09:37
bazhangtextchimp, what causes it to hang09:37
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torebazhang: real funny09:38
bazhangtore not kidding09:38
mr_booH__: let me check09:39
LinuxRevomr_boo: any idea?09:39
BeBoBlibazhang, askvictor, no go09:39
moaiamorfobazhang: an Intel under a Core 2 Duo environment09:40
mr_booLinuxRevo: not really at this point09:40
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4357442&postcount=10 BeBoBli09:40
bazhangmoaiamorfo, what does lspci say the card name is09:40
LinuxRevomr_boo: ;-) thanks anyway09:40
bazhangmoaiamorfo, put in paste.ubuntu.com if more than one line09:40
mr_booLinuxRevo: try desktop preferences again and make sure you hit apply so that the settings take affect09:41
Pradalvrcan i install Ubuntu onto another drive while running windows . Or is it best to boot into the drive i want to install Ubuntu on09:41
moaiamorfobazhang: I'm under Windows now and I must reboot to get the info. do you need other infos?09:41
CRASH69hey guys, what was the command to see opengl version?09:41
LinuxRevomr_boo: I did it but nothing happened09:41
tech0008CRASH69: glxinfo?09:41
LinuxRevoit seems it doesn't work09:41
bazhangmoaiamorfo, can you connect ethernet to troubleshoot that machine directly? ie using ubuntu09:42
mr_booLinuxRevo: weird09:42
moaiamorfobazhang: I try09:42
moaiamorfobazhang: I reboot09:42
LinuxRevomr_boo: you know? now the desktop is like when you are root and want to see for example Archive folder09:42
PradalvrI just hate using grub09:42
bazhangPradalvr, need to start up with live or alternate cd09:42
bazhangPradalvr, unless you want to use wubi09:43
bazhang!wubi | Pradalvr09:43
ubottuPradalvr: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.09:43
mr_booLinuxRevo: hmm, don't quiet see what you mean09:43
CRASH69tech0008: LOL, glxinfo, thx dude09:43
LinuxRevoRoot theme09:43
LinuxRevoI mean Root theme it is very simple09:43
PradalvrI want to be able to dual boot09:44
shave999anyone online here?09:44
bazhangPradalvr, then start with alt or livecd09:44
Pradalvrcan i still do this with wubi09:44
shave999duel boot between which OS's09:44
bazhangshave999, what is your real question09:44
BeBoBlibazhang, I didn't really want server yet, so I just decided to run player through the terminal. It's just telling me I did not configure it right and to do it again for some reason09:44
Pradalvrxp and Ubuntu09:44
mr_booH__: where do i find grub.conf?09:45
bazhang!dualboot | Pradalvr09:45
ubottuPradalvr: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot09:45
shave999i guess i wasn't loaded completely...i thought no one was taling09:45
Pradalvrit just sucks whenever grub messes up i have to reinstall windows09:45
reenignEesreveRis there a painless way of setting up FTP server on ubuntu?09:45
FlannelPradalvr: GRUB shouldn't cause you to have to reinstall windows09:46
tlbsyou should be able to fix grub using a live cd09:46
moaiamorfobazhang: here I am09:46
Flannelmr_boo: /boot/grub/menu.lst09:46
bazhangmoaiamorfo, on the ubuntu machine?09:46
Pradalvrwell it does09:46
moaiamorfobazhang: yes, Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN Network Connection (rev 61)09:46
bazhangmoaiamorfo, open a terminal and type lspci and paste to paste.ubuntu.com09:46
mr_booFlames: ok, the name of the file is distro dependent i see09:47
shave999install each os's boot loader on their own partition and use acronis os selector09:47
bazhangmoaiamorfo, ah okay09:47
FlannelPradalvr: How?  What does it do?09:47
bazhangmoaiamorfo, what does ifconfig show09:47
shave999that way if something messes up... acronis is still on your master09:47
mysticEverything on the screen seems to be really choppy, from the scrolling to refreshing a webpage, and I have the newest NVIDIA driver, is there a fix for that?09:47
bazhangmoaiamorfo, three entries or two\09:47
bazhangshave999, that is not the recommended way here09:48
Pradalvrwell when grub screws up and when i restart the computer it wants to go to grub...then again i maybe booting from the linux drive09:48
* reenignEesreveR is looking for an FTP server which gives same access as the one user is connected09:48
FlannelPradalvr: How is that "screwing up"?09:49
rawbeefcan anyone help me?09:49
rawbeefMy wireless works, I can connect and get packets09:49
rawbeefbut it only works in short bursts, so it's really unusable09:49
Pradalvras i said i might be booting from the linux drive and not windows09:49
rawbeeflikee every 10 seconds i'll be able to load a web page or osmething09:49
Pradalvrmight be my faultr09:49
FlannelPradalvr: But whats your point?  GRUB can boot windows.09:49
textchimpbazhang, i don't know what causes it to hang, that's the problem09:49
moaiamorfobazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19829/09:49
FlannelPradalvr: Most people who dual boot always boot to GRUB and then choose from there09:50
Pradalvrgrub just sucks09:50
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 moaiamorfo take a look here09:50
amjadhi there09:50
FlannelPradalvr: If you're not going to be helpful in describing your problem so we can help you fix it, please stop complaining about it.09:50
bazhangmoaiamorfo, also can you open router so no encryption to test09:50
shave999if not acronis what would you suggest. i like that it seems to always be able to chaneg setting on the fly for each os at load time and it has a buildin partiton editor and drive image backup even to network backup/restore09:50
nichalpis it possible to use LILO with Ubuntu?09:50
amjadi changed the graphical setting in openarena.. and now when  i try to run it i get a black screen. does anyone know how can that be fixed ?09:51
Flannelnichalp: It is, you'll need the alternate CD though09:51
bazhangPradalvr, just sucks is not going to get you much help here09:51
mr_boothe reason i've got trouble with grub and windows xp is because i installed win xp _after_ xubuntu09:51
moaiamorfobazhang: but WHY WPA and WPA2 disappeared this way, without any reason?09:51
Flannel!grub | mr_boo09:51
ubottumr_boo: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:51
Flannelmr_boo: Follow the first link there, and you'll get it fixed09:51
bazhangmoaiamorfo, not sure; that is why we want to troubleshoot09:51
mr_booFlannel: are you sure that helps even in this situation?09:51
moaiamorfobazhang: so, what I must do?09:52
amjadi changed the graphical settings in openarena (changed it from custom into high quality).. and now when  i try to run it i get a black screen. does anyone know how can that be fixed ?09:52
mr_booFlannel: usually people restore grub after windows reinstall and that is way easier09:52
bazhangmoaiamorfo, can you open router to no encryption?09:52
Flannelmr_boo: Hmm, perhaps not.  You're not getting GRUB at all? or you just don't have a windows entry?09:52
mr_booFlannel: i don't have the windows entry09:53
Flannelmr_boo: Right, thats what that page walks you through09:53
matr1xhello people09:53
Pradalvrwhats the damn command for irc to recognize me09:53
matr1xim looking for a win32 emulator so i can run win32 programs on here09:53
mr_booFlannel: restoring grub doesn't add a windows entry if windows wasn't installed prior to ubuntu09:53
moaiamorfobazhang: ok, I try09:53
tech0008!wine | matr1x09:54
ubottumatr1x: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.09:54
Flannelmr_boo: Ah, alright.  Pretty simple, root (hdx,x), chainloader +1, makeactive09:54
bazhang!appdb | matr1x check here09:54
ubottumatr1x check here: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org09:54
Flannelmr_boo: Is windows on the first disk or no?09:54
soldatsPradalvr: /msg nickserv identify <password>09:54
Surbcan i set ubuntu to use local time instead of choosing from a time zone? windows and ubuntu keep fighting over what time it is.09:55
Pradalvrhugs soldats09:55
amjadhi there ! i changed the graphical settings in openarena (changed it from custom into high quality).. and now when  i try to run it i get a black screen. does anyone know how can that be fixed ?09:55
FlannelSurb: in time and date (or time zone, or whatever) you can check "use local time"09:55
SurbFlannel: i don't see that option09:56
mr_booFlannel: hang on09:56
FlannelSurb: It's there somewhere.  Just a checkbox.  What version of Ubuntu are you using?09:56
BeBoBliI went ahead and posted a thread about it bazhang09:56
mr_booFlannel: http://pastebin.com/m4bc07c5509:56
SurbFlannel: 8.04. there's only a dropdown menu in the Time Zone window09:56
amjadanyone ?09:56
amjadany ideas ?09:56
amjadhi there ! i changed the graphical settings in openarena (changed it from custom into high quality).. and now when  i try to run it i get a black screen. does anyone know how can that be fixed ?09:57
BeBoBliNever played OpenArena09:57
bazhangamjad, turn off compiz09:57
BeBoBliHow is it on that note09:58
amjadbazhang, tried that. it still loads with a blank screen09:58
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amjadbazhang, i should also mention that it worked veryw ell untill i made the settings change09:58
BeBoBliTry it without compiz anyways just to check09:58
bazhangamjad, then go back to earlier settings; also put something up at ubuntuforums if you dont get an answer here09:58
mr_booFlannel: any idea how to determine the information for the menuitem with that info?09:58
The-Seimansomeone knows something about the freeze bugs on Intel cards ? :-/09:58
Flannelmr_boo: its hd0,109:59
amjadbazhang, i wanted to go back to earlier settings. the issue is that thince it loads a blank screen, i can't see any of the menus for the settings09:59
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BeBoBliIf anyone's curious here is the thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=517680609:59
xrcwith what programms in Ubuntu can I detect network bandwidth, latency, packet loss (besides ping) and even simulate packet loss?10:00
The-Seimanwhat if OpenGL freezes my PC and locks CTRL+ALT+F(1~12) ?10:01
mr_booFlannel: do i have to use the "map" command as well and in that case what do i write there?10:01
H__mr_boo any success with grub ?10:02
l__hey guys need some help here, I have a alternate iso and i cant seem to get isotostick.sh to make a live usb the problem is that the alternate install doenst have a casper.squash just a pool. Is there a way around this?10:02
The-Seimanare there some other hotkeys to turn off the X server ? because I don't want to restart my PC each time it freezes10:02
tech0008The-Seiman: ctrl-alt-backspace10:02
l__well actually it makes the usb but the command cli from the boot doesnt work says its not found10:02
mr_booH__: getting support by Flannel for the moment10:02
The-Seimantech0008: that also doesn't work in freezes10:02
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H__mr_boo ah, excellent10:03
The-Seimanthe only way I see is to cold reboot my laptop, but I will destroy it if I do that each time it freezes10:03
mr_booH__: btw, do you know about the "map" command in grub?10:04
Flannelmr_boo: You may, but lets try it first without.10:04
amjaddoes this sound ok ?Initializing OpenGL display10:04
amjad...setting mode -1: 800 51210:04
djouallahhi did the next ubuntu8.10 alpha1 will feature wubi ?10:04
zetherooI am trying to encode MP3's from Audio CD with the Audio Cd Extractor in Ubuntu Hardy.. but I can only rip to ogg .... why?10:04
l__i even mount -o loop the iso copied out the initrd.gz and the vmlinuz placed it into a folder /ubuntu edited my grub menu and got into the install that way. But i cant type cli to do a client base install.10:04
The-SeimanOpenGL apps work well in window mode, but once I turn fullscreen on, they totally freeze the PC10:04
mr_boolets reboot and see then10:04
mr_boomany thanks in advance10:05
Flanneldjouallah: #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid questions, thanks.10:05
l__oh and i also copied the iso to the /ubuntu folder etc10:05
djouallahFlannel, thanks10:05
H__mr_boo : i have map in there, yes. like this : "map             (hd0) (hd1)" and "map             (hd1) (hd0" for a copy of windows on a second hard drive10:05
opa68moin, spricht auch jemand deutsch im Raum?10:05
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:05
amjadbazhang, do u tihnk this is ok ? Initializing OpenGL display10:06
amjad...setting mode -1: 800 51210:06
l__any ideas?10:06
amjadany ideas ? any1 ? i am willing to change the settings in the file itself10:07
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jdDeluxewhois entropie10:07
l__amjad what are you trying to do?10:07
amjadl__, i am trying to run open arena. but since i changed it's graphical setting from custom into high quality all i gest is a blank screen10:07
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=790119 amjad10:08
amjadit used to work before. untill i made that change10:08
l__you nee to make sure the 3d accel is working10:08
l__and you have the right drivers10:08
amjadl__, yes it's working and i have the right drives. it was working just fine untill i made the change10:08
amjadbazhang, been there. but thanks for the effort :)10:09
l__maybe move the change back10:09
seek_therapyHow do i register a new nic in irc ?10:09
amjadyes l__ that's what i'm willing to do. but since it loads with a blank screen i can't see the menus10:09
tech0008amjad: do u know if there's a hidden dir created by openarena ?10:09
l__apt-get remove --purge openarena10:09
l__apt-get install openarena or10:09
bazhang!register | seek_therapy10:10
ubottuseek_therapy: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.10:10
l__apt-get repair openarena10:10
poddyl__: where could i get the right drivers for ATI graphics cards? and see if 3d works?10:10
l__i dont know the real command for repair10:10
amjadhmm i will try that now l__10:10
l__try google let me see if i can find something10:10
amjadi dunno about that tech000810:10
Torchedanyone here know what's going on with the creative X-Fi sound cards and 8.04?10:10
l__poddy what kind of card10:11
bazhang!ati | poddy10:11
ubottupoddy: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:11
l__bazhang thank you10:11
Torchedhello Frogzoo10:11
l__amjad got it?10:11
poddyi have a radeon 9600 pro10:11
amjadnope l__ not working10:11
l__yes the site above10:11
linnycould any one tell me how to manually remove a torrent from torrentflux ? i have one thats stuck the web ui just says stopping and the buttons dont work ?10:11
l__amjad apt-cache search openarena10:11
The-Seimanwell, there's nothing I can do if I can't use CTRL+ALT+FX and CTRL+ALT+BKSPACE ? :-/10:12
l__then remove and install it or goto synaptic10:12
bazhang!info envyng-gtk | poddy this might work as well10:12
ubottupoddy this might work as well: envyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB10:12
l__and search for open arena and repair it10:12
l__that way10:12
tech0008amjad: 'ls .openarena'....see if there's an output10:12
l__tech0008 any ideas on my question above10:12
l__<l__> hey guys need some help here, I have a alternate iso and i cant seem to get isotostick.sh to make a live usb the problem is that the alternate install doenst have a casper.squash just a pool. Is there a way around this?10:12
amjadtech0008, baseoa  qkey10:12
coirCan someone help me with a Grub Error 22?10:13
l__l__> i even mount -o loop the iso copied out the initrd.gz and the vmlinuz placed it into a folder /ubuntu edited my grub menu and got into the install that way. But i cant type cli to do a client base install.10:13
tech0008amjad: 'mv .openarena .openarena.bak'10:13
coirSpecifically, how can I reinstall GRUB with the LiveCD?10:13
Flannell__: You need the Desktop ISO for a casper system, the Alternate is just debian installer.10:13
Flannel!grub | coir10:13
ubottucoir: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:13
amjaddone that tech0008 (what have i just done btw ?)10:13
l__flannel i know i dont want the Desktop trying to keep a minimal10:14
bazhanghttp://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy#How_to_restore_GRUB_to_a_partition_or_MBR_with_an_Ubuntu_Live_CD coir10:14
tech0008amjad: we renamed your .openarena directory, now run openarena..it should recreate a new .openarena dir10:14
coirbazhang: ok, thank you.10:14
l__flannel once i get into the installer is there a way to cli the system?10:14
amjadok .. let's see10:14
joaopintol__, however that script and the instructions you are following are live cd specific10:14
Flannell__: Not with the Desktop CD, no.10:14
l__no the alternate10:14
l__here sorry for the triple paste10:15
l__l__> i even mount -o loop the iso copied out the initrd.gz and the vmlinuz placed it into a folder /ubuntu edited my grub menu and got into the install that way. But i cant type cli to do a client base install.10:15
amjadtech0008, it worked !!! thank you so much man !!!!10:15
l__now that will boot me into the install10:15
bazhang!yay | amjad10:15
ubottuamjad: Glad you made it! :-)10:15
l__but can i cli from there some how? the grub menu doenst come up it goes strieght to the alternate install10:15
tech0008amjad: we reset everything to default in openarena...if that's ok...you can run 'rm -r .openarena.bak' to delete the nonworking config10:16
rawbeefCan anyone help with tihs? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82773910:16
Flannell__: The alternate CD can install a CLI system, yes.  One of the options is command line only.  You may have to hit the F key for "more options" though (depending on your Ubuntu version)10:16
l__8.06 i believe10:17
tech0008how can i change my nick back to tech0007....people keep on calling me tech0008?10:17
colourAgga./nick tech000710:17
colourAggaexclude the .10:17
bazhangtech0008, /nick newnick10:17
tech0008colourAgga: do i need to do anything else after that?10:18
colourAggajust type it in10:18
tech0008colourAgga: here?10:18
l__aright ill try this be back in a bit10:18
tech0008did it work?10:18
AlexWanybody had experience with bridging a wireless network (internet) to an ethernet network?10:19
tech0008anyway..not a big deal10:19
bazhangtech0008, /tech0008 tech00000710:19
sidewalkdoes anyone know how i can compress a pdf-file?10:19
sidewalki made a PDF with cups, out of 4 1mb images, and the pdf is suddenly 39mb10:19
=== w0rm is now known as rev0
sidewalkisnt there someway to compress the size?10:20
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression10:20
logixoul_Hi. I've installed the elousb driver for my touchscreen, and it works, but it's not calibrated. Is there any app I can use to calibrate it without guessing at the xorg.conf coord numbers?10:20
sidewalki dont want to compress it into an archive, i want to compress the size of the pdf10:20
bazhangsidewalk, that is not compression; that is editing10:21
coirHmm, I get this error: The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly.10:21
coirWhen trying to restore GRUB to the MBR10:21
sidewalkbazhang: editing?10:22
tech0008sidewalk: you can use scribus (i think) to edit pdf's?10:22
sidewalkwhat do you mean with edit?10:22
kelvin911sidewalk: u can compress the image in the pdf10:22
welkinis there any chat room facility in ekiga???10:23
bazhanghttp://www.kryogenix.org/days/2008/03/31/editing-a-pdf-sorta-on-ubuntu sidewalk10:23
sidewalkkelvin911: how?10:23
coirbazhang: Any idea?10:23
kelvin911sidewalk: how did u create that pdf file?10:23
sidewalkkelvin911: staroffice10:24
stabbyjoe12how do i install gnash for firefox10:24
dpinceAnyone have any experience with atheros wireless drivers? I'd like to install ubuntu on my laptop tonight, but having working wireless is a must.10:24
bazhangwelkin, caps10:24
teo-how can i update my ubuntu 8.04 kernel to ?10:25
tech0008welkin:  irc.gnome.org, 6667, #ekiga10:25
kelvin911sidewalk: u can choose how much u wanna compress the image before you export it to pdf10:25
kelvin911sidewalk: in ooo10:25
sidewalkkelvin911: in ooo?10:25
kelvin911sidewalk: openoffice10:25
sidewalkkelvin911: where do i do that?10:26
kelvin911sidewalk: in openoffice10:26
teo-how can i update my ubuntu 8.04 kernel to ?10:26
nekohi people10:26
sidewalkkelvin911: yes, but under which menu? or where in the application?10:26
kelvin911sidewalk: export10:26
welkinthanks......... tech000810:26
theredkingis somebody able to connect to the irc.ubuntu24.de ?10:26
nekosome standard linux questions . How do i foward all the mail my root account receive to some another mail (having them read easily)10:27
glitsj16stabbyjoe12: do you want the stand-alone player or the plugin ?10:27
kelvin911sidewalk: what kinda images are they?10:27
kelvin911sidewalk:  i usually use latex to create pdf file, and make the image into eps10:28
glitsj16stabbyjoe12: sudo apt-get install mozilla-plugin-gnash10:28
stabbyjoe12thanksss :)10:28
psypointergood morning10:28
psypointeris it possible to automatically restart the computer if an installation via pxe and preseed failed?10:28
yit4s1how do i access my ubuntu files on windows?10:28
dpinceIt appears that madwifi is offline, and that's where I was directed to for wireless help. Anybody able to help me get my wireless driver working?10:28
erUSULteo-: if you really want to do that you will have to compile your own kernel10:29
erUSUL!kernel | teo-10:29
ubottuteo-: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages10:29
bazhang!samba | yit4s110:29
ubottuyit4s1: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.10:29
erUSUL!ext3 | yit4s110:29
ubottuyit4s1: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org10:29
BaD-Laptopyit4s1: http://fs-driver.org/10:29
stabbyjoe12hey i still cant play you tube videos10:29
stabbyjoe12i restarted firefox10:30
yit4s1thanks. hmmm... even though i installed ubuntu via wubi?10:30
glitsj16neko: that depends on what MTA (mail transfer agent) you have installed .. do you know which one you have ?10:30
buckhillwhat command to i run to see which ports are currently accepting connections? cant find the process number of apache using port 8010:30
l_flannel you said that this is a debian install for ubuntu alternate so im going to dd if=/ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdc and then syslinux /dev/sdc think it will work?10:31
zaggynlbuckhill: netstat -l for listening ports10:31
buckhillta, that's the one i lost my book of notes :)10:31
glitsj16stabbyjoe12: yep, gnash is still (very) beta .. you might wanna check out flash player 10 beta (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900, look at part B in there)10:32
stabbyjoe12glitsj16 you seem to no alot about flash:) what flash should i use that supports youtube and myspace10:32
stabbyjoe12o you were quixck10:32
l_i think it will so ill be back in a minute need to fat 32 the usb though ugh10:32
sidewalkkelvin911: they are jpeg-images, sorry for the delay10:32
mr_boonow it at least attempts to boot win xp10:32
borahi everyone10:33
mr_boowith bluescreen and reboot though10:33
psypointeris it possible to automatically restart the computer if an installation via pxe and preseed failed?10:33
nekoglitsj16 :  i have postfix installed10:33
boraI ve got some small problems about permıt10:33
glitsj16stabbyjoe12: seems like that's the best deal for now, hope that one works out10:33
boracan anyone help me ?10:33
stabbyjoe12i dont like abobe flash becase you have to click this litle grey hing to get it10:33
nekoglitsj16 : well and courrier10:34
mr_boolets reinstall everything then10:34
mr_boothe only option10:34
logixoul_Hi. I've installed the elousb driver for my touchscreen, and it works, but it's not calibrated. Is there any app I can use to calibrate it without guessing at the xorg.conf coord numbers?10:34
sidewalkkelvin911: 1mb jpeg images10:34
boraI installed virtual box in ubuntu package10:34
glitsj16neko: do you want to forward it to a gmail or isp account ?10:35
borabut I cant install a virtual machine  in virtual box10:35
alumnosoy una chica mala10:35
glitsj16stabbyjoe12: you can try totem, that has a flash plugin too so you can search from within your player and save some clicks10:36
coirbazhang: Any idea?10:36
kelvin911sidewalk: sorry i was there10:36
stabbyjoe12tm didnt work10:36
stabbyjoe12back to adobe10:36
kelvin911sidewalk: wasnt10:36
sidewalkkelvin911: there? ;-)10:36
borait said that ; neccesarry give to read and write  permit on virtualboxdrv10:36
sidewalkkelvin911: yes, but do you know how i make the images smaller then?10:37
boraabout that can anyone help me *10:37
sidewalkkelvin911: the image covers the whole A4 page10:37
tech0008bora: add your userid to vboxusers group, logout then log back in10:37
kelvin911sidewalk: do u need to print them?10:37
yit4s1i need to acces my wubi-installed ubuntu files on windows. how do i do that?10:37
dpinceIt appears that madwifi is offline, and that's where I was directed to for wireless help. Anybody able to help me get my wireless driver working?10:38
sidewalkkelvin911: no, but i need to make pdfs out of them10:38
kelvin911sidewalk: u can make them smaller but then u loss the image quality10:38
stabbyjoe12does anyone have any expierence with boadcom wireless in hardy heron10:38
boraI did but it did not10:38
nekoglitsj16 : i have try the mutt client remotly trough ssh it seems okey for my needs10:38
kelvin911sidewalk: are they photos?10:38
kelvin911or black and white?10:38
psypointeri've got problems with the ubuntu installer when installing from the net. it interrupts with: Failed to fetch 400 Host Header missing10:38
psypointerwhat does the 400 Host Header missing mean?10:38
tech0008bora: run 'virtualbox' in terminal and paste the error10:38
stabbyjoe12when i install ubuntu it tells me there is a restricted driver so i install that and it doesnt work and ndiswrapper won seem to installl10:39
sidewalkkelvin911: some are photos10:39
glitsj16neko: okay, mutt away ;)10:39
kelvin911sidewalk: u can compress the image with photoshop first then put them in the pdf10:40
sidewalkkelvin911: but they are 1mb files, if i make them like 500kb, then if 4 1mb images become 39mb now, they will become like 20mb later10:42
sidewalkkelvin911: isnt there any other way of making the pdf smaller?10:42
kelvin911sidewalk: u can compress the photo to 100kb each without lost of too much quality10:43
martinusHi, I was wondering if anyone here could help out with some text mode install of kde from cd. I know it is the wrong forum, but since it's a more general apt issue some here might be able to help as well :)10:43
sidewalkkelvin911: oki, ill try that, thanks alot! :-)10:43
glitsj16psypointer: that means the http client you used didn't set a valid host name in the request .. from within which app are you receiving that error ?10:43
psypointerglitsj16: from the debian installer10:44
slaxbonjour à tous10:44
tech0008!fr | slax10:45
ubottuslax: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr10:45
* zaggynl grins10:45
slaxthanks a lot ;)10:45
psypointerglitsj16: the debian installer downloads all files from an apt-cacher. the apt-cacher doesn't create an error message in his logfiles..10:45
colourAgga!nl | colourAgga10:45
glitsj16psypointer: whoops, never encountered that from an install ..10:45
sidewalkkelvin911: the openoffice "export to pdf" function can compress the images much better than cups10:46
sidewalkgotha go now, take care10:46
psypointerglitsj16: hmkay, thanks anyway10:46
kelvin911sidewalk: of course10:46
icqnumbermartinus, it is not a forum, from what cd?10:46
icqnumber!kde | martinus10:46
ubottumartinus: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde410:46
selocolhi when i play any game, the resolution is messed up. like part of the game doesn't fit on the screen10:47
DaveKongIs there an app that allows you start apps with mouse combinations?10:47
DaveKongi.e. click and start all tray click again and dock10:47
logixoul_Hi. I've installed the elousb driver for my touchscreen, and it works, but it's not calibrated. Is there any app I can use to calibrate it without guessing at the xorg.conf coord numbers?10:50
nightis anybody there like talking to me10:50
martinusicqnumber: thanks for the reply. The thing is, I'm installing ubuntustudio without a wired internet-connection. since I prefer kde over gnome, I'm installing it without the US-desktop. this leads to a command-line install, from where I have to apt both X and kde10:51
tech0008martinus: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop10:51
nighti need a bit of help10:52
martinusicqnumber: I have these on a kubuntu 8.04 cd, but even though I've managed to list the cd in sources.list, apt-get only reports that it cannot find the package10:52
elyseumanybody else had problems with playing audio-cd's after updating to Hoary?10:54
martinusicqnumber: sudo apt-cdrom add seems to unmount the cdrom - but mounting it again makes no difference10:54
Schneemonsterso what is the quickest way to setup a full encrypted ubuntu server?10:54
nighti wanna know which is the best Linux Os10:55
martinusnight: depends on your preferences10:55
tech0008night: distrowatch.com10:55
omidhi people! help to get sound on my speaker in Ubuntu 8.0410:56
choriMy new radeon graphic card has built in 5.1 sound but I cant get it to work correctly. Anyone have time ti help me?10:56
tech0008omid: details10:56
kelvin911night: for beginner i think ubuntu is pretty good10:56
omidI've toshiba P105-9337, Internal Speaker is working but External Speaker and Headphone don't work10:57
omidWhen I connect Speaker I hear sound for less than 1 sec but after that..... don't work...10:58
tech0008omid: tried that speaker on another pc or musicplayer?10:59
Bodsdadoes anyone have a link to some documentation about automounting an ntfs hard drive?10:59
tech0008Bodsda: 'man mount'10:59
Bodsdatech0008, any 'better' documentation?10:59
omidyes, it work fine with this soundcard on windows Vista11:00
Bodsdaomid, whats the output of         asoundconf list            ?11:00
omidsound card is Conexant11:01
Bodsdaomid, did you run the command? was that the only output?11:01
tech0008Bodsda: did u check this? http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_mount_Windows_partitions_.28NTFS.29_on_boot-up.2C_and_allow_users_read_and_write_access11:01
Bodsdatech0008, i'd found it but thought id ask here as that link is a couple of distro's out of date11:02
=== erUSUL_ is now known as erUSUL
onatsi'm having problems with my display. My monitor's max resolution is 1440x900. i set the screen resolution to 1440x900, but the "Desktop" actually extends beyond the actual monitor size, and scrolls when i move the mouse to the edge of the screen.. how do i resolve this?11:02
Bodsdatech0008, ty for the link though,. i will give it a go11:02
omidI'm getting sound from headphone port on my Notebook. In sound Preference I see ALSA, OSS, Conexant Digital and Conexant Analog11:02
Bodsdaonats, lower the screen res11:03
onatsbodsda, why? it should work like that right?11:03
=== PoLiMaRsPaRvIeRo is now known as Cristian
l_anyone know if this is the correct way to make a live alternate usb? I fdisked the usb to use sdc1 full and made it a fat 16 fs, Then i proceeded to dd if=/ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdc1 then syslinux /dev/sdc? anything wrong here?11:03
Bodsdaonats, well, you set it to a value, but it disobeyed you and is larger, so set it smaller to compensate11:03
wild_oscargood morning. does anyone know what steps to follow to have LIRC working on a laptop?11:03
onatsbut,i want to be able to get 1440x900. i dont think that's the fix for it..11:04
l_apt-get install LIRC11:04
l_sudo apt-get install LIRC11:04
wild_oscarl_: that I have done11:04
Bodsdaonats, ah, sorry, no your prob right11:04
Bodsdaonats, i misunderstood the prob11:04
l_try apt-cache search LIRC11:04
choriMy new radeon graphic card has built in 5.1 sound but I cant get it to work correctly. Anyone have time ti help me? asoundconf list gives: HDMI11:04
wild_oscarwhen I mode2 -d /dev/lirc0, I don't get any input11:04
Bodsda!elaborate | wild_oscar11:04
ubottuwild_oscar: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)11:04
omidany idea?11:05
l_hmm thats intresting11:05
wild_oscarBodsda: doing that11:05
Bodsdaomid, did you run            asoundconf list           ?11:05
wild_oscarI've tried to follow the guide in the ubuntu docu11:05
wild_oscarI basically have a laptop with a built-in IR receiver11:05
wild_oscarand I want to use a remote control to control it - so I can program xine to use it11:05
wild_oscarI have installed lirc11:06
Bodsdawild_oscar, -- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallLirc/Hardy11:06
omidbodsa ! I'm new to ubuntu, tell me with more detail please! forgive me!11:06
wild_oscarBodsda: yes, I've followed that guide11:06
wild_oscarfirst, in the "choose a remote" I don't know if I should choose "custom", "None" or the "Sir IRdA"11:07
Bodsdaomid, sorry,    open a terminal     Applications --> Accessories--> Terminal         and type        'asoundconf list'            (without quotes)   the tell me what happened11:07
l_what kind of remote do you hae11:08
omidjust Intel11:08
Bodsdawild_oscar, sorry, apart from that how to i cant help as have never set up lirc, sorry11:08
Bodsdaomid, ok, thats not the problem11:08
wild_oscarl_: I've tried a bunch - the dvd, the television11:08
wild_oscarBodsda: cheers. if I'm here, I've probably done the basic stuff already ;)11:09
Bodsdawild_oscar, noted11:09
l_try the Sir IRdA its more all around11:09
omidBodsda, what should I do with this?11:09
wild_oscarl_: yes, that's the one I tried11:09
Schneemonsterwhats the command to switch to the server profile after installing from the alternate cd?11:09
Bodsdaomid, nothing, dont worry about it,.,. l11:09
=== i00nsu is now known as i01nsu
l_wild im stumped should have worked get one of those programable ones11:10
wild_oscarl_: then I tried the mode2 -d /dev/lirc0, thinking this command would receive any communication, regardless of whether it's configured in lirc.conf or not11:10
Bodsdaomid, you said you here sound for less then a second... explain more plz11:10
i01nsuhi all11:10
l_maybe modprobe it?11:10
omidI feel it's because my soundcard is Autodetect jack and I cannot config it in ubuntu,11:10
Bodsdaomid, no, you only have 1 soundcard so that should work11:11
omidBodsda, when my soundcard detect I connect External speaker it don't play sound11:11
Bodsdaomid, can you, in a terminal type                killall pulseaudio             then try and play something11:11
i01nsuI have a litle doubt: installing apache at /configure it give me an error > checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | anyone knows what should I do ?11:11
Bodsdai01nsu, have you installed   build-essentials      ?11:12
i01nsuguess not .. ok .. nice tip . thz11:12
wild_oscarl_: have you successefully installed lirc?11:12
Bodsdai01nsu, you need build-essentials    and if you still get the same error, install     gcc11:13
omidBodsda, Did not happen anything11:13
l_on my previous but it was pretty hard11:13
Bodsdaomid, no sound?11:13
wild_oscarl_: what should I test to see if the receiver is working?11:13
omidNo sound11:13
i01nsuBodsda:  gcc is instaled.. gcc -v 4.3.211:13
l_modprobe  it then run the previous command i dont think its modprobed yet11:14
Bodsdaomid, in the top right hand corner of the screen there should be an icon of a speaker... does it have a cross over it?11:14
wild_oscarl_: lsmod |grep lirc yelds11:14
Bodsdai01nsu, did it work after you installed    build-essentials?11:14
wild_oscarlirc_sir and lirc_dev11:14
wild_oscarthose are the neccessary modules, correct?11:14
omidBodsda, There are not any Input and output in that Mute11:14
i01nsudon't know Bodsda, now i go check that pack11:15
Bodsdaomid, sorry? i dont understand11:15
Bodsdai01nsu, you need build-essentials   to compile things11:15
=== MTecknology is now known as everybody
omidBodsda, I've sound on my Internal Speaker, but when I connect External speaker... no sound on that11:15
Bodsdaomid, is your externel speaker connected?11:16
=== everybody is now known as MTecknology
i01nsuI see Bodsda , but I am looking for at add  & remove software.. guess there is no pack for that..11:16
Bodsda!nickspam | MTecknology11:16
ubottuMTecknology: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also /msg ubottu Guidelines11:16
Bodsdai01nsu, in a terminal type          sudo apt-get install build-essentials11:16
MTecknologyBodsda, sorry, I was screwing around int offtopic11:16
BodsdaMTecknology, kk, cheers11:16
MTecknologyI forgot that shows up other places :P11:17
BodsdaMTecknology, ;~)11:17
kishorekumarHello.. There is no SHUTDOWN option in any of my menus. How to get it???11:17
i01nsuBodsda:  :( impossible to install11:17
MTecknologykishorekumar, what do you mean?11:17
omidBodsda, I'm not only person that have this problem, I found many thing about this problem in ubuntu forum11:17
Bodsdakishorekumar, the top right corner of the screen, there is a button at the far corner, press it, a window should pop up with a shutdown button11:18
MTecknologykishorekumar, System > Quit ???11:18
Bodsdaomid, ah, can you send me a link to the forum thread please11:18
kishorekumarBodsda & MTecknology: there is no option for shutdown in any of the menus( system etc..)11:18
omidBodsda, ok! wait a min!11:19
travkenhi etat ja kap4oniy11:19
kishorekumaronly LOGOUT & LOCKSCREEN are available11:19
Bodsdakishorekumar, lol,.,. what did you do?11:19
Bodsdatravken, language?11:19
MTecknologykishorekumar, did you start gnome using startx ?11:19
omidbodsda http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-444126.html11:19
travkena cibe??11:19
kishorekumarno. it automatically starts up.11:20
kishorekumaryeah but there is one strange thing11:20
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
Bodsdaomid, what distro are you using? fiesty, gutsy, hardy?11:20
MTecknologykishorekumar, try halt from command line and see what happens when you come back11:20
i01nsuBodsda:  I can't install .. E: impossible to install11:20
BodsdaMTecknology, isnt there a   sudo shutdown now    command?11:20
Bodsdai01nsu, can you give me a pastebin of your terminal plz?11:21
kishorekumarduring startup. it says.. GNOME cannot be started as it is not default display manager..11:21
kishorekumarstarting kdm..11:21
onatseverytime i reboot, the display of X reverts to failsafe gdm mode. maybe there's a flag that i have to unset?11:21
kishorekumarthen when I login11:21
i01nsuBodsda:  is not in english .. but I can if you want11:21
kishorekumarit starts gdm.11:21
MTecknologyBodsda, it's -now, but ya11:21
Bodsdaomid, then the link you gave me shouldnt affect you as its a prior distro,.., sorry im not sure what to suggest11:21
kishorekumarand both gdm & kdm are running in my processes11:21
Bodsdai01nsu, ah, wont help then11:22
Bodsdakishorekumar, killall gnome11:22
glitsj16i01nsu: might seem unrelated, but do you have any special needs from apache that you are compiling it instead of using apt ?11:22
Bodsdakishorekumar, it may be failing to start because there is a non-responsive process of it running11:22
Bodsdaglitsj16, good question11:22
i01nsuBodsda:  the only error is: > E: Impossible to find the pach build-essentials |||| Glitsj16 didn't understand .. u asking for what i need apache?11:24
omid:'( I want sound on my speaker.... any other idea people?!11:24
wild_oscarany LIRC expert available?11:24
Bodsdai01nsu, hes asking why you dont install apache from sunaptic -- and have you enabled all your repositories?11:24
joaopintoi01nsu, no, he asking why are you bulding it from source instead of using the package on the repositories11:24
glitsj16i01nsu: not why you need it, why you want to build it manually ..11:24
wild_oscarwhich could help me configure LIRC on a laptop with a IR receiver?11:24
wild_oscarhow can I test if the port is receiving any signal?11:24
kishorekumarlike MS Windows isn't there any option for sleep or standby in linux.11:25
kishorekumaronly lock screen is available.11:25
choriI have a radeon hd 2600pro graphic card with 5.1 sound out via hdmi and can get it to work in vlc but not wih other program. aplay -l shows the card, asoundconf list shows HDMI but in alsamixer I only have IEC958 as Item. Any ideas?11:25
Bodsdakishorekumar, yes there is, in the shutdown window you dont have11:25
tech0008kishorekumar: system->preferences->power management11:25
i01nsuahh .. ok .. so the patch's from sunaptic are diferent from the add/remove "link" ok ok .. still noobi at ubuntu11:26
Bodsdachori, what happens if you do         asoundconf set-default-card HDMI11:26
choriBodsda: gives no error, what to check after?11:26
Bodsdai01nsu, you keep using the word patch.. there is a package in synaptic pre-built ready for your needs or you can 'compile' from source,.,.11:27
Bodsdachori, lol,.,. no errors is a good thing, does your sound work now?11:27
omidNo Sound On Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy, TOSHIBA notebook Satellite P105-S9337, Conexant Soundcard, Internal Speaker working fine, But External Speaker don't working in Ububtu11:27
ikoniaomid: have you turned on the external speaker port ?11:27
ikoniaomid: you may laugh, it's a common mistake11:27
i01nsuYeah - I got that now.. didnt saw the option synaptic.. here there is lots of apache packs/mods.. good stuff!! thz for tips11:28
omidyes! I cannot get sound in my turned on speaker, it's working fine in Windows but don't work in Ubuntu, I cannot get sound in headphone too! headphone don't need to turn-on   ;) haha!11:29
Bodsdai01nsu, your welcome, also the terminal is usefull type           sudo apt-get install apache<tab>               <tab> means press the tab button, if nothing happens, press the tab button a few times and it will show all packages beginning with apache11:29
ikoniaomid: the ports do need to be turned on11:29
ikoniaomid: not the physical devices11:29
i01nsuBodsda:  ^^11:30
choriBodsda: no :/ Amarok still doen't work. Says something about audio device busy. Mpd says "jack server not running?11:30
nbizanyone come unstuck with booting degraded software RAID-1 devices [Hardy x86]? I've done it (again), the device (/dev/md3) doesn't even 'exist' in busybox (but md1 and md2 do). I was moving from Windows with fakeraid, trying not to keep the data from NTFS, and setting up RAID1  partitions. So close..11:30
greek_user[Q] In the Hardy-heron shell how do I disable the feature that suggests me that I install a package when a command is missing ?11:30
choriBodsda: but vlc still gives sound out11:30
erUSULomid: add a line like this to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base "options snd-hda-intel model=toshiba" (at the end of the file is fine)11:31
omidikonia: my Headphone port that I get sound is Autodetect jack and I know it stop sound when detect my External Device, do you know how I can disable it?11:31
Bodsdachori, sorry, beyond my knowledge11:31
ikonianbiz: software raid as in linux software raid, or fakeraid devices ?11:31
BodsdaerUSUL, -- you may need to be a little more specific for him11:31
ksorghi all11:31
tech0008greek_user: uninstall command-not-found11:32
nbizikonia: both... moving TO linux software raid (à la mdadm) but FROM BIOS fakeraid NTFS windows stuff.11:32
ksorgесть русскоязычные товарищи?11:32
i01nsusynaptic is very good! give the description of source ^ glad to know this stuff11:32
ikonianbiz: ok, thats a good move, what's the problem ?11:32
tech0008!ru | ksorg11:32
ubottuksorg: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:32
choriBodsda: can it be missing mods? Know how to find what mod to modprobe?11:32
erUSULomid: did you understood me?11:32
Bodsdachori, no sorry,.,.ask ther channel, someone else might no11:32
greek_usertech0008: thank you11:33
omidyes! how I can open it with administrator permission?11:33
choriBodsda: everyone is sleeping :) Thanks for the help11:33
ahbin gerade über netztwerke in GNOME in einem Netzwerk und möchte auf einen Server zugreifen bzw einen Unterordner des Servers. Ich komme dort auch hin, aber irgendwann steht da nur noch ""Windows-Speicher" wo eigentlich die Daten im Netzwerk liegen sollten. Was tun?11:33
ikoniaomid: sudo11:33
ikonia!de | ah11:33
ubottuah: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:33
erUSULomid: to edit the file you can do "gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base"11:33
Bodsdaomid, gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base              in a terminal11:33
ahoh my dear, pardon, I'll change channel, sorry11:34
nbizikonia: problem is, md3, my new, big but degraded (ie one disk) partition with data coming from the old big partition, is dying on bootup. Device not found, mdadm fails -> can't access md1 (root partition) boot stops as (there's a bug report somewhere about this)11:34
ikonianbiz: thats two errors, md3 and md1 - ? how are they related11:35
omidand now I must reboot?11:35
tech0008how can i make hardy mount my psp automatically? it used to work.11:35
Bodsda!fstab | tech000811:35
ubottutech0008: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:35
erUSULomid: yep11:36
tech0008Bodsda: tried that11:36
omidok! I will back in a few min! Thanks! hope it work!11:36
Bodsdatech0008, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions11:37
ikoniatech0008: it's most likley the volume lable causing an issue, what is the psp volume lable ?11:37
greek_user[Q] I had used FreeBSD in the past, and it had a cool shell feature: when you typed a partial command and used the up/down keys in the shell, only those commands from history that begun with what i had typed so far were appearing. Can I have this functionality in ubuntu 8.04 ?11:37
Bodsdaomg! your! welcome!11:37
ikoniagreek_user: what shell was it ?11:37
tech0008greek_user: tab key11:37
Bodsdagreek_user, up/down arrow keys show recently used commands, and <tab> key auto finishes commands/file names/paths11:38
jattdoes flash work for amd64 systems with hardy heron? (without a 32bit chroot).11:38
Bodsdajatt, yes11:38
ikoniajatt: there are options to use it, the sucess rate is varied11:38
Bodsdaikonia, err,. i installed yesterday and can use flash (64 bit distro)11:38
ikoniaBodsda: did you read what I said "there are options to use it, the results are varied though"11:39
ikoniaBodsda: I didn't say "it doesn't work" or "can't be done" - I'm using it hear.11:39
jattthat's great. Hopefully JAVA Firefox Plugin works too in amd64 without emulating 32bit11:39
ikoniajatt: again, not nativly11:39
Bodsdaikonia, options? sorry, it sounded like you meant it was dificult to get working11:39
jattif yes I will upgrade from dapper to heron11:39
logixoul_Hey, I get the error described in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/233950. Can anyone help?11:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 233950 in linux "No rule to make target 'asm-offsets.c' during make modules_prepare" [Undecided,New]11:40
ikoniaBodsda: it can be, and it doen't work on all sites/all systems11:40
Bodsdaikonia, ok.,,.ty11:40
ikonialogixoul_: why ar eyou trying to build your own kerne ?11:40
ikoniakernel ?11:40
omid_NO SOUND NO SOUND!11:40
jattikonia: what does "not nativly mean"? Do I need a 32bit chroot to see java applets in an amd64bit system with hardy heron?11:40
erUSULjatt: i installed the icedtea baesd java plugin and it somehow works but i do not use it heavily11:41
ikoniajatt: the java plugin is not 64bit11:41
omid_but I was rebooting ubuntu, when it was loading I got a noise on my External speaker, but Now, NO SOUNDDDDDDDDDD11:41
jattdo I need compatibility libs (like lib32 (or similar package))?11:41
greek_userFor example, I used:    1) vi test.c  2) gcc test.c   3) vi sample.c 4) gcc sample.c   Now if i only type "vi" and use up/down, only vi test.c and vi sample.c appear, instead of the full history. Also that would be usefull if you type "sudo" and then up-down. Only the sudo commands appear. Tab is that case is not appropriate. I think it was bash (on freebsd).11:41
Bodsda!shout | omid_11:41
ubottuomid_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:41
ikoniajatt: depends on how you use it, but you will need some form of environment to run the 32bit stuff11:41
jattI see11:42
malikbi have a cd with kubuntu8.04-64bit... how can i upgrade from gutsy __without__ fetching packages from the web?11:42
omid_Sorry! Forgive me!11:42
tech0008omid_: did u hear the gnome login?11:42
ikoniagreek_user: what shell wher eyou using in bsd11:42
greek_userikonia: it was bash11:42
gluonmanWhat is the best way to compile C++ programs in Ubuntu? I'm not knew to C++, just used to it in Visual Studio. I am using Scite to write the code, and I can save it as a text file, but how do I run the program?11:42
omid_tech0008 no!11:42
ikoniagreek_user: I've never seen bash work with that, you sure you didn't have "set -o vi" in your profile ?11:43
Bodsda!compile > gluonman11:43
tech0008omid_: what did u hear while rebooting?11:43
Bodsdagluonman, please read the pm from ubottu11:43
greek_userI'll have to check it11:43
jattg++ program11:43
greek_userthanks for now11:43
ikoniagreek_user: something similar can be done with "set -o vi"11:43
ikoniagreek_user: or "exec bash -o vi"11:44
omid_a sound like that sound you hear when you are connection a speaker, a noise11:44
gluonmanBodsda, alright. I'll be back if the information wasn't useful.11:44
greek_userikonia, let me check that :) thank you!11:44
Bodsdagluonman, ok ;~)11:44
gnuubcould you please tell me how to change refresh and resolution on desktop and on login window?11:44
omid_tech0008:   a sound like that sound you hear when you are connection a speaker, a noise11:46
omid_tech0008: can you understand me? When I connect External Speaker, I Hear my Music for about 2 Sec and Then it mute...!11:46
tech0008!patience | omid11:47
ubottuomid: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:47
greek_userikonia, how do i disable set -o vi ?11:50
omid_I cannot use my "Fingerprint", My "Dual Monitor", My "Speaker" and many thing else in Ubuntu....11:50
greek_user+o ?11:50
greek_userok, i think i found it...11:51
=== Bodsda is now known as ubot4
ne2k__what package supplied inetd on ubuntu, and where does it get started? I've just installed tftpd-hpa and it doesn't seem to be working... further examination reveals that there is no inetd process running and I can't seem to work out if it's even installed!11:53
=== ubot4 is now known as Bodsda
wangerclumpdo i need to download drivers for Realtek ALC889A in ubuntu?11:54
omid_Where I can get in tool to config my AutoDetect headphone jack?11:55
Bodsda!find inetd11:56
ubottuFound: openbsd-inetd, update-inetd, xinetd, inetutils-inetd, libconfig-inetd-perl (and 4 others)11:56
Bodsda!info update-inetd | ne2k__11:57
ubottune2k__: update-inetd (source: update-inetd): inetd.conf updater. In component main, is important. Version 4.27-0.6 (hardy), package size 10 kB, installed size 92 kB11:57
wangerclumpwho is that for?11:57
ne2k__Bodsda: so, is there no inetd installed by default? there doesn't seem to be one running11:57
Bodsdane2k__, im not sure, i just thought ubottu might no11:57
wangerclumpdo i need to download sound drivers?11:58
ne2k__how can you have a unix system without inetd? this is insane!11:58
ifireballne2k__: no, doens't seem to be installed by default, plenty to choose from though11:58
Bodsdawhat is inetd?11:59
ifireballne2k__: inetd is a very old and obsolete concept, nothing serious uses it nowdays11:59
ne2k__seems strange that the default install of tftpd-hpa on ubuntu uses inetd, but doesn't require it to be installed. that is broken, imo11:59
bazhang!find inetd11:59
ubottuFound: openbsd-inetd, update-inetd, xinetd, inetutils-inetd, libconfig-inetd-perl (and 4 others)11:59
Bodsdabazhang, did that ;~)11:59
ifireballne2k__: just use tftpd12:00
wangerclumpdo i need to download sound drivers?12:00
Bodsda!patience | wangerclump12:00
ubottuwangerclump: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:00
tech0008wangerclump: not usually12:00
Bodsdawangerclump, oh, apologies, that was meant to say plz wait 5 minutes before reposting12:00
=== Cristian is now known as PoLiMaRsPaRvIeRo
ne2k__ifireball: it's not in the repository. apt-cache search tftpd returns only tftpd-hpa12:00
ifireballne2k__: its a pseudo-package that installs what you need and depends on one of the tftp servers12:00
Bodsdawhy did the ops change a perfectlt good factoid?12:01
wangerclumppushing the up arrow is so much easier! :)12:01
ifireballne2k__: its in universe12:01
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:01
onatshow do i upgrade the kernel version?12:01
onatsim still on
wangerclumpwell im trying to use a program called hydrogen and it says error starting audio driver12:02
ne2k__ifireball: whut?12:02
tech0008onats: output of 'uname -r' ?12:02
ifireballne2k__: in the universe repository, did you enable it?12:02
arvind_khadrionats, shoot up synaptic and download the latest kernel12:02
wangerclumpbut the sound works in Hda Intel (alsa mixer)12:02
onatstech0008, its
tech0008onats: make sure you have 'linux-generic' package installed12:03
onatstech0008, checking...12:03
ifireballne2k__: if you want to avoid enabling other repos just install xinetd on openbsd-inetd12:03
ne2k__ifireball: I've never heard of having different levels of repository. I used synaptic and it found it, but apt-cache search didn't. this is weird.12:04
AndycasWhen i try ndiswrapper -l the program hangs. Right before that i was messing with -mi -ma -m options12:04
ifireballne2k__: very new to ubuntu arn't you?12:04
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories12:04
ne2k__ifireball: yep. been using debian for years.12:04
Andycashow to remove ndiswrapper completly so it wouldnt store a single configuration file (i did not build it, used dep package)12:05
ifireballne2k__: take a look at synaptic's repo configuration screen, ubuntu did a LOT of changes there12:05
ifireballne2k__: anyway, seems ubuntu avoids installing an inetd by default, I thing this is wise, security-wise12:06
AndycasCan someone tell me why lspci and lsusb hangs when i try to use them?12:07
tj83does anyone know where to find a good weather desktop widget?12:07
ne2k__ifireball: yeah, I guess it's fair enough12:07
bazhangtj83, with compiz or without12:08
tj83bazhang, with compiz12:08
bazhang!info screenlets12:08
ubottuscreenlets (source: screenlets): Widget-like mini-applications for GNOME. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.0.12-0ubuntu5 (hardy), package size 1939 kB, installed size 7832 kB12:08
bazhangsee above tj8312:08
tj83bazhang. thanx12:09
ne2k__this is really flipping confusing. I just installed tftpd with synaptic, it succeeded, and dpkg -l |grep tftp returns nothing. what is going on?12:10
=== benzs_s is now known as benzss
tj83bazhang, i have installed screenlets... how to open or configure?12:11
Andycasmy lsusb doesnt work, it hangs when i use it. lspci works fine however. Whats wrong?12:11
onatstech0008, i have the linux-generic package12:11
bazhangtj83, what about alt f2 screenlets12:12
onatsarvind_khadri, which package should i install?12:12
ne2k__it claims in synaptic package details to have installed /usr/sbin/in.tftpd, but in fact it hasn't12:12
ifireballne2k__: not sure, does dpkg -l list virtual packages?12:12
osfameronAndycas: I don't know, but do you have any more info - like, does it output *anything* before hanging?  If so, what's the last thing it outputs?  And have you recently installed new hardware etc.?12:12
tech0008onats: 'sudo apt-get update', then 'sudo apt-get upgrade' then 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'12:12
tj83bazhang, nm I fount the manager under preferences... no "screenlets" didnt do anything12:12
arvind_konats, do you have all the repos enabled...sometimes the new kernel is given through proposed updates...12:12
onatstech0008, won't that upgrade me to 8.04?12:13
ne2k__ifireball: it simply hasn't installed any of the files it says it has. this is broken, if you ask me12:13
Bitsafter updating to 8.04, I lost my flash... how do I get it back?12:13
onatsarvind_k, yup, its all ticked, except sources12:13
logixoul_Hi. Where can I download a full tarball of the xorg's source as used in Hardy?12:13
Andycasosfameron: It does not output anything, it just hangs there, ctrl c doesnt have any effect on it either. syslog does not have anything relating to it either. I did install usb wifi device, tried to get it working with ndiswrapper but did not work. Ive plugged it out now...12:13
ikonialogixoul_: xord is modular12:13
arvind_konats, ok which ubuntu are you using??12:13
ikonialogixoul_: xorg sorry12:13
onatsarvind_k, 7.1012:13
osfameronAndycas: and if you reboot without the usb device, does it still hang?12:14
Andycasosfameron: havent tried. Will do12:14
arvind_konats, ok...maybe the team hasnt put the latest kernels up for 7.10...12:14
onatsi see12:14
arvind_konats, which you said you have12:14
ifireballne2k__: never seen anything like that happen, I don't think its broken, though I never tried those packages12:15
onatsso i guess i'm still up to date...12:15
fale_I wanted know where can I find libboost-system in the ubuntu rep... is there?12:15
arvind_konats, :) ya12:15
arvind_konats, dont worry updates will come to you automagically12:15
tech0008fale_: 'apt-cache search <packagename>'12:15
onatsactually i need to fix up my machine, coz display's not working properly12:16
arvind_konats, ok whats the issue??12:16
onatsinstalled a new nvidia 7600GS card.. now display is incorrect..12:16
gluonmanIs anyone familiar with Scite Text Editor?12:16
onatsits always reverting to gdm failsafe mode...12:16
ifireballne2k__: does "dpkg -L inetd" work?12:16
fale_tech0008: well, ubuntu 8.04 have the old libboost where there wasn't include, than I think it will be with another name, like asio12:16
ne2k__ifireball: inetd is not installed12:17
arvind_konats, hmm tried configuring X12:17
ifireballne2k__: or maybe "dpkg -l \*inetd\*" ?12:17
ne2k__ifireball: I uninstalled it. I'm trying the tftpd-hpa again, as that actually installs12:17
onatsarvind_k, yup. every restart brings it back to failsafe mode. which i think has something to do with drivers12:17
ne2k__ifireball: in daemon mode12:17
arvind_konats, you dont have the drivers??12:17
ifireballne2k__: well, that may be a batter idea anyway12:18
glitsj16onats: anything usefull in /var/log/Xorg.0.log to debug your setup ?12:18
=== ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz
ne2k__it would be wonderful if it worked12:19
=== nugraha is now known as mug
JonathanEllisHI. I have a problem with the "pdf file generator" printer. When I print it doesnt seem to create a pdf file. I googled and found that the default output path is ~/PDF. This directory didnt exist so I created it, but the pdfs do not appear here. Has anyone else had a similar problem?12:20
xrcwith what programms in Ubuntu can I detect network bandwidth, latency, packet loss (besides ping) and even simulate packet loss?12:20
anirudh0JonathanEllis: nope..check if cups-pdf is installed12:20
ifireballne2k__: try openbsd-inetd its in the main repo, better quality controls there, never seen a broken package in universe, but who knows12:21
ne2k__ifireball: and which tftp server?12:21
anirudh0JonathanEllis: also see the "print to file" option..is different from the pdf printer and allows you to choose the location of the pdf12:21
arvind_kxrc, iptraf12:21
arvind_kxrc, i guess so12:21
ifireballne2k__: tftpd-hpa seems to be the only one in the main repo12:21
eleetmindhow do i move files from a command line in example i have 300 files inside of one folder. I dont want to move the folder its self just all of the files to another folder. I know its mv but whats next12:22
ifireballne2k__: (just follow the brown logo in synaptic...)12:22
ne2k__ifireball: what about xinetd? it's supposed to be better, isn't it?12:22
s4phirhi all12:22
gwpfor some reason I lost my task manager and my minimized programs bar, how do I get them back?12:22
anirudh0eleetmind: mv does everything12:23
ifireballne2k__: not sure if update-inetd creates proper configuration for it, YMMV, I haven't tried any of this stuff in years12:23
eleetmindanirud0 how do i just get the files inside? mv -R /home/user/folder /somefolder this moves the whole folder i just want the files inside12:23
anirudh0eleetmind: do a mv <folder>/* <new-location>12:24
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash12:24
anirudh0eleetmind: * is a bash wildcard ...stands for "everything in the folder"12:24
JonathanEllisanirudh0: cups-pds is installed. When I print to it, a progress bar counts up to 100% so i appears to be working. Just that the file doesnt appear in ~/PDF. Is the "print to file" option just available in Firefox or is it part of ubuntu?12:24
jribeleetmind: mv /home/user/folder/{*,.*} <new-location>12:24
eleetmindaww thats nice :)12:24
jribeleetmind: * only stands for "everything that does not start with a '.'"12:25
anirudh0JonathanEllis: its there in most apps..so i guess its part of ubuntu12:25
anirudh0eleetmind: yes12:25
eleetmindthank you12:25
s4phiris it possible to extend my wireless lan and connect my pc to the second access point which is connected wirelessly to the first one?12:25
arvindonats, use envy12:25
anirudh0eleetmind: files starting with a leading .  are hidden12:25
eleetmindoh jrib . hidden files too12:25
bazhang!info envyng-gtk | onats12:25
ubottuonats: envyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB12:25
DIFH-icerooti am using a software (fake) RAID 1 System. i want to install ubuntu on this RAID 1 but ubuntu is showing the 2 hdds, how can i install ubuntu on the RAID 1 array in the GUI installation-programm?12:25
anirudh0eleetmind: in that case use *.* in place of *12:25
JonathanElliss4phir: Yes but you need to buy an access point that is capable of running as a wireless client12:26
jribanirudh0: that still won't work12:26
anirudh0jrib: ?12:26
Bodsdajrib, what are you trying to do12:26
=== arvind is now known as arvind_khadri
eleetmindso its going to be like this mv -R /home/user/folder/*.*,.* /newfolder12:27
JonathanElliss4phir: Alternatively why dont you just put a wifi card in your pc?12:27
jribanirudh0: *.* won't glob ".foo", it won't glob "foo" either12:27
DIFH-icerootubuntu is showing sda6 (etx3) sdb 6 (ext3) sda7 (swap) sdb7 (swap) but i can only use sda or sdb12:27
jribBodsda: help eleetmind :)12:27
jribeleetmind: you need the braces I had, it gets expanded12:27
anirudh0jrib: ahh..yes..sorry12:27
Bodsdajrib, and whats he trying to do?12:27
anirudh0Bodsda: cp hidden files12:28
jribeleetmind: and there isn't any -R switch for mv12:28
Bodsdaanirudh0,  /.*12:28
eleetmindso its going to be like this mv /home/user/folder/{*.*,.*} /newfolder12:28
i01nsuanyone knows any graphical FTP server ?12:28
jribBodsda: he is coping the contents of a directory to another12:28
jribeleetmind: no, use * instead of *.*12:28
eleetmindand everything including hidden files12:28
eleetmindaww okay12:28
Bodsdajrib, cp /path/somewhere/.* /path/to/anywhere12:28
anirudh0Bodsda: the guy in question wants one cmd to copy everything..normal+hidden12:28
eleetmindso its going to be like this mv /home/user/folder/{*,.*} /newfolder12:29
JonathanEllisanirudh0: If I can use the "print to file option" does that mean it is safe to remove "pdf_file_generator"?12:29
jribeleetmind: yes, that should work12:29
anirudh0JonathanEllis: i am not sure..but my guess is, no12:29
eleetmind:P thank you12:29
|Kamen|is the packages site down?12:29
Bodsdaeleetmind, just do this         mv ~/folder/*. /newfolder && mv ~/folder/* /folder12:30
eleetmindwow now im confused12:30
eleetmindokay i got it12:30
Bodsdaeleetmind, just do this         mv ~/folder/*. /newfolder && mv ~/folder/* /newfolder12:30
eleetmindmove everything in the first wildcard to folder and then do second wild card12:30
anirudh0Bodsda: eleetmind 's earlier syntax clubbed the 2 into 112:30
Bodsdaeleetmind, made a mistake first time12:30
anirudh0Bodsda: {.*,*}12:31
jribbobstro: mistake still there though :)12:31
Bodsdaanirudh0, yeah, but it was nasty lookin and horribly difficult to understand12:31
jribBodsda: mistake still there though :)  ".*" instead of "*."12:31
arvind_khadrionats, ???12:31
Bodsdaeleetmind, just do this         mv ~/folder/.* /newfolder && mv ~/folder/* /newfolder12:31
tech0007use nautilus12:32
Bodsdagggrrr!! stupid bash12:32
eleetmindokay i think i got it12:32
eleetmindthnaks guys12:32
Bodsdano tab completion/syntax highlighting in xchat,.,.lol12:32
jribeleetmind: there are several ways to accomplish what you want as you can see12:32
Bodsdalol yeah ;~)12:32
eleetmindi need to get real close with bash as i am going to be using fvwm :P12:33
=== Christina18 is now known as needhelp
JonathanElliss4phir: I have successfully used a D-link DWL-900AP+ to extend a wifi network in this way. My problem was putting wifi inside a moored boat. So I had a wireless router on the shore transmitting to a wifi antenna on the top of the boat. The DWL-900AP received the wifi signal and converted it to ethernet. Then inside the boat I had another wireless router to broadcast the signal to my laptop. It worked quite well. The only problem is that the DWL-12:33
eleetmindand scripting is a pain12:33
jribeleetmind: in zsh: *(D) globs everything including dots </zsh_promotion>12:33
JonathanElliss4phir: What is your application?12:33
needhelpHello. Anyone know the FreeMind officeprogram?12:33
eleetmindaww apt-get install zsh then run zsh12:33
JonathanEllisanirudh0: Thanks. I will just leave as is12:34
anirudh0jrib: *(D)?12:34
anirudh0is that a smiley?12:34
JonathanEllisneedhelp: I use Freemind. What is the problem?12:34
onatsbazhang, couldn't find package...12:34
jribanirudh0: heh12:34
BlinkizHave a question related to Terminal Server Client (rdesktop). If I run in full screen mode, how can I minimize rdesktop? Or, how can I switch between workspaces if I have rdesktop in full screen on one?12:34
onatscan envyng-gtk be found in synaptics?12:34
eleetmindokay enough with bash we got a solution people will soon be bashing their heads against the keyboards12:34
Heroinmy firefox keeps crashing12:34
needhelpJonathanEllis: I want to have to independent parents which one child descends from12:34
Blinkizonats: yes12:34
eleetmindthank you everyone for the help12:34
BactaWill Ubuntu run better under 1gig of ram rather than 512?12:35
ne2k__ifireball: I have been completely and utterly idiotic12:35
SwedeMikeBacta: you can never have too much memory.12:35
* anirudh0 is 2>112:35
jribBacta: of course, anything would12:35
onatsblinkiz, i can't find it... im running a 64-bit version of ubuntu.. is that why?12:35
needhelpJonathanD: need two parent nodes12:35
GatestoneHow do I add my Dell D620 touchpad sensitivity beyond what is possible on the standard Preferences?12:35
jribonats: no, it's there12:35
frup_more than 2gb of memory under Ubuntu is pretty much unused12:35
ifireballBlinkiz: F8 (or was it crl-F8?) pops up a menu in full-screen rdesktop AFAIK12:35
JonathanEllisneedhelp: One child with two parents? Dont think you can do that. But you can use an arrow to link to the second parent. I also used MindManager on Windows and that will not do it either12:35
onatsjrib, :(( its "envyng-gtk" right?12:35
ifireballne2k__: it happens to the best ^^;;12:36
ne2k__ifireball: I was running apt-get and dpkg on the server through ssh, but synaptic on the local machine, and trying to run tftp client to test it on another machine I was ssh'd into that doesn't even have access to this network directly12:36
jribonats: make sure you have universe enabled.  Yes, "envyng-gtk"12:36
Heroinmy firefox keeps crashing12:36
frup_have 4gb and have not managed to use it all yet, that's wit virtualbox running vista too!12:36
ne2k__ifireball: this is what's known as "too tired"12:36
DIFH-iceroothm, if i am searching at google, it seemed that ubuntu cannot handle fake RAID 1 arrays :(12:36
|Kamen|I am attempting to install package Gnaural, but it is not showing in synaptic. the ubuntu packages website appears to be down as well12:36
anirudh0frup_: how much does virtualbox take?12:36
BlinkizBacta: Having alot of programs running and my ubuntu using 480 MB. About 130 MB does Firefox take up on my computer. So, no, 512 is fine.12:36
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needhelpJonathanEllis: how do you create a second parent that is not connected with the other parent ?12:37
BactaI guess as soon as EVince is fixed my ram usage will go down12:37
ashishhow to test microphone12:37
ifireballne2k__: indeed, good thing you arn't actually moving any user data around...12:37
BactaI mean some files it peaks at 1.5 gigs :x12:37
Blinkizonats: Should be their anyway. Search for envy and you should get it12:37
anirudh0ashish: gnome-sound-recorder12:37
needhelpJonathanEllis: or is it not possible to draw a simple family tree with it ?12:37
ashishhow to test microphone in ubuntu 8.0412:37
Bactabug reports have been filed et cetera12:37
ne2k__ifireball: I think that has to rank fairly highly on the idiocy scales. like me chasing around a problem with ntpd (including downloading the latest source and recompiling it on two machine with different distributions) only to discover it was a typo. 173.31... instead of 172.31...12:37
JonathanEllisneedhelp: create it as another top-level node or a node in another branch12:37
onatsblinkiz, its very weird.. i cant find it12:38
tech0007|Kamen|: not sure if there's Gnaural in the repo...12:38
c_lispcan somebody help me im trying to send mail using mail from mail utils when I type mail myemail@blah.com I get a subject line I type what I want but how to I go to the next step?12:38
ashishbut it does not works in that12:38
ifireballne2k__: get some sleep/coffee...12:38
jribc_lisp: maybe ctrl-d12:38
JonathanEllisneedhelp: No it is not possible to use it to create a family tree. The tree only branches outwards, not back in again - just like an organic tree12:38
jribc_lisp: or enter for the subject12:38
anirudh0ashish: see if mic is muted in alsamixer12:39
erUSULc_lisp: type the body of the msg and then crtl + D (EOF)12:39
|Kamen|tech0007: website claims it is, and google finds entries in packages.ubuntu.com for it, I just cant get to the site12:39
c_lispok let me try that thanks12:39
JonathanEllisneedhelp: I guess you need a family tree application or a flowcharter12:39
ne2k__ifireball: it's lunchtime (12:39)12:39
DIFH-icerootc_lisp: mail -s "subject" mailadresse | echo "bodytext"12:39
tech0007|Kamen|:  what version are you on12:39
|Kamen|tech007: hardy12:39
arvind_khadrionats, what happened i was away12:39
ifireballne2k__: lunch then :P12:39
ne2k__ifireball: going ot get a burger from the burger van up the road (friday ritual in the office)12:39
eleetmindokay guys ill be back in awhile need to see if this works if so i will let ya know. Oh my what a rhyme haha.12:39
needhelpJonathanEllis: okay. But how do you create another top-level node?12:39
erUSULc_lisp: it is mail -s "my subject" mail@adress.com <enter> type ... type ... type ... <crtl + D> iirc12:39
ifireballne2k__: please don't do that over ssh :P12:40
tech0007|Kamen|: 'apt-cache search Gnaural'12:40
ashishhow to open alsamixer12:41
adrian1520how do i force mount my hard drive12:41
JonathanEllisneedhelp: The same way you created the first one. Oh - do you mean can you create a second title in the centre in the same mindmap? No you cant. In that case you can only create a second second-level node.12:41
erUSULashish: type alsamixer on a terminal and hit enter12:41
JonathanEllisneedhelp: Just like you cant have two root directories!#12:41
|Kamen|tech007: that returns absoltuely nothing. no output whatsoever12:41
tech0007|Kamen|: i only see it in feisty..not sure w/ hardy12:42
anirudh0|Kamen|: which shows that the package is missing12:42
anirudh0is universe,multiverse,et all enabled?12:42
|Kamen|tech0007: is it not possible to install the feisty package into hardy then?12:42
psaikidoI have accidentally ended up with two near identical user accounts and now want to remove the redunant one, I used sudo userdel -r <username>, it then tells me that the users is logged on.  I've tried several things to log off that user but to no avail.  How can I blat that user?12:42
JonathanEllisneedhelp: Every directory is a child of the root directory. In the same way on any mind map program, every node is a child (or grand-child) of the root level node. Does that make sense to you?12:42
needhelpJonathanEllis: okay, sad. Thanks for your info.12:42
anirudh0|Kamen|: not a good idea..libc version changed in between12:42
anirudh0JonathanEllis: you are talking about processes?12:43
adrian1520How Do I Force Mount My Hard Drive (Please!!! I Need To Access My Pictures To Move Them To A Removable Drive)12:43
Nchaladawhy does windows xp run faster under VirtualBox than it does natively?! lol12:43
anirudh0adrian1520: -o force12:43
Dr_Willisadrian1520,  you are refering to a windows ntfs parttion?12:43
adrian1520 Yes12:43
JonathanEllisneedhelp: Are you trying to build a family tree? In that case there are many family tree apps out there. You could also try a flowcharter. There are many of those out there too12:44
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anirudh0adrian1520: as an option to mount12:44
JonathanEllisanirudh0: Do you mean my analogy to needhelp?12:44
tech0007|Kamen|: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnaural/0.4.20070301-112:44
JonathanEllisanirudh0: Do you mean my analogy to needhelp?12:44
adrian1520 i know but i says to go into windows and safely remove it, and i can't because i removed windows, so i have to force mount it.12:45
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anirudh0JonathanEllis: i dont know whatyou and needhelp were talking about :)12:45
IndyGunFreakanirudh0: i don't think he does either..lol12:45
Dr_Willisadrian1520,  you can mount it from the terminal with the proper sudo mount -o force *otheroptions* command.12:45
psaikidoI have accidentally ended up with two near identical user accounts and now want to remove the redunant one, I used sudo userdel -r <username>, it then tells me that the users is logged on.  I've tried ~ How can I blat that user?12:45
JonathanEllisanirudh0: You asked if I was talking about processes?12:45
IndyGunFreakanirudh0: what device are you trying to force mounjt?12:45
anirudh0adrian1520: sudo mount -vt ntfs-3g -o force /dev/<dev> <mountpoint>12:45
Dr_Willisadrian1520,  i know of no way to 'force' it from the command line12:45
GG_DELLBonjour. Sorry, I have been automatically thrown here bye xchat...12:46
GG_DELL"by" that is12:46
Dr_Willisadrian1520,  oop i ment no way from the GUI. :)12:46
jribpsaikido: deluser is probably better12:46
GG_DELLAnd Bye.12:46
Nchaladaadrian1520, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81157012:46
BactaFirefox crashed12:46
adrian1520  k thanks i12:46
anirudh0JonathanEllis: i was curious about what the talk was about..thats all12:46
Bactait won't restart12:46
|Kamen|tech0007: according to that a package has been built for hardy, so it should be in the repos, no?12:46
jribpsaikido: thought it probably won't resolve your issue12:46
psaikido:jrib - thanks, i'll try12:46
adrian1520 il12:46
Bactaand there are no Firefox processes running (other processes)12:46
Bactawhat to do?12:46
adrian1520ill check it out12:46
psaikido:jrbi just tried that and it gives the same message that it can't delete because the user is logged in12:47
anirudh0psaikido: if the user is loggen on, the user switcher applet will allow you to access that account..then logout and continue12:47
needhelpJonathanEllis: k, I will look for a family tree app12:47
JonathanEllisanirudh0: Trying to explain the tree structure in freemind ( a mind-mapping program). The structure is similar to a directory structure in that you have one top-level node with several child nodes, branching out in a tree structure12:47
Bactacan someone help? This is the same bs I'd expect from Windows, not Linux12:47
IndyGunFreakBacta: then go back to windows..12:48
psaikidoanirudh0: yes, that was one of the things I tried and it still clings to life somehow12:48
glitsj16Bacta: try starting via "firefox -safe-mode"12:48
Bactathanks glitsj1612:48
anirudh0JonathanEllis: ok..i did'nt know what freemind was either :)12:48
anirudh0psaikido: open sys mon..force kill all that user's processes..i think you'll need to be root for that though12:48
Bactaok now Terminal crashed12:48
anirudh0Bacta: xterm?12:49
JonathanEllisanirudh0: Mind-mapping. A very cool way to organise ideas and things and increase creativity and productivity12:49
BactaI'm not doing anything remote12:49
anirudh0JonathanEllis: interesting..will look into it12:49
ne2k__ifireball: ssh andy@burgervan place-order --cheese --egg --chilli-sauce --bacon burger12:50
Bactaand can someone please kick/ban these "go back to Windows" trolls? They're not helping :(12:50
anirudh0Bacta: try using xterm..if xterm starts crashing then your system is essentially unusable12:50
ifireballne2k__: ^^;;12:50
adrian1520 Ok I looked and typed what it said it it came up with this.  " invalid option -- 0 "12:50
ashishhow to increase the level of microphone in alsamixer12:51
prodigelhi all. How can I see which apps are installed with a package?12:51
glitsj16Bacta: hace you tried starting firefox (temporarily) with a fresh profile ? firefox -Profilemanager (btw, which version are you running ?12:51
Heroinmy firefox keeps crashing12:51
anirudh0adrian1520: -o force?12:51
anirudh0its 'o' , not 012:51
anirudh0and a single -12:51
psaikidomm, weird - no processes listed for that user but still it claims to be logged in when I attempt to delete the user12:51
Heroinmy firefox keeps crashing iam using Firefox3 (just updated)12:52
Bactaglitsj16: Can't even get a Terminal, I'm gonna have to reboot...could my issues be to do with running the beta of 8.04?12:52
psaikidoHeroin: firefox3 seems pretty unstable12:52
anirudh0adrian1520: your drive was ntfs right?12:52
IndyGunFreakHeroin: FF3 has been really wonky in its beta releases.. I went back to FF2 and all has been fine12:52
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anirudh0Bacta: you are in gnome?12:52
glitsj16Heroin: ok, same procedure, try "firefox-3 -safe-mode"12:52
psaikidoHeroin: ff2 much better12:52
sivaji Heroin start from terminal so that you can find the reason for crash12:52
Bactamaybe I should upgrade12:53
anirudh0Bacta: alt f2 works?12:53
Heroinsivaji: yah i will do that12:53
Bactabut I can't find the upgrade option under updates12:53
anirudh0Bacta: you need to run update-manager -d(iirc)..or apt-get dist-upgrade12:53
ashishhow to increase the volume of microphone in alsamixer12:53
ne2k__psaikido: I've been running ff3 for a week now with no problems.12:53
|Kamen|ok, attempting to install this deb file now12:53
anirudh0ashish: up arrow ;)12:53
anirudh0psaikido: same here12:54
ne2k__psaikido: well, gnash won't play youtube videos, but that's not a problem with ff12:54
sevenlinuxhi all, i need some help here regarding ubuntu can't install at notebook clevo Model M54JE12:54
psaikidone2k__: ah, good, i had multiple unfortunatley12:54
anirudh0psaikido: might have something to do with unstable extensions12:54
tech0007|Kamen|: where did u get the deb?12:54
Nchaladaso, any ideas why XP is faster under VirtualBox than it is natively?12:55
Nchaladabloody strange if you ask me12:55
psaikidoanirudh0: so my user accounts seem fubar - any ideas?12:55
|Kamen|tech0007: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/i386/gnaural/0.4.20070301-1 that one12:55
anirudh0psaikido: when all else fails...reboot ;)12:55
|Kamen|there was no hardy 1386 version12:56
psaikidoanirudh0: hehe12:56
ifireballNchalada: not at all, vbox presents the perfect hardware to the OS not the failure-prone real thing12:56
Robert125How do I update ubuntu via CD?12:56
anirudh0Robert125: update via cd?12:56
BacardiHello world12:57
Robert125anirudh0: Yesm alternate CD12:57
tech0007|Kamen|: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/7879420/gnaural_0.4.20070301-1_i386.deb12:57
oldenglishAlright, so what I want is to have a single command line to open up when i hit a key, allow me to enter a command, and then disappear after and run the command. Anyone seen anything like that before? Sort of similar to the windows "run" option, in a way.12:57
Pxrboyhi, i usually use  Pidgin for my instant messenging, but over the last couple of days whenever i start it, it doesnt open :(12:57
glitsj16oldenenglish: Alt+F212:57
anirudh0Robert125: well...just load it into the drive..synaptic should show "new sofware source from cd"12:57
|Kamen|tech0007: that is the one I downloaded12:58
ashishwhat is privoxy12:58
c_lispwhen using mail from mailutils after I type my subject I hit ctrl+d but then it skips the body how can I fix that?12:58
glitsj16oldenglish: Alt+F2 (sorry for the misspelling your nick)12:58
ashishhow to block websitge12:58
oldenglishglitsj16: nice, i was hoping for something a little more 'pretty', though12:58
erUSULc_lisp: it is mail -s "my subject" mail@adress.com <enter> type ... type ... type ... <crtl + D> as i said earlier12:58
ashishhow to block website being opened12:58
anirudh0ashish: see privoxy.org12:58
oldenglishis it possible to remap that to another key?12:58
glitsj16oldenglish: what's not pretty about that ? :p12:58
tech0007|Kamen|: got the deb from this site https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/i386/gnaural/0.4.20070301-112:58
anirudh0oldenglish: not afaik12:59
Dr_Willisashish,  or put its address/name in the hosts file pointing to :)12:59
erUSULc_lisp: the subject must be passed as command line option12:59
c_lispoh ok thanks you I probably didn't read it all the way12:59
anirudh0Dr_Willis: that will cause major grief later on12:59
c_lispthats what I was doing wrong12:59
oldenglishjust remapped it in keyboard shortcuts12:59
oldenglishbut i was hoping it would just be a simple line and thats all the window was12:59
anirudh0oldenglish: oh..nice..why though?12:59
oldenglishreal minimalist is what im going for12:59
|Kamen|hm. bah, already installed the other one. one sec...13:00
oldenglishbecause im used to hitting tilde for a console13:00
anirudh0oldenglish: well..there might be some screenlet that does it..plasma in kde4 has a nice plasmoid for that13:00
nyuuow hi13:00
anirudh0oldenglish: install tilda13:00
anirudh0oldenglish: quake style terminal :)13:00
nyuuI have installed kde on my  ubuntu and I want to remove gnome13:00
tech0007tilda is cool13:01
nyuuhow can I do it13:01
xyresudo apt-get intsall tilda :D13:01
anirudh0nyuu: one sec13:02
_Benafternoon all!13:02
cl3cewI AM COMMER13:02
erUSUL!caps | cl3cew13:02
ubottucl3cew: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.13:02
onatsarvind_khadri, i dont have the envy package13:02
anirudh0nyuu: there is an article on psycocats.net about this...google for "pure kde psycocats"...first link13:03
nyuuyea I have tried it before13:03
nyuubut it removes firefox or something too13:04
nyuuI want to remove only the main gnome13:04
anirudh0nyuu: then just remove firefox from the list13:04
nyuuand the other problem is13:04
_Beni was hoping for a little advice.. i have a sco unix box here at work and need to keep an audit trail of what users do when they ssh or telnet into it. are there any programs that do that on linux? my software house point blank say its impossible13:04
oldenglishstrange. i installed tilde and its just a grey blob whenever i bring the console down.13:05
nyuuwhen I tried that script, my kubuntu was crashed too so I had to reinstall it13:05
IndyGunFreakwhy do i keep getting a keybinding error w/ tilda?13:05
Nchaladaoldenglish, i had / have the same problem... couldn't fix it13:05
ne2k___Ben: I would suggest that you replace sshd and telnetd with your own "modified" alternatives that to logging13:05
nyuumaybe I should try this again13:05
ne2k___Ben: you might find you end up with some pretty huge log files if you're not careful, though13:06
_Benne2k__ thanks. is that the only way to do it? all we really need is to track if files get deleted and if 'dbaccess' is launched and the output it gives13:06
ifireball_Ben: on debian/ubuntu, the system does it for you in /var/log/auth.log13:06
medflyhow do i get playback (by command - i cant get gnome-volume-manager thingie to work, on xubuntu here...)13:07
_Benifireball: thanks. unfortunately our server is stuck with a 2001 release of sco13:07
medflyplayback for mic :D13:07
Pxrboywould anyone know why when i try and start Pidgin IM the window opens, and then closes immediately? i checked and the process itsself stops running aswel... :(13:07
ozkelligirlhi all13:07
IndyGunFreakmedfly: microphones can be a pain depending on the sound device13:08
ifireball_Ben: you can get complete shell logging by wrapping the shell with "script"13:08
Rioting_pacifistmedfly: im not sure if this is what you need, but alsamixer controlls volumes from the comand line13:08
ne2k___Ben: there's always more than one way to do it ;-) you could pump your logs through a script that only logs the bits you're interested in and dumps the rest13:08
medflyIndyGunFreak, well, the mic does work, at least on skype, i just want playback13:08
ifireball_Ben: e.g. I suppose you can replace a users shell in /etc/passwd with script or just run it from his .profile or .bash_profile13:08
medflyRioting_pacifist, yeah... i don't know how to make it have playbacxk there.. thanks :)13:09
glitsj16Pxrboy: try starting pidgin from terminal, that way it might spill some error messages .. without those you're in the darik13:09
ne2k___Ben: you could move dbaccess to dbaccess.real and write a script called dbaccess that runs dbaccess.real | tee logfile13:09
shakirhi guys13:09
Pxrboyglitsj16: il give it a try :)13:09
logixoul_Hi, what package has the xorg sources?13:09
acechHi All!13:09
acechI hope that you are well..13:10
shakiri would like to knw...why is it whenever i use pidgin there's no sound at all???it's as if my sound card is disabled and i cant hear anything13:10
ne2k___Ben: depends on how meticulous you want to be. if you want something that no-one can get around, you're going to have quite a lot of work. if you just want to catch the majority of cases, that might work13:10
_Benne2k__ I like your style... any way to prevent access to dbaccess.real witout having run dbaccess?13:10
ifireball_Ben: what ne2k__ said only with "script -c dbaccess log.file" instead13:10
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ne2k__ifireball: yep, sorry, |tee is crap ;-)13:10
Rioting_pacifistmedfly: i never got my microphone to work, there are a couple of commands like arecord to do it on the lowest level, on a GUI level all i know about is kre but im sure there are equivelent xfce or gnome tools13:11
ne2k__ifireball: maybe script -c dbaccess $* log.file13:11
ifireball_Ben: using informix there?13:11
|Kamen|tech0007: Gnaural is installed and appears to be working. thank you for your help13:11
ne2k__ifireball: or do I mean script -c "dbaccess $*" log.file13:11
SoulChildHi all, is there a way to set my terminal resolution to 1280x800 ???13:11
acechI am trying to share the home directory of my ubuntu machine with a windows machine. I have installed samba and the appropriate lines in the smb.conf. However when I try and access it from windows, although it is browsable, when I try to open my home directory I get a 'is not accessible' error.13:12
SoulChildi mean console-resolution13:12
acechAny ideas?13:12
ne2k___Ben: well, you could make dbaccess.real executable only by root, then suid root the wrapper script, but that's a bit ugly13:12
medflyRioting_pacifist, woah, arecord is weird.13:12
glitsj16Pxrboy: anything usefull pidgin-wise ?13:12
medflyRioting_pacifist, thanks. i mean by playback, i want to hear the noise coming out of my speakers as well. i'm a freak like that:)13:12
ne2k___Ben: there might be a more elegant solution based on the same principle13:13
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package.13:13
azcazandcoI recently bought a laptop and installed ubuntu on it straight away and am now trying to use it as a replacement for my desktop but I am having issues with dual screen.  I have my laptop on the right and want to use my main monitor as my primary but I cannot get it to work as an extended desktop for the life of me.  Any suggestions?13:13
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_Benne2k__ thats kind of what I was thinking but the people have root access anyway.13:13
ne2k__azcazandco: what have you tried, what happens?13:14
oldenglishazcazandco: What kind of video card are you using?13:14
ne2k___Ben: there's very little way of stopping someone who has root access doing anything at all ;-)13:14
FloodBot2NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.13:14
Rioting_pacifistmedfly: im suprised theres no microphone setting in alsamixer or the gnome tool, you could always pipe arecord to aplay or something wierd as a tempary fix13:14
_Benne2k__ the problem is our system is maintained by a software house with 400+ employees and we dont know how many of them know our password13:14
JannoTTIs there way to make x-chat send identify command on startup?13:14
ne2k___Ben: if someone has root access they can change and/or delete the log files anyway, so I see this as rather pointless13:15
azcazandcois an nvidia 6100 go, I have thwe drivers and I have tried both twin view and also separate x but both times I get a signal out of range error13:15
ne2k__gotta go13:15
_Benne2k__ many thanks13:15
azcazandcoI can manage to disable the laoptiop display and enable the external13:15
azcazandcobut not both13:15
adrian1520 Can Someone Give Me A Guide On How To Install TestDisk.tar.bz2 Ive Tried And Failed Many Times.13:16
vltHello. I use OOo Impress for a presentation. There are audio files linked to some slides but I can't hear anything (playing the files with an external player works). Where do I have to set the output device OpenOffice should use?13:16
ifireballne2k__: well, I didn't RTM enough to nail the specifics, exercise up to reader :P13:16
SoulChildHi all, is there a way to set my console resolution to 1280x800 ???13:16
tzfardeaHi, how can I play shn files?13:17
Pxrboyok, ive tried opening Pidgin in terminal, spewed a large message which i dont know what to do with so would someone be able to take a gander at it? :)13:17
_Benifireball can you advise further? I was thinking it may be possible to pipe the log output to an xml service on a server under my control. that way users with root access on the unix box would not be able to delete the logs.13:17
medflyRioting_pacifist, like... arecord > aplay?13:18
glitsj16Pxrboy: use the paste.ubuntu.com service, report back with the url that gives you after copy/pasting the errors and i'll have a look13:18
voodooi have a problem with firefox... if i enter something in address bar it uses live.com instead of google.com (as it used to be) to search for a result.... why? how can I fix this bug?13:18
Pxrboythanks will do :)13:18
JannoTTIs there way to make x-chat send identify command on startup?13:19
medflyvoodoo, could be an addon13:19
medflyJannoTT, ctrl+S13:19
voodooi've just deleted ~/.mozilla directory13:19
voodoosame result13:19
JannoTTsave transcript?13:20
Pxrboyglitsj16: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19870/    theres the paste site :)13:20
medflyJannoTT, uhm... is that xchat-gnome13:20
adrian1520voodoo: you have to type about:config and scroll to the default search engine. that's how i fixed mine a while back.13:20
glitsj16Pxrboy: okay, give me a minute, i'll report back13:21
medflyJannoTT, ah.. that is for the ordinary \xchat... look for "network list" somewher e, maybe13:21
Pxrboythanks :)13:21
azcazandcooldenglish: any suggestions?13:21
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voodooadrian1520, any other suggestion?13:22
m-cCan anyone say why the x-server was updated today?13:22
JannoTTmedfly: oh found it. Thanks!13:22
Rioting_pacifistmedfly: yeah you probably need some wierd --variables and i think it would use | instead of >13:23
oldenglishazcazandco: hmm, dont have any experience with that card...hold on13:23
jribm-c: read the changelog13:23
m-cjrib: The changelog said no information available at this time13:23
azcazandcono worries13:23
logixoul_Hi, what package has the complete xorg sources?13:23
adrian1520 Voodoo: no, type about:config scroll to Keyword.URL and change it to http://www.google.com13:23
m-cjrib: at least that's what it said in the update manager.  Is there a better change log to look at?13:24
jribm-c: that's because the changelog server is slow, you should still be able to look at it in the source package I guess13:24
ifireball_Ben: wow, I can't believe ppl still use that... was a good DB in its day though...13:24
voodooadrian1520, it's google, all right?13:25
x1250ubuntu comes with any app to install fonts? Its just I can't find it, so to look at the repos then13:25
Rioting_pacifisthow do i find out what program is using a port?13:25
m-cjrib: My understanding was that the update manager was only going to push out security patches.  Isn't this x-server software just the new version released this week, first new version in 1.5 years?13:25
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ifireballne2k__: that would mean users get root access when they run it, I think it has a drop-to-shell command...13:25
mib_aanhvlhi.  i have /dev/sda5 that reports as unknown in parted.  /dev/sda6 is linux-swap.  df shows both of them as 500M tmpfs (identical) mounted at /dev.  parted shows /dev/sda5 as 18 G unknown, and /dev/sda6 as 1.8 G linux-swap.  anybody understand what is going on?13:26
c_lispx1250 you can instlal msttcorefonts13:26
cyclobsanyone here know how to fix studdering sound in games?13:26
adrian1520 sorry bro that the only thing i could think of top of my head, it worked for me sorry man13:26
medflytzfardea, did you get an answer?13:26
adrian1520 keep asking round someone will now how to fix it.13:26
x1250c_lisp: I wanto to download some custom apps from a site, and then install them so I can use them on inkscape13:26
tzfardeamedfly, no13:26
acechHas anyone got any ideas??  I am trying to share the home directory of my ubuntu machine with a windows machine. I have installed samba and the appropriate lines in the smb.conf. However when I try and access it from windows, although it is browsable, when I try to open my home directory I get a 'is not accessible' error.13:26
x1250c_lisp: custom apps /custom fonts13:26
Vedestinhow do i get ubuntu to automatically load my wireless drivers on startup, they're in ndiswrapper and i'm using 8.0413:27
Trevelyan`If anyone is interested this explains what is wrong with ubuntu 8.04 initrd that causes persistent to fail: http://paste.debian.net/6374/. you may want to post it somewhere or file it against a bug.13:27
_Benifireball tell me about it... the system we run is an insurance package written origianlly 15+ years ago that has been added to repeatedly13:27
medflytzfardea, http://etree.org/shnutils/shorten/13:27
glitsj16Pxrboy: that's one messy pidgin ... looks like there might be a SSL plugin activated but none available in your system .. hold on please13:27
cyclobsanyone here know how to fix studdering sound in games?13:27
jarcohello. i have a clean uuntu install (latest version) +all updates. Still all traffic to my xp computer is slow. No firewal on the xp side and no limits. Tried ftp + samba and both are about 4kb/s; Anyone has any idea?13:27
mib_aanhvlVedestin, just make a script and add it to /etc/rc.local13:27
c_lispim not sure13:27
jribm-c: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19873/13:27
Pxrboyok :)13:27
_Benifireball, it used to be a tty only system which they recently made 'pretty' using 4js13:28
mib_aanhvlVedestin, my /etc/rc.local is:  modprobe ndiswrapper; /home/me/wireless.sh; exit 013:28
m-cTrevelyan`: Why do you not want to post a bug ?13:28
Vedestinok, cheers mib_aanhvl13:28
ifireball_Ben: sorry, awfully lagged here, ISP is acting up... about the logging, I know syslog can send the logs to another machine, not sure how can you make script log into it though13:28
glitsj16Pxrboy: did you activate/configure anything like that recently ? Just asking, might give me some more info on a possible fix ..13:28
m-cjrib: Wow, thanks for checking on this for me.  I really appreciate it.  Where did you find it?13:28
_Benifireball ok thanks. I'll put some presure on the developers...13:29
Trevelyan`because a) i don't know where ubuntu tracks them, i'm not an ubuntu user, and b) it would mean creating another account somewhere that i'm unlikely to use again13:29
jribm-c: I downloaded the source package (apt-get source PACKAGE) and looked at debian/changelog13:29
Trevelyan`i figured someone here would have such an account.13:29
Pxrboynot that i know would affect it, just installing some new programs like skype and WINE13:29
adrian1520 why do i get permission denied if im root and i type " /dev/sda5 /media/Vista 64 ntfs-3g force 0 0"13:29
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jribadrian1520: because /dev/sda5 is not a command?13:30
jarcohello. i have a clean uuntu install (latest version) +all updates. Still all traffic to my xp computer is slow. No firewal on the xp side and no limits. Tried ftp + samba and both are about 4kb/s; Anyone has any idea?13:30
Pxrboyglitsj16: i have also tried reinstalling Pidgin today before i came on here13:30
oldenglishjarco: disable all IPv613:30
medflyadrenaline, maybe you dont have permission to execute (?) this file.13:30
jarcoon ubuntu?13:31
Pxrboybut no change13:31
jarcoany idea how ?13:31
m-cjrib: Also, this *does* seem to be the 1.4.1 version that was released on June 10th.13:31
oldenglishjarco: yes hold on finding a good walkthrough13:31
adrian1520 well wasn't that dumb, then why did it tell me to type that in13:32
glitsj16Pxrboy: okay thanks, this is a long shot, but could you check whether you have a package called "libgnutls13" installed ? Via synaptic you can launch a search for that ..13:32
ircleuseris this ubuntu channel? Sorry new irc interface13:32
jarcoyes ircleuser13:33
Pxrboyok il look now :)13:33
slushpuppy\Hi, is there to copy permissions from one directory to other, using a command?13:33
oldenglishjarco: you have pm13:33
Rioting_pacifisthow do i find out what program is using a port?13:33
Vedestinwhat's ircle?13:34
mysterycoolIs there a program that lets me broadcast an online radio? I mean, like there is Winamp which can be combined with Shoutcast and so you can broadcast online, is there something similar for Linux?13:34
Pxrboyglitsj16: yeah libgnutls13 is installed13:34
cyclobsmysterycool: there is a windows app that lets you do it13:34
cyclobsi dunno about any linux apps tho13:35
mysterycoolCyclobs: As I said, there is Winamp which is for Windows. Anything relevant for Linux?13:35
Grim76__mysterycool: http://www.shoutcast.com/download/files.phtml13:35
cyclobsdidn't read that much >.<13:35
cyclobsah yeah, shoutcast13:36
mib_aanhvlany idea why "parted" reports /dev/sda6 (linux-swap) as 2007 MB, yet "df" as 503M?13:36
glitsj16Pxrboy: well, i'm afraid i can't find anything else for now, but i have one more idea .. plan B13:36
cyclobsi used what ever else chronicX uses13:36
m-cjrib: I see - there were so many security fixes, along with the enhancements, that the package was distributed.13:36
GatestoneFighting with my Synaptics Touchpad... on Hardy. I almost broke my xo13:36
Gatestonerg.conf for good13:37
jocecould someone help me, please ? I have a disk space problem on a remote server13:37
Pxrboyglitsj16: fire away :)13:37
cyclobsjoce: is it a webserver?13:37
acechCan anyone help me? I am desperate!13:37
cyclobsbest thing you can do is delete files13:37
_Benhi guys, I want to get a remote x session on my ubuntu 8.04 server which is currently cli only - where do i start?13:37
neo_I need help!!!! I can't load this webpage in firefox in ubuntu it works in windows http://www.myfreecams.com/?conn_mode=java13:37
mysterycoolGrim76_ + cyclobs: You do not get it - that is the server actual broadcasting program - I need the media player which can be combined with Shoutcast.13:37
glitsj16Pxrboy: there's mention of libxfce in there .. are you running Xubuntu by any chance, or installed Xfce4 packages ?13:37
cyclobsah yeah13:38
cyclobsuse icecast i think it's call13:38
cyclobshold on let me find the name of it13:38
neo_I need help!!!! I can't load this webpage in firefox in ubuntu it works in windows http://www.myfreecams.com/?conn_mode=java13:38
cyclobsyeah icecast213:38
Pxrboyglitsj16: no im not on Xubuntu, how do i tell if ive installed Xfce4 packages?13:39
mysterycoolNeo_: I believe Flash is needed. Is Flash Player installed?13:39
oldenglishneo_: chuckle13:39
glitsj16Pxrboy: same routine, try Synaptic and launch a (name)search for xfce13:39
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cyclobsmysterycool: http://www.icecast.org/13:39
jocewhen i check the disk occupation with xdiskusage, on my / partition there is a 2 gigs area labelled as "permission denied"13:40
joceit used to be labelled "free space"13:40
cyclobsjoce: you should consult who ever does the hosting13:40
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neo_mysterycool,: yes I think flash is installed13:40
neo_How do i make sure its the latest version13:40
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:41
cyclobsflash doesn't seem to install for me :S13:41
neo_is that site loading for u?13:42
stupigirlhi friends I want to install ubuntu on my old pc, but only if my buffalo usb wifi adaptor thing will work with it... anyone used one before with ubuntu, or have any idea if there are drivers n stuff for one?13:42
sedraneo_: you need java13:42
neo_but firefox says java is enabled13:42
Pxrboyglitsj16: theres a few things come up, somethings seem trivial to me though (although that doesnt mean much) screenlets is one, xfce4-icon-theme, gtk2-engines-xfce13:43
DIFH-icerooti have a FAKE RAID 1 System, ubuntu-installation is showing me sda and sdb, how can i install ubuntu on my FAKE RAID1? now i can only select sda or sdb13:43
neo_how can i geet java?13:43
neo_sudo apt-get install java?13:43
Pxrboyglitsj16 the last two seem important actually :S13:43
franklinRstupigirl: Any idea of model?13:43
stupigirluhm 1 sec, franklinR13:43
wildthing4everHi all13:43
sedraneo_: test your java on java website13:43
needhelpAnyone here use Kivio ?13:44
wildthing4everTotal newbie to Linux here...would like some help13:44
mysterycoolI am trying to ./configure something and it prints me this error: configure: error: XSLT configuration could not be found13:44
needhelpwildthing4ever: whats the prob?13:44
Ayabarais there a clever command line I can use to transcode all flac files under /media/disk/music/ to 160 kbit/s mp3 and put them in /mnt/storage/music_transcoded?13:44
stupigirl"Buffalo airstation wireless g" WLI-U2-KG125S13:44
wildthing4everHey, I have Vista Home Premium installed, and had Ubuntu 7.10 installed earlier13:44
cyclobswildthing4ever: need help with?13:44
neo_sedra,: my java is not working how do i fix this?13:44
wildthing4everI upgraded to 8.4 today, and now Vista won't boot13:45
glitsj16Pxrboy: can't judge whether the icon theme and theme engine would cause this i'm afraid, but it's worth a shot temporarily uninstalling those and trying again13:45
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cyclobswildthing4ever: you didn't delete the vista partition did you?13:45
sedraneo_: download it from java.com13:45
wildthing4everGrub shows me Vista, but loading that option takes me to system recovery13:45
sedraofficial package13:45
franklinRstupigirl: I'll just have a quick look around ;)13:45
stupidgirlz0mg who reg my nick :(13:45
cyclobswell the boot loader is probably not pointing the right locatiopn13:45
jarcohello. i have slow speeds transfering data to my xp. Disabled ipv but didnt help. Any other ideas?13:45
Pxrboyglitsj16: ok i dont use the theme anymore, so it makes sense to get rid of it, il give it a go :)13:45
stupidgirloh o franklinR , thnx13:46
wildthing4everhmm..ok, can you help me figure out what the correct boot loader entry might be?13:46
glitsj16Pxrboy; okay, goodluck13:46
cyclobsumm, it's a little hard if i don't know your partitions13:46
cyclobsdo you know how to get into the grub config?13:46
wildthing4everyup, lemme just open it up13:46
wildthing4evergimme a sec13:46
_Benhi guys can anyone please advise on running remote x sessions on my ubuntu server?13:47
jarcooldenglish: ?13:47
jarcoit didnt work13:47
franklinRstupigirl: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=370589 should be of some help13:47
wildthing4evererr...the quicklauncher seems to have crashed...how do I open gedit in root mode?13:48
franklinRwildthing4ever: sudo gedit13:48
wildthing4everk, just a sec13:48
cyclobssudo gedit >config file>13:48
jakesnakei'm a bit new to linux, and I'm wondering where to put certain files in the filesystem. right now i'm wondering where to put i.e a folder of source code i'm developing that should be available to multiple users. any suggestions?13:48
DIFH-iceroothm, ok if ubuntu ca not handle fake raid1, then i have to use suse again which can be installed on fake raid 1 without doing anything13:49
jarcohello. i have slow speeds transfering data to my xp. Disabled ipv but didnt help. Any other ideas?13:49
jakesnakeand in the same spirit, if i want to put a large collection of music somewhere, where in the filesystem does it make sense to put it?13:49
wildthing4everk, have opened menu.lst13:49
cyclobsjakesnake: you can put files in your home folder13:49
Rob76does ";" work the same as "&&"?13:50
jakesnakecyclobs: i have realized that i can put files in my home folder. i am saying it doesnt make sense to put certain files in my home folder as they are shared between multiple users13:50
cyclobswildthing4ever: ok scroll to the bottem13:50
wildthing4everthe Vista entry is: titleWindows Vista/Longhorn (loader)13:50
_Benjakesnake best to keep that sort of stuff in the /home location I would have thought. you could sudo mkdir shared to create a shared folder then sudo chmod shared 777 or however you use chmod...13:50
jakesnake_Ben: so just basically /home/shared ?13:50
wildthing4everk, am at the bottom of the file13:51
_Benthat would give everyone access13:51
cyclobsjakesnake: you could make a shared folder? i'm not sure on that topic13:51
_Benjakesnake yep thats what i'd do13:51
jarcohello. I have slow data transfer rate from my ubuntu to my xp but not fron other systems. Tried ftp and samba. Disabled ipv6. Anyone has an idea?13:51
cyclobswildthing4ever: what system did you install first?13:51
jakesnake_Ben: Just wanted to ask someone a bit more familiar with linux before i went ahead. thanks!13:51
jarcoand another problem. Using my number on the keyboard moves my mouse :s13:51
_Benjakesnake you're welcome13:52
wildthing4everactually, I had Vista and Ubuntu running fine together till this morning13:52
cyclobsthen vista is probably (hd0,0)13:52
wildthing4everupgraded to Hardy Heron, and that seems to have broken something13:52
wildthing4everaah, ok13:52
wildthing4everI'd tried 0,113:52
wildthing4everlemme try 0,013:52
Pxrboyglitsj16: nothing happening, still the same :( thanks for the help though :)13:52
_Benjarco it may be that your win xp install has its network card set to half duplex or auto duplex13:52
joceIs it possible to blend two partitions without data loses ? (there is a partition for / and another for /home, which I want to unify for space reasons)13:52
wildthing4everthx cyclobs, lemme try this out, and I'll be back if it doesn't. Cheers!13:52
_Benjarco make sure xp network card is set to full duplex13:52
cyclobsno problem13:53
jarcook will try _Ben13:53
glitsj16Pxrboy: well , try #pidgin is the best advise probably, sure is the only one i have left :p13:53
c_lispjoce yes13:53
Pxrboyglitsj16: well thanks again :) will do13:54
franklinRstupidgirl: best of luck with your wireless!13:55
jarcodidnt work _Ben13:55
jarcoproblem is the same13:55
neo_Help I cant get java working in ubuntu13:55
neo_I dont know how to fix this13:56
_Benjarco didnt work as in its already full duplex or it made no difference?13:56
derspanksterHas anyone had any experience with a stardot wincam live? I had it working in Feisty then it quit and I've never been able to get it to work again. I ran it with Wine. Now, the camera can't communicate with the computer.13:56
jarcomade no difference13:56
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_Benhmm did you disable and reenable the network card ?13:56
neo_Help I cant get java working in ubuntu I dont know how to fix this13:56
jarcoits ok noz13:56
jarcoi mean13:57
stupidgirlfranklin. o he left13:57
jarcoits done on windows correctly13:57
jarcodidnt solve it13:57
cyclobsneo_: your not alone13:57
jarcoit also worked fine with my old ubuntu13:57
wildthing4everhey cyclobs - Vista's back - you rock!13:57
BeBoBliI hate to say this in frustration, but when an install just fails and it's best explanation is that it has a 'broken pipe' I'm not impressed no siree.13:57
_Benjarco no idea then im afraid13:57
cyclobswildthing4ever: no problems bud13:57
jarcook no worries13:57
oldenglishneo_: sudo apt-get install icedtea-gcjwebplugin13:58
jarcoi ll keep asking till a kind soal knows it :D13:58
bvm1hi guys, I am on 8.04 with a bcm4306 wifi card.....since a may update I haven't been able to use wifi, any ideas on how to diagnose/correct the problem?13:58
wildthing4everwill get back to exploring the Heron, ciao13:58
BeBoBliSo when I completely removed the open source edition of VirtualBox it seems it's still there! It didn't actually completely remove itself.13:58
BeBoBliThat is lame.13:58
jarcohello. I have slow data transfer rate from my ubuntu to my xp but not fron other systems. Tried ftp and samba. Disabled ipv6. Anyone has an idea?14:00
c_lispjarco how are you transfering it?14:00
jarcoftp atm14:01
glitsj16bvm1: do you have b43-fwcutter package installed ?14:01
jarcotried samba also14:01
c_lisphmm should go quick14:01
c_lispon the same lan to right?14:01
_Bencan someone help me get a remote x session from my ubuntu 8.04 server?14:01
bvm1glistsj16:possibly, remind me how I check?14:02
Pici!zh | unforgiven_14:02
ubottuunforgiven_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:02
jarcoover wireless14:02
c_lispmaybe you have a slow wifi card14:02
RaceKonditionhow can I install apache2-mpm-itk with gutsy? apache2 depends on apache2-mpm-prefor or apache2-mpm-worker or apache2-mpm-event, but not apache2-mpm-itk, and itk cannot be installed together with mpm-prefork, mpm-worker or mpm-event?14:02
jarcoi transfer faster fron the internet14:02
oldenglishjarco: check your data rate for your wireless14:03
Ayabarawhat's a good tool to do a batch transcode of a bunch of files from flac to mp3?14:03
peppoare there 8.10 isos out and about somewhere?14:03
glitsj16bvm1: you can always find this kind of info through Synaptic, just open that and enter a search for that name .. if it's unmarked, you haven't got it14:03
jarcoits faster then this 4 kbs i am getting now14:03
bvm1glistsj16: yes, It is installed14:03
_Benjarco, how does the xp box perform with other pcs than the ubuntu one?14:03
jarcofro internet i download over 100 kbs14:03
glitsj16bvm1: ok, is it activated in System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers ?14:04
jarcofully 100 mbit14:04
unforgiven_chinese people14:04
Piciunforgiven_: /j #ubuntu-cn14:05
_Benhow do I get a remote gui from my ubuntu server14:05
bvm1glitsj16: it doent appear in hardware drivers....nothing appears, I have a blank space14:05
jarcois it normal that it sais roaming mode enabled?14:05
chem-arttalking about drivers... does ubuntu supports any kind or raid?14:06
Knightarrhi, does anyone have expierence setting up an onboard Intel 82865G graphics driver?14:06
KnightarrI'd like some support in my console for more then 80x60 :)14:06
imperfect-Anyone know where I can get the madwifi driver?14:06
c_lispsynapitcs imperfect14:06
lonetech1920how can i install ubuntu remotely over lan on a computer with no os...what do i need to put on the hard drive14:07
azcazandconoone got suggestion on this monitor thing?  Is my one major issue with Ubuntu14:07
Knightarri've tried setting my vga mode=791 in menu.1st, but grub tells me it's an unsupported mode when i boot14:07
imperfect-c_lisp: synaptics?14:07
glitsj16bvm1: hmm, strange .. you are sure it's the b43-cutter and not the bcm43xx-fwcutter package you have installed ? Can't explain it if that's the case sorry ..14:08
logixoul_Can anyone help me with the evtouch driver?14:08
ifireballAyabara: the shell... :P14:08
bvm1glitsj16: when I try to modprobe b43-fwcutter, it comes up with FATAL module not found.......checking uname -are tells me I am running, is that the correct kernel?14:08
ne2k__lonetech1920: you want PXE boot into a network installer?14:09
Ayabaraifireball, that's what I really want, but I don't know how to write the curse :-)14:09
RaceKonditionis it safe to upgrade a running gutsy production machine to hardy? do I have to remove (a lot) of packages beforehand and reinstall them afterwards?14:09
glitsj16bvm1: there are more recent kernels yes, might be worthwhile updating14:09
bvm1glitsj16: ok, bizarrely, for the first time in 2 months, the wifi just connected14:10
bvm1I have no idea what I did14:10
mysterycoolCan somebody help me with getting up shoutcast or icecast set up on Ubuntu?14:10
bvm1but, whatever it is, it's not using b43-fwcutter14:11
J_Phi all14:11
glitsj16bvm1: might be just the effect of your modprobe14:11
J_Ppeople, how I know what init my ssystem are running, for exatple 2, 3 4 or 5 ?14:11
bvm1glitsj16 how do I find out what wireless driver I am currently running so I know for future14:11
The-Seima1with 3DMark 2001 ( using wine ), I get around 25 FPS, is that good ?14:12
bvm1is there a modprobe -l or something?14:12
RaceKonditionis it safe to upgrade a running gutsy production machine to hardy? do I have to remove (a lot) of packages beforehand and reinstall them afterwards?14:12
glitsj16bvm1: lsmod gives you what's in there presently14:12
mysterycoolRaceKondition: No problem at all.14:12
bvm1glitsj16 thanks a lot14:12
mysterycoolRaceKondition: When you  upgrade, the old packaged are replaced by the new. Don't think any important packages will be removed from the machine, though it will probably just upgrade them. =]14:13
tasiIs there a way to allow auto-login without using the "Login Window" administration tool14:13
bvm1glitsj16 gah, it's running the old bcm43xx module, I have a feeling the update I am doing will stop it working again14:13
oldenglishIs it possible to set transparency for selected applications in the panel? As it is now, the whole panel is transparent except whichever application has focus, which is solid.14:13
tasiNevermind, now it opens14:13
lonetech1920ne2k__: can i use that even if the computer does not have any software just formatted hard drive14:14
Goldberg /msg ubottu etiquette14:14
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
RaceKonditionmysterycool: I remember once dist-upgrading Debian from stable to unstable and I got problems, so my friend recommended removing most non-essential packages first. but this is untrue for gutsy to hardy upgrade?14:14
glitsj16bvm1: hope you can get it going, your welcome14:14
abdullahi , how do i open wine folders?14:14
RaceKonditionmysterycool: and will be upgrade be atomic/transactional? if something fails, can aptitude/apt-get roll back everything else too so my system will remain as it was before?14:15
The-Seima1abdulla: go to ~/.wine/drive_c14:15
abdullaThe-Seima1, where is it?14:15
mysterycoolRaceKondition: I have never used Debian, however with Ubuntu it is not going from stable to unstable. At least for hardy, though Hardy does have quite some bugs. I believe that the developers rushed to bring it out and it is not 100% fixed yet.14:15
abdullaThe-Seima1, how can i open it?14:16
The-Seima1abdulla: the directory .wine is hidden, so you have to check "Show hidden files" in nautilus14:16
RaceKonditionmysterycool: so maybe I shouldn't upgrade at all? I wouldn't but I need some packages gutsy doesn't have14:16
mysterycoolRaceKondition: Yes, apititude (I find synaptic much more fun to use :p), will be able to get everything back. Nothing important will be removed, just upgraded.14:16
abdullaThe-Seima1, nautilus??14:16
The-Seima1abdulla: nautilus = the file manager you're using right now ^^"14:17
ifireballAyabara: do you know how to convert one file?14:17
Jack_SparrowRaceKondition If it is just a couple of packages why not see if you can just get those, or dual boot gusty stable and hardy until it works for you14:17
glitsj16bvm1: purge that old one perhaps, installing the b43-fwcutter and activating it in 'hardware drivers' ishould do it ... f that doesn't work there's always the brute force option of blacklisting the old one (put it in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist) Goodluck :)14:17
mysterycoolRaceKondition: Oh, well then, I, myself, upgraded just to check Hardy. However, I am not really pleased with this version of Ubuntu. I hope that the next one will be really better. And it is not just me who is not pleased. At the first days of Hardy when many were upgrading, I've seen many around here complaining at bugs or errors at Hardy.14:17
abdullaThe-Seima1,  how do i check hidden files?14:18
RaceKonditionmysterycool: does the bugginess apply for Desktop software mostly? because I'm running a server system with no X14:18
mysterycoolRaceKondition: However, if you really need those packages, I'd suggest upgrading, it is not THAT bad after all. At least not as bad as Windows :p it is ok, just some bugs here and there.14:18
RaceKonditionmysterycool: what kind of bugs?14:18
abdullaThe-Seima1,  nvm14:18
The-Seima1abdulla: press CTRL+H14:18
abdullaThe-Seima1,  ya14:18
Jack_Sparrowmysterycool there are always issues when a new version is released.  I never used edgy for any length of time14:18
The-Seima1abdulla: then you'll see the .wine folder14:19
* N3bunel saluta14:19
abdullaThe-Seima1,  ya thnxs14:19
mysterycoolRaceKondition: To be honest, I prefer going the graphical way and not through commands though they come handy here and then. And, indeed, people who were asking help with errors or bugs where involved with Desktop applications, I don't remember seeing anybody having errors with the Terminal.14:19
Ayabaraifireball, I can dig that up. what I want is to take all flac's below /media/disk/music, and put them in /mnt/storage/music using the same subdir-layout14:19
Ayabarasoundconverter is the easy way :-)14:19
Jack_Sparrowmysterycool What packages in particular did you really need or want.. and bugs are the usual video and wifi drivers14:19
mysterycoolJack_Sparrow: Indeed, they do, however Hardy is quite of a disappointment.14:20
stabbyjoe12hi when i run the vmwar insalion terminal says i must be a super user to contiue14:20
RaceKonditionmysterycool: hmm, I need someone who's running a server system telling me whether it's worth the effort right now14:20
c_lisphow is it disappointing?14:20
Jack_Sparrowmysterycool It is for you, but there are tens of thousands that had no issue with it14:20
mysterycoolRaceKondition: Oh, sorry then, I cannot assist you there. Check around though, definitely someone will be on server system.14:21
RaceKonditionmysterycool: thanks anyway for your help :)14:21
mysterycoolJack_Sparrow: Maybe, though it has not been just once when I had discussions with people saying that Hardy was a disappointment.14:21
RaceKonditionis anyone around here running a live Ubuntu server machine?14:21
Jack_SparrowRaceKondition fyi  we do have #ubuntu-server14:21
mysterycoolRaceKondition: No problem, anytime. =]14:21
RaceKonditionoh, Jack_Sparrow, thanks, I didn't know of that14:21
tdnI have just bought a new monitor for my Thinkpad T61p laptop. How do I clone the screen to the new monitor, so that I can use dual screen? I have tried "xrandr --output LVDS --auto --output VGA --auto --same-as LVDS" but that did not work.14:22
mohkohnMy scenario is broadband coming in eth0. I am sharing to eth1 which goes by wire to a Linksys wireless access point to share around the house14:22
ianliu_88How do I install OpenOffice Formula?14:22
Jack_Sparrowmysterycool This is where people come with issues and problems.. that you find people here with problems should not be a surprise.  We are drifting offtopic and into discussion over support..14:22
mohkohnHow can I secure the Linksys access point?14:23
Jack_Sparrowtdn read through the factoids on xinerama and twinview14:24
freshygood morning!14:24
Jack_SparrowGood morning to you as well14:24
tdnJack_Sparrow, where?14:24
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead14:24
jarco_hello. Can somone explaine to my why on earth my numbers suddenly move my mouse pointer?14:24
tdnJack_Sparrow, ok. YThanks.14:24
ubottuFactoid pyscrabble not found14:25
Jack_Sparrowjarco_ is number lock on or off14:25
freshydoes anyone play PyScrabble?14:25
PiciJack_Sparrow: Its a feature, press ctrl-shift-numlock14:25
Jack_Sparrow!find pyscrabble14:25
ubottuFound: pyscrabble, pyscrabble-common, pyscrabble-server14:25
tdnJack_Sparrow, do I have to edit xorg.conf? Shouldn't it be possible to do it with just xrandr?14:25
Jack_SparrowPici Morning.. working on first cup of coffee14:25
jarco_its on Jack_Sparrow14:26
ubottufreshy: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:26
Jack_Sparrowtdn I dont dual monitor but I do think you will need to make some manual edits14:26
Pici!usage | freshy14:26
ubottufreshy: Hi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:26
Jack_Sparrowjarco_ Did you see Pici 's reply?14:28
gwphow do I run a .sh file?14:28
eshatHi all, how do i set my intel x3000 to 1280x800 on console ? there seems to be no vga paramter for that14:28
jarco_no but that solved this :D14:28
jarco_great thx Pici and Jack_Sparrow14:28
jarco_now back to the big problem :D14:28
jimcooncatgwp one way is "bash yourfile.sh"14:29
gwpjimcooncat: thank you14:29
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freshy!search pyscrabble14:29
=== tim__ is now known as spanglegluppet
Picifreshy: Please message the bot /msg ubottu command14:30
freshysory dude14:30
ChaosTheory_How come I have to do xrdb -merge .Xdefaults each time I want to get my .Xdefaults settings when I restart a session?14:30
jimcooncatwhat is best imap server -- I'll be using it as a backup with imapsync?14:30
gwpjimcooncat: it spamed Where would you like to install the Vendetta executable? [/home/george/bin] read: 70: arg count14:31
gwp. over and over14:31
Botulyhi guys, i'm reading ubuntu wiki and server guide, and i found this in the OpenSSH description "The default /etc/ssh/sshd_config which is used with Ubuntu's OpenSSH implementation is more secure than that found in many other distributions of GNU/Linux", does anyone know why is it more secure?14:31
jimcooncatcourier-imap? cyrus? dovecot?14:31
patrikHi I'm having trouble getting glx working on 8.04 with intel 945GM graphics card. When running glxinfo i'm getting "glxinfo: symbol lookup error: glxinfo: undefined symbol: glXChooseVisual". Any ideas?14:31
jimcooncatgwp it didn't like running with bash on the command line.14:32
xxploitHello, i recently uninstall a few app packages and turned off a couple of services, would some1 happen to know which service is responsible for auto mounting external hard drives14:33
jimcooncatgwp, cd to the directory your .sh file is in, then "./yourfile.sh"14:33
stabbyjoe12does anyone know is vmware thinapp works on ubuntu14:33
=== _doolz is now known as doolz
KrimZondoes anyone here use bugle? i'm having trouble getting it to work in ubuntu 8.04 - gldb-gui complains "error while loading shared libraries: libbugleutils.so.4" but the file exists in /usr/local/lib, readable and executable14:34
youbuckyHi Guys, can anyone assist with configuring an ATI X1300 with dual screen?14:34
gwpjimcooncat: bash: ./vendetta-linux-ia32-installer.sh: Permission denied14:35
geniigwp: Is it executable?14:37
jimcooncatgwp, you'll have to check that the file is executable, then chmod it if not.14:37
ifireballAyabara: assuming you have some kind of a conversion command that looks like "convert <input file> <output file>" you can use something like the following: "cd /media/disk/music; find -mindepth 1 -type d -exec mkdir /mnt/storage/music/'{}' ';'" to make the directory structure then "find -type f -name '*.flac' -exec convert '{}' /mnt/storage/music/'{}'" to do he conversion14:37
ifireballAyabara: I suggest you read up a little about find and do some small tests before going for the whole thing, its takes some time to get this right (and I'm not sure I did)14:37
wildthing4everhi all, I'm having a problem with the sound in Hardy Heron - I can hear sound, but the quality is pretty bad14:37
=== s0ullight is now known as s0u][ight
wildthing4evercan somebody give me advice on where I can start troubleshooting?14:37
freshydoes anyone play syscrabble, it hangs when i try to register a nic (hardy)14:38
ifireballAyabara: you can learn about the "find" command by running "info find" from the shell14:38
s0u][ighthello how do i install kde on ubuntu just the package kde?14:38
c_lispwildthing4ever troubleshooting what?14:38
wildthing4everthe quality of the sound in Hardy Heron is pretty bad14:38
AndrewGearhartMorning. I'm having problems with a new ubuntu installation not booting (isn't directing correctly from grub)... and I don't know how to fix it.14:39
jimcooncatwildthing4ever: was the sound quality good with a different os on the same hardware?14:39
compakvDo ubuntu have system administration manual (init scripts, etc..) ?14:39
wildthing4everI just upgraded from 7.10 this morning, and the sound quality went bad as a result14:39
wildthing4eversounds perfect in Vista (dual-boot)14:39
s0u][ightwildthing4ever, u can edit the settings so it will be good back :D14:39
wildthing4everok, sure, can you direct me regarding what settings to edit?14:40
s0u][ightalsamixer in cli will give you some options14:40
jimcooncatwildthing4ever: not that I can really help, but what exactly is different about the sound?14:40
Bodsdawhats the compiz plugin that selects the window that the mouse is over?14:40
s0u][ightBodsda, opacity14:40
wildthing4everjimconncat: it sounds like I'm playing from a cheap set of speakers14:40
Bodsdas0u][ight, cheers14:41
wildthing4eversou][ight, will check out alsamixer14:41
wildthing4everalso, I had this quick-launcher (not sure what it's called) on the top-panel - it seems to have disappeared14:41
wildthing4everhow do I get that back?14:41
mysterycoolI downloaded xmms2 but I can't seem to find it at the Applications menu? I want to launch it in Graphical mode. Help please?14:42
neo_I can't seem to run myfreecams.com on ubuntu anyone help me out on that14:42
mysterycoolThank you.14:42
Botulyhi guys, i'm reading ubuntu wiki and server guide, and i found this in the OpenSSH description "The default /etc/ssh/sshd_config which is used with Ubuntu's OpenSSH implementation is more secure than that found in many other distributions of GNU/Linux", does anyone know why is it more secure?14:42
jimcooncatwildthing4ever: right-click on the top panel, and choose "Add to Panel"14:42
Bodsdas0u][ight, opacity just lets you see a window the mouse is over,,.,. i remember there being one that activates/selects whichever window the mouse is over14:42
wildthing4eversou][ight, what exactly do I do in alsamixer?14:42
gwphow do I extract a .sh file ? when i do sh file.sh or bash file.sh it continusouly spams over and over "do i want to install in said diretory [y|N]14:42
KrimZonwhat's the difference between /usr/local/lib and /usr/lib on hardy?14:43
Bodsdagwp, you dont extract them,.,. a .sh file is a bash script14:43
ubottuFactoid logical not found14:43
tech0007gwp: what is that .sh file for? where did u get it?14:43
ubottuFactoid xmms2 not found14:43
ubottuFor the reason why xmms is no longer in the hardy repositories see: http://bugs.debian.org/461309 .  Consider using audacious instead.14:43
GGG|Newerr.. can i install Ubuntu onto logical partitions?14:43
s0u][ightwildthing4ever, well moving left and right changes the settings that will be changed and up and down makes the changes esc exits14:43
wildthing4ever@jimcooncat: great, what's the application called?14:43
radoeGGG|New: sure.14:43
gwpits Vendetta's installer, its an MMORPG for linux14:43
Jack_Sparrowgwp Type ./script'sname or use sudo b4 that if its out of ur user directory... sh scriptname.sh   ...or...  ./scriptname.sh  ...or for php scripts... php scriptname.php ... Sometimes shell scripts don't have the sh extension but that won't matter ...Note... Scripts need to have executable permissions. Use the command chmod +x /home/$USER/Desktop/filename.bin to make the file executable.14:43
gwpI downloaded it form their site14:43
GGG|Newradoe: thanks :)14:43
marculesHello ^^14:44
PauloVJhello folks. can anyone help me with an issue on ubuntu? after disabling integrated audio in computer BIOS it lost every hardware configuration, including USB audio, monitor, keyboard, mouse.14:44
s0u][ightwildthing4ever, u can get the sound control back by right clicking and choosing add to panel14:44
s0u][ightthere search for volume control14:44
tech0007gwp: chmod +x <file.sh>....then ./file.sh14:44
wildthing4everoops...sorry, I think I'm confusing you by mixing two different issues!14:44
wildthing4evermy problem's that the sound from the system seems to be buggered after the upgrade to Hardy Heron14:45
pubdoes ubuntu automount harddrives ?14:45
jimcooncatwildthing4ever: I'm not sure what you might have had for a quick launch applet. Maybe it was a drawer.14:45
wildthing4everjimcooncat: that's fine, that's not a major issue14:45
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
s0u][ightwildthing4ever, so u do have sound but it is bad quality?14:46
gwpi did chmod +x and then ./vendetta-linux-installer.sh and I am getting the spam again. Where would you like to install the Vendetta executable? [/home/george/bin] read: 70: arg count14:46
gwp/home/george/bin does not exist!14:46
wildthing4everyes, that's correct sou][ight14:46
CapeTown-HardyHeDoes anyone know a website address where I can get the BEST info for removing viruses and rootkits off windows using a liveCD of Linux?14:46
s0u][ightwell what did you do in alsamixer?14:46
wildthing4everdunno if it's related, but now my network card isn't picking up wifi14:46
wildthing4eversou][ight: nothing!14:46
gwpWhere would you like to install the Vendetta executable? [/home/george/bin] read: 70: arg count14:46
gwp/home/george/bin does not exist!14:46
gwpCreate it? [yn] read: 70: arg count14:46
s0u][ightwildthing4ever, try lspci14:47
wildthing4everok, and what do I do there?14:47
s0u][ightit shows you ur pci cards14:47
wildthing4everyes, it's listing them14:47
wildthing4everwhat am I looking for?14:47
s0u][ightwhat sound card do u have14:48
wildthing4everI can see an audio device (Intel)14:48
s0u][ightintel hda?14:48
wildthing4everyes, that's the on14:48
love^_^melove^_^me is using [IRCop ScripT ] by love^_^me14:48
love^_^melove^_^me is using [IRCop ScripT ] by love^_^me14:48
neo_ubuntu is great14:48
love^_^meAny oNe knw hOw to make your own Server ? r any want stff r Irccops scripts14:48
neo_i love how it never slows down14:48
s0u][ightwildthing4ever, some changes in alsamixer will do the trick it helped with me on 2 different laptops14:49
wildthing4everok, great, could you help me out with them?14:49
KrimZonWhat paths does hardy look for .so files? Where are the paths to look in configured?14:49
neo_is 8800 GT or 8800 GTS better with ubuntu14:49
s0u][ighthmmm so open a terminal and type alsamixer14:49
wildthing4everam a total noob with linux, so please hand-hold me through the changes :)14:49
wildthing4everk, 1 sec14:49
wildthing4everam there14:49
DaenythHow can I create a new ~/.fluxbox/menu file? fluxbox-generate_menu is missing14:49
tech0007KrimZon: see 'man ldconfig'14:50
s0u][ightwildthing4ever, let's msg to not disturb the other ones :D14:50
wildthing4everk, cool14:50
KrimZontech0007: thanks14:50
GGG|Newbbl.. installing Ubuntu now14:51
KrimZontech0007: the main problem is i configured and compiled an app and it put its libraries in /usr/local/lib and then can't find them when it runs14:51
tech0007KrimZon: did u do configure, make and sudo make install14:52
KrimZontech0007: yep14:52
=== tommi is now known as ambi
tech0007KrimZon: compiled apps normally put libraries in /usr/local/lib after u run configure, what program is it?14:53
DaenythHow can I create a new ~/.fluxbox/menu file? fluxbox-generate_menu is missing14:53
=== ambi is now known as __ambi__
KrimZontech0007: BuGLe - http://www.opengl.org/sdk/tools/BuGLe/14:54
tech0007KrimZon: check if  /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libc.conf contains /usr/local/lib14:55
KrimZontech0007: yes, it contains that14:55
tech0007KrimZon: 'sudo ldconfig -v'........see if it lists /usr/local/lib14:57
glitsj16Daenyth: have you tried "sudo update-menus" and logout/login again to re-generate it ?14:57
Daenythno, let me try that14:57
KrimZontech0007: yep, it mentions it14:58
tech0007KrimZon: what's the path to the libraries?14:58
glitsj16Daenyth: ok, that should take care of it if my fluxbox memory is any good :)14:58
DaenythIt didn't seem to do anything. Do I have to log out or can I just restart the WM14:59
KrimZontech0007: how do you mean?14:59
Daenytheh, I can just scp the binary from elsewhere14:59
glitsj16Daenyth: i think fluxbox regenerates only at new login14:59
tech0007KrimZon: do u see /usr/local/lib/bugle and /usr/local/lib/libbugle*15:00
Daenythit's ok, the other worked15:01
ZehRiqueHi, there! I make part of the Brazilian Portuguese Translation Team but I don't know how to download the Intrepid Ibex Alpha 1. Can anyone give me the URL where it is?15:01
Daenyththanks though15:01
tech0007KrimZon: did u follow the instructions http://www.opengl.org/sdk/tools/BuGLe/documentation/install.php#install-configure15:01
PiciZehRique: Its not available yet, but you can join in on the wait in #ubuntu+1  See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/intrepid-changes/ for more info15:02
raozuz1hi guys :)15:03
KrimZontech0007: yep, i think so15:03
ZehRiquePici, hmm... OK, Thanks.15:03
DanielHolthWhy wouldn't sudo work if gethostbyname(my hostname) fails?15:03
tech0007KrimZon: try running it...paste the error if you see any15:03
ChousukeDanielHolth: Security measure. sudo can be configured to allow stuff on a per-host basis15:04
KrimZonldconfig does say that some libbugle stuff was linked to other libbugle stuff15:04
DanielHolthwhoops, I guess I shouldn't have changed my IP address on my hosted server.15:04
tech0007KrimZon: you cant get it to run?15:05
DIFH-icerootfor my question some minutes ago, if you want to use ubuntu with existing FAKE-RAID1 Array, just run dmraind -ay with a live system, then you will see the RAID-Array and not sda and sdb15:05
DIFH-icerootdmraid -ay15:05
KrimZontech0007: get what to run?15:05
tech0007KrimZon: bugle15:06
[CG]wrong keyboard :(15:08
KrimZontech0007: it runs now, i manually made a link to the library it complained about, but then later complained about some other libraries missing15:08
Jack_SparrowDIFH-iceroot Is that live cd then F6 then dmraid?15:08
tech0007KrimZon: so its ok now?15:08
KrimZonnow it doesnt complain about those either... but nothing seems to be happening15:08
tech0007KrimZon: waht are u trying to accomplish exactly w/ bugle?15:08
DIFH-icerootJack_Sparrow: ??? live cd ubuntu 8.0415:09
Jack_SparrowDIFH-iceroot Where do you type or add  dmraid?15:09
KrimZonjust get it to output stuff about another program, to see how it uploads textures and stuff15:09
KrimZonbasically run something via gdbg-gui15:09
AndrewGearhartI previously installed windows XP on my system.... the installation subsequently went bad. The NTFS partition still works and is readable/writable by ubuntu 8.04 livecd. When I install ubuntu on a new partition on the same drive, the system still tries to boot windows. Help?15:10
DIFH-icerootJack_Sparrow: first you have to add the universy repo, then you cann get dmraid with apt-get install15:10
tech0007KrimZon: ok, thought your benchmarking,15:10
wildthing4everhey, ubuntu isn't showing my wireless connections...can somebody help?15:10
Micasfi am new to ubuntu15:10
wildthing4evergot an Intel card, that was working before the upgrade from 7.1 to 8.415:11
AndrewGearhartwildthing4ever: does it show your wireless card working properly?15:11
pubhow do i automount the cdrom0 drive?15:11
pubhow do i automount the cdrom0 drive? when a cd is put in etc15:11
DIFH-icerootJack_Sparrow: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5174091#post517409115:11
Micasfhi every one15:11
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart When you installed ubuntu, where did you write the grub?  to the mbr of the first disk or a partition15:11
wildthing4everandrewgearhart: how do I check?15:11
tech0007pub: should be automatic since feisty (i think)15:11
Jack_SparrowDIFH-iceroot got it thanks.. it wasnt for me.   just wanted to clarify how you did it..15:12
DIFH-icerootand now i can use ubuntu 8.04 with my fake raid1 array :)15:12
Micasfcould someone help me to solve the Wireless network problem?15:12
* stabbyjoe12 does anyone no what thinapp is?15:12
wildthing4everandrewgearhart: the wireless light is on, on the laptop15:12
wildthing4everbut no wireless networks are detected15:12
AndrewGearhartJack_Sparrow: First time, I used the guided... so I didn't select. Second time, I used the the "advanced" button and selected the disk15:12
DIFH-icerootJack_Sparrow: suse is doing this step himself, so it would be very nice if the next ubuntu can do this step to automaticly, because for linux "noobs" its hard and they dont like something like that15:13
AndrewGearhartJack_Sparrow: when I selected the disk, it will boot to grub... but then when I select ubuntu... it says something about not finding the os or something similar (can't remember the exact wording... I'm sorry)15:13
Micasfcould some body give me an aid? :)15:13
Jack_SparrowDIFH-iceroot they improve raid setup on each realease so we will se how they do15:13
mohkohnI am trying to connect to my linksys router. All I seem to get is a message: "it works!" instead of the admin window :(15:14
DIFH-icerootJack_Sparrow: hardware raid is great with ubuntu but fake-raid... :(15:14
IdleOneis launchpad down?15:14
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart Are both windows and ubuntu on the same drive and how many drives are there15:14
AndrewGearhartwildthing4ever: I'm trying to remember... there's a command that starts with an L that I was using last night to see the assignments of hardware that was running successfully (was using it to see my video card's multiple heads to try to figure out how xorg was to be configured after I got everything installed)15:14
mohkohnHow can I find out which is my linksys access point?15:14
tech0007IdleOne: nope15:14
=== rexbron_ is now known as rexium
Jack_SparrowDIFH-iceroot I quit running raid after drives stopped being such a bottleneck in a system and came up to speed15:15
DIFH-icerootok my installation of 8.04 is done, now i will check if grub has detected my suse and ubuntu15:15
AndrewGearhartwildthing4ever: yes, I believe... I'm stabbing in the dark here... I'm no expert by far.15:15
IdleOnetech0007,  ok it loaded up. guess it was slow15:15
DIFH-icerootJack_Sparrow: i feel safer with RAID1, yes i know its no backup system...15:15
AndrewGearhartJack_Sparrow: there are two drives... but I'm only working with one... a 250gb one... has both windows xp and ubuntu on it. eventually... I want to get rid of the xp partition... but wanted to grab the files into my ubuntu partition first.15:15
Micasf><; Could somebody help me ><15:15
wildthing4everwill try and get the driver from the intel site...brb15:16
KrimZontech0007: thanks anyway... i need to take a break from it and try again some other time15:16
MeuuHello .. :)15:16
DIFH-icerootok i am off, cu and have a nice day15:16
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart Are you running live or did you get to the ub install15:16
MeuuDIFH-iceroot You to :)15:16
mohkohnI get "It works!' at and
Micasfhi,seems i can't connect to my wireless router But my vista runs well15:17
teo-i want to change my kernel on ubuntu 8.04 to
AndrewGearhartruns live very happily... and did the install from live... but haven't been able to get ub to boot from the install yet15:17
tiberioHi, Micasf, I have the same problem. Please, show me the command output "lspci | grep -i network"15:17
mohkohnI am pretty sure the access point is as .2 is my eth1 gateway15:17
tech0007teo-: then u have to compile your own15:17
pubi can't get my cd rom drive to moutn when a cd is inserted15:17
meeper /win 815:17
MicasfTiberio, would you mind waiting?15:17
Micasfbecause i'm on vista now15:17
teo-tech0007, is there any good guide for that ?15:17
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart You are writing grub to the wrong place...   Is the windows/ub drive set as primary drive?15:18
tiberioMicasf, ok15:18
tech0007pub: check your /etc/fstab if it has auto in the cdrom line15:18
belowhere is it?15:18
pubtech0007, i changed it from noauto, to auto15:18
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart Oh, and are you mixing ide and sata drives15:18
MicasfTiberio, i will come back soon15:18
AndrewGearhartJack_Sparrow: in bios, yes. and yes, I'm mixing ide and sata drives... the one I'm booting (set from bios) is the sata drive...15:18
tiberioMicasf, install a IRC client in ubuntu.15:18
Conundrum_go into grub and type in find /boot/grub/menu.lst15:18
tech0007teo-: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5683515:19
Conundrum_you should get the device no. of the partition which grub is on15:19
MicasfBut i am sharing network with other15:19
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart Mixing drives can really mess with you.. I can reference several links where it is an issue15:19
Persihi there, does anyone have an idea how to set up broadband through wifi in xubuntu?15:19
Micasfso i can't just take the wire out and use wired connection15:19
AurixLexicoPersi > Try ndiswrapper ?15:20
Micasfmaybe i go to linux first15:20
AndrewGearhartJack_Sparrow: I believe it! ;-) would I be in better to get everything setup with the sata 250 first, then reconnect the ide 40gb?15:20
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart With mixed drives some systems will randomly swap between ide and sata as the primary drive and cause havoc15:20
Persindiswrapper seems like a driver and I don`t have anyproblem setting up wifi card15:21
Persiso I can connect to wireless networks15:21
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart Actually, I would get or borrow one of the $15 external usb drive adapters for your ide after you get the sata setup15:21
AndrewGearhartJack_Sparrow: I don't think that is the case here... its hitting the sata drive for boot ... but the xp partition instead of the ubuntu partition15:21
pubtech0007, i changed it from noauto, to auto15:21
pc_any german ppl here?15:21
Pici!de | pc_15:22
ubottupc_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de15:22
Persihowever Im having problems with next step,which is to arrange a new connection through it just like in windows15:22
tech0007pub: yup15:22
pc_ahh ubuntu de15:22
pubtech0007; it still doesn't auto mount ;(15:22
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart If it is doing that it is not finding grub on the mbr of the sata15:22
PersiMeuu I`m all ears15:22
tech0007pub: can u paste your /etc/fstab? use paste.ubuntu.com15:22
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart Pull the ide...  write grub to the mbr of the sata and it should work.15:23
sobriquetseems pretty active on the help side in here15:23
Persiyeah brevity is the soul of wit, but it`s not really clear what your advice is15:23
sobriquetopenvpn: Depends: openssl-blacklist (> 0.3.2) but 0.1-0ubuntu0.8.04.4 is to be installed15:23
Jack_Sparrow!who > Persi15:23
sobriquetIm getting the above error while trying to install openvpn from binary packages on 8.04-server15:23
sobriquetafter doing an apt-get dist-upgrade15:24
pubtech0007; http://paste.ubuntu.com/19892/15:24
sobriquetshould I report this as a bug15:24
sobriquetI've alread built openvpn from source15:24
sobriquetso I dont really need help15:24
Jack_Sparrow!enter > sobriquet15:24
AndrewGearhartJack_Sparrow: that's what it did the first time around... then I set "boot loader" (which I assume is grub) to install on mbr (I believe it was noted as hd0) ... which then let grub boot instead of xp... but then when I selected ubuntu... it basically said (and I can't remember its exact phrasing) that it didn't find the operating system/partition15:25
=== Meuu is now known as ElectrOniiCK
sobriquetI'll keep using IRC the way I have for 20 years15:25
sobriquetbut thanks for answering my question15:25
sobriquetopen sores troll15:25
Conundrum_Jack_Sparrow: you can try chainloading if you want to preserve the windows mbr15:26
pubtech0007; see anything i did wrong ?15:26
tech0007pub: looks fine..15:26
poypoyhi people i need help real bad15:26
pubtech007, dangit.... it's still not mounting haha15:26
AndrewGearhartConundrum_: I'm actually the one that Jack_Sparrow is trying to help... I'm not concerned about windows ever booting again... I just need it to live long enough for me to grab the files after I get ubuntu to boot15:26
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart if you pastebin the grub from your installed setup we can see where it is pointing, or I can give you a script to run that will pastebin what we need to see.15:26
pubbrb tech000715:27
* AndrewGearhart hangs his head because he's being a stupid support beggar15:27
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart You can always mount everything from live cd and copy it over too.. but you still want to be able to boot the hd of ubuntu before removing win  :)15:28
AndrewGearhartJack_Sparrow: unfortunately... I'm not at home with the PC... I'm at work right now... so can't get the file till lunch15:28
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart Would you like my short script to paste into the livecd term..15:28
teo-can i use the kernel configuration file from ubuntu 8.04 to the kernel i want to build ( ?15:28
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart No worries...  we are happy to help.. this wont be hard to fix15:29
poypoyim on ubuntu 8.04 and i have a photosmart p1000 printer ubuntu fineds ot fine but when i print it prints a line of letters and just never stops printing i have to take the paper out to stop it printing im only trying to print a documant15:29
tech0007teo-: did u read the link i gave u?15:29
pubtech0007; is there anything more i need to do / change? i am stumped15:29
teo-tech0007, yes but i don't know what to choose using the make menuconfig.. :S15:29
tech0007pub: 'ps aux | grep gnome-volume-manager'...it shoudl be running15:30
pubpub@linux:~$ ps aux | grep gnome-volume-manager15:31
pubpub      10068  0.0  0.2  20672  4636 ?        Ss   10:27   0:00 /usr/lib/gnome-volume-manager/gnome-volume-manager --sm-disable15:31
pubpub      10185  0.0  0.0   3008   772 pts/0    S+   10:30   0:00 grep gnome-volume-manager15:31
BeatsHey guys whats the smallest picture file and whats a good converter for Ubuntu, my website doesn't give me much MB storage and i need realy small picture files going from jpg to ...15:31
teo-tech0007, can i use the old kernel config file ?15:31
pubtech0007; it is running, what does that mean O.O15:32
omgHello everyone -- Is this the right channel to discuss printer configuration in Ubuntu15:32
Jack_Sparrowomg It is a place to start15:32
junkeRHello everyone :D15:32
tech0007pub: gnome-volume-manager is needed mount cds, try restarting15:32
Conundrum_u'll need fam too i think15:33
BeatsWhats the smallest file typer a picture can be15:33
Conundrum_Beats: jpeg is a good compression format15:33
Conundrum_gif too will do15:33
tech0007teo-: yes you can15:33
Jack_SparrowBeats jpg's aand pngs are quite small15:33
Conundrum_but it's lossy so don't keep saving edits15:33
seanlaGood night.15:34
teo-tech0007, where can i find that file ?15:34
seanlaIs there any body alive?15:34
tech0007teo-: its in /boot dir15:34
teo-tech0007, thnx15:34
Jack_Sparrowseanla Goodnight15:35
AndrewGearhartJack_Sparrow: yes, the script would be great... as long as it doesn't have rm anywhere in it. ;-)15:35
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart np.. one sec15:36
GuLRSis someone having problems with realtek 8139? I can't connect to the internet and my internal network15:36
Conundrum_GuLRS:  im using it with no problems15:36
omgI've been checking google for stuff on the Dell A940 Jack_Sparrow and gone thru the quite peculiar procedure of taking the rpms and installing them on Ubuntu but whether I use the z600 or z55 driver I get no satisfaction  Any ideas here?15:36
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /boot/grub/menu.lst >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && lsb_release -a >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit  (Provide Pastebin link in channel)15:36
junkeRDoes anyone know when Opera 9.5 will be added to the Ubuntu Hardy 'partner' repository?15:36
GuLRSConundrum_: yesterday it was working... today it is not...15:36
Jack_Sparrowomg Running alien to convert rpms is dangerous and can mess things up badly15:37
IenorandHello, I'm having problems connecting to a preset wireless net, it takes up to 10 min to connect automatically, hovewever if I do a manual (nm-applet) connect it works in a matter of seconds, anybody able to help?15:37
unavailablewth is alien?15:37
Conundrum_check your ethernet cable for loose connections :p15:37
Pici!alien | unavailable15:37
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)15:37
ubottuunavailable: please see above15:37
GuLRSConundrum_: cannot ping google15:37
GuLRSConundrum_: and when i ping my ip, all packets are lost15:37
omgJack Yeah thats' what I thought but I really wanted to use this ALLinOne as my printer my old Canon 250 is reliable but slow.15:38
pubtech0007; i changed something now, i can't open the drive with the button anymore, haha15:38
Conundrum_GuLRS: check your ethernet cable lol15:38
unavailablegulrs  router?15:38
tech0007pub:  run 'eject' in terminal15:38
LetsGo67How do I open Phobos links in Ubuntu?15:38
MicasfTiberio here?15:38
Jack_Sparrowomg Did you check the supported hardware to see if anyone has it working bayond just printing15:38
omgyeah thanks ubottu but my system *seems* ok15:38
GuLRSConundrum_: hehe, its working with windows..15:38
AndrewGearhartthanks Jack_Sparrow ... I'll grab the company car and run it over lunch.15:39
pubtech0007; pub@linux:~$ eject15:39
pubumount: only root can unmount /dev/scd0 from /media/cdrom015:39
pubeject: unmount of `/media/cdrom0' failed15:39
pubtech0007; sudo eject, works15:39
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart do you have internet access while running livecd on that box?15:39
GuLRSunavailable: only the company server15:39
omgHey I cant get ASCII printing on Dell A940 is it really hopeless?15:39
seanlaI have a problem. I install ubuntu through Vmware in my work desktop, but I do not know how to access the network, because the company network can access outer network through ISA.15:39
AndrewGearhartJack_Sparrow: sure do! :-)15:39
unavailablegulrs so its pc----??-----internet15:39
GuLRSunavailable: checked interfaces, and it its just like yesterday15:40
seanlawho can help me? Thanks a lot.15:40
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart It will install pastebinit and give you a link to the info.. we will need that link15:40
unavailablegulrs  you try manual ip config?15:40
andreasnI have Helvetica Neue installed on my system in /.fonts, but it seems OpenOffice is unable to pick it up. Do you need to install it somewhere else?15:40
Persi_ok I`m back with my problem, been offline for 10 mins, can anyone scroll the chat up to see if there was some kind of advice?15:40
pubtech0007; when i close the driv and do cat /etc/mtab ... the drive isn't showign15:40
tech0007pub: it only shows mounted filesystems..did u restart?15:40
AndrewGearhartJack_Sparrow: sounds good. Is there a chat client in the livecd?15:40
GuLRSunavailable: typing /etc/network/interfaces manually?15:41
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart pidgin works,,15:41
seanlaI have a problem. I install ubuntu through Vmware in my work desktop, but I do not know how to access the network, because the company network can access outer network through ISA. Who can help me? Thanks lot!15:41
pubtech0007; countless times now :/15:41
Persi_not yet in logs15:41
omgPersi_ use the scroll bar on the right side of your client15:41
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart not a great client, but it will work for our needs15:41
unavailablegulrs   manually configging ip address = static...  not dhcp?15:41
LetsGo67Phobos links are the iTunes links.15:41
tech0007pub: tried different CDs?15:41
GuLRSunavailable: no15:41
GuLRSunavailable: I will try it now15:42
pubtech0007; it is only a blank CD, i just want it to mount.15:42
=== Persi_ is now known as Persi
omgIs ISA your abbreviation for "Internet Connection Sharing"15:42
seanlaThe company network has ISA firewall.15:42
unavailablegulrs  make sure you use something that isnt used on the network15:42
unavailablegulrs, and you wont be able to hit the internet until you config dns15:42
tech0007pub:  blank CDs are not automounted15:42
unavailablegulrs you need to know the ip's of the dns servers for your isp15:42
tech0007pub:  it will be sensed by brasero or otehr cd writing programs15:42
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart You may need to edit that script since you will be running off livecd15:42
pubtech0007; alright, hang on one sec.. i have to get multiple cdroms ?15:43
unavailabletech0007  blanks are automounted in my ub 8.0415:43
AndrewGearhartJack_Sparrow: hmm... /me looks more carefully15:43
fantasticmrfoxHi, I need help with NFS... my NAS box shared a folder owned root:root over NFS... but when mounted on my server it is nobody:nobody owned.15:43
fantasticmrfoxI'll be using things like "cp -a /etc/ ." to make backups preserving ownership,time,modes etc and it won't let me.15:43
fantasticmrfoxWhat can I to make my mounted NFS share directory - act as good as it would be accessing it directly?15:43
omgseanla specify your Proxy information just like you do in Windows but in the Ubuntu network control panel15:43
LetsGo67How do you open iTunes links in Linux?15:43
Persiok well then maybe anyone can help me right now15:43
GuLRSunavailable: ok15:43
PersiI want to set up broadband connection through wifi15:43
Persiwith wifi already set up and happily connecting15:43
tech0007unavailable: only the blank cd icon shows on my desktop...but when i type mount, it doesnt show its mounted15:43
unavailabletech0007 ok i get what you mean15:44
MicasfTiberio here?15:44
AndrewGearhartJack_Sparrow: sorry for being a dunce... what might I need to change?15:44
omgTo simplify my situation re: Dell A940 I've tried the z600 driver and the z55 driver.  What shall I attempt next?  It is a USB attached AIO printer.15:45
unforgiven_anybody ?15:45
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart Once you get home fire up pidgin and we can go through it..  I will boot a livecd on my other box and make and changes needed to that script for a live session.. I have needed to do that for awhile.. no time like now...15:45
* Micasf slaps tiberio around a bit with a large trout15:45
pubtech0007; i just tried a non-empty disc, still the same15:46
pubtech0007; i don't want to type mount /media/cdrom0, umount /media/cdrom0 every time ;(15:46
* unavailable takes the large trout and cooks breakfast.... mmm tastes like tiberio15:46
=== Cormenti4 is now known as Cormentia
tech0007pub:  hmmm, 'dpkg -s gnome-system-tools', you can actually rihgtclick mount/unmount in nautilus15:46
AndrewGearhartJack_Sparrow: thanks so much for your assistance! I go to lunch in about an hour.15:47
tech0007pub: you should get 2.22.0-0ubuntu915:47
unavailabletech0007 pub if you right click on the panel, and go add to panel  you can add a disk mounter15:47
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart I will go work on that.. I have never tried it from a livecd15:47
tech0007unavailable: thanks15:48
pubi am not in gnome, i am in fluxbox15:48
tech0007pub: cant you do that in thunar?15:48
AndrewGearhartJack_Sparrow: thanks15:49
pubtech0007, well i just mounted it in thunar how to umount it ?15:49
pubsorry.. i am new to linux.. just yesterday15:50
omgpub -- the reason to use fluxbox is because you want to type commands as opposed to running a big window manager like gnome.  Or get a machine with enough memory to run gnome.15:50
][steve][type rm -rf /15:50
AndrewGearhartpub: me too. ;-)15:50
tech0007pub: welcome to the club...lol15:50
AndrewGearhart][steve][: not nice15:50
pubomg, i realize this that is why i want to do it via commands15:50
pubomg, it should still automount ?15:50
Persi /join #xubuntu15:50
tech0007pub; it should15:51
IenorandHello, I'm having problems connecting to a preset wireless net, it takes up to 10 min to connect automatically, hovewever if I do a manual (nm-applet) connect it works in a matter of seconds, anybody able to help?15:51
jpds][steve][: please don't type that15:51
swatTXcan someone help me figure out why i don't have sound working anymore?15:51
pubit isn't automounting ;(15:51
harryvhey, is it recommended to use crontab with ubuntu server? since it' not installed pr default15:51
Micasfhi, tiberio?15:51
Chousukesince when is cron not installed by default?15:51
jpds][steve][: some people don't know and actually do it, not very gfunny15:51
][steve][it kinda is15:52
pubI knew enough NOT to type that, haha.15:52
hwildewhat is overwriting the /etc/motd on boot ??15:52
Chousukeharryv: are you sure you have no cron (or an alternative)15:52
jpdshwilde: /etc/ini.t/bootmisc.sh15:52
swatTXIenorand, try using wicd instead of nm-applet. it's worked out much better for me.15:52
jpdshwilde: edit the /etc/motd.tail file instead15:52
unavailable][steve][  what if it happened to you15:52
Chousukeharryv: anyway, crontabs should work just fine15:52
harryvChousuke: aptitude search cron: p   cron15:52
cjohnson_How can I run a linux gui program in windows?15:53
pubomg, it should still automount in fluxbox, right?15:53
cjohnson_Does cygwin allow me to run them?15:53
Chousukeharryv: how about any of the alternatives?15:53
Chousukeharryv: like anacron15:53
IenorandswatTX: Can I uninstall nm-applet, or should I disable it somehow?15:53
harryvChousuke: nope.15:53
Chousukeharryv: well, if you really don't have cron, just install it :)15:53
omgpub mount -a15:53
harryvi jsut thought it had been replaced with some alternative..15:53
jpdshwilde: that way it won't get overwritten on boot15:54
tiberioMicasf: Tell me15:54
omgpub that command will mount everything you have listed in /etc/fstab15:54
swatTXIenorand, I don't think i unistalled it, i just removed it from the toolbar after installing wicd and added a tray icon for wicd.15:54
pubomg, when i open my cd drive, and close it, it doesn't mount again until i type "mount /media/cdrom0"15:54
IenorandswatTX: Okies, will try out, cheers.15:55
Chousukeharryv: I don't know of any such thing. then again, I haven't used Ubuntu for a long time :/15:55
mad_max02omg, type mount -a15:55
omgpub I use fluxbox on machines that don't have enough memory.  Most things have to be done from a terminal via command line15:55
hwildejpds, yeah I did motd.tail but I wanted to do some other cool stuff in there too :)  thanks15:55
swatTXIenorand, np. hope it fixes your prob =)15:55
Chousukeharryv: maybe they've changed things. Though getting rid of cron would be pretty drastic15:55
unavailablehey i want to show you how spray and wash gets out these nasty stanes... oops looks like it didnt come out, ah well you needed a new shirt anyway...15:55
pubomg, thank you very much i guess i too will do it from  commandline15:56
Ahadielunavailable, Troll much?15:56
unavailablepub you could make a script15:56
omgpub Acknowledged.  That is the way linux works.  Some thing has to mount the CD -- if not you then I program you run.  Like nautilus in gnome15:56
unavailableahadiel  quoting a commercial is trolling?15:56
omgpub look at your /etc/fstab15:57
Ahadielunavailable, It is if it isn't related to Ubuntu/Linux15:57
omgyou can change where the cd is mounted.  or you can put a cd image (.iso file) on hard drive and mount that.15:57
mluser-workDoes anyone know of a way to configure networkmanager to automatically log into preferred wireless networks on system startup, instead of waiting untill a user logs into his account?15:58
WispringHi everyone... I have been trying to get dual monitors up and running on Hardy Heron for a few days now without success. Some help accomplishing this would be very much appreciated.Yes I am a newbie to to Xchat and Ubuntu :)15:58
pubomg, i have already set that to auto15:58
IndyGunFreakWispring: what is your video device?15:58
pubomg, /dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,auto,exec,utf8 0       015:58
erUSULmluser-work: it can not do that currently; planned for next version afaik15:58
Wispringits an nvidia 620015:59
IndyGunFreakWispring: ok.. is it a dualhead card, or what?15:59
mluser-workerUSUL: thanks for the info15:59
=== stabbyjoe12 is now known as JBB
IndyGunFreakor do you have two different cards, or what?15:59
IndyGunFreakWispring: if its a dual head card, it should be pretty easy..15:59
=== aRahim is now known as aRahim_
omgpub then you can umount /dev/scd0 or eject /dev/scd0 to unmount /media/cdrom015:59
=== JBB is now known as stabbyjoe12
razor950I have a usb headset and it is recognized on ubuntu but I can't get it to work anywhere ( I can hear myself talk from the headset )16:00
Wispringyes its a duel head card in the AGP slot. I am using the adapter to connect it to two analog monitors. I now have the desktop duplicated in both monitors, but not stretched .16:00
=== aRahim_ is now known as aRahim__
razor950I am sure its the default headset16:00
pubomg, yes i already know how to mount/eject/umount via terminal, i was just wondering if there was a way to do it automatically16:00
=== aRahim__ is now known as aRahim
Wispringno mouse in the second monitor also16:00
unavailablepub scripts16:00
omgpub Do you have a terminal open?  type in this command man mount16:01
swatTXcan someone help me get my sound back on my system? I installed a gstreamer plugin for another program then my sound quit working. I uninstalled the plugin but still have no sound. can anyone help?16:01
IndyGunFreakWispring: answer the question, is this one video card with a dual head, or are you running multiple cards, or what?16:01
Wispringright... one card with dual head16:01
omgpub Right.  Yes.  Its' called Gnome16:01
IndyGunFreakWispring: 1 monitor works, other is black?16:02
caraHi all16:02
caraWhere can I find ubuntu-remix?16:02
pubty omg, i will stick with fluxbox and the terminal :D16:02
* cara wants to try it out on this umpc16:02
scottyLUbuntu set to a sweet techno beat?16:02
AndrewGearhartJack_Sparrow: any experience with multiple-monitor setups?16:02
Wispringboth work, but show the desktop induvidually on both16:02
scottyLIF you find it, send it my way16:02
omgpub how much RAM do you have?16:02
pubomg, 2gb16:02
IndyGunFreakWispring: ok, do you have nvidia-settings installed?16:03
unavailablepub ill trade yah16:03
omgWhat don't you like about KDE or Gnome?16:03
unavailable64 bit proc for yer ram16:03
mandrillI run ubuntu on a fileserver headless (no monitor) using VNC on the windows machines connected to it. I'm now getting connection refused. Is there any other way I can get into the server to see why its refusing the connection?16:03
criptexhi channel, im trying to configure wireless on eeepc with ubuntu but madwifi server is down, do you have this file http://snapshots.madwifi.org/special/madwifi-ng-r2756+ar5007.tar.gz ? Thanks16:03
IndyGunFreakWispring: ok, under configure for the two monitors, you need to set them to twinview..16:03
medflyhow do i get playback for my mic without using gnome-volume-manager(the volume GUI? i have xubuntu -.-)16:03
Grim76__mandrill: you can try to ssh to the machine if you installed openssh-server16:04
IndyGunFreakWispring: that will make it one large desktop16:04
pubomg, i just started linux 2 days ago and i was looking through nifty desktops and the majority of the ones that  i liked used fluxbox16:04
omgmandrill yeah use a serial cable to login via a getty16:04
mandrillhmm, I don't know if I did or not16:04
Micasfasked you for CHAT16:04
Wispringok thanks I'll give that a try16:04
mandrillI don't have a serial cable.16:05
MyrttiMicasf: how about you have your question again here, perhaps someone else could help you16:05
mandrillhow do I find out if there's an ssh server on it from my windows machine which is in another room16:05
MicasfI can connect to my Wireless router in Vista , but not in Ubuntu16:05
frostburnmandrill, putty16:05
criptexmadwifi driver pls... ^_^16:05
BliceHi. How do I turn off the 'auto-reconnect' thing on Terminal  Server Client? :(16:06
frostburnmandrill, it's an opensource ssh client for any operating system16:06
geniimandrill: Yes.16:06
swatTXcan someone help me get my sound back on my system? I installed a gstreamer plugin for another program then my sound quit working. I uninstalled the plugin but still have no sound. can anyone help?16:06
mandrillfrostburn: thankyou I'll google it16:06
omgWell I've tried different window managers and KDE and Gnome provide the most usable experience other than everything command line -- linux is not about the command line like it used to be.  RAM is a small price to pay to get the ease of use they provide.16:06
frostburnmandrill, you may want to invest in a kvm as well =]16:06
neurobuntuDoes anybody know how to restore the indexing icon in the notification area16:07
omgif you say // quit you lose...16:07
mandrillfrostburn: the server is nowhere near my other computers, its under the stairs in a cupboard so a kvm is not really useful16:07
rdzhi alhi all. in ubuntu dapper, setting up network printers was very easy, one just needed to enable searching and all printers automagically appeared. how does this work in hardy?16:07
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows16:08
frostburnmandrill, you can get kvms that work over the network, or get an out of band management card16:08
frostburnbut that may be a bit over the top16:08
omgubottu thanks for the links16:08
ubottuomg: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:08
ActionParsnipomg: ubottu is a bot only dude16:09
neurobuntuI set the tracker-applet to invisible, but now I can't figure out how to make it visibuel16:09
mandrillIt would seem I don't have SSH on my ubuntu box. I'll be fixing that as soon as I get it working again. looks like I'll have to lug my monitor and keyboard down to it and spend the next few hours in the cupboard *sigh*16:09
mandrillThnks for the help guys :)16:09
mandrillfrostburn, can you link me a network KVM?16:10
omgits time for me to go read later guys16:11
caraomg that's a really good name16:11
omgits actually my initials cara16:11
rdzhow to detect networking printers on hardy?16:11
frostburnmandrill http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=2050290143+1305629462&Configurator=&Subcategory=143&description=&Ntk=&srchInDesc=16:12
swatTXcan someone help me get my sound back on my system? I installed a gstreamer plugin for another program then my sound quit working. I uninstalled the plugin but still have no sound. can anyone help?16:12
mandrillfrostburn: ta16:12
caraomg lol16:12
carathat's cool16:13
omgcara why are you here today?16:13
carawas here asking about ubuntu remix16:13
caraI guess no one had an answer16:13
* cara was wondering if it were available yet16:13
mandrillouch they're a bit pricey, I'll not be getting one of those then.16:13
omgwhat is remix I use audacity sometimes16:13
Micasfhey~ iJust can't scan my network16:13
Evan_does anyone know how to set up unrealircd on ubuntu desktop?16:13
Micasfcould someone suggest me how to do16:14
Evan_i have the unreal.conf16:14
carano no omg its a version of ubuntu made especially for laptops (umpc)16:14
gonzaloafhi, if I have 2 sound devices, how do I set one of then as the default?16:14
omgOh I use the normal ubuntu on my laptops and it works fine .  WHat kind of notebook is it?16:15
slushpuppy\Hi is there a way to list the permission of files in octal?16:15
caraomg a umpc, the hp mini note16:15
FirefisheHow do I update from 7.04 to 7.10 using the 7.10 disk?16:16
caraI like it16:16
Ne0_WizArdi have installed battlefield 2(with cedega) on my ubuntu box now am tring to install the patch16:16
Ne0_WizArdwhen i try to install it asked for admin proviliges16:16
Wispringto the fine person that helped me get dual monitors working ....THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!16:17
omgcara is it a 2133 model16:17
IndyGunFreakWispring: no problem16:17
FirefisheSuccess!  (Klingon Translation:  "Kaplah!"16:18
glitsj16gonzaloaf: there's a small applet that can do that .. "sudo apt-get install asoundconf-gtk"16:18
Ne0_WizArdi need to install the patch for BF2 but asked for admin priviliges how do i do that16:19
neurobuntuSo I clicked some preference on Tracker-Applet to hide it when indexing, now I can't get it to open again, cause its hiding.  Does anybody know how to unhide it?16:19
Frederikhow do I run .NET applications in wine, install .NET Framework?16:20
Sysctl___ im running ubuntu 8.04 and have xen installed and trying to set up a HA nfs cluster... i have one xen vm running as etch. i need to install drbd, but make says i need my kernel headers to compile16:20
Sysctl___not sure which ones i need, to be honest?16:20
recon69programs have just been shutting down on there own? anyone ever had this happen?16:21
poddyHi, i have a problem with my windows boot.. i installed ubuntu as guided entire disk on the primary disk, and now i cant boot windows, it seems that the ntldr is gone and i cant restore it through the windows setup repair16:21
neurobunturecon69, this happens when th eprogram crashes16:22
neurobuntutry opening it in a terminal then when it crashes you should see the error output16:22
offseti need some help16:22
offsethow can i make, the host i need, sending SYN packet to the IP i want16:22
IndyGunFreakpoddy: youcan't be serious16:22
SHJordanwhat is the brazilian channel?16:22
poddyoh yes i am..16:22
AndrewGearhartIndyGunFreak: have time to answer some general dual monitor questions?16:22
swatTXi have no sound, can someone help?16:23
IndyGunFreakAndrewB: if it relates to Nvidia, sure..16:23
poddycant restore it because the setup says i cant install windows on that partition16:23
IndyGunFreakpoddy: well, i hate to tell you, your WIndows partition is likely gone.. if you chose guided, use entire disk. it wiped the whole drive and made it linux only16:23
poddywindows and ubuntu are on diffrent hd's tho16:23
recon69neurobuntu: I seem to have a lot of different programs that like crashing then , FF , Kaffine , Pidgin16:23
IndyGunFreakpoddy: oh ok, well thats a lot different.16:23
AndrewGearhartIndyGunFreak: boo... ;-) okay... relates to Intel GMA card...16:24
poddyjust cant get ntldr back16:24
arvind_kswatTX, check out alsa16:24
IndyGunFreakAndrewGearhart: sorry... intel its pretty tough16:24
Azzmodanpoddy, you could try changing the boot order in your bios to start from the windows drive, it might have an ntldr on there16:24
=== arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri
neurobunturecon69, ok load them in the terminal and you should be able to see what is causing them to crash16:24
IndyGunFreakpoddy: you can boot a boot disk, and run fixmbr and fixboot.. that will restore the ntdlr16:24
recon69neurobuntu: I'll try use the terminal and see if i can get an error msg16:25
AndrewGearhartIndyGunFreak: what is possible with multiple monitors... can it be made to still have virtual desktops and the dual monitors?16:25
poddyoh alright, thanks16:25
swatTXarvind_k, how do i check that? I've done aplay -l and it says no soundcard found.16:25
poddyi'll go try that now, thanks16:25
penhow do I assign two mouse button to xbindkeys?16:25
neurobunturecon69: the error message will get output on the crash, most likely16:25
arvind_khadriswatTX, which soundcard do you have??16:25
IndyGunFreakAndrewGearhart: it depends on how you wan tit.. you can set it up to have 2 separate desktops, or 1 big desktop(i prefer the one large desktop)16:25
recon69neurobuntu: it's difficult as a lot of the time I get a kernel panic about 30 seconds later. ( the kernel panics seem to only happen when I using my wireless network)16:27
AndrewGearhartIndyGunFreak: with either one, are you still able to do virtual desktops?16:27
neurobuntuhmm... Try filing a bug report with launchpad16:27
arvind_khadriswatTX, which soundcard do you have??16:27
zloogRealplayer 11 is blocking other applications from using sound when it is running on 8.04. Does anyone know of a fix for this?16:27
IndyGunFreakwhat do you mean by virtual desktops, AndrewGearhart16:27
Mercilinhois it safe to install packages from launchpad repositories, I mean their aren't any malicious admins on launchpad ?16:27
swatTXarvind_k, when i lscpci -v it list nvidia nforce3 audio16:27
arvind_khadrizloog, you mean by default it tries to play the sound you want to16:28
AndrewGearhartIndyGunFreak: sorry if I'm using the wrong terms... the little screens that you see by default in the bottom right hand corner ... where you can slide right/left16:28
recon69neurobuntu: would love to , cant really get any info to post other than I got a unstable system that locks up. cant really post that as a bug.16:28
IndyGunFreakAndrewGearhart: those are workspaces, and yes.16:28
arvind_khadriswatTX, lspci | grep "audio"16:28
oldenglishTried asking this in #winehq already, but I'm trying to do an office 2007 install and I'm getting this error (and only this error) in the install log: Error: Failed to get path root Type: InvalidArgument. Any ideas?16:28
zloogarvind_khadri: I mean that it will play just fine as long as it is the only application using sound. It will also block any other app from using sound16:28
AndrewGearhartIndyGunFreak: awesome. what is the main difference between two desktops and one? what are the pros/cons?16:29
zloogarvind_khadri: But it isnt grabbing file type associations, if that is what you mean16:29
nates_hi everyone, i'm looking for a tool in linux to design (mysql) database layouts in a graphical manner. does anyone know tools for that?16:29
swatTXarvind_khadri, "Multimedia audio controller : nvidia corp nforce3 audio (rev a2)16:29
arvind_khadrizloog, oh ok...no idea about it...16:29
echinos_AndrewGearhart: two physical displays, or two desktops on one display?16:29
IndyGunFreakAndrewGearhart: just preference i guess.16:29
arvind_khadriswatTX, ok your processor and ubuntu version16:29
IndyGunFreakAndrewGearhart: one thing i don't like, is if you have it setup as two desktops(one on each display), you can't move windows between the two monitors... where if its setup as one big monitor, you can16:30
zloogarvind_khadri: K, thanks16:30
glitsj16zloog: View/Preferences, find the Performance tab, and in the Audio Driver options, check if you can select "Esound Support" .. worked for former versions, not sure about version 1116:30
recon69nates_: there is a mysqladmin program that let you admin a myslq database in you browser16:30
echinos_IndyGunFreak: I have 2 displays, 6 desktops (workspaces)16:30
AndrewGearhartechinos_: I have two physical displays... and I'm trying to figure out the terminology of what I want so I can work to get it setup with howtos and what not tout there16:30
echinos_Works great16:30
IndyGunFreakechinos_: you're not listening16:30
IndyGunFreakpay attention to the conversation16:30
KRFnates_, phpmyadmin16:30
=== fx_ is now known as EFFIX
echinos_AndrewGearhart: do you have an nvidia card?16:30
IndyGunFreakdesktops and workspaces are difference16:30
AndrewGearhartIndyGunFreak: yeah... that would be a necessity for me... to move the windows around between the monitors16:30
IndyGunFreakAndrewGearhart: then you'll want to use Twinview..16:31
IndyGunFreak!twinview | AndrewGearhart16:31
ubottuAndrewGearhart: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead16:31
echinos_IndyGunFreak: yeah, that's why I put workspaces in brackets, I used the wrong term16:31
IndyGunFreakechinos_: the discussion isn't about workspaces, thats why i said to follow the conversation16:31
swatTXarvind_khadri, it's an AMD processor, the speed escapes me at the moment.. ubuntu version = 8.0416:31
MindVirusHow do I convert an AIF file to a WAV file?16:31
recon69nates_ : might not be the most suitable as it works through a web server.16:31
smacnayIs Hardy Heron stable to install on a laptop?16:31
Mercilinhooldenglish, here is a guide to installing Office 2007 in Wine: http://wine-review.blogspot.com/2008/03/office-2007-on-linux-with-wine-install.html16:31
smacnayI see an "LTS" after it.16:31
echinos_smacnay: Yep16:32
Picismacnay: LTS = Long Term Support, and sure its running on this laptop16:32
Micasfstill cannot16:32
Micasfcould some body lead me on this16:32
recon69smacnay: depends if your lucky , try the live CD first and see how that goes16:32
ganjamani got a problem16:32
ganjamani compiled an 26.2516:32
MindVirusHow do I convert an AIF file to a WAV file?16:32
ganjamanbut the hell is 250mb big16:32
Micasfhow to configure my wireless network16:32
ganjamanthe kernel size is huge, for no reason?16:32
reenignEesreveRmy ssh session to ubuntu machine gets timedout periodically due to inactivity ... how can i change this?16:32
AndrewGearhartIndyGunFreak: so, I'll use Xinerama to do a single virtual display from my dual head Intel GMA. ... sound right?16:33
ganjamani got a terabye kernel linux 582.2116:33
IndyGunFreakAndrewGearhart: i would think.. iv'e never setup dual displays w/ Intel... how are you trying to do this, a laptop and a desktop monitor?16:33
Sysctl___er, i installed ubuntu 8.04 runnign xen, had to use 2.6.24-17-xen... but now apt no longer contains this version... only 2.6.24-16-xen and 2.6.24-18-xen16:33
Sysctl___need to get a compatible linux-headers package, where woudl i find ti?16:34
nates_recon69, KRF: basically i only want to plan it, not really implement it. sorry for the confusion16:34
ruiboon!wireless | MindVirus16:34
ubottuMindVirus: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:34
MindVirusI don't need wireless help.16:34
ganjamanthere are some black panthers walking around the circle16:35
ruiboonMindVirus: oops. sorry use the wrong short cut16:35
espen77anyone knows what changed with regards to SMBFS from ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04? after upgrade i get mount error 13 = Permission denied.16:35
IndyGunFreakMindVirus: well youu might someday, so hang on to the link16:35
MindVirusIndyGunFreak, heh.16:35
ruiboon!wireless | Micasf16:35
ubottuMicasf: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:35
ganjamanit changed the mount -t use cifs instead of smbfs16:35
Micasfthx ubottu16:35
swatTXarvind_khadri, anything?16:35
MindVirusAnyone know?16:36
AndrewGearhartIndyGunFreak: two desktop LCDs... one running on the analog/vga, the other running on the digital/dvi16:36
ganjamanweedcause a strange behaviour in the banana routine 13c from register 64,12316:36
espen77ganjaman: still get the same access denied with the cifs16:36
arvind_khadriswatTX, ya am searching check out alsamixer...type alsamixer in terminal16:36
IndyGunFreakAndrewB: is this an intel video card, or onboard memory or what?16:36
ganjamanwhats you rcommand line?16:36
ruiboonMindVirus: you may like to try ffmpeg -i filetoconvert filetoconvert.wav16:36
lordleemoMindVirus:  in a term sudo apt-get install sox    to use go to your folder open a term and convert them    sox track1.aiff track1.wav16:36
MindVirusSox and ffmpeg. Thanks.16:37
penhow do I assign two mouse button to xbindkeys?16:37
swatTXarvind_khadri, "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory"16:37
IndyGunFreak!mouse | pen16:37
ubottupen: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto16:37
penhow do I assign two-mouse-button trigger to xbindkeys?16:37
espen77ganjaman: "mount -t cifs // /mnt/nas -o username=espen,password=secret,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777"16:37
penIndyGunFreak, no, it's not about the mouse, it's about xbindkey16:37
arvind_khadriswatTX, hey ok i think i have found it :) just a min let me go through it16:37
penIndyGunFreak, I can assign control + b:2 but I can't make b:2 + b:3 work as intended16:38
swatTXarvind_khadri, sweet!16:38
AndrewGearhartIndyGunFreak: it's an Intel integrated graphics card ... Intel GMA 310016:38
IndyGunFreakAndrewB: and it has dualhead capabilities?.. hmm thats unusual.16:38
recon69nates_ : get a pen and some paper and read about database normalisation , or have a look for some tools like http://www.fabforce.net/dbdesigner4/ , have not used it though16:38
IndyGunFreakAndrewGearhart: does dualhead work under WIndows?16:38
funky_hi peoples how put skype in fluxbox when i try configure fluxbox/menu i got error... help :(16:38
AndrewGearhartIndyGunFreak: personally... not seen it, but it is reported to do so in the specs and from responses in forums.16:39
penhow do I assign two-mouse-button trigger to xbindkeys?16:39
IndyGunFreakAndrewGearhart: oh ok.. i would probably get Nvidia if you can do that, Nvidia is about as easy as it gets to setup.16:39
AndrewGearhartIndyGunFreak: I live in the boondocks... so... nobody around really with even half of my computer experience to compare notes with.16:39
whsMy desktop got kernel panic, also to gentoo. I need to backup my gpg keys, can I back it up without remove my harddisk?16:40
AndrewGearhartIndyGunFreak: unf, not in the budget. :-(16:40
IndyGunFreakAndrewGearhart: understood.. also, i doubt its your issue, but on mine, i had to use a DVI-VGA converter, and run both as VGA, to get it to work properly16:40
IndyGunFreakAndrewGearhart: understood.16:40
IndyGunFreakAndrewGearhart: you can get some dualhead cards from TD for very cheap, adn they are good cards.16:41
IndyGunFreaksome as low as 50-6016:41
michael_you bay16:41
AndrewGearhartIndyGunFreak: I suspect it might be quite easy once I get ubuntu installed... 8.04 has a newer screen resolution applet that can handle rewriting the xorg.conf16:41
arvind_khadrihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/HowToInstallTheLastAlsaDriverForProSoundCard swatTX16:41
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart I think I know what all you need to do to get that to work off a live session16:41
FirefisheI'm doing an update from 7.04 to 7.10 using the 7.10 dvd.  I've already accomplished <sudo apt-get update> followed by <sudo apt-get upgrade>.  When doing <sudo apt-get dist-upgrade> but I get this output: http://rafb.net/p/9MBDS266.html16:41
michael_ou merda fala logo ??^^16:41
IndyGunFreakAndrewGearhart: hmm, i don't know.. i've saw lots of people  here w/ dual screen and intel issues.16:42
IndyGunFreakbut they could have been resolved, adn i've just not seen it.16:42
AndrewGearhartIndyGunFreak: but... when I was trying it with the live cd... the settings wouldn't stick16:42
arvind_khadriswatTX, check it out ...i think you need to build your drivers for the card16:42
michael_vai te fude viado^^16:42
nates_recon69: i know a bit about normalization, but still one could use a piece of software to visualize it, right? because i would like to share it with others and my handwriting is really a pain.16:42
nates_recon69: i'll check your link thanks!16:42
IndyGunFreakAndrewGearhart: do you have an AGP slot?16:42
Ginwhat is the correct way to install the xfce desktop on Ubuntu Hardy?16:42
michael_<michael> ^^ vai te cume hahahahahahaha16:43
AndrewGearhartIndyGunFreak: its a brand new system... no agp... pcie 16x16:43
AndrewGearhartIndyGunFreak: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16856101039&Tpk=sg31g216:43
=== ylmson_ is now known as ylmson
legend2440Gin: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce16:43
Dr_WillisGin,  install xubuntu-desktop package16:43
infinity_опача :) а куда Я попала?:)16:43
infinity_люди.. человекии16:44
arvind_khadri!en| infinity_16:44
ubottuinfinity_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat16:44
Pici!ru | infinity_16:44
ubottuinfinity_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:44
genii!ru | infinity_16:44
geniiPici: Heh16:44
JimmyPHi All,16:44
Firefishenice to know my irc client can pick up cyrillic16:44
IndyGunFreakAndrewGearhart: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1549699&CatId=182616:45
arvind_khadriswatTX, ??16:45
AndrewGearhartFirefishe: I'm frightened by the fact that I recognize some of the words from my 2 semesters of russian classes 8 years ago!16:45
swatTXarvind_khadri, so just try to follow the wiki as best i can?16:45
Ginafter installing xubuntu-desktop, can I remove ubuntu-desktop?16:45
JimmyPHaving difficulty with Ubuntu on my HP NC6400 (EY493ET) - the wireless just doesn't work. I googled it loads but there is no info. Am i missing something basic16:45
FirefisheAndrewGearhart:   heh16:46
IndyGunFreakAndrewGearhart: i have a 7400 on my PC, adn it works fine, i imagine all but the newest ones would work fine.16:46
GinJimmyP, what card is it?16:46
JimmyPBroadcom or Intel16:46
FirefisheAndrewGearhart: It just means you've got a good memory.16:46
GinJimmyP, look up the chipset in lspci16:46
arvind_khadriswatTX, yea...or else if that can wait...please hang over here till ikonia is here...he can surely tell you what you need to do :)16:46
JimmyPok hold on a tic...16:46
bobbob1016Has anyone gotten plugins to work with opera 9.5?  Specifically totem?  I'm trying to get apple trailers to work, but I can't get opera to load them.  Any ideas?16:46
FirefisheAndrewGearhart:  And if you just happen to find yourself in Gorky Park, you're set! ;)16:46
JimmyPIntel PRO 3945ABG16:47
heymrwould some kind person please patebin their ~/.mailcap file?16:47
AndrewGearhartFirefishe: maybe not set... I remember how to say please and thank you... but I couldn't even ask for (much less receive) directions to the bathroom!16:47
arvind_khadriswatTX, i would advice you to wait for him as am not pretty sure whether that page will work or not16:48
CarlFKday or so ago: apt-get upgrade.  now I get  pidgin[19990]: segfault at 2e63726d...16:48
FirefisheAndrewGearhart:  Heh.16:48
arvind_khadriCarlFK, report a bug for that16:48
swatTXarvind_khadri, hmmm. might just have to wait. it's just weird. sound was working, then i installed gstreamer-plugin-ugly-multiverse so i could use a sound converter program and then my sound quit!16:48
GinJimmyP, http://linuxtechie.wordpress.com/2008/04/24/making-intel-wireless-3945abg-work-better-on-ubuntu-hardy/16:49
JimmyPThanks Gin - i'll go play!16:49
AndrewGearhartIndyGunFreak: if I can't get the intel integrated video to work... i guess I'll have to go that route for my dual monitor setup... but I'm not going to give up just yet. I'm okay with complicated... as long as its "possible"16:49
swatTXarvind_khadri, i've uninstalled the plugin but still no sound =(16:49
EvilDennisRI have a repository question. I have made my work a local hardy repository (with apt-mirror) for our FAI system I implemented. We would like to have the "hardy main" tree frozen for our cluster machines, but we would also like other users in the office to use the repository and recieve updates. My question is, does the "hardy main" tree get updated, or does just "hardy-updates main" get updated with new versions ?16:49
recon69JimmyP: this is a good one as well https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiTroubleshooting16:49
arvind_khadriswatTX, hmm happens...the install might have just done something with the other libraries which is causing so16:49
IndyGunFreakAndrewGearhart: yeah, hopefully you get it working, i'm just not real confident in the Intel chipsets... some of them, its hard to just get desktop effects to work reliably16:49
arvind_khadriswatTX, no help on the forums too16:50
Jack_Sparrow!info pastebinit16:50
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 8 kB, installed size 84 kB16:50
penhow do I assign two-mouse-button trigger to xbindkeys?16:50
heymrpen: put it in twice?16:50
swatTXarvind_khadri, i couldn't find much there either. i guess i'll wait for, ikonia was it?16:51
arvind_khadriswatTX, :) yeah correct...he shall be here in sometime...16:51
penheymr, for key I want b:2 + b:3 (for instance), it doesn't work16:51
FirefisheAndrewGearhart:  Do you have any knowledge--or a website listing--of where to find instructions for dealing with using cd's as a dist-upgrade source?  I've done all the updating and upgrading I can do.  When I do a dist-upgrade I get this output:  http://rafb.net/p/9MBDS266.html16:51
penheymr, do you know the solution?16:51
arvind_khadriswatTX, or else leave him a message from here and check back when you come later...16:52
mandrillproblem number one solved16:52
heymrpen: did you run the xbindkeys thingy and hit a key?16:52
penheymr, what do you mean16:52
AndrewGearhartFirefishe: I do remember reading about that at one point... but I don't remember where off the top of my head. sorry.16:52
heymrpen: hold on16:52
AndrewGearhartIndyGunFreak: I'm actually banking on the idea that once I have ub installed fully... the screen resolution applet will solve all my problems for me! ;-)16:52
penheymr, it works for a key then a mouse, but not two mouse buttons at the same time16:53
CarlFKarvind_khadri: thanks.  will do16:53
yahyaAn update installed a newer kernel, but after reboot the previous one is still being used. Do I have to edit grub's menu.lst myself or is there an automated way to do it?16:53
heymrpen: xbindkeys -k to figure out what your pressing16:53
NotscapeHi, does anybody here overcome the problem afecting dapper/6.06 regarding bug PR28045 (gcc optimization bug) ?16:53
JimmyPHey Gin, no joy!16:53
heymrpen: mouse buttons? thought it was for keys... lol16:53
JimmyPTHe article suggested the wireless would work, but just not the light.16:53
JimmyPI did the update but nothing new!!16:54
blue_wolfhey , trying to install nvidia driver and its telling me to closi xserver, whats that?16:54
heymrpen: what are you binding it to and what wm are you using? maybe you can set it there...16:54
penheymr, do you know much about the keys in xbindkeys?16:54
GinJimmyP, can you see a wireless connection in iwconfig?16:54
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penheymr, I'm trying to binf to apwal16:54
swatTXarvind_khadri, he's afk right now so i left a message. thanks for trying =)16:54
glitsj16Firefishe: might aptoncd help you out with that ? http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net/ (it's in the repo's)16:54
penheymr, I'm in ubuntu using gnome, no, I can't set that in gnome16:54
heymrpen: well.. its seems pretty simple... http://rafb.net/p/tV8gpc97.html  <<thats mine16:54
IndyGunFreakAndrewGearhart: hopefully it all works..16:55
mandrillproblem number 2: I plugged a new HDD into my server and it shows up in storage device manager as sdc (the others being sda sdb and hda) when selected however it doesn't give me the option to mount it. how do I mount it?16:55
JimmyPi see the wlan0 - at 802.11a16:55
blue_wolfhow to close xserver on ubuntu?16:55
penheymr, no, I don't want to have to press a key with a mouse button, I just want mouse16:55
heymrpen: you can set it in rc.xml with openbox wm.. mouse button actions I mean16:55
Dr_Willisblue_wolf,  stop the gdm or kdm service. is one way16:55
AndrewGearhartIndyGunFreak: yeah.16:55
mandrillwould I need to format it? if so how would I do that?16:55
GinJimmyP, then it is working :\16:55
heymrpen: openbox will let you do that... xml is hard to go through though :/16:55
blue_wolfrunning gnome how to stop it?16:56
GinJimmyP, what did you do to try to connect?16:56
blue_wolfim nobb on linux16:56
JimmyPyeah - but no!16:56
penheymr, let me assign a two-mouse-buttons trigger?16:56
JimmyPI can't see or scan anything - all settings are greyed out16:56
legend2440Firefishe: you need the alternate Ubuntu cd to upgrade.  here are different methods    http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading#head-e48a0e69b52e605383bbfc727322f8d0ce0f7d9916:56
penheymr, but i'm using gnome16:56
GinJimmyP, what settings? where? be more exact please16:56
heymrpen: openbox = metacity counterpart, gnome- de16:56
Dr_Willisblue_wolf,  'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop' will stop X instantly.16:56
penheymr, I don't want to use openbox yet16:57
JimmyPI right clicked the network icon16:57
penheymr, I just want to solve this16:57
heymrpen: middle clicking does not work?16:57
duryhi there channel :)16:57
penheymr, if I assign only a mouse button of course it works16:57
NotscapeHi, does anybody here overcome the problem afecting dapper/6.06 regarding bug PR28045 (gcc optimization bug) ? dapper server should be supported up to 2011 and gcc is a vital part !16:57
GinJimmyP, the icons on the top right corner?16:57
penheymr, I can't make two buttons work at the same time to trigger an app16:57
heymrpen: oh I thought you wanted to DO something.. check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file if your mouse is using synaptics driver16:57
HardDiskNotscape, there is a reason for hardy being LTS16:58
EvilDennisRhmm.. I hate to spam the channel again. Anyone? Anyone? Repository question? Read the backlog16:58
PiciNotscape: That doesnt look like a valid bug number.16:58
penheymr, I am asking about xbindkey ofcourse I want to DO something16:58
heymrpen: synaptics driver handles this I think16:58
JimmyPand also 'edit wireless networks'16:58
heymrheymr: DO something = run a command with an action16:58
penheymr, why synaptics now? I didn't mention anything about synaptics16:58
Thunder-anyone around that might be able to answer a question about linux 2.6 and free memory accounting?16:58
JimmyPbut no networks are seen16:58
penheymr, I only ask about mouse16:58
heymrpen: DO something = run a command with an action16:58
penheymr, yea16:58
NotscapeHardDisk: I have a server in production... and cannot change releases so easy16:58
penheymr, isn't xbindkey obvious enough?16:58
GinJimmyP, System -> Admin -> network   it is on the panel16:58
penheymr, don't you use xbindkey to DO something?16:59
NotscapePici: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/dapper/+source/gcc-4.0/+bug/17863716:59
JimmyPok hold another tick16:59
ubottuNotscape: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/178637/+text)16:59
GinJimmyP, do you have a wireless connection there?16:59
PiciNotscape: Found it anyway, you may want to ask about that bug in #ubuntu-bugs16:59
duryanyone has here a linuxmail.org email account?16:59
heymrpen: xbindKEYS will NOT solve your mouse problem... sorry buddy16:59
JimmyPyes, roaming mode is on....16:59
penheymr, and if just want to say, if you don't understand what b:2 + b:3 mean, then we can end the conversation16:59
HardDiskNotscape, I understand, but there is a reason each LTS has it's shelf life, and upgrading to hardy lts is pretty straightforward, 6.06 LTS won't have issues, except for a few minor factors, you may want to try to upgrade in a vm and see what breaks.16:59
GinJimmyP, okay, you have to unlock first before editing17:00
heymrpen: lol... do you want help or not?17:00
penheymr, because you are not helping17:00
HardDiskNotscape, as an admin you'd understand these points without it being explained to you.17:00
heymrpen: whats your question17:00
GinJimmyP, now, uncheck the roaming mode en put in your network details17:00
penheymr, I said how do I make xbindkey work with two mouse button hitting at the same time17:00
penheymr, if I only assign to one mouse button each time it works17:01
JimmyPbut what if i goto an airport and need to just scan for networks?17:01
NotscapeHardDisk: I understand you...but then....dont use LTS acronyms in releases !17:01
GinJimmyP, then okay to save the settings17:01
penheymr, I can't make for instance pressing left click and right click at the same time to trigger gnome folder17:01
heymrpen: what are you assigning to it?17:01
JimmyPi thought it worked just like the mac - i right click on the icon and it shows me the available networks17:01
heymrpen: look at nautilus preferences for clicking17:01
HardDiskNotscape, yea like feisty and gutsy for example, but even LTS have their shelf life.  Anyway, good luck.17:02
GinJimmyP, not always, some routers hide their essid so they won't be listed17:02
penheymr, how is nautilus going to solve this problem? That was just for example17:02
NotscapeHardDisk: yes...up to 2011 they "say"17:02
GinJimmyP, but for most ppl the network icon on the panel should work.17:02
JimmyPI know, but here we can see at least 6 other networks.17:02
penheymr, it's about xbindkey not nautilus17:02
heymrpen: you want to open everything by clicking both mouse buttons at the same time?17:02
NotscapeHardDisk: I am not asking about third party packages...I think gcc is important17:03
penheymr, I want to make xbindkey open the intended program with two mouse buttons at the same time17:03
AndrewGearhartJack_Sparrow: hopefully be back soon.17:03
heymrpen: you need a wrapper I think for xbindkeys to do mice settings...17:03
penheymr, what do you mean17:03
penheymr, you mean two xbindkey?17:03
GinJimmyP, but there are other utilities to scan for wireless networks, see gnomefiles.org17:03
heymrpen: are you registered with freenode?17:04
penheymr, yea17:04
heymrpen: identify yourself and join #archlinux, they have your awnser17:04
penheymr, really?17:04
JimmyPok - i'll go google some more!17:04
heymrpen: I just asked17:04
JimmyPmaybe change to redhat ;-)17:04
ccpbmay i ask some question ?17:05
mandrillhow long does gparted take to scan devices normally?17:05
GinJimmyP, g'luck.17:05
ccpbi have dvd repo17:05
ccpbbut why apt still get from server17:05
JimmyPthanks Gin. i may need it.17:05
JimmyP(It worked fine in earlier ubuntu releases btw!!)17:05
Jack_Sparrowccpb the dvd only contains mian, not multiverse, universe etc17:06
GinJimmyP, go back to that release17:06
cjhurm... typing on my usb keyboard doesn't keep my laptop's screen blanker from blanking the screen...17:06
DaonixIs there any spellcheck in firefox & pidgin?17:06
ivan_what packet do i need to install to compile java?17:06
JimmyPyeah, i always prefer to upgrade rather than downgrade though17:06
ccpbphp is not in main ?17:06
Ginjim___, there isn't really a lot of new things in hardy except a new gnome version with some improvements17:06
cjanybody know how to make either the screen blanker stop blanking the screen or the usb keyboard keep it from blanking?17:06
EvilDennisRDaonix: Yes, but you need aspell17:06
niwarkhow could I go on a french server please?17:06
cjDaonix: yeah, thanks to evan :)17:06
Jack_Sparrow!find php17:06
ubottuFound: cakephp, cakephp-instaweb, cakephp-scripts, cakephp1.2, cakephp1.2-scripts (and 170 others)17:06
DaonixEvilDennisR, thnx17:06
EvilDennisRDaonix: I'm not sure if firefox has its own spelling dependancy, but I definitely know pidgin requires aspell17:07
cjniwark: maybe #ubuntu-fr?17:07
mandrillniwark: I'm guessing #ubuntu-fr17:07
cjniwark: /join #ubuntu-fr17:07
GinJimmyP, did you try with a fresh install?17:07
hariseldon99hi. Using firefox-3 on kubuntu Hardy heron x86_64. Upgrading to firefox-3 from firefox-2 causes flash plugin to stop working with the following error: http://pastebin.com/m70635b8e17:07
JimmyPnot yet no17:07
Falling-InfernoHow do I install .run files I just got a bunch of games but i can't figure out how to run the installers.17:08
JimmyPhardy was fresh though -17:08
JimmyPie i didn't 'upgrade'17:08
EvilDennisRFalling-Inferno: sh whatever.run17:08
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: What flash player are you using?17:08
ivan_any1 java sdk which one to install?17:08
hariseldon99er, flashplayer-nonfree17:08
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: flashplugin-nonfree ?17:08
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duryivan_: for firefox... you want java sdk?17:09
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: You sure? It looks like its trying to fire up mplayer17:09
hariseldon99EvilDennisR: I think so17:09
Jack_SparrowFalling-Inferno Type ./script'sname or use sudo b4 that if its out of ur user directory... sh scriptname.sh   ...or...  ./scriptname.sh  ...or for php scripts... php scriptname.php ... Sometimes shell scripts don't have the sh extension but that won't matter ...Note... Scripts need to have executable permissions. Use the command chmod +x /home/$USER/Desktop/filename.bin to make the file executable.17:10
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: type about:plugins in the location bar17:10
ivan_dury: no not firefox for ubuntu, need to compile java what packets do i need to install?17:10
duryivan_: right17:10
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: you're looking for something like npwrapper.libflashplayer.so17:10
linkmaster03Is Ubuntu server edition just a more memory efficient version of Ubuntu with no GUI, only text?17:10
hariseldon99EvilDennisR: I see it17:11
duryivan_: I thought you need java plug-ins for your browser17:11
hariseldon99here is the cut-paste : http://pastebin.com/m3ecdc3c117:11
syntaxblackcant run Adobe Air for Linux Bin file.17:12
scifiguy951how do i view my buddylist in finch?17:12
syntaxblacki gave it permissions to run17:12
syntaxblackand it said "There is no application installed for this file type"17:12
Jack_Sparrowsyntaxblack how did you try to run it17:12
neurobuntuanybody know what the maximum length a firewire cable can be?17:12
gooodycan somebody help me remove invalid entries in open with option?17:12
EvilDennisRsyntaxblack: open a terminal, `sh whatever.run`17:12
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support17:12
Dr_Willissyntaxblack,  run it from the terminal.17:12
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.17:13
Dr_Willissyntaxblack,  sudo sh ./whatever.bin17:13
Daonixhm... Spellcheck works with my local language(cyrillic), but all english words marked as incorrect. Is it possible to make spell-checker understand, which language to check?17:13
verespplease, can anyone help me? I have just bought CANYON CNR-WCAM53 webcam. I just can't get it work... Is here anyone who had success with using it? Any guidance? Please, i need help17:13
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages17:13
syntaxblackoky doky17:13
scifiguy951how do i view my buddylist in finch?17:13
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: Do you have anything in your ~/.mozilla/plugins/ directory ?17:13
EvilDennisRscifiguy951: What do you mean?17:13
hariseldon99yeah libnpsoplugin.so  npwrapper.libflashplayer.so17:13
duryscifiguy951: better if you use Pidgin17:13
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: Move those out of there, restart firefox, see if that fixed it17:14
EvilDennisRscifiguy951: finch is the console/text version of pidgin17:14
gooodyhow can i remove invalid entries in the "Open With" option?17:14
EvilDennisRgooody: right click -> properties -> open with17:15
HardDiskgooody, right click, properties, open with, and remove17:15
hariseldon99well I removed those files, but now no flash in about:plugins :(17:15
pubthe command to eject the cdrom is `eject cdrom0`  , what is the command to close the drive?17:15
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree17:16
=== regis is now known as Guest41138
HardDiskhariseldon99, sudo apt-get install libflashsupport flashplugin-nonfree17:16
syntaxblacklol the irony17:16
hariseldon99it's installing...17:16
EvilDennisRHardDisk: I'm not even an op in here and I'm beating you to the punch every time!17:16
syntaxblackit gave me a syntax error17:16
neurobuntupub: eject -t cdrom017:16
HardDiskI'm a bit lagged.17:16
HardDiskand watching a movie :)17:16
EvilDennisRsyntaxblack: pastebin that stuff17:16
mandrillwhat movie?17:17
HardDiskIn Bruges17:17
EvilDennisRHardDisk: Every time I come in here to ask a question of my own, I always end up answering everyone /elses/ questions17:17
duryare there a application like Quark-Express, MS-Publisher something like that for linux17:17
HardDiskEvilDennisR, I know the feeling ;)17:17
HardDiskdury, Inkscape17:17
gooodythanks guys.17:17
syntaxblackyeah hang on17:17
HoTarD-Should I reinstall Ubuntu Server if I went from 2 Athlon 2000 processors to 2 Xeon processors?17:17
mandrillevildennisr: same happens to me in EVE online's Help channel17:18
hariseldon99EvilDennisR: I installed both packages, but still no plugin17:18
Falling-InfernoI have a problem with my game, It won't go into full screen mode. It attempts to do it for a second before going into windowed mode. as well as some games I put in full screen actually go in full screen but during some times during the game go back into windowed mode.17:18
HardDiskHoTarD-, no.17:18
HoTarD-thanks harddisk17:18
Jack_SparrowFalling-Inferno Is this under windows or in linux17:18
HardDiskhariseldon99, did you restart firefox?17:18
hugohey guys, since Hardy aplay doesn't work anymore, even though stuff like my music player work. ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:874:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave. aplay: main:546: audio open error: Device or resource busy.17:18
HardDiskhariseldon99, then do a force install.17:18
duryHardDisk: Inkscape it's like Corel, isn't it?17:18
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: Did you actually install firefox3 from a package?17:18
HardDiskdury, no Inkscape is like Quark.17:19
hariseldon99EvilDennisR: From ubuntu repos17:19
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: ok, just making sure you didn't grab it from mozilla.com17:19
HardDiskdury, Inkscape is a DTP17:19
hariseldon99right. What do I do a force-install of?17:19
Falling-InfernoLinux. There full open source games the games are : Widelands, Glest, Warzone 2100 and Schored 3D.17:19
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: ps aux|grep firefox (To make sure its actually closed)17:19
hariseldon99it's closed17:20
duryHardDisk: what's DTP17:20
m0u5eHardDisk: quark? isn't that a tryay media player?17:20
HardDiskdury, Desktop Publishing17:20
duryHardDisk: right17:20
EvilDennisRsyntaxblack: Looks like its maybe a perl file? chmox +x /home/syntaxblack/Desktop/adobeair_linux_a1_033108.bin; /home/syntaxblack/Desktop/adobeair_linux_a1_033108.bin17:20
elementzcan somebody tell me if I am doing this right? : trying to verify the integrity of a file: i've got the *.asc, a *.sig file and an *.exe17:20
m0u5eFalling-Inferno: don't forget wesnoth, globulation2, and nexuiz :D17:20
EvilDennisRelementz: file whatever.exe17:21
elementzI imported the *.asc via gpg --import *.asc17:21
glitsj16hugo; you might try aplay -D pulse ... if you have that on top of ALSA (dpends on your ./asoundrc)17:21
elementzEvilDennisR, ??17:21
Falling-InfernoYes. They do it sometimes as well. But i need help with stopping it from going into windowed mode.17:21
EvilDennisRelementz: You're trying to determine if whatever.exe is actually an exe file ?17:21
hariseldon99EvilDennisR: I just ran nspluginscan and got an error message: Unknown option on the command line: --info Error parsing option on the command line: --info17:22
elementzEvilDennisR, nope: I want to check the integrity of the file via its gpg signature (the exe comes with a *.sig file)17:22
EvilDennisRelementz: Ah.. I'm not sure then17:22
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: ok, so put libflash.so back in ~/.mozilla/plugins/17:23
hariseldon99I just did17:23
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: still no go?17:23
elementz"gpg --verify foo.sig foo.exe" give me 'Unexpected Data'17:23
hayhay238wats rong with runescape17:23
hayhay238it wont let me log in17:23
elementzanybody here into gpg stuff?17:23
hayhay238on runescape?17:23
hayhay238y wont it let me log into runescape.?17:24
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: ls /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/17:24
computeri need some help with my networking- i installed ubuntu 7.10 off the CD, my wireless showed up as restricted driver but it never worked, i plugged into router directly, upgraded to 8.04, and my wireless worked fine, no mention of restricted drivers, now tho- it doesn't find my wireless or show any restricted drivers17:24
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: flashplugin-alternative.so should be in there (hopefully)17:24
yorianhey everyone, I'm fooling around with compiz, but can anyone tell me what the super key is and button1,2,3, etc?17:24
hariseldon99flashplugin-alternative.so  mplayerplug-in-dvx.xpt  mplayerplug-in-qt.xpt  mplayerplug-in-rm.xpt  mplayerplug-in-wmp.so   mplayerplug-in.xptmplayerplug-in-dvx.so       mplayerplug-in-qt.so    mplayerplug-in-rm.so   mplayerplug-in.so      mplayerplug-in-wmp.xpt17:24
hariseldon99yeah it's there17:24
Odd-rationaleyorian: the super key is the "windows" key...17:25
schwarzes|Geist /join #mysql17:25
HardDiskcomputer, it depends on the chipset type/driver it may have been included into the kernel17:25
glitsj16yorian: the super key is the windows key, button 1,2,3 refers to mouse buttons17:25
computerits ipw394517:25
HardDiskwhat revision?17:25
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: move the libflash.so (or whatever its called) from ~/.mozilla/plugins ; ln -s /var/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/npwrapper.libflashplayer.so ~/.mozilla/plugins/17:26
AndrewGearhartJack_Sparrow: so, the script should work as you pasted it to me? or is there a revised version that I need to use?17:26
Odd-rationaleyorian: button 1 should be left mouse button, 2  rightmouse button, and 3 click the scroll wheel (or press both 1 and 2 at the same time if you don't have a scroll wheel)17:26
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart /join #Jack_Sparrow  there is a bit of work to do17:26
stroyancomputer: The iwl3945 module is now standard in the 8.04 kernel and replaces the ipw3945 module.17:27
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yoriangreat, thanks for the help Odd-rationale and others :)17:27
computerstroyan - it's acting like i have no wireless adapter17:27
computeri've got nothing17:27
hariseldon99I ran firefox from shell. Typing about:plugins produces the following error: Unknown option on the command line: --infoError parsing option on the command line: --infoGCJ PLUGIN: thread 0x6228d0: NP_GetMIMEDescriptionGCJ PLUGIN: thread 0x6228d0: NP_GetMIMEDescription returnGCJ PLUGIN: thread 0x6228d0: NP_GetValueGCJ PLUGIN: thread 0x6228d0: NP_GetValue: returning plugin name.GCJ PLUGIN: thread 0x6228d0: NP_GetValue returnGCJ PLUG17:27
hariseldon99 NP_GetValue: returning plugin description.GCJ PLUGIN: thread 0x6228d0: NP_GetValue return17:27
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hariseldon99still no flash plugin showing up17:27
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC
stroyancomputer: Does    lspci | grep 3945     find the device?17:28
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: Hrrmmm...17:28
computerstroyan - i get 02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)17:28
stroyancomputer: Did you check to make sure the wireless is not disabled by a physical switch?17:29
flotishtuhow can i share some files on linux ubuntu . and windows as client?17:29
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: Move the rest of the mplayer stuff out of /usr/lib/firefox/plugins just for shits17:29
=== Gumby` is now known as Gumby
computerits on17:29
ubuntu-pbxhello all17:29
zvacet!samba | flotishtu17:29
ubottuflotishtu: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:29
computeri can toggle it on and off, still no luck17:29
ubuntu-pbxcould someone help me out setting asterisk to sart on start up plz! i added "amportal start" in the command section in sessions... but tht didnt do the trick17:30
hariseldon99I moved 'em out, still no flash17:30
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU
duryHardDisk: what's the channel for Inkscape17:30
stroyancomputer: Some 3945 based systems have trouble with handling kill switch off-then-on.  You may need to boot with it enabled to use it.17:30
computeri've tried that, boot with it enabled and boot with it off then enable it after logged in- it's wierd tho, after first upgrading to 8.04 it worked fine, now i get nothing17:31
stroyancomputer: You could also look in /var/log/messages to see what is reported about discovering the 3945 hardware.17:32
duryHardDisk: #inkscape    maybe17:32
hugoglitsj16: I get ALSA lib pcm.c:2145:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM pulse.17:32
HardDiskdury, sudo apt-get install inkscape and the website has some nice tutorials17:32
cliffordI am using blue proximity to fire up my music player but want to know what command will start a music track playing. Any idea17:32
Andehhey, anyone here use FL studio in virtualbox?17:33
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: hrrm...17:33
Andehit used to work fine for me now FL's cpu usage is stuck at 99% and it cant play anything back :/17:33
flotishtuzvacet isnt there a graphical way17:33
stroyancomputer: One experiment is to try using  'sudo modprobe -r iwl3945;   sudo modprobe iwl3945'  to unload and load the driver module.  That is just an experiment rather than a reliable workaround.17:33
duryHardDisk: it's installed already what's the website17:33
glitsj16hugo: that looks like you haven't set pulse up in ./asoundrc and/or /etc/asound.conf .. can i drop by ?17:33
ToxicHey so I just reinstalled ubuntu in attempt to get my graphics card working correctly (I've tried so many different xorg.conf's already..) so the live cd seems to work fine however whenever I reboot my graphics are horrible (the screen is unreadable.. everything is "in motion" like..). Card is an ATI Radeon 9200 SE.. any suggestions would be appreciated..17:34
whikanybody have a tux droid?17:34
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: Do you have anything in your ~/.mozilla/firefox/${profile directory name}/plugins/ ?17:34
HardDiskdury, and check out inkscapetutorials.wordpress.com17:34
hariseldon99there is no such directory17:35
computerstroyan still doesn't see it, any other ideas?17:35
cliffordwhat command will start a music track playing. Any idea17:35
stroyancomputer: Check the /var/log/messages from booting and from the modprobe experiment.17:35
xFlipxmorning all17:36
theidiotthatismeGood morning xFlipx17:36
TJTorolahey all, could I get some help on setting up my wireless connection, I have no idea where to start : /17:36
zvacetflotishtu : I don´t think so but maybe I´m wrong AFAIK no17:36
HardDisk!wifi > TJTorola17:36
linkmaster03Brasero says it can't burn to my medium with the current set of plugins... It is a Maxell CD-R that is empty. Please help! K3b and the default program don't work either.17:37
computerstroyan - ..how do i check those?17:37
hariseldon99EvilDennisR: There is no plugins directory in profiles17:37
stroyancomputer: Use a text editor to view the file.  Search for the pattern 3945.  Look for error messages.17:38
ToxicHey so I just reinstalled ubuntu in attempt to get my graphics card working correctly (I've tried so many different xorg.conf's already..) so the live cd seems to work fine however whenever I reboot my graphics are horrible (the screen is unreadable.. everything is "in motion" like..). Card is an ATI Radeon 9200 SE.. any suggestions would be appreciated..17:38
legend2440Toxic: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75635417:38
ffmDoes the current version of ubuntu support DCON?17:39
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: So were you upgrading from firefox2 to 3 ?17:39
stroyancomputer: What commands or tools are you using when you say the wireless is not found?  iwconfig?  ifconfig? network-manager?17:39
whikhow do we add a server to x chat?17:39
hariseldon99EvilDennisR: yep17:39
computerall three of those17:39
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: apt-get remove mozilla-mplayer17:40
linkmaster03Brasero says it can't burn to my medium with the current set of plugins... It is a Maxell CD-R that is empty. Please help! K3b and the default program don't work either.17:40
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree17:40
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: And make sure you remove and broken symlinks in the plugins directory17:40
MalI have a what I think is a minor question17:41
computerstroyan - i went to var/log/ and looked at the file 'boot' it says "nothing has been logged yet.."17:41
stroyancomputer: Look in /var/log/messages17:41
un1tHi... i what i have to do to undo "set DISPLAY=:0.0 export DISPLAY=$DISPLAY" ??17:41
hariseldon99yeah done, but no change. still no flash entry showing up on about:config17:41
Malhow do you run a program in terminal with admin priviledges?17:41
c_lispsudo programname Mal17:41
Toxiclegend2440: just tried the xorg.conf in the thread, I'm getting the same problem .. I've tried various other xorg.confs and I can get low resolutions working..17:42
Toxicbut this is completely unusable. *sigh*17:43
whikhow do i change to a server that isnt on the Xchat list?17:43
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: install the flash package again17:43
HardDiskwhik, add17:43
un1ti run set DISPLAY=:0.0 export DISPLAY=$DISPLAY but it was wrong for me... which command is the right to undo this?17:43
whiktheres no add option17:43
HardDiskwhik, xchat/network list17:43
HardDiskwhik, make sure you have xchat installed, not xchat-gnome17:44
Malit worked17:44
whikah theres my problem17:44
whikim on xchat gnome17:44
hariseldon99nope, no fdifference17:45
EvilDennisRhrrm, wtf..17:45
whikwhats the command to get the regular Xchat?17:45
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: what happens when you go to youtube or something with flash?17:45
HardDiskwhik, sudo apt-get remove xchat-gnome && apt-get install xchat17:45
hariseldon99"install-missing-plugins"--> plugin not found17:46
whikk thanks17:46
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: Do that, see what happens17:46
vietnameseloempiwho knows what could be a solution to firefox crashing on any myspace page17:46
longstonewould you say that xchat is better than xchat-gnome17:46
TuniX12HardDisk: xchat and gnome-xchat are the same17:46
computerstroyan - wtf, i looked through messages, on jun 9th, when it was working i looked at the message iwl3945 blah blah-- it has the same thing for todays date17:46
schwarze|Geistamionmyspace plugin for firefox17:46
HardDiskTuniX12, no17:46
hariseldon99no suitable plugins found17:46
schwarze|Geistneed to find it17:47
longstonein ubuntuusers wiki they say that xchat provides more functionality - is this true?17:47
TuniX12i use chatzilla17:47
vietnameseloempischwarze, seriously?17:47
schwarze|Geistit redirects you away from it ^^17:47
HardDiskTuniX12, chatzilla != xchat17:47
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: Do you have ubufox installed ?17:47
hariseldon99what's that?17:47
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: its like a ubuntu-firefox intergration plugin17:47
stroyancomputer: Did you note messages from the time that you were doing the modprobe commands?17:48
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: "Extension package for Firefox provides ubuntu specific configuration defaults17:48
EvilDennisRas well as apt support for firefox plugins/extensions."17:48
hariseldon99no I don't think so17:48
rampageoberonquick question about gnome vnc (vino) when i select allow only local connections, vncviewer localhost doesn;t work then, i've checked that its not an iptables issue. The port shows open using nmap when allow only local connections is unticked but nothing when that setting is selected any ideas?17:48
vietnameseloempii have no sound in youtube and firefox crashes whenever i load a myspace page17:48
HardDiskrampageoberon, did you allow it in your router?17:48
rampageoberonmaybe someone using remote desktop in gnome can try reproduce the the error17:48
rampageoberonHardDisk: yep17:48
hariseldon99shuld I install it?17:48
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: apt-get install ubufox17:48
TuniX12HardDisk: are you sure?17:48
TuniX12ChatZilla is written entirely in JavaScript and XUL17:49
computerACPI: PCI interrupt for device 0000:02:00.0 disabled17:49
computerJun 13 12:48:30 C142XL kernel: [ 1028.021798] iwl3945: Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG/BG Network Connection driver for Linux, 1.2.017:49
computerJun 13 12:48:30 C142XL kernel: [ 1028.021808] iwl3945: Copyright(c) 2003-2007 Intel Corporation17:49
computerJun 13 12:48:30 C142XL kernel: [ 1028.021945] ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:02:00.0[A] -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 1617:49
computerJun 13 12:48:30 C142XL kernel: [ 1028.021999] iwl3945: Detected Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection17:49
FloodBot1computer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:49
rampageoberonHardDisk: it works as long as I don't tick the option "only allow local connections"17:49
hariseldon99well it's installed. Now what?17:49
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: then open firefox again, and go to a flash page17:49
XitroXif i make a symlink like ln -s /var/www/flores /home/xi/www17:49
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: it should tell you plugin not found etc.. then have it search for a plugin17:50
computerstroyan - did you get that?17:50
XitroXi get /home/xi/www/flores17:50
XitroXshouldn't i get /home/xi/www/ and under that the content of /var/www/flores17:50
austinianhey, does anyone have experience troubleshooting why a HH laptop can't connect straight to the internet through a broadband modem?17:50
hariseldon99yeah it says "flashplugin nonfree is already installed"17:50
stroyancomputer: yes.  That interface should be visible. I don't see any reason for the trouble.17:51
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: hrrm... apt-get remove it and have that install it again for you17:51
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: do apt-get clean after you remove it17:51
linkmaster03Brasero says it can't burn to my medium with the current set of plugins... It is a Maxell CD-R that is empty. Please help! K3b and the default program don't work either.17:51
longstonevietnamesloempi: Do have all codecs installed? Do you use several media-extensions? Like vlc, totem, mplayer Firefox addons?17:51
computer:( i read something about installing a different wifi manager- but that wouldn't explain why its not showing up in ifconfig would it?17:51
liassistubuntu support 1329 online17:51
austinianhelp, networking issue, ubuntu doesn't like my modem17:51
longstonevietnamesloempi: Because you should only use one extension for that (in my case vlc). Did you check if flash is installed correctly?17:52
liassistwell, please explain the problem well17:52
stroyancomputer: You could look for similar troubles in the http://intellinuxwireless.org and http://linuxwireless.org sites.  I haven't seen anything like that except for the kill switch or suspend/resume trouble.17:53
austinianliassist who are you talking to?17:53
viennagot a prob with my new ubuntu (hardy), if i insert a cd, the cd will not be mounted ...  vienna@vienna:~$ mount /media/cdrom0/17:53
vienna makes : /dev/sdc0 does not exist ...17:53
computerstroyan - did you see any work arounds for the kill switch, maybe it is related to that?17:53
hariseldon99same problem as before ;(17:53
rampageoberonI'm having some strange problem with the gnome remote desktop (vino), anybody here who can try replicate the thing and hopefully can help. Seems it stops listening if I tick the option "only allow connections from the local machine"17:53
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: Do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed ?17:54
liassistaustinian, you !17:54
viennacan someone help me?17:54
longstonevietnamesloempi: are you still here?17:54
Toftegaardwho do I contact when I cant get registered on the wine forum or the mailing list. It's 36h now since I registered on the forum and I still haven't received the activation mail.17:54
liassist<vienna> what is the problem?17:54
stroyancomputer: I did recently switch to a module from the http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Download site.  The more recent drivers are better with some wifi services.  But it would be kind of disruptive and not a beginner level activity.17:54
viennagot a prob with my new ubuntu (hardy), if i insert a cd, the cd will not be mounted ...  vienna@vienna:~$ mount /media/cdrom0/17:55
zvacetaustinian : is this your first expirience with ubuntu or you worked with it before17:55
vienna makes : /dev/sdc0 does not exist ...17:55
viennathats ^17:55
zvacetvienna : it is just a guess but did you try /dev/sdc17:55
viennakk mom17:55
austinianliassist: ah, ok, umm... well, i installed ubuntu HH on a friend's laptop, and i connect throught a linksys router, and everything went well17:56
zvacetvienna : mount /media/cdrom17:56
Toftegaardnever mind what I said before.. I was talking in the wrong channel,.. sorry17:56
hariseldon99EvilDennisR: yeah I do17:56
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: open up synaptic, search for flash, see if there are any other flash plugins that might be installed thats screwing with the works17:56
viennazvacet: same prob ...17:56
austinianliassist: then she took it home and said she couldn't connect to the internet, and so i tried a few things, but can't seem to get through her modem17:56
viennadoes not exist...17:56
rampageoberonI'm having some strange problem with the gnome remote desktop (vino), anybody here who can try replicate the thing and hopefully can help. Seems it stops listening if I tick the option "only allow connections from the local machine"17:56
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
austinianit's an arris voip/internet connection thingy from roadrunner17:57
stroyancomputer: Some folks fighting with kill switch troubles have been trying linux vs windows booting since some kill switches are toggle buttons with an LED. And the iwl3945 driver also has trouble with setting the LED sometimes.  If you dual-boot you could confirm the switch settings with windows.17:57
dMartin38:vienna - you have the cd-rom symbol on the desktop ?17:57
austiniani even tried to use opendns dns servers because i've had problems with rr in th past17:57
hariseldon99I don;t see anything...17:58
austinianliassist: is that enough information?17:58
=== FriedCPU is now known as FRiEd|BnC
dMartin38:V tried to find it in the hardware section ?17:58
victor__Hi. Gutsy system here, haven't jumped on hardy yet. Quick question: Since this morning, the text consoles (tty1 to 6) aren't working. There's just a blinking cursor on the top corner. ps shows that the gettys are running and are restarted when killed. I thought the xserver-xorg-core update from this morning was the cause, so i rolled it back but it still happens. Ideas?17:58
hariseldon99EvilDennisR: I don;t see anything that might conflict...17:59
computerstroyan - im kinda confused what you were saying..17:59
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: Hmm... so we have the flash plugin installed. Is it even in /usr/lib/firefox-3.0/plugins/ ?17:59
yowsh1grrr i cant figure out why but evolution refuses to save my inbox18:00
hariseldon99it's in mozilla/plugins18:00
yowsh1can any one please help me figure this out18:00
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: Check to make sure the flash plugin isn't getting installed to /usr/lib/firefox/ instead of /usr/lib/firefox-3.0/18:00
hariseldon99yeah it's there too18:00
stroyancomputer: I'm sorry to be confusing.  I was saying that the sense of the kill switch may not be clear if it is just a push button with a non-working light.  If the kill switch is a slider then you can just check the label.18:00
austinianhey, can anyone help, i'm trying to conect direct to the internet with hardy on a gateway laptop through an arris modem. it works fine when going through a router, but I don't have one and need to get online direct through the modem18:00
Jakke77http://pastebin.org/43745 how i can get my ati work right18:00
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: In which one? firefox/ or firefox-3.018:01
MistrJhello, im got probs with login of other users, i got the ubuntu login sound and then it stops and i drop back to login screen. someone know what it is ?18:01
computerstroyan - its function key + F2, the LED toggles on and off18:01
Jakke77i change nvidia to ati18:01
hariseldon99firefox-3.0/plugins is empty18:01
JFactorI cant open any administrative processes, the "starting administrative process" box shows up in the bar but it never loads. Can anyone help me fix this? I am using Hardy18:01
dMartin38:austinian - shure IPs are matching ?18:01
yowsh1grrr i cant figure out why but evolution refuses to store my inbox can someone please help me fix this18:01
yell0waustinian: pppoe ?18:02
Ne0_WizArdsorry dont knwo how18:02
stroyancomputer: lucky you.  My LED hasn't worked since going to iwl3945.  But my wireless is working. ;-)18:02
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: Thats prolly it18:02
victor__Any idea on what to check for the text consoles problem? they're running, but they're not working...18:02
yell0waustinian: or pppconfig18:02
austiniandMartin38: i'm not sure how the modem works, so i tried dhcp, because that's how i connect to routers, i'm a noob when it comes to how modems work18:02
zvacet vienna :  mount /dev/hdc18:02
hariseldon99k, moving ...18:02
computerstroyan - haha. ok i'll try looking around these websites, im going to reboot now. have a good one18:03
stroyancomputer: bye18:03
JFactorI cant open any administrative processes, the "starting administrative process" box shows up in the bar but it never loads. Can anyone help me fix this? I am using Hardy18:03
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: ln -s /var/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/npwrapper.libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/firefox-3.0/plugins/18:03
Jakke77tell me plz imm install ati radeon drivers today and nothing18:03
darehow to not show icons on desktop of mounted devices18:03
dMartin38:well, without router there is no dhcp from the modem, so you have to chose connection via ppoe, dhcp will be given from ISP18:03
SAGAi am using dell inspiron 1525 which is designed for windows vista..and i am dual booting with hardy..my only my webcam is not working..gqcam says cannot find /dev/video18:04
hariseldon99nope. nuthin'18:04
austinianyell0w: what do those do? i can't chat and try to connect at the same time since i have 2 laptops, and 1 internet connection18:04
crdlbJakke77: you never said what ATI card you have, that makes a big difference18:04
SAGAi am looking for driver or something18:04
Jakke77do you have right drivers18:04
zvacetdare : gconf-editor>apps<nautilus>desktop>on the right side uncheck volumes visible18:04
austinianyell0w: and no router here18:04
Jakke77ATI is diffrense18:04
JFactorI cant open any administrative processes, the "starting administrative process" box shows up in the bar but it never loads. Can anyone help me fix this? I am using Hardy18:05
Jakke77any who use nvidia know how it work after installation but Ati make it work18:05
yell0waustinian: they're used for dialup/adsl cnnections18:05
longstone_JFactor: Do you use hardy?18:05
darezvacet, THANKS for fast reply, do you know how to set internal partition to automount at startup?18:05
SAGA i am using dell inspiron 1525 which is designed for windows vista..and i am dual booting with hardy..my only my webcam is not working..gqcam says cannot find /dev/video18:05
Jakke77NEED ATI suppot18:05
crdlbJakke77: there are multiple drivers for ATI cards, so we need to know which model you have18:05
yell0waustinian: but to be honest the modem should have taken care of it already18:06
cjk2Jakke77: WONT GET.18:06
Jakke77radeon 960018:06
JFactorlongstone_: yes18:06
zvacetdare : no,sorry18:06
dareJakke77. use opensource18:06
Jakke77whos that :o18:06
dMartin38:austilian: conect modem to pc, get ready with your data for internetconnection (username/password), go to systemtab of ubuntu, check kppp18:06
longstone_JFactor: I had the same problem. go to your network settings. There you have change your alias.18:06
darezvacet, thx18:06
tymexI use Hardy18:06
crdlbJakke77: how did you install the nvidia driver and what have you done so far to use the ati driver?18:06
SAGA<SAGA> i am using dell inspiron 1525 which is designed for windows vista..and i am dual booting with hardy..my only my webcam is not working..gqcam says cannot find /dev/video18:06
dareJakke77, there is app for auto driver installation for graph cards18:07
SAGAhelp me pls18:07
tymexsomeone know a software to change ip all of the minutes18:07
dareJakke77, search in synaptic18:07
Jakke77i install nvidia driver from recritred drivers18:07
clintchanceIs there a repository for madwifi? Id like to use it if there is18:07
linkmaster03tymex: make good friends with your isp18:07
zvacetJFactor : gksudo gedit /etc/hosts    what is in your second line18:07
Jakke77and im installing allrady fglrx driver18:07
TieboldFolks, why can't I install kwrite in ubuntu?18:07
crdlbJakke77: ok, then first just: sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia-glx\*18:07
JFactorI cant gksudo gedit18:08
longstone_JFactor: Did you find it?18:08
JFactorit is and admin proces18:08
dMartin38:tymex you could configure tor18:08
tymextor ?18:08
gil__some body speak spanish?18:08
longstone_JFactor: You needn't use gksu/sudo. Got to the graphical network settings manager18:08
PaulEUI'll try search solution for grub installation. Is there a person with good knowledge about grub?18:08
dMartin38tor is an anon proxy, showing up a differnt ip18:08
Jakke77its allready removed18:08
PaulEUbecause problem is sophicasted18:08
zvacetJFactor : but you can see that file and paste it here18:09
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:09
dareJakke77, sudo apt-get install envyng-core envyng-gtk18:09
tymexdMartin38 what is tor please ?18:09
longstone_JFactor: There you see in the last tab 'alias'18:09
SAGA<SAGA> i am using dell inspiron 1525 which is designed for windows vista..and i am dual booting with hardy..my only my webcam is not working..gqcam says cannot find /dev/video18:09
HardDiskgil__, #ubuntu-es18:09
JFactorAliases? Where do I find that18:09
crdlbJakke77: ok, then install the fglrx driver if you want that, but if it were me, I wouldn't18:09
clintchancei guess not18:09
longstone_JFactor: Erase behind your hostname everything behind the dot (including the dot)18:09
Jakke77not found :O18:09
gil__gracias HarDisk18:10
crdlbJakke77: xorg-driver-fglrx18:10
net_ i want good 3D games for ubuntu hardy..i m not having separate graphics card..but having 128 MB inbuilt ....18:10
dMartin38:tymex tor is used to change your ip to e.g. a website you visit. you can configure how often your ip should change18:10
zvacetJFactor : go to the etc and find hosts file you can read and paste it here18:10
vietnameseloempinone of the three flash plugins offered in firefox work with myspace for me, what should i do??18:10
longstone_JFActor: Do you use gnome? Maybe I should have asked that...18:10
Wyvern|After scanning a sata drive with 'smartctl', it completes with the status "Completed: read failure", what does this mean exactly? Is it enough to take the drive back to the store for a replacement?18:10
JFactorOk gimme a second nothing will load now18:10
tymexdMartin38 ok thanks, I'll try this18:11
hariseldon99EvilDennisR: nope. nuthin'18:11
vietnameseloempisomeone please help?18:11
CodenutI cannot get pan to log on to my news server, but it pings just fine.18:11
Jakke77it'sd installed18:11
CodenutWhat's wrong?18:11
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: Damn B...18:11
SAGAhelp me on webcam...............18:11
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: did you try sym linking that to your .mozilla/plugins directory ?18:11
Jakke77http://pastebin.org/43745 my xorg.conf18:11
longstone_vietnamesloempi / JFactor : mom18:11
vietnameseloempii cant listen to music on myspacepages18:11
clintchanceis madwifi.org offline?18:11
clintchanceI have everything else but it wont load18:11
dMartin38:tymex if you use firefox ,theres an extension(addon) foxyproxy thats works well with tor (apt-get install tor)18:12
Chiselhuk_Plus1Greetings my Linux geek friends! :)18:12
net_dMartin38  i want good 3D games for ubuntu hardy..i m not having separate graphics card..but having 128 MB inbuilt ....18:12
crdlbJakke77: then edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add to Section "Device": Driver "fglrx"18:12
=== HELLFIRE is now known as hellfire
Chiselhuk_Plus1Jack_Sparrow: Hey successfully wrote my first CD!!18:12
hariseldon99EvilDennisR:afk a sec18:12
CodenutWhat is another news reader for gnome?18:12
* clintchance sees "geek"and turns away18:12
manoffhi, can you tell me can i set up irssi to autojoin some silly channels upon startup?18:12
Jakke77and reboot ??18:12
tymexdMartin38 thank you again, very useful18:12
crdlbmanoff: use /channel add18:12
austinianhi, i'm having trouble connecting to the internet through a broadband modem, can anyone help? it works just fine when i connect through a router18:12
crdlbJakke77: yep18:13
manoffcrdlb: thank you SIr18:13
vietnameseloempiis it possible to go in a subchannel from here or something, all these posts r driving me nuts18:13
dMartin38Net_ using ubuntu mainly as a workstation, xp for kiddying, sry18:13
elegoshello there18:13
longstone_Ok. Firts JFactor: In Gnome you find in your Gnome menu 'system' and there 'network settings'. There you can find in the last tab for your internetconnection 'alias'.18:13
Chiselhuk_Plus1I've put Hardy in the CD ROM drive and I double clicked an install icon on the desktop, am I doing okay so far guys?18:13
elegosI've got a problem...18:13
clintchanceDoes anyone else have access to Madwifi.org?18:13
elegos...running Neverwinter Nights18:13
tymexdMartin38 and if I change my MAC adress, there won't be problems then ?18:13
StooJNo clintchance18:13
austinianhi, i'm having trouble connecting to the internet through a broadband modem, can anyone help? it works just fine when i connect through a router18:13
Pwn20wnYo yo yo did ya heard the news bout the Pwn20wn convention??18:13
syntaxblackdoes after effects run in wine?18:13
elegosit says: Failed to initialize SDL Video: No available video device18:14
Jakke77but i dont have section there....18:14
clintchanceStooj, good then its neot just me then18:14
StooJDon't know what's happened, but it seems to be down. And my wifi stopped working today :(18:14
HardDisksyntaxblack, did you try?18:14
crdlbmanoff: and you can make it save the order of channels with /layout save18:14
TJTorolaI need some help gettin my wireless connection set up is anyone here willing to help?18:14
graingertaustinian: not many modems are suported under linux18:14
SAGAhelp me on a webcam problem18:14
vraasyntaxblack: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=64818:14
graingert!question | SAGA18:14
ubottuSAGA: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:14
Pici!webcam | SAGA18:14
ubottuSAGA: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras18:14
longstone_Vietnamesloempi: Crazy isn't it? Okay, here you go.18:14
crdlbJakke77: line 3318:14
austiniangraingert: i connect through an ethernet cable, i think it's just the network settings are wack18:15
dMartin38:tymex if you change the MAC of your network card, your router or modem might get in trouble, what is the aim of your experiments ?18:15
elegosanyone? Failed to initialize SDL Video: No available video device18:15
JFactorOk I do not have any aliases18:15
JFactornever did18:15
syntaxblacklol Wine HQ says it run like garbage... nice18:15
vraais it difficult to install vnc through cmd line?18:15
HardDiskvraa, vnc is installed by default.18:15
SAGAi am using dell inspiron 1525 my webcam is working...hardy is not detecting my webcam18:15
Jakke77ok i try that tnx18:15
graingertaustinian: it is a router then lol18:15
longstoneVietnaemsloempi: Go to /usr/lib18:15
jonathan__what's the console-command for a dist-upgrade via adept?18:15
zvacetJFactor : first line in /etchosts look like this localhost18:15
elegosvraa: sudo apt-get install vlc18:15
vraaHardDisk: sorry, i am not clear, i meant install vnc server through ssh?18:16
JFactorno just this # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts18:16
elegosvraa: sorry, it is VNC -.-" btw installed by default18:16
HardDiskvraa, there are guides to help you out18:16
EvilDennisRjonathan__: apt-get dist-upgrade18:16
austiniangraingert: then... help please, haha18:16
JFactorthat is also the only line18:16
vraaoh no, not vlc lol, vnc server, when i do apt-get install vncserver, will it set it up as a service and stuff?18:16
Jack_SparrowChiselhuk_Plus1 congrats.. sorry I have been away for a bit18:16
HardDisk!vnc | vraa18:16
ubottuvraa: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX18:16
vraahttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC#head-a2254fc1fe04cd6bacc05b7277c2b76a65ccb36c  <-- i'm reading through that right now18:16
hariseldon99EvilDennisR: back18:16
zvacetJFactor and second hostname  hostname=yourhostname18:16
hariseldon99EvilDennisR:any ideas?18:16
JFactorthere are no other lines18:16
graingertaustinian: I have never had ethernet fail18:16
JFactorjust # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts18:16
longstoneVietnaemsloempi: there you can look for your Firefox/Mozilla folders18:16
elegosanyone can help me with NEVERWINTER NIGHTS? I only receive this error!!! Failed to initialize SDL Video: No available video device18:17
vraawell, here is my situation, i have only ssh access to a box but i want gui access, i know how to turn on the vnc server if i have gui access, but uh, that's what i'm trying to gain18:17
austiniangrangert: neither have I XD18:17
EvilDennisRhariseldon99: I dunno.. I'm running out of ideas18:17
longstoneJFactor: mom18:17
vraaoh excellent i get it!18:17
elegosvraa: you'll need to install an entire DE to use VNC on it18:17
vraai do have ubuntu regular installed18:17
elegosvraa: like flux, xfce, gnome or kde18:17
hariseldon99lemme try uninstalling-reinstalling everything18:17
rampageoberonI'm having some strange problem with the gnome remote desktop (vino), anybody here who can try replicate the thing and hopefully can help? Seems it stops listening if I tick the option "only allow connections from the local machine"18:17
zvacetJFactor : if you don´t have line hostname go to the recovery mode and type nano /etc/hosts and add that line18:17
vraait's got gnome installed18:17
SAGAi am using dell inspiron 1525 my webcam is working...hardy is not detecting my webcam18:18
JFactorok brb18:18
austiniancan anyone help, i'm trying to connect to the internet through an ethernet cable through an arris broadband modem, but it's not working18:18
johnnypeahello, I want to delete one shortcut at this path /usr/lib/openoffice/share/dict/ooo , but it says Unable to trash file: Permission denied ....how can I delete it ?18:18
longstoneVietnaemsloempi: There you find some 'plugin' folders. The unprofessional solution, but for me it worked well, is the following: Copy the flashplugin to these plugin folders. then everything should work.18:18
TJTorolaI am using Inspiron 1525 as well, can't get my wireless connected18:18
SAGAhow can i find out which company webcam i am using?18:18
ASULutzySAGA: Look through lspci maybe?18:19
zvacetSAGA : lshw18:19
Chiselhuk_Plus1Jack_Sparrow: Thanks hon....although the laptop's making it a challenging install 'cos it seems to have an intermittent problem of only showing half a desktop so I'm kinda installing a lil blind! LOL18:19
elegosanyone can help me with this SDL problem? IT'S DRIVING ME MAAAAD! Failed to initialize SDL Video: No available video device18:19
ashishhow to voice chat in amsn18:19
SAGATJTorola: whats is your wireless adapters company (broadcom or intel)18:19
ashishi want voice chat over amsn any one help me18:19
austiniancan anyone help, i'm trying to connect to the internet through an ethernet cable through an arris broadband modem, but it's not working18:19
TJTorolahow would I go about figuring that out?18:20
TJTorolaI have no idea where to start : /18:20
manoffis there any reason to use debian rather than ubuntu when i want to have a server machine without X?18:20
elegosTJTorola: lspci18:20
manoffi mean, is debian faster?18:20
HardDisk!wifi | TJTorola18:20
ubottuTJTorola: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:20
longstoneJFactor:Do see the Gnome menu? So you found the network settings manger? thera are four tabs: connections, general, dns, host (or maybe that because I trANSLATED IT FROM GERMAN)18:20
msinghis there any improvement with samba or is it still broken?18:20
elegosTJTorola and find your WiFi Card18:20
rosenhello, can someone help me with 8.04, i've just done an upgrade from 7.10 and it's not working18:20
HardDiskTJTorola, first identify your wifi chipset via lshw or lspci18:20
HardDiskTJTorola, then start to see which documentation fits your profile18:21
elegosrosen: 'not working'?!?18:21
roseni have no grafic interface anymore18:21
manoffis there any reason to use debian rather than ubuntu when i want to have a server machine without X? is debian faster than ubuntu?18:21
elegosrosen: try as root: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg18:21
HardDiskmanoff, ubuntu is based on debian.18:21
elegosFailed to initialize SDL Video: No available video device <---------------------------------?18:21
TJTorolaok its brodcom18:22
manoffHardDisk: yes18:22
johnnypea hello, I want to delete one shortcut at this path /usr/lib/openoffice/share/dict/ooo , but it says Unable to trash file: Permission denied ....how can I delete it ? pls help me :(18:22
HardDiskmanoff, some users prefer to use debian as a server and ubuntu as a desktop.18:22
elegosmanoff: some packages are different18:22
manoffHardDisk: but you did not answer my humble question sir18:22
zvacetlongstone : he can not do any administative task so he is not able to open what you suggest18:22
c_lispjohnnypea put sudo first18:22
HardDiskTJTorola, I said chipset, ie model etc. not just brand.18:22
elegosjohnnypea: try with sudo18:22
clintchance>>What else besides madwifi can i use to run my atherose wifi internal ?18:22
zvacetlongstone : because you beed password for that18:22
elegosFailed to initialize SDL Video: No available video device <--------------------?18:22
manoffi have now switched into Debian but i dont feel comfortable as some things are different than in Ubuntu and i have get used to Ubuntu stuff18:23
longstoneZvacet: He uses Hardy. In Hardy you needn't have to use gksu / sudo for that administration18:23
HardDiskclintchance, ndis IF it works for your chipset.18:23
rosenokay i will reboot now...18:23
manoffi am thinking of switching back to Ubuntu server18:23
HardDiskmanoff, then use ubuntu server.18:23
JFactorok I did that now what?18:23
m0u5eblah wrong window18:23
zvacetlongstone : yes you can unlock but still you have to type password18:23
ASULutzylongstone: huh?18:23
penwhy is tilda so slow in gnome?18:23
BoltClockhi, where do i go to set what programs to launch upon login, like windows' startup folder?18:23
penand the blank screen18:23
Jack_Sparrowelegos What tutorial did you follow to install that18:23
longstoneJFactor: There you must enter your pw to change config18:23
elegosmanoff: ubuntu mainly points to server18:23
manoffelegos: what does that mean?18:24
msinghthere are 118 updates for hardy. i bet samba is still broken18:24
JFactoryeah I know, I entered that line18:24
zvacetlongstone : this is tipical hardy bug18:24
longstoneJFactor: Than go to the last tab: there you see IP-Adress - alias18:24
EvilDennisRBoltClock: System -> Prefs -> Sessions18:24
cjk2it's not an alias, it's a secondary address18:24
JFactorok I now have an alias18:24
elegosJack_Sparrow: the official guide on the Bioware site, plus editing the executable nwn, deleting "./lib" from the LD_LIBsomtehing18:24
zvacetJFactor : now you should be fine18:25
oniscientedoes anyone know how to put the trash in the desktop?18:25
Jack_Sparrowelegos Read through this briefly.. many have found it easier  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11325918:25
longstoneJFactor: you must edit your hostname: erase the dot and everything behind. then save18:25
SAGAit shows a *-generic unclaimed device with illegal vendor id...no description of webcam18:25
JFactorshould "hostname" be my host name?18:25
vraawhat is xinetd ? "sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd restart" is a command the wiki tells me to run, but i dont have that18:25
JFactorwhich dot?18:25
HardDiskonisciente, www.ubuntu-tweak.com18:25
elegosmanoff: Canonical wants to gain a part of the server world, rather then the desktop one, so it is just... good for server :918:25
bbalmerAfter upgrading to 8.04, when I click on the date/calendar in the upper right the entire system freezes up and I need to do a hard-boot to restart.  Anybody else get this?18:25
longstoneJFactor: Yes, the name you call your PC. Like 'ubuntu', JFactor's or whatever18:25
nootropewhere can i find a tutorial on howto upgrade a package fro its sourceforge tar file?18:25
JFactorthak you all18:26
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports18:26
JFactorit now works fine18:26
zvacetonisciente : gconf-editor<apps<nautilus>desktop> ttrash icon visible>check that one18:26
longstoneJFactor: great18:26
HardDisknootrope, monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/18:26
oniscientezvacet: good... thanks18:26
longstoneVietnamesloempin: Did you find out how to do it?18:26
nootropeHardDisk, thanks!18:27
castel_i want to install realplayer at ubuntu18:27
zvacetonisciente : np18:27
elegosJack_Sparrow: I don't have the Diamond one, I've got the 3 separated boxes18:27
castel_anyone tell me /18:27
zvacetsee you later18:27
castel_cause .bin can't install18:27
HardDiskzvacet, did you try ubuntu-tweak?18:27
castel_please tell me18:27
manoffelegos: aha18:27
castel_cause my web use real player18:27
HardDiskcastel_, chmod +x nameoffile.bin18:27
Jack_Sparrowelegos I dont use it.. just pointing you towards a site that has helped oters18:27
castel_where's i must to chmod +x nameoffile.bin ???18:28
Jack_Sparrowcastel_ please stop and have some patience18:28
clintchanceCan i switch to a faster download for software or am i stuck at the 16kb.. 15 MB is going to take forever18:28
longstoneCastel: check out reps like from Linux Mint. (are I am allowed to mention that here?)18:28
castel_where's i must to chmod +x nameoffile.bin ???18:28
Jack_Sparrowlongstone Sure, but is is specifically NOT supported in here18:28
castel_plaese tell me18:28
HardDiskcastel_, right click the file, properties, make it executable18:28
Jack_Sparrow!helpme > castel_18:28
HardDiskcastel_, then run the file18:28
m0u5ecan someone explain to me the difference between backports and proposed, in terms of stability, how the two differ, and how they are the same?18:28
Jack_Sparrowm0u5e Avoid proposed..18:29
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories18:29
HardDiskread that m0u5e18:29
longstoneJack_Sparrow: Ok. By the way my experienc with Mint is... I am back at Ubuntu.18:29
m0u5eHardDisk: i've read it :X18:29
Jack_Sparrowlongstone Very little support.. agreed18:29
GreyGhosthow can i make my ntfs drives read only on 8.04 ? i believe it comes with ntfs 3g as default?18:29
glitsj16castel: as an alternative you can use mplayer with the realplayer codecs18:29
HardDisklongstone, but Mint is not ubuntu, it's a derivative, the sources are the same, but they are trying to branch out.18:30
ubottuThe following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate18:30
Jack_SparrowGreyGhost you can edit fstab to be read only ro18:30
HardDisklongstone, since they are developing applications separately as well.18:30
lmosherAnyone here use cairo-dock (or can suggest a more awesome dock?)18:30
Jack_Sparrowlmosher I uce cairo18:30
Jack_Sparrowuse cairo18:30
m0u5eImosher: i've used it, but IME (at least on my computer) both AWN and cairo are slow, though cairo is definitely faster18:30
GreyGhostJack_Sparrow: ok thanks .. i thught ntfs 3g might do it some other way .. my bad18:30
m0u5eImosher: cairo also seems to be more stable18:31
longstoneHardDisk: right. To me it seemed that Ubuntu is more stabile.18:31
HardDiskGnome-Do > docks :)18:31
castel_i will try18:31
Jack_SparrowGreyGhost It might.. I just use what I know18:31
theFATMANhow do i completely wipe wine from my system?18:31
HardDisklongstone, any OS can be stable, it's up to the user to know how.18:31
fffffddseis rs back up?18:31
Chiselhuk_Plus1Jack_Sparrow: I rule, install's running away here :D18:31
HardDisktheFATMAN, sudo apt-get remove --purge wine18:31
GreyGhostJack_Sparrow: ok thanks :)18:31
longstoneHardDisk: That's right!18:31
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning18:32
lmosherHardDisk, I've been looking at gnome-do, but doesn't that only use keyboard? I perfer visual stuffs :)18:32
theFATMANHardDisk: I did that, it doesn't remove everything18:32
=== idefix is now known as Guest44356
HardDisklmosher, I'm not an eye candy person.18:32
J_Phey all, what package that I need install to works for when I press button for shutdown, system will be halt, without halt command ?18:32
mortal1harddisk, even me?18:32
HardDisktheFATMAN, yes it does. then all you need to do is remove .wine from your home dir.18:32
xintronIs there a good program to restore files from a sandisk memory card on ubuntu?18:32
HardDiskmortal1, ?18:32
penanyone here know apwal?18:33
HardDiskxintron, testdisk18:33
ubottuFactoid testdisk not found18:33
castel_Couldn't display "/home/castel/Desktop/RealPlayer11GOLD.bin".18:33
castel_why like this ?18:33
HardDiskerm not testdisk18:33
penknow the alternatives for apwal?18:33
dimedokmobiletools outputs a lot of input/output errors on the console in my ubuntu hardy amd64. any idea what causes that? (i'm trying to get a Siemens SL42 running through a serial cable)18:33
lmosherJack_Sparrow, Ok I have a terminal launcher. I click it, terminal starts.. good. It kinda glows, to show it's running. I then shift-click it to get a second terminal. I minimize both, but I can only get the first one I clicked back. After that, it's a mystery where the other one has gone.18:33
rampageoberonI'm having some strange problem with the gnome remote desktop (vino), anybody here who can try replicate the thing and hopefully can help? Seems it stops listening if I tick the option "only allow connections from the local machine"18:33
castel_tell me please18:33
longstonebye bye - a nice experience to find out that I already can help some people with Ubuntu - maybe one time I will be a Linux Pro18:33
castel_tell me please18:33
HardDisk!info testdisk18:33
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.8-1 (hardy), package size 690 kB, installed size 2640 kB18:33
John_SI would like to install the 2.6.24-16 kernel from the command line. Can someone please tell me what command I would use to install the kernel and all the packages associated with that kernel?18:34
ASULutzycastel, you want to right click on the file and make it executable and then run it18:34
HardDiskJohn_S, why 16?18:34
Jack_Sparrowlmosher use alt-tab if you want to keep it simple18:34
syntaxblackAdobe Air neve installed18:34
castel_tell me please18:35
lmosherJack_Sparrow, And just not minimize stuff? heh18:35
castel_tell me please18:35
manoffhello could one of your give me the copy of the default /etc/sudoers file as i want to get the same behaviour on my debian system thanks18:35
John_SHardDisk: Well, I'm having problems with the 19 version it seems ("kernel panic"), so I would like to go back to the 16 version.18:35
HardDisksyntaxblack, you keep asking about window products, maybe it's best to install it in a vm environment especially apps that require special environments wine cannot provide.18:35
Jack_Sparrowlmosher I minimize it... and can still get to it18:35
lmosherJack_Sparrow, And just not minimize stuff? heh18:35
lmosherJack_Sparrow, sorry wrong button. How?18:35
HardDiskJohn_S, sudo apt-cache search
HardDiskJohn_S, sudo apt-cache search 2.6.24-1618:35
castel_what's the program can run for .bin ?18:36
zloogRealplayer 11 is blocking other applications from using sound when it is running on 8.04. Does anyone know of a fix for this?18:36
HardDiskcastel in terminal run sh nameoffile.bin18:36
lmosherJack_Sparrow, oh, hehe sorry :)18:36
HardDiskor ./nameoffile.bin18:36
penknow the alternatives for apwal?18:36
Picipen: What is apwal?18:36
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: So you're trying to vnc to your machine, locally, yes ?18:37
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: yes18:37
syntaxblackJack your trying to run bin files as well?18:37
mandrilltrying to get SANE to work with my Pixma MX300, says its supported on the website (http://www.sane-project.org/cgi-bin/driver.pl?manu=Canon&model=PIXMA+MX300&bus=any&v=&p=) but can't find anywhere to download it.18:37
penPici, I remember you asked that once too?? :)18:37
penPici, Apwal, application launcher18:37
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: From another X session I'm guessing ?18:37
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: if i tick the option to allow only local connections, nmap localhost doesn't even pick the port18:37
HardDiskcastel_, download this and double click to install, http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/r/realplay/realplayer_10.0.9-0.1_i386.deb18:38
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: yes, i usually ssh in and make a tunnel18:38
vince_hello ! Pour un pb de config de wifi sous ubuntu, je peux trouver de l'aide ici ??18:38
Pici!fr | vince_18:39
ubottuvince_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr18:39
John_SHardDisk: Thanks, but that returns about 4 screen fulls worth of packages, including debug packages that I assume I don't need. Is there some "apt-get install ..." command for one of those particular packages that will install all the kernel stuff I need? Or do I need to manually install a bunch of packages separately?18:39
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: Maybe if you could try and see if the same happens to you18:40
HardDiskJohn_S, depends on your arch and if you need the restricted drivers or not etc.18:40
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: So why do you need to specify local connections only18:40
froggaI am using this command on my Ubuntu: cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@pmlibs.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/pmlibs login18:40
froggaafter that it ask me to type password, i just press enter18:40
froggaand it comes back to console18:40
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: I don't want the server to be available from any host18:40
glitsj16John_S: linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic linux-image- linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-generic and linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-16-generic should do it18:40
froggabut there is no files anywhere, or any evidence that he downloaded files?!?18:40
AsSlowAsHellwhat is that word that refers to creepy "realistic" looking 3D models of humans?18:40
shanepardueAny word on Intrepid Alpha?18:41
froggaCan anyone help me18:41
BasterdnelliI have a question about booting ubuntu.. I have 2 SATA drives, Disk 2 has ubuntu installed. It boots/runs fine, but if I disconnect Disk 1 it will not boot, Grub says error 21 i think. Does this mean grub is booting on disk 1 to boot ubuntu on disk 2? How can I change this?18:41
Picishanepardue: #ubuntu+1 for intrepid questions please :)18:41
HardDiskshanepardue, #ubuntu+118:41
shaneparduePici: Thanks18:41
Jack_Sparrow!ot > AsSlowAsHell18:41
Chiselhuk_Plus1Jack_Sparrow: I'm back! How do I save an image I find on the Net straight to CD? :)18:41
Picicarlos_s: please setop18:41
froggaI am using this command on my Ubuntu: cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@pmlibs.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/pmlibs login18:41
Picicarlos_s: er, stop18:41
froggabut there is no files anywhere, or any evidence that he downloaded files?!?18:41
John_Sglitsj16: Thanks I'll give that try.18:41
J_Panyone know what is the package for halt machine pressing power button ?18:41
Jack_SparrowChiselhuk_Plus1 you dont18:41
froggaI am using this command on my Ubuntu: cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@pmlibs.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/pmlibs login18:41
glitsj16John_S: yw, goodluck18:42
froggaafter that it ask me to type password, i just press enter18:42
froggabut there is no files anywhere, or any evidence that he downloaded files?!?18:42
Chiselhuk_Plus1Jack_Sparrow: So how do I do it?18:42
froggaWhere is downloaded CVS files saved by defautl18:42
Jack_SparrowChiselhuk_Plus1 save it to your desktop then put it on a cd18:42
Chiselhuk_Plus1Jack_Sparrow: Thanks.18:42
syntaxblackis there a way to use Sudo Sh Command in the Run Application thing?18:43
Jack_SparrowChiselhuk_Plus1 read up on K3b if you want multisession etc18:43
Jack_Sparrow!helpme > frogga18:43
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: ...so disable allow only local connections, and enable a password protect18:43
Basterdnelli I have a question about booting ubuntu.. I have 2 SATA drives, Disk 2 has ubuntu installed. It boots/runs fine, but if I disconnect Disk 1 it will not boot, Grub says error 21 i think. Does this mean grub is booting on disk 1 to boot ubuntu on disk 2? How can I change this?18:43
glitsj16syntaxblack: sure, tick the box 'run in terminal' with that18:44
DrHala2hey, ive a sony erricson w850i and wehn i plug it via usb ubuntu detects it as a usb storage but id like rhythmbox to detect it too so i can move music more effective18:44
penanyone know how to fix the blank screen bug in tilda?18:44
oldenglishfrogga: use google18:44
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: I have that, but as i use windows machines to login at times i can not use encryption, and don't want the password transmission like that18:44
oldenglishpen: I had that problem and what I did was turn off the animation18:44
oldenglishpen: when I restarted tilda the issue was gone18:44
froggaI used google oldenglish18:45
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: ok, let me try this18:45
HardDiskDrHala2, use mass storage plugin, if there isn't one then just transfer it via nautilus.18:45
penoldenglish, it will come back again18:45
penoldenglish, maybe18:45
mandrillhelp getting pixma MX300 scanner/printer/copier/fax to work please18:45
oldenglishpen: ive had it running with no scroll bar/ 100% transparency/no animation all day now with no problems18:45
DrHala2HardDisk, mass storage plugin ill search it on the net but nautilus is just too messy to move music18:45
Pwn20wncan smb help me with Konversation my dcc doesnt work18:46
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: Thanks :)18:46
mandrillXsane doesn't recognise it and the backend won't install18:46
penoldenglish, ok, I think thatis the solution18:46
penoldenglish, but what if I want the animation to be checked? is there a workaround?18:46
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: Paste the ssh syntax you're using to create the tunnel18:46
oldenglishpen: not sure18:46
HardDiskDrHala2, remember your phone isn't a music device, I have the same phone.18:46
penoldenglish, it was so smooth in mac with the visor18:46
penoldenglish, why not tilda18:46
gwpis there a good list of repositories out?18:46
HardDiskDrHala2, it's no ipod/zune :)18:46
gwpfor latest ubuntu18:46
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: ssh -L 5000:localhost:5900 user@domain18:46
oldenglishpen: i just started using it today, and havent used visor on a mac18:46
HardDisk!repositories | gwp18:47
ubottugwp: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories18:47
Jack_Sparrowgwp Adding unsupported repos is not a good idea..18:47
penoldenglish, you have a mac too? you and try visor18:47
DrHala2HardDisk, yeah sure but i just prefer to transfer my music with rhytmbox18:47
penoldenglish, it's like tilda18:47
linkmaster03How can I take a still frame from my webcam on Ubuntu besides Cheese?18:47
oldenglishpen: nope, cant afford macs :D18:47
Jack_Sparrowlinkmaster03 xsane18:47
HardDiskDrHala2, good luck.18:47
gordonjcplinkmaster03: I think Gimp will just treat it as a scanner18:48
gwpJack_Sparrow: aww but all the good stuff is on them18:48
penoldenglish, I thought you mean mac18:48
linkmaster03thanks guys18:48
penoldenglish, like ubuntu?18:48
Jack_Sparrowgwp That is fine, just dont cvome cryint to use when you break your system18:48
oldenglishpen: running ubuntu on a core2 HP machine18:48
HardDiskJack_Sparrow, I disagree, some projects are worth it, such as exaile, screenlets, gnome-do which all have their own repositories.18:48
Jack_Sparrowcrying to us18:48
penoldenglish, HP laptop?18:48
penoldenglish, I have that one too ;p18:48
oldenglishpen: nah its a desktop, just what they have here at the job im doing now18:49
Jack_SparrowHardDisk You are entitled to your opinion.. but adding random repos is not a good idea18:49
gwpJack_Sparrow: :(18:49
HardDiskgwp, but Jack_Sparrow is right, if you choose to use unofficial repositories and something breaks, it's your fault for doing so.18:49
rosenthank you, it works, i activated kernel frame-buffer, was this correct?18:49
penoldenglish, oh18:49
Tobias92oh boy, the gtk theme engine has gone haywire. All gtk widgets are a boring shade of grey. How do I reset it?18:49
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: Doesn't work for me either18:49
gwpHardDisk: I understand. I am actually only looking for local repositories for quicker downloads. Also I am looking for a gnome music applet18:50
Jack_Sparrowgwp Install dual boot to a second copy of linux or have a good backup for playing18:50
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: Could it be a bug in vino18:50
HardDiskgwp, oh in that case what you need are mirrors18:50
HardDiskgwp, look into your software sources, and you can choose a faster mirror18:50
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: I don't see why enabling an option should stop it from listening18:50
leachim6_I need to set my resoltion to 1024x768 ...how do I do that18:50
leachim6_It's driving me mad ... i've been at it for 45 minutes now18:51
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto18:51
leachim6_That wont help18:51
MrNazis there a replacement for nm-applet that doesnt suck the rotting remains of dead donkey balls?18:51
leachim6_I'm not running a display manager either18:51
leachim6_Ubuntu Server 8.0418:51
John_SOK, I forget the commands: what is the command to search my currently installed packages for some package name? (Would "sudo apt-cache policy <name>" work?) And then what is the command to search available packages for some package name? (is it "sudo apt-cache search <name>"?)18:51
Jack_SparrowMrNaz Please stop being rude..18:52
joaopintoJohn_S, you dont need to show/search18:52
joaopintoerm, you dont need sudo, i mean18:52
rampageoberonWhats wrong with nm- applet, i think it works fine18:52
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: Got it18:52
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: replace localhost with the machine name18:52
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: let me double check to make sure it works..18:53
=== gwp is now known as gwp-WoW
wasabiAnybody know the netboot method for specifying an apt-proxy for the ubuntu-installer18:53
DrHala2HardDisk, it was pretty easy you jsut have to create a file called ".is_audio_player" on the micro-sd18:53
MrNazis there a replacement for nm-applet that could be considered an improvement ?18:53
John_Sjoaoping: OK, but are those the correct commands? Or should I be using "dpkg ..." maybe?18:53
Jack_SparrowMrNaz Thank you...18:54
rampageoberonEvilDennisR:  main:        unable to connect to host: Connection refused (111)18:54
calamarohi all18:54
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: using either localhost or hostname18:54
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!18:54
HardDiskDrHala2, well there you go, I learned something new today.18:54
calamarothanks ubottu18:54
Tamalecan someone help me figure out why my new flash drive works on every OS (including fedora) EXCEPT my new ubuntu hardy heron install?18:54
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: hold on, I don't think ti worked18:55
John_SMrNaz: You could always try "wicd" if you are unhappy with nm-applet, but I'm not sure whether you will consider it an improvement.18:55
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: Ok18:55
HardDiskDrHala2, will keep that in mind for the future :)18:55
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: negative, didn't work..18:55
Jack_SparrowTamale What format is on the flash and does it show up in fdisk18:55
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: any ideas what the problem could be?18:56
dMartin38:tamale usb sometimes funny with hardy, try adept, search usb, change a bit.. so i did18:56
Tamaleit's just fat1618:56
DrHala2another problem ive is that ubuntu always creates a trash folder on the flash drives if i delete something i think its kinda stupid ,)18:56
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: I think its strange one option is killing things :(18:56
Tamalethere's the dmesg output18:56
Tamaleafter i plug it in18:56
HardDiskDrHala2, that's for your safety.18:56
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: try to create the tunnel from the server to your local machine18:56
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: I can't do that because I can't get to my machine here at work from the outside world18:57
HardDiskDrHala2, many people delete things that they regret later.  It only makes sense.18:57
DrHala2not on a usb flash drive where you delete to make space :P18:57
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: so ssh -R 2700:localhost:590018:57
DrHala2the most intelligent thing would be to move the files on the hard drive18:57
HardDiskDrHala2, that is for your personal use.  We need to serve the masses.18:57
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: Why would i want a reverse tunnel out of curiosity?18:57
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: We're trying to trouble shoot it, aren't we! =)18:58
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: Okay doing it now18:58
Tamaleit complains about an invalid mount option18:58
lw0x15yo does any1 know whats the soft called which like is mini-terminal where you can type a name of the app and it will launch up18:58
H__lw0x15 you're talking about xterm / kde's konsole / *term ?18:59
HardDisklw0x15, Alt-F218:59
Tamalefdisk returns a crazy partition table18:59
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: Okay done18:59
HardDiskor he might mean an xterm18:59
Tamalewhich doesn't make sense, because the drive comes up with the full 2gb fine in windows, fedora, and osx18:59
lw0x15H__, nop its not xterm18:59
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: ..does it work ?19:00
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: I turned on enable encryption, now I can't connect to my machine again =)19:00
lw0x15i use fluxbox.. so if i launch an app from terminal i cant close the terminal19:00
Jack_SparrowDrHala2 We try to avoid that type of discussion in here.  If you join #Ubuntu-offtopic there may be people that can explain why they chose to put deleted files on the same drive's trash that they were deleted from19:00
lw0x15so i had a lil app which allowed me to open up a little command line19:00
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: Yeah I had that problem with encryption too, so i don't use it19:00
lw0x15type the apps name in and it closes down19:00
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: and nope not working19:00
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: well now I have to wait until I get home to turn it off19:01
DrHala2thx Jack_Sparrow19:01
Jack_SparrowDrHala2 It is all drives not just the removeable ones19:01
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: You have X11 forwarding enabled?19:01
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: Oh yeah, I do. Good thinking19:02
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: You can turn it off now if you run vino-preferences19:02
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: you probably know that19:02
John_SHardDisk: Do you happen to know the command to list a given package that is installed? e.g. if I want to find out which version of libglib I have installed, what is the command?19:02
HardDiskJohn_S, --version19:02
effevee/msg ubottu etiquette19:03
FirefisheWhen I do a <sudo apt-get dist-upgrade> I get this output: http://rafb.net/p/2iizkP60.nln.html  /// My packages are all up to date.19:04
HardDiskJohn_S, oh a library, then you need apt-cache policy nameofpackage19:04
HardDiskJohn_S, if its a binary, just command --version19:04
scifiguy951virus scanner??????????/19:04
Starnestommy!virus | scifiguy95119:04
ubottuscifiguy951: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2119:04
HardDiskscifiguy951, clamav19:05
=== Kopfgeldjaeger2 is now known as Kopfgeldjaeger
Tamaleok, it looks like somehow my cdrom changed mount points19:05
Tamalewhy would hardy do that?19:05
Tamaleit has two entries in the fstab19:05
Tamaleand one of them is called sdb119:05
John_SHardDisk: But what if I don't know the exact name of the package? Doing "apt-cache policy libglib" does not return anything (I'm pretty sure I have it installed).19:06
FloodBot1Tamale: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:06
HardDiskJohn_S, tab it19:06
Knightarrhi, does anyone have expierence setting up an onboard Intel 82865G graphics driver?19:07
Knightarri'd like my console to be more than 80 x 60 columns19:07
HardDiskJohn_S, after libglib hit tab <sometimes twice> youll see the list19:07
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: I dunno man, I'd file a bug19:07
Knightarri added a vga=791 to my menu.1st, but I get an unsupported mode19:07
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: Launchpad? and what about the encryption?19:08
lonetech1920which folder besides /home should be backed up?19:08
John_SHardDisk: Hmm... tabbing it doesn't work. Isn't there some way simply search through all my installed package names for a string? ("libglib")19:08
glitsj16Firefishe: those are 6 oackages related to build environment .. any problems running your system without those ? (sorry if i didn't get your question correctly)19:08
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: I dunno what the deal with the encryption is. I'm using the real vnc viewer (not xvncviewer) and it sez wrong/no encryption19:08
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: I'm not sure where you should submit a bug, someone else in here prolly knows19:09
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: launchpad sounds right maybe19:09
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:09
HardDiskJohn_S, apt-cache search19:09
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: Okay, thank you very much for the help19:09
HardDiskJohn_S, and it does work, trust me.19:09
ashui have a problem19:09
John_SHardDisk: I thought that command was to search through available packages, not installed packages--is that not true?19:10
Firefisheglitsj16:  np.  I don't think so.  I mean, I'm not building anything right now, and I've got so many libraries now, the loss of six probably wont' matter much.  However, I've been reading a lot of issues with 7.10.  This 7.04 systems is nice and stable, so I'm a little reluctant to do anything.  It's a laptop.19:10
Jack_SparrowKnightarr try 790  (lower color depth but same res19:10
Tamalethis is definitely some kind of a bug too19:10
Tamalethe drive doesn't have any problems in any other OS19:10
HardDiskJohn_S, I told you to use policy it does work19:10
ashui was wondering if there is any "scheduler" type tool for ubuntu so that i can schedule my downloads to start and stop at some particular time19:10
manoffwhat was the filename were network interface configs are?19:10
Firefisheglitsj16:  I'm due for some new hardware, anyway.  This laptop is nearly five years old and isn't even dual core.19:10
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: Also is X11 forwarding enabled by default on the server config? I don't know if i've set mine up to do that, i realise now it can be useful19:10
manoffeth0, eth1....19:10
kane77what lightweight torrent client would you suggest? I am using transmission now, but it lacks queue!19:11
stemount^manoff: /etc/network/interfaces19:11
HardDiskJohn_S, apt-cache policy libglib<tab><or_twice> you'll see a list of installed libglib*19:11
Starnestommymanoff: /etc/network/interfaces19:11
HardDiskJohn_S, choose the one you want and it will tell you the installed version19:11
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: I t-h-i-n-k its turned off?19:11
stemount^Starnestommy: snap19:11
HardDiskkane77, deluge-torrent.org19:11
ashukane77 : try Deluge19:11
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: Okay, .me checks sshd_config19:11
b4l7424rcan the w32 codecs come in conflict with any of the gstreamer codecs i've installed?19:11
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: Yeah, its turned on by default19:11
HardDiskb4l7424r, no.19:11
Firefisheglitsj16:  I really want something that runs just linux and allows the use of a cellular network data card, either 3G GSM (AT&T) or CDMA (Verizon/Alltel/U.S. Cellular).19:11
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: Thanks :)19:11
kane77HardDisk, ashu thank you.. will try that out..19:11
ashuanyone there? please help me out!:-(19:12
ashukane77 : no probs :)19:12
stemount^!justask | ashu19:12
ubottuashu: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:12
John_SHardDisk: Yes, thanks, that's exactly what I tried and it doesn't return anything (and also for any other packages I try). I'm in recovery mode in the console--I wouldn't think that would make a difference, but is that my problem with tabbing?19:12
Firefisheashu...what is your question?19:12
glitsj16Firefishe: that's understandable, you can always live cd the newer ubuntu's to check those out while your upgrading hardware19:12
ashui was wondering if there is any "scheduler" type tool for ubuntu so that i can schedule my downloads to start and stop at some particular time19:12
EvilDennisRashu: cron19:12
HardDiskashu, deluge schedules.19:12
Starnestommyashu: like some sort of download manager?19:12
EvilDennisRashu: crontab -e19:12
ashuyup download manager sort of19:13
Jack_Sparrowashu from torrents etc?  somthing like rtorrent19:13
EvilDennisRoh a deluge scheduler ?19:13
kane77ashu, d4x might have this.. but I'm not sure19:13
HardDiskashu, do you need it for torrents?19:13
=== leonel_ is now known as leonel
HardDiskashu, deluge schedules I told you check plugins19:13
Jack_Sparrow!info rtorrent19:13
ubotturtorrent (source: rtorrent): ncurses BitTorrent client based on LibTorrent. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.0-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 346 kB, installed size 968 kB19:13
ashuand for normal files (not torrents)?19:13
HardDiskashu, use a firefox plugin19:14
HardDiskashu, search the firefox addons site19:14
ashuHardDisk : which one?19:14
HardDiskashu, download manager19:14
ashuHardDisk : ok19:14
Firefisheglitsj16:  Yeah, I already tried kde 4.0.x on the live cd and it just didn't work well.  I've already found one glitch in the adept_manager program.  The file menu hierarchy Adept>>Manage Repositorities doesn't open the repository dialog, but reloads the available packages instead.  It's weird.19:14
HardDiskok break time for me.19:14
Firefisheglitsj16:  The more I use adept, the more I like synaptic ;)19:15
ashuEvilDennisR , Starnestommy, HardDisk, Jack_Sparrow, kane77 : thank you :)19:15
glitsj16Firefishe: no argument there ;)19:15
Firefisheglitsj16:  Eventually, later this year, I want a laptop system with at least three hard drives, one with Ubuntu/Kubuntu, Debian, and possibly Open Solaris19:15
b4l7424rcan the w32 codecs be used by totem also or just mplayer?19:15
Firefisheglitsj16:  and the more I use the command line with apt-get, the more I can't even fathom what an .rpm is ;) hee19:16
=== JuAnXT is now known as Ghost-Buster
SilentDishello, trying to get my PalmOne Zire 72 setup.  dmesg shows it as "new full speed USB device" only, and doesn't give it any assignments in /dev/.  Is there something i need to modprobe?19:18
CarlFKpidgin segfaults.  I enabled apport and submitted a report (bug #239797) and wanted to do it again without the nvidia binaries. now pidgin still segfaults, but apport wont' come up - why not?19:18
ubottuCarlFK: Bug 239797 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/239797 is private19:18
CarlFKSilentDis: do you have jpilot or some app installed?19:18
tstiffleris there anyone here that can assist me in setting up a "server" on my computer so that I can test PHP and other coding languages?19:18
SilentDisCarlFK: yep.  I'm on Kubuntu, so I've got Kpilot installed.  it doesn't detect it either19:18
=== stabbyjoe12 is now known as MOD-Sam
shane_iv lost all sound any helpers19:19
CarlFKSilentDis: hang on, there is some jpilot setting...19:19
Starnestommytstiffler: check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP.  It's a good guide for setting up a webserver19:19
SilentDisCarlFK: i've got jpilot installed too, let me try that instead19:19
glitsj16b4l7424r: i think totem has its own gstreamer plugin set for those19:19
=== Ghost-Buster is now known as Serious-Black
tstifflerStarnestommy: thanks, is that for a localhost?19:19
mitchellguys i have a problem i've deleted manually a user from the /etc/group and /etc/passwd files and something is has gone wrong now because when im trying to sudo something its saying you are not in the sudoers file!! Can someone help???19:20
CarlFKSilentDis: jpilot, file, prefs, settings, serial port: usb:19:20
m_newton_How do i play a .iso file??!19:20
=== Serious-Black is now known as JuAnXT
CarlFKSilentDis: it defaults to something else19:20
m_newton_How do i play a .iso file??!19:20
wasabimitchell: probably broke the file.19:20
wasabimitchell: boot off another medium and fix it19:20
Starnestommytstiffler: I think that listens on all available addresses, but there's a way to easily make iot local-only using the file /etc/apache2/ports.conf19:20
mitchellwasabi yes but i eed to now whats wrong in it19:20
wasabimitchell: You broke it. Not much more than that will be available.19:21
m_newton__NiC are you the op?19:21
wasabimitchell: Possible there is a parsing error in the file. Find it.19:21
wasabimitchell: Maybe you removed yourself from the wrong group.19:21
tstifflerStarnestommy: hmm...I guess I'll have to do a bit of reading, as that's kind of confusing, I'm new to a lot of this but I need to learn for a new job19:21
wasabimitchell: Maybe you made a typo.19:21
wasabimitchell: Maybe you deleted a group you shouldn't have19:21
alan_mm_newton, iso files are disk images, they are copies of cd contents put into a single file, you have to extract the contents of the image to a disk such as a cd-rom.19:21
mitchellwasabi ye thats the prob19:21
christozhello ,how can anyone tell be ,how can i watch youtube via opera 9.5?19:21
wasabimitchell: passwd provides the list of users to the system. group provides the list of groups. if sudo says you aren't in the sudoers file, then look in the file.19:21
wasabiWho *is* in the sudoers file?19:21
wasabi(hint: by default the group %admin is)19:22
wasabiSo, does the system consider you in the group admin/19:22
wasabiApparently not!19:22
m_newtonalan_m, so can i just play them without burnig them or can i extract them on my harddisc?19:22
jonaskoelkerhi all.  I'm trying to bond eth0 and eth1 (wired and wireless).  My eth1 keeps getting deauthenticated (I'm using wpa_supplicant).  What's up?  How can I bond the two?19:22
i00nsuhey ppl, I know this is not a problem, just an info: there is some program to convert python to exe ?19:22
Starnestommytstiffler: all you need to do is change /etc/apache2/ports.conf once apache is installed so that the line that says "Listen 80" says "Listen
marionHas anyone here installed the Crossfire game client before?19:22
Starnestommytstiffler: sorry, that last : should have been a "19:23
mitchellwasabi surely not and all i deleted a user form the passwd and the group file19:23
CarlFKm_newton you can also mount them like a physical CD - I think there is a clicky gui way19:23
wasabiwas it your user? :)19:23
tstifflerStarnestommy: Oh, I see...that makes more sense then. Thank you very much. Do you have a lot of experience working with this?19:23
alan_mm_newton, you must extract the contents of this file and if it has multimedia files then you may play them in your multimedia player, if its just text files and stuff like that, then im afraid you wont be able to "pay" them...but only look at the contents.19:23
tstifflerStarnestommy: got it.. :)19:23
mitchellwasabi i need a copy of these files from another system19:23
marionhow do you find where the Synaptic installed something if you don't know the name of the file?19:24
alan_m*play, sorry m_newton19:24
HillshumCan I get install help here?19:24
EvilDennisRmarion: click on the package and hit properties19:24
neurobuntuHillshum just ask your question19:24
EvilDennisRmarion: its under the installed files tab19:24
HillshumI turned on my old HP with the CD already in. It installed, loaded the background, and froze19:25
wasabimitchell: They ain't hard files, really.19:26
wasabimitchell: Should be easy to spot any problems.19:26
neurobuntuHillshum... did it load the liveCD then crash, or did it crash after you installed?19:26
christozhello ,how can anyone tell be ,how can i watch youtube via opera 9.5?19:26
mitchellwasabi ye but everything seems allright19:26
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: found a bug about that, seems it rejects IPv4 on enabling that option :( -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vino/+bug/19667519:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 196675 in vino "vino only listens for ipv6 connections" [Low,Confirmed]19:26
mitchellwasabi dont know were is the prob19:26
Hillshumit installed then crashed19:26
neurobuntuHillshum when you boot the live cd it doesn't install anything (just making sure you know)19:26
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: aw suck19:26
Hillshumi did install19:26
neurobuntuHillshum... what video card are you using?19:26
alan_mHillshum, how much RAM do you have in your pc?19:26
mitchellwasabi what can  i do to put me again as an admin19:27
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: Lets hope its fixed soon19:27
Hillshum256MB (approx)19:27
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: hopefully they'll fix that19:27
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: yeah, thanks again for your help :)19:27
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: looks like its been open for a few months19:27
johnnypeahi, i want to install dictionary to openoffice 2.4, but when I try to do it through the wizard only small window  like this http://i27.tinypic.com/fejdc0.jpg shows up and i cannot see anything19:28
alan_mHillshum, your almost pushing the limits of the cd's recommended space with the ram, that "might" be your issue...19:28
Hillshumalso, my serial trakball's light isn't on19:28
EvilDennisRalan_m: I ran into a problem like this before19:28
EvilDennisRHillshum: Are you booting the live cd, or just the installer19:28
wasabimitchell: Make sure the fiels are fixed. Not much else.19:28
mitchellwasabi ok then19:29
Hillshumi booted the CD and choose install19:29
alan_mHillshum, I would recommend using the alternate install cd for your pc.19:29
EvilDennisRHillshum: hardy ?19:29
Hillshumanother downlaod?19:29
EvilDennisRHillshum: I'd get the alternate install cd like alan_m suggested19:29
alan_mHillshum, im afraid so.19:29
EvilDennisRHillshum: Yeah, the alternate install cd installs with out a gui19:29
candive!ubotto | xine19:30
ubottuFactoid ubotto not found19:30
alan_m!xine | candive19:30
ubottuFactoid xine not found19:30
johnnypeahi, i want to install dictionary to openoffice 2.4, but when I try to do it through the wizard only small window  like this http://i27.tinypic.com/fejdc0.jpg shows up and i cannot see anything, how can I resize it ?19:30
CrimesHello Everyone!: I just bought a Inspiron 1525 from Best Buy (not dell) I have just installed 8.04 and I do not have working wifi, Can someone help provide a fix for this?19:30
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: Apparently its going to be fixed in 2.24, so i'll wait and check when it updates vino (using 2.22 now)19:30
candivealan_m, trying to run DVD rip to back up says im misn run command xine19:31
marionEvilDennisR: Thanks that did it. Learn something new everyday!19:31
alan_mcandive, whats the exact error?19:31
candivealam_m 1 sec19:31
EvilDennisRmarion: Que?19:31
tstifflercan I get someone to run me through some things with setting up a server on my current computer?19:32
glitsj16johnnypea: the openoffice wiki mentions a workaround for that http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Dictionaries (bottomline: temporarily disable compiz it seems)19:32
bobstrotstiffler: what sort of server?19:32
marionEvilDennisR: Thanks for the help. I found the executable thanks to you.19:32
EvilDennisRmarion: Ah ok19:32
candivealan_m dvd rip preferences, check all setting i get the following.STDIN player command: xine not found : NOT Ok19:33
tstifflerbobstro: I am using ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron, I just want to be able to play around with php and mysql...I guess what I want is to set up a localhost19:33
bobstrotstiffler: so a web server with sql, php (LAMP) setup then?19:33
mandrilltstiffler: apache is your friend19:34
tstifflerbobstro: yes, I'm trying to get LAMP set up but I'm a bit confused19:34
ActionParsniphey all19:34
candivealan_m i also cannot plat dvd movies19:34
AndrewGearharttstiffler: what have you tried so far?19:34
bobstrotstiffler: what's got you stumped?19:34
mandrillI had to do each component of the Lamp individually19:34
tstifflermandrill: oh? hehe, yeah I'm just getting a bit confused with it19:34
druwine stopped working for me, i try to run an exe program with it and nothing happens ... can anyone help?19:34
alan_mcandive, did you install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package?19:34
tstifflerbobstro: trying to access anything19:34
Chipacaafter the recent update to firefox (3-rc2, IIRC), firefox crashes before finishing loading, or loads and immediately freezes :(19:34
bobstrotstiffler: is apache running?19:34
ActionParsnipdoes anyone know the name of the game where you start in a snowy wilderness and go into a vent into a dark setting19:34
tstifflerAndrewGearhart: actually, I may be getting help from someone else...thanks a lot though19:35
alan_mcandive, try this in a terminal window: sudo apt-get install -f19:35
ActionParsnipkinda plays like doom3 but has decent puzzles??19:35
bobstrotstiffler: take all the help you can get! :)19:35
tstifflerbobstro: i installed it using the terminal, but how do I check if it's running?19:35
* AndrewGearhart slinks off into the shadows again19:35
tstifflerbobstro: lol, I suppose you're right...19:35
druwine stopped working for me, i try to run an exe program with it and nothing happens ... can anyone help?19:35
bobstrotstiffler: easiest way is to open a browser and point at it. you should get an "it worked!" message at least.19:36
spideymanActionParsnip, sounds like lost planet19:36
tstifflerAndrewGearhart: sorry, I didn't mean to offend if I did.19:36
candivewant post 10 lines19:36
CrimesI have a inspiron 1525, just installed Hardy wifi does not work. Any solutions would be much appreciated19:36
mandrillWhy is it so difficult to get a scanner to work with Ubuntu?19:36
bobstrotstiffler: failing that, you can check to make sure process is running, listening on appropriate ports etc.19:36
tstifflerbobstro: and the address would be ?19:36
alan_m!pastebin | candive19:36
ubottucandive: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:36
ActionParsnipspideyman: i'dd check it out19:36
bobstrotstiffler: if your browser is running on the server machine, yes.19:36
cjtstiffler: you can check if your server is running by telnetting to localhost 80, checking the output of ps, hitting it with a browser, etc19:36
tstifflerbobstro: it is19:36
alan_mdo this so we dont make people cranky, just remember to give us the link of the paste :)19:36
spideymanActionParsnip, not on my system19:37
unavailablelol where's the icon for evolution located?19:37
cjlinks makes a good browser for servers19:37
tstifflercj: thanks for that, checking it now19:37
ActionParsnipspideyman: its open source, the snowy bit is the intro only19:37
bobstrotstiffler: so yeah, point browser at it.19:37
AndrewGearharttstiffler: nah, not affended... just trying to help... just like bobstro et al19:37
hebsihi eveybody19:37
tstifflerbobstro: got it, it worked19:37
alan_mcandive, the above message was for you.19:37
spideymanActionParsnip, then its not lost planet19:37
AndrewGearharthi hebsi19:37
tstifflerAndrewGearhart: hopefully one day I'll be able to as well...thanks again19:37
=== NukeSkyjumper is now known as skyjumper
hebsican anyone help me19:37
=== Emilio_Eiji is now known as Emilio_PHN
tstifflercj: yup, it worked :)19:37
bobstrotstiffler: ok, good. now you can move on to other components. Andew may have to help you more, i've got to run in a sec.19:37
candiveubot pasted win still open now what19:37
tstifflerbobstro: ok, thanks19:38
spideymanActionParsnip, you dont know the name of it?19:38
b4l74z4rhow do i force mplayer to use the w32 codecs i just installed when i stream videos?19:38
alan_mgive me the link in your browser window candive :)19:38
hebsii have problem with my sound19:38
unavailableanyone know where the default menu icon for evoltuion mail is located??19:38
cjtstiffler: also, you'll see "OK" as the result of sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start (or sudo apache2ctl start)19:38
=== Emilio_PHN is now known as Emilio_Eiji
Starnestommyhebsi: what is the problem?19:38
cjtstiffler: are you familiar with virtual hosts?19:38
ActionParsnipspideyman: i saw a vid on youtube ages ago19:38
AndrewGearharttstiffler: this is the tutorial that I'm likely using tonight. http://lijamez.wordpress.com/2008/06/02/lighting-up-lamp/19:39
spideymanActionParsnip, im a big gamer19:39
hebsii cannt hear from the speaker19:39
ActionParsnipthe dude basically walks the wilderness in the intro then sees a grill, he feels he must go in, so he does19:39
enterneo1suggest a good pdf highlighter for reading PDF's (the highlights should persist after closing the PDF)19:39
tstifflercj: no, I am not... here is what I got when typing that last thing in the terminal: cj19:39
pukiICQ -  UBUNTU????19:39
tstifflercj: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName19:39
tstifflerhttpd (pid 326) already running19:39
spideymanActionParsnip, 360 psp xbox etc.19:39
ActionParsnippuki: check pidgin19:39
Starnestommypuki: what about them?19:39
cjtstiffler: yep, it's running :)19:39
tstifflerAndrewGearhart: Thanks, I'll check it out19:39
candivealan_m, http://paste.ubuntu.com/19944/19:39
pukipidgin my nefunguje19:40
cjtstiffler: cat /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default19:40
tstifflercj: excellent19:40
CrimesI found the fix to my wifi problem here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=825722 Can Someone look at this and help me locate this generic folder?19:40
tstifflercj: no such file or directory19:40
cjtstiffler: you'll want to fiddle with that, copy it to a different filename in the same directory, fiddle some more, and read some of the apache docs at http://www.apache.org/19:40
mandrillI tried to install the Pixma backend for Xsane from here:Canon PIXMA MP150 - CUPS+Gutenprint v5.0.1, followed the instructions but when I got to "sudo make" it gave me this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19945/19:40
glitsj16b4l74z4r: check mplayer settings, under preferences > codecs & demuxers, you can pick win3219:40
cjtstiffler: they call the http server 'httpd'19:40
unavailableanyone know where the default menu icon for evoltuion mail is located??19:40
cjtstiffler: that's strange... oh, probably 00default? :)19:40
cjtstiffler: something in that directory, at least19:41
mandrillsry location of dl was: http://home.arcor.de/wittawat/pixma/19:41
tstifflercj: ok, I'll check it out19:41
b4l74z4rglitsj16, thanks19:41
hebsiplease guys help me with my sound19:41
cjunavailable: heh, create one yourself! :)19:41
cjunavailable: you can also run 'evolution &' from the console19:42
CrimesI found the fix to my wifi problem here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=825722 Can Someone look at this and help me locate this generic folder?19:42
SarekI want to install gforge on hardy server. But the install process aborts due to some errors in gforge-db-postgresql while creating db triggers. I have tried it three times now ... is there anything special to consider when installing?19:42
unavailablenot what im tryin to do19:42
cjCrimes: what's your wifi problem?19:42
Crimesno workie19:42
rlc2anyone here able to post ubuntuforums.org and tell them the captcha is broken in the registration page? :/19:42
Crimescant even display networks19:42
cjCrimes: iwlist scanning fails?19:42
sybuxHi all19:42
mandrillhas anyone managed to get a Pixma MX300 multifunctional thingy working completely in ubuntu?19:42
tj83Crimes what is the chipset?19:43
unavailablecj thanks a lot.  that killed my old version of data server19:43
Crimesdont know, bought this today. I start Linux today with this new laptop!19:43
tstifflercj: the file is there, /default, so why didn't it show? let me check spelling....19:43
sybuxanyone know how to regenerate ssl certificate for postfix ? mine are to old !19:43
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de19:43
cjmandrill: thingy?19:43
unavailablecj i am looking for the default icon for evolution mail19:43
hebsianyone has LG s119:43
Mintycan anyone tell me what I need to install KDE instead of gnome on ubuntu please19:43
tj83Crimes pastebin the output of "lspci"19:43
unavailablecj i am not looking for a way to run evolution or mess it up for that matter,19:43
sybuxMinty: just apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop19:43
cjunavailable: you can run 'pkill evolution' to kill all the related bits19:43
tstifflercj: never mind, the spelling was wrong19:44
unavailableyour a dork19:44
candiveThank you I will try another time not urgent. appointment19:44
unavailablecj that is all19:44
Starnestommy!caps > unavailable19:44
H__Minty : I did this by searching for the kde  meta package in synaptic package manager19:44
Flannel!coc | unavailable19:44
ubottuunavailable: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/19:44
cjunavailable: you will sometimes find that it all locks up if one part of the client is running (say the data server) when you're trying to start the client19:44
Jack_Sparrowunavailable Please dont shout19:44
spideymanMinty, kde4 still isnt ready some bugs yet first release sched for july19:44
cjunavailable: super.  dpkg -L evolution | grep desktop19:45
unavailablecj      did i ask about lock ups19:45
cjunavailable: did I ask if you did?19:45
Mintyspideyman: thanks I forget that I'll wait :)19:45
Jack_Sparrowunavailable Please stop19:45
unavailablecj then why are you telling me about lockups19:45
tj83hey Jack_Sparrow19:45
rlc2once again, can someone let the webmaster at ubuntuforums know that the registration is broken ?? I couldn't find a way to contact them other than by using the forum19:45
unavailablei just need to know where the icon for evolution is located19:45
unavailablenothing else19:45
H__Minty : are you looking for the kde4 beta , or for the stable kde3 ?19:45
Flannelunavailable: /usr/share/icons/gnome/24x24/apps/evolution-mail.png19:45
spideymanMinty, try 3.5.9 or 3.95 something like that its extremely stable19:45
cjunavailable: because it's useful information that you will need in the future.  why are you being a PITA?19:46
clintchanceOk whats my next step? I have just finished installing madwifi, im working on getting atherose wifi to work19:46
unavailablethank you flannel    somebody actuallyt read what i needed19:46
cjunavailable: and I already answered your question.19:46
Crimesit's at pastebin19:46
cjunavailable: no, Flannel did not answer your question.  *rolls eyes*19:46
christozwhy on earth i cannot watch videos via opera 9.5 ..PLEASE HELP19:46
tj83Crimes i need the url to it plz19:46
Flannelunavailable: getting beligerrent won't help anything.19:46
cjchristoz: what types of videos?19:46
cjchristoz: flash?19:46
rlc2I'd like to post some info on fixing broken brightness controls on laptops on ubuntuforums, if only I could actually register there19:46
christozflash for instancwe19:47
cjunavailable: dpkg -L evolution | grep desktop19:47
cjchristoz: do you have the opera flash plug-in?19:47
clintchancerlc2, tell19:47
hebsi I have an LG S1 Express Dual and am having the "headphones give sound but not the built in speakers" problem19:47
sybuxanyone know how to regenerate ssl certificate for postfix ? mine are to old !19:47
mandrillcj: sry for late reply, printer copier fax scanner19:47
cjmandrill: ah.  have you checked cups docs or forums?19:47
sp1d3rm0nk3yIs there a separate channel for discussing hardy wireless problems?19:47
cjsybux: yes.  sudo apt-get install tinyca19:47
christozcj,?you mean the .tar file19:48
cjchristoz: I don't know how they distribute it, but maybe?19:48
mandrillcj: I had a look at the ubuntu forums, can you link the cups forums?19:48
christozno idon't19:48
cjchristoz: did you go to the adobe site and search for an opera plugin?19:48
sybuxcj: and then what tinyca does ?19:48
julian2495322I just wanted to get some of your opinions on if its a good idea to run ubunut instead of mac osx on a dj laptop19:48
Firefishesp1d3rm0nk3y:  May I ask what chipset you're using in hardy?19:48
cjmandrill: google knows, I'm sure :)19:48
hebsi I have an LG S1 Express Dual and am having the "headphones give sound but not the built in speakers" problem19:48
cjsybux: it helps you manage your CA19:48
cjsybux: run 'tinyca2' at the command prompt19:48
christozcj yes but there wasn't any for debian based  distros19:48
sybuxcj: does it run in console mode or X mode ?19:49
mandrillcj: the great and powerful google knows all :)19:49
cjsybux: X.  it uses GTK.pm19:49
sybuxcj: arg... I don't run X under my server19:49
tj83Crimes... i'm still looking... sniffing around google.19:49
Crimesdude its cool19:49
cjchristoz: you should be able to get the cups drivers and install them using one of the fancy cups GUI configurators...19:50
Crimesthanks tj8319:50
cjunavailable: did you find what you needed by running dpkg -L evolution | grep desktop?19:50
christozcj please can you be more specific19:50
cjchristoz: not really... I can look for a package that might have such a tool, but I'm without X myself right now...19:51
Tamalehey all19:51
cjchristoz: kde or gnome?19:51
christozgnome cj19:52
Tamalethe usb drive problem is indeed a known problem.. but it doesn't seem like there are any efforts to get it solved19:52
cjchristoz: gnome = gnome-cups-manager19:52
cjchristoz: sudo apt-get install gnome-cups-manager19:52
christozcj ,ok i'm on it19:52
cjchristoz: when you run that, you'll probably get some sort of wizard that will eventually prompt you for the cups driver file19:53
cjchristoz: you can find a driver for your printer somewhere on the intarwebs, I bet :)19:53
Tamalealso, is anyone else having problems staying logged into the ubuntu forums?19:53
Jack_SparrowTamale may I have a brief pm19:53
christozmeaning java-sun cj/19:53
cjTamale: I hear yes.19:53
cjchristoz: does sun produce your printer?19:53
cjchristoz: I expected that your printer manufacturer would have a 'support' area with drivers19:53
christozcj i don't have a printer19:54
Crimesnot always cj19:54
fadihow can i load a script when i'll logging in !!?19:54
fadiis somebody know?!19:54
cjchristoz: I obviously have you confused with someone else.19:54
Tamalei can't post from firefox 3 at all19:54
Tamaleit keeps asking me to log in19:54
cjmandrill: the conversation I just had with christoz was supposed to be with you.  ha.19:54
Jack_SparrowTamale may I have a brief pm19:55
joaopintofadi, check ~/.bashrc19:55
clintchanceHow do i upgrade 7.04 to 8.0419:55
cjchristoz: as for you, my friend, visit adobe19:55
TamaleJack_Sparrow: I pm'd you19:55
mandrillcj: the cups forum might as well be written in greek, sry19:55
cjchristoz: see if they have a flash plug-in for opera19:55
tj83Crimes... I have two URL's for you to book mark, Sad to say that I couldnt find a native linux answer... This involves using windows drivers and ndiswrapper... here they are : http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=754330  and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=734003&highlight=ndiswrapper+howto+hardy+broadcom19:55
glitsj16fadi: add an entree to your system > admin > sessions19:55
=== frogga is now known as BUSH_FROM_HEAVEN
cjyeah, I use ndiswrapper for my broadcom wireless NIC.  it works okay.19:56
tstifflerhow do I change permissions for a directory on my computer?19:56
Crimestj83 I formatted Vista Home19:56
_KavOOr_Hi, anyone tried gobby 0.4.6 in Hardy heron ? I am not able to connect to the host19:56
cjtstiffler: man chmod19:56
m_newton_BUSH_FROM_HEAVEN, more like from heLL19:56
mandrillcj: no sun does not produce my printer, its a canon pixma MX30019:56
tstifflercj: thanks19:56
Crimesshould I do XP Pro, or Vista Home?19:57
Crimesmillion $ Q:19:57
tj83you will really desire the XP version of drivers Crimes.... look online for them19:57
neo_vista home man19:57
cjCrimes: either.  same driver...19:57
neo_xp fuckn sucks dude19:57
FloodBot1neo_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:57
neo_i had nothing but spyware on xp19:57
BUSH_FROM_HEAVENTo bad I deleted it19:57
Crimesso I do not need to install xp, I just need the drivers?19:57
cjCrimes: you need to be sure that you're using 32-bit or 64-bit driver (depending on your arch)19:57
grndslmxp may suck, but hardy is pretty half-baked19:57
Firefishetorolls...gotta luv 'em ;)19:57
neo_get vista man and update all ur stuff19:57
mandrillcj installing the cups manager  now19:57
neo_so u dont get spyware up the arse19:58
Crimesvista home ok?19:58
Crimesor should I upgrade?19:58
Firefishehey, I made a irc funny:  torolls, best bread around!  Yum!   I mean apt-get.19:58
cjCrimes: should be fine, either way.19:58
grndslmi updated all of my computers to hardy, and all of them have been having massive problems.  why would a LTS release have released a beta of firefox?!?  that's ludacris19:58
m_newton_BUSH_FROM_HEAVEN, Search for esoteric agenda on google. you might have to search for it on dailymotion too. It is a video that will make you hate bush...19:58
Firefisheboo in advance.19:58
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:58
spideymangrndslm, ive been running kubuntu hardy since it came out much better than xp19:58
madrazr_KavOOr_: I have the same problem too19:58
madrazrcan some one help me in using gobby?19:58
m_newton_BUSH_FROM_HEAVEN, The stuff that man has done :(pissed off)19:58
ZegmaHI. i have a machine that boots up ubuntu Hardy which loads opera in kioskmode on start which loads a html file with a swf file embedded. when it opens it doesn't accept any input until i click on the flash. i have tried many different "click to activate" removal scripts along with javascript. can any1 help me with a soulution to this? or does any1 know of a better way to do it?19:58
CrimesI need a url to walk me through installing Vista after you have dedicated your hd to Hardy19:59
bahramhi all, i need link to view ubuntu changes in linux kernel19:59
grndslmspideyman:  compared to all other ubuntu releases since dapper drake, this was pretty bad, IMO19:59
mandrillcj: it works as a printer no problem, its scanning I'm having problems with.19:59
tj83crimes... you dont have to install vista. Just get the drivers from the internet.19:59
grndslmspideyman:  you using kde 3 or 4?19:59
m_newton_Zefma, probably a fake, get it again but this time from ubuntu.com19:59
spideymangrndslm, ok ill give you that but still better than winblows19:59
cjZegma: set focus on the flash object using javascript?19:59
Crimeswhat was my Wifi??19:59
spideymangrndslm, both20:00
cjmandrill: ah.  do you have the SANE drivers?20:00
kbrosnangrndslm: because they needed a version of firefox that would be able to be supported for 3 years, firefox 2 is build from code that largely developed in 2005. addtionaly firefox 2 stops recieving updates ~6 months after firefox 3 ships20:00
Zegmai have done that. it only works in IE though can't seem to get it to work in opera20:00
cjmandrill: do you know whether it supports SANE?20:00
_KavOOr_Need help with Gobby. anyone willing to help ?20:00
spideymangrndslm, 4 not ready yet but looking very good20:00
Zegmathis is IE on a windows machine i test on and opera on the ubuntu machine20:00
grndslmkbrosnan:  if it's for the good of the people to have crappy code, then so be it...20:00
lonetech1920command to remove folders with files and folders within it?20:01
w3Dhey which channel should i be in for technical help?20:01
christozcj i had to download  flashplugin-nonfree,it is strange that the adobe site didn't make a reference to it20:01
grndslmLTS should have been delayed by another release for sure, would have helped with A LOT20:01
cjmandrill: sudo apt-get install gnomescan?20:01
Starnestommyw3D: if you're looking for help with ubuntu, this channel is it20:01
ChiselhHi guys, I'm installing Hardy on a laptop 'n it appears to have frozen at 94%, any suggestions?20:01
w3Dalrighty. i could use help installing ndiswrapper as it seems to keep on failing me20:01
huevolin1990hi! someone who know about wireless connections could help me please?20:01
cjgrndslm: *shrug*  we need to get started or we'll never finish, I say :)20:01
kbrosnangrndslm: so your voulenteering to port Firefox 3 security fixes to Firefox 220:02
cjChiselh: heh, watch the logs? :)20:02
sp1d3rm0nk3yChiselh: restart20:02
Chapaihow do i do a global search for a specific file or extension including all mounted media?20:02
spideymanChiselh, give it some time20:02
cjhuevolin1990: a bit, what kind of wireless card/chip?20:02
Chiselhspideyman: It's been there for an hour at least, can it be taking this long?20:02
josinalvohi there ! I tryed to install an unoficial pkg, and it made thinks (like comix) stop working ... I'd like to know it there is an easy way to reinstall a package and all its dependencies20:02
spideymanChiselh, no20:02
mandrillcj: Xsane doesn't see it, and I tried to install the backend for sane from http://home.arcor.de/wittawat/pixma/ but got this (http://paste.ubuntu.com/19945/) when I got to 'sudo make'20:03
grndslmkbrosnan:  i'm volunteering the idea that hardy should have shipped with Firefox 2, and then been upgraded to 3 later when it wasn't a beta20:03
Chiselhspideyman: Reboot?20:03
huevolin1990i have to configure my wireless modem router to conect the laptop20:03
cjjosinalvo: to re-install a package, run apt-get install --reinstall <package>20:03
spideymanChiselh, your choice but what choice do you have20:03
Chapaithe beta crashing almost ruined my ubuntu experience with hardy20:03
cjgrndslm: maybe... but that's confusing :)20:04
TamaleChapai: I wouldn't be too worried about a beta crashing :)20:04
MoreAllLessgrndslm, good idea20:04
neo_hi guyus20:04
neo_How do i print out my computer specs?20:04
grndslmcj, kbrosnan:  just saying it's weird that kde3 would still be supported when kde4 is the future... why wouldn't firefox2 & 3 be like that??20:04
josinalvocj : yep, i know that, but it was not enough to undo the mess. I'd like to do the same for the package dependencies ... Is there a command for that, or will I have to hunt them by hand ?20:04
rlc2Chapai, try running the tracker search tool (found it from the applications -> accessories menu)20:04
fawkesfyreyeah... so im trying to add the goto trash can to my panel (i need to undelete a folder) and I cant get it to go20:04
theFATMANhow do i restore the applications menu to the default layout?20:04
mandrillcj: installed gnomscan, what now? I don't see it in any of the menus.20:04
kbrosnangrndslm: Firefox has many packages that depend on it, upgrading a full version after the code freeze seems like a bad idea to me20:04
sp1d3rm0nk3yneo_ : sudo lshw20:04
Chapai i should have specified, from terminal20:05
cjmandrill: let me see if I can find any driver packages...20:05
cjmandrill: what was the model again?20:05
kbrosnangrndslm: addtionaly Ubuntu now has updates for Firefox 3 rc2 which will be the same code that ships in Firefox 3 on the 17th20:05
mandrillcj: Canon Pixma MX30020:05
cjon the cannon site, what kind of drivers do they have?20:06
grndslmkbrosnan:  you just tell people to save their bookmarks & remember extensions, then rm -r .mozila.... couldn't be that difficult to upgrade a full version like that20:06
mandrillcj: only windows and Mac20:06
rlc2Chapai, it will take a while, but try (leave off single quotes) 'find / -name "*.extension"'20:06
mandrillcj: got to go bath the baby, be back in a bit.20:06
theFATMANhow do i restore the applications menu to the default layout?20:07
kbrosnangrndslm: i never tell people to rm -r .mozilla20:07
Chapaithanks, i wil give it a try rlc220:07
cjget mac20:07
theFATMANnevermind, fgot it20:07
ghostlinesi got hardy on a dell inspiron 6400, i got an ip but can't browse the net can someone help me with this?20:07
grndslmi always remove my hidden folders after i upgrade a full release... and have my essential configs saved in a file20:07
neo_sudo lshw is getting cut off at theterminal how do I allow more output to be kept in the terminal20:08
RodrigoHello everyone20:08
RodrigoSome help in PM please, from someone who installed Ubunto AND Windows in the same PC20:08
sp1d3rm0nk3yneo_: sudo lshw > specs.txt20:08
lonetech1920what is the opt folder for?20:08
StarnestommyRodrigo: just ask in here, please20:09
cjmac likely uses the same driver format as ubuntu20:09
=== Mean-Machine_ is now known as Mean-Machine
Flannellonetech1920: complete software packages20:09
Jack_SparrowRodrigo For your safety and the benefit of others who watch to learn please keep it in the channel20:09
cjRodrigo: dual-boot or virtual host?20:09
sp1d3rm0nk3yneo_ : open specs.txt in notepad20:09
spideymanlonetech1920, its for independant installs like games and such20:09
spideymanlonetech1920, opt folder isnt used much20:10
cjlonetech1920: /opt is usually used to store third party sandboxed or chrooted software20:10
kunwon1I'm getting a lot of 404 errors from different repos (several different subdomains of ubuntu.com) when I do an aptitude update. When I try to install iftop via aptitude, it says the package is untrusted. I've googled and see that this can be caused by aptitude not being able to authenticate the repo? But I haven't made any changes on my system recently, definitely haven't deleted any keys. What could be causing this? This is the output of aptitude20:10
root____2Anyone ever tried to install wmaker in ubuntu? I get errors I can't decipher. Anyone know of any standard procedure to install it?20:10
kunwon1 update: http://rafb.net/p/YJEBNd99.html20:10
spideymancj yeah what you said20:10
cjlonetech1920: things like oracle, java, etc used to be installed to /opt so as not to have to deal with conforming to system filesystem standards20:11
lonetech1920my etc is inside the opt...after i used rsync i accidentally backed up to opt...so i tried deleting the files in opt but i see that my etc folder is missing from root20:11
cjlonetech1920: these days, most software vendors don't use /opt, since it doesn't integrate well with the rest of the system20:11
ghostlinesi got hardy on a dell inspiron 6400, internet works on xp but not on hardy20:11
Flannelkunwon1: Edgy has reached EOL, it's no longer supported/updated, as such, the mirrors have been taken offline.  You should upgrade20:11
cjlonetech1920: you'll want to re-install :)20:11
nickrudkunwon1, edgy gone, you should update.20:12
kunwon1Flannel, I was afraid of that, ty20:12
lonetech1920cj: dont say that20:12
w3Dcould any body lend me a hand (imma noob) need assistance with ndiswrapper20:12
Flannelkunwon1: In the mean time, you can use http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu20:12
cjlonetech1920: don't delete /etc20:12
Flannelkunwon1: but, just recognize that its dangerous (for instance, you probably have the SSH vulnerability)20:12
Jack_Sparrowkunwon1 Edgy Distro upgrade... gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list , change all edgy to feisty, apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade20:12
sp1d3rm0nk3yw3D: what help u need?20:12
FlannelJack_Sparrow: No.  Edgy has update manager20:12
cjlonetech1920: it sounds like /opt was a symlink to / or something20:12
lonetech1920cj: should i just user rsync to move it back to root20:12
kunwon1Flannel, I'm going to upgrade now20:12
cjrsync doesn't delete, it just copies20:13
kunwon1Jack_Sparrow, thanks, I was just googling for instructions20:13
* nickrud misses the old dist-upgrade20:13
DShepherdhow can i find out what driver my usb webcam is using?20:13
cjbut yeah, if you can recover, do so20:13
wabashkunwon1: You may have already done this.... Did you try reloading synaptic?20:13
Flannel!upgrade | kunwon120:13
ubottukunwon1: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes20:13
ginalgu8gina lisa (germanys next topmodel) naked on  ht*tp://ginalisa.zeigtsichimweb.de/?id=6111111120:13
Jack_SparrowFlannel Some people have been having problems and had to do it manually20:13
cjalrighty... back to work for me... :)20:13
kunwon1wabash, I don't know what that means.20:13
ginalgu8gina lisa (germanys next topmodel) naked on  ht*tp://ginalisa.zeigtsichimweb.de/?id=6111111120:13
FlannelJack_Sparrow: Aye, but even if they were going to do it manually, there are more steps (metapackages) for a safe upgrade20:13
lonetech1920cj: does rysnc move files as while?20:13
FlannelJack_Sparrow, see: ginalgu820:13
kunwon1And Flannel, this is ubuntu-server20:14
kunwon1no X20:14
Flannelkunwon1: That's fine, update-manager-core should suffice20:14
kunwon1Flannel, ok, thanks. I didn't know there was a version that could run from CLI20:14
Jack_Sparrowkunwon1 Does your edgy have an update manager20:14
Flannelkunwon1: but still, if you're going to do it manually (which is fine, make sure you have ubuntu-standard, ubuntu-minimal, and your kernel metapackage installed.20:14
kunwon1Flannel, which method is safer?20:15
* steven2 resists the urge to say "abstinence"20:15
wabashkunwon1: Are you using the update manager or synaptic?20:15
kunwon1wabash, I'm using aptitude20:15
wabashI see. Then I do not know. I've had similar problems with synaptic before, and figured out how to solve them.20:16
Flannelkunwon1: either is fine.  update-manager just does all taht stuff for you, basically.  If you know what you're doing (know what to make sure you have, what to make sure you disable, etc) there identical20:16
nickrudwabash, his issue is he's using edgy, which is now obsolete and no longer in the standard repositories20:16
kunwon1Flannel, alright, thanks.20:16
=== muzy2 is now known as muzy
nickrud!cn wyapples20:17
ubottuFactoid cn wyapples not found20:17
nickrud!cn | wyapples20:17
ubottuwyapples: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk20:17
MrFeeti1is there anyway to have banshee transcode flac to Apple Lossless(alac) for my ipod?20:17
=== ivangrozny is now known as tsarivangrozny
EthineI have an Ubuntu VM, and am planning on getting rid of it. How do I go about doing that?20:18
kunwon1Alright, now I do aptitude install update-manager-core, and I am told that untrusted versions of the update manager, python-support, python-apt, and python-gnupginterface are going to be installed. Should I worry about this, or just proceed?20:19
tsarivangroznyI'm having some troubles installing Ubuntu on my Dell Optiplex 320, when i boot from the disk i get the language selection screen click english, and then i hit enter on the install ubuntu, it does 100% on loading linuxkernal and then it just hangs forever at a screen showing -20:19
nickrudEthine, you would use the instructions for the virtual machine manager in the host operating system20:19
Flannelkunwon1: It's because you've switched your mirrors, and they have new keys.  You can either add them, or just ignore it. (it'll go away when you switch back to your old mirror)20:20
kunwon1Flannel, I haven't switched my mirrors.20:20
Ethinenickrud, Where would I find said epic instructions, exactly?20:20
kunwon1I'm trying to use the update manager, not the manual method20:20
nickrudEthine, depends on what your using to manage your vms. vmware in windows, vmware in linux, or virtual box, or whatever20:20
glitsj16MrFeeti1: there's a thread at ubuntuforums on that you might want to look into --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=517814020:21
Ethinenickrud, vmware in windows.20:21
lonetech1920i think some files from etc did get deleted having problems start gnome setting manager, is there a way to restore the files from repos or cd?20:21
nickrudEthine, it's not an ubuntu issue, it's an issue of whatever os is running your vm's. Try asking in #windows for help with vmware in windows, or #vmware20:21
b4l74z4rcan totem use the w32 codecs i installed from medibuntu or is it only mplayer that can use them?20:22
kunwon1I'm going to continue and hope for the best20:22
nickrudb4l74z4r, mplayer and xine use those codecs, totem uses gstreamer codecs20:23
b4l74z4ri see20:23
spideymankunwon1, python wont hurt you its prob a depend20:23
kunwon1spideyman, That wasn't my concern.20:23
spideymankunwon1, sry20:24
wyappleshow can i change to the nvidia driver that i used before?20:24
ConnivingWow, big channel.20:24
kunwon1Anyway, new issue. On my edgy box, I did aptitude install update-manager-core, and it pulled in some python dependencies, and gave me warnings that all of these packages were untrusted. I told it to proceed anyway, and it can't even find the packages to download, they all give 404 errors20:24
gangsterliciousi cannot get itune to work20:24
w3Dhow new is ubuntu? ive had it under a week but i was unaware of it until such time.20:24
EvilDennisRw3D: few years now I believe20:25
Flannelw3D: First release was October of 200420:25
nickrudkunwon1, did you change to old-releases.ubuntu.com ?20:25
kunwon1nickrud, No.20:25
kunwon1nickrud, is that required prior to upgrading?20:25
nickrudkunwon1, you'll need to, to get the latest edgy update manager stuff20:25
nickrudkunwon1, make that the last edgy stuff20:26
kunwon1nickrud, ok, thanks20:26
nico8481I currently have an ubuntu-only macbook that uses full drive encryption with pre-boot authentication. I'd like to dual-boot it with OSX so I guess I'd have to shrink the ubuntu partition to make room for OSX while paying attention not to break the encryption thing during the resize nor the OSX install (last thing i need is to be unable to decrypt the drive)... can someone help?20:26
A[D]minSwhy when  i used mplayer it stop @ "xscreensaver_disable: Could not find XScreenSaver window.20:27
A[D]minSGNOME screensaver disabled "20:27
A[D]minShow i can fix it ?20:27
enanerwhats teh difference between desktop user and unpriviledged in the new user profile option?20:27
EvilDennisRA[D]minS: it stops as in mplayer exits ?20:28
ubottuFactoid profile not found20:28
sp1d3rm0nk3yenaner: desktop user is the sudo account with admin prevs20:28
aigariusenaner: desktop users get added to all kinds of groups to allow them use sound for example20:28
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:28
tsarivangroznyis there anyway to install ubuntu onto a dell optiplex 320 pc?20:29
enaneraigarius:  unpriviledged users cant use regualr programs without changing or installing files?20:29
Jack_Sparrowtsarivangrozny One sec20:29
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:29
un2himdoes banshee 1.0 have opml import support?20:29
aigariusenaner: unpriviledged users cann't play any audio files, use CD's and USB devices, print or scan20:30
kunwon1alright, upgrade is proceeding, tyvm Flannel, nickrud, and everyone else20:30
homyHello, I just installed Ubuntu 8.04 64-bit version. I used the old 32-bit version (7.10) before. The nvidia restricted driver (i have a nvidia graphic card) worked perfectly, i could use visual effects. Now, in Ubuntu 8.04, I can't enable them. "Hardware Drivers" says it is enabled (the check-box under enabled is checked), but under status it says "Not in use". I can't choose nvidia in "displayconfig-gtk". Can you help me getting my graphi20:30
Jack_Sparrowtsarivangrozny At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line and  add noapic acpi=off before the "--"20:30
EvilDennisRenaner: aigarius is correct20:30
=== adam__ is now known as fawkesfyre
EvilDennisRenaner: a desktop user can access stuff like cdrom, usb, audio devices etc..20:31
EvilDennisRenaner: an unprivileged user basically just has a shell account and can't access the googies20:31
chemartubuntu sux20:31
EvilDennisRchemart: you sux20:32
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU
Jack_SparrowSucks to be on a dial-up20:32
spideymanchemart and how much did you pay for it20:32
Jack_Sparrowspideyman HEs gone20:33
EvilDennisRspideyman: he's gone =)20:33
lolzi just lost 300 GB of data due to installing ubuntu from windows xp20:34
Jack_Sparrowlolz Wubi get you?20:35
bogey-lulz lolz20:35
sp1d3rm0nk3ylolz: bad day20:35
lolzwhen i rebooted raid configuration said its corrupt20:35
homyAny ideas how to get my nvidia card working under ubuntu 8.04 - 64bit?20:35
erUSUL!nvidia | homy20:36
ubottuhomy: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:36
Jack_Sparrowlolz  These is still a chance you can rebuild your raid aray20:36
lolzdoes ubuntu supports any 3rd party drivers20:36
homyerUSUL: thanks, I'll look at that link later.20:37
Abhorcosmis there anyone that canhelp me with a wireless problem in here?20:37
un2himdoes banshee 1.0 have opml import support?20:37
JorgeAlvarezHello everyone, I have a collection of karaoke cd's that i want to save in my computer as images, but I want to make sure that it preserves the karaoke video and not just the music20:37
alan_mAbhorcosm, state your issue.20:37
Crimeswhere is a ndiswrapper repository?20:37
JorgeAlvarezhow do i do that20:37
amrikHi does anyone know how to get higher resolution on my virtual terminals? ctrl+alt+f1 et al20:37
gwethAre all the Edgy Eft repositories not working anylonger?20:37
AbhorcosmWell, basically I just switched to Ubuntu from vista, and it doesn't find my wirelessin my house20:37
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:37
Jack_Sparrow JorgeAlvarez Create iso's of them20:37
Jack_Sparrow JorgeAlvarez Create ISO of CD Rom... dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/YourUserName/Desktop/file.iso bs=2k20:38
Jack_Sparrow JorgeAlvarez You can upsize the buffer at the end to speed things up20:39
ActionParsniphey all20:39
ActionParsniphow can i supress this message: ** (gedit:12492): WARNING **: Throbber fallback animation not found either20:39
alan_mJack_Sparrow, wouldnt that increase the risk of things "going wrong"?20:39
mandrillcj: back, any joy?20:39
Jack_Sparrowalan_m bumping it to 4k wont hurt things20:39
ActionParsnipthe app runs ok but the message is the only issue I have with my system, only happens with gksudo20:39
Carpe|Diemwhat is the program called to customize your bootscreen and loginscreen?20:40
ActionParsnip!splashy | Carpe|Diem20:40
ubottuCarpe|Diem: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork20:40
alan_mJack_Sparrow, oh, thats making an image, i thought we were burning, oops, maybe i should read more ;)20:40
StarnestommyActionParsnip: is gedit still running despite that error?20:40
Carpe|Diemty, ActionParsnip :)20:40
rcahiligplease help me I'm having a hard time installing Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB4x0 High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01) in Ubuntu Hardy,20:40
[T]-Rexdoes anyone know how i can read my Mobipocket Books on ubuntu?20:40
[T]-Rexits in e-book format20:40
ActionParsnipStarnestommy: yeah, its fine20:40
MaimsterHow's everyone doing.20:40
ActionParsnipStarnestommy: just wanted to get rid of the output20:40
ActionParsnipMaimster: not bad dude, you ok?20:41
Starnestommy!wireless | Abhorcosm20:41
ubottuAbhorcosm: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:41
MaimsterActionParsnip Living like thanksgiving!! No complaints.20:41
Xsss4hellThe GDM login screen has a different resolution than my Desktop. Howto fix that?20:41
JorgeAlvarezJack_Sparrow, thanks i'll try that, I try doind tit with k3b but it will only preserve the audio and not the pictures in the iso image20:41
ActionParsnipMaimster: your ubuntu box ok?20:41
[T]-Rexis there an ebook reader for ubuntu20:41
MaimsterActionParsnip Could not be better.20:41
AbhorcosmThats not helping me ubottu :[20:41
MaimsterActionParsnip I come here to be near fellow ubuntoons.20:42
Jack_SparrowJorgeAlvarez To test one when you are done... right click the iso and write it to a new cd20:42
ActionParsnipXsss4hell: edit xorg.conf so the first resolution listed is the one you want to use20:42
A[D]minS<EvilDennisR> A[D]minS: it stops as in mplayer exits ?  " nope its just take some times like time out then start the movie "20:42
Xsss4hellActionParsnip ty20:42
ActionParsnipMaimster: i use fluxbuntu ;)20:42
s3a__how do i set up wireless router? and dont work20:42
gwethI can't update my source list I'm using Edgy Eft, It says it can't find the servers. Anyone having a similar problem?20:42
MaimsterActionParsnip Jesus I don't think I have hear of that one. How is it?20:42
A[D]minSEvilDennisR: but if i am playing many movies and escaped first movie i have to wait again until it finish the time out so i want to fix it to work smoothly20:43
Jack_SparrowAbhorcosm If you went through the factoid from ubottu.. where did you get an error, what error or where did you not understand the instructions20:43
ActionParsnipMaimster: if you are comfy with config files it is much more minimal and slicker than gnome20:43
jribgweth: edgy is End of Life, it's no longer supported20:43
alan_m!edgy | gweth20:43
ubottugweth: Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. It is now in end of life, and is unsupported. Please upgrade to a newer release.20:43
ActionParsnipMaimster: less fluff20:43
ActionParsnipMaimster: its a real minimal install20:43
Xsss4hellActionParsnip my computer opens up four different consoles on boot up in widget mode. But non remembers history. howto fix that? it's bash20:43
AbhorcosmJack Sparrow: I'm not getting any error, my wireless just isn't apperaing20:43
nickrud!upgrade | gweth20:43
MaimsterActionParsnip I am on the website right now as we speak.20:43
ubottugweth: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes20:43
ActionParsnipwidget mode?20:44
Jack_SparrowAbhorcosm Have you looked up your hardware in the list of supported hardware ?20:44
MaimsterActionParsnip This is something I should really look into. I have two Linux (ubuntu) server installs to do today.20:44
gweththanks guys.20:44
AbhorcosmI dont even know how to find my hardware20:44
AbhorcosmI have a Dell inspiron 152120:44
alan_mgweth, your very welcome.20:44
Xsss4hellActionParsnip yes I have compiz running. it is a screenlet20:44
s3a__can any1 help me set up a wireless router in ubuntu plz?20:44
ActionParsnipMaimster: the install is smaller but you can install your usual stuff with apt-get20:44
ActionParsnipXsss4hell: i dont run compiz, i really think its worthless, sorry20:44
MaimsterActionParsnip Very good to know.20:44
Jack_SparrowAbhorcosm All of that should have been in the howto from ubottu.. but that is a broadcom43xx chipset20:44
ActionParsnips3a__: sup20:45
AbhorcosmWell, why wouldnt it find the network?20:45
MoreAllLess!compiz | MoreAllLess20:45
MaimsterActionParsnip I think I will download this now, while I sit here and then load it on a smaller system behind me. Just to see what its all about.20:46
s3a__ActionParsnip: hi, can u help me with the router problem plz (i have a wireless router and i want to use it both wirelessly and with a wire20:46
glitsj16bye all, enjoy the weekend20:46
ActionParsnips3a__: you cant connect to the same router with wire and wireless20:46
Jack_SparrowAbhorcosm Did you read the info troubleshooting on that site?20:46
ActionParsnips3a__: you will be on the wire, although both interfaces will get dhcp20:47
s3a__ActionParsnip: ya, there is ethernet ports as well as an antenna..20:47
=== PrivateVoid_Ghos is now known as PrivateVoid
ActionParsnips3a__: choose one and stick with it20:47
b4l7424rhow do i force mplayer to make use of the w32 codecs i just installed when i stream video via the plugin for firefox?20:48
s3a__ActionParsnip: i need wireless for my moms comp but i want wired for mine cuz i want full speed and my mom doesnt want wires etc and ive heard that u can wired and wireless at same time20:48
EvilDennisRb4l7424r: You shouldn't have to force mplayer to do anything if the codecs are installed correctly20:48
ActionParsnips3a__: you can, just set both adapters to dhcp in /etc/network/interfaces20:48
EvilDennisRb4l7424r: it should use the appropriate plugin automagically20:49
s3a__ActionParsnip: wait im not gona use two different routers, im gona use that has ethernet ports AND an antenna? did u get cuz ur wording confuses me20:50
arnold_hey how do i change the repositories to the one on web? i cant seem to install from the web.. when i try to install i am getting insert tht dvd20:50
s3a__ActionParsnip: im gona use 1 router that has*20:50
b4l7424ri was able to stream video before i installed the w32 codecs, but it didn't look quite right, and now that i've installed those codecs, i'm still not sure if it looks right20:50
chuy_maxmy internet connection in hardy heron is painfully slow, I use win xp and it works fine, any ideas on what could be causing the slow speed?20:50
arnold_i was talking abt synaptic package manager btw20:50
arnold_any help on this plz?20:51
EvilDennisRarnold_: settings -> repositories20:51
EvilDennisRarnold_: Download from: Main server20:51
ActionParsnips3a__: has* ?20:51
EvilDennisRarnold_: check main universe restricted and multiverse20:51
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:52
arnold_hmm ok ..20:52
ubottuSELinux is available on Ubuntu, but not officially supported. Ubuntu uses another security framework by default, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor20:52
ActionParsnip!hi | pir0-20:52
ubottupir0-: please see above20:52
Maimsterchuy_max I had the same problems but fix mine.20:52
Frost_Hello. I've installed KDE4 to check it out, and now I want to remove it. I installed and removed it through the add/remove screen, but it seems that all of the installed packages remained. Is there a way to remove them?20:53
paullyllDoes anyone know about selinux? It will be included by default in a future version of ubuntu?20:53
Maimsterchuy_max You need to add a few lines into your /etc/sysctl.conf file.20:53
Jack_SparrowAbhorcosm from a terminal type lspci and tell me which bcm43 you have20:53
ActionParsnipFrost_: have you logged into kde3?20:53
s3a__ActionParsnip: so wat do i do now?20:53
Frost_ActionParsnip: I'm inside gnome now20:53
pir0-frost_: use synaptiptic, and serch for kde desktop20:54
ActionParsnipFrost_: seach installed apps for kde and remove what you need20:54
chuy_maxMaimster, remember those lines?20:54
=== omid_ is now known as omid
kunwon1I'm trying to upgrade ubuntu 6.10 server to 7.04 server. I've changed all the entries in my sources.list to point to old-releases.ubuntu.com, and I can do an aptitude update without any 404 errors now - I invoke do-release-upgrade, and it fails saying that no valid mirror was found, and that this can be caused if I run an internal mirror or if the mirror information is out of date. The former doesn't apply, I don't know how to check the latter. It20:54
Jack_Sparrowarnold_ system.. admin...softwars sources... uncheck the cd option and add checks for universe and multiverse20:54
kunwon1 asks if I want to rewrite my sources.list anyway, if I say no it exits, if I say yes it fails with many 404 errors.20:54
ActionParsnips3a__: check gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces20:54
Frost_ActionParsnip: Is there no way to remove everything that was installed with it?20:54
Maimsterchuy_max Yes I do. Let's see how I can get them to you.20:55
ActionParsnipFrost_: sudo apt-get autoremove20:55
mandrillhow do I use a cvs?20:55
Jack_Sparrowkunwon1 old releases does NOT have any edgy repos..  even though they are shown in the top menu20:55
kunwon1Jack_Sparrow, I was told to switch to old-releases to do an upgrade from 6.1020:55
Frost_ActionParsnip: It doesn't seem to offer removal of relevant packages20:55
scottyLYou go there, mandrill, and buy whatever you'd like20:56
DrX how can i address my cdrom by /dev/cdrom instead of /dev/<volume-name>?point to my cd rom (right now, it shows nothing when i ls it but /dev/sda shows the CD contents -- tried mounting /dev/sda on /dev/cdrom but i get errors trying to read the CD)?20:56
ubottuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. It is now in end of life, and is unsupported. Please upgrade to a newer release.20:56
Frost_Any other ideas?20:56
kunwon1Jack_Sparrow, that's what I am -trying- to do.20:56
mandrillscottyL: yeah thats helpful thanks :P20:56
kunwon1Jack_Sparrow, did you read my whole message?20:56
Jack_Sparrowkunwon1 I know.. but that was not what I suggested.. you were following instructions from flannel I believe20:56
ActionParsnips3a__: if you make sure all adapters have auto <interfacename>20:56
ActionParsnips3a__: inet iface <interfacename> dhcp20:56
kunwon1Jack_Sparrow, Sorry. I'll go back and read what you said.20:56
rcahiligplease help me I'm having problem installing Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB4x0 High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01) in Ubuntu Hardy20:57
Jack_SparrowAbhorcosm  from a terminal type lspci and tell me which bcm43 you have......20:57
Maimsternet.core.rmem_max = 52428820:57
Maimsternet.core.wmem_default = 52428820:57
Maimsternet.core.wmem_max = 52428820:57
Maimsternet.ipv4.tcp_wmen = 4096 87380 52428820:57
Maimsternet.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 52428820:57
FloodBot1Maimster: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:57
Maimsternet.ipv4.tcp_mem = 524288 524288 52428820:57
ActionParsnips3a__: then make sure all your wifi gubbins is in there, the wired will get dhcp first as wifi is god slow20:57
omidI've 2 monitor, how I can use both in ubuntu? nVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS, One Monitor Built-in Display Notebook and another is LG FLATRON F700P20:57
darrendmandrill: cvs might mean a couple of things.  Which one do *you* mean?20:57
kunwon1Jack_Sparrow, so, I can't use do-release-upgrade?20:57
ActionParsnips3a__: even if wifi is available20:57
s3a__ActionParsnip: im not understanding ur complicated words :(20:57
ActionParsnips3a__: if the wired is not attached, wifi will connect and be the default connection20:57
Jack_Sparrowkunwon1 I was not watching at what all he told you to do..20:57
MaimsterOOps..sorry guys..20:58
mandrilldarrend: as in the resource mentioned on this page http://mp610.blogspot.com/2008/04/give-your-scanner-new-freshly-sane.html20:58
paullylli'm concerned with the future development of ubuntu specifically SELinuxByDefault, what steps should I take to communicate my frustrations of this?20:58
Jack_SparrowFlannel You here.. kunwon1 has a couple of questions20:58
ActionParsnips3a__: ok, do you want to connect with wire or wireless??20:58
peter77is xfce based on gnome?20:58
ActionParsnippeter77: xfce is xfce, gnome is gnome20:58
Starnestommypeter77: no, but it also uses the gtk widget toolkit20:59
EvilDennisRpeter77: it uses gtk20:59
s3a__ActionParsnip: default connection meaning wat that they cant connect at same time?? well right now i want to set up wireless but i also want to set up wired bcuz in a few days ill buy a wire, basically wat im trying tro do is to wirelessly connect 2 computers and connect 1 (mine) with a wire20:59
darrendmandrill: ah, ok.  I don't know about that one, sorry. (I know http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concurrent_Versions_System <- this one)20:59
toneman77hi there.20:59
aroI installed Windows Vista to a 120gb hard drive and then Ubuntu 8.04 to a 80gb hard drive after Vista, but there's no GRUB menu after installation. It just goes straight to Vista, what can I do?20:59
mysterycoolHow do I update my wine version?20:59
Centaur5Is there a reason why Ubuntu begins swapping before 50% of system memory is even used although I put vm.swappiness=0 in sysctrl.conf?20:59
AbhorcosmIs there anyone that can just walk me through getting the wireless to work in Ubuntu 8.04?20:59
coopsterMy glx capabilities have disappeared;  compiz no longer works and glxgears fails to create a context.  I didn't perform any changes myself, my nvidia driver is the latest from nvidia.com (compiled manually), and my Xorg.conf has all the sections recommended by the wiki.  Can anyone help me troubleshoot this?20:59
Andehi followed an old guide on seamless windows integration with virtualbox by accident, and now the internet doesnt work in the virtual machine anymore.21:00
peter77thanks, just installed xubuntu on my laptop to test it out properly21:00
ActionParsnips3a__: thats fine, the computers are seperate from, each other and go through a wireless router?21:00
toneman77i have a problem with nautilus. it tells me it cant handle network:/// or smb:/// anymore. anyone got an idea ?21:00
Jack_Sparrowaro Sounds like you wrote grub to the wrong mbr21:00
Andeh(this was before i realized you have to press Ctrl+L)21:00
aroJack_Sparrow, I had no choice at installation.21:00
s3a__ActionParsnip: ya21:00
ActionParsnippeter77: its a good DE, nice and light21:00
A[D]minSanyone can help with mplayer ?21:00
A[D]minSwhy when  i used mplayer it stop @ "xscreensaver_disable: Could not find XScreenSaver window.21:00
Jack_Sparrowaro Are you mixing ide and sata drives21:00
A[D]minSGNOME screensaver disabled "21:00
EvilDennisRaro: grub probably wrote the mbr to the 2nd drive21:00
lejonWhat do you have to install for having xcfe as a alternative to gnome? (Got default ubuntu hardy installed)21:00
ActionParsnips3a__: then the fact that there are any other pcs is irrelevant21:00
rlc2A[D]minS, that's a harmless message21:00
aroJack_Sparrow, yes.21:00
A[D]minSrlc2 lol why21:00
dMartin38dmartin searching tamale and mr.h from utah...21:01
AbhorcosmPlease, somebody help me get connected21:01
EvilDennisRlejon: apt-get install xubuntu-desktop21:01
lejonEvilDennisR, okay, like I thought then, thanks for the confirmation ^^21:01
coopsterA[D]minS: you can safely ignore that.  It's mplayer tryiong to disable the screensaver while playing a movie and failing.21:01
peter77ActionParsnip, use to be more into the eye candy but to be honest preferring better performance to pwerty effects21:01
Jack_Sparrowaro You will need to boot a live cd , mount your ubuntu install and edit your boot/grub/menu.lst21:01
s3a__ActionParsnip: well, i dont get how my question is confusing no offense, like all i want to do is do a wired network (thats not password protected) and a wireless network (that is password protected (WPA))21:01
rlc2A[D]minS, it's just trying to communicate with the screen saver to keep it from going off while you're watching a vid.  Don't know why it fails to communicate with it when it stops playing though.21:01
ActionParsnippeter77: I run fluxbuntu for that exact reason21:01
Jack_SparrowAbhorcosm Did you answer my question?21:01
aroJack_Sparrow, okay.21:01
AbhorcosmYeah, I did21:01
AndehGuys, I followed this guide by accident and now the internet in the virtual machine doesnt work http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43335921:02
AbhorcosmThe trouble shooting page didn't work for me21:02
s3a__ActionParsnip: i need sumtin called dnsmasq to set up router?21:02
Jack_SparrowAbhorcosm If you dont type the persons name you response will often get lost21:02
peter77ActionParsnip, yeah I've heard about fluxbox, might have to play with that sometime :-)21:02
A[D]minScoopster i know but it taking like a 30 sec to start movie..so i want to disable it21:02
Jack_SparrowAbhorcosm Use tab to complete their name21:02
AbhorcosmI know how to, Jack_Sparrow21:02
omidany idea about DualMonitor in ubunu?21:02
ActionParsnips3a__: oooh, then just setup the system wirelessly21:02
coopsterA[D]minS: it's unlikely that that error is what's causing the delay.  I have that same error on my machine and it's never caused problems21:02
toneman77omid, i use dual screen21:02
s3a__ActionParsnip: ok but can u plz tell me wat to do in step form :'(21:03
Jack_SparrowAbhorcosm  from a terminal type lspci and tell me which bcm43 you have......21:03
ActionParsnips3a__: if you make sure the ethernet port is dhcp (usual) it will connect when you are in the wired environment21:03
omidwhat's your VGA?21:03
rlc2A[D]minS, same here, I see the message but don't have the delay21:03
toneman772x 21"21:03
ubunubiHi All. Anyone mind looking at my BOOTCHART.png and see if they see any room for improvement?21:03
AbhorcosmJack_Sparrow: BCM43?21:03
toneman77or what do you mean ? i have a geforce 460021:03
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama21:03
s3a__ActionParsnip: i alredy have input dhcp enabled21:03
omidtoneman77 I've GeForce Go 7900GS and it don't detect my other monitor21:03
Jack_SparrowAbhorcosm what about the last two numbers.. I know it is bcm43xx21:03
kdc1956anyone know how to set up a 3d ati card21:04
s3a__ActionParsnip: im actually us9ing a router now but im not the one who set it up (its a pure wired router)21:04
coopsterhrmm, no ideas on why my Compiz has just puked and glxgears kicked the bit-bucket?21:04
i00nsuhi. where is storage the www folder to create an site?21:04
ActionParsnips3a__: then the ethernet will connect if you shove a wire in the hole21:04
AndehHi. How do I undo this? http://pastebin.com/d6240c62921:04
AlexCONRADhi, i'm trying to run a .jar file (java) using openjdk, but I'm getting the following message that "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/i386/jvm.cfg" could not be opened. Any idea ?21:04
Flannelkunwon1: What's up?21:04
toneman77Nautilus tells me it cant handle network:/// or smb:/// anymore. anyone got an idea ?21:04
AbhorcosmJack_Sparrow: BCM94311MCG21:04
kunwon1Flannel, I think I found the problem, one moment21:04
ActionParsnip!samba | toneman7721:04
ubottutoneman77: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:04
Jack_SparrowAbhorcosm great...  did you follow the tutorial at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs on that particular card?21:05
toneman77samba ?21:05
ActionParsnipsmb, samba?21:05
s3a__ActionParsnip: ya i no, im using that internet connection now! i just want to achieve the same thing with the wired port in my WIRELESS router insted of wired one and in addition to that i want to have the wireless router also transmit internet wiressly to my other 2 comps, so wats the first step, cuz wat i did is go to firefox and type and and neither worked21:05
omidtoneman77 what driver you are using to run your monitors? I did installed that driver ubuntu did offer me21:05
Jarod64153does anyone know how to get an intel i915 chip to display at all of the available resolutions, eg. 1280x1024? I have tried 915resolution, and i have the xserver-xorg-video-intel package installed. Modprobe shows i915 mod running, but i only have 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x768 and 1280x800 available. My monitor does support 1280x1024, it runs that when i boot windows.21:05
AndehHi. I did this and now my virtual windows has no internet access. http://pastebin.com/d6240c629   Does anyone know how to undo it?21:05
toneman77omid: nvidia legacy21:06
amenadoAlexCONRAD-> does /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/i386/jvm.cfg exist? and on the $CLASSPATH ?21:06
ActionParsnips3a__: thats fine, configure your wireless router for your connection. Most have 4 ethernet ports too which you can connect the wired link to21:06
AbhorcosmJack_Sparrow: I didnt see that in there21:06
ActionParsnips3a__: the wireless will then have to be configured but you can use both21:06
jpy a t il quelqu'un qui connaisse les pbs avec le DD de portable et ubuntu21:06
AlexCONRADamenado: the file doesn't exist of course... CLASSPATH ? I didn't know about that21:06
toneman77ActionParsnip, i dont see how samba relates to my problem with nautilus21:07
tim_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5178337&posted=1#post5178337 <<<<<<---- can someone help me here? final post of the thread21:07
ubunubiHi All. Anyone mind looking at my BOOTCHART.png and see if they see any room for improvement?21:07
coopsterJarod64153: what driver are you using in the device section of Xorg.conf?21:07
AlexCONRADamenado: i don't have any CLASSPATH set in my env21:07
Jack_SparrowAbhorcosm Line #1121:07
Jarod64153i've tried blank, vesa, i810, and intel21:07
ActionParsniptoneman77: if you are using smb to connect to samba shares you'll need samba. What are you actually trying to achieve21:07
Jarod64153none of them work21:07
kunwon1Flannel, yes. Here's what caused my issue - do-release-upgrade firsts reads the sources.list, and does an apt update, on edgy repos. The upgrade will fail if these are 404 - Then, later in the process, it alters sources.list by changing all occurances of edgy to feisty, but this fails because it's not pulling from archive.ubuntu.com or whatever, it's pulling from old-releases. So what I did, is start do-release-upgrade with an 'old-releases' sourc21:07
kunwon1es.list, then when it complains about not finding a feisty mirror, I mv my old sources.list (which uses the standard hostnames, not old-releases) back into place, so that when it does the edgy->feisty substitution, the result is a proper feisty sources.list21:07
kunwon1and things are working great.21:07
toneman77it used to work. sorry i didnt mention it.21:08
amenadoAlexCONRAD-> doing java programming, ummm thats almost essential to have set for the jars and classes to be found21:08
EvilDennisR!hi | analog21:08
ubottuanalog: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:08
ActionParsnips3a__: if you type ifconfig in a prompt it will tell you the default gateway, it is not ALWAYS, it may be
coopsterJarod64153: Have you installed the 915resolution package from Synaptic?21:08
rlc2wow kunwon1, can you post this to ubuntuforums?  I know someone running edgy and is very reluctant to upgrade, they might appreciate having that info.21:08
EldaI am curious.... anyone know offhand how it may be possible (or is it even possible) to make it so that Winblows and Ubuntu share a common hard drive for the installation of programs, file storing, etc?21:08
kunwon1rlc2, where would I put it?21:09
EvilDennisRElda: Yeah, you have to setup partitions21:09
kunwon1rlc2, I'm not familiar with ubuntu forums21:09
amenadoElda possible, just have them in different partitions21:09
ActionParsnipElda: share it with samba, then map it as a network drive from windows21:09
coopsterElda: if you format a partition as FAT32, windows and linux will both be able to read it.21:09
EldaI understand that... but what partition format would they both agree upon?>21:09
AbhorcosmJack_Sparrow: This page says Ubuntu 8.04 should come with everything to automatically detect it21:09
toneman77ActionParsnip, mc for example can connect to the samba share, only my two hardy machines show this error21:09
AndehOkay, i followed an old HOWTO for an old ubuntu and *****ed everything up. Can someone help me fix some of the damage?21:09
EvilDennisRElda: Thats assuming you formated the entire drive as fat3221:09
EvilDennisRElda: in which case you can resize that partition and create another one with ext321:10
ActionParsniptoneman77: try installing smbmount and mount it :)21:10
EldaI will probably do that, as right now I have them both separated.  Have Vista on one with half of it devoted to that, and half of it devoted to Ubuntu21:10
Jack_SparrowAbhorcosm Was this an upgrade or fresh install.21:10
rlc2kunwon1, ah well, I'll try to scroll up and copy paste all that instead ..21:10
ActionParsnipElda: oh, i thought it was over LAN.21:10
toneman77i did mount the share via fstab. but im wondering what causes nautilus to show this error21:10
AbhorcosmFresh install Jack_Sparrow21:10
=== jack2 is now known as arnold_
EldaNo no no.... I want to do this on ONE hd21:10
ActionParsnipElda: format it fat32 and mount or format ntfs and mount using ntfs-3g21:11
EvilDennisRtoneman77: did you install samba-common and samba ?21:11
kunwon1rlc2, I'm perfectly willing to do it, I'm just wondering which area of the forums.21:11
cjmandrill: not back.  worky worky21:11
AndehDoes anyone here use VirtualBox?21:11
EvilDennisRElda: Yes, this is what I'm telling you21:11
kunwon1rlc2, I'll look at the forums, and see if I can figure it out. I agree, that most users wouldn't be able to figure this out on their own21:11
m1rElda: !dualboot21:11
EvilDennisRElda: With one drive you can create multiple partitions21:11
toneman77ActionParsnip, yes21:11
ActionParsnipAndeh: used to, wassup?#21:11
EldaI am currently duel booting so I know that it can be21:11
EvilDennisRElda: One partition for windowz, and one for ubuntu21:11
EvilDennisRElda: So what is your question21:11
Jack_SparrowAbhorcosm Our bcm43 specialist does not seem to be here...  Let me look for the page21:11
EldaI AM doing that, lol21:11
ActionParsnipElda: indeed, ntfs-3g or fat32 for the common area21:12
AndehActionParsnip: I followed a really old howto on seamless integration (rdesktop lol) and ****ed everything up.21:12
EldaIF I can share ONE (a third) partition as a "common" storage space SEPARATE from either of the two21:12
Eldaokey ty ActionParsnip :)21:12
EvilDennisRElda: Yes, you can do that21:12
EldaI know, as I was told lol21:12
AndehActionParsnip: I got everything working great but on reboot the effects of the howto took place and screwed up the internet settings for the VM21:12
EldaI was just clarifying what I'd been tring tosay21:12
mandrillI need to install the latest sane backend. I've been tring to do that for the last 4 hours and keep getting this http:/paste.ubuntu.com/19945/21:12
AndehActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/d6240c629 is what I think did it21:12
Eldato say*21:12
AlexCONRADamenado: I do have the file actually (I must have miss-read/checked the path). jvm.cfg -> /etc/java-6-openjdk/jvm.cfg. The file doesn't exist in /etc/java-6-openjdk/. It's called jvm.cfg.dpkg-new. I wonder why ...21:13
coopsterElda: I'd highly recommend FAT32 over ntfs, as ntfs support for linux is not as fully tested as FAT3221:13
coopster(I'm correct in that ntfs-3g write support is somewhat beta still, right?)21:13
s3a__ActionParsnip: were does it show default gateway?21:13
EldaOkay, would Vista (the necessary piece of shit it is >.<) work happily with fat 32?21:13
=== ronaldo_ is now known as ronaldo
rampageoberoncoopster: no its been stable since feb 200721:14
m1rElda: dont think u can install that on fat3221:14
ubunubiAndeh:: I might not be the person to help with this further -- but make sure you have One Host-Only network setup in VMware and a NAT in VMware...you'll need the host-only for the seamless desktop, but the NAT so the virtual OS can access the internet also21:14
ActionParsnips3a__: where it says gateway21:14
ASULutzycoopster, Elda: FAT stinks, use NTFS. I've had no problems reading or writing to NTFS in linux, ntfs-3g is pretty much fully supported21:14
rampageoberoncoopster: according to ntfs-3g website anyway21:14
EvilDennisRm1r: He was talking about fat32 for the "common area"21:14
coopsterElda: Well, NTFS seems to be the way to go, and Vista is definitely compatible with that one.21:14
christozwhat opera's plugin should i install in order to have audio streaming on listening to radio?21:14
Andehubunubi: Virtualbox.21:14
EldaOkay, so ASULutzy I would have no problems storing and installing things from linux onto there?21:14
ubunubiAndeh: Sorry, Missed that. Then I can't be of any use :(21:15
m1rElda: windows = ntfs , *nix = ext221:15
EldaI mean onto the NTFS partitions21:15
ActionParsnipElda: yeah if its mounted with ntfs-3g, no worries21:15
EvilDennisRm1r: ~ext321:15
ASULutzyElda: Installing things? You would want everything Linux related to be stored to ext3... You would use the NTFS partition to pass things back and forth between Windows and Ubuntu in a dual boot21:15
manoffdo you know where the color definitions found that the emacs uses?21:15
AndehActionParsnip: Are you busy?21:15
rampageoberonAny users here who use gui applications under different logins (not the user logged in on X)? I'm having some trouble with applications run under a different user terminating with Segmentation Fault when I insert a blank disc in the drive21:15
m1rEvilDennisR: what is ext3 ?21:15
manoff*are found21:16
ActionParsnipAndeh: no man, sup21:16
EvilDennisRm1r: ext3 is ext2 with journaling21:16
ubunubiIs anyone familiar with opimitizing/using BOOTCHART ?21:16
m1rEvilDennisR: right21:16
amenadoAlexCONRAD-> dont know what your program do to look for a config file21:16
utarpradeshhi, i have a Microphone but it won't work.... how do i enable it in Ubuntu?21:16
utarpradeshshould i download some drivers?21:16
AndehActionParsnip: I said, lol: "ActionParsnip: I got everything working great but on reboot the effects of the howto took place and screwed up the internet settings for the VM"21:16
AndehActionParsnip: "I think this did it http://pastebin.com/d6240c629"21:16
stemount^hey is there a way to install Gnome 2.2 on Ubuntu 7.10? I've stumped myself21:16
=== arnold_ is now known as jo_
s3a__ActionParsnip: it doesnt say default gateway, it says inet address and that ip doesnt work21:16
EldaProblem is that I am sadly running out of space on my bloatware Vista partition... and I am soon needing to reinstall it as it is getting messy anyway21:16
ActionParsniputarpradesh: what sound card do you have? is the mic muted?21:16
AlexCONRADamenado: the application looking for the file is actually the java executable itself21:17
sigma_12wubi wont del windows hey?21:17
toneman77sigma_12, no21:17
ubunubisigma:: that's right, that's the whole point of using WUBI21:17
christozwhat opera's plugin should i install in order to have audio streaming on listening to radio?21:17
tofaffyI just got Ubuntu installed on my laptop and when I attempt to play audio, it has a notable crackling sound in it. Also, I still get the crackling with headphone plugged in. Any ideas?21:17
ActionParsnips3a__: address is your address, id get the gateway ip of a configured system21:17
utarpradeshshould i download some drivers or whatever to enable my microphone in ubuntu?21:17
utarpradeshi don't believe so, i'm not sure21:17
utarpradeshit's just the one that came installed in my laptop21:17
utarpradeshi guess "integrated" sound card :)21:17
FloodBot1utarpradesh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:17
rampageoberonAny users here who use gui applications under different logins (not the user logged in on X)? I'm having some trouble with applications run under a different user terminating with Segmentation Fault when I insert a blank disc in the drive. I run the application from terminal by suing "su <user>" and then running it.21:17
kat_aqare there any NORWEGIANS in here? I need some help regarding a norwegian site21:17
toneman77ActionParsnip, u got another idea ?21:18
ActionParsniputarpradesh: not enough dude, we need models / makes. if you give an output of lspci we can advise21:18
coopsterrampageoberon: chill the speed on the repeat a bit, pls.  How are you running the apps (ssh, etc) ?21:18
sickmoocowsupp u guys21:18
coopsterMy glx capabilities have disappeared;  compiz no longer works and glxgears fails to create a context.  I didn't perform any changes myself, my nvidia driver is the latest from nvidia.com (compiled manually), and my Xorg.conf has all the sections recommended by the wiki.  Can anyone help me troubleshoot this?21:18
Andehon network manager Connection Info is grayed out. Why?21:18
rampageoberoncoopster: no on my desktop from terminal (no ssh involved)21:18
ActionParsniptoneman77: check walkthroughs for mounting via smbmount21:18
coopsterrampageoberon: so you're using su or something to log in as another user in the terminal, then running the apps from the command line?21:19
darrend!no | kat_aq21:19
ubottukat_aq: Hvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk!21:19
ActionParsnipcoopster: reinstall nvidia drivers21:19
rampageoberoncoopster: yes21:19
utarpradeshActionParsnip: what is an output of lspci?21:19
s3a__ActionParsnip: i have to go eat breakfast now so by (i think i found a guide anwyay)21:19
Method2oo7can some one help with using a ipod in ubuntu21:19
s3a__ActionParsnip: thx anyway21:19
tsarivangroznyalright I got Ubuntu installed on my Dell Optiplex 320, now how what do I change in the Grub boot thing, to boot into Ubuntu?21:19
ActionParsniputarpradesh: run it in terminal / konsole / yakuake // whatever21:20
Crimes_101Quick Q: stdlib.h: No such file or directory -- What do I need to do make install and not get this error?21:20
AndehVirtualBox: Host Interface or NAT?21:20
Method2oo7can some one help with using a ipod in ubuntu21:20
Jack_Sparrowtsarivangrozny Did those instructions earlier help21:20
coopsterrampageoberon: Are the apps starting, showing a window, and later dying or just never showing a display?21:20
EldaThe reason I wish to partition my hard drive is so that I can run my wine applications, and windows applications all on the same space, as well as store files for those same programs21:20
ActionParsnipCrimes_101: install build-essential21:20
toneman77ActionParsnip, ambclient -N -L name shows me all the shares on machine "name"21:20
EldaSince Ubuntu in general tends to be smaller and more compact for EVERYTHING else I want to do21:20
ActionParsnipipod | Method2oo721:21
toneman77mounting via fstab works too21:21
rampageoberoncoopster: nope not showing any display, just die with segmentation fault21:21
tsarivangroznyJack_Sparrow, yes they did work, but now what do I change in the Grub boot thing so I can boot into the OS, otherwise it just hangs again21:21
ubunubiElda:: Running wine from a program NOT inside the "special" wine directory is generally a BAD IDEA in my experience21:21
Eldawhich includes Office, My web browser, gimp shop, and whatever musi program I tend to be using at the time21:21
fiXXXerMetWhat program should I use to view a com port (be it com1 or ttyUSB0)?21:21
AndehI love ubuntu. I always mess everything up and i always manage to fix it :D21:21
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:21
ActionParsnipAndeh: cool21:21
jimzatquick question... my son is logged into KDE (Gutsy), is there any easy way I can generate a pop-up message to him from an ssh login?21:21
AndehActionParsnip: You haven't been much help with my problem though :/21:21
ubunubiElda:: It might be okay for some programs...but you'll just be adding potential headaches and unexplained glitches here and there that won't seem related...and may ruin your WINE experience21:21
kat_aqhaving problems starting a java applet in firefox.. anyone who could try to help?21:22
ActionParsnipAndeh: so you want a shared common area between your dual boots?21:22
coopsterrampageoberon: try running `xhost +[user you run apps as]` from a terminal that is the user you're logged into X as.  (NOT recommended if this is a production/server machine, as I've heard xhost is not the most secure way to grant access, but I think it would be fine here)21:22
ubunubiElda: I would keep the shared "data" on the "common" area..but the "programs" installed in Wine in the Wine directory21:22
Jack_Sparrowtsarivangrozny I need to run.. If I am back later I will help you work it out21:22
utarpradeshAction: http://paste.ubuntu.com/19968/21:22
Method2oo7i need to put music on my ipod but i dot know how21:22
tsarivangroznyJack_Sparrow, alright thanks21:22
nDuffjimzat, hmm. grab his xauth cookie, match his DISPLAY variable and use xdialog or an equivalent?21:22
darrendjimzat: you could try the 'talk' program - not sure whether KDE would react with a popup though21:22
AndehActionParsnip: Lol. I want internet to work in my VM.21:22
rampageoberoncoopster: already done that, like i said the application runs with no blank media in the drive, i've onlu noticed it cause trouble when i insert a blank cd/dvd21:22
bloodrocktsarivangrozny, didn't grub get installed when you installed ubuntu/21:23
jimzatnDuff: I'll give that a try21:23
ActionParsniputarpradesh: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02) is where you eed to start searching21:23
AndehActionParsnip: I did this,http://pastebin.com/d6240c629, and now it doesn't.21:23
ActionParsnipAndeh: ive not used VMs, sorry21:23
tofaffyI just got Ubuntu installed on my laptop and when I attempt to play audio, it has a notable crackling sound in it. Also, I still get the crackling with headphone plugged in. Any ideas?21:23
Method2oo7i need to put music on my ipod but i dot know how21:23
jimzatdarrend: i tried that, but is come up as "<user> is refusing messages" or something similar21:23
ActionParsniptofaffy: are you fully updated?21:23
coopsterrampageoberon: workaround: don't put blank media in drive.  :-p   Hrmm, that's very odd.  You're not running a full gnome session as the other user or anything like that are you?21:24
tsarivangroznybloodrock, yes it did however when i try to boot up into ubuntu on the dell it just hangs on a screen showing like a green blcok and the character - never goes anywhere from there21:24
spideymanMethod2oo7,  try gtkpod21:24
AndehActionParsnip: You said you used to use VirtualBox. Lol21:24
ActionParsnipMethod2oo7: did you look at the link I sent you ?21:24
tsarivangroznybloodrock, im thinking i need to edit something in the boot sequence to get it to boot into ubuntu21:24
Andehokay, anyone else here use virtualbox?21:24
utarpradeshActionparsnip: how do i search for it/change settings?21:24
toneman77i used to use virtualbox21:24
ubunubiAnyone mind telling me if I should be concerned with this ERROR::http://pastebin.com/m43227bb521:24
tofaffyActionParsnip, yes. I had it in the last version of ubuntu as well, and thats actually one of the reasons I stopped using ubuntu for a while until I had more time to put into it :), but I'm back now.21:24
rampageoberoncoopster: nope, just the one gnome session and other user using only one gui application21:24
nDuffAndeh, yes. there's a #vbox channel for it, incidentally.21:24
darrendjimzat: does he have IM? (kopete/pidgin)?  There are some command-line clients you could use in your ssh terminal21:24
AlexKuebohow do I use shell commands like 'basename' from awk?21:24
ActionParsnipAndeh: oh ok, have you enabled network device access21:25
jimzatdarrend: he's not logged into an IM right now... already though about that21:25
rampageoberoncoopster: only reason i'm running the application as another user is for firewall purposes so I can filter connections by uid21:25
ActionParsniputarpradesh: www.google.com21:25
AndehActionParsnip: Never mind, it's more complicated than that. ill just ask in #vbox. thanks tho21:25
bloodrocktsarivangrozny,  so your getting tio grub menu selecting ubuntu and it goes to basically a blank screen21:25
coopsterrampageoberon: I'd check dmesg for a possible error message.  You could always run the app through ssh, which would probably fix the problem21:26
tsarivangroznybloodrock, correct21:26
* nDuff is fairly fond of VirtualBox for desktop use, but is really annoyed with its failure to play well w/ others in a server role (ie. no libvirt driver, licensing restrictions on remote display support).21:26
Method2oo7ipod | method2oo721:26
bloodrocktsar ubuntu only os on the computer21:26
ActionParsniptofaffy: have you searched to see if there is an issue with your soundcard? have you reduced volume lvels?21:26
rampageoberoncoopster: please explain what you mean by through ssh?21:26
tofaffywell...I'm looking around the net for crackling audio problems in ubuntu. It's just an onboard intel card, and yes.21:27
coopsterrampageoberon: log into your machine by doing "ssh -Y user@localhost" and run the application from that terminal21:27
KraiOK is this thing working? This is a first for me21:27
tsarivangroznybloodrock, before in order to install ubintu i had to press f6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line and  add noapic acpi=off before the "--"21:27
tsarivangroznybloodrock, yes its the only os on the comp21:27
rampageoberoncoopster: ah okay, i'll try that21:27
coopsterrampageoberon: the only problem would be if the performance of the GUI goes all to crap, but it's worth a shot.21:27
manoffdo you know where emacs reads it's color definitions that can be used for font faces and such?21:28
rampageoberoncoopster: yeah not the biggest fan of x11 forwarding21:28
EldaSo hmmm, about how much should I dedicate to Ubuntu, or how much would I need to for programs?21:28
Method2oo7how do i use ipod21:28
ubunubiElda: Depends on your personal usage and what types of programs/data you have/use21:28
vladI am trying to build ndiswrapper 1.29 and it gives me this after i run make http://pastebin.com/m63ac519b21:28
Starnestommyvlad: check the full output of make21:29
rampageoberoncoopster: i would hope there is something to fix it permanently21:29
bloodrocktsarivangrozny, just 1 hd in comp21:29
spideymanMethod2oo7,  try gtkpod its stable and it works on the newer versions i have a 3rd gen nano21:29
vladStarnestommy: that is the full output21:29
tppHi - does anyone know what files I can look in to find out information about a VPN connection I had set up in NetworkManager. My computer is crashed and I only have a text-based login21:29
ubunubiIs there a channel specifically for BOOTCHART users?21:29
Starnestommyvlad: er, wait, the problem is with EXTRA_CFLAGS21:29
EldaWell... for Ubuntu, I just install Gnome or KDE, Open Office, a music player, a video player, and firefox21:29
kiruhello... i just installed the proprietary fglrx driver with aticonfig --initial -f ... now my mouse seems to be mad... trying to move a window ends up in fullscreening... launchers on the panel dont work anymore... anyone an idea?21:29
rampageoberoni really can't understand what a blank disc in the drive does to give that crash with segmentation fault coopster21:29
EldaMaybe a few games to keep me occupied, but that's about it21:29
kiru(fglrx works fine btw)21:29
vladStarnestommy: how do i fix it21:30
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ubunubiKiru:: KDE or Gnome?21:30
jimzatnDuff: I just installed xdialog, how do I use it?  (got a link?)21:30
kiruubunubi: gnome21:30
tsarivangroznybloodrock, yes theres only 1hd21:30
ubunubiKiru:: Use EnvyNG to install the ATI driver...will be painless unless you've mucked something serious up already21:30
Starnestommyvlad: I'm not sure.  btw, I think an older, working version of ndiswrapper is in the repos21:30
coopsterrampageoberon: my guess would be something related to ubuntu trying to pop up a window asking if you'd like to make a CD, but it is odd.21:30
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KyleKheh why does ubuntu have a translation for canadian english?21:30
kiruubunubi: ok, i gonna try... thx!!21:30
Method2oo7spideyman- how do i install it21:30
jribKyleK: what are you talking aboot?21:31
rampageoberoncoopster: i tried disabling the default actions on detecting any media, but that didn't help too21:31
EvilDennisRKyleK: it appends eh to the end of every word21:31
bloodrocktsarivangrozny, when i have had grub troubles i use i livecd i made from an iso a program called supergrub21:31
ghindoHello.  Hibernate has stopped working on my laptop. Suspend still works, but when I attempt to Hibernate, instead the computer just locks the screen and continues to run21:31
KyleKEvilDennisR: I'd do that but then I'd get banned from launchpad21:31
spideymanMethod2oo7,  google gtkpod then get the most recent release you will have to compile from source i think21:31
EvilDennisRKyleK: heh21:31
ubunubiKyleK:: So that everytime you type "about" Ubuntu and substitute "aboot!" for you ;D21:31
vladStarnestommy: is it ndiswrapper-common?21:31
tsarivangroznybloodrock, im thinkin its more the dell optiplex 320, i think it has problems with Ubuntu in general21:32
Starnestommyvlad: I think it is21:32
nDuffjimzat, Xdialog --msgbox 'hello' 10 10021:32
spideymanMethod2oo7,  i couldnt find a package21:32
nDuffjimzat, ...or some variant on the above21:32
EvilDennisRwhats this all aboot !21:32
bloodrocktsarivangrozny, supergrub can fix grub has worked great everytime i have used it21:32
Method2oo7i got the file how do i compile it21:32
spideymanMethod2oo7,  cd to the folder then type ./configure then make then make install in root21:33
bloodrocktsarivangrozny,  that could be too i have a comp i built myself and only way i could get ubuntu to work on it was to use the wubi install21:33
spideymanMethod2oo7,  less the readme file21:34
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bloodrocktsarivangrozny, i got i big bald spot on top of head from that comp trying ubuntu lol21:34
jimzatnDuff: any idea how to direct it to his display (":0").  I get "Error initializing the GUI"21:35
EldaHmmmm, are there any programs for Ubuntu that would really by themselves take up that much room?  That I would use practically I mean21:35
tsarivangroznybloodrock, lol alright well thanks for this supergrub ill try it out21:35
nDuffjimzat, did you set up the xauth cookie?21:35
ubunubiElda: Only you can know that. Some programes like Firefox are like 50MB...most command-line tooks are fractions of 1 MB21:35
jimzatnDuff: no, what is that?21:35
nDuffjimzat, used to prevent unauthorized connections to an X server. "xauth list" as his user account will print the cookies; pick out the appropriate one, and use "xauth add" to add it to your own cache.21:36
Method2oo7spidey it did not work21:36
bloodrocktsarivangrozny, its has helped me alot it even can fix a windows boot21:36
jimzatnDuff: you're talking a bt over my head... I'll give it a try21:37
spideymanMethod2oo7,  is it still a tar file21:37
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nDuffjimzat, also, if the cookie in his cache is for :0.0 (as opposed to just :0), be sure to duplicate that.21:37
NEWBIEI downloaded ubuntu21:37
spideymanMethod2oo7,  gz or bz221:37
NEWBIECouldn't use the cool graphics.21:38
kiruubunubi: envy tells me, ati is not supported by my operating system21:38
NEWBIECouldn't connect.21:38
EvilDennisRNEWBIE: Because you touch yourself at night.21:38
ubunubiKiru:: What is the output of   "uname -a" for you?21:38
StarnestommyNEWBIE: what kind of graphics card do you have?21:38
kiruLinux kirx 2.6.24-18-generic #1 SMP Wed May 28 20:27:26 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux21:38
NEWBIEI can't use linux because I mastur((((21:38
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:38
BodsdaHi, i was looking at the man page for rm and am having problems understanding the -f option. It says it ignores non-existant files, can someone explain this a bit more thouroughly please.21:39
stemount^NEWBIE: huh? why not21:39
NEWBIEi followed all the procedures listed in the docs.21:39
NEWBIEBut NO.21:39
nDuffBodsda, -f prevents rm from reporting a failure status if some of the files it's told to delete don't exist21:39
ubunubiKuri: Did you get Envy, or EnvyNG?21:39
pubis there something like peer guardian for linux/ubuntu?21:39
candanhow can i install sidebar for ubuntu?21:39
kiruubunubi: envy21:39
stemount^calm down NEWBIE!21:39
BodsdanDuff, but why would i specify a file that doesnt exist?21:39
nDuffpub, one of my friends uses Dan's Guardian21:39
StarnestommyNEWBIE: Are you using a wired or wireless connection?21:39
NEWBIEI am calm, and dissapointed.21:40
kiruenvyng is not in my apt.list21:40
ubunubiKiru: Follow directions better!!! I said EnvyNG :)    NG is the NEW version21:40
nDuffBodsda, you might not, but a script may want to delete a file if it exists, but keep going if it doesn't.21:40
kiruubunubi: ok... sorry :)21:40
ubunubiKiru: Non-NG is no long supported AFAIK21:40
nDuffBodsda, if that script is set to fail if any of its subcommands fail, rm without -f will cause problems.21:40
stemount^NEWBIE: PPPoE LAN?21:40
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StarnestommyNEWBIE: did you check # ack]21:40
Starnestommy# (diff) (hist) . . User talk:Mhaille‎; 15:19 . . (+152) . . Amy Lee (Talk | contribs) (→I know I did: new section) [rollback]21:40
BodsdanDuff, so its purely for scripts?21:40
NEWBIEwhich is...?21:40
StarnestommyNEWBIE: er, whoops21:40
Method2oo7spidey- gz21:40
blndr08hi everyone i'm trying to customize my live cd following this tutorial: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-customize-your-ubuntu-live-cd but when i go to do the first step it says "Couldn't find package chroot"21:40
pubthank you nDuff, i will read into that21:40
StarnestommyNEWBIE: did you check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE ?21:40
ubunubiKiru: In Synaptic do a "COMPLETE" uninstall of Envy && APPLY the change, before installing EnvyNG21:40
nDuffBodsda, no -- it has other value as well, such as negating -i21:41
EldaIs EnvyNG not as risky as using Envy was?21:41
kiruubunubi: which change do you mean?21:41
ubunubiElda:: Not in my experience. It was beautiful magic21:41
EldaMay have to try that when I reinstall then21:41
EvilDennisRblndr08: apt-get install chroot21:41
NEWBIELook. I've been using Windows for a VERY long time. And let's put it this way, there have been times i could actually here Bill Gates Mocking me, and laughing at me for using WINDows.21:41
BodsdanDuff, ok cheers dude ;~)21:41
NEWBIEI sought a better life.21:41
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ubunubikiru:: Select the envy package you installed, right click it and choose "make for COMPLETE removal" versus the normal removal option. This option will obliterate everything that old package installed to keep it from messing with NG21:42
ubunubikiru:: make=mark**21:42
EvilDennisRblndr08: oh, you're getting a not foudn when you try and install chroot ?21:42
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blndr08EvilDennis yes21:42
kiruubunubi: have to restart... already finished ^^21:42
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EvilDennisRblndr08: apt-get --fix-missing update21:43
ubunubiKiru:: I'll be here when you get back :P21:43
jimzatnDuff: thanks, I think i figured it out.21:43
blndr08do i type that in the console?21:43
EvilDennisRput sudo in the front of that line too21:43
NEWBIEScrew you computer geeks. Get a life...21:43
EvilDennisRNEWBIE: wtf?21:43
NEWBIESorry guys i didn't mean that.21:44
ubunubiElda:: My setup Hardy Heron install, with Firefox, Thunderbird, compiz, etc installed...is about 6GB install, not counting my personal DATA, if you need a base_size reference21:44
rampageoberonEvilDennisR: young children seeking attention and having nothing more constructive to do :P21:44
EvilDennisRrampageoberon: very true..21:44
blndr08it seem like i need to be connected to the internet for that once i do i'll try it and let you know how i do EvilDennisR21:44
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Eldaty Ubunubi :D21:44
EvilDennisRblndr08: Yeah, that would be your problem21:45
ubunubiElda:: And i've installed all the newest kernel updates, etc, and a few niceities, it's not bare-bones at all21:45
NEWBIEScrew this, I'm watching anime porno, and then going reading "How to win Friends and Influence people"21:45
NEWBIEI love that book...21:45
EvilDennisRcan someone +q NEWBIE ?21:46
NEWBIEIt has done so much for me...21:46
NEWBIEhey what is that anyway?21:46
jribNEWBIE: please stay on the topic of ubuntu support here21:46
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:46
ghindoI guess there are no moderators in this channel?21:46
EldaSo Ill just make it at around 10-12 gigs for some breathing room.21:46
Starnestommyghindo: they're hidden21:46
Khisanthbut apparently you have learned nothing from it?21:46
* EvilDennisR hits Khisanth with a rolled up newspaper21:46
EvilDennisRKhisanth: Don't feed the troll!21:46
ghindoEvilDennisR:  He's gone, anyway...21:46
EvilDennisRthis is true..21:47
ubunubiElda:: sounds like a plan. just remember, NO computer change can ever not be undone or altereted :)) you can always use GPARTED later, to increase the partition sizes to suite your needs better in the future once you know more how your space is used21:47
EvilDennisRprolly to ubuntu-offtopic21:47
* Khisanth runs away from the bad news :P21:47
coopsterheh, no computer change can ever not be undone... I'd have to argue with that one ;)21:47
ubunubicoopster:: depends on your level of determination21:48
joaopintoubunubi, cof cof, undo my file overwrites21:48
ubunubicoopster:: even a DOD level 3 data format, with secure erase, you can with the right amount of equipment and money, restore the data off a magnetic disk drive21:49
ubottuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd21:49
ghindoHello.  Hibernate has stopped working on my laptop. Suspend still works, but when I attempt to Hibernate, instead the computer just locks the screen and continues to run21:49
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP21:49
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mnemonicaHello everyone. :) Apparently I need "win-drivers.tar.gz" for my wireless USB. I'm using a guide here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=652910 . Any help?21:49
kiruubunubi: it did not work :(21:49
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde421:49
CiberWingyohoo, i've finished downloading win vista ultimate, Yeah!21:50
ubunubikiru:: Can you be more specific?21:50
joaopintoCiberWing, wrong channel, please join ##windows21:50
kiruubunubi: when i start up after envyng driven ati installation, a popup appears and tells me something is wrong and whether i want to configure or to continue21:50
kiruthen, it automatically loads (a default?) xorg.conf with the mesa drivers21:51
test1798i've just upgrades to ubunto 8 and now my mouse pointer stoped moving anyone can please help?21:51
ubunubikiru:: okay...use  http://pastebin.com to paste the error message21:51
kirui removed all xorg.conf files in /etc/X11 because of that21:51
kiruubunubi: what should i pastebin?21:51
EvilDennisRkiru: that might not have been the best idea..21:51
ubunubikiru:: the error output that the EnvyNG script gave you?21:51
iAliceHi! I updated from Gutsy to Hardy. Before that update Compiz worked like a charm. Now I can't even start it. I have an ATI :/...21:51
kiruubunubi: envyng told me, everything went fine21:52
ubunubikiru:: then where did you see this error message that things aren't fine?21:52
kiruthe problem i have now, is identically with the one when i installed the ati drivers manually21:52
EvilDennisRubuntulog: I think he means when X starts he gets the default "x is broken" thing21:52
ubunubikiru:: remind my fragile mind, what that error was then?21:52
iAlicedo you have an idea where I could look for? Everything I tried so far didn't make it better21:52
kiruubunubi: during startup of gnome, the resolution was changed several times and then a "default xorg.conf or smth" was used21:53
kiruwhen i type fglrxinfo, it tells me: OpenGL vendor string: DRI R300 Project21:53
EvilDennisRwhat about direct rendering21:53
test1798i remember i have tiwked my mouse that is a mx518 to use the 5 bottons but now with the uppdade i can't move the pointer so i can't do anything can anyone please help21:54
amrikHey how can i set up one login for multiple machines?21:54
EvilDennisRamrik: use nis21:54
mnemonicaHello everyone. :) Apparently I need "win-drivers.tar.gz" for my wireless USB. I'm using a guide here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=652910 . Any help?21:54
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:55
ubunubikiru::can you get to a terminal or command line?21:55
kiruubunubi: bbs... i tried again with envyng and it didnt find a xorg.conf... so it created a new one with telling everything went fine at the end21:55
test1798So anyone willing to help a newbie?????21:55
ubunubikiru:: wait before reboot21:56
kiruubunubi: i am just in gnome with my about 1 year old desktop configuration... i have no clue where my computer gets this xorg.conf21:56
EvilDennisR!hi | fabian__21:56
ubottufabian__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:56
ubunubikiru:: if you can't get to a graphic desktop again, use system-config-display --noui --reconfig --output=/etc/X11/xorg.conf   as root21:56
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:56
fabian__can anyone help me with my webcam?21:56
Ne0_WizArdwhat are u tring to do ?!?21:56
ubunubikiru:: that'll get ya back to a basic gnome desktop for more help in a worst-case senario21:56
EldaUbunubi yep, thanks again for the info :)21:56
fabian__i got a noname webcam (ecom) and i want to use it21:56
ckane90Can someone help me with nvidia drivers21:56
EldaAnd so NTFS would be okay to use for the "Shared" space?21:56
kiruubunubi: ok. i will write it down... thx!21:57
fabian__so i neet a driver for this21:57
ckane90Can someone help me with nvidia drivers?21:57
ubunubiElda:: yes, but install NTFSprogs (not installed by default) and make sure NTFS 3G is install(should be by default) in Synaptic21:57
test1798Neo i can't move my pointer21:57
kiruubunubi: i am going to restart again21:57
Ne0_WizArd<ckane90> try usinf envy21:57
test1798now that i've updated to ubunto 821:57
ubunubikiru:: kk, GL see you when you return21:58
allenonheya's all21:58
ckane90Ne0_WizArd: How do I go about that?21:58
mnemonicaRepeat: Hello everyone. :) Apparently I need "win-drivers.tar.gz" for my wireless USB. I'm using a guide here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=652910 . Any help?21:58
Ne0_WizArdgoogle > envy21:58
julian2495322how do i connect to vncserver rather than remote desktop on ubuntu machine21:58
allenoncan anyone tell me of a place to find what's included in the 3.64gb dvd version of Ubuntu64?21:58
Bodsdahey, im trying to change the url that pastebinit uses, but everytime i try i get an error -- http://pastebin.ca/1047127 -- could someone tell me what im doing wrong plz?21:58
allenoni just don't understand why the dvd is so large21:59
ckane90Ne0_WizArd: a Buddy told me with his nvida he installed xorg drivers21:59
mnemonicaWhere can I download win-drivers.tar.gz?21:59
Ne0_WizArdxorg ?!?21:59
ubunubimnemonica:: have you tried searching google??22:00
Ne0_WizArdalbertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html  this is where i got envy22:00
thinkmassiveI would like to use the libvisual plugins reacting to an external audio source, so can anyone recommend what music player to use for this?22:00
obake-sanhey, i really need some help, my remote server is doing brute force attacks and that needs to stop. i have no idea what i can do to accomplish this22:00
ckane90Ne0_WizArd: so did I but it was forbiden for me22:00
mnemonicaubunubi: Yes, I have tried searching google several times using different search terms.22:00
Ne0_WizArdand that allowed me to play battlefield22:00
blackvdI followed a guide in the forums to get pulse audio working. Naturally it didnt work but instead jacked my audio. so i reversed the directions and went back to alsa. however my media keys quit working on my dell inspiron 6400. any clues on a quick fix for this?22:01
afallenhopeQuestion.. how do you remove an item from the application menu? For some reason I have TWO xchats in there.22:01
Ne0_WizArdgoogle it and it will be the very first one22:01
un2himmnemonica: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65291022:01
ubunubiNe0_wizArd:: If you're on hardy heron/8.0.4 use EnvyNG instead...regular Envy won't do the job22:01
fabian__@all: I need a driver for my webcam, where do i find it?22:01
blackvdafallenhop: right click the menu and select edit22:02
rdavisafallenhope - Right click on the menu button and "edit menu" uncheck the box to the app.22:02
ubunubikiru:: welcome back22:02
afallenhoperdavis: no. that doesn't "delete" the entry.. simply hides it22:02
kirusame failure as before...22:02
kiruit doesnt use the xorg.conf and uses somehow a default configuration22:02
blackvdafallenhop: why dont delete it then?22:03
ubunubikiru:: did you foobar around with Xorg and what not before you driver install attempt?22:03
kirusomething seems to be wrong with the fglrx part in Driver "fglrx"22:03
rdavisafallenhope -Right click on it's entry and choose "delete"22:03
obake-sanhey, i really need some help, my remote server is doing brute force attacks and that needs to stop. i have no idea what i can do to accomplish this22:04
ckane90Ne0_WizArd: I did, http://pastebin.com/d10ccabde22:04
kiruubunubi: i have tried for about 2 years to get the x-server running with my ati driver and 3d desktop stuff22:04
mnemonicaun2him: Yeah, that's the exact same thread that I'm look at. It's also the first search result that turns up when using google.22:04
afallenhoperdavis: nvm I did it by manually editing the xml file22:04
rlc2obake-san, try remote desktop viewer (found from applications-> internet) then give it the server ip and try port 5901 (if you started vncserver on the server)22:04
kirunow i just wanna have the proprietary drivers because i just want to play some games22:04
ubunubikiru:: what video card do you have?22:04
mnemonicaun2him: I want to know where to GET win-drivers.tar.gz22:04
kiruati radeon 980022:04
Baltazaarany experiences with clonesys or other tools, for cloning a system and transfer it to a new HD?22:04
un2himmnemonica: there is a link at the bottom of the first post22:05
mnemonicaun2him: thanks. ^^ I would have gone on for hours... *slaps self*22:05
un2himmnemonica: they are attached files.  I believe you have to register first22:05
obake-sanrlc2, i only have console access22:05
obake-sanis there a command or file i can look at that will give me a list of users?22:06
pubare there pre-configured iptables?22:06
Baltazaarobake-san: users22:06
mnemonicaun2him: already registered on the boards. :) But thank you very much.22:06
mnemonicatoodles, everyone.22:06
ubunubiKuri:: That card should be fine. Start at the bottom of the pyramid and work your way up. "complete" uninstall EnvyNG....Mark XORG for "complete reinstallation"...reboot...make sure xorg is working (getting to desktop), reinstall EnvyNG...attempt driver install, reboot22:06
obake-sani mean a list of all users, not just the ones that r logged in22:06
obake-sanif somebody brute forced my computer, then i can change all the passwords to something more secure, but that wont help a thing if they managed to create a user i dont know about22:07
afallenhopeobake-san: why not just use a secure password of 13 chars? alphanumeric mixed caps and symbols.22:08
kiruubunubi: how do i make a complete reinstall of xorg?22:08
Baltazaarobake-san: less /etc/passwd | grep /bin/bash would kinda do that...22:08
Toxicobake-san: less /etc/passwd22:08
afallenhopeobake-san: 0b4K3~_-$a)\(22:09
ubunubikiru:: search for Xorg in synaptic...it should show you you have it installed...right click it, and select "mark for reinstallation" then APPLY22:09
|daver|hey all anyone here good with getting X working with dual head ant ATI? I can get the big desktop working at the X login screen but after it logs in, it switches to 2 mirrored desktops22:09
ToxicBaltazaar: and if they set their shell to csh? =p22:09
StargazerI need to rename like 100 files. Purrr isn't helping. and i need a GUI.22:09
BaltazaarToxic: who does that these days...22:10
pubare there pre-configured iptables?22:10
eurekahow do i list avail updates?22:10
ToxicNo one usually, although I still use tcsh on a number of systems =p22:10
neo_I need help22:10
ubunubi|daver|:: do you have ATI control panel installed ??22:10
|daver|i used Envy22:10
neo_I just installed my 8800 GT Graphics card but ubuntu didn't update the drivers.......22:10
neo_what should I do?22:10
|daver|to install the driver22:10
kiruubunubi: how do i remove completely envyng?22:10
BaltazaarToxic: but probably not on Ubuntu22:10
kiruubunubi: i found it :)22:11
ToxicBut I had a question, anyone run into nvidia-settings saying Twinview cannot be enabled with this combination of display devices?22:11
ubunubikiru:: same process. search for Envy NG in synaptic..it'll say it's installed...right click and select "complete removal"22:11
ubunubi|daver|: are you on 8.04?22:11
ubunubi|daver|: did you use Envy or EnvyNG?22:11
neo_How do I update my drivers to support 8800 GT?22:11
ToxicI can't seem to figure out what the issue it, albeit its an older card.. Geforce3.. but it should still work22:11
obake-sanok, there doesnt appear to be any new users. is there any way to tell if its an installed program that is the source of these attacks?22:12
|daver|the latest version22:12
|daver|from the website22:12
ubunubi|daver|: then on your Ubuntu Menu>Applications>OTHER...there should be an ATI control Panel launcher entry22:12
Bob190how do I go about changing my password in terminal?22:12
ubunubi|daver|: setup your dual displays there22:12
jribBob190: passwd22:12
|daver|dont see a other22:12
|daver|or the control panel22:12
neo_How do I update my drivers to support 8800 GT on ubuntu?22:12
ubunubi|daver|: try running "amdcccle"22:13
Orion_X11Where from can I download ubuntu alternate?22:13
_ZeuZ_neo_ you don't get drivers to support, you get the newer versions that suport your device.22:13
jrib!alternate | Orion_X1122:13
ubottuOrion_X11: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent22:13
elliotjhneo_: which ubuntu? 8.04?22:13
neo__ZeuZ_, : Can you walk me through I installed ubuntu with my 8500 GT, I just changed the card to 8800 GT I don't believe that Ubuntu has updated it yet yes 8.0422:13
|daver|woohoo it worked! thanks ubunubi22:14
ubunubi|daver|: you're welcome! i'm only a 1 week old ubuntu user, but i'm glad I could help :)22:14
elliotjhneo_: under restricted drivers22:14
TijNdit iis wel druk ja22:14
_ZeuZ_neo_ nvidia drivers are pretty much generic for ones and others. It SHOULD work.22:14
|daver|thanks, i had this working before with fedora 822:14
JC_Denton_trying to run update-manager but running into problems22:14
JC_Denton_root@erinyes:~# update-manager22:14
JC_Denton_ImportError: /usr/lib/libcairo.so.2: symbol png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8, version PNG12_0 not defined in file libpng12.so.0 with link time reference22:14
woomy boot up is screwed and I just get terminal, I have tried to use 'X' and the screen flickr slowly with an X in the middle of the screen22:14
neo__ZeuZ_: it works but how do I enable antialiasing and stuff to see how this card does for compiz22:15
=== Broadcom is now known as BCM43
_ZeuZ_neo_, same way you did with the old one.22:15
ubunubiwoo::  run as root:: system-config-display --noui --reconfig --output=/etc/X11/xorg.conf22:15
ubunubiwoo:: then reboot and see if you can get a desktop22:15
neo_what is the right way to do it zeus22:15
julian2495322how do i increase the resolution of remote desktop22:15
_ZeuZ_neo_, something makes methink you never did it. And I'm not zeus22:15
neo_Yes i never did how do i do it22:16
obake-sanor is there a log i can look at that will tell me what programs may have been installed recently?22:16
_ZeuZ_nvidia configuration tool. I'm not an ubuntu user, nor can I assure you how you can do it in that distro.22:16
elliotjhneo_ you need to look under Appearence in the system menu22:17
ubunubiobake-san:: just sudo updatedb  then "locate" a keyword of the application you want to find22:17
StargazerI need to rename about 100 files. I've tried 'Purrr' but it didn't help. can someone suggest another program(with a GUI) that i may use to rename these files ?22:17
obake-sanwell, i wouldnt know what to look for22:17
obake-sani know what iv installed recently22:17
jribStargazer: if you can't find one, just use 'rename' in a shell22:18
obake-sani just want to see if anything other than that has been installed22:18
StargazerJrib, i need to rename a whole load of files, can i do that with 'rename' ?22:18
jribStargazer: yes22:18
ubunubiobake-san:: you should install something like trip-wire. it takes a snapeshot of your system files and tells you if any config/binary/program/etc has changed and keeps detailed logs22:18
StargazerOh, ok22:18
bogey-!tripwire | obake-san22:19
ubottuFactoid tripwire not found22:19
ubunubiobake-san:: but you need to install it on a known-clean system, or it's "baseline" snapshot could be infected already :P22:19
jribStargazer: you can use regular expressions (see the man page and feel free to tell us what you want to do if you need more help)22:19
sigma_12why dont creative 5.1 soundcards work on ubuntu?22:19
ryanakcaAnybody know of a console music player that can handle .ram streams?22:19
jribryanakca: mplayer?22:19
elliotjhzeo_ any luck?22:19
Sylphid|workwhat should $DISPLAY be set to so i can start a program through an ssh session to start the gui locally22:20
obake-sani need to clean up before i can even do anything, i just dont know what i can do beyond changing all the users passwords22:20
wooubunbi - the command system-config-display not found? what am i doing wrong?22:21
elliotjhsigma_12 because nobody has written support yet or you haven't set it up correctly22:21
StargazerJrib, in 'purrr' my files were out of order and the way they were going to be renamed was off. now i have no back up of these *.avi files so if the names become wrong i have no way of correctly renaming them. will that happen with 'rename' ?22:21
ubunubiobake-san: you could do a down and dirty scan of all files that have been accessed or modified after/on a certain date..but you'd have lots of data to sort through looking for programs22:22
jribStargazer: you would pass -n to rename so it tells you what it would do without doing anything first.  Then, if that is ok, you get rid of -n22:22
Frost_Hello. Is there a way for me to discover if a certain package was installed as a dependency or not?22:23
elliotjhFrost_ package properties in synaptic will tell you22:23
Frost_elliotjh: Is there a way through the command line?22:24
jribFrost_: /var/lib/apt/extended_states (don't know if there exists a tool to query it)22:24
elliotjhfrost_ or a dpkg command if you like22:24
elliotjhfrost_ see man dpkg22:24
obake-sanwell are there any suggestions on what i should do?22:24
wooubunbi - the command system-config-display not found? what am i doing wrong?22:24
Frost_elliotjh: Couldn't find the proper dpkg switch22:24
neo_Im getting jagged edges when moving windows wobbly windows22:24
ubunubiwoo:: one second i'm looking up some info22:24
Frost_went through the man page a couple of times already..22:24
elliotjhfrost_ try aptitude then22:24
ricardof_hay  alguien  mde  maracaibo22:24
Frost_jrib: I'll have a look, thanks.22:25
elliotjhfrost_ that may help22:25
Frost_elliotjh: will check it. Thanks a bunch.22:25
Frost_I'm trying to build a script for recursively removing a meta-package22:25
user__hello. adobe reader: i am trying to play the sounds in this pdf. it directs me to a webpage at adobe.com stating that i have no media player installed. Which is not true, as i have flash installed (the site doesnt regocnize it). also i tried to change the player in edit -> preferences -> multimedia. however that doesnt seem to work as it is fixed permanently to realoneplayer (which i dont have installed and dont want to install) http://polish.slav22:25
ubunubiwoo:: does your grub menu have a (Recovery) version of your current kernel?22:25
FlannelFrost_: Which one?22:25
Frost_Hope I'm not doing a fool's errand at that.22:25
jribFrost_: umm, don't you just want apt-get autoremove?22:26
Tobbyanyone here knows how ALSA work?22:26
Frost_apt-get autoremove won't do.22:26
Frost_I installed KDE 4 and want to remove it22:26
Frost_looks like I can't do that properly.22:26
woojust rebooting it22:26
FlannelFrost_: See deborphan22:26
woo(other PC)22:26
ubunubiwoo::I would boot into recovery kernel & select fix X at the repair dialog box, that will should give you optimum settings.22:26
jribFlannel: autoremove is supposed to do that22:26
ryanakcajrib: thanks22:26
jnw222i need help with virtulazation22:26
jribFrost_: that was for you ^22:26
BrowsericeHi, anyone know how to force 7.10 desktop to fully extend monitor screen ? I have screen borders not covered by desktop.22:27
woothis didn't work last night we=hen i tryied22:27
ubunubiwoo: that should run the xorg config that i gave you the wrong command for :PP22:27
Frost_jrib: I tried it. The packages it listed as candidates were not relevant.22:27
Tobbymy laptop uses 2 sliders for the sound (bass and discant) anyone knows how i can mak them slide together? (alsa)22:27
elliotjh!ask jwn2222:27
ubottuFactoid ask jwn22 not found22:27
ubunubiwoo:: if that didn't work....your only other option (that i can tell you is) sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg22:27
woosome one gave me acommand and it's not fixed it but it does come up with kubuntu not ubuntu now22:27
Frost_Flannel: I'll have a look at deborphan, thanks.22:27
jnw222if your willing to help me with my virtulazation problems, go to #jnw22222:27
Lunar_LampBrowserice: you might want to use the configuration on the actual screen itself to resize the image.22:27
jribFrost_: it's a bug then if you installed kubuntu-desktop yourself22:28
EvilDennisRwoo: apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop22:28
=== evalles_ is now known as effie_jayx
ubunubiwoo:: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg then walk through the tutorial22:28
elliotjhjwn222 just ask. in here22:28
Browsericedont want to rezise monitor with its button, I use other O/S that will be impacted if I do this22:28
hydroponicI'm getting this when trying to install php5-mysql: Depends: php5-common (= 5.2.4-2ubuntu5) but 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.1 is to be installed - php5 is up to date (did apt update, upgrade, etc)22:28
EvilDennisRhydroponic: apt-get -f install22:28
Flannelhydroponic: Do you have your -propsed repo enabled?22:28
afallenhopewhat's -f do?22:28
hydroponicBrowserice: have you tried that? With my monitor, resizing it with the button only seems to affect the current OS22:29
Frost_jrib: What's a bug? That I don't see the packages in autoremove?22:29
Browsericeonly current O/S affectec by monitor button changes ?  Sure about that ?22:29
ubunubiAny BOOTCHART users/optimizers in the room?22:29
Flannelhydroponic: You probably have hardy-proposed enabled.  You should disable that, as its not stable.22:29
jribFrost_: if you installed a metapackage, it pulled in deps, you removed the metapackage, then ran autoremove, and it did not remove deps that you no longer needed, then that is a bug22:30
Frost_jrib: Hmm, I see.22:30
djouallahi must say to you, reall u have made linux, a user os, i have installed xubuntu8.04 with wubi, and damn it even know i connect to internet using proxy, thank u ubuntu u all rock22:31
Frost_I recall having issues with such operations in previous ubuntu versions as well22:31
hydroponicI actually didn't have it enabled, but I did have conanical hardy partner enabled. Disabling that fixed it22:31
hydroponicThanks guys22:31
Sylphid|workwhat should $DISPLAY be set to so i can start a program through an ssh session to start the gui locally22:31
EvilDennisRSylphid|work: You have to use ssh -X server when you connect22:31
EvilDennisRSylphid|work: And also make sure xforwarding is yes in sshd_config22:32
jribFrost_: Flannel's deborphan suggestion is a good one and should work, but autoremove is relatively recent and is suppose to eliminate the need for it22:32
hydroponicBrowserice: that's just from my experience, no risk trying.. worst is you waste 10 mins22:32
Flannelhydroponic: Oh, Actually.  I misspoke.  you need to have ubuntu5.1 version of php5-mysql which is in hardy-updates (as is the ubuntu5.1 version of php5-common).  So, everything ought to work.  partners probably has no relevance22:32
Sylphid|workEvilDennisR, i have it working fine in that direction22:32
ryanakcajrib: no go :/ Any other ideas?22:32
jribryanakca: what link is it?22:32
Sylphid|workEvilDennisR, i would like to start the gui local to the machine its runnin on22:32
Frost_jrib: I guess I'll report the issue then22:32
EvilDennisRSylphid|work: export DISPLAY=":0.0"22:32
hydroponicFlannel: I dunno what the issue was, but disabling conanical -> apt-get update -> apt-get install php5-mysql sorted it out22:33
EvilDennisRSylphid|work: That will display on the local running X server (assuming its you who is running the xserver)22:33
ryanakcajrib: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/realmedia/fmg2.ram22:33
ubunubiwoo:: that command work for ya?22:33
woojust need to reboot22:33
wooto see22:33
jribryanakca: pass -playlist to mplayer (works here)22:33
ubunubiwoo: best of luck :)22:34
Flannelhydroponic: I imagine it was an update issue, but its resolved now22:34
Sylphid|workEvilDennisR, thats what i was thinking but it errors with No protocol specified Error: Can't open display: :0.022:34
woodidn't fix it with kubuntu22:34
EvilDennisRSylphid|work: xhost +remoteserver from inside the x sesson22:34
Frost_jrib: Looking at deborphan, it doesn't work either.22:34
ubunubiwoo:: elaborate. i don't understand your statement22:34
Frost_is also doesn't list packages that should be listed22:35
=== Adam is now known as Guest85957
ryanakcajrib: aha, thanks :D22:35
jribFrost_: google "pure gnome ubuntu", you'll get the psycocats page with a list of packages to remove22:35
ubunubiwoo: also, please prefix statements to me with my name, so i can "hear" your comments and tab back to help22:35
wooit used to be ubuntu but after last nights help it's all kubuntu in blue22:35
Sylphid|workEvilDennisR, bah.... got it....user was not loged in...thanks22:36
ubunubiwoo: are you wanting gnome back instead?22:36
Frost_jrib: Checking, thanks.22:36
ubunubiwoo: can you get to the graphical log-in screen22:36
woo<ubunubi> no22:36
ubunubiwoo: was this a fresh install previous to last night's "help" ?22:37
woo<ubunubi>  no22:37
tilgovisound juicer does not seem to react when I put a CD in. refreshing does nothing. tried googling and forum searching but the terms are hard.  Lot of other problems with cddb lookup or whatnot. The cd doesn't show up at all for me.22:37
woo'i hope not, I had valuble stuff on the desktop22:38
BCM43!tab | woo22:38
ubottuwoo: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:38
EvilDennisRwoo: it should still be in ~/Desktop/22:38
ubunubiwoo:: did you document the commands your "helper" made you run last night?22:38
Gnimshanyone have experience with applying patches/firmware to ubuntu?22:38
ghindoHoly crap I didn't know about tab autocompletion in IRC :DDDD22:38
elliotjhtilgovi does your cd drive work Reading other disks22:38
linkmaster03Somehoe my taskbar got thrown to the right side of my screen. How do I return it to the bottom?22:39
elliotjhubunubi there are chatlogs somewhere iirc22:39
Scunizilinkmaster03: drag it22:39
Gnimshlinkmaster03, drag and drop22:39
tilgovielliotjh: I can play it in amarok22:39
woo<ubunubi>  I was using a bootable disk last night , i'm on a different laptop today22:39
druhello .... how do i setup my lexmark printer .. i tryed the printers option and other applications but still nothing ... in windows it detected and printed on command22:40
GnimshWould someone mind taking a look at this page and letting me know what you think? http://linuxtv.org/v4lwiki/index.php/LifeView_LR506#Support_Status22:40
linkmaster03Scunizi: Gnimsh: I can't :S22:40
tilgovielliotjh: just launched sound-juicer from terminal and I get "WARNING **: Error getting media type"22:40
Gnimshright click it22:40
Gnimshmake sure its not locked.22:40
theRealBallchalkhow can we find which version gstreamer we have?'22:40
ubunubiwoo:: since you seem to be fairly new ....i'd boot from a LiveCD and copy your "valuable data" to an extra harddrive/flashdrive/USB...before further tinkering22:40
EvilDennisRdru: system -> administration -> Printers22:40
Jack_Sparrowdru Did you look it up in supported hardware?22:40
Gnimshor linkmaster03: right click, properties22:41
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druhow would i do that?22:41
elliotjhtilgovi ah, ok. sounds like a bug perhaps - has soundjuicer worked in the past?22:41
Gnimshyou can choose locations from a dropdown menu.22:41
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection22:41
EvilDennisRdru: CLICK on system -> Administration -> printers22:41
Scunizidru: lexmark is pretty bad with linux support.. you might check www.linuxprinting.org to see if anyone has reverse engineered the driver for linux. Also check lexmarks site for linux based ppd files.. Those are the driver files.22:41
tilgovielliotjh: first time I've tried to use it22:41
EvilDennisRdru: and do what Scunizi said22:41
elliotjhtilgovi and this is for any cd you try?22:41
tilgovielliotjh: let me try another22:42
elliotjhtilgovi ok22:42
woo<ubunubi> this all happened because of a install from the add/remove option in applications menu, of assorted video tools (the one in question was multiverse by userful)22:42
druevildennisr: i am22:42
linkmaster03Gnimsh: I can't find properties, it's not locked, and i cant find the locations22:42
EvilDennisRubunubi: What did woo do? install kubuntu-desktop or something ?22:43
Gnimshyou are in ubuntu, right linkmaster03 ?22:43
wkwongI'm trying to locate the calculator example for mod_gsoap referred here: http://www.aberger.at/SOAP/apache_index.html22:44
ubunubievildennisr: yes. apparently a video tool he needed/wanted, required KDE environment, so someone "helped" him run some commands to get it going and the KDE is replacing his gnome as default desktop at boot and can't get to a graphical log-in now22:44
eurekai'm looking for a feature to post msg/event much like craiglist, not need to sign up. just get a validation like and confirm. Anyone know such an extension22:44
Pollywogdid a recent update of the kernel package break virtualbox again?22:44
wkwonghave any of you used mod_gsoap before?22:44
tilgovielliotjh: same problem with a printed cd, not cd-r22:44
Pollywogwhy does this always happen?22:44
Pollywogand is there a way to avoid it?22:44
EvilDennisRubunubi: apt-get remove --purge kubuntu-desktop ?22:45
linkmaster03Gnimsh: yes, 8.0422:45
GnimshSo what happens when you right click your taskbar?22:45
EvilDennisRubunubi: then install ubuntu-desktop ? Or is the issue larger than that?22:45
elliotjhtilgovi ok - sounds like a bug. try reporting it on launchpad.net in the mean time banshee and rhythmbox can both rip CDs as a workaround22:45
ubunubiEvilDennisr: That was going to be my next recommendation...but since I don't know what else his "helper" had him do..I'm worried he'll wind up worse somehow, lol. Don't know if the guy had him remove gnome or what22:46
linkmaster03Preferences, About, Help, Remove from Panel, Move, Lock to Panel Gnimsh22:46
Gnimshdoes move work?22:46
mmoscosadoes ubuntu livecd read and write ntfs disks?22:46
ubunubiEvildennisr: that's kinda the problem, I don't know how deep it goes yet. The guy who had him blindly typing apt-get and sudo commands he doesn't remember22:46
EvilDennisRubunubi: we could have him reinstall ubuntu-desktop22:46
Gnimshthat's for your icons22:46
ScuniziPollywog: yep.. don't load the new kernel.. otherwise reinstall it for the new kernel22:46
=== dmsuperman[a] is now known as dmsuperman
EvilDennisRubunubi: argh!22:46
ubunubiEvilDennisR: yes I think that's the next step22:46
Gnimshok linkmaster03, let's try this22:46
elliotjhubunibi check for the gdm command? 'which gdm'22:46
wooV<ubunubi> try me22:46
Gnimshhit alt+f222:46
Gnimshput in this command: gconf-editor22:47
PollywogScunizi: I don't know when a new version will be out for the new kernel :(22:47
PollywogI should put a HOLD on the kernel package22:47
linkmaster03Gnimsh: done22:47
ubunubiwoo:: try EvilDennisR 's commendation of apt-get remove --purge kubuntu-desktop  then reboot and apt-get install ubuntu-desktop22:47
TankadoHello when i am tring to do a link of 2 obj files using ld i get this error :  undefined reference to `__stack_chk_fail'22:47
woo<ubunubi> ok might take a sec22:47
Tankadoanyone know anything about it?22:47
=== gardar`afk is now known as gardar
EvilDennisRwoo: No, don't reboot22:47
ScuniziPollywog: you may have just received a new one.. check when you boot at the menu and see if there are more than one choice for kernels.. that'll answer the q for you22:47
EvilDennisRubunubi: Just incase it explodes22:47
Gnimshok hold just a minute22:48
GnimshI'm trying to find where this stuff is22:48
PollywogScunizi: ty22:48
ubunubiEvilDennisR:: Good idea! (i'm too confident when working with my own machine), Sorry!22:48
EvilDennisRwoo: apt-get remove --purge kubuntu-desktop; apt-get install ubuntu-desktop22:48
Gnimshchoose aps22:48
tilgovielliotjh: I don't see how to rip it in rhythmbox.  I don't even see it appear for playing in rhythmbox.22:48
Gnimshand then panel22:48
FloodBot1Gnimsh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:48
mmoscosadoes ubuntu livecd read and write ntfs disks?22:48
ElcMawrHello. Can someone advise me how to get startup and shutdown screens visible on a Samsung R40 laptop? I got the ATI restricted drivers loaded, but no splash at bootup or shutdown. Thanks if anyone can help. (It's for my mum)22:48
unavailableok anyone know why Totem wont play any media files at all??22:48
ElcMawr(Ubu 7.10 or 8.04)22:48
woo<ubunubi> files locked?22:48
hickupanyone know whats wrong with login windows (gdm settings) under system settings?22:48
linkmaster03Gnimsh: im there22:49
EvilDennisRwoo: Do you have synaptec open or something?22:49
FlannelEvilDennisR, woo, that won't work.  But this ought to: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome22:49
elliotjhtilgovi yet amarok reads it? try ripping from that if it can22:49
zvacetubunubi : if the person id new in this it will ber easier to install Ubuntu-desktop first and then remove kubuntu22:49
TankadoHello when i am tring to do a link i get this error :  undefined reference to `__stack_chk_fail'  , anyone know anything ?22:49
Ven]1doesnt ubuntu have a xinitrc?22:49
woo<ubunubi>  sudo... worked22:49
hickupI cannot seem to set a new theme from gnome look and it takes forever for the window to open22:49
clintchancedoes anyone have the file wget -O driver.tar.gz http://snapshots.madwifi.org/special/madwifi-nr-r3366+ar5007.tar.gz22:49
EvilDennisRFlannel: thats essentially what we're telling him to do22:49
clintchancemy bad22:49
woo<ubunubi> but 7 not upgreaded22:49
ScuniziVen]1: inet.d and xinet.d if you load them.22:49
Scunizi*install them22:49
Gnimshsorry this is taking so long, its been a while since I looked into this stuff22:49
clintchancedoes anyone have the file madwifi-nr-r3366+ar5007.tar.gz22:49
ubottuFactoid gsm not found22:49
ubottuFactoid gdm not found22:50
clintchancemadwifi.org is down or something i cant connct22:50
FlannelEvilDennisR: purging kubuntu-desktop will not remove all of kubuntu22:50
linkmaster03Gnimsh: its ok22:50
Agent_bobi can't seem to figure out what is eating my ram on this system.  here's a pastebin of the usage and the process table if anyone can point out that it might be  http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/pastebin.php?dl=m4d2745ba   ?22:50
EvilDennisRFlannel: True, but we're not certain what he did to cause all this mess22:50
Gnimshok its in the toplevels folder22:51
hickupand why is firefox all of a sudden in spanish after firefox 3.0 update?22:51
Gnimshthere's 2 panels there, panel_0 and top panel_022:51
woo<ubunubi> but 7 not upgraded22:51
Gnimshnot sure which is which22:51
Agent_bobthe usage is more than 2x what it should be   ?22:51
EvilDennisRwoo: Thats fine22:51
Gnimshbut there's an entry called orientation22:51
icecubex132Q8_can i use ide to cf convertor to install fedora insted of the hd?22:51
Gnimshyou can change it there22:51
woook ill reboot now22:51
manoffbuuhuu my Unixpod account was denied!22:51
ubunubiwoo:: yeah, listen to EvilDennis..it's fine that you didn't select to upgrade some other things that you can do once you're back in gnome22:51
Gnimshuh, duh22:51
EvilDennisRwoo: Don't reboot22:52
Gnimshpanel 0 is my dock22:52
* Scunizi hasn't seen this busy of a channel here in days. must be because school is out22:52
woo apt-get remove --purge kubuntu-desktop  then reboot and apt-get install ubuntu-desktop22:52
woo<Tankado> Hello when i am tring to do a link of 2 ook22:52
EvilDennisRwoo: did you install ubuntu-desktop22:52
Gnimshso its just top and bottom panel, linkmaster0322:52
woo<EvilDennisR> i did the purge think22:52
clintchanceAnyone Know Why Mad Wifi.org Is Down?<<'22:52
woo<EvilDennisR> i did the purge thing22:52
linkmaster03Gnimsh: i just have one bar22:52
druevildennisr: i have tryed what you said and it still does not recognize my printer (which is hooked up via USB)22:52
EvilDennisRwoo: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop22:52
icecubex132Q8_can i use ide to cf convertor to install fedora insted of the hd? help?22:53
Gnimshok just look for whatever panel label there is then.22:53
EvilDennisRdru: go to that website someone else suggested and look for the driver that will work with your printer22:53
RB2I've noticed that after installing the compiz-fusion taskbar icon, the Visual Effects keep resetting itself to "None" on every reboot and that there's no longer a "Custom" setting. Any advice?22:53
unavailableanyone know how to fix totem22:53
linkmaster03Gnimsh: thank you its fixed22:53
elliotjhclintchance serverload? scheduled downtime? probably be back up soon22:53
ubunubiRB2: Don't set effects through that pane anymore22:53
neo_I just downloaded an ISO I wanna burn Can someone tell me hwo to burn it to dvd? Burn ISO Image in ubuntu  hwo to?22:53
unavailableit says its playin a file, but no sound and the time doesnt count22:53
woo<EvilDennisR>tesktop  is already the newist version#22:53
Gnimshyou can make a launcher for that app if you need to, linkmaster0322:53
ubunubiRB2: Right click the fusion-icon and select Settings Manager22:54
clintchanceelliotjh they have been down for alost 3 hours22:54
EvilDennisRwoo: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart22:54
Gnimshneo_, right click it.22:54
Gnimshor you can use brasero22:54
Ven]1can i just put stuff into /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc for them to autorun?22:54
RB2ubunubi, after installing fusion-icon, you HAVE to use it to set all your settings? Ugh....22:54
elliotjhclintchance just gotta wait it out I'm afraid - try the coral cache?22:54
clintchancewhat is a coral cache22:54
ubunubiRB2:: Unless you want a mess, ideally.22:55
unavailableis anyone a totem expert?22:55
Scuniziunavailable: unavailable :)22:55
zvacet neo_ : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto22:55
Agent_bob!autostart | Ven]122:55
ubottuVen]1: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot22:55
elliotjhclintchance put .nyud.net at the end of the URL - mightwork22:55
Scuniziunavailable: try installing vlc and play with that.22:55
EvilDennisRwoo: whats the word22:55
EvilDennisRunavailable: whats wrong with totem22:56
woo<EvilDennisR>command not found22:56
Ven]1Agent_bob: need 4 commands to be written in boot.. not programs22:56
RB2ubunubi, So that takes me to the Advanced Desktop Effects Settings where all of my settings appear to be correct. (I've chosen the effects I wanted) However, they are not in effect.22:56
unavailableevildennisr it says "playing" but the time doesnt move, and no sound22:56
ubottuFactoid booy not found22:56
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto22:56
Jack_SparrowRB2 Please name one in particular22:56
Agent_bobVen]1 then message the bot and ask about boot like the infonode saie22:56
unavailableevildennisr  this is after installing aac and wmv codecs22:56
EvilDennisRwoo: apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop22:56
ubunubiRB2: On the fusion-icon go to Select Window Manager...and click COMPIZ22:56
RB2Jack_Sparrow, Wobbly Windows for example.22:56
ScuniziRB2: go to System/Preferances/Appearance/Visual Effects and choose 1 of 3 options there.22:57
l3d ok I enabled the nautilus scripts and yet there is no script  option in the right click menu or anywhere else I see?22:57
wooi dont have netwok on that laptop22:57
unavailablescunizi should i keep the default pulseaudio for vlc, or go with alsa?22:57
EvilDennisRwoo: that would be a problem..22:57
Jack_SparrowRB2 In system ... pref... appearance.. what level of effects are enabled22:57
EvilDennisRwoo: Can you plug it into the network ?22:57
clintchance"The Composite extension is not available" What does that mean for Desktop effects?22:57
Scuniziunavailable: try default and go from there.22:57
wooi have a hardy disk22:57
Gnimshl3d,go to apps>sound& video22:57
EvilDennisRwoo: Or is it like a physical network issue22:57
RB2ubunubi, it is set to Compiz. I had set it to Metacity so I could play Nexuiz w/o any issues and set it back when I was done. It hasn't been the same since.22:58
elliotjhwoo that'll do the job for ubuntu-desktop22:58
RB2Jack_Sparrow, it keeps resettting itself to "None" on every boot and there is no longer a "Custom" option22:58
Jack_SparrowRB2 Then it is a video driver issue22:58
EvilDennisRwoo: just try sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop22:58
RB2Jack_Sparrow, apparently because I installed fusion-icon22:58
unavailablescunizi and can i run from terminal by just typin vlc ?22:59
wooi have unplugged teh lan from a nother macghine (it doesn't matter it was a windows box - lol22:59
ubunubiRB2:: try this22:59
wasabiso at some point my dhclient.conf file got Really Small.22:59
RB2Jack_Sparrow, I had no issues until I installed fusion-icon.22:59
RB2ubunubi, ok22:59
unavailablescunizi nevermind :)22:59
Jack_SparrowRB2 perhaps the people in   /join #compiz can help22:59
woo<EvilDennisR> the laptop (WAS) wireless22:59
EvilDennisRbust out those commands and lets see if this fixes it22:59
RB2Jack_Sparrow, I'll check with those folks and see if they can shed any light.22:59
ubunubiRB2: terminal> killall fusion-icon & metacity --replace &23:00
l3dhow do I get to apps sounds and video23:00
woook doind it now23:00
arohow do i disable sticky windows? that is, I don't want windows to snap to edges of other windows and the screen23:00
RB2ubunubi, will that make metacity the active window manager?23:00
l3dand do what23:00
clintchancewhere is the xorg.conf file?23:00
ubunubiRB2: after that flashes the screen....run:: fusion-icon &23:00
woo<EvilDennisR> done the reinstall one ; ok23:00
ubunubiRB2: then  compiz --replace23:00
EvilDennisRwoo: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart23:01
EvilDennisRwoo: if its still command not foudn sudo apt-get install gdm23:01
Agent_bobaro asjust the snap zone to 023:01
woo<EvilDennisR>command not found23:01
zvacetl3d : which nautilus.script you try to use23:01
EvilDennisRwoo: sudo apt-get install gdm23:01
l3daudio convert23:01
earthling is there a applet of sorts which can help me figure out the amount of data transmitted across a particular interface?23:02
neo_how can i get a green black theme in Ubuntu going?23:02
neo_I want a matrix theme for Ubuntu can someon ehlp me achieve this23:02
RB2ubunubi, ok that worked. So, I just need to get 'rid of fusion-icon it appears.23:02
djouallahi have a pc with 256 ram,and without a cd driver, in my work we connect to the internet using a proxy server, in this particular case, the only solution i got, is to install xubuntu using wubi, so i downloaded the iso image and after 15 minutes i have xubuntu up and running, and the thing that astonished me the more is that this wubi has transfered my net connexion preference from windows, i only "configured" my passward so really you rock guys, thank23:02
djouallah you23:02
zvacetl3d : can you wait a mi n to find link how to install it23:02
woo<EvilDennisR> gdm is the newest version23:02
ubunubiRB2: Pardon? I didn't understand your response23:02
BCM43!tab | woo23:02
ubottuwoo: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:02
EvilDennisRwoo: sudo apt-get install --reinstall gdm23:02
elliotjhneo_ try gnome-look.org23:02
l3d<zvacet> I installed it via synaptic23:03
EvilDennisRwoo: Yeah, you should be able to type "evil" and hit tab, it should complete my name23:03
clintchanceAnyone know where xorg.conf is located>23:03
EvilDennisRclintchance: /etc/X11/23:03
jribclintchance: /etc/X11/23:03
earthlingnetwork interface23:03
Starnestommyclintchance: /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:03
woo<EvilDennisR> ok23:03
unavailablescunizi should vlc work out of box??23:03
RB2ubunubi, Killing fusion-icon and doing a replace w/ compiz worked. So, I'm assuming I should get 'rid of fusion-icon.23:03
unavailablecus its not23:03
EvilDennisRwoo: then try /etc/init.d/gdm restart again23:03
clintchancewell 3/3 say Yes :P23:03
woo<EvilDennisR> am i doing something wrong with the naming?23:03
Scuniziunavailable: should.. if the restricted codecs are installed..23:03
BCM43unavailable: what do you mean out of the box?23:04
l3d<zvacet>  used to show under the right click menu in a list under scripts23:04
ubunubiRB2: no, fusion icon should be back and running (was next to last command)23:04
woo<EvilDennisR> i mean i had a meesage from bcm4323:04
unavailablei mean fresh after install23:04
zvacet l3d : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=731932&highlight=audio+convert  it is not my I find this on ubuntu-geek23:04
EvilDennisRwoo: Nah, don't worry abou tit23:04
dMartin38vlc usually brings its own codecs23:04
ubunubiRB2: are you running your game in WINE?23:04
BCM43woo: no, you can hit tab and it will finish the nick for you23:04
druhey i kinda got it working .. but this happens ... http://img34.picoodle.com/img/img34/4/6/13/f_Screenshotm_abb1843.png .... any ideas?23:05
RB2ubunubi, oops. ;) Well, my effects are still working. Perhaps I should reboot to make sure.23:05
zvacetl3d : it should be in home/username/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts23:05
RB2ubunubi, no. It's a linux-based game: Nexuiz23:05
Scunizi!restricted | unavailable23:05
ubottuunavailable: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:05
ubunubiRB2:: I have a script do automate this for you everytime you want to launch a game23:05
ubunubirb2: i use it for world of warcraft23:05
woo<EvilDennisR> still no result - error reads "sudo: /etc/init.d/gdm: command not found"23:05
ubunubirb2: i can xfer it to you if you wish23:05
s3ais it possible to make 1 .zip file into two .zip files that u highlight both when needed to extract bcuz i have 4 gb zip file and 2 gb media and i want to transfer it to another comp23:05
EvilDennisRwoo: apt-get update23:05
EvilDennisRwoo: apt-get clean23:06
EvilDennisRwoo: apt-get install --reinstall gdm23:06
woo<EvilDennisR> woooh!23:06
EvilDennisRdid you get a zillion packages updating ?23:06
woo<EvilDennisR> lol - that was different23:06
woo<EvilDennisR> quick scrollthrough of stuff and then tried it and 1 replacement something23:07
RB2ubunubi, I was just going to create a shell script to replace compiz with metacity and upon game closure, re-instate compiz. But, I'd like to take a look at how you're doing it. That would be great.23:07
EvilDennisRwoo: Ok,23:07
elliotjhevildennisr try sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart if still no luck23:07
woo<EvilDennisR>unpacked replacement gdm23:07
EvilDennisRelliotjh: he had stale deb packages I think23:07
zvacetl3d : or under /usr/share/nautilus-scripts and maybe sym link is broken just a guess23:07
s3aany1 no how to make compressed .zip files (or other compression format files) be encrypted to the point where u would need a password to see the name of the files or to access the files?23:07
RB2ubunubi, although this still looks like a bug I need to address w/ #compiz-fusion23:07
elliotjhevildennisr - yeah, typed that in before seeing that23:08
ubunubirb2: not really, it's expected behaviour with the way compiz currently functions, it will make more sense when you see the script23:08
zyx386i chose best xhtml/css/php editor on ubuntu like Notepad++?23:08
jribs3a: I use tar and gpg23:08
woo<EvilDennisR> sorry for being a pain but your rewards will come like good karma23:08
tilgovielliotjh: Apparently all I had to do was open it in nautilus first, have gnome recognize the disc.  Then it worked fine23:08
woo<EvilDennisR> do i reboot now>?23:08
EvilDennisRwoo: no, try the gdm restart again23:08
ubunubiRb2:: make sure to set that file as "executable"23:09
woo<EvilDennisR>still not found23:09
EvilDennisRwoo: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm23:09
elliotjhtilgovi - odd you shouldn't have to do that. glad its working though23:09
ubunubirb2: then edit it and replace INSERTYOURPROGRAMRUNCOMMANDHERE23:09
woo<EvilDennisR> it's the command thats not found?23:09
Agent_bobs3a umm build the archive and then encript it with one of the standard utils for file envription ?     would that work for you ?23:09
s3ajrib gpg is a program?23:09
jrib!gpg | s3a23:09
RB2ubunubi, thanks. I understand why it needs to be done (window manager switched, etc.). I just meant that fusion-icon, although set correctly, would not display my effects. That's buggy23:09
ubottus3a: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts23:09
Scuniziunavailable: get it working?23:10
elliotjhevildennisr it needs an action like restart23:10
unavailablescunizi  nope, tryin to uninstall the aac and wmv right now23:10
ubunubiRB2: Normally you can "toggle" it using the fusion-icon menu and it'll kinda do the same thing as the script..but the script is cleaner23:10
Pollywogisn't gpg the command and the program called gnupg?23:10
unavailablethat way i can reinstall23:10
zvacetl3d : ok like it works or something else23:10
EvilDennisRelliotjh: i told him /etc/init.d/gdm restart23:10
jribPollywog: yes23:10
l3dhow do I know if its broken23:10
s3ajrib: ill use tar.gz or wtv but can u explain gpg?23:10
Scuniziunavailable: you won't need to reinstall.. it'll see it.23:10
woo<EvilDennisR> syntax error: missing required peramiter (haven't seen a syntax error since '85 with my dragon 64 - lol)23:10
EvilDennisRelliotjh: oh for invoke-rc23:10
ubunubiRB2: even if it says COMPIZ..toggle to metacity...then toggle back to compiz and you get your effects back...normally :) if not, hit reload after having toggled from MC>compiz>reload23:10
EvilDennisRwoo: ls /etc/init.d/|grep gdm23:11
Scuniziunavailable: not like windows.. where if it isn't there to begin with then you have to..23:11
zvacetl3d : maybe because isn´t work anymore23:11
elliotjhevildennisr yeah23:11
RB2ubunubi, I certainly hope that's not an intended behavior. :-P23:11
EvilDennisRwoo: either it will say gdm, or return nothing23:11
RB2ubunubi, thanks for your help!23:11
EvilDennisR!hi | abdel23:11
ubottuabdel: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:11
ubunubiRb2: np. enjoy the script. :)) makes loading World of Warcraft in WINE a breeze23:11
jribs3a: gpg -c FILE      that's all you need (see man gpg and the documentation on its home page for more details)23:11
l3d<zvacet> well I know its not where it supposed to be23:12
woo<EvilDennisR> gdm.multi-save23:12
unavailableScunizi well ive tried vlc, no luck  says its playin, acts like its playin but no sound.... my sound works...  but not from vlc or totem23:12
zvacetl3d : tell me where you can not find it23:12
EvilDennisRwoo: /etc/init.d/gdm.multi-save restart23:12
Scuniziunavailable: so you can see but not hear?23:12
clintchanceWhen i enable the Enhanced effects into ubuntu and it gives me a white screen does that mean that my ati card is not supported?23:13
Scuniziunavailable: video?23:13
unavailablenot sure bout video23:13
elliotjhevildennisr have you checked to see if kdm got left behind? has happened to me before23:13
yoyomaHow do i find if i am using eth0 or wlan023:13
EvilDennisRelliotjh: we -did -purge it should be gone23:13
woo<EvilDennisR> -bash: /etc.init.d/gdm.multisave: no such file or directory23:13
l3d <zvacet> ok when I added the script before along with all the other scripts in synaptic they used to be in the right click menu inside of nautilus now there is nothing23:13
EvilDennisRyoyoma: ifconfig23:13
zyx386what is best html/css editor on ubuntu like notepad++ on windows?23:13
EvilDennisRwoo: You typed it in wrong23:13
erUSUL!best | zyx38623:14
ubottuzyx386: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:14
Scuniziunavailable: try changing to alsa.. instead of pulse audio. another way is to close vlc.. open terminal and killall pulseaudio then reopen vlc or totem.23:14
EvilDennisRwoo: /etc/init.d/gdm*hit tab* restart23:14
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code23:14
funk_Is it possible to make a ppa for .deb packages?23:14
ubunubiEvilDennisR: thanks for taking over with Woo.  his apt issues stepped beyond my boundaries as a newbie, especially not knowing what commands he previously ran23:14
Agent_bobEvilDennisR also you might have woo run startx to be sure that the gui will work and give him a more comfortable platform to work from.23:14
Flannelzyx386: Check out bluefish23:14
woo<EvilDennisR> woooh!23:14
erUSUL!html > zyx38623:14
zyx386Flannel, is not correct with syntax23:14
jribfunk_: yes, launchpad will give you one23:15
jrib!ppa > funk_ (read the private message from ubottu)23:15
l3d <zvacet> I see all the shell scripts in the usr/share/nautilus scripts folder but nothing in the .gnome2/nautilus one23:15
zvacetl3d : see if is it still in /home/username/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts if it is delete it and reinstall following link I posted to you23:15
woo<EvilDennisR> it's a bit weird23:15
zyx386!iam not newuser > erUSUL23:15
lee_hi does anybody have any experience setting up ATi drivers on hardy?23:15
EvilDennisRwoo: what exactly23:15
funk_jrib: tnx. I just created one, but I can't find how to upload them. Do you know how to do it?23:15
jribfunk_: did you read through the link ubottu gave?23:16
wooopen: permition denied *stopping gnome manager open permition denied failed etc23:16
funk_jrib: yup, I have checked that link, I'll read it again23:16
jribfunk_: pay attention to the dput usage part23:17
EvilDennisRwoo: run it with sudo23:17
erUSULzyx386: so?23:17
zvacetl3d : ln -sf /usr/share/nautilus-scripts/* ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts23:17
lee_i'm experiencing a crash every time i run anything 3d in opengl. I have ATi x800 pro. has anyone got any experience or ideas?23:17
EvilDennisRwoo: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm*tab* restart23:17
s3ajrib i did gpg -c on the i wanted, for a 4 gb .zip file, is it normal for it to take a wile?23:17
jribs3a: yes23:17
woo<EvilDennisR>ok yes lol23:17
EvilDennisRsorry, I just assume everyone has a root shell.. I'm old skool23:17
l3d whta do i put that in terminal23:17
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woo<EvilDennisR> failed to start X etc would i like to diagnise problem23:17
s3ajrib: k, so in that case, it should be working cuz it asked me to enter and reenter passphrase :) thx sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much23:18
zvacetl3d : this      ln -sf /usr/share/nautilus-scripts/* ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts23:18
EvilDennisRwoo: no23:18
jribs3a: no problem23:18
EvilDennisRwoo: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg23:18
ryancranyone know if there is any daily iso of intrepid yet?23:18
erUSULryancr: #ubuntu+123:18
woo<EvilDennisR> correction did i want to see the output to diagnose the pronblem23:18
l3dty very much23:18
EvilDennisRwoo: no23:18
ryancrerUSUL: tryed there, no answer yet ;)23:19
EvilDennisRwoo: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg23:19
l3d worked23:19
ubunubiEvilDennisr: awww, i started him with sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg ...guess I worked in the wrong direction !!23:19
clintchanceIs there a cache for madwifi23:19
zvacetl3d :yes but it is not for all system you should go it with all users if you want all of them can use nautilus-scripts23:19
ubunubiEvilDennisr: who knew it ran so deep? :P23:19
clintchancelike maby a repository23:19
EvilDennisRubunubi: close..23:19
woo<EvilDennisR> very close lol23:19
woo<EvilDennisR> ready23:20
EvilDennisRubunubi: I wanna know what idiot had him doing shit to fsck this up23:20
l3dI am only one23:20
EvilDennisRwoo: do the gdm restart command again23:20
akallabeth,seen lux23:20
l3d wifes not touching my pc laughing out loud23:20
woo<EvilDennisR> i'll kill them lol23:20
EvilDennisR'fo wheels23:20
l3d beside she has her own23:20
ubunubiEvilDennisR: God only knows23:20
zvacetl3d : I believe you but you have two acccounts didn´t you23:20
KakuradyI suspect PulseAudio is borked because streaming music won't work in Banshee and Rhythmbox, and Amarok freezes, but ALSA still works. How do I restart PulseAudio, and will it help?23:20
ubunubiWOO:: in the future, keep a LOG of all commands you are told to use, when you're out of your element. It'll help people help you later when it's foobar23:20
woo<EvilDennisR> this is my missis lappy and it still works23:20
HardDiskKakurady, it will be fixed with 8.04.123:20
* rifux Salut23:20
ScuniziKakurady: pulseaudio from terminal23:20
l3d i guess so root and me23:20
HardDiskKakurady, they had a meeting about that issue.23:20
dMartin38<woo> good practice, ehh?23:21
solexious[Q] I have to open places->network 3 times before it shows up, then 3 open23:21
woo<EvilDennisR> will do, it ready for next commant23:21
EvilDennisRwoo: did gdm start ?23:21
KakuradyScunizi: Then PulseAudio applet will tell me it can't authorize with the server.23:21
Agent_bobubunubi will his ~/.bash_history not keep the log for him ?23:21
EvilDennisRAgent_bob: yes23:21
EvilDennisRAgent_bob: I was just about to mention that23:21
woo<EvilDennisR> very good practice indeed, no gdm this time23:21
zvacetl3d : are you telling me that you use username which you typed during install as your default account23:21
EvilDennisRwoo: What did it say23:22
ubunubiAgent_bob: But I don't know how long the default is set to keep that log23:22
ScuniziKakurady: that was just to restart pulseaudio in it's current config.. not to fix what you're experiencing.. sorry can't help with that.23:22
HardDiskbtw if anyone cares btw if anyone cares and wish to help vouch for my ubuntu membership ( wiki.ubuntu.com/SamAzab ), the meeting will be on #ubuntu-meeting in freenode at whatever your timezone will be http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=6&day=17&year=2008&hour=18&min=0&sec=0&p1=023:22
ffmHey, I've somehow borked my 'buntu install. How can I get a list of all installed packages so I can reinstall them after a reinstall of the OS?23:22
EvilDennisRubunubi: it keeps it forever23:22
HardDiskmeh two btw's stupid typo's23:22
woo<EvilDennisR> i did have it when it asked if i wanted to diagnose i said no and then the last commant23:22
JannoTTcan somebody help me with xubuntu? i moved gamma sliders out of position in display settings and there is no default option/button....23:22
EvilDennisRubunubi: or until it gets filled with newer typed commands =)23:22
ubunubiEvilDennisR: Good to know, thanks!23:22
Agent_bobubunubi until the "$LogFileSize" is reached,  then it starts to turncate it23:23
EvilDennisRwoo: so you ran the dpkg-reconfigure then gdm restart -- what happened23:23
zyx386erUSUL, thanx for bot message, but is some spell errom, "Composer" is wrong "Compozer" is true ;)23:23
zvacetl3d : don´t do that make another account without admin rights and use it for your daily work23:23
gorbyhi, ive started useing newsgroup readers since installing ubuntu, is there a program i can install that will let me get headers from a specfic day only? thuderbird doesnt seem to have this feature23:23
woo<EvilDennisR> failed again, blue screen with text box prompt in middle23:23
Scunizigorby: FF has a reader but I've never used it.23:23
EvilDennisRwoo: Ok, hit diagnose, then scroll all the way to the bottom23:24
zvacetl3d : sorry?23:24
EvilDennisRwoo: I am guessing it says something like no screens found23:24
solexious[Q] I have to open places->network 3 times before it shows up, then 3 open... any ideas?23:24
Agent_bobJannoTT set to what looks best to you.    "defaults" are only starting points on the long road to "just right"23:24
l3dmaking one now23:24
unavailablescunizi  killall pulseaudio did the trick23:24
unavailablethx man23:24
EvilDennisRI'm about 3 commands away from having woo give me a shell on his box to fix this23:24
woo<EvilDennisR> gdm: Xserver not found: /opt/userful/bin.login-server :0 -auth /var/lib/23:25
ubunubiEvilDennisR: lol, that would be great23:25
MrKeunerhi, I put in a dvd and nautilus opens failing to show the contents. I think dvd's fs is UDF. Is there a problem in ubuntu mounting udf-fs?23:25
lejonSolexious, it starts at the first click but it takes a little time for it to show up, so when you've pressed it three times it starts 3 sessions of network manager23:25
zvacetl3d : ok sorry I´m not that good in English23:25
ubunubiEvilDennisR: I want a spectator shell to watch23:25
Scuniziunavailable: works in some games too.23:25
EvilDennisRwoo: adduser dennisr23:25
EvilDennisRwoo: =)23:25
EvilDennisRis this laptop behind a firewall or anything like that which would prevent me from sshing to it ?23:25
=== gorby is now known as g0rby
Agent_bobsshd is not installed by default23:26
=== g0rby is now known as gorbeh
woo<EvilDennisR>possibly not an issue but can we chat private first23:26
EvilDennisRapt-get install sshd23:26
EvilDennisRor is it ssh?23:26
=== gorbeh is now known as g0rb3h
EvilDennisRapt-get install ssh23:26
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:26
Agent_bobyeah ssh23:26
l3dwhat group should the user be in23:26
MrKeunerubottu udf23:26
ubottuFactoid udf not found23:26
solexiouslejon: I have tested this theroy, even if i wait 10 mins it doesnt start up till 3 clicks23:27
ata2what's a small (<=13") laptop with graphics card integrated and perfectly hackintoshable?23:27
ata2perfectly == all peripherics23:27
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solexious3 mins with only <3% cpu load23:27
lejonsolexious, hmm weird, because when you've clicked 3 times, you've told it to start 3 sessions of network manager, and that is why one click only opens one session23:27
g0rb3hwell all the readers i ty have the feature to get n# of days worth of headders but none from a specifc day, its a bit of  pain downloading masses of headers when u know what day the article u want was published =)23:27
Agent_bobl3d command   groups   will show what groups a user is in23:27
solexiouslejon: yer, seems to get stuck, any suggestions of whet to reinstall?23:28
lejonsolexious, atleast it should just open one session of it23:28
zvacetl3d : he wil ad itself to the group with same name as username23:28
lejonsolexious, have you tried wicd instead of network manager? Or tried removing network manager and reinstalling it?23:28
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solexiouslejon: can i use wicd at the same time as network manager installed, and what should i uninstall using snyaptic to uninstall natwork manager23:29
lejonsolexious, if you install wicd, the network manager gets uninstalled at the same time23:30
Spud___Hello, I have two questions that I really hope someone could help me with.  First, how do I get the sound that goes into my microphone to stop playing back to me over my speakers?23:30
zvacetl3d : in users& groups just make new user and give him new password and under advanced uncheck admin rights all other can be checked23:30
ffmHey, I'm getting a weird netboot installer issue on all of my boxen: "Loading kickseed-common failed for  unknown reasons. Aborting" (screen turns red, etc) Any ideas?23:30
solexiouslejon: will give it a try23:30
solexiouslejon: Thank you23:30
elliotjhSpud___ mute the mic channel in volume control23:30
lejonsolexious, but if you just want to reinstall it, then you should go to synaptics, search for network-manager and it will show you which packages you have installed, and you rightclick and chose reinstallation23:31
dktMicrocode SW error arg....23:31
lejonsolexious, no problem ^^Hope it helps23:31
l3dthere is no admin rights under there23:31
unavailablespud___ yer second??23:31
zvacetl3d : privileges or something similar to that23:31
katodadoes anybody know how can I determine which processes are using specific kernel module?23:31
l3dprofile should be what23:31
l3ddesktop user23:31
Chiselhuk_Plus1Good evening Gentlegeeks :) After much blood sweat 'n tears I have Badger running, but it's not connecting to the Net! :(23:31
Agent_bobffm sounds like the server is not setup correctly,  but i'm no spert on that.23:32
zvacetl3d :yes23:32
Spud___What do you mean, "yer second?"23:32
lejonChiselhuk_Plus1, have the right drivers?23:32
ffmAgent_bob: ubuntu.media.mit.edu?23:32
elliotjhspud___ second question please23:32
Agent_bobffm heh  one would hope it was, wouldn't one.23:32
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: Breezy hasn't been supported for over a year now.  You should upgrade to something newer (and your internet will work better)23:32
l3doko made23:33
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Chiselhuk_Plus1Flannel: I tried to install Hardy, didn't work!23:33
l3dnow what23:33
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: Alright, What about dapper?23:33
ffmAgent_bob: I just switched over to the main server, same error.23:33
lejonChiselhuk_Plus1, I agree with Flannel, if hardy didn't work, try feisty?23:33
Spud___Oh, secondly, I want to speak to a contact on Google Talk, but it only works in Windows and not even in Wine.  Is there any other way for me to voice chat with a Google Talk contact?23:33
ffmSpud___: No.23:33
=== SolarisPride is now known as Solaris_Pryde
elliotjhchiselhuk_plus1 try xubuntu23:33
Chiselhuk_Plus1Flannel: I had this Badger online yesterday.....don't know what changed!23:33
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: What didn't work with the Hardy install, by the way?23:33
l3d I would like the theme and stuff like that to stay the same for him as well as me23:33
zvacetl3d : do you have new user? try to eboot and login as that user23:33
ffmSpud___: You can try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12703523:34
elliotjhspud___ try kopete that does voice23:34
Chiselhuk_Plus1Flannel: It froze at 94%23:34
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: that's a bad burn, did the CD verify properly?23:34
Spud___Okay, and if I mute the Mic channel, will my mic still work?  Because I want it to work, I just want it to not play over the speakers23:34
Soulwarpelliotjh: kopete does voice?23:34
elliotjhspud___ yup23:35
Spud___OK thank you23:35
Agent_bobFlannel or possably ram shortage.  the required ram is higher in later versions23:35
elliotjhsoulwarp - I assume so - it does camera23:35
Chiselhuk_Plus1Flannel: Badger's up 'n running fine, and had access 2 the Net b4....but not now, is there anything we can check?23:35
erUSULSpud___: any jabber client (and there are many including pidgin) can act as Gtalk client23:35
Chiselhuk_Plus1Flannel: It's directly connected to my router, nothing changed hardware wise23:35
MrKeunerhi, doesn't hardy have udf support? at least by default?23:35
unavailableok i know this isnt #networking  but i doubt that exists, #dd-wrt are less than  helpful and i dont know anywhere else to ask...   my router (wrt54g) will not give my compaq a dhcp assignment.  my compaq is connected to a wap54g with dd-wrt firmware, and then wirelessly to the wrt54g (linksys fw).  the wrt54g hands the laptops (wifi) ip's and the other box (wired to the wrt) an ip.  but when...23:36
unavailable...i try to connect dhcp, nothing.  i send discover, no offer....  to my memory i did not change anything on either, the only thing that i can think is I was running transmission and the connection was cut (the wap was powered off).  ive tried hard resetting both, and the only thing that results, is i have to set up the network again.  what would be causing this?23:36
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: I haven't dealt with Breezy for... a while.  Is this DHCP?23:36
zvacetChiselhuk_Plus1 : maybe network settings are not saved23:36
Chiselhuk_Plus1Flannel: U ask like I know!! lol I'm a novice, really AND a woman! lol23:36
Chiselhuk_Plus1zvacet: We had no network settings saved23:37
sjoerd    23:37
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:37
pedro_eu tou a usar pt23:37
elliotjhchiselhuk_plus1 if you have a modern router it uses DHCP23:37
zvacetChiselhuk_Plus1 : that ca be problem don´  t you think  ;)23:37
l3dok I need to make everything look there like it does here first23:38
ffmpedro_: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugu?s. Obrigado.23:38
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: Alright, uh, alt-f2, gedit /etc/network/interfaces, do you see 'iface eth0 inet dhcp'?23:38
zvacetl3d : but new user works isn´t it23:38
Chiselhuk_Plus1Flannel: Plse slow down 'n explain step by step.23:38
l3dyes I got in23:38
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: I just did.  hit alt-f2, type "gedit /etc/network/interfaces" and then check to see if that line is there23:39
unavailableallright can anyone recommend where i might be able to ask the above question??23:39
Coiotes_How can I set a folder/HDD's owner to be "all" or "none"23:39
unavailablesince i am getting nothing from #dd-wrt?23:39
Agent_bobunavailable ##linux23:39
druhey my printer wasnt working but i kinda got it working .. but this happens ... http://img34.picoodle.com/img/img34/4/6/13/f_Screenshotm_abb1843.png .... any ideas?23:39
elliotjhunavailable do they have a forum?23:39
Agent_bobunavailable ##linuxhelp also23:39
erUSULCoiotes_: those any of those users exist on your ystem??23:39
unavailableagent_bob but this isnt a linux problem23:39
zvacetl3d : you will use account with admin privileges only if you want to install reinstall compile....administrative task for all other things you will use new user account23:40
unavailableits a networking problem...23:40
Chiselhuk_Plus1Flannel: It's just loaded a blank gedit23:40
Agent_bobunavailable ##windows then23:40
Coiotes_erUSUL: it's an external HDD I'll be using on multiple systems.23:40
cannonballIn ubuntu's bug tracker on launchpad there is a feature request (id #162253) for hpn-ssh patch to be rolled in to openssh or made into an alternative package.  It's a high performance patch that creates variable size tcp windows (doesn't touch anything security related).  Has anybody stumbled across a package with this patch applied?23:40
unavailableagent_bob its a problem directly related to my wap and wrt, nothing to do with any type of os23:40
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: Oh, sorry.  /etc/network/interface not interfaces23:40
Agent_bobunavailable is it a linux system ?     that's close enough for the guys in ##linux23:40
erUSULCoiotes_: you can not assing ownership to an unexisting user afaik23:40
l3d<zvacet> ok deal will do but I need the theme or look I have set here there for that user is there a easy way to do this as it took me a long time to get it to look like it does23:41
hurrrtinis there a switch for apt-get to tell it not to stop/start services during install?23:41
Coiotes_erUSUL: There's no way to set the HDD to have no owners?23:41
Agent_bobunavailable but really if you don't want answers,  don't ask questions.   ;/23:41
erUSULCoiotes_: which fs is it formatted?23:41
Chiselhuk_Plus1Flannel: Error msg: "There is no default action associated with this location"23:42
cannonballerUSUL: chown will accept numbers (as opposed to user:group names) so that you can assign that file to be owned by uid you want.23:42
unavailableagent_bob  i found ##networking23:42
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: gedit /etc/network/interface23:42
Coiotes_erUSUL: ext323:42
zvacetl3d : I reaky don´t know I keep my simple as it is possible23:42
s3ajrib: the gpg thing, how would i uncompress it? with terminal or gui? and can compress folders that are not compressed files?23:42
* Toxic sighs23:42
erUSULcannonball: but that number will/may map to a user on a random system23:42
Chiselhuk_Plus1Flannel: That's what I typed23:42
erUSULcannonball: the number is the user and viceversa23:43
LzrWell, after hours of frustration and dead ends, finally got 8.04 installed. Woohoo!23:43
l3d<zvacet> mine too just that I have  colors/fonts and everything set here23:43
ShaddaAnyone mind helping with Compiz? The water effect (Super + CTRL) works but the cube, nor anything else, does23:43
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: With the gedit?23:43
Chiselhuk_Plus1Flannel: Yes23:43
coopsterI want to ditch GNOME and install Xubuntu to get a snappier interface.  I'm not entirely clear on the line between "GNOME" and "applications installed on my machine."  If I ditch GNOME, do I lose all the network-manager and power manager features as well?23:43
sagredo_how do I enable winRAR extraction in Hardy23:43
ubottuFactoid winrar not found23:43
blankheadhow do i increase the partition size of a ubuntu installation..i didnt use wubi, i installed on seperate partiotions.  anyway i could do it simply like u can in vista?23:43
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: Alright, open up a terminal, cat /etc/network/interface23:43
Baron1984coopster: Going from GNOME to XFCE is kind of pointless23:43
yell0wcoopster: you don't loose them, they're still installed, just not started by default23:44
ouellettesrhow can i control the parallell port in ubuntu?23:44
DoYouKnowShadda: did you try a different version? or looking up that bug. try looking up the bug first and if there's still no luck try a different version of compiz23:44
elliotjhsagredo apt get install unrar23:44
s3acoopster: power management ya i thin if ur talking bout sudo aptitude installing other gui and removing gnome23:44
coopsterBaron1984: Why would you say that?23:44
zvacetl3d : in other hand I don´t see why not probably you can do that I´m just not right person to ask because I don´t know answer to that23:44
Baron1984coopster: It doesn't use that much fewer resources, performance is about the same23:44
Baron1984I'd only use it on a severely low end system23:44
yell0wBaron1984: what's a snappy one then ?23:44
Chiselhuk_Plus1Flannel: Is there a space between cat 'n the first /?23:44
ToxicIn all my switching of video cards I've somehow managed to fry my on board NIC today.. system detects it (lspci and ifconfig show it) but the smell of burnt silicon and the fact the system said NIC failure durring POST (only twice though..) makes me think its dead.. no link light so anyone have any ideas or is it dead (brb sticking in pci eithernet =p)23:44
Baron1984probably Enlightenment23:44
DoYouKnowShadda: and if that doesn't work, come back here and seek someone's help with the exact error, which you get from launching compiz --replace from a terminal prompt23:45
Flannelcoopster: You don't necessarily, no.  If you remove ubuntu, and move to xubuntu, you'll have xubuntus versions.23:45
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: there is.23:45
l3dok here is another question them will i have to switch users if i have to do a sudo23:45
Chiselhuk_Plus1Flannel: If yes, there's another error msg "No such file or dir"23:45
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: cat is a program, /etc/network/interface is the file23:45
s3aBaron1984: u can always use fluxbuntu or ubuntu with fluxbox23:45
ubunubiEvilDennisR: When you're done helping woo, I've got a few PM questions for ya if you don't mind, just shoot me a PM23:45
EvilDennisRubunubi: k23:45
hydesterhi.  i am trying to make ssh not accept passwords, just keys.  i read that i need to change set ChallengeResponseAuthentication to yes.  this didn't work since i can still log in without the key.  how do you allow keys only?23:45
s3aBaron1984: if ur looking for spped i mean23:45
keithclarkIs it possible to start an ssh session from windows and run an application?23:45
yell0wkeithclark: putty23:46
keithclarkOn a Linux machine?23:46
Baron1984s3a: OpenGEU is good for speed without compromising the GUI too badly23:46
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: blah.  Ive confused myself again.  its interfaces.  Wonder what your error was the first time.  Oh, blank, thats right.  `cat /etc/network/interfaces`  sorry, been a long day apparently.23:46
erUSULkeithclark: graphical?23:46
Baron1984it's an unofficial Ubuntu with Enlightenment23:46
EvilDennisRhydester: ChallengeResponseAuthentication no23:46
Scunizihydester: not sure but I think you have to restart the ssh demon23:46
keithclarkerUSUL: yes, graphical23:46
EvilDennisRhydester: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart23:46
EvilDennisRhydester: ssh-keygen23:46
clintchanceWhen loging in i get an eror saying that something has ignored a file in the $HOME by the name of .dmr or something to that effect and that i need to setup chmod and chown stuff on it.Anyone know what im talking about and most importantly how to fix it?23:46
EvilDennisRhydester: cd .ssh/23:46
Chiselhuk_Plus1Flannel: BINGO, the "s" helped...now wot do u need 2 know?23:46
erUSULkeithclark: there a few xservers for windows you can try that...23:46
EvilDennisRhydester: cp id_dsa.pub authorized_keys23:47
hydesterEvilDennisR... no makes it not use the keys at all23:47
keithclarkerUSUL: I will Google them, thanks.23:47
coopsterWell, I have a fairly powerful system (AMD Athlon 64X2 6000+ w/ 4gigs RAM), but I get sluggish response and delay from a lot of applications.  How would I go about finding the causes for this?23:47
=== Coiotes_ is now known as Coiotes
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: "iface eth0 inet dhcp" is that there?23:47
EvilDennisRhydester: copy authorized_keys to what ever machine you want to ssh TO with out a password23:47
Chiselhuk_Plus1Flannel: eth0 is there, but not the entire phrase as u put it!23:47
erUSULkeithclark: http://www.straightrunning.com/XmingNotes/23:47
EvilDennisRhydester: make sure id_dsa is on the machine you're sshing FROM23:47
EvilDennisRhydester: Do what I said and it will work23:47
ubunubiCOOPSTER: http://www.latencytop.org/23:48
dMartin38Nasty Theme : Has anyone tips for attaching SERIAL Scanner (com1..) ??23:48
keithclarkerUSUL: Thank you kindly!23:48
hydesterEvilDennisR... i  just set it to "no" and it asks for a password.  when "yes" it doesn't23:48
ubunubicoopster: that program shows you a "top" like output, that shows you what is causing latency anywhere on your system :) like a resource manager23:48
sagredo_what to install for .rar23:48
hydesterEvilDennisR, i have been using keys.  but i want it to only use keys and deny users withuot keys, not offering a password23:48
l3d ok does anyone know a way or if it can be done to apply the theme/profile settings from one user to another i.e would like the colors/fonts/theme settings from this user to my other user?23:48
clintchance>> it also says i need to set the file to 644 i did that set the user to clint and i still got the error. Does it need to be a root file?23:48
Agent_bobcoopster you'll laugh when i say this.   but;  too much ram.23:48
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: What is in there then?  iface eth0 inet static? (and then some more lines?)23:48
Ahadielsagredo_, sudo apt-get install unrar23:48
sagredo_Ahadiel: thanks23:49
Teeeddoes anybidy know hot to leave running process in background?23:49
Teeedand after i exit session it work at background?23:49
Agent_bobTeeed &23:49
Teeedit works23:49
Teeedbefore i upgrade -,-23:49
FlannelTeeed: screen is probably the best method23:49
Agent_bobTeeed nohup23:49
Chiselhuk_Plus1Flannel: "iface lo inet loopback" "map eth0" "script grep"23:49
dMartin38:teeed  first look up by top, then kill by ID23:49
hydesterEvilDennisR, i take that back.  it doesn't change anything.  /etc/ssh/sshd_config?23:50
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: that's it?  Interesting.  Especially that  script grep part.  Sounds like somebody screwed somethign up.23:50
Teeedteeed@teeedserw:~$ php5 polSZMELC.php > /dev/null &23:50
Teeed[1] 586123:50
Teeedteeed@teeedserw:~$ exit23:50
TeeedThere are stopped jobs.23:50
FloodBot1Teeed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:50
Teeed[1]+  Stopped                 php5 polSZMELC.php > /dev/null23:50
coopsterAgent_bob: hrmm... you're right, I'll need more explaining for that one.  Unless you mean that I have more than I need and not that the extra RAM is actually causing the problem23:50
Agent_bobTeeed nohup23:50
Chiselhuk_Plus1Flannel: What now, can you fix it?? lol23:50
FlannelTeeed: nohub or screen23:50
Agent_bobcoopster more than 2g can cause slower response time   but i'm not sure why.23:51
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: sure, make the file this: auto lo\n iface lo inet loopback\n\nauto eth0\niface eth0 inet dhcp.  To change it, you'll need to use sudo.  alt-f2 again, then `gksu "gedit /etc/network/interfaces"`, and then you'll be able to save23:52
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: each \n in there is a carriage return, not a literal "\n", obviously.23:52
ubunubiAgent_bob:: I'd guess cause of his swappiness value with that much ram23:53
Teeedhohup eats a lot of CPU23:53
Agent_bobTeeed my first answer "&"  was to your first quesstion "howto background a process" you then added "and it remain running when i exit"  so the answer changed from "&" to "nohup"  and as flannel pointed out or "screen"23:53
Teeedi type23:54
Chiselhuk_Plus1Flannel: I'm having big problems, any chance u can pm me?23:54
Agent_bobubunubi possably.23:54
Teeednohup php5 sss.php &23:54
FlannelChiselhuk_Plus1: /join #ubuntu-classroom23:54
Teeedit stay in background23:54
Teeedall is okay.. but cpu usage no...23:54
=== Bodsda is now known as Bubblebot
ubunubiCoopster:: you still there?23:55
=== Bubblebot is now known as Bodsda
hydesterEvilDennisR, i got it.  I had to include this:  PasswordAuthentication no23:56
ShaddaI'm getting no error from compiz --replace, and desktop cube is enabled23:56
Shaddahowever either I'm completely lost on how to use it, or it's simply not working23:56
coopsterubunubi: yes, did I miss something?23:56
coopsterubunubi: (i've changed my swappiness to 023:56
ubunubiCoopster::  sudo -i echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness    and run your system for awhile and see if it's any snappier23:56
ubunubicoopster: oh okay23:57
ubunubicoopster: did it help?23:57
sudobashi have got a computer store about to be giving away free Ubuntu dics...23:57
coopsterubunubi: Too soon to say.  With latencytop, is there an easy way to install this or must I patch the kernel manually>23:57
=== Lurkinson is now known as Lurkinator
ubunubicoopster: not sure. I only had LatencyTop bookmarked in Firefox as a "to checkout later" item, and it came to mind when you asked about it. I haven't had experience with it myself, but it sounded perfect for the information you wanted to know, in probably, very verbose/precise terms ;)23:58
sudobashwere going to give ubuntu away and then make money by teaching people how to use it23:59
sudobashlike thoroughly23:59

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