
_W_how do I bzr push with ssh to launchpad from Windows? there's no ~/.ssh, so obviously bazaar doesn't know where to find my private key00:37
wgrant_W_: That's probably more of a #bzr question.00:39
_W_yeah nevermind, didn't have pageant running00:42
lifelesswgrant: its relevant to #launchpad because #launchpad offers bzr hosting :P00:54
wgrantlifeless: Perhaps. But a more useful response would likely have appeared more rapidly in #bzr.00:58
lifelesswgrant: my point is that lurkers here that want to help (which you appear to be) should expect to develop some bzr skills00:59
* wgrant unfortunately lacks experience in bzr on Windows.01:00
persiaWhy is this unfortunate?01:00
wgrantBecause it would have been useful 20 minutes ago01:00
persiaAh.  I'd think you were fortunate not to have gained the experience, but I can see how it might help to be able to point to pageant quickly.01:01
lifelesswgrant: well you have some now, you see :P01:01
wgrantYeah, I wasn't sure how SSH support would work on Windows.01:01
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PengAre you planning to add bzr+http support to bazaar.launchpad.net?02:20
PengStatistics would be interesting, like what it did to server load, bandwidth usage, etc.02:21
PengSame with when the branch mirroring thingy is upgraded to a version of bzr that auto-detects bzr+http.02:21
owhHow is it possible that a person who creates a launchpad team can add me to that team without my permission or consent?02:23
persiaowh: Because you're a person, and not a team.  You can also remove yourself.02:24
persiaPersonally, I find it convenient to say "Please add me to team foo", and have someone do it without further action on my part, although I can see the downside as well.02:25
owhNo, I'm not sure I'm getting my meaning across. This person created a team while I was asleep - literally - and I woke with an email that said that I was now part of that team.02:26
owhApart from the breach of trust that this entails, the person is using the team membership as a means to garner credibility and perceived support.02:26
persiaowh: That's an interesting use of a team, and definitely supports only sending invitations to those who are not already proposed members.02:27
owhSo, how did they add me to the team at all?02:28
persiaowh: Team admins have an interface to add people to the team.02:28
PengCredibility and support for what? Just a software project?02:28
persiaThis currently sends an invitation if the object being added is a team, and just adds if the object being added is a person.02:29
persiaPeng: Not all teams on LP are software teams.  Some of the teams are decidedly odd.02:29
owhubuntu-marketing is in a phase of transition. There are some who feel there should be a board with directors, one of those created a team called ubuntu-marketing-core and added two people to the team - I've not spoken to the other person yet - they're still asleep, but I'm fairly sure they will also object to this as we both think there is no need.02:30
owhSo, it "feels" like a political grab for ground.02:31
owhRather than discussion that comes to consensus.02:31
persiaowh: Right.  Nothing you can do now except remove yourself, which puts you permanently on the "former members" list.02:31
owhHence my question about "How can this happen at all?" It's like I got subscribed to a mailing list without my consent, next thing I know I'll be fixing bugs I know nothing about :)02:32
* persia thought owh did that anyway02:32
owhHeh, touche :)02:32
persiaNo, it's a good thing :)02:33
owhpersia: Of course the difference is that I'm volunteering to fix bugs I know nothing about, rather than being drafted :)02:33
owhSo, is this phenomenon a "bug" or a "feature", or abuse of power?02:34
persiaowh: It's just a previously undocumented use-case.  Probably a bug is the best way to submit for review/consideration.02:35
owhIn my bug report, should I make mention of the team where this occurred, or is that just going to fan the flames?02:44
* owh will err on the side of caution and not make specific references.02:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239909 in launchpad "Team Administrator can arbitrarily add members without any action from the LP user" [Undecided,New] 02:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239911 in launchpad "Former Member management needs preference" [Undecided,New] 03:03
boredandbloggingare LP mailing list requests being approved or is lists.ubuntu.com still the preferred way?04:21
beunoboredandblogging, for ubuntu-related stuff, I believe lists.ubuntu.com is still prefered04:22
beunofor everything else, LP04:22
beunoand hi  :)04:22
boredandbloggingbeuno: yeah, thats what I thought too, was trying to find some mailing list post that stated that04:23
beunoah, I've just read it on IRC a few times, so I don't have such a think04:24
boredandbloggingbeuno: thanks04:27
persiaboredandblogging: Also, both are being approved, but by some of the same people.  l.u.c is generally the right place (as was said).04:30
boredandbloggingpersia: got it04:32
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Hobbseeooh, new icons.12:01
thumperHobbsee: where?12:10
Hobbseethumper: the ones for adding a new upstream task to a bug.12:11
* Hobbsee hasn't seen them that green before12:11
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wgrantHmm, in the new UI, what if I want to add an attachment other than 'Add'?13:15
thumperwgrant: I'm not sure I know what you mean there13:17
wgrantWell, the Subscribers portlet has buttons like '(-) Yourself' and '(+) Someone else'13:17
wgrantSo the '(+) Add' in the attachments portlet must mean that I'm adding an 'Add' attachment.13:18
wgrantOr your UI is inconsistent.13:18
wgrantI find the latter more likely, unfortunately.13:18
thumperwgrant: where are you looking?13:18
wgrantThe new bug page layout - it's only on staging at the moment.13:19
wgranthttps://bugs.staging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wxmaxima/+bug/43150, for example.13:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 43150 in wxmaxima "[SRU] maxima frontends fail to connect" [Medium,Fix released] 13:19
thumperwgrant: please file a bug13:29
wgrantthumper: I've got quite a few to file about it, but I might wait until it actually lands on edge so I know it's not some unfinished version.13:30
thumperwgrant: it won't land on edge until rollout (I think)13:31
thumperwgrant: I'd say file a bug, or they'll think it is ok13:31
thumperwgrant: feel free to say "thumper made me do it"13:31
wgrantthumper: OK, but I was told yesterday that edge update was off only because of speed regressions.13:31
thumperwgrant: yes, that is the case13:32
thumperwgrant: but once we open the database for changes, we no longer release to edge13:32
thumperwgrant: as we can't due to possible database incompatibilities13:32
thumperwgrant: and we have hit that mark13:32
wgrantRight, and that's ~ half-way through the cycle?13:32
wgrantSo I shall file them.13:33
thumperwgrant: theoretically Friday past, but most likely Monday coming13:33
* thumper goes to sleep now13:33
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gianmtguys why leave on the code page the instructions to push the repository like bzr push lp:~poppler-python/poppler-python/trunk if it doesn't work19:36
gianmtjust update the page saying that bzr+ssh:// should be used instead19:36
Penggianmt: Run 'bzr launchpad-login $username'19:53
ddaagianmt: file about displaying "bzr launchpad-login $username" on the code page.20:05
ddaas/file about/file a bug about/20:05
DanielRMWhat's the purpose of the Launchpad IRC channel?20:30
gianmtddaa, I will, thanks20:38
gianmtthanks Peng as well of course :)20:39
ddaaDanielRM: let users talk about launchpad, and get in touch with developers.20:39
ddaaIn the past the development talk happened here too, but it was moved to a private IRC server.20:40
PengDanielRM: Whining when bazaar.launchpad.net is slow. :)20:40
* Peng ducks.20:40
ddaaPeng: that's a very good use20:40
DanielRMddaa: OK. I was just wondering whether you offered any support, in particular support for using Launchpad. :P20:40
ddaado not forget complaining when code imports do not work20:40
ddaathat's one of the support place20:41
ddaathough last I checked the main support forum was answers.launchpad.net/launchpad20:41
* DanielRM groans.20:41
DanielRMI just can't figure out bug submission.20:41
ddaaanswers.l.n is not for bugs20:41
ddaait's for questions, and answers20:42
ddaai.e. support or administrivia20:42
rockstarDanielRM, what's your specific problem?20:43
DanielRMThe miracle of open-source... you can never figure out where you're supposed to be. ;-)20:43
DanielRMrockstar: I just needed help in submitting a bug after an error in, I suspect, Nautilus. The submission forms always confuse me, though; I never know what's expected of me.20:44
rockstarWhat's confusing you?20:44
ddaathat's a launchpad problem, not an open source problem20:44
DanielRMddaa: I know. I'm a strong proponent of open-source really.20:44
rockstarddaa, launchpad has no problems.  :)20:44
rockstarAlso, my poo doesn't stink.20:45
* ddaa does not know how to take that20:46
DanielRMrockstar: figuring out exactly which package from the list offered, for one, or alternatively which project. And then after that I remember quite a few forms which were worded in a way which confused me. :(20:46
ddaaMaybe I could point out that worked on launchpad for 3.5 years20:46
ddaaso I am in a very good position to know that it DOES have problems20:47
ddaaOr maybe I could say something about the smell of my poo.20:47
DanielRMCan I just ask what the fixation here is with poo?20:47
ddaaDanielRM: I'm trying to determine that too. Actually I believe that rockstar has anosmia.20:48
ddaaDanielRM: one technique some people use is "file a bug on some random package or product and wait for people to route the bug to the right place"20:49
ddaahowever it has the unpleasant side effect of generating some ill-will.20:49
ddaaAnother technique is to go on #ubuntu and try to catch the attention of someone who's something intelligent to say.20:50
DanielRMddaa: I would ask what grounds you have for believing that, but I don't think I want to know, given that short of the most worrying situations he'd be better positioned to determine the smell of his own faeces.20:50
rockstarddaa, I'm on the code team.  :)  Thus, saying that nothing I create has problems.  I was being fececious.  :)20:50
ddaaDanielRM: occam's razor20:50
ddaarockstar: that's funny, I was on this team too. You'r probably the poor soul who's been hired to fill my slot.20:51
rockstarDanielRM, #ubuntu-bugs is much more helpful than #ubuntu for things like this.20:51
DanielRMOK, to #ubuntu-bugs it is, then.20:51
DanielRMThanks. :)20:51
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siretarthm. no idea how I did it, but I'm now logged in as bigjools on https://dogfood.launchpad.net/.. hmmm23:24
bigjoolssiretart: thanks for letting me know, I've seen it happen myself too (logged in as others that is)23:25
siretartbigjools: does this happen on edge as well?23:29
sistpotyhm... trying to look at bug #230350 gets me regular timeouts... any idea?23:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 230350 in chmsee "Missing Debian Maintainer field" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23035023:30
bigjoolssiretart: I really, really hope not.  I shut dogfood down for now anyway23:30
sistpoty(I'm using stable btw)23:31
bigjoolstry edge23:33
bdodsonCan anyone help me with this?:  bzr: ERROR: Generic bzr smart protocol error: Permission denied: "Ben Dodson cannot create branches owned by Ben Dodson"23:33
lifelessthats interesting23:46
lifelessmwhudson_: ^ if you are around, or jml: ^23:46
lifelessbdodson: can you start by filing a question on launchpad-bazaar - https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar23:47
mwhudson_i am here but haven't had breakfast yet23:47
lifelessmwhudson_: I'm two hours retarded, whats your excuse23:48
mwhudson_lifeless: weekend?23:48
lifelessmmm, fair enough23:48
cprovsiretart: can you reproduce the problem in dogfood now ?23:50
siretartcprov: it seems I have been 'logged out' now.. however since I don't know how I triggered that, I cannot comment if I can reproduce it or not23:53
cprovsiretart: okay23:54

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