
pFrugalis there a way to set up the battery monitor to display a warning when battery is at 30%17:33
pFrugalis this chat active?17:34
pFrugalsorry... goodbye17:35
paradisebirdhi, i'm going to buy a laptop and i'm open for suggestions, does anyone have any?17:36
paradisebirdanyone? is this totally out of topic with the channel or smt?17:37
pwnguinparadisebird: more like nobody pays close attention17:38
pwnguini hate to be a shill, but there are vendors today that sell Linux appropriate laptops17:38
pwnguinDell and system7617:38
paradisebirdyeah, but not in my country, at least can't find 'em17:39
paradisebirdi live in paraguay17:39
pwnguinhttp://system76.com/ doesnt ship to paraguay17:40
paradisebirdmm, i'll check it out17:40

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