
ubunubicooperster: "LatencyTOP requires some kernel patches to work. These patches are  available from the website for review and I will be posting them as  reply to this announce email as well."  -- From the website00:00
IndyGunFreaksudobash: thats kinda interesting, i imagine you'll fall flat on your face, but..00:00
IndyGunFreakgo for it.00:00
MrKeunerhi, doesn't hardy have udf support? at least by default?00:00
ubunubicoopster: LatencyTOP requires some kernel patches to work. These patches are  available from the website for review and I will be posting them as  reply to this announce email as well."  -- From the website ....Try swappiness 0 first and give it some time...then resort to LatencyTop if you wish00:00
erUSULMrKeuner: it does afaik00:00
MrKeunererUSUL: by default?00:01
Agent_bobMrKeuner yes00:01
MrKeunerAgent_bob: when I insert a udf dvd it shows up empty00:01
Agent_bobMrKeuner grep udf /proc/filesystems00:01
erUSULMrKeuner: /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/fs/udf/udf.ko00:01
Gabe_G23_Would someone tell me how to use a proxy with Transmission in Ubuntu 8.0.4?00:03
Malichow can i zoom in a video with kaffeine?00:03
erUSULGabe_G23_: a proxy with bittorrent ?00:04
Malicis that possible.. i found no option?!!00:04
MrKeunerAgent_bob: udf00:04
Gabe_G23_Yes erUSUL00:04
afallenhopehow do you unzip rar files00:04
grim76afallenhope: use unrar00:05
MrKeunererUSUL: lsmod shows udf00:05
grim76afallenhope: sudo apt-get install unrar00:05
erUSULMrKeuner: what's exactly the problem you have?00:05
afallenhopethank grim7600:05
MrKeunererUSUL: nautilus does not show the contents of the dvd, now movie player plays it00:05
tamstreoa small question: can ubuntu host a mac os x emulator00:05
MrKeunererUSUL: s/now/nor00:06
zvacetafallenhope : sudo apt-get install unrar   after that right click on rar file and unpack here00:06
grim76afallenhope: you are welcome00:06
erUSUL!dvd | MrKeuner00:06
ubottuMrKeuner: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs00:06
erUSULMrKeuner: did you instaled libdvdcss2 ??00:06
MrKeunererUSUL: yes, it plays other encoded dvds. moreover I am not sure if this dvd is encrypted at all, anyways00:07
MrKeunererUSUL: libdvdcss2 is already the newest version.00:07
tamstreoone q: why isn't the dvd support included out pf the box00:07
ffmtamstreo: Legal issues.00:07
tamstreosry for dumb q but I am treo developer...00:07
IndyGunFreaktamstreo: legal issues..00:07
erUSULMrKeuner: are there any read errors on dmesg or /var/log/messages ?? maybe the dvd is just busted00:07
ffmtamstreo: It's illegal for us to ship it./00:07
IndyGunFreak!dvd | tamstreo00:07
ubottutamstreo: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs00:07
ffmtamstreo: And illegal in the US to install it.00:08
tamstreocan't one make it a oneclick downloader00:08
tamstreolike a link on the desktop?00:08
MrKeunererUSUL: syslog does not show any errors, it mounts just fine00:08
ffmtamstreo: That's violation of US law.00:08
MrKeunererUSUL: same dvd plays on macosx00:08
ffmtamstreo: Very shit.00:08
IndyGunFreaktamstreo: you *could*, but technically as said, its a violatin of law.00:08
erUSULMrKeuner: then i dunno :|00:08
Gabe_G23So, did anyone say anything? I was gone for a bit, how do you use a proxy with Transmission (Bit Torrent)00:08
IndyGunFreakmy opinion... if i paid for a DVD, I'm gonna watch it.00:08
ffmIndyGunFreak: Of course.00:08
MrKeunererUSUL: that's a copy dvd of graduation, I don;t think they have encyrpted it at all00:09
tamstreodefinitely IndyGunFreak00:09
tamstreoI filly agree here...00:09
ffmIndyGunFreak: But you paid for that format. Which happens to charge for a reader00:09
tamstreoimho it is your right to do so00:09
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:09
ffmtamstreo: You have _no_ rights, welcome to the DMCA.00:09
IndyGunFreakoh well, when the libdvdcss2 police come knocking, i'll be found guilty00:09
afallenhopeokay unrar isn't unzipping these files00:09
tamstreowell I live in austria00:09
erUSULMrKeuner: as isaid if it just silently fails is hard to know why00:10
BCM43!rar | afallenhope00:10
ubottuafallenhope: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free00:10
tamstreoits imho a bit safer here00:10
tamstreobut palm tried to bust me for my blog00:10
ffmHey, are the passwords outputted by pwgen in normal mode safe to use for a pubicly avalible ssh server?00:10
ffmtamstreo: oooh, linky"?00:10
IndyGunFreaktamstreo: US citizens probably download more illegal crap than a lot of nations combined... its probably safe here, even if illegal00:10
afallenhope!info unrar-free00:10
ubottuunrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20070515-1 (hardy), package size 40 kB, installed size 124 kB00:10
ffmIndyGunFreak: Again, !ot00:10
tamstreoI had insider news00:10
tamstreoand palm wanted the source00:10
IndyGunFreakffm: take a paxil.00:10
BCM43hi CSMan00:10
zvacetafallenhope : sudo apt-get install p7zip p7zip-full00:11
IndyGunFreaktamstreo: who's palm?00:11
tamstreoand tried to fuck me via a hidden clause in the sdk bc I am a dwveloper too00:11
CSMananybody tried Ad-Hoc mode with intel drivers?00:11
tamstreoa company00:11
tamstreothat makes phoones00:11
BCM43!language  | tamstreo00:11
HardDiskI think he meant it as sarcasm tamstreo00:11
ubottutamstreo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:11
coopsterWish I had a phoone.  That'd be much cooler than my phone.00:11
tamstreoluckily austrian law prohibits such clauses else they had me00:11
CSManI can't get my card to broadcast its id00:11
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:11
tamstreosry BCM4300:11
DIFH-icerootis it possible to upgrade from 32bit to 64bit? any experience?00:12
IndyGunFreakCSMan: your card doesnt broadcast its ID, your router does... unless you have some other wireless set up00:12
CSManIndyGunFreak: I'm trying ad-hoc mode to share my laptop's connection00:12
A[D]minS!bcm43xx | tamstreo00:12
ubottutamstreo: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx00:12
tamstreoif anyone wants the story pls come tp offtopi00:12
IndyGunFreakCSMan: have fun w/ that00:12
jo_is there a thread for conky configurations?00:12
CSManIndyGunFreak: heh00:12
HardDisknot all broadcoms work with that link A[D]minS00:12
HardDiskhe has to revise his chipset first.00:13
CSManHardDisk: my chipset?00:13
CSManHardDisk: ipw3945, btw~00:13
* IndyGunFreak is so glad he has Atheros.. :)00:13
afallenhopewell they're multipart files00:13
BCM43A[D]minS: that link is bad, im in the process of getting ubottu to change it00:13
HardDiskCSMan, not you.00:13
CSManso, maybe I'm wasting my time00:13
CSManHardDisk: k00:13
* erUSUL is so glad he has ralink XD00:13
A[D]minSBCM43 aha ok :D00:13
* CSMan is so glad he has window$ xD00:13
IndyGunFreakerUSUL: does ralink work pretty good?00:14
* CSMan rebooting00:14
MrKeunererUSUL: OK, thanks for the help anyways00:14
petrilI am having problems with my sound is this a good channel?00:14
erUSULIndyGunFreak: mine does ;) rt2500pci00:14
HardDiskpetril, what's your issue?00:14
IndyGunFreakpetril: as long as your using ubuntu... its as good as any00:14
IndyGunFreakHardDisk: well, he probably doesn't have any sound..lol00:14
* IndyGunFreak predicts he has that Creative X-fi chipset..00:15
=== Tux is now known as l3d
BCM43wow this is a huge lul00:15
IndyGunFreakwe're waiting on the guy to tell us his sound issue.00:15
petrilalsamixer sees my sound card, it is not muted, and nothing plays00:15
l3dzvacet ok under the new user00:15
HardDiskpetril, have you tried to use alsa instead of "auto" in your sound settings?00:16
IndyGunFreakpetril: run lspci in a terminal, and see how your sound device is identified00:16
BCM43!sound | petril00:16
ubottupetril: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:16
l3d no synaptic or anything like that00:16
petrilwhere would I set that?00:16
afallenhopezvacet: how do you use this? is it GUI?00:16
IndyGunFreakBCM43: is that all you know how to do is trigger ubotu?00:16
HardDiskpetril, read up00:16
BCM43!yes | IndyGunFreak00:16
ubottuFactoid yes not found00:16
HardDiskpetril, it's under system/preference/sound00:16
IndyGunFreakfigures... people think they're smart here cuz they learn a bunch of !00:16
EvilDennisRthats because I have a weird theme00:16
BCM43IndyGunFreak: ubottu just makes things that need to be said a lot much easier.00:17
IndyGunFreakBCM43: i wont' aruge w/ thta, but its annoying as hell.00:17
IndyGunFreakPM it to them00:17
Pwhdaveyhey all00:17
zvacetafallenhope : no it is not right click on file and unpack here00:17
HardDiskBCM43, with >00:17
BCM43IndyGunFreak: they never notice00:17
BCM43i know how to00:17
IndyGunFreakBCM43: then they probably won't bother reading it in the channel.00:18
zvacetl3d : glad to hear that00:18
BCM43IndyGunFreak: they do00:18
* erUSUL agrees with BCM43 they never notice00:18
HardDiskerUSUL, tin foil hat.00:18
* IndyGunFreak disagrees with everyone00:18
IndyGunFreaki read all my PMs, as long as they aren't advertising male bra's..lol00:18
afallenhopezvacet: it says it's not supported00:19
* DIL wants to be smart like IndyGunFreak00:19
afallenhopeit's a part1.rar00:19
IndyGunFreakDIL: its a long, hard road..lol00:19
afallenhopeI have 6 parts..00:19
DjViperlol indy00:19
HardDiskafallenhope, sudo apt-get install unrar rar00:19
DjViperIndyGunFreak: how can you know if you haven't read them? or something :P00:19
HardDiskafallenhope, then right click and unrar it :)00:19
IndyGunFreakDjViper: haven't read what?.. the PMs.. i always read, it just annoys me when i keep getting those male bra PMs, and the ones about skateboarding00:20
IndyGunFreakplus, the names that send the those PMs, have gotten pretty obvious.00:20
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:20
BCM43wow, this is what happens to the channel when nobody needs help00:20
trollboywhat's npviewer00:21
IndyGunFreakBCM43: you should be here around 2-4am.. its a great time.. its like a mix of support, and offtopic.. very laid back.. best time to be here if you ask me00:21
petrilI have set everything in system/preferences sound to alsa, and nothing00:21
Buldorno problem viewer ?00:21
erUSULtrollboy: a hack to use flash on 64 bits00:21
LzrSo, I pop in an installation CD, an error pops up and my system freezes. Is this common ?00:21
zvacetafallenhope : what is not supported00:21
BCM43IndyGunFreak: what timezone?00:21
IndyGunFreakpetril: see how lspci identifies your sound device...00:21
Tsing1Trying to upgrade distro, keep getting "Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/Release Unable to find expected entry  partner/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)" Software sources no fix,  Do I need to fix repos?00:21
petrilhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting says that it is probalby a muting thing, but everything is maxed00:21
trollboyerUSUL, that explains it. it likes to launch itself several times and use up all my cpu00:21
amenadoLzr-> which cd? liveCD?00:21
IndyGunFreakBCM43: i really don't know, i'm eastern or central, not sure which, its 730pm right now.00:21
BCM43ok, people comming, move stuff to ot00:21
erUSULtrollboy: yep00:22
Lzramenado: Just a Windows software CD I was going to try to install00:22
LzrWith Wine or whatever I could use00:22
IndyGunFreakpetril: what sound device do you have?00:22
trollboyerUSUL, is there something I can do?00:22
Pwhdavey_hi all (Ubuntu) my panels aren't appearing after I was browsing the theme on this OS, anybody know why? I've restarted to no avail00:22
trollboyother than learn to love have 0% cpu free?00:22
grim76IndyGunFreak: you are Eastern...same time here.00:22
erUSULtrollboy: not really apprt from using noflash extension or something in firefox00:22
s3ajrib: i put a passphrase for the gpg and now that i uncompress it i just wanted to c if it secure then i press enter with a blank password (not the password i had put) and it's decrypting anyway!00:23
petrilit is a emachine laptop00:23
IndyGunFreakpetril: again, open a terminal, and type "lspci" no quotes, hit enter, and see how it identifies your sound device.. its probably not nvidia.00:23
erUSULs3a: you are doing something wrong ...00:23
amenadoLzr-> a windows apps? not a windows os?00:23
afallenhopeas always HardDisk's solution fixed.. thanks00:23
petrilAudio device: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2)00:24
petrildos000:14.0 Bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP51 Ethernet Controller (rev a3)00:24
* IndyGunFreak believes harddisk broke my system00:24
s3aerUSUL: wats wrong? the fact i used .zip insted of .tar??00:24
HardDiskafallenhope, well come to #ubuntu-meeting on the 17th http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=6&day=17&year=2008&hour=18&min=0&sec=0&p1=000:24
HardDiskand vouch for me :)00:24
* IndyGunFreak is just joking HardDisk lol..00:24
HardDiskI know man00:24
Lzramenado: Yeah, just some software I heard people got working on Linux. I can't even startup Ubuntu with the CD in the drive00:24
HardDiskyou too if you'd like IndyGunFreak00:24
IndyGunFreakHardDisk: lol00:24
afallenhopeHardDisk: does it support passwords too? because this is password protected.00:24
erUSULs3a: keep in mind that gpg keeps the original file (it does not erase it when he encryts it)00:24
IndyGunFreakHardDisk: lol, no offense, its been a long time sicne i had to get help in here.00:25
IndyGunFreaklike probably Edgy, possibly Feisty00:25
HardDiskafallenhope, if there is a password, and you know the password then enter it, or it may show a password on an unpassworded rar means it may be corrupted.00:25
s3aerUSUL: ya i no and i no im looking at the right file cuz it also has a .gpg extension to it00:25
HardDiskIndyGunFreak, I understand.00:25
IndyGunFreakHardDisk: but i'll still vote for you being super l33t00:25
HardDiskhaha :)00:25
HardDiskappreciate it00:25
IndyGunFreakmaybe that should be 5up3r00:26
petrilAudio device: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2)00:26
petrildos000:14.0 Bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP51 Ethernet Controller (rev a3)00:26
petrilwas that right?00:26
HardDiskah ha petril is back.00:26
HardDiskyes sir.00:26
amenadoLzr you may have a bad cdrom drive00:26
IndyGunFreakpetril: hang on, i think that chipset has the same issues as the intelHDA(which should be fixed in hardy)00:26
EvilDennisRubunubi: Fixed =)00:26
HardDiskit is IndyGunFreak00:26
IndyGunFreakHardDisk: see, i tld you, i'm a genius00:26
ubunubiEvilDennisR: Grats. Thanks for taking that over. It ended where I started, but it apparently went beyond me, haha00:27
HardDisk5up3r g3n1u500:27
CraigWhi there, i just installed ubuntu 8.10 and i get this: GRUB loading, please wait..... Error 21 and it loads no further00:27
EvilDennisRubunubi: Yeah, it would of been well beyond any normal00:27
Lzramenado: Maybe, but I did just install Xubuntu with the same cd drive. Hmm00:27
ubottuFactoid error21 not found00:27
IndyGunFreakHardDisk: i recompiled alsa in gutsy to make it work.. but hardy, intelhda seems to be fine, i figured the mcp51 was also.00:27
HardDiskthere should be one00:27
Lzramenado: Other CDs have worked too, btw00:27
IndyGunFreakCraigW: did you google grub error 21?00:28
* IndyGunFreak hates grub errors00:28
CraigWIndyGunFreak no00:28
ubunubiEvilDennisR: Were you even able to hypothesize what happened installing that "application" last night for him that did all that? after seeing it up close in more detail?00:28
IndyGunFreakCraigW: well.....00:28
zvacetCraigW : #ubuntu+100:28
choudeshCraigW, are you using VMWare?00:28
CraigWfull install00:28
HardDiskpetril, your fix will be to use the envy driver.00:28
IndyGunFreakzvacet: i don't think he's using Intrepid00:28
EvilDennisRubunubi: I have no idea.. Either the person /thought/ they knew what they were doing, and obviously didn't, or it was some asshole who thought it would be funny to fsck his machine up real good00:28
Pdaveyokay, please can somebody help answer my question before my dialup self destructs again?00:29
BCM43!dialup | Pdavey00:29
ubottuPdavey: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up00:29
IndyGunFreakPdavey: your dial up will self destrict, in 10sec00:29
CraigWchoudesh no, its a full install00:29
zvacetIndyGunFreak : he just said he does but ok probably typing mistake00:29
Pdaveyit keeps disconnecting I just need something simple helped00:29
afallenhopeHardDisk: do you know if it'll extract PART files?00:29
HardDiskpetril, sec i'll give you what you need.00:29
wimpieswhen I do sudo  -i I can login as root without password, but only on the first terminal I start.  How can that be ?00:29
HardDiskafallenhope, part files are not for extraction.00:29
IndyGunFreakzvacet: well if he did, i missed that...00:29
Pdaveythats why I have like 3 different nicks in this channel at present00:30
IndyGunFreakCraigW: are you using Intrepid?00:30
BCM43wimpies: are you on live?00:30
HardDiskafallenhope, part files are used to build rar archives00:30
choudeshCraigW, go into your bios and make sure your hard drives are set properly00:30
afallenhopeHardDisk: mind mind if I msg you00:30
wimpiesBCM43 what do you mean ?00:30
ubunubiEvilDennisR: didn't he say that laptop didn't have an internet connection (hence having to apt from his install cd repo), how'd you get a shell to it?00:30
zvacetIndyGunFreak : yes but no reason to be nervous00:30
choudeshCraigW, error 21 is cannot find a certain disk00:30
AndrewGearhartIndyGunFreak: screen resolution applet didn't do the trick for me00:30
HardDiskafallenhope, pm me.00:30
BCM43wimpies: are you using the livecd right now?00:30
CraigWchoudesh i do, i did a straight install from windows XP00:30
EvilDennisRubunubi: He just unplugged another machine and plugged it in00:30
wimpiesno from a regular disk00:30
Pdaveyany takers for beginner Ubuntu user, converted from Vista? =|00:30
choudeshCraigW, using Wubi?00:30
IndyGunFreakAndrewGearhart: screen res applet?.. i don't remember recommending that to you... i know we talked about dual displays..00:30
BCM43!pm | HardDisk afallenhope00:31
ubottuHardDisk afallenhope: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.00:31
CraigWchoudesh whats that00:31
TiZ_I'm having so many problems with my graphics card. I've used two drivers; ati and fglrx. With ati, everything runs great EXCEPT compiz. But with fglrx, compiz is the only thing that runs well. With fglrx, zsnes runs slowly, but with ati, zsnes goes full speed! What should I do about this?00:31
BCM43Pdavey: ask a question and we will try to help00:31
HardDiskBCM43, it violates some codes00:31
choudeshCraigW, Windows based installer for linux00:31
BCM43HardDisk: oh, ok, sorry00:31
IndyGunFreakTiZ_: get an nvidia card.00:31
IndyGunFreakproblem solved00:31
TiZ_Haha, that's funny. x_x00:31
TiZ_I'm on a laptop.00:32
Pdaveyits my panels - after logging on Ubuntu after a while, I look around on the themes and tried a few, now my panels do not appear, even after restarting00:32
TiZ_With an ATI Radeon Xpress 1150.00:32
IndyGunFreakTiZ_: well, i wasn't being funny, but a laptop does limit your choices00:32
LinuxMonkeyCraigW: grub error 21 : Selected disk does not exist This error is returned if the device part of a device- or full file name refers to a disk or BIOS device that is not present or not recognized by the BIOS in the system.00:32
IndyGunFreakyou said graphics card, made me think PC00:32
TiZ_There's absolutely no changing it now, that's for sure.00:32
choudeshCraigW, look @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide error 1500:32
TiZ_I may have used the wrong wording then.00:32
ToxicAnyone have any idea what happened to apt-get install lamp in 8.04?00:33
petrilI searched for envy in synaptic and it came up with alsa-tools-gui, is that what I need?00:33
IndyGunFreakToxic: i imagine its still there.. it would surprise me if its not...00:33
Agent_bobLinuxMonkey or impropperly addressed   think sata00:33
ToxicDoesn't seem to work =p00:33
IndyGunFreakpetril: no, you need to enable universe I think..00:33
IndyGunFreak!envy | petril00:33
ubottupetril: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package.00:33
HardDiskpetril, no you need the nvidia envy00:33
IndyGunFreak!info envyng00:33
ubottuPackage envyng does not exist in hardy00:33
HardDiskpetril, it's in synaptic00:34
Flannel!info envyng-gtk00:34
ubottuenvyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB00:34
FlannelIndyGunFreak: or -qt for KDE00:34
PdaveyBCM43: I'm sure its really simple, and I'm wasting time, but I'd like to know as I am shifting most of my contents on Vista (dual-boot) to Ubuntu which I'll use for school00:34
IndyGunFreakright, forgot00:34
esj1234I need to upgrade an hp proliant server from 7.04 to 8.04.  problem is that 7.10 didn't support the raid controller so going from 7.04 -> 7.10 -> 8.04 is a bit problematic.  is my only option scrubbing the disk and starting over?00:34
HardDiskpetril, just remove your current nvidia driver via synaptic and install using envyng00:34
IndyGunFreakbe back in a bit all... later00:35
HardDisklater IndyGunFreak00:35
BCM43Pdavey: did this just start? or has it always done this00:35
Jack_SparrowBCM43 I thought we changed the link for broadcom cards, I am not sure if it got changed again...00:35
HardDisksup jacky :)00:36
BCM43Jack_Sparrow: idk, ill try again00:36
Flannelesj1234: If you'd like to try 7.04 straight to 8.04, realising its unsupported, you could try it.  Its a server, so assuming you have ubuntu-minimal, ubuntu-standard, and your kernel metapackage installed, there's a good chance that it'll work relatively issue free00:36
Jack_SparrowDid we change boradcom or bcm43cc00:36
HardDiskesj1234, just remember to backup.00:36
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx00:36
Flannelesj1234: Also any metapackages for whatever server software you have (the 'apache2' package, for instance)00:36
zvacetesj1234 : yes you have upgrade one step at the time so in your case that means start all over again00:36
PdaveyBCM43: just started 20 minutes ago. Logged onto Ubuntu, put some music on, looked around on themese and tried and few, panels no longer appear (but I can click around them, obviously)00:36
zvacetgood night00:37
Agent_bob   i have two boxen http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=df7e4d77 and http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d2f592cd1   can't figure out why the second is using so much ram.  process tables are nearly the same.  one has an extra shell running, but that is only about 1m   no ?00:37
pinnerupAnyone here who can help me with getting nxserver (NoMachine) to run properly under Ubuntu? I've got everything set up and configured, but I can't seem to login. I persistently get a "authorization denied for user [username]".00:37
BCM43ubottu lag00:37
ubottuYou have lag, I don't have lag00:37
BCM43oh, nevermind00:37
esj1234it was installed with xubuntu so I'm probably doing the scrub and reinstall dance00:37
HardDiskjacky shouldn't there be a !b43 trigger?00:37
HardDisksince that's what the new one is called00:37
ubottuFactoid b43 not found00:37
WeatherappFolks, the weather app on my panels do not show the image of the weather anymore. Anyway I can fix this? Sure, I know the temp, but I am unsure of the weather00:37
BCM43Jack_Sparrow: do you have privileges to edit?00:37
esj1234I may try the incremental path because I have nothing to loose (all backed up :-)00:38
grim76pinnerup: What does your auth log say for the user logging in?00:38
BCM43Jack_Sparrow: ok, i dont, so i cant try00:38
Weatherappor is this what the Haze looks like?00:38
Jack_SparrowBit I want to find who changed it back.. Probably because the link mentioned feisty00:38
HardDiskWeatherapp, is it a greyish box?00:38
Flannelesj1234: You mean the upgrade path?  I think you've got a good shot at it working00:38
HardDiskWeatherapp, then yes.00:38
WeatherappHardDisk: yeah, the top grayer, the bottom whiter00:38
WeatherappI see00:38
Jack_SparrowBCM43 What was you r suggested link again00:39
WeatherappThanks for informing me. I wasn't sure of it myself00:39
BCM43Pdavey: im not really sure, sorry00:39
Weatherappwell, off I go then00:39
=== gardar`afk is now known as gardar
BCM43Jack_Sparrow: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff00:39
pinnerupgrim76: Where do I find that?00:39
grim76pinnerup: /var/log00:39
HardDiskbut BCM43 doesn't include the bc43-fwcutter00:40
HardDiskthat needs to be added00:40
BCM43HardDisk: put something about it in the accompanying forum thread then00:41
HardDiskwill do00:41
Jack_SparrowWe need to make a page that works for people.. too many people cant make it work with the existing tutorials00:41
BCM43Jack_Sparrow: that is the best i have found so far00:41
Jack_SparrowBCM43 I think the only real issue is on legacy class chipsets00:42
HardDiskI agree00:42
HardDiskand newer revisions of broadcom00:42
HardDisksome rev 3 I have encountered to have issues with the current drivers.00:42
HardDiskI should have kept logs :/00:42
Jack_SparrowHardDisk those are the legacy00:43
BCM43i have a 06 and one command fixed it, but that only works for 06 and does not enable wap00:43
pinnerupgrim76: I've pasted the relevant part to you in a privmsg.00:43
grim76yeah I see that.00:43
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:43
Jack_SparrowHardDisk I am not sure but the rev 4 seem to work out of the box so to speak00:43
grim76pinnerup: use pastebin next time that way everyone can benefit.00:43
pinnerupgrim76: Sure.00:44
grim76pinnerup: Are you trying to login as a valid user on the system?00:44
pinnerupI'll remember that.00:44
HardDiskJack_Sparrow, Well we def need to get some organized documentation as you said.00:44
pinnerupgrim76: I'm trying to login as "pinnerup", which is the main useraccount.00:44
pinnerupgrim76: I'm at work now. It works fine when I ssh home.00:44
pinnerupJust nx won't authorize.00:44
grim76pinnerup: Try not to use enter as punctuation or the bots will catch you.  Let me look at the messages.  One second please.00:45
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somenickfreeomg I have been trying to kill a huge problem for over a day straight00:46
somenickfreeI had my broadcom chipset wirekless card working up through Gutsy00:46
somenickfreebut it won't work with hardy00:46
Jack_Sparrow!pm > Pdavey00:46
grim76pinnerup: NX looks like it is authorizing.  And you can SSH direct to the system without issue?00:46
BCM43somenickfree: we were just talking about that. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff00:46
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pinnerupgrim76: Yep. No problem at all.00:46
Jack_Sparrowsomenickfree what bcmxx does lspci show00:47
oniscientedoes anyone knows how to add a mounted partition to computer file browser? It is already mounted, i can access it by /media/ but its the only partition that isnt showed in the desktop or in computer browser.00:47
somenickfree1 sec00:47
Jack_SparrowBCM43 that still work for the bcm843xx?00:47
somenickfree01:08.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)00:47
grim76pinnerup: Ok...Question are password logins enabled in your sshd_config?00:47
BCM43Jack_Sparrow: im not sure00:48
Jack_Sparrowsomenickfree use the page linked for feisty and see if it fixes your nick00:48
somenickfreeadditional info, ndiswrapper can see my card and module loads, same seems true of open source drive00:48
somenickfreebut wlan0 says no such device00:49
gleyveI can't login my ftp server :(00:49
pinnerupgrim76: "PasswordAuthentication" is set to "yes", if that's what you're asking.00:49
Gun_SmokeSeems my mouse has had too much sugar and is no having a seizure.  I've tried restarting X and simply logout and login.  Any ideas?00:49
Jack_Sparrowbcm43  I have two links for the 943  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=607378       and      http://invaleed.wordpress.com/2007/11/20/install-bcm94311mcg-wlan-mini-pci-ubuntu-710/00:49
HairyDudefirefox 3 on hardy, http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2008/06/kaspersky_labs.html gives "The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression"00:50
daschlhey guys.. 8.10 alpha1 out? wondering where...00:50
grim76pinnerup: Ok I ran into a similar problem after I changed to using key authentication only.  Ok on the machine that you are connecting from there is an option for SSL encryption.  Make sure that is turned off.00:50
HairyDudebut I can get it fine using telnet00:50
pinnerupgrim76: There is "Disable encryption of all traffic" - would that be it?00:51
vdmпривет! пожалуйста помогите с клавиатурным глюком в linux, при нажатиях клавиш происходит множественное дублирование нажатия, например вместо "привет", получаю "ппппрррииииииииввввввввввветттттттт", подскажите в какую сторону копать или url00:51
vdmрешением этой проблемы?00:51
Flanneldaschl: #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid stuffs, thanks00:51
Flannel!ru | vdm00:51
ubottuvdm: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke00:51
Jack_Sparrow!ru > vdm00:51
gleyveI can't login my ftp server :(00:51
grim76pinnerup: I think that one is it.00:52
ShaddaIn gnome, how do I make desktop icons smaller?00:52
DarkAuditwhy no reboot called for with today's x.org update?00:52
pinnerupgrim76: Humm ... that doesn't seem to help.00:52
Gun_SmokeDarkAudit, Can you not just "restart" it?00:53
grim76pinnerup: hmmm ok00:53
HairyDudealso, wireshark can't see my wireless card00:53
CorpseFeedertoday I am trying to connect to my Ubuntu PC from this Fedora 9 PC using SSH, but it is telling me 'couldn't display "ssh://username@" The attempt to log in failed'.... This hasn't happened before - Anyone know what might be wrong?00:53
grim76pinnerup: Did you install the packages from the repos, or did you use the ones from nomachine?00:54
HairyDudeah, works as root00:54
DarkAuditGun_Smoke: it just updated and that was it... nothing mentioned about *anything* need... which was odd00:54
pinnerupgrim76: I used the .deb-files from nomachine.00:54
pinnerupgrim76: Couldn't find repos for Hardy Heron.00:54
Jack_Sparrow!find nomachine00:54
ubottuPackage/file nomachine does not exist in hardy00:54
Gun_SmokeDarkAudit, Because there wasn't a security issue involved.  Updates would be in play as soon as you logged out.00:55
Gun_SmokeOr err.. Logged in.00:55
Gun_SmokeYou can restart X now to pull off the same idea.00:55
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somenickfreehmm your page stops me even sooner00:56
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX00:56
CraigWhi there, im still getting Error 21 at Grub00:56
somenickfreeI installed from src before but removed it00:56
somenickfreenow I get this00:56
somenickfreeudo modprobe ndiswrapper00:57
somenickfreeFATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found.00:57
AndrewGearhartokay... so... I'm attempting to setup dual monitors... by using the instructions here: http://www.intellinuxgraphics.org/dualhead.html00:57
FloodBot1somenickfree: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:57
Gun_SmokeAny ideas of how to stop a mouse pointer from having a seizure?  Already restarted X.00:57
macacoaww i can load my webcam on adobe macromedia flash on stickam..00:57
grim76pinnerup: ok I am installing it here on my laptop to check something. Gonna look through the options.00:57
Jack_SparrowCraigW Single or dual drives.. and are you mixing ide and sata00:57
macacoi can't00:57
HardDisksorry was away00:57
CraigWJack_Sparrow ONE disk00:57
AndrewGearhartbut.... I'm more than a bit lost. is anybody willing to assist? stats: Intel GMA 3100 card with a DVI and VGA output... clones nicely... but I need it to be dual-head with an extended desktop00:57
HardDisksomenickfree, sudo apt-get install ndisgtk00:58
pinnerupgrim76: I'm much obliged :)00:58
HardDisksomenickfree, that is a GUI interface for ndiswrapper00:58
Jack_SparrowCraigW Internal or external00:58
Turnoi'm trying to auto-MOUNT using FSTAB an SMB share over WIRELESS, and I'm having problems, can anyone help?00:58
oniscientedoes anyone know how to change the default dns settings for roamming mode?00:58
macacois any tools to configurate my webcam is creative live00:58
CraigWJack_Sparrow Internal, 500GB Sata00:58
SudoKinghi why would my browser crash when I visit a java webpage? I'm sure I have java installed correctly.00:58
grim76pinnerup: Did you try it with the encryption disabled and see if it worked?00:58
Jack_SparrowCraigW Can you pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst00:58
CraigWi cant even boot it up00:59
CraigWright after the install00:59
Jack_SparrowCraigW livecd00:59
CraigWoh ok00:59
archimedesDoes anyone use pulse audio with teamspeak here? having a little mic trouble00:59
kidsfinkter(hey don't want to interrupt, first time on IRC, have shutdown probs on 8.0.4, shout when ur ready for me :)   thx)00:59
AndrewGearhartJack_Sparrow: is apparently the boot loader afficianado!00:59
pinnerupgrim76: Yes, tried that. Same result.00:59
nickrud!ask | kidsfinkter00:59
ubottukidsfinkter: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:59
pinnerupgrim76: Odd thing is - a friend who's just installed it on his HH has no problems.01:00
Jack_SparrowCraigW livecd... sudo fdisk -l ... find your linux install ...  sudo mkdir /media/techsupport   and mount it01:00
rycolehey all, which ftp daemon should i grab from apt-get if i just need a quick, simple ftpd so i can upload files to my server?01:00
rycoleproftpd didn't seem to work out of the box01:00
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart Glad to see you back01:00
somenickfreethe configure nmetwork button doesn't open anything and throws errors, 1 sec01:00
pinnerupgrim76: I'm running it on a port different from the default SSH port. But that shouldn't make a difference as long as I see it connecting properly, right?01:00
grim76pinnerup: Ok are you using KDE or Gnome?01:00
grim76pinnerup: ohhhhh01:01
pinnerupgrim76: I'm on Gnome.01:01
CorpseFeedertoday I am trying to connect to my Ubuntu PC from this Fedora 9 PC using SSH, but it is telling me 'couldn't display "ssh://username@" The attempt to log in failed'.... This hasn't happened before - Anyone know what might be wrong?01:01
grim76pinnerup: There is a way to setup since you are not using the default port one sec.01:01
macacoany one know software like www.manycam.com can work on ubuntu ? for webcam ?01:02
AndrewGearhartJack_Sparrow: if its at all encouraging... after I installed updates that were suggested... the menu.lst lost the setting we put in... I was able to find the file and update it to correctly set things back up01:02
pinnerupgrim76: I've made the necessary changes to sshd_config and node.cfg01:02
s3ai made a .torrent file but transmission isnt uploading, so how do i make it upload?01:03
grim76Did you restart freenx and ssh?01:03
pinnerupgrim76: Yes, several times.01:03
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart glad you remembered.. it will change every time.. just remember there is a backup in that folder..01:03
pinnerupBefore I did that, it wouldn't let me connect.01:03
grim76pinnerup: did you make the change node.conf?01:03
CraigWJack_Sparrow i cant pastebin, theres no internet on the machine atm01:03
pinnerupgrim76: I don't have a node.conf, I think. I've made changes to node.cfg01:04
sagredo_yo. can someone help me get electric sheep working01:04
macacoanyone can help me please about webcam ?01:04
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart If I pastebin my nores from earlier do you think you can walk CraigW through his menu.. It wont be as hard as yours.. it is only a single drive and I will be here to help if needed.01:04
AndrewGearhartCraigW and Jack_Sparrow... I can try! ;-)01:05
Jack_Sparrowmacaco What make and model of cam and is it in the list of supported webcams01:05
somenickfreeno more ideas?01:05
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart k01:05
somenickfreethis has had me stuck for over a day01:05
hydroponicI'm having trouble with Zend/PHP. I'm not sure what the problem is but it only happens on Ubuntu, not my other boxes: "Zend_Exception: No entry is registered for key" - I have php5, apache2 and libzend installed01:05
sagredo_yo. can someone help me get electric sheep working01:05
Jack_Sparrowsomenickfree gimme a sec01:05
CraigWJack_Sparrow i dont see /boot/grub only /boot01:06
kunwon1!anyone | sagredo01:06
ubottusagredo: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:06
kunwon1sorry, sagredo_ ^01:06
Jack_Sparrowsomenickfree when are you getting that error?01:06
somenickfreewhen I press the configure network bottun01:06
sagredo_kunwon1: for?01:06
macacoubuntu  detect my webcam  only work on cheese01:06
Jack_SparrowCraigW livecd... sudo fdisk -l ... find your linux install ...  sudo mkdir /media/techsupport   and mount it or you wont find your hard drive installs menu list01:06
grim76pinnerup: Ok that is strange as that should work.  Pastebin your node.cfg, and sshd_config lets see if something it out of whack.01:06
HardDisksagredo_, do you have it installed?01:07
kunwon1sagredo_, see the post above from ubottu :)01:07
AndrewGearhartCraigW: Jack_Sparrow helped me earlier today to get my system running... I was installing correctly, but my bios was flipping the drive order (ide for sata) causing the wrong drive to be selected by the boot loader! boo! Jack_Sparrow showed me how to edit the file and I learned the basaic syntax01:07
sagredo_HardDisk: yes01:07
pinnerupgrim76: Sure. Sec.01:07
sagredo_HardDisk: from the hardy repo01:07
HardDisksagredo, ok look the fastest way to get it going, download the sheep packs and install it to the .electricsheep folder it's hidden01:07
grim76pinnerup: I will be right back.  Paste the link in here and I will find it.01:08
sagredo_HardDisk: what syntax should I use? --data-dir?01:08
HardDisksagredo, to generate sheep takes cpu and lots of time, so get the packs from the website extract it there, then use the screensaver to enable electricsheep and you're done01:08
macaco stickam and adobe macromedia Flash detect my webcam but screen is blank01:08
CraigWJack_Sparrow what do you mean mount it01:08
HardDisksagredo, no need, go to the sheep website, they have torrents and direct download of their electric sheep01:08
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart Here is the short version of that.. you may not need to do all of it..  http://paste.ubuntu.com/20013/01:08
sagredo_HardDisk: what is the directory to extract to? I have the pack01:08
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CraigWmount /media/techsupport right?01:09
HardDisksagredo, ah you should have a hidden folder in /home/.electricsheep01:09
=== gardar is now known as gardar`afk
Jack_SparrowCraigW AndrewGearhart    please /join #Jack_Sparrow01:09
HardDisksagredo, ctrl-h to view the hidden folders01:09
[TiZ]Hi. In trying to figure out which ati driver to use, I messed up my system. I'm going to make a long story short. After taking steps in attempt to fix it, I now can't get to my desktop. I can log in, but I get sent back to the login screen after a minute or so. This process repeats indefinitely. Please help.01:09
S8nGood evening, I'm new to Linux and having some issues with screen res on Ubuntu, is anyone able to assist?01:09
kidsfinktermy pc hangs on shutdown, when deactivating the network interfaces. eth0 goes down fine, as does wlanm0, but it hangs on eth1 saying that it couldn't shutdown the device, and asks if the message bus daemon is still running. can anyone help?01:09
HardDiskS8n, videocard type?01:10
Anacranomhow do i tell if i have bluetooth device (hardware) in my laptop?01:10
S8nIts nvidia 5200. The drivers have been installed, but its restricted to 640x480 res01:10
HardDiskS8n, sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings then run sudo nvidia-settings01:11
somenickfreeTiZ to try again, boot into recovery mode then do a nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and delete the contents01:11
somenickfreethen do a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:11
somenickfreepick the VESA driver and uninstall the ati and all should boot again01:11
Bodsda[TiZ], boot to recovery mode and choose the 'Fix X' option01:11
pinnerupgrim76: http://pastebin.com/m2ccd4a0e + http://pastebin.com/d5682bda701:12
* somenickfree has borked alot of ati driver installs, so he knows how to recover01:12
[TiZ]I guess you're going to want to know the steps. The problem started after I removed fglrx, trying to go back to open-source ati, and added some stuff into my xorg.conf. That caused the log-in screen to not appear, so I booted into recovery mode and used the xfix entry. I then resumed normal boot and installed fglrx using envy. And now I am where I am now.01:12
grim76pinnerup: ok I will look at them now.01:12
sagredo_HardDisk: I placed 100 MBs worth of .mpgs to .electricsheep and when I select it from the screensaver option no anamations start01:12
Bodsdasomenickfree, i dont think the driver/video settings are in   dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   anymore,01:12
S8nWhen I run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg it goes thru a whole section about my keyboard and thats all.. Nothing about resolution.01:12
[TiZ]I will fix X and return here to report on the result.01:12
HardDisksagredo, run electricsheep manually from terminal01:13
sagredo_S8n: try adding more resolutions to xorg.conf under Modes01:13
HardDiskand check it01:13
somenickfreeblah may be why the commercial fglrx doesn't work anymore, but the open source driver now works for me HA!01:13
BodsdaS8, boot to recovery mode from grub and choose the   Fix X   option01:13
sagredo_HardDisk: it tries to download sheep01:13
Bodsdasomenickfree, i know    dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg  no longer works01:13
S8nI added 1024x768 just to test, and it made no difference. One sec, gonna grab the message from the xorg log files quickly.01:13
yfkhow do I get rid of the new restricted driver icon?01:14
HardDisksagredo, you did sudo apt-get install electricsheep correct?01:14
HardDisknot compiled.01:14
grim76pinnerup: Change this line in your sshd_config #AuthorizedKeysFile     %h/.ssh/authorized_keys  uncomment the line and add a 2 at the end of the line.01:14
jo_ei have the UUID booting problem, and can only boot to  kernel version, not anything higher. my /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst are both using UUIDs, so i don't understand what the problem is.01:14
somenickfreeok I don't think I am going to get the wireless working am I?01:14
HardDisksagredo_, http://community.electricsheep.org/node/23701:15
HardDisksagredo_, follow that01:15
S8nNo valid modes for "1024x768_60"; removing01:15
S8nUnable to validate any modes; falling back to the default mode01:15
S8nVirtual screen size determined to be 640 x 48001:15
S8nUnable to get display device CRT-0's EDID; cannot compute DPI01:15
S8nThe above are excerts from my Xorg.0.log file01:15
FloodBot1S8n: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:15
S8nMy apologies.01:16
SeaPhori have 2 extra 160gb sata HDDs and are seen in computer, how do i get 1 of them mounted permanently as /FTP (to auto-mount at boot)?01:16
jo_ewhen I do "vol_id -u /dev/sda1", i get a different UUID to that which is in my fstab and menu.lst for the same partition, should I replace the UUIDs in these files?01:17
somenickfreeis hardy missing the kernel module or something in its packages?01:18
SlickMcRunfastWhen I click the clock in Gnome gnome-panels freeze, how would is fix this?01:18
tppHi, I've created a group and set my umask to 007. Users within  this group seem to be able to edit each others files, but not create or delete files in other users directories - what am I doing wrong?01:20
grim76pinnerup: Did that work?01:20
mnuaimathi guys. i need to connect to my hardy heron ubuntu server remotely, how can i set up  vnc server , please help?01:20
somenickfreeso ok, is there any ways past this. I am about to kill my pc01:20
m4cdaddycan someone help me, everytime i go to install stuff.. like updates ubuntu cooks its self01:21
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mnuaimathi guys. i need to connect to my hardy heron ubuntu remotely, how can i set up  vnc server , please help?01:22
SudoKingWhy does the browser appear to crash when I access a website using Java? I believe I have it installed correctly.01:22
somenickfreehardy is really buggy it seems :(01:22
kat_aqq‌uick question: shouldn't the Expo feature in Compiz tile out the windows and not the workspaces? because mine shows the workspaces instead now. I don't know how that happened01:22
somenickfreeI can't even make Wireless work01:22
ompaul!wireless | somenickfree01:22
ubottusomenickfree: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:22
kat_aqSudoKing, i had that problem everytime i was on youtube01:22
kat_aqSudoKing, and then it just stopped01:23
m4cdaddycan someone help me with updating: http://pastebin.com/m505a029001:23
somenickfreeI have tried the docs the other guy gave me Jack something. and I tried aseveral more01:23
=== stage3 is now known as stage3_
somenickfreenone have solved it so far01:23
HardDisk!vnc | mnuaimat01:23
ubottumnuaimat: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX01:23
ompaul!wireless | somenickfree01:23
ubottusomenickfree: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:23
=== stage3_ is now known as stage3
kat_aqsomenickfree, i had wireless problems in the beginning too!  what is your network card01:23
somenickfreebroadcom 431801:24
HardDiskompaul, he's been at it for a while.01:24
somenickfreerevision 201:24
ronnie_ubottu: hey01:24
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:24
anteaya_I am looking for an AptURL package for feisty and haven't found one so far.  Does anyone have any links?01:24
ronnie_ubottu: i am so handsome right01:24
ubotturonnie_: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:24
tcabeenman, this place is busy.  #xubuntu is dead.  I'm trying to determine which is right for me.01:24
th1if I ask a debian question will I be kickbanned? ;)01:24
somenickfreeif I compile ndiswrapper from source, I can get to load the module and everything,m but no wireless01:24
somenickfreeif I do apt-get, it can't load module01:24
m4cdaddycan someone help me with updating: http://pastebin.com/m505a029001:24
HardDiskth1, no you'll be asked to go to ##debian01:24
mnuaimatHardDisk: thanks01:24
th1HardDisk, lol01:24
macacosomeone tell please software for webcam ???01:24
SudoKingkat_aq: I'm talking stuff like Runescape01:24
th1I was j/k01:24
HardDisksarcasm is hard to detect on IRC. :P01:25
m4cdaddycan someone help me with updating: http://pastebin.com/m505a029001:25
HardDiskm4cdaddy, please keep your repeats at a longer period.01:25
cdavisI can't get my volume loud enough on hardy and the forms say to adjust the front volume level but I can't find this anywhere in the gnome-volume-manager01:25
kat_aqSudoKing, oh01:25
th1cdavis, try alsamixergui01:26
pinnerupgrim76: Sorry, got called away for a sec. I'm trying that now.01:26
kat_aqsomenickfree, have you tried this01:26
mnuaimatHardDisk: but i need to connect from a normal vnc client (the one i use on my iPhone is vnsea ) , is there any other method of setting up a normal vnc server without ssh, or does vnc protocol already supporting ssh ?01:26
kat_aqsomenickfree, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197102&highlight=ndiswrapper+howto01:26
ronnie_cdavis: just double-click the volume control icon and setting it01:26
Anacranomhow do i tell if i have bluetooth device (hardware) in my laptop?01:26
HardDiskcdavis, right click on the volume control and select open volume control check you may need to add more inputs by clicking preference under edit01:26
HardDiskmnuaimat, vnc without ssh is already available in ubuntu, system/preference/remote desktop01:27
kat_aqAnacranom, well if you have a phone with bluetooth you could try to find your pc01:27
cdavisHardDisk, I don't have front under edit either, does that mean this isn't my problem at all and something else?01:27
pinnerupgrim76: So the line should say "AuthorizedKeysFile      %h/.ssh/authorized_keys2"?01:27
ompaulHI ALL, I am about to unban a few nicks this will cause a little scrolling please hold tight for a minute01:27
m4cdaddycan someone help me with updating: http://pastebin.com/m505a029001:27
HardDiskmnuaimat, when you enable that, you can vnc with your client.01:27
mnuaimatHardDisk: oops . thanks a lot01:27
m4cdaddyHardDisk. could you help me?01:28
HardDiskcdavis, did you check the other selections?01:28
th1cdavis, did you try alsamixergui?01:28
kat_aqAnacranom, most pcs that come with bluetooth also have some kind of indicator, like a light or a button that you can press with the Fn button to activate it01:28
th1cdavis, did you try alsamixergui?01:28
somenickfreethose are gnome instructioons01:28
somenickfreewhat is administration in kde?01:28
th1ompaul, please do this sort of thing in a trickle way ;) write a script01:28
HardDiskm4cdaddy, let me check your pastebin if I can help I will01:28
ompaulth1, what and clog my client not a hope :)01:28
cdavisth1, yes I did, still maxed out everything and still too quiet01:29
FirealHi all!  I am looking for a way to convert a pdf file to png, jpeg, whatever...Any suggestions?01:29
HardDiskth1, this is better, to remind people that there ARE ops watching.01:29
grim76pinnerup: yes01:29
kat_aqsomenickfree, oh sorry.01:29
th1cdavis, where are you connecting your amp/speakers?01:29
tcabeenfireal: screenshot?01:29
Anacranomkat_aq, it has to turned on in the pc before it would boroadcast that its there, thats the prob, its supposed to have the hardware, but i cant find it in lshw01:29
th1there's sometimes a gain control somewhere.01:29
m4cdaddyHardDisk, did you find what i can do?01:29
HardDiskcdavis, you didn't answer my question did you check the other selections, and are you using alsa in sound?01:29
cdavisth1, I am not, its a laptop01:29
th1it's usually a stepped control and not all mixer apps show them01:29
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ompaulth1, /cs o ;-)  it gains control ...01:29
HardDiskm4cdaddy, be patient I only have two hands and two eyeballs :)01:30
th1cdavis, and it plays loud in other OS?01:30
cdavisth1 yes Windows played much louder01:30
Firealtcabeen:  not sure why a screenshot is needed, just want to convert a 120+ page pdf to png images or jpeg images, any pictue type file01:30
irihii have a irrsi question, how do i quit private chats?01:30
cdavisHardDisk, yes I am using alsa, I did check the preferences to see if I could select front01:30
HardDiskm4cdaddy, sudo apt-get install -f01:30
somenickfreeso anything I can do in lieu of that step of going to system->administration?01:30
ompaulirihi, you never really do    /part is useful at some level01:31
m4cdaddyHardDisk, thank you01:31
HardDiskcdavis, you will have other names like PCM_front as well01:31
tcabeenfireal: screenshot would work for 1 or 2 pages, but forget 120.  :)  wish I had a better suggestion01:31
th1cdavis, what model is your laptop?01:31
scorpionglitchDoes anyone have trouble with bf or beef01:31
ronnie_irihi: wc01:31
jayson_Hello people, I have a 22" monitor and a 7100 GS. When i active the nvidia proprietary my monitor doesnot work. How can I fix that ?01:31
HardDiskm4cdaddy, may I ask what you are installing?01:31
cdavisth1 t61 thinkpad01:31
giganticThumbsI'm having trouble getting video to play on a Toshiba P35 laptop with an ATI 9100 integrated graphics card.  Can anyone help with this?01:31
Firealtcabeen: ahh I get what you are suggesting, yeah that would take some time; but thanks01:31
th1jayson_, have you tried running nvidia-xconfig?01:31
jayson_th1> yes01:32
cdavisall I have is pcm, not pcm_front?01:32
HardDiskjayson_, and did you sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings?01:32
jayson_th1> The X works but in monitor say "Without signal"01:32
cdavisHardDisk, all I have is pcm, not pcm_front?01:32
jayson_HardDisk, yes01:32
irihironnie_: thanks01:32
tcabeenI have the easiest question on the board.  Do I want to get Ubuntu or Xubuntu?01:32
kat_aqsomenickfree, cant help ya. sorry. i use gnome01:32
Firealall:  btw what is up with the forums?  they return unrelated ruslts constantly now01:32
ronnie_irihi: np01:32
HardDiskjayson_, edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and check refresh rates there01:32
somenickfreewell has anyone got this wireless card working with KDE?01:33
HardDiskcdavis, well check other options and try them out01:33
scorpionglitchI can't get , to work all the time with neither beef or bf01:33
[TiZ]That didn't work. After I logged in, a white screen appeared, and then I was sent back to the login screen.01:33
solexious[Q] Can i emulate my windows *partition* in ubuntu?01:33
Murilokchannel of scan pls msg me01:33
HardDisksolexious, huh?01:33
pinnerupgrim76: Tried that now. Restarted both servers. Same error.01:33
jayson_HardDisk, th1> The X starts normaly but I can't see nothing. I have tried change the refresh rates and nothing. The opensource driver works fine. Only when I put the proprietary that happen.01:33
HardDiskjayson_, have you tried the envyng method?01:34
HardDiskare you sure refresh rates were modified?01:34
jayson_HardDisk> Not yet. yes, i'm sure01:34
HardDiskyou have to sudo edit the file01:34
th1jayson_, what outputs do you have on your gfx card?01:34
prabuany1 know how to install kiba dock ?01:34
jayson_th1> yes, the module is loading01:34
solexiousharddisk: i know i can use virtual box to run a emulation of windows from a file but i want to run it from my partition so i could still switch to just that boot if i wanted to01:34
irihibbl, reboot01:34
th1jayson_, if you got 2 slots then try the other one01:34
HardDiskjayson_, is it plugged to the DVI that is next to the tv-out?01:34
jayson_th1> Oops, DV101:34
th1ok jayson_ I had the same sort of shit happen on my TV box01:35
tcabeenfireal: still here?  Found an answer.  ImageMagick01:35
jayson_th1, hardDisk, On vga out works fine, only in DVI that broke01:35
[TiZ]Can anyone help me? I can't login. Well, I can... but a white scren appears and soon after, I get sent back to the login screen.01:35
stemount^!language | th101:35
ubottuth1: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:35
th1jayson_, I'll paste my xconfig but it's like 6 months since I got it to work so I can't remember wtf I did01:35
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th1stemount^, ;) just the s word01:35
HardDisksolexious, you mean you want to have an NTFS partition..then yes.01:35
jayson_th1, Ok. i'm waiting01:35
HardDiskth1, language please :)01:36
stemount^th1: doesn't matter - it's a family-orientated channel01:36
HillshumWhy does BusyBox load instaid of Ubuntu?01:36
stemount^so anyone can join/contribute etc01:36
[TiZ]Hello? Anyone?01:36
stemount^hi [TiZ] ?01:37
ninjabuntuAnyone here to answer a question about how to update blender 2.45 to 2.46 in ubuntu studio? No one seems to be on the #ubuntustudio channel and I'm really at a loss how to do this. Only one and a half weeks in to Linux...01:37
th1jayson_, http://pastebin.ca/104730501:37
prabui need kiba dock01:37
[TiZ]I can't login. Well, I can... but a white scren appears and soon after, I get sent back to the login screen.01:37
solexiousharddisk: Im explaining badly, I have dual boot, but i would like to also be able to run windows inside ubuntu like virtualbox can01:37
jayson_th1, Thanks I will try01:37
somenickfreeis there anyone with Hardy that got a BC4318 card to work. Yes, I* have KDE and yes, it worked before this friggin upgrade01:37
HardDisksolexious, so use virtualbox...01:37
giganticThumbsI've been trying to install the proprietary drivers, but the ATI installer quits after it gives an "Xserver: Unable to Detect" error.01:37
HardDisksolexious, you can't boot an OS within an OS without a virtual environment.. unless you mean WINE01:38
tcabeenis there a good resource to help me choose between ubuntu, kubuntu and xubuntu?01:38
sagredo_that finished running, but still did not work01:38
solexiousharddisk, as far as i can tell it cant use a whole partition to boot from, just a file it makes01:38
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jayson_th1, I will use only device things.01:38
iAliceHi everyone! I upgraded from Gutsy to Hardy and now everytime I start compiz (which I can only do as root) I get a white screen. Does anyone of you know a solution to that problem?01:38
HardDisksolexious, you're still not making sense...01:38
th1HardDisk, you can in fact.. CoLinux01:38
sagredo_HardDisk: what should I run from the command line to properly start electric sheep01:38
anteayaI am looking for an AptURL package for feisty and haven't found one so far.  Does anyone have any links?01:39
tyranishow do I become root?01:39
th1tyranis, sudo -i01:39
Starnestommytyranis: sudo01:39
HardDiskth1, he wants windows01:39
scorpionglitchDoes anyone know why beef and bf won't work?01:39
tyranisth1, thanks01:39
HardDisksagredo, electricsheep --help01:39
Hillshumwhy does Busybox load?01:39
sagredo_HardDisk: you loose01:39
TimRussetI AM DEAD, WOOOOooooOOOOOoooo!01:39
Tsing1I think I need to fix my repository, I know where it is on Redhat (/etc/repos.d), can anyone tell me where it is on Ubuntu?01:39
HardDisksagredo, I don't run electricsheep sorry.01:40
CorpseFeederMy problem got fixed in the #fedora channel instead. So no need to think about it any further ;) Thank you.01:40
StarnestommyHillshum: usually because something is keeping the system from starting correctly01:40
Legendariomy GDM is asking for login and password two time. Can anyone help me?01:40
HardDiskand this is a voluntary channel.01:40
tuxie_hi all, why does ubuntu suck so much?01:40
sagredo_tuxie_: linux is worth it01:40
m4cdaddyHardDisk, the command did not work and Update cooks its self on "pciutils", could this be because of the NVidia GeForce 8600GT?01:40
sagredo_just hang in there01:40
HardDisksagredo, saying "I lose" isn't polite.01:40
sagredo_HardDisk: you are hard, not soft01:40
sagredo_my friend01:40
somenickfreeok, if there is no fix, I suppose there's no easy way to roll back to Gutsy, is there?01:40
somenickfreeI need wireless01:40
HillshumStarnestommy: like what? i just installed Hardy01:40
HardDiskI'm taking a break.01:40
solexiousharddisk, i have windows in a partition, how can i run windows from that partition inside of ubuntu01:40
m4cdaddyHardDisk, and where would i get the driver for the card01:40
giganticThumbsCan anyone help with ATI Proprietary drivers not installing?01:40
StarnestommyHillshum: check the output of dmesg01:41
grim76pinnerup: ok..hrmmm01:41
HardDisksolexious, you create a vm environment01:41
tyranishow do I find the name of network/wireless adapters, ie: eth201:41
DigiFlysome guarddog expert here ?01:41
Hillshumwhat am i looking for?01:41
scorpionglitchif both beef and bf if I input ,, only the first is read01:41
HardDisksolexious, you can with Qemu01:41
m4cdaddytyranis, ifconfig01:41
solexiousharddisk, thank you01:41
HardDisksolexious, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo01:42
blankheaddoes anyone know how to cd into folders with spaces in them i cant change directories by just indenting spaces01:42
somenickfreegrrr. I am soo frusttrated01:42
HardDisksolexious, I couldn't understand what you wanted, now I do01:42
Belboz99Hey all, having trouble with a firewall.   I'm using my server as a router / firewall, and I need to forward a few ports so that I can host some games with players both on the local LANs and on the WAN.   I'm stumped because the software I'm using, arno-iptables-firewall, is properly configured, yet none of the ports show as open.  sudo iptables -L does show them open though, but nmap does not01:42
m4cdaddytyranis, System>Administrator>Network01:42
HillshumStarnestommy: check for what?01:43
tyranism4caddy: how do I tell which is which? I have wifi and ethernet01:43
HardDiskm4cdaddy, remind me again what we were doing?01:43
blankheaddoes anyone know how to change directories into folders with spaces in them?01:43
jayson_th1,HardDisk> No signal yet. See my xorg.conf please http://www.pastebin.org/4384201:43
StarnestommyHillshum: check the last few lines for possible errors01:43
m4cdaddyHardDisk, we were trying to update Ubuntu01:43
HardDiskm4cdaddy, ah01:43
DigiFlybelboz99: i have problem with firewall router to. it keeps blocking eth1 trafic to internet. if i disable guarddog it works fine. but then there's no firewall01:43
mangojambohi people ... where is the "Change Pitch" effect option on audacity on hardy???01:43
m4tte_iptables ftw!01:43
HardDiskm4cdaddy, and what error did you get after I told you the sudo apt-get install -f command?01:43
blankheadanyone know how to change directories in TERMINAL with folders that have spaces in them it wont let me cd into folders i type in cd /home/my files and it wont work01:43
solexiousharddisk, It was probbably the worst worded queston i have ever asked, lol01:44
th1jayson_, can you update that pastebin with a description of your setup?01:44
m4cdaddyHardDisk, E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.01:44
somenickfreeis there any way to fix a broadcom 4318 chipset network wireless card on Hardy?01:44
blankheadno one knows?01:44
HardDisksolexious, :) np man at least now I know what you want :)01:44
somenickfreeI upgraded and lost my wireless01:44
jayson_th1, Sorry I can't understand01:44
HardDiskm4cdaddy, did you run that?01:44
pinnerupgrim76: Ok - maybe I'll just try purging and reinstalling it all ...01:44
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HardDiskm4cdaddy, sudo dpkg --configure -a01:44
th1jayson_, just describe your hardware and what you're trying to accomplish in a few paragraphs01:44
Belboz99DigiFly: try arno-iptables-firewall, it allows for multiple internal LANs to be masqueraded to an external LAN01:44
giganticThumbsblankhead: I believe you have to use a backslash somehow, or just avoid using spaces in file names.01:44
m4cdaddyHardDisk, hum yeah let me run it again01:45
TimRussetIwOOooOOOAREOOoooGHOST....... WOOOooooohoooooOOOOOoooooooooooo.\01:45
TimRussetIwOOooOOOAREOOoooGHOST....... WOOOooooohoooooOOOOOoooooooooooo.01:45
Hillshumstarnestommy: Driver 'sr' needs updating, ata1: port is to slow to respond, ata1 SRST failed01:45
TimRussetIwOOooOOOAREOOoooGHOST....... WOOOooooohoooooOOOOOoooooooooooo.01:45
TimRussetIwOOooOOOAREOOoooGHOST....... WOOOooooohoooooOOOOOoooooooooooo.01:45
FloodBot1TimRusset: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:45
blankheadgiganticThumbs: wow that sucks01:45
somenickfreeI really wish someone could troubeshoot me01:45
m4cdaddyHardDisk, can you help me get drivers for my NVidia GeForce 8600GT?01:45
giganticThumbsblankhead: Welcome to *nix01:45
somenickfreethis is an awful problem considering my work only has a wlan01:45
HardDiskm4cdaddy, sure.01:46
Legendariomy GDM is asking for login and password two time. Can anyone help me?01:46
th1somenickfree, state your problem then we'll see01:46
IndyGunFreakompaul: that was a good catch.. very classy on that idiots part01:46
grim76pinnerup: either that or try putting everything at defaults and see if that works.01:46
blankheadwow does anyone else know how to change directory into folders that have spaces in them using TERMINAL?01:46
HardDiskm4cdaddy, you can use the envy method01:46
EvilDennisRblankhead: use \01:47
IndyGunFreakblankhead: w/ quotes.. example cd "/home/name/bla bla bla"01:47
somenickfreeI have many times. I upgraded to Hardy. If I compile ndiswrapper, it seems to work until I type iwconfig. If I use apt, it's missing kernel module01:47
EvilDennisRblankhead: as in cd Directory \with \space01:47
pinnerupgrim76: I'll try that. Thanks for your patience and help.01:47
somenickfreeiwconfig returns no wireless01:47
EvilDennisRblankhead: You DO know that you can use tab to complete filenames, RIGHT ??01:47
DigiFlyi will look at it belboz01:47
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:47
EvilDennisRblankhead: sorry, my bad, cd Directory\ with\ space01:47
HardDiskm4cdaddy, sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk01:47
DrXhow do you create an ext3 partition inside an empty LVM partition which is inside an extended partition when LVM won't show the partition ( /dev/sdb5 )?01:47
scorpionglitchseriously I can't get beef or bf to work01:48
jayson_th1, http://www.pastebin.org/43843 May i need try envy method ?01:48
HardDiskm4cdaddy, use Envy to download and setup your driver for you01:48
lee_will someone please help my system is morbidly unstable when i run anything needing 3d in openGL01:48
blankheadok im confused heres my directory write it down for me01:48
EvilDennisR!hi | yoyoma01:48
ubottuyoyoma: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:48
blankheadubuntu themes01:48
blankheadim trying cd /ubuntu themes01:48
IndyGunFreakDrX: doesn't anyone use quotes?.. its easier than the forward slashes01:48
blankheadcd ubuntu themes01:48
blankheadhow would u do it?01:48
yoyomam-newton: are u there01:48
giganticThumbsblank head01:48
EvilDennisRblankhead: cd ubuntu\ themes01:48
IndyGunFreakblank cd "/ubuntu themes"01:48
giganticThumbsEscape the spaces with “\” cd Directory\ Name\ With\ Spaces”01:48
EvilDennisRIndyGunFreak is wrong01:49
EvilDennisRblankhead: cd ubuntu*hit the tab key*01:49
somenickfreehow come people ask me questions, but drop me after I reply?01:49
IndyGunFreakEvilDennisR: how do you figure?.. it works fine for me.01:49
somenickfreeI want to solve this01:49
blankheadTHANK GOD FINALLY01:49
yoyomam_newton: are u there01:49
th1jayson_, wtf is envy method ;)01:49
EvilDennisRblankhead: tab is your friend01:49
EvilDennisRblankhead: it will fill in the \'s for you01:49
jayson_th1> I will try and come back soon01:49
lee_will someone please help my system is morbidly unstable when i run anything needing 3d in openGL, i'm running an ATi x800pro01:49
blankheadevildennissr yeah im using tab but it does nothing01:50
blankheadthe pc just beeps at me01:50
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:50
HardDiskok I'm going to bed.01:50
EvilDennisRblankhead: it shouldn't, what happens when you type cd ubuntu and hit tab01:50
HardDiskit's 4am01:50
HardDiskgoodnight people.01:50
th1jayson_, just when you override edid like I do then you run the risk that hte card will output a signal your monitor can't grok. but modern displays should be able to handle that without damage, but *caveat emptor*01:50
giganticThumbsAn "X Server: Unable to detect" error is preventing me from installing restricted ATI drivers. Anyone help?01:50
blankheadalright evildennisr how would it i do it with three words...say    cd ubuntu themes one01:50
IndyGunFreakEvilDennisR: who's wrong again?.. maybe you should double check..  http://paste.ubuntu.com/20016/01:50
IndyGunFreakblankhead: see above01:51
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blankheadwhen i do that evildennisr i get beep beep beep01:51
somenickfreehow do I get an answer here? I replied to the info peop-le need and then I get no reply back. This keeps happeniong01:51
IndyGunFreakEvilDennisR: its ok, i accept your admission you're ignorant01:51
EvilDennisRblankhead: type this in, with out the quotes01:51
blankheadpro bably in the wrong directory sorry01:51
chmhdjoin #ubuntu-cn\01:51
jayson_th1, With opensource driver my display have managed connections fine01:51
EvilDennisRIndyGunFreak: You told him cd "/ubuntu themes"01:51
IndyGunFreakEvilDennisR: because he said thats where it was01:51
EvilDennisRIndyGunFreak: There is no directory in / called "ubuntu themes"01:52
EvilDennisRIndyGunFreak: therefor, you are wrong.01:52
blankheadthank u evildennisr ima just use tab it works fine01:52
IndyGunFreakEvilDennisR: no, he said thats where it was, i figured he created it.. quit being dense01:52
solexious[Q] Any one know of a program to lable my music media, as in it works out and fills in the tags for me01:52
EvilDennisRIndyGunFreak: Incorrect. He initially stated the correct directory, his 2nd input was a typo01:52
giganticThumbsAn "X Server: Unable to detect" error is preventing me from installing restricted ATI drivers. Anyone help?01:52
EvilDennisRIndyGunFreak: Keep up with the conversation01:52
th1jayson_, closed source is always trial and error :(01:53
somenickfreewhy no help? I didn't ask for these bugs and freak. I keep repeating the info when asked01:53
IndyGunFreakok, whatever.. live in your fantasy land01:53
emosamuraiIs there a good utility for converting flv to mp3 files?01:53
jayson_th1> I hope nvidia "open" your drivers soon01:53
jayson_th1> Reboot01:53
anteayaadmin@anita:~$ ls /etc/ssh01:54
anteayablacklist.DSA-1024  moduli      ssh_host_dsa_key      ssh_host_rsa_key      sshd_config01:54
anteayablacklist.RSA-2048  ssh_config  ssh_host_dsa_key.pub  ssh_host_rsa_key.pub01:54
FloodBot1anteaya: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:54
s3ahow do i fix grub? i ruined it by bringing another hd, installing ubuntu there, then taking it on another comp (i forgot to take power off the main hd of this comp) so now im in a bad situation and i use comp without live cd and i dont feel like reinstall everything :( can sum1 help plz01:54
DigiFlyback later. thanks <Belboz99>01:54
anteayaI am looking for an AptURL package for feisty and haven't found one so far.  Does anyone have any links?01:54
DigiFlylook tommorow further01:55
EvilDennisRanteaya: what are you trying to do with ssh01:55
anteayaEvilDennisR, was a typo i am looking for AptURL01:55
anteayaEvilDennisR, i used up arrow to repeat question and didn't go far enough01:56
IndyGunFreaks3a: you removed a hard drive from a PC, w/o powering it off?01:56
EvilDennisRanteaya: so what is your real question =)01:56
anteayaI am looking for an AptURL package for feisty and haven't found one so far.  Does anyone have any links?01:56
EvilDennisRanteaya: apt-get install apturl doesn't work ?01:57
giganticThumbsEvilDennisR: Do you know who could help with this? An "X Server: Unable to detect" error isme from installing restricted ATI drivers.01:57
anteayaEvilDennisR, hasn't so far but i will ry again01:57
giganticThumbsoops, ment "preventing me from..."01:57
solexious[Q] Any one know of a program to lable my music media, as in it works out and fills in the tags for me01:58
EvilDennisRanteaya: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/apturl/apturl_0.1ubuntu1_all.deb01:58
anteayaEvilDennisR, thanks looking01:58
cypher1hi, i am having choppy scrolling in hardy01:58
EvilDennisRthats in the regular feisty repository01:58
cypher1it is very irritating01:58
cypher1can anyone help me ?01:59
EvilDennisRgiganticThumbs: No idea.. I'm not a regular in here01:59
Lurkinator /j #slackware01:59
EvilDennisRcypher1: define choppy ?01:59
teamcobraanyone here use hardy as a xen dom0?01:59
giganticThumbssolexious: Amarok might do it, but most players should be able to01:59
cypher1EvilDennisR, the screen kind of scrolls part by part01:59
jayson_th1> Nothing yet :S01:59
oldenglishI think I'm not getting 3d acceleration with games running full screen in wine... it was working, but it doesnt seem to be now, very sluggins. I have the latest ATI drivers, Mobility 9600 card, get 2700 fps in glxgears01:59
giganticThumbsEvilDennisR: Thanks anyway01:59
anteayaEvilDennisR, my gratitude01:59
solexiousgiganticThumbs: thank you02:00
vidohi when i try to download the extra plugins of the gstreamer it gives me this msg02:00
vidoThe use of this software may be restricted in some countries. You must verify that one of the following is true:02:00
vido* These restrictions do not apply in your country of legal residence02:00
vido* You have permission to use this software (for  example, a patent license)02:00
vido* You are using this software for research purposes only is egypt from those countries that the softwere may be restricted in02:00
FloodBot1vido: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:00
EvilDennisRcypher1: on the console? During bootup? In an xterm? in a gnome-terminal ?02:00
giganticThumbssolexios: no prob02:00
cypher1EvilDennisR, i am playing around with xorg.conf for the past few days.. but nothing seems to work02:00
kat_aqi need help. i would like my bluetooth radio to switch on at startup. is this possible?02:00
cypher1EvilDennisR, like in web browser.. even the xchat window02:00
EvilDennisRcypher1: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg ?02:00
EvilDennisRcypher1: Are you using gl?02:01
cypher1EvilDennisR, i do remember doing a dpkg-reconfigure..02:01
oldenglishEvilDennisR: I think he means the 'slicing' that happens when scrolling fast...happens to me too02:01
EvilDennisRYou might have a slow ass graphics card that can't do gl very well02:01
jayson_HardDisk, th1 > I have tried the envy method and nothing. Another way to do ?02:01
somenickfreeok I am back to another point02:01
cypher1EvilDennisR, i do not know.. it was working well in edgy.. yes my graphics card cannot handle much..02:01
somenickfreeI can now see my wireless interface wlan0 in network manager. but it's not obtaining an IP02:01
yoyomam_newton: what's up02:02
kat_aqi cant seem to find much on it on google02:02
cypher1EvilDennisR, how do i know whether i have gl ?02:02
al_How do I view animated gifs actually animated? :/02:02
al_Image viewer just shows the first frame02:02
BlackCowhey, i have a problem, I have tried multipile versions of Xubuntu and Kubuntu as high as 8.04, when I boot into them they are WICKED slow, and then still slow when it eventually does boot it. I used to run Xubuntu fine without any problems. I thought it might be the graphics card but I put one I know works and still no help.02:02
IndyGunFreakBlackCow: how much ram?02:03
BlackCowcould it be a hardware problem?02:03
NullNam1BlackCow: Try Xubuntu 8./0402:03
BlackCow1 gig02:03
BlackCowi am running Xubuntu 8.0402:03
IndyGunFreakhmm, sounds like some other hardware issue...02:03
BlackCowit was fine for a while but then it got slow again02:03
NullNam1BlackCow:  Use Xubuntu and use the "ALTERNATE" disk..02:03
NullNam1Or use Fluxubuntu02:03
NullNam1They run MUCH better on slower PC's.02:03
blecki've got a delta 66 soundcard, and I can't get any sound out of it, ubuntu seems to load the alsa driver, and amarok seems to start playing, but no sound.. i've checked the mute settings in alsamixer and envy24control02:04
BlackCowyeah, but whats strange is Xubuntu used to run just fine, which makes me think something broke02:04
s3aIndyGunFreak: no, i added a hard drive and installed ubuntu on it then took it off and put it in another comp but that f***ed up the grub on my main hd (the hd i dint take out - i said i SHOULD of took off the power before booting)02:04
IndyGunFreakNullNam1: thats the thing, his PC doesn't seem that slow.. he should be able to run gnome or KDE w/o issue.02:04
bleckBlackCow: how is it slow02:04
yfkbleck: where did you get a delta 66 soundcard?02:04
choudeshbleck, known bug https://bugtrack.alsa-project.org/alsa-bug/login_page.php?return=%2Falsa-bug%2Fview.php%3Fid%3D332702:04
IndyGunFreaks3a: well, reinstall grub.... that should work02:04
NullNam1oh.  Maybe it's the video card.02:05
blecki got the card from ebay02:05
BlackCowits slow to boot it, the little loading bar is also glitchy, dosnt go in a strait line, bad colors, then when it does boot in everything is REAAAALLLY slow02:05
blecknew though, not second hand02:05
bhchi all02:05
NullNam1BlackCow:  Are windows and text very large???02:05
BlackCowI tried a new graphics card and still no hel02:05
BlackCownope, resoultion is fine02:05
bhci wanna ask again02:05
=== Rave1_away is now known as Rave1_
NullNam1BlackCow:  You might now have the drivers for your graphics card installed02:05
IndyGunFreakBlackCow: do you have two memory dimms?02:05
NullNam1*not have02:05
bhccan i make a repo server using my dvd repo ?02:06
IndyGunFreakNullNam1: no, even the generic drivers shoiuld boot it fine.02:06
IndyGunFreakthis sounds like a hardware issue, likely ram, hard drive or cPU dying02:06
BlackCowyeah, and remember it was working for a while02:06
BlackCowso you think something is dying eh?02:06
NullNam1IndyGunFreak:  I've used nvidia cards with Ubuntu that have given me similar problems.02:06
IndyGunFreakBlackCow: seems it.. do you have two memory dimms(like 2, 512mb dimms)02:06
bleckchoudesh: aah. thanks02:06
BlackCowoh memory slots?02:06
IndyGunFreakNullNam1: with the generic driver?.. i'd think you're in the minority woth that02:07
vidohi would you look at my  question here http://paste.ubuntu.com/2001802:07
bleckchoudesh: how did you find that so quick?02:07
BlackCowtwo 512's I think02:07
IndyGunFreakBlackCow: not slots.. how many memory dimms do you have(chips)02:07
BlackCowleme check real quick02:07
IndyGunFreakBlackCow: what i would do.. remove 1 512mb chip, boot.. and see if it boots ok, if its still slow, reinstall the other chip, and remove the other...02:07
IndyGunFreaki'm almost sure this is a memory issue02:07
NullNam1IndyGunFreak: I had to use envy to make the card work properly...The desktop was in 800x600 I think02:07
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NullNam1and slow02:07
BlackCowyeah, two 512 MB chips, ill try that02:07
BlackCowthaniks for the help02:07
IndyGunFreakNullNam1: well, thats envy..02:07
IndyGunFreakBlackCow: i would remove th em and boot them 1 at a time, see if the problem goes away.02:08
choudeshbleck, I know the bug by heart02:08
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:08
NullNam1IndyGunFreak: But I was having problems with the generic drivers.02:08
IndyGunFreaksigh.. YOU WERE.. i've ran generic drivers on LOTS of different hardware, never an issue.02:08
vidohi would you look at my  question here http://paste.ubuntu.com/2001802:08
mangojamboBUG: audacity for hardy compiled without a lot of libs (incliding soundtouch), and simple features like "Change Tempo and Change Pitch" is missing!!!02:08
Coiotes_Can someone help me mount a non-journaled external HFS+ USB drive on Hardy?02:09
IndyGunFreakNullNam1: and i suspect taht was more user malfunction.. if youd have setup the vesa driver properly, it probably would have been fine02:09
EvilDennisRcypher1: glxinfo02:10
=== Thehound is now known as nonicksavailable
moDumasshey all, does anyone here use freemind? and if so can you get it to go fullscreen?02:12
nonicksavailableanyways even though I was ignored, I'm going to show you what a nice guy I am. For people that had my issue, take a look at this:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76656002:12
nonicksavailablethat did the trick02:12
DrXhow do you display the names of your logical volume group and volumes?02:12
moDumassbecause even when i try to resize it stays in its little 800x600 space02:12
ubottuFactoid freemind not found02:13
apalloHello everyone!02:13
=== ridge-meister is now known as AeronTG
IndyGunFreakDrX: i think df will do what you want02:14
ubunubiAnyone mind showing me how to start a new X terminal and launch a specific program on it without my machine locking up? :)02:15
ubunubiIt appears the tutorials I found are outdated02:16
AeronTGcan someone please tell me how to configure a konsole launcher (that I added to the panel) to open up a certain directory when I click on it?02:16
DrXIndyGunFreak: it's only  showing the mounted partitions & attributes02:16
nickrudubunubi try   gnome-terminal -e gnome-terminal02:16
IndyGunFreakDrX: oh ok..02:16
ubunubinickrud: I mis-typed...I mean a new Xserver, and run an application on it02:16
Bodsdahow can i find out what version of gnome im using?02:17
crimsunBodsda: System> About GNOME02:17
Bodsdacrimsun, ty ;~)02:17
ubunubinickrud: I want to Ctrl+ALT+F8 over to a new X server (fresh!) and launch an application on that fresh Xserver, while having my regular desktop on Ctrl+Alt+F702:17
Bodsdacrimsun, any idea when gnome 2.24 will be released?02:18
AndrewGearhart/whois AndrewGearhart02:18
tmapjdoes anyone know where i can find some free science textbook ebooks?02:18
crimsunBodsda: the GNOME web site may have a schedule.02:18
LuckriderI am having trouble with some private torrents, and I found out the most likely problem is a firewal some where, is there one that is automaticly configured with a freash install of ubuntu?02:19
Bodsdacrimsun, ok, cheers02:19
AeronTGwow, #ubuntu is not nearly as user-friendly as it used to be (even 6-12 months ago).  guess the debian crowd moved in :(02:19
nickrudubunubi right click menu bar, edit menus: enable new login in system tools.02:19
Luckriderwhen did this chan get so full?02:19
tmapjdoes anyone know where i can find some free science textbook ebooks?02:19
Luckriderit looks like all idlers02:19
Luckridertry tpb02:20
tmapjwhats tpb02:20
Luckridertry tpb02:20
AeronTGLuckrider: that's what i'd like to know.  my dibs are on the debian crowd (which suck btw)02:20
yokobrhi guys02:20
Luckriderthe piratebay02:20
ubunubinikrud: new login, or new login "in window" ??02:20
simardmay sound stupid, litteraly: when I plug my headset the speakers still work simultaneously, and I cant seem to find any way in the mixer to adjust the volume independently. at best, I can shut the headset off (not really useful as I simply have to disconnect it to stop it from working).. any idea ?02:20
errpastI have a USB device. Digimemo writing tablet. Kernel sees it. USB subsystem sees it. How do I know what to put in xorg.conf02:20
Thundarrhey anyone know why when I try to create a folder on/in my workgroup I get an error that says "Operation not supported by backend"02:20
AeronTGLuckrider: until a question that only the elites would bother to answer comes up, you will see idling02:21
LuckriderI am having trouble with some private torrents, and I found out the most likely problem is a firewal some where, is there one that is automaticly configured with a freash install of ubuntu? I am thorughly confused on how to open up port 6881 and 444402:21
yokobr /dev/dsp: Input/output error02:21
yokobrCould not mmap /dev/dsp02:21
yokobri aways get this error02:21
Luckrideryeah AeronTG02:21
kat_aqanyone who could help me with a possibly simple problem with compiz? The expo doesnt pan out the windows, instead it shows all the workspaces.02:21
crimsunyokobr: when are you getting that?02:21
yokobrive already installed esound02:21
yokobrwhen i try to run enemy territory02:21
crimsunyokobr: (you don't need esound)02:21
yokobrand q302:21
nickrudubunubi either, or both. I've tested the new login, but not the login in new window myself02:21
Bodsda!enter | yokobr02:22
ubottuyokobr: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:22
crimsunyokobr: pasuspender -- q3a02:22
nickrudubunubi my screen is too small for the new window one to be useful to me02:22
ubunubinickrud: will which one I choose effect the outcome?02:22
Luckrideris there anyone that can help? I am having trouble with some private torrents, and I found out the most likely problem is a firewall some where, is there one that is automaticly configured with a freash install of ubuntu? I am thorughly confused on how to open up port 6881 and 4444 to allow ktorrent to upload and report that upload.02:22
nickrudubunubi with new login, you'll get the ctl-alt-Fx action you're talking about; the login in new window would start the X server in a window on your current desktop02:23
Luckriderany help is appreciated02:23
ubunubinickrud: will compiz and all my current desktop autolaunch stuff auto launch in this new window? or will a different xorg.conf or something be generated for it?02:23
nickrudkat_aq that's the expo behavior in compiz02:23
nickrudubunubi it's a complete, new X server02:24
m_newton<Luckrider> i can help02:24
yokobrive tryied pasuspender -- q3a and had no effect02:24
m_newtonLuckrider, what do you need02:24
Luckriderthanks m_newton02:24
nickrudubunubi hm, compiz effects might be interesting though :)02:24
crimsunyokobr: then your sound driver just doesn't support it.02:24
LuckriderI need to allow 4444 and 6881 ports02:24
ubunubinickrud:: k, got that on my menu, when i click the window one, it says X server is possibly not configured well with an "ok" only dialog box02:24
Luckridercan i pm for the help m_newton02:24
m_newtonLuckrider, ok, do you have a router02:24
yokobrive already played on ubuntu02:24
crimsunsimard: you probably need a quirk.  What's the output from `lspci -nv|grep -A1 040[13]'?02:24
kat_aqnickrud, ok, but i dont remember changing anything?02:24
m_newtonLuckrider, ya02:24
kat_aqnickrud,any ideas on what i did to it?02:25
nickrudubunubi I get the same with the new window02:25
simardcrimsun: 00:1b.0 0403: 8086:284b (rev 03)Subsystem: 104d:902d02:25
enaneris there a list of all ubuntu softwares? plus does any one have ne recommendations?02:26
nickrudkat_aq not sure, expo (super-e) has always shown me all my desktops. I like having the lower left corner of the screen react to the mouse, showing them all and letting me move stuff from desktop to desktop02:26
=== enaner is now known as uglabugla
crimsunsimard: which cpu is that sony using?02:26
simardintel centrino, core 2 duo02:27
ubunub1nickrud: when i clicked that menu option, i lost my screen, and my machine hard locked02:27
simardwhich number says its a sony ?02:27
nickrudubunub1 strange, the new login? Works for Me™02:27
kat_aqnickrud, oh ok. so you dont use it to show all your windows then?02:27
nickrudkat_aq no, all my desktops02:27
kat_aqdarn =P02:27
=== dmb1 is now known as idolguy
=== golin is now known as gootee
ubunub1nickrud: when i use the New Login in a window...it says my Xserver maybe is badly configured...how can I configure that without messing up my current xserver?02:28
cypher1EvilDennisR, i have a lot of xserver-xorg-video* installed , are these necessary !?02:28
=== ubunub1 is now known as ubunubi
HemebondA hoi hoi02:29
uglabuglathis is awesomeness http://www.getdeb.net/browse.php02:29
cypher1i have a lot of xserver-xorg-video* installed , are these necessary !?02:29
kat_aqnickrud, there's is no where that lets me choose what it shows though.02:29
crimsunsimard: ok, you need to try alsa-driver 1.0.17rc102:29
nickrudubunubi not sure why it has that error .. and the new X config system, where it guesses all the stuff: I'm not up on it yet02:29
yell0wcypher1: not all02:30
nickrudkat_aq I have never seen expo show all my windows. I'm not sure what plugin you're thinking of02:30
ubunubinickrud: np, thanks, you gave me a starting point for help02:30
simardcrimsun: as for which number says its a sony ?02:30
cypher1yell0w, thanks.. i have intel 915GM card, do you know which video driver i should retain ?02:30
ubunubiEvilDennisR: Can you help me configure a new Xserver without foobaring my current desktop?02:31
kat_aqnickrud, oh ok. oh well. maybe it wasnt expo then. i just remember i had this shortcut where all my windows became smaller and i was tiled on my workspace and i thought that was expo02:31
nickrudkat_aq I think you mean scale02:31
cypher1yell0w, also i have only this file /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/glide_drv.o02:32
nickrudkat_aq yup, scale . Ctl-alt-up arrow02:32
nickrudkat_aq erm, shift-alt-up02:32
cypher1yell0w, i expected something named intel ;)02:32
nickrudkat_aq gonna have to play with that one myself, I think I like it ;)02:33
md5i need to unhash a md5 file someone can help me?02:33
kat_aqnickrud,  you're welcome then :P02:33
kat_aqnickrud, but thanks! that helped02:33
uglabuglawhats the best money management software02:33
crimsunsimard: the subsystem vendor ID02:33
Flannelmd5: What?02:34
md5Flannel:  i need to unhash an md5 crypted02:34
simardcrimsun: that alsa version is a devel one..02:34
yell0wcypher1: what would you wanna remove those ?02:34
Flannelmd5: You mean uncompress the md5 to the original file?02:34
crimsunsimard: it has a much better chance of properly supporting jack sense.02:34
simardok.. i'll give it a try02:34
anirudh0hello...can startup time in ubuntu be reduces..using gnome on a laptop02:34
mrmiggidudeMy clock is gone from my bar. Can anyone help?02:34
md5Flannel: no UNHASH the password02:34
cypher1yell0w, the firefox, xchat scrolls very slow.. basically all X scrolls are slow with my hardy upgrade02:34
anirudh0mrmiggidude, add it again..right click>add02:35
Flannelmd5: md5s are hashes, not compression.  It's a one way function.02:35
md5i mean02:35
mrmiggidudeanirudh Thanks!02:35
md5uncrypt the password02:35
anirudh0can startup time in ubuntu be reduces..using gnome on a laptop...googling reveals no specific ideas02:35
CraigWhmm can anyone help with this Grub Error 2102:36
yell0wcypher1: glxinfo | grep render02:36
CraigWi have tried everything02:36
kat_aqnew question nickrud , i figured that button1 is the mouse leftclick, and 2 is right i guess, but do you know what the others are?02:36
=== Yes is now known as someone_else
nickrudwhat's the new ubuntu init replacements name?02:36
yell0wcypher1: xserver-xorg-video-intel whould be installed by default02:36
AndrewGearharti'm setting about configuring my xorg.conf file... I did 'whereis xorg.conf' and it gave me /usr/lib/xorg and /usr/lib64/xorg ... but I don't seem to have xorg.conf in those folders.02:36
crimsunnickrud: upstart.02:36
anirudh0crackhead_25_, http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-grub/2003-02/msg00082.html02:36
nickrudkat_aq 3 is the middle button (or 1 & 2 together if you don't have a 3 button mouse) , the others are usually on the side of the mouse02:36
nickrudcrimsun thanks02:36
cypher1yell0w, xserver-xorg-video-driver is installed.. and i mentioned intel in the xorg.. but it does not seem to work02:37
cypher1yell0w, direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)02:37
cypher1OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect02:37
kat_aqnickrud, oh i see. ok thanks. my mouse only has 3 then =P02:37
nickrudanirudh0 do some searching on upstart parallel02:37
kat_aqok enough learning new ubuntu things for today, thanks for the help nickrud , goodnight =)02:37
yell0wcypher1: the driver is not loaded somehow, which is not giving you direct rendering, which is why xchat / firefox flickers02:38
nickrudkat_aq you you around02:38
ubunubiCould use any help someone can offer launching a fresh Xserver on an ATI card. Let me know if you might can help!02:38
mrmiggidudeMy sound doesn't work in flash anymore.02:38
mrmiggidudeCan someone help02:38
CraigWffs, can anyone help with the Grub Error 2102:38
=== nibsa1242 is now known as nibsa1242b
mrmiggidudeNevermind. It was muted. =]02:39
ubunubimrmiggidude: lol easiest fix ever02:39
mrmiggidudehahah. seriously. it sometimes craps out then fixes upon reboot. but i just rebooted for that problem and it didn't work so i was thinking there was a problem, but nah. just muted. haha.02:40
anirudh0CraigW, i gave you a link02:40
CraigWanirudh0 nothings working02:40
=== Beats is now known as Beatles
=== Beatles is now known as The
LeefmcWhere do you manually install things in Ubuntu? Ie, Blender, GoogleAppEngine server, etc?02:41
=== The is now known as TheBeatles
ubunubiLeefmc: Depends on the program. If it's in a repository, use Synaptic...if it's source code, gotta compile it. if it's a deb package, gotta download it, open it and install it02:42
Leefmcubottu: What if its neither of those three? Precompiled, but not deb02:42
ubottuLeefmc: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:42
Leefmcubunubi: ^^02:42
Leefmc(nice name btw :o)02:43
ubunubiLeefmc: thanks ;)02:43
turbotubaNewbie Alert...how do you audit your hardware in a terminal?02:43
Leefmcubunubi: So, what if its none of those 3?02:43
ubunubiLeefmc: Could you be more specific? What format IS it in?02:43
Leefmcubuntulog: Blender doesn't come as a package, and google app engine is .. well, i believe basically just a python script, but im not sure all what it needs. (considering windows has an installer for it)02:44
TheBeatlesHey guys im having a little trouble installing Kubuntu Feisty in Virtualbox, when i try to install it gets to the point where the slashscreen comes up then nothing happens, im running it directly from the .iso file and a 32bit02:44
Leefmcyour damn name :o02:44
arooni_i installed freemind, but i can't run it because of some annoying java problem:  http://pastie.org/214891  help???????  thanks!02:44
Leefmcubunubi: ^^02:44
turbotubawhat is the command to find out what hardware a pc has02:45
Leefmcubunubi: Blender comes as a .. tar, heh. No installer of any form, it runs out of the directory you unzip it to.02:45
pinnerupgrim76: I got a little further. By enabling the NX userDB and defining a special NX password for my account, I got a bit further in the authentication process, but then it gives me this: http://pastebin.com/d42a6392302:45
Leefmcubunubi: And the google app i'm talking about seems to be similar, except its specifically having to do with python.02:45
Jack_SparrowLeefmc http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/       How to install anything in Ubuntu02:45
ubunubiLeefmc:: Programs that aren't from a repo, or aren't a deb package...tend to have directions on their website, or on a fan-site telling you the exact steps to install it :)02:45
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
Leefmcubunubi: Well i mean, so there is no .. standard? Ubuntu just wants you to shove crap where ever? Seems odd. heh02:46
CraigWhello ??02:46
* Leefmc clicks Jack_Sparrow's link.02:46
anirudh0nickrud, thanks..btw why is;nt parallel enabled by default02:46
CraigWLeefmc was that to me>02:47
ubunubiLeefmc: For a program to support to Ubuntu "standard"....it has to be packaged as a *deb file, or a deb file in a repository. that's the purpose of the deb file, is to tell everything where to get stored, so that it does it the "ubuntu-way"02:47
LeefmcCraigW: No, you're name was not mentioned. ;P02:47
CraigWJack_Sparrow any other suggestions?02:47
Leefmcubunubi: Yea, but im asking how do _i_ do it the "ubuntu way" :o02:47
Jack_SparrowCraigW No, just booted up to dl some things for the wife..02:48
mrmiggidudeBTW guys, R. Kelly was not guilty.02:48
anirudh0Leefmc, checkinstall?02:48
Leefmcanirudh0: Pardon?02:48
cdavis_What can I do if root cannot delete a file? the file shows owned by: 2047907254:2511766000  ?02:48
CraigWJack_Sparrow nothing is working -.-"02:48
CraigWchown it02:48
tmapjwill rootkits included in torrents be able to function in ubuntu, anyone?02:48
anirudh0Leefmc, thats a package name..makes debs out of sources iirc02:48
JKAlferdoes anyone here have any experience with ubuntu and ndas drives?02:48
CraigWcdavis chown -hR name02:48
Jack_SparrowCraigW someting odd there...02:48
ubunubileefmc: you'd have to google specific tutorials on installing those apps specifically in your version of ubuntu. google something like ::  how Install PROGRAMNAME (Hardy OR heron OR 8.04 OR ubuntu)02:48
LeefmcThis seems weird. I spose i'll just create my own "Programs Folder" heh.02:48
CraigWyeah Jack_Sparrow02:48
R2LMI just went through the Gutsy to Hardy upgrade on my computer, and whenever I boot up now it shows the splash screen for several seconds, but then it goes into 'terminal' mode and displays all the startup info. I checked the /boot/grub/menu.lst and the options are "ro quiet splash" for boot up, just like they have been in the past. Any ideas how to suppress all the startup messages and keep...02:48
R2LM...the splash screen?02:48
CraigWJack_Sparrow because its SATA would that affect it?02:49
Jack_SparrowCraigW try a different release of ubuntu or a different distro..02:49
ubunubileefmc: copy and paste that search string replacing PROGRAMNAME and you'll get some good leads on where to start02:49
Leefmcubunubi: Well, im not wondering how to install.. i just figured there was a standard where most programs sat. If not, i can make my own, no biggie.02:49
unavailableok irc on pidgin, anyway to change people's nick's colors??02:49
CraigWJack_Sparrow where can i get 7.1002:49
tmapjwill rootkits included in torrents be able to function in ubuntu, anyone?02:49
Hillshum_How do I get windows that are flexible?02:49
Jack_SparrowCraigW No, I havbe sata, ide and mixed system all over..  that isnt the problem in your case02:49
nickrudanirudh0 it's experimental. I remember reading a thread on some mail list (?) about a guy using it to get to gdm in under 30 seconds. Still some issues on ensuring the correct sequencing of certain init scripts iirc02:49
CraigWJack_Sparrow where can i get 7.1002:49
Jack_SparrowCraigW You might look in bios to see if your can emulate ide with your sata..  that is where I would start02:50
ubunubileefmc: ubuntu obviously has a file structure...most big programs installed by the user sit in /usr/bin (if it's a binary) etc...but that's more a linux standard than say an Ubuntu one02:50
CraigWJack_Sparrow i never had a problem with 7.10, where can i dind this02:50
anirudh0nickrud, strange..fedora default boot was 28 sec(last i checked fc6)02:50
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Hardy, and help keeping the servers' load low!02:50
kontagiousim using brasero and i would like to know how to turn off checksum02:50
ubunubileefmc: if a program requires files to be put in specific places SPECIFICALLY to work with ubuntu (if it deviates from the other distro standards//basic standard), then that's what the HOWTO's you google will tell you02:50
tmapjwill rootkits included in torrents be able to function in ubuntu, anyone?02:50
Flanneltmapj: Depends.  Probably not, since the majority of them are windows rootkits.  If you wanted to, you could probably get them to half-run in wine, with a little effort.  If they are arch specific, then once it gets installed, it should run.  But the arch specific ones still have OS specific installation methods, I believe.02:51
anirudh0nickrud, well...i'll disable whatever startup services i can..thanks again02:51
Jack_Sparrowtmapj rootkits included in ubuntu iso from torrents?02:51
Leefmcubunubi: Yea. Heh, i mean.. I've got my blender directory sitting in "/usr/local/" which just seems.. odd. Yet i was told to. Though there seems to be no reason why, since i just created a symlink to a dif spot anyway.. its just hacky.. heh02:51
nickrudanirudh0 there's something on the forums, you might want to read that over02:51
Jack_Sparrowtmapj md5 prevents that from happening02:51
Leefmcubunubi: Yea i know, thats why im asking for this simple case of "where to shove crap" heh02:51
SmartpartSo I am just finishing setting up a dedicated css server. I'm starting to get stressed, it says serv online but i cant find it ingame...02:51
Leefmcubunubi: I don't like the feel of "shoving crap" in /usr/local/02:52
tmapjno im just worried about rootkits from downloading torrents02:52
ubunubileefmc: then 'shove' it where you do like the feel of it, lol, as long as it works, and you can find it, and there's space and permissions setup..have at it02:52
jribtmapj: check the md5sum with the project whose software you are downloading02:52
Leefmcubunubi: I know, i just wanted to shove it where it belonged haha. Guess they dont really belong anywhere heh02:53
tmapjjrib what are you talkinig about ?02:53
unavailablenvr mnd i like chatzilla better02:53
jribtmapj: your concern about rootkits and how to address it02:53
ubunubileefmc: this might be a good "guideline"  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/linux-or-ubuntu-directory-structure.html02:54
tmapjwhat does "with the project whose software you are downloading" mean?02:54
Leefmcubunubi: Sounds good, thank you02:54
HemebondHow do I found out why Firefox isn't starting?02:54
jribtmapj: you download program X.  You look up program X's md5sum02:54
HemebondWhen I run from terminal there is no output.02:54
tmapjwhat's an md5sum?02:54
jribHemebond: ps -ef | grep firefox    any processes?02:55
anirudh0Leefmc, iirc there's a freedesktop standard as well02:55
jribtmapj: it's a checksum.  It let's you verify what you have is what you are supposed to have (ie no one changed it)02:55
* Leefmc googles freedesktop standard02:55
Hemebondjrib: erm. I'm asking for a friend (who is afk atm).02:55
tmapjah, tell me more02:55
Hemebondjrib: He's just installed Ubuntu and things aren't working.02:55
jribtmapj: wikipedia article on checksum is probably a good read02:56
Hemebondjrib: I'll ask him when he gets back.02:56
jribHemebond: k, probably a lot easier if he just comes here02:56
Hemebondjrib: he is here. vial.02:56
jerbearis there something special i have to do to get the small icon to show in the context menu when adding something to nautilus-actions? i see the menu item, just not the icon i set02:56
jribHemebond: "here" as in not afk02:56
Hemebondjrib: Yes.02:57
anirudh0Hemebond, is he shy or something...why not ask himself02:57
Jack_SparrowLeefmc Let me find the link on the file structure  take me just a minute02:57
Hemebondjrib: Not sure why he connected then buggered off.02:57
cdavis_Can you ls and get perms of a file in numeric format?02:57
LeefmcJack_Sparrow: pardon? This one seems decent http://www.ubuntugeek.com/linux-or-ubuntu-directory-structure.html02:57
jribcdavis_: you can use 'stat' (see 'man stat')02:58
unavailablewhats the preferred irc client for ubuntu?02:58
Hemebondunavailable: Pidgin02:58
unavailableand how does it compare to chatzilla02:58
Jack_SparrowLeefmc yep.. that was it02:58
jribunavailable: whichever one you like best, pidgin is default02:58
mrmiggidudei like pidgin02:58
cdavis_jrib, thanks02:58
Hemebondunavailable: Much better.02:58
LeefmcJack_Sparrow: :)02:58
unavailableany others?02:59
R2LMAnybody have any idea why I see all the startup messages on bootup when I have "ro quiet splash" in my /boot/grub/menu.lst entry? What am I missing?02:59
jrib!irc > unavailable (read the private message from ubottu)02:59
Jack_Sparrowunavailable xchat.. not to be confused with xchat-gnome02:59
ubunubi@Anyone :: Need helping setting up a second Xserver on an system with compiz-fusion and using an ATI card. Currently launching another xserver hardlocks the machine, everything else (compiz, 3d effects, games) work great!!02:59
ubunubiR2LM:: Add another line by itself at the end, that has "quiet" listed again03:00
=== anirudh1 is now known as anirudh0
R2LMubunubi: Thanks, I have that too... that's why I'm not sure why I still see all the startup messages. Any other ideas?03:00
unavailablethx ill stick here03:00
ubunubiR2LM: Sorry, other than that I don't. When i had the default quiet splash, and the 4th line quiet by itself (also by default) I saw none of that. So it's outta my range of experience03:02
s3acan sum1 help me with a routing situation?03:02
Hemebondjrib: I was really just wondering if Firefox logged things in any particular log.03:02
jribHemebond: no, not that I know of03:02
Coiotes_anyone here know the best way of using a hdd between OS X and Hardy? it's an external, and I don't want to use fat32 (i have files larger than 4gb).03:02
AndrewGearharthow do I get changes to xorg.conf to take effect (i'm guessing I have to restart the window manager... true? If so... how?)03:02
Coiotes_ideas would be appreciataed.03:02
Coiotes_or pertinent links.03:02
jribHemebond: check ~/.mozilla/firefox/ I guess03:02
cypher1what is the glx module in the xorg used for ?03:02
Starnestommycypher1: 3d rendering with opengl03:03
s3aany1 here no how to set up a router?03:03
anirudh0jrib, not there03:03
AndrewGearhartman... why isn't this place in conference mode? all the leaves and joins are quite distracting03:03
dcHemebond, : ~/.mozilla/firefox/fdFDjklfadsF.default/history.dat03:03
cypher1Starnestommy, thanks..03:03
jribanirudh0: hmm?03:03
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart are you using xchat03:04
Hemebonddc: cheers.03:04
AndrewGearhartJack_Sparrow: no... still using pidgeon03:04
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart Dont make me smack you..03:04
dcHemebond, and also in sessionstore.js03:04
scifiguy951are there any programs to surf the internet anonamysly?03:04
Jack_SparrowAndrewGearhart fyi.. I watch the parts and joins as you might understand..03:04
Starnestommycyberlect: maybe tor03:05
dcscifiguy951,  try tor.eff.org03:05
Hemebonddc: Okay thanks.03:05
anirudh0jrib, there is no log file afaik..he'll have to run /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin under gdb03:05
Starnestommycyberlect: er, disregard that03:05
unavailableubuntubi halfway unrelated but may help  http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/02/20/restoring-the-ubuntu-usplash-after-a-kubuntu-install/03:05
jribanirudh0: I have ~/.mozilla/firefox/Crash Reports/ fwiw03:05
Panikdoes anybody know how to install ati drivers on ubuntu i'm having alot of issues03:05
AndrewGearhartJack_Sparrow ... I've been trying to make the multiple monitors work! ;-) I'm staring at 2x19" LCDs (beautiful I might add) that are displayin the SAME THING! ;-) hence why the leaves and joins are even more annoying03:05
anirudh0jrib, hmm..none here03:05
DrChirsHow can I configure an application to run when I log into ubuntu?03:05
jrib!ati > Panik (read the private message from ubottu)03:05
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama03:05
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead03:06
s3aPanik: go to the envy website03:06
jrib!startup > DrChirs (read the private message from ubottu)03:06
Panikwhats that03:06
Jack_Sparrows3a No bad idea03:06
anirudh0jrib, perhaps it only gets generated after a crash..care to post it to pastebin?03:06
s3aJack_Sparrow: how is that a bad idea? it can uninstall, install ati or nvidia proprietary drivers03:06
dcdoes anyone live in Dubai?03:06
Jack_SparrowPanik get envyng from our repos.. not the one from online03:06
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) and has community support. As an early version, its results may vary but this should be used over the unsupported envy package.03:07
jribanirudh0: nope, I know what it is03:07
s3aJack_Sparrow: thats wat i meant but the site has the command and i dont remember it ;)03:07
s3aJack_Sparrow: unless it's just sudo apt-get install envygtk03:07
anirudh0jrib, i know you do..i dont..thats why i wanted to see the fil's output ;)03:07
Jack_Sparrows3a Just pointing out the difference..03:07
jribdc: we like to keep this channel dedicated to ubuntu support only since it is so busy.  Mind moving your discussion over to #ubuntu-offtopic?03:07
s3aJack_Sparrow: i think we had this "argument" before03:07
Jack_Sparrows3a running envy from off the web then trying ours has very mixed results03:08
scifiguy951how do i use tor?03:08
unavailablekinda like running the ose then the sun versions of virtualbox03:08
CoiotesGarrr, no one knows anything about this. v_v03:08
Hillshum_How do i get the cube?03:08
dcscifiguy951, try torpark instead - it's a firefox modification with extra privacy03:09
anirudh0Hemebond, one sec...does'nt apport give you an error report?03:09
unavailablehillshum_ cube desktop?03:09
s3acan sum1 plz help me set up a wireless router?03:09
jribanirudh0: useless UserId stuff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/20030/03:09
anirudh0Hillshum_, install compizconfig-settings-manager..change option in it..type ccsm03:09
anirudh0jrib, ahh...so the only useful way is to run under gdb?...nothing comes up for "firefox log file" on google03:10
jribanirudh0: maybe, but first he should make sure it's not a profile/extension issue imo03:10
dcanirudh0,  ~/.mozilla/firefox/wqloi8t5.default/history.dat03:10
dcanirudh0,  ~/.mozilla/firefox/wqloi8t5.default/sessionstore.js03:11
PanikI dont have a restricted driver manager in ubuntu03:11
anirudh0dc ?03:11
dcscifiguy951, sorry torpark is for windows only.03:11
scifiguy951where can i get torpark?03:11
jribPanik: "Hardware Drivers"03:11
anirudh0dc that just has visited site history03:11
scifiguy951how do i use tor??03:11
jrib!tor > scifiguy951 (read the private message from ubottu)03:12
Panikbut my ati card doesnt show up03:12
Panikin hardware drivers03:12
dcanirudh0, oh, which log do you want?03:12
dcscifiguy951,  read tor.eff.org03:12
anirudh0dc, if ff crashes..it should produce a log..whose location we were trying to find(i think)03:12
anirudh0scifiguy951, are you behind a proxy?03:12
vial<-has now got is breakfast and is no longer afk, and is the person with the firefox issue03:13
Certhwhy ubuntu is so buggy?03:13
ScuniziCerth: ?03:13
jribvial: ps -ef | grep firefox   shows what?03:13
hydroponicI left the PC, and the monitor powered down, now that I'm back, the keyboard/monitor works, but not the mouse. The mouse LED is on but I don't see the pointer03:13
anirudh0scifiguy951, does ff connect normally, or do you have to specify something?03:13
=== adhd_ is now known as Helleri
vialshows the grep command03:14
scifiguy951connects normaly03:14
unavailable85% of the time its the user...    that explains a lot of my problems  >> dhcp?03:14
jribvial: firefox -safe-mode    work?03:14
anirudh0scifiguy951, then life is easy...read tor.eff.org03:14
VladimirMeloanyone can help me with macbook keyboard?03:15
hydroponicAnyone have any idea what's wrong? When I keep my PC idle and a screensaver comes on, I need to restart X to get my mouse working again. Right now only KB works03:15
vialjrib: no same thing, i get a "Starting Firefox" is the taskbar then it dissapears and nothing03:15
VladimirMelo~ and \ are swapping03:16
unavailablehydroponic  usb mouse?03:16
Scunizivial did you upgrade from gutsy to hardy?03:16
hydroponicunavailable: yes03:16
Certh-Scunizi- today I filled over 10 bugreports and even more still remain to fill03:16
hydroponicand I can't switch focus with alt/tab, some key shortcuts don't work.. might be the ones I set in compiz03:17
vialScunizi no fresh install from a 8.04 cd last night, then a apt-get dist-upgrade from there03:17
k33bzHi, I need help with hardy dual boot installation03:17
k33bzhaving grub problems03:17
philhHi guys, i'm having trouble with a dvd burner and brasero03:17
philhwhat should i do about "BraseroCdrdao stderr: ERROR: Drive does not accept any cue sheet variant - please report." ?03:18
ScuniziCerth: good for you.. you are unique and must be doing something that the rest of us aren't.. unless the bugs you're experiencing are hardware related.. I rarely have any issues .. much less than my windows install.03:18
jribvial: mv ~/.mozilla/ ~/.mozilla.backup    and try again03:18
k33bzI had windows and fiesty working03:18
dci found the firefox crash location: /var/crash/_usr_lib_firefox_firefox-bin.1000.crash03:18
k33bzbut my motherboard got fried, and had to try and repair03:18
viali heart you, it works03:18
HemebondThat was it?03:19
k33bzthye ycouldnt repair so they sent me a new one03:19
HemebondA corrupt fking profile?03:19
unavailablehydroponic is it the whole mouse or just buttons?03:19
k33bzthings after that havnt workded right03:19
HemebondThis new version of Firefox is pants.03:19
jribvial: you've lost all your settings though.  If you have anything you want, you can grab them from the backup03:19
viali never even ran it once successfully, so no03:19
jribvial: weird03:19
Certh-Scunizi- no I only today installed the system. the work is still in the future. some bugs still not fixed from Ubuntu 6.10 and even earlier03:19
hydroponicunavailable: There's no pointer on the screen, buttons don't do anything. There's literally no pointer, it's not 'hidden' or invisible or anything03:19
Hemebondvial: Close and re-open firefox.03:20
unavailableyou try switching usb ports?03:20
Hemebondvial: Is it still good?03:20
vialhemebond: ya its still good03:20
Hemebondvial: Hmm okay.03:20
HemebondMy toolbars corrupt every time I open firefox. (maybe when I close it)03:20
s3adoes gobuntu use firefox?03:21
kdc1956firefox is good03:21
hydroponicunavailable: I unplugged it and put it into a new USB slot. According to dmesg, it should be working. It gets detected03:21
Flannels3a: No03:22
dcHemebond,  I would copy my ~/.mozilla/firefox/ folder to ~/.mozilla/firefox-old,  open firefox up, make a new profile, then copy the bookmarks.html and other files into the new folder03:22
unavailablebut no pointer03:22
tenI attached a USB drive to my CentOS, when I try to copy something in it, it says I dont have the permission for it, how do activate the permission ?03:22
kyporwhy is VPN fubarred in Ubuntu. It used to work, now it doesn't. wtf03:22
Hemebonddc: Done all that. Tested new profiles. Tested with/without extensions. Tested by not changing anything.03:22
s3aFlannel: is that because firefox is becoming spyware-like?03:22
philhten, centos != ubuntu afaik03:22
Flannels3a: No, I imagine it has to do with the iceweasel thing.03:22
hydroponicI've used Slackware, Arch and Gentoo for years, never had a problem.. even Gutsy works great at the office, but I've been having issues with Hardy since installation last week. Fixing one thing just brings up another problem03:23
tenphilh, yes, the commands should be same right, if I can sudo open a file manager it would help too03:23
tenphilh, how do I do that03:23
hydroponicAll issues prob stem from my nvidia drivers03:23
jayson_th1, HardDrive I have tried to reinstall ubuntu but don't work yet03:23
philhten, what's the filesystem on the drive?03:23
unavailablewhich drivers??  which distro??03:24
tommy_when i play videos, they all blocky.  any solution please03:24
s3ahow come no1 here is helping me with my router problems :(03:24
philhs3a, because you came to #ubuntu and didn't get lucky03:24
philhhappens all the time03:24
unavailables3a  ##networking03:24
compubombwhoa, lota people in here.03:24
tenphil, I dont know03:24
tommy_any ideas?03:24
dcHemebond,   this might be too hard but I'd try comparing the md5sums of all the files in the operating system against what they're supposed to be to see what got corrupted03:24
compubombhow do i install a pcf font in ubuntu ?03:24
hydroponicanyone have any idea how I can get the mouse working again without restarting X? I unplugged it and put it into a new USB port. It gets detected fine (dmesg).. but I have no pointer. Mouse LED works though... help!03:25
tenphilh, my other USB drive works fine03:25
s3aunavailable: does ##networking help also with ubuntu?03:25
philhten, you don't know? i take it you didn't create the filesystem then?03:25
compubombi copied them into my .fonts dir and they dont' show up :'(03:25
Hemebonddc: I'm already in the process of backing up data for a complete reinstall of Ubuntu.03:25
compubombis there some kind of font utility which manages these for you ?03:25
unavailables3a what trouble are you having?03:25
tenphilh the USB drive is my friends, I am copying files my my USB drive to his, I can copy edit in mine03:25
s3aunavailable: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5182210#post518221003:26
enoshelpahello that but some beautiful woman who appears with voice that the03:26
philhten, type mount at a terminal and see what the drive comes up as03:27
enoshelpacallate expensive yard03:27
enoshelpacallate expensive yard03:27
redwhitewaldousing freemind, one command's shortcut is "Control+Less". What is the "less" key?03:28
s3aredwhitewaldo: the minus key?03:28
unavailables3a looking in ##linux03:28
tenphilh, I have it in my /media/USB DRIVE , I did sudo chmod +rwx USB\ drive/ , it changed the permission but nothing happened, is the command wrong03:28
Hemebondredwhitewaldo: is it < ?03:28
unavailables3a /join ##linux03:28
s3aunavailable: k03:28
scifiguy951why cant i save in nano??03:28
tenphilh, it says chmod: changing permissions of `USB drive/': Read-only file system03:29
ten but then I cant copy it03:29
s3aunavailable: i joined03:29
scifiguy951can someone halp me?03:29
Flannelscifiguy951: ctrl-o03:29
philhten, did you do anything i asked you to?03:29
redwhitewaldos3a, Hemebond: nope. those keys don't work03:29
Starnestommyscifiguy951: the file that you are editing might not be writable without sudo03:29
enoshelpaI use mac osx version 10.3.9 some please handles one of these for me03:29
enoshelpaof advice03:29
redwhitewaldoplease install freemind03:29
redwhitewaldoit's just a small program03:29
dcHemebond,  $  cd /; for i in /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.md5sums; do md5sum -c $i |grep -v 'OK$'; done03:30
redwhitewaldoand you can see under "Navigate"03:30
tenphilh, /dev/sdc1 on /media/USB drive type ntfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,umask=222)03:30
scifiguy951i get to the save part and i hit enter and it tells me error no such file or directory03:30
scifiguy951i am in sudo03:30
dcHemebond, that could help find corrupted stuff03:30
philhwonderful, K3B can burn the BIN/CUE but brasero chokes, i was hoping to not need 78meg of supporting files just to burn CDs...03:30
philhten, centos version?03:30
castel_i have RealPlayer11GOLD.bin03:30
tenphilh, 503:30
castel_but i can't install that03:30
zohaib1020how can i change my screen resolution in KDE, I've attempted many times to try and change my screen resolution away from 800x600. Any help?03:31
castel_anyone tell me how to install ?03:31
ericvwFirefox is causing a segmentation fault; what should I do?03:31
Hemebonddc: Thanks. I'll look into that it a reinstall doesn't help.03:31
philhten, my guess is that you don't have fuse and ntfs3g(?) enabled and therefore the filesystem is mounted RO, not sure you can do anything about it, you need centos support03:31
scifiguy951https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TOR       i am on this and i am at the privoxy part (configure) and when i try to save i cant?????????????03:31
unavailables3a ok he's no good..03:31
tenphilh, my other USB drive is this /dev/sdd1 on /media/WD Passport type vfat (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,shortname=winnt,uid=500)03:32
ten, I can do anything on it03:32
castel_please tell me03:32
unavailables3a ok....03:32
scifiguy951help any one?03:32
philhten, yes, i'd guessed it was a filesystem the kernel could mount RW by itself03:32
daeosphilh, how can i change my screen resolution in KDE, I've attempted many times to try and change my screen resolution away from 800x600. <-- could you help zohaib1020 with this? he's asked me and im not sure what else he can do03:32
unavailables3a looks like your wireless router isnt handing an ip to your box03:32
tenphilh, also I can copy from windows,03:33
ericvwcan anyone help me with a firefox 3 segmentation fault?03:33
philhten, then use windows, windows understands NTFS fully, not overly surprising03:33
scifiguy951https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TOR       i am on this and i am at the privoxy part (configure) and when i try to save i cant???03:33
unavailables3a do you have it plugged into a box?03:33
Starnestommyscifiguy951: try saving it as config.tmp, then exit nano and move it to the /etc/privoxy/config03:33
tenphilh, can I use the chmod to enable read write, and other things ?03:33
tenin this case03:33
philhdaeos, i don't use KDE03:33
philhten, not a hope03:33
castel_can anyone help me with RealPlayer11GOLD.bin ?03:33
daeosphilh, ok thanks man03:33
scifiguy951??save file under a different name??03:34
crimsuncastel_: not sure what you mean03:34
scifiguy951what do i do?03:34
tenphilh, my windows in vmware, very slow in copying since I guess it doesnt get the USB driver or something03:34
philhten, start listening, you need to get support for your distro, not ask around here, on a recent ubuntu it should "just work"03:34
anirudh0nickrud, so i rebooted using parallel upstart...it worked very well..except for "starting kernel events manager" where i waited for a long time..this delay was'nt there in the non-parallel boot..any idea why?03:34
Starnestommycastel_: chmod +x ./RealPlayer11GOLD.bin && sudo ./RealPlayer11GOLD03:34
tenphilh, ok thanks man03:34
philhten, why do you use centos?03:34
scifiguy951?yes or no?03:34
philhten, is this a server machine?03:34
Starnestommyscifiguy951: yes?03:34
tenphilh, becasue my boss made me03:35
tenphilh, no its a laptop.....lol03:35
philhten, strange boss03:35
anirudh0philh, labs prefer fedora for some reason03:35
anirudh0philh, and its derivatives03:35
scifiguy951its not saveing03:35
philhanirudh0, nothing wrong with that, but for someone who hasn't got a clue a non-supported server OS is probably not the best option, fedora may well be a better bet03:36
unavailables3a to me it sounds like you have to connect to the router you want to wirelessly share with... (you may want to do this after disconnecting the other router) set up a static ip on your box... i.e.  subnet
castel_castel@castel-desktop:~$  chmod +x ./RealPlayer11GOLD.bin03:36
castel_chmod: cannot access `./RealPlayer11GOLD.bin': No such file or directory03:36
Starnestommyscifiguy951: does it give you any error messages?03:36
Starnestommycastel_: cd to the directory that it's in03:37
unavailables3a  then try or
Starnestommyscifiguy951: what was the error?03:37
anirudh0unavailable, what is
scifiguy951it says....Error writing /ect/privoxy/config: No such file or directory03:37
philhten, try googling for centos fuse, see if anything useful comes up03:37
crimsuncastel_: or provide the correct path to the file.03:37
Starnestommyscifiguy951: try /etc/privoxy/config03:37
tenphilh, I am using a weird network, I can only chat, looks like some of the ports are closed maybe03:38
scifiguy951same error03:38
=== dc is now known as urbanadventurer
Starnestommycastel_: where is that file located?03:38
tenphilh, thanks for the advice though03:38
castel_partition 203:38
philhten, right, i'll google for you03:38
castel_i am install with inside windows03:39
Starnestommycastel_: cd to that directory, then run sudo ./RealPlayer11GOLD.bin03:39
leonardoHello guys. I'm just testing this IRC program and Would like to say hello...03:39
tenphilh, no need, I will try to find it once I get to a better network, the drive's ntfs is giving me all the troubles as you pointed out03:40
castel_castel@castel-desktop:~$ cd to that directory03:40
castel_bash: cd: to: No such file or directory03:40
teamcobrahello leonardo03:40
bullgard4What does 'IS department' mean in the following sentence: "The backend used is configurable by the system administrator. This is a valuable feature for IS departments managing large numbers of computers."?03:40
teamcobrainformation services03:40
anirudh0castel_, cd <directory-name>03:40
leonardoHello Teamcobra!03:40
AndrewGearhartDID IT! I've finally managed to configure dual monitors on ubuntu 8.04 with the Intel GMA (Integrated Graphics Adapter) 3100. I edited the xorg.conf to be similar to the one located at http://www.intellinuxgraphics.org/dualhead.html but adjusted the virtual display to be 2880x900 (my 19" displays are 1440x900 each). This did /NOT/ do it after I logged out and back in. I then used System>Preferences>Screen Resolution and adjusted the03:40
bullgard4teamcobra: Thank you.03:40
AndrewGearhartbullgard4: Information Systems03:40
aviswhat directory are the firefox-3 icons stored at for gnome ?03:41
teamcobrayeh, andrew is correct03:41
teamcobrainterchangable w/ IT03:41
teamcobrafor the most part ;p03:41
anirudh0avis, some in /usr/share/icons/<theme>03:41
philhten, when you get there you want http://wiki.centos.org/TipsAndTricks/NTFSPartitions03:41
castel_castel@castel-desktop:~$ cd <directory-name>03:41
castel_bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'03:41
bullgard4AndrewGearhart: Thank you.03:41
nickrudanirudh0 no03:41
crimsuncastel_: replace '<directory-name>' as appropriate03:41
teamcobrawow, my centos box is installing firefox 1.5 right now03:41
Starnestommycastel_: replace <directory-name> with the path to the directory where RealPlayer11GOLD.bin is03:41
teamcobracentos 503:41
castel_example ???03:42
* AndrewGearhart 's degree is MIS .... Management Information Systems.... so... he hopes they don't change it on him!03:42
Starnestommycastel_: if it's in /blah/foo, cd /blah/foo03:42
* anirudh0 thinks mis information systems would also be appropriate ;)03:42
tenphilh, thanks again03:42
avishow would i simply purge and reinstall the firefox-3 package ?03:43
Solaris_Prydefirefox 3 out?03:44
teamcobrasudo apt-get remove firefox ; sudo apt-get install firefox03:44
teamcobranot til tues, I believe03:44
anirudh0avis, apt-get --purge remove firefox-3.003:44
Solaris_Prydei wonder if my bookmarks will also be wiped clean if i apt-get remove firefox03:45
anirudh0Solaris_Pryde, no03:45
anirudh0Solaris_Pryde, ~/ folders are not deleted03:45
Solaris_Prydeohh ok03:45
D3RGPS31Anyone have information on ATI drivers not made by ATI or AMD, the official drivers 'just don't work' for me =/ (Ubuntu 8.04, ATI Radeon Xpress 200m)03:46
philhHas anyone here got TV-out working with nvidia fx6200?03:46
teamcobraradeonhd is the other project, in the works03:46
teamcobrabut I had a lappie w/ a 200m, fglrx was the only way to go on that piece of scrap03:46
unavailables3a  hows that issue coming along?03:47
AndrewGearhartanirudh0: depends upon the programmer... ;-)03:47
philhor seen a good howto, i've found some interesting stuff on the gentoo wiki but it's not working03:47
Panikno resume image, something during boot : matrix ttyl03:47
castel_if RealPlayer11GOLD.bin on the desktop how to create at terminal???03:47
Panikis what get03:47
D3RGPS31teamcobra: thanks03:47
Panikmatrix login03:47
=== markito is now known as srinux
vidohi how can i deal with that E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.03:47
vidoE: _cache->open() failed, please report.03:47
anirudh0castel_, cd Desktop..sudo chmos +x *..../RealPlayer11Gold.bin03:48
avisi cannot seem to find my gnome firefox gnome icons.  i tried purging and reinstalling firefox 3.0 and the location is still incorrect for me03:48
philhvido, tried doing as it asks?03:48
anirudh0avis, they are part of the icons theme..not of the firefox ackage03:48
vidoyes and it gives me that >03:48
avisoh i see, ok.03:48
dy1i wanna create a video tutorial, is there a good free screen capture program and what would be the best settings for quality and file size if i wanna record to OGG?03:49
castel_castel@castel-desktop:~$  cd Desktop..sudo chmos +x *..../RealPlayer11Gold.bin03:49
castel_bash: cd: Desktop..sudo: No such file or directory03:49
unavailableSolaris_Pryde http://www.spreadfirefox.com/en-US/worldrecord03:49
philhvido, did you sudo it?03:50
=== kat is now known as Guest43769
anirudh0unavailable, i never understood why the mozilla people want to burn their servers03:50
erinHi, anyone know how to get rid of the fish that swims around on your screen when you type "free the fishes" at the run prompt?03:51
avishmm.  i've switched icon sets to something i know had a gnome firefox icon, and purged and reinstalled firefox 3.0, though the default firefox icon did not appear.  i'm not sure what i should do.03:51
algebraisthi, i am having wifi connection problems after a recent update (since about 7-10 days...) i have the intel pro 4965agn on an asus f9sg laptop...googling seems to indicate i need to backport(?) but i'm not sure how03:51
ubottuFactoid mindmap not found03:51
moDumass!mind map03:51
ubottuFactoid mind map not found03:51
t35t0r"free the fishes" doesn't show any fishes03:52
ubottugoogle is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux03:52
avisalgebraist, you can enable backports if you'd like in your /etc/apt/sources.list, update, and install03:52
erint35tor: it does in GNOME03:52
castel_i am sad i can't install real player03:52
philherin, tried killing gnome-panel?03:52
erinphilh: nope, i'll try it now03:52
AndrewGearhartOff to the store for some groceries!03:52
vidoyes i sudo it dr phill03:52
Panikwhats the latest ubuntu version03:53
algebraisti've done that, and it wants to install qt4 stuff... but i think i need to revert to an older kernel or something... the iwl4965 driver is set to RF hardware-something (value 2...) -- does this sound familiar?03:53
cypher1!hardy | Panik03:53
ubottuPanik: Hardy Heron is the codename for the current release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) You can get it now from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu but please use !torrents03:53
philhvido, just the one L, thanks03:53
vidoit gives me that >03:53
* Panik looks at b0xxy03:53
erinahh it worked thanks philh03:53
philherin, np03:54
* nickrud wants fishes, but they won't come03:54
t35t0rwhat does lts stand for? long time software03:54
erinnickrud are you running GNOME?03:54
t35t0rfluxbox could not free the fishes03:54
Vedestinwhy won't pidgin sign in to msn?03:54
nickruderin it was "free the fish" , not fishes ;)03:54
erinsame difference :P03:55
algebraistavis:  i've done that, and it wants to install qt4 stuff... but i think i need to revert to an older kernel or something... the iwl4965 driver is set to RF hardware-something (value 2...) -- does this sound familiar?03:55
philhvido, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/dpkg-configure-a-error-361965/03:55
Solaris_Prydeanyone ever got "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" ?03:55
avisi've never been in that situation, algebraist.  sorry03:55
erinSolaris: yes I have, trying to compile WINE on 64-bit Arch Linux, and when gcc and g++ werent installed03:55
nickrud!build-essential | Solaris_Pryde03:55
ubottuSolaris_Pryde: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)03:55
algebraistavis, thanks for your time anyway03:55
anirudh0nickrud, you need the fishes package..forgot the name03:55
philhhmm, wanda's gone all vectory and babelfishy03:55
avisSolaris_Pryde, is your build-essential installed ?03:56
moDumassanyone have issues with java apps being limited in size in ubuntu?03:56
moDumassor jsut me?03:56
moDumassscreensize i mean03:56
nickrudanirudh0 got it. I've known that egg was in gnome-panel for years, but never knew the trigger :)03:56
philherin, nickrud tried "gegls from outer space"?03:56
unclemikewhen installing ubuntu..whats the migrate documents and setting...for microsoft windows xp03:57
erinphilh: hahahaha03:57
nickrudah, the gnu's are stampeding!03:57
avishmm.  i've switched icon sets to something i know had a gnome firefox icon, and purged and reinstalled firefox 3.0, though the default firefox icon did not appear.  i'm not sure what i should do.03:57
erinits space invaders!03:57
philhworry not, wanda will save us03:58
avisi'm trying to get an actual firefox icon for firefox03:58
algebraistanybody having iwl4965 issues? there's this weird situation where if you disable your wifi using Fn-F2, you can't re-enable it easily... that's the problem i need help on03:58
erinavis: go find one on google, then put it in /usr/share/pixmaps then change the icon the usual way03:58
avisi'll try that erin.  thank you03:58
=== markito is now known as srinux
mneptokalgebraist: that's not a chipset issue, AFAICT, but an OEM issue with custom keymaps.03:59
philhoooh, open-office calc is supposed to have a space invaders game too03:59
bullgard4How do differ the desktop configuration files in /usr/share/applications and /usr/share/app-install/desktop?03:59
=== |GuS| is now known as [GuS]
algebraistaneptok, thanks... well, i read somewhere that it's a bug with the new kernel ( i think using an older kernel will fix it... do i have to use backports for this?04:00
candiveHello, can someone help me finish installing clamav there are two files I am suppose to rename?04:00
Solaris_Prydeerin: did u post about that wine not able to install? i thot i just came across that04:00
erinSolaris: nope04:01
Matt_i'm trying to shrink my windows partition, but it windows won't let me shrink it anymore than 11gigs, and I have a lot more than that free. I know this is a windows question, but I don't know of any Windows live help channels.04:01
candiveI have a copy of my Terminal for clam04:01
erinSolaris: I finally discovered that 64-bit arch linux wasnt multilib so wine wouldnt work on it easily, so I came back to Ubuntu04:01
nickrudMatt_ ##windows04:01
Matt_i'm trying to give Ubuntu the majority of the drive04:02
Matt_okay thanks04:02
candive!ubotto, pastebin?04:02
ubottucandive: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:02
nickrudubottu, pastebin | candive04:02
ubottucandive: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:02
philhMatt_, defragging may help a bit04:02
candivenickrud, thanks learning curve04:03
erinphilh: I noticed that the ntfs partition shrinker in the ubuntu installer hung my friends PC, could this have been because he didnt defrag his drive first?04:03
nickrudcandive np, I vividly remember that slope :)04:03
bullgard4 /usr/share/applications und  /usr/share/app-install/desktop?04:04
ethana2how do I check wireless networking from the terminal?04:04
philherin, no idea, sorry04:04
ethana2can I view wireless networks using a bash command?04:04
nickrudbullgard4 which packages own those dirs/files?04:04
philhethana2, iwlist04:04
erinethana2: iwconfig04:04
algebraistanybody know how to set rf_kill to 0? i tried sudo echo >, but it doesn't work04:05
candivehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/20039/ should i close the window? for paste04:05
LanlostI've got a question about rt2500s.. I noticed my speed in ubuntu seemed so slow. Then I did a iwconfig and noticed the rate was at 1mbps. Well, divide that in bytes instead of bits thats about what I was getting04:05
erinalgebraist: export r_kill 0    ?04:06
Lanlostso I looked for a forum.. and people said that you have to switch the bit rate to auto.. but I think thats what its at becuase when I do auto it sitll says 1mbps. Setting it to 54M didn't do much. I followed a link to compile rt2500 drivers and .. they compiled fine04:06
Lanlostbut I couldn't acutally connect. The drivers didn't automatically work with the gnome network thingy.. an dI couldn't set them manually either04:07
Lanlostdhclient said that it couldn't find any responces..04:07
Lanlostso I disabled rt2500 (which used ra0 not wlan0 for some reason) and used rt2500pci again.. It worked this time04:07
algebraisterin, does that really work? i am talking about  /sys/bus/pci/drivers/iwl4965/*/rf_kill , not a shell variable04:07
ethana2iwlist doesn't give me... well, I'm confused04:07
LanlostI got 54M .. and I got great speed. It only works when I put the card down first.. then change the rate.. and then put it back up04:07
erinalgebraist: oh probably not then, sorry :P04:07
erincandive: try "sudo make install"04:07
Lanlostbut on the forums it said it was bad to use 54M unless I'm really close to the router becuase it probably won't get that speed04:08
algebraisterin, no worries, thanks anyway :)04:08
Lanlostso I'm just not sure what I should do.. Also.. on boot I had no internet.. This is what I friggen hate about linux. I compiled the rt2500 drivers but I don't know why its using them by default on boot now04:08
uberpinguinHello.  I see that ubuntu has a package for murmur on hardy-sparc. I'm curious about how it was patched to run properly, as murmur on my supersparc crashes with a bus error whenever a player speaks.04:08
candiveerin, did you see my paste?04:08
erincandive: yes04:08
LanlostI didn't change anything else.. I just did a temporary modprobe -r or rmmod and changed it back to the original04:08
candivegoing to terminal04:08
erincandive: was that the output of make install?04:08
shane_i have a simple ?04:09
Lanlostbut I've also seen a site say that the rt2500 drivers shipped with hardy ARE the same drivers as the ones I were compiling. obviously not as new though. The ones in the kernal are apparently buggy04:09
Lanlostso I suppose my quesiton is... should I be using hardys rt2500 drivers or compile my own. And second... how can I set my rt2500 to connect at 54M on boot. I'm afraid to set it to 54M because if I have to connect to another server or something I don't want to do 'damage' to my card04:09
Lanlostbut if I do auto.. it always drops to 1mbps04:10
shane_i am using freespire and it is based on ubuntu can i sudo comand and get the games that i had in ubuntu04:10
erin!question | shane_04:10
ubottushane_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)04:10
candiveI believe I only need to rename 2 files to finish and yes i think so new to Linux tech to windows04:10
shane_ty erin04:10
philhLanlost, i take it you're well within range of the AP04:10
erinshane_: sorry didnt notice you actually asked the question, lol my bad04:11
erinshane_: dont understand your question, all sudo does is allows you to run commands as root04:12
candiveerin, It as run twice I believe. I only need to rename 2 files to finish and yes i think so new to Linux tech to windows04:12
erincandive: I have not compiled clamAV myself so I dont know, does the documentation not tell you?04:12
* fangwithu hi04:12
shane_yes but in ubuntu there is sudo apt-get install and in freespire im not sure if i can do that to get the gamepack04:13
erincandive: what happens if you just try running clamav?04:13
rogeriogood nith all people...04:13
erinshane_: if apt-get is installed (it should be if Freespire is based on Debian/Ubuntu) then you can...04:14
philhshane_, is there no package manager?04:14
philhshane_, have you tried sudo synaptic ?04:14
philhoh, it's all click 'n' runny, isn't it, horrible04:14
candiveit running now, but I was told there was 2 files that had to be renamed, unsure. update clam "must be root"04:14
nickrudshane_ you should be asking in the freespire channels for freespire help04:15
shane_they have a cnr with like 40000 dif aps but i was hoping i could do like i did when i made the swap to xubuntu and just import the game pack04:15
erincandive: what two files?04:15
bullgard4nickrud: I do not know which packages own those directories/files. How can I find that out?04:15
nano_does anybody know the name of the program that is launched with Alt+F2?04:15
ethana2gnome run dialog?04:15
clintchanceAnyone know when Madwifi will be back online?04:15
nano_ethana2, yes04:15
nickrudbullgard4 dpkg -S /path/to/file , sometimes dir04:15
shane_yes but freespire is a ubuntu base so i thought mabey that it beein similar id have a better shot here04:15
IndyGunFreakclintchance: didn't know it was offline04:15
ethana2nano_: I could probably find it for you04:16
clintchancetry it04:16
nano_ethana2, please04:16
clintchanceIts like their DNS is gone04:16
clintchancei cant even get a ping04:16
candiveerin, back in a min see if I can find instructions for past04:16
IndyGunFreakexcept that freespire sucks..04:16
IndyGunFreakwhere ubuntu does not.04:16
erinshane_: does typing "apt-get" at the terminal return command not found?04:16
nickrud!ot | IndyGunFreak ;-p04:16
ubottuIndyGunFreak ;-p: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:16
ethana2I don't know how to find that04:17
IndyGunFreaknickrud: eh, nto really offtopic.. it was brought up by someone else.04:17
ethana2it's not in the menus04:17
nickrudIndyGunFreak yeah, but you I know and can tease04:17
philhnano_, it might be part of gnome-panel04:17
IndyGunFreaknickrud: i know..lol04:17
shane_i dunno yet thats what im learning iv done all the buntu based  systems and even a few other linux im new to linux and im finding what suits my needs best,im confident with the buntus04:17
candiveerin, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5172642#post517264204:17
nano_philh, yeah, it may be....04:17
nano_philh, too bad if it is04:17
nano_i really just want to know the name of this applicatoin04:18
ethana2could somebody else help him out?04:18
ethana2I'm trying to get a friend online with ubuntu04:18
nickrudnano_ the gnome run dialog (alt-f2) is built into the gnome-panel04:18
philhnano_, i'm afraid it looks like it's just a dialogue produced by gnome-panel, out of luck04:18
nano_nickrud, thnx04:18
shane_sorry guys ill get it elsewhere04:18
clintchanceIs there anywhere else where i can get the snapshots of Madwifi?04:18
candiveerin, bumanie instructions were followed04:19
erincandive: I dont bother running antivirus so I cant help you sorry04:19
erincandive: doest clamAV provide binaries?04:19
candiveerin, no problem thanks04:19
Lanlostphilh, yes.. I am well in the range 89/100 link quality04:21
LanlostI can get a 54M connection bit rate set .. I just needed to ifconfig the card down and then change it and put it back up04:21
philhLanlost, good good, just thought it worth checking04:21
LanlostI'm just concerned that it will 'do damage' to my card to set it to be.. er.. stuck at 54M04:22
clintchanceIs there anything else for 32bit that wil work for my atherose wifi card04:22
LanlostI've never heard that.. I figured that it would connect at 54M and just not reach that speed04:22
philhi'm not sure why it would but i couldn't say for sure either way04:22
LanlostI just don't want to be fine here.. and then go to a cafe or something and have it try to connect at 54M and damage my card because of signal quality or something04:22
Lanlostright.. ok04:22
LanlostI guess the other question is.. if I put a module in the modules directory.. it automatically loads everything in there on boot?04:23
LanlostI never added the rt2500 driver I compiled to any start up list.. I simply rmmoded the old drivers and modprobed in the new one. After I was done though I did the opposite and on reboot I had the non working compiled ones loaded04:23
=== gary_ is now known as Guest3032
clintchanceCan anyone point me to a site that will give me information on installing my atherose wifi withough madwifi?04:24
IndyGunFreakclintchance: what madwifi device?04:24
IndyGunFreakclintchance: sorry, what atheros device04:24
nickrudLanlost no, if you want a module loaded at boot always, add it to /etc/modules , on a line by itself04:24
Guest3032can anybody help me ? how can I convert videos to my ipod in gnome ?04:24
clintchancethere we go,  i think 500704:24
bullgard4nickrud:  dpkg -S /path/to/file for both pathes reports: "dpkg: ... not found."04:25
clintchanceor somethng like that04:25
IndyGunFreakclintchance: is it misidentified as ar242x in lspci?04:25
nickrudbullgard4 try a couple files in the dirs then04:25
clintchanceGive me one moment and il have the exact thing04:25
Matt_can i  safely shrink my windows partition with the live cd04:25
clintchanceIndyGunFreak in that it doesnt even specify04:25
nickrudMatt_ many do. I recommend doing it from inside vista (if that's what you have)04:25
IndyGunFreakclintchance: doesn't specify?04:26
clintchanceIndyGunFreak, il get the line04:26
Matt_nickrud, i do have vista and I want to do it from inside vista, but it won't let me shrink it by more than 11 gigs, and I wasn't getting any help in the windows forum04:26
clintchanceIndyGunFreak, Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. Unknown device 001c (rev 01)04:26
nickrudMatt_ have you defragged? I've heard that turning off the swap file, rebooting, defragging and then resizing helps04:27
IndyGunFreakcinthmm, thats not good...04:27
IndyGunFreakclintchance: are you sure thats your wireless device?04:27
Guest3032can anybody help me ? how can I convert videos to my ipod in gnome ?04:27
clintchanceIndyGunFreak, positive04:27
i_dontknowhi everybody04:27
Matt_how do I turn off the swap? where is it...it's not in comp management nickrud04:28
i_dontknowwhat's ubuntu? i'm a windows user04:28
nickrudMatt_ when I did the first ubuntu install on this machine (a couple hours after I bought it) I reformatted the drive, then reinstalled windows and then installed ubuntu. I don't trust resizing myself04:28
avisanyone have a link on restoring the MBR from a computer that had vista and ubuntu on it back to the original vista mbr configuration ?04:28
nickrudMatt_ hm, system in control panel, advanced button. Don't have vista open so I can't say exactly04:28
Lanlostnickrud, yeah I put it in /etc/modules. I din't know you could modprobe a module from anywhere else. That would be the answer to that. Thank you04:28
clintchanceavis you may be able to just delete ubuntu and grub al togeather and just set the boot flag on the vista partition04:29
Lanlostactually.. hah04:29
avisyes clintchance ?  i have a friend who wants to try out ubuntu, though i dont think he'll do it unless he can go back to the way things were originally if things dont work out04:29
Lanlostno I didn't04:29
LanlostI thought that was a directory04:29
Lanlostso why did rt2500 load on boot? I didn't do that.04:29
avisclintchance, do you have a url for restoring mbr to the original before ubuntu was installed on a vista computer ?  does anyone ?04:29
clintchanceavis i dont have a url but that has worked for me04:29
Matt_thanks nickrud04:29
clintchanceavis the vista was OEM though i dont know f that has any effect on it04:30
nickrudLanlost probably you installed it to the right kernel module directory, the kernel saw the hardware and looked for a module04:30
nickrudLanlost in laymans terms, that is :)04:30
avisclintchance, so you only changed the bootlflag back to vista ?  you mentioning removing grub (which is stored on the mbr) but didn't mention how you'd do that04:30
DarkAuditclintchance: wouldn't there be syetem restore discs in that case?04:30
i_dontknowanybody read me?04:30
nickrudi_dontknow we see you04:31
clintchanceDarkaudit, acer didnt supply then04:31
LanlostI know.. Its weird though. I had a module for it already.. when I booted I had rt2500pci, rt2x00lib AND rt250004:31
i_dontknowohh thanks :)04:31
=== selocol is now known as lainy
bullgard4nickrud: I have done so with 2 different entries which appear in both directories: Tunapie and 'Systemüberwachung' (System Monitor). With both entries all four dpkg responses are: "Not found."04:31
clintchanceacis. as far as i know grub makes windows mbr link to grub04:31
nickrudclintchance look for freedos, I think it has a livecd that you can use to reinstall a windows mbr04:31
clintchanceif im wrong correct04:31
=== afallenhope is now known as afallenhope|afk
SidStudiosHey, does anyone know which Intel Penryn MODEL the 2.4GHz MacBooks use?04:31
DarkAuditclintchance: typically, there's an app installed in the maintenance or tech support folder for a user to burn their own04:32
PrexideHi.. is there anyone that could help me get my wireless to work? if i type Lspci i see the card but i cant get y wireless t work=/04:32
clintchancethere was04:32
clintchancebut it wanted to backup the entire HD04:32
nickrud!wireless | Prexide04:32
ubottuPrexide: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:32
Prexideah thanks nickrud ill check:>04:33
=== lainy is now known as selocol
DarkAuditclintchance: the one I'm thinking of would burn 2-3 DVDs to restore a comuter to out-of-the-box condition04:33
nickrudPrexide my wireless worked out of the box, that link is about all I've learned about it myself04:33
clintchanceDarkAudit, acer must have taken that out04:33
Guest3032can anybody help me ? how can I convert videos to my ipod in gnome ?04:33
Prexidenickrud thanks mate, ill try04:33
Guest3032can anybody help me ? how can I convert videos to my ipod in gnome ?04:33
Guest3032can anybody help me ? how can I convert videos to my ipod in gnome ?04:33
Guest3032can anybody help me ? how can I convert videos to my ipod in gnome ?04:33
FloodBot1Guest3032: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:33
Hillshumhow do i get my serial mouse to work?04:33
i_dontknowGuest3032: you crazy?04:33
eboyjrGuest3032: Use rhythmbox04:34
clintchanceguest3032 we re busy take a number  currently service 304:34
eboyjrHow do I know whether to install `ardour` or `ardour-i686` ?04:35
ethana2ok, this Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan seems to /work/04:35
nickrudeboyjr   uname -m04:35
ethana2but it has 0 signal strenght04:35
ethana2and sends no data04:35
IdleOneGuest3032, convert the videos to what?04:35
eboyjrnickrud: Thank you04:35
ethana2the router is 4 feet away04:35
ethana2any thoughts?04:35
clintchanceHow do i remove a driver fromNDIS04:35
Lanlost  /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/extra/rt2500.ko04:35
eboyjrmaybe a little closer04:35
Lanlostthat's where I put it..04:35
thenewguyi am trying to setup a NFS share between ubuntu(nfs server) and Mac( client) any body have any tips04:35
IdleOneclintchance, what number do you have?04:35
=== gOLDfish is now known as gOLDfeesh
Lanlostit's loaded on boot from   /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/extra/rt2500.ko.. is that supposed to happen?04:36
Guest3032for to use in an ipod ,04:36
clintchanceIdleOne 404:36
Hillshumi used the first method here but that didn't work https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto04:36
clintchanceidleone sorry i cut in line04:36
IdleOneahhh well we are serving number 999 out of 6000000 so you are gfonna have to wait a bit04:36
eboyjrIs it true that once I install Ubuntu, I can install most other distos  with apt?04:37
clintchanceidleOne then how do i have 3.... STUPID EBAY!04:37
IdleOneGuest3032, you should be able to just upload to the ipod and play them04:37
dryroteboyjr: are you talking about Ubuntu / Kbuntu / Edubuntu / Xubuntu ?04:38
nickrudeboyjr the other *desktops* , yes. kubuntu-desktop , xubuntu-desktop04:38
Prexidenickrud mate, thanks, it actually works now;> a last q, does it have any built-in irc sofware?(Ubuntu)04:38
IdleOneGuest3032, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto check out this link it may help you04:38
nickrudPrexide I use xchat (not xchat-gnome)04:38
Prexideis it allready installed?04:39
nickrudPrexide pidgin (comes installed from the cd) does irc , sorta04:39
eboyjrdryrot: nickrud: I was talking about others like Gentoo, Linspire, blah blah blah... Like not having to use the CDs when I already have Linux04:39
nickrudeboyjr no, those all need to be installed using their own install cd/method04:39
nickrudeboyjr you can install something like vmware-server or virtualbox, and install them into a virtual machine running in ubuntu. Then you can download the iso, and point the virtual machine cd to the iso on the ubuntu install04:41
fbcEMERGENCY! I need to know what package I must reinstall to restore my pam.d directory files to their original states.04:41
eboyjrnickrud: Oh yeah.. I actually was using it before for Windows XP, but my memory is only 512 MB04:41
eboyjronly 512 GB04:41
nickrudeboyjr then you'll want to install them to their own partitions04:42
eboyjrokay thank you04:42
i_dontknowtommythegeek909: hello04:43
eboyjr!hi | tommythegeek90904:43
ubottutommythegeek909: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:43
eboyjrsomeone: say hi04:43
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* alan_m is away: Away04:43
* alan_m is back (gone 00:00:01)04:44
nickrudfbc they come from a variety of packages, you'd need to do   dpkg -s /etc/pam.d/<each file> to get the right packages04:44
Flannelalan_m: Please turn that off04:44
IdleOne!away > alan_m04:44
Flannel!away > gardar`afk04:44
nickrudfbc that's dpkg -S , not -s04:44
alan_mim sorry guys, it was an accident04:44
alan_mits off04:45
Hillshumcan someone please help me? i tried to install my serial mouse but now no mouse works04:45
kholerabbihow can I upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 from a cd?04:45
Flannelkholerabbi: You need the alternate CD04:45
kholerabbiflannel: damn, really?04:45
nickrudHillshum sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg should get you back to a default X config, other mice should work then04:46
fbcnickrud, awesome thanks04:46
tommythegeek909i have a problem with the network monitor on the top panel, it does not display networks around me when i click it04:46
Flannelkholerabbi: aye.  Desktop CD doesn't have any (well, its got a couple) packages on it.  You use the alternate CD as a deb source, basically.04:46
adudedoes anyone know of a simple video editing program to do trimming of mp404:47
kholerabbiflannel: thanks- I'll just clean install then.. But I can leave the /home intact with fresh install?04:47
nickrudFlannel I haven't tried that myself, what happens when an installed universe package depends on a specific version of a package in main (and the main package gets updated)?04:47
Flannelkholerabbi: Assuming you have  separate home partition, yeah.04:47
nickrudFlannel not thinking of a specific package, just generally04:47
Flannelnickrud: You end up needing to connect to the internet to grab that package04:48
aroIs there anyway to change specific options of the built in "Visual Effects" for Ubuntu 8.04?04:48
nickrudFlannel ok, figured. So you end up with a broken package, or an aborted install?04:48
Flannelnickrud: The alternate CD allows you to upgrade with downloading "most" already (from the CD)04:48
philwyettkholerabbi: I would leave an update a few weeks and wait for 8.04.1. 8.04 has a lot of updates and even with those is not production ready.04:48
nickrudFlannel ah. That's what I would expect, so net connection is still required04:48
Flannelnickrud: Uh, if you're offline... I'm not sure.  It could uninstall them perhaps.  I haven't tried.04:48
bobbyjonesi want to remove my swap partition because i am going to stick the contents of a kubuntu iso on to it04:49
cypher1aro, System->Preferences->Appearance .. select Visual Effects tab04:49
bobbyjonesand then boot off it04:49
kholerabbiphilwyett. I just use ubuntu for emails and chat and fun mate - but thanks for the warning04:49
* nickrud will find someone who has, one day04:49
miked595sup channel04:49
cypher1i am having serious problems with choppy scrolling .. can anyone help me ?04:49
bobbyjonesremoving the swap wont stuff up my computer will it?04:49
arocypher1, I know that. I said specific options, not just clicking basic and advanced.04:49
Flannelnickrud: It even scares a lot of people when you do it (with the CD) because at first it says "800MB of packages need to be downloaded" sort of thing, and then 80+% of that goes way real quick.04:49
acer_do ubuntu have the option of restoring to an earlier time like windows04:49
nickrudFlannel hahaha04:49
cypher1aro, sorry i dont know04:50
nickrudacer_ no04:50
wiz_workshello everyone04:50
miked595bobby not unless you run out of memory04:50
aroI mainly want to turn off window snapping.04:50
miked595you don't need to remove it though bobbyjones04:50
bobbyjonescos my cd drive is broken and that seems to be i only hope of upgrading04:50
aroI don't want windows to stick to edges and other windows.04:50
miked595bobbyjones, swapoff -a04:50
nickrudaro install compizconfig-settings-manager , then it'll be in the prefs menu under advanced desktop settings04:50
miked595bobbyjones, then to turn back on swapon -a04:51
alan_mFlannel, yeah i know what your saying about that, it scared the heck outta me as well....i freaked over 800..then realized how fast it was going and stuff.04:51
cypher1is compiz enabled by default in hardy !?04:51
aroNicke_, thanks.04:51
nickrudcypher1 if your video card supports it without a proprietary driver04:51
acer_nickrud, do u think it something that is important and should be introduced in the coming versions04:52
cypher1nickrud, i am having choppy scrolling in X after i upgraded to hardy04:52
miked595cypher1, it does activate automatically if you install the proper drivers04:52
nickrudcypher1 if it's ati or nvidia, go to system->admin->hardware drivers , and enable the right driver04:52
=== afallenhope is now known as gOLDfeesh
bobbyjonesonce ive booted the livecd off that partition and i run the installer will grub be set up correctly?04:52
cypher1miked595, nickrud i am using intel 915GM04:52
nickrudcypher1 never used one of those, so I'm not the right guy04:52
Hillshumnickrud: it did a bunch of keyboard stuff and now my mice still don't work04:52
nickrudHillshum regular ps2 ?04:53
fr33d0mDoes anyone know about network bridging?  I have done this before on a WinBlows box but have never had the need to do it on a nix box before...  I'm trying to pull the connection from a wireless AP and run it through a cat5.  Anyone able to help me?04:53
=== gOLDfeesh is now known as afallenhope
nickrudHillshum have you restarted the desktop?04:53
=== afallenhope is now known as gOLDfeesh
miked595cypher1, just make sure it's off in system > apperence> visual effects tab04:53
miked595que tal04:53
HillshumPS/2 works, still no serial04:54
jonny1-26too drunk for linux04:54
miked595jonny1-26, so sleep04:54
Hillshum!language |jonny1-2604:54
ubottujonny1-26: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:54
nickrud!language | jonny1-26 (consider the o4o factoid delivered as well)04:54
ubottujonny1-26 (consider the o4o factoid delivered as well): Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:54
nickrud!language | jonny1-26 (consider the o4o factoid delivered as well)04:55
wiz_worksdoes anyone know of an ncurses based (terminal) WPA network manager utility?04:55
jonny1-26LIKE I BEEN TIEED04:55
jonny1-26TO THE WHIPPIN POST04:55
FloodBot1jonny1-26: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:55
IdleOnetime to go04:55
enanerQUESTION: how do i turn off my system beep sound FOREVER!04:56
matthew__okay I'm done with windows. Is having an Ubuntu only machine as easy as formatting the whole computer and popping in the live cd04:56
fbcenaner, cut the cord04:56
nickrudmatthew__ yep04:56
unavailablematthew__ yep04:56
matthew__great, thanks04:56
fr33d0mDoes anyone know anythign about ethernet bridging?04:56
enanerfbc im talkin about like a comand for ubuntu04:57
miked595just pop in the cd and repartition easier then formating first04:57
unavailablethere is prolly a nice tut04:57
enanerfbc:  i did it with some commands but the sound comes bak wit hever restart04:57
unavailablethat i can show you04:57
fbcfr33d0m, bridging or NAT?04:57
fr33d0mI've searched all around for about 3 hours now and can't get any of the things mentioned to work right04:57
erinfr33dom: I know how to bridge network cards if thats what you mean04:58
unavailablefr33d0m do you want to bridge a couple of network interfaces in your comp (say to run virtual box or something)04:58
erinfr33dom: install bridge-utils04:58
fr33d0mbridging from wireless router..  to computer a to computer b04:58
byonixhi, i have just make a succesfull connection between MySQL and 000 base, i have dwell on it for 2 weeks, my suggestion for you that want to make the connection, DO NOT USE THE 64 BIT VERSION OF UBUNTU. IT SUCKS04:58
uzairhi all, any guys learned in SQL here?04:58
amrikbyonix: the 64 bit version of ubuntu works great for me kthxbye04:58
swedekidok, whenever  i try to view shared folders (folders are on xp trying to access on ubuntu) nothing is in it but when i try it on xp with virtual box i can see all the folders fine04:58
fr33d0mi have used bridge-utils and created a bridge for both the wlan0 and eth0..  but it didnt work04:59
byonixamrik:try to make connection between mysql and ooo base04:59
erinfr33dom: interesting04:59
uzairswedekid: can you paste-bin your /etc/samba/smb.conf file04:59
erinfr33dom: what were the step syou took?04:59
* Jalathan had the same experience as fr33d0m 04:59
miked595whats ooo base04:59
uzairopen office .org?04:59
Jalathanakin to access04:59
fr33d0mhere is exactly what i did...04:59
unavailablefr33d0m  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BridgingNetworkInterfaces04:59
miked595damn letters lol04:59
hvgotcodeshey i i tried to install the java6-docs package; it failed, and now everytime i try to install anything the package manager tries to install that package.  how do i stop this?05:00
fbcenaner, then you going to need to put those commands in a startup script...05:00
swedekiduzair: http://paste.ubuntu.com/20048/05:01
erinfr33dom: that link unavailable gave you is what you should do05:01
=== Gypo is now known as McCain_Supporter
fr33d0maha!  that may very well help me...  thanks05:01
=== selocol_ is now known as selocol
miked595hvgotcodes, can you apt-get -f install05:01
TiZ_Hello. The performance on my laptop using fglrx is very bad. I can run compiz well, but not anything else. For example, ZSnes performs badly. And also, there's a consistent horizontal tear near the top of my screen in 3d apps. On the other hand, though, the open source ati runs games and other 3d apps great, with no horizontal tear. But compiz runs terribly on it! What should I do? I want to have good performance everywhere.05:01
hvgotcodesmiked: its a sun package; its saying the download is unavailable05:01
miked595hvgotcodes, use remove instead of install i think that should fix your apt-get05:02
uzairswedekid: you mentioned you can only access the virtual server files right?05:02
ringercan anyone suggest a really good looking theme.  or a place i can view customization packs/05:03
uzairare you mapping a drive in windows to the samba server?05:03
miked595hvgotcodes, you know remove the package you are trying to install05:03
hvgotcodesif -f a force?05:03
miked595no -f05:03
uzairif so, how are you mapping it? through the browse button, or  are you typing in the path?05:03
swedekiduhh i think so: i have folders on my other cmputer running xp that i need to access on ubuntu which is a different computer05:03
hvgotcodesmiked595: yeah can the package manager tell me which one is busted?05:03
hvgotcodesi searched java605:03
Panikhwo do i use svideo in05:03
hvgotcodesno indication which one it is05:03
swedekidi can access it with virtual box05:03
swedekidwith xp installed in it05:04
miked595it should be the one it errors on05:04
crablouseI just installed 8.04 hardy heron. I have a dell 2405fpw native res of 1920x1200. on boot, the ubuntu logo is garbled. any idea why?05:04
hvgotcodesmiked595: nothing marked with errors05:04
uzairoh ic, the reverse, can see windows files from vb, but not ubuntu right?05:04
hvgotcodeshmm give me something to install ;)05:04
hvgotcodesitll come up again05:04
swedekiduzair : yes05:04
swedekidi can see my computers but when i click on them theres no folder sin them05:05
miked595hvgotcodes, run "sudo apt-get -f install"05:05
miked595hvgotcodes, it'll try to fix depens05:05
hvgotcodesmiked595: its telling me i need to download jdk-6-doc.zip or some other file05:06
hvgotcodeswhich i obviously didnt look at closely05:06
miked595what package were you installing when this started05:06
jasdevanhvgotcodes: There's a file you need to download from sun, put it in your /tmp, and when you apt-get install java-docs, it looks for that file to be in /tmp.05:06
hvgotcodeswhats wierd is the java 6 documentation is installed -- i can click on java classes and see the source05:06
juanchito2006Hello. I'm planning on ordering a copy of Hardy. My PC supports EM64T, so I wondering if it's a good movie to order the 64-bit version. Is it OK?05:06
IdleOnejuanchito2006, order and test but get the 32bit also05:07
uzairswedekid: what os is your vb running on?05:07
geniijuanchito2006: You can order a variety05:07
swedekiduzair: xp sp205:07
uzairswedekid: is that the same xp you're accessing?05:08
swedekiduzair: no, the xp im trying to access is on a compltely different computer but i can access it with virtual box but not with ubuntu05:08
Piojoomy problem is that, with ubuntu hardy i've installed flashplugin-nonfree for firefox and it works, but to watch youtube videos i have to close all media players to hear sound, and when i open again my media players, i can't hear any sound (amarok, for example, plays my music but with no volume). To get my sound working again after watching a youtube video, i need to restart my computer. can anyone help me solve that problem?05:08
juanchito2006I've got a pile of Feisty I got for helping with some translation, but they didn't approve my previous order. It seems they're allowing just one at a time.05:08
tommythegeek909i have a problem with the network monitor on the top panel, it does not display networks around me when i click it05:09
uzairswedekid: gotcha, so it may also just be a problem routing and stuff. the smb.conf you gave is from the ubuntu box right?05:09
swedekiduzair: yes05:09
anakronsomeone look heno around here'05:09
wiz_worksis there a cmd line utility for easily setting up networking?05:10
wiz_worksprefer not to install GUI.05:10
robinpwiz_works: ifconfig05:10
qarlCan anyone recommend a linux laptop?05:11
juanchito2006qarl: Asus Eee PC05:11
wiz_worksrobinp: thanks... but I was hoping more for an ncurses based utility  not too savvy with ifconfig05:11
TiZ_Hello. The performance on my laptop using fglrx is very bad. I can run compiz well, but not anything else. For example, ZSnes performs badly. And also, there's a consistent horizontal tear near the top of my screen in 3d apps. On the other hand, though, the open source ati runs games and other 3d apps great, with no horizontal tear. But compiz runs terribly on it! What should I do? I want to have good performance everywhere.05:11
uzairswedekid: is the vb smb.conf and ubuntu smb.conf the exact same?05:11
jasdevanqarl: Dell has a few laptops that it ships with ubuntu pre-installed.05:11
IndyGunFreakqarl: i've had very good luck w/ my Acer 531505:11
FuRomI followed a howto for installing motorola wireless card drivers, and when I try to connect to my wireless network, the wireless card's green light blinks, but it doesn't connect to the network. I know the login information I put in for my network is right, because I've done put it in for my USB wireless network card, and it connects. I have no idea why I can't make this lame motorola wireless WPCI810G wireless card work, can anyone help m05:11
robinpwiz_works: nah ifconfig is easy to use - just 'man ifconfig'05:11
swedekidwait theres a smb.conf on my xp install in virtual box?05:11
uzairoh, i'm sorry, no no05:12
swedekidoh ok05:12
uzairi thought you were running ubuntu on the vb05:12
uzairas well05:12
wiz_worksrobinp: ok great...   I'll have to become more savvy with this utility.  ;-)05:12
Piojoomy problem is that, with ubuntu hardy i've installed flashplugin-nonfree for firefox and it works, but to watch youtube videos i have to close all media players to hear sound, and when i open again my media players, i can't hear any sound (amarok, for example, plays my music but with no volume). To get my sound working again after watching a youtube video, i need to restart my computer. can anyone help me solve that problem?05:12
uzairswedekid: are you mapping the drive? if so is it are you manually entering the path?05:12
qarlthanks everyone! will check it out05:13
juanchito2006thanks for the advice, see ya05:13
IndyGunFreakPiojoo: i've had tht issue also... i think it has to do w/ pulse audio, but not 100% sure05:13
swedekiduzair: i dont know what your talking about mapping the drive and I don' know how to manulaly add a folder in ubuntu05:13
PiojooIndyGunFreak: ok, i'll try to kill pulseaudio05:14
IndyGunFreakPiojoo: well, i wouldn't recommend that05:15
uzairswedekid: okay, are you going in places > network > xp_comp to try to access the xp comp? and is that where you see the vb, but not the xp comp?05:15
PiojooIndyGunFreak: what could happen?05:15
IndyGunFreakPiojoo: really don't know, but i'd imagine you'll hve no sound at all.05:15
uzairtell you what, if this is the original smb.conf file, then try this: backup the smb.conf file, and try replacing it with this (something simple) then we'll add on as needed05:16
uzairi'll paste bin you my file05:16
fr33d0mhmmm..  seems I still cannot get it to bridge properly...  what i just did was very similar to the first method I tried05:16
uzairswedekid: http://paste.ubuntu.com/20052/05:17
swedekiduzair: i cant see any shared folders in ubuntu whether the folders are on my vb xp install or my desktop05:17
EvilDennisRmy peoples..05:18
=== tscolin is now known as _tscolin
uzairsorry, lagged out :S05:18
swedekiduzair: i'm confused about what you want me to do with the contents of the pastebin05:19
uzairswedekid: try backing up your smb.conf, and copy paste the paste-bin content in your smb.conf05:20
DrDerekIf you want some free - 96kbps streaming Chill / Down Tempo music -- http://www.drdereklive.net - DJ Thaddius is currently live in the mix.05:20
swedekiddo you want me to delete everything in the smb.conf after backing it up and then paste it or just add it?05:20
uzairyes, delete and add05:20
mar1hello all05:21
uzairswedekid: then restart samba: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart05:21
mar1is anyone listenin?05:21
fr33d0mwell, it seems as if i still cant get it to work05:21
uzairno we're reading ;)05:21
uzairrestarted samba? okay, now go to xp machine, My Computer05:21
mar1I noticed that azureus works without any nat problems under ubuntu but with the same computer and connection it has nat problems in windows05:22
mar1same scenario05:22
uzairTools > Map Network drive05:22
kartia2343Would anyone be so kind as to give me a hand with a very very annoying Intel 82801H sound card?  looks like plenty of people have seen the same (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=747054&page=3), just can't seem to get it to work though :-(05:22
avisi am using boinc client and i have my projects set to only use at most 1 cpu on a multiprocessor system.  i thought since i'm running 2 projects, that each one would get a core.  if i set both projects to use at most 2 cores, would my system still run as normally as usual?05:22
mar1under ubuntu it gets a much stronger wifi signal than windows05:22
swedekiduzair: it says i dont have permission to change it, i checked permissions in properties and everything is greyed out05:22
mar1can anyone explain that?05:22
uzairhuh? did you sudo??05:22
[Hardy]TuTUXGis there a solution for the problem that if u have rhythmbox playing music then wine apps has no sound?05:22
swedekidno i cant save the changes05:23
onatshi, when booting my laptop, i only get a GRUB, and nothing happens.. how do i resolv this?05:23
uzairsudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf_ORIGINAL05:23
uzairthen type: gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf05:23
mar1[Hardy]TuTUXG: hey what kernal revision05:23
i_dontknowonats: edit the menu.lst correctlly  :P05:24
[Hardy]TuTUXGmar1, 1805:24
[Hardy]TuTUXG19 is out? mar1?05:24
mar1I had 19 same problem so I just picked 18 and worked again05:24
uzairswedekid: status?05:24
swedekiduzair: working on it05:24
Terabyte_Hey, does 8.04 come with kde4? If not, how can I try it?05:24
onatsi_dontknow, where can  i find that file?05:24
[Hardy]TuTUXGmar1, so 18 is working for u?05:24
TiZ_Okay... I'm going to try this one more time.05:25
i_dontknowonats: probably in /boot/grub/menu.slt05:25
swedekidok it saved restarting it now05:25
mar119 broke it05:25
[Hardy]TuTUXGmar1, what win app r u using while rhythembox playing?05:25
clintchanceyay! I'm finally totally rid of that annoying Vista05:25
TiZ_Hello. The performance on my laptop using fglrx is very bad. I can run compiz well, but not anything else. For example, ZSnes performs badly. And also, there's a consistent horizontal tear near the top of my screen in 3d apps. On the other hand, though, the open source ati runs games and other 3d apps great, with no horizontal tear. But compiz runs terribly on it! What should I do? I want to have good performance everywhere.05:25
mar1win app?05:25
clintchanceAlthough my wireless sig could be higher05:25
onatsi_dontknow, so what do i edit in it/05:25
dns53Terabyte_ there is both kde 3 and 4 i believe and 2 versions of kubuntu05:26
swedekiduzair: ok restarted and still can't see anything05:26
mar1it was the whole sound system that was out on 1905:26
kartia2343-> and my sound could work... lol05:26
fr33d0mithere is a kubuntu hartdy and hardy kde4 remix05:26
i_dontknowonats: mmm paste it ;P05:26
mar1not just rhthm box05:26
[Hardy]TuTUXGmar1, ya, if i open a wine app while rhythmbox playing, the wine app has no sound05:26
=== hurryhx is now known as ho
Terabyte_dns53, I have 8.04 already installed just wondering how to setup kde4 (where to start)05:26
uzairokay, now go to xp comp, do the following: Open up My computer > Tools > Map Network Drive05:26
onatsi_dontknow, ok hold on, booting it from CD05:26
kartia2343only reason vista is still taking space...05:26
mar1wine is experimentsl05:26
=== ho is now known as helriclhurse
[Hardy]TuTUXGmar1, oh, no, audio works here05:27
swedekidok brb05:27
mar1just dual boot into blowz05:27
anolishey room05:27
Confcan help me ?05:27
[Hardy]TuTUXGmar1, i know, but some as mplayer + rhythmbox05:27
clintchancehey guys what would be the best networkmanager?05:27
TiZ_Am I being ignored? Are my messages reaching the channel?05:27
i_dontknowonats: when you choice an option in grub menu, nothin happen? but you see an error msg?05:27
clintchanceWireless Network manger that is05:28
fr33d0mTerabyte_ sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop-kde405:28
avisclintchance, wicd works very well if you dont like gnomes.  at least it was great in gutsy05:28
[Hardy]TuTUXGmar1, if u open mplayer first then open rhythmbox then it got no sound05:28
clintchanceTIZ_ I know what you mean05:28
Terabyte_thanks fr33d0m05:28
fr33d0mthat shoukld isntall kde4 for you05:28
Confi mounted file share from windows05:28
fr33d0mno problem05:28
onatsi_dontknow, i initially use windows OS menu, then choose ubuntu. when it loads grub, it seems that it displays only GRUB05:28
Confwhen i write file access denied, why ?05:28
clintchanceavis,unfortunatly im partial to gnome. Im a visual learner05:28
avisclintchance, wicd runs in gnome ok05:29
i_dontknowonats: okay, paste your menu.lst please05:29
TiZ_Doesn't anyone know how to improve fglrx05:29
dns53Terabyte_ so you have 8.4 gnome? just apt-get install kde4 and you will have kde in the desktop entry05:29
TiZ_'s performance or make compiz work well with radeon?05:29
k33bzclintchance, it really depends on prefrence05:29
clintchanceTiZ_ What do you need to be impoved on it?05:29
TiZ_Sorry for the accidental enter press05:29
Terabyte_dns53 ah that worked :)05:29
TiZ_It's very slow in 3d apps, clintchance05:29
mar1try removing all the packages then installing latest sound drivers05:29
fr33d0mwell, it seems that i cant quite set up this network bridge05:29
clintchancek33bz, ok so it looks as if everyone aggrees on wcid so il check it out05:29
mar1or switch to alsa05:29
TiZ_And also, there is a consistent horizontal tear at the top of my screen in 3d apps05:29
clintchanceTiZ_ Are you on an acer?05:30
clintchanceit could be any number of reasons05:30
=== Bodsda is now known as Bodsda|AFK
TiZ_No, a gateway laptop. With an ATI Radeon Xpress 115005:30
uzairany SQL wiz around?05:30
dns53uzair perhaps05:30
clintchancethe ATI, mine clocks up around 200 FPS with linux vs windows 42 i have ATI 110005:30
fr33d0manyone able to help me out with this network bridge?05:30
Jordan_Uuzair, Yes, in #sql :)05:31
=== genii_ is now known as genii
Grandpa_CliffEveryone, including men, should wear a bra everyday. It feels great. I am a man and I wear a bra everyday as well. Do yourself a favor and wear a bra everyday. Sign up for this message board for men who like to wear bras: http://www.websitetoolbox.com/mb/hellotaxi05:31
Grandpa_CliffEveryone, including men, should wear a bra everyday. It feels great. I am a man and I wear a bra everyday as well. Do yourself a favor and wear a bra everyday. Sign up for this message board for men who like to wear bras: http://www.websitetoolbox.com/mb/hellotaxi05:31
Grandpa_CliffEveryone, including men, should wear a bra everyday. It feels great. I am a man and I wear a bra everyday as well. Do yourself a favor and wear a bra everyday. Sign up for this message board for men who like to wear bras: http://www.websitetoolbox.com/mb/hellotaxi05:31
FloodBot1Grandpa_Cliff: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:31
=== nike`kid5 is now known as takeabowinqc
TiZ_Incredible. I wish I could get performance like that. Which drivers do you use?05:31
clintchanceThe restricted05:31
uzairaccidently dumped a db in the wrong place, need to delete a bunch of tables that start with jos_, is there a command that'll make it easier instead of doing it one by one?05:31
eboyjrHow do I make all movie files open with: totem-xine %U ????05:31
=== nike`kid5 is now known as takeabowqc
TiZ_fglrx? No kidding. Do you think reinstalling ubuntu might help? Or would that be a waste of time?05:31
=== takeabowqc is now known as takeabowinqc
eboyjruzair: If you don't get help here, you can try #sql or ##sql ... I can't remember which05:32
uzairok thx05:32
clintchanceTiZ, what version do you have?05:32
=== Bodsda|AFK is now known as Bodsda
uzairswedekid: all done?05:32
swedekiduzair: tehre05:32
anolisanyone have any experience getting a compaq f700 to work?05:32
dns53uzair well what i would do is create a script that the output you can then run to drop the tables05:32
clintchanceTiZ, hmm.  Im on 7.04 i dont know about 8.0405:33
uzaircool, okay, one i need you to check if a particular service is running, second we'll try to map the network drive. so if you can go to control panel > administrative tasks > services05:33
anoliswireless in particular.05:33
k33bzcan anyone help me with my problem, i am having problems with a dual boot with xp and hardy, 2 different hdds05:33
clintchanceTiZ, see if you have anyupdates05:33
TiZ_No updates. I've already checked05:33
ringerhow do i know which gtk engine i have?05:33
clintchanceTiZ, what program05:34
swedekidwhat shoul di look for? my  desktop is pretty far away05:34
TiZ_The Update Manager.05:34
clintchanceTiZ, no what program are you useing 3d?05:34
uzairswedekid: under the various services, look for "Service" and make sure it is started. it's there for file and print sharing05:34
TiZ_Compiz cube rotation, ZSnes, Cave Story.05:35
TiZ_ZSnes runs terribly compared to how I run it on windows05:35
TiZ_Cave Story's fine except for the tear near the top of my screen05:35
TiZ_And that's mostly the same for cube rotation.05:35
uzairswedekid: second, try to map network drive by going to My Computer > tools > map network drive. then in the blank space, put in \\ubuntu_box_name\Test05:35
clintchanceTiZ, The Cube doesnot work on mine at all i get a white screen, And the others id check the preferences to tweak it a bit05:35
onatsi_dontknow, its http://pastebin.ca/104746105:35
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TiZ_There's almost nothing to tweak in Cave Story.05:36
TiZ_I'll check ZSNes, though. I'll be right back.05:36
clintchancesound like scyncing05:36
TiZ_Nothing to tweak in ZSNes either.05:37
TiZ_Except stuff to make it slower. But I shouldn't have to do that. On Windows, I run ZSNes with HQ3x.05:37
TiZ_The linux version won't let me pick anything higher than HQ2x, and it runs half-speed05:37
bakersfieldboy_i have xchat can i use it to get chris prillo,if so can you help me05:37
bakersfieldboy_chat room05:38
TiZ_But there's a really funny thing about this.05:38
D3RGPS31on Compiz, what's Button4 & Button5?05:38
TiZ_The open source driver does wonderful.05:38
amrikwhat is the keyboard shortcut for the cube?05:38
uzairamrik: control shfit left/right arrow05:38
TiZ_I can run ZSnes at full speed, there's no horizontal tear...05:38
TiZ_But compiz runs really slowly05:38
D3RGPS31nevermind xD05:38
amrikuzair: that gives me beeps, i guess its not enabled?05:39
clintchanceTiZ, im stumped. Your Ati is higher than mine and therefor should go faster right? im running 1100 and your 1150? maby its a known problem?05:39
fbcnickrud, I tried what you gave me but I got an error on dpkg: /etc/pam.d/common-account not found and basically all the files with the words begining with common.05:39
clintchanceTiZ, let me search05:39
swedekiduzair: how do i find out my ubuntu computers name?05:39
uzairswedekid: the part after @, as in swedekid@ubuntu05:40
uzairubuntu is comp name05:40
fbcuzair, ask it!  uname -r I think05:40
uzairor that :)05:40
Jordan_Uswedekid, 'hostname'05:40
[Hardy]TuTUXGuname -a05:40
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TiZ_Thanks, clintchance. I'm not sure what all you'll find though.05:40
eraldogreetings ...why can't I do "$ ifdown eth2" ? I get -> ifdown: interface eth2 not configured05:40
swedekidah so swedekid@gj ?05:40
uzairfbc: that gives kernal version05:40
fbcuzair, ahh..05:40
uzairyes gj is computer name05:40
swedekidthats what it says in terminal05:40
fbcuzair, then try the -a05:41
uzaira gives all the info05:41
clintchanceTiZ, Looks like your not alone, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=732006&page=305:41
KyleKeraldo: probably nothing for it in whereever ifdown gets its settings05:41
KyleKor there is no eth2 ;)05:41
uzairfbc: but works, it was the second thing for me05:41
TiZ_I'll look over that thread.05:41
guhnouilleanybody want to play wormux .8?05:42
TiZ_And if you find anything by Twilight in Zero, that's just me.05:42
joetheoddIs it a problem on my end or is there something up with the repos?05:42
nickrudfbc not sure where they come from then. you could try grepping through /var/lib/dpkg/info/* , seeing if it's created on the fly by some package05:42
aniasiswhat is an e:mail solution you can install on Gutsy that can be setup and admined by a novice?05:42
joetheoddaniasis, email server or client?05:42
joetheoddaniasis, ah, i was going to say thunderbird, but that's a client.. sorry05:43
onatsi_dontknow, its http://pastebin.ca/104746105:44
eraldoKyleK: ?05:44
che__i hid my wireless network help guys05:44
eraldoKyleK: sorry I do not understand what you mean..05:45
che__I read about hack WEP network then i typed on my terminal05:45
che__ifconfig ath0 (my wireless device) up and iwconfig ath0 channel 6.05:45
che__Suddenly my wireless network disappeared but still connected internet and after log out immediately disappeared. Help me i really newbie. I didn't know what i did. Help me ? I can't use now my wireless.05:45
uzairlol swedekid2. is your Service service running by the way?05:45
anoliswireless in particular.05:46
Jordan_Uche__, Can you rephrase that, your question was very unclear05:46
afallenhope|afkche__:  why? hacking is illegal and you deserve what has occured05:46
swedekid2qzair: there wasnt a service called service but there was a service called server which had to do with network sharing that was running and whn i tried to mpa the drive wiht \\gj\Test it coudlnt find the path05:46
rredd4_what software can i use to track ppl using my wireless router?05:46
uzairoh yes, sorry that's what it may have been05:47
afallenhope|afkJordan_U: he put his hard on monitor mode thus exiting his current wireless. because it has to be in "Managed" in order to connect.05:47
uzairswedekid2: okay, from sqaure 1. Same workgroup?05:47
swedekid2i have no idea05:47
uzairum, can you right click my computer05:48
uzairthen under computer name tab, you'll see workgroup: MSHOME or something. what does it say05:48
swedekid2ok im at work group computers  and theres my computer and a computer called samba05:48
che__i read how to hack wep, i just followed one tutorial and i typed just ifconfig ath0 up and ifconfig ath0 channel 6 i was using my wireless network i didn't hack anything05:48
uzairoh samba! click samba, what do you see05:48
swedekid2test and printers/faxes05:49
che__then my wireless disappeared , after log out i can't use my wireless05:49
uzairyes test, click test, what do you see05:49
swedekid2if i try ot open test i get a permission denied05:49
ThreevengeGot a problem here: I'm trying to get The Bubs Brothers to work. Found it on GetDeb, downloaded that, and when I try to install it gives me "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: python-support". What's going on with this?05:49
uzairokay, can you right-click on samba for me and tell me what the menu shows05:50
swedekid2explore/open/ map network drive (greyed out)/create shortcut/ properties05:50
uzairswedekid2: are you logged in as administrator on xp box?05:51
swedekid2not as the actual account administrator but as A admin yes05:51
rburnsI have a custom preseed file for ubiquity, which has a preseed/late_command line that doesn't get executed. I can see in /var/cache/debconf/config.dat. that it is parsed correctly. and I can execute the command manually, and see that it works. what would cause the late_command not to execute?05:51
=== sourcode_ is now known as sourcode
uzairokay. sorry i'm going to have to make you run to your linux box again. seems like the permission to that file are not letting you on05:52
bjvProblem: When i plug in my usb camera, my mouse goes black05:52
uzairlol, sorry man, can you paste-bin me your smb.conf again too plz05:52
swedekid2ok be there in a second05:52
bjvwhen i close the camera cover, the USB mouse comes back05:52
swedekid2the new one or the old one?05:52
bjvi get 2 errors: usb 4-1: device descriptor read/64, error -7105:53
bjvand: hub 4-0:1.0: connect-debounce failed, port 3 disabled05:53
uzairnew one05:53
swedekid2ok just a sec05:53
nickrudThreevenge either it needs a particular python-support (not in hardy) or you don't have main enabled, see the following factoid to fix the latter05:53
nickrud!gutsysources | Threevenge (works in hardy also)05:53
ubottuThreevenge (works in hardy also): gutsysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).05:53
swedekiduzair: http://paste.ubuntu.com/20052/05:55
uzairswedekid: open up a terminal and please type the following05:55
uzairls /home/samba/05:55
uzairmake that: ls -l /home/samba05:56
RiverRatQuestion, I'm on a borrowed box running Ubuntu, can someone tell me what package and how to install it that digg is in please?05:56
FlannelRiverRat: What?  digg?05:56
Jordan_URiverRat, Do you mean dig ?05:56
RiverRatYes, the DNS tool.05:56
Jordan_URiverRat, one g05:56
RiverRatYeah, sorry.05:56
swedekiduzair: ls: cannot access /home/samba: No such file or directory05:56
ThreevengeOkay, looking into that guys.05:57
uzairtry: ls -l /home05:57
FlannelRiverRat: dnsutils05:57
RiverRatJordan_U: It still isn't installed.05:57
swedekidls: cannot access /home/samba: No such file or directory05:57
RiverRatWhat is the install command for that?05:57
swedekidwrong paste05:57
FlannelRiverRat: sudo apt-get install dnsutils05:57
swedekidtotal 405:57
swedekiddrwxrwxr-x 73 swedekid swedekid 4096 2008-06-13 22:54 swedekid05:57
Jordan_URiverRat, dnsutils05:57
uzairis there a samba directory there?05:58
swedekidin home? just a sec05:58
co-PiloThow to chat05:58
uzairswedekid: we're going to make a public directory in your shared folder, type: sudo mkdir /home/samba05:58
=== tofaffy_ is now known as tofaffy
swedekidok did that05:59
uzairnow type: sudo mkdir /home/samba/public05:59
TehLulzehow do I found out the password that I need to know to get network access to my ubuntu computer from my windows computer?05:59
uzairswedekid: now type: sudo chmod 777 /home/samba/public06:00
JasonBayleysWaitEveryone, including men, should wear a bra everyday. It feels great. I am a man and I wear a bra everyday as well. Do yourself a favor and wear a bra everyday. Sign up for this message board for men who like to wear bras: http://www.websitetoolbox.com/mb/hellotaxi06:00
JasonBayleysWaitEveryone, including men, should wear a bra everyday. It feels great. I am a man and I wear a bra everyday as well. Do yourself a favor and wear a bra everyday. Sign up for this message board for men who like to wear bras: http://www.websitetoolbox.com/mb/hellotaxi06:00
FloodBot1JasonBayleysWait: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:00
JasonBayleysWaitHello, sick and tired of having a boring life? Want to change something about you to make your life better? Well a bra can do that for you. A bra can be worn by men as well, and they feel great and comfortable. Many sizes and styles to choose from means anyone can enjoy wearing a bra. I am a guy who wears a bra everyday. So visit your local lingirie store today to join in the bra wearing revolution.06:00
JasonBayleysWaitEveryone, including men, should wear a bra everyday. It feels great. I am a man and I wear a bra everyday as well. Do yourself a favor and wear a bra everyday. Sign up for this message board for men who like to wear bras: http://www.websitetoolbox.com/mb/hellotaxi06:00
Flannel!ops | JasonBayleysWait06:00
uzairby the way, that allows EVERYONE and their mothers access to that folder06:00
ubottuJasonBayleysWait: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01!06:00
matt_anybody know anything about getting nexuiz to load up????06:00
uzairso it isn't the safest way, but at the moment, we'll just try to get a shared setup06:00
dangergrrlis there lvm2 support on the desktop install CD at all?06:00
Flanneldangergrrl: Not to install, no.  Just the alternate06:01
uzairswedekid: now....time to run :)06:01
uzairswedekid: give it another try from the xp box06:01
swedekidyay <.<06:01
nickrudcs kb jasonbaleyswait06:01
dangergrrlaha, so if i use the alt install i can use lvm2?  the alt installer is the normal debian one?06:01
TehLulzeHow do I figure out the user and pass needed to access my ubuntu computer over the network from my windows computer?06:02
Flanneldangergrrl: Yep06:02
dangergrrli can do that :)06:02
uzairTehLulze: how are you accessing it? ssh?06:02
TehLulzeuzair: Over the network...06:02
drax2gmahello all06:02
swedekid2ok im here so map network and \\Gj\Test?06:02
TehLulzeuzair: Like through explorer06:03
uzairyou should use your particular username and passwd you've setup on the ubuntu box06:03
dangergrrli have a vista install on here that i can disturb with free space before and after, lvm2 is my friend :)  thx muchly06:03
uzairswedekid: lowercase the t in Test06:03
TehLulzeuzair: Says I need a user and pass to connect?06:03
dangergrrli can´t disturb that is06:03
=== FRiEd|BnC is now known as FriedCPU
uzairTehLulze: did you try your ubuntu username and passwd?06:03
swedekid2uzair: IT CONNECTED06:03
TehLulzeuzair: Yes06:03
uzairyay :). try creatinig a file06:03
TehLulzeuzair Didn't work06:03
ThreevengeHmmm......well, I've did as you said nickrud and it must be the first one that's the issue. How would I go about solving that?06:03
onatsis there a way to increase my hard drive allocation for an already-installed ubuntu?l06:04
swedekid2uzair...access denied06:04
drax2gmaanyone knows about the following OBEX error? "The background process doesn't support the operation"06:04
acer_how to mount all the partitions when the system starts automatically06:04
Flannelmatt_: What did you do when you say "reinstall"06:04
uzairswedekid2: okay, try this swedekid206:04
Flannelmatt_: Oh, you changed your user settings? or stuff in /etc?06:04
matt_i uninstalled w/ the "add/remove" tool, and w/ the synaptic package manager.06:05
aniasisdoes anyone have any idea of a simple mailserver to install on gutsy06:05
uzairMy Computer > Tools > Map Network Drive. Then Browse and select the samba computer. if it has a test folder, select that too06:05
uzairthen before you hit enter06:05
matt_and i've unzipped manually and made my own shortcut06:05
matt_the shortcut doesn't do anything06:05
Flannelmatt_: Alright, open up your home folder in nautilus, and delete your .nexuiz folder06:05
uzairthere should be another link right below that. can you tell me what it says06:05
uzairTehLulze: have you setup basic file sharing already in ubuntu by following any tutorial?06:05
Flannelmatt_: that's where your user data is, and that wouldn't be deleted through removal of the package06:06
swedekid2connect using different username06:06
nickrudThreevenge what version of ubuntu are you running?06:06
uzairswedekid2: yes, gimme a sec06:06
matthew_i just installed the eMusic download manager...it doesn't appear in the menu bar, any idea where I would find programs that I don't see in the "start" menu. (sorry, just made the switch)06:06
Flannelmatt_: to *see* your .nexuiz folder, you'll need to ctrl-h, since its a hidden folder06:06
TehLulzeuzair: I have files shared06:07
ThreevengeI've got Gutsy.06:07
matt_deleted it.06:07
matt_now what?06:07
Flannelmatt_: run the game again06:08
Falling-InfernoI have a problem with my updater/synaptic ect. I attempted to install old software but I canceled and now every time I try installing something it attempts to finsh the download. How do i delete the program so it stops trying to download?06:08
Flannelmatt_: get rid of your manaully installed stuff, use the add/remove version06:08
uzairswedekid2: click connect with different username, and type: \\gj\ubuntu_user_name06:08
matt_ur fucking good!!!06:08
matt_thank u06:08
matt_it's working06:08
FloodBot1matt_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:08
Flannel!languae | matt_06:08
ubottuFactoid languae not found06:08
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:08
drillednewbie with ubuntu and problems06:09
TehLulzeuzair: How do I remove the need to log in?06:09
nickrudThreevenge and you got the gutsy deb, right?06:09
matt_do i still need to use the add/remove?? it looks like it's working06:09
swedekid2put that in username and put in my password?06:09
uzairTehLulze: you'd have to mess around with your smb.conf file (/etc/samba/smb.conf)06:09
uzairswedekid2: yes06:09
Flannelmatt_: You should, yes.  The version you manually installed won't get updates, and you'll hvae problems if you upgrade06:09
Falling-InfernoI have a problem with my updater/synaptic ect. I attempted to install old software but I canceled and now every time I try installing something it attempts to finsh the download. How do i delete the program so it stops trying to download?06:09
swedekid2says specified username invalid06:09
matthew_applications that I install that don't show up in the start menu...where do the go?06:10
uzairTehLulze: particularly the security = SHARE or something06:10
matt_but add/remove will install a slightly old version i think06:10
uzairswedekid2: hmm, you put in the appropriate username and password for the linux box right?06:10
matt_can i update in the program or what?06:10
swedekid2uzair: what i put in for username : \\gj\swedekid\06:10
matt_in the game?06:10
drilledanyone got working motion eye and gmax3100 svideo out?06:10
uzairyea, but get rid of the last \06:10
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swedekid2still nothing06:11
=== Bodsda is now known as Dave
Falling-InfernoI have a problem with my updater/synaptic ect. I attempted to install old software but I canceled and now every time I try installing something it attempts to finsh the download. How do i delete the program so it stops trying to download?06:11
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swedekid2typed swedekid in and it popped up06:11
ThreevengeTo be honest, I'm unsure nickrud. Just started on Ubuntu a few days ago.06:11
swedekid2still cant create new folder though06:11
uzairoh? can you create a file?06:11
=== Dave1991 is now known as Bodsda
nickrudThreevenge ok, go back to getdeb and be sure to get the one that's for gutsy. Try that one06:12
htmljunkiehey all06:12
htmljunkiewhere would I install fonts in ubuntu ?06:12
mar1I get error failed to connect to streaqm invalid argument06:12
Solaris_Prydeis SMB required for samba?06:12
htmljunkiealso how do you work with tar.gz's ? I am used to zip's06:12
nickrud!fonts | htmljunkie06:12
ubottuhtmljunkie: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer06:12
uzairswedekid2: are you able to create a file?06:12
swedekid2uzair : no06:12
nickrudhtmljunkie double click them, the archiver will open06:12
mar1any helpers?06:13
Flannelhtmljunkie: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression06:13
ThreevengeAh, didn't even notice that I was browsing under something else. That explains a bit.06:13
uzairswedekid2: after the name worked, did you press okay to create the networked drive?06:13
uzairoops, sorry, thought you did that. go ahead and do that06:13
uzairsee if it works06:13
ThreevengeNow how do I know whether to look under 32 bits or 64?06:13
htmljunkienickrud: how do you actually install them after it opens them?06:14
uzairswedekid2: did you go ahead and click okay?06:14
co-PiloThy hy06:14
swedekid2uzair: ok still nothing06:14
nickrudhtmljunkie depends on what's in the tar.gz. Some require compiling, some you just unpack and run the program in the new directory.06:14
dSaxAnyone willing to help me with some NAT troubles?06:14
uzairby nothing you mean "access denied"?06:15
TehLulzeuzair: How do I find the user and pass though?06:15
swedekid2uzair: si06:15
kerihelloo  anyone here to help me06:15
uzairTehLulze: have you setup one for samba?06:15
TehLulzeuzair: Idk.06:15
kerii am new with this can someone help me06:15
swedekid2uzair: would it just be possible for you to help me get the correct resolution for virtual box and use that for file sharing?06:16
Flannel!ask | keri06:16
ubottukeri: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)06:16
nickrudFlannel !compression works, nice link06:16
moDumasskeri, ask the question already06:16
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)06:16
matthew_OK seriously, I know most of you know the answer to this.  What is the "program files" equivalent in Ubuntu?06:17
Flannelnickrud: Yeah, so does zip,et al.06:17
uzairswedekid2: sorry man i can't seem to figure it out. i'll forward you some links to some good samba tutorials. unforutnately i don't know anything about VB06:17
nickrudnot targz , yet ;)06:17
Flannelnickrud: that is !zip, !tar, etc06:17
swedekid2could you email them to gunnarj98@gmail.com uzair ? im gonna go get on ubuntu06:17
uzairTehLulze: in ubunutu, type: smbpasswd -a tehlulze (if tehlulze is your linux username)06:17
kerii am wanting to download bluster on my computer and i dont know if this systems takes bluster and if no then what one can06:17
Flannelkeri: What is bluster?06:18
cypher1!OpenGL > cypher106:18
keriit is a free music download then you can burn music cd06:18
Flannelkeri: You could try it in wine06:19
keriwhat is wine06:19
pokerfacepenguinanyone running ubuntu on a mini-itx board in here?06:20
Flannel!wine | keri06:20
ubottukeri: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.06:20
kbreitI am using a KVM switch and as a result, X isn't picking up my resolutions.  Can someone help me fix it?06:21
matthew_I just want to access a program that I installed. I don't know where it is because it doesn't show up in the main menu. I just made the switch, and if someone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.06:22
kbreitmatthew_: What program?06:22
matthew_emusic download manager06:22
weldan!AppDB warcraft06:22
ubottuFactoid appdb warcraft not found06:22
kbreitmatthew_: Do you know what the executable name is?06:22
SlicknessHello,im having wireless problems with linux mint 5.0 (uses hardy repositories) but mint 4.0 works fine (uses Gutsy repositories),any thoughts?06:22
uzairTehLulze: you still there?06:23
uzairTehLulze: did you get my last msg?06:23
uzairTehLulze: in ubunutu, type: smbpasswd -a tehlulze (if tehlulze is your linux username)06:23
matthew_kbreit: emusic_linux_current.tar.gz is the only name I know of06:23
Flannel!mintsupport | Slickness06:23
ubottuSlickness: Linux Mint is not a supported derivitve of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org06:23
kbreitmatthew_: Did you untar it?06:24
matthew_kbreit: but I already extracted it06:24
kbreitmatthew_: Did you install it or just extract?06:24
matthew_i was using it, but I closed it and now I can't find it06:24
ThreevengeOkay nickrud, think I have it working. Thanks al ot.06:24
kbreitmatthew_: From the console do a 'which emusic' or something like that.06:24
Threevenge* a lot06:24
nickrudThreevenge yw06:24
Rescue9Am on Windows Mobile Device, so typing may be slow... please be patient. I lost entire root partition of ubuntu server. I have tar of entire root minus proc, mnt, and sys. I tried using recover cd and untarring backup but when I reboot I get wierd uuid error and can't seem to bypass. What is best way to recover from tar?06:24
matthew_kbreit: I'm sorry...console? like..terminal?06:25
akimshouldn't ubuntu become a little more rolling release?06:26
alnayyirkbreit, some people spend their whole computing lives barely knowing what that is other than some weird text thing in a hacker movie they saw 4 months ago.06:26
demfraxanyone know how to fix privileges problems with root folders?06:26
matthew_kbreit that didn't do anything06:26
akimi mean they could add banshee 1.006:26
akimor the new nvidia driver06:26
tritiumakim: there are new releases every 6 months06:26
kbreitmatthew_: From the terminal, as root, do an updatedb && locate emusic06:26
Flannelakim: #ubuntu-offtopic for this discussion, thanks06:27
demfraxim trying to move a folder somewhere, but I always get the permission denied, how do I fix that?06:27
htmljunkiehey where would I put a folder from a tar that I can run with no compiles at?06:27
akimtritium: can be a long time...06:27
htmljunkiewould I make a folder?06:27
Aliveshow do you disable something in the rc#.d folders without renaming them?  is there an rc-update for ubuntu?06:27
helriclhurse 06:27
tritiumAlives: yes.  update-rc.d06:28
Alivesoh nice06:28
enaneri want to add something to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist ... but it wont let me save afterwards ... how do give the password and make the change?06:28
tritiumenaner: use sudo, which requires your user's password06:29
matthew_kbreit: I'm sorr I don't know what that means. I guess I should have done a little more research before I fully switched. :P06:29
enanertritium:  yes but whast the command?06:29
Jordan_Uenaner, gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist06:29
Desmond-I have a question. Can I install off the desktop liveCD without modifying the MBR or does it do that automatically?06:29
dSaxdemfrax: Do you just want to move the file, or do you want to change the permissions?06:29
tritiumenaner: depends on which editor you choose.  See Jordan_U's response for one method.06:29
kbreitmatthew_: You don't know how to run commands as root?06:30
Jordan_UDesmond-, There is an advanced option at one point that will allow you to skip installing grub06:30
demfraxI am trying to move a folder to /usr/share/games/fretsonfire/data/songs yet every time I try I get Error moving file: Permission denied. and I dont know how to fix it06:30
htmljunkiehey I extracted a tar.gz on my desktop and I can run the app if I right click on a file in the folder to run it, but how do I get it to be with the rest of my apps? what folder?06:30
Panikhow do i test if my svideo in is working06:30
matthew_kbreit: i guess not, or maybe I do and I just didn't know that what it was called...i'm betting I just didn't know though06:30
kbreitmatthew_: su updatedb06:31
dSaxdemfrax, You can change the ownership of the directory with the chown command06:31
tritiumkbreit: sudo, you mean06:31
demfraxhow do I do that?06:31
dSaxdemfrax, sudo chown YourUserName /usr/share/games/fretsonfire/data/songs06:31
dSaxWhere YourUserName is the name you use to login to ubuntu06:32
matthew_kbreit: I continue to feel inept..."Unknown id: su updatedb"06:32
kbreittritium: Yeah, thanks06:32
kbreitmatthew_: sudo updatedb rather06:32
demfraxah k06:32
Desmond-Jordan_U, but is it on the desktop liveCD as well or only on the alternate?06:32
BonezAUHi, I am running Ubuntu - I installed the 'kubunt-desktop' dummy package cause I wanted to try out KDE. I want to know how can I get my old "ubuntu" splash/boot screens back instead of the Kubuntu ones I have now?06:32
Rescue9I lost entire root partition of ubuntu server. I have tar of entire root minus proc, mnt, and sys. I tried using recover cd and untarring backup but when I reboot I get wierd uuid error and can't seem to bypass. What is best way to recover from tar?06:32
Jordan_UDesmond-, It is available on both06:32
Desmond-Ok, thanks06:33
Jordan_UDesmond-, I believe the 'advanced' option is available right before you confirm which partitions will be modified06:33
Jordan_UDesmond-, (on the desktop CD, on the alternate it's just one of the steps)06:34
dSaxIs there a way I can verify I have my NAT settings correct?06:34
enanerok so i played around with whatever i cud think of .... so how do i start on my journey of creating something by myuself06:34
Flannelenaner: Creating what sort of something?06:35
enanerflannel like what are some stuff u pros do06:35
matthew_kbreit: I guess I didn't fully install it because it seems to be located at /home/matthew/.emusic  but it's not present when I navigate there...okay thanks.06:35
dSaxThe iptable rules I was using under my old distro don't seem to work.  And adding the vanilla nat rules from the ubuntu howto doesn't seem to work either.06:35
BonezAUHi, I am running Ubuntu - I installed the 'kubunt-desktop' dummy package cause I wanted to try out KDE. I want to know how can I get my old "ubuntu" splash/boot screens back instead of the Kubuntu ones I have now?06:36
nickrudenaner try working in python, it starts easy and a _lot_ of the advanced glue for ubuntu is written in it06:36
Flannelenaner: #ubuntu-offtopic is a better place for this sort of thing.  There's a large breadth of things people do.  Are you interested in any particular types of things?06:36
nickrud!usplash | BonezAU06:37
ubottuBonezAU: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork06:37
FlannelBonezAU: sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so06:37
nickrud!gdm | BonezAU06:38
ubottuFactoid gdm not found06:38
FlannelBonezAU: once you're done there, sudo update-initramfs -u06:38
FlannelOh hey, factoid.06:38
nickrudBonezAU sudo update-alternatives --config gdm for the login06:38
Flannelnickrud: Isn't that a dpkg reconfigure?06:38
pipeeeknow that I have a problem, what happens is that when I want to install my joomla I get where I need to download a file with the extension .phtml.part and not I can not see a page .html06:38
enanerFlannel:  what are these some of the things ppl do06:38
nickrudFlannel you are right, I just copied you :)06:39
nickrudbrain fart06:39
BonezAUFlannel, nickrud oh so easy - thank you guys :)06:39
nickrudBonezAU if you want the gdm login,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm06:39
Rescue9I thought I'd get more of a response from the Official Support Channel.... even if that response was "I don't have an answer to that question". Thanks for the help guys.06:39
BonezAUnickrud, i use auto-login so the GDM screen does not bother me, cheers anyway06:39
nickrudRescue9 was pretty impatient06:40
ubunubi@Anyone. Can someone assist me with getting a second xserver running?06:40
bullgard4man  gnome-system-monitor: "... You can access detailed memory maps, send signals, and terminate the processes." What 'signals' ere menat here? Can you give a more precise name to these signals?06:41
ubunubibullgard4: Kernel Proccess Signals06:42
nickrudbullgard4 kill sends the signal -15 (sigterm) ,06:42
ronin1234Hey whats best the mediacenter for linux these days? I'm not interested in TV at all as I live in China. But I have a catalog of some 700dvd's (the flip side of no tv in China) so i need it to have pretty good dvd cataloging06:42
ubunubironin1234:: mythbuntu maybe??   ubuntu built with integrated mythtv (which i think can catalog and play DVDs fine also)06:42
TehLulzeHow do I get ubuntu to recognize my ipod?06:43
ubunubiTehLulze: are you running hardy?06:44
ronin1234so you can minimize the mythtv bit and use it like a standard desktop?06:44
TehLulzeubunubi: No06:44
ubunubitehlulze: hardy auto-detects mine..you should probably scan Synaptic for something ipod related, for older versions06:45
ubunubironin1234: of course you can kill the mythtv front end//media center06:45
ubunubironin1234: it's ubuntu in the backend, so you can have a full gnome-desktop installed also if you're into that jazz/etc, not sure how it comes default06:46
ubunubimay even come with GDM06:46
jonathan_is anyone using the program kid3?06:46
ubunubijon: newp sorry and i think i'm about one of the only people awake in here :P06:46
dSaxApparently port forwarding is turned off by default.  To turn it on I needed to sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=106:47
music`freakHi folks06:49
=== afallenhope|afk is now known as afallenhope
music`freakneed help with mounting06:49
ubunubimusic: a joke there would be too easy06:49
MoreAllLessWhat kinda drives?06:49
=== cha01 is now known as cha0s
music`freakNeed to remove my XP swap drive which Ubuntu auto-mounts @ boot06:50
=== alexander_ is now known as dev1
ubunubimusic`freak: you want to edit your fstab..but i'd look up a guide, i'm a bit too new too give you commands without a foobar fstab file :)06:51
ubunubishould just be commenting out a line with a #06:51
music`freakits in /etc right?06:51
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TehLulzeubunubi: I just want to mount it so I can add files to it06:51
fp-johnhowdy all06:52
ubunubiTehLulze: if you have a windows machine with itunes, plug it in and enable "disk mode", then plugging it into the USB port of your linux box, should make it pop up as a USB/removable Disk drive06:52
MoreAllLess!fstab | music`freak06:52
ubottumusic`freak: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions06:52
ubottuFactoid stab not found06:53
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions06:53
ajonathey, one question: what's /boot/abi-2.6.24-18-generic for?06:54
=== K_Holtz is now known as K^Holtz
music`freakthanks ubottu MoreAllLess :D06:55
bullgard4ubunubi: Google finds only 9 hits for 'kernel process signal'. Why is that number so small although signalling to a kernel is a not too rare matter?06:55
MoreAllLessubottu is a bot, but I am sure you know that already.06:55
ubottuMoreAllLess: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:55
ubunubibullgard4:: http://www.comptechdoc.org/os/linux/howlinuxworks/linux_hlprocess.html  is a list of them all06:56
=== kompi01 is now known as udin
ubunubibullgard4: and what they all do/mean/are used06:56
ubunubibullgard4: first google search term :P06:56
bullgard4ubunubi: Epiphany: "http://www.comptechdoc.org/os/linux/howlinuxworks/linux_hlprocess.html could not be found. Make sure that the address is correct."06:58
revilodrawis firefox crashing a fair bit for you guys? or am i the only one?06:59
ubunubibullgard4:: http://tinyurl.com/62n8sh06:59
ubunubibullgard4:: if that doesn't load it. then you have other internet issues :P06:59
bullgard4ubunubi: That may be true but does not help me to read the suggested website. I choosed a roandom web address, and my Epiphany opened it.07:01
unavailablenite ubuntu07:01
ubunubibullguard4: copy and paste that URL into firefox or some other browser...i've reloaded it twice to double-check it's availability just while speaking with you07:02
ubunubibullguard4:: here's even the GOOGLE CACHE version of the same page::
ubunubibullguard4: if you can load google.com you should be able to load that googlecache version07:03
TehLulzeUbuntu isn't recognizing my itouch07:04
nickrudbullgard4 also, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIGHUP . You can view the other signals with more/less details from that page07:05
revilodrawis firefox crashing a fair bit for you guys? or am i the only one?07:05
reenignEesreveRrevilodraw ... which extensions are you using?07:06
alliecathi all, i'm having a problem with gutsy and wireless.07:06
bullgard4ubunubi: Also Firefox reports that it cannot find the Website although I copied it and pasted it.07:06
alliecathardy, i mean. gutsy was fine :P07:06
K^Holtzdoes anyone know why CTRL+ALT+BKSPC is not restarting X for me?07:06
nickrudTehLulze check http://gtkpod.org for details about ipods under linux07:06
TehLulzenickrud: I have it. Still isn't mounting07:07
nickrudTehLulze do   tail -f /var/log/syslog   in a terminal, that will echo any kernel messages. Then plug in the touch, see what it the kernel says07:07
nickruderm, gotta stop typing stream of consciousness07:08
alliecatanyway i have a broadcom 440x wireless adapter in my dell inspiron 1501, and i've always used ndiswrapper and the native windows drivers for it, through edgy, feisty and gutsy07:08
revilodrawreenignEesreveR: - noscript, speeddial, fasterfox (disabled cos not applicable for hardy)gmail manage, download helper, ubuntu firefox modifications07:08
alliecatever since upgrading to hardy, every so often the driver will hang, and the internet will disconnect, and firefox, thunderbird and pidgin will all crash, and i can't restart and have to turn off the power.07:09
TehLulzenickrud: It shows up in that07:09
reenignEesreveRrevilodraw: try disabling the extensions07:09
nickrudTehLulze what does it say about hal and the like?07:09
nickrudTehLulze you should see a fair amount, put the output on paste.ubuntu.com07:10
revilodrawreenignEesreveR: ok i will thanks07:10
bullgard4nickrud: You are kind enough to inform me about the website http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIGHUP. But this does not answer my question for a more precise name for 'signal'. ubunubi already suggested 'kernel process signal' but this term is very rarely used.07:10
TehLulzenickrud: http://paste.ubuntu.com/20068/07:11
ubunubibullgar4:: try just "process signal"  130,000 google hits... 9,350 if you add +linux at the end07:11
alliecathas anyone in here heard of a problem like i'm having?07:12
nickrudbullgard4 try http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/systems/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.aix.kernelext/doc/kernextc/proc_except_mgmt_kernsvcs.htm07:12
ubunubibullgard4::honestly they're called "process signals" identified by "process signal" ID numbers as listed on that wikipedia site and elsewhere...they have individual names/terms, and an #number associated with them07:12
ubunubibullgard4::that's as much as I can help you i think :) process signal will get you enough leads to start you own google journey ;)07:13
=== ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz
TehLulzenickrud: http://paste.ubuntu.com/20068/07:15
nickrudTehLulze and now of course I can't find my ipod, I remember seeing much more. A sec while I look again07:15
TehLulzenickrud: k07:15
ubottuFactoid dvdrepo not found07:16
enaneris there a program for ubuntu similar to iChat .. im not talkin bout suttin like pidgeon ... but something that has the bubble things similar to iChat????07:16
bhccan i make repo mirror using my dvd repo ??07:16
bhccan i make repo mirror using my dvd repo ??07:16
tenXenaner: what is ichat07:17
pukemananyreason why on every sudo command it says "unable to resolve <hostname>"?07:17
enanertenX:  iChat from mac07:17
tenXenaner: okay, but uppon what base? irc?07:17
enanerno like AIm , msn, yahoo  and so on07:17
tenXpukeman: sure its related to sudo? sounds like a dns problem07:18
enanertenX: here : http://www.mac.com/1/images/ichat_screeshot1_20051012.jpg07:18
pukemanwhy would sudo need dns?07:18
tenXenaner: you seem to be convinced07:18
bhcsudo nano /etc/hosts07:18
tenXpukeman: exactly07:18
bhcadd you host name thare07:18
enanertenX:  convinced of what exactly?07:18
bhc127.0.0.1 agus07:18
tenXenaner: convinced of that mysterious ichat software07:19
bhcthen the error will gone07:19
pukemandid a recent software update make sudo need dns or something? never used to do this.07:19
enanertenX:  its not really mysterious ... i liked usin it on my mac ... now i want something like thaton my ubuntu :D07:19
tenXenaner: what the heck is it then making it so interesting07:20
bhcsudo hostname [new-hostname]07:20
bhcthen edit file /etc/hosts07:20
enanertenX:  lol sorry ... all i am asking is if theres a linux equivalent07:20
ashishhow to make a pc to pc call07:20
nickrud TehLulze http://paste.ubuntu.com/20074/07:21
bhcpc to pc... use skype07:21
tenXenaner: i simply cant make out what you exactly demand from that piece of software07:21
pukemanbhc, my host has different ip's for different interfaces, and sometimes different ip's for the same interface.07:21
ashishhow to make pc2pc call07:21
TehLulzenickrud: And?07:21
tenXashish: ppp?07:21
ashishwhere i ppp07:22
bhctry to add [ip] [hostname] on /etc/hosts07:22
ashish how to get ppp07:22
enanertenX:  the cool bubble things07:22
pukemaneverytime the ip changes?07:22
tenXashish: well you dont seem to be sure about what you want07:22
bhci use kppp on kubuntu07:22
bhcusing novatel umts modem... word nice07:23
ronin1234damn media centers07:23
nickrudTehLulze so, it seems that your device is not getting recognized as a usb device by the kernel. It gives you a path to investigate. Are you sure you only got those hal messages? Mine took a bit to finish up07:23
tenXenaner: bubbles? if you want to be distracted chose some pr0n as wallpaper07:23
tmapjcould someone pls explain to me how to open a tar.gz file?07:23
tenXtmapj: tar -zxf file.tar.gz07:23
bhctar -zxvf file.tar.gz07:23
bullgard4ubunubi: Thank you very much for your help.07:24
tenXtmapj: you should read it up in the man page though07:24
updatertmapj: double-click?07:24
enanertenX:  thank you for your help ;/07:24
ubunubibullgard4: anytime07:24
updaterRegarding these proposed updates, can someone explain if it's safe to install the openoffice updates?07:24
updater(since they're no longer "partial" updates)07:24
pukemananother question, why would a nfs mount, then a reboot results with 'mount.nfs: internal error' with the same mount server/mount point?07:25
* nickrud never installs proposed, unless he wants to help debug07:25
tenXenaner: didnt mean to be rude. just feel that way. effects simply distract07:25
tmapjtenX, whats the man page?07:25
updaternickrud: ah07:25
tenXtmapj: of what?07:25
bhcman tar07:25
tmapjyou told me to look it up in the man page07:25
tmapjwhat is the man page07:25
nickrud!man | tmapj07:25
ubottutmapj: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:25
nickrudtmapj so, type   man tar07:26
nickrudtmapj for most purposes, you can doubleclick a tar.gz to see what's in it, or extract to a location as well07:26
bhcnickrud, can i make apt mirror using my dvd repo ?07:26
nickrudbhc I've heard that it can be done, but never tried it myself07:27
weldanbhc, http://www.howtoforge.com/local_debian_ubuntu_mirror07:27
weldannickrud: same as me too07:27
Felix_KrullHello, please, how to make active mp3 decoding in Hardy? I tried with steps for earlier versions of Ubuntu, but no luck...07:27
nickrudweldan I have used an apt-mirror though, when I lived at the end of a 3k dialup ;)07:28
nickrudFelix_Krull you mean for rhythmbox and the like?07:28
Felix_KrullWell, yes, for Sound Juicer and stuff07:29
nickrudFelix_Krull ah, use make mp3's when you rip07:29
Felix_KrullOn the one hand, it seems that I can listen, but cannot decoding07:29
nickrudFelix_Krull for sound-juicer, look at the help, preferences, all the way at the bottom07:30
ParhamAnyone awake?07:30
* Parham peers around...07:30
nickrudFelix_Krull I take that back, preferences doesn't have it in hardy .. a sec07:31
_Mica_Of course, it's the morning in here Finland;)07:31
* Parham cheers.07:31
ParhamHere in Iran too07:31
Felix_KrullYes, I am just looking...07:31
tmapjcould someone pls explain to me how to open a tar.gz file?07:32
Felix_KrullThere is just general explanation what is mp307:32
ParhamCan I ask a question? :)07:32
Felix_Krullnickrud, so what should I do?07:32
helpmepleaseParham: no07:33
nickrudFelix_Krull looking for the setup07:33
StarnestommyParham: you just did07:33
viper233 tmapj: tar -xzvf file.tar.gz07:33
* Parham sniffs.07:33
ubottuParham: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)07:33
ParhamWell can I ask another question?07:33
nickrudFelix_Krull you have gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly   and gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse installed?07:33
ParhamOk I will ask the question hehe.07:33
ubunubiHow so I add a "wait"/pause (in seconds) into a bash script?07:33
nonix4What's up with these semi-regular undocumented updates to gcc/cpp/g++ "dependancy" packages?07:33
Flannelubunubi: Why are you waiting/pausing?07:33
=== exp_ is now known as HRshovinstuff
helpmepleaseubunubi: sleep? at?07:34
ronin1234do you just want to wait till a key is pressed?07:34
bhcweldan, the link says that i must download the repo file (25GB), i already have dvd repo, and i want to use it to make local mirror07:34
ubunubiFlannel: Because I need to make sure the command previous is 100% done, and 2 seconds have let the new settings "kick in" before the next command is launched07:34
Felix_Krullnickrud, I think not multiverse... Let me check...07:34
ParhamWell I have downloaded the Ubuntu 8.0.4 alternate CD and when I boot off it, the language selection comes up. After I select the language, the option to install Linux comes up and when I press enter on any of the options, nothing happens. The CD starts spinning, but that's all.07:35
HRshovinstuffcan anyone explain why when i have a DVD game disc in my drive i cannot see the *.exe  installer (even with hidden files shown)  I HAVE to reboot into windblows and copy the exe files to a directory in order to gain access to them in ubuntu.  any help is much appreciated07:35
weldandunno, I never try it. If you can get it work please share with me.07:35
ubunubiFlannel:: I'm currently using:: killall fusion-icon && metacity --replace & wine "C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\wow.exe" -openGL && fusion-icon &07:35
=== weldan is now known as weldan-
ubunubiflannel:: but wine is launching before the metacity --replace has taken effect07:35
ParhamUh oh. I hope I don't have to download the live CD? Since the alternate took ages. Haha.07:35
nonix4ubunubi: well add a sleep there07:36
ubunubinonix4:: syntax?07:36
Flannelubunubi: Does metacity --replace end? or does it need to be run with &?07:36
nickrudParham have you run the self disk check on the boot screen?07:36
Felix_Krullnickrud, ugly or bad? It seems that for some it is bad, for other it is ugly.07:36
=== weldan- is now known as weldan
helpmepleaseParham: do you have your learning cap on?07:36
nonix4... & sleep 5 && wine07:36
ParhamYes I have. Nothing comes up.07:36
nonix4for five seconds assuming that is enough07:36
ParhamI pressed enter on every option there. Only "Boot from the first harddisk" or something like that which is the last option works.07:36
nickrudFelix_Krull pretty sure it's the ugly.07:37
ubunubiFlannel:: I'm not 100% sure if it ends...I don't think it does...if i type it in a terminal alone, i get a blinking cursor after instead of being dropped back to the command line07:37
enanerwhat r ur opinions about mac4lin?07:37
nickrudFelix_Krull for mp3, that is07:37
FlannelHRshovinstuff: is this WoW by any chance?07:37
HRshovinstuffyes i already have it installed and working, but i made *.iso files from the dvds and even after mounting i still cannot see the executables  /sigh07:38
Felix_Krullnickrud, But I can leave bad, since it is there? Sorry for asking stupid questions, but I read somewhere about collision between the two, and that some earlier Ubuntu used bad, and the other ugly.07:38
FlannelHRshovinstuff: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft#head-b007bc282e242d30a96585fcaf17b378451cf9da  see the fourth bullet point07:38
HRshovinstuffFlannel: hey thanks !07:39
enanerwhat r ur opinions about mac4lin?07:39
ParhamI don't think the CD image is corrupted, though, but other than that, I don't know.07:39
knoppixhey guys im trying to make a grub screen for my usb key. how do I make one?07:39
nickrudFelix_Krull the bad are the ones that aren't very polished, as in written well. ugly are fine, but have licensing/patent issues, like mp307:39
ubunubiFlannel:: My script is still not doing what I want07:39
nickrudParham then you should check your download with md5sum07:40
Felix_Krullnickrud: So, to uninstall bad?07:40
nickrudParham if the other options don't run, its a bad download, or a bad disk burn07:40
ubunubiFlannel:: If I launch with my script, it's graphics are corrupted. If i type them by hand...in order (copy and paste from the script)....no corruption07:40
ashishhow to call another computer07:40
nickrudFelix_Krull your choice. I have them07:40
weldandial its number07:40
ParhamNickrud: How can I check which one is the case?07:40
weldancall, like what?07:41
nickrud!md5sum | Parham07:41
ubottuParham: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more07:41
chmacSimple question, if you choose TLS security in Evolution, is mail still sent on port 25? Or does it use another port for TLS encrypted connections?07:41
nickrudParham if the md5sum is good, then the disk is bad ;)07:41
Felix_Krullnickrud: Both? It doesn't matter?07:41
tsukasahi everybody07:41
ubunubinonix4:: the sleep is taking effect but it's not fixing my script how I hoped :(07:42
weldantls, mua will connect to pop3 before smtp , something like that ?07:42
nickrudFelix_Krull it doesn't matter. If you have any qualms, I'd remove both bad versions07:42
nonix4chmac: does your outgoing email even use any form of authentication?07:42
ubunubinonix4:: is "killall fusion-icon" the BEST way to _guarantee_ that process dies a horribly painful death?07:42
chmacnonix4: Yeah, it supports TLS encryption, but I'm not sure what port TLS encrypted mail is supposed to be sent on07:42
IntrepidAnyone know how I can start a second x session that runs xterm on start but uses a different xorg.conf?07:42
nonix4ubunubi: -9 for horribly painful death07:42
ubunubinonix4:: wouldn't I need to know the PID each time for that?07:43
weldankill -9 PID number07:43
chmacnonix4: I maintain the mail server, so I might need to open some extra ports on the firewall :)07:43
nonix4ubunubi: no, with killall you don't need the pid07:43
ubunubinonix4:: so i can killall -9 fusion-icon  ?07:43
Felix_Krullnickrud: Thank you so much!07:44
HRshovinstuffFlannel: hey thanks, that totally was the most simple stupid thing ever lol  <---- feels like rtard07:44
nonix4chmac: usually most email encryption things deal only with first hop & authentication for that - rest goes unencrypted07:45
nonix4(well, pgp/mime & alike are end-to-end)07:45
pegasosHeya. I have a problem. I try to start up Pidgin internet messenger and it is visible in the lower bar for a moment and then vanishes without starting. So I tried "pidgin -d" in terminal and error seems to be " main: exiting because another libpurple client is already running"... How do I fix this?07:46
bullgard4[GNOME] Why are there two desktop configuration files: /usr/share/app-install/desktop/Tunapie and /usr/share/applications/Tunapie)07:46
moDumasshey ALL sorry, so with a microsoft laser 6000 keyboard with lots of bells and whistles how do i get the increase font decrease font size button to work?07:46
bullgard4[GNOME] Why are there two desktop configuration files: /usr/share/app-install/desktop/Tunapie and /usr/share/applications/Tunapie?07:46
albertociao ragazzi, ho comprato un asus eee pc e ci ho messo eeexubuntu07:46
chmacnonix4: I understand that. Do you know if email sent via SMTP + TLS is sent on port 25 or a different port? Like http is 80 but https is not...07:46
albertova benissimo, l'unico problema che non si spegne07:46
albertocm devo fare???07:46
nickrudbullgard4 I think the ones in /usr/share/applications are the for the menu, the other is for add/remove07:47
nonix4chmac: the answer is: it depends - after http people decided it would be better to just use the same port...07:47
Myrtti!it | alberto07:47
ubottualberto: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!07:47
bullgard4nickrud: Ah!07:47
revilodrawwhich file makes exaile run?07:47
albertonn lo trovo ubuntu-it07:47
nonix4chmac: but there are ports that are used for several ssl email protocols, some of the time - check /etc/services07:48
chmacnonix4: Ok, cool, so it can work on the same port, that's probably why my mail can't send, ISP blocks port 25, bah :(07:48
nonix4ssmtp           465/tcp         smtps           # SMTP over SSL07:48
HardDiskrevilodraw, sound & video, you'll see Exaile if you installed it correctly, ie sudo apt-get install exaile07:48
nickrudbullgard4 yes, dpkg -S clears that up07:49
nonix4chmac: well when ISP blocks port 25 they usually supply an smtp server you're supposed to use as the first hop...07:49
bullgard4nickrud: I do not understand " yes, dpkg -S clears that up". Please elaborate.07:49
chmacnonix4: I know, I travel a lot though, so I prefer to use my own smtp server, authenticated07:50
chmacnonix4: Which also matches my SPF record, etc07:50
NullNam1Any nmap experts out there???07:50
nickrudbullgard4 dpkg -S /path/to/file  says what package a file belongs to. I did a check on applications/yelp.desktop, says it's in yelp (actually, I already knew what applications was for, just needed to check app-install)07:50
chmacnonix4: I typically wrap evolution in a tsocks tunnel, but I'm looking at alternatives to that, looks like the port 25 issue won't go away any time soon :)07:50
nonix4chmac: the percentage of ISPs blocking port 25 is high - your best bet is proper hosting service07:50
tenXNullNam1: an expert would be?07:50
nickrudchmac you can always select a port ...07:51
chmacnonix4: What do you mean by "proper hosting service" ?07:51
* Parham wavies.07:51
HardDiskbullgard4, also if you type whereis name_of_application it will give you its location07:51
NullNam1tenX: Someone who knows how to scan all 65535 ports on UDP and TCP at once while still using the -A option.07:51
nickrudParham you found the fix?07:51
revilodrawHardDisk: i have exaile, i want to know where to post 'exaile --no-equalizer' to make it startup with the equalizer disabled07:51
ParhamAm looking. My screen reader is jibbering wildly while I'm in the IRC so I have to quit. Hehe.07:51
chmacnickrud: Yeah, I could probably map another port to 25 on my server's firewall...07:51
bhcweldan, http://ardhian.wordpress.com/2007/06/09/bikin-repositori-lokal-ubuntu-dari-dvd-repo/07:51
nonix4chmac: have an email server running at a hosting service, tunnel to that way or another07:52
bhcis it make any sense07:52
nickrudchmac or tell the server to use a different port, I use 587 to connect to my remote server07:52
bhcdo you agree with it ?07:52
weldanchmac: at our office mail server, they're using port 587 port smtp07:52
HardDiskrevilodraw, you can create a link on your desktop OR if you want to modify the main link, right click on applications, edit menu go to the location of sound & video, and edit the properties there07:52
NullNam1tenX:  Any ideas?07:52
ParhamI could do md5sum with Cygwin though, so the only thing left is to compare the two and see if anything is wrong.07:52
weldanand tls enabled07:52
bullgard4HardDisk: "detlef@MD97600:~$ whereis Tunapie; Tunapie:" (empty)07:52
HardDiskbullgard4, is it run with a T? or t07:53
nonix4chmac: but you said you already have such a server somewhere? Try port 465?07:53
HardDiskbullgard4, whereis works best if you do sudo updatedb and that the application is installed via deb or repositories07:53
ubunubiweldan:: one more scripting question. if I have a program that doesn't terminate, but I want to close the terminal window without it killing the process...what symbol can I use?07:53
bullgard4HardDisk: In both direcotries Tunapie is displayes with a capital first letter.07:53
HardDiskbullgard4, I didn't say folder, I meant the actual application07:54
dns53ubunubi run ps -ef and get the process id, then use nohup pid to allow it to continue07:54
ubunubidns53:: is there a cleaner way?07:54
chmacnonix4: I admin my own mailserver. Postfix is running but doesn't respond on port 46507:54
nickrudbullgard4 you need to look inside the file to see what the executable is,  exec= is what you look for07:55
HardDiskubunubi, I prefer the ps -x but dns53's line is the same, it's all about getting the PID07:55
bullgard4HardDisk: All my applications on this computer are installed via Ubuntu repositories. This morning at 07:35 local time my computer did automatically run 'updatedb'.07:55
chmacnickrud, weldan: Is port 587 significant, or just chosen at random?07:55
tofaffyAnyone know why Ubuntu won't allow me to resize my windows parition?07:55
HardDiskbullgard4, I missed what the problem you are having exactly.07:55
moDumasshey all, currnetly dual booting with xp, and xp is the first boot option, how do i change this?07:55
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:56
HardDisktofaffy, you have to unmount a partition to resize it.07:56
dns53ubunubi you can ctrl z then bg, but that will die when the shell dies, you can execute it with & at the end to do something similar07:56
nonix4chmac: Hmm... you could check which ports you're listening to... also check out the ssmtp package07:56
nickrudchmac my home port was blocked on 25, and a remote mail server I was using used that. I just picked it up.07:56
bullgard4HardDisk: Why are there two desktop configuration files: /usr/share/app-install/desktop/Tunapie and /usr/share/applications/Tunapie?07:56
tofaffyWell...I was booted in a live cd. why would it have mounted it?07:56
ubunubidns53:: i'm trying to put it in the bg with &, but also want it to NOT die with the terminal closing07:56
HardDiskmoDumass, sudo apt-get install startupmanager07:56
meameinstalling grub to usb drive, how do i do it?07:57
HardDiskmoDumass, then it will be available for you in administration and you can edit it.07:57
ubunubidns53: how do i parse out only the PID out of the ps -ef output? in a format that i can redirect into the nohup07:57
dns53ubunubi you therfore need to use nohup, this sets a bit on the process to not die when the parent shell dies07:57
moDumassawesome thanks07:57
BilgeIs there a painless way to configure sendmail for Ubuntu?07:57
HardDiskbullgard4, one is the link one is the location of the binary.07:57
moDumassthanks HArdDisk07:57
chmacnonix4: How do I check which ports I'm listening to?07:57
afallenhopefor some reason my alt and tab don't work07:57
afallenhopenor my shift key07:57
ubottuFactoid sendmail not found07:57
afallenhopehmmm... somethin's fishy with my comp07:57
HardDiskhmm ok nvm :)07:58
moDumasscan i use this to remove the 20 or so other boot options i have from prev distro updates07:58
afallenhopei can't open a temrinal..07:58
afallenhopeit auto closes07:58
weldanchmac: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2476.txt07:58
HardDiskBilge, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19611207:58
chmacOk, port 587 is an alternative to 25 according to RFC 2476 apparently :)07:59
HardDiskafallenhope, hello again :)07:59
Intrepidchmac: suggestion: netstat -a | less07:59
HardDisknvm :)07:59
ubunubidns53: how do i parse out only the PID out of the ps -ef output? in a format that i can redirect into the nohup? sorry if this is asking too much of your time07:59
chmacIntrepid: netstat, that's the one, thanks :)07:59
dns53ubunubi something like  ps -ef|grep firefox |grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'|nohup    i have not tested it07:59
HardDiskubunubi, I told you ps -x | grep nameofapp07:59
airstrikeivanovHello everyone. When I try to install my Ubuntu, I get: ata1.00: status: { DRDY ERR }08:00
ubunubiHarddisk:: Sorry I had missed it. My eyes were scanning for dns's name!08:00
HardDiskdns53, too long08:00
bullgard4nickrud: The starter in both files is the same: 'tunapie'. So it does not help to differentiate between the two files (and the two directories in general).08:00
airstrikeivanovDoes anyone know what that means?08:00
ubunubiairstrikeivanov:: what motherboard do you have?08:00
HardDiskubunubi, all you need is that short line I posted.08:00
airstrikeivanovDon't know08:00
airstrikeivanovIt's a pre-manufactured Dell Inspiron08:00
dns53HardDisk maybe, btw you may need to add xargs and call nohup08:00
nickrudbullgard4 dpkg -S does that. By telling you which package a file belongs to. The package determines function08:00
HardDiskdns53, why?08:01
airstrikeivanovI'm on an incredibly old 7.04 harddisk I have backed up right now08:01
ubunubiairstrikeivanov: are you booting the liveCD...or directly into the install? or already installed but won't boot?08:01
nickrudbullgard4 and /usr/share/applications is defined by the freedesktop standard as the place to put menu entries08:01
airstrikeivanovI'm booting Ubuntu Server08:01
airstrikeivanovNothing is installed on the hard disk, save Windows, which I have no desire to keep08:01
HardDiskairstrikeivanov, I would do a HD physical check.08:01
dns53HardDisk well does nohup read stdin or do you need to provide it as an argument?08:01
batkamorning guys, i have the boot hanging with a black screen need to restart several times before ubuntu starts the X, any idea where to look for what is causing it?08:01
ParhamHi again!08:01
ubunubiairstrikeivanov: but are you trying to use the liveCD portion to try it out..or are you wanting to intsall?08:02
airstrikeivanovNo, it's all a text-based installer08:02
HardDiskdns53, I am not sure to be quite honest.08:02
tenXairstrikeivanov: what more can you ask for?08:02
ubunubiairstrikeivanov: do you know how to add kernal boot parameters?08:02
ParhamI checked the md5sum. The hashes differ, and they differ a lot. Is there a way to repair the different parts or I have to redownload the whole file again?08:02
airstrikeivanovubunubi: I don't.08:02
HardDiskairstrikeivanov, as I mentioned I would do a HD check if I were you.08:02
nonix4chmac: netstat -an; lsof -i  # you might want to check out postfix TLS docs, http://www.postfix.org/TLS_README.html08:02
airstrikeivanovI did, the disk is just fine08:03
airstrikeivanovIt was working until after I tried to partition in the UbuntuServer installer08:03
darrendwhat significance does ~/.gvfs have?  My rsync based backup script complains about not being able to read it.08:03
HardDiskairstrikeivanov, also you may have shutdown windows incorrectly, hence a dirty unmount.08:03
airstrikeivanovThe first format worked, but when I had to reboot and try it again, it stopped working.08:03
ubunubiairstrikeivanov: when you're at the screen that loads soon as the CD launches, move the highlighted bar down to the install option..and you should see an editable text line under that08:03
nickrudbullgard4 for the /usr/share/applications, http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/menu-spec-1.0.html#paths08:03
darrendit shows up in mtab as used by gvfs-fuse-daemon08:03
HardDiskdarrend, .gvfs is your nautilus interface08:03
nickrudParham redownload08:03
airstrikeivanovYeah, the F6 text-line08:03
airstrikeivanovI've seen it08:03
revilodrawHardDisk: tried that, but when exai;e runs on startup it doesnt run with the equalizer disabled... i have edited it in 'sessions' too...08:04
darrendHardDisk: thx - why would rsnapshot be unable to read it suddenly?08:04
HardDiskrevilodraw, sessions doesn't work that way.08:04
ubunubiairstrikeivanov: you want to add "all_generic_ide" to the end of the boot parameters08:04
airstrikeivanovLet me go try that!08:04
darrendHardDisk: I've run rsnapshot for months, this started happening yesterday08:04
HardDiskdarrend, not sure about that question though08:04
airstrikeivanovBe back in a bit.08:04
tenXairstrikeivanov: is F6 a new us airplane threatening the rest of the world?08:04
HardDiskwait ubunubi08:04
darrendHardDisk: ok, thx.08:04
=== markito is now known as srinux
ubunubiHe left before my further advice08:04
moDumassHardDisk with this StartUp Manager the resolution selection doesnt include my current resolution08:05
HardDiskthe all_generic_ide is usually my first answer :) but his case may need to unmount his drive first correctly08:05
HardDiskand remove the quite splash --08:05
HardDiskmoDumass, that only modifies the startup parts, it doesn't touch your Gnome08:05
andrew__I'm trying to install something VIA terminal and it's popping up "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" as an error. Any help?08:05
IntrepidtenX: Negative. The F6 is an RAF supersonic interceptor, introduced 1959.08:05
revilodrawHardDisk: cani pm you a screenshot to show u?08:06
Starnestommyandrew__: sudo apt-get install build-essential08:06
nickrudHardDisk do you know of a short doc describing .gvfs ?08:06
ubunubiHardDisk: I had the same error he did. First I did ACPI=OFF..and it worked..but i wanted ACPI..found IRQPOLL alone worked but has a performance hit..tried alL_generic_ide by itself..and worked beautifully with ACPI operational and not needing the performance hit of IRQPOLL08:06
bullgard4HardDisk: mc does not indicate that one of the two files tunapie.desktop is a link.08:06
HardDiskubunubi, problem he left and didn't get info on his board.08:06
ubunubiyeah :(08:06
HardDiskrevilodraw, sure08:06
HardDisknickrud, I can check for you08:07
nickrudHardDisk I can probably find one. I was hoping that you had a clue already ;)08:07
ubunubiHardDisk: AFAIK attempting to boot with that option can cause no harm, he has no data on the disk (and even if he did it would be very unlikely if not impossible for it to corrupt it)08:07
chmacnonix4: Sweet, thanks for that link :)08:07
HardDiskbullgard4, I assume, since not all applications are identically the same way of how they are located.08:07
HardDiskubunubi, no no harm at all whatsoever.08:07
HardDiskubunubi, you were right to give that advice08:07
moDumassHardDisk, will I still have the option to boot into windows if i have to?08:08
HardDiskmoDumass, yes you just want to arrange the order, or change which starts default08:08
batkahi guys, which log except for boot and messages would reflect problems at boot time?08:08
moDumasscoolya, thanks08:08
HardDiskmoDumass, basically it's like changing the boot.ini file in windows08:08
HardDisknickrud, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GnomeVFS :)08:09
revilodrawHardDisk: ive sent it..08:09
HardDisknickrud, check this too blogs.gnome.org/alexl/2007/07/20/gvfs-presentation-slides08:09
moDumassHardDisk, sweet, will I still have the option to go to windows before coming into linux, or do i need to load int linux and change default boot option first08:09
nickrudah, now that looks good08:10
andrew__Okay. Getting build-essential helped, but it still won't create the make-file correctly.08:10
HardDiskrevilodraw, I didn't receive anything, unfortunately I only receive pm's from registered users.08:10
tenXIntrepid: we're all making fun of former ridiculous governmental strivings.. nowadays any modern non-free government, once in charge could perferctly change constitutions, survey the people and establish their own point of view. modern technology will help to establish it all08:10
HardDiskrevilodraw, too many spammers :) you understand.08:10
HardDisk!offtopic | tenX08:10
ubottutenX: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:10
danybonjour tous le monde08:10
ubunubiHardDisk:: Funny you say that just as I PM'd you about that script syntax, lol08:10
sigma_how do i restart alsa?08:11
HardDiskbonjour dany08:11
HardDisklol ubunubi08:11
HardDiskwait let me check my modes08:11
tenXsigma_: /etc/init.d/alsa$h1t restart08:11
revilodrawHardDisk: ok how do i send it then? actually, good point, how do i register?08:11
HardDiskok try again08:11
HardDiskrevilodraw, /nickserv help08:11
bullgard4HardDisk: I do not know how to put to use your message.08:12
dns53use patebin, go to http://paste.ubuntu.com and send us the url it returns08:12
Starnestommyrevilodraw: /msg nickserv register your-password your-email, then check your email08:12
HardDiskbullgard4, I don't quite get you..08:12
mindframe_how can i get a list of installed packages from a previous installation that I have a full backup of?08:12
HardDiskmindframe_, ah perfect question08:13
airstrikeivanovI still get the { DRDY ERR } error08:13
revilodrawStarnestommy: /msg nickserv?  pm him?08:13
airstrikeivanovit is followed by: ata1.00: error: { UNC }08:13
HardDiskmindframe_, one sec.08:13
Starnestommyrevilodraw: nickserv is a bot run by this network's staff08:13
mindframe_thx.. i think its in /var/ somewhere, but not sure :)08:13
andrew__Isn't ALSA built into the kernel?08:13
dns53 mindframe_ dpkg --get-selections > file08:14
mindframe_dns53, read: previous installation08:14
mindframe_i only have a backup of it08:14
Starnestommyrevilodraw: and yes, do pm it08:14
bullgard4HardDisk: I read your message: "I assume, since not all applications are identically the same way of how they are located." but I do not understand if there is any meaningful contents in it. Please say it in other words.08:14
dns53ok then dpkg --set-selections < file08:14
airstrikeivanovMy hard disk still doesn't boot08:14
mindframe_dns53, but i never did --get-selections > file08:15
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nickrudsilly mindframe_ :)08:15
HardDiskbullgard4, I mean, different applications are located differently.08:15
andrew__Anyone know what the default path for ALSA is?08:15
dns53mindframe so do you still have that partition?08:15
mindframedns53, yes08:15
airstrikeivanovDoes anyone know how to fix the error: ata1.00: status: { DRDY ERR } / ata1.00: error: { UNC }08:16
mindframei suppose i could boot off of it but i really wanted to know where the package information is stored so i could grepgrepgrep it08:16
nickrudmindframe you can grep over /var/lib/dpkg/status in the backup08:16
ubunubiairstrikeivanov: did the all_generic_ide not work for you?08:16
dns53mindframe ok you can chroot into that partition, run get-selections and then apply that to your current install08:16
mindframeoh i forgot about chroot08:16
mindframe<- sleepy08:16
airstrikeivanovubunubi: There was already a long line of text including a ubuntu-server.seed file, and a "quiet" parameter, all_generic_ide didn't work, and neither did +boot all_generic_ide08:17
HardDiskairstrikeivanov, you are 100% you did a physical check?08:17
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airstrikeivanovHardDisk: I did, the drive still reads just fine by the BIOS, it just finds no active partitions08:17
dns53matrix hello matrix08:18
matrixhow can i install firebird2-super-server ( on ubuntu?08:18
HardDiskdid you check the SMART status?08:18
airstrikeivanovI was able to format it once, but when I tried to format it the second time it began giving me errors, I had to force shutdown and ever since, it gave me that error08:18
airstrikeivanovSMART gave no errors on this disk08:18
HardDiskand your data cable is fine?08:18
airstrikeivanovI'm using the same cables on this disk I'm on now08:18
airstrikeivanovIt's an old 7.04 server disk08:18
dns53matrix just use apt/synaptic/aptitude, run something like this: sudo apt-get install firebird2.0-super08:19
HardDiskI'm guessing possibly a sata module conflict08:19
airstrikeivanovBut I don't have anything SATA on this computer08:19
airstrikeivanovI just got it today and checked it out, it's all IDE08:19
matrixdns53, : i dont want to use firebird2.008:19
matrixi want to use firebird1.508:20
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airstrikeivanovmatrix: then download and compile it manually08:20
ackbahrHi there! I screwed up my wm and keyboard layout trying to get compiz to work.... Anyone could help me? (at worst fall back to the previous config, at best get compiz to work)08:20
dns53matrix aah, does gutsy have it?08:20
matrixno my system ubuntu-server08:20
dns53matrix did the previous versions of ubuntu have the version you want? it may be possible (not recommended) to use an older version of the package08:21
ackbahrI suppose getting the proprietary driver back in place should do it, right?08:22
ubunubiHardDisk: I still can't PM...but I need assistance with this script syntax. would i::  appname &  THEN nohup 'ps -x |grep appname" ...or do does the nohup launch it AND set the bit?08:23
ninjabuntuadonthell, KQ and other game which claim SoundFX and music aren't play SoundFX and Music. But I'm listening to music right now? I also have a few other games wit Music and SoundFX that work just fine. What give? Am I missing a Dependancy or something?08:23
dns53ackbahr there is a gnome safe entry, try using that and see if you get a window manager08:23
pegasosHeya. I have a problem. I try to start up Pidgin internet messenger and it is visible in the lower bar for a moment and then vanishes without starting. So I tried "pidgin -d" in terminal and error seems to be " main: exiting because another libpurple client is already running"... How do I fix this?08:23
HardDiskubunubi, why do you need nohup btw? what was your issue?08:23
andrew__http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=828754 <--- If anyone can help me it would be much appreciated.08:23
prazhi can someone please help me get my sound working?08:24
dns53pegasos logout/login, pidgin still thinks it is running08:24
ubunubiharddisk:: i'm running a script, and the last thing is does is run a command that doesn't terminate, but i want the process to continue living but i want to be able to close the damn terminal window and that process stay alive and well08:24
HardDiskubunubi, ah..then nohup command-name &08:24
HardDisklike nohup script.sh &08:25
ubunubiHardDisk: right right. let me test. thanks08:25
bullgard4HardDisk: I am speaking about one and the same application: The name of the application is 'Tunapie'.08:25
ackbahrdns53: Is this safe entry based on the previous working config, or is it a default setup (640x480 etc)?08:26
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HardDiskbullgard4, not familiar with Tunapie sorry.08:26
dns53ackbahr not sure, worth a try08:27
HardDiskbullgard4, I do know its location is /usr/share/tunapie/08:27
prazcould someone help me with sound???08:27
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dns53praz just ask your question, we will try08:28
chuxxsssAny one tell me how to share files with window boxs on my network just new at this08:28
ackbahrdns53: Because right now, I ve got X, but only without 2D acceleration (3D accel is working, but mt keyboard layout is screwed)08:28
HardDisk!samba | chuxxsss08:28
ubottuchuxxsss: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.08:28
prazi can't get it to work. i tried all teh stuff on the help site but it didn't work08:28
chuxxsssthank you for the help ubottu have a nice day08:28
prazsince i am new to ubuntu i need some pointers on what to do08:28
HardDiskok I'm taking a break guys, bbiab08:29
HardDiskchuxxsss, it's a bot :)08:29
ackbahrdns53: Anyway this fall-back will be useful if my attempt of getting the prop driver back in place fails.... Thanks a lot, se you in a few minutes if it still doest work!08:29
weldanI have problem with sound too, when I'm surfing youtube, apparently mplayer stops working.08:30
prazi can't get any sound08:30
prazsystem sounds or music - nada08:30
dns53praz is the sound muted?08:30
prazset to max08:30
prazand i have the latest version of the alsa drivers08:31
dns53praz what are you using to test it?08:31
prazsomeone else helped me check tha the other day08:31
prazjust playing a song08:31
prazplaying it in rhythmbox08:32
prazdns53: any ideas?08:34
dns53there is more than one way to speak with the sound card, have you tried messing around with the settings? system > preferences  > sound?08:34
prazi am at the screen, not sure what to do in this window08:34
prazi am really new to this, just installed it the other day08:35
dns53praz in sound playback, select a different option and test it08:35
bullgard4HardDisk: You missed the point: I took 'Tunapie' only as an example. If you do not know Tunapie, you still could answer my question if you were knowledgeable enough.08:35
bullgard4Ubuntu does not comply to http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/menu-spec-1.0.html08:36
prazdns3: just choose different choices and click on test?08:37
bullgard4nickrud: Ubuntu does not comply to http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/menu-spec-1.0.html08:37
HardDiskbullgard4, as I said, different applications install differently, as far as tunapie all I know is that the location of the application resides in /usr/share/tunapie/ , I am a volunteer like anyone else, I'm not a guru, thank you.08:37
mohadibif any cmus users are here.. is it possible to remove duplicate tracks from a playlist?08:37
tenXbullgard4: what are those standards about?08:37
Starnestommybullgard4: I don't think gnome does either08:37
HardDiskbullgard4 and tenX any discussions please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic08:38
tenXbullgard4: is one of nowadays standard to distract you with gay looking colorful 3d effects?08:38
sigma_my pc is using oss for sound, how do i get it to use alsa all the time?08:38
dns53praz yes, this will try a different way of applications speaking with the sound card08:38
HardDisk!language | tenX08:38
ubottutenX: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:38
tenXHardDisk: excuse us plz :(08:38
HardDiskyou've been told before08:38
tenXHardDisk: excuse me :/08:38
mohadibis gay a bad word?08:38
tenXHardDisk: it just happened i didnt mean to offend08:39
tenXmohadib: it probably will be regarded as an offense in most appearences :( depends on who you talk to i guess..08:40
dpinceSo I'm running off of the liveboot ubuntu CD, and my wireless driver seems to be working (It's an atheros ar5006EG driver).  Does this mean that if I reformat my computer and install Ubuntu instead of Windows XP, my wireless will work for sure?08:40
HardDisktenX this isn't a discussion or channel to troll in.08:40
ZoidfarbDoes anyone know if it's possible for Windows to put its swap/paging file on the same partition as the Linux swap partition?08:40
HardDiskpersonally I don't care, I just don't want an op to catch you.08:40
tenXdpince: there will be no general assurance i guess but with atheros chipsets on wlan you can be quiete sure to have linux support08:41
sigma_my pc used to use alsa in gutsy but now it only uses oss, is me running off wubi possibly causing this?08:41
hydrbyzhi, does anyone know how I can download a video off youtube?08:41
ZoidfarbI'm setting up a multi-boot system, and I'd like to share resources as much as possible08:41
HardDiskZoidfarb, don't do that.08:41
dns53Zoidfarb no, they are different08:41
bazhang_hydrbyz, youtube-dl08:41
tenXHardDisk: you seemd like one08:41
hydrbyzbazhang_: thanks08:41
bullgard4Starnestommy: I tend to believe you. A rather impeccable jungle for me.08:41
bazhang_!info youtube-dl | hydrbyz08:41
Zoidfarbhydrbyz, www.keepvid.com08:41
ubottuhydrbyz: youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube.com. In component universe, is extra. Version 2008.01.24-1 (hardy), package size 7 kB, installed size 64 kB08:41
HardDisktenX, I'm tolerate :)08:41
ubunubiharddisk:: I need to pick you brain once more. My script..if I do everything manually (that's in the script)...my program runs fine..when i run it as a script...I get screen corruption....any ideas?08:42
ZoidfarbHardDisk, why is that a bad idea? Are the file systems incompatible?08:42
HardDiskZoidfarb, totally :)08:42
tenXHardDisk: judging by preceding events i dont know where to put it all08:42
HardDiskubunubi, screen corruption...?08:43
dpinceTenX: I'm getting a proprietary driver warning for my atheros wireless drivers.  It's difficult for me to hardwire into my router, so wireless is pretty much required if I reformat to Ubuntu.  Basically is the wireless works out of the box from the liveboot, does that mean it will work out of the box if I do a full reformat/install?08:43
ubunubiHardDisk: Uhm, yes, but within the program I launched, not my desktop08:43
ZoidfarbHardDisk, grr, then I need to not only give Windows enough space on the primary partition for the paging file, I need to have a separate (basically unused) swap partition for Linux. Any suggestions?08:43
tenXdpince: nobody will ever guarentee you anything on that open source base08:44
Zoidfarbdpince, if you're using a restricted driver, it will likely work fine08:44
HardDiskZoidfarb, use as little swap you need, eg for linux 1.5gb is more than enough, you can go with 1GB if you must providing enough ram is available.08:44
Pdaveywhats the sudo apt-get command thing for Terminal?08:44
nickrudbullgard4 in what way?08:44
tenXdpince: but personally i am convinced that atheros is the best wifi choice you can take by experience08:44
HardDiskubunubi, what is the error message?08:45
bazhang_Pdavey, its how to install or remove software packages08:45
ubunubiHardDisk: no error msg. just visual artifacts08:45
tenXdpince: afaik there's even kernel support nowadays, and even distros support madwifi08:45
HardDiskubunubi, may I ask the nature of your script?08:45
Myrttijust a quick reminder to everyone, this is Ubuntu Support channel, we'd like you to keep the issues, questions and discussions to problems and questions relating directly to Ubuntu and the software available for it, and so on. for other issues, see !offtopic08:45
Pdaveybazhang_: what is the correct wording for terminal?08:45
tenXdpince: at least you can simply compile and integrate madwifi from svn into your running system08:45
dns53ubunubi use pastebin and let us see the whole thing08:45
bazhang_Pdavey, you want to install it? it is already there (gnome-terminal)08:46
Zoidfarbpdavey, "sudo apt-get install <whatever package>"08:46
tenXdpince: still think that will probably not be needed anymore nowadays (deprecated)08:46
dpincetenX: Fair enough, I'm not looking for any guarantees or anything I just would like access to the internet after installing ubuntu so that I can have resources at my disposal for getting everything else up and running.08:46
tenXdpince: accessing the internet sounds like you have no idea of basic settings for that08:47
Zoidfarbdpince, can you access the internet while running off the live CD?08:47
HardDiskdpince, know that your atheros is capable of supporting multiple access points from your one chip.  That's what makes it good, so install ubuntu and any trouble we're here.08:47
tenXdpince: not meant as an offence..08:47
dpinceYea, I am extremely new to linux.08:47
HardDiskdpince, may I suggest some guides?08:47
dpinceAnd yes, internet access works from the liveboot.08:47
HardDiskhttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/ http://www.howtoforge.com/howtos/linux/ubuntu http://www.ubuntuhq.com/ http://www.ubuntux.org/ http://www.osalt.com/  http://tombuntu.com/ http://www.ubufied.com/ http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index http://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/ http://ubuntuos.com/ http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/08:47
ubottuFactoid ubuntulinks not found08:47
dpinceIf you have them, I'd love to get some reading done08:48
HardDiskdpince, these are some sites I compiled in my trigger, makes good reading.08:48
tenXdpince: basic network knowledge is platform independant08:48
Zoidfarbdpince, if it works from the live boot, it will almost certainly work on a real install08:48
ZoidfarbtenX, be nice.08:48
dpinceOk, well what Zoid said is exactly what I was looking for08:49
tenXZoidfarb: what do you mean?08:49
ZoidfarbtenX, "basic network knowledge is platform independant", let's not get snarky here. = )08:49
dpinceI've read numerous posts in lots of forums expressing trouble with certain wireless drivers in ubuntu, and my atheros driver was one of them.08:49
PdaveyZoidfarb: well a few minutes ago I installed the flashplugin-nonfree from the Internet. Only that the plugin doesn't appear in Firefox and I thought I had to install the package from Terminal? Which I tried but didn't do anything.08:49
dpinceWas just making sure that, since mine works on the live CD, it will work from a full install.08:49
gnummkann i delete without any prolem pulseaudio?08:49
tenXZoidfarb: that was some non-offensive information08:49
HardDiskok this time I'm taking a break didn't take one last time.  bbiab08:49
Zoidfarbdpince, sometimes you'll run into stuff that DOESN'T work on the live CD, that DOES work on a full install. But I've never seen the reverse08:50
ubunubiHarddisk && dns53 :: give me one sec, pastebin isn't loading for me08:50
tenXZoidfarb: the truth may be hard at times08:50
persiHelllo, pidgin constantly loses connection here, says connection reset by peer.anybodys got a clue?08:50
persiI have latest version08:50
Zoidfarbpersi, are you behind any kind of router/hardware firewall?08:51
VaranI'm trying to remove mysql-server because the install didn't run correctly but now it doesn't want to be removed because it trys to start mysql-server when removing it .. it think its still trying to install the package because it failed halfway. Anyway around this?08:51
ZoidfarbVaran, have you tried purge instead of remove?08:51
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Varansame result08:51
afallenhopehey I'm having an issue when I typesudo insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/extra/ov51x-jpeg.ko I get no file or directory08:51
persiI`m in a LAN that might have some kind of firewall, but it doesnt affect other programs08:51
persiI mean, ICQ clients08:51
Varani tryed to remove /etc/mysql08:52
Varandidn't help08:52
afallenhopeinsmod: can't read '/lib/modules/2.6.24-18-generic/extra/ov51x-jpeg.ko': No such file or directory08:52
ZoidfarbVeran, that's it for my ideas. Maybe kill any mysql instances that are running?08:52
Varanit askes for a new password for the database08:52
Varanthere is none running08:52
Varanbecause i have no correct database files08:52
maacheHi i have a HP LJ 1020 USB printer, How to setup this printer?08:52
dpincetenX, I don't think this is a basic networking issue, all I really asked was the simple question of "This driver works for me when I'm using the liveCD. Does that mean it will work with a full install?"  Zoid answered my question, so I'm going to install ubuntu now.  I'm sure I'll be back with other questions later on!08:52
weldanopen up another terminal and kill its pid number08:52
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Varani tryed to move the database files. But it would not load after that i did a complete remove and installed again08:53
tenXdpince: alright i hope it works for you08:53
bazhang_maache, HP are very well supported; have you tried plugging it in?08:53
ubunubiHarddisk && dns53 :: http://pastebin.ca/104756708:53
Varanand it installed the database in the place where i was trying to put it08:53
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Varanso not the default /var/lib/mysql08:53
nickrudVaran wow, you've really messed around ;)08:53
Varandont know why... but it failed at that08:53
Varanyes :P08:54
Varani searched on the inet how to move the files ... and did it correctly ... but mysql would not start08:54
nickrudVaran do    sudo apt-get remove --purge  mysql-server-5.0  , and put the results on paste.ubuntu.com08:54
Varanclaiming the permissiosn where wrong08:54
ubunubiHarddisk && dns53 :: the script is RUNNING fine. It's doing everything I want..but when I use the script for the launch...I get the visual artifacts, versus manually running the same commands08:54
PdaveyZoidfarb: well a few minutes ago I installed the flashplugin-nonfree from the Internet. Only that the plugin doesn't appear in Firefox and I thought I had to install the package from Terminal? Which I tried but didn't do anything.08:55
gnummis it ok to install esound on ubuntu 8.04?08:55
tenXdpince: but my basic line was that nobody can gurantee everything working right off from some damn colorful surface (excuse me, 16 color fan). from my experience your wlan device will work right off with a modern ubuntu distro (especially with an ath chipset) right off08:55
Varannickrud: works now! ... i tryed apt-get purge instead of remove --purge08:55
jussi01maache: http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=HP-LaserJet_102008:56
bazhang_tenX, he left08:56
Varandoes this remove all the config files?08:56
tenXbazhang_: damn a waste of time08:56
persiSo what do I do if I`m behind a firewall that I cant access? Can I change some option of pidgin to fix the problem?08:56
tenXbazhang_: i put so much conviction into that..08:56
dns53anyone have sound and a mac book?08:57
bazhang_persi, does xchat yield the same results08:57
WeemsWhenever I try to run MPD as root I get: [sudo] password for weems:08:57
WeemsError reading db, fgets08:57
persiLemme see, havent got it08:57
chuxxssswhere samba hide on 8.04 please08:57
dns53ubunubi you could move the fusion icon and compiz to another line you don't have compiz running with nohup08:58
weldanpersi: you're using pidgin for what? yahoo? I think yahoo messenger port were blocked in firewall08:58
persino, ICQ08:58
persilicq works smooth btw08:58
persiand so did Kopete i think08:58
ubunubidns53:: that's fine (thank you for the fix) but the visual artifact is occuring while WoW.exe is still running before getting to the rest of the script08:59
tenX8.04 is the first disappointment simply speaking for my pitiable self08:59
Varannickrud: http://paste.ubuntu.com/20086/08:59
Varandoes not want to start again08:59
=== DAMNITLOL is now known as Life
nickrudVaran a sec09:00
QQ /msg ubottu etiquette09:00
persioh xchat is irc client, do I have to try it? chatzilla works fine here09:00
dns53ubunubi what i think is happening is wow is running and returning instantly, so everything after wow is running straight away09:00
ubunubidns53:: the && means "wait until previous command exits", correct?..or is my script zooming on to the reloading?09:00
ubunubidns53:: my thoughts exactly09:00
ubunubidns53:: any potential fix?09:01
bazhang_persi, thought your troubles were with irc; they are not?09:01
tenXpersi: chatzilla is availabe for what platforms? whatever it may be :)09:01
dns53ubunubi well lets see if that is happening, add this to the script before and after that line, date > datefile and after date >>datefile, if the times are the same then that is what it is doing09:02
ackbahrdns53: Situtation evolved a bit: Ive got visual effect working (theyre so cool!), but my keyboard is still upside down and video playback doesnt work in full screen, it actually delays more and more the bigger I try to display the video09:02
persiNo, I`m having problems with ICQ on pidgin, IRC works smooth as you can see09:02
tenXackbahr: if your keyb ist upside down you gotta turn it around09:03
Ace_NoOnehi there - FAT32 / VFAT has a limit of 4 GB per file, right?09:03
bazhang_persi, is this kde or gnome09:03
ubunubidns53:: can you pastebin the fix, I'd hate to waste more of your time with me having typos//syntax issues09:03
persiits Xfce :)09:03
ackbahrtenX: Thanks... Got a script for that?09:03
dns53ackbahr this is a known issue with playback and video, there are ways of getting around it by using a different video out method (can't remember at the moment)09:03
tenXackbahr: yeah it's called flip'da'script09:04
ubunubidns53:: as a warning i can't load pastebin.com atm for DNS issues I guess...so you'd need to use the same pastebin.ca i did09:04
ackbahrdns53: Ill try to figure it out then.... Do you remember if its specific to ATI, or just compiz?09:04
ihi, how can I have firefox accept the side buttons of my microsoft intellimouse?09:05
dns53afk a sec09:05
nickrudVaran run the remove --purge again, then make sure there is no /var/lib/mysql dir09:06
nickrudVaran then try the install (no promises, but I think this will work)09:06
tenXi: configuring xorg.conf input devices came into my mind at first09:06
arlbeeI have Ubuntu 7.10 installed on a 120gig drive & also have a second HDD installed but Ubuntu cannot see it09:07
Ace_NoOnefor an external HDD, should I use ext2 or ext3?09:07
arlbeeWhat do I have to do to make Ubuntu see the 2nd HDD ?09:07
Varannickrud: same error09:07
tenXarlbee: ubuntu sees everything09:08
QQhello I need help with the wireless connection on my Dell XPS m1710 laptop, fresh install of 8.04.  the network can is an Intel 3945ABG. ifconfig shows two insterfaces, wlan0 and wmaster0 .. when I connect to my access point wlan0 connects and get an IP address from the DHCP server but a can not ping the router... thank you for any help are suggestions (sorry about length)09:08
Varannickrud: why does it think these should be an old_passwords.cnf file?09:08
arlbeemy 2nd HDD is 40 gig but I cannot see this in Ubuntu09:09
alcorhow to delete Read-only file system?09:09
tenXQQ: afaik you have to insure basic wlan functionality and configure wlan_supplicant09:09
arlbeeDo I need a partition editor to format it so Ubuntu can see it ?09:09
nickrudit's strange. line 143 should be creating one09:09
tenXarlbee: you simply have to integrate the alien partition into your system09:10
alcorrm: cannot remove `cdrom': Read-only file system........help09:10
QQtenX ... thanks, googling09:10
nickrudVaran put a copy of /var/lib/dpkg/info/mysql-server-5.0.postinst  on paste.ubuntu.com09:10
tenXQQ: stick to the concept of "mounting" drives09:11
amirman84what's the difference between sudo and su?09:11
alcor"rm: cannot remove `cdrom': Read-only file system"........help09:11
arlbeeHi tenX is there software in Ubuntu that will do this for me ?09:11
tenXarlbee: do what?09:11
gnomefreak!sudo | amirman84 (please see your pm)09:11
ubottuamirman84 (please see your pm): sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)09:11
arlbeethat will allow me to be able to see & use my 2nd HDD ?09:12
QQtenX, I don't follow that09:12
alcor"rm: cannot remove `cdrom': Read-only file system"........help09:12
Starnestommyamirman84: sudo logs things and uses the user's password not the root password, plus it is more configurable09:12
nickrudalcor what are you trying to do?09:12
gnomefreakamirman84: the above links will help you with your questions09:12
ubunubiBack.  Nohup hardlocked me while testing something09:12
Varannickrud, http://paste.ubuntu.com/20089/09:13
alcornickrud: i want to delete directory09:13
legend2440arlbee: is this a new HD?09:13
tenXQQ: follow what?09:13
arlbeeno....it was installed at the same time as I installed Ubuntu but maybe I should have done something different in the partition manager when installing the OS09:14
persibazhang_, so do you have any tips for xfce in this situation?09:14
tenXQQ: you could try to list up your current hdds by "fdisk -l"09:14
nickrudalcor which one? give me the full path09:14
legend2440arlbee: any data on it?09:14
aviscan i somehow alias a directory inside me ~/ directory to point to space on a webserver (accessed by ftp) ?09:14
amirman84gnomefreak: thank you09:14
QQtenx, you said " QQ: stick to the concept of "mounting" drives"  ... how does that apply to wlan_supplicant?09:14
arlbeebecause I cannot see the extra space.....being 40gig09:14
stodanwhat is the easiest way to change string charset in bash? (UTF8 -> ISO)09:14
gnomefreakamirman84: your welcome09:14
tenXQQ: it doesnt at all09:15
bazhang_persi, apt-cache search icq lists a number of clients; not sure which would be more suitable as dont use that protocol myself09:15
Varannickrud, maybe it's doing this because i deleted the mysql etc directory09:15
alcornickrud: i can't use "sudo rm cdrom" delete directory09:15
nickrudVaran see that line, 143? that should be creating the file by echoing the stuff in the " "  into > /etc/ ...09:15
bazhang_tenX, please avoid giving misleading info thanks09:15
Varanhmm oke09:15
Varanmakes sense yes09:15
tenXbazhang_: i didnt mean to!09:15
nickrudVaran that's what --purge does, remove all the /etc files09:15
Varanyeah i thought so09:15
Varanhmm oke09:16
nickrudalcor which one? /dev/cdrom or /media/cdrom ?09:16
persiok thx09:16
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:16
Ace2016is google down?09:16
bazhang_!it | ragazzotribalx09:16
ubotturagazzotribalx: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:16
Varanmaybe i can run line 143?09:16
Varanin bash09:16
ubunubidns53:: I'm back when you are. I crashed myself testing nohup09:16
legend2440arlbee: open system>administration>partition editor    does 2nd hd show up there?09:16
nickrudVaran I'm fairly good at package management, but this one is over my head.09:16
bazhang_Ace2016, no09:17
Ace2016i can ping google but i can't see it09:17
Ace2016oh no09:17
alcornickrud: that is in the squashfs file .i mount it09:17
tenXAce2016: google is down for me as well!09:17
Ace2016OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!09:17
tenXAce2016: cant live that way09:17
Ace2016and yahoo is messed up09:17
bazhang_tenx and Ace2016 take it elsewhere please09:18
Varannickrud, /etc/mysql/conf.d/ <-- did not exist09:18
Varanill create it and try again09:18
Ace_NoOneafter using GParted to create an ext3 partition on my external HDD, I can't rename it09:18
Ace_NoOneseems to be a permission issue, but I don't know what I need to change09:18
nickrudalcor you need to answer the questions I give, so I can help you troubleshoot. I'm not at our machine, so I can't help without you answering stuff I need to know09:18
nickrudVaran it would have been removed when the install failed. But, that does seem a good path to investigate09:18
meaniefacecould someone tell me where a remote samba share resides in the filesystem?09:19
meaniefacei know its on the desktop but what is the path to the actual share?09:19
alcorit's /cdrom09:19
arlbeeI don't have Partition Editor where you said.....I tried searching for it in package manager but cannot see it ?09:20
alcornickrud: it's /cdrom09:20
arlbeeis it supposed to be somewhere else ?09:20
Varannickrud, http://paste.ubuntu.com/20090/ <-- different error09:20
dna_how can i run windows games on ubuntu hardy?09:20
legend2440arlbee: ok in terminal type      gksudo gparted     does partion editor start up?09:20
bazhang_dna_, use wine09:20
nickrudalcor ok, that's odd since /cdrom is a link to /media/cdrom. There should be no problem removing a link. What did you mount there?09:20
dna_bazhang_, the normal wine?09:21
fadi<nickrud> how can i make a script run when i login in ?09:21
bazhang_!appdb | dna_ check here for which ones work09:21
ubottudna_ check here for which ones work: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org09:21
gnomefreakdoes evolution support gpg out of box or is there a plugin needed?09:21
Ace2016Hey can someone tell me the ip they get from ping google.com?09:21
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SlimGIs it possible to edit the BIOS-settings from a OS? ex. changing the boot-priority?09:22
nickrudfadi add it to system->prefs->sessions09:22
gnomefreakAce2016: (
gnomefreak- (09:22
Ace2016gnomefreak: does it work for you?09:22
gnomefreakAce2016: yes09:22
fadinickrud> ok :)09:22
gnomefreakSlimG: you have to boot into bios to change settings09:23
SlimGgnomefreak: thanks09:23
gnomefreakSlimG: np09:23
Varannickrud, i have to go for a while .. thanks for your help ... ill stay online .. so if you think of something :)09:23
SlimGgnomefreak: Do you know if it's the same rule for EFI and OpenBIOS ?09:24
gnomefreakSlimG: not sure09:24
fadinickrud> i can't find the path you give me !!09:24
nickrudgnomefreak it supports it out of the box09:25
gnomefreakfadi: on gnome?09:25
gnomefreaknickrud: thanks09:25
nickrudfadi that's the system on the menu bar09:25
arlbeexda1 is ext3.......I can now see the 2nd drive (previously Windoze)......should I format it as ext3 also ?09:25
alcornickrud: i use Live CD booting .install squashfs-tools.use mksquashfs to change something in *.rofs file .now i want to delete something in *.rofs09:25
bazhang_arlbee, do you need to share with windows machine?09:25
mohadibwhat are the the gtk desklet things i see on desktops called?09:26
fadinickrud> ok :)09:26
mohadibthat show like the weather and a clock etc09:26
nickrudalcor I'm not sure what you're doing there09:26
arlbeenot really.......the 1st partition is already seeing Windoze on the network09:26
dns53ubunubi ok i'm back, perhaps you should just not bother about restarting compiz in this script, instead have 2 icons, the first kills compiz and starts wow, the second restarts compiz09:27
ubunubidns53:: i can live with that. but there is no way to make it beautiful and auto?09:28
nickrudmohadib gdesklets , or screenlets09:28
legend2440arlbee: is there any important data on 2nd hd?  if you format hd it will be lost as i'm sure you know09:28
alcornickrud: i want to change file in *.rofs09:28
arlbeeno nothing at all09:28
nickrudalcor I don't know where those are!09:28
legend2440arlbee: then ext3 is a good choice09:29
dns53ubunubi there is but i don't know if it is worth it, what you would do is have the rest of the script sitting in a loop looking at ps to see when wow dies, after it does restart compiz09:29
gnomefreakalcor: try locate *.rofs09:29
arlbeeok I will try that now09:29
gnomefreakalcor: maybe pipe the output09:29
ubunubidns53:: you're right, that's not worth it09:30
mohadibnickrud: thanks09:30
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ubunubidns53::i hardlocked my mine (Ctrl alt del, and ctrl alt backspace unresponsive) trying to nohup the compiz --replace line09:30
ubunubidns53::do i need quotes of some sort...or am i encountering something else?09:31
nickrudalcor if you're trying to change something in the sqashfs, squashfs is read only as I understand it09:31
alcornickrud: how to do?09:31
bazhang_alcor, how to do what?09:33
nickrudalcor http://tldp.org/HOWTO/SquashFS-HOWTO/mksqoverview.html#mksqusing , and http://tldp.org/HOWTO/SquashFS-HOWTO/creatingandusing.html09:33
dns53ubunubi well put the restart compiz in a second line, with a second nohup http://pastebin.ca/104760309:33
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alcornickrud: i can't open it09:35
nickrudalcor open the squashfs?09:36
bazhang_alcor, you are on livecd now?09:36
alcornickrud: i can't open web09:36
ubunubidns53:: gonna test it. nohup 'ing the compiz line hardlocked me earlier during a test. if i disspear, I'll be right back. Nothing could revive my xserver last time but a power off, wish me luck09:36
nickrudbazhang_ you understand what he's trying to do?09:36
alcorbazhang_: yes09:36
bazhang_nickrud, not clear09:37
arlbeelegend.....I can see the 2nd HDD in Gparted now & I formatted it to ext3 but when I try to save a file, I cannot c the 2nd HDD09:37
arlbeeis there something I am missing ?09:37
alcorbazhang_: can help me?09:38
arlbeeI logged out & back in but still cannot see it ?09:38
legend2440arlbee: now we have to mount it in the /etc/fstab file.   what is the 2nd  hd device name ie: sdb1?09:38
bazhang_alcor, what are you trying to accomplish09:38
alcorbazhang_: what is accomplsh?09:39
aviscan i somehow alias a directory inside me ~/ directory to point to space on a webserver (accessed by ftp) ?09:40
legend2440arlbee: now we have to mount it in the /etc/fstab file.   what is the 2nd  hd device name ie: sdb1?09:40
nickrudalcor what is your native language? maybe one of our other channels can help09:40
spepshey guys how can i see logs of boots gone wrong?kern.log has only the goods one.Please help!09:40
ubunubidns53:: we have success. it's doing exactly what I originally wanted. I can live with running the 2nd script. Thanks you so much for dedicating your time to me this evening :)09:41
bazhang_alcor, what is your native language09:41
dns53ubunubi np, happy that it works :)09:41
alcornickrud: chese09:41
arlbeeyes 2nd HDD is as you say sdb1......I looked in Gparted for any mounting options but cannot see any09:41
alcornickrud: china09:41
bazhang_!cn | alcor09:41
ubottualcor: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:41
alcorbazhang_: yew09:42
alcorbazhang_: yes09:42
legend2440arlbee: ok what is the drive ?  Seagate? Maxtor?09:42
ubunubidns53:: it's sad, however, that it took so many hours of "debugging" to figure out that wow/wine was returning/exiting immediately and the script was continuing, such a simple thing!!09:42
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arlbeeoh good question......I will check now09:42
tenXarlbee: if you want to resize/reorganize hdd drives i can recommend the gparted boot disk09:42
bazhang_alcor, /join #ubuntu-cn09:43
tenXlegend2440: western digital :)09:43
ubunubidns53:: i had been perplexed by the corruption only happening with the script, all day09:43
dns53ubunubi i think there is a dissable tray icon that you can use to enable/dissable compiz a bit easier, it may be worth a try09:43
ubunubidns53:: the fusion-icon is that tray icon09:44
airstrikeivanovHello everyone. What are the repository lines I need to place in my sources.list file to make Apt-get read from the internet?09:44
airstrikeivanovIt only had my deb cdrom line there.09:44
tenXairstrikeivanov: you might want to google for that09:44
nickrud!gutsysources | airstrikeivanov (works for hardy too)09:44
ubottuairstrikeivanov (works for hardy too): gutsysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).09:44
bazhang_tenX, that is not a good suggestion09:44
airstrikeivanovI'm not on standard Ubuntu09:44
airstrikeivanovOn Ubuntu-Server09:44
nickrudairstrikeivanov if you're server only, let me know09:44
nickrudairstrikeivanov a sec09:44
diabolique04ciao a tutti09:44
airstrikeivanovYeah, I'm on the server09:45
tenXbazhang_: the best solution i could think of, sry :(09:45
bazhang_!it | diabolique0409:45
ubottudiabolique04: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:45
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:45
airstrikeivanovI just reinstalled about ten minutes ago09:45
bazhang_tenX, private message?09:45
tenXbazhang_: sure09:45
alcorbazhang_: but i not zh-cn i can't use cn09:45
dns53airstrikeivanov something like http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy main restricted universe multiverse09:45
nickrudairstrikeivanov you should have an /etc/apt/sources.list then. uncomment lines similar to the one dns53 just gave you09:46
bazhang_alcor, cn hk or tw?09:46
dns53airstrikeivanov you should also add deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy-security main restricted09:46
nickrudairstrikeivanov except for backports and proposed09:46
airstrikeivanovI havce the sources.list, but the only line in it is deb cdrom09:46
alcorbazhang_: cn09:46
bazhang_alcor, what are you trying to do? please explain clearly09:47
QQtenX, it does not look like a problem with WPA_supplicant configuration ... I changed my access point to use WEP and it still does not work ...09:47
airstrikeivanovCan someone give me an example line out of their sources.list, so I know what to put in?09:47
arlbeeLegend.....the 2nd HDD is WD09:48
nickrudairstrikeivanov http://paste.ubuntu.com/20093/ , replace my oakland with archive.ubuntu.com , or another mirror (unless you're in california)09:48
naught101my system settings is reporting that my intel915 graphics card is using the i810 driver09:48
airstrikeivanovI'm in CA so that works./09:48
dns53airstrikeivanov add a line like:       deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu <release> main restricted universe multiverse09:48
bazhang_airstrikeivanov, cat /etc/apt/sources.list and copy to paste.ubuntu.com09:48
naught101by default, in hardy09:48
naught101is that normal?09:48
TankadoWhere are the source codes for the system calls stored on ubuntu?09:48
airstrikeivanovI'm not at the server atm09:49
grammI am getting this error when I am pushing a project to launchpad for the first time (project setup through launchpad): "bzr: ERROR: Target directory already exists, but does not have a valid .bzr directory. Supply --use-existing-dir to push there anyway."09:49
Tankadoi cant seems to access sys/fs/open.c09:49
airstrikeivanovI haven't got anything on it set up yet09:49
naught101shouldn't it be using the "intel" driver?09:49
nickrudairstrikeivanov just save that file then :) Where in CA09:49
alcorbazhang_: i want to open *.rofs change some file09:49
JbCrashin windows..program saved in programs folder..in ubuntu..which dir i can find all program installed?09:49
bazhang_alcor, why do you want to change that file--please explain09:50
grammi heard that hardy will be getting a service pack (8.04.1) soon, is this true?09:50
MatthewVJbCrash, you can't... linux programs will put the appropriate files in different directories... what were you looking for?09:50
legend2440arlbee: ok so if you want you can mount that 2nd HD to a folder called WD ...so in a terminal type sudo mkdir /media/WD  but you can call the folder anything you want like /media/Data or whatever. ok?09:50
nickrudgramm yes, that will be a new install cd. If you install now, and keep up with updates, you'll get that version transparently09:50
grammnickrud: cool, thanks.09:51
Tankadohow can i search for a file in my system?09:51
alcorcdrom/ etc/ tmp/ in the *.rofs i want to delete cdrom/ tmp/09:51
JbCrashMatthewV: i installed audacity used synatic..i want install plugin for this software..want know where i can find this program folder?09:51
airstrikeivanovHow do I get the file at http://paste.ubuntu.com/20093/plain/ into my sources.list easily?09:51
nickrudTankado  locate <file>09:51
alcorbazhang_: cdrom/ etc/ tmp/ in the *.rofs i want to delete cdrom/ tmp/09:51
bazhang_alcor, why do you want to delete that09:51
baalsgateif i wanted to create a graphical interface to display gauges what software should i look at developing it in ?09:52
dns53airstrikeivanov the easiest way is to use ssh, openssh-server comes on the cd i believe09:52
nickrudairstrikeivanov put it on a thumbdrive, and  echo <thatfile> >> /etc/apt/sources.list09:52
Tankadothanks nickrud09:52
airstrikeivanovNo thumbdrive09:52
MatthewVJbCrash, just wait a moment, I'll check exactly where you put plugins09:52
airstrikeivanovLet me write this link down and try it09:52
naught101my system settings is reporting that my intel915 graphics card is using the i810 driver by default, in hardy09:53
naught101is that normal? shouldn't it be using the "intel" driver?09:53
alcorbazhang_: that is not using09:53
bazhang_alcor, that is not using what?09:53
tenXQQ: if you need basic help on wlan just qry09:53
MatthewVJbCrash, I think the folder you are looking for is /usr/share/audacity/plug-ins/09:54
JbCrashMatthewV: thank u...09:54
alcorbazhang_: i want to delete etc/fstab file in *.rofs09:54
naught101my system settings is reporting that my intel915 graphics card is using the i810 driver by default, in hardy09:55
naught101is that normal? shouldn't it be using the "intel" driver?09:55
MatthewVJbCrash, which plugin was it, if you don't mind me asking?09:55
nickrudairstrikeivanov   wget  http://aphroneo.net/sources.list09:55
ubunubi[Question] By what method are programs launched by the Alt+F2 method that don't require being bound to a terminal window? Or when you run a script it says "run" or "run in a terminal"..how is the regular "run" functioning?09:55
eth01nickrud: what if he doesn't live in the US?09:56
ubunubiIs it just nohup'ing and putting in the background then closing the terminal?09:56
rdzyo.. guys.... i just want to express my joy, that so many things now just work out of the box since hardy... cool work! really!09:56
rdzwebcam setup is so DEAD easy now09:56
ekziivsem privet09:56
eth01mm, well he does.. but still, it could be laggy09:57
Starnestommyubunubi: a system call is made by the dialog window that poped up asking the kernel to run that program with the specified args09:57
bazhang_!ru | ekzii09:57
ubottuekzii: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:57
grammI am getting this error when I am pushing a project to launchpad for the first time (project setup through launchpad): "bzr: ERROR: Target directory already exists, but does not have a valid .bzr directory. Supply --use-existing-dir to push there anyway."  anybody know how i can get a valid .bzr directory on launchpad?09:57
tenXStarnestommy: what "system call" what that be09:57
ubunubiStarnestommy: Is there a way I can do that on my own? Or is nohuping, putting in the background, and closing the terminal as close as I can get to doing it manually?09:57
nickrudfadi you're using the menu bar,  applications places system, and going to system->prefs->sessions ?09:58
alcorbazhang_: i want to delete etc/fstab file in *.rofs!09:58
Starnestommyubunubi: you could do that or compile a program that makes those calls09:58
fadinickrud yes09:58
eth01a system call is the request made by an application to request [ a ] service(s) from the OS itself09:58
bazhang_alcor, why do you wish to do that, praytell?09:58
fadiwhen i press a Sessions nothing happend09:58
nickrudfadi heh. and it doesn't open, with a startup tab, current session tab, etc?09:59
StarnestommytenX: execl, execlp, execle, execv, or execvp09:59
ubunubiStarnestommy: So basically Alt+F2 is my easiest option??09:59
naxahi. Can someone help me how to set language in Krusader? Now it's hungarian (i am hungarian) but I would prefer english in Krusader's case.09:59
alcorbazhang_: next boot can auto mount hd09:59
nickrudfadi   in a terminal,   run   gnome-session-properties09:59
Starnestommyubunubi: yes09:59
StarnestommytenX: or execve09:59
ubunubiStarnestommy: thank you :) was confused10:00
fadinickrud could not connect to the session manager10:00
fadinickrud thats the output10:00
airstrikeivanovAlright, I'm on IRC on my server now10:00
airstrikeivanovI got the sources.list sorted out10:00
airstrikeivanovI had to install wget off of my CD to do it, but it worked10:01
nickrudfadi hm. You are running gnome (ubuntu) not kde (kubuntu)?10:01
airstrikeivanovHow do I find out what video card I have installed?10:01
tenXStarnestommy: i never got into c/c++/system programming as far as i wanted it yet. i was simply suprised from my surficious understanding about GUIs needing system calls10:01
QQtenx, qry... :(10:01
nickrudlspci | grep -i vga airstrikeivanov10:01
fadinickrud yes UBUNTu10:01
alcorbazhang_: auto mount hd in next boot10:01
Dreneshairstrikeivanov: type lspci10:01
tenXQQ: ?10:01
eth01you don't have to solely use system calls10:01
eth01system calls are just one way.10:01
bazhang_alcor, which hdd? an external one or other10:02
alcorwhich hdd10:02
airstrikeivanovIntel Corporation 82865G, anyone know if that's good or bad?10:02
eth01whilst indeed it be the most common mechanism, it's just one of the ways tbh10:02
QQtenX I need basic help with my wlan.10:02
DreneshDepends on what you want to do. If it displays video, its fine ;)10:02
alcorbazhang_:  which hdd10:03
Redhammer_the_Olhello since the kernel upgrade to -18 my wireless rt61 has totally disappeared, after it worked out of the box10:03
airstrikeivanovHow can I find out what packages the "Select and Install Software" portion of the Server installer installs? I wasn't able to install them via the installer but want to install the packages.10:03
Redhammer_the_Olbefore upto -17 kernel10:03
fadinickrud> is every thing ok !?10:03
nickrudfadi got side tracked10:04
bazhang_alcor, auto mount which hdd10:04
fadinickrud> ha ?10:04
nickrudfadi try logging out and logging back in. you should be running gnome-session by definition10:04
fadinickrud> ok 1min !10:04
alcorbazhang_: auto mount in the next boot10:04
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tenXalcor: auto mount what?10:05
bazhang_alcor, auto mount which hard drive next boot10:05
nickrudfadi it's getting late here, so if we can't figure this out quickly I need to go to bed10:05
alcorbazhang_: auto mount all hdd10:06
bazhang_!fstab | alcor read this10:06
ubottualcor read this: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions10:06
bazhang_alcor, read those links10:06
corgansanyone able to help with lvm on ubuntu?10:07
tenXalcor: i dont know what you're up to - but as for me using external hdds as backup devices i would prefer mounting them manually via scripting so users can easily change drives without the need of any further action10:08
jgooHey guys - thought this firefox issue with fsync was supposed to be fixed?10:09
jgooI've updated to FF3 and FF is still unusable10:09
tenXjgoo: fsync is?10:09
jgooa function called to flush the data from the sqllite db to disk10:09
tenXjgoo: thank you10:09
jgooand apparently the guy who talked about the bug thinks the problem isn't calling this 00010:10
jgoo's of times a second, but how it is handled.10:10
alcortenX: livecd can auto mount all hdd10:10
alcortenX: livecd can auto mount all hdd if not /etc/fstab10:10
tenXalcor: yes they are most of the times configured to mount existing hdds10:10
jgooso, what is the status? I've google and heard all kinds of 'there is a problem' we are fixing it... what he heck- FF is just unusable at times.10:11
bullgard4Does Ubuntu define a variable $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS?10:11
tenXjgoo: _you_ must be the error :p10:11
corganslvm experts anyone?10:11
tenXjgoo: ff doesnt contain any errors10:12
alcortenX: yes i need it .  it can't to auto mount if had /etc/fstab10:12
tenXjgoo: every incident is user dependant10:12
bazhang_tenX, not helpful please stop10:13
nickrudbullgard4 that's defined as /usr/share10:13
tenXalcor: its up to you :) edit /etc/fstab10:13
bullgard4nickrud: Where?10:13
tenXalcor: asking google for /etc/fstab will present examples i am sure10:13
alcortenX: so i want to delete /etc/fstab10:13
gnomefreakjgoo: if you are having issues try running it in safe-mode and/or remove extensions10:13
nickrudbullgard4 when the package is compiled10:13
tenXalcor: no!10:13
gnomefreakjgoo: another good way would be to try with new profile10:13
nickrudbullgard4 like $CONFIGDIR for ./configure10:13
bullgard4nickrud: What package?10:14
tenXalcor: edit it but do not delete10:14
jgoognomefreak, no extensions (ok I lied, latest firebug and scrapbook) but I've already tried in an empty startup (safemode)10:14
gnomefreakjgoo: over 80% of problems with firefox are caused by profile damage or extensions10:14
gnomefreakjgoo: are you on hardy?10:14
gnomefreakjgoo: upstream firebug is broken10:14
alcortenX: but i can't eidt it now10:14
tenXalcor: why not?10:14
gnomefreakjgoo: Hardys version of it in repos is working fine10:14
jgoognomefreak, I know, I was hunting for that, but it seems like this fync issue. yes on hardy. well let me try and (I have latest firebug, it works - unless you mean broken in another way)10:15
tenXalcor: too drunk as i am? wouldnt touch anything right now ;)10:15
alcortenX: it's Read-only file10:15
nickrudbullgard4 it's not an evironment variable, like $PATH . It's system defined, like $CONFIGDIR is defined as /etc10:15
tenXalcor: permissions...10:15
Smithi just got this linux chat thing figured out10:15
balthamaisterii have a promblem with my network, some times i cannot find any wireless networks10:15
jgoognomefreak, which version of fb and in which repo? I installed latest alpha from fb website...10:15
gnomefreakjgoo: yes it _was_ broken but has been fixed IIRC in RC110:15
jgooyeah, I have that fix10:15
gnomefreakjgoo: the newest10:15
alcortenX: yes10:15
balthamaisteriusually this happens when i recover my suspendet mahcine10:15
Smithquestion:  how do i import the dbx files into evolution?10:16
jgoook, I'll see. Using opera and midori for now.10:16
tenXalcor: do you know about user and group permissions in a basic way?10:16
balthamaisterii have a asus laptop, and i wanna know is there a way to somehow reset network settings that i dont have to reboot my computer10:16
alcortenX: no10:16
jgoognomefreak, is there an easy quick way of installing latest arora on hardy?? I got the deb, wanted... qt-http library also... hrm10:17
rlobatosomebody knows how to configure the ati card in ubuntu 8.04?10:17
gnomefreakjgoo: you can look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Firefox3Extensions for what we have and what we are working on as well as apt-cache policy packagename10:17
tenXalcor: you should really read that up, it's basic knowledge10:17
Smithanybody know what I can use to convert .dbx mail messages to .mbox?10:17
tenXalcor: even on windows, right management is even more advanced there10:17
bazhang_alcor, you were given some links; please read them10:17
gnomefreakjgoo: sudo apt-get install arora10:17
gnomefreakjgoo: it is atleast in intrepid10:18
gnomefreak!info arora hardy10:18
ubottuPackage arora does not exist in hardy10:18
gnomefreakjgoo: not until OCT.10:18
Smithanybody know what I can use to convert .dbx mail messages to .mbox?10:18
alcorbazhang_: that is how to edit fstab10:18
gnomefreakchecking hary10:18
alcortenX: chmod change it?10:18
bazhang_alcor, you are on livecd; you cannot edit that.10:18
tenXalcor: editing that file you should take care10:19
gnomefreakjgoo: no not in hardy use the .deb you have10:19
jgooyeah, no arora :(10:19
tenXbazhang_: ah didnt know that10:19
jgoook... let me re run this10:19
Smithhelp me please, It's an emergency10:19
Smithanybody know what I can use to convert .dbx mail messages to .mbox?10:19
gnomefreakjgoo: file a bug to have them backport it to hardy10:19
alcortenX: i want to delete it10:19
Smithanybody know what I can use to convert .dbx mail messages to .mbox?10:20
tenXalcor: delete what again?10:20
jgoognomefreak, it wants libqt4-network - what is the system safe way of installing that? system package manager?10:20
alcortenX: i want to delete /etc/fstab10:20
tenXalcor: :-O10:20
Smithanybody know what I can use to convert .dbx mail messages to .mbox?10:20
Smithanybody know what I can use to convert .dbx mail messages to .mbox?10:20
Smithanybody know what I can use to convert .dbx mail messages to .mbox?10:20
FloodBot1Smith: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:20
tenXalcor: you DO NOT WANT TO DO THAT10:20
alcortenX: why10:20
SmithANYBODY ??!?!?!10:21
gnomefreakyes should be but i dont know. jgoo if you want to know if we have a package use apt-cache policy fullpackagename  or apt-cache search packagename | less10:21
gnomefreakSmith: please dont shout10:21
Smithanybody know what I can use to convert .dbx mail messages to .mbox?10:21
jgook thanks gnomefreak10:21
embrikhow do i change gui language in thunderbird?10:21
tenXalcor: its a basic system relevant file10:21
Smithits an emergency10:21
Smithhaven't found anything by googling10:21
gnomefreakembrik: preferences10:21
jgoognomefreak, that gets same results as synaptic, thanks anyway :) will opera it for a bit10:22
gnomefreakembrik: need to have the language pack installed that you want to use10:22
alcortenX: i know !but i don't need this file !10:22
nickrudSmith I've heard of people use thunderbird to do that, import their outlook mail , try looking for info about that10:22
w3Dgood morning all10:22
nickrudalcor are you talking about the /etc/fstab in the livecd?10:22
tenXalcor: haha you're a destroyer10:22
PupenoWhat happens that suddenly there are so many updates?10:22
bazhang_tenX, dont feed10:22
embrikgnomefreak, seen there - It's not a problem in ubuntu, but on my nx-server with debian etch10:23
m_tadeuwhat's the difference from apt-get source and apt-src?10:23
MatthewVSmith, a quick google gives this http://freenet-homepage.de/ukrebs/english/dbxconv.html but i have no personal experience with anything of the sort10:23
bazhang_nickrud, yes10:23
Smithnickrud: thank you10:23
w3Dwill open office word files be recognised by windows?10:23
alcortenX: haha10:23
Smithi tried that, doesnt work10:23
w3Dor is there compatability issues10:23
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gnomefreakembrik: if its etch see #debian10:23
bullgard4nickrud: What do you mean by 'system defined'?10:23
jungler4mo uang10:23
nickrudalcor you cannot do that, remove the /etc/fstab from the live cd. It is not a modifiable file system10:24
bazhang_jungler4, english10:24
nickrudbazhang_ my two cents, I'm done10:24
Smithhow do i install thunderbird?10:24
Smithi have a bunch of so files10:24
gnomefreakSmith: what version of ubuntu?10:24
nickrudSmith you'd have to do that on windows, then transfer the mbox's to ubuntu (if that's what you want to do)10:24
MatthewVw3D, not by microsoft word, openoffice on windows will open openoffice documents created linux/windows10:24
w3Dthank you10:24
Smithi have the dbx files10:24
SlimGSmith: find the thunderbird package in you package maintenance application (synaptics) and install it10:25
MatthewVw3D, if you need to open the documents in MS word, just save them as ms word .doc documents in openoffice10:25
Smithso i dont need to download it from mozilla website?10:25
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w3Dah cool, thanks for the info.10:25
SlimGSmith: no10:25
Smithdang it10:26
Smiththats handy10:26
nickrudbullgard4 a convention. Like when ubuntu compiles an application $SYSCONFDIR=/etc, and $PREFIX=/usr , that kind of convention10:26
avisSmith, to install thunderbird just 'sudo aptitude install thunderbird' thats it10:26
alcornickrud: not /etc/fstab in livecd . so can boot as auto mount10:26
nickrudalcor you have an installed ubuntu system?10:26
bazhang_alcor you have been told that will not work; please stop10:26
Smiththanks for help10:27
gnomefre1kSmith: sudo apt-get install thunderbird10:27
nickrudSmith doesn't matter, linux thunderbird doesn't have that part of thunderbird10:27
Smithone more thing, my side button on mouse doesnt go back10:27
tenXalcor: exactly.. deleting /etc/fstab is like goin crazy on regedit or system3210:27
Smithyour joking10:27
gnomefre1knickrud: what part?10:27
Smiththis. is. bad. news.10:27
=== gnomefre1k is now known as gnomefreak
nickrudgnomefre1k the part that imports outlook10:28
w3Dwhat is knmap? i've heard of nmap but not knmap10:28
gnomefreaknickrud: ah yes10:28
alcortenX: i only know how to delete /etc/fstab10:28
gnomefreaknickrud: that is one of the most popular requests so upstream may be adding it in future but as of right now Tbird 3.0 doesnt have it10:28
Smithdang it, this linux thing is not working for me10:29
nickrudSmith you can't run the windows system?10:29
tenXalcor: go ahead. we're tired. don't forget to keep your windoze cd ready10:29
Smithno, i was doing a clean xp install, and then the xp disc decided to stop working10:29
corganswill using pvcreate wipe the data on a device that has been setup with LVM previously?10:30
tenXSmith: copying files or installing?10:30
Smithreinstalling xp10:30
w3Ddont do it!10:30
w3Dits a trap10:30
Smithi have programs for xp10:30
tenXSmith: that was not the question as for me..10:30
nickrudSmith beg a friend to allow you to set up a temporary user, set up outlook, import the dbx , then install thunderbird, import the outlook, transfer to ubuntu, then import the mbox's10:30
Smithlike, Adobe Master Collection10:30
gnomefreakSmith: please stay on topic if you are not sure what that may be type /topic10:31
* nickrud sidles off10:31
Smithi have many questions, that is the problem gnome10:31
gnomefreakSmith: you said you are going back to xp and than trayed offtopic if you need help with Ubuntu than please stick to Ubuntu questions.10:32
Smithwhat does this mean?   ŸzŸzŸ�u.žÄÄzŸzŸzŸ:/Ž..zŸzŸŸÓŽ�10:33
corgansLVM/ubuntu anyone?10:34
bazhang_corgans, setting up or configuring10:34
corgansi had a device setup as LVM10:35
gnomefreaknickrud: feel free to help him if you want. i know you spent alot of time and he didnt get anywhere10:35
corgansand it disappeared after reboot10:35
gnomefreakSmith: stay on topic10:35
corgansI'm sure the data is there10:35
nickrudgnomefreak I gave the best advice I had10:35
gnomefreaknickrud: i figured as much10:35
corgansi want to know if starting again and using pvcreate will wipe the data on the device10:35
gnomefreaknickrud: i sat here watching10:36
Smithgnomefreak:  so I copy files to different computer, put in outlook with temp user, than import with thunderbird, than save/compact as .mbox?10:36
gnomefreakSmith: sound fine10:36
eth01alot isn't a word. it's a lot.10:36
Smithok everbody, that topic is closed.  I am now going on to another topic10:37
Smithmy side button on my mouse doesnt go "back" in firefox, where can I change it10:37
mad_max02anyone knows the release date for new UT3 game for linux ??10:37
elkbuntueth01, alot is a town in india. it's probably not quite appropriate discussion for a tech support channel though.10:37
nickrud!mouse | Smith10:38
ubottuSmith: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto10:38
arlbeer u there ?10:38
legend2440arlbee: yes10:38
CraigWok, no matter what version of UBUNTU i install, right after i get the GRUB Error 2110:38
n2diyWhy doesn't this work in my /etc/apt/sources.list file? deb http://packages.debian.org/stable/10:38
tenXmad_max02: will there be a linux release again? last game i played was ut2k4 back in they days.. it worked like a charm on my *nix systems :)10:39
gnomefreakn2diy: you dont want to put that line in there10:39
gnomefreakn2diy: debian binaries are bad and can screw up Ubuntu system10:39
nickrudn2diy probably because all the pakages ther are much older versions than in ubuntu.  what gnomefreak just said is also good advice10:39
bazhang_tenx take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic10:39
dns53mad_max02 they are usually good, ether at release or within a week or two10:39
CraigWok, no matter what version of UBUNTU i install, right after i get the GRUB Error 2110:40
n2diygnomefreak, yes I do, I need to get ancient hardware working with Breezy, and ok on that nickrud.10:40
tenXbazhang_: i stopped playing games quiete some years ago it was just basic interest10:40
bazhang_tenx this is not the channel to discuss in10:41
Jakke77secondlife aint work right10:41
Smithgnomefreak: in the xorg file I don't have a thing with buttons10:41
MatthewV!repeat | CraigW10:41
ubottuCraigW: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:41
gnomefreakn2diy: if you are using breezy that repo should work but you are risking your system due to debian uses different deps and build with different config flags10:42
gnomefreakSmith: i didnt tell you to see that file for anything10:42
CraigWMatthewV i have looked on all the sites, even asked here and am getting nothing that will fix it10:42
shoooodhi everyone10:42
dns53CraigW try creating a /boot drive10:42
gnomefreakn2diy: breezy isnt supported by ubuntu anylonger10:42
tenXbazhang_: if linux as a whole wants to get further we need linux game versions as supplied10:42
Smithgnomefreak:  its the file in the guide you sent me10:42
gnomefreakSmith: i didnt send you to a link10:42
n2diygnomefreak, understood, if I can't get it working, the box goes to a land fill, so no risk here.10:42
nickrudSmith that was me. And, it seems you would need to add that stuff10:42
CraigWdns53 tried it already10:43
dns53CraigW try creating a /boot drive towards the start of the disk10:43
bazhang_tenX, take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic10:43
Smithsorry gnome, thanks nick10:43
tenXbazhang_: okay i got your msg10:43
n2diygnomefreak, so, I should tell my friend to throw this computer away, and do without a computer?10:44
shoooodi have a 160 GB hard disk connected via usb its partitions r divided into 3 with NYFS format when i click on it to open it says that this volume can't be mount help plz10:44
gnomefreakn2diy: hardware is cheaper for most ppart10:44
Smithshoooood:  check your permissions10:44
gnomefreakn2diy: give me a few minutes10:44
ditoaIs there a list of the required minimal services needed by Ubuntu to boot?10:45
n2diygnomefreak, ok10:45
shoooodsmith what do u mean ???10:45
Smithshoooood:  I don't know, I just know that even when I have full control I can't write to the disc.  XP is a biotch.10:46
shoooodsmith: what do u mean by permissions , i'm the administrator10:46
friedchickenhello, guys~!10:46
shoooodsmith : i don't wanna write to it i wanna read it10:46
bob_can i help you10:46
shoooodto browse it10:46
SmithXP is messed up, you could go into safe mode and right click, properties on the volume, than chose security, and edit options10:46
revilodrawwill someone please look at this screenshot and tell my why exaile still runs as 'exaile' on startup, and not 'exaile --no-equalizer', which is how i want it to start??  http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=20sdguc&s=310:47
Smithin fact, my XP disc just decided to stop working 10 hours ago when I was reinstalling10:47
friedchickenI'm a newbie10:47
SmithI hate technology10:47
SmithI give up10:48
bob_I love technology10:48
SmithIm going to become amish10:48
SmithI like it when it works10:48
Smithwhich is rare in my household10:48
friedchickenI'm figuring out how to use WINE10:49
nickrudhi bob_ friedchicken welcome to ubuntu10:49
friedchickenyeah, Ubuntu is fairly exciting10:49
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* fallenhope|sleep is away: Sleeeping leave a message and I'll answer you whenever I can.10:51
n2diygnomefreak, ya back here yet?10:52
cr4ftyb0n36How is ipod support on Ubuntu Hardy? esp the ipod classic(6g)10:52
gnomefreakn2diy: why doesnt he just use debian if it works with his hardware. what hardware item isnt working on Ubuntu and does he have 256 memory 20gig harddrive10:52
gnomefreakn2diy: yes10:52
revilodrawwill someone please look at this screenshot and tell my why exaile still runs as 'exaile' on startup, and not 'exaile --no-equalizer', which is how i want it to start??  http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=20sdguc&s=310:52
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod10:52
bazhang_cr4ftyb0n36, see above10:52
gnomefreakcr4ftyb0n36: not too bad but you would need to ask about an app since not all apps are built with ipod support10:52
cr4ftyb0n36well amarok. I did see that lik10:52
cr4ftyb0n36But I'd like feedback more than instructions10:53
gnomefreakfallenhope|sleep: please dont use away messages in channels use /away <reason>10:53
cr4ftyb0n36I got gifted an ipod and now I have two. So I plan to use the new one exclusively for videos since I didn't like the sound quality much on it10:53
bazhang_!best | cr4ftyb0n3610:53
ubottucr4ftyb0n36: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:53
n2diygnomefreak, the box is a Pentium 500 mhz, with 128m of ram, the hardrive isn't an issue. I'm hand holding him, and would like to stay as close to Ubuntu as possibly.10:54
gnomefreakcr4fcrits not too bad but last i heard it doesnt work like itunes it is missing something (cant remember what) i think it was just to sync10:54
gnomefreakn2diy: use edgyor feisty both have much better support for hardware10:54
gnomefreaks/edgyor/edgy or10:55
gnomefreakn2diy: 128 is a bit low for gutsy or hardy but should run just really badly10:55
tenXgnomefreak: 128? just came in10:55
gnomefreaktenX: huh?10:56
gnomefreaktenX: 128 memory10:56
cr4ftyb0n36those instructions on those link are only up through Gutsy.10:56
tenXgnomefreak: 128? mb?10:56
gnomefreaktenX: yes10:56
n2diygnomefreak, I don't need hardware support, I need SF support. I can't even load Dapper on this machine, but if I could get gnumeric, and abiword, I'd be all set to go.10:56
arlbeelegend2440 r u there ?10:56
gnomefreakn2diy: what is the issue with installing dapper?10:57
tenXgnomefreak: wow in third world countries like mine we can dream of that amount of ram10:57
n2diygnomefreak, not enough ram10:57
gnomefreakn2diy: use the alternate cd10:57
gnomefreakn2diy: live cd/desktop cd needs around 25610:57
silverbladeI've just done an update, and now when I boot up I get as far as the login prompt in X, but then after entering my password the screen goes grey with a mouse pointer. nothing else happens. I can move the mouse pointer around though and get into a text console via the ctrl+alt+f1 keys etc10:57
=== icqnumber_ is now known as icqnumber
legend2440arlbee: is it working?10:58
gnomefreaksilverblade: you would need to look in the log file to find out what hallened also need to know what you installed/removed and what version of ubuntu and what type of upgrade you did10:58
n2diygnomefreak, the alt cd isn't handy, and we don't want to mess with a known working system. We just want to get "apt-get" and synaptic working with a repo.10:59
tech0007silverblade: part of the update is for xserver...check /var/log/Xorg0.log10:59
silverbladegnomefreak: I got a message saying updates had been installed and a reboot was needed.10:59
silverbladeIt's a Hardy install.10:59
Dorwhat's ubuntu?10:59
Janoshi there, have a 8.04 ltsp server, works great, now trying to move the dhcp to my debian gateway, copied over the same config from the ltsp and added the next-server option, but my clients won't boot anymore, clients are getting ip but when they try to connect to tftp they freak out. All i'm getting in the logs is this "in.tftpd[6822]: tftp: client does not accept options" any idea what could be wrong ?10:59
gnomefreaksilverblade: what version of ubuntu does it show in your /etc/apt/sources.list file11:00
icqnumbergnomefreak, The 'Filesystem' item in Places menu has gone without any reason as i clicked on it(i was using it before successfully), but it is still displayed in Nautilus (places), how comes and how to fix that?11:00
silverbladeone sec11:00
gnomefreak!ubuntu > Dor (please see your pm)11:00
MatthewV!ubuntu | Dor11:00
ubottuDor: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com11:00
silverbladeHmm it seems to load my desktop and the panels, then it goes grey11:00
gratefulfrogcan anyone help me set-up the xorg.conf file? Mine was lost after hardy upgrade...11:00
Dorthanks gnomefreak :P11:00
gnomefreakicqnumber: try killall gnome-panel see if they come back11:00
babolatwhat do you guys use for creating video dvds? is there just one app that I could use from encoding to burning?11:00
tech0007silverblade: u have nvidia or ati?11:01
ronin1234hey i'm trying to install from the alternate install disk but it doesn't take me to the install menu i get a busy box caled initramfs... what gives?>11:01
silverbladenothing relevant in the xorg.log - seems normal11:01
silverbladeif i alt+tab theres 2 apps running, but neither have titles11:01
icqnumbergnomefreak, no it does not and restart does not too11:01
gnomefreakicqnumber: do you have ubuntu-desktop installed?11:02
tech0007silverblade: restart X only w/ ctrl-alt-backspc11:02
silverbladetech0007: tried.11:02
silverbladetakes me to login prompt.11:02
silverbladeI can log in but then the same happens.11:02
icqnumbergnomefreak, yep, ubuntu installed11:02
gnomefreaktech0007: really should only use /etc/init.d/gdm restart ctrl+alt+backspace is barbaric way of doing it11:02
silverbladeafter the login prompts disappear, the screen goes black but pointer is still there, then it goes grey, i see my desktop for a split second then it goes.11:02
gnomefreakicqnumber: what were the updates?11:03
tech0007silverblade: backup your xorg.conf, then temporarily change ur driver to vesa, see if that works11:03
tech0007gnomefreak: thanks11:03
silverbladewouldnt think it would since i can get into X for the login... but will try11:03
gnomefreakicqnumber: /var/log/dist-upgrade wight have the info in the files in there11:03
icqnumbergratefulfrog,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure  xserver-xorg11:03
ronin1234so anyone got an idea why the alternate cd would dump me to a shell rather than doing the install?11:04
n2diygnomefreak, have you abandoned me?11:04
silverbladetech0007: ok that worked, strangly11:04
gnomefreaksilverblade: if you are seeing gdm most likely not an X issue but an install issue something like it cant load compiz so wont load anything or whatever it might be11:04
gnomefreakn2diy: no11:04
icqnumbergnomefreak, it did happen on the clean 8.0411:04
tech0007silverblade: ok now try configuring X again11:04
gratefulfrogicqnumber: thanks, but I tried that, but it only created a shell of the xorg.conf, no details are in it like screen res, etc.11:04
ashishhow to call another computer11:04
silverbladetech0007: as in, go back in and change driver back?11:05
tech0007silverblade: nope..try the gui..wait..11:05
l2shello anyone install ubuntu on a powerpc, i got it installed but it gets to the boot prompt to press L for linux, and after I do that nothing happens other than a blank screen11:05
n2diygnomefreak, ok, my lawyer is dissapointed!  :)11:05
l2swould really appreciate some help11:05
icqnumbergratefulfrog, it is a shell wizzard where you can set up your graphic card, and the keyboard11:05
tech0007silverblade: its somewhere in system menu..cant remember atm11:06
tech0007!patience | n2diy11:06
ubottun2diy: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:06
gnomefreakn2diy: than look at how your ubuntu repos are formatted in /etc/apt/sources.list and format debian repo the same way. n2diy next time go to #ubuntu-offtopic or #debian about unsupported and dangerous answers11:06
icqnumbergratefulfrog, and it generates a xorg.conf file after all steps are done11:06
gnomefreaktech0007: i got him i thought i answered him but eerased it for someone elses answer11:06
b33rhello where does macromedia flash saves files? when I browse flash websites on firefox11:07
brappinsevenhey guys, this might sound silly but is it possible to setup multiple simultaneous pvc's on ubuntu ?11:07
gnomefreakbrappinseven: define same files11:07
tech0007b33r: it caches flash files in /tmp dir11:07
icqnumbergnomefreak, it did happen on the clean 8.04, do you have an idea how can i make this item visible in places menu too?11:07
gnomefreaksave not same11:07
l2shello anyone install ubuntu on a powerpc, i got it installed but it gets to the boot prompt to press L for linux, and after I do that nothing happens other than a blank screen. Anyone know how to fix this?11:08
max0ryo ppl! :]11:08
gnomefreakicqnumber: ok now im confused you have the panels? what are you missing in places?11:08
brappinsevengnomefreak well for instance, my isp gives me my ext ip address, and then a lan ip address, which is for, hrrmm an internal file sharing thing11:08
w3Dthat happened to one of my pc's. i just had a black screen11:08
gnomefreakbrappinseven: ?11:08
n2diytech0007, I've been here since the 6.06 days, when we had less then 900 folks on IRC, I have loads of patience. I haven't pressed anyone.11:08
silverblade...also my sound isnt working11:08
brappinsevenhmm its hard to explain11:09
brappinsevenhow about i take a screeny and show u11:09
gnomefreakbrappinseven: no my point was why ar eyou telling me? i wasnt helping you so to just out of blue with that confused me11:09
tech0007!enter | maxor11:09
ubottumaxor: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:09
silverblade........nor is my network11:09
icqnumbergnomefreak, only this item in gnome-panel places menu! and in nautilus is everything okay11:09
tech0007silverblade: whats ur soundcard11:09
silverbladepass, its an onboard sound card for my laptop11:10
gnomefreakicqnumber: the only item in places is what? im sorry11:10
tenXtech0007: its supercool i'm sure11:10
silverbladeand now it tells me there's updates11:10
n2diygnomefreak, I've done that for hours, with, obivously no success. I'll try your suggestions, hopefully they won't tell me to come back here? Thanks for your time.11:10
icqnumbergnomefreak, only this item 'File System' is missing in gnome-panel places menu! and in nautilus is everything okay11:11
gnomefreakn2diy: if they do read the wikis since we can not suport things that can hurt your system11:11
b33rtech0007, is it ok if I delete all files and dirs in /tmp?11:11
gratefulfrogicqnumber: ok, I did it, but there were no questions about screen resolution. what should I do now?11:12
tech0007b33r: not recommeded, some of them are being used atm11:12
gnomefreakicqnumber: there is no filesystem in places menu11:12
b33rtech0007, cuz I can't find the flash files :/11:12
brappinsevengnomefreak may i pm you the img url ?11:12
nemesisya kelkun11:12
tech0007b33r: it usually starts w/ Fl*****....like /tmp/Flashadefefx11:13
gnomefreakbrappinseven: im kind of busy atm please ask your question in the channel so everyone can help11:13
brappinseveni dont know how to ask the question :P11:13
icqnumbergnomefreak, what ever it is called on your box, for my partition it is called 'File System' it points you to /11:13
b33rtech0007, nothing like that11:13
gnomefreaknemesis: please dont.11:13
gnomefreakicqnumber: in places?11:13
tech0007b33r: what exactlydo u want to accomplish11:13
icqnumbergnomefreak, do not you have a such item?11:13
CraigWknow what, fuck ubuntu.11:13
brappinsevenany1 know if u can have a pppoe connection and a bridge connection setup simiultaneously on ubuntu ? refer to this pic of my modem configuration.. http://img505.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pvcbl9.jpg11:13
gnomefreakicqnumber: in places you should not have file system  just a list of files11:14
l2sdid ubuntu cancel support for powerpc?11:14
ubunubi[Question] I'm assuming so...but I want to make sure :: Does Hardy have any issues mounting an Extended (versus primary) ext3 partition?11:14
gnomefreakl2s: sort of yes11:14
gnomefreakl2s: its supported but the ISOs have moved to "port"11:14
l2sdo you know what i can type at the boot: to get it to boot11:14
n2diygnomefreak, understood. But this box is on death row now. I gave up supporting Debian for Ubuntu, and now that I need Ubuntu I'm told to go to Debian!?11:14
ubunubiEr, re-arrange, that.....Hardy doesn't have any issues mounting an "extended" (vs primary) partition as long as it has a valid FS?11:15
marculesHi :)11:15
l2sis there some kind of flag i have to set to get it to boot11:15
icqnumbergnomefreak, do not you have this item? i have in places menu items like Desktop, Computer, list off all drives and and i have 'File System' too11:15
gnomefreakn2diy: your using a debian repo that is for debian or #ubuntu-offtopic due to what can happen oh and brezzy isnt supported anylonger11:15
b33rtech0007, those are the files on windows http://paste.ubuntu.com/20106/ I'm sure they are saving on ubuntu too but I can't find them11:15
icqnumbergnomefreak, do not you have it?11:15
gnomefreakicqnumber: no and i bet not many others do either11:15
gnomefreakicqnumber: you might beablet o add it in gconf but i highly doubt it will work if tried11:16
icqnumbergnomefreak,  do you have this items in nautilus?11:16
nyuuI have a problem with stardict dictionaries11:16
nyuuit says : HTML data parsing plug-in is not found!11:16
gnomefreakicqnumber: did you try computer?11:16
icqnumbergnomefreak, 'computer' is shown and it has 'File System' and all other drives11:17
brappinsevenmmmk guess nobody can answer me :P11:17
gnomefreakicqnumber: go to Places >Computer and chos file system from there and maybe save it to places IIRC this is possible since i had my ssh session there11:17
gnomefreakicqnumber: that is where File System is now not in top level Places menu11:18
icqnumbergnomefreak, why does my places menu look different in nautilus and in gnome-panel?11:18
tech0007b33r: from which site are you playin these files11:18
n2diygnomefreak, all I'm asking is how to get apt-get to play with the Depian repo. If I could use it, I wouldn't be here. Thanks anyway.11:18
b33rtech0007, what difference does it make? :/11:18
tech0007b33r: youtube videos are cached in /tmp...that i know11:18
gnomefreakicqnumber: i dont know11:19
HardDiskn2diy, my advice is to install debian then even in a virtualbox11:19
icqnumbergnomefreak, where in gconf can i edit places menu! what is what i want to know11:19
gnomefreakicqnumber: the reason it is in file browser is because that is where it can be found at11:20
HardDiskn2diy, there is a reason we don't use the debian repositories, even though ubuntu is *based* on debian, there are many things that are different.11:20
n2diyHardDisk, why? I have a working Breezy box now! I jus want to get to some repos?11:20
gnomefreakicqnumber: off hand not sure you would have to look11:20
tech0007b33r: check your firefox cache ~/.mozila/firefox/*.default/Cache11:20
hydrbyzhello is there a way to download dailymotion videos?11:20
b33rok sec11:20
HardDiskn2diy, please don't continue this matter here, if you wish take it to #ubuntu-offtopic11:20
gnomefreakicqnumber: drag and drop filesystem into the 2nd se4ction of nautilus maybe than it will show up11:20
jribhydrbyz: keepvid.com11:20
hydrbyzjrid: thanks11:21
l2scould someone help me rescue my ubuntu install?11:21
icqnumbergnomefreak, as said in doc on the gnomes pages, places menu lists all hadr drives, so / called 'Filesystem must be there too11:21
HardDiskn2diy, experimenting is not a bad thing, but we help people who install ubuntu and wish proper ubuntu assistance, modding and other sorts that is a matter you should take into your own hands.11:21
icqnumbergnomefreak, it is shown in nautilus allready!11:21
gnomefreakicqnumber: where did you read that11:21
gnomefreakicqnumber: in the 2nd section11:21
gnomefreakicqnumber: under Videos11:21
b33rtech0007, nvm I can't find em I'll have to install xp -.-11:22
icqnumbergnomefreak, it is in shown in the dirves section11:22
* icqnumber goes for the link11:22
AndehSorry if this is offtopic but you look like the kind of people who might know these things: What would happen if I injected myself with orange juice using a syringe?11:22
gnomefreakthere is no such thing as MUST icqnumber11:23
Dumbledoreb33r: Have you tried the DownloadHelper Addon?11:23
ubunubiIs there a graphicalUI tool for changing/editing/adding entries to FSTAB?11:23
jribandeh: we like to keep this channel dedicated to ubuntu support only since it is so busy.  Mind moving your discussion over to #ubuntu-offtopic?11:23
Andehlol. k11:23
HardDiskAndeh, sarcasm can be taken there too, we don't mind :)11:23
n2diyHardDisk, I am installing Ubuntu, and have been for over two years, now I dealing with ancient hardware, that I can't find support for. I guess I need to abandon Ubuntu for Debian? Fine business.11:23
b33rDumbledore, no what does it do?11:23
gnomefreakn2diy: this isnt #ubuntu-offtopic nor #debian11:24
ronin1234god damn 8.04 is borked11:24
nyuuI can't find a solution please help11:24
gnomefreakronin1234: please watch your language11:24
jribubunubi: pysdm is one such program11:24
jribnyuu: best to just ask the channel your question11:24
DumbledoreIt helps downloading video files.11:24
gnomefreakn2diy: brezzy is not supported any longer and hasnt bee for a long time11:24
HardDiskn2diy, did I say dump? you want to use debian repositories, you can install fluxbuntu or ubuntu with e17 for older hardware or even try Ubuntu lite edition, thank you.11:24
n2diygnomefreak, ok, I'll try offtopic, thanks again.11:24
w3Dguys, im sorry, i just downloaded all the internet to my computer....theres none left.11:25
nyuuthe stardict says : HTML data parsing plug-in is not found!11:25
gratefulfrogicqnumber: do you know how to  restart the xserver?11:25
ubunubijrib:: any others come to mind? (and is that gnome//gnome compatible?)11:25
silverbladeok a reboot and applying more updates fixed my prob11:25
gnomefreakgratefulfrog: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart   assuming you are using gnome11:25
nyuuhow can I fix it11:25
jribubunubi: that's the only one I know of.  Works fine in gnome as far as I know11:25
gratefulfroggnomefreak: thanks!11:26
icqnumbergratefulfrog, or  control + alt + backspace11:26
ronin1234donno what they did between 7.10 and 8.04 but 8.04 won't install i get a busy box11:26
gnomefreakicqnumber: that doesnt nicely shut it down it fources it to restart11:26
ubunubijrib: thanks! i'll give it a look. was it easy to use as far as you remember? click, draging? like gparted?11:26
screenname923874hi folks11:26
nyuujrib: my stardict says : "HTML data parsing plug-in is not found!"11:26
screenname923874can anyone advise where I should go to discover about kernel modules and extensions?11:26
gnomefreakronin1234: more than likely either ISo md5 isnt right or you burned on too fast a speed11:27
jribubunubi: honestly, I only looked at it once, but it should not be too hard to use11:27
jribnyuu: I don't know anything about stardict11:27
icqnumbergnomefreak, http://library.gnome.org/users/user-guide/latest/places-menu.html.en11:28
ubunubijrib: just got it installed. looks just like what i wanted. thanks so much!11:28
nyuudoes anybody use stardict?11:28
ronin1234well i started off getting fd0 errors untill i turned of the fdd in bios11:28
gnomefreakicqnumber: # Your computer, which shows all your drives.11:28
gnomefreakand that is there11:28
gnomefreakicqnumber: no where does it say the word MUST on that page either11:29
jribnyuu: just state your error and be patient.  Maybe try providing more details, but keep your inquiry on a single line so that new people know what you are trying to fix11:29
gratefulfrogicqnumber: ok! but I'm still struglling with the xorg.conf. the script only set the keyboard, it seems.11:29
gnomefreakicqnumber: you have Computer there and it briongs you where it says it should11:29
w3Dim using guarddog firewall, how can i run it with admin privileges?11:30
naxa_hi! can someone help me in pm with some kernel parameters? problem is too long to detail here11:30
Bodsdahey, how can i get rid of my gnome-panel   ?? something like   killall gnome-panel     but without it restarting (i dont wont to delete them)11:30
gnomefreakw3D: sudo or gksudo depening if it is a GUI app but you really shount need to run it ass admin11:30
brappinsevennaxa pastbin it11:30
icqnumbergnomefreak, okey let go from other direction than, i have more items then computer, i have all drives and computer in nautilus and how do i remove this item then?11:31
naxa_Bodsda: for me it's right click and choose delete panel11:31
gnomefreakBodsda: right click the panel and remove it11:31
brappinsevennaxa http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11:31
brappinsevenmmmk thx go!11:31
gnomefreakicqnumber: nautilus or gconf11:31
ubunubijrib:: sadly, pysdm is not loading my fstab at all. it thinks I need to configure all my current partitions are setup. seems to be a known bug :(11:31
gnomefreakicqnumber: i would imagin removeing it from side bar in naut. will remove it from Places11:32
Bodsdanaxa, gnomefreak -- but i need to be able to get them back, i dont want to have to customize them again,.,. is there anyway to stop killall gnome-panel   from restarting the gnoem panels?11:32
gnomefreakicqnumber: if not gconf will11:32
icqnumbergnomefreak, okey let us go from the other direction then, i have more items then computer, i have all drives and computer in nautilus and in places menu in gnome-panel and how do i remove this items then?11:32
gnomefreakBodsda: remove them and add them back when you need them11:32
screenname923874anyone know about ndiswrapper?11:32
gnomefreakBodsda: not sure what you are wanting to do11:32
mahrellonicqnumber ALT+F2 and enter gconf-editor. Browser your way to "apps\nautilus\Desktop" to enable/disable showing volumes on Desktop etc. Maby there are more options there for you? :)11:32
gnomefreak!anyone | screenname92387411:32
ubottuscreenname923874: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:32
icqnumbergnomefreak, you can not remove this item in nautilus, you can just remove custom folders there11:32
Bodsdagnomefreak, will they keep the customizeation that ive done on them? like extra launchers and things in the right places that ive moved them to?11:33
naxa_gnomefreak, he wants that all the customizations he made on the panel will be back when he readds the panel11:33
Bodsdanaxa, yes ;~)11:33
naxa_Bodsda, I think you do a test panel and test this on it11:33
Bodsdaoh, dw hide panel works well11:33
Bodsdacheers guys11:33
naxa_Bodsda, yeah, i understand what you mean but i don't know either :)11:33
gnomefreakBodsda: they might ive never tried try it with upper panel after adding a launcher to it11:33
loufoqueFirefox is very slow, especially whenever I'm using the disk with another application. It also crashes very often. And there are also numerous issues with flash and sound, i've been told it was a ubuntu-related problem with pulseaudio. How could ubuntu 8.04 mess this up? It's the most important piece of software of the whole distribution.11:34
gnomefreakBodsda: it will restart next time you log in11:34
HardDiskBodsda, btw http://tuxenclave.wordpress.com/2007/11/23/ubuntu-customization-guide-v2/11:34
johnnypeahello, I have one really big problem, I cannot play music in my Ubuntu at all...pls can somebody tell where can be a problem?11:34
Bodsdagnomefreak, with my customizeation?11:34
HardDiskBodsda, it's a nice guide to doing eyecandy for your desktop also google for something called Mac4Lin11:34
gnomefreakBodsda: most likely yes since its still running11:34
BodsdaHardDisk, im not after eye-candy though11:34
poypoycan someone help me i wont to dual boot ubuntu with vista but i only wont 2 options vista or ubuntu at moment i have about 6 4 ubuntu and 2 vista on the screen as boot options11:34
Bodsdagnomefreak, ok cheers il try11:34
mahrellonGot to go. Bye ppl!11:35
Bodsdapoypoy, in a terminal type       gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst         then comment out the unwanted lines11:35
MatthewVloufoque, for flash / sound, try installing libflashsupport - this should fix most flash / pulseaudio issues11:35
icqnumbermahrellon, i am not using gnome at the mom, what are this setting for in apps/nautilus/Desktop? is it not only for desktop?11:35
gnomefreakpoypoy: back up /boot/grub/menu.lst and than change it to only show # of kernels11:35
unimatrix9johnnypea , you do have sound of some sort?11:35
w3Dhow can i shrink xchat to tray?11:35
HardDiskw3d minimize it11:35
w3Dyah, just goes to explorer bar.11:36
MatthewVw3D, click the xchat icon in the notification area (top right on default ubuntu)11:36
MatthewVclick again to restore11:36
johnnypeayes I do, i can even play radiof through last.fm app, but i cant play my mp3s and others11:36
johnnypeaunimatrix9: yes I do, i can even play radiof through last.fm app, but i cant play my mp3s and others11:36
Dusty081Hello, I need help with the update manager! Since I upgraded to the latest edition of Ubuntu, the update manager seems to freeze and not work!11:36
tech0007poypoy: use qgrubeditor11:36
w3Dits not locating up there.11:37
unimatrix9johnnypea , open add and remove programs , do you know where it is?11:37
w3Donly have pidgin up in that corner.11:37
tech0007!info qgrubeditor | poypoy11:37
ubottupoypoy: qgrubeditor (source: qgrubeditor): graphical editor for GRUB boot manager settings. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.0-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 267 kB, installed size 716 kB11:37
johnnypeapoypoy: http://apcmag.com/how_to_dualboot_vista_with_linux_vista_installed_first.htm?page=411:37
johnnypeaunimatrix9: yes I do :)11:38
unimatrix9johnnypea , private chat open...11:38
poypoyok i will try it the list is up it means nothing to me tho ive come over from windows11:39
w3Dhow can i create a dual boot between ubuntu and vista? currently i have to enter the BIOS every time to switch hard drive priority11:40
simplexiow3D: add chainload to grub11:40
gratefulfroganyone have a "std" xorg.conf file they could share? I'm struggling...11:40
HardDiskw3D, look at the link johnnypea posted.11:41
MatthewVw3D, go to Settings > Preferences > Alerts, and select the "show icon in system tray" option11:41
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/11:41
Dusty081Can anyone help me with the update manager! Since I upgraded to the latest edition of Ubuntu, the update manager seems to freeze and not work!11:41
poypoyqgrubreditor is very easy to use thx guys for your help with this problem11:42
niklaushi how do i check the performance (query time) of my dns server using multiple queries11:43
ubunubiAnyone semi familiar with Python??11:43
DumbledoreDusty081: does "apt-get upgrade" help?11:43
gratefulfrogubunubi: what's your python question?11:43
FreeNod1i'm wondering if there is any problem with multiuser mode11:44
poypoyhow do i fined out the names of the hard drives11:44
HardDiskpoypoy, sudo fdisk -l11:45
ubunubigratefulfrog:: i just installed pysdm (python based fstab editor) from hardy repo..but it has a UUID bug (known), and in the launchpad there is already a fix committed but the "patch" file is text based. I need to know how to "apply" the patch after downloading the patch txt11:45
FreeNod1i can't run 2 users at the same time11:45
poypoyi got vista hd0.0 and vista hd0.111:45
FreeNod1do u know if it' a bug?11:45
Dusty081Dumbledore: I keep receiving errors11:45
=== Mez|DPC is now known as mez
tech0007poypoy: fdisk list the partitions on a hard drive11:46
MatthewVubunubi, patch files are applied using the 'patch' command.. try checking 'patch --help' or 'man patch' for info on how to use it11:46
tech0007poypoy:  how many harddrives do u have?11:46
ttt--hi, how do i get the trash folder again?  something like trash: or //trash11:46
klingtech0007: fdisk do alot more then list disks.... :)11:46
ubunubimatthewV:: would that apply to a non-binary program like a python script??11:46
MatthewVttt--, trash:///11:46
tech0007!trash | ttt--11:46
ubottuttt--: The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash11:46
DumbledoreDusty081: "apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade" . Put any errors on pastebin.11:46
tech0007kling: thanks11:46
ubunubigratefulfrog && matthewv :: here's the URL in question :: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pysdm/+bug/7917911:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 79179 in pysdm "pysdm: doesn't detect partition UUIDs on /etc/fstab." [Undecided,Fix committed]11:47
ttt--!files | ttt--11:47
MatthewVubunubi, yep, if you give me the link to the launchpad page with the patch i'll check it, but basically those patches must be applied to non-binary stuff (eg source code / scripts)11:47
FreeNod1do you know how i can run 2 users at the same time?11:47
ttt--is there a place where i can read what all the local usr etc folders mean?11:47
ubunubimatthewv: URL above11:47
tech0007kling: i should have said 'fdisk -l'11:47
=== irc is now known as gluface
poypoyi have one drive but its partisaned 4 times it as buit in recovary for if i mess it up so 1 is vista os other is tool then i have vista instaled then ubuntu11:48
njeroHi #ubuntu, I want to md5 my downloaded iso.. but I am having trouble. I tried to go to the help page but it won't load for me... any tips?11:48
MatthewVttt--, maybe this will help : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard11:48
njero*md5 check11:48
ubunubinjero:: you just want to check//computer the md5sum of the ISO to verify it against the known MD5 ?11:48
FreeNod1do you know how i can run 2 users at the same time?11:49
poypoyDevice Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System11:49
poypoy/dev/sda1   *           1       15274   122688373+   7  HPFS/NTFS11:49
poypoy/dev/sda2           28573       30146    12635410    7  HPFS/NTFS11:49
poypoy/dev/sda3           30146       30402     2057216    7  HPFS/NTFS11:49
ttt--thanks, MatthewV11:49
poypoy/dev/sda4           15275       28572   106816185    5  Extended11:49
poypoy/dev/sda5           15275       28026   102430408+  83  Linux11:49
stemount^!pastebin | poypoy11:49
ubottupoypoy: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:49
poypoy/dev/sda6           28027       28572     4385713+  82  Linux swap / Solaris11:49
njeroubunubi:  yeah, But I can't find the known md5 sum?11:49
poypoyPartition table entries are not in disk order11:49
hydrbyzstill have trouble downloading http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSBYdRRuLxI with youtube-dl; it says extracting t parameter failed... hlp plz11:49
Dusty081Dumbledore: http://pastebin.com/d53d9b84c11:49
ubunubinjero: whereever you download it from has to tell you that information11:49
njeroit is not on the download page :(11:49
glufaceHow to mount a public http/ftp archive locally readonly, being able to process the files on the command line, as opposed to using links or elinks?11:50
poypoymy bad sorry11:50
ubunubinjero:: if that information is not provided the best you could do to verify it is download on 2 different machines VM/s...md5sum them both and if they match you can probably assume you didn't get 2 bad downloads11:50
g0thSomehow the "Home" and "End" keys (which are on "7" and "1" num) on my laptop keyboard don't work anymore. Ie. When I press "home" in the shell it doesn't jump to the beginning, it just does nothing11:50
njeroit takes 3 days to download!11:50
DumbledoreDusty081: Did you do that as root? I should have said "sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade".11:51
g0thit worked before11:51
grom358I am trying to get my CRT/LCD function key to work on Dell Latitude D830 (with Quadro NVS 135M video chipset). Any pointers?11:51
Dusty081Dumbledore: for the sudo, it gives me: Unable to resolve host "My root name"11:51
ubunubinjero:: if you're not given that information there is no way to compute it yourself. you can only compute it on the copy you possess...and that's the one you're checking, so...11:51
FreeNod1do you know how i can run 2 users at the same time?11:52
njeroubunubi: I was trying to find out if someone knew where the ones for the ubuntu isos are11:52
tech0007FreeNod1: switch users11:52
ubunubinjero:: i'm sorry i had misunderstood...let me link you to the page that has the md5checks for all current ubuntu ISOs11:52
ubunubinjero:: which ISO do you have ? server? desktop? i386?11:53
MatthewVubunubi, basically to apply that patch you would first need the pysdm source code (available from their site)... then you would download, extract the source code, download the patch file, and then apply the patch file using "patch -p0 <uuid.patch"11:53
zyx386can every one tell how can install Bluefish unstable 1.1.6 on ubuntu?11:53
FreeNod1do you know how i can run 2 users at the same time?11:53
zvacetDusty081 : in recovery mode nano /etc/hosts and first line should be localhost and second host put your host name instead of host and save file11:54
HatlFreeNod1: what exactly do you mean with "2 users at the same time"?11:54
ubunubimatthewV: once i have done patch -p0 <uuid.patch ...where do i put the resulting file? i have the version from the repo installed11:54
FreeNod1i have some problems11:55
FreeNod1when i try to change user11:55
tech0007zvacet: Dusty081: no need to get to recovery mode to edit /etc/hosts11:55
ubunubinjero: http://samaritan.ucmerced.edu/ubuntu-releases/cd/8.04/MD5SUMS11:55
ubunubinjero: assuming you were talking about a hardy ISO11:55
FreeNod1the system comes back to the user session in which i tried to change user11:55
zvacettech0007 : how will he change and save file if he doesn´t have admin privileges11:56
grom358or how I can make the default configure make the 2nd montior a clone, it wants to span across both monitors by default11:56
RockoWhat are some good networking applications in linux ?11:56
dynamethodeveryone relax, im here now11:56
njeroubunubi: cheers11:56
=== icqnumber_ is now known as icqnumber
HatlFreeNod1: do you use hardy with gnome?11:56
tech0007zvacet: try gksu11:56
MatthewVubunubi, using the method I have outlined, you would need to uninstall the repo version, patch the source as described above, and then compile your source code... not having the program installed, i couldn't really help you with manually patching the repo version, although looking at the patch file, it doesn't look too hard ;) :S11:56
tech0007zvacet: that worked for me11:56
zyx386anyone :)11:56
FreeNod1it's a bug??11:56
ubunubinjero: sorry about the initial confusion!! be very verbose in this channel when you can :) helps us keep track of multiple convs!11:56
naxa_can someone help me? 7.10. at boot, before init starts, kernel tries to do something with my unpartitioned "sda1" space, which is a bad hdd with bad sektors, but sda2 works after the unallocated space. kernel tries to do something with it until 2 minutes when it gives up and init starts. this makes the boot process 2 minute longer. this is very annoying. I want somehow set up the kernel to give up trying after 6 seconds. my kernel log is at htt11:56
naxa_p://pastebin.com/d6aa60660 you can see the error at line 519 and below. it is repetative. how can i set my kernel to give up trying this after 6 seconds instead of 2 minutes?  please note: I don't mind if bad sektors will some day eat up my whole hdd. no problem if all data will be lost on sda. please don't remind me that my hdd is shit and i should go and buy a new one.11:56
zvacettech0007 : tnx now I know one more11:57
MatthewVubunubi, i think you would just need to use -p2 and find the file fstab.py, but i'm not sure if taht's recommended / safe11:57
RockoWhat are some good networking applications in linux ??11:57
dynamethodRocko to do what exactly?11:57
brainsrnmehow do i open the file browser with root access?11:57
HatlFreeNod1: sorry, i'm using kde. using kde it works :)11:57
FreeNod1no problem11:58
HardDiskRocko, nmap for example.11:58
RockoJust a general networking app11:58
dynamethodbrainsrnme type this into terminal, gksu nautilus11:58
FreeNod1anyone knows???11:58
RockoThat is good for doing trace routes pinging etc11:58
dynamethodRocko use the bash terminal11:58
HardDiskRocko, you can do that from system/administration/Network Tools11:58
Dusty081I think now the apt-get is working11:58
MatthewVzyx386, you would need to download the source from http://www.bennewitz.com/bluefish/devel/source/ and then compile it yourself11:59
brainsrnmeawesome, thanks dynamethod11:59
naxa_for those who read my above question, the link is http://pastebin.com/d6aa6066011:59
zvacetDusty081 : you solve it then11:59
zyx386MatthewV, thanx but how can i compile11:59
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MatthewV!compile | zyx38611:59
ubottuzyx386: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)11:59
Dusty081Ok, everything is working now :) Thank you a lot guys, you were very helpful12:00
zvacetDusty081 : np12:00
ubunubimatthewv: can you help me construct a command line to do a "dry run" patch to see if that unrecommended hack of yours to the fstab.py would error or not?12:00
MatthewVubunubi, looking into it now :)12:00
zvacet zyx386 : http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/12:00
ActionParsniphey all12:01
ActionParsniphow can I make amarok not show the main window when it loads and just stay as an icon on the tray?12:02
MatthewVubunubi, i would copy the file /usr/share/pysdm/fstab.py to somewhere you can work on it... (home folder, for instance)... download the patch file and place it in the same directory as fstab.py, and then run the command (in terminal) "patch -p2 <uuid.patch"12:02
naxa_can someone help me? my detailed question is at: http://pastebin.com/f2b6d67512:02
naxa_(sorry it's too long)12:02
MatthewVubunubi, if that works alright, you can backup the original /usr/share/pysdm/fstab.py, and then copy your version over (eg "sudo cp fstab.py /usr/share/pysdm/fstab.py")12:03
EugZol_hi there12:03
w3Di compiled ur mother12:03
w3Doh the jokes. :D12:03
EugZol_I want to provide internet for my communicator through Wi-Fi. What should I do for this?12:03
HardDisk!language | w3D12:03
ubottuw3D: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:04
ActionParsnipEugZol_: so yuor system wil essentialy be a wireless access point?12:04
w3Dmy bad.12:04
EugZol_ActionParsnip: yes12:04
stemount^hmm many a floodbot :o12:04
ActionParsnipEugZol_: google for ubuntu as wireless router12:05
dynamethodEugZol_ you want to setup a router by the sounds of this12:05
unimatrix9should sound be set to alsa or pulse?12:05
EugZol_ActionParsnip, dynamethod: ok, thanks, I will google12:05
HardDiskunimatrix9, for the moment, it's best to stick with Alsa.12:06
dynamethodEugZol_ here you go: http://newbiedoc.sourceforge.net/networking/homegateway.html12:06
HardDiskunimatrix9, even though pulse is fine on most systems, some people have had issues, it will be resolved in 8.04.1 update.12:06
w3Di might just click the xchat tray button all day, its 3D feature is a RAVE12:06
tech0007HardDisk: when is 8.04.1 due?12:06
Rockocan you install rpm files with ubuntu /12:06
HardDisktech0007, I believe sometime in July.12:07
stemount^Rocko, you just use alien to convert the RPM to .deb12:07
tech0007!alien | Rocko12:07
ubottuRocko: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)12:07
njeroubunubi: that sum checked out... saved me three days, thanks!12:07
njeronow to figure out what happened to my burn!12:07
HardDiskRocko, you can convert with alien, but it is recommended to always use a deb format first before you do.12:07
ubunubinjero: great! good luck12:07
Rockook thanks.12:08
Rockoi want to install nmap12:08
dynamethodRocko sudo apt-get install nmap12:08
HardDiskRocko, mind you rpm's were packaged for a different distribution, so try to find a deb format first, because sometimes it may break something.12:08
njeroAnyone have link on setting up your own package... so someone could add your source and then sudo apt-get myapp12:08
njero*sudo apt-get install myapp12:08
whshello, I cannot connect my USB flash drive or external USB disk drive12:08
tech0007Rocko: nmap is in the repo12:08
HardDisknjero, you may want to start looking at www.launchpad.net12:09
Rockorepo /12:09
HardDisknjero, in order to add your application it has to be "approved"12:09
njeroHardDisk: thanks will do12:09
HardDisknjero, so go to that site and learn about it.12:09
jrib!packaging > njero (read the private message from ubottu)12:09
dynamethodRocko, just type this into terminal: sudo apt-get install nmap12:09
jrib!ppa > njero (read the private message from ubottu)12:09
ubunubimatthewv: would a reboot be necessary for it to take effect after copying the patched file back to /usr/yaddayadda ?12:09
HardDisknjero, that's if you want it in the original repo's, but you can have your own repository via launchpad and ppa.12:10
HardDiskas jrib pointed out.12:10
MatthewVubunubi, shouldn't be, should just need to restart the app12:10
njeroAha, perfect12:10
erlandHi, I'm having problems getting my wireless working. Have tried instructions on ubuntu wiki & numerous forum posts - can anyone help?12:10
Rockook thanks.12:10
dynamethoderland what kind of wireless adapter do you have, model? brand?12:11
zyx386MatthewV, http://nopaste.info/9f9bb01126.html12:11
erlanddynamethod: Atheros AR242x12:11
dynamethoderland ill check for you12:11
MatthewVzyx386, try doing a "sudo apt-get build-essential" followed by a "sudo apt-get build-dep bluefish" and then trying again :)12:11
HardDiskerland, have you used the madwifi or ndiswrapper method?12:11
HardDisk!Atheros | erland12:12
ubottuerland: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:12
zyx386ok MatthewV12:12
erlandHardDisk: tried both and neither seem to work12:12
dynamethoderland here you go: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76616912:12
HardDiskerland, when you do lspci, what does your wifi model say exactly12:12
dynamethoderland heres another site: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/atheros-5007eg-with-madwifi-on-i386-platform.html12:13
zyx386sudo apt-get install build-dep bluefish12:13
erlandHardDisk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/20114/12:14
MatthewVzyx386, no, you dont need the install, just build-dep12:14
MatthewVinstall installs a package, build-dep will install the things you need to compile it12:14
Rockook i did that nmap command12:14
Rockobut i don't know how to get access to nmap now ?12:15
Rockoonce it has installed.12:15
C\i have ubuntu latest version and i tried to install modem sagem f@st 800 and always give me this msg <plugin pppoatem.so loaded> how can i bypass this problem and connect to the internet in ubuntu??12:15
zvacetzyx386 : sudo apt-get biuld-dep packagename12:15
ubunubimatthewv: i think it worked. i can see the info of my / parition now that has a UUID ...but other drives still need to be worked on apparently12:15
MatthewVzyx386, it isn't "sudo apt-get install build-dep bluefish", just "sudo apt-get build-dep bluefish"12:15
HardDiskRocko did you go to system/admin/network tools, that is another application that you might find useful12:15
ubunubimatthewv: thanks!12:15
dynamethodRocko if you cant use the bash terminal, would pay just to stick with using the Network tools12:15
dynamethodtrust me12:15
zyx386MatthewV, ok sry and thanx12:15
dynamethodor you could try nmap-gtk, i think thats it anyway12:15
MatthewVubunubi, no problems... :) all the best with that :)12:15
Rockodynamethod: Do i have to run nmap through the terminal ?12:16
dynamethodRocko no there is a front end i think12:16
RockoI thought it would have made a shotcut somewhere.12:16
C\-i have ubuntu latest version and i tried to install modem sagem f@st 800 and always give me this msg <plugin pppoatem.so loaded> how can i bypass this problem and connect to the internet in ubuntu??12:16
Dauerbaustelle_Hello, can I remove a package without deleting all dependent packages?12:16
dynamethodRocko try this in terminal, sudo apt-cache search nmap12:16
Rockoi can't find the front end =/12:16
ubunubimatthewv: is it common for only my / parition to be listed in fstab? even though i have like 6 other paritions currently mounted?12:16
HardDiskzyx386, if you're interested I JUST wrote an article yesterday how to undo a build-dep without manually searching http://sambuntu.blogspot.com/2008/06/how-to-undo-apt-get-build-dep.html12:16
ubunubimatthewv: trying to figure out if initially installing this program emptied by fstab by accident12:16
dynamethodRocko if theres any results from that command about a nmap-gtk, or nmap-frontend or something similar, install it12:16
MatthewVubunubi, it depends how your partitions are mounted, but there is usually at least a / and a /swap12:17
ubunubimatthewv: i have them mounted however they auto-mount when i plug in a new HD that has  FS+files..it just pops up on my desktop12:17
HardDiskdynamethod, not in repo12:18
zvacetzyx386 : you have bluefish in universe repo12:18
MatthewVubunubi, automounted stuff isn't usually in /etc/fstab12:18
ubunubimatthewv: cat /etc/fstab just shows my   /   partition  ...my swap is on 2nd HD not listed in that output12:18
dynamethodah ok, oh well, just stick to the Network Tools like HarDisk said Rocko12:18
MatthewVubunubi, :S just see if things still work :) the program should at least have made a backup, but i've never used it so can't really help you... :(12:19
ubunubimatthewv: i think it's fine. a reboot will let me know! if you don't see me in a few minutes, I'm back on a live CD! hahaha ;)12:19
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zyx386MatthewV, iam finish with ./configure, but how can yet start bluefish12:20
MatthewVubunubi, ok... all the best :D12:20
dynamethodacutally Rocko it is in the repos12:20
HardDiskRocko, if you want advanced network monitoring there are apps for it.12:20
dynamethodRocko do this: sudo apt-get install nmapfe12:20
dynamethodthats the frontend12:20
dynamethodi knew it was there lol12:20
Rockozenmap - The Network Mapper Front End12:20
MatthewVzyx386, after ./configure you need to do a "make" then a "sudo make install"12:20
HardDiskoh he wanted a frontend for nmap?12:20
Rockoi installed that but no luck12:20
zvacetzyx386 : did you run make and sudo make install12:20
Rockook, thanks i will give that a shot !12:20
MatthewVzyx386, all of that was in the link in !compile12:21
dynamethodafter you install that, it should show up in prefereneces > admin > nmapfe12:21
dynamethodi think12:21
zyx386MatthewV, zvacet thanx12:21
HardDiskRocko, you may want to look at http://www.ubuntugeek.com/bandwidth-monitoring-tools-for-ubuntu-users.html12:21
zvacetzyx386 : as I said you have bluefish in repos (universe) so you don´t need to compile it12:22
bhcMark your calendar, wrap a ribbon around your finger or write a little sticky yellow note. Download Day will start on June 17, 2008.12:22
zyx386zvacet, ? who in univers? realy :)12:22
bhcDon’t forget to be part of Firefox’s Download Day!12:22
zvacet zyx386 :  http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=bluefish&searchon=names&suite=hardy&section=all12:23
zyx386zvacet, oh thanx, iam blind :(12:23
g0thSomehow the "Home" and "End" keys (which are on "7" and "1" num) on my laptop keyboard don't work anymore. Ie. When I press "home" in the shell it doesn't jump to the beginning, it just does nothing12:23
zvacetzyx386 : well,you learn how to compile  :D12:23
g0thsimilarly "pgup" and "pgdn" don't work12:24
g0thas a consequence I can't scroll up in irssi12:24
zyx386zvacet, thanx again12:24
zvacetzyx386 : np12:25
g0thI didn't change anything in the keyboards settings and it worked before12:25
whsI cannot connect my USB flash drive or external USB disk drive12:25
zyx386zvacet, but this http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=bluefish&searchon=names&suite=hardy&section=all is a alt version 1.0.712:26
zyx386i compile now the new version.1.1.612:26
zvacetzyx386 : but that is not a stable one isn´t it12:27
zyx386zvacet, i know but i well test it12:27
ma3xwhat package should i install to get the hotkeys working on my laptop?12:27
zvacetzyx386 :ok then12:28
w3Dtry add/remove search zyx12:28
w3Dthen search hotkeys or something.12:28
ma3xwhen i install ubuntu, the hotkeys are working automatically12:29
ma3xi want to know which package does make them work12:29
g0thSomehow the "Home" and "End" keys (which are on "7" and "1" num) on my laptop keyboard don't work anymore. Ie. When I press "home" in the shell it doesn't jump to the beginning, it just does nothing, actually that goes for all keys on the numeric keypad12:31
ubunubimatthewv: worked great, thanks so much. saved me tons of headache. just stopped in so you didn't think i was LiveCD bound ;) gnite12:31
zvacetma3x :_ I think it is hotkeys and hotkey-setup look in synaptic12:32
g0thohh never mind12:32
g0thI found out why12:32
g0ththe numeric keypad is somehow used as a "mouse replacement"12:32
w3Dubunubi: ive been reading your conversation on and off, what have you been trying to achieve? it sounds interesting.12:32
DjViperokay, who knows how to fix samba sharing in 8.04 so it works with windows puters correctly?12:32
simplexioDjViper: no knowledge, but i recall that you have to change some registery key in windows for it12:33
DjViperhmm oh really?12:34
ubunubiw3d: matthewv walked me through manually patching a buggy program from the hardy repo with a path file that wasn't official yet, to get my GUI based fstab editor working correctly :)12:34
DjVipersimplexio: but how come it worked "out of the box" in 7.10 then?12:34
w3Dawesome, sounds like a good project12:34
ubunubiw3d: was interesting ;) i've learned so much in my 2 days using linux my head might just explode :) good think a 2 week vacation starts in 2 days12:35
simplexioDjViper: hmm.. then there is probably some options to turn to get it work, that registery fix thing is few years old info12:35
simplexioDjViper: does it give any error or ...?12:35
w3Dlucky you, i have to prepare for university now12:36
ubunubiw3d:: i'll keep that in mind while i'm skydiving in new zealand12:36
DjVipersimplexio: in ubuntu, I simply can't list the contents of windows shares12:36
w3Dwell, its a year away but still im looking forward to it, so ive just starting using linux based systems.12:36
w3Dhaha, nice.12:36
simplexioDjViper: but no problems to log in ?12:37
simplexioDjViper: you 100% that  logged in samba user has rights to read directory12:37
DjVipersimplexio: doesn't even ask for a login... that's probably one of the problems12:37
DjViperI'm not logged in, but the user should have access, it works from other win 'puter12:38
ubunubiis there a way to "sudo" empty trash? it says it has 5 files in it...i have hidden files turned on..and i see nothing12:39
ubunubibut the icon is stuck to full-trash12:39
thoreauputic_ubunubi: look for .local/*/Trash12:39
w3Di havent even found the trash yet.12:39
IndyGunFreakubuntulog: i always gksudo nautilus  then navigate to home/user/.Trash and delete it that way12:39
simplexioDjViper: ahh.12:39
thoreauputic_ubunubi: it moved to ~/.local in hardy I think12:39
simplexioDjViper: force it to use your ubuntu username12:39
DjVipersimplexio: how?12:40
thoreauputic_IndyGunFreak: see above please :)12:40
simplexioDjViper: in windows, map networks drive and there is option to select username and password12:40
zvacetubunubi : cd /home/username/.local/share/Trash  and then sudo rm -r *12:40
IndyGunFreakthoreauputic_: sure did.. didn't realize that(haven't had to do it in a while).. thanks12:40
DjVipersimplexio: how do you do it on a shared folder?12:41
thoreauputic_in .local/share I think12:41
zvacetubunubi : wait12:41
IndyGunFreakthoreauputic_: yeah, /local/share/Trash12:41
simplexioDjViper: umm... cant remember, havent used windows for year.12:41
zvacetcd /home/username/.local/share/Trash/files12:42
ubunubizvacet:: it's okay. once i navigated there it was actually empty. the icon was just stuck .i just removed that gnome widget off my panel and reput it on and it fixed itself12:42
simplexioDjViper: but from filebrowser tools -> map networkd drive -> there should be a button to select login name12:42
zvacetubunubi : ok12:42
ubunubizvacet: but thanks for letting me know where that is...i'm sure i'll need it later. i'm keeping notes on these things :P i hate searching12:43
w3Dwhats the best media player for ubuntu?12:43
ubunubiw3d: can't take polls in this channel ;)12:44
IndyGunFreak!best | w3D12:44
ubottuw3D: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:44
thoreauputic_w3D: heh - how long is apiece of string?12:44
ubunubiw3d: i'd _recommend_ you try 'vlc'12:44
ubunubiw3d: and if vlc doesn't meet all your needs...then continue looking :)12:44
IndyGunFreakw3D: but i would also recommend VLC12:44
w3Di use vlc12:44
zvacetubunubi : smart people keep notes others have to search12:44
w3Din windows.12:44
bullgard4Why does GNOME maintain two directories for desktop entry files:  /usr/share/app-install/desktop/ and /usr/share/applications/?12:44
simplexiow3D: thre is no best, there is choice between mplayer, vlc and ...12:44
w3Dbut for music, i like to optimise.12:44
HardDiskw3D, click on add/remove search for media players there, there are many choices.12:44
w3Djah, i miss winamp12:45
w3Dhavent used that in ages.12:45
IndyGunFreakw3D: depends on what you want your music player to do... i like small/simple so i use audacious12:45
HardDiskw3D, you have many good mp3 players, amarok, exaile, banshee, rythmbox, audacious so many more12:45
ubunubizvacet: mine are in a backed up flat-text file...but it works for now :) i like Ctrl+F searching better than google hunting forums anyday of the week!12:45
thoreauputic_w3D: try audacious, if you like winamp12:45
zvacetw3D : xmms then12:45
IndyGunFreakw3D: if you like a full featured mp3 manager, exaile, amarok, rythmbox.12:45
HardDiskw3D, audacious is similar to winamp if you want, the rest are managers too12:45
i00nsuw3D: u have xmms sane design of winamp12:45
simplexiow3D: rhytmbox is little bloatware12:45
HardDiskzvacet, no xmms is discontinued12:45
tenXmy fav OS is winamp12:45
HardDiskpeople xmms is discontinued in hardy12:45
ubunubitenx: does it run Doom?12:46
zvacetHardDisk : didn´t know that thx12:46
=== doel is now known as cew_17
IndyGunFreaki used to really like xmms, but audacious is more or less the same, w/ a few more features.12:46
HardDiskIndyGunFreak, sup :)12:46
w3Dim so glad i dont have to make all the installs for these programs.12:46
Dr_WillisTheres still the ghost of xmms in a few other packages/apps :) that need to be  worked on. Heh.12:46
IndyGunFreakactually, i think Xmms, lost official support around feisty... its just kinda hung i the repos forever.12:46
HardDiskw3D, why all you do is click and apply.12:46
ubunubiw3d: yes, aptitude/synaptic/apt-get is a god-send12:46
IndyGunFreakHardDisk: not much, seeing who can stress me out here today, lol12:46
tenXubunubi: winamp runs everything. on lowest prorietery there is. ! Besides taking every other ressources12:47
HardDiskubunubi, and add/remove :)12:47
ubottuPatches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.12:47
IndyGunFreaki hate add/remove.. it seems kind of redundant, with Synaptic being so easy to use..12:47
thoreauputic_IndyGunFreak: xmms has a long and distinguished record :) But it was gtk 1.2 and most of that has been turfed out now12:47
ubunubitenx: wow, that sounds like what i need to really unleash my overclocked quad-core..thanks for the tip12:48
IndyGunFreakthoreauputic_: yeah, i knew it had been around a while, I used it back when i first tried linux(probably 6yrs ago), until probably Feisty.. then went w/audacious.12:48
w3Dcod4 should be linux based also.12:48
* thoreauputic_ recompiled some gtk 1.2 stuff that he still likes12:48
DjViperwhere is smb.conf located?12:48
Dr_WillisDjViper,  in /etc12:49
ubunubidjviper: i have no idea..but sudo updatedb then "locate smb.conf" maybe?12:49
Dr_WillisLocate command is a 'must learn' command. :)12:49
ubunubiHow often does updatedb run on it's own? i've always wondered12:49
kdc1956anyone know how to turn o ati 3d card12:49
tenXubunubi: exactly. you really got it. your quad core system will serve perfectly for a ressource sucking application12:49
w3D"now you have linux you can hack the taco bell website"12:49
ubunubisometimes it's up to date...sometime's it's not12:49
thoreauputic_Ububegin: cron daily I think12:49
ubunubiI love crazy tab completions of my nick12:50
thoreauputic_umm ubunubi ^^12:50
ubunubikeeps me on my toes12:50
thoreauputic_sorry Ububegin12:50
IndyGunFreakdoes anyone play that game atanks?.. so simple,  yet so fun12:50
HardDiskok lunch time for me, see you later fellas.12:50
tenXHardDisk: c ya12:51
=== kranny is now known as k33qk
HardDisklater tenX :)12:51
ubunubitenx: i appreciate the tounge in cheek humor12:52
ubunubinite all , thanks for all the help today12:52
w3Dhave fun in new zealand12:52
ubunubiw3d: will do12:52
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:52
k33qkHow Can i get Back My Data that was Accidentally Deleted12:53
=== i01nsu is now known as i00nsu
w3Dchecked the trash?12:54
sarkieHi Guys and gals, I installed kubutunu-desktop package other day, didn't really like it, so did apt-get autoremove kubuntu-desktop but it doesn't seem to have removed everything, loads of K Apps and the kubuntu shutting down screen. Any help :)12:54
=== i00nsu is now known as i01nsu
w3Dor over complicate things and get a algorithmic software package that restores data.12:55
k33qkHow Can i get Back My Data that was Accidentally Deleted?12:56
C\-i have ubuntu latest version and i tried to install modem sagem f@st 800 and always give me this msg <plugin pppoatem.so loaded> how can i bypass this problem and connect to the internet in ubuntu??12:56
dynamethodsarkie unfortunatly you'll have to resintall ubuntu to have a complete gnome setup12:56
C\-i have ubuntu latest version and i tried to install modem sagem f@st 800 and always give me this msg <plugin pppoatem.so loaded> how can i bypass this problem and connect to the internet in ubuntu??12:56
C\-i have ubuntu latest version and i tried to install modem sagem f@st 800 and always give me this msg <plugin pppoatem.so loaded> how can i bypass this problem and connect to the internet in ubuntu??12:57
C\-i have ubuntu latest version and i tried to install modem sagem f@st 800 and always give me this msg <plugin pppoatem.so loaded> how can i bypass this problem and connect to the internet in ubuntu??12:57
dpinceHey everyone, I'm having issues getting my sound drivers up and running.  Right now, audio works when I plug in headphones - otherwise nothing is heard.12:57
sarkiedynamethod, so there is no "uninstall script" to remove all the "kde" crap ?12:57
C\-i have ubuntu latest version and i tried to install modem sagem f@st 800 and always give me this msg <plugin pppoatem.so loaded> how can i bypass this problem and connect to the internet in ubuntu??12:57
DJones!repeat | C\12:57
ubottuC\: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:57
soulchildHI ALL, how do i make icemwm my default session when i type startx ( I have do DisplayManager) ???12:57
MyrttiC\: we heard you12:57
* i01nsu hi all 12:58
C\no boby answer me12:58
dynamethodsarkie heres my thread about that anyway: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67357412:58
C\just say we dont know12:58
EvolElm0hey guys.. havin trouble getting 5.1 sound workin.. atm its just crankin out my middle speaker and my sub is tryin to play music instead of bassline..12:58
C\or something like that12:58
spanglegluppethey guys, anyone know why my system clock might keep freezing in ubuntu 8.04?12:58
bullgard4Why does GNOME maintain two directories for desktop entry files:  /usr/share/app-install/desktop/ and /usr/share/applications/?12:58
soulchildC\: maybe your question is too specific,... we are also human beings and don't know everything12:58
MyrttiC\: how would I know what other people know or don't know12:58
bullgard4spanglegluppet: Because your battery is empty.12:59
sarkiedynamethod, but I am dual running the two12:59
sarkieI am on my gnome session now, but there are kde apps here12:59
DJonesC\: If 1250 people all said that they didn't know every time that happened, the channel would be unusable, its better for people just to answer when they do know12:59
userrrrrWhere I can find the table Or the list with classes java ?12:59
spanglegluppetbullgard4: well it's not, it's usually plugged in when this happens :s12:59
dynamethodsarkie are you running kubuntu AND ubuntu on seperate HD"s or partitions?12:59
sarkieno "kubuntu-desktop" package12:59
dynamethodsarkie exactly13:00
sarkieubuntu with that package as well13:00
w3Di fucking love ubuntu13:00
dynamethodas in my post here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67357413:00
dynamethodread up13:00
soulchildHow do i make icemwm my default X session (info: I have do DisplayManager) ???13:00
cjk2 /etc/sysconfig/windowmanager13:00
HardDisk!language | w3D this is your THIRD time13:00
ubottuw3D this is your THIRD time: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:00
cjk2oh nm, you're on the wrong os for that13:00
dpinceDoes anyone know why I can hear sound (IE MP3s) when I plug in headphones, but not through my laptop speakers?  I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 with realtek HD audio speakers.13:00
w3D=D my bad.13:00
=== Mez|DPC is now known as mez
Dr_Willissoulchild,  when you select icewm in the GDM login - it shoudl ask if you want it to be the default.13:00
w3Di thought it was second time?13:01
soulchildDr_Willis: I just said that I don't use a Display Manager (that includes GDM)13:01
HardDiskw3D, if you don't watch your language you will be kicked by an operator.13:01
Dr_Willissoulchild,  then edit your .xinitrc and use startx13:01
thoreauputic_w3D: just don't do it :)13:01
Dr_Willissoulchild,  the old-skool way13:01
w3Di know i know :)13:01
w3Dforgot. apologies.13:01
soulchildDr_Willis: that's what i needed to know,... ;) thank you13:01
=== mez is now known as Mez|DPC
k33qkHow Can i get Back My Data that was Accidentally Deleted13:02
zvacetsee you13:02
thoreauputic_k33qk: if it's really deleted and not sent to trash, you may be out of luck13:02
bullgard4spanglegluppet: Then investigate the output waveform of your system clock using an oscilloscope.13:03
thoreauputic_k33qk: unless you can afford professional data retrieval13:03
sarkiedynamethod, well this is what i need :) http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome13:03
k33qkthoreauputic_:Any Recovery Tools Available Just As for NTFS drives13:03
Dr_Willisk33qk,  what filesystem are the files on? ntfs or ext2/3 ?13:03
thoreauputic_k33qk: not for ext3 file systems, no13:03
peter77is there a configuration util available for xfce similar to gconf in gnome?13:04
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sarkieOk next question, is there a good NTFS file system checker for Linux ?13:04
k33qkDr_Willis: Unfortunately ext313:04
thoreauputic_k33qk: unless the application(s) are still open - then you can look for inodes13:04
peter77k33qk, unfortunately ext3?13:05
gratefulfroganyone know how to set the screen resolution? the preferences tool doesn't seem to work for me...13:05
thoreauputic_peter77: unfortunate in the sense that recovery tools for ext3 don't really exist13:05
tenXgratefulfrog: edit /etc/X*/xorg.conf13:05
thoreauputic_peter77: unless the app is still open13:05
grobda24gratefulfrog ... do yo have an nvidia card ?13:05
k33qkpeter77:Yeah Unfortunately Beacause On a Ntfs Partition i have recovered my Gigs of Data13:05
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
al3ciao a tutti13:06
IndyGunFreakgratefulfrog: nvidia?13:06
peter77k33qk, thorauputic, I actually like that about ext3, but then again I make sure I never have to even try and recover data :-)13:07
thoreauputic_k33qk: of course you have backups, don't you? *cough*13:07
zetherooI have a T60 running Hardy ... how do I install the modem?13:07
peter77even try = never try13:07
w3Ddid anyone ever play hackerevolution?13:07
w3Di wonder if theres a source version13:07
IndyGunFreakthoreauputic_: whats a backup?(just kidding, backs up files daily, then copies back up 1x every 2 weeks)13:07
markristosI must be on invisible13:08
IndyGunFreakmarkristos: no, ask your question, we don't respond to anyone13:08
peter77you are mark13:08
grobda24How do I start the laptop_mode script at system startup? It needs sudo. I have it in the session startup list, but I still have to do it manually to get it going.13:08
IndyGunFreak!anyone | markristos13:08
ubottumarkristos: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:08
thoreauputic_IndyGunFreak: I never use the trash - that way every time I delete something I have to ask myself "Should that really disappear completely?"13:08
markristoshow do I change the default login window to use the same theme as my system which is high contrast inverse large print?13:09
IndyGunFreakthoreauputic_: hmm, thats an interesting way to look at it.13:09
zetherooanyone know?13:09
irssi2Hello all13:09
thoreauputic_IndyGunFreak: It means deletion is always a serious and premediated action13:09
irssi2How changer channel with irssi client ?13:09
thoreauputic_irssi2: /join #channel13:10
IndyGunFreakmarkristos: system/admin/log in window.. not sure if there's a high contrast login window though.. you might be able to find one on http://www.gnome-look.org13:10
erle-why are there that many incosistent updates in ubuntu hardy?13:10
erle-it appears way too often13:10
thoreauputic_erle-: huh?13:10
IndyGunFreakerle-: what do you mean?13:10
NoodelsHi, I'm still having problems with wireless. I've installed the b43 driver and it shows up with lsmod, yet it can't pick up nor connect to any routers. Any idea where to start looking?13:10
erle-at the moment, there are openoffice updates which can not install13:10
powertool08irssi2: http://quadpoint.org/articles/irssi is a good guide to all irssi commands13:11
IndyGunFreakerle-: they installed fine for me last night13:11
erle-may be the mirror syncs bad?13:11
thoreauputic_erle-: usually when that happens it is just a matter of waiting a while and trying again13:11
erle-i will try another13:11
IndyGunFreakerle-: more than likely... gotta remember how many ubuntu users there are, updates sometimes go down for a bit.13:11
sickmoocowyo guys13:11
erle-thoreauputic_, i know, but that is no solution of the issue13:11
erle-it should be in sync all the time13:11
IndyGunFreakthoreauputic_: because at the price he paid for ubuntu, servers should be up all the time!13:12
sickmoocowany1 here know a good dark background?13:12
ompaulerle-, try the ie mirror - trust me it is fast almost anywhere on the planet13:12
thoreauputic_erle-: umm, no - that would not be possible *all* the time13:12
whsI cannot connect my USB flash drive or external USB disk drive13:12
erle-thoreauputic_, yes, of course not13:12
erle-but its inconsistent for hours now again13:12
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ompaulerle-, are you still debating it try another mirror already :)13:13
grobda24Where is laptop mode enabled/disabled ? I can't find anything about it in the wiki.13:13
erle-and it is not the first time since hardy release13:13
Noodelssickmoocow: Google "gnome art", there's a website that has stuff you might be looking for.13:13
thoreauputic_erle-: so try another mirror if you can't wait13:13
erle-thoreauputic_, i am trying the fourth13:13
erle-all with the same problem13:13
IndyGunFreakerle-: then try paxil13:13
thoreauputic_erle-: it has nothing to do with hardy as such13:13
erle-hm, main server does not work13:13
chomotusany 1 with hardy on Fujitsu T422013:13
erle-thoreauputic_, i know13:13
thoreauputic_!doesn't work13:13
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.13:13
ompaulerle-, I would be starting to suspect your connection13:13
erle-i am ex gentoo user - no linjux newbie13:13
IndyGunFreakompaul: impossible!  :)13:14
pascalmy gedit doesn't respond to changes in the gconf-editor and it seems like it doesn't even use the gconf-settings :< what's wrong with my system?13:14
IndyGunFreakwell gosh, an ex-gentoo user?.. no way you could be wrong13:14
ompaulIndyGunFreak, be nice13:14
thoreauputic_erle-: well in that case you should have a clue about how servers and sync work...13:14
IndyGunFreakompaul: i'm just feelin sassy today..lol13:14
erle-thoreauputic_, i think it is not the sync13:14
erle-main server does not work as well13:14
ompaulerle-, then why is everyone not complaining .....13:14
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thoreauputic_erle-: for heaven's sake - stop being silly please13:15
IndyGunFreakompaul: is ibex available for public downoad yet?13:15
erle-oh, now it works13:15
IndyGunFreakits a miracle.13:15
pascalisn't gedit using the gconf-settings ? or do i have to restart gnome ?13:15
thoreauputic_erle-: wow!!!13:15
erle-thoreauputic_, sorry, i dont want to annoy you13:15
w3Dhow can i remove programs from the applications menu?13:15
erle-i just thought it would be helpful for others to report this13:15
^Filippo^scan ?13:15
thoreauputic_erle-: it's OK - i'm used to it ;p13:15
w3Di uninstalled xchat-gnome and yet its still there.13:15
IndyGunFreakw3D: right click the menu/edit/remove.. wash rinse, repeat13:16
ompaulerle-, you are alone in your suggestion so I guess the problem has more to do with your setup than anything else13:16
ompaulIndyGunFreak, shhh please :)13:16
w3Dadd this to launcher menu13:16
pascalnoone has a clue?13:16
w3Dor add this to desktop13:16
erle-ompaul, possible13:16
w3Dthats all there is13:16
erle-my installation was born as a gutsy13:16
DigiFlywhere's the config file of arno's firewall... ?13:16
w3Dand you cant make me wash!13:16
erle-i have amd64 port btw13:16
erle-maybe you dont see this because you have i386 port13:17
userrrrrWhere I can find the list with classes java ?13:17
IndyGunFreakw3D: well, you can't make us sit next to you13:17
erle-userrrrr, standard api?13:17
chomotusanyone now how to scale up T4220 from 800 mHz to 1Ghz at least13:17
ompaul!enter | erle- (can we stick to support here chatter in #ubuntu-offtopic and no talking about repos and mirrors is OT ;-))13:17
ubottuerle- (can we stick to support here chatter in #ubuntu-offtopic and no talking about repos and mirrors is OT ;-)): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:17
Joselliswhen I enable the driver for my (old) video card, it doesn't allow me resolutions greater than 800x600. How can I avoid this?13:17
thoreauputic_erle-: servers have nothing to do with the arch you are running - most likely the servers wer not fully synched when you tried them13:17
w3Dwait, how the hell do i open a seperate window13:18
erle-ompaul, ok ok13:18
w3Dto individuals13:18
ktwoHi, (maybe) an easy question. everytime i reboot i want ubuntu to execute "modprobe ath_pci" where do i have to set this13:18
w3Dlol ignore.13:18
markristosIndyGunFreak: this is not a gui theme I am speaking of13:18
bullgard4Why does GNOME maintain two directories for desktop entry files:  /usr/share/app-install/desktop/ and /usr/share/applications/?13:18
IndyGunFreakmarkristos: ok, then you may have to download what you want13:18
erle-thoreauputic_, yeah, but not synced for hours? i think that should not be13:18
markristosI can select color scheme or whatever you want to call it from the plain login window but it doesn't stick13:18
markristosit defaults back13:18
thoreauputic_bullgard4: seems no-one currently knows the answer to your question13:18
markristosupon restart'13:19
bonitomHello everyone13:19
markristosor next login13:19
ompaulerle-, it is OT - and it can be select a different server and stay there for two days and MAYBE try a clean install or sudo apt-get dist-upgrade just for kicks in case you are missing something from your original updates13:19
chomotusany1 wants to chat about T422013:19
thoreauputic_erle-: I have no more to say on the subject - enjoy your bone :)13:19
johnnypeacan somebody suggest the easiest way how to scrobble music to last.fm in Ubuntu Hardy? thx13:19
erle-ompaul, ok, i will stop now :)13:19
markristosdoes anyone know why I ran orca but it is not reading my screen13:19
bullgard4thoreauputic_: Is this all you can contribute to answering my question?13:20
Joselliswhen I enable the driver for my (old) video card, it doesn't allow me resolutions greater than 800x600. How can I avoid this?13:20
mariannaHERE IS ANYONE MALE?13:20
w3Dbye bye all.13:20
markristosany helpers?13:20
thoreauputic_bullgard4: ... I was just pointing out that you have asked several times without success - try the mailing list perhaps13:20
bonitomdoes anyone here know c++ programming?13:20
thoreauputic_bullgard4: the mailing list is a more likely place to find out13:21
ktwoplease.. it shouldnt be quite hard, where do i have to set "modprobe ath_pci" or having it run every time i boot up13:21
tacomachinehow do i go about taking a windows driver for a usb wireless card and use it on Ubntu?13:21
ktwoi googled and read something about /etc/modules.conf, but that seems not to be there in ubuntu13:21
rykshello all13:21
powertool08tacomachine: ndiswrapper13:21
IndyGunFreakjoseaa: what model is the "old video card"13:21
DigiFlyfound it.13:22
markristosorca help anyone?13:22
ryksi have a problem in debian13:22
thoreauputic_bullgard4: you might alos consider readjusting your attitude13:22
QUILzktwo: I think it might actually be referring to /etc/modules13:22
JosellisIndyGunFreak, I'm trying ubuntu with a nVidia Geforce 256 bit13:22
IndyGunFreakryks: support in #debian13:22
ryksit seams after i was installing the operate system13:22
penwhat happened to mplayer plugin? I'm using firefox rc1 and using mplayer as my player. When I close the tab containing mplayer the theme will transform to the most plain and boring one I have ever seen it seems like I have been wrap back to win3.1 ....how do I fix this? Is this a bug?13:22
IndyGunFreakJosellis: ok, and you have the driver enabled?13:22
ryksthe screen si small<13:22
bullgard4thoreauputic_: What about you yourself?13:22
rykswell is not full screen13:23
thoreauputic_bullgard4: I just pointed you to an laternative13:23
JosellisIndyGunFreak, not atm. When disabled, I can have resolutions up to 1400x1050, but when it is enabled, I can only have 800x60013:23
rykswell indy thz13:23
ryksi wiil13:24
thoreauputic_bullgard4: the mailing list is the next stop to try and get information about your question13:24
IndyGunFreakJosellis: enable it, then run sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings  then run sudo-nvidia settings, and use the nvidia tool to set your screen res, and you should be gold13:24
markristosorca help anyone?13:24
JosellisIndyGunFreak, ty13:24
akshatThere was a linux distro which included open source study material like MIT courseware, vrious videos, pictures etc. Can anyone tell me its name?13:25
IndyGunFreakJosellis: that should be sudo nvidia-settings   sorry about that13:25
ompaulakshat, check out their web site I guess13:25
tacomachinepowertool08: thanks :-)13:25
JosellisIndyGunFreak, and btw, do you know any way have two options in GRUB to run ubuntu with the driver and without?13:25
powertool08tacomachine: np13:25
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IndyGunFreakJosellis: hmm i dont think so... that would probably require two separate installs(one w/ the driver enabled, the other w/o)13:26
akshat<ompaul> cant remember its name so cant find the site13:26
JosellisIndyGunFreak, kk, just an idea13:26
JosellisIndyGunFreak, but thanks anyway, gonna try this now13:26
IndyGunFreakJosellis: ok..13:27
akshat<ompaul>google is not helping either13:27
b4l7424rhave anyone gotten the mediaplayerconnectivity addon working in firefox 3?13:27
ompaulakshat, what I got was this: http://www.collegeathome.com/blog/2008/05/22/open-courseware-for-linux-geeks-50-resources/  please note this is offtopic13:27
IndyGunFreakgoogle always helps13:27
=== onats is now known as Guest48973
cdavis_If I setup  two ubuntu servers and dns round robin between then, how do you have them share drive space?13:28
IndyGunFreakb4l7424r: whats it do?.. the add-on?13:28
gratefulfrogtenX: grobda24: IndyGunFreak: ati card, xorg;conf is correct, but resolution is still wrong...13:28
=== onats_ is now known as onats
b4l7424rIndyGunFreak, it send video streams in firefox to vlc13:28
ompaulmsg thoreauputic_ !otherhelp might be useful13:28
onatshi, what is the major difference of KDE vs Gnome?13:28
thoreauputic_ompaul: thanks13:28
IndyGunFreakgratefulfrog: you'll probably have to manually edit xorg.conf to accept the resolution you want.13:28
IndyGunFreakonats: kde sucks, gnome does not.. is the biggest difference13:29
onatsi would like to achieve a desktop like this:http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3212/2486698642_d60e23b015_o.jpg13:29
HardDiskIndyGunFreak, language..come on man13:29
IndyGunFreakHardDisk: sucks?13:29
gratefulfrogIndyGunFreak: I did that, but the resolution in gnome is still not the ones i selected.13:29
LordOllieThat isn't a slightly biased answer.13:29
HardDiskthe attitude as well13:29
akshat<ompaul> thanks13:29
IndyGunFreakHardDisk: its a joke, take a paxil13:29
ALLptHi everyone13:29
Carpe|DiemI have installed ioquake, does anyone know how to uninstall? and why does it make directories in my home directory? Like .q3a13:29
HardDiskonats, they are two different GUI's look at some screenshots or videos if you want to compare.13:30
s_arts_how do I start the notification-daemon?13:30
grobda24gratefulfrog ... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto?highlight=(resolution)13:30
HardDiskIndyGunFreak, not for me man, ompaul is here, so watch your language/attitude :)13:30
IndyGunFreakonats: that will require some heavy themeing.13:30
penwhat happened to mplayer plugin? I'm using firefox rc1 and using mplayer as my player. When I close the tab containing mplayer the theme will transform to the most plain and boring one I have ever seen it seems like I have been wrap back to win3.1 ....how do I fix this? Is this a bug?13:30
gratefulfroggrobda24: thatnks! I'm looking at it...13:30
ALLptI have my theme with my icons, a custom theme in fact, and i already save it, now where i can find the file so i can formtar the pc and them apply the same theme again?13:30
tenXgratefulfrog: for my notebook running a 1280*800 solution i have to run some firmware modifying tool on start up, took a while to figure that up... seeminlgy some cards do not support some modes right off13:30
onatsthese are wicked desktops: http://www.linuxhaxor.net/2008/05/17/10-most-beautiful-looking-linux-desktop/13:30
powertool08akshat: http://tinyurl.com/328wm6 try that, its OpenCourseWare13:30
QUILzCarpe|Diem: The .q3a directory is where user settings and downloads are stored. You can uninstall ioq3 by deleting the directory it was installed to. Don't remember where it is at the moment.13:31
Carpe|Diemyes but13:31
Carpe|DiemQUILz: , what about the shortcuts it makes?13:32
akshat<powertool> knew about that but still thanks13:32
onatsharddisk, which one are you using?13:32
Carpe|DiemQUILz: i have to delete the .q3a directory too, i guess?13:32
HardDiskonats, currently Gnome.  But you should try them both and see which you prefer.13:32
QUILzCarpe|Diem: Well you can delete .q3a, although it shouldn't take up too much space13:32
QUILzCarpe|Diem: I'm not sure where the shortcuts go though13:32
HardDiskonats, tuxenclave.wordpress.com/2007/11/23/ubuntu-customization-guide-v2/13:33
Carpe|Diemty, QUILz13:33
IndyGunFreakonats: the second one on that link, looks like Gnome running avant, but i could be wrong13:33
QUILzCarpe|Diem: No problem13:33
onatsharddisk, nice, thanks for the link!13:33
HardDiskonats, also google for something called Mac4Lin just to give you a head start as well on what's out there to make themeing easy.13:33
BilgeIf I create a mount using --bind, will it still be there after a reboot?13:33
mcarolanhi, basically i installed ubuntu on my brothers pc around 3 months ago... and he hasn't updated it since... there are now 350 updates that need to be installed, but it can't download some of them (i presume because they were removed since) it was the hardy RC that was installed, is there any way to fix the system as the package manager will not let me do the partial upgrade?13:34
onatsindygunfreak, thanks, looking it up too13:34
userrrrrerle-   I have found but only English http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/13:34
onatsalso to harddisk13:34
cdavis_I want to setup redundant identical ubuntu servers, I am confused how they would share data though? can someone point me in the right direction?13:34
poypoyanyone know how to get the hp photosmart p1000 printer to work properly13:35
bashanyone know o f any application to color pixels on lcd13:36
thoreauputic_Bilge: no13:36
s0ullighthello what is a good ftp server?13:36
ALLptwhere is that Ubuntu save the Themes that we make?13:36
HardDiskbash, mind if you ask that question differently, didn't understand that.13:37
thoreauputic_s0ullight: pureftpd, several others13:37
tenXHardDisk: who is that bash guy? i'll get him13:37
HardDisks0ullight, vsftpd13:37
thoreauputic_s0ullight: apt-cache search ftp server :)13:37
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HardDisks0ullight, you can even use a webui to admin from13:37
bashi want to color a pixel on my lcd with a certain color13:37
onatsim getting an error: E: slapd: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 113:37
bashthere are software for windows thaty can do that13:37
LordOlliecdavis_, You mean you wish for 2 exact copies of the same data to coexist at the same time in two physically separate devices or one set of data stored accessed by two separate services?13:38
HardDiskoh I understood now13:38
HardDiskbash, you want a pixel desticker thingy majob13:38
BilgeHow should I persist my mounts properly so that they survive a reboot, even --bind ones?13:38
HardDiskbash, there is one made in java that will work in ubuntu13:38
powertool08bash: open gimp, full screen it, paint bucket whatever color you want :p13:38
HardDiskbash, www.jscreenfix.com13:38
thoreauputic_Bilge: mount --bind is usually used with chroots - what are you actually trying to do?13:39
erle-userrrrr, what language do you prefer? i think you won't be lucky to find something else than english13:39
cdavis_LordOllie, actually which is easier? the 2 exact copies of data would be nice, but would it be easy to bring a third server into the cluster?13:39
bashthx, ill check it out13:39
BilgeTrying to make a web server directory available to a chrooted FTP13:39
s0ullightwhy can't i find bftpd13:39
userrrrrerle-  Russan  =(13:40
bhcyang merasa orang indonesia.. gabung ke #ubuntu-id donk.. sepi banget di sono13:40
thoreauputic_umm english please13:40
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash13:40
sebrockI got a problem using dkms just now, this worked fine before I did a apt-get upgrade... Now all I get is "Error! Build of lirc_imon.ko failed for: 2.6.24-18-generic (i686)??? what can I do to make it work?13:41
LordOlliecdavis_, theoretically the first is impossible it would be possible if there was a sync cycle say every 5 minutes, but simultaneously would be a deadlock nightmare. I would guess you should throw in a third server sort of like the micro kernel architecture does for internal accounting.13:41
onatsif i remove the window list panel at the bottom of my screen, how do i restore it back?13:41
lifeisHey dudes13:41
jribonats: right click -> add to panel13:42
thoreauputic_onats: right click the panela nd choose it13:42
leachim6_I need to change my X resolution , the maximum Xrandr lets me is 800x600 but the native res of this monitor is  1024x76813:42
leachim6_how do I change it ?13:43
lifeisAny chance someone could help me out with some wireless issues please?13:43
onatsok, what about removing the panel completemly?13:43
thoreauputic_leachim6_: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg13:43
onatshow do i put it back?13:43
jribonats: right click -> new panel ...13:43
erUSULonats: right click on the panel choose add to panel13:43
lifeisiv got my connection running wirelessly atm, but everytime I restrat the machine I need to set it up all over again13:44
leachim6_thoreauputic_: it doesn't even give me any choices for resolution13:44
erUSUL!resetpanel | onats13:44
ubottuonats: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:44
thoreauputic_!fixres | leachim6_13:44
ubottuleachim6_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto13:44
cdavis_LordOllie, OK, I see how I could use rsync in the first scenerio just not simultaneous data.  For the second would you just use an external scsi storage array? can you plug two computers into those? And would you have file sharing problems?13:44
naxa7.10: how do I actually 1) install screenlets 2) add a screenlet to desktop?13:44
munk_can someone help me please i have 2 major problems, one my computer never shutsdown, when i hit shutdown it looks like its going to shutdown and then the screen stays black but nothing happens, ive even left it for hours to see maybe its doing something but nothing...and second im having problems updating, something with dpkg please please please help me13:44
onatsthat means i'll lose the themeing right?13:44
naxa(i tried googling but didn't worked)13:45
jribonats: themes are completely independent13:45
onatsjrib, ok thanks113:45
leachim6_how come sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't even ask about video stuff13:46
lifeisIf anyone here could please help me out with a quick wireless question, could they message me please? Im kindof new to linux (not ran it since I got RH9 years ago)13:46
lifeisIv got wireless connected at the moment tho13:47
onatslifeis, try asking your question in the channel13:47
lifeisjust I want it to connect at boot13:47
thoreauputic_leachim6_: been a while since I needed it - but it used to have options for resolution and H and V sync etc...13:47
lifeis:onats what you mean man?13:47
onats#ubuntu is a channel.. ask your wireless question here13:48
thoreauputic_leachim6_: there are several levels - the more advanced level has mor eoptions (or used to)13:48
lifeislol aight cool13:48
LordOlliecdavis_, a scsi array is sharable and I don't think you would run into any file sharing issues, This might turn you off though http://www.stonewallcable.com/dept.asp?dept_id=202213:48
lifeisjust it seemed busy13:48
psycowhere are the firefox temp files stored???13:48
naxamunk_, although i am not really the person who is able to help you, i think maybe you should ask where is the shutdown log messages or something. also you should tell some exact information about whats wrong with dpkg like error messages. but i have to go to a school celebration now, sorry. good luck!13:48
klosany way to show the bitrate of mp3s in a column in filemanager ??13:48
lifeiswell my question is, my wireless connects okay, I got the driver installed with ndiswrapper, and it runs perfectly13:49
lifeisbut when I restart my machine it wont connect again13:49
munk_naxa thanks....i will13:49
kbrosnanpsyco: depends on what you mean by temp13:49
lifeisAnd I have to cable the machine in, then I can choose to connect wirelessly13:49
munk_anyone knows where is the shutdown log?13:49
psycokbrosnan: if I played a flash game, where would it be stored?13:49
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kbrosnanpsyco: plugins such as flash handle their files outside firefox13:50
aviswhere are the error messages stored relating to failures to mount entries in /etc/fstab ?13:51
lordvetinariafternoon all.13:51
MatthewVpsyco, you could check ~/.mozilla/firefox/***********/Cache/ - if i watch a flash movie i can find it in there13:51
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:51
psycoMatthewV: Thanks13:51
onatswhat happens when you reboot?13:51
thoreauputic_avis: try /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog13:53
sebrockCould anyone help me why DKMS suddenly fails?13:53
sebrockI get no output at all except it fails for my kernel13:53
avisthank you13:53
thoreauputic_avis: and/or run dmesg |tail after trying a mount/umount13:53
lordvetinarihas anyyone here set up ubuntu (or any other distro running apache2.2) with mod_gzip?13:54
aviscan anyone interpret whether this message in my /var/log/messages might be releated to a failure to mount a curlftpfs from /etc/fstab ? audit(1213447754.508:2): type=1503 operation="inode_permission" requested_mask="a::" denied_mask="a::" name="/dev/tty" pid=5817 profile="/usr/sbin/cupsd" namespace="default"13:55
thoreauputic_avis: that looks more like a message from the printer system (cupsd)13:56
carlozousahello ppl, anyone here using tablet pc laptops ?13:56
carlozousait's that on 7.04 everything works right off the box and since the 7.10 upgrade came out, i'm not able to get the tablet working13:56
thoreauputic_avis: you can try  ps auxw | grep 5817  to see that process13:57
x1UK45xDobrý den13:57
ubottuČeské uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.13:57
avisooh :)  i'm so frustrated trying to get this curlftpfs to work from my /etc/fstab  curlftpfs#username:password&www.mydomain.com/aaa/bbb /mnt/ftp fuse allow_other,rw,uid=500,user,noauto 0  013:57
x1UK45xGood day13:58
avisthat was my /etc/fstab entry to try and get curlftpfs to work however after i boot and try to copy to /mnt/ftp you can tell by the speed nothing is being transfered over the network13:58
bashmsg HardDisk13:58
thoreauputic_avis: does the curlftpfs website have any docs/howtos ?13:59
bashmsg HardDisk hi, that app only fixes pixels13:59
lordvetinaribash, you forgot the /13:59
bashmsg HardDisk I want to color a pixiel13:59
avisno it sure doesn't thoreauputic_  just some basic examples.  not very much documentation13:59
thoreauputic_avis: hmm - nver used that fs si I'm not much help, sorry13:59
thoreauputic_aargh typos...13:59
jribavis: here is my fstab line: curlftpfs#upload.comcast.net /home/jrib/comcast fuse rw,allow_other,uid=1000,user 0 014:00
bashanyone know how to color a pixel ??14:00
jribavis: that seems to work fine for me14:01
thoreauputic_bash: one pixel, or do you want to change text colour or what?14:01
bashjust color one or more pixels with a certain fixed color14:01
avisjrib, where is your user and password ?  also what tells curlftpfs what directory to start in ?14:01
thoreauputic_bash: in X or in a terminal?14:02
bashon the screen14:02
thoreauputic_bash: in X you would probably use something like gimp I guess14:02
jribavis: uses netrc14:02
bashits for a game14:02
bashi want to color the crosshair14:02
QUILzbash: What game in particular?14:03
bashthe LCD should be independent of X or tty14:03
thoreauputic_bash: umm, no not really14:03
Uplinkwhy i cant load iexplorer on wine?14:03
jribavis: I believe I setup /root/.netrc as 'man netrc' describes (but ask if you aren't sure)14:04
thoreauputic_bash: unless you are working at a very low level14:04
MatthewVUplink, if you want to run ie under wine, i'd suggest ies4linux14:04
markristoshow do I put a password on my nic?14:04
SL1MShi all14:04
avisthank you jrib14:04
UplinkMatthewV, where can i get it?14:04
=== Everget3 is now known as Evergete
thoreauputic_markl__: /msg nickserv register password14:04
persihey, is there anyone caring about pidgin? this problem: http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/3642 seems to persist even with 2.4.2...14:05
jribavis: I also have to use 'sudo mount /home/jrib/comcast'.  I never looked into allowing my user to do it :/14:05
MatthewVUplink, I'll have the link in a moment or you can google it, sorry net's going real slow here. . :S14:05
MatthewVUplink, http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page14:06
UplinkMatthewV, ty bro =D14:06
thoreauputic_bash: are you *writing* this game, or *using* an existing one?14:06
UplinkMatthewV, i have wine already14:06
* JoaoVr Boas14:06
MatthewVUplink, yep, just follow the instructions on that site.. basically, download the installer, run it and follow the prompts iirc ;)14:06
UplinkMatthewV, ok then why do i need wine? if its open source?14:07
AndrewGearhartI'm looking for a fancy dock that will operate similarly to the MacOS dock... anybody have suggestions?14:07
MatthewVUplink, it is wine based, it's basically just an installer to set up ie so that it will run correctly under wine14:07
UplinkAndrewGearhart, cairo dock14:07
JoaoVrHow I fix this: http://img234.imageshack.us/img234/3047/fdszw2.png ???14:07
Uplink!cairodock | AndrewB14:08
ubottuFactoid cairodock not found14:08
ubottuFactoid cairo_dock not found14:08
UplinkMatthewV, ty :]14:08
AndrewGearhartthat's fine... I'll google it. :-)14:08
bash people have colored pixels in windows so its PossibleB14:08
AndrewGearhartI've seen mentions of Cairo dock, awn, kooldock and kiba... and was looking for opinions on them14:09
_Umbrella_maybe here someoine a idea ? i updatet to 8.04 but now new kernel dont boot , and old one just boot till i see a wallpaper/mouse icon thats all :(14:10
_Umbrella_when i try to make metacity replace/compiz replace it says  unable to open x display14:10
bullgard4Why does GNOME maintain two directories for desktop entry files:  /usr/share/app-install/desktop/ and /usr/share/applications/?14:11
thoreauputic_bullgard4: I take it you have by now sent your question to the mailing list as I suggested some time ago14:11
AndrewGearhartokay... how about compiz vs beryl?14:11
jussi01!beryl | AndrewGearhart14:12
ubottuAndrewGearhart: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz14:12
AndrewGearhartjussi01: thanks... that solves that question! ;-)14:12
thoreauputic_bullgard1: you might also consider asking on a GNOME list or channel14:12
jussi01AndrewGearhart: :)14:13
_Umbrella_no one a idea about my problem ? :(14:13
jussi01!repeat | _Umbrella_14:13
ubottu_Umbrella_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience14:13
thoreauputic__Umbrella_: you have never logged in as root I assume? that can cause the "can't connect to X' problem14:14
sudobashUmbrella did you do this in X?14:14
linkmaster03How do I logout on a terminal but leave my Gnome session open? So that you have to enter the user and password to access the terminal again?14:14
thoreauputic__Umbrella_: I mean logging into X as root14:14
_Umbrella_X ?14:14
avisjrib i'm not sure why curlftpfs isn't working for me.  mine is as simple as curlftpfs#www.mydomain.com /mnt/ftp fuse rw,allow_other,uid=1000,user,noauto 0 0   do i need to mount it manually or just sudo cp * /mnt/ftp ?  its not transferring14:14
thoreauputic__Umbrella_: the GUI, GNOME or whatever :)14:14
jon_high9000hi there, can anybody help me by walking through the steps of installing clamav?14:15
jribavis: what happens when you run 'sudo mount /mnt/ftp'?14:15
_Umbrella_i have i guess , but the prob is no login screen is loading :/14:15
sudobashtry logging in as root and if that doesnt work kill X and log in as root to a like tty1 (ctrl alt f1) and try it there14:15
linkmaster03How do I logout on a terminal but leave my Gnome session open? So that you have to enter the user and password to access the terminal again?14:15
_Umbrella_on tty login works fine14:15
avisjrib, hmm.. then it just returns me to another line.  no errors14:15
thoreauputic__Umbrella_: try this: sudo chown you:you ~/.Xauthority14:15
sudobashumbrelle > sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start14:16
thoreauputic__Umbrella_: where "you" is your user name14:16
avisjrib, if i changed my /etc/fstab entry to say "auto" instead of "noauto" you'd think it work like magic ?14:16
_Umbrella_gdm is startet :( but no login is loading14:16
sudobashyeah maybe his locked out of his home dir14:16
_Umbrella_just wallpaper and loading mouse icon14:16
jribavis: no14:16
thoreauputic__Umbrella_: doid you see my suggestion?14:16
_Umbrella_where normaly login dialog comes14:16
sudobashanyways i wish i could help but i have to go to work14:16
jribavis: what happens when you use cp now?14:16
_Umbrella_what is Xauthority ?14:17
avisjrib i get a "Transport  endpoint is not connected error jrib14:17
thoreauputic__Umbrella_: just type, in a tty , the command as i gave it, substituting your user name14:17
jribavis: don't know14:18
thoreauputic__Umbrella_:  sudo chown you:you ~/.Xauthority14:18
SpookyETHi. I have trouble with a deb. debian/package/usr/bin is empty. debian/tmp/usr/bin is not. I don't understand why it's not moving the files.14:18
linkmaster03How do I logout on a terminal but leave my Gnome session open? So that you have to enter the user and password to access the terminal again?14:18
thoreauputic__Umbrella_: you=your-username14:18
thoreauputic__Umbrella_: then try loggig in again afterwards14:19
tdawgedogghey i just mounted a hard drive to a mount point and now im trying to copy some information to it but it says access is denied....is this hd set as read only for some reason...i just formatted it a few min ago in ex314:19
=== Mez|DPC is now known as mez
_Umbrella_no such directory14:20
thoreauputic_linkmaster03: your question doesn't make a lot of sense - what are you actually trying to do?14:20
MatthewVtdawgedogg, usually when you manually mount a hard drive (eg "sudo mount -t auto /dev/hda /mountpoint") it will be accessible only by root - try unmounting it and then remounting with -o user14:20
linkmaster03thoreauputic_: log out of tty14:20
thoreauputic__Umbrella_: then you typeed it wrong14:20
thoreauputic__Umbrella_: ~/.Xauthority  notice the dot14:21
linkmaster03thoreauputic_: wow i typed logout and behold, it logged out14:21
Desmond-I had a question in mind but I forgot what it was14:21
tdawgedoggMatthewV: what exact command would i use to do that, im a new linux user....all i did was mk a dir called movies and then typed mount /dev/blaw blaw blaw /movies14:21
thoreauputic_linkmaster03: you can slo logout of a tty with CTRL+D14:21
linkmaster03thoreauputic_: thanks14:21
empty_well how are you Desmond?14:22
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_Umbrella_ok now no error , but what now ?14:22
MatthewVtdawgedogg,  unmount it first ("sudo umount /dev/blaw") and then remount it using "sudo mount -o user /dev/blaw /movies")14:22
MatthewVwithout the parenthesis, sorry ;)14:23
Desmond-Right, now I remember. When I go to System -> Pref -> Screen resolution, it shows that my refresh rate is 50hz. But I've set it in nvidia-settings to be 60hz and nvidia-settings shows 60hz14:23
tdawgedoggk thanks man ill try14:23
Desmond-So what's my refresh rate?14:23
carlozousatabletpc on 8.04, anyone?14:23
Desmond-Why does it say 50hz in screen resolution dialog?14:23
empty_because it isn't as intuitive as it should be I assume14:25
QuibusHi, how can it be that 'update-manager' finds 4 updates, while aptitude finds 0?14:25
Dante123I'm finding all kinds of difficulty with 8.04 and audio apps...specifically audacity and teamspeak 2.  Seems like getting mic to work is a pain.14:25
Desmond-Ok, cool beans. How do you know it actually is 60hz then, though?14:25
JohnsonDooleyhab da mal ne frage zu ubuntu hardy python veoh14:26
MatthewVDante123, you're probably looking at issues involving pulseaudio - try googling stuff like "pulseaudio audacity" or "pulseaudio teamspeak"14:27
empty_Desmond-: because the nv setting is most likely the accurate one14:27
ubuntu_anyone can help me?14:27
samjhwhat's the problem?14:27
Desmond-Ok, thanks14:28
ubuntu_when I press Fn+F4/F5 that adjusts the volume! how do i know which process or package does that?14:28
empty_What laptop do you have ubuntu_ ?14:28
bashdo you use gnome ubuntu__ ?14:28
Dante123MatthewV I did that.  I found people suggesting that you kill pulseaudio.  But that didn't seem to fix things for me specifically.  I get kind of confused on what to choose as the capture device etc. for these various programs.  I have OSS, Alsa, etc. as choices.....almost too many sub choices too.14:28
erUSULubuntu_: probably is everything done through ACPI and the kernel14:28
ubuntu_yes i use ubuntu (gnome)14:28
ubuntu_I have esprimo v550514:29
gorgguys, i have come to a verdict. i prefer ubuntu in front of kubuntu! i have had both installed, now i would like to uninstall kubuntu. anyone now how to do this?14:29
tdawgedoggMatthewV: still wont give me permission14:29
penwhat happened to mplayer plugin? I'm using firefox rc1 and using mplayer as my player. When I close the tab containing mplayer the theme will transform to the most plain and boring one I have ever seen it seems like I have been wrap back to win3.1 ....how do I fix this? Is this a bug?14:29
MatthewVDante123, yeh i know what you mean, I was playing around with audacity about a week back - just a moment and I'll take a look at mine for you14:29
Dante123I finally got the teamspeak to "half" work by using aoss14:29
empty_gorg: if its on another partition, from Ubuntu, cd into that partition and wipe it :P14:29
tdawgedoggcan anyone else help me with this issue14:30
Dante123the teamspeak app works when I set a button to hold and speak...but the voice activation doesn't work for me.14:30
gorgempty_: i think it is on the same partition14:30
MatthewVtdawgedogg, hmm... not sure then... is it a removable drive or not?14:30
ubuntu_erUSUL, of course it's done through acpi, but which package/process does tell acpi to adjust volume or brightness when i press the hotkey?14:30
tdawgedoggno its a raid drive that i just formatted in ex314:31
tdawgedoggso its justa giant 1.3 tb hd14:31
empty_gorg: unlikely, can you mount it from Ubuntu?14:31
Dante123pen in the words of Dilbert's boss....its not a bug its a feature14:31
kdc1956nite all14:31
bashwhats the issue tdawgedogg14:31
Laurencebhi, I need to install JRE on my system, can anyone help me?14:31
gorgi did like this: I already have Ubuntu installed, how can I get Kubuntu?   Install kubuntu-desktop either with Synaptic or the command line apt-get install.14:31
penDante123, what do you mean by that?14:31
penDante123, I don't want that14:32
gorg..that was badly explained.14:32
Dante123the cartoon Dilbert.....where they make excuses for shoddy products....my attempt at humour.14:32
tdawgedoggbash: i cant copy and paste files to me new mounted hd14:32
MatthewVDante123, all i can see at the moment is audacity is working for me, using the OSS devices and launching with  "padsp audacity"14:32
tdawgedoggbash: permission denied14:32
gorgempty_: i am a bit unsure14:32
salty-horsehi. can anyone access <http://mitpress.mit.edu/main/home/default.asp> ?14:32
Dante123what is padsp MathewV14:32
netboywhy my firefox in ubuntu slow but on my windows XP its faster???14:32
tdawgedoggbash: can i give myself write access to this drive14:32
gorgemtpy_: ubuntu was installed initially, and then i added kubuntu somehow14:32
MatthewVtdawgedogg, maybe best to add the appropriate entry to /etc/fstab then, check !fstab14:33
bashis it mounted read-only ?14:33
empty_gorg: if you installed kubuntu-desktop from within your ubuntu partition, via apt-get14:33
DILsalty-horse: yes14:33
iarwain1salty-horse: aye14:33
netboywhy my firefox in ubuntu slow but on my windows XP its faster???14:33
samjh_ubuntu: do you have your Fn-F4/5 setup to do that already, or are you asking how to do it?14:33
Dante123MatthewV what is padsp? something like aoss14:33
MatthewVDante123, padsp does basically the same thing as aoss, except that its for pulseaudio instead of alsa...14:33
empty_gorg: should be as simple as: sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop14:33
Dante123okay. I will try that.14:33
salty-horseDIL, iarwain1, thanks14:33
gorgi believe i did something like that14:33
Dante123thanks MatthewV14:33
gorgi ll try that14:33
bashcan u give me line of fstab tdawgedogg14:33
muzy_afkwaht are the hardware requirements for ubuntu 8.04 ?14:33
netboyhelp please14:33
adredhi,,is there particular command to know the name of my ISP?14:33
=== ken is now known as Conundrum_
netboyhow to make firefox faster in ubuntu14:34
tdawgedoggi havent entered it into fstab yet....can u help me with this bash14:34
netboyhelp please14:34
netboywhy my firefox in ubuntu slow but on my windows XP its faster???14:34
bashyeah sure14:34
bashwhat was your mounting line then ?14:34
empty_gorg: i'd recommend doing purge instead of remove, "sudo apt-get purge kubuntu-desktop"14:34
Dante123MatthewV so running "padsp audacity" from CLI will then tell me how to install padsp if I don't have it right?14:35
Dante123That's how it worked with aoss MatthewV14:35
Uplinkhow do i uninstall IES4LINUX?14:35
Jack_Sparrow!puregnome > gorg14:35
gorgempty_: purge? hmm.. i came as long as this, should i abort and include the purge?14:35
gorgReading package lists... Done14:35
gorgBuilding dependency tree14:35
gorgReading state information... Done14:35
gorgThe following packages will be REMOVED:14:35
gorg  kubuntu-desktop14:35
gorg0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded.14:35
gorgAfter this operation, 45.1kB disk space will be freed.14:35
gorgDo you want to continue [Y/n]?14:35
jussi01!paste | gorg14:36
ubottugorg: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:36
Jack_Sparrowgorg Please do not do that again14:36
netboyanyone see my message?14:36
netboyanyone see my message?14:36
netboyanyone see my message?14:36
netboyanyone see my message?14:36
netboyanyone see my message?14:36
MatthewVDante123, presumably ;) i think its in the package pulseaudio-utils14:36
bashyes netboy14:36
IndyGunFreakgorg: kubuntu-desktop is a meta package, go ahead and remove it.14:36
empty_gorg: wait till its done, then do a purge14:36
UplinkMatthewV, how do i remove IES4LINUX?14:36
Dante123Please tell us more netboy.  What version of ubuntu?  What version of Firefox etc.14:36
empty_gorg: all purge does, is remove packages and source files (if they were included)14:36
gorgsorry. got it14:36
Laurencebcan anyone explain this?14:37
LaurencebE: Package sun-java6-plugin has no installation candidate14:37
Dante123Thanks MatthewV14:37
LaurencebI'm trying to install java on hardy14:37
MatthewVUplink, check http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Uninstall14:37
empty_Laurenceb: your missing a source probably14:37
jussi01Laurenceb: sounds like multiverse isnt enabled14:37
jribLaurenceb: or are you on 64bit?14:38
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava14:38
jribLaurenceb: sun does not provide a 64bit plugin.  Try the icedtea one14:38
persihi there, has anyone here got a clue on how to install broadband connection through WIFI?14:38
Laurencebbut I want to run eclipse14:38
jribLaurenceb: then you don't need the plugin.  Install the jre or jdk14:39
erUSULLaurenceb: you do not need the firefox plugin to run eclipse14:39
gorgi still got many of the applications from kubuntu14:39
UplinkI love rm -rf ;D14:39
Laurencebsure sorry14:39
erUSUL!java > Laurenceb14:39
bboulingHi all,14:39
bboulingI'd need some help on log to monitor random freeze in 8.0414:39
empty_gorg: easiest way, track down anything with a K in front of it in synaptic14:40
=== muzy_afk is now known as muzy
jribgorg: google "pure gnome ubuntu"14:40
gorgok. easy peacy14:40
birkoffHey guys, can anyone help me configure XGL (already installed) on gnome ?14:40
tdawgedoggbash: is it fstab.conf in etc?14:41
D3RGPS31anyone know if Totem is capable of playing .swf?14:42
MatthewVD3RGPS31, i've had it playing flash movies from my browser cahce before.. so i'd assume it does :)14:42
carlozousaI can't get original dvd's to playback in totem14:42
krasherHey anyone else had the computer sound muted after update?14:42
baalsgateoh ther i am14:42
MatthewV!dvd | carlozousa14:42
ubottucarlozousa: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs14:43
D3RGPS31MatthewV: any special plugins?14:43
tdawgedoggonce im in /etc is it just sudo nano fstab.conf   ???14:43
bartmonLaurenceb: try onstalling the package sun-java6-jre, either through the Synaptic graphical interface or with the command apt-get install14:43
MatthewVD3RGPS31, nope, as long as you've got it playing all sorts of stuff (ubuntu-restricted-extras) i think you should be fine14:43
bullgard4Why does Ubuntu maintain two directories for desktop entry files:  /usr/share/app-install/desktop/ and /usr/share/applications/?14:44
Jack_Sparrowkrasher run the pcm setting all the way down then back up.. see if that helps14:44
bartmontdawgedogg: Not fstab.conf, it's just fstab14:44
krasherJack_Sparrow: How i do that?14:44
Jack_Sparrowkrasher double click your volume control14:44
D3RGPS31MatthewV: I have that and it still doesn't play .swf files14:44
Jack_Sparrowkrasher There were a few situations where that was all that was needed.14:45
tdawgedoggbash: u there? or can someone help me with 1 fstab entry14:45
bakarati have problems when i hook up my laptop to a projector (just won't work and usually messes up my main screen as well), however i have to give a presentation soon. the main problem is, i can't "test" it because i don't have a projector myself, is a second screen identical in behavior to a projector? (i would assume so, but i need to know for sure)14:45
Jack_Sparrowtdawgedogg what are you trying to do with fstab14:45
speedhunt3rhey i rebooted the pc and compiz stopped working... what gives?14:46
krasherThanks Jack_Sparrow14:46
Jack_Sparrowkrasher It nice when the simple fixes work14:46
tdawgedoggi just made a raid array....formatted it in ext3...and i mounted it and it was like read only or something becuase i couldnt copy and paste files onto it14:46
tdawgedoggso bash said to add it to fstab14:46
MatthewVD3RGPS31, ok, looking closer, it'll play flash movies... but not actual flash .swf's... sorry14:47
Dr_Willistdawgedogg,  you mean to say your USER couldent write to it? or could root access it?  It will need to be mounted from the fstab file to be accessable at all.14:47
Jack_Sparrowtdawgedogg have you pastebinned your fstab, and does the drive work when mounted manually14:47
carlozousaive done that a while ago and still get the same error while doing the dvd reading activation14:47
D3RGPS31MatthewV: thanks =(14:47
jst33z3yfor swf gotta use firefox14:47
carlozousaHTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found14:47
tdawgedoggmy fstab file is blank!!!! also i mounted it to a directory and it worked fine14:47
Jack_Sparrowtdawgedogg fstab is not blank, you must have the wrong path or filename14:48
tdawgedoggdrive worked fine when manually mounted i just cant put any data on the drive cause permission is denied....i dont know how to try as root14:48
Jack_Sparrowtdawgedogg gksudo gedit /etc/fstab14:48
tdawgedoggi think i deleted it14:48
penwhat happened to mplayer plugin? I'm using firefox rc1 and using mplayer as my player. When I close the tab containing mplayer the theme will transform to the most plain and boring one I have ever seen it seems like I have been wrap back to win3.1 ....how do I fix this? Is this a bug?14:48
tdawgedoggi think theres a backup file though let me restore really fast14:49
baalsgatetring sudo apt-get install Couldn't find package build-essentials  ?14:49
Jack_Sparrowtdawgedogg not good, you should look in that directory for a backup of fstab..  asap14:49
MatthewVbaalsgate, it is build-essential , not build-essentials :)14:49
Jack_Sparrowpen does it do this with effects off14:50
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:50
penJack_Sparrow, you mean compiz?14:50
Jack_Sparrowpen yes, does it act the same when compiz is off14:51
yoyomaharsh, are u there. This is vivek14:51
penJack_Sparrow, I might have to try14:51
Dante123netboy is using an Artnet wireless broadband router and thinks Firefox is running slower under Ubuntu than Windows.  Any suggestions for him?14:51
Jack_Sparrowpen if it does not act the same then you might consider /join #compiz  to see if they have seen that problem14:52
penJack_Sparrow, ok14:52
empty_grog: how goes it?14:52
Jack_SparrowDante123 netboy got muted after 12 repeats in about a minute14:52
Dante123He's from Asia and my guess an early teen.  Let's cut him a bit of slack.14:53
Memphistohow to add server?14:53
Dante123I advised that he try to be more specific with his info and requests.14:53
Jack_SparrowDante123 He was unmuted after a minute or so14:53
clintchanceGood morning all.  Im running Ubuntu 7.04 I have the message now that says that i can Upgrade to Ubuntu 7.10. If i do this will i loose all the programs ive installed? its taken me a long time to get my wifi to work and id rather not go through that again....14:53
The_ManU_212hi, is it possible to start thunderbird in terminal with a option to hover a special mailaccount (when i open it, normally the 1st mail account in the list on the left is hovered)14:54
tdawgedoggjack_sparrow: http://pastebin.com/m122e30f2   thats my fstab now i just copied the backup14:54
empty_clintchance: it wont remove your programs, but I would recommend making a backup of your wifi config14:54
Dante123clintchance you are a bit behind the times.....8.04 is latest out.14:54
tdawgedoggso now i just need to add a ext3 drive to it14:55
empty_clintchance: but as Dante mentioned, go with 8.04 :)14:55
ubutomFolks, I have a problem, regarding x. If I want to start Nexuiz it crashes and leaves the screen resolution ridiculously low. There was an x update yesterday, so I assume it has something to do with that. Usin manually installed nvidia-drivers her, modules blacklisted14:55
dns53clintchance if you installed anything from an external repository they may not work, everything in ubuntu should upgrade fine14:55
netcan anyone tell me good 3D racing and shooting games for ubuntu hardy14:55
clintchanceempty_, is there a way to get ndis backedup?14:55
Jack_Sparrowclintchance make a backup.. but that upgrade is pretty safe..14:55
clintchanceIm going to go to 8.04 after 7.1014:55
The_ManU_212clintchance: you wont use many configs and programs, but after an update it is possible that some things dont work right or another errors, its everytime a bit risky, why dont you isntall hardy from cd and make a backup of your /home and /etc from 7.04?14:55
empty_clintchance: definetly make a backup of /etc atleast14:56
netdns53 can anyone tell me good 3D racing and shooting games for ubuntu hardy14:56
clintchanceThe_Manu_212, because i dont have a blank cdr14:56
Jack_Sparrownet Please hold down the repeats...14:56
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php14:56
dns53net torcs for raceing, nexuiz or alien arena for fps14:57
bartmonnet: also try mania drive14:57
empty_Cedega for anything else14:57
netdns53 , are they need wine??14:57
Jack_Sparrownet I would personally recommend World of PadMan unavailable from our repos but excellent fun14:57
dns53net nope14:57
netbartmon , can u provide me a link to download that14:58
empty_net: http://www.google.com.au/search?q=mania+drive+download14:58
netJacksparrow ,Is any site provide it??14:58
Jack_Sparrownet easy to find with google..  I am a bit busy14:59
oniscientedoes anyone can answer if the hostname of my computer is what i see in the terminal? user@hostname: is it right?15:00
netempty_ thank u..15:00
empty_net: use my example, and then use the big empty text field at the top of the page15:00
Dr_Willisonisciente,  thats showing the hostname in the prompt correct15:00
oniscienteDr_Willis: ok, thanks15:01
netempty_ ,wat i cant catch u15:01
sinanhey all ! I had ubuntu installed. I installed Windows on a seperate partition (to get dual-boot), now GRUB doesn't load anymore .. what can i do ?15:03
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:03
sinanthanks !15:03
ubottuFactoid poo not found15:04
netjack_sparrow , How to install grub from live CD..15:04
The_ManU_212clintchance: you wont use many configs and programs, but after an update it is possible that some things dont work right or another errors, its everytime a bit risky, why dont you isntall hardy from cd and make a backup of your /home and /etc from 7.04?15:04
conb123hi im having this problem in 8.04 where i get small repeating beeps when it trys to play anything eg login sounds, mp3s. It only happens when i activate my restricted ati drivers any ideas15:04
Jack_Sparrownet the link tells you all you need to do it15:04
Dante123Anyone know what is a good "MovieMaker" type program for linux?15:04
empty_net: http://www.google.com/search?q=installing+grub+from+live+CD15:05
Dante123For basic movie/slideshow with audio track15:05
Jack_Sparrowempty_ Why would this not be a good choice   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows15:06
bazhang_http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy#How_to_restore_GRUB_to_a_partition_or_MBR_with_an_Ubuntu_Live_CD net15:06
empty_It is a better choice, and so is what bazhang_ suggested15:06
clintchanceGuys, how can i backup the /etc and /home to a dvd-r15:06
empty_but google knows all, just making a point :P15:06
mAyDaY_help! -- when sfv checking files (more checks in a row) i end up with different sfv crc mismatches ???15:06
IndyGunFreakclintchance: gnomebaker?15:07
clintchanceOk, so im downloading 8.04 :) What can i expect different from 7.0415:08
Jack_Sparrowbazhang_ That just takes me to the entire Hardy guide..15:08
IndyGunFreakclintchance: not much really... updatd programs, better hardware recognition15:09
empty_clintchance: a cool bird background15:09
IndyGunFreakmost of the stuff is under the hood, that most users don't need to worry about15:09
clintchanceso it might reconqnize my wifi card right out of the box?15:09
conb123hi im having this problem in 8.04 where i get small repeating beeps when it trys to play anything eg login sounds, mp3s. It only happens when i activate my restricted ati drivers any ideas15:09
IndyGunFreakclintchance: could.. what kind of card is it?15:09
bazhang_clintchance, what card15:09
IndyGunFreakclintchance: which atheros?15:09
bazhang_Jack_Sparrow, yeah it has the instructions there though15:10
clintchancei cant really remember al i know is it has 5007 in it15:10
bazhang_clintchance, open a terminal and type lspci15:10
Jack_Sparrowbazhang_ IT covers the basic sda15:10
IndyGunFreakclintchance: it should pick it up, thats the one i have.15:10
billsteiconb123: I had the same thing happen last night.  No idea why.  Was playing an mp3 and it started bongoing15:10
clintchanceEthernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. Unknown device 001c (rev 01)15:10
conb123billstei: i know its really annoying how did you fix it15:11
IndyGunFreakclintchance: yea, i bet hardy will pick it up15:11
clintchanceThats good news15:11
bazhang_clintchance, run the livecd to be sure15:11
Uplinkhow can i make a path to my desktop of a folder thats located on my windows ntfs partition?15:11
billsteiconb123: no idea how to fix it.  But I think it might be that the login screen is trying to do something in the background15:11
IndyGunFreakclintchance: are you able to get online w/o wireless?15:11
clintchanceCabled But i dont want to drag it out again15:12
conb123billstei: so is yours still doing it15:12
aroUsing Ubuntu 8.04 and Firefox 3, I installed flashplugin-nonfree and I get no sound in youtube videos and the video stops playing after 2 seconds even though it's fully loaded.15:12
billsteinot now, but last night.  I think I logged out and back in15:12
IndyGunFreakclintchance: ic.. well, hopefully it works out of the box, i set mine up w/ madwifi, so it requires some work.15:12
Uplinkaro, does ur firefox crash?15:12
aroUplink, nope, just stops playing the video.15:12
aroUplink, I can drag to a new place in the video and it plays for 2 seconds then stops.15:12
sirjoebobhey all. i am connecting to the WLAN at my work and we have multiple access points that integrate seemlessly. I believe that one of them is bad and want to know if there is a way I can force it to use another. any ideas?15:12
Uplinkaro, do you have ubuntu restricted extras?15:12
conb123billstei: well i only get mine when i activate my ati drivers15:12
taurusivyhow can i convert a float number type to integer in python, like 2.0->2??thx15:13
ChaosTheory_Hey, I have to do xrdb -merge .Xdefaults each time I restart to get my Xterm settings?15:13
conb123conb123: and i really like com15:13
aroUplink, I'm unsure so I'm guessing no.15:13
ChaosTheory_How can I fix this?15:13
clintchanceIndyGunFreak,is madwifi still down?15:13
conb123billstei: *compiz15:13
ubottuUplink: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:13
Uplinklet me get u the repository15:13
IndyGunFreakclintchance: don't know, i use the version i have saved w/ my backup.. cuz i know it works.15:13
billsteiconb123: I am using nvidia drivers, but maybe these proprietary drivers are goofing the login somehow ??15:13
aroUplink, I found it in Synaptic.15:13
IndyGunFreaki have the tarball for it w/ my backup clintchance so i just use it whenever i reinstall, and it works fine15:14
Uplinkaro, good.... install em15:14
IndyGunFreakbut it also requires a patch, so i have the patch w/ my backup also.15:14
clintchanceIndyGunFreak Lucky you :P15:14
Jack_SparrowUplink sudo aptitude install non-free-codecs restricted-extras15:14
billsteiconb123: I have Visual Effects set to "None", but compiz might still be running15:14
Jack_SparrowUplink Back to your question15:14
Carpe|Diemback later:)15:14
UplinkJack_Sparrow, aro is having problem with his flash :)15:14
Carpe|Diembye all15:14
bazhang_!info ubuntu-restricted-extras15:14
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 15 (hardy), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB15:15
Laurencebhi folks, my hardy installation is being really unstable15:15
IndyGunFreakclintchance: i'm just funny about backing up and saving instructions.. i have so many websites saved as mht's(in case they get moved or go down, which makes a bookmark useless), that show me how to do things.. probably 2015:15
conb123hi im having this problem in 8.04 where i get small repeating beeps when it trys to play anything eg login sounds, mp3s. It only happens when i activate my restricted ati drivers any ideas15:15
Jack_SparrowUplink What about creating a mount point in /media for that folder and putting it into fstab15:15
Laurencebseems to be swapping like mad15:15
UplinkJack_Sparrow, roger15:15
* delcoyote hi15:15
Laurencebany ideas?15:15
LaurencebI have 512MB of RAM15:15
billsteiconb123: does not look like compiz is running here15:16
Laurenceband I've turned off graphical effects15:16
bazhang_Laurenceb, open a terminal and type top15:16
Jack_SparrowLaurenceb Basic information to help us help you: Which distro/release are you using, have you modified your sources.list, have you compiled programs from source, Is this a regular install or are you running in some sort of virtual machine or did you install with wubi etc?15:16
UplinkJack_Sparrow, i want it on my ubuntu desktop15:16
clintchanceIndyGunFreak, woudlent happen to know why gnomebaker wont burn copy of my home and etc ?15:16
Jack_SparrowUplink mounts in media will show up on your desktop15:16
IndyGunFreakclintchance: hmm.. not really.. not enough space on the blank media?15:17
ChaosTheory_Hey, I have to do xrdb -merge .Xdefaults each time I restart to get my Xterm settings?15:17
clintchanceIndyGunFreak, its a 4 gb dvd15:17
Laurencebok,  I'll pastebin15:17
Laurencebbut that will take a while as its all so slooowwwww15:17
billsteiWhy does the command "users" issued in a console respond with my login name twice?15:18
baalsgateim having problems geting this package to build15:18
mAyDaY_help! -- when sfv checking files (more checks in a row) i end up with different sfv crc mismatches ???15:18
jribbillstei: you have shells open15:18
=== hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo
UplinkJack_Sparrow, idk15:19
billsteijrib: meaning the console is another me15:19
jribbillstei: open another terminal and try again and you'll see15:19
jribbillstei: yes15:19
baalsgateone of the errors says kernel configuration is invalid  ..... run make oldconfig && make prepare from the kernel source15:19
billsteijrib: yup ok that makes sense15:19
bazhang_baalsgate, what package15:19
baalsgatetried doing that and that has an eerror too15:19
bazhang_baalsgate, that is in repos15:20
Laurencebhmm cant get firfox to load :-(15:20
baalsgatebazhang_ yes it is but its not compiled with the options I need15:20
baalsgatebazhang_ i compiled it on the festy version but as i upgraded i need to recompile15:22
hwildehello my resolution just reset to 640x480.  I restored my xorg.conf file but it is still 640x48015:22
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto15:22
ubottuFactoid ffmpeg not found15:23
erUSUL!info ffmpeg15:23
empty_!: a15:23
ubottuffmpeg (source: ffmpeg): multimedia player, server and encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:0.cvs20070307-5ubuntu7 (hardy), package size 187 kB, installed size 664 kB15:23
ubottuFactoid a not found15:23
empty_!info pyxml15:24
ubottuPackage pyxml does not exist in hardy15:24
bazhang_!fishing | empty_15:24
ubottuempty_: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.15:24
=== pucko_ is now known as pucko-
IdleOne!msgthebot > empty_15:24
hwildewhat happened to my resolution!@15:25
empty_pyxml was a geniune request15:25
MrNazrunning ubuntu, my wifi card has just stopped working after i connected a wired network and then disconnected it. i can no longer see any wireless networks. how would i go about diagnosing this problem?15:25
bazhang_empty_, do it in a pm with the bot thanks15:25
IdleOnehwilde, you reset from backup I assume. restart gdm see if it fixes15:25
hwildeIdleOne, I've done that and rebooted several times.  the xorg.conf is right for 1680x1050.  my monitor is even popping up a warning that says "for best results set resolution to 1680x1050"15:26
hwildenvidia-settings is recognized my graphics card correctly, but it says the monitor is a DFP and max res 640x48015:26
hwildeand it won't let me change that15:26
hwildebut in the xorg.conf it is still defined correctly viewsonic15:27
Laurenceb^ thats the result of top on my laptop15:27
Laurencebcan anyone advise me?15:28
Laurencebwhy its using so much ram15:28
bazhang_Laurenceb, please answer all the questions Jack_Sparro-w asked15:28
tj1515Does anybody know why when i use sudo i get error unable to resolve host but it still brings up the password input and allows me in root15:28
Laurencebok, its an acer laptop, quite basic just a hardy install15:29
Ward1983why in the world is my numpad controlling my mouse??????????????????15:29
Laurencebram, 2 GHz processor15:29
Ward1983i ALLWAYS have this AFTER VNC15:29
hwildeLaurenceb, linux uses as much ram as it can so its fast.  don't worry about it15:29
hwildeIdleOne, http://pastebin.com/m4253e04915:29
tj1515 why in the world is my numpad controlling my mouse?lololol15:29
hwildeddcprobe scans my video card and monitor correctly, and they are defined in xorg.conf, so why is it going to 640x480 low res mode15:30
Laurencebmy swap partition is going crazy15:30
bigfootmachadoalgum brazuca ??????????????????????????????15:31
bazhang_!br | bigfootmachado15:31
hwildewhy would my resolution go to 640x480 I do not understand :////15:32
bazhang_bigfootmachado, /join #ubuntu-br15:32
ubottubigfootmachado: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:32
erUSULhwilde: gksu displayconfig-gtk15:32
=== gorg is now known as gorgy
=== gorgy is now known as gorg_
LogiTechhow to see "is my soundcard enough good for "LOGITECH Z5500 SPEAKERS" ? pls someone help me....new for linux ubuntu...looked help from ubuntu forum but no luck.....15:32
Herlazinessis there a plugin for shockwave in firefox.  Thanks15:33
bullgard4Why does Ubuntu maintain two directories for desktop entry files:  /usr/share/app-install/desktop/ and /usr/share/applications/?15:33
erUSUL!flash | hwilde15:33
ubottuhwilde: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash15:33
bazhang_Herlaziness, no there is not, only for flash15:33
hwildeerUSUL, the monitor is detected correctly but it only gives resolution up to 640x480.  same results with driver nvidia or nv15:33
hwilde!flash | Herlaziness15:33
ubottuHerlaziness: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash15:33
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)15:33
ffmHey, Fx 3 seems to be closing randomly on hardy, whenever I visit gmail (sometimes, sometiems not) and when I open/close a lot of tabs.15:34
ffmAny idea why?15:34
hwildeffm, get the updates15:34
bazhang_ffm how many tabs15:34
Herlazinessubottu: thanks15:34
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)15:34
kbrosnanHerlaziness: the only way to use Shockwave in linux is via Wine15:34
ffmhwilde: I'm running the latest version of firefox (outside of -proposed)15:34
peter77hi, is there a configuration tool available for xfce to set the critical power level similar to in gconf for gnome?15:34
ffmhwilde: I just reinstalled (netboot) and checked, and no updates are avalible on my mirror.15:34
IenorandHello, could somebody help me with instructions to do a proper manual connection to wireless WPA encryption. I've been trying the howto at the forums but I run into problems when putting in password, and the mode Managed thing it just says command doesn't exist, help anybody?15:34
* johnnypea is listening to: Pink Floyd - Echoes The Best Of Pink Floyd Retail - Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts 1-7) - (1:44/17:32)15:34
bazhang_johnnypea, turn off that script15:35
ffm!wpa | Ienorand15:35
ubottuIenorand: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:35
ffmjussi01: Please stop.15:35
ubottuFactoid kdeenlive not found15:35
ffmjussi01: Sorry, wrong nick.15:35
ffm!hellp | mehdi15:35
ubottuFactoid hellp not found15:35
ffm!hello | mehdi15:35
ubottumehdi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:35
ifireballbullgard1: without really looking into it - probably for historical reasons, one is the freedektop.org standard, the other is what came before15:35
bhcyang merasa orang indonesia.. gabung ke #ubuntu-id donk.. sepi banget di sono15:35
hwildewhy would my resolution go to 640x480  this sucks!!15:35
Finirasreferring someone to documentation is like refering people to google, that isnt what this channel is for i think15:36
mehdithx ffm ubottu15:36
erUSULhwilde: how did you instaled your drivers?15:36
IndyGunFreakhwilde: what graphics device?15:36
mehdithere is an open source irc client based on ajax?15:36
HewHi. How do I set my system to 24h time? I've been told that setting it via the Ubuntu clock is applet specific.15:36
johnnypeabazhang_: why?15:36
hwildeIdleOne, http://pastebin.com/m4253e04915:36
bazhang_Finiras, very true15:36
hwilde, http://pastebin.com/m4253e04915:36
ffmhwilde: right click the applet.15:36
bazhang_johnnypea, not open for debate.15:36
hwildeerUSUL, IndyGunFreak  http://pastebin.com/m4253e04915:36
ffmhwilde: sorry, autocompelte is borked for me.15:36
IndyGunFreakhwilde: is the driver enabled in hardware drivers?15:37
ffmHew: right click the applet, and go to prefs.15:37
amenadoFiniras-> we can not remember everything so once in a while we refer people to documentations15:37
johnnypeabazhang_: hmm, ok sorry15:37
hwildeerUSUL, I installed the drivers with nvidia I dunno it worked fine for months until yesterday15:37
hwildeIndyGunFreak, how can I tell ?15:37
IndyGunFreakhwilde: system/admin/hardware drivers15:37
LogiTechwhy no1 helping?15:37
hwildeIndyGunFreak, in icewm?  what is the terminal command to open it15:37
bullgard1ifireball: What was before the freedesktop.org standard?15:37
ffmFiniras: It's better to teach a man to fish than to give him the fish.15:37
bazhang_LogiTech, you need to provide more info15:37
IndyGunFreakhwilde: oh sorry, didn't know you were using ice.15:37
IndyGunFreaknot sure on the terminal command15:37
ffm!helpme | LogiTech15:38
ubottuLogiTech: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience15:38
Hewffm: That's the way I've had it, but rhythmbox is still in 12h time, and I was told that was because the Ubuntu clock was applet specific, whereas I needed to change the "locale" time15:38
hwildeIndyGunFreak, fine brb in gnome ...15:38
ffmHew: Hrm...15:38
erUSULhwilde: you have to reinstall the drivers... ome days ago there was a xserver-xorg-core update that brakes third party installed drivers. That's the price to pay for using the run from nvidia anytiome the kernel or xserver related packages get updated you have to reinstall15:38
blukhi there, I had a Kernel Panic showing a line named "Code:" followed by hex numbers. I copied those numbers down and made a file with that data. Now I'm trying to disassemble it using the 'crash" utility, but it doesn't recognize de vmlinuz format of my 'vmlinuz-2.6.15-29-386' file; do you know any way that would allow me to see the ASM code?15:38
ifireballbullgard1: something not standard... I.e. desktop icons existed long before freedesktop.org standardized where and how to store them...15:38
ffmHew: I'm not sure. Ask the GNOME folks... it's application-spesific.15:39
Hewffm: ok, thanks for your help15:39
LogiTechhow to see "is my soundcard enough good for "LOGITECH Z5500 SPEAKERS" ? pls someone help me....new for linux ubuntu...looked help from ubuntu forum but no luck....15:39
ffmHew: np.15:39
ffmgorg_: Please do not test in here.15:39
ffmgorg_: /j #test , and test there.15:39
peter77is there a config app for xfce?15:40
ffmpeter77: What do you want to configure?15:40
hwildewhat happened to IndyGunFreak15:40
=== MrNaz` is now known as MrNaz
Dr_Willispeter77,  the xfce desktop has its own control-center app/settings thing.15:40
hwildeYes the Nvidia driver is enabled and in use15:40
bazhang_LogiTech, we need the card name, what you have tried and what errors you have gotten, a link to your forum post etc15:40
Finirasffm: so should we then just replace this channel with a bunch of links to documentation and google? Most people know how to fish but they just ask it here to prevent having to spend much more time searching for it on the internet15:41
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience15:41
hwildeFiniras, get over it...15:41
ffmFiniras: Which is why we tell them where to go.15:41
bazhang_Finiras, sometimes the links are the best resource15:41
ffmFiniras: Either that or _we_ read the docs, explain to user, and can help less people.15:41
ffmFiniras: In either case, the user has to read it.15:41
hwildehelp my resolution get back to 1680x1050 please15:41
ffmFiniras: The former case just wastes more time.15:41
bazhang_hwilde, reinstall the drivers as instructed earlier15:42
hwildebazhang_, the drivers are installed correctly and in use15:42
MrNazif i download an iso from the ubuntu web site, will that iso have all the updates for that version up to the minute, or do i have to do an apt-get update/upgrade ?15:42
Dr_WillisMrNaz,  it will not be upto date.15:42
=== sean__ is now known as smlefo
Dr_WillisMrNaz,  every so often they may release updated iso's but not  very often.15:43
amenadoMrNaz-> will not have the most recent updates, so you must run apt-get updates15:43
MrNazDr_Willis is there a way to get an up to date iso without making it yourself? say if you're installing 10 boxes ?15:43
hwilde!clone | MrNaz15:43
ubottuMrNaz: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate15:43
peter77ffm, I want my computer to shutdown at a certain battery percentage15:43
Dr_WillisMrNaz,  set up box #1 to be a apt-cacheing server and let the other 9 get their updates from it.15:43
aroWhat is the default installation directory for Firefox 3 in Ubuntu 8.04 installed through the package manager?15:43
hwildearo, locate firefox15:43
Dr_Willisor remaster the iso i guess.15:43
ffmpeter77: Hrm... Not sure.15:43
hwilde!acpi | peter7715:43
ubottuFactoid acpi not found15:43
=== Calum is now known as Calum`
=== Calum` is now known as Calum``
hwildebazhang_, ok fine how do I reinstall the drivers...15:44
peter77hwilde, ?15:44
ubottuFor an informative description of the Hardware Abstraction Layer , go to this site : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer15:44
ubottuFactoid hald not found15:44
ffmpeter77: You can try the forums.15:44
=== smlefo is now known as smlefo_
peter77ffm, am doing, not much help15:45
bazhang_peter77, have you asked in #xubuntu ?15:45
Baltazaarhttp://www.osx-e.com/downloads/misc/macfonts.html gives you OS X fonts for your Ubuntu desktop... Everybody likes OS X fonts...15:45
peter77bazhang, no I'll ask the q now15:45
LogiTechi have tried some terminal command thing b4...i dont remember what it did...but it didnt help me...i just need to know how to see my "card name" and thats all...but cause im new with linux ubuntu...i dont know how to too that.... with windows xp its easy to see what card you have...but with ubuntu...hmm too hard :D15:45
tj1515Does anybody know why when i use sudo i get error unable to resolve host but it still brings up the password input and allows me in root15:45
Unimatrix9hello all15:45
bazhang_LogiTech, lspci in terminal please paste to paste.ubuntu.com15:46
Unimatrix9i am working here with the program cheese , but it does not save video, any tips are welcome on how to fix this?15:46
bazhang_Baltazaar, you should suggest that as a ubottu factoid15:46
amikropUbuntu should package "Battle for Wesnoth" better. If you install the package "wesnoth-all" you don't get the map editor, a fact which is probably OK. You neither get the server (wesnothd), a fact that maybe is not very harmful. But you neither get any sound of the game, a fact which is rediculous. You have to explicitly install the package "wesnoth-sound" to have sound in the game. All these issues are for the package "wesnoth-all", as I s15:46
amikropaid. With the package "wesnoth" you get a thing that is hardly called "a game". You don't even get the scenarios!15:46
ifireballtj1515: you played with your /etc/hosts or /etc/hostname and wrecked your host's self name-resolution15:46
bazhang_amikrop, put it  on !brainstorm15:47
LogiTechbazhang which i choose for "syntax" ?15:47
ubottuPost your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!15:47
blukhow to analyze an Ubuntu Kernel Panic crashdump? (crash utility results in this error: "crash: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-29-386: not a supported file format") ?15:47
amikropbazhang_: OK, thanks.15:47
hwildebazhang_, ddcprobe detected everything fine so why would it go to 640x480  http://pastebin.com/m4253e04915:47
bazhang_LogiTech, you are on that computer now?15:47
Unimatrix9any one here that uses cheese for their webcam?15:48
poopuserhi guyz.what codec do i need to play mp3 files?15:48
hwilde!mp3 | poopuser15:48
ubottupoopuser: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:48
bazhang_hwilde, the xserver update yesterday likely did it15:48
LogiTechbazhang_ yes i am15:48
Baltazaartoinstall fonts in Gnome, just make a ~/.fonts dir, and copy the ttf's over, then reload fonts, or just log out and in again...15:48
bazhang_LogiTech, open a terminal15:48
LogiTechbezhang_ done...15:48
Calum``6.06: Has anyone experienced KDE failing to start after filling up the primary partition?  Cut it back to about 89% full and can still run it with a console login and 'startx', but can't login through the graphical login screen.15:48
bazhang_LogiTech, and type lspci  paste that to paste.ubuntu.com (not here)15:48
hwildeCalum``, ctrl-alt-backspace after you cleared your diskspace15:49
LogiTechbazhang_ there is a lot of text...do i have to copy/paste all of it?15:49
bazhang_LogiTech, unless you know the one line :)15:49
hwilde!fixapt | hwilde15:49
bazhang_LogiTech, not to this channel though15:49
bazhang_LogiTech, to paste.ubuntu.com15:50
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »15:50
Calum``hwilde, I've killed X that way a couple of times since this started, hasn't made any appreciable difference15:50
bluksimpified version of previous question: is there an equivalent to the old simple "debug" dos command that would allow me to disassemble a section of "pure" ASM code?15:51
=== Thehound is now known as tuxboy
=== tuxboy is now known as tuxboy666
Jess1221how do I install the newest firefox release candidate? I downloaded it but I don't know how to install it15:51
LogiTechbazhang_ okei done... "Ubuntu Pastebin15:51
LogiTechPaste from lux at Sat, 14 Jun 2008 16:51:21 +0100"15:51
bazhang_LogiTech, give us the url15:51
Beforezhi all15:51
BaltazaarAnyone used the Jack kernel config to get realtime kernel messaging in sound recording apps? like no latancy in MIDI recording?15:52
tuxboy666ok do we have a genius in here? I need one lol, to kill me last problem with Hardy15:52
LogiTechbazhang_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/20149/15:52
jribJess1221: it's best to wait until it hits the repositories and let update-manager take care of it15:52
bazhang_LogiTech, reading now15:52
LogiTechbazhang_ i think i have to buy new "soundcard" to play z5500 speakers right?15:53
bazhang_LogiTech, that seems unlikely; what errors have you gotten?15:53
gorg_back to pure pure gnome, and ubuntu15:53
tuxboy666I have an ATI Radeon X1950 PRO. Only fglrx 8.35.x-8.39.x have ever worked with this card on any tested machibne. Is there any easy way I can get one of those versions to install? Current versions give me a black screen.15:53
LogiTechbazhang_ errors? no errors...15:53
bazhang_!puregnome | gorg_15:53
ubottugorg_: If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here << http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome >>15:54
bakaratanyone know of a good how-to for dual screens with ATI binary driver (NOT xinerama etc, i want 2 separate screens)15:54
bazhang_LogiTech, then they should work fine; you might try switching to alsa from autodetect in the sound prefs15:54
bazhang_bakarat, xinerama is nvidia15:54
tj1515ifireball: i thought it was my fault i idea on how i should go about fixing it15:54
LogiTechbazhang_ no no...i havent tryed z5500 with this pc...i just wanted to know do i have to buy new soundcard to play "Z5500 speakers"15:55
tuxboy666yeppers, consider yourself lucky. The open source dribver is ok and NVidia's binary is good15:55
bakaratbazhang_: uh, no it isn't? :|15:55
bazhang_LogiTech, seems unlikely though perhaps a quick ubuntu hardy z5500 ac97 would be good search terms15:55
bakaratbazhang_: from what i can find on the net, it seems to be ATI as well, and it enabled xinerama by default15:55
JannoTTroflcopter! firefox takes 200MiB And i only have 500MiB of ram....15:56
gorg_what is you guys favourite music player?15:56
bazhang_!players | gorg_15:56
ubottugorg_: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs15:56
tuxboy666but anyways, I would appreciate your effort if someone can tell me the easiest way for me. I know how to compile a kernel, if I need to15:56
LogiTechbazhang_ but would z2300 speakers fit with this soundcard ? it seems z5500 speakers are too good for this soundcard...but what about z2300?15:57
darthanubisgorg_, goto #ubuntu-bots to vote for your favorite;)15:57
gorg_i liked amorak, but that s a KDE so i would prefer to find something else15:57
bazhang_LogiTech, not sure without a forums search15:57
darthanubisgorg_, rhythmbox with lastfm plugin15:57
bakarathow can i enable two seperate screens with an ATI card?15:57
=== Hacker is now known as Hacker-Professio
bazhang_gorg_, please do NOT take polls in this channel15:57
tuxboy666I don't care, I just use15:57
=== Hacker-Professio is now known as Hacker
gorg_i want one which does not demand very much, and rythmbox seems like it takes a bit..15:58
tuxboy666Amarok, it's a great player15:58
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:58
darthanubisgorg_, as opposed to Amaok?15:58
tuxboy666I didn't say best though :)15:58
BCM43hi user_15:58
user__can anyone help me please?15:58
BCM43user__: ask15:58
user__i can't play a given stream in amarok15:58
Unimatrix9ubutto best bot15:58
user__that's the stream15:58
darthanubis!ask | BCM4315:59
tuxboy666give me the url of it, if you don't mind15:59
ubottuBCM43: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:59
tuxboy666I'll see what kind of stream it is15:59
gorg_guess i ll go with rythmbox15:59
BCM43darthanubis: ??15:59
user__that i didn't try15:59
darthanubisthats english15:59
HackerHi user_15:59
Unimatrix9play alright here15:59
bazhang_darthanubis, should be user__15:59
HackerI' am Hacker.15:59
Unimatrix9]cityfm play's in totem ok here16:00
HackerI' am Hacker, Beforez.16:00
markristosI just installed skype on amd6416:00
darthanubisbazhang_, I'm sorry?16:00
tuxboy666playing fine for me in mplayer with no fiddling16:00
ifireballtj1515: make sure there is a line in /etc/hosts mapping your hostname properly to as well as a line mapping localhost to
user__i know it plays just not in amarok16:00
bazhang_Hacker, please stop16:00
tuxboy666it can play pretty good audio with good settings16:00
Speconhello all, I have a problem to connect to my wireless network16:00
BeforezI am Before, Hacker.16:00
Speconi'm using an usb stick to connect with my wireless modem/router16:00
Hackerbazhang_ Never!16:00
darthanubis!ask | Specon16:00
ubottuSpecon: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:00
BCM43Specon: please put lspci in the terminal, and put the reslut in pastebin16:00
SpeconBCM43,  okay tnx16:01
user__also another question - how do i set the xchat view to show the channels under the text box like it can be done in windows from edit > view> vertical or something like this16:01
HackerSorry bazhang_16:01
Dr_Willisuser_,  view - channel switcher - tabs16:01
user__there's no view tab16:02
SpeconBCM43,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/20154/16:02
Dr_Willisuser_,  you are not using xchat-gnome are you?   theres xchat, and xchat-gnome16:02
Speconso on windows my Flash disk works when i put it in the usb device. If i use ubuntu it doesn't work.16:02
Dr_Willisuser_,  thats why then. install the normal xchat16:02
user__ok  :(16:03
user__let me see if i find it in here somewhere16:03
Speconeven the light of the flash disk doesn't go on so that means that ubuntu isn't picking up the flash disk16:03
user__and my stream still doesn't work in rithmbox16:03
SpeconBCM43,  are you still there?16:04
user__so anyone know where i can get the normal xchat?16:04
Sirisian_How does one give a user access to postgresql so the files they make can access the db?16:04
jrib!info xchat | user__16:04
ubottuuser__: xchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.4-0ubuntu7 (hardy), package size 301 kB, installed size 808 kB16:04
bazhang_!repos | user__16:05
ubottuuser__: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories16:05
Speconuser__,  go to synaptic and there you can install it easily16:05
jasonis anybody watching euro 2008 via streaming video?16:05
jribjason: we like to keep this channel dedicated to ubuntu support only since it is so busy.  Mind moving your discussion over to #ubuntu-offtopic?16:05
rskjason: sure, my tv is streaming it =)16:05
bazhang_jason, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic16:05
Speconcan somebody help me out with my wirreless network please?16:05
s0ullighthello i have installed vsftpd and configured it16:05
jayprohey all... what do i need to burn *.daa files?  (i'm using k3b)16:05
s0ullightwhen i do ftp://localhost it works16:05
jasonim trying to find the program best suited for this.16:05
s0ullightbut when i try it with my ip it doesn't work can someone help me?16:06
user__i'll be back :D16:06
bazhang_!es | Cirilo16:06
ubottuCirilo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:06
jribjason: what type of stream is it?16:07
jaypronm...ill use poweriso16:07
user__ok so i'm back - my question is - how do i get to hear a stream - what is the easiest way to listen to a stream? xmms is still available?16:09
foexlehi @all16:09
bazhang_!xmms | user__16:09
ubottuuser__: For the reason why xmms is no longer in the hardy repositories see: http://bugs.debian.org/461309 .  Consider using audacious instead.16:09
ifireballuser__: the default media player, totem, can play most types of streams16:10
foexleuser__: u can use vlc-player16:10
oniscienteI've tried to install matlab7 here, but it cannot find glnxa64, because what i have downloaded is ginx86. I don't know what does it mean, but is there a way to install it properly?16:11
user__what's the memory footprint of these programs? i want a small program to play 1 stream nothing more really. and would be best if it could play mp3's also16:11
skype-bridgehello everybody!16:11
Speconwireless network doesn't work16:12
jribJakke77: we like to keep this channel dedicated to ubuntu support only since it is so busy.  Mind moving your discussion over to #ubuntu-offtopic?16:12
foexlevlc is very small ... i think better as totem16:12
s0ullightis there a way to enable port forwarding through the cli?16:12
speedhunt3rhey can anyone help me, i don't know why my effects stopped, i tried restarting x it still can't enable them, it says not supported.16:12
Jakke77firestarter ???16:12
Mercureeim trying to use a psion series 5 as a control for my ubuntu server via serial. I have gotten as far as redirectign bootup output to the screen on psion. but now am having trouble throughputting keyboard input. i have tried various handshaking modes and so far no luck. Current setup: baud 115200 stop bits 1 parity none data bits 816:12
cci need any tool can read mp3 and wma.....16:12
Mercureecould anyone suggest anything?16:13
bazhang_s0ullight, check www.portforward.com16:13
Dr_Williss0ullight,  with the proper iptables command and options to it..  and No i dont know what one you need. :)16:13
jasonjrib: the stream is here http://livefooty.doctor-serv.com/16:13
* Dr_Willis checks out bazhang_ 's suggestion :) 16:13
maekwhich do people prefer Rhythmbox or the new version of Banshee ??16:14
cchow can i install a packet form the DVD ubuntu?16:14
user__i've tried with movieplayer it doesn't work i get buffering and then playing 0:0016:14
bumbl3b33hey all16:14
Ironhi everyone. Can anybody tell me what package (s) i should install for my totem to play DVD's correctly (esp. menus)?16:14
jribjason: no, there are many streams there.  Which one are you trying to watch?16:14
maekIron, libdvd or something16:15
cchow can i install a packet form the DVD ubuntu?16:15
jribjason: the ones that are flash, you just use flash16:15
jrib!flash > jason (read the private message from ubottu)16:15
bazhang_!dvd | Iron16:15
ubottuIron: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs16:15
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions16:15
jribcc: put the dvd in, it will ask you if you want to add it as a repository16:15
bumbl3b33i needed to know how do we install win. drivers for devices to ubuntu ?16:15
bazhang_bumbl3b33, which device16:16
user__ok let's try another aproach16:16
maekbumbl3b33, you can't16:16
bumbl3b33like wirelessca16:16
maekunless its a wireless card16:16
user__how do i mount another ntfs partition that i have?16:16
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:16
bumbl3b33or camera16:16
bazhang_bumbl3b33, which card16:16
SpeconPlease guy's help me out with my wireless network i already have read allot on google but it doesn't work so please help me out16:16
bumbl3b33dell wireless16:16
cci want to know what is the definition of yast in ubuntu16:16
bumbl3b33or intel video card16:17
rskcc: synaptic16:17
bumbl3b33there are no drivers are there ?16:17
ccrsk explaim more16:17
maekbumbl3b33, intel video cards work out of the box16:17
user__how do i mount another ntfs partition that i have?16:17
bumbl3b33i know but performs better with driver16:17
bumbl3b33more clear for example16:18
bumbl3b33when u start using ubuntu is there a specific pc has all the drivers for every component in it?16:18
Dr_Willisuser__,  put a proper entry for it in the /etc/fstab file is what i do.16:19
ccin linux suse to install a packet from the CD we do yast -i name-of packet in ubuntu what we do ????16:19
=== Shin is now known as Shinobu_Tarmann
jrib!apt > cc (read the private message from ubottu)16:20
joe_chathas anyone messed with hdparm with stata drives16:20
rockhoundhi everyone. I have a wifi usb stick attached which is auto enabled on boot. The device works fine but it somehow does not get a link up on boot up ... meaning, the networking scripts can not assign an IP (neither manually nor dhcp). If I do a ifdown eth1 and ifup eth1, it works fine. dmesg tells me "link is not ready" on boot.16:20
user__Dr_Willis  can you give an example?16:20
joe_chat Timing buffered disk reads:  248 MB in  3.00 seconds =  82.58 MB/sec16:20
maekso no one prefers Banshee 1.0 over Rythmbox ??16:20
bumbl3b33intalling ubuntu or a different version of nix gives me the drivers problems how can i find solution..16:20
Dr_Willisuser_,  you allready have one ntfs disk mounted/in the fstab? if so look at it for an example. Check the bots factoids for !ntfs and !ntfs-3g also for detailed examples.16:21
Dr_Willis!ntfs-3g | user__16:21
ubottuuser__: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions16:21
user__Dr_Willis  i have no etc/fstabs16:22
Dr_Willisuser__,  i would look again. its /etc/fstab16:23
AhadielI have a problem with pulseaudio. My soundcard supports 7.1 however each port on the back looks like it's own device, and in pulseaudio it only shows the digiital output.16:23
bumbl3b33i know that you can install ubuntu with win do a dual boot..16:23
bumbl3b33like machintosh16:23
boboohello somebody can help me ? i can't use my keyboard in virtualbox16:23
bumbl3b33but the idea is having ubuntu with all win drivers for my pc..?16:24
pablohi, is there a msn that works for video conference and rings when somebody ping me? aMSN doenst do that16:24
user__no fstab  .. it's a foo... and then goes to g... folders16:24
bumbl3b33like is there a program like cygwin to convert ??16:24
joe_chatuser_ :  /etc/fstab not /etc/fstabs16:24
bumbl3b33to ubuntu..16:24
user__i understand no fstab/s any of them16:25
pablohi, is there a msn that works for video conference and rings when somebody ping me? aMSN doenst do that16:25
bumbl3b33i really need those drivers @ the moment16:25
daemon3Hm. I was sure my laptop was bluetooth capable, but yet I can't connect to bluetooth.  hciconfig -a doesn't report anything.16:25
user__footmatic and then gaim after it16:25
pukemananyone using 500gb drives?16:25
Luhtadid one of the updates over the last 2 days cause any known compiz issues?16:25
joe_chatbumbl3b33  what drivers16:25
pablohi, is there a msn that works for video conference and rings when somebody ping me? aMSN doenst do that16:26
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:26
bumbl3b33every drivers on my pc16:26
bumbl3b33like wireless wideo card cpu16:26
joe_chatbumbl3b33: name one16:26
bumbl3b33hang on ill get all the names now in a sec16:26
daemon3Yeah, I looked online, and my laptop does have bluetooth capability, but hciconfig -a doesn't think so.16:26
skype-bridge1. sor16:26
skype-bridge2. sor16:26
skype-bridge3. sor16:26
Dr_Willisbumbl3b33,  theres no 'simple' solution to gettting 'all drivers' going.16:26
user__ok i guess i didn't have ntfs-config package installed16:27
bumbl3b33i c16:27
Dr_Willisbumbl3b33,   You could run ubuntu under windows, inside virtualbox, or vmware.16:27
user__doing it now16:27
billoutrefor virtualbox usb support look at : http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/04/howto-install-virtualbox-in-hardy-heron.html16:27
user__will it auto remount my drive after reboot/shutdown?16:27
bumbl3b33but manufacturers creates every device driver for linux as well right?16:27
joe_chatbumbl3b33: google research custom kernel16:27
Dr_Willisuser__,  with the proper options in fstab. Yes.16:27
LimCorehow to show list of available cpu governors?16:28
user__i've got no fstab folder in /etc16:28
Luhtais there anyway to view the last 4 packages installed in synaptic?16:28
joe_chatuser_ :  its a file not a folder16:28
Luhtanevermind found it16:28
joe_chatuser_ :  sudo /etc/fstab16:29
=== billoutre is now known as Billoutre-FR
candiveubotto, "stab" | candive16:29
joe_chatuser_ :  sudo gedit /etc/fstab16:29
friede1i have got a big problem, i can not boot anymore into my ubuntu, after i selected ubuntu in grub it does something till [Time: acpi_pm clocksource has been installed]16:29
=== Lurkinson is now known as Lurkinizer
user__here's how it looks http://pastebin.com/m57672e2616:30
daemon3I have integrated bluetooth in my laptop, so why isn't it showing up with hciconfig -a?16:30
bumbl3b33hey i aint that smart to build a kernel16:30
empty_its not complicated bumbl3b3316:31
bumbl3b33it looks difficult16:31
user__what should i write in fstab to make it mount my /dev/sda5/ - ntfs partition?16:31
empty_bumbl3b33, just grab a HOWTO16:31
Dr_Willisbumbl3b33,  manfactures do NOT all create drivers for linux for their hardware..16:32
joe_chatuser_ :  /dev/sdb1        /media/SATAVISTA ntfs auto,ro,users 0   ---  is my entry to automount a ntfs drive so i have access to my windows mp3 files16:32
Dr_Willisbumbl3b33,  thats the core of the problem. :)16:32
BCM43bumbl3b33: i cat be hard, but just follow the steps exactly and you will be fine16:32
LimCoreis it just me, or does ubuntu failt to use k8 powersaving?16:32
empty_LimCore: i remember reading a way to fix it16:32
empty_LimCore: i forget now tho16:33
unavailableive read online that if youre using dd-wrt v24 micro and if theres an  '  in the ssid you want to connect to, you wont be able to click the "join" button in the wireless site survey page..  would this issue have any relation to me not getting a dhcp assignment from a wrt using linksys fw?16:33
unavailablemy layout   http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v676/mgiacchetti/Diag.png16:33
bumbl3b33i know installing vmware is easy but i want a whole ubuntu sytem operates like win.16:33
unavailablei would really like to fix this because i dont want to have to deal with static ip's when "borrowing" internet from the college once i move16:33
user__should i put that at the end of the text?16:33
MolePrinceHowdy, I need to set up a server to connect my ethernet LAN on a switch over server's wifi to wifi modem in the next room.  WHat is the best way to do this please?16:33
daemon3I am really confused here.16:33
friede1what does the message : ALERT ! /DEV/disk/by-uuid..... does not exist. means? while booting16:33
empty_bumbl3b33 whats the problem? why cant you install ubuntu?16:33
bumbl3b33ill try custom kernel but i guess it wont be 100% like win..16:33
bumbl3b33i havent installed it yet..16:33
peppohi. I installed a new -rt kernel on my 8.04 system, and there didn't seem to be any prebuilt nvidia drivers for this kernel... options?16:34
bumbl3b33i will install it after i find the drivers for nix16:34
joe_chatDr_Willis:  i jus did a make xconfig in /usr/src/linux2.6.25.1 and be hardpressed to see what devices are not supported16:34
empty_bumbl3b33 so install it properly and see how it goes, ive had no problems to date that i couldnt find a solution for16:34
empty_bumbl3b33 what hardware in particular?16:34
bumbl3b33wireless to connect to my router for internet access16:34
user__ok i've saved it... now should i rebout to get the drive mounted?16:35
bumbl3b33dell wireless16:35
Dr_Willisjoe_chat,  go to a local store and pick out a wireless nic, or modem at random.... :)   it can be a gamble16:35
bumbl3b33i had this problem before on bact track16:35
empty_bumbl3b33 what model dell?16:35
bumbl3b33let me have a look a sec16:35
soulchildHi all, where do i have to set my default X Session (file ? ) ???16:35
joe_chatDr_Willis:  yup but if you know the chpiset you can do it16:35
pablohi, is there a msn that works for video conference and rings when somebody ping me? aMSN doenst do that16:36
Dr_Willisjoe_chat,  some drivers for some hardware - also have issues I have a wired NIC that has some big issues with the current drivers. :(16:36
Lipperhi ppl16:36
bumbl3b33dell wireless 1390 wlan mini-card16:36
joe_chatuser_ :  do            sudo fdsik -l16:37
aroI've completely removed and purged flashplugin-nonfree, how is Firefox still playing flash content?16:37
Dr_Willisjoe_chat,  - that reminds me of a few years back when  Some Nic Maker. changed the Chipset on their cards.. but dident  change the name of the NIC on the box. :)   So one box may be one card/chipset, and the next box may be a totally different card.16:37
empty_bumbl3b33 I dont think you will have any problems16:37
bumbl3b33yes definately16:37
user__/dev/sda5            1276        9728    67898691    7  HPFS/NTFS16:37
user__ 16:37
Lipperany tips or hints for running ubuntu 8.02 on my laptop. works very well till now, just asking for some optimazation16:37
user__that's the one16:37
bumbl3b33it wont see the eth1 or eth0 usually16:37
empty_bumbl3b33 so you've tried it on ubuntu?16:37
chalcedonyin xsane, it closed my preview window *poof* instantly, i upgraded to hardy, ALL of the settings are DIFFERENT, i can't find anything that says 'open window' ??16:38
daemon3Anyone know how to configure bluetooth for Linux?16:38
bumbl3b33nope i tried it on a different linux16:38
empty_bumbl3b33 Ubuntu 8.04 is a step ahead of probably most things youve tried16:38
joe_chatDr_Willis:  ubuntu is on 2.6.24-19   kernel org is on more hardware all the time as well as fixes16:38
aroI've completely removed and purged flashplugin-nonfree, how is Firefox still playing flash content?16:38
empty_bumb3b33 and i dont say that lightly16:38
senyoxj/ #linuxac16:38
LimCoreboy, ubuntu really fails at supporting CPUs16:38
Dr_Willisjoe_chat,  yep. thats how linux works..16:39
BCM43!bluetooth | daemon316:39
ubottudaemon3: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup16:39
bumbl3b33will it have that device in its drivers?16:39
user__i wrote this in etc/fstab ....  /dev/sda5       /media/sda5     auto    rw,user,noauto,exec 016:39
LimCorelike 5 reports about broken cpu scalling, plus one mine sigh16:39
daemon3BCM43: Already looked at that.  It didn't help.16:39
joe_chatDr_Willis:   or buy a new card but look at the support list16:39
empty_bumbl3b33 is it a laptop?16:39
BCM43daemon3: what was wrong with it?16:39
glufaceWhat kind of % performance increase can i expect by compiling my own kernel with support for only what i need?16:39
Lipperany tips or hints for running ubuntu 8.02 on my laptop. works very well till now, just asking for some optimazation16:39
clintchanceWhich diskformat wil give me more space? Ext3 or NSTF16:39
bumbl3b33yes it is a dell inspiron 152016:39
Dr_Willisjoe_chat,  hard to do that at times. :)16:39
empty_bumbl3b33 1 sec16:39
user__ok i've done it16:39
user__thak you guys16:40
_jasongluface: try it, I bet you won't notice16:40
user__now i'll try with some mp3's16:40
Dr_Willisgluface,  proberly not much.16:40
bumbl3b33i looked on dells website for linux drivers but there is not alot16:40
BCM43daemon3: wow, that is only for Gutsy. Ill get somone to update that16:40
empty_bumbl3b33 here is all you need http://www.linlap.com/wiki/Dell+Inspiron+152016:40
tuxboy666is there any way to install an older ATI driver in hardy? 8.35.x-8.39.x is the only versions of fglrx that work with my card16:40
=== _jason is now known as jrib
daemon3BCM43: Oh, wrong docs.  But I've had a little trouble making hciconfig -a say something (I have bluetooth, but Linux doesn't think so).16:40
Dr_Willisbumbl3b33,  i belive dell includes their own tweaked ubuntu on theur laptops16:40
empty_bumbl3b33 according to that, ipw3945 driver is all you need16:41
joe_chatuser_ :  make sure there is a mount directory setup in /media corresponding to /media/sda5 but id name it something more meaningfull and edit fstab16:41
BCM43daemon3: what computer?16:41
bumbl3b33thanx alot i can have a look now16:41
Lipperany tips or hints for running ubuntu 8.02 on my laptop. works very well till now, just asking for some optimazation16:41
bumbl3b33ill be back later for more anlysis16:41
empty_Lipper, whats the problem?16:41
joe_chatuser_ :  rw is risky sometimes in ntfs16:41
jribLipper: the developers make it the best they can when they create it, this isn't windows16:42
BCM43Lipper: if you are not having trouble, this is the wrong channel. Try ubuntu-offtopic16:42
Lipperemty_: no problems till now, just asking for some tips off making it better than it is :)16:42
=== hooey is now known as coldboot|home
daemon3I don't have bluez-utils in /etc/init.d/ :(16:42
chalcedonyi upgraded to Hardy, my xsane (image scanner) is all different. WHERE can i get help?16:42
tuxboy666Never enable rw for writing to Windoze partitions16:42
daemon3Ah, I read the note. :)16:42
BCM43chalcedony: right here16:42
jribchalcedony: here, just ask a detailed question16:42
coldboot|homeDoes anyone know of a good RF remote to use with Linux?16:42
empty_Lipper: install Compiz-manager, install AWN, install a bunch of Screenlets, and enjoy pretty Liux16:42
coldboot|homeMost of what's on the market is too expensive, or doesn't have many buttons on the remote.16:42
coldboot|homeOr they're shitty IR remotes.16:42
user__joe_chat what should i put there?16:42
Lipperempty: thanks thats what im searching for16:43
user__instead of rw?16:43
tuxboy666seems noone likes to talk about fglrx16:43
bazhang_no cursing coldboot|home16:43
empty_Lipper: AWN = Avant Window Navigator16:43
user__i want to be able to modify the contents on that partition16:43
coldboot|homeDoes anyone here actualy use a remote control with their computer?16:43
empty_Lipper: theres a couple tutorials out there16:43
joe_chatuser_ :  make sure partition type is set correctly16:43
geoffmccanyone have troubles on a laptop w/ touchpad. After long time idle pointer dissapears.16:43
Billoutre-FRhow can i use logitech MX518 mouse's side buttos on Hardy Heron ?16:43
joe_chatuser_ :  i did two /media/windowsxp and /media/vista16:43
Dr_Williscoldboot|home,  i used to use the hauppage one that came ith my tv tuner card.16:43
BCM43!mouse | Billoutre-FR16:43
ubottuBilloutre-FR: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto16:43
joe_chatuser_ :  fstab llooks identicle16:44
user__looks like this now --- /dev/sda5       /media/sda5     ntfs    rw,user,noauto,exec 016:44
daemon3I read documentation on my computer and it sais that I have bluetooth capability, but hcitools say that I don't.  Help, please. :D16:44
tuxboy666but anyways, I would appreciate your effort if someone can tell me the easiest way for me. I know how to compile a kernel, if I need to16:44
joe_chatuser_ :  i do ro as a matter of habit16:44
coldboot|homeDr_Willis: Is it Radio Freq or Infra-Red?16:44
BCM43coldboot|home: he said rf16:44
z3pxanyone have a pair of microsoft usb headphones?16:44
tuxboy666I have an ATI Radeon X1950 PRO. Only fglrx 8.35.x-8.39.x have ever worked with this card on any tested machibne. Is there any easy way I can get one of those versions to install? Current versions give me a black screen.16:44
user__what's the difference between rw and ro?16:44
Dr_Williscoldboot|home,  ir: i belive since the card also has a gizmo/cord for controlling other remote devices.16:44
incorrecti am running a gaming server,  I would like to allow users to upload new content,  I was thinking about a web based file manager16:45
jribuser__: read-write and read-only16:45
incorrectdoes anyone know of one?16:45
joe_chatuser_ :  my structure is ntfs16:45
joe_chatuser_ :  sudo fstab -l will tell u what to do16:45
bhchow to create small video tutorial on ubuntu, i use instant demo on windows xp16:45
jaggy hey, how do i install restricted drivers, i use fluxbox...16:45
coldboot|homeDr_Willis: I wonder why anyone makes IR remotes anymore.16:45
jrib!screencast > bhc (read the private message from ubottu)16:46
tuxboy666I almost think I'd be better selling this ATI card16:46
joe_chatuser_ :  if u change fstab id make sure u unmount what u did before16:46
user__fstab command not found16:46
tuxboy666it seems to be more trouble on new distros, not less16:46
LimCorebhc: if X is working etc, then:  recordmydesktop (and  recordmydesktop  but it is fucked up in ubuntu 8.04)16:46
rincewindnicserv identify <Pazusu>16:46
jribrincewind: use. a. server. window.16:46
Dr_Williscoldboot|home,  because they are cheap, and decently reliable..   and with my card/gizmos the computer can controll the other IR devices  as needed.16:47
tuxboy666can anyone show me a guide to installing fglrx 8.3x.x on Hardy? New versions don't work16:47
LimCorebhc: if X is working etc, then:  recordmydesktop (and  krecordmydesktop - kde version -  but it is broken in ubuntu 8.04)16:47
host_en q sala pueden darme de windows16:48
host_por favor16:48
popey!es | host_16:48
ubottuhost_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:48
jpds!es | host_16:48
daemon3Why is it that hciconfig doesn't report that I have bluetooth?  I'm 100% sure I have bluetooth capability on my laptop.16:48
coldboot|homeDr_Willis: Are RF remotes not cheap or something? I imagine the technology is just as inexpensive.16:48
popeydaemon3: is there a soft switch to turn it on? Fn+FX for example?16:48
tuxboy666can anyone show me a guide to installing fglrx 8.3x.x on Hardy? New versions don't work16:48
daemon3Yes.  I do have it turned on.16:49
aroI've completely removed and purged flashplugin-nonfree, how is Firefox still playing flash content?16:49
Dr_Williscoldboot|home,  no idea. I dont have a single rf remote in the house.    I imagine the FCC rules for htem may be a little differnt also.16:49
jribaro: with gnash maybe?16:49
tuxboy666because Firefox can install it on its own? Just derlete it from plugins folder16:49
arojrib, gnash is not installed either.16:50
arotuxboy666, wouldn't it ask me first?16:50
jribaro: have you restarted firefox since purging it?16:50
tuxboy666generallyu but did you happen to hit it say agaes ago16:50
arojrib, yes, multiple times.16:50
tuxboy666before you installed the package?16:50
arotuxboy666, possibly, I'll check the plugin folder.16:50
bazhang_!fr | gilles16:51
ubottugilles: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr16:51
gillesok merci16:51
user__meh now it's not working anymore :(16:51
tuxboy666in fact it is my experience the package does not work in Firefox, only the one it downloads does16:51
tuxboy666(though the package works for konqueror)16:52
AdministratorOK, I'm about to wipe my computer and switch to Hardy-only. If I have nothing on my computer, do I just click "largest available free space16:52
el_tejedorhello everyone16:53
skype-bridgeamit most irsz a bekerul IRC-be16:53
bazhang_Administrator, yes16:53
benzs_snoob question: what's the name of the drive management program (formatting etc)?16:53
=== linux_ is now known as linux_User
bazhang_benzs_s, gparted16:53
tuxboy666can anyone show me a guide to installing fglrx 8.3x.x on Hardy? New versions don't work16:53
skype-bridgezsír :D16:53
benzs_sbazhang_: that's the one, thanks16:53
skype-bridgenah jolvan :D16:54
skype-bridgenah jolvan :D16:54
FloodBot1skype-bridge: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:54
skype-bridgeírj még valamit16:54
skype-bridgemi a helyzet?16:54
LimCoreskype-bridge: what are you doing?16:54
skype-bridgemükszik végre?16:54
skype-bridgemükszik végre?16:54
FloodBot1skype-bridge: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:54
gorg_trouble with my flash-player for for example videos in youtube. (firefox) -any ideas?16:55
Administratorgreat, thanks bazhang. Sorry for the user name, I'm logged in from windows and I forgot to change it before I logged on.16:55
tuxboy666delete the plugin from Firefox profile and let Firefox reinstall?16:55
el_tejedorI want to make a image of my windows partition for backup purposes, i couldn't find a adequate  tool for windows so i thought that there could be a solution in ubuntu ... (which i could backup then too :D) can anyone give a a adice which program to use ?16:55
tuxboy666disable direct rendering in Flash options, it tends to cause a few some issues and does no good from what I see16:55
daemon3Maybe I need to use ndiswrapper for bluetooth?16:56
Desmond-Is there a way to show minimized windows some other way than ugly icons in switchers?16:56
elecwhat is the cycle for kernel releases and ubuntu. more specifically how can i figure out the roadmap of a particular kernel and its integration into ubuntu? does it happen with every offical release (every 6 months), sooner? later?16:56
rootyrootyHi, I hae an old  (Windows  98 I assume) floppyy, how do I get Ubuntu to read it? /Hardy16:56
daemon3Desmond-: Right click on the top window bar and select "Minmize"16:56
daemon3...or click down on the taskbar.16:56
tuxboy666does it appear in /media?16:56
tuxboy666I would think it should16:57
tuxboy666unless your kernel doesn't have floppy module16:57
Desmond-No, I mean when I use a switcher.. Ring Switcher for example.. minimized windows show up as program icons16:57
Desmond-Like 32x32 scaled up and they look ugly16:58
tuxboy666anyways, post my question once more16:58
tuxboy666can anyone show me a guide to installing fglrx 8.3x.x on Hardy? New versions don't work16:58
=== K_Holtz is now known as K^Holtz
tuxboy666guys, I am a gamer. Can someone please tell me my options, short of buying a new gfx card?16:59
elecwhat is the cycle for kernel releases and ubuntu. more specifically how can i figure out the roadmap of a particular kernel and its integration into ubuntu? does it happen with every offical release (every 6 months), sooner? later?16:59
bazhang_tuxboy666, you have the file? there should be a readme of some sort in there to install it17:00
bazhang_Desmond-, perhaps ask in #compiz17:00
tuxboy666but the kernel version and xorg version not compatible17:00
tuxboy666too new17:00
jribelec: search wiki.ubuntu.com for the intrepid roadmap17:00
K^Holtzdoes anyone know why CTRL+ALT+BKSPC is not restarting X for me?17:00
TechiedragonI am having a problem getting my wireless card working... whenever I run wpa_cli I get "could not connect to wpa_supplicant"17:00
user__when i try to force the mount i get this : sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda5 /media/sda5 -o force17:00
user__$LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 0)17:00
user__WARNING: Forced mount, reset $LogFile.17:00
bazhang_tuxboy666, not sure then; you might consider trying an earlier kernel (if you still have one)17:01
Smithhello, where can I find the file for mouse setting17:01
tuxboy666I do, but how much surgery is downgrading xorg? these versions only work in up to 7.217:01
pablodoes anybody knows the pgm called kopete?17:01
Desmond-I'll try that17:01
tuxboy666besides, I have compiled hundreds of kernels over my lifetime :D17:01
tuxboy666I'm not worried about that17:01
gorg_tuxboy666: i'm stuck, how do i disable automatic rendering, or how do i delete the plugin from firefox profile and then let firefox reinstall?17:02
bazhang_tuxboy666, dont know much about ati; used envyng-gtk to get my nvidia working though17:02
tuxboy666lety me check because it was simple but been a while 1 sec17:02
Smithtuxboy where can I edit this xorg17:02
bazhang_pablo, sure what is the issue17:02
pabloSmith: yes, its something similar to amsn17:02
pablobazhang_: i have ubuntu, and that seems to wok in kubuntu, should i install it?17:03
pablobazhang_: i want a msn to videoconference17:03
bazhang_pablo, sure you can use kde stuff in gnome no worries17:03
tuxboy666the flash plugin should be there17:03
elecjrib: ok, so i found the intrepid release schedule, so i guess you're saying that there are not kernel upgrades between releases?17:03
Uplinkwhat is the kernel?17:03
empty_pablo: to get aMSN to video/audio, you will need some plugins, I forget what they are called tho, do a google search17:03
Uplinkhow does linux work?17:03
pablobazhang_: the install seems to take forever, is it becaus install too much crap?17:03
empty_pablo: instructions are on their wiki i think17:04
pabloempty_: kool i will take a look17:04
jribelec: well that gives you KernelFreeze anyway.  The Kernel team has some wiki pages too17:04
tuxboy666how does it work? better than windoze but for devices, but really, it's just a kernel that runs things17:04
bazhang_pablo, there will be some kdelibs yes17:04
socommUplink, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_(computer_science)17:04
tuxboy666thenh you select your OS on top of it for interface17:04
Uplinktuxboy666, thats true17:04
rootyrootyHi, I hae an old  (Windows  98 I assume) floppyy, how do I get Ubuntu to read it? /Hardy17:04
jribelec: ah, I see what you are asking now.  I don't know the answer to that17:04
Smithwhere can I edit this xorg file so I can use mouse buttons17:05
jribelec: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/UDS/May2008 maybe17:05
Smithnvm got it17:05
bazhang_Smith, which mouse17:05
tuxboy666ok guys, ATI has finally p***ed me off. How much do I need to spend on a good gaming NVidia card for today's nix games, would you say?17:05
Smithi have a logitech17:05
bazhang_tuxboy666, try envyng-gtk first17:05
user__anyone here uses garena to play warcraft 3?17:06
frojndI'm seeking for hardware support list ?17:06
tuxboy666hmm I'll google it17:06
bazhang_!hcl | frojnd17:06
ubottufrojnd: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection17:06
chalcedonyi upgraded to Hardy, my xsane (image scanner) seems very different. I opened it17:06
chalcedonyand the preview window closed by itself. I can't find where i used to click to r17:06
chalcedonyeopen it. File, Preferences, View, Help - are not the same contents. I don't rem17:06
chalcedonyember what resolution settings i had, but they are gone.17:06
bazhang_!info envyng-gtk | tuxboy66617:07
ubottutuxboy666: envyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 93 kB, installed size 324 kB17:07
Luxx16126Can "3D Sound Blaster Pro compatible sound 16 bit integrated" play Logitech Z5500 Speakers????? Thank you17:07
elecjrib: ok, thanks anyway.. im just trying to figure out if its worthwhile for me to hold out until a new release, or just upgrade it myself, however it seems like its frowned upon to upgrade your kernel yourself as it may have adverse effects on some of the packages or whatever...17:07
tuxboy666will give it a shot but I actually tried the new drivers with same method on diff card and it worked17:07
Uplinkoh so that what does the kernel do! i see :D17:07
gorg_tuxboy666: in /home/user/.mozilla/ i've only got firefox or extension folders17:07
tuxboy666seems to be my card hates the new drivers17:07
tuxboy666hmm odd, that's where my libflash.cso is17:08
jribelec: meh, if you feel you need a new kernel version, install it.  It won't mess with anything, just keep the old one around17:08
darklingduck_Hello, I am still trying to learn Linux how do I install from a Tar.GZ?  I am running Ubuntu.17:08
tuxboy666have you used another user on your pc?17:08
GNU_DHi, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 8.04 64 bit from live cd, but the partitions are ntfs and the one that I need to resize can't be resized due an error, I tried to check it it fails, sata anyway, what to do ?17:08
jrib!kernel > elec (read the private message from ubottu)17:08
tuxboy666it might be in his folder too17:08
jribelec: that tells you how to create a package etc..17:08
gorg_just removed kubuntu17:08
elecjrib, thanks17:09
glufaceDr_Willis: what about size and thus boot speed? Any significant boot time decrease?17:09
Uplinkand whats the difference between the linux kernel and windows kernel?17:09
el_tejedo1hello, does anyone know how i can make a backup image of my hard drive ?17:09
YukaiI just reinstalled ubuntu with the latest 8.04 But now I won't get any sound on YouTube17:10
empty_gorg_: your back, howd it go?17:10
chalcedonyi upgraded to Hardy, (from Feisty) my xsane (image scanner) seems very different. where can i get help?17:10
tuxboy666seems hardy is the mopst troublesome version for awhile. I been using Kubuntu since hoary. No major issues17:10
chalcedonytuxboy666: mmmm17:10
bazhang_Uplink, that might be better addressed elsewhere17:10
Uplinkok =[17:10
gorg_empt_: hi, with the kubuntu removal? just fine i think. but prior to the kubuntu removal i had the same flash issue as i do now17:11
chalcedonytuxboy666: i think there are a lot more people upgrading today than there ever were before17:11
gorg_empty_: look up :)17:11
el_tejedo1hello can anyone tell me how to make a backup - image of my harddrive with hardy ?17:11
pabloempty_: do u remember the site, since i look and tere is too many crap17:11
tuxboy666yeah but I have hardy issues too, but was flawless(almost) through Gutsy17:11
YukaiIf I switch the chord to my other soundcard, the sound on YouTube works.17:12
YukaiWhy is that?17:12
bazhang_el_tejedo1, for what purpose? could you clarify please17:12
Dr_Willisgluface,  with mondern machines - i doubt if it will be an issue or noticeable.17:12
GNU_DI'm getting this error http://pastebin.com/d6a47228b after trying to resize one ntfs partition.17:13
Smithhow do i edit the xorg.conf file17:13
ErosionSmith: nano xorg.conf?17:13
bazhang_Smith, which mouse17:13
user__where can i get wine 1.0 - or the latest?17:13
el_tejedo1bazhang_:i got a windows system on my other harddrive and i'm tired of reinstalling everything once in a while so i thoght why not make the image with my ubuntu system17:13
Smithi have a logitech17:13
bazhang_Smith, exact model please17:14
tuxboy666wine I recommend compiling anyways17:14
Smithhow can i find out17:14
bazhang_Smith, look at the bottom of the mouse17:14
Smithit does not have a "name"17:15
kesarais it possible to boot from ubuntu 7.04 and install new release over network?17:15
user__i've got wine 0.9.59 installed should i uninstall and then install the new one? or will it update?17:15
bazhang_el_tejedo1, an image of windows? using ubuntu apps? is that what you are trying to do17:15
Smithunless Logitech Laser is the correct name17:15
user__kesara i just did that17:15
LimCoreuser__: ubuntu always updates17:15
kesarauser__: ok17:15
LimCoreuser__: if you installed original version normally using synaptic/aptitude/apt-get/et17:15
kesarauser__: thx for the info17:15
tech0007!wine | user17:16
ubottuuser: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.17:16
osmosis_I broke my munin server install by  rm -rf /var/lib/munin/*   Now my munin-update.log says    ERROR: Could not rename file: No such file or directory.   Any ideas?  Can i use apt-get to reload the default files or something?17:16
rootyrootyHi, I hae an old  (Windows  98 I assume) floppyy, how do I get Ubuntu to read it? /Hardy17:16
gorg_tuxboy666: i remember i put a libflashplayer.so in /home/user/.netscape/     ...but it s not this u mean right?17:16
empty_rootyrooty: you mount it like any other floppy17:16
tuxboy666hmmm xorg-driver-fglrx-dev ired...installing it says17:16
el_tejedo2bazhang_:sorry my connection was interrupted could you tell me again (if you already have)17:16
tuxboy666probably a plugin for netscape17:16
tuxboy666but Firefox usually has its own17:17
gorg_holey moses17:17
ActionParsniphey all17:17
ActionParsniphow can i install the gnome account management app please?17:17
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RafaelSantiago;j ubuntu-br17:17
Smithbazhang you there?17:18
rootyrootyempty_ I shall try, thought it was17:18
tuxboy666ok EnvyNQ wants me to restart. Wish me luck on no black screen17:18
Smithhow can i edit the xorg.conf file?17:19
YukaiWhy does rythmbox use the correct soundcard, but YouTube does not?17:19
ActionParsnipSmith: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:19
=== Guest14718 is now known as pleasurebisub
tech0007Smith: make a backup first, then 'sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf'17:19
vinay#tvhelp channel17:20
wabashanyone here use SCIM for Japanese?17:20
sunxwhat could give input/output error during installion of ubuntu17:20
Smithwhat doe this mean      "Emulate3Buttons""true"17:20
ZimtsternI registered at the forum, I received an email to activate my account ... I followed the link... obviously activated the acc... but now I cant log in17:20
SmithI need to tell it I have 7 buttons17:21
rootyrootyempty_ it says "can't mount file"17:21
yoyoma#change name17:21
Zimtsternit says that the account has been activated17:21
bazhang_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=684843 Smith look here17:21
Zimtsternbut nothing else happens :|17:21
K^Holtzi cant get the Mitsubishi site to load up for me, is there some specific script i need to get it to work? http://www.mitsucars.com/MMNA/jsp/evo/08/index.do?loc=en-us17:21
=== tshine|afk is now known as tshine
Zimtsternany1 can help me?17:21
Zimtsternthanks :)17:21
sunxzimstern: did you enter the pasword with INDENTIFY17:22
Zimtsternwell... ehrm.. i got no clue ;)17:22
itradeЕсть русскоязычные? Помогите wifi на acer 422017:22
bazhang_!ru | itrade17:22
ubottuitrade: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:22
bazhang_!es | krawler17:23
ubottukrawler: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:23
lakcajIs it possible to d/l an install CD/DVD that is a snapshot of ubuntu with all the current updates (kernel especially).  I'm running into an issue where I'm dropped into busybox after installing, and I think it's a kernel issue, so I'd like to install with the most recent kernel.17:23
ZimtsternSunx would you mind if i private msg you?17:23
Smithit didn't work17:23
Stormcr0wHello all. I am getting an error message when trying to delete a picture through the Eye of Gnome.17:24
andrew__http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=828754 <-- If anyone can help me out it would be much appreciated.17:24
Leafwhi all17:24
bazhang_Smith, what did not work17:24
Stormcr0wError on deleting ....17:24
Leafwis it possible to get a .deb package for edgy ?17:24
Stormcr0wCouldn't access the deleted items folder17:24
Stormcr0wAny ideas?17:24
Leafwis there a server that still has such packages?17:24
osmosis_I broke my munin server install by  rm -rf /var/lib/munin/*   Now my munin-update.log says    ERROR: Could not rename file: No such file or directory.   Any ideas?  Can i use apt-get to reload the default files or something?17:25
pascalehello!pls help.i want to install messenger17:25
lakcajLeafw, try http://www.apt-get.org/17:25
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rubixmasterharsh are u there17:26
linux_Userhi all, i have  a problem, i am using pidgin 2.4.1 on ubuntu 8.04. It does not show me my email box status and when new mail is received. Please any body could help.17:26
Smithbazhang, the side buttons to go back and forward still arent working, btw this is a wired mouse17:26
rootyrootyHi, I hae an old  (Windows  98 I assume) floppyy, how do I get Ubuntu to read it? /Hardy17:26
bazhang_Smith, well you need to find the exact model name to get any real help; just saying logitech is too vague really17:26
rootyrootyHi, I have an old  (Windows  98 I assume) floppy, how do I get Ubuntu to read it? /Hardy17:26
bazhang_rootyrooty, tried inserting in floppy drive?17:27
osmosis_rootyrooty: mount should work17:27
Stormcr0wHello all. I have an Eye of Gnome issue... any ideas?17:27
Dr_Willisrootyrooty,  pop it in..  and mount it. :) it may even show up in the computer:// area17:27
sunxZimstern: identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>17:27
rootyrootyall: It says can't read file system. I have tried sudo mount -a17:27
Smithlogitech m40017:28
user__can i start a .exe aplication with wine and install it on my ntfs partition?17:28
Dr_Willisrootyrooty,  thats not the command to mount a floppy.17:28
=== Thehound is now known as tuxboy666
linux_Userhi all, i have  a problem, i am using pidgin 2.4.1 on ubuntu 8.04. It does not show me my email box status and when new mail is received. Please any body could help.17:28
rootyrootyDr_Willis Ah!17:28
tuxboy666ok guys, I used envyNG but my pc doesn't seem to be using the ati driver in glxinfo17:28
tuxboy666how do I change that with new xserver?17:29
user__can i start a .exe aplication with wine and install it on my ntfs partition?17:29
Dr_Willisrootyrooty,  that scans fstab and auto mounts all  entries  :)17:29
rootyrootyDr_Willis Ah! Ha. I'm googing an answer now.17:29
linux_Userhi all, i have  a problem, i am using pidgin 2.4.1 on ubuntu 8.04. It does not show me my email box status and when new mail is received. Please any body could help.17:29
tech0007rootyrooty: paste the output of 'tail /var/log/messages' after you tried to mount the floppy17:29
rootyrootytach0007 ok. am doing17:30
tuxboy666anyone? How do I specify the driver i want to use with the new version of X17:30
rootyrootytech0007 ok. am doing17:30
tuxboy666it used to be xorg.conf17:30
Dr_Willisrootyrooty,  'sudo mount -t fat  /dev/WHATEVER /media/MAKE_A_DIR_TO_MOUNT_TO'  (or similer command)17:31
Dr_Willisrootyrooty,  :) I dotn have a sigle pc with a floppy drive any more.. so cant tell ya more17:31
tuxboy666does anyone know how to specify fglrx to be used be the X server?17:32
rootyrootyDr_Willis: In my defense, it's actually my disk, i'm doing this for a friend. When I get it mounted, the dust may be the next problem to overcome:P17:32
Stormcr0wHello all! Could someone help me with an Eye of Gnome issue? Unable to delete pictures17:32
panosruhello i got a problem, i have to hard drives for storage but everytime i boot my ubuntu i need to mount them, i don't know why this happen but i remember that i never had to mount them they just automounted at startup.17:32
Smithhow do I reload the xorg.conf file so it becomes the original17:32
tech0007Stormcr0w: whats the error when you try to delete one17:32
Smithautoupdate or something17:33
tuxboy666I don't even know if xorg.conf does anything anymore17:33
tuxboy666I experimented and managed to start with a blank one17:33
tech0007tuxboy666: it does, only if you need to tweak your X17:33
Dr_Willisrootyrooty,   Yep. and the age.. and the heat.17:33
W0rmDrinkhow do i set xterm width and height ?17:33
Stormcr0wtech0007: "Error on deleting file.jpg". Couldn't access the deleted items folder.17:33
tuxboy666so ok tech0007 how do I enable fglrx in hardy?17:34
tuxboy666it keeps using the vesa driver17:34
Dr_WillisW0rmDrink,  at launch? or later?17:34
rootyrootyDr_Willis: How do I get the /dev/WHATEVER location pls?17:34
tech0007tuxboy666: i dont have an ati, i managed to get xorg.conf work for me coz i have openchrome17:34
rootyrootytech0007: What is tail in /var/log pls?17:34
Dr_Willisrootyrooty,  look in /dev/ for somthing that seems like a flopppy. No idea what its called now a days. it may be /dev/floppy17:34
tech0007Stormcr0w: where is that jpg located?17:35
tuxboy666it's not really an ati issue tech0007 I just want to know how to tell a new X version what driver I want17:35
Dr_WilliserUSUL,  no nice soft link to a better name eh? :)17:35
tuxboy666I used to know but this is changing too fast17:35
erUSULDr_Willis: not in my system ;P17:35
bazhang_Stormcr0w, just delete from folder it is in17:35
Oli````Anyone know how to convert an Amarok database for use in Banshee? I don't want to lose all my ratings >_<17:36
Stormcr0wtech0007: it is located on an ntfs drive. I can delete anything manually from that drive using nautilus.17:36
tech0007tuxboy666: i simply added openchrome as 'Driver' under 'Device' section17:36
tuxboy666ok I'll try it17:36
Stormcr0wtech0007: I have a same kind of message from Gwenview. Could it be that something has messed up the location of the trashcan?17:36
Zerikai have a problem with my pc boot menu17:36
tech0007Stormcr0w: do u have r/w access on that ntfs?17:37
Zerikai have XP and ubuntu dual booted and i can't boot into xp.17:38
gmenelaui am looking for Medical Calendar can someone help pls ?17:38
Stormcr0wtech0007: When I try to delete directly by selecting the icon, the message is: cannot move file to the Deleted items folder. Do you want to delete permanently?17:38
bazhang_Zerika, which installed first17:38
Stormcr0wtech0007: If I click yes, then the file gets deleted17:38
bazhang_Zerika, does grub not show xp?17:38
m_newtonHow do open a new window17:38
jribm_newton: in what application?17:38
m_newtonto chat with someone17:39
Zerikasorry i'm new to linux and all..17:39
bazhang_m_newton, /msg17:39
CRASH69is there vmware in the repositories? I dont see it in add/remove, sinaptic17:39
johnnypeaI want to install one package manually, but when I write "make" it shows: "make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop."17:39
=== Shin is now known as Shinobu_Tarmann
bazhang_johnnypea, what package17:39
Zerikathe boot menu shows up, but i can't boot into windows17:39
Zerikait starts to load then restarts17:40
m_newtonbazhang_, It didnt open it, i just sent a private  msg17:40
johnnypeabazhang_: music-applet-2.4.017:40
tuxboy666ok me xorg.conf does say fglrx17:40
tuxboy666but no hw acce3leration17:40
xuniluxhas anyone heard of drawball?17:40
bazhang_m_newton, /msg nick you need to be registered17:40
tech0007!trash | Stormcr0w17:40
ubottuStormcr0w: The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash17:40
m_newtonbazhang_, i am17:40
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johnnypeabazhang_: there is a package in synapthic but it is an old version and I want this one17:40
m_newtonAny one have a link to makefusion ????17:41
Smithbazhang:  I am going to use this, and I think it will work  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=272702517:41
Stormcr0wtech0007: Does this mean that Nautilus and Eye of Gnome do not know about it?17:41
bazhang_johnnypea, you want to compile? install build-essential17:41
Stormcr0wtech0007: the change I mean17:42
rootyrootyak. what is floppy called in hardy pls?17:42
tech0007Stormcr0w:  both programs should, im not sure w/ ntfs partitions17:42
bazhang_fd0 rootyrooty17:42
johnnypeabazhang_: sorry, I do not understand...17:42
tuxboy666restricted-manager doing this to me17:42
johnnypeabazhang_: I want to just install that package17:42
rootyrootybazhang_ Thanks!17:43
bazhang_johnnypea, it should have a readme file17:43
m_newtonhala peno pepa time17:43
m_newton!google hala peno pepa time17:43
ubottum_newton: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:43
bazhang_!fishing | m_newton17:43
ubottum_newton: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.17:43
Smithnew topic:  is there anyway to make a cool animation when loading like this http://youtube.com/watch?v=2rlIpwN5stg17:43
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
TucciI can't seem to connect to a wireless network through WEP - the little bars fill up as though it connected, but it just asks me for a password again after a few minutes. Can anyone help?17:44
Zerikai was trying to get world of warcraft to play under ubuntu, but it froze and i had to restart manualy, and ever since then i couldn't boot xp.17:44
johnnypeabazhang_:yes,it does, but it is not working, because when I write "make" as it says it gives me  "make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop."17:44
Bl4ckcombI've just read about the "possible" head parking problem (for hdd's) Is that only the case for laptop hdd's or for all machines?17:45
Smithmy sound isnt working17:45
rootyrootyHi, "sudo mount -t vfat  /dev/fd0 /media" isn't mounting my floppy which I want to copy. Any advice please?17:45
Smithit was working last night17:45
rootyrootyI says17:45
Daisuke_LaptopBl4ckcomb: from what i understand, it's for all machines, but laptops are more susceptible for whatever reason17:45
ActionParsnipyo yo yo]17:45
=== benzs_s is now known as benzss
m_newtonSmith, ya17:45
rootyrootyHi, "sudo mount -t vfat  /dev/fd0 /media" isn't mounting my floppy which I want to copy. Any advice please? Nautilus tells me"Can't mount file".17:45
tech0007rootyrooty: run this on terminal 'tail /var/log/messages' then paste it to paste.ubuntu.com17:45
rootyrootytech0007 ok.17:46
m_newtonSmith, ok, all you need to do is change the screensaver17:46
ActionParsniprootyrooty: try making a folder in /media and mount to that17:46
tech0007rootyrooty: im guessing your floppy's gone bad17:46
FunnyLookinHatHow do I find out what device my USB drive is registering as on teh system?  I need to manually mount it but don't know it's /dev/ location17:46
ActionParsnipsudo mkdir /media/floppy; sudo mount /dev/fdo /media/floppy17:46
Bl4ckcombok Daisuke_Laptop , and how big is the chanse that there is actually a problem (in my case smartctl measures 900K cycles), but it's also known that the program isn't right in all cases17:46
m_newtonSmith, then you need to have audacity make the voice and dub it in17:46
m_newtonSmith, Finally put it all together to get the log in effect17:47
Daisuke_LaptopBl4ckcomb: that much i don't know, i've only heard a little bit about the issue17:47
Stormcr0wtech0007: Ok, I moved all the files to a home folder subfolder and now Eye of Gnome works fine. Do you think this is a bug to be reported about ntfs drives/drivers?17:47
Bl4ckcombk than thx17:47
rootyrootytech0007 http://paste.ubuntu.com/20176/17:47
TucciI can't seem to connect to a wireless network through WEP - the little bars fill up as though it connected, but it just asks me for a password again after a few minutes. Can anyone help?17:47
tech0007Stormcr0w: its working as designed, its just that ntfs r/w is still not smooth17:47
Zerikacan someone help me?17:47
duckamukanyone else having issues with FF3 saving bookmarks?17:47
xhunter75hi all17:48
rootyrootyActionParsnip: am trying too17:48
Stormcr0wtech0007: so, an enhancement, then?17:48
tech0007Stormcr0w: yup17:48
ActionParsniprootyrooty: i dont think you mount to /media, you mount to a folder in the /media folder17:48
FunnyLookinHatHow do I find out what my USB device is on the system?  /dev/???17:48
tuxboy666ok guys I got fglrx module to finally load via modprobe. See if a reboot will finish this deal. brb17:49
tech0007rootyrooty: didnt get what we're looking for...run this on terminal 'sudo mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0' then paste the output17:49
Uplinkhow come there are no viruses on linux?17:49
Bl4ckcombthere are viruses on linux17:49
ActionParsnipUplink: there are17:50
tech0007FunnyLookinHat: usually the 1st usb drive goes to /dev/sdb17:50
spideymanyeah like 4 or something17:50
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2117:50
Uplinkit says there arent on that article17:50
rootyrootytech0007 Taggart-Transport:/media$ sudo mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0           mount: mount point /media/floppy0 does not exist17:50
tuxboy666there are viruses, but they are hjarder to execute and hardly worthwhile to write for most instances17:50
rootyrootytech0007 easy fix17:50
Uplinki see17:50
tech0007rootyrooty: 'sudo mkdir /media/floppy0'17:50
Smithmy sound was working last night, but isnt now, what could be the problem17:50
spideymanthere mostly written just to see if it can be done17:50
spideymanor testing purposes17:51
ActionParsnipUplink: its just due to the user model of linux, if you got a virus, the virus would only inherit the access rights of the logged in user. This restricts access greatly unless you are one of these retards who logs in as root17:51
Uplinklol ActionParsnip17:51
tuxboy666also you don't have a huge spyware known as the registry. All is done through individual config files in nix17:51
tuxboy666makes it harder for virus writers17:51
rootyrootytech0007: i did that instantly after I pasted the error message   /embarrassed17:51
ActionParsnipUplink: seriously dude, people who log in as root deserve their systems to be compromised17:51
johnnypeapls what this one means: checking for headers required to compile python extensions... not found17:52
johnnypeaconfigure: error: could not find Python headers17:52
ActionParsnipUplink: they clearly dont understand systems17:52
ubottuFactoid byzanz not found17:52
tuxboy666lol Windows users do all the time because Bill don't make things run as a user lolz17:52
UplinkActionParsnip, lol... but what if the virus gains root access?17:52
Uplinklol tuxboy66617:52
Bl4ckcombActionParsnip, couldn't a virus force to get more rights if it attacks with a buffer overflow (hack) ?17:52
rootyrootytech0007: It mounts and is read! Thanks all for the help:DDD17:52
ActionParsnipUplink: pain, like windows virus pain17:52
TucciI can't seem to connect to a wireless network through WEP - the little bars fill up as though it connected, but it just asks me for a password again after a few minutes. Can anyone help?17:52
osmosis_can someone paste a working munin-update.log for me so I can see what its suppose to look like?17:52
tech0007Uplink: like a rootkit?17:53
estethIs it dangerous to use gksudo in place of sudo for non-graphical commands?17:53
Uplinkidk... idk how linux really works17:53
tech0007esteth: heard it messes your .ICEauthrity or whatever17:53
ActionParsnipBl4ckcomb: only if the running app is ran as root, bufferoverflow a service running as root and you have root access. These are to be avoided by simply logging in s a user17:53
bullgard4Why does Ubuntu maintain two directories for desktop entry files:  /usr/share/app-install/desktop/ and /usr/share/applications/?17:53
ActionParsnipUplink: in windows, the default user is an administrator17:53
Zerikaneed some help17:54
UplinkActionParsnip, but what if u dont have access to it? ive seen some privilege escalation virus17:54
ActionParsnipUplink: so all apps you run are run with admin rights, if a script or program is maliciously ran, i will be ran "by the user" and therefore have full access17:54
Bl4ckcombActionParsnip, aren't there always a few processes that run as root, even if you log in as a simple user?17:54
ActionParsnipBl4ckcomb: very few, minimising them is key17:54
Uplinkohhhh!!!! thats why they say it INFECTS the file17:54
=== ward_ is now known as Ward1983
ActionParsnipUplink: exactly, so never log in as root or i'll set my flying monkeys on you17:55
oniscientedoes anyone know a program that changes default dns network config settings of the roaming mode?17:55
UplinkActionParsnip, and how does linux protect root access stuff?17:55
IenorandWhen I start hardy with my wifi killswitch on, I can't enable wireless and lshw claims it's network "UNCLAIMED", how can I "reclaim" it?17:55
Bl4ckcombwith users and groups Uplink17:56
Bl4ckcombchmod / chown17:56
ActionParsnipUplink: passwords and hashing17:56
ActionParsnipas well as access rights17:56
UplinkActionParsnip, so the root partition is protected how?17:56
Bl4ckcombroot partition is not same as root user ownage17:56
ActionParsnipUplink: well if you try and edit files as you, you are not allowed to save back, as root you can17:57
Bl4ckcombroot partition is just the partition that refers to / directory17:57
pFrugalanyone have pidgin-festival working?17:57
Uplinki dont get it17:57
ieuanI'm running xubuntu, and wondering how I can set a timer on gnome-screenshot like I can with ubuntu17:57
ActionParsnipUplink: you can only edit certain files using sudo cant you17:57
ZerikaCan someone help me please?17:57
UplinkActionParsnip, i can do whatever i want with sudo... rm -rf17:57
ActionParsnipUplink: you can view the files as user but try and save the changes and it will fail17:58
Bl4ckcombjust ask your question Zerika17:58
bazhang_Uplink, dont joke about that17:58
UplinkActionParsnip, yea just like menu.lst17:58
ActionParsnipUplink: sudo gives you root acess for a single shot17:58
DeranderDoes the default php package include command line on ubuntu 8.04?17:58
UplinkActionParsnip, oohhh!!! wow... i get it now ;D17:58
Bl4ckcombphp-client does Derander17:59
prometdo any of you guys use avant window manager?17:59
Deranderb14ckcomb: thank you17:59
ActionParsnipUplink: once the program ends, the root access dies too17:59
ActionParsnipUplink: its also for that app and only that app17:59
Deranderb14ckcomb: is that in the default repos?17:59
UplinkActionParsnip, but after i input the password then if i wanna use sudo again i dont need to provide password no more17:59
Bl4ckcombyes Derander17:59
Zerikai'm having trouble booting in windows XP. It stared when ubuntu froze while trying to run World of warcraft with wine. everytime i choose to boot into w17:59
Bl4ckcombDerander, use tab-completion17:59
ieuanI'm running xubuntu, and wondering how I can set a timer on gnome-screenshot like I can with ubuntu17:59
theshadowAlright I have ubuntu 8.04 a kensington USB bluetooth adaptor and a blackberry 8120. I've got the two to pair but anytime I try to connect I get "unable to connect" can any one give me a hand or point me in the right direction?17:59
ActionParsnipUplink: if you run firefox, instead of gksudo firefox. firefox is ran as useer and not root which gives protection17:59
Zerikait just restarts again18:00
Bl4ckcombDerander, $ sudo apt-get install php [type tab tab]18:00
Zerikai can only boot into ubuntu18:00
tech0007Zerika: what happens when you try to boot xp...is wow on your xp partition?18:00
UplinkActionParsnip, whats gksudo used for?18:00
Zerikait's on an external hd18:00
prometZerika, you mean Windows restarts again?18:00
Deranderb14ckcomb: yeah, did that - it tells me that there is no install candidate available because ti is only from another source18:00
Zerikathe pc18:00
TucciI can't seem to connect to a wireless network through WEP - the little bars fill up as though it connected, but it just asks me for a password again after a few minutes. Can anyone help?18:00
prometBut Grub does boot windows18:00
ActionParsnipUplink: the only one password thing is (imho) a poor choice in terminal / konsole and it remembers the password in the konsole session18:00
Zerikait just reboots and goes back to the boot menu18:00
prometit just won't boot to desktop?18:00
andrew__http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=828754 <--- Anyone think they can help me out? Please?18:01
Bl4ckcombDerander, try php5-cli18:01
ActionParsnipUplink: but sudo is still needed to get root access18:01
Zerikai got to go, leave me an email please @ zerikamoonspear@gmail.com with any suggestions.18:01
ActionParsnipUplink: this is why there are few virii for linux18:01
Deranderb14ckcomb: d'oh, that worked - thanks a bundle18:01
ZababaHello, I need help with mp3 playback in Ubuntu 8.04. Yesterday I could play mp3 files in VLC player, but not today. Today I have installed and uninstalled some libraries when I tried installing sidplay2. But now MP3 is not playing. Totem movie player said I need codecs for MP3 but even when I installed them, it does not play.18:02
ActionParsnipZababa: you got amarok?18:02
ZababaActionParsnip: not that I know.18:02
prometDoes anyone here use avant window manager?18:02
ActionParsnipZababa: amarok will offer to install mp3 decoders if one is not found18:02
ZababaActionParsnip: so did Totem player, I think. It installed them, I saw it... but I still cannot play them.18:03
prometor "navigator" I should say...18:03
UplinkActionParsnip, so how is the sudo password protected?18:03
ActionParsnipZababa: any messages when you try to play em?18:03
bazhang_!sudo | Uplink18:03
ubottuUplink: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)18:03
ActionParsnipUplink: its hashed and stored in a file in /etc someplace18:04
bazhang_Uplink, please read that18:04
Bl4ckcombUplink, in your passwd file your passwords are stored/hashed18:04
fliptomato /msg ubottu etiquette18:04
UplinkActionParsnip, and how come they cant be decrypted?18:04
fliptomato/msg ubottu etiquette18:04
Bl4ckcombit's one-way encryption18:04
ActionParsnipbazhang_: he understands sudo / gksudo, he's curious of how it improves security18:04
Bl4ckcomblike MD5, SHA-1 ...18:04
Uplinkoh!!! one way function18:04
makaharause john the ripper18:04
Bl4ckcombso lossy decryption18:04
ZababaActionParsnip: No, VLC does like playing (Timecode counting) but no sound comes out. Totem player does not start timecode count ... put its play button changes to Pause... like if it was playing.18:04
bazhang_ActionParsnip, how about chatting with him in #ubuntu-offtopic18:04
Uplinkmakahara, lol18:05
ActionParsnipUplink: it uses a large hash which would take millenia to decrypt using brute force18:05
ActionParsnipbazhang_: its ontopic, its about ubuntu. is that offtopic?18:05
makaharajohn can't descrypt hashed password18:05
ZababaActionParsnip: ... but its play button changes to Pause... like if it was playing.18:05
Bl4ckcombexcept if you have a quantum computer, which of course we all have18:05
ActionParsnipZababa: does the graphic eq moe?18:05
makaharabut try all possible password,and try comparing18:05
nickrud!ot | sudo internals and cracking passwords18:06
ubottusudo internals and cracking passwords: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:06
ZababaActionParsnip: no does not.18:06
UplinkActionParsnip, hmmm i gotta read more about hashing18:06
bazhang_ActionParsnip, it was a polite request; please heed it.18:06
shadymikeI am having trouble with my keyboard.  It physically works.  I can login and use it with failsafe-terminal.  As soon as its initialized by gnome (ex run gnome-keyboard-properties) is stops working.  The "onboard" onscreen keyboard does not work.  Connecting using vnc/vino does not owrk.  CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE, CTRL-ALT-F1, etc does not work.18:06
UplinkActionParsnip, ty for the help dude ;) i got to understand a lot of stuff doay18:06
=== Kopfgeldjaeger2 is now known as Kopfgeldjaeger
ActionParsnipbazhang_: i understand, i felt it was ontopic. Uplink is going to research anyhoo so its done. was it not on topic though? why was I wrong? I want to conform to the rules as I like to help in here18:07
onisciente /msg ubottu dhcp18:07
ZababaActionParsnip: I also installed xmms2.  xmms2 play /home/sven/Desktop/chiptune/firebrandboy_sugar_saviour.mp318:07
ZababaLog output will be stored in /home/sven/.cache/xmms2/xmms2d.log18:07
Zababaxmms2 started18:07
Zababa but no sound there, too.18:07
ActionParsnipZababa: how about aplay?18:07
UplinkActionParsnip, dont worry about that twat... ty for the help tho ;)18:07
ActionParsnipUplink: np bro18:07
screenname923874how do you specify what modules are loaded into the kernel by default?18:08
screenname923874is there a modprobe file somewhere?18:08
tech0007screenname923874: look into /etc/modules18:08
Zababa aplay /home/sven/Desktop/chiptune/firebrandboy_sugar_saviour.mp3 produces some noise.18:08
makaharaIs there a way to  activate 3D rendering on ATI Xpress 1270?18:08
ZababaActionParsnip,  aplay /home/sven/Desktop/chiptune/firebrandboy_sugar_saviour.mp3 produces some noise.18:08
ActionParsnipZababa: ok, thats more info18:09
ZababaActionParsnip, Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono18:09
ActionParsnipZababa: we know the speakers are connected, on and volume up18:09
K^Holtzsome web pages arent displaying properly even though i have java and flash installed. For example: http://www.mitsucars.com/MMNA/jsp/evo/08/index.do?loc=en-us . Can someone help me get this working?18:09
screenname923874thanks for the answer tech00718:09
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
fliptomatoHello, I'm having trouble getting audio to work with my avi files in vlc using Ubuntu 8.04. (The avi plays fine, except there's no audio.) I've done sudo apt-get install vlc-plugin-*, and still no luck.18:10
BCM43!sound | fliptomato18:10
ubottufliptomato: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:10
froztbytehi. I've found an issue with ubuntu 8.04 (KDE). Should I go ask in a #kubuntu or is here fine?18:11
=== Thehound is now known as tuxboy666
BCM43froztbyte: use #kubuntu18:11
tuxboy6661 more questionj. For the ati open source driver, is DRI supported? I'm trying it now and no DRI18:11
froztbytethanks you BCM4318:11
fliptomatoThanks BCM4318:11
crdlbtuxboy666: with what card?18:11
ZababaActionParsnip, yes, they are. But even if i try to playbeck an OGG in VLC, I am getting no sound at all.18:12
tuxboy666x1950 PRO18:12
tuxboy666the radeonhd driver stinks badly18:12
BCM43tuxboy666: literally?18:12
ccpbchecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables18:12
ccpbhos to fix this ?18:12
tuxboy666well, it crashes alot18:12
crimsunccpb: install build-essential18:12
tuxboy666it would be so so if not for that18:12
ActionParsnipZababa: could try uninstalling player and codec then putting them back in. im stumped otherwise bro18:12
tuxboy666it has pretty fonts18:12
erUSULccpb: install build essential18:13
CarlFKVerison broadband nic, works in mac, now plugged in my ubuntu laptop.  dmesg shows "USB Driver for GSM modems" http://dpaste.com/56616/ how do I get an IP?18:13
tuxboy666type ifconfig CarlFK and tell me if you get a 192 or 10 IP18:13
BCM43tuxboy666: will this help? http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/drivers-for-the-radeon-x1950-pro-588866/18:13
tuxboy666if your modem doesn't have NAT, you may neeed PPPoE software18:14
ZababaActionParsnip, ok... will try reinstall VLC.18:14
tuxboy666wow you're awesome18:14
CarlFKtuxboy666: I don't see an interface for it18:14
seonhow to simulate an azerty keyboard on gnome18:14
tuxboy666hmm probably need the kernel driver18:15
tuxboy666you can't do ethernet18:15
tuxboy666the driver unfortunately is a module you compile in the kernel and is not so commonly needed. I'd try buying a router first18:16
tuxboy666save you many headaches, CarlFK18:16
CarlFKtuxboy666: oh, one of those little ap/gsm gizmos?18:17
tuxboy666well, it seems you'd be looking for a dsl router specifically, if you have no private lan IP now18:17
BCM43this channel is slow today18:17
tuxboy666because PPPoE or less commonly usb is the protocol18:18
TimiQuestion, What works better with Ubuntu, an iPod, or a Zune? (does the zune work at all?)18:18
tuxboy666Verizon does sell them18:18
tuxboy666I used to use Verizon :)18:18
BCM43Timi: both work fine18:18
Planet_xhaving a problem with 8.04 64 bit with my computer.. previously had Vista 64 bit installed.. Ubuntu seems to have installed properly but now everytime I boot the computer into the OS it freezes during the splashscreen.. and for some reason there is 2 Ubuntus listed in the OS boot options.. is there anyway to fix the 64 bit to stop freezing?18:18
TimiBCM43: no annoying complications such as emulating xp? Also, is there any necessary extra software, or can I drag and drop?18:19
CarlFKtuxboy666: dsl?18:19
techgeek40Hello All18:19
techgeek40I need some help -18:19
tuxboy666yeah, you internet, no?18:20
techgeek40I have a realtek HD audio card and it's not being seen -18:20
makaharaEVERYONE: It's 02:19 AM   huaaaam.. I'm tired, byebye~~18:20
BCM43Timi: ipod is easier, just use amorak, i think the zune is harder18:20
CarlFKtuxboy666: um, the nic I am trying to use is like a cell phone on a card - no wires involved18:20
Planet_xso anyone else having freezing problems on splashscreen when booting into 64 bit 8.04?18:20
BCM43! realtek | techgeek4018:20
ubottutechgeek40: some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b18:20
tuxboy666hmmmm I misunderstood18:21
tuxboy666thought you were trying to connect to a usb modem18:21
techgeek40Going there now18:21
techgeek40Thank you18:21
techgeek40Oh oh - that's for wi-fi - this is a realtek HD (onboard) audio card18:21
el_tejedorsetname tobias18:22
tech0007techgeek40: do you see your audio when you do lspci?18:22
maekIs it safe to install the xorg latest updates ??18:22
tech0007maek: yup, just did that18:22
BCM43techgeek40: sorry, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=52473118:22
maektech0007, it didn't break you nvidia drivers ??18:23
tech0007maek; no nvidia here lol18:23
maekoh okay .. thanks tech000718:23
LinuxMonkeymaek: illt tell u in a sec18:23
techgeek40Well, I should mention that I'm running Ubuntu 8 on a virtual box18:23
Blue_Wolfi have a problem login ubuntu18:23
tech0007techgeek40: did you set the preferences in virtualbox to use audio?18:23
akonkwaI have installed Ruby and Rails on Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 I would like to use it with a mysql database. How do I have to configure the database.yml file ?18:24
techgeek40Tech0007: I believe so - but let me double check that18:24
Blue_Wolfi changed the keyboard layout to hebrew18:24
Blue_Wolfso i cant login18:24
tuxboy666thanks BCM43 but that didn't load the kernel module. When I did get it to load by doing some things after, same result-black screen. I wonder if the new driver and my card is the issue or whether it's the driver and my mobo. fglrx used to have issues with my mobo, but I used to overcome them18:24
Blue_Wolfhow can i restore to english ?18:24
CarlFKtuxboy666: this looks helpful: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2008-February/138078.html18:25
tuxboy666yes, they were known issues with NVidia nforce2 chipsets18:25
tech0007did u check this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver18:25
LinuxMonkeymaek: it didnt break anything for me :)18:25
maekthankyou very much LinuxMonkey18:25
techgeek40I don't see any place to set it -18:25
IenorandWhen I start hardy with my wifi killswitch on, I can't enable wireless and lshw claims it's network "UNCLAIMED", how can I "reclaim" it?18:25
techgeek40I'm using the Sun xVM Virtual Box18:25
tech0007techgeek40: Machine->Settings18:26
tuxboy666very good, CarlFK, sorry I couldn't help you more. I stopped playing with that kind of wireless almost soon as I started18:26
tuxboy666I like my wifi in this spot18:26
galo4kinпомощь руссийский сервер18:26
techgeek40Let me close out and try - it's grayed out for right now18:26
tech0007!ru | galo4kin18:26
ubottugalo4kin: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:26
tuxboy666I got my router antenna up high and can take my laptop all the way down the street18:27
ryanakcaI can I use an xkbmap in a console/VT/TTY?18:27
ZababaHi, I was here few minutes ago talking with ActionParsnip, he suggested for my Sound playback problem reinstalling players and codecs. Where can I find in Synaptic packet manager the proprietary MP3 codec I installed from Totem player before?18:28
bullgard4Why does Ubuntu maintain two directories for desktop entry files:  /usr/share/app-install/desktop/ and /usr/share/applications/?18:28
geniiryanakca: No, the "x" part of the name there means for X server18:28
geniiryanakca: Use instead console-setup/console-tools18:28
sharpe_ukZababa, the mp3 codec lives in libxine1-ffmpeg normally18:29
offby1I rebooted recently and now when I log in, the "tray" doesn't appear.  (I mean the horizontal strip along the top of my screen, that contains menus)18:29
tech0007Zababa: for multimedia codecs run this in terminal: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse   gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg libxine1-ffmpeg libdvdread318:29
tuxboy666ok guys now I see your position. Sorry for my impatience. I noticed when I was helping, I hardly noticed anyone but the person I was helping18:29
sharpe_ukat least thats the way I always get it (may be others)18:29
offby1what can I do to fix that?18:29
tuxboy666and thanks for tryibng to help18:30
benzssi have an unmounted ntfs external hdd, and i can't rename it. what's the problem there?18:30
kralbaturtürkçe bilen varm013118:30
kralbaturcevap verin birinizz18:30
bazhang_!tr | kralbatur18:30
ubottukralbatur: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.18:30
genii!tr | kralbatur18:30
geniibazhang_: Heh, you win ;)18:30
bazhang_genii, :)18:30
iandouglashey all, question about upgrading -- I upgraded successfully last night from 7.04 to 7.10, then tried the 7.10 -> 804 upgrade using the "Update Manager" but it failed just before the "clean up" stage -- how do I manually run the upgrade program again, or get a list of what needs to be cleaned up?18:30
offby1bazhang_: how'd you know so fast that that was Turkish?_18:30
tech0007benzss: mount it then rename18:30
Blue_Wolfi need a vit of help , i cant log to ubuntu becoz i made they keyboard only hebrew , and my user name is english18:30
offby1iandouglas: I think I gave up and reformatted and installed from scratch :-|18:31
JannoTTSimple question: i made folder under root. But how to can i change its owner?18:31
geniioffby1:  " türkçe "18:31
ryanakcagenii: yes, but I have a specific/customized keyboard layout for X. I sadly don't have an equivalent / haven't created one for the terminal. Would you know of a way to convert it?18:31
benzsstech0007: 'The item could not be renamed' (mounted or unmounted)18:31
offby1genii: ?  I didn't understand that; it looked like garbage18:31
geniiryanakca: No, not offhand18:31
pucciohello,I'm using Hardy and I have problem with the dreaded iw3945 driver18:31
offby1ah, he said "Turkish" in Turkish :)18:31
ryanakcagenii: thanks anyways :)18:32
geniioffby1: Ah. Here it appears as something like "turkce"18:32
bazhang_puccio, what is the issue18:32
iandouglasoffby1: yeah, I suppose that's one answer to it, but I don't really feel like reinstalling the entire OS and then having to remember which utilities I use etc18:32
tech0007benzss: how are you renaming it? gui? try it in terminal with 'mv'18:32
Blue_Wolfwell anyone ?18:32
offby1genii: it does here, too, now that I've "rebooted" konsole's encoding :-|18:32
geniiryanakca: np18:32
pucciobazhang_, I was using the ipw3945 of the 2.6.22 kernel up to now, but it seems that recently network-manager don't not make me connect anymore.18:32
offby1(konsole forgets its encoding periodically)18:32
offby1iandouglas: I know.  It's a pain :-|18:32
pucciobazhang_, because indeed with the 2.6.24 series my wifi interface was not working at all in network manager18:32
techgeek40I have sound :>18:32
Zababatech007: Well, that installed some other proprietary codecs... my problem actually is no playback at all. I can't even play ogg.18:33
techgeek40Now the only thing I need to do is mount my windows D: drive (where I have some photos and documents)18:33
pucciobazhang_, so my basic question is which configuration do I have to use to re-make it work, it would not be an issue to use an older kernel just that network manager does not work anymore....18:33
bazhang_puccio, what about from the terminal what does ifconfig show two entries or three18:33
techgeek40Is it possible to remap my "photos" and "documents" to my D: driver?18:33
bazhang_!ru | galo4kin18:34
ubottugalo4kin: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:34
tech0007Zababa: whats your media player?18:34
Zababatech0007, VLC18:34
pucciobazhang_, iwconfing lists my network interface18:34
Zababatech0007: but it does not play in Totem player or xmms2 either18:34
pucciobazhang_, the network-manager lists it too, but it does not list any essid in it18:34
tech0007Zababa: run the program in terminal and check for errors in the output.18:35
techgeek40Is it possible to remap my "photos" and "documents" to my D: driver?18:35
bazhang_puccio, let me get you a link18:35
=== nibsa1242 is now known as nibsa1242b
bazhang_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 puccio try this18:35
Blue_Wolfi need a vit of help , i cant log to ubuntu becoz i made they keyboard only hebrew , and my user name is english18:35
techgeek40Well, let me ask this: how do I mount my d: drive?18:35
pucciobazhang_, if I do iwlist eth1 scan on the terminal, it lists me the networks it find..18:35
offby1Blue_Wolf: you said that already18:36
techgeek40Tech0007: Thank you for that help - audio now works18:36
Blue_Wolfsome how nobody answered :(18:36
tech0007techgeek40: what fs is your D: drive?18:36
offby1Blue_Wolf: probably nobody knows the answer.18:36
offby1_I_ certainly don't.18:36
pucciobazhang_, thanks. so back to 90's with no graphical network manager, that's it? :-)18:36
Blue_Wolfok thankyou anyway18:36
techgeek40tech0007: ntfs (I don't use fat32)18:36
nibsa1242bHow can I change how many old kernels are in my /boot ? There are 4 old ones in addition to the current kernel there right now, and there is only ~4MB of free space left.18:36
bazhang_puccio, well if its not working with network manager; just a suggestion :)18:37
tech0007techgeek40: hardy's in virtualbox right?18:37
amenadonibsa1242b-> yes, your disk space is the limiting factor18:37
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:37
offby1nibsa1242b: I _think_ you can just remove the relevant packages using Synaptic or whatever package manager you like18:37
techgeek40tech007: yes it is -18:37
pucciobazhang_, ok... :-)18:37
techgeek40I even went to the settings and added that drive letter as share18:37
nibsa1242bamenado: so on the next kernel upgrade it'll remove the one of the old ones from /boot automatically?18:38
pucciobazhang_, so can we say that if my iwlist eth1 scan shows networks around me, I can be confident to manually configure it properly or are there technical issues which could prevent it?18:38
amenadonibsa1242b-> update does not remove old kernels18:38
tuxboy666very interesting about my fglrx issue with my X1950 PRO. This guy had same issue and he said "I eventually found out that the AGP aperture size in the BIOS setup was set wrong. I tried the highest value (256 MB) and the lowest (32 MB). They both did not work. The value that did work was 128 MB."18:38
pucciobazhang_, like wap/wep whatever support18:38
_user_anyone here know how to get and install cedega? i've tried running warcraft3 with wine but i can't see anything ingame18:38
tuxboy666Worth a shot?18:38
amenadonibsa1242b-> upgrade* does not remove old kernels18:38
kandinskihi, I have recently upgraded rom 7.10 to 8.04 and now there is no sound on VLC and Movie Player (I do have it on mozilla and games) any idea on how to diagnose it?18:39
nibsa1242bamenado: then my /boot is going to fill up. Why doesn't it remove old kernels?18:39
techgeek40techgeek0007:  MY understanding of Virtual box is that it should behave just like if it were running on its own partition18:39
bazhang_puccio, well the network manager *should* work; but if it does not that is a nice workaround18:39
amenadonibsa1242b-> it was not designed to do such18:39
jattIn hoary see the following dmesg message:18:39
jattBluetooth: BNEP (Ethernet Emulation) ver 1.218:39
jattpan0: Dropping NETIF_F_UFO since no NETIF_F_HW_CSUM feature.18:39
pucciobazhang_, ok thanks18:39
jatt 18:39
tuxboy666bbiab gonna try it because it is interesting18:39
asmo[B]I was wondering if ubuntu had issues with mounting NTFS partitions over a certain size... I've been having troubles trying to get my external drive to mount properly, it displays the drive but when I try to access it, it says that it was unable to mount...18:39
jattdo I need ndiswrapper to access the wireless network?18:39
tech0007techgeek40: you need to setup shared folders.18:40
nibsa1242bamenado: I know there is a file somewhere that says "keep this many old kernels" I've edited it in the past on my desktop18:40
techgeek40tech0007: I did that under settings -18:40
guhnouilletechgeek40: did you get desktop additions?18:40
thundarrhey tech0007 how do I setup shared folders18:40
Luxx16126could anyone tell the "radeon x1900" price ?18:40
amenadonibsa1242b-> i dont remember where that is off hand18:40
Uplinkty bazhang_ :)18:41
nibsa1242bamenado: see now I have this error "update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-18-generic" its failing because my /boot is full18:41
techgeek40guhnouille: I left clicked on it - but not really seeing anything happen when I do that -18:41
tech0007thundarr: machine->settings->shared folders in virtualbox18:41
Zababatech0007: xmms2 in command line says it plays the ogg file but I don't hear anything. (I checked aplay before, loudspeakers are working)18:41
thundarrtech0007 I just joined the chat....are you guys talking about trying to network ubuntu and windows18:41
techgeek40I figured a window should pop up asking what I want to install18:41
amenadonibsa1242b-> there is /etc/kernel-img.conf   but i dont see the number of kernels to be kept as a selection there18:41
JannoTTwtf is wrong with my firefox. :S Taking 200MiB's of ram ain't normal18:41
tech0007thundarr: nope, sharing folders b/w host XP and guest hardy18:42
guhnouilletechgeek40: the option from the drop-down menu for desktop additions mounts the installer as a virtual optical drive18:42
stodananother time, another people awake: usb harddrive 250 gb, fresh ubuntu install works great (initrd with usb modules), after cp -a form old system, there is ~30sec delay before grub menu and ~5min delay after grub menu and before "Starting up", any ideas how to get rid of that? (fstab and menu.lst preserved, i am on that system right know - works ok after kernel starts loading)18:42
theRealBallfirefox is a memhog18:42
techgeek40I'm running Windows Home Premium (2 gigs ram) with threee sata drives and two IDE drives18:42
sudobashJannoTT try swiftfox or opera18:42
tech0007thundarr: techgeek40: google has many solutions for your virtualbox questions18:42
theRealBallrun opera in that case18:42
guhnouilletechgeek40: it should start automatically installing desktop additions, you need it for shared folders IIRC18:42
nibsa1242bamenado: I'll go try to find out. It makes no sense to me that the old kernels aren't removed. There is no reason for me to have 5 kernels in my /boot18:43
techgeek40Okay - I did that' so let me reboot all the way-18:43
thundarrtech0007.. I am trying to share folders with my windows network18:43
thundarrand nothing has helped18:43
sudobashhow many tabs do you have open in firefox for it to use 200 mb18:43
tech0007keri: hi18:43
sudobashor individual windows18:43
steven2hmm neat18:43
thundarrtech0007... I will try techgeek40 though18:43
nibsa1242bsudobash: probably about 2-3 if they are flash heavy18:44
bazhang_JannoTT, indeed how many tabs18:44
kerii have ubuntu and i just got this message when i am trying to search the web  Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?18:44
keriA virus signature  has been detected on your PC which can lead to system freezes, crashes, erratic behavior and data loss.18:44
keriPress "CANCEL" to block viruses with advanced real-time protection.18:44
keriPress OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on the current pag18:44
thundarrtech0007...virtual box is new though18:44
sudobashif you only have one window and no extra tabs then your browser may have be hijacked18:44
JannoTTCurrently it's zero only download window with 25mb zip downloading18:44
LzrSigh, Ubuntu is far more unstable than Windows on this machine :/18:44
kerii need to know what to do and how to do it18:44
tech0007thundarr: is guest-additions installed18:45
sudobashtry ps aux and find firefox and kill the PID18:45
bazhang_keri, get adblock plus (a ff plugin for that)18:45
sudobashafter download is done18:45
kerihow do i get that18:45
sudobashsearch for it?18:45
bazhang_keri, via the mozilla addons page (from extensions)18:45
amenadonibsa1242b-> here is a link that has 100+ bootable systems..so not sure where you find an config file to just limit the number of kernels at /boot ..http://www.justlinux.com/forum/showthread.php?t=14397318:46
kerii am new to this18:46
bazhang_keri, let me find you the link18:46
bazhang_https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1865 keri18:47
nibsa1242bamenado: I'm not sure where it is anymore, but I know its out there. I'm pretty sure the default used to be 3ish. It used to be that when you updated the kernel it removed old versions, now it doesn't.18:47
tushoHi. Is .htaccess disabled in ~user/public_html by default on apache2? If so, how can I enable it? Here's the error: /blahblah/.htaccess: Options not allowed here, referer: blahblah18:47
kerilet me try this brb18:47
bazhang_keri, you will need to restart ff after installing and getting the list of ads to block18:48
eboyjrWhere do I change my cursor in Hardy?18:48
nibsa1242bamenado: Or maybe I'm getting confused and thinking of another distro.18:48
bazhang_eboyjr, in themes iirc18:49
tushoHi. Is .htaccess disabled in ~user/public_html by default on apache2? If so, how can I enable it? Here's the error: /blahblah/.htaccess: Options not allowed here, referer: blahblah18:49
amenadonibsa1242b-> possibly..i dont remember where a setting would be set to limit the number of kernels18:49
CircleCodeis there someone to help me finding out why my computer shutdown alone?18:49
Mr_Bad_Newsis there a program that will encrypt my entire hard drive ?18:49
theshadowAlright. I need help. I'm tethering my blackberry to my laptop via bluetooth. I have them connected and talking. Where I need help is figuring out what I need to put in the PPP and Chat scripts to get it to communicate on a T-Mobile network. Any help is appreciated18:49
bazhang_Mr_Bad_News, at install time or after18:49
CircleCode(Hardy heron - Thinkpad T60p)18:50
sudobashCircleCode you need hardware because i bet your overheating18:50
sudobashwhen does it shutdown?18:50
Mr_Bad_Newsi had a couple of my computers seized by police and i want to take precautions18:50
blivoriHi people.18:50
keriopening antvrsinstall.exe will not get off my screen to let me do anything18:50
blivoriI cannot get my Radeon 7000 card to work18:50
_wipf1337@tusho: in httpd.conf  use allowoverride all to enable the use of .htaccess files...18:50
jatthow does the b43-fwcutter program work? Does anybody here has a broadcom Wireless card?18:50
nibsa1242bamenado: I know Fedora has one. I could have sworn Ubuntu/ Debian has one as well. Its in some text file somewhere and basically says "only keep this many old kernels around". Why clog up space in /boot ?18:50
LinuxMonkeyeboyjr: in the system-->preference-->appearance->theme tab and hit Customize18:50
CircleCodeprobably when "hardly used"18:50
blivoriI have tried various guides but direc accelaration still doesn't work18:50
Mr_Bad_Newsafter bazhang_18:50
tusho_wipf1337: Uh, I've done that. Duh.18:50
eboyjrLinuxMonkey: Thanks18:50
LinuxMonkeynp eboyjr18:50
sudobashMr Bad News just nuke drive18:50
CircleCodeand I find nothing in logs18:50
sudobashwith Gutmann Format18:50
nibsa1242bamenado: maybe I should ask an OLPC person, I'm sure they have such a setting, or the whole device would get clogged up with kernel updates.18:50
sudobashEncryption can be cracked18:50
_wipf1337@tusho: have you done that in the directory / container?18:51
bazhang_Mr_Bad_News, truecrypt, and others iirc18:51
kitchejatt: it's pretty easy if you check out it's help pages18:51
Mr_Bad_Newsis it in the repos bazhang_ ?18:51
tusho_wipf1337: Yes, in both <Directory /> and <Directory *> at different times18:51
tushoNeither works.18:51
sudobashbut encryption can be cracked......18:51
Mr_Bad_Newshow easily?18:51
sudobashuntil your like 2048 bit18:51
bazhang_Mr_Bad_News, apt-cache search encryption18:51
Mr_Bad_Newsi doubt the police here are good enough18:51
bazhang_no cursing sudobash18:51
amenadonibsa1242b-> which file would it be on fedora?18:51
sudobashif the police have ppl like me they are18:51
blivoriDirect Acceleration on a Radeon 7000 won't work.I have tried various guides but direc accelaration still doesn't work.Please help.18:52
tech0007!ohmy | sudobash18:52
ubottusudobash: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:52
nibsa1242bamenado: I don't remember, its been over 2 years since I used fedora.18:52
sudobashbazhang beat your tech000718:52
CircleCodesudobash: How can i be sure if it is overheat?18:52
theshadowAlright. I need help. I'm tethering my blackberry to my laptop via bluetooth. I have them connected and talking. Where I need help is figuring out what I need to put in the PPP and Chat scripts to get it to communicate on a T-Mobile network. Any help is appreciated18:52
sudobashby the way the police here use me18:52
_wipf1337@tusho: and the manuals for v1.3 do not cover that ?18:52
blivoriDirect Acceleration on a Radeon 7000 won't work.I have tried various guides but direc accelaration still doesn't work.Please help.18:52
sudobashCircleCode look inside and see if your heatsink under your cpu fan is full of dust18:53
=== erichammon1 is now known as erichammond
sudobashyou could also look in your bios for you CPU temp18:53
sudobashhardware monitor in biox18:53
tusho_wipf1337: Yes, I did what they say. Except I specified Apache 2.18:53
stodanwhats wrong with exec argument? find . -exec mv {} ./ +18:53
bazhang_galo4kin, /join #ubuntu-ru18:54
CircleCodesudobash: I'll look after this, but should it not be notified somewhere in the logs?18:54
sudobashBIOS has nothing to do with your OS18:54
LinuxMonkey!ru | galo4kin18:54
ubottugalo4kin: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:54
sudobashyour BIOS is what is shutting your pc down probably18:54
blivoriDirect Acceleration on a Radeon 7000 won't work.I have tried various guides but direc accelaration still doesn't work.Please help.18:55
sudobashbut dont hold me to it18:55
sudobashbut check for the dust/smoke tar18:55
sudobashblivori 8.04?18:55
blivorisudobash: yes.18:55
sudobashhow did you install?18:55
sudobashrestricted manager?18:55
Jack_Sparrowblivori that only works for 7500 and above.. is my understanding18:55
blivoriblivori: .run file.18:55
lordleemosudobash: you are a total idiot you couldnt hack your way out of a paper bag with even when given a carpet knife. god why are so many lamers in this channel????18:56
CircleCodethanks guys, Ill check hardware symptoms, and come back when I have more info18:56
blivoriJack_Sparrow: from what I read it can work, it just won't for me.18:56
Jack_Sparrowsudobash Who18:56
Cignoi need a programm that combine photos and music in a video file...can anyone help me??18:56
nibsa1242bCigno: like a slideshow?18:56
sudobashwhy that lordleemo?18:56
sudobashi run an OpenBSD router...18:56
blivoriJack_Sparrow: I have tried various guides.18:56
Cignowhit dissolve transaction and other effect18:57
_wipf1337@tusho: try that, i just found it ... according to my experience with apache .htaccess should'nt be a big problem ... http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/howto/htaccess.html18:57
igghy76hi all!18:57
LinuxMonkeyJack_Sparrow: can you ban lordleemo if you havent done so allready18:57
=== c1|freaky_ is now known as c1|freaky
blivoriJack_Sparrow: so any help?18:57
Jack_SparrowLinuxMonkey I just got here will check into it in a minute18:57
nibsa1242bCigno: it takes a little bit of work, but you can use dvdslideshow to do that. It is all done by text configuration files, but it will give you what you want. And then you can use ffmpeg to convert the results to whatever kind of file you need.18:57
LinuxMonkeythanks Jack_Sparrow love ya18:58
Jack_Sparrowblivori SOmetimes things you tried previously.. like envy off the web, can keep even the right way from working18:58
_wipf1337@tusho: ^^ if this problem is special, try resetting your complete httpd.conf...18:58
sudobashanyways i have a computer store giving away free Ubuntu LiveCD's so ppl will come and ask about it...18:58
ActionParsnipyo yo yo18:58
igghy76I've a trouble with my usb wifi dongle it's a d-link dwl-g132, i searched about it and i've installed it usind ndiswrapper but when i restart it doesn't goes!18:58
blivoriJack_Sparrow: did not use envy.18:58
igghy76it disappear18:58
sudobashand advertising a Free OS Disc18:58
theshadowAlright. I need help. I'm tethering my blackberry to my laptop via bluetooth. I have them connected and talking. Where I need help is figuring out what I need to put in the PPP and Chat scripts to get it to communicate on a T-Mobile network. Any help is appreciated.18:58
ActionParsnipigghy76: what chip does it use?18:59
jtmI have been experiencing a strange problem. I am running Ubuntu 8.01 and I lose sound frequently forcing me to restart in order to get it back. VLC reports oss audio output error: cannot open audio device (/dev/dsp), sound doesn't play on YouTube videos using Firefox 3.0 RC2, and lsof | grep dsp returns nothing. I usually have audio, I think I am losing the audio from firefox playing a video or pidgin, but the issue is that I cannot restore my sou18:59
igghy76ActionParsnip, i dunno, what can i do to know it? i installed it using the windows driver and ndiswrapper18:59
sudobashno one cares...19:00
branstrom_Can I display progress on SCP transfers initiated from remote computers?19:00
jtmoh ok :)19:00
Cignonibsa1242b, there is an easier way???19:00
jtmyes 8.0419:00
ActionParsnipigghy76: then there may be a native driver19:00
=== ComputerHermit is now known as foo_
Jack_Sparrowsudobash We appreciate that.. but that type of discussion/conversation should be in #ubuntu-offtopic19:00
Mr_Bad_Newsis there any particular package to search for encrytption19:00
nibsa1242bCigno: there may be a gui frontend. I don't know. It works out very well for me. dvdslideshow is very powerful19:00
=== foo_ is now known as ComputerHermit
igghy76ActionParsnip, but i dunno what type of chip19:01
Mr_Bad_Newsi want to encrypt my whole hard drive19:01
jtmMr_Bad_News: You ever try TrueCrypt?19:01
ActionParsnipigghy76: let me websearch19:01
Mr_Bad_Newsno jtm im totally new to encryption19:01
=== forsak3n is now known as forsaken
Cignonibsa1242b, thank you i try it19:01
Mr_Bad_Newsis it in the repos?19:02
jtmI don't know.19:02
igghy76do you need the code that i give with lsusb?19:02
jtmI just know it's amazing.19:02
tech0007Mr_Bad_News: check this out http://www.hermann-uwe.de/blog/towards-a-moderately-paranoid-debian-laptop-setup--part-1-base-system19:02
Luxx16126what means mAh ???19:02
ActionParsnipigghy76: did you sudo ndiswrapper -m ?19:02
Luxx16126what means "mAh " ?19:02
nibsa1242bamenado: can you assist me with figuring out what I can rm in /boot to free up space?19:02
Mr_Bad_Newsthanks tech000719:02
igghy76ActionParsnip, yep i did19:02
Mr_Bad_Newsjtm so truecrypt can encrypt the whole hard drive without having to make any new partitions?19:03
igghy76~$ ndiswrapper -m19:03
igghy76module configuration already contains alias directive19:03
ComputerHermithey I have a video card with an svideo out put and when I plug it into my TV it dont work any ides?19:03
sudobashso Mr_Bad_News... why did they get your pc anyways19:03
jtmI don't know about that, but I used to make an encrypted file to store all my files in when I mounted it.19:03
nibsa1242bamenado: I can't even start synaptic right now because of an error that says to run dpkg --configure -a .19:03
Mr_Bad_Newsi was designing silencers19:03
ccpbchecking for GTK... configure: error: Byzanz requires Gtk+-2.0 >= 2.6.0 to compile.19:03
ccpbhow to install gtk+-2.019:03
igghy76ActionParsnip, and: ~$ ndiswrapper -l -> neta5agu : driver installed19:03
igghy76device (2001:3A03) present19:03
amenadonibsa1242b-> can you boot from livecd and then mount that /boot directory?19:04
jtmSo no one knows anything about the audio issue I have?19:04
nibsa1242bamenado: I could do that yes.19:04
ActionParsnipigghy76: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146018&page=219:04
sudobashcheck that our Mr Bad19:04
Mr_Bad_Newsand when they were  arresting me i asked if they would bring my laptop so it wouldnt get damaged or stolen, they made it seem like i had something suspicious on it i didnt want them to see, they asked for the password, i declined , now they have a warrant to search it19:04
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:04
amenadonibsa1242b-> or if you canboot on your current system, just find the oldest one you want to get rid of, or save it on another directory19:04
jtmMr_Bad_News: Declining to give the password isn't the best move :)19:04
sudobashdude just nuke it19:04
sudobashGutmann style19:04
jtmWith truecrypt you can have two seperate passwords19:04
igghy76ActionParsnip, reading... plz wait19:05
sudobashnothing to read :)19:05
nibsa1242bamenado: I'm on the system now. Its bootable.19:05
sudobashfuck them19:05
jtmThat show different files19:05
LinuxMonkey!language ! sudobash19:05
ubottuLinuxMonkey: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:05
IndyGunFreakMr_Bad_News: i hope you have an attorney19:05
LinuxMonkey!language | sudobash19:05
ubottusudobash: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:05
Mr_Bad_Newswell jtm im not to enthralled about given my passwords to the cops19:05
bazhang_sudobash, stop cursing please19:05
Mr_Bad_Newsi do IndyGunFreak19:05
Mr_Bad_Newsi go to court the 9th19:05
amenadonibsa1242b-> select one that you can do away with from /boot  both the vmlinuz and the initrd pair19:05
Jack_Sparrowsudobash Please stop the flooding.. and please use name of the person you are talking with19:05
Mr_Bad_Newswhich i should get it back then19:05
nibsa1242bamenado, ok19:05
amenadonibsa1242b-> also remove an entry from your menu.lst19:05
Mr_Bad_Newsluckily i had just done a clean install so theres nothing on it19:05
LinuxMonkey!ot | Mr_Bad_News19:05
ubottuMr_Bad_News: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:05
bazhang_Mr_Bad_News, please take the chat elsewhere19:06
EldaWhy where you buiding silencers? :o19:06
Eldaokay, ILl not continue this here... sorry19:06
jtmMr_Bad_News: The thing is with truecrypt you can give them one of the passwords, for example you can have one password to your stuff be like abc123 and another password for fake stuff (or whatever you wanna put on there) be cba32119:06
IndyGunFreakMr_Bad_News: designing silencers is very bad though, that is a federal offense if i recall.19:06
bhcchecking for GTK... configure: error: Byzanz requires Gtk+-2.0 >= 2.6.0 to compile.19:06
bhcwhat should i do ?19:06
IndyGunFreakbhc: sudo apt-get install build-essential19:06
Mr_Bad_Newsthanks jtm thats what im looking for19:07
jtmMr_Bad_News: It's called I think like innershell and outershell. So you can give a password, and what's even best is that they cannot prove (there is no way to detect) if you are using the two password system.19:07
bhci have done with apt-get install build-essential19:07
bhcdo i need to reboot ?19:07
IndyGunFreakbhc: what are you compiling?19:07
IndyGunFreakbhc: you shouldn't need to.19:07
jtmSo whatever you are trying to hide goes under one password and whatever you aren't trying to hide goes under another password.19:07
jtmbut they cannot detect if you are using that two password system.19:08
jtmI recommend 50+ alphanumeric with symbols.19:08
jtmThen again I am sure it could be cracked by them...19:08
=== Thehound is now known as tuxboy666
sudobashi am sure there have been rainbow table type procedures for getting password for basically anything19:09
jtmsudobash: Probably some super computer.19:10
SpitfireNICK Belgarath19:10
sudobashor it can be done if it hasnt been created yet...19:10
jtmThat uses some fancy tricks19:10
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o19:10
lele_ciao a tutti19:10
bazhang_lets take the encryption talk to #ubuntu-offtopic jtm sudobash19:10
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:10
ompaul!it | lele_19:10
ubottulele_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!19:10
jtmbazhang_: I need help still :(19:10
bazhang_jtm then keep it on topic :)19:10
Sun13how do i put the ubuntu iso onto my usb hard disk drive so that it can boot from it at startup?19:11
ompauljtm, you can be in more than one channel at a time19:11
jtmI know.19:11
bazhang_Sun13, burn it to disk first19:11
poisonkillerhi everybody19:11
tuxboy666ok I have figured out its just best to run fglrx without DRI. It has far less bugs for my card than the radeonhd driver and the open source ATI19:11
jtmI just don't know where else to ask this question.19:11
jtmDo they have a OSS or ALSA channel?19:11
bazhang_#alsa jtm19:11
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:11
tuxboy666I figured out how to make epsxe run respectably with that config19:11
Sun13bazhang_ then what?19:12
poisonkillercan i ask ubuntu related questions here? :P19:12
bazhang_Sun13, then set bios to boot from cd first19:12
IndyGunFreakpoisonkiller: no, we only take questions about Gentoo here in #ubuntu19:12
tuxboy666I would hope so poisonkiller19:12
ompaulpoisonkiller, yes if they are support based19:12
BoltClockIndyGunFreak: lol19:12
igghy76I've a trouble with my usb wifi dongle it's a d-link dwl-g132, i searched about it and i've installed it usind ndiswrapper but when i restart it doesn't goes! ndiswrapper -l -> neta5agu : driver installed19:12
amenadoMr_Bad_News-> also look into stenography, hiding stuff in a picture, embed your data in a viewable jpeg and such19:12
poisonkillerlol ^_^19:12
Sun13bazhang_: i don't want to boot from cd i need to boot from usb drive: i am troublshooting if my cd drive is bad19:12
bazhang_Sun13, hdd or usb key19:13
poisonkillerok here it goes, why is my sound crackling?19:13
tuxboy666bad cables?19:13
jtmbazhang_: May I repeat my question in here now that more people are around?19:13
Sun13bazhang_: its a usb enclousre ide drive19:13
tuxboy666I have an actual usb drive. Worked out of the box19:14
tuxboy666is your module in the kernel19:14
bazhang_Sun13, you want to mount the iso on an external hdd and run from that?19:14
tuxboy666ahh edit fstab19:14
tuxboy666just Google fstab. Plenty of info19:15
tuxboy666that's what you need :)19:15
Sun13bazhang_: yes i want to install on my internal hd from the external usb drive19:15
thompahello, just ran updates, was some stuff for openoffice.org, now the writer compnent is missing19:15
bazhang_Sun13, get a usb key that is easiest19:15
poisonkillerwhat to do if my sound is distorted and crackling?19:15
bazhang_Sun13, or just mount the iso on the internal and run from there19:15
jtmI have been experiencing a strange problem. I am running Ubuntu 8.01 and I lose sound frequently forcing me to restart in order to get it back. VLC reports oss audio output error: cannot open audio device (/dev/dsp), sound doesn't play on YouTube videos using Firefox 3.0 RC2, and lsof | grep dsp returns nothing. I usually have audio, I think I am losing the audio from firefox playing a video or pidgin, but the issue is that I cannot restore my 19:16
tuxboy666does the issue occur on a program that lets you use OSS or ALSA?19:16
Sun13bazhang_: i have a sd card 1gig and i used unetbootin to installed on it and it installed fine but the bios is not detecting the sd card flash19:16
tuxboy666could be a bug in your drivers/chipset and usually using ALSA can help19:16
sudobashALSA rocks!19:17
poisonkillerwhat should i do if my sound is crackling, and switching to ALSA or OSS doesnt work?19:17
Sun13bazhang_how would i mount it from internal....i have two internal sata drive: the one im on now has the iso image so can i do it from here19:17
PossibleBitpoisonkiller: try setting your pcm lower19:18
sudobashuse digital if you are currently using analog19:18
dimi3I tried the 8.04 but I got failed to install grub? Is there any what to correct it or I have to reinstall and hope everything works...?19:18
sudobashoptical cable19:18
sudobashmight have to get a new sound card though19:18
PossibleBithad the same problem and turning down the PCM worked wonders19:18
tuxboy666the standard check cables and reinstall programs and drivers, I suppose. Even try bgooting Windoze and see if it happens19:18
tuxboy666if it happens then, then it's probably hardware19:18
poisonkillerPossibleBit: wait, ill try in a sec :P19:18
sudobashyeah it seems like i have seen that somewhere about PCM19:18
techgeek40Okay - I have done all the VirtualBox stuff - but still my D: drive and USB External hard drive are not showing up19:19
bazhang_!grub | dimi319:19
ubottudimi3: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:19
dbuggerI have a little problem. I'd be thankful if anyone could help me: I've upgraded to hardy and if I activate the ATI Hardware acceleration, the X show just a black screen. Can anyone give me a solution? Thank you!19:19
poisonkilleroh yay, lowering PCM did the trick! :D19:19
sudobashbut i have seen windows optical work fine and ubuntu optical have some crackling in it so maybe it is the PCM?19:19
tuxboy666never had an issue with the PCM level. Would that just be a little bug with some drivers/cards?19:19
dimi3bazhang_: I didn't quite have windows before that.. it was debian.. and funny I could access all my previous things ;)19:20
poisonkillerPossibleBit: thanks19:20
sudobashor maybe it is the driver that the application is using...19:20
PossibleBitno problem19:20
trevor_Does anyone know about MySQL not working from inside a UserDIr?19:20
sudobashlike you can tell XMMS and VLC what driver to use19:20
tuxboy666I make Amarok use ALSA19:20
tuxboy666a few apps work better on OSS19:20
sudobashyeah make everything use ALSA19:21
sudobashlike which ones?19:21
tuxboy666Cedega hates ALSA but I dumped it long ago19:21
sudobashCedega is dead my friend19:21
jtmOSS I am not completely sure. But I did absolutely nothing and my sound is working again. I didn't close anything, I did NOTHING.19:22
tuxboy666Cedega almost never works with ATI. However, wine can work pretty good19:22
Tobaa few days ago I noticed that wireless networking no longer shows up as an option on the network icon in the task tray19:22
sudobashi watched Cedega take like 3 or 4 hours to install when i was a kid19:22
Tobaeven though all my other wireless devices work fine19:22
PossibleBitweird thing is. I never had that pcm crackling when running on gentoo.19:22
tuxboy666and I don't hear it on Kubuntu, even with it maxed in kmix. I used to hear it in Windioze on me old pc now that I remember19:23
Mr_Bad_Newswhats the name of the program to install .deb files19:23
Mr_Bad_Newsfile roller?19:23
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techgeek40Okay - here is my thing: I'm running Windows Vista Premium - with 2 gigs of ram. I have the Sun VirtualBox - Ubuntu 8 on it -19:23
techgeek40BUT - I can't see my external hard drive - nor my "D" drive (where my documents and photos are at)19:24
techgeek40I have them under the VirtBox setup - but they are not showing up19:24
Mr_Bad_News/usr/bin/gdebi PupUser ?19:24
techgeek40Any help ?19:24
Mr_Bad_Newsi dont have it19:24
PupUserMr_Bad_News: are u on gnome or kde?19:25
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Mr_Bad_Newsactually xfce right now19:25
LinuxMonkey!es | MADURA_CAM19:25
ubottuMADURA_CAM: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:25
PupUserMr_Bad_News: check if u have gdebi-core installed19:26
sauvinSomething is confusing me. Nothing I have tried so far can use the built-in camera in my laptop EXCEPT Kopete. Why?19:26
bazhang_MADURA_CAM, /join #ubuntu-es19:26
DJones!ar | MADURA_CAM19:27
ubottuMADURA_CAM: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe19:27
dbuggerI have a little problem. I'd be thankful if anyone could help me: I've upgraded to hardy and if I activate the ATI Hardware acceleration, the X show just a black screen. Can anyone give me a solution? Thank you!19:29
Mr_Bad_Newscan anyone explain why on my dell latitude which only had like 8mbs ram could run amarok with no problems but this toshiba satelitte with 1gig ram cant?19:29
wiz_worksI edited etc/motd and put my own custom message in, but when i reboot the box, the default Ubuntu motd message is displayed again.  Why?  what am I doing wrong?19:29
dimi3so, i want to update my grub because I had problems when I installed ubuntu19:30
IenorandHi all, how do I find out what driver and version my wireless uses, I'm suspecting madwifi but want to be sure...19:30
Telroth|SleepI need some help with my DVD drive. The BIOS allows me to boot from it (kubuntu 8.04 dvd), but the drive does not show up at all when running an installed system (kubuntu 8.04 (/dev/scd0 doesn't exist), Vista SP1 (No Optical drives show up in device manager)). Any help is welcome.19:30
Mr_Bad_Newson my dell i could run firefox, frostwire and amarok with no problems , on this laptop i cant run amarok with anything else running or it lags and freezes19:30
dimi3find returned hd1, 0 - so on setup i should setup (hd0) right?19:30
dimi3or should I enter setup (hd1)19:30
Telroth|SleepMr_Bad_News, perhaps it's not the memory, or the memory is a slower speed on the laptop19:31
wiz_worksIenorand: in most cases wext works for many wifi interfaces.19:31
Mr_Bad_Newsany ideas how to fix it Telroth|Sleep ?19:31
ubottuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz19:31
sudobashim hooking OpenBSD back up19:31
obake-sanhey, im stuck using ip kvm to log into my machine, how can i get from the terminal line to the gnome windows?19:31
Telroth|SleepMr_Bad_News, you need to find out where the laptop is bottle-necking. If it's skipping/jittering, check if the processor is over-utilized.19:31
Ienorandwiz_works: got any nice command to put in the terminal for me?19:32
Mr_Bad_Newshow Telroth|Sleep ?19:32
clintchanceGuys.Is it safe to assume that if compiz will not work and only gives me a white screen that beryl will not work ether?19:32
Telroth|Sleepobake-san "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" i think19:32
wiz_worksIenorand: is this a USB wifi device or PCI?19:32
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Ienorandwiz_works: pci19:32
Ienorandwiz_works: atheros19:33
Telroth|SleepMr_Bad_News, if you have a command line just type "top" while amarok is playing to view processes/cpu usage/ram useage (press 'q' to quit when done)19:33
LinuxMonkey!enter | Ienorand19:33
ubottuIenorand: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:33
wiz_worksIenorand: atheros should work...   but are you using WPA encryption?19:33
clintchancelenorando, are you looking to get your atherose card working19:33
Mr_Bad_Newswell i've done that is definitely amarok19:33
clintchancesorry, lenorand^^19:34
IenorandIt already works, but I'm looking to make killswitch work...19:34
clintchancelenorand, Acer?19:34
wiz_worksIenorand: ok one sec...19:34
clintchancelenorand 5100?19:34
Telroth|Sleepif it's utilizing everything then there isn't much you can do... If its ram shrink the library (only load songs you're playing), and if it's cpu then i think you're outta luck :(19:34
Cufafi need a video desing program.! who can help me19:35
clintchancelenorand awww.... Id say i wana know as well19:35
Telroth|SleepI need some help with my DVD drive. The BIOS allows me to boot from it (kubuntu 8.04 dvd), but the drive does not show up at all when running an installed system (kubuntu 8.04 (/dev/scd0 doesn't exist), Vista SP1 (No Optical drives show up in device manager)). Any help is welcome.19:35
obake-sannnothing Telroth|Sleep19:35
clintchancelenorand it douls work  but the led is not compatible with linux as ive read19:35
user4363is there like a task manager in ubuntu?19:35
jsnI'm having pretty generic wma -> wav problems. mplayer plays the wma fine, but after conversion, there is a lot of (technical term??) judder, it plays about half speed with tons of silent gaps. What #chan is for me?19:35
obake-sanits not found in that folder19:35
Ienorandclintchance: You can't re-enable it using the killswitch either?19:35
Telroth|Sleepobake-san, i'm not too familiar with ip kvm so I can't help much then >.<19:35
wiz_worksIenorand: madwifi should work with most atheros chips19:35
x1250user4363: gnome-system-monitor19:35
jsnuser4363, try top, or, for fancier, gtop19:35
clintchancelenorand its never been disabled19:35
obake-sanwell where else would it be19:36
nibsa1242bamenado: already I've just manually removed everything but the most recent and am down to about 25MB usage in /boot now. I guess I'll just grow my /boot to 1GB so it won't fill up so fast.19:36
johnnypeahi all, I cannot play the videos on YouTube fluently , do you have some advice?19:36
Ienorandwiz_works: yes, but how do I find out which version I'm using atm19:36
LinuxMonkeyuser4363:  system->administration->system monitor19:36
heiko_jonny u need adobe flashplayer19:36
nibsa1242bAre SMP kernel's default now even for non-SMP systems? my uname -a reports SMP.19:36
user4363thanks all19:36
jsnWhat #chan is good for sound stuff in linux?19:36
heiko_sry johnny19:36
user4363looks not so good19:37
obake-sanoh, gdm isnt installed19:37
galo4kinрусский убунту19:37
andrew__Can anyone help me with installing my sound card driver? I've mentioned it several times on here and made a forum post (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=828754) but no one has yet to even acknowledge me.19:37
wiz_worksIenorand: did you try running iwconfig to see what it shows ?  sometimes in the nickname it gives a hint at what driver/version19:37
nibsa1242bjsn: does medibuntu have its own channel?19:37
Ashexhow does one force install a 32-bit package on a 64-bit system?19:37
LinuxMonkey!ru | galo4kin19:37
ubottugalo4kin: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:37
Ienorandclintchance: When I use switch wireless led goes off and when I use it again it comes on, but the wireless won't come on again...19:37
jsnnibsa1242b, I'll check :)19:37
Ienorandwiz_works: ath019:37
jsnnibsa1242b, does, 8 people in it19:38
clintchancelenorand, hold on im going to do a first time teston mine19:38
jsn#elive has 28 :)19:38
Jack_Sparrowjsn /join #alsa19:38
nibsa1242bAshex: I think you have to install it into a 32bit chroot. beyond that, I can't help you19:38
wiz_worksIenorand: look in the info for ath0  do you see a field called "nickname"?19:38
nibsa1242bjsn: well they might be good to talk to for sound stuff19:38
Jack_SparrowAshex chroot19:38
clintchance lenorand do you readme?19:38
Ashexdamn barry-tools19:38
lejonA question to a rather experienced linux user: In the /etc/passwd file, the last location on each row is the login shell right? Like "MyUser:x:1000:1000:A Name:/home/MyUser:/bin/bash"" The last :/bin/bash is the login shell right?19:39
Ienorandwiz_works: Nickname:"" , no luck19:39
jsnJack_Sparrow, sounds like a good idea, danke19:39
wiz_worksIenorand: for example: IEEE 802.11b/g  ESSID:"wizworks.net"  Nickname:"zd1211"19:39
Ashexyou can compile it for 64-bit and install19:39
Jack_Sparrowjsn np19:39
Ashexbut for some reason it never installs libbarry19:39
ubottuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box19:39
clintchancelenorand,mine just worked... Takes like 30 sec to come backonline though19:39
heiko_lejoin: yes it is19:39
Ienorandwiz_works: i.e. nickname is blank19:39
Ashexconsistently get this error "btool: error while loading shared libraries: libbarry.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory "19:39
Jack_Sparrow!chroot > Ashex19:39
lejonheiko_, Okies, just wanted to be sure before I start editing anything ^^19:39
JannoTTWhat program to use when i want to grab pick junk of hard drive space from ntfs drive? So win what is on it will still be working and no data is lost.19:39
Ashexyeah, chroot won't work for me I think19:39
Ashexsince I'm installing libraries19:40
heiko_lejon dont edit19:40
heiko_ better u edit ur .profile19:40
wiz_worksIenorand: what do you see towards the bottom when you type lsmod?19:40
clintchancelenorand, what wifi system are you using? Madwifi or ndis?19:40
heiko_u can find it in ur home dir19:40
Dada_Hi there! Does anyone know a good, recent tutorial on how to install Ubuntu on Parallels for Mac? (I found one but it's from 2007, probably better if I get a more recent one.)19:40
wiz_workssomewhere near PCI19:40
lejonheiko_, Why? Explain please ^^19:41
Kumoolis ubuntu 8.04 ppc supported?19:41
Jack_SparrowKumool no19:41
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ19:41
ubottuFactoid xdtv not found19:41
IndyGunFreakclintchance: so your wireless worked out of the box w/ hardy?19:41
clintchanceindygunfreak,havent upgraded yet. Im not up to it im in a trust zone here19:42
ubottuFactoid parallels not found19:42
wiz_worksIenorand: type lsmod and then look for something near "pci"  should list the modules loaded for that card.19:42
IndyGunFreakoh ok19:42
heiko_dont change generated system files ... and nomly all changes in . profile ... this its only for this user19:42
B_166-ER-Xanyone here managed to make xdtv work under gutsy ?19:42
heiko_which shell u need ?19:42
wiz_worksalso you can type dmesg when you toggle the wifi card...   and see what shows up.19:42
unclemikewhats a crc error system haulted19:43
wiz_worksIenorand: also you can type dmesg when you toggle the wifi card...   and see what shows up.19:43
Ienorandwiz_works: ath_pci               101024  0 , that is the thing for wireless I presume, nothing interesting towards bottom [fuse softcursor and stuff]19:43
lejonheiko_, Well what I am going to do is I am going to put all users except root, sync, uucp and my account to use /usr/sbin/nologin19:43
clintchanceFor Gnome Where would be a good place to get themes?19:43
lejonclintchance, GnomeArt19:43
LinuxMonkeyunclemike: we will need more information. i.e. what were you doing, were you got that message, etc...19:44
clintchancelejoin, thanks19:44
wiz_worksIenorand: toggle the wifi card again and then type dmesg.  It should output something pertaining to the card and give a clue as to what's going on./19:44
unclemikeLinuxMonkey: i was booting the system19:44
lejonunclemike, a crc check is a check that checks if the file is damaged or altered since when it was created and if that fails, it probably means the file is damaged somehow19:44
heiko_u'll lock all users ?19:45
lejonheiko_, Yeah but mine and root19:45
Ienorandwiz_works: ok, that would make me unable to connect again, untill reboot is done... anything else I should try whilst doing this reboot?19:45
theshadowAnyone have anyidea on how to debug a bluetooth ppp tethering issue? Can't figure out what should be in my PPP script or why what I do have is giving an error cause its only outputing "ERROR"19:45
heiko_hmm yes :> u cant lock root ;)19:45
dimi3I need some help configuring the boot.. I read the tutorial about it, and some article in ubuntu forums - but they didn't help19:45
lejonheiko_, I have a backup of the file so dont worry, I aint that stupid ;)19:45
s0ullighthello does anyone know a flv to 3gp converter?19:46
wiz_worksIenorand: type this: lsmod | grep ieee8021119:46
lejonYou learn atleast that after using and repairing computers for like 8 years ^^19:46
wiz_workswhat does it say?19:46
tuxboy666I dropped ATI a line. Everyone with issues should :) Describe your issue in detail19:46
dimi3I have debian's grub on hd1,0 and when I do find /boot/grub/stage1 I get it. That means that if I use them in root (hd1,0) I'll still setup the debian grub, right? So I need to use ubuntu's on hd0,1, right?19:46
Flanneldimi3: stage1 is on your MBR (usually), it points to a stage 2 (which is the stuff in /boot/grub)19:47
Ienorandwiz_works: as of now that outputs nil19:47
theshadowAnyone have anyidea on how to debug a bluetooth ppp tethering issue? Can't figure out what should be in my PPP script or why what I do have is giving an error cause its only outputing "ERROR"19:48
unclemikelejon: all i did was install the system then rebooted and got the crc error19:48
wiz_worksIenorand: if the drivers for the card are loaded, it SHOULD return something...   could it be that the atheros/madwifi drivers aren't loaded?19:48
dimi3Flannel: So what should I do - I want the ubuntu's grub cause I think it'll add the entries for the debian system.. or I'll add them manually later :) however I want the look and deel19:48
lejonunclemike, did you verify the cd before you installed and did you burn on the lowest speed possible?19:48
_sourcemakerhow can i start a second x server session within a remote ssh connection?19:48
nosa-Jcan some one help me make sure my my graphics drivers are working fully?19:48
nosa-Jin ubuntu 8.4019:49
tuxboy666as the user type startx?19:49
guhnouillenosa-J: you try glxgears?19:49
unclemikeyes and no...burned on fastest speed19:49
nosa-Jguhnouille: yeah thay work fine19:49
_sourcemakertuxboy666:  yes19:49
Matt_i want to wipe my entire computer...what's the easiest way to do this19:49
Ienorandwiz_works: It works right now, so presumably they are [this is the computer I'm messing with, also used in chat]19:49
lejonheiko_, I could use z shell with ubuntu right?19:49
_sourcemakertuxboy666: but I have already a open session local in kde.. can I start a second remote?19:49
Flanneldimi3: You want to follow the instructions on the first link of the !grub factoid, and make sure you point it to your Ubuntu /boot/grub partition19:49
boris_hello. my friend has plugged in 2 monitors, only 1 works. he is hoping for extended desktop. he has got ati radeon card with "radeon" driver19:50
lejonunclemike, that can damage important files, remember to ALWAYS when burning system disks to burn at the lowest speed possible to prevent damage to the files19:50
clintchanceIs there a know problem with wifi and not being able to logout?19:50
tuxboy666haven't tried radeon. I don't think it supports X195019:50
=== fallenhope|sleep is now known as afallenhope
dimas869anyone have a suggestion about a good translator apart from gnome translator cause it doesnt want to work anymore19:50
tuxboy666radeonHD-stay away far away19:50
thundarrwhat is the command for installing samba19:50
wiz_worksIenorand: you got me on this one...  what type of card is it?19:50
* afallenhope is back (gone 08:59:22)19:50
dimi3Flannel: on grub what ? Factoid?19:51
wiz_worksIenorand: brand I mean...19:51
Flannel!grub | dimi319:51
ubottudimi3: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:51
thundarris it sudo apt-get samba19:51
thundarror something like that19:51
tuxboy666radeonHD got stuck a few times in a loop of just changing my resolution19:51
thundarrany help would be greatly appreciated19:51
unclemikeseems like ubuntu is the only distro i have trouble with....7.04 will install..710 and 8.04 wont install19:51
guhnouillethundarr: if you're running 8.04 then you can install it through enabling shared folders19:51
guhnouilleonce you've done that19:51
Ienorandwiz_works: lspci gives: 09:02.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR2413 802.11bg NIC (rev 01)19:52
thundarrhow do I enable it using shared folders19:52
dimas869tuxboy666 do you use any translator?19:52
thundarrbecause I cannot see the shared folder in my windows systems now19:52
tuxboy666just babelfish for languages other than English/French19:52
guhnouilleright clicking on any folder and clicking Sharing Options19:52
wiz_worksIenorand: well, then it's definitely got something loaded...  I'm stumped19:53
thundarrguhnouille:  I am running 8.0419:53
yuri_hello, im trying to install grub to usb flash drive - easy way of doing this?19:53
_Codeman_Where does gedit-dev install to?19:53
boris_hello. my friend has plugged in 2 monitors, only 1 works. he is hoping for extended desktop. he has got ati radeon card with unknown driver (how in xorg under Device sectionIdentifier"Configured Video Device"19:53
thundarrguhnoilleis there some trick to enabling shared folders19:54
tuxboy666it's probably just VESA then19:54
tuxboy666no way with VESA19:54
boris_so hes got to install a driver ?19:54
tuxboy666he needs fglrx or19:54
dimi3Flannel: I don't have /boot/grub folder in the / partition of Ubuntu?19:54
lejonboris_, I remember someone coming through with that problem before, you somehow gotta get ur computer to understand that you want a dual-monitor, search the forums, I remembered to have found good howtos19:54
tuxboy666ati if it supports it19:54
Ashexwhat's the easiest way to get all the codec info from a video?19:54
tuxboy666the ATI is open source19:54
Ienorandwiz_works: okies, np, cheers for a nice try, I'm gonna bother the forums next...19:54
Flanneldimi3: When you installed Ubuntu, did you set up a separate /boot partition?19:55
wiz_worksI edited etc/motd and put my own custom message in, but when i reboot the box, the default Ubuntu motd message is displayed again.  Why?  what am I doing wrong?19:55
wiz_worksIenorand: good luck!19:55
dimi3Flannel: as far as I remember I didn't only one / and the one /home and..19:55
guhnouillethundarr: nautilus integrates it...just find 'Sharing Options...'19:56
Flanneldimi3: do you have a /boot folder inside of /?19:56
sharperguycan anyone think why firefox would be segfaulting when opening come youtube videos?19:56
legend2440Ashex: right click video file choose properties>Video19:56
Ashexlegend2440, that just tells me it's MPEG419:56
yoyomam_newton: what's up19:56
Scunizisharperguy: did you upgrade from gutsy to hardy?19:56
tuxboy666Firefox 3 is said to still have some bugs, lemme check19:56
guhnouillethundarr: also once you've done that you need to configure smb.conf19:56
dimi3Flannel: I could pastie my fstab for example..?19:56
=== yoyoma is now known as rubixmaster
Flanneldimi3: Sure19:56
thundarrguhnoille I see what you are saying about sharing the folders19:56
sharperguyScunizi, yes, but not recently19:56
guhnouillethundarr: do you want to share a public folder?19:56
heiko_lejon dont know ... im using only bash or ksh19:56
lejonheiko_, ill RTFM it ^^19:57
Drk_GuyHi guys!19:57
Drk_GuyHow can i open a port in the Firewall?19:57
guhnouillethundarr: you need to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf after you've installed samba19:57
Scunizisharperguy: and did you have some additional plugins in the older FF that carried across?19:57
tuxboy666sharperguy, I'm fine, try deleting the flash plugin with Firefox closed19:57
dimi3Flannel: I have it - the real problem is that I really use cd /boot not cd /mnt/grub..19:57
thundarrI have to load the smb config files first19:57
tuxboy666then let Firefox reinstall it19:57
LtLwiz_works: /etc/motd is a symlink, try /var/run/motd19:57
thundarrso what is the command to load the files19:57
obake-sanok, whats the command to create a partition from terminal?19:57
dimi3Flannel: but I dont have menu.lst19:57
guhnouillethundarr: sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf19:57
guhnouilleonce you're in the file19:57
wiz_worksLtL: I tried editing /var/run/motd directly, same result.19:57
basysorry but in wich channel should i ask how to configure qchat (win) client?19:57
thundarrguhnoille yes I could share the public folder19:58
wiz_worksLtL: as root too19:58
Flanneldimi3: What do you have inside of /boot/grub/ then?19:58
sharperguyScunizi, tuxboy666, well I only installed plugins from the repos (and possible medibuntu)19:58
soulchildHi all,... i can only hear sound with the root account,... how do i allow an other user do use sound ?19:58
thundarrguhnoille  I would not have a problem with sharing that or any files19:58
soulchild(I have no GUI)19:58
tuxboy666but my personal experience is Firefox has alot of crash bugs and 3 runs great for me19:58
LtLwiz_works: hrm, i''ve fixed mine, can't recall how/where.19:58
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:58
Scunizisharperguy: what you might try after shutting down FF is "mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.back" then restart FF.. and see if that does the trick.. if you have lots of bookmarks etc.. back them up before the copy19:58
lejonsoulchild, give em the permission for it? Maybe have to have access to sound group?19:58
Drk_GuyHow is it that Firestarter and my router say X port is open, but aMule says i have low id?19:59
QUILzwiz_works: In /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh there is a section related to the MOTD under: # Update motd19:59
tuxboy666that plugin failed for me for some reason in Firefox3, sharper guy. apt-get remove --purge it, che3ck the plugibns folder for traces, then let FF install it19:59
sharperguyScunizi, ok, ill try it19:59
LtLwiz_works: iirc, maybe /etc/motd.tail or something19:59
tuxboy666see if that helps19:59
Scunizisharperguy: fixed me up and made FF3.x faster too.19:59
soulchildlejon: how do i add a user in sound group ?19:59
LtLQUILz: nice one.19:59
soulchildlejon: i am in console mode only19:59
lejonsoulchild, with chmod20:00
NinoScripthi! how do i install build-essentials from the Hardy Heron CD?20:00
dimi3Flannel: http://pastebin.com/m2987efc920:00
ScuniziNinoScript: do you not have an internet connectionA?20:00
Drk_GuyHow is it that Firestarter and my router say X port is open, but aMule says i have low id?20:00
soulchildlejon: can u give me more infos20:00
lejonsoulchild, I am unsure of the terminal command actually, I think its chmod but I am not sure, that might be only for files20:00
Doug_-_-_-_i need some help on ssh, i have installed all the correct stuff for xp sshing. from hardy i am trying to ssh into my own xp from my vbox hardy. but it keeps asking for a password i do not have no password installed on the account i am trying to ssh into so i made one but same thing i enter it right but sayes permision denied ..20:00
lejonsoulchild, let me find the link I have for the perfect terminal guide okay?20:00
Flanneldimi3: Alright, you ... don't have a menu lst for some reason.  Are you on the Ubuntu install currently?20:00
NinoScriptusing internet, returns this: Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/main g++ 4:4.2.3-1ubuntu520:00
NinoScript 404 Not Found [IP: 80]20:00
ScuniziNinoScript: sudo apt-get build-essential20:01
jterzolHello everyone. I've got a problem. Sometimes all fonts in Gnome are suddenly disappearing being replaced with cube symbols. Like the fonts are missing. Also the title bar of metacity is getting really thin and some programs are segfaulting. I also see some icon corruption. Programs like xterm are working fine (no missing fonts). Any idea?20:01
dimi3Flannel: Yes I am20:01
ScuniziNinoScript: sorry.. sudo apt-get install build-essential20:01
Flanneldimi3: Alright, do sudo update-grub20:01
Flanneldimi3: see if it creates a menu.lst20:01
lejonsoulchild, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=73885 read that thread, it has a section bout chown and chmod20:01
NinoScriptScunizi: that's what i did20:01
dimi3No GRUB directory found.. I am using the livecd option..20:02
sigma_hey guys i just accidentally apt-get removed a package that was a dependency for a ton of other things. i think i installed most of the things back, but i still get a list of packages that can be auto-removed when i use apt-get, so i think i missed a few.20:02
soulchildlejon: thank you20:02
NinoScriptScunizi: but it gives me some 404 errors20:02
chazcoHi... i'm trying to use me-tv but it needs a channels.conf, which i cannot create since my signal comes from multiple locations. Any ideas? Kaffeine finds about 60 channels but me-tv gets about 10...20:02
sigma_is there a way to check what i'm missing...?20:02
lejonsoulchild, No problem20:02
blukDoug_-_-_-_: did you try to ssh into your winxp from itself?20:02
dimi3Flannel: so grub-install /dev/sda or /dev/sda120:02
NinoScriptScunizi: maybe from cd is easier i think?20:02
wiz_worksQUILz: thanks!  found it!  I think that will do the trick!  Lemme reboot and try it.  Thanks much!20:02
ScuniziNinoScript: that means you're not making a connection to where ever it's trying to go.. it might not be on the cd..20:02
jterzoldimi3: did something go wrong while updating kernel packages?20:02
Flanneldimi3: Did it create a menu.lst?20:02
basyi looking for some chat application on LAN (win and linux PC's) that is not connetced to internet....20:03
Doug_-_-_-_bluk,  sorry you lost me.20:03
dimi3jterzol: no - just plain install but in the mbr was already some debian grub...20:03
tuxboy666sharperguy, the plugins folder you want to check after the purge is /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/plugins20:03
dimi3Flannel: it didn't20:03
Ultraputzbasy - run your own jabber server.20:03
sharperguytuxboy666, yeah20:03
jterzoldimi3: ah. that's why. I thought about some other problems I've got.20:03
dimi3Flannel: update-grub gives No GRUB directory found. To create a t.... So I guess grub-install but I wonder about the options20:04
mineraleI downloaded the eclipse-cdt package to do C development, but I have no idea how to use it/start it20:04
tuxboy666I hope personally open source flash works good one day20:04
blukDoug_-_-_-_: before trying to ssh from linux, try from win, just to make sure it works here20:04
basy<Ultraputz>: thanks , is there any tutorial?20:04
sharperguyOk, I was trying to save my authenticated sessions as well, so I just deleted the files from the plugins folder, and it seems to be working ok so far20:04
jterzoldimi3: run the grub command20:04
Doug_-_-_-_bluk, it works from windows but not linux.20:04
Bert_2Hi, what is the command to create a rar archive and add one file to it with high compression (man isn't very clear) ?20:04
dimi3jterzol: I tried the howto about windows but my problem is somewhat different20:04
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dimi3jterzol: i on the shell .. what to type there :)20:04
Doug_-_-_-_bluk,  i was able to access files i made on the linux . through the windows.20:05
tuxboy666yup, when Flash starts to hang way more than usual, deleting and reinstalling usually seems to fix20:05
Ultraputzbasy - from there on out you're on your own. no idea.20:05
jterzoldimi3: I will get to you in a moment ;)20:05
chazcoAnyone know how to generate a channels.conf?20:05
tuxboy666Adobe suck at coding :P20:05
jterzoldimi3: I've to look them up myself. but I know where to look :P20:05
DanielRMDoes anyone know if you can use the Qemulator front-end to Qemu to boot from a USB device?20:05
Ultraputzbasy - http://librenix.com/?inode=629420:05
akonkwaDoes anyone here know about Rails on 8.04?20:05
tuxboy666..or crash, as the case may be20:05
dimi3jterzol: no problem - find /boot/grub/stage1 gives the debian hd1,0 ... everything about ubuntu should happen on hd020:05
AnscombeLove how dl is 699mb and my CD to burn on is 700mb :P20:06
akonkwaI'm trying to "rake db:create", but it fails at each time20:06
akonkwaI'm trying to "rake db:create", but it fails at each time any help?20:06
jterzoldimi3: okay. you set the root already?20:06
Flanneldimi3: grub install is used to install stage1.  You need to install stage2, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto#head-f60bd54bfea5b5afbbb8eab20586240d973cdde320:06
dbugger(join #ubuntu-es20:06
ubottuFactoid ruby not found20:06
tuxboy666699 MB is nothing these days. Check out Vista lolz20:06
jterzoldimi3: the root of where GRUB should look for its files20:06
spideymanAnscombe, you can actually overburn by like 20 or 30 megs20:06
D3RGPS31Looking for help setting up a graphics tablet, adesso z12 graphics tablet, with Wacom drivers (& wacom-tools), anyone able to assist me, or point me somewhere?20:07
matthew_okay I'm trying to erase everything and do a fresh install of ubuntu...can I wipe the the entire disk from the live cd?20:07
legend2440akonkwa: try channel    #rubyonrails20:07
Flannelmatthew_: Aye.  And youcan also just install right overtop20:07
matthew_I mean, like, erase the whole computer windows and everything20:07
tuxboy666yes, you can matthew, but are you sure you need to go that far?20:07
Lucky67hello everybody!20:07
jterzoldimi3: root (hd0,0)20:07
dimi3Flannel: do you mean to do the root (hd0,1) setup (hd0)?20:07
sharperguytuxboy666, meh, just deleting the plugins didnt seem to help, it only crashes sometimes strangely and other times it works20:07
tuxboy666one nice thing about nix is how reparable it is20:08
jterzoldimi3: setup (hd0)20:08
dimi3jterzol: I get cannot mount selected partion..20:08
jterzoldimi3: change (hd0,0) as appropiate20:08
tuxboy666hmmm what kind o0f driver do you use?20:08
tuxboy666for graphics20:08
matthew_tuxboy666 I don't really like vista at all...it came with my computer. I have an XP disk if I decide I want windows for any reason, but I'm not really interested in windows. I just want Hardy on my machine.20:08
jterzoldimi3: then try something different than (hd0,0)20:08
dimi3jterzol: the root partition of ubuntu should be sda1.. so that means hd0,120:09
DanielRMmatthew_:  just go on manual partitioning if you're using the LiveCD and delete every partition you see.20:09
tuxboy666Vista is what pushed me to full time on Linux matthew_ :P20:09
jterzoldimi3: do you have a separate /boot partition?20:09
Lucky67anybody here, who can help me with a real hard problem with apt-get (might also be a network problem)20:09
spideymanmatthew_, thats how i made the move to nix windows pissed me off for the last time so i deleted everything so i had no choice but to learn20:09
DanielRMmatthew_: then setup some partitions for Linux. Generally a / and a /home will do.20:09
piercewhat is the recommended way of burning a 700 meg avi file onto a dvd playable in a dvd player?20:09
LimCoreLucky67: just describe the problem;  also, if no help here, then try ubuntu forums20:10
dimi3jterzol: no, the boot folder is in the root partition20:10
matthew_danielRM: just to clarify...I run the partitioner from the live cd then restart and click "largest continuous free space"20:10
ompaul!dvd | pierce20:10
ubottupierce: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs20:10
jterzoldimi3: root in GRUB means the partition where it will look for its files. It is not necessarily the root of your Linux install20:10
D3RGPS31is there a linux package that supports unsupported graphics tablets >.<20:10
BoltClockam i able to change how the calendar in my panel displays the first day of the week?20:10
jterzoldimi3: okay20:10
tuxboy666I dual boot XP still for the rare occasion I want to play a game that bad20:10
tuxboy666XP hasn't been booted for over a year20:10
pierceompaul: I'm not playing or ripping, I'm burning a dvd20:10
DanielRMmatthew_: no, that'll leave everything else you still have on, including Windows and... what, a borked Ubuntu? I assume you had a problem?20:10
LimCoretuxboy666: I booted my XP today.  Its quite good game console.20:11
dimi3jterzol: I could do another install of ubuntu - and pay more attention on the menus.. but I don't know what went wrong20:11
matthew_spideyman, that's what I'm going for right now20:11
legend2440pierce: in synaptic there is a package called   devede that is very good at authoring dvd's20:11
jterzoldimi3: hmm, sda1 is (hd0,0) by the way ;)20:11
jterzoldimi3: grub starts counting from 020:11
BoltClockrephrasing: am i able to change which day my calendar displays as the first day of the week instead of sunday?20:11
piercelegend2440: awesome, thanks20:11
dimi3jterzol: I left the grub on hd0.. and / was the first partition there20:11
tuxboy666in the live CD if you're borked, you could do a mount /dev/hdax /your/directory20:11
matthew_danielrm, no real problem, it's just windows is a memory hog and it steals space on my hard drive.20:11
tuxboy666then you can even modify files that are borked20:11
Alizeerohello selk20:11
spideymanmatthew_, sink or swim i always say20:11
jterzoldimi3: so try the following:20:11
DanielRMmatthew_: then basically just start the LiveCD installer, get through to partitioning, and then choose manual partitioning.20:12
matthew_isn't there, like, a program that I can make a boot cd that wipes the drive?20:12
dbuggerI have problems with to get the ATI hardware acceleration working in HArdy. Can someone help me please?20:12
jterzoldimi3: root (hd0,0)20:12
DanielRMmatthew_: the Ultimate Boot CD has Darik's Boot and Nuke.20:12
DanielRMmatthew_: which can erase the entire drive.20:12
DanielRMmatthew_: but it's easier just to wipe the partitions.20:12
tuxboy666you might do a chown chgrp to avoid having to sudo everything20:12
jterzoldimi3: setup (hd0)20:12
tuxboy666safe to do that from live cd20:13
dimi3jterzol: I get Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition...20:13
matthew_danielrm I just ran dban and it "ended with non-fatal errors" basically did nothing. Last time I deleted a hard disk I used window wiper or something I can't remember the name.20:13
jterzoldimi3: hmm, looks like something is wrong with your device mappings20:13
DanielRMmatthew_: odd. If you're using a LiveCD then you could just do this:20:13
Lucky67I have a hard problem: I try "sudo apt-get update" and the download is stuck (I use de "archive.ubuntu.com"); last line is: "99% [2 Translation-de bzip2 0]"20:14
DanielRMmatthew_: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/<hda/sda/whatever>20:14
Lucky67are the servers overlaoded?20:14
jterzoldimi3: try do use different variations of (hd0,0) and use tab completion to see if you can find any files20:14
tuxboy666this very Hardy install was once aqn Edgy install I borked, but repaired with LiveCD20:14
dimi3jterzol: .. maybe when I try with hd1,0 I get the debian's one.. so I'll go for another installation of ubuntu and cross fingers :)20:14
matthew_danielrm, i'll be honest I don't know what that means. :P20:14
dimi3jterzol: if you're still here I'll write to you20:14
Lucky67If I try to "search best server" in synaptic, i get message: can't find any20:14
jterzoldimi3: okay. then I wish you good luck ;)20:14
DanielRMmatthew_: it'll write 0s to the hard drive.20:14
jterzoldimi3: cya20:15
elliotjhuganyone know how to reneable the save tabs open feature in firefox if it's accidentally disabled with the checkbox?20:15
matthew_danielrm, am I just typing that into terminal?20:15
kitcheelliotjhug: it's in the options in firefox20:15
Lucky67it is about version 7.1020:15
elliotjhugkitche: any idea where? - I couldn't find it20:16
DanielRMmatthew_: as root, yes, but also make sure that you get the right thing for of. of will typically be /dev/hda or /dev/sda; the latter is more common for laptops, the former for desktops.20:16
Ironhi. Does anyone here use screenlets? i'm interested in a weather screenlet. Have some of them but they asked to provide a zip code but i can't provide one, because i'm not from US. Can anyone give any advice?20:16
BoltClockelliotjhug: edit > preferences > When Firefox starts: Show my windows and tabs from last time20:16
BoltClocki think20:16
matthew_ok thanks for the advice guys, I'm off to experiment, everythings backed up already, so no worries20:16
Oli````Is it possible to make X interpret alt-letter combinations as modified characters (eg: e-acute, a-acute, etc)?20:16
DanielRMmatthew_: OK. Good luck.20:16
jterzolAnyone familiar with the problem of disappearing fonts and segfaults etc. in Gnome?20:16
elliotjhugBoltClock: thanks a lot!20:17
addchild314Has anyone had success with bluetooth stereo in 8.04?20:17
D3RGPS31Looking for help setting up an unsupported graphics tablet with Wacom drivers (Adesso)20:17
BoltClockwelcome elliot :)20:17
tuxboy666wish I could help you. I can feel you on gfx issues(especially with ATI and ps3)20:18
mehehoolis anyone dualbooting win xp64bit20:18
addchild314meheool: yep20:18
tuxboy666but not familar with that gfx setup20:18
LtLmehehool: me too.20:19
ShiftyPowersdoes anyone use a usbuirt here with lirc?20:20
tuxboy666how are drivers now for XP 64. They used to be more of a problem than for us. Just curious.20:20
ShiftyPowersi'm having hte worst time trying to figure this out20:20
malvanyone know how to fix qt fonts without installing kde?20:20
malvi am lacking proper hinting20:20
tuxboy666try reinstalling libQT maybe20:20
mehehooladdchild could i get u to do me a favor20:21
tuxboy666not sure package name. Apt-cache search it20:21
DishivlatavishHi, my flash plugin stopped working after upgrading to ff3 in Hardy Heron x86_64. I followed this howto but to no avail http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77249020:21
addchild314meh: depends...20:21
kitchemalv: need to build a feature but ubuntu actually has that feature disabled due to patent reasons I guess20:21
addchild314tux: drivers are better in xp x64 than vista x64... that was a nightmare20:22
xenomorph99General question. I dual boot Ubuntu and Windows but also have Mandriva installed. I have some files saved on a FAT32 partition but they were put there when I was "in Ubuntu." Mandriva now has problems accessing those files. Is there an easy way of "not applying permissions" to files saved, just like it would be if I saved them from Windows?20:22
tuxboy666lol I only tried Vista on an x86 pc first before hating it(it ran ok but I hate it)'20:22
mehehooli need .inf file in 64 bit for my wireless card in linux could i get u to download a wireless driver and seperate the .inf for me and mail it to me20:22
D3RGPS31Is there a way to install mac drivers on linux?20:22
kitcheD3RGPS31: no20:22
Lucky67I have a hard problem: I try "sudo apt-get update" and the download is stuck (I use de "archive.ubuntu.com"); last line is: "99% [2 Translation-de bzip2 0]"20:22
addchild314meh: what driver20:23
Lucky67Sometimes also bzip2 reports errors20:23
mehehoolill give you all neccessary instructions and websites20:23
Lucky67I searched many forums, but I have no clue20:23
Mr_Bad_Newsflash player keeps causing firefox to freeze and/or lag20:23
fsufitchhey guys i have a problem. a friend of mine just bought an XPS M1330 and installed ubuntu 8.10 on it. it works great, but it looks like his wireless card (driver) doesnt have WEP support. it connects ok to networks w/o WEP. he doesnt remember what kind of card he picked for his laptop, and i don't know how to find it out to get the right driver. anyone know how to do it / if there is a generic driver for intel wireless cards20:23
fsufitch (yes, it is intel)?20:23
tuxboy666I got a broadcom driver20:23
fsufitchright now his driver is "iwl3945" as networkmanager says it20:24
ompaul!wireless > fsufitch the bot can tell ya here20:24
tuxboy666but it's bad idea to seperate the inf. Other files get used after the inf gets read20:24
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:24
fsufitchgreat, i'll try that20:24
addchild314fsu: the dell XPSs are shipping with the intel 4945 AGN card, which works with WEP under 8.04 out of the box for me20:24
xenomorph99General question. I dual boot Ubuntu and Windows but also have Mandriva installed. I have some files saved on a FAT32 partition but they were put there when I was "in Ubuntu." Mandriva now has problems accessing/deleting those files (permissions). Is there an easy way of "not applying permissions" to files saved, just like it would be if I saved them from Windows?20:25
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addchild314it might not be 4945.. but its intels wireless n chip20:25
xenon_Anyone with a Sil 3114 controller and a Raid 0 working?20:25
tuxboy666make it accessable by using groups. The Linux group system should take care of it20:25
xenomorph99Make what accessible? The partition?20:26
tuxboy666like have your users for each Linux system in the same group20:26
mehehooladdchild; you would hav to install the driver20:26
pubif my base OS is linux, can i dual boot linux/ xp ?20:26
addchild314meh: thats ok, just gimme the model, and an email addy20:27
xenomorph99Can't I just make it so anything I save to a particular partition doesn't have permissions applied?20:27
tuxboy666but you'll need to reinstall grub20:27
Scunizipub yes. but you'll have to reinstall grub20:27
tuxboy666Bill borks your bootloader, but it's easy to fix20:27
pubdoes that mean i lose everything i've done in linux20:27
Scunizipub do you want to do that just to run games? if no games then use vmware server20:27
QUILzxenomorph99: FAT partitions don't support permissions. Do you have it mounted in Mandriva with the correct uid/gid set?20:27
mehehooladdchild; theres the web address i need the second driver on the list20:28
pubScunizi games20:28
SpeConhello all, I installed ubuntu again and its been a long time ago that i used it. I'm connected with my lan cable to the internet. But i have a wireless router + USB flash disk to put into my computers usb to get online. With windows i don't have any troubles with it. But with ubuntu i cannot use my flash disk. Can somebody help me to install my internet?20:28
tuxboy666at least Ubuntu is nice enough to detect and list xp when it overwrites Bill's bootloader20:28
addchild314u need the 64 bit driver20:28
Scunizipub.. then your stuck.. I'll research how to reinstall grub first20:28
mehehoolmy email is studd_oo@yahoo.com20:28
ghostknifeIs there some way I can configure the sudo password save period? FOr instance, I use sudo, type my password. Type it again and it doesn't prompt me. Type it a few minutes later it prompts me again20:28
xenomorph99Well, that's what I thought (FAT has no permissions) but I have dumped some files to a FAT32 partition and, when I try to delete them from Mandriva, it says I don't have the right permissions20:28
xenomorph99But if I become root, I can20:28
mehehoolI assume u know how to get the .inf file20:28
Scunizighostknife: yes but you'd be giving up lots of security.. not recommended.20:29
tj13820how do i install the Dynex wireless card driver (atheros) in ubuntu server?20:29
tj13820(non gui)20:29
mehehooladdchild; yes20:29
tj13820i do not have internet access right now :-(20:29
tuxboy666is it  broadcom chipset?20:29
Scunizitj13820: install the restricted drivers for server.20:29
xenomorph99uid/gid set?20:29
addchild314meh; yeah20:29
tuxboy666ahhh forgot that's a chipset !wireless20:29
Scunizitj13820: do yo have a gui at all?20:29
xenomorph99I want to get around that. I don't want to have to be a particular user to be able to manipulate these files20:30
tuxboy666the wiki should say which driver works for it20:30
QUILzxenomorph99: I mean uid or gid set in the partition's mount options20:30
tj13820Scunizi: no, no GUI, i'm trying to install the driver to get a connection to install Ubuntu desktop20:30
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:30
mehehooladdchild; thank you20:30
dvheumenhi, can someone explain to me why the kernel config files of ubuntu kernels have sound disabled (and sometimes other deviating settings)?20:30
Scunizitj13820: give me a sec.. and I should be able to give you the command.. hopefully it'll be on the cd.20:30
sotheHello, i have some trubble to install Steam(counter-strike1.6) anyone who can help me with it, pleace PM me.20:30
addchild314lemme boot into xp... bb in 30 or less20:30
xenomorph99I dunno. I don't have the partitions set up in fstab. I normally 'mount them on demand' via the places->remote places system20:30
tuxboy666it gives the pros and cons of each driver, as well, if multiple drivers work20:30
K^Holtzsome web pages arent displaying properly even though i have java and flash installed. For example: http://www.mitsucars.com/MMNA/jsp/evo/08/index.do?loc=en-us . Can someone help me get this working?20:30
tj13820Scunizi: thank you for looking into it.20:30
Doug_-_-_-_is there a way i can use remote desktop viewer in hardy to connect to a xp box?20:31
xenomorph99I also don't have them set up in fstab in Mandriva20:31
tj13820Doug_-_-_-_: use VNC20:31
daedragah I have hosed my windows chainloader20:31
daedraso grub can see it, it points to the right partition, but goes blank on boot20:31
sotheHello, i have some trubble to install Steam(counter-strike1.6) anyone who can help me with it, pleace PM me.20:31
tj13820Doug_-_-_-_: install tightvnc server on the windows box and use vnc viewer to view it20:31
xenomorph99I was hoping just to use these FAT partitions as "dump areas"20:31
Scunizitj13820: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-18-server... hopefully20:31
QUILzsothe: Have you tried #winehq ?20:31
sotheok, will do20:32
Scunizitj13820: if it's not on the cd you'll have to download it with another machine and carry it across with a usb stick or something.20:32
tj13820Scunizi: i'm using 8.0420:32
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terroni tried installing ubuntu on my dell laptop on a second partition (i've got arch linux on the first) but Ubiquity only shows /dev/sda (won't show me the partitions). does anyone know how i can just install it the seperate partition?20:33
Scunizitj13820: that's for 8.04 and the -18 kernel.. if you have a different kernel substitute the -18 at the end with the appropriate number.. you'll see which one on the boot menu20:33
Scunizitj13820: it might be 16 or 17 .... 16 probably if you haven't been able to do any updates yet.20:34
fsufitchompaul: the wifidocs aren't being helpful20:34
tj13820it said couldnt find package20:34
fsufitchthey're telling me how to update stuff, but i can't find why my wep is down20:34
tuxboy666you have to make more probably try gparted20:34
Scunizi!who | tuxboy66620:34
ubottutuxboy666: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:34
saintmykillQuestion for the experts: i have 8.04 and XP dual booting on my laptop currently.  I want to wipe out XP and extend my Ubuntu home partition into the newly freed space.  What's the easiest way to go about this?20:34
JorgeAlvarezHello everyone, How do i make an image of a disk using cdrdao, Thanks20:34
DishivlatavishHi, my flash plugin stopped working after upgrading to ff3 in Hardy Heron x86_64. I followed this howto but to no avail http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77249020:34
tuxboy666terron you have to make more probably try gparted20:34
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:35
Scunizisaintmykill: gparted live cd .. then reinstall grub20:35
lovreHow do i search trough PDF files? Is there a tool to do this?20:35
Telroth|Sleepdaedra, does it error or just stall after trying to boot it?20:35
daedraTelroth|Sleep: just blank (stall I would say)20:35
daedrablinking cursor20:35
saintmykillScunizi: thanx20:35
tuxboy666terron install it in the LiveCD session. Works great that way20:35
jattwhat is a WEP key? Should I get one to be able to access a wifi network?20:35
Telroth|Sleepdaedra, can you pastebin your menu.lst?20:35
Scunizi!web | jatt20:36
daedraTelroth|Sleep: yup20:36
ubottuFactoid web not found20:36
Scunizi!wep | jatt20:36
ubottujatt: WEP is totally insecure, don't use it, the full Wireless Documentation for Ubuntu can be found at:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:36
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:36
xenomorph99Okay. Maybe I need to ask this a different way...Can I just apply a "don't care who the owner of these items is' to all the files in a partition ?20:37
jattOK should a get a new network password from the administrator?20:37
daedraTelroth|Sleep: http://paste.ubuntu.com/20200/20:38
Scunizi!chown | xenomorph99 <yes you can>20:38
jribxenomorph99: what filesystem?20:38
Telroth|Sleepxenomorph99, to what extent? disable permissions and give you acecss to everything?20:38
tuxboy666lol xenomorph69 that feature is really for your security. Just set the permission for the group you put both owners in20:38
tuxboy666once you get the hang of it, it will be easy20:38
xenomorph99FAT32. I have saved some files to a FAT32 partition which I want to be able to access from any other OS20:38
jrib!vfat > xenomorph99 (read the private message from ubottu)20:38
whikis it possible to make the system not ask for a pasword?20:38
xenomorph99e.g. Mandriva. I don't care what the security is on them20:39
marculesGood evening ^^20:39
jribxenomorph99: you can't use chown/chmod, you need to set the appropriate options in your fstab (see ubottu)20:39
tj13820how do i port them with a usb drive20:39
Scuniziwhik.. yes.. but if we told you we'd have to mangle your system20:39
xenomorph99But suppose I don't want to mount the partition in fstab?20:39
jribxenomorph99: then you are out of luck20:39
whiklol k then20:39
xenomorph99Very flexible this Linux ;-)20:39
tuxboy666jrib, he can because he just wants a common storage partition20:40
user4363is there a file that i can manually set the screen resolution from? - my top res is 800x60020:40
tuxboy666not a parition the OS runs from20:40
jribtuxboy666: how then?20:40
Henri121_qualcuno ha fantasie su cugina20:40
xenomorph99Yes, that's what I want. Just a partition to dump files on.20:40
xenomorph99Without any permissions applied20:40
tj13820Scunizi" how do i install the driver with a usb drive?20:40
Scuniziuser4363: have you enabled your restricted drivers?20:40
daedraTelroth|Sleep: any ideas?20:40
tuxboy666as I said, each owner will have the sanme group from each OS20:40
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:40
jribxenomorph99: then why don't you use ext3...20:40
tuxboy666say just clowns for argument20:40
user4363i've installe ati drivers with the help of envy20:40
xenomorph99Because I want to use FAT32 so I access it from Windows20:40
QUILzxenomorph99: Then it's a strange bug, because mounting from remote devices should set uid/gid to yours for FAT partitions20:40
Worse1i have a problem when trying to load Ubuntu it drops to Busybox v1.1.3 .... does that mean its incompatable with that machine or is it a problem that can be fixed?20:40
jribxenomorph99: you can access ext3 from windows20:41
Scunizitj13820: you'd download the package to the usb on another machine and carry it across to the other machine and then just double click on it.. it should be a .deb file.20:41
xenomorph99I want to use FAT3220:41
tuxboy666then each user from each distro gets put in clowns. Partition was set by owner to be readable by clowns20:41
whikhow do we install python on ubuntu? or is it preinstalled somewhere20:41
xenomorph99I don't want to use the flaky ext3 driver that takes 3 hours to mount the partitions20:41
xenomorph99Or did last time I tried it20:41
tj13820Scunizi:i can't double click, no GUI20:41
jribxenomorph99: that's fine.  But it doesn't support permissions and you are going to have to change default behavior for your "don't care who the owner is" behavior20:41
Scuniziwhik: sudo apt-get install python ?20:41
whikill try20:41
Telroth|Sleepdaedra, I don't see anything wrong with your menu.lst, the only thing I can suggest is restoring the windows loader and then reinstalling grub.20:41
Scunizitj13820: sorry I forgot.. do a man dpkg for instructions for cli20:41
xenomorph99How do you mean?20:42
jribxenomorph99: I mean fstab is the easy way for you to take care of this20:42
KakuradyI installed LAMP on Ubuntu Desktop, but there's no www-data user... or is it supposed to be ran as root?20:42
daedraTelroth|Sleep: how do I restore the windows loader?20:42
afallenhopeis there a way to increase my swap ?20:42
xenomorph99Then I have to mess about with UUIDs and I can't be bothered. I just want an easy way to dump files onto a partition where I don't have to mess about with _anything_. Is that at all possible?20:43
jribKakurady: there should be a www-data group that apache runs as if you installed from the repositories20:43
afallenhopeI have a  2GB of ram and it's only using 700mb20:43
lovrenoone knows if there is something to search PDF files in linux?20:43
ScuniziKakurady: I think it resides in /var/www or /etc/www can't remember20:43
Excelsi0rHi people20:43
whikhuh it says its at the newest version but i dont see it under anything20:43
KakuradyIt's /var/www/20:43
Scuniziwhik do you have a gui?  check synaptic and search for python.. you'll get lots of referances.20:44
tuxboy666afallenhope use sysctl.conf to reduce swapping behaviour. Try vm.swappiness=0 in the file then do in terminal "sudo sysctl -p" or better yet, reboot20:44
whiki have a tgz file for it on my desktop20:44
kitchewhik: type python in a terminal :)20:44
jribxenomorph99: you realize this stuff is a one-time thing?  Instead of spending your time trying to avoid it, you could have been finished already!20:44
Scuniziwhik: better to get it from synaptic and the repos then from some other place.20:44
addchild314meh: where did you want that INF file?20:44
=== tolecnal_ is now known as tolecnal
ompaulKakurady, do this:   ps auwx | grep apach20:44
afallenhopeScunizi: it's in the /var/www20:45
whiki got it right of the python main site20:45
m_newtonScunizi, Synaptic is best20:45
tj13820Scunizi: what would the path to a USB drive be so i can CD to it?20:45
Scuniziafallenhope: yea  .. he found it.20:45
afallenhopetuxboy666: I want to INCREASE my swap lol.20:45
Scunizim_newton: always..20:45
m_newtonScunizi, That way it will automatically update20:45
D3RGPS31Looking for help setting up an unsupported graphics tablet with Wacom drivers (Adesso) >.>20:45
xenomorph99I don't see why I need to add them to fstab. I can't believe I'm the first person to want to dump some files to a partition and have absolutely no permissions applied to those files so anyone could access them from any other OS20:45
fredrikDoes anyone know a good front-end to iptables?20:45
tuxboy666ahh I misread. I thou8ght you wanted the kernel to use more RAM20:45
Excelsi0rIs it a normal thing if a file copied with "cp -p" see his privileges changed to 777-root:root ....20:45
sayotteis there a way to restrict ubuntu's nfs-kernel-server to NFSv3 or below?20:45
Scunizitj13820: try cd /media then "ls" to see what's in there.. it might be listed as usb.. so the path would be /media/usb20:46
tuxboy666the swap partition is how big now?20:46
Kakuradyompaul: Thanks, the www-data user is there, but it does not show up in Users and Groups.20:46
Scunizitj13820: I'll check mine20:46
tj13820Scunizi: ty20:46
ompaulKakurady,  ;-)20:46
jribxenomorph99: if you wait until you login and then mount the partitions as your user, it "just works"20:46
m_newtonScunizi, there r exceptions, mainly when you get it from another repo like medibuntu; there you just add the repo; the way with synaptic, all ur apps are updated if updates r avalible20:46
Agu10I need help with my screen20:46
sayotteI am having trouble getting a network install over NFS to work and need some insight into what's going wrong, but ethereal can't decode NFSv420:46
xenomorph99But when I boot into Mandriva, I'm not the same user20:46
theshadowstupid question... if you can see this message just respond with yes.20:46
Agu10I have just installed ubuntu and i cant configure my 2 screens20:46
Scunizim_newton: you're speaking to the choir here.20:46
sayottetheshadow: yes20:46
xenomorph99Are you saying I need to set the same UID in Mandriva as I have in Ubuntu?20:46
jribxenomorph99: so?20:46
theshadowsayotte: ty20:46
Agu10someone can help my?20:47
m_newtonScunizi, or when the package is not avalible in repos, but that usually means that it is not testes20:47
xenomorph99Well, I want to be able to switch between Ubuntu and Mandriva and manipulate the dumped files20:47
jribxenomorph99: fat32 isn't aware of UIDs20:47
tuxboy666afallenhope you could resize it via gparted in a Live session, but if not all swap is even close to being used, try increasing vm.swappiness instead of setting a low number like 020:47
m_newtonScunizi, what?20:47
xenomorph99So what prevents me from deleting those files from Mandriva ?20:47
QUILzxenomorph99: When you boot into a user in Mandriva and mount the FAT partition, it should mount it with your permissions. If it then it's probably a bug20:47
jribxenomorph99: nothing20:47
xenomorph99Unless I am root in Mandriva20:47
xenomorph99But it prevents me20:47
Scunizitj13820: it will be /media/sd"x""number"  try several if there are several.20:47
ActionParsniphey all20:47
jribxenomorph99: ask the mandriva channel20:47
Scunizim_newton: you're telling me things I've already told others.. but thanks anyway20:47
Telroth|Sleepdaedra, the only way I know of is very roundabout: You need a copy of the windows 95 or windows 98 version of fdisk. fdisk /mbr will rebuild the windows bootloader for you20:48
ActionParsnipis there a way I can put a program in the background if I know its PID??20:48
xenomorph99So, if I go and dump some files from Mandriva and Ubuntu can't access them, I can come back and ask the same question again?20:48
Excelsi0rCan someone tell me how to preserve ownership of a file with the cp command ?20:48
m_newtonScunizi, oh, srry, just entered after pm ing a guy20:48
sayotteActionParsnip: within the shell you launched it from, ctrl-z, then "bg"20:48
QUILzxenomorph99: Ubuntu should be able to access them20:48
jribxenomorph99: it depends how the OS decides to mount the partition.  On Ubuntu, if you wait until you login, then mount it, you'll have permissions20:48
LtLExcelsi0r: cp -p20:48
ActionParsnipsayotte: cool :)20:48
Telroth|Sleepdaedra, if you have a windows computer you can access and floppy drives in both computers, then go to bootdisk.com to get a copy of the 98 boot disk, else you'll just need to search around20:48
Scunizitj13820: like cd /media/sdb1 or cd /media/sdb2 or cd /media/sdc1 etc.20:48
m_newtonScunizi, well convey the message, I am going to eat20:48
xenomorph99OK, can I just explain how I use this partition?20:49
Agu10just help me!20:49
Scunizim_newton: :)20:49
sayotteActionParsnip: the shell commands like that operate on "jobs" rather than PIDs though20:49
sayottedoh, he left20:49
sayotteok, my question has long since scrolled off the top so I'll repeat it:20:49
sayotteis there a way to restrict ubuntu's nfs-kernel-server to NFSv3 or below?20:49
sayotteI am having trouble getting a network install over NFS to work and need some insight into what's going wrong, but ethereal can't decode NFSv420:49
Excelsi0rLtL: It's not working, my files got privileges 777 owned by root, even with the -p20:49
Agu10how do i configure my two screens to work???20:49
KakuradySomething isn't right.20:49
Scunizisayotte: you might ask in #ubuntu-server if no body here knows.20:49
sayotteAgu10: Xorg -config20:49
sayotteScunizi: thanks20:49
whikis the epiphany browser any good?20:50
jrib!who | xenomorph9920:50
ubottuxenomorph99: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:50
jribwhik: try it and decide for yourself (it's my default)20:50
Scuniziwhik: try it and see if you like it..20:50
Agu10bash: xorg: orden no encontrada20:50
Scunizitj13820: any luck?20:50
xenomorph99I boot into Ubuntu. I don't have the partition set up in fstab. It's a FAT32 partition. I dump files onto it. I then later want to manipulate these files from Mandriva or Windows (or Ubuntu). I then boot into Windows. Windows doesn't give a monkeys about the permissions so I can do what I like. I then boot into Mandriva which I installed after Ubuntu. Without being root, I can't then delete files on that partition. It says I don20:50
Agu10it does not work20:50
kitchesayotte: the NFS version is decided in the NFS client/server config not really the kernel all the kernel does is give NFS support so you can mount the NFS filesystem20:50
tj13820Scunizi: not yet, can't find a .deb madwifi driver20:51
kitchexenomorph99: yes that's because you don't have permissions20:51
jribxenomorph99: that is a mandriva issue.  It's choosing to mount the partition without giving you permissions20:51
xenomorph99So FAT32 does support partitions now?20:51
xenomorph99permissions, not partitions20:51
Scunizitj13820: search for the previous package name I gave you.. get that whole package.20:51
addchild314meh: did you want that INF?20:51
cjk2xenomorph99: only with posixovl20:51
jribxenomorph99: you aren't listening...20:51
Agu10how do i configure my two screens to work in their resolutions?20:51
KnifaHi, I'm having a problem with the wireless on my laptop. It refuses to connect to my network. It detects the networks, asks me for the passkey and tries to connect, but never actually connects. I have another laptop that seems to connect find and the wireless also works okay on Windows. Any ideas?20:51
tj13820Scunizi: which one?20:51
Agu10how do i configure my two screens to work in their resolutions?20:51
sayottekitche: right so the "client/server" config--- the client here is a network install kernel which would be non-trivial to force into NFSv3 or below20:51
daedraTelroth|Sleep: ok thanks20:51
Scunizitj13820: I'll look it up again.20:51
tj13820Scunizi: ndiswrapper20:51
xenomorph99OK, go ahead20:51
sayottekitche: I was hoping to configure the server half20:52
sayotteand "nfs-kernel-server" is a package including both userland and kernel apps20:52
lejonwhat are shadow passwords?20:52
kitchesayotte: umm not sure why you keep bringing up kernel since the kernel has nothing to do with it20:52
Scunizitj13820: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-18-server... hopefully20:52
tj13820Scunizi: ahh20:52
tj13820that one20:52
* Codexs está away; Far away... - site[n/a] email[none@none] uin[none] log[on] pager[off] -=[Cyber]=-20:52
kitchesayotte: it's the NFS config files20:52
jribxenomorph99: the OS sets permissions when you mount it.  The OS decides the permissions to give the files without any information from the fat32 filesystem.  Your easy solution is to edit your fstab on mandriva.  Ask the mandriva channel for a better way if you need one20:52
tj13820it was never restricted in previous installs.20:52
sayottekitche: nfs-kernel-server is a package, it encompasses botht he kernel module and the userland nfsd20:52
Scunizitj13820: it is a specific one for the server.. I had issues on gutsy because it didn't exist.. hardy included it.20:53
sayottekitche: ok do you know where the NFS config files are?20:53
cjk2jrib: there's posixovl which mounts on top of fat to store unix permissions20:53
xenomorph99OK. Now we've established that, I'll ask the question again20:53
jribcjk2: not by default?20:53
oniscienteWhen the network connects it defines one dns that doesnt connect me to nothing. Although, if i change the dns to the dns of my server it works. When I restart, i lose the previous settings. I put the dns on the dhclient.conf and nothing happened. I set the dns with the network-config program and no change have been made. Does anyone can help me?20:53
cjk2jrib: "by default:?20:53
jribcjk2: never mind, I see what you mean20:54
kitchesayotte: on Ubuntu no20:54
xenomorph99If the OS sets the permissions, how can I remove those permissions for those files OR tell the OS NOT to apply permissions to certain files ?20:54
ompaul!fat32 | xenomorph9920:54
ubottuxenomorph99: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE20:54
cjk2it's a fuse module that has not gotten widespread use so far20:54
Carpe|DiemDoes anyone know: what is the best file manager?:D20:54
lonetech1920how can i check files and packages like in /etc because some files have become missing or corrupted20:54
Scunizitj13820: in fact it might be in the server cd.. with server booted put the cd in and then cd /media/cdrom0 to it.. then "sudo updatedb" wait for a few then "locate <filename>" or "locate /media/cdrom0/*.deb"20:54
Excelsi0ranyone can explain me why my "cp -p" don't preserve files ownership and permissions ?20:54
sayottekitche: looks like there's an /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server20:54
jribxenomorph99: you can't as far as I know.  You can set permissions on the whole partition in your fstab20:54
ScuniziExcelsi0r: does it need a capital "P"20:55
sayottethough I'm having trouble finding the relevant man page20:55
sayotteshoulda looked there sooner20:55
cjk2Excelsi0r: it does.20:55
ompaulxenomorph99, if that creates issues for you I will be surprised if you want to use ext3 then you should have the same user:group and possibly UID set for both sides to be happy (I know this is needed for NFS but the uid might not need to be the same for fat)20:55
kitcheExcelsi0r: well cp -p does not perserve permissions but does perserve user id and group id among other things20:55
LtLExcelsi0r: my mistake, i thought it was -p, man cp.20:55
ompaul!best | Carpe|Diem20:56
ubottuCarpe|Diem: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:56
xenomorph99I want to use FAT32, though, as this is easily accessed from Windows. Last time I tried the driver that accessed ext2 or 3, I ended up with a world of pain in extended log on times etc in Windows as it mounted these partitions20:56
Scunizixenomorph99: ext3 can be access easily from windows as well if you load the ext3 driver.20:56
Carpe|Diemhmm, ok ompaul20:57
KnifaHi, I'm having a problem with the wireless on my laptop. It refuses to connect to my network. It detects the networks, asks me for the passkey and tries to connect, but never actually connects. I have another laptop that seems to connect find and the wireless also works okay on Windows. Any ideas?20:57
Knifaerr and my card works okay on Windows, rather.20:57
Excelsi0rcjk2: well... the copied files are owned by root with 777 permissions after the copy... :s20:57
Carpe|Diemthx :/20:57
xenomorph99Yes, and like I said, last time I used it, it used to take 2-3 mins to mount the partitions20:57
cjk2Excelsi0r: stupid filesystem?20:57
mehehooladdchild; yes20:57
xenomorph99As opposed to ~0 seconds for FAT3220:57
Excelsi0rcjk2: err...20:57
=== _tscolin is now known as tscolin
Excelsi0ror maybe stupid chair-screen interface20:57
Scunizixenomorph99: missed that.. did you only try one of the ext3 drivers.. I can't remember which one I use to use but it was pretty quick20:57
jribxenomorph99: that doesn't happen here.  Try a different driver as there are many for windows20:57
cjk2Excelsi0r: we were just talkin about vfat and permissions...20:58
Excelsi0rcjk2: thanks man.... it was a chair-screen interface deficience20:58
jrib!ext3 > xenomorph99 (read the private message from ubottu)20:58
* Excelsi0r is ashamed of himself20:58
xenomorph99OK, so let's say that I switch them to ext3. Do I have to set the same user ID in Ubuntu as in Mandriva to be able to manipulate these files?20:59
ompaul!otherhelp | xenomorph9920:59
ubottuxenomorph99: If no-one here can help you you can try the ubuntu-users mailing list - https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users or the forums - http://ubuntuforums.org20:59
addchild314meh: where do you want it20:59
lonetech1920how can i check my installed packages and download from repos if needed...some are corrupt or missing..i am unable to start synaptic manager20:59
Scunizixenomorph99: no.. you can make it like a network file share or NAS partition.. using chmod/chown.. the how to's someone else will have to tell you.. and may have already.21:00
xenomorph99Ah, OK, I see.21:00
tj13820Scunizi: my usb drive won't work...21:00
Scunizilonetech1920: try from a terminal.. "sudo apt-get update"  "sudo apt-get upgrade" "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"21:01
tj13820Scunizi: can't i just install ndiswrapper from the cd?21:01
ompaulxenomorph99, you are aware that if you don't umount the partitions correctly before you switch operating systems they (the partitions) are marked not clean and need fsck run on them21:01
dangergrrli apparently dropping interrupts21:01
Scunizitj13820: I've never done it.. you may have to mount the usb manually..21:01
Scunizi!mount | tj1382021:01
ubottutj13820: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter21:01
Tobias92Hello ubuntu people. My flash playback is kindof broken. I can't play any flash videos in firefox nor epiphany, on youtube nor google video nor anything flashy. Could there be a fix for this?21:01
estethafter i suspend my laptop with pm-suspend, it takes a _long_ time to come back when i turn it on again21:01
xenomorph99Why would I unmount them non-cleanly? I power down the machine and/or use the places->removable media in Ubuntu21:01
xenomorph99I don't yank the plug out of the wall21:02
whiktobias i had that same problem21:02
whikdoes your music player like rythmbox no longer play music?21:02
xenomorph99So, can't you just use chown to change a file owner to 'no one and I don't care who accesses it' ?21:02
mehehooladdchild what do u mean did u not get my email address21:02
Scunizixenomorph99: yes21:02
Tobias92whik, no, "solid" media does play21:02
Excelsi0rEvenin' to all, bye21:03
xenomorph99Then isn't that going to be the easiest way to solve my problem ?21:03
addchild314tobias: flash and firefox 3rc2 dont get along very well in linux. Make sure all media players and programs using sound are closed before opening firefox21:03
Scunizixenomorph99: I think so..21:03
whikk go to system prefrences then sound21:03
ompaulxenomorph99, try it, I imagine it will fail as chown will not work with nonexistant users21:03
xenomorph99OK, I'll try that. I sort of asked that earlier and was told I couldn't do that21:03
whikand change them all to i think its amas21:03
ompaulxenomorph99, you could however do this rwxrwxrwx on a directory below the mount point21:04
CircleCodejoin #ubuntu-fr21:04
Ward1983my microphone doesnt work anymore21:04
Tobias92addchild314, well, the wierd thing is I do get sound and visual, but for a few seconds then the video hangs21:04
xenomorph99Hmm. On the chown wiki thing, it says not to set the owner to nobody21:04
CircleCodeme revoila...21:04
lonetech1920when i put the sudo commands i get error: sudo: unable to resolve host sun-pc21:04
Scuniziompaul: for xenomorph99 benefit .. can't you make the entire partition usable by everyone from any system like a NAS?21:04
CircleCodeavec mon GPU toujours à 70°C21:04
xenomorph99ompaul: Yes, I suppose that would work, too21:04
Ward1983my microphone doesnt work anymore, i added all the possible sliders and unmuted everything etc, but nothing helps21:04
ompaulScunizi, and my last suggestion was almost do that21:04
Ward1983it worked fine a while ago21:04
mehehooladdchild314 did u not get my email address21:05
Scuniziompaul: missed it sorry21:05
CircleCodealors que je viens de forcer le  ventilo a 5500 trs/min21:05
Tobias92whik, there now21:05
addchild314mehehool: need it again21:05
ompaulScunizi, well I did say _almost_21:05
jribxenomorph99: new files you create won't be 777 though21:05
xenomorph99The trouble with that, though, is that when I dump new files on there, I have to keep changing the permissions.21:05
xenomorph99Yes, exactly. Which comes back to using fstab21:05
xenomorph99I suppose21:05
addchild314Tobias96: i had to uninstall all flash packages with Synaptic, then reinstall with firefox. That fixed that problem for me21:05
blukCircleCode: wrong channel :-)21:05
mehehooltry this one mehehool@yahoo.com21:06
jribxenomorph99: if you use fat32, yes.  If you use ext3, you either set up the users on the different operatinig systems with the same uid or you use ACLs21:06
mehehooladdchild314 try this one mehehool@yahoo.com21:06
whikdoes it play now tobias?21:06
CircleCodebluk:  yep, I saw it... sorry21:06
Tobias92whik, could you call me "Tobias92" so IRC highlights the message? I think I missed your actual instruction21:07
Ward1983my microphone doesnt work anymore, i added all the possible sliders and unmuted everything etc, but nothing helps21:07
Ward1983any suggestions?21:07
xenomorph99OK, when I install Ubuntu, it makes a decent job of populating fstab. However, suppose I mess around with my partitions by adding or deleting, then I may get some new partitions (obviously). Is there a way of getting the fstab file to be automatically rebuilt ?21:07
addchild314mehehool: its going21:07
xenomorph99Or, if I add a new HDD, for example21:07
whikTobias92 k go to system then preferences21:07
Tobias92whik, there now.21:08
xenomorph99Otherwise, do I have to find out which UUIDs match which partitions and do it by hand ?21:08
RandyboYWhat program can encode and burn avi to svcd?21:08
whikTobias92 then change them all to amas21:08
Hammer89does anyone know what the command is to export an entire keyring from one computer to another over a network?21:08
xenomorph99whik: tovid21:08
Tobias92whik, there is no such thing as "amas"21:09
Tobias92And what all?21:09
whikTobias92 sorry its Alsa21:09
Tobias92whik, but I do get sound, only for a few seconds21:09
mehehooladdchild314 ok ill check soon21:09
AnscombeHi, have a little problem. I'm using an old nvidea gforce fx 5200 video card, but when i use screen resolution 1024 x 768 everything is fuzzy, but when i use 800x600 its too big? Anyway I can fix this, because I would like 1024 x 768 without the fuzzyness21:09
addchild314anyone had success with bluetooth stereo in 8.04?21:09
lovrehow do i save results of ls command in a $a variable?21:10
Mercureeeverytime i do apt-get update, certain sources give errors. I am using Ubuntu Hoary21:10
im0osecan anybody tell me how i can switch to a different chat room?21:10
=== to745 is now known as tomas_tart
Mercureeis it possible that hoary archives are no longer supported21:10
whikTobias92 i had the same problem played for 2 secoends then stopped after some research on google and in the archives i fixed it by changing all the options under sound to alsa21:10
sayotteAnscombe: if it's an LCD monitor you may need to set it to its native resolution to get satisfactory results21:10
nickrudMercuree hoary is obsolete, the sources don't exist anymore21:10
xenomorph99im0ose: /join #some channel21:10
addchild314mercuree: you still using hoary?21:10
eyemeanhi there, wondering if someonce can tell me how to enable macros in xls files pls?21:11
Mercureenickrud that s what I thought. any way i can use other sources? Not sure where to get em. ill upgrade when i get new cd21:11
Mercureeaddchild314 yep21:11
xenomorph99When I install Ubuntu, it makes a decent job of populating fstab. However, suppose I mess around with my partitions by adding or deleting, then I may get some new partitions (obviously). Is there a way of getting the fstab file to be automatically rebuilt ? Or, if I add a new HDD, for example. Otherwise, do I have to find out which UUIDs match which partitions and do it by hand ?21:11
nickrudMercuree   old-releases.ubuntu.com21:11
tj13820Scunizi: my usb device won't show up in media, where else would it show up?21:11
Mercureemy connections kak slow. so ordered CDs through ubuntu site21:11
Mercureethanks nick__21:11
Mercureenickrud i meant21:11
addchild314mercuree: wow....21:11
Mercureeaddchild314 wow what?21:11
thompaanyone know how to get spell check to work in Impress since the updates?21:12
Doug_-_-_-_anyone use vnc here on xp?21:12
blukMercuree: hi again; how your serial console problem is going?21:12
Tobias92whik, everything is changed to alsa, no change21:12
addchild314mercuree that ur still using hoary... hows it working for you21:12
Scunizitj13820: you might have to "sudo mkdir /media/usb" then sudo mount /dev/sdxX /media/usb ... type sudo fdisk -l to get a list of devices currently plugged in.21:12
Mercureeaddchild314 i barely use linux so its working fine :P21:12
whikTobias92, thats weird for me it worked gimme a min21:12
MercureeBluk its working21:12
addchild314mercuree lol, then its ok21:13
Mercureejust had to unplug it and plug it in again21:13
nickrudMercuree you can order them from here, it's faster (probably other places as well) http://www.osdisc.com/cgi-bin/view.cgi/products/linux/ubuntu21:13
Scunizitj13820: with that you should be able to discover the partiton name for the usb.. like sda2 or sdb1 something of that sort21:13
ompaul!lol | Mercuree21:13
ubottuMercuree: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.21:13
Mercureethanks nickrud21:13
blukMercuree: glad to hear that; but then we don't know what modification made it works, too bad.21:13
im0osehow do join a different server ? than Ubuntu Server?21:13
Mercureebluk yeah, i dunno21:13
xenomorph99Scroll up21:14
Mercureeubottu need a girlfriend?21:14
ubottuMercuree: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:14
xenomorph99When I install Ubuntu, it makes a decent job of populating fstab. However, suppose I mess around with my partitions by adding or deleting, then I may get some new partitions (obviously). Is there a way of getting the fstab file to be automatically rebuilt ? Or, if I add a new HDD, for example. Otherwise, do I have to find out which UUIDs match which partitions and do it by hand ?21:14
Mercureeyou sound a bit uptight21:14
ompaulMercuree, that is the channel bot and you are now offtopic ;-)21:14
Mercureedont worry in nno way did i think you were intelligent :P21:14
whikTobias92, you still there?21:14
Ward1983my microphone doesnt work anymore, i added all the possible sliders and unmuted everything etc, but nothing helps21:14
Tobias92whik, I sure am21:14
Ward1983any suggestions?21:14
Ward1983my microphone doesnt work anymore, i added all the possible sliders and unmuted everything etc, but nothing helps21:14
ompaul!otherhelp | Ward198321:15
ubottuWard1983: If no-one here can help you you can try the ubuntu-users mailing list - https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users or the forums - http://ubuntuforums.org21:15
ScuniziWard1983: mine either.. and I haven21:15
whikkk on firefox look for the plugin called xwrap21:15
clintchanceHow susceptible is linux to viruses?21:15
ScuniziWard1983: and i haven't found a solution.21:15
Scuniziclintchance: next to none21:15
Anscombe[21:10] <sayotte> Anscombe: if it's an LCD monitor you may need to set it to its native resolution to get satisfactory  - I did, 800x600, but it goes huge, 1024x768 is the one i want, but its got fuzzy text.21:15
xenomorph99There exists clamav. So it's susceptible21:15
clintchanceScunizi,Ok but why?21:15
whikTobias92, kk on firefox look for a plugin called xwrap21:15
Kumoolbut it is easy to run a script that crashes ur pc :)21:15
Scuniziclintchance: slim, non-existant, not to worry.. because of the way the system is built21:15
Kumoolor deletes everything21:15
Ward1983Scunizi, well it did work but i altered settings because i thought my sound didnt work (my mother switched my decoder to analog so i had no sound) and since then it doesnt work anymore, i even set all sliders op, unmute everyhing ,etc21:16
Tobias92whik, on the mozilla addons site?21:16
whikTobias92, oops its caled mediawrap my bad21:16
=== fix is now known as fix_
ompaul!virus | clintchance21:16
ubottuclintchance: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2121:16
whikTobias92 ill post a link21:16
clintchanceScunizi, then why is there a virus scanner in the Add/Remove thing21:16
ompaulxenomorph99, ^^ perhaps you would like to read that21:16
whikTobias92, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/187921:16
Scuniziclintchance: to protect your windows friends.21:16
QUILzAnscombe: Are you sure 1024x768 is your monitor's native resolution?21:16
xenomorph99ompaul. Read what? About clamav?21:17
clintchanceScunizi, LOL21:17
ompaulxenomorph99, no about however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2121:17
xenomorph99I know why. Because no one likes Bill. And because of permissions (which I know all about ;-))21:17
Tobias92whik, done21:17
maddinhi :)21:18
Anscombe[21:16] <QUILz> Anscombe: Are you sure 1024x768 is your monitor's native resolution? - I can't be 100% positive, it's a toshiba laptop. How can I find out?21:18
whikTobias92, did it work?21:18
xenomorph99Anyone used this Diskmounter script?21:18
Tobias92whik, what worked?21:18
maddindoes anybody know how to set ubuntu to mount my usb-sticks with full write permission?21:18
s0ulгде шрифтов стащить можно??21:18
blukclintchance: I think the most important fact is the concept of "permissions" win lacks; in linux, a virus would have the same permission its user have; it can damage the user space, but not the system space.21:19
ompaul!ru | s0ul21:19
ubottus0ul: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:19
Scunizi!ru | s0ul21:19
whikTobias92, did installing the plugin let youtube videos and such play?21:19
mehehooladdchild314 ok its still not there which did u send it too21:19
Skorzenconnect irc.ptnet.org21:19
AnscombeYes it is 1024x76821:19
Telroth|SleepI need some help with my DVD drive. The BIOS allows me to boot from it (kubuntu 8.04 dvd), but the drive does not show up at all when running an installed system (kubuntu 8.04 (/dev/scd0 doesn't exist), Vista SP1 (No Optical drives show up in device manager)). Any help is welcome.21:19
AnscombeSo I don't know why it's fuzzy. Screen refresh rate is 60hz which is correct.21:19
matthew_how much space does the hardy OS occupy?21:19
Mercureebluk windows does have permissions, its just less accessible than in linux. its been incorportaed in vista in a major way21:19
Tobias92whik, no, sadly, the problem persists21:19
blukMercuree: true, but I just wished to highlight a summed up answer :-)21:20
Skorzenmatthew_: less than 5 gb21:20
xenomorph99Anscombe: I found setting up a Nvidia card to be a pain. You're best downloading the nvidia-settings tool and running it as sudo then letting it update your xconf file21:20
Mercureebluk ok :P21:20
whikTobias92 check this page out      http://kb.mozillazine.org/Video_or_audio_doesn%27t_play21:21
xenomorph99The one built into Ubuntu is about as reliable as a Morris Marina with the wrong plugs in21:21
matthew_I have a 160g hard drive, I just installed Hardy as my only OS, but I only have 133 gigs available and I haven't put any of my files on yet; skorzen...do the updates occupy alot?21:21
ScuniziAnscombe: if you know the right resolution for your screen you can "sudo xrandr -s <resolution>  .. like "sudo xrandr -s 1440x80021:21
Skorzenmatthew_: something like 300 mb21:22
xenomorph99I have two HDDs; one is SATA and the other is IDE. Both get reported as being 'sdx' by Ubuntu but they get reported as hda and sda in Mandriva. Is this just a limitation of Ubuntu?21:22
matthew_skorzen; i installed hardy over everything...I just selected use entire disk...I feel I'm missing about 20 gigs.21:23
TuniX12matthew_: its the bios problem21:23
ScuniziMatthai: you may be only looking at the /home partition or directory.. there are several partitions typically root '/' .. swap '/' .. and home '/home'21:23
Skorzenmatthew_: it's like TuniX12 said21:23
themadhi, my microphone doesn't work. I've got HH, sound card integrated VIA. I tried with PulseAudio, but no resault21:23
matthew_tuniX12; skorzen --can I reclaim that space?21:23
adrianohello my friends21:24
moonkostarHi, I'm a ubuntu AND a linux newbie..I just got a Dell Inspiron 1420 with ubuntu installed and after doing updates, the sound stopped working.. It seems that my ALSA doesn't work as I get lots of error messages when trying anything ALSA related..can anyone help please?21:24
adrianoI am Adriano, from Brazil, this my first time here...21:24
Skorzenmatthew_: try searching for an option in your bios. if it doesn't work, come here and we'll see21:24
Skorzenolá adriano21:24
themadin addition, integrated mic works, but external doesn't (external is marked in alsa)21:25
adrianoOlá Skorzen21:25
D3RGPS31Looking for help setting up an unsupported graphics tablet with Wacom drivers (Adesso) <.<21:25
adrianowhere are u from ?21:25
Skorzeneu sou português21:25
TuniX12matthew_:  you need to dlash bios21:25
xenomorph99I have two HDDs; one is SATA and the other is IDE. Both get reported as being 'sdx' by Ubuntu but they get reported as hda and sda in Mandriva. Is this just a limitation of Ubuntu? Also, they have a habit of swapping around irrespective of the order being set in the Bios. Is this something peculiar to Gigabyte motherboards?21:25
K^HoltzCan someone please help me get websites to display properly? although i have flash and java installed, i am still having some issues.21:25
TuniX12matthew_:  flash bios21:25
SkorzenK^Holtz: what kind of issues?21:25
jribxenomorph99: that's libata, all drives show up as sd* if it's enabled21:25
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:25
TuniX12but it's risqued21:25
xenomorph99jrib: Do I need to turn that off then ?21:26
K^HoltzSkorzen: im not exactly sure why but this specific website wont load up for me, http://www.socalevo.net/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=37&topic=61533.021:26
jribxenomorph99: no, why?21:26
matthew_tunix12; could I get more info. I'm still pretty new, I was just sick of windows21:26
K^HoltzSkorzen: im sorry, that wasnt the site, let me get it21:26
xenomorph99because I sort of expected them to be reported as Mandriva sees them.21:26
SkorzenK^Holtz: ok21:26
K^HoltzSkorzen: http://www.mitsucars.com/MMNA/jsp/evo/08/index.do?loc=en-us  ... im not sure if its flash or what21:27
matthew_where is the partition manager, I'm not sure why I can't find it21:27
xenomorph99Does libata 'swap them around', too ?21:27
TuniX12matthew_:  you bios does not recognize big hdd i guess your pc is old (?)21:27
Skorzenmatthew_: gparted?21:27
jribxenomorph99: what's the difference really?21:27
adrianoI'd like some games to ubuntu 8,21:27
moonkostar Hi, I'm a ubuntu AND a linux newbie..I just got a Dell Inspiron 1420 with ubuntu installed and after doing updates, the sound stopped working.. It seems that my ALSA doesn't work as I get lots of error messages when trying anything ALSA related..can anyone help please?21:27
matthew_tunix12 I just got it in april21:27
SkorzenK^Holtz: i can see it21:27
Jack_Sparrowmatthew_ Be aware that flashing the bios has a small probabliltiy of turning your computr into a doorstop.. If you dont heed that extra 20 gigs yet.  It might be wise to put off flashing the bios until you really need that space21:27
xenomorph99Because one is IDE and one isn't21:27
adrianosome people can tell me... about wars games ?21:28
xenomorph99And if they had the same partitions, I wouldn't know which was which necessarily21:28
K^HoltzSkorzen: i figured it would just be an issue for me, do u have any idea why?21:28
Jack_Sparrow!ot > adriano21:28
SkorzenK^Holtz: try the flashplugin-nonfree package and also msttcore-fonts may help21:28
matthew_skorzen, yes. Jack sparrow, thanks looks like it's what I'm going to have to do, I'm not into killing my computer21:28
Ward1983my microphone doesnt work anymore, i added all the possible sliders and unmuted everything etc, but nothing helps21:28
asmo[B]I was wondering if ubuntu had issues with mounting NTFS partitions over a certain size... I've been having troubles trying to get my external drive to mount properly, it displays the drive but when I try to access it, it says that it was unable to mount...21:28
Ward1983any suggestions?21:28
K^HoltzSkorzen: im pretty sure i have those installed. Let me double check21:28
joshua__hey i'm having issues connecting to windows shares on 8.0421:28
whikhmm is there a way to run Adobe flash CS3 pro without wine or duel booting?21:29
K^HoltzSkorzen: yep, i have both21:29
TuniX12matthew_:  as  Jack_Sparrow  said you should be careful21:29
SkorzenK^Holtz: which browser are you using?21:29
AnscombeI did sudo xrandr -s 1024x768 but didnt fix fuzzyness.21:29
adrianohi Jack_Sparrow21:29
K^HoltzSkorzen: FF 321:29
xenon_Anyone has used dmraid on a ntfs partition?21:30
SkorzenK^Holtz: downgrading ff may help, i don't know...21:30
jribxenomorph99: hd* is old, sd* is the new linux, get used to UUIDs and such :)  Set labels if you need to differentiate between partitions21:30
LtLK^Holtz: it's named msttcorefonts21:30
moonkostar Hi, I'm a ubuntu AND a linux newbie..I just got a Dell Inspiron 1420 with ubuntu installed and after doing updates, the sound stopped working.. It seems that my ALSA doesn't work as I get lots of error messages when trying anything ALSA related..can anyone help please?21:30
K^HoltzLtL: yea, thats what i have21:30
Jack_Sparrowxenomorph99 mixing ide and sata has been a issue for awhile.. not to mention it seems to slow down some peoples systems to the speed of the slowest drive.. although I have not personally seen it.. but I dont mix ide and sata21:30
clintchanceWhat application(s) can i use to access files on my CEllphone?21:30
matthew_Tunix12; I'm okay with leaving it as is, I guess. I was just looking forward to having most of my hdd available as opposed to being hogged by a dormant windows OS21:30
K^HoltzSkorzen: i guess ur not using 3.0 ?21:31
ajonatHi! one question: what's /boot/abi-2.6.24-18-generic for?21:31
K^HoltzSkorzen: here is another example, the virtual tours will load, but i cannot switch between them http://www.princetonatbostonroad.com/Apartments/module/virtual_tours/21:31
TuniX12moonkostar: what type of reeor you get?21:31
Jack_Sparrowmatthew_ is it an ide drive?21:31
SkorzenK^Holtz: actually i'm using ff3 but as long as i don't know what causes your problem, you can downgrade ff :)21:31
xenomorph99Yes, I can see it's an issue. On the subject of UUIDs, when I first installed Ubuntu, it automatically populated fstab for me quite adequately. But after adding a HDD, it seems that I have to update it by hand. Is it not possible to force Ubuntu to rebuild the fstab file as though it was a first install ?21:32
K^HoltzSkorzen: haha, ill probably ask around a lil more then, thanks for your help tho21:32
SkorzenK^Holtz: in that site i have the same problem. tours doesn't load21:32
matthew_jack_sparrow: i don't think so...21:32
=== clintchance is now known as alphaman
=== alphaman is now known as alp4aman
Jack_Sparrowxenomorph99 It just isnt a big deal for most users.  Editing the fstab takes just a minute or two.. Most people seldom change and move drives around more that once a year21:33
=== alp4aman is now known as alpham
=== alpham is now known as clintcance
melian_j'ai un ptit probleme de wifi21:33
adrianoSkorzen se quiser tc em portuges estou em encantadoxxp em hot mail ponto com21:33
melian_ya des pros ? ^21:33
xenomorph99But if it can do it once, I can imagine it can do it twice. It's just a general question21:33
Jack_Sparrowmatthew_ Just asking as some ide have jumpers that trick the bios by limiting sectors to 102421:33
K^HoltzOK, new problem. Does anyone know why CTRL+ALT+BKSPC doesnt restart X for me?21:33
=== clintcance is now known as clintchance
adrianothanks friends21:33
loevborgDoes anyone have an IPv6 address?21:34
adrianohave a nice day... i need go out21:34
matthew_that issue aside: does anyone use dual monitors and no where I can find hardware support so I can use an external monitor with hardy? (I have a nvidia quadro nvs 140m)21:34
Jack_Sparrowxenomorph99 the short anser is no..21:34
loevborgIf so, could he send me his name, like so: echo your name | nc6 --send-only 2001:6f8:900:b80::2 999921:34
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama21:34
matthew_jack_sparrow how would I figure that out for certain?21:34
jlillyWhat would cause someone not to get system sounds, but be able to hear audio streamed from the internet?21:34
xenomorph99What does this diskmounter script in the Ubuntu wiki do then? Does it just mount everything it can see or does it update fstab ?21:35
Jack_Sparrowmatthew_ you can look at the drive..  a wide ribbon cable.. 60 wires is ide.. smaller 1/2" wide will be sata..  ide usually have a place for two drives, sata have only one21:35
=== `eboyjr` is now known as eboyjr
debianI want ubuntu mobile on a HTC Diamond!21:36
Jack_Sparrowxenomorph99 It mounts fat and ntfs.. and has not been updated since ntfs-3g and I would worry about how it setup writing to ntfs21:36
debianCan it be done?21:36
Jack_Sparrowxenomorph99 good luck.. wife just came in and time to fire up a movie and kick back21:37
xenomorph99ok, thanks21:37
xenomorph99have fun21:37
SwishI sense a beer coming on21:37
Jack_Sparrowyou too21:37
maslowbeermy ubuntu heron laptop no longer boots up. not in S mode nor from liveCD. When system tries to mount the volume, computer freezes. Any ideas?21:37
Telroth|SleepI need some help with my DVD drive. The BIOS allows me to boot from it (kubuntu 8.04 dvd), but the drive does not show up at all when running an installed system (kubuntu 8.04 (/dev/scd0 doesn't exist), Vista SP1 (No Optical drives show up in device manager)). Any help is welcome.21:37
maslowbeereven didn't work with other liveCDs like backtrack21:37
SwishTelroth|Sleep, what kind of DVD drive is it, SATA, PATA, SCSI..?21:38
TuniX12matthew_:  i guess the problem is about GB and GiB windows and ubuntu use different names21:38
matthew_does anyone use dual monitors and no where I can find hardware support so I can use an external monitor with hardy? (I have a nvidia quadro nvs 140m)21:38
matthew_tunix12: is it possible that windows is still lurking on my computer (for the install I used the live cd, clicked install, and clicked guided use entire disk)21:39
TuniX12matthew_:  for example 300 GB is 279 GiB21:39
maslowbeerTuniX12: GB is the proper binary rounded numbered size and GiB is 1000 MiB21:39
matthew_tunix12: oh thanks, that could be my deal.21:40
QUILzmaslowbeer: Actually, it's the other way around21:40
maslowbeeractually the other way around my bad ;)21:40
=== Mez|DPC is now known as mez
TuniX12 maslowbeer  no 1 GiB = 230 bytes = 1,073,741,824 bytes = 1024 mebibytes21:41
maslowbeerwhich is silly in my opinion since 1 MB has always been 1048576 bytes since time immemerial21:41
CircleCodeserver irc.recycled-irc.net21:42
TuniX12yes but manufacturers refer to 1 GB as 1000 MB21:42
=== mez is now known as Mez
TuniX12its the marketing21:42
debianTuniX12: 1GiB= 230 bytes?21:42
\\dan\\anyone got any experience using wacom tablets on ubuntu?21:42
debian230 bytes isnt a meg even...21:42
maslowbeerTuniX12: I know - the marketing tail should never wag the engineering dog.21:42
maslowbeerdon't know how this travesty happened21:43
guiks_Hello, I need support to uninstall Ubuntu from my machine.21:43
balgarathjust switching to hardy 64 bit from 32 bit...when trying to install timidity I get: ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:874:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave     ......any ideas?21:43
guiks_Is there anyone that can help me21:43
debianguiks_: Get an openBSD cd21:43
xenomorph99In what way do you want to get rid of it ?21:43
QUILzmaslowbeer: Happened because of the giga- prefix21:43
balgarathguiks_, you wanna format, install another OS, what?21:43
\\dan\\guiks: do you have any other OS's on the machine?21:43
debianguiks_: then install from it, and then ubuntu is gone, if you format the entire hd.21:43
stripedcatHELLO everybody! I am 16 years old and I want to help ubuntu developers! I know C++ and I am from Russia! What to do?21:44
TuniX12debian:  sorry  i cant explain that in english but 2 exposé 3021:44
guiks_Well, i have winXP instaled here, but when i installed ubuntu, the winxp didnt appear anymore on boot21:44
debianTuniX12: 2^30?21:44
guiks_It goes to ubuntu without asking21:44
dmsupermanI'm reinstalling Ubuntu, and I had my home dir on another partition. I'm making the same user "dmsuperman" and my profile already exists at /home/dmsuperman. Will it automatically point to the old home directory? Should I be afraid of it overwriting my old home directory21:44
\\dan\\does the GRUB menu list come up?21:44
rulr_when i start update menager i am getting this error: W: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE26321:44
n-iCehow is the command to remove a package?21:44
TuniX12debian: goto http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gibibyte21:44
xenomorph99guiks - it shouldn't have done that. Does a menu appear when you boot ?21:44
TuniX12so 160 GB is really 133 GiB21:45
\\dan\\n-iCe: sudo apt-get remove <nameofpackage>21:45
dmsupermanguiks_: hit escape when it boots to get the menu21:45
dmsupermanguiks_: but xenomorph99 is right, it should default to showing the menu for something like 30s21:45
debianTuniX12: I understand you now. I thougth you said one GB was 230 bytes. But what you meant was 2^30 witch is correct.21:45
TuniX12matthew_: you dont have problem at all!!21:45
maslowbeerproblem is google calc recognizes old: 1 MB in bytes results in 1 megabyte = 1 048 576 bytes21:45
guiks_Hum..  ok, i`ll try it..21:45
gorg_which "sudo apt-get ...." do i have to run to get flash?21:45
xenomorph99guiks - hang on21:45
asmo[B]is there anyone that could help me with mounting my NTFS external drive?21:45
stripedcatAnyone from RUSSIA here???21:45
TuniX12debian: yes21:45
maslowbeergoogle calc doesn't even recognize MiB21:45
matthew_tunix12: that was a fantastic conversation: i thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Thanks guys!21:45
n-iCe\\dan\\,  I know that, but there is something else, auto-purge or something like that21:46
xenomorph99When you turn your machine on, do you get a menu? Do you get some white text on a black background asking you how to boot Ubuntu?21:46
\\dan\\n-iCe: apt-get purge <packagename>21:46
n-iCewhat's the difference?21:47
rulrwhen i start update manager i am getting this error: W: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE26321:47
LinuxMonkeyrulr: wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -21:47
thundarrcan anyone help me to change this permission of a folder that I am trying to share.  I get the following error message.....net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name "Everyone" to a SID. Logon failure.21:47
jribrulr: go to the winehq site and follow the directions on obtaining the key21:47
jrib!wine > rulr (read the private message from ubottu)21:47
debianWho wanted to uninstall ubuntu?21:47
\\dan\\n-iCe: remove - Remove packages purge - Remove and purge packages21:47
debiandd /dev/random /dev/sda should do it?21:48
LinuxMonkeyjrib: i allready pasted what he needed to do for rulr21:48
TuniX12debian: to install debian :D21:48
gorg_i want flash player21:48
\\dan\\n-iCe: purge should remove everything the package files created21:48
TuniX12gorg_: FF will do that for you21:48
archimedesHi, does anyone know how to keep a mic working (in teamspeak) and yet have their soundcard set up for 5.1 surround when changing  "/etc/pulse/daemon.conf"21:48
knifaHi there. I'm having a problem with my wireless dongle. I have an MSI-6865, which has an RT5000. I can detect the wireless networks and being to connect to them, but it never connects. I've tried with both encryption on and off but I still can't connect. Any ideas of what could be the problem?21:48
xenomorph99Has you tried booting with the dongle already in ?21:49
jribLinuxMonkey: missed it, thanks21:49
stripedcat>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Does anyone know what is the reason that- Youtube flash movies and other flash files are really slow on Ubuntu hardy??????<<<<<<<21:49
knifaIt's less of a dongle more of an intergrated USB wireless thing. I'm on a laptop21:49
knifait's using USB though.21:49
xenon_Anyone has experience with dmraid and ntfs partitions?21:49
gorg_FF will not run videos :(21:49
dmsupermanstripedcat: what version of flash do you have?21:49
rulrLinuxMonkey: thx a lot, it works21:49
debianTuniX12: dd /dev/random /dev/sda or hda would remove ubuntu:P21:50
asmo[B]Does anyone know why my NTFS partition shows up but when I try to access it, it says unable to mount...21:50
dmsupermanknifa: USB devices aren't inegrated21:50
\\dan\\gorg_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications#head-8da6bb74fc999112e0c2ec15e70c1cb4a118710721:50
jribTuniX12: take care that debian is making a joke21:50
stripedcatdmsuperman: Flash921:50
xenomorph99Actually, they are. I have a USB dvd writer that is 'integrated'21:50
stripedcatthe new one21:50
knifadmsuperman: The laptop is terrible. The wireless board is a little seperate thing sitting near the battery pack, with the USB pins right onto the board.21:50
gorg_\\dan\\: thanks21:50
debianjrib: My syntax was wrong? It wouldn't uninstall ubuntu?21:50
dmsupermanstripedcat: I mean is it the restricted close source one or the bad one21:50
xenomorph99But I take your point21:51
TuniX12debian jrib: ubuntu= ii just dont want to configure debian!!!!!!!!!21:51
stripedcatdmsuperman:original, from Adobe21:51
xenomorph99knifa: Does it work when you use the live CD?21:51
dmsupermanknifa: I was just saying your statement about it not being an integrated USB device was redundant, since USB devices aren't integrated (in almost all cases at least)21:51
remuhey guys, I've run into a problem. I run a ubuntu home file server, and my laptop which is connected to the lan can access the videos on it no problem, as can my desktop that is connected to it wirelessly. However, my sisters laptop is connected wirelessly to the lan as well, BUT she is having a hard time playing the videos, I've tried various different video players, vlc, mplayer, and totem, none of them are playing the videos on21:51
remuthe nfs file server anymore, it did before, but it no longer does. The two things I've done since last time and now is upgrade her laptop to Hardy, and encrypt my wireless with WPA221:51
knifadmsuperman: ah.21:51
remuany help or recommendations?21:51
knifaxenomorph99: Nope.21:51
* DIL thinks his name is redundant21:52
xenon_Anyone has experience with dmraid and ntfs partitions?21:52
xenomorph99Dunno then. I had a wireless dongle that worked fine from the live CD or if it was already in when I booted. It had the same chipset as yours21:52
knifaIt gets like half way connecting, but never fully connects.21:53
aceintheholeHey guys -- is there a channel specifically for ubuntu server?21:53
knifaIt scans, tries to connect, asks for the password, etc.21:53
knifaIn the last version of Ubuntu it connected, but only for about 10mins.21:53
BCM43aceinthehole: ask here21:53
xenomorph99That was with xubuntu, though. I ended up swapping the network 'module'21:53
xenomorph99Yeah, sounds like the same problem I had21:53
\\dan\\demu: have you installed the NFS package on the laptop?21:53
xenomorph99I think I used this different network module that was written in Python or similar21:54
xenomorph99It was more reliable but not much more. I can't remember what it was called21:54
stripedcat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Does anyone know what is the reason that- Youtube flash movies and other flash files are really slow on Ubuntu hardy??????<<<<<<<21:54
knifaoh :(21:54
LinuxMonkey!server | aceinthehole21:54
ubottuaceinthehole: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support21:54
stripedcat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Does anyone know what is the reason that- Youtube flash movies and other flash files are really slow on Ubuntu hardy??????<<<<<<<21:54
debianstripedcat: Theyre not!21:54
aceintheholeBCM43 - I've done plenty of server installs, never had a problem until now. There's no error log generated so I can't diagnose it. I get to "select and install software" and 85% of the way through, then it just says "Installation step failed" and kicks me back to the menu ...21:54
stripedcatdebian: wha?21:54
TuniX12stripedcat:  what plugin do u use?,21:54
debianstripedcat: It is not slow!21:54
BCM43aceinthehole: never any problems on this computer, or at all21:54
debianstripedcat: Faster than VISTA21:55
stripedcatI use original Adobe Flash plugin21:55
Druid_Hi Folks, does anybody know a channel for pendrivelinux?21:55
aceintheholeBCM43 - I've tried not installing any software, but same result21:55
pihhanis here anyone experimenced with udev rules writing?21:55
aceintheholeBCM43 - never any problems on the computer21:55
BCM43aceinthehole: yes?21:55
BluntObjectaceinthehole: What hardware do you have that needs BCM43?21:55
LinuxMonkeydebian: i think stripedcat went to the adobe site and did it himself instead of installing the one allready in the repo21:55
BCM43BluntObject: hi21:55
BCM43BluntObject: that answer your question to aceinthehole21:55
stripedcatLinuxMonkey: and what do u offer???21:56
aceintheholeIt's a p4 ibm netvista, not sure which chipset but it's the old sdram21:56
debianLinuxMonkey: Oh, why cant people learn the reop has everything?21:56
TuniX12adobe flash will die soon21:56
stripedcatTuniX12:what do ya offer?21:56
aceintheholeI haven't run any memtest or hardware diagnostics on it yet, it used to run ubuntu server fine but I was doing a reinstall .. now this21:57
antonio_hello to all! I have a funky bug, A while ago I tried to install the CVS version of compiz for the extra plugins, but after I did that, some of the plugins just quit working (like the wobbling) and now, after uninstalling many times compiz, I got the GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap not found error. But the funny thing is, my ATI driver is listed with glxinfo, and the direct rendering is yes, and the GLX server and client extensions include the texture from21:57
antonio_pixmap option21:57
antonio_any idea about this?21:57
TuniX12stripedcat:  i have the adobe plugin it work very well21:57
BCM43aceinthehole: what are you trying to install exactly?21:57
TuniX12dunno what's your problem21:57
LinuxMonkeystripedcat:i just went to the ADD/REMOVE and installed the restricted package, kept it simple and easy21:57
stripedcatTuniX12:And waht I browser?21:57
aceintheholeI thought perhaps it was a bad iso burn -- and I downloaded from another sight and tried again. I want to run a basic LAMP21:57
afallenhopei'm having an issue right now with all my special keys. i can't use the following; ctrl, alt, caps lock, superkey 9winkey0,  shift any of the f3 keys or the terminal21:58
aceintheholeit'd help if I could just read an error log, but I don't think that's possible during the install21:58
Y-TownI am having a problem with video refresh rate very slow and pasty, I am also seeing a ghost image of other windows, is there something I can do to enhance the video?  I noticed the poor quality after a intel viseo updat that was done the other day21:59
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:59
=== druid_ is now known as _droid_
antonio_hello to all! I have a funky bug, A while ago I tried to install the CVS version of compiz for the extra plugins, but after I did that, some of the plugins just quit working (like the wobbling) and now, after uninstalling many times compiz, I got the GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap not found error. But the funny thing is, my ATI driver is listed with glxinfo, and the direct rendering is yes, and the GLX server and client extensions include the texture from22:00
aceintheholeanyone got any ideas? lol ... I'm going to revert to Debian if this keeps happening but it doesn't help me make my case of Ubuntu > Debian at work22:00
antonio_pixmap option any idea about this?22:00
StroganoffY-Town select another refresh rate in the display settings22:00
Y-TownStroganoff: thanks I will see if that helps22:00
danand_pihhan - take a look at http://www.reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=168221. They helped me out.22:01
Y-TownStroganoff: I only seem to have one which is 6022:01
aceintheholeoh man, I'm screwed. I can't find any help topics for this22:01
LaptzoI have a TravelMate 6292 and my Wifi LED does not work? can anyone please help me?22:02
TuniX12acer :(22:02
aceintheholemy hand is swollen punching things in frustration ... does anyone know how to access a more detailed install process?22:03
StroganoffY-Town the underlying Xorg display backend is going through some very difficult changes....22:03
BCM43aceinthehole: what exactly are you trying to insall, i missed alot22:03
shane_is anyone using xchat in here22:04
`shrayhi - when I try to boot up my ubuntu it shows me the grub commandline, is there anyway I can return to the gui instead and normal booting?22:04
LaptzoI have a TravelMate 6292 and my Wifi LED does not work? can anyone please help me? And where is an icon which lets me connect to wifi signals??22:04
Sun01Techi tried installing ubuntu yesterday to today like 10 times no luck....i dont know what im doing wrong...some many possibilties...22:04
BCM43shane_ i am22:04
aceintheholeBCM43 - it's just a basic lamp install, everything goes fine until the "Select and Install Software" -- it gets 85% of the way through and dumps me out22:04
lejonLaptzo, does ur wifi work then?22:04
aceintheholeBCM43 - doesn't give me an error code, no description of the problem ... nothing22:05
StroganoffY-Town, try this meanwhile. this tutorial explains how to add a custom "Modeline" to the xorg.conf http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83973 -- and here is one of many modeline generators. just put in your desired resolution and refresh rate. http://bohne-lang.de/spec/linux/modeline/22:05
Laptzolejon: well it show Wlan in network manager so iam asuming it works22:05
BCM43aceinthehole: what disk are you using?22:05
skilletaceinthehole, did you try to do the lamp install after ubuntu was already installed...22:05
aceintheholeBCM43 - Ubuntu Server 8.04 installed an primary hdd with default partition scheme22:05
lejonLaptzo, Can you connect to wireless networks and it works?22:05
aceintheholeskillet - no, during basic install22:05
TuniX12Laptzo: install  ndiswrapper22:06
BCM43aceinthehole: no, i mean what cd22:06
skilletaceinthehole, i would try doing it afterwards with apt-get22:06
Laptzolejon: how do i connect to a wireless network..no icon nothing for it22:06
Y-TownStroganoff: if you posted anything befor your last post I missed it, I set the resolution to a different one with another refresh and lost everything and had to restart X22:06
LaptzoTuniX12: i doubt that is the best method atm22:06
bakersfieldboy_whats a good site builder ?22:06
Y-TownStroganoff: can you repost please22:06
TuniX12Laptzo:  sudo apt-get install ndisgtk22:06
lejonLaptzo, you have any specific wireless network you wanna connect to? Because then you got to network manager and manually configure ur wifi card for it22:06
mehehoolhi i need help i am trying to install a belkin wireless card and i was told that i needed a winxp 64bit .inf well i finally got one but ndis says its invalid driver can u help22:06
aceintheholeBCM43 - I'm not sure which build it is specifically, but it's mirrored on the ubuntu web site (Ubuntu Server 8.04)22:06
StroganoffY-Town im sorry about that. my last post is essential with the two links.22:06
Sun01Techright now at install prompt with the prepare a disk space i chose using entire disk of 320 gb sata drive...its just stuck at this window the mouse icon is busy and no forward button highlighted...what should i do?22:07
Stroganoffi just said the underlying Xorg display backend is currently going through some very difficult changes, whatever22:07
Y-TownStroganoff: Thank you, I will look at the link22:07
aceintheholeBCM43 did that answer your question? thx for helping btw22:08
gorg_me think so to. trouble all the way for me with it :)22:08
BCM43aceinthehole: yes22:08
StroganoffSun01Tech you could try the alternate iso22:08
LaptzoTuniX12: what did that do?22:08
danand_Sun01Tech - how long has it been stuck?22:08
BCM43aceinthehole: try the alternate desktop CD.22:08
Sun01Techstronganoff: i tried that and still i can't finish the install.......22:09
BCM43aceinthehole: it is text based and supports more hardware, and it should give you errors22:09
skilletBCM43, thats not going to give him the option do install a lamp stack22:09
aceintheholeBCM43 - I was thinking of doing that, but I was reading the server kernal was configured a bit differently22:09
Sun01Techdanand_: for like 10 or 15 minutes22:09
StroganoffSun01Tech you're talking about a mouse icon? the alternate cd is text based menus only22:09
gorg_in FireFox, after typing "about:plugins" i get one section not being enabled. this is the "Default Plugin" and i am not able to view any videos with firefox.. :|22:09
aceintheholeBCM43 - yeah, I'm not using that GUI install, just the basic ANSI ... it looks almost exactly like the Debian installer22:09
Telroth|SleepI need some help with my DVD drive. The BIOS allows me to boot from it (kubuntu 8.04 dvd), but the drive does not show up at all when running an installed system (kubuntu 8.04 (/dev/scd0 doesn't exist), Vista SP1 (No Optical drives show up in device manager)). Any help is welcome.22:09
BCM43skillet: aceinthehole ok, i dont know, wait unitill one of the really high up people get here, i dont think any body here knows22:10
lejonLaptzo, otherwise you could try using wicd as ur network manager, if ur wireless card already work, otherwise you gotta get that sorted first :P22:10
Sun01Techstronganoff: yeah i tried with that but it gives stop error exit error doesnt finish the install22:10
Laptzolejon: yah it work i think..22:10
BCM43aceinthehole: you dont have the option for a text based install?22:10
aceintheholeBCM43 - Cool, thx man. It's so frustrating that there arnet any error logs I can read22:10
gorg_Telroth|Sleep: u might wanna try #kubuntu22:10
skilletaceinthehole, what i would do and what i always do when i install a lamp stack is install it after ubuntu is already up22:10
aceintheholeBCM43 it is text based22:10
danand_Sun01Tech - hmm... can take a while to prepare a disk (especially 320Gb!) - give it a while longer... if nothing happens try preparing your disk from a live cd first...22:10
BCM43aceinthehole: and no errors? that is strange.22:10
bert_Hi all, i just made a mistake i think.  I did install xmms2 but since then my sound is gone (i removed xmms2 already and rebooted) Is there a way to restore the sound system?22:11
Sun01Techdanand_: ok22:11
lejonLaptzo, well, then you're just lost on how to configure it how to connect to a wireless network22:11
aceintheholeskillet - I was going to try that, but I can't even get that far22:11
Laptzolejon: sec22:11
aceintheholeBCM43 /nod22:11
afallenhopehey! I just came in here talkin about my SWAP increasing... how do I do it?22:11
skilletaceinthehole, oh i didnt know you couldnt get past that spot22:11
aceintheholeBCM43 Skillet - it's a strange one ... I wish I had more to go on22:12
TuniX12bert_: go to volume manager and choose alsa as default server22:12
cjk2afallenhope: you hardly need to22:12
aceintheholeskillet yeah, it's never happened before, so I tried downloading off another mirror, same results22:12
crimsunbert_: hmm, installing a program shouldn't wreck your sound system.  Can you hear anything with `paplay /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav' ?22:12
skilletaceinthehole, well what i would do then is install with the alt cd. then once that is up and running you can install the server kernel along with the lamp stack22:12
TuniX12xmms2 uses OSS server22:12
afallenhopecjk2: yeah. I'm running VMWare22:12
afallenhopecjk2: well.. Linux with VMWare emulating Windows lol.22:12
aceintheholeskillet that's what I was afraid of, lol, I tend to mess things up when I start apt-getting kernels ...22:13
BCM43aceinthehole: you have installed it fine before?22:13
w3Dgood evening channel ^_^22:13
=== dsfasdfdsa is now known as shray`
mehehoolhi i need help i am trying to install a belkin wireless card and i was told that i needed a winxp 64bit .inf well i finally got one but ndis says its invalid driver when i tried the 32 bit .inf it said it was valid and the device was found but i still couldnt get it to work im running 64 bit ubuntu22:13
bert_kmix is my volume manager?22:13
ajitamHi I got 2MB internet connection but last few day speed is around 50 do 70 Kb/s I have I feeling that something is blocking my connection. How can I see witch programs are currently runing ?22:13
aceintheholeBCM43 oh yes, I have several servers at work running great with ubuntu, and I've had my home server running fine in the past too ... but this is a new thing22:13
Sun01Techdanand_: i didnt even want to use the entire disk for ubuntu but it doesnt let me get guide partition resizer for the disk i want to install on ...it only list the first disk so i went with guide...even i tried doing manual with ext3 and swap which i had no problems with install in the past22:14
Slartajitam: netstat can check for processes using sockets22:14
BCM43aceinthehole: try installing regular ubuntu, it should be able to do what the server does, maybe it will give you errors. if not, have you dropped it recently?22:14
TuniX12ajitam:  program does not block your connection22:14
Slartajitam: I think there is a top like program for network stats too.. can't remember the name though22:15
aceintheholeBCM43 dropped?22:15
Flare183ajitam: Find the System Monitor on the System Menu22:15
ajitamTuniX12: I meent limit22:15
BCM43aceinthehole: as in falling and hitting the floor. ;)22:15
Slartajitam: you can impose limits on your network connection.. but it's nothing you do "by accident" =)22:15
aceintheholeBCM43 oh no, oh gosh no22:15
ajitamFlare183: I have only terminal22:15
TuniX12ajitam:  i doubt a problem could limit the connection22:15
BCM43aceinthehole: lol, just kidding22:15
Flare183ajitam: Then use elinks22:15
danand_Sun01Tech - if you know how you want to partition the disk i would suggest using gparted on the live cd to partition and format etc before you try and install...22:16
aceintheholeBCM43 I busted my hand up though, lol ... swinging and cursing in the air and I managed to smack the edge of the rack22:16
Flare183wait a sec22:16
bert_paplay gives E: client-conf-x11.c: XOpenDisplay() failed22:16
Flare183ajitam: type in top on another prompt22:16
BCM43aceinthehole: hmm.. maybe that did it. Do you have a hard hand?22:16
danand_ajitam - try netstat?22:16
themadhi, i've got pulseaudio installed on gusty (laptop). How can I change internal microphone to external?22:16
aceintheholeBCM43 alright bud, I'll give the alternate a try and see how that goes. I was going to put a gui on anyhow for admin22:17
coopsterI'm trying to remove gnome-panel from my desktop and I can't get it to work.  Running `gnome-session-remove gnome-panel` just locks up the terminal I run it in (running gnome-session-remove --list also locks it up).  If I remove gnome-panel from Sessions and then hit save session, the next time I log in nothing at all (neither Compiz nor avant) loads, and I have to rename ,gnome2/session to fix it, causing gnome-panel to reappear.22:17
aceintheholeBCM43 lol, apparently I do! It's purple but doesn't hurt.. hahhaa22:17
coopsterCan anyone help?22:17
BCM43!ask | coopster22:17
ubottucoopster: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:17
Sun01Techdanand_: i will try that hope it helps thanks22:17
danand_Sun01Tech - luck :)22:17
B_166-ER-Xok,i'VE been at it 3 DAYS, and i cannot find anything of help actually 'working' on the web so please someone .. : I,m trying to make work a 'webcam' on gutsy, but i keep having just a blck/blue screen, if anyone have experience with v4l2 , please !22:18
coopsterBCM43: I merely made my question a question by adding "Can anyone help?" at the end...22:18
BCM43coopster: sorry, did not see the thing before.22:18
* DIL neighbors tried to use0 my wireless as it was open22:18
danand_B_166-ER-X - you may have seen this .... but !webcams22:18
w3Ddamn those theifs!22:18
themadcan anyone tell me how to change recording from internal microphone to external in pulseaudio?22:18
Flare183DIL: I know how that is, I got a program that kicks and bans people from the router if they try doing that22:18
* DIL to hell22:19
Telroth|SleepI need some help with my DVD drive. The BIOS allows me to boot from it (kubuntu 8.04 dvd), but the drive does not show up at all when running an installed system (kubuntu 8.04 (/dev/scd0 doesn't exist), Vista SP1 (No Optical drives show up in device manager)). Any help is welcome.22:19
xoomthemodderanyone using hardy and VPC 2007 crash on boot?22:19
danand_!webcams | B_166-ER-X22:19
ubottuB_166-ER-X: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras22:19
Flare183!langauge | DIL22:19
ubottuDIL: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:19
w3Dtell them to back off with their windows stealing internetz or you'll get all linux on their ass.22:19
B_166-ER-Xdanand_ in fact, its not a 'webcam' as jsute a small video cam plugged in the 'composite' input of my video card. so every help about 'webcams' doenst really fit, since i'm not sure the 'composite' input is in /dev/video022:20
\\dan\\wacom tablets anyone?22:20
coopsterCurse you gnome-panel!  I just can't get rid of it!22:20
ajitamdanand_:  I typed netstat but what I'm looking for ?22:20
B_166-ER-XI've tested it mon my tv, and the cam works, the problem i guess is jsut a matter of configuration of v4l or v4l2 or something22:21
aceintheholecoopster what did you say you were doing wit gnome?22:21
coopsterI'm trying to remove gnome-panel from my desktop and I can't get it to work.  Running `gnome-session-remove gnome-panel` just locks up the terminal I run it in (running gnome-session-remove --list also locks it up).  If I remove gnome-panel from Sessions and then hit save session, the next time I log in nothing at all (neither Compiz nor avant) loads, and I have to rename ,gnome2/session to fix it, causing gnome-panel to reappear.22:21
B_166-ER-Xgstreamer-propertis or cheese cannot grab any video either22:21
fkmhi :D22:21
Flare183!repeat | coopster22:21
ubottucoopster: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:21
coopsterFlare183: aceinthehole asked me to reiterate...22:22
ajitamI installed wondershaper but I removed it now so I don't think this could couse the problem22:22
fkmbibue good night guys :) UNIX FOREVER =D22:22
danand_ajitam - any processes/connections that may be stealing your bandwidth... look for tcp or udp connections.22:22
Slartajitam: ah.. you might have some iptables rules still in place then22:22
perplexedso ubuntu is the new wave uhh?22:22
Flare183coopster: oh ok continue22:22
TuniX12Telroth|Sleep: even vista does not recognize it?22:22
aceintheholecoopster yeah the .gnome2 directory saves your sessions and preferences, so renaming it would do that. Have you put everything back to default by erasing .gnome .gnome2 .metacity .gconf and .gconfd ?22:22
w3Dubuntu is an alternative to toast22:22
Slartajitam: what does "sudo iptables -L" print out.. just the 3 empty chains? or lots and lots of text?22:23
ajitamSlart: So what do I do ?22:23
ubottuFactoid v4l2 not found22:23
danand_B_166-ER-X - in that case ... i don't know :)22:23
ubottuFactoid v4l not found22:23
jokoonHello, my firefox crashes when I close a tab on web mail gmail, whats happening ?22:23
Flare183!askthebot > B_166-ER-X22:23
perplexeddoes it have good driver support?22:23
Slartjokoon: run it from a terminal and see what kind of error you get22:23
w3Dgoogle has stolen your mailz and using them for pornographic material.22:23
perplexedi need to make sure my atheros ar5007 wifi adapter works with it22:23
themadjokoon, you are using beta version of firefox?22:23
coopsteraceinthehole: well, I'm not sure I really want everything back to default, I just want gnome-panel gone.  I've made changes in gconf that I'd like to keep.22:23
Flare183What the....!?22:23
jokoonthemad yes, from the 8.04 release22:24
B_166-ER-Xdanand_ yeah,  my problem is, I USED to have it working on all versions of ubuntu since hoary, with xdtv mostly, i'm on gutsy now, and even if it worked before on gutsy, i reinstalled and now..it wont.22:24
ajitamSlart: a lot of text is that bad :) sorry I new at this :)22:24
coopster!ot | w3D22:24
ubottuw3D: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:24
Flare183coopster: Had the same problem before, switch to KDE it's what you need22:24
coopsterI got to bot someone that time =)22:24
tj13820is there a package for linux-restricted-modules-*version*-server.deb with all dependencies included for offline install?22:24
israel_GraNDE PAPA22:24
israel_muy buenas22:25
israel_gracias carlos22:25
jokoonSlart it says "Illegal instruction"22:25
Slartajitam: hehe.. no worries.. the firewall in ubuntu (and most linux distro's) is called iptables.. wondershaper just helps you set it up.. so when you uninstalled wondershaper the settings remained22:25
Flare183!ot | iratsu22:25
israel_y ahora22:25
ubottuiratsu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:25
coopsterFlare183: blarg!  I've tweaked absolutely everything I need except gnome-panel and i have to start over again/22:25
coopster!es | israel_22:25
ubottuisrael_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:25
w3Dthat was kind22:25
Slartajitam: you'll have to clear them.. hang on.. let me find you a nice webpage with instructions22:25
w3Dyour a find person22:25
w3Di love u bot22:25
ajitamSlart: thx22:25
* Flare183 is about to trigger the banning hammer22:26
Slartw3D: do you have a question about ubuntu?22:26
coopsterSeems reasonable, buncha nuts out today...22:26
perplexedanyone have an atheros ar5007 wifi card?22:26
israel_im sorry22:26
israel_I was wrong the channel22:26
w3Dyour a channel??22:27
Flare183w3D: I wouldn't go there.22:27
w3Di shall cease.22:27
Sun01Techdanand_:  i want to have a ntfs storge on the 320 gd drive....shouuld i put the ext3 first then swap then the ntfs storage partition...sounds ok22:27
IndyGunFreakSun01Tech: i would make swap, ext3, ntfs22:27
eddiehi there!22:28
coopster!hi | eddie22:28
ubottueddie: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:28
IndyGunFreakSun01Tech: but either would likely work22:28
=== eddie is now known as Guest39521
[T]ankso i am moving from 7.10 to 8.04. The problem i am running into is that when i select install from the CD, the screen just goes black and nothing else ever happens. 7.10 installs just fine. I just tried installing debian, I had to use the nofb option to overcome this same issue... how do i get past this in ubuntu 8.0422:28
coopsterThat was always my favorite bottie feature.22:28
[T]anki tried a few variations of selectiong acpi=off and such... but cant figure this out.22:28
coopster[T]ank: does it immediately go blank or does it show the Ubuntu splash screen?22:29
[T]ankno splash screen22:29
Wallgodhi there, the way we can use F11 in firefox to make full screen, can we do something similar to make any application full screen?22:29
Sun01TechIndyGunFreak: what about the mbr...would ubuntu automatically set it up with the swap area being first..will use grub...or is that space reserved ?22:29
w3D*throws water*22:29
coopster[T]ank: do you happen to have a nVidia 8600 or similar?22:29
Telroth|SleepI need some help with my DVD drive. The BIOS allows me to boot from it (kubuntu 8.04 dvd), but the drive does not show up at all when running an installed system (kubuntu 8.04 (/dev/scd0 doesn't exist), Vista SP1 (No Optical drives show up in device manager)). Any help is welcome.22:29
IndyGunFreakSun01Tech: yes, swap being first will not effect the mbr22:29
coopsterWallgod: do you use Compiz (for visual effects like wobbly windows) ?22:30
Sun01TechIndyGunFreak: thanks22:30
[T]ank01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M22 [Radeon Mobility M300]22:30
Wallgodyes i do22:30
ggeeckoif I am using gnome, how can I have text dispayed in the background on the desktop22:30
xoomthemodderTelroth|Sleep: SATA or IDE drive?22:30
Guest39521i have a problem with a horizon monitor (22 inch model 2206SW) on ubuntu 8.04. the main ideea is that i have tried to install envy /  hardy's  / nvidia's / fglrx drivers and none could provide me a higher resolution than 640x480. any ideeas ?22:30
Wallgodcoopster, yes i do22:30
Slartdoes anyone know of an easy way to reset iptables rules? or just go back to the defaults?22:30
Sun01Techgood size for swap? i have 320gb hd22:30
Guest39521Slart: iptables -F22:31
coopster[T]ank: Sorry, I don't really know then.  It may be worth waiting a while to see if the blank screen is just the splash screen failing to show up;  I used to have that problem, but it eventually would boot into Ubuntu just fine.22:31
SlartGuest39521: nice.. but no point for you.. it still leaves the chain defaults intact22:31
derspanksterSun01Tech, installed ram times 222:31
[T]ankyeah, tried that22:31
amenado[T]ank-> you have the liveCD iso for 8.04? would you like to install from the hard disk?22:31
Guest39521Slart: maybe after you alter the rules / iptables-save22:31
[T]ankamenado: no, i use the alternate cd22:31
Wallgodcoopster, hi, i do use compiz22:32
ajitamSlart: Does iptables become active right after startup because I noticed that connection is ok for about 5min after reboot22:32
mysterycoolIs there a WYSIWYG editor for Linux, such as Front Page or Dreamweaver?22:32
Guest39521i have a problem with a horizon monitor (22 inch model 2206SW) on ubuntu 8.04. the main ideea is that i have tried to install envy /  hardy's  / nvidia's / fglrx drivers and none could provide me a higher resolution than 640x480. any ideeas ?22:32
Guest39521mysterycool: quanta22:32
coopsterWallgod: If you run `sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager` it will let you go to System -. preferences -> advanced desktop settings22:32
amenado[T]ank-> its okay too, you can use the alternate cd, do you have a partitions ready to install ?22:32
Wallgodcoopster, yes i can already do that22:32
=== Guest39521 is now known as eddie_leu
asmo[B]does anyone know why everytime I turn my external drive on (NTFS partitions) it gives me an error mounting... says that it had an unclean shutdown...22:33
mysterycoolGuest39521: Does it handle also server scripting coding such as PHP or only HTML/CSS/Javascript?22:33
[T]ankamenado: yeah, will this install over debian?22:33
lejoneddie_leu, What graphic card you have?22:33
loderunnahWhere do I find a list of fresh, working HTTP proxies in plain text format? Google is full of thousands and thousands of crappy sites on these search terms, so it's useless...22:33
yesudeep2mysterycool: nvu22:33
amenado[T]ank-> i believe so, it will install22:33
[T]anklets try...22:33
yesudeep2mysterycool: However, I suggest staying away from them.  :-)22:33
[T]ankim open to new things22:33
eddie_leulejon: nvidia GT 880022:33
coopsterWallgod: from there you can set Extra WM Actions, and one of the options allows you to toggle windows fullscreen22:33
yesudeep2mysterycool: WYOM22:33
[T]ankamenado: guide me22:33
SlartGuest42507: hmm.. worth a closer look.. there are scripts like this one, http://pikt.org/pikt/samples/reset_iptables_programs.cfg.html , but it seems like ubuntu should come with something like that for resetting the firewall rules.. perhaps some kind of dpkg-reconfigure22:33
amenado[T]ank-> ok lets give it a shot,  prepare a partition22:34
lejoneddie_leu, checked ur xorg.conf and see if something is amiss with that? Otherwise you could try to reconfigure it with a command you find xorg.conf22:34
lejonin xorg.conf*22:34
Slartajitam: I think they are activated when you boot.. but the wondershaper rules might not kick in until a certain time after startup..22:34
mysterycoolyesudeep2: I am not really a fun of them but I always have problems with colors at my webs and I want to be able to have it in a more "visual" way so I could get over it.22:34
{^KinG^}hi all22:34
loderunnahWhere do I find a list of fresh, working HTTP proxies in plain text format? Google is full of thousands and thousands of crappy sites on these search terms, so it's useless...22:34
amenado[T]ank-> are you planning to use same partition as your old debian?22:34
matthew_has anyone had problems installing firefox themes?22:34
w3Dcould someone help me with setting up dual boot.22:35
[T]anki want to install over everything so i have only one partition with just ubuntu on it22:35
{^KinG^}how i can install GTK 2.0 for use Themes GTK 2x22:35
lejonw3D dual boot with what?22:35
Wallgodcoopster, oh thank u so much...22:35
amenado[T]ank-> i suggest using a separate partition just in case things dont work well during install22:35
w3DVista and Ubuntu22:35
coopsterWallgod: not a problem22:35
w3Dhave each OS on seperate hard drives.22:35
[T]ankamenado: i can just nuke it and redo 7.1022:35
w3Dhave to enter BIOS to change each time.22:35
[T]anklets just do one.22:35
lejonw3D install Vista first and it should be no problem, just make sure you have them on different partitions, primäry partitions too22:35
eddie_leulejon: i have manually altered the xorg.conf, and increased the resolution to 800x600, but it just "overflow" my monitor...22:35
loderunnahWhere do I find a list of fresh, working HTTP proxies in plain text format? Google is full of thousands and thousands of crappy sites on these search terms, so it's useless...22:35
w3Dyeah, i have no issue22:36
w3Di just unplugged my vista hard drive when i installed the ubuntu one.22:36
coopster!ot | loderunnah22:36
ubottuloderunnah: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:36
amenado[T]ank-> okay, you proly already have the debootstrap22:36
lejonw3d oh, they are on seperate hdds?22:36
w3Dbut i have no boot selection menu22:36
{^KinG^}how i can install GTK 2.0 for use Themes GTK 2x22:36
matthew_has anyone had an "unexpected install error" while installing a new Firefox theme?22:36
[T]ankamenado: lets pm.. easier to keep track of convo.22:36
amenado[T]ank-> hang a few..let me find my notes22:36
lejoneddie_leu, try to reconfigure xorg.conf with the command in the file and see if it auto detects ur monitor22:36
{^KinG^}any one ?22:36
Sun01Techw3D: you can setup grub from your linux drive to boot into your windows drive and ubuntu22:37
eddie_leulejon: what is the command ?22:37
ajhtiredwolfHi, i installed Fedora 9 and couldnt get my Realtek 8111/8169 LAN Driver drivers to work, does anyone know if they would work on ubuntu?22:37
w3Dhow can i do this? im new to linux. grub is the linux boot command?22:37
lejoneddie_leu, Its in the xorg.conf file somewhere, let me check my own brb a few secs22:37
Slartajitam: I can't find a really easy way to reset the ipfilters to default settings..22:37
lejonw3D linux boot loader22:37
nano_on firefox download day?  will it also count if we were to download from repositories?22:37
kbrosnanmatthew_: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Unable+to+install+add-ons22:37
kbrosnannano_: no22:38
Slartajitam: this page has a script.. you can open a text editor and copy paste the blue text22:38
matthew_kbrosnan; thanks22:38
Slartajitam: http://pikt.org/pikt/samples/iptables_reset_programs.cfg.html22:38
w3Dwhere do i edit its values?22:38
DILw3D: if your vista disk in not connected when installing ubuntu grud wont see it to do it auto otherwise you would have to manually add vista to grub22:38
amenado[T]ank-> okay join me in #tank122:38
w3Dhow do i go about doing that22:38
nano_kbrosnan, thast too bad22:38
lejonw3D, gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst22:38
Slartnano_: I don't think so22:38
w3Dlast time i left my vista disc in when installed mandriva on my second hdd grub fucked up vista hdd22:38
mysterycoolI was wondering, if you use WYSIWYG programs to create a website, would the cross-browser problem (especially with IE) be solved and you won't have to do extra coding so that your website will work with IE too? I don't mean Javascript, I just mean the HTML/CSS part.22:39
ajhtiredwolfw3D only way i could get it to work was to install on the same ahrddrive and unplug the secondary until after the install, vista, then linux22:39
coopsterCmon fellas (and ladies)!  Surely someone must want to tackle the intriguing and exciting problem of making gnome-panel not load!22:39
lejoneddie_leu, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg  thats the command22:39
nano_Slart, well, maybe they will have .deb packages22:39
coopster!ot | mysterycool22:39
ubottumysterycool: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:39
w3Dthanks for the infoz ;)22:39
Slartnano_: or just download it once for every computer you are using it on22:39
mysterycoolcoopster: omg, lol, sorry! I though I was asking in #css22:39
{^KinG^}how i can install GTK 2.0 for use Themes GTK 2x22:39
Slartnano_: I don't think they are counting installs.. just downloads..  (I'm just guessing of course.. I have no real idea of what they are counting)22:39
Sun01Techw3D: you would probably have to map your windows drive to make it look like hd0 i have links on this cause i triple booted before with xp 64 on another drive but i dont have access right now22:40
coopsterwhat's the ! bot command for Brazil?22:40
ubottuFactoid bz not found22:40
jurymastanyone got semantik working on 8.0422:40
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:40
ubottuFactoid mx not found22:40
nano_Slart, Guiness book of records has lost its credibility....they have records for some of the stupidest things22:40
nano_its lame!!22:40
=== steven2 is now known as steven4
coopster!ot | Please guys22:41
ubottuPlease guys: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:41
IndustriesHia ll!22:42
Industries*Hi all!22:42
cary_jebus[UDCS|I returned to my pure gnome...22:42
clintchanceHow do i install Real Media Player?22:42
IndustriesIs it possible to install (and boot) Ubuntu on my external USB HD on my Intel Mac mini?22:42
clintchanceI cant find it22:42
cary_jebus[UDCS|kde sucks :\22:42
cary_jebus[UDCS|I guess its a matter of taste22:42
Slartclintchance: download it from their website.. I think it's an installer script or something22:43
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:43
clintchanceok will try22:43
Slartclintchance: but I think there are other software available for playing realmedia too..22:43
TuniX12euh! RealPlayer still exist?,22:43
Zaidenone of my games only works if I type in sudo gamename in the terminal. Is there a way to create a launcher on the desktop that'll let me launch the game without using the terminal?22:43
tj13820how do i enable a driver for madwifi once i have installed the restricted modules in ubuntu server?22:43
tj13820(no gui)22:43
SlartTuniX12: yes.. we've tried everything.. fire, acid, garlic etc.. just won't go away =)22:43
clintchanceslart, Wouldnet happen to know the software/?22:43
Slartclintchance: nah.. I just remember using something else instead of realplayer.. did you check the links?22:44
IndustriesIs it possible to install (and boot) Ubuntu on my external USB HD on my Intel Mac mini?22:45
hagabakaZaiden: do you know why it requires sudo?22:45
tj13820how do i enable a driver for madwifi once i have installed the restricted modules in ubuntu server?22:45
Industriestj13820, isn't it already enabled?22:45
lejontj13820, modprobe ath_pci22:45
tj13820Industries: no, my wireless card won't enable :-(22:45
Industriesoh, ubuntu server..22:45
IndustriesI'm of no use, sorry.22:45
Zaidenhagabaka: My only guess is that the game was installed to the directory /usr/local/games/gamefolder22:46
asmo[B]ok so I did some fooling around with trying to get my NTFS partition to mount, google'd that shit and now instead of it failing to mount, it says I don't have permission....22:46
tj13820lejon: what does that do?22:46
cary_jebus[UDCS|is there a way to make the gnome x-chat display users on a sidebar22:46
sanjaybasmo[B]: err.. you using sudo ?22:46
lejontj13820,  I dont know exactly, but as far as I know, it probes for the module called ath_pci and loads it22:46
Slartcary_jebus[UDCS|: I think it does22:46
hagabakaZaiden: if that's the only reason you don't need to run it with sudo and shouldn't. just add the path of the program to your PATH22:46
asmo[B]sanjayb: yep :\22:47
tj13820well, it didn't make the interface load in /etc/network/interfaces22:47
tj13820that's what i need. the module is there, but i need it to start, and be usable22:47
sanjaybasmo[B]: whats the command you're using to mount?22:47
tj13820lejon: is that for atheros/dynex cards?22:47
TuniX12asmo[B]:  the last unmount from windows failed22:47
lejontj13820, its for all modules in linux as far as I know :P22:48
tj13820lejon: uh... nope :-P22:48
sanjaybasmo[B]: ahh yes - silly me - what TuniX12 mentions is probably the case .22:48
tj13820lejon: didn't load :-)22:48
TuniX12ubuntu cant mount it unless yoy unmount it properly from windwos22:48
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
asmo[B]TuniX12: so if I can load up windows and properly unmount it it should work?22:48
TuniX12asmo[B]:  yes22:49
asmo[B]key word should :)22:49
sanjaybyes asmo[B] TuniX12, unless  you force mount - which is unadvisable for important drives :-)22:49
sanjaybasmo[B]: whats the exact error you're getting ?22:49
asmo[B]yes they're very important, 300gigs of music22:49
TuniX12asm DO NOT force mount22:49
sanjaybasmo[B]: if its from the gui, it generally tells you about the windows problem22:49
sanjaybasmo[B]: if it told you Permission Denied, that's a bit strange22:49
sanjaybyea do NOT force mount22:49
asmo[B]it says "you are not privileged to mount the volume"22:50
TuniX12asmo[B]: let windows unmount it22:50
asmo[B]ok :)22:50
TuniX12asmo[B]: it mean ntfs is marked in use22:50
asmo[B]Just have to get windows loaded on my laptop22:50
sanjaybTuniX12: err.. wouldn't it then have said 'ntfs marked in use' .. ?22:51
TuniX12asmo[B]: do a proper reboot from windwos22:51
asmo[B]TuniX12: thanks, I'll see if that works :)22:51
tj13820lejon: oh, my god... it worked22:52
tj13820lejon: :-) thank you. it needed a restart, but now it is loaded  as wifi0 and ath022:52
lejontj13820, Yeah I know, you got a atheros chipset?22:52
tj13820i ran an lspci to see if it was in22:53
tj13820and lsmod to make sure the module was working22:53
=== tofaffy_ is now known as tofaffy|lappy
asmo[B]TuniX12: what do you use for IRC? I'm using X-Chat but not a fan of it... someone told me to get BitchX22:53
lejontj13820, No problem, glad I could help ^^ I got a atheros chipset too and well, with madwifi compiled and then modprobe ath_pci and it worked22:53
TuniX12asmo[B]: i use chatzilla22:53
cary_jebus[UDCS|YOUR A BITCHX22:53
asmo[B]I don't have a BitchX22:53
TuniX12within firefox22:54
ZaidenHow do you delete hidden folders and files in the trash as root?22:54
cary_jebus[UDCS|bitch :P22:54
asmo[B]ya I've used chatzilla before22:54
jessejazzachatzilla: TunX12 try xchat-gnome22:54
bderrlyZaiden, with rm22:54
IndyGunFreakZaiden: i always open a terminal, gksudo nautilus  then navigate to your trash folder and remove them.22:54
TuniX12i have it ;D22:54
cary_jebus[UDCS|xchat vs BITCHX22:54
asmo[B]jessejazza: I'm using xchat-gnome and hate it22:54
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:54
cary_jebus[UDCS|Im gonig to try BITCHx just ofr the name22:54
IndyGunFreakasmo[B]: well try xchat.22:55
LinuxMonkeycary I DONT CARE22:55
TuniX12try pidgin22:55
cary_jebus[UDCS|pidgin sucks for irc22:55
IndyGunFreakpidgin is a horrid irc client22:55
IndyGunFreakpidgin is a great im client, it is not a good irc client22:55
jessejazzai liked chatzilla but boy was it slow when 6-10 channels were on. konversation is good IMHO22:55
w3Di tried making pidgin from the source for about an hour. then realised it was preinstalled with ubuntu22:55
LinuxMonkeyScreen + irssi = BEST COMBO EVER22:55
TuniX12we talk about gnome clients22:55
sanjaybw3D: rofl22:55
IndyGunFreakw3D: lol.. its easy to install frmo source.22:56
ajitamSlart: I just wrote sudo iptables -F and as far as I can tell thing are looking up. Now I just need to keep my fingers cross22:56
TuniX12chatzilla use javascript22:56
Sun01Techw3D: im glad im not alone in my going around in circles trend22:56
asmo[B]java eats ram22:56
TuniX12and firefox is slow22:56
asmo[B]like it's candy22:56
sanjaybasmo[B]: javascript != java22:56
asmo[B]true enough22:56
TuniX12the javascript engine of FF is a misery22:56
TuniX12webkit is the fastest one22:57
TuniX12and KHTML too22:57
whabohello guys. why is my firefox browser keep crashing?22:58
whaboand firefox just closes by itself22:58
Sun01Techi partition my disk with gparted and formated now im at the prepare partitions install window should i choose do not use this partition for the swap and just chose the ext3 part withno formatting ?22:58
whaboany idea? thx22:58
IndyGunFreakwhabo: ff3 has had some issues..22:58
LinuxMonkeywhabo: does it give you an error, what are you trying to fo when it crashes?22:58
naxahi! when I press ctrl-alt-f1 the screen goes blank! this happens only when switching from X to text-only terminal. Why is this? I have (i think) an intel graphics card, built-in.22:58
israel_the website22:58
whabowell. i just open it browse the web for few secondfs and it closes by itself22:59
israel_madwifi.org is bad22:59
israel_somebody know !22:59
IndyGunFreakisrael_: its just down right now.22:59
LuigiHello everyone! Yesterday I reinstalled Ubuntu over an older, non-booting system, and every second time I turn on my computer I only see a black screen after the loading ‪. where the login screen should be...). Is this a known problem?22:59
IndyGunFreakisrael_: isn't madwifi in the repositories?22:59
lejonIndyGunFreak, no, you have to add it urself22:59
ghindoHi, I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 and my hibernate stopped working after I tried to resize my swap space.  Suspend still works, but I'd like Hibernate as well22:59
IndyGunFreaklejon: oh ok.. i thought it was in the repos for some reason23:00
israel_IndyGunFreak, give me the repositories polease23:00
Sun01Techstuff to make a grown man cry in here23:00
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IndyGunFreakisrael_: i might be mjistaken.. i thought it was there, according to lejon its not there23:00
lejonIndyGunFreak, or well, let me check, I think I had to download it manually from their homepage and such, so its probably not in the repos that I know of23:00
IndyGunFreak!info madwifi-tools | israel_23:00
ubottuisrael_: madwifi-tools (source: madwifi-tools): tools for the Multiband Atheros Driver for WiFi. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.9.3+dfsg-3 (hardy), package size 39 kB, installed size 204 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 arm hurd-i386 i386 mips mipsel powerpc sparc)23:00
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes23:01
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:01
lejonits in the repos, I just didn't go that way :P23:01
lejonIndyGunFreak, israel_ its in the repos, I just didn't download it from there :P23:01
jaggyhey, how do i copy a folder and all his contents with my terminal?23:02
lejonjaggy, I know cp is the copy command, use cp --help or man cp to find out how you move a directory23:02
Luigijaggy: cpdir, I think23:02
sanjaybjaggy: cp -R foldername/ dest/in/ation/23:02
IndyGunFreaklejon: me either to be truthful... madwifi requries a patch to work w/ my atheros device, so i just save the soruce and the patch w/ my backup, and implement it when i install the latest versiouns.23:02
jaggyok, ty guys :)23:02
IndyGunFreakisrael_: what atheros device do you have?23:02
theFATMANi need a good format to format video converter, any suggestions?23:02
lejonIndyGunFreak, Sweet, I got atheros too :P23:02
LuigiJaggy, don't listen to me, I'm wrong. I was thinking of rmdir23:03
jaggyhehe Luigi don't worry, sanjayb was right23:03
w3D_mario forgives you23:03
israel_IndyGunFreak,  i have a AR521223:04
israel_atheros 500223:04
* IndyGunFreak has mario64 on Rom.. one of my all time fav games23:04
aquoIch geh schlafen.23:04
IndyGunFreakisrael_: ok.23:04
lejon!wine > w3D_23:04
asmo[B]How do I know if I have the essential packages installed?23:05
IndyGunFreakisrael_: well, i can rapidshare you the madwifi source code if you want it.23:05
lejonasmo[B], sudo apt-get build-essential and it'll tell ya23:05
w3D_look at the synaptic packet manager23:05
LtLasmo[B]: dpkg -s build-essential23:05
theFATMANi need a good format to format video converter, any suggestions?23:05
IndyGunFreakisrael_: its a slightly old version.. its not the newest version, from Nov. 0723:06
asmo[B]lejon: thanks :)23:06
IndyGunFreakisrael_: i'm uploading it on rapidshare now, gimme a sec. and i'll giv eyou the link23:07
lejonasmo[B], No problem, LtLs command probably works too, I just haven't tested ^^23:07
lejonasmo[B], The command I gave you just tries to reinstall it and it tells you if you have the newest version or not if its already installed :P23:07
LtLlejon: either will do.23:07
ubunixåñòü ðóññêèå?23:08
asmo[B]ya it wasn't installed, is now, thanks to both of you23:08
IndyGunFreakisrael_:  http://rapidshare.com/files/122483904/madwifi-ng-r2756-20071018.tar.gz.html23:08
ubunixhi guys23:08
Sun01Techi get this error when the live ubuntu installer copying files to hard disk {errno 5} input/output error  ---- i have checked the cd and it was verified aready and the iso passed the hash test...this is a new sata hard drive..windows xp 64 installed working good in the past?23:08
LuigiEvery other time I boot up my computer and Ubuntu loads, I get a black screen where the login screen should be. Is this a known problem, and is there any way I can easily identify the problem?23:08
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lejonLtL, good, then ive learnt a new command for verify packages, thankies ^^23:09
[T]ankmy new install attempt of ubuntu 8.04 takes me to the install menu and i select install. then it goes to a quick status bar then gloes blank. what can i do to make this work?23:09
Sun01Techluigi: you probably should do a recovery bootup and try to the options there23:09
[T]ank7.10 worked. debian i had to do a nofb option on the install. cant make anything with ubuntu 8 work23:10
LtLSun01Tech: that's not a healthy error, i'd considered re-trying the install after you re-prepare the target free space and or partition.23:10
IndyGunFreak[T]ank: burn again, and burn SLOW...23:10
ubunixplease may somebody help me? somebody know there to get drivers for nvidia network controller for ubuntu?23:10
[T]ankIndyGunFreak the install works on other machines23:10
IndyGunFreak[T]ank: or try the alternate install cd, but regardless, burn the cd SLOW23:10
LuigiSun01Tech: you mean the recovery mode mentioned on the GRUB menu?23:10
IndyGunFreak[T]ank: then use the alt. install cd23:10
X3nonAnyone with experience in dmraid and ntfs partitions?23:10
[T]anksorry. did not include all the info. this is the alternate cd23:10
Sun01TechLuigi: yeah23:10
LtLlejon: yah, dpkg -s where 's' = status is handy and informative.23:10
Sun01TechLtL: this is my 6 time trying the install23:11
LuigiSun01Tech: Ok then, I'll try that next time I boot. Thanks!23:11
IndyGunFreakSun01Tech: you should be getting pretty good at it.. :)23:11
LtLSun01Tech: something isn't right..23:11
[T]ankIndyGunFreak: how do i know for sure that I have the alternate cd?23:11
[T]ankbecause now i am second guessing myself23:11
Sun01TechLuigi: you should try the repair packages and other option at the recovery console23:11
IndyGunFreak[T]ank: you probably don't23:11
LtLSun01Tech: is the cd drive clean 'n healthy?23:12
[T]ankI remember checking the box on the download23:12
IndyGunFreakthe alternate install cd, is a text based installer, it will have alternate-install in the iso filename23:12
LtLSun01Tech: is the partition clean and healthy23:12
[T]anki will just do it again.23:12
IndyGunFreak!alternate | [T]ank23:12
ubottu[T]ank: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent23:12
lejonLtL, Ive never used dpkg command that much, its handy to know ;)23:12
ma1how can i mount a .bin file ?23:12
[T]ankanyone know the fastest mirror for the us?23:13
ma1how can i convert a .bin to a .iso ?23:13
TuniX12ubunix: Try logging into a terminal and  sudo and type /sbin/lspci23:13
theFATMANi need a good format to format video converter, any suggestions?23:13
LuigiSun01Tech: repair packages?23:13
LtLma1: chmod 755 file.bin and ./file.bin  to execute it.23:14
Sun01TechLtL: that was what i was thinking...but i tried different cds and different partition....i tried booting up with puppy linux that works fine.....but yeah im thinking it might be the drive.....i wanted to install iso on usb drive and boot from there but23:14
Sun01TechLuigi: it will be in the options when you boot to recovery23:14
LtLSun01Tech: do you get a consistant i/o error?23:14
LuigiOh, I see. Thank you, Sun01Tech, I'll be going now.23:14
ubunixðóññêèå åñòü??23:15
Sun01TechLtL: mostly ltl had other times like kubuntu where it just froze after awhile23:15
LtLSun01Tech: i'm using a junky pIII hp notebook and no ubuntu would install, i grabbed debian disk 1 iso and all rocked outa the box23:15
LtLi'm not diss'ing ubuntu, but it has its bugs23:16
TuniX12ubunix: you dont have the driver? or it is installed but does not work?23:16
ma1how can i convert a .bin file to iso ?23:16
[T]ankLtL: i am interested in the distro that does not have bugs. I would like to try it23:16
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LtLma1: why would you want to? im curious23:16
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crazedgremlinyou can put a .bin inside a .iso file23:17
Sun01TechLtL: could it be the size of my sata drive 320gb i had no problem installing to my 160gb in the past23:17
IndyGunFreakSun01Tech: i have a 500gig sata drive23:17
X3nonAnyone with experience in dmraid and ntfs partitions?23:17
LtLSun01Tech: one of mine is a 250gb sata, no problems using ubuntu since ubuntu version 1 whatever that was.23:18
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Sun01TechIndyGunFreak: im thinking its probably something wrong with the cd drive or the hard drive cause i tried various ubuntu versions and still having problems23:18
LtLSun01Tech: size should'nt be an issue, i'd suggest booting a gparted cd and clean that drive up.23:19
IndyGunFreakSun01Tech: what exactly is it doing?23:19
luisdo22why is this chat in english????...did i miss something23:19
ZaidenNo matter what I do, these files in the trash won't delete.23:19
DIL!es | luisdo2223:19
ubottuluisdo22: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:19
IndyGunFreakZaiden: because you're not doing it right.23:19
Sun01TechIndyGunFreak: ok right now its stop at this error failed to cpay fioles installer encounter error errror 5 input/output error23:19
luisdo22Ok gracias!!23:19
sagredo_hi does anyone here run electric sheep23:20
lejonZaiden, go to the .trash folder and use "rm *" that should remove everything in there, it did for me :P23:20
bitmousehey, anybody know how to get video card information on conky for an ati setup?23:20
sagredo_bitmouse: lshw23:20
Zaidenlejon: By go there, you mean use the cd command in the terminal, right?23:20
lejonZaiden, exactly23:20
Sun01Tech IndyGunFreak "errrno 5 input/output" error copying files to hard disk---sorry mistyped before23:21
TuniX12erno 523:21
cybertaur1hello, can someone help me with a video problem?23:22
LtLSun01Tech: i googled that and got quite a few hits, looks like a bug.23:22
Sun01TechLtL: oh23:22
cybertaur1I'm trying to watch a video, and there are these flickering lines on the left side of the screen23:22
cybertaur1they're there (and moving) even when the video is paused23:22
w3D_what is a good torrent client for ubuntu? something similar to utorrent, but not azereus23:22
stemount^w3D_: transmission is god23:22
cybertaur1w3D_: you can use utorrent on ubuntu23:22
gorg_is there any sudo command for installing VLC player?23:23
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stemount^gorg_: sudo apt-get install vlc23:23
stemount^w3D_: it's true23:23
TuniX12LtL: this is not a bug indeed23:23
LtLgorg_: sudo apt-get install vlc23:23
cybertaur1w3D_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19116123:23
cybertaur1so is there anyone here who knows a little about displaying video, and how to get rid of those lines?23:23
tlbsif i don't use gnome or kde what benefits do i get from upgrading ubuntu to 8.04?23:23
IndyGunFreakSun01Tech: very weird problem, sorry i have no solution... what type of media are you using23:23
Slart_tlbs: new kernel version? don't know if that's a benefit though23:24
Sun01TechTuniX12: its not a bug?23:24
tlbsya besides kernels...23:24
Slart_tlbs: and all the new packages that are not part of gnome23:24
tlbsSlart_: i do use a few gnome apps23:24
TuniX12Sun01Tech: this error means that the disk is damaged or the dribe lens is not working well23:24
Slart_tlbs: but I don't know of anything that is a "must have" in hardy23:24
tlbsSlart_: i'm just now upgrading to 7.123:25
Slart_tlbs: I'm just upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04 on my home server23:25
tlbsSlart_: i usually stay a generation behind23:25
Slart_tlbs: sounds like a safe strategy23:26
tlbsI don't really care abhout all the lame eye candy23:26
Sun01TechTuniX12: you mean the lens on the optical drive23:26
tlbsor "fisher-pricing" added for inexperienced users23:26
tuxboy666I went from 7.04 to 8.10. Upgrade was a nightmare. Fresh install might be better. It's pretty slekk and some of the new packages run better23:26
tuxboy666but driver issues are worse atm23:26
Falling-InfernoI have a problem after installing LAMP this morning i couldn't connect to the internet. I tried everything It said I was connected on My computer but when i logged onto the router on someone elses computer I didn't show up on the network. I thought because its not a cord or router problem (My other computer running Windows Is also using LAN Cable and is connected to the internet fine) Its a software problem. So does anyo23:26
tlbstuxboy666: doid you go straight23:26
TuniX12Sun01Tech: yes23:26
LtLSun01Tech: yah that what he means, is the cd drive clean23:26
tlbstuxboy666: or intermediate upgrade23:26
cybertaur1are there any ubuntu video experts here? or anyone who knows anything about video on ubuntu?23:26
tuxboy666just did the tool in Feisty which got me Gutsy then immediately ran it again to upgrade to Hardy23:27
ryanakcaHow can I access the scrollback in GNU screen?23:27
TuniX12Sun01Tech:  or the disk is damages23:27
tlbstuxboy666: oh ok23:27
tlbsi use apt-get from command line23:27
rausb0ryanakca: ctrl-a esc23:27
Sun01TechLtL: i never cleaned it.....i think that is the problem...i guess i should buy one of those cd/dvd drive cleaners at best buy or radio shack....?23:27
tlbsi ahvea pretty barebones alternate install23:27
Lichteanyone know why tcltls requires tcl8.3 or 8.4 and not tcl8.5 ( which is what I have installed ) ??23:27
tlbsso i think my upgrades problems will be minimal23:28
Falling-InfernoI have a problem after installing LAMP this morning i couldn't connect to the internet. I tried everything It said I was connected on My computer but when i logged onto the router on someone elses computer I didn't show up on the network. I thought because its not a cord or router problem (My other computer running Windows Is also using LAN Cable and is connected to the internet fine) Its a software problem. So does a23:28
LtLSun01Tech: md5sum the iso to see if it's non-corrupt.23:28
afallenhopehow do I play DVD's ? I popped in my NIRVANA dvd (legit) and it won't play23:28
Sun01TechLtL: i did already its not that23:28
Slart_!dvd | afallenhope23:28
ubottuafallenhope: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs23:28
tuxboy666yeah apt-get dist-upgrade works too, but the tool gives me an eta till it's done, etc23:28
TuniX12Sun01Tech: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=600126 you have the same problem?23:28
LtLSun01Tech: clean is good.23:28
ryanakcarausb0: splendid, thanks :)23:28
Sun01TechTuniX12: thanks i was just looking at that23:29
falstaffis it possible to rsync files only a specific date or newer?23:29
LtLafallenhope: you probably need libdvdcss223:29
Falling-InfernoI have a problem after installing LAMP this morning i couldn't connect to the internet. I tried everything It said I was connected on My computer but when i logged onto the router on someone elses computer I didn't show up on the network. I thought because its not a cord or router problem (My other computer running Windows Is also using LAN Cable and is connected to the internet fine) Its a software problem. So does a23:29
choudeshfalstaff, yes. man rsync23:29
afallenhopeI can't install it :-s23:30
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org23:30
LtLafallenhope: note the bot's output.23:30
ubottuFactoid tcltls not found23:30
falstaffchoudesh: any hint? i cant find the option...23:31
CH1C0hello all23:32
Falling-InfernoI have a problem after installing LAMP this morning i couldn't connect to the internet. I tried everything It said I was connected on My computer but when i logged onto the router on someone elses computer I didn't show up on the network. I thought because its not a cord or router problem (My other computer running Windows Is also using LAN Cable and is connected to the internet fine) Its a software problem. So does a23:32
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:32
cybertaur1last time, I promise. I'm having a problem playing video: I'm getting weird flickering lines on the left-hand side of the display.  I started a thread on the forums ~3 weeks ago; no replies.  Is there anyone here who can help?23:32
afallenhopeI have the libdvdread323:32
CH1C0i have a problem with my Atheros Communications Inc. AR5418 wireless card on ubuntu 8.0423:33
choudeshfalstaff, use rsync in conjunction with find.... rsync -options `find source -type f -name 'whaterver' -newer mark23:33
choudesh-print;touch mark` where_you_want_it_to_go23:33
Slart_cybertaur1: never heard of that problem before... sorry23:33
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tj13820sorry... but HELLS YEAH23:33
Lichteanyone know why tcltls requires tcl8.3 or 8.4 and not tcl8.5 ( which is what I have installed ) ??23:33
Falling-InfernoI have a problem after installing LAMP this morning i couldn't connect to the internet. I tried everything It said I was connected on My computer but when i logged onto the router on someone elses computer I didn't show up on the network. I thought because its not a cord or router problem (My other computer running Windows Is also using LAN Cable and is connected to the internet fine) Its a software problem. So does a23:34
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cybertaur1Slart_: well, thanks anyways for the response. I can live with the lines (they only extend around 2 inches), they're just slightly irritating23:34
ringerhow can i make ubuntu have a start menu like in xp, where my applications, places and system are under one heading23:34
falstaffchoudesh: thx!23:34
ma1i dont know how to convert bin file in ubuntu ?23:34
tj13820ringer: use kde23:34
tlbsjesus this channel has so much spam23:34
tj13820ringer: sudo apt-get install kde-core23:34
IndyGunFreakma1: what are you trying to install?23:34
TuniX12cybertaur1: can you explain more? your graphic card your screen display type of video?23:34
IndyGunFreaktlbs: spam?.. where?.. its not that bad23:34
Flannelringer: Check out kubuntu, yeah.23:34
tlbsIndyGunFreak: i know i'm sensationalizing a bit23:35
ma1IndyGunFreak:am not installing, i have music files in it.23:35
Falling-InfernoI have a problem after installing LAMP this morning i couldn't connect to the internet. I tried everything It said I was connected on My computer but when i logged onto the router on someone elses computer I didn't show up on the network. I thought because its not a cord or router problem (My other computer running Windows Is also using LAN Cable and is connected to the internet fine) Its a software problem. So does a23:35
tj13820ringer: if you don't want to move distro's ever so slightly as it may be, install KDE core, and use it under sessions settings on login23:35
cary_jebus[UDCS|i came back to ubuntu23:35
cary_jebus[UDCS|KDE i no like23:35
tlbsIndyGunFreak: but a lot of repeated questions23:35
cybertaur1TuniX12:  gladly. I'm on a 22-inch widescreen from dell, and I have a Intel Corporation 82G965 Integrated Graphics Controller (I think).  I'm also very new to linux / ubuntu, but I'm somewhat computer-literate.23:35
KyleKFalling-Inferno: hahaha you're repeating a bit of text thats too big, whats your actual question23:35
Falling-InfernoI lost internet after Installing Lamp.23:36
IndyGunFreaktlbs: well, yeah, newbs tend to have problems w/ the same things.23:36
Flannel!repeat | Falling-Inferno23:36
ubottuFalling-Inferno: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:36
spepshey guys ... does someone has the ubuntu gutsy 64 repository list?23:36
KyleKSo does a moth in the vaccum tubes cause troubles? yes it does ;)23:36
cybertaur1TuniX12: and it's any kind of video (example: right now I'm trying to watch Razor, the BSG movie)23:36
tlbsmost of the general responses should be community wiki23:36
KyleKFlannel: thank you for using a !flag right after I say the !exact !same !thing23:36
TuniX12cybertaur1: maybe your LCD screen is damaged do u have this problem under windows?23:36
Sun01TechTuniX12: i think this is a bug....seems to be from what they say the forum23:36
CH1C0can someone help me23:37
IndyGunFreaktlbs: most don't look there, this is a basic support channel 99% of the time, rarely are really complex problems tackled here23:37
tlbsIndyGunFreak: ah i gotcha23:37
tj13820for whomever may ever say it is impossible to install a wireless card to ubuntu server, gain internet access, upate, install Gnome, and apps. IT IS NOT. it takes 2 hours of B*Sing around, but it works23:37
cybertaur1TuniX12: No, it only appears when I'm playing video, and only in the video box.  And I don't have this problem with Windows.  Also, in VLC, when I change the preferences to OpenGL output, the lines go away, but then there are other problems23:37
dsnydersCH1C0, ask your question23:37
FlannelIndyGunFreak: I wouldn't say rarely.  but its certainly not the majority23:37
w3Dmy wireless usb keeps disconnecting, whats a good wireless device to use with ubuntu?23:37
Masterof9puppetsCan someone help me getting mp3's to play in rhythm box?23:37
tlbsIndyGunFreak: is there a #ubuntu-expert or anything or is that like #gentoo, lol23:37
KyleKFalling-Inferno: how did you install lamp? like installing the apache mysql and php parts?23:37
afallenhopeis it safe to remove fakeroot?23:37
bitmousesagredo_: how would I use lshw to see video information in conky?23:37
IndyGunFreakFlannel: yeah.. rarely was an overstatement.. but i'd bet 80-85% is basic stuff23:37
CH1C0Atheros Communications Inc. AR5418 on ubuntu 8.0423:37
IndyGunFreaktlbs: not that i know of..23:37
ringertj13820, so i cant have that with ubuntu since i am running gnome?23:37
ringertj13820, okay, installing it now.23:37
tj13820w3D: go to bestbuy, and grab a "Dynex" wireless card.23:37
CH1C0cant connect to internet23:38
danand_tlbs - #debian :D23:38
tj13820ringer: yes, you can have both23:38
w3Ddont live in america :d23:38
IndyGunFreaktj13820: do thsoe wireless cards work well w/ ubuntu?23:38
tj13820IndyGunFreak: yes, most of the times, out of the box, and for ~20$23:38
asmo[B]w3D: lucky you :P23:38
IndyGunFreaktj13820: yeah, i love a lot of dynex stuff, are you talking a laptop card, or a PCI card?23:38
tj13820w3D: just order offline. ~20$ + shipping is still around 30$23:39
w3Dpci or whatever.23:39
TuniX12cybertaur1: sorry i cant help23:39
Falling-InfernoKyleK: I used the guide from !lamp and used the tasksel bundle23:39
tj13820IndyGunFreak: both. MiniPci Pci and on board23:39
cybertaur1TuniX12: thanks anyways23:39
TuniX12this is very strange23:39
IndyGunFreaktj13820: hmm, didn't know that.23:39
TuniX12cybertaur1: google for it23:39
tj13820IndyGunFreak: madwifi included a driver in "restricted modules" for atheros chipsets, which all dynex wireless cards utilize23:39
Masterof9puppetsCan someone help me get rhythm box to play mp3s?23:40
cybertaur1TuniX12: I did, and the only relevant result I found was the thread I started23:40
IndyGunFreaktj13820: hmm, i use madwifi w/ my atheros.. but it has to be patched cuz of some error detecting the card.23:40
asmo[B]tjl3820: dynex makes onboard wireless?23:40
tj13820use "modprobe ath_pci"23:40
brodyMasterof9puppets: how did you import the mp3s?23:40
tj13820asmo[B]: no, but many atheros sets are onboard ;-)23:40
zvacetafallenhope : yes,you don´t need it if you don´t build xour own packages or something like that23:40
Masterof9puppetsIt did it automatically, brody23:40
TuniX12cybertaur1: type  intel linux video problem and you'll find many results23:41
Falling-InfernoKyleK: I didn't do any of the Configuration though. My server worked as soon as I started it. But I lost internet after that. It says Im connected to the internet when im on ubuntu but when i go to firefox. No internet, I can't even logon to my router from this computer. Im using the Live CD and i am on the internet now so its a software problem23:41
Sun01Techi gonna go buy some different brand cds and dvds and probably buy a new cdrw and hope that fixes it23:41
asmo[B]ah, k sounded like you meant dynex onboard23:41
IndyGunFreakSun01Tech: buy a DVDRW.. no point limiting yourself to CDR23:41
brodyMasterof9puppets: k, so import file -then the source23:41
afallenhopeI just want to play my danged DVD lol23:41
KyleKFalling-Inferno: wireless or wired?23:41
IndyGunFreakthey are roughly the same price23:41
Falling-InfernoKyleK: Wired.23:41
ringertj13820, okay its installed now what should i do?23:41
brodyor did you drag and drop23:41
IndyGunFreakSun01Tech: what kind of media are you using?23:41
dsnydersDoes anyone know of a chat channel where I can ask some windows active directory questions?23:41
cybertaur1TuniX12: ok, thanks23:42
gnubieCH1C0, http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.user/146629  ths is all I can find23:42
brodyor did you tell it to get them from a file itself23:42
Slart_dsnyders: ##windows?23:42
IndyGunFreakdsnyders: #windows i think23:42
Sun01TechIndyGunFreak: yeah i already have one but yeah i should invest....im using tdk cdr23:42
IndyGunFreak!windows | dsnyders23:42
ubottudsnyders: For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubotu equivalents23:42
CH1C0thank you23:42
tj13820ringer: if you hit CTRl+alt+backspace, it will end your session "log you out". then when you log in, choose "KDE" under sessions23:42
Falling-InfernoKyleK: my brother right across the room from me has Internet and he is wired. as well as my brother who is wireless also has internet and my mom also has internet.23:42
Masterof9puppetsbrody: it doesn't work then either, a red circle will appear next to it23:42
IndyGunFreakSun01Tech: you in the states?23:42
Falling-InfernoKyleK: So I know its a software problem.23:42
Sun01TechIndyGunFreak: yeah23:42
KyleKFalling-Inferno: you could probably just manually set stuff up23:42
clintchancehow do i get the updated version of Pidgin without downloading and installing it myself?23:42
dsnydersIndyGunFreak, Slart_ Thanks.  [/me slaps forehead]  I should have tried that first.23:42
Slart_tj13820, ringer ctrl+alt+backspace isn't really a log out.. it just kills the x-system afaik.. kind of like pulling the plug23:43
ompaul!latest | clintchance23:43
ubottuclintchance: A higher version number does not mean that it's better. Especially with packages such as the linux kernel. The packages in the Ubuntu repositories are stable and will work fine. You should have a better reason than "newer" when considering compiling from source or using 3rd party repos.23:43
brodymasterof9puppets yea thats means there was an error somewhere in the file transfer23:43
brodyare the files encrypted23:43
IndyGunFreakSun01Tech: tigerdirect.com and newegg.com have lite-on dvdr's.. usually pretty cheap, eve w/ shipping.. lite-on is all i use, rarely have had a problem23:43
IndyGunFreakdsnyders: :)23:43
Masterof9puppetsnope, every single file i have wont play23:43
clintchanceompaul, the latest version has support for GMail and myspace im and i really want them23:43
tj13820Slart_: yes, but you must do so, or restart to enable KDE to attach to X witout error23:43
Falling-InfernoKyleK: I might just install Ubuntu on my 2nd hard drive that i installed 2 days ago then when i get everything setup I can just take the files of THIS ubuntu install that I want to keep.23:43
Sun01TechIndyGunFreak: thanks i will buy one then23:43
IndyGunFreakclintchance: its very easy to compile from source.23:44
gordonjcpIndyGunFreak: I concur23:44
brodymasterof9puppets - and that includes WAv's and other file types? or just mp3's?23:44
gordonjcplite-on does seem to be the way to go23:44
ompaul!compile | clintchance23:44
ubottuclintchance: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)23:44
clintchanceIndyGunFreak so i do download the "source' ?23:44
tj13820ringer: well?23:44
brodymasterof9puppets - where did you get the files from?23:44
cary_jebus[UDCS|juist wondering23:44
Masterof9puppetsbrody: just mp3's23:44
Slart_tj13820: I won't argue with that... just don't say it's the same as a logout =)23:44
cary_jebus[UDCS|is there any porn linux programs :P23:44
IndyGunFreakclintchance: yeah.. type this w/o quotes "/join #indygunfreak" and i'll takl you through compiling it real quick.23:44
clintchanceIndyGunFreak i can compile....  sudo make and sudo make install then sudo make uninstall23:45
soldatscary_jebus[UDCS|: thats not appropriate23:45
tj13820Slart_: lol, i just try to make it easier to understand. and i did put *log you out* in quotes23:45
afallenhopeI've done what I needed to and I still can't play them in Totem23:45
cary_jebus[UDCS|ok sorry23:45
IndyGunFreakclintchance: as long as you have all the dependencies resolved, it should be that easy23:45
ompaulclintchance, note that the "latest" is most likely going to be depending on a whole lot of stuff that will break if you wait 4 months you should be better off and it will be in a "stable release" atm it is alpha23:45
ubottuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs23:45
zvacetMasterof9puppets : you need w32 or w64 codecs from medibuntu repo23:45
ompaulIndyGunFreak, something from gnome that is not in the release version ..... think carefully :)23:46
Slart_tj13820: indeed you did =)23:46
ma1how do i convert .wma to mp3 ?23:46
brodymasterof9puppets -  so where did you get the mp3's from23:46
* clintchance sits in his rocker and wait for the Pidgin Group to get a move on23:46
Slart_ma1: mencoder might do it23:46
zvacetMasterof9puppets : if you want to play mp3 in rhythmbox23:46
Masterof9puppetsMy iPod23:46
asmo[B]TuniX12: I tried properly unmounting my external drive in windows and tried it again in ubuntu and still get the same error... "You are not privileged to mount the volume"23:46
Masterof9puppetsWhere would I get that zvacet?23:46
IndyGunFreakompaul: lol, i usually run into dependency probs compiling it.. almost always actually23:46
soldatsasmo[B]: use sudo23:46
ajhtiredwolf_Hey, i noticed that wine isnt under add remove programs in ubuntu. Do you have to install it manually?23:46
brodyMasterof9puppets I mean were they from Itunes?23:47
Masterof9puppetsajhtiredwolf, it is there23:47
soldatsajhtiredwolf_: check in synaptics23:47
clintchanceajhtiredwolf_ make sure you selecting the entire app field23:47
Masterof9puppetsNo, they were from cd's23:47
Slart_ajhtiredwolf_: sudo apt-get install wine in a terminal will do it23:47
clintchanceajhtiredwolf_ and not just supported programs23:47
tj13820ajhtiredwolf_: use synaptics or "sudo apt-get remove wine"23:47
zvacet      Masterof9puppets :   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu23:47
cary_jebus[UDCS|hold on23:47
Masterof9puppetsThanks zvacet23:48
cary_jebus[UDCS|who on earth would remove wine23:48
ajhtiredwolf_clintchance: ahh there it is, is it not very stable since it is not under supported?23:48
zvacetMasterof9puppets : np23:48
BluntObjectma1: You can use lame to convert .wma to .mp323:48
clintchanceajhtiredwolf_ I dont really know why they do that because it is supported in some way23:48
ajhtiredwolf_clintchance: k, thank you23:49
clintchanceajhtiredwolf_ :)23:49
tj13820is intrepid released yet?23:49
ubottuAlpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex | Warning lots of breaking software and other good stuff  between now and October!23:49
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clintchanceHey would you guys spring for cedega?is it really that much better?23:49
rsknot really23:50
brodyMasterof9puppets: you can also try installing a file converter and then changing the files into ogg. . . unless you want to keep them mp323:50
zvacet ma1 :http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=731932&highlight=audio+convert #723:50
Slart_!lol | tj1382023:50
clintchancersk, does it run anyprograms that wine wont?23:50
ubottutj13820: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.23:50
Masterof9puppetsbrody: I need to keep them in mp323:50
tj13820"warning - don't use on production equipment" should be there for those who don't have common sense23:51
brodyMasterof9puppets: but even if you installed a file converter, you can still try converting them into mp3's, because sometimes for some reason converting an mp3 to an mp3 will work23:51
tj13820...Slart_... one time is not that bad, if you are counting it outside of sentences23:51
clintchanceSlart_ omg whats the problem with using them23:51
clintchanceslart_ i dont know anyone who hates them except maby you23:52
Slart_clintchance: I think the difference between wine and cedega is mostly in the packaging.. cedega used to be better with.. directx I think23:52
Masterof9puppetszvacet: Still, none of these work23:52
asmo[B]figured out the problem23:52
brodyMasterof9puppets: add/remove programs - Sound Converter - this one works well23:52
clintchanceSlart_ keyword Used.....  They dont anymore?23:52
afallenhopeis there a way of making my /media/Nirvana go to /dev/dvd ?23:52
asmo[B]finally can access my NTFS partitions (Y)23:52
tj13820afallenhope: mount /dev/dvd /media/Nirvana23:53
Slart_clintchance: I'm not sure.. it's been a while since I tried cedega.. long while actually23:53
brodyMasterof9puppets: but you need certain codecs in order to switch to mp3's23:53
TuniX12asmo[B]: you should test your disk I/O errors are usually hardware errors or u have bad magic number in super-block23:53
afallenhopetj13820: I think you have that backward23:53
clintchanceSlart_, Guess im not buying :P23:53
zvacetMasterof9puppets : do you have lame installed23:53
Slart_clintchance: but check out the cedega site.. they will probably give you lots and lots of reasons to pay for it =)23:53
tj13820afallenhope: no, it's that way. you don't put the folder in the device, you put the decvice in the folder23:54
afallenhopewell.. I'mm trying to play my DVD and it won't23:54
clintchanceSlart_, Although i can probrubly get it from my neighbor...23:54
Masterof9puppetsWhats lame zvacet?23:54
zvacetMasterof9puppets : and did you installed w32/64 codecs with synaptic23:54
asmo[B]TuniX12: I think the actual problem was just the name of the actual drives, I renamed them in windows and they mounted with no problems23:54
afallenhopeI installed all the things I need to23:54
brodyMasterof9puppets: they are easy to download, all you do is in the sound converter go to edit then preferences then download codecs for MP3's23:54
gordonjcpwhen is adblock going to be available for ff3?23:54
tj13820afallenhope: sudo mkdir /media/Nirvana23:54
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gordonjcpor, is there a way to stop Hardy getting so upset about ff2?23:55
Slart_clintchance: your choice.. you can come back and let us know if it is worth the money or not23:55
=== Peter- is now known as Childi
zvacetMasterof9puppets  : package you will find it in synaptic or from terminal  sudo apt-get install lame23:55
tj13820afallenhope: sudo mount /dev/dvd /media/Nirvana23:55
TuniX12asmo[B]:  ok problem solved?23:55
clintchancebefore i log off anyone know of anyprogram that will force my laptop to cool down a bit like maby blast the fans a couple of secods? Its really starting to burnmy legs23:55
asmo[B]yes sir, works like a charm now :)23:55
Slart_gordonjcp: adblock plus is available.. or you mean the original adblock?23:55
afallenhopetj13820: it's already mounted. I get: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument23:55
tj13820clintchance: cooling fan from targus :-)23:56
=== bubbles_ is now known as justsomeone
gordonjcpSlart_: preferably the original adblock, adblock plus I just don't get on with23:56
TuniX12asmo[B]:  :D good23:56
gordonjcpSlart_: adblock plus breaks too many sites I use, and adding filters is unnecessarily obtuse23:56
tj13820afallenhope: restart. you mounted it, now restart and it should automount to that folder. or let you mount it with that command23:56
Slart_clintchance: some motherboards let you control the fans.. others don't... depends on the hardware I guess..23:56
clintchanceSlart_, what could i use to control them i it was supported23:56
tj13820Slart_: it depends on the BIOS23:57
Slart_gordonjcp: hmm.. haven't used the original adblock in a year or so.. think I've forgotten what it was like23:57
Masterof9puppetszvacet: I installed it, still nothing works23:57
[T]ankcp -R23:57
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tj13820Slart_: the hardware can change voltages etc. but the bios doesn't have it implemented23:57
[T]ankerrr. oops23:57
afallenhopetj13820: it's automatically there,,, I'm syaing it wont PLAY.. I get: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument23:57
asmo[B]opinions on the best app for music?23:57
clintchancetj13820, i dont think my bios has the health thing on it23:58
afallenhopeI'm playing it in: "totem: with the restricted codecs"23:58
zvacetMasterof9puppets : can you play mp3 in any other player23:58
gordonjcp!best | asmo[B]23:58
ubottuasmo[B]: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:58
tj13820afallenhope: look on google for "ubuntu dvd Failed to connect to stream: invalid arguement"23:58
gordonjcpasmo[B]: what do you even mean "music"?23:58
Slart_clintchance: search in synaptic.. I know nvidia has a utility to control the fans on their graphics cards.. haven't really looked for anything to control a motherboard fan though23:58
Masterof9puppetsNope zvacet23:58
clintchanceSlart_, thanks will do23:58
asmo[B]gordonjcp: my bad23:58
IndyGunFreakgordonjcp: except in the case of VLC.. vlc is best at everything.. :)23:58
TuniX12asmo[B]:  try amarok it's great23:58
tj13820clintchance: you probably don't have a mechanism in your bios to conrtol ACPI. an app may be available to do so.23:58
gordonjcpasmo[B]: do you mean creating music, or listening, or scoring sheet music, or what? ;-)23:59
Coyote`hi there, anyone knows a way to brodcast what i'm actually listening ? like shoucats for winamp ?23:59
gordonjcpCoyote`: icecast?23:59
asmo[B]listening to music23:59
asmo[B]the last time I used ubuntu I used amarok23:59
TuniX12tj13820: he has but linux does not support it23:59

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