JoshOvki | rulr_: no problem :) | 00:00 |
rulr_ | i need to ask | 00:00 |
rulr_ | is it isntalling over ubuntu, or with ubuntu | 00:00 |
djouallah | rulr_, with ubuntu | 00:01 |
hotpocket | could someone help me with devilspie? | 00:02 |
hotpocket | I can' | 00:02 |
hotpocket | i can't get my terminal to be set as my desktop background =/ | 00:02 |
rulr | that means it will be dual boot? | 00:02 |
djouallah | rulr, no | 00:02 |
william_ | is there a FOSS pdf editor? | 00:03 |
hotpocket | brb | 00:03 |
djouallah | ubuntu and kubuntu is the os, the difference is in the Graphic user interfeace rulr | 00:03 |
hotpocket | could someone help me set my terminal as my desktop background using devilspie? | 00:03 |
JoshOvki | rulr: where you login there will be an option to open up kde or gnome | 00:03 |
hotpocket | heres the link to the tutorial | 00:03 |
hotpocket | | 00:03 |
rulr | ok, kubuntu is downloading now | 00:03 |
djouallah | ubuntu = linux + gnome rulr | 00:04 |
rulr | i know | 00:04 |
rulr | and kubuntu = linux plus kde | 00:04 |
djouallah | rulr, yep | 00:04 |
rulr | gnome is slow, i will give try for kde | 00:04 |
hotpocket | rulr: how slow is it? | 00:04 |
djouallah | so in ubuntu u can choise what u want kde gnome or xfce | 00:05 |
rulr | like opening firefox and freezing... | 00:05 |
hotpocket | oh wow | 00:05 |
hotpocket | what are your system specs? | 00:05 |
engineer | not slow here | 00:05 |
rulr | is there command in irssi to list it automatically | 00:05 |
* djouallah is using xubuntu with 256 ram and it is damn fast | 00:05 | |
rulr | wow | 00:06 |
rulr | i have 512 ram | 00:06 |
rulr | 1.6 Ghz intel celeron | 00:06 |
djouallah | rulr, it is more then enough | 00:06 |
rulr | but only one particion | 00:06 |
engineer | (CPU 1) Intel® Core™2 CPU T5600 @ 1.83GHz (2048KB L2 Cache, U2E1) @ 1000MHz (166MHz FSB), 10% load | 00:07 |
engineer | (RAM module 1) 2GB, form factor: SODIMM, type: DRAMOther (RAM module 2) 2GB, form factor: SODIMM, type: DRAMOther | 00:07 |
hotpocket | could someone help me with a problem? | 00:07 |
djouallah | rulr, do have windows installed | 00:07 |
rulr | well this is my 2 years old notebook | 00:07 |
rulr | my pc is ultra fast for this | 00:07 |
engineer | so is mine | 00:07 |
engineer | hotpocket what's up? | 00:07 |
rulr | but linux is shit for nforce motherboards | 00:07 |
hotpocket | help with this devilspie tutorial | 00:08 |
hotpocket | | 00:08 |
rulr | always problems between them | 00:08 |
engineer | nothing here | 00:08 |
hotpocket | getting my terminal to be my desktop background | 00:08 |
hotpocket | all ive gotten is to have my terminal be transparant and show my desktop background =/ | 00:08 |
engineer | hotpocket don't you like yakuake? | 00:08 |
hotpocket | yakuake? | 00:08 |
engineer | yep | 00:08 |
rulr | i just adore spining cube, not for fun but for work | 00:08 |
engineer | more geekish | 00:08 |
rulr | helping me alot | 00:08 |
hotpocket | whats yakuake? | 00:09 |
engineer | it's a console-quake-like | 00:09 |
rulr | ok, installation is finished, should i restart | 00:13 |
hotpocket | could someone help me setup a ubuntu ftp server? | 00:15 |
hotpocket | just as a little project, i will have it running on my computer | 00:15 |
engineer | sudo apt-get install proftpd | 00:17 |
hotpocket | then what? | 00:17 |
engineer | then google for sample configs | 00:18 |
engineer | and apply them on your system | 00:18 |
hotpocket | thanks | 00:19 |
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq | ||
rulr | some error | 00:20 |
rulr | what should i do, here it is: | 00:20 |
mitchelhajime | alguem poderia me ensinar a copilar um driver de placa de som? | 00:22 |
rulr | si si, speak eng man | 00:22 |
rulr | hello | 00:24 |
rulr | anyone | 00:24 |
rulr | | 00:24 |
mkz | can anyone recommend an audio equalizer gui that will let me treak bass/trebel/echo ect. for playback (not recording)? | 00:24 |
engineer | mitchelhajime normalmente é -> ./configure && make && make install | 00:24 |
mitchelhajime | 00:24 | |
mitchelhajime | someone could teach me how to compile a driver of sound? | 00:24 |
engineer | rulr Instead of asking whether anyone works with something you need help with, please save time by asking your actual question. If someone knows and wants/has time to help, perhaps he/she will. | 00:24 |
rulr | that is acutal question | 00:25 |
engineer | this is kubuntu | 00:25 |
engineer | you should ask in ubuntu channel | 00:25 |
rulr | can you just take a look for screenshot | 00:25 |
mitchelhajime | 00:26 | |
mitchelhajime | I can not compile the driver | 00:26 |
rulr | ok i will write it here | 00:26 |
mkz | rulr: clearly he did, that's how he knew it was an ubuntu question | 00:26 |
engineer | rulr precisely because you're running gnome in the snapshot | 00:26 |
engineer | i told you to go to the ubuntu channel | 00:26 |
mitchelhajime | ok | 00:26 |
rulr | engineer: i loged on kde desktop | 00:26 |
engineer | that looks like gnome to me | 00:27 |
rulr | i restarted pc and it was blue kubuntu enviroment, desktop started and i got that error | 00:27 |
mkz | it's clearly metacity | 00:27 |
mkz | did you install a gnome app that may have installed metacity? | 00:27 |
mkz | I've run into that with kubuntu, where gnome and metacity were installed and the default was changed to metacity | 00:28 |
mkz | restart your desktop (ctrl-alt-backspace) and besure you are set to kde | 00:28 |
rulr | i am really really new on linux generaly, but i am sure i have loged on kubuntu | 00:28 |
rulr | i will restart again | 00:28 |
engineer | rulr log off | 00:28 |
mkz | rulr: you needn't restart | 00:28 |
rulr | ok | 00:29 |
engineer | right click in the login screen | 00:29 |
engineer | select session | 00:29 |
engineer | kde or kde4 | 00:29 |
engineer | then login | 00:29 |
mkz | rulr: follow engineer's suggestion. If you reload the wm with ctrl-alt-backspace you will be returned to the login screen where you can select the wm... be sure to select kde or kde4 as appropriate | 00:30 |
RULR | gosh, i didnt expect so big difference between gnome and kde | 00:34 |
RULR | this one is more windows like | 00:34 |
engineer | ... | 00:35 |
engineer | i told ya you didn't login into kde | 00:35 |
engineer | it's like the diference between croacia and albania | 00:37 |
=== adam is now known as Guest58514 | ||
mkz | really? your going with croacia and albania to describe the difference between gnome and kde? hmm... :) | 00:38 |
RULR | croatia | 00:38 |
Guest58514 | adam | 00:39 |
Guest58514 | bonsoir | 00:39 |
engineer | good evening | 00:39 |
engineer | !fr | 00:39 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 00:39 |
Guest58514 | bonsoir | 00:40 |
jesus_ | hola | 00:42 |
jesus_ | yo soy usuario de gnome, he instalado kubuntu 3 y la verdad es que me gusta. He intentado instalar kde 4 sobre kubuntu 3 y la verdad es que ademas de dupoklicarme algunos programas me ha dado bastante problemas y en general lo veo dificil de usar | 00:43 |
jesus_ | qe pensais al respectp?? | 00:43 |
engineer | use kde3 | 00:46 |
engineer | kde4 ain't "stable enough" | 00:46 |
jesus_ | si yo pienso lo mismo kde esta myuy bien a ver si en el proximo kubuntu se integra mejro el 4 | 00:47 |
engineer | wait for the official kde release | 00:47 |
engineer | i'm sure kubuntu will integrate it nicely | 00:47 |
engineer | but for now the most productive WM is kde3 to me | 00:47 |
jesus_ | tranks you | 00:47 |
jesus_ | i think so | 00:48 |
=== Edulix is now known as alguien | ||
=== alguien is now known as Edulix | ||
RULR | how should i turn off my touchpad | 00:49 |
RULR | and turn off mouse acceleration | 00:50 |
RULR | i am kind of lost now on kde | 00:50 |
engineer | system settings | 00:51 |
RULR | where is touchpad | 00:52 |
RULR | cant find it | 00:52 |
engineer | use the Fn keys | 00:53 |
RULR | engineer: is there anywhere in settings how to turn off touchpad | 00:54 |
engineer | without changing xorg config file | 00:55 |
engineer | i don't know | 00:55 |
engineer | but my Fn keys work fine | 00:55 |
RULR | what is your key combination | 00:55 |
engineer | fn+f7 | 00:55 |
RULR | well i dont have shortcut to turn off touchpad on my lap | 00:57 |
charis | Hello. I want to run the command "sudo aticonfig --set-powerstate=1" on boot. I tried put this command into rc.local but it didn't work. Something else I can do? | 00:57 |
RULR | engineer: lets change xorg config, i really need my touchpad off | 00:58 |
engineer | RULR | 00:59 |
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\ | ||
illriginal | anyone know a good wma to mp3 converter? | 01:11 |
Feijo_BR | my adept stop updating, it dont show anymore the update icon next to the clock | 01:54 |
Feijo_BR | but it show on my girlfriend access, but shes not on admin group, sudo refuses her password, hehe | 01:54 |
Feijo_BR | am I alone? | 01:58 |
mr---t- | no I just don't know how to help you | 02:00 |
Feijo_BR | ok, thought wierd 5 minutes without msgs | 02:01 |
RULR | god damn, error on downloading every package, am going for restart | 02:01 |
flaccid | Feijo_BR: sorry you have a problem, i just got here | 02:02 |
Feijo_BR | flaccid: hi, my adept stop showing the update icon, do you know a manual command so I can run every week or with cron? | 02:03 |
flaccid | Feijo_BR: just goto alf+f2 and run adept_notifier | 02:04 |
flaccid | thats the icon... if you don't use sessions, put it in autostart :) | 02:05 |
Feijo_BR | yeah! Thanks a lot brow | 02:06 |
flaccid | npromblemo | 02:06 |
mukund | get | 02:06 |
Feijo_BR | wow, 51 updates hehehe | 02:06 |
mukund | more | 02:07 |
mukund | who | 02:07 |
gebs | gnome the best | 02:32 |
gebs | :D | 02:32 |
myk_robinson | little help.. How do i turn off the desktop effects from console? WHen i log in, the screen jumps back to the login screen. | 02:39 |
myk_robinson | i know there is a file i can edit to turn it off, but i cant remember what it is | 02:39 |
jals | this isnt' so much a kubuntu question, but someone here's bound to know, do i want to set resampling on when i rip cds? | 02:43 |
myk_robinson | anyone? what is the text file that holds the settings for desktop effects? | 02:45 |
draik | How do I run two commands at once? | 02:50 |
_CrashMaster_ | draik: use the | character to seperate commands | 02:51 |
draik | The root of my question is really, Who has gone through the Basic Missions from HackThisSite.Org? I can't get past level 7 and I'm getting stuck with my commands. | 02:51 |
draik | _CrashMaster_: I hope that works. Thanks | 02:51 |
draik | Nope. That didn't do it. | 02:52 |
draik | I'm trying to get it to open up in a new window, I think. I'm using "screen | cd / | ls" | 02:52 |
myk_robinson | ummm. nevermind... | 02:57 |
myk_robinson | if anyone else ever has this problem, log in using a failsafe session, and run desktop-effects-kde4 | 02:58 |
myk_robinson | then you can turn it off. | 02:58 |
myk_robinson | never did find what file to edit though | 02:58 |
draik | The command "cal" is already there. You input the rest. How would I go about opening a new terminal/prompt and view the contents of / ? | 02:58 |
damien__ | Does anyone in here use Pidgin? | 03:19 |
jaime_ | i do | 03:19 |
damien__ | Are you able to message people right now? I can't even after resetting my computer and my router. | 03:20 |
damien__ | I mean, I can message them, they just don't get the messages. | 03:20 |
damien__ | Hm, nevermind. | 03:25 |
jaime_ | you need to checkk the port messenger uses | 03:29 |
luis | hola a todos | 03:38 |
luis | hello | 03:38 |
dr_Willis | !hello | 03:43 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 03:43 |
F-u-z-z-Y | Hi there, I am having problems with evolution mail (/driver?? issues) I can start and run evolution normally when i have my wireless network card switched off (using the switch on the front of the laptop) But when i have the Wireless enable (and connected) Evolution mail runs extremely slow. eg, takes 5 mins after click file for the menu to appear, etc. What can i do to fix it? upgrade wireless drivers perhaps? how? please help...... | 03:50 |
F-u-z-z-Y | p.s. also tried reinstalling evolution mail | 03:50 |
flaccid | hmmm no idea. check top when its going slow to see if a process is using a lot of cpu | 03:51 |
F-u-z-z-Y | hang on i'll do it now | 03:51 |
F-u-z-z-Y | might take a while cos the wireless is enabled! lol | 03:52 |
attila | Hello, could somebody help me to install a vid driver I just downloaded? | 03:53 |
flaccid | just ask attila | 03:53 |
flaccid | more likely to get a response | 03:54 |
F-u-z-z-Y | ** still waiting for evolution to load :( ** | 03:54 |
flaccid | F-u-z-z-Y: what is happening in top in konsole while it does? | 03:55 |
F-u-z-z-Y | please explain, im quiet new to linux | 03:55 |
attila | The tar.gz folder has instructions but cant seem to make it work | 03:55 |
flaccid | F-u-z-z-Y: goto konsole, run the command top and see if it reports cpu useage overflow | 03:56 |
flaccid | !doestnwork | attila | 03:56 |
ubottu | Factoid doestnwork not found | 03:56 |
flaccid | attila: explain why it doesn't work.. | 03:56 |
F-u-z-z-Y | flaccid: cpu is around 10%. this what your looking for? | 03:57 |
flaccid | F-u-z-z-Y: yep seems ok there. run evolution from konsole and see if it gives error output while its taking its time.. | 03:58 |
attila | "install the driver using root account sudo ./vinstall | 03:59 |
attila | I used konsole but it can't find the file | 04:00 |
frogonwheels | ANybody got any ideas why my ati dual- screen would work for kdm - but then switch to one monitor once the session stars!? | 04:01 |
F-u-z-z-Y | flaccid: evolution-shell-Message: Killing old version of evolution-data-server... | 04:02 |
flaccid | attila: why are you installing a video driver manually? | 04:03 |
attila | the default driver made a mess after I changed the motherboard | 04:03 |
flaccid | F-u-z-z-Y: not sure really. you could maybe get help in #mozilla or consider using a better mail client | 04:03 |
flaccid | attila: for which card? | 04:04 |
attila | heringbone scrambe | 04:04 |
clergyman | Hi, I've just installed kubuntu, the KDE4 version.. what's the new name for kcontrol ? Can't find the/a control center anywhere ? | 04:04 |
attila | VIA Chrome9 | 04:04 |
F-u-z-z-Y | ok thank you | 04:04 |
flaccid | clergyman: there is none, but you can use kcontrol/kde3. help for kde4 is in #kubuntu-kde4 | 04:05 |
flaccid | attila: best to tell us the command you are running and the error otherwise we can't hep | 04:05 |
flaccid | help | 04:05 |
attila | ok, I'll try it again and let you know what it says | 04:06 |
clergyman | ta flaccid | 04:06 |
flaccid | np | 04:06 |
clergyman | Just so I understood you correctly, I can change KDE4 settings with kcontrol from KDE3? | 04:07 |
attila | Konsole is where I should do this kind of stuff, right? | 04:07 |
flaccid | clergyman: yes, but this question is meant to be asked in the other channel.. | 04:07 |
flaccid | attila: yeah | 04:07 |
flaccid | attila: are you reading the doco that came with it as well? | 04:08 |
attila | yep | 04:08 |
attila | I type "sudo ./vinstall", it ask for password, I type it in, it says "command not found" | 04:11 |
flaccid | attila: you would have to be in the directory where that file is which is usually where you extracted the archive.. | 04:11 |
attila | the folder is downloaded to the desktop and opened with Kate. Do I have to run it in Kate? | 04:13 |
flaccid | no. | 04:14 |
flaccid | attila: you have to cd to the right directory where the file vinstall is first in konsole | 04:14 |
dr_Willis | opened? you dont need to open it with an editor. if its a installer you may need tomake it executable, or use 'sudo sh ./whatever' | 04:15 |
flaccid | best to learn the cli first before doing this stuff which is why you are having trouble | 04:15 |
flaccid | dr_Willis: i think the user needs to get to the directory first | 04:15 |
dr_Willis | or give the proper path. :) but it would be BEST if he would spend an hr reading some shell basics sites. | 04:15 |
flaccid | yep agreed | 04:15 |
dr_Willis | brb | 04:16 |
attila | I did not open the the installer onle the readme file | 04:18 |
attila | only | 04:19 |
mr---t- | do you know how to find the desktop directory | 04:19 |
dr_Willis | couldent fifgure out why my mouse wasent gettting seen when i pluged it into the usb port.. so i rebooted.. then as i was watching it boot... i reaized i pluged it into the WRONG pc.. :) I got one on each side of the monitor. | 04:20 |
attila | through system menu? | 04:21 |
dr_Willis | Its amazing how much better mice these days are. compared to some of the old laser mice i have from just a few years back. | 04:21 |
mr---t- | through konsole | 04:21 |
attila | no, i don't | 04:22 |
flaccid | attila: go and learn the shell. the commmand is cd ~/Desktop | 04:22 |
flaccid | !bash | attila | 04:22 |
ubottu | attila: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 04:22 |
mr---t- | if thats where you put the file when you downloaded and xtracted it thats where you will have to be to install it | 04:23 |
mr---t- | do you understand | 04:24 |
beautykiller | hello everyone,I face a problem with installing boost | 04:26 |
attila | I extracted the install file to my home folder and run it as root. Is that all I have to do? | 04:26 |
dave11 | great...hulu crashes firefox 3 everytime | 04:26 |
mr---t- | if thats what your doc say then yes | 04:27 |
stoffer | before I reinstalled kubuntu I had to install some codec or something that allowed kubuntu to play DVD's, since that functionality didn't come built in due to some legal reasons. What is that codec I need? | 04:27 |
Killerfox512 | beautykiller: I belive you can get boost thrugh adept | 04:29 |
mr---t- | !DVD | 04:29 |
ubottu | For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 04:29 |
flaccid | attila: if thats what the doco says.. | 04:30 |
flaccid | oops sorry for repeat | 04:30 |
* mr---t- have mercy on the noob | 04:30 | |
flaccid | prevention is better than cure :) | 04:31 |
flaccid | i usually learn to drive before getting in a car | 04:31 |
mr---t- | I dove in feet first and made many errors and wished I had asked more questions | 04:32 |
mr---t- | and got more answers | 04:32 |
attila | I though I AM asking questions | 04:33 |
mr---t- | what ? my comment was for flaccid | 04:33 |
flaccid | hehe | 04:34 |
attila | nevertheless | 04:35 |
flaccid | we are helping as much as we can attila | 04:37 |
mr---t- | although I don't know why there is an assumption when you enter here that you have some basic commands under your belt, I for one don't beieve that to be the case and think you deserve help no matter your level of experience | 04:37 |
flaccid | the good old 'help us help you' thing | 04:38 |
attila | sorry, I thought we are having some good ol' fun with the n00b. I am reading up on root sudo at the mean time | 04:42 |
flaccid | coolio | 04:43 |
* mr---t- we are all noobs at one level or another | 04:45 | |
attila | crashed two cars before I learned to drive. broke two computers before I learned to build one | 04:45 |
flaccid | yep, i used to work backwards, those days are nearly gone. mind you im a newbie with a lot of stuff still | 04:46 |
=== arccsine is now known as arcsane | ||
=== saint_ is now known as Saint__0 | ||
tashiro | I'm looking for a free "X86 linux assembly " programming ebook any sugestions? | 05:06 |
Saint__0 | Ummm. | 05:07 |
dr_Willis | google. and good luck. :) | 05:07 |
Saint__0 | | 05:07 |
tashiro | all i seem to find are books for win 32 | 05:07 |
Saint__0 | Try that for free books. | 05:07 |
dr_Willis | of course the legality of some books may be questionable. :) i do think i saw a assembly book once for linux. but it was ages ago. | 05:07 |
Saint__0 | Screw legally, this is the internet. | 05:08 |
Saint__0 | legality^ | 05:08 |
tashiro | i managed to get 1 yesterday but it doesent go into much detail | 05:09 |
tashiro | especialy for a beginner | 05:09 |
tashiro | no luck | 05:10 |
tashiro | damn why do we have to pay for evrything | 05:11 |
Saint__0 | You don't have to pay for anything. | 05:11 |
Saint__0 | I got an assemblybook, for intel processors. | 05:11 |
Saint__0 | 600 pages, pretty thorough. | 05:11 |
tashiro | im using amd | 05:12 |
tashiro | is it fun though(assembly) | 05:12 |
Saint__0 | Ohh, I don't focus on amd. Good, but I'm into intel. | 05:12 |
Saint__0 | The Giant. | 05:12 |
Saint__0 | I'm here looking for perl books and whatnot. | 05:13 |
tashiro | i've never used perl before | 05:13 |
tashiro | just delphi | 05:13 |
dr_Willis | I got a whole wall of perl books. | 05:14 |
Saint__0 | I love the perl. | 05:14 |
dr_Willis | Bargin Bin sales. :) | 05:14 |
Saint__0 | | 05:14 |
Saint__0 | Go there man. | 05:14 |
Saint__0 | Loads of assembly books. | 05:14 |
tashiro | thanks a lot man | 05:14 |
Saint__0 | No prob. | 05:15 |
tashiro | i appreciate it | 05:15 |
Saint__0 | Argggh | 05:15 |
Saint__0 | lol. Everything on the net should be free. | 05:15 |
tashiro | i agree | 05:15 |
Saint__0 | How does one expect to achieve the perfect OS or language without freedom to change and improve said item. | 05:15 |
dr_Willis | sort of hard to pay for the upkeep of the fatpipes that way. | 05:16 |
flaccid | Saint__0: please don't advertise that kind of media here | 05:16 |
dr_Willis | There will never be a 'perfect' os, or language. :) | 05:16 |
tashiro | theres always some fat cat wanting to make u pay | 05:16 |
dr_Willis | only 'suitable for the job you wish to do' | 05:16 |
Saint__0 | flaccid: I'm just in a linux state of mind tonight. | 05:16 |
dr_Willis | tashiro, darn them for trying to make $$$.. i whould work for free at the factory also! | 05:16 |
flaccid | not sure what warez has to do with linux | 05:17 |
Saint__0 | Money is cool and all. But us poor little users just want to learn. | 05:17 |
Saint__0 | afk, playing 360 | 05:17 |
flaccid | !ot | 05:17 |
ubottu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 05:17 |
tashiro | Soon they'll be selling land on the moon as if they own it | 05:17 |
* dr_Willis buys tashiro a 1 inch square parcle on the moon. | 05:18 | |
tashiro | hahaha | 05:18 |
dr_Willis | | 05:19 |
flaccid | rules, dr.. | 05:19 |
dr_Willis | :) | 05:19 |
flaccid | :) | 05:19 |
dr_Willis | Ya mean i cant start a collection to name one after Linus? :) | 05:20 |
tashiro | name a star? | 05:20 |
flaccid | that has nothing to do with kubuntu support and anything can arguably be related to anything in some way | 05:21 |
flaccid | anyway im off cyas | 05:21 |
fenix_ | hi | 05:25 |
fenix_ | i need your hekp!!! | 05:25 |
larifariraff | !ask | 05:25 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 05:25 |
yoanis | hi there | 05:26 |
Saint__0 | Hello. | 05:26 |
dr_Willis | !hi | 05:26 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 05:26 |
yoanis | thanks everyone | 05:27 |
yoanis | i runnin hardy heron | 05:27 |
Saint__0 | Hellz yeah. | 05:27 |
yoanis | and weirdest thing it's happening with kmail | 05:27 |
yoanis | whenever i hit the 'Check mail' | 05:27 |
yoanis | it saids there are no news messages | 05:28 |
yoanis | i run tshark | 05:28 |
yoanis | and there a no connection attempts | 05:28 |
yoanis | it's really weird | 05:28 |
_strog | wanted to know how i can mount my ntfs drive into kubuntu so that when i start up kubuntu, it is already mounted | 05:28 |
yoanis | and i can telnet | 05:28 |
larifariraff | !enter | 05:28 |
ubottu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 05:28 |
flaccid | yoanis: mail protocol ? | 05:28 |
yoanis | _strog: you need to add the entry to /etc/fstab | 05:29 |
flaccid | _strog: enable it in system settings | disks and filesystems | 05:29 |
holycow | !fstab | 05:29 |
ubottu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and !Partitions | 05:29 |
holycow | like that | 05:29 |
flaccid | disk and filesystems does that for you | 05:29 |
flaccid | yoanis: if its imap the tcp connection is usually already up | 05:29 |
yoanis | flaccid: mail protocol it's pop3 | 05:29 |
flaccid | yoanis: i guess it could be a bug/submit a bug for it | 05:30 |
yoanis | flaccid: yes, but still some packets had to got onto the wire ;) | 05:30 |
flaccid | this is true | 05:30 |
flaccid | im really off now, bbl. | 05:30 |
yoanis | i just drop by, to see if somebody was running into this issue | 05:31 |
fenix_ | i can't download automatix in noone side | 05:31 |
holycow | dude | 05:31 |
holycow | that is a dead project | 05:31 |
fenix_ | :S | 05:31 |
holycow | DONT EVER USE AUTOMATIX even if you do find it | 05:31 |
holycow | EVER | 05:31 |
larifariraff | !automatix | 05:31 |
fenix_ | i dont nkow | 05:31 |
dr_Willis | may it rest in peices.. | 05:31 |
ubottu | Automatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported or needed by Ubuntu. See and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe » | 05:31 |
dr_Willis | :) | 05:31 |
holycow | just use the frickin repos please | 05:31 |
=== claire_ is now known as claire2 | ||
_strog | and does someone know where i can find the nvidia network driver, i searched but they give me only grafikcard drivers | 05:32 |
_strog | does someone knows a link? | 05:32 |
holycow | nvidia network drivers are open source | 05:32 |
holycow | the problem you will run into however | 05:33 |
_strog | holycow: got a link? | 05:33 |
holycow | is that they release new chipsets faster than drivers for the kernel become available or new kernels are available | 05:33 |
holycow | | 05:33 |
holycow | lol | 05:33 |
_strog | u sure? | 05:33 |
holycow | i don't know where the repo is the nvidia network drivers tho ... google should reveal that for you | 05:33 |
fenix_ | :S, well, i can install a new theme for my kubuntu | 05:34 |
fenix_ | but i dont know how to do | 05:34 |
claire2 | hi.. anybody has tried using skim with pinyin? appreciate some advice on it.. | 05:34 |
larifariraff | fenix_ | 05:34 |
dr_Willis | themes are made from 'parts' so it depends on the parts you are isntalling. :) | 05:34 |
fenix_ | mmm yes, but i newbi in kubuntu | 05:35 |
fenix_ | and i dont understand mucho about this things | 05:35 |
fenix_ | ahhh, ok dr_willis | 05:35 |
tekgeeklt | I just download a theme and then open up system settings then go to appearance then to colors and import what you downloaded | 05:35 |
dr_Willis | fenix_, theres a great many themes in the repositories not isntalled by default | 05:35 |
fenix_ | ok | 05:36 |
tekgeeklt | this is the theme I am using right now | 05:37 |
tekgeeklt | | 05:37 |
fenix_ | then, the themes is formed for much parts? | 05:37 |
tekgeeklt | if you go and download a theme most of it is setup for you | 05:38 |
fenix_ | i guees that is most easy in gnome | 05:38 |
dr_Willis | technically a 'theme' file just defines what parts to use. | 05:39 |
dr_Willis | you can mixx and match the parts as you want. | 05:39 |
fenix_ | ok, i try | 05:40 |
dr_Willis | check the repos. theres dozens of themes in there allready . | 05:40 |
hotpocket | help getting a pidgin plugin to work :( | 05:43 |
=== Roughrider is now known as RoughriderUT | ||
RoughriderUT | Hello | 05:45 |
_strog | hi | 05:45 |
dr_Willis | !hi | 05:48 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 05:48 |
grendal_prime | ok guys this is makeing me absolutly nuts | 05:49 |
hotpocket | what is grendal_prime? | 05:50 |
grendal_prime | around the time rebuilt this machine and then installed kubuntu (dell inspiron 1420 with ubuntu preinstall) the alt-tab nolonger works the way it usually does, and the Fn keys have stoped working as well | 05:50 |
hotpocket | wow | 05:50 |
hotpocket | reinstall | 05:51 |
grendal_prime | ? | 05:51 |
hotpocket | try reinstallintg | 05:51 |
grendal_prime | I got a tone of shit on here..virtualbox images.. | 05:52 |
hotpocket | oh | 05:52 |
hotpocket | uh | 05:52 |
hotpocket | backup? | 05:52 |
grendal_prime | its backed up of course..but ..grrrr | 05:52 |
hotpocket | oh ok | 05:52 |
hotpocket | hmm | 05:52 |
hotpocket | try a live cd | 05:52 |
hotpocket | and see if the problem persists | 05:52 |
grendal_prime | thing is...i have a feeling that the exact same thing is going to happen | 05:52 |
hotpocket | try ubuntu | 05:53 |
hotpocket | its basically the same thing as kubuntu | 05:54 |
dr_Willis | f keys not working? thats odd. | 05:54 |
dr_Willis | I would try a different window manager, see if they work in it. | 05:54 |
grendal_prime | like? | 05:54 |
grendal_prime | gnome? | 05:54 |
dr_Willis | pick one. :) you might want to try a small one | 05:55 |
dr_Willis | jwm, icewm, fluxbox, | 05:55 |
dr_Willis | gnome is a desktop. :) | 05:55 |
hotpocket | try fluxbox | 05:55 |
hotpocket | wait, was jwm and icewm? | 05:55 |
hotpocket | i dont like fluxbox, makes everything harder for me to access >_< | 05:55 |
dr_Willis | fire up the packagte manager, search for 'window manager' and pick one then | 05:57 |
dr_Willis | icewm is fairly straight forward | 05:58 |
grendal_prime | k done | 05:58 |
RoughriderUT | grendal: I'm just having a look in the keyboard shortcuts area, through the system settings app, have you tried resetting anything there? | 05:58 |
grendal_prime | ya | 05:58 |
dr_Willis | log out, at kdm login, use the session menu to pick a different desktop/session | 05:58 |
grendal_prime | several things. | 05:58 |
RoughriderUT | K, just a thought | 05:59 |
grendal_prime | ya thanks. | 05:59 |
grendal_prime | ok brb | 05:59 |
dr_Willis | THis isent one of those keyboards that has the Fkeys bound to MS word shortcuts by default. Unless you hit some soecial shift key on the keyboard is it? | 05:59 |
grendal_prime | i dont know..what i do know is that they were working | 06:00 |
grendal_prime | with gnome | 06:00 |
jupiter_ | hi | 06:00 |
grendal_prime | brb | 06:00 |
jupiter_ | say | 06:00 |
dr_Willis | this is kde3 or kde4 you are using? | 06:00 |
jupiter_ | kde3 | 06:00 |
grendal_prime | 3.5.8 | 06:00 |
jupiter_ | who is using kde4.1? | 06:00 |
jupiter_ | i can't control my audio volume | 06:00 |
grendal_prime | ya that didnt do anything | 06:03 |
grendal_prime | well the icewm still the same issue. The crappy part is that the fn modifyer key is the only way i know of setting the crt output for the video display..and im going to need to do that soon. | 06:04 |
dr_Willis | do the F keys work in the console? | 06:06 |
dr_Willis | try installing 'mc' and see if the F keys work with it in the console. | 06:07 |
kenny | hola | 06:09 |
kenny | hello | 06:09 |
=== kenny is now known as NiKeCRu666 | ||
NiKeCRu666 | hello | 06:10 |
vblanton | I can't seem to get a kde4 version above 4.0.3 even though I have enabled unsupported updates with the hardy. any ideas? | 06:10 |
larifariraff | !kde4 | vblanton | 06:11 |
ubottu | vblanton: KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at - Support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 06:11 |
NiKeCRu666 | hello? | 06:11 |
NiKeCRu666 | cansomeone help me please? | 06:11 |
dr_Willis | With what? | 06:12 |
larifariraff | !ask | 06:12 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 06:12 |
vblanton | o.k. I went o kubuntu-kde4 but the site doesn't provide any assistance | 06:12 |
vblanton | and the newest version is 4.0.5 :) | 06:12 |
larifariraff | vblanton: Support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 06:12 |
_strog | how can you automount an ntfs drive? | 06:12 |
vblanton | _strog: da | 06:12 |
NiKeCRu666 | dr_Willis, with and error, I have installed kubuntu like 5 minuts ago, but mylaptop restarted suddenly and then i tryed to update it and i recieve error | 06:13 |
NiKeCRu666 | E: No se pudo bloquear /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Recurso temporalmente no disponible) | 06:13 |
dr_Willis | Put the proper entry in the fstab file. Thers several ways to do that _strog | 06:13 |
dr_Willis | !fixadept | 06:13 |
ubottu | If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 06:13 |
dr_Willis | try that command NiKeCRu666 | 06:13 |
NiKeCRu666 | ok | 06:13 |
NiKeCRu666 | omg it'sworking =) | 06:14 |
NiKeCRu666 | dr_Willis, thank you | 06:14 |
dr_Willis | example fstab entry for my NTFS drive.... | 06:14 |
NiKeCRu666 | ubotty thank you | 06:15 |
NiKeCRu666 | is ubottu a BOT? | 06:15 |
dr_Willis | /dev/hda1 /media/winstorage ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 1 | 06:15 |
dr_Willis | NiKeCRu666, yes. :) you just thanked a shell script. | 06:15 |
dr_Willis | :P | 06:15 |
NickPresta | !bot > NiKeCRu666 | 06:15 |
NiKeCRu666 | hahaha nvm it was really usefull =) | 06:15 |
RoughriderUT | I need somethink like that at work... could have used an answer bot friday | 06:16 |
NiKeCRu666 | i want to make a bot like that =) | 06:16 |
dr_Willis | !bot | 06:16 |
ubottu | bot is Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 06:16 |
NiKeCRu666 | uhmn eggdrop | 06:16 |
stdin | NiKeCRu666: it's suppybot, not eggdrop | 06:17 |
NiKeCRu666 | what's the difference? | 06:18 |
stdin | NiKeCRu666: suppybot is python and not evil ;) | 06:18 |
stdin | !no bot is <reply> Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 06:18 |
ubottu | I'll remember that stdin | 06:18 |
NiKeCRu666 | hahaahha why evil? | 06:18 |
stdin | NiKeCRu666: eggdrop has some security issues | 06:18 |
NiKeCRu666 | oh i see | 06:19 |
stdin | and suppybot is quite extendible via plugins written in python. like our factoid plugin | 06:19 |
=== Prodigal is now known as HollowPoint64 | ||
RoughriderUT | I'm impressed.... nice list of factoids | 06:21 |
shadowbox | How do I get the links in my emails to work in thunderbird? | 06:22 |
shadowbox | oh and what is the 'meta' key? | 06:24 |
dr_Willis | the alt key, is often called the meta-key I belive. | 06:24 |
dr_Willis | windows key = 'super' key | 06:24 |
stdin | meta is usually altgr | 06:24 |
dr_Willis | control key = ctrl key. often denoted by a ^ as in 'ctrl-c' = ^c | 06:24 |
dr_Willis | I dont have an altgr. :) thats not on americal keyboards? | 06:25 |
shadowbox | ahh | 06:25 |
stdin | dr_Willis: right alt key | 06:25 |
shadowbox | americal? | 06:25 |
grendal_prime | mc? | 06:26 |
stdin | midnight commander | 06:26 |
stdin | a text based file manager for the terminal | 06:27 |
grendal_prime | what would that have to do with fn key modifyers | 06:27 |
stdin | not fn, f. ie: F1, F2, F3, etc | 06:27 |
shadowbox | I'm fooling with the fizual effects of the compiz-fuzion | 06:28 |
shadowbox | need, but harder than I thought to get going | 06:28 |
shadowbox | need=sweet | 06:29 |
shadowbox | not sure how that happend | 06:29 |
shadowbox | How do I get the links in my emails to work in thunderbird? | 06:30 |
NickPresta | shadowbox, get them a job and make them go :) | 06:31 |
NickPresta | shadowbox, what do you mean "work"? | 06:31 |
dr_Willis | its supports the F keys.. :) other wise how will you tell if the F keys work in the console.. i guess. :) | 06:34 |
dr_Willis | I guess if alt-ctrl-F1 throigh F# works - it would show they are working. | 06:35 |
shadowbox | Normaly when you click on a link... it takes you somewhere....mind dont, it does nothing | 06:35 |
NickPresta | shadowbox, are they formatted as links (clickable) or are they plain text? | 06:36 |
shadowbox | formatted as links | 06:37 |
NickPresta | shadowbox, have you set your default browser? | 06:37 |
shadowbox | hmmm, think so | 06:37 |
shadowbox | starting to doubt | 06:38 |
NickPresta | shadowbox, what happens if you middle click? | 06:38 |
Pollywog | is this server part of Freenode? | 06:38 |
shadowbox | it pastes | 06:38 |
NickPresta | Pollywog, yeah | 06:38 |
dr_Willis | Pollywog, yes. | 06:38 |
NickPresta | shadowbox, I meant middle click on the links | 06:38 |
Pollywog | ty | 06:38 |
shadowbox | oh | 06:38 |
shadowbox | brb | 06:38 |
Pollywog | I wonder why it allowed me to use my nick without a password | 06:39 |
shadowbox | just highlights the link | 06:39 |
stdin | Pollywog: because freenode lets you, you're just not identified | 06:39 |
NickPresta | Pollywog, you were probably told to identify yourself or risk being ghosted | 06:39 |
Pollywog | oic | 06:39 |
Pollywog | ty | 06:39 |
=== Pollywog is now known as pollywog | ||
shadowbox | what do I do now? | 06:41 |
shadowbox | NickPresta: what do I do now? | 06:44 |
NickPresta | shadowbox, I'm not sure. Check out: | 06:46 |
=== pollywog is now known as Pollywog | ||
dr_Willis | !bot | 06:50 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 06:50 |
loot | !!help | 06:58 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 06:58 |
NickPresta | That doesn't seem right. | 06:58 |
kenny | nope | 06:58 |
=== kenny is now known as NiKeCRu666 | ||
=== nicholas_ is now known as Deathtone923 | ||
frybye | lag? | 07:22 |
NiKeCRu666 | | 07:25 |
NiKeCRu666 | does someone has that driver? | 07:25 |
=== saki_ is now known as saki | ||
serg | hi. how to bind poweroff button (on pc) so it will power off instead of showing choose action dialog? | 07:52 |
dr_Willis | Hmm.. i cheat and use the halt command. :) | 07:57 |
dr_Willis | I belive ice seen some settings for that somewhere.. but i dont rember where. | 07:57 |
yogi_ | Hello, can someone help me with deleting the (K)ubuntu partition without having problem with GRUB? | 07:57 |
dr_Willis | You have some other linux OS installed? | 08:00 |
serg | <-- yogi_ has left this server (Remote closed the connection). | 08:00 |
* dr_Willis chases after yogi! | 08:01 | |
dr_Willis | :) | 08:01 |
dr_Willis | guess he dident want much help eh. | 08:01 |
serg | :) | 08:01 |
dr_Willis | back to reviewing laptops for my next spendign spree. | 08:02 |
dr_Willis | anyone using a Compaq A931NR at the moment? they seem decently priced. | 08:02 |
=== mike is now known as pulaski | ||
mio | yu | 08:35 |
dr_Willis | hi | 08:41 |
dr_Willis | !nfs | 08:43 |
ubottu | nfs is the network file system. See for information on installing and configuring NFS. | 08:43 |
Saint__0 | I have this disc, burned by windows and my ubuntu won't mount it. | 08:47 |
dr_Willis | what kind of disk? music/video/just data? | 08:50 |
Saint__0 | Movies. | 08:52 |
Saint__0 | Keeps telling me "Wrong mount option" | 08:52 |
dr_Willis | and how are you trying to mount it? | 08:53 |
Saint__0 | Well, sticking it in the drive and letting ubuntu mount it did'nt work. | 08:54 |
Saint__0 | And neither on the command line. | 08:54 |
huhwhat | Could someone assist me? I'm trying to get a second display to work off the hdmi out on my vaio... So far it only works on twin view. | 08:54 |
dr_Willis | so 'sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom' dosent work? | 08:54 |
Saint__0 | It just won't mount man. | 08:55 |
Saint__0 | I'm thinking, maybe the cd is messed up. | 08:55 |
dr_Willis | Saint__0, Hmm.. ok..lets be sure... :) when you made the disk under windows.. did you just 'drag/drop' files to the disk? or did you use a program like nero? | 08:56 |
Saint__0 | The big NERO | 08:56 |
=== yogi_ is now known as yogi__ | ||
=== yogi__ is now known as yogi_ | ||
dr_Willis | Ok. :) after ya did that mount command . check the output of 'dmesg' for any errors. | 08:56 |
yogi_ | can some one help me with removing Kkubuntu partition safely? | 08:57 |
yogi_ | Hello, I asking you. | 08:58 |
Saint__0 | [18211.304897] ISOFS: Unable to identify CD-ROM format. | 08:59 |
dr_Willis | yogi_, a little more detail may be needed... you can delete a partition in many ways. whats 'safely' means.. is somthing im vague on | 09:00 |
dr_Willis | Saint__0, Interesting. you cold try the -t udf filesystem option. Is this a cd or dvd? | 09:00 |
Saint__0 | dr_Willis: hmm, lemme try that. | 09:00 |
yogi_ | dr_willis, safely mean without getting error massage like ERROR 22. Now i'm dual booting with winVista ultimate. | 09:01 |
dr_Willis | yogi_, if you remove linux, and the grub files, you will need to reinstall the windows boot loader to remove grub. | 09:02 |
yogi_ | Hello, I asking you. | 09:03 |
larifari1aff | ask someone else ... | 09:03 |
Saint__0 | How about a hug.. | 09:03 |
Saint__0 | That's the best type of help | 09:03 |
Saint__0 | ~.^ | 09:03 |
Saint__0 | lol. | 09:03 |
yogi_ | How I reinstall windows boot loader? Do I need fixmbr? I can't use it. | 09:04 |
* Saint__0 afk, perl'n | 09:04 | |
=== cameron_ is now known as chex1234 | ||
dr_Willis | boot a actual windows cd and use either 'fdisk /mbr' or 'fixmbr/fixboot' command from its rescue mode. | 09:04 |
yogi_ | I'm using branded computer. It's impossible to retain anew WinVista dvd. | 09:05 |
dr_Willis | Not impossible. :) just may be hard to do. or they may want to charge you $$.. | 09:05 |
larifari1aff | ask in #windows #vista #whatever | 09:06 |
dr_Willis | I wonder if a XP cd will work for vista. | 09:06 |
dr_Willis | or if theres some other tools out to do it. I belive ive seen some to restore the mbr. but not sure how well they work with vista. | 09:06 |
yogi_ | The problem is, I not have any of Winsdows cd or dvd. | 09:06 |
dr_Willis | Looks like you ask in #windows for a different way to restore the MBR, or track down a cd/dvd/ | 09:07 |
yogi_ | Can you give me a complete address of that #windows? | 09:08 |
dr_Willis | the #windows channel here on freenode. | 09:08 |
dr_Willis | /j #windows | 09:09 |
dr_Willis | # --> shows its a irc channel. :) | 09:09 |
yogi_ | by the way, are you using a dual boot computer? | 09:09 |
dr_Willis | I have some machines that tripple or quadrupple boot. :) | 09:09 |
dr_Willis | and some with just linux | 09:09 |
yogi_ | that amazing. what OS do you use? | 09:10 |
dr_Willis | Ubuntu, PuppyLinux, Geexbox, windows. | 09:11 |
yogi_ | are all of them except windows is free? | 09:11 |
dr_Willis | They are linux variants - so yes they are free | 09:14 |
Saint__0 | Ubuntu is the best lol. | 09:14 |
dr_Willis | the boot cd at - seems to have a tool to restore the windows mbr. | 09:15 |
dr_Willis | seems more windows focused similer tool/idea | 09:16 |
yogi_ | what should i choose? | 09:17 |
Saint__0 | != windows | 09:18 |
ubottu | For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See and /msg ubotu equivalents | 09:18 |
larifari1aff | a live? | 09:18 |
Saint__0 | opps lol. | 09:18 |
Saint__0 | oops^ | 09:18 |
Saint__0 | Why would anyone choose windows.. when you can get Ubuntu and the 10000+ -free- programs that are provided at your leisure. | 09:20 |
yogi_ | should i use MBRWiz or MBRFix from | 09:20 |
larifari1aff | we can cook for you but you have to eat yourself yogi_ | 09:20 |
dr_Willis | You should read the docs to both. and see which one works for your OS. Ive never used either. | 09:20 |
stealthcore | hello | 09:22 |
yogi_ | neither of them is useful for me. do you have another? | 09:24 |
jazman | hey wine dont work on kubuntu but i had it working on mandriva and ubuntu | 09:25 |
jazman | and i seem not able to get alien or discover working | 09:25 |
yogi_ | so jazman, use it wisely, okay? | 09:26 |
dr_Willis | I use the latest winehq qwine on my ubuntu box's | 09:26 |
Saint__0 | What wine are you using? | 09:27 |
jazman | well im not to worried about alien i can d/l of debian repos or hardy repos | 09:27 |
Saint__0 | i can't ever get that crap to work. | 09:27 |
jazman | one with the rpose | 09:28 |
jazman | or discover | 09:28 |
Saint__0 | I have Crossover/ Transgaming Cedega/ and regular wine. | 09:28 |
jazman | but wine it will start to load then stop not even boot up | 09:28 |
yogi_ | dr_Willis, what about another way that can I use? neither of the software is useful for me. | 09:29 |
jazman | i d/l cross over cant get it to work wil try deb site | 09:29 |
jazman | i didnt like mandriva | 09:29 |
Saint__0 | Mandriva was too plain. | 09:30 |
jazman | maybecause i had power pack and coulnt add to it | 09:30 |
dr_Willis | yogi_, i listed 2 cd's that had tools. The ultimatebootcd had MBRWork which states ti can restore a normal mbr. | 09:30 |
jazman | and ubuntu i dont like gnome | 09:30 |
Saint__0 | Don't diss the FOOT | 09:30 |
Saint__0 | lol. | 09:30 |
yogi_ | what jazman? mandriva is so unique, you know? | 09:30 |
dr_Willis | yogi_, mbrfix seems to be doing exactly what you asked to do. | 09:31 |
jazman | well i gatherd that | 09:31 |
yogi_ | but, the websit language is confiusing. | 09:31 |
jazman | but also with mandriva i dint know any command at lets with this i know sudo apt | 09:32 |
jazman | this is still a learning curve for me but at the mo still have to dual boot | 09:32 |
jazman | wish linux liked my cannon printer | 09:33 |
dr_Willis | yogi_, MBRwizard is rather clear also. as to what it can do 'Create a new MBR' | 09:33 |
=== christian_ is now known as christian_1990 | ||
yogi_ | what happen on your cannon printer, jazman? | 09:34 |
christian_1990 | tach auch! | 09:34 |
jazman | it work but as not a s good in windows and i dont know how to print on printable cds like i can in windows | 09:34 |
dr_Willis | be thankfull it works at all. : | 09:35 |
dr_Willis | :) | 09:35 |
dr_Willis | canon is not known for being real linux friendly in some ways. | 09:35 |
jazman | i am lucky i srill dual boot | 09:35 |
jazman | i know nexxt printer i may look a hp | 09:35 |
dr_Willis | of coruse some of the tricks these printers can do these days.. are amazing.. | 09:35 |
=== christian_ is now known as christian_1990 | ||
jazman | i do think d2b is a better audio prog than nero | 09:36 |
dr_Willis | gotta watch out for hp's also.. some models = little or no, or buggy linux support. | 09:36 |
jazman | k3b | 09:36 |
jazman | whats best then | 09:36 |
jazman | epson ??? | 09:36 |
dr_Willis | jazman, its a tossup :) | 09:36 |
dr_Willis | depends on the exact printer it seems | 09:36 |
christian_1990 | hello! can anybody help me? i've got a problem with playing mp3 files | 09:36 |
dr_Willis | HP had a nice color laser, for cheap that aparently was supported under linxu.. only B/W only. :) | 09:37 |
dr_Willis | that may been fixed by now. | 09:37 |
yogi_ | jazman, hp is more linux friendly. it's doesn't need any drivers. | 09:37 |
jazman | cool | 09:37 |
dr_Willis | It pays to do your research | 09:37 |
larifari1aff | christian_1990: what ??? | 09:37 |
yogi_ | what research? | 09:37 |
christian_1990 | when i want to play mp3 music files they start but i can't hear anything | 09:38 |
dr_Willis | yogi_, google is our friend. and forums our bread and butter. :) | 09:38 |
larifari1aff | what program are you using christian_1990 | 09:39 |
dr_Willis | is also a great place to start | 09:39 |
jazman | christian do u have the right codecs installed | 09:39 |
christian_1990 | i don't know that's my problem. which codecs do i need? | 09:39 |
jazman | install the g streamer codecs and u be fine | 09:39 |
yogi_ | dr_Willis, TestDisk from looks more interesting. try it know. | 09:39 |
christian_1990 | okay i will try this. tzhanks | 09:39 |
jazman | go to add remove u wil find it in there | 09:40 |
jazman | its eather bad or ugly | 09:40 |
jazman | but u can wahtch avi,dvix wmv and listen to wma | 09:40 |
jazman | any one used a tunes ????? | 09:41 |
Saint__0 | What? | 09:42 |
dr_Willis | You mean 'itunes' ? | 09:42 |
yogi_ | dr_Willis, you hear me? | 09:43 |
jazman | yep | 09:43 |
dr_Willis | yogi_, im here... i can 'read' you. :) | 09:43 |
Saint__0 | itunes.. wtf. | 09:43 |
dr_Willis | dont get me started on anotner apple Rant. | 09:43 |
dr_Willis | :) | 09:43 |
yogi_ | have you open the websit i gave at 15:39? | 09:43 |
dr_Willis | yogi_, i do have other things i am doing :) | 09:44 |
yogi_ | ooops sorry to bother you. | 09:44 |
jazman | just i print cd song list with i tunes on windows looking for a good printu prog on linux | 09:44 |
jonathan__ | nickserv> register <shiboshome88> <> | 09:45 |
dr_Willis | yogi_, that program is included on the ultimate bootcd it says. | 09:45 |
dr_Willis | !find testdisk | 09:46 |
ubottu | Found: testdisk | 09:46 |
dr_Willis | !info testdisk | 09:46 |
ubottu | testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.8-1 (hardy), package size 690 kB, installed size 2640 kB | 09:46 |
yogi_ | how my absurd, there're over 250 users on this Konversation. | 09:46 |
kubuntupedia | nickserv> register <shiboshome88> <> | 09:46 |
dr_Willis | yogi_, and its in the repos.. :) you could install it on your kubuntu box | 09:46 |
jazman | whats a good cd cover print program | 09:47 |
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti | ||
yogi_ | at least 290 users now. | 09:48 |
dr_Willis | yogi_, #ubuntu has 1210 users | 09:48 |
dr_Willis | :) | 09:48 |
dr_Willis | ive seen it over 3000 in there befor | 09:48 |
jazman | tea time be box maybe in win | 09:49 |
yogi_ | ##windows has 250 users. but i can't find them. are they hiding? haaaa... | 09:49 |
dr_Willis | it is 5 am here in the USA | 09:50 |
yogi_ | so, it's near 6 pm in my clock in australia. just my holiday house. | 09:51 |
Saint__0 | It's 4 here. | 09:52 |
Saint__0 | am. | 09:52 |
yogi_ | where are you Saint__0? | 09:52 |
Saint__0 | yogi_: Florida, USA. | 09:53 |
jussi01 | Does anyone know how to get flash to co-operate with Opera? | 09:53 |
teddiebaer | hi | 09:53 |
Saint__0 | Wow, people still use Opera. | 09:53 |
Saint__0 | I thought that went under. | 09:53 |
yogi_ | jussi01, opera has it own flash support. | 09:53 |
jussi01 | yogi_: ok. so how do i get youtube to work then? | 09:54 |
Saint__0 | Yeah, it just sux, cuz it's not Firefox | 09:54 |
teddiebaer | I know that opera is not working with flash in the now out version!!!!!!!!!! | 09:54 |
Saint__0 | Anyone hating the Firefox 3 Beta 5 thing? | 09:54 |
Saint__0 | I mean, it's cool and all, but no add-on's work for it. | 09:54 |
teddiebaer | You should take the newest beta version 9.5, that is working on youtube or anything else | 09:55 |
teddiebaer | this is a known bug in Opera | 09:55 |
yogi_ | no, Saint__0, because I' beta tester from non-profit organizatition | 09:55 |
teddiebaer | But I like Opera very much..................!!! | 09:55 |
Saint__0 | yogi_: Why are you so into windows then? | 09:56 |
=== wayne is now known as wayneandleanne | ||
wayneandleanne | how can i setup a streaming on demand on my linux box? | 09:57 |
yogi_ | Sorry everyone, it seems I got phone from my boss tell me that I must go to France now. See ya again after I'm in my plane (cartered private plane). | 09:58 |
=== pascalFR is now known as pascalFR[kde] | ||
wayneandleanne | anybody got any ideas on streaming | 09:59 |
dr_Willis | !info icecast | 09:59 |
ubottu | Package icecast does not exist in hardy | 09:59 |
dr_Willis | Hmm | 09:59 |
dr_Willis | theres that shoutcast thing, then vlc has a streaming server.. | 10:00 |
jussi01 | !info icecast2 | 10:00 |
ubottu | icecast2 (source: icecast2): Ogg Vorbis and MP3 streaming media server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.1-6ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 226 kB, installed size 692 kB | 10:00 |
dr_Willis | proberly a dozen othe rways.. depending on your exact needs | 10:00 |
dr_Willis | ohhh it s up to 2 now.. thats 200% better! | 10:00 |
dr_Willis | :) | 10:00 |
wayneandleanne | ok, i need to be able to stream video from by linux box to other devices on my lan | 10:01 |
jussi01 | wayneandleanne: vlc | 10:01 |
dr_Willis | and what are the other devices? | 10:01 |
jussi01 | I think kaffeine can do some streaming also | 10:01 |
dr_Willis | and what app are they gointg to be using? You could set up a UpNP server. also. | 10:01 |
dr_Willis | this is a 'big' topic. :) heh with lots of 'special cases' to look out for. | 10:02 |
wayneandleanne | win xp machine, vista laptop, sony psp, etc and it neeeds to be stream on demand | 10:02 |
pascalFR[kde] | ping | 10:03 |
dr_Willis | vlc can run on xp and vista. No idea about the PSP. | 10:03 |
dr_Willis | Not sure about the on demand aspect of the vlc server thing either. | 10:04 |
wayneandleanne | i tried vlc, but i need to stream to start on demand i.e. click a link in a html page to start stream | 10:04 |
=== applegate is now known as linux_master | ||
=== linux_master is now known as applegate | ||
dr_Willis | You want to stream TO a browser window then.. | 10:05 |
wayneandleanne | sorry, yes | 10:05 |
dr_Willis | No idea what to use then. :) | 10:05 |
applegate | Hello everyone, I'm back again. | 10:06 |
Saint__0 | Hmmm. | 10:09 |
wayneandleanne | i was thinking a "perl" script parses the meta data on the movie folder and creates a html with movie names and descriptions and drops it into apache, user browses webpage clicks link "vlc" starts stream | 10:10 |
Saint__0 | What you need, is shoutcast, and some perl knowledge. | 10:10 |
dr_Willis | can shoutcast do video? | 10:10 |
applegate | Maybe I should disconnect now. | 10:10 |
wayneandleanne | i thought shoutcast was mp3 only | 10:11 |
Saint__0 | Wait. | 10:11 |
Saint__0 | I was'nt looking, is he trying to stream non mp3? | 10:11 |
Saint__0 | Like ogg or movies or something? | 10:11 |
dr_Willis | I think he wants 'all of the above' | 10:11 |
dr_Willis | :) | 10:11 |
wayneandleanne | ye ogg or h.264 xvid, etc | 10:12 |
wayneandleanne | which ever suits the clent computer best | 10:12 |
wayneandleanne | but not wmv | 10:12 |
Saint__0 | Who's your clients? | 10:12 |
Saint__0 | mp3 would probably be best, since it is pretty universal. | 10:12 |
=== christian_ is now known as christian_199 | ||
=== christian_199 is now known as christian_1990 | ||
christian_1990 | does anybody come from germany? | 10:13 |
wayneandleanne | my clents are all my video capable devices on my lan, pc's both xp, vista and linux, psp,etc | 10:13 |
wayneandleanne | *clients | 10:13 |
dr_Willis | winamp + that orb thing.. can sort of do that :) heh | 10:14 |
wayneandleanne | orb? | 10:14 |
dr_Willis | yep. a winamp remote thing. it lets you stream local videos using a persionalized web site. to other machines | 10:15 |
dr_Willis | even the wii is supported | 10:15 |
wayneandleanne | perfect, | 10:16 |
Saint__0 | winamp ,GAHH | 10:16 |
Saint__0 | I wish they would make a linux version. | 10:16 |
Saint__0 | I wanna use the power without wine. | 10:16 |
lumm | winamp=failure | 10:17 |
lumm | lol | 10:17 |
wayneandleanne | ahh, thats a problem it must run on linux | 10:17 |
lumm | just install foobar and play the same mp3 with it to compare then u will realize winamp sounds like shit:p | 10:17 |
Saint__0 | Use wine then. I've gotten winamp to run on wine. | 10:17 |
dr_Willis | Im not sure if the orb feature thing will work with wine. | 10:17 |
Saint__0 | I would'nt know. | 10:17 |
Saint__0 | Never used it. | 10:18 |
wayneandleanne | trying to avoid wine where possiable | 10:18 |
dr_Willis | | 10:18 |
dr_Willis | Its a really neat setup. I used it to watch videos from the basement pc. on the wii in the living room | 10:18 |
dr_Willis | dosent seem to support the PSP however.. then again . i dont know of anything that does | 10:19 |
wayneandleanne | i think the psp with suppport h.254 video, does vlc accept command line instructions? | 10:20 |
wayneandleanne | *h.264, sorry | 10:20 |
wayneandleanne | or so sony says | 10:20 |
jussi01 | wayneandleanne: man vlc :) | 10:20 |
wayneandleanne | i should of thought of that!!! | 10:21 |
teddiebaer | hi | 10:21 |
Saint__0 | I have a PSP, use it as a wifi tool lol. | 10:21 |
araslan | hi | 10:21 |
wayneandleanne | so do i, | 10:21 |
dr_Willis | hmm.. orb has its own thing. No winamp needed. :) | 10:22 |
dr_Willis | !wine | 10:22 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 10:22 |
dr_Willis | lets seeif it works with wine | 10:22 |
Saint__0 | When I'm warwalking, cuz wardriving is too expensive. | 10:22 |
wayneandleanne | very portable web browser | 10:22 |
wayneandleanne | ok, one more question how would i get from a user clicking a link in a webpage to vlc starting the stream | 10:23 |
strarray | I cannot find my "system settings" icon. I run kcontrol, but there is nothing on display settings there. i run krandtray and "configure display" comes up blank (empty dialog). i want to change display orientation (rotate monitor) any ideas? | 10:23 |
wayneandleanne | any ideas? | 10:23 |
Saint__0 | perl | 10:24 |
dr_Willis | cgi/perl :) | 10:24 |
Saint__0 | But, even tho I am a perl'izer, I don't do the webpage part of the code. | 10:24 |
dr_Willis | its not vlc that does the streaming, but the other tool that vlc works with.. vls? | 10:24 |
dr_Willis | !info vls | 10:24 |
nazgjunk | something broke. Yesterday everything was working froodily, but today amarok suddenly claims that it cannot play mp3 files - yet it does play .m4a and .wma (and I'd expect it to work with ogg vorbis too, but I suddenly seem to have none of those) | 10:24 |
ubottu | vls (source: vls): lightweight MPEG and DVD video streaming server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.4+cvs20031028-9 (hardy), package size 402 kB, installed size 1084 kB | 10:24 |
nazgjunk | I've by now reinstalled all xine libraries, to no avail | 10:25 |
wayneandleanne | ye it's called vls | 10:25 |
Saint__0 | Gstreamer or whatnot maybe broke. | 10:25 |
nazgjunk | no, it uses xine | 10:25 |
nazgjunk | not gstreamer <.< | 10:25 |
Saint__0 | Well.. Xine is for LOSERS | 10:25 |
Saint__0 | LoL. | 10:25 |
Saint__0 | Kidding. | 10:25 |
wayneandleanne | ok, thanks all | 10:27 |
dr_Willis | Orb does not seem to work with wine.. :( but it did send an Error report to the ORB company! :) heh he. | 10:27 |
wayneandleanne | hmm, anybody used darwin? | 10:30 |
Saint__0 | For the love of GOD, I just want a good Emerald theme. | 10:31 |
Saint__0 | Nope. | 10:31 |
strarray | how do i launch this if the icon is not there? | 10:31 |
pag | strarray, alt+f2 -> systemsettings | 10:32 |
wayneandleanne | wahey, the perfect thing it can stream mp3, mpeg-4, h.264/avc | 10:32 |
wayneandleanne | well almost it's made my apple | 10:33 |
wayneandleanne | well thanks to those that helped with my problem | 10:34 |
strarray | alt+f2 nothing happens | 10:34 |
pag | strarray, k menu -> run command ? | 10:34 |
strarray | yup, run command, what do i run? | 10:34 |
pag | strarray, just type: systemsettings | 10:35 |
strarray | systemsettings | 10:35 |
strarray | Could not run the specified command. | 10:35 |
pag | strarray, are you sure you have it installed? | 10:36 |
strarray | pag: no i'm not sure, because i installed kubuntu with kde4, and then didn't like it and installed kde (3) and logged to kde instead of kde4. but in my menus, all applications appear repeated, one says kde4 on the side, and the other not. | 10:37 |
pag | strarray, try installing kde-systemsettings package | 10:37 |
strarray | cool! i had only installed the one for kde4! thanks! | 10:38 |
pag | np :) | 10:38 |
=== ediskrad is now known as edlskr4d | ||
aubade | Any recommendations for bulk renaming? | 10:38 |
edlskr4d | hi people | 10:38 |
edlskr4d | bash script | 10:39 |
edlskr4d | aubade | 10:39 |
* aubade rolls for the sake of a gooey. | 10:39 | |
=== saint_ is now known as Saint___0 | ||
dr_Willis | there are several rename tools in the repos. | 10:39 |
edlskr4d | got a problem... when i connect at home lan, dhcp doesnt give me the default gw, and i have to set it manually every time | 10:39 |
dr_Willis | i use 'qmv' for a lot of tasks aubade | 10:39 |
edlskr4d | it happens with ethernet and wifi | 10:40 |
edlskr4d | so i guess its a router problem configuration, so in other networks i have no problem | 10:40 |
edlskr4d | any idea? | 10:40 |
edlskr4d | i guess there is no solution | 10:43 |
Saint___0 | There is always a solution. | 10:44 |
edlskr4d | i disabled ipv6 modules | 10:45 |
edlskr4d | but it still doesnt work | 10:45 |
Saint___0 | You have no problem in other networks? Just that one? | 10:46 |
edlskr4d | yes | 10:47 |
edlskr4d | just my local network | 10:48 |
Saint___0 | Tried connecting from the commandline? | 10:48 |
edlskr4d | yes, no ping until i use route add default gw 192.168.x.x | 10:48 |
=== kde4 is now known as dbglt | ||
nazgjunk | riposte - Yesterday everything was working froodily, but today amarok suddenly claims that it cannot play mp3 or ogg vorbis files - yet it does play .m4a and .wma | 10:55 |
qubex-kde | Hey, my microphone dosent work in Kubuntu, but it does in *Windows*, could anyone help me here? | 10:55 |
nazgjunk | By now I've reinstalled amarok, amarok-xine, xine-ffmpeg and some other things | 10:55 |
dr_Willis | !mic | 10:55 |
ubottu | Factoid mic not found | 10:55 |
dr_Willis | Hmm. | 10:55 |
Saint___0 | qubex-kde: Make sure "capture" is enabled in your mixer. | 10:56 |
qubex-kde | where do i see where it is enabled? | 10:56 |
qubex-kde | !capture | 10:56 |
ubottu | Factoid capture not found | 10:56 |
Saint___0 | qubex-kde: one sec. | 10:56 |
qubex-kde | I like your bot :) | 10:56 |
Saint___0 | Open the mixer. | 10:56 |
jussi01 | qubex-kde: do alsamixer in terminal | 10:56 |
Saint___0 | Go to Edit | 10:56 |
qubex-kde | oben? | 10:57 |
Saint___0 | Select Capture on the list. | 10:57 |
qubex-kde | where to find mixer? | 10:57 |
Saint___0 | qubex-kde: Should be just double click your sound icon on your panel. | 10:58 |
qubex-kde | Cool done? | 10:59 |
Saint___0 | qubex-kde: Change the setting in your "recording" or "capture" tab. | 11:00 |
qubex-kde | Cant finde Capture? | 11:00 |
Saint___0 | qubex-kde: hmmm. | 11:01 |
qubex-kde | found it | 11:01 |
qubex-kde | where can i test if it works | 11:01 |
Saint___0 | Got any sound recording software installed? | 11:01 |
qubex-kde | i dont think so? | 11:02 |
qubex-kde | Det virker! | 11:10 |
qubex-kde | It works* | 11:10 |
qubex-kde | Thanks guys :) | 11:10 |
qubex-kde | Super Support, but as you may know i am a bit a Gnome Guy | 11:10 |
bene_ | salve | 11:10 |
qubex-kde | Cya later | 11:10 |
bene_ | c'è qualcuni che parla italiano? | 11:10 |
Saint___0 | ? | 11:12 |
dr_Willis | !it | 11:13 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 11:13 |
dr_Willis | :) so i was a little late | 11:13 |
Saint___0 | You know what. | 11:15 |
Saint___0 | I use, Gnome, and only gnome. | 11:15 |
Saint___0 | But I come in here, because it seems in here, people actually talk to each other. | 11:16 |
ubuntu__ | alo | 11:16 |
ubuntu__ | salut | 11:16 |
Saint___0 | Hmmm. | 11:17 |
Saint___0 | If I knew how to spell the next lyric. | 11:17 |
Saint___0 | I would post it. | 11:17 |
applegate | Hello there. Nice to see you again. How area you all users? | 11:19 |
Saint___0 | We area good. | 11:19 |
sasha_ | test | 11:22 |
applegate | Sorry that I'm disconnected before. Now I'm on my plane to France. 25 hours of trip. I have a lot of of time to talk with anyone. | 11:22 |
Saint___0 | Where do you come from? | 11:22 |
applegate | What do you mean? | 11:23 |
Saint___0 | What country do you originate from? | 11:24 |
applegate | I was born in UK. But, nearly 10 years I'm in Australia. | 11:25 |
applegate | Hey, does anyone know about #xubuntu channel? It's very "clean" in there. Check it out, and join if you want. | 11:27 |
=== applegate is now known as linux_master | ||
flaccid | !ot | 11:32 |
ubottu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 11:32 |
Saint___0 | Hmmm. | 11:39 |
owner_ | Hi room | 11:39 |
* dr_Willis wonders how they run internet to airplanes... | 11:42 | |
dr_Willis | Very long cable? :P | 11:43 |
linux_master | dr_Willis, please don't says that. I' using my cartered plane. | 11:44 |
flaccid | #kubuntu-offtopic please if you wanna talk about that | 11:46 |
terror_ | hey pplz, how do u enable and set up second language? | 11:46 |
terror_ | 8.04 | 11:46 |
terror_ | anyone? | 11:49 |
terror_ | how do u set up second language in kubuntu 8.04? as in, add another one apart from english | 11:51 |
flaccid | no need to repeat terror_ | 11:51 |
terror_ | soz | 11:51 |
flaccid | i don't know exactly how terror_ but its something like you have to find the pkg you need for your language and then you can change it/set it up in regional under system settings. you could google it | 11:52 |
terror_ | ok, i'll try it | 11:52 |
flaccid | after you install the need packages that is | 11:53 |
flaccid | im off for a bit cia0 | 11:53 |
terror_ | thanx flaccid, u nearly saved my life | 11:57 |
linux_master | hey, what kind of multimedia files that Amarok can play? | 11:58 |
TuniX12 | linux_master: all the files that xine can play | 11:59 |
linux_master | what are those files? | 11:59 |
TuniX12 | linux_master: amarok uses xine engine | 11:59 |
jussi01 | linux_master: whatever support you have installed - something you are looking for in particular? | 12:00 |
TuniX12 | linux_master: virtually everything but you have to install additionals plugins | 12:00 |
TuniX12 | linux_master: xine can handls windwos codecs | 12:00 |
TuniX12 | so you can play everything | 12:01 |
linux_master | what? i try to play mwv but the codecs not available | 12:01 |
TuniX12 | wmv? | 12:01 |
TuniX12 | linux_master: wmv 10? | 12:02 |
linux_master | yes, of course | 12:02 |
TuniX12 | well | 12:02 |
TuniX12 | you have to install windows codecs | 12:02 |
linux_master | the problem is, where i can find that | 12:03 |
TuniX12 | i think the location is /usr/lib/win32 or /usr/lib/codecs | 12:03 |
TuniX12 | google for it | 12:03 |
TuniX12 | i dont use kubuntu | 12:03 |
linux_master | thanks for that | 12:03 |
=== linux_master is now known as applegate | ||
ActionParsnip | hey all | 12:11 |
ActionParsnip | when i run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg I do not get prompted for screen resolutions | 12:12 |
pietrek | Witam, cze jest ktoś chętny do pomocy początkującemu? | 12:12 |
ActionParsnip | can anyone please advise? | 12:12 |
jussi01 | !pl | pietrek | 12:14 |
ubottu | pietrek: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 12:14 |
jussi01 | ActionParsnip: new xorg | 12:14 |
jussi01 | ActionParsnip: doesnt do that anymore | 12:14 |
ActionParsnip | jussi01: I dont understand | 12:14 |
pietrek | Dzięki ubottu :) | 12:14 |
jussi01 | :) | 12:15 |
ActionParsnip | ah, so how can I get 1024x768. I have installed nvidia-glx which has workied in the past by my xorg.conf is bare | 12:15 |
jussi01 | ActionParsnip: you can still add sections like in the old xorg | 12:15 |
dr_Willis | Hardy uses a the newer X and its 'minimal xorg.conf' stuff. :) | 12:16 |
applegate | ActionParsnip, change your screen resolution by following the pop-up menu from right click in your dekstop menu. | 12:16 |
ActionParsnip | applegate: let me try | 12:16 |
applegate | ActionParsip: select configure dekstop | 12:17 |
ActionParsnip | applegate: there is no resolution selection there | 12:18 |
ActionParsnip | hmm, stupid thing is using the nv driver | 12:18 |
applegate | So go to system setting, monitor&display select it | 12:19 |
applegate | on K menu | 12:19 |
applegate | ActionParsnip, have you try that? | 12:20 |
ActionParsnip | yeah. i need to install the driver | 12:21 |
ActionParsnip | gimme a sec | 12:21 |
applegate | are ya using nvidia? | 12:22 |
ActionParsnip | indeed | 12:22 |
ActionParsnip | i can install the driver using sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx | 12:22 |
ActionParsnip | !nvidia | 12:23 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 12:23 |
applegate | thats good | 12:23 |
Dishivlatavish | Hi. I've been trying to get flashplugin to work in my kubuntu hardy heron 64-bit setup but it fails to even show up in about:config after upgrading to ff3 | 12:23 |
applegate | Disvlatavish: because that type of flashplugin for 32-bit machine. so it's uncompatible | 12:25 |
TuniX12 | Dishivlatavish: ff3 is onhardy how can y upgrade? | 12:25 |
Dishivlatavish | TuniX12: adept updater upgraded it automatically, and I am using hardy | 12:26 |
Dishivlatavish | applegate:I installed flashplugin-nonfree and nspluginwrapper from repos, and it should work (it worked with ff2, wwhich was also the 64-bit build) | 12:27 |
jussi01 | !flash64 | 12:27 |
ubottu | You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at | 12:27 |
applegate | ubottu right | 12:28 |
ubottu | Factoid right not found | 12:28 |
applegate | another question please | 12:30 |
Saint___0 | FF3 comes out in a couple of days. | 12:30 |
bhc | why i can't watch youtube video ? | 12:31 |
=== applegate is now known as moderator | ||
bhc | any sugestion ? | 12:31 |
Saint___0 | bhc: What you using? | 12:31 |
TuniX12 | bhc: you have the flash plugin?? | 12:31 |
bhc | firefox3 | 12:31 |
bhc | i have 2 flash plugin | 12:31 |
Saint___0 | You have to get the one off the site and install it via terminal, you do that? | 12:32 |
TuniX12 | bhc: type about:plugins in firefix | 12:32 |
Dishivlatavish | applegate: I did all of what's said in the howtos on ubuntuforums etc but the flash plugin still refuses to show up in about:plugins | 12:32 |
=== moderator is now known as applegate | ||
bhc | Shockwave Flash 8.0 r99. Gnash 0.8.2, the GNU Flash Player. | 12:33 |
applegate | bhc, wat's your problem? | 12:33 |
bhc | Shockwave Flash 9.0 r124 | 12:33 |
Saint___0 | Which one do you have selected at your player? | 12:33 |
Saint___0 | as^ | 12:33 |
bhc | the video do not show | 12:33 |
bhc | enable all | 12:35 |
bhc | :) | 12:35 |
bhc | applegate, what is your flash plugin ? gnash or flash ? | 12:39 |
applegate | flash | 12:39 |
bhc | hmmm | 12:40 |
applegate | bhc, whay you ask that? | 12:40 |
bhc | just wanna know | 12:41 |
bhc | i use flashblock and ABP too | 12:41 |
bhc | is it cause the error ? | 12:42 |
applegate | what that's funtion? | 12:42 |
bhc | block the flash, then iff you click it, the flash will play | 12:45 |
dr_Willis | a 'must have' :) extension | 12:45 |
bhc | <== i can't use flash plugin too | 12:45 |
dr_Willis | too many stupid - 'spank the monkey and win $$$' ads... | 12:45 |
bhc | but it can play when i use gnash | 12:45 |
bhc | i think there's something wrong with my flash plugin | 12:46 |
bhc | :( | 12:46 |
applegate | what's wrong bhc? | 12:46 |
bhc | don't know | 12:46 |
dr_Willis | its working here bhc. | 12:46 |
dr_Willis | Im using flash 10 beta. :) heh heh | 12:46 |
applegate | got you | 12:46 |
dr_Willis | ahahahah.. it just crashed firefox. :) | 12:47 |
dr_Willis | the video dident actually play. I had to slide the slider to see the movie. | 12:47 |
Gibby69 | Hi all, how can I alter the splash screen resolution | 12:47 |
Saint___0 | What's a good movie that just came out? | 12:50 |
lat | Is it possible to set a file manager to be root all the time? | 12:51 |
dr_Willis | lat, just run it as root.. of course you can easially trash your system that way | 12:52 |
dr_Willis | you could set up where you only have root if you wanted.. (not a good idea either) | 12:52 |
lat | dr_Willis, most of the time I can't copy files I need to copy. It is extremely frustrating. Is there a way to use sudo with a file manager without having to go to the console? | 12:54 |
dr_Willis | I tend to use 'mc' as my root user file manager. | 12:55 |
dr_Willis | that way i KNOW its root doing stuff. | 12:55 |
dr_Willis | if you have several konqueror windows open. It can be hard to re,bner which one is root and which one is not. | 12:55 |
dr_Willis | You could set up some icons/launchers/menus to run 'kdesudo WhatevrFileManagerYouwant' easially enouhg | 12:56 |
Jucato | (you could actually set a different widget style and color scheme for root (or any other user) apps, so you will know) | 12:57 |
dr_Willis | Jucato, yea. I suggested that the other day :) make roots default theme Bright Red | 12:57 |
llutz | suse-style :) | 12:57 |
dr_Willis | of course ya often get people asking how to make root's theme the same as the users. | 12:57 |
Jucato | make it super ugly so that you can't stand doing/using root stuff for long :) | 12:57 |
dr_Willis | You cant change the window -decoration. but you can change the colors and widgets. :) | 12:58 |
lat | dr_Willis and Jucato, ok many thanks. I'll try some of those ideas. | 12:58 |
dr_Willis | I got an icon that runs 'xterm -e sudo mc' :) | 12:59 |
marius | Hi I'm using upstart to monitor a service. It would really be cool if I could somehow tell upstart to endlessly loop {try respawn 2 times; wait for 30 seconds;} Does anyone know if this is possible? Currently upstart stops retrying after a few failed respawns. I need it to stop trying for a litle while and try again later | 13:00 |
Saint___0 | Hmmm. | 13:04 |
Saint___0 | For these tasks, you need to learn the perl | 13:04 |
applegate | hello, what are ya tlking about? | 13:06 |
Saint___0 | Hello. | 13:07 |
Saint___0 | marius' problem. | 13:07 |
applegate | oh that's uniquely | 13:08 |
marius | Saint___0: in that case I do not quite get what perl has to do with it? | 13:08 |
Saint___0 | marius: Automating tasks is easy with perl. | 13:08 |
marius | Saint___0: Why write an extra deamon in perl to monitor my own deamon and who is going to monitor the perl deamon ;) Upstart has been created specifically for this task. Upstart in this case does what the inittab used to do :) | 13:10 |
Saint___0 | for (1..1000000) { print "Running the task\n"; system("TERMINAL TASK HERE"); sleep 300; }; | 13:11 |
Saint___0 | Simple one liner man. | 13:11 |
dr_Willis | a deamondeamon? | 13:12 |
Saint___0 | I have no idea what the guy is talking about lol. I just saw his need to automate a task. | 13:13 |
Saint___0 | And since.. I believe perl is the answer to all creation.. | 13:13 |
Saint___0 | I came up with a simple perl solution. | 13:14 |
dr_Willis | rewrite the kernel in perl! :) | 13:14 |
Saint___0 | I...want... to make a perl OS. | 13:15 |
marius | hehe, Saint perl is not the answer here, sorry :) | 13:15 |
dr_Willis | I recall some perl window manager | 13:15 |
Saint___0 | I got the perl shell. | 13:15 |
Saint___0 | psh | 13:15 |
Saint___0 | Neat little thing. | 13:15 |
dr_Willis | !info psh | 13:15 |
ubottu | psh (source: psh): interactive shell with the power of perl. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8-8 (hardy), package size 156 kB, installed size 820 kB | 13:15 |
dr_Willis | !info fish | 13:15 |
ubottu | fish (source: fish): a friendly interactive shell. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.22.3-3 (hardy), package size 705 kB, installed size 3416 kB | 13:15 |
Saint___0 | perl is the answer. | 13:16 |
dr_Willis | package size 705 kB, installed size 3416kb -- Egads... thats some good compression? :) | 13:16 |
dr_Willis | !info menu | 13:17 |
ubottu | menu (source: menu): generates programs menu for all menu-aware applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.38ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 429 kB, installed size 1928 kB | 13:17 |
dr_Willis | Hmm.. that was a suggeted package for eitehr psh, or fish.. odd.. that they would suggest 'menu' | 13:17 |
Saint___0 | Have you seen some of these nicks joining and parting. | 13:26 |
Saint___0 | You ever wonder, who the hell are these people. | 13:26 |
lakis1982 | ougaouga | 13:30 |
ActionParsnip | !paste | 13:31 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 13:31 |
ActionParsnip | hey all | 13:32 |
Saint___0 | Hello. | 13:32 |
ActionParsnip | ok got nvidia driver installed instead of nv, Still on 640x480 | 13:33 |
ActionParsnip | here's my xorg.conf | 13:33 |
ActionParsnip | | 13:33 |
ActionParsnip | can anyone advise | 13:33 |
Saint___0 | You can't change the resolution within Ubuntu? | 13:35 |
Saint___0 | If you are using KDE, I don't know where to change it. But in gnome it's in System->Preferences->Screen Resolution | 13:36 |
ActionParsnip | Saint___0: i know how to change it but i cant get higher than 640x480 | 13:36 |
ActionParsnip | Saint___0: can I please see your xorg.conf to compare | 13:37 |
serguma | Hi, anyone knows what may cause this? (process:13638): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.16.3/gobject/gtype.c:2248: initialization assertion failed, use IA__g_type_init() prior to this function | 13:41 |
serguma | (process:13638): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_new: assertion `G_TYPE_IS_OBJECT (object_type)' failed | 13:41 |
serguma | (process:13638): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_ref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed | 13:41 |
serguma | Fallo de segmentación | 13:41 |
serguma | (sorry for the 4 lines, messed with enters :() | 13:42 |
llutz | ActionParsnip: paste your Xorg.0.log please | 13:44 |
ActionParsnip | llutz: where is it located please | 13:44 |
llutz | /var/log | 13:44 |
conor | hey guys, i just installed kubuntu, and wated to upgrade to KDE4, so I installed kde4-desktop, but now i want to get rid of KDE3 | 13:45 |
conor | *wanted | 13:45 |
ActionParsnip | !paste | 13:45 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 13:45 |
christoz | how can i install a .deb packet in kubuntu? | 13:46 |
ActionParsnip | | 13:46 |
christoz | it's skype actually | 13:46 |
ActionParsnip | christoz: dpkg -i <debfile> | 13:46 |
llutz | christoz: sudo dpkg -i pack.deb | 13:46 |
christoz | ActionParsnip, not with just a double click? | 13:46 |
conor | can someone tell me how | 13:47 |
ActionParsnip | christoz: i'd use cli dude | 13:47 |
ActionParsnip | conor: how what? | 13:47 |
dennis_p | klik2 is not ready yet dude | 13:47 |
conor | ActionParsnip: how to remove kde3 after installing kde4 | 13:48 |
jussi01 | christoz: use medibuntu for skype | 13:48 |
jussi01 | !medibuntu | christoz | 13:48 |
ubottu | christoz: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 13:48 |
llutz | ActionParsnip: you need to specify your monitor in xorg.conf, maybe use nvidia-settings | 13:48 |
ActionParsnip | conor: not all apps are kde4, you may loose some apps | 13:48 |
ActionParsnip | llutz: i'll give it a whirl dude | 13:48 |
dennis_p | Is there no new koffice alpha release for kubuntu? or am i looking in the wrong place? | 13:48 |
conor | ActionParsnip: would I be better to leave it installed so ? | 13:49 |
jussi01 | dennis_p: please see the topic in #kubuntu-kde4 | 13:50 |
dennis_p | cool | 13:50 |
ActionParsnip | conor: i'd suggest so | 13:50 |
conor | k ty | 13:51 |
ActionParsnip | conor: doesnt take much space | 13:51 |
conor | i tried to install compiz fusion aswell, but it doesnt seem to be working | 13:52 |
teddiebaer | hi | 13:52 |
conor | woops, it is working, but the cube effect doesnt work/it wont let me increase my number of desktops | 13:54 |
=== ediskrad is now known as ediSkr4D | ||
lakis1982 | hi ... im using kubuntu 8.04 kardy with kde 3 ... how do i change the language in keyboard so i can select between two languages whenever im surfing the internet ? | 14:00 |
lakis1982 | anyone? | 14:03 |
crs | lakis1982: you can get icon tray switcher, but i cant find it now ;/ | 14:03 |
christoz | !ati | 14:03 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 14:03 |
lakis1982 | hmm | 14:04 |
llutz | systemsettings - countrysettings, keyboardlayout | 14:05 |
lakis1982 | and i can change with a keystroke between ttwo languages? | 14:06 |
=== applegate is now known as moderator | ||
moderator | Do some one has another problem? | 14:07 |
christoz | how on earth can i choose repositories on hardy ? | 14:12 |
Saint___0 | Maybe Synaptic. | 14:12 |
christoz | !repositories | 14:13 |
ubottu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See - See for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 14:13 |
Saint___0 | !wine | 14:13 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 14:13 |
jussi01 | christoz: adept - adept menu - manage repositories | 14:16 |
christoz | ty jussi01 | 14:17 |
Saint___0 | Know what erks me.. | 14:17 |
pim | When i upgrade software, is it actually upgraded, or is the older version replaced with a new one? | 14:17 |
Saint___0 | I download updates at 5000K/sec, but my torrents are going dialup speed. | 14:18 |
jussi01 | Saint___0: sounds like you need to open a port or 2 | 14:19 |
eagles0513875 | jussi | 14:19 |
eagles0513875 | jussi01: whats the default firewall in linux | 14:19 |
eagles0513875 | in kubuntu at least | 14:19 |
jussi01 | iptables | 14:19 |
jussi01 | !firewall | 14:19 |
ubottu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 14:19 |
* eagles0513875 slaps self i knew that | 14:20 | |
Saint___0 | I use firestarter. | 14:20 |
crs | How kubuntu works? If, lets say for instance, new digikam will be released... when i goes into repos? After couple days (when deb will be ready) or with next kubuntu release? | 14:21 |
Minnozz | Can anyone help me with fixing kmilo for a Logitech keyboard on Hardy? The media keys don't work. I had the same problem with Gutsy, and using 1 or 2 Feisty files worked... But I can't remember which ones... | 14:21 |
nosrednaekim | crs: next release most likely | 14:21 |
nosrednaekim | !release | 14:21 |
ubottu | Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at & | 14:21 |
Saint___0 | The intrepid Ibex I think it's called. | 14:22 |
Saint___0 | If they have'nt changed it on me. | 14:22 |
pim | so if new software comes out you have to wait till a new ubuntu version comes out? | 14:22 |
llutz | pim yes | 14:22 |
pim | that sucks | 14:22 |
Saint___0 | Or you could go with windows and wait 2 or 3 years for full support for new software. | 14:23 |
nosrednaekim | pim: unless there was a serious security flaw in the previous version | 14:23 |
llutz | pim: use a different distro with rolling release then | 14:23 |
pim | llutz which one would you reccomend? | 14:23 |
Saint___0 | A major release every 6 months is amazing. | 14:23 |
llutz | pim: none | 14:23 |
Saint___0 | Those people must be on their toes. | 14:23 |
Saint___0 | Or fingertips. | 14:23 |
eagles0513875 | jussi01: do you have any idea if its possible for me to use amarok in conjunction with jack | 14:24 |
llutz | pim: but if you want to try, use arch or sidux | 14:24 |
jussi01 | eagles0513875: no idea | 14:25 |
Minnozz | !logitech | 14:25 |
ubottu | Factoid logitech not found | 14:25 |
Minnozz | !kmilo | 14:25 |
ubottu | Factoid kmilo not found | 14:25 |
eagles0513875 | jussi01: reason i ask is that i would like to starting using jack in conjunction with amarok to start djing | 14:26 |
jussi01 | eagles0513875: pop into #ubuntustudio | 14:26 |
=== emmanuel is now known as metal_boy | ||
lat | How can I create new icons on my KED4 desktop? | 14:32 |
dr_Willis | sidux was neat - but the kubuntu/ubuntu support was better. :) | 14:34 |
komakater | hi there... could s.o help me with a little Soundproblem | 14:35 |
lat | There is no "Create new" choice when I right click on my KDE4 desktop. So, how are new icons placed on the desktop? | 14:36 |
dr_Willis | They are plasma widget things I thought | 14:36 |
dr_Willis | kde4 is pushing for a Uncluttered desktop look :) | 14:37 |
dennis_p | check Lydia about FolderView for KDE4 desktop info | 14:38 |
christoz | i have ati sapphire x1650 pro i've installed the new drivers with envyng-gtk and after loggin in the black screen of death appeared again | 14:40 |
christoz | please tell me a way fot my ati sapphire x1650 pro to work please i | 14:40 |
lat | dennis_p, thanks. I'm loading that page now. | 14:40 |
Loetmichel | moin! | 14:43 |
christoz | please tell me a way fot my ati sapphire x1650 pro to work please | 14:43 |
lat | christoz, go to and download their driver. Follow their instructions exactly. | 14:43 |
christoz | i have ati sapphire x1650 pro i've installed the new drivers with envyng-gtk and after loggin in the black screen of death appeared again | 14:43 |
dr_Willis | dennis_p, with stuff like that.. kde4 might get my attention. :) a few other neat things there also. | 14:43 |
Loetmichel | oh, sorry, will go searching for the german channel... | 14:44 |
dennis_p | #kubuntu-de ? | 14:44 |
christoz | ati sapphire x1650 pro is not listed lat' | 14:45 |
christoz | 2 ATI | 14:45 |
Loetmichel | dennis_p: thx, found already ;-) | 14:45 |
christoz | @ | 14:45 |
dennis_p | yeah, kde4.1 can be considered it´s first beta release for end users and 4.2 first proper release if all goes well | 14:46 |
lat | christoz, on the ati website they give links to several open source driver projects. You might try one of those to see if they have a driver. Otherwise, I am out of solutions. I have an ati 1950 card with 2 monitors. ATI had the driver for that. | 14:51 |
eagles0513875 | !ati | 14:52 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 14:52 |
jals | hi, i just installed a gnome app, but changed my mind and removed it, how to i remove anything gnome related that got installed? | 14:58 |
jals | or rather, anything gnome related that's not needed | 14:58 |
lat | When I try to place a new wiget on my desktop I get "The object could not be created." So, so far I can't use Folder View. Solution? | 14:59 |
jax_ | says hi | 15:00 |
Dragnslcr | jals- apt-get autoremove should do it. Not sure if it can be done through Adept | 15:02 |
eagles0513875 | Dragnslcr: it can be done u find the pkg u want to remove and tell it remove | 15:03 |
jax_ | anyone know if ati will release a driver fix for the hd3850 card, can't get mine working under ubuntu 8.04 | 15:03 |
eagles0513875 | jax_: check their site i dunno | 15:03 |
eagles0513875 | they might already have one | 15:03 |
jax_ | i will have a look | 15:04 |
Dragnslcr | eagles0513875- that doesn't remove dependencies though | 15:04 |
flaccid | from memory you have to install via aptitude initially then remove with aptitude autoremove | 15:05 |
eagles0513875 | Dragnslcr: true | 15:05 |
flaccid | never done it myself though | 15:05 |
jax_ | i was messing about with my taskbar, now when i minimise a window it disappears, emm strange ;-) | 15:06 |
eagles0513875 | would purge do the trick at all | 15:06 |
flaccid | purge doesn't have anything to do with it | 15:06 |
eagles0513875 | ill be quite now cuz im not thinking stright right now not to mention quite depressed | 15:07 |
flaccid | join the club :) | 15:07 |
flaccid | but yeah im yet to try that myself | 15:07 |
eagles0513875 | well i got a stupid thing im depressed ovr | 15:07 |
flaccid | im depressed everday, feel like talking about in #kubuntu-offtopic heh | 15:08 |
jax_ | do you drink to much? | 15:09 |
* christoz gives the happy pill to flaccid :p | 15:09 | |
flaccid | not the place to talk about it heh | 15:09 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: pmed ya | 15:09 |
jax_ | does any1 know any good games for linux? | 15:10 |
flaccid | still its normal to try to match it to something like a drug, pretty normal behaviour of people | 15:10 |
flaccid | jax_: wolf et! | 15:10 |
jax_ | yeah! | 15:10 |
flaccid | and trocs | 15:10 |
flaccid | err torcs | 15:10 |
flaccid | !games | 15:10 |
ubottu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at and | 15:10 |
jax_ | kool | 15:10 |
flaccid | not a bad page ^^ try em all for yourself | 15:11 |
eagles0513875 | i love the games | 15:11 |
eagles0513875 | when have mesa-utils not been included in an outa box install | 15:12 |
jals | that did it, thanks Dragnslcr | 15:12 |
alexander | jemand da? | 15:14 |
llutz | !de | alexander | 15:15 |
ubottu | alexander: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 15:15 |
eagles0513875 | alexander: what language room u looking for | 15:15 |
jax_ | any1 know where u go to edit the boot menu in ubuntu? | 15:15 |
alexander | german | 15:15 |
eagles0513875 | see above lol | 15:15 |
eagles0513875 | jax_: cd /etc/boot/grub | 15:15 |
jax_ | cheers | 15:15 |
alexander | sers | 15:15 |
eagles0513875 | jax_: its menu.lst | 15:16 |
alexander | deutsch? | 15:16 |
jax_ | can u tell i'm a newbie lol | 15:16 |
eagles0513875 | jax_: whats up | 15:16 |
flaccid | deutsch is german | 15:16 |
eagles0513875 | jax_: speaking off i need to edit something in there to get rid of the splash screen | 15:16 |
eagles0513875 | jax_: its under /boot/grub my bad | 15:17 |
eagles0513875 | jax_: what u wanting to edit in the menu list | 15:17 |
jax_ | a ha ;-) | 15:17 |
eagles0513875 | jax_: you wanting to get rid of the splash screen | 15:18 |
jax_ | no, each time i update my os, it adds a new entry to the boot list | 15:19 |
eagles0513875 | jax_: thats a lil more complex then going into the list | 15:19 |
eagles0513875 | jax_: and that i cannot help ya out with | 15:19 |
eagles0513875 | jax_: it doesnt hurt to keep them just in case something with a newer kernel doesnt work and u need to go to a previous one | 15:19 |
jax_ | well if i just remove the text, it should do the trick | 15:19 |
eagles0513875 | jax_: if you need to boot into an older kernel you wont have it on the list if something breaks | 15:20 |
jax_ | i get ya, emm might just leave it lol | 15:20 |
eagles0513875 | jax_: i leave them | 15:21 |
flaccid | kgrubeditor comes in future kubuntu releases which will be great | 15:22 |
flaccid | !info kgrubeditor | 15:22 |
ubottu | kgrubeditor (source: kgrubeditor): graphical editor for GRUB boot manager settings. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 175 kB, installed size 552 kB | 15:22 |
flaccid | actually its here now | 15:22 |
jax_ | i was reading a book about unix, quite interesting, my self training manual ;-) | 15:22 |
eagles0513875 | flaccid: didnt know about that | 15:22 |
eagles0513875 | jax_: wait till you start doing certification from lpi | 15:22 |
jax_ | i made enquiries about the courses available, looks like a good thing to study | 15:23 |
eagles0513875 | jax_: i am doing it working on getting ready to take the first exam out of 2 for jr level certification | 15:24 |
jax_ | very good | 15:24 |
eagles0513875 | jax_: | 15:24 |
yao_ziyua1 | can i apply kde4 themes in kde3? | 15:24 |
flaccid | -www | 15:24 |
flaccid | yao_ziyua1: n | 15:25 |
flaccid | no | 15:25 |
eagles0513875 | im loving the course then again my teacher is a linux nut lol working on sr level certification | 15:25 |
flaccid | guys can you take this nice convo to #kubuntu-offtopic, here is support only :( | 15:25 |
jax_ | im from ireland, so not to sure if there is any training centres here, might have to e-learn, which i would prefere not to do ;-o | 15:25 |
eagles0513875 | jax_: im in malta there are here | 15:25 |
yao_ziyua1 | flaccid: is there a kde4-theme-for-gtk-apps now (like kde3-theme-for-gtk-apps)? | 15:25 |
eagles0513875 | jax_: hop in offtopic dude | 15:26 |
eagles0513875 | !register | jax_ | 15:26 |
ubottu | jax_: Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. | 15:26 |
eagles0513875 | jax_: is this nick registered | 15:26 |
flaccid | yao_ziyua1: um not sure, you could ask the #ubuntu people about that i guess | 15:26 |
jax_ | yip | 15:27 |
flaccid | im off for a bit bye | 15:27 |
R2LM | In KDE 3.5, how do you change the system tray icon size so that there are two rows of icons instead of one row? | 15:36 |
NickNak | R2LM: you can do that by changing the panel size, don't think you can change the icon size | 15:40 |
codster | Can someone help me with themes? | 15:41 |
codster | if they are not to busy? | 15:41 |
codster | I have Emerald installed, and i can see a list of themes, but there is no option to apply theme? | 15:41 |
codster | do i need something else? | 15:41 |
codster | Reason i ask is because i would really like a Mac OSX theme, ive heard of one called Bahgri? or something similar | 15:42 |
R2LM | NickNak: My panel size is set to "normal", so there should be room for two rows of icons. Is it a problem with one particular icon maybe? If one of the system tray icons doesn't have a small size do they all then default to larger size and one row? | 15:42 |
codster | I think everyone is sleeping lol | 15:44 |
codster | :D | 15:44 |
=== codster is now known as Elite101 | ||
jax_ | zzzzzzzzzz | 15:45 |
jax_ | zzzzzz | 15:45 |
jax_ | z | 15:45 |
jax_ | z | 15:45 |
Elite101 | lol | 15:45 |
Elite101 | someone is awake | 15:45 |
eagles0513875 | i am as well | 15:45 |
Elite101 | :D | 15:45 |
eagles0513875 | but im trying to do linux cert studying | 15:45 |
crs | Sorry 4 off topic. Anyone working in IT in london here? | 15:46 |
Elite101 | not me.. | 15:46 |
jax_ | im half awake | 15:47 |
Elite101 | Why is it that when something is freely made? and its always better than the thing that costs, i couldnt imagine making this Distro without it costing... | 15:48 |
eagles0513875 | im talking to jax_ in a private convo to keep this channel on topic | 15:49 |
Elite101 | ohh sorry i should do the same | 15:49 |
eagles0513875 | !ot | Elite101 | 15:49 |
ubottu | Elite101: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 15:49 |
yao_ziyua1 | is there a calculator in kubuntu? | 15:50 |
crs | yao_ziyua1: kcalc | 15:50 |
yao_ziyua1 | ok | 15:51 |
yao_ziyua1 | i tried | 15:51 |
jax_ | dunno mate | 15:51 |
yao_ziyua1 | turns out it's not installed by default | 15:51 |
Elite101 | so you guys try out KDE4.0? | 15:51 |
eagles0513875 | Elite101: still lacks functionality for my liking | 15:51 |
Elite101 | I hear Madriva has a better version (well with less bugs) 3.59 | 15:51 |
Elite101 | yeah. | 15:51 |
Elite101 | Im going to wait till i jump over. | 15:52 |
eagles0513875 | Elite101: mandriva is vry limited as to what it has in the repos | 15:52 |
Elite101 | mhm, ive never tried it. | 15:52 |
eagles0513875 | Elite101: u could always compile the latest kde 4 from svn source if u want bleeding edge | 15:52 |
eagles0513875 | Elite101: i have and i dont like it | 15:52 |
Elite101 | lol | 15:53 |
Elite101 | Well im not the "advanced user" of linux, i just started befor, hell i cant even figure out how to install themes :| | 15:53 |
jax_ | i'm using it for few months now | 15:54 |
eagles0513875 | Elite101: thats what this channel is here for | 15:54 |
eagles0513875 | Elite101: with time you will get the hang of things | 15:54 |
Elite101 | defeats the purpose of my nickname thoe "elite" :D | 15:54 |
eagles0513875 | lol | 15:54 |
eagles0513875 | Elite101: im guessing ur new to linux on the whole | 15:54 |
=== kenny is now known as NiKeCRu666 | ||
jax_ | just get a few books, worked for me | 15:55 |
Elite101 | yeah well i can do simple things | 15:55 |
Elite101 | i learned the hardway, windows crashed and i was forced to learn | 15:55 |
GillesM | hi zhym on K3B I have the button burn unavailable M | 15:55 |
GillesM | sorry why | 15:55 |
eagles0513875 | Elite101: take a look at my site not much on it and sign up | 15:55 |
NiKeCRu666 | hello | 15:55 |
eagles0513875 | Elite101: let me know when u have signed up cuz ill have to activate your account for you to sign in | 15:56 |
jax_ | u should try out kaffeine elite, it makes kups of coffee lol | 15:56 |
NiKeCRu666 | !help | 15:56 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 15:56 |
NiKeCRu666 | uhmn | 15:56 |
stdin | hmm | 15:57 |
NiKeCRu666 | help please? | 15:57 |
Elite101 | okay thanks eagles | 15:57 |
Elite101 | well you can just say Help, | 15:58 |
Elite101 | you need to explain | 15:58 |
Elite101 | cant* | 15:58 |
NiKeCRu666 | ok i'll xplaint it =) | 15:58 |
jax_ | looks at his watch ;-) | 15:59 |
NiKeCRu666 | i was installing kubuntu (hardy heron) and before finishing the installation my computer restarted (idk why) so now i tried to put 4 desktops and it doesnt work and same with the compiz fusion (advance Desktop Effects) | 16:00 |
eagles0513875 | Elite101: want to know an easy way to learn | 16:00 |
Elite101 | sure, | 16:01 |
jax_ | me 2 | 16:01 |
NiKeCRu666 | me2 | 16:01 |
Elite101 | i know a fried of mine release's books, ebooks i guess i could download one from him about Linux lol | 16:01 |
eagles0513875 | Elite101: no not what i was going to say download virtualbox (vmware equivalent) and setup a virtual machine and mess around with a virtual installation of kubuntu that way u can reinstall and not loose anything | 16:02 |
Elite101 | well im on a 10Gb hdd | 16:02 |
eagles0513875 | Elite101: o_o how u manage that | 16:02 |
Elite101 | so since i have only 1Gb of ram, runnning things like that would either be choppy as hell, or not worth the time | 16:02 |
Elite101 | lol my Xbox :D | 16:02 |
jax_ | just install dsl | 16:02 |
Elite101 | nah | 16:03 |
Elite101 | its stripped | 16:03 |
Elite101 | i dont like KNoppix | 16:03 |
eagles0513875 | lol i have 1.25 on this laptop and im running this perfectly fine | 16:03 |
eagles0513875 | havent tried the new knoppix | 16:03 |
eagles0513875 | installing open suse 10.3 on a vm right now | 16:03 |
Elite101 | well i swapped HDD with my Xbox, im not running linux ON my xbox so i just used the 10gb its fast/quite for an IDE drive | 16:03 |
jax_ | i just bought another hard-disk | 16:04 |
eagles0513875 | O_o its probably scsi which looks like ide | 16:04 |
NiKeCRu666 | hello? | 16:04 |
Elite101 | And i thought id learn lol well, not learn but use its basic functions, i just wanna install a very cool looking MAC OSX theme. | 16:04 |
Elite101 | no, its IDE | 16:04 |
Elite101 | ata66 lol | 16:04 |
eagles0513875 | you sure | 16:05 |
Elite101 | yeah, | 16:05 |
eagles0513875 | Elite101: make a small 3gb vm | 16:05 |
Elite101 | Xbox only allows IDE, ive swaped it. | 16:05 |
Elite101 | it wont run goofd | 16:05 |
Elite101 | good* | 16:05 |
jax_ | boot up in recovery mode and try to fix ur x server nike, might do the trick! | 16:05 |
pag | NiKeCRu666, see, if ccsm has some setting for virtual desktops | 16:06 |
Elite101 | VMware will be slow, especailly on windows | 16:06 |
jax_ | i used vmware, the performance wasnt very good | 16:06 |
NiKeCRu666 | i have a nother question, if kubuntu didnt install lot of things can i complete installation by internet? | 16:06 |
jax_ | but it was usable | 16:06 |
Elite101 | lol | 16:07 |
eagles0513875 | Elite101: vmware on kubuntu has bugs im using virtualbox and im installing open suse as we speak and still using my machine like nothings going on | 16:07 |
Elite101 | mhm | 16:07 |
Elite101 | well prossecor speed? | 16:07 |
Elite101 | Im only 2.88Ghz p4 :( not HT | 16:07 |
Elite101 | I need a system upgrade..but thats why i installed kubuntu its fast | 16:08 |
eagles0513875 | 2ghz amd athlon 64 3200+ | 16:09 |
Elite101 | no wonder.. | 16:09 |
eagles0513875 | Elite101: 1gb ram | 16:09 |
Elite101 | lol | 16:09 |
Elite101 | DDR2? | 16:09 |
eagles0513875 | i love kubuntu | 16:09 |
Elite101 | 800Mhz? | 16:09 |
eagles0513875 | nope ddr | 16:09 |
eagles0513875 | this machine is 3 yrs old | 16:09 |
Elite101 | ohh ive got 2 sticks of 512 | 16:09 |
eagles0513875 | pc 133 i think here | 16:09 |
Elite101 | mine is probably older | 16:09 |
Elite101 | 133Mhz? | 16:09 |
Elite101 | o.0 | 16:09 |
eagles0513875 | yep ram | 16:09 |
Elite101 | lol | 16:09 |
eagles0513875 | no wait | 16:09 |
jax_ | i have 1.2 gb | 16:09 |
Elite101 | wow | 16:09 |
eagles0513875 | its pc3200 | 16:10 |
eagles0513875 | ddr400 | 16:10 |
eagles0513875 | i have 1.2 as well | 16:10 |
Elite101 | ohhh | 16:10 |
jax_ | pc400 | 16:10 |
eagles0513875 | pc3200 = ddr400 | 16:10 |
jax_ | yip | 16:10 |
eagles0513875 | jax_: unless u mean pc 4000 | 16:10 |
eagles0513875 | which i believe is 500mhz | 16:10 |
Elite101 | well im just removing the unnesesary things i dont need | 16:11 |
eagles0513875 | lol | 16:11 |
chema | hola | 16:11 |
jax_ | if you are not sure, use the crucial memory test program | 16:11 |
Elite101 | to cut down on space lol | 16:11 |
NiKeCRu666 | chema, hola | 16:11 |
chema | alguien que me aconseje? | 16:11 |
eagles0513875 | im at some point when i can get my own testing system im goign to start working on creating a clustering os based on kubuntu | 16:11 |
NiKeCRu666 | yo te aconsejo | 16:11 |
NiKeCRu666 | hablaingles xD | 16:11 |
chema | a ver tengo instalado ubuntu 7.10 | 16:11 |
eagles0513875 | !es | chema | 16:11 |
ubottu | chema: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 16:11 |
eagles0513875 | !es | chema | 16:11 |
Elite101 | well i can make a cluster, (well not i cant but its possibel) with xbox's | 16:11 |
eagles0513875 | screw xbox's | 16:12 |
Elite101 | thats what i wanted to do | 16:12 |
Elite101 | 733Mhz 64Mb of ram | 16:12 |
Elite101 | only 40-50$ at used stores | 16:12 |
Elite101 | samehardware, and easy to use... | 16:12 |
eagles0513875 | im thinking of doing that at some point with old machines | 16:12 |
jax_ | i sold my ps2 for 40 quid | 16:12 |
eagles0513875 | and create a rendering cluster | 16:12 |
Elite101 | quid? | 16:12 |
Elite101 | ohh | 16:12 |
Elite101 | PS3's lol | 16:12 |
Elite101 | do some 3D rendering | 16:12 |
eagles0513875 | !offtopic | jax_ eagles0513875 Elite101 | 16:12 |
ubottu | jax_ eagles0513875 Elite101: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 16:12 |
Elite101 | sorry | 16:12 |
jax_ | opps | 16:13 |
eagles0513875 | lol | 16:13 |
eagles0513875 | im in there already | 16:13 |
Elite101 | same | 16:13 |
=== pablo_ is now known as pablo__ | ||
pablo__ | hola | 16:17 |
NiKeCRu666 | hola pablo | 16:18 |
pablo__ | necesito ascesoria sobre los efectos de ventanas compiz fusion | 16:18 |
eagles0513875 | !es | pablo__ | 16:18 |
ubottu | pablo__: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 16:18 |
eagles0513875 | NiKeCRu666: only english in here my friend | 16:18 |
NiKeCRu666 | ok dude i'm just sending people who speaks spanish to kubuntu-es | 16:19 |
NiKeCRu666 | at least trying to | 16:19 |
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\ | ||
eagles0513875 | NiKeCRu666: look above at the command i used | 16:20 |
NiKeCRu666 | yeah i know | 16:20 |
Elite101 | Im having troubles with Emerald | 16:20 |
NiKeCRu666 | sorry =/ | 16:20 |
eagles0513875 | its ok | 16:20 |
Elite101 | I installed Emerald, and i can run it fine, and see the themes its just, how do i install them? | 16:20 |
Elite101 | i dont see an option to just "apply" | 16:20 |
Elite101 | do i need something else? | 16:20 |
Dragnslcr | You just select them | 16:20 |
Elite101 | i did | 16:20 |
Elite101 | i doubble clicked i single clicked i tripple clicked shesh i even sideways clicked | 16:21 |
Elite101 | lol it wont just apply? | 16:21 |
Elite101 | i think i need something else? | 16:21 |
Elite101 | maybe im just missing something... | 16:21 |
Roey | Hello. does kubuntu x86_64's wine automaticlally set up a chroot environment?? | 16:22 |
Elite101 | ugh. still not installing :( | 16:23 |
Elite101 | I installed Emerald, and i can run it fine, and see the themes its just, how do i install them? | 16:24 |
Elite101 | sorry | 16:25 |
Elite101 | im not the greatest reader until i read "use with: Candido-Calm" | 16:26 |
=== JanMalte_ is now known as JanMalte | ||
eagles0513875 | JanMalte: u from malta | 16:29 |
JanMalte | no, i'm from germany | 16:29 |
eagles0513875 | JanMalte: ok my apologies | 16:31 |
JanMalte | No Problem ;) | 16:31 |
JanMalte | My freinds sometimes kidding about it too :) | 16:32 |
Elite101 | Is anyone fimilar with Mac OSX theme's? | 16:36 |
eagles0513875 | JanMalte: lol | 16:37 |
Elite101 | any little help at all, | 16:37 |
JanMalte | themes for kubuntu or for mac? | 16:37 |
Elite101 | kubuntu lol | 16:37 |
eagles0513875 | !ot | eagles0513875 | 16:38 |
eagles0513875 | jax_: back | 16:38 |
dr_Willis | The Bagira theme in the repos is a decent (if you can call anything os-x that) theme. :) | 16:40 |
=== pablo is now known as RadeonX1650XT | ||
RadeonX1650XT | hola | 16:40 |
Elite101 | okay | 16:41 |
Elite101 | well all i do is search for it? | 16:41 |
Elite101 | in adept | 16:41 |
Elite101 | im on Kubuntu 7.04 (a little outdated) is it in there by default | 16:41 |
RadeonX1650XT | donde esta | 16:42 |
llutz | Elite101: apt-cache search baghira | 16:42 |
greeg | hi | 16:42 |
Elite101 | thanks | 16:42 |
greeg | i know this isn't #Debian, but im banned for some reason. | 16:42 |
greeg | can some one help me? | 16:42 |
llutz | called "kwin-baghira" in gutsy | 16:42 |
Elite101 | lol | 16:43 |
Elite101 | that works :D | 16:43 |
Elite101 | thanks llutz :D | 16:43 |
Elite101 | now once i install it, it will be installed as a theme? | 16:44 |
Elite101 | how would i apply it? | 16:44 |
pag | greeg, try asking; if the problem is not debian specific, then I'm pretty sure someone will know the answer | 16:44 |
RadeonX1650XT | quiero entrar al foro en español | 16:44 |
pag | Elite101, kcontrol -> appearance -> style iirc | 16:44 |
RadeonX1650XT | alguien me puede ayudar | 16:44 |
pag | !es | RadeonX1650XT | 16:45 |
ubottu | RadeonX1650XT: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 16:45 |
greeg | i ran apt-get install mozila-firefox, but it's not listed under K menu | 16:45 |
pag | greeg, does it launch from the command line? | 16:45 |
greeg | (firefox-bin:5400): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: | 16:45 |
greeg | typical linux | 16:46 |
dr_Willis | sounds like you are running it as a different user. | 16:47 |
llutz | greeg: start it as same user who owns the X-session | 16:47 |
greeg | i am. | 16:47 |
dr_Willis | open up a new terminal. and try it there. | 16:48 |
greeg | ok now iceweasel comes up. | 16:48 |
greeg | sigh | 16:48 |
dr_Willis | Hmm. is iceweasel even in the repos? | 16:49 |
dr_Willis | !find icewea | 16:49 |
ubottu | Found: iceweasel-scrapbook | 16:49 |
llutz | he#s on debian, i think | 16:50 |
dr_Willis | or some other debian variant | 16:50 |
Jucato | <greeg> i know this isn't #Debian, but im banned for some reason. | 16:50 |
greeg | yeah i was in #Debian last nite. i wasn't trolling. | 16:51 |
Elite101 | i installed the theme | 16:51 |
Elite101 | and nothing changed? | 16:51 |
Elite101 | it doesnt have the taskbar thing | 16:51 |
Elite101 | like mac :( | 16:52 |
dr_Willis | Elite101, what theme? | 16:52 |
dr_Willis | You did select the theme in the appearances/theme tool? | 16:52 |
llutz | Elite101: | 16:52 |
Elite101 | yeah | 16:52 |
Elite101 | that theme | 16:52 |
Elite101 | well i just wanted to know | 16:52 |
Elite101 | does it have the taskbar? | 16:53 |
pag | Elite101, you mean the dock? it's not dependant on a theme; it's completly different software :-) | 16:53 |
Elite101 | and all thoes fancy things | 16:53 |
Elite101 | ohhhh | 16:53 |
eagles0513875 | Jucato: someone in trouble :P | 16:54 |
Elite101 | well since its a completely diffrent software, what is that software? | 16:54 |
dr_Willis | !dock | 16:54 |
ubottu | Factoid dock not found | 16:54 |
eagles0513875 | !info dock | 16:54 |
ubottu | Package dock does not exist in hardy | 16:54 |
dr_Willis | Hmm.. let me find that url | 16:54 |
Elite101 | i just really like the theme | 16:55 |
Elite101 | with the 3D dock icons :D | 16:55 |
dr_Willis | Then use the theme wiothout any lame OS-X dock. | 16:55 |
pag | Elite101, awn is one of them – not sure though if it works under KDE.. then there's kxdocker, which was a total disappintment for me.. | 16:55 |
dr_Willis | its just some dck clone thats proberly lacking in any real features. :) the screen shot is not exactly what the theme will look like | 16:56 |
jax_ | does kubuntu have webcam software? | 16:56 |
Elite101 | yeah jax | 16:56 |
dr_Willis | | 16:56 |
jax_ | whats it called | 16:56 |
Elite101 | one second | 16:56 |
Elite101 | i remember seeing it in Addremove | 16:56 |
jax_ | digikam | 16:57 |
Elite101 | i think? | 16:57 |
Elite101 | Camorama | 16:58 |
Elite101 | Webcam Viewer | 16:58 |
Elite101 | View/alter/take screen shots | 16:58 |
dr_Willis | !find webcam | 16:59 |
ubottu | Found: webcam, webcam-server, webcamd | 16:59 |
dr_Willis | !info webcam | 16:59 |
ubottu | webcam (source: xawtv): image grabber and uploader. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.95.dfsg.1-8ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 37 kB, installed size 112 kB | 16:59 |
dr_Willis | Hmm that one may or may not have a gui. :) | 16:59 |
jax_ | cheers | 17:00 |
Elite101 | well im going back on windows, im going to play some Xlink kai, | 17:00 |
Elite101 | see you guys later thanks for the help too! | 17:01 |
tezcatlipoca | hallöle | 17:01 |
tezcatlipoca | ich hoffe, mir kann wer helfen: ich hätte gerne kodak easyshare 5.1 auf kubuntu 7.01 installiert... hat wer nen plan für mich? | 17:02 |
eagles0513875 | !de | tezcatlipoca | 17:02 |
ubottu | tezcatlipoca: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 17:02 |
greeg | aparenly, Debian Etch doesent offer firefox, the package "mozilla-firefox" is --> Transition package for iceweasel rename | 17:03 |
dr_Willis | greeg, yep. I belive they did that about a year ago | 17:03 |
tezcatlipoca | oh... sorry | 17:03 |
dr_Willis | there was a big stink about it in all the linux new sites and stuff | 17:03 |
tezcatlipoca | cya guys ;) | 17:03 |
greeg | so i download flash from | 17:03 |
greeg | and it's choppy | 17:03 |
greeg | youtube plays choppy | 17:04 |
greeg | but when i had kubuntu, youtube wasn't choppy after i installed flashplayer10 beta | 17:04 |
greeg | how can i get konqueor to point at flash? | 17:04 |
sharpe_uk | Settings - Configure Konqueror - Plugins (right side list), New (add the directory path for the plugins) then Scan for new Plugins | 17:06 |
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\ | ||
dr_Willis | !nfs | 17:08 |
ubottu | nfs is the network file system. See for information on installing and configuring NFS. | 17:08 |
greeg | sharpe_uk: hey thanx. this is better than iceweasle | 17:08 |
* greeg no longer needs firefucks | 17:09 | |
eagles0513875 | !language | greeg | 17:09 |
ubottu | greeg: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 17:09 |
greeg | sorry | 17:09 |
eagles0513875 | lol if anything sensor it lol | 17:09 |
sharpe_uk | >greeg, no problems | 17:09 |
eagles0513875 | !flash | 17:12 |
ubottu | To install Flash see (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 17:12 |
eagles0513875 | !gnash | 17:12 |
ubottu | An open source flash replacement. It is still beta software. For current status or for more info | 17:12 |
sharpe_uk | been using the flash10 beta for a few days, it crashes less than 9 did (which is good for a beta) but still uses a horrible amount of processor time | 17:13 |
eagles0513875 | sharpe_uk: u talking bout gnash | 17:14 |
eagles0513875 | *you | 17:14 |
sharpe_uk | no, the proprietary version of flash | 17:15 |
eagles0513875 | sharp im having issues with flash in firefox 3 with the nonfree plugin | 17:15 |
sharpe_uk | gnash just isn't there yet | 17:15 |
eagles0513875 | im trying to get into a flash chat room but it wants me to download a bin | 17:15 |
slimjimflim | anybody know if there's a dev packge for qt4.4 for ubuntu gutsy yet? | 17:15 |
=== azzco_ is now known as Azzco | ||
greeg | could someone be so kind and find out who the chanop is in Debian ? | 17:18 |
ActionParsnip | hey all | 17:18 |
ActionParsnip | !paste | 17:18 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 17:18 |
* greeg just installed Debian Etch and it's already pissing me off. amule sucks. | 17:18 | |
greeg | but amule never sucked with Kubuntu | 17:19 |
eagles0513875 | greeg: im checkin | 17:19 |
ActionParsnip | | 17:19 |
ActionParsnip | I cant get off 640x480 guys, can anyone advise | 17:20 |
eagles0513875 | greeg: nobody wants to tell me | 17:20 |
ActionParsnip | sup eagles0513875 | 17:20 |
greeg | damn. thanx anyway eagles0513875 | 17:20 |
llutz | ActionParsnip: have you tried nvidia-settings? | 17:20 |
eagles0513875 | greeg: hold up someone talking now | 17:21 |
eagles0513875 | Jucato: you still there bro | 17:21 |
ActionParsnip | llutz: yeah man, xorg looks good just seems I cant get the resolutions available :( | 17:21 |
llutz | ActionParsnip: according to your xorg.0.log your monitor doesn't report edid-data, so you have to specify it in your xorg.conf manually | 17:22 |
ActionParsnip | do you mean like refresh rates and stuff? | 17:22 |
llutz | jep | 17:22 |
ActionParsnip | llutz: ok sweet man, I'll give it a butchers | 17:23 |
ActionParsnip | :D:D | 17:23 |
eagles0513875 | greeg: the root username is banned from debian thats why u cant get in | 17:24 |
dr_Willis | Heh heh heh... | 17:24 |
eagles0513875 | Jucato: u should be able to get into the debian channel no problem | 17:25 |
dr_Willis | thats amuseing. :) | 17:25 |
dr_Willis | of course do you really want in is the next question. | 17:25 |
greeg | Oh | 17:26 |
greeg | oops | 17:26 |
greeg | thanx pal | 17:26 |
eagles0513875 | no prob bro | 17:26 |
=== alex__ is now known as Sacklunch | ||
edwilson | ? | 17:32 |
eagles0513875 | ? | 17:34 |
clau30 | hi. got a problem with my usb stick. after I made it bootable to install kubuntu from it, it doesn't get mounted anymore | 17:37 |
clau30 | dmesg | tail sais: | 17:37 |
clau30 | [73299.168635] UDF-fs: No partition found (1) | 17:37 |
clau30 | [73299.273931] ISOFS: Unable to identify CD-ROM format. | 17:37 |
ActionParsnip | llutz: its sweet now bro, had to add some refresh rates and vertical refresh rates shiz in there | 17:37 |
eagles0513875 | can anyone help me with flash and firefox 3 | 17:42 |
ActionParsnip | eagles0513875: I only just got it going in firefox32 :) | 17:42 |
eagles0513875 | ActionParsnip: it was working the nonfree plugin with kernel .18 and prior | 17:43 |
GuRu19969 | Hi! | 17:43 |
GuRu19969 | can somebody help me? | 17:43 |
ActionParsnip | !ask | GuRu19969 | 17:43 |
ubottu | GuRu19969: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 17:43 |
GuRu19969 | I have 2 modems: usb and modem in notebook. But I can't istall it. Pls, help. | 17:44 |
ActionParsnip | GuRu19969: please supply pastebin your lspci output | 17:47 |
ActionParsnip | !paste | GuRu19969 | 17:47 |
ubottu | GuRu19969: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 17:47 |
Anonimo | hello | 17:50 |
ActionParsnip | !hi Anonimo | 17:50 |
ubottu | Factoid hi anonimo not found | 17:50 |
ActionParsnip | !hi | Anonimo | 17:50 |
ubottu | Anonimo: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 17:50 |
ActionParsnip | sup Anonimo | 17:50 |
eagles0513875 | ActionParsnip: any idea how to get it to work | 17:53 |
ActionParsnip | eagles0513875: its not strictly supported as its only for testing purposes | 17:54 |
ActionParsnip | I'll have a look seeing as its you | 17:54 |
ActionParsnip | :D | 17:54 |
eagles0513875 | :D | 17:54 |
ActionParsnip | eagles0513875: 64bit / 32bit? | 17:54 |
eagles0513875 | ActionParsnip: 64bit | 17:54 |
ActionParsnip | | 17:55 |
ActionParsnip | seen that ^ ? | 17:55 |
ActionParsnip | kilz is pretty down with plugins for browsers | 17:55 |
Anonimo | ineed some help with my wireless card, i installed recently kubuntu and i cant use wireless | 17:57 |
Anonimo | i havean acer aspire 4720z | 17:58 |
ActionParsnip | Anonimo: have you installed the acer_acpi | 17:58 |
Anonimo | acer_acpi? | 17:58 |
Anonimo | how do i install acer_acpi? | 17:59 |
ActionParsnip | Anonimo: did you google at all | 18:00 |
ActionParsnip | Anonimo: | 18:00 |
ActionParsnip | Anonimo: that is a link to installing wifi on your exactl laptop | 18:00 |
ActionParsnip | Anonimo: please try to help yourself before running for help, you look less like an idiot when someone finds an exact link in approx 5 seconds | 18:00 |
Anonimo | yeah but i want to put it in mode monitor too | 18:01 |
ActionParsnip | mode monitor? | 18:02 |
Anonimo | yup | 18:02 |
ActionParsnip | whats that? | 18:02 |
Anonimo | sorry brb | 18:02 |
ActionParsnip | ok | 18:02 |
=== Nicola_ is now known as Nicola | ||
eagles0513875 | ActionParsnip: im using the default mode for my monitor | 18:09 |
ActionParsnip | eagles0513875: erm..yeah | 18:09 |
eagles0513875 | ActionParsnip: doh | 18:09 |
eagles0513875 | ActionParsnip: no idea for me issue | 18:09 |
ActionParsnip | how does that relate to flash | 18:09 |
Nicola | Tell 'Nicola' to stop stealing *my* Nick eh? It took me ages to get onto Freenode thanks to her. Tell her to register her own fucking nick. | 18:09 |
ActionParsnip | nicola_: change your password | 18:10 |
ActionParsnip | eagles0513875: no idea man, thats all i can really find | 18:13 |
ActionParsnip | eagles0513875: im running 2.0.whatever | 18:14 |
ActionParsnip | eagles0513875: it works ok :D | 18:14 |
eagles0513875 | !language | nicola_ | 18:14 |
ubottu | nicola_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 18:14 |
eagles0513875 | nicola_: wrong person | 18:14 |
ActionParsnip | eagles0513875: | 18:15 |
eagles0513875 | ActionParsnip: thats what i meant this s firefox3 not 2 | 18:16 |
eagles0513875 | ActionParsnip: im running 64bit kubuntu but im guessing im running 32bit pkgs | 18:16 |
ActionParsnip | eagles0513875: please remember ff3 is not official release so is hard to support | 18:16 |
eagles0513875 | it was working prior to kernel 19 | 18:17 |
ActionParsnip | eagles0513875: most wil be 64bit but some will be 32bit for compatibility | 18:17 |
TimS | nicola_! Nicola would like you to not use the nick nicola in future | 18:17 |
sagitarius | hi everybody! | 18:17 |
ActionParsnip | hi sagitarius | 18:17 |
ActionParsnip | !hi | sagitarius | 18:17 |
ubottu | sagitarius: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 18:17 |
gorckus | hi everyone! | 18:18 |
ActionParsnip | hi gorckus | 18:18 |
ActionParsnip | !hi | gok | 18:18 |
ubottu | gok: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 18:18 |
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=== Guest26291 is now known as ekoka | ||
sagitarius | I hava a question: I am currently using ubuntu with gnome and I was wandering if I could just install kde play with it a little and then get rid of it? | 18:19 |
ActionParsnip | sagitarius: sure, you can install kde apps alongside your gnome ones | 18:21 |
ActionParsnip | sagitarius: if you want the full kde desktop, sudo apt-get install kde-desktop I believe is the command | 18:21 |
sagitarius | allright! thanks ActionParsnip | 18:21 |
sharpe_uk | sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop | 18:23 |
Azzco | ActionParsnip: Doesn't that install the usplash aswell? | 18:24 |
eagles0513875 | ActionParsnip: installing ff2 to see if it works with 2 | 18:27 |
Anonimo | i'm sorry, i'm back | 18:28 |
djouallah | i am using kubuntu 8.04, i fellowed the instruction on how to install kde4.1 beta, but i want only a basic kde4 workspace ( due to bandwith limit ) | 18:29 |
Freddy2 | hi | 18:29 |
djouallah | eh sorry xubuntu not kubuntu | 18:29 |
Freddy2 | do you know where can i get a 32-bit binary version of aalib for a 64 bit system? i'm Mamonetti at this post | 18:30 |
Anonimo | ActionParsnip, ok monitor mode is kind of state of the wireless to monitor all traffic recieved from a wireless network | 18:30 |
ActionParsnip | Anonimo: check ethereal dude | 18:31 |
Anonimo | ethereal? | 18:31 |
ActionParsnip | | 18:31 |
Anonimo | ok | 18:32 |
llutz | wireshark now | 18:32 |
ActionParsnip | yeah thats the one, cheers llutz | 18:32 |
ActionParsnip | llutz: graphics are sweeeet now boi! added some refresh rates etc and all is good | 18:33 |
llutz | ActionParsnip: fine | 18:33 |
ActionParsnip | llutz: cheers man | 18:33 |
llutz | np | 18:33 |
jdnewmil | I am having difficulty upgrading 7,10 to 8.04... upgrade application kills something and have to reboot... so I have downloaded alternate install cd, and have made progress with aptitude, except that now I get an error on package "pipedreams-data" | 18:33 |
ActionParsnip | its always something small | 18:33 |
eagles0513875 | ActionParsnip: flash seems to be borked with ff2 as well | 18:33 |
eagles0513875 | ActionParsnip: i think its the kernel to be honest with ya | 18:33 |
ActionParsnip | eagles0513875: check firefox32 | 18:33 |
ActionParsnip | eagles0513875: try googling 3in1 | 18:34 |
ActionParsnip | ;) | 18:34 |
eagles0513875 | im on that thats my browser is 32 | 18:34 |
eagles0513875 | ActionParsnip: whats that supposed to bring up | 18:34 |
llutz | ActionParsnip: most monitors actually send edid-data today, so you got the other one | 18:34 |
ActionParsnip | eagles0513875: its a script to install whatever browser you want (32bit) on 64Bit system with flash, java and mplayer plugin | 18:34 |
eagles0513875 | ohhhhhhhhhh ok kool | 18:35 |
jdnewmil | any suggestions to handle "files list file for package 'pipedreams-data' is missing final newline" error? | 18:35 |
eagles0513875 | ActionParsnip: its funny though this movie site i go to flash work | 18:35 |
eagles0513875 | s | 18:35 |
eagles0513875 | even for flash games | 18:35 |
eagles0513875 | chalcedony: hey | 18:37 |
ActionParsnip | jdnewmil: open the file and press enter at the end of it | 18:37 |
ActionParsnip | jdnewmil: what are you doing to get the error? | 18:38 |
jdnewmil | ActionParsnip: "aptitude install kubuntu-kde4-desktop" | 18:38 |
jdnewmil | the problem file seems to be inside a deb file (?) | 18:39 |
ActionParsnip | jdnewmil: try sudo apt-get -f install; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update | 18:39 |
jdnewmil | ActionParsnip: same result on first command... | 18:40 |
ActionParsnip | jdnewmil: did you edit /etc/apt/sources.list by any chance? | 18:41 |
jdnewmil | ActionParsnip: it was edited before the upgrade application got to it, but haven't touched it since... | 18:42 |
ActionParsnip | jdnewmil: open it again and add a carridge return at the end of it | 18:43 |
jdnewmil | ActionParsnip: sources.list has two newlines at the end already | 18:44 |
ActionParsnip | jdnewmil: ok cool | 18:45 |
ActionParsnip | try the long command without the first step | 18:45 |
jdnewmil | ActionParsnip: check... check.. | 18:47 |
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=== stdin changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: | Get Hardy Kubuntu (KDE3) CDs | Pastes: | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | KDE 4 support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 8.04 Released! | - starts at 19:00 UTC | ||
ActionParsnip | jdnewmil: any good | 18:49 |
ActionParsnip | werd up stdin | 18:49 |
stdin | the sun, depending on your time zone | 18:49 |
jdnewmil | ActionParsnip: those two commands worked, but still no luck with install command | 18:50 |
* ActionParsnip forgets to laugh | 18:50 | |
jdnewmil | seems to be in "maxima-doc" package somewhere... trying to remove it, but that fails too | 18:50 |
stdin | ActionParsnip: coding for ubottu all day on a sunday has made me humourless | 18:50 |
ActionParsnip | stdin: ok man no worries | 18:51 |
clau30 | hi. got a problem with my usb stick. after I made it bootable to install kubuntu from it, it doesn't get mounted anymore | 18:51 |
ActionParsnip | jdnewmil: can you give a pastebin of the full error? | 18:51 |
ActionParsnip | !paste | jdnewmil | 18:51 |
ubottu | jdnewmil: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 18:51 |
harmental80 | hey usb HD drive is being automatically as read-only.... | 18:52 |
harmental80 | any ideas? | 18:52 |
ActionParsnip | harmental80: check your fstab dude | 18:52 |
ActionParsnip | harmental80: what file system is it formattedf | 18:52 |
pascutti | does anyone knows some ide for c++ made in qt for beginners? | 18:53 |
pteague | anybody know how to turn off the notification-daemon from ubuntu so i don't get both a popup from notification-daemon & knotify when i insert a cd/dvd ? | 18:53 |
pim | KDevelop | 18:53 |
pascutti | pim: thanks! | 18:53 |
=== emilsedgh_ is now known as emilsedgh | ||
harmental80 | ActionParsnip: i have no entries in fstab | 18:54 |
harmental80 | FAT32 | 18:54 |
titanix88 | pim: is that for beginers? i find compiling and handling with 'make' much easier. | 18:54 |
ActionParsnip | harmental80: | 18:55 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as ubuntu__ | ||
pim | titanix He asked for an IDE | 18:56 |
ActionParsnip | harmental80: obv the /dev wil be different for yuo | 18:56 |
pim | not for a compiler titanix88, you compile using gcc | 18:56 |
ActionParsnip | use sudo fdisk -l (minus el, not minus eye) | 18:56 |
jdnewmil | ActionParsnip: I am logged in from my desktop computer... the problem machine is a laptop that is currently running in rescue mode from the 8.04 alternate install cd in text mode | 18:57 |
titanix88 | pim: i know pim. But i tried to mean, KDevelop & Anjuta is not a beginer ide. | 18:57 |
titanix88 | Atleast didn't work for me ! :( | 18:57 |
pim | titanix88 well I've only used KDevelop | 18:57 |
Freddy2 | then try eclipse/CDT | 18:58 |
pascutti | eclipse makes me shake my legs... ;p | 18:58 |
pascutti | at least on windows | 18:58 |
Freddy2 | you can create a standar C project, letting you to define your own makefiles | 18:59 |
ActionParsnip | jdnewmil: stdin may be able to help ;) | 18:59 |
Freddy2 | inside eclipse you can define a set of targets, depending on your needs (of course related to the targets available at your makefiles) | 19:00 |
Freddy2 | and.. that's it | 19:00 |
arrrghhh | hey i was wondering what the "persistent" setting for auto-login does? the kde help module for it doesn't explain it at all, and my google powers don't seem to be touching it. | 19:00 |
nosrednaekim | arrrghhh: every time you log out... it will automatically log you back in | 19:01 |
* stdin can't find the "pipedreams-data" package anywhere | 19:01 | |
jdnewmil | stdin: pipenightdreams-data | 19:02 |
harmental80 | ActionParsnip: yeah...but....I didnt have this problem one week ago...I would really like the usb drive to me mounted without the fstab... | 19:02 |
stdin | jdnewmil: are you sure it's gone through the update fully? | 19:03 |
ActionParsnip | harmental80: i only know the fstab way | 19:03 |
ActionParsnip | !usb | 19:03 |
ubottu | For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 19:03 |
jdnewmil | stdin: no complaints on update | 19:04 |
stdin | jdnewmil: try 'sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/pipenightdreams-data_0.10.0-13_all.deb' then 'sudo aptitude dist-upgrade' | 19:04 |
stdin | *if you have that file* | 19:04 |
=== mannyz is now known as MannyZ | ||
arrrghhh | nosrednaekim, really? i have to test that thanks. | 19:05 |
harmental80 | how can i obtain my gid and uid?? | 19:05 |
stdin | harmental80: "id -u" and "id -g" | 19:06 |
MannyZ | Hello, what was the program called with what you can choose the special effects or metacity? | 19:06 |
jdnewmil | stdin: the only deb file in /var/cache/apt/archives is maxima-doc_5.13.0-3ubuntu1_all.deb | 19:06 |
harmental80 | stdin: thx... | 19:07 |
stdin | jdnewmil: pastebin what "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade" wants to do | 19:07 |
MannyZ | what channel is best for special effects help? | 19:09 |
Skrux | hello | 19:09 |
Skrux | I 've got a problem with the printer: | 19:09 |
Skrux | epson stylus photo 950 | 19:09 |
stdin | MannyZ: if you're using compiz #compiz-fusion | 19:09 |
grendal_prime | this damn fn key thing is makeing me nuts | 19:09 |
Skrux | it printed 2 weeks ago, but now it seems to bo not working | 19:10 |
jdnewmil | stdin: may take awhile... I am not sure of an easy way to pastebin the file from rescue mode | 19:10 |
arrrghhh | nosrednaekim, so lock session... what does that tick mark do? does it lock the session after a certain time period? | 19:10 |
stdin | jdnewmil: no net access? | 19:10 |
Skrux | I put the jobs in the printing Q but the printer doesn't print anythink | 19:10 |
jdnewmil | stdin: do have net access... but no gui or lynx or links | 19:11 |
arrrghhh | Skrux, did a test print work? | 19:11 |
Skrux | arrrghhh: no | 19:11 |
arrrghhh | Skrux, kubuntu hardy | 19:11 |
Skrux | and if I try to add a new printer it says there are no local pinrters | 19:12 |
Skrux | yes arrrghhh | 19:12 |
stdin | jdnewmil: w3m should be installed | 19:12 |
arrrghhh | Skrux, what kind of printer? | 19:12 |
Skrux | epson stylus photo 950 | 19:12 |
Skrux | arrrghhh: but it was working last month | 19:12 |
Skrux | and now it stopped | 19:12 |
jdnewmil | stdin: "-sh: w3m: not found" | 19:13 |
stdin | it's normally pre-installed | 19:13 |
arrrghhh | Skrux, strange... do you see it in the printer settings area under system settings? | 19:13 |
jdnewmil | stdin: this is BusyBox on the rescue cd | 19:13 |
grendal_prime | anyone using dell laptop and figured out how to get there fn keys to work? | 19:13 |
stdin | jdnewmil: busybox? why are you using that? | 19:14 |
Skrux | arrrghhh: what ? | 19:14 |
jdnewmil | stdin: the machine was not bootable | 19:14 |
arrrghhh | Skrux, k-menu -> system settings -> printers | 19:14 |
Skrux | ye | 19:14 |
stdin | jdnewmil: you can use a normal shell with the alternate CD. don't you have a LiveCD available? | 19:14 |
Skrux | arrrghhh: I see it and it says it is inactive but accepting new jobs | 19:15 |
costa58 | nessuno italiano? | 19:15 |
arrrghhh | Skrux, and the printer is on? | 19:15 |
stdin | !it | costa58 | 19:15 |
ubottu | costa58: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 19:15 |
Skrux | arrrghhh: of course | 19:16 |
arrrghhh | Skrux, tried a different usb port? have you tried a test print from this area? | 19:17 |
jdnewmil | stdin: sorry... was on an an alternate terminal... main terminal is running normal shell as root, and while it recognizes w3m it doesn't recognize the terminal type | 19:17 |
Skrux | arrrghhh: it is working when I put: print test page now | 19:17 |
Skrux | I changed the usb port | 19:17 |
Skrux | thanx | 19:17 |
arrrghhh | Skrux, np | 19:17 |
arrrghhh | nosrednaekim, can you explain the lock session tick box to me? does it just lock the session after a certain period of time? i wish the help file didn't just skip over those parts... | 19:18 |
Skrux | arrrghhh: but when I print from kate it doesn't work | 19:18 |
arrrghhh | Skrux, but test print works from that printers applet? | 19:20 |
Skrux | arrrghhh: oh sorry | 19:20 |
Skrux | the problem is from kate | 19:20 |
Skrux | ooo works fine | 19:20 |
arrrghhh | Skrux, i figured... np | 19:20 |
=== pascutti is now known as pascutti|away | ||
arrrghhh | can anyone explain the "lock session" tick box under the login manager? | 19:23 |
arrrghhh | brb | 19:25 |
costa58 | io non riesc a trovare | 19:26 |
pim | !it | 19:26 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 19:26 |
stdin | costa58: /j #ubuntu-it | 19:27 |
=== pascutti|away is now known as pascutti | ||
sharpe_uk | >arggh, it stops anyone using the machine while you are away from the keyboard until you put your password in | 19:36 |
sharpe_uk | >arggh, makes sense in an office environment where you dont want you co-workers mucking with your machine while you are off doing vital work related things (outside have a smoke etc) | 19:36 |
Skrux | bye | 19:37 |
nosrednaekim | arrrghhh: when it automatically logs you in... it locks the screen | 19:38 |
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=== stevie is now known as vorian | ||
Riddell | Kubuntu tutorials day in 10 minutes in #kubuntu-devel | 19:53 |
arrrghhh | nosrednaekim, yea that's what i assumed. what good would it be? i guess to run your startup scripts and still have a secure session. | 19:57 |
nosrednaekim | arrrghhh: yep.... thats what I use it for | 19:58 |
arrrghhh | nosrednaekim, ah thanks again. there should be a little tool tip at least or it should be added to that help section definitely. | 19:59 |
arrrghhh | is it easy to add stuff to those help files? what is the process? | 20:01 |
stdin | ** Kubuntu Tutorials Day fist session just started in #kubuntu-devel - All are welcome to join in | 20:02 |
grendal_prime | sooo nobody has any idea how to get these damn fn keys working? | 20:03 |
titanix88_ | grendal_prime: what fn keys? | 20:07 |
Haza | Evening folks. Whats a good tool to extract .rar files? | 20:08 |
pim | Can't Ark do that? | 20:08 |
titanix88_ | install unrar package | 20:08 |
Haza | titanix88_: The free or non free one? | 20:09 |
RoughriderUT | Ark has been what defaults for me, and haven't had a problem opening RAR files | 20:09 |
felicia | anyone got yahoo | 20:09 |
Nece228 | Haza: easy | 20:10 |
Nece228 | Haza: sudo apt-get install unrar | 20:10 |
stdin | !im | felicia | 20:11 |
ubottu | felicia: Instant Messenger Client Kopete ( is supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Pidgin | 20:11 |
stdin | * and YIM | 20:11 |
Nece228 | Haza: and then u can extract and watch rar archives | 20:11 |
Nece228 | Haza: in any program | 20:11 |
Haza | Nece228: Cheers matey :) | 20:11 |
Nece228 | Haza: thats because rar is poprietary format :[ | 20:12 |
Nece228 | Haza: im glad i can help you :) | 20:12 |
stdin | !kopete ~= /AIM,/AIM, YIM,/ | 20:12 |
ubottu | I'll remember that stdin | 20:12 |
mefistoIV | hello! | 20:33 |
mefistoIV | I've a big problem! | 20:33 |
mefistoIV | i uninstalled compiz righht now and now i don't have the window "headers" (??) | 20:34 |
mefistoIV | the area with the program name and the 3 buttons to maximize, minimize and close the windows | 20:34 |
mefistoIV | which program do i need to install? | 20:35 |
stdin | mefistoIV: press Alt-F2 and put in "kwin --replace" (without quotes) | 20:35 |
pag | mefistoIV, you just need to run "kwin --replace" | 20:35 |
clau30 | got a problem with my usb stick. after I made it bootable to install kubuntu from it, it doesn't get mounted anymore | 20:36 |
clau30 | anyone an idea? | 20:36 |
clau30 | tried reformatting, repartitioning | 20:36 |
=== georgi is now known as georgi_ | ||
mefistoIV | hm it says that it can't connect to x server | 20:37 |
=== georgi_ is now known as georgi__ | ||
eagles0513875 | clau30: there was a debian bugged filed in regards to booting | 20:41 |
eagles0513875 | clau30: not sure the bug but it has been reported to the devs and not sure if a release has been released | 20:41 |
lsemple | what is the best idea to set up a secondary hard drive's permissions to be accessed from two different linux users ? | 20:41 |
clau30 | eagles0513875: | 20:41 |
lsemple | make a group ? and then set the permissions to the hd as root, with the new group having read/write permissions ? | 20:41 |
eagles0513875 | clau30: somewhere there | 20:42 |
clau30 | eagles0513875: ok thanks | 20:42 |
eagles0513875 | clau30: i tried to do same thing but it wouldnt boot off my pen drive either | 20:43 |
clau30 | eagles0513875: nono, that's not the problem | 20:43 |
clau30 | eagles0513875: it booted fine, but when trying to use it normally, it doesn't get mounted | 20:44 |
clau30 | [77053.466745] UDF-fs: No partition found (1) | 20:44 |
clau30 | [77053.677659] ISOFS: Unable to identify CD-ROM format. | 20:44 |
eagles0513875 | clau30: dunno could u update the wiki if u got it to work dude i had trouble | 20:44 |
mefistoIV | hm no ideas for my problem? :( | 20:44 |
clau30 | eagles0513875: ^^ output from dmesg | 20:44 |
AkShell | Hi all | 20:44 |
eagles0513875 | clau30: i think its trying to boot from cd drive not usb | 20:44 |
eagles0513875 | mefistoIV: ask again | 20:45 |
clau30 | eagles0513875: again, it booted just fine | 20:45 |
eagles0513875 | udf is cd format | 20:45 |
mefistoIV | the windowbars disappeared after uninstalling compiz. I mean the bars displaying the windows name and the buttons to close and minimize etc. the windows | 20:45 |
clau30 | eagles0513875: I know, but it booted w/o problems | 20:45 |
eagles0513875 | its trying to find some cd | 20:45 |
eagles0513875 | mefistoIV: try restarting x | 20:45 |
mefistoIV | ok | 20:46 |
eagles0513875 | clau30: dunno what to tell u | 20:46 |
clau30 | eagles0513875: ok thanks anyway :) | 20:46 |
eagles0513875 | clau30: if u get it to work let me know how u did it i would love to do that and setup my pen drive with kubuntu to test on my other laptop | 20:46 |
jussi01 | !u > eagles0513875 | 20:46 |
clau30 | eagles0513875: ok | 20:46 |
mefistoIV | hm still the same problem | 20:46 |
eagles0513875 | jussi01: thanks for the reminder | 20:47 |
mefistoIV | i think i uninstalled the default windows manager | 20:47 |
jussi01 | :) | 20:47 |
mefistoIV | i already tried kwin --replace | 20:47 |
eagles0513875 | mefistoIV: you might want to apt-get install kdm | 20:47 |
stdin | mefistoIV: make sure kubuntu-desktop is installed | 20:47 |
mefistoIV | both is already installed | 20:48 |
mefistoIV | hm to use compiz i need to install the package "kicker-compiz" | 20:50 |
mefistoIV | and now i uninstalled it | 20:50 |
mefistoIV | what is the default windows decorator (e.g. emerald) for kde? | 20:52 |
mefistoIV | or the ones that's used in kubuntu | 20:52 |
mefistoIV | ?? | 20:52 |
nosrednaekim | compiz-kde | 20:52 |
=== ubunturos_ is now known as ubunturos | ||
mefistoIV | no not the ones while using compiz | 20:55 |
mefistoIV | that's the one i uninstalled ;) | 20:55 |
mefistoIV | which is the one i need to install when i don't use compiz | 20:55 |
mefistoIV | ? | 20:55 |
AkShell | hey | 20:58 |
AkShell | can u give me some advice for a good music player in xubuntu ? | 20:59 |
mefistoIV | ok i solved that problem through installing emerald | 21:00 |
mefistoIV | thamks a lot | 21:00 |
nosrednaekim | AkShell: amarok! | 21:00 |
Riddell | usability talk about to start for Kubuntu Tutorials Day in #kubuntu-devel | 21:00 |
AkShell | mmh | 21:00 |
AkShell | amarok needs KDE no ? | 21:01 |
AkShell | or im mistaken here xD | 21:01 |
nosrednaekim | oh! xubuntu | 21:01 |
nosrednaekim | no.. its doesn't require KDE | 21:01 |
nosrednaekim | but for xubuntu, exaile! might be better | 21:01 |
=== chiriri is now known as Elda | ||
Elda | Wooh, it read my NTFS shared space without having to screw around with anything \o/ | 21:04 |
=== labstaff is now known as supert0nes | ||
clau30 | eagles0513875: btw, this is my problem: | 21:11 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 220573 in ubuntu "usb stick does not automount in Ubuntu 8.04 RC" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 21:11 |
clau30 | ubottu: exactly :D | 21:12 |
ubottu | Factoid exactly :d not found | 21:12 |
clau30 | ubottu: uga uga | 21:12 |
ubottu | Factoid uga uga not found | 21:12 |
jpds | !bot | clau30 | 21:13 |
ubottu | clau30: Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 21:13 |
clau30 | lol, I knew that | 21:14 |
ubuntu_ | i | 21:15 |
ubuntu_ | !partition | 21:16 |
ubottu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 21:16 |
clau30 | gnooome?? traitor :P | 21:17 |
jpds | clau30: long live the freedom of choice. | 21:18 |
Elda | How do I go about installing the codecs for Amarok? | 21:18 |
Elda | still somewhat thrown by the idea of one set of codecs not being universal to every program :s | 21:19 |
clau30 | no, KDE for ever | 21:19 |
jpds | Elda: install kubuntu-restricted-extras from multiverse will pull them and more in | 21:19 |
clau30 | Elda: under hardy they install automatically | 21:19 |
clau30 | Elda: i.e. amarok asks you to | 21:19 |
jdnewmil | can anyone tell me how to enter a rescue mode with the kubuntu live cd? I can mount the hard disk in Dolphin, but am not sure how to handle apt-get modifications to the hard disk... | 21:19 |
Elda | 8.0.4 is hardy heron no? :s | 21:19 |
clau30 | yep | 21:20 |
Elda | It didnt ask me too | 21:20 |
Elda | *to | 21:20 |
jdnewmil | 8.04 | 21:20 |
Elda | yes | 21:20 |
Elda | I just installed it | 21:20 |
clau30 | jdnewmil: rescue mode? | 21:20 |
jpds | !chroot | 21:21 |
ubottu | use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box | 21:21 |
jpds | jdnewmil: you could try: sudo chroot /media/mountpoint and do it from there. | 21:21 |
jdnewmil | clau30: the alternate cd has a bash environment chrooted to the hard disk as a menu option | 21:21 |
Elda | Says "there is no alternate decoder" when I try to do it | 21:22 |
Elda | ooh okey that fixed it | 21:27 |
Elda | Well brb as it needs to restart to apply the new updates | 21:27 |
Xcerca | i'm trying to set up autpmatic log in for myself, i'm just using a computer at home but when i goto the tab convenience under system settings>kdm , everything is grayed out, how do i change those ? | 21:36 |
jdnewmil | I have been having difficulty upgrading from gutsy to hardy... help? | 21:44 |
Sneedly | !format | 21:47 |
ubottu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 21:47 |
Sneedly | !man mkfs | 21:48 |
ubottu | Factoid man mkfs not found | 21:48 |
jpds | Sneedly: put that in the terminal | 21:48 |
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alucardr1mero | Whoa... what happened? | 22:15 |
nosrednaekim | netsplit | 22:16 |
jussi01 | !netsplit | alucardr1mero | 22:16 |
ubottu | alucardr1mero: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 22:16 |
alucardr1mero | Wow... there's a bot response for netsplits too... wow, totally awesome. :) | 22:17 |
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kevin_ | !ghost | 22:19 |
ubottu | On IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password> | 22:19 |
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Sneedly | I need help fixing my hard drive set up, | 22:32 |
Sneedly | Both has the os on it and I need to format one of them | 22:33 |
Sneedly | Ive been searching for a while I think I may be looking in the wrong place though | 22:34 |
Walzmyn_ | whatta you mean they both have the os on them? | 22:34 |
timucin | anyone can help me with wireless? I can not connect to WEP encyripted network. WPA2 works fine but WEB is not working. | 22:36 |
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Walzmyn_ | timucin, all i can tell you is good luck, i think they made wireless to purposely be difficult | 22:37 |
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nosrednaekim | timucin: thats an odd predictament... usually its the opposite | 22:41 |
nosrednaekim | timucin: what chipset? | 22:42 |
nosrednaekim | !wireless | 22:42 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 22:42 |
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timucin | atheros chipset. it's an Asus eee pc 900 laptop. | 22:42 |
Radeonx1650XT | | 22:43 |
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Radeonx1650XT | quiero entrar a kubuntu-es | 22:43 |
Radeonx1650XT | quiero entrar a kubuntu-es | 22:43 |
Radeonx1650XT | quiero entrar a kubuntu-es | 22:43 |
Radeonx1650XT | quiero entrar a kubuntu-es | 22:43 |
timucin | wireless is working and I can connect to my home network with WPA2 but I can not connect to office network which is WEP and I can not change it to WPA. | 22:43 |
BluesKaj | !es | Radeonx1650XT | 22:43 |
ubottu | Radeonx1650XT: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 22:43 |
BluesKaj | timucin, wep is more secure than wpa | 22:44 |
nuxil | BluesKaj, nop, | 22:44 |
nuxil | wep sucks | 22:45 |
jdnewmil | timucin: WEP isn't very good at handling keys... make sure you specify the hexadecimal form of the WEP password | 22:45 |
timucin | I do not have the hex form of WEP password. All I have is a password which is "1234567890". | 22:46 |
nuxil | timucin, try something like this in a console. iwconfig eth2 essid NAMEOFNETWORK key FF:FF:FF:FF:FF | 22:46 |
BluesKaj | oops sorry , the reverse is what I meant ...just finished setting up a wpa2 AAMOF | 22:47 |
timucin | so, how can I find the hex form of my password? | 22:47 |
nuxil | timucin, try something like this in a console. iwconfig eth2 essid NAMEOFNETWORK key s:1234567890 | 22:47 |
nuxil | eth2 might be wlan0 in your case | 22:48 |
jussi01 | timucin: before you do all that make sure you select the correct type of password in the netwoprk managere dialogue | 22:48 |
timucin | ok. I'll try but I can not try now because I'm not at the office... | 22:48 |
timucin | Yes, I've selected correct password and correct type (which is WEP) and no connection. knetworkmanager is to stubborn. And I can connect from another computer which is a macbook and WEB works fine on it. | 22:49 |
Walzmyn | wonderful, the world tries to get along with itself, saving one IT issue at a time and some dumbass jerk has to put on a black hat | 22:49 |
nuxil | thouse damn script kiddies ! | 22:49 |
JoshOvki | tell you whats more secure than WPA | 22:50 |
Walzmyn | a wire? | 22:50 |
JoshOvki | fiber optic | 22:50 |
* Walzmyn snaps his finger, he was so close | 22:51 | |
nuxil | JoshOvki, no nic at all ;P | 22:51 |
jdnewmil | timucin: you can usually obtain the hex form of the password from the wireless admin interface... translation from password to hex doesn't always seem to be implemented the same way on all platforms | 22:51 |
JoshOvki | Walzmyn: pretty close, but if you are really carefull you can acctualy attatched wires to the copper cable and simply steal the data in the same way | 22:51 |
JoshOvki | nuxil: yes, thats the optimal solution | 22:52 |
Walzmyn | JoshOvki, except that would mean you'd have to come into my house, and I am a firm believer in the 2ond amendment :) | 22:52 |
* jussi01 coughs | 22:53 | |
JoshOvki | Walzmyn: i was thinking more of a business thing. if i had access to your house i would have access to your computer ;) wouldnt need to wiretap then | 22:53 |
JoshOvki | hey jussi01 | 22:53 |
timucin | jdnewmil: I can not access the wireless admin interface because I do not have any permission on that device. | 22:53 |
Walzmyn | JoshOvki, good call, but i make a point of staying away from computers in a business sense | 22:54 |
JoshOvki | if only it was possible | 22:54 |
Fendaril | how do you get you netgear to work on ubuntu | 22:54 |
Fendaril | i dont know how | 22:54 |
Fendaril | it wont pickup the hardware | 22:55 |
JoshOvki | like i said tho, fiber optic, you cant tap that without anyone noticing | 22:55 |
Walzmyn | JoshOvki, a while back the idiots what run our edu. system decided to connect the 3 county schools with fiber - when a line was cut right in front of our house it cost $150K just to get the guy out there to fix it, then he got paid by the hour | 22:56 |
jussi01 | !ot | Walzmyn | 22:57 |
ubottu | Walzmyn: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 22:57 |
Walzmyn | thank you jussi01, considering that no one was talking and JoshOvki and I had branched off from an on topic discussion | 22:59 |
bobleny | Does anyone know how to duel boot ubuntu and vista, with ubuntu at the first partition? | 22:59 |
BluesKaj | bobleny, vista is best as the first partition | 23:00 |
bobleny | Why is that? | 23:00 |
JoshOvki | doesnt matter whats on what partition, just you will have to reinstall *ubuntu OR grub at the end | 23:00 |
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Walzmyn | bobleny, the main thing is Winders has to think it's the only OS- so usually best to install it first | 23:01 |
alucardromero | Umm, you can just edit grub to comform to the OS's you have installed. | 23:02 |
alucardromero | You have either OS load automatically. | 23:03 |
Walzmyn | how do i go about formating an SD card? | 23:09 |
BluesKaj | Walzmyn, why / | 23:10 |
BluesKaj | ? | 23:10 |
Walzmyn | BluesKaj, well, cause my camera is old and the "up" button won't work, so i can't format it from there | 23:11 |
Walzmyn | BluesKaj, and if you don't format it everyonce and a while (as opposed ot deleteing) the camera has issues | 23:11 |
BluesKaj | no s sd card slot on your pc ? | 23:11 |
Walzmyn | I just fired up qtparted, but it does not list the SD card | 23:11 |
Walzmyn | BluesKaj, yes, got it pluged in now | 23:12 |
BluesKaj | not showing up in storage media? | 23:12 |
Walzmyn | BluesKaj, it shows up in storage media via dolphin, but not in qtparted | 23:12 |
BluesKaj | never used qparted, dunno if it would on GParted Live cd | 23:14 |
nuxil | you dont need to use gparted | 23:14 |
BluesKaj | ok nuxil , tell us how | 23:15 |
nuxil | would you mind google. "linux format sd card" | 23:16 |
BluesKaj | if we told everyone to use google , then this room would serve no purpose | 23:17 |
bobleny | I am running Kubuntu 8.04 with the new KDE. Why is it that I can't edit any setting!? | 23:17 |
BluesKaj | bobleny, kde4 ? | 23:18 |
bobleny | Yeah. | 23:18 |
nuxil | BluesKaj, i thought it was like.. First you google.. if you cant find anything then you come and aske here.. not otherway around | 23:18 |
BluesKaj | bobleny, support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 23:19 |
Walzmyn | so far google has been lots of missinformation | 23:19 |
bobleny | OK... | 23:19 |
Walzmyn | bobleny, kde 4 is still new and lots of featueres have not been implimented | 23:19 |
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bobleny | Walzmyn: Oh, is that what the deal is....? | 23:20 |
BluesKaj | not necessarily cuz googling sometime confuses ppl, due to the fact that google and google-linux don't have all the answers | 23:20 |
PeEll | I will try and make this quick, but I am having trouble with my mouse in OpenGL games. Whenever I move the mouse any amount, the whole screen shakes, as if I had spun ~720 degrees or something. I think this is related to Xinerama+OpenGL+Kubuntu. I have googled this problem extensively and haven't found anything. | 23:21 |
PeEll | Any thoughts of next steps to try and figure out the problem? | 23:22 |
Walzmyn | PeEll, might be a driver issue | 23:25 |
PeEll | Mouse drive or display driver? | 23:25 |
KingOfDos|lap | installing kubuntu on my new computer :) | 23:26 |
KingOfDos|lap | bye bye microsoft, now my workstation is linux :) | 23:26 |
Walzmyn | PeEll, I was thinking display | 23:27 |
nuxil | KingOfDos|lap, good for you ;) | 23:27 |
KingOfDos|lap | after 14 linux servers, 2 laptops and my workstation at the office. now my home workstation is going to kubuntu :) | 23:27 |
Walzmyn | PeEll, i've had similar issues with winders that were driver related | 23:27 |
PeEll | Hrm, I suppose that could be it. I only experience it when using 2 monitors, but that could still be the display driver. | 23:28 |
Walzmyn | PeEll, was just a guess | 23:28 |
PeEll | In the past I have always just used the nvidia-ubuntu packaged driver, would it be worth it to try the direct-from-nvidia driver? | 23:28 |
bobleny | Does anyone know how to view the currentlly installed version of KDE? | 23:28 |
PeEll | I hate having files/applications/drivers outside of my package system. | 23:28 |
Daisuke_Laptop | bobleny: open any kde app and go to help: about KDE | 23:29 |
nuxil | bobleny, kwin -v | 23:29 |
nuxil | it should show you QT kde and kwin version | 23:29 |
bobleny | Ok, thanks. | 23:29 |
Walzmyn | PeEll, the ubuntu driver should be the same thing you'd get form nvidia | 23:30 |
bobleny | Thanks! | 23:30 |
bobleny | Do you also know how to update the KDE? | 23:30 |
nuxil | np | 23:30 |
nuxil | you man you want kde4 ? | 23:31 |
Walzmyn | bobleny, you'll get updates automaticly thought adept | 23:31 |
Walzmyn | bobleny, if you mean install kde4 you'll hvae to select the kde4 meta package in adept | 23:31 |
bobleny | I want to update from KDE 4.0.3 to KDE 4.0.5 | 23:32 |
PeEll | Walzmyn: The nvidia driver version is 173.14.05, and the ubuntu version is 169.12. Do I need to change my sources to something else? | 23:33 |
jals | is there a way to change the font size of the left menu in dolphin | 23:34 |
Walzmyn | PeEll, I'm not an expert on this, I was just saying that I had a similar issue one time in windows | 23:34 |
PeEll | Oh, okay, thanks, :) | 23:34 |
Walzmyn | PeEll, as far as i know, if you want the driver from invidia you'll have to download it and use their installer | 23:34 |
Walzmyn | PeEll, peronally, i've had both of them installed and the ubutnu supplied one works just fine | 23:35 |
PeEll | Okay, how about this: in general, should composite x server extension work with xinerama? | 23:36 |
Walzmyn | bobleny, the package maintainers will update the kde4 packages on the repos, then you can update from there. | 23:36 |
PeEll | I understand that you may not know Walzmyn, you have already been very helpful. | 23:36 |
Walzmyn | PeEll, glad i could help some | 23:37 |
bobleny | Walzmyn: So all I have to do is update, and it will install the latest version? | 23:37 |
Walzmyn | bobleny, it will install the latest version in the repo | 23:38 |
bobleny | Walzmyn: Oh, how do I determin what the latest packeges are in the repositories? | 23:39 |
Walzmyn | bobleny, the repos will lag behind the official kde releases, becaues the maintainers make sure the packages work with the rest of ubuntu | 23:39 |
Walzmyn | bobleny, look at them. | 23:39 |
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_CrashMaster_ | Does Kubuntu Hardy have the ability to access shared drives on a Vista box? | 23:54 |
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