[02:48] algum de vocês é do #ubuntu-br ??? [02:48] ou entra no $ubuntu-br [02:48] *ou entra no #ubuntu-br [13:57] hello [13:57] someone can join ubottu in #rapache-devel ? [13:58] the question would be "why it should?" [13:59] rapache is allocated in launchpad, i only ask if it`s possible have ubottu in rapache room. [13:59] jussi01: ^ [14:00] emgent: we dont put ubottu into a lot of channels because she is enormously overloaded. However you can grab the source from LP and run your own if you care to. [14:01] ok thanks [14:01] emgent: or ping nalioth to ask for the status of ubot3 [14:23] how i can get ubuntu cloaks in irc like ubuntu/member/nickname ? [14:23] http://launchpad.net/~muhammad-takdir [14:23] :) [14:24] takdir: you need to be an ubuntu member. are you? [14:24] ahh, yes you are [14:24] !cloaks | takdir [14:24] takdir: Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks [14:24] jussi01 : yup, i'm ubuntu member [14:25] takdir: please make sure your nick is setup and ping PriceChild afterwards [14:32] thx jussi01, i've been setup my nick [14:32] ok, so its time to hurry up and wait :P [14:33] :) [14:37] !ping PriceChild [14:37] Factoid ping pricechild not found [14:37] :D [15:13] jussi01 : what next ? waiting ? O:-) [15:13] :) [15:13] yup [15:14] oh ok. Myrtti === takdir is now known as takdir_ [15:19] takdir_: please nick back to takdir === takdir_ is now known as takdir [15:21] done [15:21] thx PriceChild :) === stevie is now known as vorian === alefteris_ is now known as alefteris === Pricey is now known as PriceChild