
rglhow do I install sun-java6-jre in hardy?    here its failing with dependency problems prevent configuration of sun-java6-jre :-(11:04
siretartI'm trying to fix batik to build in ubuntu16:45
siretartthe package seems to expect to be build with jdk 1.4, which does not seem easy on the ubuntu autobuilders16:46
siretartI've therefore tried to build it against 1.6, by adding /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun to JAVA_HOME_DIRS16:46
siretartwhich which didn't work out16:46
siretartsee here: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/15266499/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.batik_1.6-3ubuntu1%7Eppa1%7Ehardy1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz16:46
siretartthe package is available in my ppa, if someone could fix it to build, that would be marvelous!16:47
man-disiretart: the only possible solution is probably tp update the package to 1.716:48
siretarthm. do you feel like doing that? :)16:59
man-diunlikely currently17:08
man-disiretart: Vincent Fourmond started on it but he is missing in action afaik17:09
reinholdApparently, the sun java compiler (from ubuntu packages) does not load the jar files that other packages install in /usr/shar/java... How can I make it load them???23:07

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