
Nafallois that something that could go into a pointrelease?11:52
Nafallo(and yes, I know it's a weekend) :-)11:52
mjg59Nafallo: The last comments on #1192 by upstream suggest that the new hal causes some problems11:55
Nafallothe last comment looks like someone has fixed it? haven't looked further than that since I'm trying to go through my bugfolder though :-)11:56
Nafalloaha. BenC already marked it for 8.04.1 :-)11:57
mjg59Nafallo: http://madwifi.org/ticket/1192#comment:236 doesn't seem to have been replied to11:57
Nafallough. at least it seems to be some effort put into the issue.12:01
mjg59Looking at the mails, it seems that the new hal adds hardware support but reduces performance and resistance to interference12:02
* Nafallo <3 blobs12:05
=== asac_ is now known as asac
Kano32hi, do you really need xen active in 2.6.26 in generic kernel?15:30
Kano32makes it impossible to compile nvidia 173.x+15:31
mst_Hey, can anyone help me figure out why I don't get a cdrom drive with ubuntu? It appears if I boot with acpi=off, but that's not the best solution for a laptop system. I know there was a kernel parameter that forced deeper probing of the ide channels while looking for a cdrom at boot time and I'd like to try it (even though with debian it spewed out some error over and over, but didn't find the cdrom) but can't remember what i16:44
mst_t was and am having trouble finding it again in the kernel Documentation/ directory 16:44
Kanohi, why did you disable dvb modules in 2.6.26?17:06
Kano# CONFIG_DVB_CORE is not set17:07
Kanonot nice...17:07
Kanohi, anybody awake? even when i compile external dvb i have to blacklist snd-aw2 - otherwise no dvb...17:34
Kanoplease diable that driver and enable V4L again17:46
KanoCONFIG_SND_AW2 causes real trouble17:47

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