
nolanI added the kernel PPA to my sources, but there doesn't seem to be any kernel available from it.  Is that PPA stale?01:32
strixapologies if this is OT, but: how do I rebuild a kernel as distributed by ubuntu? (more accurately, that generates the same uname -r )?04:12
strixand is there any difference between getting sources with 'aptitude install source kernel-image' and 'aptitude install kernel-source'?04:12
strixotherwise, i've found the docs that describe how to build with fakeroot make-kpkg etc04:13
Kanohi, anybody awake?08:48
Kanowhen can i expect that dvb will be readded to 2.6.26?08:52
Kanohi rtg 13:40
Kanosome problems with new kernel13:41
rtgKano: do tell.13:41
Kanofirst of all you disabled dvb13:41
Kanoalso you have lots of new alsa drivers  - at least one of it does interfere with my dvb cards13:42
Kanoyou can a) disable it or b) blacklist it, but you can not leave it as is13:42
rtgKano: which kernel are we talking about? Intrepid?13:42
Kanodisable or13:43
rtgKano: you'll have to talk to Ben. I'm still working on Hardy13:43
Kanoblacklist snd-aw213:43
Kanobut i saw your commit when you disabled v4l, then somebody partly enabled v4l and forgot to enable dvb13:43
KanoUBUNTU: Disable V4L until the build issues get ironed out. Ignore: yes13:44
Kanoyour commit13:44
Kanoand the result was that it was forgotten to reenable13:44
Kano# CONFIG_DVB_CORE is not set13:45
rtgKano: perhaps, but it was awhile ago. How about a synopsis of your comments in an email to the kernel team mailing list?13:45
Kanonext thing is: do you really need to enable xen for default kernel13:45
Kanoi see currently no working patch for nvidia 173.xx which would allow the use of it13:46
Kanowithout xen you can compile 173.x13:46
Kanoi modded the kernel config on the fly, i enabled highmem64gb -> pae enabled + disabled xen13:47
Kanothen at least nvidia works13:47
Kanopae i enabled because mem is relatively cheap and lots of users have 4gb and more13:48
Kanobut that change is optional13:48
Kanoalso do you drop the way with the lum package? as you added now dmraid4-5 directly?13:48
Kanoif you would rename the module to dmraid45 it would be even better13:49
rtgKano: did you miss the part about email to the kernel team mailing list? You are wasting your time with me. I'm _not_ working on Intrepid.13:49
Kanowhy do you commit changes then?13:49
Kanothe dmraid rename could be done in lum too13:50
Kanoi think there was a modded version already, dont know where however13:50
Kanortg: could you give me adress where to send mail?13:53
rtgkano: kernel-team@lists.ubuntu.com13:54
Kanoso mail sent14:03
Kanohmm forgot one thing, well the rename of dmraid4-5 but maybe talk about that with the one who did the hotfix, dont remember who it waas14:09
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== BenC1 is now known as BenC
BenCGood morning everyone14:52
rtgBenC: Kano has some suggestions for you on the kernel team mailing list.14:55
BenCrtg: We need to talk about the 4G vs. 64G issue15:00
BenCthere's a good reason I disabled it (it prevents other things from working)15:00
rtgBenC: not only that, but it causes performce issue, doesn't it?15:00
BenClots of overhead for the few people that use want > 4G + 32-bit kernel15:01
BenCI'm of the opinion we take a strong stance for this people to use 64-bit kernel15:01
* BenC needs coffee15:02
rtgBenC: is there any reason for them not to use the 64 bit kernel?15:02
BenCjust woke up, been sick since I got back from london15:02
BenCrtg: I'm using it, and I have found no problems15:02
BenCin fact, I would say it's a little snappier than 32-bit on the same machine15:02
rtgyeah, I have both 32 and 64 on the same platforms with no noticeable differences, but that entirely subjective.15:03
mjg5964-bit kernel with 32-bit userland breaks various things15:04
BenCmjg59: We don't want to give them 32-bit userland :)15:04
mjg59Yeah, if you can push them entirely to 64-bit then that works better15:04
BenCbut if they need 32-bit userland for some legacy/proprietary reason, it can work15:04
BenCe.g. adobe-flash player, or some codecs15:05
rtgall that stuff seems to work fine for me.15:05
rtggranted, i'm not an intensive user of flash et al.15:05
cjwatsonwas it intentional that the ide-modules udeb has been dropped in the 2.6.26 packages?15:07
cjwatsonalso, is linux-ubuntu-modules likely to arrive soon for 2.6.26? I'd like to start building d-i against .2615:08
rtgcjlum has been folded back into the kernel package.15:08
rtgcjwatson: ^^15:08
maks_cjwatson: from watching BenC is making a big monolithic exploding package15:09
rtgmaks_: perhaps, but it solves some ABI skew issues15:09
cjwatsonrtg: in that case, there seems to be no ubuntu-modules udeb now15:09
cjwatsonso that has intentionally gone away, I guess?15:09
cjwatsonI suppose that makes sense actually15:09
maks_rtg: i had a post for you last day15:09
rtgcjwatson: dunno. BenC has been working hard on it this last week or so.15:10
maks_hmm no longer in backlog15:10
rtgmaks_: you mean the patches sent to akpm?15:10
maks_irclogs/OPN/#ubuntu-kernel.2008-06-13.log:13:41 <maks_> rtg f448b9a70cda0ed9878d15:11
maks_b485de30363f9c9db6e1 is a dup15:11
maks_13:41 <maks_> you'll find the same entry below in blacklist with proper desc15:11
maks_13:47 <maks_>  speaking of ubuntu hardy tree, as you might have guessed ;)15:12
BenCwe only had 64G enabled on i386 server anyway15:12
BenCin which case, I even more strongly suggest people go 64-bit15:12
cjwatsonhmm. 2.6.26-1 d-i boots but without keyboard input15:14
BenC64G disables DMA_ENGINE, which server people would be pissed at15:14
BenCcjwatson: hmm...USB keyboard?15:14
cjwatsonBenC: kvm15:14
rtgmaks_: I cannot figure out what you're talking about? perhaps a bit more context. my memory seems bit porous this morning.15:15
BenCcjwatson: so atkbd...that should be all good15:15
cjwatsonatkbd doesn't seem to be modular, so shouldn't be a udeb issue15:15
BenCrtg: ur not supposed to have rum in your coffee on weekdays15:15
rtgBenC: I know you've you've told me that before, but I just keep forgetting.15:16
BenCcjwatson: right...anyway to test 2.6.26-1 under kvm (not d-i)?15:16
cjwatsonerr. you're the kernel specialist ;-)15:16
cjwatsonI can give you the d-i .iso I have if that would help15:17
BenCcjwatson: I was hoping you had an existing rig...requires setup for me15:17
BenCcjwatson: yeah, that would be a good start, thanks15:17
cjwatsonI'm just running 'kvm -cdrom dest/netboot/mini.iso -boot d'15:17
BenCcjwatson: what's the status on alpha-1?15:17
maks_rtg: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-intrepid.git;a=commitdiff;h=c1712ff3d8002a5070dd13c8fb6d7b77c9bd2516;hp=f448b9a70cda0ed9878db485de30363f9c9db6e115:17
cjwatsondunno if you'll be able to do much without keyboard input though ...15:18
BenCcjwatson: is this holding it up?15:18
maks_that adds a dup entry rtg15:18
maks_just look at current drivers/bluetooth/hci_usb.c15:18
cjwatsonBenC: critical path = me, but I could release with 2.6.24 if need be - would rather not if possible15:18
rtgmaks_: now I understand.15:18
cjwatsonthis isn't the only thing holding it up, but getting the installer out of the way is definitely on the list15:18
maks_rtg: sorry for mixing hardy and intrepid15:19
maks_you release to often :P15:19
BenCcjwatson: we are still missing a few bits for 2.6.26 to be good on livecd...(firmware in lrm-common, etc, linux-meta)15:19
rtgmaks_: many folks think thats an advantage :) release frequently and often.15:19
BenCmaks_: yeah, my debian background really made it hard for me to get used to frequent releases too :)15:20
cjwatsonBenC: just to give us an idea, how far off are these?15:20
cjwatsonI wouldn't necessarily mind releasing with 2.6.26 just for the installer on alternate/server CDs; it can usually cope with installing a different kernel version15:21
cjwatsonthough the effects can sometimes be a little weird so that's not entirely desirable15:21
cjwatsonbut I figure the more early kernel testing the better15:21
cjwatsonBenC: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/mini.iso15:21
BenCcjwatson: I can get lrm together today15:21
BenClinux-meta is ready, just needs upload15:22
cjwatsonBenC: it's a stock kernel and you can unpack and repack the initrd if need be; udebs are irrelevant for this particular purpose15:22
cjwatsonthe initramfs is built with 'find . | cpio --quiet -o -H newc | gzip -9c'15:22
BenCcjwatson: thanks, downloading15:22
rtgmaks_: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-intrepid.git;a=commit;h=b8e6e9b08265826ec89bf97f30bb10db78cf966315:23
BenCcjwatson: done15:24
maks_rtg: thanks makes it easier to watch out for patches on your next rebase :)15:25
rtgmaks_: yep - thanks for the note.15:25
cjwatsonbizarrely, if I boot without 'quiet', it hangs, but if I boot with 'quiet', it gets as far as the first screen of d-i15:25
rtgmaks_: I'm always happy to dump SAUCE patches.15:26
cjwatson(last thing on the screen is "Freeing unused kernel memory)15:26
cjwatsonoh, and if I use BOOT_DEBUG=3 then I have keyboard input15:27
cjwatsonmaybe it's a d-i problem after all ...15:27
cjwatsonkeyboard input only for a while, though, then it hangs. This feels like a lockup more than lack of keyboard input, actually15:29
cjwatsonit's unreliable, but on one boot I got "BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 184s! [events/0:6]"15:29
BenCcjwatson: ah, sounds more like a hang than lack of keyboard to me too15:30
cjwatsonanything I can pass on the kernel command line to make it spit out lots and lots of output or something?15:30
BenCcjwatson: try with -nokvm(?)15:31
cjwatsonso just qemu basically?15:31
BenCSo as to exclude it being an lguest/kvm interaction15:31
cjwatsonUbuntu does not support running KVM without hardware acceleration. Sorry.15:31
BenCI have the iso now, so I'll start checking it out15:31
cjwatsonI think I need to run qemu explicitly15:31
cjwatsonBenC: yes, it seems much happier with qemu15:33
cjwatsonI've got far enough to run into the bits I left out of the installer to make it buildable15:34
BenCcjwatson: There's also noreplace-paravirt kernel param that might make it work under kvm (but without paravirt)15:42
cjwatsonBenC: still hangs after a short while15:44
cjwatson(qemu's faster in that case anyway, I think :-) )15:45
BenCcking: Can you add a BOM file for ubuntu/dm-loop/ please?15:50
BenCcking: there's one in the other directories if you need a template15:50
ckingBenC: Will do.15:51
BenCcjwatson: they should pimp that as a feature :)15:53
BenCcking: And please install the git hooks from build scripts :)15:54
BenCcking: config changes should be a separate commit from the code15:54
BenCjust to make it easier to separate things out, and do reverts independent of each other15:54
ckingBenC: OK apologies for no understanding that. Will do in future.15:55
BenCcking: I'm not sure it's documented, so not your fault15:56
ckingBenC: call it organic documentation15:57
cking..its in someone's head15:57
cjwatsonBenC: I think it's a bit of both actually. It's slower at device detection but faster at screen refreshes15:57
BenCcjwatson: you should be good enough with d-i not to need a head to do the install :)16:06
asacrtg_: iwl4965 from your PPA works great so far (scan_capa > 0 \o/)16:59
rtg_asac: you get the one from this morning? Its based on 2.6.26-rc616:59
asacrtg_: err ;) ... not sure. i just added your hardy PPA and upgraded17:00
BenCChecking ABI for generic...check FAILED (nice one Tonto, go get the Lone Ranger)17:00
* BenC marks intrepid for an ABI bump17:00
asacat least i hae scan_capa now and NM 0.7 without workarounds connects quick17:01
rtg_asac: great. its the absolute bleeding edge wireless support.17:02
asacrtg_: is there anything we can do for hardy?17:03
asaci think the workarounds that more or less works well for iwl4965 dont help that good for iwl39xx17:03
asacat least i saw ken not being able to connect at all at UDS ;)17:03
rtg_asac: I'm confused. the LBM package you are loading _is_ for hardy.17:04
asacrtg_: yeah it is. buts its from PPA :)17:04
rtg_asac: oh, I see. I'm waiting to upload until after the point release.17:04
asacrtg_: or is that ment to go to -proposed at some point?17:04
rtg_asac: it is, but Steve asked that I wait until the point release CDs are pressed.17:05
asacrtg_: but lum wont see a fix for scan_capa right?17:09
asacwhich is still the default i guess17:10
rtg_asac: yes, I can probably get that done. I think there is an LP report open on it, right?17:12
asacrtg_: about missing scan_capa? i think so ... unless it was closed by accident ;)17:12
asacrtg_: we can use bug 20095017:14
asacprobably should be reopened for  backport-modules 17:14
rtg_asac: perhaps it never made it on ogasawara's list? In that case I might not have seen it recently.17:14
asacrtg_: you closed that bug with: "* iwlwifi: Update to iwlwifi-1.2.25 and mac80211-10.0.4 - LP: #20095017:15
rtg_asac: ok, I'll review it and try to figure out what happened. In the meantime I've gotta fix some CVE FTBSs for kees17:16
asacrtg_: sure. ill reopen it for lbm and add lum to that bug17:17
rtg_asac: k17:18
asacand bump severity to medium (high?) and set it to triaged17:18
asacrtg_: resume works well with your packages17:30
asaconly thing is that iwl4965 still has its own will in associating to some AP i never connected before after resume17:31
asac(thats with NM 0.7 - aka without hacks and workarounds)17:31
rtg_asac: I've never had prblems with that, but I'm using NM straight from the Hardy archive.17:32
asacrtg_: yeah. that one has several hacks. i hope i can upload NM 0.7 to PPA in the next days17:33
=== kirkland` is now known as kirkland
Kanothats the problem with xen + latest nvidia19:59
Kanolastest git code20:00
KanoBenC: dont forget module-init-tools20:56
Kanoand the modules abi bump20:56
Kanoso ne module-init-tools in d-u20:57
BenCanother hit and run21:06
BenCand I've no idea what most of that meant21:06
BenCand that doesn't look like a xen+nvidia bug...looks more like a paravirt+nvidia bug21:08
munckfishBenC: Hi, could I pester you about that zinc account?21:11
munckfishBenC: I'm concerned that the main Ubuntu linux source is getting so far ahead of the linux-port that we'll have a problem catching up.21:17
munckfishI really need somewhere to upload a tree to so I can get some feedback on the changes I'm making. If zinc isn't the best place for that just now, just say and I'll look at alternative GIT hosting.21:18
BenCmunckfish: linux-ports is 2.6.25 based21:18
BenCmunckfish: there is no skew21:18
munckfishBenC: did you update it quite recently then?21:18
BenCmunckfish: update what?21:18
munckfishI last touched it on Friday night21:18
munckfishoops sorry misread21:19
munckfishnow I mean you're moving on to 2.6.26 now21:19
munckfishthat's what you're targeting for Intrepid right?21:19
BenCi386 and amd64 are going to be 2.6.2621:19
BenCI was leaving linux-ports at 2.6.2521:19
munckfishOk, I just thought we would try to sync as close to i386/amd64 as poss21:20
BenCbut that's entirely up to who ever wants to maintain it...I can't see the need for 2.6.26, but it's someone elses effort, not mine...just remember it affects 4 architectures + the -386 flavour :)21:20
munckfishBenC: ok21:22
BenCmunckfish: I'll get your request processed...note, I don't do it myself, I just process them through our IS team21:23
munckfishok that's fine I just wanted to know the score really21:23
BenCscore is You - 1, Me - 0 :)21:32
BenCballs in my court, I'll get it taken care of21:33
=== dashua_ is now known as dashua
lamont"Q: what is the command for ejecting a DVD from the drive after a drive error? A: /sbin/reboot"21:52
* lamont would love to help fix that21:52
munckfishBenC: hang on, i386, what's that in ports for? Is that just so we can build on x86 to test?22:11
mjg59munckfish: i386 rather tha -generic22:11
mjg59-generic x86 is still mainline22:12
BenCmunckfish: it's the old -386 flavour from mainline22:14
BenCit's not needed for primary use, so we stuck it in ports22:14
BenClinux-ports may become the place for things like binary-custom flavours (rt/xen/openvz)22:14
BenCwhich is why it needs to be handled with care, and not just have tons of patches dumped into it22:15
munckfishBenC, mjg59: ok so I take it -generic is more like i486+ (or is that stupid)?22:20
munckfishok so I'll take it that's correct :)22:34
munckfishBenC: I have a very simple patch which allows me to cross build the powerpc64-smp kernel on x86.22:39
munckfishJust allows setting of the CROSS_COMPILE variable so it can be passed to the kernel makefile22:39
munckfishthat plus running eval `dpkg-architecture -apowerpc -s` is all that was needed22:40
munckfishare there likely to be any objections to including that in the packing scripts on linux-ports?22:41
munckfishSurely it would be useful for the other arches too?22:41
munckfishBenC: over22:41
BenCmunckfish: definitely...sounds like a good addition22:47
munckfishBenC: cool22:48
munckfishI have a script I wrote to intelligently compare/diff two kernel configs. Is that something that other folks would find useful? If so I'll mail it in.23:09
munckfishHowever, I note most of the script the kernel team use are in Perl. My script is in Python, would that be a problem?23:10
munckfishFor anyone who may be interested I've just written in a PS3 project status update email. Includes progress on the kernel.23:20
munckfishThat's my day over. Bye all.23:21
BenClrm for intrepid is done23:37
BenCpushed, and ready to upload23:37
Nafalloooh. does it include support for that eeepc wireless thingie? :-)23:37
Nafallocause in that case, it's time to dist-upgrade soon ;-)23:38
BenCis that a madwifi svn thing?23:41
Nafalloyea. that weird chipset that needs a new hal or something like that.23:41
BenCthen no :)23:42
BenCsame as the madwifi that's in hardy23:42
NafalloI'm stuck on gutsy then :-P23:42
BenCNafallo: I'd be willing to introduce an eeepc only madwifi that has just the PCI id's needed23:42
Nafalloif you do, I would be happy to test it :-)23:43

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