
pwnguinwell ive assumed it was on the way, but i never saw any actual blueprint or anything for it01:35
Q-FUNKhmm... I just noticed:  actually, briceg's package for -nsc doesn't intorduce the -dbg package.  for everything else, yes, his package supercedes what we have in intrepid.11:39
tseliottjaalton: please try my PPA when you can. I have fixed the bugs reported by superm1. There's no hurry though.11:48
tjaaltontseliot: ok, I'll check them out tomorrow when I'm back home. GPRS is too slow ;)11:53
unggnuhi all12:00
unggnuI guess -intel driver 2.3.1 doesn't make it as a backport to Hardy?12:00
tseliottjaalton: ok ;)12:02
unggnuSo I can close a bug as Fixed released if it is fixed in Intrepid and post the link to the 2.3.1 driver for Hardy from bryce?12:03
Q-FUNKtjaalton: would you have time to look at bug #240349 ?12:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240349 in xserver-xorg-video-geode "Please sync xserver-xorg-video-geode 2.10.0-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24034912:19
Q-FUNKand bug #240345   - for this one, I just noticed that bgoglin's package doens't have the -dbg target which mine has.12:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240345 in xserver-xorg-video-nsc "Please sync xserver-xorg-video-nsc 1:2.8.3-3 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24034512:20
m-cIs there an Ubuntu package that I can try the open source AMD/ATI drivers that are being developed based on the recently released specifications?14:25
m-cOr are these already used by default, when the Restricted Drivers are disabled?14:25
m-cAnd is there a chat channel or web forum with more information and with links to the latest drivers?14:26
tjaaltonQ-FUNK: done15:00
Q-FUNKtjaalton: thanks!15:01
tjaaltonm-c: it's used by default, yes15:01
m-cI am going to try and use a more up-to-date version 1.2.1 - because there are problems, like colors of pictures and fonts, with the default settings.15:09
m-cFollowing this guide >> http://www.phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?s=e6059bf57a04b2327f00af4663511407&t=995115:10
m-cThe release notes say that my card - RV635 - is specifically targeted in the 1.2.1 release15:12
m-cAnyway, I purchased an AMD card yesterday just to participate with these driver developments.  Great to see a open 3D solution available with off the shelf, consumer graphic cards.15:13
Q-FUNKm-c: which PCI ID does the card have?15:14
tjaaltonm-c: that's the radeonhd-driver15:15
tjaaltonthe one used by default is -ati15:16
tjaaltonand a new version was recently released (6.8.191)15:16
m-cQ-FUNK: This should be everything about the card, fyi:  http://pastebin.com/d7f69751315:20
Q-FUNKok, so it's still counted as an ATI product.  excellent.15:21
m-cI like to say AMD video card, because I am reluctant to give ATI credit for the exciting release of the open graphic specifications.  ;)15:24
m-cThanks for your thought, off to test the new driver.15:25
Q-FUNKtjaalton: http://forum.ubuntu-fi.org/index.php?topic=12898.msg102216#msg10221617:05
Q-FUNKtjaalton: days like these, I cannot help but laugh17:05
m-cHi - I do not really understand the process involved with making changes to the xorg.conf , while still relying primarily on the Ubuntu configuration tools.17:11
m-cIn my situation, I am happy with the automagically generated configuration, but I want to add a Virtual display mode, to support dual monitors.17:12
m-cWhen I add this line to xorg.conf - the xserver hiccups.  Is there a way to add functionality for dual screens with the Ubuntu toolset?17:13
m-cIs editing the xorg.conf still the recommended way to get this type of functionality, or is this not compatible with using the Ubuntu tools17:13
* m-c reads the wiki.17:14
m-cThanks - the wiki had the details on setting dual screens.17:27
=== pwnguin__ is now known as pwnguin
m-creceiving errors from glxinfo that /usr/lib/dri/swrast_dri.so is missing (and it is).  Should this library be within the " libgl1-mesa-dri " Ubuntu package?20:12
m-c... or any ideas what swrast means?  :)20:12
bryce(I put out a new -psb this morning, to ume ppa)20:24
brycem-c: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XorgOnTheEdge20:31
m-cYes, a good resource, thank you20:31
m-cI think I have this figured out.  Means the driver is failing to a software rendering library.20:32
robert_does anyone know when the xserver on ubuntu will be updated to version 1.5 with x86_64 support ? it's to complex for me to build, but i would like to get DRI working. i googled and found that fedora released a pre-release version 1.5 http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/XserverOnePointFive22:30
brycerobert_: we're waiting on a dependency or two, but expect it should be ready within a week or two22:50
robert_thanks that sounds great (within a week or two)22:52
brycewell, don't quote me, that's an optimistic guess22:53
robert_yes i know those optimistic guesses, i don't quote only emphasis :D  i hope the radeonhd driver will be working too in a week or two :D22:55
brycewhy do you use radeonhd rather than -ati?22:55
robert_hmm do you think it would be better to use the fglrx or ati drivers?22:56
brycewell, ati has been making tons of improvements, and I'm hoping by Intrepid's release to have it good enough for most every usage.  22:57
robert_i tested the fglrx driver with my Radeon HD 3650 (RV635) and i get black flicker while starting opengl22:57
bryceI know there's cases where newer cards aren't supported by -ati, but am curious if there are any other reasons, so we can try to get those situations addressed22:58
bryce-ati from git has support for RV635, so maybe in the next -ati upload we do, that will become an option22:59
bryceif you're up for building -ati from git, I'd be interested in hearing your opinion on it with your card22:59
robert_what is -ati ? is that a package or the propri driver from ati?22:59
robert_do you mean http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Installation_Guide23:01
bryce-ati aka -radeon, the standard open source driver for ATI cards23:03
brycenot -fglrx, which is what http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Installation_Guide talks about23:03
robert_git which builds xserver-xorg-video-ati?23:05
m-cSounds like the resolution to my issues is also a newer version of xserver.  This is arriving soon?  Great.23:30
m-cI just picked up the same card as robert.  :)23:30

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