[00:00] window: it means write read execute [00:00] ok, but if u read the link he says name it chris-stream.sh but then he says "source code sudo cp chmod 775 chris-stream.sh" [00:01] window: wait i will read it [00:02] window open konsole [00:02] ok? [00:02] done [00:02] *learning*( [00:03] now you have to know where did you put this file and in konsole tape : [00:03] tape? [00:03] cd 'file path' [00:03] write it mean [00:03] the file is in desktop?, [00:04] window put that file in your desktop [00:04] k [00:04] now open konsole and write : sudo chmod 775 chris-stream.sh [00:05] no such file or directory === darkdelusions is now known as darkdelusions_ [00:06] what should i name it? "chmod 775 chris-stream.sh" ? [00:06] change directory to it /home/your_name/desktop === darkdelusions_ is now known as darkdelusions [00:07] directory? [00:07] you should tell konsole where your file is placed [00:07] so it can access it [00:08] cd command means change directory [00:08] one sec [00:08] in the file manager you can see the path [00:09] wait, omg i'm so lost [00:09] what does CD do and what is it for? [00:09] al gore endorses obama [00:09] ok window i advise you to go to ubuntu channel [00:09] but i has Kubuntu [00:10] ok window cd means change directory [00:10] its the same linux [00:10] what is it for? [00:10] man cd [00:10] it tell konsole the right path for wanted files [00:10] man [00:10] to find what the command is for [00:11] ok TuniX, and why am I doing this? [00:11] i explained that [00:11] lol [00:12] how do i find out what the directory is? it's on my desktop [00:12] cd /home/window/Desktop [00:12] open konsole and just write cd [00:12] then write ls [00:13] OH [00:13] OMG I GOT IT [00:13] ok so now i'm in the Desktop [00:13] ok [00:13] now write sudo chmod 775 chris-stream.sh [00:14] chmod +x chris-stream.sh [00:14] done, i got no response [00:14] no response is given [00:14] ls -l [00:14] good, good [00:14] paf [00:15] check if x appears on the left in all collums [00:15] can anyone tell me what the 775 was for? [00:15] man chmod [00:15] read write execute for group [00:15] engineer, i typed TuniX' code, not urs [00:15] Good day everypeople! [00:15] mk [00:15] what was the key binding for the window where u can close applications and so? cant remember its name.. [00:16] window: just go to #ubuntu [00:16] win+d [00:16] For some reason... my optical drives won't be read by anything... I put a DVD in or a CD and it doesn't seem to pick up [00:16] What's up with that? [00:16] tried mounting manually? [00:16] my bro has same problem [00:18] so is selecting "Administrator Mode" from Control Panel supposed to send me back to the control panel main page? [00:18] feels buggy [00:19] what's the kubuntu michigan channel? [00:20] Aw0L_ kde4? [00:20] good night peeps [00:20] !us [00:20] Factoid us not found [00:21] !es [00:21] En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [00:21] !fin [00:21] Factoid fin not found [00:21] !michigan [00:21] Factoid michigan not found [00:21] engineer: Mounting manually tells me that the superblock is write protected... and that it's the wrong fs type [00:23] engineer, no, three [00:23] engineer, seems like if you set a root password in kubuntu, the admin privilege stuff acts funny [00:23] you should just use sudo, in ubuntu is the same [00:24] works fine here [00:24] you have a root pw set [00:24] ? [00:24] Aw0L find the settings command [00:24] and run it this way: kdesu [00:27] Ok I've cocked up [00:27] For some reason my optical drives have disapeared off the face of the planet [00:28] That... and I've screwed with fstab [00:28] Can somebody please show me the default dvd read/write line? [00:29] lupus goto #ubuntu [00:29] Why? [00:30] engineer, you have to have the correct permissions on the /etc/sudoers file - I changed mine for editing [00:30] k [00:30] TuniX12: Why? [00:30] lore active [00:30] more [00:33] hola eledix [00:33] estas hay? [00:35] !es| teque [00:35] teque: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [00:35] TuniX12 teque left [00:35] ah [00:42] How do I install a .cur mouse pointer? [00:43] hello all [00:44] anyone here [00:44] nop [00:45] lol [00:45] Instead of asking whether anyone works with something you need help with, please save time by asking your actual question. If someone knows and wants/has time to help, perhaps he/she will. [00:47] !anyone [00:47] A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [00:48] Jucato: Any luck? [00:48] I also have a .zip with like 4 .cur files in it that it didn't take [00:48] does anyone here have a Sansa View? [00:53] what is a sansa view? === pascutti|away is now known as pascutti [00:56] !away > pascutti [00:56] !away [00:56] You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users. (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.) The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away " to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines» [00:57] ah... ok... htanks, sorry [00:59] How do I convert a CUR into a linux curso? === reinhold is now known as reinhold_away [01:15] how do I check the amount of memory I have and CPU speed and all that stuff in 7.10? === ahmed is now known as The [01:17] byteme_: Well, there's /proc/cpuinfo for the CPU, free and top for memory and load. Remember that linus will always use all of your memory. [01:17] byteme_ top [01:18] jhutchins: linus can use his own memory ;) [01:20] do I have to get the info seprately (i.e. ram, cpu, disk space)? [01:23] hi ,.. i have a problem adding new desktops .. i go to configure desktops i add desktops but nothing happens .. this is happening when i have the option custom effects selected in the desktop effects... when i select the option no effects then i can add desktops normally ... whats going on ?? [01:23] I am looking for the similar results of system properties in Windows [01:23] what package contains the 'Add Printer wizard' [01:24] byteme_: cat /proc/meminfo [01:24] byteme_: cat /proc/cpuinfo [01:24] lakis1982: Compiz-Fusion, that's what's going on [01:24] byteme_: and df [01:24] it's interfering with normal KDE desktop management. [01:25] what you mean? [01:25] byteme_: try taking a look at ksysguard (dunno about the disk space though) === gandalf is now known as Guest84966 [01:26] jucato? [01:26] lakis1982: I mean that Compiz-Fusion, the "Desktop Effects", is incompatible with KDE virtual desktops. that's why nothing happens when you try to add a desktop the normal KDE way when Desktop Effects are enabled [01:26] I think Compiz uses a different way to add a virtual desktop (which they call viewports) [01:26] what shoudl i do ? [01:26] ask in #compiz-fusion [01:27] thanks all lot bro: Awsoonn === q4a_ is now known as q4a === eduardo is now known as eduardo_ [01:57] Hi I'm building KDE on a none kde distro, And well its working well But I'm Having a couple of small issues the first 2 are.Any Ideas how to fix "CData" and "Could not find mime type application/octet-stream" and this is what it looks like http://img341.imageshack.us/img341/9425/bibletimecdatanl4.png [01:59] On ya I'm using Ubuntu intrepid packages to get kde working [01:59] ttuuxxx, that CDATA bit is from an XML or XHTML document. It is used to wrap CSS/JavaScript. [02:00] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CDATA [02:00] ttuuxxx: you're using intrepid packages to build kde on a distro that isn't ubuntu? [02:03] yes Daisuke and its working excellent, the kde base is 40mb compressed and things like k3b i have working perfectly and its a 7mb compressed, bibletime is 8mb compressed etc, they both work really well. [02:04] Its taken me around 2weeks to get the bugs/build out [02:04] around 90+hrs [02:05] ttuuxxx, you could have installed any other generic distro, installed their KDE packages (or builds) and saved yourself some time [02:05] I have kde running on puppy linux wich is gtk2 + Qt4 strictly, Basically I could have a the default puppy applications , plus k3b and bible time on a 150MB cd, which I can run live or install [02:06] hi [02:06] realplayer for linux wher i fond? download? [02:06] hi NegroAgy [02:06] thats easy i'll get a link [02:06] thx [02:07] iam new in linux [02:08] just download http://www.real.com/linux and change the file permissions and execute from console , it self installs [02:08] !realplayer [02:08] ok [02:08] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [02:08] ill try but need help tu get orders.. [02:08] _P [02:08] :P [02:09] if i'm formatting an external harddrive (used strictly for storage), is it necessary to have 5% of the filesystem blocks reserved for the super user? can i make this 0%? === graft is now known as Graflan === yalhua is now known as mjponce [02:18] hi, i was updating my kubuntu kde 4 and a black out happened when it was configuring ssl-cert, and now im haviong problems how can i fix this?? === pablo is now known as RadeonX1650Xt [02:27] yhi [02:27] need help [02:27] Enter the complete path to the directory where you want [02:27] RealPlayer to be installed. You must specify the full [02:27] pathname of the directory and have write privileges to [02:27] the chosen directory. [02:27] Directory: [/opt/real/RealPlayer]: [02:27] what can i write? [02:29] to get full permissions? [02:29] hi [02:29] yes [02:29] chmod +rwx /path/to/dir [02:30] thx [02:30] i copy [02:31] Destination: chmod +rwx /path/to/dir [02:31] Enter [F]inish to begin copying files, or [P]revious to go [02:31] back to the previous prompts: [F]: [02:31] might not be exactly what you want though [02:31] :( [02:32] iam beginer [02:32] 4 days install linux..... [02:32] ok.. [02:32] :D [02:32] Howdy all, does anyone know why I can no longer automount USB devices like an iPod in Hardy? I have read on the forums that this is a widespread problem that started ocuring recently but haven't been able to find an answer. I get "Permissions denied" when I try and automount [02:32] so, realplayer installer just wants to write to /opt [02:33] if you install it as root (or sudo) you don't need to change anything [02:33] then i push F [02:33] ok? [02:33] but as user, you should set a group or something. [02:33] let it be as it was before you asked me :) [02:34] i install with sudo [02:34] hit it :) [02:34] oki === guest is now known as Guest46208 [02:34] :D [02:35] complet [02:35] ready? [02:35] thats it? [02:35] hehe [02:35] um, yes. but there's a simpler way. realplayer already exists in repository [02:37] or so I thought [02:39] ok [02:39] i give up [02:39] i go to sleep [02:39] Does anyone know why I can no longer automount USB devices like an iPod in Hardy? I have read on the forums that this is a widespread problem that started ocuring recently but haven't been able to find an answer. I get "Permissions denied" when I try and automount. This worked fine in Feisty, if I manually mount it I cannot access it in amarok because I cannot create a lockfile in the /media directory. [02:40] have nice moning [02:40] Does anyone here know how to change the preferred format of an MTP device in amarok? [02:43] hello, can someone tell me what is the replace for kate in kubuntu 8.04?? [02:43] !kate [02:43] Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code [02:43] !amarok [02:43] Amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.8 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok [02:44] ivan_: KDE 4? === ubuntu_ is now known as joshual [02:44] !transkode [02:44] Factoid transkode not found [02:45] Jucato, yes, and please dont send me to kubuntu-kde4 no one answers there [02:45] ivan_: kwrite is the default KDE 4 text editor. you can still install kate if you need it [02:45] as for no one answering there [02:45] !patience | ivan_ [02:45] ivan_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [02:46] !night | ivan_ [02:46] ivan_: It's the middle of the night in the US and Europe, and surrounds. This means that a lot of people are likely asleep, therefore there are less potential people who can answer your question. Please be patient, and consider asking at a time when more people will be awake. This is particularly true in the quieter channels. [02:46] (sort of) [02:47] (kwrite has always been the *default* KDE text editor in KDE 3. Kubuntu changed it to kate) [02:47] Jucato ok thanks [02:48] oh this is a basic question, how do i start an application as super user?? [02:48] if it's a graphical app, "kdesu " [02:48] !kdesu | ivan_ [02:48] ivan_: In KDE, use « kdesudo » (Gutsy) or « kdesu » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [02:48] Where can i find my systems stats? like HD MEM etc??? [02:50] solo: KButton...System...KInfoCenter [02:51] lol... it was hiding [02:51] thanks [02:51] genii: You beat me to it :) [02:52] darkdelusions: Apologies :) [02:52] ok next question.. why is my system using almost 500mb physical mem?? [02:52] ill send a PM to someone with the mem stats if you would like to see [02:53] !ram | solo [02:53] solo: A quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html [02:53] ty [02:55] Keeping the cache means that if something needs the same data again, there's a good chance it will still be in the cache in memory. Fetching the information from there is around 1,000 times quicker than getting it from the hard disk. [02:55] there is my answer and why Linux is so damn fast! :) I likie [02:56] it has hella better memory managment? :) [02:56] I've always found it slow [02:56] ohh yes... ill never use a Winblows system again... hands down [02:57] pucko| what do u have under the hood?? [02:57] solo: you say that till you find that 1 windows application that you cant live without and cant find a linux alterntive :) [02:57] this is only a 700 with 512mb and 20gig HD [02:58] dark... | ill find a way to live without it... im not a gamer so there went alot of reasons [02:58] I used to do it all the time then I was finally like the heck with it i can live without :) [02:58] only 450mhz p3, 192mb ram, but window still feels faster, for simple things. [02:58] i am kinda sad that !yahoo msgr dosent work here though [02:59] Solo use kopete [02:59] its an all in one instant msgr [02:59] pucko | PM me... posible i can send you a few processors [02:59] yeah thats what i use [03:00] pucko | i also have some ram im not using [03:01] pucko| its light weight so i would not mind mailing you some stuff... having a shity computer is tuff on the nerves [03:02] no, thanks. besides, it's an laptop it wont accept more memory [03:04] ohh ok [03:05] well if anyone else here needs something let me know... i like to help ppl [03:05] weird... just had an update require a restart! [03:05] haven't seen those since XP [03:05] !with in reason! [03:05] Factoid with in reason! not found [03:05] lol oops [03:05] jimmy51_home: it means that you had a kernel update [03:05] go figure [03:06] i see [03:06] that's about the only time you will need to reboot. but even then it's optional until you actually want to use the new kernel [03:06] jucato, how does that work? i mean, updating stuff that's currently running? i've updated apps right underneath themselves quite a bit. [03:06] i just found a computer on the side of the road today that had a HP burner and 30gig HD in it... and it all works [03:07] :D [03:07] ... and 64md stick [03:07] jimmy51_home: no problem with that usually. and in the case of a kernel upgrade, it actually doesn't upgrade an already running kernel. it installs a new copy of the latest kernel [03:07] (so basically a "kernel upgrade" is actually installing a new, separate kernel) [03:07] does it retain the old, but just change the default grub entry? [03:08] yep yep [03:08] how would... say, a firefox update work? [03:08] it always retains the old kernels and adds the new one to grub [03:08] i've updated firefox through adept, while browsing with firefox [03:08] jucato, not really [03:09] pucko-: which one? ;) [03:09] * Jucato said a lot of things [03:09] oh! i always tell it to keep the current menu.lst. i suppose i'm missing out on the newest kernel then [03:12] is this the only channel on this server?? [03:12] solo, nope [03:12] i dont get anythig on channel list with Konversation [03:13] did you click "apply filter" ? [03:13] solo, type /join #channel_name to join a channel [03:13] yeah [03:13] tried everything [03:13] solo, what happens? [03:13] nothing [03:14] ohh you mean the join command?? [03:14] maybe it's taking your name literally [03:14] :) [03:14] lol nice on [03:14] one* [03:14] good night fellas, it would all be downhill from that one [03:14] anyways... i can join channels but cant get a list [03:14] nite Jimmy [03:15] solo, what do you mean by list? [03:15] solo, do you mean a list of channels that are available on freenode? [03:15] yes [03:16] solo: you can type /list but be warned, you might get disconnected [03:17] tried that... server load too high [03:17] solo, then you need to wait... it's a freenode issue [03:18] k === epimeth is now known as epimethi === epimethi is now known as epimeth [03:19] or you can randomly go around /whois people :) and join every channel there in [03:19] then you pm them and be like I am stalking you === epimeth is now known as KOBI_A_1983 [03:20] and get dDOSed === KOBI_A_1983 is now known as epimeth [03:24] another question.. is there somewhere i can go and see if my usb is turned on in bios with out going into bios?? [03:25] cancel that [03:25] same place... Kinfo [03:26] now the question is... I have my phone pluged in... how can i access it?? ive searched all over the net for the software for the phone and cant find it... and the manufacturer site is shit [03:27] what kind of phone? [03:27] solo: which phone? [03:27] solo, check lspci|grep -i usb [03:28] Utstarcom CDM7126 [03:28] the USB is up... and the phone is listed as pluged in so thats good [03:30] the maker is www.utstar.com === q4a_ is now known as q4a [03:30] solo: I googled it and was unable to find anything [03:32] the phone they show on there site is not the phone i have http://handsets.utstar.com/Phones.aspx?sLoc=0&sLoad=All... the picture of the phone i have is at http://www.mycricket.com/cricketphones/details/7126 [03:34] solo: have you tried kmobiletools? [03:37] nope.. where do i get it? package manager?? [03:37] solo, yes [03:37] yup [03:39] ty [03:39] getting now... let ya know [03:40] send email to their support team but they will want money im sure [03:41] lol it installed but now i cant find it... why dosent the package man. tell you where its going to put it??? [03:42] lol [03:42] true [03:43] its probably in utilities [03:43] but you can just alt+f2 kmobiletools [03:43] ohh kewl [03:44] !paste > solo [03:44] !paste | solo [03:44] solo: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [03:46] http://paste.ubuntu.com/20754/ [03:46] thats the startup screen for the Kmoble [03:46] let me install it.... [03:47] moble phone device is set to: /dev/mobile .... i dont know where to find the USB connection [03:49] when i plug in the phone the phone does nothing and the PC does nothing [03:50] on a winblows system it would try to search for the software drivers but at least list it as removable storage [03:53] solo: okay... here you have to go read the manual [03:54] solo: http://www.kmobiletools.org/ [03:55] solo: you gonna give it a shot by yourself or you want me to help walk you through it? [03:56] help with what??? [03:56] that site? lol tells me nothing [03:56] and id love some help [03:57] i want to add stuff to this phone with out having to pay for it [03:57] ill give anything i have to anyone... EXCEPT MY MONEY [03:58] ... hence the free operating system [03:59] Solo: what is your goal with it just adding ring tones? what? [03:59] yeah and the phone i have wont let web sites send them for some reason.. there are also some app that id like to try to load [03:59] GPS ect [04:00] the damn thing is brand new w/ bluetooth and wont receive a freakin SMS ringtone from myxertones.com [04:00] wtf [04:00] hola [04:01] hola que pasa [04:01] Hi jox [04:01] darkdelusions: hi! [04:01] !es | jox [04:01] jox: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [04:20] How can I create a Kubuntu 8.04 live usb drive? [04:26] !usb | Richard_Balls [04:26] Richard_Balls: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [04:30] thanks [04:31] Richard_Balls Here is the linke to a google search I did on the subject if those don't help you http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=how+to+make+kubuntu+thumb+drive+live&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 [04:31] Hello Everyone [04:32] hi [04:32] I have mistakenly delete the file /etc/apt/sources.list, from which website i can find the repos for ubuntu 8.04? [04:33] usamahashimi: should just be able to re-enable them in adept manager in manage repositories [04:34] flaccid: adept is adding only two repos and from my previous hardy experience i remember that there were 5 or 6 repos [04:34] adept can add a lot more than 2 by default, which do you need [04:35] flaccid: lemme try again and i will tell you the result [04:35] ok [04:36] flaccid: yes, thanks :) [04:36] np [04:36] flaccid: should i also add the "Unsupported Updates"? [04:37] up to you, there usually isnt a need unless you find one [04:37] flaccid: is there any harm in adding it? [04:38] not usually, i enable it and then if i find a bug i look into it [04:38] flaccid: ok, thanks a lot [04:38] np [04:40] hey can someone help me i cant get deluge-torrent to open in kubuntu [04:41] comodo: run it from konsole, what happens? [04:41] le "/usr/bin/deluge", line 123, in [04:41] subprocess.Popen(["dbus-launch", "deluge"] + sys.argv[1:]) [04:41] File "/usr/lib/python2.5/subprocess.py", line 594, in __init__ [04:41] errread, errwrite) [04:41] File "/usr/lib/python2.5/subprocess.py", line 1147, in _execute_child [04:41] raise child_exception [04:41] OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory [04:41] !pastebin | comodo [04:41] comodo: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [04:41] i suggest googling the errors [04:42] sorry http://paste.ubuntu.com/20761/ [04:44] comodo: lots on google about the error [04:44] comodo: this is trying to install from repos? [04:44] !info deluge-torrent [04:44] deluge-torrent (source: deluge-torrent): A Bittorrent client written in Python/PyGTK. In component universe, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 2329 kB, installed size 6572 kB [04:46] The fix for deluge-torrent suggested at http://forum.deluge-torrent.org/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4875 is: sudo apt-get install dbus-x11 [04:47] cool [04:48] * genii sips his beer [04:48] * flaccid gets jealous about the beer [04:49] * genii checks flaccid's ID then slides him a beer [04:49] hehe cheers! [04:49] :) [04:49] Gotta keep it family-friendly, etc [04:50] totally === luis__ is now known as tigremx [05:03] Hey i was wondering if anyone use's themes with Beryl and if so where do they get theme? [05:05] beryl...you mean emerald? [05:05] well [05:05] im not sure [05:05] i have emerald and Beryl [05:05] im not sure how to get or apply themes? [05:05] what kubuntu version you got? beryl is outdated, its called compiz fusion now [05:06] ohh [05:06] i have 7.04 [05:06] :( [05:06] id upgrade if i were you [05:06] i know [05:06] but you dont need to [05:06] but im learning so there is no rush [05:07] if your talking about emerald themes (the title bar themes), then theres should be an emerald theme manager somewhere [05:07] Well Compiz Fusion do i get that in the repos in my Version of Kubuntu? [05:07] i havent used beryl, just compiz so idk if your not talking about emerald themes [05:07] i dont think compiz fusion is in 7.04 [05:08] is that feisty? [05:08] yeah [05:08] !info compiz-fusion feisty [05:08] 'feisty' is not a valid distribution [05:08] !info compiz-fusion fiesty [05:08] 'fiesty' is not a valid distribution [05:08] in october, feisty is unsupported and the repositories for it will go bye bye, so id upgrade soon [05:08] not sure i think it is, [05:09] :( [05:09] really [05:09] yeah 7.04=feisty [05:09] can i upgrade without a CD? [05:09] yeah [05:09] from using this present.. [05:09] 1 sec ill get a guide [05:09] okay [05:09] thanks [05:09] lol i have a 5.04 cd... [05:09] lol im a little far behind. i dont want KDE 4.0 thou' [05:09] i have a6.06 :( [05:09] LTS :D [05:09] compiz is in feisty but not compiz-fusion it seems [05:09] well is 8.04 come with KDE4.0 by default? [05:10] or whichever the version is now. [05:10] 8.04 default comes with 3.5.9 [05:10] 4.0 is too buggy rigth now [05:11] okay good [05:11] thats what i like to hear lol, i heard its buggy too. [05:11] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades/Kubuntu [05:11] thanks :D [05:11] thats for 7.10 to 8.04 but ti should apply from 7.04 to 7.10 also [05:11] okay [05:11] then wen your on 7.10 you can upgrade again to 8.04 [05:11] lol wish me luck if not ill get a CD later [05:11] well technically you can upgrade from whatever. i've done dapper to hardy a few times [05:11] ok [05:11] uhh lol [05:12] well dapper is lts so they let you go to hardy [05:12] on feisty and edgy you gotta go one at a tim [05:12] kind of. they say here they don't support such an upgrade.. [05:12] so this only says 7.10 to 8.04? [05:12] the guide? [05:13] doorknob60: you don't. i've done an upgrade to hardy from all of them straight up [05:13] yeah, but it applys for 7.04 to 7.10 [05:13] okay [05:13] smoothness of upgrades always varies [05:13] thanks i thought you ment "Upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 then from 7.10 to 8.04" shesh i dont have that much time lol, [05:13] thats the supported way [05:14] i think 7.04 to 8.04 might require manual editing of sources.list [05:14] in theory you may run into less problems doing it that way [05:14] uhh [05:14] great [05:14] i think ill just order a CD [05:14] lol [05:14] no need [05:14] will save me the hassle, i hate the editing list's and texts and things [05:14] but i need to learn [05:14] its easy [05:14] well i dont want to upgrade if its going to cause problems [05:15] press alt f2 and type this: kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list [05:15] ohh [05:15] then change everywhere it says 'feisty' to 'hardy' [05:15] thats it? [05:15] 0.0 lol i thought it would be much harder [05:15] then run sudo apt-get update [05:15] then you gotta perform the upgrade :) [05:15] then run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [05:15] well i'll try the upgrade, if all else fails i dont mind reinstalling. [05:15] that should do it [05:15] shesh [05:15] lol [05:16] and i will go to 8.04? [05:16] i upgraded my debian from etch to lenny succesfully using the same mehtod today [05:16] let me right that down [05:16] yeah thats striiahgt to 8.04 :) [05:18] Could they make Linux as easy as windows, and if they did. Would it contain Virus's like windows? Because somethings i could see being as an improvement for me (noob) user lol [05:18] i just wanted to know althou i am a little offtopic :( [05:18] they are working towards it, but a lot the problems are with vendors [05:19] yeah [05:19] clean install of windows is harder than clean (k)ubuntu install [05:19] yeah, i totally understand things like that, its just when i come to Kubuntu its a little harder, But yet its easier to deal with. [05:19] yeah thats for sure [05:19] but ubuntu seems harder because you gotta set it up yourself when windows typically is preinstalled and working [05:19] you said it! [05:19] yeah thats what i mean [05:19] doorknob60: not when you have to install drivers after [05:20] and this editing things? i took one look and in my head "ahhh" lol, i dont wanna mess around with things. [05:20] you gotta install office, ant-virus and all that [05:20] well when you buy a new computer with windows it includes the needed drivers [05:20] yeah which bog's down your system and it goes downhill from that [05:20] yeah i know [05:20] who needs to buy a new computer ? [05:20] :D [05:20] you don't have to edit things much at all in hardy+ [05:20] i always build them [05:20] well im going to install 8.04 thanks for the help [05:20] okay thanks [05:21] bye [05:21] ciao [05:21] alot cheaper than buying your own comp [05:21] i have checked all of my errors on google but no results [05:21] windows + msoffice + av = a lot of money [05:21] i got a decent cpu and mobo for under $150 [05:21] i can't figure tis out [05:21] <[zEr0-x]> is a very very small pic, don't u have a big one ? [05:22] comodo: how did you go doing the fix? [05:22] i just googled the errors [05:22] i cannot find anything on them [05:22] [13:46] The fix for deluge-torrent suggested at http://forum.deluge-torrent.org/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4875 is: sudo apt-get install dbus-x11 [05:23] nice i'll try that thanks [05:23] coolio [05:23] who here has an ati card? how well does it work? [05:23] its alright, im on one atm [05:24] when i typed thoes commands in it did not do anything in upgrading [05:24] my new mobo apperantly doesnt support nvidia 8 series cards for some reason so i might have to buy ati [05:24] 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 [Mobility Radeon 9600 M10] [05:24] wow now it opens thanks flaccid i appricate it [05:24] np comodo [05:24] It just showed a list of text of websites and it didnt do anything [05:24] doorknob60: nvidia 9600gt is better choice [05:24] it might have problems with 9 sersies too though, not sure yet [05:25] codster: pastebin both your /etc/apt/sources.list and output of sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [05:25] 3 out of 3 newegg reviews say 8 series doesnt work, i bought mobo before any of those reviews [05:25] noone of them say anything about 9 series [05:25] shoot [05:25] one second [05:25] doorknob60: weird [05:25] it has integrated ati :P [05:25] probly related to that [05:25] still latest nvidia drivers have issues that slow em down by heaps atm [05:26] the restricted one [05:26] im using latest nvidia drivers on my nvidia 5200 no probolems [05:26] yeah, but depending on what version you may not be getting full fps [05:26] glxgears shows the same as ive gotten since 7.04 [05:26] thats good [05:27] i know glxgears isnt benchmark but idc [05:27] no problems here, im on debian lenny though [05:27] i can't remember what exactly it affects. kde4 devs found it by accident in testing [05:27] hmm, maybe its a kde4 bug or something? [05:27] nah they worked it out to be the driver, but can't remember what exactly [05:28] ah ok [05:28] doesnt affect me so thats fine :) [05:28] yeah [05:28] so do you have any weird problems with the ati driver? [05:28] i think it affects me. aint getting the high fps i should [05:28] has anyone resolved the dolphin problem with html files ? [05:28] ati is a pita, but its ok. its always the complaints about setting up dual display etc [05:29] i like dual monitors....hmm... [05:29] flaccid, its right here : http://paste.ubuntu.com/20768/ [05:29] does tv out work? [05:29] um i havnt really tried but i couldn't get the s-video to go in the past on restricted.. [05:30] meh [05:30] thats what i need, svideo out and dual screens [05:30] works perfect on geforce 5200 [05:30] restricted drivers need to support the other ports in randr.. === asd214213123 is now known as logico [05:30] using nvidia driver? === logico is now known as logico__h [05:30] yeah, installed manually off nvidia site a few days ago [05:31] debian doesnt need no bloated restricted manager :P [05:31] codster: doesn't look like you did the text replace of 'feisty' to 'hardy' in sources.list [05:31] ohh shoot [05:31] lol [05:31] okay one second lol [05:31] my mistake [05:31] doorknob60: how you set up the dual, the nvidia config binaries? [05:32] yeah, kdesu nvidia-settings [05:32] what was the command? i think i might of added an extra space [05:32] kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list [05:32] okay thanks' [05:32] there was an "s" [05:32] cool [05:32] ah ok [05:32] Could not run the specified command [05:33] ? [05:33] maybe feisty only had kdesu which is symlink to kdesudo ? [05:33] thats what it is giving me [05:33] codster: kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list [05:33] maybe, kdesu and kdesudo both work for me [05:33] lol [05:33] your right :D [05:33] in debian theyre different :O [05:33] should of been kdesudo all along [05:34] okay im in a Text editor (kate) [05:34] in debian kdesu needs root password kdesudo needs user password [05:34] Every Fiesty Word i replace with Hardy? [05:34] codster: do the replace, exit and save [05:34] yeah [05:34] no capital [05:34] okay [05:34] lol thats alot! [05:34] doorknob60: has it been like that all along? [05:35] flaccid: i think so, debian by defaut uses root instead of sudo, so kdesu is for su (root), kdesudo is for sudo (like in ubuntu) [05:35] doorknob60: i'll give the dual a shot on this 9600 soon, but i need hdmi heh [05:35] im not worried about dual or tv out on 9600 [05:35] yeah i use debian, but only as server [05:35] yes but lots of people would be ? we have to use beta drivers atm [05:36] im worried if it would support my mobo because the ati integrated card seems to "block" 8 series cards from working [05:36] i heard 7800's work fine [05:36] hmmm one can only try [05:36] yeah they are good [05:36] Now its done [05:36] how do i save? [05:36] just save? [05:36] yeah [05:36] just close and say yes [05:36] okay [05:36] that was alot of hardy words lol [05:36] now i will do the commands [05:37] there we go [05:37] getting hardy updates :D [05:37] good [05:37] thanks man [05:37] this is awesome and easy lol [05:38] codster: cool, just run a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade after to make sure you got it all. it could take some time however.. [05:38] yeah [05:38] yeah i know :( its 12;38pm and their is a exam tommarrow lol [05:38] dist-upgrade does everything upgrade does and more, no need for both [05:38] shoot [05:38] how can i stop it now? [05:38] why? [05:38] its done anyways [05:39] i thought dist-upgrade did kernel. it does both kernel and userland? i thought you could upgrade kernel but leave userlan [05:39] okay i only ran "Update" [05:39] must be wrong [05:39] dist-upgrade does everything [05:39] oky doky [05:39] okay [05:39] thanks [05:39] i confirmed that eralier today by upgrading etch to lenny [05:39] doorknob60: so if you do only upgrade, the kernel will be left with dist-upgrade right? [05:39] wow [05:39] yeah [05:39] 768 Upgraded [05:39] cool [05:39] 181newly installed [05:40] lol this might take awhile [05:40] always ideal to do dist-upgrade to ovid dependency problems [05:40] * flaccid waits for kde-nightly to install [05:40] 760Kbps :D [05:40] in these situations anyways [05:40] ok thanks doorknob60 [05:40] thank you soo much, if i do go to sleep can i leave this running? [05:40] yeah, but after it downloads it likes to ask a ton of questions :P [05:40] will their be some dramatic message poping up lol [05:40] okay [05:40] well thats not bad [05:40] codster: yeah but you have come across some errors to fix, it may not be totally smooth.. [05:40] i have about an hour befor i go to school [05:41] its okay [05:41] more to learn thats all [05:41] its annoyign cuz i did it overnight and it only got like 5% after the dl part === logico__h is now known as LogiC-h [05:41] yeah lol [05:41] then i left for school it got to like 20% or something [05:41] :P [05:41] PITA [05:41] ive done that, i fell asleep during the Kubuntu setup it stopped half way :( [05:41] lol [05:41] I got Kubuntu on a 10Gb HDD [05:41] lol so if things go bad i can reinstall [05:41] ok reboot [05:42] i used Kubuntu befor [05:42] i got debian and windows 98 sharing a 5 gig hd lmao [05:42] on my lappy [05:42] Lol [05:42] 5Gb IDE? [05:42] yeah [05:42] its an ancient laptop [05:42] i pulled the 10Gb outta my Xbox [05:42] lol [05:42] i got 80 gig hd in desktop though [05:42] i swapped it for a 40Gb which i use to stream movies and things over from my Windows Shared folders [05:42] its enough for now [05:43] yeah [05:43] well i gotta get to bed or else ill be waking up like a zombie and wont do to good on my exam lol [05:43] thanks for the help guys [05:43] really appreciated it bye [05:43] cya [05:44] rofl weird bug with konversation and wine+firefox+java [05:44] when i minimize konversation some of the window gets "stuck" on my java applet [05:44] in firefox in wine [05:45] looong story why i use wine lol === Killerfox512 is now known as _xofrelliK_ [05:47] is everyone her participating in firefox doqnload day tomorow (today in some time zones) === _xofrelliK_ is now known as Killerfox512 [05:47] now that codster left it got quiet...meh === cyberclaw is now known as CC[Dain]zZz [06:07] anyone has found a solution to the problem that has dolphin with html files ? === snake is now known as albuntu [06:08] what problem? [06:09] Jucato i cant even point the mouse to html or xml files because i get this error [06:11] http://paste.ubuntu.com/20774/ [06:11] hm.. that seems to be a common error lately... [06:11] * Jucato investigates [06:12] yeah thats a bug, people have fixed it by removing the text/html mimetype from the file [06:12] listen to flaccid :) [06:12] flaccid thanks. i saw that before [06:12] but i thought some [06:13] permanent solution was out [06:13] im not sure if someone even submitted a bug, i don't use ipod so i didn't submit the but. but to me podcasts are xml so text/html is invalid. but im not sure the purpose of the desktop file [06:15] anyways dolphin is a file manager so [06:15] no file would do that indipendently by the type [06:17] I think the problem is that D3lphin (Dolphin KDE 3 hack) tries to load file-specific service menus in the Information sidebar, which causes the error [06:17] (of course Dolphin (KDE 4) doesn't do that...) [06:18] yes maybe you are right [06:18] but it seems strange to me that no permanent solution was found [06:19] maybe because nobody followed it up [06:19] the service menu is properly konqueror's, which doesn't load/detect the service menu unless a right-click has been made. unlike D3lphin [06:19] * Jucato thinks a permanent solution would be to remove D3lphin... :D [06:20] konqueror > d3lphin [06:20] * > d3lphin :D [06:21] er.. everything except Explorer... [06:21] pretty muc :P [06:21] yeah......maybe [06:21] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dolphin/+bug/199393/ [06:21] Launchpad bug 199393 in dolphin "servicemenu for amarok has an invalid menu entry "addAsPodcast"" [Undecided,Confirmed] [06:22] the funny thing about that bug is that the service menu for d3lphin is installed by the d3lphin packages.. whereas the one for konqueror is installed by amarok... [06:22] lol === LogiC-h is now known as Logico_h === Darlok_Williams is now known as Reformer81 [07:17] sacramento sucks [07:17] dont come here. [07:18] its abazing how many people will will ask you if you want crack [07:18] awesome [07:35] hi there i want to change between languages layouts (English/Greek) with Alt+Shift but whatever i try it doesn't work can anyone help me? [07:38] anyone know of a tool i can use to crawl an my entire website so that the server caches the pages after they are rendered? [07:59] deadsouls: wget [08:10] i wonder if kubuntu is firefox 3 ready now [08:10] all betas of firefox 3 draw ugly tabs in kubuntu [08:11] ff3 is out, can you find it in adept yao ? [08:12] why is http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/?from=getfirefox still showing ff2? [08:12] minhaaj: yes [08:13] yea [08:13] its still ff2 [08:13] wheres ff3 ? [08:13] official ff3 should be 20080617 [08:14] ubuntu's last ff package is 20080603 [08:18] it should be in adept [08:18] i can't see it there === desti_T2 is now known as desti [08:37] minhaaj, Firefox 3 is not out until June 17th, 10:00 PDT [08:38] whens that ? [08:39] tell me in GMT [08:39] i am +5 [08:40] http://www.timeanddate.com/library/abbreviations/timezones/na/pdt.html [08:40] ok thx [08:59] i can't see webcam in kopete [08:59] any ideas ? [09:00] where are the 4.1 beta packages available? [09:00] adept manager ? [09:01] I tried to do what it said on kubuntu.org but I only got the 4.0.something packages [09:01] !webcam | minhaaj [09:01] minhaaj: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [09:01] thanks let me read === njdenham is now known as njdenham__ [09:02] no no [09:02] i dont have a cam [09:02] i can't view other's webcam [09:03] fair enough, i guess you could submit a bug [09:07] i have a problem with kded taking lots of cpu? [09:07] oops, on kubuntu 8.04 === ocs is now known as faLUCE [09:14] oh, well am gonna reboot and see if it had anything to do with usb devices, but don't think i connected anything since i upped this system last. [09:24] nope, no usb devices connected but many application open including 15 konqueror instances. there is a nspluginviewer process that take quite a lot of cpu, but nothing like kded. [09:28] hi all [09:28] in KDE4 I am having corrupt icons of running apps next to the K button [09:31] arkygeek_: no clue here, but maybe your gfx drivers or compiz ? [09:31] !kde4 | arkygeek_ [09:31] arkygeek_: KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4 [09:32] flaccid: thx [09:32] JackWinter: likely.... [09:32] Hey, how can I use mouse buttons 4&5 as shortcut? [09:33] sjck: you might be able to work something like that out with xbindkeys ... [09:34] sorry, what you mean? I try to use settings->configure shortcuts but it seems that it dont know that buttons [09:35] Yeah, I know, you can't use them there ... but if you think it would be useful,k you could tie one of those button presses to a command (ie: anything you would use in a shell .... including dcop commands) [09:36] that sounds quiet complicated, anyways you know how to bind in konqueror back and forward? [09:36] I'm not sure, there might be another, easier way to do it ..... but I personally don't know it ... I'll google it and see if I can come up with anything [09:37] thank you :) I'm googling aswell [09:38] so no known issues with kded in 8.04 except for USB devices causing it to race ? [09:39] sjck: you can tie the mouse button to a button combo with xbindkeys I think .... like, you could make button4 = ctrl+alt+shift+x if you wanted to (anything you want) .... slightly complicated though it may be, it *should* work [09:40] there should be a wiki article about extra mouse buttons [09:40] but I cant find [09:43] wait, I think I've found something interesting here that might do the trick [09:43] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=455656 === _Jay_ is now known as whkajsfhjfeown === whkajsfhjfeown is now known as _-Jay-_ [09:46] dwidmann thank you! [09:46] you're welcome :) [09:58] just as a matter of interest, how can an app take 240% cpu according to top ? [09:59] JackWinter: multiple cores? [09:59] dwidmann: yes q6600 [09:59] so, 240% out of 400% possible [10:00] dwidmann: aha, thanks didn't know that. [10:01] so kded taking 90% is no biggie, especially if it yields gracefully to other apps. I think I managed to eliminate the app giving me problems with audio. must have been skype being less than civalized with its resources... [10:02] hmm, my kded is using <1% cpu [10:03] now under load kded cpu usage has shrunk to 30% according to top [10:03] still abnormally high IMO [10:04] i can't remember ever seing it use that much either. don't really want to kill all my apps though ;) [10:21] lo all [10:22] hi [10:22] i got one question: [10:22] whats the name of the program with which i can create virtual machines? [10:22] ubuntu_: virtualbox [10:27] that was easy enough [10:31] join #ubuntu === Haza-away is now known as Haza === tony__ is now known as tony_S [10:46] moi [11:06] question what normally is used for resizing partitions and maybe deleting them [11:06] !qtparted [11:06] Factoid qtparted not found [11:06] !format [11:06] Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter [11:06] ooh nice [11:06] t [11:06] thank you [11:07] I had windows and another linux OS installed on this laptop and then I installed kubuntu and I thought I had just the two and I find that all three are on here [11:07] windows, pclinuxos and kubuntu [11:09] I would like to say I am getting rid of windows but thats not the case .. I need to get rid of the pclos and then resize partitions if that will work === pucko_ is now known as pucko- [11:56] oops, sorry [11:57] no problem === alexey is now known as Alexey === itis is now known as MickMcMack [12:01] anyone no how to let windows boxs share file from kubuntu [12:03] fred__: install samba [12:04] its there and dslap as well can see box on xp machine cant access it Riddle [12:05] install autofs as well [12:05] but only learning the system no samba from the Amiga days [12:06] gosh, ff3 is out 11 PM my time [12:06] thats gross [12:12] !backup [12:12] There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning [12:13] fred__: http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=samba+ubuntu [12:13] thanks have a nice day [12:22] hello === pascalFR is now known as PascalFR [12:36] hello [12:39] Im using Ubuntu 8.04 and i want to Virtual box Kubuntu how much hard drive space is this gonna take [12:39] not much [12:39] i have it installed [12:40] I noticed the .iso is 3.3g [12:40] sudo apt-get install virtualbox [12:40] thats already dont [12:40] done [12:41] cool, then use it [12:41] is it only gonna take 3.3g of space? [12:41] no way [12:42] atleast not virtualbox [12:42] !info virtualbox [12:42] Package virtualbox does not exist in hardy [12:42] !info virtualbox-ose [12:42] virtualbox-ose (source: virtualbox-ose): x86 virtualization solution - binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.6-dfsg-6ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 6216 kB, installed size 20176 kB [12:43] good work ahmed [12:43] whats the virtualiser that is most free / native to linux? [12:44] hi [12:45] anybody knows why xgl/fglrx/hardy doesn't work using the "xgl session method" (found on a feisty how-to)? [12:45] what is xgl session method, can you show me? [12:45] flaccid: it depends on your needs really but virtualbox should be fine for most purposes and from my experience it's much faster than anything else, including VMWare [12:46] flaccid: yea wait a minute [12:46] ok ahmad cheers [12:46] VMware is awful [12:47] flaccid: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl [12:48] ooops, says that for 7.10 the method is defferent. sorry, i didn't notice [12:49] stefanos_: its auto now iirc [12:49] flaccid: auto? how? [12:49] hmm maybe not === bruno is now known as ovokinder [12:49] actually iirc, you don't need xgl now.. [12:50] i don't think compizconfig includes xgl anymore [12:50] Hey can i dual-boot Kubuntu with Ubuntu simliar to Ubuntu with WIndowS? [12:50] flaccid: i need it cause it's sooooooo much faster than aiglx and has better xv video overlay quality and performance and it never crashed on my ati9600xt... [12:50] TheBeatles: you can but you usually wouldn't need it.. just install both desktop environments [12:52] i'll look into it. im on 9600 myself [12:52] flaccid: haven't you noticed it's slow on kde4? also this xv performance issue really gets on my nerves [12:52] um its not too bad [12:53] 8487 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1697.338 FPS w/ desktop effects on [12:54] i am talking about quality, not speed. when watching videos with a resolution any lower than your desktops it really is awful compared with xgl/no acceleration. which engine / output module are you using? [12:56] i don't know what an engine or output module is sorry [12:57] !it [12:57] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [12:59] flaccid: which program are you using to watch videos then? [13:00] i use kaffeine or vlc [13:01] vlc rocks [13:05] stefanos_: i can't find anyone getting it to work in hardy === moira is now known as Akallabeth === solo is now known as solo_ === solo_ is now known as solo [13:21] is anyone here?? [13:21] ive got a program thats froze... how do i force quit?? [13:22] solo: ctrl+alt+esc [13:22] then click the screen [13:22] (carefull where you click , it kills the xserver connection with the client) [13:22] olla y'all [13:22] well ill be damned [13:22] :) [13:22] ty [13:22] np [13:23] so if i click on the desktop? [13:23] solo: fyi -0 the program it runs is called xkill [13:23] hmm.. not a good idea. [13:23] probably just kill kdesktop though [13:23] ty [13:23] sup? === solo is now known as solo_awy [13:25] Why is it dell sells a linux laptop for $50 more than a windows laptop? [13:25] support maybe [13:25] no idea [13:26] is the notebook the exact same model? [13:26] but you guys are my support. [13:26] And you charge me $0 [13:26] indeed :) [13:26] [13:27] * flaccid waits for answer [13:27] I'm so sick of linux getting the short end of the stick [13:27] the-erm: is it the same model..EXACTLY? [13:27] * ActionParsnip repeats for flaccid [13:27] Well it's 1525N for the ubuntu laptop, and 1525 for the windows. [13:28] but the windows laptop has more memory & afew other things. [13:28] so whats the difference in spec? [13:28] hi [13:28] thats why then [13:28] nothing to do with OS [13:28] more hardware == more cash [13:28] Dell has gotten a bad press for that befor.. BUT from what i read.. dell i actually several different 'departments' and the linux dept. will oftenhave different deals then the other dept. that may have different deals then the business dept. and so forth [13:28] nyuu__: howdy [13:28] I am watchin HD anime videos with mplayer [13:28] fine ^^ [13:28] but it plays slowly [13:28] nyuu__: got latest codecs? [13:28] NO the point is the 1525 has more hardware, but costs less that 1525N. [13:28] I recall some large blogs/discussion on that topic the-erm by some ex-dell employees [13:29] yea [13:29] the problem is... [13:29] the-erm: i see [13:29] can i have links to both? [13:29] on the same shop [13:29] let me find it. [13:29] my laptop can't play with accuracy about 1920x1500 stuff [13:29] needs to be same shop like what Dr_Willis said [13:30] nyuu__: tried another player? [13:30] nyuu__: maybe theres a setting to frameskip a little [13:30] i wouldnt expect a corporation to do anything or everything in morals [13:30] a large corporation often follows the 'the left hand dosent know what the right hand is doing' sort of thing . :) === nyuu_ is now known as Nyuu === Nyuu is now known as nyuu_elfen [13:32] Morning. Can you guys help me trace why my kubuntu hardy won't boot? It has been freezing at 'early unpacking initramfs' and I just have to reboot until it randomly decides to work - kind of a show stopper. [13:32] mm: boot to live cd and run an fschk [13:33] http://www.dell.com/content/products/productdetails.aspx/inspnnb_1525?c=us&l=en&s=dhs&cs=19&~oid=us~en~29~linux_3~~ (linux) [13:33] http://www.dell.com/content/products/productdetails.aspx/inspnnb_1525?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs (windows) [13:34] The windows box is 2.0 GHZ and the linux box is 1.60 GHZ hmmm [13:34] hey all [13:35] I guess there's a difference in hard drive size. [13:35] how do i find a program ive installed from Synaptic? its lost lol [13:35] 80 (windows) and 120(linux) === solo_awy is now known as solo [13:36] solo: Are you looking for a GUI menu entry? [13:36] or are you just trying to run it from konsole? [13:36] gui [13:36] solo: I don't know how it works in synaptic, but with adept_manager you can do a search, and then view the details, and it'll show you where the files are. [13:36] I might try from konsole.. The prog might not make a GUI entry. [13:37] it installed.... but i dont see a menu item [13:37] It may not have made one. [13:37] well shit [13:37] ty [13:37] I'm trying to remember the name of the program I found to fix that.. KMenuEdit or something.. [13:41] the-erm: probably comparing an apple to a banana here [13:42] synaptic can show installed files in the 'details' information [13:42] the-erm: different processor. linux has dual core not celeron.. [13:42] and the smaller hard driver. really not comparable.. [13:44] found it /usr/lib/ktrack [13:44] :) [13:44] same way with Synaptic [13:44] properties === solo is now known as solo_awy [13:52] hi, how do i find the id of a storage device so i can put it in fstab? [13:52] jals: sudo blkid [13:53] thanks [13:54] !uuid [13:54] To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) [13:54] hi, can somebody help me for watching HD videos with mplayer [13:54] my laptop can't show them with accuracy [13:55] accuracy ? [13:56] I mean, it can't play fluency [13:56] My rather low end laptop - had a tough time playing some HD videos. due to the codec/size of the things. [13:56] I know, but I have found a page [13:56] the gmplayer/mplayer error messages in the terminal, gave some tips to try. [13:56] google earth shows problem with open gl shaders kde4 kubuntu 8.04 [13:56] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=629701&highlight=mplayer [13:56] can you look at this page [13:57] any fixes please? [13:58] nyuu_elfen, what about that page? its offering options to mplayer to try to get things going... [13:59] yes [13:59] but there is a problem... [13:59] Dr_Willis: would fglrxinfo help identify driver [13:59] when I add -fs thing to the code [13:59] it means full screen [14:00] it begins to work slowly again [14:00] ok anyway, maybe I have to solve it on my own... thanks a lot [14:01] nyuu_elfen, so to summaruze its ok in a window but slow in fullscreen? [14:01] Dr_Willis: mesa much slower than proprietary ati/nvidia drivers === janmalte__ is now known as JanMalte [14:02] yes [14:02] Hello, im neww to Kubuntu, every time i shut down my computer it resets all my Kubuntu settings to default [14:02] Dr_Willis: glxgears shows framerate [14:03] window, err.. You did install to a hard drive? (yes i know a stupid question) you are not just running from a live cd? [14:06] Dr_Willis hahaha, yes [14:06] do i have to save each session? [14:06] window, sessions just save what is running by default at login. [14:07] You can make docments and so forth in your home dir. and they stay there next time you reboot? [14:07] nope, when i reboot EVERYTHING is brand frickin new [14:07] window: My guess would be permissions on your home dir. [14:08] somthing sounds weird there. [14:08] ummmm [14:08] hmmm [14:08] What if you make a new user account? Does that help? [14:08] open up a terminal, and check the output of mount, and dmesg. [14:08] i'm not speaking english.. [14:08] if a hard drive is seen tobe failing. it can get remounted read-only at times. [14:09] !paste [14:09] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [14:09] http://paste.ubuntu.com/20856/ [14:09] hi [14:09] what is the best shell mail prog? [14:09] with minimal interface :) [14:10] mailx are not friendly [14:10] Dr Willis, there, i pasted my output [14:11] quit [14:11] tye oen command is 'dmesg' not 'dmesg.' :) [14:11] ah [14:11] this is on a normal desktop install? [14:12] huh? [14:12] /host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro) [14:12] ive never seen Mount points given like that befor. [14:13] one sec [14:13] but i dont use the lvm, or other fancy things. it DOES seem tobe read/write. [14:13] !paste [14:13] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [14:13] here, http://paste.ubuntu.com/20859/ [14:16] window, i would try adding a new user, and seeing if it works properly for them - if so it may be the permission of your /home/username that may be incorrect for some reason [14:16] ciao! [14:16] ls -l /home --> drwxr-xr-x 54 willis willis 4.0K 2008-06-17 08:39 willis/ [14:16] How do I edit permissions? [14:16] chmod and chown commands [14:16] what is the string for hour and minute on date command? %Y%m%d-%H%n ? [14:16] the year month and day I already use [14:18] :( [14:19] ok Dr_Willis, i've been searching XD what file would I have to chmod? [14:20] window, what permissiosn are on your users home dir? [14:20] ls -l /home [14:20] they 'should' look like the example i pasted. [14:21] um, it says this drwxr-xr-x 18 window window 4096 2008-06-17 09:04 window [14:23] no one know the minute key of date format string? [14:24] how do i change my nick [14:24] eagles051387: / nick newnick [14:24] window, well that looks proper.. from the terminal try making a few files in the home dir and see if you can make them. [14:24] eagles051387, /nick newnick [14:25] soooo, cp /home/ make? [14:25] window, how did you install kubuntu? live cd? using wubi? alternative cd? [14:25] Wubi [14:25] window, I would bet its a wubi issue then. I normally suggest to people to NOT use wubi at all. [14:25] cd ~ [14:25] touch 'this_is_a_file' [14:25] ls -al [14:25] should show the new file. [14:25] KRF i need to change my nick to my registered one [14:26] 0.o what? [14:26] eagles0513875, then enter the proper nick to change to. :) [14:26] hahaha [14:26] hi all i have a cope of Wine on my desktop, can someone help me to install it .... [14:26] window, just make a file in your home directory. in any way you want.. save with an editro.. use touch command.. and so on [14:26] window, 'ls > this_is_a_file.txt' for example [14:26] nice that touch cmd [14:26] ian, apt-get install wine [14:26] nothing more [14:27] !wine | ian__ [14:27] ian__: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. [14:27] !wubi [14:27] Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. [14:27] KRF: will that conect to server or use my copy ? [14:28] ian__, just double click on the downloaded package and hope it works.. one RARELY 'downloads' stuff to install under ubuntu/kubuntu. Its best to use the package manager [14:52] strange.. habe installed the latest updatest.. and now.. my skype font ist very big.. not like my other kde apps.. [14:53] before this updates the skype app font are the same as the kde app fonts.. any idea? [14:53] have set twice, that gtk apps should use the same font as kde apps [14:53] check your font dpi in your system settings, make sure it's 96, and then restart skype [14:54] what good shell mail command with nice interface can I install? [14:55] noaXess: Skype isn't a KDE app. [14:55] ah, that's right [14:56] jea i see.. but read my info above [14:56] i thought it was qt, similar to opera [14:56] no, you're going to have to adjust gtk font settings [14:56] they do not, should not, and will not use the same fonts as their kde counterparts :) [14:57] Daisuke_Laptop: have now set dpi to 96.. skype seams to be okay.. but all other app fonts are no really small [14:57] then change it back [14:58] see what i said about not realizing skype was a gtk app [14:58] kde font settings aren't going to change anything with skype [14:59] Daisuke_Laptop: but any idea, why it has worked before the latest updates? [14:59] not really [14:59] hard to be ignored [14:59] can someone give me a walkthrough on how to install skype on kubuntu gutsy? [14:59] skype.com ! [14:59] rajkalyan: donwload it and install it [15:00] theres no comand line stuff? [15:00] no.. is there any other way.. to change the font size in gtk/q apps? [15:00] qt apps [15:05] !qt [15:05] Qt is the Qt (pronounced "cute") toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt 3 applications or libqt4-dev for Qt 4 applications. Qt 4.4 is available from hardy-backports [15:05] !GUI [15:05] The graphical user interface (GUI) in Ubuntu is composed of many elements, including the !X server, a window manager, and a desktop environment such as !GNOME or !KDE (which themselves use the !GTK and !Qt toolkits respectively) [15:05] how can i sse which qt version is allready installed? [15:06] i downloaded the file [15:06] it gave me a .deb file [15:06] now what? [15:06] does anyone use task manager and event alerts online ? [15:06] what is a good program, or web-based service ? [15:07] rajkalyan: just double click it [15:07] which file? [15:07] thers three [15:07] rajkalyan: moment.. [15:07] it listed them in Ark [15:08] heya i got some problems with cd-mounting. anyone in here who wants to help me? [15:08] sure [15:08] whats wrong? [15:08] rajkalyan: http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-ubuntu [15:08] rajkalyan: take this one [15:09] when i try to mountdev/scd0 [15:09] i clicked it [15:09] and it opened in a ark window [15:10] it says block device /dev/scd0 is write protected, mounting read only [15:10] noaXess, i clicked it and i opened up in ark [15:10] now what? [15:11] rajkalyan: than go to your konsole and type dpkg -i path/to/skype.deb [15:11] sudo dpkg -i .... [15:11] ok [15:12] lxuser: yeah, they're read-only, what's the problem? [15:15] morning (or good day) folks :) [15:16] cds are read only, and should be mounted read only, i fail to see the problem [15:16] so after i mountedt it read only it says wrong fs type [15:16] so i added mount -t iso9660 to it [15:17] no, you read the error wrong [15:17] it says block device /dev/scd0 is write protected, mounting read only [15:17] "mounting" - it already did it [15:17] yh [15:17] but [15:17] Daisuke_Laptop: qt4-config is the solution [15:17] after this it says wrong fs type [15:17] and why aren't cds automounting in the first place, i'd be more concerned with that [15:18] noaXess, that doesn't work if adept is running does it? [15:19] my problem is after its mounted it says "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0..." [15:19] and i dont know what to do now === Guest6394 is now known as santiago-ve [15:20] how add programs for download [15:20] rajkalyan: yes.. adept should be closed [15:21] it just crashed [15:21] hwo do i figure out what ver of kubuntu im running ? [15:21] but it got installe [15:21] d [15:21] uname doesnt provide what i need ... [15:22] rajkalyan: and skype work now? [15:22] yes it does [15:22] thank you [15:24] how do i check if my microphone is connected and detected on kubuntu? [15:25] rajkalyan: turn the volume way up, put your ear right next to the speaker, then blow into the mic as hard as you can - if you go deaf, it was connected and detected. [15:25] ok [15:26] i really gotta be more careful with my sarcasm [15:26] ya think? [15:26] rajkalyan: seriously though, open kmix and see what devices are listed [15:27] it says i must specify the filesystem type [15:27] i have no idea how to do that for a cd and which one [15:28] !swf [15:28] Factoid swf not found [15:30] how can i view swf files? === tburdick is now known as bfrog === bal_ is now known as disposable1 [15:39] hey how add programs en adept¿? [15:42] how do i make kubuntu detect my mic? === marcus_ is now known as marcus__ [15:50] Afternoon folks. Is there a way to set my desktop NOT to share the taskbar over multiple desktops? === StasV is now known as LegolasV [15:54] I don't understand the question... [15:54] You want different taskbars over different desktops, or something? [15:56] do trendnet cards work with wpa-psk? [16:10] !ssh [16:10] SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ [16:11] hello [16:11] can any one tell me about disk partition thypes in kbuntu [16:12] The default is usually EXT32, I believe... [16:12] But kubuntu recognises most partition types and can mount them automatically. [16:24] bye [16:24] Byes. [16:32] does anyone know why the gui gproftpd for my ftp server will not even load [16:33] We don't, because we don't know the file structure/settings etc. for your FTP server. [16:34] i just put the ftp server on from adept manager [16:34] im totally new at this [16:34] lol [16:35] proftpd is quite easy to config [16:35] Hey folks, i don't know if anyone answered my question (i had to log) but.. does anyone know how to stop the taskbar from being shared between multiple desktops? [16:35] even using the command line [16:35] were do you go to config it [16:35] is there a file [16:35] how do i unmount something? [16:35] As in.. when i change to another desktop by taskbar is empty [16:35] sudo nano /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf [16:35] ah nm i remembered [16:36] thanks [16:36] brb [16:36] Haza1 show window only from the current desktop [16:36] hi i just installed kubuntu on my macbook.. was reading the guide on the part where adding swapfile in fstab.. i added, and typed mount -a.. how do i know if swapfile is mounted? [16:36] try sudo swapon [16:37] or swap on [16:37] not sure [16:37] i already typed swapon /swapfile [16:37] when i turn my puter off it resets everything to default, it deletes my files and everything, as if i JUST installed Kubunut, what's up wit dat? [16:37] engineer: Cheers [16:38] how do i check if its mounted? i type df -h but it wasn't there [16:38] how can I burn mp3s to a CD? [16:38] k3b says I have to convert the files first but I can't get the files to show so I can convert them. [16:38] dotzzz: it's not exactly "mounted" - type free and see if you have swapspace [16:40] hmm i created a swapfile of 2gb.. i typed free and the Swap: 4095984 [16:40] does it mean only 4mb? [16:41] what does top show [16:42] i reboot to see if fstab /swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0 works [16:42] wow i just printed a text file in kate it prints so nice, with a grey header and the default font looks like a typewritter its a very nice editor [16:43] mkultras and it's free [16:43] its very well done [16:44] ah rebooting works..thanks.. free -m shows 1999mb! [16:44] :D [16:45] i don't need swap [16:45] when i turn my puter off it resets everything to default, it deletes my files and everything, as if i JUST installed Kubunut, what's up wit dat? [16:46] window: is the CD still in the drive? [16:47] bipolar, no, i am sure it's successfully booting my my harddrive [16:47] triple booting in macbook i can't create another partition for swap :( [16:47] I have never seen that behavior [16:47] damn the right click on trackpad is a problem..and wireless doesn't work zz sigh [16:52] hi all, can somebody help me with manual partition in ubuntu? === benjamin is now known as BlackJedhai [16:53] mount -t type /dev/hdAN ./some_folder [16:53] A - disk letter === _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde [16:53] N partition number [16:55] Flyer84: manual disk partitioning, or manual disk mounting to browse files? [16:55] I instaling kubuntu now, problem is that i can´t see swap and i can´t make swap [16:56] all i know but swap is not there [16:56] soooo....do you think everything is deleting and clearing once a session ends? [16:56] has anyone seen this thing with thunderbird ot displaying the body of emails? I just get a blank window! [16:56] check in preferences if you have turned off images [16:57] when i turn off my PC do i hav to click my old session when i log back on? [16:58] no, kde sets the last session as the default from now on [16:58] butwhen i log in everything is set to default and my files are gone [16:58] minhaaj_: me? [16:58] yes moope1 [16:58] er. no I dont think I do [16:59] it could be turned off by default [16:59] you are using gmail ? [16:59] minhaaj_: nope IMAP [16:59] minhaaj_: where is the setting? [17:00] setting for wath ? [17:00] what ? [17:00] Flyer84: when you're editting your partittions, you have to leave some free space for swap... [17:00] not displaying images [17:01] Gmail is a default in Thunderbird. you can select it and it auto configures it [17:01] oh go to edit > preferences [17:02] santiago: i make new partition table [17:02] minhaaj_: I dont see a setting for displaying imags [17:02] Flyer84: you're wiping out your disk? if so.,.. great [17:03] me neither. [17:03] how big is your disk? [17:03] do you get 'display images in this email' message with each email moope1 ? [17:04] santiago: 250GB [17:04] I get "authentication information cannot be recovered" when trying to change my password with passwd. any idea what this means? [17:04] i want 90GB for win xp [17:05] i know first must be a win part. [17:05] Flyer84: you have XP installed already? [17:05] no [17:05] no it doesn't [17:05] clean hdd [17:05] win can be placed at the end [17:05] Flyer84: install win first... will save you headaches~ [17:06] and it help me see a swap [17:06] ? [17:06] Flyer84: just when you start installing XP... remember to create a new parttion with the size you want... and leave the rest alone [17:07] /boot ext3 100mb, /swap / reiserfs 15gb, /home lvm(reiserfs) the rest, xp 90gb [17:07] Flyer84: when you're installing, just click "create" new partition, then when the pop up shows... select swap as filesystem [17:11] Flyer84: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot [17:12] minhaaj_: I don't think it has anything to do with images [17:14] Flyer84: u there? === verica is now known as NyaNoctiluca [17:14] santiago: yes, but when i select filesystem, swap is missing [17:15] how stable is kubuntu with kde 4? [17:15] wow a channel full of people :) [17:16] twobitwork: Not as stable as kde3 [17:17] genii: well... is it usable? [17:17] or still mostly in a development state? [17:17] I can not configure my scanner [17:18] twobitwork: I have both here and get frustrated with 4, always going back to the other. The plasma/widget system in kde4 is not mature. [17:19] Flyer84: swap cant be missing [17:19] what filesystems you have in the combo box?... (that dont are: ext3, ext2, fat*, ntfs, reiserfs) [17:22] santiago: wait pls... [17:28] yes [17:28] work [17:29] ptoblem is in translation in czech lang. [17:29] bad name:) [17:31] Flyer84: the translation is incorrect? [17:32] for me is everywhere swap, swap is swap [17:32] no what is ther written [17:33] what does it says? [17:33] translation is correct but nological [17:33] when the install is in spanish, its the same [17:33] it says "Espacio de intercambio" something like "Interchange space" [17:33] in all manual is swap [17:34] yes we have same [17:34] in czech support is swap [17:35] but thx for your time [17:50] hallo kann mir jemand mit truecrypt und dem mappen von containern helfen? [17:52] !de [17:52] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [17:53] thx [17:53] I tried to understand you but I couldn't [17:53] didnt know this is english [17:54] well i try to first time map a container but tc doesnt know the --device-number option [17:55] when i modprobe -r ndiswrapper , and modprobe -l | grep ndiswrap , i get /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/ubuntu/misc/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko [17:55] how to remove /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/ubuntu/misc/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko ??? [17:56] same goes to /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/net/ath_pci.ko .. no matter how i modprobe -r ath_pci , its still there [17:56] <_CrashMaster_> grr. [17:56] <_CrashMaster_> !aptifx | $me [17:56] Factoid aptifx not found [17:56] <_CrashMaster_> !aptfix | $me [17:56] $me: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » [17:57] Greetings and Hallucinations all [17:57] how do i download firefox? apt-get install firefox-3? [17:58] anyone? [17:58] Here I am to solicit technical help. What a shock! [17:58] Yes. With sudo [17:58] hello, how come when i modprobe -r ndiswrapper, modprobe -l | grep ndiswrap get lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/ubuntu/misc/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko still??? [17:59] Marphine: well [17:59] window: sudo apt-get install firefox-3.0 [17:59] I am trying to get Dapper Drake Kubuntu to recognise my Netgear 802.11G WG311 PCI card. [17:59] Marphine: i suggest you to change to hardy Heron... [17:59] it is LTS too [17:59] anywhat [17:59] lemme google [18:00] Said card is my only net access so I can only get online with my windows partition so I cannot use the adept installer to do anything [18:00] Hardy requires more RAM than I have [18:01] and I can't see putting money into this P3-966 to get it up to spec [18:01] Marphine: how much ram do you have?= [18:01] 256 [18:01] Marphine: you might be better off installing ubuntu server and selecting a minimal window manager; i.e., icewm, xfce, etc. [18:01] Hardy needs something close to 300... I can't remember the exact number [18:02] Marphine: that's for graphical install [18:02] you can use an alternate install [18:02] which requires lot less of memory [18:02] and runs in text mode [18:02] yes but I'm not familiar enough with the process to trty the command line install [18:03] Marphine: its really easy [18:03] :p [18:03] but the only issue I'm having now that's a problem is this wireless card. Unless that will resolve the driver issue it's not where I''m trying to go with this system at the moment [18:03] ye, i undestand [18:04] me on a typical day .... 850MiB :O [18:04] also I have no net access on Linux without getting this card going so I couldn't update after installing [18:05] in fact I'm not using linux at all currently because everything I do on this machine involves the 'Net [18:05] It looks like I need to install either Madwifi or ath5k [18:05] Marphine: do a lspci (on a console) [18:05] and use pastebin to pass the result [18:05] okay what will that do? [18:06] hi all ... im havin a problem ... alsa seems to have broken after upgrade ... any suggestions how to fix this ... [18:06] give the info about the hardware you have [18:06] I'm not able to do that without rebooting the computer [18:06] :S [18:06] well Marphine check these links out then: http://madwifi.org/wiki/Compatibility/Netgear [18:06] anyway I know what piece of hardware is not working... I have the box for it sitting on my desk right now [18:07] http://ge.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=732298&page=5 [18:07] http://linux-wless.passys.nl/query_part.php?brandname=Netgear [18:07] It is compatable with my chipset if I can install one of the beforementioned packages - Madwifi or (preferably) ath5k [18:08] they work with the Atheros chipset the card has [18:08] Marphine: give it a try :D [18:09] but I am not familiar with installing software without the adapt manager that comes with the OS and in this case I need to download some archive and install from that rather then from repository [18:11] hmmm okay it says that there are a couple on revisions so I'll have to doublecheck for compatability [18:12] Marphine: you can ask here for assistance [18:12] we're here for taht :) [18:13] oh ... the problem fixed itseld [18:13] yeah I'm trying to verify the version of the card - apparently there is one that will not work with the madwifi driver and I need to make sure that's not the one I have before proceeding [18:13] firefox 3 is otu ? [18:13] i can't open up the website [18:13] sounds like load [18:13] looking for my tiny mirror so I don't have to pull tghe card [18:15] okay it's a revision 1 so I can proceed with not knowing how to proceed [18:16] Moin [18:16] but ... uh ... I sort of still need some help [18:17] Marphine: ill be arround [18:18] I'm looking at those links you sent - there's a lot of info I need to look over now [18:21] ndiswrapper version 1.45 loaded (smp=yes) <-- how come is 1.45? i installed ndiswrapper 1. [18:21] ndiswrapper version 1.45 loaded (smp=yes) <-- how come is 1.45? i installed ndiswrapper 1.9 [18:22] can somebody help me with kubuntu in macbook? i using ndiswrapper [18:23] hi! [18:24] missing mimetype: application/x-x509-user-cert is missing [18:25] cacert.org uses it and should have the same settings as x-x509-ca-cert [18:25] anyone willing to file a bug? ;) [18:36] firefox is doing cheap commerical stunts [18:36] what is tungsten graphics [18:36] you still can't dl ff3 [18:36] there's a torrent with it [18:36] yeah but how do i do it when i CAN do it? [18:37] what torrent ? [18:37] just wait a few days, final-release is not that important [18:37] why not ? [18:38] RC3 was cool. faster and smarter [18:38] but crashed alot. [18:38] can't wait to see if ff3 final does the job [18:38] make it sexier i say [18:38] long life to konqueror :) [18:39] this torrent http://www.mininova.org/det/1512301 [18:39] but it doesn't count for the record [18:40] no i want to download and install in Konsole [18:40] who cares about the record [18:40] I do [18:40] how about sudo apt-get install firefox3 [18:40] ubuntu wil take his time to put firefox in the repo [18:41] I'll just download the exe and erase it [18:42] hello i successfully installed compiz and most of the effects seem to work but when i try to do the cube i'm inside of the cube is there a way that i can see the cube from the outside? [18:42] pathetic torrent [18:42] 2 seeders and 30 leechers [18:42] it has them all [18:42] just enough, 32 seeders soon [18:43] alextvm_: hold ctrl+alt and move the screen from mouse [18:43] you could see the cube [18:43] alextvm_: check in the compiz config, in cube desktop, there's an option to see the cube inside, disable it [18:43] not soon enough [18:43] !ot [18:43] my time is 7 hours to complete download [18:43] #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! [18:44] oh it has picked up the speed [18:44] welcome to the third world [18:44] hi guys, where can I find the usual /opt/kde files? [18:45] eldalion: /usr/bin.... [18:45] partition help!!! [18:45] llutz: mean the artwork and stuff, not the binaries [18:46] minhaaj: took me 8 second to get ff3 :) [18:46] eldalion: it's in /usr/share... all kde is integrated into /usr-hierarchy [18:46] ppp [18:47] llutz: taking me 15 minutes already [18:47] can you file transfer llutz ? [18:47] cheers :) [18:47] minhaaj: it#s the german version [18:48] aww [18:48] can anyone provide me partition help? [18:48] how about 8 secs to get english version and upload it ? [18:49] maybe, i had a direct link to the german one, that's why it was so fast [18:49] sure Asad [18:49] thnku [18:49] is there a way to easily replace the firefox3 rc3 that i have at the moment with the f-fox3-final that has been released today??? [18:49] there is no menupoint "Update." [18:50] uninstall it [18:50] hello is there a way to pause "sudo apt-get install" so in case i have to stop the process it doesnt have to start all over again? [18:50] <_CrashMaster_> alextvm_: Im pretty sure its an all or nothing command [18:51] - my ? put differently - when is the f-fox3-final likely to show up in the repositories...? [18:52] ok thanks [18:53] - or - who has replaced an earlier f-fox3rc with the new f-fox3-final and how did you go about it?? [18:54] I have Ubuntu has the only operating system on my laptop. I'm currently building a desktop computer, but I'm not sure if I should install Ubuntu, or because I kinda like the KDE look, Kubuntu. If I install Kubuntu, will I have any compatibility issues? I wouldn't think so, but I think it'd be best to check... [18:56] you can check your hardware against the compatibility list - eh - i think what works for ubuntu works for kubuntu or..? [18:56] <_CrashMaster_> Jason2gs: As I understand it, Kubuntu and Ubuntu only differ in that Kubuntu used KDE and Unbuntu uses Gnome. And you can easily switch back and forth between the two. [18:56] ok how do i ad the Firefox to my repository? or how can i do it via Konsole? [18:57] the firefox in the repositories is still the rc3 as far as I am aware...??? [18:57] darn [18:57] window: my feelings exactly.. [18:58] there are alternative ways to install - but I don't know enough to say how or if it would replace the existing one if you have it.. [18:58] generally if one just installs something -by hand- it tends to run parallel to other versions - depending perhaps on where you put it - but I am too much of a newbie to say much about this...l [18:58] <_CrashMaster_> frybye: window: www.Firefox.com You can download the latest and the install instructions provided are pretty straight forward. [18:58] RC3 is the same as 3 final, so don't worry about updating if you have RC3 [18:59] _CrashMaster_: but that will install it alongside the existing rc3 or..? [18:59] frybye: Do you have RC3 atm? [18:59] TimS: is that a fact.. [18:59] Yes [18:59] yes... i hvae rc3... [18:59] <_CrashMaster_> frybye: When I did it, it replaced RC3 [19:00] <_CrashMaster_> But as TimS said, they are the same thing, when you boil it down. [19:00] as far as i k - the rc3 only had a change on rc2 relating to a mac os problem.. but I was not aware that the rc3 was the same as final...? [19:00] frybye: If you want to help the world record, download it off their servers. [19:00] http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/3.0/linux-i686/en-US/ [19:01] According to the guys in the mozilla irc(irc.mozilla.org) its the same [19:01] I hve to be a bit carefull cos I am on an amd64 system and want the flash etc to still work afterwards.. being a newbie I woiuld have trouble setting it up by hand.. [19:01] Oh I see [19:01] TimS: ok i had better stick with what I have for just now... [19:01] That was the 32 bit link [19:02] frybye: Yeah, it will be in the reppos before too long, although updates in the reppos wont count towards the record [19:02] right and i am in germany anyhows.. the us english might not be right I guess.. [19:02] i am going to hang on I guess.. would like to help with the record but... [19:03] dont want a screwed system... no flash etc... [19:03] No, i was just guessing :P [19:03] frybye: Do what I did, download it then just delete it :P [19:03] TimS: sneaky thing you hehehehe [19:03] <|Toad> how do i tell what version i'm using? when i go to about firefox, it just says 3.0, but i know it's rc something [19:04] |Toad: same here... [19:04] if you go to the "version info" page it is all about rc3 - or was yesterday.. not not accessable... [19:04] e e e now not accessable... [19:05] <_CrashMaster_> from a terminal, type "firefox -v" to get your exact version === Gohan is now known as testsym [19:05] _CrashMaster_: That gives me FF3 [19:05] I know I am on RC3 [19:05] <|Toad> yeah [19:05] <_CrashMaster_> odd [19:06] <|Toad> adept says that i have rc1 installed.... [19:06] <|Toad> but it never gve me an option to get anyhting higher [19:06] |Toad: how can you tell in adept? [19:06] <|Toad> it says rc1 in the description [19:06] I got rc1 via adept in kde3 a bit back - but in kde4 if I am not mistaken it got me the rc3 a day or two ago... [19:07] Odd, not for me [19:07] ah - what the heck - apart from the d-load record - the rc3 is pretty good - stable - fast as lightning etc... [19:07] <_CrashMaster_> frybye: try #firefox maybe they can get you some better information. [19:08] Crash - ok but it really is not that big a deal... === Asad_ is now known as Asad === milian__ is now known as milian === ubuntu is now known as kicsi [19:15] re [19:16] well....FF3 out yet? (repository) [19:16] nope [19:16] sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee === fsdadf is now known as engineer [19:19] i can't get to the setup window for configuring the screensavers [19:20] it logs me off and my auto-logi won't kick i [19:20] login [19:20] my keyboard types every letter when i keep it pressed for 3 secs. and it types the letter tww times. this change occured when i was using a wine application. 'mirc' . it may be a coinsidence but anyways. how can i resolve it. i cant type anything? [19:21] kubuntu right? [19:21] ya [19:21] go to system settings from the K menu [19:22] there should be something about a keyboard [19:22] rajkalyan i have changed it. and made it to defualt also. but no use [19:22] flotisttu: click keyboard and mouse [19:22] ya i have done it [19:23] change the keyboard repeat option [19:23] i have [19:23] no use [19:23] make the delay less [19:23] make it really small [19:23] k [19:23] then? [19:23] try typing [19:23] does it work [19:23] i have to pres a key for 3 secs initially to type [19:23] did you shorten the delay [19:24] i have to reboot. iam on windows [19:24] make the delay less than a second [19:24] ok [19:24] but even i shorton delay and it will not type the key 2 times . i will still take 3 secs to type a key initialy [19:24] can someone tell me why kubuntu logs me off when i click setup on screensavers? [19:25] but even i shorton delay and it will not type the key 2 times . i will still take 3 secs to type a key initialy. any solution for that? [19:25] try adjusting the rate? [19:25] it should be below delay [19:25] k [19:26] type "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." [19:26] tell me if its really slow/hard [19:27] is it working? [19:28] can someone help me with the screensavers? [19:29] rajkalyan: what's wrong with them? [19:29] i keep getting logged out if i try to click the setup bottun [19:29] button [19:29] Umm, sounds like opengl is crashing X [19:29] what should i do? [19:30] Probably a video driver issue [19:30] what do i do?!?! [19:30] Probably switch video drivers, what card do you have? [19:30] this is a laptop [19:30] tell me , am i screwed? [19:31] let me find my video card [19:31] There's still going to be some sort of video chip in there .... we just need to find out what, pull up a shell and type "lspci" and see what it is [19:32] it might be neomagic [19:32] vga compatiable controller? [19:32] is that the video card? [19:32] that would be it then [19:32] then its neomagic [19:32] so what do i do? [19:33] not sure,k one minute please (googling) [19:33] * rajkalyan is away: hungry === Asad_ is now known as asad1 [19:33] * rajkalyan is back. [19:35] ! [19:35] i have question [19:35] what is? [19:35] when i set color depth to 16 bit in kubuntu [19:36] graphics looks way much better than in windows with 16 bit colors [19:36] u dual-boot? [19:36] yeaj [19:36] Nece228: where's the question, that was a statment [19:36] *statement [19:36] he wants to know why? [19:37] and how to fix it [19:37] and did you find anything? [19:37] rajkalyan: not sure about this one, not having much luck googling, I would post on ubuntuforums and see if you could get any answers there [19:37] i dont want fix it, im just wondering [19:37] because windows sucks? [19:37] i hate bsods [19:37] bloody things those are [19:38] why in linux 16 bit colors looks way much better than in windows xp with 16 bit colors? [19:38] the settings might be different [19:38] ff3 is awesome [19:38] smart and fast [19:38] lovin it [19:38] dwidmann: should i check #ubuntuforums? [19:38] minhaaj: hatin it [19:38] guys, How to remove compiz fusion and revert back to original? [19:38] Nece228: I've no idea ..... but just be grateful :) [19:38] Nece228: learn to use it [19:38] rajkalyan: you could try, but ymmv [19:39] ymmv? [19:39] whats that? [19:39] gnome kde xfce etc starts with 24 and 16 bit color debth [19:39] your milage may vary [19:39] is there any other color depths which all these guis support? [19:40] Nece228: maybe 8? [19:40] ic [19:40] oic [19:40] no it dont starts with 8 bit [19:41] 8-bit (256 color) displays used to be common :P [19:43] firefox3 is out [19:44] it will be in which repository? [19:44] i always hated firefox [19:44] none at the moment bibstha [19:44] you have to download it [19:44] right now only firefox3-b5 [19:44] but i dont know about ff 3 [19:44] i have downloaded firefox 3 [19:44] it will be in updates repo right? [19:44] do you want it bibstha ? [19:44] minhaaj: me too [19:44] not at the moment bibstha [19:44] ubuntu would take its time [19:44] aah [19:44] cool [19:45] what do you say about ff3 bibstha [19:45] but atleast to set the record will ahve to download fromt the official website [19:45] its loading websites on my connection like flash [19:45] yea [19:45] its checking my delicious links :) not loaded yet [19:45] hehe [19:45] minhaaj: really? wow [19:46] yep [19:46] i cant start x. msg appears /home/user/DCOPserver_computer__0 .. cant make [19:46] people who hate firefox dont know how to use it. [19:46] some.............. [19:46] atleast thats what i have come to know [19:46] something....... [19:47] any thlpe [19:47] help [19:48] user1_: === sean is now known as Guest791 [19:48] did u install on old home directory? [19:49] bibstha: what do you mean. install === Guest791 is now known as SeanTater [19:49] humm [19:49] try making a new .kde folder backup old kde folder to .kde-old or sth? [19:49] guys, can you give me a hand here [19:49] i had to do a kubuntu fresh install [19:50] bibstha: no i didnt do it. do you want me to [19:50] bibstha: i actually startes startx by root [19:50] i get the license agreement thing in konsole, and it wont let me press enter on okaty [19:50] ive tried [19:51] which is faster gtk2 or qt3.3? [19:51] coreymon77: are u sure u dont have a windows cd? :) [19:51] im using konv [19:51] and look at my cloak, im no newbite [19:51] some.............. [19:51] user1_: ok [19:52] user1_: so did u try making a new .kde folder? [19:52] guys, How to remove compiz fusion and revert back to original? [19:53] ill just do it through adept, that should fix the problem [19:53] monk3y: KMenu > Settings > Desktop Effects [19:53] hi there [19:54] !hi | faisal, [19:54] faisal,: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! [19:55] thanks bibstha! [19:55] I'm running compiz-fusion, what is the name of the app to change settings please? [19:57] ActionParsnip: ccsm [19:57] cheers [20:00] what's the shell script channel? [20:00] which setting allows "throwable" windows [20:00] engineer: ask away :D === ubunturos_ is now known as ubunturos [20:00] i need a script for downloading a file from the need infinitly and then remove it afterwards [20:01] i need a script for downloading a file from the internet infinitly and then remove it afterwards [20:01] is it hard? [20:01] shouldnt be [20:01] \chh [20:01] i think bash scripting can does that [20:01] i'm sure it can, i just don't know how to do it [20:02] !firefox [20:02] firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins [20:02] mrksbrd: looking for ff3 ? [20:02] yea [20:02] worth it? [20:02] yep [20:02] awesome i must say [20:03] can it be gotten thru console yet? [20:03] not yet. i dont know [20:03] want me to send you the tar.bz2 ? [20:03] :) [20:03] their site is getting crushed [20:03] DOS attacks [20:03] thats why i offered that [20:03] :) [20:03] i didn't get squat [20:03] there are mirrors around [20:03] i'm not good with tar decompressing [20:03] but they don't count for the record [20:04] you dont have to decompress [20:04] just unzip with Ark [20:04] and run it [20:04] :) [20:04] ok [20:05] let me start my fios....right now i'm on an aircard [20:05] brb in a sec [20:05] ActionParsnip do you know how to do it? === emilsedgh_ is now known as emilsedgh [20:06] <_CrashMaster_> He willingly used an Aircard over FiOS [20:06] <_CrashMaster_> ? [20:07] k i'm back [20:07] wb [20:07] engineer: how do you mean infinitely? [20:07] forever [20:07] wget [20:07] then rm [20:07] how can a file be infinite [20:07] downloadhelper is not compatible with ff3 ? [20:07] wtf [20:07] hello [20:07] and how will you extract it if the file is never completed [20:08] ActionParsnip i just want to download the file and then remove it, then download it again then remove it [20:08] lol [20:08] engineer: ahhh, that makes more sense [20:08] Jest tu jakiś polak? [20:08] the file is finit [20:08] the file is finite [20:08] is it possible to get shortcuts like ctrl+esc to work in fullscreen apps [20:08] !pl [20:08] Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl === derdui__ is now known as derdui [20:08] yeah, you made it sound liek an infinite sound [20:08] infinite loop [20:09] in java its for(;;); [20:09] while 1 [20:09] I have just connected a new Epson Stylus C90 printer. The printer shows up a choice when I need to print. However, the document does not print. What is wrong? [20:09] minhajj....u gonna dccsend it??? [20:09] if you want [20:09] engineer: is it a tar.gz file? [20:10] engineer: im trying to add as much as i can [20:10] any idea how to get FF3 through console? all other downloads are PHAIL [20:10] yes [20:10] make sure you have your printer selected, most of the time it defaults to cups/pdf [20:10] window: wget [20:10] ActionParsnip an url with a tar.gz file [20:10] window http://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-3.0&os=lin&lang=en-US [20:10] engineer: ok cool [20:10] window http://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-3.0&os=linux&lang=en-US [20:10] sure...if u don't mind [20:10] Actioin, how's that? wget install firefox-3? [20:10] i said DOWNLOADS phail XD [20:10] sure hang on [20:11] mrksbrd, my printer is selected. [20:11] wget http://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-3.0&os=linux&lang=en-US [20:11] window: apt-get install firefox gets you firefox3RC3 which is firefox3 [20:11] engineer: will the file want to be extracted to the same place each time, or is it to be extracted so a history of versions can be kept [20:11] no Rioting_pacifist [20:11] ff3rc3 is different [20:12] there is a ff3 final version [20:12] that i am using [20:12] ActionParsnip no, jsut downloaded [20:12] mrksbrd: accept the file [20:12] <_CrashMaster_> Oy, someone add it to the topic already. "FF3-RC3 is the same as FF3-Final." [20:12] minhaal......i did said it was blocked... [20:12] ermm [20:12] _CrashMaster_ is its [20:12] _CrashMaster_: its not [20:12] !ff3 [20:12] Firefox 3 Final is currently mirroring to the package repositories. Please be patient. For best results, do not install via archives downloaded from mozilla.com. [20:13] minhaaj: yes but either mozilla redefined the term release candidate or the more likely situation, firefox3rc3 IS firefox3 [20:13] no its not [20:13] i have used both [20:13] i did wget for firefox, it did a bunch of stuff then said "done" so how do i install it? [20:13] helluva difference [20:13] _CrashMaster_: The final version is "3.0+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 " [20:13] wielkich imprezech polska zawsze gra trzy mecze [20:13] mecz na wejście [20:13] !pl | czarny [20:13] mecz o wszystko [20:13] czarny: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl [20:13] see it in internet [20:13] i mecz o honor [20:13] <_Angelus_> man, its the same, can't you people read versions from adept? === Timmy is now known as TimS [20:13] honor my ass [20:13] <_CrashMaster_> Odd. Everything I'm hearing from #firefox indicates that RC3 and Final are the same thing, albeit with different version numbers. [20:13] engineer: that downloads the exe dude [20:14] so it wont extract [20:14] _CrashMaster_: Could be thats the case, I'm just going off of what launchpad is telling me [20:14] i know, some applications i run from my /home [20:14] ActionParsnip i don't want it to be extracted [20:14] hm, when i use apt-get it says "timestamp too far in the future" [20:14] _CrashMaster_: even if it is, its awesome [20:15] engineer: ahh, so you want it downloading then deleting, then downloading [20:15] just put something like [20:15] _CrashMaster_: that because unless mozilla have done something wierd AND stupid the final release candidate is the final release! [20:15] beats every browser out on earth [20:15] ActionParsnip EXACTLY! [20:15] gotcha [20:15] not wasting cpu cycles extracting === Gohan is now known as testanick [20:16] hello. i just installed firefox 3, and it's very very slow. Takes 2-3 minutes for the window to pop up [20:16] rav did you do it from no repos? [20:16] fix your pc rav [20:17] minhaaj: quite your trolling [20:17] minhaaj....i got it from ff website, once i extract the tar file what do i do??? === flo_ is now known as groovehunter [20:17] stfu Rioting_pacifist === czarny is now known as whit_niogger [20:17] run firefox mrksbrd [20:17] its inside the extracted folder [20:17] !paste [20:17] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) === whit_niogger is now known as murzyn_do_afryki [20:18] mrksbrd: do you want to install it properly or just do things the minhaaj. way? [20:18] engineer: #!/bin/bash [20:18] while true; do [20:18] wget http://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-3.0&os=linux&lang=en-US [20:18] rm *.exe [20:18] done [20:18] sorry guys [20:18] i need a video converter that can convert .mod and/or .moi files, are there any good converters? [20:18] http://paste.ubuntu.com/20951/ [20:18] !pastebin | ActionParsnip [20:18] ActionParsnip: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [20:18] stupid ctrl+v failed === murzyn_do_afryki is now known as lubie_murzynk [20:18] ActionParsnip: they only count unique IP hits so no point [20:18] engineer: I know dude, im in here daily [20:18] i installed it from the repositories [20:18] Rioting_pacifist: its what he wants [20:18] thanks [20:19] Rioting_pacifist: give it a go, ive not tested it but it makes sense === lubie_murzynk is now known as roger_do_domu_ma [20:19] Rioting_pacifist: that was for enginer === roger_do_domu_ma is now known as roger_do_domu [20:19] rav you need to install gnome-firefox support, and i had problems if i had a couple of packages installed gimme a sec to get the names [20:19] engineer: give it a go, ive not tested it but it makes sense. put it in a folder so it doesnt remove any other files [20:20] engineer: rm *.exe is quite agressive but in its own folder it will be file === roger_do_domu is now known as Tyczek_na_strycz [20:20] i'll put it inside it's own folder [20:20] ActionParsnip: i did what you said, still don't see the icon anywhere [20:20] seems easier than what i thought === Tyczek_na_strycz is now known as Tyczek_ty_downie [20:21] mrksbrd: ? [20:21] firefox is in the reps === Tyczek_ty_downie is now known as Burkina [20:21] engineer: are there 64bit java and 64bit flash plugings? [20:21] i did the wget.....then rm *.exe [20:21] ActionParsnip there's a java plugin in the works [20:21] mrksbrd: thats for engineer [20:21] rav if with gnome-firefox support installed (it may not be called that but its something like that) its still slow try removing the pacakge libbonoboui2-0 (it may remove some actual programs with it) [20:21] wget worked for me [20:22] engineer: it it icetea? [20:22] no [20:22] from sun [20:22] yeah? [20:22] nice [20:22] i think it will come out before java 7 [20:22] come out? I thought you sait it was out [20:23] i said it was in the works [20:23] Rioting_pacifist: thanks [20:23] (20:21:48) (engineer) ActionParsnip there's a java plugin in the works [20:23] ok cool, ill stick with ff2 32bit [20:23] Evening folks!! [20:23] And engineer ;) [20:23] rav what fixed it? [20:23] lo Haza [20:23] ok....Rioting_pacifist:what is your way to install ff3? [20:23] (he is always very helpful) [20:24] i have to use firefox 32bit in my 64bit arch [20:24] works fine for me [20:24] Anyway. im looking for decent video capture software. What do you lfolks recommend? [20:24] i have to go [20:24] wget isnt working [20:24] :s [20:25] well id go though repos because rc3 is ff3 but if your going to install the tar move the files to /opt/firefox then "ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox" then "rm -r /opt/firefox/plugins" then "ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ /opt/firefox/plugins/" [20:25] Haza1: for desktop? [20:25] Rioting_pacifist:what is your way to install ff3?....I would like to do it the easiest way possible [20:25] Haza1: like recording your desktop [20:25] ActionParsnip: indeed matey [20:25] Rioting_pacifist: i installed gnome-support, and nothing [20:26] Haza1: sudo apt-get install recordmydesktop [20:26] rav try removing libbonoboui2-0 [20:26] Haza1: ;) [20:26] ActionParsnip: That easy eh~/ [20:26] mrksbrd: well id go though repos because rc3 is ff3 but if your going to install the tar move the files to /opt/firefox then "ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox" then "rm -r /opt/firefox/plugins" then "ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ /opt/firefox/plugins/" [20:26] Haza1: always the case in linux my friend [20:27] ActionParsnip: Hahahah, im starting to learn that as each day passes :) [20:27] Haza1: why make it complicated [20:27] what is the repoo command? sudo apt-get install ff3rc3? [20:27] sudo apt-get install firefox [20:27] mrksbrd: try tab completing ;) [20:28] i cant start kde and x. how to reconfigure or reinstall all that kde or x? [20:28] firefox will install ffrc3 which will be renamed in a few days, unless minhaaj. actually has a clue and mozilla have redefined release cycles for firefox3, but i find both of those unlikely [20:28] dont pay attention to Rioting_pacifist [20:28] he is some weird IE8 freak [20:29] get ff3. its in adept manager now [20:29] i cant start kde and x. how to reconfigure or reinstall all that kde or x? [20:29] ActionParsnip: I have another question [20:29] If you have the time [20:29] Haza1: sup [20:29] Haza1: always ask, someone will answer [20:29] Rioting_pacifist: that worked, removing libbonoboui2-0 and all libs connected to it fixed it. Thanks! [20:30] So, i noticed that some programs i apt-get do not appear in the ...well.... start menu [20:30] i feel like an idiot now....i've tried everything but simple command of "get install firefox" .........<<<<<<<<<<<< if you have a launchpad acount could you confirm my bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/240472 i dont think anybody else has noticed [20:30] Launchpad bug 240472 in kubuntu-meta "firefox3 breaks in kubuntu when certain programs are installed" [Undecided,New] [20:30] Where can i find them [20:30] mrksbrd: come on [20:30] Haza1: right click the k menu -> edit menu, add yuor own stuff ;) [20:30] go to adept manager [20:30] its there [20:30] ubuntu guys are quick :) [20:31] ActionParsnip: I see. Two secs. i will check it out [20:31] sometimes i get massive brainfarts [20:31] lol [20:32] lol [20:32] ActionParsnip: Umm. sorry to sound like a noob (although i am) but... how would i add that "recordmydesktop" app? [20:33] can anyone see me [20:33] ? [20:33] Haza1: there used to be a program called debian-menu that gave all apps, i think it MAY now be called menu-xdg but im not 100% [20:33] Haza1: click on the part of the tree you want. file -> new item [20:33] user1_: no :p [20:33] !apropos [20:33] Factoid apropos not found [20:33] user1_: sup man [20:33] ActionParsnip: hi [20:34] ActionParsnip: i cant start kde and x. how to reconfigure or reinstall all that kde or x? [20:34] Rioting_pacifist: go to a eye speciallist [20:34] an* [20:34] :) [20:34] ok got an error already....box poped up asking me to disable firefox 3.0......any ideas????? [20:34] user1_: what happens when you start x? e.g login as command line and type startx [20:35] user1_: sudo apt-get --reinstall kde-desktop (use some tab autocomplete here) [20:35] user_1: could you ever start kde and X? Mine broke when I misconfigured the nvidia driver [20:35] user1_: Rioting_pacifist is asking good stuff [20:35] Rioting_pacifist: jjust an X . nothign else [20:36] Rioting_pacifist: will that help? [20:36] user1_: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg [20:36] Rioting_pacifist: how can i copy that line? [20:36] user1_: pen and paper, or use your mind [20:36] actually if you boot into recovery mode a menu should give you the option of fixing x [20:36] ActionParsnip: Okay mate. ive done that. now i have a text box.... am i looking for the .sh file here? [20:36] hold down your left mouse button & highlight it [20:37] And if i am... what is it? or where is it [20:37] k.......... [20:37] how do i search for repositories? [20:38] user1_: I think the easiest way to fix your problem is to roboot into recovery mode, press esc, get up grub, then youll get a menu and it will offer you fix x, that should fix your system [20:38] Mr_Cheeto: use adept_manager or aptitude search [20:38] ActionParsnip: Sorry mate. im new to the KDE enviroment (not to mention the whole linux experience) :) [20:39] Haza1: welcome to the community [20:39] ActionParsnip: hehehe, would you believe ive been a part of the OS community a while? :) [20:39] OS == Open Source [20:40] Haza1: should say new item, give it a name, the the app you can fill in but the name needs adding first [20:40] we stole you for linux just in time then ( before kde took over mac & win) :D [20:40] kde is ok, i prefer fluxbox === crash_ is now known as _CrashMaster_ [20:41] Haza1: welcome to the best community on earth [20:41] huamnity embraces you :) [20:41] minhaaj: ive been using linux a good while dude [20:41] so ? [20:41] but now like a human [20:41] im not exactly "new" [20:41] i didnt say you were [20:41] not new, a human [20:41] ActionParsnip: but with what apps? fluxbox is a nice replacment for kwin + kicker when im on older PCs or need something doing fast but nothing beets kde apps for me [20:42] minhaaj: so why welcome me if im not nw? [20:42] i was talking to Haza1 [20:42] welcome to earth [20:42] as you were. my mistake, sorry [20:42] kinda watching the football [20:43] france italy [20:43] say goodbye to rumania [20:43] Rioting_pacifist: pidgin, firefox, openssh-server, samba. its all my system is for really [20:43] im wanting italy out just to stir things up [20:43] then dont take this the wrong way but WTH are you here? :P [20:43] mine server is debian lenny, apache, mysql, samba and TorrentFlux :D [20:44] Rioting_pacifist: was after the config app for compiz. it still sucks :) [20:44] haha [20:45] the entire compiz sucks :S [20:45] ActionParsnip: You watching Italy VS France then? [20:45] i'm watching the both match [20:45] Haza1: yeah, its the highlights of the holland game [20:46] Awww man Holland are kicking ass! [20:46] I know who im supporting"! [20:46] * Haza1 is an Englishman [20:46] Israphel: i installed it cos i was bored. I used to have beryl way back when and wanted to see if it was nay better [20:46] Living in Scotland [20:46] Haza1: why does noone shoot on target [20:46] ActionParsnip: take a look to kwin in kde 4.1, it's so flashy! [20:46] Who is noone? [20:47] Haza1: no one [20:47] Hahaha [20:47] i'm an argentinian living in argentina (?) [20:47] Israphel: i dont like gloss [20:47] where are you watching the match? iplayer is ok for bbc matches but i cant find them anywhere for itv ones [20:47] ActionParsnip: it's like coffee, the stronger, the better [20:47] So ActionParsnip. Once i add the name of the shortcut in the menu.. what next [20:47] espn an espn plus [20:47] and* [20:47] Israphel: im waiting for the icons for files to start being animated [20:47] where is the recordmydesktop app executable? [20:48] Israphel: people will lap that up [20:48] ActionParsnip: it would be cool [20:48] Haza1: try just typing it in a konsole / yakuake [20:48] Haza1: put an & at the end of it [20:48] the gtk version of recordmydesktop is more complete [20:49] Israphel: its the european cup dude, no argentina :D [20:49] not working. i think illl reinstall it. what was the command [20:49] ActionParsnip: [20:49] <_2> /exec -o echo "$(`echo g56bsve6ovud4c41nve6osvb5anvra2q4d | tr '":;?/., 0987654321abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' '1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm ,./?;:"'`)" [20:49] ummm [20:49] user1_: sudo apt-get install recordmydesktop [20:49] ActionParsnip: and what with it, i like the Football, all around the world [20:49] ActionParsnip: I think i may be recoding my desktop as we speak [20:49] LOL [20:49] ActionParsnip: sudo apt-get --reinstall xserver-xorg ? [20:49] user1_: sorry, confused ignore that [20:49] people who only see footbal of their countries, don't know nothing [20:49] <_2> oh: pfft, and you thought that was something nasty ;/ [20:50] user1_: let me websearch [20:50] \ [20:50] \ [20:50] \ [20:51] right. [20:51] todays update of the kernel broke my sound :) [20:51] user1_: sudo aptitude install --reinstall kdm [20:51] how do I see the changelog of the packages [20:51] before I update them? [20:51] I upgrade with apt-get [20:52] does anyone have an idea? [20:52] Glisha: install apt-listchanges [20:52] Glisha: im not sure if thats possible [20:52] nvm [20:52] !info apt-listchanges [20:52] apt-listchanges (source: apt-listchanges): Display change history from .deb archives. In component main, is optional. Version 2.79ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 56 kB, installed size 456 kB [20:53] Rioting_pacifist: nothing's impossible [20:53] ActionParsnip: not working [20:53] this is awesome https://addons.mozilla.org/es-ES/firefox/addon/7574 [20:53] <_2> Glisha also normal changelogs are usually found in /usr/share/doc/packagename/ or in /usr/share/packagename/ [20:54] mozilla addons is bogged down to all heck right now [20:54] ActionParsnip: [20:54] because of download day [20:54] ping [20:54] firefox website is nuked [20:54] ppl are going crazy [20:55] probably because idiots are telling people to go there instead of just using repos [20:55] sup [20:55] !ff3 [20:55] Firefox 3 Final is currently mirroring to the package repositories. Please be patient. For best results, do not install via archives downloaded from mozilla.com. [20:56] * ActionParsnip is waiting for full plugins [20:56] ActionParsnip: Initializing... [20:56] Opened PCM device hw:0,0 [20:56] Recording on device hw:0,0 is set to: [20:56] 2 channels at 22050Hz [20:56] Buffer size set to 4096 frames. [20:56] Capturing! [20:56] firefox 3 is in adept manager [20:56] anyway enough trolling, my sounds gone, whats the best way to debug right down to the modules [20:56] Am i recording my desktop [20:56] you can download it from there [20:56] i am already using it [20:56] And if i am... where is it going? [20:56] im not installing it from there [20:56] Haza1: ~/ [20:56] im just not sure if downloading from repos counts towards the record [20:57] so i downloaded the package from the site] [20:57] no it doesn't [20:57] but installed through apt [20:57] the company i work for beat mozilla for best code developers in USA [20:57] <_2> ubottu said a mouth full that time, "For best results, do not install...from mozilla.com." :) [20:57] _2: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [20:57] nvm think i got it it was just sudo alsa force-reload [20:58] meh [20:58] well i did download a copy from website too :) completed my pledge [20:58] done mine too just forlaughs [20:58] download the file from mozilla anyways, in order to help the record [20:58] minhaaj: me too [20:58] how do i search for repos? like if I wanted Killerap.com's browser how would i find their repo? [20:58] why is the record important. doesnt change anything really [20:58] ActionParsnip: bragging rights [20:59] yeah plus the Mozzila guys are roasting marshmallows on their servers [20:59] Mr_Cheeto: you use adept_manager or aptitude search to search through repos, there arnt many external repos , you find them through google though [20:59] coreymon77: bragging rights are for people with small penis' [20:59] ooooh, kthx [20:59] ActionParsnip: i did it because i pledged that i was going to [20:59] so i did [20:59] ActionParsnip, do u konw sum1 with more thanone peni? [20:59] wierd thing though [20:59] gol the holanda [21:00] i go to the ff website and i get the page for ff22 [21:00] I mess the languaje [21:00] ff2* [21:00] not 3 [21:00] netherlands is winning [21:00] Mr_Cheeto: its multiple penis' due to me referencing a group of people [21:00] jpds, _2: thanks, http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy-updates/ was what I wanted, to see the changelog before downloading. :) [21:00] XD jk [21:00] later [21:00] http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/archive/ubuntu/hardy/wine_1.0.0~winehq0~ubuntu~8.04-1_amd64.deb [21:01] Mr_Cheeto: peace [21:01] <_2> Glisha ah pre-install. yes you have to get that from the web. [21:02] Glisha: apt-listchanges shows you changes before installing [21:03] <_2> it helps to be precise in what one is looking for. ("give me an egg" ... 'splat, the yoke is on you') [21:04] jpds: ha, I saw filename.deb and ignored the --apt switch, my bad. :) [21:06] EpsonStylusC90 "Unable to open device "hal:///org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_4b8_5_423031433146E87F32_if0_printer_noserial": Permission denied". How can I fix this? [21:07] <_2> kdesu [21:14] help out the firefox download day record [21:14] http://www.mozilla.com/products/download.html?product=firefox-3.0&os=linux&lang=en-US [21:15] <_2> i still have something eating ram, and i can't find it. http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d706d3b1e [21:16] _2: try htop or ps -Al [21:16] <_2> Rioting_pacifist huh ? [21:17] ps -Al will give you more info to find it and htop is a nice alternative that gives loads of info [21:19] <_2> ? [21:21] <_2> one would have to start a gui to use htop heh. [21:22] hello! [21:22] andreina205herr@hotmail.com [21:22] no htop is CLI but ps -Al will give you the info you need [21:23] <_2> Rioting_pacifist you can not config htop in a console i just tried it. you can from a gui i tried it too. [21:23] <_2> at least the fersion i have. hopefully they fixed it in later releases [21:24] htop is a command line app, you dont need X to configure it only htop [21:24] <_2> tell the app don't tell me. [21:25] <_2> start htop press f2 and cpu goes to 100% and stays there nothing else happens you have to ^C kill it [21:26] <_2> run it inside of X and it doesn't have that problem. [21:26] weird [21:26] <_2> is repetable tested three times. just to make sure i wasn't missing something. [21:27] <_2> as i stated ^ i hope they have fixed that by now. [21:28] <_2> but at any rate you have to start a gui to use htop in dapper unless you want to just look at the default output, in which case you might as well use top [21:30] <_2> thus my conclusion on that subject, "htop is completely worthless to me" [21:36] Is "firefox 3 starts offline" problem solved in kde? [21:36] <_2> ps doesn't report anything using more ram than 0.4m and of the 33 processes you do the math, that should not be 12m (actually far less closer to 6 because i listed the highest as .4 some list .0 and some .1) but i show 16m used so something is amiss [21:37] <_2> something is eating ram, and i fail to find it. [21:39] <_2> another box reports Memory Used/Total Percent: 7/123 MB (5%) [21:39] <_2> Swap Used/Total Percent: 0/0 MB (0%) [21:39] <_2> which seems right. but this one is choaking out more than twice that much. [21:40] _2: mm... top doesn't show the most "fat" process? [21:40] <_2> sheleztt yes 0.4m [21:40] Hi, i'm using kde4.0.5, but i can't get focus on a window by clicking inside . I have to click on the title bar to get focus. Is this a known bug ? [21:41] what does ps -Al show? [21:42] <_2> note that the last several processes were the pastebin in progress. http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d275d5ad7 [21:42] _2: you've said that you fail to find it.. here it is, i think. [21:42] <_2> sheleztt i'm all ears. [21:43] how can i look at the various processes running on my system, to see how much RAM things are using up [21:43] i want to know how much firefox is using [21:43] <_2> top [21:43] <_2> ps aux [21:43] <_2> "htop" for those that like it. [21:43] try ksysguard otherwise [21:43] weswh-: top, htop or probably ksysguard [21:44] <_2> alt+esc [21:44] ctrl+esc i think [21:44] <_2> is it ^ ? [21:44] but maybe i changed it [21:44] <_2> i don't use kde so i'll take your word for it. [21:45] is VMSize, the memory footprint? [21:46] yeah [21:46] <_2> top is the most simple to understand of those imo [21:46] yeah top is nice [21:47] _2: im not sure if this makes sense but is it possible that 7mb missing in ram is the kernel [21:47] so in top, VIRT says 338m, and RES says 167m [21:47] in ksysguard, it calls that VMSize and VMRSS [21:47] <_2> Rioting_pacifist sure. except for the fact that an identical system isn't loosing that 7m ;/ [21:49] <_2> Rioting_pacifist normally the "about 6m" that the kernel eats just doesn't show as part of the total i.e. it is not reported anywhere. [21:49] try #linux or #debian i dont think theres much help for tracking down a few missing MB here, normally its just explaining how to use apt-get install [21:51] <_2> top says this box with 512m ram has (Mem: 515748k total) that's what? 503m so 9m not reported at all ? [21:53] _2 : i think the kernel takes some M of ram for itself at startup which is said not "usable" thus substracted from system memory [21:55] <_2> nightrow yeah that's what i said. just different words. [21:56] sorry - only read your last sentence ... :( === StasV is now known as LegolasV [21:58] <_2> the kernel of about 1.5m and the uncompressed initramfs of anywhere form 1 to 8 meg is just simply "lost" as far as all memory reporting methoods are concerned. it's kind of like the kernel "can't see itself?" so to speak. [22:00] okay guys, question [22:00] amarok can handle ipods right [22:00] ? [22:00] <_2> so i hear. [22:00] how [22:01] <_2> err that i don't know. [22:01] <_2> !ipod [22:01] For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod [22:01] <_2> !RockBox [22:01] rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started! [22:03] I'm trying to receive a file via bluetooth, but the phone says that the connection failed. At the same moment KDE bluetooth displays a message "Verbunden mit Liandri" (Liandri is the name of the phone) - However it doesn't do what I want - i can transfer files to the phone, but not the other way [22:04] oh wait it doesn't say that the connection failed. it says that it failed to send. [22:06] how do i dedect unmounted drives? [22:06] <_2> sudo fdisk -l or cat /proc/partitions [22:06] <_2> unless you are talking about optical drives [22:06] <_2> then use eject [22:07] i see the other disk === Haza1 is now known as Haza-zzz [22:08] <_2> http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d5ca92865 [22:08] <_2> handy for cd/dvd drives ^ [22:08] hmm i think sda2 i installed [22:08] I found a workaround, looks like i can "mount" the phone via bluetooth, which is even more comfortable [22:08] gah, its not working [22:08] amarok is giving me the error that my ipod is a read only file system [22:09] and i cant seem to change it [22:09] how do i mount a drive? [22:09] <_2> coreymon77 kdesu amarok ? i know that doesn't sound like the best idea tho. [22:09] want to make it linux file system aslo [22:10] _2: tried that [22:10] time to give gtkpod a try [22:12] <_2> bestpvp you use mke2fs or any of the wrapper scripts like mkfs.ext3 on the device example: sudo mke2fs -jc /dev/sda2 && sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt && echo "look in /mnt now" || echo "something failed" [22:12] hey for installing Wine 1.0 can i follow the ubuntu instructions on the wine page or will it be different for kde? [22:13] <_2> bestpvp that example should make an ext3 fs on device sda2 and mount it on /mnt or if not report that there was an error. [22:13] little new to this [22:13] is there still hope for a point release on 8.04? [22:13] melkart: what do you mean? [22:14] <_2> melkart like 8.04.1 ? no. [22:14] Rioting_pacifist: a release 8.04.1 , before october, before 8.10 [22:14] i see :/ [22:14] ah maybe it's 1 drive only [22:14] no but updates are released, what bug particularly bothers you? [22:14] !firefox [22:14] firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins [22:14] sda means 1 drive yeah [22:15] after installing virtualbox--where the heck is it? i don't see it on the menu anywhere.. [22:15] Rioting_pacifist: 8.04 never installed well for me [22:15] Rioting_pacifist: so i am stuck with 7.10 [22:15] Rioting_pacifist: if 8.10 doesnt work out for me, then i have a problem [22:16] what was your particular problem wireless, gfk ? [22:17] there were some kernel updates released but i think it was mainly for security and a couple updates were realesed that fixed issues with proprietory ATI (but then again OSS ATI is usable) [22:20] <_2> bestpvp look closely at the output of fdisk -l or cat /proc/partitions the nominclature is pretty simple /dev < device dirrectory. /dev/sd < scsi device (includes usb and some sata) and /dev/hd < the ide bus, normally internal hard drives /dev/sda < the letter (a) starting with a and lettering upward is the drive letter{hda or sda is the first hdd}. /dev/sda1 < the number (1) starting with one and counting upward === joe_mid_ is now known as ca42 [22:21] virtualbox website seems to have tutorials and howtos on many advanced features but not a peep on how to actually start the damn thing. [22:21] <_2> after you understand the way things are called it makes perfect sense, and you can tell at a glance where a device/file_system is. === ubuntu is now known as Conrado [22:23] ok.. typing in "virtualbox" brings up its gui [22:23] amazing how that simple fact cannot be documented anywhere.... and amazing why it isn't put on the menu upon installation. [22:24] gah [22:24] its the same error [22:24] how can i make my ipod not read only === luis is now known as tigremx1 [22:29] ow hi [22:30] How can I make a window "keep above from others" with bash [22:30] ? [22:31] hey how do i change the font size of the sidebars in dolphin? [22:31] nyuu: kstart --ontop (or --keepabove) [22:32] drag the size of the sidebar [22:33] ok, anyway how can I use this command with mplayer [22:33] mplayer --ontop ?? [22:33] rickest: ? [22:33] nyuu: something more like: kstart --ontop --window mplayer mplayer [22:34] rickest: hmm I see [22:34] rickest: double mplayer? [22:34] i screwed with some settings and now all inactive windows (windows in the background) become slightly transparent. This is dragging down my system and i don't care for it. How can i turn it off now? [22:35] nyuu: the first is for '--window' option. READ about kstart [22:35] ok ^^ thanks a lot [22:37] i have my kubuntu without sound, what can i do? [22:37] sorry i just new to kubuntu [22:37] engineer, that just resizes the sidebar, doesn't change the font [22:39] hey all [22:39] ive just downloaded a theme for compiz but it wont apply, do I need to restart X to apply it? [22:47] wireshark tells me there are no devices i can capture on, but running as root tellss me its bad :( how do i changes the permisions to allow myself to snoop [22:49] RiotingPacifist: you might just need to add yourself to the 'wireshark' group, not sure [22:50] RiotingPacifist: http://wiki.wireshark.org/CaptureSetup/CapturePrivileges [22:50] thx [22:55] is it possible for global shotcuts to still work when in fullscreen games? [23:01] ok, now that FF3 is released, whats the proper way to install it on 7.10? i have the beta running from a folder on my desktop but i want it to upgrade ff2 instead (or replace it) [23:05] DarkriftX: did you get an answere? [23:06] nope [23:07] well im not sure how to install it through repos so my only solution would be to move it opt and then link it as shown in !firefox [23:07] !firefox [23:07] firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins [23:08] ok [23:09] How come Kubuntu is so much better to save battery than Ubuntu? On my laptop I got 2 hours more out of it =D [23:10] because it rocks, erm im not sure you could try running powertop 2hrs difference sounds like something is wrong with gnome (other than the obvious) [23:10] hehe :P [23:12] well from what I can tell, Kubuntu uses about 16~17w/h compared to 20~24 w/h in Ubuntu (with nothing runing, Kubuntu spikes to about 18w/h when the CPU is at 100%) [23:13] Hi. has anyone managed to get unreal tournament to work on kubuntu 64-bit hardy without crashing? [23:14] how can start a window in over screen? === DrUnKnMuNkY1 is now known as DrUnKnMuNkY [23:16] <`jason> i am changing from ubuntu to kubuntu, i have already done "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" and i have many new items on my desktop but what do i do next [23:16] nordmoen: that cant be right at 100% both will use the same, but any savings in kubuntu would be due to less wake ups, a likely option is you have compiz running in ubuntu but not kubuntu [23:16] log into kde [23:17] <`jason> Rioting_pacifist, is that directed to me? [23:17] `jason: yeah [23:17] Rioting_pacifist: That might be right, but I still find that Kubuntu is better at saving power [23:17] <`jason> ok so basically, i restart and login to kde? [23:18] `jason: log out and login to kde should do it, no need to restart, this is linux ;) [23:18] help me help u [23:18] <`jason> oh cool thanks Rioting_pacifist [23:18] Hi. has anyone managed to get unreal tournament to work on kubuntu 64-bit hardy without crashing? [23:19] `jason: you might not even need to logout you could jsut start another session but i couldnt tell you how to do that in gnome [23:19] Evening all [23:19] richard_: its kind of emput in here as your problem isnt directly kde replated try #ubuntu they have 4/5 times as many people [23:20] oops [23:20] Dishivlatavish: why does it crash, what do you get in terminal output [23:20] I get fcntl:operation not permitted, followed by a segfault [23:20] does anyone know how fix issues with DKPG? [23:21] !dpkg [23:21] dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. [23:21] !dpkg-fix [23:21] Factoid dpkg-fix not found [23:21] pacifist i hate wich u, send me to #ubuntu, what happend with u? this is a room for #kubuntu, [23:21] Rioting_pacifist: Note that I am runnin gwith 32-bit aoss sound wrapper as 32-bit sound doesn;t work in 64-bit... [23:21] what is a good download manager for ubuntu ? [23:21] minhaaj: kget [23:22] works with firefox ? [23:22] u look a bad person, this is #kubuntu, and if you send me to #ubuntu, i send u to.......... [23:22] no as a firefox fanboi you may aswell stick with DTA [23:22] DTA ? [23:22] download them all [23:22] thats not a download manager [23:23] <`jason> Rioting_pacifist, i logged out and it took me straight the ubuntu login screen [23:23] Rioting_pacifist: Here is the full shell output right up to the crash: http://pastebin.com/m633b44f [23:24] `jason:sorry about that forgot to say from the login screan there should be a session type option , try starting a new session and looking for it under session type there should be failsafe, gnome and kde pick kde THEN login [23:24] <`jason> ohh [23:24] <`jason> thats ok [23:24] what if anything do people know about Lassie's are the reliable data drives for storage or would I be better to build my own [23:24] <`jason> wait let me remember all that [23:26] we need someone to create a ff3 package :( [23:27] DarkriftX: 7.10 doesnt get any proper updates, there may be a package about if you google though [23:28] Dishivlatavish: i have no idea what fcntl: operation not permitted means, try starting it with kdesudo (very bad thing to do i know but if it works then the error is a permition error) [23:29] hello can someone help me identify my video card?? [23:31] lspci | grep should give you info, alternatively look it up using kinfo [23:31] *kinfocenter [23:33] * Rioting_pacifist runs away to get some food, all this pretending he knows what hes talking about is hard work [23:34] Rioting_pacifist: using sudo gives me the following error:fcntl: Invalid argument native_blitbuffer: select error occured native_blitbuffer: select error occured Signal: SIGSEGV [segmentation fault] Aborting. Segmentation fault [23:36] ok it says i have intel, where can i get the drivers for an intel card?? [23:37] Rioting_pacifist, where do i find intel drivers?? [23:38] !intel [23:38] Factoid intel not found [23:38] javier: intel video drivers shuld already be installed. If not, then do "sudo synaptic" and search for x11-xorg-video-driver-intel" [23:40] Dishivlatavish, i dont have synaṕtic on my kubuntu [23:40] javier: do you have adept? [23:41] yes [23:41] javier: that'll do then [23:41] start it up and search for x11 xorg video driver intel [23:42] didnt, or just help me figure out why kubuntu is only using part of the screen [23:42] part of the screen? [23:42] what's the other part doing? [23:42] its blue like the background, only one part has the windows pannel etc [23:43] hmpf [23:43] culd be a resolution problem with xorg [23:43] how do i change it?? [23:43] post your /etc/X11/zorg.cong on pastebin [23:43] *xorg.conf [23:43] ok youll be on tonight?? [23:43] i have to leave [23:43] yeah [23:43] k [23:43] ok thanks cya later [23:43] I'll tell you what to do now [23:44] just edit the "Video section" and make sure the screen resolution is set to your monitor resolution [23:44] cya [23:45] there is no resolution [23:45] http://paste.ubuntu.com/20992/ [23:45] here is my xorg [23:46] where? === Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale [23:46] http://paste.ubuntu.com/20992/ [23:47] what is ur monitor's refresh rate (unless it's an lcd, in which case it doesn;t matter) [23:48] im using a laptop [23:48] k [23:49] start kcontrol and goto "periphereals->Monitor" What does it say? [23:51] monitors resolution is at most [23:51] hola [23:52] javier: Does it match your actual laptop resolution? === pablo is now known as Lanix-10 [23:59] ·Kubuntu-es [23:59] #Kubuntu-es