
* LimCore facepalms @ 00:00
* LimCore facepalms @ "first reported on 2007-12"00:00
LimCoreI written to upstream now00:03
Awsoonnwhat package contains the 'Add Printer wizard' in kubuntu?01:32
bdmurrayAwsoonn: system-config-printer01:57
=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Hug Day! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20080617 | Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ | Want to report a bug? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs
Awsoonnbdmurray: thank you~02:03
LimCorebdmurray: btw I consider that a bug02:06
LimCoreit should be installed by default imho02:07
LimCoresame as missing pages in kcontrol center02:07
persiaLimCore: If you consider something a bug, best to reserve a bug number :)02:07
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CarlFKplay yellowaudio.wav  - play soxio: Failed reading `yellowaudio.wav': unknown file type `auto'03:03
CarlFKbut aplay yellowaudio.wav  - Playing WAVE 'yellowaudio.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 44100 Hz, Mono03:03
CarlFKplay says SUPPORTED FILE FORMATS: m3u pls03:03
CarlFKseems kinda odd - am i missing something ?03:04
CarlFKhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/sox no open bugs.03:05
CarlFKi can't belive this is a bug03:05
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mrooneycan anyone verify if clicking the thumbnail at the top of http://tinyurl.com/6hhmdy causes firefox to ask if you want to open or save the image? and if so, if this is a bug?04:47
persiamrooney: Trying a parallel test in epiphany, it opens it in a helper application (as I've likely told it not to ask in the past).  I'd consider it not to be a bug: users can tell the application if they want to always choose one or the other, and it can otherwise be difficult to easily open objects in one's editor/viewer of choice.04:50
mrooneypersia: well the bug is that it's an image, shouldn't it just display it like any other image?04:54
persiamrooney: No?  For me, it opens in my image processor.  That way I can blow it up, transform it, save it, etc.  I prefer that to viewing it in the browser.04:55
mrooneyoh is that how yours is always configured?04:55
persiaPerhaps there is a bug that it should offer to display, open, or save it.04:55
mrooneyfor me all images are opened in the browser04:55
persiamrooney: For some media types, but not all.04:55
mrooneyexcept this case04:55
persiamrooney: Interesting.  Maybe the markup is different?04:56
persiaBlah.  It's all Javascript, and I don't feel like opening a parser.04:57
ruiboonmrooney: the server header of that link states 'Content-Disposition: attachment'04:58
ruiboonso firefox is correct to offer to save it04:58
mrooneyruiboon: oh I see, I would have to yell at google then I guess04:59
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theJamAbidesGuys, just wanted to say that I'm excited to get started with helping out the community... but as I've just decided... it's also bedtime.  So see you all in the near future!06:50
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BalachmarHi, I have reported the following bug a while ago, and I want to see whether I can do anything to get it fixed. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/23166208:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 231662 in ubuntu "Netgear WG111 unstable wifi connection in hardy" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:36
BalachmarSince this is a regression, (because it worked fine in gutsy) I assume that a fix shouldn't be too hard. Although that is probably a wrong assumption :)08:38
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hggdhseb128, ping and good morning (at least for me)12:55
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sectechHow hard would it be to make  a python script to get the stats of how many bugs you touched per day and set to different statuses? (just a question based off curiosity)13:31
* heno does OOo SRU verifications today, even though it's not actually on the OOo bug day list14:00
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LimCorehi gen14:52
LimCorehi qense14:52
henopedro_: Did we consider adding an SRU verification section to the bug day pages?14:57
henoit's not applicable for all bug days of course14:57
henobut for OOo today there were 10 pending verifications14:58
pedro_heno: it would be indeed something nice to have there, yes14:58
henowell, we might of course do an SRU day soonish anyway :)14:59
pedro_hopefully next week ;-)14:59
seb128what do you call sru day?15:00
henopedro_: rock! (got your email, thanks)15:00
henoseb128: each sru should have a bug, so it can still be a bug day15:01
seb128that seems to be a small bug day15:01
seb128there is not so many bugs to verify15:01
henobtw, it would be great if anyone could reproduce bug 224358 - few people seem able to15:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 224358 in openoffice.org "oofromtemplate lets OpenOffice 2.4 crash" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22435815:01
seb128around 30 bugs seem a low number for a bug day15:02
henobut there is a screencast of it so it's clearly real15:02
seb128especially than some are crasher not easy to trigger15:02
henoseb128: I see a few more on this list http://people.ubuntu.com/~sbeattie/sru_todo.html15:02
pedro_seb128: there's also universe which have a few of them15:02
henoand we were talking about including universe srus too15:03
seb128alright, you are the guys running bug days15:03
seb128but I think it's not a lot for a day15:04
seb128I look regularly at the list to verify sru bugs and most of those not verified require a special setup or have no easy testcase to be triggered so are not easy to verify15:04
henowriting test cases would be one of the bug improvement tasks15:06
seb128heno: speaking for my bugs, those which have no testcase usually are because there is no testcase15:10
seb128heno: could be new stable upstream version where no specific bug is fixed, could be a crash which happens every months and that we have no idea how to trigger15:10
seb128also not sure how likely contributors will set up an ltsp installation only to verify those15:12
henostgraber would :)15:12
seb128I think that bugs which are not verified are usually not easy to verify15:12
seb128otherwise somebody in the team give those a try quickly15:13
seb128ie, I know that pedro verify quickly things easy to try15:13
seb128and pitti does the same15:13
henowe'd like to get people into doing some verifications though, and their setups can become more advanced as they learn15:13
seb128so the things on the list would be mostly tricky things15:13
seb128which might not be ideal to bring contributors15:13
henoseb128: well desktop is a special case because you guys rock on bugs ;)15:14
henobut I'm working my way through OOo sru verifications now, and they're not that complex15:14
henojust take a bit of time15:14
LimCorehi heno15:14
LimCoreheno: if you are interested in OOo bugs, I have mine own bug that I need confirmation from15:15
henohey LimCore15:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 179230 in openoffice.org "problems with set and show variable. after change, the variables is showed displayed incorrectly (blank field)" [Medium,New]15:15
henoLimCore: I can try15:15
LimCorewould be nice if someone can confirm its 1 minute. But follow the steps exactly, including closing and re-opening the document15:15
* LimCore bbl15:15
LimCoreread the second description not the original one15:15
seb128heno: right, there is likely some bugs that could be verified by contributors there, I just wanted to point that there is likely not a lot of easy tasks for a bug day15:18
seb128enough comments from me on the topic ;-)15:18
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henoLimCore: confirmed15:31
LimCoreheno: thanks.  Can you perhaps also confirm in upstream (link is there)?    They want to test on native version, Im downlading now;   bbl15:31
henocalc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/237371/comments/1216:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 237371 in openoffice.org "Update OpenOffice.org to 2.4.1" [Undecided,Fix committed]16:38
calcheno: thanks :)16:42
calchopefully it is promoted to updates soon :)16:42
NickGarveyif there is a problem in the way a package gets removed with apt-get, where do I go to fix that?  When the start-stop-daemon stops the program, it needs a -o, but I'm not sure where to add that -o in order to apply a fix in my bug report16:43
henoyep, it looks good16:43
NickGarvey(I hope this is the right place to ask this)16:43
james_wNickGarvey: that will be the prerm or the postrm16:44
james_w(if you don't know what I mean by that then I can take a few steps back)16:44
NickGarveyI believe I do, I have the source file and that is under the /debian directory16:45
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NickGarveyjames_w: worked, thanks a lot17:00
james_wNickGarvey: have you posted a patch to the bug report?17:00
NickGarveynot yet, but I'm about to17:00
james_wI'll do the necessary to get it uploaded if you provide the bug number.17:00
james_wgreat, thanks.17:01
james_wbug 24072017:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240720 in nginx "Nginx can't be removed using dpkg if not running" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24072017:06
james_wI'm just looking to see if there are any ubuntu devs interested in the package17:07
james_wah, the Debian maintainer is, great.17:08
james_wI can't find him on IRC at the moment, I think we should give him a couple of days to respond.17:10
james_wif he doesn't I'll forward to Debian as a prod, is that ok with you?17:10
NickGarveyabsolutely, thanks a lot17:11
james_wno problem, thanks for writing the patch.17:11
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bdmurraycalc: is bug 239022 expected behavior?  dragging the image just seems to grab the image properties not the image itself17:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239022 in openoffice.org "Drag & drop an image from Firefox to OpenOffice results in strange text" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23902217:57
techno_freakbddebian, it looks like it drags and drops the html for the image, rather than the image17:59
bdmurrayright, I'm just not sure if that is expected behavior or not18:00
bdmurrayYou can get the image in by right clicking and choosing copy and then pasting18:00
techno_freakbddebian, doing the same to desktop creates a link to the image, rather than copying the image there18:01
techno_freakso when you drag the image from FF, you are just copying the link to the image than the image itself18:02
calcbdmurray: not sure, it probably should be treated as a bug, a wishlist at worst18:02
calcdragging and dropping into gimp pastes the image18:02
calcdragging and dropping into gedit gives the url without the html bit18:03
techno_freaki remember it was working as expected in FF2, i have drag dropped images to the desktop18:03
calcit might be a bug in the way firefox DnD, not really sure which bit is at fault18:03
calcbut after verifying if it happens on upstream OOo i can send it to them18:04
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techno_freakgimp would have done 'open image from location' rather18:05
calcsorry my 9mo old is attacking my keyboard18:10
sectechCan someone review bug #230850...   Let me know what your opinion is....18:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 230850 in sensors-applet "sensors-applet ignores /etc/sensors3.conf" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23085018:36
sectechAs far as I can tell this bug will stay at "confirmed" (the reporter set it to that) forever because it seems lmsensors changed there config file around a bit intentionally.18:38
james_whi sectech18:40
james_wso libsensors3 no longer reads that line? (the one that was in the last comment)18:40
thekornbdmurray, hi, i will have a look at the debian BTS soap-interface over the next weekend, and answer to your mail, then I should be able to say what'S possible and how18:41
sectechjames_w,  It must read it differently according to Alex Murray....18:43
sectechOf course it's going to read differently when the reporter changes the calculations around on the line18:44
sectechsorry for the delays... building maintenance is here to fix our sink18:44
james_wI'm not sure what to do with it really.18:44
james_wAlex seems to suggest that the sensor name they are using may be wrong,18:45
james_wI don't know anything about sensors though, so I'm stumped for what to ask.18:45
james_wI'm heading out now anyway, sorry to leave mid-conversation.18:45
sectechThat's the thing though... Is it reading it _wrong_ of just differently...18:45
sectechIt's okay18:45
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bdmurraythekorn: okay, great.  I might have found one for fedora too - I'm still experimenting with that.18:54
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calcwhy isn't apport enabled by default?19:22
bdmurraybecause Hardy is a stable release now19:22
calcoh ok, so its just enabled during dev stage?19:22
bdmurraycalc: yes that is correct by default19:23
bdmurrayblooddrunk: let's take bug 238822 as an example19:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 238822 in openoffice.org "OpenOffice Calc - formatting cell from decimal number to format "dd:hh:mm:ss" report wrong day" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23882219:24
bdmurrayWe know they are using Hardy and which version of openoffice.org they are using19:25
bdmurrayIt looks like there is enough information to test the bug too19:25
LimCoreI see lots of effort to fix OOo bugs?19:26
LimCorethat indeed would be nice19:26
LimCorewhile at it, can ubuntu finally unnoobify it's fonts?   Fonts seem to default ot bitstream vera, which is broken19:26
LimCorein desktop (i.e. KDE),  and also it seems to be the default in OOo etc.. can we fix this, bdmurray?19:27
bdmurrayLimCore: that sounds like a really disruptive change which would require a fair bit of discussion19:27
LimCorebdmurray: why its disruptive?19:28
bdmurraybecause it would impact every user19:28
LimCorewell, bitstream vera is broken19:28
LimCorecommon glyps like either polish ąćłż or  german o-umlaut dont exist there (WTF O_o)19:29
* LimCore googles his bug report19:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 179157 in ubuntu "ugly (thin/gray) and/or broken (latin-2) fonts" [Undecided,New]19:31
LimCorebdmurray:  see:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ttf-bitstream-vera/+bug/11180   and  attached PDF:  http://launchpadlibrarian.net/11075847/linux_fonts_test_1.pdf19:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 11180 in ttf-bitstream-vera "Bitstream font do not contain iso-8859-2 characters" [Medium,Fix released]19:31
bdmurrayblooddrunk: have you had any luck experimenting with bug 238822?19:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 238822 in openoffice.org "OpenOffice Calc - formatting cell from decimal number to format "dd:hh:mm:ss" report wrong day" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23882219:32
LimCoreok, this seems to be fixed now, bdmurray.19:33
sbeattiebdmurray: got a moment?19:35
sbeattie... for a bug query qeustion19:36
bdmurraysbeattie: okay19:36
sbeattieGiven this query https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.subscriber=sru-verification&field.component=1&field.omit_dupes=on19:37
sbeattieAny idea why https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/221673 doesn't show up?19:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 221673 in alsa-plugins "ALSA failing with PulseAudio in Hardy" [Undecided,Fix committed]19:37
sbeattie... in that list?19:37
bdmurraysbeattie: it's fix released for ubuntu and fix committed for Hardy19:37
bdmurrayso because it is fix released it won't show up19:38
sbeattieHrm. So how do I get it to show up?19:40
bdmurraysbeattie: throw in the release in your url19:41
bdmurraylike ubuntu/hardy/+bugs19:42
sbeattieWeird, the list it generates appears to have every entry duplicated.19:43
bdmurrayyou can't win every time19:44
sbeattieI'm personally shooting for 10%.19:45
sbeattieThanks for the help, I can strip out dupes.19:45
bdmurrayis it really in there?19:46
sbeattieIs what really in there?19:47
bdmurrayoh, the bug you were looking for19:47
sbeattie221673 shows up on the second page.19:47
sbeattiebdmurray: is there any interest in making the component available in the task class in python-launchpad-bugs?19:48
* calc is around if anyone has OOo questions :)19:48
bdmurraycalc: did you see my one about bug 239022 is that behavior expected?19:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239022 in openoffice.org "Drag & drop an image from Firefox to OpenOffice results in strange text" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23902219:49
calcbdmurray: ah i'll follow up to it19:50
calcbdmurray: happens for me on firefox 2 also19:51
bdmurrayit happened for me too with abiword so I'm not sure what should happen19:52
calci'm adding firefox-3.0 to the bug to get input from alexander about it19:54
calcsince it appears to affect more than just OOo19:54
sbeattiebdmurray: or would it just be smarter to use python-apt and query the archives directly for where the package is located?19:55
bdmurraysbeattie: I don't recall hearing what exactly you were trying to do.19:56
sbeattieSorry, I'm trying to break down SRU bugs by component/repo.19:56
bdmurrayI'd check with pitti to find out what he does, but I think using the package in -proposed makes the most sense because a bug report could have invalid tasks affecting a package.19:57
bdmurraycalc: so are your running upstream OOo and our version concurrently?19:58
sbeattieThe python-launchpad-bugs LPTask class could export the component as reported by launchpad (it currently doesn't), but I am unsure how much to trust LP in that regard.19:59
sbeattiepitti greps the -proposed changelogs directly for LP bugs and reports based off that; I want to do that as well, but I also want to catch bugs that might be missed by that.20:00
greg-gsbeattie: the list of bugs that ubuntu-motu is subscribed to?20:01
greg-gwould that help?20:01
sbeattiegreg-g: for motu srus, that's what LaserJock is doing.20:01
greg-germ, -sru, is what I mean20:01
greg-gthat link is correct, my sentence is not20:01
calcbdmurray: i have two vmware images one with 2.4.0 (need to update to 2.4.1) and one with 3.0 beta20:02
calcplus the current 2.4.1-1ubuntu1 on my main system20:02
calcand 2.4.0-3ubuntu6 amd64 on my other system20:02
bdmurraycalc: okay, is there a way to identify bugs that need forwarding?20:02
sbeattiegreg-g: I'm basing off of sru-verification to try to capture SRUs for main.20:03
calcbest way is to reproduce it on upstream version 2.4.1 or 3.0beta20:03
calcjust noting how to reproduce the bug in the report is good enough though and then pointing me to it (or marking it triaged)20:03
calcsince i already have everything setup i can verify it is a upstream issue or not20:04
bdmurraycalc: okay bug 238822 is triaged now20:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 238822 in openoffice.org "OpenOffice Calc - formatting cell from decimal number to format "dd:hh:mm:ss" report wrong day" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23882220:04
calclooking at it20:05
calclooks funny :)20:05
bdmurraythat's what I thought. ;)20:07
* calc looking at it under 3.0 now20:08
calcshows up the same under 3.0beta20:09
calcso its not ubuntu/ooo-build issue20:10
calcwho is "Ubuntu Desktop Bugs"?20:12
pedro_calc: usually seb12820:15
calcpedro_: ah ok20:16
* pochu hugs pedro_ :)20:21
* pochu hugs bdmurray too20:21
* pedro_ hugs pochu back20:21
pochupedro_: how is everything going? I haven't been on IRC a lot for the last couple of weeks due to exams...20:22
pedro_pochu: everything is going pretty good, how about you?.  Right i recall you told me about it during UDS, did you managed to finish the program (it was a game right?)?20:25
pochupedro_: yeah, I have to write a tetris in assembly, and I've just almost finished it! :)20:26
pochubut I still have two exams to do...20:26
pochunice to know things are fine :)20:26
calc49.69% triaged, yipee :)20:28
calcalmost 50%20:28
sectechbdmurray,  Do you have a python script that gives a triagers stats? Like how many bugs he/she touched, triaged, rejected..etc?20:37
bdmurraysectech: yesh, I have one that can parse the mailing list for that20:48
sectechbdmurray, could I have it? :)20:54
bdmurraysectech: sure, you need to have the mbox archive for it to be useful though20:55
sectechahh ok20:56
sectechregardless... brbr20:56
affluxseb128: for bug 235698, I'm probably not able to provide any valgrind logs since the crash seems to occur very early around logging in. Any ideas?21:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 235698 in gvfs "gvfs-fuse-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in pthread_mutex_lock()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23569821:09
seb128afflux: rename the binary and use a small wrapper using the same name and calling valgrind on the real binary?21:13
affluxcould work. will try that.21:13
seb128you are welcome21:13
bdmurraycalc: the test document in bug 229809 crashes openoffice for me but that is not what the bug is about21:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 229809 in openoffice.org "OpenOffice 2.4 crashes when trying to print a specific document" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22980921:15
bdmurraywhoops, my bad.  openoffice was trying to recover a different document.21:19
calcbdmurray: opens fine for me21:20
calci'll see what happens when i try print to pdf21:20
calcprinted to pdf fine for me21:21
bdmurrayI've an HP OfficeJet that prints it fine21:21
calcthis is on 2.4.1-1ubuntu1 though21:21
bdmurrayright, I've the same21:21
calcso it might have fixed the problem, i don't have a standard hardy install here21:21
calcdo you want to follow up to the bug, or me?21:22
bdmurraysaivann: that's your bug right?  could you try -proposed?21:22
saivannbdmurray : looking..21:22
saivannbdmurray : Oh thanks, I'll try it right now, I did not receive your comments21:24
calcfor some reason some of the bug mails i thought i would be getting haven't shown up in my box either21:24
calcbut i am getting at least some of them21:24
calcmaybe lp is just a bit slow21:24
calclike i haven't seen the 229809 message bdmurray sent yet21:25
calcoh i see now21:26
calci somehow had my folder mis-sorted21:26
calclots of them popped up now21:26
bdmurrayI don't understand what subtotal(9;a1:a5) should do in bug 23977421:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239774 in openoffice.org "Subtotal function not summing correct when using autofilter" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23977421:27
calcbdmurray: for ones like that i ask for an example file and step by step instructions, heh21:28
calcthere are lots of parts of OOo I don't know about being as it is so huge21:28
bdmurrayright, well I gave it a go and will ask then21:29
calci'm glad i got the launchpad-integration bits in though, it makes it a lot easier to see what is going on21:30
bdmurrayyeah, absolutely21:30
calcapport-bug's are much better than what we had up to a few months ago :)21:31
saivannbdmurray : I was able to reproduce the bug until I updated to -proposed, so I did set it to fix released. Do you want to set a nomination for hardy?21:32
bdmurraysaivann: No, that package should transition normally to -updates.21:32
saivannbdmurray : Thanks21:32
bdmurrayThank you!21:32
bdmurraysectech: I see you closed bug 239742, which seems fine, but you might also mention the url https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs21:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239742 in openoffice.org "slow button paint open office" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23974221:42
sectechOne sec I'll pull it up21:43
sectechYeah I did that because I thought an apport report would save the reporter from manually getting a lot of information...21:44
sectechbdmurray,  What did you want me to say about that link?21:45
bdmurrayYes, I think that while it could be intrepreted as "hard-core" is fine.  Putting the link to that documentation might help the reporter follow the instructions more easily.21:45
sectechAhh okay21:45
sectechbdmurray,  updated...21:47
bdmurraycalc: what is an odf file?21:49
affluxbdmurray: a formula21:49
calcthat site is usually pretty good for any file type you find21:50
afflux(I just typed "odf" in the adress bar in firefox which took me directly to wikipedia :P)21:51
affluxgoing to bed now, good night ;)21:54
* calc hugs everyone for the help with OOo bugs :-)22:04
* jpds hugs the rest of the room to make everyone feel loved.22:05
calcbdmurray: btw bug 238551 is the infamous fontconfig can't write to future dated dirs (or something like that) bug22:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 238551 in openoffice.org "openoffice.org update failed due to ttf-opensymbol" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23855122:07
bdmurraycalc: okay22:07
calcbeen getting bugs about that for years22:07
bdmurraycalc: bug 238548 might be close able22:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 238548 in openoffice.org "oocalc give wrong vlookup results with "+" characters on string" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23854822:22
henocalc: one day he future will arrive and you wont get those dir bugs any more because it will magically just work :)22:47
calcgrr lp going down in ~ 10m22:49
calcguess its a good excuse to stop working for the day :-\22:55
calcnet 15 bugs down, not bad, 20 less new bugs as well :)22:57
calclp dead now for 5 hours23:04
bdmurrayit never takes that long...23:06
calcthey had to cancel a conversion once because it took a lot longer, heh23:13
calcbut probably not usual23:13
calcwow i can't do any bug work for the next three days after 5pm :-\23:13
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
bdmurraycalc: that's not how I read the announcement - malone is only affected today23:31
* greg-g nods23:35
visik7I can reproduce a bug on epiphany but I dunno if it appears only on my machine or not23:38
visik7anyone could help me ?23:38
bdmurrayvisik7: which release of ubuntu and package version of epiphany do you have?23:41
visik7ubuntu 8.0423:41
visik7epiphany gecko 2.22.2-0ubuntu0.8.04.223:42
visik7there are 2 bugs one that I was able to reproduce on another machine the other not23:42
visik7could you test it ?23:42
bdmurrayvisik7: sure23:43
visik7I've also try to downgrade epiphany and its dependancies excluding -proposed23:43
visik7and -updates23:43
visik7but the bug persist23:43
visik7so ok23:43
visik7go to23:43
visik7and hit ctrl++23:43
visik7should segfault23:43
visik7I dunno why with that site23:43
visik7with other it doesn't23:43
visik7do you got the crash ?23:44
bdmurrayyes, I did23:44
visik7at least it's not only mine23:45
visik7the other bug is this I got epiphany crash simply going on www.meebo.com23:45
visik7it exits with Gtk:ERROR:(/build/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.12.9/gtk/gtkplug.c:182):gtk_plug_set_is_child: assertion failed: (!GTK_WIDGET (plug)->parent)23:45
visik7also here I've tested with various verison of epiphany and its dependancies with and without extensions23:46
visik7and with more than one user23:46
visik7but I was unable to reproduce on another machine23:46
bdmurrayjust at the home page?23:47
visik7just the homepage23:47
bdmurraythat works for me23:47
visik7I really dunno what should be23:47
visik7moreover seems that the bug is inside the gtk23:48
visik7and not inside epiphany23:48
visik7I got the same crash with firefox323:49
visik7do you got some crash with ff3 ?23:50
bdmurrayI'm sorry which crash with ff3?23:50
bdmurrayI didn't experience a meebo crash with epiphany23:51
visik7neither with ff3 ?23:51
bdmurraynot with ff3 either23:52
visik7must be some of my libraries23:53
visik7the strange thing is that23:53
visik7if I run a firefox instance23:53
visik7or (epiphany)23:53
visik7and then run epiphany www.meebo.com23:53
visik7it doesn't crash23:53
visik7if I've no ff3 or epiphany session opened before it crash23:54
visik7are your epiphany/ff3 all closed ?23:54
visik7bdmurray: ?23:58

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