[01:10] so did you guys put in extra bots in the channel or no? [01:13] extra bots? [01:14] yeah in #ubuntu there is sudobash [01:16] thats a person [01:16] ah with a google script must be [01:17] yes, so it seems [01:20] kitche: thanks [01:20] He said he'd disable it... [01:23] sudobash: I've removed your mute. Please keep those type of scripts disabled. If you want to suggest a factoid to the bot that uses that url, that is fine :) [01:23] cool [01:24] what do you have to do to become an ubuntu op? [01:25] The IRC Council, along with current ops pick a helpful individual from the IRC community, its based on many factors [01:26] cool thanks... [01:40] * nickrud still wonders why he got singled out [01:44] Ed McMahon show up at your door? [01:45] nickrud [01:45] please, I don't think I need Ed and his problems on MY doorstep [01:46] haha [02:31] wow. [02:31] wow indeed. [02:33] ##politics ( why are we not surprised? ) [02:33] hehe [02:34] bazhang: sorry, we have #ubuntu-wow for talking about wow [02:34] nalioth: hmm? [02:35] ajmitch, awesome :) [02:35] bazhang: well some of us got a little too off-topic in -motu & -devel :) [02:35] haha [02:39] Pici: your gentleman offering the refreshing cup of STFU was visiting us from ##politics [02:39] nalioth: ah [02:39] I see [02:40] and to catch everyone up in here, #politics is closed. ##politics is now full of vermin [02:40] And is owned by staff, rorrect? [02:43] i wonder what that guy would do if his offer was accepted. [02:44] "I will not STFU, and the offer of hot mansex is actually quite appealing. Got a phone number?" [02:46] * nalioth points mneptok to ##politics [02:46] nalioth: meh, i know the people behing EFnet's #politics if i ever feel that masochistic. [02:46] *behind [03:16] * nickrud never understood the draw of observing vermin [03:17] * tritium enrolls nickrud in verminology 101 [03:18] that is one foul channel. [03:19] tritium thank you, but I took that course watching the primaries [03:20] nickrud: indeed! [03:20] so I guess I do understand the draw after all, it's like slowing down for a traffic accident ;( [04:00] Mez: so, want to help me draft a message to the CC, about corruption on the irc council, and mass conflict of interest? [04:01] or mneptok? [04:02] seeing as we now have a freenode-dominated council. [04:33] no that is one conversation stopper [04:33] s/no/now/ [04:48] nickrud: heh [05:33] nickrud: wow, it really was. [05:33] are you surprised? [05:35] somewhat. [05:41] * ajmitch attempts to revive it [05:41] * wgrant kills ajmitch. [05:42] * mneptok looses a splintering fart [05:42] * wgrant watches the channel empty. [05:42] * Hobbsee puts peg on nose [05:42] nickrud: you're welcome. [05:43] wgrant: kind of you [05:46] So, what about that Tiger Woods? [05:53] who's he? [05:54] ajmitch: ... [05:54] ajmitch: even i know who that is. [05:54] [05:54] oh good. [05:55] sorry, didn't think I needed to make it explicit :) [06:01] Hi ajmitch, Hobbsee! [06:01] hey tritium! [06:02] hey tritium [06:02] long long time no see :) [06:02] Yeah! [06:02] How are you? [06:02] good, busy, how are you? [06:02] Doing well, thanks. Also busy. [06:03] * ajmitch just got warned that the next few weeks at work will be hectic [06:03] not looking forward to it [06:03] Hang in there! [06:04] after that I've got a couple of weeks away from work [06:04] Sounds good. [06:05] What's new with you, Hobbsee [06:05] ? [06:06] tritium: exams and such [06:06] Oh, fun times. Good luck! [06:12] * ajmitch should probably try & sleep early tonight [06:13] I should sleep soon as well. [06:13] * ajmitch is still at work, doing stuff on the other screen :) [06:26] * ajmitch is now walking home, however [06:26] Good night, ajmitch! [07:16] hello all [07:26] MUR [07:41] remind me again when I say that I'm reinstalling Ubuntu to PICK THE GODDAMNED 32-BIT VERSION [07:41] kthxbye [07:43] jethroeclaudus in #u [07:44] * jussi01 pokes all those people I just added to facebook to confirm me... [07:51] second coming of robg [07:52] •daeos• go find x.conf and edit it [07:55] yay, I'm getting company business cards [07:59] Hobbsee, was that meant at me ? [07:59] Mez: yes, but don't worry now. [08:00] Mez: facebook! :) and anyone else who knows me and doesnt have me, add Jussi Schultink [08:00] Hobbsee, couldnt tell if the line after was a "I mis-tab-completed" [08:01] Mez: ahh. nope [08:12] * Myrtti sighs at her guinea pigs [08:13] all problems in the world are caused by MEN! I'm sure of it! [08:13] Power to WOMEN! [08:13] (I'll have Laku castrated *grumblegrumble*) [08:14] * Mez :'(s at Myrtti [08:15] I'm sure fire and wheel were invented by a man [08:15] AND look what mess that has caused us! [08:15] global warming, that's what! [08:16] * Myrtti giggles and pats Mez on cheek [08:17] * Mez yawns [08:18] ROFL!!! http://foxinni.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/youre-programming-communism.jpg [08:18] * Myrtti yawns, waves a "That's older than Jebus" sign at jussi01 [08:19] * jussi01 emerges from the dark ages [08:34] woo, link works in my python powered Qt browser [08:38] Hey there, who should I ask to have ubuntulog in #ubuntu-testing (QA team channel) ? [08:38] [ubuntulog] (n=logbot@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog): log bot:: contact rt@ubuntu.com ;) [08:39] ok, so that's Canonical sysadmin, thanks. Will open a ticket [10:13] Hobbsee: could you recall a recent conflict of interest that me or nal suffered when making a decision for the ircc? [10:14] Ok, we don't agree with you... but that is not corruption, that is not because we are furthering freenode at the expense of ubuntu. [10:17] PriceChild, i dont believe you gave ljl sufficient time to respond to the email requesting he vote. i havent posted to a mailing list for 9 days either. does that mean im half-inactive? [10:18] lnf, you understand why you were banned? [10:18] yes [10:18] !coc | lnf read this [10:18] lnf read this: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ [10:18] !guidelines | lnf and this [10:18] lnf and this: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [10:20] lnf, you were asked to stop cursing and warned about being offtopic [10:22] lnf, have you read those documents? [10:22] elkbuntu: his vote wasn't necessary for a decision to be made, and I would rather we go with what we had than wait days and suffer further. [10:23] PriceChild: the CC does not act in that manner. [10:23] his vote most likely would have changed the decision altogether! [10:23] PriceChild: why is it then OK for the irc council to do so? [10:23] elkbuntu: you have had a visible presence here.. if members of the CC council don't turn up to vote - they don't get a chance. I would imagine that if ljl wanted to vote he would have. It's not as if he was excluded, and certain memebers of the council made the decision themseleves [10:24] Hobbsee: our council charters says we need at least half, and at least 3 people when taking a vote. That's what we have. I see no problem. [10:24] Daviey, how was he to know there was a vote up, if he's occupied with work? [10:24] elkbuntu: he's been repeatedly pinged for some time, he's inactive. [10:24] lnf, you still awake? [10:24] ... and you think that's the only reason elkbuntu ? [10:24] PriceChild, on IRC, sure [10:25] Daviey: if he wanted to quit the team, he'd likely send a resignation mail, and deactivate himself. [10:25] Daviey, i know it's not, and i know that his reason for prioritising work is because this keeps happening. [10:25] Hobbsee, precisely [10:25] Hobbsee: i didn't suggest this [10:25] Daviey: as that *hasn't* happened, it's likely that he does *not* wish to quit the team, and that elkbuntu's given reason is far more likely. [10:26] and? [10:26] What do you honestly wish to achieve ? [10:26] a balanced vote [10:26] lnf, if you are not going to respond then there is no reason to idle here. Please read the /topic. [10:27] If he's only away because this keeps happenning, then I'm unsure why you have a problem with me *still following our rules* to try and fix things to make them nice again so he can return. [10:27] Daviey: me? an irc council that represents the views of the ubuntu community, the CC, and the ubuntu ops teams well. Which includes things like fairness and balanced votes. [10:27] From where i'm stood, the whole team is rather fragmented.. it needs to heal. Kicking up more stink about, what i see, is a minor issue -isn't helping. [10:27] Hobbsee: we had a fair and balanced vote... that is what the charter is written for, to make things happen properly. [10:27] PriceChild, i hate to inform you but this will only push him away further. congratulations, you just broke things more. [10:27] Well i think PriceChild has showed excellent judgement through this episode, and i will certainly be supporting him if it reaches the CC [10:28] Daviey: the CC never votes with partial people. They make sure they get a quorum, 3/5, at least, for every issue they take. If you can provide me wiht a case where this *isn't* the case, and it isn't a sabdfl veto, please do it. [10:28] elkbuntu: tell me that again if emma comes back complaining. [10:28] Hobbsee: we had quorum [10:28] Daviey: until then, it sounds like you need to do a little more research. [10:28] ahh [10:28] PriceChild: you had 4 people sitting on that council, and you had 2 who said yes. that is *not* quorum. [10:28] Hobbsee, stop trolling - please. [10:28] PriceChild, wow so complaining to high heck *really does* get one unbanned [10:28] lnf, take notes, this is how you get unbanned. [10:29] Hobbsee: the charter states that we need 3 people when taking a vote, and their majority is the decision [10:29] Daviey: trolling? i'm pointing out that your statement is inaccurate, and that spreading untruthes is unhelpful. [10:29] i'm not [10:29] PriceChild, if your reasons of unbanning is 'to shut her up' then i will be seconding hobbsee's vote of no confidence [10:29] you've just invited every troll to complain their bans away [10:29] thanks for nothing [10:29] Daviey, hobbsee is not trolling any more than you are. [10:30] Oh ok.. be petty. [10:31] Daviey, nothing petty. you're doing the exact same thing as she is, but against me rather than pricey. [10:31] elkbuntu: what have i said about you? [10:31] elkbuntu: so why don't you tell Hobbsee to stop, if she's "as bad" as Daviey? [10:31] Daviey, i dunno, your synchronised piping up with emma yesterday has me rather freaked out [10:31] elkbuntu: Did i claim you were corrupt? [10:32] synchronised?! [10:32] PriceChild, i'll ask her to stop when you ask daviey to stop. [10:32] elkbuntu: This isn't like a team battle.... [10:32] * Hobbsee wonders why Daviey, a loco op, is in here anyway. surely he should be in #ubuntu-irc? [10:32] PriceChild, then why do you want me to ask hobbsee to stop? [10:32] but i'm sure that's another issue for another day. [10:33] * Mez headdesks repeatedly [10:33] Hobbsee: daviey is a member of the ubuntu-irc team [10:33] * elkbuntu goes to see who she can approve to the team... [10:33] ikonia, welcome aboard. [10:33] elkbuntu: I never asked that. I was just suggesting that if you think both of them are doing the same, but against different people, its a little wrong to just ask the person who you don't agree with to stop. [10:34] PriceChild, when did i ask him to stop? [10:34] elkbuntu: i don't think the council would vote against his membership in the team, but lets do things properly, and not 'use' him. [10:35] who says i'd be using him? [10:35] !idle | lnf [10:35] lnf: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries. [10:35] Daviey: why do you support giving someone under 24 hours to respond, or else ignoring whatever they say? === mc44_ is now known as mc44 [10:36] bazhang: I kept falling asleep when reading, its [10:36] like 2:37 [10:36] I think your statement <+elkbuntu> ikonia, welcome aboard. # is a little mean, implying you'll use him to keep him around to help yourself. [10:36] lnf, come back in a day or two then when you have enough sleep [10:37] fine [10:37] that would make us even, since <24hrs to respond to an email is quite mean too. [10:37] You also haven't asked daviey to stop, I haven't suggested that, that hasn't stopped a different treatment though. [10:37] * Mez wonders waht the "welcome aboard" comment mean? ... is ikonia now an op? [10:37] Mez: she was being sarcy. We can sort out new ops at a quieter time. [10:38] * Mez now realises why Myrtti parted [10:39] Seriously. The whole damn lot of you need to grow up. It's just IRC, it doesn't really matter. You as a council have hardly any work to do, certainly way less than you spend arguing. You're all taking things far to personally. Why don't you all just step back, think about *why* you care so much about the issue. [10:39] +1 [10:40] +1 [10:42] anyway, it's none of my business :) [10:42] mc44, i personally care because a still misbehaving user only has to complain their ban away. [10:43] lnf probably should not be unbanned, at least for a day or two. [10:44] bazhang, unless he complains, you mean? [10:44] * Mez summed up his feelings about this whole IRC thing in a blog post last night [10:44] http://www.sourceguru.net/archives/132 [10:46] elkbuntu, even then his actions are very clearcut; come in cursing, advocating 'Use CEntos!!!!', ignoring warnings about language and offtopic, then repeating. [10:46] bazhang, yes, but complaining seems to work if you do it to the point that certain ops unban to stop the complaining. [10:47] not because what is said is correct... just to stop the complaining [10:47] not because the behaviour is fixed... just to stop the complaining [10:48] and yes, i'm complaining now... since it clearly works. [10:49] * Mez thinks of a simple solution [10:49] Chop the current council - and start nominations from scratch [10:49] that's what im hoping [10:49] elkbuntu, even as a current council member? [10:49] Mez: i would expect that's what it comes down to. however, there's no guarentee that the new council won't eventually get problems too, if they repeat the various behaviours of this one. [10:50] Hobbsee, well, if they do, then it seems that it's a bad choice on the IRC team. [10:50] * Mez also thinks that govenance should be followed. [10:50] Mez, especially as a current council member. The only way i can have a voice at the moment is to abstain and use the 'less than three' loophole to obstruct. that's really unhealthy [10:50] Mez, i strongly considered doing this, but i didnt. i might as well have bent over and asked for coarse sandpaper. [10:51] * Mez also agrees that the IRCC shouldn't be actively working as ops - only in cases where they need to. Other than that they should be there as a "goto" team. [10:51] and 2 years is too long [10:51] Mez, you realise 'need to' is 'always' with 1000 user channels, right? [10:52] elkbuntu, no. [10:52] Mez, i only do things when i need to now. [10:52] elkbuntu, indeed, but if there arent enough ops to cover the channels, then there needs to be more ops. [10:53] Mez, you're wanting to absorb 3 ops from the current stock to only be emergency status. [10:53] ? [10:53] 3 ? [10:53] Mez, typo [10:53] beware ikonia :) [10:53] * Mez thinks that the Council should try and stay out of the main flow of things as much as they can. [10:53] I've just logged in and seen a highlight, and I've no idea what's going on? [10:54] not get personally involved. [10:54] have I done something ? [10:54] Mez, with the current situation, the people who are best for ops duties are scared stiff, and those who are expressing interest are scaring me stiff. [10:54] If a Council Member makes a ban, then that is where it get ssticky [10:54] elkbuntu, lol [10:54] Mez, it's not funny. [10:54] Mez, the problematic bans are always the emergency ones. [10:54] elkbuntu, which is why I believe that the council should be reformed, and not be active as ops, so they can make unbiased decisions when things are bought to them [10:55] so your theory is flawed from the outset. [10:55] elkbuntu, I don't think it is. [10:55] btw, im the only one on the current council who is eager for a non-op on the council [10:55] i mean, complete non-op. [10:55] I don't think that there should be a need for IRCC to step in unless there's not enough ops on the team [10:56] which should be a problem that the IRCC should be able to solve. [10:56] ikonia: nope, all is the same as it was. [10:56] PriceChild: ?? [10:56] PriceChild: sorry, I'm missing something ? [10:56] If there are enough ops, then emergencys where the IRCC have to intervene shouldnt hapopen ofter [10:56] often * [10:57] Mez, there are not enough ops though, and i fear the state of these channels if unsuitible people are recruited to 'make up numbers' [10:58] if there are enough ops, then why does the IRCC need to intervene? [10:58] ikonia: nope, just the usual. [10:58] and who says they'll be unsuitable? [10:58] IRC team members wont be added just for numbers, they'll be vetted, as we all were [10:58] Mez: elky just said there aren't enough ops, and unsuitable people shouldn't be hired just to make up numbers. [10:58] PriceChild, ah. [10:58] apologies, misread [10:59] Mez, i can profile the current irc layout and know which people are suited for ophood and which are not, based on nearly a decade of real-time communication moderation. [10:59] I agree, unsuitable people shouldnt be jsut adderd to make up numbers [10:59] elkbuntu, and you don't think there is ANYONE suitable out there? [10:59] Mez, sure, but they Do Not Want. [10:59] all of them ? [10:59] if they did, we'd have them already -- trust us. [10:59] even some of the ones idling in here? [11:00] yes, even some of the ones in here [11:00] elkbuntu, and may I say - your "holier than thou" attitude isnt nice [11:00] <+elkbuntu> Mez, i can profile the current irc layout and know which people are suited for ophood and which are not, based on nearly a decade of real-time communication moderation. [11:00] Mez, being experienced isnt holier [11:00] comes across to me as you saying that you're the only person can do it [11:01] Anyway [11:01] I should be doing work [11:01] im not the only person who can. when did having an opinion count as being holier? [11:01] It came acorss that way elkbuntu [11:01] i'll make sure i dont quantify experience to you anymore then. [11:01] * Mez -> reboot [11:02] elkbuntu: there are a couple in here I think we should discuss as becoming ops some time. [11:02] elkbuntu, it seemed as if it was in opposition to what I was saying regarding the need for more ops... it came across as [11:02] "You say we need more ops - but you're obviously blind to the fact that I dont think there's anyone good enough [11:02] anyways [11:02] as I said [11:02] * Mez ->rebooty [11:05] * bazhang wonders if shakespeare's heirs will sue Mez for ipr infringement [11:06] i wasnt aware shakespeare actually had heirs [11:08] https://edge.launchpad.net/inx fail [11:08] PriceChild: what is the point of that product ? [11:08] PriceChild, why? that's thoreoputic's project [11:08] ikonia, PriceChild it's a training tool [11:09] not saying the project if fail [11:09] *is [11:09] i'm just amusing myself, remarking on the name [11:09] kinda trying to copy gnu, but not quite making it [11:09] or lame [11:09] um, and wine? [11:10] and a zillion other recursive acronyms? [11:10] yep [11:10] * PriceChild sneaks into launchpad and deletes their 'Is' then sleeps happy. [11:11] btw, your access cleanout lost us thoreauputic as an op. he's been sporadically active in the same manner since the irc channels began [11:13] elkbuntu: It didn't. [11:13] PriceChild, you talked to him [11:13] I haven't. [11:13] that I remember anyway.. [11:13] but I haven't removed him as an op. [11:15] he's in the #ubuntu list as inx-one but not as thoreauputic anymore, which means when he tried as thoreauputic he got nothing... or iirc anyway [11:16] he came in briefly said he was removed, then said something to the effect of 'it's been fun' and then parted. [11:16] i recall seeing him come in here totally confused though [11:16] bazhang, yep. he's not the type to complain and argue. he would have just taken it and gone. [11:17] very laid back about it iirc elkbuntu [11:17] elkbuntu: i think he needs to log out and reidentify. [11:17] But he definitely still has access. [11:18] wait no, doesn't need to log out and reidentify.... things should just still work fine [11:22] I guess he might have tried to op after the services change, when he was forcibly logged out or something similar? [11:22] so would he be able to op up as thoreauputic, or would he need to be inx-one? [11:22] He can op as any of his linked nicks. [11:22] *grouped nicks [11:23] it was soonish after the swap [11:24] that's probably why then [11:24] if you can give me a timestamp, I can check [11:26] he seems to have been back according to my logs. he must have figured it out [11:26] phew [11:27] ah I see, he checked for thoreauputic in the flags but didn't actually try to op [11:28] my logs dont even have it, i suspect i might have seen it at work when the connection here choked [12:08] * Myrtti growls, loudly [12:09] * Mez backs away from Myrtti [12:09] * bazhang hides [12:09] * wgrant locks Myrtti in a cage to keep everybody safe. [12:10] * elkbuntu huggles Myrtti [12:10] wgrant, Myrtti chews through cage bars for breakfast. [12:10] ohnoes [12:10] * wgrant makes the cage bars out of guinea pigs instea. [12:10] are we done or do I have to start organizing a Ubuntu IRC operator camp with padded rooms? [12:10] we're done until next time [12:10] hei Myrtti [12:11] * Myrtti pokes wgrant with a brush. http://www.flickr.com/photos/myrtti/2586219781/ [12:11] hi Jack_Sparrow [12:12] I hope did miss alot while I was gone? [12:12] goodygoody [12:12] Myrtti: I don't often keep things in my ponytail, I'm afraid. [12:13] * Mez opens up #ubuntu-padded-cell [12:14] wgrant: that bun is held up only by that brush. [12:14] Lithium for everyone [12:14] Myrtti: Not bad. [12:14] no chemicals, no pins, no nothing, but the brush [12:14] Myrtti, i wish my hair was that shiny :( [12:14] standard hairdo [12:19] hairdo heron [12:19] * Mez groans @ Pici [12:20] i like that one [12:20] on my senior year the sophomores and juniors gave me a box of pencils in our farewell party "so I wouldn't run out of pens because I stick them into my hair" [12:20] much nicer than the one jdub insisted on repeating for the whole freaking dev cycle [12:20] elkbuntu: jdub and everyone on /.? [12:20] * Myrtti has her daily age crisis again [12:21] ah, to be young again [12:21] wgrant, i dont read /. i do hang in #linux-aus and #slug. [12:22] there's good reason why i dont read /. [12:22] if there's anything genuinely worth knowing about, someone will inform me with direct links in a much more civilised manner. [12:22] It's something to do while I'm being slack wrt security. [12:24] meanwhile, something to make you cry: http://rodgerdean.org/gallery/v/Education+Expo+2008/dsc00006.jpg.html [12:26] Fedora in an Ubuntu box! BURN! [12:26] hehehe [12:26] its ok, it was replaced with ubuntus moments after the couldnt-resist-it photoshoot [12:31] they were relinquished to one of the boxes the cds get shipped in torn in half [12:31] Oh good. [12:35] ala the corner of here: http://rodgerdean.org/gallery/v/Education+Expo+2008/dsc00004.jpg.html [12:42] elkbuntu: where did you get the sleves made ? [12:42] ikonia: Those come with the ship-it disks [12:42] Or presumably those direct from Canonical as well. [12:42] oh really [12:43] they look quite good [12:47] i have ban on 3ubuntu-pl Why ? [12:48] elektronik123: I dont know, and I hate to forward you to another channel, but #ubuntu-irc is really the place you should be asking. [12:49] sorry. [12:50] ok [12:50] Jack_Sparrow: fyi, loco channel issues, like bans, should be handled in #ubuntu-irc [12:52] Pici Sorry.. didnt read carefully, I thought he had been banned in ubuntu [12:52] i have ban on #ubuntu-pl channel [12:52] only [12:53] plese don`t argue [12:53] ok, then your business is dealt in #ubuntu-irc [12:53] not here [12:53] elektronik123 Sorry.. my mistake.. /join #ubuntu-irc for that [12:53] as he has [12:58] elektronik123: anything else we can help you with? [13:06] elektronik123: hello? [13:07] !idle | elektronik123 [13:07] elektronik123: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries. [13:25] :-o I ran out of candy -_____- [13:25] ... finally [14:09] * elkbuntu noms licorice [14:11] it took three weeks to distroy a jar of candy my sister gave me as a souvernir from Denmark [14:12] yum [14:12] distroy, destroy... [14:12] * Myrtti hates her English [14:12] I didn't even notice it [14:13] * Myrtti sees another typo and grumbles [14:22] You can perfectly emulate Danish salt licorice by pouring some strong cleaner into a jar of normal licorice, if that helps [14:22] no thanks [14:23] Myrtti, if you could spell souvenir correctly straight up, you'd be beating most native english speakers already [14:23] * elkbuntu took 3 tries to get it correct [14:24] the problem is, I could probably spell it aloud correctly [14:24] it just... comes out wrongly [14:26] i'm the opposite with most stuff. the worst are my non-phonetic passwords. i cannot verbalise or even hand-write them, i have to type them out. i dont recall the string, just how to type them [14:27] that's normal [14:27] and my passwords are generated from songs [14:27] songtitles actually [14:28] Can You Hear The Love Tonight - Elton John --> 2tcyD<3EJ [14:29] Can You Hear The Love Tonight - Elton John --> cyhD<3tEJ actually [14:29] At least pick better songs.... <.< [14:29] never fails [14:29] Pici: Phil Collins FTW [14:29] :-P [14:32] good GAIA I'm tired [15:09] * jpds 's passwords are generated from 'mkpasswd foo' [15:12] how do you remember them? [15:13] Myrtti: I put them in text files and encrypt it with gnupg [15:13] pft [15:13] when I need it: gpg --decrypt foo.asc [18:29] * Myrtti yawns [19:20] * jpds watches "ubuntu_" in #ubuntu [19:20] * Pici watches "jpds" in #ubuntu-ops [19:20] /whois ubuntu_ [19:20] bah [19:20] Dave2: 20:17:59 < ~ubuntu_> server -m irc.darksin.eu/all-music [19:21] yeah, I noticed. seems to be gone now though. [19:42] uu ff3 final in -updates [19:42] o really? [19:43] according to planet [19:43] * PriceChild changes mirror :P [19:43] I see firefox | 3.0~rc1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 | hardy-updates | all here [19:44] Pici: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/firefox-3.0/3.0+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 [19:44] mozilla.com <- fail [19:45] PriceChild: Probably making its way to the mirrors now. [19:45] shows up in proposed over here [19:45] Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008061017 Firefox/3.0 [19:45] GranParadiso here [19:46] i'm confused, apt-cache show says i have b5... but apt-cache madison shows the new ones.. [19:46] That was rmadison above [19:47] hardy already had final anyway, didn't it? [19:47] Nope [19:47] Proposed did though [19:47] ah, that would be where I got confused. [19:49] why does show and policy say different versions installed? :/ meh I have it so I'm happy. [19:49] I know what I'm doing :d [19:50] topic updated [19:51] uu robocop 3 on tonight [19:51] *goes off to do something else* [19:52] I am so utterly tired [19:53] Myrtti: go to sleep then [19:53] * Myrtti considers [20:06] !ff3 is Firefox 3 Final is currently mirroring to the package repositories. For best results, do not install via archives downloaded from mozilla.com. [20:06] I'll remember that, Pici [20:06] Any objections? [20:08] !ff3 s/For/Please be patient. For/ [20:08] Pici: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [20:08] !ff3 =~ s/For/Please be patient. For/ [20:08] I'll remember that Pici [20:18] I'm still banned from #ubuntu [20:18] @btlogin [20:29] Question: why cant we use the ubotu nick? [20:30] Answer: Because seveas owns it [20:30] Pici, surely, we can get freenode staffers to release it to us? [20:30] Mez: I'd rather talk to Seveas directly about it [20:31] Pici, but - it's now in the "we can ask for it to be dropped" range [20:32] Mez: it isn't, and I don't think it will be. [20:32] there is (was) also the thought that ubotu will be the name of the "permanent" bot, as current solutions are basically makeshift ones until an official decision about the bots future is made [20:32] PriceChild, 6 weeks.... [20:32] 60 days [20:32] = 8 weeks, 4 days [20:33] Dave2, ah for some reason, I thought 6 weeks.... [20:33] and even then i don't think freenode will drop it because of its cloak [20:33] PriceChild, surely though freenode understand? [20:33] or can be made to [20:34] PriceChild, as Freenode staff, and an ubuntu GCF... [20:34] they'd listen to you about it [20:34] or nal [20:34] PriceChild is a form :( [20:34] GC * [20:34] Dave2, you're a form :P [20:34] Dave2, you in reading this week? [20:34] Mez: they 'probably' wouldn't drop it for other people because of its cloak [20:35] PriceChild, *shrugs* [20:35] Mez: and i don't think we need to go to freenode to get it dropped for ourselves [20:35] PriceChild, *confused* [20:35] Freenode = drop nicks [20:37] It's not something that I imagine would be dropped as any other expired nick, due to its former status (the 60 days isn't a hard cutoff point - we still have an element of judgement in there), but I imagine it would be droppable for official Ubuntu purposes once expired. (Don't quote me on this, this is just what I'd believe to be the case - it's not a decision a single person would be likely to make.) [20:37] and I'm in Reading until...Thursday [20:38] Tomorrow's results day, so I get to spend all day being depressed about how badly I did. *nod* [20:40] Dave2, regarding the nick, thats what I assumed [20:40] and damn - was gonna ask if you wanted a drink on thursday [20:41] I'll be back by the 30th anyway, since that's when work starts. [20:41] lol - yeah - but thats too late anyways [20:42] will really want a drink on thursday one way or another [20:42] ah, right - yeah, I'm going to be gone. [20:42] :( [21:01] FloodBot1 is having fun [21:41] PriceChild, nothing apt could do could confuse me as much as what yum does on my fedora machine at work [22:12] flooders in #u [22:18] woo, reinforcements [22:19] * jpds hugs nickrud and Jack_Sparrow [22:19] :) [22:20] hey, I'm just passing thru for a few minutes ;) [22:21] nickrud: well, seeing a familiar nick around is better than thinking: "Crap, I'm the only one around!" [22:22] jpds lol, I do relate ;)