
lifelessabentley: do you think it would be unreasonable to have a flag to control this?00:01
abentleylifeless: No.00:01
spivI know bialix already tried arguing for such a thing.00:01
spivIt does feel like sometimes send is trying to insist it knows better than the user.00:02
abentleyspiv: everyone just complains about the way it is, but no one proposes a solution.00:02
abentleyspiv: It does.00:02
spivabentley: lifeless just proposed a flag just a second ago :P00:02
lifelessabentley: ok, I'll put doing such a flag on my queue00:02
abentleyspiv: What does the flag do?00:02
spivabentley: don't know, you just said "No" rather than asking ;)00:02
lifelessabentley: there was a double negative - 'not unreasonable'00:03
abentleyspiv: two options are: 1. force it to use the revision spec 2. supply a second revision spec.00:04
lifelessabentley: I would have defaulted to doing 1, do you think 2 is better?00:04
abentleylifeless: Yes, if you're also cherrypicking.00:05
lifelessabentley: as it happens I am; ok.00:05
abentleylifeless: So presumably you want to force it in order to choose a revision older than the base of your revision spec.00:06
abentleyIs that right?00:06
abentleyspiv: And I do think that send's overcaution is warranted.  It's very hard for users to know when they've done it wrong.00:08
abentleyIt's only when someone else has to get them to resend it that they find out.00:08
lifelessabentley: so for me I wanted to send beuno my last commit00:08
lifelessabentley: lp was offline00:08
abentleylifeless: Do you have a local mirror of trunk?00:09
lifelessas a user I imagined that if I did a cherry pick, it would include the data for the cherrypick (because I know it will grab *more*, I didn'tknow it would grab less)00:09
lifelessabentley: I am trunk00:09
lifeless(as in, yes, I have trunk, I am hacking on trunk, and I only have one local branch)00:10
abentleySo are you trying to send beuno everything he doesn't already have, or just specific changes?00:10
lifelessjust a single commit to trunk that he didn't pull before lp went to maintenance00:10
lifelessthe command I tried was 'send -r -2..-1', which had the right diff, but no data00:10
lifelesserm, 'send -r -2..-1 . . ' for full disclosure :P00:11
abentleyOkay, so in this case, option 1 works.  You don't want him to apply a cherrypick, you want to send everything he doesn't have.00:11
lifelessright, I'd be happy with a flag that said 'use the range to select what to copy even if it looks like its there'. But perhaps thats not enough for everyone...00:12
abentleyIf you wanted him to apply a cherrypick of 4..5, but he only had 2, option 1 would break.00:12
lifelessabentley: yah00:12
lifelessabentley: I have an alternative idea though, what if 'send' never sent _less_ than the selected range?00:12
lifelessabentley: and there was a flag to tell it to send less if needed00:12
abentleySeems like pointless irregularity to "never send less" than selected range.00:13
lifelessI think it would have prevented the other folk with this issue experiencing problems, and it would have done what I naively expected it to do00:14
abentleyso the model is, -r selects what changes to apply, submit_branch determines what revisions are needed to do that.00:15
jamI think forcing the minimum number of deltas to send would satisfy the majority of users that are bit by 'bzr send' not sending their revisions00:15
abentleyI don't think your proposal would have helped igc last week.00:15
jamabentley: I did say "majority"00:16
jamhe would still need to use an appropriate target, but he could at least do00:16
jambzr send -rthread:00:16
jambzr send -rthread: ../bzr.dev00:16
jamWhich would select the right revisions to show in the diff00:16
jamand the right revisions to include in the bundle00:16
abentleyjam: i.e. no different from now.00:17
jamabentley: right, but everyone else who wants to do "bzr send -r -2..-1" would also benefit00:17
jamwhich is what bialix wanted orignially00:17
jamas he just wanted to send what he had worked on00:17
jamand knew where things were00:17
jamhaving to create a "temp" branch is sub-optimal00:17
abentleyjam: it shouldn't be temp.00:18
abentleyBranches are fantastically cheap, and you need to keep track of what other people don't have if you want to send stuff to them.00:18
abentleya branch is a good way to do that.00:19
jamabentley: they aren't very cheap untless you have --no-trees set00:19
lifelessabentley: so thats the problem - there was no way in advance to predict that the common reference point - 'trunk' - would be unavailable to beuno00:19
jamreally, they aren't00:19
jamespecially when I'm just working on a simple bugfix for a plugin00:19
abentleyjam: I mean if you have --no-trees, of course.00:20
jamthe big thing about plugins is that I work on them "in-place" because I want to test what I'm doing00:22
jamso I have to force another trunk branch00:22
jamand put mine in place, etc00:22
abentleyjam: If it's casual hacking, you can just use the public branch as the submit branch.00:23
jamabentley: sure, but it is a whole lot longer to type than just "-r -2"00:23
jamI have to remember it, etc00:24
abentleySo I am quite convinced that option 1 isn't powerful enough, option 2 is too complicated, and option 3 makes send impossible to understand.00:25
jamI don't see how it is impossible to understand, but unfortunately it is family time00:26
jamhopefully we can discuss more later00:26
abentleyjam: okay.  The basic reason is that it makes the model more complicated, because sometimes it does X, sometimes it does Y, and so you never know what it's going to do.00:27
* beuno is off to a dinner00:28
lifelesstrain time00:28
abentleyjam: If people don't grasp send now, making what it does more complicated isn't going to help.00:29
jam>= X is (IMO) *easier* to understand because it fits more what people expect00:39
jamspecifically if I give a range, it includes that range00:39
pooliejam, are you still here?00:44
jampoolie: off and on00:48
pooliejam, i was going to ask about that xcross bug but jml just turned up and he's been working on it too00:49
jampoolie: you got my emails, right?00:49
pooliei did00:50
* mwhudson wishes for an after: revisionspec00:51
spivmwhudson: there could be lots of revisions that would match, though.00:52
mwhudsonspiv: it's clear enough for a mainline revision, isn't it?00:52
mwhudsoni mean, before: could match >1 revision too...00:52
* igc gets some breakfast00:53
mwhudson(i presume it always takes the left hand parent, though 'help revisionspec' doesn't actually say this)00:53
spivmwhudson: That's true.  Possibly even for non-mainline revisions if you define an appropriate ordering (e.g. based on our current dotted revno scheme, i.e. topological based on when branches were merged to mainline)00:53
spivmwhudson: right, before: always takes the left hand parent AFAIK.00:54
mwhudsonspiv: basically, bzr log --short submit:.. is *almost* want i wanted to see00:54
spivmwhudson: sounds like there's a bug report/feature request or two to be made :)00:54
spiv(I mean, made somewhere more permanent than IRC)00:55
mwhudsonactually i think i want bzr missing --mine-only00:55
* mwhudson makes an alias00:55
abentleyjam: It can't make it easier to understand, since they also need to understand the normal behavior.01:03
pooliespiv, where are you?01:08
spivpoolie: on the 10:30 train01:09
spiveta about 11:10 I guess.01:10
jmlhitchhiker is pretty cool01:42
markhjam: you around?02:18
poolielifeless: you said "The thing is, they are xml's that are being asked for" but is it guaranteed at this level that the fulltext inventories are xml?03:04
poolieok review for the last non-test files sent03:05
spivHave sent reviews of a few more test files, about to tackle test_knit.03:12
lifelesspoolie: the calling code expects xml03:16
lifelesspoolie: if its not it will blow up03:16
jammarkh something resembling around03:18
jamweird, markh isn't present, but I don't see a disconnect for him03:19
mwhudson* markh has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))03:20
mwhudson8 minutes ago03:20
* igc lunch03:21
spivjam: I just gave him a ping03:22
spivjam: he'll be on again in a sec03:22
jammwhudson: yeah, mine doesn't have that line03:22
jamspiv: if you want, ping poolie and lifeless if they are there03:23
jamthey both wanted to talk with me03:23
jamor, I guess, *poke* them for me :)03:23
markhjam: you have a sec to share your recent experiences building the windows installer?03:24
jamonce I got dependencies done03:24
markhso, I saw a docutils error - did you see that?03:24
pooliejam, hi03:24
jamit was mostly just "make installer"03:24
markhyeah, but that grinds to a halt at a couple of places for me :)03:25
jamI'll try real quick03:25
jamI haven't done it since 1.503:25
markhoh, roght03:25
markhsorry - I thought you did the most recent binaries03:25
jammarkh: I didn't know someone *did* newer binaries03:26
jamI have to do a few quick hacks to the makefile myself03:26
jamnamely, adding "-c mingw32" to the build lines03:26
jammake installer PYTHON=/cygdrive/c/python25/...03:26
jamsince I use Make from cygwin03:26
jambut win32 python03:26
jammarkh: this time, it got all the way to wanting to run "cog.py" for me03:27
jamwhich means all of the .html files built fine03:28
markhmy problem with docutils is the same as Alex reports many months ago via https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bazaar/2007q4/035100.html - I get the same results with docutils 0.4, the "snapshot" on their site, and also the svn version03:28
markhthe issue appears to be the "." in the option name03:28
jammarkh: I seem to be using docutils.__version__ == 0.403:29
markhI started with 0.4, but now have 0.503:29
jamI do remember the --pack-0.92 being an issue03:30
markhThe problem doesn't appear on Linux either - but the fact Alex and I both saw it many months apart means there is *some* issue here03:30
markhyeah, that is it03:30
jamI thought we sorted it out somehow03:30
markhmaybe I need to "clean" my tree somehow?  Its certainly up-to-date though03:30
jammarkh: look at tools/rst2html.py03:30
jamThere is a workaround if "docutils.__version__ <= 0.4.1"03:30
markhah - ok, thanks - I'll dig a little more.03:31
jammarkh: it may be that the hack just needs to be updated for whatever version03:31
markhI started with 0.4 though - I'll need to dig a little03:34
markhso, apparently I already had 0.5 installed and trying to install 0.4 over the top left 0.5 in place.  It does look like the "." issue isn't fixed in docutils svn, so maybe that version check should just be removed completely?03:58
whitelynxI've been looking through the bzrlib api docs for some way to get the username of the author of a given commit; can anyone point me in the right direction?04:17
whitelynxi have a branch object to work with, and i just need the username of the author of the most recent revision04:18
mwhudsonthe most recent revision is04:18
mwhudsonlast_rev = branch.repository.get_revision(branch.last_revision())04:19
mwhudsonthen last_rev.get_apparent_author()04:19
whitelynxaah, i missed .repository04:19
whitelynxthank you very much :-D04:19
sabdflhi folks04:42
thumperhi sabdfl04:52
mwhudsonhello sabdfl04:54
sabdflhi folks04:54
mwhudsonyay, i have loggerhead running without turbogears or cherrypy05:16
beunomwhudson, :) :) :)05:18
beunonow, if you can do something about files changed, we can drop sqlite too!05:19
mwhudsonbut using the loggerhead.conf gile05:19
mwhudsonwhich is the new bit05:19
beunomwhudson, I looked up to revno 186. Did you do more work after that?05:19
lifelessbeuno: wb05:19
lifelesshi sabdfl05:20
mwhudsonbeuno: i just pushed 18705:20
beunohowdy lifeless. I'm pushing the last changes to my clean url branch, and bzr-super-search is up  :)05:20
lifelessbeuno: online demo?05:20
mwhudsonwell, i'm ignoring some bits of the config file05:20
mwhudsonwhich i probably shouldn't ignore05:21
lifelessmwhudson: you know about 'get_public_branch' ?05:21
Peng"Is it possible the remote side is supports RPCs for a given version?"?05:21
mwhudsonlifeless: yes, what about it?05:21
lifelessmwhudson: for the gnome bug on 'download command'05:21
mwhudsonlifeless: oh right, yes05:21
beunomwhudson, pushing my changes to clean urls. It's basically work on annotate.05:22
mwhudsonbeuno: ok, i still haven't gotten around to looking at it properly :)05:22
beuno"Rev 187: woohoo it works"   -> lol05:22
mwhudsonyeah, i'm not very good at super professional commit messages05:23
beunothat's pretty descriptive to me  :p05:23
beunomwhudson, it may be a good idea for start-loggerhead.py to stop asking for Turbgears on that branch now05:24
lifelessbeuno: can you run up super-search on your adsl or something ?05:24
lifelessbeuno: I don't have LH running anywhere yet05:24
mwhudsonbeuno: oh yeah :)05:24
beunolifeless, I absolutely can, and will05:25
beunomwhudson, one more thing. I'd *really* like to change python2.4 to python on the start/stop header. It works perfectly with python 2.5 (I constantly have to shelve it because I change that manually)05:29
beunois there some other reason not to change it that I'm missing?05:29
mwhudsoni really can't think of one05:30
beunoI discovered -f -C on start-loggerhead, so I don't have to comment out the deamon out to test05:31
mwhudsonah :)05:31
mwhudsonwhat does -C do?05:31
mwhudsonoh something dumb with pidfiles05:32
beunomakes sure it's not already running05:32
beunoI have a bug sort of related to that05:32
beunoclose and open it enough times, and, eventually, you'll have to kill -9 it05:32
mwhudsoni wonder what people use for serving their wsgi applications for real05:33
mwhudsoni'm not sure it's paste.httpserver05:33
lifelessbeuno: tell me when its up :)05:34
beunolifeless, putting it together now. I'll ping you the second it does something05:35
* Peng runs away.05:37
spivWe have BUGFIXES and BUG FIXES sections in our NEWS file.05:41
spivIn the same release in some cases.05:42
PengOf course. Everyone knows that "BUGFIXES" is for when the fix is more important than the bug and "BUG FIXES" is for when the bug is more important.05:44
spivPeng: Hmm, I thought maybe BUG FIXES was for the case when introducing a bug fixed something else ;)05:49
PengHmm, that too.05:49
pooliei think separate words is (are?) better05:57
mwhudsonmmm, wsgi makes it a bit harder than it could be to test things05:57
lifelesspoolie: 'are'05:57
mwhudsonoh well05:57
pooliehm ok we already had a thread about forums06:00
lifelesspoolie: pull --overwrite from http://people.ubuntu.com/~robertc/baz2.0/versioned_files06:03
lifelessbeuno: some trouble ? (just keen to see it :P)06:27
beunolifeless, not really, it just takes a lot of time with template and all  :/06:28
beunoI should have something working in a few minutes06:28
beunome and simpletal don't agree on how I can output HTML06:28
Pengpoolie: I swear I'll do something actually useful one day, but until then, trivial typos are still nice to fix.06:31
beunolifeless, apart from that, everything is in place, so it's just a matter of working out the quirks now06:31
lifelessbeuno: cool. I thought from your earlier comment it was already done :)06:32
beunolifeless, just the javascript bit, I had to glue stuff together now06:33
beunotemplates put a lot of overhead to the process06:33
beunomwhudson's wsgi branch will change that  :)06:33
mwhudson_next steps with that branch are making it less of a hack, i think06:35
mwhudson_(and thinking about how to test it)06:35
beunoyay!  sort-of-works06:46
beunolifeless, need to fix a small glitch, and I'll send you the URL  :)06:47
epsyi have a problem, bzr just crashed06:50
Penggo on06:50
epsysince user avatars aren't that useful to be versionned, i did a bzr rm --keep on the images/avatars dir06:51
epsynow this is what i get:06:51
epsybzr: ERROR: exceptions.AssertionError: Could not find target parent in wt: images/avatars/upload06:51
epsyparent of: (('images/avatars/upload', '5ef0e1b75641934ad6285db9860c3a40_97.jpg', '5ef0e1b75641934ad628-20080427193459-5bbck3mpjk6eryxr-13506:51
epsy9'), [('f', '0c0cad69edec800fc7b17e76719263785e7d07f2', 55692L, 0, 'AADZjEevoDtHr6A7AAAAGAI3NioAAIG2'), ('f', '0c0cad69edec800fc7b17e76719263785e7d07f2', 55692L, 0, 'xclan@fiji-20080427193835-i2lnc7oj8cj54cq9')])06:51
pooliewhat command were you running?06:52
epsyimages/avatars/upload/5ef0e1b75641934ad6285db9860c3a40_97.jpg doesn't exist06:52
epsybzr status and bzr diff06:52
epsyshould i pastebin the traceback?06:53
poolieepsy: can you file a bug for it please?06:53
epsyok, i'll do in the evening06:53
pooliei suspect it has removed the directory but not the subdir or something06:53
epsylooks like06:53
lifelessbeuno: if you can leave the demo running once its working, I'll show it to Jc2k and bkor when they get up07:04
lifelessbeuno: I have to go catch a train now, back on line in ~1hr1507:04
beunolifeless, hold on 2'07:06
beunoand I'll show you *something*07:06
lifelessbeuno: nice07:10
beunoof course, it's just something thrown on the page. There should be a floating diff and all that07:10
lifelessbeuno: better in a drop down etc etc :)07:10
beunoexactly  :)07:10
lifelessbeuno: also, it doesn't seem to handle two terms correctly (like if you type "fetch c" into the box)07:11
lifelessit should as for index.suggest([('fetch',), ('c',)])07:11
lifelessbut yeah - coolness07:11
beunolifeless, yes, I had to work around an issue where it transformd any string into a list of characters07:11
lifelessand nifty fast given the link etc07:12
lifelessok train time07:12
lifelessbut you rock07:12
beunolifeless, I'll have something better when you come back  :)07:12
beunomwhudson_, ^07:13
mwhudson_beuno: it doesn't seem to find anything07:14
mwhudson_beuno: but i like the idea :)07:14
beunomwhudson_, really?  it doesn't find terms as you type?07:14
mwhudson_beuno: no, when you press return07:15
beunoit's the bzr-search branch07:15
beunoso I'd suggest something like "test"07:15
beunoand, it tries every 200ms, so don't be un a hurry to type  :)07:16
mwhudson_but if you type rober07:16
mwhudson_it suggests robert07:16
mwhudson_but searching for robert doesn't give any hits07:16
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
beunowell, that's because I broke search while doing this07:16
beunoI was running against a train, so made a few exceptions while coding  :p07:17
mwhudson#bzr: championing Train Driven Development07:18
beunoI always stick with TDD  :)07:19
* beuno hides from vila 07:20
vilabeuno: better late than never ;-p07:21
mwhudsonyou have a/b versioned07:24
mwhudsonbzr mv a/b b07:24
mwhudsonbzr rm a07:24
mwhudsonoh, modify b07:24
mwhudsonthen bzr rm a07:24
mwhudson-> cannot remove modified file07:24
beunodamn, too fast  :p08:17
beunoI did fix search and whatnot08:18
beunoand pushed the branch08:19
beunotrying to make the drop down more ajaxish08:19
Jc2kthis sounds shiny08:21
Jc2kthe evil plan worked, i guess08:21
lifelessindeed it did muahahaha08:22
mwhudsonmorning Jc2k08:22
Jc2kmorning :) or evening.. :)08:23
liwI'm trying to apply a bundle I got via e-mail, and I get this: bzr: ERROR: Revision is not compatible with KnitRepository('file:///home/liw/p/python-coverage/upstream/.bzr/repository/')08:23
liwwhat am I doing wrong?08:24
Pengliw: You're using different types of repositories (one probably has rich roots)08:25
liwso I need to ask the bundle submitter to switch to a different type of repository? that's inconvenient08:27
lifelessliw: are you using bzr-svn ?08:28
Pengliw: Run 'bzr info'. What format does it say you're using?08:28
liwlifeless, nope, plain bzr08:28
lifelessliw: bzr tries to preserve this, something strange has to have gone on to cause this08:28
liwStandalone tree (format: dirstate)08:28
PengThat's ooold.08:29
lifelessliw: I suspect they branched into a rich-root repository, and thats caused the bundle to have data your repository can't represent08:29
lifelessliw: we want to change teh default and have everyone upgrade08:29
liwso what should I do?08:31
liwhmm, my local branch is made from the branch on my web server, if I "bzr upgrade" that one, and make a new branch locally, it has dirstate-tags08:33
liwbut still no luck merging the bundle08:33
mwhudsonyou probably need --dirstate-rich-root or whatever it's called08:34
mwhudsonor --rich-root-pack08:34
mwhudsonthese are repository upgrades, not branch upgrades, fwiw08:34
liwwhat's the difference between --rich-root and --rich-root-pack?08:38
jmlliw: the first is rich root with knits08:39
jmlliw: the second is rich root with packs08:39
jmlI think.08:39
lifelessliw: first, talk to yourr contributor and figure out what happened08:39
lifelessliw: secondly, I'd apply the bundle with patch :P08:39
Pengjml is correct.08:40
liwjml, that is not entirely informative to me, being as I'm ignorant about bzr internals :)08:40
Pengliw: Packs are the awesome new(er) repository format. They're fast and stuff.08:40
lifelessliw: there are two dimensions08:41
liw"bzr help formats" isn't particularly useful for choosing, either, imo08:41
lifelessliw: disk representation08:41
lifelessliw: and semantic structure08:41
lifelessliw: 'rich root' is in the second and is not backwards compatible08:41
liwlifeless, can we pretend for a  moment that I don't care about implementation details and just want to pick a format? :)08:42
Pengliw: pack-0.9208:43
spivliw: you almost certainly want the default format (pack-0.92)08:43
lifelessliw: *you should not change anything*08:44
lifelessliw: I gave you isntructions above08:44
spivYour contributor seems to be using a non-default format though, and it would be good to find out why.08:44
spivAnyway, listen to lifeless :)08:44
PengHmm, I guess signed messages on the list (or at least those with attachments) use PGP/MIME?08:47
liwlifeless, yeah, I'm asking him, but in the mean while, I already ran "bzr upgrade" :)08:48
liwlifeless, before you said anything, even08:48
ToyKeeperlifeless: So, you're working on making bzr use a single storage format?08:48
PengToyKeeper: Ideally, there would be one perfect format, and they're working toward that. The only reason there are multiple formats is to be able to make backwards-incompatible improvements, and because some are experimental.08:50
ToyKeeperWell, finding the best way to organize the data is a good goal, and not at all simple.  :)08:51
lifelessliw: 'bzr upgrade' on its own is fine and safe08:52
lifelessPeng: my mails probably do08:52
lifelessPeng: rfc 16?? IIRC08:53
Penglifeless: Yeah, I think so. You use Evolution, and the details are entirely different from Thunderbird/Enigmail's PGP/MIME, but it seems to be doing the same thing.08:54
PengNot only did I send a really trivial patch, signed with an untrusted gpg key, but I didn't use PGP/MIME, so the patch itself wasn't signed. :D08:55
beunoaaaaaaaanyway, I'm off to bed08:58
beunolifeless, nicer way of showing suggestions will land soon-ish, but not today  :)08:58
beunopushed everything to LP  :)08:59
beunoI'll leave LH running in case you want to play around more09:00
poolieok that's enough for me09:01
lifelesspoolie: night poolie09:05
lifelessbeuno: its looking promising all the same09:06
ToyKeeperD'oh...  noticed a typo 5 seconds after submitting a bug.09:16
lifelessshould I close it with 'bzr-aspell' is a good idea?09:17
ToyKeeperHeh, not a spelling error...  the grammar was broken after re-arranging some phrases.09:18
ToyKeeperMaybe I should just file another one...  "launchpad needs an 'oops' button".  :)09:20
mwhudson_there is a bug for "i should be able to edit my comment for a while after posting it"09:20
ToyKeeperYeah, kinda figured that one would already exist.  And there is a function to edit the original bug description.  :)09:21
* igc dinner09:22
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
mtaylorhey all10:05
mtaylorif I've got a revid10:06
mwhudsonhello mtaylor10:06
mtaylorhi mwhudson10:06
mtaylorand I want to find the revno10:06
mtayloreither of that revid10:06
mtaylorof the left-most revision that contains that revid10:06
mtaylor(since revision_id_to_revno won't work on revids that are sub-sets of a merge)10:07
mtayloris there a sensible way to do this that I'm missing?10:07
mwhudsonyou want to find the revno of the mainline revision that merges your revid?10:07
mwhudsonand are we talking programmatically or just now and then in the shell?10:07
mtaylorthis is for inside of a post-push email hook10:08
mwhudsoni don't think there's a very clean way of doing this10:08
mtaylorso, just in case I'm missing something _else_...10:08
mwhudsoni guess you can keep taking the left hand parent until you get a revision that's in the revision_history of the branch10:09
mtaylorhow do I get the left hand parent?10:10
mtaylordo I have to get the repository first?10:11
mtaylorgah. how about get_parent10:11
mtaylormwhudson: is there a chance that given a revid I will keep trying that and get in to an endless  loop somehow?10:14
mwhudsonmtaylor: no10:15
mtaylorok. good10:15
mwhudsonand if you know that the revid is in the branch, you'll definitely get a mainline revision eventually too10:16
mwhudsonhang on10:16
mwhudsoni think i've been giving you bogus advice :(10:16
mwhudsonmtaylor: you want to know the revision that _merged_ the revid you've got, don't you?10:17
mwhudsondo you expect it to be a recent revision that merged it, or could it be arbitrary?10:17
mtaylorI expect it to be recent (this is in post-push, and I'm doing this on old_revid10:18
mwhudson(i've been telling you how to find the common ancestor of branch tip and your revid)10:18
mwhudsonmtaylor: then10:18
mwhudsonhm, i have code sort of for this even somewhere10:18
mtaylormwhudson: I essentiall want to get a revno I can pass to log.show_log()10:19
mtaylormwhudson: to get the diff of what was just pushed10:19
lifelessmtaylor: you have a revid10:19
mtaylorcan I pass a revid to show_log()10:19
lifelessmtaylor: erm, why are you using log to get a diff ?10:19
lifeless'revspec' handles user input to revnos and revids10:20
mtaylorlifeless: what should I use instead?10:20
lifelesspassing revid:REVISIONID to a revspec will do what you need, but I'm confused why you wouldn't use diff :)10:20
mtaylorlifeless: this is in a plugin?10:21
mwhudsonoh eh10:21
lifelessmtaylor: nope, core. also have you looked at the email plugin and what it does?10:21
mwhudsonyou have a much easier problem than you suggested i think :)10:21
lifelessmtaylor: I'd really expect the sort of thing you want to be part of the email plugin TBH10:21
mtaylorlifeless: yes... this is actually a fork of email plugin10:21
mwhudsonmtaylor: this is the code to do the hard thing: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/21114/ :)10:21
mtaylormwhudson: sweet!10:22
mwhudsonmtaylor: listen to lifeless though10:22
mwhudsonmtaylor: but it sounds like bzr diff -r revid:old_revid is what you want10:23
lifelesswell, the post commit hook already handles all of this10:23
mtayloryes. that is exactly what I want10:24
lifelessbecause a commit can move more than one revno (especially in bound branches)10:24
mtaylorlifeless: yes. but the post commit hooks inputs are a little different than the info given to post-push10:24
mtaylorbecause revnos don't change in post-commit10:24
lifelessyes they do10:24
* mtaylor looks at code again...10:25
lifeless(uncommon, but its possible to change revnos by doing a commit, if the right hand parent of the tree is the tip of the branch and the left hand parent is deeper in the branch)10:25
mtaylorso, bzr-email does this: self.revno = self.branch.revision_id_to_revno(self._revision_id)10:26
mtaylorahh.. hang on10:26
mtaylorlifeless: ok... I was looking in the wrong area. I think I see what you're talking about now10:27
mtaylorlemme give this a try10:27
* mtaylor has been stating the problem incorrectly10:28
mtaylorI'm not crashing in the diff code when the revnos change, I'm crashing in the log code (thus why I was using show_log)10:28
* mtaylor smacks self in head10:28
uwsjelmer, bkor, Jc2k: FYI, I've blogged about my Gnome Bazaar/SVN import experience here: http://uwstopia.nl/blog/2008/06/importing-bazaar-branches-into-gnome-svn10:33
Jc2kcool :)10:36
lifelessuws: if you'd like gnome to move to bazaar, you could note that in that post :)10:36
lifelessuws: like 'but hopefully only temporarily, if we move to bazaar' :)10:36
uwslifeless: good idea :)10:36
uwslifeless: refresh, first paragraph10:37
uwslifeless: another update, 3rd paragraph10:38
Jc2kuws: i've been a bad boy and moved /BzrForGnomeDevelopers to /Bazaar. i dont know how to make it auto forward, so there is an extra click right now..10:39
lifelessuws: hasn't updated for me :X10:40
uwsJc2k: update10:40
uwslifeless: ctrl-shift-r ?10:41
lifelesshttp://uwstopia.nl/2008/06/gnome-specimen-now-in-gnome-svn is a 404 too10:41
Jc2kawesome :)10:41
Jc2khttp://uwstopia.nl/blog/2008/06/gnome-specimen-now-in-gnome-svn works for me10:42
uwslifeless: your missing the "/blog" part at the start of the url10:43
* uws updates link..10:43
uwslifeless: now it works10:43
lifelessthat was the link I saw :P10:44
lifelessah, the network effect is live and well :)10:46
lifelessstill, nice10:46
Jc2kuws: should the bzr push --remember svn+ssh://svn.gnome.org/svn/gnome-specimen/branches/import-from-bzr/ be pointing at trunk now?10:47
uwsI think I've done my share of bzr pimping for today :)10:47
uwsJc2k: oops, sure10:48
uwsJc2k: More suggestions, fixes, comments?10:48
Jc2kuws: looks good :)10:49
lifelessJc2k: did you see ?10:49
lifelessJc2k: type in the search box there10:49
Jc2klifeless: no10:49
lifeless(imagine that the hits are in a floating frame etc etc10:53
mwhudsonbeuno: you have an interesting (i hope) mail10:53
mwhudsonbut i really hope you're asleep10:53
uwsIs there a way to to tell bzr log to show all commits in the po/ directory?10:54
uwsbzr log po/    only shows the revision in which that directory was added10:54
mwhudsonmm, 22:00, time for dinner10:54
uwsand bzr log po/*.po  doesn't work either10:54
lifelessI think there is a bug open10:54
lifelessdefinitely want to do that efficiently10:54
uws1200, itme for lunch :)10:54
Jc2klifeless: it doesnt seem to do anything?10:56
lifelessJc2k: so if you type 'te' in the search box and don't press enter or anything11:01
lifelessa completion list should appear at the top of the page11:02
Jc2klifeless: i get FF3 history based auto complete, and nothing else..11:05
lifelessJc2k: not as a popup11:05
lifelessas black text - python tuples11:05
lifeless# ('telling',)11:05
lifeless# ('term',)11:05
lifeless# ('term1',)11:05
Jc2kah, firebug says there are some GET's outstanding11:05
Jc2kthey are taking their time ;)11:06
lifelessit was near-instant for me before :)11:07
lifelessbeuno: are you still up ? :P11:08
Jc2ki have timeouts showing in firebug now :(11:09
lifelessso, I think his home machine is shut down now11:11
lifelessthe main page is timing out too11:11
* Jc2k imagines autocomplete goodness11:14
beunoargh, I can't sleep11:29
beunoJc2k, try again  :)11:29
beunomwhudson, just saw the email, I'll see what can be done about it. Thanks for the review11:30
mwhudsonbeuno: oh dear11:31
beunoI'm going to skip sleeping tonight, that should make it easier tomorrow   :)11:32
Jc2kveeerry cool beuno :)11:32
beunoJc2k, thanks. It11:32
beunoit's all based off lifeless' fast-growing bzr-search11:33
beunoit needs some UI love11:33
lifelessJc2k: ah you've seen it work ?11:34
Jc2klifeless: ys :)11:35
Jc2khaving that, "clean urls", a skinned loggerhead, and bzr-search indexes for GNOME - doable by GUADEC?11:36
beunoJc2k, when is guadec?11:36
Jc2kjuly 7th to 12th11:37
beunoJc2k, yes, doable in trunk at the very least11:37
Jc2k(there is a big DVCS talk going down..)11:37
beuno(not sure when we're releasing 1.6)11:37
Jc2kexcellent, i fear not the trunk ;)11:37
beunoJc2k, are you going to be skinning it?11:38
Jc2ktrying, at least11:38
beunoJc2k, how much does it have to look like the current gnome.org?11:38
Jc2kbeuno: at the very least i want to stick the standard GNOME header on it: http://bzr-mirror.gnome.org/11:39
* beuno goes make coffee and pretends he just woke up11:39
Jc2kthere is some standard HTML for that, i dont see a problem there11:39
beunoJc2k, I can get that done for you11:40
Jc2kcool :)11:40
beunothere is a new theme coming up, but I don't know how close to that date we'll have it finished11:41
beunoI'll make sure we can switch at the last moment if we happen to make it11:41
beunomwhudson, so... we're aiming at making bzr-search *the* search for LH, right?   Just so I know how much time I can shift into it11:42
mwhudsonbeuno: sure11:44
beunowe should put together a roadmap of some sort at some point11:45
beunoand/or keep filing bugs, I suppose11:45
beunolifeless, btw, "bzr search -s Robert C", *just* searches for "C"12:02
datomaybe try -s 'Robert C' ?12:03
lifelessbeuno: not for me12:04
beunodato, right, makes sense. I'm being stupid, thanks  :)12:05
lifelessactually 'Robert C' is different12:05
lifelessit is a phrase12:05
beunobeuno@beuno-laptop:~/bzr_devel/bzr.dev$ bzr search -s Robert C12:06
beunoSuggestions: [('C',), ('CA',), ('CAUTION',), ('CHANGES',), ('CHECK_ALWAYS',),12:06
beuno(and a very long etc)12:06
lifelesson bzr search itself, doing 'bzr search -s Robert C' is missing  ('Coming',),12:06
lifelesscompared to bzr search -s C12:06
lifelessdo this:12:06
lifeless:!bzr search -s C | grep Coming12:06
lifeless:!bzr search -s Robert C | grep Coming12:06
beunoright, what's it doing differently?12:08
Jc2kso if i have branches with trees, can i make them treeless?12:10
mwhudsonbzr remove-tree12:12
Kinnisonbzr remove-tree [LOCATION]12:12
Jc2kahh, awesome12:12
Kinnisonthere may also be a bzr reconfigure option but I don't know it12:12
Jc2ki dont suppose there is a command to do that to all the branches under a repository?12:12
Kinnisonaah, erm12:12
Kinnisonyou wanted a no-trees repo didn't you?12:13
mwhudsonfor b in `bzr branches`; do ...; done12:13
Jc2keh, i did. and i dont fancy rerunning the conversion on 20gb of svn ;)12:13
mwhudsonthough bzr branches is a bit funny, if the mailing list be live12:13
mwhudsonwell, you can create new repos, treeless12:13
* Jc2k goes to poke12:13
mwhudsonand pull the branches into them12:14
Jc2ki might just run the conversion again now i have a stable(ish) python-subversion12:16
Jc2kmy initial run was a mixture of pulling trunk a 1000 at a time, then running bzr svn-import afterwards to get branches12:16
Jc2kso my trunk has tree, and the branches don't12:17
* Jc2k shrugs12:17
lifelessbeuno: first it searches for Robert12:17
lifelessbeuno: then it searches for terms begginning with C12:18
lifelessbeuno: and for any term that begins with C, removes it from the result set _unless_ it turns up in one of the documents that the search for Robert found12:18
lifelessbeuno: or in english, it only suggests things beginning with C that are relevant to things matching Robert12:19
beunolifeless, ah. Sounds advanced for such a inocent search12:20
beunobut very cool to have12:20
lifelesswell I figured there was no point suggesting something, if they were to put it in and get no results back12:20
beunomaybe that could be clearer on the UI, adding on top "All results for 'Robert' also containing 'C'"12:21
beunos/containing/begin with12:21
beunobut of course, I'm getting picky12:22
lifelesssure, see the commit saying 'crap ui' or something similar :P12:22
beunoheh, yes. I may give that some lovin as soon as get it properly working in LH12:23
lifelessI would say12:23
lifeless"Suggestions for terms starting with 'C' and matching [('Robert',)]"12:23
lifeless(in the absence of nice query print-outs12:24
lifelessor something like that12:24
beunoyes, that works better12:24
weigon_how can I read back the property added by "bzr commit --fixes ... " ?12:32
weigon_up to now I only saw it in bzr-gtk12:32
jelmerlaunchpad will also recognize it12:33
jelmerand the API exposes it, of course12:33
jelmerI don't think there's anything in the command-line UI that exposes it atm12:33
weigon_is it exposes as bzr <command> somehow ?12:33
weigon_I would like to see it as part of bzr log --long12:34
james_wI don't believe there is12:35
james_wI think there was some work to expose it there, but I don't know where it got to12:35
awilkinsWhat do y'all bzr vets think of bug #240910 ?12:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240910 in bzr "ChrootServer cannot serve "root" of windows filesystem." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24091012:37
lifelessit would be good to serve repositories on C and D simultaneously12:38
lifelessthough, given you expose the whole FS, is it a good idea ? :P12:38
awilkinsNot a good idea no, my beef is more with the sshd support being restricted to C:\12:39
lifelessoh, clear bug, must fix12:39
awilkinsCygwin sftp works ok, as long as you use the /cygdrive/ roots12:40
awilkinsSo it's not a total showstopper, but obviously "smart" is intended to be the best game in town12:40
awilkinsI think LocalTransport supporting "None" as a base would possibly work, but I'm not knowledgeable enough to know how many disasters that would cause in the rest of the code :-)12:44
lifelessmmm, file:// should be the root12:53
lifelessfor unix file:/// is /, forwindows file://C|/ is, IIRC the mangling folk do correctly12:54
KinnisonIs there a way to usefully get (in shell) the list of associated branches for a given branch?12:54
awilkinslifeless: Problem is that something in there resolves "/" to "file:///c:/" as the base of the LocalTransport for "/"12:54
lifelessyes, bug :)12:54
lifelessits probably related to CWD12:55
Kinnisonlifeless: sorry. Is there a way to get the information in a form which is useful for shell scripts?12:56
KinnisonE.g. I'm imagining something like 'bzr get-related --parent [LOCATION]'12:58
awilkinslifeless: I thought the root of the problem might be in urlutils._win32_local_path*12:58
awilkinsOne emits the drive path for '/', the other chokes on a bare file:// uri12:58
lifelessKinnison: not so much, no. perhaps a trivial python helper ?12:59
lifelessawilkins: I'm not sure, and its 10pm :)13:00
Kinnisonlifeless: Hmm, that's about as far as I had gotten. Aah well. I might go for refactoring bzrlib.info so that it can output all the info as a series of shell assignments or something similar13:00
Kinnisonlifeless: having bzr info --shellvars would be handy13:00
awilkinslifeless: I shall hack my bzrlib about a bit longer then give up :-)13:00
awilkins(for the afternoon, anyway)13:01
lifelessKinnison: sure, you know the drill :)13:01
Kinnisonlifeless: aye, but 'tis lunchtime now13:01
* Kinnison waves13:01
mtaylormwhudson: I wound up using that code you pasted for me. works like a champ13:06
mtaylormwhudson: not the world's _quickest_ mechanism... but it doesn't crash, which is a big improvement13:06
awilkinslifeless : I think special cases for "file://" and '/' in urlutils fixes that bug13:33
awilkinsJust running the test suite.13:33
awilkins22/11041 (god this laptop  is wslow013:33
mwhudsonbeuno: if you get the chance, can you take a look at wsgi-ify?13:34
mwhudsoni think it's pretty much ready to merge once zpt.cleaner_urls gets in13:34
* mwhudson goes to bed13:35
lifelessgnight all13:42
beunomwhudson, yeap, I've been following the commits, but I'll take a look at is as a whole14:01
lifelessbeuno: partial reads for suggestions now:14:04
lifelessbzr.dev$ time bzr search -s f > /dev/null14:04
lifelessreal    0m0.723s14:04
lifelessuser    0m0.628s14:04
lifelesssys     0m0.096s14:04
lifelessbzr.dev$ time bzr search -s f > /dev/null14:04
lifelessreal    0m7.392s14:04
lifelessuser    0m6.216s14:04
lifelesssys     0m0.368s14:04
beunoah, going to be interesting to see that commit14:05
beunolifeless, does that improvement hold on smaller repos?14:05
beunoit's very fast as-is, can't imagine now14:06
lifelessbeuno: its pushing now14:09
lifelessk, revno 40 is up14:10
lifelessseems to be slightly faster, yes14:11
lifelesson bzr search itself14:11
* beuno reads through the diffs14:11
lifeless0.533 vs 0.510 seconds :P14:12
beunoah, copied over some stuff from bzr and played with that14:13
beuno> 1 sec is very good on a repo the size of bzr14:14
beunoeven for web  :)14:14
lifeless> 1 sec is easy to satisfy :P14:14
lifeless< 1 sec is good :P14:14
LarstiQjust throw in a time.sleep(1)!14:14
lifelesshi LarstiQ14:14
LarstiQhey lifeless14:15
beunodon't mention sleep please   :/14:16
jambeuno: how about duermo14:16
lifelesslook after yourself man14:16
lifelessdon't burn out!14:16
lifelessjam: beuno forgot to sleep14:16
jammorning lifeless14:16
lifelesshi jam14:16
jamof course, you're one to talk :)14:17
jamand, considering I was up until >1am last night, so am I14:17
lifelessoh, I get crabby and shitty when I don't sleep enough14:18
lifelessits all smoke n mirrors14:18
lifelessbeuno: your demo is down again :P14:18
james_whi jam14:18
beunolifeless, that's because I came to the office :)14:18
lifelessbeuno: ah14:18
jammorning james_w14:18
lifelessbeuno: well, show jam, hopefully he will ooh and aah too :)14:19
jamlifeless: Oh, I agree. Though normally it is the day *after* I don't sleep well14:19
jamso if I fail to sleep on Tues night, I'm crabby on Thurs14:19
beunolifeless, http://intranet.pentacorp.net:8080/bazaar/bzr_garbage/changes14:19
jamWed I'm still running on adrenaline :)14:19
beunohowdy jam14:20
lifelessjam: check the search widget in that url out14:20
jamyeah, the partial match is pretty cool14:20
jamand interactive14:20
jamthough having it show ('foo',) is a bit... odd :)14:20
lifelessjam: 'make it work' :)14:21
jamconceptually very cool beuno, nice work14:21
beunoI have something prettier in store, it will just take a day or two14:21
jamnow you just need to clean it up, put it in a drop down, etc14:21
jambut first, you need to sleep :)14:21
beunowell, I'm going to ignore the fact I didn't sleep, so I can get back on a normal schedule14:22
beunoso I'll probably make less sense as the hours go by14:22
lifelessI'll go now to avoid the ugliness ;)14:22
lifelessgnight everyone14:22
beunog'night lifeless14:23
jamsleep tight lifeless14:25
adam_vollrathHeylo, quick question.  What's the Bazaar Windows client equivalent to TortoiseSVN/CVS?  Or any other Windows client?15:07
vilamarkh: ^15:09
Jc2kadam_vollrath: i dont know anything about it, but i just found this: http://bazaar-vcs.org/TortoiseBzr15:10
vilathat's the one15:10
adam_vollrathah, I should've googled.  Thank you.15:10
pygiadam_vollrath, I'd suggest using Olive, I think it works better, i.e. TortoiseBzr is still not finished15:42
=== gour_ is now known as gour
Tsmithso! I have made copious changes to my branch; how can i diff this to the trunk?16:25
james_wTsmith: "bzr diff -r ancestor:submit:" may get you what you want.16:26
james_walso "bzr send -o- | less"16:26
Tsmithwhat's submit?16:26
james_wthe "submit" branch16:27
james_wit's what send defaults to.16:27
james_wit falls back to the parent if one isn't defined16:28
Tsmith-o- | less worked16:28
jamjames_w: you don't need "ancestor:submit:" submit: implies ancestor:16:28
james_wah, ok, so "diff -r submit:" will give you the same as the preview in the merge directive?16:29
jamjames_w: if it doesn't, let me know :)16:30
jamyou could also use "cd trunk; bzr merge --preview ../feature-branch"16:30
jamthat will also show conflicts, etc16:30
jamwhich may be good/bad16:30
Tsmithi get 2 diff things w/ diff -r submit: and -o- less16:30
james_wcan you see what the differences are?16:31
Tsmiththat's waht i'm trying to find out16:32
james_wi.e. is one including trunk changes? Is one using an older base revision?16:32
Tsmithbzr merge preview is terribly messed up16:39
Tsmithit creatse a 19,895 line diff compared to the other 600 line one16:39
Tsmithtrunk was really out of date ;p16:40
yaccAny way to get bzr stat to report the relative paths of files, when running bzr stat .? => currently the output of bzr stat needs manual cutting off the unneeded prefix when selective commiting files.17:24
james_wyacc: I don't know of one, there's a bug open saying that paths should be relative somewhere17:36
gourwhat is eta for 1.6?17:36
yaccjames_w, so my best guess is, when the pulse of my life slows down again to write a plugin that copies stat and monkey patches it to provide a relstat command, I guess.17:37
james_wyacc: or write a patch to bzr that makes stat use relative paths?17:38
yaccwell, I have no idea if that's what everyone wants to have.17:38
yaccjames_w, anyway, till now I just managed to write one plugin that does not meddle with bzrlib, it does only monkey patch some of the standard python modules as needed ;)17:39
james_wit should at least be an option I think, so it would be great to have a patch to core.17:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 30159 in bzr "paths are always from root of branch" [Low,Confirmed]17:42
yaccjames_w,  ~jdobrien/bzr/bugfix (New) - Fix In Progress17:43
james_wyacc: "In Progress" is actually a little generous for that branch it seems.17:45
yaccjames_w, yeah, but the last message applies to me too :(17:46
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Jc2kdoes git have any equivalent to git gc --prune --agressive ?21:32
Jc2k(not sure if gc is the right command..)21:32
Jc2kyeah, git-gc21:33
james_wyou mean does bzr?21:34
Jc2kwhoops, yeah21:34
Jc2kjeez, is not even 10pm yet :)21:34
james_wno, it doesn't unfortunately21:35
james_wI think there was a plugin to do something similar, but it was plastered with big scary labels.21:35
Jc2ki see21:35
Jc2kat the moment, my bzr mirror of gnome takes 34gb and my git mirror takes 6gb..21:36
james_whave you done "bzr pack"?21:36
Jc2kno, i think thats what im looking for21:36
james_walso "find . -name obsolete_packs -type d | xargs du -skh"21:37
james_wit doesn't do as much as "git gc --prune --aggressive", it's like "git pack"21:37
james_whowever, the gc won't do much if anything on these mirrors.21:38
james_was it removes unreferenced objects, and you will only get them after rebases and the like, simply mirroring stuff shouldn't cause that.21:38
LeoNerdOr uncommit21:39
Jc2ki see21:39
LeoNerdI quite often uncommit21:39
LeoNerdI've been known to have four attempts at a commit, before the fifth one finally sticks :)21:39
Jc2kthe disturbing thing about Git in GNOME is that so many of the strong supporters use it in weird ways. i've not found a consistent story for making a git "mirror".21:40
Jc2kthere are at least 2 documented hacky scripts, neither of which seem to work21:41
Jc2kwhere as bzr svn-import <PATH TO REPO> just works21:41
ToyKeeperHeh, simplicity isn't really one of git's priorities.  :)21:44
Jc2kits not really the simplicity, its the fact that i can't find a consistent story21:44
Jc2kwhen i asked one group about their use of git-svn they didnt even realise it could do a full clone of branches and tags and all21:45
Jc2kanyway, bath whilst bzr repacks things :)21:46
Jc2kmorning mwhudson21:46
psycomanhoe can i make a diff with my local brach and the branch in launch pad ?21:48
psycomanmy branch was created from the launchpad branch21:49
Verterokpsycoman: try with: bzr diff -r branch:<your_lp_branch>21:56
Verterokpsycoman: if you want to only see the new revisions, you should use: 'bzr missing'21:57
psycomanVerterok: like this ? bzr diff -rbzr diff -r lp:~yurimalheiros/textflow/0.3.x22:03
psycomanbzr diff -r lp:~yurimalheiros/textflow/0.3.x22:03
Verterokpsycoman: bzr diff -r branch:lp:~yurimalheiros/textflow/0.3.x22:06
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Jc2kjames_w: after just bzr pack, it now takes up 10gb more space :D23:02
mwhudsonthat'll be all the obsolete_packs i guess23:03
james_wJc2k: yeah, check for obsolete_packs directories and purge them.23:03
bkorJc2k: bzr pack --i-mean-it23:04
Jc2kfun :)23:06
* Jc2k is sad its not real :(23:07
Jc2kjames_w: its totally safe to clobber all obsolete_packs folders?23:08
james_wJc2k: they're there as a backup in case something went wrong with the pack.23:08
mwhudsonafter the pack has finished, yes23:08
Jc2ki see23:08
james_wthey'll be deleted at the next pack anyway.23:08
Jc2kah cool23:08
james_wI think it's mostly insurance against disk syncs anyway.23:09
james_wor rather things going bad while the data is still being written out.23:09
bkorwhy not delete it right away instead of waiting for the next time?23:13
james_wnot sure, ask lifeless23:13
Jc2ki dont think that helped much :(23:20
Jc2kwell, its about the same as before i started23:20
james_wthat's not good23:20
james_wThere was an allegation that bzr-svn creates large repositories, but I never saw any evidence to back it up.23:21
james_wI'm sure lifeless will be interested in investigating this though.23:21
Jc2kjames_w/lifeless/jelmer: 33GB of rich-root-pack bazaar repos from 20GB of SVN (vs about 6gb of git FWIW)23:26
Jc2kjames_w/lifeless/jelmer: this is after a bzr pack and deleting obselete packs from each modules .bzr/repository folder23:27
james_wgit has the same data?23:27
james_wi.e. all the same branches?23:27
mwhudsonbzr-svn creates long revision and fileids, which are stored uncompressed in the indices23:28
Jc2kjames_w: yes23:29
fullermdI don't think pack does much [any] additional compression or such.23:40
fullermdIt just builds up larger pack files.23:41
Jc2kthese are the figures i have:23:43
Jc2kx469yq@isshin:/srv$ du -s -m bzr/23:43
Jc2k33567   bzr/23:43
Jc2kx469yq@isshin:/srv$ du -s -m svn/23:43
Jc2k25468   svn/23:43
Jc2kx469yq@isshin:/srv$ du -s -m git/23:43
Jc2k6228    git/23:43
Jc2kthose folders should be roughly equal..23:43
Pieterbzr blows up even larger than git?23:46
Jc2ki'll try recreating one of the larger repositories in the morning to make sure its not a side effect of anything i've done23:51
awilkinsI found that it made large revisions when it was getting the branching scheme wrong23:52
awilkinsie. for my 120MB tree, some revisions were an extra 120MB because it thought they were not a branch.23:53
awilkinsThe effect was particularly profound on this tree becuase the tree is large with respect to the size of the history23:54
awilkinsI'm not sure how easy it would be to spot if you were't watching for it (branching the trunk, then watching the repo as you do branches)23:55
awilkinsIn an SVN repo, you can tell the size of each revision because they are in seperate files23:56
PieterJc2k: how many commits does that repo have?23:56

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