
neonlightningis there a way to get cpu optimisation?15:32
neonlightningalso noticed that apt-get install kernel headers gives me that the package is mentioned but is not available15:33
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aarmelvin_Linuxwhen i clicked the "test settings" in Ekiga Softphone while configuring i got the following error18:02
aarmelvin_Linuxmpossible to open the selected audio device (HDA ATI SB) for playing. Please check your audio setup, the permissions and that the device is not busy.18:02
aarmelvin_Linuxfor which file i have to change the permissions18:03
neonlightningwow for a channel for an education version of ubuntu this channel was rather non-informative18:43
monteslu"is there a way to get cpu optimisation?"18:44
monteslusure, people should have jumped all over that18:44
Lnsmonteslu, haha19:11

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