
geniiHi. Is there any documentation aside from the wiki page for Prevu? No manpage it seems00:36
stdingenii: I guess you'd need to ask jdong, as he wrote it00:50
geniistdin: OK thanks00:50
geniistdin: There seems something on launchpad about it but the site is undergoing maintenance00:51
stdinLP should be up in about 10 mins (according to the downtime schedule)00:53
* genii waits00:58
geniistdin: Geez, still offline.01:20
stdingenii: yeah, staging seems to be working though01:21
stdingenii: https://bugs.staging.launchpad.net/prevu/+bug/7694301:21
ubottustdin: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: HTTP Error 503: Service Temporarily Unavailable (https://launchpad.net/bugs/76943/+text)01:21
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jussi01morning Riddell09:43
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Riddellmorning etretyak09:55
etretyakRiddell: do you know about this GSOC project: http://rtcm.livejournal.com/844.html ?10:03
Riddelletretyak: I do not10:04
Riddelletretyak: those screenshots look quite different10:05
etretyakYes.. I'll check this sources10:05
HobbseeNightrose: oh dear.10:27
apacheloggerNightrose: I need someone to write the info page for kde-nightly10:45
Nightroseapachelogger: hmmmm similar to the one for amarok-nightly?10:46
apacheloggerwell, a lot less information10:46
Nightrosewhen do you need it?10:46
apacheloggernow ;-)10:47
apacheloggerwell, sometime today10:47
apacheloggerstack build completed successfully10:47
apacheloggerso we can publish10:47
NightroseI will eat something and then get on it10:47
Riddellryanakca: did you hear anything from NG?11:12
ryanakcaRiddell: apart from ``Could you send me a copy of the download page?'' and ``Thanks''... nope :/12:06
yao_ziyuananyone using firefox 3 now? spot the ugly tabs?12:16
nixternalmornin'! \o/12:30
eagles0513875VIVA ITALIA12:33
smarter"  pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy: Depends: python-kde4 which is a virtual package.12:35
smarterwhere are the pyKDE bindings now?12:36
Riddellsmarter: python-kde4 in hardy12:39
Riddellnothing yet in intrepid12:39
apacheloggersomeone could prepare a debdiff of the package in ppa12:39
smarterso I'm stuck with a half-working guidance-power-manager package :}12:40
Riddellapachelogger: hmm?12:40
smarterI found that: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/kde4bindings/4:4.0.80-0ubuntu112:40
apacheloggerRiddell: the changes made to kde4bindings in the PPA should be valid for intrepid as well12:40
Riddellsmarter: that will be making python-kde4 once it compiles12:40
apacheloggerand make the package build again12:40
Riddellapachelogger: what changes were those?12:40
apacheloggerRiddell: updates, adding build-deps, adding new files to .installs and some fixes to make python-kde4 work again12:41
apacheloggernot perfect but the best I was able to do before tutorials day12:41
\shRiddell: python on amd64 doesn't have dl.so...because this only works for archs where int==long==pointer has the same size12:42
\shRiddell: in the ppa of kdebindings there is the patch of sime to make it work again on all archs12:42
\shapachelogger: why not copy the ppa package to intrepid?12:43
Riddellthe problem with kde4bindings in intrepid is ruby needs a fix12:43
Riddellwhich is in svn12:43
apachelogger\sh: also possible12:43
Riddellbut svn also needs updated kde4libs it seems12:43
Riddellso I was waiting for beta 212:44
apacheloggerwell, we could just wait for beta212:44
Riddellwhich should have been tagged yesterday but dirk's on holiday so KDE grinds to a halt12:44
* \sh doesn't care about ruby...12:44
Xand3ri packeged somthing for trainig, please review it http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=qutim12:47
Riddellsmarter: you could try this build for intrepid http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/pykde/python-kde4_4.0.80-0ubuntu1_i386.deb12:47
smarterRiddell: I'm on 64 bits :P12:48
Riddellsmarter: you could apt-get source kde4bindings12:48
Riddellcontrol-c when it gets past the cmake stage12:49
Riddellcd obj-*/python/pykde12:49
Riddellsudo make install12:49
smarterhooray for quick'n'dirty hack12:49
smarterbut I don't want to screw up my pbuilder12:49
* smarter should probably put intrepid in a VM12:49
smarterthe package is working on hardy, I just need to get the dependences right so I'll wait12:51
RiddellXand3r: a few small comments added13:12
RiddellXand3r: there's a lot of icons in the source, do they not need to be installed?13:13
Xand3rthey ar compilled in the bin13:14
Riddelloh, intresting13:15
JontheEchidnaOh yay, plasma-wifi updated to 4.1 api. *packages*13:18
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)13:19
seelewhy does ntp install gimp help docs?13:20
Riddellseele: doesn't here13:22
seelesigh.. maybe it's time for a fresh install.  adept doesnt alert me to reboot for kernel updates either.13:27
ScottKI'd wait a day.13:29
ScottKNew openoffice and firefox both in today's updates for me.  It seems to have loaded things down a bit.13:30
seelehuh, i just did an update and the only thing it gave me was samba13:30
seelei had an openoffice update the other day though, maybe that's the same one13:30
ScottKHmm.  Maybe.13:30
* Nightrose didn't get a firefox update either13:36
Xand3rRiddell: thx for coments, i fixed it13:37
Riddellsmarter: what did you package power manager as?  (for the seeds)13:38
Riddellsmarter: package name13:38
smarterwith a dummy kde-guidance-powermanager13:39
jussi01Nightrose: may I pm for a moment?13:39
Nightrose3.0~b5+nobinonly-0ubuntu3 is installed according to apt-cash showsure13:39
Riddellsmarter: groovy13:41
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=== AutumnCat is now known as nihui
RiddellScottK: gpg-agent changed to gnupg-agent at some point?  our seeds are wrong, do we still need it?13:45
\shRiddell: yes13:46
\shseahorse and co are not able to play with gpg smartcards and readers nicely13:46
\shand without those cards and readers, we screw all fsf members ;)13:47
RiddellXand3r: advocated!13:53
RiddellXand3r: needs apachelogger to take a second look then we can upload13:53
apacheloggerXand3r: qutim?13:55
Riddellapachelogger: yes13:57
* apachelogger fires up konqueror13:57
Xand3rthank you verry much13:58
apacheloggerXand3r: btw, instead of build-conflicting on qt3-dev-tools you can just call qmake-qt4 instead of qmake in debian/rules13:59
apacheloggerthat way jpds doesn't need to uninstall his qt3-dev-tools package ;-)13:59
Riddellthat's an idea13:59
apacheloggerRiddell: did you testbuild it?14:01
Xand3rhmm, is noticed14:01
\shadobe fms successfully installed and running under ubuntu server14:03
JontheEchidnaIf anyone has the time, could I have a quick revu? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=plasma-wifi14:07
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: does that still work with 4.1?14:08
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: 0.5 uses the 4.1 api14:08
Riddellapachelogger: yes14:08
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: cool14:08
apacheloggerXand3r: long description is missing a full stop14:08
JontheEchidnavery :)14:08
apacheloggerRiddell: I'll upload then14:09
Riddell\sh: what's that?14:09
apacheloggerRiddell: flash media server I guess14:13
apacheloggerXand3r, Riddell: uploaded14:16
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you build-dep on cdbs, but don't use it14:17
JontheEchidnaOh right, I used dh14:18
JontheEchidnaleftovers from the orignal template I used, I suppose14:19
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: the license is gpl3+, not gpl2+14:19
JontheEchidnaI shouldn't need to do anything more than change the 2 to a three in the copyright file, correct?14:20
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: just copy the license header from the .cpp14:21
* apachelogger testbuilds14:21
JontheEchidnaBasically the same without the C commenting junk14:22
apacheloggerconnection is super slow :|14:25
\shapachelogger: right14:29
\shRiddell: it's flash media server of adobe :)14:30
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: FTBS: make[3]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/lib/libSM.so', needed by `lib/plasma_applet_wifi_signal.so'.  Stop.14:41
JontheEchidnaHmm, what does that mean, I wonder...14:42
JontheEchidnaDid I miss a build dep?14:42
JontheEchidnaI suppose I should fire up pbuilder14:42
\shapachelogger: libsm-dev as build-dep?14:43
jpdsapachelogger: qt3-dev-tools package?14:43
apachelogger*shrug* *shrug*14:43
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: well, \sh is right14:44
apacheloggerbut, didn't debian patch the recursive deps?14:44
apacheloggerRiddell: ^14:44
* JontheEchidna has libsm-dev installed, which is why it didn't fail...14:45
JontheEchidnafor him...14:45
Riddellapachelogger: libsm and similar issues fixed in libqt4-x11 uploaded a few hours ago14:45
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: always testbuid in pbuilder before uploading, but we'll just wait for the new libqt4 to be built, then the issue should disappear :)14:46
* apachelogger prepares the kde-nightly lunch14:47
apacheloggerlaunch even14:47
Riddellcan we have a lunch instead?  I'm hungry14:48
* sebas would like lunch#2, too14:48
* apachelogger hands Riddell a cookie14:59
JontheEchidnaBettar than gkt-qt-engine for now14:59
apacheloggersebas: btw, are you bored? :P15:00
* apachelogger notes that sebas only sometimes becomes active on kde-www15:00
sebasapachelogger: in burst, then I run through a couple of those unanswered emails15:01
apacheloggeric :)15:02
txwikingerWhy do I get crash files which have a python error about dbus every time an application like OpenOffice or thunderbirtd are crshing?15:02
apacheloggermaybe apport crashes upon the real crash15:03
Xand3rapachelogger: thx15:13
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: Is Intrepid still using /usr/lib/kde4? If it's not I'll need to change that.15:35
apacheloggercurrently it still does15:36
JontheEchidnaOk, then the install location is ok for now15:37
RiddellJontheEchidna: no15:38
Riddellapachelogger: it doesn't15:38
apacheloggersorry then15:38
RiddellJontheEchidna: if you're using cdbs grab the debian/cdbs directory from kdepimlibs in intrepid15:38
JontheEchidnaRiddell: I'm using debhelper15:39
* apachelogger is wondering why he has the old kde4 dir then15:39
apacheloggeromg, my system is totally out-of-date15:39
* JontheEchidna hasn't booted into his intrepid partition in a while because kde4 is in a broken state15:40
Tm_Thi kids16:16
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eagles0513875hey Tm_T17:04
|Artemis_Fowl|apachelogger: what's your e-mail?17:14
apachelogger|Artemis_Fowl|: apachelogger@ubuntu.com17:23
_Artemis_Fowl_apachelogger: you've got mail17:28
apacheloggerArtemis_Fowl: does it depend on kde 4.1?17:41
yuriyhmm fedora developers conference is here in Boston over the next couple of days, but it doesn't look like they have any interesting sessions like KDE or distro collaboration17:48
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apacheloggerseele: http://aplg.kollide.net/kubuntu/kgrubeditor/18:14
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Riddelldavmor2: lug chez toi tonight?18:47
davmor2Yeap it's at mine :)18:47
davmor2Riddell: why are you planning on coming?18:51
davmor2If so don't get blown off your bike :)18:51
Riddelldepends if I can convince sladen here to pack up18:52
* nixternal does the core-dev dance18:54
yuriyyou're a core-dev now? :O18:55
nixternaljust waiting for the official email, sabdfl and keybuk gave up their +1's18:55
nixternalthat would be a quorum out of the 3 TB'ers18:55
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Back to merging! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Teams | Congratulations to nixternal
vorianyeee haaaa!18:55
nixternaland sistpoty as well! though he doesn't help Kubuntu/KDE, but uses it and loves it :)18:56
* vorian pours champagne on nixternal 18:56
nixternalgroovy, so this weekend will be "Hack on Kubuntu weekend" :)18:58
vorianhow many more days of merges?18:58
jpdsnixternal: congrats!19:05
Riddellvorian: not enough (a week I think)19:07
vorianRiddell: any pressing kubuntu merges needed? or should I just knock off the low-hanging fruit?  :)19:10
Riddellshouldn't be any pressing ones left19:11
vorianlow hanging fruit it is :)19:11
yuriycongratulations nixternal!!19:26
Nightrosegroovy nixternal ;-)   congratulations20:08
jjessewhat are we congrating him on ?20:13
jpdsjjesse: core-dev membership20:16
jjessecongrats Nightrose20:16
jjessecongrats nixternal20:16
jjessei thought he was already20:17
seeleapachelogger: thanks20:17
nixternaljjesse: thanks20:26
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ScottKRiddell: We do need gpg-agent (whatever it's called now) I'm pretty sure.  I need to get my test laptop working so I can look into kdepim in 4.1 and see what we need to do to support crypto.21:27
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Arby_Riddell: rsibreak merged. files on lichts for upload when you have time21:43
Arby_that'll be extragear done as long as they all build and upload21:44

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