
Jack_Sparrow!ops help00:56
ubottuFactoid ops help not found00:56
PiciJack_Sparrow: fixed it00:56
Jack_SparrowWhat did I do?00:56
PiciSet a channel password00:56
Jack_Sparrowone sec..   I want to figure this out00:57
Jack_Sparrowpici   this is what I tried  /mode #ubuntu +kb *!*@bas13-toronto12-1167983664.dsl.bell.ca00:57
PiciJack_Sparrow: Yeah, kick doesnt have a mode00:58
Jack_Sparrowgot it..00:58
PiciWhat client do you use?00:58
Piciirc client00:58
Jack_Sparrowxchat script00:58
PiciAh... xchat...00:58
Jack_SparrowIt was my goof.. thanks for fixing it so quick00:59
PiciI was going to say, I have a nice set of aliases for irssi to do those sorts of channel things00:59
Jack_SparrowI may hit you up and try irissi00:59
Dave2I have an xchat script to do things like that00:59
* Dave2 's just has /nickq (nick-based quiet), /hostq (host-based quiet), /cgiq (CGI:IRC and now mibbit quiet), /cgib (CGI:IRC ban), and /r (cmode +rR). Somewhat less fully featured.01:01
Jack_SparrowI got that script...  but I was trying to change a mute to a ban and messed up.. badly..01:03
Jack_SparrowDoes the script have a way to change a mute to a ban..01:05
bazhangnot worse than banning most of canada :) (I did that second day as op)01:05
Jack_SparrowBoth users were probably upset01:05
stdinyou could do /cs u <user> then /cs kb user, but to option to automatically change a mute to ban01:06
stdin(as mutes are bans anyway)01:06
Jack_SparrowAh.. that would be easier01:07
Picibazhang: did anyone notice?01:07
* Dave2 misses the days when quiets were cmode +q01:07
bazhangPici, I think om-paul fixed if I recall correctly :)01:08
Jack_SparrowI cant believe not a single comment or complaint..  I was ready for the firing squad01:09
PiciWe all make mistakes01:09
PiciI've seen people accidentally clear out the ban list... twice01:10
Jack_SparrowAt first that is what I thought I had done..  It was my first horrifying thought01:10
Jack_Sparrowand the first thing I checked01:10
PiciNah, it would have been a lot more noisy than that01:11
bazhangI once gave chanops to a troll who came in-->that was a scary moment01:11
bazhangtried to op and k at the same time01:11
Jack_Sparrowthats a typo that would haunt you for awhile01:11
Jack_SparrowMY heart is still pounding..01:12
PiciI remember being completely overwhelemed before we had the floodbots and had a dcc exploit...01:12
bazhangthe floodbots and chanserv.py/pl do make it much easier though01:14
Jack_SparrowSo did ompaul fix it? or did you fix it Pici.. I want to know who I need to be buying drinks for tonight01:15
PiciJack_Sparrow: Tonight? I fixed it.01:15
Jack_SparrowAh.. thanks...  All I could think to do is come in here and yell..01:15
PiciI happened to be looking at the channel when you did it, and figured you didnt do it on purpose01:16
Jack_SparrowYou got that right.... I'mm gonna take 5 thanks .... alot01:17
* mneptok whispers "that's two worda" O:)01:17
mneptoksorry, pet peeve.01:18
Picia lot01:18
bazhanganyone been to ##politics ? that is a scary #norules channel.01:19
Picinot lately...01:20
naliothbazhang: #politics was recently shut down.  all the vermin moved to ##politics01:20
naliothbazhang: /lastlog nalioth01:20
mneptokbazhang: i idle in #gouge_my_eyes_out instead01:20
bazhangnalioth, #politics was worse? hard to imagine..01:20
naliothbazhang: #politics was a place you would not ever want to be in (if you had the least shred of moral fiber in you)01:25
naliothand since #politics was closed, all those immoral folks moved to ##politics and infested it01:25
PiciAt least there are no bots in there....01:25
bazhangI spent like twenty minutes in there, and it was nasty.01:25
naliothPici: au contraire, mon ami01:26
nickrudmaybe ##politics should be a black hole ...01:37
ubottuIn #kubuntu, diceman said: ubottu: the channel is often dead here01:40
Jack_SparrowNickrud..  Politics where everyone is automatically muted01:55
naliothPici: there have been bots in #politics before.  you definitely didn't want to be there for their performance01:56
nickrudlol Jack_Sparrow now I'm even more glad I stick with seveas's chanserv.py ;p01:56
Jack_SparrowIt wasnt the script.. It was all my mistake01:56
bazhangBUBOY, how may we assist you.02:13
BUBOYhi, how do i mount /root partition02:14
bazhangBUBOY, this is not a support channel.02:14
BUBOYok sorry02:15
bazhangBUBOY, you need to ask in #ubuntu and /part here02:15
JavidI've been banned for about three months, give or take, can I get an ETA on this?03:06
flacciduser greeg is spamming urls in channels, including ubuntu ones, just letting you know for ban..03:12
Jack_Sparrowpici help03:19
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jdavies, bazhang or jussi01!03:20
ubottuJack_Sparrow called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()03:20
flaccidi guess the response here is not great :)03:20
tritiumJack_Sparrow: what's going on?03:20
Jack_SparrowI tried the command they gave me earlier..   /cs u nick03:20
flaccidwell if nobody wants to ack it, i'll just ping ops if he spams again03:21
nickrudvery wierd action in #ubuntu with /cs u afallenhope03:21
Jack_SparrowThis is supposed to unmute ?          /cs u afallenhope03:22
nickrudyes, removes bans03:23
stdinu removes mutes and bans03:23
Jack_Sparrow<stdin> you could do /cs u <user>            Why did I get all of that spam in channel03:23
stdinhmm? what spam?03:24
Jack_SparrowNickrud           did you see what I saw>03:25
nickrudJack_Sparrow I got 5 ops before the unban worked, then one deop03:25
Jack_SparrowI got the entire banlist in my screen03:26
stdinthat didn't get sent to the channel03:26
Jack_Sparrowthanks god03:26
Jack_Sparrowscarred the heck out of me03:26
Jack_SparrowI got 300 lines of  * #ubuntu Banlist: Fri Jun  6 03:29:56 PAPATYA ballard.freenode.net03:27
Jack_Sparrow* #ubuntu Banlist: Fri Jun  6 03:29:56 *PAPATYA* ballard.freenode.net03:27
Jack_Sparrow* #ubuntu Banlist: Fri Jun  6 03:29:56 mustafa43_ ballard.freenode.net03:27
stdinthat would happen if you set mode (+|-)b without an arg03:28
stdinie: /mode #ubuntu +b    would print the ban list03:29
Jack_SparrowI have not made any changes to the script and /cs u nick is all I used.03:29
stdinmaybe some strange lag from your +kb03:30
Jack_SparrowNot that I dont deserve it..  as long as it didnt show in the channel03:31
Jack_Sparrownickrud you had to get ops 5 times to unban?  what was that about?03:31
stdinchanserv being funny probably03:31
nickrudor maybe some new interaction between the new freenode services and the script?03:32
Jack_Sparrowdid freenode services just change?03:33
nickrudJack_Sparrow chanserv op'ed me 5 times before unbanning , and then deoping me03:33
nickrudso I've been told03:33
nickrudfrom what to what, I'm clueless03:33
Jack_SparrowI saw that yes03:33
Jack_SparrowOk.. I am a bit paranoid after my goof earlier03:34
nickrudheh. First few times I used the script, I checked it twice or more before hitting enter.03:35
naliothservices was upgraded: http://blog.freenode.net/03:35
Jack_SparrowIf I were to /cs u nickrud   I wonder if it would do the same thing again..03:36
Jack_SparrowThat should be a safe command to try right?03:37
stdinshould be ok to run it03:38
Jack_SparrowSame thing.. I get spammed with the whole ban list03:38
Jack_SparrowBut at least it didnt show in the channel03:39
stdinwhat version of the script do you have?03:39
Jack_SparrowNot very old03:39
nickrudI can't type in the channel!!!!03:39
Jack_SparrowI m gonna hurt you03:40
nickrudgotta come up to LA to do that :)03:40
stdinI have 1.0.8 and don't get that03:40
Jack_SparrowI dont see a version number on mine.. upgrading now03:42
stdinit's the __module_version__ value, after all the comments03:43
Jack_Sparrowgot it.. 10503:43
Jack_Sparrowinstalling 1.08 now03:44
=== Amaranth__ is now known as Amaranth
Jack_SparrowI have 1.08 in /home/jack/.xchat2     restarted xchat            and I still get spam when I          /cs u nickrud03:51
nickrudI can't ... nah, won't work twice03:52
Jack_SparrowMyrtti I hear they are good with a little wine sauce03:53
nickrudroasted in cocoa leaf/mud case works really well03:53
Jack_SparrowI have the right script          1.0.8       and I still get the error...     on a gutsy box....  will try another later this week.03:58
Myrttihhhmmmm sounds like a plan03:58
Myrttiyou think cilantro and chili would be good?03:58
Myrttiperhaps some nice Peruvian or Chilean Red?03:59
nalioth<mumble>irssi</mumble> Jack_Sparrow03:59
Jack_SparrowI will check it out later....  I need to get cleaned up for dinner04:00
nickrudMyrtti http://www.flickr.com/photos/cookingdiva/62203219/04:00
Myrttinickrud: I'll print that and show to ghem04:01
Myrttithem, even04:01
MyrttiI've already told Laku I'll have him castrated.04:06
Myrttilosing valuables bigger than his brains - for that reason I guess - doesn't seem to intimidate04:06
* nickrud wonders at people who verbally threaten animals, expecting results ;)04:07
Jack_Sparrownickrud they understand the tone if not the words04:09
MyrttiAHAIHIH http://loscuatroojos.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/formal-apology.jpg04:09
Myrttithat should be on the frontpage of the bantracker as an html form04:10
nickrudneed to print up a few of those with technical pre filled04:10
nickrudsomeone would be offended, bet on that04:10
Hobbseeanything interesting happen?04:10
tonyyarussoMyrtti: is that available in PDF format too?04:10
nickrudyou know, that is the proper way to apologize, even if it is provided in a joking manner04:12
mneptokLP is back04:13
Myrttinickrud: indeed04:13
Jack_SparrowTHat form is too funny.. I will put it to use asap04:13
Myrttitonyyarusso: perhaps I'll do a LaTeX version? OOOOOOHHH OOOOHHH suits you sir.04:13
tonyyarussoMyrtti: That could work too.04:14
ubottuGun_Smoke called the ops in #ubuntu (Chronic)04:14
tonyyarusso... he's only three minutes late.04:14
Myrttiwhere the hell did he go04:15
Jack_Sparrownalioth sudo apt-get install irssi       in progress....04:17
Myrttihave irssi-scripts too04:17
naliothJack_Sparrow: auto_bleh.pl is the inspiration for chanserv.py  ( You'll have to google it or get someone to link it to you )04:18
Myrttioh dear lord how am I going to pull this day through04:28
Hobbseeby going mad.04:29
ajmitchI wish I had that option04:29
Myrttiit was borderlining that on Monday when Windows XP decided to go BSOD on me in Virtualbox four times in a row04:30
Hobbseethat shouldn't send you mad.04:30
Hobbseethat shouldn't even make you surprised.04:30
Hobbseeyou should be feeling resignation over that - "oh sigh, it's happened again"04:31
MyrttiI've just given up. I can't understand why they picked me to do development with C# and C++ on Visual Studio and XP and even package it with InstallShield04:31
Myrtticome hell and high water, everything is going to be ****ed anyway04:31
Myrttino, just can't get it04:32
mneptokMyrtti: but without MS devtools, how will you "proactively leverage your existing technology assets to build a new developmental paradigm?!?!?!"04:33
* nickrud is now certain that mneptok is some anagram for a daemon04:34
Hobbseemneptok: amateur.04:35
* Myrtti slaps mneptok around a bit with Microsoft Visual Studio help page printout04:35
mneptokMyrtti: see? sharp.04:36
MyrttiHobbsee: I can see the long term benefits of your solution04:37
Myrttiit would justify me strangling mneptok with a cat604:38
Hobbseedon't strangle mneptok.  he's useful.04:38
mneptok(don't be aroused ... don't be aroused ....)04:38
Myrttihandy to have around, eh04:38
* Hobbsee beats mneptok with a stick.04:38
Myrttihe'll like that04:38
HobbseeMyrtti: at least in terms of UDS and representing it, yes.04:38
Hobbseeyeah well04:38
Myrttimmmm chocolate04:42
ajmitchbad Myrtti, you said a naughty word04:44
Hobbseeajmitch: go make coffee.04:45
Myrttion the floor, dropped from my chocolate cookies, stuck on my socks.04:46
ajmitchHobbsee: actually I'll just head out for a couple of minutes & get some more caffeine :)04:46
* Myrtti notes she lives in a guinea pigsty04:46
* mneptok lives in a time of his own04:47
mneptokwhich explains the lack of flush toilets04:48
nalioth'guinea pigsty'  < that certainly brings a lot of the animal kingdom to mind04:49
naliothguinea fowl, guinea pigs, regular pigs . . .04:50
ajmitchyay, caffeine again04:50
* ajmitch makes sure to keep it away from Hobbsee 04:51
* Hobbsee isn't so interested in the caffeine04:51
ajmitchhow about the chocolate I got as well?04:52
mneptokHobbsee: oh, BTW, i painted racing stripes on The Long Pointy Stick Of DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM04:53
* Myrtti pokes ajmitch with a stick04:53
* Myrtti winks at Hobbsee 04:53
mneptokHobbsee: i tried to make speed holes, but my teeth started to hurt04:53
Myrttiyou catch the chocolate if he drops it?04:53
Hobbseemneptok: oh did you now?04:53
* Hobbsee washes the Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!™04:53
Hobbseethere we are.  all gone.04:54
ajmitchMyrtti: Hobbsee will have to get here fast then04:54
Hobbseeajmitch: that you no longer have, yes.04:54
* Hobbsee munches on it04:54
mneptokall my fingerpaints, washed away like my tears04:54
* Myrtti pokes ajmitch again with a stick04:54
Myrttiget me some too04:54
* Myrtti pokes ajmitch with a pink fluffy pen of poking04:54
ajmitchnow that could hurt04:55
* ajmitch wonders if it's as bad as Hobbsee's stick of slightly annoying consequences?04:55
ajmitchnot as bad as sharp fingernails, I'm sure :P04:56
Myrttiyou be the judge04:56
Myrttiit's got some sparkling stuff on the tassel too04:57
Myrttiwhich unfortunately doesn't show up in the photo04:57
ajmitchdifference is, I suspect Hobbsee is a bit closer to where I live04:57
Myrttithat can be arranged04:57
ajmitchsorry, I ate it04:58
Myrttibad mistake.04:58
ajmitchI've made worse & lived04:59
ajmitchheck, I even met mneptok04:59
* mneptok wriggles04:59
MyrttiMEOW. http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=48615605:15
ubottuDebian bug 486156 in wnpp "ITP: irssi-plugin-otr -- Adds off-the-record messaging support to irssi" [Wishlist,Open]05:15
* ajmitch blinks05:16
* Myrtti yawns05:18
Myrttiomg, I'd die for a donut05:56
* Hobbsee kills Myrtti05:57
* Hobbsee hands out donuts to everyone else.05:57
ajmitchthanks Hobbsee06:00
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
MyrttiI thought I hated SuSE. I do. Using Windows just reminds me I hate Windows much, much, MUCH MUCH more.06:51
nickrudbut windows loves you Myrtti , don't kick it ;(06:52
Myrttiif you just had heard the phonecall with jussi01 few minutes ago06:52
MyrttiI just cursed more than I've cursed aloud in six past months combined06:53
wgrantWindows' commandline sucks beyond belief.06:53
* Myrtti larts wgrant with InstallShield's InstallShield installator software installator06:53
wgrantIsn't everything Microsoft® Windows® Installer® these days?06:54
MyrttiWHO CARES? ITS A POS ANYWAY?!?!?!!06:54
wgrantLike FAT.06:55
wgrantFAT is so fragile and hard to recover. Guess what I've been doing for a couple of days.06:55
* nickrud thinks Myrtti needs a different job06:55
Hobbseewgrant: at least you werent' dealing with floppy disks or so.06:56
Myrttinickrud: no, I need another project06:56
nickrudcassette machine on my first ibm ;)06:56
nickrudand punch cards!! One week turnaround!! That's programming, kids06:57
Myrttialso: heap of money, a dummy female guinea pig decoy with the correct hormones to fool the big idiot of a guinea pig, drivers licence, car.06:58
nickrudI'll petition the spagetti monster for you Myrtti06:59
Myrttihopefully I die because the milk in my coffee is gone bad.06:59
Myrttinickrud: thanks, I know Gaia wouldn't mind.06:59
* Myrtti grumbles06:59
nickrudheck, they date :)06:59
Myrtti"Today on Oprah - FSM and Gaia - happy couple - sizzling sex"07:00
elky_workMyrtti: i'd watch that just to see FSM jump on a couch.07:11
MyrttiWHY THE FUCK do the neighbours have to DRILL now?07:28
tonyyarussoBecause it's 1:30 AM.  Obviously.07:28
* Myrtti larts tonyyarusso with EEST07:29
* tonyyarusso counterlarts with OEEST07:29
tonyyarussoApparently now we're French navigators with extra vowels.07:30
Myrtti2008-06-18 09:30:1907:30
tonyyarussosounds like a lovely time to drill07:30
Myrttiit is07:30
Myrttiexcept that it REALLY pisses me off.07:30
Myrttiand there they go again07:51
ubottuFlannel called the ops in #ubuntu (ME_IS_ME_N_YOU)07:52
Myrtti09:53  jgoo> Myrtti, cool. But seriously, asl? ;-) *takes off robe and wizard hat*07:54
Myrttijgoss: 09:57  jgoo> Myrtti, bash.org should be required reading for all irc chans !07:58
ikoniahe's just being stupid07:58
Myrttisidenote: I've of course read that bash quote07:59
Myrttimind if I banforward him here?08:03
MyrttiI'd really, really want to bite his head off08:03
HobbseeMyrtti: banforward to ##moderation or something, and do it there, perhaps.08:23
Myrttisorry, too late. put it already to here08:24
MezMyrtti, cast anti-hormonal-geek level 4?08:45
MezMyrtti, where was that?08:46
* Myrtti enters kill mode08:47
Myrttiok, I'm seriously getting so angry there's bound to be collateral damage if I'm given the ops tools08:54
Myrttibetter to part here too...08:58
* jussi01 walks in reads backscroll and laughs a little...08:59
jussi01poor myrtti08:59
ikoniastand by in #ubuntu lease09:30
jussi01ikonia: watching09:30
ikoniablankhead will be trouble09:30
ikoniaahh good09:30
ikoniawell, there you go09:33
jussi01lets see if he calms down09:34
* Hobbsee wonders if this guy is a troll, or just an idiot.09:35
ikoniaok enough n oe09:36
ikoniait's getting old09:36
wgrantDanke Hobbsee.09:36
jussi01he was just an idiot getting pissed off09:36
ikoniathe myspace thing was probably flash failing09:36
Hobbseei'm interested how he's going to get better support in vista, though09:36
ikoniaif he'd shut up we could have tested that09:37
Hobbseethey don't have an irc channel.09:37
wgrantikonia: NO YOUR WRONG ITS UBUNTU09:37
jussi01yeah, the thing was he didnt shut up09:37
ikoniaoh he's back09:37
Hobbseehe's back, yeah09:37
wgrantNot for long.09:37
Hobbseejussio1: i'm doubting the guy wants help - at least not today.09:38
jussi01I forwarding him here09:39
Hobbseei doubt it'll help, but go ahead.09:40
* Hobbsee hopes he doesn't get unbanned, just by complaining a whole lot more.09:40
jpds"<@Hobbsee> blankhead_: i use rtorrent." <- rock on!09:41
jussi01Hobbsee: I just want to see if we can educate him a bit - if we just ban them then they get bitter and turn really bad09:41
Hobbseejpds: well, i do it on my server, mostly.  which has no X.09:41
jussi01He wasnt a troll, just annoyed IMHO09:41
jpdsHobbsee: same like me.09:41
Hobbseehm, that factoid changed.09:44
wgrantIsn't the correct capitalisation 'Wine'?09:44
* jussi01 didnt think so09:48
wgrantTheir website is covered with it.09:49
Hobbsee[18:49] <Jockeo> Where can I read about why firefox 3.0 doesn't work optimally on gutsy gibbon, and how it is specifically designed for hardy?09:51
Hobbseei hate these kinds of user questions09:51
Hobbseei always just want to go "pebkac.  works for me."09:51
wgrantMy fault, sorry.09:53
bazhangplease join #ubuntu-grammar :)10:08
wgrantbazhang: I think you should get rid of him.10:10
wgrantOh, too late.10:10
jpdsbazhang: there's no one there..10:11
bazhangjpds, that was an attempt at humor; someone in #ubuntu wanted help with his english hw10:12
jpdsthere's ##english10:12
bazhanggood call!10:12
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
* jussi01 rolls eyes at baron1984 in -motu10:35
wgrantbazhang: Does he know to look in NM?10:43
bazhangwgrant, dont think he knows english very well tbh10:43
wgrantbazhang: Makes sense.10:44
jpdsjussi01: What's wrong with him?10:44
wgrantCan we pllllease have an auto-kb on 'checkinstall' in #ubuntu-motu?10:45
jpdsjussi01: Ah, I see now.10:47
PriceChild"blindingly fast performance." - mozilla's description of one of firefox 3's assets11:05
PriceChildImagine if that were true....11:05
wgrantPriceChild: It's a whole lot faster than Firefox 2.11:06
wgrantNot that that's saying much.11:06
PriceChildno i mean literally....11:06
PriceChildif it blinded you from being so fast11:06
PriceChildThere's a way I can use my touchpad to (what I think is) middle click.11:09
PriceChildclose tabs etc. and its just annoying as it happens when I don't mean it to, and can't figure out how to do it11:09
Hobbseeclick both buttons?11:09
Hobbsee(the ones below the touchpad?)11:09
wgrantPriceChild: Two-fingered tap.11:10
wgrantThree-fingered is right-click.11:10
wgrantI can't live without either.11:10
PriceChildwhoa that's so cool :)11:11
PriceChildfor small values of cool11:11
wgrantSynaptics can do a lot of really cool stuff.11:12
wgrantLike circular scrolling.11:12
PriceChildI guess there's no way I can stop doing it though... touchpad just gets confused :/ I thought perhaps it was something to do with where i was tapping.11:12
PriceChildYep tried circular scrolling, wasn't for me11:12
wgrantPriceChild: Ah, yes. That could be it.11:12
wgrant20:00:38 < monster1g> is ubuntu an free BSD x86?11:12
wgrant20:00:38 < monster1g> is ubuntu an free BSD x86?11:12
wgrant20:00:38 < monster1g> is ubuntu an free BSD x86?11:12
wgrantThat worked.11:12
wgrantMiddle-clicking seems to be in the top-right by default.11:13
wgrantI just accidentally hit it while pondering what it could be.11:13
PriceChildso it is....11:14
PriceChildbut the thumb i use for the mouse is always nearest the top right :( I guess that's a feature though11:14
PriceChildthanks wgrant  :)11:15
* PriceChild returns to imagining the 5 million people blinded11:15
wgrantIt appears I normally sit just millimetres below the critical point.11:16
elkbuntusome touchpads are really quite crap11:23
elkbuntuas in, oversensitive or dumb as a mullet11:23
PriceChildI love how firefox remembers which tab you were on when you close the current one.11:38
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Kartagis said: !no tr is Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, Turkce yardim ya da geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.12:09
ubottuHvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk!12:24
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.12:24
Mez!tr is =~ s/yada/ya da/12:26
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, Mez said: !tr is =~ s/yada/ya da/12:26
ubottuMez: The operation succeeded.12:26
Mez!tr is =~ s/yada/ya da/12:26
ubottuI know nothing about tr is yet, Mez12:26
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.12:27
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBot12:27
ubottubot has no aliases - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 00:41:01 - last edited by stdin on 2008-06-15 08:18:2912:28
stdinwhy does that keep happening?12:28
Mezno idea12:28
ubottuFactoid bot-#kubuntu not found12:29
Mez!bot-#kubuntu is <reply> Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBot12:29
ubottuI'll remember that, Mez12:29
stdinI set it to $chan, and it worked, then it seems to get stuck for some reason12:29
Mez!bot is <reply> Hi! I'm $chan's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBot12:29
stdinit was set to #ubuntu-ops when I changed it12:29
ubottuBut bot already means something else!12:29
Mez!no, bot is <reply> Hi! I'm $chan's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBot12:29
ubottuI'll remember that Mez12:29
Mez!no, bot is <reply> Hi! I'm $chan's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubotu12:29
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubotu12:30
Mez!forget bot-#kubuntu12:30
ubottuI'll forget that, Mez12:30
stdinwhy /Ubotu ?12:30
Mezcause Ubuntubot != work12:30
Mez!no, tr is <reply> Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.12:31
ubottuI'll remember that Mez12:31
stdinprobably cut off the s last time12:31
Mez!no, bot is <reply> Hi! I'm $chan's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:31
ubottuI'll remember that Mez12:31
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:32
Mez!tell Kartagis about tr12:32
Mezstdin, possibly someone changed it in #kubuntu - but their client replaced $chan?12:33
stdinsays I was the last to edit it, and I tested it in #kubuntu, #ubuntu-bots and /msg, all worked12:34
ubottubot has no aliases - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 00:41:01 - last edited by Mez on 2008-06-18 14:31:5912:34
stdinso I was definitely the last person to edit it before you12:35
Mezmaybe it tried to normalise the database or soemthig ?12:35
stdinshouldn't do, !hi still works12:38
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu-ops!12:38
ubottuhi aliases: howdy, hello, hey, welcome - added by Seveas on 2006-07-11 17:20:2512:38
stdinmaybe the ' has something to do with it12:39
Mezdunno, doubt it12:39
Mez!stringchantest is <reply> {$chan}foo12:39
ubottuI'll remember that, Mez12:39
Mez!forget stringchantest12:40
ubottuI'll forget that, Mez12:40
Mez!stringchantest is <reply> $chanfoo12:40
ubottuBut stringchantest already means something else!12:40
Mez!no, stringchantest is <reply> $chanfoo12:40
ubottuI know nothing about stringchantest yet, Mez12:40
stdinyou have to !unforget it12:40
Mez!unforget stringchantest12:41
ubottuI suddenly remember stringchantest again, Mez12:41
stdinold bug12:41
Mez!no, stringchantest is <reply> $chanfoo12:41
ubottuI'll remember that Mez12:41
Mez!stringchantest is <reply> $chanfoo12:41
ubottuBut stringchantest already means something else!12:41
Mezlooks like just a replace then, rather than an eval at least12:41
Mez!forget stringchantest12:41
ubottuI'll forget that, Mez12:41
stdinit is12:41
* Mez hasn't looked at the code in a while12:41
stdinbut it shouldn't actually touch the database12:41
Mezis there a way to get the raw code of a factoid?12:43
stdinfrom sqlite on the command-line12:43
stdinsqlite ubuntu.db "SELECT value FROM facts WHERE name = 'bot'"12:45
stdin<reply> Hi! I'm $chan's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:45
jussi01Mez: if you look on the factoids website it has it also12:49
jussi01ie the tinyurl above12:49
Mezah true12:49
Mezstdin, I meant a command from the bot12:49
stdinnot that I know of12:50
Hobbseewgrant: hurrah, sanity in -motu12:52
wgrantHobbsee: Hm?12:55
Hobbseewgrant: no more baron12:55
* PriceChild sighs at the baron12:56
PriceChildhas been complaining on the forums also12:56
wgrantHobbsee: Ah.12:57
ubottuIn ubottu, bakersfieldboy said: what is ubottu12:57
* wgrant is currently being insane and helping in #ubuntu.12:57
jussi01wgrant: you are always insane, whats the difference? :P :P12:57
Hobbseewgrant: dude, fix bugs instead.12:58
Hobbseedo something more useful12:58
wgrantjussi01: True, true.12:58
wgrantHobbsee: Perhaps.12:58
jussi01doh, dog wants out, brb12:58
* wgrant locks jussi01 with said dog.12:58
* jussi01 eats wgrant13:07
Hobbseeugh.  he's back13:08
jussi01who? me?13:09
Hobbseeno, not you13:09
jussi01Hrm, does anyone else see the irony in Dax's planet post?13:09
jussi01Hobbsee: :) was getting worried for a min :P13:10
jussi01Hobbsee: see planet13:11
jussi012nd post down?13:11
jrib"blogged with the flock broweser" :)13:12
jussi01jrib: :D13:13
Hobbseejussi01: i presume you mean the 5th one down.13:13
Hobbseeah yes.  heheh13:13
jussi01Hobbsee: oh, more have come since I looked then13:13
PriceChildi like this week's xkcd15:15
Jack_SparrowI installed irssi and the lack of formatting and color gives me a headache ...15:19
Jack_SparrowI am trying some scripts to help my old eyes...15:19
jribJack_Sparrow: check out nm.pl15:21
jribJack_Sparrow: by the way, weechat looks nicer ootb15:21
Jack_Sparrowjrib the only reason for switching was a better script for -ops15:22
jribah, well weechat doesn't have one (yet)15:22
jribJack_Sparrow: nm.pl, adv_windowlist.pl, botcommands.pl were the most useful to me.  botcommands.pl gives you ubotto autocompletion :)15:23
jpdsauto_bleh.pl is the best15:34
jriboh yes, that too15:34
PriceChildwhat is adv_windowslist.pl ?15:34
jribadv_windowlist.pl gives you a list of windows with activity by name instead of just number15:35
PriceChildnot for me15:35
jribnm.pl does nick colors and aligning15:35
PriceChildi've had to put my act bar on a new line as it is15:35
PriceChildi always wanted to get alignments when i made the move from xchat, but gave up on hacky solutions15:36
PriceChildjust living with colour atm15:36
jpdsjrib: format_identify.pl also gives nick colours.15:36
jribbut doesn't align!15:36
Jack_Sparrowwhere do I get nm15:36
jribthe alignment makes it a lot easier to irc imo, I can't stand default irssi because of it15:36
jribJack_Sparrow: http://scripts.irssi.org/15:37
jpdsJack_Sparrow: http://scripts.irssi.org/scripts/nm.pl15:37
jpds<             LMJ > - hmmm15:39
jribyeah, it becomes stupid if someone has a really long nick15:39
jribyou can set a limit15:39
Jack_SparrowI know I should leave on parts and joins but for now how can I turn them off15:42
jribJack_Sparrow: /ignore * JOINS PARTS QUITS    iirc15:44
Jack_SparrowWhat about auto joining ubunt etc.. do I just /save once I get it where I want it15:50
jribJack_Sparrow: http://irssi.org/documentation/startup#c115:51
Jack_SparrowI have been reading most of the irssi site this am15:51
jribthat gets you setup15:52
Jack_SparrowYEp.. that will get me started15:53
jpdsjrib: hmm, now I come out as: " <            jpds > " - even when I have the script off16:08
jribjpds: weird16:11
jribbrianherman: you need to change your quit message16:11
brianhermanwhats wrong16:11
jrib11:06 <-- brianherman (n=brianher@c-71-228-37-14.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has left16:11
jrib          #ubuntu ("<tatclass> YOU ALL SUCK DICK")16:11
jribI guess it's better16:12
Jack_Sparrowjrib: thanks I have a semi useable irssi and getting better fast...16:45
Jack_SparrowSorry for leaving in a rush.. I had no choice...18:21
ikoniascreen -r20:08
* jpds prefers screen -r -D20:10
* Myrtti prefers screen -DrU20:10
Myrtti(on linux), on her mobile or on Windows screen -Dr, if need to be on multiple computers, screen -x20:11
* Daviey uses,20:13
Davieyautossh -t user@irssi_in_screen_server "screen -drx"20:13
Davieycalled "irc" in /usr/local/bin20:13
Davieywow, i'm lazy20:13
Myrttiwhy drx?20:14
* Myrtti is confused20:14
Davieyerk, i use -dr or -xr - not both, sorry20:14
jpdsI hope /bin/sh points to /usr/bin/zsh20:15
Daviey$ ls -l /bin/sh20:16
Davieylrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2008-03-01 09:50 /bin/sh -> bash20:16
jpdsEpic fail.20:17
MyrttiI don't want to get used to a shell that isn't necessarily there by default20:17
Davieywell bash is now non standard :(20:18
MyrttiI've not heard this20:18
Davieyjpds: i tried ksh for a while, but still kept going back to bash20:18
DavieyMyrtti: yeah, standard install /bin/sh is dash :(20:18
Myrttioh, right.20:19
Myrttiwe had some difficulties with bash gutsy vs. bash hardy20:19
Myrtti"we" == the work project I worked before this and for which I made a wicked cool bash-script20:19
Davieywell when it changed, lots of shell scripts broke.20:19
Davieyi've not seen the speed advantage of dash that was promised.20:20
MyrttiDaviey: it was #!/bin/bash already20:20
MyrttiI needed the arrays20:20
DavieyI found "read" works totally different under dash, which killed lots of my scripts20:21
Myrttibut anyway, it's nice to fiddle with commandline again for a while20:22
MyrttiI've been living in Windows purgatory the whole day20:22
jpdsDaviey: sudo apt-get install zsh and copy and paste this to gedit (don't wget it breaks it) and save as: .zshrc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21208/plain/20:24
jpdsafter that: "zsh" and tell me what you think.20:28
hotpocketOk I'm still not unbanned from #ubuntu, whats the deal20:32
hotpocketI should have been unbanned 2 days ago20:32
Davieyjpds: food time, be back soon20:34
ikoniaI think someone said come back in two days to discuss it20:34
jpdsDaviey: bon appetit20:34
ikonianot your unbanned in two days20:34
Jack_Sparrowconner freenode set it.. ours was removed.20:34
ompaulJack_Sparrow, hang on20:34
ubottuFactoid btlogin not found20:35
ompauljussi01, ^^20:35
ompaulwhat I am doing worng20:35
hotpocketikonia: jack_sparrow said somene was going to unban me20:35
ikoniawell Jack_Sparrow's here20:36
ompaulhotpocket, ok so ehh why is ASL offtopic in a ubuntu channel?20:37
ompaulany ubuntu channel?20:37
jussi01ompaul: are you not getting a pm?20:37
ompauljussi01, a little slow today20:38
jussi01ompaul: ahh,  ok20:38
ompaulhotpocket, ok so ehh why is ASL offtopic in a ubuntu channel?20:39
ompaulhotpocket, seems like a reasonable question to me20:39
hotpocketI really don't understand what you mean, I'm a bit tired right now20:39
ompaulhotpocket, perhaps you should come back when you are feeling fresh and awake?20:40
ompaulirc and being tired tend to lead to mistakes20:40
ompaulhotpocket, read these logs20:40
ompaul2008-06-12T02:09:36 <connor> could someone unban gmrghost?20:40
ompaul2008-06-12T02:09:49 <__mikem> connor: why should we?20:40
ompaul2008-06-12T02:09:54 <connor> because hes my friend20:40
ompaul2008-06-12T02:10:00 <connor> and his brother was doing that shit from last night20:40
ompaul2008-06-12T02:10:07 <connor> swear20:40
ompaul2008-06-12T02:10:12 * __mikem wonders when friend started to = clone20:40
ompaul2008-06-12T02:10:19 <connor> we arent gonna spam again20:40
ompaulhotpocket, you have to explain to me why20:40
hotpocketExplain why what?20:41
ompaulooh I up very quickly20:41
ompaulhotpocket, ok did you read the guidelines and the code of conduct?20:41
* ompaul notes this is called changing tack20:42
ompaulI'll take that as a no20:42
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:42
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/20:42
ompaulhotpocket, read those20:42
ompaulboth of them bookmark them if you have to20:42
ompauland come back to them20:42
ompaulread them20:42
ompaulthen come back to us20:42
ompaulhotpocket, ?20:43
ompaulhotpocket, I guess you are afk so I will help you here with a removal and both urls in the remove20:44
hotpocketno im not afk20:44
hotpocketI was getting to the suse live cd download page20:44
ompaulhotpocket, I really don't mind what you are doing20:45
ompaulif you are here you should concentrate on being here20:45
ompaulso here you go20:45
hotpocketSo uh, back to what I was saying, am I getting unbanned from #ubuntu, yes or no20:45
hotpocketThats the whole point of me being here20:45
jussi01hotpocket: If you want to be unbanned, I suggest you listen to ompaul20:46
ompaulhotpocket,  you have not done me the courtesy of appearing to read what I have bothered with my time to type here20:47
ompaulhotpocket, and while I really don't mind that it is an affront to treat others like that20:47
hotpocketI'm sorry20:47
ompaulhotpocket, so here is what I want you to do read both of these documents:  http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines when you have done that20:48
ompaulyou can then come in for a chat20:48
ompauland we will see if you get back20:48
* Myrtti haz drank too much caffeine. watch out20:49
hotpocketI'm reading it20:49
ompaulohh noew20:49
ompaulhotpocket, not now20:49
ompaulcome back after you have read them20:49
ompauland worked out what it is we really take as serious20:49
ompaulhotpocket, care to part until you have read them?20:50
Jack_SparrowHE has been asked a few times to read those.. perhaps this time he will20:52
hotpocketI'm back20:53
Myrttiso we see20:53
ompaulso did you read them both?20:57
* ompaul wonders20:57
ompaulikonia, please check your pm20:57
ikoniadoing so20:57
ompaulhotpocket, really dude20:58
ompaulI asked you a question20:58
ompaulyou seem to be more interested in something else20:58
ompaulI am not interested in hard work20:58
ompauland you are making it hard for someone to work with you cos your not actually engaging them when you turn up20:58
ompaulso please come back in two days and we will review it again thans20:59
Myrtti    ggggggggggyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyuuuuu ~~~~c~ c~m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~21:00
jussi01Myrtti: was that Laku?21:01
Myrttisay hello to Alex :-)21:01
* Myrtti zooms her Terminator so Alex can read you better21:02
* jussi01 goes to bed21:02
Jack_Sparrow Should we do something about this guys part msg    n=Tophat@fpal5-a01.peop.tds.net* Tophat has quit ("Fucking n00bs")21:02
Myrttijust ask him nicely next time you see him to change it21:03
Davieyjpds: I'm liking the tab completion21:03
ompaulforward him here and put that message in the comment21:03
ompaulJack_Sparrow, ^^21:03
Myrttijussi01: nini21:04
Jack_Sparrowompaul Would you mind doing that.. I dont trust this script yet21:04
Davieyjpds: ooo, nice built in functions21:05
Amarantha long long time ago I was looking for jend.a and I added a freenode watch and I don't know how to get rid of it now21:05
Amaranthso it keeps telling me jend.a is online21:05
ompaulJack_Sparrow, can yoiu comment the ban please21:06
Jack_Sparrowompaul I dont see it in the bantracker...21:12
ompaulthe bot quit I wonder if it missed it21:15
ompaulI will undo it and do it again whoohooo21:15
ompaulJack_Sparrow, I did it and commented it :)21:18
Jack_SparrowWe both commented it21:18
ompaulno problemo21:21
DavieyJack_Sparrow: You know it's actually on the livecd, if you insert it into a Windows PC?21:32
Jack_SparrowYes I do21:32
Jack_SparrowMy personal opinion is that is is the dumbest and most dangerous thing they have done..  I personally lost a windows partition in part because of wubi (earlier version) and I have had this discussion with the author in this channel21:33
DavieyJack_Sparrow: the author is a /really/ nich chap IMO21:36
Jack_SparrowMyrtti I thought you had him as a late night snack last night21:37
nickrudI gave you a recipe21:37
Jack_Sparrowand a great sauce for dipping21:38
nickrudred eyed possessed rodent21:38
naliothred eyed cuz he's full of marinade, hmm?21:39
Myrttihe'd like to say his opinion about you21:40
nickrudoh my god, now Myrtti's channeling the evil ;(21:41
PriceChildFYI - Disappearing 23th-25th21:46
ompaulPriceChild, inclusive?21:47
ompaulor as the start of a two week fun time or some such?21:48
PriceChildnope, just for those 3 days21:48
ompaulconference or fun21:53
ompaulyou may decline to answer ;-)21:53
PriceChildI'm beasting some sixth formers over some mountains on a DoE Gold practice.21:54
Davieybully boi!21:55
ompaulDaviey, shave that beard ;-)21:56
* ompaul runs21:56
Davieyoh not you aswell.. i get that enough in RL21:56
ompaulDaviey, maybe there is a subliminal message in the verbosity about it21:57
* ompaul thinks that is enough head wrecking for one day21:57
ompaulnow to log into work and do some evil stuff that involves adding a lot more forbidden fruit to squid to stop them what would ignore their work and surf21:58
ompaulgiven that some silly footballer and his missus cost me a reasonable percentage of the company pipe21:58
ompaulif I could get a squid rule that killed off celebrity sites I would nearly be happy22:00
* Myrtti huggles ompaul22:02
ompaulDaviey, 7megs and two celebrity events and watch the bandwidth disappear22:02
Davieyompaul: how about detect non work traffic, and run it through http://www.ex-parrot.com/~pete/upside-down-ternet.html ? :)22:09
ompaulDaviey, ;-)22:09
ompaulnow that would be good for some of the non work stuff they look at22:09
ubottuIn #ubuntu, basskozz said: ubottu: #5 is alive22:41
ubottuIn #ubuntu, basskozz said: ubottu: number 5 is alive :)22:42
ubottuIn ubottu, BCM43 said: no, hardysources is hardysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (hardy-security) and (hardy-updates).23:18
nickrudubottu no, hardysources is hardysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (hardy-security) and (hardy-updates).23:19
ubottuI'll remember that nickrud23:19
ubottuhardysources is hardysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (hardy-security) and (hardy-updates).23:22
Seeker`ubottu no, hardysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (hardy-security) and (hardy-updates).23:23
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, Seeker` said: ubottu no, hardysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (hardy-security) and (hardy-updates).23:23
ubottuSeeker`: I don't recognize you.23:23
ubottuSeeker`: The operation succeeded.23:23
Seeker`ubottu no, hardysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (hardy-security) and (hardy-updates).23:23
ubottuI'll remember that Seeker`23:23
ubottuhardysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (hardy-security) and (hardy-updates).23:23
Seeker`ubottu no, hardysources is <reply> In System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (hardy-security) and (hardy-updates).23:24
Seeker`ubottu: hardysources is <reply> In System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (hardy-security) and (hardy-updates).23:24
ubottuSeeker`: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:24
Seeker`!hardysources is <reply> In System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (hardy-security) and (hardy-updates).23:24
ubottuSeeker`: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:24
Seeker`if someone else would like to fix that23:25
ubottuIn System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (hardy-security) and (hardy-updates).23:26
nickrudSeeker` looks right to me23:26
Seeker`hmm, didn't acknowledge the request for the "is <reply>" one23:27
nickrudnice to learn that one, could you do this one as well, I tried it a while back23:28
ubottugutsysources is in System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).23:28
Seeker`ubottu no, gutsysources is <reply> In System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).23:29
ubottuI'll remember that Seeker`23:29
ubottuIn System->Admin->Software Sources, enable (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) and disable the Cdrom on the Ubuntu Software tab. On the Updates tab, enable (gutsy-security) and (gutsy-updates).23:29
nickrudohh, so skilled ;)23:29
nickrudand thanks23:29
Seeker`me ftw!23:29

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