
allymariethanks very much :d00:04
owen1i installed nautilus and on every reboot my desktop turn to the default of ubuntu (wallpaper etc). i had to uncheck something in the setting to let xfce manage my desktop. any ideas why it happens?00:41
totalwormageowen1: nautilus is a file manager AND a desktop manager, so when you install it, it also manages your desktop :]00:44
owen1totalwormage: but what if i don't want it to manager my desktop? i also have thunar..00:45
glitsj16owen1: so why did you actually install nautilus ? just a question00:47
owen1glitsj16: it has a plug in to resize multiple images in a folder.00:47
zoredacheowen1: my guess is that you'll need to look look in the nautilus docs, or find a group that knows more about it and see if you can use it as a file-browser only00:48
glitsj16owen1: i see, no way getting that into thunar ? not that it explains the interference, i realize that .. thunar can do a lot via edit > configure custom actions' too00:49
owen1zoredache: or learn how to use ImageMagick..00:50
glitsj16owen1: nautilus relies heavily on gnome and uses gconf and gconf2 for settings management, perhaps you can install gconf-editor to have a precise look00:50
owen1glitsj16: let me see the edit option u mention00:51
glitsj16owen1: okay, it's powerfull, if you enter the command that resizes the images, you can plug it in, goodluck00:52
owen1is there a way to see thumbnails in file upload?02:32
owen1and is it related to thunar?02:32
glitsj16owen1: sorry, was away for a while .. not sure i get what you mean by showing thumbnails in file upload .. in a browser ?02:47
shane_looking for help,i locked myself out of a file02:56
glitsj16shane_: not sure, what happened in which file ?02:57
shane_lol its a personal folder i wanted to keep people out of,i set all to none access,i could do this in i believe kubuntu and then just go to permisions and unlock when i needed to access it but not in xubuntu02:59
glitsj16i see hehe, chown is a command to change the ownership back .. have you tried that ?03:00
shane_no how03:00
glitsj16never used it, i'm looking in the man as we type03:01
shane_ah ok,i can wiki chown03:02
glitsj16syntax is basically "chown user:group /folder/location", guess you will have to run chown under sudo03:03
glitsj16and find out which group it is assigned to right now, goodluck03:03
shane_k ty03:06
Odd-rationaleshane_: hey, i'm here. did you get it fixed?03:23
shane_Odd-rationale: no im still locked out03:31
Odd-rationaleshane_: ok. hold on ...03:31
shane_Odd-rationale: ok03:32
Odd-rationaleshane_: where is the folder located?03:32
shane_its in my home/shane03:33
shane_Odd-rationale:  or i guess i dont have home its just shane03:33
Odd-rationaleshane_: oh, btw. changing the permissions/owner is not a secure way of keeping sensitive data.03:33
shane_no i know03:33
shane_it is to keep my children out they dont no how to open permisions and change it along with the girlfriend lol03:34
Odd-rationaleok. well go to the directory above the locked folder. e.g. if the locked folder is /home/shane/locked, then go to /home/shane03:35
Odd-rationaleshane_: in a terminal i mean.03:35
shane_i could do it in kubuntu and then just open permisions and change it back03:35
Odd-rationaleuse the cd (change directory) command. e.g. cd /home/shane03:35
Odd-rationaletell me when you are there...03:36
shane_permision denied03:36
Odd-rationaleyou cannont cd to /home/shane ?03:36
Odd-rationaletry this. "cd /home"03:37
shane_lol and im admin03:37
Odd-rationaledoes it let you in?03:37
shane_not at all i get permision denied and a empty file03:38
shane_i cant delete or change03:38
shane_cd /home03:38
Odd-rationaleyou must have really messed things up...03:38
shane_ok i get home$03:38
Odd-rationalewill you be around in like 45 min? i have to step out really quick...03:39
Odd-rationaleor maybe 30 min...03:39
shane_all i did was set permisions on that one file to none access03:39
shane_yah ill be here  a while03:39
shane_cd /home/shane03:40
Odd-rationalecool. /join #Odd-rationale and i'll meet you there when i'm back. ok?03:40
shane_will that let me no if im allowed to change the shane file03:40
|spoo|is there a linux equivalent to Macdrive?03:46
|spoo|my stupid external shows up, but some folders are locked03:46
|spoo|i tried permissions03:47
|spoo|no luck03:47
zoredachewhat is the filesystem?03:52
|spoo|for the external?03:54
|spoo|i think it's hfs+03:54
|spoo|the mac journal system thing03:55
zoredachedoes hfs even mount read-write?  I thought it was read-only03:55
|spoo|i think so03:57
|spoo|i'm just hoping to find a workaround03:58
|spoo|so i dont have to format!03:58
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE03:58
zoredachewell you might check there03:58
* zoredache shrugs03:58
Odd-rationaleshane_: I'm back. you there?04:12
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
Odd-rationaleshane_: so it is working now?04:28
shane_its all good ty04:29
shane_what happened to u u had a nick error and left server04:29
Odd-rationaleshane_: you need to find a better way to secure your data...04:29
Odd-rationalei lost connection...04:29
Odd-rationaleshane_: let me try to think of some ways. i'll report back later...04:30
shane_Odd-rationale: ok ty once again04:30
shane_Odd-rationale: iv looked around but i cant come up with away that doesnt involve me haven to use dif accounts i want like a safe box or briefe case that will require me to enter passcode to open each time04:31
cleokatHey, trying to install google gadgets for linux and when I click the package I downloaded, it says "error: dependency is not satisifable: libcairo2"04:39
zoredachehave you tried installing that with apt-get?04:40
zoredachecleokat: apt-get install libcairo204:41
cleokatI don't think so, I wouldn't know what it is04:41
cleokatsays it's the most updated version available04:43
cleokatis it possible it doesn't work with xfce?04:44
zoredacheperhaps.  It is also possible that it doesn't work with hardy or something... did you see a release date on google gears?04:44
cleokatjune 13th04:45
shane_libcairo2 isnt in our list sudo wont do it either,the only one ive seen that has it is gos04:47
shane_that is in the hardy04:47
shane_if u find any links on how to add it into hardy paste it in please id like to put them on my daughters computer04:50
DaveKongI loaded past grub and am at a terminal... anyone know how to start the windows manager/log in?06:10
cody-somervilleDaveKong, It didn't start automatically?06:17
DaveKongnah I don't know why06:20
DaveKongcody-somerville:  I installed fluxubuntu06:20
DaveKongcody-somerville:  I tried startx06:21
DaveKongbut it just makes the screen go black06:21
DaveKongand then I press crl alt backspace06:21
cody-somervilleIt sounds like xserver isn't configured correctly06:21
cody-somervilleYou might look at /var/log/Xorg.log06:21
DaveKongok thanks06:21
DaveKongEmpty file06:32
DaveKongxorg.0.log which was what was in the dir06:33
cody-somervilletry: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:37
DaveKongwent through a bunch of configuration not sure if I filled it all out right06:48
kripzeverytime i scroll try to scroll up or down on my touchpad, i end up pasting instead, what is causing this??07:55
DaveKongdo you have a mouse?07:55
DaveKongI think some mousepads don't work well maybe you need a different driver07:56
DaveKongtouch pads I mean07:56
DaveKongI suggest searching the forums for your computer specs and the issues then posting if you don't find anything07:57
cody-somervillepasting instead? :/07:57
DaveKongare you highlighting?07:58
kripzno, its in my clipboard07:58
DaveKongare you middle clicking?07:59
kripzive disabled left + right click paste07:59
kripznow its something to do with scroll07:59
kripzi dont have a middle mouse button i think07:59
kripzits the edge scrolling on my touchpad that is causing it07:59
owen1when i close the lid my laptop shutdown instead of hibrenate. any clue?08:22
pilot109I recently tried to install Win NT then Xubuntu on a system and use grub to manage the dual boot. It works fine for Xubuntu but when I try NT it goes through part of the NT startup routine then dies with some addresses on screen. Anyone have ideas on what happened?08:35
cody-somervilleowen1, It probably is attempting to hibernate but fails?08:36
cody-somervilleowen1, check the logs08:36
cody-somervillepilot109, we'll need the exact error message.08:36
owen1cody-somerville: what logs?08:38
cody-somervilleowen1, probably /var/log/dmesg08:39
pilot109ok, I'll reboot and get them08:39
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owen1cody-somerville: should i delete this file and try hibernate? (it's pretty big now)08:44
cody-somervilleowen1, no, it'll just give you potential error messages.08:44
pilot109*** STOP: 0x0000007B (0xF6813BD8, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000) INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE       CPUID:GenuineIntel 6.5.2 irql:0  SYSVER 0xf000056508:46
owen1cody-somerville: can u take a look at my log - http://pastebin.com/m6087a63f08:48
cody-somervillepilot109, can you pastebin /boot/grub/menu.lst ?08:48
cody-somervilleowen1, how much ram do you have?08:49
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:49
owen1cody-somerville: 2gb08:51
owen1cody-somerville: sony vaio08:51
pilot109I'll try I'm new to linux08:51
cody-somervilleowen1, how much swap space do you have?08:52
owen1cody-somerville: 3.9 gb08:53
owen1going to sleep but leaving the chat open. if u come up with anything else i can try, let me know and i'll check it tomorrow. thanks!09:03
pilot109Ok I have menu.lst it is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/21101/09:11
DaveKongMy network finally works on my laptop using xubuntu but I don't know why... it only works with one of the cat5 cable connections09:44
DaveKongI played around some more and it is not the port on the router that matters but the actual cat5 in use09:53
pilot109cody-somerville, I have to go to bed soon, did you come up with anything?09:53
DaveKongDoes this make any sense to anyone? why would one cat5 work over another cat5 of which both work on all my other computers?09:53
cody-somervilleDaveKong, Cross over vs. Straight?09:54
cody-somervillepilot109, no sorry09:54
pilot109ok, thanks for looking at it09:55
DaveKonghow would I know what it is?09:56
DaveKongthey say utp on them09:56
cody-somervilleDaveKong, Put both ends side by side and see if the colour of the wires are in the same order or not09:58
DaveKongcody-somerville:  they both can lay on top of each other and line up face to face crossed10:01
DaveKongcody-somerville:  the rest of the distrcitions on the side are the same except one cord is a little longer10:01
DaveKongthey appear to be straight10:02
JannoTTou my god. Whit this rate: 100MB of updates every week my 10GB is soon full. :/10:02
cody-somervilleJannoTT, You can disable the -updates repository10:03
DaveKongjust tried testing with another cable same deal just works with the one cat5 does not matter which port and they all look like the same type of cords10:04
JannoTTno thanks. :P That must be some big securty hole if you do soo.10:04
cody-somervilleJannoTT, no10:08
cody-somervilleJannoTT, There is -security and -updates10:08
cody-somervilleAll security updates go to -security10:08
JannoTToh. :D10:08
JannoTTDamn firefox again taking 200Mib of ram. And i only got 500. :/10:12
DaveKonguse kazehakaze10:12
JannoTTkazehakaze? wtf is that? :D10:13
DaveKongsuper lightweight browser10:13
DaveKongit is in the repository10:13
JannoTTi bet it does not have adblock.10:14
DaveKongyou can add plugins but that slows it down more10:15
DaveKongcheck it out, worst thing that happens you don;t use it10:15
JannoTTdang. Gotta wait till update is done. But im going to try it.10:16
RandyboYWhy isnt gnome-terminal load .profile when started? Cant use my aliases is i dont "source .profile"...10:51
TheSheepRandyboY: .profile is only loaded at login11:17
TheSheepRandyboY: try .bashrc instead, it's loaded every time you start a console11:17
RandyboYTheSheep, ok, so add a line like "source .profile" at the end of .bashrc?11:34
TheSheepRandyboY: no, you put your alisases in .bashrc11:35
TheSheepRandyboY: .profile is for something else11:35
RandyboYTheSheep, there is no .bashrc, only bash_history and bash_logout11:35
TheSheepRandyboY: then create it, doh11:35
RandyboYTheSheep, thanks.11:43
kawazuhi there... anyone capable / willing to help resolving a strange Thunar behaviour?12:09
gabkdllykawazu: hi12:13
kawazuhi gabkdlly ...12:13
kawazu... my thunar is _outstandingly_ slow on 8.04, sometimes. :(12:13
TheSheepkawazu: any pattern?12:13
gabkdllyplease describe the behavior, and keep in mind that the person who has the answer to your question might be away from their computer right now, so you may have to wait to get your answer12:14
gabkdllykawazu: did you check to see whether thunar is using a lot of resources (CPU), or of other processes are getting in the way?12:15
kawazuwell... first: double-clicking "Home" on my desktop, it takes 15 .. 30 seconds to open a new Thunar window. second: using "new window" in Thunar (CTRL+N?) makes a new window pop up, but sometimes it again takes up to half a minute for the new window to display the content of the current folder and make it respond to user input. three: closing the window sometimes takes the same amount of time, again in between 15 and 30 secs.12:16
kawazu... no real issues to mention asides that. no removable drives / usb storage, no network file systems, no exceptional load in terms of CPU and/or ram... :(12:16
TheSheepkawazu: can you reproduce it reliably or is it completely random?12:18
kawazuI am not sure whether the thunar-archive-plugin can be blamed for that as it _seems_ to happen especially after unpacking larger zip files this way (right-click + "unpack here"), but this reproduction is not reliable unfortunately...12:19
TheSheepdo you have gam_server running?12:20
TheSheepis it a standard installation of xubuntu, or did you change something?12:21
kawazuthe gam_server is running, yes. It's a mixed-up ubuntu system installed from an 8.04 medium but by now containing more than just the xubuntu packages of course, carefully selected. :)12:22
TheSheepkawazu: can you kill all instances of thunar and Thunar, and start thunar from terminal to see if there are any messages?12:23
TheSheepkawazu: if possible, try to reproduce the problem with thunar running that way12:23
kawazu(thunar:2631): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_tree_model_row_has_child_toggled: assertion `path != NULL' failed12:25
kawazu.... but this possibly isn't the cause, is it? killed all processes, started "thunar", browsed to a folder below $HOME, and waited (20s) for the content to appear...12:26
TheSheepwhat version of ubuntu is it?12:26
TheSheepwhat version of thunar?12:26
kawazuubuntu is 8.04, thunar is at 0.9.0-4ubuntu2 ...12:27
TheSheep64 or 32 bit?12:27
kawazu32bits, at the moment.12:28
kawazu(closing the window lasted for about half a minute without a message in the terminal before I killed it using CTRL+C ... :/ )12:29
TheSheepkawazu: I found one user who had a similar problem after upgrading some libraries, the problem disappeared when he restarted the system -- they think it was caused by somel ibrary trying to use old versions of updated libraries...12:31
TheSheepkawazu: but it doesn't sound probable to me12:31
kawazuTheSheep, nope, at least I haven't seen any upgrades in libraries after the last reboot...12:31
TheSheepkawazu: I can't see any similar bug reported, you might want to report a bug or maybe try asking on #thunar or #xfce12:34
kawazuokay... thanks for the help then, gonna check there. :)12:34
TheSheepkawazu: obviously I cannot reproduce your bug too12:35
kawazunever mind. it's rather odd indeed. :)12:35
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bulliumdoes xubuntu typically have a splash screen on boot up?14:17
TheSheepbullium: yes14:26
bulliumhmm...any reason you could think that mine isn't working...I mean the system boots fine I just see a blank screen until the login manager launches14:28
TheSheepbullium: maybe the resolution is wrong? you can set it in /etc/upsplash, or something like that14:28
bulliumTheSheep, ok 1 sec14:29
bulliumTheSheep, that resolution is much larger than this LCD can do...thats prolly it14:30
bulliumbrb checking :)14:32
kripzwhat ssh clients are designed for xubuntu?14:51
ablomenkripz, ehm just ssh?14:52
ablomenor whatever frontend you where using in gnome/kde14:53
ablomenthey should all work fine in xfce14:53
bulliumTheSheep, didn't seem to do it14:58
bulliumI can see the splash for short period of time after i made the change and rebooted...but I saw it while it was shutting down so X had already been loaded14:58
persihow do I remove old builds so they don`t waste any space?15:35
peter77recently ubuntu froze whilst in firefox, I could not move the mouse, caps lock or any other keyboard commands apart from cutting the power15:41
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cody-somervilleNot even four hours until the big Xubuntu meeting!! :) http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/149916:28
TheSheepcody-somerville: where?16:32
TheSheepah, right, thanks16:35
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JannoTTcody u some big guy in xubuntu?17:49
zoredacheJannoTT: he is the project leader I blieve17:53
JannoTTLeader? :O17:54
JannoTTThat's awesome. :P17:55
Ekusheyhi guys, what is xubuntu equavalent of gksudo/kdesudo?19:04
* Ekushey says hi to jussi0119:09
zoredachegksu is on xubuntu19:09
* jussi01 waves to Ekushey19:09
Ekusheyalright, thanks zoredache19:10
martosurfhi, happy to be here =) | i'm downloading xubuntu to compare xfce with gnome, i like the idea behind xfce and may be want to make this disto the one for my box so, WHAT DIFFERENCES will i have with gnome, as an end user?19:27
cody-somervillemartosurf, Xubuntu is generally faster!! :)19:28
martosurfhi cody! yeah and i love that!19:28
martosurfplease excuseme a moment19:28
zoredachemartosurf: one difference that is freqently asked about here is that the file-browser (thunar) doesn't automagically support smb or other network protocols.19:29
MortisI am having a problem while trying to install Xubuntu with the desktop image19:34
MortisI try to boot it natively, and everything runs fine up untill I actually try to install the OS19:34
lc2and then it randomly freezes at installation time?19:35
MortisI press install, and it goes through a load up with the Xubuntu logo19:35
Mortisthen it goes to Busybox :-/19:35
MortisAnd nothing happens.19:35
lc2haha wut19:35
MortisYeeeah. I've been looking around for a fix for a while...I can't find a thing.19:35
MortisI should be able to run Xubuntu...I have the specs19:35
lc2what about the alternative installer?19:36
MortisI haven't tried it for Xubuntu, I didn't know there was one.19:37
MortisI'm screwed though, cause I'm out of discs19:37
lc2oh :\19:37
lc2umm, can't you start the alternative installer from the boot menu?19:37
MortisWhat do you mean? I don't have the alternative.19:38
lc2yeah, i mean from the standard desktop ISO19:38
MortisI don't believe so.19:38
MortisThe weird thing is...now it won't read my Xubuntu CD19:39
lc2that is weird19:39
MortisYeah it can19:39
MortisI tried installing Ubuntu through Wubi19:39
Mortisbut that was horrible19:40
MortisWith Xubuntu, would you recommend going to Demo and Full Installation?19:40
lc2Mortis: whatever you did before which made it die, do the opposite of that19:40
MortisI just booted it up natively, which is essentially what this is going to do...19:41
MortisIt's asking for me to restart and leave the disc in the tray19:41
MortisSo, it's going to be the same thing. It did this with Ubuntu as well...19:41
MortisI used the alternative Ubuntu release, then it told me it coulnd't find RELEASE file on the disc19:41
MortisPossibly because it was too big for the disc.19:42
lc2well, wtf19:42
MortisShould I just try a completely different distro?19:43
MortisI'm not really wanting to lean that way, but it might be my only option.19:44
lc2if xubuntu doesn't work, then that seems like a reasonable thing to do19:44
zoredachemartosurf: are you runing an md5 check before you write the image?19:45
zoredacheack.. Mortis rather19:45
zoredacheor if you boot of a disk does the verify complete?19:45
Mortismd5 check?19:45
MortisWhen I wrote it to a disc, it verified it.19:45
MortisI used imgburn19:46
zoredacheI am not talking about your cd-writer software19:46
zoredacheI am talking about either the menu entry on the boot screen.  Or running a utility to verify your download was good19:46
zoredacheyou should do one or both of those whenever you are downloading isos for linux19:47
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:47
martosurfzoredache: i'm planning to use xubuntu as my primary desktop system and i will connect to internet only, no intranets here19:53
martosurfzoredache: also, where can i download a windows app to check downloaded ISOs md519:53
zoredache!md5 | martosurf19:54
ubottumartosurf: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:54
martosurfcool =)19:54
martosurfsee you people, tnx 4 your kind support, yeahh!19:55
MortisSo I do an md5 sum on the ISO?19:56
MortisI'm confused by this cd\path\to\cddir19:57
MortisI don't ever know what to enter...19:57
zoredacheMortis: it is strongly reccomended as a way to be certain that your download was good19:57
MortisFor path do I just put the path of the ISO or what?19:58
zoredachesorry but path to what?19:58
Mortisthe command prompt to run md519:59
Mortisit says cd \path\to\cddir19:59
MortisIt says to enter that.19:59
zoredacheah.. I just noticed those links only seem to provide a command line version... for checking md5.... I usually use md5summer (http://www.md5summer.org/download.html)20:00
MortisAlright now ho do I check xubuntu?20:01
MortisI see a list of folders...20:02
Mortisannnnd create sums verify sums20:02
MortisDo I create a sum from Xubuntu20:02
zoredachefirst you chould check the 'xubuntu-desktop.iso' file you downloaded20:02
Mortisthen verify it?20:02
MortisI don't know how to do that, that's what I'm asking :-/20:02
MortisI'm creating a sum for it...20:03
MortisIs that the wrong thing to do?20:03
zoredachethat should be fine... the sum for the official files are on the download site20:03
zoredacheMortis: so here http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs-Xubuntu/8.04/release/MD5SUMS20:04
zoredacheso the sum that is getting generate should exactly match the sum on that link for the file you downloaded20:04
MortisI have to match up the text?20:05
MortisOkay, well it all looks good.20:06
MortisI'm using xubuntu-8.04-desktop-amd64.iso20:06
lc2Mortis: if you're not using a 64-bit amd machine i'm going to eat you20:06
MortisNo, I am.20:07
MortisOh, no wait.20:07
lc2thought i'd check20:07
zoredacheMortis: so when you boot off that cd one of the options will be to verify the disk.  Running that will let you know that your burn was good20:07
Mortis64 bit?20:07
lc2Mortis: what processor do you have20:08
MortisI thought it meant AMD Athlon 64+20:08
MortisYeah I am..20:08
MortisDo you want my specs?20:10
lc2can't hurt i guess20:10
MortisAMD Athlon 64+ 1.8ghz20:10
MortisATI AIW 9800 Pro20:10
Mortis1 Gig RAM20:10
MortisI'm not sure about the mobo20:11
lc2wait, apparently yeah, that is the right iso20:11
MortisI still don't know why it's loading me into the BusyBox command prompt...20:11
MortisIt does it for Ubuntu as well20:11
lc2me neither20:11
TheSheepit does it when it fails to mount the root direcotry20:12
MortisThere's so many things that it could be D:20:12
lc2TheSheep: ooh20:12
MortisWell can I redirect it to mount the correct root directory?20:12
MortisOh no wait.20:12
TheSheepMortis: it's the root= option in the boot line20:12
lc2Mortis: it suggests a more fundamental problem20:12
MortisYeah, I figured.20:12
MortisWhat the hell D:20:12
MortisI guess I just can't run Ubuntu20:13
MortisI had it installed thru Wubi earlier...20:13
MortisUninstalled that.20:13
lc2TheSheep: what is the root directory in that context20:13
zoredachethe cdrom usually I believe20:13
TheSheeplc2: the /20:14
lc2TheSheep: i know what the root directory is20:14
TheSheepis that livecd?20:14
lc2TheSheep: i meant what it was trying to mount on /20:15
TheSheepon livecd it's a unionfs of a ramdisk and the cd20:15
TheSheepon normal install it's whatever partition you installed to20:15
MortisThis is beginning to annoy me :(20:17
TheSheepwhen it cannot mount it, it usually means that your computer has some disk controller that is poorly supported and it cannot get to the disk20:17
MortisI should just be able to boot it up with the disc in the tray, right?20:17
lc2Mortis: yes20:17
MortisTheSheep, what would you suggest I do?20:17
lc2i suggest the alternative installer20:17
TheSheepon livecd it may mean that the cd is broken or that it cannot access the cd drive for some reason20:17
TheSheepMortis: did you check the cd for defects?20:17
MortisIt does the same thing when I try to do that.20:18
MortisAt least with Ubuntu.20:18
TheSheepthen the alternate cd won't work probably20:19
MortisNope. It didn't.20:19
TheSheepMortis: when you press f1, it should give you some help about possible boot options, you might try these20:19
MortisIt installed up until it looked for a file called 'Release'20:19
MortisThe only other boot options are to try, or install inside windows.20:19
TheSheepMortis: ah, so the alternate cd booted?20:20
MortisI already had it installed inside windows, and I don't want that again. It limited me to like 3 gigs20:20
TheSheepMortis: did you try checking that for defects?20:20
MortisYes, the alternate booted (for Ubuntu) but it failed to read a file.20:20
MortisHm. No, I'll do that now.20:20
MortisI'll brb20:20
MortisEven if the CD is defective, I'll still have the problem20:21
Mortisand I'm out of blank discs20:21
MortisOkay, brb20:22
maristohi all20:29
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
MortisAlright, I'm back.20:48
MortisUbuntu's alternative CD couldn't mount either.20:48
MortisCould it be a problem with my drive?20:49
lc2yes, it very well could be20:49
MortisXubuntu and Ubuntu refuse to mount...20:49
MortisI'm assuming all I can do about that is to buy a new one...20:49
TheSheepMortis: did you burn them at the slowest possible speed?20:49
MortisI burned them at 40X20:49
TheSheepand with a newer drive?20:49
MortisWhich is what the CDs are meant for.20:49
MortisI'm not sure how old this drive is20:50
Mortisis probably about 2 or 3 years old20:50
TheSheepMortis: the problem is, the faster the burning speed, the smaller the changes on the cd's surface, and old drives can have trouble reading them20:50
Mortis...I need more blank CDs then20:50
TheSheepMortis: with slow burning speed, the laser touches the surface longer20:50
MortisI'll burn them at a slower speed.20:50
MortisWhat would you recommend?20:50
TheSheepthere are also methods of installing ubuntu without cd20:51
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate20:51
TheSheepMortis: the slowest your drive can do20:51
MortisProbably 16x20:51
TheSheepMortis: that's usually either 2x or 10x20:51
MortisI know you can install from USB20:52
MortisIf my drive can't read it on boot20:52
Mortiswhy can it read it perfectly fine in Windows?20:52
MortisThe autoruns and stuff still work20:52
MortisIt just doesn't mount natively...20:52
MortisOh shit, you can install it from the hard disk? I thought about that, but didn't think it was possible.20:53
MortisDoes Ubuntu have NTFS read/write support?20:54
ubottuFactoid swear not found20:54
TheSheeppleae don't swear :)20:54
zoredache!ntfs | Mortis20:54
ubottuMortis: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE20:54
MortisUghhhhh. This is so confusing :-/20:55
zoredacheIf it was easy, then it wouldn't be fun20:55
MortisAlright, well I'm going to try and install from hard disk...anyone willing to help me with that?20:56
TheSheepit might be hard without a livcd or a working linux on the box already20:57
MortisWell this is my only other option :-/20:58
MortisI realy need to figure out what partitioning is20:58
MortisI thought it was just setting aside a certain amount of disk space for a certain OS20:58
Mortisor folder20:58
TheSheepin fact it's dividign your disk into parts20:59
MortisThat's what I thought20:59
MortisSo what is this talk of FAT32 and NTFS21:00
TheSheepeach part is called a "partition" and can be formatted differently21:00
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.21:00
MortisNo, no, no. I'm not using Wubi again.21:00
TheSheepfat32 or ntfs (and on linux ext2, ext3, xfs, reiserfs, etc.) are the ways that a partition can be organized21:00
MortisIt only gave me 6 gigs of space for linux total.21:00
MortisAnd it wasn't fixable.21:01
MortisWhich would you prefer?21:01
TheSheepit's the default for (x)ubuntu21:01
MortisHow many gigs does it normally give Linux?21:01
MortisOr do I decide that?21:01
TheSheepnit sure, you need about 3-4GB for default install21:02
TheSheepyou decide21:02
MortisWell, I have to go mow the lawn.21:02
TheSheepunless you tell it to decide for you, then it looks at the free space and somehow calculates the sizes21:02
MortisI'm going to try and get some new blank CDs and record at a slower speed21:02
cody-somervilleHello Everyone!! :)21:02
MortisThough I still don't understand why it would run the autorun, but not mount the image when booting21:02
cody-somervilleThe very important Xubuntu community meeting is starting in a few minutes in #ubuntu-meeting :)21:02
TheSheepMortis: cleaning the cd drive might help too21:03
cody-somervillePlease feel free to come, listen, participate, and help shape Xubuntu's future! :)21:03
MortisYou mean like dusting it and such?21:03
TheSheepMortis: yes21:03
MortisIt's probably extremely dusty21:03
MortisBut, all my other CDs work. It's just Ubuntu.21:03
TheSheepMortis: the problem is that it has to read the whole cd, each and every file21:03
MortisBut why would that mean it can't mount the image?21:04
MortisIt loaded up all the files indivdually when opening up in Windows21:04
TheSheepMortis: you might be able to read the file list from the cd, but it would give your errors if you tried to read some of these files, probably21:04
MortisAt least the alternate.21:04
TheSheepnote the "probably" ;)21:04
MortisWell the only error I got was it couldn't read a file called 'Release'21:04
TheSheepone file is enough to fail21:05
MortisBut, I'm wondering why it couldn't read it.21:05
MortisI'll just trying burning at a slower speed21:05
MortisWhat would you suggest, 10x or something?21:05
TheSheepset 1x and the burning program will up it for you to the lowest possible21:06
MortisWell, I'll call someone and ask for a blank cd21:06
MortisCause I have no more21:06
MortisAnyways, thanks for the help.21:06
MortisI have to go though.21:07
TheSheepgood luck21:07
=== ErikIsAway is now known as socr
=== Glaucon is now known as hyppias
hyppiasanyone got this little bluetooth dongle from TRUST working ?22:03
hyppiasare there gnokii binaries around ?22:09
hyppias\join gnokii22:42
awecdoes anyone here use xinerama with their xubuntu?22:48
MortisI'm back22:50
* awec is having problems in that he cannot drag windows across monitors in xinerama22:50
Mortisawec, how'd you do that?22:52
awecdo what?22:52
MortisDid you just use "/me"?22:52
awec0.o ?22:52
* Mortis can't install Ubuntu due to a BusyBox bug coming up after the B22:52
RadicalDreamerI have a problem. All of a sudden my PCMCIA wireless card dose not seem to work anymore. I have a Xubuntu 8.04 and my card is a D-Link GWL-630. Revision E2.22:56
MortisDoes ayone know any other possible reasons as to why BusyBox opesn when I try to install Ubuntu22:57
RadicalDreamerThis morning it went just fine.22:57
RadicalDreamerOops does22:57
RadicalDreamerOops DWL-G63022:57
RadicalDreamerSo, I dare to ask, WTF?22:58
RadicalDreamerAt ifconfig wlan0, it seems to be OK, even the MAC address is right.22:59
RadicalDreamerBut the Network Manager stopped recognizing it.22:59
JerenI'm back... <.<23:09
=== lavish_ is now known as lavish
JerenAnyways, I just did a restart on my box after my SFTP locked up and now I'm getting "Could not start the X server..."23:09
JerenAny reason why this would come up?23:09
RadicalDreamerSo, no ideas for my problem?23:20
cody-somervilleMortis, that doesn't usually mean good things :/23:21
cody-somervilleJeren, Did you change your X server configuration?23:21
cody-somervilleJeren, try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg23:21
cody-somervilleRadicalDreamer, You'll probably have more luck ask hardware questions like that in #ubuntu :)23:22
JerenI tried that, and it froze... then I did a reboot and now it seems to be coming up fine, now...23:23
JerenUnfortunately, now I have no panels yet again...23:23
JerenWell, I apparently have one panel in the top left corner, with a button that does nothing23:24
cody-somervilleJeren, hmm..23:24
JerenI'm so tired of these things happening out of nowhere :\23:24
charlie-tcaJeren, do you need help getting the panels back?23:27
JerenI do23:30
JerenConsidering I'm more of a GUI guy than a command line guy (at least with Linux, as I'm still building my experience)23:31
charlie-tcaHere is what I used when mine went away.23:31
cody-somervilleJeren, What version of Xubuntu are you running?23:31
JerenInstalled it Monday or Tuesday23:32
charlie-tcaType  Alt+F2           (to open the run window)23:32
charlie-tcacody-somerville: should I step out?23:32
cody-somervillecharlie-tca, go ahead :)23:32
cody-somervilleI was just going to point Jeren to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures if he was interested in helping me figure out what was causing his issues.23:33
charlie-tcaNow type  xfce4-panel     (command to start panels)23:33
JerenTried that already, Charlie. (I had a similar issue last week and I checked my chat log)23:33
JerenDoesn't do anything.23:33
JerenTechnically, there is one panel there. Its a square, sitting in the top left corner of my screen. It has one button, called "New Item", that does nothing.23:33
charlie-tcadid you try it using  gksu xfce4-panel23:33
cody-somervilleJeren, if not, don't try that now :P23:34
JerenI did not23:34
JerenI just tried xfce4-panel23:34
charlie-tcayou're right23:34
cody-somervilleJeren, So the panel is already loaded?23:35
JerenCody: I've got that debugging page up23:35
cody-somervilleJust right click it, and click properties23:35
cody-somervilleand then make it full width and what not23:35
JerenSome panel, yes. Just not the normal ones23:35
cody-somervilleand add your second panel back23:35
JerenI can't change the width of it23:36
cody-somervilletry this:23:36
cody-somervillepress alt+f2 and run: killall xfce4-panel23:36
JerenMy only option regarding the panel is "Customize Panel", and it just allows me to change the pixel size, which affects both sides of the square. The drop down menu to choose a Panel only has this panel in it23:37
cody-somervilleDescribe to me what happened?23:37
JerenThat square disappeared23:38
JerenIts not an overly detailed description, but thats the truth23:38
cody-somervilleNow, alt+f223:40
cody-somervillerm -rf ~/.config/xfce4/panel/23:41
cody-somervilleThis will delete the Xfce4 panel's config files for your user.23:41
cody-somervilleAfter you do this, we'll copy the default ones back over.23:41
JerenGot that done23:41
cody-somervilleSo once you execute that command, press alt+f2 again and type this:23:41
=== lavish_ is now known as lavish
cody-somervillecp -r /etc/xdg/xfce4/panel ~/.config/xfce4/23:42
cody-somervillenow, open the run dialogue once more by press alt+f2 again and type:23:44
cody-somervillexfce4-panel &23:44
Jerenwhats the & for?23:44
JerenCody: I did that command and only the square has returned. The normal two panels have not.23:48
cody-somervilleJeren, can you take a screenshot for me?23:49
JerenHaven't done a screenshot in Linux before23:53
JerenStill the PrtScn button?23:53
cody-somervilleJeren, potentially, lol23:55
JerenWhat do I do with it, then?23:55
JerenI've hit the PrtScn button...23:55
JerenWhere do I paste it?23:55
JerenWhich one of those ways do you suggest?23:57
cody-somervilleGimp is probably the simplest at this point23:58
cody-somervilleFor some reason, it seems like you're computer isn't very healthy right now, lol23:58
Jerenand its a fresh install of Xubuntu 8.04 :\23:59
JerenAll I've done in the past couple days is install Apache, PHP, MySQL, and Webmin23:59
cody-somervilleWebmin isn't supported by Ubuntu.23:59

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