[07:32] good morning === leonel_ is now known as leonel [21:24] http://blog.softwhere.org/archives/196 <-- I guess this is comming soon to Ubuntu Hardy ... [21:30] leonel: apt-get source openjdk-6 :) [21:30] Really ?? [21:31] I have this : leonel@journey:~$ java -version [21:31] java version "1.6.0" [21:31] OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b09) [21:31] OpenJDK Client VM (build 1.6.0-b09, mixed mode, sharing) [21:31] Well, it's 6b10, not final, but close. [21:31] I gues this is not as simple as upgrading any other deb by replacing the source and rebuild right ? [21:32] leonel: Well, it has a few rdepends... [21:34] persia: if there's any test or thing I can do just let me know [21:37] leonel: I'm not sure what is needed. For Java, I tend only to look at leaf pacakges, and maybe some minor libraries. The packaging of Java itself is not something I know much about. [21:46] same for those leaf packages .. [21:47] leonel: Well, for the leaf packages, there are three interesting things to do. 1) Review which Java packages are in multiverse, and try to get them into universe because all dependencies are in universe [21:48] 2) Review the open bugs against the packages, and try to fix them [21:48] 3) Review the needs-packaging bugs for Java stuff, and get them included. [21:48] The Debian wiki has a lot of good information about packaging Java applications. [21:48] Perferct !!