
CarlFKim trying to remove some of the manual steps from http://www.voxforge.org/home/dev/autoaudioseg "Step 2 - Add Missing Words ... [WINWARD] w ih n w er d00:03
persiaCarlFK: Apparently not.  I thought maybe one of the speech synthesizer lexicons would have such a thing, but they are entirely phonemic, rather than having phonetic spellings.00:07
persia(Also, most aren't GPL: generally closer to ISC)00:08
wgrantUh. Can I reject bug #240934, or do we support compilation on architectures that don't exist?00:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240934 in gspca "gspca on ARM platform" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24093400:09
CarlFKpersia: yeah. but that may be ok.  apparently festival can do what is needed, but someone (me) needs to ... um.  make the output usable :)00:09
persiaCarlFK: Right.  I've just dug a bit more: You can get (non-GPL) lists in festival-oald (oald-0.4.out) or festival-cmu (cmudict-04.out), depending on the pronunciation you prefer.00:14
CarlFKpersia: thanks00:16
emgentheya people00:19
YokoZarjdong: can I poke you for a backport?00:20
YokoZarI've tested it :)  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/hardy-backports/+bug/24075500:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240755 in hardy-backports "Please backport Wine 1.0 from Intrepid to Hardy" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:21
persiamotu-release: The DIF notice has been posted to u-d-a@ : could someone please send the related information re: the DIF exception process, etc.?00:26
persia(or tell me to do it, but I don't want to ursurp release planning activities)00:27
cyberixWhere can I find a guide for splitting one source package into multiple binary packages?00:32
persiacyberix: http://wiki.debian.org/PkgSplit, but I found this confusingly Java-specific.00:33
persiacyberix: The general rules are 1) put the right names in debian/control, 2) use -p, -a, and -i in debhelper calls in debian/rules.00:34
cyberixWhat disturbs me most is that the two pieces of software probably share some files00:35
cyberixe.g. AUTHORS00:35
cyberixand maybe some documentation00:35
persiacyberix: AUTHORS doesn't typically belong in the binary package.  If you have shared docs, consider having a foo-doc package.00:35
cyberixAlso, there are probably related things that I don't see currently00:36
cyberixIt would be useful to get a list of typical problems00:37
LinuxMonkeyanyone here know when the next packaging 101 is, cause trying to follow the guide I got lost.lol00:38
persiaLinuxMonkey: What are you packaging, and where did you get lost?00:48
LinuxMonkeypersia: well im trying to learn packaging, therefore following the guide at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete and doing that hello thing. however someone first told me i needed to create a chroot and do everything from there, however someone else told me thats not the case so I guess im lost00:50
LinuxMonkeyand the guide is not quite clear on that00:50
persiaLinuxMonkey: There's no right answers in packaging.  Personally, I strongly recommend seeking a different goal than "to learn packaging".  Good goals might be "to package some application", "to fix some class of packaging bugs", or the like.00:51
persiaOr rather, there are several, equally right answers (and there are some wrong answers).00:51
persiaTo address the need for a chroot specifically: if you are building something that can generate a source package using the tools in your current release, you may proceed without a chroot.  If you rely on tools in a different release to build the source package, you must do that in a chroot.00:52
baron1984is there anyone from the kernel team in here?00:54
persiabaron1984: While there often is, #ubuntu-kernel is almost always a better place to ask about the kernel, as it then becomes on-topic.00:55
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LinuxMonkeywell persia i love the way you change the goals but  in fact they are the same goals I have however in order to "Package some application" "fix a bug and repackage" you infact need to learn packaging in a way. and thats what I want to do. im just following the advise of the WIKI to start with01:01
persiaLinuxMonkey: I can see that argument, although the level of knowledge required to package one application or fix some class of bugs is not as high as is typically expected by those who claim to understand packaging :)01:02
persiaSo, what are you seeking to accomplish as a result of your study of the wiki?01:02
LinuxMonkeywell I guess its whatever you guys want me to do really, untill i learn more, I was trying to follow the guides on the wiki but im starting to understand thats probably NOT the best way to aproach this, probably the best way is to get someone to show me how to do something and continously work on that type of stuff untill at ease with it and learn something else as I go along01:06
baron1984well, #ubunt-kernel is dead, can you guys at least tell me how to go about filing a suspend/resume bug?01:07
baron1984what kind of information is needed, etc01:07
nxvlif i have a source package inside another, do i need to the copyrights of them to the copyritght file or just mention there is this other package01:09
persiaLinuxMonkey: I'd recommend working on bugfixes for a bit.  If you want packaging-specific bugfixes, trying to fix the packages that cannot install (apt-cache unmet -i) can be an interesting way to become familiar with debian/control01:09
persianxvl: You need both copyrights.  Ideally you'll also complain to upstream about the extra security work involved in bundling embedded sources, and you won't have that problem anymore.01:10
nxvlpersia: the embed source is gnulib01:12
persianxvl: Ah.  Right.  You want to mention that in debian/copyright, and find a saner package then.01:12
nxvlpersia: i have already talk with cjwatson and he told me it's better to keep it there than linking01:12
nxvlpersia: but my question is: should i list the copyright under "Copyright:" or just mention it with it's license under "License:"01:13
LinuxMonkeypersia: ok I wouldnt mind working on bug fixes, just dont know were to start. what to do. think of me as fresh meat, willing to do anything and learn what i need to do as long as u point me in right direction01:13
persiaLinuxMonkey: Right.  Are there any bugs that you experience that irritate you?01:14
LinuxMonkeyno not really persia the bugs ive encountered have been fixed really fast01:16
persiaLinuxMonkey: OK.  Are there any packages that you use a lot and find especially useful?01:16
LinuxMonkeyI dont use much mostly wine. lol as in windows wine01:18
persiaLinuxMonkey: Hmm.  It's hard from that to tell what might interest you.  You might look through the bugs tagged "packaging" on launchpad, and see if you can find a good fix for one.01:19
crimsun_baron1984: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspend01:26
m-csuperm1: ping01:50
emgentargh.. I cant sleep01:52
m-cMicheal larabel from phoronix.com has been working on an interesting project.  Have you heard about it?01:53
m-cWith the development of the open source drivers, from Intel, AMD, and Novell, there are reasons why people will want independent comparisons of open source graphic drivers.01:55
m-cMichael has created a GPL-based benchmark suite for testing these drivers against GPL-based benchmark programs.  I have tried this software out, and I can attest that it is worth incorporating into the next Ubuntu release.01:56
m-cMichael says he has discussed this with superm1 already, but so far I have not been able to contact him or see a write up in Launchpad.01:56
persiam-c: Does it have a needs-packaging bug?01:56
baron1984m-c: I'd kill for any kind of open source drivers, binary blobs are why you can't improve a distro without hosing people's video cards, etc.01:57
persiabaron1984: Select different hardware :)01:57
baron1984Nvidia's drivers aren't entirely compatible with even Hardy, they just hacked their way around a lot of things01:57
baron1984and XRandr doesn't work well01:57
baron1984I'd take compatibility over a few more frames a second01:58
m-cI invited Michael to the channel.  Persia, is the next step to enter a need-packaging bug report?  If so, then I will get on it.01:58
m-cmichaellarabel: hi01:59
persiam-c: The best first step for any new package request is a needs-packaging request.  That is the list of software that is available to be packaged for those packaging things.01:59
m-cRight.  I understand.  Is there any information that might be needed from Michael while he is present, regarding license or other information?02:00
persiaThe next step would be for someone to claim the request, and build a candidate package for REVU.  It's also worth reviewing the Debian bugs against wnpp, and linking to any relevant RFP or ITP: if a package is going into Debian, it makes sense not to duplicate the work.02:00
persiaI think a good needs-packaging bug contains the software name, the license, the homepage, and a brief description.02:01
m-cWould it be more applicable for this package to be entered upstream, into Debian?02:01
m-cRight, I can enter this into Debian first, then, with the information you specified.02:03
persiamichaellarabel: If you are upstream for software that ought be included, there are some things that can be done in your release planning to make packaging easier: including the license in the root directory of the release tarball, providing versioned gzip-compressed tarballs for download (and maintaining the old version archive), and the like.  More suggestions are available from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UpstreamGuide (althoug02:03
persiah this is incomplete).02:03
m-cThank you for your advice.02:03
michaellarabelpersia: License is already in root directory, the tarballs are versioned, and there is still an old version archive, etc. :)02:04
persiam-c: I can't say whether it belongs in Debian: depends on interest and utility.  If getting it in faster is a goal, it may be easier to put in Ubuntu now, as Ubuntu is unfrozen, and Debian is entering a release freeze.  Of course, this is a soft freeze, so it may not matter.02:04
persiamichaellarabel: Excellent :)02:05
m-cMy perception is that getting it into Ibex would be superb, with the AMD open source drivers coming to maturity at that time02:06
nxvlfinally got it packaged!02:08
michaellarabelpersia: Any other tips?02:08
nxvlpersia: what was the process for revu, just upload and wait, or send an e-mail somewhere?02:09
persiamichaellarabel: As upstream?  No.  As a potential packager?  I can point you at various guides, but need more information about what you need.02:10
persianxvl: Upload, wait, and ask here on REVU days.02:10
persiaYou can also ask here once a day when it's not REVU day.02:10
persianxvl: Also, if you've time, feel free to review others packages :)02:10
nxvli will try02:11
michaellarabelpersia: No other real questions... I just have never went through the Ubuntu/Debian package submission process before.02:12
persiamichaellarabel: I'm not deeply familar with the Debian process, but the Ubuntu process is to use REVU.  Let's see if the bot has the link...02:12
ubottuREVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU02:13
nxvli am familiar with the debian one02:13
* nxvl is NM02:13
nxvlfor debian you need to be psicological prepared or have a friend02:14
nxvlthey are evil02:14
nxvlyou need to upload your package to mentors.debian.net02:14
nxvland somewhere in mentor you have the info about the ITP Bug, mailling list and stuff02:17
nixternaloi oi02:35
superm1persia, yeah i offered to help provide some advice when a package is ready02:48
superm1and to look it over and such02:48
superm1if no one else was going to step up to package it in the next month or two i was going to take a look near the middle to end of summer at doing it02:49
michaellarabelsuperm1: Hi, yeah, m-c will probably submit that package to you then as he's offered to do it and has more time than me.02:49
superm1time is a great thing to have :)02:49
nixternaltime sucks!02:49
superm1hopefully i'll get around to giving it more of a thorough look and get you some more input on its functionality02:50
michaellarabelsuperm1: Great. What was the test/suite that had taken you all day to do? Did you get my email about that?02:50
superm1yeah i got the email about it, but  got swamped on other things so it's added to the "Todo"02:51
superm1when i get a chance to look again i'll just do universe02:51
superm1or universe-x02:51
superm1and go from there02:51
SpookyETI keep getting this email http://pastie.org/21773603:26
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nxvlwhere can i find an explanation about what the sections means?04:49
persianxvl: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html#s-subsections04:50
nxvlpersia: yes, i'm reading that, but it only lists the sections04:54
nxvlwell, they are pretty obvious04:54
bimberinxvl: http://packages.debian.org/unstable/04:55
persianxvl: Oh, you want an explanantion of each section?  Hmmm...04:55
persianxvl: I don't know where the official source lives.  http://packages.debian.org/unstable/ has a nice overview of each of them.04:56
* nxvl HUGS persia and bimberi 04:57
ZombieI'd like some upgrade help. I have a Kubuntu Hardy CD and a Ubuntu DVD. I want to use thsee as my upgrade sources instead of the network.05:51
persiaZombie: This isn't a support channel: you want #ubuntu, but you just change your sources.list05:53
ZombieI got a rediculously stupid answer there, is there an advanced Ubuntu channel?05:55
persiaZombie: No.  Try again :)05:56
joejaxxthat has to be a classic quote05:58
ScottKI'd have said there is, but I have a consulting rate.05:58
joejaxx00:47:59 -!- Irssi: Join to #ubuntu-motu was synced in 869472 secs06:00
joejaxx10 days06:00
joejaxxthat HAS to be a record06:00
ajmitchjoejaxx: it's not unusual to have that06:01
ajmitchnah, irssi has often done that for me in the past until I closed or /cycle'd windows that where out of sync after a disconnect06:03
joejaxxthat is unfortunate06:03
ajmitchusually if I was over the 20-channel limit & hadn't identified before irssi tried to rejoin them all06:04
joejaxxsounds like me :D06:06
lifelesshas anyone filed that irssi bug?06:06
joejaxxi did not think of it06:06
joejaxxas i am in over 500 channels lol06:07
ajmitchyeah, that's just madness06:07
joejaxxso i thought it might just be my user case06:07
ZombieI have a systemic question about where Ubuntu stores downloaded debs.06:15
ZombieWhere does it store them.?06:15
joejaxxZombie: /var/cache/apt/archives06:17
wgrantnixternal: Why does smb4k keep destroying /etc/sudoers?06:21
wgrantIt has at least 4 separate instances of it in its bug history.06:21
wgrantThis is probably a very bad thing.06:21
ScottKAdri2000 or Lutin: You might want to look at the current spamassassin on DaD.  debian/changelog is mssing all the Ubuntu entries.06:22
ajmitchwgrant: because it's an evil package that should be removed, given its potential for serious breakage?06:22
wgrantajmitch: That's what I was thinking.06:23
wgrantDestroying once, maybe.06:23
wgrantBut 4 separate bugs.06:23
ajmitchlooking at the bug for it, it must do some stupid things with that file06:24
persiaIsn't there some policy statement about not touching conffiles from other packages?06:25
wgrantsudoers is a special case.06:25
ajmitchyes, don't do it in maintainer scripts06:25
wgrantWhich is even more reason to *keep the $#*($#@ away from it*06:25
ScottKAmbitious maintainer is all it is ....06:25
ajmitchbug 238011 for those who want to cry06:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 238011 in smb4k "using the super user tab breaks /etc/sudoers" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23801106:26
wgrantNothing else manages to eat config files - why something that touches sudoers?06:26
wgrantajmitch: Ah, I apparently failed to paste that here earlier. Oops.06:26
wgrantI see that the first incarnation managed to stick some X error crap at the start.06:29
wgrantThis is truly impressive.06:29
wgrantI'd like to know how it does it.06:29
ajmitchcrossing the streams06:30
ajmitchnever mind06:30
persiaajmitch: Yes :)06:30
joejaxxwgrant: possible movie reference :P06:30
ajmitchyou're probably too young for that one :)06:30
* bimberi offers ajmitch a marshmallow ;p06:31
* StevenK chuckles06:31
wgrantI like the summary of bug #22672206:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 226722 in flashplugin-nonfree "im mad as hell firefox beta 3 ver? 5 does not play videos online im about to give up on linux ubuntu 7.10 was better " [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22672206:39
wgrantFits a lot in.06:39
LinuxMonkeynow thats funny06:45
ZombieYou people need to add an option for CD and DVD based upgrades.06:52
ZombieI can't get my system to do that06:52
persiaZombie: It should be present (and this still isn't a support channel).06:52
* persia thinks the "upgrade from CD" function was added in edgy06:53
joejaxxthat should be on the optical media06:53
wgrantZombie: You should be in #ubuntu. Make sure that you're not trying to use a desktop CD.06:54
Ekusheywhat do i need to do to be able to upload to REVU? i already joined the LP revu-uploaders team07:04
wgrantEkushey: You need to request that the REVU keyring be synced.07:05
wgrantI really must improve that process one day.07:05
Ekusheywgrant, are you in charge?07:06
wgrantEkushey: I have the power.07:06
wgrantIt is now running, but will take several minutes.07:06
persiawgrant: Back to a cron job?07:07
Ekusheywgrant, my LP ID is russell.john07:07
* persia tries to remember why the cron job was cancelled07:07
wgrantpersia: I was thinking that a minimal version of the sync - that is, picking up only new keys - could run immediately before the upload processor each time.07:07
wgrantAnd refresh all keys once a day07:07
wgrantHey \sh.07:08
wgrantEkushey: So you'll be quite close to the end.07:08
persiawgrant: That sounds complete, but I remember something going wrong and the keyring being corrupt back on the original sparky.  Maybe my memory is faulty.  Maybe the new infrastructure is sufficiently better.07:08
Ekusheywgrant, so i can try uploading tomorrow?07:12
wgrantEkushey: Give it another couple of minutes...07:13
Ekusheyso fast? wow :)07:13
wgrantIt is done.07:13
wgrantUpload now - your upload should be on REVU in about 6 minutes.07:14
Ekusheygreat, thanks wgrant!07:14
Ekusheyi'll do it at night from home07:16
Ekusheyi've question one question, why isn't flock available on the repo? what's wrong with it?07:17
jussi01its closed source?07:17
Ekusheyis it? isn't it based on firefox?07:18
* jussi01 cant find source anywhere...07:21
LinuxMonkeyi found the source07:21
Ekusheyit's licensed under MPL / LGPL dual license07:22
* jussi01 must be going blind...07:22
LinuxMonkeyjussi01: just tired07:23
Ekusheyso there must be some other reason why it's not available on ubuntu07:23
jussi01LinuxMonkey: havent woken up yet...07:23
jussi01Ekushey: hasnt been done yet?07:23
LinuxMonkeyits 2:32am and i havent gone to bed yet07:23
Ekusheyno clue... is there a way to find out if someone is packaging it or not?07:25
persiaEkushey: Look for a needs-packaging bug on launchpad, or an RFP/ITP bug in the BTS.  These are the means by which people request/announce packaging07:25
Ekusheyok persia07:26
jussi01LinuxMonkey: its 9.27 am, im not awake yet07:27
dholbachgood morning07:32
LinuxMonkeymorning dholbach were either so tired were not responding (my case) or not awake yet (everyone else)07:34
dholbachLinuxMonkey: bed time then? :)07:35
LinuxMonkeyyeah another 25 minutes or so. its only 3:35am anyways07:35
dholbachthat's OK then ;-)07:36
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huatsmorning dear motu world09:18
RAOFbigon: I'm looking at telepathy-butterfly (because miro's blocked).  It seems that the Ubuntu divergence (don't pull in python-ctypes, which introduces an unnecessary 2.4 dependency) should go back to Debian.  Would you like me to file a bug in the BTS?09:35
* persia is amused at the complaint that courier-imap is too new. Usually it's about things being outdated.09:35
RAOFSomeone's merged it from the future :)09:35
persiaPerhaps the idea is to get the average version to some ideal...09:36
RAOFHm.  Awkward.  subversion FTBFS, and libsvn-perl is uninstallable.09:36
persiaRAOF: It's part of the master plan to get everyone to go back to RCS09:37
RAOFsvn-buildpackage ain't gonna be working for me in the immediate future.09:37
wgrantpersia: Shingle version control!09:37
RAOFAh.  Subversion needs a merge, apparently.09:38
persiawgrant: I'm not sure I trust those newfangled things.09:38
bigonRAOF, fixed in the tp-butterfly bzr branch10:18
Adri2000ScottK: yes, base version (3.2.4-210:21
Adri2000ScottK: ) not available on snapshot.d.n, so empty patches and broken merge10:22
RicardoPerezcan any MOTU member apply the patch in bug #222038?10:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 222038 in firestarter "Firestarter fails to run on locales other than English" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22203810:51
james_whi askand10:52
askand james_w:  hi10:52
james_wwould you like to look at http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html and see if there are any packages on there you are familiar with/use/like the sound of?10:53
askandjames_w: quite a lot..but i like the sound of freetennis for example :P10:56
james_wcool, so look at what name is next to the package, as we need to make sure that they are not currently working on it.10:56
james_wunfortunately I don't know who that person is, I was hoping they would be on IRC so that we could get a quick answer.10:57
james_wwould you like to pick another so that we can go ahead and do one, and once we've done that you can proceed with freetennis?10:59
james_wI don't think there would be any problem in merging this one as the person doesn't seem to be very active.10:59
james_wDoes anyone know William Lima?10:59
askandhe doesnt seem to be very active according to launchpad11:00
james_wok, let's go ahead and do it11:02
james_wif you click the name of the package then you will be taken to a page named REPORT that tells you a bit about what's going on.11:03
james_wlet me know once you've read the page, and if there is something that you don't understand.11:04
TheMusoWho wants to join me cleaning the sponsors queue somewhat?11:04
james_whi TheMuso11:05
TheMusoHey james_w.11:05
dholbachTheMuso: I already did a few and plan to do some more11:06
* directhex is finally working on an actual universe package, rather than main or debian11:07
askandjames_w: looks pretty clear to me11:09
TheMusodholbach: Right, I'm going to clear some as well, since DIF is so close.11:09
james_waskand: cool, so in this case as it failed to merge cleanly there is a tarball with the results11:10
james_waskand: if you remove the "REPORT" from the end of the URL you will find the files. Please download and extract the tarball11:10
james_w(not the .orig.tar.gz one)11:10
dholbachTheMuso: right - let's chat in here and say which ones we're looking at - so we don't look both at the same :)11:10
* dholbach looks at xmms211:11
* TheMuso has a lock on spread11:11
* sebner waves11:11
dholbachhi sebner11:12
sebnercan anybody tell me when a nvidia-glx update is planned (support for 2.6.26 kernel)11:12
askandjames_w: ok downloaded and extracted the ubuntu.src.tar.gz one11:12
dholbachsebner: best to ask in #ubuntu-kernel or #ubuntu-x11:12
james_waskand: cool, so if you go back to the REPORT file you will see a list of conflicted files, we need to sort those out.11:13
sebnerdholbach: cool, thanks =) though 800*600 isn't that bad since this forces me to learn :P11:13
james_waskand: the first is debian/control, so please open that in a text editor.11:13
directhexsebner, in intrepid, or generally?11:15
james_waskand: you will see that on the Ubuntu side we just changed the Maintainer as normal. On the Debian side they changed maintainer as well, but also updated the Build-Depends, and added some more information.11:15
sebnerdirecthex: intrepid since there we have a new kernel =)11:15
james_waskand: we want all of Debian's changes, but we want to modify the maintainer field as well.11:15
james_waskand: but ensure that the "Original-Maintainer:" refers to the new Debian Maintainer.11:16
james_waskand: got it?11:16
* TheMuso takes a lock on zsnes.11:16
askandjames_w: hm..how do I ensure that the original-maintainer (bart martens) refers to the new debian maintainer?11:18
gnomefreakWhat is the name of the hardy-backports team that you use when a bug needs to be backported?11:19
james_waskand: the line you leave as "XSBC-Original-Maintainer:" should be "XSBC-Original-Maintainer: Debian OCaml Maintainers <debian-ocaml-maint@lists.debian.org>" rather than "XSBC-Original-Maintainer: Bart Martens <bartm@knars.be>"11:19
james_waskand: as this line refers to the Debian maintainer, which has changed, so we need to make sure we get the right one.11:20
askandah ok got it11:20
* dholbach looks at gtkglarea11:21
askandjames_w:  and I should also change the build-deps ?11:21
james_waskand: you should probably go with what Debian has.11:22
askand james_w: yes11:23
james_waskand: if you look at the last two Ubuntu entries in debian/changelog you can see if Ubuntu changed them, in which case you should look in to it a bit more.11:23
james_wthat's the Ubuntu changes, and you can see that the Build-Depends weren't modified, so you can just take what Debian has.11:23
askand james_w: ok done11:25
james_waskand: great, so save that file and we can move on to the next one.11:25
james_waskand: feel free to stick anything in a pastebin if you would like me to glance over it.11:25
james_waskand: the next file is debian/freetennis.8, which is the manpage.11:26
askandjames_w:  should I also add homepagefield ?11:26
james_waskand: looking at the changelogs both sides improved the file, so this may be easy or difficult.11:26
rzrAs a debian maintainer I am about to release a package which closes some ubuntu bugs, should I also add (LP:#xyz) in debian/control ?11:26
rzrthen the debian package will just need to be imported11:26
james_waskand: yup, that's useful to have.11:27
james_waskand: when merging you want to follow Debian as closely as possible, just sticking with Ubuntu changes where there is good reason to.11:27
* dholbach takes a look at tkdiff11:28
askandjames_w: how does this look? http://pastebin.com/m38d07c0011:29
james_waskand: good, we also want the Uploaders line11:30
james_waskand: and you need to delete the conflict markers and the Debian section.11:30
askandjames_w: http://pastebin.com/m7b881a22 not sure what the <<<<<<<<< is?11:31
* dholbach takes a look at libofx11:32
james_waskand: that's one of the conflict markers. They are just there to denote the areas which need some attention. When you are done you need to delete them.11:32
Laneyaskand, james_w: If you're trying to merge freetennis, you should be aware of bug #24124911:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 241249 in freetennis "Please sync freetennis 0.4.8-5 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24124911:33
james_wLaney: thanks11:33
james_waskand: sorry, that should of course be the first step, check to see if the work has already been done. In this case it has, sorry.11:34
* rzr waves _o/11:34
askandjames_w:  oh11:34
TheMusodholbach: I'm still here, I'm just being careful with a somewhat hackish change in zsnes. :)11:35
james_wthough in this case it apparently happened concurrently, so there was little we could have done.11:35
dholbachTheMuso: I didn't think you had vanished :)11:35
directhexdholbach, can never have too many mono merges11:35
dholbachMr TheMuso-vich :)11:35
dholbachdirecthex: hm?11:36
TheMusodholbach: har har har. That still makes me laugh.11:36
james_waskand: in this case Debian adopted our changes, so we can take their package directly, which is what it means by "sync".11:36
james_waskand: sorry about that. If you like we can look at another package.11:36
directhexdholbach, LP:24067111:36
dholbachbug 24067111:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240671 in mono "Mono 1.9.1 crashes with native stacktrace whilst compiling XSP on AMD64" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24067111:36
dholbachdirecthex: what about it?11:36
directhexdholbach, just commenting. it's the second merge in a couple of weeks, and i wouldn't be surprised if there were more, when more bugs appear11:37
dholbachI don't know any mono at all, that's why I asked slomo to take a look at it11:38
rzrvorian: around ?11:38
* dholbach takes a look at xgrep11:38
RAOFbigon: Cool; that'll be syncable then.11:39
* TheMuso takes a look at ming11:43
nixternalwgrant: dunno why it is still doing that...file a bug upstream on that please11:44
nixternalfor smb4k that is11:44
askandjames_w: no worries :) i think I come back later a bit11:48
james_waskand: great.11:48
* TheMuso looks at paprefs.11:49
* dholbach lunches11:50
rzrI guess I have to RTFM again :)11:52
rzrAs a debian maintainer I am about to release a package which closes some ubuntu bugs, should I also add (LP:#xyz) in debian/control when possible?11:52
directhexooh, that'd be nice11:54
rzri cant find this info on the wiki11:56
rzrlet's ommit them then11:57
* TheMuso looks at extace12:00
RAOFrzr: You're very welcome to add LP:#xyz tags.  To debian/changelog (that's what you meant, right?).  The syntax is exactly the same as for the BTS, but with "LP: #" rather than "closes: #".12:06
rzrno my question  was12:06
rzrcan I mix Closes:# and LP:# on the same release ?12:06
RAOFYes, absolutely.12:07
rzrare you sure ?12:07
RAOFThe BTS understands closes: and ignores LP:, launchpad understands LP: and ignores closes:12:07
directhexwhich is why LP uses LP: and not closes:12:07
rzrbut debian doesnt care about derived distro bug trackers12:07
rzrso this info is useless to debian12:08
RAOFThat's right.12:08
rzrwell I wanted to make sure12:08
RAOFIt would be nice if you added them, but you're certainly not expected or obligated to do so :)12:08
rzrI see benefits and drawbacks :)12:08
rzrpolution vs factorisation12:09
rzrlet's add both then12:10
RAOFVery good of you, thanks :).12:11
rzrthank you RAOF , now Let's open a debian specific help desk for copperation12:14
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* TheMuso looks at guidedog12:19
* TheMuso looks at rpld12:27
RAOFrzr: You mean, the Ubuntu version of the Debian utnubu team? :)12:29
rzrwe'll call it the naibed team12:30
* TheMuso looks at apcalc12:32
RAOFThat's got a bit of a ring to it.12:32
Hobbsee238 outstanding.  ouch12:32
TheMusoHobbsee: Yeah, clearing the sponsors queue will help get that down somewhat.12:34
affluxsiretart: hi... I have some questions about the cryptsetup initramfs script12:53
affluxsiretart: first thing is, I wonder why we don't use udev_settle anymore, and do a "normal" 3-minute sleep12:53
affluxsiretart: second thing is, the break condition in this sleep waits for ${ROOT}, which is the "resulting" device, instead of the cryptsource. I think this is why the sleep does not work for me (on my system, it just hangs. looking at the source, it should be working after 3 minutes though, because the panic condition some lines later checks for $cryptsource again).12:56
wgrantHas anybody upgraded to Intrepid recently? Am I likely to be condemning my system to a fiery death if I try it now?12:57
jpdswgrant: Hobbsee has.12:57
affluxsiretart: third thing is, after manually changing the initramfs script  I found out that neither /sbin/cryptsetup nor /lib/cryptsetup/askpass exist. both are referred to from the script.12:58
affluxwgrant: it works quite well on my desktop machine, currently, except the cryptroot I mentioned above ;)12:58
Hobbseewgrant: no, it should be reasonable.  i'd be interested to see if your mime types bugger up though12:59
wgrantHobbsee: We shall see, though I don't use anything that uses mimetypes.12:59
* wgrant stopped using cryptroot a while ago.12:59
Hobbseewgrant: right, so you don't use nautilus.12:59
siretartafflux: yeah, I noticed that my merge isn't correct yet. I'm still at setting up a kvm instance for testing12:59
affluxsiretart: it looks like I have a quick solution for the third thing13:00
Hobbseewgrant: no matter what you double click on, it'll load in whatever the last program you set was.13:00
siretartafflux: AFAIC, even in hardy plain crypted partitions seem to be somehwat broken. I see that when I'm trying to manually set them up (read: without d-i)13:00
Hobbseeat least, that's what i'm finding13:00
siretartafflux: are you famillar with bzr? - if yes please fix that in a branch. that makes it easier for me to review, okay?13:01
affluxyup okay13:01
affluxsiretart: udev_settle or (fixed) manual waiting?13:01
affluxwhere manual waiting is "check for partition every 100ms"13:02
affluxsiretart: we have two ways to wait for the cryptsource, if it didn't appear yet. We used to use "udevadm settle --timeout=30" in hardy, but changed to do a 180*100ms sleep13:06
siretartafflux: I think the loop is the only reliable way to go.13:07
siretartafflux: because udevsettle only helps if the kernel is currently processing an event which might cause the device to pop up13:07
affluxI see13:08
siretartafflux: if you have a very slow device, like an pendrive or slow scsi device that needs intensive initialisiation, udev_settle wont help you13:08
affluxsiretart: which branch should I use for branching? ~siretart/cryptsetup/ubuntu or ~ubuntu-core-dev/cryptsetup/ubuntu13:08
siretartthe one with the latest commit. I think it is the latter one13:08
affluxokay thanks13:08
vorianrzr, I am now13:11
siretartafflux: btw, if you think you think you fixed a bug in a bzr commit, do a 'bzr commit --fixes lp:12345' with the correct bugnumber. lp will automatically associate your branch with the bug13:18
affluxoh okay, nice to know, thanks13:18
ffmHey, I'm a bit bored. How can I search through needs-packaging requests?13:24
wgrantffm: Just do an advanced search for the needs-packaging tag at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?advanced=113:26
ffmwgrant: thanks.13:27
dholbachTheMuso is doing AWESOME work in the sponsoring queue13:31
dholbachlet's join him!13:31
emgentrheya dholbach :)13:31
* Laney highfives TheMuso 13:32
LaneyThanks for the uploads :D13:32
TheMusodholbach: No longer unfrotunately, I'm starting to find it hard to concentrate, as its getting late  here, so I'll have to call it a night, but will attempt to find time tomorrw to do some more.13:32
TheMusogah as evident by my typing. :p13:32
dholbachTheMuso: I'll do some myself - who else is interested?13:32
* Laney is going to carry on giving you stuff to sponsor ;)13:33
* dholbach checks out sdlmame13:40
* DktrKranz did 5/6 earlier, will do more this evening13:42
dholbachthanks DktrKranz13:42
* dholbach high-fives DktrKranz and TheMuso13:42
* DktrKranz high-five-a-day dholbach 13:43
ScottKDktrKranz: Are you an avscan user or were you just triaging in general when you marked up an avscan bug earlier today.13:51
DktrKranzScottK: just triaging.13:52
* ScottK was hoping for someone to package a new upstream.13:53
DktrKranzIIRC, I subscribed (or assigned) to a bug, feel free to take it if you want to.13:53
* dholbach takes a look at keurocalc-kde413:54
affluxsiretart: my branch is https://code.launchpad.net/~afflux/cryptsetup/ubuntu.initramfs-fixes . The latest changes are not tested yet, I'll do that now.13:54
DktrKranzScottK: myon put it into adoption (or orphaned it), it could be interesting to take maintainership.13:54
ScottKYes.  I'm hoping someone will do that.13:55
* ScottK doesn't use it either, but it's a clamav rdepend and currently FTBFS in Intrepid needing the new version.13:55
siretartafflux: yes, your commits look pretty relevant. will merge them!13:59
affluxsiretart: okay, worked. Only thing is: when not using usplash I get two warnings about not being able to run /sbin/udevsettle because it does not exist. They don't seem to be critical (for me?) though. I also get the message described in bug 151532. But, as the initial reporter states too, the system boots up without any further problems.14:02
DktrKranzScottK: if you need it, I can have a look at it, maintaining packages is fine, especially if they are needed by others14:02
ScottKDktrKranz: I've played with it in testing a bit and it looks like a reasonably decent anti-virus frontend.  I think it's worth keeping.14:03
ScottKIf you want to adopt it in Debian, I know who I could get to sponsor you.14:04
DktrKranzmyon directly?14:04
ScottKActually I was thinking sgran (the clamav maintainer).14:04
DktrKranzI haven't a fixex sponsor14:04
ScottKHe's been decent about sponsoring clamav related NMUs for me.14:05
DktrKranzI can give it a try, I need to understand package logic before, since I'm not a user, it could be harder14:06
ScottKIt seems reasonably well designed.14:07
ScottKWhen I was trying to get clamav 0.92 back to Dapper avscan was a tough one.14:08
DktrKranzany particular issues?14:09
siretartafflux: cool. thanks for your commits, I'll merge them into the next upload!14:09
ScottKI ended up taking the Feisty package, using the Dapper debian/rules, grabbing one file that had the libclamav interfaces out of the avscan internals of the hardy package, slamming them all together and it worked.14:09
ScottKI couldn't backport the entire Hardy package due to other dependency issues.14:10
DktrKranzmh... sounds complex14:10
ScottKIn any case that fact that that worked suggest to me a reasonably well designed program with good stable internals.14:10
ScottKThat was complex., but it was a one time problem.14:10
ScottKThe biggest issue with it is it'll need watching as clamav evolves as they have a habit of doing interface changes with no warning.14:11
ScottKavscan upstream seems responsive to it though.14:11
DktrKranzare they linked or follow a separate development plan?14:12
ScottKSeparate.  avscan is a user of libclamav.14:13
ScottKDktrKranz: Why don't you look at what it'd take to get the new avscan packaged and see how comfortable you are with it.14:15
ScottKDktrKranz: If you need to build against the new clamav on Hardy, it's in the ubuntu-clamav PPA: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clamav/+archive14:16
DktrKranzI was thinking about it, since we want clamav and no-one jump in to take responsibility in Debian so fare14:16
ScottKCurrently we have 3 A/V gui packages: Klamav, Clamtk, and Avscan.14:17
ScottKKlamav is very KDE focused.  Clamtk is somewhat limited.  I think having Avscan is useful.14:18
ScottKIt's still under development, so it may well end up being the best of them.14:18
DktrKranzAvscan is for GNOME, I suppose14:19
DktrKranzgtk+1.2, wasn't it being removed from Debian?14:19
ScottKAh.  That was the other problem.14:22
ScottKI knew there was something.14:22
ScottKWho knows, maybe the new version is updated ...14:22
DktrKranzlet's see14:23
ScottKIf not, it'd still be useful to get it updated in Ubuntu so eventually I can backport clamav 0.93 and later.14:23
DktrKranzlooking at myon's comments, new version requires new endeavour, and SONAME handling seems problematic14:24
wgrantScottK: Have you not yet managed to convince upstream to be less distro-hostile?14:25
ScottKSo it's a 'learning experience'.14:25
ScottKwgrant: No.14:25
ScottKI've asked them to add some Ubuntu specific info to their web site just yesterday.  We'll see how that goes.14:26
DktrKranzmh... avscan homepage is unreachable14:26
ScottKThat's not a good sign.14:26
ScottKI can get to it.  It's just pretty empty.14:28
ScottKSorry.  Wrong page.14:29
DktrKranzI get 40414:29
* ScottK too.14:30
cyberixI have a package in Hardy. The upstream has released a new release. Should I create a huge debdiff and try to get that applied for intrepid or what?14:32
cyberixi.e. are debdiffs the right tool for all package upgrades?14:32
LucidFoxcyberix> Only within the same upstream version14:33
LucidFoxfor a new upstream version, attach the diff.gz14:33
cyberixLucidFox: Should that contain both packaging and upstream changes or only upstream changes?14:34
LucidFoxErm... it should contain only packaging changes14:34
LucidFoxdiff.gzs by definition contain only packaging changes14:34
=== polo is now known as Polo
cyberixLucidFox: So how do I get the upstream tar ball updated?14:39
LucidFoxcyberix> The sponsor will download it14:39
LucidFoxand your diff.gz14:39
directhex(try using uupdate, it's made for this kind of thing)14:39
cyberixThe new upstream release goes throught revu?14:43
LucidFoxcyberix> No.14:44
LucidFoxREVU is only for new packages.14:44
LucidFoxcyberix> You file a bug report on LP, attach the diff.gz and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors.14:44
cyberixLucidFox: And how do the sponsor know he should get the new upstream tar ball?14:49
persiacyberix: debian/watch or debian/rules get-orig-source :)14:49
cyberixAnd if I'm not aware of the new upstream release, then things will break.14:51
=== Tweenaks is now known as Treenaks
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ivoksmotu wannabes?16:04
ivoksthere's one very simple task if someone is interested16:04
persiaivoks: We try not to use that term :)  What's the task?16:05
* santiago-ve rises hand but is at work ATM16:05
ivoksthere's wifi-radar package in ubuntu16:05
ivoksit is very old and i'm an official maintainer16:05
ivoksit's time to drop it and merge debian's package16:05
ivoksthere are only two patches that should be applied to new debian package16:06
ivoksit's dpatch system, IIRC16:06
ivoksso, low hanging fruit16:06
ivoksif no one is interested, i'll do it, but it looks like good exercise...16:06
vorianivoks: I requested a sync with bug #240809 for wifi radar16:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240809 in ubuntu "Please sync wifi-radar 1.9.9-1.1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24080916:06
ivoksvorian: right, wifi-radar was packaged for ubuntu first, and then for debian, so weare out of sync for a very long time; it's time to move on and drop our package16:07
vorianah, good good16:07
ivokssantiago-ve: interested?16:08
santiago-veivoks: aye, but werrr not for now... at work atm :p16:08
dholbachivoks: vorian requested a sync - is a merge necessary?16:08
ivoksdholbach: there is one GUI related patch16:09
ivoksand one for atheros cards... i don't have atheros, so i can't tell if it's needed any more16:09
ivoksblaa.... just sync it and move on... just one note16:10
ivokslast time i checked debian's package, it asked questions during install16:10
ivoksand it didn't have daemon16:10
ivokswhile ubuntu package didn't ask questions and had daemon for auto-connecting16:10
ivoksyou are free to decide, i don't mind any of those two options16:13
=== leonel_ is now known as leonel
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siretartafflux: I just uploaded your changes to intrepid. thanks for your commits, and keep up your good work! :)16:54
affluxsiretart: thanks and you're welcome ;)16:54
rzrgo a message for me ? i lost it17:11
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nandHi! I've one package, ike, that is now present on intrepid, and which was not a debian merge (packaged only for Ubuntu). It's now also present in Debian. Upstream plans to do a release this week end: I'll update the debian package on Debian. The deadline in this situation is the debian import freeze, or the feature freeze?20:01
nand(forgot one sentence in the middle :) => I want to push this new version to ubuntu)20:02
mario_limonciellnand, you can pull the update from debian afterward after DIF, you will just manually need to request a sync20:07
mario_limonciellthe DIF turns off all automatic syncing20:07
nandah ok! So the deadline in this case is feature freeze20:07
nandcool, thanks!20:07
=== santiago-php is now known as santiago-ve
mario_limonciellnand, but if you can do it sooner than feature freeze, that's more ideal as you don't have to go and prod as many people :)20:17
nandI guess so :)20:18
HoellPhello, can anyone help me with debian packaging?20:20
HoellPi set up everything and it seems to work20:20
HoellPbut when i try to build, i get the following error:20:21
HoellPchecking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool20:21
HoellPmake: *** [config.status] Error 120:21
ScottKThen you're missing a build-dep.20:21
KopfgeldjaegerHoellP: try libxml-parser-perl20:24
HoellPbut i can't control the packages controlled by pbuilder, can i?20:25
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highvoltageg'night motus20:42
cody-somervillenight highvoltage20:51
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norsettoheya heya21:50
RainCThey norsetto21:53
norsettoHola RainCT21:54
geserHi norsetto22:02
norsettoheya geser, any new event on the horizon?22:10
lagai love that movie. it's a bit scary sometimes tho22:11
huatsnorsetto: !!!22:11
* norsetto must be the only living being on this planet that not only has not seen that movie but before yesterday didn't even know it existed22:17
* ajmitch waits for the laptop to load to be able to see what it is22:17
ajmitchubuntu needs to boot faster :)22:17
persiaajmitch: You need a solid-state drive...22:17
lagano. ubuntu needs to boot faster. :)22:18
ajmitchwouldn't make it much faster22:18
persiaWell, maybe.  I recently saw a 27 second bootchart for Ubuntu.22:18
* ajmitch needs to not run certain things like apache, mysql/postgresql, zope, etc on the laptop22:18
persiaYes.  That would do it :)22:18
ajmitchoh, and an openldap server, of course22:19
ajmitchall the useful things I need to test on a box somewhere :)22:20
persiaajmitch: Hmm.  You need a laptop with two distinct computers (one headless with internal serial console bridge).  That way you can boot quick for client stuff, and still play with your server.22:20
ajmitchsadly it's because it's faster than the desktop box I have at work22:21
james_wpersia: mind if I take cecilia out for a dance?22:45
persiajames_w: Please do.  If you find a way to get her to play with the updated csound, I'd be especially happy.22:47
james_wyou mean debian bug 438611??22:47
ubottuDebian bug 438611 in cecilia "[unmetdepds] cecilia has unmet dependancies" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/43861122:47
james_wor debian bug 476300?22:48
ubottuDebian bug 476300 in cecilia "cecilia: Does not work with new csound 5" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/47630022:48
ZombieI have an advisory for Ubuntu Hardy/.22:48
ZombieThe version of Open Arena included is Deprecated.22:48
ZombieAnd will not play on line with other Open Arena servers.22:49
ScottKWhat does deprecated mean in Open Arean terms?22:49
ajmitchvarious games tend to do this, unfortunately22:49
norsettojames_w: I think bug 438611 is obsolete now22:50
ZombieAnother game that is broken, but because of technical issues is Warzone 210022:50
ZombieWarzone 2100 used to operate fine under Gutsy.22:50
ZombieNow it skips like it uses software rendering22:50
ajmitchare there bugs failed about these issues in launchpad?22:50
james_wnorsetto: yep, I just followed the paper trail all the way to the end.22:51
norsettofiled failed or failed filed?22:51
ajmitchnorsetto: forgive me, I was looking at another screen while typing :P22:51
ZombieOne more bug.22:51
ZombieOpenVPN deletes its own user account when upgrading from Gutsy causing it not to launch.22:52
norsettoajmitch: ever seen my typing? Thats something to ask to be excused about22:53
ajmitchZombie: again, launchpad is the first place to go to put in bugs22:53
ajmitchit may still get lost, but at least there'll be a record of it beyond 5 minutes of IRC :)22:54
EagleScreeni am learning to use pbuilder22:58
EagleScreenwhat happens if i am running Debian and i want to build a Ubuntu hardy package?22:59
EagleScreeni think i should use: sudo pbuilder update --distribution DIST-NAME --override-config22:59
EagleScreenin addiction, should I change repositories to hardy?22:59
persiaEagleScreen: You might want to get debootstrap and pbuilder from Ubuntu to ease creating the chroot, but once you have a chroot, you can just build normally.23:00
persiaNote that there are some extra checks in the developer tools (e.g. dpkg-buildpackage) in Ubuntu to verify complinace with additional Ubuntu policies that you'll miss working from Debian: it may also be worth having a working chroot with Ubuntu for building the packages.23:01
EagleScreenbut i want to build for Debian and also for Ubuntu23:01
james_wpersia: hmm, do you know if the patch in debian bug 476300 is sufficient for the updated csound?23:01
ubottuDebian bug 476300 in cecilia "cecilia: Does not work with new csound 5" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/47630023:01
ScottKpersia: The Debian debchroot knows about Ubuntu releases.23:02
persiaScottK: It does?  Cool.23:02
* persia hasn't used Debian dev tools in a bit.23:02
james_wif an upload fixes a CVE then do I need to do anything more than mention the CVE number for it to be correctly tracked?23:03
persiajames_w: My memory from the csound mailing list was that there was a more complex issue involved, and that the regex described served more to protect cecilia than as the main cause of incompatibility.  You might test it, and see what you find.23:03
ScottKjames_w: There is a separate CVE tracker.23:04
james_wScottK: is it based on changelog notification, or is it more manual than that?23:05
ScottKIt's more manual than that.23:05
persiaAnyone from MOTU SWAT around?23:05
ScottKemgent would know the details.23:05
persiajames_w: If nobody steps up with details, ask in #ubuntu-hardened23:05
EagleScreenthen, i dont need to change nothing to build for Ubuntu??23:05
ScottKjames_w: You should also go back and look at which supported releases are also vulnerable.23:05
james_wthere's no bug in lp, so I want to make sure that it gets picked up as we get the fix for free.23:05
james_wah -hardened, thanks.23:06
emgentuhm ?23:06
persiajames_w: Please do create a bug in LP, and link the bug to a CVE.23:06
ScottKjames_w: Yeah.  You'll want to make bug and then nominate it for all affected releases.23:06
ScottKjames_w: Now that emgent is here, I'm sure he can guide you through the process.23:06
EagleScreeni will investigate23:06
persiaAnd subscribe ubuntu-security or motu-swat, as appropriate23:06
ScottKEagleScreen: You need to make a pbuilder chroot for the appropriate ubuntu release, but you can do it using the Debian packages.23:07
james_whi emgent, I'm merging a package that includes a CVE fix from Debian, and I just want to make sure that I do the right things.23:07
emgenthi james_w uhm, ok23:08
* ScottK needs to run off. See you all later.23:08
emgentplease join -hardened we can talk in this room23:08
emgentbye ScottK23:08
EagleScreenthanks Scottk, i supuse it must be done using command i said, but is needed anything more? may be temporaly use ubuntu repository in menu.lst???23:09
EagleScreengodbye scottk23:09

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