
=== henning_ is now known as hajs
EagleScreeni have a question about dolphin KDE3 package sources00:39
EagleScreenif i add a new service menu file to src/servicemenus/ will it be copied to /usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus? or is it needed modify any script to be copied during installation of the new package?00:41
JontheEchidnaYou'd have to look at the debian/rules file in the dolphin package source to see what it does.00:43
JontheEchidna..or maybe that file won't be of help00:47
EagleScreeni am watching it00:48
EagleScreeni think is not that file00:51
EagleScreeni think i have to find the installation or post-installaton script, but i dont see it, i am looking for them00:52
yuriyEagleScreen: make sure to have the service menu as a patch01:03
yuriyactually i think it would have to be a patch to the existing service menu01:03
EagleScreeni ma trying to get a debdiff in order to fix a bug, i am following this manual: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/Debdiff i obtain an error running debuild -S, S.O.S, Help01:45
EagleScreen$ debuild -S01:47
EagleScreendpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -d -us -uc -S01:47
EagleScreendpkg-buildpackage: set CFLAGS to default value: -g -O201:48
nixternaldebuile -S -sa01:48
nixternaldebuild that is01:48
nixternalcd ../01:48
nixternaldebdiff old.dsc new.dsc > my.debdiff01:48
EagleScreendebuld must be runned on the root of the sources folder isnt?01:49
EagleScreeni obtain the same error with debuild -S -sa01:50
nixternalwhat error is that?01:50
EagleScreeni can paste the output....01:50
nixternalplease do01:50
EagleScreenmy output is partially in Spanish :(01:51
EagleScreendpkg-buildpackage: set CPPFLAGS to default value:01:52
EagleScreendpkg-buildpackage: set LDFLAGS to default value:01:52
EagleScreendpkg-buildpackage: set FFLAGS to default value: -g -O201:52
EagleScreendpkg-buildpackage: set CXXFLAGS to default value: -g -O201:52
EagleScreendpkg-buildpackage: source package dolphin01:52
EagleScreendpkg-buildpackage: source version 0.9.2-0ubuntu6.101:52
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:52
EagleScreendpkg-buildpackage: source changed by Rafael Belmonte <EagleScreen@gmail.com>01:52
EagleScreen fakeroot debian/rules clean01:52
EagleScreendebian/rules:3: /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk: No existe el fichero o el directorio01:52
EagleScreendebian/rules:4: /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/kde.mk: No existe el fichero o el directorio01:52
EagleScreendebian/rules:5: /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk: No existe el fichero o el directorio01:52
EagleScreenmake: *** No hay ninguna regla para construir el objetivo `/usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk'.  Alto.01:52
EagleScreendpkg-buildpackage: failure: fakeroot debian/rules clean gave error exit status 201:52
EagleScreendebuild: fatal error at line 1319:01:52
EagleScreendpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -d -us -uc -S -sa failed01:52
nixternalsudo apt-get install cdbs01:53
EagleScreenhere is my putput: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21536/01:54
EagleScreenany idea?01:56
EagleScreeni ma trying to change dolphin package and obtain debdiff as this report say: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dolphin/+bug/18579501:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 185795 in dolphin "Ark compression with dolphin bad configured." [Undecided,New]01:57
EagleScreenhow did you know i am working about this bug????01:58
nixternalI didn't02:03
blueyedEagleScreen: what error?02:03
nixternalEagleScreen: is it working now?02:04
blueyedEagleScreen: sorry, not scrolled down..02:04
EagleScreenerror is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21536/02:04
EagleScreeni have not selved it02:04
nixternalsudo apt-get install cdbs02:05
nixternalI told you that 12 minutes ago02:05
EagleScreenyes, thanks nixternal, now it works02:06
blueyedEagleScreen: yes, that should solve it. and btw: using "LANG=C <command>" gives you english error messages..02:06
EagleScreenin the manual forget say cdsb is needed02:07
EagleScreenand also have other error the manual02:07
blueyedEagleScreen: please add/fix it then..02:07
EagleScreeni will do it when i know how to do it :D02:08
EagleScreeni have now a file dolphin_0.9.2-0ubuntu6.1.debdiff :D02:19
EagleScreenwhat must i do with it for apply my changes to package and test if it works?02:20
EagleScreenanyone want view my chage and give me an opinion?02:24
nixternalEagleScreen: if you read the section about cdbs packaging, it tells ya to install it02:36
EagleScreenwhre is that section?02:40
EagleScreenon the internet?02:40
EagleScreenis it a wiki'02:40
yuriyEagleScreen: have a look through that: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PackagingGuide/Complete02:46
vorianwoo hooo, congrats officially!03:43
voriannixternal ^ \o/03:43
* vorian can't type03:43
vorianso nixternal, is it a shiny gold button or platinum?03:47
nixternalplatinum :)03:53
nixternalam I the only one who has crazy problems with 1) Jockey, and 2) Compiz03:56
nixternalon KDE 303:58
nixternaland as soon as I install the NVidia blobs, the fonts get all big03:59
vorianwhich card?03:59
nixternalQuadro NVS 135M03:59
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nixternalhow do I stop Jockey from starting up every rip? it is rather annoying04:11
tequehola saludos a todos04:45
tequehola saludos desde venezuela04:47
EagleScreeni have a problem building a package with pbuild04:59
EagleScreenadmin/missing --run automake-1.10 --foreign  src/Makefile is called, but i have installed automake 1.10.1, then build process stops with mistmach error05:00
EagleScreensee the output please: http://paste.ubuntu.com/21564/05:00
DASkreECHJucato: on svn still?05:09
Jucatoalways. but not updated the past 2 days or so05:10
DASkreECHJucato: Does KOnqueror still keep asking if you want to restore session?05:10
Jucatoum wait05:11
Jucatoonly if it crashed/didn't exit properly05:11
DASkreECHJucato: so if you have a window open and go and start a new process it doesn't ask you if you want to restore the process that's already running?05:11
JucatoDASkreECH: not if that window opened properly in the first place05:12
DASkreECHProgress is a wondrous thing05:12
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smarterRiddell: ping10:39
Riddellhi smarter10:40
smarterhey Riddell10:40
smarterwhen you have some times, could you please review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/guidance/powermanager-ubuntu https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts/trunk and  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/webkit-open-source/webkitkde-ubuntu ? ;)10:42
Riddelldh $@10:44
Riddellgoodness, a whole new rules syntax10:44
* smarter never liked the previous one ;)10:45
Riddella backport of debhelper would be handy10:46
Riddellgroovy, kks works10:50
Riddellsmarter: power-manager looks good, did you find a way to get python-kde4 working?10:53
smarterI'm waiting on kdebindings, but it works on hardy witht the python-kde4 from PPA, so there shouldn't be any problem10:53
* smarter fills a backport request for debhelper 710:54
Riddellchmod: cannot access `debian/cdbs/dh_sameversiondeps': No such file or directory10:56
Riddellsmarter: on webkitkde10:56
* smarter fixes that10:57
RiddellI expect powermanager will have the same issue10:59
smarternop, I used kdelibs' kde.mk file which doesn't have the sameversiondeps thing11:00
smarternow, webkit and powermanager kde.mk are the same11:01
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ScottKsmarter: I don't think we're going to backport debhelper 7.  It's to fundamental a package.13:01
smarterokay, I'll stay with my backport then13:01
* bdgraue is away: Zur Zeit nicht da.13:44
Hobbsee!away | bdgraue13:45
ubottubdgraue: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  The same goes for using noisy away messages; use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»13:45
jjesseanyone know if keep is going to be ported to kde4?  i got a non-deliverable trying to contact who i thought was the author13:51
Riddelljre was the author13:53
Riddellnot heard from him in a good while13:53
jjesseRiddell: i sent an email to him and it bounced back13:54
RiddellI guess he's fallen off the internet13:54
jjessetrying to figuore out if i should continue with what i've created for a manual for keep13:54
jjessebut if there isn't going to be a kde4 version.... doesn't seem worth my time13:54
jpdsjjesse: quick! Add it to wiki.k.o/Kubuntu/Todo13:56
=== blizzzekski is now known as blizzzek
jjesseso now when do we start bugging nixternal about packages for beta 2 for 4.1?14:59
jjessesince he's a core-dev now everything is his fault and responsiblity right?14:59
Nightroseconsiderung he seems quite busy at work i think he could use some help15:03
Arbyand that's different from before how :P15:04
jjesseArby: we can "officially" blame him15:04
Arbyah I see :)15:04
Hobbseeit's always his fault anyway.  officialness might be nice, though15:04
nixternalyay, I should change my nick to my_bad16:18
jjessenixternal: lol that would be awesome16:23
jjessemy_bad has joind #kubuntu-devdel16:23
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yuriyapachelogger: kde-nightly doesn't include debug symbols??17:31
yuriyalso the new crash dialog looks like a step backwards to me17:32
Riddellnixternal: are you planning to do 4.1 beta 2 for hardy this weekend?17:59
nixternalunless someone else was planning on it, but ya, I was going to do some work this weekend18:00
\shseele: if you have time, would you like to have a look at some ui files of leonov?18:18
seele\sh: screenshots would be best, i only have my work laptop with me atm18:47
\shseele: http://leonov.tv/category/image-galleries/leonov-screenshots some are here :)18:47
\shseele: everything is discussable :) /me needs just a good review of someone with usability + kde HIG knowledge :)18:49
seele\sh: this is a UI for launchpad bug management?19:06
seeleor everything on launchpad?19:07
yuriyhmm screen unlocking doesn't work on kde-nightly. is it working for anyone on 4.1?19:23
stdinnixternal: I have some time this weekend so I can help with beta 2. fyi, I've noticed phonon has been removed from kdelibs, so we need to either re-add or package it from tags/phonon/4.1.8319:27
JontheEchidnayuriy: Not working here19:28
JontheEchidnahad to manually kill the lock :/19:28
yuriyI didn't get a chance to, ctrl+alt+f1 took me back to KDM19:28
nixternalstdin: isn't phonon already in qt4.4?20:04
stdinnixternal: yeah, but it's not in our packages20:05
* emonkey holds Xand3rs hand ... :)21:48
* apachelogger holds emonkey's hand21:50
emonkeyO_o ahm nice and where are we three sweeties going to?21:51
apacheloggerXand3r knows...... I guess21:51
jjessequcik question, probablly for #kubuntu, but what possible problems am i going to run into if i change /bin/sh to bash instead of dash?22:57
ScottKjjesse: No problems, just it'll boot slower.23:03
ScottKjjesse: Why do you want to do that?23:03

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