
lifelessigc: lifeless is just my irc handle00:41
jambeuno: I feel bad that everytime I follow your link it calls bzr garbage01:15
beunojam, hahah, so do I  :)01:16
jambeuno: right now I'm getting a timeout trying to connect01:16
jamis it down?01:16
beunoI tend to name stuff that will need deleting _garbage01:16
beunoI'm home01:16
beunolemme get you the IP01:16
beuno(remove the "garbage" bit, may also throw off googlebot)01:18
jambeuno: when I type "robert" it selects robert for a second, then a huge list of entries, and then goes back to robert01:18
jamany idea why it "flickers" ?01:18
jambeuno: also, it doesn't seem to match "collins" as it doesn't seem to be indexing the committer name01:19
jamoh, and switching windows and switching back causes it to flicker again01:19
beunohrm, it shouldn't01:19
beunoah, yes. I know what's happening01:20
beunoI don't stop calls to the server when you type faster than 200ms per ketstroke01:21
jamI also tried "Refactoring" as I see that in a commit message right away01:21
jamand it doesn't find the rev01:21
beunoso you get delayed calls thrown at you01:21
beunoit's in my ToDo01:21
jamactually, I haven't gotten a successful hit from any of the recent commit messages01:22
jamThough it will put it in the helper list01:22
beunointeresting, I may of broken something01:22
jam'logic' worked01:22
jam'crude' did not01:23
jammaybe you just need to regenerate it?01:23
* beuno tries01:23
beunowell, running "bzr search Refactoring" from terminal works01:24
jamis it case sensitive?01:25
beunoshouldn't be, no01:25
beunook, so I'm doing something wrong in my logic, bzr-search does sent me those results01:30
lifelesswhats up?01:39
beunoLH is failing at some point, and I don't quite understand why...01:39
lifelessjam: the index is case sensitive for now - Foo vs foo in c++ is important01:40
jamlifeless: sure, but it was still failing01:40
jamI tried both forms01:40
jamanyway, I'm done for the night01:41
lifelessjam: yah, just letting you know the guts01:41
beunoyes, I'm getting back a list with sets instead of a list with strings01:41
lifelessbeuno: from search ?01:41
beunoit seems RevisionHit gives me a set, and FileTextHit a string, so I'm not showing RevisionHits01:43
lifelessbeuno: point me at your code01:43
* beuno waits for LH to load in LP01:45
beunolifeless, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~beuno/loggerhead/bzr-search_integration/annotate/argentina%40gmail.com-20080620063154-mztu3hdo7t70l781?file_id=search.py-20080614235103-lpt63f7b2drplju8-101:45
beunoline 5201:45
beunoI wonder how I managed to miss this up to now...01:45
beunoneeded a [0]01:48
beunothanks for pointing it out jam   :)01:48
beunopushing the fix now..01:49
* Peng stares at bzr-svn.01:50
lifelessbzr-svn stares back01:51
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PengIt's complaining about my svn Python bindings.01:51
lifelessbeuno: well I was complaining about funky results ;P01:51
lifelesslinkedin is such a fanboyclubthing01:52
beunolifeless, heh, right. Well, jam found the search term I could debug  :P01:52
* beuno has avoided linkedin up to now01:53
beunoanyway, search results seem coherent with the CLI01:54
jamlifeless: you are the one who asked *me* to join... and now you say it is just fanboy. I feel... dirty01:57
lifelessjam: :)01:57
lifelessjam: You're not a acquaintance rather than trusted colleague/friend01:57
lifelessjam: its folk I've met twice wanting to 'link up' than I was complaining about01:57
lifelessbeuno: cool01:58
jamIt is just that you are so amazing everyone wants to be your friend01:58
lifelessAnd I thought I had ego problems01:58
PengIf I can import svn.delta, why can't bzr-svn?01:59
PengWord of advice: don't go scattering things called "svn" around your PYTHONPATH.02:00
lifelessabsolute imports ftw02:02
PengThat wouldn't help. bzr-svn tries to import svn.delta, but found my thing instead.02:04
PengOh well. The only damage done is a little wasted CPU and disk I/O.02:06
PengSorry for the interruption. :)02:06
lifelesslol np02:10
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* Verterok wonders why utf-8 isn't used by everyone... 02:41
lifelessVerterok: oh, I wish02:45
Verteroklifeless: I have bundleBugggy running on mysql, but I have some problems with blob encodings :P02:46
beunoVerterok, really?  didn't have to change any queries for it?02:47
beunoaltright. I won't take that personal02:48
beuno(and type properly either)02:49
Verteroksorry...pushed the wrong button :P02:49
Verterokbeuno: I think the problem is in the migration code, not in BB itself or it queries02:50
beunoah, thought you already had it running02:50
beunoabentley did mention that encodings where really wierd and mixed up02:51
Verterokyes, if I don't import the mergerequests from sqlite, it work like a charm :P02:51
beunocan't you convert it as you migrate?02:51
Verterokindeed, they are02:51
Verterokbeuno: I don't know in what encoding is each blob...so I basically try:...catch: until it works :)02:52
beunoah, sounds fun02:52
Verteroktry: except02:53
* Verterok is writtin too much java code02:53
* beuno is glad he passed that on02:53
* Verterok too :)02:53
Verterokbeuno: something is wrong with the inserts in mysql, i get some warnings about data truncated... :(02:58
beunoVerterok, that's odd. Truncated for blobs?02:59
Verterokand came directly from MySQLdb module02:59
xifcongrats for MySQL switching to Bazaar.03:00
Verterokbeuno: here is the traceback http://rafb.net/p/T5fBZX72.html03:01
lifelessxif: hi, thanks03:01
xifis there any way to implement a form of locking with bzr?03:01
beunoVerterok, very odd. On the other hand, we may be able to get help from mysql now  :p03:02
xifor generally, any way to make sure no more than one developer is working on a particular file?03:02
Verterokbeuno: that would be great, but first I want to be sure I'm not doing something wrong ;)03:03
beunoVerterok, I don't see where it's been truncated there, just an encoding error03:03
Verterokoh, I wasn't clear... I get the truncate warnings when I'm running the migration script03:04
Verterokbeuno: sqlite2mysql.py:95: Warning: Data truncated for column 'text' at row 103:05
beunoVerterok, it may be worth a try changing that column's name03:05
beunoI suspect it may be a reserved name03:05
beunoso it could confuse mysql03:05
lifelessxif: no, because you can have two independent branches03:06
lifelessxif: imagine that there is only one file in your tree; two branches being independent implies concurrent editing of that file03:06
Verterokbeuno: yes, but that is the 2dn warning, the firstone is: sqlite2mysql.py:95: Warning: Data truncated for column 'patch_text' at row 103:06
beunoVerterok, ah, that throws my theory off the table   :/03:07
beunoVerterok, probably a mysql configuration03:07
xiflifeless: hm, too bad. we're trying to manage some binaries here. merging never works for that, of course. so we simply must find a way to prevent - or at least alert - when someone tries to edit a file that somebody else is working on.03:07
beuno(not helpful, I know, finishing the bzr-upload [ANN])03:07
Verterokbeuno: ok, i'll check03:08
Verterokbeuno: thanks03:08
xifI'm not sure this can't be done (at least in a "cover 90% of the need" way) by a bazaar plugin....03:08
lifelessxif: if you had a single branch, a plugin could conceptually write a file describing advisory locks03:08
lifelessxif: I suggest bringing it up on the list; may strike someone's interest.03:09
xiflifeless: yeah, that's what I was thinking too. a master branch for the binaries.03:09
beunoxif, maybe by having a similar file to .bzrignore03:09
beunoversion that03:09
beunomake sure everyone pulls03:09
beunoand write a plugin on top of that03:09
beunolooks in that file, does magic03:10
xifbeuno: yeah, sort of what I was thinking...03:10
beunothat way you could have a lock with regexes!03:10
beuno"no one else touch my jpgs"03:10
beunoor something more professional03:10
beunopre_commit hook that checks if that has been changed...03:12
beunoseems fairly possible, if someone puts some work into it03:12
* xif nods03:16
* beuno is off to the movies03:27
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lifelesshave fun beuno03:41
jshafferis there a way to copy a file and have bzr recognize it as a copy? is there a copy command?03:51
rockstarbzr cp03:52
jshafferBazaar (bzr) 1.503:53
jshafferbzr: ERROR: unknown command "cp"03:53
rockstarNevermind, thought I used that today but I didn't...03:53
lifelessjshaffer: not yet; its been discussed03:55
jshafferok. thanks03:55
teratornanyone know how to make bzr-svn work on remote SVN repositories that require authentication? I get an error: bzr: ERROR: Invalid http response for https://svn2.hosted-projects.com/Phoenix/PCP/branches/fxcm-3/.bzr/branch-format: Unable to handle http code 401: Authorization Required07:17
bob2you should be able to provide a username in the url and then get prompted for a password07:18
teratornah, I found the problem: https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+question/2417707:19
lifelessanyone looked at clearsilver ?08:05
felipecin bzr each branch has only one head, right?08:35
lifelessyes, we define branch as being a head08:38
lifelessyou can have many heads in a repository, and many branches in a repository, repositories give you storage sharing across branches08:38
felipeclifeless: I see, but a branch is a head?09:04
lifelesswell, its an entry to the graph, it doesn't acctually have to be a head09:08
felipeclifeless: ah, perhaps we have different definitions of "head"09:18
felipeclifeless: by head I mean a node with no childs09:18
lifelessyes, thats what head means09:19
lifelessso, we have two separate objects involved09:19
lifelesswe have Branch, which has a 'tip', that points into the revision graph09:19
lifelessthe revision graph is stored in a Repository. An instance of Repository is one part of the distributed database09:20
lifelessthere is no requirement that the tip of a branch be a head in the distributed database (because that would be logically inconsistent with people being able to branch and commit without affecting the source branch)09:20
lifelesswe only include revisions reachable from the tip when we do log and other operations09:21
lifelessso being a head in a graph sense really doesn't matter - it only matters for systems like git and hg that conflate branch storage with history storage09:22
lifeless(For instance, I have a repository with 13000 heads; I can make a branch from it to a new project in 0.2 seconds or so)09:23
felipeclifeless: ah, true, being a head doesn't matter09:24
felipeclifeless: in that example you would only have one head in the new branch, right?09:24
lifelessif I branched into an empty repository yes; the tip of the branch and what it references gets copied, which would leave the tip as the head (when you consider only the data in that repository)09:25
felipeclifeless: but why you say git and hg conflate branch storage with history storage?09:27
lifelesswell, its possibly more true for hg than git09:27
lifelessin hg when you have 2 heads in its history storage, it shows up as have two branches09:28
lifelessin git you have a list of 'heads' and 'refs'09:28
lifelessAFAICT they won't scale to very large numbers of branches09:29
lifeless(though it is very cheap to enumerate the branches because its in a single file)09:29
lifelessfelipec: anyhow, why were you asking whether we have more than one head per branch?09:30
felipeclifeless: in git a branch is just a pointer to a commit (a ref)09:30
felipeclifeless: I'm writing a document explaining why mtn sucks, and although I'm a git fan I want to show how things are dong in other decent DSCMs09:31
lifelessfelipec: monotones management of divergence is a little awkard09:32
felipeclifeless: I think having multiple heads in a branch is chaos09:32
lifelessso for bzr heads in teh repository is entirely unrelated to whats in a branch09:32
lifelessa branch has a tip, which is a ref to a commit; same as git09:33
lifelessbranches also have tags, which themselves are ref's to commits09:33
felipeclifeless: tags are part of the branch or the repo?09:33
lifelessfelipec: each branch has its own tags; the point into the repo09:34
lifelesss/the /they /09:34
felipecso, two branches can have a 1.0 tag, for example09:34
lifelessa concrete use case would be a single repository storing project A and project B which is a fork of A09:35
lifelessthey may both have done 1.0 releases that are different code bases.09:35
felipecyeah, I get it09:35
felipeclifeless: by the way, do you know about any reference to the internal design of bzr?09:36
lifelessbut storage is shared between their history, and any merges as well09:36
lifelessfelipec: doc/developer/, the wiki has a Classes/ sub area09:36
lifelessand there is all the docs in the code itself - docstrings09:38
felipeclifeless: I couldn't find much on doc/developer09:56
felipeclifeless: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/developers/repository.html10:47
felipeclifeless: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/developers/container-format.html10:48
felipecthat's the most similar I can find to branch representation, but not really useful10:48
AfCfelipec: obviously this is more work, but if you were to read the archive of this list over the last 18 months or so you'd find a fair amount of anecdotal information you could use towards your research.10:50
lifelesspydoc bzrlib.branch/Branch10:50
lifelesserm, bzrlib.branch.Branch, thats the Branch object10:50
AfCs/this/the Bazaar project's/10:50
lifelessfelipec: that talks about the serialization of the packs in the repository10:52
lifelessfelipec: I guess it depends on what you mean by design10:53
lifelessfelipec: we are _very_ modular10:53
lifelessfelipec: as we learn better ways of doing things we implement them10:53
lifelessfelipec: so to us design really talks about responsibilities and layers, not about disk formats per se10:54
lifelessfelipec: (in part because svn can be considered an implementation detail of bzr due to how deep bzr-svn hooks in)10:54
felipeclifeless: I thought so, so there's no way I can for example create a test application independent of bzrlib to find all the branches in a repo?10:55
felipecwithout looking at the code of bzrlib10:55
lifeless'bzr branches'10:56
lifelessbut no, no more so than you can for git or hg10:56
lifeless(I've looked at doing it independent of git's tools, and had to go to the code to get details)10:56
lifelessit doesn't seem particularly useful to me to try to pin disk details down so that other folk can implement when the code is free; anyone that wants to know can read the /actual/ spec (not a poor proxy); also they can just use the code directly in the first place.10:58
lifelessthings like bzrlib.dirstate do offer EBNF descriptions of the file format10:58
lifelessbut this isn't intended for external reimplementation (though I know that DVCS for emacs actually used that to write a parser for the dirstate)10:59
felipeclifeless: I've tried to understand the repository format by looking at bzrlib but I couldn't, I guess I will have to try harder11:04
AfCI suppose different repository implementations have different formats.11:09
lifelessfelipec: pydoc bzrlib.repofmt.pack_repo11:11
lifelessfelipec: that should get you somewhere11:11
lifelessfelipec: with our current default repository format (the best performing one to date :))11:13
AfCfelipec: to all appearances the Bazaar hackers have worked very hard to give  bzrlib a decent public face capable of manipulating arbitrary Bazaar branches, working trees, repositories etc. If you do speak Python then you'll probably do well to use bzrlib directly to ask the questions you have of a given branch.11:18
lifelessI'm off, bbiab11:42
cdlearydoes anybody know if pushing to a remote location triggers a post_pull hook at the remote location?12:57
lifelesscdleary: if you are using a recent enough bzr, and bzr+ssh, it should I think; it will certainly trigger your local bzr's post_push hook locally with the remote location as the target parameter13:27
cdlearylifeless: yeah, I was trying to avoid a push-and-update style hook, because I feel like the whole "ssh in after and clean up" thing is a little too hackish when there's a bzr instance running on the other end of the transport13:32
lifelessI hear it works quite well13:33
lifelessor you can look at bzr-upload I think it is; if you are deploying via bzr13:33
cdlearyah that's a cool plugin, but I was thinking more about modifying bzr-email to send email after pushing to a "central" branch13:35
lifelesswell, my understanding is that that is available13:36
lifelessbut you need to be using bzr+ssh so that there is a bzr process on the other end13:36
cdlearyoh, it's already available? do you know if there's a recommended way to go about doing it, or do I switch bzr-email from a post_commit to post_pull hook like I thought?13:38
Jc2kbeuno: ping13:38
lifelesscdleary: you'll need to read the list archives and recent release notes I think13:38
lifelesscdleary: it would be a post-push, not post-pull13:39
lifelesscdleary: you are pushing after all13:39
lifelessJc2k: his midnight I think13:39
lifelessJc2k: argentinian13:39
cdlearylifeless: thanks for the tips :) didn't know that post-push got triggered at both ends, and I'll go check out the lists13:40
lifelesscdleary: I'm hazy on details, I know andrew bennets was working on this, and email was one of the primary use cases13:40
lifelesssorry I can't be more useful :P13:40
Jc2klifeless: yeah i thought he'd be asleep13:40
cdlearywell if I get a solution working that's not a total hack I'll be sure to propose a merge on launchpad ;)13:41
cdlearybut if it's already done then I'm golden13:41
cdlearylifeless: (oh, and thanks for bzr-email :)13:45
lifelesscdleary: my pleasure13:47
matidHi there!14:35
matidJust wondering, what is the preferred way to set up Bazaar on the server to share a single push repo in a team of 5+ developers?14:35
matidI mean I could do with bzr+ssh, but how about permissions for different projects, etc.?14:36
db-keenThe part that isn't working is straight out of the guide14:59
PengI'm not sure, but I think install_named_hook may be pretty new. Maybe your bzr is too old.15:00
PengAlso, ew, complicated os.system().15:00
PengAlso, isn't it executing Ruby code that only executes something else and does a trivial check on the output? Python can handle that...15:02
db-keenyeah, I'm sure with a little effort I could easily convert it to python, but I don't really know python15:02
AfCmatid: what do you mean by "single push"?15:40
matidI should say a common push repository.15:40
matidSo that all devs can push to it.15:40
AfCmatid: Well if you've only got ~5 people I'm not terribly sure what you need permission barriers for, but regardless, standard unix permissions apply. If they own the repository (ie, the .bzr/repository) directory at . or .. then they can push to it.15:42
AfCIf you want them to be able to push to each others', then I'd suggest they all be in a "bzr" group or something and make the directories appropriately sticky and/or umasked.15:42
matidOK, I think I found what I was looking for...15:45
matidI had the directory chmoded 02770 but it wasn't enough to make the permissions work as I wanted them to work.15:45
matidI had to add a shell script to change umask before running bzr.15:45
jelmerteratorn, see the bzr-svn FAQ16:06
matidjelmer: Hi. You're the maintainer of bzr-svn, right?16:21
jelmermatid, yep16:21
matidjelmer: A quick question: which version of bzr is best suited for bzr-svn as of now?16:21
jelmermatid: Depends on the version of bzr-svn you're using16:21
antoranzHi guys! when is bzr 1.6 coming out?16:22
jelmermatid: There's a list on the wiki16:22
matidjelmer: I currently use bzr 1.3.1 with bzr-svn 0.4.916:23
matidjelmer: I wanted to upgrade bzr and I was wondering if it's going to break bzr-svn or not.16:23
jelmermatid: Yes, you'd have to upgrade bzr-svn as well16:23
antoranzjelmer: how about my question? :-D16:24
matidjelmer: Does bzr-svn work with 1.6 or it's 1.5 only?16:24
jelmerantoranz, Sorry, I don't know what the release plans for 1.6 are16:24
jelmermatid: 1.6 isn't out yet16:25
antoranzI saw 1.6 beta 2 was released almost 2 weeks ago. how did it go?16:25
matidjelmer: I should go with 1.5 and newest bzr-svn then, right/16:25
antoranzmatid: I guess so.16:26
jelmermatid: Yes, 0.4.1016:26
antoranzwhat repository for gutsy and hardy) do I have to enable to get the beta?16:28
antoranzor it has to be done by hand?16:29
jelmerI think you can only get it from the source tarball16:33
matidjelmer: What version of svn should I get to have bzr-svn working?16:34
matidjelmer: I upgraded bzr and bzr-svn and now I get this error: http://pastie.org/21948916:34
matidjelmer: That's after I try bzr pull on an svn branch I used to use with bzr 1.3.1 and bzr-svn 0.4.916:35
jelmermatid: That's an issue with 0.4.10 and Subversion 1.516:35
jelmerI think there's an open bug about it16:35
matidjelmer: What should I do then?16:36
jelmermatid: Use Subversion 1.4, comment out that particular assert in Subversion 1.5 or stay with bzr-svn 0.4.9 for now16:36
antoranzOK... I added the repositories for betas and release candidates16:38
matidCommenting this assert out and recompiling subversion should do the trick, right?16:38
jelmermatid, yep16:38
antoranzbut now bzr is kept from updating16:38
matidjelmer: Thanks! That fixed the issue.16:45
jelmerantoranz, how do you mean?16:46
jelmerbeuno, ping16:50
jelmeryou probably have some plugin installed that can't be upgraded17:09
jelmerbut relies on the version of bzr you have currently installed17:09
antoranzlet me see17:31
antoranzthe problem is the version of python-central17:34
antoranzbzr: Depends: python-central (>= 0.6.5) but 0.5.15ubuntu2 is to be installed17:35
antoranzany ideas?17:35
Jc2klo all18:37
Jc2ki have a launchpad question, just grabbing a link..18:38
Jc2kjelmer created https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gnome-bzr-mirror18:38
Jc2kwhich is awesome18:39
Jc2kdoes launchpad use shared repositories?18:39
Jc2ki.e. by the simple fact that bzr-mirror.gnome.org is getting mirrored by launchpad, do personal branches become really cheap?18:40
* Jc2k goes to test18:40
* fullermd dashes hopes in only 2 letters!18:41
Jc2kthat would have been wicked levels of cool18:41
=== awilkins_ is now known as awilkins
clementeHi, I'm still unable to run bzr from the bzr branch, since when I do ./bzr, it still uses the bzrlib from /usr/lib, that means the old one which was installed on the system19:02
clementeI have this problem each time I want to run a Python program without installing it...19:03
Verterokclemente: you need to modify your PYTHONPATH envvar19:03
clementeVerterok: however that doesn't work. I tried:  PYTHONPATH=/w/bzr.dev/  /w/bzr.dev/bzr fast-import  ......19:04
clementeAnd I still get in „plugins“:  bzrtools             /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bzrlib/plugins/bzrtools19:04
Verterokclemente: couldd you paste the output of YTHONPATH=/w/bzr.dev/  /w/bzr.dev/bzr version19:05
clementeBazaar (bzr) 1.6b319:05
clementeThe problem is not with the bzr executable but with bzrlib19:05
Verterokclemente: it's clearly a pythonpath issue, for some reason python is looking first in /usr/lib19:08
Verterokclemente: something is overriding your pythonpath :(19:09
clementeOk, thanks, I will search the cause19:10
Verterokclemente: sorry I can give you more help with this issue19:11
trois there any way to convert a rich-root-pack repo into a pack-0.9820:09
Jc2kcreate a brand new repo as pack-0.98 and pull from the old one to the new one?20:12
jelmertro: No, that's not possible20:13
jelmer(I think you mean pack-0.92, btw)20:13
troright. 0.9220:18
trolooks like this branch i'm working with was imported using bzr-svn20:18
troi guess it uses rich-root-pack by default?20:18
jelmertro: Yep20:18
jelmertro: rich-root-pack will hopefully become the defualt format in bzr 1.620:19
trohmm ... so how will people upgrade from pack-0.92?20:19
jelmer"bzr upgrade --rich-root-pack" will upgrade a branch20:21
trodoes the same go for shared repos? i'm setting one up right now20:23
jelmertro: yep20:37
jelmertro: You can also create a rrp one using "bzr init-repo --rich-root-pack" (saves you an upgrade)20:38
trojelmer: so if i run that command on a shared-repo, will all the branches it hosts be converted as well?20:38
jelmertro: yes20:39
eMxyzptlkHey guys, is there an alternative to "darcs amend-record" ??21:15
eMxyzptlkIf you don't know what it means well it will record new changes under the old revision..21:16
eMxyzptlkAdd to it not replace it21:16
lifelesseMxyzptlk: no there is not, because in a distributed database a revision id needs to have a single unique value22:40
eMxyzptlklifeless, ah ok22:40
lifelesseMxyzptlk: however, you can for the mst recent commit do 'bzr uncommit; bzr commit' to pop off the last commit and then make a new one22:41
eMxyzptlklifeless, thanks anyway :)22:41
eMxyzptlklifeless, yea that's what I am actually doing right now22:41
eMxyzptlklifeless, but it would be nice to create something that does this ( maybe a plugin ), it saves me time copying/pasting the log of the commit22:42
* Verterok dances23:03
VerterokBB now runs on mysql :D23:03
lifelessVerterok: cool23:18
lifelessbeuno: hi23:18
Verterokhi, lifeless23:18
VerterokI finally won the encodings battle :P23:19
beunohey lifeless23:19
beunoVerterok, oh, yay!  does that mean BB working with MySQL?23:19
Verterokbeuno: yep :D23:19
beunooh, very cool23:19
beunois it reproducable?  the migration I mean23:20
Verterokbeuno: it should, I'm writting the README ATM23:20
beunoVerterok, push to LP, mail the list!  ;)23:21
Verterokbeuno: there is only one unresolved issue, that odd warning about "data truncated" in a blob :P23:22
VerterokI'll push to LP as soon I finish the docs..23:23
beunoVerterok, ah. Have you mean able to track down if it actually removes data or not?23:23
Verteroknot yet, I focued on fighting against encoding errors :)23:24
Verterokbeuno: next iteration is to track down the warning23:24
beunoVerterok, congrats!23:25
Verterokthx beuno23:25
fullermdWell, blob/text only store 65k...   bundles can get bigger than that fairly commonly.23:26
Jc2klo beuno23:26
fullermdYou can get 16 meg in a mediumblob, which is probably enough.  But might as well just go to the 4 gig in longblob.23:26
lifelessjelmer: around?23:27
jelmerlifeless, jup23:27
Verterokfullermd: thanks for the tip23:27
lifelessbeuno: have you show jelmer loggerhead-super-search?23:27
* Verterok cheking what kind of blob is using23:27
beunolifeless, I don't think so...23:28
lifelessbeuno: got time to run up your demo ?23:28
beunolifeless, I left it up. Googlebot keeps trying revids  :p23:29
beunohey Jc2k23:29
* Verterok waves fullermd (0 warnings)23:29
Verterokfullermd: thanks!! it worked like a charm23:29
lifelessjelmer: go to that url, and type into the search box23:29
* fullermd has his uses 8-}23:30
beunoJc2k, did you get my ping yesterday?23:30
Jc2kbeuno: yes. im using the wsgi-ify branch, and our priorities are clean urls and any of bkors bug reports that are possible. and i want it to look GNOMEy. :p23:31
Jc2ki cant think much more than that right now23:31
* Jc2k is ready to pass out23:31
jelmerwow, works nicely :-)23:32
lifelessJc2k: I believe wsgify is in trunk now23:32
beunoJc2k, clean urls and wsgi and other fixes have been merged intro trunk23:32
lifelessjelmer: thats 'how complete' bzr-search is :)23:32
beunoJc2k, if you pull from there, you should have all of it.23:32
beunoI'll start playing to get it looking gnomish23:32
jelmerlifeless: Does it work without loggerhead as well?23:32
lifelessjelmer: grab the plugin and give it a whirl :)23:33
lifelessjelmer: clearly, you have not done so :)23:33
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lifelessjelmer: it can index about 6MB/minute at the moment23:36
lifeless(it did a 509MB code base - launchpad - in 80 minutes)23:36
Jc2kbeuno: cleaner urls, i should have said even cleaner urls ;)23:38
Jc2kbeuno: http://bzr-mirror.gnome.org:9876/conduit/trunk/annotate/1445?file_id=276%401811c9d2-c306-0410-a128-ae57aa55c946%3Atrunk%3AChangeLog23:38
beunoJc2k, ah, file paths instead of fileids. Gotcha. That can get tricky, but I'll see what I can do  :)23:38
Jc2kit would be nice to be able to have discovarable links like /conduit/trunk/ChangeLog :)23:39
lifelessJc2k: I think you mean predictable23:40
lifelessJc2k: or guessable23:40
lifelessJc2k: (I agree, having such links is important)23:40
beunoyes it would. Just have to figure out a good way for weird characters not to come back and bite us. Maybe I can add it as an experimental feature off by default23:40
lifelessbeuno: weird characters?23:40
beunolifeless, in filenames23:40
beunopassing them through URLs23:41
beunoapart from that, it should be easy23:41
lifelessbeuno: so, output urls as utf823:43
lifelessbeuno: decode as utf8, failure to decode is a 40423:43
beunolifeless, yes. I'm just not sure if that would be good enough to go on by default. I'll get it done, and see what mwhudson thinks, he's looked into that before23:45
beunoit may have been a cherrypy limitation, which we already got rid of23:45
lifelessits a std66 recommendation FWIW23:45
lifelessinternally paths are unicode to bzrlib23:46
lifelessso url = urlescape(path.encode('utf8'))23:46
lifelessand the reverse is urlunescape.decode('utf8')23:46
lifelessif framework foo is doing some or all of that for you, thats fine23:46
beunosounds simple enough. Jc2k may get everything he wants then  :)23:47
lifelessthe only failure mode is clients who guess at a url and are using a different encoding (e.g. utf16, or non-latin* or cpWHACKO)23:48
lifelessif they guess though, thats where I suggest 404;23:48
lifeless_most_ unix clients will be using utf823:48
lifelessand I think many browsers transcode to utf8 when you type in a url, because its such a common case23:49
lifeless(though if they do that they do make it hard to actually go to a url hosted by e.g. a russian windows user)23:49
lifeless(which btw is one thing that really bites about standard 66) - 'undefined' is firmly entrenched as far as 'what charset was this url encoded as'23:50
beunoI suppose that if it gets complicated, we can allow generating fileids instead. It's just a matter of what we leave on by default, as both can work always, we just present on or the other to the user in links23:52
lifelesswell, users can always browse to a url23:52
lifelessstart at the root and client down, even the biggest code base should be only a few clicks to get to a path; then they can copy the bit of the url they want23:53
lifelesscopy and paste is good at preserving stuff :)23:53
beunoTrue. I'll poke mwhudson on monday in case he already has a good reason why it isn't as straightforward23:55
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