
santiago-veHi guys, Josh  Berkus, from the postgreSQL core team is asking for press contacts from cannonical... can anyone give a hand on this?00:40
Jucatosantiago-ve: I think there's a #canonical channel populated by employees (not 100% sure though)00:42
santiago-veJucato, tried to log in there... but chanel got moved... to some other place00:43
santiago-veand https://wiki.canonical.com/MessagingSystems/InternalIRC is password protected :p00:43
JucatoRiddell might know... but he might be sleeping00:43
Jucatoheh postgreSQL... just after the mySQL announcement :)00:44
santiago-venixternal, i read about your new membership on the KDE comunity! congratulations00:45
santiago-veJucato,  about moving to bazaar?00:45
Jucatosantiago-ve: yeah00:46
santiago-veRiddell, ping00:56
JontheEchidnaAny pyqt elites around that could help me with a bug? http://paste.ubuntu.com/21700/01:20
JontheEchidnaIf you start the timer, then stop it, then start it again, the timer display will go up 2 seconds each second, and 3 seconds each second the third time01:21
JontheEchidnaI think updateTimer is getting called twice a second01:22
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Hobbseesantiago-ve: try jono or jcastro for that.02:53
Hobbseeeither of them can repoint02:53
santiago-veHobbsee, thanks, will do02:54
santiago-veJucato, ping03:12
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EagleScreeni have created a new servicemenu for D3lphin, i have putted it into src/servicemenus in sources, i have compiles a new .deb with pbuild, and the result is that my new package does not install my new servicemenu to /usr/share/apps/delphin/servicemenus17:35
EagleScreenhelp me please17:39
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nixternalwth is the kdm cache located? trying to fix my kdm and I cannot find the cache for the life of me19:13
* DaskreecH showers nixternal in kake19:40
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=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK
nixternalanyone else have problems when using encrypted file systems at all?19:48
nixternalI have encrypted my work laptop's /home and swap partitions, and I experience stuff I don't ever remember experiencing with KDE 319:49
nixternalie. kmenuedit doesn't work19:49
nixternalie. kdm themes do not work19:49
DaskreecHdoesit it work without encryption19:49
DaskreecH I actually haven't tried it in 419:49
nixternalI am using KDE 3 on my work laptop19:49
DaskreecHoh well yeah that's funky but not groovy19:50
DaskreecHnixternal: Shouldn't the encryption be invisible?20:15
nixternalone would think20:15
nixternalbut I cannot change my kdm themes using System Settings or KControl...have to do them manually in /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc20:16
blueyednixternal: I've added cryptsetup/luks encryption to my system lately.. no problems re kde 3.520:16
blueyed..and yes, it should be "invisible" to the apps20:16
nixternalblueyed: ya, I am not sure it is encrypted related, or nixternal related because I haven't used KDE 3 in such a long time20:16
nixternalhowever, I am finding bug after bug with KDE 3 :)20:17
blueyedProbably something else broke..20:17
DaskreecHnixternal: What? Icons != SVG20:18
DaskreecHGoogle isn't allowed to use ruby?20:20
Xand3rhi Riddell do you need some help with the merge?20:48
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: Did that qt packaging issue get resolved?21:10
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: just give it a try21:10
apacheloggershould be built by now21:10
* JontheEchidna wasn't running intrepid21:10
DaskreecH /me needs to figure out an intrepid migration plan21:11
* apachelogger needs to figure out a plan on how to not end up with a broken installation all the time ;-)21:12
DaskreecHuse debian stable \o/21:14
apacheloggerI think not using intrepid would be enough21:14
Tm_Thardy and svn builds here21:15
apacheloggerbut hey, who wants to use hardy21:15
JontheEchidnaMy intrepid parition is borked pretty bafd21:15
JontheEchidna*bad, even21:15
DaskreecHI've almost never had problems with a +121:17
DaskreecH except gutsy21:17
DaskreecHbloody Gutsy21:17
DaskreecHCourse I normally have a migration plan instead of walking into work one day and saying I wonder how the server would work on gutsy21:20
* apachelogger prepares his workspace for complete reinstallation21:21
DaskreecHapachelogger: intrepid?21:34
DaskreecHis there a tentative date for Koffice?21:34
apacheloggerDaskreecH: vista21:34
DaskreecHI see a listing for the pre-releases but nothing for the expected release21:34
* DaskreecH shies away21:35
DaskreecHapachelogger: How can you call it workspace?21:36
* DaskreecH can't get work done in Vista for anything21:40
jjesseDaskreecH: i use vista all the time with no problesm what's happening?21:40
stdinhmm, what are .installgen files for? (or what do they do?) I can't find any docs on it21:40
* apachelogger is using vista also all the time21:40
DaskreecHIt slows to a crawl when it starts then it gets fast for about 1.5 - 2 hours21:41
DaskreecH then back to sloooooow21:41
jjessethat's wierd21:41
apacheloggerstdin: maybe some homebrewn file, generating the actual .install files or something?21:41
jjessewhat version of vista are you using, do you have sp1 installed?21:41
stdinapachelogger: they are in the kde4 packages (4.1)21:42
apacheloggerstdin: did you check the cdbs stuff whether they get processed there?21:43
apacheloggerlooking at http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-kde-commits/2008-April/009872.html they are almost certainly templates for the actual .install files21:44
stdinI can't see anything in the cdbs dir about it21:45
apacheloggerstdin: you could ask in debian-qt-kde21:46
apacheloggerI never stumbled upon such a file21:46
stdinme either21:46
JontheEchidnahttp://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=plasma-am4rok <-If anyone is in the revu-y mood, review please. :)22:13
stdinJontheEchidna: why not use our debian/cdbs files?22:16
JontheEchidnaBecause I know how to use debhelper? :P I never learned cdbs22:17
stdinthe debian/rules file is just "include debian/cdbs/kde.mk" ;)22:17
JontheEchidnaoo, maybe I should learn it then...22:18
stdincdbs can be more complicated, but for "other" kde4 packages, that line usually is all that's needed22:19
stdinjust grab the debian/cdbs dir from kde4libs22:19
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