
keesbryce: sure, one sec00:02
keesafter only a quick look, that select just means it's expecting to read data from one of the pipes00:06
keessome kind of race condition resulting in both processes getting blocked00:06
keesI'd probably need to read up a lot more on dbus to be useful, I'm afraid.00:06
cody-somervillekees, It is the bilateral X socket00:09
cody-somervilleboth dbus-launch and xfce4-session get stuck00:10
cody-somervillekilling dbus-launch releases the dead lock00:10
cody-somervilleso I would agree a race condition00:10
keesI bet killing xfce4-session release the deadlock too.  ;)  but it's not a dbus pipe?00:10
cody-somervillekees, well, the fd is created by libxcb for the purpose of returning said connection to X00:12
cody-somervilleso I assume it is bilateral X connection00:12
brycecody-somerville: until we get the libxcb issue sorted, could you join and lurk on #ubuntu-x?  tjaalton and/or jcristau may be in a better position to give advice.00:36
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YokoZarHow do I add something to the sync blacklist?03:24
cody-somervilleI imagine you'd request it from an archive admin03:25
ScottK-laptopYokoZar: Generally it's done in conjunction with package removal requests.03:25
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slangasek  op_backend->mount_source = NULL;04:21
slangasek  if (res != 0)04:21
slangasek    {04:21
slangasek      /* TODO: Error from errno? */04:21
slangasek      op_backend->mount_source = NULL;04:21
slangasekahhh, confidence-inspiring04:21
lamonthrm... I guess I'd better work on my merges, eh?04:34
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
evocallaghaGot a mate trying to install Ubuntu 8.04 on a AMD x86 box with VIA chipset, CD passes its md5sum so we know its not that, we passed noapci acpi=off noapic and tried a different CD rom drive. After GRUB the CD hangs on "Kernel 100%". Anyone know what _could_ be going on ?06:29
evocallaghaSorry to ask here, #ubuntu is filled with people without a clue :/06:29
BenCevocallagha: I'm guessing, but I'd say you need to wait longer06:41
BenCevocallagha: and removing "quiet splash" from the command line might help06:41
evocallaghaBenC:ok thanks you, I he did say he waited06:42
evocallaghaI think "quiet splash" is the key I was looking for, as I don't have the box in front of me, it makes it a bit harder over the phone06:43
evocallaghaAfter about 3mins he says it comes up with 8042809F06:45
evocallaghaNo scrolling text from the kernel after its unpacked so it would seem06:46
evocallaghaIO error06:47
evocallaghaI asked him to change the CDROM drive and burn another copy. However, I am rather perpelexed by this.06:49
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linux4everhello. is there anybody from the real ubuntu-team?19:28
linux4everdoes anyone of you know a good tool to remaster ubuntu?19:30
=== ScottK is now known as ScottK2
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK
=== DrKranz is now known as DktrKranz
AstralJavaHey gang, where can I find latest updates (for Gutsy)? I'm having a problem that occurred after installing the latest updates, the problem is that root filesystem cannot be found.20:30
AstralJava*list of latest updates20:30
Chipzz_1) this is not a support channel20:33
Chipzz_2) it's a weekend20:33
Chipzz_3) try booting with your previous kernel if it's still installed20:33
AstralJavaActually I'm not expecting any more support except the thing I asked first. I'm well aware of the nature of the channel.20:35
Chipzz_I heard something fly by about latest kernels being unbootable, but I thought that was intrepid20:36
=== Chipzz_ is now known as Chipzz
Chipzzso the issue may possibly be known20:37
AstralJavaDoesn't look like it, this is a Gutsy system.20:37
AstralJavaYeah okay, thanks.20:37
Chipzzyou could always try to ask in #ubuntu-kernel20:37
AstralJavaStill, do you know of a link or any such thing, that contains latest updates?20:37
Chipzzbut again keep in mind that it's a weekend20:37
AstralJavaAlright will do.20:37
AstralJavaNot a problem. :)20:37
AstralJavaI can work around this, just interested in helping out if possible.20:38
Chipzzyou could also file a bug in launchpad20:38
Chipzzbut make sure to do it against the correct kernel version and ubuntu release then20:38
AstralJavaI'll do that, I'd just gather up some more information ahead.20:39
AstralJavaSure, will do.20:39
Chipzzas far as the latest updates go20:40
Amaranththis EC GPE storm thing is annoying20:40
Chipzzthat depends on what's in /etc/apt/sources.list (or other files in that dir)20:40
Amaranthpoll mode for my volume and brightness keys makes me sad20:40
Chipzzlicensing issues make me sad20:41
AmaranthChipzz: the 2.6.26-2-generic kernel in intrepid boots fine20:41
AmaranthI've even got nvidia :)20:41
* Chipzz rebuilding apache against mysql because if apache license and gpl being incompatible20:41
Chipzzs/if //20:42
Chipzzs/if /of /20:42
Chipzzrather :P20:42
Amaranthmysql isn't using gpl3?20:42
Amaranthi thought they were one of the first to switch20:42
sorenOh, the horror!21:16
sorenpulseaudio uses my internal pc speaker by default in Intrepid.21:17
sorenI didn't even know I had one, so it freaked me out *BIG* time.21:17
crimsun_already worked around in the alsa-driver source.21:17
sorenSince when?21:18
crimsun_since 1.0.16-1.1ubuntu121:18
crimsun_alsa-base: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base21:19
sorenI'm already at that version.21:19
sorenAnd yes, I've got:21:19
sorenoptions snd-pcsp index=-221:19
crimsun_soren: need alsa-info.sh output and pulseaudio -vv output pastebinned.21:20
crimsun_(you'd need to kill the latter and invoke it as such)21:20
sorenOh, so that was what that horrible, horrible sound was when I booted!21:21
sorenI thought one of my drives was horribly, horribly broken, but it was probably just the login sound playing through the pc speaker.21:22
sorencrimsun_: Where do I find this alsa-info.sh?21:23
sorenOh, sorry.21:23
nxvlsoren: does u-vm-b already support debian? or it's doable to make it support debian?21:26
sorennxvl: I'm working on a new version that will do Debian, too.21:26
nxvlsoren: branch?21:26
nxvlif you have some time, can you please take a look at agueas: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=augeas21:27
sorencrimsun_: and http://pastebin.ca/105262921:28
sorennxvl: Wow, what a coincidence. I was just reading augeas's website.21:28
sorennxvl: It's not public yet. There's a few things I want to sort out first. Monday or Tuesday.21:28
nxvlwell it's already packaged21:28
nxvlit just need review21:28
nxvlyou are also a DD, don't you?21:29
Lightkeywanna know my cup size too?21:30
crimsun_soren: ok, thanks.  I'll patch that in pulseaudio.21:31
sorencrimsun_: Cool. Thanks!21:31
sorencrimsun_: For now, I've just unloaded that module to restore my sanity.21:31
crimsun_On first boot, it makes sense to not default to the speaker if another device is available.  The user can always choose to default to the speaker.21:32
nxvlsoren: well, then just review the ubuntu version of the package please21:36
sorennxvl: I'll take a look.21:38
sorennxvl: I get almost empty packages when I try to build it.21:40
sorennxvl: Let's go to #ubuntu-motu..21:41
s0ullighthello i'm making a .deb for the xmms package since it is often asked but i can't serve it is someone interested?22:09
lagas0ullight: use the PPA service in launchpad22:10
s0ullighti'll take a look after the .deb is completed :D22:10
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bimberis0ullight: https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart22:36
s0ullightthe .deb isn't finished yet :( :P22:36
s0ullighta cflag is like --prefix=/usr right?22:44
s0ullightbecause the only difference is that during the ./configure22:45
virtualdno a CFLAG is like -gg -DWHATEVER\=something22:46
s0ullightwell i have this exception ./configure --prefix=/usr where in the rules file do i have to make a change?22:47
jlduggeranyone like TAOCP?22:52
s0ullighttail: cannot open `debian/changelog' for reading: No such file or directory22:56
s0ullightdpkg-buildpackage: failure: tail of debian/changelog gave error exit status 122:56
s0ullightbut the changelog file is there :&22:56

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