
driedspongeclose mythtvfrontend, start a terminal, and run mythtvfrontend from the terminal00:00
driedspongethen, when you go through adn try to view the video, an error should print out in the terminal00:01
driedspongeand you can use that to figure out what issue you are having.00:01
prodigeldriedsponge: I'm running it from terminal, and the only error I see is infrared related(not much of a worry for now).00:07
tgm4883_laptopdriedsponge, that will only show frontend related errors00:08
tgm4883_laptopprodigel, please pastebin your /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log file00:08
driedspongei just solved that problem a few days ago, and that's how I solved it.00:10
driedspongedon't remember what the actual issue was though.00:10
driedspongei know there's a few it could be from the forums I combed through.00:11
tgm4883_laptopdriedsponge, can't help you without the log00:11
driedspongein any case, does anyone know how to delay the startup of mythfrontend for a few seconds?00:11
driedspongecurrently, it seems to be starting up faster than the network card can authenticate00:12
driedspongeso at startup, it doesn't see the backend.00:12
driedspongei close it, and restart it (once the network authenticates) and everything works fine.00:13
driedspongeit's a frontend box that uses wireless internet.00:13
prodigeltgm4883_laptop: http://pastebin.com/m86566e900:13
prodigeltgm4883_laptop: it's not all, I have lots of "QSqlQuery::exec: database not open" but I presume that's solved now00:14
prodigeltgm4883_laptop: those are the last lines00:14
tgm4883_laptopprodigel, did you follow any guide to set this up?00:15
tgm4883_laptopI ask because this is the third time I have seen this exact problem00:15
prodigeltgm4883_laptop: yes, this one http://www.parker1.co.uk/mythtv_ubuntu.php00:15
prodigeltgm4883_laptop: more or less, not all that's there seemed to fit my case00:16
tgm4883_laptopdriedsponge, you shouldn't need to exit and restart the frontend for that00:16
tgm4883_laptopprodigel, the problem is that your recording directory is inside your home directory00:16
tgm4883_laptopwhich is bad00:16
prodigeltgm4883_laptop: that can be changed :)00:17
prodigeltgm4883_laptop: can it?00:17
driedspongewhen the frontend tries to connect and doesn't see the backend, it goes into a configuration screen instead.00:17
hadstgm4883_laptop: Why is that bad?00:17
tgm4883_laptophads, are you running that way?00:17
hadstgm4883_laptop: No, definitly not, just wondering why that would be bad.00:18
tgm4883_laptophads, it's a permission problem.  The backend won't be able to create the recording file00:18
tgm4883_laptopin order to make it work you have to open up your home directory for the mythtv user00:19
hadsI see.00:19
tgm4883_laptopso then everyone in the mythtv group can see your stuff00:19
tgm4883_laptopmuch better to just mount it at /mythtv/recordings00:19
prodigeltgm4883_laptop: I'll change that now00:19
tgm4883_laptopprodigel, how is your partitioning setup?00:19
prodigelI have some extra ext3 part. where I can create a directory only for myth00:20
hadstgm4883_laptop: I'm used to running a custom system, forgot that the packages run the backend as mythtv00:20
tgm4883_laptopwell I myself mount the recordings drive at /mythtv/recordings/ovit500/00:20
hadsMine are at /mnt/livetv and /mnt/recordings00:21
tgm4883_laptopi am not a fan of the default /var/lib/mythtv/recordings location00:21
tgm4883_laptopprodigel, do you have a seperate drive/partition just for mythtv recordings?00:22
prodigeltgm4883_laptop: You were right, now it works00:24
tgm4883_laptopwell it helps to have seen the problem before ;)00:25
prodigeltgm4883_laptop: tell me pls how does it work? I've set up for now a directory with full permissions, I'll watch later for group/user stuff. I just want to watch tv, no recording. Can I configure it not to store data on my harddrive?00:25
tgm4883_laptopnot with mythtv, you will need the show recorded for ff/rewind/pause capabilities00:27
prodigeltgm4883_laptop: one last lazy question: how do I switch channels from keyboard ? :D00:28
tgm4883_laptopdepending on your tuner card you could use a different program such as TVtime00:28
tgm4883_laptoparrow keys?00:28
tgm4883_laptopor you could hit M and go to the guide00:28
hadsShould the the guide00:29
hadserm, should be the guide00:30
prodigeltgm4883_laptop: thanks for all. now I know where to ask for help about mythtv. have a good day/night.00:30
ZinnSorry I don't know about hardware03:09
ZinnSorry I don't know about video03:09
ZinnSorry I don't know about anything03:10
pteague!being an intelligent life form03:11
ZinnSorry I don't know about being an intelligent life form03:11
ZinnSorry I don't know about nvidia03:11
ZinnSorry I don't know about pteague03:27
pteaguei'm looking at http://www.newegg.com/Product/Productcompare.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=2010380048%201069609642%201419530408&bop=And&Order=PRICE&CompareItemList=N82E16814139174%2CN82E16814139143 & wondering if either would work well on front end... tv is currently composite03:29
jumpkickwhen I start mythbuntu, the volume is really low, even when I boost it to 100%04:47
jumpkickis there a lower level mixer control that I can use on it?04:47
tgm4883_laptopjumpkick, alsamixer04:48
tgm4883_laptopjumpkick, also, what ever happened to your server?04:48
jumpkicktgm4883_laptop: you guys moved off to another server04:50
jumpkickin December the stats dropped off04:50
jumpkickDNS pointed to another box04:50
jumpkickthat could host downloads04:50
jumpkickI guess04:50
tgm4883_laptopjumpkick, none of us have access to the box04:51
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, lost his credentials04:51
jumpkickthe new box?04:51
jumpkickor my box04:51
tgm4883_laptopyour box04:51
jumpkickit got formatted04:51
jumpkickyou guys weren't using it and it needed to be upgraded04:51
tgm4883_laptopplus, none of us have contact info for you04:51
tgm4883_laptopthats fine04:52
tgm4883_laptopwas just wondering04:52
tgm4883_laptopuse alsamixer and you should be able to boost your audio04:52
jumpkicksuperm1 should have my email somewhere04:52
tgm4883_laptopyou can also tell your recording profile to record the audio at a higher level04:52
superm1who is this illusive superm1 you guys speak of?04:52
tgm4883_laptophe's some punk that thinks he runs the joint ;)04:52
superm1tgm4883_laptop, do we need jumpkick's box again?04:53
superm1i dont keep up with mirrors and stuff04:53
tgm4883_laptopafaik, no04:53
jumpkickdidn't I mail you back when you moved off?04:53
tgm4883_laptopis it 64 bit?04:53
tgm4883_laptopDaviey, ping04:53
superm1jumpkick, yeah you did probably, but my mail is a mess now04:53
superm1i'm really far behind on sorting it04:54
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, plus it's hard to read on that smaller screen ;)04:54
jumpkick tgm4883_laptop, it's 64bit, it's where we build mixxx 64-bit nightlys -  http://mixxx.org/nightly/04:54
jumpkickmy signal is crap... hdtv pops... :(04:54
superm1jumpkick, could we use it for generating 64 bit iso's every so often then you think?04:55
tgm4883_laptopor for dailies?04:55
jumpkick/dev/sda1             9.4G  8.0G  953M  90% /04:55
jumpkicklikely not04:56
jumpkickbandwidth was the only reason I didn't let you guys host downloads on my box before04:56
jumpkickI get 100GBs a month total transfer04:56
superm1yeah i remember04:56
q_a_z_steveHey. Silly question, but I really do need an answer, can I use a DirecTV DVR with Comcast service?04:57
superm1i think nowadays we've got enough mirroring, just needed somewhere to build the isos consistently04:57
tgm4883_laptopq_a_z_steve, no04:57
jumpkicksuperm1, if I had the space I'd let you do it on my box...   I certainly benefit from the 64-bit isos... :P04:57
superm1jumpkick, yeah a 64 bit box somewhere could allow generation of amd64, lpia and i386 for 8.10 :)04:58
jumpkickpop-click-pop.... :'(04:58
superm1tgm4883_laptop, small screen?  i use an LCD monitor that is 1280x102404:59
superm1that's not too small04:59
tgm4883_laptopi meant your new mini laptop ;)04:59
tgm4883_laptopyou are telling me your new mini laptop has a screen res of that05:00
q_a_z_stevetgm4883_laptop:  Any evidence to back that up?05:00
tgm4883_laptopin which case, i'm kinda disappointed it's not widescreen05:00
tgm4883_laptopq_a_z_steve, how is your directv dvr going to get channel guide info?05:00
q_a_z_stevedoes it need it? I really just want to use the thing as a dummy vcr...05:01
tgm4883_laptopq_a_z_steve, i would bet that without the directv service that it is disabled05:02
tgm4883_laptopis it a new one or an old directivo?05:03
tgm4883_laptopbetter yet05:03
tgm4883_laptopwhats your model number05:03
tgm4883_laptopoh hehe05:14
tgm4883_laptopI'm dumb05:14
tgm4883_laptopq_a_z_steve, no you cannot use it05:14
tgm4883_laptopnot with comcast anyway05:14
tgm4883_laptoponly with directv05:14
q_a_z_steveeven if I get a dummy access card or anything? I have Digital Basic Comcast...05:24
jumpkickshizzle...  hdhomerun + 8.04 freezes after a while...  box is okay, but mythtv is toast... time to check some logs05:26
q_a_z_steveeven if I hook it up with the SAT connections as opposed to the RF?05:28
jumpkicknothing obvious... :(05:28
ChrisC35can anyone help me setting up for 1st time. I can scan for channels, but back in myth front end when I click watch tv, nothing happens, just back to menu05:44
darthanubisagain, totem mythtv plugin06:09
darthanubishow can I get past error 311?06:10
darthanubisWill anyone pay this "bug" attention?06:10
ChrisC35no one is really here06:10
ChrisC35its friday night06:10
ChrisC35people have a life\06:10
ChrisC35unlike me06:10
darthanubisBug #23780106:11
Bob24helo all!07:44
Bob24I having some problems with the video driver on mythbuntu. It has always been working. But know the last time i rebooted the machine, it said it is in low graphics mode and flickers like crazy on my tv. When i try to enable restricted drivers in ticks it, it then asks to reboot, i reboot and i still get the same problem. Running in low graphics mode. Any suggestions please? I got no idea wat has just happend. I have changed noth07:47
Bob25I having some problems with the video driver on mythbuntu. It has always been working. But know the last time i rebooted the machine, it said it is in low graphics mode and flickers like crazy on my tv. When i try to enable restricted drivers in ticks it, it then asks to reboot, i reboot and i still get the same problem. Running in low graphics mode. Any suggestions please? I got no idea wat has just happend. I have changed noth07:56
Bob24anyone here?08:48
lagathey're all gone08:49
Bob24again hmm08:49
Bob24laga can u help me then?08:49
Bob24I having some problems with the video driver on mythbuntu. It has always been working. But know the last time i rebooted the machine, it said it is in low graphics mode and flickers like crazy on my tv. When i try to enable restricted drivers in ticks it, it then asks to reboot, i reboot and i still get the same problem. Running in low graphics mode. Any suggestions please? I got no idea wat has just happend. I have changed noth08:50
laganope, i gotta run now. but someone else will be able to help you i guess08:50
Davieytgm4883_laptop: pong09:02
prodigelHi all. I'm having some problems running mythtvfrontend. Fist on my mythbackend computer I don't have control, second on my laptop computer (no backend installed I don't have sound) and on both it seems to move rahter slow.09:29
xukun_I have usb spdif sound card in mythbuntu. How can I tell mythbuntu to use this card and not the onboard?09:44
darthanubismysqldump: Got error: 145: Table './mythconverg/upnpmedia' is marked as crashed and should be repaired when using LOCK TABLES15:31
tplaguemorning anyone here to lend a hand on some questions?15:46
tplaguemy mythtv backend wont start form script15:48
tplaguebut if i do it at a comand prompt under SU i can start it no problme15:48
=== protonchris_ is now known as protonchris
tafkaz_73hi there. on a new installation i saw that in mythstream there is appletrailers now...17:27
tafkaz_73i dont have that in my installation although i use the newest weekly build too...so i guess this is because my settings for mythstream17:28
tafkaz_73do you know an easy way to reset the mythstream settings only ?17:28
tgm4883_laptophit 0, then 917:28
tafkaz_73my settings there are really nothing of importance so i guess it would be easy to start from scratch17:29
tgm4883_laptophit 0, then 917:29
tafkaz_73in mythstream itself or in the setting dialogue17:29
tgm4883_laptopmythstream itself17:29
tafkaz_73tgm4883_laptop, great i will instantly try so17:29
tafkaz_73this was so easy !17:30
tafkaz_73i guess i will have to try to learn a little more about mythstream17:31
tafkaz_73i use it pretty often but i never understood how to really handle it17:31
tgm4883_laptopeventually it will be different and should appear in the main part17:31
tgm4883_laptopIIRC, the youtube parser is out of date17:31
tafkaz_73no its allready there17:31
tgm4883_laptopand perhaps a few others17:31
tafkaz_73just cool thanx17:31
tafkaz_73is there a good and easy manual about mythstream ?17:32
tafkaz_73i find its usabillity a little sztrange17:32
tgm4883_laptoperr, I don't think so.  You could check the authors website17:32
tafkaz_73i will17:32
tafkaz_73its just so different to use17:33
tafkaz_73but as i am here...17:34
tafkaz_73on the other box i have an lcd-display wich i can use with lcdproc17:34
tafkaz_73does anyone know the problem, that after mythfrontend allready successfully uses the lcdproc to and sends mesages, after a little while the default lcdproc message is shown again ?17:35
tafkaz_73mythtvs output then comes up again if i change to live tv or something17:36
tafkaz_73yeah...i knew this was too special !17:45
TelnetMantaI have a problem suddenly with livetv on some channels in myth. When watching a channel the audio is all digital sounding, crackly, no way to hear anything. But when watching the mpg file with mplayer for instance it sounds fine.18:38
TelnetManta I also get the same sound watching a DVD in myth.18:38
pferrelhaving trouble with lirc19:05
pferrelworked in 7.10 and stopped sometime afer 8.04 upgrade19:05
pferrelirw returns nothing, any ideas19:05
pferrelirw returns right away the first time then returns connection refused the second time19:08
pferrelhave I screwed up my device naming, /dev/lirc/0 vs /dev/lirc0 ?19:08
pferrelI'm using lirc0.8.3pre1  is there a later version in a package somewhere?19:12
superm1try to dpkg-reconfigure lirc pferrel19:36
superm1reselect your remote19:36
pferrelsuperm: have done that19:36
pferrelshould I try an upgrade to the release of lirc 0.8.319:38
pferrelam using command IR receiver and an old MCE remote19:39
pferrelok well here goes nothing, upgrading to lirc 0.8.3 release from the lirc tar19:49
chuckfhere's a question. I just switched to Mythbuntu from Knoppmyth. There are two features that I want to implement but am unsure how to in Mythbuntu (that I liked in Knoppmyth)19:54
chuckfFirst is resuming a video after stopping it from the same spot. the latest knoppmyth supports this but mythbuntu does not, is there a way to get this implemented?19:54
chuckfThe second is how can I access the democracy (it's a new name but cannot recall it) player from the myth screens? Currently I have to drop out to my desktop19:55
tgm4883_laptopchuckf, #1 does exist19:57
chuckfhow do I implement it?19:57
tgm4883_laptopyou hit (i forget which key) and it puts a save point19:57
tgm4883_laptopit's the ok on my MCEUSB2 :)19:57
chuckfunder knoppmyth it was automagical, no keys needed19:57
tplagueloved knopmyth19:58
tplaguebut there hasnt been any updates in a long time19:58
chuckfand it didn't run on my new hardware19:59
tgm4883_laptopit's in the playback profile I believe19:59
tplagueim having trouble getting sound out of movies i uploaded to myth when playing htem within myth20:00
tplaguetv and dvds have sound though20:01
tplaguejust movies i upload dont20:01
chuckftgm4883_laptop, I'll look again when I get a chance, but didn't find it20:01
pferrelI'm getting "connection refused" from irw anyone know why?20:38
pferreldoes anyone know if lirc on mythbuntu 8.04 is supposed to create a device /dev/lirc0 or some such?20:48
chuckfI know that there was a nice menu that I just said "I have a hauppauge remote" and it was done20:50
benlakeanyone else having sound issues with a Haup. WinTV PVR-150 and 8.04? The sound works about 5% of the time I start the machine. A bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/228363 describes the same symptoms as I but ivtv-utils is not installed on my recently updated mythbuntu install.21:08
foxbuntubenlake, I notice the same issue from time to time as well (I am listed on the bug as well) Its not related to 8.04 its just more apparent on MythTV .21 for some reason, but the audio instability had been around for quite some time with ivtv based cards21:13
benlakeYeah it actually started for me in fiesty21:14
benlakeworked flawlessly in dapper21:15
foxbuntubenlake, the problem lies with the way that MythTV changes channels21:15
benlakeI recently updated, like 20 minutes ago and I got sound briefly until suddenly the capture died and it said "Unable to re-initialize video device"21:16
benlakeI wasn't changing channels..21:17
benlakeafter that the sound was dead21:17
foxbuntubenlake, you on the most current kernel?21:17
benlakeyeah, updated 20 minutes ago and rebooted21:17
foxbuntupastebin the follow output: dmesg | grep ivtv21:17
benlakeanything else?21:23
benlakeI guess there is not a strait forward solution to this issue.21:24
foxbuntuyeah pastebin /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log21:24
foxbuntunope there usually isnt21:24
foxbuntutuners can be a real pain at times21:24
benlakelog is quite large21:26
benlakeI'll post just today, that is where the latest action is going to me21:27
benlake"2008-06-21 12:22:22.372 MPEGRec(/dev/video0) Warning: Audio sample rate 32000 Hz" looks promising21:33
benlakesee anything foxbuntu?21:54
foxbuntubenlake, nothing sticking out21:54
foxbuntubenlake, what is the output of uname -r21:55
foxbuntubenlake, your not up-to-date21:57
foxbuntutry this: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:57
benlakeoh that updated was held back21:58
benlakeone sec21:58
benlake-19 is latest?21:58
benlakeok will be done, shortly, will reboot and check it out21:59
benlakedoes that audio warning not seem suspicious?21:59
benlakeor these lines:21:59
benlake2008-06-21 12:22:49.137 NVP: Disabling Audio, params(-1,-1,-1)21:59
benlake2008-06-21 12:22:49.138 NVP: Disabling Audio, params(0,-1,-1)21:59
foxbuntubenlake, not in particular22:03
benlakeI have sound!22:06
benlakeyou know how to intentionally try to break it?22:07
benlake:( video stalled22:09
foxbuntubenlake, try to change your frontend from QT to OpenGL22:10
benlakeI remember doing something like that on another install22:10
foxbuntuthat will most likley resolve the video22:10
benlakewhere am I looking?22:11
benlakelet me see if the sound comes back when I try to watch tv again22:11
foxbuntuSetup > Setup > Appearance (I think its the 3rd page)22:11
benlakeat least X doesn't shoot up to 100% and basically kill the machine anymore... I used to get a pink screen and the box was basically unusable22:12
benlakebah, sounds dead22:12
foxbuntubenlake, exit tv and reenter22:12
foxbuntusee if sound comes back22:12
benlakeI did, it didn't22:13
benlakePaint Engine?22:13
foxbuntuQT is default, OpenGL works better22:13
benlakeok, switched to OpenGL... frontend restarted, watch tv > no sound22:14
benlakerestarting frontend manually, no sound22:14
foxbuntubenlake, Setup > Setup > General22:14
foxbuntucheck the audio settings22:15
foxbuntu2nd or 3rd page in I think22:15
ShiftyPowershow can i check my ati driver version?22:16
ShiftyPowersversion number i mean22:16
benlakeI want to know why sound dies only for myth22:21
benlakerestarting frontend and backend, still no TV sound. It will likely return if I reboot. Playing another video via mplayer or whatever gives me sound22:21
chuckfif someone with some perl skills could take a look at the mplayer-resumer.pl script at http://mythic.tv/contributed_code.php I would appreciate it22:45
chuckfIt would solve the issue I was asking about earlier about resuming a video automagically22:46
chuckfIt looks good but I'm not a perl expert22:46
benlakefoxbuntu: tv still stalls with opengl paint engine22:59
benlakewhat is being used to play the buffered capture?22:59
foxbuntubenlake, the internal mythtv player23:03
benlakeis that what is failing when the video just stops?23:09
foxbuntubenlake, what video card are you using for output?23:15
benlakePCI Nvidia Gforce4 5500 or something23:15
benlakeby something I mean it might be a 5400 or 560023:15
foxbuntuwhich driver?23:16
benlakenvidia restricted23:16
foxbuntuvesa or nvidia-glx?23:16
benlakelet me make sure it is on23:16
benlakewait, weird, it is off23:17
foxbuntuprob from the kernel upgrade23:17
benlakeok, playing tv again... let's see if it dies23:21
benlakeinteresting.. it stalled, but then about 8 seconds later it started again23:26
benlakewith sound..23:26
benlakefoxbuntu: I've got some static on the top of my capture image, a few pixeld wide. Can I do anything about that?23:36
hadsIt's possibly teletext or something23:36
lagaVBI stuff23:38
hadsYou can add a little overscan to get rid of it.23:38
benlakehads: TV Settings > Playback > scan displacment ?23:41
hadsSomewhere in there, I don't have it in front of me.23:43
basnedermy pvr350 doesnt work as expected, any tips?23:44
foxbuntubasneder, www.foxmediasytesms.com (but I might be slightly biased) ;)23:48
basnederfoxbuntu, hehe23:49
foxbuntubasneder, I will have a really awesome set of boxes available hopefully soon, I am working on beta testing my hardware now23:51
basnederi just need my pvr350 to work :)23:51
lagafoxbuntu: ETA?23:51
foxbuntulaga, if all goes well 2-3 weeks23:52
lagakeep me posted!23:52
foxbuntusure will, I should have my X4 system tested this weekend, going to work on my Core 2 Quad next week along with my intel atom frontend23:53
hadsWhat are you using for the atom?23:54
foxbuntuwhat do you mean?23:54
hadsWhat hardware are you using?23:54
foxbuntuslim htpc, slim dvd burner, 4G flash drive (internal) Intel Atom23:55
lagathose intel boards are a joke, tho. the chipset uses way more power than the CPU ;)23:55
foxbuntulaga, that might be the case, but thats why I am testing23:56
foxbuntuI will also be testing the Via boards23:56
hadsI meant what motherboard23:56
lagaoh, it just needs a nice chipset..23:56
hadslaga: Yeah definitly23:56
foxbuntuhads, 945GCLF23:57
lagahads: the low power 945 costs a lot more, unfortunately23:57
lagayeah, i was talking about that board23:57
hadsNice, better than the SIS chipset ones23:58
hadsThat should be much nicer to work with than the Via boards.23:59
lagadoes via still have DMA issues with certain PCI cards?23:59
hadsI think that was only older chipsets but I'm not certain.23:59

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