
JuJuBeeshould I choose kdm or kdm-kde4 as the default dm?00:03
efasserJuJuBee: IMHO yep00:05
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JuJuBeeHmm, thought it would take more time than that.  It's done.00:06
JuJuBeeThanks, gonna log out and try it out...00:07
JuJuBeeNeed a hand.  Strange behavior.  I have 2 desktops (usually have a second monitor attached on right) my main desktop appears to be in a window on top of my secondary desktop.  The taskbar is not all the way across screen and I have 2 add widget icons at the top.  Any suggestions?00:13
JuJuBeeSystem Settings -> Display does not seem to recognize I have a second desktop?  Is that because the monitor is not plugged in?00:15
ign0ramushey all.00:24
larsjujubee: it wouldn't be in Display if i understand correctly it would be in Desktop00:25
Hazaign0ramus: Hello00:25
ign0ramushave a question- all the pictures in a folder of mine have been duplicated. they all follow the same format: 1.jpg and then 1.JPG.  It's the same pic, just with caps for the filet extension.  How the heck do i fix this?00:25
Hazaign0ramus:  maybe (im not 100% sure) try rm *.JPG in that dir00:26
Hazaif the cap stuff works then that will remove the .JPG's and not the .jpg's00:26
Hazatest it somewhere else firth though00:27
ign0ramusHaza: i contemplated that, but I'm not sure if that command is case-sensitive00:27
Hazaign0ramus: test it mate00:27
ign0ramushaza: good idea- ill just copy all the pics to another folder.00:27
larsmake a face dir that you can test it with00:27
Hazaign0ramus: Im no linux master. far from it. but that makes sense00:28
ign0ramushaza: Huzzah!00:30
ign0ramusgood call!00:30
Hazaign0ramus: lol. it worked?00:30
ign0ramushaza: yup!  wasn't sure if rm was case sensitive, but all my "__.jpg"s are still intact.  Thanks mate!00:30
Hazaign0ramus: heheh. no probelsm. its probably the first time i have actually helped someone with a linux problem00:31
HazaIm usually the one asking the questions00:31
ign0ramushaza: we take turns ;)00:31
Hazaign0ramus: hehehe that we do! :)00:32
ign0ramusalright, i've got more work to do- thanks again00:32
droachanyone hack tomtoms in here00:34
droachanyone in here at all?00:35
larswe hide00:36
larsmost people just have knoversation running and occasionally look at it00:36
Hazadroach: I don't know if its a good idea to be talking about hacking tomtoms in this channel00:36
droachyou got the wrong definition of hacking here00:36
efasser_droach: 4 what?00:36
efasser_droach: O_o00:36
larshacking is kind of a dirty word00:37
droachhacking as in programming00:37
Hazawhen it comes to a tomtom im guessing hacking it means to steal the softeare00:37
efasser_droach: Programming is a total different from hacking =)00:37
HazaWho has a nick like awesome?00:38
efasser_Haza: But for what you need to steal? They give you a full support!00:38
droachif you talk to anyone who programs especially purists they will say hacking00:38
efasser_Haza: I have tomtom by my self00:38
droachwhen they mean programming00:38
Hazaefasser_: indeed, but it has to be paid for. maps and such. you could attain those maps and updates for free right?00:39
efasser_Haza: First time i hear this...00:39
droachi dont want to steal the maps i have a freakin tomtom...just listen...my tomtom has a usb port i have from scratch linux on my tomtom00:40
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droachi want to know can i assign an ip address to the usb port so i can use it for telnetting00:40
efasser_Haza: I get one US+Canada and i download some voices like russian and chinese(for fun =)) and it cost me zero00:40
efasser_droach: By tomtom?00:41
efasser_G--: Hi00:41
G--do you guys know what Samba does?00:41
efasser_G--: Its lan program00:41
HazaG--: No one knows mate00:41
G--the software00:41
larsit operates your cpu00:41
efasser_lars: O_O00:41
droachno the tomtom runs linux therefor they have to provide there kernel and toolchain for free under the gpl so you can download the kernel and all the rest of the junk and build a minimal system for the tomtom00:42
larsG--: ask a question one of us may know00:42
G--so you need it to get an IP from for example a router?00:42
droachsamba allows you to share files over a network that have different oses mainly sharing files between linux and windows00:42
HazaG--: unless its about samba.... because no one knows what it is00:42
Hazawelll....... aside from droach00:43
efasser_G--:  Smba - works when you have LAN00:43
G--ah, I see, thanks droach00:43
larsah i see00:43
efasser_G--: for wi-fi u couldn't use it imho00:43
=== awesome is now known as bleetinghorse
G--so you only need it if you share a folder over LAN?00:44
G--not if you set up an ftpd or something00:44
efasser_G--: via wi-fi i was using wifiradar00:44
G--I mean a LAN router00:44
efasser_G--: for ftp managment you don't need it...00:45
G--ok, I wont need Samba then, I guess00:45
efasser_G--: to edit settings of yr router you need browser00:45
G--since I'll just copy files via FTP00:45
efasser_G--: Some day youll need it =)00:45
G--the linux box will be a server00:46
efasser_G--: To kopy files 4m FTP you could use even Firefox00:46
G--so I want to have it as clean as possible00:46
droachif you want to share a printer through that server you will need it00:46
G--I see00:46
efasser_droach: +100:46
G--thanks for all the information00:47
droachso does anyone know if you can assign an ip address to a usbport? i think i saw it done somewhere but i cant remember00:47
G--does samba take a lot resources?00:47
droachnot really00:47
efasser_G--: No00:47
G--ok, I'll keep it then, i guess00:48
G--you never know00:48
efasser_droach: I don't know... but i think there is a way to do this00:48
droachi have samba and ftp running on a 400mhz 128mb ram server and it runs fine00:48
droachwell. as fine as 400mhz can run00:49
efasser_droach: =)00:49
G--400mhz, haha00:49
efasser_droach: Saw a 256mhz comp working as CS server with no pbm00:49
G--I have a 3GHz here00:50
G--512MB RAM00:50
efasser_G--: Lol00:50
droach400mhz beast!! the loudest thing in my house00:50
nyuuI can't hear sound from wmv files00:50
efasser_G--: And you wanna say you have pbms with resorses?00:50
nyuuI have installed all codecs required00:50
G--no, but i want to keep it as clean as possible00:50
larsnyuu: can you see video?00:50
efasser_nyuu: Install codecs00:50
G--I also have no GUI00:50
G--just bash00:50
nyuuI have installed vlc...00:51
larsnyuu: can you hear sound on anything else?00:51
G--I have apache on it00:51
G--basically LAMP00:51
nyuuI mostly use mkv00:51
droachwell to keep it clean the best thing you can do is compile everything yourself and then clean up afterwards00:51
nyuuand there is no problem00:51
G--and maybe I'll put a cs server on it too00:51
efasser_nyuu: sudo apt-get install faad gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gstreamer0.10-pitfdll liblame000:51
efasser_nyuu: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras00:52
efasser_nyuu: sudo apt-get install w32codecs00:52
nyuuonly the new pacgace is faad ^^00:52
droachnyuu: or you can install vlc it plays EVERYTHING00:52
efasser_nyuu: Last one is a win codecs which include wma support00:52
G--vlc is good, yeah00:52
G--it plays a lot00:52
larshe says he already has it00:52
G--but not everything00:52
nyuuall of them is already installed00:52
G--sometimes it doesnt run some divx codecs00:53
nyuustill no sound00:53
nyuubut video plays cool ^^00:53
larsare you sure the video has sound?00:53
nyuuyea exactly00:53
G--try to do right mouse00:53
nyuuI will try it again00:53
G--and audio00:53
nyuuit has double sound00:53
G--audio track00:53
G--and see if there's one00:53
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nyuuthere is one yea00:54
G--select it00:54
nyuuI have selected it but no sound00:54
efasser_nyuu: but do you have start-end sounds?00:55
nyuuI have mplayer too00:55
G--i'd reboot00:55
nyuuI have rebooted00:55
G--do it again00:55
G--on more time00:55
larsreboot fixes a lot00:55
efasser_G--: And again and again and etc.00:55
nyuuok, this is a torrent video00:56
nyuuand it is still downloading00:56
G--maybe it is corrupt00:56
G--there you got it00:56
G--wait for it to finish00:56
droachtry this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=13630600:56
G--is it anime?00:56
efasser_nyuu: nice job maan00:56
nyuubut I could hear voices with VLC before with other videos ^^00:56
larsmaybe the sound hasn't downloaded yet00:56
droachif you still have problems00:56
G--is it anime?00:56
G--dont know that one00:57
nyuuit has a pure quality ^^00:57
droachgot to go buy groceries the wife is staring me down.00:57
droachpeace out00:57
larshave fun00:57
G--rizon.net has a lot anime00:57
efasser_droach:  =) tell wife to whait =)00:57
G--bye, droach00:57
nyuuthanks ^^ one of my friends is going to rip it00:57
G--and thanks for the help00:57
nyuuI am going to cargo him00:57
efasser_G--: rapidshare have more ;-)00:57
nyuuhe is a ripepr00:57
nyuuhe likes old animes like Gundam, Macross00:58
G--but rapidshare doesnt have a lot anime00:58
G--at least not the mainstream stuff00:58
nyuumostly torrent and irc we use00:58
efasser_G--: It's all considered to what you wanna to find =)00:58
G--yeah, usenet is good too00:58
efasser_G--: Im not animeholic =)00:58
G--haha, ok00:59
nyuuold animes are better ^^00:59
efasser_G--: Im cofeholic =)))))))))00:59
nyuunew ones are for fanboys ^^00:59
nyuuI don't like being a fanboy at all00:59
efasser_nyuu: I like the one... Blood smth00:59
nyuuI will ask my friends00:59
efasser_nyuu: Blood shell or... f... don't remember..\00:59
nyuuthey have lots and lots of rips00:59
G--ghost in the shell?01:00
nyuuGhost in .. ^^01:00
efasser_G--: Noo...01:00
G--do you know Elfen Lied?01:00
efasser_G--: That goes more and more to pop... i mean Ghost...01:00
nyuuyea but I don't like at all01:00
nyuunyuu ^^01:00
G--yes, nyuu01:00
nyuuI merely like her ^^01:00
nyuuI think it is an 'ecchi'01:01
nyuuI know better animes ^^01:01
G--I have watched the first 2 episodes so far01:01
G--an ecchi?01:01
G--you mean porn?01:01
nyuuhehe it's a bit boring01:01
nyuunot really01:01
efasser_G--: There was a guy in read hat he is like half human half vampire...01:01
nyuubut it uses some erotic and violence01:01
efasser_G--: Can't take the name from memory...01:01
nyuuno :S01:02
nyuuhellsing ^^01:02
nyuuit has no story at all but alucard is amazing ^^01:02
nyuuand he is not a 'half vampire '01:02
nyuucan u read reversely 'alucard'01:03
G--he is rather a full one, isnt he?01:03
G--rats live on no evil star01:03
G--reverse that one01:03
efasser_I find it =))))))))))01:03
nyuubut the topic is nosence ^^01:03
G--that is called a palindrom01:03
efasser_Hellsing! Thats one01:03
nyuuhehe ^^01:03
G--palin is again in old Greek01:03
nyuuI like it01:04
nyuuBut, I am a new one too,01:04
nyuuhowever my favorite is death note ^^01:04
G--ah, death note01:04
nyuuKira, my god ^^01:04
G--I have that one on my HDD01:04
G--still have to watch it01:05
nyuuu MUST watch it ^^01:05
nyuuit is so cool01:05
efasser_thats my guy =)01:05
nyuumy friend bought its Japanese DVD01:05
nyuuhe is going to make a rip01:05
nyuuI will give you one of them ^^01:05
nyuuwith torrent01:05
efasser_G--: Yep you get it =)01:06
efasser_G--: And also i like one...01:06
efasser_G--: Let me find01:06
G--this isnt an anime channel though01:07
efasser_G--: It was the firs songs based anime... with the franch electronic group...01:07
nyuu#Anime ^^01:07
G--I am not that into anime, I just 'discovered' it01:07
efasser_G--: nyuu: lol...01:07
nyuubut you should be careful about 'fanboys' ^^01:08
nyuuI don't like them in linux too ^^01:08
efasser_nyuu: so you against holywars?01:08
ArtimusDoes anyone have any decent tutorials on setting up Perl/CGI in Apache (in [K]Ubuntu)?  I feel I haven't given perl a fair chance, because I've always had trouble getting it working correctly in Apache (PHP works fine)01:09
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!01:09
nyuuyea its nosense ^^01:09
G--I am against any form of extremism01:09
nyuuif I prefer Bill Gates, anyone can deny it01:09
nyuuthe opposite is also true01:09
nyuuif I use linux01:09
efasser_nyuu: G--: lets go to #kubuntu-offtopic01:10
nyuuhehe not problem I think  ^^01:10
nyuuThe highway is free now :P01:10
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G--hmm, I am off01:11
G--it is 2:11 AM here01:11
nyuuI have tried your solution01:11
nyuuyour link...01:11
nyuubut I couldn't solve it01:11
nyuuok, I will wait for the download01:11
G--bye, nyuu, efasser01:12
nyuuthe last chance is01:12
nyuuchangin the format ^^01:12
nyuubye G--01:12
woltonexist some kind of applet to show speed internet ?01:15
woltonfor kubuntu 7.1001:16
efasserwolton: hmm01:16
efasserwhait a second01:16
woltonlike netspeed for gnome01:16
woltonnew in KDE here01:16
woltonok, thanks01:16
wolton       01:17
efasserwolton: http://www.kde-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=38&PHPSESSID=a7917367b03588777c7d65678ad9e75701:17
efasserwolton: Try karamba01:17
efasserwolton: I like it01:17
woltonlet me see .. thanks01:17
* efasser away on duty01:19
patrickcan anyone help me with file sharing / user management?01:27
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CostaRicanQuakerDr willis02:19
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CostaRicanQuakeri formatted the CDRW02:26
CostaRicanQuakerdownloaded the iso file02:26
CostaRicanQuakeropened nero and chose image disk02:26
CostaRicanQuakerthen selected the .iso file02:27
CostaRicanQuakernow i just burn it right?02:27
ubottuFactoid nero not found02:28
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CostaRicanQuakerah f*ck it im burning it02:48
CostaRicanQuakeronce it's burned what do i do?02:48
CostaRicanQuakerto create a partition02:48
CostaRicanQuakerwithout erasing any of my windows files02:48
nosrednaekimCostaRicanQuaker: it'll do that automatically02:49
CostaRicanQuakerwhat will it look like02:49
CostaRicanQuakeryes but how does it define how muchof my harddrive is windows02:49
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate02:49
CostaRicanQuakerand how much is02:49
CostaRicanQuakercause i've only got 80 gb02:49
nosrednaekimyou can tell it02:49
nosrednaekimwith a nice little slider bar02:49
CostaRicanQuakerwhat is the file system for windows again? ntsf...ext3?02:50
CostaRicanQuakersomething liek that?02:50
nosrednaekimlinux is ext302:50
CostaRicanQuakerok good because i don't have any backups02:51
CostaRicanQuakeri'm poor02:51
nosrednaekimuhhh better make a backup of some sort02:51
nosrednaekimjust to be safe02:51
CostaRicanQuakeri can't i haven't got cdr's other than this old rewritable fellow i'm using for the ISO02:52
CostaRicanQuakerby the way02:52
CostaRicanQuakerif i stick the cd in and restart the computer02:52
CostaRicanQuakerit willrun on its own right?02:52
CostaRicanQuakeri don't have to change any booting sequence or anything because i burnt down my last hard drive by doing that02:53
CostaRicanQuakerin that hte tech helper guy couldn't load windows anymore so he had to format and reinstall02:53
nosrednaekimCostaRicanQuaker: you might have to press f12 to get a boot menu02:54
heinkel_111anybody have a clue which repository to look for mtp-tools?02:54
heinkel_111and  libmtp mtpfs02:55
heinkel_111files I apparently need to get amarok to cooperate with new digital song player from sandisk02:55
efassertry medibuntu.org02:55
Artimusheinkel_111: Which model?02:55
heinkel_111Artimus: it is called SansaView02:56
efasserheinkel_111: sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/hardy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list02:56
Dragnslcrheinkel_111- mtp-tools is in universe02:56
DragnslcrIt isn't in medibuntu, so don't do that02:56
Artimusheinkel_111: I've got a Sansa Clip...  I had to switch the mode on it to make it act as a flash drive.  Amarok works well with it02:57
heinkel_111Artimus it was almost an impulse purchase beacuse I lost my dear old iAudio02:57
Dragnslcrheinkel_111- in Adept, go to Manage Repositories and make sure that universe is checked02:57
heinkel_111iAudio>> all but I am going to spend a lot of time in airplanes over the next week and needed some player now so I walked to local gadgetshop and bought what tthey sold02:58
Artimusheinkel_111: Do you have your player in MSC mode?02:59
heinkel_111Artimus: it is in "I just plugged it in first time" mode, whatever that is ;-)02:59
Artimusheinkel_111: http://www.micahcarrick.com/05-21-2008/sansa-view-ubuntu.html02:59
heinkel_111Artimus: what is better MSC or MTP?02:59
heinkel_111Artimus: I was readin gthat before I came here :-)03:00
Artimusheinkel_111: MSC makes it like a flash drive.  MTP is more for Windows Media Player03:00
heinkel_111Artimus: but if it works with Amarok it is not so bad, is it?03:00
ArtimusMSC works with Amarok too03:00
heinkel_111Although maybe MSC is more flexible03:00
ArtimusPlug a flash drive in while you have Amarok working.  It will ask if the flash drive is an mp3 player03:01
ArtimusIf your mp3 player is in MSC mode, it will work with amarok just as well.  You'll be able to treat it like a Flash drive too03:01
CostaRicanQuakerwhat's the difference between a distro and a desktop environment?03:05
nosrednaekima du=istro bundles up a specific desktop environment an specific versions of other libraries and programs to create a fully featured OS03:06
candive!bot ?03:06
ubottuFactoid bot ? not found03:06
ubottuFactoid but not found03:06
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:06
candivefound what i was looking for thanks03:06
asobiCrashwhy is that amarok keeps crashing when i try to connect ipod03:07
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CostaRicanQuakerso in order for me not to erase the windows partition03:11
CostaRicanQuakeri must03:11
CostaRicanQuakeris koffice better than openoffice.org?03:13
Schuenemanncertainly not03:13
CostaRicanQuakerso i should install openoffice when i get kubuntu installed?03:14
CostaRicanQuakerit takes a wee while longer to load than office on windows xp03:14
Schuenemannwhat do you need? An office suite just like M$ office? then yes03:14
CostaRicanQuakeris kubuntu more user friendly for a windows switchee than mandriva?03:16
SchuenemannCostaRicanQuaker, never used mandriva (only mandrake), but kubuntu and suse are the best user friendly I've seen03:20
CostaRicanQuakerhmm, Schünemann: which do you prefer suse or kubuntu?03:23
mr---t-I've used both and prefer Kubuntu03:24
CostaRicanQuakerthank you mr t03:24
SchuenemannCostaRicanQuaker, I switched to kubuntu because it has a bigger community, it is only 1 CD (suse was 5 last time I used) and because of apt-get :-)03:25
Schuenemannso, kubuntu03:25
mr---t-The Yast screens in suse seem to take forever to load and make changes03:25
Schuenemann(I think suse has apt-get nowadays, though)03:26
mr---t-I also Dwnlded it with one disc03:26
CostaRicanQuakerapt-get= a form of downloading programs from what i can remember right?03:26
Schuenemannyes, it is the package manager. Downloads and installs03:27
CostaRicanQuakerwould the use of kubuntu by governments compromise its grassroots nature in terms of it being an option to the big brother-like microsoft OS's ?03:28
CostaRicanQuakeryou see i'm an anarchist03:29
Schuenemannwhat does grassroots nature mean?03:29
CostaRicanQuakerit means comunity-based03:30
CostaRicanQuakersustained and promoted and founded03:30
CostaRicanQuakerby a community of people organized03:30
CostaRicanQuakerand that respect each other as equals regardless of their skills03:30
CostaRicanQuakeri have the idea that ubuntu is a very community oriented alternative03:31
CostaRicanQuakerto mainstream corporate operative systems03:31
* mr---t- lol03:31
Schuenemanncompromise kubuntu's community-based nature? I don't think that makes sense03:32
CostaRicanQuakeronce CAFTA(central american free trade agreement) becomes enacted here there will be ridiculous restrictions on property rights and such03:32
heinkel_111Artimus: are you still here?03:32
CostaRicanQuakeri like the idea of kubuntu for NGOs and public schools and such03:33
CostaRicanQuakerare kubuntu and ubuntu the same? or is there something kubuntu has that ubuntu doesn't other than kde?03:34
heinkel_111amarok cannot find my SANSA VIEW mp3 player because the folder it automounts to contains space. How can I work around the problem?03:35
Schuenemannonly the desktop environment... you can have both at the same time, btw03:35
Schuenemannor xubuntu03:35
CostaRicanQuakernever heard of that03:36
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels03:36
heinkel_111did this channel stop?03:37
CostaRicanQuakerwhat's Xfce? is it easier than kde?03:37
CostaRicanQuakerbetween kde gnome and xfce which is the most user friendly03:38
heinkel_111this is the problem with amarok and SANSA VIEW player: /media/SANSA VIEW is not understood as mountpoint for the USB mass storage mode player, neither is /media/SANSA\ VIEW/03:38
heinkel_111will "/media/SANSA VIEW" be any better?03:39
CostaRicanQuakerSchuenemann: between kde gnome and xfce which is the most user friendly03:41
CostaRicanQuakerand which is best in your opinion xubuntu kubuntu or edubuntu03:41
ubottuEdubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org03:41
CostaRicanQuakerfrom the pictures xubuntu doesn't look very pretty03:42
SchuenemannCostaRicanQuaker, and more used to KDE, to I prefer KDE03:43
Schuenemannalthough I think it's a bit heavier03:43
CostaRicanQuakerexplain i beseech you03:44
CostaRicanQuakerI mean from a quaker perspective it does have a more "simplicity" look than kubuntu03:44
Schuenemannwell, I've used KDE for the most part of my linux life, so I have few experience with the others...03:47
CostaRicanQuakerThe Xubuntu team, currently headed by Cody Somerville, overcame some disagreements and problems to make a fast and easy operating system with all the flash and flair and none of the bloat that has plagued Microsoft's product line, while avoiding the sluggish performance inherent in Gnome and KDE03:47
crimsaqhow would I go about installing libnotify for xchat?03:47
CostaRicanQuakerexplain that please schuenemann03:47
SchuenemannCostaRicanQuaker, faster and without eye candy?03:48
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CostaRicanQuakerin your personal opinion if you had to make a choice between kubuntu and xubuntu why would you choose kubuntu?03:50
CostaRicanQuakerand can you run both¡03:50
SchuenemannI'm more used to kubuntu, so kubuntu. And yes, you can run both and choose after boot if you'll use KDE, gnome, xfce, etc03:51
CostaRicanQuakerwhich ahs the biggest community?03:52
CostaRicanQuakeri'm going with kubuntu03:54
Schuenemanntry them all and check which you like best03:55
CostaRicanQuakerwhat do i do so i don't kill my windows xp03:55
CostaRicanQuakerand its files03:56
CostaRicanQuakerbut just make a partition03:56
CostaRicanQuakeron windows03:56
CostaRicanQuakeri mean03:56
CostaRicanQuakeron my hardrive03:56
CostaRicanQuakerso that icna choose which to  open03:56
CostaRicanQuakerwhen i get on the computer03:56
SchuenemannI *think* the livecd has a partition tool03:58
Schuenemannbut with hardy you can install through windows03:59
CostaRicanQuakeri think i burnt the other one03:59
CostaRicanQuakerhow do i know which of the two cds i burnt03:59
Schuenemannit will appear as a windows program in add/remove programs03:59
CostaRicanQuakerthe alternate or the live03:59
SchuenemannCostaRicanQuaker, unless you specifically chose the alternate, it was the live04:00
=== Killerfox512 is now known as Killerfox|Away
CostaRicanQuakerok so i am going to do the following04:01
CostaRicanQuakeri am going to use my spare computer and install kubuntu on that one first04:01
SchuenemannCostaRicanQuaker, you can install in windows04:01
Schuenemannif it's version 8.0404:01
CostaRicanQuakernah i won't do that04:01
CostaRicanQuakeri don't ahve a plug in this room04:02
CostaRicanQuakerif it's version 8.04¡04:02
YeaStSun Jun 22 00:02:00 ADT 200804:02
SchuenemannCostaRicanQuaker, since 8.04, you can install in windows. Older versions required a boot from CD04:03
CostaRicanQuakerso i can try and stick it in the cd rom and run on its own?04:03
* CostaRicanQuaker does that04:03
Schuenemannare you going to reboot?04:04
CostaRicanQuakerno i just stuck it in04:04
CostaRicanQuakerand it just read it and said what do you want to do04:05
CostaRicanQuakeropen folder to view files04:05
CostaRicanQuakerplay ion windows media04:05
SchuenemannCostaRicanQuaker, you know, with the livecd you can run linux without having to install... it runs from the cd04:05
Schuenemannyou can test before installing04:05
CostaRicanQuakerhow do i do that?04:05
CostaRicanQuakerwie kann ich das tanen?04:05
darkdelusionsreboot and hope for the best :)04:05
Schuenemannyou reboot the machine, choose boot from cd in setup, and start04:06
CostaRicanQuakerhow do i do that? the set up part04:06
SchuenemannI think that depends on the motherboard04:07
Schuenemannmine is delete04:07
CostaRicanQuakerintel celeron d?04:07
CostaRicanQuakerso either f12 or delete?04:07
Schuenemannintel motherboard too?04:07
Schuenemannmy last one was intel and it was delete too04:07
CostaRicanQuakerok then i'll do that04:08
Schuenemannanyway, there is always a message telling "press <key> to enter setup"04:08
* CostaRicanQuaker symbolically takes shirt off and throws it against the floor04:08
CostaRicanQuakerwish me luck kubuntu brothers04:08
* darkdelusions blinks04:08
Schuenemannwell, I have to go... nite04:09
geniiQuiet tonight?04:14
mr---t-not till just revently04:15
efasserDoes any body know a file downloader which gona work good with rapidshare.com?04:16
CostaRicanQuakeri checekd for faultiness on the thingy04:20
CostaRicanQuakerand it said there was a corrupted file04:20
CostaRicanQuakeri found an old shipped in copy of ubuntu04:20
CostaRicanQuakerversion 5.1004:21
CostaRicanQuakeris it possible for me to install that and somehow04:21
CostaRicanQuakermake it into04:21
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:21
mr---t-CostaRicanQuaker: he has left04:21
CostaRicanQuakermr t help me please04:21
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: If you want to go to the latest version of 8.04 you need at least version 6.0604:22
CostaRicanQuakershould i not install it at all because of this corrupted file04:22
CostaRicanQuakershould i install it and then somehow fix it with the shell04:22
geniiCorrupted file in an install is not good. I would not use it04:25
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.04:26
CostaRicanQuakerok i've another question; how do i know if it was the copy of the iso i downloaded aka a bad download04:27
CostaRicanQuakeror the cdrw?04:27
CostaRicanQuakershould i format and redo it04:27
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: Do md504:27
geniiIf the md5 if the iso image is good then it's the cdr04:27
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:27
renato__join #ubuntu-br04:28
CostaRicanQuakergenii i don't get it there's a link that says download the md5 and it doesn't lead to anywhere on that same page04:30
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geniiYou need windows md5 check or linux md5 check?04:32
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: http://www.irnis.net/gloss/md5sum-windows.shtml has a download link at bottom.04:34
CostaRicanQuakergenii: thankyou04:37
CostaRicanQuakernow what do i do? i have opened that prgram04:37
CostaRicanQuakernow what do i do? open somehow the iso file through that program?04:37
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: You run it on the iso file of ubuntu. Then compare it to what the sum should be, I'll find the link in a sec for that04:37
CostaRicanQuakerit says "folder"04:38
CostaRicanQuakerand has a browse like button beside it04:38
geniiYes you browse to the file you are making the cdrom from04:40
geniiWhich ubuntu version is it?04:40
CostaRicanQuakerthe latest kubuntu04:40
CostaRicanQuakerwell the thing is when i browse the folders04:40
CostaRicanQuakerit doesn't list files04:40
CostaRicanQuakernot even the iso04:40
geniiI can't really help, since I don't have windows on any machine here to run the thing on04:41
CostaRicanQuakerthere's another thingy beneath it04:42
CostaRicanQuakerthat says filter04:42
CostaRicanQuakerthat one does lead to lookign for files04:42
CostaRicanQuakerunder checksum files04:42
CostaRicanQuakercalculating summary data size04:43
geniiThe md5 for 8.04 versions is at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/MD5SUMS you compare what the program gives you against the cd image you downloaded04:43
srikar9to all )are the drivers of intel open ?????04:43
srikar(to all) are the drivers of intel open???04:44
geniisrikar: Yes04:44
srikarwhat abt ati and nvidia????04:44
geniisrikar: Not them.04:44
CostaRicanQuakergenii, computer's real slow04:44
CostaRicanQuakerwhat do i do once it stops calculating summary data size or whatever04:44
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: It takes a while to computer for a 650Mb or so file, have patience04:45
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: The md5 for 8.04 versions is at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/MD5SUMS you compare what the program gives you against the cd image you downloaded04:45
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: If the sum it gives you matches the sum given on that page for the cd image type you downloaded, the image is OK. If it doesn't match, that means the image is corrupted04:46
srikarI am really suffering wid the driver provided by ati, why ati people arent making drivers open when they dont hav the capability to provide good drivers???04:47
flaccid_srikar: radeon was open sourced in 2007 and there are alternate drivers available04:48
srikarare all the ati drivers open ??04:48
flaccid_but that doesn't mean there isn't problems04:48
geniisrikar: The main problem is that if they show you the source code to how thier equipment works, then they are taking a chance someone will steal their work.04:49
flaccid_no, they gave out the code only04:49
flaccid_well in this case it was open sourced: http://www.linux.com/feature/11904904:49
srikarflaccid: thnx for da link : )04:50
geniisrikar: Since AMD took over ati, things have improved a bit. But they atill want to keep their secrets, so the installer for the drivers are binaries for instance.04:51
CostaRicanQuakergenii: that page lists 7 lines with .iso file names and wuby at hte end04:51
CostaRicanQuakerand the advanced checksum verifier seems to have taken up all of my computer's memory04:52
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: Yes. So you look at the list and go "Hmm which one did I download"  then compare the code on the left of the cde image name to the code the program eventually spits out04:52
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: As I said earlier, checking 650 megabytes or so takes a while. Even on a fast computer.04:53
CostaRicanQuakermeanwhile i am going to format another old cdrw i have04:54
srikargenil: ya ,  intel performance is better when compared to ati on linux , as no of gnu users are increasing a day will come where people will be buying intel rather than ati, for instance,i tell my friends not to buy ati.04:54
CostaRicanQuakerso if it's not the iso i can download it again04:54
srikargenil: then the ati will make all its specifications open , lets hope.04:55
geniisrikar: Hopefully all makers will find a way to make their drivers open-source04:55
flaccid_i think its more about a decent driver being available. even if the source is out there i don't see a driver that doesn't have issues04:56
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: Better to use a regular cd-r than a cd-rw.04:56
CostaRicanQuakergenii: how about i also start downloading another iso jut in case?04:56
CostaRicanQuakerthat's all i have i'm poor04:56
CostaRicanQuakerand the stores are closed at this time of night04:56
=== damien__ is now known as StultusApparauts
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: You don't need to do the formatting then of the cd-rw, just burn it like it's a regular cd-r04:57
=== StultusApparauts is now known as StultusApparatus
CostaRicanQuakergenii: i've already used it in the past04:57
CostaRicanQuakerit's got stuff in it04:57
StultusApparatusHi guys, when I open anything in Konsole, I get some strange errors, here are the errors04:57
StultusApparatusError: "/var/tmp/kdecache-damien" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.04:57
StultusApparatusError: "/tmp/ksocket-damien" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.04:57
StultusApparatusError: "/tmp/kde-damien" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.04:57
StultusApparatusAnyone know why/how to fix it?04:58
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: The checking part of the iso is to decide if you really need to re-download it or not. So I wouldn't bother to re-download when you don't even yet know if it's good or not.04:58
flaccid_!pastebin | StultusApparatus04:59
ubottuStultusApparatus: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:59
StultusApparatusI already said the errors though ;>_>05:00
flaccid_StultusApparatus: looks like you have been mixing root with a normal user. restart the computer and only use your normal admin user + sudo/kdesudo for root operations05:00
StultusApparatusthis is my admin user05:00
flaccid_StultusApparatus: in the future you will know to use pastebin05:00
CostaRicanQuakergenii: kubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso is the file i downloaded05:00
CostaRicanQuakeris that a good one?05:00
CostaRicanQuakerthe right one*05:00
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: It's fine :)05:00
flaccid_StultusApparatus: yes like i said. reboot so /tmp is cleared.05:01
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: Let me see about finding the kubuntu md5 instead of regular ubuntu md505:01
StultusApparatusI did reboot earlier after I started getting it, nothing changed05:01
srikarflaccid: yes u r right , issues will be there wid all the drivers(free or non free).But ATI and Nvidia are professionals in making graphic cards when compared to intel.But we observe intels performance on linux is really cool when compared to ati.This is becoz intel drivers being open.05:01
StultusApparatusflaccid_: Would it matter if my users secondary group is "root"?05:02
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: This page has all the current ones https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes05:02
flaccid_srikar: thats not all entirely true. there are many intel issues particularly with resolutions05:02
flaccid_StultusApparatus: yes. why did you do that?05:02
StultusApparatusflaccid_: I was tired of having to type in my password after sudoing something05:02
flaccid_StultusApparatus: well its bad security and you did the wrong thing. if you really wanted that you should have edited /etc/sudoers05:03
CostaRicanQuakergenii the checksum verifier's not responding05:03
StultusApparatusOh >_>05:03
StultusApparatusflaccid_: Well I changed it, should I restart?05:04
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: OK. I'd say shut the program down and I'll see to find a different one for you05:04
flaccid_StultusApparatus: yeah if you fixed up your groups05:04
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srikarflaccid: may be . But what hurts me really is when i play small games like glest , torcs(the games run very slow) even though my nboard graphic card is 256mb ATI : (05:04
StultusApparatusflaccid_: okay, can you also tell me how to make mysql and apache start on startup?05:05
flaccid_srikar: you may have an incorrect configuration eg. xorg.conf05:05
flaccid_StultusApparatus: system services in system settings05:05
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: http://www.md5summer.org/md5v12005.exe05:05
StultusApparatusflaccid_: Thanks05:05
StultusApparatusFlaccid_: I'm afraid I don't see such an option05:06
srikarflacid:yeah i raised this issue at ubuntuforums and ati  forums , but all attempts went in vain.05:06
srikari am abt to leave , genil n flaccid , thnx for sharing yr thoughts.05:10
flaccid_heh forums aint going to help much05:10
flaccid_StultusApparatus: is in the advanced tab of system settings kde405:11
flaccid_oops kde305:11
StultusApparatusflaccid_: Thanks05:11
StultusApparatusFlaccid_: How would I change my boot screen? I remember seeing an option to do so before, but forgot where it was05:13
flaccid_um boot screen?05:13
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork05:13
flaccid_i guess you mean that05:13
StultusApparatusYeah it was05:13
* CostaRicanQuaker is gonna have to reboot05:14
CostaRicanQuakergenii: if i download the livecd iso will i be able to install kubuntu with it?05:16
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: Yes.05:16
CostaRicanQuakerwhat's the alternate for then?05:16
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Kubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/8.04/kubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent05:17
genii!helpersnack | flaccid_05:17
ubottuflaccid_: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!05:17
CostaRicanQuakergenii: i'm going to hve to reboot, i'll brb, the checksum program won't shut down, i will need the link to the kubuntu hash sums again when i get back as IE won't load from the lack of memory05:18
flaccid_omg first time i've ever been thanked for helping and it was by the bot! hooray..05:18
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: How much ram in that box?05:18
StultusApparatusflaccid_: How do I make it so I wont have to sudo again?05:18
flaccid_StultusApparatus: you don't.05:19
flaccid_!root | StultusApparatus05:19
ubottuStultusApparatus: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:19
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: You'll need about 256 for instnce to run the livecd05:19
flaccid_StultusApparatus: you can however configure /etc/sudoers so you do not need a password05:19
StultusApparatusflaccid_: Already thanks05:19
StultusApparatusflaccid_: What exactly do I add, and where?05:20
flaccid_try google my friend05:20
geniiman sudoers can get you started05:20
flaccid_it also says in the comments of /etc/sudoers how to do it anyway05:20
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: That other link again http://www.md5summer.org/md5v12005.exe05:21
StultusApparatusNow I restart, yes?05:22
flaccid_shouldn't have to05:22
geniiRarely does linux need reboots05:22
CostaRicanQuakergenii: i got the program i am trying to open the file to verify sums05:23
CostaRicanQuakeris that the one with allthe kubuntu propper sums05:23
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: OK. 1 sec I'll give the list of sums link05:23
CostaRicanQuakergenii: this other program seems ot have got stuck too05:23
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes05:23
geniiCostaRicanQuaker: It can take a *long* time. Like even 20 minutes05:24
genii(on my dual core box with 2Gb of ram)05:24
CostaRicanQuakeryes but it's not even doing that05:24
CostaRicanQuakerit's stuck05:25
geniiI suspect your computer likely has some teensy amount of hd space left and its using it all for virtual memory now. Might be a while05:26
CostaRicanQuakerthere are two05:29
CostaRicanQuakermidsummermd5 icons05:30
CostaRicanQuakeri clicked on a different one and what happened was this05:30
flaccid_!enter | CostaRicanQuaker05:30
ubottuCostaRicanQuaker: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:30
CostaRicanQuakerit lists midsummer.exe and a hash for it05:30
CostaRicanQuakerlike a hash to itself05:31
flaccid_do you understand the above factoid, CostaRicanQuaker?05:31
flaccid_please try to do it05:31
CostaRicanQuakeri'll use periods05:32
flaccid_or ; or , and you have a long nickname too :)05:32
* flaccid_ bbs05:32
CostaRicanQuakerwell CRQ would be strange05:33
CostaRicanQuakeri can't stand this hash measuring thing, i'll just reburn, it takes lesser and if that doesn't work i'll redownload, it also takes lesser and it doenst get eveyrthing stuck05:35
uV|joeyneone here be able to help a noob get his mic working?05:37
hydrogen!en | uV|joey05:38
ubottuuV|joey: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat05:38
jorge__alguien habla castellano?05:38
CostaRicanQuakeronce i am installing ubuntu05:47
CostaRicanQuakerand it's all just a matter of05:47
CostaRicanQuakeronce i'm installing kubuntu and i have redefined the sizes of my harddrives partitions, then i don't ahve ot do anything else but ocntinue installing right? i dion't have to do any "mounting"05:48
Mr_Cheetoeh, how i am able to mount USB in konsole?06:00
craigSystem > Storage Media not working?06:01
Mr_Cheetocraig, no it's not showing up at all, my USB or my 139406:01
flaccid_check dmesg06:03
Mr_Cheetowhat is that?06:03
Mr_Cheetoplease excuse my noobinewbness06:03
flaccid_kernel ring buffer06:03
Mr_Cheetohaha, what?06:03
flaccid_see man dmesg06:03
flaccid_see what is outputted in dmesg when you plug it in..06:04
MaskedOneim trying to play a .ogg movie and for some reason it is really jerky after it takes forever to load in VLC and Kaffeine06:05
Mr_Cheetoflaccid, ok i see what it does, and i executed the command, u wunt to see the output?06:05
flaccid_yes pastebin please06:06
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:06
flaccid_Mr_Cheeto: but do you get any of these messages when you plug it in?06:09
flaccid_does this occur? [ 1724.963043] serial8250: too much work for irq17 or nothing?06:09
Mr_Cheetoone sec06:09
Mr_Cheetothis comes up a few times06:11
Mr_CheetoACPI Warning (tbutils-0369): 64-bit Physical Address in XSDT is too large (1BEF31801BEF0000), truncating [20070126]06:11
flaccid_can you pastebin ps aux | grep hal; sudo fdisk -l please06:12
flaccid_that is while the usb disk is plugged in06:14
Mr_Cheetoinvalid option I06:14
flaccid_ps aux | grep hal; sudo fdisk -l   <-- is valid06:15
Mr_Cheetocan i copy past that into konsole?06:16
=== Killerfox|Away is now known as Killerfox512
Mr_Cheetoflaccid, if u read the pastebin i sent u it looks as if it's ONLY reading my HDD06:22
flaccid_not sure the problem but something aint working. is the device showing up in lsusb ?06:23
Mr_Cheetoum, what is that?06:23
flaccid_man lsusb06:23
Mr_Cheetook i try "lsusb" by itself, it says in man that i need an option after it, what should i put?06:25
flaccid_it doesn't need a param at all06:25
Mr_Cheetooh, in that case when i use lsusb all it does is give me another command input line, so that means it's not communicating with my USB hub?06:26
flaccid_i don't know06:26
Mr_Cheetoi'll check Ubuntu06:27
flaccid_i gtg06:27
=== luis__ is now known as tigremx
MaskedOneis there such a thing as a cover that slips over just the laptop screen to protect it but also makes the screen visible enough for a slideshow?06:33
Ashexis anyone running 32-bit with backports enabled?06:47
=== oilinki3 is now known as oilinki
ticohello besides kwifimanager which are other options for wireless managers?07:47
Dr_Willistheres the gnome one. :)07:51
Dr_Willisor ya could learn to use the terminal tools.. but i  rarely use any of them.07:51
terrancekennedyany one here setup a EEE pc before?07:52
brenthow do i transferr the plugins i downloaded off the internet onto aMSN?07:57
brentwhy arent my contacts pictures showing on aMSM?07:58
flaccidthe avatars in contact list, brent?07:58
flaccidi have a problem like this is in kopete and the devs are a bit confuzled over it08:01
flaccidi suspect microsoft could be doing this on purpose08:01
brentyes i do believe so08:03
brentwell you see the thing is im stuck here and no ones helping me08:04
flaccidmaybe they can't help?08:04
flaccidwhats the problem?08:04
brenti cant get the plugins i downloaded to work on amsn08:05
flaccidwell aMSN is not really a K application, so probably why you won't get much help here08:06
flaccidthere is a #amsn channel08:06
brentok thanks heaps for your help bro08:07
=== ubuntu is now known as nkk
oilinkiargh. I still can not boot with fakeraid1.08:24
oilinkiafter bios messages, nothing happens.08:24
oilinkiwhen I boot from live-cd, I can assemble the /dev/md0 and can mount it08:25
oilinkihowever there is quite a few error messages on the dmesg after an while and the mount becomes unreliable08:26
Goranhi all!09:01
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!09:02
megwhitsc irc wood i use?09:03
Gorani just have a (not so?) short question for the c++-gurus: have i understood cmake correct? do i really need to manually write one CMakeLists.txt per directory of my project and edit it everytime new files need to be linked?09:03
geniiGoran: Maybe enquire in #ubuntu-devel09:04
emilsedghyes Goran (iirc)09:04
Goranmeg: u should probably use konversation. i have tried many irc-clients but konversation wins clearly09:05
emilsedghGoran: kde people are more CMake gurus.try #kde-devel or #kde-buildsystem i think09:05
Goranemilsedgh: thx!09:06
Goranmoin llutz ^^09:06
=== Goran is now known as Marshlurker
=== Marshlurker is now known as GOran
=== GOran is now known as Goran
=== Goran is now known as Thorias
=== Thorias is now known as Marshlurker
latI just noticed that kio_sieve is taking up 50% of the processing power of my AMD 64 x 2 5200 cpu. I'm using the kde4 64 bit remix. Is that normal?09:17
latThat seems way too heavy to me.09:17
latIs the same happening to the rest of you?09:19
crackhead_25_can anyone help me get a dual monitor setup going? ive tried all the bboards and wiki for help, and none of the suggestions seem to be working..09:33
crackhead_25_pm me if you can, and ill hit you back tomorrow..09:33
llutzcrackhead_25_: which graphiccard?09:33
crackhead_25_nvidia ge6150 i believe? not sure.. how do i exactly check?09:34
crackhead_25_it's onboard09:34
llutzinstall nvidia-drivers then and use nvidia-settings09:35
crackhead_25_it's got enough ports.. a typical ide.. and then i have a hdmi for the second..09:35
crackhead_25_i have those..09:35
crackhead_25_i tried, and they didnt work..09:35
crackhead_25_they give the dual monitor settings, but then they dont change or start anything ont he second monitor..09:35
crackhead_25_they just change the settings on the current monitor09:35
crackhead_25_i'm running kubuntu.. i think ubuntu wuld probably work better.. it seems to work more smoothly.. should i just try doing a complete reinstall of the most recent ubuntu version?09:36
Marshlurkercrackhead_25_: kubuntu and ubuntu both use xorg as x-server, so they should not behave very much differently in your case09:44
flaccidcrackhead_25_: which GPU and which ubuntu version?09:47
flaccidwe also don't work by pm here for support sorry. please do not ask that again.09:49
mohkohnHow much ram is required for KDE4?09:49
flaccidmohkohn: #kde might be able to answer that better09:49
crackhead_25_geforce nvidia 6150.. kubuntu 7.04.. linux 2 6 22 14 38609:50
flaccidcrackhead_25_: lspci | grep VGA please09:50
crackhead_25_crackhead@jupiter:~$ lspci | grep VGA09:50
crackhead_25_00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51PV [GeForce 6150] (rev a2)09:50
flaccidwhich driver?09:50
crackhead_25_nvidia drivers, im pretty sure..09:51
Yuj2My KDE4 seems to be going unresponsive due to some program it is automatically starting. How can I "reset" kubuntu? I'm talking about how it saves everything you had open when you shut down & how it starts it up again on reboot. I don't mean auto started programs, just that it loads everything you had when you shut down09:51
flaccidcrackhead_25_: restricted?09:51
ubottuKDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde409:51
crackhead_25_flaccid: tried using the nvidia settings (restricted) to set it up, and it adjusts the currently used monitor, but doesnt apply the settings or start using the second monitor at all..09:51
flaccidYuj2: disable sessions and check autostart09:51
mohkohnthanks ubottu09:51
flaccidcrackhead_25_: probably the best guide you'll find for nvidia twinview: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Dual_Monitors#TwinView09:53
Dr_Willis_crackhead_25_,  i normally have to use the 2 not installed by default nvidia config tools. that are in the package maanger.09:54
crackhead_25_flaccid: ill try this tomorrow.. though i think i followed this guide before, and ran into problems with the metamode.. some kind of error.. that other pepole were getting but no one had a resolution to..09:55
flaccidcrackhead_25_: yes, need to get the error from the xorg log and go from there09:55
=== Marshlurker is now known as afklurker
=== Spellbound is now known as Spellbound_
=== Spellbound_ is now known as Spellbound
=== Spellbound is now known as Spellbound__
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
yacc_How do I enable the ATI binary drivers on Hardy?10:30
=== yacc_ is now known as yacc
Dr_Willis_install the fglrx package10:30
Dr_Willis_i use that hardware manager tool normally for that.10:30
yaccWhere do I find that?10:31
yaccI told me that there is no fglrx package.10:31
yaccAnd I seem to have no "restricted driver" setting system -> advanced :(10:31
yaccjockey-kde tells me that no propiertary drivers are being used, it shows "ATI Fire GL" as activated but unused.10:33
MuzerI think I've broken wine10:36
MuzerI accidently changed the patch of the C drive in winecfg10:36
Muzerand now I can't load winecfg to change it back10:36
Dr_Willis_the config is a text file10:39
Dr_Willis_use any editor ya like.10:39
Muzerwhere is it stored?10:40
Muzer~/.wine is just dosdevices  drive_c  system.reg  userdef.reg  user.reg10:40
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:41
afklurkerMuzer: i think you might only need to change the links in ~/.wine/dosdevices10:44
=== Killerfox512 is now known as _Killerfox_
afklurkerbut thats only a guess. just try ist ;-)10:46
=== _Killerfox_ is now known as Killerfox512
afklurkerMuzer: does it work?10:49
helpyhow do i add OOo toolbar in ff3 in kubuntu ?10:59
=== hansmbakker is now known as wind-rider
igno                             ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ   ÛÛÛÛÛÝ   °ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ      °           ° ²  ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ11:12
igno                             ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ  ÛÛÛÛß    °°ÛÛÛÛÛÛ°  ÛÝ  Ü  ±  ±     ± ÛÛÛ° ÛÛÛÛ°ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ11:15
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igno                             ÛÛÛÛÛÛ±±ÛÛÛ±±      °ÛÛÛÛ°°°ÛÛ±     ߰ݱ   ° ° ± ° ±ÛÛÛ²   °    ÛÛÛÛÛ11:15
igno                            ÜßÛÛÛÛÛ²   ÛÛ     ²±ÛÛÛÛÛ±±±ÛÛ        ÞÛݱ   °°  °ÛÛÛÛÛ±±±    °  ²ÛÛÛÛ11:15
igno                            ±Û  ÛÛ °  °°±ÛÛ±±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²±ÛÛ       °°ÛÛÛ     °±±±±ÛÛÛÛ±°°°  ± ±±±ÛÛÛÛ11:15
igno                          Þß±    ±    ±±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²ÛÛÛ°Û    °±Û²ÛÛÛ±     °±ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ±   ±°°° ²±±±±Û11:15
Tm_Tsorry for my slowness11:16
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)11:16
fredthemonkeyis there a way to get zsnes working on x64?11:21
Dr_WillisI though zsnes was ported to 64bit not too long ago11:22
Dr_Willis!info zsnes11:22
ubottuzsnes (source: zsnes): Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.510-2ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 879 kB, installed size 4060 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)11:22
Dr_WillisGuess not.11:22
Dr_WillisMay of been a error in the package description  a few months back11:22
Dr_WillisOh wait., it does say amd6411:23
fredthemonkeybut i tried to compile it and it gives me a bunch of errors11:23
Dr_Willistry the package in the repos?11:23
fredthemonkeyadept couldn't find a package11:24
Dr_Willisits in universe,  you got universe enabled?11:24
fredthemonkeyi guess not11:24
fredthemonkeywhere can i enable it?11:25
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories11:25
Dr_Willispackage manager has a menu/checkbox's11:25
Dr_Willisand i think theres a repo manager tool now also11:25
fredthemonkeyah there it is11:26
fredthemonkeywell i enabled universe11:26
fredthemonkeyit was enabled before11:26
fredthemonkeybut it doesnt find a zsnes package11:26
fredthemonkeythis is what i get when i try to compile zsnes11:28
Dr_Willisyou did update the package listing  recently?11:30
fredthemonkeyi did it yesterday but i'll do it again11:31
Dr_Williszsnes uses assembly code in parts.. I dident think it even had a 64bit version11:31
fredthemonkeyno theres no zsnes in the list11:31
Dr_Willis64 bit users having trouble compiling should know that ZSNES is currently only x86-32 compatible and will not be x86-64 compatible for a while. It is advised in the mean time to setup a 32 bit chroot, or have 32 bit libraries installed and use either a precompiled binary or try to compile yourself in 32 bit mode by passing gcc/g++ -m32.11:31
Dr_WillisFrom the zsnes homepage.11:31
tappuliihiya, I updated from gutsy to hardy, and now my desktop doesn't show wallpaper, no matter what I put as the background picture. Anyone got ideas what the problem could be?11:31
fredthemonkeyah okay11:32
tappuliikdesktop is running and has no problem with mouse actions or showing icons11:32
Dr_Willisfredthemonkey,  so im pretty sure the info for the package/factoid is wrong. :)11:34
Dr_Willis!find snes11:34
ubottuFound: zsnes, gsnes9x, snes9express, snes9x-x11:34
Dr_Willis!info snes9x-x11:34
ubottusnes9x-x (source: snes9x): X binaries for snes9x - Super NES Emulator. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:1.5-1 (hardy), package size 666 kB, installed size 2500 kB11:34
Dr_Willisfredthemonkey,  i think what they mean to say is its intel only, not ppc, or other cpus :)11:35
Dr_Willisand even then - its 32bit onlt11:35
fredthemonkeydo you think it will run when i simply download the 32bit package?11:35
Dr_Willisa 32bit chroot env. willproberly be needed.11:35
Dr_Willisi dont mess with 64bit. so cant tell ya anything more11:36
fredthemonkeyi have no idea what a 32bit chroot is :D11:36
Dr_Willisif you have no need for 64bit os. then you may want to use the 32bit release of k/ubuntu11:37
Dr_Willisor just use a different snes emulator11:37
fredthemonkeyyes i'll use snes9x11:37
fredthemonkeyisnt a 32bit OS slower on a 64bit cpu?11:37
Dr_Willisnot at all11:37
Dr_WillisIt cant access as much ram..but if you dont have 4+gb of ram - it wont matter11:38
system366Oh ho ho! Dr_Willis :P11:38
Dr_WillisSOME programs may be a tad slower.11:38
Dr_Willisheavy math programs can gain from the 64bitness also.11:38
fredthemonkeywell i'll use snes9x :)11:38
fredthemonkeythanks for your help11:38
Dr_Willistheres a lot of 32 vs 64 'arguments' out there.11:38
Dr_WillisI noticed my new laptop has Vista 64bit. :)11:39
system366is 32 the x86 or is that 64?11:39
Dr_Willis64 - 64bit11:39
Dr_Willisits called amd64 becasue amd had the cpu out first I guess... :)11:39
Dr_Willisand the name just stuck.11:39
system366well thats the x86 thingy meen/ ;S11:39
Dr_Willisx86 = generic name for th eintel x086 line of cpus11:39
Dr_Willis8086 and so forth11:40
Dr_WillisWhich intell stopped using the # method some time back also11:40
Tm_T8088 <311:40
system366ok  now im confusesd but oh well...11:40
system366anyways Dr11:40
Dr_Willisgo researhs how intel used to # their cpus11:40
system366we have aptient here :P again :D11:40
system366or more of still =/11:40
Dr_WillisThe generic term x86 refers to the instruction set of the most commercially successful CPU architecture in the history of personal computing.[1] It is used in processors from Intel, AMD, VIA, and others, and derived from the model numbers of the first few generations of processors, backward compatible with Intel's original 16-bit 8086 CPU, most of which were ending in 86.[2] Since then, many additions and extensions have been adde11:41
Dr_Willisd to the x86 instruction set, almost consistently with full backwards compatibility.11:41
system366nVidia graphhics :) any goof with that? :P11:41
Dr_WillisI run that hardware config tool.. it gets my nvidia drivers.. i reboot.. done. :)11:41
system366well mine didnt work11:41
system366u meen the restricted drivers thingy right?11:42
Dr_Willisyep - they keep changeing its name11:42
system366well it didnt work for me and sum1 else said use envyng so i did11:42
Dr_Willisor i just 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new'11:42
system366same thing happened11:42
system366but there is a new thing in settings for my card11:42
system366when i open a message pops up saying11:42
system366You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.11:42
Dr_WillisI had to also install the nvidia config tools and  tweak them a bit.11:43
Dr_Williswhat you MIGHT try is removing the xorg.conf, and restarting X. (move it to another file name )11:43
Dr_WillisI had one machine i had to do that with.11:43
system366sum1 else told me to edit the screen section of the xorg config n i did n my screen resoluution went small but i fixed that with a diff app11:43
Dr_WillisThe new way X does the minimal configs - confuses somt things.11:43
system366ifi paste u my conf file can u tell me what needs changing plz? :)11:44
Dr_WillisI have no idea what needs changeing11:44
Dr_WillisSome times ya just gotta play with the tools.11:45
system366ah crap okays np11:45
Dr_Willisnvidia-settings - Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver11:45
Dr_Willisnvidia-xconfig - The NVIDIA X Configuration Tool11:45
system366ooo kk 1sec ill install that11:45
Dr_Williswhat i normally do is install those 2 tools above, and the nvidia-glx-new, reboot.. if it needs tweakig  i run the ' nvidia-xconfig -a ' command and try X again11:45
system366oh well it says the drivers are working so do i need the glx still?11:46
Dr_Willisfor some ODD reason the other day. Ihad to remove the  xorg.conf file. (sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.ORIGINAL ) and restarted X and it took off.11:46
Dr_Willisif you installed the glx package then its allready isntalled. it will say so if you try to install it.11:46
flaccidyou never need to remove xorg.conf . better to check log and see problem11:47
Dr_WillisIf the drivers are working and the display is just mess3ed up the 'sudo nvidia-settings ' MIGHT let you tweak them11:47
system366well i had install gls not the glx-new one but the envyng uninstalled it and installed a diff thing11:47
Dr_Willisflaccid,  i know..but it regenreated it properly after that.11:47
flaccidhow did it re-generate?11:47
Dr_WillisNo ideea. i just got mad at it.. and removed it. and it came back11:47
Dr_Willisand it worked. :)11:48
Dr_Willisi was trying to get it to kick into the bulletproof X thing11:48
nickishappythe "bullet proof x" feature is why that happened11:48
system366okheres a nice big list for u... which should i install?11:48
system366system366@system366-desktop:~$ aptitude search nvidia11:48
system366p   nvidia-cg-toolkit               - NVIDIA Cg Toolkit Installer11:48
Dr_Willisnickishappy,  yep. thats my guess also11:48
system366p   nvidia-glx                      - NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver11:48
system366p   nvidia-glx-dev                  - NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver dev11:48
system366p   nvidia-glx-dev-envy             - NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver dev11:48
system366p   nvidia-glx-envy                 - NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver11:48
system366c   nvidia-glx-legacy               - NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'legacy' d11:48
system366p   nvidia-glx-legacy-dev           - NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'legacy' d11:48
Dr_WillisBulletproof X - is somewhat  lacking in its bullet-proofness11:48
system366i   nvidia-glx-legacy-dev-envy      - NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'legacy' d11:48
system366i   nvidia-glx-legacy-envy          - NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'legacy' d11:49
flaccid!pastebin | system36611:49
ubottusystem366: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)11:49
system366p   nvidia-glx-new                  - NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driv11:49
system366p   nvidia-glx-new-dev              - NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driv11:49
system366p   nvidia-glx-new-dev-envy         - NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driv11:49
system366p   nvidia-glx-new-envy             - NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driv11:49
flaccidsystem366: never paste more than 3 lines at a time.11:49
system366v   nvidia-kernel-1.0.7184          -11:49
system366v   nvidia-kernel-1.0.8774          -11:49
nickishappysystem366: stop flooding the chanel11:49
system366v   nvidia-kernel-169.12            -11:49
system366v   nvidia-kernel-71.86.04          -11:49
system366v   nvidia-kernel-96.43.05          -11:49
system366i A nvidia-kernel-common            - NVIDIA binary kernel module common files11:49
flaccidi think we need an op to ban this person.11:49
system366p   nvidia-kernel-source            - NVIDIA binary kernel module source11:49
system366p   nvidia-kernel-source-envy       - NVIDIA binary kernel module source11:49
system366p   nvidia-legacy-kernel-source     - NVIDIA binary 'legacy' kernel module sourc11:50
Dr_WillisI think he discovered what the middle mouse button does11:50
system366i   nvidia-legacy-kernel-source-env - NVIDIA binary 'legacy' kernel module sourc11:50
system366p   nvidia-new-kernel-source        - NVIDIA binary 'new' kernel module source11:50
system366p   nvidia-new-kernel-source-envy   - NVIDIA binary 'new' kernel module source11:50
system366i   nvidia-settings                 - Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics dr11:50
system366p   nvidia-xconfig                  - The NVIDIA X Configuration Tool11:50
system366oops ty for that xD11:50
system366ooo ok :)11:50
system366sowwi ^_^11:50
system366Hey! -.-11:50
system366system366@system366-desktop:~$ aptitude search nvidia11:50
system366p   nvidia-cg-toolkit               - NVIDIA Cg Toolkit Installer11:51
system366p   nvidia-glx                      - NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver11:51
ubottuHelp! Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato,  haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild or jussi01!11:51
system366p   nvidia-glx-dev                  - NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver dev11:51
Dr_Willissystem366,  middle click = paste.11:51
system366p   nvidia-glx-dev-envy             - NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver dev11:51
flaccidthanks stdin11:51
stdinwow, quite a paste :/11:51
system366thanks for the warm welcome -.-11:52
stdinsystem366: please, for the love of all that is holy, use the pastebin11:52
system366yeh i am now i never knew about it before and i didnt know that middle click pasted XD11:52
flaccid!nvidia | system366 read that and if you have problems, check the log ok.11:52
ubottusystem366 read that and if you have problems, check the log ok.: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:52
stdin!paste | system36611:52
ubottusystem366: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:52
stdin^ that's the link11:52
stdinit's also in the topic ;)11:53
system366i have bookmarked the paste bin :)11:53
Dr_Willislearn to use the 'pastebinit' command11:53
system366how do i use it? :)11:53
stdinI'd guess "some_command | pastebinit"11:53
stdinif it's anything like my own script11:54
Dr_Willisman pastebinit11:54
Dr_Willis!info pastebinit11:54
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 8 kB, installed size 84 kB11:54
flaccidnewbies won't understand the man page11:54
Jack_Sparrowsudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)  simple  command11:54
Dr_WillisHeck they may not understand the idea of a pastebin11:54
stdinflaccid: man:/pastebinit  :)11:54
Jack_Sparrowsudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cp /etc/fstab ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && sudo fdisk -l >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && lsb_release -a >> ~/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt && cat /home/$USER/Desktop/Partition_Layout.txt | pastebinit  (Provide Pastebin link in channel)11:55
flaccidstdin: that won't help if they do not understand the man page!11:55
Dr_Willis$ magicially fix the machine --now11:55
flaccidlol so much for novice11:55
flaccidlets be realistic11:55
Dr_Willisflaccid,  we need a kpastebinit and a gnome-pastebinit :)11:55
Jack_Sparrowsystem366 what were you trying to post to the pastebin11:56
stdinflaccid: why not? it's in english right?11:56
system366that ;011:56
* Dr_Willis forgets the original problem11:56
Dr_Willissystem366,  and the point of that paste was ?11:56
system366graphhics not working :P11:56
flaccidstdin: because they are a newbie and do not know how to read a man page11:56
system366program tells me to edit it11:57
flaccida lot of newbies don't even know what cli is11:57
Dr_WillisI listed the 3 packages i normaly install11:57
Dr_Willissystem366,  theres no reason to edit THAT output. its not a config file.11:57
system366yeh im just looking on this page flaccid said to go to11:57
system366oh yeh wrong one11:57
Dr_Willissystem366 :)11:57
system366lmfao thats the one i was asking which to install woops XD11:57
flaccidsystem366: purge all those packages then run hardware drivers manager, enable it and reboot, done.11:58
Dr_Willisthe fact that you ran envy. can really confuse things..11:58
Dr_Willisbut you stated that the nvidia driver WAS being used.. (how do you know this?)11:58
system366flaccid... those wer installed by a manager thingy ;)11:58
flaccidsystem366: good for you :)11:59
Dr_Willisif the driver IS being used, and the display is just wrong the 2 nvidia config tools may help11:59
flaccidor bad rather11:59
Dr_Willisthese 2 -->11:59
Dr_Willisnvidia-settings - Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver11:59
Dr_Willisnvidia-xconfig - The NVIDIA X Configuration Tool11:59
system366i used the restricred drivers 1st11:59
system366it didnt work11:59
flaccid!doesntwork | system36611:59
ubottusystem366: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.11:59
system366sum1 told me to manually install the nvidia-glx package11:59
flaccidi'll lave you guys to the mess im going to watch a movie11:59
system366still didnt work, i then got told to try using envyng so i did, it uninstalled the glx i previously installed and did something else...11:59
Dr_Willisnvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-new are the ones used by the video cards.. dependig on what card exactly12:00
akimwill kde3 be still supprted after the kde4.1 release?12:00
Dr_Willissystem366,  check your xorg.conf to see what driver is being used rigth now.12:00
system366ok doesnt work as in the restricted drivers and envyng say its working but my effects dont change anything and avant-window-navigator closes as soon as i start it up12:00
nevermorehi, is there an easy way to make vista udf cd's work under kubuntu?12:00
system366how do i check it please? :d12:00
Dr_Willisgrep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:00
akimhow many years?12:00
Dr_WillisDriver"nvidia"     or  Driver 'nv'12:01
system366        Driver          "nvidia"12:01
system366        Driver          "kbd"12:01
system366        Driver          "mouse"12:01
Dr_Willissystem366,   did you see a big Nvidia logo flash when you started up the machine and X started?12:02
yaccAh, the joys of quality software, WinXP install just ate my partition table ;)12:02
system366X starts automaticly... but no nVidia logo or anything12:02
flaccidthats off by default anyway in ubuntu12:02
system366ubuntu or kubuntu? ;)12:02
system366or both :D12:02
Dr_Willisflaccid,  Its was on for me by default for the first time in hardy..12:03
Dr_Willisnot sure why ubuntu hates it so much. :)12:03
flaccidnot for me12:03
flaccid[20:58] <flaccid> system366: purge all those packages then run hardware drivers manager, enable it and reboot, done. *cough*12:03
Dr_Willissystem366,  ok.. lets go back to the begining.. You DO seem to be using the nvidia driver.. so whats the issue?12:03
flaccidlol yeah is there an issue12:03
Dr_Willisand the issue is?12:03
system366the drivers seem fine but when i put desktop effects on there is no change at all also avant-window-navigator closes as soon as it starts up (I heard that if ur graphics dont work properly this will just close so i installed it to check)12:04
flaccidsystem366: which desktop effects and how and which kde version?12:04
system366kde3 compiz-fusion12:05
flaccid!compiz-fusion | system366 did you follow this?12:05
Dr_Willissystem366,  you did INSTALL compiz ?12:05
ubottusystem366 did you follow this?: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion12:05
system366i have the compizz-icon thingy aswell for configuing12:05
Dr_Willisi dont use compiz and i hate that avant-poo-thing. :)12:05
system3661sec :p12:05
flaccidsystem366: anyway support for this is in #compiz-fusion and you should show them the output of compiz --replace . we don't really support compiz here because its not kubuntu12:06
system366ooo okays ty ^_^12:06
nickishappyOnce kde4 supports dual head configurations properly, I'll be perfectly happy with kwin4's wobbly windows :D12:06
flaccidsystem366: i wouldn't expect it t work unless you followed the guide properly anyway..12:07
system366okays well i never knew of this guid12:07
system366but 1 question12:07
flaccidsystem366: yeah problem could be you. there is guides for almost everything on the wiki.12:07
Dr_Williswobbly windows makes my wife throw up12:07
system366deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/amaranth/ubuntu it says ubuntu at end of the link... will it still work for kubuntu?12:07
flaccidsystem366: we dont know and we don't support it.12:07
system366ok ill ask at compiz channel :012:08
Dr_Willisubuntu and kubuntu use the same packages -12:08
flaccidthat doesn't mean they operate the same12:08
Dr_Willisppa packag4es can cause issues.. use with care12:08
Dr_Williswhatever amaranth is12:08
flaccidits likely a user on launchpad12:08
el1tehi all im running the kubuntu 8.04 kde remix live cd. how do i install btaudio12:09
flaccidalrighty all done then.12:09
el1tei cant find it12:09
Dr_Willisso its not even a package/program name..12:10
el1tei figured that now...but how do i get it to show up in lsmod12:10
Dr_Willis#  0 source packages (0 bytes)12:10
Dr_Willis# 0 binary packages (0 bytes)12:10
el1tei tried to insert it but it cant find it12:10
* nickishappy remembers some good fun trying to get btaudio going12:10
flaccidel1te: its not in ubuntu12:10
flaccidso you must follow the 3rd party doco12:10
el1tewell i made a o-scope from my tv-card so im dying to try it :)12:11
el1tebttv is in there...why would that be there and not btaudio12:11
flaccidel1te: try google, lots there as usual12:11
nickishappylast I tried, you had to recompile alsa12:11
el1teyou dont think i did that before i had to get konversation install it and configure it?12:11
el1teoh no12:12
el1terecompile from live cd....that not gonna happen12:12
el1tei dont know why bttv would be there and not btaudio12:12
flaccidwhy would you expect there to be?12:12
nickishappythe gentoo wiki is the best place to look for btaudio information12:13
el1tewhat would you use bttv for?12:13
el1teif it has bttv it has to have btaudio dont it12:13
el1tewatch picture with no sound?12:14
nickishappydifferent cards handle this in different ways12:14
el1teahh true12:14
el1tewasnt thinking bout that12:14
el1tebeen up all night doing that project12:14
el1telooks sweet12:14
nickishappymost cards I've had you plug an audio out from the card to the mic in on the video card12:14
el1teany of you tried it?12:15
nickishappy*audio card12:15
el1tetrue thats how this card is to12:15
el1tebut i modded it :)12:15
el1teinto an oscilloscope12:15
nickishappyI never really got btaudio to work properly12:15
el1tethen i prob arent gonna get it working espicially from live cd12:16
nickishappythat is, once it was initialized it played sound even when I wasn't tv12:16
el1teyea i had that same problem i know what you mean12:16
el1teknow a distro that might have btaudio working?12:16
el1telive cd that is12:16
el1tei dont care bout bttv12:16
el1tein this case12:16
nickishappynot that I know of. maybe... MAYBE Sabayon12:17
nickishappythey compile a bunch of crazy stuff like that in by default12:17
el1teok thanks for the infor yall....and kubuntu 8,04 kde remix i love the desktoo12:17
el1telooks sweet12:17
el1tethanks much12:17
nickishappysee ya12:18
nickishappyhello hiral12:18
akimwill kde3 still be supported by kubuntu after the kde4.1 release?12:19
nickishappyI bet it will12:19
nickishappy4.1 will still be missing a few important features12:19
* nickishappy points to dual head setup that won't work in KDE4 until 4.2 or 4.312:20
akimhas kubuntu kde3 hardy a compiz fusion integration?12:20
engineerno and it will never have12:21
akimlike ubuntu12:21
engineerkwin will have it's own effects12:21
akimyes it will, but now12:21
nickishappynow it's not officially supported, but easy to do12:22
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akimis there a little workshop?12:23
akimi never know what to write in the autostart script12:23
nickishappyinstall fusion-icon, and start that at login12:24
nickishappyit will let you switch windows managers on the fly12:24
nickishappyit can reek havok with iconified windows in the tray though12:25
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akimcan launch it automatically at login?12:26
Dr_Willisthis is linux... "you can do anything"12:28
ubottuTo make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. For a complete guide, see http://jucato.org/kde/kde-autostart.html12:29
pzharhi folks, just got kubuntu12:38
nickishappyhow do you like it so far?12:38
system366ummm how do i get back to the compiz fusion channel please? :)12:39
pzharwell, i've had some problems with kde 4.012:39
nickishappysystem366: join #compiz-fusion12:39
pzharwhen i log into kde 4.0 it just give me a back screen, sometimes with artifacts12:40
system366and how can i save it to my server list please?12:40
nickishappyare you using konversation?12:40
pzharhence, i'm currently running hardy heron12:40
akimfile -> server list12:40
nickishappyfile->server list->irc.freenode.net->edit12:41
pzharanybody known how to uninstall kde 4.0?12:41
nickishappykde4 is still in seigo stage (for those of you who listen to linux action show)12:41
nickishappyin add/remove programs, search for kde4 and uninstall related packages12:42
Ayabarahow do I install themes in my kubuntu? can I just drag and drop tar.gz files somewhere?12:42
pzharthing is that i got kde 4 working before but now it doesn't work - must be some package i installed that it doesn't like12:42
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy12:43
akimi would rather reinstall kubuntu, but with kde312:43
nickishappypzhar: have you tried the nightly builds? one day kde4 might magically work again for you :)12:43
system366hmmm what do i type in for the new server? i put compiz-fusion as name and the irc link as server thingy but when i try to connect it ends at CTCP]revieced version request from freenode-connect12:44
nickishappyyou can't forget the #12:44
akimor did you install the kde3 version?12:44
Dr_WillisAyabara,  Themes under kde are often a little more complex then that. they are made of different parts. and ofte the parts need tobe compiled.12:44
nickishappythe server is irc.freenode.net12:44
Dr_WillisAyabara,  there are a great many themes and parts in the package manager. not instaled by default12:44
AyabaraDr_Willis: that's what I feared :-)12:44
pzharwhat are the nightly builds12:45
AyabaraDr_Willis: ah.12:45
Dr_WillisAyabara, with great power comes great... err.. somthing12:45
system366yeh i put that as   the server... what am i supposed to put as the name?12:45
system366am i supposed to enter a command in the command field?12:45
AyabaraDr_Willis: is there a package with a collection of themes in the repo?12:46
nickishappypzhar: if you add "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/project-neon/ubuntu hardy main" to sources.list, they build parts of kde4 nightly12:46
Dr_WillisAyabara,  fire up the package manager and look for ' kwin ' and ' themes '12:46
nickishappysystem366: just add #compiz-fusion to the list of auto join chanels12:47
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nickishappyqtcurve is an awesome theme12:47
Dr_Willisi just tend to use Plastik12:47
AyabaraDr_Willis: hm. just found kwin-baghira.12:48
Dr_WillisAyabara,  i hate os-x wannabes12:48
nickishappywith whatever the kubuntu default was, I couldn't tell if checkboxes were checked when they were highlited12:48
Dr_Willisdont care for OS-X either. :)12:48
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash12:48
Dr_Willisnickishappy,  yep. hate that.12:49
Dr_Willisnickishappy,  like the old apps that used some little box that was up or down to be checked.. :)12:49
AyabaraDr_Willis: ditto. I'm looking for a nice dark theme. Azenis looks good, but it has errors in the tar.gz file..12:49
Dr_Willisdark themes always seem to have other conflicts.12:49
pzharthanks for the help - how exactly do i ad the line into the sources.list file - where does it go12:50
Dr_Willislooks good most of the time.. then bam.. somthing shows up unreadable12:50
clau30does anyone know how to fix flash on firefox3 (64 bit system)?12:50
nickishappypzhar: add what I had in quotes to the end of the /etc/apt/sources.list file (without the quotes)12:51
nickishappyflash works fine here in hardy on 64 bit most of the time12:51
nickishappyif all flash fails, restart the browser and it should come back up12:51
clau30well yesterday worked fine (after a ln -s) and today... dunno why, it doesn't work anymore12:51
AyabaraDr_Willis: I agree to that as well :-)12:52
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* nickishappy prefers a light theme with a nice black konsole over it12:53
clau30heh, works after browser restart.. thanks nickishappy ;)12:53
pzharok, i've added the line12:54
Ddekexcuse me, when i try to compile a .c file with a mipsel compiler i get this error "/opt/mcmcc-mipsel/mipsel-linux/bin/ld: cannot open crt1.o" someone can help me?12:54
Ayabaraif someone can recommend a nice, light theme, I'm happy to listen :-)12:54
pimDdek I think you'd better ask that somewhere else.12:54
nickishappyclau30: no problem. I've been using flash on 64bit for a while. It's gotten much better lately12:55
clau30yeah, I'm quite happy with it12:55
clau30no issues beside this one12:55
pzharhow do i install the nightly bulds having changed the sources.list file12:55
nickishappyDdek: that looks like a linker error. You are asking in the wrong place though12:56
clau30so thanks again and bye12:56
nickishappyone sec pzhar...12:56
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_sourcemakerwhat is better: vnc or rdp?12:58
nickishappypzhar: apt-get install kde-nightly-*12:58
spyketomatohey all - I have a .tar archive that I made yesterday (while doing a fresh install of kubuntu), and now Ark doesn't want to open it - any ideas if I can check/repair/do SOMETHING with the archive to get what I can out of it?? (it's my entire music collection...)12:58
PhilRodspyketomato: "tar tf filename.tar" in a konsole - does that show you a list of files in the archive? (It should if the file is not corrupt)13:00
spyketomatoPhilRod: yep, it's scolling though everything13:01
PhilRodok, then the archive presumably isn't corrupt13:01
spyketomatoI'm hoping it isn't :)13:02
PhilRodyou could just untar it on the command line if all you want is to get the files out:13:02
PhilRodtar xvf filename.tar13:02
PhilRodthat'll extract it to the current directory13:02
spyketomatothat's all I need - let me see if that works13:02
spyketomatoweird - seems to be working fine - wonder why ark didn't like the archive...13:03
spyketomatomade me panic and everything - BAD ark!!13:04
Dragnslcr_sourcemaker- usually rdp, but there is no rdp server for Linux that I know of13:04
nickishappyark has been giving me guff lately too13:05
nickishappythe other day I had my mom drop to the cli to extract something :)13:05
spyketomatomaybe ark's just going through some issues... wife's sick or something lol13:07
Ayabarais there a "normal" way to build a theme using cmake? never used cmake before, but it looks like it's what I need to do :-)13:14
woltonhow is service's name of "update" in kubuntu 7.10 ?13:20
woltonI would like disable this service ... someone knows ?13:21
DragnslcrYou mean Adept Updater?13:24
neville_Is there ever going to be firefox 3 packaged for Gutsy?13:25
woltonwell I dont know .. I saw that everyone start computer .. happen one check update13:25
nickishappymaybe in backports re[p (not enabled by default)13:25
woltoneveryone = everytime .. sorry13:26
woltonnickishappy: but Firefox 3 will be avail for 7.10 ?13:26
woltonofficial releasing13:26
Dragnslcrneville_- probably not in the repository13:27
nickishappyyou'd have to ask a master of the universe (MOTU)13:27
Dragnslcr!info firefox-3.0 gutsy13:27
ubottuPackage firefox-3.0 does not exist in gutsy13:27
woltonmay be only 8.0313:28
flaccidi don't think that thing works with the bot right13:28
neville_>> Beta 4 is the latest, and it's so ugh13:28
Dragnslcrwolton- anyway, you don't want to disable Adept Updater, unless you plan on manually doing apt-get upgrade every day13:28
woltonDragnslcr: yes I want .. how to disable adept updater ?13:29
woltonI think "apt-get update", not ?13:29
woltonI came from fedora ....13:30
woltonand from gnome13:30
woltonso little lost in Kubuntu13:30
flaccidyeah gutsy-backports needs to be updated if it is to be updated13:30
flaccid!enter | wolton13:30
ubottuwolton: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:30
flaccidwolton: simply right click and ext adept_notifier from the task tray13:31
woltonflaccid: but no adept_notifier in my task tray13:33
flaccidsorry what do you want to disable then?13:33
woltoncheck updates13:34
woltonI think is a service, not ?13:34
flaccidwhat do you mean?13:34
flaccidi havnt heard of it13:34
woltonin fedora was yum-updated13:34
flaccidyeah this isn't fedora last time i checked :)13:35
ixenakisHI :-)13:37
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!13:37
Dragnslcrflaccid- I think he wants to disable Adept Notifier, which I already said is a bad idea13:38
frogonwheels$#)(* adept notifier - hate it.13:38
frogonwheelsdisabled it straight away.13:38
frogonwheelsbut I do fairly regular aptitude updates - so it's user choice.13:38
frogonwheels.. so Dragnslcr's warning still stands flaccid :)13:39
flaccidDragnslcr: yeah i gave the solution to that as well.13:39
flaccidthere was a warning lol13:40
neville_oh well, i'll just make it from source. thanks for your time13:40
flaccidpeople have the choice to disable whatever they want!13:40
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fkslshttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5237868#post5237868 <-- someone please help me :/  Re: woke up, pc had shut down, help!!!!13:57
RurouniJonesAny OSS "Final Draft" style programs (screenplay writing software) out there?14:02
User657Can anyone tell me if Kubuntu is ok for a home server?14:06
enrryhello, who knows how to set usplash resolution?14:06
system366just for future referance incase any1 comes in with same problem of having graphics drivers installed but effects not working. if they have a nVidia GFX card using Legacy drivers they need to Run :  sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl14:07
DragnslcrUser657- should work fine, though if it's a server, you probably don't need a desktop environment, so you could just use Ubuntu Server14:07
system366good question... who knows how to set resolution in general? XD14:07
enrrysystem settings14:07
system366oh yea i forgot about that. now i feel like a right noob, ty :)14:08
User657Would that be easy to setup? I#m new to linux so something easy.14:08
nickishappyeveryone knows you just add a new modeline to xorg.conf to change resolutions :P14:09
User657I was looking at the following tut. It seems simple enough. http://www.techenclave.com/guides-and-tutorials/how-build-low-cost-linux-home-102018.html014:10
system366ooo nickishappy... how do i edit my xorg.conf file again? i always forget :)14:10
system366sudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf? or sumthing like that?14:11
nickishappysystem336: yeah, about that. ubuntu is actually pretty touchy about the xorg.conf with bullet proof X. I'd stick to the gui tools to be safe14:11
nickishappyor sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:11
system366well i just tried it and changed the resolution14:11
system366resolution changed fine but text is still small14:11
Dragnslcrsystem366- always use kdesu with GUI apps14:11
enrrydoesn't work14:12
User657Does Kubuntu have a CD distro?14:12
system366this only happened sincle i install the xserver-glx and got compiz working... so im guessing i need to change a setting in compiz then?14:12
DragnslcrUser657- I've never installed Ubuntu Server, so I don't know what it's like. If you already know how to run a Linux server, I can't imagine it being very difficult14:12
Dragnslcrpim- kdesu and kdesudo are the same program now14:13
system366user657 for CD distros free go to shipit ubuntu (Google it) and u can get free discs :)14:13
User657Thats my problem Dragn. I am a complete newb when it comes to Linux. I am running PCLinuxOS at the mo but I have looked at the tutorial I just sent the link for and I thought I would get some guru advice.14:13
Dragnslcrpim- actually, kdesu is just a symlink to kdesudo14:13
ubottuFactoid pastebinit not found14:13
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)14:14
system366thar we go lols14:14
User657What I actually want to do is have a home server with printing capabilites and access to my files whilst I am away from home.14:14
DragnslcrUser657- I guess it depends what you want the server for14:14
User657I have over 100 films in avi format. Thousands of MP3's from old CD's I have converted.14:15
system366http://paste.ubuntu.com/22112/ Please can sum1 tell me exactly what bits to change??? i need my text bigger but would prefer if i can keep same resolution, was working fine before i got compiz-fusion workig14:15
DragnslcrUser657- I don't have any experience with settings up a CUPS server, but setting up an FTP server should be pretty easy14:15
User657The other computers in the household are running on windows so it would have to be compatible.14:15
DragnslcrActually, you probably wouldn't even need FTP, just run sshd and use an SCP client14:16
system366my text is so small where u said pretty easy i thought u said pretty sexy... im gunna need a magnifying glass XD14:16
DragnslcrUser657- WinSCP is pretty good for file transfers14:16
User657See thats all jargon to me. Maybes I am better off sticking with windows.14:16
system366User679, trial and error... best way to learn linux... one tip tho. dont type DD in to any rooted console ;)14:17
DragnslcrUser657- for SCP, all you need on the server side is an sshd, I think the package name is openssh-server14:17
Dr_Willisssh + winscp = easy way to transfer some files14:17
DragnslcrUser657- and on the client side you just use WinSCP14:17
system366yes openssh-server and openssh-client so u can work with the server both ways :)14:17
User657Basically I would like a point of contact for all my films. Pictures. Files and possibly someway of backing up my pictures. I would also like to be able to backup my server. A kind of raid system.14:18
system366or of course he could setup a sharing folder?? :) that works from winndows to linux i believe?14:18
system366u can use G-Parted to setup a raid system i think?14:18
system366format as a raid drive if you have 2 drives in one computer??? or something like that, i saw raid sumwer yesterday while formatting a drive in linux and i think it was in gparted ::)14:19
User657It seems like a bigger project than I first thought.14:21
fkslshttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5237868#post5237868 <-- someone please help me :/  Re: woke up, pc had shut down, help!!!!14:25
ravhello. i was told yesterday that the b43 kernel module does work on the 2.6.24-19 kernel. but if i do 'sudo iwlist scan' i get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22115/14:31
RurouniJonesAny OSS "Final Draft" style programs (screenplay writing software) out there? celtx to answer my previous question if anyone is interested.14:33
yao_ziyua1how about ff3 for kubuntu now?14:34
flaccid_!info firefox | yao_ziyua114:37
ubottuyao_ziyua1: firefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 (hardy), package size 64 kB, installed size 120 kB14:37
yao_ziyua1i'm going to ubuntu to test it14:38
yao_ziyua1found some bugs under kubuntu14:38
flaccid_rav: did you use the guide on the wiki for that driver?14:38
SlimG2krita 1.6.3 still creates a 1px transparent edge along the bottom and right edge of a picture when resized to less than origianl, anyone else got this problem? or just me?14:38
CalumHi folks: I'm having some real problems getting a vanilla ethernet connection established with 8.04/KDE4 - not having much joy Googling.  Anyone have any pointers?14:38
flaccid_Calum: check hardware support for your card14:38
CalumRealtek 8139 - worked in 6.06 (and SuSE 7.0, for that matter ;)14:39
tzdanyone using Krusader here please?14:39
PhilRodCalum: how far have you got? does the interface show up in ifconfig?14:39
flaccid_tzd: i use it14:40
CalumPhilRod, Yes, the interface exists, and avahi (which I don't understand at all) assigns an IP to it in the 169.* range, but nothing is pingable14:40
PhilRodCalum: ok, I don't understand avahi either, but afaict it just gets in the way14:41
CalumI also note that ipv6 is enabled and wonder if there could be a conflict of some kind going on14:41
CalumLOL, I'm glad it's just not me.14:41
flaccid_Calum: thats normal14:41
flaccid_Calum: you can stop avahi by sudo /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon stop to see if its the problem14:42
tzdflaccid_: great :) I have this issue with "user actions".. when i right click a file i get 40 "actions" listed even when i deleted most of them? Do you experience the same issue or do you have a solution to this please? I found something on google referring to a xml file but that one matched my settings :/14:42
PhilRodCalum: if the interface is up and you have a dhcp server on your network, you should be able to get an address with "sudo dhclient eth0" (or whatever the interface is)14:42
flaccid_tzd: sorry can't really help.. i've never touched the actions etc.14:42
flaccid_you might want to kill the running dhcpd and dhcdbd14:43
flaccid_as well Calum before running dhclient14:43
Calumflaccid_, good idea.  I tried killing avahi and running dhclient to no avail.14:43
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tzdflaccid_: hmm ok but you've must have experienced that same thing? If you try right clicking on a file in krusader and just hoovering over user actions then you'll get that massive list right?14:44
flaccid_Calum: check your log and dmesg..14:44
CalumWill do.14:44
flaccid_tzd: sure i do14:45
tzdflaccid_: cool, thanks :)14:45
CalumBefore I reboot, can I get a list of suggestions for debugging info (lspci, etc) that might be of any use?  No point ping-ponging back and forth!14:45
flaccid_Calum: um look for errors and advise what happens with dhclient14:47
Calumnae bother.  Be back in half an hour!14:48
flaccid_whatever nae means14:49
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cappy_hello, i got a problem... i installed PAM and now i cant use root user ,What should i do ?15:02
Dr_WillisI cant say that ive ever used pam. SO cant help much15:03
Dr_Willis!info pam15:03
ubottuPackage pam does not exist in hardy15:03
jussi01cappy_: what do you mean by root user?15:03
jussi01ie. sudo?15:03
cappy_su , sudo , kdesu . gksudo15:03
cappy_either of them15:03
cappy_it print me that i typed 3 times wrong password15:03
cappy_without touching my keyboard15:04
flaccid_pam is already used in ubuntu and the sudo password is the user password and not the root one if thats what you are trying15:05
ravflaccid: no, i just used 'sudo modprobe b43'15:05
flaccid_!wireless | rav15:05
ubotturav: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:05
flaccid_its linked from there rav for your b4315:05
cappy_i downloaded Linux PAM and compiled it myself15:06
flaccid_why? if so perhaps you misconfigured it15:06
cappy_it was in15:06
cappy_policykit's deps15:06
flaccid_and why?15:06
cappy_policy kit was in HAL deps15:07
cappy_and i couldn't install HAL From reps15:07
flaccid_hal also comes with kubuntu by default15:07
cappy_and i decided to compile latest version from tarballs15:07
flaccid_!ebter | cappy_15:07
ubottuFactoid ebter not found15:07
flaccid_!enter | cappy_15:07
ubottucappy_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:07
flaccid_yes it seems for no reason15:08
cappy_when i tried to install HAL with sudo apt-get install hal, it prints me error with --configure15:08
omega_need some help ... anyone? i need to instal rhide .... as a ubuntu beginner ... the problem is: the instaler asc for libstdc++2.10-glib2.2 ... i've installed libstdc++5 i guess so .... but the same shit ...15:09
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ubuntui have cool brand new hookas for you15:10
ubuntucome on guys15:11
ubuntufuck you15:11
ubuntukill niggers15:11
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/15:11
flaccid_!language | ubuntu15:11
ubottuubuntu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:11
ubottuHelp! Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato,  haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild or jussi01!15:11
stdinBluesKaj: too late15:11
flaccid_cappy_: don't tell us an error, pastebin the error to show us15:11
fkslshttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5237868#post5237868 <-- someone please help me :/  Re: woke up, pc had shut down, help!!!!  X Server terminated unexpectedly15:12
BluesKajright on stdin15:12
flaccid_!language | omega_15:12
ubottuomega_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:12
stdinomega_: we don't have that package, it's a (very) old version and we don't use it15:12
cappy_it doesnt matter the HAL15:12
Dr_WillisKubuntu the 'clean' channel.15:12
omega_one moment15:13
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cappy_its about su, sudo etc.15:13
flaccid_cappy_: you broke it by something outside of kubuntu support scope it seems15:13
cappy_i will try to restart15:14
Dr_Willis!find PAM15:15
ubottuFound: libapache2-mod-auth-pam, libpam-krb5, libpam-ldap, libpam-mount, libpam-opie (and 77 others)15:15
Dr_Williswowsers. theres a lot of PAM things :)15:15
omega_i've got the binaries from here http://www.rhide.com/ ... i've opened the file ... and the package installer report "error: dependency is not satisfiable: libstdc++2.10-glib2.2" ...... after this .... i've .. "sudo apt-get install libstdc++5" ..... and all the old shit ....15:16
flaccid_considering the user did something unnecessary and hasn't advised why or what is trying to be achieved or even the config used for what was installed etc. its a bit crazy..15:16
flaccid_omega_: stop swearing!15:16
Dr_WillisOld stdc++ and other old libs can be a real problem.15:17
stdinomega_: 1) don't swear, 2) I told you already, we don't have that package15:17
flaccid_and omega_ stdin has already advised that is an old version which is not in ubuntu anymore15:17
Dr_Willisomega_,  it may be best if you recompiled from source.15:18
omega_thanx ..so what can i do for an c++ ide ...... recompiled what ?15:18
flaccid_yeah or contact the 3rd party provider and complain15:18
omega_there is some ....  chanel for .ro users?15:20
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro15:20
elbasanthere is any way that I can make ChameleonMega digikam to work on my Kubuntu15:20
_sourcemakerI am using currently the remote desktop connection with kde.... but the graphic response is realy slow... what's wrong?15:20
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!15:22
elbasanany idea15:22
Icelabthe question is the follow15:22
Icelabsomebody can tell me if is ok that when i insert the pen drive on the desktop appare the icin of the pen and icon of floppy?15:23
Dr_Willis_sourcemaker,  the shared desktop stuff can be sluggish. disable fancy eyecandy, and wallpaper. and if you can reduce the # of colors or resolution of the desktop15:23
_sourcemakerDr_Willis: I have already done...15:24
Dr_WillisIcelab,  You are worried about the icon?15:24
Dr_WillisIcelab,  you could customize the icon if you wanted to I guess. :)15:24
Icelabsorry for my english worried??15:24
Dr_Willis_sourcemaker,  i ten to keep vnc and a 'private' shared desktop that run a minimal window manager like jwm. I normally do NOT share the currently running desktop.15:24
Dr_WillisIcelab,  you dident really ask a question... Is it ok that you get an icon?  or is there some other issue?15:25
elbasanhey guys any idea for my digkam\15:25
_sourcemakerDr_Willis: when i move the mouse... it takes a lot of time... until the screen repaint has been completed... Well... when I connect to an windows machine... the session is very fast... :-)15:25
Dr_Willis_sourcemaker,  there may be sime compression featres you could enable. I rarely use that feature.  Ive heard that FreeNX is speedier then vnc. but never use it.15:26
Icelabyes i have costomized but i think it is a bug because the icon of pen is diplaied but i don't understand because it is dispolaied the icon of floppy15:26
thewhitepelicanI'm running kde 4.1 beta 1, through ubuntu under virtual box. I've made a discovery. When in kubuntu, I try to shut down and it drops me to the ubuntu sign in screen (I used GDM). When I go into Gnome, and shut down, it shuts down the guest like it's supposed to. I realize it's just a beta but will this be fixed soon?15:26
flaccid_!kde4 | thewhitepelican15:26
ubottuthewhitepelican: KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde415:26
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX15:27
Dr_WillisIcelab,  i doubt if its a problem as to what icon it shows. I think it tries to pick an icon depending on what sort of device it thinks the usb thing is.15:27
thewhitepelicanok, how do I easily get rid of 4.1 beta 1 and downgrade to 4.04?15:28
flaccid_thewhitepelican: this is not the place to ask15:28
ubottuKDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde415:28
Icelabsorry doc, but i think that only the icon of pen drive must be displaied when i fix and not the iconn of floppy??15:28
thewhitepelicanso where do I ask, flaccid_ ?15:29
flaccid_[00:26] <ubottu> thewhitepelican: KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde415:29
_sourcemakerDr_Willis: is there a difference between vnc and rdp?15:30
jmichaelxubottu is actually out of date. it should say 4.0.515:30
ubottujmichaelx: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:30
jmichaelxubottu, i certainly don't15:31
ubottujmichaelx: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:31
Schuenemannwhat packages do I need to install for compiz?15:31
flaccid_stdin: can you update the factoid for kde4?15:31
flaccid_!compiz-fusion | Schuenemann15:32
ubottuSchuenemann: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion15:32
Dr_Willis_sourcemaker,  i think so.. but i never use rdp. windows has rdp by default I belive. I only ever use vnc in all its 1000+ variations :)15:32
_sourcemakerDr_Willis: ok... thanks15:32
flaccid_rdp and vnc totally different protocol15:32
_sourcemakerflaccid_: rdp is the windows one... right?15:32
flaccid_yeah and its on linux now too15:32
Dr_WillisI often have vnc set where it spawns a 'hidden'  desktop that runs my torrent client and a few other things I like to check on remotely15:32
Schuenemannflaccid_, thanks, I was looking for that15:33
stdin!kde4 | flaccid_15:33
ubottuflaccid_: KDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde415:33
flaccid_thanks stdin sir15:33
_sourcemakerDr_Willis: ok... and you are using the kde once.. or some other stuff light tightvnc...?15:33
Jucatopfft... stdin's too fast...15:33
Dr_Willis_sourcemaker,  i rarely if ever use the ones in kde or gnome. I tend to use vnc4server15:33
Schuenemanndoes that remix version of hardy come with KDE 4?15:34
SchuenemannI mean, stable KDE 415:34
_sourcemakerDr_Willis: thanks... I wil try vnc4server15:34
flaccid_yep Schuenemann, well at least upgradeable to 4.0.515:34
Dr_Willis_sourcemaker,  ages ago there was issues with some of the vnc server variants.. vnc4server worked :) so i use it15:34
Schuenemannflaccid_, but it's not KDE beta, right?15:35
Schuenemannor RC15:35
_sourcemakerDr_Willis: is there performance better than the build in kde vnc?15:35
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flaccid_Schuenemann: correct15:35
flaccid_we are waiting for 4.1 which is due um soon15:35
Schuenemannwell, I guess I'll try the remix version then15:36
SchuenemannI'm still using gutsy15:36
Schuenemannbtw, since when shipit started sending only 1 CD?15:37
Schuenemannmakes it harder to share with work or university colleagues15:37
flaccid_quite a while ago iirc15:37
flaccid_you don't have cd burners at uni?15:38
flaccid_Jucato: topic can be updated but :)15:39
Schuenemannyeah, those who use linux burn without any problem15:39
Schuenemannbut windows people wouldn't15:39
=== Jucato changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Get Hardy Kubuntu (KDE3) CDs https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | KDE 4 support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 8.04 Released! http://kubuntu.org/news/8.04-release | KDE 4.0.5 in backports
flaccid_any decent operating system can burn an iso966015:39
SchuenemannI brought the ISO there, almost nobody was interested :)15:39
Schuenemannit is easier to just share the pressed cd15:40
flaccid_yeah the usual story :o15:40
Schuenemannbut I think many people were requesting the cd and never used15:40
flaccid_i find it quicker to burn then waiting a week or two at least for shipit15:40
flaccid_yeah lots of coasters15:40
Schuenemannme too15:40
flaccid_and its a quick release cycle too15:40
Schuenemannspecially because there'll be a newer version a few months later15:41
flaccid_i mean its all very accessible for those that actually want to give it a go15:41
tappuliihello, I got a problem with desktop wallpaper since updating to hardy. I only get dark blue colour as a background and no wallpaper at all. Could someone help me out?15:42
flaccid_tappulii: what happens when you change the wallpaper in configure desktop?15:44
BluesKajheh, I burned 2 cds that were frisbees 'til i realized that the cd-r's were faulty , only 3 good ones out of 10.15:44
_sourcemakerit's there a configuration dialog to configure the special effects for kde?15:44
_sourcemakerto first startup dialog as command?15:44
tappuliiflaccid_: nothing happens, the same dark blue color stays.15:44
flaccid__sourcemaker: which effects and what do you mean 'first startup dialog ..15:44
flaccid_tappulii: weird. im not sure what the problem could be sorry15:45
_sourcemakerflaccid_: when I start kde the first time... without having a kde home dir... a screen appears to configure the speed and kde effects... memory usage...15:45
SchuenemannBluesKaj, for myself, I was use RW :-)15:45
BluesKajdon't buy Fuji15:45
tappuliiflaccid_: too bad :(15:45
BluesKajI use RW's as well , but some are permanent, like music for my car.15:46
flaccid__sourcemaker: you want to get back to that program to change things?15:46
_sourcemakerflaccid_: right15:47
SchuenemannBluesKaj, don't it support USB?15:47
leneai've got a problem mounting my drives. can anyone please help? i'm using kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 415:47
BluesKajmy car cdplayer doesn't have a usb15:47
Schuenemanntalking about music, is there any site that sells music not in that stupid encrypted windows media player junk?15:47
flaccid__sourcemaker: yep its a program, trying to remember the binary name hmm15:47
flaccid_!kde4 | lenea15:47
ubottulenea: KDE 4.0.5 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.5.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde415:47
flaccid_Schuenemann: there are many, check google. beatport is pretty good if you like that music15:48
AkariTakaiCan anyone help me with an unusual samba problem?15:48
=== rmribeiro is now known as betus
Schuenemannflaccid_, all I've heard about sell an encrypted mp3 file15:49
flaccid__sourcemaker: as per Jucato its kpersonalizer15:52
_sourcemakerflaccid_: great... thanks15:52
* flaccid_ wishes they wouldn't use american spelling15:53
Jucato(he who codes, decides :P)15:53
Schuenemannflaccid_, nice site, but limited to that kind of music =/15:53
flaccid_Schuenemann: yeah but there should be some for more commercial music but i don't know where15:55
ginjeetHi, I have some issues and need help. Anyone?16:08
flaccid_Jucato: can you confirm if 'Desktop Settings Wizard' is in your Settings folder in kmenu? i think there is a logical bug in kpersonalizer in that kubuntu doesn't include this shortcut as advised in the last step of kpersonalizer16:09
flaccid_!ask | ginjeet16:09
ubottuginjeet: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:09
Jucatoflaccid_: there usually isn't a "Settings" menu in Kubuntu. it's not a logical bug but more of a Kubuntu customization afaik16:10
Jucatoalso, kpersonalizer isn't installed by default I think (or last I checked KDE 3 last year)16:10
flaccid_Jucato: well the 'Advanced Desktop Effects Settings' goes in the settings menu16:11
leneai've just installed xmms2. doesn't it have gui or why can't i find it under K-menu -> Multimedia??16:11
flaccid_!info kpersonalizer16:11
ubottukpersonalizer (source: kdebase): installation personalizer for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu7.2 (hardy), package size 450 kB, installed size 820 kB16:11
Jucatoflaccid_: let me check. still might be a Kubuntu customization to remove it's entry from the menu...16:12
ginjeetMy kubuntu updated to the newest kernel (i think the sound started to be very laggy and after a restart the system cant find my sound card.16:12
flaccid_well if its included in default install or not the program references something which doesn't exist but should be in the kpersonalizer pkg16:12
psycoAnyone know how to fix the Black menus when Baghira and KDE are mixed?16:12
Jucatoflaccid_: it's not the only app that does that. for example, a lot of Konqueror documentation/help would reference to menus that are not in Kubuntu's konqueror16:13
Jucatoit's really going to be hard to keep track of all of that...16:13
flaccid_i see that as a useability issue16:13
Jucatoflaccid_: btw.. Advanced Desktop Effects?16:14
Schuenemannlenea, how did you install it?16:14
flaccid_Jucato: actually thats not what i thought it was16:15
leneaSchuenemann : sudo apt-get install xmms216:15
flaccid_Jucato: that seems to run ccsm, not sure what pkg that is from16:15
Jucatoso of course KDE/Kubuntu has nothing to do with that ;)16:16
flaccid_like i said its not what i thought it was16:16
Schuenemannlenea, it should be there... run xmms2 in konsole to see if it's ok16:17
leneaSchuenemann : it's ok. but i need it gui :D16:17
flaccid_Jucato: i will submit a bug16:17
Jucatoflaccid_: to where?16:17
Schuenemannlenea, it has a gui when you run it, doesn't it?16:18
leneaSchuenemann : nope, it's just text-mode16:18
Jucatoflaccid_: um... what exactly is your bug though?16:18
flaccid_that there should be a menu entry16:19
=== lenin is now known as Bloodover
Schuenemannlenea, was it package xmms? I have that one installed16:19
Jucatoflaccid_: vanilla kde menu, there is. it was a kubuntu decision to remove it16:20
ginjeetMy kubuntu updated to the newest kernel (i think the sound started to be very laggy and after a restart the system cant find my sound card. Can someone please help?16:20
leneaSchuenemann : nope, it was xmms216:20
leneaSchuenemann : i can't seem to find the package named xmms16:21
flaccid_Jucato: thats no good. then i guess the suggestion should be removed from kpersonalizer so it doesn't reference something non existant16:21
Jucato(that's even worse)16:21
flaccid_well this is the nature of quality control16:22
Jucatoginjeet: does your sound work better if you boot into the former kernel you used?16:22
ginjeetI havent tried.16:22
ginjeetI have that option in grub?16:23
Jucatoflaccid_: sure. but you might as well file a bug for every piece of KDE upstream/vanilla documentation that makes references to things the Kubuntu might have removed or changed16:23
flaccid_the user doesn't care about the technicalities here, only that what they were asked does not exist...16:23
flaccid_Jucato: so be it, if i need to prove a point..16:23
Jucato(does "the user" know about kpersonalizer in the first place? if yes, then he would know how to run it as well)16:24
ginjeetJucato: ill check the other kernel and come back16:24
Jucatoanyway, file away. I'm not going to stop you16:24
flaccid_Jucato: yes and if you create a new user with no profile it will pop up on first logon. is it so hard for the kde and kubuntu to talk about this issue and work out a solution, shouldnt be...16:25
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion16:26
flaccid_Jucato: where else is stuff like this hard-coded?16:27
Jucato <Jucato> flaccid_: sure. but you might as well file a bug for every piece of KDE upstream/vanilla documentation that makes references to things the Kubuntu might have removed or changed16:27
ginjeetJucato: no sound in prevous kernel16:27
flaccid_you said recently that kubuntu doesn't mod much16:28
Jucatoexcuse me?16:28
flaccid_Jucato: specifically what?16:28
* Jucato wonders where or when he said that16:28
flaccid_i guess you don't recall that conversation16:28
SchuenemannI tried running 'compiz --replace' and I got a black screen and then weird stuff happened (like frozen task bar, no title bar and no keyboard). This is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22138/16:28
Jucatoif you do, please paste my exact words. I will need to correct myself then16:28
Jucato(or kick myself in the butt for making such a blatant misstatement)16:29
flaccid_it would take me a long time to find Jucato16:31
flaccid_we were talking about differences between kde trunk and kubuntu16:31
SchuenemannChecking for Xgl: not present. --> err... what package do I need? xserver-xgl?16:32
Jucatoflaccid_: trunk is KDE 4... we're referring to changes in KDE 3 in here16:32
Jucato*huge* difference in situations16:32
flaccid_does Kubuntu have documentation on their modifcations for packaging etc. ?16:32
flaccid_Jucato: true, then you must have been referring to kde4 although my question at the time was general and not specific to kde416:33
darkdelusions_ok irssi and putty do not mix well together :)16:33
flaccid_Schuenemann: yeah16:33
flaccid_i think its important that kubuntu documents its modifcations and strategies here for useability and quality purposes16:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242145 in kdebase "kpersonalizer should have a menu entry for itself in Settings -> Desktop Settings Wizard" [Undecided,New]16:34
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flaccid_im crashin16:38
=== root is now known as Guest50228
zaku-can some one help me out a bit please16:57
Schuenemann!ask | zaku-16:58
ubottuzaku-: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:58
eagles0513875has anyone ever migrated the data on an active directory server to an ldap server16:58
zaku-theres 1 hard disk on this computer that has windows installed on it, and the windows wont open anymore, at the moment im using kubuntu live cd to access on computer but i can't access on the hard disk16:59
stdin!ntfs | zaku-16:59
ubottuzaku-: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see /msg ubottu NTFS-3g or /msg ubottu FUSE16:59
zaku-thanks :D17:00
eagles0513875stdin: still have yet to find someone to respond to my ldap question lol17:00
stdineagles0513875: have you tried the forum yet?17:01
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eagles0513875stdin: im in no big hurry i can ask the teacher of my linux cert course17:01
eagles0513875this is for my new job possibly and i dont start that until tuesday17:01
ubottuLDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information and installation instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer17:02
eagles0513875candive: i know about that but i am wanting to know if its possible to migrate everything that is on a windows active dir server to an ldap server17:03
stdineagles0513875: linuxquestions.org it usually a good place to look, it's got quite an extensive archive now17:03
eagles0513875stdin: kooll thanks17:03
candivestdin, just checking for myself sorry17:03
eagles0513875candive: there is a possibility that my college might migrate to ldap17:04
candivestdin, I'm new17:04
clau30hi. I have a problem with usb pen drives. mount sais: UDF-fs: No VRS found ISOFS: Unable to identify CD-ROM format.17:05
eagles0513875candive: welcome to the best distro on earth lol17:05
eagles0513875stdin: im slowly managing to convert my school from winblows to linux17:05
clau30it happenes on 2 different drives, one I tried to reformat, repartition etc w/o any luck..17:05
igor_kdenlive doen't export timeline in medium quality formats (when I select that tab button "expor" gets disabled)17:06
candiveI am in love with ubuntu17:06
candiveall of them17:06
PhilRodclau30: sounds like you're using the wrong filesystem type. Have you tried other types? (mount -t fstype)17:07
candiveKeep up the Great work everyone, chow17:07
clau30PhilRod: ah, found a solution17:08
Pollywogdoes the bootlogger still work in Ubuntus?17:08
PollywogI can't seem to get it to log17:08
clau30there was an entry in /etc/fstab for the cdrom17:09
PollywogI have it set to yes in /etc/default/bootlogd17:09
Pollywogin Gutsy17:09
Seren__I got an issue with kate : I select UTF-8 when saving a file, and when I use the file command, it says that my file is actually iso 8859.17:09
Seren__is kate wrong ? or file result ?17:09
Pollywogthis boot error started today after I upgraded some kernel stuff17:11
Pollywogto 2.6.24-1917:11
Pollywogmaybe doing that was a mistake17:12
Schuenemannis there any tutorial explaining the basics of kernel recompilation?17:17
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages17:18
jussi01Schuenemann: ^^^^17:18
Schuenemannjussi01, is it easy to follow? no advanced knowlegde required?17:19
jussi01Schuenemann: why dont you have a read and find out?17:19
Schuenemannjussi01, afraid to mess something up :p17:20
Schuenemannbut I'll take a look17:20
Daisuke_LaptopReasons for NOT compiling a custom kernel:17:20
Daisuke_LaptopYou have no idea what you are doing, and if you break something, you'll need help fixing it. Depending on what you do wrong, you might end up having to reinstall your system from scratch.17:21
JucatoSchuenemann: compiling a kernel doesn't mean you have to remove a previously working and installed kernel... in fact it is always recommended not to do that17:21
Jucatoso even if you mess something up, the worst that could happen is you reboot again and again17:21
Schuenemannhmm... so I can have more than one at the same time17:21
Jucato(not counting hardware problems of course)17:21
SchuenemannI mean I can swap them17:22
Jucatosure. that's actually what happens when you "upgrade" to a new kernel17:22
Jucatoa new kernel is installed, the old one isn't removed, and a new entry is added to menu.lst17:22
SchuenemannI wanted to remove unused stuff I don't use17:23
Jucatoyou only have to remove a kernel if and only if (hm.... that would be <-> in logic) you are absolutely sure you don't need it, even for failsafe/backup purposes17:23
ubuntuil y'a qlq17:23
eagles0513875!fr | ubuntu17:23
ubottuubuntu: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr17:23
SchuenemannJucato, does it take a long time to compile? like hours?17:23
eagles0513875thats dependent on the processor17:23
Jucatohm... depends on how much features you put into the kernel. there is no standard time afaik17:23
eagles0513875Jucato: what bout processor17:24
Schuenemannthat too17:24
Jucatoeagles0513875: of course that factors in as well (but that's obvious isn't it?)17:24
SchuenemannI would remove notebook stuff, for example17:24
eagles0513875i want to do like schuenemann is doing but i dont know where to start17:24
eagles0513875since i have this on a laptop i want to remove the desktop stuff17:25
Schuenemannuse that link that was just pasted17:25
Daisuke_LaptopJucato: <-> or iff17:25
eagles0513875which one lol17:25
Schuenemannthen tell me if you did so I can do too :p17:25
Schuenemann[13:18:20] <ubottu> The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages17:25
JucatoDaisuke_Laptop: the book we have for class uses symbols more than abbrv's17:25
eagles0513875thanks kinda funny i am actually goign to mess with the server kernel source to do this17:26
Daisuke_LaptopJucato: discrete mathematics & logic?17:26
Jucatohm.. there's another nice guide, but not oriented towards ubuntu.. hold on17:26
JucatoDaisuke_Laptop: Discrete Structures in Computer Science :P </offtopic>17:26
Jucatothis really helped me in my first kernel compiling: http://www.kroah.com/lkn/17:27
* Jucato still has to update his kernel... makes mental note17:27
eagles0513875Jucato: already know about that im also going to be learning about it as part 2 of my certification17:27
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mefisto__is there a way to find hardware info about my ram?17:44
pimsudo lshw will give you system information17:46
mefisto__is it normal that you get no product and vendor info for ram?17:49
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Schuenemannmefisto__, I don't get either17:52
herbertdoes it really work ?17:55
SchuenemannJucato, did you recompile yours?17:55
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herbertexcuse me : if someone could say "hello Herbert" I'd sure that it works (please)17:58
Schuenemannyes, it workds17:58
mefisto__what I really want to do is know whether a system had DDR or DDR2 ram installed. can I find out without opening the case?17:59
tzdanyone with vmware and kubuntu hardy that knows why my sound won't work on guest os winXp please?17:59
herbertthank you Schuenemann17:59
* pim is away: Is voor nu afwezig.18:00
martosurfhi, recently downloaded openSUSE 11 kd4... impressive GFX and glitchy as ever!! being new to linux -altough i tried *lot* of distros i'm keep returning to Ubuntu, it rocks! well, in fact after slowreading the KDE4 project page I want to give it a try18:00
Schuenemannmefisto__, hmmm... I think that depends on the motherboard. My last one outputted DDR and this one doesn't18:00
Schuenemannmefisto__, doesn't 'sudo lshw | grep DDR' output anything?18:01
eljefeis openssh-server available with the standard, post-install repos ?18:01
martosurfbeing an 'ex' gnomer KDE4 is a brand new world, what I just want to know is if Kubuntu ports stealthed by default, actually Ubuntu have them closed only18:01
mefisto__Schuenemann: no, nothing18:02
martosurf'are stealthed' i mean :P18:02
elbasanhey guys any idea how to make a digkam to work on kubuntu18:04
martosurf[elbasan] what's you're problem18:05
elbasani have a chameleonmega digkam but i can not make to work on my kubuntu and I am new on linux18:05
lascarhow do i enable 7z support?18:06
=== phil_ is now known as phil_stone
martosurfelbasan: did you try with a generic driver?18:06
elbasanI have a CD but it is for XP18:07
martosurfelbasan: also you may check manufacterer's website for linux drivers18:07
elbasanthe fany is that i can find their web site18:07
martosurfelbasan: lol xD18:08
eljefeis openssh-server available with the standard, post-install repos ?18:08
mefisto__lascar: do you have p7zip-full installed?18:09
martosurfelbasan: try launching adept and see if your cammera is supported, if so you need just to download the needed package18:13
elbasanI installed wine that runs windows applications on linux18:14
elbasanmaybe I can install driver for the camera18:15
cmdrtebokhey how do i go about making firefox the default browser?18:15
elbasanwhat do you think martosurf18:16
eagles0513875u talking bout winblows elbasan18:16
eagles0513875winblows and msft18:16
elbasanno if you go to system settings-advanced tab-- windows applications18:17
martosurfelbasan: yeah, good point try and go ahead18:18
elbasani installed Wine but then what18:18
martosurfelbasan: wine is known to suppert several kernel-deep drivers like DVD-RegionFree and others, so it might work18:18
martosurfelbasan: run cammera driver installer18:19
elbasani dont know how to use18:19
martosurfelbasan: you don't need to use nothing, wine installas a layer topmost your linux so windows apps actually thinks they're running on windows18:19
elbasanI run .exe file from the CD that came with the camera and it finish installing but where is18:20
AccidusI'm having problem with audio. It used to work, but then I installed Skype. Once installed, audio worked, but the mic didn't. Now audio doesn't work either. I can't say for sure that Skype caused it, but it may have been the cause. I'm running Kubuntu Hardy...18:20
elbasanhow I know it is working18:21
martosurfelbasan: did you try running any cammera supported application? please take a look if cammera is now supported on any linux app18:21
AccidusI've tried reconfiguring using the system menu and the kmix app18:21
AccidusNone work.18:21
lascarAccidus: No sound system-wide, or just Skype?18:22
elbasanI tryed on digkam-- add new camera but i can see my camera name from the list18:22
Accidussystem wide18:22
elbasanand I click autodetect but nothink18:22
lascaraccidus: you're not using a notebook, are you?18:23
AccidusNope, table PC18:23
martosurfelbasan: can't help, don't know to do pal, sorry =(18:23
AccidusAnother thing, in the Sound System dialog, when I change the settings and click "apply", it says it tries to restart the sound system18:23
AccidusThere's a percentage bar appearing18:23
lascarand it hangs?18:24
Accidusand whenever it gets to 100%, it zeros again18:24
eagles0513875Accidus: outa curiosity what kinda tablet pc is it18:24
Accidusnot tablet18:24
AccidusYou know18:24
AccidusThe usual18:24
eagles0513875lol whoops18:24
AccidusSorry about that18:24
eagles0513875its ok18:24
AccidusLanguage difference18:24
AccidusAnyway, the weird thing about the percentage bar is that it slows down18:24
AccidusThe first time it goes from 0% to 100% quite quickly18:25
lascaraccidus: what did you do in kmix?18:25
AccidusThen it do it again, more slowly18:25
AccidusThen slower yet, etc.18:25
AccidusI thought maybe things were muted or whatever18:25
AccidusSo I toggled the mute buttons on and off18:25
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »18:25
Accidusubottu: was that aimed at me?18:26
ubottuAccidus: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:26
lascarelbasan: what's your problem?18:26
AccidusWhat an impression I must be making18:26
eagles0513875Accidus: lol its funny seeing people talk to the bot18:27
AccidusFor my case it can be argued that I'm after a full day at work18:27
AccidusSo I'm allowed some slack, right? :-)18:27
elbasanlascar I have a digkam but it is not working on my kubuntu18:27
elbasanand I am new with that18:27
eagles0513875Accidus: you new to kubuntu and the world of linux18:28
lascarelbasan: detected?18:28
AccidusWell... I've had a linux os 5 years ago in uni, but I can't say I was a specialist even then18:28
AccidusRecently I switched again18:28
AccidusSo you could say I'm a newbie to Linux18:28
eagles0513875im actually working on my first level of certification18:28
AccidusCertification to what?18:29
elbasanlascar any idea18:29
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eagles0513875Accidus: linux certification from linux professional institute lpi.org18:29
kumamotocould be lpic18:29
eagles0513875kumamoto: yes it is18:29
kumamototoo late18:29
lascarelbasan: has kubuntu detected it?18:30
AccidusAh. Good luck! Wish I knew that much...18:30
eagles0513875its worth doing em i think18:30
elbasanI go to digkam add new kam. i dont see my camera name on the list18:30
lascarelbasan: "kdesu kcontrol" in konsole.18:30
kumamotoi hear if you have played with ubuntu or it variants you can actually pass LPIC I with no issue18:30
eagles0513875im doing part 2 of the first level of certification going to learn bout securit networking customizing the kernel apache sendmail and a bunch of other stuff18:30
elbasanO boy what i have to do lascar18:31
AccidusSo... Any idea what I can do in order to fix the problem? Or at least diagnoze it better?18:31
lascarelbasan: under Peripherals18:31
eagles0513875kumamoto: actually seems like the exam focuses on rpm based distros like centos more then kubuntu18:31
lascargo to Digital Camera18:31
elbasanwher is18:32
kumamotoman then I am way behind the new LPIC at first it was more debian oriented18:32
kumamotosee what i know18:32
lascarelbasan: take your time, "Peripherals" is the fifth listed item from the top.18:32
lascarelbasan: and "Digital Camera" is just underneath it18:33
elbasanunder system18:34
elbasanon the K menu18:34
eagles0513875kumamoto: its both but more focused on rpm based distros18:34
lascarelbasan: go to k menu18:34
eagles0513875they do mention dpkg and stuff like that and other debian based features but focus more on rpms based distros18:34
lascarelbasan: then run command18:34
lascartype in "kdesu kcontrol"18:35
lascar(withouth the quotes)18:35
kumamotogood to know18:35
kumamotowas working to get my RHCE18:35
kumamotoand some LPIC before end of this year at least18:35
elbasanI ma on digital kamera18:35
lascaradd camera18:36
elbasanit's not on the list18:36
elbasanI have a largan chameleonmega18:36
lascarhmm...google it?18:37
lascarsorry i can't help further, elbasan.18:37
elbasanthanks man18:37
AccidusHmm... Any ideas what could be causing the problem?18:38
eagles0513875kumamoto: if u do lpi ull be well versed in rpm based distros18:38
AccidusOr at least, what can I do to find out what's causing it?18:38
elbasanwhat do you think can wine that runs windows applications run my camera18:38
* pim is back.18:39
lascarelbasan: from my wine-ing experience, i'm gonna say, "it's a tossup."18:39
kumamotoI guess I concerntrate on rpm --verify <some package> instead of dpkg -i --configure -a18:39
lascarelbasan: search for the web for a native solution first.18:39
elbasanok thanks man18:39
kumamotoso yum packaging is included ?18:40
eagles0513875kumamoto: yep part one is heaviest part of exam is cli stuff18:41
eagles0513875just start part 2 on friday18:41
eagles0513875!patience | Accidus18:41
ubottuAccidus: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:41
AccidusOf course, sorry :-|18:42
kumamotomultiple choice or all practical?18:42
eagles0513875fill in blanks multiple choice18:42
eagles0513875Accidus: you will get used to it in here18:42
lascar(indeed, Accidus)18:42
tininHi, I'd like to buy a tabletpc, how do I know if the touch screen will work with kubuntu?18:43
lascar(you don't) ;-)18:43
AccidusI hope, only as an assiter, not assistee :)18:43
kumamotoanyone played with the new wine-1.018:54
eagles0513875i wanna18:55
alan__is it good?18:55
alan__Any new game supported?18:55
kumamotoI haven't tried it, I was going to upgrade my workstation at work and see if I can install a game18:56
kumamotowait..... isn't there a app for installing windows games in linux18:57
kumamotoI forget the name18:57
pimOf course not. It was in a code-freeze until 1.018:57
partylib hi is thier  a way to get ubuntu to log on to a active directory domain18:57
eagles0513875partylib: i think its ldap you need im not sure18:58
ubottuLDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information and installation instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer18:59
kumamotocome to think of it , what would be the proper use of LDAP19:00
=== anubis_ is now known as darthanubis
FSHerohello everyone; How would I go about compiling the rt2570 module for my wireless NIC using module assistant?19:02
eagles0513875kumamoto: its the linux cersion of active directory19:03
kumamotoforgive my ignorance what is active directory used for?19:04
kumamotoI haven't used windows since WIN98 I wouldn't have a clue19:04
eagles0513875kumamoto: domains i think19:04
eagles0513875\join #windows19:04
kumamotooh hells no19:04
eagles0513875wasnt saying u i wanted to join19:05
eagles0513875kumamoto: back19:05
FSHeroIn Hardy Heron, the font in Konsole looks a bit unclear... is it anti-aliased?19:06
eagles0513875kumamoto: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_Directory19:06
kumamotonow I will have do some research on LDAP and see if I can use it in the mean time try to build a uber NAS server that will be running freeNAS19:06
eagles0513875kumamoto: you trying to back up windows machines19:06
eagles0513875server that is19:06
Lenaud01there any software that can do incremental backups on a remote webserver ?19:07
kumamotoI don't have single windows machine in my house19:07
kumamotoLenaud01: Backula19:07
kumamotoor it is Bakula19:08
AccidusThanks for that guildelines page. I've been in support forums for quite some time (only not on Linux, obviously :-)) and it sums it up nicely :-)19:09
Lenaud01I dont use windows at all either19:09
Lenaud01use too19:09
Lenaud01installing Bacula thakns19:09
=== samu is now known as Mymmeli
eagles0513875kumamoto: i only have to play games19:09
eagles0513875my desktop i was using wine and i was able to play games19:10
kumamotoLenaud01: I haven't used it in that way but make sure it has that feature before installing it19:10
eagles0513875would lov to open a business to port games to linux for the manufacturers19:10
eagles0513875im actually in the process of converting my college ovr to linux19:10
kumamotoeagles0513875: games I used cedega19:10
eagles0513875they might start by switching to an ldap server19:10
eagles0513875kumamoto: to cheap to pay19:10
kumamotoeagles0513875: me too, here comes usenet19:11
eagles0513875ur tempting me19:11
eagles0513875kumamoto: one thing i need to crack is the rar file of crossover that i have19:11
eagles0513875its got a password on it19:11
kumamotoeagles0513875: I used it at work since we got bandwidth on steriods19:11
eagles0513875dont get me started bout that my isp is crud19:12
kumamotothere is a password cracking tool can use19:12
kumamotocheck your install software on your start menu19:12
kumamotoforget the name19:13
eagles0513875kumamoto: whats it called lol19:13
kumamotogimme a sec see if I find it19:13
kumamotooooo ...  ophcrack19:13
kumamotosomething to that effect19:13
=== Anonimo is now known as NiKeCRu666
eagles0513875kumamoto: ya i need to get that off the server at work tomorrow lol19:14
kumamotoI don't know if 'John the Ripper' can do that for you since it most check /etc/passwd file19:14
eagles0513875can it crack files19:14
eagles0513875this is an encrypted rar file19:15
kumamotoah .... didn't get that encrypted part19:15
AccidusI'll ask again, here's the full summary: I've recently installed Kubuntu on a *desktop* PC (:-)) and my audio was working nicely. Last week I've installed Skype. I've tried using it, and it said "Problem with audio playback". At that point, my audio was still working, but not the mic. Several days later (perhaps one day? don't remember) my audio stopped working as well. I've trying the "sound system" configuration menu and the kmix19:15
Accidusapplication, but couldn't make it work. In addition, when I restart the sound system, it restarts itself continuously, so there may be some problem there. Where do I go from here? Need more diagnosis? I'm new to Linux, but I'm very willing, and able, to learn. Sorry for the long message...19:15
kumamotoyou know if it is pgp or gnupg19:16
eagles0513875kumamoto: later dude19:16
kumamotoor any other one19:16
eagles0513875off to watch the italy spain match19:16
kumamotook man19:16
eagles0513875VIVA ITALIA19:16
* Accidus wonders if he's bough some life-long enemies.19:16
kumamotoah soccer I miss it19:16
NiKeCRu666does someone know how can i mount my mo3 player SANSA CLIP 2GB in kubuntu, when i conect it it does not appear on my desktop19:16
kumamotodon't like watching but love playing19:16
kumamotoNiKeCRu666: lsusb19:17
kumamotocheck if it is listed using lsusb command19:17
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eagles0513875kumamoto: bot19:18
NiKeCRu666ok :)19:18
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:18
kumamotoforgot how to use ubotu19:18
eagles0513875that sounds like fun picking and searching his brain19:18
eagles0513875! is the key there19:18
ubottueagles0513875: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:18
kumamotois it '/ubottu' '/ubotu' damn19:19
NiKeCRu666kumamoto, no it's not listed there19:19
kumamotoNiKeCRu666: does it have to powered up19:19
eagles0513875lol whoops19:19
kumamotothe or uses the usb connector for power19:19
NiKeCRu666kumamoto, yea too19:20
eagles0513875kumamoto: its '!ubottu'19:20
mefisto__Accidus: do you have more than one soundcard?19:20
kumamotoeagles0513875: thx that is what I looking for19:20
AccidusIt's an onboard card19:20
AccidusIf I recall correctly19:20
=== The_Compiler is now known as The-Compiler
kumamotoNiKeCRu666: remove it and reconnect after .... say 10 secs19:21
eagles0513875kumamoto: im pumped about part 2 of first level of lpi cert19:21
eagles0513875learning about apache send mail iptables tons of kool stuff customizing kernel and compiling it19:21
NiKeCRu666kumamoto, it's a sansa clip 2GB, it's supposed that it takes energy from laptop to recharge internal battery19:21
kumamotoif not reboot your box and see if usb is actually enabled in the bios assuming your connecting to the onboard usb port19:21
kumamotoit is a laptop19:22
eagles0513875kumamoto: y doesnt he run lsusb to see if its even being seen19:22
eagles0513875or mounted by default19:22
NiKeCRu666it's not =/19:22
=== fabi is now known as aceta
kumamotolsusb doesn't see it19:22
eagles0513875NiKeCRu666: is it showing up in /dev19:22
eagles0513875wait not in ther19:22
eagles0513875in /media19:22
NiKeCRu666uhmn i'll se i think it's not19:24
kumamotowhat about dmesg or fdisk19:24
NiKeCRu666nope it's not in /media19:24
NiKeCRu666kumamoto, dmesg? sorry i'm a new user of kubuntu19:25
kumamotoreboot your laptop with the SANSA clip connected19:25
NiKeCRu666i'll be back =)19:25
kumamotomake sure your bios has usb enabled19:26
NiKeCRu666but i have a USB hard disk connected now and it's listed in /media19:26
NiKeCRu666and it's listed when i put the comand lsusb19:27
kumamotoman u sure that clip actually works19:27
kumamotojust asking19:27
NiKeCRu666hahaha of course it works19:27
NiKeCRu666actually when i conect in the other computer with windows it works19:27
=== milian__ is now known as milian
NiKeCRu666and i can add songs and everything19:28
kumamotoI take the other usb drive is sucking all the power from the other usb thus ... making the SANSA clip inept19:28
NiKeCRu666oh ok, i pluuged in my SANSA CLIP and it's turned on, and says conected, but it's not listed in my laptop19:29
spykehi all - anyone here know a lot about hdd's and partitioning? I have a hard drive that WAS formatted with 2 partitions, one fat32 the other reiserfs, I reformatted with gparted to one ext3 instead, no error messages, until I try to mount it in the Disks & Filesystems:19:29
spykeThe system reported: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb,19:29
spykemissing codepage or helper program, or other error19:29
NiKeCRu666and my SANSA clip is not charging, it getting discharged =/19:29
kumamotosee the other is sucking the power19:29
NiKeCRu666ok i'll unpplug the other device =)19:30
NiKeCRu666ok done19:30
kumamotospyke: sudo mount -t <filesystem> /dev/hdx /mnt/point19:30
kumamotosomething to that effect19:30
NiKeCRu666kumamoto, same still not working19:30
NiKeCRu666kumamoto, still discharging19:30
=== ubuntu-laptop is now known as gnomefreak
NiKeCRu666kumamoto, still unrecognized19:31
kumamoto so sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hdd1 /media/newdrive19:31
kumamotospyke: does fdisk show all partitions19:31
NiKeCRu666i'll try that19:31
spykekumamoto: I get the same error message as in Disks & filesystems19:31
NiKeCRu666kumamoto, is that for me? ---> sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hdd1 /media/newdrive19:31
el1tehey all i was in here early in the am today and i asked about using kubuntu 8.04 kde remix live cd with btaudio module....someone said it dont work with kubuntu...anyone know if this is true19:32
kumamotoNiKeCRu666:  no19:32
spykefdisk: unable to open /dev/sdb19:32
NiKeCRu666i'll try rebooting my computer with the sansa clip plugged in19:32
kumamotospyke: what is the numerical value of the ext3 partition /dev/sdbx what is x19:32
spykekumamoto: fdisk: unable to open /dev/sdb19:32
spykekumamoto: just sdb - there's one primary partition on it19:33
spykekumamoto: no number19:33
kumamotohave your formatted it in ext3 as far as you know19:33
kumamotothere has to be number19:33
spykekumamoto: maybe that's the problem?? I've formatted it in both ext2, ext3 and rejserfs with the same results19:34
kumamotoif that is the only partition then the number is 119:34
=== ubuntu is now known as kemada
=== root is now known as Guest7592
spykekumamoto: there is no number - maybe I gparted it wrong? I just deleted all the partitions on it and created one big new partition, result: /dev/sdb19:35
kumamotoext3 formatting use this command mke2fs -j /dev/sdb1 if that doesn't work go into fdisk and recreate the partition19:35
spykekumamoto: mke2fs: invalid blocks count - /dev/sdb119:36
kumamotook what is the result of fdisk /dev/sdb19:36
spykeUnable to open /dev/sdb19:37
NiKeCRu666kumamoto, ok it's working now my SANSA CLIP 2GB19:37
kumamotoNiKeCRu666: nice19:37
kumamotohope it is charging now19:37
spykekumamoto: maybe sudo fdisk /dev/sdb ? THat gives me a result...19:38
NiKeCRu666yup, it's charging now, but i think if i unpplug it and then plug it again it will not work19:38
spykeThe number of cylinders for this disk is set to 972919:38
spykeThere is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,and could in certain setups cause problems with:19:38
spyke1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)19:38
spyke2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs   (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK)19:39
spykekumamoto: and how I have the "Command" promp in fdisk19:39
spykenot sure what do do now ;)19:39
kumamotopull up konsole19:40
kumamotodo a sudo -i19:40
kumamotoand enter your password19:40
kumamotono sudo this time19:41
kumamotofdisk /dev/sdb19:41
kumamotothen use 'p'19:41
spykeDisk /dev/sdb: 80.0 GB, 80026361856 bytes19:41
spyke255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9729 cylinders19:41
spykeUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes19:42
spykeDisk identifier: 0xd990d99019:42
spykethen: /dev/sdb1               1        9729    78148161   83  Linux19:42
spykethat's all19:42
kumamotohit 'd'19:43
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:43
kumamotoforgot to tell you to use pastebin19:43
kumamotofor the full output19:43
spykekumamoto: selected partition 119:43
spykesorry - i'll do pastebin next time19:44
NiKeCRu666kumamoto, ok it's working now my SANSA CLIP 2GB, but i think if i unplug it and then i plug it again it stop working and is not recongnized19:44
kumamotohit 'p' to verify the partition is clear19:44
spykeit's clear19:44
kumamotoNiKeCRu666:  try it and see if that happens19:44
kumamotook use 'n'19:44
spykeextended or primary?19:45
NiKeCRu666kumamoto, yup it happened19:45
kumamotoNiKeCRu666:  damn19:45
spykekumamoto: done - i've chosen max size19:45
NiKeCRu666kumamoto: yup damn!19:46
kumamotospyke: yes hit enter for everything19:46
spykekumamoto: it's done19:46
AccidusHmm... Should I ask my question yet again? I wouldn't want to flood the channel... Since being specific didn't help, then where can I learn more about diagnozing the problem?19:46
kumamotothen 'p' again to verify19:46
spykelooks good19:46
kumamotoNiKeCRu666: get another one from newegg19:46
NiKeCRu666hahaa it's new!!!!19:47
NiKeCRu666i recently bought it!19:47
kumamotospyke: nice then hit 'w'19:47
kumamotoNiKeCRu666:  send it back19:47
NiKeCRu666kumamoto: hahahaa to USA? i live in south america19:47
kumamotoNiKeCRu666: oh man19:47
spykekumamoto: ummm, 2 "new medium" windows have now opened on my desktop lol19:48
NiKeCRu666kumamoto: :( uhmn and if i mount it like a hard disk?19:48
kumamotoNiKeCRu666: see if you umount the drive remove it and then connect the SANSA19:48
kumamotospyke: don't worry about them19:49
kumamotokeep it in the konsole19:49
NiKeCRu666kumamoto: yup i did it and it still doesnt appear :(19:49
kumamotoNiKeCRu666: man don't know what to tell unless I was physically there in costa rica19:49
spykekumamoto: so far so good - should I try and mount it, see what happens?19:50
kumamotoI am just guessing19:50
kumamotospyke: wait19:50
NiKeCRu666i'm not in costarica, i'm in Peru19:50
kumamotospyke: fdisk -l19:50
kumamotoNiKeCRu666: I was thinking of moving down south I was thinking Costa Rica, Peru and Brazil (for soccer and the women(19:51
spykekumamoto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22183/19:51
NiKeCRu666kumamoto, hell yeah very beautifull woman here =)19:51
kumamotospyke: /dev/sdb1 looks good19:52
kumamotospyke: ok run this command mke2fs -j /dev/sdb1 and let it run19:52
spykekumamoto: as root?19:52
geniiWith sudo19:53
kumamotoNiKeCRu666: how is the real estate and internet infrastructure in Peru19:53
NiKeCRu666what do you mean?19:53
kumamotospyke:  after running sudo -i you don't need sudo again unless you killed the konsole window19:53
kumamotoNiKeCRu666: availability and price19:53
NiKeCRu666price, well it's cheap, but speed is not good =/19:54
spykekumamoto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22184/19:54
NiKeCRu666you can get internet 200 Kbps but you only get 10% of that speed, no more19:55
kumamotospyke: it looks good, has it completed?19:55
NiKeCRu666i miss USA internet speed =(19:55
spykekumamoto: yeah - only took about 10 seconds19:55
kumamotoNiKeCRu666: they are beginning to suck at that19:56
kumamotospyke: now try mounting it19:56
NiKeCRu666kumamoto: shitty19:56
NiKeCRu666is so sad =(19:56
kumamotoA few companies are doing there best to mess it up19:56
kumamotoI have a guy I know in Japan who get 40MB up and down19:57
kumamotofor approx $5019:57
kumamotoNiKeCRu666: now you can imagine how I feel cheated with this bullshit about the greatest country in world crap19:58
NiKeCRu666kumamoto, i just want 1MB 100% performance19:58
spykekumamoto: it's not mounting - same problem as before19:58
kumamotoIn netherlands they bring the fiber to your house 30MB up and down and it is $10 less a month if you pull to your own from the terminal19:59
kumamotohow are you mounting it19:59
kumamotoI feel cheated20:00
spykekumamoto: wait i may have found the problem20:00
kumamotospyke: nice20:00
spykekumamoto: mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /media/storage220:00
spykethat worked - but auto doesn't20:01
spykethat normal?20:01
kumamotothat is about it right20:01
vipexCan i download java to kubuntu?20:01
kumamotovipex: sure you can20:01
NiKeCRu666kumamoto, i pay $35 for internet 200 Kbps with just 10% of that speed, i download at 20Kbps20:01
NiKeCRu666no more speed -.-20:01
kumamotospyke: when you say 'auto' what you mean/20:01
spykekumamoto: I first tried mounting it using Disks & Filesystems - type:auto, that gave me errors20:02
NiKeCRu666kumamoto: 20Kpbs that's my top speed20:02
spykekumamoto: but doing the commandline with ext3 worked20:02
vipexomg this is difficult:D20:03
spykekumamoto: ok, now i'm getting upset - Disks & Filesystems gives me errors no matter what *sigh*20:04
kumamotovipex : nice help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42269220:04
AccidusCan you point me to a tutorial about re-installing the sound system? Perhaps that will fix it...20:04
kumamotospyke: take a breather20:05
spykekumamoto: yep, doing that, thinking about modifying fstab manually... although D&F is easier ;)20:05
kumamotospyke: at this time have you umount sdb120:05
spykekumamoto: sdb1 is mounted now20:06
kumamotospyke:  I find editing fstab file easier20:06
kumamotospyke: just add it to the fstab file and run mount -a and see any error come up20:06
spykekumamoto: /dev/sdb1 /media/storage2 ext3 users,atime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0  ??20:07
kumamotoNiKeCRu666: man 20Kbps is slow20:07
geniiHmm. any way to delay internet apps to open until after network connection has been established?20:07
geniiSmall but annoying thing20:07
navetz__hey guys, is there a way to get gtk-recordmydesktop to work on dual monitors?20:07
NiKeCRu666kumamoto: yeah i know is so f. slow20:07
kumamotoare the drives mounted like that?20:07
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:08
LetsGo67I cannot use my Kodak EasyShare C340 as a card reader in Ubuntu, but it is detected in lsusb.  Can someone help, please?20:08
spykekumamoto: no errors with mount -a - was that the correct text to use in fstab?20:08
tmbgin 8.04 is dolphin dolphin or d3lphin?20:09
kumamotobut was kind of overkill for me20:09
spykekumamoto: how can i simplify then?20:09
spyke(i suck at fstab!)20:09
trentonHello all, where is the script that starts Compiz on hardy please, I need to delay it's start.20:10
kumamotofor the options I would just use defaults20:10
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper20:11
spykekumamoto: I think I see problems - check this out - http://paste.ubuntu.com/22187/20:11
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions20:11
Ash-Foxtrenton, I believe compiz-kde is a window manager.20:12
spykekumamoto: there's both /dev/sdb, /dev/sdb1, and there's a double entry for one of the other hard drives...20:12
Ash-Foxtrenton, thus, kdm likely starts it first thing.20:13
trentonAsh-Fox: thanks I'll look @kdm20:13
navetz__does anyone know of good software for recording your desktop that works with dual monitors?20:13
kumamotospyke: ok fine, remove the sdb like in fstab, reboot the box and let it run and then check if has been added to the file automatically20:14
kumamotospyke: remove both sdb and sdb120:15
spykekumamoto: both?20:15
Accidus*sigh* I think I'm giving up about the audio.20:15
spykekumamoto: but then it won't mount...20:15
LetsGo67I cannot use my Kodak EasyShare C340 as a card reader in Ubuntu, but it is detected in lsusb.  Can someone help, please?20:16
kumamotospyke: we are seeing if kubuntu will write to fstab automatically or it will ask you for permission to add it20:16
spykeoh ok, so you want me to use Disks & Filesystems after?20:17
kumamotoLetsGo67: do you have a card in the camera20:17
LetsGo67kumamoto: yes20:17
kumamotospyke: let us know if Disk & Filesystems asks anything about it20:18
spykekumamoto: ok - 2 secs20:18
kumamotoLetsGo67: does dmesg show the card20:18
LetsGo67No clue, how do I check?20:18
kumamotoLetsGo67: have you used konqueror before20:19
LetsGo67kumamoto: xubuntu not kubuntu.  Sorry.  :)20:21
trentoncan't find the script that starts compiz, it's not kdmrc, startkde, any help please?20:21
spykekumamoto: all my problems with the drive have been solved - thanks :)20:22
kumamotospyke: everything good now20:22
spykekumamoto: all good :)20:22
=== oxygen is now known as [A]Li
elbasanhey komamoto can u help m ewith my digkam20:23
spykekumamoto: I'll come in another time and have you help me fix video playback while compiz is running ;-)20:23
[A]Lihow can i install Mplayer ?20:23
kumamotospyke: I have never used Disks & Filesystems before20:23
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kumamotoman I can't even get compiz to work on my kubuntu box20:23
spykekumamoto: it's easy for us wannabe geeks who can never remember the fstab options ;)20:24
ubottumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs20:24
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:24
spykekumamoto: it was easy to get compiz working for me - totally new computer here with a fresh install, I could never get it running on my old puter tho20:24
kumamotospyke: for fstab option I usually go with 'defaults'20:24
kumamotocompiz is weird I have seen old comps use it too and some newones that don't20:25
tmbgNiKeCRu666, have you considered maybe dialup? would be cheaper and maybe even faster20:25
spykekumamoto: how can i set the mount point owner to me the user and not root?20:26
spykechown enough?20:26
kumamotoLast time I played with it was with xubuntu which worked flawlessly20:26
kumamotoyou have permission in the fstab option 'user' that is you20:26
StultusApparatusHelp, I cant delete these two folders, it says access is denied20:27
spykekumamoto: so it doesn't matter who the owner is then?20:27
trentonanyone know how compiz is started on hardy?20:27
spyketrenton: compiz20:28
StultusApparatusCan anyone help me delete these folders?20:28
kumamotoStultusApparatus: how are you trying to delete the folders cli or gui20:28
spyketrenton: but you have to enable it in system/desktop effects20:28
StultusApparatuskumamoto: GUI20:28
kumamotopull up the konsole and run this command20:29
trentonyes that's what I did and it works. but I would like to delay it's start by 10 seconds20:29
trentonspike:yes that's what I did and it works. but I would like to delay it's start by 10 seconds20:29
spyketrenton: sorry, dunno how to do that20:29
kumamotospyke: root always has access the drive no matte what but I know you can deny other users to use the drive apart from you20:30
kumamotoStultusApparatus: konsole was for you20:30
StultusApparatuskumamoto: you never told me the command20:31
spykekumamoto: that's all fine and good, but as user I can't even create a directory in the mount folder20:31
trentonspike:ok thanks20:31
kumamotoStultusApparatus: sudo rm -rf </path/to/folder>20:31
kumamotospyke: when you attempt to create a dir error is?20:32
AccidusOkay, I managed to get rid of the "restart sound system" looping20:32
spykekumamoto: can't create, permissions20:32
kumamotoStultusApparatus: use that command with extreme caution20:32
StultusApparatuskumamoto: Okay I will20:33
spykekumamoto: "Can't create a directory. Check your permissions."20:33
AccidusIf anyone interested, I've dropped the auto-suspend to one second, pressed 'apply', and it righted itself20:33
kumamotospyke: what directory is the drive mount to?20:33
AccidusBut sound still doesn't work.20:33
spykekumamoto: /media/storage220:33
kumamotospyke: ls -la /media/20:34
bato_riohi all20:34
spykekumamoto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22190/20:35
spykekumamoto: shouldn't a simple chown -R be enough?20:36
[A]Limplayer giving an error msg Seek Failed wht it means?20:36
[A]Lihow can i fix it?20:36
[A]Lii am trying to play a .DAT format file20:37
kumamoto  spyke : cd /media20:37
spykekumamoto: yes..20:37
kumamotospyke: sudo chown spyke:spyke storage220:38
spykekumamoto: got it, thanks20:39
=== mark__ is now known as ThcMan
kumamoto  spyke : can you know create a dir?20:39
spykekumamoto: yep, works really pretty like :)20:39
kumamotospyke: YAY20:40
spykegotta go eat now - thanks for the help, ttyl20:40
kumamotospyke: NP20:40
AccidusGot the sound working20:41
vipexHey guys20:41
vipexHow can i get runescape work on my pc20:41
AccidusHere's the guide that helped me: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544920:41
vipexHow can i install java on my computer (kubuntu 7.10)20:43
vipexI loaded something jre6etcetcetc.tar.gz20:44
vipexHow can I install java on this ******* kubuntu20:44
navetz__what software is avaliable to record your desktop using dual monitors?20:44
vipexAny1 here?20:46
vipexHow can i install java on my computer (kubuntu 7.10)20:47
vipexHow can i install java on my computer (kubuntu 7.10)20:47
kumamoto  !java20:47
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper20:47
kumamotonavetz__: is this something close to what you looking for http://camstudio.org/20:48
vipexbrb later20:48
geniiAlso sun-java6-plugin20:49
ubottuFactoid recordmydesktop not found20:49
kumamotonavetz__: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29460520:49
genii!info recordmydesktop20:50
ubotturecordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.6-1 (hardy), package size 45 kB, installed size 136 kB20:50
navetz__kumamoto: this cam studio thing is what I want, but lets hope it records on dual screens20:51
navetz__genii: record my desktop wont work across 2 monitors.20:51
AccidusYay! Fixed the problem with Skype too20:52
mefisto__Accidus: what was wrong? what did you do from that thread that fixed the sound?21:02
ActionParsniphey all21:10
ActionParsnipi just installed clamav from repos21:10
AccidusHmm... I did several things. I'm not sure what fixed it21:11
AccidusFrom that thread, I used the alsamixer21:11
ActionParsnipi get that when i run the updater21:11
ActionParsnipcan anyone reccommend anything21:11
ActionParsnipi went to the faq and it says to install the latest version, yet i ran sudo apt-get update before updating21:12
AccidusApparently, my audio was muted in alsamixer21:12
Accidus(but not in kmix, for example)21:12
AccidusAs for the "restart audio system" loop, I already said what solved it21:13
AccidusAnd lastly, with Skype I had to manually choose the input and output devices21:13
anubiswhy are some of my gnome startup sessions starting in kde?21:13
anubismainly avant-window-manager and gkrellm21:14
anubisand how can I stop it?21:14
ActionParsnipanubis: check ~/.kde/Autostart21:15
munk_help please....i have  few issues i gotta fix..one my computer doesnt shut down it stops midway, 2 it takes very long to start, 3 sometimes my knetworkmanager doesnt start21:17
anubisActionParsnip: there was only screenlets server there, not avm or gkrellm?21:18
anubisanywhere else I should be checking?21:18
sysadminhello. i've been trying to get a broadcom wifi card to work on kubuntu 8.04. i followed the directions on the wiki to use b43, and now the led is on and i can see the interface up. i want to use wpa_supplicant with it, but i don't know what driver to use. Does anyone know?21:18
ActionParsnipanubis: thats the default starter of stuff, check your init.d things too21:19
anubisthat stufff is not daemon related21:19
ActionParsnipsysadmin: http://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=958821:19
ActionParsnipsysadmin: broadcom sucks btw21:20
sysadminActionParsnip: it does indeed, i'm just trying to get it to work on my old laptop to sell it :)21:20
ActionParsnipsysadmin: good move21:21
ActionParsnipsysadmin: no idea man, if its an internal mini-pci card, id replace it and ue the broadcom in a windows based rig21:21
sysadminActionParsnip: i used to run it with ndiswrapper in Debian, but now that's broken21:22
ActionParsnipsysadmin: ubuntu is based on debian, same method dude21:23
sysadminActionParsnip: yes, but ndiswrapper doesn't work with the new ssb kernel module with broadcoms. i actually use ndiswrapper in my new laptop, but on an atheros card21:24
ActionParsnipsysadmin: log a bug and use the old kernel so it works21:25
munk__help please....i have  few issues i gotta fix..one my computer doesnt shut down it stops midway, 2 it takes very long to start, 3 sometimes my knetworkmanager doesnt start21:26
ActionParsnipmunk__: you got full updates?21:27
AccidusWhich command should I invove from the shell to open a file with its default application?21:28
alucardromero14:26 <utente> hi need movie anyone have hulk in italian???21:28
munk__ActionParsnip, yes i do..21:28
alucardromero /kick utente21:28
ActionParsnipmunk__: what changed to cause this? New hardware? Updates?21:28
utentehi everyone21:29
utentei'm new21:29
alucardromeroWe can tell.21:29
ActionParsnipalucardromero: we dont help with illegal activitys21:29
alucardromeroActionParsnip: Exactly21:29
munk__ActionParsnip, I dont know exactly... i have no new hardware, so just updates...im not sure:-s21:29
utenteanyone can help me with command21:29
utentesorry for mistakes21:29
ActionParsnipmunk__: you need to work out when it started and what changed21:29
ActionParsniputente: wassup?21:30
alucardromeroutente: This isn't a warez or movie site dude.21:30
utentei'm sorry for that21:30
alucardromeroAre you needing help with Linux in Italian?21:30
ActionParsniputente: what command do you need?21:30
munk__ActionParsnip, well the knetworkmanager just did it suddently without anything, and the shutdown after a series of updates....and the startup i have no clue...21:30
utentei don't know how use this program21:30
ActionParsniputente: which program?21:31
ActionParsnipmunk__: you could reinstall the app21:31
utentehow can i have a list21:31
ActionParsniplist of what?21:31
utentechat list21:31
alucardromero /names21:31
ActionParsniputente: do you mean room list?21:31
munk__ActionParsnip, i tried it with knetworkmanager but it didnt fix anything, as for the other two, what packages do i reinstall?21:31
utenteyes room list21:31
alucardromero /list21:31
ActionParsniputente: /list works but if you bring up your app you can bring one up there21:32
ActionParsniputente: what irc client you using?21:32
ActionParsnipmunk__: the broken one, remove it then reinstall. Or you can get apt-get to reinstall over the top21:33
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munk__ActionParsnip, how do i know which one is broken?!21:33
ActionParsnipmunk__: sudo apt-get --reinstall install knetworkmanager21:34
ActionParsnipmunk__:  well you said the network manager doesnt start at boot so that may be an indicator21:34
TimSI just got a message saying remote computer closed the connection.21:34
munk__ActionParsnip, i already did that and it didnt fix it.....21:34
TimSDoes this mean a VNC connection?21:34
utentei use konversation21:34
TimSAnd does Desktop Sharing have any logs to see who it was?21:34
munk__ActionParsnip, i said that it doesnt start even if i try to start it it gives me errors..21:34
=== matias is now known as humitos
ActionParsnipmunk__: what errors?21:35
munk__ActionParsnip,  let me pastebin it..21:35
=== giuseppe is now known as BigOuest
ActionParsniputente: its under server at the top21:35
munk__ActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/m5ae3e0dc21:36
=== ujkmop is now known as christian_____
ActionParsnipmunk__: you on gutsy?21:39
ActionParsnipmunk__: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/knetworkmanager/+bug/12978321:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 129783 in knetworkmanager "[Gutsy] Knetworkmanager fails to join wireless network" [Undecided,New]21:40
=== bjorn_ is now known as bjorn__
coggzhi all21:44
ActionParsnip!hi | coggz21:44
ubottucoggz: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!21:44
coggzhow do i go about converting wma's into mp3's?21:44
coggzwithout the wma2mp3 voidman script?21:44
coggzaha, will audacity do it? i may have answered my own question...21:46
ActionParsnipcoggz: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3779321:46
ActionParsnipcoggz: why install a huge app when a script will do it21:46
genii!info soundconverter21:46
ubottusoundconverter (source: soundconverter): GNOME application to convert audio files into other formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 82 kB, installed size 704 kB21:46
coggzi already have and use audacity... and it is not huge by any means21:48
ActionParsnipcompared to a simple script..yes it is21:48
munk__ActionParsnip, i tried what they said there thanks, hopefully this works...21:49
munk__ActionParsnip, do you know where the shutdown log file is?21:49
ActionParsnipif you already have audacity then id use that21:49
ActionParsnipmunk__: no idea bro, sorry21:49
ActionParsnipmunk__: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13636821:50
munk__thanks tho21:50
=== ubuntu is now known as ubuntu_
=== ubuntu_ is now known as ubuntu__
nyuuhi, I have a question21:59
nyuuI have installed all required codecs but..21:59
nyuuyesterday, I realized that my wmv files give no sound22:00
nyuuso I asked some friends how to fix it22:00
nyuuthen they preferred some codecs and I installed them22:00
nyuuafter that, my 'HD' videos began to play fuzzy22:01
RoeyHi, why do I get this weird error when mounting my SD card??  http://forums.opensuse.org/archives/sf-archives/software/345276-unable-mount-removable-media-hal-storage-removable-mount.html22:03
RoeyHow can I fix this?22:03
fiachabandruiI had successfully installed Hardy Heron w/ KDE 4 but the last time I restarted KDE does not load, says "no resume image, doing normal boot"... I put my username and pword in at command prompt but then don't know what to do to fix. Tried startx but it just opens another command line window.22:04
fiachabandruiI am a Linux noob, not sure what do try next, would appreciate some help.. found many similar problems on forums but always said startx also would load KDE.22:06
vipexomg how ican download macromedia flashplayer to this kubuntu.22:09
vipexI have just downloaded kubuntu cos my windows is broken.22:10
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash22:11
mefisto__fiachabandrui: try booting in recovery mode, eventually you will see another menu, one of the options is xorg fix (or something like that). choose that option, then reboot normally when it's done22:11
fiachabandruiMefisto, I'm pretty sure I tried that with no success (gets hard to remember after enough times) but I will try once more and let you know what it says.22:12
vipexubottu ty very much22:14
ubottuFactoid ty very much not found22:14
vipexits working now!:D22:14
=== blizzzekski is now known as blizzzek
fiachabandruiOK, if I pick "recovery mode" instead of just regular kernel I get 4 options, one of which is xfix...22:16
mefisto__fiachabandrui: did you choose xfix?22:16
fiachabandruiIt seems to do something but then I go back to recovery menu with same 4 choices.22:16
fiachabandruiIf I pick resume normal boot, I eventually am back to commant prompt. THere is an error message for starting k display manager that says no such file or directory for kdm-kde4start-stop-daemon: stat /usr/ib/kde4/bin/kdm22:18
fiachabandruiAlso grep: /usr/lib/kde4/kdm/kdmrc: no such file or directory22:19
mefisto__fiachabandrui: you could try reinstalling kdm: sudo apt-get install --reinstall kdm-kde422:22
fiachabandruitrying that now, mefisto.22:23
mefisto__fiachabandrui: also you could try #kubuntu-kde4 channel, someone there might be more helpful22:25
fiachabandruiMefisto, the install process looked like it went normally so I am restarting...22:26
fiachabandruiOK well that's odd... I got as far as the splash screen and logon screen but then when I logged on it opened that same command line box like I got when tried "starx" before... No joy.22:28
elgokuloat least is the xserver workin :)22:29
fiachabandruiIf I enter kdm & the logon gui restarts, rinse and repeat.22:29
fiachabandruisame if I enter kde &22:30
elgokulodid you tried kde3?22:31
fiachabandruiHow would I do that? I have KDE 4 installed.22:31
mefisto__sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop22:35
fiachabandruiOK, when I tried startkde I got a message about more packages needing installed, so I did that. I entered startkde again and now it says kpersonalizer not found please install.... then it is returning some other errors about missing files and I have no command prompt. Restart?22:36
tekstacyIs there a simple way to restore all my network stuff to defaults?22:36
tekstacyI tried installing another network manager, but managed to break my wireless22:37
tekstacyKnetworkmanager won't see my ap.   (Though I sometimes see my neighbor's).22:37
fiachabandruimefisto, I had to restart because i no longer had a prompt and when I started in recovery mode to get to command line again and requested the kubuntu-desktop package, it said e: unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix missing?22:43
elgokulotry apt-get -f install22:43
vipexumm how to get java work on kubuntu?22:45
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper22:45
fiachabandruiOK, it gives me a list of packages that were installed and no longer required, says to use apt-get autoremove to remove them, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed and 6 not upgraded22:45
holycowthere you go22:45
mefisto__fiachabandrui: looks like you have some updates. sudo apt-get update (to refresh the list of packages) then, sudo apt-get upgrade22:47
elgokulofiachabandrui, then try again ... erm yeah try that was mefisto__ wrote :)22:47
fiachabandruiapt-get update isn't working right... it fails to fetch the addresses.22:48
elgokulonot online?22:48
fiachabandruiI don't know... this is my laptop, so I plugged into ethernet port since wireless isn't going to work obviously...doesn't work out of the box on mine.22:50
mefisto__fiachabandrui: ping google.com or ping ubuntu.com to see if you're online22:50
fiachabandruiIf I out in the boot disc can it find the files it nneeds from that?22:51
fiachabandruiput rather22:51
kumamoto   fiachabandrui : are you currently booted into the OS22:52
fiachabandrui? In Linux I'm not exactly sure what that means. I am at command line, no GUI.22:53
kumamotofiachabandrui: ok22:53
kumamotofiachabandrui: do you know your network information i.e ipaddr, gateway and netmask22:54
fiachabandruiugh.. not really b/c I have dynamic IP from my DSL. If I do a live boot and restart?... ::she says hopefully::22:55
kumamotofiachabandrui: try doing a 'sudo dhclient eth0' eth0 being the main NIC22:56
mefisto__kumamoto: do you know how to add a CD to sources.list ?22:57
kumamotomefisto__: sure22:57
mefisto__fiachabandrui: type this to confirm you have access to internet: ping ubuntu.com23:00
fiachabandruiKumamoto, if I interpret this right, it's returning info for my wifi adapter, which is not too helpful.23:00
kumamoto fiachabandrui : eth0 is your wifi?23:00
kumamotoif that is so then run dhclient without the NIC so 'sudo dhclient'23:01
fiachabandruiMefisto, my screen is filling with an endless scroll of "64 bytes from avocado.canonical.com" etc...23:02
RoeyHi, why do I get this weird error when mounting my SD card??  http://forums.opensuse.org/archives/sf-archives/software/345276-unable-mount-removable-media-hal-storage-removable-mount.html  <-- is there a fix for this?23:02
mefisto__ctrl-c will kill that process23:02
fiachabandruiOK, mefisto, it says 95 sent and 95 received23:03
mefisto__fiachabandrui: which means you are connecting OK to ubuntu.com23:04
fiachabandruiWTF? I tried apt-get update again and worked fine.....23:04
kumamotomefisto__:deb file:///cdrom/ sarge main23:05
fiachabandruiapt-get upgrade also seemed to work this time.23:07
mefisto__fiachabandrui: what is it upgrading? anything to do with kdm?23:07
fiachabandruiNot that I can see... all lib files, mostly from medibuntu23:08
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fiachabandruiOK, I think where I hit the snage before was installing kubuntu-desktop so I am trying that now.23:12
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vipexMy kopete instant messenger isnt working?:O23:14
nyuudoes anybody out there ?23:15
FoxIIIHi nyuu23:16
nyuuhi FoxIII23:16
nyuucan you help me with video codecs?23:16
mefisto__vipex: can you be more specific? does kopete start?23:16
nyuuI have a bit complicated problem FoxIII23:16
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:16
FoxIIIWhat's the problem nyuu23:16
nyuuyesterday, I had a video problem and...23:17
engineersudo apt-get install w32codecs23:17
nyuusome of kubuntu users tried to help me at this channel ^^23:17
nyuuI did, I did23:17
vipexomg im too stupid to download the java on kubuntu ;( :D23:17
FoxIIInyuu, explain the problem and we'll try our best.23:17
engineervipex java is in the reps23:17
nyuunow, when I try to open an 1080i video, my screen shakes23:18
nyuubefore yesterday there was no problem23:18
nyuuyea good joke23:18
nyuulike earthquake yea23:18
nyuuafter installing some codecsççç23:19
engineeruninstall them23:19
nyuuhow can23:19
nyuuI think23:19
vipexJust today loaded kubuntu soz:D23:19
engineersudo aptitude remove w32codecs23:19
nyuuthe xv driver23:19
nyuudoes that23:19
engineervipex sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre23:20
nyuuI want to delete all codecs and reinstall them23:20
fiachabandruiMefisto, it appears kubuntu desktop is done and I had sort of a gui thing come up asking me to select the default, so I picked KDM KDE4 and now it's installing a ton more stuff.23:20
nyuumaybe it will solve this problem23:20
nyuubut be careful about the xv thing ^^23:21
fiachabandruiAnd now that23:21
nyuuand the other problem is...23:21
vipexwht means sudo:P?23:21
nyuuI can't hear a voice with wmp files23:21
engineersuper user do23:21
fiachabandruiSorry, now that's done and I have prompt again.23:21
nyuubut the video plays23:21
vipexSo : i unistall reps23:22
engineervipex you don't uninstall anything23:22
mefisto__fiachabandrui: now when you get to the login screen, look in the menu and choose KDE323:22
engineerrun that command i posted above23:22
nyuuhow can I delete reps??23:22
engineersudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list23:22
engineeredit the file and save23:22
vipexohh engineer so wht i had to do to get java working:P?23:23
fiachabandruiMefisto... what login screen? I have command line.23:23
engineerthat will download the java jvm and install it23:23
engineer(23:20:13) (engineer) vipex sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre23:23
engineersudo aptitude install sun-java6-bin23:24
nyuuthanx alot ^^23:24
nyuuit solved alot of problems ^^23:24
mefisto__fiachabandrui: startx, or reboot and start normally if that doesn't get you to login screen23:25
nyuubut I can't hear a voice with wmp files23:25
nyuudo you know a solution23:25
nyuuhowever, the video plays well23:25
fiachabandruiOh, startx took me right in.. prolly because I was already at superuser prompt, the # thing... OK, so I have a desktop again, which is totally awesome...but a bunch of stuff is different and/or gone...23:27
engineervipex yes23:28
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fiachabandruiAck!! umm.... any thoughts on what happened to my former home folder?23:28
FoxIIIfiachabandrui, that's because you are signed in as root. If you check dolphin, you will probably see that you are not in your normal home folder.23:30
fiachabandruiOh! Of course... moment of panic and I forgot I am in as root.23:30
FoxIIIheh. Common mistake.23:31
fiachabandruiIs there a way to change users from here? I never logged in as root before.23:32
mefisto__fiachabandrui: just reboot and start normally, to make sure you can login as normal user23:33
darkdelusionsfiachabandrui: su username23:33
darkdelusionsor do u mean for good23:33
fiachabandruiOK... I'm scared. ;-)23:34
mefisto__fiachabandrui: it's not a good idea to be logged in as root, unless you need to for some reason23:34
FoxIIIdarkdelusions, fiachabandrui has logged in from the command prompt into root gui and wants to change to his other login.23:34
fiachabandruiOh, yeah, I know. I'm not THAT much of a noob.23:34
darkdelusionsFoxIII: ahh ok23:35
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo23:35
FoxIIIhehe. That's good.23:35
fiachabandruiPhew... OK I am back in as myself and it looks different but OK.23:36
vipexlinks to install ? . sun-java6-jre23:37
BluesKajtry adept23:38
darkdelusionsvipex: you can down load the unbuntu restricted xtra and it should install23:38
mefisto__fiachabandrui: OK, so it seems it's a KDE4 config problem you have23:39
fiachabandruiOK... which means what exactly in practice?23:39
BluesKajdarkdelusions, kubuntu-restricted-extras23:40
mefisto__fiachabandrui: until you track down the KDE4 problem, you won't be able to login to your KDE4 desktop23:41
fiachabandruiOK, so I'm in KDE 3 then? That's why it looks different?23:41
mefisto__fiachabandrui: yes, kde 323:42
mefisto__#kubuntu-kde4 channel might be some help, but that channel tends to be less active than this one23:42
fiachabandruiIs there a burning reason I should go back to KDE4 other than my obsession with the bleeding edge?23:42
fiachabandruiI wasn't using any of the really sexy KDE4 stuff yet anyways because I was more concerned about Wine issues.23:44
Sarcastic_Eu amo vc!23:45
Sarcastic_Oi bipolar!23:45
Sarcastic_Como se se sente hj?23:45
darkdelusions!spanish | Sarcastic_23:46
ubottuSarcastic_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:46
bassemi need to scan windows Partition using Kubuntu ... any ideas ?23:47
fiachabandruiWell, mefisto, you've been a lifesaver. THanks so much. Seriously, though, as a bit of a noob, I am wondering if I would be wiser just to stick with KDE3. I was having a lot of problems in KDE4 with things hanging and crashing and I didn't think Linux was supposed to be that buggy...23:48
fiachabandruiAny thoughts on that?23:48
BluesKajbassem, explain scan23:48
kumamoto yeah what are you scanning for23:49
bassemwell ... i had some kind of virus that prevents me from opening task manager .... called NOOH ... i want to scan and remove or quarantine it ..23:50
bassemunfortunately :D23:52
fiachabandruiOK, perhaps I should take a different tack... could anyone suggest a forum thread, faq, or whatever regarding the relative merits/drawbacks of KDE3 vs. KDE4?23:52
mefisto__fiachabandrui: kde4 is still quite new. I have it installed and log into it when an update arrives to see what's changed, but it's not useable enough for me yet23:53
fiachabandruiAh, OK, thanks. Sorry to be impatient.23:53
fiachabandruiThat may explain why I was having so much trouble, then. I was really starting to think I'd made a mistake ditching Vista at last... and that's really saying something!23:54
BluesKajbassem, have you seen this : http://www.precisesecurity.com/computer-virus/alnuh-may063.htm, and your prob is with windows , kubuntu can only solve a windows prob by replacing it :)23:54
darkdelusionsvipex: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats23:55
fiachabandruiAll right then, thanks for the help... you are totally awesome. :-)23:55
mefisto__I use kubuntu to restore registry backups when windows goes nuts and won't start23:55
BluesKajyeah  mefisto__, but those are file/reg backups , not viruses23:57
typedestereothat's the command to edit the hosts file?23:57
vipexdark so im not founding anything23:57
kumamotomefisto__: sorry, that I got a see23:57
Odd-rationaletypedestereo: "kdesudo kate /etc/hosts" ?23:59
typedestereo'command not found'23:59
EagleScreengoing to #kde-devel23:59
Odd-rationaletypedestereo: which part of the command?23:59
mefisto__kumamoto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22232/23:59

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