
=== eMxyzptlk is now known as eMxyzptlk[away]
bimberi$ bzr branch lp:hwtest02:32
bimberibzr: ERROR: Revision {david.murphy@canonical.com-20080417161838-a2tfnk26kx1q7vjf} not present in "revisions.kndx".02:32
bimberi'bzr co --lightweight' works (but not just 'bzr co').02:33
jmlbimberi: what happens if you do 'bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~hardware-certification/hwtest/trunk'?02:48
jmlbimberi: I appear to get the same error. At a guess, I'd say that the branch needs to be fixed by someone who has a copy02:58
bimberijml: your command worked03:00
jmlbimberi: are you a member of the hardware-certification team?03:02
wgrantI thought they said that they fixed all of those branches.03:05
wgrantAfter they broke them a few weeks ago.03:05
bimberijml: no (sorry so unresponsove, frequently afk atm)03:05
wgrant(they being lp-bzr people)03:05
jmlwgrant: I am they.03:05
wgrantjml: I always forget which team you're in, sorry.03:06
jmlwgrant: np :)03:06
wgrantToo many LP people.03:06
jmlwgrant: when we fixed up the branches that the LP bug corrupted, we noticed other corrupted branches that were not caused by us.03:07
rockstarI've seen corrupt branches on launchpad that were user errors...03:07
jmlor bzr client errors.03:08
* jml tries fetching the branch over sftp03:08
jmlif it works there, then it's probably a bazaar bug.03:09
* bimberi retries lp:hwtest - same error. Now retrying http://...03:09
bimberi"Branched 300 revision(s)."03:16
bimberiSo yes it worked.03:16
wgrantBut that'll be an outdated version.03:16
rockstarwgrant, why would it be outdated?03:18
anilmdo you guys know about this?03:19
anilmSorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server. 03:19
jmlanilm: what URL were you connecting to?03:19
anilmjml: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~amakhijani/survv/blog/files03:19
jmlanilm: I've also had problems connecting to the code browsing service.03:20
wgrantrockstar: If the branch is broken on SFTP, won't it not have been pushed to HTTP for a while?03:20
anilmjml: ahh ok03:20
rockstarjml would know authoritatively, but I think not.03:21
jmlwgrant: if you don't have write access, you should get the same version of the branch no matter what protocol you use.03:21
wgrantjml: Ah.03:22
* jml can get the branch via sftp, but not via bzr+ssh03:23
jmlI'm guessing this is a Bazaar bug.03:24
jmlafaict, the version of the branch that I've got (as a non-team-member) is the latest.03:24
jmlI can't see any relevant errors in the logs I've got on hand.03:26
jmlI'll chase it up with the Bazaar guys tomorrow.03:26
nixternalnot being able to connect to bazaar in LP, is that known yet?04:17
nixternalgive me the "try reloading in a few" message04:18
beunonixternal, Loggerhead?  as in "view revisions/code"?04:18
beunowell, it's been misbehaving for a few days now04:18
nixternalk, it was working perfectly earlier, as it was flying allowing me to steal, I mean research, other's code :)04:19
nixternalk, I will try again later then...thanks beuno 04:19
beunoI think the devs are aware, and, AFAIK, a new version is being rolled out on wednsday, which should make it work much better04:20
lifelessbeuno: generally any misbheaviour is considered a severe problem and should be escalated, for future reference05:19
beunolifeless, ah, alright. Since jml was notified above, and it has been the case for the past days, I didn't think it was worth bothering anyone. I'll make sure to be more annoying next time  :)05:20
lifelessbeuno: uhm, I think he interpreted it as a branch specific thing05:21
jmllifeless: no I didn't.05:21
jmlI interpreted it as an intermittent thing.05:21
lifelesswell, I'm chasing it05:22
lifelessits up and running05:34
beunothanks lifeless   :)05:35
Zichi, I've a question not close related to Launchpad : I'm an Ubuntu Member with an @ubuntu.com alias mail which I use mainly into the free software world mailing-list, I recently change to a new domain name my email server, and @ubuntu.com alias alway forward mails to the old one08:57
ZicI just changed my default e-mail contact in my launchpad account08:58
Zic(to my new zic@newdomain.org)08:58
wgrantIt should change automatically within a few days.08:58
ZicHow long Launchpad "rehash" email alias ?08:58
Zicfew days ? thanks for your help :)08:58
wgrantMight be nightly, I forget.08:59
Ziccan you confirm that Launchpad use the e-mail contact defined in accounts ? because, after my migration, I use my @ubuntu.com alias for e-mail contact on Launchpad09:00
ZicI just changed it to my newdomain, because I thought Launchpad use the contact adress to do the alias forward09:00
wgrantI believe that setting your ubuntu.com alias as your primary Launchpad address will cause problems.09:01
wgrantBut IANALPD, I've just heard it happen to people.09:01
Zicyes, I believe it too, it's why I set it to my new email adress09:01
geserdoesn't LP use the first non @ubuntu.com email address for mail forwarding anymore?09:15
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persiageser: That matches my experience, but the tales of those who manipulate accounts with primary set to @ubuntu.com are legion: likely best to set something else primary before any adjustment, and once complete, maybe set back @ubuntu.com11:46
cyberixPlease give me a feature that helps me keep track about the Ubuntu packages I have been working with.14:13
wgrantcyberix: What do you mean by "keep track"?14:13
cyberixMy use case is as follows14:13
cyberix1) I'm working on a new Ubuntu package14:13
cyberix2) Someone points out a bug in my packaging14:13
cyberix3) I realize I did the same error on all my previous packages14:14
cyberix4) I try to remember all the packages I created14:14
wgrant5) Look at https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+packages.14:14
wgrant6) ???14:14
wgrant7) Profit.14:14
Matt-WHello. There seems to be a lock stuck on one of my project's bzr branches.14:14
cyberixwgrant: Thank you. That is just what I'm looking for.14:15
wgrantMatt-W: Use bzr break-lock on it, if it says it's held by you.14:15
Matt-Wwgrant: unfortunately it's held by somebody else14:15
Matt-Wfor 951 hours and counting14:16
wgrantMatt-W: Who supposedly has it held?14:16
Matt-Wheld by jamesbrashko@bazaar.launchpad.net on host vostok [process #25147]14:16
Matt-Wlocked 951 hours, 31 minutes ago14:16
Matt-Whe's the other person with commit access to the branch14:16
wgrantYou can probably safely break it - I doubt he's still doing anything with it after 40 days14:17
spivIt's highly unlikely that they've actually been doing a commit for the last 951 hours :)14:17
cyberixWhat happens to translations that people contribute for Ubuntu?14:17
Matt-Whe's not been able to commit at all this may explain it14:17
wgrantcyberix: They go into the next language pack update.14:17
cyberixThe language pack then overwrites the translations that I ship?14:17
cyberixthe ones that are included in my original package14:18
Matt-Wwoo, a successful commit14:18
wgrantcyberix: Those translations aren't in your package if said package is in main.14:19
wgrantcyberix: If your package is in universe or multiverse, it is not translated in Launchpad at this time.14:19
cyberixOfcourse it makes sense to atleast have them separate14:20
cyberixotherwise the task of translating Ubuntu would grow insanely big14:20
wgrantIt's actually largely due to technical issues with getting the universe translations to end users, I believe.14:20
cyberixI'm having trouble with creating a process to handle Launchpad translations for a piece of software I wrote14:22
cyberixI change one letter in the original software14:22
cyberixthen I have to create a new translation template14:22
cyberixwhich makes all translations go fuzzy14:22
cyberixand as, my software is not very common, no-one will check those14:22
cyberixI'm currently "just including" all the translations I get from Launchpad14:24
cyberixbut I've understood that this leads to broken user experience14:24
cyberixAlso I'm not sure, if I'd like to do new releases all the time because some translation was updated.14:25
cyberixI should find myself some guide for managing this14:27
cyberixIt is just that most guides concentrate on the technical issues14:27
shirishhi all, if a bug affects two versions of Ubuntu, say Intrepid as well as Hardy, how can I show that?14:40
shirishI have seen those kind of bugs but don't know how people affected that change. 14:41
shirishnominate for release?14:41
persiashirish: If you've tested against both, and you think it's important enough to get fixed as a stable release update, you can Nominate it for hardy.14:42
shirishpersia the bug I've bug #240191 affects both hardy and intrepid, its a merge request of a package from debian14:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240191 in postr "Please merge postr 0.12.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24019114:44
Hobbseethat doesn't affect hardy.14:45
Hobbseeas in, hardy doesn't get 'merges'14:45
shirishHobbsee: ah ok, it should be called a sync then or what, somebody else reported it, I just added stuff. 14:46
persiaAlso, #ubuntu-bugs is a better place for this sort of discussion.14:46
shirishah ok, sorry guys14:46
Hobbseeit should be caleld a stable release update, adn only the critical changes should be pushed into hardy.14:46
Hobbseeor the entire thing backported.14:46
Hobbseeneither of which is a merge.14:46
shirishtrue, so the description needs to be changed. 14:47
Hobbseeno, it shouldnt, as it's valid for intrepid.14:48
Hobbseewhich is what hte bug was first for.14:48
Hobbseebefore you attempted to sidetracker.14:48
Hobbseeer, side track it.14:48
shirishok I would be just happy when I get the updated package, that's about it 14:50
phobieAre watch-files parsed on PPA?15:42
Hobbseephobie: parsed how?15:44
phobieshow me if my package is up to date15:45
phobielike uscan or on debian.net15:45
Hobbseeppas do not have internet access, so, no15:45
Hobbsee(beyond the mirror, anyway)15:46
Rugby471hi guys, is there anyone here who can delete the series located here for me18:13
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jmlbimberi: btw, I filed https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/242232 as a followup to our conversation over the weekend.23:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242232 in bzr "Branch accessible via file, sftp & http, but not bzr+ssh" [Undecided,New] 23:52

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