
darthanubisBug #23780100:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 237801 in totem "Totem errors when attempting to play myth content." [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23780100:07
affluxjust checked, the behaviour of gtk_file_chooser_get_filename indeed changed. In hardy it returned the full path, now only the filename. Not sure if that was intended though, as some examples in gtk docs still rely on the old behaviour.00:07
bdmurraypersia: I said "working on" in the mail I believe04:32
bdmurrayI'll make it clearer in the wiki though page though04:32
=== LucidFox is now known as ComicMakingFox
=== ComicMakingFox is now known as LucidFox
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affluxoh I hate it. SRU-testing bugday and I'm going to leave for vacation exactly on that day. :(10:39
thekorngood morning afflux, vacation without internet access sounds like a bad plan ;)10:51
affluxbicycle trekking tour :P10:52
* afflux does not own a laptop (yet?)10:52
affluxmorning by the way10:52
thekornwow, did you already plan a route?10:54
affluxyup, going to follow the Main from the spring onwards. We're softies, we don't like hills :P10:56
thekornsuper, have a lot of fun!10:58
affluxthanks ;)10:58
thekornbut anyway, you can start sru-verifications right now, no need to wait until tuesday :)10:59
affluxsounds like a good idea10:59
affluxdoes bug 242079 qualify for "high"?11:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242079 in gtk+2.0 "REGRESSION: gtk_file_chooser_get_filename returns a basename instead of a path" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24207911:01
thekornunfortunatly not all of the listed bugs have TESTCASEs (yet?)11:01
thekornafflux, "high" makes sense to me, if it was unintentional and it might have impact on other apps11:10
affluxokay, thanks11:12
persiabdmurray: You did indeed cache it with an appropriate number of qualifiers, but I'm not sure how well that translates for some people.  Thanks for the wiki clarification :)11:20
affluxthekorn: are you familiar with the SRU bugday? (how exactly) Should I remark negative testing on the wikipage?12:13
thekornafflux, I've no idea, and I dont think there is any procedure for this set, because this is the very first SRU bugday, so I suggest12:22
thekornadding a comment like "-1, see commt #xxx of the bugreport"12:23
affluxokay, will do that, thanks12:23
thekornto the tester column would be great12:24
persiaafflux: If you test an SRU candidate and find a negative effect, please also put it in the bug report.12:37
affluxdid that, of course ;)12:37
_gunni_How can i accelerate, as user, that a bug gets fixed upstream thats 3 month old, and fix is easy and in bug report?13:05
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persia_gunni_: You can play developer for a day.  Which bug?13:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 204624 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "CAPI not working correctly on Ubuntu hardy (8.04)" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:26
Hobbseebdmurray: is there any chance the hug day mail stuff can go on it's own list?13:33
Hobbseebdmurray: i'm getting bored of receiving many, many copies about it each time13:34
Hobbsee(kubuntu-devel, ubuntu-motu or ubuntu-bugs, ubuntu-devel or -discuss (or both), and u-d-a)13:34
Hobbseeand i get the feeling i'm not alone on this, particularly after there was a mail referencing the duplication.13:35
persia_gunni_: Looks like a kernel bug.  You might find https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelMaintenance https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelMaintenanceStarter and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Contacts good links to explain who to contact, and how to prepare the patch for inclusion.13:35
persiaHobbsee: Does your mail client not collapse mail with the same Message-ID?13:35
Hobbseepersia: not if it's all gone into folders first, no.13:36
Hobbseeoh, i only get 4 copies of it now.13:36
Hobbseeso it's been slightly de-duplicated.13:36
persiaHobbsee: Ah.  I believe in collapse before foldering, but then I don't folder before reading.13:37
Hobbseepersia: i use folder-based addressing, so don't have that luxury :(13:37
Hobbseeie, kubuntu.ubuntu-devel@hobbsee.com and such.13:37
persiaMaybe it's worth filing a bug in your mail client that it should mark a given Message-ID as read globally whenever it is read?13:38
persia(this would of course be wishlist, and likely need upstream input, but...)13:38
persiaI think it's a misfeature that it doesn't track that, as it forces you to read things twice, even in the simple case of mail being sent to you and a list for broken reply-to-all + nonfiltering listserv.13:39
_gunni_persia: I will have a look at the links you gave me13:49
persia_gunni_: Good luck.  If you can be the developer to fix this bug, you've a good chance of getting it done.  If not, you ought at least be able to get in touch with the right people to make sure the bug gets attention.13:50
persiaOne thing that makes that specific bug a little tricky is that the patch is inline, rather than being an attachment, so it doesn't show up in searches for patches.13:50
_gunni_Thats because i do not know if the patch is in correct format. And is the first "patch" i ever made :)13:51
persia_gunni_: Makes sense, and is reasonable caution.  Perhaps the links will help with that.  (I'm not a kernel person, so I'm not exactly sure what is required).13:52
_gunni_For me it looks like only one line needs the change from "strncpy" to "lib_strncpy" ... seems quite simple13:53
persiaIt might well be simple, it just needs the right people to review, test, and confirm.13:54
persiaThere's almost 50,000 open bugs.  Of those, about 1500 are known to be fixed somewhere, and another thousand or so have known good patches.  The issue is mostly getting the already solved ones identified so they can be uploaded to the repositories.13:57
persiaOf course, there's the 45,000 bugs that aren't so well understood, which have different issues, but at least for bugs like yours.13:58
_gunni_persia: From the links and FAQ inside, i get a bit afraid of contacting one of the mentioned people ...14:15
persia_gunni_: Hmm.  Maybe something there (or on a related page) has suggetions about things that can be done with the bug to make it appear in default searches by the team?14:25
_gunni_I will have a deeper look14:26
Nightrosetechno_freak: why are you changing amarok bugs from incomplete to invaid?17:06
Nightrosewe set them to incomplete because the reporter might still provide more information17:07
Nightroseand if they don't it will expire17:07
Nightroseno harm done17:07
Nightrosebut marking a bug as invalid is something the reporter will not like17:07
=== ubuntu-laptop is now known as gnomefreak
jibelbug #155668 is a small issue in kdebase specific to kubuntu. Do I file it under kdebase or is there something to indicates that this is only related to kubuntu ?21:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 155668 in ubuntu "Problems with default KDE splash screen after upgrading from Feisty to Gutsy" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15566821:28
yuriyjibel: kdebase21:31
yuriyif something is *not* specific to kubuntu, then you should file it against the right package, then also file it on bugs.kde.org, and add an upstream link with "Also affects project..."21:32
jibelgot it. thanks.21:33
yuriyjibel: though that bug may actually be in kubuntu-default-settings21:34
yuriyjibel: where is this theme.rc?21:36
jibelyuriy: you're right that's kubuntu-default-settings21:39
jibelI was not aware of this package.21:41
jibelthe culprit is in this package under ubuntu/artwork/ksplash/21:44
Susanahi, what is the correct launchpad project for the ubuntu.com website?22:42
PiciSusana: ubuntu-website22:43
greg-glink for ease: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-website22:44
Susanathanks :)22:45

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