
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, mDemocritus said: !loco is <reply> a LoCo is a LOcal COmmunity team. Information on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams01:09
ubottuInformation on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams01:12
bazhangpurplestar. the name seems familiar for some reason.01:14
nickrudwas in that 'argument' with soundray iirc01:15
bazhangseems to be a user that was banned earlier; cant remember the name though.01:15
nickrudnot by that nick01:16
bazhangaye; he/she switched a bunch of times--elk-buntu was talking about him earlier iirc01:17
elkypurplestar is eternaljoy01:17
bazhangah right01:17
elkyhe knows i know too01:17
bazhanghis advice is reinstall for most everything01:17
bazhangrobg reincarnated01:18
elkyact on it then, he has no cat lives left01:18
elkyim assuming it's he, since they're using male names now. previously 'he' has used female names... so im really unsure01:20
elkyanyway, off to find breakfast01:20
nickrud nearly dinner here01:21
elkywell it's closer to lunch than breakfast, but meh01:22
elkymaccas should still be serving...01:22
nickrudpizza, salad and chicken for me. Maybe mexican seafood (walking distance)01:22
ubottuFlannel called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (nouvo)02:32
ubottuace_suares called the ops in #ubuntu ()03:23
ubottuace_suares called the ops in #ubuntu ()03:35
ubottuace_suares called the ops in #ubuntu ()03:37
elkycan someone tell me why we let #ubuntu-offtopic become #ubuntu-so-desperate-and-horny-and-emo?06:08
elkythis is going to get messy, eternaljoy/purplestar has got into the convo now06:10
* nickrud lurks06:10
elkyhaha, wobblywu is messing with him/her06:11
nickrudwell we can be sure it's a him now06:29
elkyi knew it was him when he checked in as ej06:36
bazhangglad I dont have chanops in there :)06:36
elkywe used to use -offtopic as testing grounds for ops, then it got too foul06:46
bazhangI can guess the time frame.06:47
wgrantIt really has degraded since I first appeared there a couple of years ago...06:48
nickrudmaybe we need #ubuntu-sump06:50
elkywgrant, yes, alot. there used to be respectful conversations there. now it's just teeny emo relationship crap all the time06:50
elkythis was when we were allowed to keep it sane :(06:51
elkynobody screamed at us for being too strict back then06:51
elkybut these kids in there now would choke and cry if we tried to do it06:52
wgrantNot if you got rid of them all :P06:52
elkywgrant, so tempting. so so so tempting06:52
nickrudelky you are getting old, you sound like my crotchety neighbor ;)06:54
elkynickrud, 8 years of real-time internet moderating does that to one06:55
elkyyou too will become a bitter old op one day06:55
wgrantSomebody sane really should regain control of -offtopic at some point...06:55
bazhangget off my lawn!06:55
elkywgrant, we try reguarly. we always get bullied down06:56
nickrudnah, I did real time homeless shelter management for a bunch of years, this is G rated gradeschool06:56
wgrantCan't you just ignore their shrieks as you strangle them?06:56
wgrantOr ban them. One of them.06:56
elkyapparantly it's not bullying to threaten and troll *us* into submission, but it's bullying for us to stop the flaming and trolling of others06:56
wgrantAh, I see. Makes sense.06:56
elkyyep, clear as mud.06:57
bazhangthere *is* a norules channel: ##politics06:57
wgrantMaybe they'll collect in their instead.06:58
bazhangthat's why this confuses me; if they want norules, then it is there.06:58
bazhangmaybe it it too norules for them :)06:58
elkybazhang, there needs to be something in between.07:00
bazhangelky, good point.07:01
elkybut, there's no such thing. you cannot maintain an inbetween07:01
elkythat's like expecting there to be a truely moderate political party07:01
nickruda first step might be mentioning in the topic that the coc still applies to -offtopic07:02
elkyi'd volunteer you to do the change now, but i dont think you'd want everyone currently speaking to accuse you of picking on them07:06
wgrantCan't we get ChanServ to change it?07:06
nickrudif you'll change it, I'll applaud in channel07:07
wgrantchanserv has a topic command.07:07
wgrant'The TOPIC command allows for the changing of a topic on a channel.'07:07
nickrudsince I don't have ops there07:07
wgrantelky: Brave.07:09
* nickrud imagines someone bopping me in the head over the net07:09
nickrudtrolls ;)07:10
elkyompaul, i need you to hawk siccness in #ubuntu, he's giving trollish advice08:16
wgrantOh joy.08:18
* wgrant pokes his head in.08:18
elkywgrant, feel free to ! o p s him if he does it again08:19
* wgrant just read #u-au-c backlog. What greatness.08:19
elkywgrant, i know. are you on the access list, it'd be wonderful to have someone kick him out08:20
wgrantelky: I'm not, no.08:20
elkysince apparantly it's only me who thinks he's a loser08:20
wgrantI'm only in #u-au, AFAIK.08:20
elkygah... darn new services08:20
wgrantOnly staff, you and yama have access.08:20
bazhangkick siccness?08:21
wgrantThis version takes a bit of getting used to, but it's more flexible.08:21
elkybazhang, if you'd be so kind, reason 'trolling'08:21
elkywgrant, yes, but i'd have you on the list by now. i dont.08:21
bazhang<siccness_> i wouldnt follow any ubuntu documentation for implementing it08:21
naliothbazhang: if he's in need of it08:21
bazhang<siccness_> it'd be wrong definitely08:21
naliothhe's not spoken in a bit08:22
elkybazhang, boot him for that.08:22
wgrantIf he pipes up again, sure.08:22
elkynalioth, because i ripped him in -chat, where im currently being laughed at and trolled08:22
wgrantBut he hasn't done anything evil for about 10 minutes, and kicking him now would look a bit odd...08:22
elkyno it wouldnt, it'd look like an op reading backscroll/following up on a complaint08:23
wgrantAh, OK, I don't watch #ubuntu much.08:23
wgrantI thought most stuff would be realtime.08:23
elkyim allowed to make a complaint even if im an op. the only reason im not acting is because im being challenged personally by him elsewhere08:23
bazhangthis is not the first time he has given atrocious advice either08:24
elkywgrant, sorry, got caught up, still havent found the reference to tell me how to add you to access08:27
naliothelky: /msg chanserv flags #channel08:28
elky-ChanServ- You are not authorized to perform this operation.08:28
naliothelky: /msg chanserv flags #channel $nick [monkey see from previous output]08:28
wgrantBut... you're +F. You must have privileges.08:29
elkyi typod08:29
elkyyou're set now according to what the services told me08:29
elkythanks paul08:30
elkyi have -10000000000 regrets about removing his access to the au channels08:31
elky(note the negative)08:31
* wgrant now lies in wait for him.08:32
elkywgrant, this is from one of the other -chat'ers... "most times I leave the channels it is because he is around making things unbearable, I'd hate to turn up to a LUG meeting with him around"08:37
ompaulbazhang, care to ban when you are removing?08:38
bazhangban sinister right off the bat?08:38
ompauldon't bother now - but I would have08:38
wgrantelky: I'm not surprised.08:47
wgrantThat has got to be one of the least funny things I've seen in my life, elky.08:52
elkyof course08:52
elkyim cracking up.08:52
elkywgrant, im actually suspecting winlulz to be sicc, but not sure. the appearance of |414toolong| leans me towards it being purplestar -- they're aquainted.09:04
wgrantelky: I also suspected winlulz to be siccness, until you suggested that it was purplestar.09:04
elkywgrant, time to remove siccness09:08
wgrantelky: Why?09:11
wgrantI see.09:12
wgrantDidn't see that last bit.09:12
wgrantDo I want to dispose of him?09:12
ompaulyou do09:12
ompaulwgrant, he is gone from #ubuntu09:13
wgrantompaul: So I saw.09:13
ompaulwgrant, perhaps he is that "marc from Spell AC/DC"09:13
wgrantompaul: Now you've got me confused.09:13
ompaulall the way from green acres09:13
ompaulwgrant, I am having fun you remove him I will get you a url09:14
* wgrant works out how to.09:14
wgrantHaven't had to do it since I moved to irssi...09:14
elkybtw, it seems the bots are malfunctioning on the mibbit front09:14
elkysince they're not able to exempt connections09:15
elkywgrant, i now have pms from the tor user09:17
wgrantelky: Oh good, saying what?09:18
elkyhe's pming everyone it seems09:18
wgrantUm @ penguincentral.09:18
naliothiritant in #freenode09:19
elkynalioth, can you kindly kill i=winlulz@gateway/tor/x-6f6d669dcff0e98509:19
naliothnothing to see here09:19
wgrantelky: He's got me now.09:28
wgrantIn PM.09:28
wgrant'TSM TSM TSM'09:28
naliothwgrant: /quote silence  n'est pas?09:28
elkyhe just parted the channel09:28
ubottuAlpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex | Warning lots of breaking software and other good stuff  between now and October!09:28
elkynice to know that the entire #ubuntu-au-chat group isnt worth a single kill09:29
ompaul!no intrepid is <reply> Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!09:29
ubottuI'll remember that ompaul09:29
ompaulthank you ubottu09:30
ompaulahh doh09:30
elkywe're al being PM'd with chants about the tivoli storage manager09:30
wgrantHe's still a legend.09:30
ompaulin his own lunchtime09:30
elkywgrant, remove sicc now i think09:31
wgrantOh I so want to kick him, but I'm not sure where the threshold is...09:31
elkythe threshhold was years ago09:31
wgrantOK, will do.09:31
wgrantHow should I ban him?09:31
wgrantI haven't done this in aaaages.09:31
elkydo you remember how to even op up?09:32
wgrantI do.09:32
wgrantI'm just not sure what ban mask I'm meant to be using.09:32
ompaulgive me ops in there for 30 seconds and he will be gone09:32
elkythat would be risky09:32
wgrant#u-au is generally not too foully behaved.09:32
wgrantompaul: He was attacking you not long ago.09:33
ompaulin such a way as too not darken the sun ever again09:33
ompaulfine he can09:33
ompaulthen I wish to make a complaint about being abused09:33
ompaulgo for it :P09:33
* ompaul wanders off in the direction of some good books he has 09:33
elkywgrant, *!siccness@*nsw.bigpond.net.au should be sufficient09:35
ompaulI fear a power outage - we have a big storm here09:35
wgrantelky: I was thinking something like that, but I've stuffed it up before.09:35
elkywgrant, op up and type /mode +b *!siccness@*nsw.bigpond.net.au09:35
wgrantI know how to do that :P09:36
wgrantHuh, no chanserv remove any more?09:37
wgrantThanks elky.09:37
wgrantI didn't dream ChanServ's remove command, did I?09:42
wgrantBecause it's not there in new services.09:42
elkyit isnt?09:43
ompaulwgrant, there is one but generally we don't have access to it09:43
ompaulsomeone thought it was something you should set a static limit on in the new services (well done who ever - yes I am bitter and twisted like lemon or lime)09:44
elky /remove #ubuntu-ops wgrant testing09:44
ompaulelky, there is akick09:44
naliothompaul: remove or akick ( they are different )09:44
naliothwgrant: /quote remove #channel $nick09:45
wgrantnalioth: Ah, so it's not part of ChanServ. Hmmm.09:45
elkywhat's akick i wonder09:45
ompaulauto remove of the worst ones09:45
wgrantI guess I used it as part of some ChanServ script for XChat, so presumed it was part of ChanServ.09:45
naliothelky: ompauls name for 'autoremove'09:46
ompaulelky, you know you remove a ban that is set that says user@domain and then they try and rejoin and you see chanserv removing them in a nanosecond thats akick09:46
ompaulwell it used be called autorm09:47
elkyis our friend purplestar still floating around?09:48
wgrantsicc has come up with some really great pronouns for me.09:50
ompaulwgrant, welcome to opland ;-)09:51
wgrantThese actually seem rather original.09:52
wgrantNot like those I got over release in #u-r-p...09:52
elkywgrant, we welcome pastebins of abuse incidents09:56
elkyusually we sit around and laugh at them ;)10:01
elkyim lagging something shocking, so dont rely on me10:51
elkywoot over10:54
elkycurse you murphy!10:57
* wgrant sends some lag elky's way.10:57
ubottuflaccid called the ops in #kubuntu ()11:51
* Myrtti sighs13:15
elkyhai Myrtti13:16
* elky offer Myrtti some fresh apple crumble13:16
* wgrant hides.13:16
* Myrtti offers elky watermelon13:16
* elky lols at the childishness13:17
ompaulelky, please pause between noms13:17
ompaulnom nom nom is the right way#13:17
wgrantompaul: I'm afraid you can't talk, as somebody just nomed you.13:17
elkybut but but... Myrtti gets to!13:17
* Myrtti nomnomnoms... oh it's ompaul. nvm.13:17
Myrtticarry on13:18
* Myrtti hides13:18
Myrttinothing, I tell you, NOTHING!13:18
ompaulall is known!13:18
Myrttioh noes.13:18
ompaulgame over next to serve  a bacon sandwich13:18
* Myrtti whistles13:19
MyrttiI knows nutin13:19
ompaulI noes nuddin13:19
ompaul /cs kb nuddin for noes13:19
Myrttiompaul: now I'm curious ;-)13:20
ompaulMyrtti, on my task bar is a spreadsheet called PackagesNeedingAttention.ods13:20
Myrttiwhich of my dark siiikrits ar known13:21
wgrantompaul: All of them.13:21
Myrttiompaul: irssi-otr?13:21
ompaulwgrant, no in this case it is just a mental exercise which hopefully will in time become a real practice13:22
* ompaul goes back to brain working while it is stormy outside "Very windy for a time this afternoon, with gusts of 100 to 120 km/h in places."13:23
* Myrtti goes back to dream13:23
wgrantompaul: More targetted QA is always good.13:23
* ompaul goes back to messing with his own head13:24
* Hobbsee wves13:25
wgrantEvening Hobbsee13:26
wgrantJoin the fun.13:26
* Myrtti sips sangria13:27
* jussi01 wakes up a little14:46
Myrttithis thing, called love...14:49
Myrtti♬♪ Queen <314:53
ikoniaready freddie15:02
ubottuBluesKaj called the ops in #kubuntu ()15:11
* jpds curses at slow ssh connection15:13
Davinci2008hi there17:06
Davinci2008I am testing a chat bot17:06
Davinci2008where can I take it?17:06
Davinci2008to #ubuntu-offtopic?17:06
ikoniawhy ubuntu ?17:06
ikoniajust make a temporary channel,17:06
ikonianothing to do with ubuntu17:06
Davinci2008well, sorry17:06
Davinci2008by the way, do you know any channel about bots?17:06
Davinci2008well, not a temporary channel17:07
Myrttiplease explain the behaviour of your bot a bit more17:07
Davinci2008I want him to chat with people besides me17:07
ikoniaDavinci2008: why ? just test in a private channel17:07
Davinci2008well, my bot answers google requests and wikipedia17:07
ikoniamost channels will have rules about not using bots17:07
ikoniaso test in private17:08
Davinci2008but he also speaks 30% of the time17:08
ikoniainvite people to your test channel17:08
Davinci2008so, I want him to talk to real people17:08
Davinci2008good idea17:08
Myrttithen the place for it is not #ubuntu nor -offtopic17:08
jussi01maybe ask the ops of somewhere like ##defocus17:09
* Myrtti nudges jussi01 with her nose17:09
Davinci2008thanks jussi0117:09
* jussi01 does not think asking random people too join a random channel is a good idea17:09
ikoniaI didn't say random people17:09
Davinci2008it must be something AI related17:09
ikoniainvite people in channels to join your channel is not good17:09
ikoniaask friends, collegues, members of similar groups you work in to test with you17:10
ikoniadon't ask random people in random channels as a lot of channels will also not appriciate that17:10
* jussi01 pokes Myrtti17:11
Davinci2008does gray color mean op?17:13
jussi01Davinci2008: which client are you on?17:13
Dave2Grey means away in xchat, I believe it's the same in chatzilla.17:14
* jussi01 was thinking thatg also17:14
ubottuFactoid bots not found17:48
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:48
ompaul!search ubuntu-bots17:48
ubottuFound: bugs, best, botabuse17:48
ubottuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.17:48
* ompaul wanders off17:48
jussi01!bots is <alias>bot18:46
ubottuI know nothing about bots is <alias>bo yet, jussi0118:46
jussi01!bots is <alias>bot18:46
stdin!bots is foo18:46
ubottuI'll remember that, stdin18:46
stdin!no bots is <alias> bot18:47
ubottuI'll remember that stdin18:47
ompaulI thought there was a channel for playing with bots in it18:47
* Myrtti gives ompaul a cookie18:47
ompaulwhich is what I was lookinf for18:47
ompaulMyrtti, thanks18:47
stdinyeah #ubuntu-bots :)18:47
Myrttidon't be such a grumpy old ...18:47
* Myrtti hides18:47
* Myrtti waits for the smack18:47
nickrudspeaking truth to power, Myrtti is COOL!!18:47
ompaulMyrtti, wrong llama llama duck18:47
Dave2When the crowd says <alias>bo?18:48
Myrttinickrud: which catalyzed that? :-o18:48
nickrudMyrtti telling ompaul truth. Well, you did chicken out at the end but any effort is good :)18:48
MyrttiI'm just overly happy18:49
ompaulMyrtti, have a cup of chamomile18:51
ompaulor however it is spelt18:51
Dave2chamomile is correct. I think.18:52
Myrttiompaul: no kisses on your nose then18:53
Myrttisucks to be you ;-)18:53
ompaulMyrtti, don't think so18:57
* Myrtti hrhmps18:59
MyrttiI note my kisses on the nose aren't valued18:59
MyrttiI shall give none of them, then.18:59
* ompaul pours Myrtti a red berry tea19:00
* ompaul makes a huge pot of red berry tea for the channel19:01
TheSheepred berry?19:02
ubottuIn #ubuntu-uk, ice_ said: ubottu help is more important here.and i don think it is a englich training chat rom19:06
* Myrtti grinds her teeth reading that19:08
ompaulMyrtti, don't do that :)19:11
ompaulit ain't worth it19:11
Myrttibut... but...19:12
Myrttithat is *SO* wrong19:12
ompaulit ain't worth it19:12
Myrttiit has so many mistakes I'm considering joining #ubuntu-uk to tell him to learn spelling and punctuation :-D19:12
Myrttigrammar dictators ♥19:12
ompaulI already told them that we use it in #ubuntu so people who don't speak english as a native language get a chance to understand each other19:13
Jack_Sparrowompaul   I feel this is racist..  I need a second opinion..  <russianmafia> does jewbuntu or whitebuntu really exist?19:15
nickrudyes, it is. I kicked him a few minutes ago for asking about porn19:15
PriceChildJack_Sparrow: there is a website for the latter iirc19:15
PriceChildHe's a ##politics person.19:15
ompaulJack_Sparrow, I think it is19:16
ompaulas in I agree19:17
* Myrtti goes and washes her hands19:17
* Myrtti gives the piece of soap to nickrud 19:18
nickrudI use tongs on some people, learned my lesson19:18
PriceChildnickrud: I wouldn't rush in counting to 24.19:18
nickrudPriceChild eh, I keep my word. There'll be a note in bantracker19:18
ompaulnickrud, note my last item19:18
ompaulyou may remove yours but will you touch mine ;-)19:18
ompaulgo for it19:19
nickrudompaul I speak truth to POWER ;P19:19
ompaulnickrud, something I am known to applaud19:19
* ompaul nods and then wanders though the corridors of ompaul's mind19:20
Tm_Thi kids19:23
Tm_Tand ompaul ;-P19:24
ompaulhi Tm_T19:24
nickrudseems ompaul is the butt of the jokes today :)19:24
* Myrtti hugs Tm_T 19:26
ompaulnickrud, so it appears, but we fear not19:26
nickrudyes we know you have the intestinal fortitude to withstand the slings and arrows19:27
MyrttiI don't like wols19:29
Myrttihe handles questions and people in #ubuntu in a way I don't like19:30
Myrttihi gnomefreak19:30
nickrudyes, wols has come up in conversation before (many times, I think)19:30
=== ubuntu-laptop is now known as gnomefreak
PriceChildMy rucksack is too heavy and I can't decide what I don't want :/19:33
nickrudcut off the handle of the toothpaste, and whatever else you can cut up without using functionality19:34
ompaulPriceChild, your rucksack19:34
PriceChildnickrud: i remember a guy who did that kind of thing to everything19:34
nickrudand toothbrush, blech19:34
nickrudPriceChild any real hiker does that19:34
ompaulPriceChild, reduce the quantity of shower gel and such like19:35
nickrudtake pants with zippered legs, you save weight there19:35
PriceChildnickrud: he had this wooden spoon, small enough to reach the bottom of his cup, but long enough so he could still stur, he then cut the spoony but in halfish so that it would rest on the bottom, and took a chunk out of what was remaining of the handle so it caught on the side19:35
ompaulsomeone check #ubuntu-offtopic19:35
ompaulis that pushing it19:35
ompaulI think it is19:36
PriceChildpfft... not taking any shower gel or such like19:36
PriceChildi haven't put enough clothes in either19:37
PriceChildmaybe time to lose some luxuries19:37
nickrudthink of your clothes as layers, everything on your trunk should fit over something, so you can cut down on the weight of each.19:37
PriceChildstupid rope19:38
* Myrtti hums20:09
PriceChildMyrtti: what is that?21:41
Myrttimy pigsty :-D21:42
nickrudrodent habitat?21:42
PriceChildi've seen some untidy bedrooms in my time... but that's probably taking the biscuit21:42
* Dave2 sends one of the pigs that's around Bath at the moment.21:42
* nickrud is reminded why he prefers cats with a cat door21:43
Dave2( http://www.visitbath.co.uk/site/whats-on/taste-of-bath-festival/king-bladuds-pigs-p584773 . they're...odd. And my Internet connection needs to stop being so slow.)21:44
ikoniaDave2: where did you see them21:55
Myrtticavycam ♥21:55
Dave2ikonia, in Bath :P21:55
ikoniaDave2: are you in Bath ?21:55
Dave2they're quite hard to miss.21:55
Dave2I am.21:55
ikoniaPM ?21:56
Dave2Well, in Bathford, not central.21:56
Myrttiiiiihhh Alex is on picture21:56
Dave2sure, if my connection actually wants to stay unlagged.21:56
Myrttinote the ingenious way of protecting the legs of my flower table22:09
MyrttiPringles cans ♥22:09
ubottuubuntufails called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()22:40
PriceChildI'm off, have fun :)22:45
MyrttiCaptain_jack_swa: can we help you somehow?23:03
ubottuthingy called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()23:04
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
Myrttinini folks23:29
Seeker`hmm, that reply is probably a bit late23:51
Pici/even later23:54
ubottubrian_griffin called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()23:56
wobblywumneptok, hi23:58
wobblywuthat idle time doesn't promise much good :(23:58

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